I continued flying towards the sun. The speed the sun moves in Ptolemaic theory, the speed this planet rotates in heliocentric theory. I don’t know which it is in this world, I don’t know, but. Anyways, I matched the speed the sun moves, and continued to fly towards that. Carrying my four wives that I shrunk in size, I continued to fly. Always keeping the same distance with the sun, it is always bright. I flew continuously day and night. I’m flying using magic, but it’s not a big burden to me. Reading Grimoires, my magic powers increase every time I learn magic, so it isn’t much burden just flying. I was like that, but my wives weren’t. 「Lucio-kun, can we take a break somewhere?」 「What happend」 「My limbs started to get numb, it’s also tiring」 「The positions we could take inside Lucio’s clothes is limited, and it takes stamina to grab on」 Veronica agreed to Nadia’s suggestion. I see, that’s might be true. Looking carefully, Sylvia seemed a little tired. ......Balthazar is in her snot bubble sleep mode as usual. I’m flying with my wives shrunk in size inside my pocket, but it’s true that it can be said that it’s not a comfortable journey. 「I got it」 I nodded and looked around. There was a fitting place, so I stopped chasing the sun and flew there. It’s a giant cloud. It’s a cloud that the size of Tokyo Dome could enter inside. It’s not a rain cloud, it’s a beautiful white cloud. I stopped in front of that cloud. 「What are you going to do, Lucio-sama?」 「I’m going to use magic」 「Understood, leave it to me」 Nadia said, and Sylvia made a complicated face. Nadia approached Balthazar who was sleeping, popped her snot bubble, and blocked Balthazar’s nose with her two fingers. 「Do it, Lucio-kun」 「Yeahーー『Sky Island』」 「Heppuーー」 Reacting to my magic, the sleeping Balthazar sneezesーーbut. It was stopped by Nadia putting fingers into her nose, and the sneeze unexploded. The magic activated properly. A bright light transferred from me to the cloud and enveloped all of it. After waiting for the light to disappear, I landed on the cloud. 「Ohh! Riding a cloud」 「Everyone go down. Ahh, keep your fingers in Balthazar’s nose」 I said that to Nadia, and after my wives went off me, I casted magic returning them to their original size. Me and my four wives, we are standing on top of a full-size cloud. Sylvia has sparkling eyes. Nadia is jumping around excitedly. Veronica stood on the end of the cloud and looked down. Balthazar curled her body and slept like Coco. 「This is the first time being on top of the cloud desu wa」 「We flew a lot on top of Lucio-kun, but I think this is the first time we rode a cloud」 「Right now, Lucio-sama used magic but, is it that we can’t ride clouds normally and Lucio-sama made it so that we can?」 Sylvia asked. Nadia and Veronica also looked at me. It’s common sense that one cannot stand on top of the cloud, but anyone would like to try riding on top of it or want to. But it looks like that common sense wasn’t common with my wives. 「That’s right」 「Well then, let’s rest here for a while」 「But, if we do that, the sun would escape. You said that we are chasing the sun throughout this trip right」 「It’s alright, I’ll chase it with this whole cloud」 「It’s true, it’s moving in a different way with other clouds」 Nadia looked around and said in a great mood. Veronica who asked the question also confirmed that and nodded with satisfaction. And just like this, I landed on the cloud with my wives to take a break. Sylvia got her hand pulled by Nadia and ran around the cloud. I made it that we can ride it, but I didn’t change its shape. It’s like an athletic, natural jungle gym, and it was the Sylvia and Nadia pair who played around on top of that cloud. Veronica timidly swung her feet, and stretched. I also walked around on top of the cloud. I climbed the places that have difference in height, or looked down from the edge, and kick it like one would do with piled up snow. When I was a child, I kicked and punched the snow piled up on the side of the road. Remembering about using the umbrella to release killing moves in manga and animes feels very nostalgic. Just like that, when I returned, I saw Balthazar waking up. She placed rests her cheeks on her hand on a small table-sized cloud, and poked something on top of that. 「What are you doing?」 「Playing with Lucio-chan」 「With me?」 “What does she mean?” I thought and looked on her hand. There was a chunk of cloud there. It was a chunk, but it’s not a cloud made naturally. Described with few words, “It’s me wearing noble clothes, with sharp canine and bat-like wings”. That’s on top of a Grimoire. Somehow, it looked like a Demon King. Compared to a real Demon King, Balthazarーーit looked more like a Demon King compared to Balthazar the Eight. Balthazar enjoyed poking a doll that looked like that with her finger. 「This is?」 「Lucio-chan」 「Did you make it?」 「Un, like this」 Balthazar placed a cloud on her hand, and molded it like clay. Finally, it became a small crown, and Balthazar placed it on top of the me doll. 「You’re quite dexterous」 「It’s because it’s Lucio-chan you know?」 「You want to color it as well?」 「Un!」 Together with Balthazar, I molded around cloud clay. After refreshing for quite a lot, I continued the honeymoon in the sky with my wives.
I reading, but I can’t concentrate at all. It’s not like stopped being able to read manga, it’s that feeling sometimes, like “I don’t feel like reading”, or “I can’t continue reading”. I tried my best to read. I read each panel seriously, and flipped the page. ......。 This isn’t good! It isn’t my mood to read after all 「Yosh! Let’s stop for today! I won’t read manga」 I voiced it out and declared. There are days like that right. I won’t read manga, so I would play with my wives. I left the living room and searched for my wives. 「Sylvia? Nadia? Veronica?」 I called out to them, but there’s no reply. Come to think of it, it was very quiet in the mansion since earlier. I walked around inside the mansion, and searched for them. I made a full trip around, but in the end, there’s no one. 「『Current Status』」 I used magic, it’s magic that examines the status of a structure. I designated there the “number of people”. 『 Resident, Visitors, Others』 Mu?! All of it’s ? Resident is about the people who live in this mansion, my wives, Amanda-san, and I are placed there. Visitors are the people who are visiting, it’s normal that it would be . The problem is the Others is also . Coco, Mami, and also Chris are placed here. Resident means, the I’m the only one in this mansion right now. I wonder what this means. I came to the front door for no particular reason. A magical light was floating there. This is......a magic that leaves messages huh. I touched that. The magical light pops, and a translucent video of Sylvia and Nadia plays in mid-air. 『Lucio-sama. Is this correct, Amanda-san』 『Looks like it is. And, with that, Lucio-kun. I’m going to play with Sylvie okay』 It looks like the two left a message using Amanda-san’s magic. I see. I touched a different magical light, and this time, Veronica and Coco’s appearance was shown. 『Master. I’m going for a walk with Mama-sama okay?』 『We’ll be back by the evening』 I see, Veronica and Coco (she’d probably change into Mami along the way) has gone for a walk huh. There’s one remaining ball of light, is this from Amanda-san’? I touched it, and as expected, it was from Amanda-san. 『Please excuse me, Danna-sama. They had said that Isaac-sama has caused some problems, so I am going to go as his guarantor』 I see. It’s Isaac again huh. I mean, when did Amanda-san start being his guarantor? Was she asked by Ojii-san to do that? I should ask about it later. Well, anyways. I pretty much found out that everyone’s not in the mansion. It seems like they’re not going home soon so, it can’t be helped, I’d just read some manga. I returned to the living room and tried to read the manga, but, I can’t really concentrate. U?n, if only a visitor comes. ......visitor? I see, a visitor huh. Un, I should just call out a visitor. If they’re not coming, I should just call them myself. 「『Invitation』」 I used magic. This is a magic that calls visitors. It’s a magic that somehow makes a visitor come from nowhere. By the way, the one I called is an acquaintance, but doesn’t visit very so often. With that, there’s no way that the King and Ojii-san would come. “Who’s going to come”, I thought, and looked forward to it. *Kon, Kon*, the door knocker was used. I went to the front door, and opened the door. 「Thanks?, and goo?dbye?」 「Eh?」 The one who appeared was a face that I don’t know. Somehow looks flighty (like *PowaPowa?*), and is about the same age as my wives. 「E?to, who are you?」 It’s a person who I met for the first time, so I talked with child-mode. 「You’re Lucio-chan right?」 「Can I enter?」 The girl didn’t wait for my reply, and one-sidedly entered the house. She passed through my side, looked around restlessly, then advanced inside. I was taken aback, but I chased after her in a hurry. 「......」 「......」 In the drawing room, I am sitting facing the girl. The flighty girl entered without permission, and came up to here. 「For the meantime, can you tell me your name?」 「You can’t tell?」 「I can’t. We’ve met for the first time right」 「Un, we met faces for the first time, but it’s not the first time we met」 「What do you mean?」 「We had met before I was born」 「Before you were born?」 I can’t understand. What is this girl, is she receiving some weird signals? 「Sorry, I can’t understand, can you teach me?」 「Are you happy if I teach you?」 「I’d be happy, or rather, very helped」 「You’re going to be helped, huh......ufufu」 She squinted her eyes happily. 「I got it. Then, I’ll teach you Bal’s name」 「You’re called Bal?」 「U?un, no, that’s wrong, Bal’s name is called Balthazar」 「Balthazar?」 Eh, “that”? Demon King Balthazar. The name of the villain who had messed up this world once upon a time. 「That’s right. I’m Balthazarーーthe Eight, nano」 「The eight, ah!」 I remembered, come to think of it, I defeated someone called Balthazar the th or something before. The eight, means, the daughter of that? 「You remembered huh?」 「I remembered well, I should rather say, I connected them」 I got on my guard secretly, I searched magic inside my head, picked several magic that can be useful for preemptive attacks, and prepared to use it. If it’s Demon King Balthazar, a fight couldn’t be avoided. 「And so, what did you come here for」 My tone also changed. If it’s against Balthazar, there’s no need to use child-mode. 「Bal, you know, she’s just born. She’s born, but doesn’t know what she needs to do at all」 「Doesn’t know? Isn’t it taking over the world?」 「Is that so?? Bal, you know, her name, and Lucio-chan’s name is all that she knows」 「My name?」 「Un. It’s a very important name for Bal. I only know about that, you know」 「Important......well, I guess it’s important」 Rather, it’s more of a fate to fight or something, so I can’t really say it’s wrong. 「That’s why I came to meet him. To meet Lucio-chan」 E?to, meaning? 「Are we, going to fight?」 「Is Bal and Lucio-chan going to fight?」 「No, it’s not like we really need to fight or something」 「Is that so」 ......。 I’m getting crazy. Balthazar the Eightーーit’s troublesome, so Balthazar’s good enough. She’s somehow, seems very flighty, and I can’t Even though her name’s the same with the Demon King, I can’t really get on her pace. Well, what should I do. Forcefully subjugating her is fine too, but......I somehow feel guilty attacking from my side. “Eat this attack!!”ーーif she was saying something like that, it would be easier though. Oh really, what should I do. Balthazar was sleeping. While sitting on the sofa, she’s swaying left and right with eyes closed. This is making me so crazy that I can’t really attack preemptively anymore. Oh really, what should I do. 「Fu......」 「Fu?」 「Fuekushun!」 Balthazar who was dozing sneezedーin that instant. A directional explosion attacks me! I created『Magic Shield』in a hurry. I’m fine, but the mansion was blown off. The mansion was half-destroyed with one of Balthazar’s sneezes. She’s a Demon King, she’s a proper Demon King. She’s flighty, but her powers are of that of a Demon King, a dangerous person. If soーー. 「Lucio-chan......」 「I finally......found you?......」 ......sleep talk huh. Even in her dreams, with me......? It can’t be helped, for a while......I’ll let her stay. And just like this, our house’s visitor increased by 1.
The carriage outside the cave was the one Ruby was riding. There’s no horse, so I used the magic Float, and let Coco pull it. Coco easily pulled that so rather than a carriage, it felt like a dog sled. I let Ruby ride that, and returned to the town of Barza. In the entrance of the town, people gathered and was surrounding Adriano. 「Hime-sama!」 Adriano found us, and let out a loud voice. And soon, the other people looked at us at once. The carriage(dog sled) had stopped, and Ruby came out from that. To the appearance of the princess, the crowd was rustling. Adriano who was in seiza on the ground came in front of Ruby as if to crawl. 「W-Were you alright. This Adriano, worriedーー」 Those words stopped in the middle, and Adriano 「Uu!」 groaned. The expression of Ruby who looks down at him, her eyes also, was very cold. *ZawaZawa* The eyes of the crowd became even colder. That outrageous thing, was said from the person itself, so it became an unwavering truth. 「T-That is not true, Hime-sama. There’s a reasonーーt-that’s right, I wanted to call for help so I, from that placeーー」 「Adriano, I will release you from your post as court magician」 「Hime-sama?!」 Adriano, shocked. That isn’t something to be surprised of right, that’s normal right. 「This place was your hometown right. Then, return to your house, the official notice will be sent later」 「Hime-sama」 「Return」 Ruby said with full of dignity. Adriano was intimidated and couldn’t say anything, and collapsed to the ground just like that. Ruby and the people of the town’s cold, and scorn sight. That was the instance that the man who had achievements to a court magician’s downfall was decided. The next day, I was called out. The place where I was guided by the messenger was inside the most splendid mansion in the town of Barza, and in the most splendid room. I faced Ruby there. 「......」 I was speechless. I lost my words from Ruby’s attire. Ruby was wearing a normal dress yesterday, but it was completely different today. If I say it in few words, the Last Boss in the choir battle in the end of the year, that kind of 「Attire Set」 Ruby was wearing. There is dignity in that......there is, though...... 「Lucio Martein」 Ruby called my name. Maybe because of her attire, her tone also had more dignity than yesterday. A dignity that wants you to kneel down naturally. 「About yesterday, you did a great job. Once again, let me say my gratitude」 「Ha?」 I replied half-heartedly. Honestly, I was too curious about her attire. 「I need to give you a reward. You wanted the free pass to the Grimoire Library, but are you sure you’re alright with that」 「Is it “something like that”, that place. The Grimoire Library that has tens of thousands of Grimoires, isn’t it that very valuable」 「There is no value to things that are not readable properly」 Ahh, that was it huh. In this world, just by reading Manga(grimoire) you can learn magic, but there isn’t a lot of people who can read it, and even those who can read would take months with one book. Pearls before swine, it’s weird to use that, but it’s something like that huh. But, that is only for the normal people of this world. Being able to read one manga for around an hour, and be able to learn magic with that, there’s no greater reward than that. Simply, the Grimoires itself is very expensive too. 「I’m alright with that, I was also thinking that I wanted to learn more and more magic too」 「I see. Somebody」 When Ruby said that, one servant came inside. The servant respectfully held the tray, and took it in front of me. On the top of the tray was one sheet of paper, a paper with an emblem in it. I took that with my hand. 「Take that, and go to the Royal Grimoire Library in the capital, I already had taken care of it. Other than taking them out, do what you want」 「I see, thank you」 「Do you really not need anything else? Y-You saved me jya, I can grant you at least one last thing」 「No, this is enough」 I rolled the paper, and put it in my pocket. It’s not like I did something that special, so this is enough. Ruby made a depressed expression for some reason. Did she want me to ask for more? I can’t understand what royals are thinking. 「Well then, let’s meet at the capital」 Ruby said that, she faced to her side and started walking. Somehow I thought. Is she able to walk decently with that set-like attire. I thought that if she couldn’t walk decently with it, she might fall down. I thought, and stared at her. But, Ruby walked normally. She was walking with dignity so she was slow, but normally, she walked without anything happening. What’s that, that’s boring. Ruby continued walking normally, and went towards the door. The servant went first, and opened the doorーーin an instance, a small wind flowed in. It was to the extent of only shaking bangs, it was a breeze, only a breeze. 「Wawa!」 Ruby broke her balance. Hit by the wind, she fell backwards. After she fell, she couldn’t stand up. Her attireーーbecause of the set, her hands and feet couldn’t reach the ground, and she couldn’t stand up. The servant tried to make her stand up in a hurry, and Ruby *Kii*, glared at me. I looked awayーーI did not see anything, let’s keep it like that. The house was rowdy. Because I gained the entry pass to the Royal Grimoire Library, let’s move to the capital, I decided that. And because of that, Sylvia, Nadia, and Mami who changed to her cat ears was rowdy because of the preparation of moving out. 「Lucio」 Ojii-san came to visit. He looked at me, and said with a wide smile. 「I heard about it, Lucio. It looks like you are now able to enter the Royal Grimoire Library right」 I answered in child-mode. 「It’s because I saved a princess, she gave me a pass with that」 「I heard that you defeated the bandits alone」 「Un! With magic」 「I see I see. As expected of my grandchild」 Ojii-san patted my head, and praised me. I didn’t feel bad. 「Lucio is very smart huh. If only Isaac could learn something from you」 Something sounded from outside of the window. I wonder what was that. 「Wait, you agaiuwaaaaaaa!」 Soon after, I heard a scream. It was a familiar scream. And after I waited for a little while Mami appeared, and threw Isaac who was tied up with ropes in front of Ojii-san and I. 「I caught it」 「Un, thanks」 I patted her head, and Mami was very happy. And she took off the rope, and went outside of the room in a very good mood. I was left behind, and looked Isaac who was obstinate. 「What is the meaning of this」 「......」 Isaac doesn’t answer, he doesn’t answer while looking to his side. 「Isaac」 Ojii-san opened his mouth, Isaac was like *Biku*. Isaac got frightened, and looked at Ojii-san and I back and forth. 「Do......」 「Do?」 「Don’t think that you’ve won with thisーーーー」 He said that, and jumped out of the room. It was a very used last words, but I couldn’t understand what he means. 「Haa?......couldn’t he be an adult soon」 That’s impossible. Somehow, I feel that he would become an adult just like that, Isaac will. After Ojii-san let out a sigh, he regained composure, and faced me. 「Hey Lucio, I have something to ask for you」 「Lucio is going to the capital, and go to the Royal Grimoire Library right」 「Un, that’s right」 「In there, can you snitch it if there’s a rare Grimoire stored in there」 ......go steal it huh. Ojii-san’s eyes shined, and said further. 「Three books, no, even if its one. I want to see what kind of Grimoire is stored at the royal library」 It was an excited face just like a child’s. Ojii-san who had the hobby of collecting Grimoires, was just like that ever since, and I somehow understood how he felt. Stealing them is impossible though. 「When I meet the princess this time, I’ll ask her to let Ojii-san enter too」 She looked like she wanted me to ask for more, so I think it can pass. 「Really!」 Ojii-san stuck to me. Oi oi, your use of words are strange. 「Un, I’ll do my best」 When I said that, Ojii-san became more and more child-like, and had a very excited face.
It had passed two years since I reincarnated in another world, and I have become -years old. If I were to say what was different in these last two years, there’s not much of it. I am usually reading the Grimoire manga at Ojii-san’s archives everyday, and sell water and ice sometimes. And after saving the money I earned with that, it became a small fortune. Other than that, nothing had changed that much. If I were to say another thing that had not changed. Sylvia’s bedwetting. She still wet the bed sometimes. If I wasn’t holding her hand, it was often that she wet the bed. Other than that, when we hold hands recently, she started to become shy. It seems that she had begun to be conscious about being a man or a woman. It was funny that she just started being conscious with that, although we were already married. I was reading Grimoire at the archives today as usual. I was being fanned by Sylvia who had grown her hands and feet a little. 「Lucio-sama, you read that book before right」 「You read books a second time?」 「It’s because I’ve read all books in here」 I have read through Ojii-san’s archive. And with that, the magic that I’ve remembered passed -digits. Honestly, I currently, can do about anything. If I was to summon a monster, I could and if I wanted to create a homunculus I can. Once, I went to a place where there are no people and dropped a meteorーーI used Meteor. I can do about anything that I think that I could do with magic. I don’t have the need to use it, so I don’t. 「Lucio-sama, I peeled an orange」 「Yes, please eat it」 I opened my mouth, and let her put the orange inside. Sylvia is very dexterous, and she can do the feat of fanning me while she peeled the orange. And with that Sylvia, I spend the days leisurely. I came to the town of Baeza together with Sylvia. It was a relatively huge town, so we come together sometimes, and without doing anything we walk around aimlessly. We first entered a bookstore. It’s the bookstore that trades this town’s Grimoire. But the merchandise available isn’t that good, most of them are already owned by Jii-san. 「Welcome, Lucio-sama. We have new Grimoires available today」 The male store clerk saw me, and showed a fake smile that is usually for trading. 「How does it look? Show me」 「Yes, it’s these three」 He said, and brought in front of me three Grimoires. I saw the cover, looked at its contents by skimming. 「These two, we already have. Suspension and Document. The third one, I think we don’t have it yet」 「Then......」 The store clerk’s eyes shine. I was being told by Ojii-san, if it’s bookーーGrimoire, I could buy as many as I want, rather, he even urged me to buy all of those that we still do not have. It’s Ojii-san’s hobby, and he also wanted to make me read more and more, so if there’s a new Grimoire he buys it mercilessly. Honestly, I’m very grateful. And after doing that in two years, the store’s people also knew about that. 「Un, I’ll buy. Send it to the mansion as usual, and also send the claim」 「Thank you very much!!」 We came out of the store while the store clerk sees us off with a wide smile on his face. It seems like the Grimoire was very expensive, I heard that selling even that one book will have a lot of profit. 「You are reading a new book again」 Sylvia who was with me said with a wide smile on her face. 「Yeah, I’m looking forward to what kind of book it is」 「The book that was bought before was amazing right」 「The Screening huh. Un, that was amazing」 The magic called Screening is a very convenient magic. For example, there are about pieces of egg, only one of it is spoiled, but you can’t find out which one because it looks all the same. If you use Screening at that time, if you make the “spoiled egg” as the condition, only the spoiled egg will glow light. It’s a magic that chooses the things, in the condition of many things. It’s true that it’s amazing, but also very convenient. By the way, the Grimoire, it took me an hour to read it, but Sylvia and Ojii-san had yet to read even a page. While chatting, we walked around inside the town. 「Huh?」 「What is it Sylvia」 「......That carriage, I think that a girl I know is inside that carriage」 「Which?」 *Suuto* Sylvia pointed with her finger. I saw a carriage that just had turned. 「A girl you know huh, how did you know her?」 「Our fathers were best friends, and she’s a daughter of a merchant like me」 「He?, I wonder if she came here to play. Let’s go meet her」 Together with Sylvia, we chased the carriage. When we arrived in front of the store where the carriage had stopped, I was astonished. 「This is......」 「A slave you say?」 There was the notorious store that handles slaves in Baeza. 「Sylvia, the home of your acquaintance, are they doing a trade with slaves」 「*U?un*, there aren’t......I think」 I somehow had a bad feeling. Anyways we should ask about the story, I took Sylvia with me and entered inside. The store’s person suddenly came, and made an unpleasant look. 「Hey, get out get out. This isn’t a place where kids come」 「You know?, My name is Lucio Martein?」 「Luci......Martein-sama?!」 The store’s clerk suddenly became polite. 「It’s Martein-sama, right? Are you related to Isaac-sama?」 「He’s my Onii-san you know?」 「Well well, I have not thought that the Obo-chama of the Martein House would have come, please excuse us」 The store’s clerk let us go inside. We were guided to a private room, and we sat. After a while, a different man came. It was a middle-aged man with a beard. 「It’s nice to meet you, I am this store’s owner, Golka Poron」 「I’m Lucio Martein」 「Well, do you want a slave today?」 「Uhmm, you know! My wife is saying there’s someone she knew that entered this store. I came to find that. Nee?Sylvia, the girl’s name and characteristics is?」 「Uhmm, she’s called Nadia-chan, the same age as me」 「Her house was a merchant’s, she’s the same age as her, and it’s a girl called Nadia. Is she here」 「She is」 Golka answered promptly. 「As the store’s merchandise」 「Merchandise?」 「Yes」 「No way! Why did Nadia-chan become a merchandise?!」 「That isーー」 「Sylvia, let’s talk about that later with leisure」 I stopped Sylvia, and talked to Golka. 「If she’s merchandise, then I’ll buy. How much」 「She is million Cet」 「......Un, I’ll buy her」 「I understand, well then, the claim will be to Martein Houseーー」 I shook my head sidewards. 「Not to the house, send the claim to me?」 「......Hou」 Golka made an interesting face. Unlike Grimoires, I can’t use the house’s money with my selfishness. Fortunately, the money I have saved this two years was enough.
Afternoon in the next day. Without going to the Grimoire Library, I was reading Grimoire in the mansion. And the reason behind that was, Balthazar would stick to me and wouldn’t go away. It would be troublesome if it was blown off altogether with the Grimoires and repairing it back, so today, I didn’t go and remained at the mansion. And right now, Balthazar is lying her head on my thigh. She placed her head on my thigh while I’m sitting on an air sofa, and relaxed leisurely. “Shouldn’t be the other ways?” I thought, but. She was making a content and happy face, so I let her do what she want. 「Lucio-chan. What’s that??」 「This? It’s a Grimoire with the『Ball Pool』magic. The story is quite interesting, but the magic spell might be most useful as a party trick」 「?」 Balthazar had a question mark in her head. While lying down with her head on my lap, she dexterously tilted her head. 「What do you not understand?」 「Magic? Grimoire?」 「Un? I explained yesterday that you can learn magic by reading Grimoires right」 「Bal, she doesn’t remember you know?」 「You don’t remember huh. Well! That’s about it pretty much. ThisーーI mean, reading Grimoires like this, you can learn a magic spell for each book」 「Lucio-chan already learned it?」 「I just finished reading now」 「Show me the magic」 「Yeah, it’s alright」 It’s a magic that doesn’t have the minimum versatility, but it might be good as a party trick. I put down the Grimoire, and casted the magic. 「『Ball Pool』」 The instant I casted the magic, Balthazar sneezed again. She sneezed with her head lying on my lap, without letting the gate do anything, the Demon King’s magic powers hit my face directly. I expected it, and I also have countermeasures. And ignoring that, the magic malfunctioned. It was originally a magic spell that creates a ball of water with meters in diameter It’s a magic that would just create water and the power of the magic would make it a sphere, and you can play inside that. And that, with a malfunction, it covered the whole mansion. 「ーー!」 Balthazar seems to be suffering. The water covered us together with the mansion. 「『Adaptation』」 「Hekuchi」 I casted magic that would make one adapt to water. Her magic powers hit my face, and a part of the water was blown off. The sphere lost its shape for an instant, but immediately returned back. It’s magic that has that effect. 「It hurts?, it hurts?, Lucio-cha?n」 On the other hand, after sneezing, Balthazar panicked on top of my lap. Her appearance of panicking although she can speak normally was very cute. 「Calm down, it should be okay already」 「Fue? Ah! It’s true?」 Balthazar calmed down. She raised her body, and looked at her hands. 「Water?」 「Yeah, it’s water......un?」 I noticed the strange thing. I reached out my hand, and I moved it in the airーーor rather in the water. I felt the water resistant. It was like in the waterーーI feel the resistance just like when moving my hand in a bath. I got a little surprised, it shouldn’t be like this. The『Adaptation』magic that I casted just down should be a magic that makes one move like they’re in land. Being able to breathe of course, one should also be able to move normally, ignoring the water resistance. 「I can breath, but I feel the water resistance」 I looked at my hand, and looked at Balthazar. This malfunction was probably because of her sneeze earlier. There’s no problem breathing, but it’s hard to move like this. 「My bad, I’ll recast the magic right nowーー」 「Look, look」 Balthazar moved her arms and legs. Not in land, but in water. She flapped her limbs lifting her body upーーand floated up. 「Bal, she’s good at swimming you know?」 「Was that so」 「Lucio-chan wants to swim too?」 It’s an irregular, but since it already happened, I think it could also be enjoyed like this. I followed Balthazar, and flapped my limbs. And doing that, I floated. I imitated the movement of breaststroke. I became too fast, and flew up to the ceiling. My head hits the ceiling. 「Ouch......」 「Lucio-chan, you okay?」 「Yeah, I’m fine. We’re inside the water, so we float a lot huh」 I tried moving a lot. We can breathe and talk, but other than that, it feels like we’re within waters. It’s troublesome diving down, but it’s easy to float. Meaning, the situation right now. It feels like we’re inside a pool where we can breathe freely. Balthazar swam around the room. She was like a mermaid, and it was fun watching her. 「Lucio-chan, let’s go outside」 「Yeah」 Together with Balthazar, we went outside through the window. A giant sphere pool was covering the entire mansion. We swam around the mansion. We also went to the back side of the terrace where we can’t normally go to. 「Papa!」 A voice calling me. The one who came out of the mansion was Christina......the Spirit of the Grimoire, Chris. Chris floated in the air just like us, and flew towards us. 「This is bad, Papa, the Grimoires are all soaked in water」 「I see. I’ll do something about it later」 「Is it okay?」 That is already within my expectations. It would be easily solved by casting repair magic to the whole mansion. Although, during that, I need to do it in a place where Balthazar isn’t around. ......no, it might also be interesting taking a look at what kind of malfunction would occur when she’s around. 「Ne?, ne?, Papa, who is she?」 Chris asked about Balthazar. Before I answered, Balthazar answered instead. 「Bal is Bal you know?」 「I’m Chris. Nice to meetーーyou?」 Saying that, Chris looked at me. Her appearance of tilting her head, was like asking “can I get along with her?”. 「You should get along with each other」 Chris reached out her hand. Balthazar tried to shake hands, but she passed through the translucent Chris’s hand. 「You still can’t be touched huh」 「Hurry up and read lots and lots of Grimoires okay? Papa」 「I’ll do my best」 The more I read Grimoires, the more would Chris materialize. I’m reading Grimoires with the goal of someday, she would completely materialize. 「I know, Papa, Papa, I have another thing to report」 「Un?」 「Coco-chan’s panicking around there」 「Said that earlier! Where is she」 I asked Chris Coco’s whereabouts. Chris showed a clueless face for an instant, and guided me. Coco was found on the other side of the mansion. Coco was doggy paddling trying to get out of the water but it seems like she can’t do it very well. It seems like she’s suffering because she could swim but couldn’t take a breath in between. Ah! She lost consciousness. I swam in the air in a hurry, going towards Coco. I heard a sneeze from behind, and the magic powers directly hit the back of my head. I knew it. That’s why I properly put a magic barrier on Coco. In a moment, 「Pu?」Coco spat out water. It was as if the spouting of a whale. Spitting out water inside the water, it was that kind of an interesting scene. 「A-re?? Where is this place??」 「You woke up」 「Master?......a-re-re?, right now, I saw Okaa-san waving her hands across a river right now?」 Coco tilted her head, no matter how you look at it, isn’t that a near-death experience. 「Ne?, that right now, how did you do it?」 Balthazar asked. n? Right now, I just normally used『Adaptation』magic....... But when I was thinking of that, Balthazar wasn’t asking me, but Coco. Coco was confused, looking at Balthazar and me alternately. I asked Balthazar. 「By right now, you mean, Coco’s swimming style?」 「It’s dog paddle, you want to try it?」 「Coco, can you teach her?」 「Yes, I understood?」 Her master said it, so Coco got relieved, and taught Balthazar the dog paddle style. Balthazar learned it immediately. Together with Coco, the two of them flew around the mansion using dog paddle style. And to that, Chris also joined. Chris was flying in the air and her movements are smooth, but she was at least making the dog paddle pose. Afternoon. The four of us swam inside and outside of the mansion, horsing around.
Today was cold since morning. When I woke up with that cold, I noticed that Sylvia and Nadia are completely stuck with me. 「Good morning, Lucio-sama」 「Ohayou, Lucio-kun. It’s very cold right」 The two of them were already awake, and stayed stuck to me. In top of the bed wider than a king size bed, the three of us stuck together and made a circle. Just like the pickled plums that is inside the white rice, like the Japanese Flag Bentou. 「Yeah it’s cold......I mean, is snow falling」 「Yes, it has fell since last night」 「Well that’d be really cold」 Outside the window, I watched the snow fall. It’s warm where I stuck with the two, but it’s cold in the parts where we don’t touch. 「Auto Heat」 I casted magic to the bed. From inside the bed, it started to emit heat. Just like the sheet on the trains, the warm air rises up from the bottom of the body. 「So warm......」 「Amazing, this feels good」 The two liked it. It got warm, so we stop cuddling. On part of the body still being overlaid, we distanced a little. Nadia left her arm on the top of my leg, and Sylvia pushes the top of her head to my side. It was skinship that aren’t aimed for warmth. While rolling above the bed, we continued our skinship. 「*Gyurururu*」 「That sound right now......Nadia huh」 「Ehehe, I’m sorry, I think I got a little hungry」 「Wait a minute」 Sylvia went down from the bed. *Buru* her body trembled, and she went outside of the room. After a while, she came back with toasted bread in a bowl. 「Here, Nadia-chan」 「Thanks」 「Lucio-sama too」 「Ahh, you eat too」 We divided the bread with the three of us and ate. *GoroGoro*, on the top of the bed we ate. 「Ah! Food fell」 「It’s okay, we should clean it altogether laer」 *GoroGoro* just like we had become a lazy person. At first, *MushaMusha* I ate the bread faced up, but it was hard to swallow, so facing side wards and could somehow swallow it. That was really troublesome. I looked at the two, the two looks the same. It’s too troublesome to do anything, I want to *GoroGoro*, it was that kind of air. 「I feel parched, aren’t there any drinks?」 「Ah! Wait a minute」 Sylvia said that, but she didn’t move. She wasn’t moving at all, so Nadia asked. 「What’s the problem, Sylvie?」 「......Ha! W-Wait a minute」 She tried to stand up in a hurry. It looks like she *GoroGoro*-d too much and couldn’t move anymore. I stopped Sylvia. *Posun* she fell to the bed, and looked at me with a surprised face. 「Lucio-sama?」 I searched inside my head for magicーーthere it is. 「Sixth Sense」 The light of the magic enveloped Sylvia. The light gathered further, and enveloped her hair. 「This is?」 「Can you catch this, here you go」 I said that, and threw the bread. Because I was also *GoroGoro*-ing around, it was tiresome, but I somehow threw it. The bread drew a parabola and flew out of the bed. 「Ah!......」 *Biku* Sylvia flinched. She tried to catch just as I’ve said, but the *GoroGoro* felt too good and she got late, I think. In the next instance, something happened. Sylvia’s hair flew, and caught the bread that flew away. 「Eh?!」 「What what, what is that Sylvie」 「I do not know also」 The two of them looked at me at the same time. 「Humans have five senses, that was the magic to put another one. This time, I casted it on her hair, so that hair should be used easily just like a hand」 「Hand, desu ka」 「Can you use that to take some drinks」 「Yes, I understand」 *GoroGoro* while still on the top of the bedーーSylvia extended her hair. The hair extended, opened the door, and went out of the room. After a while, it came back with a cup of water. 「Wah, Amaaazing?」 「U?n, make me drink it!」 Nadia was also *GoroGoro*-ing, and there’s no sign of her moving. She demanded to do everything for her to Sylvia. 「Sixth Sense」 I couldn’t watch that, and also casted magic to Nadia. Nadia’s hair extended the same, and moved. 「There, do it yourself」 「Ye?s」 Nadia said that, and took the cup from Sylvia. The cup that was passed from hair to hair, it was a little interesting. After drinking, the cup was placed outside the room. And even while doing that, the person itself was *GoroGoro*-ing. *GoroGoro* I also did that, *GoroGoro* Sylvia also, *GoroGoro* Nadia too. On the top of the warm bed, we *GoroGoro*-d anyways. Suddenly, *TsunTsun* my sides were tickled. Nadia used her hair too *TsunTsun*. Looking at that, Sylvia also *TsunTsun*. Just like earlier, it was a strange skinship. But that wasn’t bad at all. I also casted magic to myself. *UneUne* the hair went, and entwined with the two’s hair. *GoroGoro* with the three of us, *IchaIcha* with only using our hair.
I continuously flew towards the sun. Well, I started to get tired because it was a little boring so I took out the Grimoire that I took with me. It was a boisterous love-comedy where a boring high school student prayed「I want a girlfriend」to a shooting star, that shooting star itself became human and came to become his girlfriend. It was very boisterous because there wasn’t only one shooting star that granted his wish but nine at once. What magic will I learn from this? And what kind of ending would this manga have? I read it looking forward to that. I stretched and yawned. Oh no, if I stretched when Balthazar was on my shoulderーーbut when I thought of that, I didn’t feel a presence on my shoulder. What happenedーーit was when I thought of that. 「Muguu!!」 Something entered my mouth. *MozoMozo* it entered forcefully. 「Aga......aggagu......」 It was Balthazar who came into my mouth. A bit smaller than a doll, she waved her butt for some reason and tries to enter my mouth. I tried to ask her why she’s doing this, but my mouth is blocked, and I can’t speak. Using magic to do something about itーーthe target’s Balthazar so I can’t be careless using it. When I tried to grab her out, she flicked me with her tail. And while that happened, Balthazar completely entered my mouth, turned her body showing her face. She placed her arms on my lips and lowers her head on the side there. And just like that. 「Supii?」 She started to sleep. H-Hey! Are you going to sleep?! Are you going to sleep there?!! 「Ehehe?......it’s Lucio-chan?......」 Of course, it’s me! You’re inside me right now after all! I’m troubled, I’m really troubled. It’s probably about the second pinch that in this life ever since I reincarnated. What to do, what should I do? Moving around inside my pocket, Sylvia who slept together with Nadia woke up. Sylvia who had sleepy eyes showed her face and looked towards me. 「......」 「......ugougo」 「......」 「ugogo」 Save me Sylvia, please do something about this situation. 「......ish the demon king inshide Rusho-shama’s moush」 「ugogo」 「......thish ish a tream. Nighty?」 Saying that, Sylvia went back inside the pocket. She held her hands with Nadia who shrunk at the same size, sleeping in the same pocket, and the two slept close to each other. How cute, look how cute they are. They are so cute, but! The situation didn’t change at all. It’s still bad! *Pachin!*, the snot bubble popped. No, what the heck is fumya? She looked up to me who’s cornered. Although it was noon, a very bright shooting star fell on the side of the sun. Instinctively, I prayed to the shooting starーーdamn it, there’s no way that it would be granted! While cursing inside, I gave up. I gave up thinking “she would wake up anyways”. However, at this time, I was still clueless. The nightmare......because of Sylvia, Nadia, and Veronica who got jealous, there was the future where not only my mouth was targeted, but the holes of my nose and ears as well. It was something that I did not know yet.
Magic Word Before dawn, for some reason, I woke up. My three wives are sleeping peacefully. Sylvia who had completely stopped peeing on the bed. Nadia who would still have an explosion of bed hair when she wakes up. Veronica who newly joined. After lightly gripping the hands of the three, I went down from the bed. I went out of the bedroom. There was a figure in the dim. I stared at that, it was the maid Amanda-san. Amanda-san who had started to work in my mansion with Ojii-san’s order. 「Good morning, Amanda-san. You’re already awake」 「A maid is one who wakes up earlier than their master」 Honestly, I woke up to go to the toilet. It’s something that is irregular, and after I finish, I would return to bed and sleep a second time. And to think that she would wake up earlier than me, I got curious when would she sleep. Did she read my mind, Amanda-san said that. Well, that’s also good. 「Rather than that, what’s with that “Danna-sama”?」 「I am now working on Duke Martein-sama’s mansion. So, it is Danna-sama, instead of Obo-chama. If you do not favor it, I will change how I call you」 「Will you change it?」 「If it is an order」 Thinking of Amanda-san’s character, I thought that I’d get refused by her saying「I will not call you other than Danna-sama!」, but it wasn’t like that. Well, it’s also her character that she’d say「If it is Danna-sama’s order」. 「I got it. Danna-sama’s fine」 「Yes」 I said that, and went to the toilet. After finishing, I went back, Amanda-san was standing there after all, so I nodded to her and passed by. I entered the room. My wives are still asleep. Did they search for warmth after I slipped out, the sheets were quite crumpled, and they’re sleeping keeping their bodies close. 「『Air Cushion』」 I chanted the magic with a small voice, and went on the air sofa. And there, I stared at the three. Sylvia Martein, my first wife. She has gentleness within her loveliness. My wife that is confirmed to grow into an orthodox beauty in the future using my magic. It’s her charm that she would wet the bed once every ten days. Nadia Martein, my second wife. My wife that is confirmed to grow into an open-hearted beauty in the future using my magic. Dragon Knight Nadia is famous among some, and the person itself is very satisfied with it. Veronica Amall Martein, my third wife. A little girl that has not only have loveliness, but also has a high level of elegance and strong will. My wife that has already grown into a bewitching beauty, but still turned to her little girl appearance using my magic. Unlike when she is an adult, her expressions that she shows straight-on is super cute. My three little wives, each of them has their own charm. On the air sofa, I observed them. 「Lucio-sama......I can’t eat anymore」 Sylvia’s sleep talk. Well?, that’s what Nadia should say right. 「Lucio-kun......I haven’t eaten enough」 Nadia’s sleep talk. Un, Sylvia’s was Sylvia-ish. 「Lucio......eat me」 Veronica’s sleep talk. The three said their sleep talk. Thinking that it can be used someday, I recorded that using magic. Even so, that’s a good for nothing dream. I could probably check the contents using『Dream Catcher』, but it is also sleep talk that feels idiotic to do that. But on the other hand, their sleeping faces are very cute, I’m content with that. Staring at the three, when I noticed it, I fell asleep. It felt good. It felt good sleeping on the air sofa, but from the middle, it was felt better. Somehow, I opened my eyes. I saw the morning sunlight peeking inside, and the three closing their bodies onto me. Everyone was awake, and our eyes met. Their eyesーーthey’re sparkling. 「......good morning?」 I couldn’t help it and made my morning greetings with a question mark. Their eyes were sparkling that much. I wonder why their eyes are like that, and when I was thinking of that. 「You can sleep longer, Lucio-sama」 「Right, right, and, can you do that again?」 「Hey, Nadia. It’s spoiled if you say that」 Once again? Spoiled? What is it about? And when I was not being able to guess that, *Kon Kon*, *Kon Kon*, the door was knocked. After the silent, rhythmical knock, the maid Amanda-san entered inside. 「Danna-sama, Oku-sama-gata. Good morning」(TL:奥(Oku)様(sama)方(gata)= missus-es?) 「Good morning, Amanda-san」 「Breakfast is already prepared」 「I understood」 「Che?, it can’t be helped」 My wives said one next to the other, they went away from me and left the room. Only Amanda-san was left behind. I really couldn’t get it, so I tilted my head. 「I wonder what it was」 「Would you like to know?」 「Un? Do you know it, Amanda-san」 「Tell me」 Amanda-san said that, and cleared her throat. It was so similar to my voice that it’s surprising, but rather than that. 「Is that, my sleep talk?」 Uwa?, I see now. And with that, the three were staring at me huh. I also did that, so I get how they feel. Ha?. 「That’s fine though. Amanda-san’s good at imitating my voice huh」 「Thank you」 「If you didn’t stutter, it would’ve been a perfect hundred though」 「No, it is completely from the original」 「Eh?」 I got dumbfounded. That, don’t tell me. 「Yes, Danna-sama stuttered」 Amanda-san said again as if she had read my mind. 「Seriously?!」 「Yes. To be more precise. It’s『I will conshinue on loving you girls?. I failed?. I will conshinue on loving you girls?. I failed again?. I will conshinue on loving you girls?. Why can’t I say it like I want tooooo??』」 「......」 I was shocked. Did I repeatedly say that. And with that, the three were staring at me very cheerfully. Uwaaaa?. I held onto my head. It’s sleep talk that I’d like to die a little. ......no, I won’t though. Regaining myself, I changed, and left the room. I moved to the dining room in the mansion. And there, my wives were waiting. All of them were humming, and is in a really good mood. They’re grinning a little bit. ......ha?. If they’d make such face, that’d make me say it “properly”. 「Sylvia, Nadia, Veronica」 I took a breath, and said. 「I love you」 I can’t stutter, so I just said the most important thing. The three grinned more and more.
「Uu?, uu?」 When I was walking through the corridor, I saw Coco who was sticking to the window. The dog-eared girl is resting her chin and both of her hands on the window frame, she was staring outside. 「What happened, Coco」 「Ah! It’s master desu?. It’s raining desu?」 「Ahh, it’s raining alright」 I stood behind Coco, and looked out the window above her head. The sky is dark although it is still in the afternoon, and the raindrops were falling continuously outside the window. 「It’s always raining desu?」 「Come to think of it......it’s continuously raining this month.」 I searched through my memories, remembering the weather as if I was writing the last day of the summer vacation in a diary. Doing that, I noticed that there wasn’t a clear day for almost a month. 「I want to go for a walk with Mama-sama?」 「Shouldn’t you just go? There’s also middle-aged men who would walk within the storms with a shiba inu dog after allーーoh, I see」 I said, and remembered something. Coco is someone who has a special physique. She’s a girl that has dog ears and soft and fluffy tail with a kind atmosphere right now, but when she gets wet, her personality and body will change, she would become a girl with cat ears that has a crisp airーーshe would transform to Mami. There are a lot of dogs that wants to go for a walk even on rainy days, but in Coco’s case, even if she wants to go, she can’t because of her special physique. 「Uu?, uu?」 While looking out the window, she groaned. Because she’s someone who wouldn’t say spoiled and selfish things, the more it is that it makes me feel bad for her. It’s stressful for dogs that can’t go for a walk, soーーyosh. 「I’ll do something about it」 「Master will??」 「Yeah, just look」 I advanced through the corridor, opened the entrance door and went outside. Coco followed me. But since she cannot get wet with the water, she’s looking at me inside the door. I checked that she’s there, then concentrated my magic powers. It is the great ancient magic that uses a lot of magic powers. 「『Weather Change?Sunny』」 「Hekuchi!」 From somewhere, I heard a very lovely sneeze. At the same time, a wormhole appeared in front of me, and the released chunk of magic powers directly hit my face. I’m already getting used to it. 「Balthazar......」 「Wa?i, it’s Lucio-chan. Ne?, ne?, Lucio-chan, Bal is soo bored you know?」 My fourth wife that appeared, Balthazar said something like that. It’s a reminder that says she wants me to play with her in the back of her lines, but honestly, it’s not the time for that. I feel weakness in my whole body, a malfunction occurred with the great ancient magic that sucks up a lot of magic powers. A strong wind blows through me, the rain was piercing to my face, it’s a little painful. The rain that fell for many days, it suddenly changed into a typhoon class storm! 「Auu?......」 Coco cried sorrowfully again. 「Walk?......」 「Changing the weather again......is difficult, I guess. I don’t know if I can cast an ancient magic twice consecutively」 Using ancient magic one next to the other, it would take a whole lot more magic powers when it was casted the second time. And because the ancient magic right now includes the malfunction caused by Balthazar’s sneeze, it is more frightening to cast it a second time. The weather, even though it became worse, I can’t do anything about it anymore. 「Thank you very much?, Master. I will just endure for today too」 Coco returned inside the mansion with her shoulders drooped and her ears and tail hung down. 「Uhh, just wait a second, it’s not like there isn’t any other way」 「Really?!!」 In an instantーーCoco dashed, she returned. As I’ve thought, she really wants to go for a walk. 「Yeah, for thatーーBalthazar, can you go far away for a while」 「Are you gonna use magic?」 「Yeah」 「U?n. Bal, she can endure once at the least you know?」 「Endure, you mean, your sneeze?」 「You can do that huh......」 Then, let’s try it. I searched for the magic inside my head, the alternative magic is only a light one, even if a malfunction occurs, I can cast it once again. 「『Waterproof』」 The light of the magic enveloped Coco. 「Ha......ha......haghhu!」 And on the side, Balthazar was holding her sneeze. She endured very well, and in the end, she forcefully endured by pinching her nose. And with all of her efforts, the magic worked normally. 「This is?」 「It’s a waterproof coating, try to go inside the rain」 「Yes」 Without doubtsーーCoco went out of the entrance. She was soaked by the strong rain, she got drenched in an instant. 「I didn’t change desu?!」 「It’s a complete water proof after all」 「Yaaay! I can go for a walk now?!」 Coco was super delighted, but. Strangely, it has now become a typhoon. It became same as the situation I said earlier, “middle-aged men who would walk within the storms with a shiba inu dog”. Honestly, I don’t want to walk inside the storm. 「......」 But, I couldn’t win against Coco’s excited eyes. 「Shall we, go for a walk then」 「Yes?!」 「Bal also, Bal will also go you know?」 Coco and Balthazar, both of them were in high spirits not minding the strong storm surge. I pulled the lead that connects to Coco’s wrist. Within the storm, I went for a walk with Balthazar and Coco.
「I will dispatch it immediately」 「Umu, I’m counting on you」 Audience hall. When I came because I want to ask something concerning Grimoires to the King, but that King was somehow troubled. The man that he was meeting with earlier jumps out of the audience hall. 「Ou-sama, what happened?」 「Oh? Isn’t it my Senjukou. What is it today」 That’s my line, what is it with you. You’re making a face that you’d die anytime. 「Are you okay, Ou-sama, your complexion is really bad」 「Can you tell......no, it’s nothing」 The King feigned his expression. 「Do you have something you need, my Senjukou」 「Ou-sama, let me of Ou-sama’s help」 「Senjukou......」 The King, as if he was moved, he had wobbly eyes. 「I got it. Either ways, it’s not something that can be hidden forever. Actually, the Demon King resurrected」 「Demon King? Is it Balthazar?」 I remembered that I resurrected him by reading a Grimoire recently. 「No, it’s not that Demon King. Balthazar’s descendant, it’s Balthazar the th」 「Balthazar the th?」 「Umu, he should’ve been defeated by the Brave of time thirty years ago, but he resurrected recently, so posed an announcement to the whole world. He said submit to him. Because of that the whole world is on panic」 「I see......by the way, isn’t there a Brave?」 「Just born recently......he’s still one month after birth」 That would be useless huh. 「There is the predecessor Brave, but when I sent a messenger, it was immediately after his wife ran away because of gamble and alcohol」 It’s a downfall life?. 「And I am just troubled of what to do」 「Rather than that, what does Senjukou need」 「It’s nothing much?, it’s only about the library. If it was like that I’ll just come again」 I said that and went outside of the audience hall, and left the palace. 「Well then」 I stretched while taking a breath of the air outside. 「I’d do(kill) it huh」 I became to like this world. I like this world where I am able to use magic, live freely and wilfully with Sylvia and Nadia. I don’t want this world’s peace to be disturbed by a Demon King or whatever it is. I decided the subjugation of the Demon King. I choose the magicーーI used it. 「Character Search: Balthazar the th」 After I used the magic, a radar-like something emerged inside my head. It’s an image where I was in the middle, and there was a point in a place at a distance. 「There huh. Transform: Dragon」 I used the next magic, and transformed into a giant dragon. I flew relying on the radar inside my head. I flew with full speed. After flying for an hour, I reached the place where the point was lighting. It was a castle surrounded by poisonous swamps. The sky was covered by lightning clouds, and lightning was falling without stop. It was a place that really felt like the Demon King’s Castle. 「Then it means, on the top floor right, the Demon King」 I flew and landed on the top floor while in dragon form. 「Who are you?!」 「Bingo huh」 That was a wide room, there was also a throne. In the middle, a woman with heavy make-up was sitting. It was a woman whose around years old, there were horns that grew on her head, wearing a mantle and clothes that have a high exposure. I returned to human from dragon. The woman was more and more surprised. 「Where is the Demon King?」 「A child? What did you come for」 「Can you not reply to a question with a question. Where is the Demon King? I asked」 「I do not know who you are, but. I am the Demon King」 「You?」 「O?hohhohoho. That’s right, I am the current Demon King, the one who inherit the blood of the Great Demon Lord, I am Balthazar the th」 「He?, you were his descendant huh」 The th scowled. Her face had a sudden change. It was a very angry expression with her veins popping. 「That way of talking, deserves certain death」 The th swung her hand. She raised her hand after making it claw shaped. That became a shockwave, and gouged the room’s floor. Five scars that were thicker than an adult’s body, extended from the groundーーto the walls and ceiling. 「Kneel, take back what you said right now. If you do that, I will kill you with one breath」 「That way of talking, it’s similar to Balthazar」 I have memories that I was also told like that at that time. When I said that, the 7th was more and more pissed off. 「You arrogant!」 She reached out her hand and chanted. An instance, my surroundings exploded. It was an explosion that even shook the room. It was a Demon Lord-like, magic with high destruction powers. It was magic powers that was even equal to Balthazar. Well, I made a barrier with magic before that so I’m uninjured. 「Goodness, are you in the age with low temperance」 「What! Why are you uninjured」 「Rather than that, they said that you’re plotting for world domination」 「Of course」 「That, can you stop?」 「Gibberish. Domination is my joy, my happiness is when humans suffer」 「I am Balthazar the 7th. I will dominate the world this time for sure, and return humans to their original domesticated appearance. My monster subordinates had already scattered throughout the world, invade with one of my command, and the world will fall within three days」 It looks like it’s a situation that I can’t be leisure. 「Haven’t you release your command」 「I was thinking of waiting for the surrender reply, but I changed my mind. After I tear you into pieces, I’ll drive in the world after」 「I see, then, it can’t be helped」 If it ended with persuasion, that’d be good enough, but I decided to use force. I gathered magic powers, and chanted one of the only few, magic that was completely for attacking. 「Meteoric Best Nine」 Breaking through lightning clouds, meteor fell. Straight towards Balthazar the 7th, it fell. 「Na!ーーthis is」 「It’s a magic that makes meteors fall nine times consecutively. Your ancestor, Balthazar had endured all nine of them, but what about you」 「W-Wait, stoーー」 Changing her face colors, she tried to say something to me, but before that, the meteor that fell hit directly. The meteor, continued to fall. 「Mysterious meteor strikes hit the Demon King’s Castle directly. Because of that, the fate of the Demon King is unknown. But, seeing that the monsters around the country had calmed down......」 「The Demon King died, huh」 The next day, when I came to the audience hall, the King was talking again with the messenger. Different from yesterday, their talk were not tense, but their expressions weren’t bright. 「Continue to investigate the situation, be sure to not let your guards down」 「Ha!」 The messenger left. I approached the King. 「Ohh, my Senjukou. What is it today」 「What about Ou-sama? It looks like a good thing happened today」 「Umu. We still can’t let our guards down, but it seems like the threat of the Demon King would pass」 It already passed?, I tried to say that but I stopped. It’s because that coward of a Demon King that disappeared without trace after four shots doesn’t matter. Rather than that, I wanted to finish what I originally wanted to do yesterday. 「Rather than that, Ou-sama, this」 「This is?」 「Grimoire......the copy of it, I duplicated it. It would be nice if you were able to read it with this」 Continuing after the anime, it was the second shot to make the King learn magic. 「Ohh, as expected of my Senjukou」 The King was moved. He received the manga from me and started reading it. He was able to read the manga, but it seems like he couldn’t use magic.
I woke up in the morning, and came to the kitchen. 「Good morning, Danna-sama」 「Ah! Good morning, Lucio-sama」 Sylvia and Amanda who were in the kitchen welcomed me. It looks like the two were cooking together. 「Are you making breakfast?」 「U?un. We are making Lucio-sama’s bentou」 「Bentou?」 「Yes. Today, Lucio-sama is going to the library right」 「I’m planning to」 「We are making the bentou for that」 「He?, what kind of bentou is it?」 When I was about to take a peek, Sylvia tried to hide the bentou in a hurry. Because she was in a hurry, her hand slipped, and the contents were thrown into the table. 「Ah!......」 Sylvia got depressed. She stared at what was fell off with a sad face. It’s my fault. 「It is alright, Oku-sama」(TL: Oku-sama = Madam/Mrs) On the other hand, Amanda-san was in her usual attitude. 「There is still another set of ingredients. Let’s make it again」 「Un. I’m sorry, Lucio-sama. I will send it later, so」 「I’m sorry too, I’ll wait in my room until it’s made」 「Yes!」 Sylvia nodded with a smile. I took a glance at the dishes Amanda-san was picking up, and left the kitchen. Guessing from the dishes for the bentou she was picking up, it’s a character bentouーーon top of that, it’s a character bentou with my appearance. Well, that is really embarrassing to be found out. On the other hand, Amanda-san picked all of it and placed it in a bentou box, but. 「It’s like a funny facial expression」(TL: Fukuwarai 福笑い = no direct translation) I thought. 「What is a funny expression?」 Nadia who I met in the hallway asked. 「I don’t know」 I thought for a while. Since I’m going to wait for Sylvia’s bentou. 「You want to play a little?」 「Un! What would we play with? You want to put water in an ant hole?」 「It’s not that kind of a game that an elementary school boy would play」 I came to the living room with Nadia. I sat on the sofa with Nadia, and used magic. 「『Montage Body』」 The light of the magic floats in the air. 「What would you do with this」 「Look. The face is Amanda-san’s, the body is adult Veronica’s, and the clothes......it’s Nii-san’s」 I touched the light of the magic, closed my eyes, and imagined and selected the parts. The light flickered. It repeatedly got stronger and weaker, and finally collected. And there, one doll appeared. It’s the appearance that I selected. The face is steel faced Amanda-san’s, the body is glamorous adult Veronica’s, and the clothes are Isaac’s that can be described as a peacock’s. 「Kyahahahaha, what’s that, so fu?nny?」 「It’s that kind of magic. Do it just like I did just now」 I casted『Montage Body』once again, and returned the doll to the light of the magic. Nadia touched that just like I did earlier, closed her eyes and started whispering. After a while, that was created. 「What is this」 「Lucio-kun’s normal body, Lucio-kun’s dragon wings, and Overlord Lucio-kun’s face」 「O-Ou」 The thing that Nadia createdーーunexpectedly, I thought that it was cool. The size of the body is the same as a child like me right now, but there are dragon wings in the back that symbolize strength, and the face is the “amazing me” that Nadia and Sylvia created in their delusions before. Honestly, it’s quite cool. 「Lucio-kun, so cool......」 「『Montage Body』」 I thought myself that it was cool, but it’s embarrassing if she would get bewitched by it right in front of me. I casted the magic, and returned the doll to the light of the magic. 「Eh?, why did you erase it?」 「Whatever. Make something else」 「Che?. Let me think......ne?ne?, Lucio-kun, can you make this more detailed?」 「More detailed?」 「For example......oh, I should just show you how」 Nadia said that, and made a doll again. The one that appeared was one bishoujo. A bishoujo that I feel that I have seen before. 「Sylvie’s eyes, my nose, and Vero-chan’s lips」 「Ahh, you limited it in your face’s parts and shuffled it huh」 I looked at the doll, I got it when she told me, it’s the parts of my wives. It’s really like a montage picture. 「Lucio-kun, one more time」 「This......make it like this」 「Please stop sticking that face in a dragon’s body」 What the heck. 「One more, one more」 「Yes, yes. 『Montage Body』」 「This time......like this! I stuck Ojii-chan and Ou-sama together」 「Don’t stick them vertically! It’s not Baron Ashura you know」 「One more time!」 I played with magic with Nadia. 「Ne?ne?, can’t this be made together?」 「Un? Together?」 「For example, I will decide the eyes and the lips, and Lucio-kun would decide the eye brows and the nose. Like that」 「It can be」 「Really! Then, let’s try it」 The two of us touched the light of the magic. I closed my eyes. 「The hair......I’ve decided. Next, it’s Lucio-kun」 「I’ve decided the eyebrows......is this right? Next, it’s Nadia」 「It’s alright with that. Then, the eyes is this person’s!」 「What kind of appearance would this become......this one’s the nose」 「I’ll reveal only the ears okay......Coco-chan!」 「It became animal ears! This is bad, the unbalance with the eyes are already so bad」 While talking like that with each part, Nadia and I played with the creation. While expecting on what would be made. And finally. 「Fuu?, it’s finished......pu!」 「Oi, oi ,oi ,oi」 「Aha, ahahahahaha. This is so bad?. If this comes outside, it would be arrested」 「Rather than that, I think that they’d die passing out because of the shock」 「Ahahaha, that might be true」 The one that came out......was a living thing that cannot be named. It is barely maintaining human shape, but at worst, it can’t be seen as a person. It’s like a frankenstein, like ten times worse than that. Even with one hand, three of it is my wife’s and the remaining is Coco and Mami’s. There’s no bad thing in the choice, but it can only be called as bad. 「I’ll show them this for a bit?!」 Nadia carried the doll and jumped out of the living room. I heard Sylvia’s scream from the kitchen’s direction. 「......『Montage Body』」 I used the magic again in the living room that I was left alone. I invoked to the light of the magic. Sylvia. Nadia. Veronica. I chose the parts while invoking the appearance of my wives. A beautiful doll that in some meaning, is the combination of the three. With that......I...... Without helping it, I gaped in admiration. ......but. 「Lucio-kun is cheating with an amazing beauty!」 It was so difficult to explain to Nadia who had returned.
Inside the library, I was reading Grimoires together with the King. The Grimoire Genie, Chris was above us, and was sleeping while floating in the air. Even though she was floating in the air, the look of her making a pillow with both of her hands was very cute. Suddenly, I noticed. The King turned the Grimoire’s page. 「A-re? Ou-sama, did you just turn a page right now?」 「You noticed huh」 The King made a bragging face. 「Actually, I could read the page right now」 「Really?」 「Umu」 「It’s thanks to Senjukou. Thanks to seeing that video, I could somehow read it」 「Really?」 「Umu」 The King nodded clearly. It doesn’t feel like he’s lying. Including how he was imagining it in his head, it seems like he’s thinking of that seriously. The video is, the anime that I made out of this Grimoire using magic. ......by the way, the voice actress was Sylvia and Nadia. The King said that he might’ve been able to read because he saw that. I understand the logic. And I thought that that it would really be nice if that was true. 「At this pace, I can completely read this Grimoire by next year」 「Please do your best, Your Majesty. If there’s something that I can do, please tell me. I think that when it’s about Grimoires I can be of help」 「Umu, I’m counting on you, Senjukou」 「Un!」 With the two of us again, we read manga silently. In a relaxing space, reading manga leisurely. I was as usual, completely reading one, and one again. The King was staring at the same page. It was a very peaceful time. 「Anyone?, is anyone here!」 A voice could be heard from the library’s entrance. It was a shout that was almost a scream. The King and me, we both narrowed our eyebrows. I stood up. The person in charge with this library is me, it is my role at times like this. When I came to the entrance, Isaac was standing there. 「Nii-san? Why are you here?」 「Fufufu」 Isaac was with a smile. It was a smile full of confidence. What is it? With that smile. 「Lucio, they said that you’re good with magic」 「......ha?」 I thought what is he saying after all these times. 「A thousand magician who deciphered a thousand Grimoires, they said」 「Well, I’m being called by that」 「Fufufu」 He laughed the same way like earlier. No, that’s enough really, so please tell what you’d come to do faster. After Isaac puts on airs like that, he took out one book of Grimoire. 「That is?」 「Fufufu......『Make Miracle』」 Isaac used magic. The magic powers enveloped himselfーーand made a small explosion. His head was like *Po?n*, exploded comically, and his head became frizzy. 「Oh?, Miracle」 *PachiPachi*, I clapped my hands. 「No?, it’s not like that. 『Make Miracle』」 He used the same magic once again. This time, the magic powers wrapped Isaac and me. I can feel a warm feeling......this is, recovery magic? Isaac’s head returned to normal. I was a little surprised. 「FuFuFu. 『Make Miracle』is one of the lost ancient magic. Every time it’s used, a different effect would happen, so it was a magic that was sealed because it was too dangerous」 A magic that has different effects every time huh, well that’d be really dangerous. 「Lucio, you said that you remembered a thousand magic, but. It’s not like that. It’s not numbers, it’s quality. With this kind of things, even one should be enough」 I see, that’s why he came to brag. 「......ne?, can you let me see that?」 「What? Are you thinking that I’m lying? Alright」 He said that and passed me the Grimoire. 「Ah, isn’t this a magazine?」 Isaac was dubious. 「U?un, it’s nothing」 I pretended like it’s nothing, and continued to read. It was a type of manga that I would read first in this world. It’s not only one creation, but with many drawings, it’s a manga that is filled with different stories into one book. I somehow saw it as a manga magazine. 「Hmph, it’s useless to even if you act like you can read it while flipping the pages, how long do you think I readーー」 I read it until the end, closed the book, and used the magic. 「『Make Miracle』」 「Eh?」 Isaac was surprised. *Shi?n*. Nothing happened. 「Y-You surprised me. Nothing’s happening ain’t it」 「No」 Isaac couldn’t felt it, but me who used it can feel it. 「From above......it’s coming」 「Above?」 Immediately after, that happened. The meteor that fell from the sky crashes through the ceiling and fell behind Isaac. He fell forward because of the shockwave, making an idiotic posture, standing on fours. 「It even make meteors fall huh, I shouldn’t use this carelessly」 Make Miracle, un, I’ll seal it and try to not use it again. 「What happened, Senjukou」 The King came out. He was surprised with the hole peeking in the ceiling. 「This is?」 「I’m sorry, I used it because I remembered a new magic, but it was a magic that makes meteors fall」 I apologized to the King. The King was surprised looking at the ceiling at first, but he immediately made a kind smile. 「Is that so, is that so, then, it can’t be helped」 「I’m sorry」 「Well no, Senjukou should be like that. From now on, you should continue to use magic that you learn as much as you want」 「By the way, who is this」 He looked at Isaac and said. Probably because it was in front of a stranger, the King was on disguised mode. 「E?to, myーー」 「I have no name for you to call!」 Isaac stood up very quickly, and keeps up his appearances. To act like the idiotic posture on fours was nothing, he was more than usually (it might be as usual though) , acted arrogantly. 「Is that so」 The King wasn’t angry, but his eyes weren’t smiling. A?ah. 「Lucio! Are you alright! Right now, something amazing fell right here right」 This time, Ojii-san rushed in. 「Un? Isn’t it Isaac. What are you doing here?」 「E?to, I am......」 「Stop wasting your time here and go study and work」 「I-I got it okay」 Isaac was going back reluctantly. He grabbed away the Grimoire from me, and was going outside. 「Your Majesty the King, I had brought something good today」 「Umu? What is that, good thing」 「Your Majesty the King?」 Isaac stopped. *GiGiGi*, he looked towards us. Ojii-san who was talking to the King, he saw that, and had a blue face. 「Y-Your Majesty the King?」 Un, that’s right. This person, is the King. Isaac’s face was more and more bluerーーand ran away from this place. ......you’d run away huh, at least apologize before you go. 「What happened with Isaac」 I pretended I didn’t know. Because I thought that the King probably didn’t mind it. He’s thinking of it like it’s nothing, in both good and bad meanings. That’s why, I didn’t do anything. And in that time, Ojii-san and the King entered the library. 「Rather than that, what is that good thing you sad」 「It’s this」 「This is......Senjukou when he was younger huh!」 「Umu, I asked someone who could use magic that can leave behind the appearances to leave it. It’s my collection」 「Umu, how splendid」 The two Ojii-sans were having a blast. Just like Isaac, I wanted to run away from this place.
「Do you have something interesting?」 When I was relaxing under the sun in the mansion while reading Grimoire, one of my wives, Veronica said that. Veronica standing in front of me, she had a face so tired of boredom. And across there, there was Sylvia and Nadia, and the two of them are looking towards me. In a little far away, Coco sat lied down like a dog, and is sleeping while hugging her favorite Lucio doll. 「Interesting, you say, what kind?」 「I’m bored」 「Isn’t it good being nice and slow」 「It is impossible that I am bored although I am with you. Is that not a waste desu wa!」 I felt that she told me that she likes me in a very indirect way. Hey tone was strict, but I understood Veronica’s feelings. 「Fumu, shall we play something」 「Do that」 「But, even if you say that......then, how about a trial of fortune?」 「Trial of fortune?」 I finished searching inside my head within an instant, and used the magic. 「『Russian Roulette』」 A white plate appeared in front of me, and five black grains were on top of it. 「What, what, Lucio-kun’s homemade magic food?」 「Is it chocolate? It’s bite size and it looks tasty」 Nadia and Sylvia came. 「Ahh, it’s chocolate, more specifically, it’s russian chocolate」 「What kind of chocolate is that?」 「Among the five, four are hits, and one is a miss. It’s a game of evading the miss and getting the hit」 「What would happen if it’s a hit or a miss?」 Nadia asked. 「LookーーAmu」 I took one of the chocolates, and placed it inside my mouth. The chocolate melted immediately, and sweetness just at the right level spread inside my mouth. And other than that, I felt it in my head somehow. 「Un, this is a hit」 「What will happen?」 「If you get a hit, you’ll get lucky for a while, and good things will happenーーOh?to」 I dropped the Grimoire that I was reading earlier. I picked up the Grimoire that fell on the grassーーand saw something shining under that. I picked it up along the way, giggled, and showed it to my three young wives. 「Just like this, you’ll get lucky」 「You can pick up money huh」 「It’s not limited to money though. Well, a lot of things would happen. By the way, if you get a miss, you’ll get unlucky so be careful okay」 Hearing the miss, Sylvia and Veronica became a little hesitant. 「Sounds fun! I’ll go first okay」 Nadia excitedly took one of the chocolates, and placed it inside her mouth. 「Ah, it’s a hit」 「You know it?」 「Un, somehow」 Nadia answered to her best friend Sylvia. That’s right, the instant it is eaten, you can somehow tell inside your head that it’s a hit. 「I wonder what would happen」 「You can wait here, or you can go somewhere if you like. Anyways, your luck would go up, and something good will happen to you」 「I see, then, I’ll go for a bit okay」 Nadia returned inside the mansion. But when I was thinking of that, she immediately returned. On top of that, dashing fiercely. 「Lucio-kun, Lucio-kun!」 It’s clear that something good happened from her expression, but I asked deliberately. 「What happened」 「This!」 Nadia said that, and reached out a yellow scrunchie. 「I’ve seen that before. What’s up with that」 「Didn’t you give it to me in the summer magic before? It’s the one I lost after that」 「Ahh, at the time when I changed the room to summer using Replace huh」 「I was searching for it for a long time, and it showed up」 Something she had lost appeared. It’s a little happiness. 「Then, I will go next」 Sylvia took one, and ate it. 「Is that so」 「You would like to wait for it?」 Sylvia didn’t move at her place, and waited for a while. I heard a voice from outside the mansion. Looking there, I saw a butler-like old gentleman calling out from outside the property. 「Is Mrs. Sylvia Martein home」 「That is me」 Sylvia went there confused. It seems like she’s troubled being called 「Mrs. Sylvia Martein」but an elder butler. 「I am, a messenger of the House of Escarona」 「Escarona-san?」 「Yes. The head of our house, Shuriaco Escarona, I believe that you have met during the party before」 「Is it, that party when Sylvia became a grown-up?」 I pointed that out from the side. The elder butler nodded. 「My master who was very moved by your appearance that time asked to make something like this」 After the elder butler said that, several servants appeared behind him. The servants brought a huge board-like thing that is covered by a cloth. They brought that in front of Sylvia, and removed the cloth. 「Waa?......」 Sylvia was moved, and placed her hands on her cheeks. It was not a board, but a painting in a frame. It was a painting, where the grown-up Sylvia and I were drawn. It wasn’t just drawn as it was, but felt as if it was drawn a little beautified. 「What a wonderful painting......」 「My master who had felt that the couple that he saw that time was his ideal husband and wife so he asked to paint it. Please receive it」 「It’s beautiful, but......is it really okay?」 We received the painting. It was a painting, that both Nadia and Veronica were envious. After receiving it, and the elder butler leaving. 「Well then, there is only one left」 Veronica took one, and ate it without hesitations. It’s very like her not hesitating although the chances were half-half. I’m surprised, that means, the remaining one is a miss huh. Veronica stared at me. 「What is this. Lucio, you, do not tell me, did you make all of it a hit? If so, I’m disappointed」 「I didn’t do that, it’s only a problem of probabilities」 The probability of hitting four consecutive times is about , so it isn’t that low. It’s a very possible number. But, Veronica was staring at me. It can’t be helped, I should prove it. 「Lucio, you were here huh」 When I was about to eat the chocolate, I heard a familiar voice from the entrance of the mansion. Wearing flashy clothes, and a face that is uselessly full of confidence. My older brother, Isaac. Isaac came, and stood in front of me. 「Coming so suddenly, what did you came for?」 「I have something to talk aboutーーmu! What, doesn’t this look delicious. I’ll have this」 My voice together with my wives’. Isaac picks up the chocolate, and puts it in his mouth without letting anyone stop him. 「nGu......the taste isn’t bad. What is it? A miss?」 Dumbfounded, Isaac tilted his head. What would happen? Suddenly, rain started to fall from the sky. The sun is out, it’s a sun shower. It gradually got stronger. “We should go inside the mansion”, but when I was thinking of that. 「......nya!」 I heard a cat’s voice from a little far away. I turned there, and Mami was there. Mami who was Coco just earlier, changed after getting wet by the rain. Mami in a bad mood, “Why is that”, when I was thinking of that. 「「「「ーーah」」」」 My voice together with my wives’. The four of us looked at Isaac at the same time. Isaac was dripping sweat. It’s not a bad mood, that is a hunt mode. The fierce natural enemy beast was released, there was no one who could stop it. 「Don’t come here?」 「ーーnya!」 Isaac running away, and Mami chasing him. After Isaac disappeared, the rain immediately stopped. 「It might be just as usual」(Sylvia) 「It’s Isaac after all, it’s hard to judge there」(Nadia) Was it really a miss or just as usual, it’s a little hard to decide. Well, let’s leave Isaac alone. I’m more curious about Veronica’s hit. “What would you do”, I tried to ask her and turned to her. And then, I noticed that Veronica was looking at something diagonally to us. 「What happened, Veronica」 「That」 Veronica pointed. Ahead of where she pointed, there was a rainbow. A rainbow after a sun shower. It was very beautiful. While looking at that, Veronica neared her body to mine. 「How blissful」 「Yes」 Nadia and Sylvia also got closer, and held my hands. 「......yeah, it’s so blissful」 I agreed, and thought that it was exactly like that. Everyone got a ‘hit’ chocolate. Maybe, it was not up until now, but the time under this rainbow is the true ‘hit’. Everyone, thought of that.
In conclusion, Distillation was turned to money properly. I went to three villages nearby, Aisen, Caluchi, and Kibu. I talked about it, marketed it, I used the magic to water sources that can be only used in laundry, and showed them that it was drinkable by drinking it. They were very happy with that. I had a promise that I’ll go purify it once a week and got money. I thought about what can be made into money next. I thought while I was walking home from the last village, Kibu. *Suto* Sylvia reached out her hand from my side, and wiped my forehead with a handkerchief. It looks like I was sweating again. 「It’s hot huh」 「Yes」 「Is Sylvia okay?」 「I’m okay」 She was saying, but sweat comes out of Sylvia’s forehead. The season is near summer. In addition that it’s started getting hot, and we were walking all around. Well, you’ll really sweat with that. And when I noticed it, my throat was parched. 「You want cold drinks right. Like a juice that is chilled with ice」 「It’s because ice is expensive」 「Yup?」 I stopped my feet, and looked at Sylvia. 「What is it?」 「What did you say? Ice is expensive?」 「What do you mean?」 「Uhmm, I heard from Otou-san before. The only way to eat it ice in summer, is to dig veery deep down, place ice from winter, and take it out when you want to. The only ones who can do that are rich people, or the Ou-sama he said. Also in a big town pu-blic u-tili-ty? was other way left, he said」 Public utility huh. But, I see. If I think about it, there wasn’t a refrigerator huh. That means......Ice could be turned into money huh. I recalled all the magic that I’ve learned until now, and find something that can be used. Returning to the mansion, I prepared drinkable water and a knife in the living room. I also prepared a syrup. 「Celsius Zero」 I first freeze it with magic. The water became ice in an instant. I shaved the ice using a knife. This one’s physical labor, so I was a little tired. I put sweet syrup on top of the ice. Shaved ice was completed. 「Here, try and taste it」 「Is it okay?」 Sylvia took the shaved ice, scooped one bite size, and put it inside her mouth. 「Sweet, Cool. *Ku?*......」 She was happy at first, but made her eyes like X soon. 「Are you okay」 「Y-Yup......Just my head」 「If you eat shaved ice at once you’ll be like that」 Smiled, took the shaved ice from Sylvia, and I also ate it. It was delicious. The syrup had no colors so it has no fun in it, but the taste had no problems. This, can become money. I borrowed a push cart from a maid, loaded the kit that was needed, and went to the Aisen Village. I widened the goods at the village square, purified water, freeze it, and made it a shaved ice. A farmer passed by, so I called him. 「Ne?Ne?Oji-san, would you like to eat shaved ice?」 In child-mode, I called out amiably. 「Shaved ice?」 「Yup! Like, shredding the ice, and put syrup on top. It’s that food」 「Using ice?! That looks delicious. ......But, it’s expensive right」 「Cet is alright」 Cet is a unit of this world’s currency, and is a price of a small cup of noodles that is fully loaded. In other words, it was a very reasonable price setting. 「So cheap! Is it okay if you sold it at that price?」 「Because it’s ice I made with magic」 「Did you make it?」 「Yup!」 「I see. You made it with magic huh. Then, can I have one」 The man took out 0Cet. Sylvia received it, and I made shaved ice and gave it to him. 「Sweet, and also cool. Haa......Eating something cold on a hot day, I didn’t think it felt this good」 「I know right?. If it’s okay, can you tell everybody that I’m going to sell it every time I come to purify the waters」 「Yup? Ahh, you were Lucio-kun who would purify the water for us」 「Yup! Nice to meet you」 The man patted my head. 「But, you sure are amazing, doing a trade in your age」 I took Sylvia’s hand, and showed the ring. 「It’s because I have a wife you know」 The man was astonished in an instant, but made a big laugh after that. 「Well, that’s true. If you have a wife then you should earn right. You are a boy......No, you are a man after all」 「Yup!」 「Yosh, leave it to this Oji-san. Your......Shaved ice? I will tell everyone in the village」 「Thanks Oji-chan」 「Thank you very much!!」 I said thanks, and Sylvia also said thanks. With this, I can earn a little more.
「What Grimoire is that?」 Veronica talked to me in the afternoon in the garden. She is peeking at the Grimoire I’m currently reading from above, but from her looks that wandered around, she seemed like she can’t read manga after all. 「It’s things about Ferris Wheel. The magic I learned from it is quite unique you know」 「What kind is it?」 「You want to try it?」 「Yes」 Veronica nodded. I gestured her to get close, and let her sit on my side. 「『Chrono’s Wheel』」 The instant I used the magic, the surrounding scenery became something like a mosaic. 「This is?」 「It’s a magic that shows past, present, and future for three minutes continuously in that order. By the way, what you will see is random」 「Well, it’s better to take a look」 I also think that she won’t understand with just that explanation. It’s quite a complicated magic. After waiting with my body close to Veronica, the mosaic was taken off, and a scenery was shown. It’s inside the city of the royal capital, and Coco and Balthazar are there. It’s Coco’s walk, but Balthazar is clinging onto her as usual. The difference from before is that Balthazar is holding the lead that connects to Coco’s wrist. Honestly, rather than a walk, it looks like horse riding with reins. 「They’re on a walk. However, I saw Coco sunbathing over there earlier?」 「Un, that’s why it’s a past scene. This would continue for a minute, and after that, a scene from the present will continue for a minute, and a minute of the futureーーit’s like that」 「By the way, we’re only able to see it, but unable to intervene」 After waiting for a while, the scene changed again. After a mosaic, it changed into a room from somewhere. 「Hmph! I’m beautiful as I’ve thought」 「Ara, isn’t it Aniue?」 It’s Isaac. He’s standing in front of a standing mirror, fixes his hairstyle using his hands, and takes poses. ......Isaac, you. 「Well, I shall go meet the lovely girls waiting for me then」 「Aniue, he really has a good sense of jokes as usual」 「He’s seriously saying that」 「I know, I am just backing him up」 And after this and that, the screen changed again. This time, it’s in the future. 「Fuu......today was a good day too」 「Eh? Oi」 「Ara, isn’t it Lucio. On top of that, it’s a rare bathing footage」 That’s right, what’s being shown is me soaking in the bath. Outside the window is dark, and it would seem that it is already in the evening. 「Something like a shota’s bathing footage」 「This in itself has some demands desu wa」 「I don’t even want to imagine that」 「I shall enjoy it very well」 「Keep it easy」 And just like that, I was forced to spend an embarrassing play of watching my own bathing scene together with my wife. Finally, the bathing scene ended, and the scenery returned to the garden where we are. 「Well, like that, it’s that kind of magic」 「That was very fun. Can we do it once more?」 「Yeah, any number of times」 Veronica changed to a very good mood, it looks like she liked it. I’ll do it for her as long as she wants if it’s just this much. It’s for the sake of my lovely wife. 「『Chrono’s Wheel』」 I used the magic and we waited for a while. The scenery changedーーit looks to be inside a mansion or palace somewhere. And there, there is a young girl crying. She looks familiar. 「Veronica?」 「Yes, it looks like it’s me. It’s in the past, and from my body sizeーー,it’s when I’m around years old」 「You’re so cute. By the way, why were you crying this much?」 「Who knows......? I don’t remember it」 Veronica tilted her head, but I found out the reason immediately. 「Give me, give me my binky(pacifier)?」 「ーーwha!」 I looked at Veronica, her face was completely red. And, a different girl appeared inside the scenery. This one’s a middle-aged woman. 「You must not, Hime-sama. Hime-sama is already , please stop using your binky already」 The young Veronica throws a tantrum. 「Veronica......you, a binky until you’re 」 「This is a lie desu wa! It’s fake desu wa! It’s libel desu waaa!!!」 「No, but......」 「Oh really! Please do not look!」 Veronica covered my eyes. No, even if you do that. I could hear the young Veronica’s voice clearly though. Well, whatever. There’s no need to corner Veronica too much as well. I let her do what she wants. She continued to cover my eyes. Finally, the scenery changed, and the young Veronica disappeared. 「......oh really, what are you letting me see」 「It’s random after all」 「Forget what you have just seen, understood?」 「Yeah, I’ll forget about it」 「......」 「......」 A time of silence came. Finally, the present was shown. Somewhere in the royal capital, it’s Isaac tied up by a rope by Mamiーーwell, it’s a trivial scene. I thought of how to make it up to here. Making it that I had never seen it, it’s easy to erase my memory of it using magic, but I must make it up to Veronica before I do that. I thought of what I should do to do that. I did my best to think of a way, but I was unable to. And while this and that happened, the scenery changed again. 「Ah......!」 Veronica let out a voice. “What is it?”, I thought, and followed her sight. There is one old woman there. An elegant Obaa-chan, a very kind looking, red-haired Obaa-chan. I have never seen her beforeーーbut I know her. I know her, without a doubt. She is holding hands with one man, looking at the cherry blossoms fall by the spring wind together. 「......Lucio?」 「Un?」 「I, I am very dependent on things since a long time ago. Very bitter medicine was placed on the binky, only then that I was able to stop using it」 「Probably, I’ll continue on being dependant」 「Ahh」 Veronica holding hands with me beside her. Just like that scene of Veronica and me, very far in the future. We held hands for one whole minute, waiting for the time to pass without doing anything.
「Lucio-chan! Look at this?」 Balthazar suddenly entered the room, and showed me a bentou box. There were colorful dishes placed inside the bentou box, and it looks very delicious. 「That looks delicious. What’s up with this」 「I asked Sylvia-chan to help, we made it together you know?」 「He?. Balthazar made it huh」 「Call Bal, Hacchan?」 Balthazar said just like always. Nadia is calling her “Hacchan” just like she wanted to, but somehow, I feel uncomfortable calling her that. So to dodge the question, I reached out my hand and tried to pick one of the dishesーーthe octopus sausage. But, she pulled it back before I picked it. 「No, this is Bal’s you know?」 「Ahh, you didn’t make it for me to eat」 「Bal is going to go out a little right now, so it’s a bentou for that you know」 I got a little surprised. Balthazar who had always stuck with me since she came to our house is going on a trip huh. Looking at the bentou, it looks like she’s going out alone. ......。 I’m a little worried. No, although she’s like this, she’s the incarnation of the Demon King so there shouldn’t be any danger, but somehow, I’m worried. 「Do you want me to go with you」 「Lucio-chan shouldn’t come you know」 「I shouldn’t huh」 「Un, Bal’s going alone」 U?n. I dunno. I couldn’t figure out her movement pattern that is different from usual. The more I got clueless, the more I got worried. 「Should we ask Coco to go with her?」 Behind Balthazar, Veronica said from the corridor outside the room. 「You were listening」 「Yes」 Nodding, she turned towards Balthazar. 「Can I ask you to do that? Coco has yet to go on her walk」 「......un! Okay」 Balthazar thought for a moment, then nodded clearly. The three of us went to the yard, and Veronica called over Coco who was playing in the yard. 「What is it?, Mama-sama」 「We’re going for a walk. Today, she’s going to take her with you」 Coco got very delighted, and took out the lead from her pocket. She put it on her wrist, and passes the other end to Balthazar. The dog-eared Coco, just like this, she puts on the lead on her wrist, and likes to be taken for a walk with someone holding it. Recently it’s Mama-samaーーVeronica who is always doing it. That’s why, she reached out the lead just as usual, but. Balthazar didn’t receive it. She raised a happy voice just how Coco did, and hugs her. She places her arms around her, and embraces her just like hanging on her. Coco who was holding the lead got confused. 「Mama-sama?」 「Since it’s she’s like that, just go along with her」 「......yes, I understood?」 She started to walk like, “Since it’s the order of Mama-sama that I really love”. Balthazar hugs her like hanging on her while holding the bentou box, and walked with her walking tiptoed. We saw off the two, finally, they went out of the mansion, and we can’t see them anymore. 「They’re making us worried」 「Honestly, I completely agree. It’s the first time that Balthazar would leave alone after all」 「If you’re worried, you want to go? You could use magic that would make you invisible right. Shouldn’t you just follow them while using that?」 「It’s Balthazar after all, if I do that, I feel like she’d find out like『Wa?i, it’s Lucio-chan’s smell?』」 Nodding, Veronica agreed. 「Then, you can only keep your fingers and wait」 「......『Telescope』」 I searched inside my head for the magic, and used the suitable one. A fly-like creature appeared on the palm of my hand. And on its side, a holographic panel also appeared. 「What is that?」 「It’s a magic spell that would make what this one looks at, be shown in this one」 I have the controlling rights. I made the fly fly just like a radio-controlled toy, or you could say brain controlled. And then, the panel’s footage also started to roll. It’s like a game screen. 「He?, there’s also this kind of thing huh」 「I’ll follow her using this......if she finds out, I’ll think of it then」 I followed behind Coco and Balthazar by controlling the fly. Immediately after I made it fly towards the direction where the two disappeared, I found their back appearance. I boldly approached them, while thinking about the next magic to use if they find out. 「That seems like it」 The two haven’t noticed although it approached them very closely, so for the meantime, I got relieved. Balthazar advanced while closely sticking to Coco’s neck. After they had gone out of town, Balthazar got very interested in a lot of things along the way, and she would try to go there with flighty feet, but every time she does that, Coco stops her in a hurry. 「That’s exactly true」 The firm-willed dog is looking after a young child, the two of them made such an atmosphere. 「Ara? Isn’t that Onii-sama?」 「It’s true, it’s Isaac. This is bad, Balthazar’s face started to get fierce」 「It looks like she’s about to say something like “Lucio-chan is fine with just one?”」 「He’s going to become a slug again huh, RIP」 And when I was placing my hands together while thinking of that, the situation changed to something unexpected. Coco who somehow felt the change in Balthazar’s air took out a water bottle from nowhere, and pours it to her self. Coco was splashed with water, her appearance changed in an instant. From the innocent dog-eared girl, to the strong-willed cat-eared girl. Mami. She has the same body as Coco, the girls that would change personalities when splashed with water. The instant Mami saw Isaac, she immediately went after him. Looking at Mami’s appearance, Isaac got freaked out, and ran away as quick as he could. The only one remaining, was Balthazar who was like *Poka?n*, stunned. 「It looks like she chased him away」 「I really don’t know who’s taking who to a walk now」 「Come to think of it, Lucio, this, can it show a different place other than this? Do you need to make a fly-like thing first to make it show something?」 「The fly itself, I can make it appear to a place I would like. Look」 I used magic, and the panel of the footage changed. My family house was shown, and the appearance of Ojii-san fixing his bonsai on the garden could be seen. 「He has such a hobby huh. But, it really fits him desu wa」 Next, the palace was shown. The King is sitting on the throne, and ordering the minister about something. 「Ara, he’s really doing his job as a king properly huh. I only thought that he’s just a Lucioholic」 「Don’t make such weird words」 The screen changed furthermore. This time, it shows inside the mansion. 「Ara, Amanda」 「It’s Amanda-san alright」 The place is Amanda-san’s room. Since it’s like that, I tried to take a peek on how Amanda-san seems like, but when the screen changed, Amanda-san was staring towards us. 「L-Lucio? She’s looking at us. I mean, our eyes met」 While looking at us, Amanda-san’s lips moved. She knows! I scrambled to change the screen. She knows, I don’t know how, but she found out! I feel cold sweat on my back. 「A-Amanda, who in the world is she」 「......it will be for the best if we don’t dig on that」 Veronica and I made a dry laugh. Back to the start, I returned the footage to where Balthazar is. Very quickly, Balthazar and Coco who went back to herself, the two of them is in the grasslands. On the grasslands, Balthazar is making something. She’s making something out of the flowers that Coco picked out. 「It looks like a ring」 「A ring?」 「You cannot understand?」 Veronica pointed that out for me, and this time, I looked at it properly. It’s true, Balthazar was making something with a small loop. It’s something that looks like a ring. 「It should be a gift for you」 「I guess so」 「Lucio, I could guess that I do not need to say this, but you shall not tell her that you were looking. You should get surprised, and get happy on top of it」 「......then, I’ll do this」 I removed the footage, and used a new magic. 「『Erase Memory』」 The instant I used the magicーー. 「ーーVeronica? And......this, why am I in the yard?」 「Lucio? ......don’t tell me, did you use magic on your memories right now?」 「Memories? What are you talking about」 「......no, it is nothing」 Veronica shook her head. I wonder what she was about to say, I got curious. 「Uu!......」 「What happened?」 「Nothing, just, I suddenly felt pain in my head......what the heck is this, it’s like a hangover......but, I haven’t drank alcohol since I came here」 「Lucio, you」 「What, why are you making such a faceーーouch, o-ouch......」 I grabbed my head, oh really, it really feels painful like I’m having a bad hangover. 「......Lucio」 「Whatーーmu!」 Veronica suddenly kissed me on the cheek. I got surprised, and my headache was blown away. I placed a hand on my cheek, and stared at Veronica. 「What is it really for a while now?」 「No. It’s nothing」 「Nothing, you say」 「Well then, shall we go inside. Your head hurts right? “Everyone” will let you rest on our lap」 Veronica pulled me by the hand, and we returned inside the mansion. For some reason, Veronica was more kind and tender than as usual, and I received a wonderful present from Balthazar who came home. I really don’t know what happened, but it was such a good day.
Just as usual, Balthazar released magic powers reacting to my magic. The happening in the mansion’s courtyard, Balthazar was completely discouraged. 「Lucio-chan’s ring......」 While staring at her own hand, she whispered sadly. I put a ring on her. A wedding ring that I made with magic to put on my wife. Balthazar reacted to that, and the ring was blown off to pieces. The sneeze’s magic powers were released towards me just as usual, so that wasn’t the direct reason that the ring was broken. The other phenomenon, the magical malfunction caused it to happen. The ring that would get destroyed when one cheats, and with the malfunction, it might be destroyed even if she does not cheat on me, or maybe she doesn’t cheat so it got broken. Balthazar had sad eyes. I felt a heart ache. Right before it happened, she was smiling. She was happy, “With this, I can sleep with Lucio-chan while holding hands”, it was right before she wore the ring. 「You want to try it one more time?」 「One more time?」 「Yeah......『Magic Ring』」 I created the ring once again, and tried to put that on Balthazar’s finger. 「He......he......」 Balthazar frets, it seems like she was desperately holding her sneeze. 「ーーhekuchi!」 But she couldn’t hold on. She sneezed, the magic powers hit me, and the ring was broken into pieces. Balthazar was close to tears. Feeling sorry for her, I thought of ways to do something about it. 「Supii?......」 At the same time when we entered the Grimoire Library, Balthazar made a snot bubble. The young girl Demon King slept in the entrance while standing. Putting into words, it was quite surreal. This also couldn’t be helped, just like how she reacts to magic with her sneeze, it seems like she reacts to Grimoires getting asleep. To be sure, I tried to pull her outside. *Pachin*, the snot bubble broke with a sound. 「Fuwwaa?......good morning, Rusho-chan」 It looks like she wakes up when she gets away from Grimoires. I also felt it was very like of her for this. 「You won’t enter?」 「We already entered once though」 「Fue?? Is that so?」 「That’s right」 I hesitated. The reason that I took Balthazar here was to find the magic to solve the current situation within the Grimoire Library’s archives. And if she’s like this, the possibility of her sleeping beside the Grimoire is very high. I should wake her up using magic? No, it would probably malfunction as well. U?n, what should I do. And, when I was thinking of that. 「Ah!」 「Un? What is it」 「There’s / Lucio-kun......」 A way of saying I heard already. I turned to where Balthazar was looking at, and there, there was the appearance of Isaac being terrified, and running away. Balthazar’s body lit, the light of the magic chased after Isaac, and it turned him to a star-patterned slug. This was also very like her. I approached Isaac, picked him up, and sent him to a safe place using magic. The sneeze exploded, and the magic malfunction. The effect sending him away, changed into returning him back to normal. Isaac returned to human form......however, he was completely naked. Isaac said that, and ran away. I think that this time, I really did a bad thing, I should follow up using magic......no, I shouldn’t, right now. I looked at Balthazar. Suddenly, I noticed something. 「Balthazar」 「Call Bal, Bal-chan??」 「......Bal. You, didn’t you say that you can’t use magic?」 「Un, I can’t use it you know?」 She answered as if it was normal. Un, I also heard this before, and I also confirmed it using magic. She can’t use magic. 「Then, what was that right now?」 「When I thought that Lucio-chan is enough with only one, it became like that」 「Hmm......」 Is that also the magic powers going out of control, or is she reacting to “me”, with how she said it like / Lucio? Then, if the density of “me” changed? 「Bal, wait here for a while」 「Eh?, why?」 「Just listen. I’ll return quickly」 I left Balthazar, and entered the library. I confirmed Balthazar not entering(she probably can’t enter, because she’d fall asleep), and used magic. 「『Time Shift』」 I summoned me from the future. 「You know what to do」 「Let’s go」 Future me nodded. I used magic furthermore. 「『Coalescence』」 The magic covered me and the future me. My sight was flashed by white, and when it clears, future me disappeared. 「「With this, it should do it」」 Instead, my voice became weird. A voice that was like the same voice overlapping. I summoned the future me, and furthermore, I used magic to combine. And in that condition, I went outside the library. 「It’s x Lucio-chan......why?」 「「You can tell」」 *KokuKoku*, Balthazar nodded. So, then, if it’s in this condition? 「「『Magic Ring』」」 I used magic. I got cautious to be sure, and used magic. A ring appeared on my palm. She didn’t sneeze. It looks like she doesn’t sneeze with x me. I took Balthazar’s hand who was stunned, and put the ring on her ring finger. 「......」 「「......」」 After a while, nothing happened. Or specifically saying, nothing weird happened. The ring did its normal effect, and turned into one with Balthazar’s finger. I confirmed that, removed the magic, and returned the future me. He made a thumbs-up. That’s not needed, that information. The future me disappeared. I turned to Balthazar. I took her hand wearing the ring. I stared at her. She didn’t sneeze, and there wasn’t any malfunction. The ring made by x me, it was properly releasing light from Balthazar’s finger. 「Bal」 I stared at her with a serious face. 「Please become my wife」 Once again, I proposed to her properly.
Night in the bedroom, I am reading manga after coming out of the bath. The one I have in hand is the manga that I took from the Grimoire Library, it’s a manga with a story of five boys and girls and inventions, a manga that is reminiscent of a blue machine cat. And the magic that I could learn from it is called『Warehouse』, it’s a magic that would open dimensional walls and connect them to a small space or vault. By the way, it’s a series, so the numbers of vaults would increase each time I finished reading a volume. 「Lucio-sama」 「We got out of the bath?」 When I have read up to near the end of the volume, the door opened, and Sylvia and Nadia entered. Just as she said, my two wives had just got out of the bath, and they were wearing lovely pajamas with their cheeks flushed. 「Ah! Nadia-chan, it’s dangerous if you run」 「Kyahho?i」 Nadia ran, and dove into the bed. Sylvia was a bit slower than her, but she casually went on top of the bed. 「Is Lucio-sama reading Grimoire」 「Yeah, I just saw a new one. It’s a series with volumes, so I think it would take time to read all of it」 「 volumes......that amount, a normal person’s whole life would not be enough......」 「I guess so. If it’s me, I could read it within days if I read it through the night, well, about a week if I take my time」 I remembered before when I entered the manga cafe taking up the night offer. I remembered the subtly painful memory, when I thought of reading a popular series from the first volume overnight, but I couldn’t finish it so I asked for an extension. 「Ne?, ne?, what magic is that」 Nadia asked with an excited face. 「It’s something like thisーー【Warehouse】」 The space opened, and I put my hand inside. And took out the comb I prepared from there. 「Like this, it’s a magic that creates a storage space, and enables to put things in and out anytime. Sylvia」 I called her name, and passed her the comb. Sylvia received that, and started to comb Nadia’s hair with a smiling face. 「Hoe?, isn’t that a super convenient magic」 「I think, it’s better described as plain but convenient」 「Ne?, ne?, can you put anything inside that?」 「Anything, no matter how big it is, there would be a restriction with only one each room」 「Anything?」 「Anything」 「Even ants that became giants?」 「It can enter. It would be only of them each room though」 「Ah! Nadia-chan, don’t move」 「Ahaha, sorry, sorry」 Nadia laughed, and behaved just as she was told. The two were both my wives, and best friends. Sylvia happily fixed Nadia’s hair, and Nadia also enjoyed letting Sylvia do what she does. I left the Grimoire open on the top of my lap, and held Nadia’s hand. Sylvia saw that, and appealed, dexterously fixing Nadia’s hair with one hand, so I also held her hand. Holding hands, it is our house’s number one skinship. It was soft, warm, and smells good. My heart and mind, it calms down. We were like that for a while. 「Today, the time feels slow」 Sylvia said as if to whisper. Nadia and I caught each other’s eyes, and the three of us smiled. No one answered, there weren’t even the words “Yeah”. We relaxed, and the time passed very comfortably. 「Ah! They came back」 The one who broke the silence was Nadia, and footsteps for two people. I casted two magic spells. I kept the Grimoire I had in the vault. Right after that, the door was suddenly opened, and Balthazar entered. 「Lucio-cha?n」 Diving just like how Nadia did, Balthazar jumped onto me. 「Hey! Wipe your hair properly」 Just a little late, Veronica entered seemingly angry. Balthazar and Veronica were also in their pajamas, it shows that they just got out of the bath with their flushed cheeks. The two of them went on top of the bed. 「Lucio-chan, you know, Bal, she entered the bath properly you know?」 Balthazar said that looking up to me. She was like a dog whose tail was wagging, like “praise me?, praise me?”. 「What are you saying, am I not the one who did everything」 「Did Veronica wash her?」 「Yes. If I did not do so, that girl would have only taken a quick dip. And on top of that, she would refuse it although Amanda would say she would wash her」 「Is that so」 I looked at Balthazar, *Kyoton*, she answered with a clueless face. 「Bal is Lucio-chan’s wife you know?」 「......you’re my wife, that’s why you don’t want Amanda-san to wash you?」 「There isn’t any problem if it’s Veronica」 「Vero-chan is also Lucio-chan’s wife you know?」 「I see」 She’s dividing the line like that huh, I feel like it’s a bit interesting. Veronica had a face like “Yareyare”, and wiped Balthazar’s tower with the towel she took with her. Seeing that I was about to do something, she stopped me with eyes that were saying “just relax”. Balthazar had a happy smile, and Veronica was as if she became a mother. The other magic that I casted before she enteredーーthe two hands that I prepared so beforehand so that there would be no malfunctions. I slowly held Veronica and Balthazar’s hand. Veronica had a stiff, but content face, and Balthazar was like “Funyaa?”. I held my hands with my four wives. Sylvia, Nadia, Veronica, Balthazar. We held our hands in within the gentle atmosphere, and my heart and mind became lighter. 「Ne?, ne?, how should we play tomorrow」 「Would you like to go the bottom of the sea again?」 「Balthazar-chan has yet to go there too, so that might be good as well」 「Bal is fine anywhere as long as Lucio-chan is with her you know?」 With me in the center, I held my hands with my four wives, it was a fulfilling married life. This day, I feel like I fell asleep in the most peaceful way since I was born in this life. I feel, that my ideal home is completed.
Night, in the living room, my wives who have come home gathered. 「You would explain what is going on right」 Within the three, Veronica asked with a grim face. By the way, “that girl” Balthazar is in a short distance away. 「I’m Nadia, what’s your name?」 「Call me, Hacchan」 「Hacchan huh, un, I got it. By the way, does Hacchan like tea?」 「I don’t know. What is, tea?」 「Fue? You don’t know tea? Yo?sh, Amanda-san, please take out a good one」 Nadia shouted towards outside the room. She had already broken the ice with Balthazar quickly. Since there was the case of Isaac, I was worried that Balthazar wasn’t planning on getting along with anyone other than me, and there would be a bad mood with my wives, but that was not the case at all. It’s probably all thanks to Nadia who is friendly and cheerful. Suddenly, my face was caught. 「Looking away!」 My face was forcefully turned back. I could almost hear the sound *Goki!* in my neck. 「Please do not. I am asking you a question」 Veronica made an extra grim face. 「Sorry sorry」 「If you really think of that, explain. That girl, who and where did she come from?」 「It would be very long if I explain」 「Please make it short」 I thought for a while, then decided to tell it honestly. She’s my wife after all, it’s not good to hide things from her. 「Do you know the name Balthazar?」 「Balthazar?」 Veronica thought for a moment. 「I know that! It’s the Demon King right!」 Nadia who was a little far away answered immediately. I knew that she’d be like that. Nadia has been with me to Balthazar’s space several times, and fought against him. Next to me, she’s the person who was the most involved with Balthazar in this house. Because Nadia had answered like that, Veronica nodded as she remembered. 「You were talking about “that” Balthazar huh. If so, even children knows about that」 「It seemed like you had a hard time to remember though」 「I-It’s because it is a term that is not used in daily life!」 Veronica refuted with a flushed face. She has a point. There was no way that the Demon King who has been sealed a long time ago would be mentioned in daily life. That was what I thought, but. 「I have heard about that a lot. When I was a child, Otou-san would always threaten me like “If you are not a good child, Balthazar will come and take you away?”」 It’s really used in normal daily life, I mean, isn’t that a Namahage. When Sylvia said that, Veronica had a blushing face. 「T-That does not matter desu wa! Rather than that, what is it about Balthazar?」 「She, she’s Balthazar」 「Do you really think that you can get away with such a made up story of poor quality?」 「No, it’s true. Precisely, it seems like she’s Balthazar the th. How can I say this, she’s the original’s descendent, I guess? I haven’t heard the details about that though」 「......are you saying the truth?」 「Had I ever lied to everyone?」 「......」 「Lucio-sama had never lied to us」 Veronica did not say anything, and instead, Sylvia answered. And, Nadia had high spirits. 「I see, it’s Balthazar the th, so it’s Hacchan huh?」(TL: (ハチHachi) = Hacchan) 「I see, I see. Let’s get along from now on okay, Hacchan!」 Nadia reached out her hand, and after Balthazar had thought for a while, the two shook their hands. Are you fine, just that easily? 「D-Do you have proof?」 Was she already unable to pull back, Veronica insists. 「Proof?」 「Yes, proof desu wa. The proof that that girl is in the bloodline of the Demon King」 「Even if you say that?......」 It’s not like she looks similar to Balthazar, and there isn’t IDs in this world. Something that can be used as a proofーー『Magic Shield』!!! I instinctively used magic. I expanded the shield fully to protect my wives. Soon after, “Kuchi!”, Balthazar let out a very cute sneeze. About half of the mansion was blown away. A sneeze that almost didn’t have any sign. The reason that the shield was in time was because my sixth sense reacted. The mansion half destroyed with the Demon King’s sneeze, my three wives that I protected unscathed, and flighty, light and fluffy, Balthazar. 「How cool! What’s that right now, what magic was it right now?」 Nadia raised her spirits. It’s very like her. I looked at Veronica. She was stunned to the half destroyed mansion. 「Do you believe me now?」 「Y-Yes......with this much magic powers shown....... I can’t understand why it’s a sneeze though」 「I also don’t know anything about that」 I used magic to return the mansion to normal while saying that. Sylvia came to my side. She held my hand with a worried expression. Nadia with high spirits, and although surprised, Veronica who was still composed. Unlike the two, she seems to be a little afraid. That’s why, I held her hand tightly in return, and smiled at her. And then, with that, Sylvia got slightly relieved. She made a very peaceful face. When I noticed it, Balthazar has come in front of me. *Ji?*, she stared at Sylvia and me, and stared at our holding hands. 「What is it」 「That, what kind of magic?」 「”That”?」 「Your hands are holding each others」 「Ahh. This is notーー」 「You held each other’s hands, and that person became like *Fuwa?n*. What magic is that?」 Balthazar asked while tilting her head. No, it isn’t magicーー. 「It’s the magic of holding hands!」 「Nadia?」 「When you hold hands with Lucio-kun like this, you’d feel very safe」 Nadia came to the other side, and held my open hand. 「She also became like *Fuwa?n*」 「Well, I’d be like that. Right! Sylvie」 「Un......Nadia-chan」 Nadia with a smile, and shyly Sylvia. Balthazar who stared at the two. She looked very interested, comparing the two’s faces and the holding hands. I felt I was being looked at from the other side. It’s Veronica. She’s staring at me. 「What is it, Veronica」 「Where’s my part?」 「Eh?」 「I’m asking you, where’s my part」 「Part, you say......you mean this?」 I showed the hand that was holding Nadia’s. Veronica didn’t nod, but the way she stared at me says yes. I see, she wanted to hold hands huh. But even so, both of my hands aren’t open after all. How can I say this, hmm, it’s amazing. It’s not like it’s jealousy or something, but rather, it’s simply “I also want to do it, so do something”. Just like the time I proposed to her, it was very like her. 「『Magic Hand』」 I used magic, and created another hand. *MonyoMonyo*, the hand grew from my back. The third hand reached out to Veronica. 「Please go on, my princess」 「Your frivolous talk is as low as usual huh」 Even though she’s saying that, Veronica held my hand in a very good mood. With three hands, I held my three wives. It was very soft and warm. They say that it’s magic, but I feel like it’s rather, I’m the one who has fallen under a spell. I thought, it might also be great sleeping like this today. Suddenly, I feel I was being looked at. Balthazar’s look that I have felt since earlier became stronger. She was staring at the increased hand, and Veronica’s face who was holding that. 「It’s really magic right. After all, she’s like *DereDere*, when she held it」 「W-Who is *DereDere* you say!」 「Ahahaha, Vero-chan’s so stubborn」 Nadia laughed happily. 「I am not being stubborn! I-I’m his wife, so I would not be like *DereDere* with just this」 「But, you’re very *DereDere* you know. Ne?」 Both of them tilting their head, Nadia and Balthazar nodded at each other. Nadia who is lively and cheerful and Balthazar who is somewhat light and fluffy. Their personalities are at the opposite, but it looks like they’re getting along with each other already. 「Ne?, Lucio-chan」 「Hacchan also, wants to do that」 「This? You mean hold hands」 Balthazar nodded. “What should I do”, but when I was thinking of that. 「No way」 Very surprisingly, Sylvia was opposed to it. 「Sylvia?」 「There is no way. The only ones who can hold hands with Lucio-sama is his wives」 「Oh?, Sylvie’s quite serious」 「How rare, to think that you would insist on that point strongly」 「Because......because」 「After all, I feel just the same」 「Un, I also think so. The only ones who can hold hands with Lucio-kun is his wives」 Nadia said like a teacher saying you can only read manga if it’s Jump. Just like that, wives agreed with Sylvia. I also agree. The only ones who I should hold hands with are my wives. This action is a special thing for them, and I would only do it with them. That’s why, I feel bad for Balthazar, butーー. 「That’s why, Hacchan should become Lucio-kun’s wife first」 「Eh? No, no」 I made a wry laugh. It was very likely of Nadia to suggest that, but isn’t that going too farーー. 「Yes, that is right」 「There is no problem then」 Surprisingly, Veronica......and even Sylvia followed. ......eh? What does this mean? What kind of development is this. I, could not understand what my wives were talking about.
「Lucio, are you there」 I was called by a voice, and I went outside the entrance. Ojii-san was there. Ojii-san who should be in our family home was there for some reason. 「Arere?, what happened, Ojii-chan」 「Can I come up」 「Of course?」 I let Ojii-san up, and let him through the living room. 「Is it a visitorーーAh! Ojii-sama」 Sylvia showed her face. 「To think that the visitor was Ojii-sama」 「You can treat me as a visitor. This is Lucio’s mansion, I am as you have said, a visitor」 「Uhmm......」 Sylvia made a troubled face and looked at me. 「Then, Sylvia, can you get the most delicious tea and the most delicious snacks for the visitors」 「Yes, I understand!」 Sylvia let the living room. Ojii-san looked around the living room. 「This was the mansion Isaac bought huh」 「Un, that’s right」 「......it looks like I placed a burden, to Lucio」 「Not at all. It’s just exactly that I wanted a mansion. My family increased, so it was good since it has good space」 I answered in child-mode. Ojii-san made a smile, and patted my head. It was the way that Ojii-san patted me since about more than two years when I reincarnated. 「Is that so, is that so. As expected of Lucio」 「Thank you」 「Lucio-kun, it’s a visitor?」 The door suddenly opened. There was Nadia, and the King’s appearance there. The King was wearing simple clothes for his disguise. 「My Senjukou, I came to playーーMu!」 The King entered with a cheerful face, but he sulled in an instant. He saw meーーno, he saw Ojii-san who was patting my head and got in a bad mood. 「My Senjukou, who is that old man」 「Eh?」 「My, you say? Lucio, who is he」 It somehow became a weird flow. 「......I, will go help Sylvia okay」 Nadia who felt that ran away. ......I should punish her for a bit later. Rather than that, it’s about the two right now. My real Ojii-san, and the King who took care for me since I came to the royal capital. The two old men faced each other, and scattered fiery sparks. ......why? 「I do not know who you are, but you are too friendly with my Senjukou」 「Your? Lucio is not anybody’s property. I don’t know who you are, but are you not the one who is impudent」 The fiery sparks scattered more. What is this, hey, what is this? Uhm, in these cases, a magic that can take care of this situationーーthere’s nothing like that! In the first place, I don’t know what the situation is, so no shit. For the meantime, I thought I should do something, and went in between of the two. 「Ou-sama, this person is my Ojii-chan. He is usually in our family home, but he came to play today. Ojii-chan, this person is Ou-sama. He really took care of me with the Grimoire Library」 「Senjukou’s grandfather?」 「Grimoire Library you say?」 The two’s eyebrows flinched at the same time. Eh! Don’t tell me this is also a landmine? I thought, but. 「Excuse me. To think that you were the grandfather of Senjukou. I am Abraham the Third, the King of this country」 「Excuse me also. I am Luka Martein. Lucio’s actual grandfather」 「It is a pleasure to meet you, Martein-dono」 「It is my pleasure instead, Your Majesty」 「Abraham, or Abe is enough」 「Then, please call me Luka」 Are? Arerere?? Somehow, the two suddenly got along? What the heck is going on here. 「Hou, you mean Lucio deciphered the Grimoire, and resurrected to this world an ancient magic huh」 「Umu, I was really surprised by that. To think that the ancient magic that controls the weather, right. Right now, it was only to be expected of Senjukou」 「I also have that kind of episode. Do you know, Lucio have the hobby of reading Grimoires the second time」 「Reading it the second time?」 「That’s right, it is the hobby of reading the Grimoire he once read, the second time」 「Unbelievable! To read Grimoire like that」 「As expected of Lucio」 「Umu, as expected of Senjukou」 Inside the living room, the two old men who really got along was having a lively discussion. The was no trace of the simmering atmosphere earlier, but, with this like this, it’s uncomfortable. The two who was getting fired up, take a stop to praise the hell out of me, so I felt like I want to enter a hole if there was one. 「By the way, Senjukou made this for me」 The King said that, and took out the anime gemstone that I made. He made played it, and streamed the anime on the wallーーwas he walking with that around! 「Mu! I know, I received something like this from Lucio. Lucio, the Grimoire that you bought for me earlier, I was able to read it」 「Mu!」 ......when I was thinking they were getting along, they scattered fiery sparks again. Arerere?, what’s going on here? This day, the two Ojii-san got along with each other, scattered fiery sparks with each other. That was repeated a lot of times, and I who was in the middle of it, didn’t feel alive.
「Good morning」 Morning in the living room, Mami was there. Mami was staring at the ceiling, but when I called out to her, she faced here. I remembered last night, I’ll caress her again, I thought of that and approached. 「......move」 Mami passed through my side, and went out of the living room. I tilted my head. It was degrees different from last night, her attitude was like *TsunTsun*. 「Did I do something that made her mad without knowing? But even if you say that, I just went to sleep after that......」 I didn’t have a clue at all on what had happened. When I was tilting my head like that, from far away, *Shapaーn* I heard a water sound like that. It was the sound of large amount of water being thrown, I heard it from outside of the house. I went outside. Coco was there. A very lovely girl with dog ears that has a smaller body figure than Mami, Coco. Coco was wet, but *BuruBuru* she shook her body, and flicked the water. It was the same gesture like a dog. 「What happened?」 「I’m sorry?, probably, I think it was Mami?」 「Probably?」 「Yes......」 Coco said that and looked at her feet. There was an empty bucket there. The water that was on her was probably the one inside the bucket. 「Are you saying Mami dropped water on herself and changed to you?」 「Yes......probably, that’s right?」 「Probably? Mami has the same body but different personality than you right? Don’t you know?」 「Mami and I can’t talk directly to each other desu?. If we really wanted to talk, like this......」 Coco squatted on her spot, reaches out her finger to the ground, and writes words by tracing on it. 「Like this, after writing a letter, we drop water to ourselves desu?」 「Exchange lett......no, like an exchange diary, huh」 I mean......that’s inconvenient, and has no ends. 「I was thinking of it surely, that you can talk to each other inside your mind. That’s the cliche too on multiple personalities」 「?」 Coco tilted her head, it’s a face that she had no clue about what I was talking about. 「Then, you really had not talked to each other even once. Even hear each other’s voice?」 「Fumu」 I pinched my chin, and thought. Within more than a thousand Grimoires that I’ve read, I searched inside of my head a magic than can be used within that thousand. There was only one, that seemed to be useful. 「Can you not move for a while?」 I told Coco, and reached out my palm, and chanted the magic. 「Time Shift」 Light envelopes Coco’s body. The next instance, Mami appeared on her side. The two were surprised at the same time. 「You......Coco?」 「Are you Mami desuka??」 Facing each other itself, seems to be their first time. The two looked at each other and was surprised. Coco looked at me. 「It’s the magic called Time Shift. If I say it very simply, it’s the magic that borrows what originally in the future temporarily」 「Right, Mami who is there, I brought her from about minutes later, the future Mami」 「I can’t understand what you’re talking about though」 Mami made a frowning face, and looked at me. Maybe I should explain it a little more simple huh. 「I made it that you can meet each other for five minutes using magic」 「Being able to do that, who the hell are you」 「Rather than that」 I placed a hand on the two’s shoulder, and made them look at each other. Coco and Mami, a girl with dog ears and a girl with cat ears. The two of them looked at each other. 「I-It’s nice to meet you?...... I’m Coco desu」 「I-I know it, something like that. That fur, I always look at them fallen you know」 「I’m the same desu?! Mami’s smell......I was always sniffing at the lingering scent desu?」 「Is that so. You......your voice sounded like that」 「Mami’s face looks like that huh?......」 The two of them looked at each other very intently. *PetaPeta* they touched, and confirms how they feel, both of them. 「Mami!!」 Coco was seemed like she was moved, she jumps and hugs Mami. 「W-What are you doing!」 「I wanted to meet you desu?, I wanted to meet you ever since desu?」 「......」 At first, Mami seemed troubled, but to Coco’s confession, she squints her eyes. Coco who was hugging, she hugged her back softly. Seeing the cat and dog that were touching each other was very pleasant. Finally, the time has come. Just like the time that she appeared, Mami disappeared in an instant. 「Mami?」 「It’s time limit」 「Is that so?......thank you very much?. Thanks to you, I had met Mami?」 「Yes!」 「Well then, it should be recovered then」 「Recover?」 Coco looks strangely, I took the bucket, and scooped water. Just like that without saying anything, I splashed water on her. 「Kya!」 Coco changed to Mami. The same when I woke up this morning, to Mami who was *TsunTsun*. 「Wait, what are you doing」 Mami suddenly disappeared. It was the after payment of the Time Shift, and she jumped to five minutes before. Right now, she should be meeting Coco. 「......no, she jumped back to the past so it isn’t right now huh」 *Khukhu* I laughed. It was somehow funny. And there, I waited five minutes. Mami returned. 「Welcome back. Did you meet her properly」 「......I met her right」 「Well, that’s good」 I had used Time Shift itself, but I hadn’t used it on living things, so I was a bit worried. But it looks liked it succeeded, so it’s good. Coco and Mami, I remembered the appearance of the two of them hugging each other. Sometime soon, I should let them meet each other, I thought. 「......thanks」 Mami mumbled something. I was thinking about things, so I couldn’t hear it. 「Did you say anything?」 「ーー! It’s nothing!!」 Mami said that, and went away. I saw that she was grinning while she went away, so I more and more thought, that it was good that I did that.
Nadia is running inside a giant labyrinth. The labyrinth’s walls are made of wooden planks, and made that there would be doors every several steps. Nadia opens the doors and advances one next to the other, but. 「Isn’t this a dead end too!」 That place she entered after opening the door was a space that was like a small room. Nadia immediately turned back, returned to the last, last door, and went to a different route. 「Only seconds left desu wa」 「Do your best, Nadia-chan」 Girls’ voices could be heard from the sky. Veronica’s were with a tone that was enjoying and making her rush, and Sylvia’s were purely cheering after her best friend. 「 seconds?! Awawawa, what should I do, what should I do」 Hearing the time limit, Nadia increased her running speed more and more. She opened the door, and advanced. She opened the door, and turned back. She opened the doorーーand plunged into the water. 「It’s finished huh」 「Nadia-chan, so close」 When Nadia who plunged into the water left from there, “the size of her body returned to normal”. To Nadia who was drenched, Sylvia ran carrying a towel. And wiping her head with that, Nadia looked at the giant labyrinth’s “model” beside her. In the corner of the miniature sized giant labyrinth, the door that was left open was moving, with the lake(puddle of water) that has ripples ahead. And right next to that. 「Ah?, isn’t it the goal after I go to the right!」 「Un, it was the last door」 「Ohh, so frustrating. I almost made it」 Watching from a little distance, I answered. I will use two magic. One of them would make Veronica’s body smaller, and the other that would remake the structure of the miniature sized giant labyrinth. Veronica who became little stood in the entrance, and without touching the entrance and the lake, I changed the structure of the giant labyrinth. 「Then, let’s start」 With Sylvia, Nadia, and I watching, Veronica opened the door and jumped into the giant labyrinth. 「Ah, that place isーー」 「No, Nadia-chan, you shouldn’t. You shouldn’t react」 Sylvia covered Nadia’s mouth in a hurry, but Veronica who heard that made a grin, left the door that she was about to reach out to open, and entered a different door. A giant labyrinth dungeon that is randomly generated. And because it is random, the first door was a lake falling trap. Nadia couldn’t help but raise a voice with that, and Veronica luckily avoided it. 「It’s so interesting, Lucio-kun. This, it’s also fun advancing personally, but it also looks interesting from outside」 「It’s something like that. It’s similar to a game called Werewolf. After you were eliminated, you can watch while grinning」(TL: Also known as Mafia) 「Un! You’d grin right. By the way, what’s Werewolf?」 「Let’s have it for next time」 「Un, I got it!」 Nadia made a huge nod, and went towards Sylvia. 「It’s Sylvie’s turn next huh. Let’s make plans beforehand」 「But, it will change until before starting with Lucio-sama’s magic right. Then, I don’t think that you can have plans」 「That’s not true at all. I think, if you would go to the same direction from the start, you can get out. Like, always to the right, or always to the left」 「I-Is that true, Lucio-sama」 「Well, that is one of the strategies butーー」 「I heard something good」 Veronica once again made a grin inside the labyrinth. 「The same direction, was it. Then, if I would continuously go to the right hereーー」 Sylvia raised a small voice. From the two doors, Veronica who had opened the door just like she had declared, she had plunged into a lake with good momentum. Veronica who was drenched and had returned to her original size confronted me. 「Did you not say that it would be the goal if I go to the same direction?!」 「No, that’s a strategy used when there’s only one exit. This one has walls that are like an entrance right. It’s just that most of it connects to a lake」 「Uu......」 Looking at the labyrinth, Veronica groaned. She was like, understood what I said immediately, but couldn’t contain her anger. 「Whatever desu wa! Next, Sylvia, it’s your turn!」 「Un. Then, please take care of me, Lucio-sama」 「Ahh」 While casting magic to Sylvia this time, I remade the labyrinth. Sylvia entered the labyrinth. Is it because of her personality, it feels like she’s very cautious opening a door. Cautiously and carefully, she is advancing to clear the labyrinth. 「Ne?, Lucio. If this continues......」 「Yeah, she would reach the time limit with no doubt」 「Come to think of it, what would happen after the time’s up?」 Nadia and Veronica looked at me at the same time. 「It would be faster to just look rather than explaining......look, there it is」 「Ahh, it would be like this huh」 「Wawa, Sylvie, run, run?」 「Eh, eh, ehhhhh?」 Sylvia who got little panicked. 「That is......how cruel. If you’re going to be chased by that, it would be better to fall into water」 Veronica said her opinion. Un, I set it like that after all. A small bucket-like thing appeared inside the giant labyrinth. The bucket was full of black ink, and advances through the labyrinth running by itself. It’s something that would search for the challengers who have reached their time limit and throw ink to them. 「Sylvie, run away?」 「Looking at it is very fun huh」 「By the way」 The moment I said that, the second bucket appeared. 「It increases with time」 「Ahh! No, Sylvie, if you go there, you’d get caught betweーー」 Shortly after Nadia’s warning, Sylvia was caught by the buckets, and was covered by ink. Sylvia who had returned was making a slightly teary face. 「Uu, you’re so bad, Lucio-sama......」 「Sorry, sorry, as an apology, I’ll wipe it for you」 I took the towel, and made Sylvia pretty while using magic. 「Yosh, you became beautiful」 At the end, I kissed her on her forehead. 「......」 「Who’s the one next?」 Veronica stared at me with squinted eyes, and Nadia was looking at the labyrinth with an excited face instead. 「I will go」 And, Veronica challenged for the second time. 「A-re, she wouldn’t move」 「What happened? If you don’t move, the time would be up」 Sylvia and Nadia thought of it strangely. Veronica stayed in the first room after the entrance without moving. The bucket finally came, and she was now covered in ink. 「Why didn’t you move?」 Nadia asked Veronica who had returned strangely. Veronica didn’t answer, and moved straight towards me. 「Please wipe me too」 「Ahh」 Just like with Sylvia, I wiped her using the towel and magic. 「Un, that’s good」 「Is that all?」 Veronica stared at me with squinted eyes and dissatisfaction. 「Just like, you know, there’s something after you wipe it off right」 「After I wiped off?」 I wonder what it is, I tilted my head. 「U?n, “you became beautiful.” Is that it?」 「Eh, w-what did you say right now?」 「Eh? Veronica became beautiful?」 What’s up with that, I thought, but. 「Beautiful......」 Veronica’s face reddened like *Puff*, and looked down. Why? 「Ah! It was like that huh」 「What, what, what do you mean?」 「E?to, in my case, it wasーー, and in Veronica-san’s case, it wasーー, so」 Sylvia whispered to Nadia’s ears. I couldn’t hear it well, but Nadia who heard that gradually widened her eyes. 「I see! Lucio-kun, I’m next!」 「Y-Yeah」 I made Nadia who was suddenly in maximum tension small, and made her enter the labyrinth. 「Is it here, or is it here. Is it time yet, hurry up and come??」 For some reason, without trying to clear the dungeon properly, Nadia comes and goes through rooms that were safe. 「Yes. Doing that would make her encounter it more quickly」 「I see. Well, it can’t be helped huh」 Sylvia and Veronica, nodded at each other as if they knew what it was about. The time was finally up, and Nadia, she charged herself to the bucket that appeared. And Nadia who had returned. 「Lucio-kun! Wipe me, wipe me, kiss me on my forehead and say that I’m beautiful」 「......」 I got it with that. I looked at Sylvia and Veronica. Sylvia looked down shyly, and Veronica acted as if nothing happened. She wanted me to do something, and charged with it huh. ......oi, oi, this wouldn’t work as a game. It wouldn’t work as a game, but. 「Lucio-kun, hurry!」 Looking at Nadia’s appearance that makes me hurry with an excited smile, “Well, whatever”, I thought.
「......is this the mansion Nii-san bought?」 I lost my words seeing the scene in front of me. Sylvia, Nadia, and Mami who was behind me was the same. 「......that is right de gozaimasu」 Amanda who guided us here also had voice of a lower tone than usual. She was clearly astonished, her voice was that kind of tone. She would surely become like that, even if the mansion in front of us can be called a mansion, it was a lot that should be called a haunted mansion. The roof is on tatters, the window glass also was shattered. Some of the walls have fallen down, and double doors placed in the front entrance was half-destroyed. Inside the lot, there were grass growing everywhere, and it doesn’t look like people can live on it. 「Lucio-sama, I will, go look inside」 「I will go too」 「I-I can also go if you really want me to」 The three entered the mansion one next to the other. Being left behind, I let out a deep sigh. 「Why did he buy something like this?」 「He ordered a mansion that can be bought as soon as possible, they said. Also......」 「Also?」 「Because he bought it without negotiation, it looks like it was bought expensively. Precisely, twice of the market price」 「Twice, you say......oi oi」 As usual, you’re always catching us unaware, Isaac. 「In addition, precisely, that was the market price if it was “newly constructed”」 ......he’s caught us one notch higher. That means, the price would’ve been ten times the current value of this mansion. Really, what does he want to do. 「With that said, Lucio-sama, excuse me for being presumptuous, but Lucio-sama shouldn’t push himself to take this」 Amanda said. She had a worried face. 「No, it’s okay」 「But」 「*Geho*, *GehoGeho*」 While coughing, Sylvia went outside from the mansion. 「What happened. Are you okay Sylvia」 I ran to her, and rubbed her back. Sylvia coughed so much that tears welled up in her eyes, and sneezes. If I look closely, her eyes was somehow sore. 「I-I’m sorry, Lucio-sama. The dust inside the mansion was so much」 I was convinced, it looks like this from outside, the inside is probably more terrible. 「By the way, where’s Nadia?」 「N-Nadia-chan said that she would look around a little bit longer. She said it was exciting because she felt a weird presence」 「Why are lines for adventure comes out from the mansion that we would live in?」 When I was rubbing Sylvia’s back who continues to cough, I felt a presence beside me. When I looked up, Mami was there. The cat ears girl, how can I say this, she had a rat in her mouth. ......as expected of a cat?. 「That is?」 「I caught it」 「You caught it huh」 「There’s still more, I’ll go catch more of them」 She left the rat in the ground, and Mami jumped into the mansion once again. It was hard to tell, but just like Nadia, she was also in the excited group huh. The fed up group was Amanda, Sylvia and I, the three of us. Sylvia who retreated, Nadia who continues to explore, Mami who came back to hunt. 「......this is an amazing mansion, huh」 「You should not push yourself to take it」 Amanda said the same words. She was a little annoyed was probably because of the anger against Isaac. Thinking about it normally, doing what Amanda said was for the best, but I thought that giving up with this, is somehow... 「It’s okay, I’ll take it」 「But, if it was like this, even living on it......」 「I’ll do something about it」 I stepped into the lot, and searched magic in my head. In the ones that I had thought of roughly, there was two magic that could be useful. One of them was orthodox one, and the other was a little atypical. I thought which one of themーーand I chose the latter. 「Nadia, Mami, come out」 I let out a loud voice, and called out to Nadia and Mami from outside the mansion. The two saw that I was going to use magic, and went out without asking anything. Nadia, with an excited face, stood beside Sylvia, and stared at me. I reached out my hand, and chanted the magic. 「Daily Mansion」 The light of the magic became a light bubble, and enveloped the mansion. After a while, the mansion which was swallowed changed its appearance. Its shape had changed very much, but instead, a newーーit became a mansion that came normally be lived in. 「Ohh, it changed very much」 Nadia ran into the mansion with her eyes shining, and Mami also entered the mansion just the same. After a while, the two came back. 「It was too normal, it’s boring......」 「There wasn’t prey......」 Just like that, both of them was disappointed. 「That’s good enough. It’s a place we’ll live normally you know」 「Uhm......Lucio-sama, what kind of magic is that?」 「You’ll know soon」 I grinned to Sylvia. I looked back to Amanda, and said. 「As you can see. There’s no problem」 「Yes」 Amanda bowed respectfully, and said with an impressed expression. 「To think that a difficult problem would be solved so easily, as expected of Lucio-sama de gozaimasu」 「Lucio-sama!」 The next day, Sylvia woke me up with a panicking voice. I raised my body from the bed, and rubbed my eyes. I felt that the surroundings was somehow very bright. 「Fuaa, good morning, Sylvia」 「Good morningーーI mean, Lucio-sama! It’s an emergency」 「What happened」 「The mansion became transparent!」 I opened my eyes and looked around. I could see outside. Precisely said, all of the walls and floors of the mansion changed into transparent glass, and even though we were in the bedroom, I could see outside through transparent walls. Even though it was shaped like a mansion, everything became a see-through skeleton house. 「I see, it became like this in the second day huh」 「Like this, you say......what does that mean, Lucio-sama」 「Daily Mansion. If casted to a building, it is a kind of magic that would change the building to another building everyday. Well, it’s something just like daily meal or tear off calendar」 「Ehhhhhh, t-there’s something like that desu ka」 「Yeah」 「Was that so......then, will it become a different mansion tomorrow again?」 「Ha?......」 Sylvia made a complicated face. On the other hand, Nadia was having fun. As soon as I stretched and looked up the ceiling, I met my eyes with her on the higher floor. She stared at me intently, and Nadia waved her hand with a smile. This one’s having fun because it was skeleton. 「Lucio-kun, Lucio-kun」 The next morning, Nadia woke me up. 「Fua?a. Good morning Nadia. It’s you today huh」 「Lucio-kun, this magic is bad」 What happened, I thought, and when I looked to the side......I fell from the bed. I rubbed my shoulder that hit, and raised my body up. The bed that I was sleeping in, became a very narrow bed. It was a bed that could be called as a balance beam, falling down is naturalーーrather, I’m impressed I could’ve slept until now. When I looked closely the room too, although it should’ve been the bedroom, it felt like a warehouse had all these kinds of tools. Those were somehow subtly customized to the furniture, and if I look very closely, it looked interesting. 「Ne! It’s bad right」 Nadia who seemed to like that very much, denied. 「Un, Why?」 「This bed. I can’t sleep with Lucio-kun with this you know. I thought that it’s interesting that it would change everyday, but I don’t want to change the bed」 「Fumu」 I thought of what Nadia said. Certainly, as she had said. It’s fun to live in an interesting house, but it’s certain that I wouldn’t want to change the bed in the room. I like to sleep with my wives in a wide room with a bed that was larger than king size. Un, this daily mansion is bad huh. 「I got it, I’ll do something about it」 I let everyone get out of the mansion, and casted magic. One of the two magic, the other one. 「Glory Regression」 The light of the magic enveloped the mansion, and gradually changed its shape. 「Lucio-kun, what magic is it this time?」 「It is magic that returns it to its best condition, what the magic was casted on」 「Best condition?」 「Right, well, just look」 The mansion changed. It changed to a skeleton house yesterday, and it changed to the normal mansion the day before that. After it changed into the haunted mansion three days before, it became a scene that looked it was rewinding. The opposite scene of being deserted, a scene that gradually fixes. 「Just like this, little by little to its past condition, it’s magic that returns it to its best condition」 「Just returning it?」 「That’s right」 「Un! If it’s like that, we can live normally huh」 「Thank goodness......」 Sylvia was relieved. Different from Nadia, she couldn’t enjoy the daily mansion even once, so it made it feel that she was more relieved. The magic accelerates, the same thing that happens that when forward continues its speed goes up. And finally, it got so fast it couldn’t be seen by the eyes. My two wives said. And finally, the rewinding stopped. 「Uwa?, what’s this, it’s amazing」 「Uhmm......is this the time when it was at its best? ......that might be it」 My two wives that reacted differently, I also made a subtle face. The mansion’s shape almost didn’t changed. Its appearance was almost the same with the haunted house. But the roof, the walls, and the decorations here and there. How can I say this, its was shining with gold. It was probably built as a golden mansion, in the start. 「Lucio-sama, it’s normal inside」 My two wives that entered inside first said. It looks like it was only outside that was shining with gold. For the mean time, let’s live in it, if it wasn’t good, then I will just do something about it with another magic, I thought. While thinking this and that, I also had a few idea......because I could learn something from the Grimoire Library. With this, I gained my mansion in the royal capital. That it would be called as Golden Mansion and become a tourist spot later on, was something I didn’t know right now.
「......Ho」 On top of the bed, Sylvia put her hand to around her crotch, and was relieved. Waking up first and confirming it, she was relieved that she didn’t wet the bed. 「Good Morning, Sylvia」 「G-Good Morning, Lucio-sama!」 Sylvia panicked a little. The way she checked her crotch, and the bed one more time was very cute. 「What’s up?」 「U?un, it’s nothing!」 「I see」 I looked at Sylvia while smiling with a pleasant feeling. I heard a sleepy voice from behind. I turned aroundーーI burst out. 「Ahahahahaha」 Nadia in her pajama look, her head has exploded with her bed-hair. It’s a bomberhead that seemed like an afro. It might even look as art. 「What’s up......?」 It was more funnier since the person itself haven’t noticed at all. 「Wawa, Nadia-chan’s head is a mess」 「Sylvia, lend me your comb」 「Yes! I will also take water so you can damp it」 I took the comb and the cup filled with water, and fixed her bed-hair. While doing that, I was thinking of something. I need to think of a new trade starting today. I will continue selling water, but now that I’m independent, I want to do something different. To live leisurely with Sylvia and Nadia like this, I need to earn a little more. The problem is, I don’t know what to do. I can do almost anything with magic, so anything is good. If there’s just a spark. 「I wonder if there’s anything good for trade」 「How about fish, Lucio-sama」 「Fish? Why fish?」 I looked at Sylvia. 「Uhm, I just associated it with water. I’m sorry」 「Yosh, then let’s go catch some fish then」 After breakfast, we went out of the town of Barza, together with Sylvia and Nadia, the three of us walked leisurely. With my right hand to Sylvia, and left hand to Nadia, that I was holding. 「Ah, a dog」 「That’s wrong Sylvie, that’s a fox」 Just as Nadia has said, ahead of the road, *Hyokon* the fox was showing its face from the bush. *Kyoro*, *Kyoro* after it looked around, it went back to the bushes again. 「Cute」 「You want to feed it?」 「Feed? We don’t have any food you know」 「We can just get it」 I looked around. In a place that was a little far away, there was an apple tree, so I let the two wait and went to the tree. 「Wind Cutter」 I used one magic from the thousands that I’ve remembered. The blades of wind cuts the branch of the tree. I caught the apple that was fell, took two of them, and returned to the two. 「Amazing......」 Nadia widened her eyes, surprised. 「Does Lucio-kun, can also use that magic?」 「Lucio-sama can use more than a thousand magic you know!」 「Eeeeeeeh! Amazing!!」 Nadia was surprised a lot. 「It’s nothing special. Rather than that, here」 I gave the apple to Sylvia and Nadia. The two took the apple, and went towards the bush where the fox was. *Hyokon* fed the fox that showed its face again. A brown-colored fox, and two girls. I narrowed my eyes and watched them. The two played with the fox for a little while. Came back to where I was, and held my hands. And again, we started walking. 「Ne?ne?, why does Lucio-kun can use that much magic? Did you read a lot of Grimoires?」 「I read all of the Grimoires that Ojii-san collected」 「Isn’t Grimoire, difficult?」 「It’s interesting you know, Grimoires」 「Is it interesting?! I heard, that the Grimoires are very difficult though」 「Un, it’s very difficult」 *UnUn* Sylvia was nodding. 「Lucio-sama who could read that continuously is an amazing person you know!」 Nadia started to look at me with admiring eyes. I don’t know though, I can only read manga though. 「Ne?, what else can you do with magic?」 「If it’s like basicallyーーDress Up」 I casted a magic to Sylvia and Nadia. The clothes the two was wearing, changed to a different cute clothes. 「Uwaaaa......」 She made a more and more admiring eyes to me. On the other hand, Sylvia was a little proud. While I was holding my hands with the two, we arrived at the lake. 「Lucio-sama, are we going to fish here?」 「Yeah, that’s what I’m planning」 「But we don’t have fishing rods you know?」 「Wait a second」 I went to a near tree, and used Wind Cutter. I checked the durability of the branch that I cut off, and wrapped a string in the tip of it. 「Magic Hand」 I used the next magic. In the string’s end, in the place where you would usually place a needle, a white “hand” appeared. *WashaWasha* the hand moved. Un, it can go. I made two of that, and gave that two to Sylvia and Nadia. 「Here, use this」 「This......is it a fishing rod?」 「It has hands......」 「Think of it that you are going to move that hand」 「Uhmm......Uwa! It moved」 The “hand”, the Magic Hand moved. The two went inside the lake while taking that. 「L-Lucio-kun! It’s pulling」 「Pull it up」 「Un!」 Nadia pulled the fishing rod the best she could. What came up from the lake, was the magic hand that was grabbing a small fish. 「Amazing!」 「Interesting!」 *KyaKya* the two was letting out that while fishing. I made one more fishing rod with Magic Hand on it, and together we fished.
Leaving Barza, Sylvia, Nadia, Coco/Mami and I arrived at the royal capital, La Linea, during early of spring. On the way, I lazily flirted around with Sylvia and Nadia so it felt that we arrived very fast. We entered La Linea, we took an inn for the meantime. In a decent inn, in one large room. Only my wives and pet are staying so this was enough. Nadia and Coco were looking outside, and Sylvia was facing towards me. 「Are you going out, Lucio-sama」 「Yeah, for the meantime I will go to the Royal Grimoire Library, and I’ll find a house after that」 「What do we have to do?」 「You can tour around the capital freely」 「I understand. Please be careful」 Sylvia said that, and Nadia and Coco waved their hands by the window. I left the three and went out of the room, there was the muscle macho owner in the counter so I talked to him. 「Ne?ne?, where is the royal grimoire library??」 「Library? What are you going to do there」 「Just a bit, I’m interested」 「Fuun. If that is it then, after you go out from here, walk straight to the left and go right in the third street, you can reach it if you go straight from there. It is a building different from others」 「Building different from others?」 「You’ll know when you get there」 The muscle macho repeated the same words. I wonder if it was that kind of building really easy look apart. 「I got it, thanks, Oji-chan」 I said thanks in child-mode, and left the inn. I walked the way as the macho master had said. As expected of the Royal Capital La Linea, it was very lively. People pass each other, full of vitality, and on top of that, there are goods that I had never seen in Barza that was being sold on the store here and there. I want to slowly look around, I want to go here and there together with Sylvia and Nadia, I thought. After a while, I saw that. 「......I see, this is to know」 That building, it was upside down! A large, splendid, beautiful building that is worth having the word Royal in it. But, it’s upside down! Just as if the roof of it was stabbed to the ground, it was a building with that kind of feeling. The meaning of different from others, I’m sure that this is it. I entered from the entrance-like place. Inside was more ridiculous. Although the interior was upside down, things like the counter, table, and chairs were normal. And the bookshelves were upside down starting from the ceiling. To whom, and how did someone made this, I was a little interested. 「Hey boy, this isn’t a place kids come yo」 When I turned around to the voice, there was a large man. His height easily exceeds two meters. Rather than to a library, he was a man who was more fit to a stadium. That man had a stack of books on his hand. The books look very small compared to the man, I felt my senses get unstable. 「Are you lost? Un?」 「Ne?, this is the Royal Grimoire Library right」 I asked in the child-mode. 「Yeah, as you can see, this is the place where the Grimoires gathered throughout the Kingdom is stored」 The man glanced to his back. In the wide space, numerous Grimoires. There were tens of times of what Ojii-san had collected, it was the scenery as expected of being called royal. 「Then it’s correct」 「Un?」 「I’m Lucio Martein, here」 I took out the certificate that I got from Ruby, and gave it to the man. The man held the stacked books with one hand, and dexterously took the certificate. He read that. When he read it to the end, the man’s face color changed. 「Boy was the new administrator huh!」 The man was surprised, I was also surprised. Administrator? 「What’s that」 「I was told from above, that a new administrator will come they said. That it was a great magician scouted by the princess herself」 「I don’t know about that you know? I told Ruby-sama that I want to read more Grimoires, and I only received permission to enter the library」 「Wait a minute」 The man took out a sheet of paper from the back of the counter. He stared intently at that paper, and said. 「As I have thought, Lucio Martein of Barza will be appointed as the new administrator of the Royal Grimoire Library. Treat him with respect and explain it to him」 「Arara」 Is that really true. But well, if I think about it carefully, if I wanted to read the books in the library freely, the administrator is a very easy convenient stature. I should receive it gratefully, and read all the Grimoires. 「Ah?, I am Fan Cruz. Nice to meet you」 「I’m Lucio Martein. Please take care of me」 Fan and I shook hands. There was a huge difference in our body size, my hand was only about Fan’s finger, so it became a strange handshake. 「But, why did someone like Boy became the administrator? Is it honorary position」 「It’s because in the whole world, I’m the fastest reader of Grimoires」 「You came out big huh」 「It’s true you know?」 Probably though. 「Fu?n, that’s right」 Fan went to the back of the library as if to remember something. He took one Grimoire from there, and returned. 「Here」 「It’s a new Grimoire. A Grimoire that was found recently, a book only one in the world. No one has read it yet, and it’s something that has unknown magic in it」 「He?」 Fan reached that to me, it was a face a little mean. Go read it if you can, it was that kind of face. I received the Grimoire, and opened it. It was a heartbreaking manga. It was a tearjerker-type scenario themed with the rain, and it was made with an emotional ending finale together with the clearance of the weather. After reading it till the end, a magic emerges inside of my head. I see, that kind of magic huh. 「How is it」 「Un, I learned it」 「I’ll go try it for a bit」 I left the Grimoire, and went outside. Compared to the inside of the library that was chilly, the Royal Capital La Linea that entered the spring had warm south winds blowing. Fan followed. 「What will you do?」 「I’m going to use the magic of that Grimoire」 I said that, and closed my eyes and imagined. I strongly maintain that image, reach out my hands, and chanted. 「Weather Change?Snow」 After I chanted, I felt the biggest sense of exhaustion until now. It was a sense of exhaustion of my magic powers being taken away. That was, a sense of exhaustion that made me feel it was a success. 「Wha, whawhawhawhawha!」 Fan was surprised, I opened my eyes and looked up to the sky. The warm skies with sunlight earlier was covered with clouds, and snow fell. An ancient magic that changes the weather. An enormous amount of magic powers are needed, but it was a magic that has effect?phenomenon that was worth it. I had results, and asked Fan. 「A-Ameijing......」 It was Fan with his eyes wide opened, and jaws dropped.
Nadia and I, the two of us entered the bath in the after noon. I was on leisure since morning today, and I was invited by Nadia to enter the bath after lunch. 「Yoisho......yoisho」 Within the bath that was full of steam, Nadia was doing her best to scrub my back. 「Lucio-kun, is somewhere itchy?」 「It’s okay, it’s just enough with right now」 She said that, and washed me from my back, arms, and legs. It was very satisfying, both of my heart and body were relaxed. 「Ahh, goodness! I’m splashed by water again!」 With that voice, *GaraGaraGara*, the door opened. Cat-eared girl, Mami was there. Mami was drenched, and it seems like she came to the bath to warm her body. 「Mami-chan, yahho?」 「NadiーーKyaaaa」 The instant Mami saw me, she raised a scream, turned back and ran like a wild rabbit. Well, if you see a naked man (but, -years-old), you would react like that. 「Mami-chan?」 「Leave her alone. Rather than that, are you okay with it?」 「With what?」 Nadia was surprised cluelessly. 「Looking at a naked body, aren’t you embarrassed」 「We’re a husband and wife so there’s nothing embarrassing」 Nadia said that in a very good mood, and continued to scrub me. It was a line that I heard somewhere, but it was more persuasive than that. And just like that, I was scrubbed clean by Nadia, let her wash me, and we entered the bath tub together. 「Soaking in the bathtub feels very good?」 *BataBata*, Nadia raised her legs off the water and fluttered them. I rested my body to the object that was inside the bathtub. The bath tub that had an object that was like those on hot springs looks really good, but it’s a little small. Sylvia would probably be fine with it, but I think it’s too small for Nadia. As expected, Nadia who couldn’t settle down said something like this. 「If it was a little bigger I could swim though」 「Do you want to swim? Let’s relax」 「You’d want to swim while relaxing you know? I think that swimming in a warm bath like this would feel really good」 「Hmm」 Somehow, I think I can get that. The point is not in normal waters, but bath water. 「Yosh, let’s swim」 「How?」 「『Small』」 Nadia and I, I casted magic to both of our bodies. It was the magic I used during subjugation of cockroaches, and our body gradually became smaller. 「Move over here」 「Un!」 Before we got completely small, we went on the top of the object that I rested my body on. And there, we became completely small. 「Amazing?, it’s like an island on a lake」 Nadia said her comment. I also felt the same. We who got smaller, were like we’re on a floating island above a lake. 「Ahahaha, the lake is warm?」 「If it’s like this you can swim right?」 「Un! Ei!」 *Pasha?n*, Nadia jumped in. She romped swimming. I sat down on the banks, got careful not to fall, and soaked my lower body within the bath water. Suddenly, something flowed. When I looked at it carefully, that was my hair. The very thin hair, looked like a rope because of our size. 「Ah?, that was fun. Lucio-kun, you won’t swim?」 To the objectーーNadia who came up to the island asked that. 「No, I’m fine with relaxing just like this」 「I see?, then, I’ll also relax?」 She said that, lowered her waist beside me, and sat with our shoulders lined up. *PashaPasha*, while she fluttered her legs on the bath water, we relaxed. After a while, I heard footsteps. 「Lucio-sama, the dinner isーーa-re?」 The door opened and Sylvia appeared. 「Ahaha, Sylvia’s like a giant」 「That’s true, she looks like that. Sylvia, I amーー」 When I was in the middle of saying that, Nadia covered my mouth. 「Nadia?」 「It’s fun, so just like this for a little bit」 I wonder what is fun. On the other side, Sylvia felt strange that I was not in the bath. 「I wonder where did he go, Lucio-sama, and Nadia also. Although their clothes are here......」 *KyoroKyoro*, she looked around. 「If it’s Lucio-sama, he should be okay though」 Sylvia said that and entered. She placed her hand inside the bathtub, and it seems like she’s removing the bath water. 「This......Lucio-sama’s hair......?」 Sylvia’s movements stopped. She was staring intently at the hair I saw earlier. 「Lucio-sama’s hair......the bath water Lucio-sama used......」 Sylvia was mumbling something. 「B-Before I remove the bath water, maybe I should use it?」 Somehow, she feigned very clearly. She went out once, after ruffling sounds could be heard, she returned. In her naked look after she took off her clothes. Her form was still an -year-old child’s, but her size was a giant’s. It was an unbalance that was impossible normally. 「Ahahaha, Sylvie so funny?」 It looks like Nadia felt the same. Sylvia entered the bath tub after washing her body. She soaked up to her shoulders, and “Hau?......”, she let out a sigh. 「It’s like I was being embraced by Lucio-sama......Lucio-sama」 「She said」 Nadia poked me with her elbow. It’s somehow embarrassing. 「It feels good......I know」 Sylvia floated. She completely relaxed her body, and floated on the bath water as if to lay on her back. Sylvia who was floating inside the bath tub, that appearance of hers looks very happy. I wanted to continue seeing that, but. 「Yoisho, Yoisho」 Nadia approached Sylvia, and climbed her! 「Nadia?!」 「Eh? Nadia-chan?!」 「Yahho?」 To Sylvia who noticed, Nadia raised her hand and casually replied. 「W-Why?」 「I became small with Lucio-kun’s magic, and we were having fun with the lake of bath water」 「Ehhhh? Then, Lucio-sama also?」 「I’m here」 「Awawa......」 Sylvia started panicking a little. Looking at her not able to move decently because Nadia was on her, was so ridiculous and cute. And that Nadia laid face down on top of Sylvia. Just as if she laid on a beach to sunbathe. 「S.S. Sylvie huh, the ship’s」 「S-Ships?」 「Lucio-kun should come too. Let’s ride it together? S.S. Sylvie」 I thought for a bit, and did that. Because it seems really fun. I rode on top of Sylvia, and laid on my back. 「It really feels good, this」 When I looked diagonally while laying on my back, I met my eyes with Sylvia. I smiled at her sweetly. Sylvia smiled back shyly. With that, the three of us stopped moving. Sylvia who floated on the bath tub, and dwarf Nadia and I who laid around on top of her. Laid around, poked from time to time, and ask Sylvia for a splash of the bath water. Until the bath water got cold, we spent our time there leisurely.
「It is great that you have come, my Senjukou」 In the palace’s audience hall, I was called here by the King this time for the first time after a while. 「It’s been a while, Ou-sama」 「Umu, umu, my Senjukou, did anything happened? Do you feel inconvenience with your lifestyle? I know, it will become colder from now on, I should give you have of the heatstones that the palace keeps」 「Your Majesty, if it is half of those that is kept in the palace, Duke-sama’s mansion would become buried」 The minister on the side pointed that out, and stopped the outrage of the King. “It’s the usual combi”, I thought, and continued the conversation. 「Thanks, Ou-sama. Can I get just some of it. I’ll try using it with everyone, and just ask later on if it’s good」 「I see, I see. Umu, you can take them anytime」 「Your Majesty, please hurry......」 The minister made the King hurry up from the side. Unlike the King whose eyes were always drooping to the side, the minister is somewhat......no, quite serious. I would probably be asked to do something, so I prepared myself. 「Well then, my Senjukou. The reason that I called you sir, is because, I want you to do something」 「Un, if it’s Ou-sama who asks. What should I do?」 「It’s subjugation」 「Subjugation?」 「That is right. Do you remember about Guernica」 「Un, of course」 Veronica came from there, there’s no way that I could forget about it. The small kingdom Guernica. A country that became a vassal of the Kingdom because of financial difficulties. Soon after it became a vassal state, the King sent me there to rebuild their economy. A lot of things had happened, I remembered a simple thing that veins of gold not only exists in land but also under the sea, so I mined tons of gold using magic, and left it in Guernica. By the way, the value of gold is just the same here compared to the gold in the world I was before, so when I computed how much its value is when I went home, I found out that it was between trillion and trillion. That is well, off the subject. The most important thing for me was that I met Veronica. My very, very important lovely wife, Veronica. The best thing that happened to me in Guernica was meeting her, and taking her with me. Something like mining gold, it is only the by-product of our date under the sea. 「What happened to Guernica?」 「A few days ago, insurgents appeared in the town called Mi Amir in Guernica’s territory, and King Guernica sent 0 soldiers to suppress them」 「2000 of them? Were they such amazing insurgents? ......wait a second, isn’t that a bit, weird」 「Umu, as expected of my Senjukou, it is great that you have noticed. That’s right. Guernica is our vassal state, they are deprived of their military rights when they commended to us. As long as I do not permit it, they shall not be able to have soldiers, let alone mobilizing, it is preposterous」 「Of course, you didn’t permit them right」 If he did, he wouldn’t be talking about this right now. The King nodded. 「Umu. They did it all on their own」 「I see」 「On top of that, I have heard that after subjugating the insurgents, they continued to stay at Mi Amir」 「......that is also bad, right」 「It is substantially a rebellion」 The minister said from the side. I guessed so. They mobilized soldiers without having military rights, on top of that, they’re “holding” a town. Just like the minster has said, it is substantially a rebellion. 「And so, my Senjukou. Can you go to Mi Amir for a bit and annihilate the Guernica’s soldiers」 The King paused there, and stared at me. It was an unusually serious face. 「Go on your own, and show them the might of my Senjukou」 He gave me such an unreasonable thing to do. I was ordered to go beat 2000 enemies completely by myself. Normally thinking, it’s an absurd order, and it’s better to be told to “go die”. In my case, and in the King’s case. It wasn’t absurd nor telling me to go die, he literally wants me to go there by myself intentionally, so that he can brag about me. 「Un, I got it」 That’s why, I nodded. I accepted what the King said, and accepted to go by myself. Well then, 2000 people huh. “I wonder what magic would be good?”, from early on, I already started to search for the magic I should use inside my head.
「I’m back?. Uu?, it’s so cold」 Nadia who came back from outside was continuously rubbing her palms. It’s true that the temperature today started to drop from the morning, and the temperature right now is cold even if long sleeves were worn. 「Ah! It’s Lucio-kun. Kyahhoii?」 As soon as Nadia who was passing by the living room saw me who was reading manga, she hugged me very quickly, almost as if she dove. 「U?n, Lucio-kun’s so wa?rm」 「Is that so. It looks like it was quite cold outside」 I pushed my palm on her cheeks. Nadia’s cheeks were soft and cold. 「That’s right you know. Is there anything interesting, I mean, I just strolled around but it was just cold」 「It’s already fall after all?」 「Yes, it’s like that when I noticed it?. The summer this year was so long so I got a little off guard」 While saying that, Nadia rubbed her cheeks on my arm. Did she got warm with that, she showed me her usual very cheerful smile and said to me. 「Ne?, Lucio-kun, do you have something that can make it warm?」 「Hmm」 I put the manga I was reading on my lap, and searched for magic inside my head. And then, I remembered something. The search range reached out to things other than magic, and I remembered something that was nostalgic. 「This is?」 「Kotatsu? It only looks like a table with beddings on it though」 Well, that’s right. The thing that I asked Amanda-san to bring in the living room was just a normal low table, and a futon was just covering it. Specifically speaking, with the state it is in right now, it’s not yet a kotatsu. 「『Keep Warm』」 I casted the magic, it’s a magic that raises the temperature and keeps it warm. A low table covered with futon, a source of heat that would make it warm was added to that. 「Oh?, it would become a kotatsu with that magic right now huh?」 「No, not ye」 「Danna-sama」 Amanda-san came. As ordered, our house’s excellent maid brought a dish full of orange-like fruits. 「Is this all right」 「Un, it’s perfect. As expected of Amanda-san」 She could not tell what an orange was with just its name because it was probably called differently here, so I asked her to prepare something that looks similar, but it looked exactly like an orange. Those were placed in the middle of the table. 「With this, it’s complete」 「Hoeee??」 「Now, let’s go in」 I entered first. Seeing that, Nadia copied me and entered the kotatsu. 「Oh?, this is very warm!」 「Told you. We can relax with this」 Me and Nadia, the two of us entered the kotatsu. Nadia flipped the beddings and peeks under the kotatsu, laid on her back, lie on her stomach, she did many things. She peeled the orange-like thing and ate it, and finally, she started to get sleepy while under the kotatsu. And while she was doing all of that, I was reading Grimoires. It was an interesting manga that introduces different kinds of husband and wives, but it was relatively fun. Our house might be such an interesting husband and wives that appear in this manga, but when I was thinking of that. 「This is bad, Lucio-kun!」 Nadia called out to me with an urgent voice. 「What happened」 「I want to go to the toilet!」 「I want to go to the toilet!」 「Just go then」 「I can’t come out!」 「Ah?」 I grinned, curving my lips. 「It’s very hard to escape from the kotatsu after all?. Well, do your best?」 I cheered on her with a leisure voice. Nothing can be done with this. It is a natural thing that one would not be able to get out of the kotatsu, it is something that I cannot do anything about. The only thing that I could do, is just to cheer like what I did just now. 「Ku! As expected of Lucio-kun’s magic. To think that it would make me unable to escape once I entered!!」 It’s not my magic, but Japanese wisdom though. 「Kuuuuu, mumumumu......well, whatever?......」 It looks like it was not(?) something that needed urgency, Nadia thought deeply about it for awhile, and gave up as a result, choosing to remain in the kotatsu. 「Nadia-chan, you’re groaning, are you alright?」 「Ara, what is this?」 Sylvia and Veronica came at the same time. 「*Niyari*」 Ah! A villainous face. Nadia’s shining smile shined. And, after about an hour. 「I-I cannot go out?......」 「You tricked us!」 Sylvia and Veronica were the same, they got caught by the kotatsu. 「Ahahaha?, it’s amazing right?, Lucio-kun’s magic」 「Placing beddings over the table, and make it warm. Similar with the date in the sea, you really have great imagination as usual」 No, that’s why I’m saying that this isn’t my idea, but the invention of the great predecessors. Well, I won’t say it though. 「Ah! It’s Lucio-chan」 And, around an hour of being late, my fourth wife Balthazar came with light footsteps. 「Oh?, Hacchan, you want to enter the kotatsu too?」 「But, it’s already full」 Sylvia whispered with distress. It’s true that it’s full. It’s a low square table, normally, it’s a kotatsu for four. Me, Nadia, Sylvia, and Veronica. It’s full with this. And everyone got caught by the kotatsu and cannot go out. Meaning, Balthazar cannot enter. “What should we do”, my wives got troubled. 「Bal, she’s cold you know?」 「Ou」 「Lucio-chan should make her warm okay」 She said that, and didn’t mind the kotatsu but instead, hugged my arm. 「「「Ah」」」 The three raised their voice at the same time. “There was that”, was written on their faces. 「Supii?」, Balthazar who was hugging my arm started to sleep almost without a moment of pause. Oi oi, are you Nobita-kun or something. 「That looks good......」 Veronica whispered, and at the same time, I felt like I heard the voice 「Ha!」. Sylvia, Nadia, and Veronica. The eyes of the three changed to that of a predator beast. Unlike the kotatsu, my arm has only one open. I’m reading manga, but there was a case that when my both arms were being held, my wife would turn the pages for me. It isn’t a problem that I’m reading manga, my arm was open after all. “Would a competition happen with this”, I readied myself, but. 「Uu?......I can’t go out......」 「Ku! The chance is right in front of me」 The three lamented at the same time. ......they want to stick to me, but it’s impossible because they can’t leave the kotatsu, huh. ......pu! I couldn’t help but laugh out. In the end, after that, no one was able to leave. My other arm remained vacantly lonely until the very end. The magic powers of the kotatsu, it cannot be underestimated.
This day, the King came to the library since the morning, and was reading a Grimoire in the relaxing place. His clothes were the janitor’s of that some time, that simple clothes. Beside me who was reading one book every thirty minutes, the King was reading only one Grimoire, the one that I recommended earlier. 「Fumu」 「What is it? You read it?」 I raised my head, and asked in child-mode. 「No, I can’t read it at all. What is this really, drawing it this hard, I can only think that the one who wrote this Grimoire doesn’t think of making anyone else read it!」 The King was angry, it looks like it really came to him. Hard, you say, it’s not really that hard though?. I took a peak on that one that the King was holding from the side, but I really could only see it as manga. 「Can anybody make this easier to understand」 The king grumbles. Well, it’s impossible to make the manga more simpler than that right, unless, it was animatedーー. 「Anime?」 「What is it, Lucio」 The King made a strange face. On the other side, I thought deeply of my mumble. This world’s Grimoire is manga, and if you say its manga, its anime. Inside me, I think that anime is easier to understand than a manga, it’s easier to see too. Maybe, it can be an anime? I thought. If it was like that, the magic that is needed....... I thought for a while. I searched for something useful from the around magic that I can use. A combination of two kinds of magic......and a collaborator is needed. 「Ou-sama, I’ll borrow this for a bit okay」 I said, and took the manga the King was holding. 「What are you going to do?」 「It’s alright, please wait a minute」 「Umu? I don’t know what it is, but I’ll wait for it」 I left the King, and went outside while holding the Grimoire. While moving, I read the Grimoire. It was contents that I read once, so it entered my head quickly. I ruminate it, I thought of it from the start to end. *Patan* I closed the book, and chanted one magic. 「Create Delusion」 It is the magic that shows the contents of delusions to the real world. The magic succeeded. I read the manga, and the reconstructed one in my head was shown as a three-dimensional image. It had the same contents as the manga earlier. I was walking while I did it, so the people passing by that saw it was startledーーbut I ignored them. After walking for a while, I returned to the mansion. 「I’m back! Sylvia, Nadia, are you there?」 I called the two in the doorsteps, I immediately heard footsteps, the two ran with a trot. 「Welcome back, Lucio-sama」 「You’re early. Didn’t you say you’re going to be late today」 「Rather than that, there’s something I want you to do」 「You want us to?」 「RightーーCreate Delusion」 I chanted the magic again, and released the video earlier. 「Wawa, what is this, Lucio-sama」 「It’s moving, a puppet theater magic?」 「It’s pretty much the sameーーI want you to say these lines in accordance with it」 I said, and whispered to the two. I taught the lines of the characters. 「The lines, did you remember it properly」 「Un, somehow」 「This much, it’s too easy」 「Yosh, then, let’s go. Create DelusionーーRecording」 I consecutively chanted two kinds of magic. When I returned to the library, I saw the King slurping tea leisurely. 「I’m sorry to make you wait, Ou-sama」 「It’s okay, rather than that, what did you go to do?」 「Un, this」 I reached out a gemstone. 「This is?」 「Hold this and invoke」 「Is it like this?」 The King as I’ve said, invoked while holding the gemstone. The gemstone shined. The light moved in one direction, and showed images to the wall. It felt like a projector. 「What is this? It looks like two cute girls are fighting though」 「Ah! You can understand」 「Of course. Mu!? This voice isーーLucio’s wife’s voice huh」 「Un, I made the two match their voices」 「And, what is this?」 「You know, the contents of this」 I said, and returned the Grimoire to the King. 「Ohh, the Grimoire that I was reading」 「Its contents are this. Because Ou-sama said, you wanted to make it easier」 「Ohh, so you translated it to this huh」 Translation, it can be said, but it’s animation. 「How is it?」 「Umu, I understand, I really understand. Mu! These girls, are they best friends?」 「Un, they’re best friends, but it’s a story that they became enemies and fight」 「That is cruel. Can’t anything be done to make them stop」 「It’s that kind of story, so」 「Mumu, this side’s golden-haired girl was defeated. That side’s best friend, why did she use all her powers」 The Kind and I watched the anime I made, and had a lively discussion. Being able to see it normally, and understand the contents of the story normally. I see, if it was made into an anime it can be understood, and quickly in addition. After the video ended, I asked the King. 「Ne?ne?, did you learn magic?」 「Mu! I see, this was the translation of the Grimoire huh」 「Un. Ne! Light, can you chant it」 「UmuーーLight」 The King chanted the magic *Shi?n* Nothing happened. If that Grimoire was read, you can remember the magic Light with it though....... 「It looks like it failed」 「Un, it looks like that. I’m sorry, Ou-sama」 I felt a little sorry. I made it into an anime because the King wanted to read Grimoire to be able to use magic at least once, but it looks like the Grimoire should be read properly or else it wouldn’t work. 「Don’t mind it, Lucio. That feeling is enough」 「Un, I’m sorry」 「Rather than that. Can this gemstone be used many times? The video ended but it looks like it was still left behind」 「U?un, you can use it a lot of times. It was magic that saves the memories just like that」 「Yosh. Anyone?」 When the King shouted with a loud voice, the attendant he had outside entered. 「Did you call for us」 「Umu. I will open a party tonight, prepare it and invite」 「I understand」 The attendant came out. Party, the one like before? Why so sudden. 「Well then, I will take this」 The Kind said that, took the gemstone and stood up. 「Eh?」 「Today will be the premiere of this. Senjukou made it for me, I will go brag that it is amazing」 I tried to stop him, but the King, as if he was not an old man, came out with light movements. I mean, bragging it....... I worried if I should stop it for an instant, but. 「Well, whatever」 It’s not like it has some harm with it, the King’s that, it was the same with Ojii-san to meーーhe looked the same at the time when Ojii-san was bragging his grandson, so I couldn’t stop it. A few days later, the King downhearted and let me hear what happened in the party. Rather than the video itself, the guests liked the voice actorsーーSylvia and Nadia’s voice better.
「Make a contract with me and become a magical girl!」 「Hyan! W-What is it so suddenly, Lucio-sama」 In the mansion, after lunch. When I drew very near to Sylvia that I saw immediately after returning home, she made a completely surprised face. 「Make a contract with me and become a magical girl!」 「P-Please calm down, Lucio-sama. Please explain so that I could also understand」 Sylvia appealed. She seems very troubled. 「Today, I read this manga」 「It’s a new Grimoire right」 「Yeah, its contents are about a story of magical girls split to allies and enemies. With the two meanings of Moe and Moe(Burn), I think that it’s a masterpiece」 「Was that so. You learned a new magic right」 「Yeah, and so, I thought」 「Yes」 「I thought that, our house is lacking magical girls!」 「......sorry, I couldn’t understand after all」 Sylvia had a more and more troubled face. In fact, she’s really troubled. 「But, if I would be of Lucio-sama’s help, I will do my best. What do I need to do」 Sylvia said resolutely while she made closed fists in front of her chest. 「Just wait for a bit......『Rental Agreement』」 I used the magic that I just learned, a small magic circle appeared between Sylvia and me. 「Please touch that, and with that, the contract would be complete」 「Yes」 Sylvia touched the magic circle without hesitations. In an instant, the ring in Sylvia’s ring finger shined. And from there, light overflowed completely covering Sylvia, and when she got naked in an instant, she changed into a costume in the next. It was a very magical girl-like, a costume that has a similar look with uniforms. By the way, when she got naked, a mysterious ray of light shined and I couldn’t see her chest, there were no cutting corners there. 「I changed......」 「You transformed. With this, Sylvia is now a magical girl starting today」 「Haa?......and then, what should I do next?」 「Magical girls are, literally, girls that could use magic」 「Magician-san, desuka?」 「No, it’s magical girl! Magicians are different things」 「I-Is that so. E?to......」 「You should try to use magic」 「But, magic, I......」 「Right now, a very magical girl-like magic, should appear inside your head」 「Eh......ah! It’s true, why is something like this in my head......」 「Try it」 「......yes!」 Coming to this, Sylvia made a serious face. Up until a moment before, she was having a troubled face that couldn’t keep up with the situation, but in a moment, she had a serious face. 「Come, 『Cratel』」 This time, a magic stick appeared. It’s a stick with a shining gemstone on its end, an orthodox magical girl stick. 「You should also be able to use magic, try it」 「Yes!『Blaze Needle』」 The next instant that Sylvia casted the magic spell, a flaming needle appeared, and pierced through the wall. 「Ah!......I could use it. Is this Lucio-sama’s magic?」 「E?to......as I’ve thought, can you please explain it again?」 「Alright」 Looking at Magical Girl ☆ Sylvia, I’m very content. I calmed down a little bit, so I explained to her. 「There’s several effects with the magic that I learned in this Grimoire, one is, just like right now, a transformation function」 「Yes. It’s very cute」 I also think so. I should take pictures using magic later on. 「Another one is, lending magic to the person with a contract. That’s why, the magic that you used right now, is a magic spell that I learned by reading manga」 「It was like that huh」 「Of course, there are limits like, the effects and strength would be weaker compared to when I use it, and only one magic could be lent」 Although, there’s also a power-up event just like the classics of magical girls, after all, this Grimoire is a series one. Well, leaving that on the side. 「And so, with that, Sylvia is now a magical girl starting today!」 *Zubishi!*, I pointed her. 「Yes!」 Sylvia saluted in her magical girl appearance, it’s so cute. 「Uhm......but, Lucio-sama」 「What is it」 「Magical girls, what should they do?」 I didn’t think about that. There’s an All-Ages Rated one, and an R- one, but I should go with All-Ages right now. 「A classic one where your head would get eatenーー」 「Ehhhhh!」 「Or something like, having a fist fight with your best friend up in the air」 「Best friend, you say......Nadia-chan」 「Yeah. Yosh, wait for a bit」 Sylvia and Nadia, magical girls who would confirm their friendship through fists. Un, it’s a great picture. I would really like it to happen for real. I ran around the mansion, searching for Nadia. And then, finally, I found her. 「Nadia!」 「Oh, isn’t it Lucio-kun, what happened?」 「Okay」 Unlike Sylvia, Nadia accepted with a quick reply.
「Lucio-kun, Lucio-kun」 While I was sleeping, I was awakened by my body shaken. I wiped my eyes and raised my body, and Nadia was looking at me with an excited expression. 「Fuwaah. Good morning. What is it」 「Outside!」 「Outside?」 「Un, Outside! Just come!」 Pulling me by my hand, I was taken out of the room. After going out of the house, we went to the yard. There, was a scenery of silver world, snow was piled up. 「Lucio-sama」 Sylvia was also there. She also had an expression that she couldn’t stay in her place and was very excited. 「Did fall last night」 「It’s amazing right! It’s the first time I saw snow piled up this much」 「Is that so?」 「Un! At the place that I was living before it almost never fell, it sometimes do but is was *PechoPecho*-like snow」 「Ahh, I see. ......Then you have never done this」 「This?」 「Look」 I imagined a pose inside my head, took that pose, and jumped in the snow. My body shrunk to snow. The soft snow enveloped my whole body. Usually it would seem such a pity after this, but I have magic right now. 「Fly」 I used the magic that can only make something fly, and floated from inside the snow. Then returned to where Nadia was, and landed. 「Something like that, you’ve never seen before right」 「Wah, it became Lucio-sama’s shape」 「Ahahahaha, it looks fun」 The snow was clearly shaped, and the pose that I took shrunk to the snow. Because the pose was interesting, Sylvia and Nadia liked it very much. 「It’s the cliché during the first snow. After that is snow-ball fight」 「Snow-ball fight? What’s that」 「I know that......like this」 Sylvia made a ball from the snow, and threw it lightly to Nadia. 「It’s the game that you with hit it like this」 「Normally it is played with different teams. How’s this, Sylvia and Nadia will make a team, and the other team will be fine with me alone」 With three people, I suggested the teams made if it was played with opposite sex. 「Eh?, I want to be in the same team as Lucio-kun」 「I also, I want to be the same with Lucio-sama」 「Then, let’s make a team with three of us」 「Un」 「Wait wait, if the three of us are the same team, what will be the opponent」 「Lucio-kun should do something about it」 Nadia declared naturally. She said it naturally, and she was making an expression that if it’s me I could do something about it. Well yeah, I could though. 「Then, let’s first build a snowman」 「Snowman?」 「It’s something like this, Nadia-chan」 Sylvia stuck two snowballs, and made a palm-sized snowman. 「In here the eyes, the hands......Ah! wait a minute」 She ran to her room, and took out a small cloth. She wrapped that to the snowman’s neck, and used it as a muffler. 「You do it like this」 「Wah, so cute!」 「Then with this」 I casted magic to the snowman. It was the magic that gives life to a non-living thing, also can create a simple homunculus. The snowman moves, it jumped from Sylvia’s palm, *PyonPyon* she jumps around on the top of the snow. 「Amazing, so cute!」 「There’s also something like this」 I made a snowman that was a little different. A bit squared, a snowman that has 「●」as it’s eyes, and 「▲」as it’s mouth. Honestly, it’s Danbooru. 「Ka?wa?ii!!」 Nadia’s eyes shines very bright. Un, it’s cute right. I made a few snowmen, and gave life to it. And with the three of us, against the snowmen, we started the snowball fight. 「I will make snow balls, so Lucio-sama and Nadia-chan should throw them as much as you want」 「Un!」 「I got it, I’ll leave it to you」 I followed Sylvia’s suggestion. Sylvia made the snowballs, Nadia and I threw it. The snowmen also made snowballs and started throwing them. Laughter and snowballs were thrown around. Because the opponent was a snowman, the snowballs stuck to it one next to the other, became bigger and it made its movement dull, became a lot easier to hit, and became biggerーーThat repeated. Not lasting even five minutes, all the snowmen was covered with snow ball and cannot move anymore. 「Ahahahahaha, Victory!!」 Nadia made a V-sign, she’s on the roll. 「It was so fun! Snow-ball fight」 「Ah?, after moving around my throat is parched」 「Ah! I will go bring drinks」 「Ahh wait a minute」 I called Sylvia to a stop. Rather, I made a new snowmen, cute snowmen with 「▲」 and 「●」. I made few of those, and gave life to it altogether. 「Drinks, and also food」 When I ordered them, the snowmen started moving at the same time. They entered the house, and started preparing drinks at food as they were ordered. *WaraWara* the 「▲」 and 「●」 snowmen moved. They took out tea, took out snacks, and even started to massage Sylvia and Nadia’s shoulders. Sylvia who didn’t like being taken her job at first, gradually started enjoying it, and together with Nadia, she was delighted of being taken care of with everything. At that time, I became happy seeing the two smile while being taken care of, so I secretly increased the number of the snowmen. By the end of it, there was over a hundred of them, and the two looked like a queen.
Beside Nadia who was excited, I read the Grimoire that was found through treasure hunting. It’s an SF-tic manga. A story about the protagonist that can hear his future self’s voice one-sidedly, and using that as a prediction ability. *Patan*, I closed the Grimoire. 「You read it?」 「Un」 「What kind of magic is it?」 「It’s probably better if you just look at it actually. 『Foresee』」 I chanted the magic. A video was shown in front of us. A video where, did Sylvia tripped, and her skirt flipped up and her panty could be seen. 「Lucio-kun no ecchi!」 Nadia slapped my back. 「What’s this, why is it Sylvie’s panty?」 「No, this is」 I panicked, Nadia was unusually angry. How should I make an excusーーexplain it to her, and when I was wondering about that. 「If you want to see something like this, shouldn’t you just tell Sylvie. For you to look at a fake one using magic, I feel bad for Sylvie!」 「You mean it like that!?」 I couldn’t imagine that at all. If you’re going to look, look at the real one, it feels bad for the real person if you look at something made with magic. I couldn’t think of that. 「No, it’s not like that, this isーー」 「Lucio-sama?」 Sylvia came out from the mansion. While wiping her hands on the apron she’s wearing, she came in a hurry with a jog. And suddenly, she stepped on her long skirtーーand tripped. Dongaragasshon! She tripped so well that it seemed like there was a sound effect like that. And with that, her skirt flipped, and her panty could be seen. It’s exactly the same as the video just earlier. 「Sylvie, are you okay?」 「Ouch?, I-I’m okay」 「Ohh, be careful alright. You shouldn’t run in the garden you know」 No, she can run in the garden right. I mean, Nadia didn’t notice that. The fact that what happened to Sylvia was exactly the same as the video earlier. Ancient magic, prediction ability. When I cast the magic, it looks like it can show just a little bit in the future. I think that『Time Shift』is stronger, but as long as this is an ancient magic, there is probably a difference. 「Lucio-sama」 When I was thinking deeply, Sylvia came to my side. For some reason, her face was red. 「What happened, Sylvia」 「U-Uhmm......I heard from Nadia-chan」 「From Nadia?」 I looked at Nadia who’s behind Sylvia. She made a gesture “Ike, ike, go? go?”. (TL: ike means go, go is said in english) What is it? I looked at Sylvia once again. She reddened more and more, and started trembling. And finallyーー. 「E-Ei?!」 She called out, and raised her skirt up. I saw the panty I saw earlier. 「W-Wait a minute, Sylvia! What are you doing」 「N-Nadia-chan said. Lucio-sama was so lonely that you looked at my panty using magic, she said」 「Da?! That is wrong!」 「I-Is it wrong? But, she said, you saw my panty using magic」 「That is a prediction magic! Sylvia tripped earlier right? That was just predicted, and I just saw your panty on the side of that!」 「W-Was that so」 Sylvia was relieved, and looked at Nadia with reproaching eyes. Nadia approached like “What, what, what is it”, and was *PokaPoka* punched by her best friend Sylvia. After a while, the two calmed down. I also explained about the magic to Nadia, and made her convinced. 「I see, it was like that huh?. Un, it’s true that it’s the same panties」 「Please say that it’s the same posture」 「Ne?ne?, Lucio-kun, can you only see a little bit ahead with that?」 「I wonder. Let me try」 I invoked, and used『Foresee』once again. A video appeared, a video of a skeleton inside a coffin. 「Kyaaaaaa!」 「What’s this, what’s this」 Sylvia raised a scream, and Nadia focused on it joyfully. 「E?to......ahh, it’s me three hundred years later」 It’s me who used magic, so I somehow understand. 「Eh?, Lucio-kun is dead?」 「Nadia-chan, well, he would probably die, it’s three hundred years later you know」 「I see. Somehow, I felt that if it’s Lucio-kun, he would live at least years」 「I’m a human, so let me die around a hundred years」 「It’s too far in the future it’s so boring, can’t you do something else?」 「I’ll try to adjust it......『Foresee』」 A fine old gentleman with gray hair and beard was shown. He let his cloak flutter and led an army. He is very majestic, and he looks so cool even with my eyes. 「What the heck is this」 「......」 Sylvia and Nadia stared at it intently. I also thought, I somehow understandーー. 「It’s Lucio-sama」 「Un, it’s Lucio-kun」 「......how did you guess」 That’s right, that’s me in the future. It’s me around years old, I don’t know what I’m doing though. 「How amazing, Lucio-kun so cool」 「This Lucio-sama is also wonderful......」 「More, ne?, more, Lucio-kun」 「『Foresee』」 It’s me a little older than now, and the King and Ojii-san are playing shogi in the hallway in the garden of a Japanese mansion. ......what scene is this? 「As I’ve thought, the two of them gets along with each other」 「『Foresee』」 This time, it’s Amanda-san. It’s Amanda-san’s maid appearance with her usual unchanging steel faceーーshe’s taking care of a grave. 「It’s Amanda-san, she haven’t changed so it’s probably just a little bit in the future」 「Maybe」 ......it’s written,「Lucio Martein」, on the gravestone. Why does Amanda-san’s appearance unchanged when she’s visiting my grave? It’s scary so I just decided not think of it. This time, Isaac’s appearance was shown. Under the cold weather, it’s Isaac’s beggar appearance that is frozen. I felt bad for him a little. And just like that, I used the new magic, made several futures appear, and cheerfully watched them with the two. It was Veronica who was shown there. She seemed sad standing alone in the grasslands, and I came there. Sylvia, Nadia, and me. A sheet is spread in the grassland, a picnic where lunch is in a basket. 「Come to think of it, Vero-chan’s missing」 「She said that she’s going for a walk, come to think of it」 「......ne?, Lucio-kun, is this」 「Ahh, it’s a future that is minutes from now」 Sylvia and Nadia looked at each other, and nodded. 「I’ll prepare super quickly」 「Please wait for a while okay, Lucio-sama」 「Ahh」 I nodded, and saw off the two returning inside the mansion. In the video of the future, Veronica who seemed sad was now having a great smile.
It has passed a month after coming to another world. I was spending most of my time during that, staying at Ojii-san’s archive. It’s not like a -year old child can do anything, and reading manga and learning magic was fun. After a month, I have read through one-third of Ojii-san’s archive. And the magic that I remembered was already beyond three-digits. And what I’ve found out, was most of this world’s people are not able to read manga. The best they could read is a -koma manga, but if it was a story manga’s panel layout they are confused, and if sound effects like *Doーn* appears they will not be able to read the page. And the American comic-like one was 「The most difficult Grimoire in the world」Ojii-san said. I also took a hard time with that. The panel layout and the way you turn its pages were different......But I could still read it normally. And, if I specifically talk about how much they couldn’t read it, at the level that they read, one volume of a comics would take six months to a year, even the people who are considered as “fast” would take a month. Ojii-san took care of me well so I tried to teach him how to read a manga, but the result ended with him not understanding at all. There isn’t a difficult thing in reading a manga though, it’s very strange. 「Lucio」 「What is it Ojii-chan」 I’ve gotten used on being child-mode in front of Ojii-san. I’m worried about myself, that someday I might start saying 「Arerere?」. 「Your bride will come tomorrow, you should get along with her」 「Yup, I got it」 I nodded, and continued reading manga. ......... 「EEEEEEH?」 Because of its absurdity I got late reacting. What did he say now, bride? Did he say a bride is coming? I was overly surprised and almost fell back, and looked at Ojii-san. 「Like I said your bride is coming」 「Bride you say, I’m still -year old you know?」 「It’s alright, your partner is also -year old」 「It’s not alright, not at all. What on the world would that mean」 「Fumu, as expected, I should explain it from the start huh」 Please do that. Ojii-san put down the Grimoire(the one I read within five minutes), and started talking. 「Lucio originally has a fiance. It was my best friend’s grand daughter, even before you were born, we promised each other that if they are of the opposite sex we will make you engaged」 That kind of thing......is it something that is decided before a child’s birth. 「Of course, the plan was, you are going to be married when you were both old enough. My best friendーーHe was a merchant, but he failed at some trade and his house was on a downfall. I was thinking of saving him, but it was too late when the story came to me」 It somehow, became a heavy atmosphere suddenly. 「I tried my best, but the only one I saved was the granddaughter alone. If it is like that, I thought that I should take care of that grand daughter」 As his best friend’s memento, huh. 「The best way to protect that girl, is to make her out relative. That’s why, Lucio. Take care of her as your bride」 If it’s like that, then there’s no helping it. The situation is the situation. The partner is a -year old little girl, I should just take care of her like a little sister, I think. The next day, my bride came. A carriage stopped in front of the mansion, and the one who went out was a very cute little girl, but has an exhausted expression. Her cheeks are sunk, and there was no spirit in her eyes. She was really tired, that you can see, even with a glimpse. 「Ohh......Sylvia-chan, what a pity. You were so lovely the time we met before」 Ojii-san......approached the little girl, Sylvia. I agree, that she looked pity. Because when Ojii-san approached, Sylvia was frightened. That wasn’t like being frightened when one is shy. In the first place, the way Ojii-san talked to her, it wasn’t the first time they met. Her expression was like that, because bad things happened and she became afraid of adults. 「N-No......」 「Ohhh......poor thing」 Ojii-san stopped his feet. 「Ojii-chan, I will go」 I said, and stood in front of Sylvia instead. The little girl that saw hell, because of her house failed at trade. That, was my bride. I didn’t want to leave her like this. 「Dress-Up」 I placed my hand forward, I chanted one of the three-digit spells I had remembered. Sylvia’s body was coated by light, and changed her appearance in an instant. A veil on her head, dress in her body, and a bouquet in both of her hands. A very lovely, wedding dress look. Sylvia was surprised. I took her hand, and kissed the back of it. 「Welcome Sylvia, my lovely bride」 「Ah!......」 Sylvia flushed her cheeks, and looked down shyly. Yup, it was better with her being frightened. 「Oh, Good job Lucio」 Ojii-san was overjoyed. At night, I was woken up by a strange presence. When I opened my eyes, Sylvia was awake in the bed, and was flustered. With Ojii-san’s orders, I am sleeping together with Sylvia in the same bed. The bed itself was larger than a king’s size, so we were sleeping on top of it with a little distance. She was sleeping, but something happened, and was flustered. 「What happened, Sylvia」 「Kya!」 When I called to her, she made a loud scream. I wonder what it was. I also raised my body. Sylvia was hugging her pillow, and was making her body small. 「What happーーWait, *Un*?」 When I tried to approach her, crawling on the top of the bed, the place where I touched my hand was a little moist. One part of the bed was wet with water. Thinking what it was, I smelled itーーit was pee. Maybe......thinking that, I looked at Sylvia. Moist bed, a -year old child who was embarrassed. I see, bedwetting huh. 「Lets go change」 「I-Iーー」 Sylvia was trying to say an excuse. 「It’s alright, don’t mind it」 I said, and smiled at her. “I really don’t mind”, it was that kind of expression. 「If it was left like that you would catch a cold, lets go change」 I called a maid, and let her prepare change of clothes. I received the change of clothes, and let the maid go outside for once. 「Let’s change, I’ll help you」 「Y-You aren’t angry?」 「I’m not angry. There’s no reason for that」 I didn’t feel the need to be angry to a child, even if she wets her bed every time. 「......Sorry. When I, sleep in a place I’m not familiar it becomes like this」 「Was that so」 「I’m really sorry」 「It’s okay. You should just get familiar in this house at your own pace」 While I was saying that, I removed Sylvia’s pajama, wiped her crotch clean, and let her change with a new pajama. Sylvia was a little embarrassed, but she let me help her change. I burned the soiled pajama with a Fire Ball, leaving no trace of it. After changing, I called the maid, and let her change the sheets. Together with Sylvia, I went on the top of the bed with new sheets. 「Come, let’s sleep」 「Yup?」 「Thanks」 「You’re welcome」 「Yup?」 「Yeah, it’s fine」 I reached out, and Sylvia holds our hands gladly. Together, we slept while holding hands.
Morning, one man came to the mansion. It’s a young man in his twenties, and have a very kind and gentle appearance. 「I see you as Duke Lucio Martien His Highness」 「Un, I’m Lucio?」 For the meantime, I answered with child-mode. 「Onii-san, who are you?」 「I ought to have said first, my name is Simon Simpson」 「Simon-san then」 「I have been sent to guide Duke His Highness to the palace」 I see, a messenger from the Guernica Kingdom side huh. I’m going to meet the King here in the palace today, so he’s the guide for that huh. 「Please take care of me. Also, stop calling me Duke His Highness. Can you call me by my name」 「I understood. Well then, I will call you Martien-sama from now on」 That’s too still stiff though, well, whatever. 「Lucio-kun, you’re going out?」 Nadia came out from the mansion. She had just woke up, and her hair was messy as usual. 「That person is?」 「Simon-san. I’m going to work with this person from right now. She’s my wife, Nadia」 「......」 Simon popped out his eyes to surprise, and bowed his head to Nadia in a hurry. Even if she looks like a child, Nadia is Mrs. Duke after all. 「I see. Take care of Lucio-kun okay」 「Let’s go, Simon-san」 「Yes」 I left the mansion with Simon. And then, Simon got relieved. 「What happened, Simon-san?」 「Please excuse me. I did not think that I would meet Mrs. Duke」 「You didn’t seem to be nervous at my time though?」 「That is, uhmm, well」 Simon couldn’t find his words, he had sweat on his forehead. Is there a reason for that? 「By the way, I have another wife called Sylvia」 「It is to my knowledge that there are two of them」 I walked in the town with Simon. Guernica Kingdom’s capital, Lumo. It’s called the kingdom’s capital but it’s not like it was that prosperous, and when it comes to its scale, it’s not that different from Barza, the place I lived in before I got independent. With that alone, I could guess this country’s scale or national strength. 「Hey, you’re cute, where do you live?」 Suddenly, I heard a voice that I was familiar with. I stopped my feet, and looked where the voice came from. On about ten meters away, Isaac was there. ......why is he here? 「W-Wait. I amーー」 「My name is Isaac. What’s your name? Do you like to have tea around here? Even though I look like this, I’m a very interesting man you know. Let’s do fun things together」 Isaac was picking up a girl. Just like when we met before, he was picking up girls with lines that don’t seem that effective. The girl that was being picked up, was a beautiful girl in her middle teens, just like a high school girl. That beautiful girl was being troubled with Isaac. Yareyare, it can’t be helped. When I was about to stop it, at that instant. 「Here! It’s this person!」 From the different direction where Isaac was picking her up, another girl came with armed soldiers. The soldiers that have simple weapons quickly surrounded Isaac. 「It’s this person! This person is picking up Onee-san-in-law!」 「I confirmed」 「You are」 One of the soldiers asked the girl that was being picked up. 「I’m Mixon, I have a husband」 The girl raised her hand, it has a ring on her ring finger. I got surprised a little. A wife that youngーーah, Sylvia and Nadia were also wives huh. It seems like early marriage isn’t unusual in this world. 「I’m an open-minded man who does not mind married women. You need to know real menーuwaa!」 Isaac was captured by two soldiers. Simon was amazed ambiguously beside me. 「What does it mean? Simon-san」 「Come to think of it, Martien-sama doesn’t know huh. In this country, it is a crime picking up married women」 「Is that so」 「Yes, if they are found out, they would be caught with no mercy, and they would be punished by imprisonment for seven days with the first offense. If they do not know, there would have been room for extenuating, but......」 Isaac, he declared that he wouldn’t care if it’s a married woman after all. That Isaac is caught by the soldiers, and had been dragged away. 「Let me go, what did I do. Let me goーーah, Lucio!」 He noticed me. The soldiers also looked towards us. 「Help me, Lucio, I don’t know what’s happening, but I got caught」 「E?to」 「You’re disgraceful!」 「Aren’t you embarrassed asking for help from such a child」 The two soldiers scolded Isaac, and took him away just like that. 「E?to......it is only imprisonment, right」 I confirmed with Simon. 「Yes, there would be no more than that for the first offense for people from other places. ......is he someone Martien-sama knows of? If you would likeーー」 「U?un, get him into prison for seven days. That, it’s something like a disease」 「Yes, it is something like a disease」 Simon said profoundly. You’re incredible, Isaac, Simon understood you with a lot with that instant. Isaac disappeared, and I continued to walk with Simon. 「I see, the reason why Simon-san only said greetings to Nadia earlier, was because of that huh」 「Yes」 「Ah! Also. That, he’s my older brother by the way」 「Ehhhhh!」 Simon got surprised......well right, huh. 「That’s why he might say out my name, but put him in prison for the crime he did properly okay」 「I have understood. I will contact them later」 「Thanks」 Yosh, it’s alright with this. Well, this is better for Isaac’s sake. Simone said「for first offence」, so it’s clear that the punishment would increase if he does it again. It will be for his sake if he experiences some pain here. 「But......as expected of Martien-sama, one who is His Highness the Duke should be like that huh」 「Punishes his own brother for justice. Without discretion, fairness that makes him have the punishment for his crime, it is as expected」 E?to, I guess so? 「This Simon Simpson, I am very moved. Martien-sama!」 Simon closed in to me. 「With Martien-sama’s hands, please, please rebuild this country!」 He’s somehow too heatedーーhe asked me as if he was going to be my believer. After that, I was seen with feverish eyes until I reached the palace.
「My Senjukou, there is something very important I would like to ask of you」 Afternoon, the King who came to visit my mansion had a serious expression. The way he calls me “My Senjukou” was just as usual, but for some reason, there was the air of “working mode” around him. 「What? Would I be of help?」 「Umu. Actually, recently, the nation’s people are dissatisfied. And when I demanded to search for the reason, it was found that they were dissatisfied about entertainment「」 「Entertainment?」 「That’s right. Our kingdom has the traditional coliseum, and although fights between gladiators are held, their popularity has declined. But even so, there is nothing that could replace it. Because of that, the dissatisfaction increases」 「Aryarya. Un, entertainment is important. If the gas isn’t let out properly, it would be really bad if there’s a big explosion. Entertainment is the most important thing after food after all」 「As expected of my Senjukou, your knowledge as a statesman is perfect as well. Umu, that is right. That’s why, my Senjukou, do you have something good in mind」 「Should I take care of it using magic?」 「That is also good, but」 Saying that, the King looked straight towards me. His eyes were saying, magic is also good, but a proper idea would be better. Recently, the image of a strange King is completed inside of me, but he’s really a King after all huh. 「U?n, let me think. How about some baseball?」 「Beisbol? What is that?」 The King tilted his head. In the mansion’s garden, me, the King, and Nadia. 「Only Nadia’s around?」 「Un, Sylvie and Vero-chan and Hacchan, all of them went out?」 「U?n. If possible, I wanted two people」 「My Senjukou, is that Beisbol something that two people do? Just like duels」 「U?un, it’s done v with people......『Avatar』『Fake Growth』」 I continuously used two magic spells. The light of the magic enveloped Nadia, and in an instant, she split into nine people. They are about have the size compared to the original Nadia, and they are wearing a baseball uniform showing their blinding thighs. That, of them. All of them are holding gloves, and one of them has a catcher’s appearance wearing protectors. 「Like this, it’s people per team」 「Hou」 「It’s alright to increase Nadia by again, but it would be very hard to look at, so」 「Well then, I willーー」 「Please leave it to me, Danna-sama」 Amanda-san was there when I noticed it. Wearing her maid clothes, she appeared like a ninja. 「Amanda-san!」 「Please let me help you」 「Un. Can I ask you that, Amanda-san」 「Yes」 「Then, I’ll cast the magicーー」 *Doron*, it sounded. Soon after, Amanda-san became nine! While wearing maid clothes, she split into in the same size with Nadia. Holding gloves, and the catcher wearing protection. 「Is this alright, Danna-sama」 「U-Un. Amanda-san......those clothes」 「It is the maid’s etiquette」 It cannot be helped then?. I thought of not minding that thing about Amanda-san. 「Then, I’ll explain the rules okay」 Leaving it like that, I explained the baseball’s rules to the 18 Amanda-sans and Nadias. The match started in the mansion’s garden that I quickly turned into something like a grass lot baseball park. Nadiaz are batting first, and Amandaz are batting second. Number 1 Nadia stood in the batter box. 「Watch me, Lucio-kun! I’ll do my best okay」 Holding her bat, Batter Nadia winked towards me. 「Do your best?」 「Un!」 「Oku-sama......here I come」 Amanda-san said that, swung......she threw it! Amanda-san threw the white ball just a few inches from the ground. With her beautiful form, the baseball raised. Why do you know something like that?! 「Yaa!!」 Nadia swung the bat. *Gakiin!!* She hit it squarely, and the ball exceeded the infield and fell. It was a clean hit to the left. The first batter Nadia immediately ran. 「Ne?, ne?, Lucio-kun, in times like this, I should do “that” right」 The number 2 Nadia came to me, and asked for advice. I patted chibi Nadia who became lovelier, and nodded to her. 「Yeah, the second batter’s job is “that”」 「Un! I’ll go now okay」 Number 2 Nadia entered the batter box. Runner Nadia is in the middle to steal a base, and with a bound hit, the runner advanced to the third base. Number 3 Nadia hit the baseball to the outfield becoming a sacrifice fly, and the runner returned earning a point. BY the way, number 4 Nadia was three out strike became there wasn’t any runner left, shouted “So frustrating!” while she broke a bat with her knee. 「Fumu, this is quite fun. Beisbol, was it」 「Un. It’s very fun you know. There’s a lot of strategies, and just like how it went right now, the 9 of them has different kinds of roles, and the game is to compete for taking points」 「I see」 「The roles aren’t limited to 9, there’s also exchange players so you can do a lot of things」 「Fumufumu. Oh! That’s huge」 「Un? Ah! Amanda-san hit a homerun」 They exchanged offense and defense, and Amanda-san immediately hit a home run. The white ball disappeared into the sky far away, and Amanda-san ran a lap in the diamond. She’s so dignified?...... 「Fumu, that appearance looks great. Running alone while all other players stopped」 「Ou-sama, you have the makings of a baseball player. Un, that’s right. Going through a lap in the diamond after a home run is the coolest appearance in baseball」 「I see. Umu, this might be good」 「You liked it?」 「Of course. As expected of my Senjukou, to know such an amazing game」 「I’m happy that you liked it」 「Let’s immediately spread this. I know, let’s open a competition. Let’s open the first Senjukou Cup, and appeal it to the people extensively」 「Eh, my name」 「Of course. In times like this, authority must be shown properly. The best right now is the Senjukou Cup taken from my Senjukou’s name」 It’s like Emperor’s Cup. I feel ticklish. 「The open......let me see, a month later should be goーー」 「I have heard the story!」 I heard a voice from behind. When I turned around, there was Ojii-san who came without me noticing. 「Luka?!」 「Abe, that Senjukou Cup, I shall participate」 「It is not good to spoil it by having old men」 「Have you forgotten, Abe. Although I look like this, I am a man of means. Even now, I am sponsoring some gladiators」 Eh?! Was that so. 「It is very easy to create a team with 9 people」 「Mu! If you mean it like that, then I cannot lose. I have only intended to organize it but hearing that, I need to create a proper team and participate」 「That is just as expected of Abe. However, a competition with Lucio’s name, I cannot yield its laurel of victory」 「Those are my words. It is my Senjukou’s competition, it is me who shall win」 「If so, it shall be a match」 「Let us meet in the competition next month」 The two of them glared with scattering sparks. For some reason, it became decided when I noticed it? 「I cannot be wasting time」 「I shall immediately gather promising young men!」 Saying that, the King and Ojii-san left. Somehow......they look like they’re having so much fun, un. In the garden where the two left, I watched Nadia and Amanda-san’s match, and cheered on them. After this, because of the「Fourth Batter」and「Hit Pinch Hitter」death fight, baseball spread to the whole country, and became very popular.
Inside the mansion, afternoon. Just as usual, Balthazar was holding my hand. Since I put a ring on her, she won’t let go of me, holding my hand whatever she does. At first, it felt very inconvenient, but recently, it doesn’t seem to be like that anymore. 「What should we do today. Do you have something that you want to do?」 「Bal is okay, just being like this you know?」 Balthazar said her usual answer. Tilting her head, she answers like “it’s okay just being like this, so what?”. 「I see, then, that’s fine too. I’m going to read Grimoires」 「Okay?. Lucio-chan, he’s cute when he’s reading, so I like watching」 「You aren’t watching though」 I made a wry laugh. When I start reading mangaーーI mean, Balthazar would start sleeping with a snot bubble when she’s near Grimoires. There was no way that she would be looking at my face, rather, it’s her who was sleeping that is cute. Well! That is good as well, so I should just read manga. Thinking of reading a new manga, I stood up, but at that time. 「Luccio-ku?n」 The door was thrown open, and one of my wives, Nadia jumped inside the room. She ran to me with an excited face, and she lowers her upper body, matching her line of sight with me who is sitting. 「Lucio-kun, Lucio-kun, I saw something good, so let’s go play with that today!」 「Something good?」 「Un, something good. Hacchan is fine with that?」 「Bal, she’s fine being just like this with Lucio-chan you know?」 Nadia pulled Balthazar’s hand, forcefully making her stand. 「Ah!......」 Our holding hands got released, and Balthazar made a heartbreaking face. 「You should hold hands when sleeping at night okay!」 「Un......I got it」 She tries to hold hands again, but she was convinced by Nadia. 「And then, what is the “something good”?」 「That is......」 She took us to the outskirts of La Linea. I came to the flower garden that we frequently visit with Nadia and Balthazar. Nadia who was in the lead approached one tree, stopping at a little far away place, and turned to us. 「It’s this」 She said, and pointed at the ground. Looking at it carefully, there was a finger-sized hole, and ants with red body were coming out from inside. 「This, are you pointing at this ant’s nest?」 With a face full of smile, Nadia nodded with very excitedly. 「What would we do with this?」 「Let’s explore! Just like that thing that we did before」 「Ahh, that huh」 I nodded. It was a game I played with my wives a lot of times. The game where I’d make our body smaller, and while holding weapons or tools for attacking, exploring inside the nest. She’s suggesting that we should do that. 「I know that, but why now」 「Because, Hacchan hasn’t done it yet right? Since it’s a good timing, I want to do it with Hacchan you know」 「Ahh, I see」 I looked at Balthazar who was clueless like *Poka?n*. I see, it was like that huh. Thinking of it carefully, I feel like I did the same thing during the time with Veronica. It’s like, Nadia’s way of welcoming her huh. 「I got the story, but then, shouldn’t we just do it inside the mansion?」 「Around the mansion, there isn’t any ants anymore. I saw a roach-chan, but Sylvie would get afraid with just hearing about doing something with roach-chan」 「I see. Sylvia isn’t good with cockroaches after all」 Well, if that is so. 「I got it, let’s do it」 「What are we going to do, Lucio-chan?」 「Well, just look」 Nadia and Balthazar, I faced my two wives, and casted magic. I took a glance at Balthazar. Since there would be a malfunction...... 「『Big』」 「Hekuchi!」 Balthazar sneezed. The magic powers hit me directly. That’s right, since there would be a malfunction in the magic with this happening, I used magic that would make someone bigger rather than smaller. And after that malfunctioning, there would be no problem if we get smaller. Well then. The smoke of the magic powers that hit me directly started to clear. Nothing changed. Nadia and Balthazar are still standing in front of me. With a glance, their size hasn’t changed, but even so, my size didn’t change as well. 「We didn’t, change?」 「We didn’t change, Lucio-kun」 「This is strange. Not becoming bigger, or not becoming smaller. Does this mean that it didn’t malfunction, but rather, erased the effects completely?」 「You want to try again?」 「I guess so」 「Lucio-chan, ne?, ne?, Lucio-chan」 Balthazar grabbed my finger, and pulled me. 「What is it」 「That」 「That?」 At the place where Balthazar was pointing to, Nadia and I turned there. 「Gege!」 Nadia raised her voice, but I feel the same way. At that place......there was a monster. There was an ant there, that has a body length of about meters. It wasn’t only one, the same thing crawls out of their nest one next to the other. 「What does this mean?」 「......the thing that malfunction wasn’t the effect, but the target」 「Eh?」 「It means that, the magic that makes something bigger didn’t make someone smaller, but rather, the magic that should’ve been casted on us changed its target to the ants」 「Oh?. I see!」 「Thank goodness it isn’t roach-chan. Sylvie’s heart would’ve stopped」 Nadia said comment leisurely with a different meaning. 「I mean, it isn’t the time for that. We need to either return them back or defeat them」 「That’s right! If this continues, the ants would go towards the town」 Nadia finally felt a sense of urgency. It’s because, the ants that became giants crawled down from the hill of the flower garden, and started to march towards La Linea’s direction. It looks like they’re going to attack the town. If this goes on, the giant antsーーthe ants larger than humans will attack the town. Gigantic insects are more difficult to deal with compared to normal monsters. 「I can’t leave them alone. I’ll go and exterminate them」 This isn’t a situation for playing games. 「Wait here. I’m going to clean them up」 「Un. Do your best, Lucio-kun」 「Bal will go too」 「Don’t Hacchan」 Nadia stopped Balthazar who wanted to follow. 「Why? Bal is the Demon King you know?」 “That’s why I’ll be useful in fights”, Balthazar wanted to say. And that, Nadia smiled with a grin. 「No, no, you shouldn’t, it’s Lucio-kun’s job at times like this. We are going to watch Lucio-kun’s actions here」 「Actions?」 「That’s right, his actions that are so cool」 「Lucio-chan is super cool you know?」 「He would get super super cool」 「Super super......」 Balthazar tilted her head, thought of it, and looked at me. And finally, she looked down with flushed cheeks, and looked at me with her lovely eyes from below. She probably imagined something. 「Let’s wait here together okay」 「......un」 「And so, with that, do your best, Lucio-kun! We’ll be watching from here」 「Yeah」 Nadia with a smile, and Balthazar with bashfulness. Being sent away by the two, I ran. I went down from the hill full force, and after taking enough distance from Balthazar. 「『Fly High』」 I flew to the sky. I took a glance behind me. I saw the two’s appearance in the size of a bean. That’s right, I need to let them see my cool side. My wives are expecting it, it’s the husband’s job to answer. I turned around, and looked at the group of ants in the front. The ants that were gradually increasing had already reached the number of several hundreds, and they are still continuing to increase. I took a deep breath, and charged my magic powers. 「『Weather Change?Disaster』」 The ground shook, the sky was split. The lightning roars, and a rain of thunder poured down. The ancient magic that creates natural disasters, I activated it with a way of limiting its range, it was something I learned when started to go out with Balthazar. I couldn’t help but look forward to what expression would Balthazar make after seeing this.
When Balthazar’s magic powers explosion trouble was solved, my wivesーーespecially Nadia, was brimming of desires to play. I like playing with my wives, so when I see them wanting to play, I also feel happy. And Nadia, when I saw her running around in the grassland, she suddenly stopped, and bent her knees to the ground. And after a while, she seemed like she thought of something, and asked me to make it a reality using magic. That is our house’s daily life. 「Lucio-kun! I want to ride that!」 「You came huh」 I looked towards the place Nadia was staring at. There was a small frog there. It was just staying at its place, and only occasionally inflates its cheek pouch. 「You want to ride that?」 「Un!」 「I got it, 『Sma......」 「Sylvie too!」 「Eh! Hyan!」 Because I finished casting the magic『Small』that makes someone smaller, Nadia pulled her best friend Sylvia by the hand. The magic was casted on the two, and their body became small. After the two had become smaller, Nadia pulled Sylvia, and rode the frog on its back together. *Pyon!*, the frog jumped. 「Kyahahahaha!」 「Kyaaaaaaaa!」 Nadia who started laughing out loud on the back of the frog that jumped, and Sylvia who was forcefully pulled on raising a scream. While letting them do what they want, I left some part of my consciousness on them to follow up in the case of anything happening. And while doing that, I also asked Veronica who is beside me. 「Is Veronica fine? With something like that」 「Me? Let me think, then since you’re asking, I want to fly to the sky」 「Then how about a dragonfly? Unlike a bird, it can stand by in mid-air so you might get a different feeling from it」 「That seems interesting. Can I ask you then」 「『Small』」 I replied with a smile and magic, and let Veronica who got smaller ride on the back of a dragonfly. She didn’t raise a scream or laughed out, but looking at her side, she seems very content. But, that was only for an instant. Another dragonfly came on the dragonfly that she’s riding, and they have docked together mid-air 「Wait a minute, why did another dragonfly come?! Lucio! Hey Lucio! They are doing a weird thing!」 「It’s the dragonflies mating」 「Maーー」 「Don’t worry, dragonflies mate while flying so there’s no problem」 「There is a huge problem! Let me choose another kyaaaaa!」 She complained, raised a scream, and Veronica was taken away. Putting it as it’s a great experience being able to ride on the back of a mating dragonfly, I let it as it is. Of course, I didn’t forget to leave some consciousness on her to not let any harm come to her. Lastly, I looked at Balthazar. She’s sitting beside me obediently, and looked up to me with a light and fluffy feeling. 「What about you? You want to ride on a honey bee or something?」 「Right now, it’s magic??」 「Un? Yeah, it’s magic. This much, I think that you can also do it though?」 After all, she’s a Demon King. 「Bal, she can’t use magic you know?」 「......come to think of it, you also said that earlier huh」 She made Isaac into a slug though, I wonder what that was. ......it’s Isaac after all, so, whatever. 「Would Demon Kings also learn magic after reading mangaーーI mean, Grimoires?」 「Grimoire??」 「Something like thisーー『Transfer』」 I used magic, and reached out to my side. A mysterious hole opened in the space to my side, and I placed my hand in there. A magic spell that connects different spaces passing through dimensions. This time, I connected the space to the Grimoire Library. And from there, I took out one Grimoire. There was a fluffy sheep drawn on the cover, a Grimoire/manga with a heart warming feeling. After checking the cover and the contents briefly, I passed it to Balthazar. 「Try reading this」 「Reading? .........supi?」 The instant she looked at the first page after opening the Grimoire, Balthazar fell asleep with a snot bubble. I couldn’t help but shout. I mean, it’s not a textbook you know. This is the first time I saw someone fall asleep immediately by reading a manga. Being shouted out, Balthazar’s snot bubble popped and opened her eyes. With a sleepy face, she looked at me and the Grimoire I passed onto her alternately. And finally, with a little sulking face. 「An item to curse only Bal?」 She said. 「If so, that would be amazing! Isn’t that a rare item for Demon King fights. Not that, but, this is a, wellーーa magical book that makes you learn magic」 「Bal too?」 「I don’t know about that. It’s like that for humans, but I wonder how it is for a Demon King. It would be proven if you’d just be able to finish reading it though」 「If I read it, Lucio-chan will be happy?」 「Happy, well, it’s rather, it would be helpful if the mystery is solved」 「Then, I’ll read」 Balthazar said that, and looked onto the Grimoire once again, but. 「Supi?......」 Once again, she immediately fell asleep. 「Are you Nobita or something!」 She fell asleep once again. Probably, she has only read two panels, she really fell immediately. And this time, I stopped having the feeling of pointing that out. 「Lucio-chan......can’t eat anymore you know?」 「Your sleep talk is normal huh」 「Instead?......you can eat Bal」 「That’s what you meant huh!」 「You know?......」 Grinning, Balthazar drooled while smiling. “Demon King, what was it again” I mean, she had a very innocent sleeping face that made me think of that. For the meantime, the thing that I found out with this. Balthazar can’t use magic, and she also can’t read (you can say it so) Grimoire. Andーー. 「I’ll also sleep!」 「I’d had enough of dragonflies desu wa」 Returning one by one, my wives that started to sleep on top of Balthazar while still small, I also found out right now, that they really like her.
Sylvia and I are on a date. We’re walking in the afternoon royal capital while holding hands. 「Waa?, what a lovely children」 Is it because our appearance is a child’s, or is it because Sylvia is simply lovely, the people that pass us by were bewitched. 「Lucio-sama, there, it looks very bustling」 「Un, let’s take a look」 「Yes!」 While holding hands, Sylvia and I walked towards the front of a certain store. With a glance, it seems like it’s a pub, but for that, it’s bustling although it’s in the afternoon. From how it looks from the entrance, it seems like there are - people inside. There’s a man who’s standing outside, so I asked him. 「Ne?ne?, Oji-chan, what is this place?」 「Aann? This place is too early for brats, come again after ten years」 I got a cold shoulder. Well, it’s true that a pub doesn’t have anything to do with children huh. 「Let’s go, Sylvia」 「......un」 Sylvia and I left from there, but she was taking glances and was curious about the store. She took a glance at the store, and took a glance at me. Does she want to enter? ......it looks like she wants to. If this was Nadia, she would say「Lucio-kun, do something」and beg straightforwardly to me, but Sylvia is a shy type for that kind of thing. 「Sylvia, come with me for a second」 「Yes」 I casted magic to Sylvia who nodded, and casted magic to myself. Gradually, our appearance became of an adult’s. It’s a magic I often use, a magic that turns one’s appearance to a grown up. Sylvia and I became adults. Sylvia who is in front of me became the beauty in the banquet sometime before. So much that even I get charmed. As I’ve thought, it looks like she really wanted to enter, and Sylvia nodded with an excited face. I started to walk, Sylvia who followed didn’t place her hand on mine, but linked our arms. It’s a sudden change from very lovely children holding hands, to a very intimate couple with arms linked. Her chest that touches my arm makes my heart beat a little faster, and we returned towards the store. 「Can we enter?」 「Please do」 The man outside lets us pass easily. Entering inside, I found out that it was more bustling. There was a lot of seats, a stage on the back, and a huge transparent box on top of it. 「Welcome, is it for two?」 A person came out from the store. It’s a young gentleman. 「Yeah. Also, we’re here for the first time, what kind of place is this?」 「You do not know about our shop『Making A Killing Inn』?」 The man made a little surprised face. Is this store that famous. 「Yeah, please explain」 「I think that it would be better to actually take a look, it is a very simple system」 A simple......system? What does he mean by system, is this not just a pub? 「I will guide you to your seat」 「......yeah」 Well, there should be no problem whatever happens. Taking Sylvia with me, I let the man guide us. 「Ohh......what a beauty」 「So beautiful......」 「Ke! The man’s also handsome, this world is full of mistakes, right!」 Many kinds of voices came from the surrounding, they’re different opinions than when we were holding hands in the town. And just like that, we were guided to a seat near the wall. 「Well then! The next game is starting. Please place your entry fee on top of the table」 One man on the top of the stage said. It’s a -year-old man. After the man said that, *GachaGacha* it sounded around us. Everyone placed a coin on top of the table. That one coin is worth 0 ceta, its value is quite high within the kinds of coins. The coin disappeared silently, and in exchange, it turned to a wooden coin of the same size. There are front and back of the coin, the front is dyed green, and the back is dyed red. And about the coin that disappearedーーit’s unknown when, but it’s already gathered inside the transparent box on the stage. 500 ceta coins worth all of the store’s table other than ours, it’s a bit spectacular. 「Well then, we shall go,『Binary World』」 The man used magic. A box releasing a white light appeared in front of the man. The box spins around in the air. 「Lucio-sama, what kind of magic is that?」 Sylvia on my side asked. 「It’s magic that’s like coin fortune telling. When used, the results set would come out with a probability of 50/50. It’s also a simple but strong magic. In its Grimoire, there’s an expression that God’s will working on it, and once the magic is used, it would not have any outside interference, the results would come out with an entirely half-half possibility」 「Even Lucio-sama cannot interfere with it?」 「It’s impossible, it’s that kind of magic. I can use it though」 The same white box on top of the stage appeared, and eventually burst. Mami’s face appeared there for an instant. 「Ah, it’s Mami-chan」 「『Binary World』」 「It’s Coco-chan this time」 「Just like this」 「That’s amazing!」 I wonder what’s amazing with it. I regained myself, and looked around. 「I’m gonna go with red」 「The trend so far is red, red, green, red, green, red, green, green, green......」 「Let’s do it with all green this time」 I could hear voices coming from each table. *GachaGacha*, it sounded, and everyone moved their red/green coin. 「Well......let’s go, OPEN!」 The box of light disappeared, and a green coin came out. Soon after, the coins on top of the table that was red disappeared, and only the one ones who chose green remained. The man used magic again. This time, red came out, and green coins disappeared. 「An O/X quiz huh」 「Yes?」 That was repeated for a while, and eventually, it dropped down to one person. 「Jackpot!!! Congratulations!」 To the place of that man, all of the 500 ceta coins were brought. I could hear applauses and words of congratulations being given nonstop. I see, it’s like that huh. Everyone would each take out a coin, do O/X quiz, and the last one remaining would take everything huh. In some meaning, it’s like a lottery. 「It’s been a while since I got a jackpot. Bring out the best alcohol in this store. Give everyone a cup」 「Understood」 「Ke! Oi, bring extra drinks here too! I won’t drink something that comes from him」 Orders were sent from here and there. The ones who won and the ones who lost both ordered drinks and food. Especially the one who got the jackpot, he became generous on spending his money. I see, in exchange for not taking money for the lottery ticket, this store is doing business like this huh. They’re good. 「Eeii! This is strange!!」 I heard a man’s shouting voice from the other side of the store. Looking at himーーit was Isaac. 「Dear Customer, making a disturbance is」 「Listen! I was here since the morning and had done it ten times. For all of those be a miss from the first turn, what the heck does this mean」 Isaac was completely making a fuss. The store’s staff near him was making an annoyed face. 「This is cheating! You are definitely cheating!」 「Please excuse my words, Dear Customer,『Binary World』is magic that cannot be interfered by anything, and......」 Un, that’s true. 「NO, you are definitely cheating!」 「......it cannot be helped」 The store’s man gestured and called someone. Two huge men from a little far away came, and caught Isaac from his sides. And he was forcefully dragged outside. The surrounding customers looked at Isaac with cold eyes. 「Isn’t he darn stupid?」 「Everyone knows that that magic can’t be interfered with」 「I’d sympathize that your luck is bad, but」 After Isaac had been kicked out, the store returned to usual business. 「Well then, once again, the next game shall start. Please place your entry fees!」 「Lucio-sama, can we try?」 「It’s fine doing it, but since you’re going to, it would be better if you’d win」 「But......it’s testing one’s luck right. Lucio-sama also said that it’s magic that can’t be interfered with」 「Yeah, I can’t interfere with the results」 「If that is soーー」 「But, I can guess the future」 「『Time Shift』」 When I chanted the magic, Sylvia appeared on Sylvia’s side. 「Sylvia」 「As expected of Lucio-sama, it’s red」 Sylvia who came from tens of seconds in the future said that, and immediately disappeared. 「Waa?......」 I paid 500 ceta, and gained the red/green coin. I turned it to red. The result “red” appeared on top of the stage. 「『Time Shift』」 「The next one’s green, Lucio-sama」 Sylvia said that the moment she appeared. And she immediately disappeared again, and the result in the stage became “green”. Using future prediction, I hit each turn of the 50-50 gamble every time. The first time, I was able to remain until the end, and the surroundings congratulated me. The second time, I was able to remain until the end, and the surroundings got louder and louder. The third time, when I still won, those reactions changed to astonishment. The coins that were piled up on top of the table after my third win had become amazing. 「What does this mean, don’t tell me he’s cheating」 「But, that shouldn’t be possible with『Binary World』?」 「Then, are you saying his luck is good? Are you saying he continuously won with 50-50 chances for about 30 times with that?」 It’s not at the level of only good luck hitting two 30 times though. 「Lucio-sama, somehow, the eyes around us」 「Yeah. Oi」 I called the store clerk nearby me. 「Does this store’s system have a carry over? With no-one winning and making all of the prizes be in the next one」 「There is, there are many cases when everyone misses at the last turn, so」 「There really is huh. Then, place all of these as a carry over」 「Eh? A-All of this?」 「Yeah. There’s no problem giving free meal with the money that was won right. Just like that」 The store’s man got dumbfounded, and ran away in a hurry to confirm after that. After a while, that was announced on top of the stage. Everyone was told about the carry over for the amount of three times. 「Brother, you’re awesome!」 「Hyu?hyu?!」 The place was filled with cheers and whistles. 「Lucio-sama......how amazing」 「Is that so?」 「Yes, with many kinds of meanings」 「I, thank goodness that I am Lucio-sama’s wife」 She said that, and Sylvia hugs me with an entranced face. When she’s in her grown-up appearance, she gets a little bit more aggressive. Being hugged like this, might be the best harvest for the day. By the way. 「Let me do it too」 Hearing the excitement, Isaac who returned to the store and wanted to aim for the three times carry over was immediately kicked out.
I am in a party. A night party that is being opened inside the palace. The organizer was the King, therefore, almost all of the participants seems to be nobles or wealthy people, they looked like celebrities. Of course, the venue was also extremely flamboyant. 「Wawa......」 Sylvia who was beside me was being taken aback. I took her with me, wearing a dress from the Dress Up magic, but she was panicking to the scale of the party. 「I think that I am out of place」 「That’s not true, you know」 「But, everybody around are all grown-ups, they are all ladies and gentlemen. There is no one else childish like me」 「If you say that, there isn’t another kid other than me, right. Well, don’t mind it too much. Sylvia is my wife, so you should just act in a stately manner」 「Yes, I understand」 Sylvia nodded, but she was still too stiff. “I should be in manner”, it was clear that she was nervous thinking of that. 「Ah! Lucio-sama, I will go get drinks!」 She said that, and *PataPata* she ran. That can be left to the venue personnel though. Well, rather than being nervous at all times, it might be better to let Sylvia do something to make her distracted. And when I was looking at that from far away, one man approached Sylvia with dispute. It was a young man at around the same with Isaac about -, and the clothes he was wearing looks expensive even from where I look from far away. I approached, and called out from the behind. 「Ne?ne?, what do you want with my wife??」 I talked to him in child-mode. 「Lucio-sama!」 「Lucio-samaaa?」 Sylvia ran towards where I was, and the man looked at me as if to measure me. 「What happened?」 「E?to......uhm」 「Why is a kid like you in here? Do you know what kind of place this is and what today’s event is?」 「I’m sorry, I don’t know」 Honestly, I really thought of that. Is something going to happen? I came here because I received an invitation from the King, is there some kind of real meaning for it. 「I guessed so. It’s something kids like you won’t know about. Kids like you should hurry up and go home, just go play house or whatever」 The young man said that, and went away with a stride. He then calls out to a young lady at around the same age that was in a little far away, and talked joyfully. 「Let’s go back」 「Yes」 I took Sylvia with me, and return to where we were earlier. 「I’m sorry, Lucio-sama」 「It’s because I’m a kid, I’m causing problems for Lucio-sama right」 「It’s not like I’m being troubled at all」 「Un......but......」 Sylvia looked at the grown-ups. When I followed her sight, I found out that she was staring at a very grown-up beauty. 「I want to grow up faster......」 「You want to try?」 「Eh?」 Sylvia was surprised, and stared at me as if to confirm. 「Do I want to try, what do you mean Lucio-sama」 「Do you want to be a grown-up beauty like that, I mean. Using my magic」 「Ah!......Lucio-sama’s magic」 Sylvia’s eyes shined in an instant, but she soon looked down. 「It is okay, even if I become a grown-up, it is not like I am going to be a beauty like her」 「Un? That’s not true at all. When Sylvia becomes a grown-up, you’re going to be more beautiful than that person. I, who looks at Sylvia everyday, can guarantee」 「But......」 「Seeing is believing」 I stopped Sylvia’s words, reached out my hand and used magic. Some people nearby was surprised. It was because I suddenly started using magic. But ignoring that, I casted magic on Sylvia. 「Fake Growth」 Soon after the light of the magic enveloped Sylvia, her body grew up. The -year old body of Sylvia grew up in an instant. She grew up to her year old appearance that I had specified. Sylvia looked at herself, and looked down at me with a surprised face. 「T-This is?」 「It’s a magic that changes the appearance to look like a grown up. I specified it to about -years old. It means, how you look right now, is how Sylvia would really look like after growing up to 16-years old」 「Amazing......there is also this kind of magic huh......」 Sylvia sighs in wonder. I stared at her intently. 「Un, beautiful」 「Eh?」 「You’re as beautiful as I thought, Sylvia. Let me say, you are more beautiful than anyone in here」 Sylvia blushes and sways off her hands. But, that was my honest opinion. The Sylvia right now is beautiful. With no doubt, she was more beautiful than any other woman in here today. Because she was a beautiful girl from the start, she became a beauty by dressing up, but I really think that even without something like that, she is the most beautiful. 「That is true. I am a happy man, because I was able to marry Sylvia」 「Uu......Ru, Lucio-samaa......」 She blushed on a grand scale, Sylvia made a very troubled face. But, it doesn’t seem that she didn’t like it. 「Come now, stop being shy. As my wife, please make a more beautiful expression」 「More, desu ka?」 「That’s right, more beautiful that I can be proud of」 「I-I will do my best!」 Sylvia said that, had a deep breath, and made an expression. Those words right now are magic words, magic words in a different meaning. “For me”, that word, was very effective to Sylvia. She withdraws the blushing face she had earlier, and made a composed expression. Sylvia looked more and more beautiful. Just talking in her shoes, if she was like this, I think that I would be the one who’s not worth of her. I should also use magic to myself, and at least be in the same age, at the time when I was thinking of that. 「Beautiful lady」 A voice that I was familiar with, called out to Sylvia. It was the young man earlier. He, who came from over there, calls out to Sylvia with a some kind of cheesy lines. 「Who else there could be. Today is a wonderful day, to be able to meet a beautiful person like you」 「E?to......」 Sylvia was troubled. 「My name is Diego. If it was okay, can you please let me know your name」 The young manーーDiego made a bow with a noble-like gesture, and stared at Sylvia. Sylvia became more and more troubled, and looked at me. In a different meaning from earlier, I knew that she was troubled. However I looked at it, he was clearly smooth-talking her, it’s natural to be troubled. 「Mu! What, you again huh」 Diego looked at me with cold eyes. 「I told you to go home because you’re out of place you brat」 「I’m sorry」 「I mean, what did you say right now, wife?」 「Un, wife. Come here」 I called Sylvia to come, Sylvia made a smile, and came to my side. We couldn’t cling our arms because of the height difference, but instead, we held hands. 「It’s my wife. Ne! Sylvia」 「Yes, Lucio-sama」 「You’re beautiful, Sylvia」 「I am beautiful only because of Lucio-sama」 Sylvia said that, and stared at me with as if she was truly a very obedient wife. Giggling laughter could be heard around. They’re laughing at Diego who failed at smooth talking. Diego trembled, and reddened his face. The difference from earlier was, he was embarrassed because he was rejected by Sylvia who looks nubile. 「W-Who the heck are you really, why is a kid like you here!」 「It is because I invited him」 「WhatーーYour Majesty!」 The King came unnoticeably, and Diego who saw that bows his head in a hurry. 「I am very sorry Your Majesty, without knowing it is Your Majesty’s guest」 「He is also not my guest though」 Diego got confused, the King talked to me. 「It is good you came, Senjukou」 「Senjukou? What’s that??」 「A duke that can use a thousand magic, Senjukou. It is your noble title, I thought of it. If you do not like it, I can think of it again」 「U?un? It’s cool so that’s fine. Thank you, Your Majesty」 「Umu. I heard the conversation, is it true that, that lady is your wife?」 「Un, I casted magic on her for a bit, but she really looks like this」 I said that, and released the magic on Sylvia. Sylvia who returned to her original 9-year old appearance was relieved, and clings her arms with mine. 「Hahaha, I see, you look good with each other」 「Thank you」 「It is not only you look good with each other. A duchess this lovely is the treasure of our country」 「That is......thank you very much」 Sylvia got shy. 「By the way, what was the magic right now?」 「It’s a magic that disguises to a grown up appearance. Just like this」 I used Fake Growth once more. This time, I casted it to both me and Sylvia. We now looked like a 16-year old couple. 「A handsome man and a beautiful lady that goes together huh」 「And that magic right now, that is an advanced magic that has only a few that can use」 「Senjukou’s name is not just for show, huh」 Voices of praise were raised around us. I was alright with it, but Sylvia entered her shy-mode again. And just like that, together with Sylvia, I had a small talk with the King. Diego who showed a huge embarrassment, quietly, ran away with his tail between his legs.
Guernica Royal Capital, Lumo. I came to a mansion in the middle part of the capital. Sylvia, Nadia, Coco&Mami, and me, the four of us. 「We had been waiting for you, Lucio-sama」 The one who welcomed us was Amanda. She’s an older maid that is serving in my family house, Martein House. Coming to Lumo, I asked Amanda to go ahead of us and acquire a mansion. That is the mansion that is in front of me. With only its wideness, it’s one level bigger than the one in La Linea. 「Good work. This is my mansion?」 「The price is?」 「It is only % of the money prepared that I had received from Lucio-sama」 「%?!」 I got surprised. 「Isn’t that too cheap」 「The property value is cheaper compared to La Linea. In truth, it was possible to have % remaining, but I refused」 「00%, what do you mean?」 「The influential people, merchants and nobles, who had already heard about Lucio-sama, they offered it for free to buy your welcome. I refused all of it, and gained it only with its price in the market」 「......Amanda’s amazing huh」 「I am not worthy of those words」 No, I really think that it’s amazing. Not mentioning that she didn’t jump to it since it’s cheap or for free, on top of that, she took her ways buying it at its price in the market. 「Good work, Amanda. Return and say my regards to Ojii-san」 「About that, I think that he would visit very soon」 「Is that so. Well, I expected that. It’s Ojii-san after all」 It’s easy to expect for Ojii-san to visit suddenly. I once again said thanks to Amanda for her work, and sent her off. Looking around here and there inside the mansion, checking the layout, and checked the furniture. And there, a sound was made from the door knocker in the front entrance. 「Is someone here」 Sylvia said 「Ha?i」, and went to the entrance. 「Ehhhhh」 I heard Sylvia’s shouting voice. I ran to the entrance. 「What happened......ohehhhhh」 I couldn’t help but raise the same voice as Sylvia. The visitor in the entrance, it was theKing. The King who should’ve been in the Royal Capital La Linea, is there with his incognito appearance. 「O-Ou-sama? Why are you here?」 「I came」(Kichatta) You came, you say. 「Ou-sama, did you come to visit Lucio-sama?」 Sylvia modestly asked. 「Umu. I couldn’t help myself worrying what my Senjukou was doing, and left the palace for a bit」 「Is that okay?」 「There’s no problem」 The King said it clearly. Is there no problem...... 「I properly?, left a note. There’s no problem」 「Just a note?! That’s a huge problem!」 I couldn’t help but point that out. 「Well well, rather than that, this, it’s for celebrating your moving」 「This is?」 I received the thing that the King reached out. There’s a red colored noodle inside. 「Ah, it’s the red noodles for moving. Thank you very much, Ou-sama」 Sylvia who took a peek said her thanks. 「Umu, eat it leisurely later with my Senjukou」 「Thank you very much」 From Sylvia’s reaction, it looks like it’s something like soba being given when moving. Well, that’s fine though. 「Is it really okay, Ou-sama」 「It’s alright. I had properly written in the note that I would go to my Senjukou’s place. They know my destination, and this world’s safest place is my Senjukou’s place. There is no problem at all」 「U?n, thenーー」 「It is a huge problem it is!」 The door opened, and the minister came inside. He had sweat on his forehead, and was catching his breath. His appearance was simpler than the King’s, and people who don’t know his face can only see him as a middle-aged Ossan. 「W-What happened」 「I chased after His Majesty. Your Majesty!」 「Mu!」 The King changed his expression. 「We will be troubled, doing such selfish things. Your Majesty is our country’s lord, if one who is such would come to a vassal state without letting them know, on top of that, to its Royal Capital, it would be a huge problem」 Ah, it’s like that after all huh. 「It couldn’t be helped right, I wanted to meet my Senjukou」 「”I wanted to meet him”, is not an excuse. Ahh, my goodness! But well, you had already met him. Well now, let us return before the ones of the Guernica Kingdome notice」 「Halt, at least, the red noodles for movingーー」 「Let?us?re?turn」 The minster closed in to the King. 「I shall say this once again, it would be a huge problem if it was found out that Your Majesty is here. Well now, let us go」 Did he already judged that he wouldn’t return by convincing, the minister dragged the King. The King, he was taken out of the mansion, and got pulled into the carriage that was prepared. He looked at me, and sorrowfully shouted. 「I will meet you again!!!!」 「Please don’t come anymore!」 The minister said that, and stuffed the King to the carriage. I saw off with a wry smile, the carriage that left the Royal Capital Lumo as if to run away with a rocket dash. Sylvia said. 「I guess so」 「Can you not do anything about it, Lucio-sama」 Sylvia looked up to me while holding the red noodles. They were eyes as if to beg. She probably though that the King was pitiful. I thought. I made a search within the near ten thousand magic inside my head. 「......there was really one」 「Is there」 「Ahh......there was really one that it made me wonder instead why I wasn’t able to think of it until now」 I laughed wryly. I laughed wryly to my clumsy self. It’s a magic that I learned from the Grimoire that a read in the Grimoire library just recently. I remembered that, and used it, reaching out my hand. 「『Picture Phone』」 The light of the magic powers gathered, and showed a video in mid air. It’s a half-transparent video like a hologram. That is, the appearance of the King crying while hugging his knees in a small space. ......oi oi. Starting again, I called out to him. 「Mu?! Senjukou! Isn’t it my Senjukou?!」 The King in the video looked here. 「What is this about」 「It’s my magic」 「Is that so, as expected of my Senjukou!」 The King got convinced very easily. 「Video call......well, you wouldn’t know that huh. Anyways, with this magic, I’ll contact the King once in a while」 「Really!」 「Un! That’s why, cheer up」 「Umu, I had cheered up. Thank you, my Senjukou」 When we were having that conversation with the Video Call magic, the door knob was knocked again. The door openedーーand Ojii-san who should’ve been in our family house was there. 「Ohh, Dear Lucio, you seem cheerful 「That voice is Luka’s, why are you there?」 「Mu? Isn’t it Abe. This is......hahaa?, it’s Lucio’s magic huh」 Ojii-san understood the situation in the instant, and talked to the King who he had really gotten along with that they’d call out each other’s name through the video call. Ojii-san was bragging about it, and the King was frustrated. 「Is there a problem going to play with my grandchild’s new place?」 Ojii-san braggingly said. Un, there’s no problem with that huh. 「Khu! Coachman! Minister! Turn back immediately, I alsoーー」 「That shall not be done, Your Majesty!」 The King who had tantrums was made shut by the minister. 「FuoFuoFuo?. Well know, dear Lucio, let’s eat red noodles for moving together. Ohh, Sylvia, can my lovely granddaughter in law let this old man eat noodles」 「Gununu......」 Ojii-san who really stimulates the King in this chance “As usual, the two really gets along with each other huh”, I thought.
Night, when I was reading Grimoire, Veronica suddenly entered the room, and clung to me. Her face is red, and she’s speaking inarticulately. Her tension is different from usual. 「Veronica?」 「Ufufu......ufufufufu」 「What happened?」 She brought her face closer, and stared at me with glazed eyes. 「You, don’t tell meーー」 「I can’t understand what you’re talking about」 「Ahahahaha, there’sh Rusho in Rusho, sho shtrange?」 It’s your state that is strange. She suddenly licked me. *Pero*, she licked my cheek. She put her arms around my neck, and *PeroPero*-d. I removed Veronica who was like that in a hurry. 「Uffufufufu?」 This time, she started to shake her body back and forth and right and left, as if she’s a daruma. This, maybe she is drunk. A drunk -years-old child, is a rare appearance. Veronica within, is already an adult woman though. She fanned herself with her hand. 「Should I open the window? Or is magic better?」 She placed a finger on her forehead, and thought. 「There’sh only Rusho」 I’m alone with Veronica in the room. Veronica suddenly took off her clothes. *Papapa*, she took off her clothes, and she’s in her camisole appearance. 「Wait, wait」 It was a sudden thing, so I stopped Veronica in a hurry. 「Yes, yes, drunkards should be quiet」 While stopping her with my hand, I picked up the clothes she took off. This, how should I make her wear it? It’s troublesome, so I should just use magic huh. 「Lucio-kun」 My name was called. Nadia was looking at me from the shadow of the door silently. 「What is it, Nadia」 「I’m sorry, Lucio-kun」 Nadia entered, and stood in front of me. Her face is red, and she smells alcohol. 「Did you also drink?」 「Un. Uhh, you know, Vero-chan said, alcohol is good. She said, a proper adult should be able to drink alcohol」 Isn’t everyone a child. No, Veronica’s a little different huh. 「I’m Lucio-kun’s wife, so, I went with her and just drank a little, but Vero-chan suddenly became like that」 I nodded, and looked at Veronica. 「I’m nosh drunk!」 「Yes yes, drunkard, be quiet for a bit」 Veronica’s already completely drunk. 「And then, how much did you drink?」 「E?to, Vero-chan’s about this much of a cup」 She showed the amount with a gesture of pinching with her thumb and index finger. There’s not even cm of a full cup, it’s only like licking a drink. And she became like this with that huh. Nadia called my name, she had an unusually uneasy expression. 「Would you become like this if you drink alcohol? I, I drank all of what’s left of Vero-chan’s drink, but......」 「All what’s left in the cup?」 「He?」 This one’s also interesting in its way. Nadia’s able to talk and answer questions properly, and although her face is red, she’s not yet drunk. 「It’s alright. Whatever happens, I’m here, I’ll do something about it」 「Well, that’s right huh」 Nadia got relieved, and the uneasiness in her face completely disappeared. 「Un, there’s Lucio-kun here after all. There’s no problem then」 「Yeah」 「But, alcohol has a strange taste huh. It’s soft, warm, and feels good」 「It’s something like that」 「It’s like half happiness of when I sleep with Lucio-kun while holding hands」 「What a fresh way of comparing」 「It feels like, I’d like to drink it after taking a bath」 「A genius huh」 Nadia might have a talent for drinking alcohol. While I was talking with Nadia, Veronica clung to me from the side. She clung on my head. It’s the usual shoulder ride-like position, but although she would just cling to me usually, being drunk right now she would swing back and forth. It’s like she’s riding a wooden toy horse. Drunkards are pretty much like this, but still, it’s terrible. She did what she wanted, and fell asleep as if her battery has been cut. 「Vero-chan’s like another person. You would become like this when you drinks alcohol huh」 「There’s differences in individuals though. Most of the time, if you get drunk, you’d be different than usual」 「Including me?」 「That’s if you get drunk properly though」 「That’s somehow interesting. I should drink a little bit more」 I stopped Nadia who was about to jump out of the room. 「It’s bad for your health drinking too much alcohol so you should stop」 My wife is treated as an adult socially, but even so, her body is a child’s so it isn’t good for her. 「Eh?, but, it somehow looks fun you know?」 Nadia looked at Veronica, she seems very envious. 「Hmm, in short, you just want to know what would happen if you get drunk right?」 「Un!」 「I got itーー『Reverse Sober』」 I searched in my head in an instant, and used the most suitable magic. Several candy drops-shaped things came out from my palm. 「What’s that?」 「A magical medicine that will make you drunk within a minute with each drop. It’s not alcohol so it isn’t bad for one’s health, and it would only last for a minute」 「That’s amazing, something convenient like that exists」 「Try it with this」 Nadia received the candy drop, and put it in her mouth. *Gokun*, she swallowed it. And, in the next instant. 「Rusho-ku?n」 She clung to me with a super high tension. 「Rusho-kun, Rusho-kun, Russho-ku?n」 Completely different from earlier, she was suddenly in a drunk state. 「Rusho-kun!」 「Daisuki!」 She clung to me very tightly, and kissed my cheek. 「Daisuki」 She kissed me on the cheek again. 「Dai-Dai-Dai?suki」 She kissed my cheeks so many times. A minute of a rain of kisses fell. 「Da?isu......ki」 The effect of the magic worn off. Nadia regained herself in an instant. She looked at my face and the magic candy drop alternately. This......it’s probably the pattern when one would regret it after getting drunk. 「Well, don’t mind it, being drunk isーー」 「It’s interesting!」 「Eh?」 It’s an unexpected reaction. 「It’s amazing, Lucio-kun, alcohol is like this huh」 「Alcohol, well, you mean, being drunk」 It’s my magic after all. 「I see?......it’s so interesting?. I know, wait for a bit」 Nadia jumped out of the room. After a while, she came back pulling Sylvia’s hand. 「What is it, Nadia-chan. I still have to clean the room」 「Don’t mind, don’t mind, leave that to Ama-san, Sylvie, eat this」 Nadia gave one of the magic medicine drops to Sylvia. 「Eat this」 「This is?」 She couldn’t help it, and Sylvia swallowed the magic medicine. After a moment, her face reddened, and her eyes started to get watery. She suddenly embraced me. Is it the same pattern with Veronica? She suddenly cries out Ahh, she would cry when she’d get drunk huh. 「Uee?n, I’m shorry for alwaysh peeing on the bed」 「Oh??, she would cry huh」 Nadia cheerfully laughed. Sylvia hugged me while crying. And, one minute. Just like with the time with Nadia, Sylvia suddenly stopped. *GiGiGi*, she went off of me with awkward movements. She looked at me with grudged eyes. 「You’re so bad, Lucio-sama」 「I wonder if it’s my fault」 「Nadia-chan, you’re also so bad」 「It’s alright! Sylvie was cute!」 Nadia made a thumbs up. What is alright. 「I know, Lucio-kun, you should swallow one too」 「Un, I want to see Lucio-sama」 「No, no, wait a minute」 I had a cold sweat. I looked at the『Reverse Sober』candy drop. There’s just one more left. If this goes on, I’d be forced to swallow it, I need to do somethingーー. Veronica who I thought was sleeping suddenly woke up, and put the candy drop inside my mouth. It was a sudden thing, so I couldn’t help but swallow it. “This is bad”ーーit was too late when I thought of that. The magic of drunkenness filled me. I looked at the three in front of me. My very cute and lovely wives, my most, super, important young wives. 「Sylvia, Nadia, Veronica」 I took a hand of the three, looked straight at their eyes, and said. 「Let’s go get itーーthe world」 「Lucio-sama, so cool......」 「Lucio-kun......」 「H-Hmph, you’re my husband so that much is natural」 Each one of the three reacted differently. Eyes sparkling, seeming very content, everyone was very supportive. Butーーafter one minute. I deeply regret that I was born in this world.
When I returned to the mansion from the library, I saw Nadia groaning like “U?n, u?n.” in the living room. I entered the living room and talked to her. 「What happened, Nadia?」 「Lucio-kun!」 「You seemed to be worrying about something, what happened?」 「Un, you know, I’m sleepy right now, so I want to take a nap, but if I sleep right now, I won’t be able to sleep at night, so I was thinking what should I do」 Well, it’s a common problem. I get how she feels, and this current situation that’s hard to decide which too. I also know very well that there’s no correct answer. 「Ne?, Lucio-kun, what should I do?」 「Let me see......I’ll let you decide for yourself」 「By myself? Oh really, Lucio-kun, it’s because I can’t do that that I’m troubled」 「Well, no rush, just look」 I took a step away from Nadia and reached out my hand. She understood that I was about to use magic, and she started to look excited, that it’s unknown where her sleepiness gone. “Maybe there’s no need for magic anymore?”, I thought, but I still used the magic as planned. 「『Magi』」 The light of the magic enveloped Nadia. After the light had dissipated, Nadia split into three. She turned into a doll-size that is a third of the original. There are things like nametags placed on her clothes, and each of them says, 「Lucio-kun LOVE」 「Sylvie LOVE」 「Everyone LOVE」 「What’s this, what’s this, what happened?」 「I don’t know why but I became cute」 「Lucio-kun, what magic is this?」 The three chibi Nadias asked noisily. 「That is a magic that temporarily divides a person’s characteristics by three. It’s the type of Nadia exactly written at your chest」 The manga I read was a story about 「the female me」「the mother me」and 「the scientist me」 In Nadia’s case, it’s me LOVE, Sylvia LOVE, and everyone LOVE. Sylvia and I stood among the rest, and our other family (probably) is in a complete separate slot. It’s very Nadia-like. 「It’s so interesting?」 「But, why is there three?」 「Three is the smallest number that you can decide with a majority decision」 「「「Oh?」」」 The chibi Nadias got convinced the three of them at the same time. 「Well then, go decide by majority. Whether you will take a nap or not」 「Un! Well then......the person who thinks we should not take a nap raise your handーーgo!」 The three of them raised their hands together. I’m surprised, she was hesitating, so I completely thought that it won’t be a unanimous decision. Soon after the decision by majority, Nadia returned to normal. And then, I asked her. 「It was decided unanimously that you won’t take a nap huh」 「It’s because Lucio-kun used an interesting magic?. It’s not the time to take a nap you know?」 It was a very Nadia-like reason again. Although she was sleepy and hesitated whether she should take a nap or not, all of it disappeared because she saw a new magic. 「Ne?, ne?, this magic only divides a person into three right? It’s not like it’s needed to make a majority decision right?」 「Yeah, that’s right」 「Wait a minute!」 Nadia ran outside. When I waited for her thinking what it was about, she immediately returned. 「What was it?」 「Wait a little longer」 Nadia said while smiling. There’s no problem with waiting. I waited just like I was told to. I leisurely waited while reading the Grimoire that I brought back from the library. After a while, I heard a loud sound, and our pet cat Mami entered. It’s not only Mami, but she also took Isaac who was tied up with her. 「I went and hunt」 「Oh?, good job, Mami. Good girl, good girl」 Nadia patted Mami’s head. Mami seemed like she was bored, but her red cheeks tell otherwise. 「Lucio-kun, Onii-chan too」 I’m also interested what Isaac would be if he were divided into three. I used magic and divided him into three. What appeared within the light of the magic was the tied up Isaac with a third of his original size. 「The cool me」 「The world’s strongest me」 「Ahahahahaha! Onii-chan, what a great confidence」 Nadia laughed out loud. However, Isaac, you. Where in the world does that confidence come from. I told Mami to return Isaac from where she got him, and Nadia asked for more. 「Ne?, ne?, let’s do a lot of things, I mean a LOT of things」 「Ah! It’s Sylvie. Sylvie?, come here」 「What is it? Nadia-chan」 「Lucio-kun, please」 I used magic on Sylvia, dividing her into three. 「The polite Sylvia」 「The cry-baby Sylvia」 「The Sylvia that did not stop peeing in bed」 The three chibi Sylvias raised a scream at the same time. When Sylvia returned to normal, she ran away with a red face. 「I wonder if she’s alright.」 「It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ll scold her later」 「Eh? Scold her?」 「Ahh......」 Though I think coming this far, it’s fine if she doesn’t fix it anymore. After that, we went around and used『Magi』on our acquaintances. Each of them changed into three persons, and it was quite interesting. And, we met with Amanda-san. 「Let’s not to it to Amanda-san」 「Un, let’s not」 It’s somewhat scary. Amanda-san’s “that”, I feel that it’s better to keep it in secret. Me and Nadia’s sense of danger was perfectーーbut, because of that, we did not have enough. At that time, 「O?i, my Senjukou」 The King visited the mansion. 「Go, Lucio-kun! Use the magic on Ou-sama!」 「Got it!」 I used magic in high spirits with Nadia’s command. When I casted『Magi』on the King, 「My Senjukou LOVE」 「My Senjukou LOVE」 It became those three. 「「「I wanted to meet you, My Senjukou」」」 The King that turned into three doll-sizesーーclung to me at once.
「You’re late!」 After I had sent out Ojii-chan and the King, I was immediately scolded by Veronica when I returned to the living room. 「Sorry」 「Chase away old men immediately alright」 「No, I can’t do that」 「Well, whatever. Well then, rather than that, where are we going today?」 Veronica smiled pleasantly. It’s a spoiled, selfish smile, but a smile that I can’t somewhat hate. 「We’re going. Now, think of something」 「Is it already decided that we’d go」 「Of course」 I don’t really mind playing, so I thought. I thought of how to play, what kind of magic to use, just as usual. 「This is bad, Lucio-sama」 Sylvia entered the living room. She seems to be quite in a hurry. 「What happened」 「The floor of the room that the books are placed was broken」 It finally came huh, I thought. Books are heavy after all?. It can’t be helped that the floor would be broken with the amount of books the King brought. I came to the room where the Grimoires are brought in with Sylvia. Veronica also followed. Inside the room, there was really a hole opened there. I went to where the broken floor is, and reached out my hand. I used repair magic, and returned the floor back. It’s an easy magic. 「Even so, the Grimoires had increased so much huh」 「That is true......」 I remembered something, and told Veronica who was clinging to me. 「It would be probably better if you don’t go near here as long as possible」 「Why is that?」 Veronica got dubious. 「Is there something bad for you if I go near here?」 「No, it’s not something bad......」 Chris came. Veronica ran away from the room while screaming. I told you, this would happen. Veronica is not good with ghosts, and with a meaning, Chris is something like a ghost. If they met, well, it would be like this. 「Protect the Grimoires, they’re important after all」 「Sylvia, can I leave the rest to you」 「Yes」 I said that to the two, and chased after Veronica who ran away. It’s not a mansion that is very wide, so I found her quickly. Veronica was crouching down in the corner of the hallway, and shaking her head while hugging it. 「It came out it came out it came out it came out it came out」 She repeated like a broken record. Ah?ah?, she’s really frightened. 「Veronica」 「Hii!!」 I only called out to her normally, but she was scared that she almost jumped. I feel bad for her. 「What is that really! What was that! Is that possessing this mansion?!!」 「Sorry, sorry. Uhh, I’ll tell her to not leave that place, so don’t worryーー」 『Papa, there’s a fake one within the Grimoires?』 When I was about to say that, Chris appeared. Achya?, I thought, and looked at Veronica. 「......」 Veronica with an absent-minded face. She staggers to the ground, *Jyoーーー*, she peed. 「Higu!......」 And. 「Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!」 She started crying seriously. 「O?i, are you alright now」 「Please do not enter!」 A pillow was thrown to me. 「No, it’s alreadyーー」 「Please leave!」 The instant I entered her room to check on her, I was thrown out. I couldn’t help but go out. A moment of placing my back on the hallway’s wall. Sylvia came out from inside. 「How is she」 「I helped her change」 I nodded. I asked Sylvia to take care of Veronica who peed. 「It would’ve been faster if I did it with my magic. It’s would be an instant if I used『Dress Up』」 「You should not」 Sylvia unusually told me with a strong tone. 「If you do that, Veronica-san would be more and more wounded」 「Is that so?」 Rather, isn’t it better to hide evidences instantly with magic? 「It is like that」 I don’t get it, but since Sylvia insists that much, it’s probably like that. After all, when we just metーー. 「Lucio-sama」 She glared at me. Un, I should try my best to not remember. 「Anyways, I will do the rest, so Lucio-sama should forget that already」 「I got it, thanks」 Sylvia left. Veronica finished changing, but there’s still the cleaning up of where she “did” it. She’s going there. Well, what should I do. I should go to where Chris is once, and tell her to not leave from there whatever happens huh. If this continues, Veronica would get afraid after all. *Gacha*, the door opened. In her young girl form, Veronica who was wearing Nadia’s clothes, she glared at me with teary eyes while hiding her body with the door. I really feel bad for her. I should make it up to her somehow. 「Please take responsibility」 「Eh?」 「Please take responsibility!」 She shouted at me loudly. Responsibility, you say......what of? 「You saw a maiden’s embarrassing place, so please take responsibility!」 「Even if you say that...」 With something like thisーーhow should I take responsibility? When I wasn’t being able to get that, Veronica came out from the door. With teary eyes, she glared at me more, and said as if she couldn’t hold it anymore. 「We’re going out to play!」 「To play. Let’s go」 Saying that, Veronica pulled my hand, and forcefully took me out of the mansion. With Veronica, the two of us came out of a hole. The hold is an ant’s nest, and we got small up until now and entered. The instant we got out, I returned our side with magic, and sat on the ground just like that. 「That was fun」 「You can also do something like this huh」 「I did a similar thing with Nadia before」 At that time, the opponents were cockroaches......well, she might cry again if I told her that, so I decided to not tell her. We became small with magic, entered inside, defeated the ant soldiers, and defeated the ant queen. Veronica enjoyed a lot. I took out a lot of weapons with magic, and we defeated them using those. 「However, you’re really amazing」 「Your laughter when you were defeating ants. 『Ahyahyahyahyahya』, normal girls won’t do that you know. Even children who throws water on ant nests don’t go that far」 「I-I did not do that. It is not good creating nonsense you know」 I used magic. The video that I caught along the way was shown in the air. 『Ahyahyahyahyahya, die die die die dieeeeee!!!!』 The scene where Veronica was defeating ants in here “zone” was shown. 「Ah! You were also saying “die”」 「Kyaaa, kyaaaaaaaaaa!!」 She tried to take off the video in the air by swaying her hands. 「What is this, what on the earth is this」 「A video I took with magic」 「Stop it make it disappear right away」 「I got it」 I did what she told and made it disappear. ......I can make it appear again if I want to though. 「Really, you’re really」 I couldn’t help but do it, no regrets. Haa?, Veronica let out a deep sigh. And with that, her face and her tone returned to normal. 「You’re really......you do anything with magic huh」 「I’m even called Senjukou after all」 「You have read a thousand Grimoires huh」 「No, it’s about time that I’d exceed ten thousand」 「What a ridiculous person」 Veronica said that, but she seems to be enjoying. Young girl version Veronica, that smile of hers was very lovely. A lovely smile that is a different type from Sylvia and Nadia. What a lovely smile. 「It was very fun, so I will forgive you」 「Thank you」 「I’m jealous of those two. To be able to spend everyday just like this, they’re the happiest wife in the world」 I’m doing it with the intention of making them the most happiest in the world after all. 「Ne?, can you spend time with me just a little longer?」 I don’t really mind, it’s also quite fun to be together with Veronica. 「Well then, let’s have some tea」 「Tea?」 「Yes. In that place where we met, in this appearance」 「I got it」 I nodded, and stood up. 「Well now, let’s go have some tea」 Veronica stood up, and reached out to my hand. I heard a voice from the side. It’s a familiar voice. When I turned around, Simon was there. Simon Simpson. The man who guided me when I first went to the palace. Simon looks at Veronica and me, and made a complicated face. What is it? That face. Simon thought about it a lot, and with a resolute face, to the soldier that was passing by, a soldier wearing normal armor. 「Ahh, you there, I am affiliated with this」 He took out a card-like thing from his waist, and the man who was called out stopped, and made a salute. 「Good day to you sir」 「Please catch this girl」 「Wait」 I got in between. 「What’s that, what does this mean?」 「Martein-sama is married, and she is flirting with that Martein-sama」 Simon answered with a serious face. ......ah! I remembered about that day. Before we got to the palace, Isaac did something again and got caught. It’s the same with that. It’s true, looking from the side, it would look like she is inviting me. No, in fact, she’s inviting me, and this is also, with a meaning, a date. And Simon knows about that, she knows that I asked for Isaac to be punished. 「What are you doing! Remove these hands, who do you think I am? I am Veronica Amall Guernica you know」 Veronica shouts, but the soldier man won’t remove his hands. No one believes that she’s the previous queen right now. Should I return her back? No, that would make the things more complicated. It’s true that she invited a married person. If I return her here, the situation would be more messy with a Duke and a previous Queen. If that is soーー. Two years since I started using magic, I who have already been used to it, immediately thought of “a magic that would solve the situation”. 「『Magic Ring』」 A ring appeared from my palm “Ah!”, Simon let out a voice. It should be still within his pocket, the Grimoire of this magic. A Grimoire’s magic that creates a wedding ring. I passed that to Veronica. 「There’s no problem if she’s my wife right?」 I said that to Simon.
That Body is Surely Made with Cotton Royal Capital La Linea, in the Royal Grimoire Library. After successfully finishing the case with Guernica, I came back and am reading Grimoire as usual. The one I’m reading right now is a story that I probably have seen somewhere. A small girl dropped a doll in the spring, and when she was crying out loud, a goddess appeared from the spring asking「Is this the doll you have dropped」. 「This probably came from respecting golden axe and silver axe?」 The honest girl pushed back the expensive doll to the goddess, begging to return the doll that the girl has fond memories with. 「Ahh, it’s probably a similar development with a ‘good Gian’」(TL: Doraemon bully) For reading manga, this one has a more familiar development. It’s a good work after all, un. I read the Grimoire until the end, and learned the magic. I should try it I thought, and chanted the spell. 「『Possess Doll』」 In an instant, it was pure white in front of me. It’s a similar feeling with teleportation or summoning magic. I entrusted my body to the magic. After a while, my sight returned. (This......where is it? Mu!) First, I noticed that my voice wouldn’t come out. I tried to speak but my voice won’t come out. I feel my mouth moving, but there’s no voice. (『Light』) I tried to use magic. The tip of my finger lit. It looks like there’s no problem using magic. And with that, I calmed down, and looked around. It looks like it’s a room. On top of that, one that I’m familiar with. I took a look around. (Coco?) I saw our house’s pet dog. A dog-eared girl with beautiful fur and is mofumofu. A mysterious race that changes to a cat-eared girl when she’s splashed with water. That Coco, she was lying flat on the bed. In a position that is a little strange as a beastman, she’s sleeping with her body curled up like a dog. (I see, this is Coco’s room huh. Well, there’s no helping that I’m familiar with it) I looked inside the room once again. There’s no doubt, it is a room in my mansion in the royal capital La Linea. I found out my own appearance in the glass window. I became a doll. A doll that is the third of Coco’s size. My lookーーit is exactly like me. Just a little bit reformed, but a doll that you’d know it’s me with a glance. I moved my hand, the doll raised its hand to its limit. I moved my feet, the doll took a turn. I took a pose, Sapotendā. (TL: Cactuar in final fantasy) I see, it means I’m inside this doll because of the magic huh. It’s connected with the contents of the manga, and also in the spell’s name. It’s probably a magic to go inside a doll. But, how can I say this......it’s quite tattered. The Lucio doll that is shown in the glass window that I’m inside, can be obviously seen as tattered. The cheeks are a little dirty, there’s loose threads here and there, and when it comes to the shorts, there’s a little hole and cotton is coming out. “Why did it become like this”, when I was thinking of that. I heard Coco’s voice. I turned around, Coco’s sleepy face because of the warm sunlight is looking towards me. 「Thish ish where it’sh warm?......」 And just slept like thatーーbut when I was thinking of that, she started to rub her cheeks to the doll. She rubbed her cheeks, or bit it softly. She did that while still half-asleep. (Well, it can’t be helped that it would be in tatters) Her drool seeps into the parts where she bit lightly, and I felt a strange feeling. Well then, what should I do. I already checked the magic, so I should probably return to my body. The instant I thought of that, it was pure white in front of me. A common phenomenon with teleportation or summoning. It’s the same phenomenon when I went inside the doll. ButーーI didn’t do anything. I didn’t use any magic. What happened? The thing that I saw was a different dimensional space. 「Kukuku, I have waited, I waited for this time」 Demon King Balthazar’s space. His appearance is a little bit different from awhile ago. It’s originally close to a human’s, but right now, it feels like he’s become half-monster(?). 「I casted magic on you. I have waited for the time that you are away from your physical body, I have waited for this time that you cannot use your full powers」 Was he doing something like that. 「AndーーNnuuun!!」 With a shout, Balthazar’s clothes tore apart. It’s barely humanoid form, but most of it is a monster-like body. It feels a quite different from before. 「This is my metal beast monster body that I turned to with the body reformation that I used half of my magic powers. With this, I can win, this time for sure, I will defeat you and return to the mortal world; I will dye the earth with fear」 ....... 「Dieee!!」 I instantly killed Balthazar, and returned to the mansion. Oh really. That guy, isn’t he getting more persistent every time? That’s already in the range of being a stalker you know. I looked at my own appearance that is shown in the glass window. The tattered doll from the start, became more tattered. It was actually more different with using this doll body so I received a hit from him. The cheeks got broke, and cotton was coming out from there. (『Repair』) I used magic towards my selfーーto the doll. The tattered doll gradually got repaired with the power of magic. With a blink of an eye, it was like a new one. (Well then, this time for real, I should return to my body) 「Unyaa?......」 Coco woke up again. She looked around with her sleepy face. 「Mashter’sh not here?......」 I stealthily moved in front of Coco. She touched me, and smelled me. Coco made a very sad face. Mu! She looked around with a face that is about to cry, and searched for the doll. This is bad, I fixed it too much. I remembered the contents of the Grimoire. New and pretty doesn’t mean that it’s good. I strongly imaged the appearance before. That appearance that was shown in the glass window. (『Restoration』) I chanted the spell, and casted the magic on me. The doll’s appearance changed. The cheeks are a little dirty, there’s loose threads here and there, and the shorts is a little broken and cotton is coming out. To that, original appearance. 「......sun」 Coco sounded her nose, and looked towards me. Her face changed to one that has an innocent smile. She pulled me(the doll), and hugged me. And after that, she returned to her dog position, and slept again. She rubbed her cheeks, or bit me lightly and sweetly. 「Uhehe?......」 My tattered appearance became more tattered. More than when I was hit by Balthazar, more tattered than that. Coco, she seemed very happy. While feeling her drool seeping into this body, I continued to look at her happy smile.
In the mansion, afternoon. Reading Grimoires while relaxing on the sofa in the living room. Books were piled up on top of the table, and on the side, there’s the juice and snacks prepared by Amanda-san. The snacks are Amanda-san’s home-made potato chips. There wasn’t a dish like this in this world, but she made it when I explained it to her. Amanda-san, amazing. I read Grimoire with the golden pair for reading manga called juice and potato chips. I used『Replace』to make the season in the room as spring, so it is comfortable. I read Grimoire. After I finished reading one, I reached out to the next. I learned magic, but the reason why I didn’t test that right away, was because it was a series. A series strengthens the same magic; in the case before, I learned magic arrows, and the more I learn from the series, the more arrows I can use. arrows in the first volume, arrows in the second volume, arrows in the third volume; just like that, the number that I can shoot at the same time increased, and when I finished reading all volumes, I was able to shoot arrows at the same time. And since there was a happening like that, I thought of reading completely these 0 volumes of manga/Grimoire that I took from the library. The second volume of the Grimoire that should’ve been the second volume, was a completely different book. I took the other Grimoires that I placed on the table. The series, only volume two was missing. 「Khu! I can’t read with this」 For the first time in this world, I fell into the situation where I can’t read manga. To read the third volume skipping the second volume, no way. The pent-up feelings reading the third volume where the story is disconnected, and the spoilers would probably attack me. 「It can’t be helped, I should go take the second volume」 “Ha?”, I let out a sigh. Even so, why did something like this is mixed within? In the first place, what is this? Since I already went my way on taking it, I thought of reading this one-off first before returning it. I thought of that, and opened the pages, but. 「Mu?! This is」 「A-re?, that, maybe it is a treasure map?」 Did she come in without me noticing, Nadia who was peeking from behind said. As she had said, that was something like a treasure map. At the least, it is not a manga/Grimoire. After all. 「Fumu, fumu, Lucio-kun, this, isn’t it La Linea?」 Nadia immediately read it. I have yet to meet somebody in this world who is able to read Grimoires easily other than me. Since Nadia was able to read it easily, it means that it is not a Grimoire. It means, it is a normal treasure map. 「A treasure map huh?. Isn’t it exciting, Lucio-kun!」 「I guess so」 「I’ll go search for it a bit!」 She took the book where the treasure map is written as if to steal it, and Nadia jumped outside. She’s as active as usual. 「Coco?, come here for a bit?, we’re going to search for something?」 Nadia’s loud voice that I could hear from outside. It looks like she’s taking dog-eared girl Coco with her. On top of being active, she might be also quite an intellect. Well then, what should I do 「I’m back......」 Nadia returned seeming sad and her shoulders drooping. 「Coco?」 What happened with Coco? 「It was here, the place that the treasure map was pointing to」(TL: Kokoここ/cocoココ = the first one means ‘here’, and Coco is mofumofu) Ahh, you mean like that. I mean, it was pointing at this mansion huh. I received the map from Nadia. I concentrated reading it, and it’s true that it was pointing to this mansion. 「It seems like it’s buried under this mansion. I mean, isn’t it already gone, this」 「Un. If it’s in the mansion, it’s already gone. Coco said」 「......does she usually dig in the garden or something」 She’s a dog after all, Coco. 「Uu?, too bad, I wanted to treasure hunt」 「......you want to? Treasure hunting」 「Eh?」 Nadia got surprised, it was written on her face that she couldn’t understand what I said. I came to the mansion’s garden with Nadia. 「『Dream Search』」 When I casted that magic, one piece of a map appeared in front of me. The corners were tattered, and it really seemed like a map. 「This is?」 「A treasure map」 「A treasure map? This, our house?」 Nadia looked at the map and the mansion alternately. 「Yeah」 「Is there a treasure in our house?」 「Yeah. Try to look for it」 「Un!」 Nadia jumped into the mansion. After I looked at that, Amanda-san returned from outside. 「Sorry to keep you waiting, Danna-sama」 「How was it?」 「I have gone and received it」 Amanda-san passed me a Grimoire. The series Grimoire that I was reading just earlier, and the Grimoire of the magic I used right now; the volume two of that. 「Thank you, Amanda-san」 「You’re welcome」 And there, I opened the Grimoire and started to read it. After a while, Amanda-san came with a chair and a table, and the potato chips, juice and all of the remaining series. She also erected a parasol. 「Please take your time」 With being fully taken care of, I read manga. Around when I finished reading the second volume, I heard hurried footsteps. Nadia returned from inside the mansion. 「Lucio-kun!」 「I found this behind the cabinet!」 She said that, and the thing that Nadia reached out was one silver coin. 「This is the treasure?」 「That’s right. The magic of the Grimoire I’m reading right now, 『Dream Search』. It’s a magic that creates a treasure map that points where the treasure is」 「I guess it does」 I’m also surprised. 「But, but, calling one silver coin a treasure feels depressing. How can I say this, when you say treasure map, an exciting one is good right!」 「Then, you want to go for the next one? I’ve just finished reading the second volume. The magic should also be strengthened」 「Un! Do it, do it!」 Nadia was excited. Her full smile was quite cute. 「『Dream Search』」 I used the level two. The treasure map that came out looked older. 「Let me see......ah! This, it’s La Linea」 「It spread to the whole town huh」 「I’m going for a bit okay!」 Nadia left like the wind. I read the third volume. At exactly the same time when I finished reading it, Nadia returned again. 「Lucio-kun! This time it’s this!」 「There was two silver coins inside」 「That’s a bit iffy. You want to go with the third volume?」 「Un! It’s somehow, super fun」 Nadia was very happy. The effect of the magic is quite iffy, but my lovely wife is happy so, whatever. I read manga, and Nadia hunted treasures with the map. Each time I finished reading volumes, the treasure map became older, and the value of the treasures that are found increased, but it was still very little. Because when I already finished reading the ninth volume, the one that came out was a cheap brooch(10 silver coins on Amanda-san’s identification), so it’s quite that. The value is like that, and the effect of the magic is iffy, but. 「Nadia is happy with it, so whatever」 Within the setting sun, I saw Nadia’s video in the garden and thought of that. It’s Nadia’s appearance, when I secretly casted『Create Delusion』every time she returns. (TL: Hidden Camera magic?) Here appearance of horsing around like a child was super cute. ......well, she’s an 8-year-old child, she’s a young wife though. 「Lucio-ku?n」 When I was watching that, Nadia returned. She had something in her hand. 「I found this you know」 Her tension is the same as up until now, well, it’s like that. I asked Nadia who returned and stood in front of me. 「This. A Grimoire」 「He?, the value increased at once huh. Let me take a look......」 I received it, and my casual movement of flipping the pages had stopped. 「This is......no, no way right」 「What, what, what happened Lucio-kun」 「This front page, I have seen it before」 「A Grimoire you read before? It’s a miss then」 「No......it’s a jackpot」 「Eh?」 「This......it’s an ancient magic Grimoire」 To the sudden super jackpot, I was caught off and got really surprised.
When I Woke Up, I Was In A Place I Had No Idea. It seems that I was sleeping on a bed, but the place I was sleeping at was a place that I have no idea of. It wasn’t the cheap apartment with a moldy smell that I was living alone, or my room at the family house that had become a storage room. Wide and the ceiling is high, a room that a very wide bed is placed inside. Why am I sleeping here? I traced my memory, the memory that I have before I slept. If I was correct, I went to the bookstore to buy a manga, and been hit by a truck that plunged on my way homeーーbeen hit?!! I confirmed my body in a hurry. I raised my body and touched my whole body. There were no particular injuries, there were none, but. My body is strange. Skin that has firmness, *Puni* short soft limbs. Like that of a child, and also felt like that of a child entering a kindergarten. I moved my hand. It moved. I flopped my feet *PataPata*, it flops *PataPata*. Guwashi!! I couldn’t do it because my fingers are too short. For the mean time, I could move my body as I want. That means, is this me in my kid appearance? What does this mean? My last memory was a traffic accident, when I woke up I was in a child’s body. Is this......Reincarnation in another world? 「Good morning, Obo-chama」 「Eh?」 I looked at the direction of the voice. I saw a maid. Long skirt and apron, it wasn’t the moe-type but a proper maid. The maid approached towards me, bows her head, and said. 「Good Morning」 「G-Good morning?」 「Please excuse me」 The maid tried to take off my clothes. 「W-Wait?」 「What has happened?」 「What has happened you say......What are you doing」 「What, you say, I am helping Obo-chama change as usual though. Was there anything bad. Ah! Maybe you wet your ーー」 「I did not do that!」 I was almost been accused of something bad, I widened the sheets that were covered. 「Well, there is no problem then」 While I don’t know about anything, I made the maid help me change my clothes. My hair was combed, my pajama taken off and let me change to other clothes. It’s a noble-like clothes. 「Please excuse me」 Saying the same thing, the maid left the room. As I’ve guessed, I didn’t understand anything. To understand the situation better, I left the room. Walking around the corridor, *KyoroKyoro* I looked at this and that. The place I was, was on the building’s second floor, so I went down one floor from the staircase. I walked around the first floor. It seems to be some kind of a mansion. I saw one Ojii-san. I met my eyes with the grandpa. 「You properly woke up huh Lucio, that’s good that’s good」 The Ojii-san patted my head. Lucio......is that my name? 「Uhm......」 「What is it, are you still sleepy?」 「That’s not it......Who is Lucio?」 「Did you forget your own name, Lucio. It seems that you are still sleepy」 It looks like it was really my name. The Ojii-san was laughing pleasantly. 「Ne?Ne?, who is Ojii-san?」 I asked the Ojii-san. I imagined the child-mode of C*nan. 「Did you forget your Jii-chan’s face, Hm?」 The Ojii-san, as I’ve thought, said that happily, and patted my head furthermore. This Ojii-san is really Lucio’s grandfather huh. 「It seems that you are still really sleepy. After you eat breakfast go and sleep the second time. Jii-chan will be reading books on the archive, so let’s play around noon」 「Books?」 「Do you like books?」 Ojii-san asked, but I didn’t know what to answer. Because, although I wrote “reading” in my profile’s hobby list, all I read was mangas. I love mangas, but in a place like an “archive”, there wouldn’t be mangas, right. 「Yosh, Jii-chan will guide you to the archive」 Jii-san held me up, and started walking. And entered a room. 「Ohh」 Inside the room were only booklets, and the books are stuffed. Ojii-san let me down. 「How is it, isn’t it amazing. They are Grimoire that Ojii-chan collected in his lifetime. There are only a few that can collect this much as an individual you know」 It was a word I was not familiar. 「Umu, it is about the book that has records of magic or skills. It’s a magic book that you can learn magic if you finish reading it, in both meanings. Just with the value of the books in this room, you can buy a few mansions like our’s」 I still couldn’t understand it completely , but this grimoire thing is very expensive, and if you can read them you will be able to use skills or magic huh. 「That’s amazing」 「Ojii-chan will continue reading the book he was reading, so Lucio should take the book that you are interested and you can read it」 After saying that, Ojii-san took a book inside the room, and sat at the rocking-chair that is placed in the middle of the room. And opens it, then *UnUn* started groaning. It probably was so difficult, and the page was not turning up at all. Being curious of what kind of book the thing called Grimoire was, I approached, climbed the chair and looked at it. 「Eh? Manga?」 The book that Ojii-san was groaning like*U?n* *U?n* while reading it, was a normal manga.
After lunch under the clear sky. I relaxed in the mansion’s garden with Mami and read manga. Mami went and chase after flowers and insects in the garden, return to me and put her head on my arm or on top of the manga. It was that kind of afternoon just as usual. And then, I suddenly noticed. I noticed that I hadn’t seen my wives today. “Did they go out?”, I used magic while I thought of that. 「『Current Status』」 It’s magic that shows the current status of the mansion. I narrowed the contents to「Number of people」and displayed it. 『 Residents, Visitors, Others』 There was quite a lot of residents. It means that excluding Mami and me, there are other people in the mansion. Everyone’s in the mansion? But I can’t see any of them. I put down the Grimoire that I was reading and called with a whispering voice. 「Amanda-san」 The maid, Amanda-san, appeared right at my side. She shouldn’t have been there just an instant before, but she came just like a ninja. Right now, I almost cannot feel her presence as well, although I can see her. She is the most mysterious person among us as usual. 「What’s everyone doing?」 「If it is about Oku-samas, three of them have gathered in the living room. Only Nadia-sama have left」 「They gathered. Are they doing something?」 「Yes」 「Do I need to help them with magic or something?」 「It is for the best that you have not heard about it」 「Fu?n, I got it」 「『Erase Memory』」 I used magic, and the memories inside of my head disappeared like an eraserーー. After lunch under the clear sky, I am reading a Grimoire in the garden. Mami tripped and made a bucket fell over her and turned to Coco after being splashed with water. Coco came to me pitifully, and I dried her using『Quick Dry』 Coco curled her body around my feet and started to take a nap. She took out a doll of me that who knows where she kept and slept blissfully. I continued to read manga. Come to think of it, I haven’t met any of my wives today. But when I was thinking of that, Sylvia came out of the mansion. She came to me while she let her beautiful golden hair sway while it reflected the light of the sun. 「Lucio-sama, can I ask something?」 「Un, what is it?」 「The first job that Lucio-sama didーーe?to, the water job」 「Ahh, we walked and sold water huh」 「What magic did you use then?」 「It’s『Distillation』. A magic that removes impurities from a liquid and makes it pure」 I took the glass of juice I placed on the side that I drink when I’m reading manga. I used the『Distillation』magic that Sylvia asked. The color of the juice gradually diminished and turned into transparent pure water. 「It’s this! Distie, re......?」 「Distillation」 I slowly told Sylvia again because she seemed to have a hard time saying it. It’s a word that in after all. 「Distillation. Un! Thank you very much, Lucio-sama」 Sylvia turned around with a face full of smiles and returned inside the mansion. After I saw her off, I suddenly got curious. Why did she ask about that magic? On top of that, all she asked was about its name. 「What is Sylvia doing?」 「She is talking with the other Oku-samas in the living room」 「Were they talking about memories or something?」 「......I heard the word “surprise”」 「Surprise......」 I ruminated on Amanda-san’s words. Surprise......they’re probably planning on doing something to me. If so, I need to get surprised properly. 「Un, thank you, Amanda-san. I got it」 Amanda-san let silently. A magic that perfectly erases designated memories, if you use it too much, you can become a holder of the unisex fist of justiceーー. After lunch under the clear sky, I am reading a Grimoire in the garden. It is very peaceful with Coco sleeping around my feet. I got thirsty so I took the glass I placed on the side table. 「Water? How weird, it should’ve been juice inside」 I tilted my head. I am sure that I brought juice with me, but that changed into water. “It’s probably someone’s trick.”, but when I was thinking of that. *ParaParaPara*, it started to rain. I looked up the sky, there are almost no clouds, and the sun is shining very brightly. A sunshower huh, how rare. I closed the Grimoire and looked up to the sky. “This feels good in its way”, I let myself get hit by the rain. Coco who was sleeping around my feet got wet with the rain and changed to Mami. Mami woke up. And after she looked around carefully, she crawled into the narrow space below my chair and slept again. 「Ahaha,『Quick Dry』」 It would be pity if she gets a cold so I made her body dry. After a while, the rain stopped and I started to read the Grimoire again. 「Lucio」 「Veronica huh, what is it?」 「I heard about it from Sylvia. It seems like you went to bath with the three of you together before」 「Bath? We do enter together from time to time. What’s up with that?」 「It is about the time when Lucio and Nadia became small while Sylvia has her normal size」 「Ahh, about that huh」 I had used『Small』on Nadia and myself for fun when Nadia and I entered the bath before. We became smaller, and when we were swimming around the bath that became as wide as a lake, Sylvia came, and after that, she entered the bath with her normal size. Sylvia in her original size and Nadia and me with our small size. We climbed on Sylvia as if she was an attraction and took the bath time leisurely. That was fun. 「What’s with that?」 「Can you show me the scene at that time?」 「Scene? 『Create Delusion』......like this?」 I used magic and created a video in mid-air. Sylvia who entered the bath and Nadia and me like dolls. I climbed on Sylvia’s shoulder, and Nadia is horsing around on top of Sylvia’s hand. 「This is......it really looks fun」 「Yeah, it was fun, we also did things like hanging from Sylvia’s hands and do a water swing」 I showed her that with the video magic while I explained. Veronica stared at that very intently. Don’t tell me, does Veronica wants to do it as wellーーno, Veronica said「really」. I wonder if she heard about it from somebody. 「Thank you, Lucio. Well then」 Veronica casually ran towards the mansion before I could carefully ask about it. 「Danna-sama」 「Uwwa! I’m surprised. What is it? Amanda-san」 「Does the magic『Erase Memory』have any side effects?」 「That one that erases memories? It’s alright as long as it isn’t used many times at once, but why do you ask?」 「If it is four times in one day?」 「Well, it should be fine」 When I answered that, Amanda-san became silent without expressions. What was that all about? 「This might be very rude, but can you please forget about what Oku-sama did right now」 「Veronica?......I got it」 I don’t know why, but it’s Amanda-san who said it. I used『Erase Memory』on myself. About the things Veronica asked, about her asking a questionーー. 「Lucio-chan, Lucio-chan, Lucio-cha?n」 Balthazar suddenly came flying and tackled me. She hugged me while we rolled on the ground. For some reason, the ground is wet and soaked. When I took a proper look again, I saw there Balthazar with an excited face and Amanda-san with a complicated expression a little far away. What is it, really? The sun has set and I was about to return to the mansion after I closed the manga. This is quite rare. The day is about to end, but I have not met with anyone although they’re in the house. Because I have not met them, I really want to meet them. I walked around the mansion and searched for the four. And then, I met Amanda-san. 「Thank you for the hard work, Danna-sama」 「Hard work? I have just read manga today though. Rather than that, where’s everyone?」 「The Oku-samas are in the living room」 I nodded and started walking. For some reason, Amanda-san made a worried face. This isn’t very like Amanda-san, did anything happen? And while I thought of that, I arrived at the living room. I knocked and entered. 「Everyone, are you hereーー」 There are the four inside. Sylvia, Nadia, Veronica, Balthazar. My lovely wives are there. The four of them surrounded a table and were writing something in a paper using colored pencils. And it looks like they have just finished a whole book, it was bound and covered, becoming a proper book. 「Ah! It’s Lucio-kun. Just right in time」 Nadia stood up and quickly ran towards me. 「Just right in time?」 「Un! Come here」 I had my hand pulled and I was taken where everyone is. My lovely wives, the looked at me with a face that was satisfied but expects something of me. 「Lucio-sama, please read this」 「This is......mu! A manga?」 What Sylvia passed to me was the book everyone made. That thick thing, unbelievableーーit is a proper manga! 「This is?」 「Everyone made it desu wa」 「It’s full and fu?ll of Lucio-chan you know?」 「The title is......DoroDoroDoroDoroーーJan!!」 「It is『I am a world’s strongest, because I can read MANGA』, desu」 The four of them showed to me with bragging expressions. I am a world’s strongest, because I can read MANGA......? The title was like that, but its contents were too. I flipped the pages and got surprised, it was really a proper manga. 「Ne?, ne?, read it Lucio-kun」 I got pushed and started to read my wives’ manga. The story started with me reading mangas in Ojii-chan’s archive. Me, who learned all kinds of magic, deciphering Grimoires. I met with Sylvia, and she peed on our bed. I met with Nadia, and I saved her from the slave merchant. I met with Veronica, and I walked with her under the sea. I met with Balthazar, and she sneezed on me. The free lifestyle from when I met with the four of them became a manga. Everyone was silent while I was reading it, but excited as well. Sylvia sat with a seiza and Nadia hugged Sylvia while smiling. Veronica was sitting in a way that shows dignity in her bearing although she is in her child form and Balthazar is taking a nap with her chin on top of my thigh with a snot bubble. Within that, I finished reading the manga. 「How was it?」 Sylvia asked as the representative. I looked at the four of them. 「This lifestyle, I hope it continues forever」 The four of them clearly nodded, and Balthazar also was awake when I noticed it. This lifestyle, the lifestyle with the four of them that I spent, that lifestyle that even became a story like this. I want it to continue, no matter where it would take us. I thought of that and they also thought so. That is why, I reached out my hand. 「『Space Time of Sazae』」 I used magic. I used the magic that appeared inside of my head when I finished reading the mangaーーGrimoire『I am a world’s strongest, because I can read MANGA』that my wives made. The light of the magic released from meーーit spread through my wives, the mansion, and the whole worlds. I do not know how long has passed, but the light gradually dissipated. The four of them had face that thinks of it strangely from an excited face. 「What magic was that now?」(Veronica) 「It’s ancient magicーーno, probably a magic in a higher level than that」 「As expected of Lucio-kun?, you can even use that huh?. Ne, ne, ne, ne, what effect does it have?」 「I made this world, Sazae-san’s Time and Space」 Sylvia tilted her head. The others also made a face that doesn’t understand. A higher level of magic than the ancient magic that controls weather, a magic that changes how the world works itself. I held my hands with my wives that let me be able to use that. Sylvia, Nadia, Veronica, Balthazar. My very, very important wives’ warmth and existence could be felt through our hands. 「I know, since it’s the occasion, let’s take a picture」 「I do not know what occasion it is, but that is true」 「I’ll go call Amanda-san and Coco-chan and Mami-chan okay」 「I’ll go change clothes」 My four wives started moving with their own task, and I became sure after looking at the four of them. In this world that I reincarnated into, I became a world’s strongest because I can read manga. From now and forever, my willful life with my wives will continue. That, I thought so.
I returned inside the library. Snow was falling outside with my magic, but nothing had changed inside. A wonderful space where there are tens of thousands of mangas. It was just like a manga cafe. Until the snow outside stops, I should read manga for a while, I thought. I stood in front of the nearest bookshelf, and glanced through their covers. I was quite excited. Because almost all of the Grimoires are ones that I hadn’t read before. I took one that I had not read before, and the time when I was going to read it. 「You’re a new face huh?」 「Un?」 I was called out, so I looked to my side. There was one old man there. Wearing normal clothes, he was holding a broom and a dustpan. I wonder if he was a janitor. As usual, I answered in child-mode. 「Nice to meet you, I am Lucio Martein」 「Ohh, then you are that Lucio-sama, the new administrator of this library」 「Yes, what about Ojii-san?」 「Please call be Abe」 「Abe-san desu ne. Please take care of me」 I took a quick glance to the Grimoire that I took out, and looked around the library. 「What is the matter」 「A-no-ne, where should I read this, I thought」 「Where?」 「Un, something like a sofa, or a chair would be nice, I thought. I thought I wanted to sit there and slowly read the Grimoire」 When I said that, Abe-san was very surprised for some reason. His eyes on his wrinkled face was widened, and was staring at me. Did I, say something weird? 「Abe-san what’s the matter?」 「Administrator-san think of interesting things」 「Is that so? It’s a library right, wouldn’t you want a place to have a seat and read?」 「If it was a normal library, then that is true. But this is the Grimoire Library where Grimoires are stored, they are all Grimoires that would take from months to years to read, there’s no meaning even if there are chairs and sofas」 「Ah!......」 When I think about it, that was right. I almost forget since I was able to read normally, but the almost all of the people of this world cannot read manga. As Abe-san had told, one book would normally take several months, some may take years. I guess that’s true that with that, chairs aren’t needed in this library. 「I see......ne?, do you think it’s okay if I bring my own chair」 「Lucio-sama is administrator-sama, so that much is」 「Thank goodness. Then, I have to find a good chair and sofa huh, I’m going to read this much Grimoires, the chair that I’m going to sit on during that should be good」 「Are you planning to read everything」 Abe-san was still surprised. 「Un! There’s this much of them, I have to read it. It’s exciting right, to be able to read Grimoires this many as much as I want」 「Lucio-sama likes studying huh」 I laughed wryly. 「I think so. In everyone that I have met until now, they all felt as if reading Grimoires was mortification」 Mortification, huh. Well, they’re forcefully reading what they couldn’t read, so maybe it’s mortification. But yeah, if I think of it as reading every manga in a manga cafe, it might be a little be mortifying. But I’ll still do my best and read it though. The manga here, the more I read them, the more I can learn magic, so mortification or whatever, I’ll do it. 「A person like Lucio-sama is the first time」 「Was that so」 「I cannot read Grimores, but I will support Lucio-sama from the shadows」 「Thanks, Abe-san」 I said thanks. From Abe-san, I had the same feeling with Ojii-san on our family mansion. Making a kind smile, it was almost just like the same with an Ojii-san who treats his grandchild kindly. Maybe, I’m a Jijii-killer. I don’t feel bad. While thinking about that and tried to read the next manga, the library’s door was opened widely. A middle-aged man who was wearing a splendid attire opened it. That man was having a serious look, but when he looked here, he clearly was relieved. 「This is bad」 Said Abe-san who was beside me. What is bad? The middle-aged man, while catching his breath, sounded his footsteps while he approached. And, he stood in front of Abe-san who was beside me. 「I was looking for you, your majesty」 「Your majesty?!」 I was very surprised and looked at Abe-san. Abe-san was like *YareYare*, and sighed with a troubled face. And soon after, his air changed. From the air of a very friendly janitor Ojii-san, to a noble’s air that had a majestic aura. His appearance hadn’t changed, but it was as if he was a different person. 「Your majesty, he said......could you be, the King?」 「Umu. I am the King of Savoya, Abraham the Third de aru」 No way, is he’s really the king! 「I am sorry for hiding my identity. I had heard from Ruby, but I wanted to actually see what kind of person you are with my eyes」 「I-Is that so」 「In reality, it’s good that I met you. You are a more wonderful child than what Ruby had talked about」 「Thank you very much」 I was praised very much, it looks like he’d really had taken a like to me. And that Abe-san......the King, looked towards the middle-aged man. 「Hugo」 「Ha!」 「Gather artisans, to make this child leisurely read Grimoires inside the library, make a space where he can read comfortably」 「As you wish」 「Also, I will grant all of the authority that the royal house have concerning with Grimoires to this child. Make the draft for the imperial rescript」 This time, he looked towards me, and said. 「Lucio」 「Na?ni?」 「As you have heard. I will leave this whole Grimoire Library to you. Everything of it」 「Can I buy new Grimoires?」 I remembered what Ojii-san had asked of me, and asked. 「Hahaha. Of course, collect all as you want」 「Waaai, thank you!」 It was a little exaggerating in the child-mode, but I was simply happy. Not only what is here, I was happy that they would increase. Looking at me being joyful, the King made a kind smile. As I’ve thought, it was the same feeling with Ojii-san that was in our family home. 「Your majesty」 Hugo said to the King with a serious face. 「What is it」 「If it would be all authorities concerning Grimoires, a Baron rank is needed at least」 「Then make him a Baron」 ..................... Ehhhhhhhh? That is, could that be?! The King, deepened his smile and made a pleasant smile towards me.
When I was having a walk with Coco, I encountered a commotion on the town’s outskirts. The were a lot of town people making a crowd, and was surrounding someone. 「And you ran away with that」 「You’re not saying that left her alone right」 「To think that he’s a man like thatーーyou’ve disappointed me」 Everyone was surrounding someone and accusing him with words. I wonder what happened, I gripped Coco’s leash, and went to the middle of the commotion. 「Ne?ne?, what happened?」 Towards the young man in the back line, I asked in child-mode. Coco who was not used to me being on child-mode was surprised, but I ignored that for the mean time. The young man answered. 「This guy did an outrageous thing」 「This guy? an outrageous thing?」 I looked at the person being surrounded. It was a face I had seen before, if I’m correct......it’s Adriano. A court magician who had a triumph return to his village, a man who can use kinds of magic. That man was made to do seiza on the ground. 「You saw that the carriage that Hime-sama was riding on was being attacked by bandits, but instead of saving her, you ran away」 「......」 I lost my words, and looked at Adriano who lost himself. Oi oi, weren’t you a court magician. Weren’t you able to use kinds of magic. You were being pampered by women like that......... 「Really, you’ve disappointed us!」 「You’re the worst, you!」 Within the people who surrounded Adriano, there were also the appearance of the women that pampered him that day. The women were looking down at Adriano with cold eyes. 「Please wait, that’s not true, there was a proper reason」 「What is the reason?」 I asked while still in child-mode. And that started the fire. 「That’s right that’s right, what was the reason」 「Hime-samaーーleaving your lord behind and running away alone, let me hear the reason for that」 「T-That isーーright, I wanted to let everyone know. That Oujo-denka is in danger, and the bandits might also attack here」 「He?, but Onii-chan. Onii-chan is a court magician, and can use a lot of magic right. Couldn’t Onii-chan just defeated them on the spot?」 「That’s right, that’s right!」 「Why did you not defeat them!」 「T-That is......」 Adriano couldn’t answer. While in seiza, he made his shoulders smaller and smaller. Being bathed in the town people’s sight, he was making a face that looks he’d die anytime. Just like the rating of a number one idol who was found out with infidelity, it felt as miserable as that. I left that place quietly. And went directly towards outside of the town. 「Where we going desu ka??」 Coco who I took with me asked. 「I’m going to go save the princess」 「Ehhhhhhh?」 「If she was attacked by bandits, there’s no way she couldn’t be left like that. I meanーー」 I looked behind with a glance. The town people were still accusing Adriano. They were continuing to accuse him, but no one was saying of saving her. 「But do you know desu ka?? That, princess’s place right now」 「I’ll do something about itーーSearch Some」 It was a magic used for finding people, so I used it for the mean time. After I put on the conditions the person I am searching for is a princess, a single line emerged from the ground. A red line just like a D image stretched very long. Thinking of the effects of the magic, she should be ahead of this. 「Yosh, let’s go」 「Y-Yes?」 I took Coco with me, and went after the line that had stretched. The line was stretching towards the road outside of the town, but it changed ways in the middle to the side road. Finally entering in the mountain, it stretched into a cave. A carriage was abandoned beside the cave. Tracing with magic and physical evidence, no doubt that it’s here. I looked at Coco. She who had followed me up to here had her dog ears *Pita* towards her back. It was also on her face, she was somehow frightened. 「What happened」 「I’m scared desu?. They’re bandits, right??」 「Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard」 「Bandits, they’re......scary?!」 I see, she’s frightened to the bandits’ existence huh. It’s not like I don’t understand that. 「Don’t worry, I’m with you」 「Ah......!」 Coco was astonished, and *Po* blushes her face. Coco timidly nodded. For the meantime, it looks like she’s not frightened anymore. I took Coco with me and entered the cave. Using 「Filament」 to make light, and moved through the path. Suddenly, I heard the sound of people talking, so I made the *Shi?* gesture to Coco, stopped our feet and hear what they’re talking about. 「You, who do you think I am. The first princess of Savoya Kingdom, I am the Ruby Savoya seventh to the king’s throne!」 「We know, we know, you’re the only princess right now right」 「There’s no way we wouldn’t know a person that famous right?」 「You know, I’ve seen you a lot of times. I’ve seen the speeches you did a lot of times yo?」 I heard a princess-like, and bandit-like voice. 「Then hurry up and release me jya. If it’s right now, I can make it that this has never happened」 「That, she said, what do you think」 「That’s......there’s now way」 「Of course, it’s the awaited time that a princess came, you should do your “work” properly. Kekeke」 When one of the bandits said that, every one of them laughed nastily. 「Work you say? There’s no work that I have to do in a place such like this」 No, there’s one you know. Specifically it’s not work, but a cliche though. 「Hehehe, there’s one thing, you know」 「Right, right, something that can only be done by a princess」 「W-What is it. Why are you taking off your pants」 ......it’s that after all huh. But well, it’s normal though. Bandits kidnapping a princess, having an idea that is something like that, unless they’re a group of homos, that’s impossible. That’s why, the flow of things are correct. 「Stop it jya, don’t come nearーーdon’t touch me!」 The princess shouted. Her voice was trembling. 「Kya!」 I heard a small scream, and it became quiet. ......I’ll go save her huh. 「Arerere?, I wonder where this is??」 Being in child-mode, I entered there. It was a scene that as I had heard. The princes, Ruby, was being restrained on the wall, some of the bandits quick on their move had taken off their pants, and gathered towards Ruby. And Ruby herself had her dress disarrayed with her body, and had a messed up appearance. Probably hit her head when she was attacked, she lost consciousness, and laid quietly. I counted the numbers of the bandits. There are eight of them. There weren’t a lot of them. 「Who are youーーhey, a brat huh」 The bandit that was cautious for an instant put his guard down after looking at me. Well, I look like a -year-old child, that’s normal. 「Hey you, brat, this isn’t a place brats like you come to. Before you get hurt, goーー」 That bandit walked toward me, reached out his hand as if to grab my shoulder. 「Blaze Needle」 I chanted magic. Needles of flame appeared mid-air, and pierced through the man. Pierced through by needles from all directions, the insides of the man were burned, and collapsed just like that. The remaining seven bandits changed the colors of their faces. A few who reacted quickly were already making a stance with their weapons. 「You! Who are you!」 「I’m nobody important?」 While saying that, I confirmed the places of the seven, and chanted magic. It was the second Blaze Needle. The needles of flame enough for them attacked the bandits. Six of them were pierced through by the needle, and collapses. One of them swung his weapon and blocked most of the needles, but unable to block only one needle, it pierced very deep to his stomach. It was only one, but it was deadly enough. 「Lucio Martein. Just a normal reincarnated person」 The man made face that couldn’t understand. I chanted 「Black Hole」. At least in an instant, I thought. I looked around, all of the bandits were taken care of. The only thing left is to bring back the princess, but. 「......this in itself, is troublesome」 Lost her consciousness, looking at Ruby with her messed up look, I was a little troubled.
Afternoon, I am reading manga in the mansion’s garden leisurely. There is Balthazar nearby. She is wandering around here and there, walking around chasing a butterfly in the garden. Balthazar who loves butterflies so much that she calls them「Chou-chan」. I read manga while watching her on the side. The one I’m reading right now is a series manga that I brought from the Grimoire Library. It’s a work with a ridiculous story, starring a bad looking picaresque hero-like main character, who did not only took a legendary Demon Sword in his hand, but even made that Demon Sword give birth to another Demon Sword. Things like doing something like a husband and wife stand up comedy with a Demon Sword, and the heroines around are cute too, so it’s a manga that is easy to read. 「Lucio-chan」 「Un, whatーーwhat’s that?」 「That is my line you know? What is this?」 What she is carrying is a big bee’s nest. Her appearance of hugging it with her very long sleeves was lovely, but scary at the same time because of the bee’s nest. 「That’s a bee’s nest. It’s dangerous so put it back where you took it」 「Dangerous? But, this smells really good you know?」 「Well, there’s honey inside after allーーoh, there it is, it’s that thing drooping there」 「Honey?」 Balthazar dexterously peeked on the bottom of the bee’s nest while hugging it. And, she licked the drooping honey. 「Sweet」 Without giving me time to stop her, Balthazar bites the bee’s nest, and made a「×」on her face. 「So bad......」 「Well, it’s a bee’s nest after all, it’s the bee’s house」 「It smells this sweet too......」 「......hmm」 Sweet smell......house. I remembered a certain magic. 「Balthazar, you want to eat that?」 「Call me, Hacchan? I don’t want to eat it anymore because it’s not delicious you know?」 「If it was delicious?」 I gently pinched her nose, and casted magic on the bee’s nest that she’s holding. 「『Hexen House』」 The light of the magic enveloped the bee’s nest. 「You should be able to eat it with this」 「Ah! It’s chocolate」 Balthazar bit on it without hesitations and made a delighted face. Its appearance did not change from being a bee’s nest, but it looks like it became chocolate. 「*MoguMogu*......whash thid......*MoguMogu*......Rusho-shan」 「Don’t talk while eating. That was a house of treats magic. In short, it changes any structure into treats」 「House to treats?」 「House?」 Balthazar pointed at the mansion. 「If I casted magic on it, yes. But the mansion’s not okay, alright? Everyone’s living there after all」 「......Lucio-chan, come here okay?」 I stood up being pulled by Balthazar. And just like that, I was forcefully taken away. We arrived at the back of the mansion. There is a huge dog house there, and Coco is napping curled up inside. Coco who is a beast-kin stays a lot of times inside the mansion, but there are also times when she would feel relaxed in this really dog-house looking place. “Don’t tell me, she wants to eat Coco’s house......?”, I thought, but we passed by. Moving further ahead, we arrived at the back of the back of the mansion that we usually won’t visit. In there was a deserted-looking storage that stopped being used. 「This is house too you know?」 「You want to eat it?」 Balthazar nodded clearly and had her eyes sparkling. 「I got it. 『Hexen House』」 I used magic on the storage shed and changed it into a house of treats. As soon as I finished using the magic, Balthazar immediately jumped onto it. 「It’s sweet and delicious」 「Let me have a taste......oh, the window’s like candy」 「The door tastes like cookie you know?」 「The wall became a sponge cake. Un, it’s good」 Balthazar and I ate the shed. There was too much of it to eat everything, so it’s like tasting this and that. 「W-What are you doing, Lucio?!」 「Eh」 I turned around, and saw Veronica looking at me like she was struck by a lightning bolt. 「......ah!」 I noticed the reason for her surprise. 『Hexen House』changes structures into a house of treats, but it still looks the same. In short, for Veronica who does not have any clue, Balthazar and I are eating a half-destroyed storage shed. Well, she can’t be blamed to make such a face. 「To think that......Lucio has such a hobby」 「Wait, don’t misunderstand. Balthazar, you go and explain too」 「Waa?, there’s Kumo-chan’s house too, Lucio-chan should eat this too you know?」 She plunges a spider’s net into my mouth. 「Delicious?」 「It’s like cotton candy」 「Waa?.」 I should let Chou-chan eat it too. I’ll make her clear her long-standing grudge you know?」 Balthazar peeled off the spider’s nest that sticks to the storage shed, and ran off to somewhere. 「To eat even a spider’s nest......on top of that, he even said it tastes like cotton candy......」 Veronica bursts into tears. 「To think that my husband is such a person」 「Wait a second, I’ll explain it okay」 It was almost a divorce crisis, I stopped Veronica from leaving, desperately explained to her the magic, and was somehow able to make her convinced. After that, the storage shed was eaten deliciously by our family.
In spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn. From the morning this day, Sylvia and Nadia, the three of us, were laying down on top of the bed. On top of the bed was warm enough even if magic weren’t used, so we were laying down very comfortably. 「Ah!......」 I heard Sylvia’s voice from the side, so I looked towards her. Her eyes were half-opened, and it looks like she just woke up. 「Is it......a dream?」 Oh, she was seeing a dream huh. Sylvia looked around restlessly for awhile, but then closed her eyes again and went to sleep. Her sleeping face looks very comfortable. Just by looking at her, I felt very happy. 「Sylvie, I wonder what dream she is seeing」 I looked towards Nadia. In Nadia’s case, she was laying around but she was completely awake. 「Yeah, I wonder what kind of dream it is」 「Ehehe......Lucio-sama?......」 Sylvia said in sleep talk. 「It looks like she’s seeing a dream about Lucio-kun」 「It seems like that」 「I wonder what kind of dream is it......she even slept the second time for it, so it’s a good dream right」 「Yeah」 I know that feeling. Seeing a good dream, sleeping the second time to see it again, and see the good dream for a longer time. That is also something that happened to me before. 「What kind of dream it is, let’s ask Sylvie later」 「......if you want, we can take a peek right now?」 I suggested to Nadia. 「Take a peek huh, how?」 「Magic」 「You can do that?!」 Nadia was surprised, raising her body on the top of the bed very quickly. She was like “I’m so excited, if you can do it, let’s do it”, it was that kind of face. I also raised my body. Just exact, I just remembered that kind of magic from the Grimoire Library. 「You want to do it?」 「Then, hold my hand」 「Like this?」 「That’s okay, let’s goーー『Dream Catcher』」 I chanted the spell, and the light of the magic enveloped the two of us. It became pure white before our eyes, and our whole body was enveloped by a floating feeling. After a while, we came to a place that was vague and has no background. 「This isーーAh! This feeling, it’s a dream」 Nadia understood quickly. It felt very fluffy and cloudy, it felt like the sight wasn’t focus and has no background. Inside the dream, it felt exactly just like seeing a lucid dream. 「Is this inside Sylvia’s dream?」 「Yeah, it’s that kind of magic」 「Well now, I wonder where Sylvia is」 While being praised by Nadia, I searched for Sylvia’s appearance. Inside the fluffy and cloudy dream world, I saw that immediately. 「A-re, Sylvie?」 It was not Nadia’s fault that she didn’t know. For the reason, the one who was there was the grown-up version of Sylvia. It completely looked like Sylvia’s grown-up appearance that I casted on her during the party the other day. Beside her, there was one man. ......a super dazzling, handsome man. 「Then, who is that?」 「......who knows」 I beat around the bush, I didn’t really like to say it. Nadia stared intently for a while, and *Pon* she hit her hand. 「I got it, that is Lucio-kun!」 「......」 「That’s correct right」 「......yeah」 I nodded with a bitter face. Right, that who was right there, was me. It was me who grew up just like Sylvia. But, that was super duper handsome. That was far, more handsome that the grown-up that I casted on myself. It was quite beautified, it was so beautified that it was so embarrassing to say “That is me”. With “me” inside the dream, Sylvia faced each other. 「O Lucio-sama, why art thou Lucio-sama?」 Oi oi. 「It was because I was destined to meet you」 Ughe......... Chills ran from my back. Chills ran throughout my body because of the lines of Dream Lucio. Sylvia was, seeing this kind of dream huh. 「Ahh......Lucio-sama, so cool」 No, no...... 「That’s cheap, that’s too cheap!」 Nadia let out a loud voice, and got between the two grown-ups. 「N-Nadia-chan?」 「That’s too cheap, Sylvie. Lucio-kun isn’t something like this」 It looks like she came to stop Sylvia’s dreamーーor delusions in a way. It seemed like she was going to put it back on tracks, so I just looked on how it would go. 「Then, how is it?」 Closing her eyes, Nadia thought while placing her pointing finger in her head. 「Just like this!」 After she opened her eyes in an instant and said that, the “me” inside the dreamーーDream Lucio changed his appearance. That is, saying it with a word...... it was an Overlord. With a fearless face, wearing a fluttering mantle and a crown, looking afar with face full of confidence. And finally, his sight poured into the two. 「Sylvia, Nadia. We’re going to take itーーwe’re going to take the world」 「Yes! Lucio-sama」 「A?n, you can do whatever you want Lucio-kun!!」 Sylvia with her eyes mesmerized, Nadia who was hugging her own body and was wiggling. The Overlord Lucio, it looks like they both liked it. 「But, this is also, somehow different」 「Then, Sylvie should show the real Lucio-kun」 「Un, wait a minute」 This time, it was Sylvia’s turn to think. After she thought for a while, the “me” inside the dream changed just as earlier. It was almost the same with Overlord Lucio. The difference was the color of the clothes was mainly white, a mantle was worn, but instead of a crown, there was a ring floating in the top of its head. Oi......don’t tell me that is. 「I am, the God thou shalt own this world」 It was really a god! I mean, that’s too cheap for a god huh! 「Amazing......as I’ve thought, it was Lucio-sama」 「Un, it’s Lucio-kun......」 「Ehhhhhhh?」 I let out a voice instinctively. Is something like that okay? Honestly, rather than that god, I’m starting to think that the first one, the handsome one looked normal compared to that. That was somehow, feels like “that” though! 「Ne? Sylvie, this Lucio-sama is good enough because he’s majestic, but I think that he’s not cool enough」 「Is that so......but, it’s hard you know, Lucio-sama is super cool, so my imagination can’t catch up」 ...... 「I agree with that. I know, let’s think about it together. If it was the two of us, we can create the coolest Lucio-kun」 Sylvia and Nadia was fired up. I left the two, and came out from the dream. When I came back to the bed, I was so embarrassed my face feels it’d burn into flames. Something like an Overlord, or a God, but still, saying something like that wasn’t enough yet. ......somehow, I was so much beautified, it’s a bit embarrassing. 「Lucio-sama......so cool」 「Lucio-kun......so cool」 My two wives were holding their hands while sleeping when I noticed it. Their faces were grinning, showing how happy they were. It seemed like they were seriously thinking of me like that, so I got more and more embarrassed.
And the morning of the qualifying day I welcomed you. "Welcome back. That was fast." Mr. Noir came back from shopping as he sat on the bed of the inn and polished his partner. I just went out, and I thought the store was closed... Mr. Noir has a paper bag in his hand. Did you find what you wanted? "What are you doing here? "As you can see, I'm polishing my partner." A buddy is a magic wand (Withers Rod). About three months after I met this guy, I haven't fought like a wizard. I mean, it's brand new. So it's the same, but my partner didn't have any shards of brand new. Anyway, walking in a dark cave, being hit by demons, buried in the ground, challenging world trees - because there was so much going on anyway. My partner, who slept in my nostrils, had also become dirty, as his clothes had melted, his knuckles had melted, and his bag had melted. "It's my debut as a wizard today! I've got time to start qualifying, and I've decided to polish it! "We're just about to start qualifying. You've been polishing your magic wand for about five hours." "So......? I was groaning, and suddenly I calmed down. The qualifying round opens at noon. I woke up not long after the sun went up, and I still thought I could afford it... but you seem too obsessed with polishing it. "Will you be able to qualify in time? Mr. Noir seems worried. "The qualifying venue is in the neighborhood. If you run, you'll make it." There are four qualifying venues in Wang Du, and I'm supposed to fight in the Third Arena, five kilometers each way. If you win the qualifying round for three days, you will be able to fight at the main battle venue across the street from the inn. For the Swiss family, who offered us a place to stay, we have to win the qualifying round first! "I'll give this to you right now." Mr. Noir took the robe out of the paper bag. It's a wizard-like robe just like Grandpa Maurice used to weave his feathers. "This to me? Mr. Noir nods coldly. "You gave me a" Melon Bread with a Melting Dream with a Chicken Cheek and a Chicken Bread ". This is in return." Was what you wanted to buy with your own money a gift for me... "Thanks! I'll just try it on! When I put my sleeve through my robe, that just made me feel like a big wizard. "What do you think? Do I look like a wizard? Set up a picky partner and ask Mr. Noir for his thoughts. At least I think the militant look faded...... what do you think? Even if it doesn't look good on you, it doesn't make any difference that you've become a wizard, but I hope it looks good on you, if possible. "He's a wizard from every angle." Yikes! Let's start wearing this robe every day today! "but... I think it's getting a little thinner" "Thinner... me? I don't know for myself, but have you been losing weight? "It's not you. It's your partner who's thinner." "Liar!?... really." Pikapi's partner was slim indeed. That's about the difference between peeling the banana and peeling it off. "How did you polish it? "I was rubbing it with my fingers." "Why didn't you brush it with a cloth? "I was polishing it with cloth at first. But realize that rubbing with your fingers is better than rubbing cloth from the middle of nowhere." "You were scraping your partner with your fingerprints before you knew it, right? "Sounds like..." Honestly, I'm so shocked. It's better than the first disappearing from the pattern, like my predecessor's partner... because you've scraped off your precious partner with my hand. "It's cooler to be skinny." I was depressed, and Mr. Noir said it was pompous. "... right? Cool...... is it? Seriously, I stare at my partner. If you ask me, don't feel stylish and cool. Its function as a magic wand is not compromised, and depending on what you think, it means that you made the original magic wand. When I think I'm the only magic wand in the world, I'm getting more and more attached! "I was saved by Mr. Noir's words. I'll make sure you win with this magic wand! And I'll peel it off like a partner - I'll make sure it grows! "I'm here for you." "Thanks! I'll do everything I can to get Mr. Noir to support me directly in this fight first! "If you do your best, your opponent will disappear." "I don't think you're just going to be like the Demon King..." There are boundaries, and it's impossible for an opponent to physically vanish. "Anyway, don't worry about it. I will fight as a wizard, even if I do my best." I've never fought as a wizard. The Martial Arts Games are a great place to learn how to fight as a wizard! It would be a waste to miss this opportunity, and I intend to seal my powers as a militant during the Games. "Okay, I'm coming! I'm waiting for you to come home. Mr. Noir dropped me off and I rushed to a square with a third arena. I guess access is forbidden during the qualifying period except for those involved in the militant tournament. I made my way to a domed building when I walked up to an uninspiring square. It is the third arena. "Are you a participant? When I tried to enter the venue, I could be stopped by one of the women standing in front of the entrance. "Yes, this is Ash Arkvald." The receptionist checks the roster. "Ash...... oh, there was. Then please pull the number tag from this box. Please don't peek inside the box. Even so, you're the last one." "Sorry I'm running out of time.... it's number two" "Now put that on the spotlight" Put the number tag on your chest and transfer yourself to the venue with the receptionist. The spacious venue was equipped with lots of rings surrounded by struts on all sides. There are a lot of players scattered around it. They're all wizards far above me. They show me the difference in character as a wizard, and I will regret it. Overcoming that remorse makes me spiritually stronger. And the magic rises. After my training in the World Tree, my magic quality has improved. With just a little more magic, you can grow exponentially as a wizard. That is why we must fight to avoid wasting every single battle! "I pray you be silent! I guess he's louder with loud magic (voice upper). Operator's voice echoes in the arena and the venue he was bothering to quiet down. 'Thank you so much for coming together today! Not now, but let me explain the rules! The rules were simple. So far today, he's divided into eight people per block for a tournament match, and players who pass each block in first place can participate in tomorrow's second qualifying round. Since there are eight of us who can compete in the main battle, there are only two of us who can enter the main battle from one venue. 'The winning condition is to surrender or faint the opponent! That concludes the rule description! Now please move to the ring! Block for those with number tags to and Block for those with numbers to 16 -' I just headed to the ring on the first block, and there was an earlier receptionist. Apparently, she's going to serve as the judge for the first block, and I'm going up to the ring. and at the same time one of the number tag number one went up to the ring. "Whoa, whoa. This stuck air... it's creepy. Blood's making a scene." The opponent is a grandfather who feels like a wizard. Likewise, he was a wizard. Grandpa Maurice was a militant, but this one is a true wizard. And he seems to be quite a strong man. To prove it... "Is that... is that Master Porta!? "Are those eight star hunters!? "I heard you retired from active duty... but I didn't expect you to show up here! One of the first blocks was on purpose. All that or one of the other blocks seemed to be paying attention. I'm not sure what a hunter is... but I'm sure it's about the one who makes money knocking down demons. Master Porta, who has gone through many battles between living and dying, is just the mighty one! "Master Porta. I am honored to be able to juggle your battle" The referee greets him with a nervous face. Just like the referee, I'm honored. You're really lucky to be able to fight a famous wizard from the first war. This fight will be a pretty valuable experience! I need to pay attention to Master Porta's every step of the way and learn how to be a wizard! 'Then we shall begin the first block, the first battle! Mutual, thank you! "Thanks!!!!!!!!!" DOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! The moment I greeted him, the arena collapsed. Taking a direct hit from the greeting, Mr. Master Porta blows up on the wall at super speed, and a shower of debris crushes the players at the same time. When the ceiling collapsed, I was the only one standing. ...... Apparently, I've done it. I don't think it's caused by the aging of the building... and this is because of my greeting, right? There shouldn't be any more injuries than there are boundaries, but we're all fainted. I need to tell the referee what happened first so I don't panic when I wake up! "Excuse me! Please wake up! Excuse me!" Speaking to the referee who was falling nearby, he opened his eyes after cramping his eyelids a few times. "... Huh? What!?" The referee is bewildered when he looks inside a changed venue. "Hey, what happened!? You're the only one awake!? What about Master Porta?!? Athletes!? "One of the athletes is plenty around. Master Porta... took a direct hit from my greeting and blew it off" "You blew it!? Say hello!? All venues!? I was so confused, but all I can affirm is that it's more than true. "Yes, I'm responsible for everything." If you'll excuse me and bow your head, the referee started calling somewhere. You're talking to the great one, it's a tribute. I've decided what to do with you. Says the referee who finished the call. Treatment... "Are you permanently suspended from the tournament? Or is it expulsion from the country......? The referee shakes his head. "Instead of stopping, you're in the game." Huh? "Are you in the main battle? "That's right. You have the strength to compete in this battle." "But... are you sure you want to qualify? "I'd rather you didn't qualify." "Why? "Something that could break the venue if you fight. Athletes will fight without you in every venue. However, Master Porta will be treated as a defeat." "Really..." I wanted to fight Mr. Master Porta, but you can't fight with defeat. The main battle brings together a selection of strong men, and be careful so you can fight them well! "Well, I called for backup earlier, so leave it to us to clear the rubble and explain it to the players." That's how they told me to go to the main battle, and I was supposed to turn back to the inn.
That morning. I woke up in Mr. Fermina's bedroom. There was no affordable room, so everyone was supposed to sleep in Mr. Fermina's bedroom. Mr. Fermina's parents trusted me, too, and I didn't object to sleeping in my daughter's bedroom. Wake up early. When I woke up, Mr. Noir said. Mr. Noir, who sat on the bed, had already changed from a pyjama to a regular outfit. "Mr. Noir is fast." That's what I say, I look around the room. Mr. Fermina is sleeping in bed, and Efa is screwing around in a blanket with me. Yesterday I followed Effa's shopping, Mr. Fermina's buying and eating, and Mr. Noir got lost. Did you get tired of enjoying Lucham in full thought, or by sundown, Mr. Noir and the others were in a hectic state. "I've slept well." Mr. Noir was asleep as soon as he took a shower, and certainly enough as a sleep. I don't know when I'm going to wake up, and I think I'll make sure Mr. Noir plans while the efferents are asleep. "Does Mr. Noir decide how to spend his holiday or something? "I didn't decide." "Oh well. Then why don't you follow me, if you like? "I'll stick around." Mr. Noir responded instantly. We haven't even talked about what we're gonna do yet... "Hmm, is it morning already? "Wow... good morning, master" Our talk woke you both up. I see that Mr. Noir has no plans, and I guess we'll talk about the specifics after we're alone. noon of the day. "See you at the academy! Bubba! Mr. Fermina drops us off and we head to the station. From yesterday's experience, my face is hidden in a hood, so I could reach the station without anyone being able to tell me who I am. "Is that it, Master? There's no other place to sell." When I stopped in front of the station, Effa began to wonder. "I have some business to attend to. I've been in Lucham for a while." "Maybe you followed me to see me off? "Well, that's the place. I won't be seeing Effa for a while." To my words, Efa looked happy. "I train every day when I get home! Looking forward to seeing your master and Mr. Noir again! "Ahhh. See you at the academy! "Yes! Good luck to both of you! He bowed his head, and Effa walked away to the shop. ... Well. "You know what? Mr. Noir has something important to tell you." "I'll ask." "It's noisy here, and I'll talk to you in a quiet place." I'll follow Mr. Noir and find a place where there's no one. We found a quiet park out of town and we sat on the bench. There's nobody nearby, and I think we can talk calmly here. I'll just cut the story out. "Just to be honest... Actually, I know Mr. Noir's past life." "I wonder what? "I want you to calm down and listen... Mr. Noir was a demon king in his previous life called The Ice Emperor." "Yes." Mr. Noir asked me really calmly. ... I mean, it's just too calm. I'm confused by reactions that are too thin. "Aren't you surprised? "I wouldn't be surprised. Something I'm not interested in in in previous life." Mr. Noir doesn't seem really interested. "Actually, Mr. Noir's memories from his previous life were erased by Mr. Ringrant. Because of that, Mr. Noir's memory has fallen." "Glad to hear it." When I revealed everything thoughtfully, Mr. Noir delighted me. "How can you be happy? "If I had a memory, I wouldn't have taught you how to study." I didn't think you enjoyed studying with me that much. "The important thing is, is that it? "That's the real deal from here. I'm going to tour the ruins, but I need you to follow me to Mr. Noir." I told Mr. Noir, who would answer immediately, that I would talk to him about the tablet. "... can you decipher it for me? Mr. Noir is kind of anxious. "I believe I can decipher it." Mr. Ringrant said he erased Mr. Noir's memory in order to obtain an 'obedient experimental body'. It was a memory of when it was "The Ice Emperor" that got in the way for Mr. Ringrant, otherwise it shouldn't have had to be erased. In other words, even if the episodic memory has been erased, the linguistic memory may remain. If linguistic memory remains, stone tablets can be deciphered. "Anyway, I can't say for sure without actually going to the ruins..." "I will follow you. Something fun with you." "Thank you, Mr. Noir. I'm getting excited, too! If the tablet had a clue about magic, I could be a wizard! I have a heap of things I want to do when I become a wizard. First go to town with flying magic (fly) and get a cell phone. And exchange contact details with the ones you've taken care of so far! "Okay, then if you get a tummy, it's time to go! Let's start with the northern ruins! That's how my adventure with Mr. Noir opened.
When I woke up, I was floating. I'm not flying in the sky. It's floating about a metre above ground. ... Uh, what's this? I try to keep my head fully operational right after I wake up to grasp the situation, but I couldn't keep up with my understanding at all. Anyway, I'm floating. I see that. But... why am I in the woods? The ground is peeled out of damp soil, and the trees that are about a hundred years old grow around it. I was just moving to the back of the woods to sew through the gaps in the trees so I could get wind of them. I don't have the power to fly in the sky, and I don't know what that means. This guy would be magic. But who the hell did this to me? No way, you don't mean I fell asleep and put floating magic on myself. 'Cause I don't have a magic wand (Withers Rod). When that happens, my parents are the most suspicious... "Dad? Mom? Could it be a surprise? I thought about it and called it that, but there was no reaction between the two of them. Only my voice echoes in the quiet woods. "I mean, how long do you keep floating..." The moment I turned around, I suddenly fell to the ground. Looks like the floating effect has expired. I tried jumping lightly, but it lands right on the ground. "What the hell is going on? If it was my father or my mother who did the magic to me, it would also be my father and my mother who drove me into the woods. Why did you two chase me out of my house? ... You didn't dump me in the woods, did you? "Yes, no, no, no, no way..." I desperately deny that possibility. I couldn't think of a reason to get dumped. I've been raised so dearly, and I've never said anything selfish. The rebellion period is over at the time of my previous life, and I've never rebelled against my parents. Raising me should have been many times easier than other children. I can help you out. That's why I can't believe my father and mother dumped me. Then there's no explanation for me being in the woods, but you can ask your father and mother directly about it. I decided to go home. I have to go home soon. Anyway, I'm going to go buy the magic wand I've been waiting for today. Since when have you been so excited? At least for the first time since I was reincarnated. "You can't do this." I walk in the deep woods. Walk, walk, walk... And... "Where, here..." I was completely lost. It's dimmer than it was when I woke up, and more damp air. Apparently, he got lost deep in the woods. If you're a regular five-year-old, it's not a strange situation to cry out... But I wasn't scared. Sometimes my mental age is much higher than other children's, but more importantly, I have trained martial arts. I've never given it all my strength since I was reincarnated into this world, but it shouldn't have faded that far. My body is getting younger, my muscles are weakening... well, about a pig would win. The problem is encountering demons... There are demons in this world, so don't accidentally go out of town - the story has been told to my father, but I've never seen a demon since I was born. I wonder if demons are so obvious to you. Besides, it's not like we can beat demons. "We're deep in the woods, which means if we go in the opposite direction, we can get through the woods." I decided I would walk in the opposite direction, but I don't see a goal at any point. Besides, I'm getting really hungry. Speaking of which, I haven't eaten anything today. Afterwards, walking around strikes me with considerable hunger. Do you want to rest somewhere for a while...... Walking around thinking about that, I found a giant rock nearby. The rocks that suddenly set out in the woods have hollow holes. Just fine, do you want to rest there? I walk towards the rocks. As we approached, the rock looked more and more gigantic. There are many pointed rocks stretching up and down the cavity like ice columns, giving the impression of being like a monster's fang. And there's something like an eye near the cavity... Giggle, and. My eyeballs moved, and he looked down at me. Without it, he makes a trembling sound of the earth, and the rock rises. This is not a rock! A demon! I've never seen a demon before, but I intuitively guessed. There are animals like this all the time! "Bumo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!" Demons are intimidating me. At the next moment, demons like the ones that had multiplied the pigs came running at me as they blew up the trees. The earth trembles, and I stand with the utmost decency. Shit, they're killing me -! The moment you face death, Bump. I could play something inside me. The old man was running through the woods. You can be seen as or years old. He's an old man, with tiny hair and a mustache. He is walking through the woods at a tremendous speed. When I was dining earlier, I heard the demon roar. That's the main demon in this area - the beeping of a behemoth. By nature, behemoths are quiet creatures. I'm not weak, I'm haunting the king's room. Even if you try to be surrounded by many wizards, you won't lose your composure. Because behemoth is strong. Such a behemoth roared all the way over there. The Lord of the Woods, calm in all circumstances, threatened. For the first time in the last thirty years, that behemoth is intimidating. This would mean that a hell of a bucket of stuff appeared in this forest. As the keeper of this forest, you can't leave such a bucket alone. "What's going on around here?" The old man slows his gait and looks around carefully. "! That...! A child lay before a giant rock. Run over in a hurry. The child was covered in blood. "Have you been attacked by demons..." The old man joins hands in front of the wreckage. But... "... ooh" And the child groaned. He's still alive! The old man held the child in his arms. And I doubt my eyes. "Ko, this is... return blood!?" The child was covered in blood - but there was not one scratch on his body. Returning blood means there are wounded people somewhere. The old man raised his face in search of the wounded. Fluid descends on the old man's face with a blur. I wiped it with my hand and it was blood. ...... The old man sees roughly overhead. There was a big hole in the object I thought was a rock, and there was so much blood coming out of it. "No way..." The old man wraps around the front of the rock with the child in his arms. That's where I was. "Behemoth!?" It was the remains of the Lord of the Woods, with a wind hole in his face. The wind pit continued all the way to the anus and the child was rolling with blood all over it directly beneath it. And that means... "This kid... defeated Behemoth..." I mean, this child is the Teng himself who frightened that behemoth. The moment I thought about it, the old man shuddered. It's not fear. This is - exhilarating. The old man smiles unexpectedly. "We finally found him. My successor!"
I dropped off Efa and Mr. Fermina at Elstania Station, and I was visiting the School of Magic with Mr. Noir and the others. "I haven't been here in ten months." Mr. Noir looks up at the school building in nostalgia. It's been about three weeks for me, so I don't miss it, but in the real world, it's been over ten months. I'm not out of my third grade mood yet, but I'm a graduate. That's why we decided to clear the student dormitory room. "You're going to be dusty, and you're going to want to open the window and clean it up. If you inhale the dust, you might catch a cold." I'm fine with smoking poison powder, but Mr. Noir is a bastard. "I will. Something you can't catch a cold before you travel." Mr. Noir is following my martial arts training. Even for me, I wanted you to. Because we rely on maps that show where the mighty are to train samurai. He will train someone stronger than Mr. Noir and become a great wizard. The magic has made the map available to me... but I didn't see a single red dot. "Shall we help? Then I'll help Noir clean up. Grandpa Maurice and Mr. Cologne said. By the way, Mr. Phillip is on his way to the Dean's office to tell Eye about my return. "The masters will wait in the dean's office first. You got a lot to talk about, don't you? Like rebuilding a house." The masters missed my trip, and then they're headed to The Devil's Forest. Many demons live there because of the high incidence of space-time distortion (avisgate). The magic of the Flaming Emperor (Fire Road) is now scorching earth, but demons should be on the rise. Left alone, the demon would leave the 'Devil's Forest' in search of food and scatter all over the world. To stop it, the Master has been the keeper of The Devil's Forest for a long time. It's supposed to be a first-level danger zone, but if the masters will protect it, I should say it's the safest place in the world. Then go ahead and wait. "Or clean it up. Good luck." We split up, we headed to the men's and women's dormitories, respectively. When I walked into the room, the dust broke out. Exactly what would happen if I left it for ten months...... This looks like it could be cleaning! With the windows fully open, I'll just start cleaning up. Let's get the paperwork sorted out first. When I gathered the documents that came to my attention from one end, I reached about sheets. Round a bunch of paper and compress it to a golf ball size. Followed by books. Stack the books stored on the bookshelf and tie them with strings. That's how I was cleaning up, and I found something and stopped. "Here comes something I miss again..." When I just joined the School of Magic... I wanted to be a wizard. I asked my classmates about their habits with all my heart, and that's the notebook I wrote down. This is what got you close with Efa, isn't it? Had it not been for this notebook, I probably wouldn't have gotten along so well with Efa. Then I did not go to Efa's home and could not save Mr. Noir from the devil's hand in the Golem. Then I couldn't decipher the tablet, and I might not have been a wizard. "Thinking about it, it wasn't in vain to ask everyone about their habits..." I'll dispose of the other books... I can't get rid of these notes. It'll be luggage, but do you want to take it on a trip? Put your notebook in the bag and get to cleaning up your clothes. I haven't bought so much clothes. Besides my uniform, I just have some personal clothes. "As I leave my personal clothes... I wonder what I'll do with this" These pants are like a little girl wearing. There are a lot of other clothes that girls as young as three would wear. It's not my hobby, it's a gift from Ai. I don't need children's clothes now that the effects of the digestive pills have expired... I can hardly throw away what I got from one of them. "Don't get so packed, just bring the one you like" That's how I picked out what to dispose of and what to bring on the journey, and the cleanup came to an end - that's when. "Wow! There's Mr. Ash! A boy student was surprised to see us through the door he had left open. I hear that voice, and many students come together. "When did you come back!? "Me, I chose this college because I admired Mr. Ash! "I saw the battle against the Demon King! It was amazing! I tell the junior who gets all excited that I just followed him back and am cleaning up the room now. "Are you throwing this away? "I'm going to." "Well, then! Can I have it if you like!? "I want it too! If I use Mr. Ash's textbooks, I'm going to be strong! "If you want, I'll give it to you." "Wow, okay!? Thanks! "I'll take care of it! Soon the unwanted disappear. The books are fine, I didn't think I'd even take the girl's clothes. Well, it would be happier to have your clothes on than to throw them away, and I hope they stick. That's how I finished cleaning up, and I took my bag and left the boys' dorm behind. "That was fast." When I went outside, Mr. Noir stood. "My junior helped me. By the way, what about that backpack? Mr. Noir was carrying a backpack that swelled up in bread. Mr. Noir's room was neat, and there shouldn't be that much luggage... It's my treasure. "Treasure?" "It's a collection of questions and clothes you bought me." Like me, Mr. Noir doesn't seem to be able to throw away what one of us gave him. Clothes are going to get in the way of the problem set anyway... but I was honestly glad you took care of it. Let's go, then. So when we were ready to travel, we headed to the Dean's Office to say goodbye.
Evening. "Okay, that's enough for today's training." As soon as I proclaimed that, Efa fell in big letters. "Or didn't even scratch..." "You don't have to hit it. Even I can't attack Ash." With that said, the master gave the water to Efa. Efa receives the water as it falls and drinks it all at once. I guess my throat was ragged by the fact that I kept moving for nearly half a day. "We didn't hit the offense, but it's amazing how we kept moving without a break" I honestly thought so. If it had been Efa six months ago, it would have fallen less than an hour later. It's an inspiration to build strength every day. When I complimented him, Efa woke Gabba up physically. "Really?!? With one word so far, I hear my tiredness has blown away. "I was anxious to see if I was getting the right results, but I was relieved! I will continue to train hard! "Oh, I'll take care of you till you graduate! My master snapped as me and Effa were burning their motives. "Will Effa stop training when she graduates? Efa just shakes her neck to the side. "When I graduate, I get a job that moves my body. Then it's like training every day! "What kind of work moves the body? "He's a gym teacher! What do you mean, do you have a job at a primary school in Nemnesia? Five kids have been in elementary school since this year, and if Effa becomes a teacher, she must be happy. "Efa would make a good teacher." "I would be glad to have my master say that! Because I decided to be a teacher because of my master! "Thanks to me? Efa nods forcefully. "I thought you wanted to get a job locally, but you didn't have anything in particular you wanted to do. It makes me happy to be able to live with my family... but I guess it's going to be a boring life, I thought." But Effa chuckles. "You know the pleasure of moving your body thanks to your master! So I can have a much better life ahead of me! Really, I'm the happiest I've ever met my master! I didn't think you'd be so grateful. At first I thought we had a cheap contract... but I was so happy for you. I am so glad to have Efa as my apprentice. With that in mind, the sound of my stomach sounded guuuuuuuuuuuu. "If I'd stayed still, I'd be hungry." Efa blushing her cheeks in embarrassment. Speaking of which, you haven't eaten anything since you got here. Efa told me, and I'm hungry, too. "Time's up, and it's time for dinner" "Yes! Oh, but what do you do with the food? It's a long way from here to town..." "I'll get food in the woods." Food procurement is also in training, so only water is in the bag. ... but Effa will be tired, and I can feel it letting her help me procure food. "I'll fetch the food, so Efa and her master will collect the dead leaves and branches." "Got it! Then I will gather the dead leaves, and Mr. Maurice will ask for branches! "Uhm." "Thank you both. Okay, just be quiet for a second." "Quiet...? Efa did what I said, even as she leaned her neck strangely. I lay my hands on my ears and concentrate my consciousness. - - Bullshit. From afar, I could hear birds winging. "Well, then, I'll catch you a little bit." Tell the masters that, and I jumped. He jumps like a bat and lands at the point where he hears the sound. Then there stood Cocatrice. They look like chickens, but they're over a meter in size. Cocatrice, the size of a child who seems to be able to swallow whole, came at me looking at me and spreading my wings. Spahhhhhhhh!!!! After releasing the wind knife (Kamaitachi) and slashing Kokatris' neck and gently draining his blood, he takes charge of his torso and turns back to the Ephas. I'm home. "Welcome back ~... is that, like, a demon? I suppose you thought you were going to hunt animals, and Effa pointed to Cocatrice with a slight face. "Oh. This is a demon... it's a cocatrice" "Eating cocatrice isn't a hiccup." "Haven't you been in eight years? "It's been so long. Time passes fast..." "I've never eaten... but if you think it's a big bird, it looks delicious! In fact, it's delicious. That's what I said, I ripped off Cockatrice's feathers. "You're gonna be naked in a flash! Cut to affordable size with a knife while Efa says. Stick the branches in the meat and set around the dead leaves. All you have to do is start a fire. "Efa, light me with magic" "Yes!... Oh, I'm sorry, I can't" "Why not? "I thought I wouldn't use it, so I left my magic wand (Withers Rod) in my room." "Oh well. Then there's no choice." I rubbed my fingertips together near the dead leaves - and it caught fire. Bring the melamera and burning dead leaves closer to the branches and transfer the fire. That's how the fire started, and Efa started screaming. "What are you doing now? "Hmm? Yeah, I started a fire with friction fever." This is how they always lit up when the match went out. "I don't know... Master can be more of a wizard than a wizard" Efa says the same thing as her master six months ago. Objectively, I guess that's what it looks like. "But I'm a militant." Objectively you look like a wizard, but not to me. I draw runes and paranormal things - I want to be such a wizard. To do so, we must acquire magic at all costs. Only one site remains. The departure is in four days. It will be about ten days before we arrive at the ruins to the east. I hope you find a clue there about gaining magic...... I can't expect much more from you now.
After finishing Operation Sand-Ant sweep. Me and Mr. Noir, who came to the Lantern Kingdom, were visiting the Lost Forest. Well, when it comes to lost forests, we never get lost. If you follow the map that shows where the mighty man is, you'll reach the village with the candidate master. That's why Mr. Noir is calm because he doesn't have to worry about getting lost... I was twitching. One of the reasons I'm looking forward to my next training is because... "-! It's a creek! Watch out, Mr. Noir! The moment I found the creek in my way, my heart beat dokun. It's more jumpy than when you run into the Demon King. "You can jump over if you get help." "If you slip your legs, it's gonna be tough! "It's really tough. How am I supposed to get over this pinch? "I have a good idea! Come on, get on me! When I lay down on the spot, Mr. Noir spanned my back. Come on, come on, buddy! Shh. I walk over the creek lying low. I finally mastered the magic of flight about two weeks ago during Operation Sand-Ant sweep! Two centimeters is the limit now, but if you train under a new master, flying in the sky is not a dream either! "It was a comfortable ride." "I'll give you another ride anytime." I'd rather have you on board. Anyway, by protecting your precious one, you can build your mental strength! By protecting Mr. Noir from the creek threat, my magic should have made further progress. That's how we cross the creek, we walk to the back of the woods. Then this time the fallen tree stuck in front of us. "There's a gap under the tree. If we go around here, we can move on." "If a tree breaks in the middle of a mess, you'll be crushed! "It's hard to leave and it's hard again. How do we get through this pinch? "Leave this place to me! I draw loons of kamaitachi. I hear wind cuts and scratches the surface of the tree. Damn. No... "I'm sorry. You can't help Mr. Noir with my flirting." "I've been saved by your charade." Kamaitachi is a kamaitachi, but it was Kamaitachi (physics) that turned the golem into two. It's not magic. But compared to when the magic spot (Stiegel) lived there, it started to sound a lot more like a camouflage. You're growing steadily, and someday you should be able to protect your precious one with kamaitachi (magic)! Well, it's best to live in peace so you don't have to protect it. "How do we move on? "Wait a minute." Hold the fallen tree for a moment and avoid it, we move on. That's how I walked so I wouldn't miss the chance to use magic - I went out to a place I'd flickered. Behind the bush trees, there was a settlement. "There's a blue dot lord nearby." "This is the hidden village." According to Mr. Tico, the hidden village is out of touch with the public. There's no guarantee you'll accept us as strangers... You can't be a great wizard if you're stepping in here. Let's hit it and smash it in the spirit of it! "Are you just going to see the witch? The next candidate for Master is The Witch Who Uses the Magic of a One-Child Herald. I don't even know his name, but with all this information, it's easy to find him. "Let's meet one of the blue dots first. If you ask one of them, you'll know where the witch is." Tiko says, "Villagers are getting stronger by applying the magic of monogamy to their training". In other words, the Lord of the Blue Dots trained witches - they have connections to witches. If you can introduce me to one of them, the apprenticeship will go smoothly. "The Lord of the Blue Dots is gathered in one place. What are you doing? Maybe it's a game. "Why are we fighting? "I'm sure it's to get stronger. I'm sorry to interrupt the game, but let's get closer." We get as close as we can to the blue dot so we don't make any footsteps. There was a crowd in the square that followed. As the adults watch, the dressed children stand in the face of tension. By those children stood a witch about my age. "The same magic wand as you." "Huh? Really..." In the witch's hand, a familiar magic wand was held. My partner was made for etiquette. I mean, I'm in the middle of a ritual right now. There are a lot of young children, and they do things like ? Anyway, I'm sorry to disturb you, and I'll keep an eye on you here for a while. ...... Waiting for him to dive into his breath, he became busy with the pretense. A token to the witch, the children rush to their parents. Apparently the ritual is over. "Sorry." If you approach inadvertently, you will be alert, so first you speak from afar. As one of the villages looks over here to be vigilant, the witch opens her eyes haha. And then I walked over here, "Maybe it's Mr. Ash? "Yes, I'm Ash." As soon as you name it, the alert mood turns into a welcome mood. It was over a year ago, but you still seem to remember "Demon King Broadcasting". "Was it still Mr. Ash! I sincerely thank you for defeating the Demon King. But why did Mr. Ash go to this village? "I've heard that there are witches who use the magic of a single child. I want to be that one's apprentice! "Then I'm the witch you're looking for. But my magic..." The witch coughs when she realizes it's been brought to the attention of the children. "You've come a long way, but you can't not not not treat me with hospitality, and I will ask you about your business at my house. Uh, there..." "I'm Noir." "Mr. Noir is my friend." "Do Mr. Ash and Mr. Noir trust each other? "I trust Ash." I truly trust Mr. Noir, too. I don't know the intent of the question, but I answered honestly. "Then the conditions are met." Conditions? "What are you talking about? "More info later. Anyway, you both need to come to my house." That's how we ended up interrupting the witch's house. After arriving at the witch's house. "Please relax" The witch urged us to sit down in the chair. "I'm late for my application. My name is Madhya. Thank you for coming to see me." "Thank you for your time." Mr. Madhya grins with a dust. "No. I'm just finishing my prayer, so no problem. This is the one to thank for that. Without Mr. Ash, the village would have been destroyed by now." Mr. Madhya speaks with a gentle waist. You're accepting us of the stranger, and I think I can apprentice you to this. When I'm relieved, Mr. Madhya looks serious at the lid. "By the way, how far does Mr. Ash know about my magic? "All I know is, if you apply that magic to your training, you'll be strong as a wizard." "Really...... With my magic, it is possible to encourage the growth of magic." "Really!? "Yes, it's just that with this magic, Mr. Ash will be in danger" "Don't worry about me! I used to do scattered, unscrupulous training to be a wizard. I'm used to being in danger. Besides, this is a magic training session! If I can be a great wizard, I'll try anything! "What will Ash see? Mr. Noir seems worried. "By using my magic - the fantasy world (Memory World), I can transfer Mr. Ash's spirit to the flesh of others." Fantasy world. That seems to be the magical name of a single child. "What happens to my body when I transfer my spirit to others? "You will be unconscious. If this condition persists for a long time, the flesh will cease life activity." Mr. Madhya, the longest record is two weeks. Apparently no one has survived beyond that. "What wizard did one of its longest records become? I have high expectations. "I heard that more than half a century ago, a line of brave men fought against the Demon King's Army - it became its number ." "That's... amazing..." A line of brave men is a party made up of great wizards (although there is one militant). That number 13 is no exaggeration to say the 13th strongest wizard in the world. This is already, I need you to use the fantasy world at all costs! "Based on the above story, I would like you to determine the duration of your training...... what day do you want it to be? "A month course, please" "You're dead!? Mr. Madhya is so confused, but I'm serious. "Danger is on the ready side. And I believe you." "Believe?" "Yes, because my body has endured training in madness for over ten years. It's not the kind of body that would die if I left it for about a month - that's what I believe." If you hit your thoughts seriously... Ms. Madhya sighed as she was convinced. "Okay. You saw and understood that Mr. Ash's body was not normal. We'll take care of it." "Thank you! "Can't you really use the fantasy world? And, says Mr. Noir. If I can do that, I think I'm doing one of the others... but it's only safer to repeat the course 30 times a day than a month-long course. "I can't do that. The fantasy world is a once-in-a-lifetime magic. If you use it more often, your body will react to rejection and you won't be able to move your body." Besides, Madhya says in a bright voice. "This magic works pretty well in one use, so you don't need to use it again and again. Because you can train your spirit at all costs." "What exactly do I do to build my spirit? Somehow I imagine a phantom exit, but it's a mystery how I would have trained my spirit. "Even if it's just the spirit, Mr. Ash will be preserved. For example, if you lay down your arms in that state, you would have trained your spirit." "Isn't that amazing!? Building the spirit means building the magic. In other words, you can train your magic in the same way you train your body! There is no better training for me. "Mr. Madhya! Use the fantasy world on me! "Mr. Ash has saved the world, so I will cooperate if I can. However, Mr. Noir's cooperation is essential to this." "What am I supposed to do? "Mr. Ash will be training in Mr. Noir's consciousness. I want Noir to imagine a training environment in his head." The training environment is Mr. Noir. If Mr. Noir imagines the ocean, for example, I can train my body - magic - with a long swim. "I'll be careful not to imagine a strange environment." "I'll be careful not to explore Mr. Noir's heart." I train in Mr. Noir's spiritual world. I mean, Mr. Noir is going to be a god to me. One of Mr. Noir's intentions is that my spirit could die. Meanwhile, I can peek into Mr. Noir's heart. We can find out everything about Mr. Noir. Without sincere trust, this training will not come true. That's why Madhya was the first to see if I and Noir trusted her. "Well, that concludes the explanation. Still, do you two want to train? We looked at each other and nodded. "I want to be a great wizard." "I'd love to see Ash become a great wizard. Ash's dreams are also my dreams" In response to our determination, Mr. Madhya grins. "Okay. We'll take care of it now." The training period is thirty days. The place of training is in Mr. Noir's consciousness. Be sure to be strong and live and share your joy with Mr. Noir! "Training starts tomorrow. I'll lend you an empty room, so rest your body today." Sweet for your words, we slept in a fluffy bed. And the next day... "Just one last thing. Those who return from the fantasy world say with all their mouths, 'It was just a matter of time'. Stay unrepentant because you risk it." "Okay! I won't waste a minute or a second! "I'm waiting for a day to see you again." "Me too! Then I'm coming! As the two of you dropped me off, my spirit traveled into Mr. Noir's consciousness.
Suddenly I lost my word to the Demon King who appeared in front of the school gate. "Tell all mankind! Meditate your eyes and see for yourself! The pathetic end of those who turned the Demon King around! Have a miserable end to Philip Valmilion! When I meditated on my eyes, I saw the school gate. By the magic of the Demon King, this pattern is broadcast live nationwide. It's embarrassing to be seen in women's clothing by one of the rest of the world, but great for spiritual growth. "I, the Demon King, will see it! "Are you just going to have a look?!? I'd like you to knock me down if you can..." "Of course I'll knock you down. But before that... Mr. Cuhle. If I get close to the Demon King, can you put a line around me and the Demon King? We have to deal with two at the same time this time. If you only have one, you can take it down with a single pan, and if you use double lariat, you can grind two at the same time. But there's a chance they'll let one get away with it. A demon king who sees a shattered demon king may use his magic to destroy the world. To avoid it, I want you to put a defensive line in the gap where I am distracting the Demon King. "It's hard for me to prevent the Demon King from attacking... but with all my magic, I can suppress the damage! "Yes, please! That's how the operation was decided, and the demon kings' conversation resonated in my head. "Can you hear me? Philip Valmilion. I know you're the Dean of the Erstadt School of Magic. I had a report. ' "If you don't come out, destroy the college." "Come on - if you don't want your godson killed, show up right now! "Wait a minute! I make a light jump and land in front of the Demon King. At that time, the skirt fluttered. When I think one of the rest of the world saw my pants, my body gets hot with so much embarrassment. 'What are you going to do, weak man? Are you gonna stand in front of us and be a hero? 'Will you die now or later? I'll let you choose the one you want.' I will smile at the Demon King, who will rattle his teeth. "Do you want to die now or later? That's my dialogue." I gave a lot of reasons to minimize the damage and not let the Demon King get away with it. But there are other real reasons not to defeat the Demon King right away. I was expecting the Fire Emperor and the Water Emperor somewhere in my mind. These guys could be my 'mighty enemies'. "Fine. If you want to die right now, let's make it happen. "The demon king was shattered as soon as he said so." It's like I've been watching you die. "I actually saw it. ... The Emperor of the Earth (Earth Road) is armed with earth when it comes to pinching" To my words, the demon kings stopped rattling their teeth. "How do you know that? "I know something else." The Emperor of Light (Light Road) uses the magic of a retrieval experience to be strong at the speed of light. " The demon kings are ready. "Hey, how do you even know about Emperor of Light?" "Who are you...? I finally laugh at it. "I'm the one who defeated the Demon King. I'm what you're looking for." The next moment, the demon kings sounded their teeth chattering with delight. 'Huhahahahahaha! Pleasant, never more pleasant! The fact that you defeated the Emperor of Light is no doubt that you are a mighty man! It doesn't matter anymore, such as Philip Valmilion, who defeated The Dark Lord! Kid, this is who I'm dealing with specially! "Don't wait! I'm the one who fights him! You stay back! What are you talking about? I don't care if the kid chooses to die right now or later! It's not for you to pull back! The demon king began to rub it. It's going to start a mix-up fight like this. "... can we take him down now? I look at the demon king who has begun to break with me, and Mr. Sharm speaks to me in a whisper. It's definitely full of gaps. Now you'll be able to bury two bodies at the same time in Double Lariat. But that's not gonna work! You can't grow spiritually by poking a gap and knocking it down! My dream is to be a wizard. In order to do that, you have to confront your enemies with dignity! The Devil King's aim has been narrowed down to one of me, and Mr. Cuhle's boundaries. One of the city's fleeing with the Demon King in his eyes, and there is a special bond within the College. I mean, I'm the only one in danger right now. Fighting the Demon King on this occasion will not cause any injuries. "I've been waiting for this moment! You stay back! "It's not for you to pull back! I sigh at the Demon King who keeps arguing. "Either way..." That's when. Steam gushed out of my body. "Oh, no way..." I thought my body was hot from earlier. I thought my body was on fire because of the embarrassment, but it wasn't. The degenerates are about to expire! "Oh, hey! Either way, fight me." Boom!! My body enlarged suddenly, and clothes like princesses bounced off. Happy or unhappy, barely the only pants left, but almost naked. ... I don't even have to look in the mirror. I'm sixteen years old! In this case, there is one thing to do. "Mr. Sharm, look at my buttocks for a second! Check for Magic Spots. "Hey, why do I have to look at my buttocks!? Or what is that body?!? Mr. Sharm is baffled by the sudden situation. Because I could be a three-year-old from the bottom of my heart, I didn't tell Mr. Sharm or Mr. Cuhle, nor did I tell Eye about the degenerates. Therefore, I do not know that I do not have magic. Well, Ai may have been told by Dean Phillip. "Just look! Has anything changed to my buttocks!? "Stop pointing your buttocks at us! Yes, I see a lot of things! "What's all this!? Tell me specifically! "What about you pervert!? If this happens, I'll just have to ask the Demon King to make sure... but they're broadcasting live nationwide, this. That's what shame pushed me to think. When I was ashamed, the Demon King abandoned me. "If you defeated the Emperor of Light at a young age, we might not have a chance of winning." What are you gonna do, Emperor of the Water? 'Goddamn it, apparently not if you're in contention. If it's true, we'll show it to you.' "Combine... don't you? Combined!? What is a demon king, a merger!? "Not good! Ash-kun, defeat the Demon King now! Otherwise it will be irrevocable! Mr. Sharm will tell you in a hurry. Combining will mean that the Demon King will be stronger than ever. Mr. Sharm is afraid that the Demon King will be too strong for my control. "When you merge... you're gonna be strong, aren't you? I asked the Demon King. I'd like to defeat the Demon King and cut the national live broadcast as soon as I can, but if I can fight the mighty enemy, I'm talking about it. I don't know if there are magic spots, so if I can fight a mighty enemy, I want to fight them. 'Combine to gain overwhelming strength! "It was supposed to merge with all the demon kings and be the only strong ones, but because of you, the demon kings have become us alone." "We can transcend you at our leisure even in our own merger! The Demon King said confidently. "Hey, what are you doing!? Quickly defeat the Demon King! "... Mr. Sharm. I will fight the combined demon kings." "Are you insane!? This battle depends on the survival of the world!? Indeed, the survival of the world rests on my hands. But this battle also takes my dreams. I'm not giving up one side or the other. I'll let you get both! "Don't worry. I will defeat the Demon King." "But just in case..." "Ya, let him do it! Eye ran out of breath. From then on, Efa and Fermina, Noir and Nina, and many other students rush in. "This world would have already perished without Mr. Ash. I (I) respect Mr. Ash's will! "I believe in my master's decision, no matter what he says! "Ash-kun is my rival! You'll never lose! "I will not sleep until you defeat the Demon King." "Look, look, Ash-kun! I gathered the ingredients for the energy pills! So... let's defeat the Demon King and mix it together! One of my loved ones cheers me on. In support of me, you gathered me in awareness of the danger... To protect everyone, and to fulfill my dreams, I will surely defeat the combined Demon King! "Come on - merge! "Come on! I'm going to teach you true strength... true fear! "Behold, the true strength of the Demon King! Feel it, the true power of the Demon King! And mourn, your own stupidity that has insulted us! The chatter rattles his teeth, and The Emperor of Fire and The Emperor of Water shoulder to shoulder. At the next moment, a magic formation floated at the feet of the Demon King and began to shine a dazzling glow. Two silhouettes stick together and become one in the light that instantly increases in brightness. The Demon King is trying to be true. What kind of bucket comes down once again...... I keep staring at the glowing silhouette without closing my eyes. "Shh, I feel amazing magic..." "The atmosphere is shaking..." "I'm feeling dizzy... Ash has fought such a bucket so far..." "I'm drowsy." "But come on, Ash. Oh, I'm scared... because I've decided not to run anymore" The brilliance that was emitted from the magic formation is gradually lost. And when the magic team disappeared... There stood a guillotine with feathers of red and blue vertical striped capes. "My name is - The Rainbow Emperor (Rainbow Road)"!! "That's two colors!! Pahhhhhh!!!!!!!! Binta, the Demon King's skull blew to pieces. Wait, I lost it! How scared we all thought we were! How embarrassing you think I am! At least take one shot! but...... While I was screaming in my heart, the Rainbow Emperor, who lost his head, fell. Looks like we're completely out of time to see where it doesn't even move. "Yay, I did it. Wow! Mr. Ash has defeated the Demon King! Now the world is saved!! The moment Ai raised her voice of joy, she cheered awfully. "" "" "" Ash! Ash! Ash! Ash! "" " Ashkor starts, and I get torn up by everyone. At least let me get dressed! That's what I wanted to scream about, but it wasn't a very telling atmosphere.
The afternoon of the third day after the port town of Franco. "It's a pretty busy town." "There's more of you than Elstania." We took the train and came to King's Capital, and we were amazed at the amount of one. The boulevard, sandwiched by tall buildings, is filled with many people and is as lively as it was at the festival. That's just not going to be so busy every day, and I'm sure we got together for militant tournament purposes. I know this isn't all a participant, but there seems to be a lot of one competing. I'm so excited to see what kind of strong man you can fight! "Are we looking for the strong now? "Before we do that, let's rent an inn and put our luggage away" "I'll keep you company." Mr. Noir grabs the hem of his clothes all the time. "By the way, isn't Mr. Noir going to the tournament? On the way to find a place to stay, I asked. "I'm not answering. Because I don't want to fight you." Fighting me won't hurt you. By the time I visited Wang capital, I had gathered a lot of information. The schedule is three qualifying days and the main game is a total of four days a day, and the winner gets his favorite reward from the king, apparently. Because the venue has the same boundaries as the college arena, there will be no injuries if you do what you want? That means you can fight with confidence. I don't want to use magic on you. If you ask me, it's a little hard for me to say that Mr. Noir is the opponent, too. "Okay. Well, you'll have to spare some time during the qualifying period." The main game is open to the public, but you can't watch the qualifiers. "I'm free...... can I shop or something? "Sure! I'll give you the money, you can buy whatever you want" "I don't need it. Because what I have money for." "You don't have to worry about money..." There's a lot less for transportation and lodging, but the money's still there. Mr. Noir usually takes care of me, and I don't want you to hesitate to use cancer. "It has to be my money." I don't know, but if Mr. Noir says so, fine. "Okay. Well, if it's not enough, don't hesitate to tell me.... all the while, I found it" Discover an inn on the corner. I'll just go inside the store...... it was full. "I've never been full before." "Right." There's a bunch of people from all over the country. Besides, this inn is by the venue, and naturally it's full. The king's capital is huge though, and if you look for it, you'll find it one of these days! ... That's what I thought at this time, but I couldn't find a vacancy after three hours. "I'm fine in Nojuku." Mr. Noir is in giving up mode. I've done a lot of wild lodging... but you'd be tired from a long trip, and I'd like to let you rest in bed if I could. If you can't find a place to stay by sundown, suppose you stay in the next town! "Let's see this one! I followed Mr. Noir into a dim alley. I ran into a little girl as they walked side-by-side on a final detour. Sitting down, depressed. What's the matter with you? "Are you lost? Hearing Mr. Noir's voice, the girl looked up frightened. He looks up at us frightened. "Are you out of line with your mom? The girl nodded small as she gently snapped to avoid scaring her. Because I've been dealing with Mr. Noir (three years old) for nearly three months, I don't think he's treating children better. "What's your name? "... sous" "How old are you? "... three" "How long have you been with your mom, Swiss? "... I had lunch with my mom and she was gone." Are you saying you fell off after lunch? It's time for dinner, and it's been three hours. He'll be somewhere in the Wang capital... but if you look normally, he's going to break his bones. That's right! "What's your mom's name? I flashed a way to find my parents, and I just asked. "... Leah" "I'll let you meet my mom, let's go to the station with your brothers" "... go" Hold Swiss, we're headed to the station. "What are you going to do? When I arrived at the station, Mr. Noir began to wonder. "I'll call Susu's mother, so you two block your ears." That's what I told him, I jumped on the roof of the station. I looked up at the sky, which was soaking in the sunset, "Reasa!!!!! Swus is lost!!!!! I'm in front of the station!!!!!" Shout out loud. It's a primitive way, but this is all I can do. It would have sounded all over the Wang capital, and it must have reached Susu's parents. "I'll let you know again!!!!!" I scream repeatedly just in case and return to Mr. Noir. Mr Noir and Mr Swiss were flustered. One of the people from all over the city stopped holding his ear, and the king's capital is quiet, even though it was so busy. I meant to add or subtract... maybe I should have kept it down a little bit. Waiting like that is a small hour. When the sun came down, two young men and women rushed to us. "" Swiss! To the call, Swiss opened her eyes haha. Turn around the voices, tears eyes. "Mom! Dad! Swiss rushed over to her parents. Though I almost fell, my mother hugs me. "This brother! You saved Swiss! I talked in a loud voice, and I was SOUTH surprised! You're relieved to be reunited with your parents, Swiss is happy to report. Your parents, who heard about it, kept their heads down on us. "Thank you so much for finding my daughter! What a thank you..." "Never mind. I just happened to find it on my way to find a place to stay and screamed." "If you are looking for a place to stay, please use my room! Because we're staying in our cousin's room! According to the story, the Swiss family visited the Wang Capital with their cousins and rented two rooms. You think he went out to lunch with me and that Swus was gone while he was talking to his cousins? "Can I really borrow it? I'm just here in front of the station, and I was thinking of going straight to the next town. "Of course! Follow us as we'll show you to your room! It is honestly helpful to have the accommodation provided, so I decide to be generous and sweet. Though I'm used to traveling, I don't want Mr. Noir to be in the wild. "Why is your brother's voice so loud? 'Cause I trained my body.' "How did you work out your body? "To be a wizard." "How did you become a wizard? 'Cause I want to use flashy magic.' I'm headed to the inn while being questioned. "Excuse me. If this girl asks all the questions. By the way, are you two a couple or something? What are you doing in Wang Du? I've only rented a room for a week, are you staying for a while? If it looks like you're staying longer, I'll pay you an extra fee." Sounds like Swiss's question lover is hereditary. "Me and Mr. Noir have been friends since we were students. I came to Wang Du to attend the tournament. As soon as the tournament is over, we're leaving King's Capital, and we won't be staying that long." "Brother, are you going to the tournament? Well, then, Swiss, I'll cheer your brother up. I'll be damned! 'Cause you're Swiss, when you grow up, you want to be a hero like your brother! There's no context in the story, but the little one is like this. "I'm sorry. When I say this girl, I always say 'be a hero'. Never mind." "Really? Swiss, you're really gonna be a hero like your brother, aren't you? "Didn't you say 'Be a hero like the one who defeated the Demon King' the other day? "Next thing you know, you're gonna be a hero like the one who won the tournament." When her parents tell her to tease her, Swooth swells her cheeks. "Really! You're really going to be a hero! When you grow up, be a hunter and help one in need! While I was listening to your decision, we arrived at the inn. "What's here..." It was the first inn near the venue I visited. Sounds like the most popular inn in Wang Du... can I really rent it? I checked it just in case and they told me not to worry about using it. "Bye, hero! Win at all costs! I was just shown to my room, and we broke up with Swiss. To meet your expectations, Swiss will have to win! That's how I left my luggage in my room, and I went back to the city to apply for a martial arts tournament.
I found a magic wand (Wizards Rod) in the empty room of the Ephael family! ... No, I found it, that's a big deal. If you think calmly, instead of having one magic wand in the family, you have one for each. I have one to replace regularly, and it's not strange to be left in an empty room. But I don't have a magic wand when I'm sixteen. On the contrary, I've never even touched it. Such a magic wand is rolling in front of me... Sometimes I had an unexpected encounter. "... can I touch you for a second? I crawl on all fours, keep my face close to the floor and watch the magic wand. "Shit, I'm gonna have dinner ~... what are you doing? Efa is staring down at me with a pompous face. I'm quite suspicious right now, objectively. I can't let my apprentice look like this. I'll be right there. "I was surprised because there was a magic wand." "Uh, this looks like the magic wand I bought when I was five." When Efa sat in front of me, she told me to miss the time. "You switched? "This is for kids. My hands are getting bigger and I feel uncomfortable gripping them. So on my th birthday, they bought me a new one..." Efa peeks at my face in wonder. "Um, is that so rare a magic wand? I think I see it like every day..." "I've seen it, but I've never touched it." Efa shall be decent. "But Master, didn't you say there was no magic? "I told you." "How did you know there was no magic? "Nothing to be sure of, the magic spot (Stiegel) didn't float..." That's all I thought. When born with a devastating gift of magic, the magic spots that float in the human body are infinitely thinner when you are between the ages of and . Sometimes if the magic spots are too thin, even if you intend to make sure, you overlook them. And as far as I can remember, I've never had a magic test. I've never tried magic with a magic wand. I mean... Evidence that I don't have magic resides anywhere! Maybe I was making a hell of a mistake. I was just thinking I don't have magic, maybe I can actually use magic! Thinking about it, I couldn't stay or not. "Efa!" "Somehow, master! "Can I borrow this for a second?!? I want to see if I have magic! A magic wand is like a 'soul' to a wizard. Just because you have a relationship of trust doesn't mean you can lend it to me. That's what I thought... "If that's the case, I'll give you the magic wand! Efa laughed and said so. "Are you sure? "I'd rather have someone use the magic wand than dust it in here." "Efa......" With a well-made apprentice, I'm a happy man. "Mine, magic wand..." I grabbed the magic wand gently. The tight pattern is going to drop if you don't grip it tightly. Hey, I really... I didn't think you'd be so impressed with just touching it. If this really activates magic, you could be too happy to die. The reverse pattern is... well, let's not think about it. "Well, I'm going to use some magic." "Oh, I want you to have dinner before then. It tastes better when it's warm." "Okay. I'll take the fun out of it." Every now and then, I went to the table with Efa.
Wow, what do I do... I was running along the crack in the wilderness, haunting my head. Beyond the horizon, we found a building in two. Is this how a kid who played baseball in an empty space and broke window glass feels? If it's about windowsills, if you apologize honestly, you'll forgive me, but I've turned the house into two. I don't think you can forgive me where I apologized, and even if I make amends, I might be resented for the rest of my life. But I don't mind being resented at this time. Anyway, that's fine as long as the landlord is safe. While I'm thinking about that, I get to my destination. When I was running, I only had eyes on the building, but there were two people in the wilderness. One was a grandfather in white, and the other... "Is that it, Mr. Noir? What are you doing here? I spoke to Mr. Noir as he fell asleep on the ground. "Homecoming." "What. So this is Mr. Noir's home? "That's right." Did I turn my classmate's home into two... "Sorry, Mr. Noir! This is my wrinkle! I bowed my head to Mr. Noir. I wanted to apologize to my grandfather too, but I peeled my white eyes in front of the rocks and said, "Wow. That's cool. Go, go, go!" He's crushing like he's possessed something, and he doesn't have a very apologetic vibe. Let's apologize properly to Grandpa later. "Did you do this? Mr. Noir leaves to fall to the ground, wandering with a decent face. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it like this. I was just trying to fly..." I don't know what that means. "When I waved the magic wand (Wizards Rod), a claw broke out and the earth broke across the horizon." Mr. Noir looks more and more puzzled. Even I'm not trying to get you to understand it in your current explanation. But there's no other explanation. "But you owe me your life." "I... benefactor of my life? Not the mistake of Reaper? "You didn't just help me. You saved the world." I think it kind of ruined the world, though. The earth, I broke it. But Mr. Noir's face is serious in itself. Doesn't look like you're joking. "I just can't keep up with my understanding... how come I'm the benefactor of my life and I'm supposed to have saved the world? To my question, Mr. Noir summed up the main points and explained them plainly. "I mean, that rock and grandpa were bad guys, and that building didn't have a problem breaking it down, did it? Mr. Noir, who apparently recovered health while he was explaining, woke up his upper body and nodded. "I can't continue my research producing the most powerful wizards in the world any longer than the Institute has turned into two." "I see. Still, I didn't know Mr. Noir was in the same situation as me." I was also asked about Mr. Noir's birth. Me and Mr. Noir didn't get magic spots (Stiegel) and the old man picked me up where my parents abandoned me and orphaned me. And I was raised by the most powerful militant in the world, Mr. Noir, to be the most powerful wizard in the world. "What's the same situation... you're not a wizard? "I'm a warrior looking for a wizard." "A militant...? Isn't this ground crack caused by magic? "This is a physical attack. My parents threw me away because I didn't have magic spots. As a result of my efforts under my mentor, who became a parent to me, I was able to do this." "I don't know what that means, but you and I are in a similar situation." But Mr. Noir looks sad. "Unlike you, I have no friends." "Well, I guess I'm your first friend" Mr. Noir closes his eyes. "Are you going to be friends with me? "Yeah, if Mr. Noir doesn't like it..." "You're welcome." Mr Noir said to the eating mood. Let's go to Efa's house. "Am I not a disturbing bug? "That's not true. Efa's family is all sweet. We'll meet and you'll accept it in a second." "... it would be nice if you could introduce me" "I'll introduce you to my friends, too. And then..." I turn my gaze toward the golem, which has become two. "Buh, the scratches are broken. Nice. Cool." Mr. Ringrant had a stone crush on both hands and was playing with a crouch. I guess the shock of losing the golem is making me temporarily insane. If I see Dean Philip, can you do something about it? "It's not safe to leave them here, and Mr. Ringrant will take them to Efa's house." "Isn't that just a disturbing bug? "It doesn't seem harmful, and I'm sure you'll accept it." Five kids in particular are going to like it. I think Mr. Ringrant is about five years old at his mental age. That's how I convinced Mr. Noir that when I held them aside, I turned back to the Ephaels. Mr. Noir was welcomed by the Efael family... well, needless to say.
The morning of the main battle when we finally welcomed you! I was dressed like a wizard, standing in front of Mr. Noir. "What do you think? Suitable?" "With the addition of a triangular hat and cane, you're becoming more and more wizard." "Thanks! Now you can make your glorious Wizard debut! There's no dress code in the main battle, but because of this, I wanted to fight dressed like a wizard. Anyway, it's a memorable debut! Because of the time we had to break through the qualifiers on the first day, we traveled through the Wang capital looking for items that looked like wizards. Thanks to this I was able to get a nice triangle hat and cane. You have similar taste, they're both the same design Grandpa Maurice had. Especially since the cane looks just like Grandpa Maurice's. Of course this guy is just a wand. The main battle will be won with my nostalgic partner! Okay, let's go. I got my outfit checked, and I'm headed to the arena with Mr. Noir with a cane. The arena is right in front of you when you leave the inn. That's just a quadrennial event, and it's busy in front of the venue with a lot of people. Everybody's talking about the tournament. "Hey hey! Did you hear that story in the third arena!? "I heard that! Someone blew up the arena, didn't they!? "Yes, yes! Besides, after blowing up the arena, he said, 'This guy's got to say hello!' He said something like that! I didn't tell you! I didn't say that kind of villain-like dialogue! It's conveyed in some weird way... sounds like fun talking, and booming doesn't happen when I show up, does it? "Is that one stronger than Mr. Tronko? "Um, what do you think? Last time it was Tronko's overwhelming victory... but instead of saying hello, he's the kind of guy who's gonna break the venue, and you don't know what's gonna happen." "Anyway, look forward to seeing who fights the troncos! I learned the other day, but the main battle seems to be a battle to determine the challenger to Mr. Tronko. At first, Mr. Tronko was in the qualifying round, but you think he became a challenger format because he was too strong? "Will Tronko make it? Mr. Noir comes to me. I checked the map showing the whereabouts of the mighty about three hours ago and discovered a red dot traveling fast from the continent towards the kingdom of Grune. That's Mr. Tronko. "It was awesome speed, and I guess we'll make it" I don't know why I was on the continent, but this would also explain that the red dots had disappeared. I'm sure Mr. Tronko was traveling to the continent around the same time we were on board. As a result, I thought the red dots had disappeared. "Well, I'm over there. Yes, this." When I reached the idle second gate, I handed Mr. Noir an invitation to the people involved. Up to ten contestants can be invited to special seats. The general seats are crowded, but the special seats will be vacant, and Mr. Noir should be able to calm down and watch the game. "I'll support you out loud." "Thanks! I'll say hello in a small voice! That's how I broke up with Mr. Noir. I'm going to the third gate alone. "Ah, you're here! The receptionist standing in front of the third gate smiles with a smile. "I'm sorry about the other day. Be careful not to destroy the venue this time." "Don't worry. The main battle venue is extremely sturdy! There are many boundaries stretched out to prevent damage to the passenger seats, rather fight to the point of breaking them! That's more exciting, the receptionist smiles. "It makes me feel better if you say that" Even so, this time you fight as a wizard. I'll keep my greetings to myself, but as a wizard, I'm going to fight all I can. Please wait in the lobby. Ask the receptionist to tell me where the pantry is, and I'll head over there. Entering the spacious modest room, there were seven men and women there. Age and gender are fragmented, but there's something in common about 'strong' in every face of this place. As soon as I thought about it, I got excited. I'm looking forward to seeing who my first match will be! "You're all gathered! Sitting in a chair and twitching, the receptionist came. "I'm going to explain the rules, so please make it easier! The rules were simple. The game takes place on a tournament basis and the winning conditions are the same as in the qualifying round. During the game, the player will be waiting in a modest room and can't watch the game? In other words, they don't know until the game actually begins. "If you win three, you can compete with Mr. Tronko, so you guys stick around and fight! As soon as Mr. Tronko's name came out, everyone's eyes changed. Mr. Tronko is number four in a row of brave men - heroes of the Grune kingdom. It's just an honor to be able to fight, and if you win, you're a one-jump celebrity. For athletes, it's just a life-changing battle! For me, of course. In this battle, I will try to increase my magic! And be, to the Great Wizard!! "Now this will be the tournament table! A tournament table sticks out on the wall. I... Whoa, first game! I'm so lucky to be able to fight all of a sudden! Opponent Lynn...... who is it? You're one of the women by name, aren't you? What do you mean... either one of the young ladies who is softening, or her grandmother who is calm. Either way, he's a strong man, and he's no stranger to what I'm looking forward to! "Well, then take this one last time! The receptionist hands out the ring. "That ring is assembled with metastatic magic (teleport)! When the opening ceremony is over, the two of you in the first game - Master Ash and Master Lynn - will be transferred over to the ring, so please wear the ring and wait! When he saw all the athletes put on the ring, the receptionist left the modem room behind. "... Who is Mr. Lynn? I couldn't wait, I begged. "Wow, it's me! It was a young woman of three knitting who replied with an inverted voice. It's called a gentle atmosphere, it's called a seemingly weak stand-up, you look like Nina, who was my classmate at any rate. "Who is Mr. Monarch? "Mr. Seige is... oh, was it you" The search for an opponent has begun, derogating from what I have said. With that sight on the side, I say hello to Mr. Lynn. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Lynn. I'm Ash! Thank you for today! Great! Nice to meet you! As I was gutting inside when I saw Mr. Lynn who wouldn't blow up, I was peppered and lowered my head. "Nice to meet you, Hiccup! You seem so nervous. "Wow, I've never been in a place like this before...... sorry if I accidentally attacked you weird! "Rather make a weird attack! "Uh, uh... okay? "Of course! It's better to see a special attack than a common one! I'm really excited to see what kind of attack Mr. Lynn is going to make! "... Mr. Ash is a good one" "I... a good one? "Yes. Mr. Ash, you're trying to relax my nervousness, aren't you? I just really want to get a special attack, I didn't mean to... "I'm lucky! Same goes for being able to compete in the main battle, but I'm really glad my opponent in the first fight was a kind one like Mr. Ash! Lynn, relaxed her expression as she was relieved, touched her hands on the slender neckline. "Thanks to this amulet," "Beautiful necklace." "Ha. My clumsy sister took the time to make it for me. So this is my treasure! "Really? We have to take care of that..." ... Wait a minute. That's gonna break my balls, isn't it? Unlike in the old days, I can cut spa if it's like a tree branch right now. Though made of metal, this thinness is likely to break. ... What's up. I'm sorry to break the treasure, even though it's a serious battle, because if they move to aim anything other than the neck, the aim will be off, and I just used the blowing magic to cool Mr. Lynn down. There is only one way. Suppose your debut as a wizard carries you over to the next game! "Ah, that sounds like time! Win or lose, let's have no grudges! Where each other's rings shine, the scenery changes on the pretend. Transferred to the Circular Arena. Our appearance evokes applause and cheer from the guests' seats. 'Well, thank you for waiting so long! Now let's start the first game! The referee raises his voice from outside the ring. "The first game is Lynn vs. Ash! The referee refers to Mr. Lynn. "Lynn is from the commercial city of Radio! She decided to enter the tournament because she wanted to improve her dramatic personality! It's the first time I've been on these games, but I've decided to compete in the main game! He was a lion who could sleep, so to speak! The main contestants were giving the operator a brief profile. Mr. Operations came to me yesterday, and I guess he came to Mr. Lynn just like that. "The opposing Ash player is said to be from that college founded by Philip Valmilion! That alone will give you strength, but how dare he be the Ten Himself who blew up the Third Arena! She decided to compete in the tournament because she couldn't wait to try the magic! He's a samurai, so to speak! I just wanted to get busted. The dangerous one, it's like an introduction... there's more or less, okay? "Sleeping lions win or samurai win - see how it ends in your eyes! So - Let the game begin!! Among the unstoppable cheers, the referee's international loud voice echoed. "It's a must win ahead! Mr. Lynn draws a rune at once. As soon as the rune was complete, the color of tension disappeared from Mr. Lynn's face. Looks like he's convinced of a victory early. "Now you can't move! I used paralysis magic! Your whole body should be bilingly paralyzed! Of course, it doesn't work to draw runes..." Mr. Lynn wanders off. "Why can you stand when you're paralyzed!? Oh, well! That's the wand!? With that wand, you can barely stand!? I'm gonna tell myself, Mr. Lynn, I'm gonna walk over. "Hey, how can you move!? Oh, well! Strength! Strength, huh!? You're just moving with your qi!? "It's not your strength." "Hey, how can you speak fluently!? Normally, you can't even move your mouth! "You trained scattered to be a wizard! No matter what state you're in, as long as you have a magic wand (Withers Rod) in your hand, I can draw runes! "What kind of training would make you such a body!? "It's a training in madness to death! "It's not an explanation!? Mr. Lynn is hazy. "Just fine! We were originally going to release an oversized light arrow from close range! Saved me time getting close! Come on, if you're coming, come! Most importantly, you can't avoid light arrows at light speeds where you escaped!... ho, you're really coming!? Even as he sees me approaching without hesitation at all, and bewildered, Mr. Lynn completes the light arrow rune. "That's it! Mr. Lynn blew away at that wind pressure when he struck out to play the light arrow released at the speed of light. Pahhhhhh!!!!! Mr. Lynn hits the thoughtful juncture and stops moving as it is. I was going to take him down with my cock pin...... your plans have gone crazy. Amulet, I hope you're safe... "And the game is over!? It's Ash's win!! I rush over to Mr. Lynn and check his neck as he starts to cheer. Yo! Amulet's safe! I'm turning my eyes around, but Mr. Lynn's safe too! "Ooh! Ash! We care about Lynn!! Would there have been players who cared about their opponents first without soaking up the aftermath of victory!? It is interpreted favourably and warm applause is sent from the guest seat. Guests seemed to enjoy it, and I enjoyed seeing Mr. Lynn's magic up close. We're finally making our debut next time, and we need to be careful not to accidentally win with the help of militants! That's how they dropped me off, and I was transferred to the depot.
When I woke up in the morning, Mr. Noir was twirling and shivering in his blanket. "It's cold..." Mr. Noir, who realizes I'm awake, reports in a fine voice. According to the thermometer, the current temperature is °C below freezing. I'm in a state of neglect of changing temperatures, but watching Mr. Noir conveys chills. Mr. Noir is good at ice magic, and I thought he was very cold resistant... well, the temperature is temperatures. "Want another pair of socks? "I'll wear it." I give Mr. Noir the socks I bought in bulk the other day. Mr. Noir, who received his socks, lowered his eyebrows as if he could hardly. "I can't put my hands on it." "You're reliable." Mr. Noir sits on his bed, takes off his boots and turns his foot on me. "That's it," he said. I let Mr. Noir put on some thick socks, and I looked out the window. "It's loaded..." Beyond the window is a snowy view on one side. I wonder if it's loaded about a meter. I can make my way with wind pressure from a positive fist poke no matter how many meters of snow it takes... can you find this, the ruins? It said in the book that all ruins in the east, west, north and south are 'underground ruins', and if the entrance is buried in snow, the bones are going to break to find it. "Anyway, I'm glad it's clear." I've been snowblowing all yesterday, and I was worried I might be stuck like this, but it cleared up safely. I'd go to the ruins to see a natural mutation, but I can't risk Mr. Noir. "How long will it take to get to the ruins? "At a distance, maybe five hours on foot. It may take a while to find the entrance, but I'll try to find it by the end of the day." It's been over a week since we left Lucham. Ten days till the start of the new semester. I hope one of us is just gonna be late, but you can't wind up Mr. Noir. I can't stay very long, and I need to get to the ruins before the weather breaks down. "I'll leave when I eat dinner... Want some more thick clothes? Mr. Noir also has gloves on this garment, ears on the muffler on the yarn hat, and wears an extra hood, but he is shaking. It looks so cold, but it would be difficult to lay it on any more. Suppose there's room for layering... about foot? Does Mr. Noir know that, too, and he's turned his leg on me again? "One more pair of socks - no, I'll overlap two." I'll make Mr. Noir wear socks. Warming feet only weakened Mr. Noir's tremors a little. "Well, if you have breakfast, we're leaving! I carry my bag and head to the dining space upstairs with Mr. Noir. "Good morning. Are you going out? The shop owner's uncle, who was regulating the fireplace's fires and subtractions, smiled and talked. "I thought I'd eat before I went out." "Oh, then I'll be ready as soon as I can, so please wait about your seats. Of course I won't pay for it. Mr. Ash is a benefactor of life." This town is as sparsely populated as Nemnesia, so I figured it wouldn't be as noisy as Lucham's, and I was walking away without hiding my face. As a result, he was generously welcomed by his uncle. "It helps." To tell you the truth, I had given Mr. Noir a ton of clothes, which made him less handy. Given the cost of the trip home, my uncle's favor was honestly appreciated. Next time, we need to take some more money. "I'm the one thanking you! If it weren't for Mr. Ash, my family would have been killed by the Demon King by now." And my uncle winks. "If you advertise it as an 'Inn where Heroes stayed', the Inn should be crowded with guests. It really helps! I laugh unexpectedly at my real uncle. "If that's the case, I won't hesitate to let you eat" "Ha. I don't care how many nights you stay, as long as you don't mind Mr. Ash! "Thank you. But I'm just going to the ruins, so I'll be home tomorrow." "Are you going to the ruins?!? And my uncle said happily. "Yes, but... is there something in the ruins? "Yes, actually, there's a legend that the ruins are filled with scary demons." Is that about the demon king sealed by Ice Emperor? I guess The Ice Emperor paid for it by spreading scary rumors so that someone wouldn't mistakenly unseal it. After all these years, it became a legend. "Of course, it's a legend, so I don't know if it's real or not... but if you think about it, you get anxious." I see. Is that why you smiled? "Okay. I'll exorcise you if I see you." "Whoa, thanks! Where my uncle lowered his head gladly, Mr. Noir's stomach rattled. "Oh, excuse me. Please wait in your seats with us as we will bring your meal immediately" We'll be at the table, waiting for dinner. Slightly, my uncle brought stew and bread. That's how we finished our meals. We left the inn behind.
I've been looking for demons in the Devil's Forest lately. When I turned sixteen, I told my master, as I do every day, 'Exactly, I want a wand'. I have the money, so if I want to buy it, I can buy it, but I can't get a magic wand (Withers Rod) without my master's permission. Because I respect my master and, more importantly, I am grateful. I don't know why, but my parents dumped me. My master loved and raised me like a true son. It's because of Grandpa Maurice that he turned sixteen. Such a master gave me a new assignment the other day. "If I can defeat the legendary demon Red Dragon that hisses somewhere in this forest, I'll put on my final exam." "But Master, if you're a Red Dragon, you knocked it down when you were twelve, didn't you? When I said that, my master was a little nervous. "Was that it? "Didn't I tell you? When my master was out of town, there was a distortion of time and space (Abyssgate). A red dragon appeared in the woods. Well, I knocked him out with a piece of bread." "Why did you keep your mouth shut about such an important thing?!?" "Huh? No, 'cause it was Zako, and I don't even dare to talk," "... you're not my apprentice. I didn't know you were beyond me when I was twelve." "It's a tough joke. To the extent that you defeated the Red Dragon, there's no way you can surpass your Master.... but that was a legendary demon, wasn't it? What do you mean, you're gonna put on a final exam? "Oh, no... you made a little mistake. Ash will defeat the Legendary Monster called Legendary Monster. The master speaks the same name as he took it. "Does he live in the Devil's Forest? "Ugh, um. That's what I'm telling you. If we can defeat him, we'll put him on the final exam." "I get it! I'll take him down! ... and well. It has been a month since such an exchange, but there was no indication that the Legendary Demon could be found. "That's the legend of legend." That's how the sun went down. It's my job to prepare meals. It's time to go back and get ready for dinner. I'm going back to my home, where I'm used to living. When I went out to the place I had pioneered, my master stood in front of the house. When you notice me, the master approaches you with a serious look on his face. "What's the matter, master? You couldn't find Legendary Monster, could you? After the master laid his eyes down to get lost, he said this in a trembling voice. "Bye. Such a monster doesn't exist in this world." "So that's how rare it is, huh? I know." "You're too good a girl! "Duh, what's wrong, Master? "Why did you become such a good kid when your parents dumped you and you said that normally your personality would have been distorted and defective!?" "I should have raised my master." "You're too good a girl! Why are you praising me? "My master is a fine man." "Ahhhhhhhh!!" The master knelt on the ground, "My conscience hurts!!" I screamed as much as I wanted. "What's the matter, master? If you don't feel well, I'll carry you to bed, okay? And I'll feed you warm, physically friendly food, okay? "Are you going to kill me?" Exciting, eye-opening master. Really, my master looks weird today. What the hell has gotten into you? Worrying about me, the master rose up. "Fine. Put on the final exam."
The morning after I became Mr. Ringrant's caution stick. "Master, do you have a minute? I'd like to ask you a favor..." After spending the night at the Ephael family, I woke up to Epha's call. "... what's going on? "Will you hang out with me in the morning for an audition? That's how cheap it is. It's not like training militants, but your body should have been trained during your time as a gym teacher. He wanted to see how much his disciples had grown in the past three months. "I'm glad. Then get dressed and wait outside." "I'll be right there, too." I'll go outside dressed in my normal clothes after I barely swapped my word to wake Mr. Noir, who is quite asleep. And Mr. Miró stood with a quack. He is dressed in farm clothing and wearing a hat. Is this your job coming up? "Ash, get up early! "Good morning. Mr. Miró is fast, too. Are you going to work? "This is my first job! I'll plow it with quacks! Fun!" "Are you going to use Qua? I think using magic will be over soon..." If you let the Earthlings work in the fields, they'll be quite efficient. "Miro, I don't know the field job! Remember with your body first! Otherwise, I can't order the earthlings! I see, you're right if you ask me. When I was convinced, Effa came out. He is wearing the perfect trousers on a tank top that seems easy to move. "Sorry to keep you waiting! Good morning, Miró! "Efa, get up early! Going out with Ash? "Yes, I will! I'm going to train with my master! I'll always look forward to it! Mr. Miró chuckles at Efa in an exciting tone. "Ash, happy to have a good apprentice! Miró is happy to have a good apprentice too! I'm so glad you said that, as an apprentice. We need to keep up the training so Miró can be proud of us! "Miro, it's time to go to work!... Ash, do you want to resume your martial arts training today? "Yes! I plan to leave Nemnesia before noon" "Miro, I'll drop you off then! Until then, I'll work hard! With that said, Mr. Miró walked away to the field. "Do we audition too? Where are we gonna do this? "Park! There's no one here at this hour! That's how we headed to the park. After a light prep exercise, tell Efa. "Before you arch, show me how much you've grown" "Sure! Because you've always wanted your master to see it! From Efa's remarks, I felt quite confident. I can't wait to see how much you've grown up without me. "Yah! In front of my exciting eyes, Effa stood upside down. Step by step, move your arms and walk away...... you change direction about meters and come back. "How did it go?! "You've grown! He looked like a militant or a bender, but Effa's growth was remarkable. The sense of balance was polished and the muscles and stamina were worn. "Glad to hear it! There's something else I want you to see! - Do it! And, efa made a positive fist punch. At first you were a bump...... really, you grew up. And so on and so on, Efa continues to roll out the chops. "What to do!? Didn't you just wind out 'Hin'?!? "Hmm? Oh, it sounded faint..." "You can hear me! It's not a fantasy. You are! Efa is happy to jump. "Are you that happy with the wind cut sound? "Glad to hear it! 'Cause I think I got him close to my master! It's less than a breeze right now, but one day I'm going to have the earth torn apart! "Then make sure there's no one nearby." Otherwise I don't feel comfortable living. "I'm going to make sure! Oh, there are other moves I want you to see, okay?!? "Absolutely. I'm gonna hang out with you until Efa feels better." "Glad to hear it! Then I will unleash all my power here and now! Screaming cool, Efa has shown a variety of moves. He also showcases creative moves such as low kicks on high kicks, spinning and kicking on heels drops, uppercuts on back fists on consecutive hits, and even a continuous head thrust like headbanging on tackles that utilize the momentum of forward rotation. "Duh, what do we do!? That's right, the stamina ran out, and Effa was breathing on her shoulder. "Really, you misjudged me..." I'm not flattered. When Efa saw herself the day she apprenticed to me, she said, "Who's this?" and you'll be confused. That's how much Efa had grown. "Nobody would believe me when I said I used to be an athletic vocalizer." If the motor nerves were excellent, they would have grown even more. But Effa has grown without exercise tone deafness. I was brave about that. "Eh heh, I'm glad you're growing up properly! But I'm glad I'm athletic! "Why? "Because you know what it's like for kids who don't like exercising! Plus, it makes me happy to be a teacher when I see that I can exercise a little bit! "I know exactly how that feels. I was so happy to see Efa improve." "Master..." Efa weeps. "To me, the master is like the best master! I'm so glad I met my master! "I'm happy to have an apprentice like Effa, too. Besides, Efa was brave." I have no wizard talent. But hard work doesn't lie. If you work as hard as Efa, you can grow steadily! I'm the weakest wizard in the world right now, but I can be a great wizard one day! "Really, thanks! "I'm the one who wants to thank you! Because you have a master, you have me now." "Efa......" Unexpected words make me cry. "My master admires me. The ultimate goal. I don't know if I can catch up, but I'll try to get a little closer to my master! "I'll do my best to catch up with Efa as a wizard too! With all-powerful magic, and all sorts of magic, Efa is a great wizard. In other words, it's my goal. My magic is wind lineage, so I can't be like Efa, but I'll try to get a little closer! "Ah, it's time to do some work! Efa screams like she remembers. "It's muddy, and I need to take a shower before I do" "I have to help with breakfast, I have to make lunch... and I'm running out of time to be with my master... Master, when will I see you next? "If I could see you, it would be Grandpa Maurice's birthday. Efa's coming, isn't she? "Of course I'm going! Master's master is the same for me! We're gonna celebrate! I promised Grandpa Maurice I'd see him again for his birthday, and we were on our way home. After a breakfast at the Ephael family and dropping off school and attendance, we head to the station with Mr. Noir and rendezvous with Mr. Lingrant. "Mr. Ringrant's with you, but that's okay, right? Mr. Noir and Mr. Ringrant have a cause. Mr. Ringrant made Mr. Noir do what he couldn't have done if he didn't like him. "I don't care who you are with me if you stay with me." Mr Noir says the same thing yesterday. That's how Mr. Ringrant joined his fellow travellers, and we set out for the kingdom of Ariane.
That night. We were visiting Mr. Tronko's mansion when he took the train from Dracula back to King's Capital. Tomorrow morning we decided to travel by airship and have them stay at the Mansion today. We had a delicious dinner, took a relaxing bath, and now we're just lying in bed. Blurring like this brings back memories of the Kingdom of Grune. "Finally, goodbye to the Kingdom of Grune..." "It's been so much fun." "Right. I'm gonna miss traveling." It's a short stay, but I had a dense time. Embrace Mr. Noir, who was seasick. Compete in militant competitions. Train Nemia. Meet a baby stronger than Mr. Noir. I couldn't fulfill my original purpose, but I'm very satisfied that I was able to have a meaningful time. "The melon bread I had during the martial arts tournament was delicious. And the baby was so cute." Mr. Noir seems to like the Kingdom of Grune too, and suppose he'll come back when he gets the chance? We'll have to remember the anti-drunken pills then! "Lord Ash. Lord Noir, are you still awake? I hear Nemia calling from across the door. "I'm awake." When I replied, Nemia grabbed the wooden knife and came to the bedroom. If one I don't know was on this scene, I'd probably mistake him for coming to attack my sleep, but he's not, actually. For Nemia, a wooden walking wood knife is a stuffed animal. If you hold it, you can sleep. That means you visited the bedroom with it. "Actually... I'd like to be with you two until morning. We can't be together much longer..." I'm sure you miss breaking up with us. Mr. Noir cheers on Nemia, who says shy. "I want to sleep with you, too. 'Cause it's more fun sleeping in large numbers." I won't put it on my face, but Mr. Noir also seems to miss breaking up with Nemia properly. Listening to Mr. Noir's words, Nemia snuggled happily into bed. "Lord Ash! I grew up a little bit, didn't I? Apparently, he came here to chat rather than to sleep. He looked at me like I expected, and I answered instantly. "You're growing up right. Nemia defeated the demon." Nemia defeated the demon with courage. I'm pretty sure you've grown spiritually, and you should be improving your magic. "When Lord Ash told me that, I felt really strong! Nemia makes her voice bounce with joy. "But I want to be stronger! That's why I decided to go to the Elstadt School of Magic that I've always dreamed of! I knew that Nemia admired the Elstadt School of Magic. The day I first met him, he asked me about 'I want to enroll someday' on the train. But for one of these countries, the continent is the Nest of Bakery Things. For that reason, Nemia seemed reluctant to visit the kingdom of Elstadt... but she decided to enroll, which means she's not now. "Aren't you afraid of the continent? "I've traveled with you two and seen a lot of demons! Compared to that, I'm not afraid of continents! It's a little different from shock therapy, but seeing so many demons on the road to Dracula makes you mentally stronger? Really, you've grown. Perhaps the best harvest of coming to the Kingdom of Grune was being seen growing Nemia. "Elstadt School of Magic, where Lord Ash and Lord Noir were enrolled! If you can get through there, you can definitely be strong! Nemia is high tension. The Erstadt School of Magic is the highest educational institution in the world. It must have been a place of admiration for Nemia, just like I was. Imagine yourself passing through there, feeling excited. "Taking an exam at this time means taking an integration exam, right? General entrance exams are ahead of us for the time being, and Nemia is twelve in the first place. The only way to enroll is to take an age unlimited entrance exam. "I intend to! My grandfather told me that the entrance exam was a narrow gate, but let me try to break through in the mood! Breaking through in the mood? That's just my apprentice, he's just like thinking! Ma, in Nemia's case, we'll be able to break through with strength, not temper. If we had a track record of winning the children's section of the militant tournament, we would be able to break through paperwork screening, and we should be able to complete magic measurements. The question is a practical exam, but from what I've seen of the martial arts tournament, Nemia is not a fire-powered gorilla pusher type, because she's a technologist. Whatever exams will be imposed, you will be able to handle them ad hoc and you will be able to pass them safely! ... Nevertheless, the more you think about it, the better apprentice you are. Isn't there anything I can do for you anymore, Nemia? One last thing or so, I'd like to do something that looks like a master to you... yes. "If you're coming to Elstania, you should finally watch the game between me and Mr. Cuhle." Mr. Cule is the most powerful wizard in the world. If you look at that battle up close, it should help something. Was my suggestion unexpected, Nemia? "But... the game will take place in the college, won't it? Am I allowed to watch the game? "The arena is huge and you won't get in the way. And I'll ask the Dean of the Academy, Ai, to do it for me." That's about all I can do for you as a master, Nemia. "I'm looking forward to the match between Lord Ash and Lord Cuhle! Wow! It's burning when I think about the future! It's going to be a little bare!! Nemia rolls her motivation and rushes to leave the room behind. Seeing a motivated apprentice, I'm kind of on fire, too. "... you look like you trained" "You got it." "Something long and tight. But can you train alone? "It's not just training to boost magic. There are things you can do without your master." Practicing drawing runes, for example, is a fine training exercise. Not that magic improves, but if you fail to practice it, the magic wand (Withers Rod) may burn out with friction fever. In fact, my partner (first generation) only got the pattern. Besides, I'm going to play the Wizard's debut against Mr. Cule! At that time, if my partner (second-generation/revamped) only has the pattern, I won't be able to debut it. Think about it, you can't just not practice! "Well, I'm going to train you! "I'll stick with you, too. 'Cause one misses something" That's how we went to Nemia, who pretended to be bareback, and trained until the morning sun rose.
Crusade the flock of goblins lurking in the woods. That should have been an easy task if you had tried to make it into the Knights of Magic and Western Crusades of the Kingdom of the Rhine. In fact, the mission was completed without even issuing one injured person. All we had to do was return. But something unexpected happened as I tried to get out of the woods. There was a distortion of time and space (Abyss Gate) on the fence. Nevertheless, she - Chloe, the chief of the Knights, is a wizard of war. I've seen these things happen a few times, and if you calm down and deal with them, there's no problem. Such confidence was dispelled at the next moment. Jumping out of the distortion of time and space is the legendary monster known alongside the Demon King, The Dark Emperor (Dark Road) - It was the Dark Knight! The moment he saw that disastrous appearance, Chloe was ready to die. I read about the Dark Knight in the dossier. - Dark armor, as if it embodied evil, attributes every attack to nothing. - Black swords of disastrous shape are scared when they cleave the mountains in one swing. - Black horses with knights are said to drive the world overnight. Such legendary demons were last confirmed a hundred years ago. At that time, more than a hundred victims were left in the dossier to pick up. Besides, each person who died in battle was equal to or more powerful than Chloe. The Dark Knight in front of me is a hundred years old. That's a very small individual - but in just twelve Knights it's too scarce as a force of war. That's why Chloe was ready to die. "Yes, what the hell am I supposed to do!? The Commander must not lack calm. Otherwise, you will disturb your men. But in this situation, it's pointless. Because my men are lying on the ground alone. The moment he saw the Dark Knight, he unleashed all his magic and lost his mind. 'What are you doing, Ningen? Don't be frightened, make me feel more happy. I don't need to hesitate. Call me with your whole body. " A pitch-black mask - the sound of the ground ringing from behind it. Highly intelligent demons manipulate human language. With the Dark Emperor dead, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the Dark Knight is the demon that will inherit after the Demon King. The intelligence and force of the Dark Knight is no less pale than that of the Demon King. "Ki, I'm not afraid of demons like you! Chloe carved the rune with her trembling hands and unleashed an oversized ice spear (Ice Lance). Chloe's keepsake, the only praise my predecessor, who was my master and my boss, gave me. Pachywyn!! But the ice spear shattered the moment it touched the knight's armor. Chloe despairs of ice dust dancing in the dark night. "Boring. What a tedious doomsday, with a hundred years of time, to grow but to degenerate. He would have sang about the peace at the beginning of the tentative period and lacked training." The worst scenario comes to mind behind Chloe's brain in her mouth as if she had fought humans in the past. "No way, you were the Dark Knight a hundred years ago!? So, but it was written in the dossier that we crusaded! "Stupid! There's no way this my- Black Emperor (Black Road) is going to lose out on the Ningen style! My beloved horse can run through different spaces! "Running through different spaces!? In other words, the Dark Knight, the Black Emperor, can create distortions in time and space at his will. A hundred years ago, people just thought the Black Emperor had vanished without a trace! 'I thought you'd entertain me a little more, but this won't even spare me time! You gave me a chance to grow up last time, but it doesn't seem to weaken! It can't be held from the edge by Ningen, the qualities that we combine! and the Black Emperor pulled out his sword. "With my black sword, you will wipe out this land! "Oh, no... I won't let you! "Stop laughing! Your power is known! No, you're not the only one! I can see how vulnerable Ningen is to you! It's not worth living for a weak species! More than my return, Ningen is doomed! "Well, that's not going to happen! Even if you kill me here, you will be defeated by him - by Master Ash! 'Nonsense! What a crappy paranoia! There is no such thing as ningen piercing my armor! There is no such thing as an indestructible ningen with my sword! There is no such thing as ningen to catch up with my beloved horse! Therefore, there is no reason to lose my Ningen flair! and the Black Emperor put the Black Sword to heaven. "I am the most powerful knight in the world - the Black Emperor!" More than my descent, every life is doomed to perish! Come on, my blow that won't even leave a wreckage will darken your Ningen history! "Oh, no..." Chloe tries to stop it somehow. But I can't even stand with my hips falling out. Even if I can move freely, there's nothing Chloe can do about it. So much so that there is a difference in power between Chloe and - no, humanity and the Black Emperor. Chloe was ready to die once again. And... 'Come on, it's the dawn of the Black Age!! Spaaaaaa!!!!!!! The Dark Knight turned into two. At the same time, the neck of a black horse with eight eyes blew away. From sharp cuts, black blood erupts. Unexpectedly, Chloe flatters. The rain of blood stains the area black... is this what Black Emperor calls the "Black Age"? I was interpreting it as something like that, that's when. "Um... could it be that you didn't fly kamaitachi over here? A boy walked in with regret.
noon on the second day of the trip. We took the train from Penilopa. We arrived in Nemnesia. Nemnesia was more of a killer landscape than I imagined. It's like a town in a western play. On dry soil, wooden dwellings are dotted. That's a country town in the kingdom of Elstadt that also contends for one or two. Well, it's far more urban than my hometown, The Devil's Forest. "Master! Mr. Fermina! This is the town where I was born and raised! Efa proudly asks what to do. "It's a calm town." "It's going to be easy to live in." Efa gladly loosens her cheeks. "Right? This town is like my garden. If there's something I don't know, I want you to ask me anything! "Is Efa's house close to here? I just asked a question. "I went straight down this road. It's right ahead. I contacted you to come home with your friends, so you must be making a treat and waiting for me! "Yay! I love a treat! "Your mother's food looks delicious. You can count on it! Come on, over here! Efa walks down the road in the same pace as she does even skipping, turning around at the corner. "That's my house! It was a three-story wooden house. The garden surrounded by fences has playthings rolling around. Efa screamed when she opened the front door. And as soon as it was done, the footsteps sounded, "" "." "Welcome back, Efa. Hey! Five young girls with the same face jumped on Efa. "Welcome back, honey" "Welcome back, Sister Efa" Two more girls show up from that time. She's about thirteen or four years old. On one side, it is, and on the other the impression of being weak. "Oh, that was fast." The last woman to come out was one of the best. I'm sure she's Efa's mother. "Guys, I'm home! Where's your father? "I'm picking vegetables in the back field." "Then I'll introduce you first! Shit... Ash and Mr. Fermina! Efa's family stares at him. "Oh, you've come a long way. My daughter takes care of me at school." "I'm really looking out for you! Especially if I say...... I'm sorry for Mr. Fermina, but you're really looking out for Ash! "Hey, your boyfriend? A girl like you says in a whisper. "Oh, did you? Then you could be a family in the future! My aunt was on board, too. Not long after we met, but you seem to like it. "Oh, that's not it! Ashkun is my master! Efa turns her face bright red and denies it. Efa, who had no resistance at all to sleeping in bed with me, but she's usually ashamed of herself being teared up by her family. "You smell kind of delicious! Mr. Fermina can't read the air. But you do smell delicious. To Mr. Fermina's words, his aunt put her hands together with her pussy. "I'm making a treat today because Efa says she's coming with your friend. It's already done, so let's have it while it's warm. Silci, get your father." "Yes." "You wash your hands. You were playing with the mud earlier." "" "" "" Yes! "Lil, line up your plates." "Ugh, yeah." The aunt, who gave her daughters instructions, turns to us. "Ash-kun and Fermina take your time. Efa, show your friends to your room. You're staying today, aren't you? Me and Mr. Fermina nod. "Both of you, this way." Follow Efa to the third floor and open the door of a certain room. "I'm sorry, but I only have one spare room. I mean an empty room, I almost store it..." "I was suddenly supposed to stay. I'll be glad to use it." "It would help if you could say that." "Where should I sleep? "Mr. Fermina looks like my room. If you put your stuff down, I'll make you dinner." "Wow!" Efa and Mr. Fermina left the room. I put my stuff down and take a breather. Still, you have a lot of stuff to put away. Books, clothes, bags, stuffed animals, and... "Hmm? What is this..." I found something.
Gold And Silver. Ten days have passed since I visited the village where I was born. That morning. We were relaxing in our own beds when we tasted Mother's handicrafts. Mr. Noir, who was in a change, lays in bed and rubs his stomach painfully. "I'm not going to be able to move for a while..." "Mr. Noir, you've been eating a lot. It was like Mr. Fermina." "Stir-fried mountain vegetables, something that was so delicious. But... your mother might have thought you were greedy." "That's not true. Mother, I was so happy to have been replaced, and even Father was nicotine. Even for me, I'm glad you like your mother's handicrafts." "I'm relieved. The next time I come, I'll eat more. When are we going home next? "I'm going home soon." "Looking forward to it." Mr. Noir is not going to be able to wait any sooner. I'll keep my mother's hand cooking for a while. We're going to travel after this today. In addition, Mr. Noir had more breakfast than usual. "How soon will we be out of the house? Mr. Noir says remorsefully as he lays in bed. One of the reasons why you liked your mother's handicrafts is because in the last ten days Mr. Noir has gotten along with my family. I guess I've missed traveling. "I'm going to catch the train before noon. So, join us and celebrate Grandpa Maurice's birthday." "I have to buy you a present. What does Maurice want? "Anything Mr. Noir feels like will please you! I also have time to pick a gift, so think about it again then! "I will. Is Efa and Fermina with you then? "I have a schedule for the two of you, but Mr. Fermina and I are planning to rendezvous in Erstania." We originally planned to go to The Devil's Forest, but we were going to have a birthday party in Elstania. If I'm alone, Efa and Fermina will still celebrate. Because the Devil's Forest, where the demons are wobbly, is unable to calm down and have a birthday party, we were forced to use Mr. Cuhle's mansion. That's why Mr. Cule also attends the birthday party. And after my birthday, I'm going to play a game with Mr. Cule at the Academy Arena. "When the game with the queer is over, will you resume your training? "Of course you are! We're still far from the Great Wizard! "Where are we going next? With that said, Mr. Noir widened the map to show where the mighty were. And lower your eyebrow root like you're in trouble. "The red dots are everywhere I know them. The only place I haven't been... is here." Mr Noir, referring to the Kingdom of Shabalia in the North. "That's a golem." "Could it be Rittera's golem? "Yeah. He said he was letting us dive into the iceberg to improve the magical quality of the ice system, and I'm pretty sure he did." "Then you can't be a disciple anymore. 'Cause all the other red dots are things I know. But it's weird. I should've been here a little bit before." Indeed, the number of red dots is decreasing, but the reason for this is speculative. "I'm sure the Lord of the Red Dot was a demon. So, Mr. Cule knocked me down." The map of Mr. Kühl will also show "Demons a little below himself". A little further down than Mr. Kühl means that he is better than Mr. Noir. Supposing you fought them as a training, it also explains the decrease in red dots from our maps. There are no powerful demons in this world right now, including the Red Dragon. I didn't mean to, but my training and that of Mr. Cuhle made the world peaceful. Well, as long as there's a distortion of time and space, some powerful demons will show up eventually. Besides, the Demon King is still here. The other day, the Emperor of Copper (Bronze Road) was named after your three families, and there must be two more. The demon king's target is' Man Interrupting the Capture of the Ice Emperor (Ice Lord) = Me '. There should be no direct damage to Mr. Noir, but we need to be careful not to be alarmed. Thinking about it. "Phone call." Mr. Noir took out his cell phone. "From who? "It's from Nemia. I'm replacing Ash now." Mr. Noir shoves his cell phone in my ear and runs magic for calls. My training has increased my magic, but I don't have enough magic to talk to Nemia, who is in Elstania. "Hello, Nemia? It's me, but what's wrong? "Lord Ash! I did it! You passed! "Really? Congratulations, Nemia! "Congratulations." He also sounded like Mr. Noir, laughing happily. 'Thank you! I can't believe I passed... my legs are still shivering! Can we do it well at this rate......' "I can do it! "Oh, really? "Of course! Nemia broke through with her strength! You should be more confident! 'Oh, whoa, whoa! I'm getting kind of confident! Your leg tremor has healed! Hey, my body is kind of hot...... it's gaining power! "That's how it goes! If only we could outperform our original strengths, we should be able to break the promotion exam too, so hey! Let's calm down! 'Ha! Me, I'm going to try to be an advanced class right away! Whoa, whoa! It's burning! I'm going to make a quick gesture! I have to follow Lord Efa's teachings and run! There's a pile to do! Nemia was motivated and hung up the call. If I talk to a motivated Nemia, I'm dying to train too! "You look like you trained. But there are no more masters..." "There is no Lord of the Red Dots, but there is Lord of the Blue Dots." "Will the Lord of the Blue Dots also become a Master? "Of course! So far, I've prioritized going to see the Lord of the Red Dots, because even the Lord of the Blue Dots is an excellent wizard. Plus, it's effective to review the training methods taught by Tico and Miro, and it's also effective to train demon opponents in real-time formats! "I have so much to do......! "Yeah! At the end of your birthday, you're gonna be busy! "Glad to hear it. Something I wanted to travel with you more. You think we're just leaving? "Right. Time to pack your bags! "I'll clean it up." We pack the clothes we left behind in our bags and head to our fathers. They looked lonely when they saw us checking out the journey schedule. "... are you going now" "I'll be back, won't I? They stared at me and I grinned and laughed. "I'll be back! Because this is my home! As soon as that happens, my father and mother smile. Then when I left home, my father said. "Before you travel, can you show me the magic? For the past ten days, I haven't had a chance to show my dads the magic because I've been walking, talking to one of my neighbors, and relaxing days in the village. "Of course you are! Anyway, I'll show you all the magic I can. I pull out a magic wand (Withers Rod) and do all the magic to draw a flight magic loon. At that moment... I got up all the time. "You really can use magic now..." "I'm glad... I'm so glad..." My dads are going to be impressed, and Mr. Noir is opening his mouth. I'm sure I'll look the same. I climbed higher than I thought. I can look over the whole village - but it floats pretty high. For a moment, I thought I might have used floating magic, but I can fly around freely, and definitely with flying magic. Must have been powered by homecoming. I don't know what to say to myself, but it was a lot of courage to be reunited with my fathers. In the face of the greatest trauma of all time, we have grown more spiritually than ever before! If you have the magic to just fly so high, you should be able to use Windshield already! Give it a try later! He was flying so fast. When I landed, Mr. Noir greeted me with applause. "Thanks! I can't believe it myself......! "At this rate, you're going to be a great wizard." "Yeah! At this rate, I'll try to grow more and more! The Great Wizard is not that easy. But I trained in the World Tree to improve the quality of my magic. A few things trigger me, and I can grow explosive. Mr. Noir's right, it's not my dream to be a great wizard at this rate! "I'm coming! Brightly, the two of them laughed at me. "Be careful." "You can always come home. Mr. Noir will be with you then." "I'll be back. 'Cause it was cozy." "Me too! I'll be back for sure! Then I'm going! That's how my family dropped me off, and me and Mr. Noir left my hometown feeling refreshed. A majestic palace, nestled in a white space... There were two giants in the palace that soared high enough to wear heaven. One is a giant shining in gold. The other is a giant shining in silver. "To see where you never come back, apparently The Copper Emperor (Bronze Road) has been buried" In response to a statement by a giant shining in gold, a giant shining in silver shook his armor in frustration. "I didn't expect you to be buried like Ningen, even though it's the same house as ours! I don't think he was standing shoulder to shoulder with us. Fragile! "Run Ri. The Emperor of Copper was born in the same world as ours, but therefore reigned as the House of Three. He borrowed our authority and took an arrogant attitude, but his pure power was inferior to that of the Four Heavens." But the giant that shines in gold - the Golden Emperor (Gold Road) continues its words. "There's not enough power to stand alongside us, but he and the Demon King. Just like the four kings that scattered in an instant, they have the power to destroy the world. Though I have endured incapacity in my life, I cannot be more incapacitated about him than I can be of service to him." "They will be of great help to him at the end of the day. We have to do everything we can for him." "Run Ri. And to do that, I'm going to have to do something about Ningen, who buried the Copper Emperor. The first time The Golden Emperor found out about Ash's existence was when he was rewarded by The Red Emperor (Red Road). At that time, they only heard that the Black Emperor (Black Road) had been buried in Ningen and did not consider it a threat. But it cannot be overlooked that the Four Heavenly Kings were wiped out, and even the Three Copper Emperors were buried. "Ningen is a vulnerable species. But Ash is the exception. Even if it doesn't compare to ours, let's say we're qualified to be compatriots. ' 'My colleagues agree. Then Ningen, who is Ash, let us suppose that we solicit' According to the Red Emperor report, the White Emperor attempted to solicit Ash. But then there's no tone out of The White Emperor. Not returning to Valhalla is a mistake to see that Ash has buried him. Likewise, the Blue Emperor (Blue Road), who never returns, must have been buried. "My brother has a plan." And, "The Silver Emperor" spoke. "Strategies?" "Uhm. Ash Ningen seems to be interrupting the Ice Emperor's captivity." If so, you can take it backwards. If you refuse to solicit me, then we should all be buried together. " In an attempt to succeed in Ash's solicitation, to fail to solicit and bury Ash, and in an attempt for the Silver Emperor to come back, no obstacle will come to the ambitious accomplishments of the Golden Emperor and the Silver Emperor. Because... "Either way, do you mean I can help you?" Because it is the desire of your three families to be of service to you. "But there is no way that my brother will be buried like Ningen." 'If so, there can be no stopping. Do your best for him. " "Then let's do all we can for him." That's how the Silver Emperor used his powers and began interfering with the other worlds.
I just heard a voice from the back. Mr. Noir tries to narrow his eyes and look behind the cavity. "I can't see it in the dark." "I have a turtle to talk to." "Turtles?" "Oh, there's a tortoise on the armor, and there's a metallic turtle overall." "It looks hard." I nod, "Right," and stare at the turtle. Being between seals and looking hard means... "You're the Demon King - the Demon King, right? "Huhahahahaha! You know me, it's Ningen! Anyway, I am the Northern Emperor (North Road) with the hardest alias in the world!! The Demon King introduces himself confidently. "The Northern Emperor means there are three more demon kings." I had decided that there would be only a few demon kings in the ruins, but it was just what I thought. I don't know which direction the Demon King is the strongest, but at least the hardest one would definitely be The Northern Emperor. "Fuhahahahaha! Funny, that's really funny! I didn't mean to be scared in front of me..." and the demon king swallows the words and sees Mr. Noir with cloudy eyeballs. "Ko, this fluctuation of the soul...! Are you kidding me? Zuchin!!!! Zuchin!!!! Mr. Noir looks frightened by the demon king approaching him as he soars. "Definitely! You're that little girl! I didn't expect to be reunited with you the day the seal was broken! I'm so happy! "You mean" Little Girl "means" Ice Emperor (Ice Lord) "? "I don't remember the name of the weak or anything. All I remember is hate." Calling the 'weak' demon king who can destroy the world if he cares about it? But you don't actually have one scratch on this guy's body. Even though it was eventually sealed, I guess the difference in power was historical. Without a doubt, this guy is strong enough not to be compared to the demon king he has been. I was so sure. I've never met you before. "There is no deception in me! The more you look, the fluctuations in your soul are consistent! You are definitely the reincarnation of the little girl who sealed me!! Mr. Noir was even more distracted by the killer demon king. "As soon as it's sealed, I've only lived thinking about killing you! I want to kill you right now, but then my anger, accumulated for , years, will not subside! Does accumulation for 00 years mean that the effectiveness of the seal was on the verge of being lost? "Swallow you whole more than this and seal it in my stomach! Taste the fear of your body melting! "I'll break your stomach then." When Mr. Noir set up a magic wand (Withers Rod) to threaten him, the Demon King rang his chin and laughed. "There is no such thing as a soft spot for me with the strongest defense! If you've forgotten my hardness, let me remind you specifically!! The demon king turns his cloudy eyeballs to me. "Ningen, stand up to me. With your life, I will remind my stupid little girl of my hardness!! The Demon King has waged battle. "Mr. Noir needs you to hide in the aisle. If you hit the Demon King, the fragments will splash." I throw my bag and tell Mr. Noir. I'm going to hit him with full power more than I know how hard the Demon King is. If it was softer than I thought, the Demon King would be a piece of wood dust. Until now, it was a knack, so it wasn't a problem, but if this guy gets shattered, a lot of things will splash. You can't hit Mr. Noir with a piece of the Demon King's flesh. "No matter what attack you take, this self will not be hurt! Anything that comes into contact with me is destined to be crushed! Because I am the hardest in the world!! Are you going to march on? Take it head-on and stand! "I'm an iron wall! So invincible! Hence the strongest! There is no such thing as the world's hardest creature that can kill me!! "I want to run away with you." Mr. Noir pulls my arm and prompts me to escape into the aisle. "Sorry, Mr. Noir. I can't just run away." If we run away here, we'll miss the chance to grow spiritually. And I want to make sure. How far does my fist go? How can my fists beat the hardest in the world? The world's hardest demon king, the Northern Emperor, is a great enemy to measure my strength! "... I believe you will win" You conveyed my feelings, Mr. Noir pulled into the aisle with a lamp. To respond to Mr. Noir's thoughts, I will try to beat the Demon King with this fist!! "Have a taste of how hard the world is!! The Demon King jumped high. I thought I was going to push straight ahead, and I'm flabbergasted by the jump. This guy is going to crush me!? "Defense is our biggest offense. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Zung!!!!!!! I stabbed the demon king. Pahhhhhh!!!!! When I broke the armor and went outside, the Demon King was dead. My head must have pierced the Demon King's heart. There was blood all over the ground. What are you destroying yourself for? You're the Emperor of Light! Enjoying the urge to scream like that, I jump from Kohlo. "The hardest thing in the world is your head." Mr. Noir snapped out of the aisle.
We took the train with the airship and we arrived in Nemnesia. "I just want to see the field! Efa's field, where!? Mr. Miró was set to work in the field on Efa's introduction. It is not a field of one who does not know, but a field of the house of Ephaels. "It won't be long before I get to Efa's house. I know where the house is, but the conductor's coming." I mean, she's Efa's sister, Cilsey. It seems that Cilsey is taking a train from her parents' house to school, and she'll be back just about this time. I don't see one nearby that looks like it, and I guess I'll be back on the next train. "Guidance, when are you coming? "The next train is an hour from now, so it's fast and that's about it. Do you want to kill time somewhere? Sure, there was a restaurant nearby." "I'm going to the restaurant! "It's a decision.... That's why you should look forward and walk properly" Mr. Noir was wearing a paper bag. It's a paper bag with melon bread. I ate my little one while I was on the move, and I just ate it up. "Do you want to take it without throwing it away? "I'm not throwing it away. Because there's leftover incense. One more week...... no, we'll have ten days of fun" If you keep walking like this, you'll definitely fall, but I feel sorry to take it away from you. What if I stuck it for you? That's how I grabbed Mr. Noir, and I tried to take Mr. Milo to the restaurant. "Ahhh! Wait.........! I can be called to a halt where I took a step. Turning around, a girl was peeking into her face from behind the station sign. He's grown up, but the shadows remain. That girl... "Cilsey? "Yes! It's Silci! Wow, you remembered me......! I didn't tell you that much, but I'm so grateful! Silci is happy to stay hidden behind the sign. "Who?" "She's Efa's sister, she's a guide." "Conductor! Mr. Miró pulls Silci out. "I should just show you around! Efa's house, where!? Hatake, where!? "Oh, uh, the..." Silci wandering around looking at me in a flicker. You don't have the same personality as when we met before. Last time I was too busy talking to my five-child counterpart, but I should have had a bright personality that seemed to be at the center of my class. "Conductor, his face is bright red. Not feeling well?" "Yes, no, I'm in perfect physical condition. I'm just nervous, I don't know..." "Why are you nervous? "Well, of course that's because that Mr. Ash is right in front of you! Am I the cause? "If you'd rather not be in sight, we'll go underground." "Oh, I can't let you do that like a mole! Walk in grandeur! Oh, and sign if you can! I'm suddenly turning to my bag and pen. I see. Is this what Efa was saying? You said you became a fan of mine, and that's why you're nervous. I would have liked you to treat me as my sister's friend if I could, but I don't feel bad. I'll take care of you today, and I'll do as much as I want with some kind of autograph. "Can I write it in my bag? "Ha, ha. Because I want it written on what I always carry! Write it big!... Oh, I'm glad you wrote 'To Silci'! To Cilsey...... duh. "I got it." "Wow! Thank you! With this bag you can go to school for the rest of your life! "Good luck studying so you don't stay in the year" "I'll let you graduate as chief! Holding his fist a long time, Cilsey declared. By the way, it was Mr. Fermina who graduated from the Erstadt School of Magic as the chief, and Efa can be the second seat. The Erstadt School of Magic is the highest educational institution in the world. The fact that you can graduate there in the next seat means that other magic colleges can graduate in the first place. That's why she's Efa's sister, and even Silci should be able to graduate as chief if she cares about it. "Ah, that was guidance! Follow me! We arrive at the Ephael house, guided by Cilsey. "" "." "Welcome back, Cilsey. Hey! When I walked into the house, Five Sons rushed over. "Split magic, new to seeing! "Five kids." "It's the first time I've seen five kids too! Wow!" Mr. Milo is under a lot of tension these days. I guess that's how happy I am to be able to live in Nemnesia. "Ash, come on - there you are! "Quickly, Asobu! "What are you doing? "I want to pee, pee! "I don't think so." Five kids seemed to have a plan to play with me. Looks like Effa hasn't come back yet, and you're going to hang out until then? "Noir, where are you? "Who is this guy? "Kamibukuro, I can't see you" "Heh. Are you doing that? "Oh, yeah, maybe." You realised you were talking about it, Mr. Noir revealed who you were. "I'm a noir. There's so much going on, it's getting smaller." The Five Sons looked up at Mr. Noir, wandering. "Really? "It's a real Mr. Noir." "Ash, if you say so! "Quickly, Asobu! "I'm coming with you! Five kids grab Mr. Noir's hand and pull him out. "Miro, what can I do? "I'll show you to the field. Your father told me to follow you." "Miro, I'm following the conductor! I saw Mr. Miró head to the field, and I'm headed to the playground with the five kids. "Tochaku! The playground was a neighborhood park. There's a sandbox, there's a slide, there's a blanco, there's Mr. Ringrant. ... No, why are you here? "Did you get out? Leaving Mr. Noir's hand straight to the sandbox, he speaks to Mr. Ringrant, who was sitting on the bench. "That's right. He came out of prison. Kukukukukuku, I'm free! Mr. Ringrant is Teng himself who implanted Mr. Noir with a minimal magic circuit. Because human experimentation is prohibited by law, he was imprisoned in Elstadt prison. Elstadt Prison is tough. The holding of the prisoner's magic wand (Withers Rod) is forbidden, and Mr. Ringrant is fit for the year. Being here didn't mean I got out of jail, I guess I really finished my sentence. "Why are you here? "To resume research. The Golem has been turned into two, but I haven't given up on the ambition of producing the world's most powerful wizard! By the way, I turn to the sandbox. "Is that Noir over there? "Very well, sir." "Because I know my childhood noir, so it's natural to notice. Why are you getting smaller? "I'm temporarily a three-year-old, taking a drug called degenerative drugs." "Are you saying we'll be back soon? Well, I still don't care about noir or anything. There's more to it than that." "Is that what you want from me? Yes, Mr. Ringrant nods. "I want you to be my baton." Mr. Ringrant says he wants to go to the lab site to retrieve the equipment. But there are demons wandering out of town. Besides, it seems Mr. Ringrant doesn't have a magic wand, and if he gets out of town, he's afraid he'll die. "Why don't you have a magic wand? You should be able to return your personal belongings when you leave. "The magic wand was left in the lab. Toddler regressed in the shock that you destroyed the golem, because when I realized it was in the walls. That's why I want you to be a caution stick." "You can go out with me until the lab... but instead, tell me everything you know about Ice Emperor (Ice Road)" Mr. Noir is a reincarnation of the Ice Emperor, but his memory has been erased by Mr. Ringrant. In other words, Mr. Ringrant is the only one who knows about the time. "Why do you want to know? "There's a lot going on." It seems that the Demon King is responsible for the Ice Emperor these days. I want to know what the 'cause' is. If we can figure that out, it will also reveal why Mr. Noir is being targeted. "Well, come on. There's nothing to be scared of if you're a baton! Come on, we're leaving now! "Wait a minute, please" "You're tired of playing in the sandbox," Mr. Noir raised his hand when he told Five Kids, who were climbing the slide, "you're going out for a little while. "I want to follow you, too." "I'll be right back, will Mr. Noir take care of everyone? The laboratories became two things: both the Golem. If we get inside the lab, the debris may come down, and we can't follow Mr. Noir to such a dangerous place. "You can leave it to me. 'Cause even if it looks like this, it's the oldest thing." Mr. Noir said it with a clear face.
That morning. When I woke up feeling strange damp, Mr. Noir was wet. ...... Are you crazy? As it stands, Mr. Noir is a three-year-old now, and I can't help but pee... but when the degeneration drug expires, you might be ashamed to remember this. There's only one thing. There was water in the bag, and I accidentally spilled it. When I turned the duvet as I worked out the plan, who was the wetness? Apparently I'm dreaming of melon bread. I wonder how much you want to eat. Anyway, I'm glad I'm not a geek. Relaxed and out of bed, I look out the window. A tall building is built there, and beyond it stands a splendid castle. Will the festival take place soon or colorful decorations were coloring the town. "I didn't realize yesterday... is there a festival? It was last night that we reached this town - the capital of the Kingdom of Rhine, Ramina. He was busy with Mr. Noir, who was about to sleep, and did not notice the festival decorations. Mr. Noir is going to shake this. "Is it a festival? Soon Mr. Noir was awake. "Sounds festive." "Do you have one today? "Come on, what do you think? You can join us today or tomorrow..." By appointment I had decided to leave Ramina on the train around noon today. I then took some trains and in a week or so the calculation is to reach the gruff forest. I didn't put my word on Miró though, and you can delay your appointment for a few days or so... but you can't just wait for the festival for weeks. Do you want to ask your uncle at the inn when the festival will be held? My uncle at the inn asked me about the time of the festival and Mr. Noir was groaning. It seems that the festival will be held tomorrow. If that's the case, I have no problem extending my stay. "I'm looking forward to the festival. Do you have anything sweet? Looking up at the decorations that colour the town, Mr. Noir is softening. I like festivals too, so I'm getting a little excited. It's just right for my training breath, and I guess I'll take my wings off tomorrow. "Ash, Ash" "What's going on? "I'm hungry." "Well, let's have breakfast somewhere" Hold Mr. Noir so he doesn't get lost and look for a restaurant. You can just hold hands, but if you snap, Mr. Noir's hands will be shattered. That's how I felt my gaze as I walked through town. One of the people in town looked at me and talked to me in secret. I don't remember doing anything in the Kingdom of the Rhine, and I'm sure you found out about me after watching The Demon King Broadcast. More than a year ago, a battle against the Rainbow Emperor (Rainbow Road) was swept across the continent with the magic of the Demon King. The map says there seems to be a small island country... but is' Demon King Broadcasting 'getting that far? There's only one red dot, and then you can go and see for yourself. "Um, could it be Mr. Ash!? Walking around thinking about that, a girl about the same age talked to me. "Yes, I do." Affirmed, the girl sparkles her eyes and makes a call to one of them who was looking at us faraway. "Look! I knew it was Mr. Ash! One of the guys who was looking at it on a faraway roll rushes over. "Why are you in this town!? "Thank you for defeating the Demon King! "I really thought I was going to die then! "Are you traveling today!? You're just in time! It's a festival tomorrow! "Is this girl your sister!? That's cute! They talk at the same time, and Mr. Noir is pompous. "Ma'am, Master Ash is here!? As soon as a clear voice sounded, the hedge cracked. And from there, a girl appears wearing a dress like a princess. According to the whispers of one of the towns, she - Mr. Primilla - seems to be a true princess. When I saw it, there was one person dressed like a squire around Mr. Primilla. How could a princess be all over the city early this morning? Like a look at the festival or something? "Is Master Ash there? Mr. Primilla turns to me as he meditates his eyes. Could it be that you're blind? "Yes, I'm here." In response, Mr. Primira brightened his expression. The samurai pulls my hand and walks over. "Nice to meet you, Master Ash. My name is Primira Roseberg... and I love you! The blurring spreads and Mr. Primilla turns his face bright red. "Also, of course, it doesn't mean romantic, it means big fans. Yikes? I've always wanted to talk to you about how brave Ash is! I heard you lived in the kingdom of Elstadt, so I didn't think I'd see you. Wow. So, uh... if you don't mind, why don't you come to the castle? Mr. Primilla is thrilled. I'm sorry to say no, and you must be familiar with the Kingdom of the Rhine for being a princess. Maybe we can get some information on Mr. Miró. "I don't mind. That's fine with Mr. Noir, isn't it? "Oh, you had someone with you." "Yes, Mr. Noir is now three years old." "Now...? Next year, I'm going to be four." I'm next year, but I'll affirm it because explaining degenerative drugs is going to confuse me. "Nice to meet you, Master Noir. My name is Primira. Uh... do you like sweets? "I like it." "Then please come to the castle. I have some delicious treats." "I'm coming." Mr. Noir is in for a ride. That's how we were invited to the castle.
After the demon king became a piece of wood dust... "I'm sorry to bother you. I'm fine now." "Oh, thanks to you, the magic has been restored there..." "Ash-kun will really take care of you." The masters, who were debilitated in their battle with the Demon King, recover, and I stroke my chest down. "I'm so glad. Oh, I'll make dinner soon." "Well, you don't have to go that far... I'll make dinner later." "Besides, Ash, you're going to school tomorrow, right? Shouldn't you go back early, get some sleep, and let go of your tiredness today? Five hours have passed since the battle with the Demon King. Even now, it's tomorrow morning to reach the college. If I can only sleep an hour or two anyway, I want to talk to the masters, even if I stay up all night. "I'm fine. I'm not tired." "For once, after I fought the Demon King..." Dean Philip is confused, but so am I. I didn't think I could defeat the Demon King without moving a step, and I can't get tired of that. "We'll take care of the meal. I need to talk to Ash about something more important." "Important story...? "Hmm. We call it the Last Day (Ragnarok), but actually..." The master looked serious and let me talk to him. To sum up the master's story, it was something called, 'The Demon King may soon push at the same time'. If Dean Philip's guess is that there are four remaining demon kings. If you're coming anyway, it would be more hassle-free to get it together, so either "End of Day" was a thankful piece of information for me. The question is: When and where will the Demon King descend? Until now, coincidences have overlapped and bowled with the Demon King, but that's not necessarily going to happen in the future. "- So I want Ash to meet Philip and Cologne's apprentice." "And I want you to decide who's in charge." You mean you want us to set our defensive range in advance so that we can deal with it quickly whenever and wherever the Demon King appears? Then I'd like to take charge of the kingdom of Elstadt... where do the other two live? "Where are your disciples? "Wow, my apprentice - Sharm is in the kingdom of the Rhine" The kingdom of the Rhine is a neighbour of the kingdom of Elstadt. From this forest, it takes half a day to run. "My apprentice - Kyle was touring the ruins. I don't know where he is right now." "What ruins... are those in the east, west, north and south of the continent? The book said there were ruins at the eastern, western, southern and northern ends of the continent. It seems that the incidence of "Time and Space Distortion (Abyss Gate)" is as high as this forest, so very little site research has been done. But, well, if you're about Dean Phillip's apprentice, demons aren't a big threat. "You know very well. Cule has always been curious, for better or worse. I've been obsessed with the ruins for the last few years." "I see. So you have to go to the ruins in order to meet Mr. Cuhle? Dean Philip shook his head sideways. "Cule can use instant travel. Tell them the rendezvous date and time in advance and they'll come from the other side. In short, he's a Cologne apprentice." "I see. Is Mr. Sharm doing any work or something? When I hit him, Mr. Cologne trembled. "Oh, work or no Sharm... Yes, no, I plan at home every day to make my grand dreams come true. I'm probably busy... but I'm willing to accept your invitation." It must be Mr. Sharm's grand dream. I can't imagine... I'm Mr. Cologne's apprentice, and with the power of medicine, I don't know, getting rid of the suffering caused by the disease from all over the world? It's called Mr. Cuhle, it's called Mr. Sharm, and I think I can hear a lot of stories that will help. "Sharm can't use instant travel... I think it'll take ten days to get to Elstania, including the prep period" "Then I'll tell Kyle I want him to come to the Dean's Office at Elstadt College in two weeks. I'll tell Eina that, too." Are you saying that if Mr. Cuhle and Mr. Sharm come, Eye will reward them? I don't know the two faces, and it would help if you did. "By the way, isn't Dean Phillip going back to college? "We're going on an adventure for a while." And the master said. "An adventure journey? "Mm-hmm. Look for hard materials around the world to make Ash's magic wand (Withers Rod)." My magic wand is a reward for defeating the Emperor of the Earth. I didn't think this was a grand story so far...... "Me, I'll try to get some magic! I got the masters to get this far, you can't just not get the magic. "Ash-kun is a hard worker. One day you'll have magic in your hands." "Ha.... and I need to ask you one more thing" "What? "How are you doing now, Mr. Ringrant? Mr. Ringrant is under suspicion of erasing Mr. Noir's memories from his previous life. "I think of pebbles as golems." You mean like the last time I saw you? "Well, they've been playing with pebbles less often lately. I guess I'll get back to my sanity soon. Ringrant's in jail, so if you need anything, you should see him. I'll get back to you at the prison." "Okay." And then I had dinner with my masters, and unfortunately left behind the Forest of Demons.
The morning after I finished my training. I got out of bed and couldn't sleep a single night. When I leave the room to keep Mr. Noir awake, it smells delicious. Mr. Tico is making breakfast. "Good Morning" "Yeah, good morning. Did you get any sleep yesterday? "No, I couldn't sleep one night" "I guess. That's what it says on your face. Damn, your health is unusual. I walked the whole week on an insomnia break. Normally, it wouldn't be weird to fall on the spot." I was told yesterday that I had been in the world's longest cave for a week. Together with the renovation work on the house, Tico's training will be calculated to have been completed in about three weeks. Yes, in just three weeks, we'll be able to use KamaItachi. At this rate, we might be able to use new wind magic for Grandpa Maurice's birthday. I'm not making that my birthday present, but I'm sure you'll be happy. Good luck with your next training! "Is Noir still asleep? "Yes, it's neat." "Right. You must be relieved to be back." I hear Mr. Noir barely slept while I was away. You stuck your face to the window and waited for me to come home now? You must have been really worried about me. I was gonna leave as soon as I had breakfast, but I think I'd better let him sleep a little longer. "Why don't you sit down? Tico urged me to sit down in the blown chair on my back. "Well, you made it through my training, but have you decided on your next destination? "Yes, I plan to go to the woods on the easternmost tip of the Kingdom of the Rhine next" "Hmm. When it comes to the easternmost forest... is it a little Graf forest? "You know what? Mr. Tico nodded. "The Graf Forest was one of the candidates for the move. I saw some woods, and I decided to live in them." "Was it? So you're saying the Graf Forest is more secret than here? Off the move would mean it wasn't the right place to live. "One way or another, this forest is the better frontier. It's just that there were indigenous people in Graf Forest." "... are you indigenous" No matter how small the settlement, there are more demonic junctions than one inhabits. But there are no boundaries in this forest. Because this forest is too secluded, just as the 'Devil's Forest' was. What this means is that there shouldn't be a bond even in the Graf forest, which seems as secret as this forest. The fact that demons live in wandering woods must mean that their 'indigenous' must be powerful. Maybe that one is my next master! "What was that indigenous like? "She's about my age. Sure, did you say his name was Miro or something? Mr. Milo...... a young woman? At that age, the mighty must have undergone a crazy and special training in death. If you could teach me how to train, I'd be even stronger! "Did Tico fight Miró or something? "I didn't fight. Instead of being hostile, it was friendly." Friendly one. That's a relief for now. I'm glad I had Mr. Sharm's mouthfeel when Mr. Tiko did, but I don't have it next time. But if Mr. Miró is a friendly one, he won't be paid in advance if he acts rudely. "It's just that she's my bad character. That's why I gave up living in the Graf Forest." Mr. Tico doesn't like to be interfered with. I'm sure Miró is one of those people who actively talks to me like Mr. Fermina and Efa. "By the way, how do we get to the Graf Forest? "I'd like to be an apprentice as soon as possible, and I'll use the shortest route." "So you're going to cross the mountain up ahead." "You will be." According to the map, the forest is surrounded by 'co' shaped mountains. We have to make a big detour to the east or cross the mountain. "Then you should wear thick clothes. You have to go through the Ice Cave to cross the mountain." A cave of ice... I've only read a little in the book, but I don't know the details. I just know it's a very cold place. I'm in a bad shape for the heat and cold, but Mr. Noir isn't... and depending on the cold, you might want to go the other way. "Was it cold there all year round? "You know very well. You're right. Once upon a time, ice dragons inhabited ice caves. It's gone now, but the impact is still there." Ice Dragons are monsters that live in extremely cold lands. He's too territorial, so when he grows up pretty good, he'll kick his parents out. After I became independent, it was written in the book that I would nest with my freezing breath. In other words, the Ice Dragon has transformed the normal cave into an ice cave. "Do you know which is colder, the ice cave or the northernmost part of the world? "I don't know because I've never been to the northernmost part of the world, but the ice cave is about °C below freezing." If that's about it, you can handle it by wearing thick clothes. Mr. Noir must have gotten stronger through the ruins. "If you're going through an ice cave, I'll give you warm clothes. It's gonna be big for you, Noir." "I have Mr. Noir's clothes, and I'll only accept your feelings." Mr. Noir brings all these clothes, even if I gave them to him. It's a bump, and if I walk, I might step on my hem and fall, but I'll bump it, so there's no problem. "What are you gonna do?" Don't you like wearing women's clothes? "I'm used to wearing women's clothes, and there's no resistance." I was dressed like a princess for a time. "You've really had a lot of experiences." "Yes, I just don't feel cold, so I don't need clothes." "You're sturdy. Anyway, I hope you're safe on your journey." "Ha! I'll make sure you become a great wizard! Mr. Tico grinned when I swear, and Mr. Noir woke up rubbing his eyes. We left Mr. Tico's house three hours later.
We were walking in the jungle on this day, a week after Ramina, the capital of the kingdom of the Rhine. It is a gruff forest. It's been about three hours since I've been in this forest, but I don't see any fatigue in Mr. Noir. Looks like I've had a rough time throughout my martial arts training journey. I get the magic, just like Mr. Noir got the strength. To do that, I need to see Mr. Milo first! "It's this way, right? "It's close. Almost there." As we were proceeding to Mr. Noir's navigated streets, our sights opened. Among the lush trees, brick houses are nestled. "The red dots are over there." "Finally..." I don't think the demons will build a house, and the mighty one who lives there will see it as Mr. Miró. "Will Mr. Noir knock for me? Turn your back on the door and ask Mr. Noir. The sight of the Master's house blowing up in front of him flashed back in his head. Half-breathing with deep breaths doesn't make it strange to break it all if it's a knock. Of course, be careful what you do, just in case. "I'm glad you're counting on me. 'Cause I don't like to keep relying on you. I think you can count on me more." Mr Noir says with a firm face. Mr. Noir today, you look like an adult even though you're a three-year-old. Are you saying I'm not the only one who's been trained in martial arts training? "Okay, please." Mr. Noir nods confidently and knocks on the door with a dazed face. "Who is it! Anger echoed from the urchin. Turning around, there was a woman dressed wild. A lion-like demon, with bat-like wings - crossing the manticore and staring this way. "I don't want to knock anymore. 'Cause what pisses me off" Mr. Noir has been sadly clinging. He mistakenly assumed he was yelled at for being too bad at his knock. "He was a knock like an example." Tackle a woman while you're at it. "Are you Mr. Milo? "That's right! Miro is Miro! You... hmm? Down from Manticore, Mr. Miró puts his face closer to me and stares seriously at me. Is it short-sighted? Thinking of it that way, Mr. Miró brightened up his face. "Whoa! Miro, you know! It's Ash! Didn't you? It's my first meeting, but Mr. Milo knew about me. I'm sure you saw The Demon King Broadcast. "Yes, I'm Ash." "I knew it was Ash! Why is Ash here? I explained the situation to Miró, who leaned his neck strangely. "- So I want you to train. Can't you? That my power comes from militants, that my dream is to become a great wizard, that I want to train under Mr. Miró for that... Tell them, Mr. Miró grins with a grin. "I can't. Miro, I love being counted on! Train Ash, I'll put it on you! Ooh! "And Miró, I know how to boost your magic! Confident to make Ash stronger! "I hope you're going on a big ship! Whoa, whoa! This strong statement......! I can't help but hope for this! "But training is after dinner. Miró, I'm hungry. Do you want to eat Ash with me? "I'll eat." "You, not like Ash" "I'm a noir." "Miró, I don't know Noir. But Miro, I love children! You can eat it." To Mr. Noir, who seems happy, Miró looks dusty. I really think you like children. I can't believe you've been so kind to us just met... it seems true that your friendly personality. Anyway, I need to talk to Tong Tong Clap and I'll be relieved. That's how I was horrified, and one question surfaced. "By the way, is that manticore a pet? I've never heard of petting demons. The demons don't miss humans at all. "This is not like a demon. Vehicles created by Miró" "Mr. Miro... created it? What do you mean? Can we just take it as it is? "Miró, born in the country. I didn't have any friends my age there. That's why I decided to make friends. But Miro's friends, they were earthy." Miró seems to have encouraged his training in order to create non-earthy friends. The result is that we can create a human earthly form from wherever we see it. "But you don't see any humans, do you? "Miro, I dreamed of having a good chat with my friends. But the earthlings don't talk. Miró, it's gone." So you decided to create a demon that wouldn't talk from the start? "If you went to town, you could have made friends, too, couldn't you? "Miro, I don't know how to make friends. I don't know how distant it is. Once upon a time, a woman of the same age came to this forest. Miro, I entertained you trying to get along. The woman, she was gone the next day." That's about Mr. Tico, isn't it? Mr. Tico doesn't seem to like being interfered with by others, and I'm sure Miro worked in a bad sense of distance. And Manticore ran into the woods. "That didn't escape, did it? Miró's demons are so exquisite that they can't tell if they're real or fake. Because it's not real, you can go into the junction, and then the town panics. "Miró's demon, I can't get out of the woods. Human beings don't attack either. Only demons attack. That's what Miró ordered. But once upon a time, I forgot my orders and got away with it. Miró, I chased him right after me and put him back in the dirt" Is that what Mr. Primilla said about the Red Dragon? So you didn't knit your own magic like The Emperor of the Earth (Earth Road)? Well, even so, it doesn't make any difference that Mr. Miró is a great wizard. Anyway, Mr. Milo's Red Dragon did not take the Magic Knights' total attack for granted. Mr. Miró's magic powers are unusual to be able to create such demons. I'm curious what kind of training you did, and I'd love to do the same training! You train under Mr. Miró to master new wind magic, just as you have increased your magic and mastered Kamaitachi under Mr. Tiko! "Miró, belly pepper. Make it rice. Eat while you chat, I'm so excited! I'm glad you talked to me a lot." "I'd like to talk to Mr. Milo a lot too! You're going to hear a lot of stories that will help! "That's the first time Ash has said that to me! Miro, I like Ash! Today is the best day of my life! That's how we got excited about conversation and training, while we walked into the house.
Is This Magic? "Here you go, master! I was taken out of town by Efa. The wilderness stretches across the horizon. As far as I can see, there's no building, and I don't see any animals. Yeah. It's safe to miss a rune here and activate dangerous magic. If you know that, why don't you just use your magic! "What kind of magic do you use? Efa asks with interest. "First, I'm going to figure out what I'm good at." "The master's specialty is" wind, "right? "That's what I said in my introduction, but I'm not always good at it. I mean, I didn't think I might have magic at the time." But if I can choose my specialty line, I want it to be the wind. The first magic I used (although it was physics actually) was also a wind knife (kamaitachi), and until my master asked me the truth, I thought I was good at wind lineage. That's why I'm attached to the wind system. "I'll use the magic of the wind for now." And speaking of the epitome of the wind system, I knew that was it. It's also the magic I've wanted to use once since I was in animation in my previous life. "Just in case, just stay away from me" "Rika! I pointed the tip of the magic wand (Withers Rod) towards the sky after I saw that Efa had taken the distance. Precisely and accurately draw runes while controlling hands trembling in tension. And as Mr. Fermina was doing during the practice exam, "Yah." And waved down the magic wand. The earth was torn in two. "Whoa, whoa! Wow! That's amazing, Master! Efa rushes over with admiration. "This looks like a wind knife, right?!? How magical it is to cleave the earth across the horizon! Nobody complains about this in the name of the most powerful wizard!! Efa stares at me with a respectful look. Stop it! Stop it, Efa! Don't look at me with those sparkling eyes! For a moment he said, "Did the earth rip due to crust fluctuations? 'I thought,' but this crack is definitely what I did. The moment I waved my wand down, the earth turned into two truths, and it's not strange to look like a jerk by my side. But... but it wasn't the wind knife I used! What I used was flying magic! Same wind system, but wind knives and flight runes don't look alike. This means that this ground crack is not caused by wind knives. In other words, I don't have magic. I was supposed to fly the wind, and I got on my knees on not much of the earth of shock. "Duh, what do you want, Master? No way......" Efa looked like she felt something. I nod powerless. "Right now... it's not magic. It's just... physics" "No, isn't it more amazing that way? Efa was a true face. You must seriously think it's amazing, not following. I'll stand up. "No, you're not, Efa. It's not amazing or not amazing. It's not the results, it's the means." It would be powerful enough to rip the earth across the horizon, and that doesn't make sense in a physical attack. I want to use magic because it's enough to slit the leaves! "Apparently, the magic wand was too early for me. Return..." And that's where I noticed that the magic wand was only patterned. "Oh, that? Tip, where are you? Maybe the shock that shook it down broke it. I'll check my feet, but they didn't fall off. "Didn't you burn out of friction heat? "... I was swinging it down at such an amazing speed? I meant to shake it lightly...... Also, the only remaining patterned part was compressed, and it was like a twist. I don't remember gripping you so hard... maybe you've unconsciously put your strength into it. "You were too fast to see at hand! It's not that kind of business! I want to be a militant like my master soon, too! Please! Please, don't do this, Efa! The word militant is the last thing I want to hear right now! But you can't blame Efa for that. I'd rather be the one to blame. "I'm sorry, Efa. You gave me the magic wand, but I burned it..." "You don't have to worry about it! Because you showed me something amazing! It makes me feel easier when you say that. "By the way, there's no town beyond the horizon, is there? "I don't have one." "Right. I'm relieved." It would be tough to have a town. I'm shocked you didn't have the magic, but you just went back to the starting line. Let's try again tomorrow to acquire magic. Yeah, when I think positively, "Oh, but I think there was a building straight from here." "... seriously? "Seriously. But I'll probably ruin it. You don't have a bond over here. I don't think anybody lives in a place where they don't know when the demons will attack them. Isn't that the Knights' garrison in the days when the Demon King lived?" My eyesight limits me to looking miles away. And even twenty kilometers beyond, the wilderness was torn. So maybe the house is in two... And worst case scenario, the landlord is in two... "Bad, Effa. I'll see how far this crack goes." "Rikasu. We'll have dinner when it's over! I have a lot of dinner, so I want you to eat a cup of it! I responded to Effa laughing and saying, with a giggling smile.
After school after the holidays. "The dean called. Everything's important." Dr. Elena spoke to me as I was telling Effa about today's training menu. "What's the big deal? "What is it? Like making it a third grade in the flying class? If it's Ash-kun's strength, I don't have a problem with advanced classes in third grade." "No. I'll be in trouble when you're gone." Efa, Mr. Fermina and Mr. Noir say it orally. Mr. Noir looked seriously disgusted. He's shaking his neck to the side saying, "Grab my uniform, don't go." Yesterday, Efa and Mr. Fermina became friends with Mr. Noir. But Mr. Noir is a very familiar type. They're both sweet, and I think Mr. Noir will open his mind soon, but I guess he's anxious that I'm gonna be the closest thing he's ever been to. "Maybe we need to talk about yesterday? I answer Efa's questions. I don't really feel it, but I defeated the Golem yesterday evening and saved the world. And this morning, I followed Mr. Noir and Mr. Ringrant to tell Dean Philip what was going on. It seems that the punishment of Mr. Ringrant, who was conducting a forbidden human experiment, will be decided at a later date, and the figure was taken over by Dean Philip. And Mr. Noir, who is not really a wizard, was to remain in Group A for two years. Dean Philip said, "Even the magic of borrowing is more of a noir than you're using yourself." "I'll be there, then." I couldn't keep Dean Phillip waiting, so I promptly headed to the Dean's office. There was an old man with muscular bones in the dean's office. This is Philip, the Great Wizard, who is king of the kingdom of Elstagna and college director of the Elstadt School of Magic. "Are you used to living in college? "Yes. Blessed are my friends, and I enjoy living every day. But..." "No magic resides, huh?" "Yes, I go to class every day, but the magic isn't going to dwell..." "Because this is an educational institution for wizards in the first place. Seriously, just because you attended class, there's no guarantee that magic will reside." I know that. I decided to enroll because I thought it would be more likely to gain magic to live surrounded by high-level wizards than to spend time elsewhere. Well, I haven't been able to get a clue on how to get magic yet... "By the way, do you know a woman named 'Cologne'? "Absolutely." Mr. Cologne is a great wizard who was a member of a line of brave men. It said in the book that he was familiar with the magic of the dark system and was also a top notch pharmacist. Does the important story have anything to do with Mr. Cologne? "Tell Cologne about you the other day. And then they said," Maybe we can do something about it. " "Ho, that's true!? "Mm-hmm. He wants to meet and talk about the details in person. I live in a town called Ramnjar, so you should go." "I get it. Thanks! "It's up to me to thank you. You saved the world once and twice... and I can't thank you enough." That said, Dean Phillip is going to bow his head to me. "Oh, please raise your head. I didn't do much. Because I just waved my wand! "But you can't just not reward me. Don't hesitate to tell me what you want." Is that what you want...... The first thing I can think of is' magic ', but that won't be possible. Money gets me every month as a reward for defeating the Demon King, and I can't believe I want anything else... Oh, yeah. "I want a magic wand (Withers Rod). I want something sturdy that won't break a little bit." I can't use it right now, but it's not troublesome. Under Mr. Cologne, I might be able to get some magic, and I might need it soon. "Okay. I'll have something extraordinarily sturdy. And if you want, I'll get you a boarding pass for the airship..." "No, because it's faster to run" "Anyway, you're a mess" Ramnjar is about a thousand miles north of here. If that's the distance, you'll arrive at dawn if you run. "Cologne's a tough woman, but she's gonna love you." "Ha. Thank you for all your help! I'll thank Dean Philip and leave the room behind. Out in the hallway, there was Mr. Noir. "What was the important story? No way, are you sure you're going to be in third grade? Mr. Noir seems anxious. "I'll be absent tomorrow, but my class won't change." "I'm so relieved.... but why are you absent tomorrow? I briefly talk about Mr. Cologne. "- So the magic may dwell. It's amazing how you can do that, Mr. Cologne." "Your legs are more amazing." After that conversation with Mr. Noir, when I finished packing, I set off for Lamniar before sundown. "Am I the brave one......? Melnia, the head of the Elstadt Magic Knights and Northern Crusade Force, was bewildered. After crusading the demons, I stopped by Nazarev, a rural town in northern Erstania, and the mayor was invited to the mansion to tell me something important. And it was said unto him, Thou mayest be a brave man. "I'm not a brave man. It could be a brave man. I don't even know who's brave." "What does that mean? As she asks the question, Mernia sees the faces of her peers who refrain from lying. The ten squires brought in to crusade the demons were all bewildered. "The world may be destroyed by the Demon King." To the outdated words of the mayor, Mernia has gone awry. "If you are the Demon King, you have been defeated." "It's not. The Demon King is not alone." "... what does that mean? "Long ago, there were seven magical masters in this world. Each of the seven extremed the magic of" fire, "" water, "" ice, "" earth, "" wind, "" light, "and" darkness, "and were scared by people as wizard kings -" demon kings. " The mayor sets his index finger. "One of them... The Dark King is the Dark King." Some dark magic acts on the spirit. If you believe the story of the mayor, do you mean that the Demon King manipulated many demons with overwhelming magic and formed an army of demons? "But the Dark Emperor emerged from the Distortion of Time and Space (Abyssgate), right? "The demon kings, who realized that there were no mighty enemies in this world, crossed into the other world with some force. And because of that, space-time distortion began to occur." "Well, that's the story...... you've never heard of it. Who the hell did you tell that story to? "I'm your ancestor." "Are you your ancestors? The mayor nodded. "This is what my ancestors told a certain demon king." On the eve of the th full moon from today, a mighty enemy appears in the land. I will descend again into the land to fight him. " If you defeat that mighty enemy, the Demon King may break out again in search of a mighty enemy. If you can be ravaged by a demon king with the same or more power as that Dark Emperor, this time the world may collapse. "When exactly will that demon king appear? "Tomorrow." There's more to it than there's time. "Duh, why did you leave me alone until it did! We need reinforcements now! "That's pointless. The only thing that can beat the Demon King is the" mighty enemy "that appears in the prophecy." And the mayor pointed to Mernia. "The most powerful enemy - that is, the brave - is you, who visited the land the day before the full moon day." The mayor bows his head. "Please, defeat the Demon King and save the world..." The story of the mayor, I don't know if it's true. But as the Knights Commander, you can't overlook those who are frightened by demons. "I understand that. If one of us says he's a brave man, we all fight the Demon King! "Oh, thank you......" "Naturally. And what is the name of that demon king? Apparently, the Demon King extremes certain magic. If you know your specialty lineage beforehand, you'll know what kind of attack you're going to make, and it's easier to set up an operation. The mayor uttered the name of the demon king who will appear tomorrow. "Its demon king's name is -" The Emperor of the Earth (Earth Road) "
After you finish shopping. After about an hour of running, I saw a small high mountain. I thought I'd jump over it, but as I approached it, the mountain fades. I don't know... it seems like countless roots are intricately intertwined. "... root? Yes!" That's the roots of the world tree! Awesome...... I can't believe it looks like a mountain, that's the root of a world tree. Different scale! "I have to jump! The tip of my roots approached me while I was running. I jump and fly over my roots and make a bat move. Psst! Psst! One kilo per jump. I felt caught in the spider's nest as I jumped over my roots like a bat. Stop and look around, but I don't see any spider demons. "... could this be the end of the line? No, isn't that too weak for a marriage? More like this, I was expecting a shock that would hit the wall... Well, it's the first layer! The closer we get to the world tree, the stronger the bond will be, and it should feel like we'll end up hitting a 'wall that will never break'! We need to get ready for that shock and keep our heads down! Zung!! When I was ready and pimped, an iceberg popped out from under my roots. I don't think it's a natural phenomenon, and did someone use magic? It's close and I'll stop by! Batta move closer to the iceberg and try to get down under the roots. - That's so deep. I feel like I fell off the roof of a five-story building. I thought it was totally like a maze, but it's so promising that I don't think it's under the roots, and I can walk straight. ...... I looked over my head once again. On second thought, if you fell, you'd be dead tall, wouldn't you? Plus, I was stuck on the roots, and I was nagging and I couldn't walk properly... I didn't think of anything, but isn't this normal to go under the roots? Well, the goal is to reach the world tree. Even if you go the wrong way, if you end up in the world tree, that's fine! "Ki, you! Hurry up and run! When she suddenly called me and turned around, a girl about my age ran up to me shaking her dark hair. "Running away, what do you mean? "Since then! She pointed to the iceberg. Some of the icebergs like crystals were locked up with demons that could have caused it for me. Behemoth. It's the first demon I've ever met. Of course, he's a bastard. It was smaller than Behemoth at the time, and I took him down in the first place. Even so, I don't really remember that time. "Is that still alive? "I just locked you up! He's... Behemoth is too strong! Yeah, it was the limit to do it and lock it up! I guess he's trying to escape the iceberg. The sound of frizz and ice echoed, and she screamed. It's the wind. "Really?!? Great.........! Then why don't you follow me and fly? Of course I'm thankful! "Excuse me, I can't use flying magic." "Oh well...... You almost ran out of magic too, didn't you? "That's not what I'm saying. I only have a little magic." Decided. "Oh, how did you get here with such magic!? By the time we got here, we'd have hit three junctions!? "You had three, didn't you? I didn't notice." "Didn't you notice!? How can I stay unaware of that!? It would have had the kind of impact of hitting the wall!? There was nothing like that. Bakie in!! The iceberg broke apart. Blurring, he shakes his body and flies the water, and the behemoth stares at us just fine. "We'll talk later! Anyway, now I just want to survive." SPAWANG!!!!!!! Turn the behemoth in two with kamaitachi (physics). You could have tried how far my magic would go, but first I decided to reassure her. The Behemoth has been defeated, and this will calm you down! "Is there only a bucket on this continent?!? I was so disturbed. "I'm not a bucket of stuff. A passing militant." "I don't think you're very militant!? "Even if they say so, all I can say is yes. Even now, the knife is a militant's move." "The militants on this continent are crazy..." Oh, I guess I made a mistake. "There's only one other militant who can fly a kamaitachi with a knife." It's about Grandpa Maurice. "But I'm pretty sure there's a lot of bucket stuff on the continent. Golem will attack you, Behemoth will attack you, I will run into a militant who will fly the kamaitachi I give you..." Too crazy, the girl with the head. Does the fact that Golem attacked you mean that 'little girl the other day' that Mr. Rittera said? I'm sure "Young Daughter" that my grandfather at the shoe store said was about her too. He's wearing the same shoes as me. "But more importantly, you're the one who shattered the Demon King." I'm the badass...... sounds like I'm talking to you without knowing I am. Maybe you haven't watched the Demon King broadcast? But I know the Demon King has been shattered... "Mouthfully, you're one of the Grune kingdoms, aren't you? "Yes, I am." "Didn't you see the face of one who shattered the Demon King? "Yeah. I asked an acquaintance around and she told me that her face looked blurry. Because of my height and physique, I know I'm a man." I see. You mean outside the continent - the Kingdom of Grune didn't receive the Demon King broadcast? "I'm here to train because of you, and I'd love to hear the trick of getting stronger... I only have one clue" "Clues?" "Yeah, he's wearing little girl underwear." You're not blurry there! I'd rather have a mosaic over your face......! Well, they don't know my face! I find myself relieved that I am not recognised by all mankind as a 'me = girl pants militant'. "Did it look clear to you? Then why don't you tell me who you are!? I really want to see him! Girl sparkles her eyes. I guess I really want to see you. I'd keep it a secret if I were a normal person, but it seems that I visited the continent for training... and as a samurai trainee as well, I'd like to help you. I was happy when you taught me how to be strong, too. "I'm the one who defeated the Demon King." "Did you defeat the Demon King?" She didn't turn a suspicious eye to me. "You can twist a behemoth in two with a whiskey..." The girl laughs mocking herself. "Damn, that's what's up there. I was going to be strong too... but I came to the continent and realized how big the world is." That's what I'm saying, I'm turning a serious eye. "How did you get stronger? I'd love to know the trick to getting stronger! Tips for getting stronger...... That means you want to be strong as a wizard. I'm immature as a wizard... but I'm growing up. You can tell me what you learned in Mr. Tico and Mr. Miro's training! "It's about building mental strength, anyway." "Build your mental strength... overcoming something you don't like, for example? "That's what I mean" "I see! Thanks! I'll give it a try when I get out of here! "Are you leaving already? "Yeah. We need to at least be the strongest in the country to move on... or we won't have enough lives" "Really? Well, I'll take you to the first level." "That would help!... but isn't that annoying? "It's a minute each way, and when we're in trouble, it's each other. I don't care." "One minute!? Can you go back in a minute?!? It took me over a day... anyway, that would help! Oh, but can you give me a minute? She took the pile out of her backpack. Is it a name or is it carved with Lynx on the surface? "What's that? "This is a landmark. I hear you've come this far.... or didn't you see it by the time you got here? They can see a lot if they go under the roots. "I came through the roots." "If you fall, you'll die!? Is it the right route under the roots after all? I'm gonna go through the roots. It's easier to move the bat that way. "I'm fine. I'm working out! "I don't think we're talking about working out and what's going to happen... enough to defeat the Demon King, and I guess it's true. - Oh, please." That's how I got Mr. Lynx to the first level, and I resumed my bat move toward the World Tree. I went to the wall. "It's not the world..." I've been feeling like I'm getting caught up in a spider's nest so far, and I thought I'd finally get to a breaking junction, but it doesn't look like it. If you look closely, it's not the wall, it's the trunk, and the top is hidden in the clouds and you can't see it, but you can see the branches... definitely. This is a world tree! "We've finally reached the World Tree! At last, it hasn't been that long. It's been less than an hour since I sent Mr. Lynx. It's a little clappy, but I'm going to train. I've never been able to keep my health warm. Climb up and train! Bang! I jumped straight up. It goes up like a rocket. Through the clouds, through the bushes - vision opens. "On the top! Having quickly reached the top of the world tree, I land on a leaf about the size of a six tatami. Looking around from there, the cloud sea was spreading. I used to fly overseas to play games a long time ago, but that's a little higher than the view I saw then. "This is the tallest place in the world..." It's emotional, but it's even a waste of time being squeamish! Ten days from today, we're gonna try and take a deep breath! I just started taking deep breaths when I ate the chocolate chocolate I was getting.
The next moment my earthquake voice sounded... The bag was torn from the inside out and a metallic doll popped up. It's a thumb size doll. Look at that little doll, Grandpa Maurice and the others are decent. But only me and Mr. Noir had any idea who the doll was. Although small, the doll looked like a familiar armored warrior. That is... "You're the Demon King, aren't you? Gyum!!!! I squeezed in instantly and crushed the doll. Push open your hands - The Silver Emperor did not retain its original form. But. "He's out again! Out of our bag in the corner of the room comes the Silver Emperor. "Cook. I'm sorry to hear that, it's Ash. I'm not the one you crushed. It's just my generation! "You think you're divorced? "Run Ri. We are the" Silver Emperor "- all silver is under our control! Therefore, we can manipulate silver as we please! There's no such thing as manipulating silver as a split body! This guy turned our silver coins into pieces! What this means is that the silver in the mansion will be this guy's split, even if we sweep away the split on this occasion. And even if you crush the whole mansion, the silver of the city, the whole country, and the rest of the world becomes the Silver Emperor. If we don't defeat the main body early, the world will panic! Damn, where the hell is the main body! "You're getting closer! The little ones come stuck tight. Not good. Too many! Besides, it's too small! If you bust every room, you can clean it up, but that puts everyone in danger! This is what the fortune-teller said about 'beware of silver'! "You're cowardly! If you're after me, leave me alone! "It's Ash! We protect ourselves! The Lord is focused on finding the body! Grandpa Maurice fisted and everyone pulled out the magic wand. "Cook, your resistance won't even buy you time. Because - ' "Nowa! Mr. Fermina's screams echoed. Mr. Noir's leg was metallic. Apparently, one silver coin that was in the pouch turned into "The Silver Emperor". The porch was torn and a split was standing at Mr. Noir's feet. "You, what have you done to Mr. Noir! I just crush my foot split and ask the void. "The organism that touched my brother's split turns into silver. In other words, everyone in this room will soon be my own! "Not everyone." And, says Mr. Noir. "Because Ash crushed it with his hand, but it's flat. Your powers don't work for Ash." In fact, I'm not turning into silver. I'm sure my natural healing power outweighs the power of The Silver Emperor. 'I understand that Ash is transcending Ningen! Therefore, this is the scope of the assumption. Originally, I'm not going to bury the Lord by myself! "Then bring it together! I'll knock him out of you first! "Cook. Do you want to compete with us? That's where I want it, even for my own sake! Most of all, the moment you see our true power, you will be ruled by despair and run away! But to achieve our aspirations, we can't let you get away with it! Therefore, he took the Ningen there - the Ice Emperor (Ice Road) hostage! Now you can neither escape nor hide. There's no other way to save the Ice Emperor than to hurry up and defeat our people! Conversely, you mean you can save Mr. Noir by defeating the Silver Emperor! "I'll fight you as you wish! So show yourself now! Silver has already eroded to Mr. Noir's knees. At this pace, after less than five minutes, Mr. Noir becomes silver. Hurry up and defeat him or Mr. Noir won't be Mr. Noir! 'Come to Valhalla if you want to fight my people! KIEWIN!!!! and the sound of scratching the blackboard on the lid, cracks running into the space. It's a distortion of time and space. "Come on, it's Ash! Jump in there and come to me - to Valhalla! Apparently, The Silver Emperor is interfering from beyond the distortions of time and space - from Valhalla to this world. There's only one more thing to do than find out where you are. "I'm going to defeat the Silver Emperor! "I want you to wait! The moment I tried to jump into a distortion of time and space, Mr. Noir called in a desperate voice. "Why are we stopping this? If we don't hurry, Mr. Noir will die! "I know. Something that doesn't feel like legs anymore. But I don't want you to go to Valhalla. 'Cause if you go to a different world, you can't come back" Mr. Noir is right. I'm not going to lose to the Demon King, but I won't be able to return to this world. I don't have the power to travel freely around the world. A goodbye here means a lifetime of goodbye. I hate to never see you again with everyone I love. I'm not sure I can stand such loneliness. Even if... "I'm coming." My resolve was unshakeable. If we keep doing this, not just Mr. Noir, but everyone turns into silver. Everyone disappears from this world. Whichever option I choose, I'll be annoyed by loneliness. Then I want to protect everyone. If you can protect everyone you love, even loneliness will endure it! You perceived my resolve, Mr. Noir, tears. "I hope you don't go..." "I'm sorry, Mr. Noir... because you accompanied me to training, but I couldn't show you the moment to be a great wizard..." "I hope you don't apologize... I enjoyed being with you so much..." "Mr. Noir...... Thanks. I had fun too." "I want to be with you more..." "Ash-kun... are you sure you're going? "I don't like saying goodbye to my master..." Mr. Fermina and Efa stare at me with a sad face. "Don't worry about it! I'm sturdy, man! I don't know what kind of place Valhalla is... but I'm confident I'll be doing fine! Don't make everyone anxious, I'll tell you in a bright voice. "Right. You'll be fine. 'Cause you're a really strong person! I will always wait for a day when I can fight you! "Yes! I will also train in Valhalla so that I can beat Mr. Cuhle as a wizard! If you can come back one day, then compete as promised! "Where I want it! "Wait, it's Ash! If the Lord disappears, what can I tell Nemia! Nemia misses the Lord! "It's a good idea. Nemia is a strong daughter, so you can always overcome your grief! "Still, we can't let your Lord go to Valhalla! The Demon King will take you down! "Tronko is right. Fighting demon kings is a line of brave men." "Oh, yeah! I can help you too! "Me neither! If you want to protect Ash, you don't have to spare your life! To protect me, my masters are about to throw their lives at me. I'm so happy for everyone. But... I'm going to Valhalla alone. "Hey, why not! "I know how strong the masters are... but I'm the only one who can defeat the Demon King. I have to go to Valhalla to make sure Mr. Noir is protected." I tell my masters my thoughts, and I turn back to the distortions of time and space. "Cook. Apparently you're ready! "Oh! I'm going to Valhalla right now and I'm gonna take you down! 'Then hurry! This Silver Emperor will be your opponent soon! "Just what I want! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!! I jumped into space-time distortion with momentum so as to cut off my untrained journey into this world. At that moment, my vision changed. Pahhhhhh!!!!! The crushing noise sounded. It sounded very familiar to me. There are silver fragments scattered around. Apparently, it became a piece of wood dust around my body. This guy was waiting for me right next to the distortion of time and space...! It's a little different than I expected... Well, as it turns out, Mr. Noir has been saved, and it's a good idea! And then... "Ho. You must be a mighty man to bury that Silver Emperor around your body." I heard voices from nowhere. One of your three families is left. Then is the identity of the Lord of the Voice the Last Demon King? We defeated the Silver Emperor first, and now we can protect everyone. I miss you guys again... But I don't have time to miss you! The Lord of Voices. If we don't defeat the last demon king, Mr. Noir will be targeted again! "I'm not running, I'm not hiding! Come on, show yourself! "Fine. If you want, I'll show you who I am." The moment a calm voice sounds... but there was a noise from behind. Looking back, there was a golden armored warrior standing. I'd like to shatter it just now, but I have one thing to check before I do. "You're the last of the three houses, right? "Run Ri. I am the ruler of Valhalla, the King of Gold, who reigns at the apex of your three families. The ruler of Valhalla means the king of this world. Then there must be no other demon king. If we take him down, we won't have to worry about everyone being targeted by the Demon King. "I will defeat you and protect you all! "Wait. Listen to me before you do. I am grateful to you." "Appreciate it... you say? I thought I'd visit you with a punch, but my fist stops at unexpected words. "Why are you thanking me? Because you buried the Demon King and the Four Heavens King. "Because I buried the Demon King and the Four Heavens King? Weren't those guys the guys we prepared to fight the Geeks and - the Ice Emperors? "Run Ri. But I was going to ask you to disappear in the Moment of Promise - in the form of a confrontation with both the Ice Emperors. But the Golden Emperor continues. "My men were too strong. Where we fought with the Ice Emperor, it was visible that the Four Heavenly Kings would survive. Therefore, I thank you for burying the Demon King and the Four Heavens King. Thanks to you, all you have to do is bury the Ice Emperor and your hopes will be fulfilled! "There's no need for that. I defeated the Ice Emperor. I mean, you're the only Demon King left! 'Right! Then I must thank you even more! Thanks to you my aspirations have been fulfilled! After thousands of years, he will be resurrected! "That's him? Mouthfully, he should be better than The Golden Emperor. If so, is' that one 'the Great Demon King? Well, whatever his identity is, it doesn't change what I'm supposed to do! "I'll take you down, and I'll take him down, too! "You cannot defeat me! Even if you can defeat me, you're no match for him! Because the Golden Emperor looks delightful. Your work has given him unimaginable power! "No matter how strong he is, I won't lose! "Huhaha! That's right, I've just buried a bunch of demon kings! But in front of him, your confidence will be shattered! The next moment, a crack runs into space. Looks like The Golden Emperor created a distortion in time and space. "It's Ash. You're a resurrection actor! Therefore, you have the right to be present at that resurrection! Come on, jump in there! Quickly, though, the Golden Emperor disappeared. I don't know where space-time distortions lead, but... There's no way I won't jump any more than I have the Great Demon King ahead of me. If we leave the Great Demon King alone, we may all be in danger! "Wait, Great Demon King! I'll knock you down in a minute! Screaming to inspire myself, I jumped into a distortion of time and space. And then my vision changed. I was sitting in a dark space. Crouching noises, and I know there's a Golden Emperor nearby... I don't feel any other signs of a creature. "Hey, where is that guy?! "He is in a different space. They're looking at us from the abyss! "Then come out! Call, but there was no response. "Say something from you, too! You wanted to see him, didn't you? "Ranari! He was my hometown - the legend of Valhalla! I heard the legend of him a long time ago, and I have dedicated myself to his resurrection! To nourish him, he unleashed the demons of Valhalla, burying the creatures, and the surviving demons - the Northern Emperor (North Road), the Southern Emperor (South Road), and the Western Emperor (West Road), which he had designated as the land of the Resurrection! By letting them bury creatures from other worlds, they gain further power - they should have, but they got in the way of" The Ice Emperor "! But it was a shame! By burying the mighty Emperor of Ice, he will have more power! And thanks to your work, he has eaten powerful souls and gained unimaginable power! Therefore, now he will be resurrected! "Wait a minute! "I won't wait! It's too late to be afraid! No one can stop that resurrection! "You're not! Eat your soul and be strong." "Run Ri. That one has been eating the souls of the mighty for a long time! Thousands of years ago, he had far more power than me! You don't win! "The winner, the winner..." "Huhahahahaha! Finally! It's time to come back! You can see her! "That's Drago." "Good luck, Ningen! While you are Ningen, you will be able to witness his resurrection! "I've already met..." "Huhaha! Despair before the overwhelming power of that one! Come on, now is the time for resurrection - Dear Demon Emperor (Devil Lord)! "I just knocked him out at that invitation!!!!!" DOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! The moment I screamed from the bottom of my belly, The Golden Emperor was shattered. The scream echoes and the cavity collapses. I jumped aggressively. Crush the falling debris with a head poke and fly out onto the ground. And then, in my sight, there's this view that I've seen. Lange, the most easterly town, jumped. I was brought to the easternmost ruins by the magic of The Golden Emperor! "All right! He's home! This is what the fortune teller said about 'Lucky Color is Gold'! "You can't do this! Not if you're happy alone! Everyone will be worried, and we need to hurry home! Once I landed, I ran to Elstania.
I stuck with my master. If I'm not mistaken, my master told me I had magic spots! "Wow, you really have magic spots! "Really! And Ash-kun's buttocks are so tight! "Wow, I want to see it too. Wow!... You're really well trained." "My master is working out his whole body! Even the buttocks look like bees! "Somehow the magic spots have also looked strong! Efa, Mr. Fermina and Ai are excited to peek into my bum. "Duh, where are you floating!? My magic spot, where is it floating!? "Not here. Look, you look blurry, don't you? I twist my hips to make sure where my master pointed. ... It does look blurry and glowing. I don't have the ability to emit light, and when I do, I can only think of one cause. I had magic on me! He has finally become a wizard! "Yikes!! Are you sure? Can I be a wizard!? I'll use it!? I'll use magic!? I wonder what to start with. No, but we have to check the pedigree before we do! If it wasn't for the wind system, you wouldn't be able to fly magic! Of course, I'd happily accept any pedigree! "But I heard a tremendous voice... what is it? "Whoa, it's Ash! You're back safe." When I was excited, Mr. Cologne and Dean Phillip came down the stairs. My scream seemed to have reached the outside. "I've come to a good place! What a magic dwelling on Ash! The master seems as happy as he is about himself. Seeing my master smile makes me more and more happy. "Did you have magic?!? You've really made the impossible possible..." "Mi, may I see it? "Of course! I point my butt at the Colognes. There's no shame in me right now. "... there's really magic spots in there." "Noisy...... from the color, is this a wind system? "Really!? Dean Philip nodded forcefully. "Most of all, because of the intensity of the magic spots, the magic will be insignificant." "Even so, I'm glad! and make a big difference. Magic is made stronger by building spiritual strength! I mean, even from this state, you can be a great wizard! "Thank you for finding me, Mr. Noir! If Mr. Noir hadn't found the magic spot, I might not have noticed it in my entire life. That's about it, my magic spots seem thin. "Really, I've noticed a lot. I want to thank you too." Me and my master thank me, and Mr. Noir blushes his cheeks with joy. "I just happened to have Ash's buttocks in front of me, so I was just watching. Then suddenly it glowed." To the words, the master, who was smiling, becomes the true face. "Did you say it glowed suddenly? So... if the reason for the magic resided in the Demon King Crusade, the magic spot would have floated at the time of his return during the Seal? "No, I don't think the trigger was the Demon King. He was weak." If you can fight that and grow spiritually, I'm a wizard all the time. "Then why did the magic reside? "I don't know either. But when I was walking around thinking, Mr. Noir suddenly pointed me out." I was really glad I wasn't a wizard, and Mr. Noir pointed me out. "What exactly does thinking mean? As everyone's gaze gathered, including my master, I told them in detail what I had in mind at that time. "I'm sure that's what triggered it." "Mm-hmm. That's all I can think about." "I'm sure that's why you worked so hard, Ash, and that's why magic resided in you." The masters look convinced that there was a verse that came to mind. "Why did you have magic on me? I was really glad I wasn't a wizard then. My masters' mouthful, it seems that the thought of that led me to reside in magic... but really, how could I have become a wizard? "You tried so hard to be a wizard, so crazy to death. I haven't given up being a wizard since I found out I don't have magic powers." "I mean, Ash-kun didn't try so hard to accept the unwitting situation. You kept believing you could be a wizard if you tried to die." "It wasn't Ash who accepted that he wasn't a wizard. Because most spiritual forces can't accept a situation that you continue to deny because you're dying crazy." I mean, so far I've been like a runaway child, mentally immature? But by accepting the state of absence of magic and affirming myself as I am, I moved one step forward - growing spiritually. Well, aside from that. "I'll try to fly! The wizard of the memorial, but also the magic of the wind system. This is what happened. We have to fly! "Is that magic wand (Withers Rod) still by the ruins in the west? "Hmm. Well, there is... it's not possible to use it." Master says, 'The Magic Wand That Never Breaks' has been buried mostly in the ground as a result of being too heavy. Even floating magic seems to weigh enough not to make it slightly mobile, and now you think the tip is just a little bit out like a tack? You should use my magic wand. "You can use mine too! "I'll lend you mine, too! Mr. Noir and the others simultaneously took the magic wand out of their nostalgia. I'm not sure which one to use... it was the earliest, and let me use Mr. Noir's magic wand. That's how I borrowed the magic wand from Mr. Noir. I left the ruins behind. When I left the ruins, a cabin was being built in front of me. Overhead, there is a blue sky with no clouds. Great weather to fly. "I'll just give it a try! Tell the masters that, and I grabbed the magic wand lightly. Complete the flight magic rune by moving the tip into small pieces to avoid tearing the earth apart. As a result, my body didn't even float a millimeter. But I don't panic. My magic seems insignificant, and I'm sure I don't have enough magic to use flying magic. So what you should use is magic that doesn't require much magic... Speaking of which, back in the day - before I was dumped by my parents, you saw a five-year-old firewood the whole thing with a kamaitachi. Though it looked good, the first moves I taught my master were also camouflage, and don't feel kind of fateful when you think about it. All right, I've made up my mind. Be the first magic you use! After taking the round thickness that was rolling over to the cabin and making sure there are no cuts, set it on the ground. And as the masters watched, I drew a rune of kamaitachi - finished it. Shin, and after quieting down, "... nothing will happen." My master snapped. Indeed, Marutai did not even move in a perfect way, instead of turning into two. But my eyes caught 'it'. "No, Master! The magic's working! I take Marutai and show it to my masters. "Look, here! There's a slice in there! This is the scratch I put on you! That's what I reported with a full smile. At that moment, I'm so cheerful. "I also like the kamaitachi that saved me from the golem, but I also like that kamaitachi" "You're such a master of mine to truly be a wizard! That sounds super cool! "It's a party. Hey! Party! It's a memorial party where everyone's dreams come true! "Mr. Ash's dream came true... and I'm kind of as happy as I am" "I really congratulate you. We could make this a national anniversary." "Really, I'm glad... Now you have nothing to remember." "Oh, you, are you crying? "The apprentice's dream came true. You've decided to cry... so good, so good..." Everyone blessed me. The master was so happy to cry. I couldn't help but be glad about that. "Thanks, guys! After I break up with everyone, I'm going on a martial arts training journey to become a fine wizard! I could have been a wizard, but I can't use so much flashy magic. Even a five-year-old could use Marutai as firewood, but all I could do was slice it in. You can't be a wizard. Without a doubt, I am the weakest wizard in the world. If the magic is too weak, you will struggle for the rest of your life. I can't live a decent life to the weakest wizard in the world. But I am the weakest wizard in the world, as well as the strongest militant in the world. I've worked too hard to die crazy, and I don't feel like a struggle. Whatever happens next, I'm confident I can afford to cut through. I've survived the magic world by myself.
Noon on the second day of the holidays. I was walking around the city of Erstania with Mr. Fermina. Buy everything you need in preparation for tomorrow's trip. Even so, I have clothes and lamps and all I buy today is' that ', which Mr. Noir loves. "You're gonna miss me without Ashkun. How many days will you be back? "I wonder if it'll take two weeks" "Oh. Hope you can take your time talking to Grandpa! I explained to Mr. Fermina, 'I'm going to see Grandpa' because talking about the Demon King might scare me. "Nowa's going with you, right? "If Mr. Noir isn't with us, there's no point in going out." "Huh.... By the way, does Nowa have contacts with Ash-kun's grandfather or something? "I mean, contact... well, I just wanted to introduce you to Mr. Noir" "Ash-kun, you're getting married!? Mr. Fermina is surprised, but I'm more surprised. I'm good at leaping the story anyway. "I've been reading too much. I really just want to introduce you." "Oh, wow. Noah and I have been flirting a lot lately, so I thought we were getting married." I didn't mean to be snuggly... but that's how they looked at me by the side. Besides, Mr. Fermina cleared my marriage suspicions. But there's one other person who misunderstands. "Mr. Ash is married!? "This is big news! "I have to give you the city to celebrate! It is one of the cities. I wouldn't have made this noise when I first started school, but right now I'm famous enough to have a bronze statue built. Knowing I was getting married like that, the city was engulfed in a blessing mood in an instant. "Hey, something's happened to you because of me..." Seeing the rumors spread in an instant, Mr. Fermina is in awe. You sure are amazing...... Mr. Noir will no doubt be surprised if the rumors continue to reach the College. But I have a hitter! I jumped about meters, "Because I have no plans to get married!!!! I screamed. Of course, the loudness of my voice is controlled so that the city doesn't break. It's a primitive way, but I can't use magic because this is the only way I can do it. "Mr. Ash said he's not getting married! "Oh. Well, we'll get married one day! "Mr. Ash's marriage is only a matter of time! When I landed and cleared my ears...... one of the city seemed to solve a misunderstanding for the first time. "Shh, that's so loud..." Mr. Fermina was fluttering his head. "Rest somewhere? "It's enough to give me a little tinnitus, and I'm fine. I can shop with Ashkun because of this, I can't believe I'm taking a break! "Oh well. Then keep shopping." "Ugh! So, what are you buying?... or not, but are you glad Nowa isn't with you? I nod. "Mr. Noir says he's busy looking at the map." Mr. Fermina smiles all the time. "Nowa is surprisingly discreet. Well, if you do get lost, you're in trouble." As a matter of fact, what Mr. Noir sees is not the path, but the red dots that move around on the map. When I tried the magic, more than twenty red dots appeared on the map showing where the mighty man was. This would mean that there are more than twenty stronger organisms in this world than Mr. Noir. I know "I," "Grandpa Maurice," "Dean Phillip," "Mr. Cologne," "Mr. Cuir," "Mr. Sharm," and "Demon King x," but the identity of the remaining red dots is riddled with mystery. There will be demons... but if you talk to the Red Dot Wizard, you might be able to get some advice to help. "So, what are you buying? Mr. Fermina asked once again. "I'll buy some sunny mobile food. It tastes like melon bread." Of course, this is Mr. Noir's request. All I could think of was melon bread flavored mobile food, but Mr. Fermina might know. That's why he invited Mr. Fermina to shop. "Does Mr. Fermina know of a shop that deals with mobile foods that taste like melon bread? "Of course I know. Yikes! "Really!? Thanks!" No, I asked him at the source, and that's Mr. Fermina. That's how I bought a lot of melon bread-flavoured food at the store that Mr. Fermina recommended, and I decided to go to bed early in preparation for tomorrow's trip.
The third day I started training in the World Tree. As Mr Rittera said, the air in the world tree was fresh. I've heard that the mountain air is fresh and delicious, but the world tree is its extremes. I was impressed with the deliciousness of the air, and I thought this was going to be enjoyable for ten days. Not now. The world tree air is delicious, but after three days of breathing, I get tired of it. Yet I have to take a deep breath for another week. I can afford it physically, but I have something mentally tough. Yes, it is spiritually tough! I was happy about that. Anyway, magic is closely related to spiritual power. Overcoming this ruggedness will boost your magic and improve the quality of your magic! The quantity and quality of magic rise together is like the coming of the basin and the New Year together. Just thinking about it makes me happy and motivated. I bought a chocolate coronet because of it, but if it stays like this, I'm going to finish my training without eating it. I don't even have time for a break, and I'm thirsty. Instead of mouth, I feel thirsty in my body, and I'd like to rehydrate if I could... because I forgot to buy water. It would help if it rained, but this place is on the clouds. There is no access to water. Beh! and a damp feeling ran on my back. It feels like a water balloon burst. Hands around my back, it was soaking wet. Is it raining? But why? Because... Turning wondering, a blue knight stood on the leaves. "Ho! I thought you were going to die after a proper water spear (Aqualance) from me. Let it be Ningen! Though he's alive, he'll finally be conscious! ... What the hell is this guy? "Whoa, don't think I'm doing everything I can right now, okay? It's just a handful of research right now! It's a blow to see if you deserve to fight me! Huhahahahaha! I would have known the difference in power and despaired! Except for the colors, and now you're the demon king, right? "You, the Demon King? "Yes! I am the Blue Emperor!" He is the most powerful demon king in the world who reigns at the apex of the Four Heavens, and he is the emperor who can unite all kinds of water! I knew it was the Demon King. It's called the Ice Cave, it's called the World Tree... really, they show up everywhere. I don't think I happen to be visiting the World Tree, and that means I'm here for it. "A demon king, are you still there? The Four Heavens King would mean the Black Knight, the White Knight, the Red Knight, and the Blue Knight. This means that if you defeat the Blue Knight, the Four Heavenly Kings will be wiped out. But there may be a boss on top of it. In my image, the Four Heavens are like executives. It is not strange to have a leader to put them together. The demon king that binds the demon king... is that what the Great Demon King is? "There are those with the name of the Demon King, but the true Demon King is like me! Because I'm not the same dimension as the other demon kings! I saw it all the time, but it just looks different. "Huh!" "What's wrong? 'Cause this is the first time I've seen a frightened ningen in front of me! The desperate face of a thoughtful ningen like yours must be delightful! It's a statement that's willing to beat me. I've defeated many demon kings in the past, and that's how much this guy should know. And yet you're showing off so much leeway... is this guy really in a different dimension than the Demon King he's had so far? Then you're lucky! You can grow spiritually if you fight strong enemies, and your magic will increase. I mean, fighting the Blue Knight is part of training! Focus on fighting the Blue Knight now instead of taking a deep breath! Beetle! A snug feeling ran down my neck. When I put my hand around my neck, I get a soggy touch. I can't see it for myself because of the blind spot, but it was a watery touch. "This... is that a water collar? 'Whatever! But water is not just water, even water! "How is that different? "It's water that's been poured out of my magic - if I order it, the water wheel (Aquaring) will sever your neck! Its power, not the ratio of water spears! "Then it's not until I tear it off! 'It's no use! No matter how much power you put into it, you can't pull the water out! The Blue Knight was right. It just slipped through my neck, and it didn't go away. Until now, I've managed with a force push... but that doesn't make sense this time. The Blue Knight of the Waterman is a natural enemy of my - militants! But my attack reaches the Blue Knight body. He's not water himself. Every time I laugh, I hear chatter. That means I can defeat the Blue Knight at any time. But if I show you how the attack works, the Blue Knight will activate the water wheel at that moment. - My fist (shockwave of) reaches the Blue Knight first? - Is the water wheel going to blow my neck first? Even if it's blown up, if it's connected to a piece of neck skin, it'll be able to recover with natural healing power... but anyway, it's looking good now. "Ho! Not one cold sweat when you say you're facing death, isn't that the guts you looked up to! Your whole body just ran out of moisture, and you might have been sweating cold usually. That's how tight the battle with the Blue Knight is. Live or die... This may be the first time I've ever felt like this. Totally...... I have to admit this happened. The Blue Knight says the dimension itself is different from the previous Demon King! "I can bury you as soon as I feel like it. But I won't. You know why? "... because you want to fight a mighty enemy? 'No! No! No! Denied at all costs. But then why wouldn't this guy take me down? "I'm buying you high! "You're buying me high...? "I don't know! You stood up to my water spear, though you did! He's better than all of Shiteno's fouls! You're worth it! A water spear, that was it, wasn't it? It's like a water balloon. He said he would be appreciated just for withstanding that... how underrated was the Demon King so far? and the Blue Knight walks over the leaves, approaching. 'If you swear you'll be under my command, I'll keep you alive specially. I'll give you half the world I reign in! Together, you and I can control everything in the world! That would be a fascinating suggestion, wouldn't it? I know you think so, but I don't want half the world. There's only one thing I want. Just magic! "Say no!" "Drop the path to becoming a ruler and choose death!" Isn't that the end of the line that foolish ningen deserves! Then you'll be buried as you wish! The water wheel bounced and wet under my chin. There is no blood mixed with the droplets. Does this mean you didn't even have to show natural healing power? "Stupid!? Why can't my neck fly!? Are you sure it's Ningen? Blue Knight disturbs. Plenty of room just now sounds like a lie. The first water spear was out of hand, and now it seems to have done everything in its power. The Blue Knight is not a formidable enemy - you're not going to be able to grow up fighting. Knock it down and go back to training! "But it's ningen! You can't beat me more than to be a chunk of water! You know what this means!? You don't have to know! Because at this moment, you have become my puppet! And I only give you one order! Put your hands together with me! Did you think I would order you to, etc!? Huhahahahaha! No! Die!! ' Pahhhhhh!!!!!!!! When I shattered the Demon King with a positive fist thrust, I resumed my deep breath.
I physically sank Mr. Sage with a militant move, and I was transferred to the depot. There's a tournament table, and that sounds like the first understatement. "What's your next opponent... Mr. Smith or Mr. Jan" Either way, there's no shortage for them! The decision to compete in the main battle means a man of unlimited proximity to the Great Wizard. You're the luckiest man to have a debut with an opponent like that! Even so, it depends on the amulet to see if I can make my debut. "... are you wearing it? What do you think? My opponents have both worn amulets so far, and maybe all the contestants are wearing amulets. I'm replacing my first buddy's shard with an accidental tip blown off. Well, it's a good thing you're wearing amulets, but the problem is strength. I just hope it's a bodyguard that won't be two things straight with a kamaitachi like steel or rock if you wish. - Are you still the one left? I was praying, and my hip bent grandmother appeared out of nowhere. The fact that he's been transferred here means he's the winner of Game . My debut opponent! "Do you wear amulets? I just asked, and my grandmother makes it right. "The first thing they asked me about the amulet was in years of my life." Did they think you were a weird guy? But the presence or absence of an amulet is very important to me! Did you convey that thought, Grandma has shown her left hand? "This wedding ring is no substitute for amulet." All right, sturdy! You can fight without worrying about the ring! It's hard to even make him hit, and if he does, he won't hurt you! Now we can decorate the Wizard's debut with glory! You did it, buddy! Next up - next up is our sunny stage! "By the way, what's your name? Ask questions in the guise of calm on the surface, even as you shudder inside. I'd like to jump and express my joy, but if I do that, the venue could collapse. "I'm Jan, commonly known as Master Jan." Whoa, master! That means you're a strong man who's been fighting the battle between living and dying against demons like Master Porta! I'm looking forward to fighting more and more! I want to have a magical and magical bump with Mr. Yang quickly! We have to be careful not to accidentally use militant moves! "Nice to meet you, Mr. Yang! I'm Ash! Thanks for the next game! When he greeted him, Mr. Yang grinned in a flamboyant manner. "That's a powerful greeting. It's not what my husband said. It's a good thing you're healthy." Did my husband say that? Oh, no way... "Could Jan's husband be Master Porta? "That's right. My husband was blown away by Ashkun." "Sorry to blow Mr. Porta away! "You have nothing to apologize for. I'd rather thank you than Ash." Is the couple not close? That's all I can think of to be thanked for blowing my husband away. "Me and Porta decided to take this tournament to hide. At the end of the day, we can fight strong men like you, and Porta is not a happy man." I ended a once in a lifetime retirement match with a greeting...... if you're satisfied with Mr. Porta, no problem! "That's why I'm happy to fight you. From what I've heard about my husband, it seems Ash-kun is stronger than any demon. I never thought I'd be fighting the strongest opponent ever in a retirement match." Mr. Yang is excited to see it. "Why are you retiring? It doesn't seem like you're tired of fighting, or that your magic has faded. Anyway, he's in the main game. It looks like it could work great on the front lines instead of retirement...... really, how did you decide to retire? "You saw the Shattered Demon King and decided to retire." Cause it's me! I know too much about a smashing demon king, but what Mr. Yang is saying is a two-colored guy, right? "Is the Demon King the Rainbow Emperor?" The other demon kings were secretly crushed, but the Rainbow Emperor was crushed and scattered as all mankind watched. "Hmm. We decided to retire when we saw the mighty man who buried the scary demon king in one blow. Even if we leave the line, the next generation will protect the world - because I was so sure." Grandpa Maurice, Mr. Philip and Mr. Cologne decided to develop their disciples with a view to the future. Meanwhile, Jan and Porta, who had no disciples, were anxious to retire. "I just found out there's a strong young man like you, but I don't know if he's ever competed in a tournament. But I have to do one big job before I retire." "What's a big job? Mr. Yang has a belligerent grin. "It's a battle with Ash-kun." "Is it a big job to compete with me? Yes, Jan nodded forcefully. "I called the youngsters who came to watch the game, 'I want to be strong! I will fight with all my souls to stir it up! Don't hesitate, Ash, because you're an old man, and you're going to do everything you can! I'm sure Mr. Yang wants the young man - to beat me. And they want to entrust the world to the younger generation and live in seclusion. It had nothing to do with Mr. Yang's wish, and I was going to fight for it with all my might. Not as a militant, but as a wizard. But what Mr. Yang wants is to fight me as a militant. To tell you the truth, I just want to make my debut... Well, there's only one more chance to make the debut today. Only this time I'll fight you with my fist! Next up - next up is our sunny stage, buddy! Don't make your debut gloriously next time, even for the first generation to blow up without looking at the day! "That battle, I will stand with all my might! That's how I decided to fight as a militant, and I put a three-piece set of wizards (robes, triangle hats, just canes) on the table. As a militant, I was transferred to the arena. You magically put it back on track, the ground crack is gone clean and refreshing. Mr. Yang won't be sucked into the ground, and now you can fight without worries! Defeat Mr. Yang with this fist and challenge Mr. Tronko as a wizard! "Come on! Game seven waiting for you! This match put on the right to challenge our country's hero Mr. Tronko! Fighting are two Yang and Ash players!! Lost in stormy applause and cheer, the referee raises his voice. "Yang players who decorated overwhelming victories in both Game and Game ! Being Mr. Tronko's sister, she has been a hunter for over half a century! It is exactly the patron saint for us!! You were Mr. Tronko's sister! Mr. Yang, who has made himself the sister of a country hero and powdered himself for this country, has been active. Such a great wizard wants a serious battle with me. There's no way I'm not burning like this! "We knew Yang would be competing this time, and our operating side was anticipating a brother-sister confrontation between Mr. Tronko and Yang! Shit! Shit! And the referee points to me. 'As you all know, a dark hose just showed up at the tournament! Instead of greeting him, he's a martial arts/ash player from the continent, an incarnation of destruction that blows up the arena and cleaves the earth of this venue, with its multiple boundaries stretched out! Today is the last time they call it the Incarnation of Destruction! I've broken a lot of things so far, but that's because I was a militant. If you make a full debut as a wizard, the earth will not tear apart with a little detachment! "Whether the Patron God wins, or the Incarnation of Destruction wins - no matter how you roll over, this battle will be marked in history and will be told of the future perpetuation! It is what Jan wants to be a legendary game to be told. A younger generation saw this game and said, 'I want to be strong! I'll do everything I can to beat Mr. Yang up so he can get excited! "Game 7 of great attention, then - let the game begin!! The signal of initiation echoes as a loud cheer arises. "Come on, it's the beginning of the end! The moment Mr. Yang completed the rune with a sophisticated hand, the soil and dust that was rising disappeared. "So, I'm out -! Yang's gravitational magic! This magic that instantly sank Smith earlier! Can Ash withstand the weight that gravitational magic rolls out!? Gravity magic was written in the book to make it one of the finest magics of the dark system and counted as the strongest corner of all magic. Mr. Yang has been using such magic early in the day. It is more evidence than anything else that is challenging the battle at all costs. "Whoa, whoa. I doubled the gravity on you. Normally, you don't even have to move, but you can draw a rune, right? It's supposed to drain a lot of magic just to activate it, but Mr. Yang doesn't break his spare attitude. That's the master! Magic power is in the wrong digits! There is no shortage for them!! "I'm going! I'm walking over to Mr. Yang. I can fly the wind pressure from this distance, but I've decided to do everything in my power. He carefully dives into Jan's nose and punches his thoughts to avoid blowing away the wind pressure that occurs when he runs! "Ugh, it moved -!? What an Ash player, walking flat despite double gravity! "Whoa, whoa. That's all Porta has to admit! But right now, it's just a handful of checks! Come on, if you can move, you can try moving! - Five times the gravity!! "Nah, what an Ash! Despite five times the gravity, we are walking as normal! That pace is no different! "Ho ho, do it, Ash! But to this point, it's within your assumptions! That's it! Ten times gravity! - Been!? Looking at me walking on, Mr. Yang dashed. "Why can you move!? Normally you can't move with weight - but why can you walk!? "Instead of being heavy, it feels lighter than usual! You can act like a militant! Until now, I couldn't help thinking about the accident, except this time around. I feel lighter when I think I can do everything I can, and I feel lighter to my body! "Not exactly what Porta said. You're not a human being, you're a demon - you better fight because you think you're dealing with a demon king! That's just the hunter of the war, and Mr. Yang quickly regained his calm. "This is where Master Yang comes from! My full power once pointed out to Porta that it was too dangerous and forced to be sealed! Come on, take it! - Fifty times the gravity! Bullshit!!!! Buried in the ground from my neck. I approach Mr. Yang like a swimmer in the earth. "What's wrong with your body?" When I saw the imminent head (me), Mr. Yang shrugged. "Nah, what an Ash! We continue to advance despite 50x gravity! When the hell and what kind of magic did you use!? "Oh, yeah! When did you use it? Instead of drawing runes, you don't even have a magic wand (Wizards Rod)! "I'm not using magic! I'm fighting with muscle strength, not magic! "Ki, just muscle strength..." Mr. Yang wears a lump. "Nah, what an Ash! I didn't use magic against Master Yang! This strength without magic - how strong can you be with magic!? Using magic doesn't change strength, though! But it's not like I'll always be like this! Make a glorious Wizard debut, train in training, and try to keep up with the strength of the militants one day! "Come on, I'm coming! After a long time, he swims through the earth and approaches Mr. Yang. Jan, who was looking at his neck (me) in confusion... smiled all the way with a smudge on and dropped his magic wand on the ground. "Surrender." ...... eh. "Nah, what a Yang player, it's surrender!! He wasn't wrong to hear it, and the referee shouted excitedly. "Duh, why are you surrendering? You promised to fight with all your might! I just walked, didn't I? "So long. You defeated my Special Attack as usual. You're far ahead of me. I can fight you one last time. I'm not a happy man." Mr. Yang has a lucid grin like after he has accomplished his big job. "But... didn't you fight as hard as you could and make everyone think, 'Be strong'? "It's just a prep exercise for you, but I did everything I could. Besides... it's better to watch an overwhelming game than to watch one another." It does sound like the audience is thriving... but is Mr. Yang supposed to end up like this? "Isn't Jan an incomplete combustion? "It's more like a complete combustion. Thank you so much for keeping up with the old man's favors." Mr. Yang...... "Yang's surrender has determined Ash's victory! Jan, the legendary hunter who protected us for over half a century, and Ash, who won the right to challenge Mr. Tronko with amazing strength - a big round of applause for both names!! The applause that just cracks occurs. Mr. Yang, who continued to fight for others until the end, became one of my target wizards. I'm going to have to continue my training and be a fine wizard, like I'm glad Mr. Yang picked someone for his retirement match! GOOOOOOOO!!!!! I heard wind cuts from nowhere. The arena is wrapped in a huge shadow. Looking up, there was a airship floating there. "Ki, I'm here! Finally - it's finally that guy! The referee points to the sky and shivers his voice. "My hero - Mr. Tronko - who joined a line of brave men not even between formations as soon as possible and side-by-side with that Maurice Archvaldo, Philip Valmilion and Cologne Fleur to defeat the Demon King's Army!! As soon as Mr. Tronko's name came out, he cheered as loudly as he could not be compared to the previous one. For one of the people in this country, Mr. Tronko is a true hero. I want to dream I can make my debut with one of those guys! You'd be surprised if you told Grandpa Maurice as a souvenir story. "Then after the Children's Department, Ash will be asked to fight Mr. Tronko!! The referee, who was excited about the appearance of the airship on which Mr. Tronko would board, said as he remembered all the more. Is there also a children's ministry? Can I watch that? That's what I was thinking, and I was flown into an understatement.
After a week's journey, me and Mr. Noir arrived in the westernmost town of Mulun. Mulun was an idyllic country town. Across the town stands a tower of earthen colour, and beyond it stands a mountain. The ruins are beyond that mountain. "I loved this town." "Me too. I want to live here in old age." "Right. 'Cause it's not cold here." "Oh, for that reason..." Nevertheless, it is certain that it is an easy environment to spend. "What are we going to do? "I'm going to the inn first. Then let's find the masters." Looking for him, I know where he is. According to Mr. Noir's map, there was one in town and two red dots at the tower. We decided we would walk through town, lose as much and find an old lodging. "Isn't that Mr. Ash! As soon as I entered the inn, my uncle ran over. "I'm here to stay, is the room empty? "I'm free! Hey, I didn't think Mr. Ash was coming to stay! My uncle gave me the keys to the room as he spoke enthusiastically. "Take your time!" My uncle dropped me off and we headed upstairs to our room. And I just put my hand on the door, and the door next door opens. "Oh, my God, that was fast." It was - it was Mr. Cologne - who talked to me while I was away. Mouthfully, I guess Eye asked me in advance about us coming. You must have heard about the Demon King. "What are the masters doing? I greeted Mr. Cologne lightly. It's Mr. Cologne in town, which means the master and Dean Phillip should be at the tower. What the hell are you doing in there? To my question, Mr. Cologne looks good at something. "Oh, that tower - it's a magic wand." I wasn't sure, so I decided to go to my masters. I left my stuff in my room, and Mr. Noir and I headed to the tower with Mr. Cologne. There, the master and Dean Philip were touching the tower with Peppa. If you look closely, it looks like you're stuck to the tower. "Hiccup, master." When I spoke, the masters interrupted the work. "Mmm? Whoa, isn't that Ash! It's not a hiccup! "Aren't you both tired from a long journey? Look, you should drink this." That's what I said, Dean Phillip gave me a drink. I moistened my throat for once, and I snap at my masters. "Is it true that this is a magic wand? It is likely to be meters high and meters wide. I've been reading catalogues of all sorts of magic wands, but just about every magic wand of this size wasn't in any book. "Ugh. As Ash asked, I'm building a magic wand that will never break! I mean, it's my magic wand. "I can't believe you bothered to make such a big magic wand for me..." Tear glands unwittingly loosen to the feelings of the masters. "It's gonna be hard to use." If you pick a street corner survey, everyone will feel the same way about Mr. Noir, but for me it's a trivial issue such as user-friendliness. "How long is it going to take to get it done? "Come on, when will it be... We'd like to get it done soon, but we'll have to take care of collecting the ingredients." "But this is dirt, right? Don't you have any problems with the ingredients? "This is dirt, not dirt. There's a monster called Iron Worm living around here." The book said that iron worms are potato worms the size of which can be swallowed whole at home or so. Well, the iron worm's diving deep all year round, so it's basically harmless. "It's the iron worm that only shows up on the ground once a year. Even so, it's not just the buttocks." "Iron worms get buttocks out for excretory behavior. The excrement is incredibly hard." "In short, bye. If you collect too hard excrement, solidify it, and continue to compress it - the creation of a magic wand that will never break." That said, the master sighs. "Even so, iron worm excrement is precious. Most of them are mixed with dirt." "I really wanted to make it out of 0% pure excrement. It's powerless, and it's about 60% pure." Still 60%. It only smells like dirt though, I feel kind of cool reflecting sunlight, and if it's this big, I should be able to put in a pattern I like. If you carve a cool pattern, you'll get attached, and in that sense, I think I'm glad it's this size. "Well, the missing part will be covered by our magic." "Ash-kun has nothing to worry about." "I hope we can handle everything." The masters cheer gently. This magic wand is filled with the love of its masters! As soon as I thought about it, I became attached to the magic wand. "Me, I'll definitely use this when I'm a wizard! "Ugh! Because we make the highest quality magic wands. Ash works hard to get magic, too! I nodded forcefully. "That's why I'm here. Do the masters hear about the ruins? "I'm listening. Noir there is helping Ash, isn't he? Thank you so much." "Ash is what saved me. Now I'm gonna save Ash." "Noir is a good girl." Mr. Noir, praised by his master, seems somewhat pleased. "So, when are you going to ride the ruins? "Tomorrow." "Shall we accompany you then? Maybe you'll be able to see the moment Ash becomes a wizard." That's how I went to the ruins with my masters.
When I ran about kilometers, I saw a tragedy. The armored warrior was in two! Besides, the horse's neck is rolling near it...... Further around, about ten people had fallen. From what I've seen, the only thing safe is a woman with a lump. I was hoping it would turn out okrai, or nothing, like when I was in the golem... but this is kinda... I don't know, it sucks. Well, it's not like I decided this happened with my balls! "Um... could it be that you didn't fly kamaitachi over here? That's what happened from the beginning, isn't it? When I expect a reply, one of the women looks at me with a decent face. Did you do this? Apparently, something just happened. "What do you think? If you heard a spa van just before, I'm pretty sure I did it on purpose..." Please, deny it! "I heard you! Affirmed with tremendous momentum. I knew this was my idea... Me, Grandpa Maurice, did you kill people with the power you worked out for me... "So you saved us!? I was depressed that I had done a lot of things, and I was uttered unexpected words. "You saved me, did you? What do you mean? Can I take it as it is? "That's right." She rises up and sees an armored martial artist who looks abominably twofold. "We were almost killed by this demon." "What? Is this a demon? "Yes, but... rather, other than demons. What does it look like? If you ask me, it's definitely not the right size. I didn't notice it because it's halfway there, but when combined, it's nearly five meters tall. Horses are the right size, and besides, they have eight eyes. Plus the blood is black. I didn't realize you were distracted by the shocking sight... but this is a demon. That makes me feel easier to think about it. "You're a demon with a rare appearance. Does this often come out in this area? Some of the demons are snowlands, caves, or only inhabited certain areas. I traveled around the world as a ruin tour, but I didn't take a closer look around. There are many demons in this world that I do not know. "If these demons were everywhere, the world would be doomed." "Are you such a strong demon? "Dark Knight...... Oh, I've heard of it" I heard about it, or I read about it in a book that said there was a legendary demon who vandalized the realm of the Rhine about a hundred years ago. The traits match, and this is the Dark Knight? "Anyway, thank God you knocked me down! He must be a famous wizard. What a name..." One of the women who was talking excitedly suddenly shuts up. Take a serious look at my face - a little. "Huh!? Also, could you - oh my god, is that Master Ash!? "Yes. I'm Ash. Dear Sir, I don't think so. And you?" Tauntingly, she rushed to correct her spine. "Wow, my name is Chloe and I am the head of the Magic Knights of the Kingdom of Rhine and the Western Crusade Squad! It is my men who are falling there! I didn't expect to see Mr. Ash here! Mr. Chloe will have a bright face, as if it were a lie to be frightened until just now. I'm sure I had the same facial changes. Really, I'm glad it turned out okrai...... "You're really strong enough to defeat that dark knight! Honestly, it doesn't pin me when they say I'm strong because I defeated the Dark Knight. I just took the magic wand (Withers Rod) out of my nostalgia. But... right. If you think you defeated a demon at the expense of a magic wand, it sounds cool that you used some kind of one-time special attack. Of course, I'll be careful what I do next. I can't stand losing my partner twice, and I'm sorry I've never had this horror experience again. "Mr. Ash, by the way. What are you doing here? "Actually, I've been searching for you. About a hundred kilometers east of here. I heard there was a strong one ahead, didn't you know? "Is it about meters east of here... Oh, I'm sure you mean Mr. Tico" "One of them! It matches the name of the person Mr. Sharm was talking about, and the red dots ahead of us seem unmistakable with Mr. Tiko. "What kind of person is Mr. Tico? "Same age as me...... I'm a 8-year-old woman. Of course, strength is not comparable to mine or anything else. Mr. Tiko is a man of strength in the struggle for one or two in our kingdom of the Rhine. So if possible, I'd like you to join the Magic Knights..." They said no. Mr. Sharm said he was a deserter about Mr. Tiko, and you want to avoid getting involved with one as much as possible. If you joined the Magic Knights, you'd be involved even if you didn't want to, and I guess that's why you said no. They told me that if I gave you Mr. Sharm's name, you could train him... but I wonder if such a one would accept my apprenticeship. I'm getting a little worried. Anyway, we have to see each other. We have to start talking. If they say no, then that's when. "By the way, Mr. Tico is a wizard, right? That map is not about 'magic', it's about 'combat power', it's about determining the strong. No matter how strong you are, there's no point in apprenticing you if you're a militant. I'm training to be a great wizard, and more importantly, the best militants in the world have already become masters. "Mr. Tico is, as far as I can tell, the most powerful light wizard. Even though it was...... years ago. I've had a bunch of Stone Eagles push up my area." The Stone Eagle is a monster that looks like a bird. It said in the book that it was about three meters long and that excrement was harder than stone. It seems that the Stone Eagle mainly acts alone, but rarely travels in herds. In other words, as the Stone Eagle herd moves, stone manure will descend like a meteor cluster. "We decided it would be difficult to destroy him alone, and we asked Mr. Tico for backup." "So, what happened? "Mr. Tico showed up on a moment's journey, unleashed several electric shocks, shot off a group of stone eagles, and disappeared on a moment's journey," he said. Apparently, it was only a matter of seconds. Even a few electric shocks...... Nice. I'd like to be a big wizard soon and try some fancy magic. For that matter, I have to disciple Mr. Tico at all costs. The fact that you're still young and you're getting the strongest title means you've made a bloody effort. If you do the same training menu as Tiko, I can get closer to the Great Wizard! "Thanks for letting me tell you an interesting story! "Oh, we're the ones to thank. Thank you very much to Mr. Ash! You may not want me to say this to you... but be careful on the road! "Mr. Chloe, I know it's a lot, but good luck with your work." "Ha, ha! I'll do my best!" That's how I broke up with Chloe, and I turned back to Mr. Noir.
Three weeks have passed since the battle for the survival of the world. Today is the day of announcement of the results of the promotion exam at the same time as the end of the day. We came back to class after the closing ceremony earlier, and we were waiting for the results to be announced as we twitched. "Now let's finally announce the results you can't all wait to hear! Come and get the papers in order of attendance number. Go! First, Ash-kun! I got the paperwork from Dr. Elena, and I'm gonna open the bi-fold paperwork about the seat. "How'd it go? I turned my grin to Effa, who looked so intrigued. "Three years, Group A - advanced class." "That's right, you're a master! I want to know the results soon, too! "Then come and get it. It's your turn, Mr. Efa." Looks like Effa's order was coming around while we were talking. Efa rushed to receive the paperwork and rushed back. Open the paperwork and let your face shine. "I could have been in the same class as my master! Now you can safely go home! "Whoa, congratulations! You can relax this time! We have more than two weeks until the start date, and it won't be a rushed homecoming like last time. "I was able to maintain an advanced class, too! Mr. Fermina has happily shown the paperwork. The written exam was points and the practical exam was a judgment. "I'm afraid I asked the wrong question. What was your point, Ash? It was a hundred points. "That's my rival! But you can't lose next time. Make sure Ashkun catches up with you! I laughed and responded to Mr. Fermina's declaration of war. Mr. Fermina would get a full score this time. Well. Speaking of written exams, I'm worried about Mr. Noir...... I got the paperwork from Dr. Elena. I stare at Mr. Noir. When Mr. Noir checked the paperwork on the spot, he rushed over for a small run. Thanks to you. Mr. Noir has happily shown the paperwork. The written exam is points, the practical exam is a judgment, and the three-year A-group - it's an advanced class! "We're on target. Congratulations, Mr. Noir! "I guess we'll just have to party now! To Efa's suggestion, Mr. Fermina nods yeah, yeah. "Nice! Let's all celebrate! Maybe tomorrow or something!? "I agree with you very much! Because the sooner you do this, the better! "Right, right! Ash-kun and Nowa will be joining us!? "Of course I'm in." "If Ash's going, I'm going, too." "It's settled. Hey! Party venues are good for my room!? Mr. Fermina's room means the girls' dorm, right? If I was three, I'd still be the other day for my birthday, not 16. When I go into the girls' dorm, I feel like other girls are going to hate me. "Me, can I go into the girls' dorm? "It's a face pass." "My master is a hero who defeated the Demon King! Instead of being disgusted, you're welcome! "That's right! I'm stronger, I'm in the Knights, and - like Ash-kun, let's make it work enough for the bronze statue to build! Mr. Fermina declared by pointing out the window. There were big bronze statues all over the city modeled after me. - "In honor of the defeat of the Demon King, we're going to build Mr. Ash's bronze statue." It was fifteen days ago that I received such a report from Ai. Then, by the hands of the leading wizards, my bronze statue was quickly created. When Eye asked me about the bronze statue, I was honestly happy. But now I'm full of embarrassment. Anyway, the bronze statue only wears girls' pants. They recreated the moment they defeated the Demon King, but they wanted me to recreate who I usually am, if possible. Really, it's unexpected to have such a bronze statue. But more unexpected than that. "Ahhh...... I'm in an intermediate class." "Me too... Buy Animal Pants so you can salvage them in your next promotion exam! "I have to buy animal pants too ~" "I think I'll buy one, too" My classmates are thriving on the subject of pants. The Animal Print pants I wore during the battle against the Demon King were: 'Wear them and you'll be stronger!' Because of the touch, they are loved by young and old, even though they are girls' pants. The other day when I was walking in the city, the pants vendor thanked me and told me he wanted to give me pants for the rest of my life, but politely declined. To be honest, I never want to see Animal Print pants again. Well, as long as there's that bronze statue, I don't like it, but I'm going to see it... "Yes, everyone, be quiet!" Dr. Elena rang her hands with bread. "Everyone will want to get on vacation soon, so I'll get the homeroom done in a short time! We're going on a long vacation today, but be careful not to take it off too much! That's it, dissolve! Soon the home room will be over and the classroom will be wrapped up in the bustle again. "Ash, are you planning a holiday or something? I'd like you to come home if you like. Your father wanted to see Ashkun too... what do you think? I guess he told Mr. Fermina about his fight against the Emperor of the Earth (Earth Road) because he no longer needed to keep a secret about the Demon King. Mr. Fermina's father belongs to the Knights, and I think I can hear stories that will help. "I can't stay very long, but I'll go if you want." I plan to take advantage of my vacation and go to the ruins. According to Mr. Cuhle's story, the ruins have stone tablets about magic. In the meantime, there may be clues to the acquisition of magic. ... Yes. Even with Mr. Cologne's digestive pills, I didn't live with magic. I was really shocked when my torso was finished and I checked my buttocks in the mirror. But I still have hope for the ruins. It's too early to give up! "I'm just glad you came! You want Effa and Nova to come too." "I can't stay long either, but I'd love to go see him if I could! "... If Ash's going, I'm going too" "It's settled. Hey! Hey, it's gonna be a fun vacation! I agree with Mr. Fermina in a groaning tone from the bottom of my heart. Whatever you do, get clues to gain magic in the ruins and come to the new semester as a wizard! Thinking about it, I can't stop being excited. "Mr. Ash, I have something to tell you..." When I was thinking about which ruins to go to, Ai invited me from the hallway. I'm having a fun conversation, leaving Mr. Fermina in the classroom and out in the hallway. "What's wrong with you? "Earlier, I heard from the prison. You think Ringrant's back to sanity?" Mr. Ringrant is under suspicion of erasing Mr. Noir's memory of his previous life. I wanted to talk to you to see why. Mr. Noir, you might want to take him with you... but he looks like he's having fun talking to the efferents, and Mr. Noir won't even want to see Mr. Ringrant's face. ... Do you want me to go alone? "Thank you. I'll just go." I said goodbye to Ai, and I went out on the roof. We're not even 30 km away from here to jail, and if we jump a few times like a bat, we can get there. I suppressed my power not to destroy the roof and jumped towards the prison. When I got to jail, I was put through to the visiting room. Beyond the transparent wall, Mr. Ringrant sits. "What can I do for you? Mr. Ringrant was staring at me with a grumpy face. The most powerful wizard in the world, the Golem, has been destroyed and is angry. In this mood, will you answer my question... "I ask you directly... have you erased Mr. Noir's memory of his previous life? To my question, Mr. Ringrant nodded without being offended. "Sure, I erased Noir's memory. His poor memory is the aftermath." "Really!? When I was teaching you how to study, I didn't think you'd remember much, but I didn't know it was Mr. Ringrant's fault. ... If I told Mr. Noir about this, he would resent Mr. Ringrant more and more. I want Mr. Noir to have a fun student life if possible, and I don't want him to have feelings like resentment or hate. I knew you were right not to follow Mr. Noir. "So how did you erase your memory? "If you want to know, you're gonna swallow my terms." "Conditions?" Mr. Ringrant nodded and grabbed his fist for a long time. "I'm going to make the golem again when I'm done with my sentence! At that time, I want you to be an experimental bench. If I can defeat you, I will undoubtedly have created the most powerful wizard in the world! Human experimentation is forbidden, but it shouldn't have been forbidden to make a golem. I want to fight a strong opponent even with me, and it's a condition of benefit to both. "Will you promise me that I'll be the only one left to attack the Golem? "Absolutely. It doesn't make any sense when you defeat Zako." "If that's the case, I'll accept that condition" "Alright, negotiations are in place! If that's what you decide, you have to live long! When Mr. Ringrant said so with a lively look, he looked serious. "First of all, Noir thinks he's been orphaned because of his lack of magic, but the truth is he left the house of his own free will" Mr. Ringrant, who was looking for an experimental bench, apparently decided to follow Mr. Noir back to the lab where he had fallen on an empty stomach and perform a modified surgery. And the surgery was performed with Mr. Noir's consent? "Did Mr. Noir really agree? "Hmm. This is what Noir said to me." - "You can't unseal the Demon King like this! - 'If you can make Weird the most powerful wizard in the world, operate now! - "You fucking demon king! Shatter the pride of the straw! Now you're going to bury him, not seal him! "- That's right. I just wanted to be the most powerful wizard in the world who was true to my orders." Is that why you erased Mr. Noir's memory? Now I know why you erased Mr. Noir's memory, but a new question has surfaced. "Is that sealed demon king the demon king of the ice system? I defeated the demon king who commands darkness, earth, light, wind, flames, and water. Those six bodies seem to have been all you want to do for years instead of being sealed, and then what's left of them is one - the demon king of the ice lineage. "The Fire Emperor" said, "Because of you, the Demon King has become us alone," but I was just mistaken for dead. "I don't know who the demon king Noir has sealed, but I'm only certain that he's not the demon king of the ice lineage - The Ice Emperor (Ice Lord)." "How can you say that? To my question, Mr. Ringrant said this in a clear tone. "Because the previous life of Noir was the Ice Emperor."
in the morning home room. "Nice to meet you all. My name is Aina Valmilion. I will be acting as Dean of the Academy for a while from today, thank you." The classroom was noisy in introducing herself to the woman Dr. Elena brought. Eina Valmilion is the General Manager (top) of the Elstadt Magic Knights. At the same time, she is the princess of the kingdom of Elstadt. More from the outfit and the voice, it's obviously 'Eye'. And in Eye's hand, a paper bag from the clothes store was gripped. If my predictions are correct, there should be 'that' in the paper bag. ... Maybe I gave you some terrible advice. "Wow, it's Raw Aina! Raw Eina! To the appearance of celebrities, Mr. Fermina is a big shag. For Mr. Fermina, who wants to be a part of the Knights in the future, I guess Eye is like a goddess. "Wow, you just approached me!? Hey, what do we do!? Mr. Fermina talks to me shaking my shoulder. That's our dialogue! I'm just trying to figure out what to do! "Wow, Master Aina is here in front of you!? To Ai, who stopped in front of him, Mr. Fermina stood up and bowed her head. "Nice to meet you! It's Fermina Hermish! Um, my father's taking care of me! "Hermish...... ahhh, I'm the deputy head of the Northern Crusade Force. Hey. Mernia told me about your father. He praised me for being so dependable." The Northern Crusade Corps is the one led by Mr. Mernia. Does this mean that Mr. Fermina's father was among the ones who pulled it out of the dirt the other day? "It's an honor for you to appreciate Mernia! I will do my best to be a strong and brave wizard like Master Mernia! Praised for his father, Mr. Fermina was happily moisturizing his eyes. Mr. Melnia tried to help me when he said he was in front of the Demon King. Oh, "Wizard in the face of overwhelming mighty enemies" is probably Mr. Fermina's ideal. Thinking, for example, Ai has turned a grin on me. "You were Mr. Ash, weren't you? Do you have any idea who I am? "Ai, right?" The classroom bothered me with what I said. "What does Aina mean... what does she have to do with you two?!? "That's a secret." Eye puts her index finger on her lips and winks. It was oil on fire. Eye's profound remarks make the classroom increasingly noisy. "Well, Mr. Ash. I'd like to talk to you alone. I'm glad you came to the Dean's office." Eye said with a serious face. Talking about the Emperor of the Earth (Earth Road). "Okay." When I took my seat, Mr. Fermina shook his hand all the time. "What's going on? "Uh... thank you so much, I want you to sign for Eina.... No, I guess? To Fermina's ear, I said, "I'll ask for it." "Let's start with this as a sign of your closeness" When I got to the Dean's office, Ai offered me a paper bag. "It's boring... but that would be rude. Anyway, I chose it with you. I can't believe we met in that place... I feel kind of fateful." Ai worked so hard for me that she picked out her clothes. The contents are like the pants of a toddler girl...... there's no way the princess isn't happy to have done this so far. I'm ashamed to dress as a woman, but this is also a chance to grow spiritually. It is by overcoming shame that spiritual growth takes place, and magic spots (Stiegel) may float. Thinking about it, this would mean the best gift ever. "Thank you. I wear it every day! "Oh, I'm so happy." Eye looked serious after she let her cheeks loosen with joy. "Well, Mr. Ash. Let me begin by thanking you on behalf of the world. Thank you for defeating the Emperor of the Earth." "Oh, please raise your head. I haven't really done much. I just hit him." "But you must have made an unbroken effort before you could defeat the Demon King with one blow. As a princess of one country, you can't honor Mr. Ash's efforts and not give him the reward he deserves." "You've already received your reward." I asked him to put up a paper bag. "Oh, that's just a souvenir. I'll get you anything you want. Don't you have anything you want? The thing I want most is' magic '. But that's not something you can prepare, even if you're a princess. "Then I want Eye's autograph" "Oh, is that okay with you? "Yes, because this is something I can only prepare for Eye" "... you really don't have greed, do you? Okay, I get it." "Thank you. It would be helpful if you could write 'To Mr. Fermina'" "I get it. Now let me write with all my heart." Ai writes her autograph on her own handkerchief and gives it to me. After that, when I got back to class, I handed Mr. Fermina my autographed handkerchief. "Thanks Ash! Make it a treasure! Mr. Fermina cried and rejoiced and hugged me. "Hiccup, Maurice." Philip suddenly appeared in front of Maurice as she was eating dinner at her home in The Devil's Forest. "Bitch, you surprise me! If you want to use instant travel, contact me beforehand! "Ha, sorry." That's what Philip said, he got on the table. Maurice spills her stupidity while preparing Philip's meal. Then I took a seat and turned my serious eyes to Philip. "So, what are you doing here? I'm here to talk to the public... It doesn't seem like it's the same atmosphere." "I like to guess. But we'll talk about it in detail when Cologne gets here." Cologne is a wizard who excelled in the dark system by being a first-rate pharmacist, but can't use instant travel. With exceptions like Ash's, trying to travel normally would take as early as a week to get from Ramnjar to The Devil's Forest. "You're staying here until Cologne gets here? "I'm going to." "You're going to suffer." "Mutual." After a light slap, Maurice gets to the point. "Convening the founding members of a line of brave men is finally coming to an end, isn't it?" "You're really good at guessing. Unfortunately, it seems so. However, as I said earlier, we'll talk about specifics after Cologne arrives. There's only one thing I can say right now." Philip stares at Maurice. "The time has come for you, me and Cologne, to gather together the three disciples that we raised with salt."
I'M Not Lost, Sir. Though I had mild troubles with the Demon King, by the time the sun rose I was able to return to Elstania. As he walks towards the college, he discovers Mr. Noir in front of the school gate. "Oh, Mr. Noir. What are you doing early this morning? When I greeted him, Mr. Noir looked down without a look on his face. "... are you lost? Well, is it impossible to tell who you are at first sight? "I'm Ash." "Ash is taller. But you're smaller than me." When Mr. Noir said so, he took off his uniform cape and gently let my body weave his feathers. Speaking of which, my jacket was dusted by the Demon King. "Thank you, Mr. Noir" "... I'll be thankful." Mr. Noir had ripped off the "crunchy outside, fluffy inside ♪ The mellow melon bread (about to eat) of his dreams with his mochimochi cheeks melting," which he was holding in my hand. "Not all of it. Give the rest to your friends." Mr. Noir highlights the 'friends' part. Is that friend of mine? I can't believe you split my favorite melon bread (about to eat)... "What are you doing? When I was impressed by Mr. Noir's favor, Efa rushed over. Looks like he was running early in the morning, as per my training menu. "I'm tangled by a child." Efa put her neck up and punched her hand with a pong. "Oh, are you lost?" Efa crouched down and glanced at me, grinning and stroking her head. You just have a lot of sisters and you're used to treating children. "Me, what's your name? "It's Ash! "That sounds like a cool name. Your sister is called Efa." "It's not. I'm Ash Arkvaldo." "Aha. That's my master! Such a small child calls himself" Ash Arkvald "too much to admire his master! Efa looks so happy. I'm sorry I'm happy, but I can't let you get me wrong like this. "I'm the real Ash. Yikes. Look, you always wear martial arts arches in the square, right? "You want to take a sneak peek at the auditorium? "Party. Yikes! "Yeah, yeah. When I grow up, I hope to be a disciple to my master! ... No. Efa believes in me completely as a child. "Hey, guys, is it time to welcome Ash-kun? I'll tell you what. Me too. Hey! Mr. Fermina's energetic voice echoed at the school gate. This flow again... Mr. Fermina won't even notice me, I guess. "What, Ash-kun is getting smaller!? I was spotted at first sight. "How did you know it was me? "Even if we do this, Ash-kun's shadow stays behind!... Ash, right? I nod and look up at Mr. Fermina and the others. "There's a lot going on, I'm a three-year-old. Well, I'll be back where I was in three months." "I knew it from the beginning. I was just making fun of you." I don't know if it's true, Mr. Noir said. On the other hand, Effa looked like she was about to cry. "I didn't realize who my master was. Am I going to break the door...? "He said he wouldn't break the door. I'll take good care of you until you graduate. Let's start auditioning together again today." "Ha, ha! I'll try harder! Efa wipes her tears and burns a flame of hesitation and motivation. "Anyway, welcome back, Ash! "Yeah. I'm home." Well, that's how I was greeted by the three of us, and I headed to the dean's office to report this incident. "Oh, you guys are early...... who is that kid? Walking down the hallway with the Ephas, Dr. Elena stopped me. "This girl is Ash-kun. Yo! Look, don't look just like your eyes or anything! I don't care where you look from, Ash. Yo! "I don't care where you look from, Ashkun...? Dr. Elena is confused. I broke the integration exam with "just a shout," but Dr. Elena believes it's "loud magic." And only a handful of humans know what the integration exam is about. To my words, Dr. Elena gives a little bit. "Hey, how did you know that... no way, you're really Ash? "Yes, there's so much going on that I decided to report it to Dean Phillip." Dr. Elena sighed with a glaring face. "Damn, you just amaze me. Dean Phillip will be away for a while because of an emergency." Urgent means "Emperor of the Earth (Earth Road)," after all. It's got something to do with me, too, and maybe they'll call me in one of these days. Can I talk to Dean Philip then? "You're on business, aren't you? "Dean Phillip is a king, too. It must be an important meeting! Efa and Mr. Fermina are having a fun chat. ... It would be noisy if it became clear that the Demon King had descended, and it would seem better not to say so. I broke up with Mr. Noir and the others, and I was naked in my own room in the student dorm. Turn your back on the mirror and stare at the puffy pussy. "... not floating" I was shocked. I thought I grew up mentally when I graduated from mud play, but the magic spots (Stiegel) weren't floating. There are three months left in the time limit. I need to be an active participant in an event where I'm going to be able to grow spiritually and get Magic Spots! ... Well, let's just say. "You can't go to class half-naked..." My pants were safe, but my jacket got dirty. I tried on the shirt that was in my room, but it's a rash. "I can afford to go to class, and I think I'll go buy some kids' clothes" There must have been a clothes store in the neighborhood that was open early in the morning. I grabbed the money and left the student dorm behind.
That evening. "Oh? Why is Lord Ash here...? When I got to Elstania, I bowled with Nemia. "Was Lord Maurice's birthday party over? Looks like Mr. Tronko hasn't told us about the Demon King. Because I'm having a fun college life, I can feel discouraged talking about the Demon King and making you anxious. The Demon King swept it away, and you'd better leave it unknown. "I'm here to pick up something I forgot. Nemia, what are you doing here? "I'm about to go buy a magic wand! My magic wand, my promotion exam, broke it! Was today the promotion exam? It's always a little early, but Ai has been very busy until recently. The start date and time must have been delayed due to Operation Sand-Ant sweep. "How was your promotion exam? "Written exams were no good! "Oh well. Well, Nemia's only twelve. So, what about the practical exam? "It was a one-on-one serious battle, and I lost to an advanced class girl! Even though the results weren't fragrant, Nemia kept grinning. I guess I'm glad I found a lot of challenges. There are challenges, which means there are signs to be strong. If you're a positive Nemia, you should be getting stronger and stronger from now on. I have to make sure I don't lose too! "By the way, I have one favor for Lord Ash..." "Please?" "Yes. To tell you the truth - it's a phone call. Excuse me for a moment." Say that politely and put your phone in your ear. "What is it?... Huh? Important story? You want to meet and talk in person? What do you mean, come here? Nemia glowed her face with joy. I have so much to talk about. I'm looking forward to it!... Huh? Better not be looking forward to it? Are you going to tell me a sad story about Lord Ash? Is there something sad about Lord Ash? From what I've seen, Lord Ash is doing fine. " "Hiaah! I was surprised because I was suddenly screaming!... Huh? Is this Lord Ash? He's standing right in front of me... but he's taking my place now." "From who? "It's my grandfather. I don't know what's going on, but I'm surprised." Looks like the owner of the call was Mr. Tronko. That would surprise you. I'm supposed to be in Valhalla. I'm in Elstania. Nemia shoves her phone in my ear and sheds magic. "I called you instead, it's Ash." 'Well, that voice is really Ash!? You're not my fantasy!? It's not an illusion. 'Oh well...! Well done. You're back safe! Are you hurt? "Yes. How about that one? What happened to Mr. Noir? 'We're all safe. The moment your lord jumped into the distortions of time and space, your body melted. Noir's back on track. " Knowing that Mr. Noir is safe, I stroke my chest down. "How is everyone doing now? "Noir, Fermina, Efa and Lord Maurice are asleep. All four of them cried after the Lord disappeared, and I guess I'm tired. You won't be awake for a while now, and you can relax and come back. ' "Okay! See you later! 'Uhm! Be careful, you're coming home! The call is over and I'll return Nemia's phone. "Grandpa, what did you say? "They don't have to talk about anything important anymore." "Is that so?... By the way, is Lord Ash due after this? If I may, I would like you to choose a magic wand with me..." Was this the favor I was about to tell you? "Okay. I can help you choose Nemia's magic wand! "Wow! Actually, I'm not familiar with magic wands! I wasn't sure what to buy! That's how we visited the magic wand shop. Then we picked the magic wand together, sent Nemia to the college, and then we headed to Mr. Cuhle's mansion... "Welcome back, Ash! "I want to dream of seeing you again...! "This is how I could see Ash, more importantly, as a birthday present! "That's right, you're a master! I just believed I'd be home soon! "If you're hurt, don't hesitate to tell me. I'll fix you right up." "Wow, I've got a cure for my injury, too." Mr. Fermina and the others greeted me with a smile. As I looked at everyone's face, I twitched and rejoiced. I thought we'd never see each other again, but this is how we got back together safely. I'm glad you had the courage to jump to the distortions of time and space then! "The Golden Emperor is my first ear. I wonder what kind of demon king he was? "He was a golden demon king. I screamed and it shattered me." "That's Ash. But how did you get back? Did you learn the magic of traveling around the world in Valhalla? Mr. Kühl begins to wonder. "I'm back here with the magic of The Golden Emperor. In the easternmost ruins of the world, there's the Great Ball of the Demon King, and I'm going to show him his resurrection - and so on." "Ash must have defeated the demon king in the easternmost ruins." "That's right. He lived in different dimensions and disappeared, so the Golden Emperors didn't realize the Devil's Emperor was gone. That's why the Demon King is gone." "So you won't be disturbed from your journey? "Yeah. Now I can focus on my training. If Mr. Noir isn't hurt, I'd like to resume his martial arts training immediately." Mr. Noir let his face shine. "I'm not hurt. What you protected. So we can leave right away. Glad to be traveling with you again..." "Me too! But before I do, I have one thing to do." "Rice, perhaps? "There's that, too, but there's another important thing." I stared at Mr. Cuir and told him. "Let's fight! "Where I want it! Do you have hope for the date and time of the match? "As soon as possible! "I care! I was just thinking the same thing! I'll get in touch with Aina right away! Mr. Cule called Eye. "Fight in the Second Arena tomorrow afternoon! They just got the story together, and I say it with a happy face. "Can I watch the game between the two of you? "I want to see it too! I want to see Ash's game! "If Lord Maurice is going to see it, he wants to see it too! "As a disciple too, I want to see the battle of my master! "As a Magic Knights, I want to refer to the two games! "Because of this, I'll see, too.... but isn't it annoying that we all push? "I don't mind. The arena is huge. Let's all see how Ash-kun grows." Everybody's coming to the game. You can't play a stupid game. Mr. Cule is the most powerful wizard in the world, but I'm growing day by day, too! I don't know how far you can go, but as a wizard, I'll fight you out fine! That's how I let my fighting spirit roll.
After training in Mr. Noir's spiritual world. We took the train from the Kingdom of Lantern and we came to the town in the southern part of the Kingdom of Elstadt. At this pace, we're likely to reach Nemnesia with Efa by the end of the week. "What are we going to do today? "I think that's Mr. Noir." "Me? "This town has Hexera headquarters." "Hexera... I've heard it somewhere" "It's the manufacturer of the magic wand (Withers Rod) we talked about before." Mr. Noir is hazy. And I took the magic wand like an ice-cold. Whether she has been using it for a long time or the pattern has faded, and whether it was dirty during the journey is dusty and dusty overall. "I remember. But I think it was also made by Hexera." "You're right. If you take that to headquarters or branches, they can polish it for free." "Are you going to be picky? "It said in the catalogue that it would be brand new. I don't think it's gonna take that long, but what do we do? "... I don't want to be brand new." "Why?" "'Cause if I polish my wand clean, it's going to disappear to memories of my journey" "Okay. Then let's find a place to stay. And let's go to bed early today." "Are you going to bed now?... Is it early tomorrow? "Yeah. If we catch the train in the morning, we'll reach Elstania in the evening." "I can't wait. You're staying in Elstania tomorrow, right? "I'm going to. I'm worried about Nemia." "I care too. Something that conveyed tension over the phone. I want you to stroke your head and relax." The Elstadt School of Magic integration exam is next month. He's nervous about his first exam, and Nemia called me the other day with a trembling voice saying, 'Exam, I'm scared'. That's why I decided to play with Nemia and relax the tension. That's about all I can do for you as a master, Nemia. That's how we get excited about reuniting with Nemia, while we head to the inn. "... that? "No, a little..." First we pay for the inn, and we move upstairs to the room. And I told Mr. Noir. "I'll work." Mr. Noir gets pompous. "... what's the sudden matter? "I just realized I have very little money left" "Then you can spend my money." Mr. Noir took out his wallet and sprinkled coins on the floor. I'll add it to my holdings... "Hmmm...... That's a little short." "Well, you should use my savings" "If you're saving up, I have one. I just have to get to Elstania's bank to get it down." "... are you going to drop the money by yourself? "No, I'm not going alone. There's also the Demon King." When I was training for Nemia, I defeated The Copper Emperor. I didn't have a conversation because I shattered it to the encounter... he seems to be your three family, so there must be two more demon kings. The demon king's target is' Man Interrupting the Capture of the Ice Emperor (Ice Lord) = Me ', but it doesn't make a difference that he's after Mr. Noir. Until the demon king is swept away, it is better to stay by Mr. Noir as long as possible. "That's why I decided to work in this town. If you're this big, you'll find a day job and a day job." Without magic, my job narrows, but now I have magic! If you don't choose, you should find a job! "I'll work with you, too. Something you two can earn more than one." "Thanks! Let's join forces and earn some travel expenses! "I'll do my best......! So, what kind of work do you do? "Right...... Let's ask my uncle." We go to our uncle at the inn. "Excuse me. I'd like to ask you a few questions." "Ha. What is it, Mr. Ash? "I'm looking for a day job and a day job, don't you know? "That's right......... Speaking of which, my son said he'd be joining Hexera tomorrow for loading work." "Well, why don't you tell me more? "Of course it is! Even so, I don't know much about it -" Uncle, I hear Hexera Corp. is shipping magic wands twice a month. The magic wands made at Hexera's factory are stored in crates, transported from the factory to the freight station, loaded onto trains, and shipped worldwide. In other words, "loading job" means "work loading crates onto freight trains". Then you can use floating magic, and even if the magic runs out, you can work. Exactly the right job for me! "Is that an interview or something? "If you have an interview, it's going to fall. I'm not good at talking. Will you stick with the special training? "Of course you are! Let's break through the interview together! "I'll do my best......! "I'm sorry to water you where you're concerned, but my son said," No interview. " "Really? "Yeah. They just need to go to a freight station outside town and sign the roster before they start business" Uncle jerk, he starts pretty fast. Does your uncle's son plan to head to the crime scene before dawn? "I'll be careful not to fall asleep" "I'll wake you up. You'll be fine." So we thanked our uncle and went to bed early. And the next day. We visited a freight station with tons of crates and headed to the site supervisor with the roster in his hand (according to the name tag, Mr. Malang). "Next person, please give me your name" "This is Ash Arkvald." "Then sign there...... Mr. Ash!? Mr. Malan raised his surprise and one of the people nearby bothered. "Hey, why is Mr. Ash here? "To earn travel expenses." "Oh, did I? I'm sorry, I messed up. Uh, well..." Mr. Maran gave me the paper. "The precautions are written here, so keep your eyes open. If there's anything else you don't know, don't hesitate." "Okay." "Next person, give me your name... Huh!? Mr. Maran sees Mr. Noir with a slight face. Mr. Noir has to be decent. "Is there something on my face? "Oh, no, excuse me. Uh, give me your name." "Are you Mr. Noir...... Okay, sign here." Mr. Noir just signed it, and we look at the precautions. Uh, what?. Do not fail to check safety.. Don't force it.. Treating the crate carefully.. Do not use floating magic. ... floating magic banned? I thought floating magic works great in this kind of scene... "Excuse me, shouldn't I use floating magic? "Yes, the use of floating magic is prohibited" "Why not? To my question, Mr. Malan clouded his face. "To tell you the truth... more than ten years ago, there was a huge incident involving the disappearance of the Hexera Lady Sphere." "You got a Hexera warrant? "Yes, Master Sphere is an active man, and when he tried to run away, he was brought back to his maid." "Running away... Could it be that you hid in a crate and ran away from home? I'm sure it is. If it's manual, I'll notice immediately, but if it's floating magic, it's not a story. Because they were packed together in floating magic and loaded on the train, I didn't realize that only one crate weighed differently. "Probably broke into the warehouse from a small gap during the night. There were magic wands scattered around the corner of the warehouse for shipping. And by the time we realized that, the crate had already been shipped..." That's awesome behavior. What made you want to run away from home? "Was Sphere protected? "No, a search party was dispatched to countries around the world, but they are still missing...... So to prevent recurrence, report any slight discomfort in the crate to me." The crate seems to weigh about kg, so I can tell as soon as a child is in it. I feel as much as 5 kg and 500 kg, but working with Mr. Noir is fine. "Well, it's time. Gentlemen, get to work now! To Mr. Malan's decree, we begin our work. Mr. Noir lifted the crate, "It's not that heavy." "Okay, I'll bring it in." I'll take the crate I received from Mr. Noir to the train. Repeating that over and over again, there are fewer crates left. "My back's starting to hurt." Mr Noir says as he rubs his hips. "Then you can take a break. The precautions said," Don't push it. " "I can try harder. But... can I carry the crate, too? I don't really want you to be able to do that, but they say it's less burdensome on your hips to carry than lift or lower the crate. "Okay. Be careful." "I'll do my best." Mr. Noir lifts the last crate. And to my work colleagues uncles, "Are you kidding? "Don't make it impossible." "My uncle can't lose either." Walk up to the freight train, inspired by things like that. and then. "How's it going? A woman of good standing spoke to Mr. Malang. Is it a Hexera executive? To the appearance of the woman, field director Maran corrected her spine. "Dear Leone, As you can see, it's going well. As always, everyone gathered here today worked without magic." "I'm sorry for all the hard work you've been through... But you must never repeat that tragedy again - isn't that Master Ash!? A woman called Lady Leone looks at me with a slight face. "Yes, I'm Ash." "I knew it! It would be an honor for Master Ash to work for us. Do you have plans after this? How about eating with us, if you don't mind? My husband is a huge fan of Ash." "Can I have a friend with me? "Sure. Shh. So, Ash's friend..." And Mr. Noir just came back. "I could have carried it to the end without dropping it." "You're annoying. Mr. Leone, she's my friend." "Sphere!? Mr. Leone shouted bewildered. "I'm Noir." "Yes...... I'm sorry, I looked so much like my daughter, I screamed..." Was this one, Sphere's mother? "Does Sphere look so much like Mr. Noir? "Yeah. But it's my mistake. You look just like me, but you have a different look." "Yes, Sphere was a heap of joy and sorrow, active, hard, energetic... Always wanting to go outside... but if I did, my dear, I'd be too bound..." So you repeatedly ran away from home and eventually hid in a crate and left... Mr. Leone wipes his tears and stares at Mr. Noir for his love. Even if you know you're different, you're going to look like your daughter. "If you don't mind, would you like to come to dinner, Mr. Noir? "I'm coming." In an instant, when we received our salary, we headed to Mr. Leone's mansion. "Sphere!? And Master Ash!? When I visited the mansion, my well-dressed uncle raised a bewildered voice. "What? Isn't it Sphere...? My uncle is increasingly confused. "You.... I'm surprised, too, but she's not a sphere. Mr. Noir." "Isn't it the Sphere...... I'm sorry it took so long. My name is Rosso. So, why is Master Ash here? "I invited you to dinner." "Right. Please wait while we prepare your meal immediately." Mr. Rosso turns his attention to the maid. The maid just walked away somewhere, Leone said. "Wait for a meal. Would you like to see some pictures of the Sphere? "I want to see it." He was wondering how similar they were, and Mr. Noir replied immediately. "Come here, then" Mr. Leone and Mr. Rosso guide us to a spacious room. The interior is covered in pink wallpaper and decorated with dolls that little girls might like. "What's here..." "As you can see, this is Sphere's room." "I thought you might come back one day and leave it at that time." Mr. Leone and Mr. Rosso talk smudgingly. Then, Mr. Leone took the album. "Sphere was always moving around so there aren't many decent pictures taken......" Mr. Leone opened the album with a lovely looking gesture, ...... Me and Mr. Noir, we lost our word. Sphere looked just like Noir, who became a three-year-old with degenerative drugs. This can't even be seen wrong by Mr. Leone and Mr. Rosso...... You look so much alike. "They look so much alike. But you don't look the same. I don't look like this." I do have a different look... But I look familiar to Mr. Noir. Plus, lately. Specifically, in Mr. Noir's spiritual world. ... then. If my predictions are correct, this mansion... "How old is this picture? "I'm four. So, here's a picture from my fifth birthday a few days before Sphere went missing." "Why is Sphere crying when it's her birthday? You don't look so impressed by the celebration." "To tell you the truth... the Sphere didn't have a magic spot (Stiegel) when he was five." "So you cried? "Yes, Sphere said he wanted to use magic quickly." "I'm sure Sphere wanted to use the magic wand you guys made. That's why I went on a training journey to be a wizard. When you're a wizard, you'll be back here." "I'm glad you are." "But even if Mr. Noir is right, he'll probably be back a long way away." "You said Sphere would be the most powerful wizard in the world." "Yes, yes. That girl was thinking of two names for when she became the most powerful wizard." "Even if me and Leone suggest, 'How about these two names,' they say, 'That's different'. I'm sure you liked the two names you thought about yourself." "What kind of two names? "Ice Emperor." It's Mr. Noir's home! Mr. Noir is opening his eyes to surprise. Looks like you've come to the same conclusion as me. "Both of you, what's wrong? Looking at Mr. Noir for a moment, he nodded in a dull way. Apparently, he wants to say it from his own mouth. He lay down his eyes to get lost, looked up to be courageous, and revealed himself. "I'm the Sphere." "... Huh? Yep!?" "Sphere!? You!? I'm so confused, and Mr. Noir is sloppy. "That's right. But I don't remember the old days. I don't remember old times, but I'm definitely in the sphere. 'Cause sometimes it's called The Ice Emperor." Don't tell me who they call the Ice Emperor, but they both seem to have believed Mr. Noir's story. The two embraced Mr. Noir. "I guess it's a sphere even if you don't remember!? If you're all right, that's fine! "You've come home so often! Really safe and more than anything!! But where the hell have you been? "Protected by a kind one? Or have you lived alone the whole time? "I've been at Ringland's for about ten years. After that, I was at the Elstadt School of Magic. I'm traveling with Ash right now." "You were at the Elstadt School of Magic..." Mr. Leone is confused. I guess I never thought my daughter without magic spots would be at the highest educational institution in the world. "Is Mr. Ringrant's home also in Elstania? "Ringrant's house was in the wilderness for half a day on foot from Nemnesia." The institute is now in two pieces, Mr. Noir, who speaks in its past form. "In the wilderness!? You lived in a place like that? "I can't find it..." "But you're safe, more importantly! "Oh! I can't be happier! Seeing the two happy people, Mr. Noir looks like he's in trouble. I guess I felt like I was going to be held back from traveling. "... I can't live in this house. Because I'm traveling with Ash." When Mr. Noir took the lead, the two laughed. "Don't worry. We'll never make the same mistake again." "The Sphere... Noir was alive. I just figured it out, and I'm happy enough." "So I'm not gonna lock you in the house. Besides, I can't even tell you to stay home when I see you right now." "Noir loves his life now, doesn't he? He was stared at and Mr. Noir nodded forcefully. "Happiness has been going on ever since I met Ash at the School of Magic. 'Cause I made a lot of friends." "Yes...... Then I won't tell you to stop traveling." "We wish you well on your journey to Noir in this place." He stared gently and Mr. Noir nodded coldly. "... but we're not leaving right now." When they saw Mr. Noir holding his stomach, they laughed. "Eat a lot today" "Lady Ash, think of it as your home and relax." "Yes!" "I'll relax." That's how we treat Mr. Noir to a delicious meal at his home. They left the mansion behind as they were dropped off.
The morning of the fifth day after visiting the mountains. We spent the night in a deserted fort on our way to Dracula to be apprenticed to a new master. Must have been built as a garrison for the Magic Knights when The Dark Emperor (Dark Road) was active. The Kingdom of Grune is the only country that wasn't attacked by The Dark Emperor, but that's a theory of results. We didn't know when we were going to be attacked at the time, so we built a fort to prepare for the demon king's raid. "Wake up, both of you. It's time to go." Speaking to Mr. Noir and Nemia, who sleep in a blurry bed, they immediately woke up. I was tired of walking and cramped yesterday, but it looks like we both recovered from hissing and resting in bed. "Whoa! Today is the day to defeat the demons! Nemia barking towards the morning sun. He's nagging because he wants to defeat the demon. Ever since I stepped into this forest, I've met so many demons that I can't count with both hands, but I've defeated them all. Anyway, Nemia doesn't have any real experience. I was about to be attacked by a demon in the gap between bringing it and drawing the rune. But it's not like Nemia won't see you grow. Having met so many demons, I am gaining the courage. At this pace, we should be able to calm down and fight demons soon! "Wait, demon! I'm going to take him down now! Nemia was not depressed because she knew she was growing too. Then we finished breakfast and we left the fort behind. Leaving the fort, Nemia just runs her magic on the map. Blue and red dots were displayed on the map that could not be counted with both hands. Which is more red dots. "If it's a red dot, it's nearby...... should I only knock out a blue dot? "Right. It's better to fight red dots after you've gained experience." Blue dots mean 'creatures of your own size', and red dots mean 'creatures of your own character'. We can't let Nemia, who has no real experience in combat, fight the demons of character. "I see. I understand! Nearest... you're about two hours away on foot! Are you heading that way? "Right. Dracula, let's go that way." "I can't wait. If you're a cool demon, you can brag to your friends when you defeat them! Take Nemia with her groovy footsteps and walk down a mountain path with bad scaffolding. "But it's around here..." Reaching near the blue dot, Nemia looks around with vigilant eyes. Trees thrive around, and I don't see any demons in the feel of a puff. "Ash, Ash. There's something over there." Together we were searching for demons, and Mr. Noir pointed to the tree branches. About five meters up, my skull was hanging. "Did the skull of the Rainbow Emperor (Rainbow Road) you binta fly all the way to this country? "I shattered the moment I touched it, and I don't suppose that's it. Evidence... Look, you've got bat-like wings on your skull, right? "Really. Is that an emergency escape wing? "I didn't just grow wings and let my head slip away right before my binta burst." In Mr. Noir, the image of 'Geeks = Demon King' seems to be ingrained, but that's not a demon king or anything. "It's a demon called a headbat." "What kind of monster is that? "Quick story, it's a bat with a head poke. You better not move poorly because you have the habit of hitting something that moves." As I was told, Mr. Noir stops moving like a calf. "Is that who the blue dot is? Nemia looks up carefully at the headbutt hanging from the branches of the tree. "That's right, Nemia's stronger. The head of the headbutt is enough to put a crack in the rock at best." "Normally, I'm gonna die." Mr. Noir pokes at me softly. "Is there a crack in the rock...... I think I'm going to lose in a head-to-head battle." "You're not a militant, so you can fight with magic. Besides, the only way to attack the headbutts is to punch them in the head. You can take them down by attacking the gap you're looking at." Headbutts attack what moves. He doesn't seem to notice us, and if we preempt, it's easy to take him down. If you let him get away with it, it'll be a hassle, but Nemia's strength should be enough to take him down in one blow. That's why I told him. "Nemia's going to take down that headbat." "Yes, at last......! Ugh, I'm nervous." "Well, just in case something doesn't happen, I'm here." "With Lord Ash, it's a hundred manpower! I'll be strong enough not to lose to Lord Ash, too! To do so, you first defeat the headbutt! Nemia stared at the headbutt with a determined eye and drew a rune with a magic wand (Withers Rod). Buuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Nemia wraps up the wind. The leaves of the tree, which had fallen flashing, were shattered before they touched Nemia. Magic for both offenses - Windshield. Using windshields in anticipation of a head punch is a tactic of war, but I missed my chance of a preemptive attack because of it. The sudden wind caused the headbutt to notice. When the headbutt leaves the branch, it flies away. "Oh, that? Why are you running away? Windshield will be wasted because of this." "I didn't run away. Headbutts are monsters who spend time in the herd. And I was just scouting for bait." Nemia turns pale as she sensed something. "... I hear something." I heard the trees snap and break when I should. The sound is getting closer and closer. Jumping lightly to make sure, the sight was as wide as I thought. "What did you see? "A bunch of headbutts are pushing at me as I knock down a tree. About ." Nemia blues more and more. Guru pulls my clothes and shakes his head in every thousand cuts. "I can't, I can't, I can't! That's right, you can't prevent 0 bodies! Windshield's magic will run out! Then what happens to me?!? "If you're irresistible, your headbutt will suck your blood and dry you out. The headbutt is a blood-sucking demon, stabbing his fangs with head-pushing momentum. That's how sucking blood makes your bones harder." "I'm so smart again." "It is a study! Just take a note... not if you're studying relaxed! Nemia is in a panic state. "Mr. Noir, protect Nemia with an ice wall" "Okay." Shortly after Mr. Noir completes the rune, the two are surrounded by ice walls. Among the transparent ice walls, Nemia was looking cold. As I watched Mr. Noir put his jacket on Nemia, a herd of headbutts pushed over. "Ooh! Over here!" I jump repeatedly to protect the ice wall. At this moment, I am the most confident person in the world. For a headbat after something that moves, there's got to be no more targets than me. As I thought, one headbat after another. Bullshit! - Pavan!! Bullshit! - Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa!! I'll pay off the headbutts coming from all directions with my hands. Each time the headbutt is shattered and scattered... That sounds familiar somewhere. "Ah!" This, that! That's the rupture I heard in the longest cave in the world! It was so dark then that I didn't know who the demon was and I was so dizzy...... well, who was the headbutt! I've been doing this for a long time. The mystery's solved. It's so refreshing! "... is it over?" The herd of headbutts shattered. Mr. Noir and his men came out of the ice wall just after he had paid off the white powder on his body. "Are you a fighter?!? "Well, my body is sturdy. And I shot them all off with my fists." "With fists!? I didn't see it at all...... So, but didn't you hurt your fist? "Bullshit. My pain's paralyzed." "I'm more worried about that one!? Looks like you've made me worry. "Anyway, I'm fine. The headbutts are gone, and now you can train without worries." "What? But the demon is gone...? "Headbutts aren't blue dots. The demon that was originally meant to be defeated is there." I pointed forward. Among the many trees defeated by the head-butt onslaught, there is one tree nestled gently. I'm not disappointed compared to other trees, but it's weird that only one is safe. That should be it, too. Whatever it is... "That tree is a monster called Walking Wood." Nemia is hazy. "If you're walking wood, you know it! I've used it before! Walking wood firewood is combustible and long-lasting. When I lived in The Devil's Forest with Grandpa Maurice, I often went to a nearby town to sell it. He only bought me rich because it's expensive firewood... but Mr. Tronko is so lame that he has his own airship. It's not strange that her grandson, Nemia, uses walkwood firewood. "But it's a demon that strangles and nourishes approaching creatures with branches, isn't it? "Right. Not even trying to get a head-butt thrust means it's as sturdy as a rock." "Is it a rock...... If we attack with all our might, we might be able to figure it out." Nemia looks lost. If the wizard attacks with all his might, he'll run out of magic. Normal wizards faint when their magic runs out... it's like saying 'eat' to a demon to lose his mind in a forest like this. But that's a story if you fight alone. "Me and Mr. Noir are with us, so don't worry, we'll do everything we can." "Ya, I'll try! When Nemia set up her magic wand as she had decided, she drew a rune of kamaitachi. Spavan!! The walking wood turns into two pieces. At the same time, Nemia fluttered down. Hold Nemia, we're approaching the wreckage of Walkwood. I have eyes on the bumpy surface, and it looks like it was walking wood after all. "-! What happened to the demon?!? About ten minutes later, Nemia woke up. Look at the walking wood, which is in two pieces, and spread a grin on his face. "Ko, this, I knocked you down!? "That's right! Congratulations!" "Span, that's out." Blessed by me and Mr. Noir, Nemia weeps in her eyes. He was so happy to cry. "I'm impressed! It is to be brought back to commemoration! With floating magic, it's a little bit of a little bit! "That won't get you on the train, and why don't you just take some of it home? I'll process it for you." "Whoa! Is it true! Then leave it to Lord Ash! As Nemia watches as she gets excited, I cut the walking wood with my knife and turn it into a bar. When you finish rubbing with your hands and clinging to the surface, give Nemia the finished wooden knife. "Whoa! It's cool! This is a lifetime of memories! Nemia gestures with a wooden knife with joy. I've successfully defeated the demon, and now Nemia will be able to complete her training without any memories. And when it comes to doing things in the Grune Kingdom, it's just my training! I've improved the quality of my magic with the world tree, and if it works, I might be able to grow enough to use Windshield! Don't be too cool to shatter the leaves of a tree with wind wrapped around your body! Just imagine yourself wrapped around a windshield and I can't stop being excited! That's how we excitedly walked down the mountain road to Dracula.
Three days have passed since we defeated the Demon King. I was in a hurry in the classroom this day. "So the cultural festival is good for 'Haunted Mansion', right? If you have any other ideas, raise your hand." Confirm as the class chairman looks around the classroom. I was just deciding on a class offering for the cultural festival a month later. This is the highest educational institution in the world, but it doesn't mean studying and pickling all year round. Sometimes these breathtaking events are held because too much studying builds up fatigue. A short time before I joined them, they had a sports festival and a school trip. If the due date were imminent, they would still spend it preparing for the cultural festival after school, but basically it would not prevent them from studying for exams because they would use class time. Even in the sense of refreshing your mood and coming to the promotion exam, the cultural festival should give you a good breath. ... but I want you to wait a minute. I don't like haunts! Even a demon king with appearance tricks is like a haunt, but that one doesn't scare me because if I hit him, he'll disappear. But the haunts - the ghosts aren't. Spiritual bodies can't even beat you to death. That's why I'm not comfortable with haunts. Haunted mansions and such. "I'm looking forward to the haunted mansion! On the verge of my disagreement, Mr. Fermina has taken the lead. "Does Mr. Fermina like haunted mansions? "I don't like it." "Then..." "I don't like it, I love it! ...... I've lost my word to Mr. Fermina, who sparkles his eyes and makes haunted love appeals. "Whoa, you feel good! I love haunted mansions, too! 'Cause I'm thrilled! "Sasasu, but efa, I know! That's the good part about the haunted mansion! "Because you rarely get so thrilled in your everyday life! "Uh-huh. Oh, I think thrills resemble thrills when confronted with demons! I mean, keeping a normal mind in a haunted mansion is going to be training to be strong! To Mr. Fermina's conclusion, the classmates nod as they agree. I wouldn't be thrilled if I ran into a demon... but Mr. Fermina's theory was convincing. Then you'd better stop disagreeing for the childish reason that 'I don't like haunts'. "... hmm? Hey, he put his back on me, and I turned around to take a seat. "What's the matter, Mr. Noir?... Mr. Noir? Mr. Noir is bluishing his face, 'No, no,' and shaking his neck beside him. ... possibly. "Mr. Noir, you don't like haunted mansions? Mr. Noir nods cozily. "You can't defeat the haunted." You don't like it for the same reason I do... "But it's not the opposite atmosphere." "Right." My classmate already has one heart. No way, where me and Mr. Noir disagreed, the haunted mansion would not be covered. "Well, I guess you don't have to be so scared." "Why?" "Look, we're on the surprise side, right? Yes. Class planning means we're on the surprise side. Me and Mr. Noir will never ride the haunted mansion as a guest! "Yes, it is." Mr. Noir gets better as he looks at his complexion. "Ash-kun and Nowa agree with the haunted mansion, right!? Mr Fermina has asked for his endorsement. I don't like haunts... but being uncomfortable means having a chance to grow spiritually. I'm two and a half months out of being a three-year-old, and I was just starting to feel a little rushed. Haunted Mansions have more expectations than Demon King. There is no way to miss this chance. "I agree with Haunted Mansion." "Sasa but Ash-kun! What happened to Nova? "I'm on the surprise side." "Whoa, that's ridiculous! Following my opinion and that of Mr. Noir, the class chairman slapped his hands on bread. "By unanimity, then, the two-year A-group offering is decided on 'Haunted Mansion'! That's how the class came out. I had hope for the chance of a magic spot (Stiegel) floating.
"GOOOOOOOOO!! A golem flies out of the ground, raising both arms to intimidate me. "Are you just going to apprentice? It's so hostile that it's no more, but I was wondering if you'd allow me to apprentice. Of course, if you're going to train me to boost my magic, I'll try to apprentice you at all costs... but how am I supposed to communicate? "Mr. Ringrant, do you know how to communicate with the Golem? "What are you talking about!? Are you even going to be friends with Golem!? "I'm a disciple! "Either way! Just cut it in two! Like you did to my golem! "But didn't Mr. Rittera build this? Isn't it a bad idea to break it then? "It's the littera that put the golem in this place that's bad! Let's just cut it in two! Before they hit me! Mr. Ringrant is right, the Golem is likely to strike now. I'm spinning my arm around. But just pretend. He's just intimidating, and he's hard to come by. Which means they're not attacking either, unless this one hands down. I'm sure that's how Mr. Rittera orders it. "Stop attacking! Otherwise, I'm not threatening you! Just in case you were pulling Mr. Noir into my lap, I heard him sound like he had been drunk. My grandmother walks over from the back of the golem. The old lady who appeared before us glanced at Mr. Ringrant and looked up at the golem. "These guys are not enemies! You dive in the dirt! The roar rises, and the golem dives into the earth. The fact that you did what you were ordered to do means that the old lady built the golem, Mr. Rittera? "Totally. My little girl the other day, I hope so, what the hell are you doing in such a remote place? You can't even experiment with one of these guys." After all, this one is Mr. Rittera. Tall and good voice size, you don't look like a grandmother in the basic sense of Mr. Cologne. "I need you to do something for me, Rittera." "Sometimes it's unusual for you to rely on me. I thought I'd never have to look at your face again. So, are those young lads your assistants? "I don't have an assistant. These guys... well, they're like my friends" "Heh. You're a lot of broad-minded kids to be able to get along with guys like this." Littera glanced at me and opened her eyes with excitement. "You are the child who defeated the Demon King!? "Yes, I'm Ash." "I knew it! Just when the experiment was stuck! Thanks for coming, Ash! "Thank God, is that it? I'm glad it's a welcome mood, but it's a catch. Is my power gonna help you with the experiment? "I'll tell you more about it. It's sunny around here. You'll get more wrinkles when you're here." "Aren't you wrinkled already?" "Then don't dry out there! Come on, come on, Ash, you and your little one come to us. I'll give you some cold water." "Glad to hear it. 'Cause if you don't drink water, you'll be dehydrated." "It's great to know a small, but difficult word." "I'm the same age as Ash. When I took my pills, they got smaller." "Right. I'm sure she'll be a beauty when she grows up." "I'm not sure." Hold Mr. Noir, who looks just a little lit up, and head to Grand Rock. "We're here. Come on in." They made the golem dig holes. The spacious laboratory was lit by a large number of lamps and was as bright as day. "Where's the water? "It's behind the aisle there. Bring the number of people." "I don't have to tell you anyway. I know." I headed to the back of the aisle as I said bump and came back with a cup for the number of people and a bottle of water. "What does Ash and Noir have to do with this guy? Mr. Rittera just moistened his throat. Mr. Ringrant brings me to the eye: 'Don't tell me about human experiments'. "I was buried in a magic circuit in Ringland, and I was about to be killed." Mr. Noir said it, and it's too late. "But I don't resent you. Something I made friends with Ash because of that." Mr. Noir keeps saying that, but Mr. Rittera didn't listen. He grabbed Mr. Ringrant's chest and was yelling at him. "I told you not to do so many human experiments, what are you doing!? "Human experimentation was an inevitable path to create the most powerful wizard in the world! "I hope you don't argue for me." Seeing Mr. Noir grate, Mr. Rittera releases Mr. Ringrant. "My brother has done terrible things..." Was it my sister and brother? If you ask me, it looks just like the eye area or something. "I don't care. Besides, I didn't really like it back in the day, but I don't hate ringrants right now. 'Cause something round." "Rounded? It looks the same to me now and in the past, but hey. If I'm going to forgive him, I'm not going to tell him anyway." Stinging, staring at Mr. Ringrant. "So what are you doing here? "Like I said, I need to ask you something. My lab is now completely twofold with the golem. I need you to lend me the lab and equipment." Mr. Rittera gets pompous. "Been in two? What, did it happen even with a natural mutation? "It's not a natural mutation or anything like that. Ash hit me." "Did Ash cut you in two?!? Mr. Rittera sparkles his eyes. You look happy... but are you that happy that the institute has become two straight? I feel like I hate Mr. Ringrant too much, though. "Yes, I turned it into two." "Did you turn that into two pieces?!? "Are you talking about magic? There are two kinds of flirting for me. Physical camouflage and magical camouflage. It was more physics that knocked down the golem... "What else is there besides magic? "My strength comes from militants. The Demon King defeated him in Binta, and the only thing that made the Golem and the institute truly two were the camouflages he unleashed as militants." Mr. Rittera gets pompous again. Well, there's not going to be one person who can instantly understand that he's a camouflage who let himself go as a militant and says, 'Oh, you know what? "Yes, I don't understand right now... so what? You mean Ash's not a wizard? "I am a wizard." "Right! What's the pedigree? "My lineage is the wind." "Is that true!? Mr. Rittera came stuffed with a full grin. I've been wondering if you used kamaitachi earlier, and it seems convenient that I am wind system. "It's true. I can only use Kamaitachi and floating magic right now, but I will try to get all the wind magic done someday! "I see! So Ash wants to be strong!? "Yes! That's why I'm training as a samurai! "Let's see! Then my research might help! "Really!? What research is Mr. Rittera doing!? I know you're building a golem, but that's about all I know. He was accusing me of experimenting with the human body, and I don't suppose it means burying the magic circuit... "My dream is to create the most powerful wizard in the world. I usually experiment with golems, but I was stuck. My golem wasn't strong enough." You mean you have to be stronger than the Golem to succeed in the experiment? "So what am I supposed to do? Taunting a specific way to be strong, Ms Rittera said: "Ash will go to the world tree."
When I saw the demon king shattered, Mr. Miró crawled over. "Ash, safe!? "I'm fine." "Why are you okay!? Normal, die! Lucky and seriously wounded! Glad you're safe, though! Look at me pimping, Mr. Milo looks like he doesn't know if he's happy or confused. "You won't get hurt as much as you fell from the sky." Maybe he broke a bone, but he trained too hard to feel the pain. Even if it breaks, it heals quickly, and there's no way to see if it's hurt. "And the Demon King is super hot! Ash, why isn't it melting!? He was hot, wasn't he? "No way!? Ash, I don't feel the heat in my body!? "I know there's a limit to that, but I didn't feel the heat this time." I haven't touched anything. Wind pressure shattered my fist before it arrived. "Anyway, I'm safe! Please continue your training! Because I will meditate and wait until Mr. Miró's magic and strength are restored! "No training required! Ash, you don't have to train to be strong! "I want to be strong as a wizard! In order to become a great wizard, Mr. Milo's training is indispensable! "I can't!" "How can you not? "Ash, I was calm even when the demon king attacked me! I can't surprise Ash like that! 'Cause I'm used to being attacked by demon kings.' I've fought so many demon kings that I can't count with both hands. I'm not surprised you got attacked. "Miró, I can't offer you any more surprises than the Demon King raid! No more surprises, not in this world! Mr. Miró ran out of words. "Does that mean training fails......? "I can't say that! Mr. Milo shouts brightly at me when I'm disappointed. "Ash, the Red Dragon ate me! Ash, I fell out of the sky! Ash, I stabbed him in the ground! Ash, I fought the Demon King! Ash - I've been calm! ... I see. If you ask me, a lot happened in a short time. I accidentally screamed when I saw the final form of the Demon King, but I was able to remain calm for the rest of my time. "So you're saying the training was a success? "That's the thing! Training militants, quantity and quality matter! But wizard training, quality is more important than quantity! It's not like you're gonna be strong over time! "I see!" You mean after a dense training, my mental strength was built up! "I'll try my magic! It is very quick to use magic to ascertain the increase in magic power. I couldn't stay or not, and I took the magic wand (Withers Rod) out of my nose. He was slammed to the ground from the sky. If it was made of wood, it might have broken, but my partner is made of metal. It doesn't break a little! By the way, your phone is safe because you left it at Mr. Miro's house. "Do you use kamaitachi? "I've mastered Kamaitachi, and I'm going to challenge you to some magic this time." "What do you use? "It's magic that needs magic next to comedy." You can't pin it, Mr. Noir is tilting his neck. I'll show you now. "Looking forward to it." That's what I said in an exciting tone, and Mr. Noir turns around at my back. "Well." Speaking of magic in wind magic that needs magic next to kamaitachi... that's it. I remember that magic loon vividly, and I carefully moved my magic wand so that it wouldn't physically trigger a chatter. And the moment the rune was finished... "Ok!" Seeing success, I make gutspaws in my heart! Magic activated safely! Miró's training was truly a success! "Nothing's gonna happen." Mr. Noir is decent. "Ash, are you hallucinating? Head, hit hard? Knee pillow break, do you? Mr. Miró talks to me worried. "I'm not hallucinating, Mr. Milo! Look over there! "Miró, I have bad eyes. What do you got over there? "The demon king's shard is falling." "Not that one! That's it! Look about a meter to the right! "... you mean pebbles? "Yes! It's a pebble! If you don't know, play it with your fingers lightly! "I'll try." Saying so with a firm face, Mr. Noir played a beeball-sized pebble. Shh, no... Knock it off. The pebble, which slipped about a meter on the ground, hit a demon king shard and stopped moving. "It was a different move than I expected. Why not?" Mr. Noir is bewildered by pebbles that move as smoothly as curling. "I used floating magic! Floating magic is the magic that lets objects float in the universe. I can even float a human for once, but unlike flying magic, I can't move freely. If I say so, floating magic is the inferior compatibility of flying magic. That's why we don't need much magic. But floating magic isn't useless. The more magical it is, the heavier it can float, which is why it is used to carry luggage. "Using floating magic makes moving easier! "In your case, I think it's quicker to take charge." "Ash, I can carry every house! "I don't want to move like that! I'll let you use magic when you move! I can float pebbles right now, so it's the best I can do, but if I train, I should be able to carry every piece of furniture. But that's a normal wizard. My goal is to be the Great Wizard, so I'll make sure I can recover The Magic Wand, which is buried in the westernmost part of the continent! Besides, it's no exaggeration to say that you've mastered floating magic beyond floating, albeit just a few millimeters. He mastered Kamaitachi under Mr. Tiko and Floating Magic under Mr. Miro. Two magics are now available in the Kingdom of the Rhine. At this pace, you should be able to use all kinds of wind magic by the time you travel around the world! "Thank you so much for training me! Once again to thank you, Mr. Miró grins. "Thanks, Miró's Dialogue! Ash, benefactor of life! Noir, Milo's comrade! You two are Miro's friends! Make a treat for a sign of gratitude! Mr. Noir bellied happily. It was the morning after that that that Efa came to the gruff forest.
Ten months have passed since Ash was gone. It was usually a noir that pulled to the ruins until sundown and kept waiting for Ash to return, but this day was different. Efa and Fermina came to see me as a graduation trip. That's how they decided to hold a dinner party, and the three of them, who got paid by Philip, headed to the nearest town in search of food. "Uncle, give me some meat! Fermina's voice echoed the butcher. At her request, lunch was set for barbecue. "Whoa, lady, you're fine." To Fermina's bright voice, a well-deserved shopkeeper has smiled. "There's a whole line of delicious looking meats! Just watching will boost your strength! This store is a jewelry store for me! "I'm glad you said it! Ladies, you're beautiful, so let it go! "Really!? Thanks, Uncle! Fermina smiles full face, pointing and ordering meat arranged in the showcase. "Mr. Noir doesn't have the meat or anything he wants? Because I got a lot of money. You can buy anything! "I'll leave you two to it. Something I don't like or dislike right now." "Yeah, yeah. It's a good thing you don't like or dislike it! "If you like it or not, you can't grow it! "Nowa is good proof! When I first saw you, I thought you were Nova's sister! "You can grow so much if you stop liking it or not, as much as I'd like to introduce you to my sisters as a practical example! Listening to the lively exchange between the two reminds me of my fun days at the School of Magic. There are quite a few Efa and Fermina, and Maurice and the others in the cabin. Everyone cares about Noir, and that's why Noir loved everyone. But Ash isn't here. Ash, who was always there for me, is not here. I don't know when I'll be back. After a moment, I may never see you again. Just thinking about it made me feel down. "Oh, doesn't the meat soaked in this sauce look delicious, too? "Hey! Just the smell of sauce already will tell you how delicious it is! The moment you bake it, the sweet and spicy fragrance is going to swell many times! "Maybe the smell will bring your master back! To that one word, Noir, who at some point was annoyed, looked up. Ash's coming back? I can see Ash!? I can see Ash again!! (Cook the meat, I'll call Ash back) Soon the aspirations turned to certainty, and the barbecue turned into a ritual of summons. If you offer a delicious offering, Ash will be back! Thinking about it, I couldn't stay or stand. "I want to cook it fast." "Whoa, you suddenly got motivated! I'm hungry, too! "Me too! Let's go home! And let's bake! It's a BBQ party all day long! So the noirs, who had bought large quantities of meat, went home in a groaning foothold. "Welcome back. That was fast." "Looks like you bought a lot." "I'm ready! All you have to do is bake! Back at the cabin, Maurice and the others greeted us. Looks like you're already ready, and there's a chair substitute round the barbecue set. "You want sauce pickled meat first! "Like! I agree with you! Cook it, eat it! "Ya, I'll take care of baking, you guys just focus on eating" "Is that okay!? Thanks! Sweet for your words! "Yes, it's okay, never mind. I'm young, so I have to eat a lot.... So it was this meat first, right? "Yes, that's it!... Wow, it smells so delicious! "I'm so hungry! The moment the sauce-picked meat was broiled and the sweet and spicy smell arose, Noir stood up with the lamp in his hand. "Hmm? Where are you going? "I'm going to see Ash. Something that should be hungry." That's all he told me, and Noir ran to the ruins. Running down stairs that are too long. Running through a dim passage. Running into a spacious cavity... And Noir opened his eyes. (There's Ash! I dreamed Ash was standing half-naked! "... Mr. Noir? (Ash talked!... Sounds kind of tired) My clothes are blurry, but I don't see any injuries, and there's no way Ash would get hurt in the first place. Then it must have been a tough mental battle. To the evidence, Ash looked like he was scratchy tired. (Do something, I want to heal Ash) And I want you to show me your usual bright face. Having thought about it, Noir decided to say something funny to make Ash laugh. "Noir is my ancestor."
morning of the second day of extended vacation. I was carrying a big backpack and headed to the school gate. I'm supposed to visit Mr. Fermina's home today. Arriving in front of the school gate at the rendezvous point, Mr. Noir appeared there. "Whoa, that's fast, Mr. Noir! Even though we still have half an hour to meet, Mr. Noir drowned and came early. When I was impressed by that attitude, Mr. Noir turned his eyes to me. "... maybe you haven't slept? Yesterday we hosted a Happy Party in Mr. Fermina's room where we were able to maintain an advanced class. I left early in preparation for the trip, but I'm guessing Mr. Noir and I were having girls-talk all night. "I was here before sunrise." Isn't that just too soon? I thought so, but if I slept halfway through it, I might go to bed. The effort to avoid tardiness is splendid. But you're fluttering your head like you slept, and I'm worried you might suddenly collapse... "Oh, yeah" I took the energy pills (energy drugs) out of my bag and gave them to Mr. Noir. "Would you like a drink of this? Qi medicine is a medicine that helps to restore fatigue and remove drowsiness. I hit Mr. Noir right now and put it on. "That would help." Mr. Noir received his pneumatic medication and turned a strange gaze on my bag. "Two days a night is a lot of baggage." "I have a lot of plans." "Are you going somewhere? "Sort of." "When will you be back? "About two weeks from now." "Yes..." Mr. Noir laid his eyes down somewhat lonely and began to take his qi pills tiny. After spending the night at Mr. Fermina's home, I decided to go to the ruins to find clues to acquire magic. I haven't asked him out yet, but I want Mr. Noir to follow me then, too. Because summing up the stories of Mr. Kühl and Mr. Ringrant, "The Ice Emperor (Ice Road) sealed the Demon King on the ruins of East, West and North." In other words, Mr. Noir, the reincarnation of the Ice Emperor, might be able to decipher the tablet. I really wanted Mr. Cuhle to follow me, but he refused because he said he had a travel appointment with Dr. Elena. That's why I'm alone with Mr. Noir if we're going to the ruins. Of course, if Mr. Noir will follow me, I'm going to pay the full price for a few days of dressing and travel. The question is, how do you invite me on a trip? If you could decipher the tablet, Mr. Noir said, 'How can you read it?' I would be puzzled. In order not to, you should tell the truth beforehand. Even for me, I don't want to lie to Mr. Noir. However, stories about previous lives are important to Mr. Noir. You should set up a proper place to tell them. I hope I can prepare a 'proper place' during this trip...... "Whoa! "You're running out of time! Efa and Fermina rushed over just after Mr. Noir had finished taking his qi pills. Coming at the same time means you must have spent the night in Mr. Fermina's room yesterday. "You're both early! "My master was first again today. Awesome!? Are you both sleepless, late-night tension? "This time Mr. Noir was first." "Really?!? You were up late at night, and it sounds amazing to be the first! I'm not asleep. Did the qi medicine work early, Mr. Noir said with a crisp face. "If you're sleepy, sleep on the train! "Mr. Fermina's home was only in Lucham, right? Lucham is a town about kilometers north of Erstania. It's still early in the morning, and we'll be there by noon. "About three hours on the train? I'm not switching or anything, so I can get some rest! "That helps! I'm so sleepy! "Me too. Yikes! "I'll wake you up when I get to Lucham, so you can sleep with the efferents." Efa and Mr. Fermina looked happy. "Thanks Ash! "Let your words sweeten you! "... I just woke up drowsy" Mr. Noir lowered his eyebrows when he realized that drowsiness was coming halfway through. Being rocked by a train for three hours. We arrived in Lucham. There are plenty of dewstores lined up in the square in front of the station and various foods are sold. Efa, who had been asleep until just now, looked like her drowsiness had been blown away by so much buzz. "You look so excited! It's a festival!? "It's always like this! Look, that skewered grilled meat over there is so delicious! Let's go eat when we put our stuff away. Hey! "Is Mr. Fermina's house close? "Ugh. About minutes on foot? Over here. Yo! We walk in the square while we try not to lose sight of Mr. Fermina. "Oh, uh, could it be Mr. Ash!? Walking down the square, a girl called me off. "Yes, I do." "I knew it was Mr. Ash!! I became a fan of yours when I saw the battle against the Demon King!! I hear that voice, and one of the people in the square gathers around me. "Master, you look very popular! I'm proud to be your disciple! Efa said happily. I've been surrounded the same way in Elstania, but time has passed since my battle with the Demon King, and I've settled down quite a bit. But one of Lucham's only seen me on The Demon King Broadcast. I guess I'm getting excited about the 'raw ash' I see for the first time. "Sign it! "I want you to shake hands! "Me, I bought pants! Stop it, please! I'll shake your hand, sign or whatever, so don't talk about your pants! Next time, you might want to hide your face and walk away in the first land you visit. Otherwise I can't go out properly. "This is our home. Yikes! He is touched on the back, his arms are ragged and he keeps walking, and he reaches Mr. Fermina's home. "You can think of me as your own house. Hey! When I entered the house that way, Mr. Fermina's parents welcomed me. No surprise because they had asked me in advance, but Mr. Fermina's father was one of the knights I dragged out of the dirt during the battle against the Emperor of the Earth (Earth Road). "That was really helpful then. Please take your time." "What a thank you for really helping our husband..." I can bow my head to my friend's parents, that's a little awkward...... If you thank me, Mr. Fermina scattered me, and you don't have to stick around. "Ugh! I told you on the phone! Look, Ash, you're in trouble! Mr Fermina said with an eyebrow raised. "I'm a loud daughter on this street, but I'm glad you'll always get along" "My daughter seems to really like Mr. Ash, and in the future, we'll stick with her as a family -" "Ugh! I told you on the phone not to even talk about that! Mr. Fermina crimson his face and screamed, my hand grabbing firmly. "I'll show you to your room. Over here." I was drawn to Mr. Fermina and headed upstairs. "This is my room. All three of us are staying at our place today, right? "I'm going to. I have to go home tomorrow at noon, so I'm going to enjoy Lucham today! "I'll take care of it if you guide me! Ash-kun and Nowa are leaving tomorrow, too? I'll be home around noon tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll start touring the ruins. If I'm alone, I can reach the northernmost ruins during the day, but I'm going to use transportation because I'm going with Mr. Noir. Your vacation could crumble round, and you'd better leave early. Well, depending on Mr. Noir's plans, the site tour is postponed... "I'll be home around noon tomorrow too." I want to talk to you two alone, and I guess I'll talk about my previous life at noon tomorrow.
Having defeated Mr. Lynn with his militant moves, I was flown into a modest room with no one. Why isn't anybody here? We're all going to the bathroom...... or something, and the interior looks similar, but is it a separate room? You don't have any particular instructions, and you mean wait here. It's just a waste of time waiting, and I guess I'll even muscle it. That's how I was abs - an uncle in thick clothes appeared in front of me. He seems like a strong uncle. Of course, I'm not just an uncle. The fact that he's been transferred here means he's the winner of the second game. That's my next opponent! "Ho. Were you the one who won?" My uncle had abs. He looked at me and laughed. Strong side, but good personality seeps out. "Do you know me? "Absolutely. My qualifying venue was the third arena." "Sorry about that time" I just apologized. 'Cause I blew this one up. "I have nothing to apologize for. It's been a great opportunity to think about the world." An uncle who laughs in a flash. Don't make me feel any easier when you say that... "Hey, I'm Ash. Are you..." "You're late for a name. I'm Sage." "Mr. Sage, why are you wearing thick clothes? Ask what you were wondering. Mr. Sage was dressed like Mr. Noir when he visited the northernmost ruins. It's too thick for cold, and Mr. Seige is sweaty. I don't think you wear thick without meaning, and maybe the aim is to withstand the heat? You can build your mental strength by putting up with heat. I mean, Mr. Sage is so strong. It's bad enough to train during the main battle. They must usually be training more harshly! "You'll see why I'm wearing thick." The answer to thick clothes is actually to try and have fun! "I look forward to fighting Mr. Sage! "Welcome. I know how strong you are, but I can't beat you. Alsace... my son gave it to me, I swear to God on this muffler." ... what? "Muffler......? "Yes. Hand knitting." And hand-knitted!? "So, I got a hand-knitted muffler... was it a gift? You should have built your mental strength, but I get upset. I mean, we still have to stretch, but I honestly can't be happy. Anyway, for Mr. Sage, the muffler... "I've been so busy working, I couldn't get Alsace to take care of him. I don't know how to deal with my son anymore. That's why I decided to enter the tournament in hopes of inspiring you to talk to Alsace. Then give me a muffler. This is my amulet." Amulet, after all! "Was it? You're a good son." Dusty episode, but this got you in trouble. Looks sturdier than Mr. Lynn's necklace, but my camouflage is going to be able to make it into two critical pieces. And I've decided to do everything in my power. If the all-powerful kamaitachi were a clean hit, the hand-knitted muffler would be two straight. I'd like to avoid that... but I'd also like to try the Wizard's debut early. "I owe it to the amulet to be able to get here. I'm many times happier that my son gave me a muffler than I was able to compete in this game." ... but if you think about it, you don't have to put it on the scale. Mufflers are two treasures in the world for Mr. Sage, but I have two more debut chances just today. "That's why I'm leaving this muffler behind." What!? "Are you leaving me!? "If I fight you properly, I can see you blurring.... Are you so happy to leave the muffler behind? My feelings seemed to be on my face. "To tell the truth, I'm glad. Um... I was worried that it would get blurry." When I revealed myself, Mr. Sage cheered. "Hugh, you're so sweet to care about Muffler even though it's a serious battle." When I say that, I look serious at the pretense. "I recognised your strength in your current words. You can afford to care about them because it's strong evidence. - But I can't lose! "Yes! Let's fight each other as hard as we can! Mr. Sage, strong and gentle, deserves his debut opponent! I looked forward to being transferred to the arena as I grew familiar. Where the winners of Game and Game were flown to the modest room, me and Mr. Sage were transferred to the arena. The audience will welcome us with applause and cheer. I can't believe I could make my debut on a stage like this... you wouldn't believe me if I told you the moment Grandpa Maurice revealed that it was actually a militant training. That's not if you're stingy! As a wizard, you're a hell of an amateur, so you need to keep your mind shut! "Come on! Game five waiting for you! It's Sage and Ash who fight! Earlier in the game, Sage overwhelmed Marinero with a brilliant operation! Its twitching and chasing battle was just the hunter (hunter) himself! Whoa! Mr. Sage, you prevailed! I'm looking forward to fighting more and more! 'Opposing Ash has overwhelmed Lynn in an unprecedented way yet! For the first time in that battle, I'm just a martial arts god, not a samurai! I've been promoted from a samurai to a martial arts god, but what I want to be is a great wizard! Decorate your debut in glorious fashion in this match and we'll take you one step forward to the Great Wizard! "Whether the hunter wins or the martial god wins - see how it ends in your eyes! Game featured then - start the game!! The signal of initiation echoes as a stormy cheer provokes. "Yuku, Ash! The moment Mr. Seige completed the rune, his feet froze with a pimple and sound, and in no time the arena turned into an ice world. "I'm out! Iced World of Sage Athletes (Ice World)! We are safe because we are outside the boundaries, but within the boundaries we are transformed into a land of extreme cold! Can Ash stand this cold!? As cold as it gets, it's hotter than usual! I'm in a state of neglect of changing temperatures, and more importantly, my heart is burning! "Come on, let's go, buddy! This is our sunny stage! "Huh, huh, huh. Waste! Removing the magic wand (Withers Rod) from the nostalgia, Mr. Sage laughed. "I can't draw a proper rune because my hands are scratching in this cold weather! More!" Shh! Mr. Seige moved smoothly to even ice skate. Those are... skate shoes! I thought you had a thick bottom, but you had a bunk structure! "Huh, huh, huh. Even if I could finish the rune, your attack wouldn't hit me! Mr. Sage slips through the ice like he flirts with me. Before that smooth move, I couldn't draw a rune. I can't draw a rune because of my hands. Your feet are so tight, you can't set a target! If I had a lot of magic, I'd have a series of kamaitachi, but I can't. You have to set your aim firmly in order to make up your mind with a single blow! "Come on, I'll twitch and sharpen your strength! Mr. Sage draws a rune as he glides around me. I have to set my aim and draw a rune early, too! "Slow down!" I was about to slip and I stuck around. Zun!!!!!!! The earth broke. "Huff - Wow" Mr. Seiju, who was slippery, disappears so that he can be sucked into the crack. Wait a minute! Don't go, Mr. Sage! 'Hey, what the hell!? There's been a crack within the junction, and Sage has fallen! Who the hell would have expected this to happen!? Ash player, you surprised us once again!! I'm the most amazed! But not if you're surprised! "Mr. Sage!! Are you all right!? Mr. Sage!!!! I called out loud, and I heard a ghoulish, disconnected scream. Didn't I stab you in the stomach with your current call - there's no such thing!? Damn it! Please stay safe! I jumped in the ground. Find Mr. Sage and pull him up to the ground. Mr. Sage was turning his eyes around. "Ooh, this is it! Sage, I'm losing my mind! So this battle, it's Ash's win!! Wow, I was relieved as I cheered. Because I intend to decorate my debut with glamour, but once again, I've decided to compete with militant moves. "... but that's not the end of it." I'm sorry I couldn't fight Mr. Sage, but today alone we have two more debut chances! You should be able to make your debut gloriously next time! That's what I told myself when I was cheered enough to melt the ice.
Three days have passed since I returned to Elstadt. "You're finally here! "Aren't you tired of walking? "I'm fine! "Efa's fine." "Eh heh. My master trained me. Thanks to you! On this day, I was visiting the mountain with my master and Efa. It is a bustling mountain of trees about km from Elstadt. We took a night train to the town of Natra last night, from where we walked for a few hours to come to this mountain. There are no settlements and no streets nearby, so no demonic boundaries are stretched out. I mean, there could be demons lurking somewhere. Why did you come to me like that, to train Efa? If we're still training, we can do it in the college square... We had the following conversation the other day. "What kind of training did Mr. Maurice get stronger? "The mountain cage became stronger." I see! Then I will play the mountain cage! "But if you go to the mountains, you might run into demons, right? Well, if me and Ash accompany him, we can protect him... ' "Then why don't we cage in the mountains for the next holiday?" "Really?!? Happy! ' That's why we decided on a mountain cage for two nights a night. "By the way, what exactly am I supposed to do with a mountain cage? Efa asks different questions. "I fought demons and got stronger... but I can't let Effa do such a dangerous thing..." "It sounds like Mr. Maurice's training should not be mannered. If so... what kind of training was the master doing? "Me? I... right. My first training was drilling holes." "Do you dig holes? Was it unexpected, Efa was decent? "When you dig holes, you build muscles all over your body. And build your strength." "That's a good thing! I'd love to try it too... but you don't have the tools." I shook my head at the disappointing Efa. "No, no. Dig with your bare hands." "Shh, bare hands? To my surprise, Effa, I nod. "Dig meters with your bare hands." "A hundred meters!? "Norma charged me with 100 meters a day for 10 sets." "Ten sets!? Oh, is that gonna end in a proper day...? "It's done." A hundred meters is a piece of cake right now, but it was taking a whole day at the time. I barely had time to sleep, and by the time I finished digging the hole, my body was blurry. Still, I was kept digging holes because I had a dream of being a wizard. As a result, I became a militant. "Master has been amazing for a long time... By the way, how long have you been training for? Six months. Efa sighed admirably. "Yes... I've been digging holes for six months..." "I was really going to let it go on for a year. When I realized it, Ash set it up 100 times a day." "A hundred sets!? In fact, I was voluntarily digging through holes. At first, we achieved ten sets, so we had the most time, but we were running out of time day by day. So he decided to make sure how many holes he could dig a day. By moving his arms fast and digging through the hard ground, he gained speed and power at the same time, allowing him to release the Wind Knife. "So, but if you can't do the same thing as your then master, you can't keep up with your current master, can you? I'll give it a shot! Efa caught the dirt. "My nails seem to peel off..." Efa caught tears and stopped digging holes. "I couldn't dig ten centimeters..." "That's normal." And, my master comforts Efa. "More than anything without injury. 'Cause Ash came home every day with a meltdown. I peeled my nails off every day." "Every day..." "Mm-hmm. Well, Ash's natural healing power has been unusual since that time, so it was back to normal soon." "I thought my master was using the Universal Healing (Heavens Cure)." Back then, I believed I was a great wizard. "I want to be a militant like my master soon, too! "To do that, we need to train well." "Yes! So, what do I do first? "Hit me as hard as you can until sundown. I'll keep avoiding even Effa's attacks." Keep even targeting escaping targets to gain speed and strength. And even if it's not as good as drilling holes, you can build muscles all over your body by moving around. That's how me and Effa started training.
The day after we arrived in Dracula. We had lunch. We were on our way to the lord's mansion. "Well, I'm going to kill time somewhere." I just saw the mansion across the road, Nemia said looking lonely. "I wonder why you're not coming with me? "If I don't have a reference, Lord Hazelán will drive me back." "Who's Hazelán? "Hazellan Maidenheim - Lord." "Am I going to be paid up front by Hazellan, too? "I've got Mr. Noir written in a letter of introduction, and I'll introduce you to Nemia." Even if I don't introduce you, Nemia won't be paid in advance. Nemia is the granddaughter of this country's hero, Mr. Tronko. "If Lord Ash introduces me, I have nothing to be afraid of! You wanted to follow us, Nemia walks in a groovy foothold. "There's a Red Dot Lord ahead of us." That's how I reached my destination, Mr. Noir says, comparing the map to the mansion. Finally face to face with your master...! "Sorry! Speak to the working gardener who can't even stay. "Heh. Which one is it? "My name is Ash! I'm here to see Mr. Hazellan! This is the King's letter of introduction! I'll show you the letter of introduction. But the gardener is blind to the references and looks at my face with cancer. "When it comes to Ash...... is it Master Ash Arkvard? "Yes, that's Ash." "This is so hard! Sir, sir! The gardener rushes to the mansion. Somewhat, a grandfather like a warlord came running over. He seems like a tough one to see... "Whoa! Isn't that Mr. Ash! I didn't know you could come to us! I appreciate it! I was hoping I could watch your game and talk to Mr. Ash! Oops, I'm late for my offer! My name is Hazellan! He was asked to shake his hand with an extraordinary smile. I shake Mr. Hazelán's hand softly to avoid crushing it. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Hazellan. This is the King's introduction." "I don't need references or anything! And, of course, you..." Mr. Hazelan saw Nemia twice. "Isn't it Master Nemia! I saw your match! I didn't know you were young enough to use all that magic! My granddaughter wants me to grow up to be a wizard like Lord Nemia! Wanting you to grow up like Nemia means that her granddaughter is pretty young. I'm sure the granddaughter's mother is my master. "By the way, why was Master Ash here? I'm here to see your granddaughter's mother. Let me just tell you something, Mr. Hazellan looks sorry. "I'm sorry you're so far away... but Alicia hasn't been able to locate us since yesterday" Eh. "Are you missing? So who's the red dot on the map? "For once, the placing letter said, 'I will live in the countryside for a while in sanitary care because I am not feeling well. Please say hello to Felicia' and it said something to suggest her whereabouts, and my son Roses is heading out for a search, to see if we can find her..." Aside from the identity of the red dots in the mansion, healing in the countryside could be... "Wasn't Alicia dressed as a maid? "Hey, why do you know!? Sure, Alicia originally worked for me as a maid..." I knew it! "I spoke to Alicia yesterday! "Oh, is that true!? How dare Alicia!? "I want to live a sanatorium in the country, so I want you to introduce me somewhere, so I introduced you to Lange." After that, I looked at the map, but the red dots only showed up in the mansion, and yesterday you looked really sick. I guess Mr. Alicia remained debilitated even after giving birth. If you get back in shape after a healing life, the red dots should also be revived. "Where the hell is Lange? It's the easternmost part of the continent. "Is it a continent..." Blood drew from Mr. Hazellan's face. Because Mr. Lynx, who trained by the world tree, is just unusual, and for one of these countries, the continent is a 'nest of bucket things'. There's no reason to be scared. "Anyway, I'll send Roses to Franco! You'll make it out of the port now! When Mr. Hazellan takes his cell phone out of his nostalgia, he gives instructions to head to the port town of Franco in a hasty tone. "Thank you. It looks like we can bring Alicia back because of you. We'll get back to you as soon as Alicia gets back.... By the way, what do you do when you meet Alicia? "Mr. Alicia seems to be a strong man, so I was hoping he could be a disciple. But there's another strong man in the mansion. I would like to be apprenticed to one of them while Alicia is away..." "The strong......" Mr. Hazellan looks like he saw something. Do you have any idea who the mighty man in the mansion is? "If you don't mind, can you show me to that one? "I don't mind that... I don't think it's possible to be an apprentice" Is he a difficult one? But you can't come this far and turn back! No, originally, hit it and smash it! "Now follow me as I will guide you" You conveyed my enthusiasm, Mr. Hazellan invites me to the mansion. I walked down the carpeted hallway, up the stairs, and was put through to a certain room. There were two maids. You were giving up the baby, and there's a cradle by your side. Which would be my master...... "Both of you. Outside." Mr. Hazellan let them both out of the room. And point to the cradle. "My granddaughter here - Felicia - is what Mr. Ash calls a strong man." ... Huh? "Felicia is this baby, right? "Yes." "Is the baby my master...? "Yes." Mr. Hazellan nodded without any hesitation. By confidently asserting, Felicia must be a really strong man. This finally solved the mystery of the red dot. I mean, the first red dot I saw was Alicia, and the one I recently revived was Felicia. "It's cute." "He's the cutest master I've ever had." You two care about that, but no matter what you think, you can't train. Sometimes it doesn't make sense, but Felicia didn't get stronger after training. I mean, Felicia can't learn the trick of being strong. When it comes to what you can learn, it's about how to give up a baby at best. "When I'm done with my training, can I stick around? "Wow, I'd like to snuggle too." "Ash, too, you should try to stick around. You might learn something." I wonder if you're trying to inspire me to be Mr. Noir. "I don't mind you two, but Mr. Ash must not touch Felicia" That's right. You don't know what happens when I snuggle around. Mr. Hazellan saw the tournament, and it's only natural to be vigilant about me. "Ash is very good at this. 'Cause when my body shrunk, too, I got stuck." Mr. Hazellan shook his head in a panic when Mr. Noir disputed. "Oh, you're not. What worries me is that Felicia will be attacked by Mr. Ash." "Is Felicia a thug? "No, I'm usually a very quiet daughter... Felicia loves touching men" "Are you able to tell the difference between a man and a woman anymore, even though you were just born? It's clever." "No. It's not just smart. Felicia was born so powerful that she couldn't stand her teeth in adulthood." "How much is power? "My son - he's powerful enough to grip and crush Roses' finger bones, remove his chin bones in a binta, break his teeth, and sneak out his beard" "Parenting is tough." Aside from the difficulty of parenting and Mr. Roses being caught scattered, it's a power that's really baby away. But it shouldn't be so rare to have that much power. I mean, not because of the power, but because the magic slipped out and it was high, it turned into a red dot. I'm sure muscle strength would be like a by-product of magic. I've never heard of it, but if the magic is too high, it may also improve your physical abilities. If that's true, I can't be jealous. The red dot means you have more magic than Mr. Noir. If you train and learn how to use magic, you will undoubtedly be the most powerful wizard in the world. At that time, I'd love to fight. Fighting the strong improves your magic. "I want to do this next time." Even though I just found out there was a promising wizard in the future, it was worth it to be here. Seeing Felicia get stuck by Mr. Noir (looking at me for cancer), I burned my fighting spirit. After the mansion, we came back to the inn. "That was cute. I'd love to have a baby again." "It was cute. It was! That will be absolutely beautiful in the future! Looks like they're both totally at Felicia's. "Ash, too, did you want to snuggle the baby? "Sort of." I just got a little jealous listening to the two of you. Well, I envy Felicia's talent more than that. But even if I envy you, I can't grow. You can grow without talent. Keep training like this, get more magic than Felicia, and let her be a great wizard! In order to do that, we have to head to the next training venue! I don't have time for this! It's check-out time. "It's time to leave the inn." To my word, Nemia starts unpacking. With that sidelined, Mr. Noir has widened the map to show it. "Where are we going next? "Right...... We still have time for Grandpa Maurice's birthday, and I wonder if we can go around the red dots another place." "Maurice and the others are here... is this it? Mr. Noir points to a dense spot of red dots. That's where demons emerge as much as they contend for one or two in the world, called The Devil's Forest. "Right. The red dots are Grandpa Maurice, Mr. Phillip and Mr. Cologne." "Then how about training here? Mr. Noir pointed to a red dot closest to The Devil's Forest. "If you train here, you can join the party as soon as you're done." "I'm glad you're recommending it, but I'll see you there." I knew from the beginning that there was a Red Dot Lord there. I've been watching and pretending not to see... Where that red dot is, it's my birthplace, isn't it? One of the villagers would have seen the moment when I was back on track for my three-year-old on "Demon King Broadcast," and even though she was dressed as a woman then, she should have realized that Ash had returned after just a glance at my face. If we bowl together with our father and mother, we'll feel so awkward about each other. Besides, if my predictions are correct, the Lord of those red dots is that one. That's why I just need a little more training in my birthplace. "I will return to the kingdom of Elstadt for a moment to fight Mr. Cuhle. Let's figure out where to train after that." The first thing you have to do is try the Wizard's debut! If you fight Mr. Cuhle, the most powerful wizard in the world, you'll learn a lot from each and every one of them! I'd also like to say hello to Ai, who helped me financially, and the destination is set in Elstania! "You are finished packing! "Good day. Have you forgotten anything? "It's perfect! "Then let's take the train to King's Capital! That's how we headed to the train station and followed Dracula.
Where the hell is this place? When I opened my eyes, I was sleeping in a strange place. I work my blurry head off and remind myself of my memories before I go to bed. Hmm, after you did build up your routine, you played serious battles with over a dozen gatekeepers at your father's direction. After that, I took a bath and watched the late night cartoon I recorded, and then... What did you do after you saw the cartoon? Well, did you see the cartoon until the end? ... No, I haven't seen it. Speaking of which, where the magic girl unleashed a special attack on her destiny rival, it turned dark in front of her. So, why did that happen, I think it was caused by a hard blow to the head during workout. I felt bad when I was in the bath, and I guess I passed out on my way to watch the cartoon. What do you mean, this is a hospital? I'm sure my father or mother followed me to the hospital when they realized I was down in my room. You're worried, and I need to tell you that I'm safe. I tried to wake up my torso to find the call button, but my body was too heavy to move as I thought it would. I don't know, it's like it's not my body. I guess I just can't nurse call. I may be annoyed by one of my fellow rooms, but do I have to shout out and call the nurse? "Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh" Something's wrong!? No, no, no! Wait a minute!? My voice, was it like this!? More like this... I think it was wild... Well, I don't care about the voice at this time. I realized something more important than that so much that I didn't think it mattered. My hands, they're getting smaller! My hands, which were big enough to tell me that I could leave a fist after my fist on the iron plate if I hit them with my mind, were so cute. What a minimum size...... The movement is dull, but it works the way I want. I mean, this guy is my real hand. I hate to believe it, but I don't think it's a dream. It's a real feeling, and I'm sure this is, that's it. Apparently I died watching the cartoon and was reincarnated into a baby. Yay! He's reincarnated! It's the dawn of a new life! ... Oh, my God, I don't think I'm sick of it. 'Cause you mean dead, me. My only son, me, is dead, my father and mother will be sad, I'm sure. He was as tough as a ghost during the audition, but I had a sincere respect for my father, who was tough on me and tough on others. I respect you as much as you do about my mother. When I think I can't eat my mother's hand cooking anymore, it makes me so sad. The gatekeepers who go to our dojo admired me, too. He was a lot older, but he respected me. I'm starting to feel sorry for the one important person who colors my life like that. Or so I can't help but fall. I was unlucky to be dead, but I'm lucky to be reincarnated. It's called luck in misfortune. It's a rebirth. Now it's time for you to sing your second life so you don't regret it! I held my little hand and swore so. Two years have passed since I was reincarnated into another world. Now that I can walk on my own, I've been blessed with the opportunity to get out of the house more than once. Well, my mental age is over twenty, but I'm basically accompanied by my parents because my actual age is only two years old. Anyway. I was able to see the outside world on my own, and I realized the truth. First of all, I asked the guys in my friendship range (even though it's a narrow world of - years old), "You, do you have a memory of a previous life? 'I asked the question, and I decided,' What? 'They looked like that. What do you mean, "Ash-kun (this is my name), you hit me in the head and went crazy? 'Some guys said something like that... well, you're right to answer correctly in a way. In short, I'm the only one who's reincarnated from a different world. And my body was dying and crazy (well, I ended up dead for real). I also remembered perfectly my skills as a militant I acquired in my workouts. I can't leave my fist after my steel because it's probably the body of a two-year-old, but that's because I don't have enough muscle. Simple combat ability - I've never lost a fight with a child my age because the skills needed to win a fight, for example, are perfectly equipped. Even so, I'm just vain where I beat a two-year-old. That's not why, but I'm not going to sperm martial arts in this world - even in the other world, Hekmagos. Anyway, magic exists in the other world of Hekmagos. Besides, magic is nothing special. Every human being is a wizard. In this world, magic is used on a daily basis! Animation was the only entertainment for me when I was born in a dojo and I've been doing martial arts arches for a long time before I was conceited. I have loved all the different genres separately, but it is fantasy that got me into it in particular. Seeing so many flashy magical characters in that world, I've always had a strong admiration for wizards. When I was young, I practiced magic hiding from my father. Of course, by the time I went to elementary school, I understood that the wizard was fictional. But, but. That magic can be used by anyone in this world! I don't know how to use it yet, but I've seen a sight of a five-year-old or so using magic to use Marutai as firewood. At that age, it must be something you wear naturally. While I couldn't wait for that moment to come, I still lived my life eating and sleeping today. Five years have passed since I was reincarnated into another world, Hekmagos. I sit back in my chair, staring across a blurry, sun-dyed window. There, quite a few children who lived there were using magic to play in the water. He's one younger than me and he's already got magic...! I burn in jealousy. But it's not like she's special. 'Cause the other kids use magic the same way. I'm the only one in this town who can't use magic when he's five years old. It doesn't mean I don't have magic talent... I don't know how magic works because I haven't been to school, but I do know that I need a magic wand (Withers Rod) to use magic. Theoretically, they can use magic without a magic wand, but none of those wizards are just one in history. Not to mention, there's no way a kid my age can use magic without a magic wand. I mean, as long as I have a magic wand, I should be able to use magic. I am an adult of mental age. So I said to my parents, 'Buy that!' 'Buy this!' I've never been sweet. But it's my fifth birthday. Besides, my aspirations in the other world of Hekmagos are nothing but 'I want to use magic'. So, for the first time in my life, I decided to treat my parents. "You know, I, I want a magic wand... would you buy me one? I intend to be as cute as possible. Then somehow, my father and mother looked like they were awkward. What's the matter with you? If you don't have the money, I wouldn't say you can't... That's what I tried to say. "... I'll go buy it tomorrow, go to bed already today" That's what my father said. What, seriously!? Are you sure you want to buy it? No, no, no! Finally! Finally, the magic wand is in my hands! In my previous life, I excelled in martial arts, but in this world, I do the magic extremely! To the Great Wizard, I will be! As I groaned, I wondered what kind of magic wand I would buy, what my budget was, and what a thought I would get into bed. I was too excited to sleep, but eventually the sleeper came. I slowly fall into the world of dreams. "Come on, Ash didn't have a xx..." "After all, there's only XX? "You can't help it. Children who can't use XX will struggle for the rest of their lives. Besides, I can't even put myself in a decent position. If that's how it's gonna be, it's better for Ash to xxx it right away." "I can't believe we're having such a child..." "It's not your fault. Think of it as destiny, let's give up." "I'm sorry you're a terrible parent..." I felt like I heard my mother cry, but I didn't know if it was a dream or a reality.