“As for battle during the night, generally speaking it is important that you are not discovered by your opponent.” (Hifumi) Atop the roof while watching the retreating soldiers, Hifumi explained to Origa and Kasha before starting to act.magic In the moonlight, Origa’s group could vaguely see the stature of Hifumi but not his facial expression. “Be aware of the location where the light won’t shine on you. Erase your presence. And then, without making a sound, kill. Take care that you don’t hit on metal with the hamono. Don’t give your opponent the chance to yell. Make sure the corpse drops silently.” (Hifumi) Hifumi explained the necessary movement to draw a walking person towards your own direction and also how to use the hamono while affixing the katana to his waist. “Properly use the palm at the time of covering their mouth. Fingers and the arm can be bitten. Shut their nose since people can still scream through their nose.” (Hifumi) Suddenly being unable to breathe, only that is already plenty to cause chaos, Hifumi said. “Well then, let’s go!” (Hifumi) “Ano ... how do you plan to get down?” (Origa) Origa was scared as she peered down on the dark road surface. “At only such a height, you jump down, no?” (Hifumi) “... This height is a bit ...” (Origa) “Me too, it’s impossible, I think ...” (Kasha) “Guess it can’t be helped. I will catch you, so jump down in order.” (Hifumi) Without waiting for an answer, Hifumi nimbly descended into the darkness. “Come down ...” (Hifumi) “... Alright, Kasha I will go first.” (Origa) Timidly peering down while confirming Hifumi’s location, Origa held her breath and jumped off the roof. After seeing her off, Kasha’s ears caught a small shriek from below which confirmed that she had likely been caught safely. “Since Origa is light, it’s fine, but ...” (Kasha) A metal armor and two swords, and although she didn’t think her own weight was overly much, adding it together with the equipment she was certainly quite heavy. Although they were soldiers from another country, that small girl might still be tortured right at this moment. Thinking of it that way, it was foolish to falter for such a reason, thus Kasha resolved herself. “Master, I believe in you.” (Kasha) Though it looked like she was preparing to run away, Kasha finally jumped down as well. Hifumi skillfully caught the falling Kasha sideways and used the adjourning wall to kill the momentum. “You aren’t injured, right?” (Hifumi) “U, un ... thank you, master.” (Kasha) Kasha felt like her own heart beat had increased. Trying to not ponder about unnecessary matters, she quickly checked her equipment. Likewise in the meanwhile, Hifumi gave sharp instructions. “Do not speak from here on out. We still have some time left, with a little walking we should easily catch up. Pay attention to not make any obvious footsteps. Take out your swords.” (Hifumi) Furthermore Hifumi told Kasha to wrap her body in a cloth he had taken out from his storage in order suppress the metallic clanking of her armor. “Ano, master, I am ...” (Origa) “Origa, be ready to throw your shurikens at any time. If enemies turn up along the way, use my way of killing as a model. We will have to work hard in order to rescue Alyssa on time.” (Hifumi) “In order to not stray from each other, Kasha will place her hand on my shoulder and Origa will place hers on Kasha’s shoulder while we are advancing ... Let’s go.” (Hifumi) For ending up reacting in such a way, she likewise felt like apologizing. She was grateful how well he treated her. Yet, the skills and attitude he used in order to kill people still struck fear into her. It was only a few minutes of moving forward along the shadows of the buildings without being hit by moonlight when Hifumi suddenly stopped and turned to the two in his back. Entering the decaying deserted house in front of them, he murmured in a small voice. “This seems to be the right building. There are people inside and two people are patrolling the vicinity of this building.” (Hifumi) After telling them that they should observe his way of killing, which he would display here, he merely separated from Origa’s group slightly before he melt into the darkness visibly erasing his presence. Although he had to be close by, Origa and Kasha lost sight of him after he vanished into the darkness. From the shadow of the building two men approached. Without having any kind of conversation, the two passed the spot where Hifumi had been before. In an instant an arm was wrapped around the lower face of one, drawing him soundlessly into the darkness. As his body went stiff due to the surprise and suffocation, a sickle immediately slit his throat quietly ending his life. The other person noticing that the guy who was supposed to be next to him vanished, turned his head for a second before the point of a katana pierced his throat. “Alright, come here.” (Hifumi) Hifumi’s voice called the two. Taking care to not make any sound as they approached in the direction of the faint voice, the figure of Hifumi, who was pressing his ears against the wall of the abandoned building in order to to check the state inside, dimly appeared before them. “The interior of this building isn’t divided into rooms similar to a warehouse, that’s the current state. Alyssa is on the other side of the wall. I don’t know whether she is bound to a pillar or pinned to the wall, but it appears that she is still breathing.” (Hifumi) Apparently three people were in front of Alyssa and the other two were located inside around the entrance on the right side. Origa’s group would lure out the two at the entrance to kill them swiftly while Hifumi would raid the interior to attract the attention of the other three in order to support them. “I will enter from a different location.” (Hifumi) “Another location? There is another entrance?” (Origa) As the building was in quite a worn out state, the wooden doors covering the windows were rotten and had holes a small person might fit through, too. “You don’t have to worry. Since there will be some light, it will become difficult to see for a moment after stepping inside. Be careful of that. I leave the timing of the break in to you.” (Hifumi) Hifumi erased his presence once again and left the place. Coming in front of the door, Origa and Kasha glanced at each other exchanging a short nod. Origa chanted a spell with a small voice. The hinge of the door was broken with the minimum force of wind blades required. As the hinge had become thoroughly worn out, it was very easily disconnected. The door slowly began to fall towards the outside. The light from inside shone in a rectangle onto the street. “... This place is at its limit too, huh?” Without any kind of vigilance the head of a man peeked out. Kasha swung down her sword with all her might. The head was severed as it is alongside the helmet tumbling down on the street with a *koro koro*. “An enemy!” The other guard drew his sword while quietly checking the outside. Discovering Kasha right in front of him, he closed the distance even though he was surprised. However, Origa’s shuriken dug into his calf causing him to fall down in pain. Kasha slew him where he fell. Jumping over the corpses of the men, Origa and Kasha rushed inside. There they saw a man thrusting his sword in front of Alyssa whose hands were pinned to the wall with nails. The remaining two men raised their swords in preparation in front of the two. Although Alyssa was bearing the pain, she was surprised by seeing the two charging inside. “You are the attendants of that noble from that time!” (Guard C) “Though we aren’t attendants.” (Kasha) “We came to rescue her.” (Origa) Although she said so, Origa, who surveyed the inside of the room, was panicking within her mind. “Kill them.” (Guard C) Just like with the soldiers during the day, without showing their wavering emotions, the two prepared their swords while sidling up. At such short distance there was certainly no chance to use magic. “Since I will be holding both of them back, you can use the time to ...” (Origa) “Understood.” (Kasha) Believing in the ability of her close friends, she tightly grasped the magic wand. However, her determination was interrupted by a scream. “Kyaa!” (Alyssa) The other scream came from the man threatening Alyssa with his blade. All of the sudden a katana passed by from the side of Alyssa’s face, piercing through the chest of the man before her eyes. Not only was the person stabbed surprised, but even Alyssa got startled. In contrast, Origa and Kasha who were watching that scene, were relieved since they understood right away who had done this. As the stabbing katana was extracted, the man collapsed dead with an astonished expression. Furthermore after a few scraping sounds, a crack appeared on the wall surrounding Alyssa before it became brittle and crumbled down in the blink of an eye. “It seems you are quite unlucky, be it this morning or now.” (Hifumi) Having already lost all her strength, Alyssa was listlessly hanging from complete exhaustion. With teary eyes she looked up to Hifumi while bearing the pain. And even though her face was swollen she showed a clumsy smile. Due to Hifumi’s absurd way of intrusion, the remaining two men were in a dumbfounded state. Not missing this chance, Kasha killed them slashing their backs in succession. Leaving the corpses as they were, Hifumi’s group at once returned to the inn, retrieved the horses, and tied them to a carriage outside. Because of the fatigue and injuries, it was already impossible for her to walk straight and likewise it was impossible to sleep due to the pain. While vacantly staring at the canopy part covering the roof of the carriage, Alyssa was weeping due to being rescued from this crisis and the anxiety of the future yet to come. I may not be able to return to being a soldier anymore, I think ... Leaving that aside, I think it has come to the point where I might not be able to move anymore ... I am not certain that I can move my legs and hands at all. It is painful. At the time I was rescued I was happy, but what shall I do from here on out? The people she considered to be her allies tried to kill her, just to be rescued by a noble and his attendants from another country. Alyssa wasn’t able to imagine how she should proceed from now on. “I am coming in.” (Hifumi) Suddenly she heard such a voice, and without waiting for her reply either the figures of two people could be seen entering the carriage. Kasha, for whom it was painful to see the horribly wounded Alyssa, remained outside the carriage to stand on guard. “Stay still and don’t move.” (Hifumi) Sitting down besides Alyssa, Hifumi gently touched all over her body atop her clothes. Sometimes the places he touched caused her pain. She didn’t feel repulsed by his action. Becoming aware of the serious expression Hifumi displayed while examining her, she removed her gaze from him to the figure of Origa who just like Hifumi watched her with a similar expression. , Alyssa thought and concluded to leave everything in Hifumi’s hands. “I am not sure how many ribs are broken. Besides the injuries on both hands, the bones of the right arm and both feet are fissured.” (Hifumi) Upon being told about the situation with extreme serenity, Alyssa accepted her fate. “Hifumi-san, I have a request. Could you please kill me ... ?” (Alyssa) “How did it come to such talk?” (Hifumi) Hifumi was tilting his head in confusion. Origa softly touched him while informing him. “When it comes to such a degree of injuries, you have to receive healing from a high ranking healer or use a great number of high grade restorative medicine. Either way dozens of gold coins are required.” (Origa) “That’s true. I can’t pay such amount of money. Since I can’t already do any kind of work in this condition ... and because I don’t want to cause trouble for someone with my impairment. Please resolve yourself to kill me. If it is Hifumi-san, I ...” (Alyssa) Apparently her voice was quite audible as Kasha could be heard sobbing outside. Though the mood of the carriage’s interior was dominated by depression, Hifumi looked as if it had nothing to do with him. “If that’s the case, there is no problem.” (Hifumi) (ED: “Huh?” (Alyssa) “As for restorative medicine, I bought a massive amount of them before leaving the capital. You don’t have to worry about using them.” (Hifumi) From his storage he took out bottles made out of glass one after the other and lined them up on the floor. Although a veteran adventurer would be hesitant to buy even one bottle of such high grade restorative medicine, the situation now made it seem as if it was a completely cheap article. Someone who was aware of their value would likely lose consciousness upon seeing such a spectacle. “M-Master, why do you have so many?” (Origa) “There is restorative medicine?!” (Kasha) Kasha had jumped into the carriage, too. “Kasha, be a bit more quiet. So, do you drink this? Or do you apply it on the wounds? Since I haven’t tried them yet, I don’t know how to use them nor how effective they are.” (Hifumi) “Both methods are fine, Master. For external wounds you sprinkle it on top and for the inner bone fractures you drink it in order for it to be effective.” (Origa) “U-using such expensive medicine, I don’t have money for that ...” (Alyssa) “It’s alright, Alyssa. Master is a rich person.” (Origa) In order to clear Alyssa’s mind from concerning with monetary issue, Origa told her to let it go. Forcibly pouring it into her mouth and sprinkling it over her hands and feet, the blanket became soaked, but all of Alyssa’s wounds were healed. “It has such an immediate effect, huh? If only it wasn’t this expensive.” (Hifumi) “Th-Thank you very much ...” (Alyssa) They had used the restorative medicine literally like water. Alyssa who didn’t understand why it was fine to do so, still managed to express her gratitude somehow. “For now it might be difficult for Alyssa but from here on out it is work” (Hifumi) “Ah, yes ...” (Alyssa) Alyssa didn’t think it would be done with a few words of gratitude. Even so, that was fine. Alyssa waited for Hifumi’s words. “Do you want to get your revenge alongside these fellows?” (Hifumi) Next to the smiling Origa, Hifumi asked. , Kasha realized that it was already too late to retreat from this place as she saw the smiling faces of Hifumi’s group.
Sabnak and Midas patrolled the king’s castle upon Imeraria’s order while armed. The veil of darkness had already descended within the castle. Having only a minimal lighting by the magical lamps, the darkness further down the long corridors appears to be spreading forever. “Something like patrolling with Midas-senpai, that’s something that happened during training when I entered the Knight Unit, right?” (Sabnak) It’s been a while since they wore normal armor. Wondering what this feeling of discomfort was, Sabnak occasionally adjusted the armor’s fasteners while making an effort to be cheerful. “Can’t you be a bit more silent? We don’t know when it will turn into a battle.” (Midas) “But, a thief or such won’t break into the castle, no? Those coming and going are thoroughly checked by the First Knight Unit and there are also some members of the Third Knight Unit making their rounds in the vicinity of the castle, isn’t that so?” (Sabnak) Midas sighed at Sabnak who was under the impression that the castle’s inside was safe. “What happened today? Even you should know that, I suppose.” (Midas) “Are you talking about the matter of Imeraria-sama announcing her intention to inherit the crown?” (Sabnak) “So, though the First Knight Unit usually is guarding this castle, why do you think we were mobilized? ... That’s the answer to your question.” (Midas) Discovering the figures of people ahead in front, Midas stops and draws his sword. Before his eyes there are three members of the First Knight Unit standing holding their spears. “Going beyond this point is forbidden.” (Knight) One of the First Knight Unit’s members said. Midas remembered this man. He was an excellent knight amongst the Knight Unit. He heard that there were rumors of him being promoted to the rank of vice-captain soon. He is called Frederik But he can’t simply turn back while saying “Yes, that’s how it is.” “We have been summoned to Imeraria-sama’s room farther down this hall. Let us pass.” (Midas) “Hah, if you are from the Third Knight Unit, why are you trying to sneak around and conceal yourself? In this situation it will become an achievement if we boldly kill you guys.” (Frederik) Even though Frederik is laughing scornfully, Midas is watching the other party calmly. “What is your aim... ? No, I know what you’re scheming. But to move this quickly.” (Midas) “This was commanded by the lady possessing the most authority in this country. It is impossible for anyone to prevent it. And, each of us, who protect the royal castle, believe that we are contributing to the kingdom’s stability.” (Frederik) “Even the act of stealing the life of a young girl?” (Midas) “We can’t expose the country to danger just to protect a single life.” (Frederik) Towards Midas’ inquiry, Frederik answered as if it was a natural matter. “A girl’s life... Midas-san?!” (Sabnak) “It appears that Her Majesty the Queen is moving in order to remove Imeraria-sama. It seems that the First Knight Unit sides with Her Majesty.” (Midas) “That’s how it is. I don’t recall your face, but that young fellow is called Sabnak or something, right? Since I am hearing that you are an excellent knight, I will promote you to the First Knight Unit, if you support us now.” (Frederik) As he heard the talk about being promoted, Sabnak got angry. Originally, the popular names like First or Second are nothing more than the order how the Knight Units are organized. But, having a high percentage of high-ranking nobles as alumnae, the First Knight Unit, based on their showy defense of the castle, has many members who look down upon the other Knight Units. It seems that even Frederik hasn’t escaped this custom. Sabnak restrains himself. “What a foolish thing. If you think about the people standing on Imeraria-sama’s side currently, you should know that this is suicidal.” (Sabnak) “The fools are you guys of the Third Knight Unit. Letting such trash as that risen earl do as he pleases! Becoming enthusiastic about someone you don’t even know where he comes from nor what kind of person he is, I wonder what’s up with that princess.” (Frederik) Slamming the spear’s pommel onto the ground, Frederik’s face, warping unseemly, revealed his rage. “If it were me, I would have already gotten rid of that man! He is returning to his territory while those within the king’s castle are shivering in fear where this man called Hifumi is concerned. Such unsightly behavior! Although the point of today’s operation by Her Majesty’s plan focuses on the time Hifumi isn’t here, originally it would have been better to properly cut that guy to pieces straight from the front.” (Frederik) “Fufu” (Sabnak) Watching the enraged Frederik, Sabnak ended up bursting into laughter unintentionally. “What’s so funny!” (Frederik) “No... I just think that it isn’t smart to underestimate Hifumi-san in such manner.” (Sabnak) Which reminds me, if Pajou-senpai had been only a little bit more careful, she might have avoided dying. Frederik’s angry voice, trying to inhale, was stopped by the shuriken stuck in his neck. Owed to the overwhelming force, Frederik’s head was thrown back as he collapsed while spurting out blood. “Frederik!” (Knight B) His colleagues standing on both sides quickly caught his falling body, but they knew that he had already passed away. “This is... ” (Sabnak) Thinking it was Hifumi, Sabnak and Midas turned around and saw Origa, whose face had become white and expressionless due to overwhelming fury. “... I decided to come and have a look since it became noisy, just to hear this filthy mouth slandering Hifumi... !” (Origa) Origa, without paying Sabnak and Midas any attention, was looking at the surviving knights of the First Knight Unit. Midas, judging it to be dangerous, escaped by dragging Sabnak to the side of the corridor. “Bastard! Who are you!” (Knight B) One of the knights approached Origa pushing out their spear, but she didn’t move while holding out her right hand in front. Without understanding what she was trying to do, at the moment he stopped to fix his spear stance, Origa removed the soldier’s head from the neck with her wind magic. “There is no need for me to tell scum like you guys my name.” (Origa) Murmuring this in a small voice as if it is fine for them to not hear it, her line of sight turns towards the remaining knight. “Hasn’t that girl somehow gradually turned more scary from before?” (Sabnak) “Shh! Be quiet!” (Midas) Without it being clear whether she didn’t hear Sabnak’s words or decided to ignore them, Origa’s gaze didn’t waver. “D-Don’t come closer!” (Knight A) After seeing that she didn’t use the wand to display her magic, he judged it to be an unknown attack and readied his spear while slowly retreating. Even so, without stopping her feet, just as he thought so, Origa took out a rod, that was a little longer than centimeters, from her bosom and gracefully held it in one hand. It was an iron folding fan, though it was something that no one in this world had seen before. Everyone, who were at the scene, couldn’t contain their feeling of perplexity due to the unknown metal craftsmanship. Origa caressed the iron-ribbed fan with rapt attention. “She took out a strange thing once again... ” (Knight A) These words were prohibited. “Strange... ? You are calling this iron-ribbed fan I received from Hifumi-sama strange...” (Origa) With her green pupils shining darkly, Origa briskly walked up to the knight and swung her folding fan from the right hand side to the left. “Ubeh... ?” (Knight A) Without reacting to Origa’s movement, the knight was bewildered as the flesh of his cheek was torn off completely. “Insulting this weapon is like insulting Hifumi-sama. Apologize by dying.” (Origa) With a sound of *bashitto* she folded up the iron-ribbed fan and stabbed it into the throat of the knight who was writhing as he held his face. The fallen knight spurt out blood from his mouth with a *buwa* and died without even twitching. Imitating Hifumi, Origa retrieved a paper from her breast pocket and gently wiped the iron-ribbed fan clean before putting it back with great care. She turns her gaze, which had become only slightly tender, towards Midas and Sabnak. “Midas-san, Sabnak-san, what do you think about the weapon you have seen just now?” (Origa) “I-It seems e-easy to use. I-I think it i-is a fine w-weapon.” (Sabnak) “T-That’s r-right. I-I think it s-somewhat matches y-our elegance.” (Midas) As the two desperately lined up words of praise in panic, Origa smiled sweetly. “Thank you very much. As thanks I will pretend to forget about your impolite comments from before.” (Origa) (She heard them!) Disregarding the frozen Sabnak with his forced smile, Midas bowed towards Origa. “You have my thanks for saving us. Had it stayed like that, we wouldn’t have had a chance of victory.” (Midas) “There is no need to thank me. I just came looking for you guys following Hifumi-sama’s instruction.” (Origa) “Us?” (Midas) “Yes, I am to tell you, “From now on until dawn, not a single person is allowed to leave the castle.” I shall help you with this task as well.” (Origa) “It’s nothing but a little hunt within the cage.” (Origa) It was elite soldiers picked from among the First Knight Unit who broke into Imeraria’s bedroom. Shoving the maid standing in front of the door on standby by brute force aside, the knights clasped their spears tightly and quietly opened the door. They glared at the bed with its canopy attached situated in the middle of the room you wouldn’t consider to be a bedroom due to its sheer degree of vastness. Their mission is to kill the girl sleeping there currently. While persuading themselves that it is for the sake of the country, they are slowly approaching the bed. “Prepare yourself!” Wholeheartedly not wanting to watch the moment the young lady dies, they are continuing to stab their spears one by one at the bulging bed cover from the outside the thin curtains of the canopy. As they sensed the spears penetrating flesh, feelings of guilt were planted within the knights, but they suppressed their hearts by reminding themselves that this was a just cause. “How regrettable” As a katana protruded from the other side of the curtain, the carotid artery of the neck of one of the knights was severed. Within the downpour of blood Hifumi comes out from within the curtains while swinging his katana. In his left hand he is holding the corpse of a woman riddled with spear holes. He tossed it in front of the faltering knights. At the time they comprehended that this was the corpse of the queen, the knights couldn’t do anything but lose their presence of mind unable to swallow the current state of affairs. However, there was only one single knight amongst them who was different. “All hands, get ready! Don’t get panicked in front of the enemy!” Due to the roar in a thunderous voice for the knights to not let down their guard and prepare themselves, the other knights fixed their spear stance having life return into their eyes. “Hee... ” (Hifumi) With a completely delightful facial expression Hifumi descended from the bed. He kicked the queen’s corpse to the side in order to put it out-of-the-way. “I’d like you to not obstruct us, Earl Tohno. Where is Imeraria-sama?” “Who gives a damn about something like that. What is your name?” (Hifumi) “I am called Deumus, vice-captain of the First Knight Unit. Earl Tohno, please, I’d like you to tell us the whereabouts of the princess” (Deumus) “Even though your master has passed away over there?” (Hifumi) “You still want to go on?” hearing this from Hifumi, Deumus clenched his teeth. “We have sworn our lives to the duty of Prince Ayperos to become king. For that reason we can’t stop here ... If you plan to hinder us, I will have you die.” (Deumus) “If that’s the case, let’s get going.” (Hifumi) Grabbing his katana with both hands, he stepped forward with his left foot by half a step in order to hide his back. On a first glance this can be seen as defenseless stance, but Deumus isn’t able to discover a gap he can thrust his spear into. As the katana doesn’t enter his visual field, he can’t fathom in what way it might approach him.magic (This much...) Deumus doesn’t know anything about Hifumi’s strength except what he read in the reports. But now he experiences it for the first time himself. In contrast to Deumus, who is attempting to close the distance between them impatiently, Hifumi sets up calmly. Another knight couldn’t stand the tension. “U-uooo!” Against the knight releasing fierce thrusts, Hifumi cut off the spear diagonally in a flash as if scooping it up. And moreover, as he was using the blade to slash it diagonally from the shoulder he severed the knight’s foot from its root. “Ugiyaaaaaaa!” The one-legged knight, rolling around in circles, died before long due to loss of blood. “What was that just now... ?” Someone mutters. Deumus barely managed to watch the sword’s path, but the others didn’t grasp what happened. Without even taking a single step, Hifumi executed two slashes within a person’s breath visible only by him turning his waist. “Come, come, come on, there are still a lot of you ・・left!” (Hifumi) Hifumi, returning to his previous stance of halving his left foot in front, says in a jesting tone. “If you lot don’t get going ... I will.” (Deumus) Just that they would instead become a hindrance to Deumus, the other knights retreated to the rear. Conversely, making only one step forward, Deumus, lowering his posture, prepares his spear. “You are dangerous. I will end it here even if it means stabbing each other.” (Deumus) “That’s good. It’s fine for you to try.” (Hifumi) “Nuu!” (Deumus) The first to move was Deumus. Equal to the speed of Hifumi’s katana just now, Deumus drives the spearhead into Hifumi’s face. Hifumi shifts his stance by drawing back the left foot a half step. He moves back until Deumus’ attack just barely doesn’t reach him. Without changing his posture, he cuts upwards with his katana. “That’s a technique I have seen before!” (Deumus) Swiftly pulling back his spear, he deflects the katana with the spearhead and used that force to thrust the spear a second time. While drawing the katana back to himself, Hifumi averts the spearhead coming for him from the side to the outside. After this instant of offence and defence, Deumus took his distance. “You are well skilled. You are using your spear quite proficiently. But your manners aren’t very good.” (Hifumi) Deumus doesn’t answer. Changing his posture, Hifumi adopts a stance of directly aiming at the eyes with his katana. “There is still a hopeless guy I haven’t killed yet. I will finish it soon because I am sleepy.” (Hifumi) Before Hifumi finished his words, Deumus drove his spear aiming at Hifumi’s heart. As Hifumi doesn’t show any intention to avoid it, Deumus is confident in his victory. (Gotcha!) But, Hifumi’s body, which should be turned to the front, is turning sideways before Deumus noticed it. The spearhead passes by through empty air on the left side in the space between the arms And, separating his left arm, Hifumi, holding the katana in his right hand, pinned down the side of the spearhead and faced Deumus directly. “Pinning down the spear by holding it between your arm and body... How absurd...” (Deumus) Piercing the abdomen through the gap in the armor, though blood was leaking out from his mouth, Deumus showed a face of astonishment rather than pain. “At best you are able to push or pull before it snaps. There is no problem to get in-between that.” (Hifumi) “What a guy...” (Deumus) As Deumus crumbled down, Hifumi shook off the blood of his katana. The remaining knights, without knowing what would be the right thing to do, recklessly came rushing in as they wanted to at least kill the enemy in front of them. “Too slow.” (Hifumi) Even though there were eight knights left and although they wore proper armor, their throats were cut sequentially with a minimum of movement. One by one they dropped into the pool of blood they had produced themselves. Changing all of the knights into corpses, Hifumi, returning the katana into its scabbard and inhaling the smell of blood, laughed. “That was fun.” (Hifumi) Hifumi had taken a liking to this world albeit only slightly.
The first conference of the three countries advanced in a way of mostly ignoring Vichy. As Hifumi was basically only listening and as Imeraria and Suprangel talked about the main points, it was a situation, where Roshi only shyly voiced his opinion at the few times Imeraria brought up a subject and took him into consideration. As result it reached a stage of Orsongrande and Horant tying a direct treaty of commerce once Horant paid a little amount of reparations. This also included the matter of building a military information exchange through Hifumi. In regards to Vichy, Horant will continue the same degree of exchange as until now, but as a matter of fact the monopolistic circulation of magic tools would disappear. “As soon as you pay the reparations, you can request ‘cooperation towards peace’ from Orsongrande”, Imeraria stated as verbal message to the central committee. “What does that cooperation towards peace concretely contain... ?” (Roshi) Although he spoke passionately that he would finalize the negotiations with Orsongrande by himself at first, Roshi, who completely dropped his shoulders at the final stages of the conference, timidly spoke his words to verify the ambiguous verbal message. Showing her best smile, Imeraria returns in flat speech to Roshi, “Concerning the war this time, our country considers the central committee to be fully responsible. And even concerning the situation of unnecessarily increasing the victims in Vichy itself and as result of that falling into a state close to collapse, we believe Vichy itself being the cause by provoking a person it shouldn’t have touched.” (Imeraria) Speaking up to here, she turns a fleeting glance towards Hifumi. The person, who shouldn’t be touched, showed an indifferent attitude as he yawned while being aware that he is being watched. Imeraria took a small breath. “Regarding the split, former Vichy region, including the central committee, I demand formal reparations, but above that I want them to come up with a plan by themselves. They shouldn’t try to use me or my country in order to recover from their own mistakes. I call such behaviour simply disagreeable.” (Imeraria) “Let’s have talks once again after they came to a conclusion about what they should do before involving me in their own country’s problems”, Imeraria clearly said. Suprangel turned a gentle look at here “It is as the new Majesty the Queen says. The cleaning up of one’s own country is something to be concluded by one’s own country. If you rely on someone, it will naturally require an equal reward.” (Suprangel) Even though Roshi, who ended up losing his position completely, began the conference to work out the details of a treaty, he was gently expelled from the location of the conference. There wasn’t anyone, who noticed Hifumi’s gaze following Roshi as he faced towards the door in a hurry, giving a polite phrase for parting from the room, with a completely, dispirited look. Neither the matter of his mouth forming a smile. ☺☻☺ Roshi, heading towards the rest room where his attendants are waiting, wasn’t even accompanied by a single person guiding him. He can’t take the statement as favourable, if he believes in it, at all. Roshi interpreted it as proof of being looked down on by Orsongrande itself and in reality his treatment had just such meaning. Walking trudgingly without saying a word, Roshi was called by someone. “Excuse me, aren’t you the envoy from Vichy?” “Haa, just as you say. You are?” (Roshi) Roshi asked for the man’s name exposing his vigilance towards the middle-aged man, who suddenly appeared and started a conversation. “I’m a Viscount of Orsongrande called Leonhart. You seem to be alone, what has happened to the guide from our country?” (Leonhart) Roshi only frowned without answering Leonhart’s question. “Certainly you don’t want to tell me that they haven’t assigned a guide to you, who came here as representative of your country, right? This is our country’s, no, the princess’ mistake! How to say it, although she’s still young, I want to apologise for the impoliteness on behalf of the princess. Let’s go, I will accompany you instead.” (Leonhart) Receiving an apology that isn’t filled with a feeling of being an exaggerated gesture, Roshi doubted whether he is being made fun of. “No, I will return myself. Thank you very much for your concerns.” (Roshi) “No, not at all, there’s no need to hold back. ... As you look unwell for some reason, is there something wrong with your health as well?” (Leonhart) Although Roshi almost clicked his tongue unintentionally, he withstood with an effort. “I have been treated awfully by Her Highness the Princess at the conference just now. I felt depressed, if I consider that I have to report after returning to my own country.” (Roshi) Though I didn’t intend to be sarcastic, my words ended up having a feeling of being slightly malicious, but that doesn’t really matter, does it? “My goodness... then, if you are able to build a connection with nobles from Orsongrande, won’t it be possible for you to preserve your face a little bit, Envoy-dono?” (Leonhart) “... What are you trying to say?” (Roshi) “There aren’t few nobles, who have been raising their eyebrows due to to egoistic behaviour of the princess. If you don’t mind, let’s have a talk at a different place.” (Leonhart) Although he is certainly wearing finely tailored clothes befitting a noble, once I look at my conversation partner again, that middle-aged man gives off a feeling as if having some kind of misunderstanding with his faint smile and his somewhat dull appearance. Even if I return to my country as is, I will have to take the blame for the breakdown in negotiations with Orsongrande and it’s obvious that I will be transferred to a remote place. “Well, then let’s go to the room used by us. I want you to also extend your greetings to my attendants without fail.” (Roshi) “Indeed, if you consider the matters from now on, it’s indispensable to meet them. Then, let’s go.” (Leonhart) Roshi evaluated the noble’s smile as suspicious, but he didn’t notice that he was also showing the same face himself. ☺☻☺ “Viscount Leonhart has come into contact with Vichy’s envoy. They went towards the room, where the attendants are waiting on standby. I believe it to be likely that they will carry out some kind of negotiations.” Knight Captain Lotomago, who received the report in his office, only nodded without showing any particular reaction. Seeing that, the knight continues his report. “In the report from Royal Knight Order Vice-Captain Vaiya there was a mention about the possibility of Envoy Roshi to be killed by his attendants. ... It was mentioned that the Royal Knight Order is observing the progress attentively, but... this won’t result in the overlooking of a crime within the castle, right? Although they don’t belong to the main faction, there is a possibility of our country’s nobles being dragged into it. Dispatching the knight order here...” “Balzephon. The knight, who started to get heated up while talking, was reigned in with Lotomago calling his name. “I will listen to the report. But, I have no intention to listen to your own personal opinion. The matters within the castle are decided by Imeraria-sama and the Royal Knight Order.” (Lotomago) “However...” (Balzephon) “Return to your duty. It’s good that you reported on something, you saw by chance. But, as our primary task is to finish the coronation ceremony safely tomorrow, we have to keep a watchful eye on things outside the castle.” (Lotomago) “... Understood.” (Balzephon) Balzephon has left the room reluctantly. However, the eyes he turned at me were filled with hatred, albeit only for an instant Even Vaiya, who came entering as replacement, had this hateful gaze turned at him, but Vaiya, receiving it from behind, didn’t notice. “Please excuse me for my long silence, Captain Lotomago... Is Balzephon doing well at his new assignment?” (Vaiya) “Do you know him?” (Lotomago) Lotomago, urging him on to take a seat, told the maid to bring tea. “Of course. We both were originally in the Second Knight Order. The time of recruitment is drawing near as well. ... Did something happen with him?” (Vaiya) “No, I was just slightly worried. Leaving that aside, weren’t you monitoring the lot from Vichy?” (Lotomago) “We are alternating at a certain interval of time. There are no humans who possess the ability to concentrate for countless hours. If you are staying still in a dark and narrow place, you will end up feeling depressed.” (Vaiya) Vaiya laughed and thankfully received the black tea offered by a maid. The maid, to whom he smiled, smled with a slightly red face and lightly returned to a corner of the room. “And, that means that something happened for Vichy’s envoy to make a move.” (Vaiya) “Indeed. Viscount Leonhart contacted Roshi, who was expelled from the conference. It looks like they entered Vichy’s rest room, you monitored until just now, together.” (Lotomago) “They made a move, huh? It was faster than I thought.” (Vaiya) “What? So you knew about it?” (Lotomago) Vaiya apologised with a “I’m sorry” to Lotomago, who exhaled his breath with a bored look. “We have grasped it until the point that the remnants of the prince faction, such as Viscount Leonhart, are scheming to create a link with Vichy. ... Although I say that, as outcome of the conference today, they won’t achieve anything, even if they were able to make a connection with Vichy.” (Vaiya) Vaiya was drinking the black tea with an atmosphere of composure, but Lotomago, remembering the eyes of Balzephon just now, felt some unpleasant sense of discomfort. “Since we don’t know when an uproar might happen, we will continue to observe”, thanking for the tea, Vaiya left Lotomago’s office. Brooding over it by himself for a short while, Lotomago slowly stood up, after sorting the documents in front of him, and left towards somewhere. If you look down from the balcony of the castle, there is a plaza in front of the castle, which has been usually used by tourists and local residents as place of relaxation and refreshment to some degree. That plaza has been locked out for the general public and several soldiers are checking whether there are any suspicious people while moving in a quick march. Those, who sometimes try to pass through, like merchants coming to deliver goods to the castle, received a more strict inspection than usual at a place further away from the castle as usual. But all of them are obediently accepting the inspections with a “It can’t be helped” written on their faces. If you look towards the city from that plaza, you will see a lot more food stalls than usual having set up at spots not belonging to the plaza. It appeared as if the population density of the city had risen. Hifumi, who sat cross-legged on the railing of the balcony, is watching expressionlessly the activity of those people. Although he is watching them, he isn’t conscious of them. He is in the middle of his daily meditation, but his thoughts are recalling the men and women he had killed so far. Slowly reflecting upon their final moments, he expresses his gratitude to them within his mind. He had a premonition that he will once again kill some people within the castle at the coronation ceremony tomorrow or before that. Naturally a smile appears on his face. As he thinks about that, his mind becomes calm. As if a water’s surface without a single ripple, a gentle mood spreads in his chest. Suddenly Hifumi raised his face and looked westward. On the other side of the city, before the horizon becomes a blur, there is a prairie area, where the beastman race lives, I was previously told by Sabnak. He said there are elves in the adjoining forest, too. It seems there are countries, where humans live, even further beyond the prairie. I heard that the beastmen are strong. I wonder what kind of battle style they use. Do they use weapons? Do they use fangs and claws? I wonder if there are possibly some who can fly. “That’s it. I will go to the prairie once the coronation ceremony has finished.” (Hifumi) I will buy plenty of food, stuff it in my darkness storage, buy a horse and go there by myself. It’s fine if I leave the matters of the territory to Caim’s group. Let’s have Pruflas make another weapon as well, when I’m close to the territory. It was a feeling as if looking forward to a picnic. It was Alyssa coming out to the balcony. With her ice blue pupils shining within her red, frizzy hair, she is laughing happily. “Somehow you seem to be happy. Did something good happen?” (Alyssa) “Something good? There are only good things since I came to this world. I’m looking forward to the enjoyable things from now on, too, I guess.” (Hifumi) “Is that so?” (Alyssa) Jumping up without effort, she sat down next to Hifumi. “Horant’s king-sama will return home once the coronation ceremony has finished. Then I will return to Fokalore.” (Alyssa) “I see.” (Hifumi) “Is there something I should do once I return?” (Alyssa) She comes asking with a familiarity as if checking the details for helping out, but even though things may appear this way, it’s a meeting between feudal lord and the one in charge of military affairs. Though both of them are considering it to be fine like this. “Let’s see. Since there will likely powerful monsters appear close to Fokalore for a while, it’s probably necessary to prepare for them. As I will temporarily go to Fokalore as well, I will instruct you on-site.” (Hifumi) “Uh huh. I wonder if Origa-san is healthy.” (Alyssa) “Well, she’s probably fine. Since she will probably return to Fokalore sooner or later, it’s fine for you to listen to various stories from her, once she came back.” (Hifumi) “As the situation differs depending whether your opponent is human or beast, the stories of Origa, who experienced it herself, might be of use as reference for the troops”, Hifumi says. Nodding obediently, Alyssa laughed and said “it would be nice if she returned quickly.” “Hifumi-san, will you do your job as feudal lord-sama after returning to the territory? Since it appears that Phyrinion-san is getting married, she won’t be able to work anymore.” (Alyssa) “For things like the administration of the territory the top will only become a decoration if the general staff grows up. With me being me, I plan to go looking for interesting things.” (Hifumi) “The interesting things you are talking about, Hifumi-san...” (Alyssa) Alyssa made a difficult face and a *monyo monyo* was visible on her face. I don’t have any intention to directly criticize Hifumi’s preferences. And I’m also thankful for the matter of being rescued, but I don’t think I want to actively kill for the sake of Hifumi like Origa. “Oh well, first I shall enjoy the things happening from now. It’s fine for you to stick to Sabnak. It might give you an interesting experience.” (Hifumi) “Understood. Greet me once you come back to Fokalore, ok? It’s unpleasant to be left behind.” (Alyssa) Alyssa quickly jumped off the railing and dashed away in the twinkling of an eye. “Well, I think I should sleep a bit before it’s too late.” (Hifumi) Retrieving a sweetened bun from his darkness storage, Hifumi silently vanished inside the castle while chewing with a sound of munching.
Horant’s soldiers on Kuzemu’s side could be seen gradually caving in at the front, but since they started to escape towards the side of Nelgal who was right in front of their eyes, it turned into a melee that swallowed up both sides. As the immortal soldiers began to attack without making any distinction whether enemy or ally, Horant’s soldiers corresponded with swords and spears as well as spells such as fireballs at times, however the immortal soldiers wouldn’t stop moving even if their bodies were covered by flames, not to say anything about them being cut by edged weapons. On the contrary there are even immortal soldier who are clinging to soldiers while being aflame. “Stop! Release me! Please let go!” “Aaaah...” There is a group barging into the mix of screams and angry roars. “Nets! Restrain them with the nets we brought for the big guys!” (Alyssa) Fokalore’s soldiers led by Alyssa have forcibly come through in front of Nelgal’s subordinates, who are in chaos due to the attacks of the immortal soldiers, with a platform wagon. While involving many of the soldiers of Horant, Fokalore’s soldiers cast one net after the other while crushing the immortal soldiers. “Alyssa-san!” (Nelgal) Due to the voice of Nelgal who finally came back to the front line, Alyssa yells shortly. Understanding with that single word, Nelgal faced the soldiers in the vicinity and hurled instructions at them. “Simultaneously attack the enemy soldiers with the spear throwers! Those who have free hands, throw the spears!” (Nelgal) A rain of spears was released at the immortal soldiers, who are struggling while being entangled by the nets, from the side. “H-Help!” There were also some soldiers from Horant who were caught in the nets together with the immortal soldiers while struggling with one another, but the spears, which poured down despite the madness, mercilessly pierced them as well. “Even if it’s only this one case, I will be burdened with a considerable sin.” (Nelgal) The soldiers who should be my subordinates once I become king. Nelgal muttered with a strained expression while watching them die with agonizing cries as they were mingled together with the immortal soldiers. “However, with this...” “Everyone, get away! Retreat! Retreat!” Several of Fokalore’s soldiers spearheaded by Alyssa, who came out on the front left side of Nelgal’s group, return while shouting for retreat. Due to their expressions, which can’t hide their impatience, Nelgal observed the front very carefully and especially looked at the dead soldiers of Horant who were pierced by spears. However, the immortal soldiers had begun to slip out by crawling after cutting the nets with their weapons. Even though they are in a state similar to a hedgehog after being struck by spears, they indifferently tear up the nets, which are hindering them, with serious looks. “What to say... we will retreat. While the spear throwers are turned towards the front, everyone, retreat until I give you a sign! Don’t be careless and don’t let the ranks fall apart!” (Nelgal) Nelgal shifts his attention to the opposite side of the immortal soldiers who are trying to slip out from below the nets. At that place were the figures of soldiers from Horant who had been killed one after the other by the immortal soldiers unable to cope with them just like his side. “What is the commander over there doing!? If it goes on as is...” (Nelgal) Currently they might be enemies, but Nelgal, who had the intention to ask for their cooperation through persuasion, cursed his own powerlessness as he had to retreat while grinding his teeth due to the figures of this country’s soldiers having been overrun. “If I had strength like Hifumi-san...” (Nelgal) I wonder how many people pondered about the same thing in this world? The heads of the immortal soldiers, who clung to the platform wagon, are sent flying by the wakizashi swung by Alyssa. , the bodies of the immortal soldiers, which slipped off, fell below the platform wagon and were smashed by the wheels. “Director! At this rate...” “At least get some distance! Let’s leave the rest to Horant!” (Alyssa) I think it’s inexcusable as we are abandoning them, but I don’t want this to become a scene of throwing away the lives of my subordinates either. It would be a different story if the true identity of the opponents was clear and if they knew about countermeasures as with the giant soldiers, but as she sees those immortal soldiers for the first time, choosing a melee with an opponent, that is really hard to deal with, Alyssa isn’t the type to like such recklessness. “However, if we just escape, that’s no good either, right...? What shall we do...?” (Alyssa) Although she has been telling herself to stay calm, the audible screams and the tumult of her own army’s side, which started hostilities once again, increases her panic. However, at the moment when Alyssa was doing her best to gather herself, her boss wasn’t calm at all. “Don’t fuck around with me!” (Hifumi) “... Eh?” (Alyssa) The one who jumped over Alyssa and planted his feet on the platform wagon was no one else but Hifumi himself. While skilfully running through the nets which are still on the ground, he hit the head of the immortal soldier, who was the closest, with a sideways sweep. In addition, he bisected one more immortal soldier into left and right parts and even stabbed his katana into a groaning soldier of Horant who had fallen nearby. “Hi-Hifumi-san?” (Alyssa) “Alyssa.” (Origa) Alyssa, who blinked her eyes due to Hifumi’s sudden appearance, got surprised with her shoulders jumping up after being called by Origa from behind, “I just greeted you. Excuse me.” (Origa) “E-Excuse me. Ah, it’s the rabbit person. Hello.” (Alyssa) “Eh? H-Hello.” (Viine) Having somehow kept up with Origa, Viine replied while being bewildered by being greeted friendlily by Alyssa. “Alyssa, from here on out Hifumi-sama will start the extermination. Given that I will deal with those being left over, take care to not be a hindrance.” (Origa) “I will head out as well!” Even Viine, who put her breathing in order somehow, grasps the short wand, which was visible at her waist, and announces her participation. Origa looks into Viine’s eyes and gives her consent by nodding. “Ah, then I will join, too. The rest of you obey Princess-sama suitably. Best regards.” (Alyssa) Chasing after Origa and Viine who were pursuing Hifumi who jumped off the platform wagon, Alyssa, who gave her subordinates a far too irresponsible order, also got off the platform wagon with her wakizashi in her hand. “... What shall we do?” “What, you ask... Lord-sama made his appearance. We likely won’t get a turn anymore.” The soldiers of Fokalore, who affirmed that with a “Right, that’s right,” retreated to the location of Imeraria for the time being to report the news to her. ☺☻☺ “Oh shit! What’s that?” (Tannin) While observing the chaotic state of the front line due to the immortal soldiers, Tannin measured the time for a retreat. He was flustered due to the scene visible from atop his horse. The man, he recalls having seen in Kuzemu’s office, is brandishing a thin sword while chopping up immortal soldiers and Horant soldiers without any distinction. Currently it’s an event taking place at the front line, but it’s probably a matter of time for him to reach this place. Once he looks properly, three women are attacking the surrounding soldiers in order to support him. “That guy, was this strong...?” (Tannin) “Tannin-sama! The immortal soldiers will be defeated!” Tanning couldn’t immediately reply to the question “What shall we do?” When he looked back, he could fleetingly see that Kuzemu was still around the centre of the forces without moving the carriage he boarded. “There’s one more unit of immortal soldiers, right? Transport them to the front line and release them there. I will go to the prime minister’s location to inform him.” (Tannin) Seeing off his subordinate who headed to the place of the carriage with the immortal soldiers on it, Tannin changed the direction of his horse. However, his destination isn’t Kuzemu’s location. “Our magic was blocked and the immortal soldiers are useless as well. If we can’t overwhelm them with numbers either, there’s no possibility of us winning, I guess.” (Tannin) Once he said that as if spitting out the words, he left the ranks of the soldiers and escaped by pretending to head to the rear. ☺☻☺ Cutting off an immortal soldier’s feet, he crushes its head underfoot. The immortal soldier, that spasmed with a twitch, got never up again. “U-Uwaaah!” There’s also a soldier from Horant who slashes at Hifumi while being confused. Hifumi, who hit the sword to the side with his left hand, pats the shoulder of the soldier, whose stance was thrown off balance after being pulled by the sword, pulls him down face-up and pierces his throat with the katana. “... So, are there still any blockheads?” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi approaching by inching forward, the soldiers from Horant are frozen in fear and only the immortal soldiers attack while drooling. “Humph!” (Hifumi) Smashing the head of an immortal soldier, who came in front of his eyes, with the pommel, he repels its body, which has fallen over thanks to it having too much momentum, with a front-kick. “Why? Why did it turn out like this?” (Hifumi) Hifumi pointed at Horant’s soldiers in front of him. “Something like fighting without thinking is meaningless no matter how many times you do it. Ma Carme’s group told you that, didn’t they? You should have known that even the reinforced soldiers, the guy I crushed easily before used, were useless as well. And yet...” (Hifumi) The immortal soldiers were attacking the talking Hifumi without caring about it, but being sent flying by kicks and having their heads cut off, they become unable to move one after the other. “Once again you have created such garbage soldiers. Slowly I’m reaching the limit of my patience. I will destroy all of you. I have preached it to that prime minister. I will kill him if he becomes a nuisance. Even if he stays in a place where he is a hindrance, I will kill him. My katana will reach you guys at the chosen time.” (Hifumi) The immortal soldiers don’t understand his talk. They are heading towards Hifumi and Origa’s group, but one, two soldiers of Horant throw away their weapons and run away. Among them there were also some who prepared their weapons, but the majority was in a confused state unable to make a decision. “Look! It’s the beginning!” He makes one full rotation. Slicing and sending the heads of the immortal soldiers, which are swarming the vicinity, flying without missing a single one of them, Hifumi started to fiercely run towards Horant’s army on Kuzemu’s side. “Bad! That’s bad!” (Nelgal) Nelgal was in the highest panic since this battle started. It wasn’t in regards to the movements of Kuzemu’s side but towards Hifumi’s conduct. “As it is now Horant’s soldiers will end up diminishing completely! Hurry and remove the nets! As soon as that’s finished, advance!” (Nelgal) Upon Nelgal’s yell, the soldiers head out to collect the nets which were scattered by Fokalore’s soldiers, but on top of them having been spread out widely, they are entangled by corpses of immortal soldiers, which are torn to pieces, all over the place. “There’s no time! Take a large detour by leaving the highway! Half of the soldiers and the carriages, which can’t leave the highway, are to stay behind...” (Nelgal) “Please wait!” (Sabnak) Sabnak came galloping on a horse towards Nelgal’s location.magic “Excuse me for staying mounted on my horse.” (Sabnak) “S-Sabnak-san...?” (Nelgal) “We will remove the majority of the nets by pulling them with our platform wagon. Even if you advance after that, it won’t be too late, I think.” (Sabnak) “However, if it goes on like this, Horant’s troops will...” (Nelgal) “We will hurry. But, please consider this as being a good opportunity.” (Sabnak) “Good opportunity, you say?” (Nelgal) Nelgal was disappointed due to Sabnak’s suggestion. “Don’t misunderstand. All of it is a proposal by Her Majesty the Queen for the sake of you, Nelgal-sama, sitting on the throne.” (Sabnak) “It’s Imeraria-sama’s idea? Let me hear it.” (Nelgal) “I shall tell you briefly”, Sabnak opens his mouth with that preface. “Due to the report by Fokalore’s soldiers, Her Majesty, who was aware of Hifumi-san’s group charging at Horant’s side, will rush to the location of the soldiers of Horant who will be thrown into disarray at this rate. Following her, Orsongrande’s army will also penetrate the centre of the enemy army through the spot opened up by Hifumi-san.” (Sabnak) “P-Penetrate? She will forcibly pass through the middle?” (Nelgal) Sabnak nods at the surprised Nelgal. “That’s right. It won’t do unless we fight against them as they are in “front” of us. If they are in our “back,” we will be able to head for the capital while ignoring them. That will also avoid producing unnecessary victims on both sides.” (Sabnak) “However, even if you say that you will forcefully break through, that’s unreasonable, isn’t it?” (Nelgal) “It’s possible because it’s now.” (Sabnak) Sabnak cut through and dumped Nelgal’s worries. “The enemy started an operation involving their own forces. The morale of the common soldiers is already at the lowest level. To make matters worse, even the chain of command has been thrown into disorder thanks to Hifumi-san. I don’t think that they want to stand in front of a large army while risking their lives if there isn’t anyone giving instructions.” (Sabnak) “However”, Sabnak completely switched from a serious expression to revealing a gentle smile. “Nelgal-sama, you have to call out to them though. “The king of Horant is passing through. Open a path.” is what you have to say.” (Sabnak) Watching Hifumi’s back getting rapidly smaller, Nelgal conveyed his acceptance. “So, why is Hifumi-san actually this angry?” (Alyssa) While sending an immortal soldier’s head flying with her wakizashi, Alyssa got close to Viine and asked. “Eh? I don’t understand it well either, but after seeing these weird soldiers, he became sullen all of a sudden... Ei!” (Viine) Hitting the face of a soldier of Horant with a lump of water, the soldier rolls around while scattering water from his nose and mouth. “Ah~... somehow I get it. Rather than that, you can use magic! That’s amazing!” (Alyssa) “No, umm, I can’t use anything but water magic, so...” (Viine) Alyssa violently kicked an immortal soldier who approached the ashamed Viine. “As I have no suitability at all, I wouldn’t be able to use any magic.” (Alyssa) While saying “how regrettable, how regrettable”, she thrusts her wakizashi into an eye of the immortal soldier which fell over and destroys its brain. “If you are this powerful, I feel like that’s not overly relevant...” (Viine) Due to Alyssa doing things that might be also called cruel, Viine immediately lost confidence in her own skills. “Powerful, it is? That’s because my role model gives such impression.” (Alyssa) While making her body shift as if dancing, Alyssa’s gaze rested on the figure of Hifumi who is bisecting an immortal soldier. “I’m still unable to quite master that long katana, you know. The length of my arms is insufficient.” (Alyssa) “Master is strong as well, but even his wife...” (Viine) Ahead of where Viine is looking was Origa standing and swinging her iron-ribbed fan after having taken a bit of distance from Hifumi. Watching Hifumi’s manner of doing, she apparently judged that it’s fine to sever the heads for the time being. She beheads the close-by soldiers with her iron-ribbed fan and those, who are too far even from Hifumi and Alyssa, with wind magic. There’s no hesitation or confusion ((in her actions)). She removed the heads of immortal soldiers and soldiers of Horant altogether without any differentiation. “Origa-san has practised very intensely. She has her work as well, but it looks like she has been at it every day.” (Alyssa) “Really...?” (Viine) Watching Origa who is capable of attacking directly and with magic, she considered her amazing, but above that she thought of her as frightening. “The madam...” (Viine) “I think it’s best if you don’t say any more.” (Alyssa) “Yes, thank you very much.” (Viine) Feeling as if Origa sent a fleeting glance her way at the moment she was about to say something, Viine held her tongue.
The next day after the meeting, Malfas set off on his travel from the simple settlement during the morning and Reni and the others gathered their luggage together with all residents after seeing off Malfas in the morning, because they will depart after lunch as well. The ones leaving the settlement amount to around , roughly % of all residents. A few dozens consisting of those excelling at battle among the beastmen and the humans, who are attached to Swordland, stayed behind. The group staying behind seems to plan to visit the villages of other beastmen and build a force that will oppose the demons. They chose different paths in life, but it was a calm separation without any quarreling. Packing their luggage on several wagons, the travellers, except for the children, move by walking in order to protect the wagons, just like at the time when they arrived at this settlement. Many of the people, who waved their hands and bid farewell, had tears blurring their eyes. “Until the very end they said that they’d like Reni to stay behind, didn’t they?” (Helen) Helen muttered to Reni and Gengu, who walked at the front of the group together with her, just when the group staying behind wasn’t visible anymore. “It can’t be helped. There ain’t nothing I can do if they take fighting as given.” (Reni) , it’s not only Helen that shares that thought, but it was likely the same for the group staying behind. However, Reni denied it stubbornly. In her eyes it can’t be helped if they have to fight to resolve a problem, but she dislikes to resolve a problem as a result of fighting. In the end the group staying behind chose a tigerman as temporary mediator. As one of those bought by Hifumi as slave, he admires the strength of Hifumi and continues to train his body. He’s a man who also actively participated in the vigilante corps and a person that looked more frustrated than others when they were driven out of the slums. “I think the only difference lies in what you use as basis for judging whether you won or lost. As leader of the group I believe it to be our victory if we can create an environment where our comrades can live properly until they are met by their natural death.” (Reni) “... I see.” (Helen) Helen replied curtly. She felt that the things that Reni was saying are correct, but logically she couldn’t understand them well. It’s odd for me, who is a rabbit beastman who are weak at fighting, to say so, but fighting for the sake of protecting something or someone isn’t something bad per se, is it? Helen decided to stop pondering any further while checking the lie of her glossy hair by rubbing her long ears with her fingers. Gengu, who walked next to them, listens to Reni’s talk and smiled happily. She throws a fleeting glance to the rear. The reason being the depressed-looking beargirl and tigergirl who are walking silently among the group inside the forest. It’s the younger sister Riedel and her friend Olra whom Malfas had entrusted to Zanga. In Helen’s eyes it looked as if Olra was harbouring some feelings of love towards Malfas, but as she didn’t go with him, their relationship apparently hadn’t gone that far yet. “Oh well, there are various circumstances, aren’t there...?” Helen sighs. After leaving the village where rabbit and sheep beastmen live together, she had met various men, regardless of race, so far, but as she was busy with her work, she hadn’t had any opportunity to start a romance or to go steady with someone. For beastwomen finding husbands at the age of Reni and Helen is definitely not too early. But, she doesn’t feel like finding such partner at all. “A boyfriend, eh...?” (Helen) Gengu is too old, and the other guys are just not my pair of shoes either. When she pondered about who else there might be, “... Nai wa~.” (Helen) “What not?” (Reni) “It’s nothing.” (Helen) “Hmmm?” (Reni) Looking at Reni who seems to be already sleepy due to the preparations and gathering of the luggage throughout the morning, the question 「I wonder whether there’s anyone Reni likes?」 suddenly popped up in Helen’s mind. While watching her best friend who walks sluggishly, Helen thought that Reni liked Hifumi at some point, but she believes that it doesn’t mean that she liked him as a man. Sooner or later, I might get some love consultation or something like that. “Well, what will be will be, huh...? Gengu-san. How long do we have to walk to Hifumi-san’s city?” (Helen) “Hmm... at this pace, I think it will take around ten to twelve days.” (Gengu) “I see. Please help us our guide.” (Helen) “Please leave it to me.” (Gengu) Gengu laughs without showing in his attitude that he’s likely worn out from going back and forth. He laughs, but since he’s baring his fangs, he’s a bit scary. The mixed group of humans, elves and beastmen, which is led by a representative that walks without listening to that exchange while being half asleep, advances through the forest. ☺☻☺ Hifumi and Origa went on a carefree sightseeing tour and fully enjoyed the famous local products of every place they visited. When the two arrived at the royal capital, they were told 「Her Majesty the Queen is awaiting you at the royal castle」 by the sentries. However Hifumi only replied with a 「Oh, really」 and went to a suitable inn in the castle town. With the knight order fully grasping his movements, veins popped out on Imeraria’s forehead who had received their report. Knowing or unknowing of Imeraria’s worries, Hifumi took Origa out to enjoy a shopping stroll as he had promised her and it was just before noon of the next day when he finally went to the castle. “... There are various things I’d like to say, but first of all, thank you for making such a long trip.” (Imeraria) “No problem, don’t worry about it. I was able to take it slowly for the first after coming to this world after all.” (Hifumi) The place where the two of them met was the room where Imeraria had gathered Sabnak and her other chief vassals to hold a meeting the other day. Inside the room, which she had even cleared of maids, the two are approximately five meters apart from each other with a table in-between. Both of them wear composed expressions, but Imeraria is eagerly struggling to hide her nervosity and complicated feelings. “So, what’s your business with me?” (Hifumi) Due to the question of Hifumi, who quickly stretches a hand towards the baked sweets, Imeraria takes a sip of her black tea as if trying to show her composure. “... Before that, what’s Origa-san doing?” (Imeraria) “Isn’t she shopping? Since I bid farewell from her when I left the inn, I don’t know where she went.” (Hifumi) “A guard... no, that’s a pointless concern, isn’t it?” (Imeraria)magic Something like a noble aimlessly going shopping by themselves is unthinkable even with a relatively good public order in the area, but by now Imeraria considered it fine to treat Origa in the same way as Hifumi. “The knight order is monitoring her anyway. There’s nothing to worry about, right?” (Hifumi) “They monitored you, Hifumi-sama, but why should they do the same for Origa-san?” (Imeraria) “There were two presences who followed Origa at the inn. I felt like I know them. I guess someone from the former Third Knight Order.” (Hifumi) Even Imeraria doesn’t know who exactly it was, but she thought that he’s likely right about that. Judging that they will be only pick at each other even if they unnecessarily argue back and forth any longer, Imeraria took out an envelope that had several sheets of paper in it. “This is the report of Phyrinion-san who headed to the national border after meeting with you at Fokalore, Hifumi-sama. It mentioned that you had a battle with the demons, but would you be as kind to explain the circumstances to me.” (Imeraria) The report, which Phyrinion finished up in a hurry, was able to reach the royal castle after to overtaking Hifumi who carefreely enjoyed his trip. Vaiya, who gloomily looked at the contents written there, immediately reported to Imeraria and passed the letter to her. He ended up presenting Phyrinion’s report together with papers that contained love letter-like contents for her husband. Imeraria was bored seeing words of love composed by the same sex though. “I wanted to fight them. Although they are stronger than common humans, their numbers are low. If they don’t prepare a bit better, it won’t be enough for them to strike at the human camp with its big numbers, I suppose. Ah, their magic was quite nice. I met a guy who created a sword in the air. Even the other small fries were considerably superior in comparison to human magicians.” (Hifumi) Imeraria takes quick notes while listening to Hifumi’s story. That’s because she knew that even if he phrases it as if it’s trivial information, important intelligence can be won out of it. “... Didn’t you consider reporting that to me, Hifumi-sama?” (Imeraria) A criticizing remark and a gaze which says that. “It’s the circumstances of another country, right? What’s more, I already stopped being a noble. The report has come in from the border, hasn’t it? Then, shouldn’t you first feel a sense of danger due to the report not containing any information about the demons?” (Hifumi) It’s a fair argument, but Imeraria fixedly stares at Hifumi without saying anything. And not just that. She fervently searched for what Hifumi wanted to say behind his mockery-like words. Gulping down her spit, she opens her mouth. “T-The ones called nobles don’t stop being nobles just because they retired as family head. It’s not like it’s fine for them to not serve the country. I constantly need information to protect the country. Cooperating with that is the duty of the people which also includes the nobles.” (Imeraria) Upon Imeraria’s rebuttal, Hifumi clapped his hands and laughed. “Ahahaha! Those are nice words. The ideal might be like that. But, you should think about the oversight I told you about, shouldn’t you? Well, as for that, I guess Sabnak, Puuse and the people around you are at fault as well.” (Hifumi) After laughing for a while, Hifumi smoothly took out a bundle of papers our of his darkness storage. The bulky documents have been put together with a leather strap. With just a fleeting look, one can see that they are densely filled with characters. Imeraria, who received the documents that Hifumi slid over across the table, quickly scans the first several pages. What was minutely written there were the place from where the demons attacked first, the composition of their army, the magic they used and how Vichy dealt with them. “This is...” (Imeraria) “The documents Caim put together from what I told him. Do your best and look through them and then ponder about countermeasures.” (Hifumi) “T-Thank you... very much.” (Imeraria) “Well, I guess that planning to gather information is the correct approach. See it as reward for running around and keeping at it while keeping your mouth shut in Horant.” (Hifumi) “Wh-...!” (Imeraria) There’s no need to even think about who might have leaked that. The only who was present there and had a chance to talk with Hifumi is Alyssa. After listing several grudges and hard feelings towards Alyssa in her mind while hanging her bright red head in shame, Imeraria clears her throat. “Ahem. Putting the reason aside, it saves me troubles. As for the countermeasures, I will consult with Sabnak and the others, and arrange for them. Thus, next is the real reason why I called you here.” (Imeraria) “Mmh? It’s not because you wanted this information?” (Hifumi) “There’s that as well. But there’s something I’d like to ask of you.” (Imeraria) While listening, Hifumi picks up a backed sweet and tosses it into his mouth. Only his gaze remained on Imeraria. “I’d like you to teach your way of fighting to the knights, Hifumi-sama.” (Imeraria) “If that’s the case, the instructions of Fokalore are carried out all over the place, right?” (Hifumi) “That’s not it”, Imeraria shakes her head. “It about your personal techniques, Hifumi-sama. I haven’t... seen it that many times, but everyone of the knights... Midas-san and Vaiya-san, of course Sabnak-san as well, have highly praised your strength and skills without reluctance, Hifumi-sama.” (Imeraria) “You don’t have to praise me any further.” (Hifumi) “Eh?” (Imeraria) “I warmly welcome anyone who wants to become strong, but there’s no need to praise me for that sake. I don’t expect to be acknowledged by others and I’m not such a nice person either.” (Hifumi) Imeraria gasped. But, she didn’t fail to hear it, namely 「I warmly welcome anyone who wants to become strong」. “Excessive sugarcoating is unnecessary then, right? ... Please help us.” (Imeraria) Imeraria stood up while talking and slowly bowed her head. “Please bestow strength to protect this country to the knights of Orsongrande.” (Imeraria) “... As means to protect the country created by you?” (Hifumi) “No, it’s not only that.” (Imeraria) Hifumi lifted one eyebrow due to the unexpected answer and showed fake surprise. “Umm... right now I can’t tell you.” (Imeraria) “Hmmm.” (Hifumi) Seeing Imeraria hesitant to speak about it, Hifumi stood up while grinning broadly. “From tomorrow onwards, right? I will start early in the morning. You have decided on the number of people, haven’t you?” (Hifumi) “Yes. It will be knights. Please do bestow your teachings on them.” (Imeraria) “Got it. See you tomorrow.” (Hifumi) Imeraria suddenly had a question for Hifumi who was about to leave like that. “You won’t be staying in the castle?” (Imeraria) “Yeah, I already took an inn near the castle. The retired married couple will spend its time carefreely among the people.” (Hifumi) “Married couple...” (Imeraria) Hifumi leaves the room with a “See you”. Imeraria, who sat down once again, placed her head on the table with her face turned downwards. “Y-Your Majesty!?” “Don’t worry... I’m alright...” (Imeraria) The maid, who entered in exchange for Hifumi, raised her voice, but Imeraria lifts a hand and waves her slender fingers. After not showing her face to anyone for around three minutes, Imeraria raised her face energetically. Inside the room there was a maid on standby while looking uneasy. “Pass a message to Sabnak-san and the others. They are to gather here tonight.” (Imeraria) The maid quietly leaves the room. Once again Imeraria was sitting absent-mindedly in the room by herself. “... What should I do...?” (Imeraria) No one replies. She has to find an answer by herself. He stomach rumbled. “I have to show that I’m full of spirit...” (Imeraria) Standing up staggeringly, Imeraria started to walk in search for the lunch that should have been prepared in her office.
“Magnificent results” (Caim) As he listened to Caim, who was a person who rarely smiled, Doelgar was surprised while being on duty in the study hall. “Hee, ojou-san is this excellent?” (Doelgar) “That’s right. Bowing her head to Brokra, she had him teach her. A great difference to you who just somehow passed.” (Caim) “Shut up.” (Doelgar) The two were quietly exchanging words in front of the desk where Phyrinion had fallen prostrating herself. “I-I’m worn-out... It was the first time in my life that I studied this much.” (Phyrinion) “Good work. Ojou-sama, here, please.” (Krinola) Phyrinion, who received the cup with warm steam rising from it from the smiling Krinola, brimmed with a sweet smile by taking no more than a single sip. “How sweet and delicious... thanks, Krinola” (Phyrinion) Black tea sweetened with honey has been Phyrinion’s favorite drink since she was a child. Given that fine quality honey is very expensive, Krinola only takes it out on special occasions. The sweet aroma tickling the nose and the faint bitter taste are able to heal her tired mind. That’s when she was called out by Caim, who finished grading her. “I confirmed that you have completed the part prepared as assignment by Feudal Lord-sama without problems. In accordance to the ruler’s orders Phyrinion-sama will be welcomed as prefectural governor holding the same authority and rank as the feudal lord’s representative.” (Caim) Caim bowed with a “Please treat me well” causing Phyrinion to stand up in a hurry. “J-Just a moment! I have only been dispatched simply to help with the territory’s administration. No one told me anything about me becoming something like prefectural governor or the feudal lord’s representative!?” (Phyrinion) “Is that so? Well, then you’ve been told about the matter now.” (Caim) Phyrinion flares up as Caim tries to continue the talks with a smooth flow. “That’s a joke, no? If it was such important task, I would have prepared a lot more diligently!” (Phyrinion) “Furthermore, such crucial task such as the feudal lord’s representative”, she sat down on the chair while feeling light-headed. “Work and such is always something sudden. We, immediately after falling to the status of being slaves, changed into the feudal lord’s chess pieces in the blink of an eye after receiving education and practical work experience for merely a few days.” (Caim) “Though I don’t consider it to be bad”, Caim tightened his mouth for an instant as he talked about their own situation totally out of character. Taking it this far, he changed the topic. “At any rate, currently the only person holding a rank of nobility within this territory is Phyrinion-sama. Since it is also the request of Feudal Lord-sama, please accept the post.” (Caim) Phyrinion slowly shook her head at Caim, who is looking directly at her with his grey eyes. “There is no other way.” (Phyrinion) Phyrinion, standing up, brushes up her green hair. “Phyrinion el Amazelo will undertake the duty of being the prefectural governor of this place from now on. ... Best regards, Caim-san, Doelgar-san.” (Phyrinion) Grasping the held out right hand in turns, Caim did it with his usual expressionless face while Doelgar smiled heartily as he replied that he was looking forward to it. It was the equally civil official slave, Brokra, who came rushing in at that point. “Caim-san, a letter has been delivered from Pearson-san asking for support in their independence and separation from Vichy...” (Brokra) Hearing Brokra’s words, Caim scanned the letter and handed the letter over to Phyrinion without hesitation. “You’ve got work right away, feudal lord’s representative. As one part of the enemy nation split away, they decided to send a letter without caring about appearances in their desire for help.” (Caim) As Phyrinion read the document, her hands trembled due to the sudden, unexpected problem. “Well then, what do you want to do?” (Caim) And yet Caim mercilessly pressed her for a decision. ☺☻☺ The Fokalore territorial army’s main occupation was to hunt for the sake of supplying food. They aren’t just military forces, but also providers of the ingredients used by the staff members for the meals. They are putting great efforts into making luxurious meals with the scarce budget every day. In reality, having directly competed with the enemy, it was basically daily training so that they could fight against an invasion from Vichy. Even increasing their numbers by recruitment, they were in high spirits due to the expedition as it had been a while since they could actually fight. But, now that they came even as far as the national border, they saw how their leader, Hifumi, went wild as he pleased whereas the border guards scavenged for loot just like hyenas. Without reinforcements of soldiers on Horant’s side, the substantial border area has become a captured territory of Orsongrande. “It seems he rampaged flashily around once again, eh?” (Guard) Alyssa, who caught the words of the soldiers from the border security, couldn’t help but smile bitterly due to the usual antics of Hifumi. Although they had explained it to the soldiers, they didn’t want to believe that such child was the commanding officer of the territorial troops. But as they saw the soldiers move briskly upon Alyssa’s order, they understood that they were far above in proficiency and treated her even more politely than their own superior officer. “Earl Tohno passed through the border days ago. After completely destroying the enemy, he departed aiming for the capital of Horant.” (Guard) “Three days, huh...?” (Alyssa) Before we arrive at the capital ourselves, the majority of the business will be finished, it seems Since Miyukare didn’t accompany her this time, she was told by Hifumi “Think about it and act appropriately.” In accordance with that order, she considered things properly. “Yea... Anyway, let’s chase after Hifumi? There might be something we can help with.” (Alyssa) “Understood! You heard her, everyone!” (Soldier) With an “Aye” the voices of the burly men resounded frightening the guards. “Get some rest here today and then let’s depart tomorrow morning. Guard-san, I want to borrow some camping sites, but...” (Alyssa) As Alyssa pleaded with upturned eyes, the guard had no other choice but to agree due to the territorial soldiers applying pressure on him in silence from her back. ☺☻☺ The former soldiers of Horant, who regained their ego after being abused by Hifumi in the name of rescue, moved along the highway in groups heading towards Fokalore on foot. In addition to a part of the Fokalore territorial army as escort, there were the survivors of the Second Knight Order, who were returning to the capital temporarily. Of course, Vaiya is also one of them. The journey takes two days. Without any particular problems occurring either, they quickly got on good terms as it had naturally became an easygoing mood due to being able to eat plenty as the Fokalore territorial soldiers went hunting for monster meat and as there was grain on the wagon. “Then, you were in the group transferred from the capital?” (Vaiya) “Yea, I was a soldier of the capital, but after hearing that it was possible to join a new territorial army, I volunteered as I have no family anyway.” (Soldier) In order to listen closely to the story, Vaiya takes the bridle of his horse and walks together with the soldier. The soldier was thankful for a knight expressly dismounting his horse first to walk alongside him. It reached the point that he showed a smile while they were talking about this and that. “At first I was anxious hearing that it is the territory of a rising noble, which I didn’t know before, but after looking at the condition of the territory, I was amazed that it was a quite able Feudal Lord-sama, who dealt with the population in a carefree and impartial manner and who was a person that treated even us common soldiers normally.” (Soldier) “But on the other hand the training is pretty harsh and there are also various things I don’t get the meaning of”, Vaiya was caught in the grumbling of the soldier. “What’s an example of the things you don’t get the meaning of?” (Vaiya) Listening to the story of the soldier, Vaiya received an impact as if being hit on his head. They, the Fokalore territorial soldiers, received training using various imaginary situations such as group battles, one-to-many fights, one-on-one fights and fighting with the three types of weapons; sword, spear and bow. Furthermore they carried out repetitions of moving as small units and army corps learning how to move and at what time. They even prepared various patterns in different environments such as forest, downtown, buildings and prairie, and how to use spear throwers there. Moreover he heard the unfamiliar word “style practice” when it came to methods of sword and spear training. He understood that they repeatedly practiced although the pattern changed to using these weapons in serial combination moves, as he asked some questions due to his excitement. “I see...” (Vaiya) With the knight’s training being one-on-one to increase the ability in swordsmanship and spearmanship, it was typical to repeat nothing but practice swings for self-training. It’s the same for soldiers as well. Their training is no more than learning to return running upon signals and yelling. The training regimen of the Fokalore territorial army has advanced one or two steps ahead of the capital or the other territory armies If I think back now, after they finished setting up the camp last night, the Fokalore territorial soldiers, holding a sword in turns, were repeating motions facing against something. That has been style practice, I guess. “I have a single request, but...” (Vaiya) The soldier returned a smile albeit being surprised due to the abruptly stated words. “I wonder if it isn’t possible for me to take part in your training as well?” (Vaiya) Vaiya thought that if he were to absorb the training methods of the Fokalore territorial soldiers here, he would be able to improve Orsongrande by a lot. “Then, this and this. And also that. You guys have to eat plentifully as well. Our destination is still far away.” (Hifumi) Urged on by Hifumi, Origa ordered boiled vegetables and soup following his example. Next the Fokalore territorial soldiers also ordered meat and bread. The restaurant server, listening to the orders, showed a cramped smile with a pale face. As there were no other guests in the restaurant, he vanished into the kitchen quickly. Hifumi, who leisurely entered the city after killing the guards, entered the restaurant he noticed by chance and had lunch. The uproar has already spread across the city. Many shops and residential buildings have ended up closing their doors tightly and the people have vanished from the streets. Hifumi entered the restaurant, which had bad luck for its paying guests running away in a hurry, before it could close up. Since they didn’t know what would happen if they refused, the server and cook prepared the meals and dished them up in their desire to have them fill up their stomachs and leave as soon as possible. “I-I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” (Server) The server lined up one dish after the other on the table, but Hifumi tilted his head to the side. “... Isn’t that somehow insufficient?” (Hifumi) The plates aren’t any different in size to other countries, however the dishes on top of them are obviously lacking. “Please forgive this. Although it is food rationing suited for restaurants, there are limits...” (Server) While being scared the server mustered his courage with all his effort and explained the details to Hifumi, who discovered the part that bothered him. “Food rationing? Then, aren’t ingredients distributed and sold in this city?” (Hifumi) Tossing the cooking in front of his eyes into his mouth for the time being, he muttered that the taste was bad after swallowing it down. “Such regulations are enacted in the entire country. All the goods like groceries and such are gathered by the nobles once they are supplied to the territory and distributed to each household from there.” (Server) Having the scared server forcibly sit at the table, Hifumi inquired about this and that to get the whole picture of the country called Horant. By rationing the clothing and grocery, it has become a system where these items are loaned from the nobles, so families and individuals do not possess their own personal effects. And quite a big part of the money earned by individuals seems to be taken away as taxes in the name of residence expenses. “It seems you don’t have to worry about not being able to eat, but there isn’t any meaning in doing one’s best either, isn’t that right?” (Origa) The impression of Origa, who had the occupation of adventurer with distinct risks and returns, was that she wasn’t able to understand this system somehow. There isn’t an adventurer’s guild in Horant either. Apparently the task of exterminating monsters is exclusively allocated to the soldiers employed by nobles. “Since these types of security guarantee costs are included in the taxes as well...” (Server) You can’t call it an insult in the least, but he isn’t able to hide his feelings of being bothered by it. “Huuumph. And if you are given ingredients alongside money?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, standing up suddenly, retrieved suitable ingredients from his darkness magic storage and placed it on an open table with a thud. It is an amount that can easily feed dozens of people with meals. “T-This is...” (Server) Striking the shoulder of the shocked server, Hifumi smiles broadly. “To be frank, server, prepare a lot more since you have extra ingredients. The taste isn’t bad.” (Hifumi) “U-Understood!” (Server) Hurriedly calling the cook, both of them carry the ingredients to the kitchen while being thankful. Before long more dishes were carried in. The quantity as well as the taste were satisfying. “Although the flavor changes if it’s a different country, you ate a considerable amount.” (Server) “Yes, it was very delicious.” (Hifumi) The server bowed with a smile from the bottom of his heart this time due to Hifumi’s words. Next to him was the cook, who appeared from the kitchen to give his gratitude for the ingredients. “For the time being, will this be enough?” (Hifumi) As Hifumi wanted to pass them several gold coins, the server firmly refused to accept it as they had even provided the ingredients. “Besides, we won’t be able to use the gold coins from Orsongrande in this country...” (Server) Due to the server saying this apologetically, Hifumi laughed about this matter. “If that’s the case, it will be fine, if you hide it somewhere for a little while. Because this country will very soon vanish, the folks worrying about such trivial matters, like the shape of gold coins being different, will disappear.” (Hifumi) “Ue?” (Server) The server unintentionally released a strange voice due to having been promised a ruined country suddenly. He saw off Hifumi’s group quickly leaving in blank amazement. Observing the cook, he is also looking in that direction. “Did that person say that this country will vanish just now?” (Cook) “Yea, he definitely said that.” (Server) The story told by the people of this city informed them of an atrocious invader who massacred the guards of this city, but with the exchange from just now, their impression of him turned °. But his last words were completely those of an invader.magic The cook called out to the confused server and hit his back with a smack. “There’s no point in thinking about stuff we don’t understand. Also, leaving that aside...” (Cook) He points at the other ingredients left by Hifumi. “The restaurant has already been closed for today. Let’s stuff our bellies for the first time in a while.” (Cook) “... Yea, that’s right.” (Server) “There is delicious looking meat and fresh vegetables!” While the two discussed the art of cooking, it became a time of enjoying eating before long.
Next to the feudal lord’s mansion in Fokalore there is a large second residence built by the previous feudal lord. His lovers and the servants lived there. Currently it is functioning as staff’s dormitory. Since there were rooms left, it was decided that the unmarried aspirants desiring to work as staff among the group of immigrants from Horant will live there temporarily. Because it’s the staff’s dormitory to begin with, they are provided with three meals per day in the dining hall. In addition, those wanting to join the feudal army will enter the dormitories for families and singles of the territorial troops. Those hoping for employment and those, who possessed skills in carpentry and blacksmithing, were moved to inns in the whole town and dormitories for the pupils of craftsmen. The people, who chose the path of becoming a staff member, were given a probation for studying first. It’s quite different from the image they had of the territory’s circumstances, but currently Fokalore is becoming a cutting-edge training centre in this world, let alone within the country. Including even those who have left the alienated Vichy, where education is compulsory, there are many people like the sons of the coming and going merchants and those who are working as civil officials in the neighbouring cities and other noble’s fiefs, who are gathering in Fokalore for “studying abroad” to receive education. In addition to learning the basics in what is called advancing through a set curriculum, there was a charm in being taught anything without reserves concerning the territorial administration of Fokalore, which has accomplished a successful expansion. Even with only this education service, the Tohno territory’s operation budget is profiting quite a bit. Although the population is growing, the staff members got used to handling the citizen’s information and the registration in the family register. Rather, the situation has begun to settle down within the mansion of the feudal lord. Although the immigrants from Horant caused some temporary noise, it reached the point that the staff could take a little vacation, even including the civil official slaves. There is one person that doesn’t find such situation amusing. “Recently the opportunities to build remarkably interesting things vanished.” (Pruflas) As group leader of the development team the dwarf Pruflas hadn’t even the time to sleep for an hour. Nowadays they are building office supplies like tables and chairs. They bid farewell to the calm days where they could leisurely drink sake. “Something interesting?” (Vaiya) His conversation partner was Vaiya. Participating in the training of the feudal army in the beginning, he asked Miyukare, who is the person in charge of military affairs, to teach him the management of troops and the unique way of thinking to implement three man cells within the ranks, but he ended up being driven away by her, who was extremely displeased over being separated from Alyssa. There was also the matter of the place being a room within the lord’s mansion. “Guys, who are emitting an aura of happiness, should just leave!” (Miyukare) This shout of Miyukare became a famous saying handed down amongst the staff on the second floor. Contributing to the increasing number of couples between the single staff members appearing, Miyukare has completely solidified her position as “Court Lady-sama” with those few words. “Now that you mention it, the wagons and spear throwers, used by the feudal army, apparently were developed here.” (Vaiya) “We built them, but the idea came from the Lord. The platform wagons were wagons with wheels attached for travelling within the territory having the name rail car at the beginning.” (Pruflas) “They didn’t run well and were terrible.” Pruflas laughs while gulping down the sake he held in one hand. “We build this and that. There were also thing’s that couldn’t be used as weapons at all. There is the collapsible fan called “Folding Fan.” Did you see them being sold as souvenirs in Fokalore? That thing is something we originally tried to make out of wood as a trial at the time we produced the iron-ribbed fan Origa-jou-chan possesses. Though it was the Lord who gave it its name.” (Pruflas) The more he heard, the less Vaiya could understand the character called Hifumi. Before he noticed it, he was making a troubled face. Pruflas laughs. “What are you making such weird face for? If you want to know about Lord-sama, you simply have to ask Origa-jou-chan. Though she hasn’t returned yet.” (Pruflas) “I see...” (Vaiya) “Putting that aside, you are a knight-sama, aren’t you? If you are curious, there are spares of the weapons Lord-sama uses. Do you want to have a look?” (Pruflas) “Is that alright?” (Vaiya) Seeing Vaiya saying this delightfully, Pruflas became happy as well. “Aye, you can say it’s fine because we are steadily receiving requests to produce weapons from Lord-sama. I won’t mind you taking some with you, if you are pleased with them.” (Pruflas) Pruflas, who stood up, took Vaiya and moved to the testing room, that also functioned as storage, which existed within the work room. The testing room, with its wide, bare ground, has countless weapons and kimonos lined up on one wall. Most of them are made out of wood and iron, but there are also items with unknown materials on the right side that might have monster materials within. “This is amazing. I have never seen something like this, even not at the training field of the knight order. Can I also hold them?” (Vaiya) “Of course.” (Pruflas) The first thing Vaiya held after receiving permission was the kusarigama. After gazing at the sickle, he intently stares at its chains and the counterweights with their pointed ends with great interest. “A strangely formed... weapon, is it?”`(Vaiya) “Seems so. I repaired it several times, however it was interesting at the time I was shown the place where it was used for testing.” (Pruflas) Though he had heard about the way to use it, it was said that you could swing the end part of the chain, hit with its weight, cut with the sickle and throw and pull with it. Vaiya wasn’t able to understand most of it. Furthermore, beginning with the suntetsu and sansetsukon and arriving at the tokko and caltrop, he couldn’t imagine how to use those. Because Pruflas was able to explain about the shuriken and the jitte for enforcing orders and regulations, Vaiya earnestly and carefully listened to him without missing anything. He tried to throw the shuriken several times to test it. “Such small and hand-held weapon with high adaptability is great. It can be used by guards within the castle...” (Vaiya) “If you are interested in it, it’s fine to ask that arrogant Caim.” (Pruflas) The name of an unexpected person appeared at this place from Pruflas. Vaiya tilted his head to the side. “Caim-dono, it is?” (Vaiya) Even Pruflas himself considers the question, why the name of that civil official appeared here, to be strange. “That expressionless arsehole knows the basic details of the weapons in this place. It seems he was taught the way of using them to some degree by the feudal lord. He is practising his usage of the shuriken and kusarigama in this testing room every morning.” (Pruflas) Furthermore it appears that the other civil official slaves practise here sometimes as well. “Aren’t they slaves, and even more civil officials? Why are they training?” (Vaiya) “I don’t know. I don’t care since I wasn’t told about it. If you are worried about it, go and ask them directly.” (Pruflas) “Haa.” (Vaiya) Vaiya was bad with the type of person like Caim. He couldn’t keep up a conversation with Caim, who doesn’t show his emotions on the surface, since he doesn’t know what he’s thinking about. “Well, since I gave you the permission to come and go here, it’s fine if you do as you like.” (Pruflas) “Thank you very much.” (Vaiya) “Please stop. I’m a slave as well and will be troubled if a knight like you bows his head to me.” (Pruflas) Vaiya smiles bitterly as he is watching the back of the leaving Pruflas who is laughing. “I can’t see the slaves here as slaves at all.” (Vaiya) Pulling himself together, he decided to go meet with Caim. He considered to adopt these weapons in the Royal Knight Order. ☺☻☺ The guards in the border fortress on Horant’s side still hadn’t been replaced. Although it’s uncertain whether the previously killed group was the guard unit, there are no soldiers at all. In the vicinity of the fortress the common people, apparently families and couples, were sitting in countless groups. Once he passed the border on the highway while riding on his horse, there are soldiers properly standing guard on Orsongrande’s side. “Earl Tohno-sama! Welcome home!” (Soldier) The two soldiers, apparently on guard duty, greeted him while smiling. They probably were able to earn some good income during the time of Hifumi’s invasion in Horant. “Ah, the refugees from Horant won’t come following from behind?” (Hifumi) “Yea, currently there are only people who have no permission to enter our country...” (Soldier) As it is there’s no person in charge on Horant’s side to hand out authorization and identification papers. As one would expect, they can’t enter the country without permission. Except for the merchants, who have a permit, they will be continuously denied entry. “Then let the refugees heading for the territory of Fokalore pass through. Those guys will become citizens of my place.” (Hifumi) The soldiers exchanged glances. “Is it fine to do a verbal, unsubstantiated assertion?” (Soldier) “I don’t care. I will accept them, if they can come to my territory by themselves.” (Hifumi) “In such case, affirmative.” (Soldier) Since it’s also alright to enter the territory over there, Hifumi handed over a suitable gratuity for them to go calling out whether there are any candidates. One of them remained while the other ran off to Horant’s side in high spirits. “Well, then I leave the rest to you.” (Hifumi) “Ha!” (Soldier) Once again he spurs on his horse. As he is steadily travelling on the highway, there are too many merchants waving their hands at him. People, who are living in the capital, and people, who are sensitive to information, began to spread Hifumi’s appearance and figure as well as even the strangely formed sword affixed to his waist. One part among them are adventurers, who have strange tastes in fashion, and people who get carried away easily. There are also people imitating him by handling a single edged sword. Of course, many of those swords are crude while being only thin making them nonsensical to use. Cases of people losing their lives during battles with monsters due to those breaking are occurring as well. Even a part of the newcomers in the capital’s guild are using a thin, single-edged sword, but among those people, who know about the incident of veterans being killed in the guild, there are those who regard the katana as object of dread. Hifumi waves appropriately and returns waves. Although young women and young women, who boarded carriages, raise shrill voices upon seeing him, Hifumi, who is travelling on horse, passes them by while ignoring them irresponsibly. “If I become suitably popular, it will likely gather money and people in the territory. Although I want to prepare an expedition again as well.” (Hifumi) “I want to make that and I haven’t touched this in a while”, while thinking about tools and weapons for Pruflas to make once he returned to the territory, he steers his horse to gallop towards Münster. “Ah~... this is the most relaxing place.” (Sabnak) “Sabnak... no, I mean, captain. Is it fine to take your dinner at such place? Shall we have a maid carry it to your own room within the castle?” In the dining hall intended for knight ranks within the castle, Sabnak was enjoying dinner time with his companions, who transferred from the Third Knight Order to the Royal Knight Order, at one table. “It’s okay to address me without honorifics unless it’s an official place. Not using honorific language is fine, too. It still doesn’t feel real after all.” (Sabnak) As it’s only food eaten by nobility, the menu is picky about seasoning and ingredients, but the dishes intended for knights are plentiful in quantity as well. There is a relaxed atmosphere as if in a club room for extracurricular activities. If one protects the minimum of manners, it’s a peculiar place where no one will annoy you. While stuffing his cheeks with loads of salad and grilled fish, Sabnak laughed with a face, that has gone beyond relaxing and is now slackening. “The child of a maid, eh... ? Which reminds me, I didn’t hear her name yet.” (Sabnak) As Sabnak mutters this, his colleagues laughed while dipping bread in a tartar sauce made out of root crops and meat. “You are a heartless guy. Aren’t they daughters of some nobles, if you talk about the maids within the castle? It will get scary later, if she’s the daughter of some high-ranking noble.” “Of noble origin, eh?” Sabnak remembered the face of his maid. She has dark blue hair and pupils in the same colour. Her appearance is put in order plainly. “But you know... how do you call it? She’s eerie.” (Sabnak) His colleague lowered his eyebrows. “What are you saying in spite of being able to interact normally with Earl Tohno?” “It’s slightly different from that.” (Sabnak) “I don’t quite understand”, the knight at his side shrugs his shoulders. Midas came from somewhere and sat down. “Let me intrude.” (Midas) “Eh? Midas-san... no, I mean vice-captain-dono.” (Sabnak) A dining hall staff member came pushing a wagon, lined up the dishes in front of the sitting Midas and left. “Midas is okay. ... It’s a bad point that there is too much of the food here.” (Midas) Sabnak threw a question at Midas, who put the spoon into the stew. “It is difficult for me to say it, but didn’t you usually go home to eat your wife’s home cooking? What’s wrong today?” (Sabnak) “Whose fault do you think it is?” (Midas) Glaring at Sabnak, he eats a mouthful of the stew. He considered his wife’s cooking to be delicious. “Due to the guarding of the coronation ceremony, all of the guarding outside the castle has been dumped on the knight order. I became the one responsible for that. Thanks to that, it doesn’t look like I will return home until midnight.” (Midas) “Huh? Haven’t you arranged for a house near the royal castle after you became a vice-captain, Midas-san? Can’t you go home for just eating?” (Sabnak) “Yea, more or less I did prepare it, but... my wife and me refused because we couldn’t calm down with its too big size.” (Midas) “Ah, I know that feeling. There was a room prepared for me within the castle, however having three rooms and even a bathroom for myself... I wondered whether I should return to the dormitory for singles.” (Sabnak) “Before we became aware of it, the knight order has turned into the den of the commoners faction”, their knight colleagues ended up laughing unintentionally. “Rather than the matter of my house, it’s more about the case of the maid attached to Sabnak you talked about before.” (Midas) “What’s wrong with her?” (Sabnak) “She is called by the name Sibylla Winger “... Why does Midas-san know about her name though?” (Sabnak) Midas, who put down the spoon, closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. “By chance I ran into the prime minister. He told me to convey his regards, if I meet you by chance, Sabnak.” (Midas) “Why does the prime minister...” (Sabnak) “Don’t you know the full name of Prime Minister Adol?” (Midas) “I know at least that much.” (Sabnak) Even though he replied pridefully, it took Sabnak full minutes to remember. “Umm... it was Adol Phyiol Winger-sama, right? Eh? Winger...” (Sabnak) “She is the only daughter of the prime minister. And at the same time she is the niece of the current head of the Marquis Winger household.” (Midas) “Eh... but she said something about marrying into money and power...” (Sabnak) His trembling fork hits the salad bowl with a clacking.magic “At the time Adol-sama was appointed to his duty as prime minister, in order to not make it seem like his family’s home is being favoured, he gave up on his family status as Marquis family. That’s why his daughter isn’t a noble to be precise.” (Midas) “There’s no doubt that she would marry into money and power”, his colleagues, who heard that, laughed, though it isn’t a laughing matter for Sabnak at all. “H-However, I ran away from the earldom myself. It’s also not like I will succeed as the third son...” (Sabnak) The son of an Earl is treated as Associate Viscount, but with having a small annuity and possessing no territory, you almost can’t call them nobles. That situation is the reason why those below the second son of a noble are aiming to become military officers or civil officials. People, who became skilled as knights, were in a fortunate situation. “Calm down, Sabnak. With your accomplishments so far and the good will of Imeraria-sama, you have reached the problematic status of captain of the Royal Knight Order. You can consider this as being raised to the same rank as your family’s home. ... With conditions attached.” (Midas) “Conditions... it is?” (Sabnak) Midas hesitated to continue for a short while, but he resigned himself when Sabnak glared at him. “... The condition is to marry a partner that suits your rank and settle down with them.” (Midas) “Well, you should be prepared that you won’t be able to idle around as single indefinitely”, while Midas warned Sabnak, his colleagues escaped in a hurry.
Kuzemu, who left the room to perform his official duties, entered his private room located in the castle just like that. It’s a room for the sake of taking a nap in cases such as when he has no time to return to his principal residence. It’s a room that can be obtained and granted only to high-ranking staff members who work in the castle. Because it’s a temporary accommodation to the bitter end, it’s only provided with a single bed, storage and equipment at the level of being able to prepare tea. Kuzemu, who opened the closet and quickly changed into travelling clothes by putting on a coat, visited the office of the general who commands the soldiers without returning to his own office. “It’s me. I’m coming in.” (Kuzemu) A maid ran out of the room next to Kuzemu, who entered the room in a familiar manner after giving just a short notice, while fixing her dishevelled dress in a hurry. Even though his manner of speech is polite, the young man is shy while slowly putting his shirt, which had more than half its buttons undone, in order. “Tannin, you bastard became the general who is in charge of this country’s army. Think about your reputation a bit.” (Kuzemu) “No, no, being wooed by the other side, there’s no reason to refuse it either. So, what’s wrong for you to have such appearance?” (Tannin) Without even a fraction of timidity, the man called Tannin asks while smoothing down the beard at the tip of his chin with a hand. The appearance of Tannin, who is said to be in the first half of his thirties, is that of a soldier promoted after Kuzemu adjusted the current system. As noble of Horant, he was born into an Earl family as second son. For Kuzemu he is a man that is related to him as nephew. Although he has the ability, his philandering is bad. He had to serve at remote regions many times thanks to his character which wasn’t liked by his superiors, but alongside Kuzemu seizing the power, he was summoned and raised to the top of the army after the ministers were disposed of. It was a personnel affair with the reasoning that it would be easier to control the army with a blood relative, but seeing that Tannin’s sticky fingers were far worse than expected, Kuzemu regretted it a bit. “A large force of soldiers from Orsongrande is moving towards this place. Get ready to intercept them immediately. I will come with you as well.” (Kuzemu) “Oh dear, if seen from a military viewpoint, we should tightly solidify the entrances of the capital for a defence. What we should do following that is to counter-attack after waiting for the enemy to tire out. That way we will certainly win while our side will have little losses as well.” (Tannin) “Moreover it’s fine to take it easy as there’s no necessity to go to a distant place”, Tannin smiles. Kuzemu was hesitating whether to tell him or not with a bitter expression, but “... In the worst case there’s the possibility that Nelgal is accompanying Orsongrande’s troops. Being supported by guards who are accompanying him as well, countrymen will likely not recognise him even if they were able to see his face, but for him to come to the capital is bad.” (Kuzemu) On top of the army’s organization, the people, who know about the castle’s internal affairs, are mostly those working in the capital or its neighbourhood, some among those stationed in provincial cities and villages and there are also people who haven’t entered the castle even once in their life. “In other words, before Nelgal arrives at the capital, we want him to go missing, is what you mean?” (Tannin) “Right. That’s why it’s necessary to leave here and strike them at once. Currently there are at least soldiers who can be moved.” (Kuzemu) “What about the capital’s defence?” (Tannin) “It’s fine to forget about it. We will take the reinforced soldiers with us as well. There are around five bodies that can be used, but they will likely serve their role.” (Kuzemu) “It can’t be helped. After all it’s no one other but His Excellency the Prime Minister requesting so.” (Tannin) Once he put on a jacket, that had gorgeous decorations, and straightened the neck of his shirt, a strange dignity could be seen which was usually hidden by his non-serious nature. “By the way, what about the aforementioned visitor?” (Tannin) “If it’s that man, Gaap is sticking to him. I have entrusted the protection of the castle to Gaap, but it probably won’t be a problem.” (Kuzemu) Kuzemu knitted his eyebrows due to Tannin dropping his voice’s tone with a serious expression. “Somehow it appears that a reasonable number among the maids feel inclined towards our visitor. Is this the appearance of a rival, they ask.” (Tannin) Once Tannin, who smiled at Kuzemu whose face was blushing, clapped his hands, the maid, who ran out not long ago, entered while looking downward in embarrassment. Tannin stands up as well and when they face each other in the middle of the room, he quickly hugs Levy’s waist. “Ah, my precious Levy. I must head to the battlefield from now on. Please, I’d like you to forgive this crime of leaving you behind, my beloved.” (Tannin) “Tannin-sama...” (Levy) Stealing the lips of the maid who opened her mouth to mutter words, Tannin, who entangled his tongue with hers up to the point that Kuzemu was on the verge of shouting, put strength into the arm hugging her waist and pressed Levy’s thin body against his waist. “I will definitely come back to you. Won’t you please keep this room tidy until then? I intend to receive my reward for victory here.” (Tannin) The maid nods lightly while leaking a hot sigh due to his large hand stroking her from the waist to below while saying that. “Uncle, no Your Excellency, the Prime Minister, I’d like to request a house for the sake of welcoming her at the dawn of victory, please.” (Tannin) For the maid called Levy it’s probably her own home, but for Tannin will be a house where he keeps a mistress. “... Got it. However, I rely on you to definitely make sure about the matter just now. I will ascertain it myself as well.” (Kuzemu) “Leave it to me. Well then, I entrust the rest to you, Levy.” (Tannin) Seeing off Tannin, who leaves the room after giving her a light kiss, Kuzemu begins to prepare for taking out the reinforced soldiers while remembering his anxieties. “They came up to here. No one is allowed to be a hindrance... That’s right, let’s use those as well. It’s not a situation anymore where I should be holding back on releasing those.” (Kuzemu) The scenario for after the repelling of Orsongrande. In short, I have to ponder about Hifumi’s treatment as well ☺☻☺ “They have gone out to strike at them? The populace, eh? There’s probably things they don’t want to show to the people of the castle. Ah~... Nelgal, huh? Even without that, their foundation will get unsteady if it comes to an attack on the capital.” “It seems we are to watch home. For caution’s sake, it also serves as experiment of the methods we learned from professor. The castle’s defence has been strengthened, but it doesn’t seem like there will be any chance to test it.” Looking at the sight of a large number of people lining up in the square, which was established in the castle, while standing next to Hifumi, Gaap showed a bitter smile. “It looks like they will take 2500 soldiers. 2000 infantrymen, 300 magic soldiers... if it was a defensive battle, there would be a chance for us to have a turn as well, but this time that’s unlikely.” (Gaap) While he gives a half-hearted answer, the intermediate soldiers, who received Tannin’s orders, form up in units. Generally speaking, the infantry is placed in front and behind the magic soldiers. When push comes to shove, the infantry will part left and right so that the magic soldier are able to go to the front. The reinforced soldiers arrived while being tied with chains that appear to be magic tools. All of the five reinforced soldiers will apparently walk in the front row. “It looks like the big ones aren’t used as anything but a wall anymore.” (Hifumi) That’s a wise move Weapons, which have the measures to oppose them revealed, are worthless as hidden aces. Capitalizing on their pointless sturdiness, they will likely serve as bulwark against the spear throwers which Orsongrande will probably use. Meanwhile the departure started beginning with the front row. A weird carriage follows behind the ranks and files. Five horses slowly pull the large carriage which is similar to a prefab hut with wheels attached to it. “Oh, those are...” (Gaap) Starting to explain, Gaap cast down his eyes after raising his voice with an 「Ah」. “I-I’m sorry. To tell you the details about those...” (Gaap) “Are those strong?” (Hifumi) “... Stronger than the reinforced soldiers. It’s something that was later on further developed by me. Please forgive me, but any more than that ((is impossible)).” (Gaap) Hifumi, who judged that it’s apparently something fun going by his look, got excited by the existence of a secret weapon even he doesn’t know about and due to the general of Horant appearing to not be an idiot. “Yea, that’s just right.” (Hifumi) “Huh?” (Gaap) “If you don’t have something at this level, you won’t be interesting as study case for Alyssa and Imeraria. Isn’t that fine?” (Hifumi) Gaap doesn’t comprehend the role of the man in front of his eyes. “H-However, although you say that, I was told that it might be harsh even with more than twice the military force if one takes on those weapons...” (Gaap) Doesn’t he notice that he is praising himself by saying such a thing? Even while keeping the details of those weapons ambiguous, Gaap talks about their threat. However, all of that was ignored by Hifumi with a smile. “It’s fine. If they die with just this much, that’s all there is to them. Will they try to hit someone collectively towards the direction of winning? That will only increase the numbers to be hit.” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi smoothly saying “The beastmen and such are easy prey as well”, Gaap realized. Hifumi doesn’t take enemies or allies into consideration. His level of perception of them is just the colour difference of game pieces clashing against each other. He turns his sight at the box-shaped carriage with the weapons on it. (If this swaying Horant wins, it will result in us fighting the beastmen which would be brought along by this Hifumi-san next. And, if we won against them as well, next...) If we lose, it will be the end, but even if we won, the next battle would come. As long as this man exists, Horant will be engulfed in endless battles. “Hifumi-sama, the preparations for your meal are finished.” “Lunch has been made by us. We will be happy if it suits your taste.” Three maids approached as they held down their skirts which fluttered in the wind on the rooftop while facing Hifumi with fleeting glances of upturned eyes. “Ah, really? Thanks.” (Hifumi) Once Hifumi thanks them, the maids drag him to the dining hall by pulling Hifumi’s hands while looking happy. The soldiers, who are on guard duty on the rooftop, looking at that enviously made Gaap uneasy as he watched. “Dangerous guys might appear to be attractive. I can’t understand.” (Gaap) Those are egoistic thoughts, but above being taught skills, I’d like to have Hifumi go back home as soon as possible Due to Hifumi secretly slipping out and his whereabouts becoming unknown on that night, a part of the maids grieved while Gaap felt relieved. ☺☻☺ “Tannin! Is this a situation where you can laugh around care-freely!?” (Kuzemu) Tanning and Kuzemu, who were together on a carriage at around the middle of the ranks, tried to cope with coming into contact with the enemy faster than they imagined, but they suffered fierce attacks from Orsongrande’s side at their vanguard. It’s the second day after departing from the capital. It’s the period when the sun is at the zenith. If it was like war until now, both armies, once they knew about nearing the enemy, would have representatives hold a conference and meanwhile take up positions. Clashing against each other was formerly the basics, but Orsongrande, which confirmed Horant’s reinforced soldiers according to the news from the front row, began to fire spears already after having observed them for several seconds. “I also know about the power of those spears. But, if it’s the reinforced soldiers who don’t feel any pain, it’s irrelevant, isn’t it?” (Tannin) “That is...” (Kuzemu) According to what the soldier, who came to relay information, said, Orsongrande’s spears, which were shot precisely, destroyed the feet and knees of the reinforced soldiers in a flash and on top of restricting their movement, the spears were focussed at their heads. “Before I head over here, two heads were destroyed and they became incapable of acting.” “H-Have the magic soldiers attack! After all there are no remarkable magicians in Orsongrande!” Due to the shouting Kuzemu, Tannin had their magicians step forward and ordered them to attack from a distance. “During that time, please take the aforementioned gross ((things)) in the rear along. Let’s have this finished by using those.” (Tannin) “I-Is that alright?” The soldier and Kuzemu opened their eyes widely due to Tannin mentioning to use their treasured weapons even though the battle started just now. “It’s fine. We will look like idiots if we lose due to being unwilling to deploy them, right? These things will end up routing them if they aren’t completely blocked by the enemy side bundling its strength. Hey, hurry up!” (Tannin) Seeing off the runner who dashes away, Tannin grumbled. “Well, if we make a bit of a comeback with magic, our chance of winning probably won’t be shaken as we outweigh them by numbers.” (Tannin) Due to that remark, Kuzemu released the tension which entered his shoulders. “If we don’t finish it quickly, the castle’s beauties might get stolen by our guest.” (Tannin) While talking about something ridiculous, Tannin stood up and took his beloved sword which was sheathed in a flashy scabbard that had jewels embedded within. “Where are you going?” (Kuzemu) “I’m off to the front line for a bit. At these times something called “morale” is important.” (Tannin) Accepting the reins of his favourite horse, which was made to run along the carriage, from a soldier, he easily jumps on top of the saddle. “Well then, Your Excellency, the Prime Minister. See you later.” (Tannin) The ones being surprised by the sudden enemy contact wasn’t just Kuzemu’s army. “Aren’t we uncivilized to shoot spears all of a sudden!?” (Imeraria) “What stupid stuff are you talking about? It’s obvious that it’s the enemy if those reinforced soldiers are there. You should praise Fokalore’s soldiers, who splendidly knocked them down after taking the initiative, and the kingdom’s soldiers who are doing their best in protecting them.” (Origa) “Uugununu...” (Imeraria) Nelgal revealed a wry smile at Imeraria and Origa quarrelling thanks to the fact that there won’t be any help after watching his surroundings. Alyssa has quickly gone to the front where the soldiers of Fokalore are and hands out commands for the sake of assigning targets. Sabnak was driven away to confirm information and Vaiya was at the front line to begin with. For not only Fokalore but Orsongrande’s royal army to shoot their spear throwers in alignment is probably Vaiya’s decision. A knight, who came running from the front line, shouts towards Sabnak. “It looks like we were successful in making the reinforced soldiers mostly powerless! I don’t know the total number of enemies, but we were able to confirm that their files and ranks are continuing equal to our numbers or above them!” “How about the enemy’s movements?” (Sabnak) Sabnak hands over a cup filled with water while asking. “Thank you very much. The enemy is recovering from the temporary confusion, the infantrymen, who were behind the reinforced soldiers, are showing movements towards spreading out left and right.” “Sabnak-san, isn’t there any chance to tell them our side of the story?” (Imeraria) Sabnak answered Imeraria’s question with a 「Though it’s regrettable, but no」. “At least until the long distance battle ends, it will probably be difficult. Seeing that it’s very probable for magic soldiers being over there, I won’t allow it as Your Majesty will be defenceless.” (Sabnak) “And if it turns into a rally with our side’s magic soldiers?” (Imeraria) “That might be hard.” (Sabnak) The number of Orsongrande’s magic soldiers is, to say it frankly, Their skill levels are low as well. If someone at Origa’s joined the army, they would probably climb to the top of the magic soldiers in the twinkling of an eye. “Since their numbers are low, it will take the shape of waiting until the opponent’s side runs out of mana by using a platform wagon as shield for a while, if it turns into a rally of magic. In that case, it means that we will be pinned down after leaving from here...” (Sabnak) Going by past measurements versus magicians, enduring with large shields was considered to be an established tactic, but they weren’t able to disregard human losses either. “Umm...” (Puuse) Once everyone turns their sight towards the fragile voice, there was the elf Puuse who raised her small hand. “Can’t you use a magic barrier?” (Puuse) “What’s that?” Due to Sabnak plainly asking by reflex, Puuse is surprised and explains it briefly. To put it simply, it’s a magic bulwark against magic, but there are many elves who have become strong at it because of the long sealing. Puuse can use it as well. However, because only magic as means of attack was advanced in research among humans, that type of skill ended up being lost. “If you like, I can help you with the barrier, I think.” (Puuse) It was a welcome offer but, Sabnak feels reluctant to have her, who is just a guest to the bitter end, participate in the battle. Even for Imeraria it’s the same. She had the drive of wanting to observe it as person who researches magic, but she restrained herself with The only one not restraining herself is Origa. “That’s wonderful. Please show us by all means. I will accompany you to the front line, too.” (Origa) “Ah, yes.” (Puuse) Even a platform wagon got taken. “Please wait.” (Imeraria) “Good grief”, Imeraria, who shook her head, gives the instruction 「We will advance to the front line together with this platform wagon」. “It’s probably better if you take command at the front as well, Sabnak-san. At any rate, Nelgal-sama and me don’t want to miss an opportunity to make a speech. If they are able to deploy a barrier, there will likely be little danger, too.” (Imeraria) Once Sabnak gives a signal to the soldier steering the platform wagon, the soldiers begin to advance to the front by pushing their way through. When Puuse starts to chant, Origa’s and Imeraria’s gazes focus on her. (That’s not easy to do...) While being stared at with serious eyes, Puuse, who chose the timing on her own discretion, deploys her mana and a faintly translucent wall extends by seemingly boiling up from the ground. Immediately following that, magic attacks started from Horant’s side, but fireballs, rocks, wind and water, all of it scatters at the moment it comes in contact with the barrier. “This is amazing.” “I see, it’s the materialization of mana that holds no attribute...” Within the mix of praising and analysing voices, Puuse blushed while concentrating her consciousness on the preservation of the barrier. (It’s because I’m good at healing and barriers though.) Puuse decided to stay silent about her being utterly useless in regards to offensive magic. “Aah!” (Origa) Suddenly Origa stood up and raised her voice. “Hifumi-sama is watching.” (Origa) “Eh? From where?” Although it’s unknown how she sensed him, just as Origa says, Hifumi was care-freely observing from a place separated from the highway. Even the rabbit beastwoman Viine, who heard Hifumi’s name, shifted her ears and head in hurry, but she wasn’t able to find him. “I can’t stay like this. If we are observed by Hifumi-sama, I will fight as well... ouch!” What hit the head of Origa, who stood up while grasping her wand in a hurry, with a clunk was a small stone wrapped in a parchment. Only 「Stay silent and watch」 in Hifumi’s poor handwriting is written on it. “Now that he mentions it, this is Alyssa’s trial...” (Origa) Behind Origa, who sat down once again while being downhearted, the tigerboy Malfas, who was nervous due to the atmosphere of a battlefield, whiffed, looked in the direction from where the stone came flying, opened his mouth and became stiff. The figure of Hifumi, which Malfas discovered, was that of the man who destroyed his village.
Debold, the second son of the Müntzer marquis family, brought ten guards and ten chamberlains with him as he left the royal capital. It all looked like a parade-like spectacle, with leaflets prepared for him rolling around. That was something Hifumi clearly saw when he returned to the royal capital with Alyssa. On the scattered leaflets, “According to princess Imeraria’s wish, for the sake of the peace and harmony of the nation, Debold Müntzer has become the peace envoy”, could be read. Despite it being the royal capital, the literacy rate was low. So even though some people picked up the leaflets, the extent of those who could read them was practically non-existent. Part of the crowd, consisting of drunkards and carefree people, were cheering loudly. But the huge majority were coldly appraising the flamboyant noble. Like the people below, on the castle’s balcony, Imeraria saw them off with a cold gaze. “Imeraria, did you need me?” The one who called out to her was the Third Knight Unit’s Pajou. “Oh, it’s Pajou.” Turning around and seeing Pajou’s face, Imeraria relaxed a little. “With this, I too, for the government’s sake, have sacrificed someone else, haven’t I?” Imeraria spoke but then mocked herself. [No, the first victim should be he who is hailed as a hero] “Debold was aiming for you, Imeraria. In my humble opinion, shouldn’t this be viewed as self-defense? Besides, the one who suggested this was me, so let me be the one to shoulder the sin of sacrificing that man.” “... I’m sincerely happy over having your loyalty. Well then, in order for that plan to not come to naught, we can’t do anything but advance, can we?” Following Imeraria, Pajou left the balcony and the two entered Imeraria’s office. Pajou was tormented with a sense of regret. Not because of the plan with sacrificing someone, but mainly due to what she had previously told Imeraria. Earlier, after having separated from Hifumi, Kasha and Sabnak joined Pajou, who had already returned to the royal capital. In order to quickly report to Imeraria, the three briskly cleaned themselves off and arrived at the castle gates. As they had previously received remuneration from Hifumi as well, Kasha did show some restraint in the beginning, but she was eventually forced to accept the gold as funds to start her life anew. While Imeraria, on the other hand, was thinking that if they could use some money to win over someone having been close to Hifumi, it would be a cheap price to pay in the long run. After all, if Hifumi kept going like this, continuing the war and building up strength, who knows when he would have a full-blown confrontation with Orsongrande. Fearing that, Imeraria wanted to hear Pajou’s opinion, having seen Hifumi’s manner of fighting close up. As the report concluded and Sabnak and Kasha stepped back, Pajou began a long follow-up session with Imeraria. “At first I didn’t think Hifumi would be able to accomplish numerous amounts of military achievements as he has now. This, of course, is a matter of my predictions being too naive since we knew that only his individual military prowess was strong. But him having experienced countless battles, it seems that we still underestimated his absurdness.” “Imeraria. I can say that I’m of the same opinion. The prime minister would also agree with us on this conclusion. No one could have expected that his love for battle would enable him to brilliantly take control of the enemies territory with such ease.” While someone may be strong individually, it doesn’t mean he will survive on the battlefield. And as far as the two of them, having undergone training for nobility and knights respectively, in terms of strategy and tactics, Hifumi’s an expert. Besides using methods never seen before, he also had the lowest amount of possible casualties... those were all completely unexpected accomplishments. News of Hifumi’s activities had been brought to the royal capital by merchants coming from Vichy, and had already become the topic of conversation within the capital. Everywhere you went you could hear how the “Knight of the Slender Sword”, with barely any casualties or losses, had overwhelmed Vichy. It was just as it was in one of those heroic tales. It was slightly exaggerated, but mostly true. Something that should’ve been good news for Orsongrande was conversely quite unpleasant. Even if the Royal castle didn’t want Hifumi’s popularity to rise, there wasn’t much they could do about it. If it continued like this, Hifumi may take away all the popularity Imeraria was having, as well as the sense of respect towards the royal castle, for himself. “He really is a hero, but above that, he’s a lunatic. He’s nurturing both cities and the people within them for the sake of fighting, and creating environments in which he can kill others.” Using intentionally strong words, Pajou told Imeraria. “If you’d forgive me, I have a plan I’d like to present to you.” “Go ahead, let me hear about it.” The plan Pajou had thought about was, simply put, ‘to make it seem like Imeraria was the one who ended the final war’. That Arosel, while under Orsongrandes control, was essentially an unnecessary territory and would be difficult to govern. First of all, they’d use Debold as a messenger to provoke Vichy into dispatching troops to take back their previous territory. While they’re fighting Hifumi in territories such as Fokalore, which he had just recently been bestowed, or Arosel which has recently become occupied, Imeraria would unconditionally surrender Vichy’s former territories with an absolute concession. Lastly, they’d secretly make an agreement to cease hostilities. Pajou planned to achieve these plans all in one go. “Debold will probably be killed. And the majority of the soldiers leaving for Arosel and the like will die as well. But with this, Hifumi’s military gains will reach its limit. And we’ll then publicize that you were the one who brought back the peace.” “Vichy’s soldiers should be able to hold Hifumi back, shouldn’t they?” First of all, the initial unrest would be over there. And as a result of Vichy taking up arms, they should be able to tear into Hifumi and afflict some damage. “That being the case, we need to have Vichy counterattacking with a lot of soldiers. It’s necessary to provoke them to the extent they believe that unless they attack with all their power, they’ll have no option but to face ruin. For that purpose, we have the peace envoy bringing a provoking letter.” “...Please give it some thought.” Having returned for the day, Imeraria called Debold to her office the next day. Finally, his own turn has come. Catching a glance of Debold triumphantly striding over towards Imeraria, Pajou saw him off with a mix of remorse and resolve. It’s for the sake of the country! Understandably, Vichy’s central council received the letter Hifumi sent first. “Hand over Beirevra, huh?” Scanning over the letter presented by their spy, the elderly council member let out a sigh. Right now he was the only member in the room. All the other members were spending their time dealing with their own cities. He was called Minoson, a city representative of the city located furthest away from Orsongrande, so after having gathered an assuring amount of soldiers, he stopped. The other council members had plans to gather soldiers soon as well but were generally behind schedule. Their territories were whittled away, making it clear that just defending the city would prove hard. The cities near the national border were frantically thinking up any means of defending their cities. If Minoson’s city was attacked, it meant that Vichy would’ve already collapsed at that point in time. Of course, he wouldn’t not make any great effort just because of that. War is unchanging. For the sake of a new era, any powerful people on the losing side would have to be sacrificed. That’s just the way it is. “Even so, this is troublesome.” The problem was the letter lying in front of him. Concerning giving up the spy called Beirevra, Minoson was well aware of what had happened over by Arosel. If giving him over would end all this, it would’ve been a good option. But currently, Beirevra’s whereabouts were unknown. He was summoned before the council before this letter’s arrival, where he briefed them on the news from Arosel. He was a man past thirty, with a small stature, and facial features giving him a cunning expression. With the threat of Hifumi approaching Vichy, and himself being summoned, perhaps he suspected something. The second time he was summoned, he never appeared. Other spies looked for him but found nothing. It’s quite unlikely he went towards Orsongrande or the Beast’s territory. It would seem natural if he were to use one of the intermediaries he got close to in dealing with the distribution of the magical tools to cross over to Horant. But an inquiry was made, and Horant responded with a formal letter that there were no records of him crossing the border. Minoson didn’t believe them at all though. After all, if Vichy takes an aggressive stance against Orsongrande, Horant making a display of gathering soldiers it would apply some pressure. A proposal would then have been made so that depending on the situation, both Horant and Vichy would attack, forcing Orsongrande to defend on two fronts at once. They were allies, although it wasn’t an alliance without obstacles. It’d be hard if it was only Vichy, but granted that Horant were to join them, they could turn the tables on Orsongrande. “Doing that, they will have to wrack their brains on the spot for a countermeasure.” The council members gathered within two hours. They didn’t really have any opposing opinions, so Minoson’s plan was approved. Currently, in accordance with the letter, there are no other alternatives than Vichy unconditionally becoming a vassal state of Orsongrande, or being completely absorbed. For the moment, Vichy won’t respond to the demands or talks of reconciliations. They will gather the troops from all their cities and recapture some city-states. After an assured victory, they’d enter negotiations with Orsongrande. They planned to go all out. As soon as they finished rallying their forces, they would march towards Rhone en masse. By the time Debold and the delegation representing Orsongrande entered Fokalore, Hifumi had just instructed the dwarfs to construct a protective wall at the city entrance. When a strange gaudy carriage, followed by around people became visible, the guards and general populace got ready to welcome the incoming noble. Hifumi, however, ignored them and continued talking with the dwarfs. “So, make some diamond shaped holes in the wall, like this.” “Is it really okay, making a hole in the wall ?” “With this interval, you can use bows or javelin-throwing machines to attack. If the holes are too big, they’re useless, so we want them to be just barely big enough to aim through them.” “Haha, I see.” While the young dwarf was admiring Hifumi’s knowledge, Debold and company entered the city. Nevertheless, the soldiers under Hifumi’s leadership were thorough. Even if the traveler came from within the country, and even if they were an aristocrat, they were to be completely checked. “How rude! I’m the Müntzer marquis family’s amazing Debold, a peace envoy appointed by her highness princess Imeraria! You lowly soldier bastards have no reason to do an inspection!” Stopping the carriage, the soldiers were interfered with by the vain Debold, as he shouted at them with an ugly face. They could freely pass all other cities until Fokalore, where they were subjected to a normal inspection, which Debold was dissatisfied with. Hearing the words ‘Peace envoy’, Hifumi approached the raging Debold. “Shut up.” “Huh, you’re that disrespectful upstart. Heh, if you’re the leader, no wonder your subordinates also behave like this.” With a broad grin appearing on his face, he tried to make a fool out of Hifumi. However, Hifumi’s facial expression didn’t change. “This is my city. I’m the law. We don’t know what guys like you are bringing in, so we need to do a thorough search.” “What kind of absurd thing is that. It’s for bastards like you of low birth. This doesn’t concern me since I am of the Marquises lineage. Advance.” As he ordered the coachman to continue, before he noticed, a drawn blade was gleaming in front of his eyes. Having drawn closer in an instant, Hifumi’s abruptly drawn katana made Debold tremble. His fear filled eyes reflected on the blade. “Hiii... You bastard, what are you...” “I said so, didn’t I? Here, I’m the law. If you don’t abide by the rules, I’ll dispose of you as a criminal.” Debold’s face flushed. In the end, he didn’t resist Hifumi’s pressuring and trembled in disgrace. He gave a sidelong stare at the soldier who checked the roof rack’s contents on Hifumi’s orders. Without hiding his fury, Debold spoke in a trembling voice. “You bastard. With what you’ve just done to me, I hope you’re prepared... On her highness princess Imeraria’s imperial command, I’m an envoy on my way to Vichy’s central government.” Hifumi didn’t answer. He was given a small box with a seal on it from the soldier who found it. After carefully opening it, he found a pure white paper inside. This kind of paper was very rare in this world. It was folded and sealed with beeswax. “That’s her highness the princess’ handwritten letter! It’s not something bastards like you are allowed to touch!” Ignoring the screaming Debold, Hifumi took the letter in his hand and held it up against the sun. “...I see.” The letter, sealed just as before, was quickly returned to its original place by the soldier. “That’s enough, go along.” “Remember this, you low-life. After I’ve fulfilled my mission, I’ll make you regret having that attitude.” “Is that so? Well, do your best.” Completely without interest, Hifumi returned to his meeting. All the while Debold glared at him until he was out of sight from the carriage. “Hifumi, is that really okay?”magic Origa ran over to Hifumi from someplace. A shuriken in her hand, as if she was going to throw it somewhere. “He’s just a pathetic clown. No need to take him seriously. We probably won’t even meet him again. Leaving that aside, the national border by Rhone will soon become a battlefield again. Rearrange the troops and ready them to leave.” “You got information that Vichy is going to attack?” “I guess so. But it seems we still have time to spare. So let’s carefully prepare a welcome party for them. Alright, looks like we’ll be busy again.” Of course. they’d have to use the various goods the dwarfs had made. Moving towards the Dwarfs workplace, one idea after another on how to fight against Vichy gushed forth into Hifumi’s head. The premonitions Hifumi had about the war would be slightly betrayed by reality, just two weeks after this day.
Although those working within the castle are elites, the work of the maids starts early in the morning. There are also cases of taking breakfast to the workplace of the nobles, they have been assigned to. Each of them is busy preparing as there are those, who will always complain about drinks in the morning, if it hasn’t been prepared. There are also many people, who are taking breakfast to their masters before the sun has risen in the dormitory of the girls. Dawn is crowded with maids reporting for work. If you talk about Shibyura, who is assigned to Sabnak, you might say that she will be alright, if she takes it slow going to work. Given that Sabnak has a long history of working in the provinces by himself, he will at least do basic cleaning and prepare tea in his spare time to get it done quickly. Having led a life of not being accustomed to take a person in his service like other nobles, Sabnak even rarely tells Shibyura to do this or that. On the contrary, he isn’t in the office since morning. Today’s the same. “Well, then let’s start.” (Shibyura) Since basic work like cleaning has become her second nature, Shibyura repeated a fixed cleaning routine every day. She also has pride in tidying up all places, even dim rooms, within the castle. “... It bothers me.” (Shibyura) Even such girl couldn’t help to be worried about a place in the room since today morning. Yesterday Sabnak suddenly appeared next to the cupboard. He ended up dodging how he got into the room, but she knows that there is some secret concerning this cupboard. Being bothered by it once, her hands have stopped cleaning and she has turned her view to the shelves standing like that for around an hour. “Let’s try examine it just a little bit.” (Shibyura) And once she firmly pushed the wall right next to the cupboard, it opened. “This is...” (Shibyura) It’s an entrance where a knight wearing his armour barely fits through, but for the petite Shibyura it has plenty of size. As she peeks inside, she can see a dim passageway continuing onwards. It’s even gloomier than the passageways used by the servants and maids, which Shibyura knows about as well. All over it gives an impression of being narrow. Standing alone midway, something like shelves has been installed. Once she timidly stepped into the passageway, the door closed automatically. As she touched the wall in panic, it opened just same as before. Shibyura took a breath. (I wasn’t aware that there was such passageway.) The passageways used by the servants are, to the bitter end, for the sake of running through the hallways without being seen and also served as a short-cut to carry stuff like food hurriedly. They aren’t directly connected to a room. If it’s possible to take an even better short-cut to the dining hall, it will become even easier to prepare the meals for Sabnak “Don’t move.” Shibyura was surprised to the degree of jumping up when she was suddenly called. “Don’t shout. Slowly turn your face in my direction.” Once she finished turning her face as ordered, she saw a person, she had already seen somewhere, pointing a thin blade towards her. “Tell me your name and affiliation.” (Hifumi) “... I’m Shibyura Winger. I’m working as maid in the castle.” (Shibyura) Having a weapon pointed at her for the first time in her life, her voice has been trembling even though she pretends to be calm. “You appear to be Earl Tohno, right... ?” (Shibyura) As Shibyura asked him that, Hifumi lowered his katana. “That’s right. If I’m not wrong you were Sabnak’s maid. Why are you here?” (Hifumi) Even though he has lowered his weapon, Hifumi’s look is sharp as usual as if seeking for gaps in Shibyura defence. Although she hesitated for a moment, she honestly tells him that she was investigating the place of Sabnak’s coming and going out of curiosity, because he has also seen the place where she has been talking with Sabnak in the office. “That guy is...” (Hifumi) “It’s not like it’s highly classified information”, seeing Hifumi being in a huff, Shibyura casually observes him anew, wondering I don’t know to which country his clothing belongs and he has black pupils and black hair, I hadn’t seen anywhere else. Although his appearance looks to be young, no different from me, he also has continuously an even stronger, oppressive aura than father. “Anyway, leave from here right away. If you were mistaken for an invader, you wouldn’t be even able to complain about getting killed.” (Hifumi) “Kil... This is within the castle... ?” (Shibyura) Hifumi shifts his attention towards Shibyura, who raised her voice unintentionally, as if seeing something strange. “The place is irrelevant. Things, people, faith, all of it is fine. If you consider protecting something, you will have to get rid of hindrances without hesitation. Those, who are deceived by handicaps and helplessly fear that, are... idiots.” (Hifumi) “And, since I will properly teach Sabnak about the importance of information, it’s fine for you to tell him to wait in his office at night”, Hifumi vanished to the other side of the gloomy passageway. ☺☻☺ At the time Hifumi was still secluding himself in the hidden pathways to confirm the structure within the castle, a messenger from Vichy arrived. The man, calling himself an envoy of the central committee, has come to visit the royal capital leading around attendants. Although it was a rude visit without even a previous arrangement, it was decided that he would be meeting the prime minister for the time being. In the place being a room that is used as reception room within the castle, there are two knights standing in the back of the prime minister. Two soldiers, acting as attendants, are accompanying the envoy. “It’s the first time for us to meet each other. I’m called Roshi and was dispatched by Vichy’s central committee. I’ve heard that new king will be enthroned in Orsongrande at this time. As representative of Vichy, I hurried to extend my congratulations.” (Roshi) He handed over a list, which is recording handicrafts and fabrics native to Vichy in addition to magic tools apparently made in Horant, while telling “Please take this as a little gift.” the envoy in front of me hasn’t realized that the quarrel between Orsongrande and Horant has mostly been settled already, now has he? “Thank you very much for this. By the way, it’s not like we greatly advertised the coronation ceremony to that degree, but Vichy’s central committee seems to possess quite good ears.” (Adol) Roshi’s smile, that looked as if plastered onto him, wasn’t disturbed by the words of Prime Minister Adol. He shook his head with a “No, no.” “Only by chance. We used the opportunity to ask a certain noble-sama of your country with whom we previously also had business discussions. Becoming aware of the matter with the coronation immediately after entering your country, I immediately got in contact with my own country in a hurry. I’m very sorry that the envoy is someone of my degree, but above all, I was told that it was likely quicker to use me for the celebration.” (Roshi) “Oh my goodness, you have experienced quite the troublesome journey. Please relax at ease until the coronation ceremony. We will prepare a room for you.” (Adol) “Then I will gladly take you up on your kind offer. And, is it possible to receive an audience with the new Majesty the Queen? If you don’t mind it, I want to report all of this to the central committee, but...” (Roshi) Adol thought. He wanted to avoid Imeraria getting in contact with him until he knows the objective of Vichy, if possible. “The princess is busy with the preparations for the coronation ceremony. Once the ceremony finished, she might have a little bit time, but at this point in time, it’s quite...” (Adol) “That’s right, isn’t it. How regrettable.” (Roshi) “If it’s alright with you, I will listen to the reason for your visit.” (Adol) Although he displayed a look of pondering over it for a bit due to Adol’s question, Roshi easily gave a nod. “That’s right. If I’m able to discuss it with Your Excellency, the prime minister, in advance, it might be even better than conveying it while under stress of being in front of Her Majesty the Queen.” (Roshi) As he said this much, Roshi corrected his posture, surveyed his vicinity and began to speak in a lowered voice. “Concerning the previous sorrowful quarrel, I want to officially propose peace from Vichy. Now, if that’s possible, the central committee is considering to enter a peace treaty between your country and the central committee...” (Roshi) While still floating a smile on his lips, Roshi’s eyes are piercing the prime minister. “Of course we are the defeated side. Even regarding the reparations, I have the privilege of offering as much as is possible. Also, regarding the flow of goods such as magic tools etc, I’m prepared to discuss how to suit the circumstances of your country’s merchants.” (Roshi)magic Due to the word “defeated,” the guards, which Roshi brought along, reacted with a twitch, but the prime minister purposely ignored that. They aren’t important. First off, with this it is clear that they apparently don’t know that a direct trade between Orsongrande and Horant has begun. And even the central committee’s aim has become evident. “Your offer became clear. Let’s prepare an opportunity for a conference once I’ve coordinated our side. On that occasion we will talk about the concrete details.” (Adol) “Oh, thank you very much. Please convey my best regards to Her Majesty.” (Roshi) Roshi exits the room while bowing many times over. The prime minister, who saw him off, slowly inhaled the aroma of the newly, brewed tea into his nose. “He gives off the feeling of being driven against the wall quite a bit.” (Hifumi) “Earl Tohno...” (Adol) From a different direction of the door, Roshi’s group left, in a direction where there shouldn’t be anything like a door, Hifumi entered the room and sat across Adol. Although Adol was surprised with how he hasn’t heard him, it reached already the point of him choosing to whom to apply common sense after having seen the actions of the shinigami and Hifumi until now. “Driven against the wall... that is probably so. Vichy still didn’t recover from the damage it received by you, Earl Tohno. The situation is that their country has been split apart.” (Adol) “Accordingly, although the independent Pursang is being blockaded, if they are lawful state connected to Orsongrande as state, that place will yearn for support, if possible, huh? Besides...” (Hifumi) “Have you realized something?” (Adol) Hifumi, who laughed broadly, only said, “it’s the job of the Royal Knight Order from here on”, and stood up. The prime minister speaks as he though it’s something he should confirm, “What do you think about the current Vichy, Earl Tohno?” (Adol) “I don’t care. I have no intention to support either the central committee or Pursang. ... Well, it would be great, if they did their best in competing with each other even more.” (Hifumi) “... Though I have a request to you, Earl Tohno.” (Adol) Without answering, Hifumi stood and looked into Adol’s face. “Will you accept to be present at the conference between Vichy’s envoy and Imeraria-sama?” (Adol) Hifumi, who showed a blank expression for an instant, laughed as if enjoying it in the next instant. “That’s great. Sounds interesting.” (Hifumi) The unit of Vaiya’s group that had been transferred to Fokalore, riding atop horses, arrived totally out-of-breath at the capital two days before the scheduled coronation ceremony. It was quite at the last moment. “We have returned.” (Vaiya) Vaiya, who went to report of their return, looked at Sabnak sitting at his desk and showing the expression of a shadow. “A-Ah... Vaiya, huh? Thanks for your work.” (Sabnak) “A-Are you alright?” (Vaiya) “Yea, I’ve been slightly busy with various preparations... Since I want you to participate from now on as well, Vaiya, have a look at this for the time being. I will have you join in the guarding, including the guys you led back here.” (Sabnak) Once he gave him the compiled documents, Sabnak urged Vaiya to sit down at the reception. Shibyura quickly prepares black tea. “So, have there been any results of you going as far as Fokalore? ... With the exception of you finding a wife, that is.” (Sabnak) “Please stop it. I obtained the permission from Viscount Amazelo, but since it has now become a talk of being adopted into their family, the marriage is still a long way off...” (Vaiya) “Yea. Since you will honestly hurt my feelings, if you speak this joyfully, let’s close this topic now.” (Sabnak) “... Though you will be able to manage one way or the other, if you consider doing something.” (Shibyura) Shibyura mutters a few words due to the teary-eyed Sabnak. “Listen, will you leave until I call you?” (Sabnak) “Understood.” (Shibyura) “Umm...” (Vaiya) “Ah, it’s fine to not mind her.” (Sabnak) “Haa.” (Vaiya) Even while being puzzled due to the state of master and servant, which held a strange mood, Vaiya orally reported about the information of the shuriken and kusarigama, he had driven into him. He handed over a report to Sabnak he had prepared ahead of time. “I heard these weapons were invented by Earl Tohno, but with the possibilities of capturing without killing and causing damage to an opponent on distance, I wonder whether there is value in considering these as official equipment, too.” (Vaiya) “However, since no one but Hifumi used this in combat so far, isn’t there a necessity for at least your group, Vaiya, to be skilled enough to teach about those to the other members?” (Sabnak) “Concerning the coaching, if we are able to obtain a final permission from Earl Tohno, it will be possible to even dispatch personnel for training from Fokalore.” (Vaiya) “You’ve prepared considerably well.” (Sabnak) “I was able to obtain Caim-dono’s cooperation.” (Vaiya) “Him, eh? ... Then I can agree.” (Sabnak) Even for Sabnak and Vaiya, in the end they never seen a scene of Caim smiling broadly. They remembered the civil official slave, who holds an alias of arrogance for each of them. “If that’s the case, Hifumi-san is just now within the castle... since he might be anywhere, it’s fine if you get permission to search for him. The other members are already getting coached by Hifumi-san. It’s even probable that it’s necessary for him to teach someone continuously.” (Sabnak) “Besides”, Sabnak showed a bitter smile due to a new document on the table. “We might be able to test the usefulness of this ‘kusarigama.’ Even as early as tomorrow.” (Sabnak) The document has a tile called “Instructions for a mousetrap.” “It’s a plan written by Hifumi-san. Tomorrow morning Imeraria-sama will meet with the envoy from Vichy. I hear that Hifumi-san will be present there, but... the movements of Vichy’s attendants are suspicious, going by Hifumi-san, who has been keeping an eye on them.” (Sabnak) While listening to Sabnak’s talk, Vaiya goes ahead with reading the documents. It’s the first time he has seen the matter about hidden pathways, but apparently those were used for monitoring and as a test for combat. “Please get ready to personally search for Hifumi-san from now on. You will be the person in charge of this operation, Vaiya.” (Sabnak) “Roger, sir. Please leave it to me.” (Vaiya) With this being the first military operation of the Royal Knight Order, both of them put fighting spirit into it.
The contact between the knights and the slums’ residents began with conversation. Several beastmen, who are proud of their strength, are using their own bodies to form a wall obstructing the pathway, which is the entrance to the slums. “Clear the way, beasts.” (Zebul) The one speaking in a high-handed manner from atop his horse is Zebul, who was appointed to deal with the beastmen by the king during the audience. “Even if you hole yourselves in, it won’t extend you bastards’ life span in the least. Surrender. Rather than losing your lives, you will likely be happier surviving as slaves.” (Zebul) The humans, who took refugee in the slums, panicked more than the beastmen due to his remarks, which showed that he hadn’t any intention at all to talk it over. Several humans, who noticed the uproar, listened to the speech standing behind the beastmen. “Please wait! There are humans here as well!” Coming out from in-between the beastmen, a man frantically waved his arms and advocated their existence. magic However, Zebul’s reply was indifference. “The lives of commoners and their likes doesn’t even deserve consideration in front of our noble cause. It’s fine for you to die while regretting your own foolishness of clinging to filthy beastmen.” (Zebul) “T-That’s because the soldiers didn’t protect us!” Zebul returned a scornful laughter at the man, who yelled close to wearing out his throat. “You aren’t worth to be protected, is what I should have said just now though?” (Zebul) “Such a...” A single beastman placed their hand on the shoulder of the crestfallen man, who dropped to his knees. “Be relieved. We will properly protect you.” “That’s right. We have to show our gratitude to the humans here. In various ways.” Zebul, who watched the leopard beastman laugh with a giggle, bent his lips in displeasure. “Beast, don’t use human speech! All hands, draw your swords!” (Zebul) The soldiers and knights, lining up in rows, draw their swords. Their numbers are probably around in total? Although it might be a magnificent view to watch, you can’t really say that from the standpoint of having to confront them. Especially the mounted knights holding a longsword, supposed to be swung downwards from atop the horse, have an imposing appearance. But, the beastmen’s side had quite the composure. “Ooh! Her they come! Here they come!” (Gengu) The dogman Gengu is also at this place. Gengu, who exerted the most focussed effort at the time of Hifumi’s coaching, stares directly at the human knights and isn’t perturbed in any way either. “Hee. If you compare it to the intimidation of Hifumi-san, those guys aren’t even close to a fart!” (Gengu) The surrounding beastmen also agreed to Gengu’s harsh words. Once you observe them, the knights, who are using horses, are sticking out just because they are leaving the soldiers behind, as according to assumptions. “Alright! Let’s get it done as we were taught!” (Gengu) What the beastmen, who motivated themselves, did first was to retreat towards the slums. The humans, who have been dumbfounded, are carried by the strong beastmen and they retreat orderly. “Haha! The beasts are scared, it seems.” “Let’s enter the slums and get on with the massacre!” The knights, who talked big and raised the speed of their horses, disregard something like the soldiers running after them from behind. They charge directly at the beastmen. “I will get them first! ... Aaargh!?” (Zebul) Zebul spurs on his horse, but, being suddenly thrown off balance, he fell due to pitching forward. In front of Zebul, who was thrown to the front, stands a gigantic tiger beastman. “Alright, how did you feel being thrown off the horse?” “Don’t babble! Lowlifes such as incompetent beasts, who can only swing around their arms... are...?” (Zebul) At the time Zebul stood up and fixed his grip on the sword, the tiger beastmen brandished a -m-long log with amazing muscle strength. “Yea, it’s certainly true that we are incompetents, who can only swing something around. It’s not only the arms though!” Zebul was slapped into the wall of the avenue by the log. which was swung with full power. Breaking through the wooden wall, he was forcefully removed from the battlefield. Also, in the meanwhile, the horses of the knights, who have been pressing onwards vigorously, are falling over one after the other and the armoured knights are thrown onto the ground. “Indeed, this is easy.” (Gengu) Gengu, who stayed at distance and observed, isn’t able to withstand laughing at how well their plan is working out. Although you might call it a trap, it’s something extremely simple. They only made a large amount of small pitfalls with a depth of around cm along the entranceway to the slums. The pitfalls’ size is at the level that one might ignore it if passing over them on wheels, but if it’s the feet of people and horses, those will get stuck. Moreover, according to Hifumi’s thankful forethought of 『It’s not likely that they will be immediately able to do such difficult actions like preparing their swords to slash with them』, the beastmen, making use of their physical strength, can wield logs as is. And the powerless beastmen are holding long spears. Looking at the state of the knights being smashed by logs and pierced by spears from a distance, a longsword can’t reach, the following soldiers stop their feet. The narrow entrance to the slums was clogged up with a number of corpses and knights evacuating while raising groans being barely alive. “Humans get beaten up by human wit. Even as a pun it’s harsh.” (Gengu) Gengu laughed forcibly. ☺☻☺ The king of Swordland, Buell, who can’t guess the crisis, the knights have fallen into, in the least, drank a light sake after working up a sweat in his dim bedroom illuminated by candlelight. On top of the soggy, dishevelled bed a stark naked catwoman has collapsed while gasping. “Hmm, today’s female was quite good. You have my praises.” (Buell) Savouring the sensation of alcohol pouring down his throat, Buell talks about praising while not even throwing a single glance at the catwoman. “Hey! Someone bring a stronger sake!” (Buell) Buell’s very loud voice reverberates. But, there’s no answer to it. “What’s wrong!? Isn’t anyone there!?” (Buell) Once his voice raised in anger, the room’s door finally opened. However, the one, who entered, is a bearman. “All humans on this floor were killed. There’s only you left.” (Salgu) The bearman Salgu, who was smeared in blood, pointed at Buell and bore his fangs. “Those incompetent guards are... For the king himself to exterminate harmful vermin, it’s necessary to retrain those knights.” (Buell) Buell drew the large sword, which was leaning horizontally against the bed and pointed it towards Salgu. His only cloth is a single gown, but his impressive figure implicitly shows the level of his military prowess. “Our family has slain beasts with this sword and established a nation on this desolated soil. It’s fine to boast to the other beastmen, once you dropped to hell, about having been killed by this historical sword.” (Buell) “The one to die is you. I will free the beastmen, who were imprisoned in the humans’ city.” (Salgu) “Don’t spout such nonsense, lowlife.” (Buell) Buell’s charge is fast. Against the sword, which was swung downward head-on, Salgu evaded by twisting his body and thrust out his right paw. Hitting the hilt of the sword with his sharp claws, he averts its trajectory. “You are moving fairly well for one with the social standing of a beast.” (Buell) The sword, which was aimed at the neck, was restrained by Salgu’s arm and stopped. Buell corresponded with a head-butt against the counter-attacking bite. The sound of bones and flesh colliding continued. Salgu was getting covered in wounds little by little. Buell was also intensely shedding blood from a number of cuts and had sustained bruises here and there. “I see. It’s been a while since I had a tough opponent. But, I will finish it with this.” (Buell) The judgment Buell made was that Salgu’s movements have gradually grown dull and that he was at the peak of fatigue due to having struggled against the defence up to here. So far Buell had repeatedly attacked by brandishing his sword and thus Salgu likely wouldn’t be able to deal with intended thrust coming next. Once I stab the neck, this battle will end. However, an unexpected hindrance came in-between. “Nuu!?” (Buell) Suddenly the catwoman clung to Buell’s feet. “You bitch!” (Buell) The enraged Buell fiercely kicked the catwoman’s head and the woman, having her neck broken, died while slowly slipping down with her strength being lost. However, that has become a fatal opening for Buell. “Ooooh!” (Salgu) The claws of the roaring Salgu pierce into Buell’s stomach and deeply penetrated to the level of pushing out the skin of Buell’s back. “Gu... bu...” (Buell) Throwing up blood, Buell kneels down. “It’s your... loss...” (Salgu) Just as Buell had foreseen, Salgu stamina was at its limit. If Buell had avoided that one blow, Salgu would have been the one who lost. Losing strength in his knees, Salgu sat down on the floor and looked at the catwoman, who created this chance by risking her own life. Facing the dead body with its head being bent the wrong way and its eyes being vacant, Salgu shed tears. “Sorry... If I had been stronger...” (Salgu) “Uh-oh. Am I barely in time. Or am I out?” In the room, where there shouldn’t be anyone, the voice of a man besides Salgu resounds. “W-Who is it?” (Salgu) “Yoo.” (Hifumi) Hifumi suddenly turned up at the window, which should be at quite the height due to this part being on the th floor. Having hooked the sickle to the edge of the window, he jumps into the room with nimble movement. Once he took a fleeting glance at the defeated Buell, he took out a magic potion from within his storage while saying 「He is still breathing」 and sprinkled it over Buell’s wounds with a *splash* “W-What are you doing...?” (Salgu) “Mm? After you it’s my turn. Here, you too.” (Hifumi) Having already opened one bottle, he pours the fluid completely over the sitting Salgu. “Uwaa... the wounds are?” (Salgu) At the beginning Salgu was surprised about the sensation of his body, which had been injured by Buell’s sword, recovering in the twinkling of an eye, but he realized that it was the same thing Buell went through beforehand. “No way!” (Salgu) “Uuh...” (Buell) As Salgu had feared, Buell, who should be at death’s door, got up while raising groans and looked down on his body with its healed wounds. “This is... just what the hell happened?” (Buell) “You are slow at waking up. Stand up quickly. Your injuries should have already been healed.” (Hifumi) “Was that your work, bastard?” (Buell) Buell, who stood up, is stroking his belly while showing the inside of the torn gown. “It has been completely closed. I don’t know what kind of magic that is, but it certainly is convenient. I shall praise you.” (Buell) “Yea, whatever.” (Hifumi) Buell showed irritation due to Hifumi’s nonchalant attitude, however it was Salgu, who raised his voice before Buell. “What are you thinking? That catwoman risked her life to create an opening and even though I believed I finally killed him!” (Salgu) “That’s right. It looks like your guys’ fight finished right there. The middle-aged man lost and the bear somehow won by getting help.” (Hifumi) The two, who had a finger pointed them in turns, glared at Hifumi in tune albeit it being just after them killing each other. “So, next is my turn. I don’t have a hobby of tormenting a weakened opponent. Thus I just had you recover.” (Hifumi) “My chivalrous spirit will probably overflow”, Hifumi sneered, but Buell shouted that it wasn’t a laughing matter. “You bastard! Even if I’m grateful for the healing, what’s with this attitude in front of the king!?” (Buell) “Ah yea, about that.” (Hifumi) Hifumi smiles broadly. “Being a king, how does that matter? I don’t care about such stuff. I saved your life. Aren’t you thankful for that?” (Hifumi) “Tsk. You are a lowly man after all. Tell me what you desire.” (Buell) Due to Buell folding his arms and having an attitude filled with despise, Hifumi looked into his eyes and replied, “This country.” (Hifumi) “What!?” (Buell) “If you are unable to accept, will it better for you to lose your life today after all?” (Hifumi) “Do you plan to threaten the king!?” (Buell) Grasping his sword, Buell tried to strike with his sword aiming at Hifumi’s neck. However, just by lowering his waist slightly, that sword cuts empty space. “Oh, yes! You can fight against me, if you dislike it. It’s fine for you both to go at it at the same time. I climbed all the way up to this place because I wanted to do just that.” (Hifumi) At the moment Hifumi finished his speech, Salgu as well as Buell attacked Hifumi striving to be first to hit him. Salgu aims his claws at the breast of Hifumi. Buell’s sword heads towards his throat. Both of them lunge at him. Aiming at Hifumi, who stepped sideways, Salgu tried to pierce him with his fangs while drawing back his arm. “You aren’t careful enough when you open your snout.” (Hifumi) The tip of the suntetsu, grasped in Hifumi’s hand, hit the sharpened fangs from the front. Jumping over Salgu, who squatted down in pain when a pair of his fangs broke, Buell swung his sword down from a overhead position. “Die!” (Buell) The sword, which has weight, approached with quite the velocity. Hifumi, who judged that he would be cut, even if put up the chain, seized Buell’s arm by stretching out his left hand and hurled away Buell with the momentum of slashing as is. “Oouuh!?” (Buell) Being surprised by his first experience of being thrown, Buell was awkwardly slapped onto the ground. Turning around, Hifumi saw the figure of Salgu, who has started to attack in the act of standing up from his crouching posture. The pointed thrust of using his entire body as spring barely tore open Hifumi’s cheek with a shallow cut. “You did well.” (Hifumi) Grabbing the extended arm and arresting it, he pins down Salgu to the floor by pressing the shoulder and elbow joints. Hifumi mercilessly swings down his sickle at Salgu’s nape of the neck. (It’s the end, huh...? Sorry, Olra...) At the final moment Salgu, who recalled the shape of his beloved daughter, fell asleep to never wake up for eternity again. “... Aren’t you on the humans’ side, if you kill a beastman? Why are you trying to kill me as well?” (Buell) Buell, who hit his back, supports his trembling body with his sword and stands up. “I’m on neither side.” (Hifumi) Storing away the kusarigama, which he had wiped clean of blood, Hifumi, who became unarmed, took a stance of having his right hand and his right leg in front. “I’m just roaming this world in the pursuit of combat.” (Hifumi) “You lunatic...” (Buell) Buell, who was finally able to set up his sword by shouldering it, held a feeling of respect and terror towards the enemy standing in front of him with an abnormal presence while being an unarmed opponent. If this man was my own subordinate, it might also be possible to expand the nation by crushing the wastelands “Uuoooo!” (Buell) The one blow of Buell, who raised a war cry, was an honest strike without any tricks. The fast and heavy hit might have been able to injure Hifumi, if Buell had been in his best condition. At the moment Hifumi grabbed his arm just as before, Buell lowered his waist in order to prevent being thrown. However, Hifumi shows how to even deal with that. Ceasing to grab the arm, he plunged into Buell’s bosom and scooped up both legs of his opponent with both arms. Buell, who was tossed onto his back unlike before, bangs the back of his head against the floor and tries to stand up in a hurry, but his knees have no strength. At the point when he stood up with the support of his sword, his cervical vertebrae was twisted by Hifumi’s hand and broke. In the bedroom, filled with three fallen corpses, Hifumi touched the wound on his cheek, caused by Salgu, and licked his own blood sticking to his finger. “I have to increase the number of fellows, who are able to do at least this much.” (Hifumi) Even while grumbling, Hifumi didn’t suppress the laughter rising from the bottom of his abdomen due to the excitement of having received a wound after a long time.
While the female knight Phyrinion was advancing along the highway on horse, she pouted in dissatisfaction. “Why? Is it absolutely necessary for me to go to such remote district such as Fokalore?” (Phyrinion) The clothes and food was placed in a small carriage that is following her in the back. Earl Biron’s messenger, who was on guard duty at the time of camping, is sleeping within the carriage. Krinola “Fokalore isn’t at the end of the nation any more, ojou-sama.” (Krinola) Phyrinion sighed as Krinola, being a few years younger than the -years old Phyrinion, innocently tsukkomi‘d. “I know about that too! But it’s strange. Something like deploying a member of a knight unit to help a feudal lord. Moreover, is this really Sabnak’s duty?” (Phyrinion) While her green tender hair sways in the wind, Phyrinion can’t stop to complain. “However, rather than doing such dangerous work such as being a knight, the way of taking care of the territorial administration of a city is a relief for me as well. It has become a rumor in the city that the war has already ended, too. They say, the Lord-sama of Fokalore, where we are currently heading towards, has played an active role to influence this or something like that.” (Krinola) Is she happy that Phyrinion left the workplace where she would very likely be involved in a battle? Krinola has been continuously in a good mood since hearing about the matter of being transferred. “... It’s a blessing, if you don’t know about it, right?” (Phyrinion) Phyrinion, who is affiliated with the Third Knight Order, is naturally aware of the person called Hifumi. As she slipped into the masses at the succession announcement of the princess just like Sabnak, she has also seen the face of the person himself. “Although his face is slightly immature, he is well-equipped. But his contents...” (Phyrinion) Recalling Hifumi’s face she saw from far away, she remembered the personal history she read in the subsequent report. “Nothing. How far is it until Fokalore?” (Phyrinion) “We have already entered the Tohno territory. We will arrive tomorrow.” (Krinola) “... Oh?” (Phyrinion) While conversing with each other, Phyrinion’s view is observing the highway ahead. Something is approaching while rising a cloud of dust was in sight. “Krinola, get the carriage off the highway! Something unknown is approaching us with great speed.” (Phyrinion) “Y-Yes!” (Krinola) Krinola, steering with the reins, immediately moves the carriage away from the highway. Biron’s messenger also jumped up to his feet with the carriage hitting the bumps on the ground. “Did something happen?” (Messenger) During the time when Krinola is explaining the situation, Phyrinion leaves the highway as well. “What’s going on? Good grief...” (Phyrinion) Drawing her sword for caution’s sake, Phyrinion, who dismounts her horse and waits besides the carriage, wiped the sweat, that drenched her palm, with a cloth. Admiring female knights, she practiced enthusiastically for a period of time, but it was no good after she realized the fun of territorial administration. Because she was placed in the knight unit by her father for interfering with the administration too much, she restarted her training more or less, but in terms of skills she was at the lowest ranks amongst the knight unit. “I hope it isn’t the kind of monsters and bandits...” (Phyrinion) But, her hope has been betrayed two-fold. Soon the true identity of the approaching cloud of dust was visible. It was a large monster of the wild boar type. It is a type of monster that can be seen in near places such as forests, but its size is close to three meters. Even for adventurers, whose strong point is to subjugate monsters, it will be a harsh game, if they don’t hunt it with an appropriate number of people. And then there are people who are chasing that large monster. A trio who boarded something like some wagon. Two of them are operating some kind of lever. The last is preparing some bow that is fixated on the wagon. All of them are wearing a simple armor somehow similar to the uniforms of soldiers. “Uoooo!” “Fool! It’s too fast!” “Scary! Scary! Scary!” While unanimously yelling, they fired something like a spear urging the monster forward. With a dull sound it pierced the butt of the monster. As the monster fell over with a great force raising a roar, the wagon crashed into it at high-speed. The three are scattered and blown off the wagon rolling over the monster. “Uwa...” (Phyrinion) Feeling uneasy whether this has ended safely, Phyrinion and Biron’s messenger approach the crash site leaving Krinola at the carriage. The monster had its neck broken at the moment it fell. It was % dead. After they confirmed that there aren’t any other monsters, as they try to examine the state of the collapsed three, all of them are standing up unsteadily. “A-Are you alright... or?” (Phyrinion) As she asks one of them nervously, the soldier-like man bowed his head while being embarrassed. “Ah, I’m sorry for frightening you.” “N-No... if you are fine, all’s well.” (Phyrinion) The remaining two also get up. Seeing the shattered wagon, they are at their wit’s end and say 「We will be scolded~」. “I am Phyrinion belonging to Orsongrande’s Third Knight Unit. I wonder to whom you soldiers are affiliated. You are surprisingly sturdy. You boarded a strange vehicle there.” (Phyrinion) “Oh, what an honor, you were a knight-sama?! We aren’t this injured. We have acquired a technique called ukemi. And it has become something indispensable for our intense training we receive everyday.” (Ukemi?) (Phyrinion) Phyrinion raises her vigilance due to the word she has heard for the first time. While pondering about this, the other two soldiers came close and bowed to Phyrinion’s group. “We are deeply sorry to have caused you anxiety. As we prepared a camping site further down the highway from here, we chased the monster in order to get some food.” “That is fine, but what’s your affiliation?” (Phyrinion) They don’t have the boorishness like other soldiers I have seen. They somehow feel gentle. “Ah, please forgive us our impoliteness! We are territorial soldiers belonging to the territorial army of the Tohno territory.” (They are...) They were quite different from the image she had about the small army force that defeated a large army. Phyrinion became very anxious due to the objectionable aspects of the soldiers as she thought them to be frivolous people. “Slightly away on horses from here on was our camp. Given that we are returning in order to report to Lord Hifumi-sama, how about travelling with us if that’s alright with you? We have troubled you because of Lord Hifumi-sama apparently saying that he wants to make bear stew, as an apology...” “Hifumi-sama is there?” (Messenger) Bending himself forward in curiosity, it is Biron’s messenger who interrupts the soldier. It seems that I will meet him faster than I expected Except for the details Hifumi told the messengers from the central committee, there was something important written in the letter from Minoson, who is the representative of Pursang, the single metropolis of Vichy. “It looks like Beirevra has fled from Vichy. So, according to the extent of Minoson’s investigation, it appears as if he is most likely planning to head towards Horant, escaping Orsongrande by once again pretending to be a merchant.” (Hifumi) Listening to Hifumi’s explanation, Origa paused for a little while and then opened her mouth. “Are we able to trust this information?” (Origa) Picking up the letter Hifumi threw away, Origa carefully scanned its contents. “Soon there will be confusion in Vichy as effect of Pursang’s independence. Even though it will also be fine to attack then, it seems too obvious that Minoson considers it to be possible with ease. I don’t like that at all.” (Hifumi) “With ease... probably it won’t?” (Origa) “Originally it would become “Pursang vs. the rest of Vichy.” If it turns out that quite a part of Vichy has to face Orsongrande in war, the enemies will decrease for them accordingly, right?” (Hifumi) “I see.” (Origa) “Let’s leave Vichy alone for a while”, is what Hifumi said. “It looks to me that it will be enjoyable, if we let their state become a little more complicated by being mixed up.” (Hifumi) “So?” (Origa) While pouring tea into the cup again and placing it in front of Hifumi, Origa looked at him in expectation. “We will go to Horant. Since I am also bothered over the magic tool case. It looks like they have been getting reading secretly behind the scenes, so there will likely be some reaction.” (Hifumi) Within Origa it had taken the form of Hifumi especially heading towards Horant for the sake of Origa’s revenge. Furthermore she is hoping for them both to be able to travel together again. “With Alyssa... as she has waited for a long time now. While we are at it, we should also take some troops along on the expedition, huh? I am planning to test various tools we built as well.” (Hifumi) Ignoring Origa, who was disappointed that it wouldn’t be just the two of them, Hifumi immediately left for the sake of having Pruflas prepare the necessary things. “At any rate...” (Origa) Origa, remaining in the room by herself, looked at the documents on top of the desk. “Beirevra... get ready. I will kill you without fail.” (Origa) Her words of determination resounded within the silent room.magic Thus, leading territorial soldiers, Hifumi’s group once again departed heading in the direction of the capital. At the time when Ribezal arrived at Münster, Münster was still standing strong, but there weren’t any people to be found roaming within the city. It matched a situation you ought to call a state of high alert. “What’s this? What is the Second Knight Unit doing?” (Ribezal) He has never predicted that it would practically become a battle with Horant. He believed it would end with both sides glaring at each other. It was completely unforeseeable for Ribezal that a battle would take place to the degree that it would influence the residents of the city. “Oh my, after the Second, now the First? This place is completely similar the royal castle now.” (Biron) Biron, who welcomed Ribezal in his mansion, said while looking bored. “What’s up with the situation in this city?” (Ribezal) Sitting down on the sofa with a flump, Ribezal appeases his thirst with the black tea that was served. “It seems that the Second Knight Unit can’t stop Horant’s soldiers. Somehow or other they are strengthened by a strange magic tool or something like that.” (Biron) “Magic tool, you say?!” (Ribezal) Ribezal was grinding his teeth due to his own plan going astray as the battle progress at the national border to Horant was in a predicament beyond his imagination. He should return to the royal castle to rally troops under the prince’s banner, but the crucial war potential has been reduced. “And? Where is the Second Knight Unit?” (Ribezal) “They are quartering in a village close to the border. It appears that they aren’t pleased with me requesting reinforcements from the Tohno earldom.” (Biron) Showing his white teeth, Biron laughs. “Excuse my discourtesy”, he says finishing his business. “You say you have asked Hifumi for reinforcements? Why that man?” (Ribezal) “Because he is strong. He has killed many enemies, protected the populace and defended his territory. It’s to the extent that I want to inquire about his secret as likewise territorial lord.” (Biron) Disregarding Ribezal’s scowling look, Biron picked up a single baked sweet. “Do you want one? The sweetness will calm your mind. Once it is necessary to make composed decisions, I am always making sure to prepare pastry.” (Biron) Since he eats nothing but sweets being clogged up with work, he ends up getting laughed at and branded as child by his wife, Biron laughed and threw another one into his mouth. “It’s unnecessary. Please excuse me for leaving now!” (Ribezal) “Ah, please wait. Does your coming here mean that something happened at the royal castle?” (Biron) Although he stiffened for an instant due to Biron’s question, Ribezal told him that he doesn’t know. He leaves while roughly opening and closing the door. Seeing him off, Biron entrusted his body to the chair with a large breath. “Good grief! As expected of the First Knight Unit’s captain, he has a quite intimidating air.” (Biron) By Biron’s estimation it has been decided that the Ribezal’s First Knight Unit will merge with the Second Knight Unit and head towards fighting against Horant. In case they lose, the enemy will turn up here. “Should I also take the worst case into consideration... ?” (Biron) While deciding on a policy, he looks up to the ceiling and rings a bell on his desk. His butler came entering right away. “You have called?” (Butler) “Summon all of the commanding officers of the territorial army in the conference room. And prepare the materials necessary for battle then.” (Biron) Without asking anything, the elder butler merely bowed his head. “I entrust it to you. Anyway, I wonder if he has contacted the Tohno earldom safely? If he was fast, they should already be heading this way. Well, hope has to be placed as hope. It doesn’t influence what’s possible to be done.” (Biron) , Biron stood up and went towards the conference room. The indignant Ribezal returned to the place outside the mansion where the First Knight Unit waited. No one calls out to him seeing their captain’s displeased look. Except just one person. “Somehow or other, it looks like the magic tools of Horant have caused considerable damage.” (Beirevra) In a state of having his hands tied behind his back, Beirevra laughs disgustingly. Even as Ribezal glares at him, he doesn’t quit to talk. “There are countermeasures. I can prepare the same thing if my people are still alive. If you enhance the soldiers with this...” (Beirevra) Looking at Beirevra, Ribezal broods over it for a short while, but, ignoring Beirevra currently, he decided to prioritize the linking up with the Second Knight Unit. “It seems the Second Knight Unit is now lining up at a village close to the border. The appear to have a somewhat hard time, but if we go to reinforce them, the enemy will be forced back right away!” (Ribezal) “Yea!” with the knights raising their voices, they leave the city of Münster in a line. Beirevra, who had been bound and is walking as is, is still laughing frivolously. “Oh well, please tell me once it is necessary.” (Beirevra) “Without even relying on someone like you, we have all chances to win, if we use our true strength as knight unit.” (Ribezal) While saying this, somehow I couldn’t bring myself to hand over Beirevra to Earl Biron. Earl Biron has already a tune as if he has decided to join the princess’ faction. If I handed over a person holding information about an enemy nation, it might end up being snatched away as achievement by that Hifumi. “At any rate, you bastard won’t have a role to play.” (Ribezal) No matter what it takes, I have to raise military gains with only the knight units belonging to the prince faction. Ribezal was ruled by impatience.
As first part of the plan Imeraria emphasized her staying in the vanguard together with Nelgal in an open-topped carriage, but receiving vehement opposition from Biron and Sabnak based on the concerns of her guarding, she reluctantly gave up on that. In the end it was decided that seats would be installed on the large platform wagon for transporting goods brought along by Fokalore and Imeraria and Nelgal would board that wagon together with their guards. The reason is that it’s easy to guard and that it has speed albeit being large. The knight unit led by Vaiya will serve as vanguard. Behind them will be the guarding knight unit including Imeraria and Sabnak. And after them it continues with Fokalore’s soldiers and then the main forces of Orsongrande’s royal army including the feudal army of Earl Biron. Fokalore’s soldiers will be led by Alyssa. Origa will take along the beastmen and stay on the platform wagon together with Imeraria. “Report the current state.” (Imeraria) “Yes. it seems there are still several parties of soldiers remaining on Horant’s side of the national border, but it looks like their numbers don’t exceed .” (Sabnak) Once Sabnak answered fluently, Imeraria nodded lordly. “Well then, following the first part of the plan, Origa-san, please go ahead.” (Imeraria) “Understood.” (Origa) Origa held an iron wire while smiling. “Then, commence the march.” (Imeraria) “Advance!” (Sabnak) Following Imeraria’s order, Sabnak raises his voice and Vaiya, who is visible at the head, raises one hand in response. The large army starts to go forward slowly. Horant’s soldiers, who confirmed the army possessing more than times their own force’s numbers after they arrived in front of the border, were in a state of agitation. Above them being border guards, they had the duty to deal with the soldiers of the enemy nation who advanced up to the border, but the person in charge thought . Wake up those sleeping as well. It will end with us being crushed underfoot if we can’t muster all our strength!” While giving such directions, he silently glared at the advancing army of Orsongrande and thought Suddenly a voice reached his ears. 『Can you hear this voice?』 “... What?” Once he looks around, it seems that the other soldiers have heard that voice as well. All of them are turning around their heads while looking at the surroundings restlessly. 『My name is Imeraria Torie Orsongrande. I’m the queen of Orsongrande. I’m calling out to you, all of Horant’s soldiers at the border, with magic.』 (Imeraria) That was Origa’s spell. She amplifies the voice with wind magic and yet makes it sustain a directionality. It was a spell possible to only Origa who received Hifumi’s guidance regarding sound waves. “Her voice is delivered by magic, she says? Such a stupid...” As the soldiers get flustered, the calling out to them continues further. 『Since I’m unfortunately unable to pick up your voices, I will make an one-sided announcement. Currently the next king of Horant, Nelgal-sama, is with us. I believe you can see him him if your eyes are good enough.』 (Imeraria) Once the knights, who were in front of Imeraria, part to the left and right, Imeraria, who is on top of a platform wagon, and Nelgal, who is sitting next to her, are visible. As there are also several people among Horant’s guards who know Nelgal’s face, several of them state “There’s no mistake about it.” 『We don’t have come to invade Horant. We came for the sake of delivering Nelgal-sama safely to the capital. But.』 (Imeraria) The knights once again blocked the way in front of Imeraria and drew their weapons. The knights’ weapons are originally spears and swords, but in addition there are also those who are wielding kusarigama‘s and swords similar to katana’s. 『If you become an obstacle, please resolve yourselves suitably.』 (Imeraria) As the queen’s proclamation finishes, the army begins to advance slowly once again. The border guards of Horant had already no intention to fight.magic ☺☻☺ “The number of soldiers is more than , you say? Haven’t you made some kind of mistake?” (Kuzemu) The messenger, who brought the information from the border with a feeling of desperation, was shouted at with an angry voice by Kuzemu just as he finished his report. “H-However, I did confirm with these eyes that a large army has actually drawn near the national border!” As if being vexed by getting doubted, the messenger raises his voice. “With that kind of large army entering our country...” (Kuzemu) “That’s why I told you, didn’t I?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who hung around Kuzemu’s office as usual, laughs. “It’s odd to believe in them not coming to attack out of fear just because those useless things made their appearance.” (Hifumi) “Are you saying that there are countermeasures?” (Gaap) Hifumi shakes his head towards the question of Gaap who visited this place frequently in order to listen to Hifumi. “It won’t be fun, if I told you that, right? If you might get defeated once you simply show yourself in front of the enemy, consider the way of showing yourself.” (Hifumi) Even that exchange makes Kuzemu irritated. The state of them begging for instructions while bowing their heads towards Hifumi, who should be their enemy, is continuing endlessly in front of his eyes. Even the messenger, who doesn’t understand the circumstances, knows that Kuzemu has become displeased in the blink of an eye. “Well then, it’s the crucial moment!” (Hifumi) When Hifumi stands up all of a sudden, the looks of everyone inside the room gather on him. “It was faster than expected, but if it goes according to my prediction, Imeraria and the others are probably aiming to come here directly. If that woman possesses the intelligence to lower her head for the sake of her goal, she will head here in one stretch by getting Fokalore’s help.” (Hifumi) “It’s what I would have done”, Hifumi grinned at Kuzemu. “T-Then, won’t their march stop once you come forth? Since we are currently in the process of building a friendship... right, a friendly relationship...” “What madness are you talking about? I told you, didn’t I? Go to war, I said.” (Hifumi) Hifumi draws his katana while stepping in front of Kuzemu. Due to his far too natural motion, the people in the surroundings were completely unable to react until the katana’s point was thrust before Kuzemu’s left eye. “If you don’t have any intention to do so, you will die here. That Gaap still has promise, but...” (Hifumi) “I got it! Please take away the weapon, I understood!” (Kuzemu) Once Kuzemu raised his voice into something similar to a scream, he, who sweated like a waterfall, repeatedly breathed hard after the katana vanished. “Gaap! I leave the defence of the castle to you bastard!” (Kuzemu) Kuzemu, who issued reckless instructions, stood up while being unsteady on his feet and left the office. Without there being anyone who follows him, Gaap, who got worked up, feigned ignorance at the state of Kuzemu, bowed towards Hifumi and left for the sake of preparing the interception. “Hey.” (Hifumi) “Ah, yes.” Hifumi called out to the messenger who was left behind. “This place is the capital city, right? I thought that there will be a large number of soldiers and such if they are scraped up together, but it looks like there are strangely few. Did something happen?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who held the impression that there were also quite a few soldiers outside the castle after he marched in by himself previously and even squared off against Suprangel, felt like asking while selfishly walking around inside the castle during daytime. “Well, previously a large amount of soldiers were assembled by conscripting from the common populace, but since mercenaries were abolished by the late king, there isn’t even a third left in comparison to before.” One can say there are many people remaining from before since the treatment of things like salary got improved, however the difference in numbers can readily be called a sharp decrease. Seeing the soldiers of Fokalore, Suprangel apparently believed 「It’s useless even if there’s a large number of riff-raff」. Around the time when the instruction unit arrived after being dispatched from Fokalore, he tried to circulate the planned budget into treatment and equipment by decreasing the numbers rapidly. “I see. So around how many soldiers are currently available to defend this capital?” (Hifumi) “I don’t know the precise number, but it’s around 3000, I guess?” “Hmm.” (Hifumi) If the defending side has three times the numbers of the attacking side, it will likely be quite harsh As the messenger was crept out, he opened the door to get away and that’s when Hifumi called out to him from behind. “Ah, that’s right. Don’t flap your mouth too much about the true state of affairs.” (Hifumi) The messenger, who had a bright red face out of embarrassment for having his blunder pointed out and anger showing 「The one who asked was you, wasn’t it?」 on his expression, left without saying a single word. “... Well, it’s several days ahead ((of schedule))?” (Hifumi) Muttering that, Hifumi threw himself on the reception sofa. “I wonder how Alyssa will perform? I’m itching to do something, but I have to stay patient, must stay patient.” (Hifumi) “Come to think of it, I left Origa behind”, he remembered this late in the game, but ☺☻☺ After Horant’s border guards divided to the left and right as if cleaved open by a wave, Vaiya’s group boldly advanced through their middle. Apparently feeling quite tense after all by going forward between the enemy, the knights had uniformly stiff expression and that also included the guards who came after them. “It isn’t such a bold move once you actually have a go at it either.” (Nelgal) Imeraria doesn’t respond to Nelgal’s mumbling. Once she turned her look to him after considering it odd, what she could see was him being nervous with his teeth chattering while having a serious look. When the platform wagon with Nelgal enters the space between the soldiers, he quickly stands up. “I’m Nelgal who will become the king of this country, Horant. I don’t know what kind of idiot considered something like attacking Orsongrande, but fortunately I acquired the help of Her Majesty, Imeraria, the queen of Orsongrande. Those, who are listening to what I’m saying now in this place, convey my words to the people and your colleagues!” (Nelgal) Surprised showed on Imeraria’s face for an instant due to the sudden speech, but her expression reverted to a serious one right away as she knows his aim. It’s easy to tell that it’s an unexpected action going by Nelgal’s guards being surprised as well. Sabnak being startled showed on his face and his eyes kept being widely open. Imeraria realizes that it’s impossible for Sabnak to express himself without words and gestures. “Orsongrande is powerful!” (Nelgal) Nelgal declared in a loud voice. “All of you are probably aware of the skills of the instruction unit dispatched by Fokalore! If you ask, haven’t they even defeated a giant soldier who used magic tools which were supposed to be lost technology!? How do you all intend to oppose such Orsongrande!?” (Nelgal) Although the soldiers of Horant are dumbfounded, dissatisfaction gradually appears on their faces. Even they know of the strength of Orsongrande’s soldiers. There is no one who doesn’t know about them having easily invaded the royal castle and all of them witnessed a skill that advanced in a different direction of magic. Though they don’t raise their voices, displeasure is commonly shared by them. Bringing it up again at this point in time, they wonder what to do after having their own army being looked down upon. “So, what will you do?” (Nelgal) Nelgal reveals a smile. “It’s fine for you to become our comrades. If it’s together with Orsongrande, just as the late king Suprangel planned, those skills will prove successful to protect ourselves from those killing us. Who was it that that thrust you into a dangerous position now!? Besides, is there any reason to obey? If that’s not the case, isn’t overthrowing that someone together with us what you should do now? To bring down that fool!” (Nelgal) The astonishment, felt by the soldiers, spreads just like a wave and gradually turns into voices praising Nelgal. Nelgal, who surveyed the vicinity calmly, apologizes to Imeraria with a 「Sorry for acting on my own」 while sitting down. “No, it was a good speech. Just as you said now, “... Thanks for your consideration. Let’s leave a deep impression.” (Nelgal) “Well then, Sabnak-san, let’s go ahead. The destination is still far away.” (Imeraria) The army advances. More than half of Horant’s guards followed their march. (It’s going well. ... Seeing that Fokalore’s army is on our side, Hifumi-sama himself probably won’t stand in our way, but I wonder when the enemy will show up. Along the route? Or will they lie in wait at the capital?) Imeraria stole a fleeting glance at Origa who sits diagonally behind her. Imeraria has the intention to genuinely hasten the preparations of the sealing magic formulae in regards to Hifumi once the problem with Horant is put in order. (For that reason, although I feel sorry about it, Origa-san, I will make the best use out of you.) There was something no one realised, even not Imeraria herself. Even though everyone pondered about restraining Hifumi, they don’t consider killing him. If you call this the naivety of the people of this world, including Imeraria, it ends here, but Imeraria still didn’t realize about there being an emotion inside herself that has changed into something that is not “hate” towards Hifumi.
Faster than anyone could raise their voice, a first victim appeared. It’s that demon, who mainly gave an opposing advice towards this hunt, shielding his lord willingly with his body against Hifumi’s thrust. “Guha... p-please r-run a-aw-away!” The man, who received a thrust into his chest with the power to make his body float for an instant, pleaded even in this situation desperately to his lord to escape. But, his stupid lord was only bewildered. “Ua...” “Too slow.” (Hifumi) While getting panicked due to his subordinate being stabbed in front of his eyes, he was easily beheaded by Hifumi who came in front of him. “W-What have you...” In the next instant the man, who witnessed his lord’s perishing with an anguished expression, has his face split in two from the temple by the katana and grey matter gushes out from within. “Pheew~...” (Hifumi) While sending the blood and brain fluid flying by swinging his katana, Hifumi deeply breathed out. And then he inhales air through his nose. “The air outside is pleasant. Previously I wasn’t able to breathe normally due to the dust.” (Hifumi) The stench of fresh blood is drifting into the chilly air of dawn. There were many people who ran away chaotically due to the sudden murder, but that will result in them having made the right judgement in the end. Although they will encounter later on bitter experiences due to being blamed by Vepar for having cowardly run away from a single opponent and will be sent to their sinecure, they will at least have long lives. The unlucky ones were those who decided to stay in that place to fight. “It’s only one opponent! Shoot him with magic to death from a distance!” Someone, who was riding a horse, shouts while pointing at Hifumi. In response to that, fireballs and lumps of earth were released from all four directions at Hifumi one after the other. “Demons are better at magic than humans after all, huh? The speed is higher.” (Hifumi) Even while admiring the spells, he avoids the magic attacks by smoothly swaying his body. Compared to the high-speed pellets fired by Agathion, these spells are quite slow. Hifumi, who scattered an attack of a wind spell which came at him directly from the front with his katana, rotated the katana in his hand and sheathed it into its scabbard. “Do you plan to surrender at this point in time?” When he was mocked by some demon, Hifumi replied while looking bored, “Are you an idiot? There’s no way for me to do something like surrendering to opponents I can defeat, is there?” (Hifumi) While hitting the pommel with the palm of his left hand with a *pon pon*, Hifumi grabbed the dagger, which stuck out from the opened darkness storage, with his right hand. “As it’s been a while since I yearned for some dagger practise, keep me some company.” (Hifumi) The dagger, which was produced by the dwarf Pruflas, who’s currently in Fokalore, taking days and nights by using Hifumi’s katana as reference, is close to a wakizashi The wakizashi, Alyssa possesses, was forged by the excited Pruflas after he was harshly reprimanded and urged to improve it by Hifumi who saw this dagger. Even while criticizing it severely, Hifumi carried it with him since he considered its sturdiness, although that adds to its weight, as its good point. Holding it in a backhand grip so that the blade is facing outwards, he puts forth his right foot and sets up a L-shape stance with his legs while holding his left hand at his waist. “Don’t mind it! Keep on attacking!” The magic attacks focus on Hifumi once again, but they don’t hit him all the same. Someone, who got impatient due to Hifumi evading everything completely, ordered his subordinates to charge in. “At least cut him, even if it’s only once! If we can create a situation where I can finish him off, I promise that you will be promoted as much as you like!” Despite hesitating only for an instant because of the scene where numerous spells are flying about, all subordinates raised their voices and rushed in due to those words. They frantically dash onwards while holding spears and swords in their hands. “Look properly at your opponent. Otherwise you won’t hit them.” (Hifumi) Avoiding the sword of the man, who came running at the lead due to his fast feet, by stepping aside, he slides the dagger into the nape of the neck in a smooth, unhindered motion and kills that man. Knocking down the approaching spearhead, he pins it down by stepping on it. “Ah!?”magic The soldiers, who ended up releasing his spear, fell forward with his current momentum and it turned into a situation of him himself having his throat stabbed by the dagger simply held out by Hifumi. The remaining three stop their feet out of fear due to the first two spurting blood out. Someone’s fireball crashed into the back of one of them with a roaring sound and he was blown towards the front as if flying. His face, which is warped in surprise and pain, is caught by Hifumi’s left hand and slammed into the ground. Hifumi steps forward without spending a glance at the soldier who died after convulsing once. Nevertheless, the remaining two stood while grasping their weapons tightly. Although it was an act changing it into a situation were they couldn’t back out of, it was also equivalent to not having an opportunity to raise to a higher position in the narrow, caged-in world of the demons. Without any war either, their social rank is decided for most of their lives at their birth. What fell into our laps at that point is the great event of avenging the king. If we contributed to it, even without delivering the finishing blow... Depending on one’s point of view this might be a moving tale. Their figures of entrusting the future of their families and themselves into a personal command might be seen as beautiful if watched by people in the same position. However, Hifumi doesn’t respect such things. “Die, you idiots.” (Hifumi) Breaking the spear with an elbow strike, he stabs the dagger into the crown of the head. Then he kicks the wrist of the opponent, who held a sword, from below. Having released his sword, the soldier’s head is seized and Hifumi’s fist, which grasped the dagger as is, determinedly bashed into the soldier’s chin. With the head making a full circle, the soul leaves the body in an instant due to the destroyed cervical vertebrae. “Even if you acquire the strength to fight at the front, don’t stand on the battlefield with a scared mug after going with the flow without figuring out how to compensate for the lack in wrecking your brains. It’s irritating.” (Hifumi) Hifumi was truly angry. It’s not like I hate people who can’t fight. Cooks, civil officials and farmers, if they live their lives while giving it their best, that’s a good thing, I think. But I hate uneasy fellows who are simply fighting by swinging their weapons without even scheming how to win and without putting effort into surviving while exposing their bodies at a place of battling. “Besides, have you understood anything about your raison d’être?” (Hifumi) The one Hifumi pointed at is the noble demon who ordered the charge of the demon soldiers who became silent corpses now. “I-I was born having prestige amongst the demons...” In the midst of him saying that, Hifumi rushed over and hit him resolutely. The noble, who fell off the horse, holds his cheek while spitting out several teeth and wheezing unable to breathe as he apparently hit his back. “It doesn’t seem so. It’s your role to let soldiers die for the sake of victory, right? But, thinking about what you should do to kill me, your enemy, in the end, no matter what methods you use, it’s a commander’s duty to use the lives of his soldiers for that goal, isn’t it?” (Hifumi) That’s why Hifumi evaluates Imeraria, who was able to order her subordinates to not start a fight, while rejecting to surrender herself to revenge not once but even twice for the sake of creating a situation where she is able to definitely kill him, highly. She will come to definitely kill him in a composed manner. For that reason she utilizes the maximum of her thinking and standing even if she doesn’t have fighting strength herself. That was Hifumi’s desired “way of humans.” “There is also someone who continued to give her best to achieve her revenge while being in a position unable to do so by herself as slave.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who placed his foot on the back of the noble, who tries to run away while grovelling, slowly increased the foot’s strength. “That person became slightly weird, but she continued to forge herself for the sake of getting revenge with her own power. She continued to put in great efforts to obtain power, even by discarding her pride, while being greedy to become strong.” (Hifumi) “Gueeee... p-please stop...” The noble, who can’t properly speak due to the pressure on the solar plexus while listening to the grinding sound of the spine, pleads in a feeble voice. But Hifumi puts even more strength into his foot. The noble is already desperate to just breathe. He is unable to do anything but grasping the ground while opening and shutting his mouth. “You guys’ king was powerful. Even Phegor or whatever schemed to kill me. Even that woman called Bennia or such aimed at my life by using her own technique to the maximum of her ability.” (Hifumi) Due to the pressure of Hifumi’s foot the nobles back began to cave in. Several ribs have already broken and were apparently stabbing the internal organs. Leaking blood from his mouth, the noble begs for help while shedding tears. “I will kill you. I will kill all of you who are outside here. I thought about leaving behind some of you while considering the war potential of the demons, but I quit that notion. Even if I leave them alone, they probably won’t be able to stand in for Vepar’s role.” (Hifumi) With the sound of water leaking and a scream as if he ran out of air, the noble used up all of his strength. “Next it’s you guys’ turn.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who changed his hold of the dagger into an overhand grip, counted the number of remaining people by letting his look circle around. There are people remaining. ☺☻☺ “I’d like you to explain to me what this is about!?” The messenger from Vichy raised his voice in the tent set up for Alyssa who is the commander of Fokalore’s feudal army. Alyssa, who is sitting in front of him, looks directly at the howling middle-aged man in puzzlement. Miyukare, who is standing behind the chair Alyssa uses, is trembling with a vein popping up due to the rude behaviour of the messenger, but she endured it with a clenched fist thinking “I did explain to you, didn’t I?” (Alyssa) Due to Alyssa tilting her head to the side with a ? floating above it, the messenger isn’t even able to hide his irritation. “It’s not about the comment “Because the monsters are powerful, we came to exterminate them” as I heard as explanation by director-dono at the beginning.” “But, there’s no other reason.” “Do you really think that I’m able to believe in such a reason!? Although you have lined up with a large army at the national border, do I have to even tell the unknowing you how much uneasiness you are spreading amongst the people of each city-state compromising Vichy!?” Once the messenger strikes the table with his palm, the cups shake and the baked sweet jumps into the air from its plate. Alyssa grabbed that baked sweet before it fell down and tossed it into her mouth. As these were specially made by Caim, Alyssa loved those baked sweets dearly. “But, there’s no other reason for us to come here besides that.” (Alyssa) After chewing with her mouth, she drinks the tea which was lukewarm. It was personally poured by Miyukare for the sake of Alyssa who isn’t very good with hot things. “In reality we defeated several monsters already. Although the soldiers’ training is held at the same time as well, that’s according to Hifumi-san’s instructions. I think it doesn’t cause any kind of problems though? The ones being troubled about the monsters are the city’s residents and you as well, ojisan, I believe?” (Alyssa) “Gu... however, it’s a talk about whether it’s necessary for the army to have such scale...” The gaze of Alyssa, which became narrow as if zooming in on him while being unsuitable for her own age and face, held a pressure to the degree of even stopping the talking of the messenger who had passed half through his forties. “Even if there’s the possibility of some of my comrades dying, you believe it’s a good thing to decrease the fighting strength by decreasing the number of people because of minding other people?” (Alyssa) “That is...” “I have already experienced being killed by people I considered to be my comrades, but an injury close to death is exceedingly painful. It’s saddening and unbearable. Rather than some of my comrades suffering such a thing, I will think about ways for my comrades to return alive, even if they scare or anger someone. That’s my choice.” (Alyssa) Alyssa thanks Miyukare for adding some tea. During that time the messenger is sweating while struggling to choose his words. “We have come here following the intentions of our feudal lord, Hifumi-san. He has given the order to subjugate the monsters while considering the benefits of everyone. But, if you dislike that, it can’t be helped, right?” (Alyssa) Alyssa tilts her head in contemplation and matches her sight with Miyukare. Seeing Miyukare nodding, the messenger believed that his arguments finally got through, but reality isn’t that soft. “You oji-san’s aren’t doing anything to deal with the monsters and are just voicing your discontent and grumbling at us, who are risking our lives to survive. Let’s decide who’s correct with skill, huh?” (Alyssa) Alyssa laughs pleasantly, but due to the conclusion going beyond his expectations, the messenger’s face exceeds being ghastly pale and has already become white. “S-Such an absurd...” “Neither Hifumi-san nor me have said anything strange. It’s simply a very important and simple talk.” (Alyssa) Facing the messenger, who is shedding sweat like a waterfall and who has become small on top of the chair while being in panic, Alyssa told him slowly while chewing her words. “If there’s something you desire, you have to obtain it with skill.” (Alyssa) “Though it feels strange for me, who received help and education, to say that”, Alyssa’s laughing voice could be heard by the soldiers who are outside the tent.
The Vichy central committee is run by committees representing the large cities, popularly abbreviated to “Centre” in Vichy. Basically every city recognises it’s own local authority that has a structure to it. A liason from the centre is sent to each city, while on the surface a perfect observation system for the centre, a perfect cover for spies. For that reason, a city-state trying to withdraw from Vichy had not happened for more than years.... 「 What on earth...? What is going on! 」 In the central committee’s simply decorated yet dignified conference room, a corpulent fat man raised his voice. 「 This clamour is pointless. First it is necessary to gather information. 」 「 In any case, the representative for Arusel is unaccounted for. According to the observer sent, most of the soldiers seem to have been killed. Collecting information will take time. 」 「 While we’re being slow, Orsongrande is possibly starting something. 」 「 Impossible. There is no reason for strife, nor is there any indication of such from their goods circulation. 」 The central committee members exchanged several opinions, “It seems that many of Arosel’s troops have been murdered” being the predominant theme. Legally speaking, protests should be lodged with Orsongrande, but cannot for lack of evidence. 「 Excuse me! 」 A soldier rushed into the unsettled conference room carrying an official document. 「 What? We’re in the middle of a meeting right now. 」 「 That is.... A letter of protest has reached our country from Orsongrande. 」 「 Letter of protest!? 」 A man stood up hitting the desk, his large stomach wobbling, and snatched the document from the soldier. 「 Th-This... 」 Seeing the man at a loss for words, a female committee member took the document from him and looked it over. According to the document from Orsongrande, the committee of Horant had obtained magic tools that twisted human nature, the city-state had also issued instructions for the death of an innocent woman. Furthermore, a protest against using these magic tools for aggressive behaviour within Orsongrande territory, backed up with evidence and an eyewitness. Moreover, Orsongrande called out the high-handedness of the city-state’s central committee over time and questioning the independent actions carried out under their jurisdiction, calling for allies to separate from Vichy, ending with telling the central committee to come down hard on this in the name of justice. 「 This is no protest, it’s a declaration of war! 」 「 Why in the world.... 」 「 Immediately contact every city and tell them not to reply to this joke of a protest from Orsongrande. 」 「 Definitely..... You! Immediately notify our contacts in every city! 」 「 Yes! Understood! 」 The soldier who brought the document immediately rushed out of the conference room. 「 This is a great danger for Vichy. If by some chance a city-state emerges considering separating..... 」 「 I think that is quite unlikely. I don;t know about here, but establishing an independent nation won;t be considered in other city-states. 」 「 Is that so? ..... Considering the military forces, the beastmen tribe area and the Horant side have more troops present. If you think about it, our country will not be affected to that extent. 」 Relief filled the conference room for a while, but the interaction with Orsongrande had yet to be decided. The meeting ended with the decision of cooperation for the time being, albeit half-heartedly. The future may have been different if they had taken a proactive defense regarding Orsongrande, but with common sense was usually disregarded in favour of possible selfish gains. It was Hifumi’s second day at the castle. They had stayed over at the castle. 「 The assembly of the allied city-states is dispersed everywhere, an easy way to maintain stability and cooperation. With the right cooperation, economy grows well. However, every city-state will defend itself, and the patriotic feeling that every “country” has is much lower. 」 Hifumi explained while cheerfully munching on a steak in the morning. The instigator of the protest document to Vichy was obviously him. Sitting with him were Princess Imeraria and Alyssa. Origa and Kasha had been released from slavery. Even though they were freed, they had not left Hifumi. With their revenge still unaccomplished, they were now employed exclusively by Hifumi as adventurers to travel with him. They strongly wished to accompany him so, Hifumi lightly said 「 Well then, you’re hired. For now, until Beirevra is caught and killed. 」 Alyssa was employed as an attendant to Hifumi, who was treated as a viscount. At any rate, she was relieved at having obtained a social position in this country. Once the promotion ceremony ends, they would go to the territory. 「 However, would the tentative explanation received be enough, I wonder..... 」 In contrast to Hifumi, Imeraria was clearly uneasy, reflected in her appetite. The day Hifumi had returned to the castle, Imeraria made the document to send to Vichy as proposed by Hifumi. It was delivered to Vichy’s central committee via the ambassador to Vichy who received it by pigeon and a fast horse. It would probably reach Vichy that day or the next. That was the fastest level of communication in this world. At the time, Hifumi told them to send the documents to each city in Vichy before the central committee began to move. 「 In any case, it is impossible to keep the movements of every city under surveillance. Unawares, the neighbouring city may be an enemy, amusing, isn’t it. Besides, on examining the documents, the centre has a large number of troops. Due to this, each city will send their agents everywhere there is great influence and financial strength. The central committee will desperately scramble for control. 」 Imeraria was unable to object to Hifumi’s words. After a brief consultation with the Prime Minister, it was hurriedly arranged. Though now doubts have come up with time. At the time, it was a hasty action, but at this point, could it be likened to a declaration of war? 「 At least the strength of their political system is nonexistent. Thanks to their council system, it’ll lead to squabbles and it’s unlikely that they will move for two weeks at the earliest. 」magic While saying so, Hifumi rose. Origa, Kasha and Alyssa attempted to follow, but stopped when he signalled them not to. 「 Where to? 」 「 Shopping near the castle for a while. 」 Throwing up a hood to hide his face, Hifumi left the room as though he had not a care in the world. After Hifumi left the room, Alyssa opened her mouth. All eyes focused upon her. 「 About Hifumi-san, saying something extreme like crushing Vichy, but sending documents instead, seems rather gentle, isn’t it? 」 「 Alyssa-san, as a noble’s attendant, your speech will require correction. 」 「 Auu.... 」 Alyssa instantly withered at Imeraria’s quiet rebuke. 「 Apart from that, Mr. Hifumi’s actions are not gentle at all. 」 「 What do you mean? 」 「 Mr. Hifumi probably intends to use divide and conquer to capture the city states. As a result of that, now when Vichy moves, the troops on the side joined with Horant will be fortified as per Mr. Hifumi’s suggestion. 」 Apparently, there seemed to have been a discussion between Hifumi and Imeraria. 「 That’s what I said too, but the princess agreed to the confrontation with Vichy, no? 」 「 .... If Vichy isn’t destroyed, this country will be. Will Mr Hifumi be violent here and cause it to collapse internally? Or will the circulation of goods from Vichy stop and cause the same? 」 Imeraria sighed as though she had no options. Hifumi had made his way to the shop that the dwarf Thorn managed. 「 How did you know? 」 「 It’s on a bunch of flyers, a customer showed one to me. 」 The document that Thorn thrust at Hifumi detailed “the actions of the hero Hifumi in saving a woman from Vichy and bequeathing upon him the title of Viscount as a lord to defend the new border between Orsongrande and Vichy”. 「 Hmm, even the parchment isn’t of bad quality. 」 「 Apart from, that, would you like to make purchases.... or rather make another strange object? 」(Thorn) 「 How rude. They are splendid battle tools. 」 While saying so, Hifumi pulled out several pieces of high-quality paper from his Dark Storage. Bad attitude notwithstanding, Thorn’s eyes sparkled with curiosity while looking over the papers. 「 What the heck!? 」 「 The dimensions are written there, as are the number of orders. 」 Blueprints for some tools and weapons were written on that paper. 「 Why do you want so much of this assembled? 」 「 If you want to see, come to Fokalore with me. The manner of fighting in this world. 」 「 Hmm, let me think about it. There are many orders, and the structure is quite complex. It will take around weeks. 」 「 Do it in days. 」 「 .... I’ll have to call in an acquaintance. 」 After that, Hifumi went to the slave shop once again. The same doorman was standing guard. He took one look at Hifumi and hastily scampered into the depths of the shop. Almost immediately, the manager, Uraru came out of the shop. 「 Hello hello, Hifumi-sama. Thank you very much for remembering this humble shop, please come in. 」 Led inside by Uraru, Hifumi sat down and mentioned the same conditions as last time, strength, regardless of age or sex, in addition to a new one. 「 It may be difficult, but a bright fellow is preferable. 」 「 Ha ha ha! Certainly, there won’t be many smart slaves... Oops, keep that secret from Origa and Kasha please. Well then, I shall make preparations at once. 」 After waiting for a while, Uraru returned and led Hifumi to a room with five people in it, of both genders. Every single member was wearing simple padded tunics, all somewhat dirty. 「 These can read and write and count to some extent. 」 An embezzling bureaucrat, an accountant at a bankrupt hotel, various others who fell into slavery. Talking to each one, addition and subtraction was possible, but few could do multiplication and division, it seemed to be the general standard for this world. 「 I’ll buy them all. Clean them up and get them some new clothes on me. Bring them to the castle tomorrow. 」 「 Certainly. Incidentally, why would you want educated slaves? 」 They call this level educated? 「 Preparations are very important to fight to the heart’s content. That aside, are there slaves skilful enough with their hands as much as a dwarf? 」 Uraru respctfuly inclined his head to Hifumi’s enquiry. 「 Certainly, there are. 」 Exultantly returning to the castle, Hifumi gathered his girls [TN: I’m tired of constantly writing all their names] and explained their next move. 「 In 0 days we will leave and go to Fokalore. It will be a routine visit of village territories. War omits nothing. 」 Hearing the word ‘war’, Alyssa flinched. 「 We will prepare till then, but first is the military unit formation. 100 men shall be divided into 4 corps, with a 30-30-30-10 composition. The last one will be the military supplies corps. 」 Apparently supplies were carried individually in this world, a unit for cooking and supplies does not seem to exist here. 「 Well now, I guess I’ll have to explain. That unit will carry materials and food, and do all the cooking. For the remaining 3 corps, Origa, Kasha and Alyssa will be the commanders for the first, second and third respectively. 」 「 C-Commander, it’s impossible for me! 」 Hifumi lightly bopped Alyssa on the head as she stood up panicking. 「 The conventional methods of fighting are useless anyway, doesn’t matter who the commander is. 」 「 Any of us are fine huh.... 」 (Origa) 「 No need to worry. In any case, you do not need to fight your opponent directly in the beginning. 」 「 What do you mean? 」 While answering Kasha’s question, Hifumi pulled out a piece of paper and started writing on it. 「 If my expectations are correct, it’ll be a siege that will involve the civilians as well. 」 「 The civilians.... 」 Origa was unable to continue, the silence filled with the sound of Hifumi’s quill.
At the time Origa joined up with Hifumi, the First Knight Order was already close to complete annihilation. Swinging the chains of the chigiriki, he hits the knights with the counterweight firmly. He focuses his aim on faces and noses and once their movements grow dull, he strikes at their necks. Broken teeth and blood are scattered all over. On one side there are the fallen members of the First Knight Order of whom none are breathing anymore. Everyone of the Third Knight Order, noticing Hifumi’s approach due to Sabnak’s warning, withdrew from the battlefield in panic. Even the last member of the First Knight Order, coming thrusting his spear, had the spearhead arrested and his stance broken. He fell down by being tripped up. “It’s the end.” (Hifumi) The knight, having his neck broken by being stepped on, died spurting blood from his mouth. “Alright, they were disposed of, huh?” (Hifumi) Putting away the chigiriki, he puts the somehow disheveled dougi in order just as Origa is drawing close. “Hifumi-sama, it looks like there aren’t any enemies in this area left.” (Origa) Hifumi, listening to Origa’s report, muttered “Is that so?” after sending a fleeting glance in the direction of the gathering Third Knight Order. “And... I discovered Beirevra not long ago.” (Origa) “I see. So, what happened to him?” (Hifumi) “I killed him with my own hands.” (Origa) While stroking the dagger she fixed back on her arm again, Origa shows a face of neither sadness nor delight. Hifumi puts his hand on her shoulder. “Good work. It is finally over.” (Hifumi) Hifumi remembered the novel “Assistance in Revenge” he read once before. Although it was slightly different, for some reason, the words he casually said were something along those lines. He had a feeling that Origa at last, with those words of appreciation, was saved. Origa, overcome with emotions, leaped into Hifumi’s chest without even wiping the tears that started to pour out. “Oh?” (Hifumi) “I’m very sorry. Let me stay like this, only for a bit...” (Origa) Hifumi, who showed a face of doubt for a moment due to Origa suddenly bursting into tears, seized her shoulders and pulled her apart. He directly stared into the eyes of her. “Smile, Origa.” (Hifumi) “You killed your enemy accomplishing your revenge, right? Aren’t you glad? At such times you should smile.” (Hifumi) Origa, looking at Hifumi’s face for a while, smiled cheerfully while shedding tears after having taken a deep breath in one go that resounded through her throat. “That’s right. It’s fine like this.” (Hifumi) If seen from the sight, they might look like a couple that overcame some ordeal, but there are corpses of knights scattered in the surroundings. Sabnak and Biron approach nervously at that point. “Ermm...” (Sabnak) “Ah, Sabnak, is it? I wonder if they are still fighting in city down the road? I will go there.” (Hifumi) “No, umm... Though that person...” (Sabnak) Sabnak pointed ahead. There was the figure of Prince Ayperos standing rock still with an appearance as if being an empty husk. “Is something wrong with that brat?” (Hifumi) “Brat, you say... Even if he’s like that, he still this country’s prince.” (Sabnak) “It should be obvious”, Sabnak says, but Hifumi does no more than tilting his head to the side. Origa is looking at Sabnak with eyes full of nothing but the wish to curse him to death. “Well, it’s fine. Although it seems he is being manipulated as well, we, of the Third Knight Order, want to take him into custody, but...” (Sabnak) “I have no use for a brat that shows no inclination to fight with me. It’s fine if you do as you like with him.” (Hifumi) “Thank you very much.” (Sabnak) Hearing Hifumi’s answer, Sabnak gathered several people and headed towards Ayperos’ location. In exchange Earl Biron steps in front of Hifumi. “Thank you for your assistance. I am called Earl Biron Kamrat “Biron? Ah, that letter-sending Earl, eh?” (Hifumi) “That is so, on this occasion...” (Biron) In the instant he tried to convey his gratitude, Hifumi draws his katana with his right hand using a backhand grip and presses the cold blade against the scruff of Biron’s neck. “It’s alright to call me here because there are enemies. But, I don’t like your intention of using it for your own benefit.” (Hifumi) “I-Intention to use you is wr-“(Biron) “To call me for the sake of protecting your city isn’t using me? I came to kill the enemies, but I think it is far too good and convenient to be convinced that you aren’t included as one of them.” (Hifumi) Until just now he had the leeway to show a smile, but now sweat was trickling down on his face. Biron saw his own reflection on the blade. “I planned to personally protect the people and myself... since there was also the Third Knight Order... with the First Knight Order being outside my predictions...” (Biron) Breathing roughly, Biron talked in broken parts. Hifumi separated the katana. “A-As nobles of the same country, I requested the assistance of the hero Earl Tohno...” (Biron) “Because there are battles, I will go there. I don’t care about the country or members of the same faction. My only criterion is whether you will become my enemy or not. ... The overdue territorial soldiers of Fokalore will come here. You are free to welcome them or to oppose them, but if you consider mutual beneficial relations, I think you should arrange something corresponding for the given benefits. Don’t you think so?” (Hifumi) Hifumi laughs broadly. Biron began to realize the true nature of the thing he had called himself. He thought that if Hifumi was a battle maniac, he would be delighted if there were enemies, but he made a huge mistake. (This man yearns for nothing but killing. Doesn’t he have any interest in the result of a battle?) He now understood the reason why Sabnak had the Third Knight Order depart in a hurry at the time when Hifumi arrived. At that rate they might have been massacred in one go as they are a knight order as well. Looking at Hifumi’s back heading in the direction of the prince, Biron took a short rest as consequence of his blunder. ☺☻☺ “Shall we remove the magic tool for the time being?” “It will be bad if it has some side effects. It will also be bad if he acts violently. Isn’t it better to take him in the current state and return to the royal capital?” “I have a feeling that the guys of the prince faction will say something about this, but...” With Price Ayperos standing in the middle, the knights debated their opinions, but as of yet they haven’t reached a decision. Noticing that Hifumi came walking over, all of them get out-of-the-way. “Sabnak, you said that this guy is the prince.” (Hifumi) “Please don’t accelerate his death...” (Sabnak) “I recalled that I made a promise to Imeraria. I won’t kill him right now.” (Hifumi) With those words Hifumi violently tore off the prince’s clothes and grabbed the magic tool embedded in his chest. “I will let that guy himself choose his own destiny.” (Hifumi) Same as with Ribezal previously, he tore off the magic tool in a brutal way without caring about the other party’s body at all. The knights, visible in the surroundings, are just watching the situation without being able to stop this. No one tries to catch the prince as he collapses to the ground. “U... Uu?” (Ayperos) Blinking his eyes, the prince regained his consciousness. “Wh...at? What the he... My chest hurts... ? Uwah.” (Ayperos) As the prince is looking at his own bloodstained body with a hole in his chest, he becomes confused right away. A magic potion was applied on him with a splashing sound. “You woke up. Stand up.” (Hifumi) Flinging away the emptied bottle, Hifumi orders him. “This is...” (Ayperos) Although he was completely preoccupied with the healed wound, the prince quickly got up. “You bastard are from that time...” (Ayperos) The prince is glaring with eyes full of hatred, but Hifumi isn’t even a bit perturbed. “Well then, you have the choice to decide your fate here.” (Hifumi) “What was that? You bastard, towards me who is the prince...” (Ayperos) A single slap strikes Ayperos’ cheek. “Shut up.” (Hifumi) Tears are gathering in Ayperos’ eyes as the pain makes his surroundings appear blurry. “This country’s throne is taken by Imeraria.” (Hifumi) “It’s fine for you to do what you like after this. It’s even alright to oppose your elder sister. There is also the way of receiving some position of allegiance. ... Ah, since your mother isn’t in this world anymore, relying on her is pointless even if you want to.” (Hifumi) Ayperos opened his eyes widely due to the last words. He surveys the vicinity. Because he only recognized the face of Earl Biron, who came close, he looks at that face. Earl Biron slowly shook his head left and right. “Such a... n-never...” (Ayperos) “Ah, I killed her.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, perceiving Ayperos gaze returning to him, informs him of the truth without hesitation. “U-Uwaaaaaa! You bastard! You bastard aaaaaare!” (Ayperos) As the prince suffered from being seized by madness, Hifumi kicked him with his right leg causing him to fall to the ground. Hifumi scowled at Ayperos who was unsightly tumbling to the ground. “They chose the path of hostility by themselves. And they died due to that mistake. You are free to resent me, but have to resolve yourself to bear the responsibility for that action yourself.” (Hifumi) Although Ayperos is overpowered by the intimidating air of Hifumi, on top of fear, the emotion of rage is strong within him. “You bastard are a parasite that has infiltrated this country! Not just ascending to a position, that doesn’t befits your-likes, by buttering up to elder sister, you are even deceiving elder sister. I won’t forgive you for kicking me who should become the king!” (Ayperos) Does he not cease once he has started to spit out words of rage? He continues the insults towards Hifumi. “P-Prince, let’s returning to the capital for the time being...” (Sabnak) The prince doesn’t stop even as Sabnak calls out to him. “I won’t go anywhere with your rotten Third Knight Order! Drawing someone like that into the country, this is the outcome after he was given a rank and territory! A savage that doesn’t understand what pedigree is! To injure me! Wh...” (Ayperos) Ayperos’ field of vision warps. Before anyone knows what’s going on, Ayperos head divides left and right. Both halves get out of alignment while shedding blood. At the time he collapsed to the ground with the sound of a short splat. Ayperos died spilling the contents of his head. “I won’t forgive you for insulting Hifumi-sama anymore than this.” (Origa) It is Origa who did him in. Stretching her right hand in front of her, she bisected Ayperos’ head cutting it with the a wind blade possessing the highest sharpness she could think of. “Acha~” (Sabnak) Just Sabnak, as the only one amongst the shocked knights, spoke up. “You will stay here. Wait for the arrival of Alyssa’s group” (Hifumi) Origa squatted down rubbing her head after she received a fist from Hifumi. “You stole my prey. Letting that foolish brat go freely like that should have created still more chaos within the country, but...” (Hifumi) “Is there anyone that loses their temper over that brat from before? Anyway, the remaining lot is my prey.” (Hifumi) Origa, being stricken with depression, saw Hifumi off with teary eyes as he went towards Münster by himself while being indignant. “Do you have a moment?” (Biron) Recovering herself, Origa bowed to Biron who came and started talking to her. “Ah, it’s fine if you aren’t this formal. After all I’m in the position of having been saved by you. So, I hear that Earl Tohno’s troops are headed here, but since I want to welcome them to Münster, I’d like you to tell me the number of people if it suits you.” (Biron) “If it is something like that”, Origa told him the number of people and their formation. “And, I think that the dispute in this city will likely reach its temporary conclusion with this, but I wonder if it will result in having the troops, he brought along, return?” (Biron) Upon hearing Biron’s question, Origa faced him with a suspecting look. “No, I don’t understand the reason why Earl Tohno, who has this much fighting strength, especially brought along his troops, you know.” (Biron) “... Well, it’s fine, I guess.” (Origa) Origa quickly returning to being expressionless, unnaturally clears her throat. “This time’s march was something like doing an expedition practice. Originally it’s only natural that they are unnecessary to do something like assisting Hifumi in such sort of battle.” (Origa) “But,” Origa continues. “After the departure from Fokalore Hifumi-sama had only once talked about his plans. ... Because it isn’t interesting to fight people who are manipulated by a magic tool, he won’t enter Horant ・・・・ and,” (Origa) “As soon as our Fokalore territorial army has put their preparations in order, we will invade Horant.” (Origa) Origa further continued as Biron was becoming pale. “If you become an obstacle, we will advance the troops to crush you in one go with that power as well.”
Each time Hifumi swung his katana, the barrier locking him in was torn down a bit. “Eeh!?” Puuse screamed, surprised by what was taking place below her eyes and lacked any common sense. “Something even the demons wanted to tear down...what a thoroughly messed up man.” Vepar shook her head while casting a sidelong glance at Puuse who was hurriedly fixing the spell’s structure. When Vepar looked at Imeraria, wondering whether this wasn’t a complete failure, the queen had been fixedly staring at the situation without a change in her expression. “I had expected for something at this level to happen. I believed that Hifumi-sama’s left hand and his weapon, which is sturdy beyond abnormal levels, might be capable of realizing something like this.” Imeraria said indifferently, faced Puuse, and ordered, “Puuse-san, leave the countermeasure against that to Origa-san. It looks like she wasn’t in time now, but please deploy the barrier once more.” “Y-Yes!” (Puuse) “How do you plan to stop him?” (Vepar) “That’s...” (Imeraria) “Please wait!” Imeraria’s reply to Vepar was suddenly interrupted. “Viine?” Everyone turned their eyes towards the door leading to the balcony. The one standing there was the rabbitwoman who had lost an ear, Viine. Was it because she was angry? Or because she put strength into it? Either way, she furrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips while having shifted her focus on Puuse. “Puuse-san, what was that about....master’s sealing!?” Sabnak blocked the path in front of Viine who had started to walk while shouting. “I’m sorry, but protecting this place is my job.” (Sabnak) “Please don’t stop me!” (Viine) Sabnak was greatly troubled as he restrained Viine’s shoulders who tried to proceed onward. If this had been a hoodlum or an assassin, he wouldn’t hesitate to draw his sword for Imeraria. But, it was someone he knew and an unarmed beastman. Moreover, someone who could be called Hifumi’s loyal retainer. Imeraria’s voice was audible from behind Sabnak who was hesitating, “Sabnak-san, please keep restraining Viine-san just like that.” “Ye-, eh? Ah, yes!” (Sabnak) If it had been the past Imeraria, she would have likely told him to release her right away. Sabnak was bewildered by the unexpected order for an instant, but he didn’t let go of Viine. “Viine-san, you said Imeraria and Viine glared at each other as if to probe each other’s thoughts. “...From who did you hear about this?” (Imeraria) “Of course from master!” Viine immediately replied. Vepar cast her eyes downwards and shook her head. Puuse widened her eyes. “In other words, you’re saying, Hifumi-sama is aware of our aim, the sealing?” Imeraria clenched her teeth with her shoulders trembling. She raised her eyes. She couldn’t see his face and look because of the distance, but she felt like Hifumi was laughing while looking at her. At that point a question suddenly popped up in her mind. “Viine-san, why is Hifumi-sama here despite knowing that he might be sealed? The possibility that he will be sealed should at least vanish if he didn’t come close to the royal castle.” (Imeraria) “That is...nothing he told me about...” Viine answered as if spitting out her twisted mixture of sadness and bitterness. Imeraria even felt pity for her. And the feeling she harbored towards Hifumi was rage. “That man is thoroughly looking down on women!” (Imeraria) It’s not that I welcome it turning into an outburst of lewdness, but that treatment towards Viine is just too much, whatever the circumstances may be “Viine-san, you devote yourself to Hifumi-sama even while being treated like that?” (Imeraria) “There was just not enough time for me! The time to for Hifumi-sama to get to know me while being close to him like the madam and Alyssa!” (Viine) That was apparently the reason why she wanted to stop the sealing. Imeraria, who pondered about it for a short moment, put aside Viine’s situation for the present, and ordered, “Sabnak-san, please hold back Viine-san like that. Puuse-san, please continue.” “But...” (Puuse) “We will watch Origa-san’s movements. Once she makes her move, there will be another opportunity.” (Imeraria) Puuse acknowledged and started to cast the spell again. Viine called out to her from behind, but being from a race that wasn’t suited towards combat, she apparently couldn’t free herself from Sabnak’s fairly trained arms with the strength of a woman. “So, what do you actually plan to have Origa do?” (Vepar) is a faulty way to express it. This is something Origa-san herself had requested. At that time I heard the details about the left hand’s special trait allowing it to absorb magic.” (Imeraria)magic The moment when she looked down at Hifumi while quietly placing her right hand on the handrail of the balcony, was the exact moment of Hifumi swinging his left hand and shaving off the faint remains of the barrier. “I will have Origa-san cut off that left hand.” (Imeraria) At the moment Hifumi had extended his left arm, they could see Origa running towards Hifumi. ☺☻☺ Origa properly observed how Hifumi swung his left hand and katana against the faintly visible barrier, easily tearing it apart like some candy art, while taking on the demons. , Origa sighed passionately. It wasn’t just her body that was throbbing. She was vigilantly watching for an opportunity to attack Hifumi, but she didn’t release any bloodthirst. There was no way that she wanted to kill Hifumi. Her look was filled with love. It was the look she, who prided herself to have seen all of Hifumi and yet not having been able to fully grasp him, always turned at her beloved husband. Hifumi should also be aware that he was being watched, but something like that didn’t matter to Origa at all. What was important was to discover that one moment. Severing the left hand that invalidated any magic; she would move after finding the instant allowing for that. “You’re a nuisance.” (Origa) She kicked a demon soldier, who had jumped at her as if to wedge himself between the two, flying and sent wind blades at the place where he had fallen, cutting off his head. That movement was so smooth that it was not inferior to Hifumi’s. Or rather, it somewhat resembled Hifumi’s movements. Her detailed footwork, the places where she looked, and the defensive body movements when in front of an opponent; if someone slightly experienced in combat watched it, they would likely regard the movements of Hifumi and Origa to be alike as two peas in a pond. That’s how much Origa had observed Hifumi and chased after his back. Closer than anyone else, faster than anyone else. “Get out of the way!” (Origa) She struck the thigh of an enemy soldier with the folded iron-ribbed fan, and then delivered a second blow against the man’s head who had fainted in agony. “...Guh!” Origa forcibly twisted her body, slipping past the flank of a demon soldier, who swung his sword down as if flopping onto her, and unleashed wind magic at the soldier’s back without even looking back at him. Before Origa’s very eyes, who had started to run while neglecting the soldier that collapsed while spreading a fountain of blood, Hifumi had returned his katana into its scabbard, turned himself towards the barrier’s remains, and was about to swing his left hand while looking as if it was bothersome. In an instant she judged that to be a good opportunity. Origa kicked the ground powerfully but as quietly as possible, going around towards the left side from behind Hifumi. Knowing the property of his katana, going around to the right side would be dangerous. Especially if it came to Hifumi’s level, the act of drawing his katana and attacking in one stroke possessed the power of an instant-kill technique if one’s stance were to be slightly bad. If it was his left side, he would only be able to swing the katana anew after drawing it. Even if he could absorb mana with his left hand, he had only the choices of punching or grabbing living beings with it. Even if she were to receive a counterattack, it would be plenty possible to defend as long as it was the fan in Origa’s hand. She opened the fan, and drew it back below her hand. Her aim was the wrist, a place she had seen and touched many times, and the spot where the black part began. She would cut at that place with her fan. She approached as if pushing her face into Hifumi’s left back. When the scent of his sweat reached her nose, she suddenly broke into a smile. The name of her lovable husband escaped from her mouth. Origa had no hesitation or reluctance to attack him. She didn’t think that Hifumi would become overly weak from just losing one hand, and it was impossible for Origa to love Hifumi less because of something like him missing a hand. The question here would be about the love coming from Hifumi. Even now Origa believed that she had received much more of his love than she deserved. Above all that, Origa strangely couldn’t believe that his feelings of love towards her would cease from it turning into a battle against him. She immediately knew that she hadn’t been wrong about that. “Uh-oh. Ooh?” Hifumi wildly raising his voice reached Origa’s ears. There was feedback, but it was lacking. “...You wanna have a go?” (Hifumi) “I might be wrong, but...that might also be one of your wishes, Hifumi-sama.” (Origa) Blood was flowing from Hifumi’s left wrist. It looked as if an artery had been cut, and the back of his hand had been deeply torn apart. “No, not at all. I knew that you were scheming something with Imeraria. Even what it was, to some extent. I see, what Imeraria had requested in the end was your skill, huh?” (Hifumi) Hifumi glanced in the direction of the balcony while laughing. Meanwhile he tried to use his left hand, but even though he could move his fingers a bit, he couldn’t put any strength into them. It was fine to think that he wouldn’t be able to use his left hand anymore. “That hand will become a hindrance towards sealing you, Hifumi-sama. The surprise attack succeeded partially, but...for the sake of us staying married for eternity, I shall fight against you.” (Origa) “I wonder whether you could call this a matrimonial quarrel? Well, whatever. On that day when you chose me, I decided to accept everything you do. If that’s your decision, I will accept it without any protest.” (Hifumi) Her cheeks, chest and other parts of her entire body overflew with passion. A deathmatch with her beloved. The exchange of body and mind understood by only this married couple began with Origa’s surprise attack and now continued with Hifumi drawing his katana. “You want to seal me, right? Then try showing me the best of this world!” (Hifumi) “Sure! Allow me to show all of it to you!” (Origa) Origa’s magic literally cut through the wind. Not just one or two, but five small wind blades drew a big arc and rushed upon Hifumi, Matching their timing, Origa advanced as well while tightly grasping her fan. Hifumi laughed. His chest was filled with the hope that he might be shown the currently best while being prepared for it to be somewhat insufficient. ☺☻☺ “The madam!? Why!?” (Viine) Even while being restrained by Sabnak, Viine apparently saw the confrontation between Hifumi and Origa. Sabnak reluctantly arrested Viine, who was struggling even more fervently, by binding her arms behind her back. He felt the springy sensation of her flesh at her legs and arms as could only be felt from a beastman who survived the wastelands while being regarded as fragile. He decided to not think about his hunch of having seen his wife at the door to the balcony. “Viine-san, Origa-san wishes to be sealed together with Hifumi-sama. The surprise attack failed, but in order to stop Hifumi-sama’s feet...although it’s not just that...she chose to fight against him.” (Imeraria) And Imeraria explained that Puuse was trying to lock up both of them in the barrier. “Please stop it then all the more!” Viine was already screaming with a tearful voice, probably because of the fear of being left behind. Approaching Viine who was struggling as if to throw off Sabnak, Imeraria gently placed her hand on Viine’s, and then wielded it with all her strength. The sound of flesh being hit reverberated. “...Eh?” Imeraria hadn’t slapped but instead punched Viine’s face. Not just Viine, but even Sabnak was dumbfounded. “Stop bawling like a baby. It’s unsightly.” (Imeraria) Once Sabnak loosened his hold after being told to let go of Viine, Viine sat down, obviously having lost the strength in her legs. Looking down on her, who was holding her cheek, Imeraria continued, “Even if you kick up a fuss here, I won’t stop. Hifumi-sama and Origa-san won’t stop either. Neither will Puuse-san.” She made a short break, breathing in deeply, “What you can do right now is to choose between two options. Either look on enviously how the things will pan out while doing nothing, or go over there.” Imeraria was pointing at the plaza where Hifumi and Origa were fighting right now. There were still many demon soldiers around them. On this side the knights and on the opposite side Fokalore’s soldiers were fighting. There were some among the demons close to the plaza’s center who died after getting dragged into the matrimonial quarrel. “Either you go over there with the conviction to be sealed, spending an eternity with Hifumi-sama, or you stay here, betting on Hifumi-sama cutting his way through.” (Imeraria) “But then again, it’s also possible that you will get dragged into the battle and be killed in no time, if you were to go over there,” Imeraria added. Once Imeraria finished speaking, Viine blinked her eyes repeatedly for a short time. No sooner than putting strength into her knees and standing up, she wiped away her tears. “I will go. ...Puuse-san, thank you for all you’ve done for me so far. Your Majesty, please excuse my rudeness. And, thank you very much.” (Viine) “It’s fine.” (Imeraria) Imeraria felt that it was the first time in a very long time for her to smile. “I’m a kindred soul who loved the same man. I can’t proceed along the same path, but...please become happy by all means.” (Imeraria) “Eh?” Everyone except for Sabnak froze. He shook his head and donned an expression as if having swallowed a bitter pill. “Ah, umm...okay. Thank you very much.” (Viine) “Farewell, Viine-san.” “Y-Yes, excuse me.” (Viine) Her agility as she jumped off the balcony could be called proof of her being a beastman. The expression of Viine, who headed towards the plaza with her skirt rolled up, looked bright. “Sabnak-san, make sure to forget what I said just now.” (Imeraria) “O-Of course!” (Sabnak) “Now then,” Imeraria advanced to the edge of the balcony. Very soon the barrier would be reconstructed. Imeraria tightly grasped her wand as her chest was throbbing out of nervousness, “Let’s start.”
‘The Crude Dancer’ was on a side road joining the main street. Restaurant during the day, seemed to become a pub at night. Since Hifumi could not read, Kasha made a suitable order of a meat dish and salad. After waiting for about minutes, what came over was a platter of fresh vegetables and a meat dish that looked like lamb chops cooked in tomato-like sauce. 「 Quite delicious. You seem to know some good shops. 」 Stuffing food in his mouth, Hifumi nodded at Kasha and Origa sitting opposite him. Both of them were eating a stew-like dish with bread. 「 Right? Though there aren’t too many people here, the food is good... 」 (Kasha ) 「 Don’t make noise while eating. It’s bad manners. 」 Like in the previous world, there were forks and knives, the food was delicious, though its origin was unknown. Hifumi was secretly relieved that the meals in this world were suitable. As it is, sitting with slaves to eat a meal is considered extremely degrading, whats more, giving the slaves rough cereals while sitting on the floor was the norm. But Hifumi made the two sit side by side and order whatever they wanted. Hifumi didn’t care about custom, and stood by his own standards. 「 Gu.... Anyway, before, the explanation about that thing? 」 「 What thing? 」 Looking around and confirming that no one was nearby, Kasha asked 「 Being chased by the royal family, just what did you do.... 」 「 Ah, I killed some Knights and cut the King’s head off. A while ago. 」 From the very beginning, Hifumi had no intention of concealing or deceiving his origin and events in the castle. He followed his own path, causing trouble and danger, so the result of his choices was natural. Moreover, he had decided that he would not be bound to anything in the future, and would live freely, according to his own wishes. Ah well, it appears as though my strength can cut down and confront any obstacles. Seems like I can wander about enjoying life... Being told about the tragedy in the castle as though unimportant, Kasha and Origa lost their appetites. They were in doubt but asked when they saw Hifumi continue with his meal. 「 Is that fine? 」 Origa asked timidly. 「 Though I don’t doubt it, if the story is true, then Knights and soldiers will soon be coming after us.... 」 「 Before that, I left the castle. 」 While drinking the tea that came after the meal, Hifumi turned his gaze to a table a little away from them. Two men who came in after Hifumi were eating while talking about something. 「 From the castle, the princess sent me out. That guy should understand that he is no match for me, a Knight. Simply chasing, not arresting or killing, he is lucky to just be observed. 」 Hifumi calmly rose from his table, walking over to the duo’s table, he affably said. 「 Good work, guys. 」 「 Wh-What do you... 」 The men were extremely surprised, backing away a little. Quickly sitting down on the newly-vacated space, Hifumi says with a smile, 「 We met at he castle a while ago. Observation duties, is it. 」 To Hifumi’s words, the men held their breath. 「 Though I am not good at remembering faces, I’m good at remembering bodies. 」 Hifumi tapped the table with his forefinger while saying lines that could be heavily misunderstood. According to Hifumi, the two men were Knights who happened to be present at the killing site. The two people who survived, were disguised as ordinary people and were observing Hifumi. Their instructions were simple: Observe and report. They were ordered not to raise a hand, no matter what. On being contacted by their observation target, they were covered with a cold sweat, why, they did not know. 「 Ah well, it is impossible for those employed in the castle to do this kind of espionage work. This should be left to the professionals. There is still a long way to go for the sweet oujousama. 」 Actually this was a big misunderstanding. The third Knights corps, to which the two men belonged, only gathered intelligence within the castle and within range of the general citizen’s districts, for this reason, events within the castle are taken care of. Both men were experienced intelligence officers and did not think they would be seen through easily without their full-body armours. 「 You don’t need to be nervous. If you are not hostile to me, I don’t particularly mind. The princess’ earnestness has been conveyed. 」 On hearing that their enemy had no intention of attacking, both men were relieved. 「 I am not a heinous person, nor a serial killer. I don’t kill people randomly, be relieved. 」 Even if you are not a scoundrel, aren’t you the bad guy here! Holding down a tsukkomi the two Knights dropped their gazes to the table, like children being scolded. 「 Anyway, the other people are unacceptable. I have not seen those guys, nevertheless I can feel their killing intent towards me, unlike you. 」 「 W-Wait, other guys? Even though the observers today are supposed to be just us.... 」 Hifumi saw through the princess’ subordinates completely, figuring out the country’s intelligence level. 「 A different team, I guess. Unlike you fellows that followed me from the castle, those guys followed me from the slave shop. 」 Shocked at having been noticed since the beginning, leaving that aside, in front of them was an absolutely untouchable man, attempting something would be a big problem. Though the events within the castle had not been leaked due to the gag order, but if the incident was to be reproduced in the town..... just imagining it is frightening. Besides, it would be a problem if people of the castle were concerned. If the retaliation went to the Royalty, the future of the country would be in doubt. 「 Gordon, tell the commander the situation immediately, and call support. 」 「 R-Roger! Excuse me! 」 Receiving the short instructions from his superior, the young man unconsciously lowered his head towards Hifumi and ran off. The remaining man’s face was bitter. 「 Ah, work hard. I will do what I must. 」 Returning to his seat, Hifumi’s threatening words went unheard. Sitting down at his former seat, Hifumi drank the lukewarm black tea in a gulp. 「 .... We heard it 」 Hearing Kasha’s words, Hifumi caught her reproachful gaze with a smile. 「 Ah, is that so. It looks like things will be fun in the future. 」 「 Fun? 」 「 I can kill anyone that points their weapon at me. Won’t that be fun. Like hell I’m not gonna cause trouble! 」 The excitement in Hifumi’s heart was clearly visible to everyone, like the expression of a child on a picnic. 「 Master, we were chosen among slaves who can fight. Is it that we were bought for the sake of protecting master’s body? 」 To Origa’s question, Hifumi shook his head. 「 I specified that they should be able to fight to protect themselves. It is a waste to let someone else kill my prey. 」 According to Hifumi’s policy, anyone who attacks him, commits a crime in front of him, will be killed.He will kill, but.....rationally. He will persist to that standard. 「 Then, for what were we bought for? Though we have to travel, just master’s strength alone, it shouldn’t be a problem? 」 「 I told you I was from another world right? I know nothing about this world. I haven’t even seen the land outside this city, much less other countries. Even the values of gold and silver coins is mystery to me. 」 So, Hifumi continued, 「 I want a companion in this world to explain that. A slave was the simplest solution because betrayal is not an option. 」 「 Why us? 」 Hifumi grinned. 「 You two seemed to be the strongest among that lot. Two people, backing each other up is better in a fight. How sad that I am chased, so that there are more chances to fight. As such, teamwork increases the possibility of surviving greatly. 」 To Hifumi’s excitement at any imminent battles, the two slaves cannot help but be nervous. 「 We understand that fighting is necessary. However, as we are now, we do not have any weapons. Master, please understand the situation... 」( Kasha )magic 「 Understood. After this, we will go to buy equipment. Young girls can’t wear these clothes indefinitely. 」 「 .......Thank you very much... 」(Origa) Kasha was uneasy when Origa blushed. Unaware, Origa was getting accustomed to this different existence Hifumi. 「 Be that as it may, 」 Hifumi soliloquised sighing. 「 It is I who is the victim. 」 「 The fellow who debates over lives like this, who is the victim! 」 To Kasha’s tsukkomi, the Knight sitting nearby reflexively gave a thumbs up. 「 Umu.... 」 「 Master, is something wrong? 」 Leaving the store, Origa asked doubtfully on hearing Hifumi groan. With glossy eyes and white skin, resembling a doll, Hifumi said 「 The number of those guys letting out bloodthirst wildly has doubled, maybe about of them. 」 Surprisingly impatient, he said delightfully. 「 Eh, then..... 」 The weaponless Kasha looked around uneasily. 「 For the time being, we can reel them in. You will observe how I kill. Oi! 」 Hifumi beckoned to the previously concealed Knight, who reluctantly approached. The pride of the Intelligence force is already tattered. 「 Prohibited from attacking, yet carrying weapons? Sorry, but can you do something? 」(TN: I’m quite sure I botched the second part of this line.) Though a sudden request, when the Knight realised that the group outside meant nothing to Hifumi, he agreed. 「 Name? 」 「 .....Midas. 」 「 Then, Midas, do you know of any blind alleys nearby? 」 Guided by Midas for about minutes, the noise of the store street changed and the scenery shifted to a quiet residential street. The stonework of the buildings differed from the street of shops, the -storey and -storey buildings increased. The castle town has a large population, the housing complexes may increase. The street being dim, naturally the crowd is scarce. Similar to a commercial district, the ground is paved with stone, though the surface is rougher. 「 Here. 」 Midas urged while prompting, 10 metres ahead was the building wall culminating in a dead end. At that moment, a sound was heard cutting through the air. The arrow that came flying, was knocked down by Hifumi’s katana. Using the night, the arrow was painted black, it’s tip wet. 「 At last, you appear. 」 With Midas and the other two ahead of him, Hifumi saw the people who entered the alley from the back. There are nine people. Though all members seemed to be wearing civilian clothes, their eyes are bitter. The street is really narrow, only the two in front charge forward. Holding black knives, without a single word, they mutually understand each other only with glances. They seem experienced. They don’t seem to be mere hooligans after money. Guessing that the opponents were professionals, Hifumi asked himself why he was inadvertently glad. In his original world, he would not be interested in the fight, but here, he felt that some kind of restraint had come off. But it’s not an unpleasant feeling. Or rather, with the exception of occasional brawls and matches, Hifumi’s true character held in check, by fighting here, has most likely surfaced in this world. Casually swatting the approaching knife-wielding hand to the side, it ended up in the other man’s chest, as though planned from the beginning. The man released the knife in surprise and promptly had his arm joints broken. Thrown to the ground face-first, his skull broke on the pavement. Though two people instantly died, the next assassin approached without flinching. Calmly pulling out his katana, Hifumi slit the wrist of the man in front, and continuing on, cut his throat. Ignoring the man spraying blood from his throat, Hifumi crushed the next man’s toes with his heel, his katana piercing through the staggered man’s chest. Hifumi rammed the chest of an opponent coming from the side with his shoulder, passed by while piercing his heart. 「 There are four people remaining. 」 Languidly lowering the blade soaked in blood, the murderous demon laughed. 「 Come quickly. I want to kill. 」
Malfas, who was glaring at Hifumi, hadn’t changed all that much in size, but his muscles had grown significantly, and his claws had become sharp and thick. “It looks like you did your best and trained yourself quite a bit. Nice, nice, I will properly take you on if you come at me while having this much bloodthirst.” (Hifumi) Hifumi put away the kusarigama while speaking, but having said that, he didn’t draw his katana. Irritation dyed Malfas’ face seeing Hifumi not even trying to get ready and just letting his unarmed hands dangle. “Uaaah!” (Malfas) “As I said.” Hifumi diverted the trajectory of Malfas, who had leaped at him from the front, by hitting his head with the right hand, and forced him back with a front kick towards the completely defenseless flank. “I have no intention to forbid you to roar or shout enthusiastically, but if there’s no need to announce the timing of your attack, then shut your trap. If you can’t attack without using your voice, go home.” (Hifumi) He calmly pointed out while grabbing the head of a demon soldier with the words, “You’re a nuisance,” and throwing him on the ground. And then he announced his conclusion alongside a sigh, “So this is your limit, huh? You might get a little better if you forge your body, but...a hotspur, who doesn’t even try to understand the difference in ability between him and his opponent, will end up losing his life in the blink of an eye. Well, it’s not that I don’t have any pity with you. I will show you how it’s done effectively.” Hifumi evaded Malfas’ movements, who was swinging his claws frantically, with such a composure and easiness that it looked as if he could as well hum a song. “Alyssa! Come here for a moment!” (Hifumi) Apparently having heard him properly, Alyssa ran over from the plaza’s entrance area while quickly slipping through in-between the demons. “I will give you your final lesson now. Watch me.” (Hifumi) “Eh...? Okay!” (Alyssa) Alyssa got stuck on the word , but still answered immediately. She didn’t want to waste any time on any unnecessary exchanges. “By the way, Alyssa.” (Hifumi) “There’s the saying, done is better than perfect, right? Simply put, it means, deciding swiftly and taking action is better than being slow even if it’s somewhat roughly done.” (Hifumi) Alyssa silently stood stock still while being watched by Hifumi. While her face was drenched in sweat, Hifumi said, “I guess you could say being late to the battlefield is better as long as you’ve got a plan. Reflect on it and honestly confess to Caim once you get back to Fokalore.” Seeing Alyssa shrug her shoulders lightly, Hifumi laughed a bit. “Well then, time to start.” (Hifumi) He turned around to Malfas once again. Behind Hifumi, Origa slipped in, matching her back against his. “I will make sure that there are no nuisances.” (Origa) “I see. I leave it to you.” (Hifumi) “Alyssa, watch properly. Make sure to tell what you’ve seen and heard here to Fokalore’s soldiers and the people fighting on this world.” (Origa) “Okay! Thank you!” (Alyssa) Origa nodded with a smile at Alyssa’s energetic reply. Origa moved speedily and without delay, chopping up the surrounding demon soldiers while scattering several wind blades. “As you see, I will make full use of you as teaching material. ...Come at me with your life on the line. It won’t be much of a lesson if it ends right away.” (Hifumi) Malfas, who had been handled suitable while talking, made it clear that he apparently had lost his cool quite a bit by growling and breathing roughly. Watching Malfas getting ready by thrusting his claws in front and being about to repeat the same attacks as until now, Hifumi was somewhat disappointed. “Every last one of the beastmen...in that meaning, Reni having been there was a godsend, huh?” (Hifumi) For the beastmen and for Hifumi. ☺☻☺ Imeraria decided to confirm the result of what she was trying to do with her own eyes. Different from Vepar, who was watching the situation with big drops of sweat running down her gray skin, Imeraria had been coolly looking down at the plaza with a look that seemed to conceal all her emotions. She had silently watched how Midas was defeated by a demon’s attack and how he had been sent back. “Midas-san...” Having watched the same scene as Imeraria, Sabnak whispered under his breath. Once she looked over her shoulder in response, she saw that he was watching the battlefield while sweating in the same way as Vepar. Finding his look comical, Imeraria covered her mouth with a hand and quietly laughed for the first time since the beginning of the battle. Sabnak’s expression warped as soon as he noticed the queen’s smile. She didn’t know how to express it best, but to Imeraria it looked as if there was no mistake that his expression contained some bewilderment. “Your Majesty...?” (Sabnak) “Ah, sorry for laughing. Sabnak-san, you’re my guard, so you mustn’t only pay attention to what’s happening below.” (Imeraria) “This...excuse me!” (Sabnak) Sabnak wiped his sweat away and straightened himself. And yet he couldn’t separate his eyes from the plaza. “It looks like Midas-san has been wounded.” (Imeraria) “How worrisome...well, even if I say so, it probably only sounds weird.” (Imeraria) “Something like that is...I’m sure Midas-san will be happy to hear of your consideration, Your Majesty.” (Sabnak) “Although I am the cause?” (Imeraria) “That’s...” (Sabnak) Sabnak faltered. He couldn’t decide whether he should approve or not. “I asked you something nasty.” (Imeraria) When she returned her eyes to the plaza again, Hifumi was talking about something with Alyssa, who had come close to the center of the plaza without her noticing, while dealing with a boy who appeared to be a beastman. “A beastman? Why...?” (Imeraria) “That boy, well, he joined the demons as he wanted to fight against Hifumi.” (Vepar) Vepar explained while looking at the beastboy. “So, why on this battlefield?” (Imeraria) “I haven’t called him. As expected, he was still in the middle of training as he’s too young.” (Vepar) He probably showed up here after sneaking into one of the unplanned transfer units after being instigated by Bashim or another demon. Vepar talked about the circumstance she could think of, “It seems not only his family, but even his village had been annihilated by that man. ...I didn’t collect any evidence, but I believe him. ...I wanted to at least save that boy...” Even as she voiced out that wish, Vepar knew that it was impossible. He was already standing in front of Hifumi, attacking with clear hostility. “I think that’s impossible...looks like I have no choice but to wish that he can at least retaliate once.” “No, it’s a good opportunity.” (Imeraria) Imeraria also watched the beastman’s and Hifumi’s movements for a while, but seemingly trying to teach something to Alyssa, Hifumi called her over and had her stand next to him. Hifumi apparently planned to face the beastman again in front of Alyssa. “Hifumi-sama stopped moving. ...It’s a good opportunity.” (Imeraria) “Wait a moment! Won’t that boy get dragged into it then!?” “Even without doing it right now...” “If we let this pass, there won’t be any guarantee that we will get another chance.” (Imeraria) Not only did Imeraria face Puuse, she also stepped up close to her. “What would happen if you were to deploy the barrier now?” “...I-It depends on the timing, but it will be only Hifumi-san, or Malfas-kun will be dragged into as well...” (Puuse) “Malfas?” “It’s the name of that beastboy. You know him as well?” (Vepar) Vepar also got in front of Puuse. The slightly taller Vepar looked down on her, but just like at the time when they met in the wastelands, Puuse stared back. “Yes, I do. I don’t know about his fate with Hifumi-san, though...” (Puuse) Puuse looked back at Imeraria as if seeking her opinion. Imeraria had been pondering with her eyes shut, but apparently having resolved herself, she opened her eyes widely, seizing Puuse with her blue eyes. “”Be it things that were allowed to happen or things that happened, in the end the one who did it has no choice but to accept the consequences”...is it?” Imeraria recited the words Hifumi said when leaving the royal palace. As she did, she felt a prickling pain in her heart once again. After all she was well aware that it had been her own choice that created this situation. “The current situation is simply a recoil of all his actions. Even this situation is a result of his choices. ...Don’t mind me. Puuse-san, please start.” (Imeraria) “What are you saying!” As Vepar tried to draw close to Imeraria, who gave her coldhearted opinion, she was kept in check by Sabnak who thrust himself between them. “You plan to stop us here? The situation has advanced up to this point already.” (Imeraria) Imeraria lifted her right arm, pointing at the plaza. “Even if you were to stop Puuse-san and me, what will follow afterwards? Are you going to start an all-out war against the humans? Are you resolved to fight against Hifumi-sama, who would await you down the road?” (Imeraria) “Kuh...” (Vepar) “Let’s keep it at a trivial sacrifice. Puuse-san, you’re okay with this, too?” (Imeraria) “Y-Yes...” (Puuse) Puuse accepted it reluctantly. In her mind she had resolved herself to let Malfas get away if possible at all, but honestly spoken, if she were to deploy the barrier now, she didn’t know whether he would be in time before Hifumi got isolated. , Puuse grasped her wand tightly, and started the chant to materialize the barrier. Stopping at a size of allowing two or three people to be inside with Hifumi in the center, she assigned her mana towards the sturdiness of the barrier rather than its size. Her mana streamed through the wand, and in the instant the invisible power arrived at Hifumi’s location, Puuse’s eyes met with Origa’s. ☺☻☺ “...Oh. They have already started, eh?” Hifumi, who had been giving an explanation to Alyssa while actually showing her the movements by dealing with a beastman using his claws and fangs, sensed the flow of a turbulent power at his feet. Malfas, who had been continuously abused as sparring partner without receiving any significant injuries, was heavily gasping as he had already reached the limit of his stamina. While he was breathing roughly, only his eyes were brightly glaring, but he was so tired that it was painful for him to lift his arms any longer. “I think it’s about time. ...Alyssa.” (Hifumi) “I will teach you something nice at the end.” (Hifumi) While casting a sidelong glance at Malfas, who had mustered his strength and was approaching while bearing his fangs, Hifumi clenched his fist. “Living beings can die even without shedding blood.” (Hifumi) Hifumi crouched down and slipped beneath Malfas, who had leaped at him while aiming for his throat. Using Malfas’ momentum of falling for his own objective, Hifumi violently struck his fist against Malfas’ heart. A vibration ran through Malfas’ body who had his chest hit strongly. His breastbone and ribs had suffered serious damage. And his heart fell in panic due to the unexpected shock. “...Uh...” (Malfas) Was he conscious? Or was it something else? Malfas widened his eyes and feebly collapsed after groaning once. And he never moved again. “A human body is sturdy and fragile. If this guy’s body had grown bigger or if his muscles had developed more, he might not have died from something like this.” (Hifumi) Hifumi looked down at Malfas while thoroughly savoring the feeling of having stolen a life with his hand. The corpse, which lacked any traces of being beaten, any cut wounds, and didn’t shed any blood, looked completely as if Malfas was merely sleeping. “Alyssa, go.” (Hifumi) An overly simple farewell. There was no anger or smile to be found on Hifumi’s face. He looked directly at Alyssa. “Hifumi-san...after all, together...” (Alyssa) “No. I have entrusted a job to you.” (Hifumi) “But...okay. I was selfish. Sorry. Umm, thanks. For saving me, for teaching me many things...it was fun! If I hadn’t met you...” “No need for ifs.” Hifumi smiled at Alyssa who was frantically looking for words. “It’s the outcome of your choices. I told you when I applied the medicine, right? You should live as you like. Keep doing so even in the future. It’s your life. It doesn’t concern me.” (Hifumi) Alyssa, who thanked him once more at the end, left while cutting through the demons with her wakizashi as she kept looking back, looking reluctant to part. Once he looked up, Imeraria was intently looking his way, and next to her, Puuse was clinging to her wand with a desperate expression for some reason. Hifumi, who was already aware of their goal, didn’t take any countermeasures even while feeling the mana spreading beneath his feet. No, he shook his left hand which was dyeing jet black. The demons were still crowding the vicinity as before. Hifumi, who erased a fireball hurled at him with his left hand, immediately found Origa. “She kept up well, huh? Originally it would have been convenient to have her left that behind as well.” (Hifumi) With her breathing starting to get shorter, Origa had been keeping the enemies in check with magic while focusing on range rather than power, and slaying the nearby enemies with her iron-ribbed fan. The magic, which she had developed as her own after receiving a hint from Hifumi, has been only recorded in documents that are stored in Fokalore without anyone having been instructed in it. If she vigorously continued to spread her magic techniques in this world, it might change the way of wars once more as she was still young. Moreover, it might head in a direction impossible for Hifumi’s original world. By chance, magic techniques, which would have been developed extensively, might become able to easily defeat even Hifumi. “I guess I got to rely for the rest on the guys staying behind. However, even I feel irritated about being locked in so easily. Let’s see, how are you going to deal with this?” (Hifumi) The barrier had become faintly visible. Hifumi recalled having seen it in the elven village, too. Seeing Vepar pull a complicated expression next to Imeraria, he involuntarily ended up laughing. “It has a fairly bulky and cramped shape.” (Hifumi)magic Once he touched it gently with his left hand, his fingertips sank deeply into the barrier. Once he swung his left hand like that, the barrier was roughly scraped off. Moreover, Hifumi drew his katana and attacked in a single stroke, unleashing a series of two downward slashes after cutting upwards against the barrier in front of him. Matching it with the hole created by his left hand before, he tore open a big hole in the barrier. Probably grasping the situation, Puuse looked panicked atop the balcony. “Come on, you’re not believing that I will be simply locked in with just that, are you? What are you going to do against this katana in my hand?” (Hifumi) Hifumi’s words and eyes were directly turned at Imeraria.
Before dawn Hifumi, who came back with the soldiers using the rail car from Rhone to Arosel, told Origa, who had been waiting for him, to advance at once as planned and fell asleep. A part of the soldiers helped the common city residents to load their belongings on numerous carriages and to migrate to farm villages to the side of the highway leading to Fokalore. As the move was something Hifumi had ordered, Origa was deeply moved emotionally, Kasha was full of doubts, and Alyssa agreed without having heard the reason. “They will be a hindrance if they loiter around. If a number of them is swallowed up by the battle, the tax yields will decrease.” (Hifumi) With Hifumi stating this as reason, Origa was impressed, Kasha was able to consent, and Alyssa grasped it by saying “I guess if that’s what Hifumi says, then it has to be correct.” Although it was partly a forced migration, with even the soldiers having an easygoing mood and having explained to the residents that it was inevitable due to the war, the move steadily made progress. Facing the residents, Alyssa said 「You will be able to come back the day after tomorrow.」 While they were only half-convinced by such words, the residents came to grips with it thinking The portion of soldiers, who stayed up all night to prepare for the battle, were still within their dreams. The soldiers, continuing by taking shifts, lined up several vehicles on each of the two rail tracks and installed spear throwers on the rear wagon of the rail cars. “Do you understand the strategy?” (Origa) “Etto, once the enemy approaches a visible location, escape with the rail cars while attacking with the spears throwers. As much as possible ambush and snipe at the troublesome magic soldiers. Once we arrive at Fokalore, we close the gate and once again attack with the spear throwers.” (Alyssa) “Did I get it right?” as Alyssa looked up to the face of the only slightly taller Origa, she was gently smiling. “Yes, there seems to be no problem. Well then, after I go to join up with Hifumi-sama, please take care of the remaining preparations.” (Origa) Kasha smiled bitterly following Alyssa, who ran off at a fast pace, with her sight until she was out of view while murmuring, “Somehow there isn’t the mood as if it was before a war.” (Kasha) “Although one might say that we are inferior to them, it is just a ‘handicap.’ There should be a considerable number of reinforcements from the capital arriving at the time we return to Fokalore. At last, the course of events will lead to nothing but the Vichy army withdrawing after having their numbers diminished.” (Origa) “I will put my trust into them.” (Kasha) She didn’t say into whom though. “That’s only natural.” (Origa) As Origa started to walk with a displeased snort, Kasha continued to display an expression full of mixed feelings. (Handicap, huh? If nothing is done, my time to talk with Origa will disappear, but ...) Up until this day, today, the chances for Kasha to speak with Origa had increased little by little. Although Origa still displayed the same cold attitude towards her, it wasn’t like she completely ignored her. At the current rate they might return to their original relationship slowly. She also held onto the fleeting hope of them both possibly going back to their free adventuring days once again someday.magic Around the time all preparations were in order, the ground shook with the sounds of feet from people and hooves from horses coming from the direction of Rhone. “They are coming!” The soldiers of the territorial army standing watch at the exit towards Rhone warned their allies of the nearing enemy by waving a flag. Because crossing swords with the enemy was the Lord’s duty and enjoyment, they wouldn’t be forgiven if they stole that opportunity. Around the time when the soldiers on watch left the city with such an excuse, Hifumi waited for the enemy in a daunting pose between two rail cars with installed spear throwers. The hem of the hakama was tied by using a simple string. The katana hung at his waist. While he was bored and thus swung the counterweights on both sides around, the soldiers, who had boarded the rail cars, set up the spear throwers and waited impatiently and nervously. The Vichy army plunging forward had to drop the speed within the uninhabited city. As they discovered Hifumi’s figure, the order to halt was given. At this point of time, the Vichy army had decreased to an amount of around due to the people, who ran away from the damage in Rhone, and those who went to round up the evacuating masses affiliated with the city in one place. Being the vanguard, Buer, wearing an armored helmet, straddled his splendid horse and glared at Hifumi. “What is it youngster? Don’t be a nuisance. Get away from there!” (Buer) After merely saying two words, during the third word, Buer’s fury erupted. Hifumi, who was grinning broadly and laughing, straightened his back and performed a beautiful bow. “I am honoured to meet you for the first time. I am a viscount of Orsongrande governing the territory of Toono, my name is Hifumi.” (Hifumi) “You said Hifumi? It’s you bastard, huh?!” (Buer) “Oya, for some reason it seems my name has become famous even over there in Vichy.” (Hifumi) Looking over his shoulders, Origa returned a 「That’s only natural!」 on top of the rail car. The members of the territorial armed forces laughed. “What’s so funny!” (Buer) Even as Buer shouted in a thundering voice, Hifumi’s smile didn’t falter. “Before the war I instructed all of them ‘I’ve put an easily recognizable mark on the forehead of the enemy’s supreme commander.'” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi’s words, the chamberlains on both sides of Buer made a face displaying 「Oh no!」 The next moment Buer raised a roar. “I-It was youu~!” (Buer) Within a second Buer let the anger guide him and dashed forward with his horse. Hifumi lightly hit the tip of the horse’s nose by throwing the counterweight. While holding down the horse, which acted violently due to the surprise, the rail cars started to move. Hifumi leisurely jumped on top of it and the speed increased. “After them! Don’t let them escape!” (Buer) Upon Buer’s instruction the group of horse-riders in the vanguard, including the chamberlains, spurred their horses into gallop. But they were pierced by spears, regardless whether it was soldier or horse, one by one, within a moment. “Raise the speed after properly hitting them. We will have them run for a while.” (Hifumi) Origa and Alyssa conveyed the instructions of Hifumi, who was sitting on top the rail cars, to the soldiers sequentially. Urged on by the voice of Buer telling those, who were stumbling, falling over or such, to avoid the fallen soldiers or even tread on them, but no matter what to chase them, Vichy’s soldiers frantically advanced forward. There was a lot of cavalry in the vanguard troops. Even with Buer running wildly without concerning himself with those trailing behind, the distance spread steadily. Lured by the group that was eagerly pursuing at the front, the entire army of Vichy started to advance by running fast. At the time the end of the line left the city of Arosel, they were assaulted by a large quantity of spears hurled at them from both sides of the highway. There was no one left to put the soldiers in order as the rear group fell into chaos due to the unforeseen surprise attack. One by one they abandoned their pierced comrades and scattered in all directions trying to to escape. At the time the spear attacks, which concentrated their aim on the magic soldiers gathered in the last division, ceased, the magic soldiers were almost completely annihilated. In the end, of the Vichy army, around cavalary went ahead, around 5000 infantry alongside the archers chased after them while being separated and the survivors of the rear scurried home. The territorial soldiers lurking close to the highway in order to ambush the enemy, after letting the troops from Vichy, who were chasing after Hifumi’s group, pass, they cleared away the corpses and dealt with the surviving enemy soldiers. From thereon the last remaining task was for them to meet up with the citizens taking refuge in the farm villages. “Who was the clumsy fellow, who hurled the spear until the opposite side of here?” “100 people were done in.” “I skewered 3 people or something like that all at once!” In the faces of the soldiers, who were clearing away the corpses by using their hands while severally talking, there wasn’t any fear of losing nor any tragic feeling about the war. “Now that it’s done, let’s go to the village. I think we can let the Lord deal with the rest.” Everyone agreed on the spot and began to walk without even forming a line. “Even though it would be nice if the rails were even laid out in the direction of the village.” For them it was a feeling of the war having already ended. “We will soon pass the aforementioned place.” (Origa) Hifumi only nodded to Origa’s report. The mass of Vichy soldiers pursuing in the back were completely separated from the cavalry group following. On top of the rail car which was shaking and rattling, Hifumi was sitting cross-legged having turned his back to the direction of movement staring at them with a fleeting glance. “Wait! Fight me fair and square! I will kill you!” (Buer) Besides Buer, who was chasing after them while shouting energetically on top of the horseback, the other Vichy forces didn’t appear to have notice what was awaiting them. Although the number of Vichy’s cavalry had decreased fast due to the intermittent firing of spears, they deliberately didn’t aim at Buer. Ascertaining the deployment of the enemy, Hifumi gave directions on the attacks. Then he noticed them passing through the scheduled location. “Full speed ahead.” (Hifumi) Origa didn’t miss Hifumi’s brief instruction. “All members, go forward with full power!” (Origa) With Origa’s command, the soldiers, holding the handle of the rail car, raised their voices and poured all their strength into it. “Despite me being the military affairs director ...” (Alyssa) “This is because you didn’t listen to Hifumi-sama’s words.” (Origa) At the time the Vichy cavalry focused their eyes on the sped-up rail cars, it was one of the chamberlains galloping next to Buer, who fell for the first trap. It was a small and shallow pitfall, but the horse, missing its footing, quickly fell over. In succession Vichy soldiers following tumbled and were stepped on. Even though Buer eased up the speed of the rushing horse and ordered the following soldiers to get off the highway, pitfalls, almost indistinguishable from the grass, were prepared there as well. For a while Buer continued the pursuit, but at last he fell off the horse as it collapsed. Since Hifumi also saw him trying to get up, Buer was apparently safe one way or the other. “I will wait for you in Fokalore!” (Hifumi) Although his enemy tried to retort something to Hifumi’s call, the rail car was already in a far distance at that time moving away from that location. “You may lower the speed. We will wait for the enemy at Fokalore afterwards.” (Hifumi) There still remained many archers and infantry within the Vichy army at this time, but the horses were pretty much wasted. Buer decided to take a temporary rest waiting for those following, but losing his temper due to the lessened number of soldiers gathered, he found fault with everybody in the vicinity. Frankly speaking, their large military force was kicked around by a few Orsongrande soldiers. He had expected to grandly march towards Fokalore about now. “Without fighting directly, it is just surprise attacks, traps and escaping ... To what extent do you plan to make fun of me! Only that youngster, I will definitely kill myself!” (Buer) While Buer was getting worked up, even at that time, those, sensing the impeding crisis after the magic soldiers disappeared and the horses were lost, broke away one by one and deserted. Buer got even more enraged about this matter. As it was now, he would have to return to his country without earning any accomplishments. Generals, who escaped without being able to gather their allies and to decently fight without accidents, never reappeared on the public stage a second time. As far as Buer was concerned, he held a pride of having build up his status by successive victories and his military power, although he never had the chance to participate in a large battle. It was unthinkable for him to do something like retreating without doing anything as long as he was able to fight. Taking a hurried meal and resting for about an hour, they now advanced orderly. “We will conquer Fokalore before the enemy’s reinforcements arrive! Start marching!” (Buer) While the soldiers were sometimes irritated by having their feet sink into the small pitfalls, Buer borrowed a horse from another person. His face was red while burning with the desire for revenge. Pajou’s Third Knight Unit led the reinforcements. Quickly finishing the formation of the troops, it was almost as if they were laying in wait. In the early morning 3000 soldiers departed from the royal castle. The soldiers, heading out for the sake of rescuing the hero from his crisis, were passionately cheered on by the populace. Although the soldiers, who didn’t find it strange, were joyfully listening to the shouts of joy while advancing forward by walking, all of the Third Knight Unit, leading the troops while riding on horses, erased their facial expressions. As a result of her close relationship to Hifumi, Pajou was elected as leader of the current reinforcements. Leading the advance, Pajou’s expression was stiff, too. “Let’s hurry up a bit.” (Pajou) “If we rush too much, we will leave the soldiers behind. In the first place, it is unthinkable for Fokalore, which has a firm defense being close to the border, to fall easily. Don’t get too impatient.” (Midas) Towards the voice of Midas, who was moving right behind her, Pajou sighed with a forced smile on her face. She didn’t want to be seen as pathetic in Midas’ eyes. “Rather than having to show such a face, it would have been fine to not propose such a plan, I think.” (Midas) “Saying this now? This is also for the sake of Imeraria’s revenge. It is a strategy to stop having this country being dragged into the quagmire of war.” (Pajou) “Since you understand, get a bit more relaxed. You will end up being worn out before we arrive at Fokalore.” (Midas) “... Oh well” (Pajou) Easing up just slightly on the speed, Pajou faced towards the front again and was silent. While watching that back wearing an armor, Midas felt that he couldn’t foresee where this battle was headed to. I guess, since he is still young, he only sees that dazzling heroic appearance of Hifumi rather than him being someone holding a protruding strength. But even with such an excuse, he still isn’t quite able to comprehend the real intention himself either. Being young, he is manipulated by a perilous sense of justice due to looking at that radiant appearance. Though I wonder if it isn’t only Sabnak but also Pajou and Princess Imeraria being affected by this? To be honest, rather than anyone, it is certainly Sabnak, who made a calm and accurate judgement, I guess? (I should have tried to talk a bit more with Sabnak ...) Personally I don’t hate Hifumi. In a state of murky hesitation, Midas headed towards the battlefield alongside the other knights. Hifumi was waiting at Fokalore. Staring at the view of the drawn katana, his heart was leaping in anticipation.
Advancing through the path which had only the small, simple undergrowth trimmed, he arrived at the barrier’s location right away. “This is the barrier, huh?” (Hifumi) Hifumi touched the barrier with a finger, but except a feeling similar to going a bit numb, it had a sensation like plastic which got cooled down. “It looks like it would break if I hit it, but... well, I leave that for later.” (Hifumi) He passes through the hole speedily and without delay. Once Hifumi adjusts the place of the katana on his waist, he walks ahead, not slowly but neither hurried. The forest continues even when he goes through the barrier, however compared to the forest where the elves live, Hifumi felt that the air has obviously become clear. Though it’s natural, but there are no elven corpses on any of the trees. “Shall I try going straightforward?” (Hifumi) The path continues towards outside the forest in a distance. He tried asking Zanga and Puuse before passing through the barrier, but the two didn’t know how the demons live their lives or what’s life like on the other side of the barrier. Hifumi decided to walk ahead by following the path “for some reason or another.” And after he walked for around an hour, the trees became too sparse to call it a forest and he became able to see far ahead. The forest’s parts became vague and before him realizing it the visibility improved. “A city... huh?” (Hifumi) With the forest ending, grey walls, appearing to be made out of stone, can be seen far ahead after following the path. Is it because there’s still quite a distance? It’s yet not clear whether there are people or not, but there’s a place where a part of the wall is heightened. Hifumi judged that it might be something like a watchtower for the sake of guarding or a gate. “For the time being I will go there...” (Hifumi) Just in the midst of saying that, Hifumi swiftly dodged and rolled on the ground. Right next to his side, a beast with the same physique as Hifumi cuts through. “A monster, eh?” (Hifumi) At the moment he got up, Hifumi is already grasping the unsheathed katana in his hand. The monster and him face each other. It was a monster with an appearance similar to a leopard possessing a flexible body. Without any intention to hide its sharp claws, it is tightly and powerfully grasping the ground. Due to the opponent being a monster which displays its intimidation by snarling, Hifumi stepped forward with his right foot and took a stance as if thrusting the katana at his opponent. “It seems to be stronger than the monsters around Orsongrande.” (Hifumi) Hifumi wasn’t able to sense its presence until it came quite close for its surprise attack just now. If its speed had been a bit higher, he might have received damage from its first attack. “Leopard, eh? It might be different from beastmen, but I wonder how?” (Hifumi) Once he swings the point of the katana as if luring it, the monster makes a growl as if it was irritated. In the middle of their confrontation, when Hifumi suddenly raised the katana in an overhead position, the monster, judging it as opportunity, leapt on him with its blank claws. “Oh?” (Hifumi) It was faster than Hifumi had expected. While letting the forepaw, which was precisely aimed at his neck, go past by advancing forward diagonally, he hit its jaw with the pommel. “Gyan!” The monster, which whined as it was unable to endure, tries to take a distance by dashing in a circle. However, Hifumi has predicted that and presses forwards in a straight line. When he gets right in front of it, it opens its large snout in order to attack him. “Conversely, that is your weak point.” (Hifumi) He thrusts the katana towards the throat of the monster while pushing the pommel with his waist. The thrust, which put the blade sideways, pierced even the medulla oblongata while experiencing only little resistance. “Guu...” The monster tried to strongly snap at the katana’s blade, but that was the extent of its opposition. Pressing his foot against its forehead, Hifumi pulls out the katana. Placing a paper on the blood-smeared katana, he wipes it clean in one go. The blade had rubbed against the sharp fangs, but it has already regained its original radiance. “I see. Even if you put the demons aside, the monsters are strong as well, eh?” (Hifumi) I might be able to enjoy myself with something else besides my original objective ☺☻☺ “Does that mean that it’s possible for a demon king to appear?” (Imeraria) “There are such rumours among the people on the streets.” (Adol) Prime Minister Adol avoided the affirmation of Imeraria’s question. “... Isn’t it possible to verify the truth? Or are there some problems?” (Imeraria) “No, there are no problems.” (Origa) The other person who is present at this place opened her mouth. Origa was visiting the castle for the sake of helping in the research of the sealing magic. For the period of several days in this place, she has taken and been staying at an inn in the capital. All of her just attending soldiers are women. The security measures are strangely weak-levelled for the wife of an Earl. Though there is the incident of her instantly killing the thugs who were hired by young nobles who have grudges against Hifumi and moreover her crushing those young nobles in one night, she made sure to abstain from interacting with other nobles. And the capital’s nobles, who felt her to be eerie, don’t approach Origa either. On the other hand, since she is the feudal lord’s representative of Fokalore, which was at the forefront in regards to industry and commerce, merchants and craftsmen come visiting her without interruption for the sake of greetings and studying. Without discrimination, Origa dealt with those commoners and at times she even taught them valuable techniques for free. “The hero’s wife isn’t an ordinary person after all.” is her reputation, but although nobles and commoners mean that in different ways, it didn’t take long for it to spread widely. Of course such talks have reached Imeraria’s ears as well. However she doesn’t touch that topic. “You saying that there are no problems must mean that there’s some reason. Could you please elaborate?” (Imeraria) “Your Majesty, that way of talking to me is unnecessary. If my husband is Your Majesty’s retainer, then I, who am his wife, shall serve Your Majesty as well.” (Origa) Due to Origa making that statement smoothly, Imeraria was disappointed that “she doesn’t really mean it”, but she was at least able to make sure that this wasn’t revealed on her face. “I’m someone showing proper respect towards Hifumi-sama. I believe it should be the same towards you who is his spouse. So, would you mind answering my question?” (Imeraria) “My husband is currently investigating the person who is behind those strengthened monsters. In addition, our Earl Tohno feudal army intends to give instructions in combat techniques to each nation and area without sparing any efforts.” (Origa) “Is the idea of teaching those combat techniques originating from Hifumi-sama?” (Imeraria) “Even to foreign countries... that will also depend on whether it will become act which serves the interests of the enemy...” (Adol) Adol shyly expressed his worries towards the details Origa talked about as if they were something wonderful. Origa’s reply which confronts those worries begins with a smile. “Foreign countries... Vichy and Horant are learning techniques from us. Even if they turned against us, for argument’s sake, it’s very possible to deal with them.” (Origa) “H-However, in case they aimed at another place than Fokalore...” (Adol) Once Adol mentions the matter he fears once more, Origa’s laughing intensifies. “Do not worry, Your Excellency, the Prime Minister.” (Origa) Her tone is filled with confidence to the brim. “Even in such case we will have the privilege of helping out with at least “sufficient resistance.”” (Origa) She doesn’t talk about winning. Neither does she say that Fokalore will suppress them. She just guarantees “to resist” them. “... Then, let’s deal with it in each territory. Watching the state of affairs, we will dispatch war potential from the country at any time.” (Imeraria) “At the time of doing that, the Tohno Earldom will also cooperate with you at full power.” (Origa) Imeraria and Origa smile while looking at each others faces. “So, let’s continue the magic research.” (Imeraria) “Yes, let’s do that.” (Origa) Standing up together, the two headed towards the reference room while the sounds of their heels resounded. Having been left alone, Adol sighed into the silence. ☺☻☺ Hifumi, who slowly approached the place which appeared to be a city, noticed a battle raging in its vicinity. Getting close to a distance so that he can watch the situation, he takes up position in the shade of a tree. “Demons, eh?” (Hifumi) Against the backdrop of the wall, around demons are struggling against the same number of wolf-type monsters. “Ooooohh!” A remarkably tall demon shouldered a big long sword of approximately the same length as himself and dove into the pack of monsters leading the charge. While rotating like a spinning top and brandishing his shouldered long sword with the momentum of dashing, he tore the monsters into shreds. With the other demons adding fire and lightning spells, the monsters, who were just overwhelmed by the pressure, fled in all direction once their numbers decreased to less than half in the blink of an eye. Without recklessly chasing, the male demons quickly confirm the damage and walk towards the direction of the city while being vigilant of the surroundings. Once Hifumi looked in the direction of their heading, he discovered a door, which appeared to be the entrance, at one part of the wall. He ponders while having folded his arms. “Their fighting strength is high? Shall I call out to them from here? Or shall I do so after taking a look at the city?” (Hifumi) Even if I entered the city just like that, it will require much effort to search fellows, who are capable in fighting, one by one “Hearing that there are several strong guys here... mm?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who noticed the threatening air, swiftly took out his kusarigama. The wolf monsters, which were earlier repelled by the demons, have apparently switched their target to Hifumi next. A pack of around of them surrounds Hifumi. “I see. The monsters in this neighbourhood are skilled at erasing their presences.” (Hifumi) If it means that they can ruthlessly compete with such monsters, the average fighting strength of demons might be high “Bufu!?” The monster which had suddenly the tip of its nozzle hit by the iron counterweight, faints in agony while sprouting blood. Making sure to jump over their comrade which had suffered the attack, several monsters assaulted Hifumi all at once. The sickle, grasped in his left hand, strikes the face of one of the monsters among them. Going through its eyeball, the sickle which destroyed the brain gets stuck in the skull. Wielding it as is, Hifumi struck another monster with the corpse by throwing the sickle. In exchange he reeled in the counterweight and threw it at yet another monster. Hifumi, who had killed monsters in one swoop, advances unarmed and kills the monster, whose nose had been bashed in the beginning, by stepping on its head. “... Alright.” (Hifumi) Feeling the feedback, Hifumi stood against the back of a tree without touching the katana at his waist. Compared to the leopard monster from a while ago, they are weak. “Hurry up, it’s not my hobby to kill frail animals, but...” (Hifumi) Once he looks at the remaining six monsters, it seems that they still have the will to fight. They might have judged that the level of threat fell with him having become unarmed. “I will entertain you if you want to play.” (Hifumi) The six monsters simultaneously leap at Hifumi, who put up his right hand in front at half length. Grabbing the forepaw of one of the monsters which came biting at him with its snout open, he throws it at another monster. Dodging by swiftly drawing back his foot from one which came to claw at his knee, it came into a conspicuous spot under his feet and he kicked its throat. Being surrounded by trees in a circle, Hifumi seized the neck of a monster which came jumping at him and slapped it into the trunk of a tree. With a wet sound of the skull being crushed, it makes a beeline of blood once Hifumi removes his hand while dropping to the ground. Another monster comes snapping at him, but straightening the middle finger and the index finger, Hifumi hooks its lower jaw with them. Having its jaw dislocated by the force of its own leap with a *wobble*, it cocks its head in puzzlement and fold just like that. The last monster aimed its fangs at his neck from behind Hifumi. Hitting the back of Hifumi who had willingly stepped back, its balance crumbled and it dropped to the ground. At that moment Hifumi struck the area around its heart. Coughing up blood, the monster ceased moving. “Phew...” (Hifumi) While correcting his dishevelled dougi, Hifumi breathed out. “... So, what’s your impression after observing the battle?” (Hifumi) Turning around, Hifumi throws those words at a large tree. “I was noticed, huh? You have a higher ability than I heard of those called humans...” A man with long ears, who seems to be a demon, appeared from the shadows of the large tree. “So, do you want to play with me as well?” (Hifumi) “You are quite belligerent. However, I will pass on that for now.” When Hifumi muttered “Is that so? How boring”, the male demon offered a suggestion to Hifumi. “Human, you don’t have any inclination to work for our country, do you?” “... Ha?” (Hifumi)
Hifumi stabbed the katana expressionlessly into the female demon, who received the “pebble” thrown by Hifumi and on top of it suffered the yell of Bennia, and killed her with that. The katana’s point, which pierced into her heart as if being drawn in, hasn’t lost its radiance though it has blood trickling down once it’s pulled out. “Well then.” (Hifumi) Throwing away the paper he used to wipe the blade, Hifumi looked at the remaining female demons without paying attention to the flickering in his eyes. “How about you guys?” (Hifumi) “H-How, you say...” One of them unintentionally opened her mouth. Hifumi directed his sight at that woman. “Hii...” “That one died because she was hostile towards me. That one and that one as well.” (Hifumi) The ones Hifumi pointed at were the woman, who was stabbed to death just a moment ago, the fallen Beleth and Bennia, who showed a cruelly two-folded posture, those three. “So, what will you do?” (Hifumi) “I surrender!” “M-Me too!” One after the other the female demons raise their hands. There were some among them who held weapons as well, but freeing both their hands by throwing those away in a panic, they appealed that they have no hostile feelings. “Y-You guys are really just talk, so...” (Vepar) “Demons are sturdy after all.” (Hifumi)magic Hifumi praised Vepar, who finally managed to raise her body, and nodded his head. Hifumi tried to head over to Vepar’s location, but suddenly he stopped and surveyed the other demons. “Is there anyone who can heal wounds with magic amongst you?” (Hifumi) Silently two of them raise their hands. “Well, then it’s fine for you to heal Vepar. It will let you earn some points.” (Hifumi) The two, who don’t understand the meaning of what they were told, look at each other. “This Vepar will be the next demon king. It’s your chance to get promoted right away.” (Hifumi) The one who reacted to that is Vepar but Hifumi pretended to notice that. “What are you saying all of a sudden...” (Vepar) “It’s just what it means.” (Hifumi) Sheathing the katana into its scabbard, Hifumi turns around while adjusting its position. “That’s because the king here wishes to fight with me it seems. There has to be an heir if the king dies, right?” (Hifumi) “Do you think that you will be able to kill the king? If you won by some odd chance, it would be only natural for you to become the new king.” (Vepar) “Well, that’s no good.” (Hifumi) “It’s the same reason why the current king, Agathion, is no good either”, Hifumi states. “It’s no more than my intuition, but that king is strong. He is smart as well. It mustn’t be allowed for someone who sticks out like that to obtain the world. Even if it happens through fighting, it will basically become peaceful once that’s finished. Falling into stagnation, the people will live their lives without any desperation. The reason to strive hard for the sake of survival will vanish.” (Hifumi) Hifumi hits the pommel with a *pon* “It’s best if the world’s powers are competing with each other as much as possible. And, while living in a range where they are able to get in contact with each other, they will fight with each other by literally risking their lives. They should ponder how to outwit their enemies in all kinds of situations.” (Hifumi) “But, why me?” (Vepar) While receiving healing from the two responsible for it, Vepar glared at Hifumi. “That’s easy. If it’s you, you won’t abandon or run away from the demon race. I don’t approve of the demons dispersing. For the sake of being able to fight to the bitter end, the demons will have to frantically use their heads to achieve peace and stability.” (Hifumi) “You are just the right person for that”, Hifumi laughed. “... I knew that you were an exciting man, but it’s far more than I imagined.” (Vepar) “I will consider those words as praise.” (Hifumi) “Just in case, let me ask, where are you going” (Vepar) Vepar, who recovered to a degree that she could finally stand up, called out to Hifumi who set out. “Of course, to the place of the fellow who is aiming for my life. ... Ah, true, that’s right, it would be best if I brought him a present.” (Hifumi) Once he smoothly draws out his katana, the demons start to take some distance nervously. “Don’t be so scared.” (Hifumi) Floating a wry smile, he cuts off Beleth’s head with a *thump*. Everyone saw Hifumi, who grabbed its short hair and left while leaving the word “Well then” behind, silently off. “Umm... You will become the king, Captain?” “You are able to say that without shame though you tried to kill me just moments ago, eh?” (Vepar) “T-That was due reluctantly following orders!” Hearing the words of the little girl who cast healing magic on her, Vepar sighed. “Well, it’s fine. I won’t be able to be happy-go-lucky anymore now that it has come to this.” (Vepar) Wiping off the dust sticking to her clothes, Vepar fixed her appearance. Although her skirt was torn at the time she was sent flying, she doesn’t mind that. “Though, it’s annoying that the story is advancing at an unknown place. You guys, do as you like. Hide yourselves somewhere if you are afraid. Follow me if you care about the fate of the demon race.” (Vepar) Half the demons at that place followed Vepar who began to walk to chase after Hifumi. ☺☻☺ Hifumi’s pace became gradually faster and at the time the castle came into view he began to run. “H-Human!?” “Stop, stop!” The two guards in front of the gate stood in the way of Hifumi who came running from the dark city which waits for daybreak. Notwithstanding, Hifumi, who raised his speed to another level instead of easing up on it, yelled, “I will kill you if you stand in my way! I won’t if you let me through!” (Hifumi) Unintentionally, due to that voice, one of them jumped to the side. The guard, who looked in the direction of his colleague while regretting having jumped aside, was able to closely watch the shocking scene of Hifumi’s sword attack, which was released by drawing the katana from his waist and attacking in the same stroke, cutting his colleague and the large, wooden front gate altogether. The soldier, who was cut in two without time to raise a scream, tumbles onto the castle’s ground together with the door. “Well, let’s go on an eager rampage, shall we?” (Hifumi) While looking at his katana, he mumbles as if addressing it. As one could expect, groups of demon soldiers gathered due to the castle’s gate making a loud sound where one wouldn’t object to call it a thunderous roar. As each of them were grasping their weapons or preparing to release their spells, carelessness wasn’t present. A chill travelled down Hifumi’s spine with a *shudder* “Oh, how scary!” (Hifumi) Contrary to his words, his expression is full of smiles. What started the battle was someone releasing their magic. The fireball, which has the size of around an armful, passed the side of Hifumi who evaded by simply taking one step. But he hasn’t the leeway to watch its destination. With very practised moves several soldiers came charging with their weapons held in front while combining it with magic. “Not bad, but!” (Hifumi) The spearhead, which suddenly approached him, was sent flying by Hifumi cutting the spearhead including the forearm of his opponent with one swing by his katana. What remained was the sword. Without hitting Hifumi at all, it finishes with them simply missing each other. “Gyaaa!” “Uwaa...” Finishing off the demon, who lost his arms, by piercing his throat, he turns over the katans with his wrist and slays two soldiers, who stroke and missed, in succession. Furthermore he runs towards the group which shoots spells at him after surrounding him. “This!” The entire body of Hifumi, who is pressured by a gust of pellets, is hit. While repelling only those pellets which would hit fatal spots with his katana, the demons, who panicked due to Hifumi still approaching, created a huge fireball reaching around m in diameter by releasing their spells simultaneously. “Fuu~!” (Hifumi) While exhaling, Hifumi swung the katana he held overhead downwards. The lump of fire, which was cleanly cut in two, wraps just the katana in heat and vanishes like mist. “I got fairly used to its anti-magic property as well, I guess.” (Hifumi) Even while suffering small wounds all over his body due to the pellets, Hifumi isn’t out of breath. “Are you still able to do anything, I wonder? The woman in the grey mantle had an interesting skill.” (Hifumi) Bennia’s yell was a kind of magic manipulating sound, but Hifumi treated it as a gag. However, his evaluation of her for scheming to compensate for its powerlessness is fairly high. “Please show me a lot more. I will will be able to grow with that.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who set up his katana as if aiming at their eyes, licked the blood streaming down his cheeks with his tongue. The number of demons gathered in front of the castle’s gate is above . people have already been turned into corpses. It still doesn’t change their advantage in numbers, but Hifumi is overwhelmingly above them in spirit. Fluently moving as if performing a dance without showing any fatigue, the swaying and fluttering hakama seems to be inviting the demons. A person close-by closes in upon Hifumi while holding their weapon. As he stabs the blade into their belly, he breaks the back of their hand with the pommel and smashes their head before the dropped weapon can hit the ground. The female demon, whose wind blades were scattered one after the other by the katana, is unable to do anything but getting frightened of Hifumi, who approached in front of her eyes. Her thin neck was severed without any resistance. A man, who tries to throw his sword and thrust his knee at Hifumi, is pierced in the heart while dumbfoundedly watching his own knee bending in the other direction. A demon, who tried to combine their magic with his colleague once again, suddenly discovers his colleague collapsed facing up while shedding blood from both their eyes. Having both his eyes pierced by the katana in the same way due to being petrified in surprise, his skull was crushed. The wild party of blood continues further on. The garden in front of the gate, which is generally open during daytime and used as place of relaxation for the common people, has ivies surrounding the boorish stone wall. Various flowers bloom there depending on the season. A pure white flower, which is releasing a faintly sweet scent during the current period, is blooming, but its scent was drowned out by the stench of blood as if being choked. Hifumi, who plentifully inhaled the scent of that flower, slowly breathed out through his mouth. “Well, isn’t there still more than half of you remaining? That’s nice. I will be able to enjoy myself even more.” (Hifumi) Wiping off the blood with a paper, Hifumi returned the katana into its scabbard and became unarmed. Once he relaxed his joints with a creaking sound by entwining the fingers of both hands, he caught the spear of an enemy who saw this as a chance and pulled it towards himself. The male demon, who had his body dragged along, tries to stop it by bracing his legs, but the force of the spear, which was thrust out by putting his body’s weight into it, isn’t stopped easily as that was guided by Hifumi as well. At the time he finally came to a halt, he was kicked by Hifumi’s toes in the nether region. Falling to his knees while bubbles foamed at his mouth, his skull, which was at a handy height, is crushed by Hifumi’s elbow. Hifumi, who broke the head of the man, who collapsed while spouting a nosebleed, by stepping onto him, began to dash once again just like that. “That’s it. That man’s strength is considerable, but that sword is a miracle.” (Agathion) Agathion, who looked down at the spectacle from a window of the castle, muttered while watching Hifumi’s state. Phegor stands at his side. “That is amazing. It broke the fireball’s magic into pieces.” (Agathion) Phegor nodded with a serious expression at Agathion, who turned around while raising a laughter as if he was enjoying an exhibition. “I dare say that he surpassed the forest of the elves due to the power of that weapon. We should also pay attention to his physical abilities, but even if he invades into the castle in worst case, we will be able to kill him easily if we use the strength of the king, I guess?” (Phegor) “Phegor.” (Agathion) Phegor is seized by Agathion’s sharp look. “I’m not very fond of gambling. I dislike words such as “probably” can win.” (Agathion) “Excuse my rudeness.” (Phegor) “Although I feel like it’s a bit wasteful, let’s use the hall’s device?” (Agathion) Agathion muttered after worrying over it for a while. “Please wait. No matter how powerful he might be, there’s still an overwhelming number of soldiers left. Even if he trespasses into the castle, I will be there as well. Even if you don’t move yourself...” (Phegor) “That’s pointless, Phegor. You don’t even believe yourself that the soldiers will be able to manage somehow, do you?” (Agathion) “Try looking”, Agathon urged him on to observe the situation in front of the gate with his gaze. Having already decreased the number of demons to a degree of it being close to an annihilation, the number of people, who have fallen, is twice that of those who are still standing. “Yes, my liege! That guy is interesting. He is killing my soldiers while unarmed. If he wasn’t a human, his war potential would be high.” (Phegor) Agathion, who laughed while clapping his hands, suddenly stood up. “Phegor, I don’t permit for you to fight him by yourself. Just as I told you moments ago, I leave the hall’s device to you. I have to prepare myself to welcome him.” (Agathion) “... At your will.” (Phegor) Agathion leaves the room, where you can see the main gate which turned into a battlefield, without even making any footsteps. Two maids followed him. Seeing him off, Phegor dropped his look onto the battlefield once again. “Hifumi, huh? For the sake of the demon’s prospering... for the sake of the king’s dearest wish, I will have you become a stepping stone.” (Phegor) Spitting out words he didn’t intend for anyone to hear, Phegor quietly left the room in order to to operate the device as wished by the king.
The chaos in Vichy is continuing, but for some strange reason Tohno Earldom, which included Fokalore, was calm to a degree that one wouldn’t be able to think that there’s a war going on in the neighbouring country. That is, except for the city at the border, Rhone. Besides the soldiers of Orsongrande, who are controlling the national border, the soldiers of Fokalore, who have been stationed there to govern the territory, their families and some merchants, no one lives in Rhone where all inhabitants died before. That’s the reason why this town was chosen. It’s easy to manage and close to the border while being filled with empty houses where refugees that escaped from the turmoil in Vichy can live. Upon the suggestion and appeal of Orsongrande’s Prime Minister Adol out of worry over the royal treasury, it was decided to entrust the care of the refugees to Hifumi who is governing the area. In all honesty, it’s no stretch to say that Orsongrande’s financial situation is in a dire strait due to the continuous battles. It didn’t have the monetary leeway to support refugees with especially as it’s unknown by how much their numbers will grow. Accordingly it resulted in Orsongrande’s government discreetly pushing it onto Hifumi, but Caim, who manages the operational business of Tohno Earldom all by himself instead of Hifumi, readily decided to take responsibility for the matter at hand. “It will be fine to take them in as residents and not as refugees on this occasion. It will also be possible to resolve the shortage in human resources. If we provide them a place to stay, they likely won’t complain even about some slightly harsh jobs. If we consider it as procurement of cheap slaves, there won’t be any issues regarding the expenses either.” (Caim) Caim’s idea immediately got Hifumi’s authorization. For that reason the number of people in Rhone is now increasing rapidly. It’s necessary for the refugees to get examined by Orsongrande’s border guard and to furthermore receive a check-up by Fokalore’s soldiers, but as long as they aren’t overly suspicious or have a bad attitude, they will be given permission to enter Rhone. For the people, who ran away from the demons and reinforced soldiers in fear while sleeping outdoors for many days, the treatment of being legitimately assigned a house and being even offered work was better than the life in their villages or cities until now. Not that much time passed since all the houses became deserted. Thus, even if they have to do the repairs by themselves, the amount of bothersome damage to the houses is little. Once they registered things such as their full name, age and career by properly filing a report, they were even able to obtain a temporary support in food and daily commodities. The information about their career was to confirm whether there are any dubious parts, but it will also serve as reference to assign jobs to them. Factoring in the reality that the war situation isn’t good, the number of refugees flowing into Rhone is increasing day by day. As they apparently absolutely forgot who it was that weakened their own country, many of those people are praising the feudal lord Hifumi who is also the Knight of the Slender Sword. Because a theatre troupe, which visited several places inside Orsongrande such as the royal capital, performed the highly popular play 『Knight of the Slender Sword』 for a prolonged time in Rhone for little money, the refugee’s enthusiasm knew no bounds. “... To even call a theatre troupe, I believe that to actually be over the top.” “If you got any complaints, take them up to the expressionless bastard in Fokalore.” The temporary town hall set up in Rhone. In one of its rooms Doelgar and Miyukare continued a thorny dispute without taking their eyes off the documents and without raising their voices. This is a daily occurrence in the civil official’s room in Fokalore. Even Brokra and at times Paryu will grumble about something while continuing their work. As it’s a spectacle that can be observed especially well when their workload reaches a peak, Paryu, who was currently working in the same room together with those two, didn’t pay any heed to their quarrel. By the way, since Caim is the type to do his work silently and moreover doesn’t care about the way others work, he doesn’t participate in the quarrelling and speaking to himself nor does he caution others about it. “In the first place, why do I have to be sent to the border? It would have been probably fine if we had left it to each of the commanding officers.” “If you say that, it applies to me as well. Even in regards to picking out craftsmen and apprentices, it would probably finish quickly if each of the trade guilds sent someone over.” In reality, for the soldiers who had received only training related to combat, it’s difficult to negotiate with Orsongrande, no matter whether they obtained a commanding officer rank, and they also hold no right to make any decisions. Even in regards to trade; Doelgar is carrying out the regulation of the guilds. Because the scramble for personnel is a daily struggle, this is a task that has to be done by personnel who holds the power of the state. Though both of them understand that, they keep complaining about it, but this time Paryu, who was in the same room, was unable to ignore it. “... Doelgar-san, Miyukare-san, are you telling me to handle the documents here all by myself...?” (Paryu) “Uh...” Once the two, who had complained until now, turn their looks at Paryu, they see her exhausted expression with only her eyes gleaming with a glare. She’s the one in charge of the family register. If the number of people in the territory increases, it becomes inevitable for additional work to visit her. Performing an investigation of all the people who crossed the border, and deciding on an appropriate handling for them after confirming all kinds of information is part of her post. As a matter of fact, the majority of staff members, who were made to follow those three, are her subordinates, but even then they are the busiest as well. They had even lost the time to complain. At the moment she was fed up with the problem of several bundles of documents being brought in every minutes, she apparently got mad at her two seniors who started to talk about abandoning their work. “No, this is just a joke to vent a bit. Each of us is busy. That’s why we need at least this much freedom of mind, right?” (Doelgar) “I-I didn’t particularly plan to really abandon my work? I just tried to complain a bit since I have to always associate with filthy men.” (Miyukare) In front of the two who were trying to justify their conduct in panic, Paryu swapped an armful of document bundles from the pile of documents lying on her desk towards them. “Doelgar-san, if you have freedom of mind, I leave this to you. It’s the part of the people related to commerce and industry who registered to have work experience among the residents who have completely drawn-up official papers after entering the country. I intended to sort them according to their type of industry, but... since you have leeway, there won’t be any problem, right?” (Paryu) “... Yes.” (Doelgar) “Miyukare-san, this is the part among the documents about those, who reported to have been civilians in military employ in the past, I considered it necessary for them to receive a secondary check. Since there are plenty of women included here, please check them as the one in charge of military affairs.” (Paryu) “... Got it.” (Miyukare) “I will go to pick up the documents at the border”, saying that, Paryu left the room. Immediately following that Doelgar and Miyukare spit out the air in their lungs and dropped their tensed shoulders. “It’s the first time for me to feel frightened by a girl who’s more than years younger than me.” “... Aren’t you ?” “I’m younger than Caim.” Due to Miyukare opening her eyes widely in surprise while unable to speak, Doelgar cursed with a brief comment and started to fight against the documents which had increased by more than twice. ☺☻☺ The ones struggling hard in front of documents aren’t just the civil officials who are on official business in Rhone. “Gununu....” (Alyssa) “Alyssa-sama, even if you groan, that doesn’t make you progress through the textbook.” (Caim) Being cautioned by Caim, Alyssa pursed her lips which had a pen in-between them. “Why do I have to do this?” (Alyssa) “As noble it’s a necessary study to stand on your own as feudal lord. Alyssa-sama, you have to lead us for the residents, who are continuing to increase even now, as next head of the Earl household.” (Caim) The smoothly explained details were ones even Alyssa had already agreed on. At the time when she was told the gist of her being accepted as adopted daughter by Hifumi, Alyssa rejected it as it was far too sudden, but decided to accept it in the end as she was beginning to become vaguely aware of the fact that the emotions she felt at the time when she headed to Horant were reliance towards a senior rather than love towards a man. Once it was decided that Alyssa will inherit the Earl household, Caim piled up his own textbooks which he prepared immediately and Brokra arranged for as many noble-like items as possible. Now they are looking for a private tutor to teach her the necessary etiquette for a noble lady. There hasn’t been an official announcement to the residents about Alyssa becoming the heir, but those related to the territory’s management and the soldiers, who heard about it from the staff, spread the story in less than a day.magic Since there are many people among the staff members of the feudal lord’s mansion who don’t know Alyssa well, there have been many bewildered voices. However, since it’s hard to imagine for Hifumi, who is still young, to retire, they were able to accept it with “Isn’t that one of his usual whimsical policies?” The soldiers were greatly delighted. There was also the feudal lord’s side until now. That suppressed the degree of enthusiasm towards Alyssa more or less. But now they were excited that they should mainly guard her even in exchange for their lives, not with the attitude towards a superior officer as until now but from now on towards the heir. Setting aside such reactions of her environment, the person herself was simply happy about being able to become Hifumi’s family, but because the predecessor Hifumi was too far apart from a noble-like life, the idea that he had become a noble didn’t reach him at all. The next day after she consented to become his adopted daughter, she was heading towards Hifumi’s office while racking her brain over an Alyssa-typical important matter of whether she should call Hifumi father and whether Origa will get mad if she calls her mother, but on the way she was caught by Caim and forced to study. And there’s one more woman in the same room at her wit’s end in front of a textbook. It’s the one-eared rabbit beastman Viine. On the day they returned while bringing her along, she was introduced to the staff members with the new title “Secretary” added. Right now she’s in the middle of systematically getting the documents prepared by the civil officials and staff members driven into her head for the sake of understanding the circumstances of the current Tohno Earldom and the knowledge necessary to support Hifumi’s work. “It looks like my head’s going to explode...” It’s documents filled with earnest schematic entries and content after such things as the population’s movements, the changes of industrial structures and the composition of the army were entrusted to Fokalore by Hifumi. As they had apparently no feelings of avoiding her, the staff members reaction was that of very deep curiosity towards the beastman Viine as the person who was brought along by Hifumi and as someone unusual. Especially the female staff members are harbouring slightly dirty interest wondering whether they will be able to hear about Hifumi’s private life in a delicious manner. As result of that, they drew up more-than-necessary, finely-detailed documents in high spirits at the time when they were ordered to present the territory’s documents of each department to Viine. Under the pretext of explaining those, staff members continuously visited Viine for few hours at start while changing places with each other. Since she couldn’t concentrate in that situation, Caim had her move to the study room of Alyssa whom he is supervising. No matter how much interest they might have; in front of Caim, who asks 「Your business?」 while directly looking at them with no expression, there were no staff members that were bold enough to try starting an idle chat round. Thanks to that, it resulted in Viine being able to study with Alyssa’s groans as BGM inside the room with a feeling of tension hanging in the air due to the continuous monitoring. “Please don’t hold back and ask me if there are any parts you don’t understand.” (Caim) “Y-Yes.” (Viine) Though she gave him an answer, Viine’s first impression of Caim was her considering him At the time she was restlessly grasping a document tightly, the civil official Brokra knocked and entered the room. “Excuse me. Alyssa-sama, since I was able to arrange for a private tutor, the time for education will start from the day after tomorrow.” (Brokra) “... I want to train outside with everyone.” (Alyssa) “That’s not allowed.” (Caim) Not Brokra but Caim flatly comments with an indifferent voice. “If I study while keeping sitting for such long time, my butt will get sore!” (Alyssa) “Please endure it for a while. Since there’s also dancing in the general education course, you will have the chance to move your body.” (Brokra) “That’s not the problem here”, Alyssa objects with teary eyes. Due to that, Caim repetitively explains just how important education and studying is for the bearings of a feudal lord in a dispassionate manner. Due to the indifferent persuasion that seems to even tire out Viine who is just listening from the side, Alyssa threw the towel, % out of weakness, and returned to transcribing the textbook after saying “Got it.” Viine, who saw Alyssa’s great efforts in Horant with her own eyes, wondered that such a strong person was talked down with words to a degree that she couldn’t even refute at all resulting in her having even more difficulty in dealing with Caim. Because Brokra discovered her look searching for help by chance, she tried to resolve it by receiving Viine’s question, but the rabbit beastman, who will otherwise stay eternally afraid of Caim, might get locked up in the room without graduating the secretary curriculum. However, since it developed into an endless clash of opinions regarding Viine’s education between Caim and Brokra, the pressure felt by Viine only increased. “Is this the staff room here?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who came to see the situation of Alyssa and Viine, muttered that comment after hearing the dispute and ran away without entering the room.
The conference between Queen Imeraria and beastmen representative Reni began harmoniously. Reni enjoyed the offered baked sweets and black tea, and the fruits, which she brought as return gift, had been sliced and lined up next to the baked sweets while being chilled with magic. Their juicy sweetness, which was refreshing in a different way from sugar, pleased Imeraria. “What delicious fruits. Aren’t they fairly valuable?” (Imeraria) “Yes. To the extent that they can only be found once in a while. But, they are nothing you could set aside, so we always eat them immediately since they might be taken by someone.” (Reni) “Then, these are...” (Imeraria) “Since Hifumi-san had stored some of them, I received them from him.” (Reni) For an instant the stretched-out hand of Imeraria stopped. However, the fruits were sinless. Picking up yet another, she brought it to her mouth. Then she wiped her fingers, which had gotten wet by the fruit juice, with a handkerchief. “We have just been eating without proceeding with the talks, haven’t we?” (Imeraria) Correcting her sitting posture, Imeraria looked once more at the sheep beastgirl sitting in front of her and the rabbit beastgirl at her side. She doesn’t know whether the beastmen standing in the back is a dog or a wolf, but she makes sure to not look at him since male beastmen are scary. As far as for the sheep girl with her droopy eyes and her fluffy white fur, she doesn’t look at all like a person who leads wild beastmen such as wolves or tigers. Even the rabbit girl sitting next to her is pretty obviously nervous in a place like the royal castle, albeit having a strong will dwell in her eyes. Depending on the point of view, she looks even charming. The escorting beastman, who might be dog or wolf, looks just like a beast, but the women only have a “beastmen-like” atmosphere due to their noses in the center of their human-like faces. Even among beastmen there might be differences between tribes and individuals though. “So, I heard you have something to discuss with me? Since you especially came all the way here, please allow me to listen to your various matters.” (Imeraria) “Well then, let me start first with a question. ...Your Majesty, around what point are you planning to compromise in the upcoming conference with the demons?” (Reni) Being all of a sudden asked a question that stabs into the heart of the matter, Imeraria instinctively looked at Reni with something akin to a glare. “I’m well aware that it’s an impolite question. However, even if it might be rude, the future of the beastmen race rides on this. Please tell us, if possible at all.” (Reni) “Understood. It’s only natural, but no one in this country, including me, plans to fight against the demons.” (Imeraria) “I have actually seen the front-line, and your country is completely holding back the demons at the border. At this rate there won’t be any damage to your country. If you can get Hifumi-san to act, victory is certain, I’m sure. If you win, it might be possible to include the demons, who are said to have extremely powerful, individual strength, into your military forces. Fighting against other countries will probably become much easier. And yet you don’t wish to fight the demons?” (Reni) With the name of Hifumi appearing once again, the wariness level in Imeraria’s mind went up. But, the current Imeraria won’t be lulled by that. “Since it seems that you’re having a misunderstanding, I shall tell you; I don’t wish to fight against Horant, our neighboring country. The other day I had the privilege to help that country in resolving its problems, and as result of that, we could deepen our friendly relations. I’m satisfied with that outcome. Besides...” (Imeraria) Looking at Reni, who didn’t show any particular reaction to her words up till then, Imeraria couldn’t grasp the intention behind Reni’s question. “Hifumi-sama has already retired as family head of his noble household. I’m not in a position where I can order him for the sake of the kingdom.” (Imeraria) “How about requesting it from him by offering him some kind of reward?” (Reni) “I don’t believe that I could arrange for a reward which could make him change his mind. It’s a disgraceful truth for the kingdom, but...” (Imeraria) “It’s simple.” (Reni) Reni interrupted Imeraria’s speech with a brief comment. Please kill the demons, I won’t allow anyone else to interfere , Imeraria evaluated Reni. And she feels a strange sense of superiority that Reni still doesn’t understand him well. The rabbit girl, who still hasn’t raised her voice once, seems to be tense due to Reni’s words. It looks like they haven’t had a preparatory meeting. “...Those words, it looks like they would pass even if I exchange “That’s true. ...Are you going to do so?” (Reni) “You’re not surprised, are you?” (Imeraria) When Imeraria looked astonished, Reni laughed. “I’m the one who suggested it, but I know that it’s unlikely for him to accept. If he were a person to move because of that, I would have already asked him, “Uuh...” (Imeraria) If there was a method to manipulate Hifumi, it could also be used to make him lower the number of humans “Besides, aren’t you trying to stop relying on Hifumi-san, Your Majesty?” (Reni) “Why do you believe so?” (Imeraria) “I heard various things while staying in Rhone. About your active role in the battle against Horant. And also about the training for the knights.” (Reni) “...How do those things connect to not relying on Hifumi-sama?” (Imeraria) Imeraria wanted to check in a separate room whether her voice trembles or not. Miraculously the quivering of her throat calmed down after taking a sip of black tea. “The construction of a defense not depending on Hifumi-san. The retirement declaration might be unexpected, but it’s a fact that you easily accepted the retirement of a person who accomplished a lot for this country and is hailed as hero. The training for the knights. Above all, considering Hifumi-san’s age, it’s too early for him to hand over his title to the next generation. I just wondered whether not all of this serves as your stance to protect the country even without Hifumi-san being present.” (Reni) How many humans are thinking the same as the little girl in front of me...no, is Hifumi himself thinking the same as well by chance? Does he plan to support her even after declaring his retirement? Or was perhaps him taking over the training also... “Your Majesty?” (Reni) Reni uneasily spoke up to Imeraria who’s sweating. “Y-Yes, I’m...fine... Rather than that, we digressed from the topic. Whatever the situation of my country might be, wars are won within a short time with overwhelming power. Otherwise they only turn into a useless waste of lives and hard-earned tax money. At times it might be necessary to fight too, but it’s a crucial task of a ruler to protect the interests of the people supporting them, if the balance is off.” (Imeraria) She forcibly returned to the topic. Reni apparently doesn’t intend to reference to Hifumi any further, and calmly answers “Got it.” “You said it was your first question. Do you have any others?” (Imeraria) “Yes. But before that I have to apologize.” (Reni) Imeraria tilted her head to the side in doubt, not understanding the meaning behind Reni’s words. “As for the plan of removing Hifumi-san from this country...no, this world, I already know about it.” (Reni) “I heard about it from an influential informant.” (Reni)magic Pondering about the possibilities with whom Reni might have gotten in contact after coming to the capital, Imeraria considered whether it might have been Origa who leaked the plan. But, she abandoned that idea right away. “It’s been a while since I last visited the royal castle. Since the time of talking with Adol-dono, I guess.” The face of a man that had a bluish-white face peeked out from behind Reni. “It’s shinigami-san. Please allow this person and me to join the group of people, organized by you, setting up countermeasures against Hifumi-san, Your Majesty.” (Reni) The head-only shinigami grumbles, “I can’t materialize anything but my head as my power has declined,” but Reni ignores him. “We will be able to provide good ideas. Instead I’d like you to prepare a foreign settlement for the beastmen, or develop a part of the wastelands for us.” (Reni) “How about it?” Reni asks. In the end Imeraria accepted Reni’s demand. ☺☻☺ “Midas.” (Hifumi) “E-Earl Tohno...ah, no, you have retired, haven’t you?” (Midas) The one calling out to Midas was Hifumi who loitered around close to the castle after sending Reni off. “Come with me for a bit.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who forcibly dragged Midas downtown, pointed at a single man. That man is talking with another man, who seems to be a shop owner, inside the city that is thriving due to the big news of the queen’s pregnancy. His attire is a simple, linen jouge. He carries large baggage that makes it easy to see that he’s a traveling merchant. He wears boots that had cloths fixedly coiled around them. “Is something wrong with him?” (Midas) The number of merchants coming and leaving the capital is huge. Most of them are peddlers who transport the produce from the countryside, visiting various places, but among them there’s also not few who try to attain success in the capital with their earned funds. He doesn’t know which of both the merchant in question might be, but to Midas he seemed to be nothing more than an ordinary merchant. “It’s really a bother to explain since he doesn’t use any technique or anything...look very closely. Doesn’t it seem as if his ears are slightly tapering to a point?” (Hifumi) Certainly, the ends of his ears are pointed. But, if it’s to such an extent, it might as well be called an individual quirk. “I don’t know whether you can see them from here, but have a look at his eyes. They are green, but no matter what color eyes have, they are usually black right in the middle.” (Hifumi) While listening to Hifumi who speaks as he pulled down his lower eyelid of his eyes with his index finger, saying “Like this,” Midas intently gazed at the merchant’s face while intently straining his eyes, but as might be expected, he couldn’t see that far. “The middle of that guy’s eyes has a tinge of red, you know? That complies with a characteristic feature of the demons, but...what do you think?” (Hifumi) “What, you ask...are you saying that he’s a demon?” (Midas) “That’s what I mean. Well, I will go and check the truth.” (Hifumi) Leaving the bewildered Midas behind, Hifumi headed straight for the man. While chasing after him, Midas recalled the events at the time when Hifumi left for the city from the castle for the first time. That day when he chased a young man with a strange appearance after changing his clothes into that of a commoner while being surprised by the sudden surveillance order. Being immediately spotted, he felt just as embarrassed as during the time when he was still a newbie knight. The shame was so strong that he couldn’t even tell his wife about it. That young man walks across the street while swaggering about just like back then. And just like at that time, not knowing what he’s going to do next pressures Midas. “Damn it, each time I meet him, it shortens my life span...” (Midas) In front of him Hifumi calls out to the man. “You’ve got a moment?” (Hifumi) “Eh? Yes, what is it? Do you need something from me?” Being called out from the side, the man turned towards Hifumi with a smile just as he does with all customers. The shopkeeper, who had been his conversation partner, smiled brightly, apparently recognizing Hifumi immediately after seeing his face, backed away with a “Looks like he has business with you,” and entered his store. “Let’s talk for a bit over there? Demon’s, ah...I guess your name doesn’t really matter anyway.” (Hifumi) “Eh? What do you mean?” “Well, I guess it’s your job to stay hidden. You have my respect. For now, that is.” (Hifumi) He forcibly drags the man along together with Midas, who caught up, entering a cafe that spread out tables along the street. “Black tea for three. Also, food please. Anything’s fine as long as it’s delicious.” (Hifumi) Quickly ordering on his own accord, Hifumi shallowly sat down on a chair with his katana still affixed to his waist. It seems the man said to be a demon still hasn’t realized, but Midas knows that this is not Hifumi’s usual way of sitting. Midas was nervous. If the opponent was a normal human, Hifumi wouldn’t prepare himself to such a degree. “The demons’ place had a lot of relatively sketchy food. Didn’t it surprise you after coming here that the food’s so tasty?” (Hifumi) The man’s face became increasingly sullen due to Hifumi talking to him while having arbitrarily decided that he’s a demon. “You’re wrong. Taking me for a demon is a misunderstanding.” “Hee, you know about demons? Aren’t you quite well-informed for a simple merchant?” (Hifumi) “I-It’s information I obtained in F-Fekalore. I came here in a hurry after hearing that the demons are coming...” “Fokalore, right? I’m still attached to that place. Don’t make a mistake there. ...So, Midas.” (Hifumi) Hifumi turns his eyes to Midas who has tensed his body in order to be capable of moving at any time as he intently watches the merchant, who looks fidgety while half-risen to his feet, next to him. “If you are so tense, your movements will become unnecessarily slow. So, has the story of the demons coming here been announced on a grand scale?” (Hifumi) “...No, it’s planned to mobilize the soldiers just before the planned date, occupy the highway and guide them here.” (Midas) “Compared to knowing such highly-confidential information, not knowing my face is slightly odd, isn’t it?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who grabbed the merchant’s head and bent forward, fixedly stares into the eyes of the man. “A-Are you going to kill me...?” Seeing the black eyes of Hifumi as his face approaches right in front him, the man speaks words that are equal to confessing that he’s a demon. “I really want to kill you. After all I haven’t had my fill for a while around here, just like a hungry monster. I’d love to kill you.” (Hifumi) “But,” Hifumi removes his hand and sits down on his chair. “If I consider that waiting for a meal that I haven’t been able to devour yet is a lot more fun, I can still endure for a short time.” (Hifumi) The demon didn’t comprehend, but Midas yells while restraining his voice to the best of his ability, “W-What are you getting all psyched up for!?” (Midas) “Oh? I told you that I’m going to cooperate for the sake of humanity’s future. Is there any problem with that?” (Hifumi) “Her Majesty doesn’t wish to fight. Please, I’d like you to restrain yourself...!” (Midas) “That depends on how the demons are going to move, doesn’t it?” (Hifumi) Being asked, the demon shakes his head, say “I don’t know.” “I haven’t been informed about Vepar-sama’s intentions!” Hifumi’s fingers grabbed the demon’s neck and he easily fainted. “Arrest and use him to train how to see through demons. Considering that such a guy has infiltrated this far, I’m pretty sure that you should patrol the city a lot more seriously.” (Hifumi) Sitting down on his chair with a flump, Hifumi told the employee, who watched the situation from a distance, “Don’t mind it, you can bring the food over.” Midas, who tied the demon’s hands behind his back for caution’s sake, called over a soldier that happened to pass nearby and ordered him to carry the demon to the close-by knight order’s station. “I will say it once more, but I’d like you to act prudently. I shall thank you for this time. But, unnecessary battles are not needed in this world any longer.” (Midas) “Hmmm... I see, if that’s what you believe, that might be fine as well, I suppose.” (Hifumi) Continuing, Hifumi called out to Midas who was about to leave after saying, “Well then.” “Hey, Midas. Between a guy that believes no fighting will take place, and a guy that believes fighting might take place, who do you think will be able to survive?” (Hifumi) “...I was taught by you that fighting might happen at any time. It’s wrong to not stay with that belief.” (Midas) “That’s a miss.” (Hifumi) “Eh?” Midas raised an idiotic voice and turned around. “You will be able to survive if you can calmly move at the time when the fighting starts. Even if you can move swiftly, it holds no meaning if you take refuge at a dangerous place, right?” (Hifumi) From the outset Hifumi stabs the whole body of a fish with his fork from the dishes that had been lined up on the table and tosses it into his mouth. “Have a gooood look. Who’s your enemy and who’s your ally. Check on how many people you can rely among those you trust. And, whether they can become your support when push comes to shove.” (Hifumi) “What do you want to say?” (Midas) “Nothing really. Just a little small talk.” (Hifumi) Genuinely starting with his meal, Hifumi didn’t say anything else. One week later after the incident that made Midas jump at shadows, Fokalore’s military forces arrived at the capital while bringing demons, elves and beastmen along.
“Oh, what did the tiger cub see?” Malfas ran off towards Hifumi in silence. On the other side of Malfas, who fully demonstrated the physical prowess of beastmen with an expression of rage, the figure of Gengu, who chased after him in a hurry, appeared in the field of vision of Hifumi who is leisurely lying in wait. “You are aaaahh!” (Malfas) Despite there still being distance left between them, he leaps up while revealing the sharp claws on both his paws. There’s also the difference in physique, but more than anything, something like an attack that was sent in a straight line to the degree of being stupid can be dodged by Hifumi with closed eyes. Hifumi, who avoided it by tilting his head slightly, delivered a frontal kick into Malfas’ soft belly. “Gyan!” (Malfas) While watching Malfas who is rolling around while holding his belly, Gengu stood out-of-breath in front of Hifumi and bowed. “Sorry for not contacting you ~ssu. I brought this tigerboy along as he said that he wants to receive training from you, Hifumi-san, but...” (Gengu) “Oh, is that so?” (Hifumi) Hifumi nods lightly while apparently having forgotten about being attacked. Hifumi, who stood in front of Malfas who has fainted and is smeared with dirt, looked down on him with the hands in his sleeves*. “Hey, tiger child.” (Hifumi) The best Malfas can do is glaring at Hifumi who starts to ask a question. “You are far too weak. Let alone you having not changed at all from before, you got even weaker? I told you that I would kill you the next time we met, but this won’t do. I don’t have even any motivation to kill you.” (Hifumi) Origa, who approached from behind Hifumi without making even a single sound, addressed him in a low voice. The iron-ribbed fan is in her hand and she is gripping it tightly to a degree that blood is spilling. “Did you finish your talk? If you don’t mind, I want to get rid of this rude fellow with my own hands.” (Origa) Her cold gaze seizes Malfas. He was also surprised about her having approached him, who is a beastman, without getting noticed, but rather than that, it was a shock for the beauty, that looked at him with a smile until not long ago, to request permission to kill him. “W-Why...?” (Malfas) Tears due to a mix of pain and sadness overflow. Trying to cut in there, Gengu kneels in a way of protecting Malfas. “M-Madam! Can’t you please show some leniency!? This fellow is misunderstanding something as well, I think...?” (Gengu) Muttering a brief complaint, Hifumi decided to explain it briefly at this place. It’s about Malfas being one of the two children he overlooked at the time of crushing the village of tiger beastmen in the wastelands. And about having told him to get strong the next time they met each other. He didn’t tell his name though. “... Then, without abiding to what he was told by you, Hifumi-sama, he is still as weak as he was. After all he is a brat who is stubbornly difficult to save. Well, even if I didn’t know, it was my mistake to have brought a guy like this in front of you, Hifumi-sama. Please punish us, including this dog as well, for being responsible. It’s the same sin for the elf and rabbit as well.” (Gengu) Hifumi’s hand grasped Origa’s right hand which was raised overhead. “Won’t you wait...? Hey, why do I have to stop you? Even though I’m enduring for the sake of Alyssa and that stupid queen, you...” (Hifumi) While feeling the pain of her wrist being tightened to the limit, Origa gulped with a 「Ha」. Once she recalled, Origa, who noticed that he got angry at the time when she killed Ayperos, the younger brother of Imeraria, as well, felt as if it was Hifumi’s kindness to scold her, also including the pain of her wrist being constricted with a force similar to a vise. “E-Excuse me. G-Grasp it tighter, punishment for me, more...” (Origa) “Ah.” (Origa) Flinging Origa away by releasing her wrist with a “phooey”, Hifumi brings his face close to Malfas who is squatting down. “So, what will you do? I will kill you now if you give up. However, right... Gengu.” (Hifumi) “Aye!” (Gengu) “How is Reni’s group doing?” (Hifumi) Gengu, who was beffuddled for just an instant due to the abrupt question, swallowed his spit and began to talk. “Having reached the point that many are living in the human city, the slums have grown rapidly ~ssu. There are also quarrels with the human part of the city, Reni-san and Helen-san are protecting the city by doing their best now... ~ssu.” (Gengu) “There’s plenty of beastmen and humans. On top of that the elves are living together with them. If it goes on like this, the power will reverse in regards to the human-only city”, Gengu explained earnestly. “Moreover, it’s been discovered that beastmen can use magic, too. Look there, the rabbitwoman Viine-san who is over there, she has learned magic with her whole heart in her wish for being helpful to you, Hifumi-san. Because of that she was able to come here to meet you ~ssu.” (Gengu) “Hmm... then let’s do it like this.” (Hifumi) Grabbing Malfas head, Hifumi forcibly matched his line of sight with Malfas’. “You, go back to the wastelands. And then show me a part of your power by making good use of what you possess and destroy a human city. Once you are able to do that, I will be once again your opponent.” (Hifumi) “A human city...” (Malfas) Hifumi asks the shocked Malfas 「You can’t?」. “Ah, how regrettable. Though you probably thought that even I won’t be able to win if you were able to unify the beastmen. Rather, a tiger has to refine a tiger-like group combat.” (Hifumi) While making fun of him in a strange tone, Hifumi separates obviously having lost any interest in him. By the way, it’s Hifumi’s misunderstanding, but tigers originally hunt individually and not in groups. “At any rate, don’t disturb me as I’m currently observing.” (Hifumi) While Hifumi sees them off with a wave of his hand, Malfas stands up after being helped by Gengu. Tears were glittering in his eyes, but his look has become completely that of a beast. “You are called Malfas, right?” (Origa) When called out by Origa, Gengu’s and Malfas’ shoulders quivered with a jolt. “Work hard this time for sure to not make Hifumi-sama disappointed.” (Origa) Gengu receives the paper, Origa quietly held out, in place of Malfas. “It’s probably good for you to return to the wastelands by going back to Fokalore now since they can give you several soldiers to guard and guide you. Train for a while in Fokalore before you head into the wastelands. Show this paper to a staff member of Fokalore. It should serve you well.” (Origa) “It’s a welcome offer, but why...?” (Gengu) “Don’t you understand?” (Origa) Although she’s smiling, she’s scary. “Realizing Hifumi-sama’s desires are my goal of life now. If it’s for that cause, I will do anything. I will kill anyone.” (Origa) While caressing her right wrist preciously, Origa looks up to the sky. “Fight. Fight by involving all those who can fight. And kill Hifumi-sama with all of them.” (Origa) “However”, Origa glared once again. “If you are unable to do anything but lukewarm attacks like the one just now, your life and the lives of the ones in your surroundings will simply vanish. Engrave that into your heart.” (Origa) ☺☻☺ “For there to be such magic...” (Tannin) Tannin grind his teeth in vexation, but it couldn’t be seen on his expression. “It’s already fine to pull back the magic soldiers. We will reform the ranks by bringing the infantry to the forefront while screening with suitable spear fire.” (Tannin) Tannin reviews the current state while listening to the soldier, who received the instructions, relaying them in a loud voice. For our side’s attacks mostly not reaching is painful, but on the other hand our own army’s losses are few as well. “We will be forced back against our will by infantry as is, huh? Although it’s lacking in smartness, what’s certain is...” (Tannin) The problem: Is Nelgal on Orsongrande’s side? Assuming he is, it’s very likely that it will turn into a melee once both infantries clash despite us having concluded where he is. Once that happens, it will be troublesome to search for a single person. However, that ended up being a needless worry. The person, they are looking for, made an appearance on the other side. “Tannin-sama! Nelgal-sama... or a person calling himself like that has appeared!” “... Oh?” (Tannin) Tannin stared in wonder and grinned broadly after a few blinks towards the yelled words of the soldier who came running and was panting. “Inform everyone, that’s an imposter. And tell them that the scoundrel, who impersonates to be the crown prince, must be eliminated by our hands.” (Tannin) At the time Nelgal left for the front line, his appearance looked impressive like a high-ranking person, who wore an extravagant robe, and his horse, which possessed a magnificent stature, was equipped with a sparkling saddle that had jewels embedded within. It was somehow boastful. (I thought such kind of acts will happen after the coronation though.) Once he proceeded at walking pace while smiling wryly, Orsongrande’s soldiers made a path for him and he was able to pass through the crowd of people until in front of the barrier. With Horant’s magic attacks having ended, he can see that movement of the ranks has started while spears are fired sporadically. “My dear soldiers of Horant!” (Nelgal) Nelgal raises his voice which is getting gradually hoarse as he uses a volume he isn’t used to. With him being apparently audible to Horant’s side’s front line as well, he pretty much realized that several gazes were facing his way. “I’m the next king, Nelgal! Thanks to the kindness of Imeraria-dono, the ruler of Orsongrande, I arrived at this place. I will return to Adolamelk and hold a memorial service for His Majesty, the great Suprangel! I don’t know who is commanding the army, but open a path!” (Nelgal) Due to him having boldly declared that, Horant’s soldiers were astir, but even that came to an end right away and the changes in the ranks continued even while he tilted his head to the side ((in confusion)). “It seems that they decided for Your Majesty to be an imposter.” (Vaiya) Once Vaiya, who approached casually from behind Nelgal, mutters that, Nelgal shakes his head and says 「How disappointing」. “And, as I’m still not crowned, it isn’t “Your Majesty.” ... As planned, please go ahead.” (Nelgal) “Nelgal-sama... that might be difficult, but...” (Vaiya) “Vaiya-dono” (Nelgal) Turning around, Nelgal shows a cheerful expression. “Originally that was something I had to do since a lot earlier. While receiving so much support, I won’t act as if reproaching your country. Besides, in a sense it’s good this way, is what I think.” (Nelgal) “I-It’s good?” (Vaiya) “Yes, it’s a good opportunity. If nothing had happened and if I had returned to the castle after finishing my studying, I might have been crowned. ... But, with just being nominated, I still wouldn’t have any kind of achievements either.” (Nelgal) Vaiya lacked the words to retaliate. Even the former king Suprangel, who decided his studying abroad in Fokalore and not within the country, might have taken such measure in apprehension of those circumstances. “It’s an excellent chance. If I triumphantly return to the castle after displaying my commanding as king in this place, it will probably make my voice and face known to the people of my nation. I’d like to have your country help for a bit longer, but accordingly I will stride across the battlefield majestically just like Her Majesty, Imeraria.” (Nelgal) “That is...” (Vaiya) Though a large part of that is due to Imeraria bearing a heart of rivalry towards Hifumi while she hides her fear. Even so that might be said by me since I’m aware of it “Those are promising words. Well then, just as planned, good fortunes of war.” “Thank you.” Once finishing the conversation, Vaiya, who tightened his expression, faces to the front. “Elites of Horant! Have you still not heard my voice!?” (Nelgal) While Nelgal was shouting in a thunderous voice, Vaiya quietly left from behind Nelgal. ☺☻☺ “Your Majesty, Imeraria, there are no movements from Horant. It looks like they are a bit shaken by Nelgal-sama’s words, but beyond that...” (Vaiya) “Is that so? ... Then, please proceed as planned.” (Imeraria) Vaiya, who bowed atop his horse, shifted his look to behind Queen Imeraria, who was on the platform wagon without change, even after Nelgal mounted a horse. There he saw Hifumi who was indulging in pastry of the royal purveyor, drinking black tea and sitting on the floor of a platform wagon while ignoring the rabbitwoman who was continuing to tell him how much she wanted to meet him again with a flushed face as she approached him to a distance of being about to embrace Hifumi. Moreover, next to them there’s Origa who seems to be thoroughly enquiring Sabnak about the rules and treatment of noble’s concubines and marriages in the kingdom. Sabnak has limited knowledge regarding the customs of nobles. As he isn’t well-informed about the law, except those regarding troubles on the streets, he is sweating with a miserable expression while being glared at for being hard pressed to answer. “Umm, that is...” (Vaiya) “Don’t mind it. Let’s hurry up for the sake of Nelgal-sama and Horant for now?” (Imeraria) Due to Imeraria’s words, which made her irritation clear as day, Vaiya makes his horse gallop to the rear in hurry. “Good grief... Sabnak-san!” (Imeraria) “Y-Yes!” (Sabnak) Sabnak stood up with a smile. He thought it was a lifeboat from Imeraria. “What’s this as Captain of the Royal Knight Order, this predicament!? Don’t you think that you are lacking self-awareness as person who protects the royal court?” (Imeraria) Sabnak is confused due to what he believed to be a reinforcement being in fact a pincer attack. “Eh? No, but...” (Sabnak) “It isn’t something overly nice, but the problem of men and women is an indispensable part in the noble’s society. Isn’t it also necessary to sometimes resolve a quarrel between fellow nobles by forcing your way through?” (Imeraria) Ahead of Imeraria’s gaze, on the other side of the prostrating Sabnak, the nodding Origa is visible. And also the figure of Hifumi who is heartily tossing the sweets, she looked forward to herself, into his mouth while being served by a beautiful rabbitwoman. Imeraria, who got excessively angry due to that spectacle, snorted with a “Humph.” “As there are also people who feel insecure about their position with the mistresses increasing by about one or two, please study it properly.” (Imeraria) “... If you have any complaints, I will listen to them directly, Your Majesty.” (Origa) “Oh my, I haven’t talked about you, Origa-san... or do you feel uneasy?” (Imeraria) Due to Imeraria calmly fixing her sitting posture after turning her sight towards Hifumi and leaking a forced “Ufufu,” Origa tightly grasps her iron-ribbed fan with both hands and is on the verge of breaking it. “Gugigi...” “O-Origa-san, calm down.” (Sabnak) Ignoring Sabnak who tries to soothe her, Origa sat down next to Hifumi and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. Hifumi holds the black tea in his mouth without showing any particular reaction. “Madam, are you alright...?” (Viine) Almost glaring at Viine who calls out to her in worry, Origa relaxed her brows with her fingers. “I-I’m alright. A-After all I won’t lose to a situation of this degree as legal wife...” (Origa) The soldiers, who received Vaiya’s message, in the vicinity of the platform wagons with their lively and carefree atmosphere advance to the front. They are the soldiers of Horant, who joined Orsongrande’s side after accepting Nelgal’s persuasion along the way. Currently they are an unit directly commanded by Nelgal. Their numbers are .. They advance orderly aiming for Nelgal, who is their supreme commander, in a long procession. They will escort the real king to his throne. The soldiers, who understood it as opportunity to achieve the highest of all honours, were filled to the brim ((with pride)) in mind and body.
Entering the ruins of the church, inside a spacious hall, where the altar originally stood, there was a middle-aged man sitting in a huge wooden chair, surrounded by several standing men. Probably his subordinates. Bifron jogged forward, whispering something in the ear of the middle-aged man. Having listened to what Bifron was saying, the man rudely looked at Hifumi, and started talking in a deep, resounding voice. “It seems some of our guys are indebted to you, but who are you?” (Torkemada) “The new Lord. Are you Torkemada?” (Hifumi) “Correct. So, what business does the Lord have, coming all the way to our garbage heap?” (Torkemada) Torkemada glared with bloodshot eyes. He had probably been able to daunt many people with that gaze, but Hifumi didn’t really care. “I came to ask you whether you want to die, or follow my orders.” (Hifumi) “Hah.” (Torkemada) Laughing scornfully, Torkemada put a nearby wooden flask towards his mouth. The content smelled like alcohol. “I heard you were the manager here in the slums. I was thinking of gathering the inhabitants here and have them choose whether to submit or not.” (Hifumi) “Hahaha, don’t be so hurried, youngster. So, what will you do if I don’t obey? Set the soldiers after us to kill us? There was an aristocrat making the same demands before, but we sent him home as a corpse.” (Torkemada) Speaking in a joking manner, the surrounding subordinates started laughing. Hifumi didn’t respond, or rather, he didn’t really listen to what Torkemada said. “I don’t care about that. Just do it. Also, you smell. You should at least wash your body.” (Hifumi) Hifumi frowned, waving his left hand around in an imitation of Torkemada. Torkemada himself stopped laughing, and put on a grim look. “That’s the kind of serious look you should listen with. This is the moment where your life or death is decided.” (Hifumi) “Don’t get carried away. Don’t think a youngster like you can act brave here in the slums, and then return in one piece.” (Torkemada) He once again threatened in a deep voice, but Hifumi only responded with a sigh. With a rattling sound, Hifumi retrieved the metal chigiriki he used in the battle in Rhone. Although, the retractable function for the chain had broken, so it was more like a flail with a long handle. As he couldn’t fix it on his own, he could only use it as it was for now. “Oh, you want to fight?” (Torkemada) Judging that it was a weapon, Torkemada grinned broadly and turned to Bifron standing beside him, about to tell Bifron to be Hifumi’s opponent. The chigiriki made a dull sound as its weight was driven into his temple. Hitting the weak part of the cranium and continuing straight ahead, it clearly reached his brain. “Move before you ask someone whether to fight or not. Idiot.” (Hifumi) Hifumi nimbly pulled back the chain and swung it around, as Torkemada fell down from from his chair with the whites in his eyes showing. The underlings couldn’t understand what happened for a short moment, but came to their senses as they heard the sound of the dead body hitting the floor. “You asshole! Kill him!” (Mob A) “Wait!” (Bifron) As the subordinates were about to draw their swords, Bifron hurriedly commanded them to stop. “Why are you stopping us!?” (Mob A) “Bifron, he killed Torkemada! We can’t let him go back alive!” (Mob B) “Even if we attack in a group, we can’t win. Torkemada died because he didn’t understand that... Lord, could you please give us your name?” (Bifron) Having somehow calmed down the subordinates voicing their dissatisfaction, Bifron showed that his hand had separated from the sword. “It’s Hifumi. Your manager has died, so Bifron, can you substitute for him?” (Hifumi) “Manager... well, he only managed the people here. As we don’t have a grasp on the huge number of people in the slums, we don’t know where people are.” (Bifron) “Aahh... So it’s like that. What a bother.” (Hifumi) Hifumi scratched his head, shaking the chains. The listless Bifron took that moment to quietly ask him a question. “I’d chose to follow you over dying. If I weren’t going to follow you, will the soldiers come again?” (Bifron) Torkemada was talking as if he was filled with composure, but during Viscount Hagenti’s rule, soldiers were dispatched to the slums. They had huge losses, and while they managed to drive back the soldiers with force in the end, a considerable amount of people in the slums died. Only after running around, confirming that all the influential people back then had died, did Torkemada start behaving like the boss of this gym. And since joining an appropriate group makes it easier, Bifron had joined Torkemada. If soldiers were now dispatched like they were back then, the people in the slums would easily be disposed of. “Why are you asking whether I’d send soldiers?” (Hifumi) “Well, nobles and Lords are like that, so I figured...” (Bifron) Bam. The sound of the chigiriki hitting the floor made Bifron take a step back in surprise. “If someone obstructs me, I have the the privilege to kill them. I won’t let anyone else take that away from me.” (Hifumi) Everyone in the church ruins felt as if asking what the hell Hifumi was talking about. Although nobody, even Origa, comprehended it, it was the same reason why Hifumi stood on the main street in Rhone by himself. “I don’t understand the minds of guys who use their subordinates to kill people.” (Hifumi) Hifumi angrily snorted with a “fun~” as no one kept up with him. “The conversation has deviated. As it has become tiresome, I will leave it to you afterwards. Tomorrow morning, those who obey me will lose the status of trash, the others will have to get out. Those remaining in the city will be killed. I think that’s easy enough to understand.” (Hifumi) “W-Whether they are going to believe this story or not ...” (Bifron) “It doesn’t matter. It will be their end if they aren’t able to sense the danger.” (Hifumi) Biding his farewell, Hifumi gave them a light greeting of “see ya tomorrow!” as if he was a student while leaving. Bifron sank to the floor with a thump. “Bi-Bifron-san ...” (Mob A) “You lot better obey him as well if you don’t want to die. This here are the slums. You will die if you insist.” (Bifron) Seeing him having his view facing towards Torkemada, the other men one by one told Bifron that they would obey. “Ah, will we keep this a secret from the other groups so that we can comfortably get rid of the guys from the other groups?” (Mob B) As several others agreed to that sort of idea being proposed, Bifron told them to better stop it. “What do you think will that Lord-sama do at the time he learns that we hadn’t passed on the announcement to the other groups?” (Bifron) Standing up, Bifron looked at everybody. “Didn’t you listen? Anyone who becomes an obstacle will be killed by that guy.” (Bifron) As Bifron left the church ruins to go inform the other groups, the other guys also tagged along. The expression ‘civil official slave’ is a word coined by Hifumi. With the exception of Fokalore it hadn’t circulated yet. Although their position as slaves, and their status as civil officials made the people confused in the beginning, but when they started actually working, they just said “ah, so that’s what the expression means”, and understood. With the administration service being completed, the war reserve funds could be definitely collected under the name of taxes. Other than Kasha’s principle of saying “something is wrong with these people”, only the civil official slaves were put to work like slaves just as that title implied. The result of tallying the family register was the knowledge of there being close to . people in Fokalore even if the slums were excluded. Although there were dozens of staff members, only people managing the government affairs by themselves doubtlessly was a matter of overwork. Attached under Alyssa, Miyukare took part in the office work on matters closely related to the territorial army. She considered that to be an especially comfortable situation for herself. In reality the management related to armament was easy too as the loss was originally small as well. Before Hifumi became aware of it, the method to learn how to use the tools and arms made by the dwarves became difficult as those were unfamiliar. For the women who served as civil officials in the capital this was a new workplace supported by a peaceful environment without having superiors that acted self-important or nobles making fun of them for being women of common birth. “A-Ano ... Miyukare-san, I don’t understand this, but ...” (Alyssa) Alyssa was scanning through the documents as if clinging to the massive desk in the office with its long fur carpet spread out. Someone who came approaching with a *tota tota* timidly held out the documents to Miyukare at her secretary desk. “Alyssa-sama. You asked for the subordinate standing in front of me, right? You have to be prepared to entrust substantial things to those below as one standing above others.” (Miyukare) “A-Ano ... I am sorry ...” (Alyssa) Alyssa got openly depressed as she was lectured while receiving the documents. “Moreover, because the document is incorrect here regarding the count of people, it can’t be used as final count. Since there aren’t 00 people with even the recruited soldiers, you have to understand at least this much, please.” (Miyukare) “A..u ...” (Alyssa) She tightened her face, that almost began to grin, with will-power, placed a hand on Alyssa and changed to a soft voice. “Alyssa-sama, I am very sorry for saying such harsh things. But it is fine to leave such miscellaneous tasks to me.” (Miyukare) “But, if that’s the case, I think it will become difficult for Miyukare-san ...” (Alyssa) It took Miyukare all her effort to withhold the nosebleed due to Alyssa who wasn’t even ten years younger than her. Barely, without revealing her facial expression, she pretended to be calmly thanking her. “Such a lowly slave like me receiving such consideration, thank you very much. I was appointed as Alyssa-sama’s assistant. Since this is my duty, please rely on me without holding back.” (Miyukare) “Is that so? ... Although I don’t quite understand, thanks Miyukare-san!” (Alyssa) As she endured with a mind of steel to not embrace the brightly smiling Alyssa closely, Hifumi entered the room without even knocking. “Ah, Hifumi-san!” (Miyukare) “... Don’t leak such sickening mood.” (Hifumi) “Ara, you can say that it is an important element for smoothly handling the work that the subordinate and the superior get along with each other.” (Miyukare) As she didn’t even care about speaking her mind without holding back even though being a slave, he felt some indescribably bad affinity with her. (I think I am to blame for not seeing through such a fellow, but ...) Standing out in calculation and practical work experience amongst the 5 people, she is the most “capable personnel” since she also possesses experience as civil official , he assessed. “Since I will clean out the slums tomorrow, you have to assign a number of people to prepare dealing with the aftermath.” (Hifumi) Miyukare’s side reacted sensitively towards Hifumi’s words. “... Have you done something again?” (Miyukare) After the defense battle at Rhone, they had reorganized the territorial army, reviewed the weapons damage and ordered repairs and brand new ones. “You just have to gather some manpower. Take someone being in charge of the family register including around 20 people and wait outside the slums to register those guys as residents tomorrow morning. Assign an appropriate workplace like a workshop or whatever.” (Hifumi) , because of that Hifumi had a complacent mood. Miyukare was at her wits’ end. “Will it prove successful to use the guys from the slums?” (Miyukare) “This will depend on your guys’ education. I leave it to you, military director Alyssa” (Hifumi) “Ah, yes! Understood!” (Alyssa) After hitting Alyssa’s head with a *pon pon*, Hifumi immediately left. “Again a troublesome matter ...” (Miyukare) Although her deployment was like playing house, given that for some reason the soldiers of the territorial army listened well to the things Alyssa said, there were only few troubles in relation to the soldiers of this territory. Even if it might be fine because of Hifumi’s discerning eye, Miyukare absolutely couldn’t accept it since it was somehow vexing. “Well then, we should prepare to meet the Lord-sama’s unreasonable demands.” (Miyukare) “Miyukare-san, you are not allowed to speak bad words about Hifumi-san in such way, okay?” (Alyssa) “... I am very sorry. My true opinion leaked out.” (Miyukare) How could such excellent child become emotionally attached to such bloodstained man? It was the time to finally decide the details of the troops organisation fielded against Vichy when a letter from Horant to Imeraria arrived. Looking at the delivered documents which took a full 5 days to arrive from the city closest to Horant, Imeraria held the middle of her forehead feeling a headache. “Imeraria-sama?” (Pajou) Due to the anxious words, Imeraria raised her face and looked at Pajou. “Pajou, it is written here that Horant claims the massive killing of citizens in Rhone to be the responsibility of our country. However going by the details I read in your report the cause was apparently some magic tool from Horant.” (Imeraria) “I swear that there are no lies to be found in the contents of the report you have received from me ... Will Horant cooperate with Vichy?” (Pajou) “It seems so. Although I think it won’t come as far as an invasion because they have to ascertain the validity of Vichy doing something like “Revenge” against our country going by the contents of the letter ... I wonder whether I should gather some soldiers on the main road on Horant’s side just to be sure.” (Imeraria) In spite of being remembered of a certain person being first on the list of many hot-blooded people causing many to be troubled while Imeraria was worried, Pajou drew close all of a sudden. “However, regarding this matter, there is movement to dispatch troops in the direction of Horant in the name of Captain Stifels of the Second Knight Unit.” (Pajou) “What is he selfishly ...” (Imeraria) “That is, it seems he spread a rumor of having somehow obtained the approval from Prince Ayperos ” (Pajou) Imeraria learning that the name of her younger brother was used without the person himself even knowing about it had a hunch that he wouldn’t comprehend it even if she explained it to him. Unrelated to the royal castle’s intentions, different to Imeraria who had been moving for the sake of the masses, it resulted in him almost never leaving the castle under the protection of his mother. Even Imeraria was surprised at the degree of him being raised ignorant of the ways of the world. “With all due respect, it appears the prince faction is opposed to the matters of the princess who is thought to be intimate with Hifumi-san ...” (Pajou) “I have no intention to compete for the hegemony with my younger brother.” (Imeraria) “I-I am very sorry. I have said too much.” (Pajou) Being slapped with a warning, Pajou hurriedly shut up. “This before an important battle. I don’t want to cause unnecessary losses. I don’t want to expand the disputes within the king’s castle either. Let’s do it in the way I ratified this time. But, you should do your best to draw in the capable talented people amongst the soldiers into the Third Knight Unit.” (Imeraria) “... Though there is something I am thinking about, in the end it has become nothing but completely brutal matters. Even though I wanted to take care of the life of the people becoming a lot calmer until just a little while ago.” (Imeraria) Now she was only thinking of wanting to start moving quickly against Vichy. Imeraria gently covered her eyes with her slender fingers.magic
“What an idiot! Do you plan to win against this number of opponents?” (Balzephon) Although Balzephon started to dash towards Hifumi raising his voice to yelling, he lost sight of Hifumi in the blink of an eye as he was moving, as if gliding, in the dance hall crowded with the other knights while laughing. “Tsk! Where did he go!?” (Balzephon) He surveys his surroundings while turning in a circle, but he isn’t able to spot Hifumi’s figure. “You can’t say it’s always advantageous to have large numbers.” (Hifumi) Striking the head of a single knight, he enters the blind spot of his opponent before he can turn around and strikes yet another knight. “I guess it’s inevitable for you to obstruct each other with such experiences?” (Hifumi) “There you are!” A knight, who was brandishing his sword, slashes at the back of the talking Hifumi. “Don’t speak. You have to do a surprise attack.” (Hifumi) While saying these words, Hifumi lightly placed his hand on the shoulder of the knight, who was in front of him, and changed places with him in a swift movement. “Gya!?” “Uh...” The knight, who planned to hit Hifumi instead ended up hitting his own colleague with his sword, was beheaded while being perplexed. “You are far too close to each other. That results in you cutting your own allies, if you swing your swords poorly.” (Hifumi) The knights, who personally witnessed the friendly fire, have an indecisive attitude even while preparing their swords. Being in a separate location, Balzephon instructed all of them to disperse. “Everybody, fall back to the walls of the hall!” (Balzephon) Hearing his voice, the surprised knights are slowly withdrawing. Hifumi, who was left all alone in the centre of the hall, sheaths his katana and laughs daringly. “Is this the correct answer, I wonder? So, what will you do next?” (Hifumi) “How arrogant... although the Second Knight Order was destroyed, you likely only attacked captain’s group from the back after they were exhausted from the battle. Us knights won’t fall behind a country-bumpkin like you bastard.” (Balzephon) “Look at the reality.” Hifumi shakes his head as if being incredulous about Balzephon’s words. He knocks with a finger on the pommel of the katana at his waist. “We have so many knights here, why won’t the fellow, who has already come out in front of me and told me to fight him one-on-one, come forward? It’s simple. You saw your colleagues getting killed. You are probably aware that you won’t be able to win.” (Balzephon) The knocking sound of a nail hitting the metal fixtures of the pommel is resounding. Balzephon glares at the knights in his surroundings, but all of them are trying to not make eye contact and avert their sight. “You worthless bunch! Don’t you have pride as knights!?” (Balzephon) “No, no, if you say this much, you have to take the lead and come forward yourself.” (Hifumi) Saying this while laughing, Balzephon stared at Hifumi with a bright red face. “Ah, if you are scared of this, let’s go bare-handed.” (Hifumi) Once Hifumi drew the katana, together with the scabbard, from his waist and quickly tossed it into his darkness storage, he showed his palms. “Hey, set up your sword properly. Since I’m not wearing any armour, you might kill me, if you hit me. If you hit me, that is.” (Hifumi) “You underestimate a knight far too much, bastard. I will chop you into pieces and present your corpse in front of Imeraria.” (Balzephon)magic Balzephon stepped forward correcting his sword stance. While gradually shortening the distance to Hifumi, he dispatches the knights, who are in Hifumi’s back, with a glance, that lasted only an instant. Balzephon, confirming that both of them nodded, purposely spoke in a loud voice. “Die!” (Balzephon) “That’s impossible in this situation.” (Hifumi) Hifumi slowly advances diagonally forward. With only that alone, to say nothing about Balzephon’s sword, the two swords, swung downward from the back, don’t hit either. Hifumi, who circled into Balzephon’s back as if smoothly passing through, kicked the backside of his opponent’s knee with the tips of his toes and locked an arm around the neck of the kneeling Balzephon. Constricting the neck together with Balzephon’s right hand holding the sword, Balzephon’s consciousness is slowly getting muddy. “Hey, try having a look at your surroundings. There’s no knight trying to approach in order to save you. What’s a knight? Are they guys, who also abandon their friends to save their own lives? Are they running away from battles only caring about appearance and weapons?” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi’s voice from right close-by, Balzephon’s head has become a sloppy mess. What is the pride of a knight I wanted to protect? What is that lot looking from a distance as I’m getting killed this very minute? Just what the hell did I want to become...? “Your brain still works, I guess. What can you do to survive right now? Is it holding your head high and brandishing your sword? Is it being proud of your noble birth?” (Hifumi) Balzephon thought. He literally thought in desperation. I ended up dropping the sword due to my arm losing strength because of the pressure of the constriction. It’s also impossible to grip Hifumi’s arm with my left hand. I can’t move my feet well due the kneeling posture either. At last his vision became a cloudy white. “... This guy was also only at this level, huh?” (Hifumi) With a disappointed voice of Hifumi audible, the strength of constriction is raised even further. “Gugu...” (Balzephon) “Oh?” (Hifumi) Balzephon ducked his head with all his might and opened his mouth. Somehow managing to open his front teeth to the degree of fingers wide, he bit into Hifumi’s arm resolutely. “Uh-oh.” (Hifumi) On the verge of having meat torn off, Hifumi released the restraint and separated from Balzephon. Balzephon, who got out of the predicament, gained distance from Hifumi by rolling on the ground without caring about his own appearance. “Your choice just now was good. There are people even saying that biting is vulgar and such, but it’s an effective attack. Teeth are strong.” (Hifumi) As Hifumi was talking calmly, Balzephon looked at him with eyes filled with tears while coughing and rubbed his neck staying silent. “Now then, just now you literally bit yourself to survival, but... what’s your next move?” (Hifumi) “... I was able to calm down due to being close to death. I won’t be able to become an ideal knight anymore. Therefore, there’s no meaning in putting up a front either.” (Balzephon) While saying this, he removes his armour with clattering sounds and drops it on the floor. “I have understood. I’m no match for you bastard.” (Balzephon) Balzephon, whose figure became agile, muttered “Finally free.” “Next time I will win.” (Balzephon) Once he finished saying that, Balzephon turned his back on Hifumi and ran with all his power. Without change he rushed out from the narrow exit for the servants, the knights and nobles usually didn’t use. Hifumi didn’t chase after him. “How nice. How far will he get? My anticipations increased by one more... well then.” (Hifumi) Hifumi matches the sight of each of the knights, who saw off Balzephon suddenly escaping in blank surprise. “Only one chose life rather than honour, but what will you guys do?” (Hifumi) “If it’s now, I will give you a big service. I will finish you all at once while unarmed”, he said. But if it’s such large number against an unarmed opponent, he apparently gradually became generous. Stepping forward with his right foot, Hifumi holds out both his hands in front and takes a relaxed stance. “Let’s do this thoroughly until either of us dies.” (Hifumi) ☺☻☺ Due to the instructions of Midas and Vaiya, who regained his consciousness, the soldiers are guiding the populace to the plaza in front of the royal castle. “At last the coronation ceremony is starting”, several soldiers loudly exclaimed, cautioning the people to advance slowly without running. “Midas-san, this side is finished.” (Vaiya) Vaiya, who concluded the stationing of the soldiers, ran up to Midas and gave his report. “Understood. Since I will be continuing with the assignments of the guards for the venue, get in touch with Captain Sabnak.” (Midas) “Yes, sir.” (Vaiya) While issuing instructions to the soldiers without break, Midas, who remained at the plaza, made sure that the populace gathered in front of the royal castle. At the time many people entered the plaza and the noise settled down, Midas unintentionally looked upwards and saw Sabnak’s armoured figure appearing on the balcony. Imeraria slowly showed herself accompanied by Shibyura, taking the breath of the people. “It’s the princess!” As someone raised their voice, the people’s gazes instantly turned towards the balcony. Even the soldiers, while paying attention to the surroundings, turned their looks upwards against their better judgement. “Everybody living in Orsongrande, on this occasion I, Imeraria Torie Orsongrande, will succeed my father and rise to be the ruler of this country.” (Imeraria) A great majority of the gathered populace expressed joyful looks and applause reverberated. Seeing this, Imeraria smiles delightfully. “Thank you very much.” (Imeraria) Imeraria, who regained a serious expression right away, inhales a large breath. “This country has been exposed to many crisis. Battles have occurred, a great number of soldiers and knights got injured and a not negligible number of them perished. There are also the great accomplishments of Earl Tohno. Although these resulted in victories, there were sacrifices as well. I won’t forget this fact.” (Imeraria) Everyone listened carefully and silently to the speech of the new queen. “For them, who risked their lives to protect this country, I have the obligation to create a good country, where everyone can live in abundance. If there was a result of having protected it, I believe it to be the mission to make such country. I’m well aware that I’m an unreliable, young ruler with shallow experience. For this reason I will promise all of you. I won’t become an egoistic tyrant.” (Imeraria) Imeraria, who declared that with a refreshed expression, slowly returns into the royal castle while receiving cheers and applause to the degree of feeling an earth tremor. While men and women were exchanging their opinions about the just heard declaration, they returned to their daily lives in succession. Midas, who followed up on the dissolution of the populace, noticed himself shedding tear before he knew. “Pajou, it might be something different from what you had been aiming for, but Imeraria-sama, firmly standing on her own feet, announced her path. There might be many problems, however I believe it to be a plenty satisfactory outcome.” (Midas) Anxious about the fate of this country and the princess, he recalls his colleague, who lost her young life. Secretly splitting away from the mass, Midas spilled a stream of tears. There were already less than , of the group surrounding Hifumi, remaining. The group, who assaulted their unarmed opponent with swords, having their necks, arms and feet broken, were forced either to faint in agony, to toss themselves about in great pain or to die. For those, whose limbs were still alright, the most they can do is to drag away their injured comrades to separate them from Hifumi. Even as they slashed desperately, Hifumi directly steps into the bosom of the attacking knights, as if completely sticking to them like a magnet, and with his held-out fist, similar to two wedges, he hits their chins and ribs. Once they drop their swords due to the pain, their arms will be arrested and they will get thrown. Crashing into the solid ground with their heads first, their necks will be broken or, if they are lucky, they will faint due to the damage suffered by their heads. Even if they tightly gripped their swords, their faces will be grabbed and the back of their heads will be thrust into the floor causing a flower of blood painting the floor. Or they will have the insides of their elbows beaten, which naturally causes them to injure their faces or feet with their own swords. “Impossibles... the opponent isn’t even using a weapon.” “Shit! Why doesn’t he die!?” Frightened people, angered people, Hifumi continues his attacks without discrimination. On the contrary, to finish it up, using the force of the sword swung downwards by a knight, he arrested the knight’s arm, quickly circled around, let the power flow downwards from above and crushed his face, nose first, into the ground making him faint. One of them had their helmed seized and their cervical vertebrae broken by twisting. One of them had their sword stolen and died by having it thrust into their own face. One of them had the flesh of the throat torn off with fingers and bled to death. There were still some alive moaning, but within the hall painted in red with blood, the last one, trying to run away, had his feet constricted and fell over. With him having his neck broken by being stepped on only Hifumi was remaining standing. “Fuu...” (Hifumi) , Hifumi, who inhaled a breath due to overflowing with emotions as it had been a long time since he handled a large number of opponents bare-handed, exhaled in satisfaction. Amply savouring the smell of blood, he goes around delivering the finishing blow carefreely. There were also some begging for their lives, but with a single word of 「Too slow Hifumi, who suddenly noticed a presence entering the dance hall he remembers, slowly turned his look towards the open door. “... Although it was such amount of knights, did you spare that person...?” (Imeraria) It’s Imeraria who stood there. “The most energetic guy was also the smartest and ran away. He is probably the mastermind.” (Hifumi) “I dealt with the lot left behind, but there’s still the possibility of something else lurking somewhere”, Hifumi laughs. “Hifumi-sama, just now I finished the coronation ceremony.” (Imeraria) Rather than a crown, she was bestowed a diadem with detailed ornaments and gleaming in golden colour so that it was more suitable to call it a tiara. It was on top of Imeraria’s soft, silver hair. “I see.” (Hifumi) With these short comment, Hifumi placed his heel at the neck of the last fainted knight and put his weight onto it. Hearing the thick groan, Imeraria averted her eyes. “Watch it properly. This is the result of you not being able to firmly lead the knights.” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi’s words, Imeraria put her breathing in order and surveyed the inside of the hall. “What on earth do I have to do so that it doesn’t end like this... ?” (Imeraria) “Don’t know. In my case, at the time I considered them to be suspicious, I would screw them up? ... No, this much had better be important for you. It’s convenient to reveal the idiots. In fact, this many idiots came gathering.” (Hifumi) “Besides, there’s also a worth in doing it as there were so many opponents”, Hifumi says. Groups of Fokalore soldiers entered and began to skilfully clean up the corpses. “Well, this is your way of doing things. I have likely my own way of handling things. The desired outcome is probably different as well. Because you wanted to kill them, you did this. You likely have no choice to do it this way whether you like it or not.” (Imeraria) Imeraria ponders. “Think and think about it. You won’t get an answer until the results appear after trying. After all, if I look at the battle just now, I could have died. There’s nothing strange about that either. Considering the things you can do, deciding to do your best and using everything you can use, it’s fine to be sad or happy once the results come out.” (Hifumi) Just before leaving the room, Hifumi looked back at Imeraria. “Observe your surroundings. Though those, who are usable, might come gathering on their own accord, it’s a totally different story whether you will be able to understand the things you see and the seen things.” (Hifumi) Hifumi said 「Good Night」 and left. “That’s right, isn’t it? The prime minister, Sabnak, Vaiya-san and Lotomago. I should request the support from Midas-san as well. Besides...” (Imeraria) Imeraria remembered the faces of the people, who gave her many cheers and applauses not long ago. Imeraria, who headed towards the audience hall at a quick pace, sat on the throne and summoned Lotomago. She ordered him the suitable measure of chasing the escaping Balzephon. This was the first decree of Queen Imeraria.
At the moment Origa’s name was mentioned, the attendants of the meeting looked at each other’s faces. Among those present here, there’s no one who doesn’t know about Origa, and neither about her firm beliefs. “Umm... is that a story we can believe in?” The question Sabnak posed at Imeraria was something shared by all those present. “Believe... you ask? If you hear the condition Origa-san put forth, you will understand, I believe?” (Imeraria) She quietly takes out one document and passes it around so that everyone is able to check it. “This is...” (Vaiya) With just looking at it for an instant, Vaiya’s voice leaked out. “The condition she put forth is for “She said that she will willingly come under the sealing magic!?” (Adol) Imeraria nodded towards Adol crying out in surprise. It can’t be seen from this place, but even Puuse seems to be surprised to the degree of being unable to voice out any words after hearing about this for the first time. “I can’t consider that as anything but an act of madness, you know?” (Sabnak) Imeraria inclined her head to the side asking “Really?” to Sabnak who’s letting out a dry laughter. “I was able to consent without trouble when I heard about her wish. She has acquired strength with desperate effort just to keep up with the things he does in order to be together with Hifumi-sama. Her wish to stay next to him until the very end is something natural, I think.” (Imeraria) For some reason Imeraria wore a natural smile. “I will roughly explain the plan.” (Imeraria) Imeraria took out yet another document of which she had prepared a copy for everyone. At the beginning of the text is a warning that they have to definitely make sure to dispose of the document once they memorized its content. “As for Hifumi-sama-sama who has already been summoned to the royal castle; after listening to him about the current state of Vichy, we will occupy him with a request. Vaiya-san.” (Imeraria) “Ha!” (Vaiya) “I will request Hifumi-sama to directly impart his techniques to the knights. Please choose knights, who will receive the training, from among both knight orders. Please remove those knights from all official duties they are in charge of for the time of the training.” (Imeraria) “As you command. That means to say that those people will eventually fight against Earl Tohno?” (Vaiya) In that case it would actually turn into the organization of a suicide corps. I plan to join that group as well, but the choice of participants will be hard “No. What do you think will you be able to accomplish with just people? Those people will be observers, so to speak researchers, for the sake of gathering the necessary information to draw up a trap in order to set up a concrete military operation that lures in Hifumi-sama. Creating a trap, locking him in Puuse-san’s barrier, sealing him with my magic alongside Origa-san... it’s still a reckless plan that’s full of holes, but generally speaking that will be the course of events.” (Imeraria) Listening to Imeraria’s explanation, all those participating in the meeting are intently staring at the document. All of them intend to memorize all of it on this spot. “Midas-san. Please assign a continuous monitoring to Hifumi-sama during the time he stays here.” (Imeraria) “Ha! I will handle it carefully...” (Midas) “It doesn’t matter at all even if you get noticed. What we have to really hide is the fact of Origa-san cooperating with us and the place of the final trap, only those two. Please put your highest priority on gathering information about that man without minding appearances.” (Imeraria) Seeing Midas bow his head, Imeraria muttered 「Very well」 and stood up. “The next meeting will be after Hifumi-sama came to this castle. Everyone, please make sure that it’s possible for you to respond to a summons at any time by avoiding to leave too far from the castle. Then, adjourned.” (Imeraria) The men leave the room with only Imeraria and Puuse staying behind. Although Sabnak serves as her guard, it appears that he’s going to have preparatory meetings concerning the personnel selection from the knight order. Since the anti-Imeraria faction has been neatly purged inside the castle, there won’t be any problem as long as she stays inside the castle. “... Now that I think of it, even me having obtained safety within the castle is thanks to Hifumi-sama eradicating the opposing faction, isn’t it?” (Imeraria) “Queen-sama? Are you all right?” (Puuse) Due to Puuse calling out to her, Imeraria answers with a bitter smile, “I’m fine. I just got slightly dizzy by my own selfishness. It’s wrong if I don’t judge everything depending on the gain and losses for my country. Even if it’s something ungrateful as individual, as long as it eventually turns into a benefit for the country...” (Imeraria) Shaking her head and gathering the documents close at hand Imeraria left her seat. “I will already retire for today. Otherwise it seems that I will just end up thinking about unnecessary stuff.” (Imeraria) “Umm... since I observed the people who have brought the elves and beastmen together from close-by, I can relate with your troubles... or intend to do so, queen-sama. A-As I’m tentatively your advisor, please do rely on me!” (Puuse) Since she knows about Puuse, Imeraria only thought of way to use her. ☺☻☺ It was a small village, but the buildings were beautiful and the inn possessed several clean, wide rooms, too. Nobles and wealthy merchants seem to stop by with the hot springs as their goal. Even the meals are served after getting properly cooked with fresh vegetables and meat of monsters that are hunted by adventurers specialised on that. “Let’s stay for around two nights. I’m pleased with the hot springs here.” (Hifumi) A few days after departing Fokalore, they entered a village said to be famous for its hot springs and made a stopover for a bit. Hifumi, who enjoyed the hot springs right after finding an inn, was in a good mood in front of the abundant amount of dishes that were prepared by the inn after Origa specified their wishes. Hifumi, who doesn’t drink any alcohol, just focussed on eating with Origa as conversation partner, but during these few days they were happily enjoying eating three meals per day together while sitting across or next to each other. “The group that came attacking yesterday night had relatively big numbers, but they only consisted of fellows unable to accomplish anything, didn’t they?” (Hifumi) “They probably tried to cover up their lacking skills with numbers. Though you can’t call that anything but foolish. Because of that I remembered. I have to get the inn to wash off the blood spurts on your clothes, dear.” (Origa) “Yeah, yeah, that’s fine with me. I will hand them over later.” (Hifumi) While fully savouring the meat that used plenty of spices characteristic of a high-class inn and delicious vegetables without anyone interrupting the couple’s conversation, each of them started topics such as Pruflas having once again created a flop weapon or Horant’s reinforced soldiers being unusable. They enjoyed their time care-freely while keeping the conversation going by throwing in suitable replies. “I wonder how many days it will take until we reach the royal capital?” (Hifumi) “If we go at this pace, it should be around ten days?” (Origa) , Origa wishes, but there are things she has to do. The agreement with Imeraria was completely filling Origa’s mind. “Is that how it is?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who fell on the bed after returning to their room, hesitated whether he should go once more to the hot springs during the night. “Origa.” (Hifumi) “Yes.” (Origa) “Concerning the royal capital; should we go shopping before heading to the castle? Should we also buy your equipment... no, clothes by visiting old man Thorn’s shop after a long while?” (Hifumi) Origa gasped due to the unexpected suggestion and its content.magic Hifumi laughs at Origa who stiffens while holding her clothes to turn them in for the laundry. “Why are you stiffening up like that? If you actually don’t want to...” (Hifumi) “I-I-I w-will go! By all means! Please!” (Origa) Tossing her clothes away, she leaps on top of Hifumi. While clinging to Hifumi who caught her without evading her, she felt loneliness within the feeling she considered happiness. In reality she knows that he’s not someone to say something like that. Though she wished for it, she could not hope for it. While not knowing whether that’s a good thing, she, who is delighted while averting her eyes, felt as if it’s something very narrow-minded and filthy, but for Origa she couldn’t allow herself to have her heart moved no matter what happens. I blew up in a bad way I use the excuse that it’s for the sake of Hifumi, but in fact, I just don’t hesitate in fulfilling my own desires anymore. Even the promise with Imeraria had the meaning of fulfilling Hifumi’s aspirations, but I don’t have any intentions to keep lying to myself and others that a large part of it is to accommodate my own wants. Bathing him in several kisses, Origa honestly voices out her feelings to Hifumi. “Thank you, dear. I will be with you until the very end...” (Origa) The former slum inhabitants live inside the forest, at a place that seemed to have originally been the settlement of some beastman tribe. Considering the possibility of having to move even further, they live in simple tents, but for the beastmen and elves that’s nothing major. Once Gengu and Malfas reached the settlement while being led by Helen’s group, the beastmen welcomed them and the elves turned pale or became surprised about Puuse not being with them. Since it won’t properly connect to the full story even if they confirm pieces here and there, Reni decided to hold a dinner party while at the same time having a conference with several people including Helen, Zanga, Gengu and Malfas. When the dinner mostly finished inside the dreary tent, they started the conference with Reni as chairwoman. “Then, please give us your report first, Gengu-san.” (Reni) “Okay. We somehow managed to reach a city where the humans live together with Puuse and the others, but that place was actually a city which is reigned by Hifumi-san as feudal lord...” (Gengu) While mixing in details about the life and food in the human city, he explained about them moving to the capital of a country called Orsongrande, about them even going to another country to chase after Hifumi, about Viine meeting Hifumi and choosing to stay by his side, about Puuse getting the job of being the princess’ advisor, and her intention to learn about humans in a human country for a while. He still hasn’t mentioned the relationship between Malfas and Hifumi. Understanding that she doesn’t need to worry about Puuse, Zanga breathed out deeply. “I see... well, since it’s Puuse, she will probably come back once she reached some break point. Putting that aside, I think that the issue probably lies on the side of that tiger club, right? After all he came back while having such expression. Something happened, no?” (Zanga) Receiving the looks of everyone present, Malfas got nervous and his hairs stood on end. Being hit on his back by Gengu and urged with 「Explain yourself what happened」, he begins to speak bit by bit. “T-The one who... a-attacked my village and killed everyone... was Hifumi...” (Malfas) His younger sister Riedel, who was sitting next to him, and the beargirl Olra, who has been serving as her guardian, stiffen with a surprised expression. Glancing at the state of the two, Malfas talked about the incident with Hifumi, about how he was the enemy he met at his settlement, how he wasn’t able to compete with him at all, about him running away and about him returning while having Gengu attend on him. Zanga nodded. “So, what do you plan to do?” (Zanga) “That’s...” (Malfas) Malfas faltered due to Zanga’s question. He naturally points his gaze at his younger sister. “... With the two of us... no, it’s three now, I guess?” (Malfas) Zanga told Malfas, Riedel and Olra to have a talk at another location with the three of them. “Even if you decide for Riedel and Olra to stay behind, you won’t need to worry. I will be in good health for a long time yet to come. And the others will take good care of them as well.” (Zanga) Just as he was about to leave the conference venue, Malfas suddenly turned around to Reni. “Umm... this settlement, what do you plan to do from now on? I’d like to hear about that first.” (Malfas) “Mmh~... I plan to decide only after hearing everyone’s opinion.” (Reni) She took out a parchment from her pocket with a rustling sound. Miscellaneous matters such as the future proceedings Reni thought of and what she wants to eat for dinner were scribbled all over the parchment. “I understood the power of the demons from the battle in Swordland. I was thinking of deciding what to do after the hearing Gengu-san’s story just now, you know? ... I’m thinking whether we should run away to Hifumi-san’s place.” (Reni) “... You serious?” (Helen) “I am.” (Reni) Listening to the exchange between Reni and Helen, Malfas was about to say something, but in the end he didn’t voice it out and left the tent while leading Riedel by the hand. Olra bows to Reni and leaves as well. “... Well, the talk about going to the place of the person that is his enemy, you can’t expect him to get on board with that, can you?” (Helen) Helen sighed, casually tossed a fruit as dessert into her mouth and returned her look to Reni. “So, are you really saying that in earnest?” (Helen) “Of course.” (Reni) After licking her fingers that got wet from the fruit juice, she briskly wipes them with a cloth. “To be honest, if you look at the combat prowess and magic of the demons, even if we run around to escape or somewhat fight to protect everyone, it will be fine for a short time, but I think it will be difficult to do so for an extended period. Zanga-san.” (Reni) “What’s up?” (Zanga) “I want you to be frank... can the elves win in a fight of magic vs. magic against the demons, if you had the same number of people?” (Reni) “That’s impossible.” (Zanga) Reni agreed to Zanga’s immediate reply with a 「After all, huh?」. “It’s to the degree that even our honourable ancestors had quite the troubles resulting in many sacrifices until they finally were able to isolate them. It we encounter them directly from the front, it will get slightly harsh.” (Zanga) There are a lot of hot-blooded fellows among the beastmen and a part of the elves that are loudly insisting on a counter-attack against the demons, but their numbers don’t amount to more than one third of everyone. The core members, who started out with Reni, basically agreed with her opinion of running away. In their eyes the difference in ability between the demon’s regular army and themselves, who are only a mish-mash gathering, was more than clear. Besides, in Reni’s eyes, there are some parts she can’t yield on. “Since that’s how it is, I don’t want to produce casualties by fighting them, though having said that, always running from place to place will be hard as well. If it were only the beastmen, it would be easy to accomplish, but wouldn’t that be harsh on the stamina of the humans or elves?” (Reni) As for Reni, she was convinced that she’s prepared to even split the group in two at this point. If there are some who want to fight the demons no matter what, she’d like to let them do that even if they separated from those that don’t wish for that. Reni doesn’t want to drag the people, who came along with her while believing in her, into danger. “Let’s ask everyone tomorrow. Whether they will go together with us to Hifumi-san’s place or whether they will stay here and fight the demons. Once their opinions become clear, we will bid farewell, I suppose.” (Reni) Only for an instant Helen felt as if that was a cold opinion of pushing them away, but they are not able to force them. “Malfas-kun might stay behind. Gengu-san, what do you think?” “... I will follow you, Reni-san ~ssu! Pwease dun’ abandon me at such place, okay?” (Gengu) When everyone raised small chuckles due to Gengu playing the fool, Malfas quietly returned to the tent. “That was fast, wasn’t it? ... Did you decide?” (Reni) Malfast nodded after being called out by Reni. “Please take care of my younger sister.” (Malfas) “I see... leave her to us. So, what are you yourself planning to do?” (Zanga) Once Zanga guaranteed taking care of his younger sister while powerfully hitting her own chest, Malfas bowed his head. “I will go to the demons. I will enter the demon army and defeat Hifumi together with them.” (Malfas)
「 Can’t you even observe properly! 」 Unable to control his anger, the current head of the Raghlain family, Karcimoral Vado Raghlain hurled a stunningly decorated earthenware cup at a man kneeling in his presence. A small amount of wine pooled around the remnants of the broken cup. Dripping blood, the man who ran away from Hifumi’s attack silently crouched. His side was lightly bound with cloth. 「 Could you leave it at that? In addition, the number of people have decreased, I am embarrassed. 」 「 Orbas. No matter the circumstances, think about dealing with the Hero as soon as possible. 」 The man with honey-coloured, shoulder-length hair called Orbas gave a faint smile, and sighed. The man writhing with pain on the floor was kicked away. 「 Oi, head to the standby room, wake everyone up and arm them. 」 He said in a low voice that did not seem to match his face. 「 Really, I have to deal with your mess. Work yourself to the bone and redeem your worth. 」 The man on watch frantically left the room. The Marquis made an unpleasant face on watching this and turned to Orbas. 「 Now, what to do? 」 「 Um, that is..... 」 Out of habit, playing with his hair, Orbas shook his head. 「 Hero-san’s skill, Marquis is aware of it yes? Come to think of it, it seems impossible for that fool to escape with only a slight injury. 」 「 Mu..... Then 」 「 Clearly, that fool was deliberately let go. Panicking, he was most likely to come here in a hurry. Most likely he was followed and we will have company soon. 」 「 Hmm. Your soldiers and those of the territorial army are here too. In any case, a skilled magician is also hired here. That much should be enough to handle that one guy. 」 Laughing scornfully while drinking his wine, Karcimoral looked at Orbas with cold eyes. That sort of easy opponent, it is not too troublesome. 「 The guy that escaped is here. The fellow targeting me should be here. 」 Two soldiers stood at the gate of the Raghlain estate. Walking forward, Hifumi casually walked over to the soldiers as though they were acquainted. Behind Hifumi, Pajou followed. 「 What are you saying?? This is the Marquis’ estate! Leave, leave! 」 (Pajou) 「 Hmm, such a reaction was expected. 」(Hifumi) Though understanding, Pajou showed a cramped smile while speaking to his back. 「 Haa~ 」 Letting out a quiet shout, Hifumi pinched the guard’s throat with his fingers. Falling against the gate behind him, the guard collapsed, unconscious. 「 ...... Didn’t kill. 」 Pajou said, surprised. Annoyed, Hifumi replied, 「 I don’t murder everyone. Killing is a weapon for me, only fit for those hostile to me. 」 Saying this while approaching the other confused and stock-still guard, Hifumi knocked him out in a similar manner, the guard collapsed powerlessly next to the wall. 「 By the way, why should I follow? 」 「 You will be my lookout. Besides, to prove to the people tat come along that this slaughter was due to legitimate self-defense. 」 , thought Pajou, refraining from voicing her thoughts. Though Pajou thought Hifumi would surely walk in through the front door, unexpectedly, Hifumi soundlessly headed towards a bungalow built separately from the main building. There was no one patrolling around it. 「 Are you not meeting the Marquis? 」 On being asked in a low whisper, Hifumi replied without turning around. 「 The guys that attacked me, they will not be a noble’s subordinate. It takes regular training for them to be that inconspicuous. Most likely, there is a group on the premises used by those underground organisations. I want to hear the story from them. 」 , thought Pajou. If nobility have a degree of financial power and territory, they have private soldiers such as the territorial army. However, because there is a law that the King must be informed the details of the territorial army, they cannot be used for any covert work. Unlike normal troops, they can only be used for ‘disposal’. 「 Imeraria has given a strict order that I am not to be touched, yes? Additionally, I am sure you want to keep the death of your King concealed. Even if you know the circumstances, this incident can be used as potential to start a war. So this can be left to people from the underworld. 」 The entire wing of the bungalow came into view. There were a few windows, the stonework was of simple make. In front of the wooden door, a disagreeable-looking man stood. 「 Well then, time to greet them. 」 「 Oi, you, is your boss in there? 」 「 Aa, who.... eh......eh? 」 On seeing Hifumi’s face, the man’s voice gave out. Apparently the man seemed to know Hifumi’s face. 「 The man you people have been looking for is here. 」(Hifumi) 「 You bastard! Nonchalantly walking in! 」 Coming to his senses, the man struck without a weapon. With his good physique, it was a good punch, Hifumi evaluated disinterestedly. However, it did not connect. The punch was easily avoided by a slight movement of the head, Hifumi was already facing the guard’s back. Hifumi hit the back of the guard’s knee with his toes, when he dropped to one knee, grabbed his jaw and the back of his head and twisted. *Gugyo* , a damp, unpleasant sound was heard, Pajou turned her eyes away instinctively. Killing like this..... Too cruel, Pajou, who did not think she could do it, felt her stomach tremble.magic Near to where the corpse was discarded, a person with shoulder-length hair called out to Hifumi. 「 Do not decrease our numbers any more. 」 「 I thought someone was here, are you these guy’s boss? 」 「 I am the leader. But how were you able to understand that? 」 Orbas dared to show himself frivolously while touching his hair. All, to induce negligence in the opponent. 「 Positioned as you are, the opponent’s weapons can be confirmed and any movements can be seen. The point of you touching your hair is to unfasten your weapon, yes? 」 On being seen through, the smile on Orbas’ face disappeared. 「 The presence of the guys inside, also, those guys that attacked in the day, their movements were monotonous and their scheme was insufficient, although not bad. Their co-operative movements also, it felt like they learned from someone. Not you. 」 「 Yareyare.... As expected of Hero-sama. 」 Orbas faintly smiled again, and pulling out the knife from his back, tossed it aside. 「 I give up. Even a squad of people were defeated, the tables have turned. The levels are just too different. 」 Giving up, Orbas raised his arms with his palms showing. 「 As you can see, weapons have been discarded. Just my life, can you please spare it, Hero-sama? 」 「 No. I was attacked by your instructions. I will not allow it. 」 To Hifumi not showing any mercy, Orbas could not conceal his bewilderment. 「 Wait a minute, you would kill an unarmed man? 」 「 What are you saying. 」 Hifumi smoothly stepped forward, his hand on his katana. 「 You have a weapon. 」(Hifumi) 「 Chii! 」 Orbas immediately took out a small knife from the cuff of his raised arm, and instantly swung downwards at Hifumi. However, Hifumi was no longer there. Orbas tried desperately to turn towards Hifumi, who was already behind Orbas, but to no avail. The separated left arm and head fell to the ground, followed by the rest of the body. 「 His performance was so-so, should have hidden his bloodlust better. 」 Though Hifumi was about to pull out the kaishi tucked in his kimono, with a single shake of the katana, the blood was cleared off, without a trace remaining. Is this the God’s influence? Truly convenient, muttered Hifumi as he sheathed his katana. The door was kicked open, and about subordinates of Orbas stared at the entrance, unable to move. At the entrance stood Hifumi, holding Orbas’ head. 「 B-Boss!! 」 「 You’re the bastard that killed Ain and the others! 」 A man nearest to the entrance leaped at Hifumi. In a single movement, Hifumi drew his katana and sliced him to pieces. 「 Yeah yeah, quiet down. 」 Confirming that Pajou was behind him, Hifumi pulled his katana out of the body while imposingly standing in the doorway. The instantly enraged people instantly became quiet. The beautiful blade crest shimmered in the light of a candle on a table. 「 If you don’t want something similar to happen to you, answer my questions obediently. Resist like that guy, or not answer appropriately, everyone dies. 」 While throwing Orbas’ head on the floor, Hifumi surveyed the men in the room. 「 The first question. Who are you fellows and are all members here? Oh, if I sense a lie, it’s time to kill. Well then, you. 」 Hifumi pointed his katana at the nearest guy. 「 M-Me? ....... We are called “Hidden Serpent”. All it’s members are here. 」 Resigned, the nominated man answered obediently. 「 Then, next. You people, in the Marquis’ employ, was attacking me in the daytime the order of the Marquis? 」 Looking Hifumi in the eye, he began to talk while trembling. 「 Rather than employed, we are allowed to use this place for occasionally undertaking errands for the Marquis. We do not set foot into the Marquis’ home... This should have been a request from the Marquis, the leader said so. 」 On hearing the answer, Pajou fleetingly glanced at Hifumi. 「 .... Certainly, regarding nobles’ residences, leaving aside on-the-spot inspections, yield no clear evidence. 」 Pajou said with a sigh mixed in. To think that there might be criminals who have similarly been given shelter, it was depressing. 「 And the last question. Are there troops in the Marquis’ mansion? Does anyone here know? 」 One person timidly raised his hand. 「 On answering, will I be spared? 」 「 I am asking the questions. 」 「 Uu.... There were many soldiers on duty in the mansion, on patrol and so on, but it seems that they don’t enter the third floor where the Marquis is. Recently, rumours of a magician being hired have been circulating. 」 「 A magician huh.... 」 Receiving Hifumi’s permission, the members of Hidden Serpent ran away at full speed. Pajou shifted her gaze to the criminals fleeing from the shelter. 「 Your job is intelligence, not criminal law enforcement. Spend time arresting them, the Marquis will be able to escape. 」 「 Though that is so..... 」 Hifumi went out, Pajou reluctantly followed. 「 I’m getting drowsy, so bothersome. 」 Hifumi murmured, looked up at the side wall of the mansion, and using his fingers, climbed up smoothly via the few irregularities in the stonework. Watching the figure dressed in a hakama ascend the wall speedily, Pajou could do nothing but watch bitterly. In the blink of an eye, Hifumi reached the third floor, skillfully opening the wooden window with one hand, he leapt inside. After a little while, a rope that usually binds curtains descended from the open window. 「 In this dress, I should climb? 」 (Pajou) 「 No, just grab it. 」 Pajou gripped the rope tilting her head in confusion, and was instantly launched upwards. 「 ~~~~~~~! 」(Pajou) Unable to let out any words, Pajou was caught inside the room. 「 Well then, this seems to be an office-like room. 」 Looking around the room which had a large, stately desk and an elegant bookshelf, Hifumi muttered. 「 Next door, there is the presence of one person. The presence on this floor......No, near the stairs is an unusual stagnating presence. Possibly, in the next room is the Marquis. The guy on the stairs is most probably the magician from the rumors. 」 Pajou did not doubt Hifumi’s words any more. 「 Well then, search for your achievements. 」 「 Haa? 」 Relying on the dim light of a wax candle, Pajou confirmed documents one after the other. Hifumi, who could not read the characters was rummaging around the desk. 「 No problem with the documents.... huh? 」 A certain bookshelf, its depth seemed unnaturally inadequate. 「 What’s wrong? 」 Calling out to Hifumi, Pajou explained the irregularity. Without hesitating, Hifumi threw away all the documents on the racks to the floor and peeled off the rear boards with a sound like tape being pulled off. A bunch of documents spilled out from a hidden compartment. Picking them up, Pajou quickly looked them over and said with a shaking voice, 「 This.... an account book containing records of secret trades with our neighbouring country, Vichy.... 」 Far from an achievement, if things don’t go well, the Marquis may bump her off, Pajou shivered. No matter what happens, if unable to safely return to the castle, her life may be forfeit. 「 Ah, not the fellow next door, but the guy near the stairs is coming here. Be quiet for a minute. 」 To Hifumi nonchalantly saying that, Pajou started to panic. 「 Wh-What do we do? 」 「 Calm down. First, see what kind of guy he is. 」 The door slowly opened, and a man wearing a black robe with a hood covering his eyes entered. 「 ...... A thief? 」 An extremely hoarse voice rang out. 「 So you’re the magician that was employed. 」 On seeing Hifumi speak, the magician quickly drew a knife from his robe and pointed it at Hifumi and Pajou. 「 ......... 」 The magician chanted something in a low voice, and an invisible blade of wind flew forward. 「 Auuu! 」 (Pajou) Unlike Hifumi, Pajou was struck by it on the shoulder and losing her balance, fell. 「 You dodged it?... 」 「 M-Magic dagger.... A magician from the Horant country, why is it! 」 To Pajou’s words, the magician laughed under his hood at her holding her shoulder and taking some distance. 「 Ho~, you know our country’s magic tool quite well. Though you’ve got the appearance of a prostitute, are you a dog of Orsongrande? 」 While the magician was speaking, Hifumi drew near. 「 Nuu! 」 Hifumi’s thrust met a sudden gust of wind. That violent gust of wind blew up the documents scattered on the floor, the pen on the desk flew up, and the chair was knocked over. The candle fell, the documents on the desk began to burn. 「 Hmm, magic can also be used like this huh. 」 The fire was spreading, watching the unworried Hifumi admire wind magic, the magician was secretly in a cold sweat. According to the plan, the gust of wind should have blown away the sword, and without the sword... However, Hifumi adjusted his katana according to the direction of the wind while receiving it, neutralizing it. In spite of seeing such magic for the first time, such marvellous flexibility. While the magician thought that even if he wins, he would not come out of this unscathed, a new person entered. It was Marquis Raghlain from the next room. 「 Strauss, what is this situation! ...... You! 」 The moment the Marquis saw Hifumi’s face, he tried to shout something, a gust of wind hit the Marquis’ back. This was the act of the magician Strauss. Calmly knocking down the Marquis who was thrown at him, Hifumi returned his gaze towards Strauss, but he had already run away. His speed points to magic being used for movement. 「 .....He ran away huh... 」 The fire was already spreading from the desk to the documents scattered on the floor. 「 Pajou, do you have the documents? 」 「 Ee, they’re all right........ Hey! 」 When Pajou looked up after stopping the blood from her wound by tearing off a piece of her dress, a shocking scene met her eyes. 「 Don’t worry. He’s not dead yet. 」 Hurriedly going to the window and looking, Pajou saw the Marquis’s figure in a tangle of thick shrubbery. One leg was bent in a weird direction, but he seemed to be alive. 「 Well then, leave. 」 「 J-Jump down? 」 「 Obviously. Enemies will soon flood the room, and leaving will be delayed. 」 Seeing Pajou hesitating while looking out the window, Hifumi clicked his tongue. 「 No other way. Hold onto the documents tightly. 」 「 Eeh? Wai-, IYAAA~~~~~! 」 Grabbing and holding her sideways under his arm, Hifumi immediately jumped out of the window.
The apparent excitement of Origa, who directly heard about her and Hifumi departing for the capital from him, made her to some extent unapproachable for those who knew and those who didn’t know about the circumstances. Origa spent the few days until the departure going full throttle with her troublesome character, feeling several times more jealous than a normal woman and having a desire to monopolize him at the level of a normal woman. Even while preparing the luggage, she did so with a rough nasal breathing as if completely threatening her surroundings or saying that she doesn’t want anyone to attend to her. Going by Hifumi’s character, Origa knew that if she told him “I want to go together with you”, he would give her permission to do as she likes as long as there are no special circumstances. She also understood how to act so that his decision didn’t change. The person concerned, Hifumi, spent his time until the day of the travel by going to buy food and suitable magic tools in Fokalore and tossing them into his darkness storage, developing new weapons with Pruflas and training with Caim and the other soldiers. Snuggling up to his side, Origa accompanied him on his shopping in the city, participated in the training and made sure to not separate from Hifumi as much as possible. “Lord and his wife have a really nice relationship.” “Isn’t that a good thing? It seems like some uproar is once again happening in Vichy, but thanks to Lord, there’s not the slightest danger to our side.” And so on. Hifumi, who eats in the same restaurant as the commoners and wanders aimlessly around the town without any guards although he’s an appointed noble, and Origa, who can be seen to gently nestle close to him, were warmly watched by the people of the city of Fokalore. However, the people, who know Origa well since they are serving in the feudal lord’s mansion, cannot take such carefree attitude. That’s because Origa is fixedly staring at them from close-by while they are talking with Hifumi. Although nothing happens as long as they don’t talk about the trip or the capital, they are immediately glared at and pressured with blood thirst as soon as the topic of going to the capital comes up. “In the end, for a number of reasosn, they haven’t done many things befitting newly-weds, have they?” (Alyssa) “Haa... newly-weds, is it?” (Viine) Inside the study room, Alyssa started to talk to Viine, who’s studying opposite of her, while waving her quill pen around, once Caim stepped outside for work. With that subject being brought up without prior warning, Viine lifts her eyes from the textbook and gives a half-hearted reply. “In the beginning, you know, Origa-san, who was a slave at that time, and another person accompanied Hifumi-san. Even when I joined them, we were just four people.” (Alyssa) Looking up at the ceiling, Alyssa seemed as if she was watching a distant place. Viine didn’t know who the “That means master had a lover and wife who was a slave?” (Viine)magic Since Viine heard about Origa originally being a slave, she wasn’t surprised about that, but she can’t imagine Hifumi and Origa acting like lovers. “Lover... yea... Achoo!” (Alyssa) The tip of the quill pen, she swung with her fingers, tickled Alyssa’s nose causing her to sneeze. “Uuh... rather than lover, it resembled more the relation of a pupil or a retainer. As a matter of fact, her way of fighting was mostly fixed and trained by Hifumi. It looks like she ended up changing her weapon back then, too. I guess it was around that time when she stopped using a wand?” (Alyssa) “At the time when I met them I didn’t have much leeway either”, Alyssa laughs. And, she was at least able to change it into a funny story. As soon as she thought of what happened in the past, she felt slightly lonely. “If you consider it like that, various people got in contact with Hifumi and became his friends or enemies, but the one who thought first of getting close to him was Origa, right? There are many people who serve him like Caim and the others, but the one who is planning to do the same things he does while standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him is only Origa, isn’t she?” People like Kasha and Pajou who died after becoming hostile to him, people like Sabnak who hasn’t become his comrade but still cooperates with him and people like Imeraria who get manipulated; the faces of all the people Alyssa knows float in her mind. “Are you different, Alyssa-sama?” (Viine) “Yeah?” (Alyssa) Alyssa couldn’t understand Viine’s question well. “Umm, in other words, didn’t you consider wanting to become just like his wife?” (Viine) “Ah~, I see...” (Alyssa) The former Vichy territory, Arosel, that has now become a part of Tohno Earldom. Alyssa clearly remembers the events at the time when she was rescued by Hifumi from the violence she suffered there. The memories of the pain have faded, but the fear, that made her want to die due to the helplessness she intensely felt at that time, was deeply carved into Alyssa without having vanished yet. If it’s now, she knows that her emotions at that time were yearning and the awakening of a love she wasn’t aware of herself. “... It’s different, I think. I like Hifumi-san, but that’s respect towards a strong person. Therefore... therefore I will become Hifumi’s adopted child, the responsibility is heavy, but I’m happy, is what I believe...” (Alyssa) The tears that overflow gradually, spill down along her cheeks finally. “Geeze, how embarrassing... I wonder why...” (Alyssa) Viine quietly approached Alyssa, who had laid her face on the desk with her shoulders trembling, and gently stroke her back. “I know. I’m not able to do the same things as Origa-san... that’s why...” (Alyssa) Viine continued to stroke Alyssa who at last burst into tears after raising her voice. ☺☻☺ The day before the departure to the capital. Early morning. Origa participated in the training carried out by Hifumi. Inside the forest slightly off the highway once one leaves the city of Fokalore. Though monsters appear here often as well, it doesn’t matter to Hifumi at all. This place that lacked the hustle and bustle of people and had the aroma of trees and greenery was the favourite place of Hifumi. Origa and him sit in seiza next to each other on the grass with closed eyes. Besides the presence of Origa who’s next to him, he can feel weak monsters discovering the presence of people and running away. While calming down his mind with the scent of nature hitting his nostrils, he digs up the memories of his battles in Horant and Vichy. He reproduces the fighting inside his head. Although he has a feeling of satisfaction towards all his moves, there’s also introspection. Couldn’t I have killed them faster? Wasn’t it possible to take their lives in a more efficient way? And, in order to make use of that in the coming battles, he closely inspects his movements. All of it is for the sake of realizing the perfect slaughtering. Even now his desire to murder is gushing out like an endless spring. For the sake of letting it out at any time. A tree towers in front of Hifumi who quietly opened his eyes. The trunk that has a thickness of several arms, grows directly into the sky and the lush leaves expand towards the sun. One blow of drawing the katana and attacking in the same stroke, the katana’s point is turned towards the trunk and stops. Leaving less than a millimeter distance, it barely doesn’t scratch the rind. It’s an act he occasionally does for the sake of confirming his own sensation and the length of his own weapon. He knows the length of his own katana better than anyone else, but just because of that it doesn’t necessarily mean that the length of his own arms won’t change at all. There’s also the possibility that the state of the rivet on the sword hilt slightly shifts. This was also a ritual to check that. “Well then, let’s begin?” (Hifumi) “Yes. Please treat me well.” (Origa) Standing up in concord with Hifumi, Origa held the iron-ribbed fan in her left hand and bowed. Opposite of her, Hifumi places both hands at the base of his legs and naturally bows in a smooth manner. Lifting their faces at the same time, they readied their weapons. The iron-ribbed fan, grasped by Origa in her left hand is still closed. Hifumi draws the katana and takes a seigan stance. There’s nothing like encouraging yells. The footsteps from Hifumi, who steps in silently, are inaudible. Origa shows absolutely no nervousness towards Hifumi who is approaching as if gliding. She firmly turns the iron-ribbed fan’s tip at Hifumi’s middle forehead. Hifumi’s attack comes directly from the front being swung down from above. Origa steps diagonally forward, slips below his arm and blade, and wields her iron-ribbed fan with a side sweep. At the time when Hifumi stopped the katana at the height of his waist, the iron-ribbed fan came to a stop at a distance where it’s unclear whether it touches his neck or not. After several seconds, they separate in silence while remaining on guard. The distance at the time when they returned and the distance at the time when they prepared while facing each other in the beginning is completely the same. “Next.” (Hifumi) “Yes.” (Origa) They don’t talk about what has to be done. They are already at a stage where explaining such things is unnecessary. Origa loosens her mouth that was tightly closed a bit and slowly exhales through her faitnly opened lips. The next slash unexpectedly comes to sever her knee from the side. Pulling back her right leg, she advances her left leg into the space where the katana passed through. She lowers her iron-ribbed fan at the head of Hifumi who went down on his kness. And stops just before it. After taking several seconds, they separate. From then on Origa strikes back against Hifumi, who repeatedly comes at her with attacks that included kicks and consecutive slashes and thrusts, with the movements she had her body master. Hifumi’s movements are far slower than at the time of normal combat, but there are no useless motions and there’s not a splinter of hesitation as he smoothly performs his footwork. His skilled movements, unrelated to something like speed, made it difficult for the person facing him to react. Even so, Origa deals with the attacks that are released randomly. She properly moves to unleash counter-attacks that can cause a fatal wound. Origa, who was frozen stiff due to tension in the past because of the attacks where she didn’t know what will come next as there was no prior arrangement, became now able to move naturally as she got used to her weapon and piled up real combat experience. However, the movements of Hifumi, who gradually raised the spead, became untrackable for Origa’s eyes. She barely handles them by relying on the initial motion from his stance. With her return attacks being avoided as well, the number of attacks increases to two then three without it finishing at one attack as before. Even while evading the dangerous thrust towards her face as second attack, she fails to deal with the diagonal slash and is also unable to counter-attack. At the second time she was unable to dodge the thrust coming to pierce her chest. “Uuh...” (Origa) She stepped forward with a foot to support her crumbling posture. Believing that she would be definitely pierced in the chest by the thrust, Origa unconsciously closed her eyes. However, the pain she resolved herself for doesn’t come. “Don’t shut your eyes. Do it with the intention of accepting the outcome no matter what happens.” (Hifumi) Hifumi matched the staggering Origa and drew back the katana. When she looks down at her chest with a face that’s dripping with sweat, the katana’s point has stopped at a distance where it barely won’t reach her body though it touches her clothes. Looking at her face being reflected on the sword’s blade that’s glittering in the morning sun, Origa tightly bit her back teeth. “Let’s stop at this place today?” (Hifumi) “No, with this it won’t become training for you, Hifumi-sama. Please let me help you.” (Origa) Due to Origa requesting a continuation with an imploring stare while the sweat gushes out from her face, Hifumi tossed a cloth at her for the sake of wiping away the sweat. “In that case, first adjust your breathing and wipe the sweat away. Remove your sluggishness by drinking water.” (Hifumi) “Yes...” (Origa) Hifumi held out the apple-like fruit he picked up in the wastelands to Origa who is wiping her face and neck briskly. “Your movements aren’t bad. It will become better once your body gets used to not having its movements disturbed even if faigue appears.” (Hifumi) Hifumi also eats a mouthful of another fruit he took out. Plenty of bittersweet juice passes through his throat and moistens it. “After you stopped being wielded by your weapon, all of importance that’s left is repetition...” (Hifumi) It’s Hifumi’s pet theory that technique is something that will permeate into the body after watching it and getting familiar with it. Though it’s something he put into practice, he also knows that it’s difficult. There are many reasons why young students stop coming to a dojo, but one of them was “I got tired of repeatedly doing the same boring movements.” “Yes. Please treat me well from now on as well!” (Origa) Even Origa, who replied with a smile, savoured the fruit while looking happy as she ate it. Finishing the short break, both of them stand up once again and face each other. “Well then, we will change the attacker and defender. Any kind of attack is fair. It’s also fine for you to use magic. Come at me with everything you’ve got.” (Hifumi) “Yes! I will!” (Origa) Origa, who had readied her iron-ribbed fan, clashes with Hifumi using all her power. I have a partner to whom I can direct my wholehearted trust and good will. He will receive my full power. What happiness! Just how blessed am I? I might not catch up to him even if I use all my life. Thus I will follow him until the end of my life. A thrust that avoids a thrust. In exchange for that, she performs a side sweep at his feet, but jumping up a hit comes down at her. Even while evading that by rolling over, she kicks towards his flank, but the pommel of his katana thwarts that. The rendezvous where sparks scatter between just the two of them, continued until Origa couldn’t move anymore due to fatigue. Given the situation, Hifumi carries her to the feudal lord’s mansion. It’s a fact that she had the ulterior motive of aiming for that, but showing her exhausted state, Origa gently places her head against Hifumi’s shoulder while breathing roughly. “... You are a strange one.” (Hifumi) In Origa’s case, she had the intention to appeal to Hifumi by showing an erotic, flushed face, but since her mouth slackens with a grin, it didn’t look to Hifumi as anything but getting high due to being too exhausted. The best effort of Origa, who has little experience in love, doesn’t reach Hifumi.
What Reni and Helen snugly put on their heads were the hoods, attached to the mantles, which were used many times by Origa and Kasha to avoid the eyes of guards. Given that he had thrown those into the darkness storage, he passed those to the troublesome two, who would also make a racket in the surroundings, and had them wear those. “Well then, next.” Currently, for the sake of entering the gate into Swordland, where Hifumi’s group has arrived at, they have slipped among the people lining up to enter there. On top of being an independent nation, which faced the wastelands, the chattering was cut off within the protective walls. Hifumi wondered whether it was a city with little traffic, but there are places for hunting and farming other than the city. Apparently the number of common people coming and going isn’t usually this small. Be that as it may, if you compare it to Fokalore, which has had a tremendous increase in population, it’s insignificant. With it mostly being people entering and leaving everyday, the probability of them being acquaintances of the guards doing the inspections seems to be extremely high. There’s only few people showing something like identification papers. “Next... you? You may pass.” “Yes. Thanks as always.” Due to them saying such, the queue is rapidly shrinking. “Next is... a face I haven’t seen yet. Also, your two companions, remove your headgear and show your faces.” As he was told by the soldier, Hifumi quickly pulled down the hoods of the hesitating Reni and Helen. “This..., beastmen!?” “Don’t get flustered. My slaves are no danger. There’s likely something else you have to do rather than being surprised.” (Hifumi) “Ah, u-understood.” Being told that high-handedly, the solder reflexively confirms the name in a businesslike manner and records it down. Thereupon, apparently realizing what he has been doing, the soldier’s face became bright red and he continued to question Hifumi. “As there doesn’t seem to be a record of you leaving this city, where did you come from? What’s your objective?” “It’s because I’m from Orsongrande, on the other side of the wastelands. My objective is to merely go on a pleasure trip.” (Hifumi) “You say, you came out of the wastelands? Didn’t you get caught by beastmen over there!? You are amazingly talented or had great luck.” Due to the soldier looking at them with a scrutinizing look, Reni cast down her eyes and Helen clenched her fists, but they endured it without leaking a single word. Seeing their state, Hifumi decided to have a slight better opinion of those two. “They are my assets. Don’t stare at them too much. So, is it already fine to pass as well?” (Hifumi) “Ah, sorry. Carry this permit. The admission tax is silver coins, but... do you have those?” On the desk the soldier, who was facing him with a doubtful look, has been placing his elbow, Hifumi casually piled up around gold cons. The design of the gold coins is different from the one in Swordland, but their size is one size larger. Even the portrait, which had been thoroughly engraved into it, is detailed and beautiful. Hifumi sighed with a “Good grief”, as the soldier had his breath taken away and was unable to take his eyes off the gold coins. “It’s the money of the country over there, but money is money. Because I don’t need any attraction, hurry up and let us through.” (Hifumi) ☺☻☺ The bearman Salgu returned to their nesting place within the woods being accompanied by the tigerboy’s group. It was the first time the boy’s group learned of it, but bear beastmen don’t form packs. Apparently they are basically living by themselves or, at most, with their families. Although there is mingling with their fellow members of the same race, they are told that it almost never happens for them to live together. “Accordingly, the bear beastmen cherish their family ties. If a child loses its parents prematurely due to something happening, the other adults will look after it and raise it as well.” (Salgu) Tearing off a fruit, that was growing at a high place, Salgu equally split it with Olra, who is his daughter, and the boy and his younger sister. “T-Thank you...” “Let’s hear your name. You are the lifesaver of my precious daughter after all.” (Salgu) “Something like benefactor... I’m Malfas Once her elder brother gave her name, the younger sister quickly, in a bouncing way, bowed her head. Salgu smiled gently and placed his paw on the head of Malfas. “Malfas, there’s no necessity to force yourself to talk politely.” (Salgu) “But, you saved us, although we are even from a different race...” (Malfas) “Let me see. Malfas did the same as well. In order to save my daughter, albeit her being of a different race, you put your life at risk and raised your voice.” (Salgu) “We are of equal status in this regard”, Salgu’s large paw stroke Malfas’ head roughing his hair up. “Please eat without restraint. Since there are recently few beastman living in this area due to being cautious of humans, lots of fish and fruits can be gathered.” (Salgu) Presenting a fish while smiling broadly, Salgu himself made short work of the fish, who is more than centimetres long, with his large jaw. “Are there this many humans coming?” (Riedel) When Riedel asked while chewing on the fruit, Salgu shook his head. “I’m sorry to say. Even just yesterday, it looks like they caught a leopard beastman, who lived nearby.” (Salgu) Since he didn’t see his figure since morning, he visited the nesting place of a leopard beastman acquaintance and discovered traces of blood close-by, he says. “He was quite the strong fellow, but against human opponents, who surround one with large numbers holding weapons, it’s a harsh situation after all...” (Salgu) “However, didn’t you win against human opponents, Salgu-san!?” (Malfas) As Malfas shouts, Salgu laughs. “That’s right. I believe myself to be quite strong. But you know, likewise it’s a miracle because the large number of people. No matter how big a beastman might be, they will be defeated, if they get swarmed by large quantities of poisonous insects.” (Salgu) “You will likely understand once you saw a guy, who was attacked by bees and ants”, being told that, Malfas and Riedel cast their eyes down with pale faces. “Papa, don’t talk about such things during lunch. Look, haven’t the two of them lost their appetite because of this?” (Olra) “Ah, sorry for that.” (Salgu) Due to the appearance of the huge bearman being scolded by his daughter, Malfas just ended up laughing. “E-Excuse me.” (Malfas) “No, it’s always better to laugh like that. Especially a man has to show laughter at a time, he has no leeway.” (Salgu) “What kind of self-important thing are you saying?” (Olra) Proceeding with the meal in this gentle mood, Riedel was taken by Olra and fell asleep. Lighting a fire, the man and the boy quietly talked with each other while watching the fire burst open with crackling sounds. “As a matter of fact, there’s something I want to request of you.” (Salgu) Choosing a place, where their talking voice couldn’t be heard by Olra’s group, whose bed was slightly further away, Salgu quietly said, “Request?” (Malfas) “Yes, I want you guys to go even further into the centre of the wastelands together with Olra. Leaving the area, where there are humans and dangerous beastmen, to a place of harmless folks like rabbit beastmen or something like that.” (Salgu) “What will you do, Salgu-san?” (Malfas) “I will go to the human country.” (Salgu) Malfas gasped due to Salgu’s immediate reply. “I know since I’ve been living in this area for a long time. The abnormality, which doesn’t abate, of beastmen being taken along. It seems those humans turn the beastmen into slaves. Since I saw beastmen, who were tied together, many times, there’s likely no doubt about that.” (Salgu) “However, aren’t too many beastmen being kidnapped?” is the question that pestered Salgu since some time. “Resolving myself, I went and hid myself to see the area, where the humans are.” (Salgu) For the interval of a person’s breath, the words of Salgu, who talks with seriousness in his eyes, cease. Malfas gulped. “Close to the fields made by the humans, the corpses of beastmen were thrown away in a pile. It was a large quantity, to the extent of forming a small mountain. That’s not a graveyard or anything like that. They have been literally thrown away.” (Salgu) Within Salgu’s eyes flames of rage are burning. “Each and every of the corpses were new. There were also corpses of rabbits, sheep, tigers and bears. ... Many of them had their fur torn off as well.” (Salgu) “Such a...” (Malfas) “Although one might say it’s other beastmen, I wouldn’t be able to endure it, if I saw them suffering such a fate. Before long I have been considering to free as many beastmen as possible by going to the human country. Therefore...” (Salgu) “That’s too rash! If you went to such a place filled with great numbers of humans, you will be killed!” (Malfas) “Calm down, you will wake up the girls.” (Salgu) Malfas restrained his voice quickly, but even so continues to stop Salgu with a small voice, but Salgu ends up warding it off by laughter. “I thought she is a child, but you saw that my daughter also has already reached the point of being at least able to harvest things to eat by herself. Though she experienced something dangerous by chance today, she likely won’t encounter dangerous looks to that extent, if it’s in the central part of the wastelands.” (Salgu) “My daughter, despite looking like that, her strength is fairly powerful”, Salgu laughed. “Malfas. You are a kind tigerman, therefore, won’t you go together with her, if it’s fine with you? It looks like she gets along with your younger sister-san as well. ... Even other beastmen, if she reaches the point of being able to talk together with them without minding their races, it will be fine.” (Salgu) “By some chance, if it’s the beastmen I freed myself, she might get along with them”, Salgu muttered. “It’s an unbelievable story similar to a dream, but if you like, I want you cooperate with me”, Salgu bowed. “I will go with you as well.” (Malfas) “That’s not allowed. There are still some things you should do since you are young, Malfas. Finding a girl and making children. Become a father and protect your children... you can’t become like me.” (Salgu) That was the first time Malfas saw the tears of an adult. is what he was dumbfounded about for a short while, but Malfas decided to accept Salgu’s request. “... Understood. But I have two requests.” (Malfas) “Got it. Let’s hear them.” (Salgu) The open fire made a small sound. The ashes, fluttering in the air, drop under the feet of Malfas. “Please explain your reason to Olra, Salgu-san. Without lies and deceptions, just the truth of the matter.” (Malfas) “That is...” (Salgu) “My parents were killed by a human without me noticing. Before I realized anything, we had lost our parents. Probably, even if we had been at that place, our parents would have been killed. Besides, there were a lot of adults there as well, but none of them survived.” (Malfas) He looks directly at Salgu. “Your parents dying, before you realized it, is painful. Please, at least, have her brace for it. And, in order to transform her worries into pointless anxiety, please come back without fail. Until then we will go to a place, which is slightly away, but we will wait there for you.” (Malfas) Looking into each other’s eyes, they sense each other’s intention. Salgu laughed with a “Pfft” and tossed a twig into the open fire. “I give up. it appears that you have been an adult all along, Malfas. Understood. I will tell my daughter tomorrow. And I will promise her to survive and come back without fail.” (Salgu) “Therefore”, Salgu bowed once more. “I leave my daughter to you.” (Salgu) What Reni and Helen saw after passing through the gate was the main road of the city with many people going back and forth. The road, which continues from the entrance of the city straight to the castle, has various kinds of shops lined up left and right of the broad path. “Uwaa...” “... Uwaa.” Both of them raised their voices similarly, but Reni was deeply moved by the state of the city with its imposing buildings and goods. For Helen it was words just leaving her mouth remembering he sense of discomfort due to there being a large number of humans. “Don’t stand still. Hurry up and move.” The two chase after Hifumi, who began to walk, in a panic. They lined up at both his sides. “Where do we go?” “We don’t have any money of this country. We will make money by selling my own property.” (Hifumi) “Money, is it? Humans exchange items for money, right?” “What a strange story, right? To exchange something you can’t eat with items that aren’t even clothes. Isn’t that a loss?” Hifumi, abandoning the beastgirls, who begin to chat severally, walks quickly. Given that Hifumi’s appearance was still, as ever, a dark blue dougi and a black hakama, the city’s people look at him with strange eyes, but even above that, their looks gather on the beastmen, he leads. Beastmen slaves aren’t unusual, but walking without them having chains pinning them down as burden and moreover, because of their good complexion, the people are apparently considering him to raise them by expending money. “... There are plenty of beastmen.” “All of them are bound by chains. There are many with injuries as well, but...” Helen had gradually lost her will to look at the vicinity. Being yelled at by a middle-aged man, a dogboy is beaten. A bearman, who is paraded about as guard tool of a noble. Stuffed into a cage, a rabbitwoman, with a price tag attached, was exposed as if it’s some exhibition. While watching those, a feeling of being unable to bear it formed in Helen. If she makes a single mistake, she will end up like that as well. “Reni, let’s go home after all.” (Helen) “That’s no good.” (Reni) Reni said while properly looking at her surroundings. “Helen. I believe humans are amazing after all. Beastmen might be certainly above humans in such things as strength or running speed, but... they are building this many houses and are taking, creating, eating so many various things.” (Reni) Reni looked at Helen. To Helen, her face, which appeared to be that of someone else somehow, was shaking with tension and astonishment. “Disgusting things can be seen as well, but if you observe it properly, there will be things we can do. If the humans increased rapidly, we would have no place to run someday.” (Reni) “Reni...” (Helen) As Helen talks with a look similar to running away from Reni, her eyes met the rabbit beastman, who’s the same as her, in the cage. In the hollow, widely-opened eyes there isn’t any trace of any kind of emotions. She thinks it might have still been better if she had raised her voice with a “Help!”, Helen felt sick at heart. “Something, something we can do... and then we can save them, I hope.” “I don’t understand.” Reni says. “But, you want to believe that the things possible to do won’t increase, right?” While listening to such conversation, Hifumi revised his own plan within his head. Reviewing the adjusted, fixed plan, he turned his look at the two beastmen so that they wouldn’t notice and laughed quietly. After walking for around minutes, Hifumi entered the second-hand shop, he heard about from the guard. “Please buy this.” As soon as he enters the shop, he heads for the place of shopkeeper-like old man, sitting at the counter, in a straight line and places down a magic tool, he took out. The shopkeeper was taken aback for a moment, however with that being something he got used to, he holds the tool wondering whether it’s the boy of a noble, who was troubled by money, from somewhere. “What’s this? It looks like a magic tool, but...” “It’s lighting. Look.” (Hifumi) Once Hifumi held out his hand over a part of the magic tool, it began to give off a faint light. “T-That’s surprising! I won’t get my hands on something like a light magic tool quickly! Hey, where did you get such thing?” “Omit the yapping and buy it. Will you take others?” (Hifumi) “U-Understood.” The shopkeeper, bringing a bag from the shop’s back, piled up gold coins on the counter. “How about 0 gold coins?” “How long will I be able to stay in an inn of the city with this?” (Hifumi) , but it will likewise be troublesome, if he gets and angry and takes it to someone else. In Swordland, that has almost no exchange with foreign countries, magic tools are high-class items, even if they are second-hand. “The market price around here is 5 silver coins for staying overnight without meals. For a high-class inn, close to the castle, it will take 20 silver coins.”magic “Expensive.” (Hifumi) “You will be able to stay 50 nights in a simple inn.” “I guess that’s fine.” (Hifumi) Hifumi seizes the gold coins on top of the counter and, pretending to stuff it into his wallet, he stores them away in his darkness storage. “So, where are those expensive lodgings?” (Hifumi)
As the room, which Alyssa entered, was apparently a storage, it was simple to leave outside the storage as it wasn’t locked either. At the time when she looked from the outside she thought that the building had four floors, but outside the cramped storage with its piles of wooden boxes the ceiling has become high as if it was the hall of a castle. She was barely able to perceive that with the faint light existing inside the room. “Judging by the impression from outside, it has at least one more floor on top.” One of the soldiers mutters and Alyssa nods. “That means... uwah...” Once they move while carefully checking the situation in the vicinity of the storage, they discovered a huge cage. Iron bars with a thickness at the level of Alyssa’s waist are forming a grid. Inside, where light mostly doesn’t reach, a giant soldier, who is sleeping while leaning his back against the wall, is dimly visible. There are two cages. The one who likely lived in the empty counterpart was the giant soldier who was killed by Hifumi this morning Alyssa is troubled at this point. If we get rid of the giant soldier here and now, it will probably become quite easy even if we proceed towards the capital city of Horant from here on. However, even though we have done preparations to deal with them, it’s not definitely certain that we can win against a giant soldier with people. A change takes place while she is groaning. “It’s a fire! Everyone, wake up!” It’s from the neighbouring building, I guess? Did he hear that voice? The sleeping giant soldier was stirring restlessly. “Let’s hide for the moment!” (Alyssa) Upon Alyssa’s decision, they return to in front of the storage, disappear in the darkness and watch the state of affairs. It seems like the other units have set fire quickly. There are angry roars and sounds of a crowd of people coming and going outside the building. Once she looks in the direction of the cage, the giant soldier, who appears to be completely awake now, stretches his tall figure, which gives the impression of being about to reach the ceiling, and surveys his surroundings while looking displeased. At this moment, two people, appearing to be magicians of Horant, rush into the place while panting (were they on the floor above?). “Let’s release the reinforced soldier!” “No, controlling him with just us two is...” “If he is burnt to death due to the spread of fire, it will be our responsibility, won’t it!? Moreover, this is an enemy attack! I will open the lock!” The man, who rebuked his colleague’s indecisive attitude in one go, yells 「Stay obedient!」 towards the giant soldier while opening a part of the iron bars with a magic tool-like key. While having stood up sluggishly, the giant looks down on Horant’s magicians with blank eyes which held no emotions. Seeing that situation, Alyssa turned around to her comrades. “It will be bad if that one’s released, right? Let’s go.” (Alyssa) Alyssa, who jumped out with a force similar to being flicked away without waiting for an answer, headed towards the man who tried to stop her and stabbed him with the wakizashi just as she rammed into him. “Nnggh?” Once Alyssa, who confirmed his death as his voice leaks out from his throat, turns her gaze towards the other man. She saw the figure of the magician struggling while being held in an eagle grip by the giant soldier in front of her perplexed comrades. He was apparently caught just as he opened the cage. “R-Release me, this...” The magician, who was drenched in sweat due to pain and fear, frantically tries to make the giant soldier stop, but the giant soldier sluggishly tries to bend himself forward from the cage while grabbing the magician. “Both of you, take some distance and prepare for combat! Get that ready!” (Alyssa) While issuing instructions to her comrades, Alyssa intentionally used a loud voice to attract the attention of the giant soldier. Verifying that the giant soldier’s gaze slowly turned her way, she stands in a conspicuous place where the light shines and prepares the wakizashi in her right hand. Cold sweat traces down her cheeks. Her body was still made to tremble by the scariness of the time when she was knocked down from atop her horse, but the shivering calmed down with only the strong sensation of holding her wakizashi in her right hand. Just as her image of the time when Hifumi provoked his opponents, she displayed a smile while mimicking him. Did he get angry due to that? The giant soldier threw the magician of Horant, he held, towards Alyssa. “Bubehh.” Being slapped against the wall, the magician, who leaked a voice similar to a frog, smashed down the wooden wall and left by rolling outside. Alyssa doesn’t take her eyes off the giant soldier even while dodging the rolling magician sideways. In the middle of the confrontation Alyssa heard the voices of her comrades. “We will use a net!” In the next instant a large net fell upon the giant soldier. “Alright!” Alyssa dashes while carrying her wakizashi towards the giant soldier who raises groans in irritation as he pulls at the net which got entwined by him struggling. They had Sabnak concede a share of the net which was spread out as spear protection in the defence encampment. It is a net used for fishing with weights attached at its edges and small eyes. “If I remember correctly, at the time when Hifumi-san killed it...” (Alyssa) What Alyssa is aiming for are the feet of the giant soldier who is visible from below the net. The bare toes, which aren’t protected by armour, are slightly dirty. Thick nails have grown just like a beast. With the wakizashi, she firmly held in both hands, she completely cut off the toes from their root at the side of the little toe. Only the big toe was saved by the obstruction of the bone, but just as his toes were scattered about while the stumps shed blood, the giant soldier fell on his backside. Taking distance while slipping through the log-like arm which the giant soldier swung precisely even as he was writhing and getting entangled by the net, Alyssa grind her teeth. “This didn’t get through.” (Alyssa) She glares at the giant soldier who is moving around restlessly while sitting. Her comrades, who cast the net, have drawn their weapons and are slashing at the giant soldier, but the giant soldier doesn’t look like he is faltering either. Imitating Hifumi, Alyssa planned to aim for the head or neck after the giant was made to fall down, but even in the state of sitting, the giant’s head is twice as high as Alyssa’s height. While watching as the net is gradually becoming worn-out due to the giant’s superhuman strength, Alyssa wonders whether there isn’t anything they can do and searches her pocket and the interior of her rucksack with her free left hand. There she found the shuriken. “It’s something I almost never used, but if I remember correctly, it goes with such feeling.” (Alyssa) Mimicking Origa, she sheathes the wakizashi, prepares the shuriken in her right hand and throws them while making sure to stretch her arm in front. The largely off shuriken pierces the wall on the opposite side while making a sound of *clonk*. While groaning she throws the second one. This one stabs into the face of the giant soldier. He approaches Alyssa by slouching while seeming to be very unhappy. “Once more!” (Alyssa) This time she throws it with a large swing using all her strength. The shuriken moved quickly and stabbed into the giant soldier’s left eye with a force of getting deeply buried into it. Having all of a sudden lost half of his visual field, the giant soldier wriggles in a confused state while holding down his face. “Director!” “Aim for the arms!” (Alyssa) Grasping the wakizashi once again, Alyssa gives directions to her comrades. The two soldier of Fokalore, who responded to it swiftly, respectively cut at the wrist of both arms, with which the giant soldier holds his face, using their swords. The giant soldier, who collapsed facing upwards, swung his arms and Alyssa leapt in as substitute for the soldiers who were warded off. “This is the end!” (lyssa) She drove her wakizashi very deeply targeting the eye which had been crushed by the shuriken. Being pushed by the wakizashi‘s tip, the shuriken reached the brain. With the remaining right eye being widely opened, the giant soldier stopped moving. “Director, you did it!” Alyssa, who wiped off her sweat and turned towards her cheering comrades with a smile, already saw flames rising from the hole in the wall, where the magician was thrown at, once she lifted her face wondering whether they should go to look for the documents on the floor above. “It’s terrible. Everyone, let’s give up on the documents and escape! We might get surrounded by the fire if we went upstairs!” (Alyssa) “U-Understood!” Horant’s soldiers are moving about in confusion in the vicinity of the buildings which are still burning brightly outside. Alyssa, who decided to escape by taking advantage of that chaos, took a glance at the fallen and dead giant soldier and left the building behind. ☺☻☺ “Well, a passing mark, I guess?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who observed the combat style of Alyssa from the stairway continuing to the upper floor, suddenly lifted the edges of his mouth and smiled. Setting aside her physical ability, it’s unacceptable for her to miss with the shuriken, but she created a method to kill her enemy, gave proper instructions and was even able to deal with irregularities. In case of a battle in this world up until now, there was no way to cope with an opponent, who excelled in physical ability, if there was no magic, I guess. Choosing his “weak point,” Alyssa used it effectively. Also, watching Hifumi’s way of doing things, she picked up the parts she can do herself and implemented them. This was also something he valued highly. “Well then, shall I go to the next target location as well?” (Hifumi) Hifumi sends a fleeting glance behind. Five corpses of soldiers from Horant were scattered around on the second floor. Having been killed with a single stroke, all of them wore a confused expression due to not understanding what happened to them.magic “Although it’s for the sake of confirming the results, my stress keeps piling up...” (Hifumi) When he was venting complaints while tapping the guard of his katana with a finger, several soldiers of Horant rushed into the lower floor after Alyssa withdrew from there. “This is... the reinforced soldier has been done in?” “The fellow outside is dead as well. Anyway, this place will be abandoned! If he’s already dead, it cannot be helped!” Hifumi jumps down towards the soldiers who are discussing the circumstances. “Ugeeh!” A single soldier is flattened after having Hifumi’s knee being driven on top of his shoulder. Since Hifumi grabbed the soldier’s head while at it, he broke the neck by twisting it backwards and the soldier instantly died after being thrown onto the ground while Hifumi made sure to crush his upper body including the collarbone. “Wha-, W-Who are you?” “Ah~... let’s see. A suspicious person, that’s about it.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who stood up slowly, places his back against the iron bars while staying idle. “This!” Avoiding the sword which was swung down from an overhead position, he delivers a kick from the side and with the sword being stuck in-between the bars, the soldier fell over while being unarmed. “You have to fight after properly examining your surroundings.” (Hifumi) Once he tramples down with his entire foot on top of the breast armour with a *bam*, the soldier vomits blood and dies. Hifumi lightly swings the jitte, which he took out from his pocket, towards the sword which was pushed forth by another soldier. The sword, which got hooked with only that, left the hands of the soldier. Once the soldier was dumbfounded by having suddenly snatched away his sword from his palm, his own sword was thrown aiming for his throat. Was there a magician mixed in? However, Hifumi stared at the conflagration with cold eyes and knocked down the fireball with his left hand which had a glove. “Yo.” “W-What’s this...?” Hifumi slowly got close to the shocked magician and hit the face of his opponent with his palm in the same manner as he knocked down the fireball just now. “Hii!” Standing right next to the head of the magician who collapsed due to the impact, Hifumi looks down at him. “Something like a fireball that merely comes flying in a straight line can be dealt with completely even if you hurl of them at me.” (Hifumi) “Therefore”, Hifumi points at the magician with his left hand. “What you are doing isn’t any different from throwing with stones. Not to mention that you even release a yell. The way of suddenly throwing a Molotov cocktail in silence is a lot harder to deal with. Do you understand the meaning of what I’m saying?” (Hifumi) “Uuh... Uaah...” Looking at the magician who is simply trembling without even moving a single finger as if his hands and feet are completely bound, even when being questioned, Hifumi sighed very deeply. Striking the eyes of the magician with the jitte in irritation, Hifumi, who lost interest in the other party who is convulsing and heading towards death, turned around towards the remaining soldiers of Horant. The soldiers, who had that gaze turned on them, step back instinctively. The fire has completely spread. The flame, which is slowly creeping up the wall while burning, is brighter than the original light. “For what reason do you think I deliberately dispatched Ma Carne’s unit to this country? It’s so that you lot can fight a lot better, isn’t it? You guys as well.” (Hifumi) When he pointed at the soldiers holding their swords, Hifumi didn’t try to hide his expression of anger anymore. “Are you only going to wield your swords like idiots? Your half-assed way makes me angry. Do you understand how much patience it took to choose to teach you without killing you? Teaching you the way how to fight isn’t just for popularizing it. I had hoped that the guys, who try to train while possessing a sense of danger, will increase if the number of strong people grows. I anticipated ingenious scheming how to to fight, the appearance of new spells and weapons and the start of conflicts where lives are at risk.” (Hifumi) With his tone getting gradually stronger, the soldiers of Horant are trembling while listening. “Wasn’t there enough time? Weren’t you able to prepare for fighting yet? Then, why did you attack? Why don’t you try to run away?” (Hifumi) He draws the katana from his waist. The flames are flickering, but the katana’s blade is shining dangerously. “Don’t mess around, really. Just what the hell were you doing in this world that is blessed by killing this many people? Are there still not enough people? Or, do you not understand unless someone dies between your eyes?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who breathed out intensely and excitedly, pointed at the corpse of the giant soldier with the katana’s tip. “Those are great. Those are likely the result of researching magic in Horant. Alyssa wrecked her brain how to defeat those. Using tools and learning the necessary technique, she was able to kill him. At first even I had quite the hard time. But, is that all?” (Hifumi) The katana’s tip is turned towards the soldiers. “By any chance, did you start a war while relying on no more than that? Did you even think that the conclusion of the killing will be reached that easily?” (Hifumi) Sucking in breath through his nose, he breathes it out through his mouth. “Choose. Will you fight with me to prove that you trained? Or will you escape and convey my words to your boss?” (Hifumi) “Hurry up”, at the moment made a single step forward, all of the remaining soldiers of Horant turned their back on him and ran away. Watching their figures, Hifumi sighed deeply. Sheathing his katana, Hifumi, who put his breathing in order and erased his presence, started to quietly tail behind the soldiers who were running away frantically.
Hifumi had previously bought some magical tools that functioned like lamps. Separating from Pajou and heading back to the hotel, Hifumi continued learning his letters from Origa after dinner. Since he had made this a habit after coming to the town, he had a general grasp of the basic letters and their readings. Incidentally, the magical illumination tool was at a great buy, being better than a candle. He bought a total of five pieces; one each was given to Origa and Kasha at the hotel. The tutoring went somewhat like this: the letters were read aloud so so as to grasp their pronunciation. They were written in a horizontal fashion and repeated them aloud while writing helped memorising them. Since constant repetition was a shortcut, though this method used up a lot of expensive parchment, Hifumi bought it regardless. 「 Master, is upto here sufficient today? 」 「 Hm, I understand the general characters and pronunciations from this. No words or grammar right now. If necessary, I will ask later. 」 「 Please leave it to me. Seeing master’s speed, it won’t take too much time. 」 Kasha was carrying out her weapon maintenance during her free time. She watched the two get along quickly and felt a little lonely. While Kasha was pondering these deep thoughts, all the while cleaning nonexistent marks on her sword, Hifumi had cleared up his study material and stood up. 「 Because of Pajou’s troublesome state of affairs, we have to enter Vichy tomorrow. Since we’re taking the carriage, I’ll have to ask you two to be the coachmen again. 」 Hifumi nodded at their responses and retired to his room after breakfast. Origa waited until the door to their room was completely closed and undressed facing her bed. A flimsy dress of rather thin material covered her slim body. Though it was usual for Origa to sleep like this, Kasha vaguely noticed her figure.magic Slender arms and legs. She really does give off a “womanly” impression. (Kasha) Understanding her master’s kind treatment, Kasha sighed and tensed, gazing at her own arms and legs. She sighed again. 「 What’s wrong? 」 「 It’s nothing. We have to leave early tomorrow, go to sleep. We’re travelling with master, so it’s definitely going to be a turbulent day. 」 Origa laughed gently in agreement and turned off the illumination tool. The next morning, Sabnak was at the gate that faced Vichy to see off the trio. A thin fog had come out, softening the morning light. Though Sabnak was pleased at the arrival of the reinforcements, since all the Knights that came along were senior to him, the paperwork had not decreased even though he had an attendant helping him. The dark circles under his eyes kept thickening. A man riding a horse and a carriage came from the direction of the hotel. 「 Good morning. Something wrong?」 「 Just seeing you off. From here, continue along the highway for two hours till you reach the stronghold at the border. Since there are troops on both the Orsongrande and the Vichy side, please show the permit to both. 」 「 Got it. Well then, see you. 」 Hifumi continued on, the horse-drawn carriage followed slowly in his wake, both slowly vanished into the mist covering the highway. Sabnak continued staring for a while at the spot where they disappeared. Pajou’s voice rang out from behind him. 「 Now it’s possible to leave this place.... Something wrong? 」 (Sabnak) 「 It’s the incident of the magician from Horant, the one called Strauss. The analysis of his body, except for the dagger, there was no indication of high social standing. However... 」 Visibly penetrating Strauss’ chest was a magic tool, possibly of an evil goal. Based on the build of the body, it seemed more than years old and considerably thin. The movements displayed in the Marquis’ mansion, as heard from Hifumi were hard to believe. Though not completely clear, it may have been a body strengthening type evil magic, surmised Pajou. 「 The corpse can be sent to the capital today for further investigation. 」 「 Body strengthening magic..... Could it be, the one that set Gothras free was Strauss? 」 「 No, the timings are wrong. 」 「 Gothras might have used a similar magic tool, but he was frisked before being put into prison. Did someone pass it to him for him to escape? ..... In any case, it is necessary to search within the royal capital for this possible accomplice. 」 Even as she said this, Pajou was at her wit’s end to even start looking for clues. As the carriage rolled on in a leisurely manner, the fog gradually cleared up. The stronghold on the edge of the road came into view. Seeing that the so-called demon seemed to have left already, Hifumi felt let down. 「 That’s the border? 」 There were no walls or fences or such, the highway just ended at a -storey stronghold. Both sides had just one large building each, nothing else. According to Kasha’s explanation, if one left the highway, they are immediately attacked by monsters. As a result, it was unnecessary to build walls. The central building functioned as a checkpoint for both countries. The large buildings on each side housed their respective border security soldiers. According to a treaty, soldiers from each country could be assigned there. Seeing the stronghold come into view, Hifumi had an uneasy feeling. 「 ...... It’s too quiet. I can’t feel any indications of a single person inside, much less . 」 「 Eh? 」 「 Arm yourselves immediately. I smell blood. 」 Kasha and Origa did not understand, but believing in Hifumi, did so instantly. Their reactions were a result of constant training. The carriage was stored, horses were dismounted. Drawing nearer cautiously, several soldiers were visible on the ground in front of the stronghold. The trio did not rush forward, carefully approaching the bodies. 「 This.... 」 Seeing the state of affairs, Kasha gnashed her teeth. An inspection of the path leading to the stronghold showed soldiers lying dead everywhere on the stone pavement. At first glance, it was obvious that their limbs were pointing in strange directions, completely motionless. Amongst the bodies, some limbs were cruelly ripped off, exposing a gruesome sight. 「 Everyone.... Dead? 」 「 No, one person is alive. 」 Smoothly moving among the corpses, Hifumi crossed the border and crouched down near a fallen soldier. 「 Oy, get up. 」 A young woman, a soldier from Vichy, judging from the armour, lay facedown on the ground completely unresponsive. She had disheveled red hair in a berry cut . 「 As expected, she’s dead. Master? 」 「 No, this fellow is uninjured. 」 While saying that, Hifumi took the woman’s wrist and jabbed his finger at a vital point located on the thumb side of the wrist. 「 Adadadadada !? 」 The female soldier jumped up because of the sudden acute pain, with teary eyes put some distance between her and Hifumi. That agile movement was similar to a cat, but the teary-eyed wrist-rubbing didn’t improve the impression. 「 Why did it fail?? 」 「 I know if you’re dead or not even if I can’t see you. 」 「 That doesn’t explain anything! 」 「 I wasn’t explaining. 」 To Hifumi’s cold response, the female soldier clenched her teeth and placed her hand over a sword at her hip. She made to draw her sword, but Hifumi was much faster. Instantly, Hifumi’s katana was pointed at her grey left eye. 「 I have questions. Explain this situation. You die if not. 」 「 ...... Understood. 」 The girl, Alyssa, was an inspection official of Vichy. There seemed to be a constant number of women soldiers on the border. 「 This happened a little while ago. A powerful man suddenly started acting violently. The soldiers here and Orsongrande’s too were instantly killed. I managed to survive because I played dead when a colleague was thrown against me and I fell. 」 Noticing that Alyssa spoke with a strangely lovely voice for a soldier, Hifumi assessed Alyssa with an expressionless gaze. Seeing he did not so much as raise an eyebrow at the mention of the Orsongrande soldiers being killed, Alyssa pouted. 「 Though your colleagues have died, you don’t seem to be affected. 」 (Alyssa) 「 Doesn’t matter. Leave that, what about the violent and powerful man? 」 「 That one. 」 Hifumi turned his gaze to a tall man grasping a thick bludgeon, collapsed on the ground. 「 Who killed him? 」 「 I don’t know, while playing dead I had my eyes closed. However once everyones voices died out, I heard someone’s footsteps approaching. I heard a voice say “Still lack control” and then the footsteps faded away. I saw neither the face nor the form. 」 「 I see. Origa, Kasha. Return to the town by horse and bring Pajou. 」 「 Understood. 」 Seeing Hifumi see the two off, Alyssa asked timidly, 「 Um.... the sword, could you-」 She stopped mid-sentence when Hifumi returned his katana to it’s sheath. 「 Th-thank you.. 」 「 If you have time to thank me, you have time to run. 」 「 Fue?! 」 Alyssa tilted her head in confusion on seeing him disregard her. Hifumi returned his katana to storage, replacing it with the kusarigama. 「 Wh-what..... 」 As Alyssa muttered that, the atmosphere grew heavy. A shadow rushed out from the stronghold towards Hifumi, with the intent to strike. It was the escaped Gothras. 「 In the past few days you’ve become considerably sickening. 」 Hifumi sneered, easily avoiding the incoming fist. Gothras’ appearance was very dirty, to the extent that one would not think he was a former Knight. A body bulging with swelled up muscles, drool dribbling down a face twisted in pain. He grasped a weapon tightly, blood dripping from the fists. 「 Kill.... KILL... 」 「 He’s lost his sanity huh. How boring. 」 While saying this, Hifumi had thrown the counterweight of the kusarigama, capturing Gothras’ arm. Faced with the abnormal strength pulling the kusarigama, Hifumi easily let go of it. 「 Hm, brute force huh. Pretty good. 」 「 B-but the weapon! 」 Alyssa yelled at the carefree Hifumi’s back. Facing Gothras’ barehanded second strike, Hifumi too was empty handed. A simple head movement dodged the fist to the face. An elbow met the fist. Bones were definitely broken, but Gothras continued his strikes without hesitation. 「 No sense of pain either eh. 」 Stepping some distance away in consideration for his opponent, Hifumi was wearing a huge grin. Seeing that, Gothras attacked furiously, shouting incoherently. A few palm strikes to Gothras’ sides broke his ribs. Just that alone did not stop him, but a well-placed kick to the broken ribs did the trick. Gothras’ movements noticeably slowed and he was throwing up blood, his internal organs seemed to have been damaged. 「 Pain and fear are valuable sensations. This guy has lost them, he’s a boring opponent now. 」 Gothras’s throat was crushed, courtesy a finger strike from Hifumi, a two-fingered strike to the eyes immediately followed. The onslaught was complete with a pulverizing kick to the now-prone Gothras’s chest. Gothras trembled for an instant, his movements then stilled permanently. 「 ...... Amazing 」 Alyssa was unable to take her eyes off Hifumi. Pajou and Sabnak arrived with Origa and Kasha just as Gothras died. It seemed that a sentry in Fukaroru had seen someone resembling Gothras heading towards the border, and the report had made it’s way to Pajou. Eventually, they had given chase, but overtaking a single fugitive was impossible on the highway. 「 This...... Sabnak, return immediately and bring soldiers immediately for emergency border security. And then send a report to the capital about this incident. 」 Receiving Pajou’s backing, Sabnak turned back immediately. Hifumi briefly told her the situation, Pajou approached Gothras’ corpse to inspect his equipment. 「 As expected, Hifumi-san is proactive...... In any case, this is a completely changed form of Gothras.... This is..! 」 On tearing off Gothras’ shirt, there was a tool resembling the one on Strauss’ chest. However, the shape was a little different from Strauss’. There was a portion that had collapsed, a result of Hifumi’s pulverising kick. 「 This thing, was it the cause? 」 (Hifumi) 「 I fear that is so, there was something similar on Strauss’ chest as well. 」 「 In that case, there may be something like that there. 」 Hifumi was pointing at the corpse of the large man who was acting violently earlier. While Pajou was looking at Gothras’ corpse, Hifumi observed the large man’s body. A magic tool similar to that of Strauss and Gothras was slightly ensconced in the chest area. In front of everyone, a hand was thrust into the large man’s chest. 「 Uee~.... 」 Alyssa unintentionally squeaked, unable to look away. 「 Wh-what are you doing? 」 Kasha asked timidly, Hifumi wiped his hand on the large man’s clothes and answered, 「 A thought came to mind. There is a wound reaching his heart. My strike was not the cause of death. 」 Hifumi turned his gaze to Pajou. 「 Judging by the shape and depth of the wound, It’s probably a weapon like Strauss had, similar to the size of that dagger he had.... 」 Origa brought a cloth soaked in water from a nearby well for Hifumi to wipe his hand on. 「 Besides, Alyssa, this man seems to be an official from your side. 」 「 Ueh? H-how.... 」 「 That fellow’s clothes have the same seal engraved in the handle of your sword. They are issue-only goods, yes? 」 「 That is.... 」 「 If you simply think about it, people from Horant have slipped into both Orsongrande and Vichy for something, wouldn’t you agree? 」 Listening to his conclusion and the question that came to light, Alyssa and Pajou both began to understand the sheer weight behind it.
Makes Me Wonder It was the third day since Hifumi had registered in the guild and Origa and Kasha’s practice had begun. The newly made dougi from demon hide was quite comfortable, without the stiffness a new uniform usually has and was easy to move around in. It was quite expensive though, thought Hifumi. Practice had just started, Origa aside, Kasha too was diligently making efforts. Finally reaching the guild, the two women silently fell onto a table, completely drained. The others in the guild were used to seeing these kinds of situations now. Contrary to the two exhausted people, Hifumi relaxedly stepped to the counter and passed over the bag containing the trophies with a practised movement. 「 Thanks for your work. We’ve received the stone boa request today. 」(Hera) 「 Ah, only the poison glands containing the petrification poison have been stripped off. About . 」 「 Then, I shall confirm. 」 Hera decided to ignore the absurd amount that Hifumi hunted. Speaking of the stone boa, it was a demon usually not longer than m with a stone body that blades had no effect against. A bite that injected petrification poison, extraordinarily strong attacks using the tail, boasting of unearthly strength, killing it is extremely difficult. After being killed, the stone body obstructs people from taking out the poison gland within. Adventurers that bring it back profit greatly. Though bringing in of them in one day generally gives rise to suspicion, Hera had already given up on thinking of Hifumi as normal. 「 There are poison glands, all cleanly removed. The reward is gold coins and 20 silver coins. 」 Taking the coins from the bag, Hifumi pretended to put them in his pocket while throwing them into his Dark Hole storage. The bag was returned to Hera. Receiving the bag, Hera saw a small smile on Hifumi’s face. 「 Did something good happen? 」 「 It’s visible on my face? I’m still inexperienced. I’m going to pick up some weapons now. 」 Hera smiled wryly, as expected, it was a dangerous topic. Rather than resting in the guild, after waiting for Origa to be able to move a little, they went to Thorn’s shop to get the ordered weapons. 「 You came? It’s done. 」 Sitting at his usual spot, Thorn jerked his chin, calling over Hifumi and the others. Lining the weapons and equipment on the stand, Thorn himself did not understand them well. 「 First, verify whether the equipment is as ordered or not. After that, try them out in the testing ground in the back. I too want to see how to use it. 」 「 Hmm... 」 There was a gauntlet to be used by Hifumi, a cross-shaped shuriken, and a suntetsu . In the future, fights with demons would multiply, and he wanted to avoid touching the opponents. However, the gauntlets in this world were unrefined, clunky and excessively hardened. Hifumi, who disliked the resultant restricted wrist movement decided to have a custom one made. Hifumi put on the gauntlet, moved his wrist about to confirm it’s flexibility. 「 Feels good. Not hampering movement, and the hardness is nothing to criticize. 」 「 Although I complied with what you said about the gauntlet, such thin leather and iron sheets will protect nothing. 」 Snorting through his nose at Thorn, Hifumi picked up the other equipment and checked the balance and weight. 「 ..... The shuriken and suntetsu are in good condition. If you’re worried about how to use the gauntlet, it’s better to watch it in action. 」 Guided by Thorn to the back of the building, they headed into a vacant lot. In the centre of the lot was a thick pillar about 0.5m in diameter which had traces of several slashes. 「 Kasha, draw your sword and slash at me. Don’t hold back. 」 Kasha smoothly drew her sword. In the heavily practised drawing movement, a chance was quickly lost. Watching it, Hifumi reflected that there was still a long way to go. 「 Don’t blame me if I cut you, Master. 」 「 Say lines like those if your attacks actually hit me. 」 Imperceptibly, the atmosphere around Hifumi grew colder. Kasha prepared to use her sword seriously. Leaving aside whether a slave pointing a weapon at their owner was right or wrong, the first thing on the day’s practise menu was single-mindedly attacking Hifumi. No strike connected, of course. Suddenly putting power in her feet, Kasha sprung forward, bringing down her sword in a straight line, not hesitating as a result of experience. So easy to read Hifumi raised his left arm and smoothly averted the powerful sword strike aimed at his neck. The sword slash hit the ground, Hifumi lightly headbutted Kasha’s forehead. A dull sound rang out. 「 !....It hurrrtsss~~~.... 」 「 I’ve said this many times. Over exertion destroys balance. You’re not wielding sticks, they’re edged weapons, I’ve taught you this many times. 」 Hifumi said flatly to Kasha, who was rubbing her head with teary eyes. 「 .... I see. Not taking the strike head on, using the gauntlet on the sword’s side to redirect it. Skilfully done. 」(Thorn) 「 It’s a normal technique from my hometown, not opposing the opponent’s power, but using it against them instead. 」 「 Then, show me how to use the next weapons. 」 Showing deep interest, Thorn excitedly urged him on. 「 Then, this is called a cross shuriken, of the throwing-type. 」 Like in Hifumi’s blueprint, the shurikens were cross-shaped, with a blade in each direction. 「 Throwing-type? Thrown weapon huh. A bow would be better than a hand-thrown weapon. 」 「 That’s what you think. 」 Hifumi threw the shuriken at the pillar to refute Thorn’s doubts. The shuriken deeply embedded itself in the pillar with a *gatsun*. 「 For shorter distances, rather than nocking an arrow, aiming and firing, this is much faster. 」 「 Certainly, master can throw from the elbow in an instant. With that speed, any skilled magician’s magic would not be in time. 」(Origa) Looking at the embedded shuriken from various angles, Thorn gave a low groan. 「 Though it seems to have been thrown lightly, it’s tightly lodged in. Though unlikely to mortally wound without excellent control, even if it sticks in an arm or leg, the opponent will be greatly weakened. 」 「 That is so. Throwing and hitting something is easy. On the other hand, shallow wounds will only cause an opponent to flinch. They are weapons to create opportunities to escape. Origa. 」 Called forward, Origa was handed a shuriken. 「 Use this. 」 「 Is that all right? 」 「 Originally I was going to use it, but you use it now. We spoke before about fighting without magic, practice with this so as to recover from situations not in your favour. First of all, aim at a place 5 steps away. I will also teach you the method of throwing it. 」 「 Yes. Thank you very much. 」 「 Not for me? 」 「 Kasha, first handle your sword more skilfully. 」 Che , muttered Kasha, still rubbing her head. 「 Then, how is this used? 」 Thorn asked, holding up the suntetsu. It consisted of a cylindrical metal rod with a ring attached on the body for a finger to pass through. Different from the Chinese Kenpo version, both ends were sharpened to a point, as requested by Hifumi. Apart from stabbing, it can also be used to tangle clothes and destroy the opponent’s balance, stab into stone walls while climbing. While explaining the usage, Hifumi grasped the suntetsu and stabbed the end protruding from his fist into the pillar. A piece of the pillar fell off, exposing a sorry figure. 「 Since all the power can be concentrated at one spot, with enough speed, even if power is lacking, bones can be crushed. Unlike fingers, there is no fear of fingernails peeling off while using it to hang from somewhere. 」 「 Easy to make, yet surprisingly convenient weapons. 」 Testing the suntetsu, Hifumi nodded contentedly and passed Thorn the money. 「 ....It’s too much. 」 「 Another suntetsu. Also make 5 more shurikens. 」 「 All right. Come again in 2 days. 」 「 That’s fast. 」 「 I’ve made them once, it is easier to make them again. 」 For the next few days, Hifumi made Origa and Kasha constantly practiced. Hunting demons as practice targets, every day was nightmarish. 「 Haa.....Haa.... 」 Today, Origa was trying hard to hit a “runner rabbit” with the shuriken. Hifumi had given her challenges like “Kill one after a strike to the neck”, “Without fail strike it while walking or running”, “From morning, strike and kill 10 of them”. She had walked around for about 2 hours, but they escaped every time on sensing her footsteps and breathing. Barely grazed, far from fatal wounds, even ordinary wounds weren’t accomplished. The time limit was in an hour. Achieving the target did not seem possible. Not having hit a moving target, Origa cursed her previous self-confidence and wanted to hit herself for answering Hifumi’s challenges with a proudly puffed-out chest. (TN: We’re talking about pride here guys.) I did not think moving targets would be this hard to hit. Hasty movements are sloppy, excessive noise makes them run away. Origa was miserable, with a face ready to cry at any moment. In such a case, I cannot face master....! 「 Calm down. 」 Breathing roughly while looking for prey, abruptly, her head was hit. She didn’t notice anyone nearby at all. 「 M-Master...? 」 Facing someone she did not want to meet at that moment, Origa did not know what kind of face she was making. Hifumi smiled wryly. 「 What an awful face. Prowling with a blood-curdling face like that, timid guys will immediately run away. 」 To say she had an awful face, Origa almost cried for a different reason. Abruptly, Hifumi patted her cheek almost causing her heart to stop. 「 When throwing the shuriken at the tree, loosen your expression, do it more comfortably. Don’t just throw it, aim at a spot beforehand and then throw it like I taught you. 」 「 Y-Yes.... 」 「 There is still time. Focus on the tree, and hit it. 」 Origa realised she had slightly calmed down. Breathing deeply, she gripped the shuriken slightly more comfortably, and began to walk forward. Though her face was red, her emotions were stable. Kasha found herself near a large tree, practising sword draws, frontal strikes and sword returns(to the sheath). Strength no longer filled her arms as a result of endlessly repeating it. Still, she drew her sword while taking a half step forward, stepped forward 2 steps while shaving off the tree’s bark while slashing downwards, and returned the sword to the sheath while stepping back. The sheaths housing the two swords were affixed to her waist by metal fittings, leaving enough play to manoeuvre. The previous slow draws were gone, now it was possible for her to draw in a fluid movement. 「 That’s good enough. 」 Hifumi called out, Kasha collapsed on the ground, drenched in sweat, spread-eagled. 「 Tireeed~ 」 「 Drink water properly. When moisture is insufficient, movement becomes duller. Don’t drink too much though. 」 Taking the wooden flask, Kasha drank some, splashed herself with some of it, and with a refreshed expression looked at Hifumi. 「 How’s that master? I think my form is considerably good. 」 Kasha had single-mindedly absorbed the footwork learned from Hifumi resulting in the current movements that made her hips the core. 「 You’ve done well in a short while. Thanks to your hips twisting for stability, the need to brandish your swords is gone. 」 「 Hips twisting...... saying it like that is... dirty. 」 「 The heck? Leaving that aside, next is a mock battle with me.... Don’t look at me like that, we’re using wooden swords. 」 On hearing about the mock battle, Kasha glumly took the two wooden swords passed to her. The wooden swords were the same as her original ones, about 70cm long blades. Hifumi too took 2 swords with about 30cm difference in length between them and faced her.magic 「 Master, the lengths are different... 」 「 Pay attention. I will demonstrate the true usage two swords. 」(TN: I’m pretty sure he’s referencing Musashi here.) 「 Both my arms are now in better condition. Even if master is the opponent.... Here I come! 」 Dodging Kasha’s swords, Hifumi’s longer sword abruptly changed direction to parry... at the same time the shorter sword drove into Kasha’s side. Of course, there was no damage to internal organs, but it was painful. 「 Gu..... No more! 」 The two swords simultaneously drilled forward, the longer one suppressing Kasha’s twin swords, while the shorter one struck the pit of her stomach. Unable to breathe, Kasha dropped the swords and fell over. 「Think about the advantages of two swords. You lack the skill to wield two swords with a scary atmosphere. 」 「 Uu....the movements today... 」 「 It is the basics of the basics. Do it again and again for the body to remember. 」 「 That’s a dirty way of saying it. 」 「 Stop playing the fool and quickly get up. 」 They were repeatedly instructed again and again. Unbeknownst to them, Hifumi had obtained another demon hunting request. Like this, when evening fell, the two exhausted slaves were finished. 「 That reminds me, eventually, I want to leave this capital city. 」 While seated for dinner, Hifumi unexpectedly said. 「 Is there a place master wishes to go? 」 Origa asked, stopping her spoon. 「 Before I want to go anywhere, I don’t know the geography of this world. Aren’t there maps? 」 「 We can receive simple maps in the guild, I think? 」 「 Is that so.... 」 Putting the steamed meat with slightly salty sauce and vegetables in his mouth, Hifumi thought about it for a while. 「 Well, we’ll gradually go to another town and country... 」 Hearing Hifumi’s decision, Origa and Kasha exchanged glances. The two had a common intention in going to another country.
At the break of dawn Hifumi and the others had departed the border. After simply passing through Fokalore, they quickly, they sped towards the Imperial Capital. After storing their carriage away, they proceeded on horseback. Origa and the others were not carrying people, so Alyssa clung to Hifumi’s back riding the same horse. 「Goshujin-sama, what would you be planning to do from now on?」 「As Pajo had said, I will meet Imeraria. I’ll summarize the matters at that point, so do wait until then. And though it may be early, but upon reaching the capital I intend to discuss your release; so I intend.」 「But if we don’t catch Beirevra, we won’t be able to prove our innocence, would we?」 Her horse running parallel, Kasha looked back on the road representing the bright and cheerful days. 「Beirevra’s name appears in the documents procured from Vichy. Labeling him as the Center’s Spy, even. And though Arycelle’s testimony, who is being escorted as we speak, is also necessary, what we have and know should suffice for the time being.」 The Vichy conspiracy of the Viscount led to two women adventurers falsely accused and reduced to mere slaves. These two girls were singled out by the quasi-knight and adventurer with a secret mission Hifumi, and even rescued a girl who was about to be killed by her allies. Furthermore, the declaration to the rest of the country had also been decided, prompting Pajo to request that they pass along this message to Imeraria. 「・ ・ ・ Will it be alright? ・ ・ ・」 Listening to Hifumi’s explanation, Alyssa felt as if she were being treated as some tragic heroine. After reaching the Capital’s vicinity without a major problem, they saw a number of knights standing beside the road. 「Yo, it’s been a while」 One of the knights was Midas. Dropping of his horse, Hifumi raised his hand and called out. 「It has been a long time, Hifumi-san」 「・ ・ ・ What’s up, why so formal?」 「It’s not about me. The information Hifumi-san had delivered.... It has caused the Imperial Castle to fall into a panic. For the time being, Queen Imeraria herself has announced this incident to the people, and has decided to reward you for your efforts.」 Hifumi neither planned nor wanted neighboring countries to find the current absence of a king and financial difficulty as an ideal time to push their luck. However, the current state was too bizarre for them to ignore. Thus, using the Queen’s permit and the fact that he had entered Vichy quite a few times, Hifumi had chosen to bring about some grand result and immobilize them by proclaiming Vichy’s errors. Up to this point, Imeraria should have amassed quit some support. She was manipulating the temporary, just-crowned prince and guiding the nation as its true leader. 「Moreover, they have been discussing the matter of your promotion」 「Whether I will become a knight?」 「No that...」 Hifumi, who had already become a rumor in the guild, was so flashy in dealing with Vichy that the castle town broke out into wild revelries. With no one discussing the possibility of war, proclaiming him a hero who had appeared during this peaceful time, the common folk could not help but feel touched but a story of a young man carrying out women’s tragic revenge and saving them in the process. So to punish Hifumi now, considering that the citizens are still recovering from their King’s sudden death, would only lead to animosity between the people and the crown. 「Though it is not yet decided, the title is bound to be well above a common knight. We have come to escort Hifumi-san to the castle and protect you from the crowd. Contrary to our expectations, you have arrived quite quickly.」 And, “since you’ll be promoted to a rank above a knight—above me, some will call you a hero and others will give outright ignore you” Midas’ bitter smile seemed to convey; Hifumi acknowledged and asked for a carriage to be prepared. 「Frankly, we too had thought that Hifumi-san would be moving more discretely. Even after becoming a noble, we had figured you wanted a freer lifestyle...」 「Don’t expect me to move according the wishes of nobles or countries」 After a carriage had been prepared, Hifumi jumped on his horse and looking down on Midas, laughed. 「I had intended to create this situation.」 「Eh?」 「Even so, I did not expect to stand out this much. Well, it’s been a long time; let’s go meet Imeraria.」 Hifumi went off ahead, and Midas hurried to catch up. A large group of people had gathered by the front gate awaiting the hero’s return. Whether prompted by a lack of happenings in the past years, and due to the rumor that Hifumi would be soon arriving, the people had gathered at the gate to catch a glimpse of this hero who fought for justice and save the two enslaved “beauties” and the “lovely girl.” Even when the King had passed away suddenly from illness, the people did not react with such interest; and though the fact that it was a funeral, the castle town’s silence could be attributed to the fact that they took it as a stranger’s problem. The people even brought out food stalls, displaying the strength of the city’s economic appetite. 「In some sense, I too am a traitor from Vichy, but I had not expected this kind of welcome...」 Alyssa, who was in the cart, began crying from nervousness upon seeing the great uproar that the city was in. 「Seems like we Kasha and I won’t be treated as Goshujin-sama’s extras this time around.」 「Seriously, it will be what it will be. I often don’t understand what Goshujin is thinking, but I can’t do anything about it at this point.」magic From Hifumi and Midas’ conversation, the three understood that they too had to accompany Hifumi to the castle. Which caused them to worry. Sitting in the coachmen’s seat, having just admitted to giving up on understanding Hifumi’s ways, Kasha felt anxious to enter the Castle for the first time. And while the wheels of the carriage turned, the gates opened releasing a flood people, who, as if finally having found Hifumi’s group, raised their voices. 「Kasha. Stop for a second in front of the gate」 「Understood」 Nodding to Hifumi’s instructions, Kasha dropped the speed. And coming straight to the gate, stopping his horse, Hifumi addressed the crowd. 「Open me a path! I must go atone for my sins to Her Highness Imeraria!」 The people, who had been awaiting a hero’s triumphant return, were bewildered by his words. They turned to each other, murmuring. 「I have heard from the knights who had come to meet me. That you have come to accept me most favorable. And you have my gratitude! But, I have crossed the border, and killed a man to save a little girl. Thus, I have exceeded my authority and betrayed Her Highness’ trust... For this reason, I have come to confess my sin and accept my punishment!」 The commotion only exasperated. 「But these girls are not at fault! So I have come to tell Her Highness! Should I perish at the gallows tomorrow, I but ask that you welcome these girls warmly in my place!」 Imploring the people with grand gestures, o how did Hifumi appear to the people! Although he too was a noble, for the sake of the people... no, for the sake of slaves and people of another country he was willing to accept a punishment, and to save them—appear before the queen. Moreover, upon his urging Arisa and Origa leaned out of the carriage. Including the driver, these were the girls he intended to protect; their young faces evoked in the people a desire to protect the girls. 「Those children are the slaves you say...」 「They were made slaves by those bastards at Vichy you know!」 「That knight-sama, though he is a little short, what a wonderful man」 「His aura is very different from other knights, no?」 「They were going to kill that little girl?」 「What demons those bastards at Vichy are!」 A murmur of truth and gossip spread among the crowd, but every mouth sang Hifumi praise and expressed pity for Origa and the other girls. While the murmur continued to spread, Hifumi urged his horse forward – intending to meet the Queen – and bowed slightly requesting the people to clear him the way. The gathering parted creating a path from the gate all the way to the royal castle. And with a humble expression on his faith, Hifumi continued forward. When he looked back, he saw Kasha frozen from anxiety in the coachman’s seat, and Midas’ corps with a sour expression on their faces. As they advanced through the street, myriad voices called to Midas’ group asking them to save Hifumi. Unable to accept nor deny the request, the knights decided to avoided making eye contact with anyone in the crowd which only increased the people’s anxiety; as a result, the crowd only grew louder. (The knights too are unused to this, huh. Now then, what are the Queen’s thoughts?) When Hifumi raised his gaze to the castle he saw a single girl standing on the balcony. When Hifumi passed through the castle gate, the steel gate closed behind him. Since he was advanced leisurely through the city, the people faithfully led him all the way to the castle. On the other side of the gate, some loudly petitioned the crown for mercy while others loudly criticized it. Hifumi got off his horse, and the three girls exited the carriage. 「Please leave the horses to me. If you please, meet with her Highness」 「Alright」 Leaving the horses to Midas, they were lead into the castle by a single knight. The knights on the inside, unlike the time when Hifumi had first left the castle, were now looking at him with gazes full of wonder. Since their gazes were also focused on Alyssa, Origa, and Kasha, the girls felt ill at ease. 「・・・Please wait in this room」 The knight said, and the maid opened the door. Prior to entering, Hifumi said, 「Thank you for showing me in. But the three people hiding inside the room, you’re a bother: get out」 Feeling the presence of a few people inside the room, the maid look inquisitively at Hifumi—having no idea what he was talking about, but the knight started to tremble. Pajo and Midas would not do something like this, but the first division of the castle knights must not have heard yet of Hifumi’s abilities. 「W-what are you...」 After entering the room, Hifumi stabbed his blade into the wall behind a decorative vase and the wall on the other side—decorated by a painting. He could hear some muffled voices on the other side, and blood flowed from the floor. 「The guy in the ceiling seems to have run off, huh. You—I won’t be as forgiving next time」 Stunned by Hifumi’s performance, the knights looked towards the place where their comrades now lay dead, and left in a panic. The maid, unable to understand the transpired, just stood dumbfounded. 「Could I get some tea? For a few people」 Calling out to the maid, Hifumi flopped onto the sofa. He didn’t really have an attitude of someone who came to attone for his sins. 「・・・You haven’t forgiven any of them」 「I did forgive that guy, though?」 While retorting to Kasha’s comment, talking about the ceiling guy whom he let go, Hifumi tossed the katana into the storage. 「You guys sit down, too. We still have lots of work to do」 Perhaps wondering why the tea was late, Hifumi stretched his body with an aloof expression on his face; seeing this, the girls’ anxiety could only grow. 「Her Royal Highness, Queen Imeraria!」 While Hifumi was casually sipping some tea, a maid knocked on the door and so announced. And after the maid moved from the door, Imeraria entered. Seeing two pools of blood, she frowned. 「Please have the knight who escorted him here brought before later」 She told the maid who placed the tea at her seat, and ordered that no one is to enter this chamber for a while. Imeraria then sat facing Hifumi. She was just as dignified and beautiful as when they had first met. 「It’s been a while, eh. I heard you’re handling things pretty well around here」 「If possible, I would have preferred not to meet you... but I have caused you great inconvenience with Duke Lagraen’s and Viscount Hagenti’s incidents. Moreover, the men here have also acted excessively...」 Imeraria directed her gaze at the blood stained floorboards. 「Don’t sweat it. Besides, I’m putting your third knight corps to good use」 「Now then, you have something to tell me?」 「Ah, before that, I believe there’s something on your mind, no?」 Sighing heavily, the Queen’s eyes wandered off Hifumi and focused on Alyssa. 「So you would be Alyssa, right? I have received the report」 「Y-yes! Umm... what... what is my fate?」 With a gentle smile, Imeraria tried to convey as much gentleness in her voice as possible, 「Don’t worry. You will be treated as this country’s citizen. If you so desire, how about working here in the castle?」 「Umm, about that... I have yet to repay my debt to Hifumi-san....」 「I see. Feel free to come to my side at any time」 「T-thank you...」 Smiling at Alyssa one more time, Imeraria returned her gaze to Hifumi. 「You have handled things well, I see」 「Yeah, somehow」 「That was sarcasm」 「I know」 Sipping her tea, Imeraria continued. 「I have received Pajo’s report. Since it came from her, it covers the information contained in the documents in your possession. And thanks to the commotion outside, my hands are rather tied, so I’ll have to recognize Hifumi-sama as a hero and have our ambassadors to Vichy and Holanto pass along some unpleasant news to them」 Moreover, Imeraria continued, 「Origa-san, Kasha-san」 「Yes!」 Origa replied while Kasha stood poised. 「Because of this country’s putrid nobles you have found yourself degraded to slaves; as a representative of the royal family who controls the nobles, I express my deepest apology. I apologize for my inability to do so publicly and hope that you will accept my apology」 「Your Highness, while we do regret becoming slaves, we have not faced any misfortune after being bought by Goshujin-sama. Moreover, we were able, with these hands of ours, to carry out revenge...」 Kasha merely nodded at Origa’s words, unable to decide whether or not she had the right to address the Queen herself. Honestly, however, like Alyssa, she was rather poor with words. 「Your words put my heart at ease. Since yours is a special case, I will have the castle magicians release your slave crest. We’ll have this done immediately, so please live freely from now on」 「We thank you for showing such unexpected benevolence」 Origa and Kahsa deeply lowered their heads. 「Furthermore, I would like to have Hifumi-sama become a Viscount and rule over Fokalore and the surrounding villages in place of Viscount Hagenti.」 「Oh? I have come to receive a punishment though?」 「Please stop joking around. If we were to punish Hifumi we would lose the goodwill of the people. Did you seriously expect me to do something so thoughtless?」 Hifumi was once again taken aback by how well Imeraria carried herself as a statesperson. At the same time, he decided to make as much use of her as he could. 「My bad. I’ll gladly accept the title. Nor could I hope for a better land」 「Hope? Are you planning something again?」 Imeria asked with concern on her face; Hifumi merely sipped some tea and answered. 「I will crush Vichy. So gruesomely that they will never think to cross paths me again」 And the look on his face stole everyone’s breath away...
Entering Hifumi’s office, after knocking, was Origa, who cleaned off the dust of the journey in a hot bath and had neatly combed her hair. Not wearing the usual blue robe, her outfit compromised of a shirt, with a flower embroidery, and a long skirt she had secretly bought at one time and put aside. “Mm, Origa?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who was writing something down, raised his face and looked at Origa. Seeing Origa’s face strained with nervousness, he recalls “I guess there’s some talking to do, but please sit down and wait. I will be done very soon.” (Hifumi) “Understood.” (Origa) Origa sits down on the sofa, which had been placed in the office for receptions. She was able to calm down a slight bit with the feeling of softly, comfortably sinking into it and the texture of the glossy leather, which immediately gave it away as high-class item. In the silent office only the sound of the quill scratching across the paper can be heard. Origa continued to watch the face of Hifumi, who keeps writing with a diligent expression, without getting tired of it. It was a poor hand-writing as if he can’t read at all in those days, but as he put the petitioned documents of Caim’s group in order, albeit reluctantly, it reached the point that he boasted about being able to write beautifully “Hifumi-sama, I will brew black tea.” (Origa) “Yea, please do so.” (Hifumi) Since Hifumi’s favourite baked sweet were in the small, installed kitchen, she quietly placed those next to the tea on the desk of Hifumi. “Oh, come to think of it, there was some pastry, wasn’t there? Thank you.” (Hifumi) Turning his sight towards Origa while seated, he smiles gently. While it may be true that he likes to kill people, the kind smile he shows towards me isn’t a lie either. I can’t help it but blush if I now recall the time, he met me as slave, and me approaching him with nothing more but the calculative thoughts what many possible things would please him. My mind, filled with the thought of vengeance, didn’t notice it as I was desperate to get stronger by using him, but he was always smiling close-by. The memories swirl alongside passionate feelings within Origa’s chest. “I kept you waiting.” (Hifumi) When Hifumi sat down in front of her, Origa naturally floated a smile. “What did you write?” (Origa) “Ah, to meet the beastman race, I will go to the wastelands for a while. Therefore I wrote down the matters Caim’s group has to do during that time.” (Hifumi) “Look here,” he presented her the paper. It was filled out with countless instructions concerning the administration and development of the territory in an itemized form with characters, that gave a somehow angular impression. “For now it’s a listing. It’s fine for everyone to ponder about the minor details by themselves. After all, I planned to go on a trip...” (Hifumi) While looking at the list, Origa cries. She heard from the civil official, Paryu, during the time of arranging her own appearance about Hifumi heading for the area of the beastman race and even the area beyond, Swordland While hiding the thoughts that are tightening her chest, Origa endures to smile. “Hifumi-sama, with your power you will reach the beastmen and even the vast plains on the other side.” (Origa) “You are exaggerating. Looking at the situation there for a bit, I will only rampage, if I feel like it.” (Hifumi) Origa stood up and poured new black tea into the cup of Hifumi, whose cheeks are swelling from tossing the baked sweets, he brought over from the desk, into his mouth. Hesitating only slightly, Origa opened her mouth. “Umm... isn’t it possible to take me along on the journey to the wastelands?” (Origa) Hearing Origa’s words, Hifumi opened his eyes widely. “It’s a journey crossing through wastelands. There are no villages or cities, you know?” (Hifumi) “I don’t mind. As long as I can go together with Hifumi-sama, anywhere is fine.” (Origa) Hifumi pondered while rubbing his chin. “How problematic. I planned to leave this territory to you, Origa. There are other things I wanted to request of you as well...” (Hifumi) “Request?” (Origa) Hifumi beckoned her over next to him, brought his mouth close to her ear and told her so that no one would hear it. At the time his face came close, Origa was frantic to calm her throbbing heart, but hearing the details, she even forgot her nervousness and was surprised to the degree of jumping up. “Such a thing! In that case Hifumi-sama is...” (Origa) “Don’t you think it’s fun though?” (Hifumi) Looking at Hifumi laughing as if completely enjoying it, Origa thinks, “Please stay together with me at that time, too. If you are able to promise that, I will stay behind in Fokalore as you’ve told me, Hifumi-sama.” (Origa) “Is that so? Thank you.” (Hifumi) “However.” (Origa) Origa grabbed Hifumi’s left arm as if clinging to it. “It will be impossible for me to bear the loneliness during the time Hifumi-sama isn’t here. Therefore, please build a relationship with me this time...” (Origa) Listening to the entreaty of Origa, who’s showing tears, Hifumi makes a troubled face. “... If I consider it calmly, I’m happy that you are yearning for a guy like me. But don’t you think that your taste in men is slightly bad? A guy like me, who won’t stop killing people, can be killed some day by someone. This might happen years from now on or it might also happen tomorrow.” (Hifumi) “I might die leaving you behind in a blink of an eye and I might not return from the wastelands”, Hifumi continued. “I will simply accompany you at that time as well.” (Origa) Origa declared looking Hifumi directly in the eyes. “I give up”, Hifumi raised both his hands and then embraced Origa’s shoulders. “Origa, I will leave the territory to you while I’m not here.” (Hifumi) “That is...” (Origa) “Yea, I want to leave the future to you as my wife, but is that no good?” (Hifumi) “I have no reason to disagree!” (Origa) Although she is overflowing with feelings of happiness, her tears don’t stop for some reason. Origa, who cried like a child for a while, drew close with her body as if making sure and gave him a kiss, she had only experienced in her dreams so far. ☺☻☺ “Marriage, eeh? That person is...” (Sabnak) Looking at the written details within the regular report of the knights, who are observing all places for the sake of investigations, stating about the marriage to be grandly held in the territory of Fokalore, Sabnak looked up at the ceiling. “Though I don’t know the person called Origa-sama, is she someone close to Earl Tohno?” (Shibyura) Shibyura, letting her look glide over the documents placed on the desk, poured new black tea into the cup placed in front of Sabnak. “Close? Well, I guess so. As it’s fine to say that that person has no relatives in this world, you might as well think of her as the woman, who has been at his side for the longest time. She is a lovely woman with her forte being magic.” (Sabnak) , Sabnak added within his mind. “Then it means that she was placed in a spot she should fit.” (Shibyura) “Well, that might also be true. Even so, I can’t really imagine that person accepting a wife. Did he finally felt like settling down, I wonder?” (Sabnak) Standing up, Sabnak collected the documents and grabbed them. “Are you going out?” (Shibyura) “Yea, if I don’t report to Imeraria-sama...” (Sabnak) “It will be great if Imeraria-sama isn’t disheartened, but...” (Shibyura) Sabnak was puzzled over Shibyura’s muttered concerns. “I think it’s a reason for congratulations, though? With this it will be possible to judge it as Hifumi-sama planning to take root in this country.” (Sabnak) “You are a dense person to a frightening degree. And that in spite of observing Imeraria-sama from close-by.” (Shibyura) That’s why he doesn’t notice her feelings until the woman is hurt. “Don’t bring up that matter again. But you can teach your dense fiancé the answer.” (Sabnak) “Imeraria-sama is longing for Earl Tohno although probably unaware of it.” (Shibyura) “Haa?” (Sabnak) “Please hurry up and stop showing such stupid face as person, who is the Knight Captain”, Shibyura continued her explanation. “Please try to think about it. That lady’s opinion is being twisted by her yearning as well as her desire for revenge against Earl Tohno. The stability of this country and the matter of bringing safety to Imeraria-sama’s surroundings by disposing of those, who caused the rebellion, is entirely owed to the strength of Earl Tohno in regards to the results. For Imeraria-sama, who’s always pondering about those matters, his figure is probably reflected in her eyes as hero and at the same time as enemy as well.” (Shibyura) I have a feeling that more than half of that is her desire or rather a delusion “A-Anyway, I have decided to carefully report it to Imeraria-sama. Thank you.” (Sabnak) Sabnak, who left the room as if running away, ended up thinking “Could it really be?” and tried to lower his view at the time of reporting to Imeraria afterwards. He was restraining himself so that he wasn’t struck by Shibyura’s influence too much. With nothing but ordering to send congratulatory gifts after receiving the report, Imeraria didn’t mention it in particular otherwise. ☺☻☺ After Hifumi’s marriage, there were congratulatory gifts delivered not only from Imeraria but also from the nation’s nobles such as Biron and others. Moreover, even Horant’s king, Suprangel, presented several magic tools through Nelgal, who is studying in the territory of Fokalore. The festival merrymaking continued to spread throughout Fokalore for a few days and for a while the townspeople repeatedly spread rumours, where one didn’t know whether truth of falsehood was mixed in, about the beauty of Origa, who became the Lord’s wife, her greatness as magician and her talents in battle being no less than Hifumi’s. Without losing time, Origa enjoyed the blessings of a newly-married life and went around inspecting and revising each of the territory’s departments one after the other. She earnestly invested great effort in order to understand the type of person Hifumi was looking for. At the beginning she received the treatment of a commoner, who attained the rank of a noble, poking her head into politics as if it was a play. There were even some staff members, who rejected her. But with her attitude of trying to correctly comprehend the matters of each department, they accepted her gradually. Alyssa as well the civil officials, starting with Caim, made time for things like explaining the plans and the supporting documents to such Origa. Under the leadership of Caim the work structures were rapidly arranged with Origa at the centre by adjusting the facilities of the Lord’s mansion. Before it was noticed, it advanced to the point of switching over the system to Origa so that a day came, where Hifumi didn’t need to touch any document. Taking advantage of that, Hifumi hastened his preparations as well. In a blink of an eye Hifumi’s travel preparations were finished. Origa, of course Alyssa as well as the civil officials and a crowd of staff members and soldiers gathered around Hifumi, who was at the exit of Fokalore riding a horse, to see him off. Outside there are also citizens, who gathered after getting wind of it. “Since I will properly take care of the place for you to return to, Hifumi-sama, please enjoy your journey with a peace of mind.” (Origa) Origa is shedding tears while saying that. I don’t know how long we might be separated from now on. “Yea, at the time of my return the city will probably be a lot bigger than now. The territorial soldiers and weapons will have likely become stronger as well. I’m looking forward to see that.” (Hifumi) “Yes. Please leave the future matters to us and your wife.” (Caim) Matching with Caim, the other civil officials bowed. “I will properly take care of the military matters too!” (Alyssa) Hifumi roughly stroke the hair of Alyssa, who exclaimed that with tears in her eyes. “Yea, please make sure to defend the city even if the beastmen come attacking.” (Hifumi) “It’s time to depart”, as Hifumi said that, the staff members bowed and the soldiers saluted. “Hifumi-sama, please stay safe...” (Origa) “It will be alright. I still want to enjoy situations of fighting and killing each other in this world for more time to come.” (Hifumi) It’s a speech where one will doubt whether it’s fine to feel relieved, but as far as Origa was concerned, she apparently heard a good thing. The man, who went around killing and arbitrarily involved three kingdoms in his whims, departed towards the wastelands by himself. “Since they are called beastman, I will likely be able to fight in a way that’s no different from a wild style.” (Hifumi) “What a pleasure”, getting excited in good humour, Hifumi gallops through the fields on his horse under the yellow-shining sun.
After a short silence, the audience chamber was in utter chaos. 「 Why, within the presence of the King is he carrying a sword?? 」 「 In the King’s presence! 」 「 What are the Imperial guards doing?? Quickly, arrest him! 」 The civil servants edge back, the Knights on standby move forward. Inside the castle there is basic equipment. Like the Knights in the summoning room, all these Knights have the same short spear. Imeraria cried, standing in front of Hifumi with her diminutive body. 「 Hero-sama too, please hear my story. 」 「 ..... Go ahead 」 「 Thank you very much.... 」 On her words not being disregarded, Imeraria was relieved a little. However, thinking about the problem, she braced herself. 「 Wait, Imeraria. 」 Imeraria looked up on hearing the King’s voice. Though he was sitting on the throne in a relaxed manner, his countenance showed irritation. 「 First of all, speak with us. Hero, we are Wilburken Godenhaim Orsongrande, the King of this country. 」 Hifumi did not look away from Imeraria. 「 H-Hero sama? 」 「 I said I would listen to what you had to say. Say it quickly. 」 On seeing Hifumi’s complete disregard for him, the King angrily struck the armrest of the throne. 「 Ignoring us! Even a Hero is not permitted to ignore us! Guards, arrest this fellow! It’s fine if he’s injured a little! 」 Four members of the guard charged forward at the Royal decree, all of them were cut down in a single breath. Without being flashy, a precise swing of the sword killed efficiently. Watching the elegance and cruelty, everyone in the audience hall held their breath. 「 Hero-sama 」 「 What? 」 「 Your name, please let us hear it. 」 「 ....... Hifumi. 」 Thinking a little, Hifumi answered with only his given name. His family name of Touno he might as well throw away. Killing the God, crossing over worlds, killing people. Though there were no lingering attachments to his family, Hifumi had come alone, he may have wanted to persuade himself of that. Hearing his name, Imeraria looked Hifumi in the eye and said 「 Hifumi-sama, due to our selfish convenience, you were called to this world. I sincerely apologise to you. Truly, I am very sorry. 」 The surrounding people murmured on seeing Imeraria bowing deeply. A member of the royal family is bowing to a rude person. In this world, where status is fixed and hierarchical relationships are the norm, this is clearly the exception. 「 This situation, it is my fault. To calm Hifumi-sama’s anger, I will do anything I can.... My life, you may end it right here if you wish. 」 Imeraria’s blue-eyed gaze don’t waver from Hifumi. Demonstrating resolution, she awaited his words quietly. However, the King raised his voice. 「 Foolish! How could such a thing happen! Isn’t this person a Hero? Imeraria, explain. 」 The King’s voice shook with anger. 「 Why should the princess lower her head? What did the Knights taking part in the Ritual do? Just what is going on?! 」 「 ..... *Explanation* 」 From Imeraria’s mouth, the reality of the situation shocked people in the hall. Some Knights have already been murdered by the man called to save the country. And most surprising, blaming the king with a crime, no, to say such a thing warrants punishment. Towards the King, a monarch, such a thing is unacceptable. At least, according to the people in this world. 「 Hifumi, there is still time. Kneel to us and swear to serve this country. With your ability, you can obtain a high position. The rudeness here, and the crime, we will overlook it. 」 Though people were killed, it was a terrible remark, but from the reactions of the civil officials, the King’s influence seems to hold much weight. With these impossibly favourable terms, the King looked down on Hifumi from the platform full of confidence. However, to the abnormal man standing there, it was a bad move. 「 Foolish. 」 Hifumi spat and continued. 「 Astonishing. A man of power who is also a complete fool. Do you not understand that your daughter is desperately trying to protect you, do you not understand your position? You should be begging me. I and your daughter, who you want to use for this country. You tried to deprive a man of his future, for your own selfish interests. 」 「 Hi-Hifumi sama.... 」 Imeraria’s fears were realised, the situation was going terribly bad. However, it was too late. Several Knights charged towards Hifumi, but were killed instantly. Hifumi had already reached the pinnacle of fighting one-handed. The civil servants unable to take in the violence back up against the walls, and some sit down in fear. Only the Prince and the Queen seem able to watch the situation without turning pale. 「 Th-Then how to say this? You cannot be returned to your former world, the way of repatriation is lost, only the Ritual of Summoning remains. 」 On hearing the King’s words, Hifumi looked at Imeraria. She confirmed it by avoiding his gaze and looking down. 「 Everything is our fault. Therefore.... 」(Imeraria) 「 If a parent obediently apologises, consent to money. Of course, your wish of leaving will be heard. Becoming the likes of a subordinate is unreasonable. 」 「 Money, huh... 」 「 The princess herself does not have any assets. Because it is rare to buy anything with one’s purse. 」 「 Of course, the country pays for this. 」 「 Wh-Why.... 」 「 The criminal is a King. The King’s responsibility is the country’s responsibility. That is how it is.... 」 Hifumi did not really want a lot of money. He wanted enough for immediate funds in this world. However, he was unable to accept the King’s attitude and wanted to see the reaction of the King and specified an amount of money. 「 percent of this country’s treasury. Ah, I will receive a formal apology, of course. This nation’s King who messed up, you will publicize this event so that it is common knowledge. 」 「 That is.... 」 Understanding wells in Imeraria. Her father cannot accept these conditions. Thought the amount of money mentioned is not a problem, but publicizing the King’s blunder, with her father’s character, will not be allowed because of the Royal family’s dignity. Something like this is reason enough for abdication. 「 Heh... Are you stupid? I cannot accept such a reason. Take a better look at reality if you want to negotiate. 」 The King scoffed on listening to Hifumi’s conditions. At this late a stage, he did not give up his superiority. 「 Then, I will give you enough money to live easily for several years. You are somewhat talented, but a mad dog is not needed. On receiving the money, leave the castle immediately. 」 In order to show dignity to the vassals who are somewhat settling down, the King talked as though he had the upper hand. The King’s authority is higher than anyone else, they reassured themselves of that while exchanging glances. 「 Until the end, he understands nothing. What a pathetic fellow. 」 Hifumi muttered to himself, with a sigh mixed in. How many people were able to hear it? Though Imeraria heard him, before she understood, the next scene jumped into her eyes. 「 Die. 」 With silent footsteps, Hifumi draws near the King in an instant. With a sound like cutting grass, the King’s head was cut off. 「 Hiiii... 」 The head tumbled down onto the Queen’s lap, who was sitting to the side, she fainted in fear. Similarly, the Prince fainted too. 「 Parents take responsibility for their child. In this case, the parents are the masterminds. Furthermore, the conditions were given, yet not met, his death was but natural. 」 , said Hifumi, without a trace of malice in his expression. 「 Regrettable. You always thought of your father first, but he was stupid. 」 「 B-But I took responsibility.... 」 To Imeraria’s incoherent muttering, Hifumi continued, 「 You reflected. Did you follow what your father said after that? According to his own convenience, he tried to give reparations. So I killed him. 」 The vassals were already lost for words. Feeling fear and confusion, no one moved. But one person, a younger Knight saw the princess burst into tears and ran towards Hifumi. 「 Don’t think you can get away with this! 」 「 Slow. 」 Hifumi judged it unnecessary to pull out his katana, passed by the side of the Knight with a quick movement, scooped his opponent’s chin and threw him to the stone floor. During the audience, a carpet was spread only in the central passage, the young Knight was unlucky. Fresh blood spread over the floor. 「 Look. 」 Told by Hifumi, Imeraria raised her head timidly. A hellish sight filled her view. Several corpses of Knights, her mother and brother, fainted on the platform. And..... 「 All this is the result of the action your father took. All because of believing in that fool. 」 Hifumi looked at Imeraria. 「 The difference is, you reflected a little. 」 It was a really self-centred point of view, but no one said anything. In a manner of speaking, a person who’s been hurt takes revenge on the mastermind. According to the kingdom’s laws, killing a kidnapper and escaping are natural rights, though Hifumi didn’t know that. Though criminals are privately put to death, it is a King that has been killed, the situation is too abnormal. Imeraria was sitting down trying to organise her thoughts. Though unable to precisely understand the person in front of her, she carefully watched the situation. 「 Well now. 」 Hifumi looked around, a man stepped forward. It is well built man, around years old. Because he stood near the throne, he might be a high level person in this place. 「 You are? 」 「 .... This country’s Prime Minister, Adel Fiore Vinya. 」 Hifumi stared expressionlessly at the man who was desperately trying to suppress his shaking knees. 「 Don’t be afraid. If you don’t harm me, I will not harm you. Apart from that, take me to the treasury of this castle. Immediately. 」 To Adel’s doubtful expression, Hifumi declares lightly. 「 Reparations have been met. 」 Hifumi was led to the treasury by Adel, the soldiers on guard also entered, as asked by Adel. Entering the treasury, there were silver and gold coins were piled up. Half of them were stored in the Dark Hole. The promise was that of percent, Adel looked at Hifumi in protest. 「 The promise was already broken. Though a life was lost, but such a life is unworthy. 」 Hifumi declared lightly. Looking at the airy treasury, Adel had given up on the national administration in the future, was walking unsteadily towards the exit with Hifumi following. Imeraria, who was crying before in the throne room, appeared. 「 Hifumi-sama, please wait. 」 「 What? My business here is done. 」 「 First of all, this apology..... 」 Hifumi looks at Imeraria suspiciously.magic The other party is a man that killed her father a moment ago. Logically speaking, it is hardly a thing to be able to simply forgive. 「 This time, I was foolish and unaware. Though it does not change what has already happened, without thinking about the repercussions, I did this. And now.. 」 Raising her head, Imeraria’s face was expressionless, like a cool-headed statesman. 「 Our country Orsongrande does not forgive you, I will support mother and my younger brother and make this country strong. And in time, when we are unreliant on others, we will take revenge. 」 「 Fufu 」 Unable to bear it, Hifumi burst out laughing. 「 If you like, how about competing now? 」 「 No, the present military power of our country will not be able to stand against you. This even I understand. It is my responsibility to set it up. After that, I will have my revenge. 」 「 Is that so. Well then, I will look forward to that time...... 」 「 Thank you. Now please leave as soon as possible. The exit is there. 」 Hifumi started walking in the indicated direction. Imeraria raised a hand, stopping the Knight approaching Hifumi from the back. She knew it was useless. 「 ....Have the Third Knight corps observe him until he leaves the country. Get me a detailed report. However, all attacks against him are prohibited. On leaving the country, the task goes to the Spy corps. 」 Receiving Imeraria’s orders, the Knight left. 「 Father, please forgive the weak me who cannot beat the enemy. Soon, one day..... 」 While watching Hifumi’s back disappearing into the town, tears thought to have withered streamed down her cheeks. In such a way, the God-killer, the man that killed a King, was released into the world.
Orsongrande and Horant decided to not directly interfere in Vichy’s disturbances. With this being a declaration that they won’t support either Vichy’s nor Pyursang’s side, both countries stopped at just fortifying their border’s defence. In the case of an outbreak of refugees, they wanted to give permission for entering their countries based upon the refugee’s recorded social status. It’s a measure they adopted because of the reports, stating that it’s likely a small scale war according to the situation, that reached both countries’ central governments. If they had more detailed reports regarding the turmoil in Pyursang, they might have gone to reinforce Vichy. Of course that doesn’t mean they looked at it lightly, but because they closely observed the movements of Hifumi, whose territory is adjacent to Vichy, while feeling rather tense, they never became aware of the truth. That is, with the exception of Fokalore’s administration. “A rampage by Pyursang’s soldiers, it is?” (Caim) Reviewing the report from a solider of Fokalore who has gathered intelligence about Vichy’s area, Caim returned his look to the assembled civil officials in the room without moving a single eyebrow. “It’s related to the war between Vichy and Pyursang, but it seems the current situation is such that Pyursang’s soldiers have scattered and are attacking the surrounding cities. They are carrying out massacres that can’t be called battles at all. That’s what the report states.” (Caim) “Vichy’s side has soldiers as well, don’t they? What are those guys doing?” (Doelgar) Upon Doelgars’s question, Caim lowers his sight on the report once again. “It looks like they have been defeated all together by Pyursang’s soldiers. At present they are apparently evacuating the people from the villages and cities close to Pyursang.” (Caim) “They are that strong?” (Miyukare) Everyone else had the same opinion upon Miyukare’s question. Especially from the point of view of Miyukare who has campaign experience, it was unbelievable for the defending side to be torn apart by soldiers, who don’t work together in units and whose numbers are insufficient, unless there’s quite the difference in ability. “We still don’t have precise information, but it appears that they are mostly operating like night burglars. They attack at random while travelling without caring whether it’s night or day.” (Caim) “Even though Pyursang is small, I thought that the person who became king is relatively capable of negotiations, but... The people from the delegation were ordinary people, too.” (Brokra) Brokra says while remembering the envoys who visited Fokalore. It didn’t seem like a government that will do such reckless acts at all, was Brokra’s impression. “It seems that merchants, who are sensitive to information, are beginning to evacuate. It’s hopeless for them to survive if their goods and tools are stolen. Their reaction towards new information is quick. Being lured by that, refugees from the ordinary citizens will likely appear as well.” (Caim) “What about Pyursang?” (Doelgar) “They aren’t doing anything in particular. No, they can’t do anything.” (Caim) Putting down the report, Caim fixed his eyes on the asking Doelgar. It resembles the strange inability to calm down when I was seriously asked a question by the teacher of my studying place in my childhood “We should be able to deal with them if they come attacking our side, but with Lord-sama currently absent, we can’t move the soldiers as we please. Even if we do, that’s probably something for when Lord-sama has returned.” (Caim) “Caim-san.” (Paryu) Paryu takes a short pause to confirm that Caim’s line of sight turned towards herself. “If there’s a possibility of people escaping, we should gather information, confirm and examine it, and have all soldiers cooperate. It’s wrong if we don’t prepare for accepting the refugees.” (Paryu) Everyone agrees with the opinion of Paryu who is the youngest. “Then, I will leave the assignment of personnel to you, Miyukare and Paryu.” (Caim) “Sure. There’s still leeway as for the personnel. We have to also increase the number of guards and defenders.” (Miyukare) “No, please let the soldiers rest as much as possible.” (Caim) Because of the unusual word “rest” appearing from Caim’s mouth, everyone turned silent due to being startled. Caim slowly looked at everyone. “The news about the turmoil have already been sent to Lord-sama. It’s obvious that he will come back flying and poke his nose in Vichy’s affairs while leading soldiers again. There’s no way that we can send the soldiers, who only returned, to Vichy just like that, right? The currently stationed unit will handle the battle in Vichy’s area. If we don’t have them rest for now, unnecessary losses will appear among them.” (Caim) There wasn’t a single objection. ☺☻☺ Even Vichy’s central committee wasn’t able to grasp precise information regarding the rampage of Pyursang’s soldiers. Although the damage is spreading slowly, it’s not like they are moving in a large unit. On top of increasing the damage while moving in small groups, their own troops just get defeated systematically as it’s said the the enemy 「Attacks without even minding being injured」. Nothing but such unbelievable details are being reported. “What are we going to do!? What is Pyursang thinking!?” The members of the central committee lose their temper as they can do nothing but confirm that neither of them possesses any relevant information even after meeting up.magic “Let alone a declaration of war, there’s no contact from their side at all. In addition, they don’t even try to rule the cities and villages but just destroy them utterly...” “Just like the act of madmen. It’s not only Minoson either. I can’t think anything but the entire lot from Pyursang having gone mad.” The severally mentioned accusations towards Pyursang vanish without anyone being able to react. What’s left is just a feeling of powerlessness. “It’s already a situation that can’t be dealt with by the various cities themselves. For the sake of not spreading the damage, we should entrap the enemy by concentrating our country’s military strength just like before.” “Yes, it’s probably plenty to leave a minimum of troops to deal with Horant’s and Orsongrande’s side on this occasion.” “We have sent a lot of personnel to Fokalore for training purposes. Training units from Fokalore have also come to our cities. There’s no way that Orsongrande’s side will come attacking in such situation.” At the moment they decided a rough plan, they selfishly established a city, which hadn’t sent a committee member, as line of defence and one-sidedly announced a recommendation for evacuation. At the same time they decided to gather the military forces from within the country. There was a lot of criticism towards that manner of handling things especially from the cities close to Pyursang. But, being threatened with 「Then we will just abandon you」, they weren’t able to oppose the decision either. With this, the turmoil will finish and the just newly established country named Pyursang will have its short lifetime come to an end Five days later, at the time when half of the entire forces had been assembled from the neighbouring cities, a report, which was delivered to the central committee, plunged the city-state assembly called Vichy into the worst-possible crisis. “W-We are being invaded!” The members of the central committee had all gathered and greeted the soldier, who rushed into the council room, with cold stares. “What are you saying at this point in time? We are in the middle of moving the army in order to hold back the invasion of that Pyursang, aren’t we?” “No, it’s not from Pyursang’s direction! It’s from the opposite side!” “What did you say!?” A middle-aged committee member, who stood up with the force of knocking over his chair, shouted while succumbing to an agitation that made his face blush. “Meaning Orsongrande is attacking!?” The messenger denied those words by shaking his head. “I-It’s demons... an army of demons came attacking in great numbers from the wastelands! It took me three days to get here, but it looks like they had taken up position on the other side of the national border when I left...” “Demons, you say? Is that information correct?” “I saw them with my very own eyes. Troops with grey skin lining up and a man on horse with blue skin, who’s likely the general, boldly standing in front of the army.” After that it didn’t take much time for the committee to decide sending a request for reinforcements to Fokalore. ☺☻☺ At the time he left the royal capital, the news of the war progress between Vichy and Pyursang as well as the stand-off of the demon’s army against Vichy reached Hifumi’s location. Just reporting that he received instructions from Caim, the messenger from Fokalore hands over the written report and quickly leaves again. It’s in order to convey Hifumi’s current location to Caim. “They finally came, huh?” (Hifumi) “Aren’t they slow”, Hifumi muttered. “The demons, you mean?” (Origa) Receiving the written report from Hifumi, Origa scans through its contents. Stretching her neck at Origa’s side, Viine took a peek as well. “Come to think of it, I met with the demon’s king called Vepar-san. When I was travelling with Puuse-san and the others, we ran into her in the wastelands. Just as woman, Vepar-san was a particularly beautiful person, but...” (Viine) She frowns while lowering the edges of her mouth. “Did something happen?” “Apparently knowing about you, master, umm... she talked badly about you...” (Viine) Recalling the degree of her frustration which made her wail at that time, large drops of tears accumulated in Viine’s eyes. “Vepar, huh? She properly became their king. Does her attack on Vichy mean that she was able to resolve herself to fight against me? Or did she deliberately choose Vichy while avoiding a direct clash with me...? At any rate, it will likely become more enjoyable than Horant.” (Hifumi) “Hifumi-sama, the ones called demons, how do they fight?” (Origa) Origa, who heard Vepar’s assessment of Hifumi from Viine, asks with a voice that contained her anger. “Their strength lies in magic. It seems that there are many among them who possess unique abilities. There was a guy who could create strong barriers. And there was also another guy who could turn his voice into an attack.” (Hifumi) “It was fun!” Hifumi smiles. “Their abilities and strength was splendid as well, but their main is magic, I guess. Which reminds me, there was also a guy who could use electric shocks, wasn’t there?” (Hifumi) Not understanding the words’ meaning, Viine looked at Origa, but Origa mentions that she doesn’t understand either. “Ah... electricity. No, there’s lightning, right? It’s something like manipulating a small version of that phenomenon, I suppose.” (Hifumi) “Lightning...” After hearing Hifumi’s explanation, both looked at each other. For them, who can use similar magic, it was something they couldn’t imagine. Receiving such reactions, there was something Hifumi thought of for a bit, but as it couldn’t be helped even if he mentioned it here, he kept silent. “I’m not very knowledgeable about magic, but as for its practical use and deployment speed in battle, the demons are the best, then the elves and at last the humans, I guess. I don’t know how much magic the beastmen can use, but aren’t they far below humans as it still hasn’t been long since they became able to use it at all?” (Hifumi) “In any event, if the demons’ opponent is Vichy’s military, it’s very likely that they will be annihilated within a few days”, Hifumi predicted. “That’s under the premise that they are intending to really attack Vichy though. Vichy’s chance of winning lies in the fact that they are the defending side and that the demons themselves aren’t accustomed to war. It depends on what Vepar is planning regarding that.” (Hifumi) The demons, who were isolated from the other races for the extended period of several generations passing, have no combat experience besides fighting amongst themselves and subjugating monsters. Even the long battle against the elves is a talk from a distant past, and only remains in books and hearsay. Can they return? And how do they plan to move against the humans? “If it were you, how would you handle it, Hifumi-sama?” (Origa) Hifumi looked up to the sky upon Origa’s question. “Let’s see... starting with battles in several steps, I would watch how the humans’ side reacts. And then I would have spies infiltrate while using the confusion.” (Hifumi) “Reconnaissance, it is?” (Origa) “Something like the intelligence from just facing each other in battle is of no importance. The reserve forces, provisions, a route in case of retreat, and in reverse, places where it’s possible for the enemy to circle around and stage an ambush; there are many such facts you won’t know unless you are on Hearing the reply to Origa’s question, Viine understood why Reni, who received Hifumi’s teaching, regarded information highly. “It seems that demons can disguise as humans. After sending in some people into the humans’ camp by having them disguise as the enemy’s soldiers, they can recover them while having skirmishes once again. And then they can form counter-plans.” (Hifumi) “Since Vepar believes in cautiousness, she might possibly thinking like this”, Hifumi evaluated. “Then there’s also the possibility that a spy will enter Fokalore as well, right?” (Origa) “That’s to be expected.” (Hifumi) There isn’t even a shred of sensing impeding danger as Hifumi nods lightly. “Will we help Vichy then?” (Origa) In addition to them having to split their forces for the battle with Pyursang, one can’t say that Vichy’s military prowess raised that much even after sending in training units. Moreover, seeing that they are an assembly of city-states, there’s no way that they have prepared a chain of command either. Even if it’s not Fokalore, Vichy will probably lose unless they get powerful assistance from somewhere. However, Hifumi denied that. “No, we won’t help Vichy.” (Hifumi) “... Then it’ll be the demons’ side?” (Viine) Hifumi denied Viine’s timid question with a “it’s something else.” “There’s no necessity to become an ally of either side, right? Let’s keep our thinking a bit more flexible.” (Hifumi) Showing the left hand which was covered by the glove, he raises one finger for each. “The demons, Pyursang and Vichy... currently those three powers are heading towards the battlefield. In that case...” (Hifumi) He held up yet another finger. “Even if a fourth power joins, it probably won’t matter.” (Hifumi) While slowly swaying four fingers he laughs and says “it might be fun to take bets which side is going to win, you know?” Origa smiles and says 「In that case my bet on you, Hifumi-sama, won’t come true」. Viine was troubled as she couldn’t follow the conversation since her knowledge about the human countries, Vichy and Pyursang, still wasn’t up to date.
The Second Knight Order as well as the campaign soldiers gathered at the square in the center of the village. “Today we will execute an important military operation. It is a strategy to demonstrate that the Second Knight Order is our country’s best knight order. It is absolutely unforgivable to fail it.” (Stiffels) However, the vice-captains, knowing about the strategy that will be explained from here on, stiffened in tension for a different meaning. “The operation will be simple. We will provoke the enemy at the national border and lure them into our country. We will then attack the enemy, who will be cut off from Horant’s territory after they entered our country, from the rear. In a situation, where they won’t be able to replenish their troops, we will annihilate the enemy!” (Stiffels) As the soldiers are just standing there as if they aren’t able to comprehend the mentioned things, the knights are exchanging looks with each other having heard about this strategy for the first time. “Captain, is it allowed to ask a question?” (Knight) “What is it?” (Stiffels) “You tell us to lure them into our territory, but are we luring the enemy up to this village?” (Knight) Even the soldiers can be seen to be agitated by those words, but Stiffels voice was more intense. “No, we will pass this village and withdraw till Münster.” (Stiffels) The soldiers began to stir and words of bafflement started to appear from the knights. “Then, aren’t the people of this village and the citizens of Münster in danger?” (Knight) “The villagers will evacuate. Once the enemy draws near the city of Münster, they will probably be stopped by the defense of the territorial soldiers. If we attack from the enemy’s rear, it will be possible to launch a pincer attack” (Stiffels) Listening to the explanation up until here, the knights and soldiers regained their calm and in reverse began to praise Stiffels’ strategy. “I can’t help but to declare this as magnificent ingenuity!” (Soldier) But, different from the soldiers, praising the smiling Stiffels, a part of the knights can’t hide a bitter smile. There is a continuation for this operation. After crushing Horant’s army from the rear, using the momentum, they will assault Earl Biron, either in the Lord’s mansion or at the front, if he appears there. It is a plan to kill him. “First, have the villagers take refuge. All they have to do is to temporarily escape to the different villages in the vicinity.” (Stiffels) As the knights received their order, they took a part of the soldiers and left in order to explain the situation to the village headman. “Well then, take care of preparing the other things necessary for battle. We will depart in one hour!” (Stiffels)magic All present soldiers answered in a chorus towards Stiffels’ command. ☺☻☺ Getting ready in the early morning, they left the village. Beirevra, expected to be a prisoner, accompanied Ribezal, who almost didn’t talk at all, freely. Although the order’s members were suspicious of him, their major concern was as to what road they should take from here on out. There weren’t few amongst the order who also considered to leave and return to the capital. “Captain Ribezal, how will we move from now on?” (Knight) As a single knight drew his horse close and uneasily asks him, Ribezal answers in a monotonous voice without even turning towards him. “We will return to Münster and make camp in the city’s vicinity. Sooner or later the Second Knight Order is going to return. At that time I will once again sound them out about joining hands with us.” (Ribezal) After smoothly speaking those lines, he once again became silent as before. Obeying him in silence since there’s no other way, the order’s knights precede on their horses while bearing anxiety within their hearts. Beirevra, walking next to Ribezal’s horse, chuckles at a spot invisible to everyone. (It seems the guys from the Second Knight Order are suspecting something, but Horant’s troops include nothing but disposable, brainwashed soldiers anyway. There isn’t any problem if they vanish in a competition with the Second Knight Order either. If we later kill Earl Biron by using Ribezal, we will send in another army to snatch Münster.) If this plan was to turn out well, Beirevra had been promised that the observation by Horant would be lifted and that he would be appointed as feudal lord of the new territory of Horant. (You lead wars with intellect. Using their head is something only wasted on knights and soldiers. It’s better for them to experience it the hard way.) Beirevra, not doubting the success of the strategy anymore, thought about receiving the permission to enter Horant in a short while at leisure. “Brother-in-law-san, I’m told you have called for me.” (Sabnak) Sabnak, entering Biron’s office, saw an unknown skinny soldier stand there uprightly. “Ah, you came.” (Biron) Biron introduced the standing soldier to Sabnak, who sat down on the sofa, without moving from his desk. “He is a territorial soldier called Hack. His strength lies in gathering intelligence. I am relying on him quite a lot.” (Biron) The soldier called Hack straightened his back with a snap due to Biron’s words. “Gathering intelligence... is there something you are interested in?” (Sabnak) Because of Sabnak’s question, Biron had Hack do the explanation. “Well then...” (Hack) Hack turned his body towards Sabnak, who corrected his seated posture. “The Second Knight Order’s captain, Stiffels, moved on to the next stage of his plan of drawing in Horant’s army, spread out in the vicinity of the border, lure them onto our territory and stand up against them in battle. Evacuating the common villagers at the border’s village, they will pull the enemy up until Münster by having them pass through the village. He plans to do a pincer attack in cooperation with our territorial army. He wants to annihilate the enemy army isolated on Orsangrande’s ground. Those are the details. They have already started marching towards the border. I think they should be coming in contact with Horant’s army right about now.” (Hack) As the details were explained smoothly, Sabnak tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Pincer attack? Brother-in-law-san, are you going to cooperate with the Second Knight Order?” (Sabnak) “No, not at all. I haven’t heard anything about such talks. It’s unthinkable for me to follow that plan.” (Biron) Expressing a smile, Biron thrust up the index finger. “I guess most likely they intend to claim the achievement for themselves dragging us into it on their own accord. The story should go like “ “Such a thing...” (Sabnak) “They will be able to fabricate this, I think, if there isn’t anyone to take an opposing opinion.” (Biron) For Stiffels, who has his back to the wall, he will be able to gain power as the head of the prince faction, if he manages to obtain military gains counteracting Hifumi as the First Knight Order is currently in a state close to destruction. Amongst that, it will also be possible to whittle down the influence of the princess faction if Biron is killed. “In other words, he is planning to kill Brother-in-law-san.” (Sabnak) “If he knew about the matter of you being here as well, he would likewise aim at all of you from the Third Knight Order.” (Biron) If the princess faction has no evidence, there will only be the Second Knight Order to verify the flow of the battle, is what Stiffels should be thinking, Biron points out. Fokalore as well as here, there are only things giving him a headache. “And, what will Brother-in-law-san do?” (Sabnak) Certainly, I don’t think he will go along with Stiffels’ plan “Naturally, the plans, I mentioned the other day, are for such occasions as well. Well then, there is something our Earl Biron household wants to officially request from the Third Knight Order.” (Biron) “Let’s hear about it.” (Sabnak) Biron laughed impishly towards Sabnak, whose face became serious. “I want to entrust you with the guarding of all citizens of Münster. Outside of the city.” (Biron) “... Ha?” (Sabnak) Stiffels was irritated by unusually not receiving any reports from the messenger soldiers left behind at Münster. At this time all of the soldiers affiliated to the Second Knight Order, left behind at Münster because of Biron’s order, had already been restrained, but Stiffels had no means to know about this fact. “It can’t be helped. Once the enemy floods the gate of the city, the territorial soldiers won’t be able to move anyway.” (Stiffels) The provocation unit, led by the vice-captains, has already attacked the border. If all goes by plan, they can expect the unit, dragging the enemy behind, to return to the village soon. At the time the enemy becomes visible, the main force will show a rushed withdrawal led by Stiffels. They will match their timing of heading towards Münster along the highway so the enemy can see it. In front of the city’s entrance the soldiers will split to the left and right. Making a large detour, they will attack Horant’s soldiers from the left, right and back while they should be battling with Biron’s territorial forces at the gate. However. only the knight order will remain at the gate. They will make sure to participate in the defense by blending in with the territorial soldiers. Meanwhile numerous footsteps, causing the earth to tremble, approached. “... They came, huh?” (Stiffels) As there were the familiar armored appearances of the knights and soldiers when he looked towards the border, they were chased by a massive amount of soldiers from Horant as they headed towards this direction. “But, no matter how often I see this, that lot is giving me the creeps.” (Stiffels) The soldiers from Horant don’t raise their voices and neither do their faces stiffen. More than about their war potential, he feels a chill in his spine due to the enemy not showing anything resembling an emotion. , Stiffels shook his head. “The enemy came! Execute the strategy as planned!” (Stiffels) Following his order, the Second Knight Order and the soldiers, albeit slowly at the beginning, move in the direction of Münster. (With this Biron is finished. Ribezal is in such a sorry state. The influence within the royal castle will greatly slant towards us. Once Prince Ayperos is enthroned, I think I will aim for an even higher position.) Stiffels burns with the ambition, that even becoming the prime minister is in his reach in the future. “What’s this about!” (Ayperos) The chamberlains as well as the guarding soldiers, just looking at each other, none of them is able to reply to the raging Prince Ayperos. Ayperos passed his time in depravity in the mansion prepared by Biron, but at the time he left the mansion in order to move to the front for having a look, there wasn’t any people left within the city anymore. Not just the prince was trembling. The chamberlains were likewise. Having their meals and such brought in by the people of the city, the prince and his followers, having indulged in booze and women, didn’t even feel like caring about something like the circumstances in the city. The result is the current situation. “Someone explain it to me!” (Ayperos) A single shadow approached and quickly kneeled in front of the raging prince. “Your Highness, Prince Ayperos, I’m at your service.” (Ribezal) “Oh, Ribezal, huh? You came at a good time. Even Stiffels isn’t here. Good grief, this fellow isn’t useful at crucial times at all.” (Ayperos) As Ayperos asks “So, what’s this about?”, Ribezal answers him with his eyes cast down. “Stiffels will probably soon come here. Driven away by Horant’s soldiers, I expect him to flee in this direction.” (Ribezal) “What are you saying! That man, has he been defeated while previously bragging to such an extent!?” (Ayperos) Without even turning his eyes on the prince, who is unsightly stamping his feet, Ribezal continues. “This city was abandoned by Earl Biron. Currently he is leading the citizens escaping towards the capital on the highway.” (Ribezal) “Even Earl Biron?! And he even left me behind while escaping!?” (Ayperos) The chamberlains are nothing but flustered due to Ayperos having a fit of anger with a deep red face. “Therefore it is I who came to receive you as soon as possible.” (Ribezal) “I-I see! I won’t have to worry then. Let’s leave the city right away and return to the capital!” (Ayperos) “That won’t be happening.” (Ribezal) Every of them, with a befuddled face as if partially having blacked out, stood still and relaxedly held their swords. “... What’s going on here?” (Ayperos) “That’s what’s going on. Do it.” (Ribezal) Following Ribezal’s order, the First Knight Order swung down their swords at the chamberlains and guards. Ayperos’ surroundings transformed into a pool of blood in an instant. Ayperos, backing off with quivering legs in a state of barely remaining standing, is easily seized by Ribezal and has his arms being bind behind his back. “S-Stop! What rudeness! D-Doing such a thing to me...” (Ayperos) In his hands he is grasping the magic tool that was installed on Ribezal and the other knights. “Who are you bastard!? What’s this!? S-Stop it...” (Ayperos) “Don’t worry, you won’t feel any pain. Far from pain, you won’t feel anything at all after having it attached.” (Beirevra) Rolling up the expensive clothes, the magic tool was forced into the abundantly fat chest. The built-in pipes penetrated the interior of Ayperos’ body one by one. At the beginning the prince was afraid and spasmed, but before long he became limp and ceased moving. Upon Beirevra’s command 「Stand up」 the lying down Ayperos stood up unsteadily. There can’t be seen any light in his pupils anymore. “Kukuku...” (Beirevra) , Beirevra couldn’t hold back his laughter. Isn’t it even possible for me to expect the position of a noble? Accompanied by the living-corpse-like knights, Beirevra escaped from the city and chased after the feudal lord of Münster for the sake of gaining even more accomplishments.
“It’s a boring mission, isn’t it?” Straddling the special horse, which only lives in the settlement of the blue-skinned demons, and gazing at the humans’ military forces that can be seen on the other side of the wastelands, Bashim, who is the general of the demon’s army, pinned down and stroke his beard with a finger, he had licked, while venting his dissatisfaction. The mission he was given is 「reconnaissance」 to the bitter end. He had been instructed to keep the combat to a minimum. Simply put, he is to fight for just a bit to confirm the humans’ way of fighting. The result of this operation is an important move that decides whether they will aim for hostility or peaceful exchange, but even if he understands it with his head, his dissatisfaction only piles up as far as Bashim is concerned. “At last we were finally liberated. Shouldn’t we let all races know about our existence by raising flashy war achievements?” (Bashim) Due to the death of the former king, who was quite strong, a new king took the reins. The details regarding that have been concealed. Excluding Vepar, who became the ruler, the majority of the personnel, who frequented the castle, including Vepar’s subordinates, has died or gone missing. Even Bashim wasn’t informed of what happened in the castle as he wasn’t promoted into one of the opened posts. Among some of the rumours it’s even said that it had to do something with a joke-like powerful human, but Bashim hasn’t believed in that from the very beginning. “The former king had the hobby of experimenting and researching magic. In that case it’s only natural to think that some kind of accident occurred during one of his experiments.” (Bashim) It was said that the former king Agachion obtained an immortal body as result of his magic experiments. The fact that he died is also proof that the rumours weren’t true, I guess. However, there was no room to doubt his knowledge and strength. At the very least it’s correct that he was strong to a degree that made others think that he’s immortal. Bashim sensed something unnatural about Vepar’s rise to power as well. “Surely, her court rank might be high. But, even as the king’s vessel, I can’t believe that she’s possessing that much strength.” (Bashim) For now I will obey, but it’s not like I gave up on aiming for the top once I see a chance. Now that Agachion, who was the king, and his powerful subordinates Beleto and Phegor were eradicated, I will check if there’s a possibility for me to rise up. “Let’s make use of this operation for that sake.” (Bashim) While he was muttering his monologue, a single soldier on horse arrived from the encampment where the humans took up position. “I’m a messenger from Vichy’s central committee. We are requesting an explanation why you have brought your soldiers in front of our country and why you have taken up camp here while facing our way.” It was inevitable for Bashim to find the soldier, who frantically suppressed the trembling in his voice, funny. Though it remains only in books, it’s said that the ones called humans are far weaker at magic and also physical strength than elves, not to speak of demons. Only their numbers are high, but mankind is split in settlements which are scrambling for soil and people by fighting against each other. It’s a fact that there are demons who returned from the outside, albeit only few, but because Vepar is keeping their stories to herself, Bashim isn’t aware of it. , Bashim exposed a mocking gaze and had his favourite horse step forward. “I’m the general. What’s your business?” (Bashim) Due to Bashim’s attitude of “Since I didn’t hear it, say it one more time”, the young messenger ground his teeth. “It’s just as I told you before. I’d like you to tell us for what reason you came here!” Bashim snorts at the words loaded with anger and replies, “Hmm. Isn’t such kind of attitude impolite? I have come to this kind of place as representative of the demon race. Shouldn’t you kneel and beg if you want to know?” (Bashim) At last the messenger couldn’t stand the Bashim’s attitude which he expressed by not changing the haughtiness in his words. The messenger was trembling in rage, but when he suddenly sees the soldiers lining up behind Bashim, he talked with obvious ridicule. “... After all you are mere demi-humans, huh? It seems you don’t comprehend neither dignity nor the truth of the matter. There’s nothing to talk about. Just regret for having come here with a small military force.” The messenger, who turned around, started to return to the humans’ encampment without even looking back. When he advanced around a single metre, his body was pierced by a blade. “... Ha?” Seeing a sword penetrating his own chest, the messenger shook violently and fell off the horse unbeknownst whether he was able to understand anything. “The ones called humans are this stupid? They turn their backs on their enemy without any vigilance while announcing their hostility.” (Bashim) The soldiers who were nearby raised laughters at at the words of Bashim who looked over his shoulder after erasing the sword he created with magic. “Well then, gentlemen, shall we teach the retarded humans the true way of battle?” (Bashim) At the time when the demons raised a war cry, Vichy’s army was swept away by the unexpected situation of their messenger being killed. And army of around demons against Vichy’s forces of around . The battle began with an attack by the minority. ☺☻☺ “Hello. There’s something I have to deliver, but...” “Ah, thanks... huh? A demon-san?” (Reni) The one who came visiting Reni’s place was Vepar’s subordinate, Nyarl. “... How did you get inside?” (Reni) “I came with everyone in front of the city and entrusted my weapons to the city’s soldier-san.” (Nyarl) Due to Nyarl presenting a thin, folded, wooden board with a “here,” Helen got close while feeling uneasy about the defence measures of the city, and received it.magic She hands it over to Reni just like that. “Thank you. Please sit down, demon-san. Helen are there any sweets and tea left?” (Reni) “There are, but hold back on eating them a bit, okay?” (Helen) “Ah, please don’t mind me.” (Nyarl) The vigilante corpse, which includes a part of the elves, and the demons are confronting each other at the city’s entrance, but for the time being it won’t develop into an uproar, it seems. As for the demon who wanted to hand a letter to Reni; the vigilante corps apparently gave its permission as long as it’s only a single person. Nyarl thanks for the tea, which was swiftly prepared by Helen, and tastes it. It appears that she doesn’t have any worry that it might be poisoned at all. Helen was unable to judge whether she’s bold or a natural airhead. “So, what’s written on it?” (Helen) “They are requesting our cooperation in the fight against the humans, it says.” (Reni) “Can I have you write a reply, too?” (Nyarl) “Understood.” (Reni) Reni lets the quill pen fluently run across a parchment. Her writing style shows no hesitation. She apparently decided on her reply while reading the letter. Watching Reni fold the paper in an inefficient and unfamiliar manner, Helen kept Reni’s cup away so that it isn’t knocked over by Reni getting hooked on it. Since there isn’t anything like a sealing wax, Reni hands over the letter which has been only folded tightly with her soft fingers. Nyarl, who drank tea and stuffed her cheeks with fruits, that were cut into mouth size, without any reservations, wiped the fruit juice, which clung to her fingers, away at the cuff of her clothes and received the letter. “Please hand this to the king of the demons.” (Reni) “Yes, thank you very much. Thanks for the delicious meal as well.” (Nyarl) “Thanks for your hard work~.” (Reni) Reni waves at Nyarl who runs away with a *tetete* while holding the letter in her hand. “... So, what did you answer?” (Helen) Maybe next time since the circumstances are bad “It’s not an invitation to play by a child, thus...” (Helen) “I haven’t told a lie.” (Reni) Pulling the cup to herself again, she tastes the tea which has become lukewarm. “Even if we were to fight somewhere, we won’t be able to put up any opposition since our numbers are lacking. Thus I think that it’s useless to try.” (Reni) Although one might say that their numbers increased some with the elves joining, the scale is only at the level where it can be called a vigilante corps. Restraining the forces of the human side, which are living in Swordland, by including traps is the best they can do. Even if they get dragged into battle with a foreign enemy, it would be equal to them being unable to do anything. “To begin with, as long as Swordland is split among itself, we don’t have any spare energy to assist others.” (Reni) “What will you do if the demons attack us after getting angry over this?” (Helen) “I think it would be best to run away.” (Reni) “Run away?” (Helen) When Helen asks “What’s this about?”, Reni answered with “It’s simple.” “The part of us not having the numbers to fight means that our side has few. We are also used to the wastelands and forest, right? Thus it will be fine if we hide after running away with everyone during the night.” (Reni) Stretching out her hand towards the remaining fruit, Reni raises her voice in joy as the one left is her favourite fruit, Bodan. . I mean it’s fine for us to create a new city in the forest if we can protect it by ourselves. There isn’t any need for our friends to shed their blood for the sake of someone else, is there?” (Reni) Although she does agree with Reni, it was surprising for Helen that Reni was able to part with this city, which she learned to love, easily. “I believe it would be better if you talked with everyone about that. Even if you tell them to abandon the slums all of a sudden, I think that there will be people who can’t move right away.” (Helen) “It’s as you say, Helen. Before the demon-san’s come once more... oh, I have to go to the vigilante corps and check whether the demon-san’s went home properly.” (Reni) Reni heads to the city’s entrance. After looking around in a circle inside the building, Helen let both her rabbit ears hang down. “I wonder whether that means that we will have to abandon this city and this home...” (Helen) For Helen, who got completely accustomed to living in the city, just imagining that caused painful feelings. Hifumi, who heard the state of affairs from Caim after returning to his territory, entered Vichy by himself immediately after spending just one day for repairing and supplementing his weapons. It was decided that Origa would remain to assign the training regimen in both, military and literary arts, for Viine, and that Alyssa would lead Fokalore soldiers while waiting for his return. With that brief comment the request for reinforcements by Vichy was literally ignored. The messenger, who returned to the central committee while crying about being sent away, came back to Fokalore several days later because he defected while bringing his family along. That’s how much Vichy’s central committee had been driven to the wall. “Please be careful!” Leaving Arosel, which is prospering equally to Fokalore, after being destroyed once, he enters Vichy through the new border city Lorn which has turned into a city of merchants who gathered for the purpose of the soldiers and the money those soldiers spend. The state’s soldiers, who were assigned at that place, know Hifumi’s face as if it’s only natural and thus there’s no need for him to show his permit anymore. Leaving his horse in the care of the border security’s unit, he leisurely departed Orsongrande. Even the soldiers on Vichy’s side, who saw that, gave him the necessary permission while cowering and avoiding eye contact. Several people, who are camping out, sat at the border on Vichy’s side. Many of them are merchants, but sporadically people of the common populace can be seen there as well. They apparently intend to escape by crossing the national border. When he was advancing leisurely through the area between Vichy and the wastelands just like that, three man jumped out in front of Hifumi. “Soldiers of Vichy, huh?” (Hifumi) Looking at the simply designed armour they are wearing, Hifumi muttered that while looking uninterested. “What are you doing at this place? Fight against the demons or the soldiers of Pyursang.” (Hifumi) Apparently the soldiers of Vichy don’t know about Hifumi. They coerced Hifumi with 「It ain’t the time to show such composure」 while surrounding him. “Listen, hand over your money. Your food as well!” Hifumi looked with cold eyes at the man who threatened him by bringing his face close. “It’s that, eh? The thing that’s called deserter, right? Were you scared of the demons?” (Hifumi) “You bastard!” The hand which tried to grab his collar only grasps air, though he was right in front of the man. “Huh?” He seizes both knees of the man after lowering his body and stands up once again in that state. The man, who fell down with his face up after having both his legs trapped, severely struck into the ground with the back of his head unable to take any defensive posture. Hifumi’s toes sank into the nether region of the man who is groaning while holding his head. “What are...!?” Hifumi silently circles around to the back of the excited soldier who watches his colleague faint while foam gathers at his mouth. By just lightly pulling his waist belt, the soldier falls on his backside with a thump. Before he comprehends why he was sitting, his cervical vertebrae gets twisted and broke. “Uwaaaah!” The last one tries to run away but gets secured by having the nape of his neck grabbed by Hifumi’s left hand. “You saw the demons before running away, right? Tell me the state of affairs.” (Hifumi) Drawing his katana, he stabs the foaming man to death in front of the seized man. The man, who saw his friend’s head getting stabbed without any kind of hesitation, is trembling to a degree that it even affects his teeth. “I-In the first battle close to half of our side was killed! They should still be fighting at the border after getting reinforcements from the other cities, but with the story that not a single demon could be killed...” “You got scared and ran away, huh? In which direction is the battlefield?” (Hifumi) Where the trembling finger of the soldier pointed at was the direction where Hifumi had planned to go for now. “For a change my intuition was right, wasn’t it?” (Hifumi) Kicking the back of the soldier’s knee, Hifumi makes him kneel. “H-Help...” “You won’t tell me to not kill you, right?” (Hifumi) Setting the angle of the blade so that it won’t hit bones, he stabs the soldier’s heart from behind. Wiping the extracted katana, he slowly returns it into the scabbard and fixes his slightly disordered attire. “The festival venue is over there? Though it would be best if it hasn’t ended yet.” (Hifumi) Retrieving a bread with grilled fish sandwiched in from his darkness storage, Hifumi kept lazily walking towards the battlefield while enjoying the aroma of the slightly sweet sauce spreading inside his mouth.
With a posture of being placed upside-down on the horse’s back, Helen dimly came to her senses while being carried with a slow swaying. Watching the ground pass by in front of her with her rabbit ears shaking with a *piko piko*, she is waking up gradually. “E... Eh?” (Helen) Was it because I was the whole time in the same position? As she raised her head and looked aside, she saw a human male and Reni walking side-by-side on the other side of the horse neighing with a *bururu*. She fell off the horse being taken aback. “Re-Reni!?” (Helen) “Ah! You woke up, Helen!” (Reni) Being embraced by Reni, who came rushing over with a bright smile, Helen glared at Hifumi. “Where are you planning to take us!?” (Helen) “Don’t know. I’m only following that person.” (Hifumi) Looking at Hifumi, who answered readily and pointed at Reni, Helen turned her head towards Reni. “Hifumi-san’s story is true. He accepted transporting the fainted you, Helen.” (Reni) “It’s my name. Putting that aside, you can go back home now that you recovered your consciousness. Well then, with this it’s the end.” (Hifumi)magic “Yes. Thank you very much until here.” (Reni) Reni bowed very deeply. Helen, not understanding the circumstances, was at least cautious in regards to Hifumi. “I heard plenty of stories on the way here”, Hifumi handed over several baked sweets to Reni and jumped on the horse. “Ah, while we are at it, please tell me two more things.” (Hifumi) “Do you know the location of the village of the tiger fellows, who attacked me some time ago?” (Hifumi) Reni and Helen looked at each other due to Hifumi’s question. “H-Hey, you! Don’t get too cocky over winning against two or three. Although it’s called village, aren’t there several tens of tiger beastmen over there as well? Although you are already strange with just crossing through the wastelands by yourself, do you plan to go to your death!?” (Helen) Hifumi is nonchalantly listening to Helen rattling on and on. “That’s right. To be precise, the point is that I’m searching for a fellow, who looks like they can kill me.” (Hifumi) Helen became speechless due to Hifumi’s words. However, Reni takes a step forward. “I know where it is.” (Reni) “Reni!?” (Helen) “From the place those three appeared at, always head north-east. It’s close to a large spring.” (Reni) Seeing Hifumi nodding with a “I see”, Reni laughed delightfully. “Why did you tell him?” (Helen) “Hifumi-san is probably a lot, lot stronger than the tiger people. Papa said it. Really strong people are very gentle.” (Reni) “Therefore, Hifumi-san, who kindly gives me such tasty sweets, should be strong enough to not lose against anyone.” Watching the innocently smiling Reni, Helen dropped her shoulders. “It can’t be helped, I guess... You, escape to this place, if you get injured. Since we are always gathering fruits and medical herbs in this area, we will at least treat you injuries as thanks.” (Helen) “Well now, thanks for that. I have another question though.” (Hifumi) “What is it?” Reni tilted her head to the side. “Isn’t there anything delicious to eat you can only find in these wastelands?” (Hifumi) Helen wasn’t even able to voice it out in sheer astonishment. ☺☻☺ Straddling the horse and exiting the woods, Hifumi is heading in the direction he was told by Reni. Having a third of their corpses quickly devoured, the corpses were exposed cruelly. “Hmm, I see. It’s nice and easy that our destination is the same.” (Hifumi) While tapping on the katana at his waist with his fingertips, he rides on the horse in a good mood. The “delicious thing” Reni told him about is a fruit growing on a tree characteristically growing large ivy’s entangled with each other. It’s flavour can’t be called sweet but it’s refreshing with a single bite. Not just Reni, even Helen, who listened next to her, had strings of drool hanging from her mouth, thus it was likely the truth. However, for the last few years the surroundings of the spring, where that tree grows en masse, is occupied by the tiger beastmen. The sheep and rabbit beastmen, who particularly looked forward to those among the blessings of the forest, felt dejected. As it is just the right occasion, let’s try to make the topic of conversation eating that fruit after I meet the tigers. Entering the woods, the sun began to sink when he progressed for a while. As the horse started to show signs of exhaustion, Hifumi, who discovered a conspicuously large tree, decided to intentionally pass one night without sleeping here. Once he dismounted the horse and tied the reins to a suitable tree, he gave it fodder and water, stuffed his own cheeks with around three baked sweets and drank some water himself. These baked sweets were in fact handmade by Caim. He is a man, who has an oddly high level of femininity with his forte being cooking and cleaning, but he seems to vent stress by making pastry. If he works together with people, who don’t go forward according to the prescribed regulations in everything, he will build up stress. Apparently he produces large amounts of pastry by accurately calculating the necessary amount. Hifumi heard that from the other civil officials. If one enters the office and there’s a sweet fragrance drifting about, Caim is tense since it’s a sign of him being displeased. Once Hifumi, who believed it to be perfect for snacking, requested of him to make a few as take-away share, Caim prepared an amount where you could wonder whether he was planning to stock up some shop. It’s to the degree, that it doesn’t feel like they would decrease, even if Hifumi were to go around and distribute them. “This thing is the bed, eh?” (Hifumi) He lies down on a spread out blanket. The pillow is a root, which was protruding from the ground in the right way. Although he tries to roll around a bit, it’s just right since it’s also dangerous to be sound asleep. While touching the katana with his left hand, Hifumi calmly closed his eyes. ☺☻☺ It was truly by coincidence that the cat beastman, Jaredo, caught sight of Hifumi’s figure. It’s unusual for a human to be in the wastelands and even more so in an area, which is separated this far from human habitations. Not to mention that it was the first time for one of them being alone. At the beginning it was genuine curiosity, but while secretly following him, he stuck out his tongue wondering whether it’s not connected to some way to get rich quickly. That was because of his natural greed. Although it is called greed, beastmen, who are procuring their food for living by hunting animal opponents and plants, at most wanted to simply eat delicious things or to produce clothes out of solid hides. Something like currency naturally doesn’t exist here. However, Jaredo had the strange habit of collecting rare things since his birth. His plain home, to which he doesn’t return often, is filled with things like tools, of which he doesn’t know the way of using stolen from corpses, and things dropped by humans, to a degree that there’s no space to place one’s feet indoor. (It’s the first time I have seen the weapon, that human possesses.) While tagging along out of curiosity, Jaredo’s look was obviously drawn to the katana. He decided to take it while the human is sleeping. And now that chance finally came. Within the woods, where the veil of darkness descended, it is pitch dark due to even the sky being covered by clouds. Even for Jaredo, who has night-sight, it is only at a level of him being able to see somehow. (Don’t wake up, if you value your life.) Jaredo’s fighting strength as beastman is low, but he has confidence that he can exceed in speed and strength, if his opponent is a human. Besides, he belongs to a minority among beastman, as he isn’t opposed to using weapons. Even now he is tightly grasping a knife, which has been created by sharpening a bone, for the time he runs into resistance. He is certain that he will carry and use it, if he can obtain the weapon the human has. But there might be unexpected injuries, if the human struggles desperately. Therefore he chose to take and steal it secretly. Jaredo, who approached slowly and quietly, changed his position and looked around restlessly with his eyes wide open. He was cautious whether there would be other humans or beastmen hidden in the vicinity. (This area is close to the settlement of the tiger beastmen after all. It will become troublesome, if they find me.) At the moment he quietly extended his hand towards the katana, he accidentally saw the face of the human, being next to his feet. Their eyes met. It was early morning when a cat beastman came taking refugee in the tiger beastmen settlement while swaying with his right elbow dangling having his entire body covered in injuries all over. It cannot be helped that confusion sprang forth by the way the cat beastman Jaredo clung and frantically begged the first male tiger beastman he found. Even if there is interaction between cat beastmen and tiger beastmen, that doesn’t mean they will particularly help each other either. Rather, the tigers despise cats and there are situations, where they will kidnap if it’s a female and torture to death if it’s a male upon meeting each other. “What’s up? Someone gave this fellow a beating?” Believing the injuries of Jaredo being caused by his mates, he called out to his tiger beastmen mates, who were in the vicinity, but all of them answered that they didn’t know. “Ain’t that Gafan’s group’s work? They haven’ come back since yesterday.” Once one of his mates said that, the tiger beastman kicked Jaredo, who drew close, away. “Hiii... i-it’s different! A human is... a human is...” (Jaredo) As Jaredo, who ranted and raved on in confusion, there’s no tiger taking him serious and they laugh at him with “a strange guy came in the morning.” “There ain’t no way for a human to come this deep into the wastelands.” Hifumi, who made an appearance by pushing his way through the thicket with a rustling, took a breath and said “I finally got here, huh?” Looking at the figure of Hifumi, who is carefully picking up the weeds clinging to his his hakama and throwing it away, Jaredo screamed. “A human has really appeared.” “However, it’s a bad place he came to. This place is our, the tiger beastmen’s, territory. It’s been a while since a plaything came along. Don’t die too quickly.” All of the male tiger beastmen, who are gathering in groups, are muscular and they are twice as big as Hifumi. On top of there also being females in considerable numbers, they apparently are thirsting to fight as well. Having arms, which are long and slender, their sharp claws, which can’t be compared to the male ruffians from before, are visible. Even so, Hifumi, without feeling worried, slowly walks towards Jaredo. “A-Aaaah...” (Jaredo) Jaredo, whose voice is already unable to do anything else but tremble, fell on his backside while retreating, but Hifumi caught up to him in the blink of an eye. “You forgot something.” (Hifumi) With the sound of hard things clashing against each other, he stabbed the knife, made out of bone, into Jaredo’s crown of the head. Jaredo convulsed for a short while with his eyes rolling back, but before long he died. Confirming the death of Jaredo, Hifumi called out to the tiger beastman close-by. “Where’s the spring? Aren’t there tasty fruits close to it?” (Hifumi) “Haa?” “Didn’t you listen? The place of the spring.” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi’s behaviour being similar to that of a fool, the tiger beastmen quickly surrounded Hifumi. “Oh, aren’t you fairly nimble? Was it Gafan? You are a lot faster than him.” (Hifumi) As Hifumi asked them “Please last a bit longer than those guys”, the beastmen became more and more enraged. “Don’t babble!” As they attacked by swinging their claws downwards, Hifumi hit the wrist with a fist, formed out of the joints of middle finger and index finger. “Uaah?” Hifumi, who extended his hand to the defenceless face once the beastman drew back his arm, which was hit with pinpoint attack causing a sense of pain, grabbed the hair of the head and chin. “See, it’s easy to grab it.” (Hifumi) While he was laughing, the sound of pulling out the fur and breaking their bones resounded. Then he twisted the beastman’s neck and broke it. Without even leaking a voice, the beastman dies and crumbles down. “A-A h-human has...” Due to taking human opponents lightly as being weak, and even more so as their mate was killed barehanded, the beastmen were surprised. “A-A coincidence!” The beastman leaped at him while roaring. Throwing the counterweight of the kusarigama, it entangled their feet and they were pulled down sideways. The beastman, who was severely knocked into their flank, fainted in agony, was drawn close in no time and had its throat sliced open with the sickle. “Move once you think a bit more.” (Hifumi) Hifumi is disgusted and a section of the beastmen wall stirs. “Somehow it doesn’t seem like you are a normal human.” With the beastmen making a path, a male, who had an even bigger physique than the other beastmen, came walking towards Hifumi through the open spot. “You are this place’s boss?” (Hifumi) “That’s right. Looks like you did as you please since morning.” After the tiger boss looked at the three corpses, he threatened Hifumi by baring its fangs. “What’s so fun about showing your teeth? Rather than that, although you say you are the person in charge, you have no education.” (Hifumi) “Education, you say?” “Humph”, the boss snorts. “You humans and us are different. We kill if we consider them an enemy. Something like expressly talking it out...” “That’s not the case.” Interrupting his speech, Hifumi folded his arms and his mouth curved into a へ. “There’s no unfairness or damnation in fighting. You say you immediately kill, if it’s an enemy. That’s fine. That’s truly great.” (Hifumi) “But”, Hifumi points at the corpse of a beastman. “Why are you unable to do anything but cutting with your claws!? Are those fangs a decoration!? Won’t you easily break something hard by biting it!? If you are tigers, you have to lead your enemies by the nose by moving around! Aren’t you just slow-footed dimwits!?” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi suddenly bursting in anger, the tiger beastmen can’t do anything but being dumbfounded. “I came to the wastelands wondering whether there are fellows slightly stronger than humans. And once I look at the results, there were tigers, I can only remember as idiots, a thieving cat and a sheep and rabbit, which are unrelated to fighting! Are you looking down on me!?” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi saying all he has to say, the tiger boss’ eyebrows trembled and he roared. “The likes of humans don’t bark!” Hifumi is attacked by a strike that can’t be compared in speed to the other beastmen. He let it go past by barely lowering his head, but several strands of his forehead bangs were ripped away. “Ooh...” (Hifumi) Due to the situation of Hifumi raising his voice, the boss grinned broadly and laughed. “Somehow you dodged it, eh? But the next will...” “Aren’t you able to do it, if you try!?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who showed a sparkling smile, stows the kusarigama away and retrieves the katana. In the presence of the boss, who ended up hardening due to the unforeseen reaction, Hifumi drew his katana. Inhaling his breath through the nose, he slowly exhales it out of his mouth. “Alright! Shall we begin then!?” (Hifumi)
Departing Orsongrande early in the morning, Origa dashed towards Fokalore at high speed even while having large quantities of souvenirs loaded into the carriage. “So, what’s your business?” (Origa) “C-Can’t you at least stop the carriage!?” The one galloping next to the carriage on his horse was Knight Midas. Receiving Imeraria’s order, he, who chose ten knights, was able to catch up with Origa the next day, just when she was about to leave a small town where she lodged at, by racing from the capital on horse. “I have to return to the side of my husband right away. I can’t waste even a second pointlessly to accomplish my duty as his wife.” (Origa) Origa, who bent herself forward in the coachman seat, indifferently reacts to Midas’ desperate appeal. “Well, then please listen just like this.” (Midas) No matter how much she might have been a commoner, he can’t behave too obstinately towards Origa who is now a countess.* Quickly abandoning the hope of establishing a proper place for a conversation, he continues the talk while controlling his horse. “Horant’s king has died. Hearing that news, a part of our country’s nobles headed in the direction of Horant while leading their armies.” (Midas) “Is that so? However, Horant is on the opposite side, isn’t it? Are you saying that there’s movement on Vichy’s side as well?” (Imeraria) “It’s something else”, Midas shakes his head. “In the current situation there are three worrisome points in total related to Fokalore for Her Majesty, the Queen.” (Midas) “To our territory?” (Origa) Origa’s voice carries strangely well among the sounds of the carriage’s wheels rattling across the highway. “Let’s hear them.” (Origa) Even so, Origa doesn’t show any inclination to stop the carriage. Will I arrive in Fokalore like this? That’s fine since it will speed up my linking up with Nelgal who is supposed to be heading in the direction of the capital “First point is about Nelgal-sama who is studying abroad in Fokalore. Leaving aside within the territory of Fokalore, there is the possibility of the subordinates of the rebellious nobles aiming for him while he’s on the way towards our direction. Second, there are the soldiers of Fokalore who are currently stationed in Horant to carry out tactics teaching. It might be fine to say that they are currently in a critical situation.” (Midas) “What’s the third point?” (Origa) “It’s you, Countess.” (Midas) Midas skilfully keeps his balance on the shaking horse back. “As the ability of Count Tohno is well-known, they should want to avoid the intervention of the Count as much as possible. According to the prediction of Her Majesty, the Queen, the nobles, who are aiming at Horant, should be targeting to increase their influence by showing their competency to Her Majesty through achieving higher military gains than the Count.” (Midas) “What a foolish notion. Did her Majesty actually bestow the title after having seen Hifumi-sama’s military gains?” (Origa) “From their viewpoint it might have looked like that.” (Midas) “How disgusting”, Origa spat out. “The prosperity of Fokalore as well as his strong influence on her Majesty, all of it is because it’s Hifumi-sama doing it. I wonder what kind of meaning it would have even if other people did the same.” (Midas) “I believe so as well. Ruling this time’s matter as treasonous act, Her Majesty will be able to punish them at a suitable time. But, even so we have to avoid at all costs to injure the heir of Horant’s throne within Orsongrande.” (Origa) Reading this chapter anywhere but at Infinite Novel Translations means it has been stolen This time Midas’ mission was to send Nelgal safely off to Horant and to escort Origa although he didn’t know whether to do that in one unit or to split up. “I have understood the state of affairs. However, it’s not necessary for you to escort me.” (Origa) “But... if something happens to you, Countess, in the worst case, Count Tohno will...” (Midas) Midas tilted his head to the side due to Origa’s smile which seems to be saying “I can’t bear this ridiculousness.” “If I were to be killed, will my husband actually take revenge?” (Origa) “T-That’s only natural...” (Midas) “It won’t happen.” (Origa) Suddenly opening her mouth, Origa leaks an ominous laughter from her lightly opened lips. “If you want to know why, it’s because that wouldn’t be a “hostility” towards Hifumi-sama. Whether my husband would regard an intentional attack against me as hostile act towards himself, is it? He likely doesn’t worry in his mind what will happen to someone like me. Of course, it will be different if he realizes that it’s a powerful opponent. But at the very least, there’s no meaning even if they used me as hostage.” (Origa) Midas grasped the reins while being speechless. “Besides, it would be unpleasant, you know.” (Origa) “Humph”, she breathes out as if ridiculing him. “Didn’t I receive training in the basics of fighting from Hifumi-sama at the beginning? Do you think that I will be taken hostage that easily? Even in the unlikely event that I’m caught, I will deal with it myself using all means possible before anyone can touch me except that man.” (Origa) “G-Got it. And, about the unit dispatched to Horant...” (Midas) “It’s pointless to worry about them, too.” (Origa) Gently stroking her iron-ribbed fan, Origa answered without hesitation. “Although it’s not to the extent as with me, they have also properly received Hifumi-sama’s coaching. They will neatly eliminate the enemy.” (Origa) Midas even had no time to call out to her as Origa withdrew inside the carriage after saying “Please do as you like if you wish to accompany me since I will take a break for a bit now.” “Just how the hell will they identify those “enemies”...?” (Midas) The words, he muttered similar to a monologue, were drowned out by sounds of the wheels and hooves. ☺☻☺ The commanding training officer of the Fokalore feudal army Ma Carme took up position at the national border on Orsongrande’s side with ten team members. The soldiers of both countries have taken temporary shelter at the fortress’ which are the passage of the border. All of the soldiers of Orsongrande are on standby in the barracks nearby. Horant’s soldiers were busy preparing for the attack of the enemy army. What Ma Carme’s group has deployed are five spear throwers. And all of them have kusarigama and Japanese-styled single-edged swords equipped and are wearing plain armours. Support the translator by reading this chapter at Infinite Novel Translations! At that place a single messenger came rushing in on his horse. “Gentlemen of Fokalore, I hold a letter from Count Biron-sama. Where’s the one in charge?” “It’s me.” (Ma) Suddenly appearing in front of the messenger who dismounted from his horse, Ma Carme accepted the threefold parchment. Opening it skilfully with his left hand, his right hand remained on the kusarigama at his waist. As the Fokalore feudal army is already armed at a point of time where the enemy still isn’t visible and moreover with the person receiving the letter not being negligent in his caution even towards a messenger, there are likely no other troops like that in not only Orsongrande but the other countries as well. Even though he was suspicious of him, the messenger admired the man with his sloppily grown beard in front of him. Ma Carme put the re-folded paper in his pocket. “I have received this letter. Pretty much it seems like we are required for the sake of protection.” (Ma) The front teeth of Ma Carme, who smiled broadly, are lacking. “It looks like Biron-sama intends to fight a battle with his own troops.” (Ma) “Yes. There’s also the matter of your unit having too few numbers. It will likely be difficult with the opponent having soldiers...” “Let’s stop that.” (Ma) “Ha?” “No, no”, waving his hands, Ma Carme pouted. “As the other party has put together soldiers, Biron-sama’s military forces will be below that even if he scrapes up all of them, right?” (Ma) The messenger confirmed it with a nod. “Therefore, the end result will likely turn into an unreasonable loss if we met them from the front. Though it would be different if you fought 0 opponents with 5.000.” (Ma) “However, you are just 11, aren’t you?” “It ain’t like we will fight fairly from the front, you know? If my subordinates were done in, me, my friends and everyone would get scolded by Military Director Alyssa.” (Ma) Raising his index finger, Ma Carme began to talk that he has one request. “What is it?” “I have one proposal. I’d like to request your cooperation in finishing off the enemy without us suffering any losses and without decreasing Biron-sama’s troops as much as possible.” (Ma) “Well, then let me inform Count-sama about this.” Watching the messenger swiftly taking out writing materials, Ma Carme explained the whole strategy to him. “If it turns out well, it will finish with the least losses. Since the number of opponents is a bit much, I’d like to ask for your assistance.” (Ma) “Understood. I will directly inform Count Biron of this.” “I leave it to you.” (Ma) Firmly shaking their left hands with each other, Ma Carme smiled again with his teeth-less face. “If we return to Fokalore after being successful with this, I will be able to get praised by Director Alyssa!” (Ma) “H-Haa...” The messenger imagined the appearance of the woman called Alyssa whom he hasn’t seen yet. Of course it was totally different from reality as he imagined an adult woman. “Uwaah!?” With an arrow suddenly stuck in the horse who pulled the carriage with Origa on board, the female soldier of the Fokalore feudal army, who served as coachman, raised her voice in surprise. Being dragged in by the horse which fell while neighing due to the excessive pain, the horse, which ran next to it, falls down as well. Inevitably the balance of the carriage falls apart, too, and the soldier was thrown out on the road. “Wa wa... to to” Although receiving a blow to her shoulder, she used ukemi, which she had been forced to train until getting fed up with it, and avoided a fatal wound. Even so she felt intense pain as she apparently fractured her right arm. However, even apart from that, there’s something she has to do first. “E-Enemy attack! Origa-sama, are you alright!?” “Are you safe!? All hands, surround the carriage!” (Midas) Jumping off the horse, Midas drew his sword. Origa’s attendants are five female soldiers. Everyone, except the soldier who acted as coachman of Origa’s carriage, was staying on the following carriage and barely escaped from a rear-end collision. Everyone disembarks quickly and rushes to the toppled-over carriage while drawing their swords. “Origa-sama! Ah!?” Another arrow came flying and grazed the armour worn by a soldier. Causing a high-pitched metallic sound, it raises the tension of everyone. “Don’t you think you have gone a bit too far?” “It will be more fun if they die”, a male voice said. Men, who wore armours appeared in groups from the thickets at the road’s sides. Translated by Infinite Novel Translations! At their lead was a small man who wore a slightly dirty leather armour and grinned broadly. “You bastards are the subordinates of Count Aspilketa, eh?” Midas asked for their identity, but ignoring him, the small man surveyed the female soldiers of Fokalore. “Hoo... there’s only female soldiers, that’s unusual. Even if the noble’s wife dies, there will still be amusement left.” Sensing gazes as if being licked all over, the female soldiers felt a chill run down their spines with a shiver. “Uwaah...” “Uh-oh, don’t move. There’s still arrows left. If you make unnecessary movements, that person...” “Are you the leader of those filthy men?” (Origa) The one who obstructed the words of the small man was Origa who came out from the carriage. As the luggage has become a cushioning, she hasn’t suffered any major injuries. “Origa-sama!” “Hehee, that’s you, eh? You are younger than I expected.” “Answer me. Are you the ringleader of this mess?” (Origa) Origa pointed at the horse which has already died after receiving an arrow and collapsing. “Then, die.” (Origa) Once Origa points her right arm towards the small man, a faint sound of wind comes forth and his short neck had a red line drawn on it. “Ue?” “Listen just like this.” (Origa) While slowly approaching the small man, Origa faced him with a dark and muddy look. “Your crimes are two. First, you broke the porcelain tableware which took me three days to carefully select for the sake of having Hifumi-sama use it. Even only that deserves certain death, but moreover you hindered a wife who is hurrying on the road home to meet with her husband. Even if you might have any kind of reason, it’s impossible for me to pardon this.” (Origa) With a sharp sound, she thrusts her still closed iron-ribbed fan in front of the small man’s eyes. “It’s a far too heavy crime. You should die right away.” (Origa) Once she poked the small man’s forehead with her iron-ribbed fan, the head was cleanly detached from the torso and the round head rolled lightly on the road. The headless body continues to stand on its short legs. “Repent in the other world.” (Origa) Midas, who watched her dumbfoundedly, surveyed the surroundings in panic. “The arrows will come! All members...” (Midas) “There’s no need to worry.” (Origa) Origa says while concealing her mouth with the opened fan. “I checked the surroundings with wind magic, but there’s no one hidden in the thickets. The 16 men, who have come out, are all of them.” (Origa) Rather than the mentioned details, Midas gulped due to the fact of there being magic which is able to grasp that. It’s the echolocation which Origa developed after receiving a hint from Hifumi previously, but its accuracy is already ignoring some obstacles. Once they comprehend the situation somehow or other, Midas’ knight unit and the soldiers of Fokalore don’t hold back. “All hands, arrest them...” (Midas) “Dispose of them.” (Origa) The female soldiers started to run upon Origa’s voice. The disturbed assailants held their weapons and tried to deal with them with a faint smile as the number of enemies was less than them and they were even women, but that was a mistake. With a sound as if cutting grass, Origa’s iron-ribbed fan gouges out the throat of one of them. One more dies due to Origa’s magic and the soldiers also reliably kill them one after the other. “V-Vice-captain, we...” Due to the overwhelming scenery unfolded by the female group, whom they regarded as their target of protection, one of the knights sent his look at Midas. “It can’t be helped. Even if it’s only one, arrest them for interrogation. Hurry or they will end up annihilated.” (Midas) Finishing the battle within a few minutes, the assailants were completely slaughtered in the end. “Well then, let’s abandon one carriage here. We will hurry our return with the remaining one.” (Origa) Due to the words of Origa who made sure that the last one was dead, the soldiers quickly wiped the blood off their weapons and began the transfer of the luggage from the broken carriage. “... Vice-Captain, if what we do...” Midas sighed. “We will continue accompanying the countess and join up with Nelgal-sama in Fokalore.” (Midas) “What else can we do anyway?” Midas mounted his horse. It looks like the soldiers of Fokalore will finish their preparations soon. “One piece was safe!?” (Origa) Origa, who discovered an undamaged item amongst the porcelain souvenirs, put it carefully back into its box and embraced it in her chest with great care. “Ah, Hifumi-sama. Origa will be very soon at your side.” (Origa) The entranced expression looks dreamy to a degree that one wouldn’t think of her as the woman who created a tragic, headless corpse not long ago. Feeling a pain inside his eyes, Midas curbed his brow with his fingers.
Behind the mounted Nelgal the soldiers of Orsongrande were replaced by those of Horant before anyone really noticed. They, including many magic soldiers as well, are firmly staring at their fellow countrymen in front. Ahead of their gazes was also the figure of Tannin who was was waiting and watching the situation on horseback. Tannin smiled bitterly at himself having miscalculated. Nelgal was probably given a permit to depart the country signed by the former king Suprangel as something that proves his identity, but I didn’t think that a person, who opposes Kuzemu with only that much, will be able to rally such numbers. “Good grief, I expected that uncle has aspects where he lacks in popularity, but... should I praise Nelgal’s side on top of that? He brought along a considerable number of soldiers.” (Tannin) Although he is playing the fool, the sweat doesn’t stop flowing down his cheeks. According to Tannin’s analysis, the soldiers directly commanded by Nelgal, who are currently confronting the . soldiers strong side of Kuzemu, are exceeding . in numbers. The rest of the soldiers, who were at the border, and most of the military forces lent by almost all nobles of Horant, who swore their allegiance to Nelgal, along the road to the capital. The nobles’ thoughts are simple. Nelgal, who has a friendly relation to Orsongrande, is superior due to his economical future prospects. Of course, that also includes the meaning that they don’t want to fight with Orsongrande. Naturally they haven’t explained it as anything but a simple battle for justice to the soldiers. “If you are intelligent soldiers of Horant, you will be able to judge which side is just! You would know about me and you would choose to fight together with me! Me being here is proof of this. It’s evidence of me standing here as legal successor!” (Nelgal) Nelgal’s voice can be even heard by Tannin. Of course that speech is also heard by those in the surroundings. Their looks, which are from time to time examining each other uneasily, are gloomy. “This will be harsh.” (Tannin) Tannin’s small mutter wasn’t heard by anyone, for good or bad. “I will look at the situation for a bit. Once I give the signal, ((send)) those gross ((things)) to the front line... no, release them behind the front row.” (Tannin) The soldier, who heard the order, gives his opinion to Tannin in panic. “Please wait. In that case the soldiers in the front row will end up getting dragged into it.” “It’s what I decided.” (Tannin) “However...” “Those are uncontrollable things anyway. Besides, the lot in the front row will betray us no matter what.” (Tannin) “Well, watch it”, while glaring at the state of the soldiers who are in his and Nelgal’s surroundings, Tannin snorted atop the horseback. With people appearing in front of their eyes whom they obviously know as they are soldiers from the same country, the soldiers of Tannin’s side, and especially the group in the front row, were confused. “Those are, without a doubt, soldiers from Horant, aren’t they?” “But, the order is...” “The king is higher ranked than the prime minister, right!?” “Ain’t it different since he still ain’t the king?” With several of them exchanging words and letting their opinions freely adrift, they wait for an answer by someone. They are excellent soldiers thus they won’t make a judgement by themselves. “As someone who will become king.” (Nelgal) Nelgal’s words incite them. “If you open the way, I shall treat you as my people. However, if you fall as low as being underlings of someone who monopolizes our state, there’s no way I can forgive you.” (Nelgal) However, by no means is it easy. “Though I don’t wish for battle, I will never hesitate to fight for the sake of guiding Horant towards being a righteous country!” (Nelgal) The spears from Tannin’s side stopped and the magic barrier was released. When Nelgal slowly advances his horse, his military forces advance as well. The soldiers, who are bewildered and puzzled, retreated while breaking the ranks due to his pressure. The things, which Tannin “transported” from the capital, were creatures which stopped being human. They were even hidden from Suprangel. Kuzemu took over the research, which was ordered by the dead Crown Prince Veldore, and brought them even to a state where they can be used albeit being incomplete. Apparently Veldore planned to apply this to all regular soldiers in the event this research was successful. That research was called “Immortal Soldiers Project” at the time when Veldore was still alive. “It’s Tannin-sama’s order. Prepare their release.” “... Is that really alright?” A soldier of the carriage, which transports... no, quarantines the immortal soldiers, knows about the carriage’s contents and therefore asks in return with a frightened expression. “You are still better of. You know the timing to run away. But...” The soldier, who conveyed the order, made a twisted face while watching his allies who are confused at the close vicinity of the front line. He was easily able to imagine the outcome once the immortal soldiers were released. “It’s still only an order to prepare them. That doesn’t mean it was decided to release them at all.” “That’s mere consolation”, anyone could comprehend that. “I-I will stop! Do you know where I should go!?” A single soldier, unable to endure Nelgal’s pressure, discarded his weapon. “I-In that case I will quit as well!” Once they lost all restraints, weapons are tossed away one after the other by the soldiers at the front. “Wait! Deserting is a heavy crime!” Once people, who leave the ranks towards outside the highway, start appearing one after another, the commanding officer orders all soldiers to return in panic, but even if there are those who are perplexed by his voice, there’s only few who abide. “It’s much better than treason!” When someone yells that, the surroundings agree to it and approving voices spread like a ripple on the water. By now even Nelgal has stopped his advance and is watching the situation. “... Even if they don’t become our allies, it will be fine as long as ((their ranks)) collapse like this.” (Nelgal) At the preparatory meeting with Imeraria, she approved of Nelgal’s speech and consented to the soldiers accompanying him. They would head for the capital by passing through while being thoroughly cautious as long as they don’t become hindrances by not obeying. If it seemed that a part of them would attack, it would deliver a considerable shock. The attacks of Fokalore soldiers, who came into contact with the enemy first, were completely irregular, but Nelgal feels relieved in his mind as he was able to develop the situation according to his hypothesis. Even now the chaos is lasting, but with the state of files and ranks apparently already gone, the soldiers, who escape, are gradually increasing. If it goes on like that, the front line will lose its function as army. Once that happens, any general, if they are decent, will likely return to the capital to retreat for a moment. However, Nelgal saw a single matter that bothered him. On the other side of the enemy’s front line, which began to crumble, there was a strange, square carriage. Nelgal has no recollections of a carriage that had such a shape. He pondered whether it might be a box-shaped carriage which was made for someone in the higher governmental service, but considering that no window can be found, even not a small one to degree of being pitiful. , Nelgal was overly concerned. However, even so he won’t understand something he can’t see. He won’t see the box’ contents unless he doesn’t try to open it. ☺☻☺ “Huh?” Mingling with Nelgal’s soldiers who have fortified the front line, several soldiers of Fokalore have taken up position in a part of the ranks and Alyssa was there as their commander as well. It turned into such situation once they ended up being pushed out at the time when suddenly a great number of allied soldiers of Horant headed to the front. At the preparatory meeting it was originally decided that Fokalore’s and Orsongrande’s soldiers would yield their spot once Horant’s soldiers head to the front, but Alyssa and only around 20 soldiers have remained in order to grasp the state of affairs. “Did you see anything, Director?” The soldier, who gave Alyssa, who said that she can’t see well as there are many adults, a shoulder ride, asks with a smile while being watched with resentful eyes by his colleagues in the vicinity. “The other side has been mixed up, but there’s some large carriage.” (Alyssa) “Carriage? Has the son of a noble come here?” “It’s not that gaudy. How to call it? It looks just like a big box.” (Alyssa) While watching the other side through a pipe made with both hands, once Alyssa tilted her head to the side, the door attached to that box was opened. Seeing the things that came out, Alyssa grimaced while extending her tongue out. With far-sightedness soldiers, who wore a simple armour, could be seen at first. They weren’t tall or muscular but rather thin. Their bizarreness was visible on their faces which could be observed beneath their smooth helmets. “What, are those...?” (Alyssa) The nose bridges are low as if they were chipped off, the eyelids dangled and drool was constantly spilling from in-between the violet lips. Though it’s insane on a first glance, their faces have violet and darkish specks all over. Alyssa didn’t know but, it was the post-mortem lividity of people who died by poison and similar. Their expressions are flat as if caved in and they are merely absent-minded. “I have seen those somewhere... ah!” (Alyssa) What Alyssa recalled was the large number of corpses she saw in the town of Vichy called Rhone. Corpses of those who were killed while being expressionless and corpses which had decayed slowly. Hitting the head of the soldier in front of her eyes with a *tap tap*, Alyssa descended from atop his shoulders in a hurry and grandly vomited right at the spot. “D-Director?” “Are you alright? Water, here you go!”magic The soldiers, who have surrounded Alyssa in panic, offer towels and water bottles to her but Alyssa refuses while spiting out. “Peh, peh... I-I’m fine. Rather than that...” (Alyssa) “Gyaaah!” “S-Stop it!” The instant Alyssa tried to give some instructions, screams came from the enemy’s side. The immortal soldiers began to attack the soldiers on Kuzemu’s side, which were nearby, first and not their enemy. Don’t they possess swords? Recklessly swinging blades which were installed at the gauntlets on both their hands, they are biting and clinging at those who were close to them. In order to save their captured comrades, the other soldiers cut at the arms and backs of the immortal soldiers, but let alone separating them, the immortal soldiers didn’t even react. “Aah...” Once a soldier, who lost a great amount of blood after being bitten into the neck, used up all his strength, the immortal soldiers’ target shifted to another soldier who is still standing or walking. “What are those...?” Due to the tragedy being unfolded in front of their eyes, Nelgal’s surroundings were simply having their breath taken away while not knowing how to deal with the situation. Alyssa arrived there after pushing her way through, or rather jumping over the soldiers guarding Nelgal. “A-Alyssa-san?” (Nelgal) “Pull back the soldiers right away! Those are dangerous!” (Alyssa) Without waiting for his reply, Alyssa grabbed the bit of the horse with Nelgal on it and skilfully changed its direction. Jumping on the horse behind Nelgal, she began to make the horse gallop by lightly striking its rear. “What has happened? It looked to me as if the soldiers on the other side are killing each other...” (Nelgal) “Though it’s simple to explain since not much time has passed, it’s Horant’s drugs or magic tools? I saw people who didn’t know pain or fear. And it’s the same with them.” (Alyssa) Once they arrived in front of the platform wagon with Imeraria on it, Alyssa jumped off the horse and Nelgal stopped the horse by pulling its reins in panic. “What happened? It looks like the other side is in an uproar, but...” (Imeraria) “Ask Nelgal for an explanation!” (Alyssa) Due to Alyssa running away towards the location, where Fokalore’s soldiers have gathered, while saying that over her shoulder, Orsongrande’s soldier turned angry looks at her, but Imeraria herself doesn’t care about that at the moment. “Oh. Horant’s hidden ace made its appearance, didn’t it?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who heard the conversation, runs off as if being fired off by the platform wagon the minute he stands up and Origa chases after him in silence. Even while Viine was perplexed by the sudden event, she started to pursue Hifumi after sending a fleeting glance to Puuse. “I believe it will be fine if you take a rest here. Won’t you drink some tea as well?” (Imeraria) Imeraria smiled at the wavering Puuse. “Princess-sama, you are quite calm about it.” (Puuse) “I got used to it already.” (Imeraria) Ordering for black tea to be prepared, Imeraria turned her look towards the front line once again. “Besides, now is still not the time for me to make my move.” (Imeraria) Imeraria smiled while offering sweets. “Let’s leave the fighting scenes to those liking them. What a lady flourishes at is a suitable scene that uses more wit.” (Imeraria) Due to Imeraria’s way of talking like an upper class lady, Puuse opened her mouth in admiration. Going by appearance, she has a sweet, obedient character, but her lifestyle in the wilderness of basically spending time with gathering within the forest is close to that of beastmen. “... Huh? But, the other day you mounted a horse and flew towards the battlefield...” (Sabnak) “Sabnak-san.” (Imeraria) Glaring at Sabnak who has remembered something unnecessary, Imeraria steps down her heel with a *clonk* “Don’t you believe it’s weird that our army doesn’t react in any way just because I’m not moving?” (Imeraria) “I will have them deal with it right away! Vaiya, where did you go!? Vaiya!” (Sabnak) Seeing off Sabnak who jumped off the platform wagon as if running away, Imeraria grumbled 「Geez」. “Your Majesty, Imeraria... it’s really difficult for me to tell you, but they are likely putting to use the soldiers who took a magic potion which was developed in Horant.” (Nelgal) “What kind of drug is that?” (Imeraria) “To the bitter end it’s a speculation, but”, giving that preface, Nelgal explains. “Among the things which were researched by the Crown Prince who was subjugated by Earl Tohno... and died, there were some making it possible to dull a human’s fear and sense of pain. On the other hand there were also items which amplify the feeling of anger. It’s for a short period, but, looking at the situation, wasn’t it successful as it produced “soldiers who don’t feel any pain while being aggressive”...?” (Nelgal) “I see. Those large soldiers seemed to be very slow as well. Those work with the size of a regular soldier, you say. But, won’t they be weaker than the large soldiers in that case?” (Imeraria) “What meaning does it have to change them into the same size as a normal soldier?” Imeraria asks. “The reinforced soldiers have difficulties to make use of their size. Their equipment is custom-made as well.” (Nelgal) If they had the the size of common soldiers, they would be able to use the equipment of other soldiers as well and on top of that it would work out once they are crammed into cages like slaves. Even if they were given items looted from the dead, they wouldn’t complain either. “If you use a large amount of immortal soldiers all at once, it’s possible to crush an enemy with soldiers who will come attacking even after getting cut or stabbed. That’s what it means.” (Nelgal) “A considerably troublesome drug was developed there.” (Imeraria) Nelgal tilted his head to the side due towards Imeraria who tasted the black tea after blowing on it with a “Hapheew.” “A considerably, that is... you seem to have taken it quite calmly though...” (Nelgal) “Nelgal-sama, for the people of Fokalore it cannot be helped that they do as they please in such way. Even my knights have some too indiscriminate aspects due to their influence.” (Imeraria) Putting down the cup with the black tea in it, she smiles alongside a hot sigh. “Only regarding their strength, I can trust in them.” (Imeraria) “... That’s admirable. Well then I will return to the front line and fight together with your country and my soldiers... even for me it should be possible to become a ruler who is able to trust his people like you do.” (Nelgal) Due to Nelgal returning to his horse in a hurry, Imeraria thought “If I were a man, I would probably be allowed to run around a battlefield like this as well.” (Imeraria) “Since the elves mostly fight with magic, it has no relation to man or woman, but are humans different?” (Puuse) Imeraria answered Puuse question with a bitter smile. “There are also things called oppressive social rank, but it’s because I failed.” (Imeraria) “Although I’m good at magic, I’m utterly bad with offensive spells”, once she jokes about it and displays it, even Puuse unintentionally smiled and replied that it’s the same for her as well. “Even though children, who were strong at wind magic and such, played an active role by going to the front at the time of exterminating monsters, I was always kept indoors or cast healing from behind... although I can use binding magic more or less, it didn’t work overly well against monsters that move around...” (Puuse) Once she hears the clonking sound of low-heeled shoes, Puuse lifts her face. Imeraria had stood up and was pointing a serious look at Puuse. “Puuse-san, won’t you allow me to hear further details about this?” (Imeraria) Imeraria wanted a lecture in magic from Puuse. While the surroundings were headed towards battle in hurry, Imeraria decided to bring Puuse over to her side.
It was because of the strange noise audible on the other side of the wall that caused Lotomago to notice the abnormality. Suddenly hearing a sound of something hard hitting the wall, silence returned thereafter. Lotomago has also been aware of the hidden pathways on the other side of the wall. He even knows that sometimes someone from the Royal Knight Order has been passing through there. Or rather Sabnak had consulted him about the permission to use it for travelling and he readily agreed. “Is someone there?” (Lotomago) Lotomago, feeling restless due to not receiving an answer, stood up. He told the maid to leave the room and call for some knights, but it was too late. “Excuse me, Captain.” It was knights who entered the room without knocking. While they had already drawn their swords, one of them forced the maid to sit down in a corner of the room. Turning her sight to Lotomago, the maid moved as she had been ordered by the knight. Furthermore, around five knights entered from the exit of the hidden pathway. A single one amongst them has been bathed in a spurt of blood. “... That’s quite the appearance, but what’s your business?” (Lotomago) “Well, it’s something simple. We want you to hold still here until everything has ended including you losing that position. That is your last task as captain.” The knight, who entered first, explains calmly. Seeing Lotomago’s sight resting on the knight bathed in a spurt of blood, he laughs scornfully. “As there were two knights on the other side of the wall intended to be your guards, we got rid of them.” “Uh-oh, please don’t resist pointlessly.” Putting the sword, he held in his hand, at the throat of Lotomago, he says, “If you don’t oppose us, we will safely release you as well as that maid. After you lost your position. Also, apart from that, we will loose our leeway if you resist too much, okay? We will be compelled to change our way of treatment not only towards you, Captain, but also towards Imeraria-sama.” Looking at the maid, who is sitting down in a frightened state, Lotomago sighed and reseated himself on his chair. “I don’t know what you’re planning to do, but... Balzephon, huh?” (Lotomago) “Oya, it looks like you have suspected something. However, there’s no need for you to think about unnecessary things, Captain. Please wait obediently until we change this country and a new era begins.” The intruding knights are grinning broadly while surrounding Lotomago. The sighing Lotomago closed his eyes. “It seems like there’s nothing I can do right now to change the situation here. As you said, I have decided to wait.” (Lotomago) “A wise choice.” The knights, confirming that there were no weapons close to Lotomago, left behind and exited the room. Lotomago, who watched their actions silently, gave more than a passing thought to the fate of these fools. Yesterday, Lotomago, sensing the uneasiness he felt from Balzephon’s state, discussed that matter with Hifumi. He recalls the face of Hifumi at that time. He only said nothing more but 「Understood」, but his expression showed an innocent smile as if being a child having received a present. ☺☻☺ “Ahhahha!” Suddenly hearing the laughter from the other side of the wall, the shoulders of Suprangel, who had a friendly chat with Nelgal, jumped in surprised. “... Are they holding a party in the next room?” (Suprangel) “I-I don’t know, but...” (Nelgal) Suprangel pouts. Although he asked the maids within the room, they apparently aren’t aware of the circumstances either. Since they don’t know what to do, they are patiently waiting inside the room. After a knock people entered. It’s the soldiers of Fokalore led by Alyssa. “Hello, King-sama.” (Alyssa) “Oh, the young lady from Fokalore, eh? What the heck is happening?” (Suprangel) Apparently Suprangel was pleased with Alyssa’s simple-mindedness. He showed a facial expression of a good-natured old man towards her. At the time he made this face for the first time, the servants from Horant, including Nelgal, made all together surprised faces, but by now they have already accepted it. “Umm~ Hifumi-san has said a “rebellion” is starting. We came to guard King-sama.” (Alyssa) “Rebellion? Despite the king of a foreign country being here? Oh well, it’s because I came quite abruptly. I will be able to feel safe, if it’s the young lady’s group protecting me.” (Suprangel) “That’s right. Military Director Alyssa-dono, please treat our king well.” (Nelgal) Nelgal, who quickly got up, very deeply bowed towards Alyssa, who was around two heads smaller than him. “It’s alright, it’s not only king-sama. We’ve been told to protect all of you. For the time being, the people, who monitored this place, aren’t here anymore.” (Alyssa) When Alyssa said that, Fokalore’s territorial soldiers dragged two limp knights out through a hidden door while laughing. “Ah, director! We have cleared the enemy and gained total control over the hidden pathway. These guys were full of openings to a laughable degree compared to Lord-sama.” “... I think you are making a mistake in the party you compare them to. Please continue to guard the pathway, okay? Tie the knight-san’s and lay them down in the pathway. The same for the other people as well, as planned.” (Alyssa) “At last it’s actual combat after we went sightseeing in Horant”, the soldiers chatted lightly while they guarded inside and outside the room. Hearing that, Nelgal is frowning. “... Hidden pathway? Did you monitor us?” (Nelgal) Towards Nelgal, who speaks as if subduing his anger, it was not Alyssa but Suprangel who moved and hit him with an iron knuckle “Idiot. It’s only natural to inconspicuously monitor for the sake of guarding and precaution. Despite the young lady’s group originally has no obligation to come protect us within the castle, what’s your manner of talking?! ... Excuse me for my dimwitted successor.” (Suprangel) “Er, well... It isn’t us who monitored you, but I can understand the unpleasant feeling of it.” (Alyssa) “I’m very sorry...” (Nelgal) Nelgal, whose head was completely hanging, hasn’t noticed Suprangel clearly mention him as “successor” to someone else. , Suprangel felt disappointed. “So, what’s the matter with Hifumi-dono? If it’s that man, he’s someone to stand at the vanguard of such fighting scene.” (Suprangel) Due to Suprangel’s question Alyssa folded her arms and tilted her head to the side. “That is, I don’t know where he went. He only gave me my orders and ran off somewhere.” (Alyssa) “Ho, that is...” (Suprangel) Suprangel strokes his chin and laughs broadly. “It looks like it will result in something enjoyable.” (Suprangel) Vaiya was in a hurry. With several knights not coming back at the time of their shift change and the person, who went to check, not returning either, there was no one to send to gather information either. “What’s happening?” (Vaiya) He judges it to doubtlessly be an abnormal situation. While feeling it to be inexcusable for the preparations of the guarding of the coronation ceremony, he has ordered the other knights to investigate and headed towards Sabnak’s room at a quick pace accompanied by a single knight for the sake of communication. As he advances while feeling irritated by the long hallway, he finally reached the place that serves as Sabnak’s office. Several knights are gathering in front of its door. Among them were also the figures of people who were reported to be missing. Once a single knight became aware of Vaiya, he put his hand on the swords at his hips and approached. “Just when I wondered who it was, isn’t it the Royal Knight Order’s Vice Captain-sama?” “You, eh... ?” (Vaiya) Vaiya remembered the man in front of him. As colleague from the time at the Second Knight Order, he didn’t have many chances to meet him, but he was a person in the higher ranks within the order in regards to his mastery of the sword. At the time of Horant’s attack he was summoned to his family’s home and shouldn’t have participated in the battles, but apparently he came back without Vaiya knowing about it. “I was surprised when I came back. The Second Knight Order has disappeared, something like a Royal Knight Order has been formed, Vaiya became a vice-captain and that ... fellow from the Third Knight Order became the captain.” Due to the other party talking as if making fun of it, Vaiya makes an effort and replies calmly, “If you don’t like the changes, it’s fine for you to stop being a knight and go home. There’s no one stopping you.” (Vaiya) “Don’t fuck with me! Though you are a traitor, who curried favours with the Third Knight Order! In spite of using swords to protect the nation, that man brought in weird weapons and spread them dirtying the dignity of knights. They stopped being knights.” The other knights, agreeing with his words, shouted abuses at Vaiya and the Third Knight Order all over. “... I feel I finally understood Earl Tohno’s meaning of disciplining the soldiers. I guess this is the reason why the Second Knight Order was defeated whereas Fokalore’s soldiers won the war.” (Vaiya) “Humph, as expected of you, Vice-Captain. You seem to be skilled at talking. However, that’s how far it goes.” Suddenly a pain ran through Vaiya’s back of the head. Once he turned around while eagerly preserving to keep his consciousness, which was about to become hazy, he saw the knight, who accompanied him, there, although he stood holding his sword, still stuck in its scabbard. Although he didn’t see his expression due to his blurry vision, he only realised one thing; him being a traitor belonging to the same organization too. While clenching his teeth and lamenting over his lack of a discerning eye, Vaiya lost his consciousness. There was only one thing bothering him. Something had quietly passed him at the edge of his vision as he was on the brink of collapsing. As it was a person he has a recollection of wearing strange clothes with a wide hem, he heard a voice reprimanding him 「You don’t pay enough attention」. Just before Vaiya finally arrived at Sabnak’s office, Sabnak swiftly drew his sword and confronted the knights who rushed into his room as opponents. Slaying the knight, who tried a surprise attack, he has fallen over at Sabnak’s side. “Tsk. Being done in by the level of someone of the Third Knight Order...” The knight, who cursed looking at the corpse loathsomely, glares at Sabnak while holding his sword.magic In addition there are two more knights there as well. One of them had turned his sword towards the maid, Shibyura, who was within the room. “You came entering quite unexpectedly causing quite the situation, but what’s your business with me? Since I’m busy I’d like you to keep it short though, okay?” (Sabnak) Sabnak was sweating buckets while cracking a joke. He was somehow able to deal with the sudden attack as result of receiving coaching from Hifumi, but Sabnak, who has no more than the level of skill to decently compete with the lower ranks of the knight order, has only a small chance of winning. “We want you bastard to become a sacrifice in order to establish a new knight order organization. Princess Imeraria will announce the new system at the coronation ceremony afterwards. It is expected for the Second Knight Order to play a central part in the creation of the new system. For that reason, Lotomago and you asshole are nuisances.” “Did you go to the captain’s place as well... ?” (Sabnak) “No worries, once he’s of no use, Lotomago will also follow you in death.” With these words he swung his sword. Sabnak repelled it in an unsteady manner of using his hands. “How long will you survive against two opponents? In the end it’s a test of your luck.” “Kuu...” Sabnak, who retreated to a corner of the room as if rolling over, was one way or the other successful in avoiding a state of being pincer-attacked. However, while dealing with the two in the front, his wounds are slowly increasing. “Come on, come on! Do you wish to be tormented to death as it is?” “I hope to find a way to not die. I still haven’t even been married yet.” (Sabnak) “Don’t get cocky!” The sword of the enraged knight cut open Sabnak’s knee. Sabnak, losing the way to stand up, somehow supported his body with the remaining, unhurt knee and defended against the sword swung down at his head. The sword, carrying its own weight, gradually forced him down. At that moment a scream could be heard at another place. “Uwah!” Once the knight, who isn’t entangled with Sabnak looked back, he saw the knight, who had watched Shibyura, fallen. Shibyura stood there holding a knife in her hands while trembling. “You bitch!” As the knight, brandishing his sword, approaches her, Shibyura closes her eyes and starts running passing by his side. “What?” Once the ignored knight turned his sight in a hurry, he could see Shibyura headed towards the figure of his companion, who put even more weight into his sword to kill Sabnak. “Watch your back!” He called out in panic, but it was too late. Shibyura, grasping her knife tightly, hurled herself into the flank of the knight and stabbed the blade deeply into the un-armoured part. “Uh?! Y-You bitch!” Shibyura let go of the knife and clung to Sabnak. The knight, who had the knife buried in his flank, raised his sword overhead and slashed not at Sabnak but Shibyura’s back. “Shibyura!” (Sabnak) Holding Shibyura, who has limply collapsed towards him, Sabnak screamed, but Shibyura, shedding large quantities of blood, breathed out dripping in sweat. “Though to protect... someone important... hesitated... no good...” (Shibyura) “Don’t talk recklessly! Cling to your consciousness strongly!” (Sabnak) The knight, who had his flank stabbed, has fainted in agony. The remaining knight is approaching in rage. “You dare to turn your blade at a knight! You, with a standing as maid!” But, this yell became the knight’s last words. The instant he finished saying them, the point of a katana stuck out from his throat. Without even understanding what has happened to him, he writhes vomiting blood and before long he has parted this world. Immediately following a little bottle came flying and hit Shibyura’s chin. “Ugo.” Sabnak, grasping the bottle in a hurry, realizes the true nature of it. Opening it quickly, he pours it on Shibyura’s back. The wound on the back of Shibyura, who endured the pain with a frown, is healed in a twinkle. Seeing this, Sabnak sighed in relief and looked up at the person who threw the magic potion. “High-class magic potions have an amazing effect, Hifumi-san.” (Sabnak) Hifumi, who finished off the remaining two knights, sheathed his katana and sat down on the sofa. “Rather than something like that, I’d like you to give me a bit tea. If a person goes on a rampage, they will get thirsty. Ah, also, since Vaiya has collapsed in the hallway, retrieve him before someone steps on him.” (Hifumi) “Though that’s difficult...” (Sabnak) Gently laying down the fainted Shibyura, whose breathing has calmed down after the wound healed, Sabnak smiled bitterly. “She ended up using all of the magic potion. My knee is cut without change. To be blunt, it awfully painful making it impossible to stand up.” (Sabnak) An additional bottle hit Sabnak’s forehead.
Mmm... While publicly being peaceful and internally taking a massive toll, the coronation ceremony finished safely. Imeraria will unify Orsongrande as new queen, Adol will continue to counsel the ruler as prime minister and Sabnak will be assigned as guard for the castle and Imeraria as Royal Knight Order Captain. In the castle, where the shadow of the prince faction completely vanished, it was decided to appoint new personnel as civil officials and knights by gathering appointed nobles, who don’t possess new territories, and the sons and daughters of nobles, who aren’t estimated to inherit their households. The aspect, which was different from how it was done up until now, was that all of the personnel would receive training in Fokalore. “Then, please take care of them, Hifumi-sama.” (Imeraria) Having finished their journey preparations, the newly recruited nobles were lining up in a row. In their presence Queen Imeraria bowed towards Hifumi very naturally. The nobles were noisily clattering about like ripples on a water surface, but there will likely be no one looking down on Hifumi as rising noble with this “Understood. Since I received it as job, they will get trained properly.” (Hifumi) Hifumi showed a firm nod. There is an agreement that from now on several of each, civil officials and military officers, will be sent as exchange students as request from the royal capital to Fokalore every year. Of course, Hifumi will be paid proper rewards by the kingdom. “I’m sorry, Captain Sabnak, but thank you in advance.” (Vaiya) “Yea, please leave the house-sitting to me. It’s alright for you to slowly savour the life of a newly-wed.” (Sabnak) Close-by, where Imeraria and Hifumi have been talking, Vaiya and Sabnak exchanged greetings of departure. He, together with several knights, will accompany Hifumi and the trainees as escort until Fokalore. Together with his fiancée, Phyrinion, they are scheduled to head towards the territory of Viscount Amazelo, which is Phyrinion’s family’s home. “Once I finish my part, next it will be Captain Sabnak’s turn, right? Since the person, who will become your father-in-law, is nearby, will you return home for some greetings?” (Vaiya) Watching Shibyura quietly drawing close from behind Sabnak, Vaiya smiles. “Don’t make fun of me. ... I still haven’t officially talked with the prime minister.” (Sabnak) Vaiya, who stared in surprise, raised his voice alternately looking at Sabnak and Shibyura. “You surprised me there! Is there some kind of problem?” (Vaiya) “That is...” (Sabnak) “It’s only Sabnak-sama being a good-for-nothing. Please go meet your bride without worries as I will have taken him along for greetings, even if I have to hit him, until Vaiya-sama returns.” (Shibyura) Shibyura, seizing Sabnak’s arm with the slender fingers of her right hand, is clearly digging her nails into Sabnak’s upper arm. “As this person saved me by literally risking her own life, I intend to talk it over carefully.” (Sabnak) In contrast to Shibyura, who has a rough nasal breathing full of fighting spirit, Sabnak was crestfallen and had dropped his shoulders. “That is a problem.” Between the maids a rumour has taken shape, which states that as result of Shibyura defeating two knights during the coronation ceremony’s rebellion, she saved Sabnak. Those two had a good relationship since the coronation ceremony, but in contrast to Shibyura, who treats others with sterny* stout-heartedness, Sabnak, who often listens to the opinions of others with a gentle personality, is apparently seen as being totally dominated. “At least go to do formal greetings once you get some confidence after having acquired slight achievements as captain.” (Vaiya) Sabnak saw Vaiya off laughing feebly. ☺☻☺ Different from before at the main gate of the capital, where it has turned into a cheerful departure, heavy air drifts about in the office of Knight Captain Lotomago. Two people, Lotomago, who’s the owner of the room, and Adol are in here. “Then, there’s no doubt that you will retire after today?” (Adol) “Yea, with the serious affairs, that happened in the castle, far from being helpful, I ended up being caught by the enemy. I have no position as military officer anymore. I have received permission by Her Majesty the Queen yesterday.” (Lotomago) While sorting the documents remaining on the desk, Lotomago calmly answered the prime minister’s question. “However, at that time even Her Majesty the Queen as well as the Royal Knight Order Captain suffered from enemy attacks. I think there’s no necessity for Lotomago-dono to retire or anything like that though...” (Adol) Lotomago slowly shakes his head towards the prime minister, who tries to detain him. His face shows no grief or bitterness. He has a calm and gentle expression. “Even though Captain Sabnak was saved by Earl Tohno and prime minister’s ojou-san, he personally acted towards escaping the danger. As for Her Majesty the Queen, she was betrayed by the guards attached to her. In comparison, I, who wasn’t able to offer any kind of resistance, couldn’t do anything more than passing the time by sitting and waiting...” (Lotomago) Temporarily pausing his words there, Lotomago leaned his body against the back of the chair. “No, that’s no more than mere pretence. A military officer, who wasn’t able to fight because of his old age, should leave. That’s all there is to it. There’s no meaning in lining up reasons, that seem like excuses, either.” (Lotomago) “It seems that you’ve made your decision.” (Adol) “It’s just a story about running away. It isn’t anything as noble as a decision. Besides, I discovered a successor, whom I was able to smoothly burden with the work.” (Lotomago) Due to Lotomago smiling, even Adol was lured into laughing. With a sudden knock on the door, a single knight came entering. “Excuse me. I was told you called for me, but... this is, were you talking with His Excellency the Prime Minister? I’m very sorry.” (Midas) It was Midas, who entered the room. “No, it’s alright since I called you here.” (Lotomago) Urged by Lotomago, Midas stands in front of Lotomago. “Midas, how old were your children again?” (Lotomago) “Ha? and years old, but... Did something happen?” (Midas) Midas, who was confused being abruptly asked about his family, pulled himself together and replied honestly. “I see, the prime time of being mischievous. Although you rejected it once, won’t you move to the mansion, which is close to the royal palace? For only people the care-taking will be easy as well, if you employ a maid. Accordingly it will likely become more comfortable for your wife, too. Because it is easy to get lessons close to the royal palace, even for educating children, it will probably be convenient one way or the other.” (Lotomago) “No, the size of that mansion is for us too spacious after all... I will feel awkward to receive food made by someone else since I like the home cooking of my wife.” (Midas) , Lotomago smiles. Adol, who listened as well, showed a smile. “However, if someone, who is the Knight Captain, commutes from too far away, it will likely take time to deal with it once something happens.” (Lotomago) “? I’m the vice-captain. Because there’s also a place in the castle, which is on standby in case of an emergency...” (Midas) “That’s what we will talk about now. You will become the captain. The notice of personnel change has already been accepted by Her Majesty the Queen as well.” (Lotomago) Looking at the paper, handed over to him, Midas has been surprised as if his eyeballs are popping out. “Th-This is... But, for me, who hails from a poor Viscount family, this sort of position is...” (Midas) “Idiot!” (Lotomago) Due to Midas being perplexed, Lotomago shouted in a thundering voice with a strict expression. “Are you believing that you can save anyone by using your pedigree? Did that Earl Tohno obtained his victories by showing off his position as Earl? Is it only that much you, who watched him from close-by, gained from that person?” (Lotomago) Due to Lotomago’s powerful tone, he usually doesn’t use, Midas was only surprised at the beginning, but at the time he properly grasped the things said, he was able to calm down and bow. “I’m very sorry. I’m not very good at swordsmanship, but I have the experience of having seen many people by blending in amongst the populace. In that aspect alone I have confidence that I won’t fall behind or even lose to that Earl Tohno.” (Midas) “Very well.” (Lotomago) Lotomago returned his smile to the same one as before. “Then, go back home holding that notice of personnel change at once and explain it in front of your family. Isn’t it necessary to have a talk with your wife first, also to prepare the moving? I have already called for people to tidy and polish up the mansion. A maid for around people has been arranged as well.” (Lotomago) “... You have my deepest thanks for your considerations.” (Midas) In the eyes of Midas, who bowed once again, a few tears shone. “What? If I consider the size of the things that will weight on your shoulders from now, this is the least I can do at the end. ... I will vacate this place tomorrow. Also, I will rely on you.” (Lotomago) “Ha! Please put your trust in me!” (Midas) ☺☻☺ Eventually the disturbances, which caused many victims to appear, primarily thanks to Hifumi, came to a temporary end. Orsongrande and Horant established a firm bond using the territorial administration skills and combat engineering of Fokalore as materials for bridge building. On the contrary, Vichy received a strong protest regarding the manoeuvring within the castle by the envoy and his attendants from Orsongrande. In the end, the cessation of hostilities took a shape close to a total capitulation of Vichy’s side. Even concerning the independent Pyulsan, by using the method of forming a relationship of sending personnel for studying towards Fokalore, in order to successfully establish a pipe, which is stronger than Vichy’s, Vichy became unable to make a careless move on them. As a result Vichy recognized the independence due to them being an enemy they had no way to crush. There were no countries, which perished, and the number of countries increased. Once they noticed, Orsongrande’s realm had expanded and they became a power, whose right to speak couldn’t be overlooked anymore as was custom in the past. Although it was the common understanding of all nation that this was due to Hifumi backing them, Hifumi has a stance of not making any speeches or showing his face in the public field of diplomacy. Adhering to what they heard about his nonchalant attitude, the nations have become cautious in contacting him, which also includes Orsongrande, the nation he belongs to. Instead, the appeal of his territory and not the person himself has increased. Many people, who are engaged in territorial administration, guards, knights and people, leading territorial soldiers are coming to visit Fokalore. Because they stay with public funds and study there, the territory’s population is following the path of increase and the amount of money spent in the territory rises as well. There’s also the influence of the war damages. Manpower from around the world comes gathering. Unnoticed, the population of the territory of Fokalore has become several times that when Hifumi was inaugurated as feudal lord first. Reaching the point that even cities like Arosel, being in the same territory, are gathering people, the developed cities, because of governors dispatched by Fokalore, rapidly put their appearance and institutions in order. It might be only a natural outcome that the city turned into a festival merrymaking at the time the feudal lord came back to the city of Fokalore, which achieved a prosperity above the current capital. “Let us through~ !!” (Alyssa) Leading at the front, Alyssa shouts and the soldiers desperately pry open a path. In the back of Hifumi, who is advancing on horse, there is Vaiya’s group of knights and civil officials and continuing behind them the trainees, who were just freshly recruited. The population unanimously clamoured and welcomed Hifumi, who was seen to advance while being accompanied by many people, home. In order to reply to them, once Hifumi raised his left hand and lightly waved, high-pitched shouts of joy were raised. “It’s good that Origa-san isn’t here.” (Alyssa) The soldiers nodded due to Alyssa’s murmur. Hifumi and Vaiya head towards the lord’s mansion as is and Alyssa guides the remaining people, who came to study, towards the lodgings, which are being rapidly erected in Fokalore. “””””Welcome home, Lord-sama.””””” At the moment they entered the mansion, the civil official slaves greeted them with a bow. Stepping forward, Caim stands in front of Hifumi. “There haven’t been any problem on the whole. Let me express our pleasure for you returning home safely.” (Caim) Since he had a serious look that didn’t shame his nickname of arrogance, Hifumi wasn’t particularly happy either, but as it had been a while since he last heard his indifferent voice, he actually experienced a feeling of having come home. As he casually looked around, he caught sight of Miyukare looking around restlessly without being able to calm down. “What are you looking for, Miyukare?” (Hifumi) “L-Lord-sama, hasn’t the Military Director travelled together with you?” (Miyukare) “... She is guiding the trainees from the capital towards the lodgings.” (Hifumi) “Thank you very much!” (Miyukare) Bowing in a hurry, Miyukare darted away. As he is astonished by this spectacle, Phyrinion comes down from the upper floor and bows towards Hifumi. “I heard about your return. With this the burden on my shoulders will be lowered as well.” (Phyrinion) With her seeming to have only a bit fatigue left, her eye colour can be seen to have become slightly cloudy, too. “Thanks for your work. Since it’s alright now, it’s fine to take Vaiya along.” (Hifumi) Phyrinion, who smiled sweetly due to Hifumi’s words, showed a beauty appropriate for her age. “Thank you very much. ... Well, then let’s go.” (Phyrinion) Having his arm seized by Phyrinion, Vaiya gave his greeting to Hifumi in a hurry and, taking Krinola along, the two of them headed towards Phyrinion’s lodging place. “Then, we want the privilege of reporting concerning the events during your campaign.” (Caim) “Before that I want you to listen for just a minute.” (Hifumi) Holding back the civil official slaves around Caim, who started to take out documents each gathered as report, Hifumi turned towards Caim. “For example, will there be any problem, if you guys nominate someone to whom I can entrust the territory for a while again?” (Hifumi) Caim closed his eyes for merely a few seconds regarding that question and opened them then again. “It’s probably difficult. Even without the the issues of ability, the territorial administration brings status with it. If it’s Lord-sama and his family, or possibly a noble dispatched by the capital, there won’t be a problem, but I don’t believe the system will function well, assuming some commoner or slave takes the post.” (Caim) “I see. How troublesome.” (Hifumi) It’s difficult to summon someone from the capital again. I don’t know what kind of person will come. However, naturally I have no family in this world. “Family... family, huh?” (Hifumi) Grumbling up to here, the faces of his family in his former world didn’t appear in Hifumi’s mind. He also doesn’t think that there’s still some way to go before he wants to return to the world over there. “That’s right. For example, there would likely be no problems to temporarily entrust it to your wife, if you were to get married.” (Caim) Due to Caim’s suggestion, Doelgar tried to stop the flow of the conversation in a panic, but it was too late. The topic of Hifumi’s marriage partner has flowed to the female staff member, who was pricking up her ears nearby and has been spread in a twinkling of an eye. It didn’t even take hours until the rumour ‘Hifumi is looking for a spouse’ spreads from the staff members to the soldiers and from the soldiers to Alyssa’s ears. “This might turn into a disaster...” (Alyssa) For Alyssa, if you ask her whether she sees the person called Hifumi as a man, she won’t be able to answer clearly. I like him, but as result of having seen the fanatic called Origa from nearby, honestly speaking, it has cooled down in some respects. As for it becoming a competition, it will end by me being stabbed before it’s about whether I can win or not However, for a spouse looking at it as third party, he is a rising noble with popularity regardless of inside or outside the country. But, for Hifumi, who isn’t someone lining up huge achievements, it is easy to imagine that he will become the most popular partner, not just for nobles, but also for commoners, who will aim for the position of concubine. “If Origa-san came back now, it would turn into a major disaster...” (Alyssa) I don’t believe that that Hifumi is actively looking for a marriage partner, but concerning Origa, even only the rumour will doubtlessly give her a plenty excessive stimulus. Issuing instructions to restrain the diffusion of the rumour in a hurry, Alyssa ordered to pass a message to the gatekeeper to notify her first, once Origa returned. “Origa-san, I want to meet with you soon, but only for now, don’t come back, okay...?” (Alyssa) With feelings similar to a prayer, Alyssa rushed towards the lord’s mansion.magic
Since their decision to prepare for war in only a short while, Hifumi’s daily life became quite busy. He had to train the formation of the troops, prepare the equipment, design a strategy, and in addition read up on the documents related to Fokalore and its surrounding settlements after having become the new feudal lord of the area. He had to come up with the future political measures, too. “Maa, what will happen, will happen. The problem is the unaccounted-for expenditures. The question is how to handle it well in order to avoid bankruptcy...” (Hifumi) Today there were slaves he had purchased a few days ago from Ular within that room. The slaves, who were suddenly brought to the royal castle, were driven by anxiety while they were assigned to different rooms split by gender. These hectic and severe circumstances were also caused by Hifumi, who without giving them any kind of instructions, had them do nothing but eating a gorgeous meal and sleeping. And then, on the next day, after having seen the listings in the accounting book of income and expenditure of the Viscount’s territory, which was delivered by Sabnak, who had been dispatched to the territory of the former Viscount Hagenti, Hifumi called for an assembly first thing in the morning. “First of all, please sit down properly. Ah, not on the floor but on a chair.” (Hifumi) He called out to the slaves who didn’t know whether such action would be fine and thus remained standing stock still. After confirming that everyone was seated, he distributed several bound paper bundles to all of them by tossing them. “Well then, now I will explain the work you are supposed to do for me. Well, although that’s what I am saying, in a short while I will be going to war. In the meanwhile you will learn the things written on those papers.” (Hifumi) “Ano, master ... what are these?” (Slave A) To the question asked by a single female slave in a small voice, Hifumi replied with a serious look, “Those are the textbooks I made for you.” (Hifumi) Hifumi had written down the methods concerning calculation by division, multiplication by using multiplication tables, percentage calculation, and calculation of size and volume. He also included a simple way of recording an account book. (E: Those were subjects which weren’t used by anyone but scholars in this world. “I want you guys to work as civil officials in my new territory. For that reason, this is the least amount you have to learn.” (Hifumi) Tapping on the documents with his fingers, he said this to all of them while surveying their expressions. “Ci-Civil O-Officials? Even though were are slaves ...” (Slave B) “If I can use them, it doesn’t matter whether they are commoners or slaves. I only went to Ular’s shop because it was the quickest and easiest way to gather talented personnel. If I meet another qualified fellow somewhere, I intend to employ them whenever possible.” (Hifumi) After having listened properly to the speech you could call an explanation concerning the contents, the slaves frantically glared at the documents. The entire morning was spent on coaching the slaves. Afterwards it changed into self-study. Quickly finishing his lunch, Hifumi left the castle and headed towards the training school in the back of the barracks. “All units, line up!” Raising a cloud of dust by their movement, people straightened their backs. The first unit was compromised of infantry, the second unit of combat engineers, and the third unit of scouts. The other 10 soldiers belonged to the supply corps. Up until now the division in Orsongrande was simply whether one was infantry or cavalry and whether they were nobles or commoners. Thus such organisation of troops caused bewilderment. However, Hifumi wasn’t worried about this matter in the slightest and simply ended it with the few words 「It works well, so we will do it like that」. “Speaking frankly, because we intend to use the beginning of the war as training, be at ease and come along. Since I will kill the enemies, it is fine for you to just remember your own duties during the various military maneuvers.” (Hifumi) Even if there was a noble telling them to go to their death, that noble wouldn’t do it in such an easygoing manner. “Hifumi-san, won’t the morale of the troops drop, if you put it like that?” (Kasha) Having been released from the slavery contract, Kasha, who finally got used to the changed way to address him, smiled wryly. “It’s fine. As it is often said, the will to act on something until death or to not do it, has nothing to do with having or not having morale. Especially since the combat engineers and transportation corps are positioned in the center and will be guarded by the foot soldiers, they will probably have a lot of free time.” (Hifumi) Disregarding Kasha, who became sullen with such rejection, he started to explain to each unit their main duties and methods. Because of that, the second unit gathered close by. The other units were ordered to rush and dig holes while waiting for their turn. With Origa in the lead, the second unit consisting of combat engineers assembled and stood in a line before Hifumi. “Is there anyone with combat experience among you?” (Hifumi) Because of Hifumi’s question, several people raised their hands. Listening to the battle circumstances of each of them in order, it turned out that they were similar for all of them. Among the engineers, there were some who participated in battles with the beastmen race. The beastmen surrounded them, who were advancing in a file, only to quickly strike them to decrease their numbers before fleeing the field. ( In relation to the combat circumstances, you probably had to praise the beastmen race as superior all the way. “I understand. Forget about all the combat experience you obtained up until now. Your duty is “Prepare in order to win the war easily?” (Origa) Origa, who stood in front, inquired in place of the baffled soldiers. “Yes. I will now explain in what way we will be attacking the first town, so listen well.” (Hifumi) From then on Hifumi explained to each unit what their duties were and which things they had to arrange. Furthermore he taught them the training schedule until the departure. “Since I will only be able to come and see occasionally, the captains have to manage things firmly.” (Hifumi) “Roger!” (Alyssa) Although Alyssa vigorously answered, the soldiers of the scout unit, which she commandeered, weren’t in a calm state at all. While listening to the talks of their combat experience, Hifumi considered that the beast race may use scouting, but since the enemies this time around where of the human race, he pushed these considerations into the corner of his mind. “Well, since I am leaving now, I entrust it to you.” (Hifumi) Although he was a man, who before long would officially become a viscount, he casually didn’t take any attendants with him and left for the castle town. The coming and going within the castle didn’t only include civil officials and knights, as it was the political center of the nation there were naturally a great number of high ranking nobles as well. Many of them knew who Hifumi was and what he did on the day he came to this world. For the nobles, who were proud of their lineage, they thought of him as an intolerable greenhorn deep within their hearts, although they didn’t tell him that when they met him face-to-face. However, there was nowhere a person who wouldn’t be interested in receiving information. “Your Highness the Princess, appointing the man called Hifumi to a responsible post is a little bit too much, in my humble opinion ...” (Debordo) Visiting Imeria’s office, a male courteous retainer performed a bow while stating this. It was a man called Debordo who was the second son of the Marquis Müntzer household, which governed the territory adjourning south of Orsongrande’s royal capital. (Truly a humble opinion, huh?) (Imeria) Imeria almost ended up revealing what she was thinking as she watched Debordo while he was repeatedly criticizing Hifumi in front of her eyes. By nature Debordo had a character that looked down on other people. Since he didn’t have the corresponding ability to support his father in his work as Marquis, he earned the rank of vice captain of the third knight corps, which caused his inclination to grow even stronger. It wasn’t like the reason for that was his skillful handling of the sword, nor could you say that he was superior in his business either. Rather he was tossed into that place so he wouldn’t cause harm to his surroundings for the time being. As he hadn’t any experience as regimental soldier either and yet became vice captain just like that, he was under the impression that it was due to his excellent constitution. “That gentleman is the hero of this country now. Receiving him coldly will provoke the masses into a revolt. Besides, while the trouble with Vichy is taking place, his strength will be essential in order to settle it.” (Imeria) “Something like the opinion of the masses, to say nothing about the fact that we are nobles, there is no need for Her Highness the Princess who is of royalty to do them any favors.” (Debordo) Viscount Müntzer is truly fortunate that Debordo isn’t the eldest son. Debordo’s tongue is often moving. “Please leave the matter of Vichy to me, then such things like a war will be finished in no time for certain.” (Debordo) His biggest rival, the eldest son of the Marquis Lagrain household, had died. Apparently he considered himself “on his own accord” to be the strongest candidate. “Well then, let’s leave this duty to him.” (-) It wasn’t Imeria who called out to Debordo. It was Hifumi, who came and entered the office performing an unnatural bow while smiling with a broad grin. “You bastard, who do you think you are! Currently I am about to be appointed to an important mission by Her Highness the Princess!” (Debordo) In spite of blaming Hifumi earlier, he didn’t even know the face of his opponent. “It is the Hifumi from the topic just now. Leaving that aside, Imeria.” (Hifumi) “What is it?” (Imeria) “I dare say that this guy’s suggestion is a rather nice idea, don’t you think?” (Hifumi) “B-Bastard! How dare you to speak like this to Her Highness the Princess!” (Debordo) Being disgraced for not having known Hifumi’s face, Debordo, who turned red from the neck upwards due to anger, raised his voice loudly and tried to thrust Hifumi away. But the power he used to push the shoulder was used upon himself in return and he ended up falling to the floor. “What a rude behaviour towards a marquis!” (Debordo) “What are you talking about when you fell on your own? Furthermore, since you aren’t the successor, you shouldn’t use the name of the Marquis household either.” (Hifumi) Finally reaching the limit of her patience, Imeria interjected before Debordo, whose dark red blood rose to his head, was able to spat out his next words. “Müntzer, right now Hifumi-sama and I are talking. Restrain yourself.” (Imeria) “B-Bu-But ...” (Debordo) “I won’t repeat myself.” (Imeria) Having been told quite clearly, Debordo left the office while glaring at Hifumi as if he could kill him with no more than that. “So, what kind of business do you have with me, Hifumi-sama?” (Imeria) “I want to get your signature for this document.” (Hifumi) With these words, Hifumi took the document out of the dark magic storage and passed it to Imeria, who took it while frowning. “... Let me look at it.” (Imeria) As for the document, it was Orsongrande’s request for reconciliation with the demand to hand over the spy Beirevra as suspect of the incident. This action was required before any kind of negotiation could be considered to begin. “... Just this demand, this document substantially has no agreement at all.” (Imeria) “Although I thought about it for a while, I couldn’t come up with any idea how to have Vichy discover and arrest Beirevra. I think this document will corner Vichy to a certain degree by sending it to the fellows in the central government.” (Hifumi) “As soon as it is delivered it will give Vichy a reason to keep up appearance, right?” (Imeria) “If they comply, that is, but ...” (Hifumi) Hifumi sat down in the reception prepared in the office and tossed one of the baked sweets, which were placed on the table, into his mouth. “That’s what you are saying, but you still intend to look for Beirevra.” (Imeria) “I am a kind master, don’t you agree?” (Hifumi) Even though that was the cause, he laughed as he stated it. “Every person lives by killing, be it directly or indirectly, as they grow up. In their case, they were accidentally involved in the deceiving and cheating between human parties and thus they only decided to conclude this matter by killing the other party. Only in regards to the search, he is a troublesome opponent. Considering this, I only thought that it might be fine for it to become a popular odd job, if a useful reward was to be provided.” (Hifumi) Looking at Hifumi, who threw another of the baked sweets into his mouth, Imeria picked up the quill and signed the document. “In such a case I will gladly cooperate with you.” (Imeria) While gently blowing upon the document for the sake of drying the ink, she murmured in a voice where it was uncertain whether he had heard it or not. And then 10 days passed and the the preparations were finished. Hifumi’s expeditionary force left the royal capital towards Vichy. Doing it the usual way, he would have left the city magnificently drawing the gazes of the public upon themselves. Since that wasn’t Hifumi’s intention, they split up in several teams and left the city inconspicuously advancing on the main road before the night was lifted by dawn. Such things like food and materials had been transported to the city Fokalore which was situated close to the national border. The luggage consisted of most of the soldier’s weapons and there were many wagons drawn by the Supply Corps sheltering a large amount of food. In the first carriage Hifumi and Origa’s group, the three captains, were situated alongside Pajou who acted as the Princess’ representative and witness. “... I am getting sleepy.” (Alyssa) “The sun hasn’t risen yet either ...” (Kasha) Apparently Alyssa and Kasha weren’t yet fully awake. “Upon entering Fokalore, we will stop there for a night and then set out in the early morning again. Review the contents of the strategy properly.” (Hifumi) “Um ... It is the first time for me hearing of something like “strategy” but ...” (Pajou) For the knight Pajou Hifumi’s method of drafting seemed to feel awkward. “There is no particular reason for you to do anything. Besides, concerning the general populace I am not overly interested in becoming something like a statesman. Even if I provoked animosity from the beginning, I realized that there are no obstacles in my own way of life, only that we would be chased for our life in a blink of an eye like that.” (Hifumi) “But ...” (Pajou) Just as he displayed on that night where they met for the first time, there was only deep dark and gloomy darkness as he killed people at that time. “I won’t tell you that I am fighting for the sake of improving this nation or for its people. Just that there is nothing better than an abundant territory to satisfy my desire to fight. Although I don’t mind if you aim for such a country, but if you become a hindrance to me, I will kill you.” (Hifumi) It had been a while since she had to face Hifumi’s bloodlust. Pajou didn’t even manage to sweat. Somehow she managed to utter a few words without averting her gaze. “... I, I will only witness this battle.” (Pajou) “That’s how it is and that’s how it should be.” (Hifumi) Finishing this talk, Hifumi jumped off the moving carriage and while running parallel to it, he skilfully climbed on his horse. After Hifumi was gone, the heavy air within the carriage become a little bit lighter. “Pajou-san” (Origa) Origa called out to her as she was drinking water from a leather flask. “... What’s up?” (Pajou) “Pajou-san, you never been hostile to Hifumi-sama, isn’t that right?” (Origa) The style of that question itself was a warning.magic Without hesitation, Pajou replied. “Since I am a knight of Orsongrande, I have to follow my duty.” (Pajou) “Really? In case this duty causes you to become a hindrance to Hifumi-sama ... please be aware of the fact that not only Hifumi-sama will become your enemy.” (Origa) Closed in among the sleeping Alyssa and Kasha, Pajou wanted to transfer to riding a horse too.
Balzephon, who escaped the castle, rushed into the dormitory of the knight order, grabbed his spare sword and money, he had been safekeeping, from his own room and left towards outside the city. Simply reporting 「It’s an emergency mission」 to the gatekeeper, he borrowed a horse, which has been prepared for messengers, and galloped away on the highway. The knight, chasing him, confirmed that fact from the guard. But he was in a situation, where he already didn’t know how he should chase him, since it was more than hours after the incident. But Balzephon, being on the chased side, is rushing due to his feeling of dread of Hifumi swooping down on him from behind while holding the blood-soaked katana any time now. He advanced on the highway with a force, which is wasting the horse. He is heading towards Vichy. There is the necessity to pass through Fokalore, but once he enters Vichy and once he is within the cluster of city-states, which are engulfed in a maelstrom of chaos, it will likely be simple to hide as person of unknown affiliation. Purchasing food in small cities and villages along the way, he obtained money and clothes by threatening a small number of travellers and merchants with killing them. “I’m already in a state that makes me being called knight impossible.” (Balzephon) At the time he killed and discarded a merchant, who resisted, Balzephon laughed with a sentiment of self-deprecation. Once he thinks about his own figure scavenging the pockets of the corpse, it turns into a miserable feeling to the degree that he wants to cry, but above throwing everything away, he has made his decision to survive no matter what he has to do until he accomplishes his revenge. While repeatedly sleeping outdoors or in deserted houses of small villages, he heads for Vichy economising to the best of his ability. ‘It’s probably necessary to bribe the gatekeepers with money at the time of entering Vichy. Besides that, there’s also the possibility of money becoming quite necessary. Currently isn’t the time to talk about luxuries. On the contrary, really decent inns are strict on inspections.’ If I consider that I might even inadvertently bump into noble acquaintance, it’s absolutely no good to have the intention to stay for a long period in hotels and large cities. I might encounter monsters, but I will try to proceed by travelling along the highway being only slightly separated from the highway. However, thanks to that he ran into a troublesome opponent. “... Who’s there?” (Balzephon) “That’s my line. You have quite the wild appearance, but that case is a wonderfully nice item. Where did you steal it from?” (Origa) It was Origa, leading several soldiers, who appeared in front of Balzephon in a place close to the forest, only visible as distant place from the highway. “This sword is my own. Even if I tell you that, it hasn’t the shape of being worn-out considerably. You don’t look like some kind of bandits, but...” (Balzephon) Putting his hand on the sword’s hilt, Balzephon takes distance. Watching Origa’s figure, which was clad in a robe, he considered the possibility of a magician. He feels uneasy about her not holding a wand, but Balzephon’s judgement, sensing that she was someone with a dangerous aura, was accurate. “You apparently still haven’t seen anything... Since I will offer you to overlook us, get lost.” (Origa) “Seen?” (Balzephon) “It’s something unrelated to you. If you obstruct the mission we received from Hi... our boss, I won’t be able to guarantee your life, okay?” (Origa) Balzephon felt a sense of discomfort during their talk. He saw that Origa has been constantly worrying about the area behind her. “Mission, it is? Although you seem to be leading soldiers from somewhere, you yourself don’t look like a soldier or knight.” (Balzephon) “It’s pointless to pry too much. I have a premonition, that it’s no good, if I don’t hasten my return. If you don’t disappear, I will go even as far as erasing you, but...” (Origa) Suddenly a sound of grass being trampled down can be heard from behind Origa. “Origa-sama, the monster is headed towards this place!” Hearing a loud voice calling for her attention, Origa left the spot promptly. As result it turned into a situation of the monster, which jumped out, to appear in front of Balzephon. “Wh-What? This fellow is...” (Balzephon) Howling with a volume to level of causing the skin to prickle like an electric shock, it was a monster similar to a tiger baring its sharp fangs, but its length was two sizes bigger than that of a normal monster. You can see sharp claws on its thick forepaw. Even if only touched lightly, skin and flesh would be totally torn off. The soldier, who held some tool and was likely chased by the monster, came out of the forest, where the monster jumped out from. If you look closely, the monster’s back has been stabbed by around things similar to short spears. “I’m sorry, Origa-sama. It suddenly woke up and the restraints weren’t in time.” “There’s no problem. Because it seems to have grasped its fodder, we can leave it as is.” (Origa) Balzephon, realizing that he was designated as the fodder, Origa was talking about, quickly drew his sword and fixed his stance. As the monster raises a growl, he is unable to let his view wander. “This is likely your prey. Take responsibility and dispose it.” (Balzephon) “Prey? Well, I don’t mind if you think of it like that. Please do your best to gain time so that we can get away. Well then.” (Origa) “Since it will be a bother, if you come chasing”, Origa threw a shuriken. “Uh?” Balzephon, who received a wound on his knee, barely avoided falling down. “Then, good bye.” (Origa) Origa, leaving while taking the soldiers along, vanished towards the forest and not the highway. For the sake of pursuit, he stepped forward bearing the pain, but once the monster realizes that its prey was impaired, it struck with its forepaw. He managed to just ward it off by using his sword, however his feet had no strength and moreover his bleeding increased. “Fuuuuuuuuuck!” (Balzephon) The scream resounded in the forest, but his voice didn’t reach anyone. ☺☻☺ “If it’s too peaceful, it will be troublesome, too. For a shinigami, that is.” (Shinigami) “Be quiet. I can’t concentrate.” (Adol) Prime Minister Adol, who ignore the death god’s words by tell them to be quiet, moves to the next shelf without stopping his hands. Ever since the coronation ceremony ended, Adol continued with his search of magic documents about sending back home secluding himself in the reference room. Although the war ended for now, the result was the biggest problem, ‘Hifumi’, not only ending it unhurt, but his territory continuing to grow as far that you can even compare its power with a whole country. If I consider the situation from here on, even with the matter of sending personnel to Fokalore for the sake of strengthening our war potential for starters, the number of knights in the order has already decreased. Concerning the work of the civil officials, whose stagnation is apparent because many nobles were disposed of, I can’t even oppose receiving training to make them more efficient. Rather, since the contents themselves are above the evaluated standard of Adol himself, you can instead call it a furtherance school. However, while that may be true, I don’t want to believe that it is fine for Hifumi’s existence to be in this world indefinitely. “He is a man that creates enemies if there aren’t any. Anyway, I have no doubt that he will become a harm for this country and Her Majesty the Queen.” (Adol) Adol, believing in that, worked hard at collecting documents about lost magic in order to prepare countermeasures after that. “A bit longer, though it would be great, if someone stirred him up.” (Shinigami) “There should have already been more than enough casualties. If such war happens often, this world will perish.” (Adol) He scans the thin lithographs, which were arbitrarily and carelessly piled up, picking up one after the other carefully, so as not to break them, from the top. “Oh my! In the world, he came from, many thousands and who-knows-how-many ten thousands people have also died.” (Shinigami) “... How can society be sustained with that?” (Adol) Adol, who unintentionally stopped his hands, looked at the floating shinigami, which only had its head. Previously it was only a face, but now it has completely restored its head. “The population’s origins are varying a lot. There are also several billion people. It even isn’t unusual for people to survive up to years in age.” (Shinigami) “Billions... I can’t even imagine. Well fine, I’m doing my best to return him to this wonderful world or whatever. Shut up a bit.” (Adol) “Understood.” (Shinigami) Adol heaved a single sight towards the shinigami, who disappeared as if smoke dispersing, and continued his work. Finishing to check all of the piled up lithographs, he is dejected as he didn’t find the thing he’s aiming for. “... Oh?” (Adol) In the interior, where the lithographs were drawn from, there’s something, that leaned against the wall and was inconspicuously wrapped up in a cloth. Once he took it into his hands, even that was once again a lithograph for record keeping. Someone likely put it there in order to hide it, but probably ended up neglecting it. The cloth crumbles as he is tearing it off. “This is... !” (Adol) ‘It’s different from Return magic, but maybe I can use this’, Adol took off his outer garment, carefully covered the lithograph with it and left the reference room. The next day after Hifumi’s return, Phyrinion, who was prepared to head towards her family’s home, for some reason came to the conference room of the civil official slaves after being summoned by Hifumi. “Excuse me.” (Phyrinion) When she entered the room after knocking, Hifumi and Alyssa were in front of her. She can also see the figure of Vaiya and in addition the civil official slaves. “It seems that I came last. I’m sorry for making you wait.” (Phyrinion) While apologizing, she sits down next to Vaiya with a natural flow. Although someone let a laugh slip out, she doesn’t care. “All of those called have gathered.” (Hifumi) Once Hifumi begins to speak, all views concentrate on him. “First of all, Vaiya and Phyrinion will leave soon.” (Hifumi) “Yes. After dropping by in Phyrinion’s territory, we plant to return to the capital. We plan to depart tomorrow.” (Vaiya) “I see. Well, then I will give this to Phyrinion.” (Hifumi) Caim, receiving a letter from Hifumi, hands it over to Phyrinion. Once she opened the letter, a dispatch in Imeraria’s handwriting was written there. As the condition was the permission from Hifumi, Phyrinion was appointed as civil official of the royal castle and it stated that she would inaugurated with a role of coaching. At the level of human resources you can call it an exceptional promotion, but Phyrinion was baffled. “Umm... I will marry very soon though...” (Phyrinion) Looking to her side, Vaiya is smiling for some reason. “I know that, but what does that have to do with anything?” (Hifumi) “It’s not particularly saying that you have to go to the castle at once, right? There likely won’t be any complaints even if you take up your post after marrying.” (Hifumi) “H-However, for a wife, whose position is to protect the family, to work means...” (Phyrinion) “I might give birth to a child”, after saying this, Phyrinion covered her blushing face. “Caim, is it not allowed for a married woman to work according to Orsongrande’s laws?” (Hifumi) “There isn’t such a law. Even in cities, the madams are working full of spirit.” (Caim) “You see”, Hifumi faced Phyrinion. “I guess it’s fine if you work in the castle together with Vaiya. Leaving that aside, please spread the literary and military, you have studied in Fokalore, over there as well. I plan to tell this to Horant as well, but I want you to reply to them if asked.” (Hifumi) “Haa...” (Phyrinion) ‘Is it fine with that?’ Phyrinion thought, but since she realized during her stay in the mansion of this territory’s feudal lord that it was wrong to wish for something ordinary, she doesn’t say anything. “Phyrinion, let’s work in the castle together for still a while. It’s still too early for you to step down from active duty. It’s a precious opportunity to be helpful for Her Majesty the Queen.” (Vaiya) “Oh well... understood. Let’s accept this deal.” (Phyrinion) Some people applauded to Phyrinion, who stood up and bowed. “And I have to give you the severance payment and salary for your work in Fokalore until now.” (Hifumi) Doelgar, receiving Hifumi’s instruction, placed a cloth bag filled with gold coins in front of Phyrinion and Vaiya. It has been filled with an amount that will even trouble a grown man to lift. Once Phyrinion timidly opened it, all of it was filled with gold coins, without silver or copper coins being in sight. “This much!? Isn’t that enough to buy quite the mansion?” (Phyrinion) Inside the bag there are 00 gold coins. Since a capital’s soldier’s monthly salary is 1 gold coin and a knight’s monthly salary is around 5~20 gold coins, Phyrinion was uneasy about the amount of money. “It also serves as wedding gift. You did your best to increase the population and enrich the territory.” (Hifumi) “T-Thank you very much.” (Phyrinion) Together with Phyrinion, Vaiya also stood up in a hurry and bowed towards Hifumi. Although the civil official slaves around Caim are aware of it, for the current public funds of the Fokalore territory paying this kind of amount is no trouble at all. Because the business with Phyrinion and Vaiya came to a close, the two of them left. What remained are only the true core members of Fokalore’s core. “Well, let’s get to the real issue at hand.” (Hifumi) “First is this”, Hifumi handed the civil officials a new document. “This is...” (Caim) Caim received it, but was unusually lost for words. Looking at the document, which was passed on from him, the expression of the civil officials changed to surprise one by one. “Acknowledgement of Release? We won’t be slaves anymore?” (Paryu) Hifumi nodded to the question of the youngest, Paryu. “The territory is stable as well. You were already able to amass more money than I paid for you. Besides, due to the things I will do from now on, it’s essential for you to decide whether you want to follow me with your own resolve. It was written by Imeraria.” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi’s treatment of the other side, who just became queen, hasn’t changed, there are some thinking “As expected.” and some “Is something wrong?” “Since I have decided to always follow Hifumi-san, I want everyone to decide what they want to do in the future.” (Alyssa) “I will remain.” (Miyukare) It was a prompt decision by Miyukare after hearing Alyssa’s words. “Calm down, moron.” (Hifumi) As Hifumi said so, he entrusted his back to the chair and continued with “First listen to my story.” “To begin with, since you will be given an amount of money as severance payment within limitations even if you leave this place, it’s fine to do business or whatever. I won’t forbid you to speak about the details of my speech from here on just because you got to know them. It’s alright even if you want to speak about it.” (Hifumi) “I will deal with you if you become an enemy”, once he said that, it became a natural occurrence of everyone choosing to remain silent. “After this I will go play with the lot of the beastman race. I also plan to go have a look at the Country of Knights, which is beyond.” (Hifumi) Everyone came to the matching opinion “It likely won’t finish with you going to have a look”, but of course no one says anything. “During that time I want you to continue strengthening this territory. If it goes as I have planned, the fight with the beastman bunch will begin first. Depending on the situation, it might also become a fight with the Country of Knights. At that time there’s also the possibility that Vichy will once again become our enemy. It’s depending on Imeraria, but it’s not said that it’s impossible for Orsongrande’s royal army to become hostile as well.” (Hifumi) In other words, except Horant, which wants to focus on the reorganization of the nation, all their surroundings might turn into enemies. That’s his announcement. Everyone except Alyssa and Caim, have fed up faces due to Hifumi brimming with the intention to cause turmoil again. “I will remain on this post after all. The possibility of a war happening is the same anywhere. I might as well stay safe close to the strongest person. Besides, I don’t have any intention to separate from the Military Director.” (Miyukare) Miyukare declared and threw even a wink towards Alyssa. “I will stay as well. I don’ feel like doing another job at this point. I finally arrived at a point where the commerce and industry relations are on track too. I also believe there’s no such enjoyable work like this.” (Doelgar) “I shall remain, too. Until now we weren’t even treated as slaves. I also fell in love with this city.” (Brokkra) Next Doelgar and Brokkra chose to stay. Paryu pondered for a while, but seeing the others of the female camp choosing to stay, she apparently resolved herself. “Please let me work just as before as well. I don’t think I would be good at anything else, even if I went to another place. I want to work here together with everyone.” (Paryu) And at last the looks gathered on Caim, who maintained his silence so far. “As a matter of fact, there have been inquiries by several noble households for me.” (Caim)magic “I see. Well, I guess so.” (Paryu) Paryu likely wanted Caim to stay behind as well. She’s looking at him with eyes full of anxiety. Caim’s excellence has spread, regardless whether in or outside the territory by everybody coming and going. If he hadn’t the social standing of a slave, there would have probably been even more scouts concentrating on him. The several letters, he took out from his pocket, are likely invitation letters. Caim ripped those apart and threw them away without hesitation. “I have always pondered about Lord-sama’s talk regarding growth and destruction. The thing called synergy of promoting the level and scale of wars as well as people becoming wealthy.” (Caim) “After all, Lord-sama is probably a hero (eiyuu) summoned to this world. I wanted to see the advanced world even if smeared with blood. I believe if it is to be a wonderful world, there will surely be difficulties ahead. If one doesn’t get hold of it after going through hardships, that won’t be anything more but an illusion either. Please, let me serve you from here on, too.” (Caim) “Understood. I will leave it to you from now on as well.” (Hifumi) “Then, please choose a governor before you leave the territory once again. It doesn’t even matter, if it’s only as decoration, now.” (Caim) “Ah, that, huh?” (Hifumi) Alyssa’s shoulders trembled due to a topic appearing, she was afraid of. “I will marry someone and leave it to my wife. You guys were also nagging me about an heir for a long time now.” (Hifumi) “For a noble it is an important duty to continue the family line.” “Saying something like that, is there anyone who wants to marry me?” (Hifumi) Due to the words he said lightly, everyone, who was in this place, except Caim, shouted 「Please wait until Origa returns」.
After the battle the other day the slums, which is the beastmen part of Swordland, mostly regained their stability. Without any particular problems occurring even when a considerable number of humans influxed, it increased the exchange between the races, albeit slowly. Since people can’t survive if they don’t eat, bartering and business transactions develop into agreements. Those like the carpenters, who interacted with the beastmen from the start, and also the humans, who were vigilant towards the beastmen in the beginning, got naturally used to them. “Reni!” (Helen) One day Helen rushed like a storm towards the location of Reni who was dozing off after lunch. “Uhyaa!” (Reni) Jumping up to her feet due to the loud voice, Reni falls over backwards, alongside the chair, having been overenthusiastic. Sitting down on the floor after making one revolution, she wiped off the dust on her loose hair with a *pon pon*. “Oouuch... What’s wrong that you are in such a hurry?” (Reni) “T-The elves came!” (Helen) “Elves?” (Reni) Helen drops her fist on the head of Reni who’s still half-asleep. “Did you snap out of it? A group of elves has arrived at the entrance to the city.” (Helen) “If that’s the case, how about we have them stay at the recently completed building for the time being?” (Reni) Once Reni replied while rubbing her head and eyes, Helen shook her head. “It’s not the slums’ entrance but the city’s! It looks like they have been confronted by the humans at the city’s entrance! Gengu-san is gathering everyone to prepare for battle, but he wants us to decide what we will do, Reni.” (Helen) “What we will do, you say...” (Reni) Reni is astonished because Helen grasps her shoulders and shakes them, but Helen, whose body is trembling, doesn’t have any composure. “Shall we drive away the humans and receive the elves, do we ignore them for the sake of safety or shall we join up with the humans and drive away the elves?” (Helen) “Yee~a... There’s that as well, but it will become problematic if the humans and elf-san’s get along well and become our enemies, right?” (Reni) “Ah...” (Helen) Helen, who for some reason considered it to be natural for humans and elves to be antagonistic towards each other, dropped her rabbit ears and had her face flush bright red due to Reni pointing it out. “For the time being, let’s have a look. Hifumi-san also said to judge after hearing and seeing what kind of person the other party is.” (Reni) “Won’t we get attacked by both sides if we turn up there just like that?” (Helen) “I see... ah!” (Reni) Helen hides her anxiety after seeing Reni smiling broadly who has been struck with some kind of idea. “What are you planning?” (Helen) “Let’s try imitating what Hifumi-san did.” (Reni) (That definitely won’t be anything decent, will it?) (Helen) While Helen is hesitating whether she should stop her, Reni rushed out of the house. ☺☻☺ “Hello~” (Reni) The elves and the group of the beastmen around Malfas have assembled on the wastelands’ side. And the human soldiers have lined up at the city’s entrance with their swords prepared.magic Since it’s not like they want to wage a war at all, they simply continue the stand-off without setting up an encampment and without either side sending a messenger in a partially strained atmosphere. Suddenly the voice of Reni, who appeared, resounded. Reni, who came out of the hole that connects the slums with the outside and which hadn’t been blocked in the end, took along several beastmen like Helen and Gengu and casually walked over in a trot while carrying a large basket in both hands. The human soldiers put themselves on guard and show nervousness due to the appearance of the beastmen, but ignoring that, Reni approaches the elven group defencelessly. “Oh my! Isn’t that a lovely sheepgirl-san?” (Zanga) Zanga, who was at the head of the elves, calmed down the elves who were showing signs of tension when she saw that figure coming closer and welcomed her with a friendly smile. “Hello, sheepgirl-san. Oh, something smells nice.” (Zanga) “It’s refreshments. How about tasting it?” (Reni) Muffin-sized baked sweets were carelessly put all over into the basket held by Reni. Especially the children of the elves are getting fidgety with the faintly appetising aroma drifting around. Even Reni, who is holding the basket, has a bit drool leaking from her mouth. “Well, then let’s enjoy it without holding back.” (Zanga) Once Zanga picked up the backed sweets which was placed topmost, she bit a mouthful off it without hesitation. Chewing it in her mouth while being moved to tears, a refreshing sweetness spreads out. “That’s indeed delicious. It’s been several decades since I last ate such delicious and tasty sweets, I think. Hey! Although you brought it to us at great pains, it’s no good if you make such a face, sheep-san. Do you want to eat together with us?” (Zanga) “Yes. Thank you.” (Reni) “Ah, I will take some as well!” (Helen) Once Helen, who stretched out her hand unable to control herself, grasped the biggest sweets, Reni put down the basket and started to eat as well. “Is it alright for me to join as well?” (Zanga) “Yea. Everyone, please eat as there are plenty!” (Reni) Even the elves, who observed the situation while being cautious, stretch out their hands into the basket one after the other after being relieved seeing Zanga’s state. Though sugar was rare and couldn’t be obtained in Swordland, the healthy ones among the beastmen were able to gather fruits in the wastelands. The female beastmen group, which heard about a simple sweets recipe from Hifumi, created a paste similar to jam, which doesn’t use sugar, and learned to use fruits instead of sugar by mixing the paste into batter made out of flour. The elves were able to eat fruits in the elven forest as well, but they haven’t been able to often encounter such elaborately baked sweets. Smiles spread among the elves who ate the baked sweets. “It’s delicious.” (Malfas) “Yea. It’s tasty.” (Riedel) Malfas, Riedel and also the beastgirl called Olra are stuffing their cheeks with baked sweets and are smiling. Being treated with tea the other beastmen brought as well, a tea party began in the wastelands in the blink of an eye. “Hey, delicious sweets will make everyone smile and it becomes possible to get along with each other. Just like Hifumi-san did.” (Reni) “Well, that’s true I guess.” (Helen) “Oh, sheep-san knows Hifumi-san as well?” (Zanga) “Is he an acquaintance of you, too, elf-obaachan? We were taught various things by Hifumi-san and created a city for beastmen and humans.” (Reni) “Reni-san brings together the beastmen, who were oppressed like me, and is presently acting as representative of the city. Helen-san over there also assists in mediating between humans and us beastmen as assistant representative.” (Gengu) Helen stops him by saying “stop, that’s embarrassing”, however Reni explained the current situation while smiling bashfully. “The humans, who are gathered in front of the gate, look like they hate beastmen although it’s regretful... But, there are plenty of human-san’s in our city who are good friends with beastmen.” (Reni) “I see, I see.” (Zanga) “Although you are young, you have it difficult”, Zanga nodded several times over, but once she finished to eat baked sweets, she called over Malfas’ group. “The city you were looking for was the one here. How nice, eh? If it’s sheep-san’s city, you will definitely be able to live there safely. By chance your father might be there as well.” (Zanga) Zanga roughly stroke Malfas’ head with her bony fingers. “Huh? The elves won’t come in?” (Reni) “Oh, does the city of sheep-san accept elves as well?” (Zanga) “Of course!” (Reni) Reni hit her chest with a thump. “We want to create a city where any kind of person can live happily. Although our fellow beastmen in the wastelands are still continuing to be hostile towards us, our city is something great where everyone’s cooperating. In the beginning we received various help from Hifumi-san, but... even so, we want to live by relying on our own strength from now on.” (Reni) “I see. It might be fun to help with that too.” (Zanga) “Puuse-onee-chan, let’s go together! Puuse-onee-chan’s magic is amazing. She heals wounds in the blink of an eye!” (Riedel) Riedel has remains of the sweets smeared around her mouth as she is eating one baked sweets after the other, but pulling Puuse’s hand, she talks about Puuse’s magic in excitement. “Wounds are gone in the blink of an eye!? That’s amazing!” (Gengu) “Kya.” (Puuse) Once Gengu pushed forth his face in agitation due to the remark about magic he had never seen before, Puuse unintentionally leaked a small scream. “I-I’m sorry.” (Gengu) “You have a scary face.” (Helen) “How cruel! I was born with this face.” (Gengu) Puuse encouraged Gengu, who dropped his shoulder being heartbroken after having been told that flatly by Helen, while smiling wryly. “Everyone, let’s get along, okay? Moreover, the city Hifumi-san helped out with. I’m slightly curious.” (Zanga) Upon Zanga’s decision, all of the elves decided to live in the slums. Just when they suddenly started a tea party, the elves headed to the slums. The humans, who were watching them from the city’s entrance, couldn’t do anything but see them off without understanding what had happened. ☺☻☺ “You did it quite flashily.” (Vepar) Vepar, who was finally able to calm down the castle, ordered her own subordinates to clean up the area around the castle gate and turned up at the hall. A mountain of debris and corpses being scattered around. Seeing her two subordinates trembling, she made a brief comment with a sigh mixed in. “It wasn’t me who made the ceiling fall. How rude.” (Hifumi) “Everything else was you though, right? If you compare the matter of having killed the king with the issues of the ceiling having collapsed, the latter is in the range of being trifle.” (Vepar) “It’s great. With this you can become the ruler. The ruler of the demon race.” (Hifumi) Hifumi drew back the katana which was aimed at Njal. Pheres rushes over as Njal, whose thread of tension was cut, collapses weakly. “Might be... so. However, there are plenty others who strongly desire to climb in rank. I might not reach it, you know?” (Vepar) Due to Vepar saying it jokingly with a bitter smile mixed in, Hifumi licked his lips while sheathing his katana into its scabbard. “That’s good news. In other words, that means you will become king if I kill even more.” (Hifumi) “... Haa. Why do you want me to ascend the throne to such an extent?” (Vepar) “You are similar to a fellow I like.” (Hifumi) Vepar raised her eyebrows due to Hifumi’s words. “I’m jealous. Someone resembling me won’t be a good woman.” (Vepar) “That’s true. That person is the princes of a human country... now she is the queen, huh? Just like you, that person has frantically done her very best to protect the people in her surroundings. That’s something I’m unable to do.” (Hifumi) “Therefore”, Hifumi hit the pommel of the katana with his finger. “Fight. Show me how you can rise even further from here on by destroying each other’s important things, by risking your lives to fight with each other and by scheming in a clumsy way. By doing that you guys’ world will become something very nice.” (Hifumi) “Can you endure waiting to understand why until results appear? If everyone thinks like me, this world will definitely become something absolutely boring.” (Hifumi) “Well then”, Hifumi closed in on Vepar and stood in front of her. “Were you able to resolve yourself?” (Hifumi) “... Got it. I will do so until you leave the territory of the demons. It’s something someone has to do sooner or later anyway. Might as well be me who knows the the circumstances. That will decrease the sacrifices.” (Vepar) “That’s right. It’s good like this. Having said that, let’s have the people work a bit more for the sake of chasing me out.” (Hifumi) The notification that the king had been killed by a human was intentionally conveyed only to the influential demons right away. The people, who were in the castle, and those, who had returned home, hurried in panic to the entrance of the city leading their close subordinates. “The scoundrel, who killed the king, is running around all over the city, but he will likely escape outside the city sooner or later.” That’s the contents of the information. The king has no children. If they get the achievement of having gotten rid of the sinner, the possibility of them becoming king isn’t zero even if their pedigree isn’t regarded highly amongst the demons. Especially considering the people who are forming factions in the current occasion, rather than mourning over the king’s death, they saw it as nothing but their biggest chance. However, although they intended to be calm, they weren’t. That’s because there’s a human at the level of being able to defeat the king or are they able to win against that human as they are? They didn’t turn their thinking in that direction. And there is a point they should consider in doubt. “Why was such important information delivered at dawn like this?” A king’s death. Moreover if he was killed. Far from announcing it officially, it should be obvious to gloss it over with a different cause of death or to conceal it in any way from the beginning to the end. A certain demon proposed to a noble who is his lord. However, that opinion has been easily shelved. “This time’s message was from Vepar. There’s probably no mistake as it has her signature, too. That person is after all just a woman. She is likely confused by the sudden turn of events.” “But, will she do something like expressly sending a signed letter if she’s confused...?” “Cut it out! Using the time for something like worrying in hesitation, do you intend to let the king’s seat get away? Anyway, for now we will concentrate on arresting the criminal or killing them.” The people with the same objective leave through the open gate one after the other. “Search for the criminal. He shouldn’t have been able to escape very far yet...” During the time each group meets up and decides their destination, the opened, large front gate suddenly closed with a loud sound. Even the sound of *don* signalling the affixing of the bolt can be heard. “Wait! Why have you closed the gate!?” “The enemy went outside! What are you thinking to close it this late in the game!?” The people, who were literally shut out, roar towards the gate one after the other. “If it’s the enemy, he’s here.” (Hifumi) On top of the gate, where the guards are usually patrolling, a single human is standing. “Thanks for going to work early in the morning. I seem to be the human you are looking for.” (Hifumi) Jumping down nimbly, Hifumi opened the mouth of the katana’s sheath. “And, goodbye.” (Hifumi) The sunlight, which started to make its appearance, is reflected by the smoothly drawn katana. “Now then, it’s the end of your journey. Let’s compete with each other to our hearts’ content.” (Hifumi)
Stoic stood Hifumi, awaiting the Vichy soldiers in his Hakama and Dougi. The byroads were blocked off, but he stood on the main—a road eight meters in width where a group could easily surround a man. Yet Hifumi stood in the middle of it. He expressed no caution; his eyes simply reflected the scene before him. And he felt happiness. Behold how many enemies have come! How many he could slay! This scene, this happiness, surely he could never have felt it were he still in Japan. As the smile rose on his face, a katana rose in his hands; and with speed of lightning striking from the heavens, with the gentleness of a leaf carried by the wind, the katana was swung down. 「・・・Huh?」 The enthusiastic vanguard blinked, unsure of what had happened, but by the time he blinked again he had already drowned in blood. For his face had split open. Again and again the sound of wind being cut was followed by shrieks. A step into his range, and the katana tip would reap your life. Cut the throat. Pierce the eye. Slice open an artery where the armor was weak. Not once did the katana strike bone or armor. As mechanically as if doing work, as beautifully as if an artist, he repeatedly carved their bodies from every angle. 「Surround him! Encircle and slay him!」 Their captain barked out orders, and as if snapping out of a trance, the soldiers attacked Hifumi from both sides and the rear. And yet no one managed to wound him. A sword only cut air around him; a mace merely struck earth. 「How can he evade it?!」 「Pierce the beast, damn it!」 「I don’t want to die...!」 「T-the blood is not stopping...」 Hifumi was quite surrounded: some desperately rushing to be killed, others already a corpse, and yet others soon to become a corpse. The road was dyed red: and to a friend it may even have looked beautiful.magic 「Fire the arrows」 「Huh?」 「I’m telling you to shoot that monster!」 The captain angrily responded to his adjutant, who could not comprehend such a bizarre order. 「But, we will hit our own if we fire now」 「I don’t care. If we don’t bring it down, even more will die」 「...Understood」 Curtly replying, the Adjutant offered a prayer and ordered the bowmen to fire. The arrows, much to the pride of their bowmen, flew tightly together. Without waiting for the result, the captain began issuing orders to the remaining soldiers. They were to dismantle the structures blocking the roads and attack the enemy from behind. He had thus sent a hundred men on this quest. 「No matter how strong he may be, no one can fight this many men」 Ordering the another volley of arrows, the captain was sure of his victory. A rain of arrows entered Hifumi’s view. 「Too few. They won’t hit」 Taking but a single step away, arrows landed around Hifumi. A few soldiers around him were hit, and wallowed in agony. Those who could still move he disposed of; those who were fatally injured he ignored. He decapitated those who were hit in the shoulder, and then noticed that the enemy’s commander was ordering his men to clear the roads. 「So they had finally begun」 And after briefly cutting down a few more Vichy soldiers, Hifumi confirmed that a hundred men had gone off to clear the roads and smiled. 「So the slaughter finally beings? Come, be a man!」 A flash. Seeing Hifumi decapitate five more men, even the trained soldiers stopped motionless. Though he was drenched in their blood, he nonetheless pulled out a paper to wipe the blood from his katana, and, after doing so, sheathed it. 「Guess I should clean up a bit」 Darkness spread from Hifumi’s shadow and swallowed the earth around him. Hifumi use his darkness magic to dispose of the corposes. Vichy soldiers were terrified, although it had no effect on them—you can’t store away a living thing. With Hifumi in the center of a sea of darkness, the myriad corpses sunk and disappeared. As if the battle had never happened. 「Now then, I’m going to go get your captain’s head. Do try to stop me please.」 At some point the katana on Hifumi’s waist was replaced with a cm long pole. 「It’s my first time using this weapon. Surely you won’t resent me for not killing you quickly?」 They would probably resent him no matter how he killed him; the few soldiers who remained now had their heads smashed in. As before, they just kept on dying. But unlike before, Hifumi was slowly walking forward even as he continued to slay countless men. 「Come on, keep the line. Ready your blades... Oh?」 A second rain of arrows has come. Hifumi twisted the end of the pole, and a chain dangled out from within it. With all their men firing in unison, there far more arrows this time. And while Hifumi was deflecting the arrows with the chain and approaching the Vichy captain, distant screams reached his ears. Although the blockade was made of a durable material, if many people were to press on it, surely it would eventually fall. The first among them were the youngest, those unaccustomed to war. And after a few steps the ground beneath their feet disappeared only to reveal iron and wooden pikes. Unable to so much as scream their bodies were pierced, and those who fell on top of them rendered fatal their wounds. Those who screamed were those who fell on top of the young. This crafty trap was placed past every blockade, and the number of wounded and dead only increased. Even if they were to take another route, they would only fall prey to another trap. Surely the number of dead would only number in the dozens, but the objective was not to kill but to stop their advance. The soldiers who stopped before the traps were welcomed by a volley of spears flying towards them. Hifumi’s guard appeared from deep within the buildings, as they use the spear-thrower to slaughter Vichy men. There were few such spear-throwers, so those empty handed followed with bows and arrows. The roads were narrow, and Hifumi’s guards were far; they could leisurely snipe away at Vichy soldiers. Even more lives were quickly extinguished. Without waiting for an order, the adjutant commanded all remaining troops to attack the approaching monster. Yet he could not expect many to gather. And wielding a bizarre staff with chains, a man continued to approach while creating more and more corpses behind him. 「At this rate...」 The adjutant wanted to command the forces to retreat but then he glanced over the captain. Would this power-hungry man be able to approve of that decision? Withdrawing now would close the door on his career. But otherwise all would die. Should he withdraw troops even if it means being court-martialed? The adjutant hesitated. The weapon Hifumi wielded, is a traditional Japanese martial arts weapon from the staff-family: the Chigiriki (Promise Tree). Normally it is made of wood, but it had to be made of metal so as to withstand Hifumi’s strength. With its length coming up to his chest, this weapon which is also sometimes called the Chigirki (Chest-cutting Tree), has a chain attached to the end of it and a weight attached to the chain. It is like a Japanese chain flail. The weapon has its perks and demerits, and is rather hard to use; and although it’s not Hifumi’s specialty, the weapon does allow for a great variety of attacks if you were to mix in Jojutsu* while using it. For example, crushing somebody’s throat and then stepping on their chest so as to stop their heart; or breaking their jaw, forcing them on their knees in tears, and smashing in their heads. Leaving corpses even more deformed than when he was using a blade, Hifumi hastened his pace towards a gathering of soldiers. This massacre has yet to end. 「Captain, we must retreat」 「A single man... Are you telling me we lost to a single man!?」 Scolding his man, the captain desperately asked anyone to kill Hifumi, but the adjutant only sighed. And after taking a few steps away from the captain, the adjutant called out to nearby soldiers and made preparations to leave Rhone. Captain in his haste did not notice it; but Hifumi did. The captain never even had the chance to draw his blade. By the time he noticed he was abandoned, it was too late. 「Die」 With but a single word, Hifumi wrapped the chain around the captain’s neck and brought him down from the horse. When Hifumi withdrew his hand, the captain (corpse) looked rather amusing. Seeing their captain killed, the soldiers completely lost their will to fight, and began edging back. 「Your general is dead」 Of course, they would abandon the corpse. 「If you want to run, now would be the time? Desperately run back to your masters and tell them what had happened here. That’s if they believe you of course」 Fearing the smile on Hifumi’s face, the Vichy soldiers scattered like baby spiders before a predator. They abandoned their weapons and the wounded too. Hifumi calmly wandered the field, disposing of any wounded, while his guard was busy burying the bodies. Those who had recently joined his guard were throwing up with lifeless eyes, while those who had already worked with Hifumi meticulously continued their tasks. Origa and Alyssa, after issuing the troops orders, rushed over to Hifumi. After looking at his appearance, Hifumi’s face had a bitter smile on it as he wondered how he’d wash all the gore off. He continued to take deep breaths even as he put away the Chigiriki into his dark storage. The blood-stained main road soon welcomed a bloody sunset. With less than a hundred men, Hifumi’s guards utterly crushed a force many times larger—in but three days such rumors reached the capital, and the bars were filled with songs of praise for the “Knight of the Slender Sword.” Having witnessed these revelries in the guild, Kasha, who came there to get her quest reward, wandered into the moon-lit street. She left of her own free will; as an adventurer her life made an about turn and she was rather well off. She also sick of killing people, was satisfied with her life as a freewoman, dined in fancy and expensive restaurants, and even went out to buy herself a new weapon. Even so, she occasionally missed Origa. To her surprise, she rarely thought of Hifumi, but when she did, she would remember his face when he ordered a man to die for her revenge. When she returned to her room, she turned on the magic tool Hifumi gave her. Within the four-corners of her small inn room, she collapsed on the bed, feelings of loneliness overcoming her. 「It’s not like I’m in love or anything...」 Perhaps she was mistaken. Perhaps she should have stayed with Hifumi and Origa. Or, perhaps she should have forced Origa to come with her, even if by force. As many thoughts and regrets filled her mind, she heard someone knock on the door. 「...Who is it?」 She grabbed a sword and asked. In response, she heard a familiar feminine voice. 「It’s Pajo. There’s something we need to discuss」 「? Why are you here?」 In response to being let in, Pajo flashed an elegant smile. 「It’s not that hard to find where you live. I am a knight in charge of protecting this city, after all」 「My, my, how impressive. Now then, what do you need from me?」 As there were no chairs, they sat on the bed and spoke without looking each other in the eyes. 「There’s a request for you coming from the Crown」 「The Crown? What could the Crown from a simple adventurer?」 「This is something only you can do」 「Could you monitor Hifumi-san for us?」 Kasha was silent, and merely blankly stared at Pajo. The smile on her face has long turned serious, and cold, gold eyes stared straight at Kasha.
Although there were some people coming and going for business and politics after Pyursang became independent from Vichy, it dropped sharply in comparison to the time when they were the same nation. There was export of goods such as salt and a part of the processed marine products, but the scale wasn’t that large because of the distance to other countries besides Vichy. Because there’s almost no people coming for sightseeing to begin with except for a part of the nobility, merchants not coming means basically people not coming. Hence the unusual phenomenon inside Pyursang wasn’t noticed until its influence spread to outside the country. The messenger, who received a magic tool from the person who called himself a spy of the messenger’s country, looked through the documents which had the way how to use it written in it along the way back home. Originally it’s logical to hand it to Minoson who’s the country’s leader and the one in charge, but judging it as extremely unlikely for himself being able to explain why he went to the capital of Orsongrande, the messenger intends to sell this magic tool as “item gifted by Fokalore at the end of the negotiations” and thus thought that he should know about what kind of item it is in order to explain it. Even while feeling uneasy due to piling up lies for the sake of deception, there was apparently no other way but to do it like this. “This is... there is such a thing...” The effect of the magic tool explained in the documents was enough to make him tremble in fear. And, it was overflowing with a charm making him hold onto ambitions that are beyond his abilities. Moreover the circumstances were in order. “You are doing something unusual.” “That’s not how it is. I had you come along with me this far. I will do at least this much.” Along the way, with the distance between cities being far, there are several places where they have to sleep outdoors no matter what. Accordingly the messenger took over the preparation of the soup which is one of the dishes. Usually it was something the soldiers would do, but at that time he explained it with 「It’s my way of thanking and rewarding you」. And then, while the soldiers are sleeping like logs after they drank the soup with sleeping medication in it, he prepares the magic tool. Even the sleeping pills were explained in the documents as “for the sake of medical treatment during sleep.” Stripping off the tunic of one man first, he smeared his own blood on the soldier’s chest while feeling jealous about its trained condition which is different from his own skinny self, and then put the small magic tool against the soldier’s chest. While the magic tool buried itself towards the heart with a *zubo zubo*, the soldier didn’t stir even once. A few seconds after the magic tool embedded itself completely, “Uwah!” Due to the soldier suddenly rising his body, the messenger fell on his backside while screaming. The soldier, who breathes roughly while his body is convulsing all over, has his muscles swell gradually from head to foot, and, after he literally grew to twice his size, he shrinks back to the size close to his original figure. What remained was the figure of a robust reinforced soldiers who was clad in muscles which were stiff like a rock. “A-Amazing...” Once the messenger orders the soldier, who is sitting absent-mindedly with blank eyes, 「Stand up」, the soldier gets up swiftly, and straightens up his back while extending both hands. The excited messenger embeds magic tools into the sleeping soldiers one after the other. “If I have this, I’m...” The messenger, who brought back home the soldiers who turned into puppets, approached the sovereign Minoson pretending to make his report, and forcibly embedded the magic tool by using his reinforced soldiers.magic Ordering Minoson, who became the yes-man of the messenger, he made him write his own abdication declaration after setting himself as the heir, had him hand it over to a doubtful close aide, and had him make an official announcement to the people. The male messenger, who became the king, remodelled the soldiers into reinforced soldiers successively, and moreover succeeded in creating giant soldiers as well. If there was someone who criticized or opposed him, he executed them without hesitation. As the reinforced soldiers, who don’t know fatigue, were able to serve as constant guards, they guaranteed the safety of his body. Reorganizing the army, he remodels the low-ranking soldiers into reinforced soldiers, sets himself as sole commander and dismisses all the other commanders. Those, who were unhappy with it, were killed after finding a suitable reason for doing it. “Isn’t this amazing? People, who possess power, can feel this good?” The mouth of the former messenger, who was drunk on sake as he sat on top of the throne he got used to, got slack. “I wonder whether Earl Tohno, who walks merrily in Fokalore’s territory or such, feels like this as well? No, no, that person is satisfied being the feudal lord of a single area in the end. ...After all that means that he has no more than the strength of an individual?” Pyursang’s king raised his voice unable to stop the laughter welling up from the bottom of his abdomen as he wondered why the hell he was so afraid of Earl Tohno. “That’s right. My soldiers aren’t an army of mere humans anymore. Vichy’s central committee members seem to be excessively scared of Earl Tohno, but in the end he has the strength of one individual. Isn’t he a mere human that tries to be a soldier!?” Standing up from the throne, the king does a strange dance with his drunken feet. “There’s no need to finish with being the king of such small country! Orsongrande depends on Earl Tohno. Horant has been ruined due to the fight with Orsongrande...” He held down his voice as he felt nausea, but he changed his mind with “there’s nothing I have to be shy of.” Summoning a maid, he vomited into the washbasin, he had her hold, with all his might. Rinsing his sticky mouth with sake, he vomits once again. “Let’s take Vichy for starters. And, crushing Orsongrande’s Fokalore, it will be great to make that queen, whom I will see soon, into my possession...” Pointing at the reinforced soldiers lining up in the corner of the room, he raised a yell mixed with saliva. “Reinforced soldiers! Using you guys, I will seize the world! First we will attack Vichy! Assault the villages and cities nearby, and show them your strength!” Without replying, the soldiers leave the room in groups according to the king’s decree. The king’s words continued in their back. “Convey it to the other reinforced soldiers and giant soldiers as well! It’s fine for you to steal supplies locally on site! Kill them without minding their appearance! Kill all of them, those who resist and those who don’t!” Hearing those words, the reinforced soldiers suddenly stopped moving. “What’s wrong? Do it quickly!” The reinforced soldiers were faithful to orders. Drawing their swords, they started by slaying a nearby maid without minding her appearance and then killed every single person who was inside the room. Of course the soldiers also get close to the king. “W-What is it? What’s wrong?” If he wasn’t dead drunk, he might have been able to utter the single word 「Stop」. However, with the maids who have been suddenly killed in front of his eyes, the drunken, foolish king was unable to do anything but being panicked. “Ah.” A short scream. Those were the last words of the king. Without looking at the fallen corpse of the king, the reinforced soldiers leave the room. “... All of the reinforced soldiers. The giant soldiers as well.” “Kill everyone. Steal food.” They mutter the orders of the king severally. Their thinking is concentrating on accomplishing their instructions, but their movements aren’t dull at all. Devilish cut-throats who were released by careless words. They massacred the people inside the building within the blink of an eye, conveyed the orders to their colleagues who were on standby, and released the giant soldiers within their cages by killing their guards. Pulling the chains which are controlling the giant soldiers, the reinforced soldiers scatter into the city. The city gets almost completely destroyed by reinforced soldiers. Chasing those who ran away, they further spread out in order to scatter in all directions outside the country. Like this, a calamity spread into Vichy alongside the downfall of the small country called Pyursang. There’s no one left who remembers that a former messenger was the cause for all this. Although he became a phantom king, there’s generally no doubt that he was a foolish king, who took along extremely many lives with him, in this world. Escaping the attacks of the reinforced soldiers, the people, who somehow got away, informed Vichy about those news as well, but extreme damage spread until a report, which has authenticity causing the central committee to get its heavy body moving, came in. And finally from there on the information was circulated to Orsongrande and Horant as well. ☺☻☺ Hifumi, who took several soldiers for the sake of steering a platform wagon from Fokalore’s army, sat in front of Origa and Viine on top of the shaking load-carrying platform. “Nevertheless, it was wonderful swordsmanship. As expected of Hifumi-sama.” (Origa) Next to Origa who is piling up one word of praise after the other towards Hifumi, Viine agreed while making her head go up and down like a toy. Her sole rabbit hear above her head is swaying while being one beat late in comparison to her head. However, Hifumi discarded it completely with 「Such stuff doesn’t matter at all」. “The part you should pay attention to isn’t that.” (Hifumi) First he tells them to remember the time when they were attacked by Levi. And then Hifumi says that they have to think about the problematic issue Levi did there. “Umm... her holding a weapon was easy to understand, is it about that?” (Viine) “Greeting and then being unprepared at the time of the attack is the problem, isn’t it?” (Origa) Hifumi nodded and said “there’s that as well” towards their answers. “You should consider the difference in reach between me and Levi, too, you know? If she reduced the distance to a range more favourable for a dagger or if she made sure that I can’t use a weapon by slashing my arm, she could have fought me directly for a bit longer.” (Hifumi) Even so, since there existed a fundamental difference in technique and physical strength, it was hopeless either way. with all their might, the hostility can be immediately read by the opponent.” (Hifumi) , the attending soldiers of Fokalore thought simultaneously the same thing, but of course they didn’t voice it out. “It’s that. If you always think about killing people, the air around you will stagnate and the expression of your eyes will become weird as well.” (Hifumi) Due to his statement which seems to be completely blind to his own shortcomings, Viine was dumbfounded, but Origa nodded obediently. “There’s no need to ponder about things that seriously while killing people. Of course it’s indispensable to prepare and refine your techniques in order to be capable of killing, but it’s unnecessary to mind it too much.” (Hifumi) Taking out a flask, he gulps down a mouthful of the water inside. “Drink water if you are thirsty and have a meal if you become hungry. Sleep when you become sleepy. Sign documents when necessary... it’s the same as that. Kill since you want to kill. Kill since it’s no good if you don’t kill.” (Hifumi) “What’s necessary isn’t fighting spirit or resolution”, Hifumi says. “Umm... master, what will happen if I kill? Don’t you think about such things as well?” (Viine) Hifumi returned a smile due to Viine’s question. “I’m not really a homicidal maniac? Not considering the consequences while killing is the deed of a mere fool. Having the necessity to kill, it’s only natural to accept the outcome from that, I think.” (Hifumi) “T-Then, the readiness to accept that outcome is...” (Viine) Hifumi lightly puts his hand in Viine’s direction. “Why are you living while being so nervous?” (Hifumi) “What an odd fellow”, Hifumi smiles and the soldiers’ faces are filled with tension. “You don’t know when you will have a meal, right? There are still three days remaining until the next salary. It’s the same with the hesitation whether to eat a meal at a cart for copper coins or at the dining hall for copper coins at the time when you can’t use more than 30 copper coins. if you choose to eat in the dining hall, it will be wrong if you don’t decrease the number of meals for the remaining two days. How many hours will you be troubled because of that?” (Hifumi) Origa answers 「It’s just as you say, Hifumi-sama」 while smiling. Viine answered that she agreed even while being confused. The soldiers send pitying looks towards Viine. “If you think that you should kill, then kill. It’s necessary to think about the result of that, but there’s no need to hold back regarding the matter of killing itself. It’s no more than a means. ... In that sense, Imeraria might be ((ready)) soon as well.” (Hifumi) Drawing the katana in order to maintain it, Hifumi muttered delightfully while lining up the tools. “What about Her Majesty the Queen?” (Origa) Even while her face is smiling, Origa’s eyes aren’t. “That person will probably soon reach the stage where she can prepare by pondering “how to kill him?” since she has no other goal but killing me. She has felt the atmosphere of battle, and furthermore she even experienced herself giving the order to kill others on-site. Her emotional, evasive sense against killing has faded, and she has reached the point where she can consider murder as one of the possible means.” (Hifumi) Viine is captivated by the complex structure of the katana, but Origa looked seriously at Hifumi. “Her feeling of wanting to remove me, to kill me, probably isn’t weird. But it’s about removing me more calmly. She is able to think about the consequences of that. In that case, her thinking will likely revolve about a method to kill me with a further cooled down brain in reverse.” (Hifumi) Confirming the condition of the tang, he carefully wipes it. “Hifumi-sama...” (Origa) Origa started to say something but stopped. Hifumi doesn’t ask Origa either. “This part is beautiful, master.” (Viine) “Ah, it’s called guard and is originally for the sake of protecting the hand. I have an obsession regarding this. The design is simple for the sake of strength. With the holes being as small as possible as well, it’s to make sure that the point of of a sword never enters.” (Hifumi) The guard, which was presented by holding it aloft in front of Viine, had six tiny, open holes in the vicinity of the hole for the sword blade to go through. The character of “一” has been carved into the open space, but Viine can’t see it as anything but a simple horizontal line having been drawn. “I don’t know its value, but... I see that it was created thoroughly.” (Viine) “Isn’t that fine then? If you think that it’s nice by the scope of what you know, that means it has value for you. If I consider that it received praise with such meaning, I’m happy as well.” (Hifumi) “Fufu”, while spilling a laughter, he spreads oil on the wiped blade. “Shall we create a new weapon while listening to the news about the battle after we return to Fokalore? I wonder what happened to Vichy. There’s probably no way that they were crushed in the blink of an eye, but I’m looking forward... no, no, after I meddled with that Horant, having too much expectations is rash, isn’t it?” (Hifumi) After he finished maintenance, Hifumi tossed the katana into his storage and lied down. “Let’s look forward to it just a bit. Origa, I leave the assistance to you once we return to Fokalore, though it will increase your troubles. Since it’s obvious that Caim will push the work on us anyway.” (Hifumi) “I don’t consider it to be trouble.” (Origa) Quietly approaching Hifumi who is facing upwards, Origa gave him a kiss. “I’m your wife, Hifumi-sama. Until the day we perish together... no, even after we perished, my soul will be together with you, dear.” (Origa) Origa moves quietly and places the head of Hifumi, who replied her briefly, on her lap. Viine, who intently glanced at their exchange while blushing, gently mutters 「I’m jealous」. Origa, who heard that, revealed a composed smile and wasn’t able to say 「Me too」 until the end while Viine moves her lips with a *monyu monyu* having an expression mixed with jealousy and embarrassment.
“I got a cooompletely late start!” (Alyssa) Alyssa, who filled her stomach to her heart’s content after hearing that the big dining hall for nobles in the royal castle is for free, dashed through the castle at full speed with tears in her eyes right now. Given that she’s running with a full stomach, an unpleasant feeling rises up from her chest to her throat, but she somehow manages to swallow it down. She’s angry at herself for only noticing the noise outside the castle when she was about to enjoy her fourth cake after getting caught up in the moment. As a result of catching a knight, who was preparing himself hurriedly for battle inside the castle, and confirming the situation, she learned that a great number of demons had apparently flowed into the plaza in front of the castle. “They have already started!?” (Alyssa) Alyssa pretty much knows about Hifumi’s “plan.” The final wish of Hifumi of course, and she also knew that he’s actually making Queen Imeraria and the other races dance on top of his palm. Why was she told about it? Being given a handicap of possessing this much information ahead of the others, and yet only having few troops at her hand. How she’s going to deal with this situation is no more than a “homework” given by Hifumi, the previous feudal lord. “I-I will be scolded...!” (Alyssa) She was careless due to being able to anticipate the course of events. While praying for the safety of her subordinates, she rushes out of the castle. The battle has started, and the short Alyssa can’t overlook the whole battlefield, but the soldiers, which sortied from the castle, were standing in a line, frantically holding back the pushing demons. Jumping upon a demon, she kicks his head while climbing the tall wall enclosing the plaza. As the battle has developed into a melee, neither the demons nor the humans can fire arrows or spells. First she discovered Hifumi, who is throwing a remarkably huge presence, in the middle of the plaza, and then she found Origa who swung her iron-ribbed fan at a demon at a slightly distant place, unleashing wind blades at the lowest size even within this melee battle. And, once she spotted Fokalore’s soldiers, who were in a defensive formation in a corner of the plaza, on the opposite side of Origa, Alyssa ran on the wall and jumped down in the middle. “Lord-sama!” “Sorry for being tardy! What’s the situation?” (Alyssa) “The precise circumstances are unclear!” The vicinity is a melting pot of screams and encouraging yells with desperate fighting going on except at the back of the walls. If one doesn’t shout at the top of their lungs, a normal conversation isn’t possible either. Some idiot apparently used exploding magic. A couple of demons and humans each were blown away. “The demons suddenly, umm, gushed out of a hole that opened up at the plaza’s entrance! Straight after they talked about something with the previous lord, the battle started...the exit from the plaza should be under control by the knight order and the royal army!” What should Fokalore’s troops do right now? Hifumi’s aim. No, wish. That is “to show what’s possible.” “The knights, who have appeared from the castle, and the soldiers in the city; who do you think is stronger?” (Alyssa) “Likely the knights. They were trained by the previous lord, weren’t they? Besides, the number of demons heading for the castle is still a minority!” “Then it’s settled!” (Alyssa) Alyssa went into action and repelled a longsword, which came flying from somewhere, with her wakizashi. “All hands, form two columns! We will cut through a part of the demons’ forces located at the plaza’s entrance and launch a pincer attack by cooperating with the soldiers over there!” (Alyssa) There’s no hesitation or doubt. Alyssa decides, the soldiers follow. Those are the movements which Hifumi taught them and which they repeatedly practiced. Nowadays it has turned into a funny story, but back then it was so deeply ingrained into their bodies by training that it made them wonder whether they are going to die. Fokalore’s forces might be few, but they are powerful. Right now they are going to prove that once again. ☺☻☺ “That’s right. You guys should move over there.” (Hifumi) Watching Fokalore’s soldiers vigorously plunge into the demons’ forces as if tearing apart a huge cloth, Hifumi chuckles while bisecting a demon into upper and lower body. As for what’s going to start from now on, Alyssa hasn’t been included in the count. She is a person to be left behind for later. She still has a role to play. Above all, if Fokalore’s soldiers genuinely join the fray, Hifumi’s prey will decrease. “What’s wrong? Use magic. You don’t have to hold back.” (Hifumi) Loping off one head, Hifumi steps on the foot of another demon that had approached. Crushing the straightly extended kneecap of that demon with a kick, he completely pierces the demon’s head with his katana after he fell down. Alongside withdrawing the extracted katana, he cut open the throat of another demon. The soldiers are completely sucked into his movements that are just like a series of dancing steps. “There’s still plenty of you guys in stock, right? My life is over here. If you want it, come and take it. However, you have to put your own lives on the line.” (Hifumi) With his pitch black left hand he beckons the demons, who are in the direction of the castle. A suddenly approaching fireball he erases with a wave of his left hand. While being surrounded by demons, who have become indecisive due to their comrades being killed in the blink of an eye, Hifumi calmly cleans the katana’s blade with a paper. At that point, a loud roar reverberated from the center of the plaza. “Oh, it’s finally Balsomething-kun’s revival, huh?” (Hifumi) Balzephon’s head was stuck from the nose to above on top of Bashim’s body that’s staggering while trying to cling to the pedestal. Once Balzephon raises yet another yell, his body twitches only once, and then he properly stands upright with his feet planted on the ground. Bashim’s face looking upward for the sake of Balzehpon facing forward was oddly misshapen. “What are you doing to the general!?” “Aim at only the head!” The demons in the surroundings target the head with their swords. “Gaaaaaaaah!” The right arm of Bashim, which was swung while raising a scream, directly strikes the face of a demon from right in front. Next he skillfully steals the sword from the giddy opponent. And then he strikes down that sword at the head of its original owner. “Oops, I forgot. This is a part of that body.” (Hifumi) Bashim’s left arm, which Hifumi retrieved from his darkness storage, is spilling fresh blood as if it had be severed moment’s ago. Balzephon, who caught that arm, which Hifumi had thrown in his direction, by stabbing it with the sword, pressed it at the spot where it had originally been connected to. Before long the arm, which was dangling heavily, is completely connected to the body. “That’s a convenient skill.” (Hifumi) Balzehpon’s transformed, cloudy eyes glared at the laughing Hifumi. “Uh oh, scary, scary. ...I guess I have to call reinforcements since you’re so scary?” (Hifumi) Hifumi breathed in very deeply and screamed with a very loud voice while having his back turned on Balzephon, “Midas! A civilian is under attack by the demons’ monster!” (Hifumi) “Sabnak-san, please stay back here. Vaiya-san, go down to the first floor and command the knight order. At the moment, there’s still only few demon soldiers. You can probably force them back with ease.” (Imeraria) “And then,” making a short pause, Imeraria orders, “Take advantage of the demons’ annihilation, and restrain Hifumi-sama. An accident of swords and spears flying his way, even if it’s several, won’t be odd, right? I also believe it necessary to herd the demons into his surroundings to gain total control of the plaza.” (Imeraria) “I heard and received your command. Well then.” (Vaiya) Vaiya bows, steps backwards only once, and runs off after turning around. Sabnak, who followed him with his eyes, shifted his eyes back to Imeraria. Sabnak himself was against this plan. He knows the reason why she feels anxious about the country’s stability, considering Hifumi’s nature, or rather his character as well as his outstanding strength. And, I think only when Orsongrande’s royalty is left at the end, no one will really stand in their way. “Sabnak-san...Sabnak-san?” (Imeraria) “Ha? Yes, I’m sorry.” (Sabnak) He had apparently been deep in thought. “Sabnak-san, what you are thinking about is the same what I’m thinking about.” (Imeraria) Imeraria glances at Vepar, who is watching the ongoing battle while on tenterhooks, next to her. “I’m acknowledging that there are extremely many improvements thanks to his influence. But, it’s a truth that the matters of this world have to be settled by the people of this world. As someone ruling in this world, I judged that it would be best to remove Hifumi-sama from it.” (Imeraria) “...I share your opinion as well.” (Sabnak) Apparently having listened to their conversation, Vepar leaned forward across the balcony’s handrail while looking over her shoulder. “Honestly spoken, if you allow me to state a childish opinion, it’s “Cunning, you say...” (Sabnak) , Vepar breathed out slightly and laughed. “Don’t pull such a face. Even though I may appear like this, I’m serious...the promise between Imeraria and me is just “Let’s each other do our best.” To compete seriously without any hindrances, that man is an irregular at best.” (Vepar) “I have a personal grudge with him as well, though.” Vepar stuck out her tongue and laughed. “I also decided to remove him while harboring a personal grudge. Sabnak-san. You are also one of the people who will influence the country’s future after Hifumi-sama is gone. I won’t tell you to resolve yourself, but please stay levelheaded.” (Imeraria) “Look,” Imeraria points at the plaza. Over there one could see the knight order pushing back and utterly defeating the demon soldiers heading in the direction of the castle. Even within the overwhelming charge, a single knight was hit by what appears to be magic and collapsed with a spray of blood. “More than proceeding towards battle, forcing battle is a crime. When I summoned Hifumi-sama I didn’t consider that at all. The responsibility for that also... The resolve and duty to make someone head towards their death for the sake of an objective. I’m pretty sure that’s what I should demonstrate to Hifumi-sama.” (Imeraria) “I finally realized that it’s a mistake to fight myself.” Imeraria smiled feebly. Midas, who plunged into the center of the plaza together with knights and soldiers trying to switch places with Fokalore’s troops after hearing Hifumi’s yell, finally managed to arrive at the place with Hifumi and Balzehpon who has revived for some reason. Meanwhile the soldiers and demons kill each other in the vicinity, resulting in the number of people whittling down slowly. Even so, Midas wielded his word with the mindset of having to save a civilian. Midas belonged to the Third Knight Order, which was originally focused on investigative mission, for a long time. It was a group that was weak at genuine battle, and yet you cannot say so either. Standing in front of Hifumi while gasping, he looked around him, but as far as he could see, only demons were in sight. Otherwise he could only see the people of the Royal Knight Order pushing away from the castle. “W-Where is the civilian?” (Midas) “He’s right in front of you, isn’t he?” (Hifumi) “...Wha-?” (Midas) “It’s me. I’m the civilian.” (Hifumi) Looking at Midas who clenches his fists while saying, “I’m sure no one will complain even if I hit you now,” Hifumi laughs. “I’m not a soldier, neither do I hold the command over Fokalore. I’m a civilian as written in the books, who holds a weapon to defend himself. Or am I wrong?” (Hifumi) “...No...” (Midas) While saying so, Hifumi knocked down something that suddenly came flying at him with with his hand. “This pitiable civilian is not only being attacked by demons, but even the knights. What do you think about this situation?” (Hifumi) What was intercepted was a short spear as it’s used to guard by the royal knights inside the castle. “Well, this much is just an accident...” (Midas) “Hoh?” (Hifumi) Hifumi easily knocked down another two spears that came flying. Seeing the short spears loudly rolling on the stone paving, Midas was lost for words and then looked in the direction of the castle. “Why...?” (Midas) Within the movement of trying to push back the demons, he found a single knight who is obviously about to throw his spear in this direction. If you go even further, the knight order moves for the sake of gathering and pushing the demons in Hifumi’s direction. “I’m sure it’s Imeraria’s order. I guess she plans to get rid of me, using this disturbance.” (Hifumi) “No way! Doing something like that...” (Midas) “Have a look. Your guys’ queen is calmly watching this situation.” (Hifumi) Midas lifted his face as told. He feels like his eyes met with Imeraria’s, but as the distance was too far, he didn’t make out her expression. “Now then, Midas. What are you going to do?” (Hifumi) “What, you ask?” (Midas) “Are you going to restrain me in alignment with the royal knights? Or are you going to protect a “civilian” in accordance with a knight’s duty?” (Hifumi) After being forced to swing his fist, he grasped the sword, which he had lowered while holding it with his right hand, with both hands and fixed his stance. “All troops, line up in two rows! Prevent the attacks by the Royal Knight Order being hurled this way! ...Hifumi-dono, to the bitter end this is my official stance. I don’t consider you a person that will allow for him to be protected obediently.” (Midas) Shouldering his sword, Midas turned around towards the castle. “This is for the sake of protecting the royal knights. Hifumi-dono, make sure to not get involved in unnecessary trouble. At least keep it like that in the royal capital. That’s my idea of protecting the peace.” (Midas) He has no intention to listen to Hifumi’s answer. Saying so over his shoulder, Midas joined the defense line. He steps forward in its center. “Humph. Whatever.” (Hifumi) There are still enemies left. The number of demons has diminished, but as that resulted in there being more space now, the number of magic attacks is gradually increasing. Hifumi, who dodged an approaching rock by tilting his head to the side, sheathed his katana. Instead he takes out his kusarigama. “All that’s left now is to focus on killing.” (Hifumi) Hifumi knows that Imeraria’s aim is to seal him, but he still doesn’t know how. He anticipated that she would likely make a move here, seeing it as a good chance, but he didn’t hear how Origa and Puuse are going to move. “Alright, alright. Come at me with your full power. I’m well aware that the current power of this world leaves something to be desired, but at least allow me to enjoy myself at %.” (Hifumi) Brandishing the kusarigama‘s counterweight, he flings it into the face of a demon. “Oh?” (Hifumi) The instant he tried to pull back the chain, a presence passed next to Hifumi. He perceived that, which displayed flexible movements, swinging its arm at the edge of his vision. He swiftly dodged the attack by inclining his head, however, one long cut is carved into Hifumi’s cheek. “Hifumi...kill...” The small person with his tiger-like face landed with a small sound, and licked the blood on his claw while glaring at Hifumi. It was Malfas who left the beastmen settlement after saying that he would join the demon army.magic
Due to someone stuttering 「F-Fall back!」, the soldiers, in whose presence the gut-wrenching scene of the knights getting completely crushed took place, escaped from the battlefield with each of them wrestling to be first to get away. Those words were a petition, released by a mere soldier as he succumbed to panic, but there’s no one caring about that. By clinging to the lure called retreat, they chose to run away from this place without caring about their responsibilities. Watching the soldiers’ ranks falling apart in their escape, scattering all over, without any of their orderly fortitude from before the battle, the beastmen shouted in exultation. “Alright, it went well!” However, different to the beastmen, who were all smiles, the humans’ reactions were inclining towards bewilderment. Welcoming the beastmen, who returned to the slums, with cheers, the beastmen, waiting for their return, received them warmly albeit slightly roughly. However, the humans came together and murmured about their anxieties from now on. “I-Is it alright...?” Even the man, who was not long ago saved by being carried away by a beastman, said that while drenched in sweat. “The knights were killed... won’t we be killed by the other knights once we return to the city?” “If we get blamed by the soldiers, our lives will already...” Two small beastgirls push their way through the slums’ beastmen and walk up to the panicking humans. It’s Helen and Reni. “So, how about living here?” (Reni)magic The humans didn’t know for a moment what to say to the suggestion provided by Reni without hesitation. “Though there are many various things, you taught me, I want to thank you for, there are still houses that need repairs. There’s plenty things left to do.” (Reni) “That’s right, isn’t it? There are also many things we still don’t understand, if it’s only us beastmen.” (Helen) Helen agrees with Reni’s suggestion, too. The beastmen in the surroundings are showing a supportive attitude as well. “But, this place is the city of beastmen...” Reni was puzzled over a perplexed male human. “... Is there any difference?” (Reni) “Ha?” Seeing that their talk isn’t meshing, Helen laughed with her rabbit ears moving with a *ping ping* “You humans probably look at the beastmen as one pack, but in the wastelands there’s nothing like that. Me and Reni might get attacked by tigers and wolves too, if we go into the wastelands.” (Helen) “No one will mind the humans blending in at this point when we are living by mixing with other races anyway”, is what Helen says. Due to those words not only the humans, but also the beastmen looked at each other. The ones who are currently at this location are humans, rabbits, sheep, leopards, tigers, dogs, wolves, etc. If one were to talk about differences, there would be no end to mismatching appearances and customs. “Since this place seems to be “A heterogeneous place different from the humans’ and beastmen’s society” going by Hifumi-san’s words, isn’t it fine for everyone to join as long as they aren’t bad people?” (Reni) “Right?” Once Reni asked for confirmation from her, Helen showed a wry smile and nodded. “There are humans, who got used to beastmen, and beastmen, who got used to humans. I think it’s just as that man says. However, I don’t believe it’s something to be decided by Reni and me.” (Helen) “No, isn’t it fine?” (Gengu) From among the group of beastmen, Gengu stuck out his face with its long dogman-like nose. “Because Helen-san and Reni-san are the representatives of this city in name and reality at present, no one will complain, if it’s okay with the two of you ~ssu.” (Gengu) Being struck by Gengu’s speech, Helen and Reni turn around their heads in a circle and see all the beastmen in the vicinity nodding with smiles. Showing a smiling face close to bursting, Reni faced the humans. “Since it’s as you’ve heard, this city will welcome humans, too.” (Reni) “T-Thank you...?” “H-However, the knights and soldiers won’t stay silent about this.” “You can’t absolutely call this a safe place to live in”, the humans were in a state of being unable to calm down yet, but Reni gently talked to them in order to have them regain their presence of mind. And due to what she said next, the beastmen at this place were lost for words. “Since Hifumi-san should have gone to the castle, it will probably work out somehow, won’t it?” (Reni) “H-Hifumi-san, you say?” The humans don’t properly know about Hifumi, who didn’t show his face unless to give instructions to Helen and Reni. However, the beastmen, who encountered him in these few days, especially the bunch of the vigilante corps, which participated in the training, are showing pale faces, hard to recognize due to their fur. The humans, who noticed their state, only sensed that something terrible was going on. “R-Reni-san, you said that Hifumi-san has gone to the human city, but why is he headed for the palace, I wonder ~ssu?” (Gengu) “Because he told me before that it’s necessary to go to the castle and talk with the king, he is probably now...” (Reni) The beastmen, who dropped their shoulders while sighing, believed that the strife with the humans will continue for a long time to come yet, but they sighed as it seems to have become a needless worry. “W-What’s this about?” A single tigerman answered to a human, who doesn’t comprehend. “The problem is that there’s no way for Hifumi-san to just return after “talking.”” “Good grief. The ones welcoming the bunch of soldiers, which ran home, won’t just be the surviving soldiers.” “Well, then there won’t be any battles for a while.” With these words signalling the breakup, the beastmen headed home while chatting somewhat excitedly about the battle some time ago. Helen calls out to the humans, who are left behind overcome with surprise, while being bashful. “Oh well, since we have a place for you to sleep, follow me.” (Helen) “There’s food as well”, being told that, the humans, who began to feel the emptiness in their stomachs for the first time, came to Reni and went with her. The slums’ battle came to a conclusion far quicker than anyone expected. ☺☻☺ The number of humans within the castle, who were killed until Salgu finally arrived at the king’s chamber, had been more than . The count is mostly compromised of soldiers and knights, who were killed protecting the royal chambers at night. “T-This is...!” For the sake of cleaning up the king’s night fun with the beastwoman, the soldiers head towards the bedroom. Given that it was the king’s habit to restfully sleep by himself after returning the beastwomen to the prison, the soldiers on duty show up in the centre of the castle at the time, which was set as night-time, but what they found there wasn’t the usual scenery. The halls are littered with corpses, which had their heads torn off or holes ripped into their bellies. All of them were showing an expression of anguish while grasping their weapons tightly. “It’s a disaster! There’s an intruder!” While shouting that, the two soldiers leaped into the king’s bedroom in a state of emergency. “Uh...” What they discovered inside are three corpses. The catwoman, who was taken out of the prison on behalf of the king, the king, who is their lord, and a giant bearman, they don’t remember. The catwoman’s head is twisted in an impossible direction. They understand at a glance that the king’s neck has been broken in the same way, too. The bearman is shedding a great amount of blood from parts of the head and his neck has been torn to pieces apparently sliced up by an edged tool. “W-What shall we do?” Because of the completely unforeseen situation, the soldier, who can’t decide, addresses his colleague. Even his colleague doesn’t know what would be good to do. And from outside they can hear the voices of a crowd drawing near. “Looks like the folks, who went to the slums, came back... mmh?” The soldier, who observed the circumstances from the bedroom’s window, stares at the approaching group and screamed in a hysteric voice. “They are recklessly running this way. The knights can’t be seen anywhere either...” The colleague, who confirmed the situation outside the window after pushing his comrade away, perceived the soldiers, who have desperately come escaping to the castle, relying on the lights of torches with his eyes. The soldier, who looked at that for a short while, hurriedly removes the armour of the upper half of his body causing him to be in a state of only wearing the linen cloth below. “What are you doing?” “Running away.” “Those guys have likely run away once the knights were done in. I looked at their expressions.” As the lower leg part doesn’t want to come off readily, he cuts the leather belt with the knife, which was affixed to his hips. “Look at the situation. It’s plain as day that the king and the beastman simultaneously killed each other, right? Besides, there’s also the premature withdrawal from the slums. They were probably easily defeated by the beastmen.” The soldier, who lightened down his weight, hung the fixed sword belt at his waist with only his longsword and wallet. “Well then...” “If you stay here as is, you will be killed by the beastmen, who are chasing the assault unit, which attacked the slums.” “... I-I will go too!” Taking off the armour in a rush, the soldier accompanied his comrade and left the king’s bedroom behind. Hifumi appeared from the window in the room, with no one being there. Hooking the kusarigama at a part of the wall, Hifumi, who hang onto it by grasping the counterweight, turns around and looks at the soldiers, who came scurrying home. “If you watch properly, you will probably grasp that they aren’t chased by beastmen.” (Hifumi) Even while judging the decision to escape as not bad, he complained that their observation wasn’t sufficient. “Well, it’s fine. The country’s chains came off.” (Hifumi) He looks at the king’s corpse. His expression of rage and agony is a sublime comment. “This fellow’s existence was too large. He will leave just as much of a hole, once he disappears. If the king had survived, the soldiers probably wouldn’t have escaped either.” (Hifumi) The rest is the job of Reni’s group What remained within the castle is only a large amount of corpses and the live-in servants, who were sleeping without realizing anything. And, discovering the tragic scene due to a soldier, who went to report to the king after escaping safely, the castle fell into chaos. Zebul was blown away by a single hit with a log when he charged as vanguard in the assault on the slums, but he survived while being burred under the rubble within a deserted house. “Guuh... by no means, to be hit by a log...” (Zebul) The chest part of his metallic armour has caved in and it’s in a state of being a total loss no matter how you look at it as the joints are bent. “Anyhow, I didn’t think that the beastmen would build a city. Oh well, it’s fine.” (Zebul) Zebul’s face transforms while talking. Growing sharp fangs in his mouth, his face turns into a dark green. Coupled with a slender face, his ears become pointed. He’s just like an elf from fairy-tales. “The plan to have the humans and beastmen go against each other didn’t go well. There’s no necessity to take the shape a noble of this country anymore either.” (Zebul) “Sorry. That can’t be allowed to pass.” He intended to speak to himself, however Zebul, who was suddenly called out by someone, rolled over with a speed, one wouldn’t expect of someone injured, and picked up his sword. “Who’s there?” (Zebul) “You don’t have to worry about me. Rather than that, can you tell me a little bit more details about the “humans and beastmen go against each other” part, you talked about just now?” The one who smoothly appeared from within the darkness was Hifumi. As he was making way through the slums’ entrance, which was packed with corpses of knights, in order to return to his hideout, he sensed a presence in a deserted house and decided to have a look. “You have long ears. An elf, huh?” (Hifumi) “Besides, you look unwell”, due to Hifumi tilting his head to the side, Zebul, who prepared his sword warily, spit out, “Don’t lump me together with such living dolls. I’m of the race which is called demon race by the humans. Putting that aside, who the hell are you, bastard? You seem to be different from the bunch that was together with the beastmen, but...” (Zebul) While talking, Zebul prepared his magic. , is what his senses are screaming at him. For Zebul, whose speciality lies with shape-shifting and who doesn’t have much of confidence in his combat prowess, it will be tough to directly compete by sword, he judged. “I’m...” (Hifumi) The instant Hifumi opened his mouth, Zebul pretended to raise the sword overhead and quickly stretched out his right hand in front of him. Releasing his prided thunder magic, Zebul was certain of his victory, however the thunder travelled towards the suntetsu, that was thrown out from Hifumi’s chest, and hit that instead. Faster than the suntetsu, which became burnt black, hitting the ground, both of Zebul’s legs were scythed down by the katana, released with a nukiuchi. “Aaaaaaaah!” (Zebul) Zebul, who had anything below his knees taken away by a single stroke, fell on his backside. As his face distorted in pain, Zebul throws the sword in his left hand, but it was swallowed up by the darkness magic cast by Hifumi. “Demon, eh?” (Hifumi) Hifumi placed his foot on top of Zebul’s belly. Having lost his sword and both his legs, Zebul, whose body was pushed onto the ground, has a red face filled with anger. Has he also the trait to dull his sense of pain or such? “So, let’s hear the answer to the previous question?” (Hifumi) “Bastard, no matter what you fucker do, it’s too late. Swordland’s beastmen will likely reach the point of pro-actively clashing with the humans. You can’t stop the dwindling of humans in this country anymore.” (Zebul) “Ah, that’s actually fine with me.” (Hifumi) Zebul opened his eyes widely due to Hifumi’s reply. “Humans and beastmen are going to oppose each other. That’s very nice. It was your guys’ doing that the soldiers and knights hated the beastmen profusely, wasn’t it? Thanks to that, it became very easy for me to do my things.” (Hifumi) Hifumi felt a doubt. Although the soldiers and knights, including the king, have hated the beastmen abnormally, they expressly approved the existence of the slums. It didn’t make sense for the king to use beastwoman for sex either. “This is likely very recent. You aimed at beastmen ostracism by actively inciting it.” (Hifumi) That was very convenient for Hifumi. The antipathy was still limited to the people close to the king. The commoners, who still haven’t had those values drummed into them, accepted the beastmen. “With this the human powers, the human city, the wastelands’ beastmen and the slums’ beastmen drifted apart. If the king was killed, the nobles wouldn’t accept the beastmen. The wastelands’ beastmen naturally won’t participate in a city, which lies in the humans’ country. Being caught in-between, the pipsqueaks “Bastard, despite being a human yourself, you are leading the humans into peril.” (Zebul) Hifumi nods toward the enraged Zebul. “ groups are no good. If it doesn’t become a -way-struggle, they won’t use their brains to strategize and defend themselves. There won’t be any scheming in battles either. That’s because it would be possible for contact people to come and go. The force, including the population, will probably continue to fluctuate from now on.” (Hifumi) “They will have to use their heads in order to survive”, Hifumi nods in satisfaction. “Y-You are mad... For the sake of the battle with the humans to become advantageous for us demons, we instigated the confrontation between humans and beastmen, however... to actually be used by a human...” (Zebul) “I have put you through trouble. Teach me your guys’ whereabouts since I will report to your superior.” (Hifumi) Although displaying hesitation, Zebul obediently answered, “It’s deep within the elves’ forest. There you will find our demon races’ country. If you get carried away for just having killed me, you will suffer hell there.” (Zebul) “Is that so? I’m looking forward to it.” (Hifumi) With a small sound, Hifumi’s katana beheaded Zebul.
After once again rearranging the defense at the national border, Hifumi withdrew to Fokalore. letting the soldiers rest while the spear throwers were repaired and improved. According to Hifumi’s prognosis, if Vichy was really raising an army, they’d need around a month before they arrive. Even just rallying the troops split up in order to protect all their cities would take a considerable amount of time, and since there isn’t a clear head of the state, there will be disputes regarding who gets to be in command. Hifumi thought about attacking Vichy while they were slowly assembling their army, but he was busy enough with governing Fokalore. A couple of city-states situated within Vichy, but close to Orsongrande, had shown up to show their allegiance to Hifumi, and it was necessary for him to deal with them. “Even if they come here, we can’t unconditionally accept them. We’ll soon be continuing our war with Vichy, so any specific exchanges will have to wait until after that.” “Understood. I’ll convey that to the messengers.” Origa was the one who interacted with the messengers. Hifumi could’ve done it as well, but as there were many things to think about, Origa was temporarily given that role. They can decide what to do after the war is over. “I don’t have the ability to be a politician to begin with. I’m glad I decided to train those civil official slaves ahead of time. If I were to try and gather people now, there wouldn’t be any time to sleep.” After seeing Origa off, he stretched out on the reception sofa. Alyssa called out, having smoothly entered the slightly opened door. “I heard the metallic sound of the door, so you fail.” Since Hifumi’s very strict when grading, Alyssa had yet to receive a passing grade. “Th-that aside, you’ve got a visitor.” “Who?” “Well... It’s Kasha.” So she came. Without letting Alyssa see, Hifumi sneered. “Ehh, the talk about your endeavors have reached the capital. How you repelled Vichy’s army without any losses.” “Aah, I see.” After being let through to the reception, Kasha was sitting down, face to face with Hifumi, but the conversation wasn’t continuing. Within the heavy atmosphere, Hifumi was observing the quiet Kasha as if he could see through her. “...... So?” 「 Well... Er... 」 As she became flustered, there was a knock on the door, and Origa entered. “Alyssa told me there was a visitor...” Discovering Kasha, Origa instinctively stopped, and she quickly lost the smile on her face. “So you’re here. Take a seat.” Hifumi deliberately didn’t mention in what seat, nor make any hand gestures. As Origa unhesitatingly chose to sit down next to Hifumi, Kasha showed a hint of sadness. “So, what’s your business, coming here?” “W-well, you see... I’m quite limited working alone as an adventurer, and partnering up with someone else now feels a bit...” “After receiving such a big favor and selfishly leaving, you think Hifumi will let you back again?” “Uuu...” Hifumi was listening to their exchange in silence. If it kept going as it currently was, it would just end with Origa one-sidedly throwing accusations at Kasha, who would end up being chased away. It’s about time to give her some timely help. “Well, ‘accept those who comes to you, and don’t chase those who leave’, they say. I don’t really mind employing you again. We’re lacking manpower, after all.” “Hifumi!” Seeing Hifumi approve as if nothing had happened, Origa clung to him to protest, but Hifumi put his hand on hers to calm her down. “Your workload has increased considerably. If it’s an acquaintance whose abilities you know, it should be easier to divide the workload, wouldn’t it? Besides, there’s also the next battle. I don’t want to work you too hard.” With Hifumi showing concern for her, as well as holding her hand, Origa blushed. What an easy to understand person, Hifumi thought, while Kasha raised some suspicions about him, saying such transparent words. “Well, I won’t reinstate you in the territorial army. Having someone who left just to later return giving orders would be a bitter pill to swallow, right?” Even if it’s like this, we’ve got to take things like the morale into consideration, Hifumi said with a smile. “For the moment, I’ll have you be my guard and secretary, so please give me a hand. A room in this mansion will be prepared for you.” “T-thank you. I’ll do my best, so please take care of me.” “Right. There is plenty of work to be done, so work hard.” Calling the maid, Hifumi ordered her to show Kasha her room, before leaving the room with Origa. “It’s important to meet the other side’s expectations to some extent, at least.” Although Origa didn’t understand what Hifumi meant, she did understand that his actions were backed up with confidence in something, so she didn’t say anything else. The news about the annihilation of the pursuit unit from Vichy was quickly relayed to the central committee from the city accepting one of the fleeing soldiers. Hearing the news, the committee members who gathered in order to deal with the situation stayed calm. From the news they’ve collected about Hifumi, it wasn’t a mystery about that they were repelled as the pursuing soldiers only numbered . They were, however, dissatisfied with the loss of soldiers due to them fooling around. “It was a miscalculation by the appointed commanding officer. But it’s pointless to place the blame on a dead man.” “But we now know what weapons they’re using, so isn’t it fine thinking of this as reconnaissance for the upcoming all-out recapture operation?” “After all, it’s just some troops gathered from small cities. They’re able to pursue, but aren’t good enough to have serve a purpose on a real battlefield.” Even before Debold came as an envoy, Vichy had decided to resist with force, so everyone calmly accepted that they were going to fight. “At any rate, that new viscount... Hifumi, was it? That man is dangerous.” “If you look at it from the other side, if that Hifumi dies, won’t we stop Orsongrande?” “But, the letter was signed by princess Imeraria, was it not?” Amongst them, there were a couple who had seen princess Imeraria in the past. She had given them the impression of a girl unrelated to politics, and kind towards the populace. But these chains of events in Orsongrande have been sending mixed signals. They didn’t know whether it was because she thought of something after the king’s death, or because Hifumi was discovered, but she disregarded the prince who was supposed to inherit the throne, proactively moving the country herself. “Either way, like the old man said, if we can stop Hifumi, we can end this without some arbitrary reconciliation.” “As the goal is to exceed a certain amount of military gains, we need to plan when to request a dialogue.” “So, about how many soldiers are we going to send?” In response to that question, the chamberlain who was taking notes distributed a document to all the members. “, huh? The Orsongrande soldiers we need to stop from going from Rhone to Arosel would be the viscount’s territorial soldiers and the border security, around 200 in total. Isn’t this excessive?” “100 of them crushed our 300 soldiers just about uninjured. We need to leave personnel in the recaptured cities too, so I wouldn’t say it’s excessive.” “It’s better to have some flexibility, but... aren’t we just throwing money away?” Saying that, doubts started appearing in the elderly committee member’s head. (What’s Orsongrande’s goal with attacking Vichy? To expand their territories? Their official reason is retribution, but it’s too severe to just be a matter of honor.) By no means could he even imagine that it was because of an irrecoverable rift existing between Imeraria and Hifumi.magic “No matter how much we rush it, the gathering of the troops will take around 3 weeks. After that, we need to organize them in units, so we need around a month before the recapture operation can be started. “Hmm. Until then, materials needs to be gathered. How annoying.” In front of the biggest gathering of troops since the founding of Vichy, the committee was in an uplifted mood. In the place they were normally noisily scrambling for profits, cursing each other, their wishes for victory above profit was ironically what brought them together. Until now, the committee’s discussions have never proceeded smoothly, so they were having a strange sense of satisfaction. “Well then, all that’s left is to place our hopes in our soldiers.” Everyone nodded, and the meeting was finished. The room Kasha was shown was on the same level as those Origa and Alyssa were living in. The room was equipped with a splendid bed, and a low desk. The size of the room was at least three times bigger than the room she was living in at the inn in the royal capital. “Somehow, it’s like we’re living in different worlds.” Sitting down on the bed and mumbling that, the maid who showed her to the room gave her a tour of the mansion, as per Hifumi’s instructions. Having received a complete restructure, the first floor had a couple of conference rooms and offices, and in order to make the passage through the entrance easier, making more space, it received an expansion. Inside was now a front desk, with five staff members working side by side. “It looks like at a guild, when they work side by side like that, but what are they doing?” “According to Hifumi’s instructions, we’re registering all the citizens and we’re making it obligatory to report births, deaths, and marriages. The reception desk is there to deal with that.” The maid smoothly responded in a flat voice, but you could hear her respect for Hifumi from her way of talking. “Isn’t it difficult to do all of that?” “If they report that someone was born, or married, we give them some congratulatory money, and in case of death, they receive some monetary condolences. In the beginning, everyone were sceptical about it, but after generously selling off the mansion’s artwork, and the staff members becoming better at receiving them, I heard that most of the citizens are receiving it favorably.” For those who didn’t understand what use all this had, the staff members were explaining with a smile on their faces. For the old woman who came to report a relative’s death, a staff member was expressing their condolences with a smile, while shedding tears. Kasha couldn’t see it, but behind the counter were the desks of Caim, Brokla, and Paryu, checking that they worked hard. Because of that, even if they were clumsy, the staff members did their best. Seeing Hifumi being kind towards the populace like that, Kasha was once again seeing a side of him she hadn’t seen before. But isn’t this just a camouflage of some sorts? She shifted her attention towards her doubts filled with some expectation. If Hifumi wasn’t a bad person, Kasha wouldn’t be able to make herself do it. “Well then, I’ll introduce the second floor next.” After being shown the offices and storage spaces, and led back to her room, Kasha threw herself on the bed. The level of injustice has drastically fallen, and without any chaos ensuing, an impartial, yet thorough, system was imposed in a well-organized way. Even Kasha understood all of that. Although that’s how it looks, Hifumi might have some terrifying goal in mind, but after speaking to him face-to-face just now, Kasha couldn’t find anything to criticize him for. As Pajou was sure that just the existence of Hifumi will be the primary factor in wars being caused, she sought Kasha’s cooperation. After listening to Pajou back then, as well as the shock from when Origa chose to stay by Hifumi’s side rather than return with her, she accepted. But in reality, she thought that the governing Hifumi was doing was good. Shaking her head, she dispelled the doubts arising. “Unless Hifumi does something unreasonable, it won’t become my turn. If I think of too many unnecessary things and am driven out, it will all have come to nothing. I should also talk with Origa, trying to reconcile with her.” Besides, she had to start working by Hifumi’s side tomorrow. Getting a better than expected opportunity to observe Hifumi was a stroke of luck. Now, what remains is to work hard in order to not be suspected. Trying to quickly get rid of the fatigue from traveling, Kasha slept until she was called for dinner. “The slums?” “Yeah. The creation of the family register is mostly completed, but there’s a problem with the public order in the slums, so it’s difficult for the civil officials to enter.” Origa explained the information she got from Paryu, the civil official slave in charge of the family register, to Hifumi as he sat by his desk. She didn’t as much as glance on Kasha who stood next to him. Kasha had tried to get in contact with Origa a few times already, but she was brusquely warded off. “So there’s an area like that.” “As long as the city is of a certain size, there will be a slum. Even the royal capital has it.” The political system, aside from not having created a family register, had plenty of people who were forced out from the sphere of a daily normal life due to crime and poverty. Especially in this world where if you leave the city and stray a little off the highway, the possibility of being attacked by a monster skyrocket. Slaves and penniless people run away from things like crime, entering the underworld, which in itself, would employ its inhabitants. Every day, people are dying, but the same amount of new people are streaming in. “There are many wannabe adventurers, so there will be people undertaking shady jobs the guild won’t accept. Like the “Hidden Serpent” guys you crushed in the royal capital. Those kind of people mostly come from the slums.” “According to the information collected from people throughout the city, it seems there is a group managing the slums. We don’t know what their numbers are, but they are involved in things like abductions and robberies.” For now, it seems they were laying low in order to get a grasp on the new lord’s attitude. There had been patrols of a couple of soldiers before, but when the inhabitants of the slum saw the soldiers, they went inside their rows of shacks, and didn’t come out, apparently. They didn’t know how big of a population there was there, but if the slums were left alone, wouldn’t they once again emerge in the city and commit crimes? “If I receive your permission, I’ll go settle that problem.” “Isn’t that a little danger...” Origa’s gaze caused Kasha to turn quiet. “Origa, get along a little with Kasha. I might entrust you with work where you need to work together. As for cleaning up the slums, I’ll be doing it.” “I can’t be causing trouble to...” “Origa.” Calling her name, interrupting Origa, Hifumi looked straight at her and smiled. “This is my job, and it’s something I want to do.” “...Understood.” It was something delivered from the royal castle, to show that you are the lord of a territory. On the left shoulder was the royal family’s coat of arms, and on the right shoulder was Hifumi’s newly designed family crest. It was a symbol with the motif of a katana and a kusarigama. “I’m off to the slums. I’ll entrust it to you two afterwards.” Seeing off Kasha, and the bowing Origa, Hifumi left the office with a wave of the mantle. While revising the system to quickly put the territory in order in his head, he then thought about the likely coming counterattack from Vichy. If Hifumi’s estimations were correct, they just had one short month. “...I must begin doing the preparations in earnest.” As Hifumi was carefully preparing, he felt the same kind of excitement as from the fight in Rhone. This time, is it 10000? 20000? At the very least, he wouldn’t be bored. Moreover, under the influence of Pajou, Imeraria’s troops might be joining too. That would be good, so let’s give it a go. Hifumi smiled as he walked with light steps, like a beautiful girl who couldn’t calm down before a date. The staff members on the first floor who saw Hifumi walk out, pleasantly thought that him being in a good mood was something nice.
The soldiers of Swordland are holding their swords with both hands as well. Having a length of around m with their blades extending straight-lined, they give a boorish impression coupled with thickness. “You mad friend of the animals! Die!” A single sword, swept sideways, approaches Hifumi rapidly. But, taking one step forward, Hifumi prepared the katana vertically and hit his enemy’s elbow with it. Assisted by the weight and force of the soldier’s sword, the elbow broke with a dry sound. “Gyaaa...” At the point the soldier gave a short scream, Hifumi’s katana slips into the soldier’s neck. The soldiers faltered from the smiling man, who deliberately bathed in the spurt of blood. “Aren’t your swings fairly fast? However, it’s not merely about swinging it.” (Hifumi) “You use the hamon like this”, Hifumi stepped into and hit the group, which was is in a sorry state, with thrusts. He stabbed both eyes of the soldier, standing at the forefront, up to the brain. Sending the soldier, who collapses without even a single sound, flying with a kick, he cut up the bellies of the soldiers, flinching from the thrown body, horizontally in a straight line. There are two left. Hifumi slowly approaches the soldiers, who have already lost the will to fight, holding the katana, which is dripping with blood. “W-Why are you acting as ally of the beastmen?” “I’m not particularly their ally.” (Hifumi) In reality he had crushed several villages killing more than beastmen in the wastelands. “If you become my enemy, it will be the same treatment for beastmen as for humans. If you cut them, meat can be seen and blood gushes out. Look.” (Hifumi) With a sharp thrust he sliced the carotid artery of the asking soldier with a snapping sound* and a red fountain gushed forth. “All living beings trying to survive in this world have the same flesh and blood. I’m supporting the principle of equality, thus I won’t discriminate.” (Hifumi) The soldier, who collapsed losing blood, died before Hifumi finishes his speech. The remaining soldier has already let go of his sword and is retreating slowly. “Don’t run away. Let’s enjoy it until the end.” (Hifumi) “U-Uwaah...” The second the soldier turned his back unable to endure it, the katana’s point pierced through the back of the neck and was reflected in the soldier’s view. While struggling due to choking and confusion, he vomited blood violently. How was the appearance of Hifumi, who looked down on him, reflected in the soldier’s field of vision, which was blacking out? In a state of having his eyes widely opened in terror, the last one passed away. “He died, huh? The level of the underlings is around this much, eh? I wonder, will I be able to enjoy the feast a bit longer, if it’s a group of knights? Say, do you know?” (Hifumi) Hifumi threw a question facing the shadow of a building close to him. A large shadow of a person shows a sign of surprise and escapes without saying anything. “Yes? ... I wondered whether it will be a match with someone quite powerful, but... well, who cares.” (Hifumi) “The next prey probably won’t come to today’s spot”, Hifumi wiped the katana with a folded paper and returned to the building, which he is using for lodging. ☺☻☺ The one who escaped from being asked about his identity by Hifumi at the stage of the tragedy was no one else but Salgu. He, who returned to the slums after observing the human area for a while, was surprised of the slum’s appearance, which completely changed in a short time. “What the hell, this is... a human?” (Salgu) In the slum city humans are walking alongside beastmen as if it was a common occurrence. Their state can’t be seen as anything else but them being close friends, with no distinction of slave and master. Once he proceeded into the slum’s interior, reflexively hiding himself and moving stealthily, he discovered the remains of the previous slums’ appearance with old houses, which haven’t been demolished yet. “Oh, Aren’t you Mr. Ally-of-Justice?” The one who called out to Salgu, who is at a loss, was the one-armed dogman. It was the man, he met first, when he entered the slums. “Is the rescue of beastmen or such making progress?” The dogman, who is laughing loudly*, is completely different from the time when he met him the last time. He wore neatly tailored clothes. “What the heck happened to the slums? It looks like humans have entered, too.” (Salgu) “Even if you ask what happened, I dun’ know either. What I know is that there’s work I can do as well. Even if it’s only for the obtaining of decent food.” “Work, you say?” (Salgu) Salgu tilted his head to the side due to the words he hasn’t heard about in the wastelands. “Well, yea. Even one-armed I’m able to at least carry goods and hammer nails. Even this house, I was contracted to help with it. Well, I was mostly trained by humans though.” Salgu faced his fangs at the bashful dogman. “Is it that much fun to have been used by humans? In the end, if you have become a slave...” (Salgu) “Your outlook is really narrow.” The dogman shook his head and shrugged his shoulders with a “Good grief.” “It’s different from being a slave. Working and receiving money for that work, you can buy food with it. I bought clothes, too. There’s no danger to my life either. You won’t be able to anticipate something like being able to relish variously tasting food in the wastelands, right?” “But you don’t have to do something like following what the likes of humans tell you!” (Salgu) “We lived by “us beastmen are fine” due to the “likes of humans.” Are you still unable to comprehend that? Even if you killed one or two humans, it will only be natural for our standing to not change, if we don’t change.” “Though that’s second-hand telling of what the sheep jou-chan said”, the dogman laughs looking embarrassed.magic Salgu isn’t able to understand that at all. Running about freely in the wastelands and spending time in nature without being tied by anyone should be the best for beastmen. But, the man in front of him is glad being used by humans and to associate with them. “You are... what is it with you?” (Salgu) The dogman can’t help but smile bitterly due to the words, which rushed out of Salgu’s mouth. “Oi, oi, are you alright?” The dogman, who drew near in worry, tried to place his hand on the shoulder of Salgu, who is much larger than him, but Salgu, displaying his nimble ability, knocked that arm away. “Guaa! Bastard!” Due to the dogman raising a voice of anger and pain, the claws of Salgu, who countered with swearing, attack the dogman. The paw, thrust at the dogman’s opened mouth, stabbed all the way through to the back of the head. The head, which was almost plucked off, drops limply and the dogman’s body falls to its knees and collapses. Although it’s the slums, is in the dead centre of the city during day. It’s not only one or two passers-by, who witnessed that. Looking at the sticky blood attached to his right hand, the ears of Salgu, who came to his senses, heard a scream and he surveyed his surroundings. There were humans and beastmen in the vicinity, but watching them retreat showing looks of fright, Salgu realized that he was the cause of the scream. “I-It’s different! This is...” (Salgu) “Murderer!” “Someone! Please help!” Salgu’s explanation doesn’t reach anyone. It was a situation, where it was impossible to lend an ear to the overly selfish explanation of a m big bearman, who is swinging around his bloodstained hands in a circle, trying to rectify his previous action. “Guu... damn!” (Saulgu) Pushing his way through the clamouring people, Salgu ran away from the area. Salgu escaped deeper into the slums without even turning his eyes at the beastmen and humans opening the way while screaming. Plunging into a decayed, broken building, the day came to an end while he is pondering about an excuse scared of the pursuers. And, at the time when the veil of darkness descended, he saw Hifumi, who killed humans as human, at the place, he came back to, moving stealthily. The best he could do now was to frantically hold down the urge of wanting to scream having his emotions and faith stirred up within his mind. Salgu, who confirmed that dreadful human having gone somewhere, walked unsteadily wishing for a hiding place in the area, where the humans live, as the situation of him being in the slums has become scary. ☺☻☺ The mood of Swordland’s king, Buell, was extremely bad. And, once again, plenty of reports have come in to cause his ill humour. “... There are no reports from the soldiers dispatched to the slums. Without them even returning, it’s unknown what the cause might be.” The king grabs the armrest of the throne with strained fingers. *Creak* is the sound reverberating during the quiet audience. However, the knight, who came to report, cannot afford to stop his words. “According to the information of people, who infiltrated by blending in with the carpenters during daytime, the beastmen apparently were reconstructing the slums’ buildings, incorporating engineering and starting sham shops. It seems they even heard the rumour of them creating agricultural land in one part, but that couldn’t be confirmed.” The knight, who took a breath, stole a fleeting glance at the king. He knows that the king’s flushing face is under a level of pressure looking to snap any time soon. If the knight wasn’t giving his report while being quite away from in front of the throne, he might have been slain in irritation. “... There are talks that the soldiers were killed, but it appears that even among the beastmen it’s unknown who might have done it. Even the murder case of a fellow beastman...” “Enough!” (Buell) The king, who interrupted the knight, stood up and entrusted his voice to rage. “Since when have the soldiers of this country become a gathering of weaklings, who are even unable to enter a city of beastmen! Although they are soldiers, don’t they even have the elation to be the pride of the knight country!?” (Buell) “My king. Something like soldier won’t even exceed a gathering of plebeians, who went broke, after all. Shouldn’t you teach the foolish beastmen, who are imitating humans, their standing by deploying the knights here?” A single, young man stepped forward among the knights lining up in a row in the audience hall. He has well-featured looks and blonde hair, which had a lax, wavy hairstyle. He has many aspects found in high-ranking nobles of Swordland with a good pedigree. “... Then, if it’s you, you will be able to handle it, is what you say, Zebul “I swear by my sword.” (Zebul) With a pompous bearing, the man called Zebul laughed broadly. “Well then, I order you, take some soldiers and sweep the slums.” (Buell) “Please wait! If a knight moves to the current slums, the civilians won’t be unaffected either. It won’t be too late even after going ahead with an investigation here!” A civil official, who had advanced to old age, advocated his opinion to the king’s order in a hurry, but for the king it was jarring and not a good advice. “Investigation, you say? What will you do after the investigation then? Are you even telling me to leave it alone after getting all friendly with the beastmen!?” (Buell) “That is...” “I operate in order to protect the order of this country, for the sake of upholding that knights are justice. Even if a number of victims appeared among the commoners, I won’t mind it either.” (Buell) “It’s as the the king states. Our Swordland is a nation composed of knights judging the beastmen. It stands depending on us military men dealing with the beastmen and teaching them their own place. There’s no necessity or such to deliberate thoroughly animal rights and the situation of commoners, who misunderstood it, this late in the game.” (Zebul) The king nodded and the other knights also raised voices of approval towards the words of Zebul, who is spreading his arms and talking as if persuading his surroundings. In contrast the civil officials are making bitter faces, but the position of a civil official in this country is extremely low. No matter how good their pedigree might be, they will be looked down upon, if they don’t possess military power. “My king. It’s a precious opportunity, thus I think that I want to do it somewhat flashily, but what is your opinion on that? I feel as if the commoners and beastmen are making light of us knights. I should teach them about who’s a leader, being a strong person even among those visible here, with the exception of a single person.” (Zebul) “I see... very well, try and show me your greatness. However, If you fail, you will pay with your life for the crime of disgracing the pride of the knights.” (Buell) Zebul went down on one knee towards the glaring king with a nonchalant air. “At your will.” (Zebul) Helen couldn’t follow the situation to a degree that not only did she ask that herself many times within her head, but she also put it into words. As soon as she moved out from the inn, where she spent several days, she is taken along to a city, where there are many beastmen. While she is given a house for the sake of living there together with Reni and is continuing to study, she consults with many humans and gives advice regarding houses and shops of other beastmen. “Wouldn’t it be better for the entrance and exit of a bird beastman’s house to be at a high place, I wonder?” “Since it’s not like they are always flying, even if they are birds, wouldn’t it be even better to have them come and go below and on top?” “Is this kind of size fine for the house of a tiger beastmen?” “Since there are also many large fellows among them, I believe it will be difficult for them to enter and leave, if the height and width isn’t about this much.” One after the other human carpenters turn up and throw questions at Helen. While going around the neighbourhood’s construction sites, being all over, she answers the questions of the carpenters. “Ah, geez! Take it a bit slower!” (Helen) Helen rises her voice unintentionally, however since there are also the carpenters waiting at the next building, she is going to lose her presence of mind, if she doesn’t finish up quickly. Given that Helen has also been aware that those are buildings for the sake of beastmen, she headed to the next building with a worn-out expression having no reason to refuse them either. At the same time Reni was in the middle of a briefing session with beastmen in a newly built shop. “The “money”, used by humans, has these three colours. This is the same as coins of this and this is the same as 100 coins of that.” (Reni) While pointing at the lined-up currency in turns, Reni slowly explains the value of the coins. As result of the sheepgirl with the fluffy, white hair care-freely talking about calculation with a gentle voice, there are also some getting attacked by drowsiness, but they were forcibly woken up by the rough beastmen there stepping on their feet or hitting them. Of those lining up to study, half are beastmen, originally from the slums, and half are beastmen, bought as slaves by Hifumi, with around 10 each of both sexes. “But, you know, it’s difficult, if you want to have to count each and every single one of such large number.” “It’s alright. Ordinary people apparently won’t use this gold coin often. It will be fine, if you just make the price of the goods something easy to count... is what Hifumi-san said.” (Reni) There are no people raising any complaints due to Reni embarrassedly answering “It’s second-hand knowledge.” Currently there’s no one as knowledgeable about businesses and the life of humans as her. Therefore it naturally turned into her accepting consultations and questions from senior beastmen. You could also say that Helen suffered getting mixed up in that. “Hifumi-san, huh...? As we haven’t seen him much recently, I wonder, what is he doing? Rather than a human, that person has an aura close to that of a ferocious beastman.” The old sheepwoman of the same tribe as Reni laughed displaying her chipped teeth. “Who knows... at the time I met him yesterday for a bit, he looked somehow happy, but...” (Reni) “He is different from the ferocious beastmen, the old woman talks about”, Reni said bluntly. “Hifumi-san is brutal for a ferocious person. But, do you believe that normal people are normal people? He treated me properly...” (Reni) “Ah, sorry, Reni-chan. That wasn’t my intention. Besides, it’s probably only natural for beastmen to be attracted to strong people. Do your best.” “Yea. I will do my best!” (Reni) She didn’t understand what the old woman was cheering her on for, but Reni thought The wryly-smiling old woman gently stroke Reni’s head and said “It’s because you are still small.”
Waiting for the coronation ceremony the next day, hurried preparations are advancing in a room, reserved for the sake of the conference, in a corner of the castle. In a plain room, that is generally used for stuff like normal conventions etc., a luxurious chair for Princess Imeraria to sit in has been brought in and opposite of it chairs have been lined up. Providing a small table besides each of the chairs, it was planned to place things like black tea and water jugs there at the time of the conference. The maids, who had been entrusted with the location of the conference, waited uprightly for the Princess’ group to arrive in the corners of the room with tense expressions. But there was someone else there waiting for the Princess’ group except the girls. Checking the room’s inside from gaps in hung up pictures, they are members of the Royal Knight Order. As only Sabnak, among the Royal Knight Order, would carry out his guard duty standing next to the princess, it had been decided to use this opportunity to test the monitoring from hidden pathways. Three adult knights were holding their breaths while huddling together shoulder-by-shoulder and holding spears in their hands. The plan is for them to jump out through the thin wall in order to assist Sabnak in case something happens, but it doesn’t even seem like it will turn into such a situation in the first place. “Please excuse me.” (Roshi) “We awaited your arrival. Please come this way and sit down.” The first, who made an appearance, was the envoy dispatched by Vichy’s central committee, Roshi. Without a single attendant, he entered the room by himself and sat down on the chair he was guided to by a maid. With little to no waiting, a single maid enters the room and announces 「Her Highness, the Princess, is entering the room」. Roshi stood up and bowed his head to Imeraria walking in while being slowly led by Sabnak. “Your Majesty, the Queen, I’m extremely delighted for you to give me a chance for discussions in spite my sudden request.” (Roshi) Though he expressed his gratitude with exaggerating gestures, he gives me a bad feeling with his expression and its fake smile stuck on it “Officially I still haven’t inherited the throne. Currently my social standing is nothing more than that of a princess.” (Imeraria) “This is, I was gravely impolite, Your Highness, the Princess. Then, given that I don’t want to annoy Her Highness with wasting her precious time on someone as insignificant as me, though it is immediate, the request from my country is...” (Roshi) “Wait. There are other participants joining us on this conference.” (Imeraria) Flatly stopping Roshi, who tried to advance the talks at his own leisure, Imeraria quietly tasted the prepared black tea. Once she looks at the maid, who poured the tea, which gave off a nice fragrance, she saw the maid, who possessed deep blue hair and pupils, facing in the direction of Sabnak nonchalantly and without any expression. Even if Imeraria’s curiosity was apparently piqued towards that girl of marriageable age, the arrival of new conference participants was announced. “Earl Hifumi Tohno-sama and the king of Horant, Suprangel-sama, are entering.” Although Imeraria questioned why the names were read out aloud although they aren’t at the audience hall, seeing Roshi’s shocked face and him forgetting to stand up in front of them, she watched Hifumi and an old man entering while smiling broadly. She knew they were acting. Imeraria, standing up from her chair, lightly pinched her skirt while doing her greetings. “Nice to meet you, Your Majesty, King of Horant. I’m Orsongrande’s princess, called Imeraria Torie Orsongrande. ... Thank you for your quick attendance.” (Imeraria) “Oh, you are the holy woman I heard stories of. I’m the king of Horant, Suprangel Gengh Horant. I’m representing the country, which was utterly defeated by this man the other day.” (Suprangel) Observing Suprangel, who laughed loudly pointing at Hifumi, Imeraria lowered her eyebrows. Going by the stories she heard before, the man Suprangel of Horant should be a calm person notorious for being always hard to please. “At any rate, that vehicle called platform wagon is fun. Though I came here hitching a ride from Alyssa-dono, there was no need for breaks unlike with horses. Fodder isn’t needed either.” (Suprangel) “What foolish thing are you saying. Thanks to that several of Horant’s soldier had to go to the medical office with muscular pains.” (Hifumi) “Humph. Seems that they have to be trained in this way of transportation. Though they were trained by Alyssa-dono after getting healed, there is still a long way to go, huh?” (Suprangel) As if they didn’t fight a war just a few days ago, Hifumi and Suprangel harmoniously talked with each other, sat next to each other with a flump and tasted the black tea. As Hifumi, who should be the enemy, sat next to the ruler of the country, which should be fighting against Orsongrande, to which Hifumi belonged, Roshi’s mouth flapped open and closed. “Ho, it’s a delicious black tea. I want to buy this before I return home.” (Suprangel) “We will prepare it at the time of your return then. Well then, let’s start this conference. Incidentally, the representatives of all three human countries have gathered.” (Imeraria) Suprangel made the panicked Roshi shut up with a single glare. “Be quiet and listen. And it’s best to desperately think how to capitalise on such good fortune that you were able to be one of the first countries to realise how the world is changing.” (Suprangel) Hifumi, who tossed around pieces of the baked sweets, similar to biscuits, placed in front of him into his mouth in sequence, listened to their conversation while drinking the black tea in one go. “Give me more sweets. Well, shall I report to Her Highness, the Princess, first then?” (Hifumi) Imeraria got sullen at Hifumi for forcibly using honorific language, but immediately relaxed. On the other hand, Roshi trembled all over in fear. With the conference up until this point, Vichy has been left at the side with Orsongrande and Horant already having the confrontation between each other concluded. On the contrary, even a friendly atmosphere had developed between them. Roshi had intended to finish the war with the minimal compensation of circulating the magic tools from Horant as shield and to have only the country managed by the central committee to be recognised as official state of Vichy’s territory. That plan was cut without him uttering a single word. Even my dream of becoming a member of the committee has fallen apart with this “Then, let’s hear your report, Earl Tohno.” (Imeraria) Like this Orsongrande started the meeting of the three countries. ☺☻☺ Each member of the emissaries from Vichy was provided a room for lodging purposes and all of them had a room for things like meetings etc. During the time they expected Roshi, who is their representative, to be at the conference, all of the attendants decided to gather here and be on standby. As they shouldn’t freely walk around within the castle of a foreign nation and without eating the prepared light meal either, the attendants talked with each other in lowered voices. “... Before entering the castle, I tried to have a look at the situation in the city, but no matter how you look at it, it hasn’t an air of being in war.” A single of them mutters a few words. Although he has a trained body, it has been arranged that he is officially following as civil official of records keeping. “It’s not like the circulation of good and money has been stopped either. There was the gossip of refugees coming and going from the direction of Horant, but that hasn’t caused the city to fall into chaos either. It was really “only coming and going.”” “There was a rumour that generally the destination of those refugees was the Fokalore territory...” The “refugees”, appearing in their procured gossips, are the former soldiers of Horant, who have already arrived in Fokalore, and those escaping after the defeat of Horant. The real meaning of the information about the refugees has been mixed up. “Won’t our country end up being completely shaved off by Fokalore, if it stays like this? Didn’t a new defecting city appear just a few days ago? Not only Pursang, it won’t be even strange for someone else to double-cross the central committee once again.” “Don’t say anything careless.” However, since all of them are thinking about the same thing with a difference in seriousness, no further words of remonstration are spoken. “Captain, shouldn’t we return to our own country to relay the state of affairs either way? It won’t solve anything even if we stay here as is. Roshi, that guy, won’t be even able to directly talk with the prime minister, not to mention the princess, will he?” “Don’t call me captain. You don’t know who might be listening in.” “You worry too much.” Although he was warned by the oldest man, the young man ended up laughing. However, there’s definitely someone here eavesdropping on their talks and observing them. (They aren’t simple attendants after all, huh... ?) Similar to the location of the conference, a unit, led by Vaiya, was monitoring them from a hidden pathway. As there’s also a chance of the other side possessing weapons this time, they are monitoring with the same number as there are attendants, , split up in places. “... Depending on the situation, we will kill Roshi.” “That is...” Everyone gulped due to the words spoken by the man called captain. “If we are able to cleverly pin the crime on Earl Tohno once it becomes a diplomatic issue, our country’s position will become slightly better. ... I have obtained the permission from central to go as far as making such judgement.” “However, will it go that smoothly? Our opponent is that Earl Tohno.” “Although he might be called powerful, if he causes a diplomatic issue, he won’t be able to avoid getting criticized. At the very least his influence within this country will fall. He should loose the leeway to pay attention to betraying cities and to support Pursang.” “Since his name as hero has been spreading, it will be easy to propagate this kind of scandal”, the captain explained. Though he smiled wryly as that was the explanation he had been provided by the central committee. Under the preamble that Vichy’s position likely won’t improve, if the conference finishes in disagreement, they began to discuss in order to create a situation of “if Roshi is killed, Hifumi would fall into disgrace.” Vaiya, who heard that from his hiding place, made a complicated face. The knight next to him addressed him in a low voice. “Vice-captain, they are trying to cause some incident within the castle...” “Yea, seems so, but... do you think their hands will reach with Earl Tohno as opponent?” “That’s likely futile. If the envoy was hostile, it won’t end with the attendants being sorry either. Beside, he probably doesn’t care about the evaluation from others.” Due to the knight answering immediately and resolutely, Vaiya nodded while smiling bitterly. “I think so, too. ... While you continue monitoring them, I will go and report about this to Earl Tohno and the captain for the time being.” “As you’ve ordered.” , Vaiya touched the shuriken in his pocket with a slightly regretful feeling. In a yet different room within the castle, the nobles, who ended up being left outside the main faction of Orsongrande, were talking together face-to-face with glum expressions. “At last, it’s the birth of a queen, huh... ?” Though it should be an auspicious event, their tones and expressions were depressed. No wonder, they were the nobles of the former prince faction, who barely preserved their roles within the castle. Due to the matter of the attempted assassination of the princes which should also be called the rampaging of the queen, all of their movements resulted in backfiring on them. They already ended up being weakened as far as to the degree of being ignored in regards to their influence. Also, the prince faction, which previously commanded the majority of the nobles in the castle, has been decreased to the point of no more than the in this room. Furthermore, combined with their low-ranking, with a Viscount being the most prominent, they are in a state, where you can even say that they have no influence at all. The people, who after having lost their power, were dismissed from their duties and returned to their territory, were still well off. Those found to be corrupt after an investigation by the knight order, which had been completely reorganized as organization under the direct control of the princess, have been secretly “disposed off” behind the scenes or boldly in front of everyone as warning. “I heard the envoy from the central committee of Vichy is currently carrying out a conference with the princess.” “Originally, the nature of invading our country was an unnecessary act for Vichy and Horant. As result of Vichy currying favours with and tricking the nobles nobles of our country, including even us in this situation, this probably became a too big problem for the situation to be fairly beneficial. As for Horant, it was used as cause for destroying our knight orders, which were our combat potential.” As a matter of fact the knights on duty were secretly listening to this conversation, however the knights, who were in three man cells, endured by rubbing their eyebrows with turning movements to lower their headaches as they exchanged looks at each other’s faces. Making plans to get the aqua sapphire, which is a precious gem of this country, past the national border by conspiring with Vichy and winning over Horant’s magicians to this country are undoubtedly the responsibilities of nobles. The fact, that the talks don’t mention Hifumi here, is likely owed to their complete state of terror “... In that case, since the envoy from Vichy is just right now in this castle, won’t it also be fine to get them to cooperate one way or the other?” “Cooperate, how?” The middle-aged noble, as the eldest and with the highest peerage, bent himself forward listening as the young noble began his proposal while smiling broadly.magic “We have to coordinate in order to obtain the duty of mediating the strengthening of relations with Vichy. Since we are in a situation of buying magic tools from Horant through Vichy, it means we will be able to make contact with those related to restoration in Vichy. The princess has to keep her appearance as the representative of the victorious nation, however if we can establish negotiations to guarantee the trade behind the scenes, we will be free from obstacles, including even the princess.” That suggestion was welcomed by everyone at this place as excellent plan by clapping on their knees. “Though Earl Tohno is powerful, he is a rising noble. They won’t be able to refuse us this part as we are nobles, who have full knowledge of diplomacy through our successive generations.” “Well, let’s settle the details of the proposal right away. If it turns out well, there’s also the possibility of us rising in peerage.” The knights softly sighed while looking at the nobles, who have smiling faces due to the cheerful topic, making plans carelessly. The knights understood well how the nobles selfishly didn’t grasp reality.
Five days passed with him proceeding in the direction, he was told by the one-eared rabbitwoman. It took him further three days to leave the area, where the beastmen live. Once he came out from between the trees, the surroundings took the appearance of being a broad expense of various woodland. He occasionally climbed a tree to check his bearing. Hifumi noticed that the trees in the surroundings had changed. The atmosphere of the forest has changed as well, from a dry atmosphere filled with brightness and clarity to a damp and humid atmosphere, which is gloomy due to the overgrowing number of leaves. Also, the clear air, which allowed one to see into the distance without obstruction, transformed into something that appeared to be misty, before he noticed it. The number of trees having moss on their surface has become big and there are even those, growing different weeds from within their cracked rinds. “... This appears to be inferior in sleeping comfort.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who laid down after climbing on a tree’s branch to take a break from advancing through the forest at night, harboured thoughts like In the sight of Hifumi, who headed deeper into the forest from early in the morning after spending one more night, a strange swelling, located on a tree, was reflected. Once he tries to get close quietly, he discovers a life-sized wooden doll having been placed in a sitting posture, as if entrusting its back to the trunk, close to the base of the tree. He grabbed the doll, which was covered in moss all over, but as it has been firmly stuck to the trunk, it’s not moving even an inch at the level of just pulling it lightly. It’s completely like a Buddha statue, which was created by cutting it out of one part of a large trunk. “All things considered, it’s quite the elaborate craft.” (Hifumi) The slender-faced doll with its closed eyes was an elder having an expression with deep wrinkles engraved, however he had a beautiful form, which definitely would have peeked the interest of women in his person during his youth. And, the reason why Hifumi paid attention to this doll is its ears. “Elf? No, the wood carving of an elf, huh?” (Hifumi) The pointed ears have a size, which is more than twice that of humans. They are extending longly and narrowly while growing towards the back. Coupled with having a beautiful shape, they are a characteristic of elves, he heard from somewhere. “However, a wood-craft sculpture... that’s a refined pastime for dwellers of a fantasy.” (Hifumi) Without clearing the moss he understands the feel of the material to be obviously wood. The minute way of crafting makes one believe that someone is sleeping. Even for Hifumi, who has no deeper interest in art, it was to a level of making him gaze at it for a while. What came flying alongside a sound of fast movement was a long arrow. The arrow, which passed the flank of Hifumi who moved his body sideways in a smooth, unhindered motion, pierced into the damp ground and blew up a small cloud of dust. “At least greet me first. You are quite the rude fellow.” (Hifumi) “Tsk!” Someone clicked their tongue due to Hifumi’s state of not being perturbed in the least, but they shoot another arrow from up in the trees. Even as he is attacked by a literally rapid firing of - shot arrows, seeing that he grasped the enemy’s location with the first assault, those couldn’t hit either. Smoothly avoiding the arrows, it ends once he hides behind a tree and holds his breath. “Come out! For a human to intrude our forest, you will regret that!” The enemy disqualifies himself as sniper as it seems that they are the type, who lets their blood easily rush to their head. Getting annoyed with the opponent’s crude way of doing things, Hifumi launched a cross shuriken using only his wrist from within the tree’s shade. “Ah!?” The sniper, who sustained a wound on their shoulder, fell from the tree unable to endure. He drops with a crushing sound on top of the leaves, which accumulated on the moist soil. At the time Hifumi rushed over, the enemy took out a knife and tried to take a fighting stance, but the point of the katana, which Hifumi drew, was by far faster and it was pressed against the throat as if being sucked in. “Uguu...” The enemy, who looked at the nearby katana shedding an ominous light within the dim forest, gulped with their sight being drawn onto the blade. Being slightly taller than Hifumi, the enemy has long, slender and well-proportined limbs, though they aren’t frail by no means. The elf, with a hair style of slightly quirky, long blonde hair being tied and flowing down the back, had androgynous features having good looks and almond eyes. And, just like that doll, the elf has the characteristic long ears. “You are... an elf?” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi scrutinizing them without reservation, the elf spits out, with a displease expression, “What about it? As human, who intruded into the elves’ forest without permission, do you think you will be safe as it is?” “If entry isn’t allowed, build a gate at the entrance and set up a door bell.” (Hifumi) The elf’s expression turns increasingly grim due to the belittling words. “Oh well, with your words I understood that this place is the elves’ home.” (Hifumi) “Bastard, what business do you have with us elves?” “I only came to see elves. If I can observe the place where you live, that will be even better, but my destination is further inside.” (Hifumi) “Do you intend to go to the demon races’ place, bastard?” The elf, who opened his eyes in surprise, raised his voice. “That’s right. I ran into one of the demon race or whatever in the city. Thus I thought I might as well pay my respects to his boss.” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi saying that he wants go for a visit since he was told it was something like hell, the shocked elf says, “The demon race has been currently sealed deeper inside due to our, the elves’, secret art. Since it’s coming apart a bit, the weaklings are pouring out, but...” If it’s according to the details mentioned by the elf, the demon race is restricted in their coming and going because of the barrier, which has a shape of enclosing and sealing them in the elven forest, being deployed by the elves. Previously the dwarf Thorn has called them “the demon race, which is hostile to humans.” As result of those, having weak magic power, leaving the forest as they hate suffering the effects of the barrier, there are some, who got close to human cities. Zebul, who was killed by Hifumi, likely was the type, who was able to blend in between people without being discovered. “Why are you doing something this troublesome?” (Hifumi) Hifumi tilted his head to the side due to the elf completely acting as if they were applying the seal to protect the world. “That’s simple.” The elf says as if spitting out. “The demon race is a race that originally separated from the elves. Something like allowing such blockheads to be free would be the disgrace of us elves.” “Even if you are going as far as calling them blockheads, you are just sealing them without even destroying them.” (Hifumi) Which reminds me, Zebul’s ears were long too “That is...” the elves likely don’t have the strength to destroy the demon race, if it’s in genuine combat. “Such things got nothing to do with humans! Leaving that aside, it’s forbidden for anyone but elves to enter past here.” “Though you are taller than me, you are a guy spouting childish things.” (Hifumi) “Don’t call me childish!” The kick in order to hit with the shoe sole was avoided by Hifumi stepping back. Seeing that a distance opened up, the elf draws the knife this time and took a stance by holding it in a backhand grip. Probably due to the pain of a shuriken being stuck in the elf’s left shoulder, he clenches his left fist while frowning. “This time I won’t lose!” “Saying “this time” at the moment of fighting is overly optimistic, but... aren’t you glad? Reinforcements came.” (Hifumi) Even as Hifumi shrugged his shoulders, several elves appeared from within the forest’s depth. “Shiku, what are you doing with a human?” The male elf, who was in the lead, turned his bow, which was drawn to the limit, towards Hifumi and shouted at the elf, who has prepared his knife, in that state. “B-But...” (Shiku) “Since you told me you would be able to do it, I let you, a child who can’t use anything but weak magic, go on patrol and yet...” The elf called Shiku dropped his shoulders with an expression like a scolded child. The following female elf began to cast healing magic touching Shiku. “Child, you say?” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi’s question, the elf, who yelled, faced Hifumi with a loathsome expression. “Follow us. We have been told by Zanga-sama, who is the leader of us elves, to bring you human along since you have entered the forest. Don’t do anything strange. Usually we elves don’t tolerate something like a human entering the elven forest.” Despite having arrows pointed at him at point-blank range, Hifumi is looking at the elves and arrows in front of him while holding the katana loosely without taking a particular stance. “That’s not the attitude you welcome a guest with.” (Hifumi) “Don’t get full of yourself just because you were more or less able to fight with a child as opponent... ah!?” Once Hifumi waves his left hand, the bowstring is cut by a shuriken. The bowstring, which reeled violently due to being snapped, injured the arm of the elf holding the bow and let the arrow drop with a *plop* “I don’t like your guys’ attitude. That’s why I won’t accompany you.” (Hifumi) “The likes of a human wants to ignore the summoning of Zanga-sama!?” Hifumi laughed as he watched the elf raise an angry voice just like before while shedding blood from his arm. “First, I don’t know that guy. There’s no point in obeying an unknown guy, right?” (Hifumi) “Think about the truth of the matter”, Hifumi laughs. “Ah right, then you might as well try with force, how about that?” (Hifumi) “I told you. Do you believe the likes of a human can win against elves!?” The elf, who healed his wound with magic, drew the knife at his waist. However, what came flying first is wind magic. “That’s something I’ve already seen.” (Hifumi) Hifumi boldly hit the approaching wind blade from the side with his palm. Making a sound of *pan* as if being repelled, the wind blade scatters. “W-What have you...” The elf, who released magic from the rear, floats an expression of shock. “I see. You guys are even able to use healing magic without requiring a wand.” (Hifumi) Come to think of it, the guy, who called himself one of the demon race, didn’t use a wand either , he is mercilessly attacked by the elves’ spells. Not using fire magic in the vicinity is probably because they are paying attention to the forest’s trees. He slips through the fired wind blades and pellets as if whirling around in a dance. Once Hifumi got hold of the knife, which was thrust out by the elf, with his fingers, he turned over his wrist abruptly and stole the knife. And then he threw that knife. The knife deeply penetrated into the left eye of an elf, who just now was about to fire a spell. The instant the dead elf collapsed, the elf, who had his knife stolen, died with a single slice of the katana as well. Once he sees the sudden turn of events, Shiku drew back while being unable to stand up due to surprise and fright. “What’s up? Where did your vigour from a while go?” (Hifumi) “Hii...” Once Shiku met Hifumi’s gaze, he gave a short scream. “W-Wait!” In order to cover for Shiku, who had a tear-filled expression, the female elf, who previously used healing magic, stood in the way spreading bot her arms. “It’s our defeat! Can’t you please overlook the youth...?” While answering, Hifumi suddenly started to run. Passing the female elf sideways, passing Shiku sideways, he presses onto the two male elves, who stood further back. “Eh?” The two, who had been sniping Hifumi with magic from afar, aren’t able to do anything with Hifumi abruptly appearing in front of them. Hifumi bisected them altogether with the katana, he swung in a reverse shoulder slash. “If you don’t attack, I won’t kill you. But...” (Hifumi) Hifumi, observed the surviving elves, which are dumbfounded. “If you are hostile, I will cut you.” (Hifumi) Due to his words Shiku’s body is trembling in fright with him only leaking foam from his mouth. Sighing, Hifumi asked Shiku about his age, but being nothing but scared, Shiku is unable to answer. Instead the elf woman replied that she’s years old. “This child is an orphan and I’m taking care of him... This child attacked you, I suppose. I will apologize as well. Please, forgive him.” “If that’s the case, will you listen to my request as his foster parent?” (Hifumi) The elven woman gulped due to Hifumi’s words. Speaking of something a young man could want from a woman, she can mostly imagine it. However, she has no strength to oppose him either. “U-Understood...” “Then I leave the guiding to you.” (Hifumi) “He?” Hifumi, who sheathed the katana he wiped with a paper, dusted off the dirt from his hakama. “It’s the way to the location of the demon race. If you got, get going quickly.” (Hifumi) “Y-Yes!” Once the elf woman made Shiku, who is still in a daze, stand up by lending her shoulder, she tearfully abandoned her comrades’ corpses as they are and walked in front of Hifumi. ☺☻☺ “For us this forest is a place that gives us blessing. It’s also a graveyard for the sake of welcoming us in our last moments.” The elf woman, who introduced herself as Puuse, explains the reason why it’s a grave taboo to damage the forest. “The act of damaging the forest is the same as damaging the way of life as elf, is what we are taught from childhood until becoming an adult. Even a child that has no parents is no exception.” (Puuse) Puuse is walking while carrying Shiku, who finally lost consciousness. Losing both parents as child, Shiku was raised by his grandfather since then, but a few days ago that grandfather died as well. “Well, I understand you calling it a blessing, but what do you mean by it being a graveyard?” (Hifumi) “The bodies of the elves, who grew up in this forest, begin to petrify once they reach a certain age. If that happens, they snuggle up to a tree, they decided themselves, and accept their death by being assimilated with tree.” (Puuse) “That’s why this forest is also called a graveyard by the elves”, Puuse says. “... Sometime ago I saw a finely-made wood-crafted doll of an elven elder.” (Hifumi) “Those were probably the remains of an aged elf.” (Puuse) “I don’t know. Why do living creatures turn into wood?” (Hifumi) “That’s something I don’t know either. It’s been like this for a long time, is the only thing I know.” (Puuse) Moreover, with their bodies beginning to turn into plants around the age of , the elves will stop to move in about a year. After that they will be completely integrated into a tree in approximately half year. It was different to the image of longevity, Hifumi held. As their growth is fast, they will grow taller until the height of an adult in around 12 years, though their physical ability falls behind. As Hifumi is puzzled about this mysterious mode of life, which was very different from their appearances, Puuse shyly asked him “Is it fine for me to ask you this time?” “Why are you heading to the demon race?” (Puuse) “It’s because they seem to be powerful. I have an objective beyond that as well.” (Hifumi) Even Puuse, who listened, understood that it was a non-committal reply while thinking about something else, but she didn’t ask any further. At this time the figure of the elven elder, whom he had seen being fused with the arbour, floated within Hifumi’s mind. “I decided. Let’s go to your village first.” (Hifumi) “W-What’s your goal?” (Puuse) “Something from the story just now is on my mind. The important elf will be there, right? I found something I want to ask him.” (Hifumi) No matter how you look at it, being assimilated into a tree is weird Even though it’s a fantasy world, it’s stuck in my mind. I want some answers until I can agree with it. “I still have time. There’s no problem to at least drop in on the way. For that reason, we will change our destination.” (Hifumi) Puuse wasn’t able to decline that.
The demon’s world was a more confined place than Hifumi had expected. With the elven barrier being powerful, there are sometimes openings which can be located. But it seems to be rare to discover those at a level were demons are able to pass through them. “Demons, who discovered such holes by accident, impulsively exit the barrier or those amongst the demons possessing high amounts of mana temporarily expand a hole to dispatch spies and soldiers though returning is in both cases difficult”, the male demon called Phegor Phegor who is working as aide of the king continues to explain while showing fatigue on his face which had taken on an ill-looking, grey skin colour. “If we increase the antagonism between elves and humans, won’t that lead to the barrier weakening as well, is what we thought, but...” (Phegor) Phegor looked at Hifumi, who is walking next to him, with a fleeting glance and put his breathing in order. “Far from our imaginations, the elves show no signs of leaving the forest and the humans lost their contact with the forest, too. Obstructing us with a solid barrier as usual, it has turned into a situation where the resentment of all demons is about to explode.” (Phegor) “So? Why did you get in touch with me?” (Hifumi) “That is...” (Phegor) While scratching his skinny cheek with his index finger, Phegor examines Hifumi’s expression. I want to hear about his methods and strengths to get out of the elven forest and reach this place by himself. And, I want to request him to help us “Aren’t you hostile towards humans as well?” (Hifumi) “Essentially that’s true, however...” (Phegor) Sighing deeply, Phegor shakes his head. “Currently our hate towards the elves who are imprisoning us in these lands is far more overwhelming. It’s probably also because our contact with humans has been scarce for a long time, but as it isn’t even possible to fight the elves as distinct enemies, more resentment than expected has accumulated.” (Phegor) “I understand you!” (Hifumi) Phegor, who was startled by Hifumi suddenly raising his voice, was also surprised by Hifumi being all smiles. “After all, once you identified your enemies, you won’t be able to settle down unless you can fight them squarely. Something like glaring at each other as each side is apart from the other without killing and being killed, that’s boring!” (Hifumi) From then on until they arrived at the city of the demons, Hifumi monopolized the conversation. “I’m not particularly saying that the criterion of superiority or inferiority can only be found in killing each other, but since anything’s fine, be it using your head to scheme or spending time on setting up traps, one should fight to the bitter end once confronted. Even if there’s a cease-fire by putting up a wall between both parties, that period of time is naturally a phase to prepare the next strife.” (Hifumi) Phegor faced Hifumi, who was unexpectedly enthusiastic, with a question. “The ones called humans, do they all have such way of thinking?” (Phegor) If that’s the case, won’t fighting with the humans turn into an extremely disadvantageous situation from the very beginning even if the demons break through the elves? However, that gets quickly denied. “Though it’s disappointing, there probably aren’t many guys who think like that. No, they are quite rare, I guess.” (Hifumi) “Though that’s from my experience up until now”, Hifumi muttered while looking bored. “Therefore, considering even such parts, the demons who are trying to advance things systematically are really nice. If the humans were aware of that, more of them would reach the point of thinking about fighting and you as enemies. Well, in one region they are preparing accordingly though.” (Hifumi) The “one region” Hifumi added caught Phegor’s interest, but he isn’t able to interject while Hifumi is talking excitedly. “So, once you demons break through the elven barrier, what do you intend to do?” (Hifumi) “We still haven’t decided anything concrete, however I think that after we plundered the land where the elves reside and gathered intelligence for a while to expand the hegemony of the demons, we should be able to decide on a plan. Hearing your story just now, we are stronger than them, is what I thought.” (Phegor) Hifumi didn’t particularly say anything about this cautious approach. Although he believed that Phegor would say a lot more radical things, he decided to accept it for the time being. “Therefore, human. What I want to request from you, more than being a war potential, is to provide us with as much intelligence about the elves and humans as possible. What we desire the most is information about the situation outside.” (Phegor) The city of the demons. The wall visible from a distance has a height of around meters and a complex structure of having been formed by carefully cut stones. Due to Hifumi looking at it with great interest, Phegor explained, “Monsters come attacking us regardless of day and night. Although we might be called demons, there are also some who don’t possess fighting strength. Because of that, the people of previous generations frantically built this wall.” (Phegor) “The soldiers patrolling on top and the watchtowers at various places are essential in their stationing for the sake of making sure that no flying monster types are approaching”, he explained. Hifumi nodded only slightly towards Phegor who is talking in a somewhat bragging manner. “It’s Phegor. Since he is a guest, send a notification in regards to that.” (Phegor) Greeting the person who appears to be a gatekeeper, they pass through a narrow, gloomy side gate where two people side-by-side barely fit through. The gatekeeper stared at Hifumi in wonder, but he didn’t say anything in particular. “Normally there aren’t many people entering and leaving except when it’s about dealing with monsters.” (Phegor) There is an additional large gate, but except for the time when many soldiers have to enter or leave all at once, only the gates for people and carriages seem to be used. “Although he didn’t answer, is it fine for a human to enter the city?” (Hifumi) “... First off, I want you to listen to the story of the king. The king is far more wise than someone like me. He has deeply thought about the future prospects of the demon race. I want you to judge after that.” (Phegor) “King, eh.” (Hifumi) The faces of the kings of Swordland and Orsongrande, he killed, and of the king of Horant, who was friendly in contrast, rise to the surface of Hifumi’s mind. (Well, even if the top is no good, there are still ways to go if those below are better.) After looking at Phegor’s face, Hifumi nodded. “Got it. Let’s go meet him.” (Hifumi) “Well, then let me guide you.” (Phegor) ☺☻☺ Zanga wore down her mind for the few minutes it took Hifumi to go through the barrier and collapsed right at the spot when she restored the barrier to its original state. “Z-Zanga-sama!” “Good gracious... I’ve completely declined. There’s nothing more disgraceful than this.” (Zanga) Zanga, who laughed with a “Hya Hya”, corrected her posture while saying “Heave-ho” and informed all elves at this spot, “Since there isn’t much time left anymore, I will keep it brief.” (Zanga) The sound of someone gulping could be heard. “I will leave this forest. Some people will probably follow me.” (Zanga) “It’s fine for you guys to do as you like as well”, when Zanga said that, the elves threw countless questions at her. As her voice couldn’t be heard through all the noise mingling together, Zanga waved her right hand and they calmed down. “Since I’ve told everyone to gather, it will be explained there. The barrier will also be fine for a while since I did my best. Rather than that, could you help me a bit with standing up?” (Zanga) Zanga, who got up being held by two people, began to walk while propping herself up with the wand. “Come along. It won’t do if you miss the agreement over the end of the forest elves. You guys have to properly see it with your own eyes, too.” (Zanga) The elves chased after Zanga, who quickly left walking at a pace one wouldn’t expect of an old woman who had trouble standing up, in a rush. And, at the beginning everyone showed a reaction that they couldn’t believe the story about the last moments of elves which Zanga and Puuse explained to them in the opened meeting of the elves. Zanga, who considered that reaction to be only natural, talked about her experience of having abandoned her grandmother. Next Puuse talked about the elder she met together with Hifumi. And after that several elves timidly talked about the things they ended up seeing of the way their acquaintances and relatives, who broke the law, died. Some among them burst into tears due to fear and regret. “Ah, after all ~nee...” (Zanga) “W-What shall we do?” (Puuse) Zanga simply laughs due to the as-expected chaotic state. Puuse is anxious and in a state of being unable to stand it. “Well, there’s no particular need for all of us to go together.” (Zanga) Everyone’s looks gather on Zanga due to her remark. “Even if I tell you that the forest’s the reason, there will probably be some who won’t believe it no matter what. If you really want to stay here, I have no intention to force you otherwise. Even if I’m called the leader, I’m just running away after getting scared in the end anyway.” (Zanga) There are some who direct glaring looks at Zanga who makes an irresponsible remark. “But you know, I don’t think that’s the only problem.” (Zanga) Alongside a sigh, Zanga turned towards the direction of the demons. “That human-san will undoubtedly lead the demons out. It’s necessary for us to resolve ourselves until then deciding what we want to do.” (Zanga)magic “Eh? Lead out?” (Puuse) “Hifumi-san told me so. That man, having clear values within himself, has likely judged it to be interesting if demons and elves clash directly and is aiming for that.” (Znanga) “But, who will gain a profit from that? If the demons are able to leave the barrier, they will attack the humans...” (Puuse) As Puuse was unable to comprehend, Zanga gently stroke her head. “I’m certain that he isn’t looking at something like personal gains or losses. His eyes were as if he is looking at something far, far more distant.” (Zanga) Puuse was uncomfortable in reacting towards Zanga who muttered “If I was about years younger, I might have been charmed by him.” ☺☻☺ The figure of a human being led by Phegor caused a commotion among the people of the city, but by limiting it to watching from a distance, there was no one who came to start a conversation with him. Except one. “Phegor! What’s this!?” The one who came shouting all of a sudden was the giant whom Hifumi had already seen before. It is the man who was mowing down the pack of monsters by brandishing his longsword at the time he watched the city from outside. , he is the king’s guest. Abstain from rude behaviour towards him.” (Phegor) Beleth laughed scornfully at Phegor who reprimanded him calmly. “Haa! The king’s aide-dono, without even presenting a decent breakthrough solution, finally fell to the degree of relying on a human!?” (Beleth) Corresponding with his huge body, his voice was loud as well, but as Phegor seems to be accustomed to it, he doesn’t show any nervousness either. “I have nothing to say to a bastard like you who doesn’t comprehend that the situation won’t get any better with a brute force approach. If you believe that tactless frankness is a virtue, it will be fine for you alone to be like that.” (Phegor) Due to Phegor stating this bluntly towards Beleth, who is two heads taller than him, without taking a single step backwards, a women approached. “Oh my, oh my, what’s wrong you two?” Her height is about the same as Hifumi’s? With the long ears identical to elves which make it immediately apparent that she’s a demon, the woman was a beauty who had a pale grey skin. Possessing blue, close to light blue, hair and likewise coloured eyes, she wore a robe with a slit that highlights her rich bust and boots with high heels. “Vepar Phegor obviously showed a bothered expression, but ignoring him completely, the woman called Vepar looked in Hifumi’s direction. “Oh my, a human being in this city, how rare... mmh?” (Vepar) Hifumi, who was looking at the state of the demons’ city while disregarding the conversation between Beleth and Phegor, looked at Vepar’s appearance disinterestedly. Vepar gets directly in front of Hifumi and takes a long hard look at his face. “You... what’s with the colour of your eyes. Besides...” (Vepar) Vepar, who intently gazed at his face with a serious look, quickly lined up next to Hifumi and when she tried to closely embrace his left arm, he escaped. “Aww, how fast. Although you are a human, your physical ability is high. I’m very interested.” (Vepar) “It didn’t feel like hostility, but... what are you?” (Hifumi) Receiving the look of Hifumi assessing her vigilantly with narrowed eyes, Vepar folded her arms in a pose that her breasts were pushed up and her body trembled. “Those eyes, they are great!” (Vepar) Hifumi looks at Phegor and points at Vepar. Phegor bowed slightly and said 「Sorry」. “That person is a soldier ranking fairly high even among demons... I will inform you about him properly later on.” (Vepar) “Vepar! You!” (Beleth) Due to Vepar trying to snuggle up to Hifumi as soon as there’s a chance, Beleth bellowed while sweating. “Ara, how may I help you? I’m busy right now, you know?” (Vepar) “Busy, you say!? Is it that fun to cuddle with someone strange like a human!?” (Beleth) “Being able to say “like”, are you that much more remarkable than a human?” (Vepar) Beleth, having a finger pointed at him in order to provoke him, blushes and becomes heated up to a degree that it looks like steam is rising up from him. “At the very least I’m able to kill this midget with one hand!” (Beleth) “I wonder?” (Vepar) Inclining her head to the side, Vepar directed a sidelong glance at Hifumi. “I’m sensing a far more dangerous and powerful aura from that gentleman though.” (Vepar) Beleth faced Hifumi with a look full of rage. Hifumi remains silent. “Beleth. I told you before, but he is the king’s guest.” (Phegor) “... Tsk! Phegor, if that guy messes up in some way, call me right away!” (Beleth) Vepar stuck out her tongue towards Beleth who walks heavily in the other direction while heaving his shoulders angrily and going bow-legged. “I hate vulgar men. Putting that aside, Phelgor, is he going to the king’s place? I will come along as well.” (Vepar) “... Don’t do anything unnecessary.” (Phelgor) Phelgor, who gave her a short warning, called out to Hifumi and they began to walk once again. Behind him Hifumi and Vepar are walking side-by-side. “... That Beleth, he is calm at strange aspects.” (Vepar) “That’s right. It’s truly regrettable.” (Hifumi) “Ara, did you plan to start a fight with a demon down in the middle of a demon city?” (Vepar) Hifumi only turned his gaze at Vepar who showed an unnatural surprise. “How is that related to anything?” (Hifumi) A chill travels down on Vepar’s spine. Her body trembled with a shudder, but her mouth smiled.
“What’s the story with us gathering here, I wonder?” “It is an announcement by Princess-sama and that Hero-sama, you know.” “The knight-sama with the thin sword? I heard he played an active role again!” “They say he repelled the large army of Vichy with a few soldiers.” The topic of the noisy populace, if one had to say, it is one-sidedly focusing on the new noble of Fokalore, Hifumi, rather than on the princess, but it was mostly due to Hifumi’s orders that it became the talk of the town. Because of the Third Knight Unit being nonchalantly mixed up within the crowd, although it would be announced by Princess Imeraria after this, the matter of Hifumi’s involvement had been circulated already. This kind of information manipulation work was the first time for the Third Knight Unit, but because of Sabnak leading the operation after having received the request from Origa, it was effective to the degree of surprising all of the knight unit. Sabnak is also slipping into the crowd. “Apparently that knight of the thin sword is within the royal castle currently. I am told he has achieved amazing war results with Vichy as his opponent, you know?” (Sabnak) While buying sweets at a stall, he spreads the topic as gossip. “Ou, I guess he will again receive a reward from Imeraria-sama. He is a great fellow.” While smiling at the good response of the old man manning the stall, he watches the reaction of his surroundings in a casual manner and understands that all of the people in this place, the voice had reached, are indeed listening carefully with great interest. (Good grief, what a way of manipulating the hearts of people. It is a personality resembling the demons from fairy-tales.) While continuing the mission, Sabnak had a complicated feeling whether he should feel happy or frightened having accepted this kind of personality in the requested matter. In the meanwhile, the Third Knight Unit checked everyone standing in front of the royal castle. “Soon the princess will make her appearance!” they repeated continuously in a loud voice. Even as their voice become hoarse close to being mute, the crowd doesn’t cease to chatter. “Oh, Princess-sama!” With someone raising their voice, the commotion subsides. The knights having exhausted their throats ended up feeling depressed. Having made her appearance on the balcony, it was Princess Imeraria. And next to her was Hifumi. In a shadowy place near the back Origa could vaguely be seen waiting. (Well then, what will happen this time?) Sabnak had already a feeling that it wasn’t about something possibly happening but rather about something definitely going to happen. Not being at the audience hall anymore, Imeraria had personally invited Hifumi to her office. Urging him into the reception sofa, a maid prepared black tea. “So, it is about this time’s case, but... ” (Hifumi) “The entire situation is my responsibility. Although the matter with Pajou is regrettable, I only implore you to not punish the other knight units and the people at the castle. Can you accept just this much... ?” (Imeraria) Interrupting the topic Hifumi has started, Imeraria straight away apologizes like that. “Ah, that’s fine already. Even if I acted violently now, it would only be a story of repeatedly dealing with shitty opponents anyway. That’s boring.” (Hifumi) “In the first place, far from having a foundation in group combat, there isn’t even decent training in inter-personal combat, don’t you agree?” a worn-out dissatisfaction began to leak out from Hifumi’s mouth on the occasion. Although it is strange, Imeraria was relieved that the standard of this castle’s knight’s didn’t raise Hifumi’s interest. “Then... ” (Imeraria) “Ah, I am understanding that this time the responsibility is yours. The mastermind died. Since, rather than killing you, there is an even better task left for you, I won’t kill you now.” (Hifumi) Even though his words aren’t permitting a peace of mind in the least, her life has been spared. But, I wonder what is that better task than killing me? However, as she resolved herself by putting strength into her slender arms laying atop her knees, she decided to not give up her life no matter what happens until her brother is safely crowned and until she discovers a plan to somehow calm the man in front of her. But that plan was quickly denied. “You will become the sovereign. Because I will support you by getting rid of the opposition, you will become the absolute ruler of this country building a powerful and sturdy state. Let’s say that this will be your atonement for this time’s affair.” (Hifumi) “Such... ! Then, what about my brother... what will happen to Ayperos? In that kid’s surrounding there are supporters pushing for that kid to become the next king. If I were to aim at becoming the queen, it will end up becoming a strife disregarding mine or that kid’s intention.” (Imeraria) “I don’t care. There won’t happen anything if he is obedient, but if he opposes this, I will kill him.” (Hifumi) Hifumi’s face showed that it wasn’t significant enough for him to listen to such topic and that he would cut him down without doubt. It is an extremely calm face. “However, even if I intend to succeed as queen, I don’t have the ability to do that either... ” (Imeraria) Before summoning Hifumi, she was unaffected by these matters without getting in contact with them and was simply called saint by the people. Compared to the time she thought But she hasn’t received any education in becoming a statesman. As a result of that, she has lost the knight she trusted. Currently she is monopolizing this country. “You are still young. If I am not mistaken, you are years old, right? It is even fine to learn from a noble or the prime minister from now on. Besides, a statesman isn’t a person that does something with their own ability. I believe that you will excel as statesman if you find capable retainers and use them skilfully.” (Hifumi) Why is that man talking about politics to a royalty like myself? Notwithstanding my confusion, he is giving me words of consolation. Even if only slightly, my feelings are settling down. , she also understood. “You aren’t an incompetent person like your brother who is clinging to his parent, I think. For now it is fine to make a move in order to protect the country and save those around you. During that time you can forge strong soldiers. Ah, it is also good to send them to Fokalore for training! I will polish them without fail.” (Hifumi) “... What the hell are you aiming for?” (Imeraria) “By increasing the amount of strong people it will become a lot more interesting to oppose this world. People who have trained their techniques will oppose people boosting with raw strength. I want to increase the number of people thinking up refined schemes to kill people with sharp senses. I also want new weapons to be created for the sake of killing very efficiently.” (Hifumi) While having glittering eyes like a boy talking about his dreams, to Imeraria, what Hifumi was talking about, was similar to the words of a tyrant she had only read a bit in the past. “Then, this world, this country will end up lapsing into chaos.” (Imeraria) “I wonder whether that’s what will happen or not, it depends on what the people of this world want to do. In the world I come from, war advances technology. For the sake of victory people forge their minds putting a lot of effort into coming up with elaborate schemes.” (Hifumi) From what world had the hero been summoned?’ It was several young nobles that came and entered the room at that point. “Imeraria-sama!” (Maid) The nobles entering in a rude manner pushed the maid standing in attendance aside. Seeing Hifumi’s face they snorted as if scoffing at him. “I was wondering who it was, but I see it’s the upstart who became a viscount recently, huh? But it seems you were skilfully buttering up to Imeraria. Now that we have arrived, there is no business left here for you anymore.” (Noble) Furthermore, several of the other nobles also scold Hifumi. “Imeraria-sama, the commoners are currently gathering in front of the royal castle. Something about receiving words from Imeraria-sama.” (Noble) “The populace is... ” (Imeraria) Imeraria turns her sight towards Hifumi.magic “Ah, it is me who had them gathered. Let’s make a showy proclamation though you are leading this country only for a short time now, is what I think.” (Hifumi) In place of Imeraria, who was lost for words, the nobles roared. “Bastard, you are getting cocky trying to monopolize the national politics.” (Noble A) “Moreover, what an attitude towards Imeraria-sama! Impermissible!” (Noble B) While listening to the screaming voices of the nobles totally undisturbed, Hifumi stood up calmly, took out his katana and drew it. At that moment a single noble had his head separated from his body. “Men only raising their voices are superfluous. Only those holding the will to fight are necessary.” (Hifumi) As Imeraria looks out from the balcony of her office, the entire part of the castle is crowded with people. Even the word ‘many’ is lukewarm in regards to the amount of expectant gazes, she feels. Up until now she had gazed at the city from this balcony. She had addressed the populace, just like now, many times, but it was the first time for her to step on the stage while feeling this heavy-hearted. Sporadically seeing the figures of the Third Knight Unit, she inadvertently wanted to call out to them to save her, but this was a situation she had brought upon herself. Although they might come running if she requested their help, she knows what will happen then. Next to her Hifumi is standing. In the back there is the former slave called Origa, who is now his attendant. And behind her a number of corpses of the young nobles are scattered about. They have been young nobles not long ago. They didn’t consider in the slightest that the upstart of low social status would oppose them or that he would really kill them. However, that wasn’t the reality. Without them noticing how kind the world had been to them, their end already came. From now on the significance of social status will gradually vanish. It will become a world where ability will be the criterion and not pedigree, Hifumi had told her. Unable to imagine it well, Imeraria asked whether this world wouldn’t become a place where the strong oppress the weak then, but Hifumi laughed and shook his head. “It is the fetters called birth that label a weak person to remain weak. It will be a world without the binding of lineage making it possible for the weak to defeat the strong.” (Hifumi) Although Imeraria couldn’t understand after all, she still grasped just one thing. The detestable judgement and the poor conclusion of obeying to something called difference in pedigree just because they are royalty or nobles, Hifumi wants to raise the number of people being judged by their true strength. This is an extremely frightening world, but Imeraria mustn’t fail to protect the country within such world. Although she has no power to fight herself, she is able to come up with something. Hifumi said. There are also people surviving by using their head even without resorting to brute strength. Think, and ponder about it, Imeraria tells herself. As it is now, the contest to become the sovereign will begin between the Imeraria faction and the Ayperos faction. It will result in many people dying. Even Ayperos or her mother might be amongst those. “Everyone” (Imeraria) With Imeraria starting to talk, the crowd’s noise subsided into silence and everyone listened to her words. “Due to Vichy and Horant this country is in peril now. However, thanks to the great efforts of the newly inaugurated earl, Hifumi-sama, a big miracle has happened.” (Imeraria) Ooh~ ... with the people raising their voices in admiration, voices giving praise to Hifumi can be heard. Sabnak’s voice was amongst them as well. “They are getting elated easily... ” (Hifumi) The voice of Hifumi, who had a forced smile, reached Imeraria’s ears. Then she suddenly hit upon a good idea. “But, expecting the fight to finishing flawlessly, knights ended up loosing their life due to my blunder! Even though it would have been fine to just leave things to Hifumi-sama, because of me getting unnecessarily involved, valuable lives were lost!” (Imeraria) Exaggeratedly covering her face with both hands, Imeraria was convinced that this matter would cause her popularity to drop. If she lost the support of the populace with this, it would become a setback in the plan of using her to manage the country. Although this might cause her death, she didn’t intend to live just to become her own brother’s enemy. Looking at Hifumi while concealing her face ... he was grinning. “Now then, Ladies and Gentlemen! The story just now is the truth, but I think it will be wrong for me to blame Imeraria-sama for that!” (Hifumi) Slowly surveying the crowd, he makes sure that everyone is listening carefully. “I, who fought in order to protect the country, feel obliged to forgive Imeraria-sama. That being the case, shouldn’t the knights, who had been deployed by Imeraria-sama for the sake of protecting us and the people of our country and died fighting towards that cause, receive our admiration?!” (Hifumi) The crowd surged in response to Hifumi’s appeal. Even though the knights of the Third Knight Unit, mixed amongst the crowd, were perplexed, it became a situation where the people couldn’t be controlled anymore. “Imeraria-sama, me and all of you have to rack our brains how to protect the people, who are citizens of the same country as us! For this reason, think about it! It mustn’t be allowed for someone, who doesn’t attempt to do something and to accomplish something for this country, to take the throne! The only person suitable to stand up and lead us is Imeraria-sama!” (Hifumi) With Hifumi’s words raising Imeraria to the top, the crowd is gradually becoming excited. Originally only being a person having popularity, with the hero approving of her conduct, the people welcome the mysterious feeling of expectation. “I will make an oath here! I will support Imeraria-sama in becoming the queen. Together we will change this country into a country holding strong power! Everybody, please also support Imeraria-sama together with me!” (Hifumi) The words of Hifumi, desiring for everyone’s individual support, had a powerful impact on the crowd. Until now it was strictly forbidden for them to meddle in politics, but just now the noble and princess in front of their eyes, admitting their own failures to the populace, said that the support of the people was indispensable. As there were also those who applauded towards the princess, Hifumi’s praising voice became even louder. Even after Hifumi accompanying Imeraria disappeared from the balcony, the agitation of the people didn’t die down for quite a while. “Now they have done it... ” The story of Hifumi supporting Imeraria in succeeding the throne spread in a flash within the king’s castle. Those of the prince faction are irritated by those news without hiding that. Especially the high-ranking nobles, leading the faction, mistook the method as coup d’état performed in the absence of the prince within their raging minds. The prince’s real mother, the queen, is amongst them as well. “By no means I expected Imeraria to have such an ambition.” (Queen) Her appearance, enduring her fury while gritting her teeth with grinding sounds, is somehow blood-curdling. Having been the queen so far, rather than Imeraria, who would be married off to someone anyway, she loved Prince Ayperos, who would succeed as king sooner or later, dearly. Although she believed that Imeraria had understood this as well, her facial expression is becoming even more grim due to the feeling called betrayal. “However, Imeraria-sama is perfectly suited for the support of the populace.” (Noble) “Something like the support of the commoners doesn’t matter at all! Haven’t you heard? The young nobles wanting to give the princess their advice were all killed! Even the conservative nobles won’t forgive this much oppression!” (Queen) “If that’s the case, there is nothing left but to have Imeraria leave the stage eventually, it seems... ” (Noble) “O-Oi... ” (Another Noble) The speaking nobles, noticing that the princess’ real mother, the queen, is present at this place albeit being hostile towards the princess, fearfully turned their gaze in the direction of the queen. “It doesn’t matter. It is that child that has betrayed me, as her mother, first.” (Queen) Declaring this decisively, the queen immediately raised her hand in order to prepare for giving a command. “So that you aren’t hindered by that man, kill that girl instantly at the time when she is sleeping in her bedroom! The most my maternal love allows is to ensure her passing away without having to suffer.” (Queen) Seeing the pupils oozing with madness, the nobles of the prince faction bowed their heads all at once.
On the other side of Münster’s gate facing towards Horant’s side, the sounds of battle are still reverberating. With nothing but the allies’s voices being audible, you might think they are superior if you only listen to the high-spirited voices, but the enemies, not feeling any fear, don’t raise their voices even if they are chopped up. If you go by the numbers, the allies are fewer. Sometimes screams, doubtlessly belonging to their own troops, can be heard as well. “Shit, as it is now...” (Stiffels) Stiffels, thinking that they should have successfully surrounded them, was grinding his teeth as it took longer than he expected. Was the number of people doing the encirclement lacking? Or did he misread the enemy’s combat prowess? “It can’t be helped. We will support them!” (Stiffels) “B-But captain, if they surge into the city, it will become a chaotic battle!” (Knight) Stiffels glared at the objecting knight. “Affix a rope to the gate! Make sure to open it so that only one person fits through! Those entangled by the rope and those who got through will be stabbed to death with spears in turns!” (Stiffels) “U-Understood!” (Knight) While getting irritated at the knights, who began to move as they were ordered, Stiffels grasped his spear. The way of the sword is his forte, but the spear is better if you want to simultaneously attack several people from a distance. Before long the preparations have been completed. A single knight slowly removes the secured bolt. Stiffels stands at a place a little bit away from the aperture in the front. He is prepared to thrust out the spear at any time. With only opening the crack a tiny bit, he can hear the leaking mania on the other side of the gate. The thick, pungent stench of blood drifts to him. “Open it more! Everybody, match your breaths and attack!” (Stiffels) Obeying the order, they confront the approaching enemies. It’s the figures of Horant’s soldiers beating on the door while being expressionless. “Oof!” The forcefully thrust spearhead accurately seized the neck of a soldier from Horant. In the back of the fallen soldier another likewise expressionless soldier stands. Next, his eyes are stabbed by a knight’s spear and the soldier passes away. Repeating these actions, the enemies, people who aren’t scared or don’t scream, are one-sidedly slaughtered. Around the time he began to feel his arms getting heavy, Stiffels suddenly noticed that the voices, raised by his allied soldiers, had decreased. Although the soldiers from Horant should also have been decreased by quite a bit, his arms, wielding the spear, were filled with strength due to the dread that he would become a foolish commander who received a devastating defeat. In that moment, the rope, which had been damaged repeatedly, was severed in one go. “What!” (Stiffels) Being preoccupied with the unbelievable sight for just an instant, the gate opened fully in the next second. Horant’s soldiers literally came flooding in. “R-Retreat!” (Stiffels) How many have been able to hear Stiffel’s order? Some were sent flying by the gate opening abruptly and some were beaten to death by the soldiers from Horant while being overcome with surprise. In an instant half of the Second Knight Order was swallowed by a wave of enemies. Without even giving the dying of his subordinates a single glance, Stiffels threw away his spear and ran. Because the movements of the soldiers from Horant were sluggish, he steadily gained distance. Even so, Stiffels kept running. However, what awaits him at the place ahead isn’t hope. ☺☻☺ “Beirevra died. The First Knight Order is also completely destroyed.” (Magician A) As the magician from Horant left the watching of the battle between Horant’s and Orsongrande’s armies, he was joined by a companion who acted separately in order to monitor Beirevra. “I see. This side is well... doing fine. Since they used petty tricks and the number of soldiers whittled, I supported them with magic. Although I was forbidden to interfere, I guess this much will be okay.” (Magician B) “Because else I won’t be able to return to Horant no matter how much time passes”, the magician from Horant laughed towards his colleague. However, the magician, who came reporting the circumstances of Beirevra and the First Knight Order, has a pale face. “... What happened?” (Magician B) “Ah, the First Knight Order was in fact annihilated by a single person, but...” (Magician A) “A single person, you say?” (Magician B) Although the improved magic tool has the demerit of causing the movement to become somewhat slow, to compensate for this, the physical strength has been raised to the extent that it is too much. But, his colleague, expressing a pale face, doesn’t look as if he is telling a lie. “I somehow managed to follow the conversation. That person is the Hero of the Slender Sword.” (Magician A) “Impossible! Isn’t that guy’s territory on the opposite side!?” (Magician B) “I have no doubt. His features match the information I heard before. Even the information about his combat strength, no, what was reflected in my eyes was above that. He killed the Knight Captain without receiving a single injury.” (Magician A) Listening to the story, he bites the nails of his fingers while thinking. “Is there a possibility for the magic tool to malfunction?” (Magician B) “There isn’t. The rise of the physical strength was obvious. Besides...” (Magician A) “Even the prince was killed by the hero’s attendant.” (Magician A) “... Damn it!” (Magician B) The plan of penetrating Orsongrande’s center with the prince as puppet fell apart. “That man should be on the way headed towards the battleground here. I think we should withdraw giving up on the soldiers.” (Magician A) He shakes his head in denial towards his colleague, who showed signs of completely getting cold feet. “Only you will return to report. This place hasn’t settled yet.” (Magician B) “Understood. I will go ahead. See you later.” (Magician A) Having seen his colleague off, he once again turns his look towards the battlefield. Horant’s soldiers are successively entering the city through the completely opened gate. Even while being slashed by Orsongrande’s soldiers from the rear, they advance without minding it, just like a swarm of insects being drawn to some nectar. “Let’s attack until the complete destruction of the Second Knight Order. With that the First and the Second Knight Orders will be annihilated, drastically decreasing the war potential of Orsongrande.” (Magician B) “Let’s not miss the opportunity”, his gaze got considerably severe. ☺☻☺ Arriving at a place where the distance to the enemy was quite big, Stiffels reached the point of thinking about the situation calmly at last. In his vicinity there aren’t more than around order members left. Somehow it closely resembles the situation of Ribezal. He was scared whether he has ended up turning into someone surrounded by failure as well. “Captain, there is someone in front of us!” (Knight) “What?!” (Stiffels) Being suddenly called, Stiffels, noticing himself brooding over things before he became aware of it, looked ahead. There was a man, he had seen somewhere, walking towards them. That man, walking as if swiftly sliding, with his dark pupils and hair and donning strange clothes is wearing a thin sword at the left side of his waist. “That guy is... !” (Stiffels) Stiffels’ thinking is straight away dyed in rage. Earl Hifumi Tohno. A other-world person called by Princess Imeraria’s summoning magic. Being appointed to the rank of noble with territory while being a criminal who slew the king. He obtained a vast territory as result of his battle with Vichy. A person as if being entirely a character out of a fairy-tale. However, Stiffels can’t see him as anything but a thorn in his side in the competition over the influence within the royal castle. “But, there probably isn’t any other way in this situation.” (Stiffels) Stiffels, deciding that he would request assistance abiding his shame, thoroughly chewed his back teeth and eased up on the speed. “Earl Tohno, thanks for taking the trouble to come to the opposite side of this country. Given that the number of enemies is far beyond the assumptions, I’d like you to lend us a hand.” (Stiffels) Thinking that the other side is originally a commoner, Stiffels can’t conceal his arrogant attitude, but he himself isn’t aware of that. Even with these words he has intended to behave modestly bearing the embarrassment. Stiffels seethes in irritation due to Hifumi’s likewise arrogant words, but clenching his fist he restrains himself. Hifumi drew his katana with a smooth, unhindered motion in front of such Stiffels. “Your life will be fine as reward.” (Hifumi) While being told to resist a bit, the first attack was a thrust towards the face. Due to Stiffels barely dodging the katana’s point, the knights in the vicinity rushed over and thrust themselves between Hifumi and Stiffels with their swords set up. “Ha ha! Are you a person to be protected because you are a Knight Captain?” (Hifumi) While ridiculing him with the sound of laughter, he pulls back the thrust katana and furthermore launches another two thrusts. Stabbing a person to death with each thrust, he creates two corpses. “What are you doing!?” (Stiffels) Stiffels, finally having recovered his stance, shouts in a thundering voice and draws his sword, but he isn’t able to daunt Hifumi. “Since I have done insufficient warming up, I have felt like killing those guys who have properly survived.” (Hifumi) “... You lunatic.” (Stiffels) “Okay, if you think like that, fight desperately with that belief, since you won’t understand the words of a lunatic.” (Hifumi) The knight standing in front of Stiffels literally shields him. Hifumi’s slashing attack, that he received at the chest, cut open the heart including the armor and he died. Jumping over the knight who falls with a crashing sound, Hifumi’s katana swings down as if chopping bamboo bare-handed. Stiffels, jumping sideways rolling over, swung his sword horizontally in the act of getting up trying to get some distance, but before he could do that, Hifumi stepped into this bosom. Hooking the katana’s hilt he pulls down the armor’s neck. Stiffels, being thrown down awkwardly, rolled to the side while being smeared with dirt. In the meanwhile another knight came assaulting with his sword. Hifumi grabbed the opponent’s chin with his left hand, applied firm pressure with his thumb and broke the lower part of the front teeth. The knight, who stopped for a moment due to the pain and shock, had his throat pierced and died. During that time Stiffels has managed to get up and has fixed his stance. “You are using the lives of your subordinates to buy yourself time? Use them more efficiently.” (Hifumi) “You bastard...” (Stiffels) Hifumi, standing with an air of composure in front of Stiffels and telling him with earnest concern at this opportunity, held the katana in his right hand and loosely lowered it without even taking a stance. He is taking a strange stance by lightly putting out his left hand in front. Even the knights surrounding him can’t grasp the timing to attack. Their gazes concentrated on Hifumi’s left hand. His fingers sway from side to side, not fast in the least, like a water plant drifting underwater. He keeps repeating the unpredictable motion. When a single knight, unable to bear it, started to strike at him, Hifumi’s left hand hit his face moving like a whip. The knight, who has fainted in agony, has Hifumi’s fingers penetrate his eyes at the lacrimal-glands and break his nose. Before he can feel the pain, the thrust fingers gouge out the blinded eyes including tears and pain and the knight dies. “Come on, attack me with your strongest blow. You don’t know, maybe you might even hit me?” (Hifumi) However, having seen their companion’s death in front of their eyes just now, no one was able to move. “Ah, I see. This is frightening, isn’t it? Then let’s do it like this, huh?” (Hifumi) Hifumi skilfully returns his katana to its scabbard with only his right hand without even holding the scabbard itself. Hifumi appeals with both his hands dangling around while unarmed. It was Stiffels who lost his cool first as he couldn’t bear that provocation. “Gaaaaa!” (Stiffels) He put his strength into the diagonally, from the shoulder swung, sword. It was at a speed that surprised the other knights, but for Hifumi it wasn’t anything special. Stepping in underneath the arms that were about to be swung downward, he hit him with his fist below both elbows. Stiffels, who dropped the sword with a dull sound, dropped to his knees while his arms dangled at the tip of both shoulders. “Aaah...” (Stiffels) Hifumi clutches the Stiffels’ face that is distorted by pain and despair. Twisting and breaking the cervical vertebrae as it is, Stiffels died. “Ah, I forgot to mention it. My original combat style is bare-handed.” (Hifumi) With Stiffels’ death, the surviving knights discarded their swords. “W-We surrender.” (Knight) “P-Please wait! We don’t have any intention to oppose you anymore!” (Knight) “I have told you that this isn’t allowed.” (Hifumi) Sending the head flying in a flash, Hifumi looked at the remaining knights vexedly. “Pick up your sword. Prepare yourself while holding a weapon in front of me. I don’t plan to end this until either you or me dies.” (Hifumi) There are knights of the Second Knight Order remaining. They picked up their swords despite being pale. Within seconds they were defeated crushingly. “... What a guy.” (Magician B) Intruding into the city by blending amongst the soldiers from Horant, the magician observed the battle from a side alley. He was shocked by the brutality of mercilessly killing the knights of one’s own country. Besides, the fighting strength, that overwhelmed the knights, was certainly at a level where it couldn’t even be helped if his colleague got scared. “That man is dangerous.” (Magician B) If I consider the situation of him crashing into Horant’s soldiers, most likely they won’t be able to deal with him at all, I guess. While being chopped up from the front, their numbers will decrease due to Orsongrande’s soldiers pursuing from the back. , he takes out a dagger from his pocket and begins to cast. My strong point is in the direction of researching and I’m weak at the implementation, but if I slowly cast with a calm mind, I will be able to release powerful wind blades. (I will have that man disappear here. If I don’t do this, he will without doubt harm Horant one day.) Thinking about this, he feels that the casting time is long. He closed his eyes to focus on the casting. When he finished at last, Hifumi stood in front of him. “That dagger...” (Hifumi) “You are a magician from Horant. It’s the same sword as that man called Strauss owned.” (Hifumi) If it’s at this distance, the released, invisible blades will accurately fly into Hifumi’s face. “... I’m always prepared for it though.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who let the wind blades go past by shaking his head, continues his talking without even changing his expression. “Is the timing and direction taught to Horant’s magicians a custom or something? Although it is a rare, convenient technique, you are truly unworthy of it.” (Hifumi) In an instant Hifumi seized the wrist holding the dagger. Before the first sense of pain occurred itself, the magician fell to his knees. The bone of Hifumi’s index finger’s root firmly pins down the acupuncture point of the wrist. “I-It is painful...” (Magician B) “I have a question.” (Hifumi) “Eh?” (Magician B) The magician is slapped in the face without mercy as he lifted his head raising his voice in doubt. As the hood comes off, a mid-’s, skinny face is revealed. “The one asking the questions is me. Tell me as much as you know about that magic tool, which makes those cowards ferocious, and the drug.” (Hifumi) “... This is...” (Magician B) Hifumi’s heel treads on the little toe of the magician’s foot with full power. “... !” (Magician B) As the pain is to a degree that he can’t even leak a voice, Hifumi asks the same question to the magician, who is shedding tears, without changing his facial expression. “Th... The magic potion, if you drink some of it mixed with small amounts of water and alcohol, it will show its effect. More or less the physical ability will rise and the sensation of pain will vanish. It has reached the point where they will blindly listen to the words of the one who gave them their orders first. Although the feeling of pain is lost and the physical strength goes up, there is a flaw that makes them brutal...” (Magician B) “You probably brought the weak point under control. It should be something that was improved even further.” (Hifumi) Hearing about things that got even more to the core of the matter from Hifumi, the magician makes a sour face as if having eaten a bitter bug. “We weren’t able to adjust the magic potion... Even the lot, currently invading this city, doesn’t listen to anything but simple instructions even if it is me telling them otherwise. As for the magic tool, we have been successful up to the point of changing the target into the puppet of the registered person by suppressing the target’s reasoning...” (Magician B) Asking further on, at the time it was used on the soldiers from Arosel, the effect was small, but they were currently able to improve it up to the point of subduing people like dolls. He was told that this was the limit. Hifumi, listening to the explanation of the magician, came up with something. He looked at the magician and laughed with a sinister smile. “I got a nice idea. Lastly, tell me, the name of your country’s metropolis’ and the distance to them.” (Hifumi) “W-Why do you want to know such a thi... gyaaa!” (Magician B) Kicking the nether region this time, Hifumi relentlessly said 「Spit it out」 to the magician shivering and curling up. “The closest metropolis is Adolamelk While enduring the pain, was he filled with rage in reverse? The magician told him while shouting. “Understood. See ya.” (Hifumi) The magician, in a state of crouching, looses his head with a single swing of the katana. “Ah, oops!” (Hifumi) Hifumi made a bitter face due to the failure while he wiped the katana with a paper. “I should have confirmed whether the magic tool will make monsters listen as well or not.” Should I ask the other guy? There is still the battlefield left.
Just before noon the Vichy army slowly approached the stage of the battle, Fokalore, in a large spread out formation. Buer, placed at the center of the the troops mounted on a horse, glared at the tightly closed gate of Fokalore. The gate of Fokalore was an enormous and massive iron wall. The wall enclosed the city as well and the side facing Vichy was predominantly reinforced. It was elevated to a height of close to meters in contrast to the traditional height of meters. “Get ready.” (Buer) Without averting his gaze, Buer ordered. As the command was transmitted between his subordinates, the infantry came out one by one in front of Buer and lined up. The foundation of assaulting a city in this world was to either strike at the gate using a great number of people or to forcibly open it. As for the soldiers not fitting in front of the gate, they were to climb over the wall. It was such an extremely simply strategy. Before Buer could finish voicing out his order, the gate, made by Pruflas using special metals, slowly opened. “Humph, being aware of the unfavorable numbers, they decided to surrender, huh?” (Buer) But, it wasn’t a messenger of capitulation that appeared from within the gate. It was something as big in size as of those spear throwers that had killed many of the Vichy soldiers. It was completely charged with thick spears which didn’t allow any objections to be branded as logs. The discharge of the spears made a deep sound of *gon*. The spears approached the soldiers of Vichy drawing a radiating line rather than a straight line. They stole the lives of several soldiers not by piercing but by smashing them. “Wh-, Wh- ...” (Buer) With the appearance of the never-before-seen huge weapon, Buer even forgot to issue any orders as he watched a log smeared with red blood roll next to him. Using that opportunity, the spear thrower was pulled back into the city and the gate once again closed its maw. “What is that ...” (Kasha) Looking at the blunt weapons flying in the sky, Kasha, just like Buer, became speechless. At her side Hifumi and Pruflas were reviewing the results. “It might be too heavy after all?” (Hifumi) “No matter how you look at it, there is a limit to it, no?” (Pruflas) Watching the logs just barely reaching the enemy without even any decent velocity, those two had their attention drawn to the problematic issues rather than the things working out and easy-goingly discussed them. As the dwarves proposed “It is currently, so to speak, a trial product, but won’t it still be quite powerful?” it resulted in Hifumi granting permission by saying 「Why don’t you try making it then?」 “It is a failure. Just put it away into an empty storage house afterwards.” (Hifumi) “I guess it can’t be helped. I will try to improve it once I have some time.” (Pruflas) Unaware of Buer’s amazement, Hifumi and Pruflas judged it as failure.magic While the dwarves in high spirits were indulged in severally discussing their opinions where it was lacking and what they failed to calculate in, they retreated from the front-lines together with the huge spear thrower which was affixed with ropes. As if replacing them, Alyssa came running to Hifumi’s side. “Hifumi-san, as you have declared, the citizens are taking refuge for the moment, but is that place really alright?” (Alyssa) “It’s fine. Leaving that aside, since the playtime for the dwarves has ended, I leave the rest to you.” (Hifumi) “Understood! Hifumi-san, please take care as well!” (Alyssa) Alyssa issued the next orders to the soldiers while running around. Three iron bolts were securing the closed gate. The inner part of the tall wall was equipped with a scaffolding. On the upper and lower tiers there were loopholes turned into sniping outlets for the javelin devices. Each spear thrower was handled by two soldiers. They were guided to take a rest by shift at the intervals of minutes. The system enabled them to keep up barraging the attackers with a constant attack pattern of spears per wave day and night. Hifumi carried out the finishing touches himself. “Welcome to Fokalore!” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who had climbed to the top of the gate, gathered the attention with a *pan pan*. “To you, who came from distant lands, we have arranged a grandiose reception. Looking at you like this, I praise you for your splendid perseverance coming here. Please savor the banquet plentifully.” (Hifumi) “Open the gate and come out! Fight fair and square!” (Buer) Although Buer’s throat only got hoarse by replying to Hifumi’s words in a voice filled with anger, Hifumi ended up withdrawing quickly in the middle of Buer’s continuing speech. As Buer’s voice raised hell on the other side of the gate, whether the soldiers of the Vichy army likewise got fired up in fury or were frightened by Buer’s appearance, either way, as for the inside of the gate, no one lent an ear to the words of the enemy general. Not swords and clubs, but repeatedly attacking them by surprise attacks with the long-distance arms they were provided with, for the territorial army a complete victory was the given. For them this war was nothing else but a one-sided, bloody, straight obliteration of their enemies. “Don’t kill the general.” (Hifumi) “Alright, I will tell everyone properly to not do so.” (Alyssa) “Well then, I leave the command to you.” (Hifumi) “Roger! Everyone, begin the attack!” (Alyssa) Following Alyssa’s order, spears were shot successively. With the steady downpour of spears, the soldiers of the Vichy army were pierced and a mass of corpses was produced. Some saw their companions right in front of their eyes meeting instant death. Some fainted in agony as a spear impaled them from the abdomen. Although Buer, who was spared from being aimed at following Hifumi’s order, hurriedly gave the order to attack, those, trying to break into a run, were felled with aimed hits. Furthermore, many of those, who turned their back on the dread, became prey of the spears. Even though there were also those who hid themselves in-between their companions corpses, it was easy for the spears, having their power and force repeatedly improved by the dwarves, to penetrate through a man’s body crushing its bones. The Vichy army, even despite its numbers, was forcibly pushed back and slowly had to distance itself. “Forward! Forward! Keep up the pressure! We will win once we get hold of the gate!” (Buer) Not thinking of having any doubts of himself not being targeted, Buer brandished his sword as he shouted. While stepping over their companions being shot one by one, the Vichy soldiers coming out in front clung to the gate as soon as possible by all means struggling to escape this hell domain. From the highway, scattered with corpses and severely wounded, the archers tried to provide cover with their arrows for the infantry, which departed before them. Around two hours had passed since the start of the battle. Pressured by the one-sided slaughter, the number of Vichy soldier’s had considerably dropped. And yet they still struggled to arrive in front of the gate while covered in injuries. For the sake of avenging their allies, they battered with force at the gate using the swords and clubs they held in their hands. While a sound of *gon gon*’s reverberated with multiple shifted tempos, Hifumi frowned. “How noisy... it would have been better to install some cushioning materials on the gate, I guess?” (Hifumi) Although she had been placed next to Hifumi as guard during the battle, she was bored as there wasn’t even any work to do for her. In that case she wouldn’t have a chance to use the communication magic tool she had been entrusted by Pajou. Origa, who had commanded the soldiers at the Lord’s mansion while he was absent, approached. “It seems that the reinforcements of the royal castle will arrive before long. According to the scout’s report, it appears the Third Knight Unit is leading the reinforcements.” (Origa) “Scouts? Did you dispatch scouts into the direction of the royal castle as well?” (Kasha) Following Origa’s words, Kasha ended up unconsciously raising her voice. “Ah, our movements here may likewise have to change depending on the timing of the reinforcements’ arrival... Is it somehow inconvenient if we dispatch our scouts into that direction?” (Hifumi) “N-No, it is fine to go that far if it’s for knowing the situation of our allies... No, don’t worry about it.” (Kasha) Glancing at the flustered Kasha, Hifumi faced towards the vicinity of the gate. “I will go kill the guys clinging to the gate.” (Hifumi) Climbing the scaffolding, he ascended to the top of the gate once again. Although Origa tried to stop him by warning him of the dangers, Hifumi rebuked her by saying “It will be the end if the enemy manages to break through the gate here by some chance, thus I will go help out a bit” and continued his climbing to the top of the gate subsequently. Kasha also tried to follow him, but since it was originally impossible for people to climb there. Hifumi ordered her to wait on standby as it would be too narrow for three people up there either way. As Hifumi looked down from atop the gate, he saw about 0 Vichy soldiers desperately striking the gate without even causing small vibrations to it. “Shut up.” (Hifumi) Hifumi withdrew a naginata from his dark magic storage and brushed the carotid artery with it precisely and gently. With the raising spray of blood the gate was painted in red. Origa also undauntedly used her wind magic, she had trained hard, for cutting off the legs and arms of the Vichy soldiers. One by one the men were plunged into the abyss of death. Origa was excited by the euphoria of battle fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with Hifumi for the first time in a while. She released magic at the arrows, descending on a dangerous spot, from the Vichy forces. Having shortened the thoroughly repeated chants to the limit, the wind blades reaped the enemy’s lives continuously in succession. For the first time it had become a genuine defensive battle. There was also the significance of appealing to Hifumi who was standing right next to her. Being in ecstasy while slaughtering the Vichy soldiers below her, she saw an arrow following the course of certainly hitting her at the time she incidentally raised her face, but Origa didn’t react in any way. In an instant, feeling as if time itself had slowed down, a shadow wedged itself into her field of vision covering her body. When a *don* resounded, Origa was surprised by the muffled sound of an arrow hitting a human body and her thoughts turned blank. At the time she fell down from the top of the gate, she came to her senses by the pain. “Painful ... arrow? Who is ... ah, ah, ahhh ...” (Origa) Something like who would have been able to protect her from the arrow flying at her at that timing, there wasn’t even any necessity to think calmly about it. She couldn’t settle down catching sight of that figure. “Hi-Hifumi-sama!” (Origa) Having an arrow stuck in his shoulder, Hifumi had even further protected Origa from the fall. While breathing roughly he had collapsed on the city’s ground drenched in sweat. Everyone then and there was surprised witnessing that sight. Of course, even Kasha wasn’t an exception. “Kasha-san, leave this place to me. Take Hifumi-san to the mansion for medical treatment! Since Origa-san has fallen down as well, go together to the mansion!” (Alyssa) Towards the two flustered women, Alyssa, the youngest of them, called out. She also issued an order to the soldiers to keep composure and continue the shooting. “Th-That’s right, if we don’t hurry with the medical treatment ...” (Kasha) Although she pondered whether this might possibly be her chance to get in touch with Pajou, with only one arrow having struck him and Hifumi possessing high-ranking healing medicine, Alyssa would naturally have considered the time for medical treatment. Kasha summoned two soldiers and gave them the instruction to remove a door of a nearby house and carry Hifumi on top of it. She herself lent her shoulder to Origa. Even though the front line, having seen off the two leaders, fell into confusion temporarily, they were propped up by Alyssa’s extremely unsuited fiery encouragement. “Hey there! Aim properly while shooting!” (Alyssa) “U-Understood!” The territorial soldier, having his back clapped, suppressed his impatience and aimed at the next enemy. The soldiers, who took their rest in turns, were astonished by the stoutheartedness of Alyssa. “The chief is calm for sure.” “After all, that was Hifumi just acting.” (Alyssa) Though it was different for Origa, Alyssa said. “... ha?” “Hifumi-san had been looking for a chance to pretend getting injured. Since he withdrew to the mansion after actually getting injured... ah!” (Alyssa) Incidentally having exposed something outrageous, Alyssa began to panic. “Fo-Forget what I’ve said! I was told to aim for the enemy general once Hifumi became injured! Aim at that guy and quickly kill him off! After hitting him, cease shooting for a short while!” (Alyssa) “U-Understood!” That place was pierced almost simultaneously by several spears. Buer died without even understanding what had happened to him. The Vichy soldiers, seeing their general shaking violently and dropping from his horse as well as losing the audible voice forcing them to persist in this dangerous place, noticed that the downpour of spears had ceased. And then, as there wasn’t any commander left any more, the soldiers chose to retreat rather than attack. Even those soldiers clustered in front of the gate, watching their allies in the rear fleeing, escaped from the gate at full speed. “Well then, open the gate! Half of you will accompany me to drive the enemies away until the national border! The remaining half will clear the area in front of the gate!” (Alyssa) Other than Alyssa’s orders the territorial soldiers couldn’t follow on how easily the battle had ended. But as Alyssa told them that it wouldn’t work out if they didn’t purge the enemy before the residents returned to the city, they started to move without complaining within a tight schedule. The Vichy’s side residents were temporarily moved to the plaza in front of the mansion. But none of those residents were told that the Vichy army had been repelled. Because they approached that place carrying the injured Lord, the area around of the mansion became noisy. With the notification of the arrival of the reinforcements brought about by pressing for answers, great cheers were raised. Pajou’s group was bewildered by the strange welcoming mood, but just before she could step into the city, she became aware of the breaking sound of the portable magic tool. Her face became stiff. Entering the city, she confirmed the matter about Hifumi’s injury with several of the fief’s population. Judging that Hifumi had received a serious injury, she led two thirds of the unit towards the mansion whereas Midas took command of the remaining third. “Please advance into the direction of Vichy.” (Pajou) Pushing her way through the populace, she saw off Midas galloping away on a horse towards the gate facing into Vichy’s direction. Pajou turned towards the Knight Unit and told them to dismount their horses and draw their swords. She gave the soldiers the order to surround the mansion for the sake of hindering the populace to enter the mansion. Although she felt anxious as things were going a tad too well, missing the opportunity due to being seized by fear was unacceptable she persuaded herself. Together with her comrades she broke into the Lord’s mansion where Hifumi was supposed to be.
The two entrances to the city were blockaded by Hifumi’s troops; and while one could enter the city if he consented to an inspection, no one was allowed to leave. An infantry unit oversaw each of the exists, while the engineer corps set up an iron gridded fence–the grid being shaped in diamonds—so as to narrow the entrances. If needed, it could expanded or contracted. The third corps—the scouts—moved between the guardhouse and the Manor ferrying information and documents; they would mingle with the crowd to gather opinions and rumors. 「There are no problems with the blockade. We prevented travelers from attempting to leave, but we do have citizens and merchants returning to the city. Although not one of them appeared at all suspicious, we cannot be certain that no one snuck in disguised」 Having heard this report, Hifumi ordered the troops to continue the blockade and the inspections, and departed into a city with a few soldiers following him. On the way he was joined by Alyssa, who would act as a guide. 「Why is it that we permit them to enter but not leave?」 Alyssa asked Hifumi while walking right beside him. 「The less we hinder exchange the better. As this situation continues the citizens will put up with minor inconveniences. However, if food and fuel stop entering the city, that won’t last long. Should they fear for their lives, they will soon revolt. Thus, so as to minimize the impact on the city, I plan to allow entrance into the city.」 And since the people believe it’s a temporary measure while the government is being changed, they shouldn’t mind being unable to leave too much. 「And the longer it takes other cities to learn of the happenings at Arosel, the better」 While talking he continued onward towards the busy city center while confirming the propaganda posted everywhere. Hifumi ordered city officials to post these to notify the citizens that they were now part of Orsongrande. Furthermore, in the marketplace and other highly populated areas he posted criers who declared the same news for those who could not read. The crier would be replaced by another after some time; currently, the speaker was the woman in the reception room who had begged Hifumi to spare her life some time ago. Standing one floor above the rest, she emotionlessly conveyed the information to the public who had gathered before her. 「On this day, Arosel has become a part of Orsongrande. Presently, all are forbidden from attempting to leave the city; this ban shall be lifted soon」magic 「We’re no longer a City-State?!」 「Where did all the soldiers go・・・?」 「There wasn’t even a war, and the government suddenly switches sides! What treachery!」 「What will happen from now on・・・」 The citizens, oblivious to the actual situation, hurled insults and complaints at the criers; Hifumi, however, ordered that these remarks go unpunished and the people remain unoppressed. There is no problem if all they do is complain; once they realize that there is no actual effect on their daily lives they will quickly accept the change. Hifumi passed through the crowd. Seeing a gallant figure escorted by soldiers in never-before-seen uniforms, the citizens figured him to be the Orsongrande invader; however, as her merely was entering the public facility and was not acting violently, they silently watched him. So far according to plan, Hifumi thought. 「Now... what to do about their remaining forces」 「Forces? No soldiers remain・・・」 「There are others. That’s why I called for you, Alyssa, to guide me there」 「Where?」 「To the adventurer’s guild」 Arosel’s adventurer’s guild is right outside the marketplace. The guild is an independent agency within the state and is boasts some strength; however, they also maintain a level of cooperation with the state, and when the state falls into some crisis, they have always promised to help. Of course, they could not be mobilized as any other military unit in case of a war, but they could be formally requested to help; and, driven by love for their country, many would rise to the task. Of course, there are also plenty loners among them—those who don’t give a damn about what happens to this country or this city. 「We’ve come to meet you leader」 Hifumi said to the man behind the guild counter and showed him the guild card he had made in Orsongrande. 「Issued in Orsongrande・・・Hifumi-san, is it・・・huh?」 Seems like the identification was enough for the attendant to realize that the man before him was the one who had brought the city to his knees. 「That is・・・for what reason?」 「The country the guild deals with has changed. I’ve come to offer my greetings」 「H-however・・・」 「If the guild wishes to oppose me, that is fine. But」 Hifumi placed a wrapped package on the counter his escorts had carried with them. The adventurers in the guild, as if hearing the entire conversation, were closely watching the scene unfold before them. Their eyes were package on the counter; Hifumi removed the wrapping, revealing its dreadful contents. 「Hiii・・・!」 The head of the city representative was neatly placed inside. The anguish on the representative’s head inspired such fear into those present that they could not even speak. 「If you want to oppose me, but one of us will end up looking like this」 「P-p-please wait a moment!」 Replacing the attendant who had fainted with foam coming from his mouth, a woman asked Hifumi to wait and hurried inside. 「Hey, that・・・」 「So those posters hanging all over the place were for real, huh」 「Then this city is now part of Orsongrande?」 「But there was no mention of a war happening!」 The adventurers were quite noisy, but neither the Hifumi nor his escort as much as bat an eyelid at this noise. Right before they had entered the guild, Hifumi ordered them not to act regardless of what happens; so, they simply didn’t even recognize the presence of the adventurers. If someone needed to be killed, Hifumi would do it himself. While waiting for the guild leader to arrive, as if he had noticed something, Hifumi asked his escort to wait outside. 「Me too?」 「Yeah, it’s too cramped」 「It’s too cramped?」 Tilting her head to a side, Alyssa said and left the guild. During this exchange an old man came from the back. 「So you are the one who had come from Orsongrande・・・muh」 The old man groaned when he saw the head on the counter. 「News did come from the government・・・but to think it would end like this・・・」 Ignoring the old man’s groans and completely proceeding at his own pace, Hifumi said. The old man grimaced in return, but then nodded and responded, 「I am Lesh. The head of this guild」 Lesh was probably a mage. He had a white beard, wore a grey robe, and while his cane appeared simple, there was a jewel embedded into the handle. 「Now then, how are you planning to treat this city’s guild・・・apologies, seems we have another customer」 「I am a member of this guild! Let me through!」 A young voice was heard from outside the guild. With a loud noise the doors of the guild burst open and in came a tall lad clad in golden armor followed by two beautiful women. One of the women was robbed, had red hair, and a staff taller than her. The other girl carried a bow and had green hair. 「Lesh-san! What the hell is going on?!」 The lad ignored Hifumi and called out to Lesh. 「We were out hunting monsters and suddenly the city is filled with Orsongrande troops. What’s going on?」 The robed woman followed up on the lad’s comment. The woman with the bow was silent, but then noticed the head on the counter and quickly turned away. The lad then noticed the head on the counter. 「W-what abomination・・・! Those Orsongrande bastards! Guys, we can just treat them as enemies now, right?! Now that I have returned let’s launch a counter attack! We’ll free the city from these invaders!」 (You’re the only one who’s so fired up, though) After looking coldly at the lad’s fiery speech, Hifumi addressed Lesh. 「Who’s this bloody idiot?」 「He is the top adventurer at this guild, Calikoff. He is strong but lacks a composure」 「Oh, and can I take his words as the official stance of the guild?」 「No, all of our staff will serve you, Hifumi-sama. As for the other adventurers, it is their choice. We pray for your leniency・・・」 「Probably not going to happen」 Lesh closed his eyes at the response, and bowed his head as if praying. A few adventurers decided to oppose Orsognrande’s rule after hearing Calikoff’s speech. As for Calikoff, after hearing about Hifumi from a nearby comrade, he faced Hifumi. 「So you are Orsongrande’s representative, huh・・・taking the city by cowardly tricks and killing the representative are heavy sins. Withdraw your troops at once and pay for your crimes!」 He shouted with a serious face; Hifumi looked at Lesh incredulously and asked, 「Is this guy for real?」 Lesh sighed and addressed Calikoff, 「Calikoff, it has been decided that the guild with serve Orsongrande and Hifumi-sama. The city has already fallen, can you please no cause any more problems?」 「What rubbish!」 Little by little Hifumi grew annoyed. 「Ignoring all laws of war—who would yield to such tricks! Such actions could not possible be forgiven!」 「Forgiven by whom?」 「By justice!」 Calikoff replied to Hifumi’s question. 「In that case, who decides that justice?」 「Justice isn’t something someone decides!」 「And yet our definitions of justice differ. But this has gotten annoying. Hey, those who will follow this old man’s command go over there. You’re in the way.」 At Hifumi’s command about half of the adventurer’s went behind the counter. They were those who were completely unaffected by Calikoff’s fiery speech. 「You guys, do you not love this city?!」 「Maybe they just hate how you force your views on everybody? Or they just hate you?」 Hifumi retorted and a few people reflexively nodded, 「Guh・・・ Very well, I will just have to show my justice with my actions! Now then, that’s a sword on your hip, isn’t it, draw it already・・・」 Without waiting for him to finish, Hifumi had already rapidly lunged at the robed woman behind him. 「Eh?!」 She did not doubt Calikoff’s imminent victory so merely observed it as a sport, so she couldn’t even react when Hifumi grabbed her head and crashed it hard into a wall. Her body fell limply on the floor, her head clearly cracked. No one doubted that she was dead. 「F-Furiae」 While he was still muttering the name of his fallen comrade, the other girl just reached for her bow but lost her head in the process. Her head rolled up to Calikoff’s feet and stared blankly at him. 「Y-you bastard are・・・!!」 He never had the chance to finish the sentence. The hand that was supposed to be grabbing his sword now ended at the wrist. 「Ueh・・・?」 Calikoff watched dumbfounded as blood flowed from his wrist, and Hifumi used the opportunity to stab him through the eye. His brain thus damaged, he fell a corpse. Hifumi’s eyes darkened and he looked intensely at his blad. 「Hmph・・・it truly is more durable than a normal blade. Though I aimed at an opening, I still had to cut through armor, and yet not even a nick in the blade」 「C-Calikoff has・・・」 The other adventurers had now stood motionless, but Hifumi did not intend to let them off. If he did, they could go around causing problems, and, most importantly, they have already made their choice. As if to check the quality of his sword, he continued slaughtering every single adventurer around him. Some were groaning without hands, some had their guts spilled onto the floor, some women were cut right in half, and some men now turned into bleeding daruma (limbless). And surrounded by corpses Hifumi wiped his katana and again inspected the blade. Though he has caused such terrible carnage, he was not at all moved. As for those watching this unfold, many lost consciousness. But every single one of them now felt nothing but fear towards Hifumi. Lesh included. Even Lesh who has led a long life of pure combat had never seen anyone so specialized at killing people. And one who could do it so naturally. 「And thus we got that out of the way」 Hifumi said and turned towards Lesh’s group with a bright smile on his face. 「You won’t be able to leave the city for a few days, but afterwards everything will return to normal」 「Umm, how should we pay the adventurer’s from now on?」 「Do it as you have before. The only thing that has changed is the head of state. The city will run as it always has」 Saying that he’ll send help to clean the guild up, they watched Hifumi leave; and not one understood for what purpose Calikoff and the rest had to die. And thus even when Hifumi-dono’s dominion would stabilize without many civilian casualties, and life returns to normal, there will probably be those who call Calikoff a hero and revolt. 「That’s a darn shame・・・」 But looking at Calikoff’s face, which stared back with only one eye, Lesh realized that he was not allowed to feel pity.
“The act of educating people is nothing arrogant.” In the city of Fokalore, seen from the balcony of the Lord’s mansion, various men and women of all ages are going back and forth. For each person it’s one scene in their life; be it that they are laughing or crying; be it that they are spending their time together with someone or are by themselves. While gazing at it from a distant place, Origa murmured that as if being by herself, however there is a single person listening to her. It’s Caim. “Everyone is earnestly living the one life they have. Extending our hands to them and talking with them, we end up twisting their fates under the pretext of education. No one knows about the future, but everyone is living without knowing whether theirs is the correct way.” (Origa) “... Madam seems to be thinking in some ways about education, but did you discover some problem?” (Caim) “No.” (Origa) Origa turns around with a whirl and smiles sweetly at Caim. “There’s no mistake in what my husband... Hifumi-sama is doing. The training as well as the education carried out in this city are all things created by Hifumi-sama’s profound ideas. I thought it is our fortune to see the light ahead on the path of life, everyone must choose while hesitating over it.” (Origa) Entering the room from the balcony, Origa quietly sat down on the office’s chair. “So, are the preparations in order?” (Origa) “There are no larger problems. All troubles have been concluded within our estimations and are resolved. It’s advancing as planned up until here.” (Caim) “That’s excellent.” (Origa) Origa, who’s looking through the documents, lets the pen fly quickly across the papers, signs them and hands them to Caim. “Well then, in accordance with the first point of the plan, I will head to the capital a second time. Please prepare the escort since I will depart tomorrow morning.” (Origa) “Everything is for the sake of granting that gentleman’s desire...” (Origa) Once she closes her eyes, Hifumi’s face floats up within her mind. “I believe you are aware of it, but this is also the “homework” which was assigned to us by Hifumi-sama.” (Origa) “I’m well aware. I’m convinced that I’m adequately comprehending the intentions of Lord-sama as well. Please, be at ease and leave the matters of Fokalore to us civil officials.” (Caim) It’s words said in a flat tone without him changing his expression, however Origa understood that there was no lie in them. “Fufu, it won’t do, if I don’t do my best, too.” (Origa) Standing up, Origa once again shifted her attention to the hustle and bustle outside. A large number of people walks at a quick pace in the city, dyed by the setting sun. “What Hifumi-sama is aiming for is on behalf of the world’s prosperity.” (Origa) ☺☻☺ What the knights and soldiers confronted wasn’t the beastmen only anymore. The exchange with the beastmen of the reborn slums is depriving the commoners of Swordland from their reservations. Although the vigilante corps, which patrols the slum’s city, has a grim appearance, they aren’t oppressive, like the soldiers patrolling the human’s city, at all. There were many occurrences of minor offences and lost property, they dealt with cordially, too. Even Helen and Reni, who were set up as representatives of the slums little by little, learn from humans pro-actively. Helen ran around as representative of the shopping area and Reni became a reliable existence for many beastmen and humans as point of contact for the human’s side. Seen from the viewpoint of the humans, the appearance of Reni, who was very different from the terrifying image of beastmen, gives a sense of security with her gentle character and triggers a desire to protect her. She gathered a feeling of respect as key person, who built up the beastmen’s city by quickly absorbing the human’s knowledge as beastgirl. Such Reni naturally isn’t able to completely eliminate her evasive nature towards fighting and combat. “It will result in a battle with the humans!?” (Reni) Gengu solemnly nodded to Reni, whose eyes darted about in surprise. Behind him Hifumi is watching the situation without interrupting the conversation while folding his arms. “We are already preparing to fight for the sake of protecting this city with the volunteers of the vigilante corps ~ssu. To guard this city with Hifumi-san’s guidance.” (Gengu) “... Aren’t we able to avoid the battle in some way?” (Reni) “If it turns into a fight with the humans, the people, who became our friends at great pains, will also become mutual enemies”, Reni shed tears. “I will keep at it, we got up to this point by everyone doing their best and yet...” (Reni) “Reni-san... it will be alright. Even if it’s only the beastmen, we will somehow get through it ~ssu. It will be difficult for a while, if the people from the human’s city don’t come here, but they other guys have gotten quite skilled ~ssu.” (Gengu) Due to Gengu lining up words after words in order to calm Reni, Hifumi says in a cold voice from behind, “It won’t likely be that easy. You guys take the human stupidity far too lightly.” (Hifumi) “S-Stupidity, you say... aren’t you a human, too, Hifumi-san.” “Since I’m well aware of the things I’m not knowledgeable about myself, I’m still on the better side. If you compared it to the ugliness of fellows, who are living by clinging to such things as birth right or status in such dictatorship, it will be a lot better to kill people, who possess a fair amount of ability like me.” (Hifumi) “Also, putting that aside, since I’m going to depart now, it would be better, if you prepared a large amount of rooms for the humans, who don’t want to be mixed up in the following mayhem”, leaving those words, Hifumi heads towards the room’s exit. “Umm, where are you going, Hifumi-san?” (Reni) Hifumi looked over his shoulder due to Reni’s question. “You guys are going to protect this city, right? Rather than such slow-paced battle, I will go enjoy myself over at the human’s city since it will be more fun to break that place apart.” (Hifumi) “See ya”, Hifumi went away. And, as if changing place, Helen plunged into the room. Apparently having come by running at full speed, she sits down on the ground right after having seen Reni’s face and breathes heavily with a *pant pant* “Helen, what’s wrong?!” (Reni) “Humans are, a lot of of humans are...” (Helen) “No way, did they already come attacking!?” (Gengu) Grabbing the clothes of Gengu, who tries to rush out while saying “I can’t idle around like this”, Helen shook her head. While tightly clutching his clothes, Helen somehow got her breathing in order and looked at Gengu and Reni in alternation. “The humans came entering the slums wanting to help out. And in addition to that, there are several tens of them, too!” (Helen) With the successive affair of beastmen and humans being killed, the residential area of the nobles and rich went on high alert. Soldiers and knights patrolled the whole block, regardless of day and night. Naturally fear spread amongst the commoners as well, but upon the order of Swordland’s upper echelon, the soldiers were very indifferent towards the commoners. “Why don’t you patrol our place!? Wasn’t it you soldiers, who came here before although you had no business with us?” At the entrance to the noble block, a middle-aged man, who’s likely the shopkeeper of some store, is yelling at the soldiers. “With the current state of emergency, the patrol is different from our usual routine. Listen up and go home.” “If you are some good for nothing once push comes to shove in addition to your bad habit of always taking away merchandise from my store for free, I will have you pay money properly from the next time onwards.” “That was simply received as your share of gratitude for protecting your guys’ safety. This and that have no relation with each other.” Due to the soldier talking while having a blank facial expression, the man clenched his fists and was on the verge of hitting him, but he had his arms restrained and was dragged away by the other shopkeepers, who rushed over. “Idiot! At this rate you would get killed by the soldier!” “That soldier, that soldier has snatched bread from my store almost everyday, despite this...” Once they returned to the place, where their own stores are at, the man finally burst into tears. This man as well as the other humans were born and always lived in this town as commoners. Although the group of soldiers behaved in an oppressive manner, it’s also true that the harm was small. Because of that, they endured it as long as the soldiers were keeping the public order. All of them had the same feelings of wanting to weep. “... Calm down. It’s not like it’s particularly decided that we will be killed.” “But, ya know, Won’t the criminal then aim as much as possible at the places where the soldiers ain’t patrolling?” A heavy silence falls upon the men. It’s not only their problem. There’s their wives and children as well as their cherished stores. Some of them are taking care of their old parents, too. It will be too late once they run into an emergency. “... Let’s rely on the folks from the slums.” “The group of carpenters, who has built the beastmen’s stores, you mean? Certainly, they probably have some physical strength, but...” “No, let’s request guards from the beastmen.” The subject, proposed in a small voice by a man who’s working as butcher, couldn’t be accepted right away. “W-What are you thinking? Do you want to act as if calling for the enemy?” “That’s right. What will the soldiers say, if they see beastmen loitering around in the city...?” “We are having such a conversation because those soldiers won’t come here though.” By no means it was in a loud voice, however the butcher’s words were enough to silence the other men. “It has been many times that the carpenters have come to buy meat requested by the beastmen. It’s not like they were particularly threatened or deceived to do so. How to call it? Ah, yea, it was a feeling of a friend doing a favour.” “Which reminds me, there were many such clients at my place as well.” Once the greengrocer agrees with it, the shopkeeper of the store, which is selling small articles of wooden products and ironware, nods as if he had remembered it, too. “I’ve gotten completely sick of the human soldiers.” The butcher, who spoke while looking down, lifted his face and seriousness was reflected in his eyes. “I will talk with my family and go to the slums to talk about moving there temporarily with my family.” “Please wait! I will go too!” Following the butcher, who headed out walking with resolution, the greengrocer also raises his voice and runs after him. The remaining lot of men look at each other’s faces and knit their brows. “... I will also, go. Rather than going along with useless humans, it will be a much better way to support the beastmen, if they have a good heart.” The sobbing baker stood up and walked away. Discussing it among the remaining men for a while and as result of talking it over together with the the farmers, hunters and carpenters, many commoners, except several people who can’t accept the beastmen no matter what, have decided to request the beastmen for the protection of their families and the patrolling of the city by using the carpenters, who are entering and leaving the slums regularly, as liaisons. “Aren’t you pathetic? You ended up going completely mad, didn’t you?” It’s the night in the city, devoid of any people taking a stroll and with even the soldiers doing their rounds missing. Although you might call it a ghost town, it isn’t odd. The residents of the city have diminished after all. With many requesting help from the slums, those, who remained in the city, are holding their breaths and secluding themselves within their homes. “But well, I think that this way is beastmen-like.” (Hifumi) In such dark night alley it was Hifumi pointing at Salgu, who was snarling at him. Without even holding his katana, he extends his right hand straight at the bearman while having his left hand inserted in his bosom in a state of being unarmed. “Mad, you say...? I’m protecting the spirit of loving freedom, which ought to be the rightful way of beastmen! What would a human like you know about that!?” (Salgu) “Freedom, eh?” (Hifumi) In response to Salgu, who raises his voice into enraged yelling, Hifumi laughs in a natural stance. “Forcing a freedom that was refused, right? The freedom you are talking about is a freedom pushed as inconvenience onto others, isn’t it? If it’s a freedom of having one’s fill of killing by fellows, who just have the power to force their arrogance onto others, the human country’s side has been plastered all over with it.” (Hifumi) “In the end you are only rampaging around and crying like a little child because your compulsory make-believe freedom hasn’t been accepted”, Hifumi cuts Salgu with his words. “Guuoooo!” (Salgu) Without being even able to return any words anymore, Salgu lowers is body and rushes over using his four limbs. He bore his fangs towards Hifumi’s abdomen. “Uuh-oh.” (Hifumi)magic Hifumi picked up the hem of his hakama with his fingers, twisted his body like a matador, let him go past and kicked the lower leg of Salgu, who went too far, with all his strength. “Gyan!?” (Salgu) Salgu, who fell to the ground with the momentum of running, raises a cloud of dust and stands up while bearing the pain in his foot. “Hey, you.” (Hifumi) Once again Hifumi points at Salgu. “There’s a fellow, who resembles you. It’s the guy, who calls himself the king of this country. He is announcing his past and current fighting strength and his surroundings are obeying him. Same as you he is forcing his arrogant freedom with strength.” (Hifumi) Even while he is talking, Salgu attacks Hifumi. The attacks of his fangs, which are making sounds as if made out of metal, and the swings of his sharp claws, which look as if they would even cut through iron, are not even remotely close to hitting Hifumi, who is slowly swaying like a willow. “The freedom, the king is talking about, is about himself being in a position, which enables him to tyrannize the commoners and beastmen. How is that any different from what you are doing?” (Hifumi) “It’s completely different!” (Salgu) The fist, swung downward with all the might apparent in a bearman, strikes the ground without hitting Hifumi. A sound, as if a huge wooden mallet stroke into something, reverberated. Hifumi made a light thrust at the acupuncture point for the sense of pain, which is located at the outer elbow of Salgu’s arm, which was directly stabbed towards the ground. As expected, even Salgu had to hold his arm due to the arm’s soreness similar to turning numb. “If that’s the case, show the proof. Your objective is to liberalize the beastmen, right? If you believe that you want to release the beastmen of the fetters called the human’s city by defeating the human’s boss, you don’t have the time to be rolling around while being covered in dirt at this place, right?” (Hifumi) Hifumi’s finger points towards the castle next. “He is over there; the one who’s obstructing your freedom. He is the main cause of locking the beastmen in the cage called city and forcing them into a human lifestyle to the degree of making them forget the vast world called wastelands. Think, do you really want to fight me here?” (Hifumi) Salgu glared at Hifumi while rubbing his hurt elbow, but he carefully listened to Hifumi’s words. “... Why are you trying to have me kill the king?” (Salgu) Hifumi answered “That’s simple” to Salgu’s inquiry. “It’s because I think that fighting is the beastmen’s instinct. I just thought I would give a little push.” (Hifumi) Salgu, who shook his head with a trembling, claps the fur of his arms to get rid of the dust. “Pushing to kill a human, you say...? For me your way of thinking and behaviour is incomprehensible. But, I will frankly approve about me fighting because of my instinct. And, the opponent, who I ought to fight, is definitely the human boss, the king. I intended to go kill the beastmen, who were tamed by humans, and the humans in the king’s vicinity, but...” (Salgu) Salgu stared in the direction of the castle. “If the one called king or whatever is the true ringleader, I will kill the king first. It doesn’t even matter if it’s a lie. It will be fine, if I kill a different human, too. If they see my actions and the number of humans decreasing, the beastmen of this city will likely understand it as well.” (Salgu) Before realizing, Salgu’s eyes were tinged with a light of calmness. However, the madness, which dwells within his pupils, hasn’t abated even a bit. Hifumi, who saw that, breaks into a smile with a delighted expression. “If you got it, hurry up and go.” (Hifumi) Salgu, who was urged on by Hifumi, ran away towards the castle, even forgetting his pain. Making sure of that with his own eyes, Hifumi retrieved the kusarigama from his storage. “Well then... let’s go spectate kuma-san’s battle, eh?” (Hifumi) Going into an alley, Hifumi picked up the vents at the hips of a pair of hakama and dashed with a speed as if tearing through the wind. Passing even Salgu, who runs on the main street, he finally arrives at the noble block ahead. Hifumi, who ran through while ignoring the soldiers on patrol, stood at a position, where he can watch the castle. The vast garden, visible on the other side of the gatekeepers through the open gate, is illuminated by bonfires. Knights and behind them, soldiers, are lining up in rows. He knew they would be heading towards the slums after the speech of the knight, who is standing on a platform while facing them. Hifumi looks up to the night sky and slowly takes a deep breath. Breathing in the warm air, even though it’s night, he experiences the scent of the dry air. In the meanwhile the knights and soldiers depart from the castle and advance into the direction of the slums. Without caring about them, Hifumi only confirms that they likely won’t bump into Salgu going by their direction. “Now then, in the castle it’s a showdown between the king and the bear. In the slums it’s a showdown between the knights and soldiers and the beastmen lot led by a sheep, huh?” (Hifumi) “And after the conclusion it will be...” imagining that, Hifumi smiles with a broad grin while whirling the upper counterweight around. “No matter how it turns out, it looks like I will be able to enjoy myself quite a bit.” (Hifumi) The long night of Swordland for the sake of a single outsider’s pleasure began.
Seeing Hifumi being carried into the mansion, the lone civil official slave Caim raised his eyebrows for a mere instant. “Caim-san! Hifumi-sama is injured!” (Origa) In contrast with the shaken up Origa, Caim, maintaining his usual prudence without any change, shook his head. “Please calm down, Origa-sama ... it isn’t very desirable for many people to know of this situation. Please enter the office together with Lord-sama. I shall be in charge of bringing the medical tools.” (Caim) No sooner than saying so, Caim straightened up his back and disappeared in an inner room. “Ah, Hifumi-sama ... because of me ...” (Origa) “Origa, get a grip!” (Kasha) She encouraged Origa, who had been completely haggard for these few minutes. The two soldiers somehow managed to lay down Hifumi on the sofa in that office. As Hifumi had been gently put to lay upside-down so as to not touch the arrow embedded in his shoulder, Origa was sitting on the floor clinging to Hifumi. “I am very sorry, just because I ended up getting carried away ...” (Origa) As Origa, sobbing sorrowfully, hit the bottom of grief and anxiety, she experienced a welling up of happiness due to Hifumi protecting her. Becoming disgusted at herself because of that, she cried once again. “Origa ...” (Kasha) In the time waiting for Caim, Kasha worried about Origa while also keeping a watchful eye on Hifumi’s condition. “... Origa, this is ...” (Hifumi) Distorted by pain, Hifumi opened his eyes. From within the darkness storage he took out those magic potion bottles that had saved Alyssa on the verge of death. The existence of the medicine caused Origa to be very delighted once it reached her mind. She showed a smile as if she had forgotten something like the pain caused by her foot. “Right away, I will open the bottle immediately!” (Origa) Getting irritated at the small wooden cork while telling herself to calm down, she uncorked the bottle at last. Timidly pouring just a little on the wound on Hifumi’s shoulder, Origa clutched the arrow tightly. “I will draw out the arrow.” (Origa) So as to not unnecessarily widen the wound, Origa drew it out cautiously. Apparently it had penetrated quite deeply. She pulled out the arrow with a sound of *zuru zuru*. It was soaked and dripping in blood from the arrowhead cm downwards along the shaft. Tossing the arrow away, she hurriedly sprinkled the magic potion over the wound. “Why? ... For what reason?” (Origa) Despite having already used up most of the bottle’s contents, there wasn’t any visible sign of the wound on Hifumi’s shoulder being healed. “Kasha! Even though I am using the magic potion, the wound isn’t getting cured!” (Origa) “No way ...” (Kasha) Origa, who couldn’t touch the wound carelessly either, sank down to the floor with despair written in her face. The bottle, dropping from her hand, tumbled across the floor. Without even knocking, the civil official slave Doelgar entered the room and approached Hifumi with heavy steps holding bandages. Squatting down before Hifumi, he looked at the sideways laying arrow. “It had penetrated that deep inside? ... This might be dangerous ...” (Doelgar) Although he had probably muttered this without the intention of anyone hearing it, it ended up entering Origa’s ears. “Dangerous you say!? The magic healing potion doesn’t work, we have to apply other medicines ...” (Origa) “P-Please settle down. It is rare for the magic healing potion to not work, but I have heard of such occurrences. It was caused by some special constitution. There were even cases where its effectiveness had become weak and even had the opposite effect.” (Doelgar) As Origa was emitting a threatening force as if snarling at him, Doelgar explained what he remembered. “Special ... constitution ...” (Kasha) There hasn’t been a time when she had seen Hifumi getting injured before. Let alone a magic potion, she hasn’t seen him even using a regular ointment. (If that’s the case ...) (Kasha) As she told him to stop the bleeding at the very least, Kasha propped up Origa who had turned into a lifeless doll. She took Origa to her own office next door since they would just become a hindrance in the treatment. When Kasha’s group left, Hifumi muttered after calming his breath, “Doelgar, you are unexpectedly skilful at acting.” (Hifumi) “Not as great as Lord-sama. When I heard you came back with an arrow sticking inside you, I was seriously worried.” (Doelgar) The sweat wasn’t due to it being cold sweat but merely because of the heat. Due to the magic tool producing more heat than he had imagined, it apparently didn’t end with getting sweaty but even scalded him. Having wiped off the sweat, Hifumi took out a magic potion bottle from his storage and roughly poured it on his shoulder. The wound closed itself quickly. “Quite the handy thing.” (Hifumi) Shifting his shoulder, he confirms that there is no sense of discomfort left. “Good grief, this isn’t the work of a civil official! At any rate, what was that failing magic healing potion that Origa-san opened?” (Doelgar) “It was simple water I filled in a bottle that had been used up before.” (Hifumi) Doelgar, towards the pitiful Origa who had been completely deceived, with a shrug of his shoulders. He had acted out the drama as it had been dictated in the scripted play he had previously received from Caim. “However, why was it necessary to do something troublesome?” (Doelgar) “It’s an experiment to see whether people really rush without thinking just because things are in the middle of advancing smoothly as often happens on the spur of the moment.” (Hifumi) “Fuu~n ... I don’t quite understand what people in a high position think about.” (Doelgar) Without any particular interest, Doelgar gave a suiting answer while collecting the bottle and arrow that had fallen to the ground. At the same moment the magic tool that Pajou possesses should break as well. Before long the Third Knight Unit would raid this mansion. “Kasha. I want to be next to Hifumi-sama after all ...” (Origa) “No, you will become a nuisance during the medical treatment. Leaving that aside, is your foot alright?” (Kasha) Even while worrying about her, Kasha wanted to stop Origa leaving until things had somehow concluded. Thus she tightly grabbed her shoulder and forced her to sit on a chair. After being separated for five days, feeling the body beneath the robe, Kasha noticed that Origa had become slightly burly. Even though the time they had been apart hadn’t been that long, she remembered her loneliness. “Since the reinforcements will also arrive soon, let’s return to the capital once that person comes.” (Kasha) “... That person?” (Origa) Origa’s gaze, showing her sensing something, changed from the girlish face shaking with anxiety just before to something sharp she directed at an enemy. “Do you know someone from the reinforcements? Why does Kasha know something about them I am not aware of?” (Origa) Kasha wasn’t able to retort anything towards that piercing look. Finally, after hesitating for a short while, Kasha decided to tell Origa everything and to take her along even if she had to do it by force. She looked directly into Origa’s eyes. “Listen to me, Origa. Soon the Third Knight Unit will enter this mansion. And then, they ...” (Kasha) “... They are aiming at Hifumi-sama.” (Origa) Once again Kasha was lost staying only silent. “I had been suspicious of you from the beginning. Although you should have stayed away after becoming scared of Hifumi-sama, you returned readily. Moreover your gaze kept following Hifumi-sama from time to time. That is a habit of Kasha while waiting and observing a monster looking for an opportunity. Since it didn’t suit your normal self, I though that you were aiming for something ... but once we entered this room, you did something. It was something giving off the feel as if magic had been invoked.” (Origa) “I was asked to inform Pajou if Hifumi was in danger. Well, it’s not like I forgot about the favor I received by him picking me up, but that only happened because he purchased me by paying money! Origa, you have gradually become weird after meeting Hifumi! Think properly about it, Hifumi often does good things, but in reality, isn’t he a criminal who murdered royalty?!” (Kasha) Losing her presence of mind, Kasha’s voice became louder and louder. While watching the appearance of Kasha, who was rattling on, Origa stood up despite her light-headedness and took out a shuriken from within her bosom. “S-Stop ... Let us two hunt monsters happily together once again. There is no place for us in a world where killing people is the norm ...” (Kasha) “Draw your sword, Kasha. You have clearly become our enemy now.” (Origa) It was the civil official slave Caim who went to greet Pajou’s group storming into the mansion. Towards the group of more than knights suddenly entering, although it got close to becoming a turmoil, Caim, donning his usual cool-headed nature and suppressed them by shouting 「Don’t increase my work!」 with a threatening resounding voice. “You have been awaited.” (Caim) Caim said to Pajou, who led the Knight Unit, without even lowering his head. “Awaited you say ...” (Pajou) “Of course, it means that the major of this city’s territory, Hifumi-sama, welcomes you. I have heard from Hifumi-sama that you took upon yourself to come from the far away royal capital leading an army. Now, please head towards the office on the second floor. Please excuse my impoliteness, but it is a matter of involving the military affairs. Because we, the civil officials and staff, were ordered to not get close, please go on ahead to the upper floor.” (Caim) Despite speaking politely, there wasn’t even any expression of respect in his manner of speech. Without saying anything, Pajou’s group left Caim’s side. Neither Caim nor anyone else made a comment towards the matter of her entire Knight Unit having drawn their swords. “Was that alright?” (Brokra) Even as Brokra, being a civil official slave engaged in the accounting management alongside Caim, asked this uneasily, Caim only turned his look towards him blinking his eyes. “There is nothing good or bad about it. This place is the castle of that gentleman. That is already sufficient reason.” (Caim) He thought about telling Brokra to return to his work if he understood, but seeing his discomposed state he couldn’t find the right words for that. Looking up at the Knight Unit climbing the stairs in the direction of the second floor, he sorrowfully wondered whether he had to summon some soldiers to clean up again. At the time Pajou stepped into the office, Hifumi had collapsed in front of the sofa. “This is ...” (Pajou) Curious whether he had already died, Pajou approached timidly. In that moment Hifumi jumped up as if he was a monkey and treading on a knight in order to get over the group he landed in front of the door blocking their exit. “Yo, you’re late.” (Hifumi) “Wh-Why ... ?” (Pajou) “N~ The actors are bad and the stage is crude as well. Leaving that aside, hurry up and prepare your swords.” (Hifumi) Like that Hifumi put his right foot in front into a stance with his legs in a L-shape remaining unarmed and pushed out both his swinging hands in front of him. “Do you plan to fight these numbers empty-handed? Rather than that, wouldn’t it be more comfortable to get yourself arrested obediently?” (Pajou) Pretending to be calm Pajou spoke those words, but the moment she finished, Hifumi grabbed the neck of a male knight in a flash, drew him into his chest, and broke his neck. “It’s not like you came here to gently persuade me, don’t you agree? If you have the spare time to yap, then get over here quickly.” (Hifumi) Throwing away the corpse of the knight, Hifumi said in ill-humor. “Although I don’t know who came up with this farce, after taking over this troublesome post of feudal lord and enduring one hardship after another, this is the treatment I receive in the end. I even feel more amused than angry.” (Hifumi) “You!!” The knight, swinging his sword alongside his yell, had his sword averted by Hifumi striking the lower part of his wrist and was brought down while having his neck detained. The knight who came stabbing his sword, had the back of his hand seized and his wrist broken by twisting it. Hifumi’s knee broke his elbow. “The taste of killing them is bad. They should hone their skills properly.” (Hifumi) Tossing away the sword soaked in blood, it lopped off the arm coming for a horizontal slash and, using his centrifugal force, he drove the knight into the wall. Now he was assaulted with swords by three knights at the same time, but avoiding the sword’s path easily while walking forward, he kicked the back of the knee of one knight and twisted the kneeling knight’s neck. Throwing the corpse at a knight, he grabbed the arm of another knight rushing towards him and knocking him down by pushing him with his hands he crushed the face, that was looking up, under his foot. Even the person, who was struggling being pinned down by the corpse, was killed in a similar manner of crushing the throat by stepping on it. While watching her colleagues being killed one by one just like that, Pajou took out a tiny iron pebble from within her pouch at her waist though she felt impatient. The second Hifumi was caught up in breaking the neck of the last knight, she threw the stone with all her might. “Oh” (Hifumi) Thrusting out his opponent holding him by his neck, the stone embedded itself into his face. Although the knight screamed due to the abrupt pain, his heart soon stopped beating as Hifumi immediately tread on his back with force. “You have a considerably good arm. But, the throwing motion has to be done even more casual. Otherwise it is too easily noticed.” (Hifumi) “Thanks for the lecturing, even though it’s coming from a hoodlum. Anyway, I didn’t expect you to deal with the Knight Unit as easily as this ...” (Pajou) Hifumi took out his katana and drew it towards Pajou who had once again set up her sword. “I have received various favors from you. Therefore I will kill you instantly.” (Hifumi) “I wonder whether it will be this simple.” (Pajou) “If it doesn’t end quickly, that will be something enjoyable.” (Hifumi) The bright smile of Hifumi and his eyes filled with madness caused Pajou to grind her molars. As Hifumi broke into her range lightly thrusting at her, Pajou brushed off the katana from the side and cut at him in a flowing motion. Dodging the sword attack by retreating a half-step, Hifumi once again stepped forward while aiming at the crown of her head. Pajou jumped to the rear in a hurry. The downward swing of Hifumi’s katana changed into a thrust and the katana’s point approached her rapidly. When Pajou raised her face after avoiding the thrust by rolling over, there wasn’t anyone in front of her eyes. “Eh?” (Pajou) She looked at the katana protruding from her breast. “Even at the time of evasion you shouldn’t take off your eyes off your opponent.” (Hifumi) , as Pajou thought that, her feelings mysteriously calmed down. “Ime ... raria ... sa, ma ...” (Pajou) Being separated from the katana by slipping down the blade, only a single line of tears could be seen on the face of the fallen Pajou. Getting rid off the blood with a paper, Hifumi returned the katana into its scabbard while cracking his neck.magic “She had splendid backbone to die staying still like that. Well, shall I go and see the situation over there.” (Hifumi) Stepping over the dead bodies of the Knight Unit, Hifumi headed towards the room where Origa’s group was.
Hifumi, who walks holding the reins matching the two beastgirls that can’t follow the pace after all, leaves the forest and advances into the blazing sun of the wastelands. “So, what are you going to do once you reach the human country?” (Helen) Helen looks up at Hifumi, who’s a head taller than her. “First I will have a look. After looking? I will crush it? Well, I will decide it at that time.” (Hifumi) “Crush it, you say...” (Helen) Watching Helen’s stunned expression, Reni continued her words with a wry smile, “Hifumi-san, you came from a human country in the other direction, right? Aren’t you afraid to travel the wastelands by yourself?” (Reni) “Correct, I’m not afraid.” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi replying nonchalantly, Helen shakes her ears and leaks a snort through her nose. “Unlike with the tigers, how did it work out with the wolves? As it seems that they come attacking in groups, isn’t it impossible for a single person to oppose them?” (Helen) “If it’s wolf beastmen, I killed several tens of them. Sneakily following me without even striking up a conversation, several of them came plunging at me. Rolling on the ground after having their noses systematically beaten, I stepped on their necks and broke them.” (Hifumi) “Aren’t these fellows able to speak human language?” Hifumi says seemingly pouting. “How amazing.” (Reni) “Though I don’t think that’s the issue here...” (Helen) Compared to advancing through the wastelands, where it’s survival of the fittest, they welcome the evening of that day in a relaxed mood. With Hifumi taking out several dishes from within his storage, the three of them eat their dinner in a circle. Their dessert is that red fruit. Apparently it is called by the name “Bodan.” Many beastmen like to eat it, but since it can’t be found anywhere but at places with clear water, they apparently treat it as a feast once they stumble upon it occasionally. Currently those are casually being piled up in front of the girls. “They are delicious, after all.” (Reni) Reni laughs delightfully, but the area around her mouth is bright red with fruit juice. “Eat them in a bit more refined manner. You are a glutton.” (Helen) Even as Helen says so, she spills a smile due to having bodan after a long time. “From tomorrow on we will pass through the areas of the bear and leopard tribes, however... stay docile, okay? I’d like you to excuse us from getting involved in your fights.” (Helen) Once her stomach bulged, Helen called out to Hifumi. The wastelands, which are in-between the human countries, have the areas of the strong tribes at the outer edges, fairly close to the locations where humans live on both sides of the wastelands, and the centre of the wastelands, which are inhabited by the weaker tribes. At the edges there are many forests and rivers. But, although there is also the reason of the nature being abundant in the east and west controlled by the strong beastmen, there is likewise the reason that the weaker tribes avoid human habitations, because in case humans discover one of them there are cases of them being caught as slaves. “Up to this point there are still many tribes, like us, who don’t like to fight, but tomorrow we will enter a dangerous area.” (Helen) “I see. Well, then it’s fine with you guiding just that far. Once you tell me the direction to head for afterwards, I will go by myself.” (Hifumi) Hifumi consented easily with her. Even though Helen showed a facial expression that it was only natural, Reni had a lonely look. “Then tomorrow will be goodbye?” (Reni) “I will have to pass through the wastelands on my way back anyway. We might meet again if you have good luck.” (Hifumi) “Humph. Before that, do your best to not get killed by the bears and leopards.” (Helen) “In the first place”, Helen continued, “I wonder why a human like you wants to crush a human country? You are a weirdo.” (Helen) “A reason, huh? Let me see...” (Hifumi) Pondering about it for a while, Hifumi shook his head. “To put it simply, since I have the principle that it’s just normal to crush an enemy, that’s the way it is.” (Hifumi) “Enemy? Isn’t it only natural for humans to fight back, if they are attacked?” (Reni) “No, it’s different from that.” (Hifumi) He quickly denies Reni’s words. is too late. There’s plenty reason to kill them, if they appear as if they want to attack.” (Hifumi) “Isn’t that slightly... excessive?” “Don’t say such foolishness. You might get killed without the time to counter-attack after getting attacked. It’s important to decide whether to kill or not as fast as possible.” (Hifumi) “You are the same”, Hifumi points at Helen. “I am?” (Helen) “Don’t you have the habit of judging in an instant whether you should run away once you determined a sound you heard? If you were just a little bit late in your judgement, that would lead to your death.” (Hifumi) “Uhh... certainly.” (Helen) “Because I have the power to fight, I kill without fleeing. That’s the only difference there is.” (Hifumi) In the time while Hifumi was talking to Helen, Reni brooded over something, but suddenly lifting her head, she stared at Hifumi. “Strength to fight is necessary after all?” (Reni) “Not really?” (Hifumi) The two girls stare blankly due to Hifumi saying this forthrightly. “If you want to fight, you train and use your head, though you might have to put in great and desperate efforts to kill. I don’t particularly believe that everyone in this world should possess military power.” (Hifumi) “However, you say to kill if it’s an enemy...” “It’s only me who does this. For a fellow, who knows they can’t fight or has no interest in fighting, it is the height of idiocy to oppose someone they can’t win against. If you feel like making an enemy out of someone and fight them, you probably shouldn’t complain about getting killed either.” (Hifumi) With these words Hifumi lies down on the spread-out cloth. Before anyone noticing, even the horse had entered a pose of sleeping. “... If that’s the case, you wouldn’t complain, if you someone were to kill you, either?” (Reni) Hifumi answered Reni’s words, she told as a tease, without turning his sight towards her. “Of course. Above it being the giving and taking of life, it’s just natural for me to always think that it’s fine even if I die any time.” (Hifumi) “Go sleep quickly as we will walk tomorrow, too”, Hifumi shut his eyes. Reni and Helen, who looked at each other, were confused about the strange ways of human thinking. ☺☻☺ The reason it was called “Knight Country” was that this nation, Swordland, originated from a knight order, which became alienated from Orsongrande and had immigrated. At the time of founding the nation it was a poor village, but by building a sturdy bulwark, the commoners, who followed the knights, began to gradually get familiar with hunting and farming. It took a century for it to establish the system of a nation. Above all, with the knight order from the time of founding possessing considerable might, far from being able to equally compete with the beastmen, they completely repelled the beastmen, who came to attack, on countless occasions. The person with the highest position among the knights becomes king and each of the other knights supports the king as nobles. That’s the shape of the governmental system. Although it might be called a nation, it is nothing more but a single, large city. With the centre of the city being surrounded by high walls, the circumference had agricultural land spreading out. The knights, with their great might, captured beastmen at the time they saw them, had them obey and chose to employ them as labour force. The commoners, who originally likewise engaged in the mortifying manual labour of reclaiming the wastelands, were comforted in their hearts by watching the beastmen doing more dangerous work than themselves and being discarded after abusing them without even giving them proper food. And even now the system of catching and enslaving beastmen still exists. “Tsk. Ain’t there anythin’ but brats?” Spurring on his horse, the man spit out while his armour made clinking sounds. The soldiers, who are in the vicinity, are cautious of their surroundings wearing plain leather armours and spears. “It’s still better than returning without results, but at this rate it will effect my records.” There was a two-horse cart pulling a load-carrying tray without cover at the place the man turned his sight to. On top of the load-carrying tray an iron-made cage is placed. Within there are two small, completely exhausted beastmen. It’s the older brother and younger sister, who met Hifumi. “Andrus-sama, there are no beastmen in the surroundings.” Due to the soldier asking whether they should move on, the man called Andrus decided to split away from the city a bit further. Since there’s the possibility of strong beastmen appearing, to the degree that they wouldn’t be able to deal with them, if they separated from the city too far, they have to be careful in their movements. The knights from the time of founding the nation apparently fought with the bear and tiger beastmen, but Andrus believes this to be a tale. For the knights, who are currently in Swordland, it’s doubtful whether they could equally fight -on- against beastmen, who are strong in combat. “Uuhh...” It’s the young tigerboy raising a moan as he wakes up within the cage. “Th-This place is...” “Did ya snap outta it? If ya stay obedient, ya will be able ta keep living in a far nicer place than yer animal dwelling. Ya will even be able ta eat da good stuff.” (Andrus) “Therefore, be nice”, Andrus intended to coerce him with his gaze, but the tigerboy began to shout to let him out of the cage. “Tsk. He became annoyin’. Oi.” (Andrus) Calling a single soldier, he ordered him to thrust the sword at the still not conscious tigergirl.magic As the soldier did it without a single shred of hesitation, the tigerboy shut his mouth. “If ya ain’t quiet, I will kill dat female brat over there and not ya. She will be simply stabbed from outside.” (Andrus) “Shut yer trap, if ya get it”, Andrus says over his shoulders and returns his gaze towards the direction of their travel. Thereupon he discovered a single bearchild sleeping visibly hidden in the shades of the trees ahead. “Oh, whatcha great omen. Though it’s a brat once again, da quota had been reached.” (Andrus) By the order of Andrus, who felt like having already caught it, the soldiers slowly and quietly approach the bearchild. The instant a soldier, who turned his spearhead towards the bearchild, advanced to a distance where he could touch it after a few steps, “It’s the humans! Run awaaaaay!” The tigerboy within the cage shouted with all his strength. Although Andrus raised his voice in anger, the bearchild, who had already lifted its head after waking up, has been surprised in noticing the humans, who had approached right next to it. “Tsk. Surround it quickly! I don’ even mind, if it has a few injuries here n’ there.” (Andrus) The bearchild was a girl, who had cute, rotund eyes and small, round ears. Even if her hands and legs had wounds, there will be demand for a beargirl with such a nice appearance. “It will be well worth the time”, before the eyes of Andrus, who mumbled that, a single soldier, who tried to shorten the distance by running fast upon his order, was abruptly blown away. “What is it!?” In front of the panicking solders’ eyes a gigantic bear with a height of above m stood in the way in order to protect the beargirl. Having grown tough-looking fur, it possesses thick, sharp claws on the powerful, fat fingers on both paws. It is trembling in rage baring its fangs. “Human trash! I won’t permit you targeting my daughter!” Closing in on a soldier with a nimbleness that doesn’t fit its large build, everything above the soldier’s neck was gone with an explosive sound once it waved its right paw. In addition to beating the soldiers, who approached closer, to death, the bearman catches the thrust-out spear with his teeth and hits a soldier’s belly with a kick. At the time the soldier, who vomited out his intestines with spasms, collapsed, the bearman came in front of Andrus. Andrus, quickly drawing his sword, jumped off the horse. Although the bearman’s claws fail to seize Andrus, the horse’s flank is torn up and it raises a shriek. Taking a distance by rolling on the ground, the bearman had already approached immediately before his eyes when he lifted his head. He protects himself against the downward-swung arms with his sword. Even though he managed to stop them somehow, a pain travels through his left arm due to the impact and it broke. Andrus knew that by instinct. At the moment the bearman raised his arms overhead once more, Andrus swings his sword sweeping sideways with only his right hand. Grazing the chest of the bearman, he inflicts a shallow wound, but without minding he evades the swung arms by scurrying. He was cut deeply at a part of his face that failed to avoid it, however Andrus hasn’t the leeway to worry about that right now. “Ooooh!” The sword of Andrus, who finished getting up in a sorry mess, inflicted yet another wound at the flank of the bearman. But, Andrus’ hard struggle ended at that point. The bearman, who took an evasive stance by bending back, severely kicked the nether region of Andrus with his right foot as is. The large paws of his foot smash Andrus’ crotch and sink further into him. Falling to the ground with such a pain that he can’t even leak a voice, the bearman quickly crushed Andrus underfoot and thus he died. “Fuu...” “Dad, are you alright?” Once the beargirl rushed over seeing it all from the beginning to the end while being scared, the bearman showed a gentle smile making his expression of rage from before a lie. “Yea, of course. You have no injuries, Olra?” “I’m fine. I noticed them before they could hurt me since that kid called out to me.” (Olra) “Which reminds me, I was made aware of the situation by that voice as well.” The bearman, who approached the cage, grabbed the iron grid and burst it open with all his strength. “It was a courageous act. Thanks to it, my daughter was saved. You have my thanks.” The bearman, calling himself Salgu, pulled out the tigerboy from the cage and helped out with the unconscious tigergirl by gently carrying her. “Umm...” Watching the battle, the tigerboy, who was dumbfounded until he was saved, resolves himself and speaks. “Yea?” (Salgu) “Will I also be able to become as strong as mister?” It was a letter for Imeraria, who is the new Queen and very busy with the daily governmental affairs, reporting the schedule of the royal capital’s visit delivered by Fokalore. Although a noble has the liberty of leaving and entering a territory, there is an unwritten rule to send a notice before entering the capital, albeit that was completely ignored by Hifumi. It’s for the sake of showing that a noble, who entered the capital, has no ulterior motive, even if there are also cases of them being summoned by the king. “From Fokalore? Just who the heck is coming here?” (Imeraria) Not only the nobles but even the commoners knew very well about Hifumi having left for a long journey towards the wastelands to fight by himself against the beastmen, who opposed mankind for a long time. It has become a commonly repeated topic among the townspeople as the start of a new legend. “It appears to be Earl Tohno’s wife, who is coming for a visit of the royal capital.” (Adol) Prime Minister Adol, who read the documents, calmly replied to Imeraria’s question. “Apparently she is hoping for an audience with you, Your Majesty. Moreover she is even requesting my presence.” (Adol) “Origa-san, is it...? However, just what kind of business does she have with us?” (Imeraria) “Well, the notice doesn’t explain that far.” (Adol) Imeraria cocked her head in puzzlement for a while, but considering it inevitable, she issued instructions in order to prepare the arrangements. “Is it fine?” (Adol) “She is Hifumi-sama’s wife. It’s impossible to ignore her. Besides, it’s probably better to directly confirm whether her aim is for her own purposes or upon Hifumi-sama’s instruction.” (Imeraria) “I see”, Adol nodded and left the office. “Really, he is a person who causes worries no matter whether he is here or not... I wonder where in the wastelands he is currently rampaging about.” (Imeraria) Although it wasn’t by all means, she wasn’t able to imagine him dying a dog’s death in the wastelands. And, simultaneously with Hifumi’s face, she recalled Origa’s face at the time they met quite a while ago when she was still a slave. “... What is she really aiming for?” (Imeraria) If possible, Imeraria was earnestly hoping to lead a quiet life at least for the period Hifumi wasn’t there.
After being annexed by Fokalore due to Hifumi’s shocking invasion, the people are passing their days without any major chaos. Even the guild of the adventurers who are living in this city was managed as it was up until now, with the exception of Hifumi having killed several of its adventurers. Reshi who is the master of the guild’s branch is also doing his job as usual. At the time when Arosel was taken from Vichy by Orsongrande, there were some among the adventurers who were defamed to have attempted to protect themselves by buttering up to Hifumi of Fokalore. However, once everybody started to actually feel that life was getting better than it was in the time of belonging to Vichy, those rumours completely settled down. But, Reshi was more troubled by the grave problem now than he was back then. “Hmmm...” (Reshi) What has been piling up on top of his desk are reports and testimonies from the adventurers belonging to Arosel’s guild. They are documents which were collected by the guild’s staff. Many of those are arguments among the adventurers themselves, snatching of prey and such. Those were common frictions one might even call daily occurrences, however what is reported in the divided documents is something that hasn’t been seen until now. According to those documents, there are monsters which haven’t been spotted so far. According to those documents, large specimen, which have more than twice the usual size, were observed. According to those documents, the groups of monsters decreased while the individual’s power went up. “What’s this about, I wonder...?” (Reshi) Reshi stroked his white beard. If pushed to say, Arosel was one of the cities which has too many mouths to feed. After their allegiance changed, it has shown an immense growth as stopover on the road towards Fokalore. The number of adventurers who are coming and going as escorts increased as well. It was the common knowledge of adventurers that monsters aren’t very powerful close to places with many people. Do the monsters avoid those places because there are people there? Did people build their cities in places with weak monsters? No one knows about the truth by now, but presently that’s how it is. Reshi’s current understanding after reading the reports is that this balance is rapidly deteriorating. There is a considerable number of victims, who were attacked by those irregular monsters, among the common citizens and adventurers. Should I request the cooperation with other guilds or the country? “Enter.” (Reshi) “Excuse me.” A single male staff member enters the room and gives his greetings. “A messenger from Lord-sama has come, but...” , Reshi thought. This staff member is the only person who was personally present at the adventurer killing when Hifumi was in Arosel. “A messenger from Earl Tohno, huh...? Of course we have to meet them, I suppose. Let them in.” (Reshi) “Don’t let anyone enter afterwards until I tell you that it’s fine.” (Reshi) Nodding a second time, the staff member leaves. Before long two women appeared in front of Reshi. Walking in front is a girl with unkempt red hair. A woman with a bit more set red hair is standing behind her. Due to their roles being similar to one being on her first mission and one being the first one’s care-taker, Reshi absolutely wasn’t able to imagine what kind of business these two might have with him. The girl smiles broadly. “I’m the Military Director of the Tohno* Earldom, Alyssa.” (Alyssa) “Nice to meet you. I’m called Miyukare and am acting as Alyssa-sama’s exclusive military advisor*.” (Miyukare) Alyssa’s introduction wasn’t polite at all, however Reshi faces her with a smile without daring to touch that matter. First of all, his maximum priority is “to not provoke troubles.” “There you go, please take a seat in the sofa over there.” (Reshi) “Thanks!” (Alyssa) Alyssa sat down obediently and Miyukare quietly stood behind Alyssa after bowing. Their roles are certainly a leader and their aide, but with Alyssa’s appearance of restlessly looking around the room, all of that impression is ruined. “Does black tea suit your taste?” (Reshi) “Yea.” (Alyssa) Miyukare firmly watched the sight of Reshi personally pouring the black tea. And, Reshi pours the black tea while being fully aware of that. “Here you go. So, is there anything you wish to speak about with me?” (Reshi) “Ummm... it’s about the monsters.” (Alyssa) Reshi felt shaken within his mind, but due to his many years of experience he was able to successfully hide that. “Monsters, it is? They are our, the adventurer’s guild’s, main target.” (Reshi) “Isn’t anything peculiar about those monsters?” (Alyssa) “Anything peculiar...” (Reshi) He recalls the documents which caused him headaches not long ago. However, he isn’t given the time to think it over carefully. “The numbers of strong monsters increased or such, you haven’t head anything like that?” (Alyssa) , Reshi, who smiled bitterly, stood up quietly, grabbed the documents from his desk and spread them in front of Alyssa. “This is a collection of reports about monsters which became large or ferocious and monsters who were seen for the first time. Even though I have the intention to, there are some points which are troublesome to deal with.” (Reshi) Quickly scanning through the documents, Alyssa handed them over to Miyukare in her back. Miyukare’s red pupils read through the documents with a speed similar to leaping. “... Alyssa-sama, it seems there’s no mistake about this.” (Miyukare) “Yea, after all?” (Alyssa) Although lord and retainer don comprehending faces, Reshi can’t follow. “Do you know something about this?” (Reshi) “Please let me handle the explanation.” (Miyukare) Stopping Alyssa, Miyukare handed back the documents to Reshi. “Not only in the territory of Fokalore, the same state of affairs can be observed in all of Orsongrande and even in Vichy and Horant.” (Miyukare) Miyukare told the surprised Reshi that it was something not only independently discovered in Fokalore but in all of Orsongrande Kingdom. “I see. As expected of what Hero-dono said. Others don’t have such keen insight.” (Reshi) In reality it was the outcome of all of the finer parts being moved by Caim’s orders, but neither Miyukare nor Alyssa mention anything about that. “If necessary I will have someone deliver these documents after transcribing them.” (Reshi) “That’s not necessary. I have memorized the main points of their contents. Rather than that, there’s something important to talk about.” (Alyssa) “... Let’s hear it.” (Reshi) The one who addressed Reshi, who put down the documents and corrected his seating posture, was Alyssa. “There are suspicions that someone has strengthened the monsters. From the fact that it’s extending over such wide scope while leaving an influence regardless which country it is, there’s a low possibility that it’s someone belonging to the countries Vichy, Horant and of course Orsongrande as well.” (Alyssa) “... A being similar to a demon lord who appears in fairy tales. Isn’t it possible that it’s a country on the other side of the wastelands?” (Reshi) “Earl Tohno has left in order to investigate them.” (Alyssa) “That story was true!” (Reshi) Reshi, who unintentionally raised his voice, glossed it over by coughing and saying “Excuse me.” The matter of Hifumi having left towards the wastelands, and moreover by himself, reached him as rumour, however Reshi was one of those who discarded most of it as mere gossip. “If I may speak frankly, given that the witnessing of powerful monsters and the number of actual encounters has risen, I wondered whether Lord-sama has brought up consultations with other countries, but... it seems that everyone, who is working as central figure of Fokalore, is looking far more ahead than people like us.” (Reshi) Listening to Reshi’s words, Alyssa and Miyukare looked at each others’ faces. “There is something we’d like to request from you.” (Miyukare) “What may that be?” (Reshi) Reshi listened carefully due to Miyukare’s remark. “I’d like you to make the adventurers aware of it, about the matter of fiendish monsters increasing in number and about the possibility of a mastermind existing somewhere.” (Miyukare) “... Isn’t it possible that this will trigger chaos?” (Reshi) “If it brings whoever is hiding in the shadows into the light as result, that will be fine.” (Miyukare) “If we know who it is, Hifumi will finish them off.” (Alyssa) “Oh!”, for some strange reason Reshi could comprehend that. “... I got it. I shall circulate the information little-by-little starting with those I’m able to trust. I’d like you to leave it to me to deal with the finer details. Would that be alright with you?” (Reshi) “Of course, that’s no problem.” (Alyssa) Once Alyssa and Miyukare exited the room after thanking for the black tea, Reshi entrusted his body fully to the back of the sofa. “What’s happening...? While I’m still alive the world is changing in various ways, it seems.” (Reshi) Reshi tasted the black tea he poured for himself, but it had gone completely cold. ☺☻☺ Dawn in the elven village was greeted with an uproarious atmosphere. Many corpses are scattered in a part of the village. Among them, there is the cruelly massacred body of Laboras who rallied the men of the village under him. Even those, who didn’t leave their houses in fright while hearing the turmoil, are gradually emerging from their houses once the sun begins to rise. Gathering with their friends in panic once they see the terrible scene in front of their eyes, they begin to discuss at various places without reaching an answer.magic Zanga, who foresaw such situation, instructed Shiku and Puuse to make an announcement that there will be a meeting to explain the circumstances to the villagers. Then she personally volunteered to act as Hifumi’s guide while using a wand to prop herself up. “Eh...? Z-Zanga-sama!?” At the edge of the village, in a different direction from the place where Hifumi entered, there’s a sturdy hut which used big logs although being small itself. “The magic squares have been set up in that hut”, Zanga explained while mixing in a 「Sorry for disturbing」. The elves, who were on duty to use their mana for the sake of holding up the barrier, are quite surprised. “W-Why here...? Eh, moreover together with a human...?” “Stay calm. This person, well, won’t do anything if you don’t do anything to him.” (Zanga) , added Zanga in her mind and then sat down on a chair located in the middle of the hut she led Hifumi to. “It’s been a while since I last breathed the outside air ~nee. This might not happen overly often either, but...” (Zanga) The elves judged Zanga, who suddenly showed a lonely expression, as odd, but apart from that their wariness has increased due to the human they have seen for the first time. Their vigilance was blown away by a brief comment of Zanga. “For just an instant, we will make a hole in the barrier.” (Zanga) “W-We can’t do such thing!” A single elf raised his voice, but Zanga waved her hand while laughing with a “Hya Hya.” “It’s not you guys who will do it, but me. Even though I may appear to be like this, I was the best elven magician back in the old days. I was completely unable to use offensive magic though.” (Zanga) “If it’s related to protecting something, it’s better to not look down on me”, Zanga looked joyfully at Hifumi. “Human-san, around when will you come back?” (Zanga) “Don’t know. But I memorized this place here.” (Hifumi) “I see. ... Then I will make my request once you came back.” (Zanga) Countless scripting, similar to symbols and characters, are lining up within several magic square-like circles and squares. Zanga, who stood up by using the wand, sits down in front of a magic square while being supported by the elves. “If you walk for one minute along the path on the other side of this hut, you will encounter the barrier. Since the barrier will be raised open only for the path for about minutes, go inside during that time.” (Zanga) “Got it.” (Hifumi) “Human-san, I didn’t hear your name yet.” (Zanga) “Could you tell me?” Zanga asks. “Hifumi-san? It’s a strange-sounding name ~nee. But, it’s a good name. Hey, Hifumi-san, why did you deliberately come to meet the demons this deep in the forest? Even you probably understand, but they are aggressive and will likely attack you.” (Zanga) While asking that, Zanga turned her look towards the magic square. “... There isn’t enough fighting in this world. There isn’t sufficient killing with the life on the line, that whittles down one’s life force as if setting one’s soul on fire. Someone has to ignite a spark.” (Hifumi) “So, that means that the demon race will be the trigger for that.” (Zanga) Although Zanga is laughing with her shoulders trembling, the elves in the surroundings are baffled while thinking “Well, then it won’t do, if we don’t struggle desperately for survival either. Even if we abandon the forest, the elves have pride. There’s no way that we will perish this easily.” (Zanga) Due to the words of Zanga, who started to focus her mana while facing the magic square, Hifumi turned his back on her. “That’s fine. You won’t be able to enjoy life much unless you don’t know when it will end.” (Hifumi) Hifumi began to walk outside the hut. I will be able to observe the techniques, magic and anything of the demon race “I wonder what kind of fellow I will be able to meet first?” (Hifumi) Taking out the katana, he affixes it on his hips. demon king candidate His monologue vanished into the wind without being heard by anyone.
The population of Fokalore has in fact increased three times after the change of feudal lords. Although its number has gone up quite a bit due to immigrants and refugees, the release of an early phase of a population management system and because there was a considerable number of residents, who were the kind to spend money coming from outside for the sake of education, an overall balance was attained. Those related to commerce and industry have been outstandingly developing their sales proficiency and productivity even if compared to outside the country, let alone the domestic companies. By Hifumi’s instruction a license system for businesses has been set up. The tax system has been changed to declaring the taxes owed each time. The feudal lord has completely seized the opportunity to circulate goods and money from city to city within the territory by using the rail cars. Even just the sales from this enterprise are contributing to the territory’s operation heavily. As for the industry, the standards have been unified for the first time in this world. Due to the “screw”, which had been invented by Hifumi, carpenters and ironworkers experienced a great upheaval. Until then it was popular to affix things irreversibly by using nails or welding, but with the introduction of screws and by explosively spreading the industrial products, which were standardized, hasty people are starting to say things like 「Fokalore creates the standards of all industrial products」. But it’s not only the aspect of knowledge. All territories are also closely observing its military parts. Staying for the sake of participating in the training of each unit, the money spent in the cities is increasing as result. Fokalore gathered the attention and its population is growing. As outcome, the staff members and the civil official slaves, who were controlling them, became busy once again. “Gigigi...” (Miyukare) Miyukare, being the sole civil official slave in charge of military affairs, is finishing the documents with a dreadful expression while holding down her temper. In the space for the sake of the civil official slaves performing their official duties, Miyukare, without even concealing her ill humour, processed the documents with a sound of the pen scribbling across the papers rapidly. Doelgar and Paryu were in the room as well, but both of them are doing their jobs in silence. “What?!” (Miyukare) Miyukare turns her sight as if pouncing down on him towards Doelgar, who timidly called out to her. “Don’t glare at me like that... Lord-sama told us that he agrees about the retired soldiers. We were able to procure the participation of the ironworkers, too.” (Doelgar) “Right. Then, I will notify the soldiers, who are considering to retire, and have them introduced to the industry guild as applicants.” (Miyukare) Once he finished his business, Doelgar left as if running away by saying 「I will go report it to the guild」. “Excuse me.” A single staff member came entering as replacement, but seeing Miyukare’s expression, he made a startled face for an instant. He went towards Paryu’s desk at a quick pace. Paryu, who raised her face, has her violet eyes half closed as if being drowsy, but the staff member doesn’t particularly mind it as it is the usual and hands her the documents, he held in his hands. “Paryu-san, a message from the capital came.” “Thank you very much. I will check it, okay?” (Paryu) Once the staff member has left, Paryu looks over the documents given to her. Becoming completely familiar with dealing with paperwork and drawing up a family register, she reads through the documents quickly. She grasps the contents, written down on one sheet of the documents, in several seconds. It’s not at the level of Caim, but her documents throughput is high amongst the staff members of the territory. “... Miyukare-san. As soon as the coronation ceremony in the capital finishes, Director of Military Affairs Alyssa will return, it seems.” (Paryu) Miyukare stood up with a force that knocked down the chair due to Paryu’s words, which were conveyed without any preface at all. “Really!?” (Miyukare) “Unless this document is a forgery. Since it has Lord-sama’s usual, unreadable signature, I believe there’s no mistake to that.” (Paryu) “In that case, it’s alright! It’s indispensable to throw a welcome home party, right!?” (Miyukare) “Will the restaurant at that place be fine? Is it even better to reserve a hotel?” Towards Miyukare, who shows a slovenly face and says exactly these words with a smile or rather a broad grin, Paryu decided to consider this to be already an illness. An incurable illness, that is. “Lord-sama will come back as well. Since he’s coming back leading several soldiers he was entrusted with by Vichy, we’ve been told to prepare their participation in military training. I will find a boarding house for them but since there’s no one but you, Miyukare-san, who can put them into a training schedule, please do that, ok?” (Paryu) “Leave it to me! There shouldn’t be much time, right? When was the coronation ceremony?” (Miyukare) “It’s today.” (Paryu) ☺☻☺ Viscount Leonhart coming in contact with Roshi is a move trying to create a link to Vichy. It was leaked to the Royal Knight Order, monitoring within the castle. The day before, at the time when Leonhart had the first session of discussions together with the attendants of Vichy, he said 「there are also other nobles, who are hoping to form a friendly relationship with your country」. Hoping for a conference with the other nobles before the coronation ceremony and as result of Roshi also agreeing to that, it had been decided to let them freely do it in order to arrest the whole lot at once. And today, just like yesterday, with the scene playing out at the rest room, provided for the envoy of Vichy, their conference started. The nobles politely greeted Roshi in turns, in a modest manner which didn’t seem noble-like. On the other hand, although Roshi seems to intend being plenty cautious, there’s a necessity for results to come out here. The commander of the attendants, who made sure to be slightly separated from them, calmly saw through him obviously being impatient. “The attendants are nothing more than extras”, it was convenient for the attendants that the nobles from Orsongrade failed to even exchange a decent amount of words with them. No one cared about them even as they moved stealthily to their places and blocked the entrance of the room’s door. Only Vaiya, who was monitoring them secretly, noticed those movements. “Well then, even though it’s sudden, let’s discuss the shape of our friendship.” (Leonhart) The discussions advance in a way of Leonhart taking the lead. “If we get right to the point, for our country I consider it satisfactory if we proceed with the previous set up circulation of goods and money towards Orsongrande.” (Roshi) As the nobles are showing that they haven’t understood Roshi’s words right away, Leonhart inquires about his real intention. “There is also a possibility of our country’s merchants being restricted from entering your country from now on. It will likely be difficult to sell the merchandise of a hostile nation. Accordingly, we can have someone buy them temporarily if we are able to set up a selling agency within Orsongrande.” (Roshi) Even while expressing their understanding as I went this far to put it into words, their reaction is weak and lacking. Won’t they be able to understand it unless I tell them directly? “... Of course, if you were to agree to the cooperation, there is no doubt that you will be able to secure large profit margins at the time of selling the items in your country since we will sell the merchandise cheaply to you wholesale.” (Roshi) “Oh, this a great suggestion! On top of a cooperation, you go even as far as offering us profits, Roshi-dono.” (Leonhart) “It’s a truly thoughtful story!” The nobles, who at last comprehended the benefits after he explained up to there, are praising Roshi unanimously while exchanging glances amongst each other inquiring about the timing of the contest over the profits. (Are these guys really nobles?) The commander of the attendants watched these exchanges while being disgusted from the bottom of his heart. Speaking of nobles, he thought of them as a group pointlessly and flowery talking about their love for their country while holding money and authority, though unable to hide even a single part of their desire through their thin skin. In this case, Vichy’s merchants are times better at talking while hiding their greed Shifting his line of view, he secretly gave the other attendants the sign to carry out the plan. Some nodded silently. Those being outside the noble’s view have already drawn their hands to their sword’s hilts. “Then, let’s talk about the details and volume of the business right away...” (Leonhart) Leonhart, whose laughter changed into a broad grin, bent himself forward. With Roshi being in front of him on the other side, he can see the attendant’s commander raising his sword overhead. In the next moment Leonhart’s face is sullied by a spray of blood. “Bad luck, we will end the play-friends game here.” Being deeply cut into the head, Roshi died instantly. The commander, who stepped over his corpse, which fell off the chair, prepared his blood-soaked sword. “B-Bastard! Your own country’s envoy...” (Leonhart) “U-Uwaa!” While he was about to attack Leonhart, the other nobles, who were surprised by the bloody event, are scrambling for running away and head towards the door visibly tumbling about. However, even there they have been awaited by attendants standing in the way. “Hii...” “Have everyone here die. As the discussions haven’t gone well, the enraged nobles of Orsongrande have stabbed Roshi with knives. Even though we were able to somehow counterattack, Roshi has passed away. You guys have passed away, too. That’s how it will go.” At the moment he pointed the sword at Leonhart, who has lost the ability to say anything due to surprise, a shuriken came flying from who-knows-where and pierced into the commander’s right arm. The impact caused his sword to leap out of his hands. “Ugu!? What the heck!?” While being bewildered by the unknown piece of metal that pierced his arm, an avalanche of knights flowed out of the hidden pathway. In the blink of an eye the situation within the room changed into a state of fighting. Vaiya, who threw the shuriken, jumped in front of the commander holding a kusarigama in his hand. “We are Orsongrande’s Royal Knight Order. There is a necessity for us to deal with this lot “Are you an idiot!? There’s no way we will surrender just because you tell us to do so!” (Commander) The commander, who picked up his sword with his left hand while yelling, had his face severely struck by the counterweight thrown by Vaiya as he turned around. Dropping his sword once again, he fainted by being hit with the sickle’s hilt as he was holding his face. Although several of his group’s members were injured as well, all of the attendants were successfully arrested without being killed. For the knights, who are wearing armours, the attendants, who wear nothing more but simple clothes, were almost no contest. Vaiya stands in front of Leonhart, who sighed in relief while sitting down unable to stand up due to fear. “Are you someone from the knight orders? You have my thanks.” (Leonhart) “It seems you are misunderstanding something here though.” (Vaiya) Vaiya changes from holding the kusarigama to holding a rope. “You are a target for arrest as well. During the time until you receive your punishments from the new queen, I will have you obediently wait in prison.” (Vaiya) “W-What foolish thing to say! What kind of crime did...” (Leonhart) “You have been tolerated since you are harmless. If you were harmful, you would have been removed by now.” (Vaiya) Vaiya, who quickly tied up Leonhart, gave the order to put him together with the other nobles into the prison managed by the knight order. Even Roshi’s fallen corpse is quickly disposed of by the knight order. In the meanwhile Vaiya constantly paid an undue amount of attention to his surroundings. “Did something happen, Vice-Captain?” “No... I thought Earl Tohno would appear because of a battle scene like this, but... well, it’s fine, I guess. The coronation ceremony will start soon. We will entrust the conspicuous places to Captain Sabnak. We will continue to monitor from the shadows then.” (Vaiya) Hearing Vaiya’s words, the knights headed quickly towards their stations. One hour before the coronation ceremony. It was Imeraria’s office were an incident started. “Excuse me.” “You are ... if I remember correctly, you were someone from the knight order. I believe you were in charge of guarding outside the castle, but did something happen?” (Imeraria) It was Balzephon, affiliated to the knight order, who visited the office. Imeraria, who felt doubts about a knight, whom she hardly ever met, suddenly visiting, experienced some uncomfortable feeling. Balzephon, who quickly surveyed the room while entering, stood in front of Imeraria and bowed respectfully. But, he didn’t choose to kneel following the etiquette of retainers. The maids, who were close-by, are surprised by his unbelievably impolite attitude. At the moment Imeraria tried to open her mouth to warn him that he should be more careful, Balzephon spoke first. “Your Highness, I’m called Balzephon. I was a member of the Second Knight Order, but now I belong to the unified knight order. Just as Your Highness’ said, the Royal Knight Order is protecting inside the castle and we are to guard outside the castle. ... However.” (Balzephon) Balzephon took a straight look at Imeraria with forceful eyes. “Why is a former member of the Third Knight Order the captain of the Royal Knight Order? Isn’t that person only talented at flattering up to Earl Tohno without even being able to properly handle a sword? Although the vice-captain is Vaiya, that person is an imbecile, who only does what he’s told. He was never entrusted any important tasks at the Second Knight Order.” (Balzephon) “... It looks like you are unhappy with my human resources. However, your manner of handling that is disrespectful. Quickly leave this room and I will overlook this situation.” (Imeraria) Balzephon, who received that advice, laughed scornfully with a “Humph.” “No, I’m the one controlling this situation... no, we are. I will have you obediently stay in this room. Given that there will be a small cleaning within the castle after this, during that time, let’s get you ready to spend your entire life’s time as puppet queen hereafter.” (Balzephon) “What are you saying... ?” (Imeraria) Once Imeraria voiced her doubt, the knight, who stood at her side, suddenly drew his sword and thrust it at Imeraria. “! ... You are!” (Imeraria) The knight slightly falters due to her stern glare, but he doesn’t lower the sword. “Just like me, he is originally from the Second Knight Order. It was difficult to create an opportunity where Sabnak and the bunch of the former Third Knight Order isn’t present. The nobles are nothing but dumb. They were unusable incompetents even for acting as decoys with Vichy’s group.” (Balzephon) “You were called Balzephon, right? What’s your goal?” (Imeraria) With this, it’s the second time I have a sword thrust in front of me. Compared to the blood-lust I faced from Hifumi at that time, there isn’t anything like that present currently “Honour.” (Balzephon) “Eh?” (Imeraria) “For us knights it is honourable to win by fighting our enemies fair and square. It’s not to be pleased with not knowing how to wield a weapon like Vaiya and neither is it to record useless conversations while stealthily peeping from the shadows like the bunch from the Third Knight Order. Originally it all became ridiculous starting with Your Highness appointing that man to a responsible post. We only want to reset that.” (Balzephon) The other knights, who were present in the room, also drew their swords. The frightened maids gathered at one spot. “Right now our other companions are likely getting rid of Sabnak and Lotomago. Once we suppressed the bunch of the former Third Knight Order, we will have Your Highness grandly announce this feat to the citizens.” (Balzephon) Balzephon is elated of himself “Earl Tohno will be banished from this country. Regarding Vichy and Horant, who caused a pointless war, they will receive punishment from the knight order in addition to the reparations.” (Balzephon) “Can you hold onto your honour as knight with such meaningless action?” (Imeraria) Once Imeraria asked as if being disgusted, Balzephon quickly approached her and hit Imeraria’s cheek with his open hand. Even the knight thrusting the sword at her was surprised by that, but he kept his mouth shut while glaring. “Though it was the responsibility of these countries to meaninglessly decrease our knight order, don’t you agree? This will also serve as memorial service for the First and Second Knight Order, who died in the fight against Horant. I won’t allow you to insult that.” (Balzephon) While enduring the pain of her cheek, Imeraria worried more about Hifumi’s situation than that of the man in front of her. The rebellion of the knights silently began before the coronation ceremony.
Such simplicity is fine, huh? Listening to the messenger, this was the style during war. You could say it was an official reason in this case. “Maa, since Pajou is heading toward the castle currently, I doubt she wants me to accompany her.” (Hifumi) As he didn’t really consider Orsongrande an enemy nor did he judge them to be allies either, he didn’t particularly care which path they would choose. The state being as it is, Hifumi officially became the feudal lord of the central viscount territory of Fokalore. The mansion of the former feudal lord of Fokalore became his residence from now on. Even though Hifumi said it would be plenty for him to use a small room like the servants used, he was persuaded by Sabnak that if the feudal lord were in such situation the servants rooms would end up shrinking even more. Thus, the result was that he would use the room Hagenti used before.magic Incidentally, Origa and Alyssa also received a room for living in the same former feudal lord mansion. The two were given rooms that were originally used by the former feudal lord’s relatives. Alyssa swiftly decided on an extravagant room to live in, but she was unusually bewildered having her circumstances being taken care of by maids. From the time Origa returned to Fokalore she stayed close to Hifumi almost as if her position was to be his secretary. She also aspired the room next to Hifumi’s room. Thus she was finishing her work vigorously. Although one part of the expeditionary force returned to the capital, the majority of above people stayed behind. Revising from their organisation during the war, they divided into groups to guard the territory, maintain the public order, and practice all kinds of things. They changed into a simple way of performing a relief rotation and decided to conscript new recruits from within the territory. Alyssa was employed as army manager while Origa was employed to manage the civil officials. Merely for form’s sake Hifumi arranged this shape of system for now. These decisions up until here were made and notified as they decided to move towards Fokalore. After arriving at Fokalore these were immediately realized. And now, in front of Hifumi, four of the slaves took a written test while eagerly sitting at a desk. As it would affect their own future, all of them were desperate. “Alright, it’s time. Everyone put down your pens.” (Hifumi) The scratching sound of filling in the papers ceased and without knowing who it was, the sound of breathing out could be heard. Since it was merely the portion of four people, Hifumi collected the sheets of paper without delay and graded them quickly. “Alright, maa, I guess it’s fine. All of you will operate as civil officials under my direct control.” (Hifumi) After checking the answers of the test, Hifumi tossed the papers on top of the desk and looked at everyone while talking. “I’m so glad...” (Slave) A single woman muttered while the others had a relieved facial expression. “Well then, I will now explain regarding the organisation of this city’s administration. As it isn’t a city of significant scale, it isn’t feasible to make anything but a simple structure. The five of you, you guys and Miyukare, will play a leading role in the administration of this city with Origa on top. As you know, Miyukare will be transferred to the troops. Depending on the situation she will bear the duty of mediating with the administration. Caim “Ano ... What is a family register?” (Paryu) The youngest woman among the slaves, Paryu, raised her hand. “Ah, now that you mention it, I didn’t explain that.” (Hifumi) From each farmer in a village around half of their annual harvest would be collected. Although Hifumi said there were many leaks like that, since there were only few people who could calculate, Sabnak mentioned with confidence that this degree of taxation was the limit of what was possible. “It is work that investigates who and where someone is living and compiles this information. Certainly, because there is obviously no concept of addresses or such either, most of the personnel will be at first sent under your supervision. After explaining the details, they will attach a number to all plots of land and houses within the city. Furthermore they will check up who lives there and what kind of occupation they have. And then you will hand this information over to Caim’s group. This will become the basic information in order to collect the taxes.” (Hifumi) He also explained that the performance of the administration services was based on the information obtained by receiving reports about birth and death. Although Paryu had a face which likewise could mean that she understood it or didn’t, after listening to his explanation she nodded in assent. “Even though I have the work called ‘guidance of the commerce and industry,’ what would be good to do there?” (Doelgar) The next question came from Doelgar, a middle-aged man with a bearded face. “Generally it is to make a guild for every type of industry. Each craftsman and store should be coordinated through them by giving them instructions depending on the situation of the industry and the instructions from the administration. Also, those guys who are unemployed will be efficiently sent to the places, which don’t have enough hands, as manpower by the guilds.” (Hifumi) “I see.” (Doelgar) Doelgar seems to have understood it quickly. “And, before long there will arrive several dwarf slaves at Fokalore. Since they are able to somewhat produce some things as well, we will distribute those goods, which have become our specialty, through the guilds in the country’s market. Everything in regards to that I will entrust to you.” (Hifumi) “I have understood.” (Doelgar) Furthermore, such things as tax collection and tax rate, he explained to everyone the details of what he planned during the war. As soon as the family register information was gathered, he would announce the change of the tax system. In order to validate them, each of them would be given a private room in the feudal lord’s mansion to serve as office and would have an exclusive maid assigned to them. “You can interpret it as your work being this level of demanding and intensity.” (Hifumi) After these words some became scared while others showed their determination. That day the dwarves arrived in the city, they prepared the tools for the construction work in the city and were shown the blueprints while receiving the necessary explanations. The instructions were about the new buildings like the police box, where a smaller amount of guards could be stationed unlike a guard office in concern of the the city’s security. Hifumi was vigorously going through the entire city. As new feudal lord he walked through the city on his own feet. Even though the city’s inhabitants were bewildered in the beginning, it reached the point that they greeted him as they gradually memorized his face. Although Hifumi frankly thought of it as troublesome, considering that they had provided the money and materials for the sake of the war, it naturally turned into him improving his acceptance of the matters regarding his governmental position. “Somehow your mood has become a bit more gentle.” (Origa) Origa smiled while making black tea for Hifumi. Except during work, Origa is always besides me “Is that so? Maa, because I have become a feudal lord there are no fellows lunging at me. Vichy hasn’t made a move yet either. Even though it would be irritating for it to be continuously peaceful as it is now, it will become a large war very soon anyway. I think it is fun to prepare for that.” (Hifumi) However, it is was also a fact that he grew tired from the several days of peace. “That ... I heard from Alyssa.” (Origa) Towards Origa’s voice he returned his consciousness from his deep thinking. “What?” (Hifumi) “It’s about the matter regarding Hifumi-sama sending a written letter in order for to the central government of Vichy to hand over Beirevra. Thank you very much.” (Origa) Given that Alyssa is apparently often consulting with Origa, I guess she heard about it then. “We don’t know yet what kind of effect it will have. There is no guarantee that Vichy will follow it obediently either. There is no need to thank me for something like that.” (Hifumi) “Even if there are no results, I will gladly accept the situation just like that. Because of that, um ...” (Origa) With a deep red face Origa tried to convey something while being fidgety but she wasn’t quite able to put it in words. Seeing her like that, although it is appropriate for a girl of her age, for some reason she ends up wearing me out recently “You better not continue saying anything yet regarding the previous matter.” (Hifumi) “Eh?” (Origa) “Even I am a man. I am happy about your feelings.” (Hifumi) Hifumi urged Origa to the couch in the reception and also sat in front of her himself. “But, I bought you, who was a slave, as a slave. I couldn’t accomplish your vengeance properly either. Maa, I guess for Kasha this much was fine already. Even though I won’t say that I am close to fulfilling your revenge, isn’t this like the often seen part of imprinting something?” (Hifumi) “Th-There is no such thing!” (Origa) Origa, thinking that her feelings were denied, started to spill tears. “Calm down. As I haven’t really settled down in this world yet, you can say that I didn’t think about wanting to have a relationship like that. It is for my own convenience. Sorry.” (Hifumi) Seeing the figure of the apologizing Hifumi, Origa quickly subdued her feelings. “S-Such a degree of apology towards me, Hifumi-sama, please stop it!” (Origa) “I don’t dislike you. But, in the current situation I don’t plan to go any further than that. That’s right ... once the case with Vichy has been settled, I will make time for us to talk at ease. However, only if Origa’s feelings haven’t changed at that time.” (Hifumi) Even though Hifumi’s way of talking showed signs of jesting, Origa took it seriously. “I understand. As my feelings won’t change, I will prove it to you that I am suitable woman to stand at Hifumi-sama’s side. Therefore, could you please watch me?” (Origa) “... Understood” (Hifumi) Was Hifumi’s reply sufficient for her for the time being? Regaining her smile, Origa bowed and left the room as she had to return to her work. Hifumi, who was left behind, unsheathed his katana and checked the sword blade. < Lover, Marriage, huh? Although I didn’t think about these things over there, now that I have become a noble, I wonder if somewhere there is an ojou-san approaching to snuggle up to me like the impressions I got from reading in books? As it is an often heard story, I wonder whether my own character will get as amicable to marry Origa or some other partner? Will I be able to cease killing people? > (Hifumi) Other than killing or being killed, me ending up changing in such way, that is scary. I certainly never expected my first dread would be about relations with women Be it the nation or the city, he was able to abandon them at any time. Sacrificing the populace in those circumstances as well, depending on the situation he wouldn’t have any qualm to do so. < I wonder if there is a fellow who wants to become the bride of such a guy? ... > (Hifumi) Or, I wonder, if becoming the wife is impossible, to become a cherished partner? “Stop, let’s just stop. It will only cause me to feel depressed.” (Hifumi) As it was inevitable for him to worry about various things without making a decision either, he continued to immerse himself in his work. Apparently it wasn’t only Thorn who worked early but it was something that could be said for the entire dwarven race. The dwarf slaves Hifumi had bought from Ular did their assigned work energetically from the first day after arriving in Fokalore. As dwarves were purchased, the remainder was working at the construction of the city currently. The manufacturing area was an extensive workshop which was bought to be utilized. Seeing the figure of Hifumi arriving, Pruflas ran up to him. “Oo, feudal lord-sama?” (Pruflas) “It seems the work is making progress.” (Hifumi) Despite it only being one day since the work had started, there were already several products lined up at the side of the workshop. “No, not at all. Since accepting the assignment of such enjoyable work, we are doing our best. After becoming slaves, though we wondered whether we would work in the mines until death, we can now produce things that we haven’t seen until now either like this and that. We all do this in order to thank the feudal lord. Now, please confirm whether we were able to follow your instructions adequately!” (Prulflas) Guided by Prulflas, he checked the products in turns. So that huge quantities could be produced in a short time, rather than making arrows, the lances were quickly made by simply shaving the wood. Although it was troublesome to explain the constructions, he judged it to be the maximum priority of his instructions to increase the means of transportation as it was indispensable to invigorate the industry. “Although I can understand the weapons, what do you want to do with this wagon called “rail car”? Certainly, as it is easy to move it with two people even if it has to carry heavy load, according to the blueprints it doesn’t provide a function to make a curve.” (Pruflas) “I will draw up an exclusive rail. To say it accurately, we will lay out two poles side-by-side and place it on top of them. It will make the curves according to the curving of those poles.” (Hifumi) “Haven’t you finished the movement test? Since I will dispatch some personnel as support, please construct two rails around the whole city.” (Hifumi) Hifumi handed over a drawing of the whole city. It showed the traced lines of the drawn parts of the roads. “Are there two of them?” (Pruflas) “It’s convenient to have one going around in reverse. It will be a popular way of cheap travelling. It will stimulate the movement of people and goods in the whole city.” (Hifumi) At the exaggerated agreement of Pruflas, Hifumi laughed refreshingly. “It is different. After this, I will have you make further rails having segments diverging away from this city to other places. In the direction of the national border.” (Hifumi) “Not in the direction of the royal capital?” (Pruflas) “Obviously not. Won’t these be used in order to quickly transport materials for the war? Goods and people as well. That alone is already advantageous for swiftly preparing.” (Hifumi) The young feudal lord talked about dangerous things while smiling brightly. Prulflas had his breath taken away. <This is the rumored hero “Knight of the Slender Sword”?> (Pruflas) As for Prulflas, rather than a hero he felt something even more dreadful. But, thinking back on his own position, there was nothing for him to do but displaying his skill here. He acted as if he didn’t hear Hifumi’s indications and renewed his attitude. While he had a hunch that this city would become a battlefield someday.
“Your Majesty.” The one entering Imeraria’s bedchamber after knocking was Sabnak’s wife, Shibyula. Only Sabnak, her and Prime Minister Adol, Shibyula’s father, knew of Imeraria’s aim. And also what Hifumi might have done in this room until before-dawn. “Shibyula-san...?” (Imeraria) “I have brought warm milk, Milady.” (Shibyula) Shibyula put down a cup with steam rising next to the bed, and then took out a towel from a bucket with hot water and wrung it strongly. “Please wipe your body with this.” (Shibyula) “Thank you.” (Imeraria) Shibyula, who answered the gratitude with a smile, fetched a pure-white nightgown from the closet and gently wraps it over Imeraria’s shoulders who had finished drying her body. “The preparations for taking a bath will be done very soon. Please cleanse your body before your official duties.” (Shibyula) “That’s a big help...umm, do I smell after all?” (Imeraria) Imeraria timidly asked while sniffing the scent of her own body. By herself she can only sense a slight smell of Hifumi lingering within her own sweat smell. “Yes. The mixed scent of man and woman is something very obvious to anyone besides the involved parties. If it’s the maids around here, I suppose this would likely develop into a somewhat juicy topic of gossip.” (Shibyula) Imeraria puts down the cup, buttons up the front of her gown in a hurry, and picks up the incense burner placed at her bedside as if having suddenly remembered it, handing it over to Shibyula. “I’m going to return this to you before I forget.” (Imeraria) “Yes. I have certainly received it back from you, Your Majesty.” (Shibyula) “Does it really work?” (Imeraria) Imeraria inclines her head to the side in doubt while patting her abdomen that still causes her pain. The incense burner is a magic tool which burns a special, odourless medicine considered to steeply rise the impregnation probability of women. She has matched it with her menstruation cycle, but being worried nonetheless, Imeraria sought counsel from Shibyula who had borrowed the burner from her father. Adol, who intended to hide the fact of him possessing such magic tool, reluctantly agreed lending it with a pale face since it was for the sake of the queen. Adol, who went without children for a long time, apparently got his hands on it after looking for it everywhere. The birth of Shibyula proved the tool’s effectiveness. At the time when she was given the medicine and the incense burner while being told that anecdote, Imeraria wore an expression making it clear that she didn’t know what kind of face she should make. “Since there’s not much time left anymore, all I can do is to pray that I was properly blessed with a child.” (Imeraria) “Let’s have you get periodically examined. At earliest, you should know whether you succeeded in around two months. I tried it as well on the day I borrowed it, so if all goes well, I will also be able to counsel you on child rearing, Your Majesty.” (Shibyula) “Y-Yes...” (Imeraria) It was the same with Adol as well, but Imeraria was bad at chatting “about such things” with acquaintances. Because she doesn’t have that much experience in it, she doesn’t know how to answer best. “Anyway, please help me out once the child is born. I don’t have any plans of officially announcing the birth of my child. Ah yes, how about finding a person in charge of wet nursing and education?” (Imeraria) “That would be a lifesaver. Once my child is born, I won’t be able to continue working as maid anymore.” (Shibyula) “But,” Shibyula squinted her eyes. “I don’t know whether it will be a prince or princess, but... are you not going to tell that child about its father either?” (Shibyula) “I fully intend to speak about what kind of person Hifumi-sama was. But, I won’t tell them that he’s their father. I still haven’t decided, but I will eventually explain it away that my partner was a provincial noble who died early.” (Imeraria) Shibyula was about to speak up, but then decided against it while holding the incense burner with its little lingering warmth. “I’m terribly sorry to push something troublesome on you, but...” (Imeraria) “There’s no problem because I have the opportunity to vent my emotions. Of course I will also serve as outlet for you, Milady. If it allows me to get along well with you, Your Majesty, it will be a blessing for me as retainer.” (Shibyula) “Therefore I’d like you to give me any order without any reservations,” Shibyula says. “Then, there’s something I want to ask of you, if that’s fine.” (Imeraria) “Yes, Your Majesty.” (Shibyula) “Can you please raise your child to be a friend of mine?” (Imeraria) Shibyula opened her eyes wide in surprise, but immediately recovered a gentle smile after grasping Imeraria’s intention. “With pleasure, Your Majesty. I’m very sure that this will be something wonderful for my child as well.” (Shibyula) Looking at each other with smiles, both chat about their first experience and the man’s treatment for some time. Afterwards Imeraria heads to her exclusive bathroom and Shibyula takes the bedding with its fresh blood stains and carries it to the incinerator to burn it in secret. ◆◇◆◇◆ And then a single document arrived at Imeraria’s place who came back from her hot bath. It was a record of the battle against the demons that occurred at the national border near Rhone in Tohno Earldom, reporting about the successful defense. It also mentioned that the demons were hiding inside Vichy, or in worst case, had already occupied Vichy. “The demons should have already retreated, no? Isn’t that too early? Just what happened here!?” (Imeraria) But, Vaiya, who brought the document, and Sabnak, who attended the castle since early morning together with Shibyula, can’t give Imeraria a precise answer. “Going by our estimations, a different unit switched with the one repulsed by Earl Tohno and attacked Vichy. They probably succeeded in invading or occupying Vichy. Otherwise it would mean that their traveling time was abnormally short.” Imeraria pointed out, “That thinking is naive” to Vaiya who thought it to be improbable. “I heard various stories about magic from Puuse-san. She says that there are many different kinds of magic besides barrier magic. As long as the caster is reasonably skilled, even flying in the sky is possible or such. In the first place, it’s questionable whether it’s too much of an exaggeration for... a person, who was summoned from another world, to be here, but it proves that it’s possible.” (Imeraria) Imeraria predicted that it was possible to travel at high speed or transfer from one place to another with some kind of method. Since they were actually able to use summoning magic, the possibility of such methods existing isn’t zero. “The opponents are demons. We are assuming that they have fields in magic where they excel over the elves. Using the common sense of humans here will likely pull the carpet from under our feet.” (Imeraria) Imeraria lowered her look on the report once more. “Well then, how should we move...?” (Imeraria) There was a lot less time left than she was thinking. ☺☻☺ “Shit! Ain’t that completely different from what the lot of the advance unit said!?” A single demon soldier, who was frantically running while retracing the path towards his own camp, shouted as if spitting out his words as he looked in utter annoyance at the firm wall erected around Rhone, which was visible in the rear. He barely managed to scratch the wall with his prided stone-throwing magic, and far from making an entrance for the sake of charging in, he couldn’t even open a hole in the wall. Although they were forced to withdraw at an early stage due to Hifumi, the demon soldiers led by Bashim, who managed to invade into Vichy, properly succeeded in sending their comrades into Vichy. Using them as foothold, the demon army, which suddenly appeared inside the country due to Vepar’s transfer magic, gained total control of Vichy in the blink of an eye. As they also had to worry about their numbers, they basically confined all those in charge at each place, confiscated the weapons and stopped any flow of goods with the exception of allowing food to be delivered. Even if the people escaped, the probability of running into demons would only increase the closer they got to the borders with Orsongrande and Horant. Besides those two countries, the only place they could go to were the wastelands. But in reality the people of all cities in Vichy couldn’t pick the option of leaving their city. With that as precedent, the demon soldiers believed that the invasion of Orsongrande would likely easily come to an end, seeing that it’s also a human country, albeit a different one. As a matter of fact, even Vepar didn’t expect anything other than that. “Uwaah!” Next to the cursing demon soldier, his comrade collapsed after being stabbed by a spear. But, he doesn’t have the leeway to lend him a hand. “Agyaaah!” The scream of yet another demon was audible. “Shit! Shit!” Unable to stand the horror from behind, the soldier leapt into the shadow of a rock within reach. “Ah, there’s still so much distance left to our camp...?” More than meters ahead he sees the battle camp they constructed. Although it’s called a battle camp, it’s nothing more than a simple assembly point serving as landmark where they gathered their luggage such as food. However, he didn’t have the courage to run that far while turning his back on the enemy within a downpour of spears instead of arrows. “I guess I have no other option but to wait for the attacks to relax...” I don’t know when that might happen, but at least it’s better than dying. “Fuck! I heard that humans can’t use any decent magic, so what the hell was that?” The soldier grumbles while being aware that he won’t receive any response. Around demon soldier surged into Vichy all of a sudden through Vepar’s transfer magic. For their numbers to be so scarce was because the demon race itself has a small population. But what might have been fatal for them was the lack in ability to command of the woman called Vepar. Or, it might have been different if she had an excellent aide. she thought. If they had focused on Horant rather than Orsongrande, or if she had reversed the ratio of attackers and reserves, the demons might have been able to trample down the opposition to their heart’s content. However, considering the defense capability of Vichy towards the wastelands, which they didn’t guard overly much, as standard, she estimated that they would be easily capable of breaking through the national border as long as they don’t run into some disastrous encounters. By the way, Hifumi’s characteristics have been handed down to the entire army and they were strictly order to retreat at once when coming across him. The plan created by the demon army was simple; destroy or heavily damage the border fortress and walls with magic and then break through with demons excelling in physical strength. However, the demons and their collaborators, who began their magic attack against the city of Rhone, experienced something unbelievable. The rocks and fires cast by them were completely blocked by a magic barrier. Furthermore, due to the spears coming flying in succession through hidden round holes in the wall, the magic attack unit was reduced by half in a flash and was forced to retreat at once after being routed together with the soldiers waiting for the charge. “Captain is...” Quietly surveying the surroundings from within the shade of the rock, the soldier discovered a tall demon with two spears growing out of their back lying on the ground. “Dead, huh? Even if someone else has taken up command, I want to get back home for starters, but... will I be able to?” We arrived at this place with the help of Vepar’s transfer magic. The next gate will open in three days. It’s for the sake of getting a grasp on the combat situation and to substitute the personnel. Even if I could get back home on a horse or by foot, I haven’t prepared that much food. And even if I collected the food of my dead comrades, I have no means to transport it. “Should I go steal a carriage from a human city...? No, I don’t know the path through the wastelands to begin with.” The soldier takes another sip of water while feeling desperate. I have to somehow survive for a full three days. “Humph, they weren’t worth all that fuss.” (Pruflas) “Don’t get carried away. If the elven magic barrier didn’t exist, it would have become dangerous.” (Miyukare) Miyukare admonished Pruflas, who is laughing at the escaping demon soldiers while peeking at the other side of the border through a loophole, with a sigh. Fokalore’s soldiers are moving around in a hurry, putting strenuous efforts into inspections of the spear throwers, relieving the shooters and resupplying spears. By the way, the Orsongrande soldiers in charge of border security have huddled together in a corner after having lost their place to be and are preparing themselves for battle just in case. “Well then, I will have you allow us to take a temporary break.” (Zanga) “Then we will help out here in exchange.” (Reni) Zanga and Reni inform Miyukare. “Yes. Thank you very much for your cooperation. I’m very sorry about exhausting you, but if there’s yet another attack...” (Miyukare) “I don’t mind. Please call us right away. After all magic barriers are the only things we are good at.” (Zanga) “Well then, let me get some sleep,” Zanga returns to the hotel given as lodging house to the elves and beastmen while laughing. Several elves, who finished their duty of deploying the barrier, likewise followed her from behind. The remaining Reni headed to the location of the beastmen on standby, ordered them to take breaks in alternation and returned to Miyukare once again. Miyukare’s cheeks become slack due to her fluffy, white fur swaying as she comes running. “Us beastmen can move at any time.” (Reni) “You being here was a really great help. I will arrange for some food, so please take it.” (Miyukare) “That helps...at any rate.” Reni turns her eyes towards the top of the wall. There she saw Alyssa assuming an imposing stance with her deep crimson mantle fluttering in the wind while observing the movements of the demons and giving firing orders to the soldiers. After staring at her for a short while, Reni returned her gaze to Miyukare, showing a weak smile. “Somehow Lord-sama resembles Hifumi-san.” (Reni) “Eh...?” (Miyukare) Miyukare looked up the wall with its height of around four meters. Alyssa, who keeps her balance even while being hit by the wind, looked dignified, despite her small build. You could even say that her bearing resembles Hifumi at the time of training with the soldiers. It’s also possible that doing so was Alyssa’s aim. “Eh, no way! Eh... no no!” (Miyukare) Strongly shaking her head, Miyukare wiped away the overlapping images inside her head. “Ah, Alyssa-sama isn’t as audacious as her predecessor. In addition, her cuteness is on a completely different level. How could you confuse her with a man whose eyes are cold and who doesn’t think of others...” (Miyukare) “Really? I think their cuteness is similar though? Don’t you consider it adorable to watch them do what they want to do with all their might?” (Reni) Miyukare was confused while watching the back of Reni, who is going back to the gathering of beastmen as she laughs with a “Hahaha.” “Cute? That man is?” (Miyukare) Alyssa called out to Miyukare, who is wracking her brain wondering whether all the beastmen have such a taste, from atop. “Miyukare-san!” (Alyssa) “Y-Yes! What’s wrong?” (Miyukare)magic “Pleeease! Call Viine~!” (Alyssa) “Understood! Please wait a moment!” (Miyukare) Miyukare answers at the top of her lungs to Alyssa who loudly speaks to her, apparently having troubles to hear due to the wind, and heads towards the town hall at a quick pace. “Ufufu...I knew it, she’s completely different from that man after all. With that man gone and because Viine is on communications duty, I can stay all day long next to Lord-sama as her assistant...” (Miyukare) The person intends to smile sweetly, but looking at it objectively, it’s a wicked smile with only the corners of her mouth lifted, causing the surrounding people to naturally get out of her way. “Yeah, I have to make that stupid war end as soon as possible. I’m sure that Fokalore will become a much more wonderful city under Alyssa-sama... No, it has to become so!” (Miyukare) While also including one person with a partly impure motive, the foundation of Alyssa as feudal lord was in the process of solidifying.
It was on the third day after coming back from Fokalore when Midas discovered Nelgal and joined up with him. “Such things happened?” (Nelgal) “It’s disgraceful as it apparently exposes the pathetic state of affairs in Orsongrande, but for that reason it’s not allowed for anything to happen to you by any chance, Nelgal-sama, is Queen Imeraria’s thinking.” (Midas) “That’s appreciated. It’s an ideal that a nation’s inside is a monolith, but I do understand that it’s a complicated matter.” (Nelgal) “The situation in Horant is even graver”, Nelgal smiles. Discussing while drinking water in a room of a cheap inn is quite unsuitable for a succeeding king, though not quite yet, and a knight, however there was a certain connotation in the uncouth atmosphere between Nelgal’s plain character and the un-knight-like Midas. Once Midas explained the particulars of the current situation, Nelgal willingly accepted the escort by the knights. “As a matter of fact it might not only be the nobles of your country who are aiming for my life.” (Nelgal) “What do you mean by that?” (Midas) “There are also people in Horant who don’t approve a moderate like me seizing authority.” (Nelgal) “That’s what it means”, Nelgal showed a worn-out face. Even though he braced himself for an assassination during his travel, it wouldn’t do if he didn’t think about his movements after returning to his country. Originally his plans were to study about the city state system of Vichy after studying abroad in Fokalore, to return home after putting together his very own political measures, to become royalty after preparing plentifully with Suprangel and to get crowned while waiting for stability. “Really, things never go as planned. Since there’s a testament in the country and I have been given it for caution’s sake as well, I expect that I will be able to get enthroned without any problems though.” (Nelgal) All that won’t have any future if Nelgal ends up dying. Once again Midas had a feeling that his emotions became tense due to the significance of his mission. “According to Horant’s laws, until the successor takes the throne, once the king has died, the one in charge of the army is dismissed temporarily and it will become a matter of everything being handed over to the next king by the prime minister and the civil officials. It’s a measurement against the military authorities running wild.” (Nelgal) “Therefore, even if they deal with attacks from outside, they will never invade a foreign country on their own devices”, Nelgal tells Midas in order to give him a peace of mind. However, Midas had a doubt about that system. (In other words, that means, with Nelgal, who’s the next king, being here, the prime minister actually holds the supreme authority until Nelgal returns to Horant and gets crowned. He might indeed not attack a foreign country by himself. But, if Horant is attacked by a foreign country, and if he obtains the justification of acting on behalf of self-defence...?) And currently there’s the teaching unit, dispatched from Hifumi’s territory, in Horant. “Yes. What is it?” (Nelgal) “... Pardon my rudeness, but is it fine for me to talk hypothetically?” (Midas) “I don’t mind. Go head.” (Nelgal) The guarding Horant soldier, who stood at Nelgal’s side, showed that his body was filled with tension, however Midas asked boldly, “If... you waited with your return without going back to Horant as is, Nelgal-sama, what will happen with the authority of His Excellency, the prime minister?” (Midas) “With all due respect, what do you intended by asking such question...?” Nelgal held back the guard, who raised his voice unable to endure it, by raising his right hand. “In other words, there’s the possibility of the prime minister hindering my return, is what you are saying?” (Nelgal) “... Or, to announce you missing...” (Midas) Nelgal looked up to the sky due to Midas’ squeezed out words. The ceiling boards, which stand out as they are blackened and slightly dirty, appear as if they are representing my own feelings. “In order for me to not be found for all my life, you mean? It might be a good method to change it into him seizing authority over my loyal subjects.” (Nelgal) The soldier from Horant became completely pale. Even if he considered the possibility of being attacked by bandits in Orsongrande, he likely didn’t think of a situation of being aimed at by fellow countrymen. “Nelgal-sama. Let’s hurry as much as possible. We will further reinforce the personnel in the capital. I will help you return to your country with all my power. Regarding what happens after that, that...” (Midas) “You have offered more than plenty. As for after my return home, that’s something I have to deal with by myself. Rather than that, is it alright for you to support me that much?” (Nelgal) Midas shook his head due to Nelgal laughing while asking “aren’t you going a bit too far for a person from another country?” “Our country, Orsongrande, not to mention Queen Imeraria, doesn’t wish for a battle with anyone happening. ... As you are well aware, there’s a person who is quite capable of threatening even his own country if that leads to starting a war with another country.” (Midas) “Pu...ahahaha!” (Nelgal) Nelgal, who raised a laughter while unable to endure it any longer, restrained his voice somehow and apologized with “I’m sorry.” “Good gracious, although he is the feudal lord of a single province, for even the Queen to worry about his movements... I once again understood the reason, why His Majesty, Suprangel, sent me to study there, very well. He is a person that can’t be imitated at all.” (Nelgal) “If everyone was like that man, the people wouldn’t be able to pass their time peacefully.” (Midas) Midas tilts his head to the side due to Nelgal smiling. “Although he won’t show mercy to an opponent that appeared at the actual site of a battle, he has a kind side towards those who are indifferent to fighting from the beginning. As he won’t take any soldiers, but those who volunteered, along to a battlefield, that also means that the people won’t be greatly anxious as with Horant that turns them into soldiers by drafting.” (Nelgal) Midas listens while staring in wonder. “It looks like you are an acquaintance of that man as well, thus you probably know about it. Choose yourself whether to fight or not, and once you decided to fight, kill your opponents using any mean possible... that’s what he is telling the soldiers in Fokalore.” (Nelgal) Looking at Midas who is dumbfounded, Nelgal once again raised a laughter unable to to hold it back. ☺☻☺ At daybreak Hifumi took Origa and Alyssa and departed Fokalore on horse. There are no guards. There was no one who raised up words about the necessity of bringing guards along either. “Was it really alright for me to come with you?” (Alyssa) Alyssa quietly asked Origa who is galloping next to her. Being allowed her wish to accompany Hifumi, who at first planned to go to the capital alone, Origa moreover recommended for Alyssa accompanying them as well. Surprised by the sudden designation, Alyssa, who thought that Origa accompanying him also served as trip for the married couple with no outsiders being present, refused since there’s also the command and organization of the reinforcements, but receiving an invitation under the pretext of having “a talk between women” from Origa that evening, it turned into a travel with three people as she complied to the persuasion. “It’s fine. Alyssa, you are a friend who travelled with Hifumi-sama as well. Nowadays such opportunities have completely diminished, too. Wasn’t it just the right time?” (Origa) , but even so her heart has become happy and restless about travelling with Hifumi and Origa for some reason. “However, you were finally able to have a trip as married couple.” (Alyssa) “I was allowed to be together with Hifumi-sama from the day he came to this world. Besides, I had plenty of time to spend together with him after returning to Fokalore.” (Origa) She smiles while blushing, but Alyssa knows that the “plenty” means her mostly accompanying him in his training. Though she doesn’t know about what happens after they return to their own room in the evening. Alyssa didn’t have any confidence whether that way of relationship between a man and a woman was correct as she never associated with a man until now, but she thought The fief’s army soldiers are gentle. Although Miyukare pokes her nose into various matters as well, it is a rather fun companionship, if pushed to say. “Men, huh...?” (Alyssa) Naturally she turned her look at Hifumi’s back. “By the way.” (Origa) Alyssa’s shoulders trembled with a start due to Origa’s voice. “W-What?” (Alyssa) “Hifumi-sama’s left hand is all the time covered by a glove, I wonder whether you have heard anything about that.” (Origa) Alyssa tilted her head to the side with an “Oh?” “I don’t know, but... Origa-san, didn’t you ask him yourself?” (Alyssa) “Even when I did, he ended up dodging the matter... I see, Alyssa, you haven’t heard anything about it either.” (Origa) What Origa showed was an expression of relief and worry. While feeling relieved that it’s not only her who hasn’t been told anything, she feels that she wants him to tell just her if something’s wrong. Alyssa realized that vaguely. “Aren’t you worried about it, Alyssa?” (Origa) “Although I became mindful of it, he would likely tell me if it was necessary to do so... Yea, if Hifumi-san considered it to be fine like this, I’m fine with as well, I think.” (Alyssa) Origa showed a smile unintentionally due to the bright and laughing voice of Alyssa. “I have a feeling and believe that I’m sometimes no match for you. Oh well. If I stay close to Hifumi-sama, he will probably tell me one day. There’s no need to hurry.” (Origa) Breathing out very deeply, Origa fixed her grip on the reins. “Alyssa, you have a pleasant smile. I like that smile of yours, too.” (Origa) During their talk last night, Alyssa also told Origa about the death of her soldiers and her defeat against Balzephon. The smile that Alyssa showed then was an awkward one while conducting herself stout-heartedly. “G-Geez. That’s somewhat embarrassing.” (Alyssa) Due to Origa smiling at Alyssa, who waves her hands while becoming red up until her ears, Hifumi called out to them. “I’m sorry about interrupting your fun time, but I will go ahead.” (Hifumi) “Yes, it’s about the thieves ahead of us, isn’t it?” (Origa) Origa smiles sweetly at Hifumi who turned around. Just a minute ago around people, who are lying in wait ahead of the highway, were caught by Origa’s spell Echolocation. “You found them, eh? You have practised it properly.” (Hifumi) “It’s a spell for which you provided the idea, dear. Thus it’s only natural.” (Origa) “Well, then I’m off.” (Hifumi) Without waiting for an answer, Hifumi quickly went ahead. Origa and Alyssa see his back off as he plunges forward while setting up a pole of around cm, he took out before either of them realized, on his right side with a whack. “Let us hurry as well?” (Origa) “To help him?” (Alyssa) Origa smiles while saying “no way” towards Alyssa’s question. “Even you want to see it, right? How Hifumi-sama kills people stylishly.” (Origa) “Ah... yea, that’s true.” (Alyssa) “Let’s go. I don’t want to miss even a second of it.” (Origa) Watching Origa who chased Hifumi’s back, Alyssa felt something fall down with a thump in her chest. “... I see. Origa-san is living with all her might for the sake of her own “love.”” (Alyssa) I was only preoccupied with Hifumi, but right next to me there was an amazing person “Love, eh?” (Alyssa) Let’s live honestly and straightforwardly while becoming a bit more frank with myself as well First I will chase that back. ☺☻☺ “... Is it alright for the ruler of the demons to come out this far?” “It’s fine. I was pushed by all my subordinates... they left it to me while trusting me.” “A resignation from your official duties, it is?” “I’d like you to call it a nurturing of my subordinates.” As Vepar, who became the ruler of the demons, and the elf Puuse have a quarrel right in the middle of the wastelands, their fellow travellers have taken distance and are glaring at each other. While crossing the wastelands heading towards Hifumi’s territory, Puuse’s group bumped into Vepar who left after claiming to inspect the situation outside herself which finally allowed her to set out. Although they don’t know each other’s faces, the elves and demons are well aware of the other’s characteristics. “Puuse-san, these people are...” “I have realized it right away by the colour of their skin. They are demons.” (Puuse) Even though Puuse exposed her vigilance, Vepar introduced herself, but even so, far from lowering her tension, Puuse glared at Vepar with an even more intense gaze. “All things considered, it’s unusual. Dog, rabbit and tiger beastmen together and there’s even an elf with them.” (Vepar) The one Vepar pointed out as dog beastman was Gengu. He has come along in order to meet with Hifumi while at the same time acting as guard. He also serves as sparring partner for the tiger beastman Malfas en route. “This world has changed while you demons have secluded yourselves.” (Puuse) “Wasn’t it you elves who locked us up?” (Vepar) “The ones who did something to be locked up were the demons, right?” (Puuse) The fate between elves and demons has been inherited for generations and is warped at the roots. Seeing Puuse, who usually has an obedient and calm character, having a quarrel with such naked hostility, Malfas and Gengu stared in wonder. Having mostly no relations with demons, the beastmen, who don’t have a custom of leaving something like a legend from their ancestors behind, don’t understand Puuse’s emotions. “Well, it’s fine. At any rate, it looks like there was a complete change in the power distribution in the wastelands, too.” (Vepar) “The time for beastmen, elves and humans to meet each other and take each other’s hands has come. You should probably understand that it’s impossible for the demons to exercise their authority like before.” (Puuse) “Puuse-san, let’s drop it.” The one-eared rabbitwoman stops Puuse by placing her hand on Puuse’s shoulder. “Ruler-sama of the demons, we still have a very long travel ahead of us. Please, won’t you be able to overlook us in this place?” Vepar sighed deeply due to the rabbitwoman who lowered her head which had only one ear remaining on it. “Aren’t we completely the villains like this? We don’t have any particular intention to travel together with you. I only wanted to check the state outside for just a bit.” (Vepar) “But”, Vepar looked at Puuse with a fleeting glance and called out to the rabbitwoman, “I wonder whether you can tell me what you are planning and where you are headed, rabbit-san?” (Vepar) “That is, the necessity to tell you is...” (Puuse) The rabbitwoman stops Puuse, who raised her voice, with a 「Please wait」. “I fell in love with a human male. Therefore I’m heading towards a human city to meet him.” “Oh my, love that exceeds races, you say? How beautiful. What kind of person is he?” (Vepar) “Ummm... as gentle person who treats beastmen and humans in the same manner, he is very powerful even though he doesn’t look like he is that strong. He is overbearing but refreshing in some respects...” Vepar and Puuse, who look at each other’s faces, have the same expression towards the rabbitwoman who talks while being bashful. Frowning and troubled expressions. “Umm, you know.... rabbit-san, what your name?” (Vepar) “It’s Viine “Viine-chan. Does that person wear a thin, single-edged sword at his waist and slightly peculiar and frilly clothes while having black hair per chance?” (Vepar) “That’s right! Do you know about master!?” (Viine) “Master?” (Vepar) “It seems that Viine-san was originally purchased as slave by that person.” (Puuse) Puuse supplements it as painful matter of the past, but as it doesn’t appear to be a especially detestable past for the person concerned, she seems to be excited about meeting a person who says that she knows Hifumi. “Certainly, I met master in the shape of being bought by him, but he gave me a chance to survive by my own strength, gave me friends and provided learning to me who didn’t know anything.” (Viine) Vepar and Puuse look at each other once again due to Viine talking while being somewhat excited. Gengu’s group’s male party and Vepar’s escorts have been completely left out of the loop. “I won’t say anything bad, but give up on that man.” (Vepar) “... Eh?” (Viine) Once Vepar voiced out her clearly dissuading remark, Viine blinked her eyes in puzzlement. “That man is a dangerous guy who enjoys stirring up the world. Since you will definitely become unhappy if you are close to him, look for a better man.” (Vepar) “Such, such a thing!” (Viine)magic Viine sent a look towards Puuse seeking for timely help, however Puuse lowered her sight. “Umm... as for calling him a dangerous person, I have to agree as well...” (Puuse) Due to Puuse’s remark which was muttered honestly albeit she looked as if it was difficult for her to say, Viine dropped her shoulders in a crestfallen manner and ended up bursting into tears. “T-The beastmen, at least the city of beastmen, everyone was able to have such livelihood thanks to master. And yet, and yet...” (Viine) “S-Sorry. I don’t think badly of Hifumi-san either. However, he is a bit, scary if you are close to him, or rather...” (Puuse) “He is frightening, isn’t he? Isn’t he someone that looks like he’s walking with a drawn sword.” (Vepar) Upon Vepar’s comment, Viine finally ends up wailing. “A-Anyway, since we will withdraw from here, you demons, quickly return to your original place and forget about your former glory.” (Puuse) Puuse glances at Vepar and soothes apologetically Viine by hugging her shoulders while walking into the wastelands once again. Even Gengu’s group, which was dumbfounded, somehow followed them after bowing towards Vepar. “... Eh? Is this my bad?” (Vepar) Surveying the guards who are waiting behind her, it was only female members, whose disposition she knew, as her subordinates who were under her command from the beginning, but all of the girls simultaneously averted their looks from Vepar. “Jus...” Even though she complains by saying “though I just said it out of kindness” while pouting, Vepar turned her look towards the opposite direction of where Puuse’s group was heading. “W-Well, it’s fine. Rather than that, I heard something interesting. Humans, elves and beastmen, huh?” (Vepar) “It looks like it has become a somewhat enjoyable stroll”, Vepar licked her lips.
“Okay!” Border city Rhone. A seemingly relieved voice can be heard atop the wall built towards the highway. Ahead of where Phyrinion, who stands at the historically most peaceful front line, is looking up to inside the wall, Alyssa just finished throwing a wooden tube, which had a stone tied to it as weight, outside the wall. A hole within the wall. According to the dwarves: if you peer though that opening which seems to be for the sake of shooting, you could see the projectile drop into the thickets which were to be found next to the highway. Additionally, it’s at a distance one can barely confirm by sight. Just like her predecessor, it seems to be no mistake to label Alyssa as person who represents the militaristic nature of the Tohno Earldom. “It contains a letter for the demons, so check it out!” (Alyssa) Once Alyssa loudly called out towards the thickets, a thicket close to where the letter had dropped shook. It’s unclear whether it shook with the intention to give a reply or to simply retrieve the letter, but even Phyrinion senses the tension transmitted by the surrounding soldiers who are holding onto the spear throwers while holding their breaths. Alyssa, who used to be a lovable mascot and her superior before, is now the feudal lord. Among the male soldiers a wild atmosphere of making new resolves and performing self-styled rituals of offering their lives had begun to run rampant. But, basically they are guys that get the things done that have to be done. “Alright, the mission is done!” (Alyssa) Once they heard the voice of Alyssa, who jumped off the wall, the tension escaped from everyone. Of course there are soldiers who stay on alert as they are on duty, but there’s no need for those to tremble nervously during their observation duty. Rather, they were told to relax and slowly observe how things go, and to let the spears fly if something happens. “Continue the lookout as usual. I leave the rest to you.” (Alyssa) Alyssa curtly orders a nearby lower-ranking commanding officer and then comes over to Phyrinion. “It’s done. Now we have to wait for the reply.” (Alyssa) “Thank you. Well then, I will wait in this city until there’s a reply from the other party.” (Phyrinion) “Though it’s a boring city as there’s nothing here,” Alyssa laughs, but Phyrinion thought, From the way of the wall’s build to the construction of the surveillance system, and moreover the management methods to receive refugees. It’s to the extent that she would immediately send letters to the capital and her home to dispatch people to study these things here, if there wasn’t the exchange with the demons. “No, rather it’s surely in such state because the battlefield is nearby, right? I wonder whether I should propose it, even if it’s just for the future.” (Phyrinion) “Propose what?” (Alyssa) “Ah, no, it’s something unrelated, Earl.” (Phyrinion) While Phyrinion is pondering about this and that, a new letter from the capital arrived. “...I wonder what’s this about?” (Phyrinion) “I-I can’t say anything about it...” (Clinora) Not knowing what face to pull, the maid Clinora shook her head at Phyrinion, who was speechless while knitting her brows. The content of a letter she was told about by her master is nothing the likes of a maid should comment on. “Her Majesty the Queen is pregnant...the other party isn’t mentioned here, but no way...you don’t say!” (Phyrinion) I should send congratulations as noble of the kingdom, but I also have to coordinate it with my husband Vaiya. I must quickly send a message home, send a congratulatory gift to my husband and have it delivered to the royal palace in the name of my husband and father. “Good grief, I feel like my time as knight had been a lot less stressful.” (Phyrinion) ☺☻☺ The announcement of Imeraria’s pregnancy was carried out on a grand scale. Except for those who knew about the situation like Sabnak, it was an eye-popping surprise to the chief vassals like the prime minister. There were opinions that the news should be withheld as much as possible, but Imeraria rejected that. “It’s nothing disgraceful. There’s no particular need to state the identity of the father, but no matter whether the child will be male or female, there’s no doubt that they will become the official successor. I have no intention to oust this child.” (Imeraria) “But, I’m worried about the effect on the nobles...” “Just how many nobles, who have the backbone to publicly state their opinion against royalty, exist? Besides, if it came to choosing a husband for me, it would turn into quite the dispute, wouldn’t it?” (Imeraria) With Vichy’s destruction, the only option to take a husband from another country is limited to Horant. Seeing as Imeraria’s child will automatically become the successor, everyone agreed that it wouldn’t be overly smart to let the blood from another country enter the royal bloodline. It wouldn’t be strange for that act to be perceived as invasion into the bloodline by Horant. Having said that, if it comes to choosing a husband from among the nobles, it would become extremely complicated. That’s because becoming the maternal relative of the royal family grants one a very influential voice. At the moment there’s also the special situation of Imeraria being the only royal left alive. If it was a good family that sent the prince consort, their clout would become immeasurable. If Imeraria were to officially announce that she chose a noble from within the country as husband, it would likely end in a lot of blood being spilled. In the worst case it would develop into a civil war between the nobles. “Not knowing the other party who made the child with me is convenient. Since they have a social standing that wouldn’t allow for it, it won’t be announced. Or it might be fine to assume it was managed...hidden for the sake of avoiding a dispute between nobles or a despotism by blood relatives.” (Imeraria) The move of announcing Imeraria’s pregnancy, which highhandedly made use of the state’s power to an extent that hadn’t been seen in the past, gave a huge shock to the ones serving inside the royal castle, starting with the maids, much less to say about the civil and military officials. The news was released to the general public while that shock was still lingering. Starting with the plaza in front of the royal palace, it was posted in front of the various guard stations of the soldiers and knights all over the capital. Even while feeling baffled, a celebratory mood immediately spread among the population. This time the announcement was only posted at the bulletin board at the entrance to the plaza. In the name of offering a peace of mind to the pregnant queen, it was decided to set up a temporary restriction for entering the plaza in front of the royal castle. “This also serves as preliminary arrangements to welcome the demons.” At the meeting about how to deal with Hifumi, Imeraria explained the intention behind going as far as giving such an order. She lets her eyes wander across the attending personnel such as Sabnak, Vaiya and Prime Minister Adol. All of them nodded with humble expressions. Only one person, Origa, somewhat glared at her with eyes as if she’s going to shoot her to death. “...Anyway, any prying in regards to the child’s father is prohibited. As it’s probably useless in regards to gossip, we will intentionally propagate what I said before and leave it alone afterwards.” (Imeraria) Because there were no particular objections to her words, Imeraria decided to continue. “Vaiya-san, what’s the situation with the knight order’s training?” (Imeraria) “Yes. Going by the words of Earl Tohno, it’s completed more or less. There are issues with the coordination during group combat, but I think we won’t need that much time to fix that.” (Vaiya) “Adol-san, is there anything to say about the preparations for receiving the demons?” (Imeraria) “I have arranged for the possibility to reserve a high-class inn near the castle as lodging at any time. It depends on the number of people, but if it’s less than , the inn can receive them satisfactorily. If they have more people than that, I will prepare a different lodging for the escorting soldiers.” (Adol)magic “But,” Adol continued. “Given that we have no good grasp on the customs and food of the demons, I’m not quite sure what to do about that part...” (Adol) “That should be resolved by asking Hifumi-sama. Since it looks like he spend some time in the demon settlement, I think he will be able to consult us in various ways how to receive them.” (Imeraria) “E-Earl Tohno will?” (Adol) This gathering is a meeting with the objective of sealing Hifumi. Adol was bewildered by Imeraria proposing to “rely on Hifumi.” “We have no other option. If you ask that gentleman with the proper courtesy, he will gladly teach you. That’s right, isn’t it Origa-san?” (Imeraria) “...Indeed, Hifumi-sama is a kind person after all.” (Origa) Tension traveled through the venue when Imeraria called out to Origa, but Origa simply agreed in a calm demeanor. Imeraria, who didn’t fail to notice Sabnak unintentionally sighing in relief, decided that he should be given more education soon. Although it’s an honest behavior, openly showing delight ends beyond the commanding officer rank. “Right now I have Phyrinion-san advance the preparations for the conference with the demons by cooperating with Alyssa-san of the Tohno Earldom. And it was specified by me to hold the conference in this castle.” (Imeraria) “In this castle? Isn’t that dangerous?” Upon Vaiya’s question, Imeraria replied in reverse, “If it’s a narrow, indoor venue, our side as the defending one is at an advantage, no? Besides, I want some mechanisms prepared in advance.” (Imeraria) “Mechanisms?” “Yes. We will set traps. Sabnak-san, it’s construction work inside the castle, so I leave the monitoring of the laborers and the management of the construction’s progress in your hands as the one in charge. As for the details of the mechanisms, I will hand out the necessary documents later, so please arrange for meetings with the craftsmen of the related trades. However, publicly we will pretend that we are building a new audience hall in celebration of my pregnancy. Make sure that only the least necessary amount of people knows about the installation of the traps.” (Imeraria) “Yes, my Queen!” (Sabnak) Imeraria stately nods at Sabnak who swiftly stood up and bowed. “Lastly I’d like you to listen since I’ve been pondering about one thing. It’s about Hifumi-sama’s sealing.” (Imeraria) Taking a short break here, Imeraria looked into the faces of those present once more. With their expressions being tense and their eyes focused on her, she continues speaking, “Depending on the demons’ movements, we will carry out Hifumi-sama’s sealing at that time.” (Imeraria) While deciding to handle the details depending on the conclusion of the conference with the demons, Imeraria declared that they would keep up-to-date with the circumstances, waiting for a good opportunity to carry out their plan. “Origa-san.” (Imeraria) “That’s fine with you, right?” (Imeraria) “Your Majesty, if you keep your promise, I intend to share the same fate as that gentleman. People can only obtain the greatest joy by repeatedly resolving themselves and investing their own efforts. It was the same for you, Your Majesty.” (Origa) “...Very well. I will trust you.” (Imeraria) On the next day after the meeting, the people working in the castle immediately sensed that the chief vassals had started to move hurriedly, but being given the reason that it’s for the sake of improving Her Majesty’s environment, the people fell for that overly vague deception. ☺☻☺ When he heard about Imeraria’s pregnancy, Hifumi’s reaction was plain. “I see. Origa, please buy a suitable congratulatory gift and send it to her.” (Hifumi) Being told that while being given several gold coins, Origa received the money and said “Got it,” which finished the whole matter. Without Origa saying anything in particular, this topic was never again brought up between the married couple. Rather than that, there was something that drew Hifumi’s interest. “So in the end Vepar and her demons are coming here?” (Hifumi) “Yes. With the reply from the other side, it has been decided that things will move in accordance with Her Majesty’s proposal...it looks like Alyssa, Fokalore’s soldiers and the representatives of the beastmen and elves, including Phyrinion, will accompany them.” (Origa) Listening to the contents of the letter read out loud by Origa, Hifumi laughed while saying, “That’s interesting.” “Are Reni and Zanga going to come here? No, Zanga is quite the old hag, so it might be someone else. Are they going to clear the wasteland’s fate in the royal capital of a human country? No, the triggers are assembled in Rhone or Fokalore, aren’t they? It will be boring if it turns into a dispute over there.” (Hifumi) “Caim and the others would probably manage it smoothly. For him a riot inside the city, which he built up at great pains, will only be a bother.” (Origa) “If it’s that guy, he will likely deal with such level of damage without even batting an eyelid. It might go as far as one of his eyebrows twitching due to the unnecessary budget expenses. Though Paryu might snap due to getting swamped with work.” (Hifumi) Origa, who sat on the sofa next to Hifumi closed the letter. “Furthermore, I have been entrusted with a verbal message from His Excellency the Prime Minister that he has some questions regarding the reception of the demons. At this rate you might also be asked about the beastmen.” (Origa) As for the elves it’s no problem since Puuse is already staying within the castle. Very likely she is seen as having become the elves’ mediator. “Depending on what Imeraria and Vepar talk about, it might become slightly interesting. I guess I will also help out with the meeting on the appointed day. Ah, it’s fine to handle the demons’ bedding and food in the same way as with humans.” (Hifumi) “Then I shall pass it on like that. ...What is it?” (Origa) A reserved knocking can be heard in the living room. A maid on the other side of the door replied to Origa’s question. “It seems there are visitors for master, but...” “You’re not making yourself clear, are you? Who is it?” (Origa) “Looks like it’s beastmen.” (Hifumi) Hifumi said before the maid could even open her mouth. “It’s the nostalgic presence resembling wild animals. Show them in.” (Hifumi) “Hifumi-san, it’s been a while.” The one who entered the living room first was the sheep beastgirl Reni. With her usual, fluffy smile that lacked any tension, she walks over while making her white, frizzy hair sway. Helen and Gengu entered behind her. “Been a while.” (Helen) When everyone had sat down and tea as well as sweets had been distributed, Hifumi started a conversation with Reni. “It’s quite the early visit. Did something happen?” (Hifumi) “Nothing has happened yet.” (Reni) Blowing at the hot black tea, Reni scattered the steam while answering. “But something is going to happen, right? If we were to travel together with the demons, we would get dragged into it.” (Reni) “That’s why we came here early,” Reni replied. “If you believe that something’s going to happen, you always have the choice to not come, don’t you?” (Hifumi) “I believe there’s nothing as scary as something you don’t know about. That’s something I was taught by you, Hifumi-san. After learning to live in a city, I was able to make a lot of friends. It opened up a new world for me. If I was still stuck in that time, where I lived in the forest while being frightened, I wouldn’t know about the demons and elves, and I would have likely been killed by demons or caught by humans.” (Reni) “But, you deliberately came to my place. Didn’t you consider that to be dangerous?” (Hifumi) Reni keeps smiling. “The most information gathers around you, Hifumi-san. If I know how the danger will come to be, I should also know how to escape it. ...I’m sure the danger will originate near you.” (Reni) That’s the reason why Reni came to Hifumi’s place. Properly perceiving the scent of danger, she considers methods to protect her friends. In order to carry out her duty. “Well said. You are doing your very best, aren’t you?” (Hifumi) Reni shyly laughed due to Hifumi’s praise, whereas Origa ground her molars. “Get some rooms ready for these guys.” (Hifumi) Seeing off the maid leaving the room after bowing, Hifumi looked at the face of Reni, Helen and Gengu. “Well, it might be a good idea to slowly go around the city for a sightseeing tour. Come in contact with various food and tools. You need money, don’t you? I will give you some pocket money. It’s still a while until the festival starts anyway. Study by properly examining the city. Look for escape routes and hiding places in advance.” (Hifumi) , Hifumi thought. The death god has kept the true identity of the ability he gave to Vepar ambiguous, but Hifumi believed that she’s likely capable of sending in people from a distance. In that case the stage for the chaos and battle will be the royal castle. At that time the knights, soldiers and elves in the castle will face the demons. Though it’s regrettable that it seems like the beastmen will quickly escape thanks to Reni’s too good perception. “You might have been able to secure yourself some special seats. Isn’t that great, Helen, Gengu? Your leader possesses courage and decisiveness.” (Hifumi) , Hifumi thought. I would have grown tired of these peaceful days soon anyway.
The tiger beastmen’s boss plans to fight by himself after all. The other beastmen are standing in a circle around Hifumi and their boss as if fencing them in. “You will regret making fun of tiger beastmen. Even if you swing around such thin weapon, it won’t be able to defend against my claws.” Hifumi doesn’t even feel intimidated by the boss, who laughs smugly baring his fangs, as he lowered his katana loosely. “As it is a tedious talk, hurry up and come.” (Hifumi) Calmly removing his look from the boss in front of him, Hifumi also called out to the beastmen surrounding them in the vicinity. “Isn’t it boring to be just watching? If you have power and a will to fight, feel free to attack me without reservations. I will handle you all at once.” (Hifumi) Due to his blatant provocation the air in the surrounding was tinged with a feeling of tension right away. “That’s right, it’s this air. The determination to kill, to kill your opponent. If that’s also encompassed by action and ability, I won’t complain.” (Hifumi) During the time Hifumi was talking, the boss came sending an attack brandishing the claws of both arms, but Hifumi isn’t as nice to receive an attack he has already seen once. “There!” The hands of the boss, which came clawing at Hifumi’s side of the face, are slapped away upon touch. Hifumi laughed with a “Kaka” at the boss, who has a look of disbelief as his palms swelled up straight away. “Even if your bodies are those of a beastman, there’s almost no difference to a human body. I know that because I saw the fellows, who were sliced open yesterday.” (Hifumi) The ones Hifumi is talking about are the three, who met and attacked him just to have the tables turned on them and then had their corpses being ripped apart by animals. “No matter what kind of training you receive, in the end your bodies consist of meat and water being covered by skin. Thus it will become swollen, if it is beaten vigorously.” (Hifumi) “What incomprehensible things are you talking about!? A swelling like this is of no concern and can’t even be called an injury at this level!” The instant the roaring boss spread both his arms, Hifumi stepped into his bosom and this time hit the solar plexus with his palm using all his strength. “Gubuu... Boeee.” Without being able to suppress what’s rising from within, the boss scatters vomit from his mouth. “I don’t need this”, Hifumi put his katana back on his waist and grabbed an arm of the tiger’s boss who’s miserably spilling tears. Pressing the claws into the swollen palm, he pulled the arm without stopping and tore it off. “Gyaaaa!” Trying to hold the right hand, where blood spilled in an endless stream, the tiger boss raised a scream. The tiger beastmen in the surroundings had their breath taken away seeing his appearance. It was inconceivable for them to see their boss being toyed with this easily. “Even a human can use his fingernails. Like this.” (Hifumi) Cutting through the wind with his right hand, the fingertips grazed the boss’ throat. Without being able to raise his voice, the boss, who spurted blood from the nape of the neck, collapsed and died. Hifumi, looking down on him from nearby, calmly mutters, “Hmm. Even the location of veins is roughly the same as with humans, huh? With slightly stronger physical strength, it’s at the level of them having animal ears and tails?” (Hifumi) “Well then”, Hifumi looks at the tiger beastman in his surrounding, who had completely stiffened. “Look! Because you guys didn’t help, this guy died, no?” (Hifumi) The tiger youth, who came rushing while weeping, was split in lower and upper half by the drawn katana* and at the same time the others raised their voices in anger, “Bastard! We won’t let you return alive!” “It’s the boss’ enemy! Everyone, kill him!” Beastmen, leaping at him as they roared, come approaching Hifumi from all directions without any distinction whether they are male or female. “Oh, did you finally decide to go for it!?” (Hifumi) While decapitating two heads in one go, Hifumi exclaims delightfully. Changing the direction of the katana by turning around, he stabs it towards his back cutting open the stomach of a woman in the back. Slaying yet another in front with the katana using the momentum, he freely moves around between the enemies while cutting at throats and thighs. Meanwhile he watches the influence of blood and confirms in a composed manner that they have a different structure than humans. At the time all of those, who were at that place, were turned into corpses, he fully finished the inspection regarding the tiger beastman’s body structure. Wiping his katana with a paper, he sheaths it into its scabbard. Feeling refreshed, he inhales his breath through the nose and exhales it from the mouth. “... I want to see the contents of other beastmen as well.” (Hifumi) Hifumi went to look for the spring, the sheep beastwoman, Reni, told him about. ☺☻☺ Hifumi, who left the settlement dotted with plain huts made out of animal skins, leaves and wood, easily discovered the spring, which had a size of around a soccer field. With water that is as transparent that one could see even into quite the depth, one can observe small fishes and living things similar to shrimps. As he surveys his vicinity, there were the trees characteristically growing large ivy’s entangled with each other as told by Reni. A large amount of red fruits dangled on the grown branches. “This, huh?” (Hifumi) Plucking off a fist-sized fruit, Hifumi bites into it without hesitation. With a crispy and chewy texture similar to a pear, a sweet fragrance like that of a juicy peach spreads through his nose and mouth. With an ample amount of moisture, the fruit even slides down the throat smoothly. “Certainly, this is delicious.” (Hifumi) He ate around two successively and dumped the large seed in their core. “It was tasty. But, only this much is a little...” (Hifumi) At the moment he finished to eat the fruits, both sides of Hifumi’s mouth are smeared with the bright red fruit juice. It completely looks as if he has eaten a person. Hifumi, who looked at the spring, looked at both his hands and entered the spring with a splash while wearing his clothes saying “Well, it can’t be helped.” At first he received a thrill from the clearly chilly water, but before long his body got used to it and he immersed himself in the coolness of the spring forgetting about the heat of the wastelands. Leaving the spring before his body gets completely chilled, he takes off his hakama and wrings it out. As he was doing that, two tiger beastmen children came walking from the direction where the settlement is at. Although he can’t grasp the age of a beastman, a boy, at the age of around elementary school to the upper grades of elementary school, is leading a girl, a head shorter than him, which can be considered his younger sister. The boy stared at Hifumi with his black eyes. The girl lowered her sight having a face filled with fright. “Human...” Plainly looking at the figure of Hifumi, the boy showed a surprised expression, but that changed right away into an expression of rage baring his fangs. “Did you kill our fathers? Human!” Seeing the face of the boy, who came dashing after separating his hand which was connected with his younger sister, Hifumi slaps the wet hakama at him while staying expressionless. “Hii...” The boy, who had the side of his face hit with a power on the level of a whip, began to cry as he rolled on the ground in front of the girl, who couldn’t raise her voice due to her fright. Hifumi, who has put on the hakama and quietly ignored them, arranged the fold of his hakama with his fingers while being impressed by the climate of the wastelands, which began to dry it right away. “So, who are you guys?” (Hifumi) The young boy, who finally got up, showed a mix of fear and anger in his expression. Without an answer from the tiger boy, Hifumi sighed. “Well, I don’t give a damn who you are anyway.” (Hifumi) Bringing his face close in one go, Hifumi looked directly into the eyes of the boy. “If you still hate me once you grow up a bit more, come at me any time.” (Hifumi) Pointing in the direction where the corpses of the tiger beastmen are, Hifumi laughs broadly. “You better make sure to be able to fight properly. If you are weaker than me at that time, you will suffer that kind of future.” (Hifumi) The young boy, who burst into tears being overwhelmed by bitterness, was hugged by the girl. Hifumi, who irresponsibly told him “Do your best”, neglected them, plucked off absolutely every fruit and tossed them into his darkness storage. Passing a fruit each to the boy and girl with a throw, he quickly left. The boy, wiping his tears, bites into the fruit after staring at it. Although the fruit should be delicious, he muttered “It’s not tasty at all” due to the steadily falling tears. The girl looks at the fruit and bites into it while weeping likewise next to him. , the boy, who threw away the seed, returns to the village. ☺☻☺ After that, Hifumi, who annihilated a few settlements formed by wolf and lion beastmen, got thoroughly tired of fighting against beastman opponents. And at the same time he got lost. With the woods disappearing in front of him surprisingly, the wastelands literally continue as far as the eye can see. “Won’t I dry up before reaching the Knight Country or such, if it’s like this?” (Hifumi) He feels that even the horse’s steps are somewhat heavy. Although Hifumi pondered for a while, he decided to return temporarily after gathering his thoughts. He thought that he would at least need a guide to lead him until a city becomes visible. Since it isn’t a game, he doesn’t want to waste his time until he stumbles upon one by wandering around aimlessly either. Changing his direction, he heads the way, where the forests were, and even the horse’s pacing took a turn towards the better. As he is heading towards the woods, which faintly came in sight, Hifumi’s sense feels a presence after a long time. “Yo, yo, it’s been a while.” “You, eh?” (Hifumi) What appeared in front of Hifumi is the figure of the shinigami, which is no more than a floating head. “Why is it only your head?” (Hifumi) “Oops. How impolite of me.” The shinigami, who showed an exaggerated surprise although only on his face, revealed his full body from within a thick fog. “At the time I appeared in front of Prime Minister-san, it has only been hair as ‘my power won’t recover since Hifumi-san isn’t using darkness magic’, you know.” “In reality, if it is a world where killing people is this common, I will become happy in reverse.” Hifumi doesn’t even look at the shinigami, who sticks out his tongue, and advances on his horse. “So, what business do you have with me that you even purposely come to such place?” (Hifumi) “Something like distance has no influence on me. Though my power isn’t at the level to span over the whole world, as expected. Was it ancient magic? It was something great allowing gods and people to leap in one go.” The shinigami, who keeps up with Hifumi staying at his side while floating in mid-air, displayed a large nod. “I don’t particularly care about your interests. Rather than that, how’s the development in the capital?” (Hifumi) “Good grief, what rude person to use a god as errand boy. Prime Minister-san became aware of the aforementioned magic. He hasn’t reported it to the lovely queen, but he will likely decide to use the magic in a not so far future.” The shinigami says that in absolute satisfaction. “At any rate, I didn’t believe I would risk getting killed once again meeting you again.” “Besides, that the time will come that I have to earnestly apologize to a human opponent”, the shinigami showed a bitter smile. Actually, the shinigami, intending to poke fun at Hifumi, who had become alone at some point, turned up on one occasion. At that time Hifumi slashed at him by suddenly drawing the katana and attacking in the same stroke. The shinigami had to completely surrender as its arm was sent flying. The current shinigami is moving around as Hifumi’s underling. “However, thanks to Hifumi-san causing a war and killing a lot, I became very lively as well. For the time being, I will report to you while en route. I will cooperate with you to my utmost ability for things to reach the climax you desire.” “Therefore, please kill a lot more, okay?” Leaving those words, the shinigami vanished. Without replying, Hifumi proceeds on his horse while quietly showing a thin smile. “So, you are telling us to show you the way?” (Helen) “Gimme a break!” Helen threw those words at Hifumi. Reni, next to her, is all shook up. “You might not know, however the beastmen, who were close to human countries, are all gone. There’s a rumour going around that they have been caught and went through a bitter experience.” (Helen) “For weak types of beastmen it is impossible and dangerous to get close to humans”, Helen clearly refused him. “B-But, Hifumi-san is troubled...” (Reni) “Reni!” (Helen)magic The excited Helen’s attack turns upon Reni. “You, just because you received a little amount of sweets, you are trusting a human far too easily! Certainly, those were sweet and delicious, but... this and that are different!” (Helen) It looks like even Helen was pleased with Caim’s handmade baked sweet. “Will there be a proper reward?” (Reni) “A human will probably use money or such to express their gratitude, right? Even if we received such thing...” (Helen) What Hifumi took out under the nose of Helen, who was in the middle of talking, was that fruit, he had excessively harvested in the vicinity of the spring. “This is the fruit I told you about!” (Reni) Due to Reni getting excited and going “Amazing, amazing”, Helen folded her arms and snorted. “Hu-Humph! Us risking our lives for a human just because one such fruit is...” (Helen) Taking out one after the other, he piles up red, ripe fruits in front of Helen and Reni. They emitted a sweet aroma. Reni gets excited. “Although there should have been plenty of tiger beastmen”, she is eagerly interested. “So? What will you do?” (Hifumi) Even Helen surrendered to the words of receiving more once they finish Hifumi’s job. “Can you wait a bit? If I go slight far away together with Reni, we have to go tell that to our mothers.” (Helen) Although the two carried fruits away, it didn’t take much time until they came back empty-handed. “Since I told them that we will go harvesting slightly far away, it will be alright for a while. Apart from that, you will properly protect us, if other beastmen appear, right?” (Helen) “It will be fine, Helen. Hifumi-san is strong after all.” (Reni) For some reason, Helen, who saw the state of Reni having full trust in Hifumi, drooped her ears in worry. Thus, Hifumi, who gained the two as guides, headed towards the Knight Country once again.
The revenge match silently opens its curtains. The number of soldiers from Fokalore who invaded Horant together with Alyssa is . They split up in groups of two with Alyssa and the rest in men cells and are going to carry out infiltration and subversive activities. They climb the wall on the side of the fortress on Orsongrande’s side using a rope with the help of their colleagues. Alyssa, who discovered the cut end of the ropes, which suspended the corpses of Ma Calme and the others, and the shuriken, which severed those very ropes, sticking in the wall, pulled out five shuriken from the wall after pondering for a bit and put them into her pocket. “From here on we will act separately.” (Alyssa) “As you command. Good fortunes of war.” Upon Alyssa’s signal, the soldiers soundlessly drop ropes from the fortress and climb down. From the small sounds audible at times, one can approximately realize about them skilfully killing the patrols from Horant’s side. “Go.” (Alyssa) “Ha.” Once Alyssa confirmed the bottom of the fortress, she jumped down speedily and without delay. She lands while rolling over nimbly on the ground, where grass was growing, carries the rucksack, she was holding in her hands, on her back and swiftly draws the wakizashi. Her accompanying soldiers moved in the same way. Each of them held tools for committing arson. Once Alyssa checked the surroundings, she saw two of Horant’s soldiers, who were apparently dealt with by the soldiers who descended first, having collapsed nearby. Except those, there’s no enemy presence in the vicinity. Alyssa, who concluded that the soldiers, who went first, were already heading towards their target locations which were set during the day, searches for the building they are in charge of. They head towards the target building while moving quietly. They don’t turn on a light. While making sure to not get lost by staying in touch with each other, they walk while relying on just the moonlight. “...We are here.” (Alyssa) What was in front of Alyssa’s eyes was a large building appearing to have four stories which had an imposing presence within the darkness of the night. The seemingly hastily made windows had a slightly simple form, but apart from the door for people coming and going normally, there was a huge gate which had a height of several meters. Being bothered by the large front gate, that released a strange aura, and the size of this building, she secretly observed from atop the fortress’ rooftop during the day, Alyssa believed that something important... or rather, Horant’s giant soldiers themselves or something related to them was hidden in this place. If there were still giant soldiers, she wanted to dispose of them with a surprise attack. Two soldiers of Horant, who are holding lights which seem to be magic tools, are walking side-by-side on the outer circumference of the building. “I will get rid of them.” (Alyssa) Alyssa, who went ahead swiftly without waiting for a reply, closed in from behind the soldiers and stabbed the wakizashi, she held in her right hand, into the nape of the neck of one soldier from behind while blocking the mouth of the other one with her left hand. Once the soldier dropped the light, he held, while being confused due to suddenly having his mouth blocked, he had his throat cut open while screaming soundlessly as he realizes his colleague collapsing while shedding blood. Imitating Hifumi, Alyssa wiped her wakizashi with a paper and picked up the fallen magic tool. As she looked around for a little while, she handed the magic tool over to a colleague who came as support. “I’m sorry, I don’t know how to turn it off.” (Alyssa) “Ueeh...?” The soldier, who was suddenly given the magic tool, turned around the illuminated tool, but since he didn’t find the place of the switch in the end, he decided to swiftly cover it up. Once they confirmed that no light was leaking out after covering it with soil, Alyssa’s group breathed a small sigh. Circling the building and finding a window that looks like it allows entering, she hooks the wakizashi into it and opens it slowly. The inside was pitch dark, but Alyssa and the other two, who judged that there are no people inside, entered the building one after the other while watching the surroundings. Alyssa didn’t notice it at all, however Hifumi overlooked their movements up to there from the rooftop of the barracks which were next to that building. “Well, it might be a valid decision.” (Hifumi) At the point in time he confirmed Alyssa’s figure, he had killed all of the soldiers of Horant who had come to the barracks’ rooftop. There’s also a group responsible for the barracks among the infiltration unit from Fokalore, but as they just trespassed from the first floor, they are apparently moving while investigating the interior and are very unlikely to reach the rooftop for much more time to come. “Well then, shall I try to observe them properly as their guardian?” (Hifumi) Heading to the edge of the building, he runs fiercely towards the building Alyssa invaded. The distance to his target is around meters. It’s further away than the world record. The distance for the approach run is short as well. Stepping down on the rim of the rooftop, he jumps up while cutting through the wind. The chilly air of the night hits his face. The hakama made a fluttering sound, got filled with air and served as break. “Uoooh?” (Hifumi) Outside his assumption, Hifumi, who suddenly lost momentum unable to gain distance, takes out the kusarigama and throws the side with the sickle. With a dry sound the sickle stabs onto the target rooftop. While grasping the chain, he kills the sound by pressing his feet against the wall part of the third floor. “Phew... that was a bit unreasonable, huh?” (Hifumi) Scaling the chain, he heads towards the rooftop. “The boredom of simply waiting...” (Hifumi) Hifumi was pondering while folding his arms, but before long he descended to the third floor leisurely while while being unarmed. ☺☻☺ Imeraria, who temporarily returned to Münster from the location where they set up the defence encampment, immersed herself in her thoughts while secluding herself in the room prepared by Earl Biron even after she finished dinner. “A failure is a failure. I will reflect on it, but there won’t be any progress even if I drag it out forever.” (Imeraria) A pen stained with ink is made to travel across a paper casually “Defense”, “Night Attack”, “Rescue Failure” and “Giant Enemy.” Once she sorted it out, they were even able to recover the area around the border, which was lost temporarily, without having large losses except the soldiers, who served as border security, and the instruction unit from Fokalore.magic If it proceeds as planned, Alyssa’s group has infiltrated Horant around this time and they have probably started to work on their subversive activities and investigation. Once she considers it like this, a faint impatience is born within Imeraria. “Even I, even I...” (Imeraria) After murmuring that, she recovers her serenity once she takes a deep breath. “Reflection”, “Horant”, “Nelgal” and “Ceasefire.” While recalling the long, gloomy sermon, she continues to write down words attentively. “Possible things” and “Impossible things.” “I don’t seem to have the ability to depart for battle...” (Imeraria) She already has no choice but to acknowledge that. Regarding the defence, it was a success and safe with Sabnak’s leadership. I wasn’t able to find a place where I could play an active role at the battle in the morning. “Things I’m capable of, things I’m capable of...” (Imeraria) I haven’t forgotten my duty as queen. It’s wrong if I don’t make sure to not neglect other things by single-mindedly concentrating on just Horant. However, if I just end up leaving the conclusion with Horant here to Alyssa and Hifumi, it will likely become more and more impossible for Horant and Vichy to escape being influenced by Fokalore’s territory. “But, when it comes to settling a battle, military force becomes indispensable.” (Imeraria) At the present there is Orsongrande’s royal army led by Sabnak and the feudal army of Earl Biron who is cooperating with us. However, if one considers the matter of directly taking an aggressive stance against a whole country, that’s insufficient. Practically spoken in regards to the battle, Horant’s side will be declared the winner if they end up overtaking Fokalore’s territorial soldiers “Decisive battle, conclusion, negotiations, ceasefire...” (Imeraria) “Seeing that there’s no deciding war potential, we are compelled to rely on Hifumi for the sake of a ceasefire, I guess?” While writing down the words she leaked with her voice, she suddenly realized a sense of discomfort. There’s a X between “Decisive battle” and “Conclusion.” Imeraria, who gently returned the pen to its holder, stares fixedly at the X mark with her blue eyes. “Things I can do... if it’s this!” (Imeraria) As Imeraria stood up with a force about to knock over the chair and once she called out whether there’s anyone around, the door opened quietly. “You have called, Your Majesty?” (Shibyura) “... Shibyura-san, you were still here...?” (Imeraria) Watching Shibyura curtsying while respectfully pinching the skirt of her servant’s attire, Imeraria once again weakly slumped down on the chair. “Since one of the servants, who joined the campaign, developed a fever, I have offered my help.” (Shibyura) Imeraria, who considered that she’s probably trustable if you put aside her character even while being half in doubt of the details Shibyura told nonchalantly, smoothly filled out a paper at hand, signed it, applied sealing wax and pressed the ring, she took off, onto the wax. “Please deliver this to Vaiya-san in the capital. As fast as possible.” (Imeraria) Shibyura, who received the letter held out by Imeraria, carefully wrapped it with a handkerchief and gently held it at her chest. “As you wish. I shall deliver it by myself. There’s just now a carriage available. They were able to rest plentifully.” (Shibyura) “Isn’t it alright if you entrust it to some knight?” (Imeraria) “No”, Shibyura shakes her head. “It’s something with content that was able to remove Your Majesty’s distress. This much is no trouble at all.” (Shibyura) Imeraria had a cramped expression in contrast to Shibyura who was smiling sweetly. “Why... do you know that I was troubled?” (Imeraria) “Since a mere hour ago I took a little rest by leaning on the door of this room due to feeling slightly dizzy. Because I accidentally pressed an ear against the door, I ended up listening to Your Majesty’s talk once I heard Your Majesty’s monologue.” (Shibyura) Due to Shibyura talking without being shy while only averting her gaze to the side, Imeraria didn’t have the spare energy to get angry anymore either. “It’s already fine, thus I request it of you sincerely.” (Imeraria) “Please leave it to me while being at ease.” (Shibyura) Once Shibyura, who bowed in an exaggerated manner, left, Imeraria, who thought about the countermeasure of stretching her shoulders and elbows until some time ago, felt fatigue suddenly descending upon her and went to bed after changing her clothes quickly. ☺☻☺ “Hoe~.” Once they proceed into the city through the entrance of the capital on the carriage which finished the formalities, the street continues as if breaking through towards the royal castle as the most flourishing street. Watching the street where buildings, with three and four stories, made out of stone are put together in a row and where multicoloured goods are lined up at various stores, Puuse unintentionally raised her voice. “This place is Orsongrande’s capital city. It hasn’t an especially set name. It seems only this city used to be called Orsongrande originally.” (Paryu) While the beastmen were intently listening to Paryu, who was sorting the documents inside the carriage, explaining, they looked like they had very deep interest in the things being sold along the road, especially the food. “So, where are we heading to?” “First we shall visit the royal castle. There isn’t a rule, which was especially decided by Lord-sama, for places to stay at. There are cases where he stays in the castle and he also stays at down-town inns whimsically...” (Paryu) “Paryu, I think that he is the most difficult to contact among the nobles”, once laughing feebly, Viine smiled while agreeing as well. Even in the slums it was apparently difficult for her to create an opportunity to see his face readily even if she wanted to meet him as his sleeping hours were scattered and he often wasn’t in his bed. “However, there will be a ruler if we go to the castle, right? Will we be allowed to enter such place?” “I wonder. Won’t we at least get a hint where Lord-sama might be? Which reminds me, I also happened to lodge in the royal castle... I did nothing but studying though.” (Paryu) “The castle, is that?” (Malfas) What Malfas pointed at ahead was definitely the royal castle Orsongrande was proud of. The royal castle, where countless spires tower, was visible in the direction of their travel with its impressive presence. “Yes, that’s it.” (Paryu) “Haa~... this is amazing. It’s the first I have seen such huge building.” (Malfas) Gengu shakes his head with an “uh huh” while licking his nose with his tongue. Before long the carriage finally arrives in front of the royal castle. A soldier, who boarded a platform wagon as guard, has come following as well. Smoothly conveying the story of Paryu being a civil official of Tohno Earldom, there were some among the knights, who were on duty, who remembered Paryu’s face and saw to it that the formalities went ahead without delay. “B-Beastmen, huh...?” “In that case it’s a story from Earl Tohno’s place”, Midas, who was called in, said. Finishing the Nelgal escort mission, Midas, who spent time with his family during a two-days holiday, was at his wit’s end with a gloomy feeling while thinking No matter how much they are friends of Hifumi, who is popular amongst the populace, it will likely be complicated to have a normally operating inn in the city take them in While complaining in his heart that it would be fine if they place them in a mansion they maintain in the capital, he judges that it won’t be good for them to stand out, accepts them into the royal castle for the moment and decides to consult with the prime minister. While watching the beastmen who walk while looking around restlessly indoors as they aren’t used to stuff like a ceiling, which had minute carvings added, and a floor which was completely polished, Paryu remembered that she had such emotions as well at the time she was brought along as slave. She can’t remember how it was for Caim, but she believes that it was the same for everyone else. “Midas-sama, where’s Earl Tohno-sama currently?” (Paryu) “... Soldiers were dispatched from Fokalore towards Horant, weren’t they? Following them, or rather going ahead, or rather... well, there’s no doubt that he headed towards Horant.” (Midas) “Horant you say, where is that?” (Gengu) Due to Gengu addressing him while stretching his neck with a jerk, Midas flinched for an instant, but glossed it over by clearing his throat. “How to explain it? Let’s see... it’s a different country which is located on the opposite side with approximately the same ((distance)) from Fokalore to here.” (Midas) “Hahaa~. Hifumi-san has gone on a trip to such distant place.” (Gengu) “Then, then if we go until there, I will be able to meet master?” (Viine) “M-Master?” (Midas) With Viine bending herself forward this time, Midas searched for assistance with a look towards Paryu. “It’s Earl Tohno. It looks like he made friends and “purchased” the girls in a human city located on the other side of the wastelands, apparently he did various things there...” (Paryu) “Ah, I see...” (Midas) , thinking that, Midas shakes his head towards Viine. “Though it might be so, currently it’s dangerous there. Therefore, ((stay)) obediently in the castle...” (Midas) Midas manoeuvred so that they wouldn’t cause trouble as much as possible, but that ended in vain when a single knight came calling out to them. “Yoo, isn’t that Paryu-san? It’s been a while!” (Vaiya) “Vaiya-san, are you doing well?” (Paryu) “Yes, thanks to you. Thank you very much for letting me learn various things in Fokalore! Your companions are... this is amazing, they are beastmen...? By chance, is this person an elf!? As usual, you can find anything in Fokalore!” (Vaiya) Due to Vaiya talking happily, his acquaintance, Paryu, gets excited chatting about various things as well. Having talked several times during Vaiya’s stay in Fokalore, he received lectures regarding the population management such as family registers together with his wife Phyrinion. “So, for you to deliberately show up at the royal castle means that something happened?” (Vaiya) “These people harbour the wish of wanting to meet with Lord-sama... Earl Tohno-sama.” (Paryu) “If it’s that, you are just right! We planned to depart in the direction of Horant from this time forward. This time it’s a corps of 0 soldiers, thus there’s no problem even if it’s increased by several people.” (Vaiya) Once Vaiya promised that without due consideration, the beastmen looked at each other delightfully. They are approaching Hifumi’s location with large strides. “Id...!” (Midas) The one who was flustered by that was Midas. Once they take some distance after Midas pulls Vaiya’s arm, he lowers his voice so that it’s not audible. “W-What’s wrong, Midas-san?” (Vaiya) “Why is there a need for you to go to Horant? Moreover while taking along 1000 soldiers.” (Midas) “It’s an order by Her Majesty. Come to Münster while bringing along Nelgal-sama after bolstering the numbers urgently, she said.” (Vaiya) Midas, who opened his eyes widely and was dumbfounded for a while, asks after recovering his mind, “Wait, wait, Fokalore’s feudal army and Biron’s feudal army are there as well, aren’t they? Why is it necessary to reinforce them?” (Midas) “I don’t know. That much wasn’t mentioned in Her Majesty’s decree. Besides, since the decree was an important document to the extent of it being personally kept by Captain Sabnak’s wife, even I have no leeway to harbour doubts.” (Vaiya) Vaiya decided to conceal the matter of the letter from Nelgal being extorted by Shibyura on behalf of his honour. “Guh guh... got it. That way it might be even easier than me ((going there)). It will be better if they accomplished their objective once they went to meet with Earl Tohno. Vaiya, may I leave it to you?” (Midas) “Acknowledged. Also, there’s a request from me as well...” (Vaiya) “I have a bad premonition. Oy...” (Midas) Once Vaiya shook Midas’ hand after forcibly grasping it, he bowed very deeply. “Since everyone below vice-captain of the royal guards will be absent with this time’s dispatch, I leave the command inside the castle to you.” (Vaiya) “Please pardon me from that...” (Midas) Once the dispute with Horant ends, I will apply for a long vacation and go out to play while taking along the children
“Damn it! Why does such strong monster appear near the highway!?” The adventurer was barely able to fend off the tiger-like monster with its -meter-length, that brandished its sharp claws, with his sword. The long sword is already worn-out and chipped at several places and his leather armour has been torn off at the shoulders and arms. “It should have been safe along the highway!” They, who were delayed in their reaction towards the approaching enemy due to their negligence, aren’t able to deal sufficiently with just a single monster opponent and have been forced into an one-sided, defensive battle. “Let’s escape for now! We can’t handle this opponent!” A female adventurer, who was in a slightly distant location holding her magic wand, shouted. With her robe covered in mud due to her falling down in the confusion, her expression is worn with fatigue after casting earth magic many times over. “Stand up and run away! What are you doing!?” No matter how they think about it, the monster is fast and has also stamina left. “Because I will snare its feet with magic one more time, during that time...” “If you are going to do it, be quick about it!” Even during this exchange, the man standing in front as vanguard is slowly getting injured. “... Burst open, earth!” Probably because the cast was done in a hurry, the monster is only stricken by a small scale of soil, but luckily it hit the eyes of the monster as planned. “Gyaaa!” Having lost its sight, the monster is shaking its head and thrashing around in agony. The couple of adventurers, who judged this to be a gap, ran towards the highway side-by-side after having looked at the monster’s state. Once they reached the highway after fleeing desperately and saw other adventurers and the wagons of merchants as well, they ended up sitting down together feeling relieved over the presence of the monster not chasing them. “*pants*... can’t run anymore...” The female adventurer, breathing heavily, clung to her wand. She worriedly looked at the face of the adventurer, whose breathing calmed down to some degree, at her side. “... What’s wrong?”magic “At the time the monster thrashed around earlier, I saw something weird.” “Something weird?” Picking up a branch of a tree, he drew a circle with a triangle in the centre on the ground. “It looked like this... probably some magic tool?” “A monster shouldn’t have such a thing like a magic tool, now should it?” Throwing away the branch, the adventurer looked in the direction of the woman. “That’s right. In other words, that means someone embedded it in the monster. It’s the first time I hear about such big monster coming out in this area...” Both of them look at each other, muster some energy and get up. “Let’s report this to the guild. I think this is quite a big problem.” “Right, I agree.” A single small woman stepped in front of the two, who tried to start walking away. To the vicinity she appears to be a magician as she is wearing a robe, but she doesn’t possess a wand. “It’s unnecessary to contact the guild.” Her facial expressions are lacking however she has a lovely face after taking off the hood. She doesn’t do anything but observing the adventurers with her green pupils without a change in her expression. “... Who are you?” Clasping the sword, which is riddled all over with chips in its blade, the adventurer set up his stance in order to protect his companion. “I’m called Origa.” (Origa) Doing a courteous bow, Origa looks directly into the eyes of the adventurer. “To be honest, I didn’t think you would end up discovering the magic tool this easily either. It’s absolutely necessary to come up with something better for the next. Also, it was out of my calculations that you would be able to use the sword better than I expected.” (Origa) “But then again, you are not at the level to even reach the sole of my master’s feet”, she continues. “Y-You have spurred on that monster!?” “I was simply close-by when it happened. No more than that. Though I intended for you to kill it as it is, I ended up wasting time needlessly thanks to you.” (Origa) Opening the iron-ribbed fan with a sound of sploosh, she conceals her mouth with it and squints. “Uoo!” The adventurer, who judged her to be an enemy due to her words, slashed at her straight away deciding that she is a magician without a wand. However, she nimbly parries , slashes with the iron-ribbed fan. “It’s useless, you know? Although you are swinging your sword, you hips possess no stability. You are throwing your body together with the sword off balance each time. It’s something I often cautioned a close friend of mine about too.” (Origa) While saying this, she strongly hits the adventurer’s nose. The adventurer, who retreated back temporarily due to the pain and shock, clenched his teeth while blood was running from his nose. “One way or the other I consider it, but it is a weapon after all? I judged you to be a magician, but I misread it...” “There’s no mistake. I’m a magician.” (Origa) Swapping the iron-ribbed fan into her left hand, she holds out her right hand in front of her. “! Watch out!” The man, who instinctively sensed the danger, covers the woman by turning his back on Origa. In the next second the man’s back is cut deeply. He collapsed in the puddle of blood he had produced himself. “Eh?” In front of the woman, who couldn’t even react now, the opened iron-ribbed fan was swung at the time she finally perceived Origa. “Too slow.” The woman’s head fell before they eyes of the man, who was barely conscious. Her facial expression was that of not having been able to understand anything. “Fuck... why...” Once she made sure that these became the man’s final words, Origa surveyed the surroundings. The territorial soldiers from Fokalore are assembling by running quickly. “Are there any witnesses?” “There are none left. We disposed of them all.” “Then go to the place of the monster that had been put to sleep before and dispose of it as well. It’s a problem if it can be seen from outside. Next time incise the chest and bury it deep within.” (Origa) Once they had dumped the corpse of the man in a thicket close to the highway, Origa commands the soldiers and leaves the highway. “Hifumi-sama... I will show you that I can definitely accomplish this task...” (Origa) Her muttering vanished due to being covered by the sound of pushing aside the weeds without anyone hearing it. ☺☻☺ Only limited people within the castle, such as the knight orders and a part of the civil officials, were told about the princess’ coronation. That’s for the sake of changing all the arrangements depending on the negotiations with Hifumi. “So, because the report of my victory will happen at the same time as the coronation ceremony, I will have to guard Imeraria while at it?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who finally arrived at the capital, came to the royal castle after being called out by a soldier. The two people, who are sounding out Hifumi, are Prime Minister Adol and Sabnak, who became the captain of the Royal Knight Order. Hifumi looked at both’s tensed expression as he was sitting in the sofa in front of them and tasting the black tea. “I want to return home quickly since I also got further plans though...” (Hifumi) “It’s not like I won the war if I only killed as fit without caring about victory or anything else”, Hifumi says. “If I heard correctly, you have also reorganised the knight orders. There is probably no opposing faction left. Is guarding actually necessary?” (Hifumi) “There is still some opposition left. We were able to drive it out to some degree, but...” (Sabnak) He answered in a rush, but doesn’t continue after Hifumi glares at him. “Don’t rely on external people for that degree of troubles. I think it’s it’s only natural to first use your own skills and structures.” (Hifumi) “Uu...” (Sabnak) In all honesty, given that we aren’t able to catch up with the replacements of the diminished number of knights due to the big battles with Hifumi and the war with Horant, I want the sole cause of it, Hifumi, to follow-up, but the decrement of our knights is substantially the payment for our own mistakes Although the other side will understand it if we request it with reason, the problem was the reason being riddled with holes to stab at. ( When he steals a glance at the prime minister sitting next to him, it becomes apparent that he intends to leave the entire situation to Sabnak. Although he somehow understands about the aim behind that, Sabnak doesn’t want to know of it. “It will be different if they stand in my way, but don’t make things convenient by making me deal with your enemies.” (Hifumi) “We don’t intend to do that, but...” (Sabnak) While he was choosing his next words, the Knight Order Captain Lotomago knocked and entered the room. Lightly nodding towards the prime minister and Sabnak, Lotomago turned to Hifumi and bowed very deeply. “I’m the former Third Knight Order’s captain and the present knight order’s captain, Lotomago. I was informed about Hifumi-dono visiting the castle and came in order to extend my deep apology.” (Lotomago) Staying silent, Hifumi affirmed the wish of Lotomago, who requested to be present here, by nodding. “Thank you very much.” (Lotomago) Lotomago, who had Sabnak yield him the seat directly in front of Hifumi, makes eye contact with Hifum as soon as he sits down. “First off, Pajou, who had been my subordinate, and, although from a different order, our country’s knight orders caused you troubles. As someone in charge of managing this country’s knight orders, I wish to express my apology.” (Lotomago) “Apologies are not necessary. All of them compensated for their mistakes with their lives. It’s fine with that.” (Hifumi) Lotomago bowed his head twice due to Hifumi’s words. “And, while being aware of my rudeness, I have a single request.” (Lotomago) “If it’s about the guarding, I just now refused it though?” (Hifumi) Being glanced at, Sabnak cast his eyes down. “I don’t expect Hifumi-dono to act as guard personally. After all that’s the job of our knights and soldiers.” (Lotomago) Upon Lotomago’s words Sabnak became even smaller. The prime minister awkwardly turned his face away. “We are indebted to Hifumi-dono for Münster. There is a person called Vaiya, formerly affiliated to the Second Knight Order. Now he has attained a very high rank as vice-captain of the Royal Knight Order below Sabnak here, however... After he returned to the capital accompanying Hifumi-dono’s territorial soldiers of Fokalore, he told me a great story.” (Lotomago) He wets his mouth by drinking the new black tea brought by a maid. “I’m told that they are adopting unique training regimens and battle techniques following Hifumi-dono’s guidance and that the result of that guidance also led to the successful defensive battle of Arosel.” (Lotomago) “Hee...” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who showed a stern facial expression that could be even interpreted as pouting, laughed happily after hearing this story. “Vaiya, huh? I’m remembering him. I considered him to have a good judgement, but it looks like has good eyes as well.” (Hifumi) “Therefore, while we will guard the castle, I want to request Hifumi-dono to guide the knight orders and the soldiers, but what do you think about that? Actually there is also the fact of Vaiya going to Hifumi-dono’s territory to ask for coaching.” (Lotomago) “This request is from Sabnak as well”, says Lotomago. Together with the prime minister, the three bowed formally. “... I guess it’s fine. If it’s one week, I will make some time. I don’t mind if you participate in the training in the territory either. From the beginning I told you that it is your free decision without hiding anything.” (Hifumi) Sabnak lifted his head quickly all smiles. “T-Thank you very much!” (Sabnak) “However, you will have to accept the conditions I’m going to tell you now.” (Hifumi) And then he gave his conditions. – Everyone will obey Hifumi’s instructions. The removal of defying people will be left to Hifumi. – Construction work within the castle will be led by him as well. – territorial soldiers will be called to the capital and lodging will be prepared for them. “Removal of defying people means...” (Adol) As the prime minister timidly voiced his concern, Hifumi laughed scornfully. “Be relieved, I won’t go as far as killing them if they don’t try to oppose me directly.” (Hifumi) “Then there’s no problem.” (Lotomago) Lotomago said plainly. “C-Captain...” (Sabnak) “I’m not your captain anymore. Get a grip of yourself.” (Lotomago) “I-I’m sorry...” (Sabnak) Lotomago corrected his seating position. “I have heard about it from Vaiya. I heard you place importance on the cooperation in the movement of the troops. If there is someone obscuring that, they will go through a bitter experience. If they are hindrance even after that, they should be quickly removed, I think.” (Lotomago) “Because drawing Her Majesty the Queen’s guard and the castle’s defence away isn’t entertainment for the nobles'”, Lotomago said. “Well, then let’s begin from tomorrow. Gather those scheduled to guard within the castle and its surroundings. Summon the carpenters in the afternoon.” (Hifumi) “Please take care of us.” (Sabnak) While bowing once again, Sabnak became depressed that he himself would be required to participate as well. ☺☻☺ In the hands of Vaiya, who arrived at Caim’s location, he grasped the shuriken and kusarigama he had borrowed from Pruflas. “Caim-dono, it would be a great help, if you could spare some time for me, however...” (Vaiya) Vaiya, who knows about the busy style of the civil official slaves after his stay here for a few days, shyly called out to Caim. Caim, looking at his figure in silence, forced all the documents he held onto Duelgar*, who was coincidentally drawing up official papers in the room. “O-Oi!?” (Duelgar) “Handle this please.” (Caim) Since even Duelgar knew that a slave can’t decline a request of a knight, who is a noble, he reluctantly decided to take hold of the documents. Ascertaining that expressionlessly, Caim stands in front of Vaiya once more. “So, what’s the intention behind your business?” (Caim) “A-Ah. What’s this... ?” (Vaiya) Caim nodded once due to Vaiya showing the kusarigama and shuriken anew. “It’s a replica of the weapons used by Lord-sama and Origa-sama. Those things are called kusarigama and shuriken. I’m not very well-informed about weapons, but I’ve heard that these are rare things you won’t even find in foreign countries.” (Caim) “I’ve been told by Pruflas-dono that Caim-dono is skilled with these weapons. Given that I want to incorporate these weapons in the knight order if possible, I considered to receive Caim-dono’s guidance.” (Vaiya) Not only Vaiya was surprised by Caim’s immediate reply, but even Duelgar, who heard it unintentionally, was. “P-Please wait a moment! The work won’t proceed if Caim goes missing!” (Duelgar) “Lord-sama...” (Caim) Raising his right hand to rein in Duelgar, Caim calmly says, “... wants to actively promote the skills of administrating a territory and the combat techniques of this Tohno territory. Our decentralized deployment has been included within this plan. It will be worrisome if the tasks are delayed with only me not being here. Besides, it’s not like I will use the whole day for it.” (Caim) “O-Of course. If you can help me for or days, it will be most helpful, I think.” (Vaiya) “Then, let’s carry out the training session in the mornings. I will find a location. Let’s have Pruflas arrange for several weapons, too.” (Caim) Vaiya, smiling all over his faces, shook hands with Caim due to the unexpectedly favourable terms, however Duelgar wondered with teary eyes whether his workplace, that had finally calmed down, became a thing of the past. “Duelgar, please explain the matter to the other civil officials tomorrow morning.” (Caim) “... Understood.” (Duelgar) I absolutely can’t imagine how I’m to escape the future of “Why didn’t you stop him?” from female camp. Even under normal circumstances, with the bad-tempered Miyukare at the top, there’s no doubt that tomorrow’s morning will become a great disaster. Rather than this, I prefer to do any work
The information that Hifumi invaded Horant has been brought not to the king but to Veldore. For that to happen, Yugu manoeuvred within the castle. But that’s something Veldore doesn’t know. “They stepped into our country, you say?” (Yugu) “It looks like he annihilated our border guards.” (Messenger) Yugu, who listened to the report along Veldore, sighed. “However, if it’s a small group of people, it will be simple to crush them before they manage to reach the capital.” (Veldore) Hearing the words of Veldore, the soldier, who came to report, timidly remarked, “That is... they have already broken through two cities. They are believed to arrive at the capital within a few days...” (Messenger) Veldore, standing up suddenly, threw the porcelain sake cup in his hand on the floor. “Why weren’t we informed of this before?” (Veldore) The soldier, who had completely shrunk away, knelt while trembling. “Please calm down, Veldore-sama. ... This might be a good opportunity.” (Yugu) “What do you mean?” (Veldore) Yugu had the soldier withdraw and lowered his voice so that others wouldn’t be able to hear it. “I will propose a plot like this.” (Yugu) Quietly whispering the plan into Veldore’s ears. It was a method to spectacularly and honorably rise to the crown in a way desirable for Veldore. Although Veldore was laughing and grinning broadly, he felt a sudden doubt. “However, the king’s surrounding is guarded by the soldiers of the Imperial Guard. They don’t smell like soldiers I could entice to my side. Won’t it be impossible to advance the plan without having such pawns to begin with?” (Veldore) “You are jesting. I have prepared the strongest private army ・・・ You think they aren’t?” (Yugu) “... You want to use that, huh?” (Veldore) “It’s just the right opportunity. Let’s show the people the strength of their new king.” (Yugu) Veldore hesitated. The private army of Veldore, that Yugu refers to, are soldiers in name only as they are experimental bodies, but although they are in a condition possible to be controlled, they repeatedly went through experiments of implantation, medication and such. You absolutely can’t show their faces and figures in public as their appearance can be called nothing more but “something vaguely human-like.” “There’s no necessity to be worried. The combat will be limited to within the castle only. At the time they are shown to the public, their whole body will be entirely covered in armor.” (Yugu) “Uh huh...” (Veldore) “Please leave the arrangements to me, even including that area.” (Yugu) Velodore thought for a moment as Yugu made an elegant bow, but no other good plan came to mind. “Very well, we will adopt Yugu’s plan.” (Veldore) “Please leave it to me.” (Yugu) Yugu, who raised his face, laughed while twirling his mustache. ☺☻☺ Silence is spreading during the audience. In front of the princess, who is standing next to the throne, the Third Knight Unit’s Captain Lotomago and Prime Minister Adol are kneeling. On both sides of the room guards are lined up in a row. Their faces are uniformly grave. Everyone’s facial expression except that of the princess is clouded. They aren’t mourning for the prince. That is in consideration of the princess who knew about the death of her brother. There is no one but Imeraria who genuinely mourns over the death of the prince. “... My brother has been killed by Hifumi after all...?” (Imeraria) “No... we have received the report that the prince was killed by someone called Origa who is Earl Tohno’s attendant.” (Lotomago) It was Lotomago denying Imeraria’s suspicion. He, who belatedly received the report, forced the information upon the princess disregarding Adol’s protests. Adol, standing reluctantly next to him, tried to do a follow-up for Imeraria. “Origa-san is...” (Adol) Imeraria recalled her giving off the impression of always wanting to be at Hifumi’s side and that she was a woman with a lovely face and eyes concealing a strong ambition while being of the same age as her, although she didn’t talk much with her. Imeraria, who was about to lose her strength due to Lotomago’s words recounting the circumstances at that time, frantically strengthened her legs to keep standing. What came over my younger brother. I wonder if he went to the battlefield thinking of it as going on a pleasure jaunt as he has been manipulated by his surroundings. Although still a child who had yet to go to the front, he became engrossed in fooling around and being waited upon by women. No matter what, Imeraria didn’t bear any grudge against Origa. Once she heard the circumstances and learned about the extent, it was obvious that her younger brother didn’t have the qualifications to be the king. She couldn’t consider it anything but him reaping what he sowed. However, in the end he was the last other remaining royalty. Despite great efforts put into protecting him, she ended up losing her young brother easily and lost hope herself too. Imeraria is barely standing due to nothing but her responsibility as royalty. “... Is there anyone else who saw the actual scene?” (Imeraria) “Ha! Except the knight who reported it to me, there is someone from the Second Knight Order, who returned today.” (Lotomago) Lotomago, obtaining Imeraria’s permission, had the waiting knight enter the audience room. It was Vaiya, who came entering while holding his helmet under his arm and straightening his back quickly. Coming to a stop slightly behind Lotomago and Adol, he quietly fell to his knees and bowed his head. “I give you permission to speak freely. Please tell us everything you observed.” (Imeraria) “Ha!” (Vaiya) Having been permitted to stand up so that everyone could hear him clearly, Vaiya explained in detail what happened for the situation to progress towards such an outcome and the kind of situation the Second Knight Order, First Knight Order, Hifumi and Biron had been in, while cautious of making eye contact with the princess. Everyone who was at the audience, listened attentively to the report without interrupting. Even more than the merciless annihilation of the prince faction by Hifumi, Imeraria was lost for words at the enhancement of the live-experiment imitation-soldiers performed by Vichy. Furthermore Vaiya reported that a part of the Fokalore feudal army, en route to return, is accompanied by the rescued former soldier of Horant and that they are currently taking a rest in borrowed barracks of the capital. “And, what’s the matter with Hifumi-sama and the main force of the Fokalore feudal army?” (Imeraria) “Earl Tohno and a part of the soldiers have gone ahead to invade the territory of Horant. Having completely annihilated the enemy’s border guards, they are headed for the capital of the enemy nation. The main force is following Earl Tohno with a delay of half a day.” (Vaiya) Imeraria was at her wits’ end due to Vaiya’s words. “Even though we didn’t even hold peace talks with Vichy yet... Though it is probably futile to try stopping him as well.” (Imeraria) “At any rate”, Imeraria looked at Vaiya standing in front of her. “You are a knight belonging to the Second Knight Order, right? I thought your standpoint was to support my younger brother. Why are you on the side of the Third Knight Order’s Captain Lotomago?” (Imeraria) “Ha! I’m just a single knight. Since I only followed my captain’s policy, I think I want to keep a distance from things like political deals and factions myself. However, due to the failure this time there are only a few survivors of the Second Knight Order. Because it reached a situation about which nothing can be done and as we didn’t have any authority, I consulted with the Third Knight Order’s captain about our future course.” (Vaiya) Lotomago, who fully grasped the circumstances, agreed to look after the Second Knight Order and apparently ordered him to report that to Imeraria. “I see... Understood. From this point on the Second Knight Order is dissolved. The Third Knight Order will be treated as Orsongrande’s sole knight order. I will entrust the continued captaincy to Lotomago.” (Imeraria) Lotomago opened his mouth due to Imeraria asking him whether that’s fine. “With all due respect... I won’t object either and will gladly accept serving as captain of the unified knight order, however I think that you are too generous to grant me this post, especially in regards to consolidating the knight orders.” (Lotomago) “However”, Lotomago lifted his head. “It’s undesirable for anyone but Imeraria-sama to consolidate the core of the national military forces. Supposing that the imperial guard is the only other organisation besides the knight order, I wonder, in my humble opinion, whether it would be fine for it to take the shape of Imeraria-sama being in command.” (Lotomago) The prime minister also expressed his approval towards Lotomago’s recommendation. If Lotomago had stayed silent, he would have ascended to the highest position concerning the national military affairs “Understood. I highly appreciate the good sense and judgement of Lotomago. And for the newly organised Imperial Knight Order... do you want to nominate anyone?” (Imeraria) “Ha! Although he is young, he is a knight possessing pragmatic judgement. I nominate Sabnak. And as his advisor and vice-captain, Vaiya over here.” (Lotomago) Due to Lotomago’s words, Vaiya, who had knelt down again, spontaneously raised his head. It was the first time he had heard about being recommended. “Let me ask for the reason.” (Imeraria) “Sabnak is an acquaintance of Earl Tohno. He has been influenced by the Earl in a good way. Either way, I think that he is also able to handle things flexibly. He even has such degree of managerial ability that he had been requested by the Earl to aid in the administration of the territory. He has insufficient experience, but that’s no problem to begin with.” (Lotomago) After having said this much, Lotomago looks at Vaiya with a fleeting glance. “Even Vaiya here gathered the already scattered soldiers and returned alive while his knight order was devastated. He also experienced actual combat and seems to be quick-witted. It looks like he even has the ability to only keep a supportive relation with Earl Tohno. Isn’t he a capable and valuable person that parted with the knight order, he belonged to, for a reason? He brought to me suggestions how to increase the strength of this country’s soldiers thanks to new discoveries.” (Lotomago) “Suggestions, it is?” (Imeraria) Lotomago was relieved within his mind because of Imeraria having an interest in the matter. It’s very likely that the fronts in the vicinity of the country will spread from here on out. I would have been troubled, if she wasn’t sensitive to suggestions affecting the national defense. “Yes. It’s about the training of the Fokalore territorial soldiers carried out according to Earl Tohno’s guidance...” (Lotomago) The establishment of the new Imperial Knight Order, following the idea of Lotomago and Vaiya, was acknowledged on the same day. Vaiya would become the acting captain of the Imperial Knight Order until Sabnak returned from Münster. Vaiya, who was even ready to be expelled from the knight order, became nervous due to being suddenly appointed an important post, but Sabnak, abruptly learning of his appointment as captain of the Imperial Knight Order from an official document delivered by a messenger, was even more confused. Reading the document, that was handed to him through Biron, he raised a silent scream. Even going as far as to suspect it being a vicious prank, he didn’t come out from his own room for a while. “Oh, magicians discovered.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who was advancing on Horant’s highway in high spirits, chuckles as he has discovered several people wearing robes mixed among the group approaching from the front. Within the group, being a military unit of around members, including the soldiers holding swords, there are people having the suitable appearance of magicians. They are properly assembled in the middle of the soldiers’ ranks. Due to the defenselessly approaching Hifumi, the soldiers, being combat-ready, told him to stop. But Hifumi ignores that. While Origa’s group was on standby slightly separated at the rear, they were checking whether there was something like an ambush lying in wait in the vicinity. Even this was because of Hifumi’s order. “You are magicians, I guess? There just a few things I want to ask about the institutions of the capital.” (Hifumi) The magicians faced the man, who suddenly appeared in front of them, with sullen faces. “You bastard! We are a special unit directly under the command of Yugu-sama!” (Soldier A) The ignored soldier suddenly and forcefully drew near to threaten Hifumi. Hifumi’s left hand hit the face of the soldier, who came in front of him, with a slap. Although no one in the surrounding saw it, it was a dirty strike fully hitting an eye with the index finger. Leaving the soldier who crouched down and held his face due to the sudden pain, Hifumi turned to the magicians. “The institution in charge of researching magic tools is probably close to the castle, right? Tell me the location.” (Hifumi) “W-Who do you think are...” (Magician A) The magician, taken aback by Hifumi’s behavior of extreme high-handedness, was barely able to squeeze out those words. “Ah, I didn’t introduce myself yet.” (Hifumi) “Sorry, my bad”, Hifumi sneered. “I’m an Earl of Orsongrande, Hifumi.” (Hifumi) “So, the location is?” The soldiers curtly took a distance from Hifumi, who repeated his question. As the soldiers took out their weapons in a hurry, Hifumi’s mouth crooked and he leaked his dissatisfaction. “What’s this about! Although I started a peaceful conversation, I get this treatment.” (Hifumi) Once he looks, the magicians are grasping their daggers and have begun to chant something. Even the soldier, who held his face, stood up and drew his sword with a furious expression having a deep red left eye. Hifumi, confirming with a glance that he was surrounded in a circle, suddenly made a big step. Blowing one magician away with a front kick into his stomach, only one person was separated from the group. The magician after bouncing two times, collapsed, becoming completely limp just like that. “It’s fine if only that guy remains.” (Hifumi) While saying that, Hifumi retrieved the sansetsukon from his storage. “Well, let’s do it” (Hifumi) “Don’t make fun of us!” (Soldier A) As Hifumi avoided the approaching soldier from the start with a light sway of his body, fire and wind spells came flying from the magicians. With their way of having attained a considerable amount of cooperation, their attacks have been skillfully shot out-of-the-way of the soldiers holding swords. “Heave ho.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, deciding to close the distance to the man who came assaulting with his sword, quickly seized his neck and switched places with him. The man, wounded by wind blades and having his body covered in flames, rolled around for a moment, but then stopped moving almost immediately. “It stinks.” (Hifumi) Frowning due to the stench of meat being burned, Hifumi is attacked by soldiers one after the other. Though they were quite expert in their methods of attacking while shifting the vanguards, Hifumi saw through a certain flaw they had. Getting close to the person trying to withdraw, he stabs the throat with the tip of his staff killing the soldier. As that soldier was thrown into the ranks of the other soldiers due to the force, chaos spread for an instant. “It looks like you practiced with opponents that aren’t moving. Living things are different from wooden dolls.” (Hifumi) It might be valid if the opponent’s goal is an escort target or group battle so that they can lure the opponent to exhaust themselves by switching their ranks in a fixed rotation, but it’s different if the opponent is a small group and even more so if the opponent doesn’t stop moving around. As he completely stepped into their ranks, Hifumi, storing away the inconvenient sansetsukon before anyone noticed, gripped a suntetsu in his right hand while the group was bunched up together without being able to swing their swords. “You are far too close to swing around long swords~” (Hifumi) He is burying and stabbing the suntetsu successively into eyeballs, heads and temples of the foreheads. It’s a mass production of corpses and heavily wounded. “Occasionally such melee is fun.” (Hifumi) Storing away the suntetsu, he laughs merrily holding the kodachi, which was something that wasn’t produced and used in this world, in a reverse grip. Gently cutting through the carotid artery just as he is passing by, he stabs a different opponent as he slips past the spray of blood. Furthermore, grabbing the neck of the next enemy, he draws the soldier to himself while slippingthe blade into the armpit where there is no armor. Hifumi doesn’t miss several enemies trying to quietly break away after he plastered the highway with fresh blood. As a single person of those withdrawing tried to retrieve the magician, who was lying down at the side, an iron pebble sank into the back of his neck. “I have business with that guy. Restrain yourselves from taking him away.” (Hifumi) At the time Hifumi said that, more than half of the soldiers from Horant had fallen. The other soldiers of Horant, noticing that there are people trying to get away, understood the state of affairs and scattered away from Hifumi. “Tsk...” (Soldier) A single person of those withdrawing clicks his tongue. “You guys didn’t have an interest in fighting from the start. You had a reaction as if you even knew my face.” (Hifumi) As Hifumi points that out, they raise a groan. “Bullseye, huh? It looks like it’s necessary to listen to your guy’s story for a bit, riiight?” (Hifumi) Changing the kodachi to an overhand grip by rotating it around, he holds out the blades point in a stance with one leg bent in front and the other extended behind. Still having a pebble in his left hand, he is playing around with it with his fingertips. “Well then, do you want to attempt escaping? Or do you want to test whether you can win?” (Hifumi) “I won’t allow any choices besides those two”, Hifumi said as he swung the kodachi.
In the end, Origa and Kasha said nothing to Hifumi, or rather, it was impossible for them to say it anything. From the slaves’ point of view, it would be unreasonable to get their master involved for the sake of their revenge, so the two decided not to ask him. Origa had sworn to become stronger and take revenge, following Hifumi’s relentless training energetically. Even though gaining power from Hifumi’s guidance seemed similar to relying on Hifumi’s power, it was different. After dinner, when Hifumi returned to his room, Origa and Kasha had a discussion. 「 ....Certainly, as Origa said, depending on master one way or the other doesn’t feel right. 」 Falling back on the futon while relishing the feeling, Kasha agreed. A soft feeling is kind towards a tired body. In retrospect, their current hotel was better than the ones they used to frequent as adventurers. In spite of being slaves, their living conditions had improved, Kasha smiled at the irony. Being able to choose what to eat; how much to eat, is it thanks to the extreme practice that their figures were maintained? On the contrary, it feels like their figures had tightened. 「But if this continues, we’ll never get our revenge..... Master is kind, on getting an opportunity, he will listen to our request... though that’s what I think.. 」(Origa) He is certainly kind. (Kasha) He doesn’t hesitate to kill those hostile to him, regardless of their standing or authority. Conversely, he is kind to those he calls family, the two slaves can also live life without discomfort. There is neither abuse nor sexual assault. Origa, sitting on the bed brushed her pale green hair. Combing her freshly-washed beautiful and lustrous hair, even Kasha of the same sex was charmed. Generally slaves are lucky if they can occasionally bathe with cold water. We can wash our bodies everyday with hot water, can also buy and use everyday necessities. Objectively seen, he’s a kind master, thought Origa. 「 But.... 」 Something caught in Kasha’s chest. Not complaining the slightest and thankful for the good treatment, Kasha frankly admired Hifumi’s personality. Substantially different from those she encountered till now. 「 What’s wrong? 」 「 Iya~, it’s nothing. My weariness was easily relieved by resting while cleaning myself. 」 Kasha showed Origa a smile, who seemed to hold goodwill towards Hifumi, while worrying pointlessly. 「 It’s time for bed. We have to expect Master’s severe training starting tomorrow morning again. 」 「 You’re right. Have a good night. 」 「 Good night. 」 Somehow, her real worries lie in how not to hurt her best friend’s feelings, Kasha prayed in her heart. The next day, Pajou, who was wearing a uniform, went to the dining room where three people were eating their breakfast. 「 There is a report on the Marquis from a few days ago, is that fine? 」 「 Yes. 」 「 Excuse me then. 」 Since Origa was sitting in front of Hifumi, Pajou naturally went to sit down on the vacant seat beside Hifumi. Pajou quickly confirmed that the surrounding people will not overhear her, she pulled the chair silently. 「 A considerable number of documents in the Marquis’ mansion were been burnt by the fire. But the documents that I salvaged revealed a lot of information. They’re smugglers..... Actually, a trading company was established under a different name for that purpose. We are now investigating the premises of the trading company. 」 During these past few days, the rd Knight’s Corp and the Public Security Corp have been investigating together. they discovered a building a ways away from the commercial area of the royal capital,registered under this trading company. But when the combined force of both Corps entered the place, it was completely abandoned. 「 So why did you intentionally tell me this? 」 「 Because you were involved in this. Though the Marquis’ attempted murder was stopped, the money made from smuggling was used for political maneuvering within the Imperial Court. The Marquis’ son...... The knight that you killed during the audience with the King, was able to enter the Imperial Knights Corp at a young age. A position that brings them closer to the royal family, and used their wealth on the nobles to create a large faction. 」 To be acquainted with the royal family like that, “A young excellent knight with good family background, betrothed to the imperial princess” is what they were getting around to. If a problem in succession should arise, they’d appeal to the person sitting on the throne for a child, they really planned this for the long haul. Acknowledging it to that extent, there is a possibility to politically manipulate the maternal relatives of the royal family Having their grand scheme with the King summoning the hero collapse as a result of killing the son, who is also knight. They aimed at taking revenge on Hifumi. 「 Hmm, if it’s like that, those within the high-ranking nobles must be dealt inconspicuously. Collect evidence from the officials to arrest them and be done with it. Announce publicly that the Marquis died from an illness, and the knight had an accident during training. 」 However, the investigation for anyone connected to the trading company have been pushed through, it has been discovered that the scale of the simple smuggling operation is a problem. 「 The amount of money involved is too big. They were able to secretly move goods of staggeringly huge value back and forth. To make matters worse, there is no information on the individuals that buys through the trading company. Furthermore thanks to the company, all the items sold have been settled already. The purchases seem to have influenced the founding of the trading company. 」 Thereupon, Pajou turned to Origa and Kasha. 「 Origa-san and Kasha-san isn’t it. Before becoming slaves, have you two done any work regarding a jewel called “Aqua Sapphire”? 」magic To Pajou’s question, Origa’s body twitched. Kasha looked sharply at Pajou. 「 .....Indeed, we received the task of transporting a jewel of such a name. However, that was merely by chance.」 「 Pajou, stop this roundabout behavior. 」 「 ......Understood. I will explain from the beginning. In addition, there is a request for adventurer Hifumi-san, from the Orsongrande kingdom. 」 Facing Hifumi, Pajou began to explain with an earnest gaze. Listening to Pajou’s explanation and telling her they would reply to the request the next day, Hifumi, Origa and Kasha gathered in Origa and Kasha’s room. 「 So, this matter about this “Aqua Sapphire” is the source of your debts, and the reason you are slaves. 」 「 Yes... 」 After listening to Pajou’s explanation Origa had a brooding expression on her face. Sitting next to her, Kasha grasped Origa’s shoulder, eyes downcast. The details of the Knight Corps’ investigation were told to them. Origa and Kasha had received a request to safely transport “Aqua Sapphire”, an expensive jewel among the nobles from a craftsman. Since there were a large number of adventurers who wanted the request, in order to travel comfortably to other towns and sightsee, the guild did a recommendation. The Aqua Sapphire is a speciality of Orsongrande’s, and without the Royal family’s permission, it is forbidden to carry it outside the country. Because of it’s extraordinarily high price, from the time it is collected, processed and then sold, reporting its whereabouts is essential. Ordinary thieves do not aim for it since selling it outside the country is not easy, as it can be easily traced. Origa and Kasha were carrying the Aqua Sapphire to the destination town with their documents being verified by soldiers at various stops along the highway, over the period of some days. The client was supposed to be at the destination town according to the craftsman. However, upon entering the town and checking the artisan’s wooden box, there was no Aqua Sapphire inside. Naturally, the client was angry and Origa and Kasha had to pay compensation, but it was not an amount an ordinary adventurer could pay.The payment deadline passed, and they ended up as slaves. 「 The moment it was decided that we would be slaves, the client was laughing unpleasantly.At that moment, we realised.... 」 Kasha sighed, letting out a self-mocking laugh. 「 The client at that time, a guy called Beirevura seemed to be a representative of the firm related to the Marquis. 」 It was said that the destination town was managed by a viscount affiliated with the Marquis’ faction. Most likely, the soldiers received orders from the Marquis to extract the Aqua Sapphire at a checkpoint while entering the town. If multiple soldiers were accomplices, then it could not be helped. According to the information, it was a very simple trap to set up. Origa and Kasha were caught magnificently. The documents recovered from the Marquis’s home confirmed that the Marquis’ company was going to take the missing Aqua Sapphire to Vichy. It was here that Origa and Kasha’s names came up. 「 In short, a crime was fabricated for the missing jewel, which was taken out of the country behind the scenes. 」 Beirevura was going to Vichy using the permit with the Marquis’ signature on it. The Knight Corps network extended only until the Vichy border, and they could not act beyond without possibly antagonizing the other country, so any result was dubious at best. 「 And I can unexpectedly help this country since I have permission to leave, and work there as an adventurer. 」 The contents of the request that Pajou brought was to find Beirevura in Vichy, and investigate the other party associated with this scheme. Originally, someone from the Knights should go, but there is no way to explain a knight coming from another country. If it’s Hifumi, it is possible since it is not uncommon for adventurers to cross borders for work. Even though he has a peerage, that title is not used in other countries. This was requested to the guild, and they nominated HIfumi, who understood that it was an appeal from the country without any tricks. 「 Well then, what to do. 」 On that note, the incident involving Strauss of Horant momentarily came to mind, but was left aside as it was not as important as the Vichy situation. Unable to decide where to go, Hifumi thought of this opportunity as a good chance to explore Vichy. The kingdom will prepare a horse and carriage. He wanted to fight other people as well, not just ones from Orsongrande. 「 For the two of you, it’s an opportunity for revenge, how about it? 」 When Hifumi asked the question, Origa, who had fallen silent at the beginning, sitting on the floor bowed her head. 「 Master, please forgive me for saying such a selfish thing. If it is possible, the chance to take revenge....」 Not waiting for Hifumi’s reaction, Origa began to talk as though a dam had burst. 「 At that time, if I had not rushed Kasha and confirmed the contents of the box properly.... Because of me, Kasha got dragged in. I have never forgotten that moment. Receiving weapons from master, being instructed in fighting, practising, all thanks to master. To compensate, even if master kills me, I will not regret it. So please let me take revenge. 」 「 Origa, you still cared about that thing.... I never regretted pairing with you! I have never held you as responsible for what happened that time..... 」 Seeing Origa crying her eyes out, Kasha was unable to hold back her own tears. To Kasha sitting on the floor and earnestly asking while lowering her head, Hifumi said 「 Origa, tell me clearly. 」 「 This is my revenge. Without it, everything is meaningless.」 「 It is .....our revenge, Origa. 」 「 Kasha..... 」 「 Hmm..... Well then, shall we go? To Vichy. 」 Towards the master’s decision, Origa lowered her head again, but to the next words, their eyes became dots. 「 Personal battles stack up good experience. 」 「 Ee? Experience...? 」 Seeing the bewildered Origa, Hifumi stood up and laughed. 「 Put simply, the culprits causing trouble for my slaves are the ones pulling the strings. Others will come to try and kill you to tie up loose ends. Feel free to kill them without reserve. 」 「 For a hidden investigation to go smoothly, causing a disturbance...... 」 Kasha inadvertently retorted. 「 In one week, I will drive in the basics of personal combat. Origa, review the use of the shuriken and magic carefully. I will also coach Kasha very strictly. Also, we have to prepare for travel, we’ll be very busy!」 Hifumi left the room first to start preparing, the two watching him leave in blank amazement.
At the time when they left the chaotic castle, Hifumi, Origa and Viine weren’t questioned by anyone, or rather, they weren’t seen by anyone. Horant’s soldiers of both factions, who fainted due to the stench, are carried out by Orsongrande’s soldiers. There aren’t any casualties, but there’s a great number of those who have nightmares. Orsongrande’s raid party, which is scattered about outside the castle, is retrieved and the fainted soldiers of Fokalore are carried out from the second floor as well. Having said that, Hifumi’s group, which jumped down from the third floor into the disorder outside, started to leisurely walk towards the castle town. The city’s people are coming back from the previous evacuation, and the servants are heading to the castle in groups, too. Reopening the stalls as early as possible, there also were resolute merchants who have started calling out to potential customers. “Shall we go buy some suitable food?” (Hifumi) “Yes, let’s do that.” (Origa) Viine rushes over to Hifumi who walks while leading Origa. Viine, who runs with her rabbit ear and breasts wobbling, gathered the attention down-town due to the people there encountering a rare beastman with a well-featured face and figure. “I have passed on the verbal message for Alyssa-sama to a soldier-san of Fokalore.” (Viine) “Okay, good work.” (Hifumi) No more than a brief comment. Those were short words of gratitude, but Viine was happy even with this small communication. What she wished for is here. “Thanks to my husband’s kindness, it has been decided that you will be granted the position of a minister’s secretary in Fokalore. Please do your best, okay?” (Origa) Viine has a troubled expression toward the words she was told by Origa. “Umm... “So I have to start from there...” (Origa) The position of minister’s secretary, which was given to Viine, was a post Hifumi created moments ago. It sounds as if it’s quite the title, but in short it’s no more than her being entrusted with odd jobs, which were done by Origa and Caim, while being in a position of working as exclusive assistant of Hifumi. However, for Viine it’s essential to be able to work close to Hifumi. Something like the details of the job comes second. “Thank you very much, master! I will work hard at it!” (Viine) “Well, it will be fine if you handle it properly.” (Hifumi) Shall I take some horses from the camp for Fokalore’s soldiers? “Hifumi-sama, I looked for you.” The girl, who wore the clothes of a servant, bows elegantly and looks straight into Hifumi’s eyes.magic “Who are you?” (Hifumi) “I have the privilege of serving in the castle. I’m called Levi. I’m one of the servants who has been in charge of Tannin-sama’s care.” (Levi) “I see. So...? I wonder whether you can have me hear an agreeable reason for having approached me while scattering an irritating level of blood thirst.” (Hifumi) Hifumi’s surrounding, which confronts her, becomes freezing and the air turns heavy. Origa, who is used to such situations, is calm, no, grasping the iron-ribbed fan, she is clad in the same air as Hifumi. Viine made sure to not become a hindrance for Hifumi and Origa by taking some distance. “W-What are you talking about? Being requested to pass a verbal message to you, Hifumi-sama, from Tannin-sama, I just came to...” (Levi) “Humph... do the maids in this place hide a dagger inside their apron while coming to give a verbal message?” (Hifumi) Before Hifumi finishes his question, Levi took out a knife from the chest part of her apron. The dagger’s point, which was pushed out alongside her yell to encourage herself, could be called fast for her slender arms, but even so it falls short of injuring Hifumi. Hifumi, who seized Levi’s small right hand as if wrapping it up, restrained the bottom of her neck with his left hand while averting the dagger’s point to the side. Using the force of the pushed out hand just like that, he casually pulls her right hand. Hifumi coldly lowered his eyes at Levi who tosses herself about in great pain while raising a scream that doesn’t befit her adorable appearance. “W-What did you do?” (Viine) Viine, who approached timidly, had a pale expression. “I only dislocated her shoulder a bit.” (Hifumi) “There are no suspicious people in the vicinity. It seems she acted by herself, Hifumi-sama.” (Origa) He answers Origa’s report with 「I guessed so」. She was far too ill-prepared for an assassin considering those do it systematically. He grabs the neck of the suffering and agonizing Levi. “Just answer one thing. What’s the purpose of you having tried to kill me?” (Hifumi) Due to Hifumi’s question, Levi tries to no match his line of sight while revealing her tears. “Then, were you asked by Tannin whose name came up earlier?” (Hifumi) Levi started to say something, but the hand, which grasps her neck, was filled with strength before she spoke the words. “Origa, Viine, sorry, but please investigate who this Tannin guy is and where he is. I will be in the restaurant over there.” (Hifumi) “Understood.” (Origa) “Ah, don’t ask the surroundings of Nelgal or Imeraria. It’s obvious that it will become troublesome.” (Hifumi) ☺☻☺ Imeraria, who recovered the next day, woke up in the high-class inn which was prepared by Nelgal, and sat up on top of the bed. “Your Majesty! Is your body alright?” The attending maid rushed over to Imeraria and called out to her uneasily. “Yes, I’m okay. ... Though I’d like to bath in hot water.” (Imeraria) “I will have it prepared right away. And, is it alright for me to contact Sabnak-sama? Since he was very worried...” “Yes. I ended up having caused him to worry as well. Is it currently still noon?” (Imeraria) “It will become noon after around one more hour, Your Majesty.” Throwing off the thin dressing gown, Imeraria was depressed thinking “Then, please call Sabnak-san, Vaiya-san, Puuse-san and Alyssa-san. I want to have lunch together with them.” (Imeraria) “Though I believe your physical condition to no be perfect yet...” “Your worry is unnecessary. Rather than that, I was able to look over this document, but... is that alright?” (Imeraria) After the luncheon, Imeraria, who received a written invitation from Nelgal, checked the letter which was delivered in addition, and visited the castle in a hurry after being surprised about its details. “By no means do I want to believe that you have proposed a treaty which is disadvantageous for yourself.” (Imeraria) Nelgal showed a smile at Imeraria who played the fool with “It seems my head feels dizzy.” “It means that we got this much assistance from you. Besides, it doesn’t mean that there’s no profit for our side.” (Nelgal) The contents of the draft created by Nelgal firmly promised the lending of magic tools from Horant for cheap and that neither side will try to claim reparation from either side regarding the damages to both countries. Moreover, the time limit and the upper limit of the quantity is intended to continue for the period of Imeraria’s reign. “Everything is for the sake of preserving a connection with your country and to avoid being doubted unnecessarily. Besides, the magic tools, which have been developed by us, well, how to say it, are like that, but since we have progressed quite a bit thanks to Hifumi-san, they also serve as thanks for having received your help this time.” (Nelgal) “It’s shrewd, I guess”, Nelgal winks. Having been worried whether he is fearing that it would cause domestic fights due to those circumstances, Imeraria was relieved. “Then I will gladly accept concluding a treaty in this shape.” (Imeraria) “Thank you very much. Let us create a written contract right away.” (Nelgal) Nelgal, who called a civil official and ordered them to make a clean copy of the draft, began to completely stabilize as a king. “Honestly, it was a great disaster. It’s regrettable that many lives ended up lost, but... I have nothing more impressive to my record than getting crowned. I was able to obtain the achievement of suppressing the domestic disturbances at the same time...” (Nelgal) “It has been decided that Kuzemu will be accused of the crime of having sent soldiers against the king though it’s post-mortem. The rebels, including their families, and their relatives are scheduled to be punished severely”, Nelgal explained. Also, the people who followed Kuzemu, except those who committed crimes against parts of the citizens, would be given back their former posts after being acquitted. “The ones who suffered the most troubles are the servants working in the castle. The oil doesn’t come off easily. The stench hasn’t disappeared yet either. I decided to lockout the first floor, except for the stairs, for a while.” (Nelgal) “It’s something you have to properly reward them for. The matter of wages is important, but I believe it’s indispensable to acknowledge their value after examining them accurately.” (Imeraria) “I shall engrave it into my heart. Please treat me well from now on as well by offering me various guidance and encouragement.” (Nelgal) “Yes. Please resolve yourself for it.” (Imeraria) Due to Nelgal requesting it earnestly with exaggerated gestures, Imeraria takes a posture of acting self-important like a noble’s daughter. After a short while they burst into laughter as they couldn’t endure it any longer. A single maid rushed into the room which was filled with a harmonious mood. “Your Majesty!” “How noisy. Did something happen?” (Nelgal) The out-of-breath maid held her chest and handed a memo to Nelgal. “... I see. Got it. Call one of the soldiers and tell them to get the person in charge to this place.” (Nelgal) Seeing off the maid who once again leaves with a quick pace, Imeraria asks Nelgal, “Did something happen?” (Imeraria) “A civil war in Vichy... no, Pearsan went independent. It seems battle broke out between Vichy and Pearsan.” (Nelgal) Imeraria tilted her head to the side due to Nelgal’s words. “Isn’t the scale completely different? I can’t believe that a small country with around one independent provincial city is able to win against a city alliance state, but... what is the head of Pearsan thinking?” (Imeraria) “I don’t know. But there’s one thing I do know. Apparently Pearsan obtained some powerful weapon.” (Nelgal) In the report was written that Pearsan is encroaching upon Vichy with overwhelming military might. ☺☻☺ “I guess I will last for a while with this. Shall I hide in father’s territory for the time being...?” (Tannin) Tannin, who finished the preparations, ties a horse to the carriage loaded with the baggage. “You are Tannin, aren’t you?” “Who’s there?” (Tannin) The one who called out to him was Hifumi who shouldered Levi’s body. “You, huh...? In addition, Levi, is it?” (Tannin) “This one?” (Hifumi) “Uwaah!” (Tannin) Having Levi’s body thrown at him by Hifumi, Tannin collapsed together with her small body while holding her. Due to Levi not moving with a twitch even when receiving such treatment, Tannin’s face pales rapidly. “Mentioning your name, she turned a dagger against me. What’s that about?” (Hifumi) While indifferently looking down on them, Hifumi hits the ground with a steel staff he took out unnoticed. “I-I don’t know! I haven’t ordered her anything!” (Tannin) “Hmm?” (Hifumi) He pressed the staff’s end against Tannin’s throat. . Even if you haven’t ordered her, it can be interpreted as you hinting her towards it, but...” (Hifumi) “It’s different! That’s probably something that fellow did selfishly!” (Tannin) Tearing off Levi’s body from atop Tannin, who frantically denied ((the accusation)), she turned over with her facing upwards. “This woman has only lost her consciousness, but... if what you say is true, I have to make her suffer the consequences of having attacked me.” (Hifumi) A heavy sound reverberates. Hifumi struck Levi’s abdomen with the staff he holds. “Ha, haha... I-I-If you understood the truth, it’s probably alright by now! Please go back!” (Tannin) “What’s so funny? This one was your woman, wasn’t she?” (Hifumi) “Humph, there are as many women as I want.” (Tannin) Did his waist give in? Tannin doesn’t even try to stand up. “That one is also one amongst many. What did she misunderstand? Intruding into my mansion, she even killed my servant. She’s insane.” (Tannin) Tanning laughs with a “Hehe” as if he went mad. “I just called out to her because she obediently believed what I told her and because she had a slightly cute face, but she was an unthinkably messed up woman. If you kill her in my stead, I will be thankful to you in reverse!” (Tannin) A bluff to gloss over his fear? Tannin’s words are smoother than at the time when he seduces a woman. “... You, it seems you were the general in the battle some time ago, but are you unable to differentiate whether a person dies or not?” (Hifumi) “I feel completely disappointed”, Hifumi shakes his head. “What do you think, Levi?” (Hifumi) “... Ue?” Once Tannin shifted his attention to Levi who has collapsed while facing upward, her eyes were completely open. While turning her head this way, only her eyes face him with a stinging glare. “Tannin-sama... why...?” (Levi) “Hasn’t he told me something like to Hifumi smirks. The fainted Levi woke up from being stabbed in the abdomen by Hifumi. And then she heard Tannin’s real feelings. Standing up slowly, Levi gently grasps the part of her apron below her chest. She ascertains the sensation of the knife being there. Holding the knife which she took out quietly, she approaches Tannin who is still sitting. “T-This is different! I never doubted your feelings, but this is, with words I was induced to say by this situation, it’s the truth that I l-l-love you!” (Tannin) “Thank you very much.” (Levi) Levi smiles sweetly. “Your army was defeated, Tannin-sama. The surroundings of the castle are constantly filled with Orsongrande’s soldiers and the soldiers of Horant are made to work like slaves. That’s not a place where you belong anymore, Tannin-sama...” (Levi) This contains substantial misunderstandings, but Hifumi doesn’t correct her. is what I thought, but I ended up failing. Therefore, your last moment ((will be)) together with me here...” (Levi) Grasping the knife, Levi raises her arm slowly overhead. “P-Please stop!” (Tannin) Tannin, who is in a state where he can’t retreat properly due to his knees trembling, couldn’t avert his look from from the blade’s edge reflecting the sun’s light. “I shall follow after you right away. Resolve yourself.” (Levi) “Hifumi-dono! Please save me! I will do anything!” (Tannin) Ignoring his appeal, Hifumi tosses the staff into his darkness storage. “Sav-...” (Tannin) The knife pierces into his left eye which is shedding tears. The thin blade, which slipped in fully until the root, had apparently a sufficient length to steal his life. Tannin, who fell down with a dull sound, had properly died even after getting assessed by Hifumi. “... Then.” (Levi) Levi, who grabbed the knife and extracted it together with the eyeball, turned around and fiercely rushed towards Hifumi. “Aaaaaaaaah!” (Levi) Despite howling as if she had gone crazy, the unleashed knife with the eyeball attached never reached Hifumi. The one attack by drawing his katana and attacking in the same stroke released from Hifumi’s waist is too quick. “Regrettable. If you hid your blood thirst a little better, you might have come a bit closer.” (Hifumi) Her slender waist was cut in two. The lower half of her body collapsed on the spot. The upper half is still alive. “Tannin...-sa...ma...” (Levi) She heads towards Tannin’s corpse while dragging herself with just her arms and pulling along her guts. Levi’s hand gently brushes Tannin’s cheek. Releasing a satisfied smile, Levi’s life came to an end.
The characters, written on the lithograph handed over by Prime Minister Adol, although old, were something Imeraria, who received education as royalty, was able to read to some extent. “This is...” (Imeraria) The details, which were written down there, evidently isn’t a spell formula for the sake of sending back. Having finished to read it, Imeraria wasn’t able to conceal her unrest due to the words mentioned at its end. “Sealing spell formula...” (Imeraria) If a magician with ability uses it, they will likely be able to seal even mighty monsters and powerful wizards, is what is written there. We pray that the day, where it will be necessary to use a spell to perform such a strong seal, won’t come, are the words finishing the record. “Adol-san, what’s this about? This isn’t a return spell formula. You said, during the talk with Origa-san, that you have been searching for a return spell, haven’t you?” (Imeraria) “Indeed. But I still haven’t found that spell yet.” (Adol) “Then showing me this sealing magic lithograph... what the heck are you planning?” (Imeraria) Once Imeraria looks at Adol as if examining him carefully, his lips stiffened into a thin line. “... Everything is for the sake of this country, Orsongrande.” (Adol) “For the time being I shall hear out your opinion.” (Imeraria) “Thank you very much.” (Adol) Bent on his knees, Adol talks with a stance of having his head lowered. “At this moment our country’s situation is stable. I guess it’s in a state with no issues, you might even say it’s doing well. You, Your Majesty, were enthroned, the economy has stabilized and even the populace has calmed down, that’s what I’m observing. As long as you don’t think about the cause for this either, a large part of it will be on account of Earl Tohno.” (Adol) Even Imeraria frankly consented to the story this far. As there was interference from Vichy regardless of Hifumi’s existence, it was an exceedingly great merit for the country that the conflicts with the other countries settled with Orsongrande’s complete predominance. “However, for the future country Earl Tohno will change into a huge burden. He became a hero for this country, but if his territory continues to grow, the positions of the country and Fokalore will likely reverse in the near future. No, if you talk about the aspect of the trust by his people and the engineering, you could already say that Fokalore’s evaluation has surpassed the capital’s.” (Adol) “While that may be true, as reason for rejecting Hifumi-sama...” (Imeraria) “Your Majesty, the Queen.” (Adol) With the knowledge of his impoliteness, Adol lifted his head and interrupted Imeraria. “Everything is moving with Earl Tohno at the core. Although it’s an unbelievable story, I’m told that the basis of Fokalore’s commerce and industry has been handled with Earl Tohno’s views as foundation. His ability isn’t only that of doing battle.” (Adol) “... Please, let me think about it for a bit. I’m deeply aware that I’m bearing the responsibility for this country’s fate. But, as for immediately accepting your arguments, it’s not like I have been able put my feelings about what happened to Pajou’s body in order yet.” (Imeraria) Imeraria, who had cast down her eyes, slowly sighed as if adjusting her breathing. “That was completely my error. Underestimating Hifumi-sama’s combat prowess, I belittled his intelligence. The one who stole her life was no one else but me.” (Imeraria) “Your Majesty. Including me, all of your retainers are serving to follow Your Majesty’s heart’s desires. Please, don’t use words of repentance towards Knight Pajou. She acted on behalf of Your Majesty.” (Adol) Barely keeping back her tears, Imeraria decided to look after the sealing spell and closed the meeting with Adol. On the verge of leaving the room, Adol said at the last moment 「This is something for the sake of having him leave as hero without needing to kill him. Please, think well about it」. Those words were burned into her mind. ☺☻☺ It was several days after he bought the beastmen slaves when Hifumi appeared at the slums. Without taking Reni and Helen along, he has only brought the dogman, Gengu, for guidance with him. “If it’s at the location I was told about before, the place called slums should be ahead from here.” (Gengu) The direction indicated by Gengu, was a path with a shabby atmosphere having accumulated remains of buildings and trash continuing into a narrow back alley. “I previously came to a place with such feeling as well. Well then, let’s go.” (Hifumi) “Please wait! If a human suddenly entered there, what kind of experience will they...” (Gengu) Ignoring Gengu, who tries to stop him, Hifumi quickly enters the slums’ interior. Giving up his persuasion, Gengo followed Hifumi’s back in a hurry, too. Once they exit the narrow alley, they arrive at a residential area with buildings lining up, although the collapsed buildings are standing out. Sensing signs of someone living there from several buildings, Hifumi, who guessed that they were turning their sights this way, aimlessly walks around while tapping the hilt of the katana, worn at his waist, with his finger. “Every last of them doesn’t come out and merely peeks this way from within the buildings.” (Hifumi) “They are probably cautious. It’s likely not unusual for humans to come here to catch beastmen.” (Gengu) “But, it’s just one human with only a single beastmen”, Hifumi says. Probably thinking that they would be easy opponents, it didn’t take much time for several beastmen to appear and surround Hifumi. By the looks they have assembled a clique of various tribes such as leopards and bears. From Hifumi’s point of view, it’s pleasing with a zoo-like feel. “I dun’ know why ya came here by yerself, human, but we ain’t do anythin’ bad ta ya, if ya leave yer cash and go.” A leopard beastman, who lost one arm, brings its face close to Hifumi with a questionable attitude making it uncertain whether they are threatening or persuading him. “Your breath stinks.” (Hifumi) Hifumi sent the leopard beastman flying with a frontal kick. The leopard beastman, who flew drawing a parabola without time to react, broke through a tattered house. Did the wall act as cushion? Apparently avoiding to faint, the beastman unsteadily stood up and and grasped its belly. “Bastard!” “P-Please wait!” (Gengu)magic Gengu rushed out in front of an enraged bear beastman. “This person is someone, who will become a hope for us beastmen! Please listen to him even if it’s only for the story.” (Gengu) “Hope, you say?” “You will likely understand once you look at my clothes. Those, who became slaves of humans, won’t be able to wear such nice clothes, will they!?” (Gengu) “Why are you doing something like being an ally of a human!?” Disregarding the mutual dispute between Gengu and the slums’ beastmen, Hifumi approached the leopard beastmen, he sent flying. “Do you still want to continue? If you do, I will kill you.” (Hifumi) “... I give up. Life is precious.” Leaving alone the leopard, who was hanging his head, Hifumi turned around. “It looks like this guy has given up. Is there anyone else, who wants to pick a fight with me?” (Hifumi) As it seemed that the leopard beastman was an existence similar to a powerful troubleshooter among the beastmen of the slums, there wasn’t anyone answering Hifumi’s call. Sighing due to being very disappointed, Hifumi sat down on a fitting debris. “Have the beastmen of this slum gather here.” (Hifumi) “W-What the hell are you planning?” Due to the leopard beastman’s question, Hifumi pointed his finger and answered, “We will build your guys’ city in these slums.” (Hifumi) The beastmen, who heard Hifumi’s words, opened their mouths dumbfoundedly. Only Gengu surveyed the surroundings keeping up his smile. “No matter how many times I hear it, it’s an interesting dream. I want to do it in one shot, too.” (Gengu) During the time Hifumi has gone out to the slums, Reni, Helen and the other beastmen, who were left behind, stayed at the inn. Be that as it may, that doesn’t mean they spent their time care-freely. “T-To suffer such a...” (Helen) It is Helen prostrating herself at a table in corner of the dining room set as reserved. In front of her is a book made out of fine quality paper. Next to it there is a messy handwriting lining up on a separate parchment. Reni was earnestly grasping a pen and studying besides Helen. “Reni, what are you doing as if your life depended on it? It’s not what that human told you. Even among humans there are plenty, who don’t study.” (Helen) “But, Hifumi-san said that I won’t be able to start looking like a ruler, if I don’t study...” (Reni) “... Has he really said that?” (Helen) “Yeah.” (Reni) Helen, who made an expression as if being astounded, stares directly at Reni. “What to say... humans are still a bit scary, but doing various things such as tasks, writing and thinking, such things didn’t exist in the wastelands, right? You can even say that about this studying. Writing down many things I don’t know, it has reached the point that I’m steadily comprehending things I didn’t understand.” (Reni) Reni put down the pen and grabbed Helen’s hands. “Don’t you think it’s interesting? And, Hifumi-san said that he will build the first city of the beastmen race. It will be a city, won’t it? It will have various stores like the human city and beastmen of various tribes will work on things, they like and are strong at.” (Reni) “Well that’s... if it’s going to be like that, it will be fun, I guess, but...” (Helen) When Helen casts down her eyes at the textbook, there are the official characters and vocabulary lined up in a row. Although she somehow memorized the way of reading those, it was still far too difficult for her to write words. She was told that Hifumi was able to read and write the general sentences in a few days, but Helen is doubting that. “What do you want to do once the city is built, Helen? Is it a store? It seems to be interesting, even if you say you will grow vegetables, right?” (Reni) “Growing vegetables and selling them in a store, even if I become a ruler?” (Helen) “Eh...? I wonder what will happen?” (Reni) The beastwoman in front of the two, having such conversation, had a damaged voice. Same as Helen she is a rabbitwoman, but, with an age of around years, she is missing one ear from the root. Apparently it was cut off at the time she was caught by humans when she was still a child. “Both of you aren’t used to a human city. As a more important character than soldiers and knights, the king’s job is to manage the country by giving out directions. Although it’s not by all means, you won’t have the time to run something like a store, will you?” The rabbitwoman with the slightly drooping eyes smiles gently at Reni and Helen. “Becoming this old, I certainly didn’t think I would be allowed to study by a human. If I imagine future, it’s nice to have a dream. years already passed since I was caught and turned into a slave, but it’s the first time I’m able to ponder what I want to do or what I will do like this.” Listening to her words, Reni noticed something. “Is that so? Helen, at the time, when we were in the wastelands, we just thought about our immediate safety and the matters of being able to gather food, but we did have a conversation about our future unnoticed during our talks with Hifumi-san.” (Reni) “I see.” (Helen) Helen also opened her eyes widely. “If I remember correctly, the things, I talked about with you, Reni, increased as well, though it was just me being afraid of something. Talks such as about food or tools to be sold at a store...” (Helen) “If the beastmen city is built and if it’s possible to invite everyone, it will become wonderful!” (Reni) “Alright, I will do my best”, Reni once again clasped the pen with a rough nasal breathing. Helen also followed up by muttering “Didn’t that human tell us to study something once we done with characters?” (Helen) Helen voiced out her question in a murmur. “Mmh~ that is.” (Reni) Reni looks up at the ceiling and recount what she remembered, “If I’m not mistaken, it’s the know-how of serving customers? Or something like that?” (Reni) “What’s that?” (Helen) “I don’t know.” (Reni) While watching the two looking at each other, the one-eared rabbitwoman had an unfounded feeling to try believing into her new master. Though they have been associating with him for only a few days, looking at the state of Helen and Reni, he appears to be a nice master. On a certain day in the local area, a strange commission was delivered to the craftsmen of Swordland. From the craftsmen in the industrial fields, such as carpenters and blacksmiths, to chefs, like bakers and such, and even those employed in the service sector, such as inn employees, it reached various people. Given that it had also an excellent reward, many of them headed to the designated inn. They flinched at the beastmen lining up in a row there, but receiving a properly polite 「Please」 and seeing them enthusiastically trying to collect information with shining eyes, even if it wasn’t about a significant craft, on top of them listening to their speeches honestly, the craftsmen even were in a good mood before realizing it. Gradually splitting the groups by the learning content, they get into the core of the parts of their professions. From the start there is a considerable number of beastmen slaves within the city. It may be because there were also beastmen doing the shopping for their masters among them, that for commoners, with the exception of nobles, there was a weak feeling of shirking away from the beastmen’s existence in itself. The emotional part, which Hifumi confirmed by experimenting in the dining room of the inn, was no issue, but only if you restrict the talk to commoners. At the same time the carpenters were requested to do a different job, too. It’s a large-scale repair operation of the slums. Being attentive to the astonishing detailed blueprints, the carpenters skilfully dismantled the old buildings in order, starting with the dwellings of the beastmen, and constructed buildings, to be used as stores, manufacturing cabins and moreover even smithies and bathhouses. Given that the beastmen carried in wood, which was used as material, from outside in succession, the work advanced at a quick pace without being delayed. Beastmen, who participated in the carpentry work, appeared as well and those, who have strength, and those, who are specialized in acrobatics, played a central role in tasks, that would usually require the help of several humans. Since it was steadily making progress with just the beastmen joining in, some among the carpenters appeared, who proposed that they wanted help with the work down-town as well. The slums, which were occupied by deserted houses and debris, has gradually turned into a new city that can’t be called slums anymore. The person, who has been providing the funds, had many obscure parts, such as the source of money, with him only appearing sometimes at briefing sessions. But due to the easiness beyond expectations to associate with the beastmen, who were said to be the investor’s slaves, and the virtue of monetary payment, there wasn’t anyone pursuing that point either. Before long, beastmen, who have obtained the know-how in running businesses, have started to appear. At last the slums have finished the facilities to function as healthy city. “Hyaa~ ... Somehow it’s an amazing situation ~ssu.” (Gengu) “There ain’t no appearance or shadow of slums either.” The dogman, Gengu, and the one-armed leopard beastman walked to a nearby place in the city, where the shop area was created earlier. “The human’s intelligence is somethin’ terrific. Although we used the buildings without thinkin’ anythin’ ’bout it, it was unexpected for them to have been built with various ideas to that extent.” “Did we live by ‘us beastmen are great’ because we are strong and because we don’ quite understand human matters?” The leopard beastman spit out self-depreciating words. “Moreover, until we were bought by Hifumi-san, we didn’t even consider to do such a cooperative work with comrades from other tribes and much less with humans ~ssu.” (Gengu) “That’s right... However, there’s a single matter I’m worried about.” The leopard beastman, having a serious look, stroke his chin with his remaining arm. “Even among humans, aren’t there those coming to catch beastmen like us such as soldiers and knights? Leaving aside the normal humans, it won’t even be funny, if ~ soldiers come here, but...” The leopard beastman’s worry was something occurring in reality. At the time the carpenters returned from the slums when the day came to an end, several soldiers came entering the slums. A single youth stands in front of them, who have been surprised by the appearance of the slums lining up clean buildings. With his usual black hakama on the dougi and the katana hanging on his hips, it’s Hifumi. “You are... not a beastman. What are you doing here?” Once a single soldier asked for his identity, Hifumi smoothly drew the slender sword. The sword has a curve with a single edge. The beautiful, as if charming people, hamon is reflecting the pale moonlight. “If I were to say it one way or the other... I was waiting for intruders like you guys. This might be the most truthful answer. It’s something I have put you through every and every night.” (Hifumi) “The people, who went to investigate and haven’t come back, are... everyone, prepare your swords!” While feeling a bizarre atmosphere due to the young man laughing with a “Kukuku”, the soldiers drew their swords. “You drew them. Then it’s fine.” (Hifumi) It seems Hifumi will be able to enjoy this evening as well. He was thankful to the beastmen city, which became an excellent bait, though it cost money.
Ayperos’ corpse was laid out in an imposing coffin and donned gorgeous silken clothes. He was put inside making sure that the stitches on his head didn’t stand out, but the out-of-place feeling couldn’t be eliminated after all. Imeraria, staring at the corpse of her younger brother with eyes concealing her emotions, just sat motionlessly next to the corpse without showing any tears. The room right next to the audience hall was a small room for the king to carry out secret and private talks. The coffin, placed on top of a pedestal with wheels attached for transporting it, is enshrined in the centre of the room. Imeraria is the only person sitting as there was only one chair set up to be in the coffin’s surroundings. It was Prime Minister Adol who entered quietly into the room dominated by silence. “... Excuse me.” (Adol) As he bows towards Imeraria, who doesn’t show any reaction, Adol lowered his head, putting his right hand over his chest, after seeing the corpse of the prince. As he moved according to the etiquette of polite condolences, Imeraria stood up silently and lightly bowed towards Adol as he left the room. Adol, who saw her figure in the corner of his eyes, ends up escaping at a quick pace owing to the feeling of being unable to endure being there any longer. Once he left the room while somehow or other remaining calm, he quietly breathed a sigh. “An appearance of grief, isn’t it?” (Adol) Before realising it, there was the face of the shinigami next to Adol. “Don’t appear without permission. What will we do, if you are seen?” (Adol) Even as Adol utters his words in a fluster, the shinigami doesn’t reply and simply laughs with a giggle. “Won’t it be fine to offer the information about the return spell to princess soon as well?” (Shinigami) “Don’t be foolish. With the current status of me not having yet found a single document, there’s no reason to report on the things told by an evil spirit like you.” (Adol) The shinigami chased after Adol, who set off with his shoulders heaving in anger, while its legs are shaking and staggering. “Offer hope to the hurt princess. Wouldn’t there be various troubles for you as well as the nation if the princess was dispirited?” (Shinigami) Glaring at him with eyes full of annoyance, Adol entered the reference room. “Stop pretending to be worried about this country when you’re nothing but an evil spirit. It’s unpleasant.” (Adol) “Oh my! Although I may appear to be this way, I’m a god who earnestly aids people to survive.” (Shinigami)magic “... What are you say despite calling yourself a shinigami?” (Adol) Without shifting his sight, Adol searches for lithographs depicting the return spell and furthermore documents pertaining to similar magic. Having repeatedly used his hands in such way for god-knows how many days, he completely got accustomed to handling the lithographs. “The souls of those eagerly striving to survive and having then died shine brightly.” (Shinigami) Stopping his hands for an instant thanks to the words of the god of death, Adol muttered “what bad taste” and continued his search. , Adol considers. (I wonder what will happen to this country after sending home the person called Hifumi?) Although Orsongrande should probably aim to frantically survive with its current military gains as is, only because the person called Hifumi is an ally even if just for appearance’ sake, it is possible for this country to keep standing, even if many people lose their lives thanks to that. , Adol abruptly stopped moving his hands. Even if Hifumi was suddenly gone, it wouldn’t mean that the wars started would end right away. Instead, with a part of its largest military strength gone, Orsongrande’s position will become agonizing. (Even if he is transferred back to where he came from, if I pay attention to prepare for that in advance as well...) There’s no progress yet, thus this might be hasty though ☺☻☺ “Congratulations, Sabnak!” (Biron) Biron raised his sake cup towards Sabnak, who sat in the seat of honor during the dinner organised by Earl Biron. “Really, I never thought that such a knight would spring forth from my family’s home.” (Sister) Sabnak turned his fed up sight towards his elder sister laughing loudly. “Nee-san, aren’t you well aware that I’m not cut out for such official position?” (Sabnak) “Ara, your head was always good since you were small. I wonder whether it isn’t better for you to have such a post rather than being at the actual site, especially as you are a greenhorn at swordsmanship?” (Sister) Biron showed sympathy thanks to the cruel remarks, but Sabnak got used to the speech and conduct of not holding back anything of his elder sister since the old days. “Anyway, with this, it became necessary for me to return to the royal castle ahead of time. That means, the Imperial Knight Order appears to have the role of taking care of royalty... though it is currently only Imeraria.” (Sabnak) “Don’t worry about this place. It’s alright for you to return together with your other order members. With Earl Tohno’s support my troops will be alright as there probably won’t be any large battle any time soon.” (Biron) Biron, aware of the situation at the border to Horant, assessed the least time likely necessary for Horant to raise a full-scale army to be this much. “Sabnak, write a letter to father before you go back to the royal castle. I will match it with mine to be sent back home.” (Sister) “That’s right. Since I will send a congratulatory letter to the unpopular father-in-law-sama as well, let’s send them together.” (Biron) Sabnak ended up becoming slightly embarrassed due to the words of the married couple. “Thank you very much.” (Sabnak) The married couple also laughed and smiled seeing the bashful Sabnak. Sabnak recalled the time he received congratulations for enlisting in the knight order the other day. Even at that time it felt good to receive congratulations. After that he earnestly put effort into doing his job. Even after this promotion, he is prepared to face forward and get on with it. “However, as it is my first time to be appointed to work at the castle, I will be nervous.” (Sabnak) Slowly savoring the after-meal sake, Sabnak murmured. “It will probably turn into a talk between men”, Sabnak’s elder sister excused herself temporarily. “Rather than being a guard, there is likely the aspect of advising Imeraria-sama as well.” (Biron) Hearing Biron’s words, Sabnak inclined his head to the side. “Isn’t there the prime minister, Adol, if it’s about advising?” (Sabnak) “That’s certainly true. But, if Imeraria-sama chose to only listen to his opinion, it would result in narrowing down her thinking. There isn’t only right or wrong. Thinking about various possibilities, hypothesizing results, you can state your own opinion that’s different from the prime minister’s and Imeraria-sama’s. I think you will be able to help as statesman, even if it’s only this much.” (Biron) “Especially given that Imeraria is far too obedient as royalty, she will probably listen too often to the opinion of her surroundings”, Biron says. Although that question crossed Sabnak’s mind for an instant, he was able to agree with Biron’s view in itself. “I think it isn’t the sole task of a guard to offer his all as a shield. Someone called a truly superb guard doesn’t allow anyone, who is dangerous, to approach the person that ought to be protected, I believe.” (Biron) Sabnak slowly nodded due to Biron’s words. At the time the magician, who lost his consciousness thanks to being kicked in the stomach by Hifumi, woke up, he noticed that his body was restrained while grimacing due to the pain in his stomach. “Oh! You woke up.” (Hifumi) A voice was audible coming from the magician’s rear. “I disposed of your other companions. I kept you alive because there are things I want to hear from you.” (Hifumi) “Quite easy to understand, ain’t it?” The voice from behind says. As his blurry vision at last became clear, he realized his state of being tied as if hugging the stump of a tree. And he has also recalled the voice of the other party. It’s Hifumi, the man who had sent him flying with a kick some time ago. Even as he tries to turn his head backwards, it isn’t enough to see the other party’s face. “Won’t your neck hurt if you recklessly try to face this way?” (Hifumi) “... What’s your aim?” (Magician) While feigning calmness as best as he could, he asked a question, but his voice ended up trembling a bit. Unable to see the figure of the other party, his anxiety is further stirred up. “I told you that I have questions. Won’t you not waste my time and hurry up answering them?” (Hifumi) Even though he can’t be seen by the magician, there is one more person tied up. That being said, it isn’t good if he doesn’t listen to the words of that person either. “Don’t screw around. I do know that you are an enemy...” Desperately turning his head, the magician’s vision gets blurry in protest. A small iron lump is embedded into the tree stump in front of him. It suddenly became hot. “There are two choices. Talk and live or stay silent and die.” (Hifumi) Due to the magician enduring the pain without answering, Hifumi laughed. “First of all, the first question is: Where is the capital’s magic tool research institute?” (Hifumi) A sharp pain pierced the right shoulder of the magician who had remained silent at Hifumi’s question. Though he wasn’t able to see the person himself, a heated hoof was hammered into the shoulder. “Gyaaaaa!” (Magician) “I told you to not waste my time, didn’t I?” (Hifumi) In the end it took minutes of doing the same thing repeatedly until the magician caved in and spilled all the information. Hifumi, who learned the location of the research institute as well as the state of its defenses, cut the rope binding the magician with his katana while saying “Good work.” The magician, exhausted to the degree of being unable to stand up, slowly slithers down to his knees while still clinging to the tree. “It would have been best, if you had told me everything immediately.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who said this indifferently, averted his body after suddenly noticing something. “Guaa!” It’s the magician’s scream. Hifumi, running without looking at that, clicked his tongue seeing the soldier from Horant, who ought to be tied up, rising to his knees. “Are you an idiot? Do it before talking if you get killed due to being forbidden to speak.” (Hifumi) While he says this, he kicks the soldier’s chin. “Ubyuu” (Soldier) While the soldier is scattering spit and teeth, Hifumi steps on the chest of the backward-bent soldier. Hifumi thrust his katana in front of him. “Well then, next it’s your turn.” (Hifumi) “Fufu, there’s no way I will talk this easily.” (Soldier) The boldly laughing soldier tried to thrust the sword, he held in his right hand, at his own throat. But he failed. No sooner than the sound of cutting through the wind with a *fwish* was audible, the right hand, from the elbow to its end, dropped to the ground. “Eh... ?” (Soldier) “Did you think you could commit suicide that easily?” (Hifumi) As if completely pinning the soldier’s body to the ground, the katana is stabbed into his left shoulder. “Now then, it’s question time. ... Did you know about me?” (Hifumi) Raising his slit eyes, he faces the soldier with a freezing look. “Seeing me caused several people to move strangely, don’t you agree? Or rather, didn’t you guys try to make me chase after you?” (Hifumi) He thought they will end up staying there if there are magicians, but since they unnaturally were thrifty, they planned to escape while carrying the magicians away when the number of soldiers had decreased, Hifumi accused. The soldier opened his eyes widely in surprise due to his speech. Although he hurriedly denied it, Hifumi rather believed what he saw than what he said. “I see...” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who considered something for a moment, extracted his katana with a *slurp* Ignoring the soldier who fainted in agony, he heads towards a separate place, where Origa’s group was waiting. Some time during that period, he looked at the magician with a glance, but he had already died. “Origa.” (Hifumi) “Yes.” (Origa) “Did you hear the location of the research institute? Since I will march into the royal castle by myself after this, snatch the magic tools during the time I’m causing a disturbance and return to Orsongrande.” (Hifumi) “It’s fine if you do the aforementioned thing as you are returning to Fokalore,” Hifumi said. “Understood. Please, be careful...” (Origa) Hifumi gently smiled due to Origa’s anxious words. “I haven’t yet played around in this world sufficiently. I can’t die yet.” (Hifumi) Turning on his heel, Hifumi, looking down on the still in pain moaning soldier in front, suddenly takes out a magic potion from with his darkness magic and sprinkles it over the soldier with a *splosh* The loped off arm didn’t reconnect, however the soldier, whose wounds fully closed up, was kicked away by Hifumi without understanding left from right. Being smeared with dirt, the soldier, finally raising his head, pays attention to the cold voice of Hifumi. “Well then, we will play tag up to the royal castle. Let’s have a contest whether you will be faster in clinging to your boss or whether I will be faster in bisecting you.” (Hifumi) The soldier didn’t comprehend what Hifumi was talking about for a moment, but immediately coming to his senses, he stands up propping up his body with his remaining left hand and began to run while staggering about unable to attain proper balance. “Looking good! It’s been a while since I ran!” (Hifumi) Tossing the katana into his storage, Hifumi, ties the hem of his hakama and began to run once the distance to the soldier from Horant increased sufficiently.
Alyssa groaned while looking at a parchment. The image of her lying on top of a stack of blankets with her boots taken off, bare-footed to top it off, in the tent which was set up for her sake coupled together with her appearance, that looks childish, doesn’t give the impression of someone leading an army at all. “Did Hifumi-san come back?” (Alyssa) What was written in the parchment the messenger brought from Fokalore by changing horses was the news of Hifumi’s return. “We still haven’t done our job though.” (Alyssa) In fact they have been encamped in the plains next to the national border for around a week, but except them killing countless monsters by ganging up on them in groups they didn’t do anything but just sending back the messenger from Vichy. Everyday they were rotating the shifts of training, vacation and guarding. Alyssa showed her face sometimes at the training and guarding duties. Kind of unchanging from what they have done in Fokalore, except being unable to go home, even the soldiers enjoyed the peaceful campaign without a hint of tension. “What’s wrong?” (Miyukare) Miyukare entered with hot water she boiled at the burning bonfire outside. Observing Miyukare who pours the tea in an accustomed manner, Alyssa, who got up quickly, waves the paper she’s holding in her hand. “It looks like Hifumi-san has returned to Fokalore.” (Alyssa) “Oh. I wonder where he will rampage around next. It will be fine if it doesn’t cost any excessive amount of money again though. Rather than that, I guess he hasn’t brought any new residents or slaves along. If the number of people increased any more, it would become quite difficult for Paryu.” (Miyukare) There are jokes mixed in, but where residents, who were invited by the feudal lord himself, are concerned, it will become necessary to treat them as privileged guests and that will radically increase the workload of Paryu who has the role of dealing with people from outside. Actually, Paryu felt secretly relieved since Hifumi unexpectedly came back without anyone tagging along. “I wonder if it’s best for us to return as well, is what I was pondering about.” (Alyssa) Miyukare, who handed a cup filled with tea to Alyssa, held her own share with both hands to warm them up. By gently touching the wood of the cup, the heat within permeated to her hands.magic “It will definitely finish with Lord-sama saying “Ah, yea” no matter which choice you pick. The most important point is to do what is good for you, Alyssa-sama.” (Miyukare) “Ahahaha, that would be just like him to say that.” (Alyssa) While drinking the still hot tea with little sips after cooling it down with a sour look, Alyssa laughs. “Then let’s return for now, eh? Everyone likely wants to go back home, too. I also want to meet Hifumi-san.” (Alyssa) Miyukare acknowledged Alyssa’s decision while showing a somewhat complicated smile. “Understood. I will tell everyone right away.” (Miyukare) “Let’s depart tomorrow early morning? We will slowly advance while getting rid of monsters along the way.” (ALyssa) “Oh?”, Miyukare tilted her head to the side. “Won’t that cause us to take quite a bit time until getting back to Fokalore?” (Miyukare) “It’s fine, to go slowly at it.” (Alyssa) While looking at the tea that doesn’t diminish easily, she blows at it once again. “I have a feeling that it’s slightly dangerous for me to meet with Hifumi-san before Origa-san does.” (Alyssa) “Ah...” (Miyukare) She was able to consent to that but whether that was a good thing or not was something Miyukare didn’t know. However she has no objection about the time she can spend with Alyssa lengthening. (I have to enjoy a picnic with her during our return as well.) Leaving the tent, Miyukare was smiling cheerfully. ☺☻☺ A report identical to that of Alyssa reached Origa’s place delayed by one week. In a room within the castle where she already felt at home thinking of it as her own dwelling, a female soldier, whom she brought along from Fokalore, conveyed the news in a dignified voice while standing up straight in front of Origa. “Madam, a fast letter has arrived from your territory.” “Fast, huh? Did something happen?” (Origa) Origa, who was writing in her office, put down her pen considering it as unusual. “Lord-sama has returned...” At the moment she started to say that Origa literally leapt at her all of a sudden and snatched the paper from her. “...” Looking at Origa who tightly grasped the report to a degree of it being close to getting torn with widely opened eyes, the female soldier sighed within her mind. (As long as she isn’t like this, she is a lovely madam, but...) While the female soldier is thinking about such things, large tears gather at Origa’s eyes. “Ah, Hifumi-sama... how wonderful for you to be alright...” (Origa) She tightly embraces the report in her chest while shedding big drops of tears. Of course Origa, just like Alyssa, harboured no anxiety about Hifumi being safe himself. Rather than that, she was worried about him not returning after having found a country more comfortable than this one or him, who was summoned from another world, having returned to his former world at some point of time unknown to her. Origa is aware that territory and peerage, which he only accepted “for some reason or another”, isn’t that much of an attachment to him. “I cannot stay here like this!” (riga) Folding the paper happily and stuffing it into her pocket, Origa returned her look at the female soldier, who stood around in a daze. “We will return to Fokalore right away.” (Origa) “Right now?” “Yes, right now. Since I will go to bid farewell to Her Majesty, the Queen, get the carriage ready in that time. Please prepare a large quantity of light food centred around preserved food as we will cover the whole distance of the highway without resting as much as possible.” (Origa) “Y-Yes!” With Origa’s eyes throwing daggers at the head of the flustered female soldier while giving her the instructions, the female soldier dashed out of the room. “Well, then I will get ready as well.” (Origa) “Is it fine to talk for a little moment before that?” The face, which peeked in from the door which the soldier had left open, was that of Royal Knight Order Captain Sabnak. “Isn’t it a breach of manners to peep into the room of a lady without even knocking?” (Origa) “No, no, the door was open after all. I’d like you to overlook this much at least, but...” (Sabnak) “I don’t particularly mind though.” (Origa) Putting her hand on her cheek, Origa shakes here head. “If I tell your wife, Shibyura-san, about you having peeped into the room, Sabnak-sama...” (Origa) “I’m very sorry!” (Sabnak) Origa laughed in a pleasant, high-pitched sound due to Sabnak bowing his upper body vigorously to the degree of it being level to the ground. “It’s a joke. However, I have gone for a tea together with your wife a few times. Since you have such a high position, your wife will worry about you if you aren’t careful.” (Origa) “I shall take it to heart.” (Sabnak) “So, what’s your business with me?” (Origa) “... I heard that Hifumi-san returned from the wastelands alive.” (Sabnak) “Oh, as expected, news travel fast in the royal capital.” (Origa) “We are still inferior to the elites of Fokalore”, Sabnak scratched his head. “I wonder just what the heck Hifumi-san has done this time. I thought maybe you may know about that, Origa-san.” (Sabnak) Sabnak sat down on the sofa urged on by Origa and tasted the prepared tea. He looks at Origa who is quietly sitting in front of him. Even though it’s not like many years have passed, does a woman changes this much once she becomes a wife? “I’m sorry.” (Origa) Origa lowered her sight to her hands which were resting on top of her knees. “I haven’t received that much information. However, it’s not important what my husband has accomplished. What’s important is that he did me the favour of coming back home safely. Being able to meet him again is more important than anything else.” (Origa) Sabnak was unintentionally captivated by her smile. He senses a dangerous beauty from her that hastens the beating of his heart. “I-Is that how it is...?” (Sabnak) “Yes. Even Shibyura-san will be always far more delighted by you returning home safely than you accomplishing a showy deed of arms.” (Origa) Sabnak looked at Origa, who shows a bright smile, without saying anything in return. “N-Nothing. I believe that you have become a lot more cheerful compared to the time when I met you first.” (Sabnak) “Is that so? ... Yes, maybe.” (Origa) Picking up her own cup with a hand, Origa looked at the tea’s swaying. “As you might know, I was a slave. Turning from a free adventurer into a slave, I was bought by a dangerous man who killed the king and who isn’t from this world but of some unknown origin. Even though I received training and carried out my revenge, there were still many more worries regarding my future from then on.” (Origa) “However”, she lifts her face. “While proceeding in my interactions with Hifumi-sama, I got gradually charmed by the way he does things and obtained the happiness called marriage which I gave up on at the time I became a slave. Being apart from him is saddening, but I believe that he will spoil me as compensation for that time once we meet again.” (Origa) Sabnak smiled wryly at Origa in front of him who spoke fondly of her spouse while blushing and showing a bashful side of her. “Well, well, I give up. Hifumi-san is an amazing person after all. ... Because of that I have a single question though.” (Sabnak) “What is it?” (Origa) “... What is Hifumi-san’s aim, I wonder? Not only this country, he is even teaching techniques to Vichy and Horant as well. Even at the time he fought against Vichy and Horant as opponents, he didn’t go as far as destroying their countries in the end. Albeit he has the strength to do so.” (Sabnak) “I know that he isn’t a simple destroyer”, Sabnak faced Origa with a serious gaze. “Even though he likes fighting, destruction isn’t his goal. Having said that, that doesn’t mean that he’s helping anyone. He doesn’t desire profits and social status either...” (Sabnak) Having said this much, Sabnak noticed that the emotions within Origa’s look have changed. Her smile is warm filled with a kindness completely as if she is watching a child, but Origa’s green pupils stood out. “... I can’t tell you yet. But, at the moment you learn of it, you as well as Her Majesty, the Queen, will definitely feel delighted.” (Origa) “Delighted...?” (Sabnak) “Yes, Hifumi-sama is the hero summoned from another world by Her Majesty, the Queen, after all.” (Origa) For Sabnak it was the first time for him to be scared by a woman’s gentle smile. ☺☻☺ There’s a commonly shared water well in the garden of the feudal lord’s mansion. The water well is an extremely simple vertical construction where one draws water by lowering a bucket which dangles on a pulley. It serves as place to do washing as well as spot for the mansion’s servants to fetch water. However, missing the calm atmosphere of every day’s life, everyone, who was currently there, kept silent while sending fleeting glances at the man who usually doesn’t visit that place. “Ouch... for the time to come where I have to experience something like shaving my own hand.” (Hifumi) The one who mutters “that’s something novel” is Hifumi who is crouching next to the water well. He, who woke up from his long slumber, stuffed the prepared food into his belly with gusto and turned up at this location while knocking his left hand, which changed into hard wood, with the pommel of his katana. The servants kneeled in panic due to the person above-the-clouds who suddenly turned up, but once he waved with his right hand while saying 「Don’t mind me」, he drew plenty of water from the well after taking a bucket which was nearby. And then he sat down with his back turned towards the other people present and began his work. He began to shave his hand, which turned into a wooden artificial hand, with a small knife. At the beginning he shaved the exterior of his thumb completely as if peeling the skin of vegetables while saying something like 「It has totally the feel of woodcarving」, but he started to feel pain after having merely carved around one centimetre. While roughly washing the small knife in the bucket’s water, he looks at the spot he shaved off and discovers a membrane of white mucus in the shaved part and blood seeping out from below that. “The fingertips are mostly a lost case. The bone surrounding around the palm are safe, huh?” (Hifumi) He shaves his fingers, the back of his hand and the palm. At the end he even lets the blade slide across an area very close to the wrist. “It’s the same as with the elven lot, eh? No, the speed of progression is remarkably faster though I don’t know the reason for it.” (Hifumi) At the beginning he wondered whether the mucus had a pink colour, but once he washed his hand by thrusting it into the bucket, it became pure white. The skin, flesh, bones and blood are replaced by the mucus and it hardens sooner or later? , Hifumi cuts a part of his forearm. “This place looks alright.” (Hifumi) The thin red line soon gets enlivened by puffed up blood and it turns into one long, red stream. Once he confirmed that the change was happening from the wrist downwards, Hifumi fixedly stared at his left hand after putting down the small knife. “It’s also fine to get rid of it by cutting it off, but... even if the hole is closed up by that medicine, it won’t recover the loss.” (Hifumi) There are still several healing magic potions remaining, however even if they have the effect of closing a wound, it’s not like they can re-grow something that has been lost. It probably won’t progress as long as I don’t enter the elven forest. I guess it’s fine if it stays in a wooden state “Be that as it may, just what the hell is this stuff?” (Hifumi) Once he forcefully clasped the white mucus he held in his right hand, he slightly felt a different texture except that of liquid. Hifumi, who noticed something, turned around vigorously and the shoulders of several people, who faced him by chance, jumped up. “Please lend me a bit fire.” (Hifumi) “T-There you go!” Heading towards the fire prepared to boil some water, Hifumi held out his left hand. “If it’s just like I thought...” (Hifumi) While listening to the sound of bursting open by popping firewood, he gazes steadily at his left hand being scorched and blackening. The white mucus, which was visible from the cut up wound, lost its moisture from being touched by the flames and fell down into Hifumi’s right hand just like dry sand while maintaining its pure white appearance. That white sand was identical to the one which formed the body of the late demon king Agathion. Hifumi’s lips slanted upwards unintentionally.
「 What.... 」 Astonished at Hifumi’s sudden violence, the remaining two Gods were frozen in shock. 「 Though it seems like an abduction, I am exceedingly happy about it. 」 Hifumi said without meeting the two silent gods’ gazes. 「 For the very first time, a living person.... Whether a god can be called a living being is debatable.... I killed it. I feel very good. The desire to take a life increases as one walks the path of martial arts. The more one kills, the more their skill improves. A world of swords and magic? Demons exist. People that may deprive you of your life. One can say that a person’s life has more value in Japan. If I have a reason, I will kill. 」 There was no blood on the blade, but Hifumi shook the sword anyway. From where the magical formation was touching, his feet were slowly becoming transparent. 「 Apparently this takes a while.. 」 「 But, do we allow this fellow to just go as he pleases? 」 The beard-stroking God seems to have settled down, but the God of martial arts hadn’t regained his cool. 「 Although he killed a God,the transfer has begun, we just can’t do anything now. 」 While the Gods were conversing, Hifumi’s waist had started to disappear. 「 Hey Gods. 」 「 What? 」 「 We’ll meet again. I will take many lives there, fill the world with fear. I will come back much stronger. First I will deal with the people that called me, forcibly ignoring my intentions. I dislike people who try to manipulate me. 」 The power to kill. Feeling better, he breathed out slowly. 「 I will change that world according to my morals. Though it may be the dream of a fool..... I will ransack that world with my power, and find a way to get back, I’m sure I’ll find something in that worthless world. 」 「 Well then... 」 Leaving behind a smile that brought a chill to even the Gods spines, Hifumi disappeared from this world. 「 We may have unexpectedly sent off a terrible person.... 」 The moment when the transfer was completed, the unsheathed katana, pointed at a girl in front of Hifumi. 「 You, was I summoned? 」 Hifumi snarled, eyeing the girl coldly. 「 Eh? Eh....? 」 「 You bastard! What do you think you’re doing! 」 With the girl clearly not understanding what had occurred, the Knights suddenly yelled angrily. Contrasting to them, Hifumi was observing his surroundings icily. The six Knights gradually enclosed Hifumi, nudging him with their spears. 「 Hiuuu.... 」 The girl finally noticed the katana pointed at her. Her expression changed from perplexed to frightened. 「 You are rude! Do you know whom you’re speaking to?! 」 No. 「 Answer me. Did you summon me? 」 He replied, carelessly disregarding the spear-wielding Knight’s angry words. 「 Ah, speak slowly. If the blade slips carelessly, you will die. 」 Looking over the Knights and the girl expectantly, Hifumi got no answers. If the Knights step forward by only half a step, the sword will slip and the girl dies. 「 H-Hero sama..... It is I who have summoned you, it is not a mistake. 」 「 Who are you, what do you want from me? 」 「 I am the first princess of the Orsongrande Empire, Imeraria Torie Orsongrande... 」 Attempting to meet eyes with Hifumi but failing, she started stuttering due to fear. Since it is a secret art that only a person of Royal blood can execute, since only those of the Royal bloodline are gifted with a large amount of mana, I was ordered to summon Hero-sama.... 」 I see, summoning a hero to fight against evil happens in the fantasy genre often. And thus... 「 Ordered to? Then, who is the initiator of this ritual? 」 Princess Imeraria clearly saw the colour of anger in Hifumi’s eyes, and was worried about telling him. But Hifumi could guess it easily. 「 It’s the King, isn’t it. Only someone above the rank of st princess can order you. Though it might be the Queen too. If they are your parents, it makes sense that you are carrying out this duty. 」 「 Ah.... 」 Imeraria opened her eyes wide and looked quite flustered. The man in front of her eyes was not some hero fighting for some sense of justice, not caring for authority or power, but an extremely dangerous person. 「 N-No, its different! I... this.. 」 「 How old? 」 「 Eh? 」 「 Your age. 」 「 Ah, years old ! 」 Puzzled momentarily by the question, she answered in a hurry. 「 Is that so... 」 Hifumi moved his sword away, just a little. In truth, he holds to some standards, one of them being “Upto junior high school level, the parents should take responsibility for their children’s actions”. Besides, “Criminals do not have human rights” and “Don’t pay attention to religious fanatics and educators” are unsuitable for the laws and customs of Japan, because of which Hifumi had accumulated stress and impatience. 「 Then, the ones that should be killed are your parents, huh.. 」 At that instant, Hifumi turned and swung his katana. The surprise attack aimed at a gap in the neck of the Knight’s armour struck true, and the Knight collapsed, unable to make a sound, blood gushing from his neck. 「 Emitting bloodthirst so wildly, it’s unpleasant, you know. Amateur. 」 Exactly to the same place, as though it had not moved away at all. With merely one slash, the Knights froze in shock, feeling weak at the knees. Within this castle, the ones attending the ritual were the elite of the elite practitioners in the country. However, none of them were able to even see the sword’s path. Furthermore, they didn’t even notice when the katana had left Imeraria’s throat. Watching Hifumi’s swordsmanship, the Knights’ shock increased. The swords and spears they use are heavily made and are used to cut using the weight and power. Apart from the thin clothes Imeraria was wearing for the ritual, they didn’t think Hifumi’s thin katana could damage their armour. For Hifumi, it was common sense to aim at the vital points of an opponent on the battlefield, but due to the difference in cultures, they were unable to understand. The dead knight’s corpse proved that the ability that killed him was definitely that of a hero-level. 「 You bastard! 」 An enraged knight roars angrily, unable to step forward. Comparatively, Hifumi was very calm. 「 Come forward if you want to die. I have business with this woman. 」 Hifumi calmly provoked them, lowering his katana. At that instant, the five remaining knights charged together. 「 ....Diversion method 」 Hifumi muttered while turning his body to slide past a knight, using the knight’s own momentum to move past him. Another knight’s spear stabbed into the knight that replaced the lightly moving Hifumi’s position. Though most of the damage is resisted by the armour, the spear pierced through the joints, the other’s neck was split by Hifumi’s katana. The light left the eyes of knight whose movement was restrained by stabbing his colleague and he died. Two people are instantly killed. To recover the situation, the remaining three knights took some distance. 「 Weak. 」 Hifumi spat in disgust. 「 Knights of the castle? I thought you’d be able to resist for longer than this. 」 「 Gugu..... 」 「 Had enough yet? 」 「 You bastard, you are nothing! 」 Their strength as Knights was dominated by Hifumi, no longer able to protect the princess. Simultaneously piercing and stabbing, Hifumi passed by the three knights as though he was taking a light stroll. The first knight had a spear protruding from his throat, the second had his spine slashed and the third was killed by Hifumi roundhouse kicking a knife into him, burying it upto the hilt. (TN: I dunno where the heck this knife came from) 「 Its over. 」 Hifumi declared disdainfully, turning the katana dripping with blood towards princess Imeraria again. Imeraria, who had absolute confidence in the strength of the Imperial Knights watched as the Knights sank in a sea of blood in the blink of an eye. It was unbelievable. 「 Aa.... Auuu... 」 「 Now, shall I have you guide me to your parents? 」 Hifumi unconcernedly said, sheathing his sword after killing everyone. Guided by the princess, he walked within the castle. Servants and knights stared at them from a distance, but none called out to them. Seeing the haggard princess and the young man, no one was able to understand the situation. The room in which Hifumi was summoned, containing the corpses of the Knights had been locked when they left, and no one knew what had transpired there. Servants are not allowed access, they only know that some important things are done within that room. A splendid building. Looks quite similar to images of castles of the West that I saw on the net before. Hifumi gathered information by looking around while moving. These servant-like fellows, are they wearing hemp clothes? Is the cultural level still that of the Middle Ages equivalent? Though Imeraria’s clothes seem to be of fine make.... While walking, Hifumi suddenly decided to try out the Darkness magic attribute he received prior to the transfer. He predicted that the sense of incongruity within his body after the transfer might be mana. On letting an image float to his mind and concentrating the mana, something like black mist formed over his left hand. So this is Dark magic.... Remembering a previously read novel, he solidified the image for the magic. In front of him floated a black circle about cm in diameter. Hifumi tried to insert his sword in it. It seems possible to put it in... Putting his right hand behind his back, Hifumi concentrated on the image and gripped the sword from the dark interior. Retrieval is possible even if I can’t see it. Really, this shouldn’t be able to be done. While experimenting Hifumi walked on noiselessly, Imeraria timidly walking with heels clacking was putting her whirling thoughts in order. Should I take him to the King? Or should I take him to some other place after all? Then what do I do after taking him elsewhere? When he knows he’s been deceived, then what? Assuming I’ll be killed, what then? In the end, someone in the castle can seize him, but eventually might reach father’s place after struggling. 「 Why do I have to do such a thing.....? 」 Imeraria muttered inaudibly, her quiet companion seems to have heard her. 「 Such a reason, only you will have the answer. 」 「 Whether you did something out of malice, or out of profit, whether someone was grateful for it or was wounded by it, none of that matters. The only fact is that there will be a consequence. 」 Another thought rose up in his mind.magic 「 All actions bounce back on oneself. In such a situation, the reason is insignificant, only actions matter. 」 While Hifumi’s words disturbed princess Imeraria, they had arrived at the entrance of the throne room already. The king, waiting impatiently for the hero’s visit. Not knowing anything, a Knight received them smilingly. 「 Princess, this man.... 」 「 Yes, I will conduct introductions to father. Please open the door. 」 Her words to the Knight, different from before had calmed down. In the audience chamber, the King was sitting on a raised platform, with the Queen and Prince on his sides, with Knights and civil officials on both sides of the chamber. Storing his katana in the Dark Hole, Hifumi casually followed Imeraria into the chamber. metres in front of the king, Imeraria halted. Hifumi was standing behind her in a bad mood. Some people raised their eyebrows due to Hifumi not kneeling, but he didn’t care. When Imeraria bowed, the King opened his mouth. 「 Imeraria, is this person a Hero? 」 But it was not the princess that answered. 「 Nope, I am not a Hero. 」 Hifumi said while looking the King in the eye. 「 I may be rude! I’ll speak plainly! 」 An approximately year old man seemingly a civil officer with a splendid moustache shouted, completely ignoring Hifumi. 「 This woman did the summoning, dragging out this pitiful victim from a different world by force..... 」 Pulled out from the Dark Hole, the katana shone with an uncanny light. 「 This crime, make up for it with your life... 」 With a cold light in his eyes, Hifumi sneered.
Hifumi quickly tied Guzafan up with a rope and had him loaded into the carriage. Then he asked the remaining soldiers to call the person in charge. Guzafan was thrown in front Origa and Kasha. 「Origa, this is the shithead that stole the noble’s personal property, What kind of punishment will he receive?」 「...... According to the laws of Orson Grande, an arm is expected to be cut off...... 」 「 Although the harm done to us by the incident with the noble is much worse. His punishment must still be within legal limits.」 As Kasha’s words took over Origa’s, Guzafan’s face turned pale, he looked toward Hifumi for respite. 「 Ple, please forgive me! I was only ordered to...... 」 「 Really, what were the instructions given and who gave them」 「That, that is...... 」 Guzafan couldn’t answer. Even if he is not killed by Hifumi, if he gave out the official’s name it will be only a matter of time before he is killed by the accomplice. 「You cannot say? Then...... 」 「Please wait! I will say it! Im gonna say it! 」 Speaking honestly might have delayed his disappearance, but not speaking would be certain death. In that case, since it couldn’t be helped Guzafan begged for his life with a tear-streaked and disheveled face. Seeing this pathetic figure, Origa and Kasha were somewhat disgusted. 「 Being deceived by such a miserable person....... 」 「 Really. Even the desire to kill has dissipated.... 」 While saying that, the soldier from before ran out of town. Immediately behind him were a group of about people. Since all of them wore armour similar to Guzafan’s, they were probably soldiers of the town. Seeing them run in their direction, Hifumi instantly noticed something and started running towards the group. 「 Behind! 」 Hearing Hifumi’s yell, the soldier turned around, and before he knew it, the backup force behind him had drawn their swords. 「 Eh, what..... 」 Inadvertently halting, the soldier muttered upon seeing his colleagues face someone, not Guzafan, but him. No, it wasn’t his imagination. The eyes of the lead soldier were clearly on him. The lead soldier raised his sword, clearly aiming for him. 「 Uwaaa! 」 「 Dodge it you fool! 」 Hifumi pushed away the soldier that was about to be cut, by a hairs breadth. Lashing out at the lead soldier with a frontal kick, while dodging the swung blade. However the lead soldier only stumbled a step back and didn’t fall down. 「Nuu, stop your resistance! you thieves!」 The lead soldier intimidates him and the soldiers surround Hifumi in a line with their swords drawn.magic Several people appear to be heading towards Kasha and Origa. 「This piece of shit thief seems to be from your place。Is your head boiled?」 Hifumi drew his slender katana, and with knit brows, as if spitting out his words: 「 So you’re their boss. I knew you couldn’t discipline them, but I guess it can’t be helped if the one disciplining them is trash, right? Hm? 」 Whether they heard Hifumi’s provocation or not, the lead soldier steadies his sword again and says to his subordinates. 「This man is a noble who swindles, for him to frame and attempt to kill us is foolish! Arrest him on the spot!」 Purposely ignoring it, he yelled out loud so that the surrounding commoners can hear what he’s saying. Hifumi thought that this is an explanation. Using “That’s how it is” to dispose of inconveniences. It seems this isn’t his first offence and he’s quite used to it. When it comes to it, Hifumi had only one choice. 「Understood. It seems talking to you is a waste of time. Come, I’m gonna kill you all together 」 「Don’t underestimate me youngster! Die!」 Once again the lead soldier raised his sword and slashed diagonally from the shoulder, but during the downward slash, a sword struck his left eye. The blade then swept through his brain, and the soldier’s long life ended quickly. 「Origa, Kasha! Kill them as I have taught you, do it with all your might! 」 Hifumi didn’t see if both of the girls reacted to his voice. Judging that Hifumi was more dangerous than the two women. Besides thelead soldier, the other soldiers surrounded him. Seeing that the lead soldier was dead, unrest ran through the soldiers, but comprehending that not getting rid of Hifumi would be dangerous, they immediately recovered and rushed at him. Kasha and Origa have no practice in combat with multiple opponents. There are too many people to start teaching them now... Although he was thinking that in an easygoing way, Hifumi’s movements were quick. Before the soldiers’ attacks arrived, he quickly turned around and swapped places with a suitable person behind him. Crammed into the place where Hifumi was before, many blades arced, voices were raised in anguish, and the man died. Meanwhile moving further, a soldier’s head was lopped off, and Hifumi stored his katana. The chain bound two people together at the neck, pulled them back, and then threw them to the ground. You could hear the muffled sound of a necks breaking. The two of them died together, the chain was untied without confirming their deaths, and the blade of the sickle cut into a nearby person’s neck. The blood spray was avoided to deal with another opponent, a sword was thrust but the chain wrapped around it and and pulled, snatching it away. The sickle was driven through the opening on the side of the armor, slicing the stomach open with all his might. The soldier was stunned while staring at his own intestines messily flowing out, and died before he became fully aware of it. 「 Half of them left. No resistance at all. You all aren’t even worth killing if you don’t persevere a little bit more 」 Hifumi bragged, stating that he was disappointed, all while slashing at another oncoming person. A swipe at the soldier’s leg and the soldier would easily fall, then gently slash the carotid artery with the sickle. The remaining soldiers were killed brutally. Hifumi, surrounded by dead bodies, turned his focus toward Origa and Kasha. Those two each have an opponent, but had already defeated them. Origa prevented them from approaching by hurting them with shurikens, and when their movements became dull, she chanted wind magic to cut their heads off. The accuracy of her magic is rising, and the sharpness seemed to have increased as well. Conversely, Kasha was fighting with her swords nearby, she repeatedly attacks the upper body with the right sword and when the opponent blocks her attack she will suddenly stab the opponent’s thigh with her left sword causing the opponent to stop on his tracks, then she will deal the killing blow by slicing through the throat. 「 Great, you did well」 Hifumi was looking around while praising them quickly. The townspeople who were there from the beginning were afraid of being caught up in the fighting, none of them dared to run. Only Hifumi and the gang survived with Guzafan still tied down and the man who called the group of soldiers. The battle was confirmed to be over, the soldier who was unsteadily trying to stand up asked Hifumi for his name and introduced himself as Tamuzu. 「What the hell happened here......」 In front of the dumbfounded Tamuzu, objects that appear to be people were scattered all over the place and the smell of blood permeated the air from the town entrance. 「You still don’t know even though you were watching from a special seat? Guzafan is a fool who rummages through travelers’ luggages, the ones felled here are your colleges, including your boss. 」 Whether he can’t admit it or the shock was too big to think of anything Tamuzu could only remain silent. Hifumi decided to leave it alone because it didn’t matter. He stood in front of Guzafan who was terrified from seeing his accomplices completely annihilated. 「You, don’t you what’s going to happen because of your actions......」 「What’s going to happen? Are the numbers coming going to double?Is a stronger guy going to appear? Or are going to say some famous guy is going to appear?」 Without waiting for Guzafan to answer, Hifumi kept rattled on. 「There’s too many people like you on their high horses, thinking they are great. Look at those corpses. Can you tell who’s your colleague, your boss? Which flesh is your friends’? Which internal organ is your boss’? If a human being is cut, their insides spill out and they die. Kings, knights, and thugs, it’s all the same. 」 The one listening to Hifumi’s words is not only Guzafan. Origa and Kasha were also seriously listening. 「It’s the same for you and me, the foundation for every human is the same. The only difference is their appearance, to distinguish them, what they think, and what they do. You guys only thought about doing bad things and were hostile to me. That was all. 」 Ignoring Gazufan who was lost for words, Hifumi turned around to face Origa. 「This, understand that these guys are organized when committing the crime. Whether that asshole from before is the mastermind or just the lackey, we will know when we hear it. Therefore...... 」 Hifumi kicked Guzafan towards the two slaves 「 If I were in your position, I would kill this guy. Nothing will happen even if you kill him, even the mastermind thought they are nothing, and would execute this guy. Therefore just kill him. 」 This is revenge in the first place as Hifumi said. And then, staring intently at Origa and Kasha one by one, he told them to make their own decisions. Kasha was hesitant. Her way of speaking was coarse and rough, completely opposite to her graceful appearance, and unlike her master Hifumi, she was a girl who could not stay calm after injuring good people. If attacked by an opponent with weapons, one would naturally kill, since it is impossible to survive without doing so. Even so, just for being an enemy, killing an enemy, especially one who is not resisting. Just for the sake of revenge, as a person, is it right to kill? While Kasha was kneading around this question in her head, Origa calmly stood up. 「 ...... Kill him」 Origa said clearly. 「 Kasha, pulling back now, I have a feeling that we will regret it. We had a hard time in the past. Kill him, if not, someone else will. After all, if master hadn’t taken us at that time, how would we be able to take revenge with our own hands? 」 Though this time, master arranged it, smiled Origa wryly. That is so, Kasha’s head cleared. 「 We will bring down our enemies. 」 Pulling out a single sword, Kasha smiled at Origa. 「 Master, if it’s alright, may I borrow master’s “Katana”? 」 No magic, realising that Origa wanted to kill with her own hands, Hifumi loosened his sword in the sheath, and pointed it towards Origa, hilt first. Smoothly, the blade was drawn, light reflecting off its beautiful curve. The atmosphere changed. The fact that it was a tool to deprive life was forgotten. Reverently receiving the sword, Origa stood awkwardly clasping the katana next to Kasha, looking down at Guzafan rolling underfoot. 「 P-Please sto-......I believed it was wrong. But after all, it was an order....」 「 Shut up. 」 Origa said in a cold voice. Kasha’s mouth was drawn tensely. 「Think of death as salvation. The life of despair that we felt, savouring fear everyday for the agony that is to come. What kind of humiliation would we receive, the anxiousness of how we would die. It’s better than living with our minds crushed by the gruesome picture of our future, even if we don’t want to think about it. Because if it were possible to die, then that would be the end of it」 Origa looked at the close friend next to her who finished speaking. Kasha only nodded once and at the same time Origa thrust 「Gi~ii......!」 Guzafan only grit his teeth without even releasing any sound from the pain, he didn’t die immediately. Their sword damaged Guzafan’s femoral artery, an enormous amount of blood flowed out, a little reprieve was given before he died. 「I’ll watch the way you die. Look at our faces while you die in regret 」 「We regretted a lot during that time. To have been cheated by you. Therefore this time, you must regret a lot during that time.」 The two of them watched Guzafan’s corpse emotionlessly. Hifumi was silently watching, over looking them fondly, it’s like looking at a beautiful, benevolent, and profound holy mother but the comparison was silly. Guzafan died while muttering that he didn’t want to die. For Origa and Kasha, it was their first taste of revenge. Origa and Kasha didn’t say anything while Hifumi lead them to the dining room. The time to eat was just approaching, but they did not leave, as Origa and Kasha seemed as though they did not want to move. They were afraid to enter, since they might be refused entry, but after proving that they were working for the kingdom, they were reluctantly let in. After showing the medal of nobility, of course. 「This is bad. 」 While saying so, he gave the shop employee a huge amount of money and told them to bring suitable dishes. 「How long are you going to be engrossed. You should wake up anytime now」 「I’m, I’m deeply sorry」 「......To bask yourselves in a little sentimentality is ok, but...」 Origa remembered that they were slaves and got flustered, while Kasha pouted her lips in dissatisfaction. Hifumi thought they were strong women. Having experienced quite a bit of shock, there seemed to be no problem. 「Don’t be satisfied with defeating that one person who is at most a piece of shit underling. After this isn’t there more people to kill and places to go?」 「......To kill with reason huh」 「 There should be a suspicious high ranking dipshit behind this, it was bad luck that you had experienced a painful mistake but you had to do it again. 」 Therefore, erasing the hostile guy at the top should be done without regret. After that, you’ll feel better, said Hifumi. In front of these three, a succession of dishes were lined up one by one. Though somewhat larger portions and strangely luxurious, it was because the shopkeeper knew Hifumi was a noble and worked harder at preparing the dishes. In contrast to Origa and Kasha, who didn’t have an appetite and were reservedly eating the tender pork sauted style steak and the fresh and crunchy salad, Hifumi simply gulped down his meal and announced his plans. 「 After eating, I will go to Viscount Hagenti’s estate and say hello. 」 Upon hearing the plan, only Kasha’s ears did not detect the declaration of a new massacre.
“Humph~” (Hifumi) While stirring the meat of the wild boar monster type that had been plentifully thrown into the stew, Hifumi returned an indifferent answer. Once she was able to meet Hifumi, having been guided by the territorial soldiers, Phyrinion calmly observed Hifumi as Biron’s messenger begged for assistance prostrating himself and explaining the situation of Münster with vigor. Hifumi’s answer is the previously mentioned single word. “Hifumi-sama, what should I do with these vegetables?” (Origa) “Ah, keep throwing them in without minding it. I think it’s fine to not think that seriously about it since it is just stew.” (Hifumi) Alyssa is gazing at the stew while drooling due to the rich fragrance of the lard and the dashi from the broken down monster bones, which are boiling within the stew with loose, irregular movements, drifting around, completely unrelated to the tense atmosphere the messenger is clad in. In the vicinity of the supply unit in the center, several groups were surrounding stews mimicking Hifumi. Everyone is looking at their stews with a slack face. “Erm...” (Messenger) “Ah, for the time being you guys eat as well. The talks are after that.” (Hifumi) Phyrinion stared intently at that rustical stew dish as she sat down next to the messenger and started to eat the distributed bowl with an ample amount of the stew in it. “This is tasty, Ojou-sama.” (Krinola) Krinola, sitting down next to her before she noticed, smiled pleasantly at Phyrinion. For Phyrinion, who only ate the food she brought herself, even at the time of field training, she thinks of the taste to be bad if it’s the meat of a monster, but she isn’t able to deny the apparently delicious smell. Looking at Hifumi with a fleeting glance, he is eating it, obviously enjoying the taste, alongside Origa’s group. ‘It will be rude to refuse at this point. I’m afraid to anger them.’ Resolving herself to taste it, her hunger is enhanced by the strong flavor. “Ah, delicious...” (Phyrinion) “That’s only natural since it was made by Hifumi-sama himself.” (Origa) “Using the ingredients like this, it will even become such a delicious dish.” (Hifumi) After eating up around bowls in the blink of an eye, Hifumi looked up from the grassy place being completely satisfied. “So, you want me to help with my troops since the cities in the direction of Horant are in danger.” (Hifumi) The messenger nodded in a hurry towards Hifumi properly comprehending the story. “Rather than the troops, I’m told to relay to you that Earl Biron wants to request Earl Tohno himself. Here, it’s written in this letter.” (Messenger) When Origa hands it over to Hifumi after receiving it, Hifumi, who violently opened it and scanned its contents briefly, stood up as if jumping up. “You said the feudal lord of the region close to Horant is Earl Biron.” (Hifumi) “Y-Yes!” (Messenger) “There are still some interesting fellows in this country.” (Hifumi) Following the writing about the request for reinforcements, which had a stereotyped writing style, there was only a single line thinly written as private message for Hifumi in the letter of Biron. “Since there are plenty of enemies, I’d like for Earl Tohno to get rid of them without exception.” Almost all members of the Second Knight Unit, starting with the captain, Stiffels, were on standby in an insignificant farm village close to the border. The wounded have been sent back to Münster and are receiving medical treatment there. Several members were sent as escorts in order to act as personnel to watch over Earl Biron’s moves. Several houses have been rent and are used as lodging place for the knight order. The soldiers are camping outside the village. With the attacks from Horant having calmed down, the current situation is that a few have remained at the border to stand watch there.magic Just when the war council of the Second Knight Unit had gathered, the First Knight Unit turned up at the village. The members of the Second Knight Unit rushed to see the circumstances due to the sound of horse’s feet. They returned to the place of the war council accompanied by Ribezal. “Stiffels. Long time no see.” (Ribezal) “I thought it was an enemy raid. Don’t surprise me.” (Stiffels) It isn’t to the degree that the First and Second Knight Unit are on bad terms. Given that their workplaces are completely different, it has resulted in them meeting up directly seldomly. It is to the extent of the captains and vice-captains meeting each other in the castle occasionally. “So, what business does the First Knight Unit, that should be secluding itself within the royal castle, have at the edge of this country?” (Stiffels) Because he couldn’t conceal his irritation due to the disgraceful war situation, Stiffels glared at Ribezal. “I cam to propose a common front. It isn’t the time of moving separately.” (Ribezal) “Common front? Not as reinforcements but in a joint struggle, what’s there matter with that?” (Stiffels) As Ribezal explained about the inheritance announcement of Imeraria and the acts of brutality within the royal castle by Hifumi, everyone of the Second Knight Unit was astonished. “No way, for such things to have happened... Did you inform the prince about these matters?” (Stiffels) “I haven’t reported it. Returning to the royal castle at this point can even result in harming the prince, if it is executed poorly.” (Ribezal) “Indeed...” (Stiffels) As Stiffels shook his head in disbelief, he could see that Ribezal wasn’t joking or exaggerating in the least. “I think even you know about it. That man had now become a noble due to some mistake, but originally he is some unknown summoned person that we don’t even know where he is from. He is a rebel who killed the king! You don’t think that he will refrain from obviously turning antagonistic against the prince, do you?!” (Ribezal) As Ribezal explains that the prince needs the First and Second Knight Order to join hands in order to stop the princess faction, Stiffels reaction isn’t unfavorable. “Ribezal, I have a single question.” (Stiffels) “What is it?” (Ribezal) “How many knights and soldiers did you bring along?” (Stiffels) “... knights and no soldiers.” (Ribezal) Stiffels laughed scornfully at Ribezal’s reply. “It is ridiculous to call it a common front if you come here with a number of people that can’t even be called a war potential. It is our side who moved first for the sake of raising military gains for the prince.” (Stiffels) ‘And yet you complained about the prince following after us’ was what the eyes of Second Knight Order’s members, listening in the back, said. “Tsk...” (Ribezal) “You got it, right? This here is the battlefield of the Second Knight Unit. Go back to the castle, defenders of the castle.” (Stiffels) Due to Stiffels’ blunt refusal, Ribezal decided to stop at the village for the night and then to return tomorrow to Münster temporarily. Lodging his subordinates in several houses, Ribezal himself enters the house of the village headman about to spend one night on a bed in a detached room. Beirevra, who has been thrown next to the knight standing guard over him, calls out to Ribezal. “Ribezal-sama. The Second Knight Order, overestimating their own abilities, didn’t even possess any interest in Your Excellency’s persuasion.” (Beirevra) “Shut up, you are annoying.” (Ribezal) “The Second Knight Order and the expeditionary force don’t stand a chance as Horant has developed a new magic tool. Sooner or later they will break through the border. Therefore, I can prepare a similar magic tool before that. If you were to repel Horant instead of the Second Knight Order then...” (Beirevra) It became impossible for Ribezal to ignore those words of Beirevra, who continued to spin his tale without care. “A new magic tool, you say? Is it this effective?” (Ribezal) Beirevra floated a repulsive smile as Ribezal’s interest was finally piqued. “The soldiers of Horant are almost completely recruited from the common populace. They are overwhelming knights and soldiers with this.” (Beirevra) “Do you understand the significance of that?” says Beirevra as he is urged on by Ribezal to keep talking. “I am glad you came. Welcome.” (Biron) “It’s been a while, brother-in-law-san.” (Sabnak) Arriving at Münster as he led a reinforcements of soldiers, Sabnak was greeted by a smiling Earl Biron. “I never expected you to be the one to come.” (Biron) “It’s regretful that isn’t Hifumi-san.” (Sabnak) “No, not at all. Since I’ve thought that I have to do my best by holding out with just the territorial army, you are really saving us.” (Biron) Besides, because he was fed up with nothing but strange groups showing up at the city, it was even more of a feeling of being saved. Sabnak had no other choice but to smile bitterly. “Good grief, I’m unable to understand the enemies from Horant and the knight orders from our own country.” (Biron) “However, I didn’t think that it would turn into a battle with Horant.” (Sabnak) “Me neither. Well, I wouldn’t be surprised even if it was the Second Knight Order’s side who made the first move.” (Biron) Prompted by Biron, Sabnak sits down on the sofa. Having been presented with a warm black tea, Biron sits down on the opposing side as well. “Well then, how’s the situation?” (Sabnak) “Not good. Going by the reports from the border, they seem to be struggling for supremacy for the time being, but... I think they are using something identical to the magic tool you told me about. As they are facing enemy soldiers as opponent who don’t even change their expression when they suffer serious injuries, the mental and spiritual fatigue of our soldiers is accelerated. I guess it’s just a matter of time until the enemy breaches the border.” (Biron) “If that happens, the enemy will advance up to Münster in a blink of an eye”, Biron is estimating. “Of course, if the First Knight Order and the Second Knight Order join their forces, it might also be possible to some degree for them to win. But it will be difficult, I think. If one were to say even more, it is possible for the lot of the First Knight Unit and their likes to move in the direction of eliminating you and me.” (Biron) “Such a... no, you could say that. They regard me and brother-in-law-san as part of the princess faction after all.” (Sabnak) “That’s true. If I were in their shoes, I would let the enemy break through the border temporarily, produce a situation of a melee in this town and use the confusion to kill me before repelling the enemy. I don’t think they have the intention of extending the country’s territory even if Horant breaches the border.” (Biron) Going by Biron’s analysis, Horant’s goal is to test the magic tools. “If that’s the case, they will quickly withdraw once they were able to assess their defined war results”, Biron said. “Having said that, I don’t intend to allow the population of my fief to become sacrifices. Therefore, since I have thought up a plan, I want to request your cooperation, Sabnak.” (Biron) “If it’s something I can do. And, what’s the plan?” (Sabnak) “That is, look forward to the enjoyment after I managed to finish the preparations. Well now, don’t you want to talk to my wife now that you came here? Of course you will stay for dinner at our home, right?” (Biron) “Since you will be able to meet your elder sister after a long time, it is fine to take things slowly”, Biron showed a refreshing smile. Finishing the meal, Hifumi once again felt like giving a reply towards Phyrinion, who conveyed the official directive from the princess. “Oh well, it’s fine even if it isn’t Sabnak as long as you are useful. Ask Caim, who is at Fokalore, about the details. I’m heading towards Münster without delay.” (Hifumi) Rather than such things, the battlefield is waiting for him, is what he is saying. Entrusting them to the small military director even though they are his personal soldiers, Hifumi straddled his horse and vanished on the highway in front. Naturally Origa similarly chased after him as well. For the left behind messenger of Biron it became a matter of heading towards Münster alongside Hifumi’s territorial troops who had likewise been left behind. “You will be assigned a group as escort. Since the soldiers, who broke the prototype wagon some time ago, will miss the battlefield this time as punishment, it is fine to accompany them.” (Alyssa) Being pointed at by Alyssa, the trio, informed about their punishment without hesitation, are dropping their shoulders and hanging their head. “T-Thank you. Umm, why are they feeling down, I wonder? Shouldn’t they be happy if they don’t need to go to the battlefield?” (Messenger) “We are Hifumi-san’s troops. Missing out on a battle is a disgrace.” (Alyssa) Although he apparently didn’t understand Alyssa quite well either, rather than staying in the city continuing their everyday training, it was far more popular for the soldiers to join an expeditionary force fighting with various new tools. Thus, accompanying the gloomy-faced trio, they arrived in the peaceful city of Fokalore the next day. “Let’s meet Caim-san at them Lord’s mansion first.” (Phyrinion) “Understood.” (Messenger) With Krinola in the lead, they give the horses and carriage into custody and walk through the city. (It’s prospering splendidly...) There are many shops gathered in the centre of the city. Each of them are advertising their own goods with loud voices. Various shops, small and large, are lined up. There are also plenty of goods of many different kinds. “The liveliness is completely like in the capital, Ojou-sama.” (Krinola) “Yes, it seems so.” (Phyrinion) Rather than something like the merchandise, Phyrinion was bothered by the smiles of the residents. One reason is that he is a serious criminal who murdered a king. One reason is that he is a mass murderer. One reason is that he is a merciless, cold-blooded person. It can’t be seen at all that such man is governing the city. It looks like the residents are enjoying their life. Even my impression after meeting and talking with him, if I had to say, rather than a frightening character, he gave me the impression of being an innocent, young noble. “Yes?” (Phyrinion) She caught sight of a single large building. Written on the signboard at the entrance is 『Center of Fokalore’s Commerce, Industry, and Crafting Guilds』. It seems to be some kind of public facility, but many merchant-like people and dwarves are coming and going. Occasionally there are some youngsters, holding packages, entering. It was a completely mysterious facility as far as Phyrinion was concerned. “What the heck has happened to this city... ?” (Phyrinion) , Phyrinion advanced towards the Lord’s mansion aiming for the person called Caim.
And? Who are you? The king as well as Yugu couldn’t do anything else but be dumbfounded at Hifumi’s sudden intrusion. Veldore, who should be ruling the place if everything had gone as originally planned, had fainted and didn’t even twitch. The enhanced soldier, who had eradicated the designated enemy targets, was waiting for a new order and didn’t even quiver. “You already started, huh?” (Hifumi) While being troubled with a “I’m late, eh?”, Hifumi calmly surveys the hall’s interior. As he takes an unimpressed look at the spectacle of corpses littering the whole area, he only confirms that there are still people alive. “You are... it can’t be...” (Yugu) Yugu, knowing of Hifumi’s features, shook his head in disbelief. “Okay, from the fact that you know about me, it means that you are the mastermind of the plan to lure me in, doesn’t it?” (Hifumi) With a “So, you are this country’s king?” Hifumi looks at Horant’s king, Suprangel. It was a simple surveying look without him bearing any malice. “You are, Orsongrande’s hero... ?” (Suprangel) As Hifumi drew closer from the entrance without addressing the king’s words, Yugu yelled at the enhanced soldier, “Just how did you get here while making enemies of all soldiers within the castle... ? Anyway, enhanced soldier! Kill him!” (Yugu) “At last it starts, eh?” (Hifumi) The enhanced soldier, charging in from the onset, runs up to him while brandishing the large sword above its head. “Uuh-ohh?” (Hifumi) While raising such voice due to the unexpected long reach of the large sword and the movement, that became quicker in comparison to before, Hifumi makes a half step and wedges himself into its bosom. Accompanied by a sound of something crushing, the pommel of Hifumi’s katana smashed the armour, including the magic tool at the chest, and the enhanced soldier crumbled down. “I guess that will happen if you know about its weak point. On top of that, it won’t change the fact that it doesn’t have the ability to thrust.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who shook his head with a sigh mixed in-between, slipped between the arms of another enemy soldier, who came slashing at him with the sword he held, without even avoiding. In contrast to Hifumi, who doesn’t even move an inch as he firmly set up his stance, the enemy enforced soldier, who bumped into him vigorously, has his chest hit by Hifumi’s shoulder and was sent flying, tumbling and stopping when he hit the wall at last. Hifumi, who cuts down two other enhanced soldiers, is watched by Yugu with his face coloured in dread. Horant’s king, who stood next to him, observed the way of slaughtering with great interest. And, another survivor has come to his senses. Veldore, unable to move at once thanks to the headache, groaned for a while as he lay on the ground, but he was able to comprehend what was happening in his vicinity during that time. (That man is that aforementioned...) Even now the enhanced soldiers are easily getting killed within his field of vision that was dyed red with blood. While I, the royal grandson, am grovelling on the bloodstained floor, that man is gleefully achieving an extremely easy victory. There was still one enforced soldier, however having its abdomen severed sideways in a straight line, its entrails were scattered and it fell over. , thinking this far, he looked at the throne rebuking his unmoving body and saw the figure of Yugu, who was lying down unable to stand up due to fear, and the king, who showed a calm facial expression for some reason and was still in good health. Veldore, already dominated by a hatred to destroy all of it, grabbed his sword with his still numb right hand and the magic tool affixed to his waist. “I will... destroy everything...” (Veldore) At the time he turns his body over, Yugu who discovered the thing Veldore held in his hands, shouts, “Veldore-sama! If you use that... !” (Yugu) Before he finished speaking the magic tool was forced into Veldore’s chest making Yugu’s restraining words vain. While seeing this with a sidelong glance as he was in the midst of battle, Hifumi let his feeling show with a quiet smile. ☺☻☺ Hifumi, who quickly broke into the audience hall, of course stormed into the castle without asking any pointless questions, but the soldiers outside the castle couldn’t avoid dealing with another problem before calling for reinforcements from within the castle. “They went that way!” (Soldier) “Don’t let them escape into the city! Get rid of them here!” (Soldier) The soldiers, moving about in confusion following the orders of the magicians, are chasing the experimental bodies who escaped. Of course they didn’t really escape by themselves but Origa set of them free close to the castle for the sake of causing a disturbance. The experimental bodies, which were discovered close to the castle, had already slaughtered several residents, who happened to pass by, as they were possessing weapons for some reason. The soldier, who discovered this first, immediately called for reinforcements, but even though their numbers increased they haven’t been able to capture or kill them until now. Gradually victims among the people and the soldiers are appearing. Although they have been requesting support while also knowing about the abnormality of the castle, they have no news about the situation either. “Tsk! How the hell did they get out of their restraints!?” (Magician) While cursing in irritation, a single magician arrived at the research institute. “If I don’t check upon the remaining group...” (Magician) “There’s no need for that.” (Origa) The magician, who entered through the open door, was stopped by Origa quickly thrusting her dagger at him. “You finally came, huh? I got tired of waiting.” (Origa) During that time, the soldiers of Fokalore have promptly closed the door and adopted an approach of wait-and-see by looking outside through a small opened gap. “I believe it to be faster to ask directly rather than searching the entire institute.” (Origa) While showing a lovely smile with a broad grin, she presses the dagger lightly against the magician’s throat. “As we can’t find the stock of magic tools used on them, I’d like you to help us out by telling us the location.” (Origa) While saying this, Origa points at an experimental body limply hanging in the chains restraining it. “Th-That is...” (Magician) Suddenly the magician felt his left ear getting hot. Once he hears a slurping sound, his ear has fallen to the ground. “Silence!” (Origa) Swinging the dagger even more condemning, she chips off the tip of the nose. “It’s fine for you to only tell me the necessary things.” (Origa) As his mind was already solely focussed on getting away as fast as possible, the magician spilled the vault’s location being in a separate building talking rapidly. He ended up crouching while suppressing the blood, which flowed with a dripping sound, with both hands. “I see. Thank you very much for informing me in detail.” (Origa) Swinging the dagger straight down the nape of the neck, she wipes the blood with a paper she took out from her pocket as if it’s a trivial matter. “Well then, you heard the story just now, right?” (Origa) The Fokalore soldiers, who saw her look, nodded while being scared. “Because it looks like it won’t do to be at this institute for much longer, let’s finish releasing the remaining experimental bodies towards the castle and city.” (Origa) And thus all the staff members being at the research institute were killed by Origa’s group and the insane, enhanced soldiers were released towards the castle. “Well then, let’s move as planned.” (Origa) Within less than minutes Origa’s group escaped from the capital city, Adolamelk. ☺☻☺ “Guuoooooooo!” (Veldore) As Hifumi sees Veldore fainting in agony with a sidelong glance, he wards off the downward-swung sword of the last enhanced soldier and kills it by slicing the carotid artery with the raised katana.magic During that time Veldore, whose appearance with a large head and his muscles having swelled several times across his entire body became strange , stood up slowly. There’s no sanity left in his eyes anymore. With the blood vessels standing out on the surface of his face, it has even reached the point of fangs having grown on top of his bared teeth. “The heck is that... ?” (Suprangel) “It’s the newest magic still under development. Raising the transformation to a level above enhancing the body, the target loses its mind in exchange for explosive power and abnormal physical strength...” (Yugu) Yugu, in the same condition of having dropped his waist as before, answered the king’s question. Originally he brought it along with the intention use it on someone, if the situation required it, and escape during the resulting chaos. “Did he fall into despair when the enhanced soldiers were done in? I didn’t expect him to use it on himself.” (Yugu) “He already even stopped being a human, huh... ? Veldore...” (Suprangel) In front of the lamenting king Veldore turned into a giant with a height of m while making groaning sounds. He brought down his fist that had grown to the length of an arm. Of course his aim was Hifumi. Even while avoiding the fragments of the smashed ground flying about, Hifumi made a huge leap and rolled over. “Practically it is a large monster. Now that it has come to this, the techniques that are used against people won’t cut it, I suppose.” (Hifumi) As he throws the kodachi sharply, it pierced the lower leg of Veldore as if being sucked in. But Veldore doesn’t stop moving, let alone give any kind of reaction. “Looks like he doesn’t even have a sense of pain, eh!?” (Hifumi) He avoids getting crushed by the following largely swung arm by rolling to the side. Even during that time, Hifumi keeps his eyes open staring at the state of the increased muscles, his physique and movement. Furthermore Veldore threw the large swords, scattered about within the hall, one after the other at him. His strength being absurd, each of them pierces the wall and stone floor down to hilt. “This is already a weapon.” (Hifumi) While smiling wryly, he tried to repel one of them with his katana, but as expected of the speed and weight, the most he could do was to have it stray from its course. Although the words are groans, broken syllables are audible. “No.” (Hifumi) Even though Veldore threw the corpses of the enhanced soldiers next, Hifumi, who got used to the speed, easily evaded those. “How enjoyable.” (Hifumi) Smiling broadly, Hifumi takes the katana, he previously held with only his right hand, into both hands and gets into a firm seigan stance. “I regret it as I wanted to use it in a match of techniques with a human, but I guess this much is fine. If it’s the strength of a monster, it will be alright.” (Hifumi) “Guuuuuuuuu...” (Veldore) While raising his voice as if it was resounding from within his stomach, Veldore grasped his right hand tightly, to the degree of a grinding sound appearing, in front of Hifumi, who doesn’t waver in his firm stance. “Ugaaaaaaa!” (Veldore) While facing the approaching straight punch of the tightly grasped right fist, Hifumi doesn’t show any inclination to avoid it. (It’s completely like the iron ball used to dismantle buildings.) Even while thinking about pointless things like that, he is enveloped in a moderate feeling of tension in order to trace the path of the “feint skill” his body learned before. Although it was even more unreal than the technique to knock down a fired arrow he displayed in the slums before, he was successful at testing it out a few times. It’s something like having two swords sliding across each other deflecting their round blade tips upwards at the time of thrusting out the swords. Veldore is able to reproduce a similar motion with his fist. (If I compare them, it becomes easier because the target is so big.) Persuading himself, he decides to aim for the second joint of the approaching fist’s middle finger. He had grasped through the earlier observation that Veldore’s movement of the joints wasn’t any different from normal humans. Once that was the case, he estimated that he could use a grazing motion with the katana. The lengthy consideration passed in a moment and he experienced a dry metallic sound in the instant of clashing. Striking the bone with the katana, the fist passes slightly overhead of Hifumi. But at the same time it took away the katana which was pierced into the fist. “Guu!” (Veldore) The averted fist was outside Veldore’s expectation. But at the same time he was overjoyed at the opponent parting with his weapon. With this the enemy won’t be able to put up a resistance. In the instant of turning back his sight towards the enemy to smash him at last, that enemy was right in front of his eyes. The second Hifumi averted the fist, he escaped below Veldore’s arms while letting go of his katana and jumped up in front of him planting his knee into his face. “Don’t take your eye off your enemy.” (Hifumi) Stabbing the suntetsu grasped in the right hand into Veldore’s chin, he seizes his hair with the left hand. As he rotated Veldore’s head once, Veldore collapsed raising an earth tremor, afterwards his large build twitched for an instant and didn’t move anymore. “It’s not really a swordsmanship match. It’s only natural to let go of something like weapons at any time.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who leapt away to avoid getting dragged down by the falling Veldore, leisurely picked up his katana. Once he confirmed that there was no warping or damage to it, he approached the throne as he held it close to the ground in his right hand. “... Well done!” (Suprangel) “Thanks.” (Hifumi) Hifumi lightly responds to the king’s praise. Unbeknownst whether Yugu had heard this or not, he looked at Hifumi trembling in shivers. “I’m the king of Horant, Suprangel Gengh Horant.” (Suprangel) After he named himself, the king looked at the miserably caved-in Yugu besides him. At the thought of that small-timer, who could do nothing but tremble in fear without even giving his own name, acting as advisor of his grandson, the king judges him to be pathetic. “... He is a friend of my grandson, the guy who died just now. They were right at the point of attempting to usurp my position.” (Suprangel) “Uee!?” (Yugu) Even though Yugu looks at the king surprised by his words, the king only sighed without looking at him. “I wonder, why do you think I would protect a bastard like you this late in the game?” (Suprangel) Due to the king’s words, Yugu tried to escape from his current place in panic. Falling over as his feet were tripped by Hifumi, he struggled to move his feet and hands squirming like an insect as his back was tread on. “Your name is?” (Hifumi) “Hii... hii...” (Yugu) Seeing that Yugu had no intention to answer, Hifumi looked at Suprangel. “That guy’s name is Yugu Yutileft. I regret to say it, but he is a noble of this country.” (Suprangel) Hearing the king’s words, Hifumi severed Yugu’s head easily holding his katana in a backhand grip. “... Well then, Orsongrande’s hero. Do you want to obtain this country by killing me? No matter how much you even aspire that...” (Suprangel) “Don’t need it, something like a country.” (Hifumi) Muttering that it would be too troublesome, he sheathed the katana. “... What was that?” (Suprangel) “I told you, I don’t need it. I only fight for the sake of killing people.” (Hifumi) “Wh-What a...” (Suprangel) For the first time now, the king noticed that the man in front of him wasn’t a hero but a lunatic. “Since I was able to talk with you, I plan to go back at this point today.” (Hifumi) “D-Do you want to tell me that you don’t even want any kind of military exploits having come this far?” (Suprangel) The king immediately saw through that there was no falsehood in Hifumi’s eyes, though he still couldn’t believe it. “It’s not only this country. It’s the same for Vichy and Orsongrande... which reminds me, doesn’t there seem to be an area of beastmen on the other side of this country? Dragging them into it as well, I want to steadily turn this world into one of fighting and killing each other. And I will have you desperately refine your skills by using schemes to escalate the wars even further.” (Hifumi) Hifumi talks with sparkling eyes similar to a child with a large dream of the future. “For that reason, I only came here to agitate your country a bit. However, once you mass produce these dolls, who aren’t able to use their head in battle, I will crush this country.” (Hifumi) Hifumi snorts as he points at the enhanced soldiers scattered about in the corners thrown away by Veldore. “Even if I tell you, there’s no way for you to understand unless you have experienced it yourself.” (Hifumi) “Therefore”, Hifumi continues calmly, “The magic tools developed by this country to make people ferocious, I decided to use those on suitably strong-looking monsters around the world. Since there will probably be victims here and there in your country before long, you better hurry to think of countermeasures.” (Hifumi) He shouts as he is about to jump off the throne. “If you do such thing, it will increase the victims among the populace! Just how much military forces will be necessary to patrol... ?” (Suprangel) “Therefore, isn’t it better to do your best in finding a method to search for the enemy? It’s also necessary to consider the possibility of sudden attacks. Though the safety of the highway will be lost as well.” (Hifumi) The king gazes with eyes tinged in panic at Hifumi, who tells him some of the consequences if they don’t figure out a method of protection in the future. “Well, it’s fine’s if you do your best at thinking of a plan to protect the populace. I’ve got a suggestion there, but...” (Hifumi) It can’t be called anything but the whispers of the devil by now, but Suprangel has no other option but to listen to Hifumi’s words. “Won’t it be fine if you send soldiers to my territory for training them?” (Hifumi) Although Suprangel was speechless for a little while, at the time he received the report of the experimental bodies having escaped and rampaging around from a soldier, who came rushing, he had decided to follow Hifumi’s proposal including his support as well.
“... What the hell is this?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, facing the exit towards Horant, saw the figures of the soldiers from Horant, who were dazed and standing stock still. Holding their weapons in their hands while being expressionless, their gazes are somewhat unfocused. It has a strangeness as if mannequins have been lined up side-by-side. Since they were given the instruction “Invade Münster” by the magician from Horant, who had the authority to command them, they apparently were in a deadlock of waiting for the next instruction after having finished entering the city. “Did the guy just now control them by any chance? There are really puppets.” (Hifumi) He is heading towards the exit circumventing the soldiers from Horant while contemplating about such matters. A single knight asks him from the back of his horse to identify himself. “Stop! Who are you!?” (Knight) “A survivor of the Second Knight Order, eh? I’m Hifumi.” (Hifumi) “Hifumi... i-it was Earl-sama? Please forgive my discourtesy!” (Knight) The knight, dismounting his horse in panic, straightened up his back and apologized. He fought on the side of the encirclement leading the soldiers from Orsongrande as member of the Second Knight Order. Since the soldiers of Horant ended up stopping just after the gate suddenly opened and the enemy invaded the city, he apparently went around checking the situation stopping his attacks temporarily. Hifumi inclines his head to the side as his reaction is different from the lot of the Second Knight Order he encountered not long ago. “Oh, you know about my current peerage? Also, the captain and his followers of the Second Knight Order, I ran into just now, held a lot more hostility towards me.” (Hifumi) “But then again that might be because of being in a different faction”, although Hifumi said this, the knight replied with a earnest face. “Since there was an opportunity to have a talk with the knights of the First Knight Order, I know about the matter of you climbing in peerage... And, did you meet with Captain’s group?” (Knight) “Ah, I killed them.” (Hifumi) With an unpleasant feeling, the knight’s skin gets goosebumps. He tried to put his hand on the hilt of his sword but gave up on it. “Oh? You don’t plan to kill me?” (Hifumi) As Hifumi says “What? How boring”, the knight shook his head. “I’m well aware of Earl Tohno’s skill. I won’t even last several seconds. Besides, it was only because captain announced you as enemy. I had a hunch that it would turn out like this sooner or later...” (Knight) “Hmmm.” (Hifumi) “Besides, there is something I’d like to request from you.” (Knight) “What is it?” (Hifumi) Going by the knight’s words, there are currently a few dozen soldiers from Orsongrande and several survivors of the Second Knight Order remaining. “And, because it is a situation where we don’t even have a commanding officer, please, we will be saved if you can introduce us to Earl Biron.” (Knight) It’s probably a difficult request as Earl Biron’ relationship with Stiffels was a bad one too. “Our knight order is still alright, but most of the soldiers have become exhausted. They want to have a break soon.” (Knight) “I see... Well, it’s fine, I guess.” (Hifumi) “Thank you very much.” (Knight) “However, there’s something I need your help with.” (Hifumi) Hifumi pointed at the soldiers from Horant. “Bind those guys hands and move them to the lord’s mansion here.” (Hifumi) “Are you taking them as prisoners?” (Knight) As Hifumi evaded the core of the matter, the knight didn’t poke his nose any further in and separated to go bringing some soldiers. ☺☻☺ “Well, I want to have the privilege to thank you regarding the issue this time.” (Biron) The next morning, Hifumi, who allowed the city of Münster to return quickly to its daily life in a beat, came to the lord’s mansion being called by Biron. Sabnak and Origa have also come to the office, besides Biron. “Thanks to you, it finished without significant damage to the city of Münster. You even saved my life. You can expect me to help you to my utmost effort if it is something I can assist you with.” (Biron) Sabnak was nervous while listening. But as expected, he would feel awkward to to force his way into the discussion between fellow feudal lords. “If that’s the case, I shall accept your offer.” (Hifumi) Hifumi entrusting his body into the sofa and tasting a sip of black tea, turned his line of sight towards the ceiling. “First I want to receive your help in the experiment of returning the consciousness of the imprisoned soldiers from Horant.” (Hifumi) “Experiment... is it?” (Biron) “That’s right. It will become a just cause if I were to take them under my protection after returning their sanity. Besides, it isn’t just a plain benevolent act. If I, treated as hero by the masses, increase the population of Fokalore, it will be easier to earn funds thereafter.” (Hifumi) As usual Origa is admiring him with something like 「What a magnificent plan」, but Biron and Sabnak are turning pale as Hifumi’s manner of speaking is far too frank. The soldiers from Horant are crammed into a hall within the lord’s mansion. It’s jam packed, but of course there aren’t any kinds of complaints from them either. Incidentally, the Second Knight Order and the soldiers from Orsongrande, under the supervision of Biron, are cooperating with the Third Knight Order in the reconstruction work in the city. “However, is there some method to return them to their previous state?” (Sabnak) Towards Sabnak’s question Hifumi answers without even changing his expression. “Who knows. If you adhere to water, there are the ways of having them drink large quantities of water... or soak them in hot water?” (Hifumi) , almost left Biron’t mouth, but he endured it without having his smile falter. “Well, there are that many of them. It isn’t a problem if we waste a few either. It’s fine if you consider that at least some will profit by returning to their original state. Leaving that aside, I have another request.” (Hifumi) “Let’s hear it.” (Biron) “Soon the soldiers from Fokalore will arrive here. I intend to have them rest in this city temporarily, but... once they took a rest for about two days, they are scheduled to depart right away.” (Hifumi) “Isn’t it also fine if they take it a bit slower? We will welcome them warmly.” (Biron) Biron, with his whole face smiling, talked about the provision of a lodging place and meals, however with a “Let’s not do this” Hifumi shook his head. “They will invade Horant. Since they are resupplying at this city for that reason, I want you to have the goods arranged.” (Hifumi) “You will do an invasion in reverse? With only the territorial soldiers?” (Sabnak) Even as the surprised Sabnak opposes it due to the lacking numbers, Hifumi laughs scornfully. “First, it will be only me entering. The soldiers will advance in the rear, but to the bitter end they will be the opponents of the dolls. I will kill to my heart’s desire.” (Hifumi) Although Biron also thought it would be impossible, he ended up considering The abuse of the soldiers from Horant, in the name of salvation, began with pouring water on them, having them drink massive amounts of water. Advancing alongside Hifumi’s ideas, they tried changing it to lukewarm water and then to hot water. The knights of the Second and Third Knight Order are dragged into assisting. In order to not be attacked by those becoming panicked due to suddenly regaining their consciousness, they are doing their job while wearing their armor and even going as far having a bamboo sword equipped. Those will be used to beat up thieves! Then, as Hifumi proposed “Isn’t it fine if they sweat in a steam bath?”, it became hell for the knights as well. Carrying in pots filled with boiling hot water into the closed up hall, they are rapidly heating up even more. With the heat and humidity, the hall has completely entered the state of a sauna. The temperature in the other rooms of the mansion has risen as well. “Hooot~...” (Sabnak) Even Sabnak, mixed among the other knights, was working on the task. Watching the hot water boiling with bubbles in the cauldrons and monitoring the fire so that it doesn’t go out, his consciousness has become dizzy due to the excessive heat. Already having thrown off the armor, he only wore a plain cloth beneath it. he saw a single soldier from Horant collapsing. “Ah~ Once again someone’s limit has... huh?” (Sabnak) Once he looked properly, he saw the collapsed soldier moving his hands and feet as if struggling slightly. Sabnak rushed over in a hurry and gave him lukewarm water, he put into a leather bag beforehand. “Oi, get a hold of yourself!” (Sabnak) “U-Uh... h-here is...” (Soldier) Apparently his consciousness isn’t clear yet. Although it is with a fragile voice as if groaning, he definitely speaks by himself. “S-Someone, come here! One person recovered his consciousness!” (Sabnak) Due to Sabnak’s shout, the other knights also revived and their souls escaped from the rising discomfort of the heat. Noisily gathering, they took out the soldiers from Horant, who regained their consciousness, to another room. Seeing off the soldiers from Horant being carried out placed on a stretcher, Sabnak sat down on the floor. “Recovery... it was possible.” (Sabnak) While looking up at the ceiling, Sabnak smiled bitterly as with this it had once again worked out according to Hifumi’s plan. Currently Origa was heading to the room, where Hifumi stayed, within the inn of Münster. By no means it is for the sake of creeping in without permission. She has been called by Hifumi. After the audience with Biron she was told by Hifumi to come to the room in the evening without taking anyone along. She put her personal appearance in order until the very last minute. “This is... is it at last time?” (Origa) While blushing in embarrassment and anticipation, she finally arrives in front of the door at a quick pace. With a deep breath she knocks. “It’s open.” (Hifumi) As she hears Hifumi’s voice, she feels her heartbeat quickening. “Excuse me.” (Origa) When she entered the room, Hifumi was sitting on top of the bed in the simple room. He was about to examine his katana. The figure of him staring at the katana with serious eyes fascinated Origa for a short while. “It’s alright to sit somewhere fitting.” (Hifumi) “Yes. Excuse me.” (Origa) Without hesitation she sits down next to Hifumi. Although Hifumi grimaced slightly, he put away the katana with a “Well, it’s fine, I guess?” “I called you because there is something I want request from you, but...” (Hifumi) “Yes, please give me any kind of order.” (Origa) As Origa replied with a rough nasal breathing, showing her resolution to take off her clothes right away, Hifumi drew back a little. “Calm down. I want you to to do some condemning work for the sake of my goal.” (Hifumi) “... Yes. Whatever you...” (Origa) Disregarding the obviously disappointed Origa, Hifumi continues. “Listen. This is something I entrust to you because I believe in you.” (Hifumi) “Believe...” (Origa) Hifumi makes sure to not look at Origa, whose eyes now began to sparkle, to the best of his ability. “After this I will invade Horant. I plan to take all the aforementioned magic tools from there. Although I don’t know how many they possess, they have at least used the magic potion on that number of people. I guess there will also be a number of magic tools that turn people ferocious. I will take them all without leaving anything behind.” (Hifumi) “And then? What will you use those magic tools for?” (Origa) After having listened well to Origa’s question, Hifumi stands up. He draws his katana and beheads a thief trying to steal the translation sneakily “I thought that there isn’t enough seriousness towards battles in this world. Therefore I planned to spread the fighting, but... it’s just me killing them one-sidedly. There doesn’t seem to be any fellow, that can kill me, appearing either. Although there might be some people like that by chance, when will they appear in front of me?” (Hifumi)magic He drinks a single sip of water from the water jug placed on the writing desk in the room. “And that’s the point. I pondered about a method to have everyone learn by heart about fighting desperately even if I’m not there anymore. And then I asked myself, why don’t you attach that magic tool, causing ferocity, from Horant on powerful monsters that are roaming all over the area?” (Hifumi) “If it’s powerful monsters, the people will have to think about their weapons and tactics to oppose them. It will also cause that adventurers and soldiers will train even more. What wonderful craftiness.” (Origa) “Accordingly, I want you to do a job for me.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, sitting down on the bed once again, looks straight into the eyes of Origa. “This is an underworld job. By all rights, now that you’ve accomplished your revenge, there isn’t even any necessity to stay at my side, much less to listen to my orders, but...” (Hifumi) “What are you talking about!? I’m already together with Hifumi-sama. I intend to perish at the same time as you.” (Origa) “... Well, whatever. After I entered Horant, please take some soldiers. for holding all of the magic tools, and secretly slip out from Horant. Afterwards, I want you to test the magic tools on suitable monsters within both countries, Vichy and Orsongrande.” (Hifumi) “Be focused as much as possible on those monster which are troublesome to deal with for ordinary people. On top of that, it would be good if you lead them to a place close to human habitation”, he said with a snicker. “On that occasion it will also become training for the territorial soldiers, I suppose. I’m relying on you.” (Hifumi) “Certainly! I will show you that I can live up to your expectation without fail.” (Origa) Origa, who stood up, bows very deeply. “Gotcha, I’m looking forward to it.” (Hifumi) Within Hifumi’s mind the scene of soldiers and adventurers frantically fighting against monsters as their opponents was rising to the surface.
The time Vepar’s group arrived at the gate was when Hifumi’s figure had already vanished into the castle. Hifumi’s spirit was simply uplifted by the battling. He knows that the time for that game was short. “Ueeh, oeeh, oeeh...” “Cho...erororo...” The healing magician girl who followed Vepar, vomited with all her strength abruptly once she saw the terrible scene and one of the girls, who was right next to her, joined in. Vepar, who shrugged her shoulders while saying “Good grief”, calmly surveys the gate’s vicinity. Not a single living person is around. Without regards to whether man or woman and their age, all of them were equally visited by death. “He went at it quite flashily.” (Vepar) “Captain, did that human go inside? To where the king is, inside the castle?” “I guess so.” (Vepar) Vepar answered the question of her subordinate, who had a pale face although she hasn’t thrown up, with a sigh mixed in. “Anyway, he seems to plan on installing me as new demon king once he brings down the current king.” (Vepar) “... Is he sane?” “Don’t ask me.” (Vepar) Folding her arms, Vepar twists her mouth in the shape of へ. “However, his eyes were serious. I don’t know what he is thinking, but that was the expression of someone who has seized the outrageous act of killing the king as realizable target.” (Vepar) “If there’s a problem”, Vepar raised her eyes at the castle and even her subordinates, except the two who were still vomiting, likewise looked up at the area around the king’s private chamber. “It’s whether the human can win against that king, right?” (Vepar) Everyone nodded at Vepar’s words. The demon soldiers know why he continues to reign as king although he looks like nothing more but a young boy. “Gee, ueeh” “*spits out* Somehow I have a disgusting feeling within my mouth. I want to rinse it out.” The mood, which should be gloomy, didn’t become too tense thanks to the girls. ☺☻☺ While Fokalore’s army is showered with cheers by a crowd of people, they form lines by the city’s large front gate and leave. The expressions of the soldiers, who are donning battle gear on their bodies and held weapons such as swords, spears and some of them even kusarigama‘s, were smiling faces tinged with nervousness. They number . But even then it’s no more than less half of the soldiers serving as regulars in the Tohno feudal army. Only this earldom possesses the financial leeway to uphold such a large-scaled standing army, which is a money sink, with the exception of each nation’s capital. “Do your best!” “Please annihilate the monsters and their-likes!” “Come back properly!” Even bold scolding was mixed into the high-pitched encouragements. It was completely like being overwhelmed by waves of sounds. The soldiers, who left the city, formed lines with accustomed movements, matched their faces alongside the highway and looked at the person in the front. “Well then, move out!” (Alyssa) “””Yes!””” Advancing at the lead, from atop an open-air carriage with no canopy, Alyssa stretches her small body as best she can while shouting and received a reply with many voices overlapping. Beside Alyssa Miyukare is riding with her on the carriage, which began to advance slowly, as her advisor. The soldiers start to move and in their backs the carriages of the supply unit, carrying goods, follow. “For the time being it would be good to head in the direction of Vichy, right?” (Alyssa) “Yes, I already gave the coachman the order. It’s alright for you to comfortably sit down, Alyssa-sama.” (Miyukare) Miyukare smiled while holding out a cup filled with tea to her. “Thank you.” (Alyssa) Seeing the face of Alyssa, who returned a smile, Miyukare frantically suppressed the thump within her nose and grabbed the documents placed nearby. “While marching towards Vichy like this we will clean up the monsters. Basically the main purpose is to secure the safety of the highway and its surroundings, but... in the end by emphasizing the pressure onto Vichy, a war will break out if the situation explodes. If it doesn’t, we will restrict the entry and leaving at the border in the name of security measures at the garrisoned forces. Those are all Lord-sama’ orders.” (Miyukare) “There’s nothing specific written, right?” (Alyssa) While pouting, Alyssa adjusted the position of the short sword which is hanging at the back of her hips. With the carriage’s vibrations making a stir, it’s difficult to sit. “This is also the “homework” assigned to you and me, Alyssa-sama. But, if we work together, an operation of such level can be completed without difficulty.” (Miyukare) “Yea, I count on you, Miyukare-san.” (Alyssa) Miyukare, who barely manages to keep up a poker face, faints within her mind. Alyssa showed her a bright smile, but once she turned her sight towards the walking lines of soldiers, her look became serious. As people are gathering in Fokalore, a great number of people is necessary for security and maintenance of public order. Given that there are that many people who have turned up looking for work, there was no particular problem in regards to replenishment of personnel. The elites, who repeatedly practised and studied, have been assigned to their respective fields of expertise. Although it happened that sometimes some lost their lives due to incidents in the city and the battles with monsters, there was no substantial influence due to that and the Fokalore feudal army became huge. And, after several battles, it’s a military operation after a long time. On the platform wagons, which are being used as usual, Prulfras has installed a new type of spear throwers he himself named to be of satisfactory quality. “... No one wants to die. It’s sad for people you know to pass away after all. But even so, it’s possible to restrain that way of thinking by accepting that it’s inevitable.” (Miyukare) Alyssa’s look faced towards Miyukare. “What is Hifumi-san aiming for? What did you think when you heard it for the first time?” (Alyssa) “... Honestly, I thought it to be a simply troublesome matter. I considered it an absurd action like running to beat a horse in the name of practise.” (Miyukare) “Ahaha, that example is funny.” (Alyssa) The laughing Alyssa unfastened the scabbard with the short sword from behind her hips and drew it out in front of her eyes. “Hifumi-san, you know, stares at his katana when he got free time. Did you know?” (Alyssa) Turning over her wrists, light is reflected in a momentary flash. “Previously I asked him why he is staring that fixedly at his katana.” (Alyssa) It was at the time Hifumi was maintaining the katana after meditating and finishing his daily practise. Alyssa planned to have her meal together with the three of them, Origa included, but at the moment she entered Hifumi’s room, there was a man and his katana standing in the room shrouded in a silence that was painful. “I have imagined the time of my death, he said.” (Alyssa) “Ha?” (Miyukare) Unintentionally raising the tone of her voice, Miyukare blushed. “I also asked the same thing when I heard it for the first time.” (Alyssa) Alyssa laughed delightfully. It’s only natural to accept getting killed if you are killing others yourself Alyssa, who giggled for a while, wiped her tears with a finger. “I told you before, I experienced something cruel at the time I was a soldier of Vichy to the degree of wanting to die.” (Alyssa) “Yes, I remember.” (Miyukare) “At that time I was terribly afraid of dying. There were also things I wanted to do and delicious things I wanted to enjoy. I thought that all of it would come to an end once this pain ended.” (Alyssa) The carriage sways grandly as it runs over a pebble. In contrast to Miyukare whose balance crumbled a bit, Alyssa lightly half-rose to her feet and cushioned the impact. “But now I’m living earnestly without regrets until the time I die, as I was told by Hifumi-san. Of course I don’t want to die. At the time I decided to follow Hifumi-san, I didn’t think that far ahead though.” (Alyssa) She gently strokes the scabbard of the short sword. The scabbard which had been polished to the degree of blackening just like Hifumi’s, had a blackness making somebody believe that its darkness erased the lustre purposely. as is, but since it’s the easiest thing to understand, let’s simply kill each other. I think that’s how it is. ... It’s a nuisance to others though, as you say, Miyukare, I guess.” (Alyssa) Miyukare noticed that the questionable light visible within Alyssa’s resembled that of Hifumi. “... Then I shall lead my life without regrets as well. I will put in great efforts to live while upholding my pride towards whoever it is.” (Miyukare) “Right? Even this odd life will undoubtedly be enjoyable.” (Alyssa) For the soldiers following in the back it didn’t appear as anything but two women calmly chatting, but only the veterans reliably felt the somehow frightening mood they already experienced before. ☺☻☺ Hifumi had cuts and burns all over his body. Both his arms and legs were plastered with bruises as well. And yet, he daringly walked forwards holding the katana with his right hand while the point of the katana and his fore-bangs were dripping with blood. If Origa or Vepar saw that, they might have judged it as lovely appearance. With his hakama having holes all over, his skin is showing at his sides and the right shoulder. “No one’s here... no, they are only hiding, huh?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who openly entered the castle through the door as if luring them, proceeds onwards while feeling the looks of several people. Although the owners of those looks aren’t attacking, they are filled with plenty of hostility. They are probably comrades of the lot I killed outside. “Why are you looking at me quietly? If you want to kill me, you should do so, right?” (Hifumi) “I’d like you to stop provoking the soldiers.” (Phegor) It was Phegor who made an appearance in the dark hallway ahead. The smile he showed during daytime has vanished. His look is piercing in order to not oversee even one of Hifumi’s moves. “You, eh? Agathion, whom I’ve seen during the day, sent quite the violent greeting. I’d like to thank you for that.” (Hifumi) Hifumi planned to thank for that honestly, but Phegor took it as sarcasm. “... Such an insincere remark. You have been invited by the king. Follow me.” (Phegor) “Are you going to participate as well?” (Hifumi) “Although the night has been filled with such amusements, isn’t that boring?” Hifumi laughed. “You are quite calm, human. But, even that will only last until you stand in front of the king.” (Phegor) In case Vepar really shirked away from the king’s seat, it might be necessary to place Phegor on the king’s throne instead. The mental state of Phegor, who walks while stepping firmly on the stone floor with a hard sound resounding, can’t be read from his expression. His innermost thinking was complicated. He has absolute trust in the strength of the king. Moreover he has prepared a trap. For Phegor, who knows the human’s strength to some degree, the appearance of the king is unnecessary. That’s what his honest impression is. However, the strength of Hifumi, shown in front of the castle’s gate, deviated from the strength Phegor knew of humans. (If I don’t steal that weapon by all means necessary...) If that’s the king’s wish, he will throw down his life at any time. However, I cannot afford to not live up to the king’s expectations. He properly knows from the footsteps that Hifumi is following him. Coming out from the not-so-long hallway, Phegor arrived at the targeted place. Magic lights are shining all over in the cylindrical room which became a hall with up to floors. The swaying lights produced a fairytale-like atmosphere. “Yea, this is wide.” (Hifumi) He heard Hifumi’s impression, but Phegor didn’t return any words. Rather than that, Phegor is worried whether the device will work as intended or not. And, inside the hall, there was also the figure of Agathion who was seated on the throne placed on a platform. “You did well to come here, Hifumi.” (Agathion) “It’s still too early for good morning, I guess” Agathion showed a smile, but he doesn’t stand up like he did during the day. He looks down on Hifumi while leaning on his elbow as if showing that he is the one ruling. “Yea, thanks to you I was able to spend my time enjoyably. Let me thank you for that.” (Hifumi) “That’s great. If I hear that, they float up in my mind as well.” (Agathion) While talking with each other, Hifumi naturally steps forward. He passed Phegor’s side. Hifumi wondered whether something would start there, but being disappointed by Phegor as he turns nothing but his look at him, he concentrates on Agathion who is in front of him. “Since long ago.” (Agathion) At the time Hifumi came close to the centre of the hall, Agathion began to talk about something. “Right, a number of our people of a previous generation created a village you can’t even call a nation. After the time they eagerly strived to survive in this barren area, the demons reached the point of using tools and weapons. Until then they we were yet another race that had overwhelmingly powerful magic and physical abilities. In fact that was sufficient for a long time until we were outwitted by the elves.” (Agathion) “I see. Hearing that the demons from long ago didn’t use weapons, I thought it was a misunderstanding seeing the actual situation here, but now I got it.” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who stopped, shook the katana he held in his hand. “But you know, it doesn’t change the fact that the demon’s strength lies in magic. Sometimes those endowed with muscle strength, like Beleth, appear as well, but the powerful magic, we were supported with as special trait since our birth, can’t be copied by other races. It’s our power.” (Agathion) Standing up, Agathion spread both his hands. Hifumi looks at him wondering whether he intends to release magic, however he can’s see any sign of that. “Like humans. Right, just like you. If we have powerful weapons, we will be able to fight properly. However, without relying on that, we are able to fight with just our strength. We are able to use such a powerful magic after all. For example, strong barrier magic like Phegor.” (Agathion) “What?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who expected offensive spells to be hurled at him, looked in the direction of Phegor at those words. Phegor was simply standing there with both his arms loosely dangling. However, Hifumi noticed that the sky in his own surrounding had changed. “This sensation is...” (Hifumi) He saw a faint membrane gradually surrounding the vicinity. “Phegor’s barrier magic is the same as what the elves are using to imprison us or even stronger. Originally he isn’t able to extend it to such a degree though.” (Agathion) “I’m grateful.” (Phegor) Agathion replied with a generous waving of his hand towards Phegor who bowed his head. And he chuckles as he watches Hifumi who was locked up by the barrier. “It somehow seems that this weapon was endowed with powerful abilities. However, no matter how sharp it might be, it’s meaningless if it isn’t able to reach its opponent.” (Agathion) At Agathion’s sign Phegor erased another deployed barrier. It was the assembly of stones which are usually holding the ceiling with a barrier supporting the hall’s ceiling. Removing the fixing installations in advance, the stones, which were supported by Phegor’s barrier, begin to crumble while being pulled by gravity.magic Naturally large stones are falling one after the other onto Hifumi who looked up at its state from directly below. While the broken stones are scattering with a thunderous roar and a cloud of dust, the debris is piling up within the cylindrical barrier. “Powerless, isn’t he? That human.” (Agathion) Agathion’s laughter mixed with the violently reverberating sound until the last piece fell.
Hifumi occupied the cities and villages by the Orsongrande-Arosel border one by one. Basically, the reason they captured Arosel the way they did was only for the soldiers to gain experience. In the other cases, he just had a small number of people infiltrating, where they either seized, or killed the representatives. The places that seemed to be able to offer some resistance were pinpointed and suppressed. The only matter where Hifumi personally moved were in regards to the guilds, where he had each of the guild masters swear allegiance to him. After killing many of Vichy’s soldiers and adventurers, Hifumi’s side also had some casualties, but the difference in losses were overwhelming. Their raids were performed in such a way that most of the populace didn’t notice anything. But even if they did, the only thing that changed was the name of the governor. Except the ones resisting, the rest were let live. It was also made known that the only change in the administrative body was that Hifumi was now the chief. Except that, there were no changes, so nothing really went out of hand. At the moment there simply wasn’t enough time for a complete restructure of the administrative system. Except putting the central government’s spies and liaisons on house arrest, Hifumi didn’t really take any actions towards them. In time, they were to divulge the state of affairs within the their area of control. In the meantime, three city states and ten of the surrounding villages were put under their control. In each of the cities, the opposing parties were generally killed, and passage through the city gates was restricted. The soldiers left behind were the bare minimum for upholding those restrictions, so in the villages there could be as few as three of them. “It’s about time. Pajou. According to plan, after occupying this area, we are to establish a new national border. You should send for soldiers from Orsongrande to defend it.” Hifumi pointed his finger at the map they took from the representative of Arosel’s mansion. The place he pointed at was just a small-scale city named Rhone, but to get to one of the major cities in Vichy, you would have to pass by here. If they could set up a blockade here, one of Vichy’s five major cities would be whittled away. magic “Understood.” Until now, when the city they were aiming for was right in front of them, Pajou had been following Hifumi’s orders. Looking at the size conquered territory, the military gains were unprecedented in the history of Orsongrande. Furthermore, occupying these cities and villages in a relatively unscathed condition, the tax revenue would barely need to be reduced at all. But doing it in this manner, which was a first for the knights, Pajou didn’t think the aristocrats could possibly agree to it. If the head of the campaign wasn’t Hifumi, and rather someone else, he would’ve been replaced long ago. “Well then, I guess I’ll go have a ‘talk’ with them in Rhone.” Seeing Hifumi straddling the horse and riding off on the highway alone, leaving the troops behind, Pajou was thinking about the future of Orsongrande. Imeraria probably doesn’t have the notion to invade other countries herself. If that’s the case and Vichy wants to enter negotiations with us, offering Orsongrande an apology, it should all conclude there, but... Would Hifumi agree to stopping at this point? Would he listen to anyone’s opinion, and change the way he’s thinking? ...... In the end, would it all be over with Vichy as the only victim? Pajou looked at the troops participating in the campaign. They were all showing signs of fatigue. Having no experience with these methods until now, they were performing silent invasions, and engaging in one-sided slaughter. Sure, they had signs of physical exhaustion, but what had really exhausted them was the repeated killing of enemies, including many who couldn’t even resist. They were primarily concentrating on performing night raids and surprise attacks. Although they were operations in which the masses weren’t hurt, in the end their purpose was still having others killed. If they didn’t stop soon, perhaps Orsongrande would crumble from within. Origa couldn’t understand Hifumi’s real intentions, but didn’t voice any opinions towards him. Alyssa didn’t understand him either, but decided to keep following orders. Perhaps if Hifumi was thinking about stopping... Pajou was observing Kasha ordering the first unit around, preparing for the next assault. Among Hifumi’s followers participating in the campaign, Kasha was the only one having shown uneasy expressions a couple of times. “Sorry, do you have some time?” When Kasha seemed free for a little while, Pajou quietly asked her. Closing in on Rhone, Hifumi frowned. The smell of blood drifted over from the wind. The town’s entrance came into sight, but there were still no presence of people. “What’s all this about...?” Speeding up the horse, Hifumi tightly held onto his katana fixed on his waist. The left hand was propping up the scabbard, making him able to draw at a moment’s notice. Steadily closing in on the city, a bizarre mud wall covering the entrance came into view. Carefully approaching, he confirmed that a mud wall that was as hard as rock was completely covering the city entrance. Making sure that no one was around, he swung his katana, destroying the wall. A stench of blood and decay burst forth the moment the entrance was cleared. “So they were completely annihilated.” Looking around within the city, decomposed bodies were scattered all over the place, no living things to be found. Not even cats or dogs. Whether it be the stores, the inns, or even the regular houses, blood and dead bodies could be found everywhere. Hifumi had an uncomfortable feeling. He judged that they had been dead from anywhere between a few hours and a day, but several patches on the corpses were extremely decomposed. “A disease? ...No, that doesn’t seem to be the case.” There were several bodies that hadn’t decomposed yet, seemingly having died due to blood loss from the wounds on their necks and various other places. But these corpses looked suspicious as well. Their fingers and fingernails looked too clean. They should obviously have ‘been killed’, but there were no indications of resistance, and their faces were anything but warped in horror or pain. They were completely expressionless. He didn’t understand the circumstances of the deaths of the decomposed bodies, but there were numerous cases of their throats having being clamped down upon, and clawing their own chests. Hifumi abruptly withdrew his katana, as the stomach of one of the decomposed bodied opened. Some gas emerged, and the content gushed out with a splashing sound. “The intestines are also extremely decomposed, but it seems that what’s inside the stomach is still fine.” As Hifumi guessed that for some reason, they all started quickly decomposing at around the same time, he caught a quick glance of something through one of the bodies’ split clothes. “Isn’t this the same magic tool that Gorilla-like guy was wearing?” Wouldn’t that indicate that this incident was orchestrated on the orders of Horant? “... For the time being, we can’t use the city unless we clean up.” Not being able to conclude anything more than that, Hifumi let out a sigh and returned to the where the campaign’s forces were stationed. When the soldiers first saw the city with the corpses spread all around, they were speechless. In order to avoid diseases from breaking out, Hifumi had them dispose of the corpses by burning them, and then burying the bones. “What is actually going on here?” Having surveyed the surroundings, Origa asked Hifumi. “No idea. The decayed guys were wearing that body strengthening magic tool we encountered before. Perhaps they were made to wear them by someone. The other ones had no facial expressions, so it appears to be the same kind of magic tool as the soldiers in Arosel were using. The low levels of resistance would indicate that this should be a strengthened version.” Having said that, he had now seen the strengthening magic tool a few times by now, but this time he had noticed a few things he hadn’t back in Arosel. He turned to Pajou who was situated a small bit away. “Pajou. The soldiers from Arosel were using some kind of magic tool on the orders from their government, do you know what kind of tool it was?” “No. I didn’t think they were having a uniform magic tool they were equipped with...” “But when you heard about it in Arosel, didn’t you think that... Hmm?” “Is there something wrong?” “I feel a strange smell.” Hifumi turned around, and walked towards one of the city’s wells. Origa and the rest followed him to take a peek into the well and sniffed to check the smell. It was an acidic smell that slightly stung the eyes. Throwing in the bucket and withdrawing some water, there was nothing wrong with the color of it, but it was undoubtedly the source of that smell. “...... Are there any magic tools that display an effect when you’re drinking, for example?” “I haven’t seen one myself, but I’ve heard others talks about them existing. What about it?” “For example, let’s assume we have a magic tool creating a substance that spreads throughout the body. If that substance could dissolve in water, what would happen when you drink water?” “I don’t know if you could get the same result or not, but...” “That’s why they needed to experiment with it, right?” Both Origa and Pajou turned quiet. Destroying a while city just for that purpose. That kind of deranged thinking made them shiver in a different way than when they were facing Hifumi. “It’s probably the same kind of strengthening magic tool the border guards used. The ones we smashed. While they were doing experiments all over the place, it seems like they migrated somewhere else.” Possibly because of Beirevra, Hifumi thought, but he had no positive proof that was actually the case. “Tell everyone to not use the water from the well. Send someone from the third unit to make sure the water from the river close by is okay. Pajou, send a report back to Orsongrande. I don’t mind if you’re using one of the soldiers to do that.” If, after the messenger delivered the report, everyone hearing became spineless, it wouldn’t be a laughing matter, Hifumi sighed. Staying in Rhone for three days, they were steadily coming along with the preparations for fortifying the new national border. The entrance on Vichy’s side of the city was changed slightly. Only on the inside of the gate was a guard room prepared. The guards who had previous experience in guarding a border were put in charge of the central positions. Furthermore, the second unit made a simple moat on Vichy’s side of the city. Closing in on horse, they would have to to take a long detour. “It’s about time. Alyssa, since we’ve now established the new national border, have the third unit convey to the troops in the occupied cities and villages that they can now release the restrictions on entering and exiting the cities.” “Roger!” “Pajou, you make the preparations to receive the troops from Orsongrande that are to be stationed here. There are a lot of houses remaining, so seizing a few inns to use as well should be enough. No one should complain about that, right?” “The second unit is to continue the investigations within the city. If there are any survivors, take them into custody.” “What about the first unit?” “They should get accustomed to defending the border for now.” Having issued all the orders, Hifumi felt worn out and told the others he’d lie down for a while, after which he headed towards a suitable inn. “With this, we’re done with the first step, aren’t we?” Kasha muttered, stretching her back. “Yeah. But we still haven’t achieved our own objective, have we?” Only after dealing with Beirevra would they have taken their own revenge, Origa mentioned. It was something the two of them had talked about many times already. “About that...” Kasha put her index finger to her cheek and said in a small voice, not meeting Origa’s gaze. “We’ve already been released as slaves, and continuing like this, I don’t know how many more people we have to kill before we reach Beirevra... I also thought it’s about time we returned to our primary professions......” For every word Kasha said, Origa’s eyes turned more severe. “I-I’ll return to the rest of the unit!” Not being able to withstand the mood turning heavier, Alyssa ran away. Pajou really wanted to do so as well, but this was the situation she was looking for. But more than just having it happen, she had to see for herself how it would unfold, so she stayed to listen to their conversation. “Kasha, you may have some valid points in what you say, but I didn’t think you were this dishonorable.” “Hi-Hifumi giving us our freedom back is amazing, I’m not saying it isn’t! But we’re adventurers, so originally our enemies were the monsters. Killing people is just... I just think that’s wrong.” “If that’s the case, you can return to the capital by yourself. I’ll still be following Hifumi.” “Ah...” After that, Origa turned around and walked away at a quick pace. Kasha stretched out her right hand as if to stop her, but grabbed nothing but air. “I’m sorry. I made you do something unpleasant.” “It’s fine. We aren’t fit to command soldiers like this in the first place. Origa will eventually come to understand that as well. I’m thankful towards Hifumi, but that’s not reason enough to do this for an extended period of time... And honestly, for her own sake, Origa needs to realize that Hifumi isn’t a person that’s good to always stay close to. “Yeah, I understand you as well.” If Hifumi knew about Pajou’s goal, how would he react? He’s a person who doesn’t care about others, so perhaps he wouldn’t say anything if a comrade decides to leave. But what would happen if they do something Hifumi would regard as treachery, or hostility? She might not be able to return to her own country, or perhaps even die. But even then, Pajou was determined to weaken Hifumi’s faction. He had become a hero, and brought both triumph and benefits to Orsongrande. But what they’ve gotten so far was enough. They didn’t need more. This is for the selfish sake of those politicians, but if you’re going to resent someone, please just hate me Walking back towards the assigned lodgings, Pajou had now decided on something she wouldn’t report to the princess.
The exchange with the demons proceeded smoother than everyone had expected. Because there were no people experienced with things like laying the groundwork and foreign diplomacy on the demon’s side, not to mention Vepar, it took the shape of them accepting almost all of Orsongrande’s proposals without demanding any changes. “Was it a good idea for you to not go ahead to the capital together with the beastmen?” (Alyssa) Alyssa, who waits for the visit of the demons at Rhone’s national border, asked Zanga, the leader of the elves, who stood next to her. “It’s unlikely that I would have a chance to carefully look at the faces of the demons due to meetings, briefings and such, if I had gone over there. Don’t worry, even the demons’ queen is probably not that much of a fool to go on a rampage here.” (Zanga) Zanga laughed with a “Hihi,” and answered Alyssa to give her a peace of mind. “The ojou-chans of the beastmen might be a lot smarter than I am. They don’t have pent-up resentments like us, and they didn’t feel down even though they had their city taken away. They are quite good.” (Zanga) Alyssa couldn’t quite understand what Reni was thinking to go ahead to the capital. She didn’t have much time to ponder about it either though. “Ah, they are here.” (Alyssa) A group slowly approaching their location along the highway had become visible. It’s horse-mounted people who had gray hair and blue skin. Obviously being protected by them, several carriages advanced in a row while causing loud clattering sounds. “We finally arrived, eh?” (Vepar) “Your Majesty, my butt hurts.” (Nyarl) “That’s nothing you have to point out...” (Pheres) Once Vepar, who received a report of the border having come in sight from a soldier riding alongside the carriage, sighed, Nyarl, who was sitting opposite of her, expressed her discontent. The travel from Vichy’s central area had been nothing but painful for Vepar who isn’t used to carriages. She wondered whether she would be able to do some paperwork in advance, but since she ended up sick within minutes after the journey started, she gave up on that idea early on, and continued to bear the unpleasant vibrations affecting her tailbone. “Once the conference is over with, I guess I will give orders to research about padding for carriages.” (Vepar) “You won’t have any time for something like that. Even under normal circumstances we are in a situation where we are lacking personnel to even govern our new territories, let alone collecting the taxes.” (Pheres) Pheres, who sits next to Nyarl, calmly comments while sorting documents. “How nice for you to not having gotten sick.” (Vepar) “I grew accustomed to it.” (Pheres) When Vepar was putting great effort into forgetting the pain through a light chat, the carriage stopped and one of the escorting soldiers once again approached on his horse. “Your Majesty. Humans are awaiting us at the city’s entrance.” “Got it. We’re getting off, you two.” (Vepar) While the soldiers secured the vicinity, they slowly got off the carriage. A step had been provided, but it was of a simple ad-hoc make. Once she sucked in the air outside the carriage after stepping on the footboard, she felt like her gloomy mood until just now cleared up a bit. Looking in the direction where the carriage is facing, she discovers several humans standing around meters ahead. “...The ratio of women is high, isn’t it?” (Vepar) “It’s the same on our side, no? Please get off quickly. My back hurts.” (Nyarl) “Show a bit more respect to the queen.” (Pheres) Once Vepar starts walking towards the city while accompanied by Pheres and Nyarl, the other side walks in their direction, too. Tension ran through the guards on both sides and the atmosphere became chilly. Realizing that there are several elves mixed in with the humans, a threatening air blends into the demons’ tension. Keeping a moderate distance, both sides came to a halt and a single woman walked forward on the humans’ side. “Queen of the demons, Vepar-sama, correct? By the decree of Orsongrande’s queen, Imeraria Torie Orsongrande-sama, I came to welcome you. Phyrinion Amazelot is my name.” Phyrinion explained that she had also been charged with the duty of mediator by Horant, the other country that would participate in the conference, and bowed. “I appreciate your efforts. I’m Vepar, the queen ruling the demons. Since I will leave matters in the hands of your country, please take care of me.” (Vepar) “Please leave it to us and be at ease. Well then, I’d like to formally give you an explanation about the schedule from now on. Please follow, I will guide you into the city. We will lead your retinue to an inn first.” (Phyrinion) “Thanks...But before that I’d like to ask one thing.” (Vepar) Since Vepar’s eyes focused on Zanga before even finishing to speak, everyone could guess her next question. Zanga steps forward before Phyrinion could answer. “I’m the elves’ representative, Zanga. We are guests in this city, too. Since I’ve heard that you demons would meet the humans’ rulers, I wanted to use the occasion to give you my greetings.” (Zanga) “That means you joined up with the humans?” (Vepar) “It’s slightly different. We received their protection. We asked them for help because we can’t win against you demons.” (Zanga) “Humph...” (Vepar) Even Vepar has no intention to start a quarrel here, but it’s not like she can ignore the irregular existences called elves either. “That onee-san is the queen?” (Alyssa) A young girl wedged herself in-between the standoff of Zanga and Vepar from the side. As Vepar widened here eyes due to the sudden intrusion, Phyrinion gently added another explanation. “It’s Countess Tohno, the feudal lord governing the territory containing this national border.” (Phyrinion) “I’ve heard about you from Hifumi-san. You use water magic, don’t you?” (Alyssa) “T-That’s right, but you know Hifumi...Tohno?” (Vepar) Alyssa cheerfully greets Vepar who tilts her head to the side in confusion. “I’m Alyssa Tohno, the daughter of Hifumi Tohno.” (Alyssa) “Daaaughter!?” (Vepar) “A-Anyway, please come inside. I believe there might be various parts I should first explain about the situation in our country.” (Phyrinion) Seeing the surrounding soldiers being about to put their hands on the weapons because of Vepar raising her voice, Phyrinion quickly stepped in front of Alyssa. At the same time one of the demons steps forward, too. “I’m serving as Her Majesty’s secretary, the name’s Pheres.” Of course secretary is a post the created for the sake of this time’s occasion. “Her Majesty, me and several soldiers will accompany you. Nyarl, lead the other soldiers to the lodging house.” (Pheres) “Yeees~.” (Nyarl) Even though it was a very difficult start, the first contact was established somehow without any blood being spilled. After this they will take a rest for one day in Rhone, then join up with the guarding knights dispatched from the capital in Fokalore, and lastly make the journey to the capital over the period of roughly two weeks. ☺☻☺ Taking Reni along, Hifumi strolled through the capital. Because all the knight, who he had trained, headed to Fokalore, Hifumi had been temporarily relieved from his coaching duty. He had been requested to act as advisor at the time of welcoming the elves and demons, but he has refused to attend with no more than three words. In exchange, Origa goes every day to the castle for preparatory meetings in regards to Fokalore’s personnel besides Alyssa. “The scale is completely different from the slums. Even in Swordland there have always been few people and stores.” (Reni) “That’s only natural.” (Hifumi) With Reni walking next to Hifumi, Helen and Gengu follow behind. Hifumi, who’s no longer a stranger in the shopping district, stands out even under normal circumstances. In addition to this, beastmen are with him. As everyone chased them with their eyes as they walked, they expected that someone might call out to them or ask what was going on. “Even Rhone has increasingly become a jumble, but it had liveliness. The stall owners treated us beastmen kindly, too.” (Reni) “That’s Paryu’s and Alyssa’s work. I don’t know anything ’bout it.” (Hifumi) While observing Reni, who talks happily, and Hifumi, who walks with a serious face, from behind, Gengu quietly brought his face close to Helen’s. “I thought that it might be the case by chance, but as expected, Reni-san...about Hifumi-san...” (Gengu) “It looks like she considers him as father figure or something like that. As male; I really wonder about that. She’s still not at that age.” (Helen) “Is that so...?” (Gengu) In case of Helen; if compared to until now, her head was already full with worries about the future developments of the whole beastman race, let alone their own village. The beastmen, who still aren’t unified as power, can be considered to be at a disadvantage in comparison to the elves and demons with their overwhelmingly low numbers. She even thought that there might be a possibility if Reni and Hifumi become intimate due to some kind of chance. It’s a story that she absolutely doesn’t want to encourage for the sake of the beastmen though. “Gengu-san, what are your thoughts?” (Helen) “About what?” (Gengu) “In regards to the beastmen’s future. Even setting aside the group that split off, saying that they will fight, we are only manipulated by the humans, by the demons, by the elves and by Hifumi.” (Helen) Gengu didn’t consider it strange and out of place that she had mentioned Hifumi separate to the humans. “I wonder. I’m quite bad at these kind of things. I only believe that it seems likely to be fun if I follow Reni-san ~ssu.” (Gengu) “What’s with that? Isn’t that irresponsible for a male beastman?” (Helen) Due to Helen’s displeased reply, Gengu scratched the back of his ear with his sharp claws. “Certainly, you might be right there. But you know, Helen, the developments on this world have already exceeded the scope of cities or races. It ain’t a scope that’s in the reach of my hands...no, my intellect ~ssu.” (Gengu) He throws a whole grilled meat skewer, which he obtained at a stall along the way, into his mouth, and then pulls out the empty skewer out from in-between his fangs. “Deliciooous! ...If it’s someone like Hifumi-san, who can completely upset whatever he likes with his own power, it’s a different matter though.” (Gengu) “Because it’s irrelevant what she thinks about it herself, Reni-san probably came to Hifumi’s place in order to learn “Then why did she conclude that it has to be Hifumi’s place?” (Helen) “That’s easy.” (Gengu) He sinks his fangs into yet another meat skewer. “That man has talked with the most races and people of different social ranks, right? It means he knows the most important people and those who live under them.” (Gengu) What Reni desired was to meet the queen before the demons do. Because proceeding in order was also rather convenient for Imeraria, Reni’s request had been granted right away. It’s been decided that Reni will talk with Imeraria as the representative of the beastmen, Helen will act as her assistant, and Gengu will serve as their guard for the time being. Hifumi was merely their guide. Probably having been ordered by Imeraria to do so, Sabnak waited for Hifumi and the others at the plaza in front of the royal castle. The plaza, which had been temporarily restricted from entering due to Queen Imeraria’s order, looks deserted. As it will turn into a problem, if the demons catch sight of Balzephon’s living head, which has been announced as 『Demon’s Head』 after sealing it magically and exposing it on top of a more than two meters high pedestal, which had been newly built in the center of the plaza, the head has been covered with a cloth and tied with a rope, making it seem like a street light waiting for repair in the eyes of an outsider. “I guess me coming with you until here will be enough.” (Hifumi) “Hifumi-san, you’re not going to meet Her Majesty?” (Sabnak) “I have no business with her.” (Hifumi) Dissatisfaction unintentionally appears on Sabnak’s face due to Hifumi’s cold attitude. He was one of the few people knowing that Hifumi is the father of the next king. He himself had been informed by his wife that he will probably become a father around the same time. As he was delighted to the degree of dancing and running around until he was stopped by a good whacking of his wife Shibyura when he heard the auspicious news, he wonders how it’s for the man in front of his eyes “...To be honest, I somewhat misjudged you in this matter. I won’t tell you to take responsibility, but at least a few wor...ugh!” (Sabnak) “You, are you an idiot?” (Hifumi) Having his neck grabbed by Hifumi, Sabnak was pulled forward by Hifumi, who’s shorter than himself. “Do you guys intend to wreck the situation which that person desired?” (Hifumi) “B-But...” (Sabnak) Tightly grasping the neck’s spine with four fingers, he sinks his thumb into Sabnak’s carotid artery. “Do you want to create a situation where stupid nobles will march on my place after it came to light? Do you plan to produce a group that gangs up on the finally born second royal member trying to use them as puppet, causing that person to lose spirit due to them?” (Hifumi) Hifumi, who removed his hand by thrusting him away, glared at the choking Sabnak.magic “Because I considered her idea to be interesting, I cooperated with her only once. That’s all there is to it.” (Hifumi) Seeing off the leaving Hifumi with teary eyes, Sabnak roughly wiped away his tears with the back of his hand. “Ah...I ended up showing you something pathetic. Please follow me. Her Majesty is awaiting you.” (Sabnak) “Thank you.” (Reni) Thanking Sabnak, who said that he will guide them, Reni looks for just an instant at Hifumi’s back and then starts walking. Helen and Gengu, who froze when they saw Hifumi getting angry, chase after her in a hurry. “Hey, Reni. Will it be alright without Hifumi being present?” (Helen) “Hmm...honestly spoken, it’s actually better for us, I think?” (Reni) “Keep it a secret from Hifumi-san,” Reni whispered and then laughed. “Why!? We are acquaintances of Hifumi, so even the human queen won’t do anything bad...” (Helen) “Helen, that’s no good.” (Reni) Reni shakes her head. The scent of soap spread from her swaying, frizzy hair. “Unless us beastmen live while standing on our own feet...I want to be friends with Hifumi-san and the other humans, but I don’t want it to result in slavery.” (Reni) “In order for that to not happen, we have to talk with the high-ranking people from now on and the beastmen have to search for a path of survival as beastmen, even though it can’t be helped that it’s scary,” Reni muttered with a trembling, subdued voice. Her face, which looked back at Helen, doesn’t have its usual, gentle smile. It was pale and stiff. At once Helen grasps Reni’s hand. Even her thin fingers with their tiny calluses had become completely cold out of nervousness. “I will accompany you all the way, so...err no, I will do my best together with you.” (Helen) “Oki, thanks, Helen.” (Reni) Helen was able to feel slightly relieved due to Reni smiling while saying that.
Letting the remnants of the defeated demon army pass, Gengu and Malfas traverse the wastelands while keeping a distance so that they don’t catch up with them. Gengu wondered whether they will deviate towards another direction sooner or later, but, no matter how much time passes, they follow the same path. “What’s this about? Are those guys possibly heading towards the slums...?” (Gengu) They don’t have an aura as if they are about to head into battle from now on, however it’s not entirely impossible that they changed their target to the beastmen living in the slums after having lost to the humans. “Gengu-san...” (Malfas) Looking at Malfas who watches him uneasily, Gengu decides to change their planned route towards advancing through the forests as much as possible. I’m afraid of the possibility of being attacked by other beastmen, but if it’s just running away, we will manage somehow. “We will enter the forest. It might get difficult, but we haven’t any other choice but to hurry in order to inform Reni.” (Gengu) “Got it.” (Malfas) Closing in on the demon group a bit, he confirmed that they are definitely heading in the direction of Swordland. The two of them got off the path quietly and went into the forest. Once they have entered a depth where Gengu judges that they aren’t visible by the demons, they advance at a quick pace. “Hifumi is currently in the human cities. As you could see from him following us, that person travels quickly as well. He won’t hesitate to go towards a battlefield. If he sees the demons coming to attack, he will likely repel them quickly... maybe those demons were actually repelled by Hifumi.” (Gengu) Listening to Gengu’s talk, Malfas fell into silence. Malfas somehow manages to accompany Gengu who is fast on his feet as should be expected of a wolf beastman. After listening to Gengu’s predictions, Malfas, who pondered about it while running to an extent that it’s more than enough, opened his mouth as he is following Gengu, “Do the demons still intend to fight against the humans?” (Malfas) “If I ponder about what they are planning... I’ve no idea. They might have learned their lesson this time. Likewise they might attack once again after having finished their preparations. Or...” (Gengu) If the destination of the of the demon soldiers we saw just now is Swordland as expected, and if they are planning to attack that place, their target will likely be the beastmen living in that city. “Unfortunately my head can’t process things so far ahead. Since I’ve always left the thinking part to others, there’s no other option but to spend our time on preparing as much as possible so that we are able to fight.” (Gengu) “Reni-san and the others don’t have any intention to fight with anyone, I think?” (Malfas) Gengu snorted due to Malfas’ remark. “There are parts where I want to say... ‘not like I would know’, but there’s one thing that’s definite.” (Gengu) Gengu stops and looks at Malfas’ face. “Reni-san won’t emotionally choose an option that seems like it’ll expose her comrades to danger. If there’s nothing she has to protect by all means or no way to definitely win, she won’t drag her comrades into an unreasonable battle, I’m sure.” (Gengu) At the time when Gengu became a slave, the leader of the village had decided to fight. As a result of that, half of his friends had been pointlessly killed and the remaining survivors had all been turned into slaves. Though he had just recently heard of it, but half of his friends that had been turned into slaves have already died. If their leader was someone capable of making decisions like Reni, he might have at least considered to retreat temporarily to reorganize. No, if we had been a group that decided its leader by judging their accomplishments and not just a savage group that settles on a leader simply going by their strength... After half-heartedly getting to know Reni’s methods, this popped up in Gengu’s head many times, but, as it’s something that can’t be helped even if he broods over it now after such long time, he pushed back those thoughts inside his memories. “Anyway, for now we have to hurry to return to the slums... Hide!” (Gengu) He grabs the luggage Malfas is carrying and forcibly pulls it behind a tree. After telling Malfas to conceal himself, Gengu silently checked their front from within the shade of the tree. It looked as if several figures of people moved about. “I don’t know what kind of beastmen live around here, but I pray that they are a gentle lot...” (Gengu) He watches fixedly for several seconds. Gengu felt relieved when he saw the ears of a rabbit atop a distant thicket. “Stand up, Malfas. It’s a rabbit-san.” (Gengu) Gengu quickly picked up his dropped luggage and, once Malfas had also fixed all the luggage that had been thrown into disarray due to him lying down, they approached the rabbit ears. The face that appeared after roughly pushing its way through the grass with a rustling was that of Helen. Leading several beastmen, she draws nears to in front of Gengu at a fast pace. “... Gengu-san?” (Helen) “Helen-san!? What are you doing in this place!?” (Gengu) “That’s my line. Haven’t you gone to meet Hifumi-san? Did you get lost?” (Helen) Gengu burst out in laughter due to Helen’s joke, but Malfas had a bitter expression. “Your numbers have decreased as well... What did actually happen?” (Helen) “It’s a long story ~ssu”, Gengu explained as simple as possible that Viine and Puuse remained in the human country and about Malfas’ relationship with Hifumi. Hearing that, Helen looks curious and says 「Puuse-san, too, eh...?」 Since Helen knows that Puuse herself only went there with the intention of accompanying Viine, she never expected her to actually stay behind, too. “I just went on patrol to check the surrounding area and to search for food, but you are just right in time.” (Helen) “In what way?” (Gengu) “That is, you know...” (Helen) After Helen mumbled under hear breath as if it was difficult to say while fiddling with one of her long ears with her fingers, she said “I have to tell you, don’t I?” and continued, “Since the demons came to attack us, we abandoned the slums with everyone and entered the forest. And so we built a simple village ahead of here.” (Helen) It took a bit time until Gengu understood what Helen had told him. That’s because he didn’t actually expect Reni to completely realize the evacuation he had pondered about until some time ago. “So, a little problem has cropped up...” (Helen)magic “It’s about them not wanting to return to the forest after all, isn’t it?” (Gengu) Helen shakes her head at Gengu’s question. Even her ears that are slowly shaking looked somewhat dejected. “We ended up splitting into a group, which accepted Reni’s opinion of letting the strife go past inside the forest, and one that wants to take back the slums by mounting a counter-attack.” (Helen) At that moment Malfas came to one decision, but none of those present noticed that. ☺☻☺ On the travel of Hifumi towards the capital, his only attendant was his wife, Origa, which was also a result of her great efforts towards that effect. Everyone knows that there was no need for an escort to begin with, and many people were also aware that Hifumi could use storage magic. Therefore there wasn’t a single person that considered it odd for the two of them mounting a horse each and leaving the city without using a carriage. The setting-off that hadn’t been particularly announced was only seen off by Caim, Viine and Alyssa at the mansion. The citizens, seeing the two of them wearing lightweight equipment, let them pass by while probably thinking that they were just going for a walk. Of course they weren’t stopped at the time they left the city of Fokalore. While being warmly showered with the looks of the soldiers, the feudal lord couple passed through the gate while slowly swaying on their horses. “Have a good trip!” “Please take care!” Hifumi replied to the voices of the soldiers with a light wave of his left hand and even Origa quietly waved her hands. Two horses leisurely advanced on the highway below a slightly cloudy sky. Since the merchants and, of course, the soldiers patrolling the highway in the vicinity of Fokalore know Hifumi’s face, they greet him or salute to him upon sight. That’s probably because the story that he isn’t as moody as other nobles has sunk into the people’s mind. A while passed since he had been summoned to this world, but Hifumi has no intention to return to something as worthless as a class system. If it’s the first generation that obtained that social status, it’s probably fine as it shows the value of that person That’s why I have no hesitation to abandon my social status of Earl, seeing that Alyssa accepted it reliably. Although it was out of convenience, I feel like conflict won’t come around to my place, if I end up in a strange position that employs others. It was an irritating feeling. Even if there’s resentment and jealousy, those won’t be able to approach me as long as I have a certain social standing. If the opportunities to expose myself to enemies decreases, won’t the chances to kill others vanish in accordance? Aren’t there possibly some people who gave up on their revenge because their opponent is a noble while I was staying in the feudal lord’s mansion? If I consider it like that, I feel like it’s something far too wasteful after finally having come to a different world. “It would probably be great if I could simple-mindedly kill without having to ponder about unnecessary things.” (Hifumi) However, in the end it’s quite likely for that to become a repetitive, empty and simple work just like spending time on mowing grass. Even now I remember the dismay at the time I learned of the battles of this country after meeting Origa. 『Are there by chance only people who can’t fight decently in this world?』 I killed knights, kings, adventurers and monsters. All of them were people where you couldn’t even call it a fight. I asked Origa afterwards, but it seems that the adventurer I cut into two halves in the guild belonged to a reasonably strong category. Even the adventurer I killed in Arosel was called the top adventurer in that area. I should enforce my plan to spread fighting after all “Once I do so, it will soon enter the final stages of the plan depending on what Imeraria and the demons are planning to do, won’t it?” (Hifumi) Those were words he had only murmured for some reason or another, but Origa tightly grasped the reins with her shoulders trembling. “Hifumi-sama...” (Origa) “What’s up?” (Hifumi) Origa produced a smile due to Hifumi answering her in his usual way. “Can we drop by a village famous for its hot baths along the way since we are in no hurry? I’m certain that they will have delicious food as well.” (Origa) “Yeah, that’s a nice idea. Let’s do that since various developments will likely become apparent by moving slowly. Or rather, I will leave the path to the royal capital to you, Origa. Please make a short visit at any place you want to go to.” (Hifumi) Suddenly being assigned an important task, Origa stiffened while staring in wonder. “Really, my travels until now weren’t calm and went this way and that way in my pursuit of the battlefield. Since it’s a long-awaited occasion, let’s proceed while eating delicious stuff and enjoying some proper sightseeing. You were busy as well, Origa, weren’t you? I think this way of handling things is fine once in a while. After all I don’t know whether there will be such opportunity after this.” (Hifumi) “Y-Yes.” (Origa) Origa spilled tears before realizing it while eagerly recalling inside her head where there are sightseeing spots and famous local products along the highway towards the capital and at places slightly away from it. Hifumi’s kindness ended up being perceived as apology towards her by Origa. His objective is peace down a long, long road. In reality he continues to move without the time to rest due to battles and duties. In the end the word Having accepted that, and on top of that, having decided to stay at his side despite that, she hasn’t the slightest intention to complain about it. And although that’s the case, doesn’t Hifumi still feel a slight indebtedness towards Origa for having involved her in his plans? The back of Hifumi, who is slightly ahead, is no different from usual. On the day I was bought as slave, at the time when he rampaged around with Vichy as opponent, in the battle with Horant and even at the time he spent actively as feudal lord after obtaining territory; his back always advances straight ahead without any hesitation. Bringing her horse close, Origa lined up next to him and gently placed her hand on the left hand of Hifumi that was covered by a glove. Origa heard how the other side of that thin monster skin became as it is now during a pillow talk the other day. Hifumi will die sooner or later, too. He himself said so as well. There were also situations where he got injured. In reality, the contents of that glove aren’t flesh anymore. “I heard that there’s interesting food in the city we will reach by the end of the day. Very likely it’s a city you never visited even once, but apparently the vegetables are heartily enveloped by meat and then grilled while using special herbs. I believe that it will suit your taste, dear.” (Origa) “That sounds great. I got hungry by just hearing you talk about it. Let’s lodge in that city today.” (Hifumi) “Yes, let’s do that.” (Origa) Because I’m a sly woman, I will learn about the person called Hifumi and have him learn about me to the extent that no one will be able to catch up. And I will have Hifumi understand as well: No matter what he does or what he plans to do, there’s someone that will always stay close to him. I will have him accept me as spouse in the truest meaning, in order to hear the words of his heart. It will happen in time, before the end.
Alyssa nodded towards Hifumi’s invitation. “My parents are no longer alive, and having been in the border security for so long, I don’t really have any acquaintances either. So I’ll come along with you guys. I’d like to exact revenge, but above that, I’d like to repay this debt”, Alyssa said, whilst looking Hifumi in the eye. “Suddenly, everyone at the border were killed, the Corporals were beaten, and I was forcibly made to run away. Until just now, I didn’t even know what was going on, and was hurting so much all over my body that I didn’t even know where it was the most painful. I really thought I was going to die.” She couldn’t skillfully transmit her thoughts and kept talking, even though her explanations were all over the place, while Hifumi and the rest listened quietly. “But then you came along and saved me, and even cured all of my pain... However, except my thanks, I don’t have any money or anything else to offer. Therefore, I’ll become your slave. I won’t complain even if you boil me.” When the word slave was mentioned, Origa unintentionally let out a smile. “Alyssa, both me and Kasha are Hifumi’s slaves, you know?” “Eh? With your fine equipment, and how you’re talking familiarly with Hifumi, I thought you were his attendants, or perhaps... his lovers...” “Well, it’s true that we’ve been given so good treatment we’ve almost forgotten we’re slaves in the first place. But attendants, huh? That doesn’t sound so bad.” “Lover... that’s kind of...” It seems like the words in her sentence that Kasha and Origa reacted on were different. Hifumi retrieved some dried meat and bread from his storage to snack on, while calmly observing the spectacle. “Master, even though Alyssa is currently deciding what to do with her life...” “Don’t mind me, I was just hungry.” Vigorously eating his food, Hifumi suddenly came to think of something. “You’re saying slaves, but once we return to the capital, I’ll let you free, you know?” “Eh? Why?” “Ma-Master!? Are you dissatisfied with us in any way? We’ll better, so please...” Kasha looked gave Hifumi a blank look, while Origa started clinging to him. “After catching Beirevra, and resolving the conflict that lead to you becoming slaves, you don’t need to be slaves anymore, right?” Without knowing how the laws in Orsongrande works, it should still be a matter of course that in case you’re being punished for something you didn’t do, and show proof of your innocence, your punishment should be removed. “But Master bought us, and we don’t even know if that money will be repaid.” “I don’t particularly mind. Money isn’t all that valuable. Buying slaves was because it’s both what the person teaching me this world’s general knowledge wanted me to to do, as well as me thinking it’d be inconvenient to travel alone. As for choosing you two specifically... Well, besides your looks being fairly good, as far as I’m concerned, you also also had some ability.” Saying that, Hifumi threw the remaining dried meat into his mouth. “But as I said earlier as well, I’m letting you free when this matter is over and we return to the capital. Until then, it’d be good if you can think about what you want to do after that.” “Excuse me... I wonder what I should do now?” Alyssa, completely left behind in the conversation, timidly asked. “Right. I don’t really need any slaves.” “I see... A small and weak person like me don’t have any uses...” Seeing Alyssa getting downcast, Origa looked a little anxious. But being in front of her Master, she couldn’t really do anything on her own accord, and therefore decided to keep silent. “I’m currently just a wandering fake noble, so there’s no point in having a lot of slaves. Still, you’re free to follow us of your own volition.” Alyssa quickly raised her head, while Hifumi continued. “However, I have an objective. Or rather, after seeing how people in this world fight, I’ve made up my mind on something.”magic “Made up your mind on what?” “I won’t tell you the specifics, but like you’ve seen until now, there will be a lot of bloodshed. If you’re coming along, a lot of killing will be necessary, and there’s always the risk of getting killed yourself.” Alyssa only saw Hifumi fight once, by the border. But looking at Origa and Kasha’s facial expressions, she faintly whispered “more than that?”, and subsequently got an understanding on what considerable carnage may look like. “But, I’m not strong like that...” Alyssa said without self-confidence, to which Hifumi grinned broadly and let out a laugh. “I’ll teach you some fighting techniques. Besides, just fighting isn’t what matters. What really matters is your resolve.” It’s not something you need to answer to anytime soon, he also added. More importantly, what actions should be taken now? Having Alyssa tell them the location of the town representative’s mansion, Hifumi strapped his sword to his waist. “Alyssa will wait here, while Origa and Kasha keep guard. If enemies appears, kill them.” “Understood.” Hearing Origa’s answer, Hifumi got off the carriage. Stretching his back, he looked up at the moon. It was still cloudy outside, scarce with moonlight. The night flowing with blood had yet to conclude. Hifumi didn’t specifically talk about it, but he had come to a conclusion about something he was very dissatisfied with. It was the fact that no one in this world had any tension regarding the possibility of being killed at any time. It was the same when he heard about the fight between Orsongrande and the Beastmen tribe. It seemed like the wars of this world was more on the level of skirmishes. Of course some people died, but real wars rarely happened. Struggles between individuals were much fiercer. In areas with strong demons that might not be the case, but the fights between humans that looked more like some kind of sports event, was all that Hifumi currently knew about. The degree of people doing a bit of scheming is more an art of deception, rather than the art of war. Coming to this world, being able to kill people, Hifumi felt satisfied for a while. However, he soon started building up resentment towards the people in this world, with their carefree disposition. There are no strong people here. No people frantically scheming for their lives. No opportunity to use the dark magic painstakingly developed through the nights. Wars where people are desperately racking their brains, where the warriors were hoarding weapons, and where each country respectively were fighting frenetically to ensure their survival... none of these existed either. Maybe that’s good if you’re striving for peace. But there are threats. Why are no one earnestly trying to kill their enemies? Like this, it’s no different from Japan. While expressing his displeasure, he arrived at the town representative’s mansion. A building three stories tall made out of stone, adorned with several windows made out of glass, in this world, was something showing that you have money. He’s here. According to what Alyssa saw during the day, a man seeming like a Colonel was also present in the building. Wonder if she come here to report before? Whichever the case, it was no longer of any interest. In the town’s current circumstances, gathering information became a difficult task. Therefore, the best way to do it was in a much simpler fashion. By the entrance, two haggard soldiers were conspicuously standing guard, with swords handing from their waists. Once you’ve seen them, your eyes will unconditionally be drawn there. He first thought he could talk to them, but quickly gave up on the idea. The guards would realize something was amiss right from the start as they’re most likely dealing with everything with the mindset of a being gate guardians. The other time with the Marquis’ residence was fine, but regarding these guards’ current mentality, Hifumi only felt irritation come gushing forth. He wordlessly walked closer to the guards, which they quickly discovered. But seeing that he didn’t draw his weapon, they relaxed. That too, made Hifumi displeased. “Okay, that’s minus points.” The moment Hifumi put his hand on the hilt of his katana, the guards tensed up again. But he slashed their throats in succession, and they died without being able to raise their voices. Slipping in through the unlocked gate, there was a huge door straight ahead. There were no guards in the garden, but inside the house were the presence of ten or so people. Hifumi carefully observed for a while, but it didn’t look like it was a trap. Gripping the katana in his right hand, he boldly opened the front door. Opening the door, he met eyes with a young, slender male servant. “Eh, who are...” “I’m an intruder.” Saying that, rather than waiting for an answer, Hifumi swiftly emerged behind the servant. After putting him in a choke hold and tripping him, Hifumi dragged him into the shadows of the staircase close by. “Answer my questions in a low voice. If you do any strange movements, I’ll kill you and find someone else to ask.” With an arm around his neck, the servant trembled while nodding. “Where are Ortis and the Corporal?” “R-right now, they are in the office on the s-second floor...” After pressing him for information of where the office was located, Hifumi had the servant tell him if he knew about a man named Beirevra. “T-that’s...” Hifumi felt that the response was weird, so he threatened him by sliding the blade over his chest, lightly cutting it. “Uu... p-please stop...” “If you want me to stop, speak.” “The man called Beirevra previously stayed here in this mansion.” Finding a clue like this from an unexpected source, Hifumi’s irritation calmed down somewhat, urging the man to continue. It seems that the servant was working with matters regarding the town’s budget management. As for Beirevra, he had apparently been coming here several times. The most recent visit seems to have been this morning. Perhaps the voice Alyssa heard back then was him. Hifumi had previously thought that Beirevra would make a quick escape, but it seems like he’s taking his sweet time. Not having stayed over during the night, Beirevra had apparently come early in the morning, and left right after talking to Ortis about something. As it didn’t seem like he’d get any more information out of this, Hifumi strangled the guy, making him fall unconscious. He first had thoughts of killing him, but it didn’t seem appropriate. While feeling irritated, and regretting having accepted this task, Hifumi climbed up the stairs. Without hesitating, Hifumi opened the door to the office and stepped inside. There were two persons inside the room. The Corporal he met during the day, and a middle aged man. Presumably Ortis. “It’s you.” The Corporal uttered while brandishing his sword, stepping towards Hifumi with heavy steps. “I have no need for you...” When he came into striking distance, Hifumi trampled down on the top of his foot, and thrust him down on the ground before crushing his ankle. While the Corporal was clumsily trying to stand up, Hifumi stepped down on his chest and pierced his neck with the katana, delivering the finishing blow. “Well then. Ortis, I presume? I’ve got a couple of questions for you.” Facing Hifumi who just killed a man without a changing of expression, Ortis face turned pale, and he shakily stood up from the table. “I-if you think you can behave like this to me, don’t think you can get awa...” “I don’t need you to tell me that.” Swinging the blade, a red line appeared on both of Ortis’ arms. “Hiiii!?” “Too bad we don’t have time. I’m getting a bit tired, so I’d like to finish this. Just killing a few people, I can’t feel the tension anymore.” Hifumi complained about the annoying job he got. “W-what do you want to know?” “There are a few things. Who is Beirevra, where did he go, and what is he doing? I also want to know why the town’s soldiers are acting weird. The ones I killed earlier where lacking emotional ups and downs, and had a dull sense of pain. What was done to them? “Be-Beirevra is a spy sent from the capital of Vichy. Where he is and what he’s doing, I don’t know...” “You met him this morning, didn’t you? What did you talk about? What has he been tasked with?” Listening to what Ortis was saying while flicking with his katana, Hifumi was arranging the information in his head. Apparently, Beirevra was an agent dispatched from the Capital of the so called city-state, and it seems like he mainly asked Ortis about the intelligence collected from Orsongrande. Though he was never told the contents concerning Orsongrande’s internal activities. As for the soldiers, it seems it was an experiment of a newly developed magic tool sent from the Capital. “So, is the suppression of emotions a side effect from that?” “I don’t know either. I asked the Capital for an explanation, but ‘watch over the process’ is all they told me. It didn’t hinder my work so...” “Alyssa wasn’t equipped with one of those magic tools?” According to the information Ortis got, apparently they can’t bear the body strengthening if they’re too young. “For now, that’s all I wanted to ask.” “For now? Are you planning to come back!?” “No, you’re the one coming.” Hitting him hard on the back of his neck with the back of the katana, Ortis consciousness was let go. Exiting the originally sparsely guarded mansion, Hifumi returned with a horse carriage. He entrusted Origa and the rest with tying up Ortis, while he himself entered the inn. Ahead of him was the inn owner’s room. Opening the door, the old man was snoring in bed, not noticing Hifumi intruding. Drawing his katana, he stabbed the sleeping old man in the heart, before flicking the blood off the blade and returning it to its sheath. He then left the room without saying anything. “Something you had forgotten?” Answering Origa’s question, Hifumi jumped up on his horse, announcing they were leaving the town, going towards Fukaroru. “Master, are we returning?” “According to what Ortis said, Beirevra is a spy from the Capital of Vichy. The current situation could affect negotiations between countries, but it’s a bother, so I’ll leave the investigation to Pajou and them. That aside, Alyssa.” “Y-yes!” “Like I said earlier, we’re returning to Orsongrande for now. As for what we’re doing after that, we’ll decide when the time arrives. Are you really planning on coming with us?” Not just the town, but you’d be discarding even your country, he told her. But Alyssa just responded with a resolute nod. “I don’t mind. My resolution stretches beyond that.” “I see. Just do as you like.” “We’ll be counting on you, Alyssa.” “Following this Master is difficult, you know? You have to work hard.” While Alyssa was getting along with the slaves, Hifumi said he’d drive, and turned his back to Alyssa, before jumping up the coachman seat. The wagon started to advance on the road, and Hifumi let out a smile, unbeknownst to the others. This is good. If Alyssa also can learn my way of fighting, it should be possible to spread the spirit of war throughout the country. Throughout the world. Maybe because Origa and Kasha originally had some previous experience, Hifumi thought that teaching them was going fairly well. This was just a simple experiment, but if they just got a bit more familiar with his teachings, they’d be able to enter the ranks of the quite strong people in this world. Alyssa on the other hand couldn’t use magic, and was by no means physically strong. But if he could prove that she could fight on an above average level due to martial arts and tactics, the way the world waged war was bound to experience change. Whether it be individually, in group, town or country, without being able to choose the means themselves, their true struggle for life would begin. For that purpose, having some kind of social status may be for the best, Hifumi thought. A status able to mobilize a lot of people. In other words, a status being able to start huge battles. Since I somehow managed to get the rank of Patrician, let’s finally put it to use. Imeraria, you planned to summon a hero, didn’t you? Then I’ll become your hero. A hero whose name resounds throughout the world. I’m really looking forward to what degree of bloodshed that will result in. The excitement of strife, of battle. The tension of the night raids. Desperately fending for oneself, killing the ones failing to... Just imagining it, Hifumi got a warm feeling in his chest. Cutting a motionless scarecrow would be boring. I want to kill because they’re alive , the summoned hero secretly decided for himself.
“It ain’t a child’s invitation to play, thus...” (Vepar) Due to reply brought back by Nyarl, Vepar curbed her eyebrows while feeling a headache. “You didn’t hear or see anything besides what’s written in the letter, did you?” (Vepar) “The fruits were delicious.” (Nyarl) “... Got it, wait for further orders.” (Vepar) Watching the retreating figure of Nyarl who returned to her partner Pheres with a *totete*, Vepar regretted that she made a mistake in her choice of personnel out of concern over an easily trustable outer appearance. “Anyway, I wonder whether the beastmen’s side has no intention to make a move... at least it looks like you can’t call them belligerent.” Once Vepar turns her sight to the front, the beastmen, including some elves, have prepared their weapons at the entrance towards the slums, and even in the city said to have only humans living there, the soldiers have lined up. In contrast to the beastmen who seem to even have composure in their expressions brimming somewhat with confidence, the soldiers stood in loose ranks as they coweringly turned their looks at Vepar’s group and the beastmen. , Vepar thinks. The side of the beastmen who seems to be close with the elves, should be more knowledgeable about the us demons than the humans. Thus, wouldn’t it be natural for the beastmen to be afraid of us? I don’t know how accurate their intelligence about us is, but they have properly decided on the course of action and have likely finished their preparations as well. And the humans, or at least the humans living in this country, probably have experienced being beaten up by the beastmen to a degree that they are unable to believe in their own strength. Since that memory is still fresh, they might be all the more scared of us demons with our unknown identity. “Well then, what shall we do...?” (Vepar) On top of being able to somewhat offset our numerical inferiority against the humans if we can form a friendship with the inhabitants of the slums which will also hasten the rallying of the beastmen, it would be convenient for obtaining information about the world during the time us demons were isolated However, the representative of the beastmen didn’t fall in line with that way of thinking. “She knows about the strength of the demons and yet has the confidence to protect the city, is what she’s indicating?” (Vepar) She doesn’t understand the basis of that confidence and that’s scary for her. “I considered crushing them in one go and then turn them into our subordinates, but I’d like a bit more information.” (Vepar) She doesn’t want to fail, even in the worst case. “Having said that, seeing that she easily turned me down, even discussing it... I dislike forcing our way without intelligence, but it can’t be helped.” (Vepar) Vepar summoned a demon who commands an unit and gave him a mission. “Well then, let’s teach the beastmen about us in detail.” (Vepar) ◆◇◆◇◆ The following early morning. With a minority of soldiers the demons attacked the city of Swordland. Completely ignoring the slums, they surged into the humans’ city. With just the battle in the morning, Swordland lost half of its soldiers and heavy losses appeared among the civilians, too. On the other hand, there’s no damage to the slums, where the beastmen live, at all. “What’s this about!?” (Vepar) Vepar’s face, which is evaluated as being beautiful, warped as she stamped her feet in frustration. “Not having any means to protect the city, they abandoned the city all together!” Vepar, who visited the slums once more with the intention to press the beastmen into allegiance after delivering serious damage to the humans’ side, stood right in the middle of the completely deserted city. Did they sense the movements of the demons who prepared for battle during the night? The beastmen, including the elves, escaped the city before the chaos of the battle started to spread. “That’s right, isn’t it...? If I think properly about it, they are basically a group who lives by creating settlements inside forests. There’s no reason for them to be that fixated about this place, is there?” (Vepar) In order to not get involved in the war, the elves, who abandoned their forest, and those, who left the humans’ city, likely didn’t have a strong opposition against taking refuge in the forest. “This time it’s my defeat... since I don’t want to incur losses, I will properly get my share.” (Vepar) Among the humans who survived, Vepar executed those who had a high ranking positions among the people who were in the castle, and dropped the remaining personnel into to the status of slavery. There wasn’t any particular harm towards the civilians, but their coming and going was severely restricted. “This is the place of our, the demons’, comeback! We, who were outcasts, will show everyone proof in the battles from now on that we stand at the top of this world!” (Vepar) Due to Vepar’s drama-like speech, the demons’ soldiers got excited and the humans were deprived of their willpower. The name of the country called Swordland vanished at that moment. ☺☻☺ After the demons, who attacked Vichy, tore Vichy’s line of defence apart with magic attacks, they invaded Vichy by dispersing in small units. Disguising at places where Vichy soldiers and civilians didn’t see them, they slipped in as spies. The plan succeeded. Those, who shook free from the pursuit of Vichy’s soldiers, safely changed into humans while pretending to have escaped the war, and were successful at infiltrating the other cities. Even so, there was also the fact that splitting the forces increased the losses. “What are these guys!? They aren’t humans, are they!?” “Fuck! Why have I become this unskilled... gyaaaa!” The demon, who screamed after being pierced very deeply with a knife by an opponent whom he burned to nothing with his special fireball in his right hand, died at the same time as his voice disappeared. The demons, who had the impression “humans are weak” because of the first attack, trembled in fear when the reinforced soldiers approached them even while being injured. Swift sword attacks and powerful spells aren’t able to make the reinforced soldiers flinch at all. Due to the reinforced soldiers, who approached them directly without any tactics even when wounded, the demons slowly suffered losses as well. “Aren’t you scared of dying!?” “Hasn’t your brain been messed up? Humans are insane!” Demons, who die after receiving attacks by Vichy’s soldiers while struggling with the reinforced soldiers emerge. Moreover those soldiers of Vichy get killed by the reinforced soldiers. Because the demons and reinforced soldiers move about as they please, -way battlefields were created all over Vichy while also dragging the civilians into it. And, the general of the demons, Bashim, can’t grasp the state of affairs either. On top of the battlefield being stretched out too far, reports about the situation didn’t reach him since the numbers of the single units were too low. As his soldiers don’t return, he has no other choice but to believe that they infiltrated Vichy successfully. The fact of him not having established a means of communication invited an amplification of the losses. However, even that’s something Bashim isn’t aware of. Of course he also didn’t know about the person, who can become another power just by himself, entering the field until the time of meeting him. “Hmm...” (Hifumi) Tearing off the armour of the reinforced soldier he slew, Hifumi gazed at the chest of the opened-up enemy. What was embedded there was a magic tool without a doubt. Guessing it from the soldiers having attacked him without feeling any pain, Hifumi was able to conclude that it’s the same item as the one he had seen until now. “Did its movements became a bit better? Or is that an individual difference?” (Hifumi) The corpses of three other reinforced soldiers, merchants, people who were apparently a family and three adventurer-like men, who were armed with leather armours and swords, are scattered in the surroundings. “Without any discrimination, huh? Though that doesn’t really matter. But with this I won’t know who did them in, right? Well then, that means the enemy is unclear and the target of hatred isn’t set. How boring and stupid.” (Hifumi) Sheathing his drawn katana, he chews a bread which was inside a carriage, with its horses dead, that had toppled over. The texture of the food still has dampness remaining. “Mmh~... from relatively close-by? It hasn’t become overly dry.” (Hifumi) They were probably attacked by the reinforced soldiers at the time when they ran away from the demons’ invasion. The adventurers were the escort? Or they might have been bandits who attacked the merchants. At any rate, since all of them are dead, there’s no point in guessing. Once he stuffed the remaining bread into his mouth with gusto, Hifumi removed the glove of his left hand and crammed it into his obi. “Did they finally come?” (Hifumi) Once he waved his left hand, two thirds of the ice spear, which came flying, was shaved off and it scattered after falling to the ground. “W-What did you do?” Even while realizing that it was repelled, the demon soldier, who fired the ice, doesn’t seem to know how it was done. “Don’t mind it! A human isn’t capable of directly dealing with magic anyway!” What attacked Hifumi next was a fireball, but with one swing of his pitch-black left hand, its centre was hollowed out and the rest vanished towards the ground while slowly swaying and turning into sparks. “Let’s do something totally different. It will probably end up the same as with the other guys as well, won’t it?” (Hifumi) Drawing the katana with his right hand, he provokes the demons with the left hand. There are five demon soldiers. All of them hold swords and are capable of using magic at the same time. “The likes of a human!” Kicking the one, who came rushing at him, with a full-power front kick, caused the demon to roll back the ten-odd meters he ran. “That’s no good. Even the humans have begun to learn fighting while using their heads. Leaving aside the lot from Vichy, if you are going to fight humans from now on, right... try scheming like Bennia did.” (Hifumi) Apparently there was one among them who knew Bennia. Is he confused? He shows a strange expression. “W-Why do you know her name...?” “We had a relationship of fighting to the death against each other.” (Hifumi) “Just like this”, Hifumi shortens the distance in one breath and approaches the demon he sent flying with a kick just now. “As if I would let you!” Evading the demon’s counter-attack of thrusting out his sword in order to stand up by turning around, Hifumi reaped the demon’s head with a sideways swing of his katana. “I know, I know. You demons are good at magic.” (Hifumi) He knocks down all the pebbles with his katana. “Your bodies are somewhat sturdier than those of humans and you are powerful, too.” (Hifumi) Once a demon appeared in front of him while holding a sword, he drags him into a power struggle between the swords’ guards by putting blade to blade. “W-Why...?” In contrast to the demon who tries pushing frantically with both hands while investing his entire body’s weight, Hifumi uses just his right hand. The demon’s sword, which is three times as thick, scratches against the blade of the Japanese sword with a creak. “And, there’s no considerable difference between you and humans in the structure of your bodies.” (Hifumi) Hifumi extends his left hand and pulls the obi which was coiled around the demon’s waist. “Nuoo!?” Being placed in a situation of having his body bent against his will, the demon becomes unable to use his sword. He has no other choice but to watch with wide-open eyes the katana approaching in front of him. “Oops.” (Hifumi) At the moment the pressure exerted became lax as Hifumi had to avoid a fireball which was thrown at him by another demon at that time, the demon separates from Hifumi by rolling on the ground after abandoning his sword. They concentrated another barrage of pellets at the feet of Hifumi who tries to chase, and during that time another demon prepared their sword and stood in the way of Hifumi. “Your teamwork is good.” (Hifumi) “Well done, I’m pleased”, Hifumi nodded and crushed the fireball, which came flying at him, with his left hand. A clutched left first with only two fingers standing up. “I will kill two more and let the other two of you go.” (Hifumi) “Eh?” The instant he opened his eyes widely due to the sudden statement.magic Hifumi’s intense thrust violently hit the blade of the sword he set up. The demon who hit his head with his own sword, is confused while shedding blood from his forehead. Kicking away the demon’s pivot leg, Hifumi pierces the heart of the demon who toppled over. “The placement of the organs is the same as well... one more.” (Hifumi) Pulling out the katana’s point from within the grey skin, he shakes off the blood clinging to it. “D-Don’t come any closer!” When one of the demons swung his arm, the ground under Hifumi’s feet burst open as if exploding. Countless small rocks scatter in all directions and Hifumi vanishes within a cloud of dust. “Let’s escape now!” Once the man, who cast the spell, looks at the face of his comrade, the katana is piercing one of his eyeballs. The one who is holding the katana is naturally Hifumi. “It was an interesting attack. However, its output was too low.” (Hifumi) There are several small holes in his hakama. Though only slightly, were his feet injured? Blood was trickling down on the ground beneath him. Even so, there’s also the fact that he evaded getting directly hit by escaping to the front. For Hifumi ((those injuries)) are at a level that he can ignore them easily. “Such a...” In front of the scared demons, the body of their comrade, whose soul departed this world, was released from the katana by collapsing. “Just as I announced, two are left. Since I’m letting you go, get moving!” (Hifumi) Upon Hifumi’s order, the two demons turned around and started to sprint with all their might. Weren’t humans weak? Weren’t they supposed to be unable to decently cope with magic attacks? Are the human groups we thoroughly overran in the wastelands different from the man who killed our comrades just now? While cursing at the troublesome reality, they head towards the forces with their leader. Just like Bashim, who is their general, many of those in the higher ranks among the demons reach their positions because they can use unique magic. It’s the magic Bashim used at the time when he killed the messenger from Vichy. Instantly creating a blade out of thin air, he sends it flying. No matter what opponent it might be, if they don’t know about it, it has a speed to a degree of being unavoidable. Even in the battle some time ago, it has easily killed the human general. If we reach Bashim’s location, we will be able to kill that human. They pretend to not hear the footsteps chasing them from behind. We will be safe if we return to our forces. They ran while embracing that belief.
Although they solidified the national border, many of the new fortresses belong to Orsongrande in name only—they are unoccupied. The invasion so far, primarily due to the fact that preventing people from getting out also slowed down the speed at which news travel, has continued without much opposition from Vichy. And now, via these fortresses, some people are leaving Orsongrande for Vichy. Yet their hesitation to leave their home cities and villages is predictable: the roads are underdeveloped and their only means of substance comes from the businesses they took years if not generations to develop. 「Frankly, I thought you might just decide to massacre everyone...」 Kasha said, while partaking with Hifumi the lunch the supply corps prepared 「Civilians are not the enemy. Only the enemy needs to be slaughtered. But fighting tens or even hundreds of soldiers is inefficient and boring. Instead, it’s best to force those Vichy bastards to become afraid and to strengthen their ranks with more people. Then, they might finally come at us for real」 「・・・If they do, wouldn’t we lose?」 Alyssa was there among them. Only Origa and Pajo have not returned from their respective tasks. In fact, Origa has been intentionally avoiding Kasha since yesterday. 「・・・Right, we might lose」 「Huh・・・?」 Kasha froze mid-bite at Hifumi’s nonchalant declaration. 「The soldiers here have only crammed knowledge of infiltration and assassination. Even if they had any worth as soldiers before, they would simply be overwhelmed numerically」 「But then, what should we do?」 「We’re fine as long as we don’t fight them head on. We need to dictate the environment and attack them after dividing them into smaller groups. Besides, we don’t really need to wait for our enemy to gather their forces, and even if they do, we just need to have them scatter a bit」 But should there be a person more capable than I among them we’d lose, Hifumi concluded while putting the last piece of meat in his mouth. 「But they teach soldiers never to consider defeat・・・」 Alyssa murmured, and Hifumi rebuked her, 「Don’t be a fool: how could you think of cutting someone down without considering being cut down?」 「Says a guy who could easily cut down hundreds」 「A hundred may not pose a problem, but I too am human. I too need to rest, and I cannot fight continuously for many hours. If I fail to dodge even a single slash out of fatigue, I will die. No matter how strong you become, this fact never changes」 That is why killing is just as fulfilling as living, Hifumi said. These words were imprinted in Kasha’s mind: even these monster of a human considered death. After lunch, Hifumi observed the border with Alyssa, and called out to three men attempting to leave. 「Yo, could you wait a minute?」 「O-oh my, Viscount-sama」 The first of the three burly men responded to Representative Hifumi. 「You are spies from Vichy, aren’t you?」 「N-no, we are simple traveling merchants・・・」 Wiping the sweat from his brow the man replied, but Hifumi grabbed his hand and pointed to his palm. 「Merchant’s don’t have hands like this. Drop the obvious lies」 The smile on the man’s face disappeared, and his looked down, serious. 「As expected of the Expeditionary Force General, I presume. I applaud you. I am indeed a spy deployed by Vichy’s Central Council」 While this man was already in Anarazel city when it was occupied by Orsongrande’s Expeditionary Force, he was away from the representative’s manor and thus avoided capture. So he pretended to be a merchants and sought to join others on his return to Central. 「Seems like I am fated to perish here. These two men are indeed in my employ, but I have hired them here—they know nothing about my purpose. I beseech you to have mercy」 「What are you doing talking to me like I’m some homicidal maniac? I didn’t stop you to kill you. You’re headed to Central, so I wanted you to deliver something for me」 「A delivery, you said? Should I... Should I hand it to the Council?」 Once the spy noticed the document Hifumi took out, he immediately realized it was addressed to Vichy’s government. 「Yeah, so after they get a grasp on what has happened here, I need the response to this letter... let’s say twenty days from now」 Since it takes seven days to reach Central from here, he gave them plenty of time. 「・・・Understood. I have matters to report to Central, so this shall be no problem」 「Your name?」 「Vinu, your grace」 「Now then, Vinu, these documents are important. Don’t go and get killed by a monster or something」 Vinu bowed, reverently accepted the letter, and set off towards Vichy. 「Hifumi-san, what’s in that letter?」 Alyssa, who up until quietly observed, asked out of curiosity. 「・・・Right... well, I guess it’s fine」 Hifumi said after concluding that nothing will change even if she were to know now. 「So you know there’s this man that Origa and Kasha are looking for—Beirevra? Apparently he’s one of Vichy Council’s spies. Rather than having to run around all of Vichy looking for him, it’s a demand to have him extradited」 Hifumi could only laugh thinking that this document had Imeraria’s signature on it. Now, Vichy could simply blame Beirevra as the cause of his war, or respond in silence and face condemnation as a country that harbors criminals. One way or another, they were being pressured. 「So their choice is either to sacrifice Beirevra to appease Orsongrande or attempt to push us out with their military might」 「So what will we do for now?」 The answer was not due for another twenty days, so they had lots of time. Hifumi decided to take that time to carefully tour his dominion. 「Reinforcements are bound to come from Orsongrande soon. I’ll leave the occupied territory to them and go see my land」 「Should I come along?」 「Do as you wish」 The following day reinforcements arrived to the frontier and, while strengthening control over the new territory, decided to convert the town of Rhone into a military base. The Expeditionary Force, now relieved of their duty, were scheduled to patrol Hifumi’s domain. That day Hifumi gathered his troops and announced their return to Fokalore. 「I have matter to report to the royal capital, so I shall return there」 Pajo stated, and Hifumi nodded in understanding. Kasha, fidgeting about, timidly continued, 「Umm... if it’s not a problem, I too would like to return to the capital・・・」 Origa remained silent but looked at Kasha with an ice-cold glare. 「You mean to quit the military? Have you abandoned your revenge?」 Kasha cleared her throat and responded to Hifumi’s question. 「Thanks to Hifumi-san’s and Imeraria-sama’s efforts, I have regained my freedom and even killed the soldiers responsible... so how do I say this, I think I have exacted my revenge already. Frankly, I’m just tired, I want to go back to my carefree adventuring days」 「If that is what you wish for, then so be it. Follow with the squad until Fokalore, and feel free to do as you wish from there」 Hifumi said, and looked at Origa. He had thought that Origa wanted to the same, but she remained silent. 「Is that alright? Weren’t you together for like forever?」 Alyssa said but regretted it immediately, praying to take back what she had just said. 「It wasn’t even that long. I merely bought and used them; our goals merely overlapped. That is all」 As long as they themselves chose their path, it didn’t bother Hifumi that much, but then Origa stated, 「I will follow Hifumi-sama! No matter how much suffering lies ahead, this life was saved by Hifumi-sama. I will follow you until the end!」 「・・・Do as you wish」 「Yes, I will!」 Watching this, Pajo could not understand why Kasha recoiled at those words as she did, but she clearly saw that Origa’s loyalty to Hifumi only deepend. (Perhaps she too is a danger) She might become a second set of eyes for Hifumi, smelling out dangers that lie ahead. Perhaps she had to eliminate Origa first. Being deep in thought, Pajo noticed a bit too late that Hifumi’s glare was focused on her. 「・・・What is it?」 「Thinking things through is alright, but watch your step. Some who think to hard tend to do the stupidest things」 「I-I see. I will keep that in mind」 Pajo’s pulse quickened at his warning, as she could not figure out if he had figured her thoughts out or not. 「I wonder if the country is just trying to kill me...」(Sabnak) After reaching Fokalore after a few days of travel, they were met with but a ghost of Sabnak. Managing the reinforcements for the Expedition Force and ferrying Pajo’s reports, managing Fokalore’s affairs and negotiating for troops, all of these matters – none of which befit a knight – fell on poor Sabnak’s shoulders. 「Anyways, I am glad that you have returned, Hifumi-san. I can finally return to the capital」 Sabnak exclaimed, laughing with tears streaming down his face, thinking of how he could finally hand over the office and affairs of late Viscount Haagenti to Hifumi. All of Haagenti’s officials and servants were either eliminated or escaped, so even living in the manor was a challenge. 「How are the civil slaves I bought?」 you mean... they have already arrived. They have spent every waking hour silently digesting the information you gave them. I have briefly looked at their work and must admit that it exceeds my own education.」 And nonchalantly dismissing the question of whether that much education was even necessary for them with a “those are just basics,” Hifumi responded, 「If the civil slaves are ready to take over the affairs, feel free to join Pajo and Kasha on their return to the capital. If there are any soldiers who wish to accompany you, please take them along」 The major points were summarized well: economic situation was stabilizing rapidly, faction representatives abstained from any major action, certain statesmen have been replaced, and a list of merchants entering and exiting the domain was compiled. 「Aren’t you fit for this kind of work more than that of a knight?」 「Please, don’t. I’m a knight. And after returning to the capital I intend to rest for a while. It’s unnatural for a person to spend so many nights awake」 Representatives have been changed in the past and normally these take control of their land immediately; but never before has there been one like Hifumi who immediately set off on an expedition. 「About that... I assume you know... but you have heard about the town destroyed within Vichy, right?」 「Yes, the news of that matter and the possibility that magic item was used is known here」 「Well, about that... you’ve been assigned to investigate that case」 「Uehh?!」 「That’s what the captain of the reinforcements asked me to tell you; at least investigation of magic items fits a knight」 Hifumi said while smiling and sipping tea. Tea was prepared by a proper maid, so it made even Hifumi relax.magic Feeling as if he’s been influenced by this world too much, Hifumi placed down his cup and sighed. 「C-can’t you leave it to Pajo-senpai?!」 His dreams of a rosy vacation drifting further and further away, Sabnak was in a state of panic; Hifumi, however, merely stared at the ceiling. 「Pajo, huh... You know how she is, she is probably busy working for the queen」 The ceiling was decorated with carved lumber, with the depictions of dragons and phoenixes visible. These beings too are present in this world. 「For Imeraria-sama’s sake, you say?」 Sabnak turned his head and was met with Hifumi’s laughter. 「Yeah, and a big job I bet it will be. Now then, how about I meet the slaves. They’ll get busy from now on as well」 「Huh? Ah, understood」 Hifumi started for the door, but then stopped. 「By the way, how many soldiers does Orsongrande have?」 「Soldiers? Those loyal to the crown number around ,; under the control of the nobles there may be up to ,00 more」 「Hmm~」 「Oh, and there are currently three thousand soldiers stationed at Horant. Why do you ask?」 Sabnak answered as if trying to shoot down any requests for additional troops. But that is not why Hifumi asked. 「Not to increase our troops. If there are more people, it’s easier to trip over. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles”」 「You’ll see」 Without turning to look at Sabnak, Hifumi left the room.
After the little disturbance, Hifumi and the other two went towards the board on which requests were posted. Okku’s corpse was carried out by his companions, and the floor was quickly cleaned. As expected of people accustomed to fights. The guild did not have any ranking system in particular, so there were no restrictions on receiving requests. Probably because of that, the board seemed to be only roughly divided into subjugation and escort requests, that too, in a disorderly way. 「 Today, since I want to see how you two fight, look for a subjugation request near the town. 」magic 「 How about this one? 」 Origa took down a request pinned on the board and read it out loud. 「 A goblin subjugation request. A group of about of them have been confirmed in the nearby forest. The reward is one silver coin per goblin. 」 「 Since you should have killed many goblins, don’t worry about the rewards, just take it. 」 Goblins are small, human-like demons about m tall with dirty dark green skin. Often found in forests or meadows, usually in groups of to , though not individually strong, if ganged up on at once, it isn’t unusual for novices to die. However, since even the amount obtained after selling their parts is negligible, goblin subjugation is seen as practice for newcomers. 「 Well, it’s safe. 」 「 Then, I will register the request. 」 Looking at Origa, who bowed and took the request to the receptionist, Hifumi thought she was quite like a secretary. Looking at her speaking style and bearing, she seems to come from a good family. Doing something so helpfully and eagerly, Hifumi thought it might be calculated, but did not particularly mind. Receiving the goblin subjugation request, it was decided to buy clothes before leaving the town. Patting his clothes, Hifumi asked the guild’s staff Hera. Ordinary people generally wore second-hand clothes, and only occasionally bought nicer ready-made clothes. Getting custom-made clothes would be difficult outside the area of the aristocratic block. 「 Generally, for clothes made from special materials and demon hide, such as protective gear, I believe armour shops take such commissions. 」 To Hera saying so with a slightly strained smile, Hifumi also decided to stop by the armourer’s shop that was next to Thorn’s before leaving town. 「 What is it? the weapon commission is not done yet. 」 Scowling as usual, Thorn, who was working on something inside the shop asked Hifumi who entered. 「 An additional order. 」 「 Additional? Another weird thing again? 」 「 These are clothes used for practice and combat in my hometown. Wearing these makes me feel at ease. 」 Seeing Hifumi’s dark blue dougi and hakama, Thorn frowned. 「 Is this for combat? It’s fluttery and isn’t it hard to move around in? 」 The dougi’s sleeves were long enough to extend below the elbow, the hakama was long enough to almost conceal his feet. Completely opposite to the trousers, hardened boots, and long-sleeved jackets reinforced with iron plates that the adventurers wore. 「 Ah well. For now, I’ll need to see the structure of these clothes. Come inside. 」 「 Shall I just take it off here? 」 「 It obstructs business. Stop. 」 Behind him, Kasha and Origa, on seeing Hifumi put his hands on his clothes, hurriedly covered their faces with their hands, though they left gaps between their fingers. Finished with the dougi’s measurements, leaving the raw materials to Thorn, Hifumi put on his dougi, and gave the order to prioritize comfort over defence for his new dougi. Thorn, who was interestedly watching, thought that the way of wearing these clothes was quite strange. The dougi itself can be cut from cloth, since materials like metal or plastic are not used, it is possible to make it even with the current technological level of this world. It seems possible to make the leather lining of the hakama as well, from the great turtle demonic beast. 「 Moreover, I can get another set in other towns as well, thanks to the blueprints. 」 「 Blueprints? 」 When Hifumi asked, generally clothes were made based on the craftsman’s sense for it, and using blueprints to make a large number of identical parts was unheard of. There was no size display for any equipment in the shop either, it was adjusted as required. Since constantly adjusting the equipment would be a hassle during journeys, Hifumi explained the blueprint. 「 I see. Other than the regular patrons, there are a lot of other guys that buy equipment, so making it by hand is not possible. Such a great paper has come into my hands, substituting cloth with leather..... 」 As an exchange for the idea, Hifumi’s clothes were made for free. Incidentally, the dougi and hakama would be done by the next day. Inside the shop, though there are only apprentices, it seems that Thorn is the one that makes the marketed commodities. They finally left the town. Leaving the shopping area, going on past the castle gate, a plain with a highway of bare earth stretched on as far as the eye could see. Hifumi was impressed by this scene which could not be found in Japan. 「 Full of nature. The smell of the trees and plants is heavy. 」 Origa and Kasha, who lived in this world did not understand his words. 「 Master, let us move quickly. The forest is that way. 」 Kasha, glad to be able to fight after a long time, pointed in a direction away from the highway and hurried on. When Hifumi looked, the forest seemed to start at a certain point on the plain. Walking, it would take around 0 minutes to reach it. 「 Inside the forest, the goblins were witnessed in a place about one hour towards the center. 」 Origa informed everyone, after looking at the request. In this world, only a small portion of nobles have clocks. The common people have to rely on the position of the sun, a bell at noon and their own biological clocks. In some farm villages, even bells were absent. Even if one hour is written, since it is the account of the reporter, it’s reliability is unknown. In the meantime, they arrived at the forest. Kasha slowly pulled out her swords, Origa took out her staff rolled up in cloth and shouldered it. Watching the two people pull out their weapons, Hifumi felt weird. 「 Oy, why are you pulling the swords out now? 」 「 Eh? We are entering the forest now, so I am preparing my weapon....... 」 To their faces expressing 「 Nono, isn’t preparing for a battle essential? By any chance, should any situation arise?.... Origa cannot use her magic without the staff.... 」(Kasha) 「 I am sorry. To be skilled like master, I cannot use magic without a medium or a chant.... 」 「 Anyone can prepare their sword in advance for battle. Master is amazing, knocking down an incoming arrow like that using the katana without anyone realising. 」 Seemingly displeased by their off the point answers, Hifumi held their gaze. 「 M-Master? 」 「 Sit down, we’re going to have a little chat. 」 Not understanding clearly, Origa and Kasha sat down timidly on the grass. 「 Among the martial artists of my country, we are familiar with “Battlefield awareness”. Do you understand it’s meaning? 」 Looking at their confused expressions, Hifumi continued while tapping his sword. 「 It means that at any time, battle may erupt. My country is peaceful now, In older times, it was safe in it’s own way inside towns. As such, the royal capital is also quite safe, but it will be different outside the town. 」 Origa and Kasha exchanged a look. What Hifumi wanted to say had not been cleared up yet. 「 Leaving the highway and entering the forest, one hears that demons tend to show up. However, only “heard”. What is your reason for something near the town? Do demons wait for you to prepare your swords and staffs? Not just demons, humans are more troublesome. Outside the town, without knowing whether it is an enemy or not, what will you do if suddenly attacked? A little while ago, Kasha referenced the story of me and the arrow. That was in town. 」 The two could not refute Hifumi’s words, and silently listened. 「 Kasha. What would you have done if you were attacked with your swords sheathed? 」 「 Um..... Buy time to draw my swords by gaining some distance. 」 「 For example, a scenario like yesterday’s blind alley? 」 「 That is.... 」 Turning his gaze away from Kasha who was lost for words, Hifumi looked at Origa. 「 Origa, how long would it take for you to cast magic without your staff at the ready? 」 「 Hm, about 20 seconds at the very least. 」 「 When attacked without the staff, even momentarily fighting with weapons or tools? Leave aside whether you’ve bought them or not. Can you use them? 」 「 ..... Have not used them....... 」 Origa already had a face that seemed ready to cry. The two seem to be middle-level adventurers. In other words, they possess basic skills, and common sense of this world and it’s knowledge of fighting. The standard level of this world was quite average, judged Hifumi. Now that I think of it, the guy from the guild who attacked drew his sword comparatively angrily..... It seems that preparing for a fight is a way of thinking for this country. Short spears seem to be the basic equipment for the people in the castle, possibly because the time taken to pull a weapon from it’s sheath is more. Then, not just adventurers, but regular soldiers as well.. In ancient Rome, it was heard that spears were disassembled while marching. Before attacking, they were reassembled. Though the type of fighting is different, it was not as leisurely as using handguns and rifles in the modern world. While watching the slaves looking at him with upturned eyes, a bad idea came to Hifumi’s mind. Though it would be tiresome to think about domestic affairs, spreading strife in this world would be interesting. Problem is, this country, or a newer one? Origa, unable to endure the long silence Hifumi had fallen into, called out. 「 U-Um.... Though it may take the inexperienced me some time, I will learn how to fight without magic, so please do not abandon us... 」 「 Hn.... Ah, I was lost in thought. No abandoning will be done..... Alright, it’s decided. 」 Hifumi looked at Origa and Kasha, the evil expression from a while ago disappeared, replaced with an enchanting smile. 「 I will train you. The immediate goal will be for you to handle a single one of the guys that attacked yesterday on your own. 」 The reactions of the two were polar opposites of each other. 「 Uu.... such movements, though I don’t think we can do it..... 」 (Kasha) 「 Master, thank you very much! 」 (Origa) 「 Origa, do your best. Kasha, it is impossible to move like that immediately. Well then, first of all, I will have you two start moving. 」 Origa and Kasha hurriedly ran after Hifumi, who was rapidly walking towards the depths of the forest. 「 There seem to be five of them there, for the time being, use your magic and sword skills. I will not raise a hand. Can you do it? 」 「 Please leave it to us. 」(Origa) 「 5 of them, it is not a problem. 」(Kasha) Both of them enthusiastically responded and tightly grasped their weapons. As the sunlight waned, when Hifumi and the two showed up at the guild, it became noisy again. Only the hem of Hifumi’s hakama was dirty, and he did not look tired either, but the slaves were worn-out. Though not injured, they were clearly exhausted. 「 Did only Origa and Kasha fight? 」 Inadvertently criticizing, Hera asked Hifumi who came to the counter. 「 No? Though we hunted a lot, I killed half of them. 」 A jute bag, previously bought in town, filled with goblin ears was put on the counter. There were easily 50 or more. On receiving the bag, Hera confirmed that the bag was filled with 63 ears. It amounted to 63 silver coins. Though small change to Hifumi, it was abnormal for a first day earning. 「 Fighting so much, it must be tiring... 」 (Hera) Hera, who had seen Hifumi’s power could not help but believe that he had killed around 30 of them. More attention was paid to Origa and Kasha, who were wearily sitting down. 「 They became tired not just from fighting goblins. Hunting ended at midday. 」 「 Eh, then... 」 「 I drove the fundamental training into them quite severely. 」 To Hifumi snorting, what kind of training did they go through, to exhaust them this much? Hera was frightened. Abruptly, two men wearing light armour violently entered the guild. Advancing straight to the interior, they approached the counter next to Hera. 「 We are from the Public Security Corps. This morning, there was a matter of a man named Okku killed here, is there anyone who knows the situation? 」 The staff member spoken to instinctively glanced towards Hifumi and Hera. The two soldiers also looked towards them. 「 Ah, I’m the one that cut that guy. What is it? 」 「 Ee? Eh? 」 Hera also nodded when asked. 「 Then, we want to hear the accounts of the incident. You will come with us to the station. 」 「 Ah? He drew his sword and attacked, I responded. Ask the other witnesses if you have any doubts. 」 The two soldiers, whose foreheads had creased on seeing Hifumi’s attitude were about to say something, when two people ran into the guild. 「 ......Were we in time? 」 「 Its good we reached before blood started flowing. 」 It was Midas and Pajou, belonging to the Third Knight Corps. Unlike the last time, they were wearing white military uniforms, probably the uniform of the Knight Corps. 「 Midas from the Third Knight Corps. The matter this morning will be taken over by the Third Knight Corps. 」 「 Th-Third Knight Corps? Then, this guy.... this person.. 」 「 Is not a noble...... There are circumstances that cannot be spoken of. 」 The soldiers looked at each other, but returned quietly knowing they could not interfere since the Third Knight Corps had come into play. 「 Oh, Pajou. Worn out from last night huh. 」(Hifumi) 「 Ee.... Well, eventually I stayed up all night. 」 Dark circles were slightly visible under Pajou’s eyes. Though make-up somewhat disguised it, she was clearly tired. 「 Last night......? Master, what happened with this person after dinner? 」 Unawares, Origa was next to Hifumi, looking at Pajou suspiciously. 「 Don’t glare at me so much. Your master manipulated me, there is nothing you need to worry about. 」 Seeing the older woman’s calm reply and composure, Kasha thought, Sleeping with neither me nor Origa, slipping out in the middle of the night, what did master do? 「 ..... Shall I continue the discussion? 」 Midas, who was cleanly ignored, cleared his throat, straightening his posture, lined up with Pajou and said with an exaggerated voice to Hifumi, 「 Concerning the recent significant events, due to the large contributions in the investigation leading to the suspect’s arrest, saving Knight Pajou, and especially Princess Imeraria’s endorsement as well, Hifumi-dono is to be awarded with the Associate Knight title, and also here is the cash reward. 」 「 Imeraria, what the hell is she planning? 」 With a Knight suddenly appearing and conferring a peerage, and Hifumi calling the the Princess without any honorific, Origa and Kasha included, the entire guild erupted into an uproar.
In contrast to Horant’s national border which suddenly turned lively, the turmoil in Swordland was suppressed quickly. In the castle, that lacked a person to take the leadership with the king gone, the power struggle continued as ever and unreasonable laws were excessively issued just to be revised without any guiding principle behind it all. After almost all beastmen had left to the city’s part where they lived as community, it has simply turned into a situation of nobles, who held the authority by simply making the common citizens into targets of exploitation and labour force, siphoning off the capital in order to contest over their influence determined on revising their titles. Understandably it’s not like the common citizens are meekly obeying in such circumstances either. As for the soldiers; they cannot tolerate to have their salary, resulting from them working earnestly, being cancelled for incomprehensible reason because they are common citizens themselves as well. Small troubles and conflicts frequently occurred all over the place between soldiers and citizens, among fellow soldiers, soldiers and knights as well as between citizens and knights. “So, what happened in the end then?” (Helen)magic Helen, who was ordered to stay back at home, visited Reni who is prostrating on top of the desk while being completely exhausted. “Mm~...” (Reni) Reni suddenly turned her face sideways and slightly opened her sleepy eyes. “Reaching the people who wanted to come to us, the soldiers, who came attacking, were made to flee with the elves’ magic. The end.” (Reni) “The end you say, you know...” (Helen) “I mean, I can’t tell you anything besides that. Gengu-san’s followers are grieving that the beastmen lost out to play an active role at this occasion. We were very busy until just a while ago with receiving the new people.” (Reni) Including Reni no one noticed it, but a part of the beastmen started to secure their places of residence by secretly expanding the area of the former slums at this occasion. Moreover, with the area of residence for the other races being the former slums and the urban areas of Swordland being their original address, a reversal of the population is developing. “I want to be a magician, too. It was very cool.” (Reni) “What’s up, Helen?” (Reni) “It appeared. Wind magic.” (Helen) Helen, who casually fumbled around with her wand, faced Reni’s head, which was lying on top of the desk just like a furball, and once she imagined that she wants to cause a gentle breeze, it appeared. “W-Why...?” (Reni) “I don’t know about that.” (Helen) “However it appeared somehow”, when Helen targeted the wind towards Reni’s face, the hair of Reni, who grumbled a bit, slowly swayed. “Unfair, unfair! I want to be a magician as well!” (Reni) “Uwah! Wai-, stop.” (Helen) Being assaulted by Reni with a jump and Helen tumbling to the floor was at the time when Zanga entered. “Ah, Zanga-san!” (Reni) Reni, who felt a bit relieved by dishevelling Helen’s hair, faced Zanga with a smile. “What happened?” “Well, you know. There’s something to discuss for a bit. It’s not me though.” (Zanga) When Zanga ushered them in with “Come in”, the elf, Puuse, the one-eared rabbitwoman and the tigerboy, Malfas, entered. Due to to the combination that has no coherence at all, the rabbit woman began to speak while looking as if it’s something very difficult to speak about once Reni and Helen had arranged their hair. “Umm... I’d like to have permission to leave the city...” “Eh? You don’t particularly need our permission or such, but what for? Won’t it be dangerous if you go out to the wastelands?” (Reni) Due to Reni tilting her head, the one-eared rabbitwoman lowered her sight while having a red face. Zanga laughs with a “hya hya.” “It looks like she wants to meet with Hifumi-san. Well, well, I thought that he was a handsome man, but he is a smooth operator after all.” (Zanga) With Zanga laughing while saying “how youthful”, the rabbitwoman ended up curling herself up more and more. Reni and Helen are dumbfounded as they look at each other faces. “I will accompany her as well. There’s something I want to ask him once I meet Hifumi-san. He also...” (Puuse) Urged on by Puuse, Malfas nodded. “I will go, too. I want to try meeting with that human. Since I heard that he is strong without being prejudiced towards beastmen from the rabbit-oneechan, I’d like him to train me. After all it’s extremely unlikely for me to be able to use magic.” (Malfas) Seeing Hifumi’s image as spoken of by the rabbitwoman apparently leaking through the words of Malfas, Helen quietly muttered 「Aren’t you glorifying him too much?」. “I see. That’s somehow nice. What part of Hifumi-san do you like?” (Reni) I wonder whether it would be fine to help them although I don’t quite understand the feelings of the rabbitwoman to be honest and with Puuse being scared of Hifumi Thanks to the barrage of questions from Reni and Zanga cheering her on, the rabbitwoman answers bit-by-bit. As the side of the female group is getting excited, Malfas encourages himself to go on a trip and leave his younger sister behind. “Although I hate humans, I won’t be able to win ever if things stay as they are...” (Malfas) The flame of his desire for revenge has never vanished. ☺☻☺ “The enemy has arrived! As planned, we will head this way and only carry out replenishment in Münster. The whole army numbers more than !” The messenger, who brought back Ma Carme’s suggestion to Count Biron, returned to the national border of Horant, where they were encamped, while spurring on his horse. “Thanks for your hard work of returning to Münster quickly. You will need to take a detour to not clash with the enemy.” (Ma) “No, I have the duty to make sure of the war progress by staying behind here!” Ma Carme told his subordinates to get ready for battle and turned around to the messenger. “Dismount from the horse from here on out and walk to the rear.” (Ma) “Walk, you say?” “There are some petty tricks set up.” (Ma) “I don’t want to boast, but it’s according to the teachings from our Lord-sama”, Ma Carme cackled and began to help with the installation of the spear throwers together with his men. “Those are the spear throwers which played a big part in the war with Vichy, aren’t they? I see those for the first time.” “A big part, eh? In reality that was just Lord-sama rampaging around though.” (Ma) “However, will it be alright with just of those?” Ma Carme simply answered to the messenger who can’t hide his anxiety, “It won’t be alright. people with spear throwers is impossible.” (Ma) “Eh, then...” “These are bait. They will be abandoned once they fired some shots.” (Ma) Once they were able to finish the preparations, each of them takes a break upon Ma Carme’s order. “Well then, I wonder what I shall do for lunch?” (Ma) Plumping down at that place, he munched the bread they bought in a city of Horant and drank water from a flask. Once the messenger surveys the surroundings, there are only those who take their meals in the same manner and those who are boldly having a nap. The tension of having a life-waging battle from now on can’t be found at all. “Everyone is very calm.” The messenger tied the reins to a suitable rock, sat down as well and took a sip from the flask he carried at his waist. “It’s Lord-sama’ teachings. I don’t understand it properly, but a battle is something like an extension everyday’s life. He says that he eats and sleeps normally and that it’s natural to kill each other in between those.” (Ma) “His brain is weird”, Ma Carme laughed, finished eating the bread with butter smeared onto it and lied down. “However, since he is actually surviving by doing that, we have no other choice but to abide to that. It’s the doctrine of the famous Knight of the Slender Sword-sama after all.” (Ma) “I see... Count Tohno and Fokalore’s soldiers fought for the sake of the country like that.” “Ah, that’s wrong.” (Ma) “Huh?” Scratching his belly, Ma Carme shifted his attention to the sitting messenger while laughing frivolously. “Lord-sama hates “to fight for someone.” Let me see, what did he say?” (Ma) Ma Carme looked up to the sky. A few clouds have appeared, but sunlight to the degree of it being hot properly reaches the surface. “Ah that’s it. It’s a story about whether a fellow, who dies after risking his life for the sake of people, is happy.” (Ma) “Umm...” “Is it hard to understand? I’m bad at such explanations. In other words, it’s a story about whether the fellow, whom you protected, will be happy with you dying after you having fought for the sake of someone with your life on the line.” (Ma) The messenger folded his arms and pondered about Ma Carme words. “But it’s our job to fight to protect someone. However, certainly, if I consider the possibility of someone dying for my sake...” “Well, I don’t know the true answer either.” (Ma) Ma Carme, who turned his face sideways, concluded with self-effacement. “I thought “Indeed.” If I have to fight anyway, it’s always more sound to fight for my own goals.” (Ma) “Well then, for what reason are you fighting?” “I have decided. It’s in order to receive praise from Director Alyssa.” (Ma) Ma Carme pressed his ear against the ground and closed his eyes. “They are here.” (Ma) When Ma Carme shouted so after standing up, the carefree mood became immediately strained. “The sounds of hooves are approaching. A lot of them.” (Ma) The messenger gulped down the biggest spit up to date. “Isn’t it also fine to wait a bit longer?” (Alyssa) “Well, it doesn’t really matter, right?” (Hifumi) In a manner of not particularly caring about it while also restraining Alyssa to stay low-key, Hifumi tosses his change of clothes and spare weapon in the darkness storage and goes ahead with his preparations to leave on a journey. “But don’t you think that Origa-san wants to see you, Hifumi-san?” (Alyssa) “Please tell her to wait here. I will just head to a short distance away.” (Hifumi) “... Got it. I will wait here as well.” (Alyssa) Hifumi, who took his breakfast together with Alyssa in his room, suddenly stated 「I will go visit the human-shaped monster」 once he finished eating and Alyssa, who though “It’s impossible for me to stay still even though it’s clear that there’s prey”, was just as expected of Hifumi. “I thought about it all night, but that’s the knight, who was at the castle, after all. Though I don’t understand how he ended up becoming like that.” (Alyssa) Alyssa’s body was still not at normal condition. She didn’t tell anyone, but she became a bit scared of fighting. Once she noticed, the time for training has decreased and the time spent together with Hifumi has increased. “However, it looked like he didn’t know about me. He might just not remember me, but it was like words weren’t getting through to him.” (Alyssa) Finishing his usual preparations, Hifumi brews the fake-coffee, he secretly brought back from the city of demons and drinks it. “I see. It’s a fellow at the level of toying around with you, Alyssa. If he were to be sane, it would be a lot more fun, but... it’s better than a stupid war, isn’t it?” (Hifumi) While cutely cramming salad in her mouth, Alyssa thought about his question. “Huh? If it’s you, I wondered whether you would choose war, where there are many to kill, Hifumi-san.” (Alyssa) “Killing a large amount of people is nice, too. But, to my regret, the opponents would be regular soldiers. If beastmen or demons come attacking all at once, I will still be able to enjoy it though.” (Hifumi) While enjoying the aroma of the fake-coffee, Hifumi shook his head while looking disappointed. “What’s that drink?” (Alyssa) “It’s something like coffee.” (Hifumi) “Please let me take sip.... ueeh.” (Alyssa) Due to Alyssa grimacing due to the bitter taste just as she tasted it from Hifumi’s cup, Hifumi took out something from his darkness storage as he had apparently recalled something. “You forgot this.” (Hifumi) Hifumi tossed the wakizashi, he took out with a smooth motion, to Alyssa. “Ah, my wakizashi.” (Alyssa) The wakizashi, which hit the chest area of her thin pajama with a *pon*, was repaired with beautiful workmanship. It’s the painstaking piece of work of Pruflas who stuck with it until the end while getting irritated by the minute demands of Hifumi. “If the weapon becomes useless, it will be difficult to kill people. Maintain it by yourself from now on.” (Hifumi) “Ah... yea!” (Alyssa) Alyssa, who tightly hugged the wakizashi with both hands, decided to do her training over properly during Hifumi’s absence. “Well then, I leave things to you during my absence.” (Hifumi) “Yea. Take care!” (Alyssa) Realizing that the role of greeting Origa was discreetly forced upon her 15 minutes later, Alyssa became truly troubled whether she should disappear for a while.
Hifumi dropped Hagenti onto the floor, sat down and ordered tea from the waiter who was wearing a rather strained expression. 「 V-Viscount Hagenti..... 」(Sabnak) Seeing Hifumi casually toss the Viscount on the floor, Sabnak was speechless. 「 Did you kill him? 」 「 No, he’s just stunned. 」 「 Is that so. 」 Seeing that Hifumi did not see the situation as out of the ordinary, Sabnak couldn’t help but tremble. The two women didn’t think Hifumi’s abduction of the Viscount in such a short time as wondrous. At this point, Sabnak completely understood the Princess’ instructions of “Do not defy. ” 「 Then, is your discussion finished? 」 「 To hell with that, what happened to Viscount Hagenti?! 」 「 Ah, I entered through the second floor window, killed the magician who was present and brought him. 」 Sabnak was unable to digest the answer. Disregarding Sabnak’s lost expression, Hifumi explained. 「 ......Hm, that dagger wielding magician seems to be from the country Horant. 」 「 Pajou said something like that as well. 」 「 I have heard that the magicians from Horant do not use staffs, but daggers specially processed with magic as a medium. 」 Hifumi recalled that he had not learned about this country and its neighbours. I will have Origa and Kasha teach me about it tonight, no, now that this Knight is here, listening here is also fine. A man comfortably sitting and thinking, and a man in a daze; lying next to them, a tied up noble. Two women, discussing what to do about Hagenti. Unable to process what happened, the waiter took as much distance as possible and turned his gaze away. 「So, Before we get back to the story; about Hagenti. Do you want to kill him? Or hand him over to Sabnak?」 Hifumi wanted to eat something sweet, so he ordered something from the waiter, who brought him a peach like fruit to eat, and started listening to them once more. .......So cute Origa thought secretly, watching Hifumi peel and eat the fruit bit by bit to avoid getting his hands dirty. Kasha memorised the sight, different from the way her master usually ate. 「 Our enmity is with the merchant Beirevura. If you obtain information that leads to him, killing this man specifically is unnecessary. 」 Of course, Origa spoke after taking her master’s permission. 「 Fuuun~ 」 「Would you give me custody of Hagenti himself? 」 Requesting earnestly, Sabnak bowed down once again. Hifumi accepted the request after he confirmed that there was no hesitation in Origa and Kasha’s eyes. 「I, I’m really thankful! 」 「Instead of saying that, I want you to arrange a little something for me. You can think of it as compensation for my work.」 After Hifumi finished eating the fruit, he prompted Sabnak to sit down and held up three fingers. 「 First, since the remaining soldiers rushed to the city gates to control the situation, I’m going to massacre them. I want a cleanup crew. Second, there are two dead bodies in the nd floor of the Viscount’s mansion that I left behind so, let me see...... 」 「 Master, is it in regards the magician from Horant? 」 「 Yes, I killed the magician and just left the body there. I want you to investigate him, because I saw that guy at the Marquis’ mansion, Pajou too. 」 Sabnak wrote down Hifumi’s demands on a piece of parchment. While writing the name ‘Strauss’, he remembered having seen the name before. Though Pajou’s arm had been injured in the event, it had led to evidence of the Marquis’s smuggling operation; this was a well known fact within the Third Knight Corps. No wonder, he was involved in that matter. I thought it was strange that the observing Pajou-senpai would be so valiant in those circumstances. A vivid image of Hifumi charging the Marquis’s estate while dressed as a senior Knight suddenly rose up in Sabnak’s mind. He heaved a sigh of relief at it not being the case at the Viscount’s estate. 「 And the third.....? 」 「 Tell me everything the Third Knight Corps knows about the state of affairs in this country and the neighbouring one. It will be necessary to do so before going to Vichy. 」 「 ......Um, to what extent? 」 「 Everything. I had planned to travel carefreely and gather intelligence while touring the countries directly, but this seems to have become quite complicated. 」 Seeing Hifumi sigh while shaking his head, Sabnak resigned himself to simply accepting all this. 「 To tell the truth, I wanted to arrest the Viscount a little more smartly and secretly get things going in the background but....... Can’t be helped, would you be willing to stay in town for a few days while I call for support? 」 「 Hmm, in that time you can give me all the information you have on.....Ah! 」 「 Master? What’s wrong? 」 「 I told the Viscount’s servants to gather in the hall..... 」 Seeing Hifumi’s chagrined expression, Origa let slip a chuckle and turned to Sabnak. 「 Sabnak, could you go to the Viscount’s estate in place of Master? 」 「 Eh, me? 」 「 Indeed, because if master goes, everyone is likely to be scared shitless. 」 Kasha agreed with Origa’s proposal. The annoyed Hifumi insisted that he had been gentle with the non-adversary maid, but no one believed him. 「 Got it, I will go. At any rate, putting the town in order is necessary. 」 「 Sorry about that.」 Hifumi smoothly inclined his head at Sabnak who had stood up. 「 N-No, this too is my job! 」 「 Then, while Sabnak is going to the estate, are there other soldiers that need to be dealt with? 」 In the end, we still came back to a topic that reeks of blood. Separating from Sabnak, Hifumi and the two returned to the town entrance. Five soldiers were cleaning up the corpses. Coming to a halt a suitable distance away, Hifumi observed the working soldiers. 「 What do you think? 」 「 Kasha and I, just the two of us are enough to kill them with room to spare. 」(Origa) ....... I intended to ask them whether they wanted to kill or arrest, but... Was this girl always capable of such brutality? Hifumi was more concerned about her, conveniently blind to his own character. 「 Well then, I’ll leave it to you. 」 「 Leave it to us. 」(Origa) 「 Yoshi! 」(Kasha) Seeing off the fired-up duo and watching them run towards the soldiers, Hifumi contemplated on how to deal with slaves. 「 Is this event beneficial as well, I wonder? 」 His calm eyes reflected the tragedy orchestrated by the two girls. Several days after the event, Sabnak worked tirelessly; putting out an urgent request to the town guard to monitor the comings and goings of adventurers, and cleaning of the blood and bodies was begun under the command of the temporary acting lord of the area. Moreover, time flew when Hifumi visited the Viscount’s estate everyday to ask Sabnak something or the other. When Hifumi arrived, Kasha and Origa trained in the garden of the mansion, the employed servants were worried. 「 If I say not to come, would they refrain from training on the premises....? 」 (Sabnak) 「 Don’t twist your words. If you’re worried, say what you want to say directly.」 (Hifumi) 「 Twist my words...... They are your slaves,yes? 」 「 Even if that’s the case, without explicit instruction, they move yes? Telling them each and every move is tiresome. Anyway, because of the fights in town recently, I told them to let their hair down. 」 Seeing his tender expression that contrasted with his everyday behaviour, and remembering his cheerful slaughtering of people, instead of amusement, Sabnak felt fear. He had never seen such a warped and selfish individual like this before. 「 The slaves adore you. 」 「 I think I’d use a different word. Come now, continue your instruction. 」 Seeing Hifumi’s expression while opening the map, Sabnak was moved by his desire to learn and unintentionally smiled. The kingdom of Orsongrande, as the name implied, was ruled by nobles in a model similar to the feudal system. It varied in different places depending on the nobles in charge. Apart from the amount that had to be paid to the kingdom, it could be freely set by the lord of the area. Only the northern side of the country faced the sea, it touched borders with other countries on the eastern, western and southern sides. To the east was the merchant country, Vichy. The country was run by a parliamentary system in which several city-states were represented by representatives in an assembly. Being called the merchant country, the country itself sold metal and manufactured goods in neighbouring countries, the profit formed a large part of the national budget. As a result, many city-states promoted commerce and industry. Incidentally, good quality metal could be excavated from it’s southern mountainous area. A lot of dwarves lived there, so as to exchange and trade commodities made by the dwarves, it was a definite plus point. The western side did not exactly have a clearly defined border, the vast mountainous region was filled with wilderness over which were spread many beastmen villages. The custom of farming being nonexistent, it was said they lived off hunting, but no details were known. Humans weren’t interested, simply avoiding the race as a whole. While Hifumi had heard they were “hostile to humans” when princess Imeraria had summoned him to “Fight the demi-humans”, Sabnak had a different story to tell. Orsongrande one-sidedly invaded to get more land and were hit hard by the guerilla warfare used against them, became impoverished and withdrew. 「 What a nonsensical affair. 」 「 Beyond the beastmen land, there is a country known as the Knight country, they too want the land in question. After all, in the mountainous and wild areas, ores and crystals can potentially be mined. Currently we have no choice but to one-sidedly buy them from Vichy. To escape from this miserable state of affairs, the King seemed to have thought that that land was necessary.」 In a past story, the prince who succeeded did not have appropriate judgement either, instead, the princess ruling the country now did not seem to be interested in the conquest any more, thought the Knights. 「 The south? 」 「 The magic country, Horant. 」 A genius magician in Horant gathered apprentices to train and research for the country. Most of the magic tools produced by Vichy are designed by Horant. Also, making use of weapons like daggers as a magic wand is known to some magicians, but the production methods are not released by Vichy. On the west of Horant, sharing only a little bit of border with Orsongrande, is the country of elves. 「 Elves! Elves exist! 」 「 ...... Uh, yes. They exist, but meeting them is unlikely. 」 It is said that most of the elves’ country is heavily forested, and the elves live quietly in the depths of the forest, not interacting with other countries. Any stranger entering the forest is immediately attacked mercilessly; Orsongrande and Horant have tried several times to subjugate some of the forest, to no avail. Unfamiliar to forest warfare, with arrows unexpectedly flying in from the shadows among the trees, even the magicians could not fight properly, and had to retreat numerous times. 「 For the time being, these are the state of affairs of our country and it’s neighbours. 」(Sabnak) 「 You saved my time. Thanks. 」magic 「 Ah, apart from that, could you come here tomorrow? 」 Listening to the tired-out Sabnak’s reason, Hifumi smiled and stood up. 「 At last reinforcements have come from the capital. It seems that Pajou senpai will be here as well. Regarding the man called Strauss, I believe she will give you the information directly. 」 「 Is that so..... Very well. 」 「 Gothras escaped. 」 Pajou, who seemed to have ridden in considerable haste, found Hifumi in the Viscount’s mansion. Out of breath, she cut her greetings short and explained the situation. According to Pajou’s explanation, Gothras, who was awaiting punishment in the Knight Corps’ prison, had killed a guard and disappeared. 「 The Knight who was guarding him, his neck was snapped. The prison bars were bent, a feat of strength impossible for a human. 」 However, Pajou’s place was broken into, and the report related to Hifumi was stolen. Gothras could not be working alone, he had to be receiving some guidance, was the conclusion the Knight Corps reached. 「 We believe that someone helped Gothras escape. 」 Regaining her breath, Pajou finished reporting and straightened her spine. She bowed deeply to Hifumi. 「 This incident was completely our blunder. You painstakingly gave us an opportunity to clear up our mismanagement, we not only wasted it, but as a result you are deprived of information. The responsibility is mine. 」 Seeing her apologising with her head bowed and not moving an inch, Hifumi laughed. 「 The apology is unnecessary. Even if the information is concealed, sometime, somewhere, it will be revealed. Besides, there might be a guy holding enough power to bend prison bars, yes? 」 Looking up, Pajou’s eyes met a cold smile, the same one she saw at the Marquis’ estate. A chill went up her spine. 「 Ah, joy. A fellow confident in their physical prowess, there’s this technique I really want to try out....」 Everyone froze seeing the expression of warped joy on Hifumi’s face.
Episode Go back in time for a while. It's in the back room. I was in front of three guys, Rio, Illis and Mayfa, lecturing them on how to fight in the finals. "─ So as Jake and Dorothy can still work it out, the problem is" Rigid Sword ”Adolf. Clearly, this guy is stronger than any of you three." That's what I said, I'll put a pen round the name "Adolph" on the back of the tournament schedule booklet. The godchildren who saw it all looked equally difficult. One of them, Rio says with a slight discontent, pointing his mouth. "But, brother, you have to actually try that, don't you? I didn't feel like he was faster than me watching the game." "Right. If it's just agility, I think Rio is better." "Then come on." "But it's only a small difference. And arm strength and battered strength are extraordinarily higher in Adolf than in Rio. I also have the skill of a sword. If you think you can do it, I don't care what you do." He listened to my words and bent his mouth to the letter to Rio Habu. Look around the three of them. Then Mayfa said "... yes, brother" and raised her hand. When I nominate him, Mayfa says in a mouthful like announcing her name proposal. "... If you can't win one-on-one, you can do it three-on-one.... Just knock the other two out and the two of them will join the ranks. ... so you can win" Mayfa is good at it, humming her nose. But to that, Rio pinched his mouth in dissatisfaction. "But defeating one of the three isn't cowardice as some kind of brave man? Whatever the demon king's opponent is, he's also a brave man. I think that's against the spirit of bravery. So we're no different from them, are we? "... that's not true.... originally three to three, nothing is cowardly" "Yeah. I know what Rio's talking about, but it's a team fight, and don't think that's what it's all about" Sprinkled by Mayfa and Illis, Rio pointing his mouth at it again as if it didn't seem funny. I saw it, and I was blowing my mouth off. As a matter of reason, Mayfa and Illis are right, but Rio's upright feelings are also smiling. Rio asks me how I'm still not convinced. "Hey, what do you think of your brother? Don't you think it's cowardly that brave men are three-on-one? I thought about it for a moment and then I answered to Rio. "Well...... right. It may seem dastardly, and if I say it's against the spirit of bravery (bravership), it might be, depending on the way you think. If you don't want to be a cowardly brave man, you might want to stop thinking about knocking him down three on one." "Right!? Look, even your brother said this! Rio to be good at and Muffy Mayfa. Ilis is in a position to flatter both of us by saying "Fair enough". Now Mayfa asks me how swollen she is. "... then how do you win, brother?... I fought three to three together, and I have to knock them out at the same time, I'll be alone at the end of the day anyway.... I don't care about that, I can't fight" Mayfa is a rationalist compared to Rio, who tends to capture things in filling. What you're saying is almost entirely true. Now I answer to Mayfa. "No, I think Mayfa's right. Wouldn't it be best to beat the other two first and deal with Adolph for three? ...... ... brother, I don't know about those two tongues.... telling Rio that Rio is right and I'm right is cheating " Mayfa looks surprised, and she stares at me. Don't feel cuter than usual when you can stare straight in the eyes. I put my hand on Mayfa's head like that, and I'll do it with me. "All right, all right. Mayfa's smart." "... fuuuuuu.... brother, I don't know about that kind of deception" Mayfa dyed her cheeks, but she looked up at me with a grudge. She's cute. Besides, I'll give Mayfa back her words while she's at it. "No, I didn't mean to delude you, I didn't mean to use two tongues. That's what I said, if you don't like being a little dastardly brave, you can do what Rio said, and if you want to win, you can do what Mayfa said. Nothing's wrong with you, is it? Now all three, Rio, Iris and Mayfa, tilted their necks. Think about it for a second, and then Ilis will listen. "Uh... does that mean you can win because you can be cowardly, or you can go against the spirit of bravery (bravership)? "No? I think you guys should choose whichever you want." "Yeah......? Doctor, I don't know what you're talking about. So you're saying we should lose? "If that's what you want." "Mmmm......! Uh-oh, I don't know what the teacher wants to say anymore! Ilis held his head and smothered. I laugh hahahaha and do the head of Illis. Iris said, "Ha ha..." and turned red on his face and got smaller. I say to the three of you after I release Illis. "Sometimes it means you can't get all the results you want, which way you chose. In that case, we have to decide for ourselves what to choose and take on the consequences. The three of us discuss it and decide what to do. When I get here, I won't talk anymore." That said, I left the rest to the three of us. By the way, I lay low about my battle with Cyrus. The contents of my battle with Cyrus is that if my godchildren win, I will ask them what they want when they return to King's Landing, but if they don't get results, be prepared. Well, I don't really think the Cyrus one keeps his word to discipline, and even if it isn't, you don't want to mix my circumstances with the decision of the three of us. I'm already... I'm not sure, but I was happy. I'm a lot satisfied they just brought these guys this far. I think these guys will be able to live without me anymore, and I've more or less taught them what I can teach them... At first, I wanted to raise these guys with my hands until they became the strongest braves in the world. That means you don't have to think about it, but these guys are going to outsmart me. I've been noticing lately that I don't have much confidence in the teenage girls to be a teacher full of people who haven't outdone their strengths in front of me. Even if it's not jealous, it's going to be humiliating. You'll also want to say one of your grudges toward heaven about what is the difference in talent. Well, I don't know... if I let go of my hand now, I guess I'll be a "respected teacher" in these guys' minds for the rest of my life, so it's kind of shallow in me. Either way. And then there's these guys' own feet, and I think I just need to walk away with my life. For that reason, I wanted to tell you the last thing I know about how to walk on my own feet. ─ And then. After finishing the discussion, the three headed to the final. I didn't dare ask how the three of them were going to fight. I wanted them to show me their decisions in action.
Episode The game started. The three boys at the other school look down and stare at Rio and threaten them with thoughtful wooden weapons such as swords, spears, and axes. "... hey country women. If this one treats you nicely, follow me. You're licking it, huh? The three leader-like male students cut each other with a sword on their shoulders. Brave guy, or just a dick. That. But the other school is definitely as powerful as the one that competes in the strongest rookie brave decision every year. If you won the regulars in it, your personality, whatever it is, your strength should be considerable. But... He's got plenty of room to spare when the game starts, but that position is already in Rio's time... Rio and the others are pretty good at hiding their strengths. "Hey, Rio. You don't seem to understand, so say hello one shot." "Yeah, okay, brother" When Rio answers my voice like that... ─ ─ Huh. I sank myself only for a moment and then moved like the wind. The other school leader who sees it panics with his eyes round. "Is...? Oh, where did he disappear..." "Right in front of you, Barca." Rio was quickly, jumping into their nostalgia. "Become...!? The opponent, who was searching for his surroundings for a moment, looked a little at Rio, who was under his eyes at some point. Well, technically, Rio didn't go straight either, but once he ran laterally, diagonally forward and escaped from his opponent's sight, it wasn't a complete mistake to look around. But that's a comma. It's two seconds slow, so it doesn't make any sense. "Well, by saying hello, I mean... [binary chopping]! "Whoa, whoa!" Zubaba! When Rio's wooden sword flashed twice, his opponent's body blew up for a few meters. Keep rolling through the ground, stopping. And... Beep, beep! From the other person's body lying on the ground, a warning sound rang. "Knockout. Knockout. Damage taken has exceeded the specified value. Exit. ' That was the demonic guidance audio emitted by the demonic props worn by that boy student. In the strongest newcomer brave decisive battle, this audio is emitted when the wearer's flesh takes more than a certain amount of damage, and the student loses. "" "Heh...? And the two remaining boys at the other school and the other one raised their surprise. It was Rio himself who launched the attack. The audience, by the way, is largely quiet. What happened is that the people who were watching aren't on the lookout either. "What... Wait a minute, brother. Is that it? Rio turns to me and asks. It seemed rather unexpected. I'll answer Rio. "Oops. If Rio had used a real sword, the opponent would be rendered incapable of fighting with one hand now. That's the damage." "Oh, but... seriously? In fact, the opponent is about to get up shaking his head by saying, "It hurts..." etc, but that's because Rio is using a wooden sword for mock warfare. The magic equipment worn by athletes at the tournament ensures the safety of the athletes. It is set to simulate the actual battle as much as possible. If this was a real fight with seriousness, the [bunk cut] damage that Rio had unleashed would have instantly pushed the opponent's brave man through his battered strength and instantly out of combat. And that's when the audience finally started to gush up, too. Warwer and a cheer of great excitement ensues. I speak again to Rio, who is stunned by his power. "Rio. There's still two of us left. Don't be too alarmed." "Ugh, yeah. Okay, brother." Rio regained his mind and faced the other two. On the other hand, the two remaining male students on the other side were unable to regain their minds. "hey... what was that, now..." "Of demonic props, a malfunction...? "... oh, whoa, that's it. Otherwise, there's no way the Randall guy's going to knock out a country brave man's [bunk cut] shot." "But that country woman... I think she moved incredibly fast too..." "If it's just fast, you can magically shoot it off! Look at this. - Eat it, you flaming arrow!" Bo, bo! Two fireballs floated around one male student, which fired towards Rio. [Firebolt] is more about attack magic in general than - but - because it has even a slow tracking performance in addition to the high projection speed of the arrow-like bow, it generally has a higher chance of hitting than a weapon attack. So "Magic attacks on highly agile opponents" is right for once as a tactic. But the thing is... That kind of fine tactic doesn't really mean "if the power difference is overwhelming," does it? "─ Oops." Rio quickly jumped sideways at the timing just before the [Fire Arrow (Firebolt)] hit him, without difficulty removing the two flamethrows that had flown. Slow tracking performance is as good as none. Tons and lightly landed Rio crush. "Is this it? With this bullet speed, and only two in a row, you don't need [difflection] or anything at all." With that said, Rio had a puffy neck. By the way, [difflection] is a move that plays shooting and magic attacks unleashed by an enemy with a weapon that sums up the brave man's fighting spirit. Rio's frequent moves in mock warfare against Illis and Mayfa are unnecessary if the usual circumvention is sufficient in the first place. "Oh no... magic, but so light... you're too fast... how could a country brave man be like this...!? Another boy student now unleashes the magic of the wind attribute. Two lightly tinted winds with yellow-green magic strike to rip Rio apart. [Wind Blade (Windcutter)] is less powerful than [Fire Arrow (Firebolt)], but it's a faster bullet speed and better hit performance primary attack magic. But it's also... "So I guess not." Rio hits and gently dodges by flying. It's like not even putting it on your teeth. "Become... ah... you know..." "I can't believe I didn't hit a single shot until [Wind Blade (Windcutter)]... that's stupid..." Two male students staring at Rio in amazement. In contrast, Rio did his best to think and then looked back. "Hey Mayfa, why don't you show him your [Firebolt] too? "... I got it" Rio baton touched the fight to Mayfa. Mayfa steps forward and increases her magic. From the whole body of the little girl, the thin, shining magic rose every inch. "... my ultimate depths, let me show you. ─ ─ Fire Arrow Firebolt That's what Mayfa said when she opened her right hand and stuck it out front... ─ ─ Bobby, bobby, bobby. Five fireballs arose around Mayfa's right hand, and it began to circle. By the way, the Mayfa one says "ultimate depth" or something in Nori, but the reality of it is normal primary attack magic with no philosophy whatsoever. The only thing going around is that Mayfa's acting weird because of the slightly more ingenious control. "What......!? [Fire Arrow (Firebolt)] but...... five series!? How much magic do you have? "Ugh, you're lying......!? Wait, stop, stop! Surrender..." "... Huh. If you resent me, resent me for being nasty....... eh" "" Wha!? The flamebullet released along with Mayfa's adorable voice poured down fast on the two boys students, causing white smoke. Eventually when that smoke stops, there's a look at the boys baked in a puffy way. Incidentally, from one of them, the "knockout" audio was ringing, but the other was trying to stand up hard and the damage didn't seem to reach the prescribed value. And there 's-- "Uh, [Quick Shot]? "Giffoon! The last one jumped when the tree arrow that Illis unleashed along with his question-marked voice hit him. Falling in with a buckwheat, the "knockout" demon-guided audio rang. "And the game is over! Winner, Lit Village College of the Brave! Along with the voice of the judgment of the referee, a great cheer rolls up. Those voices undoubtedly praised three: Rio, Illis and Mayfa. but the Rio's of the day, they come back to me and twist their necks tight. "Uh... brother, are you sure this is okay? "I feel so weaker than I thought..." "... or the opponent is too weak to be in a fight" All three of them seemed insatiable, incomplete burning. But seeing as how those three are doing, I laugh one damn time. Ha-ha-ha... I guess so, I guess so. But that's fine. And I have to tell you this. "Rio, Illis, Mayfa. Let me tell you something important." "They're not weak. - You guys are too strong." I laughed and told the three of them that. But all three of them tilted their necks in such a way that they were not so sure. Can't you, can you pass it on? ... No, well, yeah. During this roughly one year of training, when it comes to the brave men the three meet, they're all veterans among the professional Demon King hunters, and they haven't seen the student level or anything. I pull the three people who tilt my neck and go back to the modem. In the meantime, let's go next.
Lesson Mining moon ore, as long as we could get permission from the dragon, wasn't that difficult. The mining site, taught to me by Dwarf's martial artisan Gardon, is a cave near the entrance to the hilly area. Human-sized caves, much narrower than dragon habitats. We step in there with [light] lights in one hand. Moving on through the natural cave for a while, it eventually hit the characteristic terrain. "Wow, beautiful...! Next to me, Illis gives an exclamation. Rio and Mayfa, as well as Ulu as a werewolf, were also looking at the sight and sparkling their eyes. The place, which was ahead of us as we proceeded through the cave, was a little hallway. What is characteristic is that the vertical hole extends upwards from the ceiling in its hallway, creating a cavity that connects to the outside. Through its cavity, soft moonlight from the outside was pouring down onto the ground and walls in the cave. Moonlit walls and parts of the ground sparkle. When I discovered the place, I first covered up the magical effects of [Light "Light] and then used my body to block some of the moonlight pouring out of the ceiling. Then, despite blocking the moonlight and no longer reaching the light, I could discover some parts of the walls and floors that were emitting light on themselves. This is exactly the moon ore. This ore absorbs the light of the moon over a long period of time and accumulates magic inside it, he said. "This is the moon ore, isn't it? ─ ─ But the walls around me are really stiff. I can rip my nails off even on an iron plate when I beast them, but they still don't stand at all. ' Uru, a werewolf, tries to dig out the moon ore, putting his nails up on the wall around it, but the rock is stiff and he seems to be bounced with a cock and his nails don't pass. According to what Gardon told me, the mining of moon ore required special mining tools, which are now difficult to obtain. But I'm not too worried about that. I speak to Rio. "All right, let's do it, Rio." "Aye, brother." Me and Rio each pull out their swords, in front of another moon ore, set it up. And as he poured the brave man's fighting spirit into his sword, he unleashed his moves at the same time. "" ─ [Moonlight Sword]! Kin and his double-edged sword flashes ran, and me and Rio's swords were each lightly cutting off the rocks around the moon ore. If [Moonlight Sword] ignores the hardness of matter up to half the time, the rock of this hardness shall not be. Me and Rio succeed in digging out the moon ore one at a time by releasing a few more [moonlight swords]. Ur, watching it, was circling his eyes in the way that he was surprised. "Yu, brave people are amazing...... That move, any hard stuff seems like it's going to be in two... ' "Uru, [Moonlight Sword] is a brave man, so not everyone can do it. Only a handful of the brave men who are good at swordsmanship can use this." Illis puts his index finger up and proudly explains so. That's the recipient and seller of the story Cecilia, the teacher who taught me [Moonlight Sword], but it's adorable that Illis is proud to tell it like it's my business. Ur, by contrast, said, 'Hmm, yeah. Something like that. There's also a difference in character in the world of brave men, "he asked, nodding with a firm nod. Meanwhile, Mayfa... "... [Immortal Arrow (Phoenix Arrow)] and I can melt the rocks around me, but I can't help it because it doesn't have magic when I use it again and again.... this is never because I don't want to work" He said things like that, and he was nodding yeah on his own. That's how it all goes, me and Rio split up and mine the moon ore one after the other. Then Ur, who saw it, raised his doubts. "Is that...? Why don't you just have one moon ore? "Oh. Looks like one moon ore of this size would suffice to make one blackout necklace. It's just that we kind of need money. I came to Ravilton to buy some gear for the three Rio guys, but I'm a little bit uncomfortable with my hand." Gardon tells me the moon ore was picked if it was mined. Well, there's demand, so if you take it back to the city, you should be able to sell it only for what you've mined and turn it into money. But when he heard it, Ur said this in a hurry. "Yeah, eh, you did!? I mean, would you help us in that!? ─ So, the treasure we just received from Mr. Dragon, shouldn't we take it? We don't have that kind of money to spend, and Mr. Brett and the others will take this! Ur offered me a cloth bag containing the treasure he had received from the dragon. I look at it and it hardens. No, actually, to be honest, there's something about this treasure that you wanted so much that you could get your hands out of your throat... If you sell this dragon's treasure in Lavilton, you will undoubtedly get a lot of money in dozens of large gold coins, and with that, the budget for purchasing equipment for your godchildren will be a lot more luxurious. But the dragon gave that to Ur, and I thought he couldn't take it aside... "... yes, okay? I grew greedy and said so. This is what an unfortunate adult looks like all over the world. "It's obvious. If it weren't for Mr. Brett and the others, it wouldn't have been there. Besides, we already got a lot of stuff from Mr. Brett and Rio. ─ ─ Even if this is all, at least take it! That's what Ur's going to give you again, so I'm like, "Well, well. Well, thank you," he said, snatching a bag of cloth. Doctor, I couldn't beat the temptation for money... No, yeah. Money matters. I'm just allergic to losing sight for money. And yes. If you think you're receiving a legitimate consideration for what you did with Ur's help, you can neither see nor see that there's a problem. Ur is happy, and so are we. Patience is bad for people. It must be my fault that bad adults seem self-justified, too, yeah. Speaking of legitimate consideration, though, I'd like to pay Gardon for making a blackout necklace. Even though the other side said it on its own, I would also like to pay Rizel the legitimate price if she were to receive things that would design Rio's special protective equipment. You should think about that area a little bit. Whatever you do, money matters. Let's make money when we can. That's why, despite receiving the dragon's treasure from Ur, we returned to the city of Ravilton by mining as much moon ore as we could take home securely. And late at night, but head to the Gardon Martial Arts Store and knock on the door of the house. The house and the store are in the same building, so if you knock on the door, Gardon comes down from upstairs and welcomes us. "Oh, you've picked the moon ore! All right, I'll take care of the rest. Whatever you do, make sure you complete The Blackout Neck.... That Idol Live was definitely the next weekend, full moon night, right? "Yes. I don't have a week left, do I look like I should? "If you don't try, I don't know, you're being honest. But Dwarf doesn't have two words. I said I'd give it a shot. I'll give it a shot." That's what Gardon says, nigga, let his mouth hang. This Dwarf is apparently a hotter man than I thought. All in all, this is how one challenge was cleared up. We have six days till the full moon night when the Urs are scheduled to play idol live. At the very least, I think I've done what I have to do. All you have to do is get ready for the real thing, so Rio and the others can practice singing and dancing. Though amateur live, Ur is that level. Whether it's a burning blade or not, my kids should do a minimum of practice. I also feel how this happened when I should have come to this Ravilton to buy my godchildren's armor... the Rio's are motivated, and everything is an experience. That's why I decided to keep an eye on my godchildren.
Lesson In the house that was the habitat of Vampire Spawn. Four spawns that Me and Mayfa took down were lined up in the living room. Each of the four spawns looks like a middle-aged man, a woman, a boy and an old man. Now he looks like a monster, but he's originally a victim of a vampire attack. Standing in front of those spawns is Iris. As me and Rio and Mayfa watch, Illis spits in front of the fallen monster. I'll explain myself to the three godchildren in addition to Iris. "Vampire Spawn is classified as an undead monster, but right after Spawn, he's technically in a 'not dead' state. I'm talking about a week or so after Spawn, it's a mix of positive and negative vitality, and the way it exists hasn't been confirmed yet... you know what I'm saying? In my words, the three of them shake their heads beside each other. ... Well, I guess so. "Uh, I mean. If you're not even dead, you're more or less capable of irregular healing magic, there's a chance that you can handle it." "So I can use [Ultimate Healing (Ultimate Heel)] ..." That's how Illis confirms it, so I smile and be gentle with the heads of my three sisters' second daughter. "Oh. As a teacher, I'm sorry, but I can't use the Ultimate Heal. We have to rely on Illis." "Oh no...! The teacher has no pity at all!... Um, I may be tempted to say this, but the teacher probably tries to do it all by himself too much. Then we can't be teachers' partners forever... I want my teacher to rely on us more! They pissed me off. Uhm...... "But hey, that's not a teacher-teacher relationship anymore," "Doctor, can't we... if it's not a teacher-to-teacher relationship? That's what Illis has been complaining about as he grabbed the chest of his clothes with his hands all the time, along with the gaze of his ascendants. Zukuuuuuuuuu! My heart was instantly shot out. ... Yes, no, what Illis is trying to say is that they want us to think of ourselves as fellow fighters together because we're not weak anymore either. But something like this, when people say things like dye your cheeks and plead, I want to climb the adult stairs as a relationship between a man and a woman, it sounds like something. Not good, I'm confused right now. This is my Otona power being tested. "Oh, uh, Mr. Iris. Let's be a little careful about pointing that kind of dialogue at men, shall we? Because they make mistakes, don't they? When I said that, Illis gave me a decent look. Then I did a little thinking trick, I relaxed, I wandered my gaze all over the place, and then I said this next time. "... I, Doctor, wouldn't say this if I wasn't your opponent" ─ ─ Gusaaa! The blow of Illis' unleashed synagogue hit me critically in the chest. No more! My Otona power is so nil! Or before that, it's very surreal to have a conversation in front of a fallen vampire spawn in line. Let's get back to it. "Wow, okay, Iris. We'll talk about that another time, huh? It's treatment now, let's do that." "Buh... ok" Iris convinced me, pointing his mouth, but with things like disapproval. By the way, next to me, Rio and Mayfa, "Hey Mayfa, what do you think of your brother? "... it feels like the castle is about to collapse?... Let's mount more and more attacks.... If anyone can break through, maybe the rest is avalanche-style" "Aurai. I have to gang up, too. You don't have to be shy." And so on, I wasn't sure, but I was having some horrible consultation. Whatever it is, it is the magic of Illis. Ilis kneels in front of the whole vampire spawn lying, hands together to pray in front of his chest, closing his eyelids. After a while, the whole body of Illis emits a glow of pale but powerful magic. Iris attaches his hands to Spawn's chest in front of him. And with a beautiful and brave voice, I cast that spell. "─ ─ [Ultimate Healing (Ultimate Heel)]!" A strong light dwells on both hands of Illis, and it spreads to Spawn's body. The light envelops Spawn's entire body. Eventually, when the light faded, Spawn's skin, which was blue and white, had a healthy skin tone, and her sharp fangs and nails had returned to it as humane. I walked over and tried to open the eyes of the victim who was Spawn, but what was there was not a monstrous bright red eye, but a human eye. Of course, the damage done in Spawn's condition is healing. The victim, by the way, has not regained consciousness yet, but his chest is up and down healthy. You'll wake up in a while. "Ha... ha... Or did you...? "... wow.... It was the monster that really went back to being human.... as if it were a miracle" Iris, who breathes roughly using great magic, and Mayfa, who is surprised to see the magical effects her sister used. Rio, on the other hand, was just as surprised as Mayfa, but a way of thinking about something. "... hey brother. Is this some kind of vampire guy named Spawn? Not just for that spawn, but for the vampire itself? Rio asks me that. I felt a little unnatural about that question, but for one thing, the discomfort answers through. "Oh, my dear balls vampire is on the same terms. It depends on how long it's been since you became a vampire, but if its existence is at a stage that hasn't been established as undead, there's ample chance that you can resurrect as a human being. I don't think it's possible to use it in a vampire opponent's battle because it's not supposed to go through without being powerless." "Oh well..." That's what Rio said and showed him how to come up with something again. I was curious to see how that was going, but for now I'm going to settle things one by one. I walked over to Illis and hugged that little body hard. "Iris, you're amazing, well done. Now Iris saved the lives of every man who was supposed to be lost. It's really amazing, and it's great. ─ ─ Illis, I think it's hard to consume a lot of magic, but the three of us left, can we do it? "eheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh... ─ Yes, Doctor. I'll do my best. This is a total mess." " That being said, Illis smiled with a smile. Then Iris applied [Ultimate Healing (Ultimate Heel)] with the second and third. That allowed up to three of the four victims who became Spawn to return to a healthy person. But the depletion of Illis had become visible and significant at that stage. "Ha... Ha... Oh, and... one more..." When I said that and tried to make my way to the last one, Illis fluttered and shook, about to fall. I rush over and hug the luxurious body of Illis. "Iris, are you okay!?... One more, will we see you tomorrow? Maybe a day or so will still be fine..." While I said that, I understood at the same time that my words had no basis whatsoever. It is believed that saving Vampire Spawn by [Ultimate Healing (Ultimate Heel)] is a case within a week or two of its victim becoming Spawn. It is hard to say, however, that a very rough limit of "a week or two" is certain, besides not knowing exactly how long has elapsed since the victim in front of him became Spawn. We're only talking about the level where there are such research findings. So it's where we should be supposed to haunt our hearts and ask Illis to do just one more good job. No, we should withdraw the foreword even now and let Illis do so. That's what I was thinking, but... That's when Iris, supported in my arms, said something like this. "Um, Doctor... Me, if I try one more hard...... reward, can I get...? When I heard that, I hesitated only for a moment, but next I nodded aloud. "Oh. If there's anything I can do, I'll listen to you." This is a situation where you have to tell your godchild you can't do it and make him work hard. Any demand is cheap if you can work as hard as you reward. I know it's an unscrupulous demand, but come with Don, I'll make anything come true. "Well, I... I want to sleep in bed with my teacher at night." "Is...? My eyes dotted on the words that came out of Iris's mouth. Iris looks like he's been floating in heat, and he's whispering to me. "Haha...... I, am a bad boy...... I'm trying to get my teacher in trouble. But... reward me if I try, I want...? "Ooh... ok. I promise." I was confused, but I had to answer that. I've felt a lot strange, but now it's more human than anything else. Let's think about the rest later. Now we should do our best to get Iris to work hard. And when I heard my reply, Iris said, "Come on!" and got up in a new mood. Then when he headed in front of the last one to leave the momentum to use [Ultimate Healing (Ultimate Heel)], Iris then snapped and batanced. But all four of the victims who became vampire spawns were now treated. It's a handful of Illis. I hold up my goddaughter, who has exhausted her powers, and whisper "good luck" small. The little Virgin, who had saved all four lives, buried her face in my chest, resting suddenly.
Lesson Cecilia, who senses Mayfa's [Fire Arrow (Firebolt)] activation, tells her to throw up. "Ha! It's bad for Mayfa, but [Firebolt] what a depression it is to have featherworms flying around! [Moonlight Sword] If only Brett and Rio could clean up! Cecilia tells Mayfa and others that she is not in her eyes. Indeed, Cecilia's height of defense is not limited to physical defense. The fact that magic doesn't go through properly unless it's something so high-fired is not a strength or anything. But this is also Cecilia's second miscalculation. "... So what if those featherworms get together and become one bird, sister? -Conjugate! Go, [Undead Arrow (Phoenix Arrow)]!" "Become...!? ─ ─ Cure, ooh, ooh! Mayfa's unleashed big fire bird struck Cecilia, along with the sounds of a strange bird screaming through the atmosphere. Cecilia sets up a big shield. [Immortal Arrow (Phoenix Arrow)] struck the big shield directly. ─ ─ Do-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o! A fierce flame erupted around the big shield that hit him directly. "Gu......! - Oh, my God! Cecilia threw down the big shield shortly afterwards. The great shield of Cecilia, which made a raging noise and rolled onto the floor, was just inflamed or melted loosely by ultra-high heat to the point that it did not hold its original shape. "Ha, ha, ha...! Hey, what's that, what's that...!? Cecilia sweats on her forehead. In that left arm, where she was equipped with a large shield until just before, a pitch-black gauntlet raised white smoke when it busted. Mayfa responds pale to such Cecilian questions. "... [Undead Arrow (Phoenix Arrow)].... Manuel's grandfather... taught me by" Demon Emperor ”" "[Undead Arrow (Phoenix Arrow)]..." Demon Emperor. "Even Manuel...? "... yes.... Grandpa is fighting Vampire Road right now. ..." The Martial God ”Oswald is with us" When Mayfa told him so, the opposing Cecilia had a dry laugh. "Ha ha..." Demon Emperor ”Manuel,“ Martial God ”Oswald... I didn't know such a big guy would come out.... Well, I guess so. If you're going to fathom the Lord, you have to bring about that. - But then, I can't play anymore. We need to kick Brett and the others right away and go to the Lord's support. Two on one is... cowardly! From Cecilia's body, a pitch-black struggle blows up. It's such a horrible force that it's about to get barometric pressure. And... "To do that - first of all, Iris, you're here! Gin and Cecilia's eyes glowed red again. Ahead of that gaze, Iris, who is holding back on the guard. "Ah..." Little voice of a girl. Kakun, I found out behind my back that Iris' body had lost its power. I tongue in my heart. Exactly, couldn't the resistance of Illis resist Cecilia's [fascinating demonic eye]? I was expecting it, but when this happens, it's still a little bad. I [tranquillity] on Iris took away one hand, and Iris' [light guardian Luminous Protection] was crushed in preparation for the next Cecilian attack. It's not a good idea to leave the fascinated Illis alone by saying it is. If Cecilia were to be fortified with the auxiliary magic of Illis, that would be the worst. ... but one more thing. Cecilia probably has another miscalculation. We might be able to take him down if we keep pushing him off, but more than that... I turned to Rio, who was blown to the wall earlier, screaming. "─ Rio! Operation Plan B, [Moonlight Sword] on that wall! Rio, who was up and in shape, unleashes an attack from his standing position. It's right in front of her, against the wall. "Ha, ha, ha. - [Moonlight Sword]! ─ ─ Gin! Rio's struggling sword pierced the stone wall of the room greatly, causing great damage to the thick wall. Nothing like being destroyed by that alone, but it's the first blow first. Before I got here, I had informed the three Rio's beforehand of their operation when fighting Cecilia. I had patterned the operation into a number of scenarios, but I instructed Rio that this would be the case in this situation. But Cecilia, on the other hand, laughs at our actions like that. "Haha, you're doing exactly what Brett instructed you to do, you're healthy, Rio! But while you're doing that, you're gonna break my dear Brett! How dare you... [Moonlight Sword] ─ ─ Zubush! Cecilia released the [moonlight sword], but it cut my torso wide open. "Gu......! Honestly, it hurts so bad. My toughness doesn't sink in a single blow because it's not a dat, but yes, it's not as damaging as it can withstand many shots. Specifically, if I got two more shots, it would definitely fall off. No, maybe even the next shot could be dangerous after a little while. But... I'll treat Iris with magic for once. It takes at least a little bit to rebuild the place. "Ugh...! Shh, excuse me, Doctor! I'll be cured in a minute! Iris looks like he's back to sanity. To cure magic on me, I rush to start concentrating. But bad for Illis, but I really don't expect much from that. Cecilia's repeated use of the [Enchanted Demon's Eye] on Iris will only make her feather do a poorly exchanged Itachi that will keep taking away two healing hands over here. More than that, Attacker. I go on, screaming at Mayfa. "So is Mayfa! Operational Plan B, follow Rio! "... I know, brother. ─ ─ Go, [Undead Arrow (Phoenix Arrow)]!" Mayfa unleashes her special magic again. The target is not Cecilia, but the same stone wall that Rio attacked. ─ ─ Dogaaaaaaaaaaaa! Continuing with Rio's [Moonlight Sword], the thick stone wall, which also received a direct blow from Mayfa's [Immortal Bird Arrow (Phoenix Arrow)], finally wore out its endurance. All right, that's one more push. "Rio, kick your ass! "Ok, brother! Rio tries to tap a thoughtful kick into a worn wall that will break with one more hand. Cecilia, who saw it, scoffed high. "Hahaha, Brett's baaaaaaaa! I know it's an operation to bring in daylight, the weakness of vampires, but unfortunately it's dark cloudy weather today! You walked outside and you didn't notice? Not enough attention, not enough! Hahahaha! Hi. It seems that many of humanity are able to insult the intelligence of others. That sounds like the same thing being a vampire again, be it a brave man. So this is Cecilia's miscalculation number three. I don't mind screaming. "Rio, do it! "Come on, eh! Ahhhhh!" ─ ─ Dogayan! A brave Rio kick burst against a worn wall. Some of the thick walls completely collapsed, and there was a big wind hole. From the great pit of its wall, the light of day poured forth brightly. "Oh, no, why... whoa, whoa! Vampire-Cesilia, who has lost his great shield, suffers even if he is bathed properly without being able to block it. I stood in front of Cecilia like that, pressing the pain of my wound, putting up my sword. "Hey, nice weather, huh?“ Demon Emperor ”Manuel is the work of a disobedient grandfather. There's no windows. You wouldn't notice the weather outside if you were a coffin keeper in a closed room like this." "Grr......! No, no...! This, then, is my dream...! My dreams hump everyone as they desire. Ahhhhhh! "I'll preach exactly about that area later, so go to sleep. Bye, Mr. Cecilia... [Moonlight Sword] "Higaaaaaaaa! - Zuba! After a blow of todome I unleashed, Vampire-Cesilia fluttered and finally collapsed. "Phew..." I won. I look down at Cecilia, who fell on the floor, and breathe one big breath. And... "You did it, brother! "Ugh... sorry I pulled your leg, Doctor. I am prepared to take any punishment..." "... there's nothing about Illis pulling his leg. It's okay.... right, brother? "Oh, of course. All three of them had a tough time fighting their first strong enemy in action. Good day, everyone. Good luck." I did every single head of the three godchildren I had gathered, and then after using healing magic on myself, I put the three together and hugged them all. The three people I hugged were laughing and happy. It should be noted that after this, Cecilia was able to safely return to the human race thanks to Illis' [Ultimate Healing (Ultimate Heel)]. I am relieved that my biggest personal concern was resolved. And all that's left is the Vampire Road. Regarding this, there awaited an end with no more body or lid.
Lesson Well, it was good until Nori alone hugged the three young girls and made them cry. Once I had settled down on the street, what was I going to do with this situation? I predicted when the three of them stopped crying, and I walked away from them. The three girls were gathered together and sat down, absent. If it weren't for me, that brunette boyish kid who let go of the wooden stick would take a lot of leadership. When I'm here, it won't last long. I don't know about this situation. "Speaking of which, you're hungry. I forgot I haven't eaten anything since noon." That's what I say to keep things going and make you laugh hahaha. And then... ─ ─ Grr. It's not mine, someone's tummy bug rang. If you look, that tree stick girl was facing you with a shy stomach. She looks hungry too. But... "... I'm going to bed now. I can't help but be hungry when I'm awake. You go home too.... I'm glad you took us and held us." That's what the girl said, and she fell asleep at the cabin. The two remaining girls, unfortunately, look at me one way or the other, then fall asleep beside the brunette girl and wear a single blanket for three. Erm...... "You guys, what about rice? When I hear that, "I've already had enough for today" That's what the brunette girl answers. I'm not sure what the situation is, but it's not hard to imagine that even food isn't satisfied when children live here alone and the villagers don't involve them because they're cursed children. Kids have to eat properly. I don't grow anything that grows. "Okay, okay. Wait." That's what I'm leaving the cabin in the name of the College of the Brave. When he saw me, the brunette got up. "Hey, what are you waiting for!? We're already asleep! "Fine. Wait a minute." That's what I said, and now it's time to get out of the cabin. Shortly before closing the cabin door, I heard the girl snapping, "What the hell... I don't know what that means". Then I'll go back to my faculty residence first and bring one big pot and a street of dishes and cooking utensils. By the way, these were magically made of water and washed appropriately. The next thing I know, I went to the village chief's house again late in the night, and paid to have some salted pork and some vegetables, and some bread divided into it. Plenty of it, put it in a large pot and transport it to the front of a cabin named the school building. I picked up an affordable rock and combined it with magic to make a simple kamado in front of the cabin. Pick up more firewood and magically light it to create an incineration. Place plenty of water in a large pan and set on fire. Throw in properly chopped cabbage, carrots, turnips and other vegetables there and simmer salted pork to make soup. I don't think of flammable ingredients or anything like that, it's cluttered cooking. Cabbage and turnips don't feel subtle if they simmer too much, but they can't be eaten. In addition, anticipate the appropriateness and cook the appropriately sliced pork using the incineration. I'll lightly crush the bread. And by the time the soup was moderately simmered and the pork could be cooked fragrant, I went into the cabin to get the three kittens. "Hey, we're done." That's what I said when I opened the cabin door... ─ ─ Butterflies. Inside the cabin, three girls, who were going to lean against the door and sneak up to see how it was, were sitting right in the cabin to fix it up. A wooden stick, a dark-haired girl, makes excuses in a hurry. "Oh, you...! What were you doing on the table earlier! It didn't smell good. It was so noisy, you couldn't sleep! Um, I'm not being honest. Whatever you think, I waited in anticipation. Shall I make you a little mean here? "Oh, don't you want one? Okay, then just the two of us behind you. No. I made plenty of mesh, so let's eat together." "Heh...? I speak to the two girls behind me, the blonde girl and the silver-haired girl, over the head of the brunette girl. The two girls came to me flustered, dripping up at the voice of my temptation. The two give her a voice as they pass beside the brunette girl. "Rio...... I'm sorry. I can't... I can't stand this..." "... Rio, I'll eat you up to Rio's minute. ... Rio's sacrifice will not be in vain" "Ah! You guys betray me! ─ ─ Hey, wait a minute! I'll eat too! Let me eat! The brunette girl, betrayed by her two sisters, returned her palm in seconds. Hmm... there's no other love. So where they were all aligned before the bonfire. I'll pour a large bowl of pork and vegetable soup and give it to each other. Then I also gave him the roasted meat and the crusted bread on a plate. All three of them are staring at the dish with a drizzle. All right... "Well, I'll have..." "" "I'll have it! Shortly after the meal greeting, the girls began to be disappointed in the meal. "Ha-ha-ha! "Ngu" "Muggle" All three, great momentum. Instead of kittens, eating like a beast and bumping into the food. Yeah, yeah. It has to be like this with kids. "What do you say, good? "Shit! "It's delicious! "... God" The brunette girl you weren't honest with earlier, she's a lot more honest, too. I saw the faces of the girls obsessed with eating and thought they were cute. I can't stop Niyaniya. I'm glad you got flown, even if you just saw these guys' faces. It was me.