Stories Mercenary Troops In History "Sister! The enemy will be here soon! Send an immediate warning to my sister, who will return to me from the victory. It is my sister who is taking substantial command of the "flag bearer (royal)" and the militia, so the first person who should convey my sense of crisis is my sister. "Taro, talk to me." "The numbers are just over 0, straight from the southwest direction (...) coming this way. Some soldiers on horseback." "... straight, huh? I knew it would be easy to capture from a distance... and how skilled you are to possess a horseback squad." My sister turns a blind eye to the southwest direction. "That little smoke, that's the sand dust that's a sign of the march by the horse... that's fast..." As a concern, the smoke is increasing in magnitude, indicating high travel speeds. "I wish there was a garrisonable village nearby... at least I wanted a fenced defensive garrison, but I don't have time to travel. Besides, the enemy is a pain in the ass. I can't believe they're holding the horseback squad. They're the ones who train the militias pretty well..." First, NPC militias have three points: 'proficiency', 'fatigue' and 'preference'. Degree of practice creeps through battle and rises to defeat enemy soldiers. They are reflected in a direct increase in the status of the militia, which can consume even more earned 'proficiency' to change the soldier race. From infantry soldiers with only swords, to spear soldiers with spears, for example. However, if a soldier has the necessary equipment and cannot procure those weapons, protective equipment, etc., the soldier cannot be changed. The area can be sourced from garrisonable villages or robbed by defeating enemy troops. The fact that there are quite a few horseback riders in the enemy... can be said to be quite a strong man. There are not many villages that can procure horses. Without a garrison in a large military base, or looting numerous villages or being under control as garrisons, it would be impossible to match that number. Next, 'fatigue', but this means that if you serve too many militias in a row, fatigue builds up and bad status occurs. This area will recover if you give it a rest in what will be a garrison. The last 'preference' is that when this goes down too much, you stop listening to orders, or you slow down the reaction since you gave the orders. He said to raise his' preference ', he should feed the militia with meals sourced in the villages that will serve as garrisons, as well as supplies taken from enemy forces. It's even more important here, but we'll be able to fill vacancies. The popular "Platoon Leader (Command)" unit seems to gather people, and NPC militias are being increased when they stand up in the villages. Instead of replenishing the NPC militias that have been reduced in battle, some troops are growing more than they were in the early days. "But 700 people, they can't all be horseback riders either. Perhaps the advance team won't be ready to attack us, and we'll have to cut back on the horseback squad's mobility at a bad time." "How? "I'll put you in critical interception position... before you get any enemy advances over there." My sister pointed to a nearby hill. I see, if there is a slope, the propulsion force of the horse can also be lowered. It's like climbing a slope with bad scaffolding, and horse speed would be considerably reduced. Besides, if you can set up at the top of the hill, you can shoot arrows from the top, and you should be able to stand around in your favor. If we succeed, it will be possible to wipe out a unit called the Cavalry. That should hold us to about five minutes of battle when the enemy's successor gets here. "Guys, move to the top of that hill right away! Hurry up! The enemy is approaching! It was Goran, Moran, Yukikaze, and Senna who led the Long Spear militia unit! My sister's instructions are accurate. A horseback squad, if approached, is easily destroyed if it is an infantry with its thrust and momentum. But if it's a long spear of reach, it goes well with the horse riding squad. You can stab your opponent and drop him before he approaches you, or you can damage the horse and sharpen his momentum. Besides, I have an amazing sister who casually memorizes the names of the platoon captains (commands) of the silver soldiers (Silverlay). "And then it's Gilta and Johann who are training the militia units of the Great Shield! Long spears and big shields, you guys, line up in the southwest front! The Archer Squad is right behind the Great Shield Squad! Others are waiting at the top! Hurry, and issue a decree to the 'platoon leaders (commands)', whose sister leads the militia, but they are not seen in a hurry. There's a tense air going on somewhere, and that's the alarm created by winning streaks after streaks. The only thing that was showing a stiff movement was the same mercenary regiment (clan) as my sister's "Neck Hunting Insanity." "Ladies and gentlemen! The enemy is right that close! Look, there it is! If I am killed, your militia will be weakened. Please, please, hurry! I plead desperately too and urge everyone to get the interception formation in place as soon as possible. "Angels are scared... they need to protect you" "What are you freaking out about that girl?" "We need to hang on... Whoa, let's go! "Bring it on! "All personnel, put it on combat deployment! "" Saar! Yesser! "" Then "Platoon Leader (Command)" and "Flagbearer (Royal)" increased the softness and speed of movement for me. Somehow, by the time we get to the enemy, everyone's going to be able to get to the top of the hill. "The sun is leaning... it's going to be a night fight" "Right. But it's easy to shoot a bow unilaterally because there's a difference." "The hills are highly advantageous, but even at night they're always in a position to be seen by the enemy, so it's easy to be approachable." "Still, the best thing right now is the formation here, right? "Right." As the two of us identify the future battlefield, they report that each of the "Flagger (Royal)" and "Platoon Leader (Command)" are in position. At the same time, the enemy was approaching the end of his eyes and nose. "Here comes the enemy! "Long Spear Squad out front! We don't have to storm yet! My sister skips the preaching order early. "When the Horse Riders start climbing the hill, this one starts raiding too! Whatever you do, stop the horseback squad from marching! Enemy horseback squadrons march on with the darkness behind them. In response, this long-spear soldier descends from the hill and waits for the assault now or now. Should I say as my sister expected, the enemy's follow-on is a lot behind the horseback squad. The number of enemy horseback squadrons that served as an advance party is approximately 100. "I can't believe how many horses we can procure over there... that's a pretty good deal..." And our concerns have been misplaced. As soon as I saw the interception formation over here, the opponent made it look close to the hill, detouring to the big right and waiting with enough distance. It would be an arithmetic formula that joins with the successors to take a closer offense. "Mr. Yako, you've avoided the cavalry drain." "Over there, he's quite capable." I have to agree with Tom and Shelley's point. You are familiar with this range to shoot a bow, or the horse riding squad's foot is stopped at a critical line. "You know exactly how far this range is, even though there are high and low differences due to the hills..." For a while then, the nervousness of the name of silence just continues to solicit. As long as the enemy has a horseback squad, this one wants to avoid frontal collisions in the plains as much as possible. That's predicted, too, and that's why you can wait in a relaxed way to rendezvous with your successor. "... you're going to make a lot of room..." From the way the enemy manipulates the militia (sama) and the way they stand around in such psychological warfare, I could understand that they are quite experienced enemies in militia warfare. "But this one has a lot of morale." They understand what's going on here. Enemy is numerically more advantageous: 500 to 700, and no matter how much this one was raising the militia status to the bottom with the effect of 'Commander (Officel)', fighting from the front would be disadvantageous. Besides, our opponents are trying to fight us with sober tactics. "I'm not (...) avenged by the nagging and optimism of winning streaks." "Thoughts are important because you want to win." I haven't lost in feelings. However, arrogance can often blunt judgment and first moves. It was too late to set up on this hill. Disappear altogether at dusk, and a book of nights descends around you. At the same time, an arrow descended that led to death. The sound of hum, hum, gah, intermittently sounds, and even if the no responds, the feeling of impatience boils. "Become. This is a fight too! Archers and Big Shields, forward! My sister's directive included thoughts like earning a little range, so I pushed the troops forward. The Long Spear Squad stands by in the second position so that they can respond immediately when the Horse Riders have covered the assault. "Sister, there's a small number of arrows fired from the other side in the dark." With arrows flying sporadically from various directions, Tom predicts so. And that's not all. Numerous arrows also fly in from the front at regular intervals. "Sister, the arrow count is definitely being shot from the enemy's main unit." "He may have a derivative muscle of archers, long archers." "Maybe the enemy's main unit isn't intact. Long archers are nearly 1.5 times more likely to range than regular archers." "Maybe it's all in the math." "Well, then, enemies, there's not a lot of trouble, but it's definitely going to cut our troops." "To cover the small amount of trouble, he said he'd sporadically approach the regular archers and shoot them in secrecy" This bow attack will not arrive, and that bow will surely shoot this militia. Jiri is poor as it is. "That sucks... there's no other way out of here..." My sister's bitter expression was like saying that she was feeding the horseback riding squad when she came out to discuss it.
"I'm sorry, guys! Tonight's broadcast is over!" "Taro-chan has a lot to offer, and it's bad enough you just let us hang out with her." The two of them became gods of care, and as soon as they saw me and me hugging each other, they told the listeners to stop the broadcast. "I'll broadcast it later, right?"I'm looking forward to it! " I'll see you guys! "Oh, um! Guys, I'm sorry!" Come on, bow down too, Elle. " "... if oniichan says so" Elle muttered softly and expressionlessly as she lowered her head. With this, we managed to respond to the comments of the listeners who did not hesitate to end the distribution, and tonight's delivery was closed.Soon after that, the two of Krulus came up to me and Elle with excitement. "Taro-chan! I know Taro-chan!" "It was very strong, wasn't it? I admire you so much... I want to try to dump it like that someday." My sister Clara has a rough nose, and my sister Lulus is gazing at Miel with a frantic smile. Clara somehow understands, but isn't it a little scary to say that even Lulus-chan, who seems so generous, would show joy at Elle's appearance...?"Even if the idols are bumpy..." "Ahh, I'm sorry I interrupted the delivery of the listener who escorted me somehow." For my part, I felt guilty that Elle's sudden break-in had forced Krall's delivery to end in the middle of the day, and I felt sorry for the Krall's guards, who were so few in number. There were many things, but the two of them talked happily to Elle with a gesture that they didn't care. "No problem! Everyone thinks it's a good experience."Also, in the next video, [What is the identity of the mysterious beautiful girl?!] So you're going to be able to catch a lot of titles? "Sister Lulu (hey), don't try to create a flow that might make this child appear." "Um, let's introduce ourselves first!"My name is Clara. Nice to meet you. " "Even if I introduce myself, it's not okay for me to appear in the broadcast.I'm Lulus. May I ask your name? " "... oniichan, are these people enemies?" Elle turned a subtle swordshield gaze to the two of them, ignoring Krall's introduction.I rushed to see my sister-in-law like that. "Friends, you two are friends!" What, it's not funny? Even though I wanted to make a mess, it was terrible because I could read my thoughts. "Um... Clara-chan, Lulus-chan, this is Elle."Actually, it's my sister. " "Oh no. How beautiful Taro's family is." "Wow, I thought you looked alike... nnh, sister?" The two of them looked at me and El alternately. Oops, no matter what I look like now, I look younger than me... "Hahaha, I see."Taro-chan is also cute, isn't she? " "Sister Lara, stop it."Taro-chan is at that age, too. " Sometimes, you can also boogie with onee-chan That's why I said, "Let's stop." Shit, the idols are watching us with very warm eyes. This is... that's it, right? It's misunderstood that I'm younger than you, and my sister, Mi, is growing up... making you blow the wind, right?And I accept such a young me with kindness...! "I thought it was amazing, but I was relieved to have a childish side."Well, Taro's pretty old.Convinced, convinced, convinced! El-chan is Taro-chan's sister. " "Taro-chan is amazing, so I'm going to sulk."Soon you'll be a bigger sister than we are? " Can you both stop smiling at each other like a young child!? How dare you break through all my interactions with Klarus again, so that Elle can interrupt the conversation between the two of them... and physically come out in front of me and face me. Oniichan, check your status. Huh? Elle was not surprised because it was the usual thing to talk about suddenly, but now she has the disturbing status of God Attribute (Duke), so she remembers the strange catch on that word. God Attribute (Duke), look. "Elle... why are you soloing me..." Elle, [Eyes that weather the gods (Medusa Eyes)], yes. Apparently, my sister was climbing to a level where she could see what was happening to the gods."I guess Medusa is a legendary way to petrify sightings...!" I can't help wondering why Elle has such abilities, but I can't help but ask for details in front of Krallus. In particular, I don't feel like listening to Clara. So I don't have to talk too much, and I just check my status as Elle tells me. : Divine Blood 95: Divine will: 50 55: "Wow..." I don't remember getting anything about myself or encountering an event after I last checked my stats.In other words, if the god attributes are automatically increased, this city will be sure to be an area that is strongly influenced by the most powerful NPC in the clan, the Seraphim. That's not good, anyway. Divine Blood is a blessing in the game, but divine will interferes with my mental state. If I don't have the means to lower my will, I won't stop the increase in crime (guilty) mercenaries (players), but I'll be in danger myself if I don't leave the [Corrupt City of Iron and Chains Gildigallion]. Besides, there are still other concerns. Isn't it true that El had the title of 'Disobedient to God'? Yeah. Because of the title, Elle is somehow attacked by the Maintenance NPC god (Deus) without question. I guess the effect of the title was that it was easily viewed as hostile by someone with the [God Attribute (Duke)] or had a significantly lower liking...? Especially when it comes to emotional impact, it seems obvious that the number of [divine will] that I have is relevant. "Oniichan, don't get along with Elle." "Um, yeah. I don't want to do that either, but I want to do something about it..." So far, there's nothing like family love for Elle.However, I don't know what kind of influence will start to appear if the divine will continues to rise in the future. "To be honest, I'm only anxious..." After all, I already made the decision to risk my family because I didn't want to endanger strangers all over the country.It is unclear whether the cause is "all of them" acquired by the rise of divine will, but it cannot be reckless enough to affirm that it is irrelevant. "It's okay, I'll leave it to Elle." Leave it to me. Do you know what Elle is? "El, you've done a lot of quests. Elle, you're stronger than ever." ”Ho ho ho” "Elle, there's a lot of information." "Hmmm." I secretly think that I can't lose as my brother after watching my sister grow up to talk to El full of myself. "Oniichan, what did you get recently?" "Er... speaking of loot, the Great Sin Skill [Devouring]?" I remembered the skill I had taken from Gratnio, the Overeating King. "That's it. That's the stupid Morrigan (...)." Morrigan? Is that the goddess of war in this city? "Um, no, but it's the same." "Oniichan, I'll take a heavy sin skill." I want to eat dinner, I want, my desire " Ah, is this something related to your ego! "Divine will, down. Feelings remain the same. Fill up on the Great Sins Skill "A lot...?" A Crimes skill is basically a special skill that you can steal when you kill someone you have.However, in my case, it is because I am in control of this city. When I killed Gratnio, the Rogue King, it was a special specification to copy instead of simply robbing him of his Crimes Skill. In other words, I still had the Phagocytosis skill in my hands, as well as Gratnio's. The benefit was that Gratnio, the Overeating King, was able to use his [Phagocytosis] skill at a level he had worked hard to raise.The disadvantage is that you can't increase your Skill Lv on your own after copying it. If you want to improve your Skill Lv from now on...... I was dumbfounded thinking that maybe Gratnio should kill and copy it again at the time of increasing his [Phagocytosis] Skill Lv. There was a need to repeat the Great Sin Kill in an unexpected place. "I see! If I hunt down the city's most sinful skill holders, I'll have zero souls!" If that happens, even [all of them] will disappear! Elle thinks of something for a while in my hopeless observations. Yeah. Do you have the same heavy sin skill to collect it over and over again? Let's give it a try! However, if I kill an NPC with a heavy sin skill... the heavy sin skill will be completely mine, but the NPC itself will not resurrect.Therefore, it would be impossible to steal the Great Sins Skill over and over again. After the two [Hell's Watchdog (Orthros Family)] killed the predecessor boss of [Fate Nostradrum] and took away the Great Sin Skill [Greed], the proof was that the NPC that possessed [Greed] had not appeared instead. "Is the target only a mercenary (player) with a heavy sin skill?"Wait, can I let other mercenaries (players) take away the NPC's culpable skills... and keep aiming at them? " Lucky Luciano, the active boss of Destiny Pointer , who usually does not appear on the surface at all and is spitting out his boya that it is quite hard to crush.If you use my authority well, you can drag him out and use it as a bait to negotiate... yes, I'll help you destroy Lucky Luciano, for example, so you can ask someone to periodically copy your Crimes Skill.In essence, it's "let me kill you over and over", so it's hard to agree with the content, but there must be some mercenaries (players) who want power in this city so much that they can get it out of their throats. The concern is... that as soon as you have a powerful culpability skill, you may be forced to flip the deal.That's why you should choose someone you know well. "It looks like you're having a suspicious conversation, deputy." Clara, with a cookie and the beautiful girls' frivolous black smile, comes over to us. Behind her, Lulus had a strange expression that worried her. I know Krall's been listening to you, but I don't think it's safe to involve the two of you in what we're going to do. Let's deceive her and tell her we want to do something different tonight. "Um, I've got a little errand to run.From here on, I think I'd like to do something else. " Alternate sir, you smell like war. Taro-chan and the others... are going to kill someone? Clara smiled militantly and Lulus chewed her lips anxiously. If it's the Grand Marshal of this city, Krulls and the listeners will cooperate. "If we can help you... let's see if we can help Taro-chan." Ugh. Clara-chan and Lulus-chan had a completely different aura, but they were under a lot of pressure. "Besides, doesn't it seem interesting?"In return for your cooperation, of course, in the form of distribution... would you like to do it, deputy? " "Sister Lara (hey), do it immediately!"If you hate Taro-chan, you can't! " It's about Clara-chan, so it's interesting to say that she's about to commit a felony murder. "Let's deliver the battle!'and will come up with a proposal.It would be like revealing my hand to an unspecified number of listeners... but with the help of Kralsfan in this city, it would be a lot easier to kill for infinite crimes. If you choose an opponent who can defeat you without showing off your vital backhand... is that okay? Moreover, even if it is broadcast in the stream, it will be difficult to know the details of skills, etc., and the visible information is terribly limited. Then I think it is better to accept their offer here. Well then, let's spoil the two of you. "Elle, that's enough." I don't want anybody else. " "Well, well, why don't you say so?"After all, the enemy has a lot of troublesome abilities. " Somehow I convinced Elle that she was unhappy, and once again I would tell the two Kralls a rough explanation of the situation without telling them anything deep. "Serious sin killer... what's so funny!" Taro-chan, don't just push yourself, okay? It's okay. Let's practice killing a felony with the front seat (...) before challenging my orders. But that frontier person also has a tremendous skill called the Great Sin Skill, right? "That's right, but I think it's easier to win than it is to win."Especially since one (...) major sin skill (...) is in a situation that (...) is almost covered, and I've already done it several times. " "... That's right. Taro-chan is also fighting a family (family) that can be feared in this city..." "Taro-chan is out of standard... ahaha" With a dry smile on his face and Krall's butt, I can't help but contact my more dependable companions. I understand. If that's the case, it's urgent. " "The angel is no longer an angel!?"That's too much, I can't forgive you!Let's make those dogs a blood feast and restore their peace of mind! ' "This game is really dangerous... but don't worry, Taro."Just as many achievements came out, Lily and Minazuki's friendly combinations were invincible. ” I don't remember getting along with this little girl.I just thought it would be for Taro-san's sake..... " Me too! If you want to fight together next to an angel, you can endure it even if you drink poison! Hey Mina-san!? Who did you say you were poisoning just now!? I'm relieved to hear from the three of us as usual. Looks like the three of them, Tova, Mina, and Lily, had made some progress. Now that we've finished sharing information, we're steadily preparing for the Great Sin Kill. "The darkness of this city is probably deep-seated..." Because it is dark and wide darkness, there are many who take advantage of that darkness and leap. Darkness, seclusion, and eventually darkness will swallow all of us. Then I'll devour all the darkness. That's right, deputy! I smile softly at Clara, who is putting in a good hand. "Hmph, you're an unexpected servant of evil!"
"Excuse me, I will..." "You're Taro's friend. I know you do, but if it's a weird imitation..." I say something to my best friends as I arm myself so that my sister separates them from me in a somewhat high-pressure manner. "Sister, I don't know why you're upset, but I hope you don't hit my friend" "There's nothing wrong with me. Well, if Taro says he trusts you, I won't say anything... both of you, come to my house" Even though I wouldn't say anything, my sister fished up just the corner of her mouth. His eyes are as sharp as the beast targets his prey, and he is quite killer. Eyes speak eloquently of things, or that gaze would be too scary. That's how I get my best friends to come into my apartment under my sister's stare. And for the first time in a long time, he led me to my room... "So, why is my sister in my room?" "To keep an eye out." My sister stares at them at night. I take an unexpected sigh of sight in the obvious surveillance posture. "Sister... I'm such a nari now, too, but I'm a clean high school year boy, so I have one or two things I want to talk to my friends about. I hope you don't follow me." "But Taro! "Please, sister" No matter how close your family is, it's foolish, impossible to talk naked about a topic about someone you like. Shame on you or die. "Wow, ok...... I'll bring some barley tea later" "Stop poisoning me or something" "Mm, ok...... keep spicy spices in" "I guess I'd appreciate it if you gave me a normal one" As my sister thus left my room, my best friends were relieved in a ho. I immediately logged out of Clan Clan and contacted both of you on the line after I found out that you were Mr. Twa. I'm ashamed, it's no exaggeration to say that I cried 'what should I do' in my panic. The two of them witnessed an important matter called Un Bai, and since I took refuge, I have remained sweet to my best friends, as if something had blown out. They replied to my SOS like that with pleasure. "Will you meet and talk this evening?" 'I'm okay, too. Let's discuss it.' Sometimes two days before school day, I really appreciate that you told me to think of a way to deal with it right away because I didn't have much time. It's these guys that keep me calm right now. So I feel sorry for my sister's attitude like that. "I'm sorry... I had you come all this way" Even though it had not been three hours since I sent the message, my best friends had gathered here. "No, that's fine. I don't even know how your sister feels." "Yeah, yeah. But Shintaro..." "Hmm?" "At home, do you always look good like that? Chill Yuki looks at me and asks me that question. Speaking of my current outfit, this thin white short-sleeve hoodie features the eyes and mouth of a character named Schnamon. I wear shorts to match it. I'm showing you the majority of my legs, but this is cool, so it's comfortable and even simple to wear in a room. At first glance, the hoodie's long hem makes it look like he's not wearing anything, but he's well equipped. I don't feel uncomfortable if I think of it as a little shorter shortbread. Plus, these loose clothes make me feel comfortable outdoors. "I had resistance at first, but it was easy to spend time with them. I don't even have eyes (...) and I don't know if I want to. And my sister said she should get used to wearing women's clothes. Plus, the clothes I wore before are not the right size and bulky." "No, we have eyes, we have eyes." Yuki stuck his shoulder at night and blocked his words. "Oh well." I looked at the wall for some reason as I quickened my glasses at night. Evening Fai began to look at the veranda, even as she nicked. Hey, why are you looking away from me? "What are you guys looking at? "Oh, compared to when I came here, hey, I think the atmosphere in the room has changed." "Yeah? He said it's a beautiful day. It's going to be hot on school day." "Hmm? Nothing's changed. Besides, it's summer now, and isn't it natural to get hot? "Oh well. That was my mistake." "If you say so, yes." "I have to tell you..." "That's the only way..." The Buddha (two) Shintaro is actually an in-game taro, and he said he was playing with me all day today. But even if she suddenly tells me that on the line or something, she will wonder what she is doing to herself. As a result of the discussion, I came to the conclusion that I should tell them directly on the day of school attendance. Initially, the two of you were so cautious about school day that you denied going to school considering me (boobs). "Don't you mind if I skip about a day or two on school day? "If Shintaro thinks it's too much of a burden to feel comfortable with, I think it is too." The reason I'm sick is because I'm sick. You're not lying. Missing... Exactly what I am now with a disease called 'Sexual Transformation Disease'... But Sole can only be a front for the problem. "As a special exchange student in the" Rainbow Goddess (Arco Illis) "church line, I called Sister Lean... and she asked me to come to school as firmly as possible..." My position at the church was that it also concerns the prestige of the church if it is not behaving correctly because it treats privileged students and exchange international students. Even if you serve the goddess, you shouldn't be lazy. It is not a good idea to defy the Church's policy in front of me, which originally respected my desire to continue going to school today and pushed me to set up a preferential student frame. On top of that, I was thinking about grabbing my smartphone now... and sending it to Sy. "Well, why don't you start with 'Long time no see' or something without difficulty? "And then" Summer break, how was it - "or" It's hot, isn't it "or" How were you? Just a little talk about no other love. " "'Tomorrow and the day after, it's school day.'" "Why don't we just send the real sentence from there? The main topic is' I have an important story to tell Mr. Miyano on school day. Can't we talk for a minute that day? '. That's settled. Had it not been for the two of us, I wouldn't have carried things so smoothly. The advice of Shaking Night (Koya) and Yuki is very reliable. And then there's 'Long time no see. How were you during your summer vacation?' and just send a moonlight sentence. But I can't really tap on the transmission. I've had my meal so far, but the reason I can't step out is... "Cee... she has someone she likes..." Do I need to explain something to her? Doesn't it matter? In this way, I am glad that I have been able to speak again. But on the other hand, I'm scared of how she'll react, and my fingers won't move. "You guys were even talking about that already in the game? In order to ask the question at night, I will tell you what Mr. Twa told me. "I see. But isn't it your chance to be discouraged by the Soviets? "Where's your chance to look like this... even though it's a disadvantage..." I can't believe I'm homosexual... from the average high school girl, it's a problem with too high a hurdle. Even school uniforms may have received new items. It's a uniform for girls. "Ooh... that's right..." Nature and our gaze gathered in the uniform on the wall. Of course, uniforms for male students are also permitted as a consideration for patients with 'sexually transmitted diseases'...... "But you're not going to give up your feelings for Miyachi, are you? "Yeah......" "Then you're not saying uddauda! Whatever happens, you have us! Bassi slaps me in the back economically at night. Now thick, big hands transmit a tingling heat all over my body. I felt that the pain cheered me up wonderfully. "Is that it? If Shintaro can't have her at night, do you want to tell her that we'll take her place? "Ba! It's not like that! I'm just trying to encourage him! "I know, Lori. Eyeglasses." "Behold, you belly-black bastard!" As usual, chatter leaks (and laughs) unexpectedly at the two intertwined figures. "Haha, thanks both of you" In this way, I could send a message to Sy. "Go and stay with us today." If you look at the clock, you realize you've already been around seven o'clock at night, and I suggest you do so, no matter what. The thanks for the consultation were also dinner or something. No. My sister's food is delicious. Even if I wore something I used to wear, it would fit in tight. "Oh?" Two people who are feeling a little hardened for some reason. "Quick story... erm..." "Now what? Yuki asks me back for some reason. "No, so we're talking about staying the night" "Whoa!? "What a surprise. You stayed at Yuki's house last year or something. He said he'd study for a joint exam." They were looking at each other in the face. They stare at each other for a few seconds to see what it is. Hey, there. What, by the time they tried to penetrate each other with a hot gaze, somehow the two sighed a little and shook their shoulders with a bitter laugh. "Damn, I can't help it. If you don't like me that much, I'll hang out with you tonight or so." "If I leave Shintaro alone, I'm worried." "Oh, you! I'm not like that! But the two laughers wave flirtatiously, in a totally frightened manner. "Quick story, 'cause I know." "I mean, Shintaro, even if you're wrong, you shouldn't invite me to Yuji or anything like that." "No, because I won't do it to him" Then we had dinner and talked about things late for the first time in a long time. For some reason, Evening Fai and Shaking Night was a little strange when I was corny in bed or soaking up when I told her I had 'bathed -' after bathing. After all, we have a sister, and I guess I sometimes wonder if she's elsewhere. When I slept, I laid a futon for my absent father, mother, and sister, and we all fell asleep in the letter of the river. But he didn't sleep very well, and ended up talking until dawn, kidding around about getting a little clan clan or something in. "It's time to go to bed..." "... n" I feel that the positions where we can lie on each other's bodies were just a little further away than at previous nightclubs. It's a secret that I just got a little lonely. Is the sky whitening or staring blurry at the sunlight coming in through the gaps in the curtains? "... good night, both of you" Speak to your best friends who fall asleep with their backs turned. "Ah." "Yeah." The answer is only one word, but a reassuring voice. The gentle voices of the two of you, they sound in my heart. It blended into the midst of the melt.
Stories Downpouring Is The Flame Of Icons I heard the noise after a long time of explaining to people in the upper ecclesiastical hierarchy what 'angel class' is. "I need to get in touch with Yuki at night... what the hell? It's noisy." Having completed all those procedures, including what to do with the future management of the Blue White Tang, the day of the Angel Appointment Ceremony and confirmation of the means of communication to have the guardian present, I am finally free and just out of the auditorium. Shaking night or Evening Fai should be waiting somewhere, so let's just give the two of them a call on their smartphones. But I wonder what's wrong because there's never been any sign of either of us leaving. "That's the Mayfly. Whether the Lord wants it or not, let the silence fall." It is the Blue White Tang, the Holy Relic (Durelic) that makes noisy noise behind it. She was given a GPS, and the management passed to me because "I wish the church side could always confirm its position." Because she didn't give up trying to get away from me. Fuel, principles and mechanisms are completely mysterious, so as far as I'm concerned, I was wondering if it would be safer to put them under church control once, but maybe there's no problem because the church side accepted her request. I laugh lightly at her for being such a precious sacred relic. "No, no, I'm fine. But I'm also a little concerned about all that noise in this school, so let's see." No thoughts, just blurry. If you're invited by the strong sun to look up, you think it's beautiful in a good, sunny sky? This Sister clothing doesn't make me feel the heat of summer. I can feel the right temperature and get invited to a pounding nap. I can't believe I'm walking relaxed. The noise is apparently behind the auditorium where I gave the lecture. Oh, there's a lot of beautiful seven-color glass in the wall window on the back side, too. What a touching stained glass embedded in the auditorium. So when you get to the scene where it's a bustle. For a moment I couldn't understand what was happening. Yuki is bleeding from his head and strangled with wings. Shot in the face and blown away at night. And the young girl who's falling beside me - is that Kiiko? Would it take about seconds to understand the situation? Hey, people in white uniforms there. What are you doing to my best friend? The passion that rises from the bottom of his belly circles all over his body, it is as wild as a tsunami that has lost its way, and hatred floods all at once. I even saw visions where my vision stained bright red with a flame of anger. "... Blue White, I'd like to ask for a little cleaning. I want to be quiet around here." "If you will, Lord." "Mine! What are you doing to my best friends! If you scream like that, the white uniforms will only stop moving for a moment. The number is as high as 2. You think you've done such a terrible thing to a bunch of defenseless, shaky nights? "I won't forgive you..." Separation of mind and brain. Thoughts are terribly cold, even though emotions are boiling like boiling hot water. How best to get through this. Leaving yourself to anger and beating all those people in white uniforms? No, it's not. "" Gathering of Wisdom "Rubik Architect" - Type Square (Cube) " Squeeze and activate the power gained in the game as' Talent Holder '. How important is the synthetic recipe mastered within the clan clan. Even if you can grasp materials that can be synthesized with intuition, you don't completely know what you can make. Even though apple juice made from tap water and apples, shown to the shaking nights before, can be expected, the result is not certain. However, if you have made something once in a clan clan, you know how to get the synthetic results. It also helped in the synthesis exercised at the earlier speech, but here again it lives up to it. Colorful raw stone decorated with auditorium windows, stained glass. If you choose a blue stone from it, the blue stone changes like sand and dust and flows into the square (cube) that I have at hand. The next ingredient to choose is a bottle with an open mouth that Kiiko was holding even as she fell down. During the speech, it was handed out for water supply, whether it was holy water or not, but if you choose it, it is instantly absorbed into a square (cube). Instantly align the colors in a square (cube). Blue, transparent, mixed colors, I complete one item. It's called "The Nucleus of Slime" + "Purified Water" in the game. The result, of course, is not 'Emerald (Emerald) Tears' - yeah? ... Unlike the game, the color is not green but blue. Faster than you think, instinctively activate the "Appraisal Eye" to distinguish what you can do. Hmm, "Tears of Pale Purity (Pure Blue)"? It turned out to be a bit of a different looking potion than in the game, but I could make something that would work for the purpose. If you are satisfied with the item creation and bring your gaze to Chirali and the White Uniforms, the Blue White Tan will take control of them with ease. Her blue and white dress flickers as she moves agile, and the only thing that remains after that sway is the look of the white uniforms getting bored. "Goho." "Ouch." Leave the physical attack entirely to the Blue White Tan. I want you to remind me of what they did in the most regrettable way. Her manoeuvres are exquisite and not by the time she hunts consciousness by pain. You should taste the pain carefully over and over again like that. My face rubs off, the taste of blood blooms in my mouth, and all over my body screams with pain. It is a natural punishment for those who caused Evening Fai and the others such terrible wounds. Giving a cold laughing smile to "The Skinny Silver Ice Princess" that accurately curses my will. Then she also returns it with a gentle smile of absolute zero degrees just looking at this one for a moment. Yeah, that's fine. "Gu, even though you are the fiancée of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, stop! "What the heck!? "Sacred relics I saw earlier (durelic)!?" "Stay, don't do anything to break this! However, some of the white uniforms demonstrated human discrete physical abilities and deflected blue-white tang fists with more than an Olympic gymnast. Even the end, from the palm of his hand, to the guy who flies a small fireball like that unleashed by Mohusa, a monster of Clan Clan. Hmm. 'Talented (Holder)' or if so, this one doesn't condone it either. "Blue White Tan! At their feet..." "Yes, so su" Sprouts are frozen meadows. The clear plants that fill the foot of the white uniform grow like waves. They crawled to their ankles as tangled and sealed their movements. In that gap, I sprinkle a potion rushing over to Shaky Night and Evening Fai. "It's late. Are you okay?" "Oh, thank God..." "Ji, Shintaro, Arisa, Toto" In anticipation of the two wounds healing while I look at them, I will also let Kiiko drip the rest of the tears of pale purity (pure blue). "Ah... Huh? Er..." Kiiko, who regained consciousness, was surprised with an indescribable look. Before she can say anything that way, a voice that can't contain frustration sounds strong. "The Buddha, Shintaro, was a Japanese national carrying the circle of fire before he was a believer in the" Rainbow Goddess (Arco Illis) "church! "Therefore Mr. Buddha should not be in this St. Iris School" They are also "talented (holders)" and seem to have been easy to unwind as much as the added and subtracted restraints of the Blue White Tang. "We should put that book in the Royal Japanese Academy, which bears the thunderbolt that left our school building and sailed! "Not to mention that if you are the wife of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who is responsible for the future of Japan, there is no question about the treatment! I mean, what the hell are these people talking about? Royal Japanese Academy? If I don't get through there, what? That's why you sifted violence on Shaking Night and Evening Fai? "Are you dealing with Shintaro? "Between now and then, today. Who do you think sends Shintaro to school where there are people who make it easier for people to enjoy their rights? Best friends talking about topics beyond my understanding. Against the two, the white uniforms do not break their unscrupulous attitude as fine dust. "Wow. Will you shield His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and us connected to Emperor Ignitore? "Turning the whole of Japan against the enemy is the pinnacle of stupidity. It is very dangerous for the offender to serve beside the person who will be the Crown Prince's wife." Warnings become alarms, signals of threats and violence. That's how the enemy chant rang. "'Big ball, burn the great revenge' -" Yeah, that's a dialogue I've heard. "'Wearing with thunder is a demon. Thunderlight of Kamikimaru, dwell in my arms." Hmm, I haven't heard of this one, but from the content, is it a lightning attribute? ... I hope you don't mind. What are you getting so hot about a story I don't know? We should just chill out and make all these dislikes reflect. Then I could ask my best friends. I hope to put an end to this as soon as possible. "Blue white tan. Shut me up completely already." "Su by your will." A few moments after the Blue White Tan accepted, the white uniform guys activated a dangerous ability. "Fireball in the Sky!" "Thundernet Feichimaru! Three looming fireballs. Diameter and soccer ball. Large flames, if that one gets hit, it's not a free burn. And an electric shock running through the air. This is not a speed you can follow with your eyes for a long time, but it was only for a moment that the light was dazzled by stretches to several muscles. What clashes with them playing a fierce explosion sound is the more than a thousand ice needles produced by Blue White Tan. Hundreds of flying needles do not gain momentum and instantly swallow the abilities of the white uniforms. And the way we're going, of course, is with their bodies. Bad, I overdid it. That needle sticks all over my body as it is. It could be a tragedy that's not where the major injuries are, a tragedy that will cost your life if you do poorly. Right after he went on a tour and tried to scream, "Put a thousand needles in the blue white," The blast fell (...) above the sky and came. The turbulence of fire pours down like a curtain below heaven, so as to envelop all the thousand needles that skewer life. Everyone on the spot was overwhelmed by the clever feat of extinguishing only that thousand needles. That was no exception to me, and I was nothing short of a heat wave full of vision. That's how he grips all of the paranormal, and one boy flutters down at that point where the flames whirl but end. A person who elegantly softens burning red hair and wears a fine white fabric blazer. Around him lies the remnants of the earlier flame... a flame in the shape of a wolf drifts brilliantly as it releases burrs and plasma. When the boy groaned so, the flaming wolf magically melted into the void and disappeared. I was distraught to see how it was going. Together, but especially the guys in the white uniform are severely upset. "Why is His Highness... in a place like this..." "Your Royal Highness, play..." The white uniforms show respect for him with their flat-headed work, shifting from their earlier unsatisfactory attitude. That should be it too, the red-haired boy wears the same uniform as them... because he's the one who just met me face-to-face the other day. "You can't hurt my fiancée." He has a sweet grin on his neat face, but no gentle light on his eyes. Some of those sharp-eyed white uniforms seem to be constricting. Things no one can anticipate. To the sudden arrival of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince... should my spearhead of anger be directed at him? Anyway, I couldn't hide the upset.
"Meteor Flowing in Heaven and Night" [A glimmer of light cleaves through the nightmarish pitch-black night sky. When looking at the future from a meteor that suggests auspicious omens, a hero emerges who overshadows the destiny of dyeing black (jizoku) spreading. Weapons made of meteorites are destined to be in the hands of heroes. In addition, according to another theory, some read it as the light of fallen heaven, and it is also a stone that foresees the coming of a demon fallen more than heaven] "I got it. Meteorite? It's like a shooting star." The minerals in my hands that succeeded in rarifying "Kuroyao Iron" were whiter than snow and sparkled stronger than the sun. "You know, turning from black to white... it's a case. This is a case! Amazing Gantetsu and Mr. Genklow. And at some point, behind me was Masamune, who was also the leader of the Mercenary Corps (Klan) "The Martial Striker". ...... Though he was still a Mr. Masamune with a rocky, murky body and not a slight movement like a mountain. That beard and the hidden eye behind his forehead were eloquently telling the story of his inner heart. Quick, he wants to talk to the ore I made. "Thank you for giving up the Playground Furnace. Take this." Once again, I put the minerals on the table, thanking Mr Masamune. "... originally an unusable furnace.... never mind" "Oh man! This is amazing... look, hardness and demon forge are not the norm! "The likelihood of a fusion... what a number... if I could even make a single sword with this..." Lizards and Intelli seem to be no less excited than the head of the regiment. "You guys..." To the two obsessed with the ore I gave them, Mr. Masamune, the captain of the regiment, instructed them to do something with his jaw (chin) with his hands together. Then each one of them shows me a swing of [the sword]. One has an impressive reddish blade like a sunset. And the other one is blue like a night sky with sunset looming. Both are dark-shining swords, and they seem shorter than the [Slide Knife/Mirror Flower] I have. "Dark, red and blue knives? Could it be..." Could this be a weapon made of "Elegant West Fire" and "Silent Sunset Temporary" [Extension Stick] that I gave you last time? "You're right, miss." "It's a knife made of ingots that I let you deal with, my lady." "You can make weapons with your ingots. Knife." "But there are no mercenaries (players) other than your daughter who can handle knife skills. Therefore, in the future, we decided to refrain from trading in this [extension stick]." You can't make valuable merchandise without a buyer. It is unfortunate that [Extension Bar] is no longer a good trading material, but from this time on, I will think of it as a ton of new merchandise called 'Black Dream (Chromium) Steel (Ugh)'. "So, I hope the lady is good. Give me these two swords." Gantetsu is transferring the knife. Mimicking that, Mr. Genklow will also close the equipment deal. "This... if I get a brilliant weapon, no" Inside, I want enough to get my hands out of my throat. But that's exactly what I try to admonish that I can't accept this. "......... accept......" "Keep up the good work with us." "I don't know if I'm going to do this again." The epitome of "The Martial Striker", headed by Mr. Masamune, nods deeply at me. Give me this two-wielding knife with the implication that I will be dealing with you forever. From their attitude, they say I deserve to do just that, and it's cheap to invest ahead. I couldn't have given water to such a generous, sophisticated meter. Returning to my own laboratory (lab), I watched the two swords I had conceded before the fellow NPCs encouraged Alchemy. Red Eye Knife [Yuki] [The power of an elegant clan manifests itself after dusk. Seeking a bloody, fleshy night, turning the owner of that demon knife into a Evening Ghost [Yuki] [Rarity] [Status] Attack + 0 Tech Correction F [Inherent Abilities] "Delicious Blood Tide" [Activation Condition: MP30 Consumption] [Equipment Required Status] Intelligence 120/Power 6 Dark Knife - Noble [Dominate the night and dwell in the darkness of the noble clan. Seeking silence and a cold-blooded night, let the owner of that demon knife open up one end of the power of the Hou Ghost (broom)] [Rarity] 7 [Status] Attack + 42 Tech Correction E "Demon Eye/Night Emperor" [Activation Condition: Weather/Night] [Equipment Required Status] Intelligence 150/Power 4 Compared to "Light Phantom Knife" and "Mirror Flower", both have shorter body size and lower attack power than 68. But actually, this can be duplicitous. Equipped to the right and left hand, oh wonder. It's a complete duplicity. Then he puts two great swords on his back and analyzes the problem again. "The current problem is not with the knife itself. It's a popularity of knife skills... so that if we solve this, even the ore I make can be sold at a high price." Wouldn't it be very unfortunate as a mercenary (player) not to be able to handle such a beautiful weapon? If you worry about the status quo that way, should you disclose how to acquire knife skills? However, I also feel it would be a shame to spread the production conditions of Hui Sword (Arts) of swordsmanship skills free of charge... "No kidding? Why don't you just make a Hui Sword and sell it? The knife skills spread without finding out the production conditions, and I make money too. There are probably three conditions for how to generate a sword (arts) for knife skills. One is that the weapon of the knife system has a loyal usage of 100. This is a number that takes longer to equip and the more you use it, the more you increase it. The second is that the user's intelligence is over 300. The third is that the equipment is extinguished by weapon destruction. When I broke the Little Tail Knife Night, I stumbled upon these conditions to acquire the Knife Skills Glow Sword (Arts). Abilities [Playful Dusting (Loweys)] can not only lower the endurance value of a weapon, but can also disassemble and destroy it. If you take advantage of that, you can also increase the number of swordsmanship skills (arts) that can flow to the market? "The problem is that you need to wear it for a long time to increase your attachment and you need many knives to break it..." It takes me quite a while to do it alone. That's why I don't know any mercenaries (players) who might be able to complete their intelligence status gear conditions, and I can't ask you to gear them all the time. Equipment Required Status for "Little Tail Knife/Sake Night (Good)" is Intelligence 15. Such a person............. "There he is! These are the fellows (lab men) NPCs in front of us. I look for things at the Auction and Bounty Neck (Wonted) to equip Cologne, Slash, and Period with the Little Tail Knife/Night of the Horse. Then it should be an indication, or I bought it instantly because there were a few listed and they were all affordable. If you don't know that Little Tail Knife/Takeshi Night is about knife skills, you need to raise your Trash Disposal (Ste) Intelligence a little to equip it with low attack power. Mysteriously a little more rare, but less aggressive. I guess that's why it was sold at a low price of 700 eso per bottle, but as for this one, it's very helpful. "All right. All you have to do is raise the level of the NPCs and make it over 300 intelligent. And if you break it with my" Playing Dust (Loweis) "..." Complete the Sword of Knife Skills (Arts). When I actually sell Hui Sword (Arts)... don't be too conspicuous. They might pry into the method... Then the cake should be fine if it is wholesaled to George, who runs the Cake Shop, or Hui Sword (Arts) Shop. Build a Shining Sword (Arts) of Knife Skills, or... "Hehe, my dreams, my hopes, my nostalgia (two places) swell!
Stories Fantasy Beast Roar After meeting [Olympic Surface, Wandering King of a Thousand Guns], I just got back to [Hui Sword Shop Skills George]. I could have tried alchemy on my own territory, but I was concerned about the existence of Clan, Ruler and Killer's Ear (Black List), a group of mercenaries who call themselves informers. It seemed like an atmosphere George would respond to, but I came to see if I could do something too... "Is George here?" The friends list indicated they were in the 'pioneer city of Michelangelo', so I thought they were in the store exactly. "George? Are you okay now? Speak up on Friend Chat and George will get back to you shortly. 'Alas. Angel Cucumber ♪ Aren't you in a conference now? See, there was an informant who felt something? Hmm. Maybe you're working out a response with some of the mercenary regiment's fellow Sadie Stick? "Oh, I was wondering if I could do something about that, too." "Oh, my God, that's reliable! I'll call you back when we've decided. ♪... Oraaa! You guys! Move, you little prick! The last one, I decided not to hear George's voice, which was bass. Yeah. We'll hear about it later, yeah. I'm in the same city anyway, so why don't I go that way? The suggestion disappeared, and then my interest would of course be [Synthetic Beast Compass]! I appreciate [a thousand faces] for giving me such precious things, but I can't be alarmed. It's a substitute. Anyway, it's like producing a spark of contention between a white cat and a black cat. It's still impossible to solve the cats' battle, but this is what he (or) [Ten of Heavenly Extinction] did say. "If one of the humans appears to be able to read the [Divine Elephant Letter (Deus Route)], let's take a journey around [stained with the curse and divine punishment (Shinbun) and unleashing the seal of the Underground Realm (Gaillum)]." I mean, if something happens that interests him, he might quit giving the White Cats [once again]. Hopefully, we'll stop the felines fighting, but the other cat-loving mercenaries (players) will do something about it. By the way, Mina and Lily both said they still wanted to indulge in cats, and even remained in [White Cat's Nap Castle] to explore ways to erase the cats' contention. That's a cat lover girl. Seeking your own way, good. "Well, I can't beat a cat-loving girl......! I, the man who loves alchemy, unravel the forbidden [Alchemist: Synthetic Beast Compass]! As the description suggests, [Smelter: Synthetic Beast Compass] was used to successfully master skills [Synthetic Beast Compass]. But I quickly understood that it was a lot harder to create Master Richie with this skill. Because... "[Synthetic Beast (Chimera)] soon the light of life will go out, or..." An organism that should not exist, should not be present. I was born with natural reason twisted, but I can't live long, that's [Synthetic Beast (Chimera)]. Skills [Synthetic Beast Compass] Abilities mastered in LV [Breakdown (howl): Fantasy Beast Roar (howl)]. I stare at it and worry. "Collapse: The Roar of the Fantasy Beast" [Synthetic abilities allow you to create summoning items that create fantasy beasts. However, human material cannot be handled. Also, when using "Fantasy Beast Only Items," you need to activate "Collapse: Fantasy Beast Roar (howl)"] [Consumption MP: 0] [Bad Status: One at random] [Fantasy beasts disappear between 20 seconds and 3 minutes] "Hmm. Should I pour in skill points......? To be honest, this alone is a pretty intriguing ability. Generate summoning items to create original demons from monster drops. I'm sure it's full of romance. However, the problem is that if the fantasy beast disappears quickly, it is no different from the consumed item. For example, if it is an item with a limited number of times, if I summon Master Richie about three times, the item will disappear, and Master Richie will never be able to summon again, what can happen? I can't use any more human body materials... Isn't it impossible to create Master Richie in the first place...? Then the only choice I take is to spend all my skill points on skills [Synthetic Beast Compass] and raise the possibility of a Master's resurrection at all. In fact, there is no guarantee that raising the skill LV will bring Master Richie back to life. But if you want even 1%, I'll put all my passion into alchemy! When will I spend the skill points I've saved that I might use one day for my combat skills instead of using them here! : Skill points 43 36: : [Synthetic Beast Compass] I went up to LV7: : Mastery Abilities [Breakdown: The Most Stars Revealing the Far East]: Hmmm...? An azimuthal magnetic needle indicates that of the east, west, north and south, the morning sun rises first from the east. Abilities [Breakdown: The Stars Revealing the Far East] [One material, also equal power to God breathing life into a synthetic beast (chimera)] [We can create synthetic beasts only in the first place] [Unless the Synthetic Beast's HP reaches zero, the created Synthetic Beast will not disappear] [It is also possible to "collapse balls" and store items] This... is finally here! Synthetic Beast (Chimera) that will keep you alive unless HP reaches zero! God skill to make a golem or something on the spot!? If you create an army of little golems, or an army of giant golems, or a giant god soldier, the romance won't stop. "But... I'm curious about the sentence that only synthetic beasts (chimeras) can be made only in" First Place Realm "... and all four artifacts from Master Richie. Adding at least 5 ingredients to the human body..." Yeah, stay! I keep swinging my skill points all at once. : Skill points 36 7: : LV14 [Collapse: Mastered A.D. with two crowns as fallen]: This one is made of two kinds of materials to create a synthetic beast up to the 'Binary Realm'. : LV21 [Collapse: Nanbu Sanbao Arako] Mastered: This is followed by an ability to create synthetic beasts of the 'Trinity Realm' in three materials. : LV30 [Collapse: Defeated Four Words (Rozensha)] Mastered: Can create synthetic beasts of 4 species, 'Quaternary Realm'! Come on, we're almost there, we're almost there! : LV36 [Full Collapse: The Five Kings of Almighty Theory (Omotesan)] Mastered: Give me this far and you'll understand. Mastering Abilities to create powerful 'Fifth Place' Synthetic Beasts with 5 Materials! With regard to this Positional Realm, it is apparent that the Synthetic Beast has a rank (rank) indicating which "different realms" the unique forces and properties are connected to. The principle of creating synthetic beasts (chimeras) does not arise from nothing, but embodies power from different worlds in a medium, awakening it as an organism. Close to some sort of summoning technique. Choosing a different world for this, disorienting and pointing is a disintegrating magnetic needle? Synthetic beasts (chimeras) in the "first place" if they are connected to only the different realms of flames. If the souls of the historical kings who flipped the anti-flag against God were to be shut down and take over the power of two different worlds, such as the King's Burial Realm and the Dragon Ringing Realm, where only dragons live, such as the Synthetic Beast of the Second World (Chimera). I did it! I kinda miss having 7 skill points left, but no regrets! Finally, you can create Fantasy Beasts based on 5 Materials...! And then, yes. Master Richie's material is only one precious object at a time. Failure is unacceptable, so you only have practice to be able to handle this skill adequately. "First of all - you (your) point the way." Fantasy Beast Roar " Mumble the active keyword required for ability activation. I tilted the entire nerve toward the larger compass that appeared behind me.
Before we introduced ourselves to each other, we moved on to strict precautions. Earlier, I was unexpectedly upset by the Ikebo exhalation attack caused by the night shaking from my ear (thus), but I am again alert. If it's not NPC, I can't help but find out. Then this place only marches with strength. George, who leads the way, silently opens up a swarm of mercenaries (players). It's strange because the mercenary standing in front of George somehow turns his way with a 'hiss' and a frightened face. Well, thanks to George like that, I can't even stop my legs moving on. I was wondering if it would be more tangled up, but there are also shaky nights (Koya) and evenings (Yuki) that reveal intimidation against my surroundings, like pinching Mina with me, and there are no mercenaries (players) out there trying to talk directly to me. Yuki holds the pattern of the sword placed on her hips, indicating that she can always pull through the sword. He also wears a main weapon cage (gauntlet). The two are outfits such as fully armed, and their aptitude is roughly not like attending a ball. "That... is the middle class of a small mercenary regiment (clan) called the Hundred Rides Night Trip." "Why are they with George Iron Blood? "A hundred rides at night. Hey... like a knight who whispers and protects the mysterious princess? The whispers (whispers) of mercenaries (players) who verbally express their speculations and opinions come to your ears. At the behest of such an audience, a voice who often went through to crack and enter inquired around. "But don't you think when you're a knight, you're powerless! Gentlemen!" The Lord of the Voice opens his hands and looks at this one with an arrogant attitude, such as nothing to fear. It's Glenn from The Hundred Nights, a boy with burning red hair and fine robes. Behind us is Yukio-kun, the deputy commander. "My princess, I'm here to pick you up" I thought you'd walked over here with Tsukatsuka, a sleepless magician who quickly interrupted between George and me, refreshed and on one knee. Glenn confidently lifts his forehead with his right hand and reaches out his left hand. I kind of put my neck around this intimate attitude as if this were normal. "That's a lot of attitude, Glenn." Glenn flatters you at night. "Do you think we're going to send our friends (Taro) to you, the enemy, in the middle of the war? Yuki also pursues. But, Glenn, you have such a cool grin that you don't even want to solve that. "Stupid. This is between you and me, princess, and you don't deserve to pinch your mouth from side to side." No, well, maybe it does. "In this ball, the major player escorting the princess is decided with me. Because the poor princess herself will nominate me as a good friend." Why are you so confident, Glenn? When I say one way or the other, I don't have any good feelings for the mercenary groups (clans) or the "Baijitsu" who are hostile to Evening Fai (Yuki) or Shaking Night (Koya). As I looked up to determine how best to handle it, George, who had stopped his leg, turned around and gave Glenn your buttocks. "Higu." The movement is like clean running water, smooth and agile. Everyone on the spot couldn't react. Glenn looks at your slightly slurred voice rising, and George speaks. "Oh dear, just (...) to the Otokos, I wonder if Angel's escort role will serve." When Okama says he's not just an otoko, words weigh a lot. "I don't think Otoko would be in a futile quarrel. Wow? Is Glenn the enemy of angels? "Eh?" Glenn, who wanders off with an inverted voice, as if he was barely pressured by George's double-eyed closing wink. "Hey, it's not easy to talk to you, huh? As long as angels are good, let's talk about later." George gave me a glimpse. Sure, it's only a bad hand to argue with you in vain here, Glenn. So, even if there is hostility to Evening Faith (Yuki) or Shaking Night (so on), if you don't have that kind of attitude towards me, why don't I focus on it and follow it subtly? "It's good for the basket." George, with my approval, urged Glenn to hold his arm in unspoken motion, let him stand and walk. Thus, George takes the lead. Right behind it, Glenn, you and Yukio. To the left and right, Evening Fair (Yuki) and Shaking Night (Koya). Me and Mina go deep into the venue, protected by five walls. Happily, if we keep going at this pace, we may be able to reach near the door of the royal castle. If the king of Michelangelo were to come out, it must be near a door lined with divine soldiers (Deus). He told everyone in advance that he wanted to taste the ball in the closest position he could see the king, so I think nature and destination are guessing. Except for you, Glenn. It's just a little shame, Shizuku. The carriage that Hundreds of Nightrides could buy was a two-wheeled carriage with up to two passengers. So this time, we are only here at night (Koya) and evening glow (Yuki). Later, he said that Shizuku and Yuki-chan would also enter the venue after changing carriages, but I feel a little lonely not being able to experience the first ball together. I was thinking about that, arrowhead. A big man appeared standing in front of George. "Hello, wow. It's George." The gutsy talking man skipped a friendly greeting to George. Contrary to its crude tone, the mercenary (player), who appeared to be in his mid-s dressed in pisci black, peered from the top of his black clothes with no less forged muscles than a wolf. "Oh, it's not Bentens." The man called to Bentens and George slowly twisted his own hair with his hands. He stiffens his dark hair with pomado or something and makes it all-back. Plus his right eye seems to be crushed with a knife wound or something, and he gives an atmosphere like a mafia executive when he puts on a black suit + a bad face or something. "You don't look well, George. No. I'm looking after you, so I'd love to hear from you once in a while." "Oh, my God. ♪ I wonder if you're interested all around? "I care about you, but I care about the beautiful featherworm." Gahaha and I rock the big figure and laugh, I'm scared but somewhere adorable, and I even think it's a little cool as the same guy when I smash it. "Ya, jealous. Angel is always there - he's still a friend. No matter how much Bentens, I wonder if it's as a man to explore a woman's friendship. Wow? "Yes, don't be an asshole, Georgie. Me and you, I know." That's what Bentens' brother said. Glenn pushed you away and approached me. "Wow, lady. I'm the vice president of the Mercenary Corps (Klan) called" The Alcohol Eater at Dusk ". Say hello." The right hand offered is thick and crusty. If they grip me, they're going to crush me. There's quite a physical difference between me and Bentens, and I see him up the size of a mountain. Unalarmed opponents, I grab a nickel and a smile dress hem with both hands. Then gently fold your knees and lower your head. "I say taro. You think George and I are good friends? Please, stay tuned." I let him shy away from shaking hands. "Whoa, you little bitch, you're the lady with the liver balls? Aren't you a good friend, George? No." "Yeah, I guess so." "Um, lady. What's with the feather? Unexpectedly wander over to Bentens, who keeps his face close. He stares at the dwarf stuck on my shoulder and laughs nimally. "Say hello instead. No, you can tell me as a sign of friendship." Did you come after all? This question. Apparently, the surroundings, too, are listening to the flow of the story, softly. Furthermore, I now realize that three other good mercenaries in the same black suit as Bentens are standing in positions surrounding us. Probably the same mercenary regiment (clan) as Bentens. Besides, the fact that the four of us are in the venue must have probably been in the venue with a 'two-headed four-wheeled carriage'. The maximum number of people on that carriage is up to four, just like my carriage. In other words, it must be a mercenary regiment (clan) with considerable financial and strength. How should I answer? If I honestly answer here that I am a fairy, will you fulfill and release me easily? At the very least, I wanted to travel to a place where the king seemed to see well before answering these questions blame...... "It's time for us to head further back to the venue." So Yuki and Yuki enter before Bentens and me and smile. "Right. It's time for our princess to cut the numbness. We have to move before the mood breaks. So Osama, get out of the way." Then, at night, he changed his position to shelter me and Mina. I think they should be taller for a year of high school. Yuki is 8 cm and Koya is 183 cm at night. I made a character out of real modules, so that outfit is no different from reality. In the first place, Clan Clan has to make a character clip with less than 5 cm of physical error from reality, but I dare say. Even as those two stood in front of Bentens as a wall actor, Bentens was high for one head and emitted a sense of intimidation like a big bear. "Ah? You can walk on your own. I'm talking to George and the silver-haired lady." Like all the loud bugs, Bentens looks down on my classmates. "That's not going to happen. We're friends with what you call a silver-haired lady." There's no such thing as an old man talking fast. A pulse runs on Bentens' temples whether he has caused them to be slightly irritated by their unrelenting attitude. "Who are you guys? "Yu of the Hundred Rides of Night" "It's Koo as well." "I'm a sleepless magician, Gu." You know, I don't want it. You're a middle-aged kid. " Glenn, Bentens blocks your mouth and faces Yu and Kou. Mina, who was lying next to me, is also standing in front of me, even though her hands are shaking. "You guys are weak mercenaries (clans) I've never heard of. What kind of advice do you give me? You know what's gonna happen, don't you? After all, a mercenary regiment (clan) called "The Alcohol Eater at Dusk" is like a first-degree mercenary regiment (clan). If a group of mercenaries like that caught their eyes because of me and set up a 'war', they wouldn't even be able to see it. I stare at the menacing Bentens and try to confront them on my own by pushing over the night and evening glow. But it was George who put his soggy hand on my shoulder and smiled at Woof. "Bentense." "It's you, George. No." Two facing each other. George is also long there, but the thickness, the height, and the bentense are up there. Sometimes I'm short from me, and I can't even see what look George is giving me because he's looking forward. I was interested, so I tried to peek, but I was pushed away by a rare blue-faced shaking night (like this). "This is where you're going to deal with me and the Otoko kid? These children are my prey." Okama refers to the shaking night (Koya) and Yuki. I feel like George's Afro swelled up 1.5 times without a heart. In addition, the muscles of both arms move in a dust. I don't care, Shaking Night and Evening Fai, Don Mai. That's a handsome guy, you guys, you just got targeted by a wolf. Really, you curse the fact that you were born handsome, huh? "Oh, ooh. Georgie, don't look at me like that. It's a feast, isn't it? Well, I'm more excited than I usually am." The expression remained strong, Bentense on the strong side, but sweat is beginning to flow on his forehead. "My friend, uh, before I offend you. No, I saw you again. Hey, huh? "... oh, let's. Hey, you guys, come on." When Bentens said so, the three men in black followed him further behind the venue. After they left, Yuki and Koya took a breath. "I'm glad you had that (...) Mr. George" To Yuki's soliloquy, Glenn, who was completely turned into air, questions George. "But why didn't you drive him back sooner, did you? George answers you with a full grin, Glenn, who uses an unscrupulous salute. "Because, he. Good at what you do." Okama flies his upbeat, uh-huh throwing kiss to Bentens' back as he leaves. I see. So George was a valuable buyer of Hui Sword (Arts)? I wonder if the free men will play the role of escort for Angel. For some reason, George's words lingered on my head.
Even in cold weather. 'Cause there's a heated room and an online game. Even during the season when I miss my human skin. Because I do feel connected to people through VR games. Unhealthy? Excuses? Oh, my God, the emotion of complaining about uncut somewhere in my heart can be dissolved in warm water called Clan Clan. Fumbling into outrageous thinking like that, a sizzling voice echoes from next door. "It's almost Christmas." I react to that girly word with a pickle. I logged into Clan Clan as usual, and I was with Yuruchi and Shizuku, women members of the Mercenary Corps (Clan) Hundred Rides Night Trip. "That's right... it's almost Christmas -" I look up at the window looking just a little lonely at Shizuku's squeamish. Even in the Clan Clan, the streets outside are filled with Christmas colors. Streetlights imitating reindeer illuminate the road, with various snowmen large and small at the ends...... even Christmas trees with beautiful illuminated decorations. Events, so each city in the game is temporarily visited by Christmas. Sole was invited by the two girls to come, enough to peek inside the coffee shop Santa's Coming Holy Night Cafe. Looks like a new mercenary (player) shop, and although the two were in a good mood until they got to the store, the tension dropped after entering the store. The interior is stylish and calm, just by the name of the store called "Holy Night Cafe with Santa Coming". It's also interesting that the two NPC clerks, Ozi, are wearing the right width Santa clothes. But because of the time of year, we could only see a pair of male and female mercenaries (players) bickering amicably. I'm sure this area is what's causing Yura and Shizuku, and my mood to sink. "You know, Taro's got a great opponent or something with him for Christmas? Sizuk asks an unfortunate question as she rocks her long hair. Christmas...... I would be happy to have a Christmas date with Sy or something. That's a zero chance so far though. "Ah. We might be curious! If you're as cute as Taro, aren't the boys around you gonna leave you alone? Nice - I'm jealous..." Lifting her mouth dissatisfied as she picked red medium bob hair off her fingers. She would be pretty enough because even such a trick would look adorable. But here I say, 'Even Yuri is cute, and Shizuku is cute. Don't you two have someone to spend Christmas with?' I'm not allowed to ask. It's embarrassing to say she's cute to the ladies face to face, and it's easy to tell from the way the two of us were earlier that we don't have someone to spend Christmas with. So I dare say, 'Don't you have someone?' I also find it disgusting to ask what a question. I don't even have the opposite sex to enjoy Christmas together. If you were here, as usual... "I only plan to be about Yu..." "Eh." Shizuku hardens for some reason. Then Yuruchi also reacts to "With Sarah Yu... Taro the Strong". I realize there has been an unexpected misunderstanding between us. Furthermore, Shizuku reminded me that she was showing a bare gesture that she was concerned about Yuki-chan, so I rushed to follow her up. "Uh, because it's every year. Let's go solo to solo. Because it's my friend Nori." And it's a pattern every time to watch the city overflowing with Lia Zheng and let him down on his own. By the way, Yuki is handsome, so I'm even more depressed because I have such a good chance of speaking to my sisters. "Oh, my friend..." Shizuku lowers her shoulder to rest assured, and Yuki laughs at Nimanima next to her. "Is that it? Aren't you with Koo? Yuri's question was a very hard one to answer. I'm going on a roundabout how to tell her. "Uh, Koo is..." "Dude, is that my rumor? "Neither Yuri nor Shiz are holding Talo here. You promised we'd all go level from : ." Two calm tenor voices. It is gently dropped in the coffee shop. Looking back, my best friends were closing in on us with their faces. "Oh, you've both come to a good place." "Yuuki... it's too late to get together... it's a mistake to let you come" "Quick, stop talking nonsense. Let's go." "Well, well, you two, panic? What an easy way to fool both of us, but I notice her mouth laughing. Wow, it's time for Yuri to 'come up with something good' to look like that. And that "come to mind" is mostly a bad case for me. "Now, we were talking about having a Christmas off party, weren't we? Taro, Sizuk and me, the three of us! "What, a little loose? Yes!? I tried to hitch a ride too to Sizku's upset, but I get blocked by all the quick talk. "Yu and Kou, you guys should come too. ♪ Hey, Sizuk? "What!? Oh, uh..." When Shizuku looks at Evening Fai's face, her cheeks are stained with Zhu and she leans down. Oh...... I'm happy, but ashamed, but I want to spend Christmas with you, but I still can't tell you... I know, that feeling. So if they showed me Sizuk's tricks like that, I'd want to talk to him, too. "It's a Christmas party. Come on, both of you." At my invitation, Evening Fai sees the shaking night next door only for a moment. Apparently, it was the same thing you thought of me, and maybe you could hang out with me this year at night, and you seemed to expect that. "Let's go. I always thought I was gonna be lonely with Taro, but I can't believe you betrayed me. I betrayed Evening Fai and mounted a Christmas promise with a girl, what a distraction. It's quite natural (...) to behave (...). I also decide to pretend (...) to be a loser and nature. "Dude, was Maryhomosmus (done) good again this year? Hey, tell this unfortunate good-looking guy to do something about it too." Naturally, I thought I could naturally talk to Shaking Night. That's probably the same with Evening Fai, 'You've made a good flow,' he says with a smile on his face and just his eyes. This is how our expectations swelled under the water... "Wretched. I can't do it that day." Laughs lightly at night. The grin was a smile that remembered a touch of anxiety and loneliness, including giving up (Akira). "Talo, I'm sorry you had to talk to me earlier. I expect a Christmas present to apologize." The level increase also drops, and Yuki hits me in the ear at a time when the PT is dissolved. "You don't have to be so concerned. I'm just glad you're playing with me." "Talo...... too cute" He hugs me all the time and my sinking heart jumps. Hey, hey, loosen up, don't hug me that fast because I'm in the game. I have a feeling! What a desperate effort to contain the inner cry and not blush. "Hey, hey, loosen up" "Oh, my God, are you lit up? Uri, Uri, Uri! "Hey, wow." "Um? You're playing kind of funny! Mix me up, too? And Shizuku mixes it up and sticks with it extra. Or stop flanking me. Yeah, yeah, tickle me. If you're so neat, Evening Fai and Shaking Night seem to have logged out Clan Clan, and only Shizuku and I and Yuri will be left on the spot. "By the way, Yu and I are together every Christmas, right? Why aren't you with Koo? "It's..." I knew it was hard to say. Besides, it's not a good thing to say from my mouth. So I just had to tell him to be unobstructed. "Well, Christmas isn't fun for a swinging night. I'm sure..." The two of them seemed to understand from my condition that the air should not be stuck any further, and then they never asked me about the shaking night. "Shaking Night, That Was... Sorry" I logged out of Clan Clan, and I just made a call to Shake Night. Since it originated from the group, Evening Fai immediately joined the group, and now the three of us are calling. I knew the air was a little heavy. 'No, it's not evil this way. Have I distracted you? " 'It's nothing. It's no big deal. I thought you were going to be home again this year? Speak in a quiet voice at night to Evening Fai's question. 'Ah. As usual, my dad doesn't come home on the th and 25th with a threesome job. You can't leave me alone. " A swinging night that engages my brother's pure night. But me and Evening Fai know. That the day your mother died of her illness is December 25. I wonder how the city remembers watching the world go dyed with Christmas colors. At this time of year, the expression hardens so that something can be seen. It's like ice cubes that tightly close the dark darkness, and it gets cold and heavy. All we can do is watch over our best friends like that, and every time we feel helpless. No matter how close we are, I don't know how far we can go around here. Because me and Evening Fai... "The truth is, pure night guys are having Christmas... and I envy other families." 'Cause I am... we couldn't say anything at that grunting night. Me and Evening Fai still don't know the grief of losing our family. That's why cheap words were uttered. 'But even though it's the day my mother died. Who can enjoy it... I don't think you should enjoy it...' I knew we'd be speechless in a fine, trembling, nighttime voice frozen in the cold of the night. If Santa is really here, I sincerely asked her to give the 'warmth' to the family at night. 25 December. Who could have guessed? I didn't know this Christmas was going to be the most embarrassing ever. No, in a way, despair was spreading far beyond the despair of the usual years. "Yes! Talo, turn around! "Would you be happy to pick the edge of your skirt a little? "Yes, yes! I'm gonna take more and more pictures! "It's a Christmas party because of you!? It's a memorial, isn't it? Two shaggy women. Yuri wore a red Santa costume, Shizuku dressed in blue Santa Cos, which was adorable. Side (waffles), thighs, and so on. I'm not spared to see it. It's soothing to watch from the side. If I had nothing to do with it, I'd be talking about it. The Christmas party was held in Karaoke, where Yuri kept an appointment. There was nothing wrong with that, but then it's this ghost shooting party. You two go into karaoke. No, no, with great momentum, I said, 'Hey! The two of us made it! This is Yu, so this is Taro's!' "K, it's a Christmas present," handed to me by the two of them... Yu is a full-body brown reindeer-like dressing hoodie with reindeer horns on the hood. And I... white Santa Cos. Skirt type with white knee socks and Santa hat. Designed with fluffy and fluffy furs in balance, I could see from their high quality that they were made with all their energy. If I was given such a gift... I couldn't have been cut off... I could have been forced to change in disfigurement... or Yuruchi and Shizuku would have dressed together on the spot, so that I could see the sight of them both in their underwear, oh heaven, and from guilt I could say hell. Besides, why would a girl do that when she dresses like that!? Waiting for me after an experience that was too exciting, mentally and physically, was a Santa Cos shoot that transcended the limits of embarrassment. Oh, of course, when I changed, only Evening Fai was supposed to do it in the men's room. I was good that way, too, and although I rather tried to leave subtly, needless to say I caught them with the agility of all the beasts after their prey. "Wow. Pure white Santa Cos taro, too angelic to really do it. He's dead." "You're so cute, you want to hug it full and keep it in your house all the time! Hih! "Now let's get together! Look, Yu took it! Oh, I didn't send the pictures to Shiz later." "What!? But we have a contact..." "This is the time, so you can exchange it! Thus, I continued to be photographed endlessly while playing Santa Costa, and Yuehui, wearing a reindeer hoodie, was photographed in an unusual manner. Specifically, Evening Fai crawls on all fours and says I'll be on top of it. Your horse is in a pacara, pacara, etc. .... This is how Hell's Karaoke & Confectionery & Juice & Photography Party was also about 3 hours past, and the time passed 4: 00 in the evening. "Oh, yeah. Taro, and Yu. This is a picture I've taken so far, but you can upload it to the Clan Clan Mercenary Corps (Clan) bulletin board, right? That's when Yuri dropped a bomb statement. "What!? "Hey, Yuuki! That's just it! While Clan Clan is prohibited from doing things like putting information up online, Mercenary Corps (Clan) bulletin boards in in-game systems are an exception. Mercenary Corps (Clan) bulletin boards are specifications that can only be viewed by players who belong to that mercenary corps (Clan), and it is no exaggeration to say that the treasure trove of information accumulated by each mercenary corps (Clan). Starting with a variety of event tactics, monster drop material listing records, and group reports and reflections, it serves as a communication tool for messageboards and other lovingless tears, and can be used in a variety of ways. Some players are trying to join the mercenary regiment (clan) these days for information on the mercenary regiment (clan) bulletin board? Some people are looking to spy, and the conditions for joining a mercenary regiment (clan) are becoming more stringent. Incidentally, the mercenary regiment (Klan), led by Evening Fai, has grown into a middle-class mercenary regiment (Klan) with more than 40 members. I mean more than 40 players will see my Santa Kos look up on the bulletin board and the Reindeer look of the regiment leader...... what kind of punishment game is that!? "That's why Yu-kun and Taro" Why!? "If you didn't want these pictures up, Koo, go to you? "Really! We don't even know what he's got." "Yu-kun and Taro look a little spicy" When I saw the two laughing at it, the women seemed oddly reliable. "Don't be weird about it! Hit me with Dawn! "So quarrel? If it turns out to be something like that... we just have to stay together until we convince each other, right? "Forfeit the clothes you two wore! This is punishment! "That's right. I've been looking forward to today...... it's a punishment we've been trying to cheer up but with all our dark faces! Me and Evening Fai, both of whom held their backs, are disintegrally kicked out of Karaoke. "Ha ha... so what do you want me to do" "I don't know what to do, Evening Fai, I don't care what they say." "Isn't Shintaro the one who's embarrassed? "Don't say that." Santa and Reindeer get lost on the street. What a quick turn, we each decide to do what we want. "Do you want to go to the house?" The sky was cloudy, but our mood was clear as if our possessions had fallen. Even so...... Santa Cos, that's cold. Evening glow is shivering next door, but I'm harder for my legs, right? Ping-pong, and ring the intercom. I only cruised for a moment before I pressed the button, but I came this far and pushed what further and willingly. After a while...... the shaking night opens the door and comes out. "You guys..." He stares at me with a flashing face and then shifts his gaze to Evening Fai. The look was terribly dark, though surprisingly colored. "... what can I do for you?" Sounds like a punch away, me and Evening Fai are going to wander off. But if we pull here, we can't do anything. I can't believe my best friend is in pain but I can't do anything...... I hate it so much! "If you care about me..." "That's not it! Block the words of the shaking night forcefully. It was during the night that the shouting was abrupt. "It's for us. Don't get me wrong." When Chira glanced at Evening Fai, her best friend next door nodded deeply as well. "Well, this is for us." "What?" As we speak, the eyes behind the glasses get sharper at night. 'Leave me alone, what right do you guys have to tangle in my mother's day of life,' he tells me so I can push him away, but we don't pull a step. "I hate that my best friend is in pain and I can't do anything! "You're self-satisfied and sorry. But there's nothing you can do about all this." "Become..." Even if I'm in trouble, you want to do something about it, right? I don't put it to words, I gently shake my hand at night wanting this feeling to convey. Did it come to that, Evening Fai's hand was also stretched out into the shaky night's hand. "You guys...... it's cold! "I told you, even for us." Niya laughs and sees Evening Fai. As I echoed it, Evening Fai had her usual black grin. "Quick story, it's cold, let's get inside, right? Unexpectedly, the remarks made in imitation of the trick of shaking night glasses quickness by Evening Fai make me squeak. Looks like we surrendered just in the middle of the night, and our precarious attitude just now became foggy. "Confectionery and juice, extra, but I brought it." "Damn, Santa's got a present for you." I say it with my face on the rocking night. "'Cause you shouldn't have fun, huh? I don't like it when you only suffer at night. So together, we just came to suffer beside each other. That's why Santa and the reindeer came to your house. I smile slowly at night, thinking inside like that. "Mary Crusheymouth" Then, for some reason, he suppressed his mouth at night, and his face stained bright red. What, what, my best friend's so worried about me that I'm more embarrassed now? "Whatever Santa Roclaus says, Me." Yuehui also became me and roleplayed. "Ha... what the hell, you guys" The shaking night only turns downward for a moment. "Santa Roclaus... and reindeer don't sound meh. You're a goat. That." The look on his best friend's face again was not stiff, but soft. It's like I endured a long winter and waited for the snow to finally melt...... my rapport is a little broken, like that. "Come on, get inside! "Sabi Mei! A muscle of grain gleaming from the back of the glasses. We didn't see it coming. Thus I was forced to break into the house at night.
Stories Gatherers In The Light Of The Virgin Clan Clan. [Official Website Mercenaries Banquet Board] Thread Name [Infected Cities] Attack Status [Sanatorium] (): Vampire NPC, strong, huh? 2: Be not as good as Divine Soldier (Deus), certainly strong 3: Really? Without the surrounding soldier NPC, the five of us would have been surrounded and bummed. 4: What do the soldiers do around it 6: 4 > > > [Wolf (Lycan)] and then you go after a weak vampire. 7: Wonder if it'll work. It seems difficult to guide a werewolf (Lycan), and in the first place, it's a field where [Cannibal Demon (Ghoul)] is wandering around, isn't it pretty lucky? 8: If the werewolf you encounter is also a [cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)], then it must be wiped out... 9: I saw during this time that some troops were all moving in vampires... 10: If you get into a fight there, you can't win without about 40 mercenaries (players). 11: It's a massive offense... it's hard to get that many mercenaries (clans) together. 12: Do we have to work with other mercenaries to get into the upper echelons where Count Vlad lives? 13: Assuming a coalition is formed, which mercenary regiment (clan) will eventually rule the city, I guess. 14: Speaking of large-scale combat, The Beast Kingdom of Hell Battle Smelting was convening quite a few people the other day. 15: Uh, he's the one who gathers other mercenaries and crushes' Neck Hunting Drunk Co '. 16: The "neck hunters" used to hunt the mercenaries (players) of the offensive groups who were in "infected cities". 17: I gathered about 150 people and some of the strongest mercenaries (players) [Danger Zone (Red Zone)] won the Neck Hunt. 18: That sucks...... 19: Me, I was at the scene, but a pretty girl called 'Silver Angel' NPC? I don't know, things have changed since she showed up... it was horrible... 20: That kid is a mercenary (player). 21: [The Hunter's God (Singh)] is so cute. 22: If I hand it out with a bee, I'll kill it, what a serious blow. 23: Heh. 24: Oh, I know that 'Silver Angel' too. It was on TV news. 25: Uh, it was a little noisy in some sleigh, wasn't it? His Royal Highness's fiancée is in Clan Clan. When I actually ran into you, I couldn't get close to you because of the barometric pressure on the beautiful girl Aura - or something blurry. 26: His Royal Highness was proposing, the beautiful girl of Reishi was the one we talked about. 27: Guh! How dare you say that prohibition! I can't dare to put such well-known facts into words! 28: Sir Merchant, pee-poo 29: Marriage is still too early to be rubbish! Don't do it, scratch! 30: I wish I could believe that. 31: What are you guys. Are you with that kid's fan club? 32: But you're not in the hands of the common people. He's got a pretty good handle, too, huh? 33: But even in reality, I know that look makes you want to propose, even if it's not His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. 34: Hey! Look at that sukshaw you just took! "Silver Angel" is here in Sanatorium, the infected city! An image of a rumored silver-haired girl coming in through the city entrance is uploaded so that she can bring several mercenaries (players). Zorozolo and a large number of mercenaries continued as the girl was led by a flurry of blue stardust, all of whose expressions were harsh. 35: Hey, what's this number? 36: It's like being reminded of the entry of an army led by a princess. 37: You're on guard for 'The Beast Kingdom of Hell Warfare Grinding', Po? 38: Are you going to survive the [infected city sanatorium] offense? 39: No! According to what I heard, you're working to save [the infected city of Sanatorium]. 40: Save? 41: to get the virus infected NPCs vaccinated or something. 42: Uh, cannibals (ghouls) and werewolves (lycans) are like NPCs from that city. 43: The salvation of NPC, which has been impersonated by the disease... 44: If you were born and noble, would you be noble in your actions? 45: Just the way the offense is...... don't waste it on the Virgin 46: Exactly what 'angel' looks like. 47: I too want to be tender with those little hands and turn my innocent heart... 48: You're so honorable... 49: Salvation is exactly the word that embodies her, or... 50: Minato, it's a battle! You must help the angels in their salvation! Skinny the comments in all their tones, the thread then showed a different uplift. Later on, he who was looking at the bulletin board said: It's like I'm really like, "Wow, wow! 'And that night was so hot that I illusioned that a wild roar had risen from the bulletin board...... "Hey, Wolf. I hear the guys from" Daedaen "went into" Silver Angel "and the infected city of Sanatorium. They're troublesome and hard-headed. They're all with them." What are we gonna do? And it's Vikin, vice president of The Lonely Wolf, who asks me just for his eyes. "Hum...... I know. Those guys, I knew they had tangled hands... no, it's more of a right approach, it's hard to get hands on them..." I didn't expect you to win the trust of 'Silver Angel' and a marginal mercenary (player) to introduce him... Though I tried our kids to get along knowing that 'Silver Angel' was in an unknown city or something over here... wonder and I couldn't identify his whereabouts. The last time I went into an anonymous city, I heard from him. I can't believe that two of the "Great Alliance" captains and deputy captains are by their side if that's what you notice. I was going to put a lot of effort into gathering information... did I get caught clamming? "You've gone beyond... I didn't know you were going to act with Shiryu or your stepchildren..." "What's wrong with you? We cut the front, too, and said, 'Let's get along, shall we?' Do you want to go head down? Vikin himself would understand best that he can't do that. Me and Vikin are favorites of The Silver Angel, and Minazuki has a bad mood. I don't know what "Silver Angel" thinks of us himself, but at least it shouldn't be favorable. Because we've been together many times in the past and we have a promise. Besides, "The Drunken Neck Hunter", which is also his back shield, is not a good match, and if it is, our credibility is weak. It can't be easy for me to get it in my nose. That's why I was trying to get my kids to work hard and deepen their rapport and create a flow for that guy to come into our house himself... "Hun... lead only the [adult killers] to [infected city Sanatorium]." "Twenty or so if you summon the elite. What are you gonna do? "The moment Mercenary Regiment (Clan) 'The Great Alliance' makes strange moves, it will eat there" "So when" Silver Angel "falls into a pinch, you're gonna go wild as an ally, right? "Ah......" That's the only option we can take right now. Please, "The Great Alliance" guys, do that, like betray "The Silver Angel". With a dark passion in my chest, looking up at the cloudy sky, I exhaled a small sigh. "Ooh! Listen up, gentlemen of our" Secret Society "and" Chemical Heritage Empire "! We responded to the convocation of the leader of the regiment, Gennai Hiraga, and we were celebrating today. "Gogh, Sisters I An, Squad Leader Takiyama, His Majesty the Ryuho the Emperor! Hiraga stared at each squad leader, or a member of the group, and his eyes shimmered. "'The Silver Angel' has just boarded the [infected city of Sanatorium]," he said. "Uh? Is this a chance? "Ooh? Could it be a contact system? The Iron Sisters of the Metallurgical (Yakin) Research Team make statements that prejudge Hiraga's mood. Along with that, the "Oil of Obsession (Abra) sh" of the Earthly Shapes (Golem) Research Team also followed with excitement. "O my daughter-in-law, let the secret of the evolution of the doll (the Golem) pass, grip it, silver angel, join the company! Phew! "... at last... the black magic of me (Chan) has grown... the time has come to realize the chimeric synthesis of me (Chan)... the bump" Do you still agree that the synthetic squad's "penis" also draws the "Silver Angel" into us? And I am certainly not one of those people I would expect from The Silver Angel. But it's easy to admit that such a beautiful young beast ear is above us. "Okay, Mr. Gogh. Here's an example." Called and I get out in front of Hiraga. And show everyone the liquid trapped in the test tube. A total of six, the ultimate colorful bacteria (virus). For him (...) to say, substitutes such as [even produces ruined dragons, end-of-life wolf smoke (curd)]. There's just enough people for me to distribute it to each other. "I think each squad leader has already guessed, but I'll drop this in the [infected city sanatorium] stronghold" Hiraga adds a supplement to the plan I devised. "Now let's show you how awesome our" Secret Society (Secret)/Chemical Heritage Empire (Lieberegalia) "is! And we show that we are comrades with 'Silver Angels' and welcome her into this secret society! The point is to use the colored bacteria he received from him (...) for the mercenary group (clan) appeal tactics. With so many colored bacteria in our eyes, we can surely catch the eye of The Silver Angel. If we do, we'll get along with each other later, who are extremely alchemist - Gohon, we'll just use you. "This is the perfect elektel! Great alchemy! Each squad member enthusiastically agrees with Hiraga's cry. But I take a step back and look at them chilly. This is close to an act of terrorism. but the quickest way to show strength is fear. Now, even if we can't create this colored fungus (virus) on our own, we'll show it to be our power. "Hey, Gogh, you. Come on. Alchemy and garbage skills don't help the fight at all." "Nah, you're desperate for a trick, a trick, a trick, a skill that's hard to come up with LV. Are you trying your best?" "Honestly, don't be ridiculous." I still remember, mocking those guys. Even I was supposed to make potions for you guys... 'It's quicker to buy potions and stuff from an item store, isn't it? I'm indebted. " "I mean, is it weird to split the reward for this quest? You don't work at all. ' "PT Unlocked" "Whoa, maybe it feels like killing Gogh in this place? 'Like it! Then that's why you're dead. (laughs)' 'Wow, you surprisingly have this guy's money! We got 300 eso in the kill drop! "This is the effective use of garbage, gahahaha! I haven't been involved with them since. I entered this secret society, and I came only through alchemy. I wish I'd stopped, but I might have gotten mean. No matter how much you raise in real life, no matter how hard you try, you've just failed. I indulged in this game to clear that depression. And now it's time to look back on him, and that's all I've been doing, alchemy. Still, it still doesn't work, and I was wondering if even the game would deny me... when I was driven by despair and hatred, it was the guy I met. "Hate's emotional brainwave index is over 3,000, alchemy skilled mercenaries (players) are... Phew, is that you?" He suddenly appeared in front of him in a dim alley. "Wet eyes, emotions, soot in that abomination." A strange mercenary (player) was involved, mistakenly at first. He spoke of himself with that strange look, which could be taken as both a boy and a girl. "We used to be called [Alchemists of Injury and Hate]." Then he noticed over his head that there was a name plate showing the NPC, and he was puzzled. 'Hi, my brother says Noah. I'm going to give you a way to affirm [hatred]' That's how I got the mysterious colored fungus (virus) from the NPC named Noah. It is new to my memory that I understood that Hiraga would create cannibals (ghouls) and werewolves (Lycans) by poking at [Watergate Corridor Aquarium Street] later on. "Hey. I just had an errand to stop by, so I came by to check on you." And yesterday, the guy who showed up pretentious again... has been trying to transfer a new colored fungus (virus). 'My son Noah wants to help you break the world down. Come on, you want that too, don't you? I received only colored bacteria (viruses) silently without affirmation or denial. Whatever happens to the world, it's not what I found out. Because anyway, whatever you do... most of it has nothing to do with me.
They could make me a beautiful girl who loves to pronounce the death penalty...... in a space mixed with such fear and madness, I scream in my chest. My stomach hurts. The back of the brain was dominated by an invader called convenience. I, Shintaro Shintaro (Buddha), am an extremely (very) average boy high school student. The age is sixteen and the school year is one year of high school. His appearance is mediocre, his academic achievement is inside, and his motor nerves are average. Why should I be in such a predicament when I was in such a picture? Why, are we forced to make such a choice? Damn, why the fuck!? Before the biggest branch of my life, I desperately indulge in the fact that my head is about to turn white, and I sort things out. Even in the heat and humidity that ends in July, I'm dripping (dripping) a lot of sweat off my regular track (broom) from my whole body. And standing in the front is a beautiful girl. Yes, I decided to make a "Confession of Love" to her, Miya-noishi, and called her. Are you coming this far and going to the bathroom unnecessarily... or are you going to leak it in front of a thinker and be sentenced to a mental death sentence? Tomorrow and the day after, all the same days. Little by little, I feel like I'm being diluted, like I'm dying. Who would want to get out of the mediocrity that is repeated, but no way is it going to be dropped from mediocrity to the bottom like this? A few minutes ago... The closing ceremony took place, and the students around were allowed to return home or on campus. Side by side with students who seem to enjoy themselves in the hallway, I await someone who is a soldier's upright immobile posture. Why is that? To make a confession, of course. I don't know how long I've waited. However, the discomfort of perspiration sticking to the white shirt, coupled with the load of tension, slowly erodes the body. Furthermore, I seem to be feeling worse because of this fever, and my stomach hurts. I really want to go to the bathroom. This sucks. I couldn't stand the great pressure on my intestines, so I thought I'd go to the bathroom once. That's when I heard one of my classmates rush up the stairs, letting her breathe out. The person who sounded that was her human who bothered to pay for my time. "Ah..." The moment I saw her, my earlier disgust and hellish abdominal pain disappeared like a lie. In front of me is a confessional opponent who embodies the word "appearance". Her name is Akane Miyachi. Porcelain skin was so white that my sweaty white shirt looked yellow. Her crushed eyes shine unlike mine, slightly apathetic. And most importantly, a slightly floral smell emanates from the glossy, pitch-black hair cut off at the shoulders. By contrast, I can smell the garbage dump from my short hair sticking with sweat, so I forbid the melee. Located at the top of the class Hierarchy, she is attentive and has a gentle heart. That's enough to say something of an apology to me. "Did I make you wait? I'm really sorry! It would have been such a time if I had helped clean up the club. I heard from Yuki-kun and Yuki-kun... that you have important problems? I couldn't tell from her expression whether she had guessed my intentions or not. But to see that look serious, I thought there might be a chance of a win. I respond calmly by suppressing my feelings of heightening. "No, that's not true. Thank you for making time for me." She shook her neck slowly directly beside her. "Ugh, that's not true. Because Shintaro is a classmate. If we're in trouble, we'll talk to each other. I'll ask you anything you want. What happened? Like a jerk?" No, I smile back. Seeing this one, she leans her neck wonderfully and continues to talk with a serious face. "You can't push it. Tell me the truth, okay? It's okay, because I won't tell anyone. I love everyone in this class. If you're having a summer vacation, I'd like to welcome you, wouldn't I? It looks like this. I can't lose fights that easily." When I heard the words, I thought. Again, Mr. Miyano said he was cute. Good girl, very reliable, beautiful girl admired by everyone in her class. I know a lot of boys have feelings for her like that, and I'm one of them. If you liken her in theatrical service, she's a princess, and I'm a discreet passerby A among the mob characters. No, the lighter who draws her... it's no longer even a role. Maybe he's not even a clerk, maybe a stand-up guest. Confess that he suddenly likes it in front of the princess when he's on stage. I was caught by the guards as a suspicious man and left. I didn't become suspicious, and I was rowed to confession because of my two best friends, Yuki and Koyuki. They led me this far for me. For them, for myself, I can't pull it off. I slowly opened my mouth when I decided to. "Actually, I mean troubled... well, does this get troubled... there's something I've been meaning to say for a long time" After I enroll in high school, I fall in love with her at first sight and begin to tell her concisely how I ended up liking her. She turned her eyes too round to be surprised, but she looked at me and listened. Because of her mind, her cheeks (cheeks) are slightly red. When I noticed Sole, my heart started sounding like it was going to be audible to them. I feel indescribable, pale, pink aura enveloping us. "Michi, you're kind enough to say hello to everyone. I was happy when Miyano greeted me too... so I started saying hello around too" May, who beat the battle against tension and shame and began to exchange morning and return greetings with Mr. Miyano. "Always, English homework. Mr. Miyano told me to check if it fits before class. Thanks." I didn't do much homework in middle school, but since I realized that homework would be a common topic with Mr. Miyano, I started doing homework indispensably every day in June. "After I heard that Miyano liked short hair, I tried to make it short hair" July when I became concerned about the way it looked and invested in my hairstyle. I say this myself, and I get embarrassed, and then, hey, I mess with the hair that waxes have flowed with sweat. If you look at her slowly, you're slowly snorting like you're taking care of my words. Even such a small trick just makes my chest squeak. "Why, all because I wanted to talk to Mr. Miyano about just one word." I ran out of words. I've never done everything I could to study or exercise. Nobody can beat the feeling of thinking of Mr. Miyano. "I just wanted to talk... are you? She said it was pompous. It's obvious we're waiting for the next word. And I knew what to say. I realize that now and only then, the moment I try to fire my final weapon, Einokohaku, another thing is about to be released. Shit...... I want to get so sick of it. Why!? You should have been okay until earlier. I have no idea what the hell triggered this. An intolerable abdominal, intestinal scream sounds an alarm all over me. This definitely went beyond the danger zone already, and it was found that the nuclear warhead hazardous material was descending into the body. Meltdown, it begins. My despair begins, too. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Ha. Ha...... But I endured. Plump. He gathered all his strength in his belly and tightened his anus. I can't afford to fix my expression... but it's the man who creates it and shows it! Bet the whole body on (and) and force Nikaku to create a smile so that the water bomb doesn't conitch out of the plum hole. Temper, temper, guts, just Sekigahara, the Great War of the Divided. If you win, it's Tahei Tenshita's life, if you lose, it's the Shogun Gate. That's it, come on... just one more step. It's all because of you that I've changed. In front of her, I've made an unsuitable effort to bring out my best self. Desperately. From me when I was obsessed with the galgay I had been loaned at night, it was a mega evolution beyond my imagination. From the pronunciation of the name Buddha Shintaro, I've worked so hard to make my middle school years challenging with the subtle nickname of "ordinary people". Still, there is confidence that the range of averages will be exceeded. She gave me that confidence. If she's in trouble, give her a subtle hand. If you do it in a boring way, it becomes a clown to take a laugh. If Mr. Miyano wants to, he can be anything. Yes, you can be a brave man. So I don't want to pull it here. There's no way I can say 'Oh, wait, the bathroom' even though it's looking good so far. There's no way we can do that. If she had a big bowl, she would allow me to leave the bathroom along the way, but I wouldn't allow it if I had a bowl smaller than a potty before. Phew...... Face your own grid, or... Is this a confession? Totally awesome. This is frightening. My stomach hurts. My stomach seriously hurts though. And, anyway, let's go! "Su," When I tried to let go of the words of the various confessions in the early summer breeze. Livestock, it really sucks. Severe abdominal pain, which I should have suppressed in the mood, pushed me like a rippling surface of water. Dinner or death. Explore enough thoughts that your brain can burn out to guide your choices instantly. Is that, after all, a toilet dash to pussy, or, bring and die socially? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. When my feet took a step into the land of salvation, the toilet, screaming my soul's cries in my heart...... the voices of two best friends echoed in my brain, which I had made a mistake. "Shintaro worked really hard to get this far. And then you bump into Shintaro's feelings." You always comforted me with a smile. I want to get sick of my feelings right now. If I bump into this feeling, will you accept it? Ahhh, the brown bomb's about to smash! 'We did it together. Either way, report it properly.' Glasses are good-looking and physically shelter them from time to time (like this). What kind of report is that? You're reporting this much cunt coming out? You want to take checkpoint data, you glasses bastard! I no longer know why I'm asking myself an unexplained question, even myself. But the next two words I remember bring me back to sanity. "I won't allow you to rejoice alone or cry alone." "Because you have us." I guess that's what my best friends wanted to tell me the most. The two best friends summoned her to the crossing on the fourth floor. There are only facilities on the fourth floor of the school building that are not normally used, such as the audio-visual room, music room, science room, etc., so there are few people on the street. When she fed me a confession, Evening Fai (Yuki) and Shaking Night (Koya) offered me if there was anything I could cover for, but I turned them down to show my Han Qi (Ogi). The result is alone with Mr. Miyano. The result is this situation. I don't want to leave the result of going to the bathroom. It excites my heart, which is about to break. Dinner or confession! Reaching a new frontier, I flash new options. Just four seconds after Mr. Miyano uttered his questionable words to the point of thinking so far. Oddly enough, the flow of time feels slow. I can do it. accomplished. You shouldn't run away. My anus life is shrinking for a moment while I'm on tour. You just have to say one more word. I opened my mouth for it and said it forcefully. "Mr. Miyano, about you, su 'Bri! Shrew, prick, p......' Thoughts accumulated over the years, liberation. Yeah, we're free too. An unprecedented refreshment shakes my mind and body. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!! I've released a lot of stuff I shouldn't let out of my ass, and I scream. The moment I confessed, it seemed that it was the culprit who helped me. "Oh, hey, hey... Oh, no! Ahhhhhhh!? When he also released urine to go with the feces, Mr. Miyano shouted and fell backwards as he did and passed out. That's right. You can't imagine a human being who was about to confess earlier suddenly leaking. Tears overflowed when I understood it. The sweat is also coming out earlier, and it conveys fluids all over my body. And, at the same time, someone's voice rings in my ear. "Oh, what's this, Kussa! Seriously, Kussa! "Hey, somebody bring the senses! Hearing me and Mr. Miyano scream, the students from the science department and the brass department rush over with Zorozoro if they hadn't already left school. The students say hello to the wild horses, surrounding me and her. Some things are cursed, some things are cursed and murmured. Some of them got more guerrillas. "Beautification Commissioner, come on! It's their job to clean them! "I'm not kidding! I don't like it, you son of a bitch! I can hear the wild horses cursing in the distance. But I don't care about that. It's just that I'm desperate, and my knees make me chuckle. I lost my strength in my hips as it was, and fell into a puddle of dirt I put myself out. The fabric of the uniform sucks dirt and gets heavy, and raw warm liquids and foreign odors stick to the body. Burning into the back of her brain is her stunned face, which she showed just before she passed out. I'm done with everything. Confessions and school life. I should have done the best I could...... In a fading consciousness, I could hear people accidentally jumping. "Hey, you guys! Get the fuck out of my way! Can't you see I'm saying get out of the way!? Usually intelligent, but this rough voice is shaky at night. When I raised my face slightly, I could see him as long as I could see from here, punching some of them in a bag. He hurried through the crowd and came to help. "Shintaro! Sorry I'm late. People are getting together, so I thought I'd go back... why are you all shitty!? With amazement, it was Evening Fai who took charge of me being dirty without worrying about me getting dirty. "You guys are not spectacles! Quick talk, it's over, so go home! Shaking night kicks the trash can in the corner into the wild horse and intimidates him. That dumpster hit one of the wild horses, but I bark even more at night without worrying. "Quick story, we're going to fire extinguishers next! The wild horses wandering at night are scattered in an instant. "All right...... Yuki, I'll explain it to Senko. You take charge of Shintaro and go to the swimming department shower room. Ask those guys to lend me a shower because they'll be doing it on their own around Yuji. And I have my jersey in my locker, so take it. I'll get rid of this place. Oh, yeah. We need to get Miyano to the infirmary bed. I'll probably be a little late, so leave me alone." Shaking nights (and so on) instruct tequila. He's a quick fighter, but he's a good looking glasses man. "Whoa. Okay, I'll go first. Shintaro, are you okay? I'll be there." "... Ugh, yeah" While my consciousness was obscured, I nodded. When I slowly tried to go down the stairs with Yuki shouldering me, Shaking Night took a sports drink of a pet bottle out of my bag and screwed it into my bag. "I forgot. Take this. I think I ran out of all the moisture earlier, so I think I might be dehydrated." "... thanks" If I were a woman, I might fall in love with you... Fate is cruel. No, I had the momentum to get to the top of my life until I was on my way. How can I make a mistake about that, the way it rolls off like that? It's just that my two best friends helped me out was salvation. It's not enough to say thank you for shaking the night (Koya) and Yuki (Yuki). After that, I had Evening Fai wash my body in the shower room in the swimming department to take care of me and change into the shaky night jersey that was in my locker. And now I was in the middle of walking down the road to school with Evening Fai. Bags with student bags and a uniform full of shit are unusually heavy. "Well, I don't know what that is. I don't care. Everyone fails. Right? Well, I don't think that's such a big failure. Yeah." Evening Fai was encouraging me, but I gave it back in the air. and on my way home with me, I caught a scrambling junction on Boulevard. When I looked at the front, I saw a tellup of giant TV news on the wall of a large department store across the street. "Successive all over the country!? Abrupt Sexual Transformation Cases' "It begins at last! VRMMO provides a glimpse into the essence of humans. Delivery will begin shortly ' "Ah, it's this VRMMO! The game we played on beta testing. Let's do it together, Shintaro. Let's change our minds." "Hmm? Yeah......" I responded vividly to Yuki's concern, but another piece of news caught my eye. Don't look closely these days. That news. For one thing, I want to transform myself into a woman and redo all my past, not just what happened today, but what happened without being a chick and no one finding out. Oh, my God. What are you thinking absurdly? I shake my head and switch my thoughts blurry. "Hey, Yuki, we're friends..." Evening Fai laughs bitterly, as she illuminates my question. "What? What are you talking about? If you weren't my friend, you wouldn't be in charge of the shitty Shintaro. Still, yeah, I can't smell this and this. Ouch." With that said, Yuehui looked away and smelled the uniform. But he worried about me from the bottom of his heart, and the bitter laughter of Sunny Evening Shine dazzled (Mabu). I almost sweated out of my eyes again, so I pretended to distract myself from that glare and turned my face to the side. "Seriously...... thanks" "haha" With a gentle laugh as usual, Yuki walked forward. "This kind of thing lights up a little bit... but I think my friends will do what they need to do then. As Shintaro did to me in middle school, so did we today. Right?" Evening Fai keeps walking without turning this way. Looking at my reliable best friend's back, salt water spilled out of my eyes. "So this is normal (...)" Summer break tomorrow. Just fine as a mind rehab. I don't even look at Mr. Miyano. I have nothing to lose anymore. All you have to do is pick it up again. I don't even have any more nannies to lose just now... Exhale into the ceiling. When I get home, I fall asleep in my own bed dominated by silence without anyone. A second sigh, on the hand that I somehow moved, hits the TV remote. ... That's quiet. I thought so. I turned on the TV instead of the BGM and there was some news going on. "Successive cases of abrupt sexual transformation (...) nationwide have yet to be elucidated and only already found, with six boys and girls plagued by this mysterious symptom. As far as the government's response and future policies are concerned... ' Sexual transformation... Forced me to drag my thoughts, and I think back clearly to that time again. I try to confess to a child I like, and get a cunt in tension and despair. Why didn't you go to the bathroom without a question then? The reason was obvious. Just because my convenience has suddenly struck, there's no way I can break that atmosphere, the gathering of my little efforts that have been piling up, the place of confession. It's impossible to go to the bathroom on that spot and re-compartmentalize the confession one more time with nothing to eat. Is cunt important or confession important? A confession, of course. I made the right choice. I made a choice. I chose to be an ambitious man. Attitude to be a fine man, was that a mistake...? "... you just have to be a girl or whatever" If it's something you can be. I make a small fool of myself and snort at what is now the most talked about: the sexual transformation of news. At the beginning of the summer vacation, is my title at school determined by "Un sue (Koku) Bai (Haku)"? 'Normal people' in middle school are still better. Half plucked, half frightened. "Gu......" Fucking tears flooded me again. Again, I nod my face down on the bed. All I had was despair. I stuck to my bed and fell in vain to heal my exhausted spirit so I could escape from reality. How long has it been? I wake up with the sound of a smartphone and I yawn. Suddenly I heard a girl's voice or something like exhale. "Ah?" But the voice. "What? My voice is cute? A very poor voice came out of my mouth.
A total of five mercenaries (players) were waiting for me in the blacksmith yard where the parent of the Mercenary Corps (Klan) "Wu (Bu) Hitter (Bibi)" and also the leader of the regiment, "The Great Old Marquis of the Thousand Years of Blacksmith" waited. Including Mr. Genklow, who guided me, there were six people left on the spot. They all look powerful, without exception. It's called macho. In such a group there are those who sit squarely in the chair at the deepest end. This is exactly what I thought it would be like to say that the mountain was immobile. I stretch my long white hair into a bozza and my expression doesn't look good hiding in my forehead. But Aura, released from her long, thick arms, her pulled body, and her forged whole body, reminisced of a mountain of immobility. I guess that big man is The Great Old Marquis of the Millennial Blacksmith. The martial artist, as the title suggests, silently observes me and shows no movement. Start saying goodbye to such a group. "Thank you for taking the time for me today. Thank you." "Hey, you. What, those flirty clothes! Among the members, a bald (bald) uncle with a bad eye at first sight talks to him under high pressure as he joins his arms to brag about his bumpy arms and chest muscles. "Uh, it's my gear" So my gear is being evaluated? Come on, it's a witch outfit. I think it's pretty rare, so I think it'll work... "I know what you're talking about! Oh, my God, I wish you'd come to us in such a good way. Take care of the seamstress." Oops, I didn't seem to mind wearing the exact cloth...... "Well, well, Mr. Gantes. At first, that George introduces you, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to just talk about it." Mr. Gencrou, who has nearly half a guillotine of guntetsu and yara. Apparently, Mr. Genklow is intrigued by the stick I have. Earlier, it wasn't in vain to show them. I mean, Mr. Genklow, third in the workshop, sounds like he's out lousy... is there any way this guy named Gantetsu could be second? "Ha. Well, it's definitely a rare piece of equipment, and here, maybe you can loosen up the little one and get some useful information twisted out? Seriously, if my contents were ten years old, I'd want to get out of there. On a level, with a scary grin, Guntetsu. Or, I knew my gaze and attitude around me was too painful from earlier, even though it's just the rather state of the needle. Intimidation also makes me think that my presence here is inappropriate for the eyes of my brother-in-law. But I'm proud of you too. Only the pride of an alchemist, it's like being stuck. ............ The Grand Old Marquis of the Millennial Blacksmith, who plans to ask for the key weapon request, has been silent all along. Silent personality as I was asking, but I didn't even know I didn't say hello... "Uh, it's Taro...... nice to meet you" "I don't have the muscle to say hello! I want you to do your blacksmith for business, what a sweet lady." He replies somehow even though I don't remember greeting Bald Head (bald) Gantetsu. It seems slightly irritating, but I manage to restrain myself. "Well, fine. Wacha Mercenary Regiment (Klan)" Wu (Bu) Hitter (Bu) "is the deputy commander Gantetsu. He's got two seats in the workshop, Mon." "I said hello earlier, but I'm Gencrow. I'm assigned three seats in the workshop." A few more will say hello. Apparently, there were amazing craftsmen in the workshop on this occasion only to bother listening to me. George's influence, half-assed. In other words, because of this treatment, "The Great Old Marquis of the Millennial Blacksmith" doesn't seem to be going to make me go underneath. While I was horrified inside, my fondness for the deepest big man only slightly increased. "... it's Masamune..." The captain opened his heavy mouth at the end when everyone on the spot had finished greeting him and mentioned his name with a blur. Masamune from The Great Old Marquis of the Millennium Blacksmith? "What are you doing here? Gantetsu asks me the real question as I snap my neck. "I want you to make a sword." Then we silenced ourselves. Some of them stare at me with a glimpse of danger. I couldn't speak to that disturbing air and decided to see how they came out. "Hey, where did you hear that story? Yeah? At the time Mr. Genklow said Yotai, my expectations leaned diagonally downwards. Well... I knew you couldn't make it, knife. That's right, the view is common that no knife system equipment exists, and if you were able to manufacture a knife, it would be the norm to actively promote the mercenary regiment (clan) to further increase its reputation and profits. Doesn't mean... we can't build a knife at the moment. In conclusion, I will answer the question honestly. "George told me that" The Great Old Marquis of the Millennium Blacksmith "might be able to make it." "Chi, that wolf bastard is just kidding me." "But Mr. George's mouth should be strong" "Well, what the hell! Vagina, I overheard the exchange earlier, but this! Because the lady who uses alchemy and other garbage skills is a mercenary (player) who deserves to be trusted! Did I tell you that wolf could make a knife? "Yes, I think so." Mr. Genklow manages to contain the rough baldness and follows me. I didn't know The Gold of the Venerable Horizon (Pride Blonde) would help this far. I appreciate George's advice on flirting. "Ok......" It was Masamune who spoke out so as to put a stop to the top two and top three stuffiness of "The Martial Striker". "" Parent!? "Fine..." Gantetsu spoke reluctantly to the affirmation of the twice captain. In a word from Masamune earlier, I wrapped my tongue around my heart that it was amazing to see what the captain intended, but I tried not to put it on my expression (toe). "Hang on... I can't even talk about it." "I haven't tried it yet." That's where you put the supplement, Mr. Genklow. "All I know is that I can make a weapon called a knife. This is where we stand." Summarizing the two stories, he says he has mastered the ability to generate swords. Among the first-class weapons blacksmith mercenaries (clans) and "martial arts batters," it seems to be a high level of ability that only three people have mastered. Masamune, the leader of the regiment, who is one seat, Gantetsu, two seats, and Gencrou, three seats. These three join forces, and even if they use their abilities, they end up breaking a pocket where they can get sword-like sashimi. If you don't hammer it and mold the iron, you won't be able to gather yourself together and the result is a production failure. "Something real and informative, like trying an example? I'm ignorant about blacksmiths, so I'll whine somehow. Then Gantetsu laughed as if he was frightened. "Oh, man. This is a game. What does reality have to do with anything?" In the first place, Gantetsu talks. "If it's a coarse knife made for ornamental use or something in China, well, the knowledge that's caught up in it will be useful. The Japanese knife that slashes and kills people from both elves doesn't make sense." "Gun Knife Act Violation," you know? And I'm confirmed by Osama, the bald guy who accepts the existence of the elf very naturally in reality. "Because there's a gun knife law violation, it's a knife recipe that's available online and in general books, it's a regulated mon. Unless you signed up for a real job blacksmith, you can't possibly understand the nature of knife production." It's so easy to recreate a recipe that goes out the door with a game or something. That's an enemy story. If that happens, we can't make it. and foolish gantetsu. "Blacksmith skills are important for 'power' status. That's not all, there's a lot of hidden elements." Mr. Genklow supplemented Gantetsu's explanation and closed with an explanation of how difficult it was to produce a knife. There are unknown facts about alchemy among mercenaries (players), and all I can say around here is Clan Clan. "Ooh... there's an ability to make a knife, like a secret that's still hidden. I wish I knew." I won't say anything else. I'll answer immediately. You may be grateful for your valuable information. But it doesn't seem free. "Why, I want a knife..." So Mr. Masamune stood up. A giant body creates a great shadow and swallows me. "It's..." "Put George in his face and trust you! I taught you how to make a knife." "You've got a lot of stuff to show your parents... what it's all about. Why would you want a knife? Mr. Gantetsu and Mr. Genklow come to me too. Can I tell you something? Is it all right to disclose the existence of 'swordsmanship' skills in this setting? My patrol disappeared quickly. Because I could see the color of expecting something from Mr. Masamune's straight green eyes, hidden from his forehead. That glanced emotion... that, yes, I can't say well, but I did feel something that I could empathize with. It smelled just like me when I wanted to raise my chest and challenge the unknown alchemy forward. "Why do you want a knife? The answer is, I have the knife skills." Strictly speaking, everyone on the field shut their mouths and quieted back. "... prove it" In the meantime, the solemn "Great Old Marquis of the Millennium Blacksmith" urges me. Then Mr. Gantetsu also stood up. "Holle, there it is. Because there are straw dolls standing there trying out the weapon you just made. Go for the kakashi and let go of the knife abilities." "Are you sure... you have knife skills? There's no reason to doubt it either. If you deal with high level mercenaries (players) on a daily basis, you are likely to hear more about mercenaries gaining knife skills than any other mercenary regiment (clan). That's why it might show up among our customers. That's what it's been, none. Besides the high level mercenaries (players), I suddenly showed up and told them I had 'knife' skills, using alchemy called garbage as my main skill. You can't believe it. Such a development was visible. That's why I've been getting ready. There shouldn't be any stains. Get the 'wooden knife (...)' out of gear storage, which is also my initial gear, and grip it in your right hand. Gantetsu's fingered kakakashi stands about meters from where I am. Quietly stare at the straw doll set in the corner of the blacksmith. I don't move a single step. "A wooden knife? Hey, I'm getting that out here now. Go to the woodworker's. No." Totally ignore the wild next time. Target, I activate Abilities acquired with the 'Knife' Skill LV. Raise your body forward and gently bend your knees (knees). And put the wooden knife to the side so that it flows behind you. The glittering light crushes my vision. In the next moment, Kakashi appeared abruptly right in front of him. No, I showed up beside the target. As it is, as it is made of abilities, it is slashed into a single letter. Is it because the skill assist is working, the blade I paid draws a smooth flash and is sucked into the spot where the kakashi was aiming. And then again, my vision was taken away. From Kakashi, he stood about 3 meters away. "What's that...? "Too fast..." ............ "First Knife/Zero Match (Zero)" As its name suggests, instantly eliminates the distance between yourself and your enemies and blows away abilities from zero (zero) distance attacks. Instantly increases the distance from the enemy and unleashes a sword attack. Immediately after hitting a sword strike, it's an ability to transfer yourself half of the distance you put on it, away from the target. "Hey! What, let's go with the speed now! "Fast, no... Is that instant travel, warp-based abilities? This ability has unilaterally exposed characteristics. I tried everything before I got here, but the moment my weapon or armor hits me will also be included in this attack decision, so even if my enemies take my blow off, they won't be able to cut it back because they're separated by the effect of abilities at the next moment. Only if the opponent's counterattack is a range system or ranged attack will this one take damage depending on the distance away. The difficulty is that the power is so low. Again, the recast time to activate this ability is three minutes and longer. It's impossible to make a series of attacks, but they don't chase you, they don't fight you back. It is also possible to alert and restrain instantaneous warp if the contents of the recast time are not understood by the other party. It should be able to be used heavily as a hand in restraint or as a hand in restraint. Other than the fact that it's less damaging, I think it's a pretty powerful ability. "This is the 'knife' skill." Yes, I was using the Sword of Lightning (Arts) skill for myself. By the time you come to the mining district of Greldi, or with this mercenary regiment (Clan), you won't regret it in case you get caught up in PvP and drop it. I didn't even want to sell it because I said so. Then it would be best to use it yourself. If so, I tried it with all the weapons I had after talking to George to see if I could use my swordsmanship skills all the way through. As a result, it was surprisingly wielded with an initial piece of equipment, a "wooden knife". On second thought, he also received a "wooden knife" in the reward of a simulated battle from the martial arts of an elf who possessed the knife, and it was likely that it was a weapon of the knife system. However, it was also a poor weapon, too big a hole to lose sight of the existence of a 'wooden knife'. "As you can see." I gather my wooden knife and turn back to the blatant Wu (Bu) batters. "Now he only has a wooden knife, so he's also the weakest. So I want a proper knife, and I want you to make a powerful knife for the famous' Great Old Marquis of the Millennium Blacksmith '..." Look up at the big man, who builds a much higher top than himself, to challenge him. "Here I am" That's what the giant man said to me. "Let me hit you... give you the sword you deserve..." Mr. Masamune moves his mouth faintly. "The Great Old Marquis of the Millennial Blacksmile" did give off an invincible grin.
Episode The Rush Of Destiny There's no trouble with a crime city arena event. To George's sighing remarks, I tell the truth with a cold sweat. "Er... I am the lord there..." Hmm!? It's not hard!? So I told George what I knew at the moment and called on the round table members who were aware of the reality change as soon as possible. When it comes to emergencies, thankfully everyone gathers in haste at my Lords Hall. Should our mercenary squad form an alliance with somewhere?Then I can take a lot of people with me. " "Hmm, a plan to become a war criminal (Judah) mercenary and get into the [corrupt city of iron and chains, Gildigarion]?" Koryu, the leader of the large mercenary regiment (clan), [Daitan Eren], and Mako, the deputy leader, propose the idea of entering the city in question with their mouths shut. It was my sister who became the captain of the mercenary group (clan), [head hunting drunkards], who sang the strongest PvP. "It's like a child's idea.Look, there's a lot of hit-and-run in real life on the wagon kills, right?More and more allied mercenaries (players) will betray each other... " Incidentally, my sister still doesn't allow Koryu and her stepson, who have a past that abducted me.So the tone is tight, but the content of the statement is also correct. "Alliance is a tough bond, isn't it?In reality, could it be the same for family, friends, classes, companies and groups? " "Dealing with a business partner... a large number of family murders... doesn't happen like that...?" "What if we kill our allies in the game and make it real...?" "... could we even kill each other in real life?" Two of them, Shizuku-chan and the Mercenary Corps (clan) [Hundred Cavalry Night Night], noticed the possibility of being terrified. Assuming the number of Alliance killings continues to increase, and if their predictions are met, it could be a terrible catastrophe... whilst disturbing thoughts grow that I want to convey this danger to people as soon as possible. That would be the same, apparently, as the round-table members were silent. Everyone feels painfully when he leans down with his blue face. Who would believe such a ridiculous appeal, 'If I kill an ally, I might kill someone in real life?' Without knowing what to do, there was a lot of haste. "It's quite possible to kill each other in real life...!" It was the blue-haired boy who shouted at our anxiety. "I assure His Excellency that this is an unfortunate development and should not be left unattended!In addition, there is a safety feature in the carriage in the Clan Clan!Nevertheless, despite ignoring the security system and even buying the disadvantages of being targeted by the Deus, many mercenaries would like to participate in the arena event... we should take full account of the worsening situation. " RFyou (Uzi), who oversees mysterious communities such as [Silver Soldier (Silver Ray)], strongly insists on danger. Incidentally, as RFyou (Uzi) says, the carriage has safety features. In fact, even if you bump into a mercenary (player) while driving in a carriage, you can easily revive them by tapping on the mercenary that caught the mercenary in the carriage within a minute. You should apologize for the accident, and there will be no drops of items or equipment. And if you don't slow down a lot, you won't be able to kill a mercenary.In other words, such accidents are rare within the clan.First, if the Shen Soldier (Deus) detects such a thing in the city, they will be targeted and suffer disadvantage. But now, even with that disadvantage, there are people who dare to run away.After all, the bounty of the arena event, the charm of 100 million esos, is huge. "If you are a mercenary (player) who wants to participate in the event and doesn't have a carriage, you can only choose to be an ally killer." "The more information about the arena event spreads among the mercenaries (players), the more dangerous it will become." Mina and Lily also complain about their concerns. "In any case, the only way to stop the event is to make it impossible for us to participate any more... I wonder if we can do anything with the authority of the angel lord?" George, the deputy commander of the mercenary group (clan) "Sadie Stick", where good artisanal mercenaries (players) gather, gets particularly suspicious, but I can only shake my head. In the first place, my role in The Corrupt City of Iron and Chains, Gildigarion, is merely a decorative lord who recognizes extraterritoriality instead of receiving taxes on a regular basis.Yes, Baron Pedo, the former administrator, said to Royal Ignitol, "I am ruling his criminal city well."And a criminal mercenary with a good face, a good relationship with the city NPC, and sucking sweet juice... made him a good hideout. So now I have only two powers in that city. One, like the former lord, receives taxes on a regular basis instead of leaving them behind. The second authority is... "So... Taro, your lord's authority?And only four people (...) enter the city? " Ms. Towa, Akane looks worried and confirms the facts with me. "Yes. Only four mercenaries (players), including me, can enter the corrupt city of iron and chains, Gildigarion, under the name of 'Inspection', even if they are not war criminals (Judas) mercenaries or criminal (Gilti) mercenaries." Only four mercenaries (players) can act together as allies.These four dive into the city, and that's the only choice I have left. "Whether you die or not, I will follow you!" Me too! "Me too! See, Shiz!" "Yu and Kou asked me to do you a favor, so I'm here with you." "Heavenly Master and I are always alone." Oh? Thief Lily I wonder who knows more about the dark mercenaries behind me? If we tell the truth again, everyone will come to the fore. There were only two exceptions, my sister and Towa. Her sister said something carelessly and closed the open mouth.And Mr. Tois looks at everyone with anxiety shaking his eyes. For a while, everyone was rubbing about who was going, so I was worried about how to extract and distribute. Did my sister take me for a sister like that? She gives me a big sigh and leads my surroundings to silence. "Well, as Taro will finally decide who will go, I will give my opinion." My sister looks around at everyone and puts it in between before she starts talking. "Ahhn...? Oh, I see." "Hey, why Sin-san...." "You have a great diffusion power within this member, don't you?George is deeply connected to each artisanal mercenary (player)."The two members of the" Great Gang "have a lot of team members, and the RF4you are also leading people who don't know why." "Lord Singh, why can't I be by your side?" "It's a simple story. Don't you tell them that you don't believe in the danger that [death] may occur in reality?" "That's...." "Even if you don't believe me, you should be warned.I'll do my best, even if I look at you with weird eyes.It may be conveyed to the ears of a mercenary with a slight real-world module that can recognize reality alterations. " "Hmm. I'm so worried about angels, my judgment was dull.Everyone needs to calm down. " "And George, you're a businessman, aren't you?Show your face in a criminal city where trust among mercenaries is paramount.If that fact leaks somewhere, it will resonate in future deals. " Well, I didn't care about that. "Sin's opinion is similar (and even more).If so, let's save the lives of the dragon lord and stepsons. " "Yes, that's right, I'll take care of that!" Yes, good luck. On the brink of the band, her sister bathed in sharp words. "I'm telling you, he's also a dirty man.If you tell the bad guys about the dangers and spread the word that it's dangerous to be a war criminal (Judah) mercenary, "They want to have the event all to themselves, but aren't they doing it to get rid of it?"How dare you snap your back fingers?" "Sin-chan, wait! Is the information that the Arena Event will only be held spreading among the Grey Zone Mercenaries?Could it be that good mercenaries (players) who don't know about the event will take the initiative to promote it everywhere? " "That's my biggest concern.So the timing of rumors that arena events are dangerous needs to be judged carefully when the event content is disseminated or before reality becomes a terrible tragedy.It's foolish of you to enter a criminal city where you can buy a lot of information and a lot of situations. " "Understood! It is also possible that the Angel's activities will change the situation!So we should be prepared to spread new information and responses as soon as possible. " That's true. Taro, hang in there.Tell us as soon as anything happens. " Thus, my escort was naturally restricted to five people: Shizu, Yuraku, Lily, Mina, and Towa. I think we're going to go to a crime city with three of these people. "And it's not just Taro's [corrupt city of iron and chains, Gildigarion] that matters." What? I ask questions about other than my sister's remarks. Don't tell me that there are still elements that could cause turbulence...!? "I hear one [Ten of the Dead] is moving.I created the trigger for the Ignitol Inheritance War. [Ares the Son of Conflict].Indeed, according to Wolf of the Mercenary Corps (Clan) "The Lone Wolf", the NPC was rebelling against Count Hardy and pulling the thread of rebellion against Queen Ignitol. [Shiten-seeds] Speaking of NPCs, I've been coming out a bit lately, but... listening to that name is enough to make me feel disturbed. The [Genesis Alchemist Noah World] was sometimes called the [Genesis Alchemist] who breeds hatred, and he was the main person who indirectly caused the virus pandemic... [Wanderer of a Thousand Guns Olympic Surface] was engaged in activities that promoted the struggle between white and black cats... "That's not information you can leave behind, is it?So if you can't follow Taro, I want you to come with me and help me with my investigation into [Nakaha Ares, the son of the conflict]. " That seemed to have put the story together, but I come back to who is good to follow me after all. And for some reason, it's very uncomfortable because everybody looks at me like I'm waiting for a decision. Apparently, the members who enter the [Corrupt City of Iron and Chains Gildigarion] are completely in control of who I choose. "Er...." After a while of reflection, I will never speak of the great decision of the century. Well then, please do it in jampon! I shout forcefully to distract myself from the embarrassment. I couldn't decide who to go with anyway. After we all stared at Pocahontas so pathetic, why was it so good?And maybe I could be confident that I left a little luck to myself...? Luck must be important, yeah! "Um, is that okay with me...?" And for some reason, Mr. Tois points to his face. "Because I must be weaker than everyone....." I see. Is that why you didn't speak up when you were trying to decide who you were going with and you looked anxious? Sure, I don't know what's going to happen this time, so I don't think it's too strong.However, Ms. Towa's Tame Skill, which allows her to easily communicate with monsters, is rare. Speaking of arenas, fighting gladiators and beasts is a classic.If there were monsters behind the arena event, Towa's skills would be shining. Of course, not just Mr. Tois, but everyone here has their own strengths, which is why it was difficult to choose someone. "I really wanted to go with everyone here.And, of course, Mr. Towa. " To be honest, Towa's face was sunny. I'm a little relieved by her condition.Then, let me tell you that I still feel scared. I'm sure everyone here is afraid of something like this. "I'm worried about this, but there's everybody here...." I can't put together what I want to say, and my mouth doesn't move very well. Still, I want to say the words that I want to say the most. "Guys, thank you so much for following me...!" My best friends taught me, "We're not alone." I want to share my feelings and tell them so with a smile. Then, for some reason, it will be free for a moment. "... Taro-chan!" "... Master Tian Shi" "... Mr. Taro..." "... Buddha, is that against the rules...?" And because each one of them dyes their cheeks and twitches strangely... I'm blinded and distracted. "I just got Taro's feelings!" "I'll definitely, definitely win!" "Me and the Heavenly Master are childhood familiar ~ They're definitely connected ~!" "Me and Taro write with our best friend and read with our rivals.When I studied Japanese animation, this kind of relationship can't be cut off, right? " "Er, uh, Buddha and I have two secrets I can't tell anyone!" Eh, Cathy!? That's not a confession, is it!?!? I panicked at the fierce enthusiasm of the girls. Make it feel like you're holding each other back, looking around you or shuffling. No, I'm already in trouble! You're not going to get into Towa's two secrets!? In such a tender situation, the lids of the women's battles were cut and dropped. "Nyakkkkkkkk...." With Mina's voice, everyone grabbed each fist. "Jakkehhhhhh!!!" Before Mina could say "Janken, Pong", it was Qian-chan and Towa who quickly took control of the scene. As a result, there was no such fraudulent thing as someone else getting out afterwards.But if there was, it was just a slip of timing. Yes, in an unspeakable atmosphere, the winner of Nyan was decided. Tois is a par and everyone else is goo. I can see that this is also wrapped in complicated feelings. I would like to ask you why you disturbed the venue, but everyone understands that it is difficult to ask for a fresh start because there is no cheating when you play sole. ... such subtle air. "... wow, I'm going to... puff out the par next!" Mina raised her hand on the spot when she slit off such a strange moment. Apparently, Bluff? We're going to start a psychological battle. "Oh? Then I'll give you a choke." "Eh...? If I put out a choke in this stream, I'll lose only Minazuki... eh?I'm the bad guy!? " What are you going to do, Shizu ~? "I'll definitely give you a par!" Psychological battle begins in vain. Everyone has a black smile and a nyonyo smile on their face. But because the four of them are searching for each other's stomachs somewhere pleasantly... I wonder what I'm a little jealous of, driven by the desire to mix up with that psychological battle. When I saw them, I noticed the fact that I was laughing. In reality, there was a rampant hit-and-run incident, and I thought it had been urgent ever since I learned about such a situation. Everyone's heart soothes slightly. Something was wrong with their serious faces, and their shoulders were feeling so relieved. "All right, everybody, let's go! Nnkhhh...." Ponzi! "Jayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayahn!" Poo!? No, slow down, very fast. You didn't chew well.
The progress of the game is associated with the erosion rate of reality. To my sister's remarks, the surrounding faces bother me that they may indeed be. "To be precise, if there's more awareness among the mercenaries, they're more likely to erode reality." "I see..." The Rainbow Goddess (Arco Illis) "The Church is guarded by the Divine Soldier (Deus) who controls the predisposition of the mercenary (player), so if you play Clan Clan, how do the mercenaries (players) recognize the existence of the Church in the first place..." First, Shaking Night (Koya) presents his views on the Church of the Rainbow Goddess (Arco Illis). "We also said we had to be careful not to PvP in front of Michelangelo's" Rainbow Goddess (Arco Iris) "church..." Yuruchi seems to remember his early days with a convincing face. "Religion is closely related to ideas and concepts, and erosion from there may indeed be the first thing we should begin in the sense of rewriting the fundamental history that mankind has come to..." Yuki makes a strange face and says something scary. It's as if some invaders are enemies of mankind. "The next fairy that emerged in reality was a one-step event at the Fairy Ball, and the next event at the Fireworks Festival, where I even used the Fairy Flush Lantern and Elf Takeshi to impress the mercenaries." "When I asked Hu, the fairy's presence was all mixed up in the history of the world..." I'll add the facts that support my sister's expectations here. "Exceptionally, we don't know about items, equipment, or status." "Item...... Don't you see if the 'Flash Stone' I made in Alchemy has anything to do with the progress of the game? Maybe it wouldn't have existed if I hadn't made it? "We'll have to keep verifying that area..." As you can see from George's conclusions, there are very few options left for us. Verification is not a lengthy situation. But if you don't, there are things you don't know the truth about. As everyone whispers to each other, "I don't know what to do," "Don't do anything, Arinsoo," my sister says strictly off. "Just one thing. We have the most effective means we can use right now." All members focus their gaze on their sister at once. I'm no exception, 'What's there?' and stared at his reluctant sister. "Stalling the Clan Clan's offense... not letting the offense go as far as possible, not letting them step through new unknown areas, not letting the game go forward, I'm done with this" But even if we knew that, we couldn't have done it alone. There are tens of thousands of mercenaries (players) in the Clan Clan, and there's no way they can stop playing. At a time when we found out that erosion would proceed if the offense proceeded, everyone here should naturally have been the first to come to mind with that proposed countermeasure. "But my sister... such an impotence, how...? "Take the nature of this game, or PvP recommended attitude backwards" "What do you mean? "Organize an alliance of so-called advanced mercenaries (clans) that hunt down on the most advanced mercenaries (players)." My sister laughs nicely. "That's..." "Well, we're going to reinforce the" Neck Hunting Drunk Co "that I'm currently captain of. And we will join forces with the mercenary regiment (clan) that will welcome us." "Quick story, will you form an inhibitory force for the offense..." "There's going to be more bad mercenaries (clans)..." Yukou, one hundred nights old, was nodding at each other like he was heartfelt. I just feel like my eyes are frightened when I look at my sister. "It's my role to bring the battle freaks together well, create minimum norms, and make sure my" neck hunting freaks "are exemplary. And hit the offensive team, slowing down the offensive speed." Mercenaries (players) who love PvP... how can you lead such rough guys... some of them are shady mercenaries (players). I feel like I could do it because I'm my sister because I'm the "Neck Hunting Drunk Co" who makes that name on PvP, but it's going to be a huge burden. "The inhibition of the attack is currently received by my mercenary regiment (Clan), Neck Hunting Insanity. All you have to do is ambush him in a dungeon or something and hunt down the offensive team." "That's close to declaring war on all players..." "That's a PvP-recommended clan clan, so it's not a playstyle problem." "Inhibition of tactics..." "Treason against the operation..." "Mm-hmm... I mean Talo's sister is at the center, controlling the 'anti-mercenary' or 'anti-offensive' momentum, while also tightly controlling or sanctioning the malicious mercenary regiment (clan) -? "Though it will be after they have just the power to do it. First of all, we're going to make it a top priority to scale up the anti-offensive force as soon as possible." Perhaps I have already come up with a specific way for my sister to answer Hundred Rides Night Trip and Lily's questions without precipitation. "As you can see in this clan clan, the scariest thing is man. Kill, take, this is the concept of the game... as long as a human being is an organism, it's part of the essence." "It's common to all creatures to just live and eat and kill other creatures." "But only humans fight wars to turn the economy, kill with their own pleasure, self-fulfilment, and hatred," "This is in the real world, just in case something like PvP happens, it's a stopper." "Well, in advance, if we let the minimum rules penetrate among mercenaries (players), when PvP happens in real life, does that mean we can prevent catastrophic events? It would be nominally made, but it doesn't look like much execution. Player kills on the person's consciousness...... I don't even know if I can imprint rules that ease killings in real life. It's just better to do it than not, is that how it goes? "The most important thing to worry about is skills. If this gets real, it's gonna be a big deal." Come here and talk about the biggest element of anxiety, sister. Until now, even if the status has been embodied, there has been no confirmation that the skill has developed. However, that is recognition only within this Ments. "It's not strange that someone who can activate their skills already somewhere in real life. What's more, the items and equipment that artisans produce." My sister saw it as a chill with me. That danger does not disappear any more than 'Flash Stone' is in reality. "A superman awakened to his skills is dangerous if he has a sword that blows fire..." Yuruchi stares at his two-handed sword, the Great Wheel Fire Slash, and solitudes himself. "Taro, if it was your alchemy, it would have been 'dissolved water', wouldn't it? It's like sulphuric acid, isn't it? When you have a world where you can easily get that..." That's extremely dangerous...... "Again, I'm afraid of humans. If you don't know what skills you can use in real life, what items, weapons, and protective equipment you're going to use in advance, then the type of measures you can take is the difference between cloud mud." Then I mean...... "Not only do we have to stop the attack... we have to move on." My sister has inconsistencies with what I was saying. But I understood what you were going to say. I want to delay my game strategy if I can. If we can't keep our attack speed down, get the latest information, and get around to the real-world game embodied content, we should take the initiative to get clan clan information and monopolize it as soon as possible. "Best of all, the ideal shape is to control it while slowing down your attack speed. With the help of state-of-the-art groups of powerful and massive mercenaries (clans), we ask them to stay at the latest offensive points and spread information. Have other mercenary regiments (clans) slow down their progress so that they can monopolize their offensive advantage at the same time." "And the middle-level" Hundred Rides Night Trip "is the same style of play as ever, whether there's any retrieval of cutting-edge information or an intermediate position to gather information and play games carefully" "Yeah, it's fast and helpful." "So the information we get is hidden, covered up and treated like a lot of mercenaries (players) don't recognize us? "That's what's gonna happen. We're breaking up with a group that slows down the attack and a group that advances the attack." "Then maybe Atiki, Ann, Angel Cucumber, and Craftsmen will broaden the connection between production jobs and deepen the gathering of information on what items and equipment can be made." "You're right, George. For one thing, I'm going to make this my goal, what do you think? My sister looked around at everyone. While playing game strategy, they also attack mutations approaching reality. Buy time and gather information to get ready for it. "That's all we can do, isn't it? Let's try it, guys." The first person to answer was Yuki, the leader of the Mercenary Corps (Clan) Hundred Rides of Night. "Whoa, you're gonna have to play the game more seriously than ever." "Siz may not come with a pin, but will you cooperate? "Yeah... there's a lot of seriousness in everyone - it's coming through here too... it's true..." The face of the Hundred Rides Night Trip seems to have no objection to this policy. "You need to know what items, weapons, and skills you have to kill a mercenary (player). Originally, I (I) played while actively gathering such information... so I might just as well stab the guys more efficiently from behind." Mr. Lilly makes a statement as rumored. Yuri says' Uh-huh 'to the blackness. In real life, don't do that. "Weapons, protective equipment, materials, what concealed elements embody in reality," "It's important for artisans everywhere to gather all three pieces of information." Mr. Announ and George seem to be on board, too. It's not real mod momentum. I was a little scared of my friend's reaction, but I'm horrified because they're both going to cooperate. "More than ever, in an abandoned play...... I need to know Clan Clan! George and Mr. Announ, hang in there with me! "Come on, if Mr. Taro asks you to, don't say no, Arinsu." "The Angel Cucumber will continue to do a lot of research on new items." As my anxiety grew, I felt that George had dared to tell me not to forget to enjoy the game. Thus the same policy we met in "Hui Sword Shop Skills George" was decided. "Here, let's swear treason to the game" Everyone in this room agreed with my sister's voice. In the end, I didn't see Shintaro at the fireworks show... Yuki-kun and Koya didn't come back as soon as they changed their blood phase somewhere... Too bad. Such, lying in a cot with a feeling of no longer - more. And then I stare at the package of games I left beside the pillow. "Tomorrow, let's try it" I wasn't even interested when Kotaro recommended me, but I heard that Shintaro started playing the game, and I bought it. Somehow I'm going to read the back of the package. "I can set the name of my character or something. Sounds like a little fun." If I were you, my real name would be Miya-nouchi Akane, so... um, I'd skip "Miya-nouchi" and maybe the character's name would be cute. I'm lost, what name should I give it?
"Ha-ha-ha..." I ran as fast as I could. To get away from my best friends, don't show up in the eyes of beautiful Sy. Seeing the cowardly part of me, I let the crowd dance into the street. I was able to distance myself from my best friends with a surprisingly quick move. "Ha-ha-ha... ha-ha..." The smiles, the hustle and bustle of the people who enjoy the festivities, the heat of the stalls and the lights flow beside their sights. The lights on the lantern (penis) appear dazzling, and I almost hold my head by accident. "What are you doing... me..." Then we move on to a less popular, darker place. Then the rough breath and confusion gradually subsided. Walk alone with a flaming body to calm your high emotions. I remember the look on my best friends' faces when I escaped from Yuki and Koyuki, and my bitter feelings began to flutter. "Those guys... even I noticed..." I didn't explain anything, but I was happy with their attitude when they immediately decided it was me and acted on me. Maybe that's adaptability because I've been dealing with my best friends in silver hair girl avatar beforehand at Clan Clan. Still, it was a great pleasure to recognize me as Buddha (two) Shintaro. I turned my back on those best friends. "Maybe those guys are turning their minds around to get me and Xi (Akane) together again...? If so, I must apologize for running away..." The calmer I got, the better the situation has been. It's not an impossible story, and it's more likely because of the character of Evening Fairy (Yuki) or Shaking Night (Koya). I regret that I should have checked my smartphone at all if I thought I might have heard from you about Sy and the others. "Then you shouldn't have been so upset..." Keep talking to yourself as you hear the hustle and bustle of the far-flung festival Kazuko (Yamako). It was the usual place where nature and feet were headed, organizing their thoughts and emotions in that way. That's every year, in front of a riverbed staircase looking up at fireworks with my best friends. When we get here, there are very few people on the street. That's why we're a little further away from the fireworks, but we can watch them slowly, so we're going to see them here. Two figures in such an unpopular place. He stared at me quietly and waited calmly for me. "Ah..." I try to speak to two of my best friends, at the usual rate. But all that came out of my throat (throat) was a small little exhale. The shame rises from the fact that he just escaped like no other. Along with that, just a few fears. If you hadn't accepted me as me, what an unlikely thing for these two, but there might be in case. Such thoughts circle through my head, and my voice is fogged to be sucked into the darkness at night. So we walked over silently to each other. Step by step, step by step, so that we can see the time we've spent together. And the three of us made it down the stairs. Stared at each other. Yuki has a gentle smile as usual, distorting her eyebrows into eight letters just a little sorry. As usual, the eyeglasses can be lifted quickly and sparingly, but the eyes that look at this one are serious. We need to talk about something. Quick, I have to explain. I have to apologize soon. Even though all sorts of overflowing emotions are about to spit out of my chest. Words never came out properly, as if I had caught my throat. And then a loud noise bursts out with the light as it cuts through our silence. In response to that sound, I accidentally take my gaze off my best friends and look up. Fireworks gleaming in the night sky blossomed a breathtaking large circle. During the middle two years, I was worried about a dizzying and changing relationship, a light that encouraged me not to frustrate (lottery). When I was in junior high, the battle of taking exams held me back. The brilliance inspired me to decide my path and prepare for study so that I could push our backs. The same Shizuku (Shizuku) of flames spreads and every grain of them pours down to illuminate us again this year. My eyes, sucked by the fireworks, accidentally turn toward the stairs by a tiny noise rang from behind. The two looked up at the fireworks and gently lowered their hips to the steps of the stairs. And he puts his hands down a few times without uttering a word. There was a space between us just saying to sit here and see. I calm my hips roughly at the invitation of my best friends. For what is closer to the presence and breath of the two than just now, it also makes me nervous. But it was very cozy. As it were, we didn't say anything to each other for a while. Just be quiet. He kept staring at the various fire flowers that struck up into the blue blue sky. Sometimes powerful, sometimes graceful, sometimes uncut. I even looked up at the colorful fireworks. Oh, my best friends are so powerful and comforting. Without any explanation, you're accepting me as me. He sees fireworks with me as a matter of course, in a stance that is no different from normal years. That's handsome. Graceful as fireworks, they envelop me to reassure me. Compared to that, how shallow I am. All the time, all the time. I suspected the two of them so dependable, scared to lose them, and kept hiding my current situation. What a coward. I couldn't trust you. I didn't watch the fireworks disappear and scatter, as if to speak for my thoughts. I regretted it, it was painful. But still. I couldn't help but be glad to see the fireworks as they normally do. Once and for all the kindness of my best friends who prompted me to sit next to them silently. "Um... sorry..." I apologized as a number of fireworks set off a flash of raw (blame) and disappeared. "As a matter of fact... I was on summer vacation and immediately had a sexually transmitted disease..." My voice really shivers. "Huh, I've been hiding it from both of us... and when I look like this... I don't know if my attitudes, values, or anything against me will change... but I'm much more anxious." It's kind of very chatty. My throat is hot, and my cheeks are hot. But I wanted to make a firm confession and apologize for doubting my best friends. "I can't trust you somewhere in my heart... Yes, I've piled it up with you, and I thought something of us might break down... earlier, you know, I ran away..." Let me be honest with you and I'll apologize again. "Doubt it, sorry..." Ha, and a deep sigh fell zero from the two of us. The exhalation sounds strangely louder than the fireworks launch noise and freaks me out. I thought I'd let you down... "Well... well, what can I say after seeing Shintaro do that? I thought so, can I just say? And Yuki, who laughs like she can't help it. "Talk fast, say it faster" Quickly fix glasses at night. Lightly, really lightly, my best friends embraced my change with nothing to eat face. There is no such thing. After all, these two showed me something completely different than the way I was anxious to react. "Forgive me, I want it. Really, sorry..." When I beg forgiveness, Yuki says something in a slightly faint tone. Still, he turned his gaze away again and spoke gently to me with his straight eyes. "Don't cry? It takes a little while to understand Yuki's words, which leaked by accident. Am I crying? No, it shouldn't... "Damn, you've been crying since we met." That's what I'm saying, and the wavering night reaches out. And hesitated for a moment, putting the move to rest. But the next moment, he gently wiped my cheeks. "You're a crybaby." Nico's grinning face at night is dazzling. I'm going to bring out some painful memories from middle school and say, "My forehead still hurts." "I'm still in uniform. Can't you smell me? And Yuki breaks in between the night and me, and makes a plain tease of the filth that followed him when Un complained (co) Bai. "Besides, I'm familiar with Shintaro's crying face. Actually, Shintaro was crying on his way home then, at the intersection, right? It was tough walking in front of you pretending you didn't notice." Oops. Unh. (Co) Did he realize that the soaking water was running out of my eyes when he escorted me all the way home to White! "Ma, quick story. I can't believe Shintaro's crying face now. And sexually transmitted diseases." "Yes, yes. It's now time for Shintaro to go the diagonal of our imagination and get into a situation where there's no clapping." Oh, what terrible best friends these guys are. What the fuck are you crying about, trying to give these guys jito eyes? But all this time, the sole didn't work, and for some reason, my mouth became loose. "... Ugh, shut up! That's how we laughed at each other with Couscous.
"Ta, was Mr. Taro there, like, your favorite lord or something? "Heh...? And? Homo samurai......? "Yes, my lords. If you were about Mr. Taro's age, you might have some resistance to talking about love, but I'm a -year-old lady. Can I talk to you about it? Fourteen is two years younger than me. "Wow, I want to help Heavenly Master too, so I'll always listen to anyone I like! Following Mr. Lily, even Mina had a gleeful look at him and interrupted him. "Hey, what's the matter with you both suddenly?" "Mr. Taro, this is a guy named Love Bana. Don't be shy, why don't you reveal what's inside your chest? Whoa, I didn't know you even cared about Mr. Announ... or why does everyone have such a sweet look at me? Is it possible that the word "love bana" caused Hideaki Miyanoshi to turn my face into something so weak that she was unconsciously sympathetic? If so, you shouldn't. I don't want to be sympathetic, and I can't say enough that I'm not... out of sympathy... But I don't regret the very fact that I told you my thoughts. "Mr. Taro, are you okay...? "And, Heavenly Master..." "Ah......, no. It's okay, it's okay." I can't stop laughing, but I can't help it all. Looking over at everyone thinking so, Mina was moving to the seat on Mr. Lily's or Mr. Announ's side at some point. Besides, it looks like we've started a secret meeting again. "I can't believe you made Heavenly Man look like that... forgive me, Lorigon." "Because your face is somewhat good, you're doing everything you can to make my rival, Taro, sad." "I wonder if the tale of love is good... the girl you love has been inflicted on two beautiful boys with unhealing wounds... oh who will heal the wounds of that poor girl" "Not good! "It's not good! Wow. All of a sudden, I thought Mina and Lily were barking at Mr. Announ. "Heavenly Master's best friend, I thought I was fit! "It's my job, Taro's de facto rival! I wonder what it is. I don't know, but you're definitely rubbing it about me. but not an atmosphere that can be easily approached...... "Heavenly Master... do you still care about Yu and Koo? Hmm, I'm already perfectly incomprehensible as to why Suddenly Evening Fai (Yuki) and Shaking Night (Koya) have come to the topic, but I'm afraid of Mina and Lily approaching me with a straight face, so I answer reflexively. "Sora, well... yeah" You care. Mercenary Corps (Clan) What is the state of war with the Hundred Nights, what is your view of the Church of the Rainbow Goddess (Arco Illis)... and what will be your reaction if I tell you that I have become a girl... "Why is that? "Huh?" Mr. Announ keeps telling me to listen back. "I don't care" I don't care how you ask... I'm always looking out for you, and it's funny to be with you. We've been dating a long time. "It's good, I may not be able to put it into words..." "I'm getting help... I've been with them for a long time... because I can stay natural with them... they're usually the ones that matter" Oh, that's embarrassing. Oddly illuminating. "... I'm so proud of you" Hmm...? Oh, is that an enviable position for a girl after all? They're handsome. I don't know. You're not going to get along with those guys, and as a girl, you're going to stare with envy. Even though I'm a little more in-game, should I engage the two handsome guys with Mina or Lily? What a thought, the women were entering a secrecy again. Hmm. If a girl means it, she can't really hear anything. I didn't know the day was coming when I wanted my eavesdropping skills so badly... "But it's love online, right? "You can't see your face in person..." "That's right... it's not fruitful... Mr. Taro is pushing his way into love..." "But there's only one thing I care about." "What is it? "Mr. Taro said we've been together for a long time... what do you mean by" old friends "? "Right...... there's a difference between these years, and I'm curious how you got to know each other" Now in a short span, the summit of women seems to have pulled the curtain. Again, the three of them turned to me. "How did you get to know Mr. Koo or Mr. Yu? Hmm. Is it, after all, an inspiration to get to know a handsome guy, or a point you want to know about feminine? But it's bad for everyone, but all this won't help my physical experience...... Because I'm perfectly lucky to have the same school and the same class. "I'm a rear friend. Normally, it feels like meeting at school or something." Even Mr. Announ seemed surprised by this. Were you stunned by your lucky encounter with such a handsome man? The three of them stared at me flashly for a while, wondering if their open mouth wouldn't block them. But the usual sorority (skipping me) seems to have resumed immediately. "This needs to sort out the information we gathered once." "Mr. Taro is a student of the same educational establishments as Mr. Yu and Mr. Kou, that is, private schools of high school and middle school consistency." "It's reasonable to assume that you've become acquainted with charity activities in the school district, or some kind of off-campus event, cultural festivals, joint classes, or other events that go beyond the framework of the school year." "Girl younger than me in real life... I can't believe I poisoned Heavenly Master..." "Moreover, from the mouthfeel, it is also possible that there is frequent overlapping of Meise" "So you exist as part of Taro's everyday life." "Heavenly Master's personal life......? "You're very concerned." "Torture two sinful lorigons... No, interrogate them and ask them about Heavenly Master's lifestyle" "That's a good idea. I'd love to hear more about what you like and what you don't like about that beautiful, cheeky Taro." "I'm sure you must be adorable, godly..." "You two, the story is uneven. The problem is Mr. Taro, who has a heart for two beautiful boys." "In the first place, are you two? "Sure, you need to get a good grip on that..." After a rather long meeting, the women's threesome somehow softened their posture and put together some sort of pre-game tension and looked at me. Nature makes me feel better, too. What the hell are you going to say... Drink Gokuri and spit, and I will wait jizzily for their words. Then I'm so illusioned forever... No, actually, after less than five seconds, Lily has been throwing down a hell of a question. "So, Mr. Taro, which is your destiny? "Ho?" For a moment, I didn't understand the intent of her question at all. "Which of the two halls are you in love with? "Yes?" To me as a Kyoton, everyone is a Kyoton. "Uh, yeah, yeah, you know. Taro asked you which of you was in love with Yu and Kou." "Huh!? No, it's true that Evening Fai (Yuki) is cool from a boy's point of view, it's sweet on the inside, it's good to take care of, and it's exciting and fun to talk about where he occasionally comes up with s. Even at night, I look good in glasses, I think it's intelligent and cool, and most importantly, it's interesting and adorable to mess with even though you can shelter and rely on me. Um, think of it for yourself. It's allergic, but my best friends have high specs. What about me against... No, I'm depressed, so let's not do this now. Now that's it, they're so good, but they don't have romantic feelings, and telling friends is a prerequisite. "Those two are just friends, right? But the three of them have turned their suspicious eyes to me. Why. "Heavenly Master? "Yes, yes, Mina." Also, Mina, who was moving next to me when she realized if she was teleporting from out of my consciousness, asked me if I was approaching her suddenly. "We're friends, aren't we? "Well, I am." I'm afraid of the color of Mina's eyes. It's a look I don't know what you're thinking. "So, no lies, right? "Yeah, you know what? To my answer, ho breathing mina. I really don't know what made you so relieved. "Well, Heavenly Master. Question." "Yes, yes, Mr. Mina, go ahead." I get barometric pressure from Mina's extremely serious eyes. How can it be such a series of tensions? However, where and what did I go wrong when I was going to discuss with Wye the proposed products to be served in the 'stalls'? Prepare for Mina's questions, even as she vomits in her heart about such stupidity. "Which do you prefer, Mr. Yu or Mr. Kou? This is in a romantic sense," Love...... ...... ............ So how does that happen...... I don't know, but here again, I have to deny it. I think I'm going to get it wrong in a weird direction because of how they are right now. So I said. "No, because I don't normally like it romantically or anything" "Is that true? I answer flat to Mina, who will check quickly. "No, you mean the lord. Because I normally like girls." I told them the truth very naturally. Listen to what I have to say, Mina, she snorts up and down in a spitefully adorable way. Mr. Lily stared seriously at this one, dyed his cheeks pop and turned away. While the two of them are looking slightly strange, 'Harrah' as far as Mr. Announ is concerned, and driving normally with a luscious smile. Hmm, is that it? I thought I told you the obvious, but their reaction was unnatural somewhere... ahhhhhhhh! I did it! In a rush for the strange force of the women, I had vegan forgotten that I was now a girl. "No, the, uh, this is it!? Appearance is a girl's favorite, and a girl likes declarations and other abnormal remarks. I thought it was bad and tried to open my mouth to make some excuses but it was already too late. "Ah-ha-ha. ♪ I'm sorry I'm late. Don't go anywhere out of company, like a maiden love bana first, yeah! It is the battle of George, the third waiter for the color black punch octopus. Speaking of my business associates, it's George. Because I get Emerald Potion in Okama's store, and I'm working on co-producing Hui Sword (Arts). Sales are not good at all with respect to potions, and Hui Sword (Arts) has only been able to develop Winter Droppers, but we're still coming. I was just wondering if George would come up with a good idea. "Oh, oh... that was late, George. Are you okay?" I'm so glad you made it to the product conference I'm putting on the 'stall' this way... I missed the opportunity to escape telling you, I'm not sure. "Hey, I made a mistake delivering Skill Fai Sword Arts with my business partner." "Mr. George......" "Mr. George, you've come to a good place. An unexpected aspect of Mr. Taro was discovered. Do you feel comfortable with Mr. George, Rinshin?" "Mr. Iron Blood of Man Fishing... Mr. Taro told the lady... I see... in a way, that makes sense" No, I wonder what it is already. Everyone's perception stays this way... anyway, it doesn't mean it's true. For some reason, they're not pulling me off, and let's just say this matter was left alone or not. All right! If that's the case, let's force George to take it even to the topic of the products he puts out at the 'stall' using Dashi. The color black wolf looks like this and may be the deputy leader of the Artisan (Craft) Mercenary Corps (Clan) "Sadie Stick". I'm busy. Let's start by entering without difficulty. "Angel Cucumber invited me, unless there's much more to it." The "stall" on the day of the event. My mercenary regiment (clan) is so full of personnel. " "Well, good for you. It's so powerful that George will be joining our stall." "Oh, my gosh. ♪ As a composite artisan (Union Crafter) of angel cumbers, you deserve it! "Composite Artisan (Union Crafter)!? Mr. Taro and Mr. George!? Mr. Announ reacted strangely excessively to George's remarks. She is also one of the most advanced craftsmen day and night for her sewing skills, so I think she's used to hearing about the word "Union Crafter" ... Composite craftsmen (Union Crafters) are groups and groups of mercenaries (players) specialized in separate production skills who work together to create a single weapon, protective equipment, items and accessories, furniture, shiny swords (arts), unknown objects, etc. It would be like a so-called business partnership, joint development. Needless to say, this is a relationship formed by mutual trust. The burden on each varies depending on the product being made, and each time (or time) there is a change in the required expenses. It takes a lot of credibility to get a good grasp of each other and calculate profits respecting the opinions of both sides. As soon as I found out the recipe, the weapon I was able to create was taken away by the "Union Crafter." It was Mr. Nyudo, the shopkeeper who brought 'Cloudy and Clear Juice' to George at the service who came into the flow of such a story. "Hey... you, huh? Who said anything about it? Wow, George's temples are picking up. My brother's remarks now seem to have made it easier to break through Okama's boiling point. I decided this was a bad idea, and I immediately swung the subject to Mr. Nyudo. "I'm glad Mr. Nyudo praised me for making delicious dishes. As an alchemist, I've always been intrigued by the dishes Mr. Nyudo makes, and I've always been impressed with how he made this' cloudy and sunny juice 'thing too! "Oh, wow... well, I'm glad to hear that. Oh, hey, the silver lady was an alchemist..." Mr. Nyudo answers freaking me out as I get George's piercing gaze. You succumbed to that needle-pricking Ocama cold mental attack, and he shits like a flurry of painful air. "Because you don't! This is the place, for the lady who attracted so many guests, and I'm not a skinny one either! Hey, are you thinking about putting a product on the" stall "? "Oh, yes, it is." Not at all, we haven't progressed on that one! "Right, Holle, if the recipe for" Cloudy and Clear Juice "there sucks, you can tell me what it is! "Is it true!? But this is the juice that Mr. Nyudo worked so hard to knit... can I share a recipe for such a valuable product...? "Well, if you don't raise your level of culinary skills, you can't make a nappy mon even if you know the recipe. I wish I didn't have to be some kind of reference." "Oh, thank you! "I'm going to serve food to the 'stall' too. No. I didn't care if a similar dish was sold! Ooh. This is a flapjack from a shelf, or a boat over there. I was just going to ask Mr. Nyudo to share the recipe, but I wasn't sure other than the ingredients. Because when it comes to the cooking skills itinerary, there's no way we could have known it was close to ignorance. "It was surprising, in that I immediately teased the" waterfront chill in "using the abilities" Foolish Flame Burning ". Goodbye, sweet carbonation. They say the ingredients for "Cloudy and Clear Juice" are "Fine Water," "Horn of Schwaschwa," "Ash Flour," "Grapel Juice," and "Pale Spark". Fine water can be created right away with the top conversion of 'water', or picked up in town. With regard to the other materials, I also asked in detail which monsters would drop and where the picking place was. "I see. A man who can cook could be nice. Wow." The attitude of the man certified George had also been somewhat softened to Mr. Nyudo, who had so kindly taught him. "Oh, hey, it's you (...). Oh, you didn't do anything wrong. No? If you ever have a problem, don't hesitate to tell me." I saw it as a chance for harmony, Mr. Nyudo, but once again I stepped on a mine. But I don't care who he is, he keeps getting tangled up with George. "Drink this, and get back in the mood. Hey. Hilarious, huh? When these hot days go on, you want to be good, don't you? "Oh? And I don't know if I'm a maiden or not." Mr. Nyudo blued as the shapes of the colored black octopus grew more and more rugged. ―――― ―――― We finally began to consider the products that we would be selling at the 'stall' in earnest after a good shopkeeper dropped us off and pulled us into the cooking area. "It's Ramune when it comes to summer festivals. What about making this for reference? Mina, who was jealously observing "Cloudy and Clear Juice," abruptly says so. It was a suggestion with no context whatsoever, but I was also very much in agreement with that. Ramune, love it. "Mina is right. I like Ramune. But that's just summer and I think it lacks impact... Koo and Yu said, I think I want to sell my gear relationship too" So I see Mr. Announ with anticipation. "Come on, I won't take care of that." It's Announ, who made Mina's beard. I guess I am confident that I can create similar designs for Zimbye and Yukata (itching) with my sewing skills. In the first place, it may be an easy production from her occasionally dressed like the twelve (one) worn by the Nobles of Peace. "It's business time." As for the money-keeper, Mr. Announ, who giggles, seemed rather reliable. "Ramune and I have decided to sell traditional Japanese outfits that look like summer, but what should I (me) and Mina do? "We've decided to collect the materials! You're a no good woman, Mr. Lily! "What the hell!? "Well, both of you, calm down... because if you're going to do a material collection, you're going to have to try everything first" I don't even know if I can make a lamb. "You two are so cute, you're just gonna get me in the mood as a seller, it's gonna be awesome." "Po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po, po! Well, I'm not sure you understand my beauty." "Huh... Heavenly Man. Well, Mina is happy..." "Speaking of Lalala, La, Lamune... you mean Hinyarishwashwa's unique Japanese soda water, right? "Hmm? Yes, you are, Mr. Lily." "Duh, how do you make it? I don't know if I (I) have the cooking skills to provide cool stuff in the first place..." "Based on the recipe I asked Mr. Nyudo, it's a chocolate choy with the alchemy of Heavenly Man! "Huh......!? Oh, no, well, yeah... can you..." I've been thinking about it for a long time, but Mina is such a expensive hurdle to hold on to me. "Cool it... If it's enough to cool it, can you do it with the abilty Crystal everywhere? Originally made by Shining Sword (Arts), it's an ability to use it." Well, do we have to do some trial and error repetition there with me and George? Speaking of cooling, what about Skill Hui Sword (Arts), which is capable of generating snow? I think there's going to be more things I can do if I can master that. You know, selling ice cream out in 'stalls' based on snow! "Speaking of which, George. What about example skills? Have you found a place where you can 'mature'? It is necessary to follow the procedure 'Maturation' at the end to create an item for mastering skills, Hui Sword (Arts). For the magic of skill to settle into the crystal, it has to be left in the right place for every shiny sword (Arts). "That's not it... I knew it wouldn't work... but now I'm trying to see if 'Cursed Snow Country Pawn St.' can be 'aged' near the city. Wow." "Oh well. Thanks, George." "Fine." "What are Mr. Taro and Mr. George talking about? Is it because you are an artisan, Mr. Announ asks questions? It was Okama who answered that with dignity. "It's about our kids, isn't it? Yeah, well, we're talking about the skills we created in our two co-productions, so I don't think that expression is wrong... I wonder if you want me to stop saying that... And for some reason, the scene and the place quieted back to George's words. But it's also a matter of a few moments. In the blink of an eye, the women, like a fiery fire, stuffed up to George. "Mr. George is a criminal, isn't he! "Was Mr. Taro's fate a pervert!? "Exactly. In Mr. George, it's unethical." Mr. Announ thins, he flirts with me. Yes, he does, but he flirts with remarks that strangely promote Mina and Mr. Lily. "Huh!? Hey!? Why is everyone so killin '?!? What, yeah!? Don't bully a weak maiden. No! Where did you get the attitude you had towards Mr. Nyudo earlier? Did George, who is usually very PvP resistant, also have to raise the white flag in the women's battle? In a way, the end of our beloved Okama, which slammed the gentleman's result, was tragic. "Goddamn it, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Oh, I'm sorry, George. Everybody's a little too shrewd, and I can only do enough to keep it around the corner. Let's use this as an opportunity to change our minds and refrain from misleading statements, shall we? So, George's intrusion made him safe? We took a step towards developing eyeball products to be sold to "stalls". "Phew." Logged out of Clan Clan, I just kind of got tired so I laid down in bed relaxing my body. Somehow, what Mr. Lily asks me goes through my head. Are you in love with Yuki? "Love bana, or..." In the first place, the contents are men... at the moment, I'm the one with the body of a girl... can you make a decent love... Such thoughts pervade my chest. My favorite Si (Akane) suddenly became sad because she felt her smile fade. "I can't believe I'm in love with you in this state... (Co) More than white, they're going to think you're kimochi walui" Haha a self-derisive dry laugh falls into my room. I'm a man in it. But my body is a girl. I still like you. Say what... I can't accept that physiologically! What a possibility. "Oh, I don't know what you're doing..." Negative thoughts that don't come together spiral and nod their faces in bed for a while. Then there was an unexpected voice from the next room. "Taro? Hey, I'll be on my way." "Yes..." "Mm, Taro? Is something wrong? "No, nothing..." "Are you coming, too? "Fine, I'm not going -..." I wasn't in the mood to walk somewhere. "Ice cream with someone I know, I'm going to eat. Of course, if Taro's coming, I'll give him an ogo, right? Grr. I want ice cream. But when my sister's acquaintance comes together, she looks tired. Now I don't have enough room to care about someone else's response. "I don't care if Taro's coming, I'm just making fun of him by the side. Oh, and the ice cream shop I'm going to is Goddamn." What...... That fancy chocolate shop and famous, even Mr. O Diva!? "I'll go! Sweet things are ideal for a sinking mind! No alcohol, ice cream is the head of a hundred pills for me. As I thanked my sister, I was ready to head out.
Seeing a name on the display that I'm used to seeing, I'm a long way off. I rarely hear from her after nine o'clock at night. Just for a moment, did something go wrong with the CM thing about sports drinking water that we shot last week? and suspicion arises. But I denied that because I was confident that I could do more than perfect the images that directors and companies wanted. I mean, did you even install me for an urgent new job? It's been a really free week with only a few fashion magazine shoots. Anyway, I couldn't help thinking about it, so I took my incoming, trembling smartphone. "Sinki. Are you okay now? Her voice, heard from every receiver, calls me at the usual pace. Besides, I answer at my usual rate. I'm sorry I'm late at night. Manager Tokunaga apologized, as the bat only seemed a little bad. "That's unusual." '... well' I still feel something in the slightly cloudy manager's voice. I was scouted out of her in my freshman year of high school, and my suspicions grow about her behavior, even though she remains to this day to look after me. Maybe he's getting a little nervous lately because of a familiar and strange phenomenon. "What's wrong? Something wrong at work or something...? Mr. Tokunaga will install the job as much as possible in line with my wishes. He also showed the utmost understanding of what I didn't want to do and managed it. It's in my body that you respect my way of denying me an offer to perform in gravure, television shows, and opportunities in entertainment activities. Still, until now, there have been several clashes. Correct her residence and I can wait for the content of the story she would cut out. 'There's nothing wrong with your job. Pretty good. You're doing great, thanks.' "Tokunaga managers are always helpful in negotiating appearances and conducting promotional activities." 'That's what I do. Never mind.' It's like, naturally, because my hard work as a model is also your job. That's just saying each other, get a cold reply. "The next goal is Cinqui's drama appearance. We'll hang in there together." At first glance, others (one) who saw her attitude often have the image of a cold worker. But she hides her hot passion beneath her cool face. "Yes, I will do my job, one job at a time, with all my strength" Are you going to go to college? I'm going to make a lot of room for scheduling so I can go to school. Plump, time for your hobby. " Compassionate, too. That's why I've been able to organize myself as a good work partner for three years like this. But Tokunaga always tells me that he really wants to wave me more work. I'm so glad you appreciate me and want me to be more active. "I know. I appreciate that." But if you're asked if it's a job you want to spend the rest of your life doing, you're lost. Singer debuts, entertainer debuts, actress debuts, etc. from up the model are common cases, and I seem to have an intense line of actress debuts. There's still a lot I don't know. If we make various things known, what we want to do could change. That's why I was never obsessed with the game until I met Clan Clan. "I hope so." So now I'm actually not sure what I want to do in the future. However, I also find a definite reward for the modeling industry that I do from high school students. Although it may be because I was originally interested in clothing and fashion. Now I enjoy playing what I am and figuring out how to dress it so much. "Yes. So, what is your business on the phone? I think it's time to get down to business and ask questions that touch on the core. 'That's right... you know I'm also the manager of the kids in the idol department besides Sinki, right? "Yeah, well" These are the twin sisters, united. I'm not that familiar with you, but if you look at me, I'll say hello and talk to you. Just because I am also a senior in the same office and the manager is the same Mr. Tokunaga inspired me to get to know them for coming all the way to say hello to me. "I have a little problem with them." "Problem, is it" They're just years old, but they do a pretty high-level 'Idol You Can Sing and Dance'. He is also active in TV shows, song shows, radio, events, live shows, etc., and encourages entertainment activities. Now it's no exaggeration to say that it's become the big black pillar of our office. The pair. Even though the department is different, I'm not in a position to say seniors, etc. Their visibility and their efforts are dozens of times higher. Did you have a problem with those girls? "Actually, you mentioned that your sister Lulu wanted to resign in her next job description" "Have you signed a contract yet? 'No, not yet. It's just a job I don't really want to take off because it's also a chance to build on those kids' momentum. ' If you don't have a contract, you can tell the office and them that the damage is almost zero because it won't be treated as cancellation. But from Tokunaga, I guess I'm treading that this job will be a cool plus for them. "So, what does it have to do with me? I don't ask what the job description is. "Sinki, there was a game called Clan Clan you were talking about before." "Yes......" "I'm going to get a contract with Kaguya Corporation and Shoney Corporation, who co-run the game." "That's a big project..." A company called Kaguya is a small and medium-sized business, but Shony is one of Japan's leading companies in the field of computer entertainment. "So, in the VRMMO, you put together a story about running a collaborative event." "Are you with Clarus? Give them the name of their unit. 'Yeah, that's right. That game has a lot of users, and I think it's going to be good enough publicity.' "Sure, I think that game will be a big publicity medium" 'But, you know, it's kind of like Lulu's not into the ride... my sister Lara is, as usual, energetic and motivated...' To Tokunaga's manager's words, I think back to Blur and that pair of units. My sister Clara and my sister Luluz. Not as cute as our Taro, but a pretty idle unit. My sister, Clara, has a positive impression that my sister, Luluz, was a little familiar. "So it's Sinki's turn to actually play Clan Clan." "Ha ha...? "Ask me why Lulu doesn't want to play this collaboration live. And I wonder if I can finally convince you." I can hear Luluz's troubles just because he's playing Clan Clan...... While I feel that's a bit of a cheap idea for Mr. Tokunaga, I'll give him my consent for once. 'Will you take it on? "I don't mind... don't expect much results, do you? 'Good...... that would help, Sinki. Of course, if I succeed in persuading you, I'll play the bonus ~' "That, thank you. But if you're Luluz, are you okay? 'It's okay. Actually, those two admired Shinki and walked into our office.' That was my first ear. I'm purely glad that they have established so much popularity as idols that they thought of me that way. 'Well, just now. Klarus' schedule says there's only one free day tomorrow this week. ' "Tomorrow... that's sudden" 'That's right. I can't wait till next week because I don't have days until my contract date anymore, so I've been in touch late this evening. I'm sorry, right? So, it's tomorrow, can I see Lulu? "Yeah, I'll see you." "Then Sinki, please" Thus I, the Buddha (two) Makoto (Mao), was entrusted with the role of advisor and persuader of the idol "Klarus" for the time being. ―――― ―――― "Yes, I like Taro's clothes." "Ugh..." Take a look at the completion of sister led coordination in front of a standing mirror placed in the living room. Wear a blue piece. That's all. But, but! "This pattern..." I have a pattern in my abdomen and skirt part, or I look at the painting and turn to my sister to protest. "Isn't she cute, Usa?" Yes, the rabbit's round eyes are two with a potpound. What a simple design pattern with a beautiful mouth. "Taro, the wind is stronger today than that. Do you want to tie your hair?" "Yeah, it's a pain in the ass..." Before I wasted any time trying to change my outfit in earnest, my sister set a further trap. "It'll be over soon. Kurumpa," "Kurunpa? Coming, Rinpa? It's a word I'm not used to hearing. "It'll be over soon, and it's easy. Let's get started." "Don't tell me, you must be a man. Ice cream, why don't you give me a treat? Thus, my sister turns behind me and messes with my hair. "Because even the easy and clumsy can do it. Taro, do you remember? "First things to do because hair rubber stands out when it's thick, because it's thin" "Ugh." "Put your hair in one room on the side, this time to the left. Tie it like a sag." "Phew. Oh, my neck's cool." "Right? Loosen the tied hair slightly and go through your fingertips with the image of a hole in the middle of the upper part" "Ho? "All you have to do is put your hair tip inside this hole and twirl it around and fold it back" Ho. "Oh-sodox 'kuruppa' twirls right behind you, but Taro looks more like a side-up himself, so it's easy to do, right? Sister watching my hairstyle flourish with a smile and a full smile. "Yeah, yeah, Taro's still cute today" "This is definitely cool, and maybe good! "Right? "But I just want to hang up." "I'll introduce you to a good hairdresser next time because cutting it badly will make you crazy. Let's go hang up together." "Thank you, sister" My sister is in such a good mood. "Wait a minute, Taro. There's something I want to try." "Oh, yeah" That's how my sister breaks her finished hair once. "I won't tie everything this time, I'll peel my hair off" "Hmm? "So just like earlier, I drilled a hole and twirled a bunch of hair" I don't know more about this task unless I look at it from behind, but it would be pretty much the same thing I'm doing earlier. "Half-Up Coming Rinpa Noodles" "... sister, I still have my back hair, it's hotter than just now" "Yeah... this one's cuter... but the clumps, yeah..." "Sister......" It took me over half an hour to get messed with and ended up getting back to messing with my saggy 'kuruppa'. Thus, my sister and I went out with the same hairstyle. Before that, there was only one thing I really had to check. "Speaking of which, sister" "What taro. I won't accept any complaints about hair and clothes." "No, I didn't. Is someone I'm going to see now a friend of my sister's? I'm just a little curious about who the position is for my sister. also, could it be a boyfriend or something? I suddenly got nervous when I imagined that. I'm introduced as a family, and I can't say or do anything that makes the crude phase stand out. My attitude involves my sister's tickets. "I mean friends, maybe they'll be juniors for once" "Oh, my God. Junior." It was me with my chest down.
Junya, I hear you have the skill of 'excavating celebrities' in the derivation of 'collecting' skills. This seems to be the top version of the 'mining' skills needed to get the ore, and it is not very well known that it is derived from the 'collecting' skills. Apparently he's getting to know it, and he's using this skill and stuff to discover minerals. Apparently, some of the skills "Excavation Celebrities" are Stone Search-based abilities called "Lifestone (Vertigo) Scholars," and when you activate it and defeat a monster, you can figure out how to collect the ore associated with that monster. Of course, there are not many mercenaries (players) taking advantage of it because there is no harvest in the case of monsters unrelated to the ore. While activating the "Lifestone Scholar," Junya said that when you petrified "Seven Colours of Fluorescent," you got information leading to the minerals. "Taro, look at this." I followed you, Junya, and let you two lurk in the tall bush. At the end of his gaze is a single fluorescent. The seven-colored fluorescent fell to the ground, staring wholeheartedly at where the "Ugly Tree Man (Trent)" grew up, Junya, you started counting down with your stopwatch in one hand and a whisper of breath. "One, two, three, four, five, let's go somewhere, Trent" He shrugs like that. "Oh... time will come..." Whether the Tree Man (Trent) listened to Junya's wishes or from the point where she grew up, she moved somewhere as she crawled on the ground. "All right! Up to seconds, we still have time! Junya hurriedly starts digging around the ground where Hotaru fell. I naturally wondered if I would dig up the ground with a pickel for mining or much more because I was looking for ore, and I was soiling with a small one-handed shovel that I was likely to use for my home garden. "The seven-colored fluorescent falls to the ground, and we can do Trent. In the ground, you'll find a raw stone filled with seven-colored fluorescent light! However, if Trent is born within 40 seconds, we will lose the ore light if we do not hurry. Because if you rush the shovel to the stone, it's quite brittle in nature, so it crumbles and disappears. We have to be careful." It's not my skill. It's a craftsman. Besides, I keep an eye on his work while I admire how ore can be harvested from that place. Junya, be careful and use the shovel carefully to find the stone. "There it is! There it is, Mr. Tallo! Look, it's a beautiful stone, right? With his joy, he offers his hands all over the dirt. In its palm were stones like crystals overlaid with cubes and octahedrons. It carries strange shades of multiple colors, such as green, yellow, and pink. Sapporo observes the sole in the "Knowledge Eye" of the "Visitor's Cover (Visor)" and quickly reads the contents. Fluorescent Stone [Minerals emitted by strong sunlight or heat or friction. But its properties are brittle and very fragile. Crystals of various colors occur, the colors of which are enriched by impurities to be encapsulated] [Colorless, transparent, high-purity crystals are used for cameras and telephoto lenses because they transmit light of various wavelengths. White Treasure's Blacksmith Brigade was also used as a melting agent in refining iron and silver crystalline foil (silvanium). They called themselves the Queen of Stones (Flores) because of their nature, which makes more minerals shine, familiar with 'Fluorescent Stones'] Hmmm... I'm surprised it could be the material on which the alchemy kit is based, such as "Old Cameras" and "Zodiac Telescopes". I guess the further increase in descriptions in two is deeply related to the element of knowing the second stage details of the "knowledge eye". "White Treasure's Blacksmith Brigade"...... now you're going to be deeply involved with the doomed "White Treasure City Miss Rantier". "This is a hit (...). These Fluorescent Stones come in different colors, one by one. Look, this one's different, right? Junya, apart from the Fluorescent Stone (Flores) you just collected, took another stone out of your backpack and showed it to me. I see, Junya, you have been good at disclosing to me, the other Fluorescent Stone (Flores) is a combination of blue-grey and purple-like clumps of crystals. "Look, this one looks like just a transparent crystal, right? It doesn't come in any color. I wonder if this is a hassle..." Junya, who spares no further third fluorite and shows it to me. Somehow he got worried that he was just a little less alert with one heart wanting to share his favorite things with someone. But with a hokuhoku face, Junya, who shows off her stones, you're just a little cute. In conclusion, the many stones you later showed me were all plain objects compared to the Fluorescent Stone (Flores) I discovered earlier. "This one's a big win! If it's based on beauty, Junya, you're right, the freshly taken Fluorescent Stone (Flores) looks more valuable. However, as far as the second stage details are read, it says that colorless and transparent objects are more pure. "I can't believe they come in different colors one by one, with a lot of personality... you're like a human being! Junya, who overlooks Fluorescent Stone, wonders if I should share my thoughts with you. "I'll give you one if you like." Without any resistance, he has handed over the Fluorescent Stone (Flores), which he had just collected. Yellow, green, and peachy, Junya said the best clam stone. "Uh, okay? "Of course I am." "No, but I'm sorry..." "Fine, fine! Take it! After a few questions, I gave up Fluorescent Stone (Flores) from you, Junya. "Oh, thank you. Junya!" "I don't want to thank you, Mr. Tallo. This fluorescent stone (sawdust) was labeled as compatible with the heat in the description section, but when it was actually heated in the blacksmith field, it was crushed and scattered. I haven't found a way to make use of it so far. It's an ore." Ho, ho. If my point of view is right, if it's a colorless, transparent, plain 'fluorite' over there, maybe it's pure, and it's bearable? I think, I try to explain, but I stopped. Junya, you gave me the best stone I could think of. In front of that, actually, the plain over there is more pure, what an indication that might sound disgusting. Instead, I think I have to be honest about myself as a sign of sincerity to him for handing over the stone at all costs. "Um, Junya... Actually, I didn't take my sampling skills" "Huh!? "Um, good luck with your alchemy skills... you need alchemy skills and materials and stuff, so you can be obsessed with collecting them..." "Fuck, Alchemy!? Uh... Talo, between your ages, is it popular...? Junya, you said something about a mochi, but I couldn't hear you very well. Is this, after all, the effect of a bad impression on alchemy? Because of this, I met a mercenary (player) who seemed to be my friend, but I felt just a little sorry for him, and I had an excuse to throw up words at him. "Also, of course, I like to collect. But it's all about inspiring 'alchemy' skills." "Yeah... during this time... my mercenary regiment (clan) also... used alchemy... said a mercenary (player) came... there was noise" "It is." Does it not have a very good reputation after all because of strangely bad tooth talk? "Somehow, don't regret it a little! The mercenary (player) looks like such a celebrity... he brought rare ore materials in an alchemy that was said to be an affair. I can't even lose." But contrary to my expectations, Junya, you had a hot flame in your eyes, and you were talking about that mercenary (player) enthusiastically, as if it were a rival or something. Apparently, I was not disappointed to learn about my aversion to alchemy or the fact that I did not possess a collection skill, and was horrified... besides myself, I was concerned about the existence of mercenaries (players) who were deeply familiar with alchemy. "Well... if you'd like to introduce me to that mercenary (player) next time" "No, I never talked about it. Sometimes I see you, but it's not as long as I can always see you interacting with the deputy commander or talking to other armed mercenaries (players)... I can't introduce you..." Within the Mercenary Corps (Clan), he said he was close to an armed mercenary (player) or deputy leader...!? Maybe he's also a good (immediate) alchemist in battle. More and more, I get interested. to its mercenaries (players) who use the same alchemy to the extreme. But there are parts of me that I can't give up, but it's not good to be forced. Once here, we'll have to back off. "Oh, shit... don't worry about that one now. If I ever get a chance like that in the future, can I ask you? "Of course! I don't think there's any sign of a chance to introduce her to me, but if I can, I'll talk to her! It's a little harsh, but no, yeah, it's a lot harder to get close, it feels like it's a very high ridge... haha" Junya-kun, who so happily accepted my favor, makes me laugh naturally. Of course you don't look like the other guy over the mask. At times like this, I resent the curse of "The Visitor's Mask (Visor)" just a little bit. Anyway, I'm getting a good impression on him. Not to mention someone who seems to have connections with other alchemists. So if you want to cut it out, now's the time. "The skills you use are different, but because it's true that you like to collect. Well, why don't you be friends with me? "Of course you do, Mr. Tallo! All of a sudden, I'm interested in alchemy because of her (...) dealing with alchemy that showed up in my mercenary regiment (clan). Most importantly, as a fellow colleague who loves to collect, Talo and I would love to be friends! Well, is the alchemist a woman? I took Junya's hand and chewed up the joy of having more new friends, while giving thought to an alchemist with awesome arms I haven't seen yet. What the hell kind of person is that?
Stories Girl Laughs Numerous bulbs suddenly appeared with the activation of "Heavenly Dynamic Balls Hungry for Colored Bacteria (Saiki)". By the way, [colored bacteria (virus)/frozen color (platier)] is useless as it is now (...). Because from the moment it cracked out of the bottle, each number of [Frozen Color (Platier)] decreased significantly. [Reproductive power: 3 0] [Adaptability: 2 0] From the moment we danced out into the atmosphere, we ended up with such low numbers. "Nevertheless, the total number of bulbs hung over heaven is thirty-six..." Every light bulb that flickers slightly seems to have the ability to read the components in the atmosphere and so on, and it tells me that as a color. The bulbs look irregularly hung at first glance, but they're not. The bulb, which looks at me as the bulb at the center and shows a spread from there in all directions, roughly traces the position of the ingredients in the atmosphere. In other words, the bulb in front of the right diagonal from the center bulb reads essentially the atmosphere that exists in front of my right diagonal. The difference between each bulb is between 3 and 10 centimeters, and when you look at the actual space, you get an idea of the components in the space between 3 and 10 meters. "This... all at once, process and sense..." What I found out when I activated it was that it was a pretty difficult ability to handle. The more bulbs you have, the more accurate you will be exploring the ingredients around you. But it's pretty cynical to instantly grasp 36 points. Although the bulb lights are of similar colour, their intensity is different. Overall, it looks green. However, only some bulbs come in different colors. : The color of the bulb represents the surrounding attribute: : The deeper the concentration of light, the more suitable for breeding the colored bacteria housed in the bulb: To observe from the log...... "The light on the bulb looks green because it's a forest?... Uh, if it's dark, the darker [colored fungus (virus)/frozen color (platier)] is prone to reproduction..." While discussing, be sure to check the information that flows out of one bulb. : Original environment (field) [Deep green light]: : Temperature [8 degrees]: : From the compositable atmospheric component value [tree value 10] [grass value 5] [soil value 6] [warm value 5] [cold value 5], it is possible to reach 10 values: : Inherent Colour Bacteria [Frozen Color (Platier)]: [Infectious power: 3] [Reproductive power: 0] [Adaptability: 0] The number is definitely lower than the original [Frozen Color (Platier)]. Next, among the green bulbs, only a few light bulbs move their eyes to those mixed in color... it shows just where there are three enemy Spear Mercenaries (players). It is brightly extinguished by the shades stained with red and yellow in the green. : Original environment (field) [Deep green light]: : Temperature [8 degrees]: : Composite atmospheric component value [Tree value (Mochiku) 15] [Grass value (of which) 8] [Soil value (Dochi) 7] [Warm value (Danchi) 3] [Cold value (Reichi) 7] [Human value 4] [Magic value 2] From, it can be up to 10 values: [Infectious power: 2] [Adaptability: 0] There is something called [human value] in the compositable atmospheric component, so perhaps... there are four other bulbs with this color. This means that more than four other enemies are lurking in the woods besides the spear mercenaries (players) in front of them. I see. This heavenly sphere not only explores the right place for colored bacteria, but also knows where the enemy is. That's it, the Spear Mercenaries (players) who were on guard here moved. "That silver-haired guy... he's not doing anything, is he? "Only Kokomo? "I don't know what it is, but I can't do this forever! Apparently, he moved from appearance to attack whether he had cut the paralysis. Yeah, it's not good to be honest. The arrow that once stopped seems to have set a target for us again, and although the Blue White Tan will knock us off, there is also restraint against the three Spear Mercenaries (players), so they come out here with a chill. Mr. Twa can intercept me with a whip, too, but he's really wary of bows and arrows, which doesn't get to full defense. Then some of the arrows hit the bulb and it was inevitable that it would crush. Then the blue liquid from the bulb... [Colour Bacteria (Virus)/Frozen Color (Platier)] flows out. But it vanishes in an instant like a juicy evaporation. Apparently it wasn't under the right environment for colored bacteria (viruses), but the liquid shaken soil is slightly frozen. Hmm, even if sprayed directly, it is powerful for the degree of frostbite. However, if the bulb decreases, there will be one less tool to explore the surrounding information, so isn't there much you can do to break it? "I'm sorry, Lord." "Mm-hmm! Even as we analyze it, the enemy's spear releases a sudden thrust. One of them creeps through Blue White Tan's defenses and breaks one more bulb. Then what do you think, if you look at the enemy's spear tip, the frost will come up and you'll start to get cold air. Moreover, it clearly seems that there has been more spearhead glow than earlier. Are you going to get infected with a weapon... or have you increased your attack power? It's like an ice spear, I can't help but tongue over such a transformation...... but wait. Using colored bacteria (viruses) mixed with collapse factors, can weapons and protective equipment also be worn out? "Don't touch that light bulb! "We're about to have a state anomaly! "Frostbite? But my weapon... has the added effect of Ice Attributes! While making some reflections and reasoning, I generally understood the performance on "Heavenly Dynamic Balls Hungry for Colored Bacteria". What more should I experiment with... Enhanced compatibility and degeneration of colored bacteria, and the presence or absence of infection with my peers? This looks like we could experiment with it all at once. Colour bacteria (viruses) are not suitable for the environment as they are today. Then it seems necessary to absorb [composite atmospheric components] scattered around the perimeter with a celestial sphere and sublimate it to breeding colored bacteria (viruses). [Tree Value 15] [Grass Value 8] [Soil Value 7] [Warm Value 3] [Cold Value 7] [Human Value 4] [Magic Value 2], each of which sets a number to take up to 10, to produce a new fungus in the heavenly moving sphere. Perhaps pouring tree values will increase bacterial infectivity to the trees. If that prediction is hit, [human value 4] is indispensable. So we can absorb the remaining 6 numbers, but the next priority should be...... Does the MP have anything to do with the magic value? Avoid capturing those with high indeterminate elements. In addition to [infectivity], there were items such as [fertility] and [adaptability] in the status of colored bacteria, so I guess it's a good idea to extend the numbers appropriate for the field. So add [tree value] 4 and [grass value] 2. If you look at the number of heavenly moving spheres that you could do that, : intrinsic colored bacteria (virus) [frozen color (platier)]: [Infectious power: 2 5] [Reproductive power: 0 2] [Adaptability: 0 4] And it was rising. Although the status of the original [Frozen Color (Platier)] has not yet been withdrawn, the number is as high as 2 in terms of [adaptability] as the original. At this rate, I customize the [endogenous colored bacteria (virus)] of increasingly strangely colored celestial spheres. By the way, set the [soil value (dutch)] to higher only for the heavenly sphere in charge of the point where the spear mercenaries (players) are in front of you. Because there are no trees growing on the road. Having completed all five customized colored bacteria (viruses), I'm just about to fall apart. : Select the point where you want the colored bacteria to be produced: One designates two immobilized buddies and three spear mercenaries (players) as the middle point, just like taking the back from the enemy. This way I can make fine choices as far as I can see, but in the other four places, in the woods, I could only set a rough position through the heavenly moving sphere. "All right, colored bacterial infection." things spray viruses in the mood to try...... hmm? But something very different from my imagination occurs behind the three spear mercenaries (players). It's a single heavenly moving sphere, a bulb draped above the void - somehow pouring a strange light down to the earth. Then what if a mushroom made of ice more than the ground in response to its light grew three or four gnocchi? "Mushrooms......" Yeah, it looks a lot prettier, it would be a very beautiful mushroom if it were in real life... I don't know, I feel something different. Is this a phenomenon that is happening even at four points in the forest? As I watched with subtle emotions, the mushroom apparently released its spores (horns), which were scattered as colored bacteria. A slightly powdery object danced around the mushroom... disappeared. I see. Is it at the core of this ability to enhance viral adaptability and reproduction and change it into a form of bacteria suitable for the environment (field)? This time that's the mushroom spore. And the effect was... [Infectious 5] 's power and doings were considerable. The first changes came from spear mercenaries (players), who suddenly began to slow down. "Hey, what!? What did you do!? "When was the debuff...... type [plague]!?" He moves his body as if it were a broken doll, and he finally stops that movement. If you look closely, your face and skin areas seem to ice crystallize, close to impossible such as moving in that condition. Blue White Tan's fist relentlessly crushed enemies filled with such gaps. Enemy mercenaries dancing in space, one after the other becoming a brilliance of ice grains. Contrary to its unbroken appearance, Blue White Tan looks brave. And ice crystallization seems to extend not only to the enemy, but also to the Gohangods, who had their feet taken by the swamp. They don't make it faint rather than cheerful in the swamp. "Uh... I knew it would work for my people, too. Mr. Twa, Mr. Sizcamasillo, maybe we should just get away from here for a second? That's how I tell both of you to back off, and I summon Fu, the Wind Calling Princess (Garuda), just in case. If the spores are the cause of the infection, the wind won't carry them around us. I wanted to observe how far away the mushroom has been since it grew, because this is the time of the infection... but it will also vary around it depending on the [fertility] and [adaptability] of the virus. In conclusion, verification is pointless if the environment changes its scope. "Hmmm... Whenever the original environment (field) is different when activated, adjusting the adaptability of colored bacteria (virus) is such a hassle." Even if you get the shape of a mushroom in the first place, you can't have less fertility or adaptability. Could mushrooms produced from heavenly moving spheres incorporating more [tree values] have grown into trees? We need to make sure. Wrap up this harvest in your head as you put your arms around it, and then ask the Blue White Tongue for aftertreatment. "Blue White, please, Iceman in the woods. And I want you to tell me where the ice mushrooms were growing." "Su by your will." By the way, it was immediately discernible whether the enemy mercenary (player) lurking in the woods had been infected. Because the color of the heavenly moving sphere that corresponds to where they would be, changed to [human degree 4 0], and a new object called [ice degree 3] was added. "Well, it's delicious to be able to detect the position and condition of your opponent from afar. And then there's the avant-garde that's gonna protect me while I'm tweaking the virus." However, although it is a powerful colored bacterium (virus), Friendly Fire is difficult to use. I really have difficulty making use of it. "Um... taro, huh? Discussing the usefulness of abilities, Mr. Twa's reluctant voice sounds inadvertently from just around the corner. Whoa, can't you just be immersed in your own world? This was the occasion where I had to reassure Mr. Twa. "Oh, what? You don't have to worry about the enemy anymore. The mercenaries lurking in the woods are going to shatter the blue whites." Besides, there are still comforting allies even if something happens. "Even if something unforeseen happens, it's okay because there's a hu." "I'll protect Taron. ♪ I'll protect Taron's friends, too! Hu, who laughed at Mr. Twa, sits right on my head. "Even if they say so flat, right? I don't know what it is... right? Following Mr. Twa's confusion, Mr. Sizkamashiro spoke to me as he stayed. "What the hell did you do...? I thought there was a line of light bulbs... you didn't even move on the spot, but you easily powerless your enemies..." Hmm. From the side, did it look like the enemy was acting strange just because I was standing there? I meant to work this way myself, but I do feel like I'm done growing mushrooms on my own. "... I've never seen such an overwhelming PvP end..." Mr. Sizcamasillo stares at me with a voice that can be both potent and awe-inspiring. But what I wanted to do wasn't done yet. "It's not over yet. Look, we have to wait until those two get back together." Yes, it's not over until we determine the results of the verification of Mr. Gohangod and Mr. Hiroki, who are allies but have become infected. "Because I need to observe how many minutes the virus will have. Because it's valuable data." I tell her it's clear with a full smile. "Hahaha ttaro, haha. I can't shake it." "Ah............ yes" Mr. Twa then held his stomach ridiculously, and Mr. Sizkamashiro took a step back, frightened. We kept watching the two of us getting ice pickled for a while after that. Staring at the two, Jeez, I felt uncomfortable for some reason even though their expressions didn't move. Nothing. I'm not torturing you or anything, I'm just waiting for my buddy to get back to normal, right? I can't believe I want the data. The real black stuff needs to be soaked away behind a grinning grin. Huffle.
―――――――― [Divine Attribute (Duke)] [Idea 50] God attribute (Duke)... Indeed, there was such a word in the fossil that I used for the fusion of god beasts... Anyway, I found an unfamiliar status number and I tapped the item "God Attributes (Duke)". Attributes expressed only to those who mix with the god beast."If you give three or more celestial species (cerafim) an object of God, it will be released as a hidden status." Can't Ascend Level Points "It is given by the heavenly species, or is added or subtracted by collecting things about oneself, events, etc." Certain species may continue to rise automatically if they are in areas where there is strong interference. Seeds of Heaven (Cerafim)... It should be the word that refers to the most powerful NPC in the Clan clan, "Ten of Natural Extinction." If "Sage Misola" were a Seed of Heaven, there would be no NPC other than "Thousand Gun Nomad Olympic Surface" that would fall under the Seed of Heaven (Cerafim) that I met. I did receive precious items from these two. But I'm sure there's only one more person left to unlock this hidden stat... Master Richie? No, but it is quite unlikely that the Master is a Tian Tian species.This is because the Master does not win the title of "Genesis Alchemist", but instead has a presence called Noah World. I am also worried that [God's blood] and [God's will] are not the same numbers. What causes [God] to be lower...? Let's take a look at the details of the status. [Spiritual Blood 90] "It reveals the concentration of the factors that inhabit the blood of the gods." The higher the number, the more divine powers you get.It also disappears due to a decrease in the number. " "[Divinity: Integrity by the People of the World (Seigi)], [Divinity: The Way to Heroes] Expressing" "... in 30 points, [divine power: photography (depression) and the legacy of the world] will also appear." Hmm. [Divinity: Integrity by the World] is unconditionally susceptible to an overwhelming increase in the likelihood of all NPCs? Also, [Divinity: The Way to Heroes] gains 10 points when leveling up... [Divinity: Photography (Depression) and World Heritage] has not yet been expressed, so you don't know the effect. Currently, both the expressing divine powers and the artifacts are too powerful, so there is no doubt that [photography (depression) and the inheritance of the gift] are both extremely powerful. It is synonymous with +10 Stat Points and a 1.1x growth rate for a regular Mercenary (Player).I also have the natural title "The All Dior, the Healing Missionary", which doubles my intellectual growth, so when combined with this, my growth rate will be haunted. And the divine power that makes it easy to increase favorable sensitivity. As far as I'm concerned, Lucky Luciano, who is feared to be the Don of this city, doesn't seem to have a consistently warm attitude towards me. Gently stroking my head when I parted.... My mouth was lined up with spicy words, but a warm look at my grandson... no, that's not it, yeah. The mystery of God's blood is not exhausted, but God also cares, so I will look at you. [Idea 50] "It reveals the depth and breadth of the wavelength range of the gods (oracles) that only those who draw the will of the gods hear." The higher the number, the greater the degree of mental interference caused by God .It also disappears due to a decrease in the number. " God: From all "... in 50 points [God: Prayer and Existence] will appear." "Hyah!?" At the cost of gaining power... mental interference...? Hey, [more than all], you mean you value the whole thing more than an individual...? [Divine power: sincerity by all people (Seigi)], so that everyone likes it, [divine will: more than all], so you can move for everyone? It's like a God who prays to people and begs them... to fulfill their wishes. There can be no such thing as psychological interference. I couldn't say... After all, this game has even repainted the perceptions, memories, and values of people who have not played the game.It is a good example of common sense that fairies have existed for a long time. This is not a surprising event of further mental interference. "No, I'm usually scared." Besides, I want to erase the status of this [God] as well as myself. Yes. Er, to reduce [divinity] points... is it "awarded from heavenly species, or added or subtracted by collecting things about oneself, events, etc." You don't know if this is going to be positive or negative if you don't give it a try! In the first place, if this city is an area that is subject to strong interference from heavenly species, I will automatically increase [God blood] and [God will], right?! Stepping into the Divine Realm... the price of holding enormous power in your hands gradually leads to the collapse of your ego... I'm scared because it embodies the deity itself. "... do I need to check my status carefully or periodically..." But it's not all bad.Rather, if my [divine attribute (Duke)] rises and falls, I can recognize where the shrine is and where the Seeds of Heaven (Seraphim) are deeply involved. I can't believe the day will come when I will observe myself like an experiment... this is also my destiny as an alchemist. It seems to be following the same path as Master Richie, who blended with the monster, and it's not funny at all. "Hahahahahaha...." "Hmm? What's wrong, Taro?" "Are you afraid of sharing your status?" The two of Krulus are worried about me with a dry laugh. "Ah, no... I just didn't shake the level points, so I decided what to shake... so I wonder what to do... I'm afraid if I fail to shake..." "That's right, so you can ask us what our status is before you decide?" It might be helpful? The two of you will respond honestly to the fake fake. "I, Mercenary Clara, am Lv18. Status is..." "I, Mercenary Ruth, am Lv.17. Status is..." Slowly switch your feelings while listening to the status of the two. ... Hmm, unexpectedly, both were common in Ranged Specialized Mercenaries (Players). "I thought Clara was going to beat the bees in close proximity." "Hmm? Ah, I'm a magic-focused step-up, but it's a close-range and mid-range combat style for guns." Hmm? Even though the magic is so high, it's near and mid-range? "I am, as you can see, a typical long-range mercenary." Ruthie said it should be as expected, or it should be a long-range spindle fighting style. After listening to the two tactics, I'll sort out my status. ――――――――― Mercenary (Player) Talo Lv14 (Spend 200 Level Points) [Hp151 161] [MP140 150 (Equipment correction + 150) 300] [Force 10] Magic 14 [Defense 2 (equipment correction +30) 32] Magic Defense 8 [Speed 360 460] [Intel 705 (+80 × 2) 865] [Divine Attribute (Duke) Divine Blood 90 Divine Intention 50] Skill Points 37 ――――――――――― It seems that they are good at medium and long distances, so I will play a role in keeping my enemies away from them.In order to do this, it is still important to be quick to flirt with the opponent, so I decided to allocate points with a specific gravity faster than intelligence. "Hmm. I don't know. They're both in my status--" The items of [Divine Blood] and [Divine Intention] lie down and use numbers that are not false. "Hmm, I see. Taro is a fast mercenary.They're compatible with us. " "Intelligence has nothing to do with fighting, eh... eh!?Taro, your intellect is too high...? " For a moment, they stopped moving slightly as if time had stopped. "Intelligence, yes. Doesn't have anything to do with it directly." "No, no, no!? Wait, Taro!Lv, this intellect is weird!? " "Did you use any status-up items?Lara's sister also got an item called "Magic Fruit" in Quests to increase her magic by 10 points. " It's actually the effect of the title, but if you disclose it in so much detail, it's going to get a lot of trouble... but I'm glad to confirm it here without difficulty. Well, I guess so. "Why did you raise your garbage status so much...?" Maybe it's because it's needed for alchemy. Fufufu. Alchemy appeals here and there! Intelligence is never wasted! "Alchemy is heavy... the sacrifice of wielding stat points into intellect is heavy" "It's too heavy... but Taro's working hard without such skills!" "Ah, no... that's not true" "But Mataro-chan's intelligence status is related to alchemy, right?" I nod to Clara's question. Then she stuck to me with a nice black smile. "Please, Milord.I'm not going to tell you how to do that.But the fact that you can improve your status?If you can create such a thing, please wash it away. " "Whoa, my ass is so horrible!" Clara seems to love evil agent Nori. Well then, your deputy!At that time, please do not hesitate. Of course, it's not a down payment, but I'd like to thank you in the future, so please keep this item. " "Ah, Lara sister, are you going to equip Taro?" "The quickest way to improve your stats is to change your gear!" "Sure. Well, then, Taro. If only it were our ancient." "Eh, uh...?" To upset me, Krulus and the other two talk about the need to change their equipment. "Tarot seems a little worried about her defenses." "I know Taro is strong, but we noticed." Taro, you're doing everything you can to avoid a single blow. "That's because you have low defense, right?" Your health is considerably lower than your level "That's why we're giving Taro her combat gear," The equipment that I received from two of Krulus was an unbelievable gem. : Clara has transferred [dance costume shining on two stars: torso] [dance costume smiling on two stars: head]: : Lulus has transferred [Double Star and Sparkling Performance Costume: Arm] [Double Star and Running Performance Costume: Foot]: This... can't be understood without wearing it. I can be sure from the gear icon. It's a very cute costume... Hey, this is the special equipment that the operator gave me when the distribution was decided. "It's a limited edition premium." "Enhanced status is perfect for appearance!" "I think it also contains a request from the operator to distribute it in cute clothes." But that's the best equipment I've got right now. "Yeah, it's a little dirty, but as long as I'm in this city, I get a status bonus, which is really rare gear." That said, Kralus appeals to the plain cape and shorts. After all, it is a costume with an atmosphere of cooperation with suspicious adults among the orphans and a leader of the Boys' Corps who are cowling the alleyways. "Incidentally, there are six spares for the [Double Star Series], so you can coordinate with us in different colors." "Oh, thank you." "Fufufu... now the next delivery thumbnail is decided.The number of plays is excellent... the title is "Changing the Angel's Dress" and so on! " I decided not to listen to the devil's whisper that Clara leaked.
"Danger Zone (Red Zone)", said to be the most powerful mercenary (player), tragically vanishes Kill Effects into a scattered void. At that end, which no one could have predicted, the elephants, besides bypassing, are no exception to me. Mercenary (player) taro noisy with 'Silver Angel' in alley. I've been immersed in alchemy skills (...) for about a name, but I'm hearing it. She has now slaughtered the strongest. "What the hell are you...? Red asked her, on the verge of disappearing. "He's just an alchemist." She replied so with a miserable grin and a soothing beauty. I have never seen a beautiful girl so young, yet so diverse as to attract ,000 people. If they say she's the goddess of the moon, they'll all be convinced that she is. Yes, I guess this is exactly what it is to be distracted from. And this emotion that boils at the same time... Nothing but hatred. Is that alchemy? Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid! Though it would be a completely different dimension from the 'alchemy' that we have come to! "Not only did I revive the Killed 'God of the Hunter (Singh)'..." "... I even defeated Mr. Red" "Looks like the werewolves are following that girl too..." "The Virgin..." They call me "The Silver Angel." "No, no, you're a demon to us...? Look, look. No matter how much she calls herself an 'alchemist', it's kid's bullshit. I guess I just think it's in my mouth due to some animation or comic book influence. The fools can't even pick up the word 'alchemy' in front of her too out-of-standard warfare. For the most part, the focus is on 'she's strong', 'she's amazing', 'she must have a special title', 'she exercised her strongest skills', etc., leaving no room even for awareness of the weak skills of 'alchemy'. I doubted my own eyes, too. Coincidentally, she helped me from [bulimic (greystoker)], and once I cured the NPC that became [cannibal (ghoul)], I asked her how, and she said, 'It's alchemy!' I answered. Although I didn't believe it at first, it's not unnatural for someone to come out who can make a vaccine if a bacterial infection (...) can (...). ...... stupid. Do the same alchemy skills, how can you make that difference? How could you possibly do that on your own? If reality (real) is unequal, it seems unequal even in the game. Whether you work or not, losers! Whether you work like a carriage horse or not, there is a reality that cannot be overridden, no matter how much time you spend on it. We can't afford to spend the rest of our lives messing around with smartphones and making a lot of money. Because from birth, it's different from the start! The amount of money you have determines the pros and cons of your life, long live capitalism! Uh, this rotten dark world is doomed. Let me help you break it, rot (...). If this country and the world are starting to go crazy, it would be insignificant if we put our hands on it now! The emergence of fairies and the messing up of history are making religion and even human physical abilities weird. Then I will take advantage of this to avenge all who have looked down upon me. I'll pay you back. The head of our [Secret Society (Secret Society)/Chemical Formula (Rebe) Heritage Empire (Regalia)], Hiraga ordered us to explore the [Middle Level]. Not only to observe our experimental changes (phases), but because we picked them up unexpectedly. I found the alchemist. You should report her to Hiraga later for something that doesn't work. "Hey, Gogh. You didn't say anything, either. We're going to cover the angels! "Leave me alone. Gogh doesn't have all sorts of skills, so it's better to be adult." "Don't get killed!" I don't know how angry I am with party members who see me down there all the time. Naturally. My skill points when I level up are pretty much swinging to alchemy. I only shake it slightly on my combat skills, etc. It's the right position for me to be inferior to combat than they are. At best, the brainstorms are using their bodies badly and dancing in our brainstorming hands. I took the 'Chemli Ball +1' I created with my own alchemy from item storage and was ready to leave at any time.
"Shintaro, is that true? The rugged gaze directed at me sparkles in the back of my glasses. Hmm, shaking nights gives people a cold impression when they have a sharp eye for being neat. The class girls are a little hard to get close to, but you can't wait to look cool! I know what you're talking about in the distance. Well, the truth is, he's a guy who's far from cold, and he's a little hot and bitter. Besides, such a cool charm of a shaky night? also, i don't feel anything about having a sister in my family who is super cool on the outside (and so on) and i'd rather have a long relationship, so chip i just want her to split that handsome index a little bit too. "Yeah, it was a pretty tough quest." "Your Lady's Escort Quest..." Evening glow with a gentle grin on my answer and a gavel with a strange face. When it comes to refreshing good youth, it's refreshing, but the inside of this guy is always lurking with the belly-black aim of messing with me or shaking the night, so the handsome smiles that the girls melt are nothing more than a satanic mockery to me. Such an uninterrupted smile of Evening Fai is also a cute thing because I have a sister who turns into a ghost or a leopard at a young age when angry within me, I only think about it. Speaking of other things that I feel, I wanted to try something inclusive and hilarious that would make a scene even for me. "The performance after I cleared it was so meaningful. I took Miss Ignitore into the city of Pawn St, the snowland, to the Lordship Hall..." I am currently here to discuss and play with the phenomenon of 'the game is pervasive in reality'. Sometimes we meet within the clan clan, but we notice the problem of not knowing where they are asking us, and we come to the conclusion that we should report and consult each other face-to-face (in real life) on this matter as much as possible. So this time, I'm interrupting the house at night. "Instead of a courtier, he was the one who had the right to inherit the throne of some country... a pissy old butler who didn't make me feel older and a few knightly NPCs showed up to greet you in such a way that I was greatly delighted with the life of the courtier" "Are you saying she was a princess?" "Ugh, hmm. So, but it's full of rewards and stuff, right? While the reward was ,00 eso and I honestly thought it was not worth the work, all PTs received a weapon called the "Fire Saint (Ignis) Dagger" as a special reward from the old butler. Performance is not that high, and the blanket is low. Still, the ornamental value appeared to be high, with a broken item with a selling value of over 40,000 eso at the tool store. Expensive dagger with Ignitol family crest in the description, but I haven't looked into the details in "Appraisal Eye" or "Knowledge Eye" yet, so I keep it without selling it. "Oh, yeah. Assuming he was one of the main bloodlines in a country... make him an escort, make him a quest order, it's unnatural." "Is it a quick story, really a ruler? The old butler's excuse for taking on Princess Ignitore's personality said (yum) that when Count Hardy sensed information that he was after the princess, everything was already in such a late situation. The princess said she visited another country for diplomacy and was ambushed by Count Hardy's gesture on her way home. The princess's escorts responded with only a few gestures, as they were not going to go to war. Somehow only two knights and a princess succeeded in leaving the scene. As we know later, the only option left is to ask a mercenary (player) after a bitter choice, and it's an escape play with us. Neither did the Ignithol family know exactly where the princess was, and they seemed to have to disperse their power and search. A group of them had just arrived at Pawn St., and that was exactly what the 200 or so elite Knights represented the old Deacon. "There seemed to be a lot of things going on around there." "Was he caught up in an early story, a coup d 'état or something? Or is it like a power struggle? "Well, there's that line... and the line that the heir was after is the assassination plot of the forces hostile to that lady's country..." "... a hostile country at war or something" I snort at the conclusion reached by Shaking Night and Evening Fai. I'm pretty sure Count Hardy is hostile to Miss Ignitore. "Well... Shintaro is generally fine, right?" "Right. So far, no information has come into our ears that things are affecting reality around here, right? "Yeah, maybe" "Oh, we've especially eroded reality, the content of the game, there's no..." "Oh yeah... no, you don't..." Always more, the two of them are serious themselves. Or just now, it's not subtle. "Nevertheless, that quest that Taro received. You obviously feel some kind of artificial will. The difficulty is unnaturally high." A person, arguably the cause of the stiffness of the two best friends, arms up and speaks out his opinion with dignity. "Sister... will you stop staring at us? I mean, this is a shaky night home..." Yes, you're an extra hippo, and my sister is bothering me to come all the way to the shaky house at night. Or when I said I was going to the shaky house, I said I was coming with me and I didn't give in. "If we're going to discuss erosion additions and subtractions, I'll have to attend too," both my sister's opinions and yours (more)... but my sister takes an intimidating attitude towards these two for some reason. "Sorry, Taro. As you know, I was born thin." No, no, it's a bit of a long cut type, but it's a double and generally the bigger one. I wonder why you're so caught at home when you're so, so cheeky sometimes. I wonder if you're putting up with the bathroom or something, then I'll say it at the behest of my sister and brother, but you should go early. It could be as tragic as I am. "Bathroom? What is that? What am I doing here, my brother is taking care of me from day to day... this, uh-huh, you, huh? My sister's voice was slightly lower when she said, "This way," and her face laughing at Nico at night (this way) felt something impatient. "Hih! Yes! One such sister's behavior is that the glasses handsome correct her spine while sitting upright. Evening Fai sitting next to me was turning blue in her face, and the shaky night she was told the story was turning white through blue. "Well, what a natural thing for me to say hello, my sister, to the house of Shaky Night? I brought you some souvenirs." That's what I say. My sister holds a bag with tea treats. The choice is sinister. "So, though I'll get back to it. The quest Taro took is so hard that he doesn't feel like completing it in the first place." "Yeah, well... the last time I had nearly 400 enemies, I never thought I could" "That's why Shintaro broke through" "Sa, that's your sister's (...) brother, Shintaro. It's amazing." Evening Fai, don't sesame your sister. That's my sister. Why are you keeping your face close to Evening Fai? "Yu, uh, come on, are you? Oh, come on, isn't that breathtaking? What if you get so close and kiss me!? No, I'm a good guy for Evening Fai, but my sister falls in love with her friends, like this... complicated... ah! Right, is my sister a tundra! Now I was convinced of the reason for taking a much more sinister attitude on both of us. I've never heard of my sister's romance. Honestly, I couldn't imagine what kind of love my sister has had in the past, but yes or no... is my sister the tundra type? Are you old enough to feel cold for the type of person you prefer to stick with because you are handsome at night and have a nervously heterosexual consciousness as a sister? Phew, that's kind of cute thinking about my sister. "You don't have the guts to tell your sister-in-law. Next time I say..." "Also, I won't say it again. Kay, never." "Nice." Yeah? You wanted to tell me you weren't old enough to be told you were my sister? I hear women are sensitive to age, and maybe my sister gets nervous for the type she likes. "Hey, I envy you for having a sister and brother." He smiles hard and his two best friends say poso poso. Evening Fai is my only son, so maybe he admires brothers or something. I mean, you have brothers at night. I haven't seen it today, but I have a little grown-up brother named Jun. When we were in junior high, we used to play once in a while, but we haven't seen each other since high school. "Because you and Jun-kun are friends." "Ooh. Well, I don't think it's as good as you guys." I'm kind of curious, so I'll ask. "Whoa? Oh, that's him. I'm going to my favorite insect collection. It's summer vacation in junior high school, but it's not any different from what I did in elementary school." "Speaking of which, Jun, you liked to make insect specimens. If I had a little brother like that, I'd have fun at home." "You're hilarious. But the specimens he makes are genuine. Isn't it time to come back? Gathering. Kind of don't think of Junya in the game. He said, "Rumor has it." A shaking night (or so) reacts to the sound of the front door opening. "Damn, I think I'll be in the living room soon, but just let the collected bugs put him here" By the way, the house is a 2 LDK apartment, and the two of you are using one room. Therefore, when we come to visit, Jun-kun is somewhat concerned, so I thought it was bad that we rarely went to visit the house at night, and if we were to get together, there were many houses in Yuki or mine. "Never mind. Shake night. Instead, join the conversation with Jun-kun... Oh well... Jun-kun is playing Clan Clan too" "Oh, I'm messing with Calacri..." Then... doesn't Jun-kun realize that the game is eroding reality? The complex and distorted look of the night was telling the story of the anguish of not having a shared perception with the family. There's a little bit of sunken air flowing between us. In the meantime, the door to the room was opened. "Excuse me." Jing-night's brother, Jun-kun, walked into the room with his head bowed. If my brother is a cool beautiful man, my brother feels like a handsome reserve who can drive his protective appetite. The crushed eyes are adorable more than the shaky night, and the slightly habitual soft looking hair is a bit puppy. He's a lot taller than I've seen before, and he's taller than I am now, even when it comes to boys... "I am the younger brother of Shaking Night, pure night. It's been a long time, Asahina. Well, then, ladies and gentlemen, please... Ri..." That's what I said, and I showed you a polite gesture. Yuehui, my sister, and my gaze shifted to me, and I stopped the movement completely. He started staring at me, as if time had stopped. "Oh... eh? And Potri and I drop the bug basket I had on the floor. For what I know, it seems so surprising that it's not normal, it only scratches a little bit. After all, I look like a foreigner, and I guess I'd be surprised. I can't help but realise that I've really changed myself to his reaction. But right now, I'm not the one who's gonna let this happen. Jun-kun is only in junior high and I'm older, so I should behave like a senior and show care. ............ With that said, what shall I call you? [M] This is normally Buddha (two), I just want to be honest with you that I have sexually transformed... I wonder why, pure your reaction seems to surprise me more than degrees, and I also noticed it surprises me any more... "Um, bug basket... I dropped it, didn't I? In the meantime, pick up the basket you dropped because of me, and I'll give it to you to give it to you. Then Jun-kun just stares at me, even after a few seconds as it is. "Uh... Jun-kun? "Ju!? Ha, yes! The vicious Jun-kun shifts her gaze to a chilling night. And for some reason I cheeked lightly. "Uh, the..." You're a maiden! and a nasty glance that makes me want to penetrate, and the appearance of Jun-kun trying to say something naughty and reluctant is smiling. I'm going to wake up to something unexpectedly. "Oh, of... may I ask your name, please? It was my name that pure kun wanted. "Ho ho, nice work, boy? Then somehow Zui and my sister came forward and became the wall that blocked me and Jun-kun. He put his arms together, and the crying child looked down at him in the shape of a silent ghost. Napa refuses, but he gives off such a frozen glance that he says, and Jun-kun is frightened by the sound of 'hiccups' and throats. "Stop it, sister" You asked for my name, not my sister's. I told her otherwise and took my sister for a ride. In the first place, he activates a tundelle on a junior high boy, so Ajin-kun is a cute boy within a while, and that's a promising stock that promised him a regrettable future, much less a different pedigree just because he's a shaky brother. Tundele to such a boy, is my sister a shotacon! "Ha, my sister. Stop it, please." The sigh spilled unexpectedly, and I pushed my sister away.
I wish there had been too many surprises today. After the fireworks show, I went home, and I just got ready to go to bed (I want to), and I leak that feeling inside while I fall asleep in bed. "Shintaro is a silver-haired girl..." Phew, breathe out the tension I was grabbing on my chest. I totally meant to get used to seeing that pretty girl in the game...... but if I actually saw that look in reality (nah), I wonder what...... anyway, she was too cute and in a complicated mood to describe. But as always, Shintaro can be treated as Shintaro, and I wonder if there are any problems. But I really... when I see that young goddess or something that reminds me of an angel, it makes me realize that I've become a girl. "Well, but. Now I guess it's my turn to protect... a lot of things..." I've always had a problem with Shintaro. Shintaro has spoiled my role in turning down other people's favors, which is beyond my tolerance. He's been so protected. "Honestly, if they cry like that..." It was easy to see the tears that had fallen from the eyes of the Ethereal Gem (Sapphire) that made Shintaro so worried. I wonder if it was a lot mental...... half the time I was worried, I was also kind of determined. I don't want Shintaro to look like that again. Ah, so suddenly I think Shintaro will struggle from now on. The human reaction around us, the environment, the school, everything. I want to be beside you as my best friend at all then and help. You have to restrain yourself from that, don't you? Even though I knew it was Shintaro, I can't believe I was dodgy when I saw that cute crying face... even disgusted myself when I felt it that way. Shintaro doesn't want me like this. As always, I believe in friendship between men, and I'm asking for it. "I have to protect Shintaro." Unexpectedly, my phone vibrated as if it had reacted to my voice. I take the smartphone I left at the side of the bed while I wish it was a good time. Looking at the screen, Sole was the line from Shintaro. "Ahhh... I thought my heart would pop out..." I was so full of surprises that I saw first-hand the change of my best friend, Shintaro, to the point of whining to myself like that. To calm down your feelings again, stretch out your limbs darla on the upper level of the bunk bed, and hit the back of your sleep. Until now, the avatar of the game in question. You're wearing a pretty character. I only thought you were this bastard. It's too funny that you bugged it. The contents were Shintaro, which is why he was easily treated, including teasing, without worrying about the appearance of the character. Especially without any other intentions, he regarded it as a necroma. But why don't you open the lid? I can't believe Shintaro is a silver-haired girl like an angel... The guy I met at the fireworks show was undoubtedly a girl. Plus, I don't even know the end of the year, about the exact same elementary middle school grade as the character in the game. And she's so beautiful that she's super attached. I laughed at the beauty of the fact that it was real... I was just kidding about how one day my best friend suddenly looked like he was going to snort even when he told me he was a god. The contents do remain Shintaro... but his beautiful voice makes me weird nervous whenever his beautiful eyes turn to this one. "Ha..." Shintaro must have kept quiet for fear that our attitude would change. So I could tell myself how to handle it the way I've always done, and I managed to calmly deal with Shintaro on that occasion. But. "Quick story, it's very difficult... Shintaro!" Now if it's all poker face belly-black Evening Glow (Yuki), the art of this hand will be your favorite. It's hard for me to keep it out of my face. Conscious, it's going to fall on one side of the rare face. "That, brother? You were still awake? That's my solitaire in my ear, my brother sleeping under a bunk bed giving me a glimpse of his face. "Oh, it's nothing. Sorry if I woke you up." "Uh-huh, I'm fine. I was just playing Clan Clan." "Right..." That's what I said, staring at the contact lenses my brother would be wearing in his eyes. And then, I noticed the discomfort. True, it's weird. I'm talking about a totally fairy dimension, such as being able to play that magnificent game with such a tiny contact lens. How long have we been accepting this game naturally? Despite being a VR game, I can't believe the game is enjoyable while recognizing virtuality and reality at the same time... it can't be a technology that humanity can reach at the moment. God? As there is a godlike being, is this God's work? If so, why are you doing this? There's so much I don't know. But that's all I know. Shintaro's frightened, trembling, and tormented expression (Kao). He was crying. He couldn't tell us the whole time, immersed himself in the game to escape his anxiety, and cried the whole time. Even if... Kochira has become such a beautiful girl that she's going to be upset inside, Shintaro is Shintaro. Sexual metastasis has something to do with Clan Clan. That's what I'm talking about, and Evening Fai would think the same thing. Reveal the culprit who tormented my best friend, and have him put on a corresponding bully. "Quick story, I think... there's a pile of things we need to get over together." The smartphone vibrated, leaving it beside the pillow, as if to respond to my voice like that. Who is this in the middle of the night? And I opened the app right after I found out that Sole was the line from Shintaro. The contents....... "I'm having an emergency meeting, so come on! Gather for Clan Clan's" Hui Sword Shop Skills - George "! A fairy came to my house and discussed it with my sister." ... what?
Cut the wind and run. Even if you are drowned in the moon and destined to be filled with madness. Even if we don't see a tranquil tomorrow. Cut it open with sharp nails. Bite it off with proud fangs. He cursed himself and entrusted his soul to the silver light that guided us. From the abilities acquired by Extra Skills [Head of Herd], "The Voice of the Herd," the minds and minds of the [Lunar Wolves (Urk Lycan)] who drive together echo in their heads. They were just human beings, but they transformed one day into a monster that lost reason when moonlighted at the border. The environment and life would have changed everything and gone mad. There must be a lot I've lost. If I let them live in peace... in my land, I would give them new power and they would give me their force under those conditions. But that alone doesn't qualify to lead the werewolves. So we need to at least get ahead of ourselves to show our ambition as the head of the herd. "Follow me." "" "Grr" " Skills [Herd Leader] are quite useful when more than werewolves (Lycans) joined my umbrella. When it comes to the difficulty of keeping the channel linked to the werewolves (Lycans), various ideas come in, so they tend to draw awareness there. It will be important to switch on and off there. Now, the ability I just used, "Warning Noise (Walling)," allows you to send ideas to mercenaries (players) and NPCs in designated areas without a limit, and is suitable for warnings, time buying, negotiation, etc. The difficulty with this one is the consumption of all MPs, so I drink [woodland couscous] while running. Why did you go out of your way to use "Warning Noise (Walling)" to focus the enemy's consciousness on us? That would also calculate that the ambush I had prepared would work. "... only one thing to aim for" The deepest part of the battlefield where my sister was trampled and is still about to be killed. Countless mercenaries (players) are waiting for us on the road. Although the first-hand ambush by the pre-positioned [Cold-blooded werewolf (Lycant-Lycan)] was a brilliant success... even if you can get that place into chaos, it can't be a decision maker. Even if this one seems more dominant now, that's only temporary. Each of the Mercenaries is calmly repellent, and this defeat must be defeated by more local forces than the number of profits are there. So let me go full open from the start. "Magic Alchemy -" Playful Dusting (Loweys) "-" Crush rarified (rare) fossils with your left hand. No, a vortex of spiral particles that subdivides and embodies the genetic structure dances in my palm. And Jalali and, on his right hand, hold the golden pocket watch that was seated in Master Richie's treasure trove. "Magic Alchemy -" The Clarifier of Ancient Relics, "Decoding (Promea)" [Lost Generation Pocket Watches] absorbs fossil information as they look around and engraves them into my soul, the user, into my body. The first fossil I chose... The fossils I chose to blend into my own body... "Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!" Big voice that paralyzes the billies and surroundings. A fiercer passion and an overwhelming growl jump out of his mouth than any other werewolf in the world. Yes, I chose "The Ancient Wolf of Tai Chi (Dia Wolf) [Fossil] [Both Hands and Feet]", which I got in The Old Nest of Gears (Harold Gear). According to the description, it seemed to be a species with a gigantic body exceeding 4 metres and close to the apex of the ecosystem by its wit and collaboration...... : "The Ancient Wise Wolf (Dia Wolf) [Both Hands and Feet]" was recorded in [Memory of the Clock]: : Status Power + 700 Fastness + 600 Limb Site Only Defense + 400 (Intelligence Bonus B): : Fusionable time is 1 minute: : Once again, it will take 3 hours to fuse with the biological data of "The Wise Wolf of Tai Ancient (Dia Wolf)": While I recognize such a log, I stare at my own limbs, which have changed steadily. There is no change in size...... but the pitch-black Moffmoff, Kohon. His arms and legs were wrapped in elegant black hair and sharp claws were growing on the tips of his hands and feet. ... Michelle's voice doesn't reach my ear. Yeah, I can't hear you. ... Well, get your mind back on it! Yes, this is it! This form is the collection of alchemy inherited from a great master who had a lifetime of themes of fusion with monsters, fused with that king of death, Richie! "We're going first. You guys asked for my precious sister." Speaking to the "Wolves of the Moon Hua (Urk Lycan)" who were walking side by side, he nodded in awe. Again, the same wolves, they may have felt the mighty smell of the wise wolves I took in. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr, it's your pleasure." "Guru, respond to the Lord's thick trust" "Grullu, don't take the back, mainly" What a loyal, hot statement some werewolves make, so I answer with it too. "Let him catch up." I tried to explode the power that would make me think of it that way, and I couldn't. Because it was big, big, jumping over 6 meters like Superman. Even if you're only momentarily upset by your leg strength that's too powerful, get in position quickly in the air and land on the building wall. Or hanging vertically. 'Cause the hook nail by the right hand is poking deep into the building, making sure the roots are stretched out and the crack is spreading. "This is... the power of 'The Wise Wolf of Tai Ancient (Dia Wolf)'..." Not even if I'm impressed. I immediately kick the wall and fly to my next landing site. This makes it easy to travel long distances without the help of Hu, who became the "Green and Windy Princess (Jin Legina)". If you make several attempts and errors to adjust and subtract the force, grasp it immediately. "What that jumping power. It can't be." "What the fuck is that kid? "Whoa! Here they come!? "Oh my god. Am I seeing the ideal girl now? Lovely nails on those pompous arms. And on my legs, the black Poipois that looks like Niso at first glance is Moffmoff! Shit, pure white thigh skin above thighs! I can't, I can't, I'm dying..." And then he flies, and when he runs, he lands a bullet in the enemy formation. The mercenaries moved too slowly before the bullet named me. Screw the onslaught of looming mercenaries (players). And he waves the nails of the wise wolf, and when he tears his belly, he takes on the next prey. The Wise Wolf Mode has 45 seconds left. Slaughter at least a few Mercenaries (players) and destroy the enemy's power. Most importantly, we have to rush to my sister soon. If I fly through space in 3D motion, my enemies start responding with flying tools, bows and arrows, etc. But that stuff is pointless. "My friend, let me dance in the wind of frenzy" "Taro Rin! Let him go! Fly acrobatically and activate [Friends of the Wind Fairy] and the hu of "The Immaculate Princess of Green and Wind (Jin Legina)" will show up. The windy vale put together by a divine dwarf only slightly slacks all the physical attacks that will kill me. Crazy in the direction of travel, that wind is enough. It's easy to avoid if it's my physical abilities that have risen dramatically now. "Damn it! You're moving too fast to chant in time! I haven't made any blunt moves to the point of hitting magic. That's how I get Fu's follow up and use up the 'Tai Ancient Wise Wolf (Dia Wolf)' mode in full. I glanced at the pocket watch and the second hand pointed to 11 o'clock. That indicates nothing more than that the Wise Wolf mode is deactivated with 5 seconds left. Then, after I tore the bellies of several mercenaries (players), I jumped out into the air, especially over places where people were dense. Grumpy to decide a spin in space, screaming. "My friend, let my freezing heart bloom wildly" If you put the Magic Stone (Doll Core) and Frost Stone Cord (Floslalda) down, the white and blue flutter and the "White Blue Snow Princess Blue White" tangled with a glacial dress appears. The ten or more mercenaries (players) directly below are surprised to see whether they have been overwhelmed by her beauty. "Let the beautiful flowers bloom with the Lord." The black hair on his hands and feet disappears at the same time that the blue white tan manifests itself. The sharpened nail shrinks and returns to the original nail. Looks like it's just out of time. But that's fine. 'Cause I'm going to hand the "guiding thread" over my own palm and start manipulating the blue white tongue with a marionette hello. The aim is to activate Blue White Tan's skills. Blossom ice directly beneath you and let it descend. "Ice Flowers" spreads at an awesome speed and there is no escape for the enemy. Those whose flower-like ice grows from their heads, their shoulders, arms, and hips to their legs are relentlessly producing white blue (soldering) that heralds stagnation and death. "Hey enemy, punch punch punch at all times! "" "Grrrrrrrrrr! By this time, [Wolf of the Moon Hua (Urk Lycan)] and Michelle had finally come to me. There seems to be an onslaught right next door, but the walls of enemy numbers are thick and hard to break through. "Huh, Blue White Tan" "Let it go." In one word of mine, Hu has a storm that only dulls the enemy's movements for a moment. Blue White Tan hugs me and jumps to the side of Michelles. I tell the werewolves and Michelles that in the midst of this turmoil, I joined them. "Mostly because (...) ok (...). Just give me 10 seconds" "Brother, protect! Punch, punch, punch, punch! "I won't let the Lord attack you, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Confirming that the allied defenses were formed around the Blue White Tan, I immediately expanded the on-board play "Rudy Athens Board" dancing on the battlefield. We've been watching our enemies over the church since before we made them aware of this presence in Warning Roar (Walling), so we generally know where the mercenaries (players) are located. But it is unknown how much power is in the building. Even if I knew beforehand in "Rudy Athens Board," an onboard play dancing on the battlefield, I didn't know how my opponent would move. So I had to ambush the werewolves to figure out and target the most dense spot at this time when the war situation moved. "" Rudy Athens Board Dancing on the Battlefield ", Duel!" 8 [Soldiers (Pawn)] with the glow of [Thunderflame Guardian + 6] are placed near my sister, and 2 [Knights (Knights)] with the glow of [Flame King's Knight + 3] and [Thunder King's Knight + 3] are placed beside us. [Soldier (Pawn)], more than 2 meters tall, was neglected, and his enemies, who appeared in the deepest part, were devouring the surface as well. And the power of [Knight], dressed in full body armor with more than 3 meters, stopped us for a moment. And I drop the last pawn onto the board. Mr. Dawn, the giant, gave him a shine [Tank (Luke)], [Helios Heliodor +1, the horseback riding bike of the Sun God] to pierce the thick spot of defense where the most enemies were assembled. "... what, that kid! A beautiful girl who brightens her silver hair and gives herself up to some reckless barbarism. Looking at her from a distance, my own heart leapt at what I saw in the liquor store and what I did far from it. "Wow, wow...... ugh! Turn your hands and feet into such a beastly shape, that speed, that power, it's overwhelming. Meet the most powerful mercenaries (players) who smell close to themselves and are filled with joy. If I fight that kid, what the hell will happen? Besides, I'm also curious to have summoned some sort of dwarf-like NPC. I wonder if she's getting some junior subpoenas and stuff, too? How much will you cross with your [Spirit Beast] Summoning skills? "... it's not just that kid" Everything is moving around that kid. Surprise attacks by the werewolves (Lycans) have caused tremendous damage to the mercenaries (players), and suddenly the tall soldiers appear to be handled by the [Beast Kingdom of Prison Warfare Practice] kids, but they seem quite formidable enemies. "There's more... what is that...? Suddenly it was the lightning that caught on, little giant. Four meters long is crap. The owner of the giant body rides a carriage led by about 10 horses and kicks the mercenaries (players) like bugs with thunder. Is that NPC? It's impossible to summon two bodies simultaneously with a subordinate summons. So you're saying that there are other mercenaries (players) who can use the same subpoena as you? Too much fun, too much joy to suppress the fact that there are mercenaries (players) who are finally going to be able to fight on par with themselves. "... Mr. Singh, who the hell are those kids? So unnecessarily suppressed by his own white lion (Gau-kun), I ask PvP's strongest mercenary regiment leader (Klamath) who crawls to the ground. "My family." "Family...? You used it... I find it a little frustrating to the useless Mr. Singh over this period. He said he was sorry for the teethless strength for what he expected. Because a mercenary (player) of strength has appeared close to me, I would like you to spit out some useful information. "No more, no more... Mr. Singh, no more..." He wears his hat in his eyes and commands the white lion to eat and kill him. A flickering and tough jaw crushes the torso of one woman. Watch the end of a mercenary (player) called [Hunter God (Singh)], scattering green kill effects. "Huh... Wouldn't you like to come soon..." Such a sigh spills unexpectedly at the end of Mr. Bored Singh. The roar rang as if to answer such a grunt of its own. I wonder what it is, and I move to hide behind the White Lion. - Hey, I'm here. He showed up from the flames. It was a mercenary (player) with the hegemony of the mighty man he wanted. The ability and temper to break through those numbers of mercenaries is real. Plus she was supposed to have silver hair until earlier, but now she was loosening her burning flaming hair. It gathers up the firepowder and grows a ghostly corner from the right part of his head. The bright red sword is also spread across the right arm, and the hand holds a sword. "How dare you do my sister?" I trembled unexpectedly in those angry, burning eyes. Oh, he said he was going to fight this kid to death now. Nothing beats more joy. I can see a grin spreading in my face at the excitement of a long time. "But Kill is pointless in front of me. Sorry to hear that." So she sprinkled red liquid like the sky at dusk. If you think the colour of blood has been swallowed by Mr. Singh's kill-effect... "Sister, are you okay? "Ah, ah..." "Looks like we made it within 15 seconds." Mr. Singh's body is then repaired, wrapped in red light. "Taro, what the hell is this...? "It's my Red Water of Unlost Salvation." Briefly revived Mr. Singh who was supposed to have just killed him......? "Hey... you see that now!? "Sin did kill Mr. Red, didn't he?!? "I can't believe it's the resurrection of a mercenary! "That girl... she's an angel of silver..." "Are you serious..." I know how a few mercenaries (players) who were around wanted to make a scene like that. Angel of Silver...... Yes, the name I heard [God of the Hunter (Singh)] put under asylum. Though I had decided that cuteness was the only kind of princess mercenary (player) who would be tempted by a male mercenary (player). "This child... the angel of silver..." I can't believe I was in a position to come to salvation instead of being protected by [the hunter's God]. Besides, I've never heard of resurrecting the kills of mercenaries (players) as if they were nothing... Really, really... maybe she is the very angel who reaches out for salvation. Because this is how you showed up in front of your own, boring hell. Because it brought me pleasure.
Episode : Cat'S Magic Eye Prospecting A Criminal City () ”A heavy sin skill is convenient...” There were several powerful abilities in the Great Sin Skill [Phagocytosis].Among them, [Naraka's Kiss] and [Distance] were too versatile. [Naraka's Kiss] should have [Saliva from Naraka] installed in any place in advance.This is what we call a black swamp effect.This creates another [drooling saliva] within your sight, and if you drag the opponent, it's a substitute for forcing the black swamp to warp.The first swamp to be installed will last as long as it consumes 5 MP every minute unless [Kiss Naraka] is removed. Next, [Distance]. Simply put, simply by specifying the coordinates that include the height difference in the map, you can warp yourself and other PT members to the designated location via the [Saliva to Fall].Consumption of MP per Mercenary (player) is quite high at 30, but it can lead to the strongest ambush methods. "Good evening, [King of the Excavation (Greedroa)]" That's why I set the coordinates of Thief (Greedroer) and activated the Distance ability.This time, Elle, Krall, and I were the only four who charged to save MPs for the battle. Of course, the boss of the [Hell's Number (Orthros) Dog] family and the two number two were the ones who welcomed us from the glittering black swamp. "Ahhn? What did the silver angel and all but a few of you do?"Do you want to be killed? " Such a provocation, after a few moments, "Pugaaa!?'It changed into a scream. "Huh!? Why won't my [Greed] trigger!?"I'll take it from you, Pughhhh!? " "Pumpkin, popkin, popkin." Elle was relentlessly beating him up. Hmm, I guess I was the type who could steal abilities from the [Greed] abilities of the [Gangster (Greed)].That's why the last time I fought, it seemed like I had absorbed all of the abilities of the [Lady Nostalgia of the Ginkgo Blossoms]. If that happens, it won't be compatible with Elle. I don't have to use any skills, I'm just hitting.If you're the type of skill that takes away an active ability, you probably won't be able to take anything from Elle. "Damn it! Gratnio! When this happens, we'll have our strongest combo here and now!" The [Gangster (Greedor)] escaped Elle's onslaught and jumped to the rear at a great distance.He desperately tries to convince another fellow sinner to do something, but his cry stops along the way. Seeing that [Gluttono] was already fighting someone, I figured out who that opponent was and changed my mind. Krallus...? So you're broadcasting it now? As expected, the [Gangster (Greedroer)] was quick to understand the situation. He had previously said that he wanted to avoid revealing the "strongest combo" until the battlefield event.That's true, isn't it?After all, the mercenaries who will prepare the countermeasures may appear if they expose their hands, and that would be synonymous with the capture of a felony skill, which is the winning prize.Even so, when I was engaged, I decided that I had to stop and was about to execute the [strongest combo]. In the end, I didn't want to use it because of Lucky Luciano, but this time I was expecting to use the [strongest combo] to defeat us... "Shit, I can't do it while it's being broadcast!"Why, Krulus and the fucking angel...!? " I knew it. If you had fewer witnesses in your personal battle with me, you might have been able to taste the "strongest combo".However, if you use it here, it will lead to Kras being broadcast and having hundreds and thousands of viewers, which will expose the trump card to so many people. I'm really a little sorry about that. Because from now on, I will learn [phagocytosis] and [greed], and I want to look at the "strongest combo" that uses two major sin skills, and I want to use it as a reference for the future. But now that we want to prioritize safety, it's not a bad idea to ask Kras for help. "Safe, stable and routine like no other!" It was an easy match for Lucky Luciano. This is just an assault on the [Hell's Number (Orthros) Dog] family, knowing that the real thing is a battlefield event. Greedy-san, you've been killed for my humanity. "Pughhhhh!" Elle beat me up from the back of my head and turned into a state abnormal [Stun]. I mean... my head is blown off, and I'm working on a little polygon, but the eggs are all over the place. Elle, guess, improve. With a smile on her face, her sister spits out a dialogue that doesn't suit her pretty face, grabbing the legs of the Stealing King and dragging her casually. There, I pierced my sword and stabbed him. Elle, the calibration is exquisite. It's a pain in the ass. "Ehehe" "Next time, I want to collect the material from this person, so it would be helpful if you left a little more HP" Yes! Elle, I'll do my best! Thus, I duplicated (copied) the Great Sin Skill [Greed]. Why?! How is it so easy for a fucking angel to find us!? This is the third time!? "Oh, oh... that's odd, damn angel" I'm going to be very upset, but even if I were to be the boss of the [Hell's (Orthros) Dog] family. There is a position that you can't show these chicks how you look like. "You guys, don't you think you can do whatever you want for free?"I wonder if your people are okay? I tried to threaten him, but I could see the result. If an angel is a nuisance, I made a calculation to target his allies and tried to convince his crew... but according to reports, many mercenaries (players) are guarding him and won't let him go through an ant child. While devising a countermeasure that can be called a countermeasure, there is no room to execute it, and the forced descent event of the damned angel is repeated. Damn it, I can't really hit you. Moreover, even though he still has a Lycan hand, he doesn't even show that powerful hand... The fact that he can afford to save it spurs fear. "Are you threatening me? If you say so, shall I kill you more often?" I can't. His eyes are serious, his fucking angel's eyes are serious. Those are the eyes of a man of unrelenting faith.No, is he a human being? Now, Elle, it's time to play. "Ai, limbs, not crushed, for a while, bumpy, bumpy" "That's right. You're going to have to crush my head, right?"I also want the material for the [King of Digs (Greedlore)] part, so be polite.You can't get yourself killed right away. " Ryuuu! Slow down, bumpy bumpy "Hee!?... please don't do this anymore, really." If we get this far, we can say, "Pride!" Then we won't even be able to operate in this city! I have to bow my head and surrender. Ah, Clara, you can broadcast from here. I've been waiting for you ~! Ignore it!? Huh, what is it now?! I apologize for making trouble and seizing you first, please! I'm sorry I let the wind blow in this city! "All right! Because we were wrong!" The plea for peace was overthrown by a dick fist called the [Silent Hammer Princess]. "Good sensitivity, this is Minazuki, in charge of [cat eyes], relaying" It's a good path, and I (I), who manages Cat Bus Diamond , will guide you. Relying on my friends' reports, I will concentrate on narrowing down the coordinates specified in [Distance]. "I can see several members of the [Hell's Number (Orthros) Dog] family (family) from Lot B on the map smoking their cigarettes.This is the viewpoint of "Black Cat Yeofu". " Mina's new skill is [Cat Lining Eye (Nekkori Cancer)]. She can share the vision of a wild cat with her own vision with a certain level of nostalgia. "Well then, I'll put your [Black Cat Mofu] on standby."We will change the route of [Tea Cat Only] to the back alley of Map Area A."Mr. Buchi of Hakubi will have the commercial district of District D walk around the indoors of District F, and" Mr. Mimaki Mompuchi "will have the indoors of District F walk through." Lily's new skill was the [Cat Bus Diamond], which could instruct the behavior of a nostalgic wildcat to some extent. Even if Mina alone could see the cat's sight, it would be a substitute for being able to peek at the cat's casual sight.And even if Lily-san could designate where the cat would go, it would be a long time before she knew what was going on there. If she didn't join the wildcat and communicate with her, she wouldn't be able to figure out what was going on there. The product of relying on the whims of a cat that can never hope a useful effect on one side, will turn into an invincible information network if the three people (...) combine their strengths. "Yes, yes, this black cat likes [pickled salmon with slime sauce], and this tea pheasant likes [Katsuo samurai]?"Hmm, you're obsessed with [extremely tri-colored], aren't you?Now, eat it, eat it! " The cats that Mina and Lily couldn't control, but they were able to improve their nostalgia with Tois's help.Since Mr. Tois has [Friends], he can hear the preferences of the cats.Then, she moved the cat to the location Lily had instructed, and Mina could use the cat's point of view to check the situation. A skill that allows you to share all aspects of your cat's vision without going to a cat castle. Actually, Mina, Lily, and Konoe-kun had solved the [Black and White (Bizarre) Cat War] while I was running the territory.As a reward, I received a skill that allowed me to share my senses with the cat. Until now, I couldn't raise the wildcat's sensitivity, and the treasure was decayed, but it seemed that the three of them cooperated fully to bring out the real value. Once again, amazing! There are more than thirty eyes looking over this city, right? The [Gem Cat's Silver Tail] made by the angel is also suitable for intelligence activities. "However, with Taro-san's alchemy, we become cats ourselves, so even though we can gather deep information, like us, who emit many cats at the same time, we can't collect a lot of information in an instant." Lily, who was a bit boastful, smiled. He said that he could rely more on his friends while appealing to his majesty as a rival. "Thank you very much, all three of you." While expressing my gratitude, I will narrow down the coordinates of the objective. "Taro-chan, do you still have the broadcast permission?"It's about time, isn't it? "Oniichan, is this woman bumpy?" "Lara-san (hey)... even if you make a mistake, please avoid actions that make Taro-chan an enemy..." Elle and Krulus were around, and the atmosphere was so calm that it seemed unlikely before the battle. After all, since it was the fourth time that I was going to the place where the boss of the [Hell's Number (Orthros) Dog] family ( Family) was located with the [Phagocy] skill, I probably felt a little uneasy. Well, I was able to identify the location of [Gleed Loa], so I guess it was time to go. "Clara, I've told you so many times, our way of finding enemies is secret, so you have to start broadcasting after you meet your enemies."And Klarsfan, I need three more escorts. ” I bowed my head and sincerely thanked everyone in Klarsfan."I'm really helpful," "thank you," "I'm counting on you," and so on, and I shake hands with a smile. At that time, of course, don't forget to pay a bribe, and distribute the handmade potion to each person. "Angel's Holy Water (...)..." It seems to be handmade! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Since we can see the exuberance of war, even if something happens while we are attacking the [Hell's Number (Orthros) Dog] family ( Family), the safety of Mina, Lily and Twa will be guaranteed. Elle asks over her shoulder to satisfy herself. What's the next way to bump into me? I'll gently pat Elle on the head, which looks like she has no heart. Then my sister smiled like a tickle.
Tales Destined To Cross "You..." "The Strongest Mercenary (Player), [Danger Zone (Red Zone)] ...?" I answer nothing to a grudging mercenary (player). "Nothing is more boring than the strongest" I just softly chest the words that come up in my brain, staring at the person who curls. The ten (...) mercenaries (players) who have planted PvP lie flabby on the ground like rice ho pushed down by a blowing storm, scattering away the kill effects. Return the three [Spirit Beasts] described in the [Endangered Species Book (Red Data)] to the other world and stop activating the Summoning Skill. [Spirit Beast] is the generic name of a beast that lives with [fairies] and [spirits], and appears to be a family (kennel) tribe of [divine beasts] that originally existed in Tai Ancient times. Sometimes they help each other with [fairies] and sometimes they are in a position to be used by [spirits], but if they are the superior species, they are the spirits themselves, or some beings who have fused with the spirits? To that extent they can read from the data, but they feel something different from the other NPCs. Maybe it would be ridiculous to say something more, 'like a deep bond'... but I feel a definite will or something that puts my mind through it. Otherwise, I don't understand my motives for merciful [Spirit Beast] and remembering familiarity. The [Spirit Beasts] must never leave themselves, unlike the real ones. Creepy, I can't believe I keep my distance... there's no one to look down on, no one to look at with curiosity. I don't even feel bad about this one. Just purely put yourself and your opponent through their hearts, exchange warmth, and climb to heights. Even if I know it's just hanging out, like I want a bond that's gone in reality (over there)... I can't stop loneliness. So I keep walking this clan clan with [Spirit Beast]. Instead, put your hand into your pocket and put your hand on the cap of your hat and re-wear it deep. "The stronger I am, the more vain I feel about my opposing enemy" I feel all sore these days. Then we can seek stronger enemies and encourage game offense? Even powerful monsters do not change the established algorithm. If your computer is your opponent and your stats are your only enemies, you can easily win this stat if it equals you. The given pawn, the condition, the skill... Only... mercenaries (players) are used ad hoc and sometimes in ways that overshadow their imagination. Then why don't you stay away from this clan clan for a while, wait for the other mercenaries (players) to get stronger, and come back in anticipation of when you were left behind? It's not like I can't think of that. But... "It's Terrible To Lose The Power You've Got Once" Human beings tend to fear losing the power and wealth they once had in their hands. History proves that, such as the hereditary system and second-generation politicians. And I taste the experience in real life. It's not normal to lose what was there. That's the same in games. Losing the power of the strongest is not a pleasant event. So I don't really want to do anything in the real world, in this game world that I don't often find interesting... I do work (...) to be the strongest every day. Just to distract the loneliness...... "The top mercenaries (players) keep playing this game so that they are all chased by something" It will be for each person to be chased by what. To retain the status you have built up. To boast that he is stronger than anyone else. To maintain the once tasted sense of superiority of being better than the others. to tread through the unknown realm faster than anyone else. "Daily Quest, Quest Digestion, Eso Earning, New Musketry, Level Up. All of them can be just work, to be the strongest ' The mercenaries (players) who are obsessed and indulging in (playing) this clan clan... all look the same after all. "It's not about playing games, it's about the feeling of being played" Guys, jailed prisoner trapped in the game world. "So to speak, every day I work in routine work to be the strongest" I was [Spirit Beast] and diverted, and healed, and I was doing clan clan for it. When did that become so adamant about strength? I don't know if I know what caused it myself. If you lose, it's like something that's been piling up between you and [Spirit Beast] collapses away. Um, it's like when you lose a friend in real life - because of that sense of fear, you just keep being the strongest. Thus, to the weakness of the opposing opponent...... days of boredom accumulate when disillusioned at will. "..................... boring..." Is there anything interesting? Does anyone satisfy themselves? The loosely smoked (dull) dos black flames are slightly swollen up in the chest. My heart is beginning to dwell on the boredom of being the strongest, but therefore the most boring, who have seen all the weaker than myself. Rumor has it that the leader of PvP's most powerful mercenary regiment (Clan), "The Drunken Neck Hunter", [The Hunter's God (Singh)], is strong in the upper layers? Our mercenary regiment (clan), The Beast Kingdom of Hell Battle Grinding, is quite a bunch of grains, so it seems interesting to interact with it there. That said, I don't think that 'Beast Kingdom of Hell Warfare Smelting' is a private thing because of how much I am the leader. Because it is a hundred million robberies to engage with people and your emotions will eventually shake. If you don't talk, your interactions with them will be limited to nature. So he has defeated several mercenaries (players) almost silently. It seems that some of those strangers are saying, 'I fell in love with doing everything possible for the atrocities while deciding to dull!' Cause 'even though it's cool, I admire it for being more fierce than a beast!' And the gatherings of the people who have come on their own belong to the 'Beast Kingdom of Hell Battle Grinding'. Originally, I didn't intend to form a mercenary regiment (clan), but they took charge of it... and at some point the mercenary regiment stood up. So I am the head of the regiment by name only, and the management of the substance is left to the deputy head of the regiment. Are they also drawing on their feeling that they have no choice but to be the leader of the regiment, saying, 'I just appreciate you being the leader of the regiment'? They seem to be of a race called Chemoner and tend to prefer to try to be beastly. Using skills that basically improve physical abilities, as well as those that enhance smell, hearing, and vision, weapons are often the choice of nail system. 'Let us serve the same as that summoner!' I can't believe you're joking around and pleading, 'so it's a little laughable. Many times those kids have corrected [Spirit Beast] because. You can't involve those people in your private desires. So, what do we do? I'll explore if there's any convenient way to approach 'Neck Hunting Insanity Co'. Speaking of [The Hunter's God (Singh)], I heard you were putting a certain young girl under protection. You think the daughter also fights in a rather distinctive way? The two names are of silver... how dare they call them. I mean, do you ever try to take that little girl and put her on a shield? That way an angry Singh gets attacked by herself and holds it up in battle? "- Mr. Red, do you mind now? What interrupted the fun plan and paranoia was a friend message from Deputy Commander Hyori. "Silence means OK! Hyaha! ' While still under barometric pressure from the same leopard's front and back, I encourage myself to continue with my friend message. 'Mr. Red, because I've been bored lately and I have been. Why don't we do a little hunting? A little bit now, huh? I'm not having a crush with that famous mercenary regiment (Clan) [Neck Hunting Maniacs]! Hyahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! I've been contacting the captain! Hyah! ' When I hear [Both Neck Hunting Insanity], the back of my chilled chest squirts with chilli. "I want to attack the [infected city of Sanatorium], working with mercenary regiments (clans). For some reason, I'm in the middle of slapping the [neck hunting drunkards] who have been interrupting the offense for a long time. ' What, that sounds a little funny... but isn't there too much difference in power? "Shit! Don't fuck with them! Take the captain's hand! Heh heh heh. Cat's hand, too. "I want to borrow the hand of our king of beasts. It is a existence. We hunted down our enemies and reduced their numbers considerably... only a few of them had mercenaries (players) who were slightly sticky - ' Hang up leopard friend messages without listening to them to the end. My feet were headed for [Sanatorium, Infected City]. "Elle, listen carefully. I'm not just overconfident of my status and beating you straight from the front, because someone will show up that will never work." "Punch, kick, fun" After raising the level, we went back to [Infected City Sanatorium] and ordered a quest. In front of the quest board at the tavern called [A Cup Filled with Living Blood], I carefully draw attention to my sister-in-law, Michelle. "I don't mind punching or kicking. But there's a rush, a feint, all that stuff, right? "El, strong. Mercenaries (players), yes. Dumb, womb." In the end, Elle's style of combat feels like such a force push. Indeed, El has gone up by three levels, so his status has gone up by nine levels. Still, you should be prepared for the unexpected and keep track of what PvP knows. "Last time, [Cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)] had a lot of painful hands on his opponent, so get ready..." Besides, since the content of this quest is a crusade of [Sara] the Wolf of Man (Lycan)], even NPC opponents cannot be cautioned. The top species of werewolves (Lycans) we have witnessed before. The mercenaries (players) who had been attacked by it and had been turned back must have taken the same quest. My sister has contacted me that that area is now an admirable PvP war zone. So this is how I tap into the basics of PvP on Elle...... "Too mindful. El, I'll try." "PvP doesn't simply reflect the strength of your stats and skills." "Power is everything. El and your brother, the strongest." I sigh at my cerebral muscle sister-in-law, who never attempts to show understanding, and I try to remind her that your skills are originally 'capable of manipulating enemies' - stop. Because I felt someone else's gaze. "... nothing is more boring than the strongest" The girl around the age of 15 has gone out of her way to make strange remarks about us entering the tavern and being near the quest board. Go on. I'm not going to say anything. I just stare at this one jizzily. So we get caught and we observe her. Will the height be slightly larger than that of Elle and around 150 cm? It features slightly old jeans and is woven with short length jackets. I can't confirm my expression because I wear a red cap cap at the depth of my eyes. Dark hair, dressed like a boy but stretched long enough to likely reach the ground, tells the story of her as a woman. "Um, something? We can't stand each other's silent battles, and I'll ask. Then she lowered the end of the hat further with her right hand. "The strongest, I heard..." "El and your brother, the strongest" It was Elle who answered immediately. The way I handled it, I thought it would look like I was firmly convinced that this one was the strongest... I look at Elle spinning my nose and I realize I'm not mistaken though. The mysterious Red Hat looked at me alternately with El like that and laughed softly. It never included contempt or ridiculous behavior there, and what to say was a silly way of laughing. "... Spirit Beast... same... cute..." I couldn't hear her very well, but instead I could see a chilling eye from the shadow of my hat, merciful of my pet. I was embarrassed by the trolls that looked at the little animals. Give her a quick thank you and keep your distance. I'm sure Red Hat came to the tavern to order quests, too. We should get off the quest board as soon as we're done ordering the quest. "It's also Elle's fault... don't speak too prominently" "Mm, sorry" Did Elle also have a slightly unusual sense of being entangled in a mercenary (player), honestly sticking his head in? Um, good boy. Now that it's a good flow, keep an eye out for weapons to activate Elle's 'manipulating enemies' skills, and gear like a mobile console. "Because you can't stand out. El's needs to be careful because it shines when you mess with it. The ultimate system of PvP, they hide their weapons so they don't catch the eye, or walk in plain, unusual weapons on purpose." "Why?" "Just to make sure they don't understand how to attack you. Don't do much pico in public. Always keep it in your pocket." "Yes." All right, honest. If you reach for Elle's head naturally, why Rikona Riko? Seeing Elle relax as if she were a cat, I only soothe my heart. But I noticed that Red Hat is still looking at this one, and I'll stop doing it right away. And as Elle roared with dissatisfaction, he took his hand, and went to the entrance of the liquor store. I was contacted by a member of the team, Leopard, who arrived in the [infected city of Sanatorium] and met with unusual mercenaries (players). Did I do something wrong? I haven't seen kids that look interesting in a long time, so I spoke up. Oh, is it me that's bad? Not only is it the rare look of the silver-haired sisters, but if they put 'the strongest' or something in their mouths... isn't it impossible for them to react? If they respond to full childhood, not betraying expectations from low heights to that...... too smiling. "Because you can't stand out -" Such are they shuddering away from themselves and talking obsessively. Apparently my sister has a better look at her sister, but would she have the appearance to say 'it's no good to stand out'? She should not be in a position to be cautious if there are only noticeable elements. Nobody should be able to help turn around before twins like angels. Besides, my sister is particularly eye-catching. Because he is dressed in a superior robe sewn in black with embroidery of gold thread and wears a lovely hood. "- It's shiny to mess with -" Sounds like my sister is showing off her knowledge of PvP... "- - Not much pico pico -" It's shiny, it's shiny, it's shiny, it's cute Hentecoward flying around, it's childish and I still smile. Funny kids. Eye Blessings Eye Blessings before he kills the captain of "Neck Hunting Insanity Co". Mercenary (Player) Talo LV11 HP141 MP130 (Correction by Equipment + 150) 280 Magic 14 Defense 2 (Correction by Equipment + 100) 102 Magic Defense 8 (Correction by Equipment + 100) 108 Fastness 330 Intelligence 605 Skill Points Remaining: 56 * Title * [Sophisticated Witch] Skill Points Acquired 3x [Traitors cutting ahead] 50% Critical for First Shots · 20% increase in total LV damage to those higher than yourself [Sage's assistant] Increase Magic and MP by 1.2 times. Increase the success rate of magic creations by 20% [Who brings (Titan) heavenly light (-Isla) to the giant (Phyllos)] Triple the status of the Giants fighting together. 1.5x the stats of all the Giants under control. * Natural title * [The All-Known Preacher "Dj All Dior"] Double the growth of status intelligence. * Skills * "Alchemy" LV42 · Can make various objects "Magic Alchemy" LV 18 · Allows the material to be cubed and synthesized on the spot · Weapons destruction, subdivision of materials · Fusion with ancient organisms "Fame" LV4 Explore the relationship and friendship with NPC "Friends of the Wind Fairy News" LV30 "Knife Technique" LV15 * Ex skills * "Baking Mark (Stomp)" "Lord of the Little Box Garden" · Can create a pseudo life · Homunculus, etc. · I can also make trap boxes with monsters in boxes. "Dominator of Dolls" · Gives life and will to the doll and can be manipulated. "The Heavenly Animal Doctrine of Finding Light: Herbarium Savan, a longtime botanist" · Can utilize virus generation and [smelting (renkin) technique]. "Rudy Athens Board, a battlefield play dancing on a board" Appear on the board in the field and place the shiny pawn (Koma) to summon the entity.
Octagonal beauty. I act like I'm talented and go out with you so that nobody feels bad about me. If you represent a human being named me, I think this word is the best. "Akane, it's almost my boyfriend's birthday! So next Sunday, why don't you help me pick a present with you? "Yeah, okay." Nico laughs and answers that to his classmate Miki. I'm not really interested in picking out Miki's gift, and I'd like to spend Sunday alone if possible. "Good. If you go with Akane, you're wrong not to get hassled." "Shit, pressure" But Miki is my classmate. The space I go to every day, because I'm in the classroom. "Thanks for coming." "Yeah, I just wanted to see something, too." This is how you live with a friend-style human (human). "Uh, what? "Hmm? Clothes?" "What! Then I'll see with you! "Yeah, yeah! Swing lovingly at everyone and keep your liking. It's better that way, because I have good mental health to live my school life. Bright, gentle, equal. With the children of the Ministry of Culture, with the children of the Sports Department, with the plain children, with the flashy children. But one caveat. That means you can't do much for boys. As much as possible, the only thing that makes it better is girls. Otherwise, I'll make an extra enemy. "Akane is cute." "It's popular with boys." "Do you want a man to like you that much? Hostility mainly from the girls. That's what I learned when I was in middle school. This is how I pretend to be bright on the outside, and actually it's me who spends my high school life freaking out. Still wrapped up in unnatural kindness today, playing the false self, the day ends. With patience and care, keep your peace. School life of safekeeping. I can only have such jailbroken feelings about school life. There's only one boy who makes me feel exceptional. He comes at me plainly, straight, and diligently. My classmates praise me for 'caring well', but I'm just stiffening it with that fruit lie. Unlike me, Shintaro, you're acting purely for me. That, dragged by the mundane carelessness, I don't always let it out, my true nature, which I'm supposed to be saving, some of it getting drawn out in front of him more and more. I really want to have a silly conversation and be distracted, and I want to laugh sincerely. That's when he moves on, plays the dodo, he gets cold bogged down and waits for a scratch. I can't stand it anymore, and I laugh. Talented, I'm what they say, but I actually don't speak English very well. Shintaro is also weak in English, so we can do homework together. I teach a lot, but even if I teach people, I choose words so that they can understand parts of me that I don't understand well, and sort them out in my head, and realize that Sole will at some point lead to a deeper understanding of grammar. Thanks to you, your grades are up your right shoulder. Thank you, Shintaro. "What type of guy do you like? 'When a boy asks, it is a woman who is whispering in her ear more than a man. I think he's trying to hear what I'm saying. Maybe he's wary that someone he likes doesn't apply, or he'll be flaunted. So I gave the answer that if it suited my personality without difficulty, it didn't look particularly good, it didn't seem to apply to anyone. But I honestly said my preferences in front of Shintaro. She said she likes short hair. "Wow, that plain guy, I'm worried about her." "Had it been Asahina-kun or Hitsumori, I'd still be in trouble... not that plain guy, too." No trouble at all. How can you say such a terrible thing? So I manage to swallow the words that went all the way out to Nodo, and I try my best to make a smile. "Hmm? I don't know. I don't think you care about me." I'm not blunt. Yuka said that you enjoyed being in our group because you preferred to have a boy with Akane. Now that I know that, I'm pretending to be friends. Tired. Really, relationships that make me feel cramped. Something like that reminds me of a game that Shintaro and his buddy Shinjitsu-kun and Evening Shine recommended. Clan clan. I wasn't really interested at the time, but I was looking for a place where I could get myself out freely, and I bought it. Anyway, I heard that Shintaro is also playing. I'm on summer vacation and I haven't seen Shintaro since then. Having started the game, I immediately try to contact Shintaro that I have started clan clan clan too, and stop that hand with a smartphone. Shintaro must be concerned about that. I'm sure he's humiliated and may not want to talk to me. In a hurry, if they refuse, there will be no ex or child, right... I wonder if I should keep in touch with Shintaro after a while. Besides, this is an online game... and I don't want to be bothered by having you take care of everything from to 0. To a certain extent, it might be best to proceed on your own, and then contact Shintaro. 'Actually, I do clan clan clan too. Evening Shine, I contacted Shintaro because he told me he was doing it too. Why don't you join us on that offense over there? I don't know where it is. Should I go this way? Like, anything as long as there's a common topic. Yeah, it's not unnatural, and even Shintaro should be easy to get on with. 'If you like, why don't you play with me? And, you know, if I could play with the only person I could really spend time with, Shintaro... I don't know, I'd still be excited. Unlike school, we can spend time together without worrying about the noise around us. If it's a game, he might be able to talk casually. Then I want to surprise him because of it. I need to focus on my characters. I spend about an hour carefully choosing my favorite things from a huge variety of parts to finally complete my character creations. "How about this? I have peachy hair, I am satisfied to see who I am that I find adorable at best. And while I wanted to see Shintaro soon, I logged into the Clan Clan world. This is the world of games, and the town is so vibrant that I can't believe it. Everyone is willing to go on the road. I am overwhelmed by the view I see for the first time, nature and my heart dance. It's a western-style street, but there are some bizarre buildings once in a while that catch a lot of attention. "Wow wow..." Shintaro may be here. But this is the first town of the game, and the name is Michelangelo, the pioneer city. Maybe we shouldn't be moving on, huh? "Ah, get it? That girl..." Shintaro, thinking about you, walking around town expecting nothing more than a scratch, found a beautiful girl who looked familiar lying on the ground. Once you see it, you'll never forget it, silver hair shining like moonlight. As the same woman, I can't even think of standing on the same mound, looking overly adorable. I was at school, Sister. I saw some at the summer festival, but could it be in person? I wonder if it's a real module or something that was in the description to reflect what reality looks like to the character as it is. I was surprised that she played the same game by chance, but I was also surprised that she was playing the game the same way she was in real life. I wonder if it's dangerous to find out or something. Still, what is it? Is there some kind of bumpy whining in the very, very Don Yoli air? Hmm... maybe something is going on and you're depressed? If I thought so, I would have spoken naturally. "Mr. Twa... why don't we just hang out a little bit? Then, for some reason, silver-haired Sister invited me. Shintaro and I haven't seen each other yet. Silver-haired Sister was a little concerned... and wanted to play with other players online because of it. Plus, I was thankful for just a coincidence. I thought it might be an opportunity to learn more about that (...) enigmatic silver-haired Sister, and I wanted to play with her.
Stories Cold Blooded Wolf Seeing me change into a combat stance, each PT member stands up. Formation matters in battles in alleys that can never be described as spacious. Ask Yuki, a defensive wall actor, to stand in the front row, and we will prepare for interception in the footsteps we are accustomed to. The fast swinging night (Koya) and I followed Sunset Fai with a tricky movement and tremendous power, followed by Lily and Mina's long-distance team at the rear. Something unexpected happened here. "Hey, Heavenly Man." With Mina's sharp screams, Mina's numbers instantly went to zero from the PT member's HP column. Turning quickly, there was a [cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)] giant body that chewed up a blonde girl in cleric clothes. "Come on! I was behind you! Even though Lily shoots several arrows at her behest, [the cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)] plays one arrow after the other with the momentum to snap off the featherworm. While doing so, three [cold-blooded werewolves (Lycant-Lycans)] approached from the front, the first one in contact with Evening Fai. Then two or three run through the air trying to run the wall, coming from over our heads. "Blue White Tan, hu! If you ask the two of them, "Ice Flowers" blooms from space, enveloping a whole [Cold Blooded Wolf (Licant Lycan)]. The guy is clashing to the ground and staring at this one, sounding giddy and creepy. Yet another pushed back in the auspicious wind due to the face control of Hu. However, having cleverly decided to make several turns in the air, [the cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)] instantly hooks his nails to the wall and turns to offense again. "These guys are a few steps tougher than [The Crustacean Wolf (Iron Wolf)]! What a shield Evening Fai was easily blown away and struck by the wall. If you look at the HP bar, it's taking more than half the damage with one blow. The shaking night comes forward to block the empty hole in the formation, trying to punch the [cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)] but the target has an exceptionally longer arm reach. "Gu Hu!" Shaking night is also made to dive into the wall amicably with Evening Fai, dyeing HP into the red zone. Elle, who was a favor, was punched by a [cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)] who was ice marinated, but was pimped because it was counterproductive or the icing just broke. As opposed to the impending Blue White Tampa [Cold Blooded Wolf (Lycant Lycan)], I thought this place managed to hold up... "Sorry, Buckwheat. Thank you for coming." Lily was killed by a [Cold Blooded Wolf (Ricant Lycan)] who ambushed her from behind. You can't hold on to someone like that for long. "Brother! You dog! Just like me! Probably what my sister-in-law Mi shouts, "[Cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)] has the same power as Elle". Elle's LV now is . And each status has a threefold stretch, essentially a mercenary (player) status equal to 1 levels. My sister told me that the highest level of mercenaries (players) today are around 18 or 19. My sister herself said it was 19LV. In other words, even El, who outperforms the highest class at the moment, [Cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)] possesses as much status as it can outperform. Besides, it should probably be specialized in speed and power. Now it makes sense for us in our early LV teens to take a blow to death. Title that amplifies the damage that LV does to the existence above itself, switching to 'The Traitor Who Cuts Ahead' and responding. "Taro, those luxurious hairs, the wind is hard to come by -! The war situation progresses at a remarkable speed. The wind of Hu is often avoided in front of the [cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)]. One reason for this is the body surgery of just an aerial circus that moves with its nails hooked to the wall. Even though Blue White Tan tries to slip with ice on the walls and floors, he approaches that ice with his nails sticking out. I can't take advantage of the speed and light footwork and sprinkle the potion, or respond with "soluble water (water)." Against the enemy's 3D movements, I borrowed a hu wind jet with Elle to fly, and my attack power of what challenges air combat is not high. The speed is the same, the force is overwhelmingly over there. I can't hit an enemy attack, I'm out of hand because I'll avoid it. The inherent abilities of [Light Phantom Knife]/Mirror Flower (today)], showing my position in the opposite direction in "Opposite Shadow," or floating my imaginary image in "Floating Water Union" did not work for the werewolves even if I visually confused them. Although it shows momentary agitation, it quickly locates itself with a sharp sense of smell. Honestly, I regret using the [Battlefield Play "Rudy Athens Board" dancing on the board] from the beginning. Unfortunately, there is no time or gap for pawns to be placed on the board for a long time now. You can expect the effects of the powerful [Tank (Luke) - Helios Heliodor, the horse riding bike of the Sun God], but the narrowness of this alley made it a vendetta for me, El, and even my companions to refrain from using it. More importantly, he fought the [Cold-blooded werewolf (Lycant-Lycan)] than he fought a battle that seemed to end with a single blow, and his curiosity grew as to how strong it was. As a result, our PT collapsed without standing for a minute after the battle began. "Lord Sama, once you pull this off..." Without needing to be told by the Blue White Tan, things transition to a retreat battle. Because Evening Fai and Shaking Night were also killed. "El! You'll do everything you can to escape! "Okay, Elle, run away with your brother" Ask Hu to stretch the wind wall to shelter his sister-in-law, who immediately accepted. "Play the tone, play the wind, play the enemy -" Storm Wall "" Though pushed back only for a moment, [the cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)] quickly packs the distance and wields his nails with the sharpness of cleaving the wind. "Taro, there are six of them." As Hu pointed out, the number looming from behind is increasing to six. The [cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)], who is successfully approaching me, managed to repel me with a fist once Blue White and Elle rolled out. Especially since the blue-white tan beating seems to give the [cold-blooded werewolf (Licant Lycan)] such an effective beating that her good fight somehow led her to the middle exit. When he got there, [the cold-blooded werewolf (Lycant-Lycan)] stopped once, releasing a howl to the ceiling with regret and disappearing. "You managed to escape?" But...... I suffered a lot of pain this time. Both Evening Fai and Shaking Night, Mina and Lily should have been killed and lost their EXP. My lack of preparation... No, my desire to observe the battle between the werewolves (Lycans) and the mercenaries (players) more closely caused this. And then I realize I'm making fun of myself even more. After defeating numerous [Crustacean Wolves (Iron Wolf)] in the [Gear's Old Nest (Harold Gear)], it is rising from Lv8 to Lv10. I mean, I could have shaken 200 stat points... but I totally forgot to strengthen myself. "For a moment... we need to go back to the Institute of the Territory (lab) and work out this reflection and countermeasures..." "Brother, I'm not well. Daijibu? "Ah, ah..." I feel sorry for my sister as her older brother. I swear to God, I'll make it back with alchemy.
"Count Tallo. Security in the territory is stable." Back at the luxurious mansion, I was listening to Deacon NPC Sebastian's report, glancing at the territorial data and checking to see what his situation was. "The presence of large-scale bandits and thieves has not been confirmed" Tap a window hologram that floats in space to repeat the swipe and grasp a rough item. The first priority should not be to confirm laws and regulations, submit new drafts, review projects, create new businesses, or provide financial guidelines. Understand the situation of the people who live and actually live in this territory and listen to them and what they want. You will listen to the people. From there, the problems will be extracted, and concrete solutions will be sought on how to improve them. I think it would be the best solution to go into that stage and then look for confirmations and loopholes such as laws and regulations. That's why I tap items like 'The Heart of the People'. : the hearts of the inhabitants: "Degree of security" C [Degree of security in the territory. S · A · B · C · D · E · F lower in order] "Loyalty" B [Numbers showing loyalty and local love to the rulers of the territory] 'Hunger' D [representing the average food situation of the population] B is generally good. C is normal. D is slightly worse. Perhaps if this number for the item 'Heart of the people' becomes F or something tragic, it will result in the collapse of the governing machinery. If the hearts of the inhabitants are softened, order and reason will be lost. Speaking of where we seek that responsibility, as human history has shown, the spearhead to which the people turn is the ruler. In other words, there will be rebellions, riots, etc. That is all I want to avoid, so I shall set this item out in the first priority of the guidelines for action and manage it at the beginning. "Sebastian... what will be our specialty..." The next step is to know the strength of self-government. "No" Sebastian is right, none of the items have given an average of happy or unhappy. If the lord's nickname is ordinary, is the territory I rule normal? Well, I can't help this. Seeking more from the beginning is wrong. "Start with... I want to increase food production" If it is an organism, food is a priority no matter what. Without food, nothing can be done, and with food, the health of the people will improve, and the workforce will improve. In addition, the population should gradually increase and consequently lead to an increase in productivity. : Food Industry: Tap the item in the "E-Rank Wheat Fields" [Wheat Field Quality and Number] "E-Rank Orchards" [Orchard Quality and Number] 3 "D-Rank Livestock Ranches" [Livestock Quality and Number] 3 "E-Rank Hunting Union" [Quality and Number of Hunting Grounds] labeled. Weighing in on industry and so on, food also deals with other receipts and imports. But our land does not have excellent mines, nor do we have massive forests that are abundantly accessible to wood. Of course there are places where some output can be expected, so while not at all, that's a trivial one. There are no elements that merely make it the highlight of the territory. Besides, low food production on its own territory still becomes an element of anxiety. It is risky to rely on other territories for items that are truly linked to raw food. In the unlikely event that relations with other territories deteriorate...... the other side is equal to the people's livelihood being gripped, and if they take the reins of the food situation, they do not know what unscrupulous conditions will be used as bargaining material. If imports are narrowed down, not only will they suffer from famine, but also from high prices and obstacles to commerce. "Total tax revenues this quarter... 2 million eso for territorial management and 300,000 eso for my personal assets" With a total of 2.3 million eso. By the way, you can use it for personal assets as you like, but eso for territorial management can only be consumed in this lordship system. The more tax revenues I get, the more money I can collect, and my personal assets. Now, if the food situation is slightly worse, check out the item on pioneering costs. The world needs money to do anything. When you need 100,000 eso to open an E-rank wheat field. Another top rank, 200,000 eso to create a premium wheat field of D-rank and...... Do you need "Kaoru Rufu" x 50? Speaking of "Kaorufu", isn't it a material that can make "Horse Fun" with the alchemy ability "Top Conversion"? The method of obtaining "Kaoruhun" ... Hmm, there seems to be a system called [Collection (Grid)]. They say this is a system that allows material to be sourced only once every 24 hours, at a constant rate, from facilities in the territory. From "D-Rank Livestock Ranch," I think I can [collect (Greed)] "Kaoruhun". Hmm, commonly, materials from the Hum lineage are used as useless, and are sold in "Bounty Neck and Auction (Wonted)" amongst mercenaries (players) at a discarded price. In other words, it is possible to buy it cheaply... this should be good. "Let's get to producing D-rank wheat fields" "Yes, I did. Are you sure you want to invest the funds? "I left it to you. I'll procure the materials, so wait a while." "My pleasure." Determined to open three D-rank wheat fields first, new. The expense is 600,000 eso, but I had to be there. They say it takes an hour to open one field, so I want to get the material early. After messing with the management system, let's move on to creating 'hum' right away. "Should we consider the impact of the next time there are more fields?" More food would make food prices fall, but people's lives should be easier. However, it would be better to implement some proposed measures, such as setting tariffs on merchants' guilds and merchants travelling to and from other territories. The diffusion and development power of merchants is reliable... but there must be people who make money exporting cheaper wheat to other territories. In order to get them to pay taxes firmly, but also to establish vested interests, this is not the stage to bring the merchants into the territorial industry. It was decided that economic policy in that area would still be good for later, as there would be no gathering of humans even if it were too tied up, and the commercial facilities items would remain through the status quo. "I knew it would come to my attention..." I was curious about the military, defensive items. Tap on the various to confirm: : Military Power: 10 "Guard's Stuff" Total of 200 3 "Nerve Stations" "Knights of the Count of Taro (Ritter Alden)" 3rd Regiment Total 60 Two "Training Stations" "Forge Workshop for E-Class Martial Arts" 3 Craftsmen 30 ... Pretty uncomfortable. The Guardian status is slightly lower than the current Mercenary (Player) LV. The anxiety of defense cannot be plucked. Now the mercenaries (players) will stop by the inner city or village without knowing that I am still the ruler of this territory. But if you know that there is a title-giving and territorial system... you will not only be a person who travels to the realm simply to enjoy adventure. I want to be as strong as possible before that happens. "But... the army is a useless goldeater, or..." The cost of enhancing the facility is not comparable to that of a field. Even though it costs 100,000 eso to open one wheat field first, 'Guard's (Guardy's) Stuff' costs 300,000 eso, three times as much. Plus, they need 25 pieces of wood called 'Shellywood Wood'. Forestry development is scarce because there are few forest areas in our territory. So even though I can [collect (grid)] once every 24 hours, I can only take about 5 bottles. If you can't solve this on your own... rely on the outside. "Tap on the foreign affairs item." Then we can see the situation around the territory. The neighboring Viscount Fawless Territory seems to have a thriving forestry industry and has good relations with us. View the list of imports with Viscount Fawless territory and discover 'Shellywood Materials'. The usual price seems to be 3000 eso per bottle, but I'm the Count and the title is higher. That power relationship seems to be affecting, discounted at 2500 eso per bottle. "Will social associations and status affect you in this kind of place on the diplomatic side..." Tap the Buy Out button for about 20 bottles and spend 50,000 eso. At the same time as the purchase, a translucent white bird flew to the window. Apparently, because I placed an order on the bird's foot, it's a performance such as sending it to the other party. "Does' Guard 'take precedence over quality in numbers? Reinforcement and expansion of the garrison is behind us." : "Guard's Stuffing" 10 locations 11 locations: : 200 total personnel 220: "The location of the 'Guard's Stuffing'... should be a priority from a large city after all, I don't know what..." Until we have full strength, it is true that we do not want to disperse the number of soldiers. With 20 more Guards, they are the only targets to be destroyed by the Mercenaries. For that matter, it is easy to build a diagram of [60 Guards (Guards) and a few VS Mercenaries (Players)] if you keep your strength together. "But it's probably unlikely that the title system will circulate for the time being. Until then, food should be enriched and the pillars of the economic base firmly built. Once the foundation for generating more money is in place, it should be easier to boost armaments..." "That's Count Taro." I tried to say it just in case, but isn't the NPC butler Sebastian a reference to internal affairs just by saying yes? Decide that the new 'Guard's Stuffing' should be installed in the village next to the newly opened wheat fields. There is no point in insecurity in the new opening place. "But it costs 350,000 eso in one jar." If you were spending money on armaments, management funds would likely run out of money in no time. The only remaining funds for territorial management are 1.05 million eso. Incidentally, the addition of the Knights of the Count of Tallo (Ritter Alden) would amount to 1.2 million eso. To be honest, I'd rather have more LV knights (nights) than current mercenaries (players) but...... too expensive. Therefore, as a compromise proposal, we shall increase the number of training stations and improve the quality of the Knights who are here today. Even though the current Knights have three units, there are only two training stations. If so, it shall be a policy to create one 400,000 eso training station and to strengthen the Knights themselves. "Mmm... does the training center need 20" Shellywood Materials ", 30" Iron Minerals "and 50" Strong Stones "..." Shellywood materials can be bought from neighboring territories for 50,000 eso, and with respect to "steel" and "strong stone", there are a limit of 10 [collected (grid)] from each refinery or workshop facility. By the way, they say [levy (grid)] will only slightly lower the figures for 'people's minds'. And there will be a burden on each facility. Then there will be an indication that the material should be added from a facility where it can be [collected (grid)]... in the first place, these kinds of facilities are the only place where there are materials to deal with. Mines like ours, territories that don't have a lot of ore resources, building more refineries doesn't grow the overall [collection (grid)] amount. Therefore, rather than growing the volume of goods, it is a policy to grow commerce, store gold, expand the volume of material trading transactions, and then increase the number of facilities. "Will you procure" Iron Minerals "and" Strong Stone Materials "in the Mercenary Corps (Clan) and" Martial Strikers "?" Junya, I think of the faces of Clan Clan's highest group of craftsmen and experts in martial arts and blacksmiths, to whom you belong. How do we negotiate price cuts? I'm already planning to disappear 450,000, so I just want to manage to fit within 50,000 eso. "Well... 550,000 eso left, including 300,000 eso for my personal assets, 850,000 eso if I keep it for something..." This is where the real deal starts. There are no specialties in this territory that are likely to do good business. That's why it's dangerous to make instant specialties and boldly sell them. When a Territory System is exposed among mercenaries (players), there is an increased risk that this Territory will be targeted. "So you're curious about this item." Those are the four items that say 'Unknown Workshop', 'Unknown Guild Hall', 'Unknown Training Monastery' and 'Unknown Faction'. Among other things, I don't hesitate to tap "Unknown Workshop". By the time I had just finished reading the description section, I had a natural grin on my face. "Sebastian, make 'Unnamed Workshop LV1'. The cost is 300,000 for my personal assets, I'll put everything in. If it's not enough, I'll get you extra out of my pocket money." "Yes, I did. Count, would you like the name of the workshop? I respectfully declare to Sebastian my gratitude. "It's a great workshop for uncovering the secrets of the world. His name is Alchemy Lab. Make me a noble lord, Count Taro. The folk NPCs saw her devoting herself to the opening of wheat fields like that all over the hun. The people saw such a lord, and in tears they swore that they would dedicate their loyalty to the young count.
Stories Protecting The Wind Fairy I feel strange when I set foot in the mood with the shaking night. With all the answers to that question, I floated. I grasp my situation as I rush to catch up with my eyes on the back of the shaky night that I go first. I did it...... I missed the benefit of Miss Mithola's dress, "Dancing Circles in the Sky (Rondo)". Making the gear's gravity a sixth means less friction, so-called less stomping. And it floats easily over the sky. Come here, the special abilities of the dress make things difficult to handle. "Tallo, go! "Talon, and Tsukikin" As if you don't care about my upset at all, the fairies cheer up behind you and raise the voice of the decree. and, at the same time, is struck as if he had been beaten vigorously on the back. "Wow!" With the power of that mystery, I go straight ahead at a fierce speed, resting on my back. "What!? Nice balls coming from Zako's silver hair, huh?! I can't use it. Is Mina in the corner for a tour? I don't know if it should be what you think or if that one dared to come on this method of warfare. Either way, let's just say we managed to stop Vikin and Wolf from acting together. At present, a short distance away, the night (Koya) takes Wolf. I succeeded in being relative to Vikin. Mina and I are at the halfway point between night and night, falling back a little to see how things are going. The formation is ready. But what should I do? Though I'm packing the distance to Vikin all at once. This progression, it can't stop. "Ya suck!? "Taro, right? Left?" In response to my screams, the fairy stuck behind me asks me some weird questions. "I thought it was coming from the front. Ah! Don't be silly! Vikin barks and shakes the gold bar down on me. I told the fairy, "Right!" I scream unexpectedly. Then, now he's impacted from the left, and he flies gakun to the right. Thanks to that I was able to avoid Vikin's attack. "What about now, could it be!? I stuck my knife in the ground and managed to stay on the spot. While reassured that the ground was glad to be close, I immediately check with the fairies who grab it on their shoulders. "Taro, light" "Us - Kakai no Yoshi" "Talon style." I see. The wind fairies let me fly in the wind. "Wind fairies, do me another favor for what you just did! Along with my decree, there was a sudden outbreak of wind pressing my back hard. ―――― "The little one's a little jerk." Vikin grips the long golden bars of the reach, sets his aim on me approaching him and crushes him, like, swinging him down from top to bottom. Its power is no different from that seen earlier, and it shudders. The floor made of grey stone is broken and fragmented whenever the gold bars clash, and is fogged as an effect. Crushed ground adds more and more traces of small submerged (bumps). "Whoa, whoa! But it doesn't hit me. Now I can move pretty quickly if only in a linear fashion. The dress "Dancing in the Sky Circle (Rondo)" and the Wind Fairies are assisted by a gust of wind, running around the ground. Gravity's a sixth, to be exact. I'm being flown all over, though. As a counterattack, he also manages to stick the knife in his hand to the ground, grunt half a turn, redirect to the enemy's feet, and cut off his snake. "Whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! My attack can't do as much damage to Vikin as it does. That's something I know. But that's it. Did Vikin totally get blood on his head, or he's going to slap me to keep putting up a gold stick. "Shit." Attract this guy's attack once and for all, and let him do a brilliant job with it all. Even a single hit would definitely kill you. But this is the best and most appropriate role for me (lol). One thing to be aware of is that if you fly any further up, you may expose yourself to the universe. Even close to the ground, this method of movement with a sudden bump in vision and shaking of the body. If you're thrown out in a weird shock and disfigured into the air, you're going to turn your eyes honestly. This is why it is necessary to keep moving in a forward leaning position so that the face is likely to reach the ground. Putting the knife further down, he moves with his body on the ground. This prevents friction from developing and the body from about to float, desperately controlling the momentum that is likely to fly away somewhere. Shall I name this method of warfare after the beard? Support for this dress and the fairies, who tend to travel at right angles if you make a mistake. Still, this is the only way to get the level difference, the speed to fill the status difference. You boiled the business, Vikin has finally used abilities. I think I've just repeated the offense of swinging gold bars up and down so far, and apparently Sole has been a fabric stone to make sure this ability is a hit. The gold bars, which had been slapped longitudinally, were swinging rapidly and sideways due to their abilities. As a result, I jumped to the top reflexively, not trying to avoid an attack. Thanks to the effect of the dress, its height is superior to four meters and it wanders through the universe. I was able to squeeze at you. "Fairy! Down!" Order the fairies to get back to the surface quickly. "I'm tired." "Break - Break" But that's exactly where the fairies are out of breath. Too pinch. We cannot avoid Vikin's pursuit in the air. I look down at him as he controls the balance of his floating body, regretting that he has been manipulated by Vikin's aim. The vice president of "The Lonely Wolf" kept swinging around the gold bars as he rotated his body like a comma to all the hammer throwing players. Its destructive power is nothing but amazing. Even some mercenaries (players) who were fighting nearby are involved. But that... maybe. Once activated, a kind of ability that's hard to stop? If that's the case, it's the other way around! "Heavenly Man" Mina screams in good time. Apparently, she saw it as an opportunity, too. It is inevitable that I will be caught in a storm of attack that is occurring directly below me, slowly lowering altitude. Then the only way to do it is to attack Vikin, who still activates the abilities. Send a signal when the time comes. "Mina! Leave me alone! Mina only releases elementary magic because of her low MP. It was almost magical to use MP level points. So for elementary magic, it's high firepower, but it's elementary magic. One pattern of Mina that can only be used has been cursed as' unusable '. "Heavenly Master, I'll take care of it! But what if I can temporarily increase the maximum MP value with an item? That, of course, will allow you to release anything but elementary magic. Besides, Mina's magic is high, so it should be powerful if activated. This is one of our preparations for the Fairy Ball. Yes, I succeeded in creating the most compatible item for Mina today, and I was giving it to her. That's Michelangelo and rolling 'Mico fruit' all over the place. And 'amber water' collected from gem-producing forests (christiaries). It is an item made of a combination of these three, the Pale Amber Seed. Miko nuts [Nutritious fruit] "The First Blue (Puni Blue)" [Innocent blue with the weakest slime, said to be the origin of the monster. It is said that its properties are resilient and sometimes elicit its original power] It was the Blue Seeds that made these two combinations. "Blue Seeds" [The first blue-dyed fruit, before it became fruitful, before it became a tree, was transformed into a figure of origin, and retreated into a blue species] At first, this material was blurred as to what use, but it was synthesized with 'amber water' taken from the trees of the gemstone-producing forest (christiary). "Amber Water" [Candy sap shining in color. You think that beauty has something to do with the magic that resides in the gemstone forest trees] From materials that can be collected in gem-producing forests (christiaries), as you can see from many of the items that can be created, the quality is good and the trees that grow in the forest can be seen with high magic. 'Amber water', which is also its resin, should, of course, contain a lot of magic. And it was the "Blue Seeds" that took over the properties of "The First Blue (Puni Blue)" that brought out the original power of "Amber Water". Thus, "Amber Water" and "Blue Seeds" were multiplied, and "Pale Amber Seeds" were born. "Pale Amber Seed" [The magic of the jeweled trees is packed into lubrication by the colour that awakens the original. This species will never bloom. But once in the body, magic will be temporarily nurtured. Maximum MP can be increased by for minute when used] I was able to use only four, so I have limited usage, but I don't use them now. When do I use them? Mina quickly eats its' Pale Amber Seed 'and begins chanting. "It's the sound of wheat-style golden. Blade that rush, defend our home, and fight the enemy's nose." Listening to her chant, I notice a fuzzy and unnatural situation. That means my fall rate is weirdly slower. Rather close to being floating. While I wonder why, slowly (...) falling, my end point is a storm of gold bars. Which is quicker to ravage by golden bars or magically activate mina? "..." Wheat Ho Shaking (Fleur) Wind Maiden Blade Protection (Maiden) "! The answer to the question was a voice filled with the girl's confidence. The wind blows, and the mercenaries (players) around them shake like wheat hoes. Mina activated Skill Green Magic LV magic. "Wind." I wondered if the wind fairies, who were taking a big break, had made a sudden noise, and two of them left me before I could call them off. I wonder what the fairies are going to do, fly around with Swiss, between the mercenaries (players) fighting on the surface. Where they passed, the mercenaries (players) fell apart bigger than the wind Mina had caused. The magic of Mina and the wind generated by the fairies. The convergence point of those winds was directly beneath me, or Vikin. "Taro, not good" "Huh?" I was watching, one of the wind fairies left at my side groans with a blue face. "I'm not the only one who can support you." I didn't know what it was about for a moment, but I notice the ground approaching at a faster speed than earlier. ... Could it have been slower than ever thanks to the fairy? "If you pee, the wind will blow..." "Daijibu style was delicious -" Next to the treading wind fairy, Ni's fairy quickly returned to my shoulder. No, the speed of falling to the ground turned to something slow. "Was this also due to the fairies...... thanks" Or this is also why we have more time to expose our defenseless figure to the air. It is no longer an exaggeration to say that it is floating in the air. So before I landed for this minute, I decided the magic would be over, and I looked down with some relief. "Whoa, whoa, what's this power? Ha! There, the vice president of "The Lonely Wolf" was unnecessarily crazy to dance. Because Vikin seemed to have countless blades of wind that were invisible from all directions. The armor spreads and turns back in momentum as if his head, arms, or legs had hit something. But an attack from all directions won't allow him to fall. If you think they played it behind you, they play it before. If you try to get your feet bounced off and your knees on, you are bounced off your shoulders and arms and forced to stand. "Guh, shit, kuh! It's like, as a puppet manipulated by yarn, it's acting strangely. Or so powerful. Actually, this magic, I've been shown several times to try to work with Mina, but there shouldn't have been any momentum so far. We can see the mercenaries as fruitful golden wheat-holes, amplifying their effects. Originally, "Wheat Ho Shaking (Fleur) Wind Maiden Blade (Maiden)" becomes more powerful the more obstacles the wind passes through the field. Mina must have set a barrier to the wind passage this time, as a mercenary (player). In other words, there are many mercenaries (players) here, so the windy obstacles become more natural and powerful. But that alone makes it unexplainably high firepower. Every now and then, sitting on my shoulder, gazing at the wind fairies watching Nico dance the miserable Vikin. All the while Vikin, damaged by Mina's magic, managed to stand. However, earlier mercenaries (players) caught up in Vikin's abilities ran into retaliation. "Seriously, bee! Because Gold Bar Yarrow is a Magikil! "Whoops... it's a good thing the young are healthy, but I respect the older ones, but they're lucky." Pity, Vikin. But I have no sympathy. After being attacked around him and rarely beaten, he fell on his back. The mercenaries who put him up to this kind of thing, for whatever reason, they're mine. And I'll look up. One was purple on the right half of his head, black and hair-color-separated on the left, and the hairstyle was also an assimentory bizarre, hyorously challenging looking guy. The other wears a robe deep in his eyes, but his chin mustache (mustache) is very long and he can tell he is an old man dressed up. The last one seems everywhere, a mediocre person. Or, Mr. Vikin, that you're screaming hasn't been killed yet. Chara, man, grandpa, Mr. Mobchara doesn't just tell you to let me do the toddling, he's gonna give me an eye for it. "Ah, uh..." Before I could say anything, the three of them turned their backs on Kurli. And I let myself leap to an angry battlefield. It was as if we were going to look for the next prey, but the three footsteps were light. I'm sure those three saw me fighting Vikins until earlier. It's not like we mercenaries (players) to steal our prey. But before they attacked me, they kicked my ass. The backs of the three men, that's what they said. I saw them behind me, and there was something kind of jean coming. Is that a man? I want to talk on my back, too. "Can't you still get paralyzed! How much, Poi on state anomaly skills NT, it's pouring in! You dirty bastard! I stepped down fluffy on Vikin's stomach as he rolled over to the ground. His HP bar is only a few millimeters. I made sure of that, I look down at him and say. "Only the figure is big and I can't grab it..." Then pierce the knife. "Compared to you, our Mina is an excellent magician" Drop off the HP bar of the vice president of "The Lonely Wolf" disappearing completely. And at the same time as the effect of Vikin's character blowing up, he swings to our cleric. "Heavenly Master..." Mina was smiling lightly. : Killed Vikin: : 2250 eso and I dropped the material Ice Wolf's Big Claw: Kill's log flows. No, we ran over to each other. "I did it! I did it! Heavenly Man." "You did it! Well done, Mina! And which, without saying either, hugs each other. "Thanks to Heavenly Lord! "Mina is the one who solved the problem of magic chanting so well! "Your Heavenly Master's life was at stake! Absolutely!" We forget it's a battlefield by accident, and we're screwed. But that consciousness was quickly restored to battle. "Ha, taro." It was a distressing voice that was leaked at night. When I looked in the direction of my voice, the shaking night was lying on the ground. From the top of it Wolf is stabbing from the top so he can sew it to the ground with a sabel. He had a sharp grin as he licked his tongue. "Kooo!" HP is on the verge of being killed at 13/270. I was so obsessed with the battle that I forgot to look at the HP bar at night. What a big mess. Or, when I checked the information on the PT members, Yukio, vice president of "Hundred Nights", your HP bar was also at 0. Bad. This reduces the number of allies to 5 if this kills them until the night of shaking. But from not trying to cut off my swinging night's HP right away, is it leaving me with a wax? Wolfe slowly sank the blade deep into the night to show it here. "Humph. That sounds like a little fun. You're next." As a cunning wolf, Wolfe stares at us. He was going out of his way to stab a tortoise when we noticed the cramping of the night. With a mean grin on his mouth, he made a fist out of his empty left hand and finally shook it at night. I immediately used "Emerald Tears + 2" and the green effect made the HP bar swinging at night (so on) completely fast. "Too bad. We can still fight Koo." Yet another thing, have a new 'Emerald (Emerald) Tear' and plump and loose. I laughed challengingly at Wolfe.
Episode : A Crown Filled With Dreams And Despair "[Corrupt city of iron and chains, Gildigarion]... early story, not a city where decent mercenaries (players) gather." War Criminals (Judas) Mercenaries (Players) are penalty names for anyone who has a track record of killing mercenaries (Players) in an Allied Mercenary Corps (Clan).If you see a War Criminal (Judah) Mercenary in the City, a yellow knife appears to have appeared above your head showing 'betrayal' and the mark disappears after a certain period of time. Alliances between mercenary regiments (clans) are a highly strategic and credible system in times of 'war'.It is hardly necessary to lose credibility as a mercenary (player) simply because of their actions, breaking important promises. Next, about criminal (Gilty) mercenaries, but I'm not sure what the details are. According to George, there is a rare "bandit" skill that can be used to steal goods sold by the NPC, and if he repeats the equivalent behavior, he is certified as a "criminal (gilty)".It seems that there are many other things, but there is a lot of uncertainty about what to do to become a criminal mercenary. By the way, there's a red knife on the head of a criminal mercenary. Baron Ped wasn't even a criminal mercenary, so he might not be marked with a red knife unless he was pretty evil. "Hey, I don't know... is there any chance that that criminal city and that thing could become reality...? Yuki expresses my thoughts with a mysterious expression. "You can't deny it.In the first place, I don't really know what the criteria are for making the game a reality.... " Listening to Yu Hui's answers, I make my own guess from my previous experience. "Hey, both of you.It's just something that's been realized so far, isn't it just something that's been widely known among mercenaries? "... sure, rainbow goddess church, fairy, sage mysola, skill... silver angel" "Ignitol Inheritance War, Virus, Vampire, Elephant Revitalization... Sister Princess of the Flame Emperor" Don't look at me like that last time. I know a lot about the Buddhist Jingu family. "Speaking of which, what happened to the werewolf?There are vampires, right? "The situation in the infected city of Sansodium was well known to many mercenaries, and it was realised as rabies, right? "Ah, I know about wolves... maybe they're already in reality..." The other day, I had a proposal from my father and I was being interviewed about the creation of a secret service, a so-called escort organization, that I personally attached to. This is because I recently learned of the fact that one of the pharmaceutical research facilities run by the Buddhist Jingu family houses people who were rabies patients as samples for research. As expected, I tried to accuse my father of doing such a terrible thing behind closed doors, but I couldn't blame him if I knew what he was doing.Because people who were rabies volunteered for the Buddhist Jingu family's research facility. Of course, we're paying the right amount of money, so there's a reason for each of us... Many of them are thanking me for developing the vaccine and asking me to use the data I can get from them in case of a new virus that causes similar symptoms in the future. Furthermore, those who became rabies patients remained with certain symptoms as sequelae.Specifically, my physical abilities seem to be exploding... I have other predictions somehow. Anyway, I have checked many times to see if I have carried out inhumane experiments with my father, but I am worried so I ask the people in the research facility to be considerate.I also stabbed a nail so as to firmly recognize freedom of movement and human rights, but apparently it was passed on to former rabies patients, and it seems that there are people there who are saying that they want to do my secret service as a new way of working. Of course, even though you have great exercise skills, it takes time to master martial arts and equivalent escort skills, so it's not a quick suggestion. In any case, I plan to visit the research facility soon in order to confirm the current situation. "The bodyguard is a werewolf or something.They could take our part..... " "Really, it's the same thing as the game. It's a little scary." "But if you're right to expect what many mercenaries (players) know to become reality, isn't it unlikely that [the corrupt city of iron and chains, Gildigarion] will have any impact on reality? "Hmm... but isn't it famous in the neighborhood that only war criminals, mercenaries and criminal mercenaries are allowed in? Yu Hui's concern is even greater. Besides, I have information that will increase the anxiety. "I've been reading about the city in the Lord's System for a while now... and it looks like a big event is about to take place in the [Corrupt Iron and Chain City of Gildigarion]." "Hey, seriously.If that information spreads, it won't work. " "Not only will the noisy mercenaries gather for the event, but there will also be people who will become war criminal mercenaries themselves. "Talk to the mercenaries (clans) beforehand and form an alliance to kill the allied mercenaries (players).Looks like it's a deal. " "Hey, hypothetically, if the number of war criminals, mercenaries and criminal mercenaries increases, there will be a surge in criminals in reality... that's impossible, isn't it? "That's... undeniable." If that happens, Japanese security will be in trouble. I am also more likely to be involved in crime, and I only want to avoid situations where people close to me are in danger. "Xintaro, what kind of event is that? I answer the question with a sigh. "Arena Event, [Dreams and Despair Crown]" They snort their throats at me. "The winner will receive a title [King of the Sinners] and a bounty of 0 million eso... Maybe the title has a special effect.And [Old Nine of Gladiators Country], so you can get the right to challenge Gladiator King. " In the first place, it seems that a wanderer named [Bandit King] bit the royal family of [Old Nine, the land of gladiators], and the royal family of Old Nine wondered about its bloody vigor, saying, "Become a king to bind the sinners and open your mouth." If that rumor spreads, who is the king of the sinners?And the shades whispered, and the Shuras called me. Darkness spreads secretly, but surely to those who live behind the scenes. As a result, the royal family of Old Nine hosted a battle in which the king of sinners decided who to fight.And it was held in Gildigarion, one of the leading crime cities, where the white arrow stood. Incidentally, when Baron Pede was running the territory, there was such talk behind the scenes that he could not cancel the event already.In the first place, I realized that I and Baron Ped were only decorative positions in that city, after I looked through the lord system. I need to go to his city to find out more about this area.... "Hey, we just... wanted to go when I heard that..." "Yeah, if you're a mercenary, you're usually interested." It is, right? To be honest, I wanted to participate.But it's much stronger to want to do something before something happens. "I'm curious about the place name Old Nine, the land of gladiators." "I wonder where.It's an untouched area that the mercenaries haven't reached yet, but it's a lot of bloody words for fighters. " In the evening, Yu Hui and Shaking Night shuddered. "Only War Criminals, Mercenaries and Criminal Mercenaries can participate... Events that determine the king of sinners" "If something turns into reality, it's going to be a tragedy.However, I don't think there are many elements that are famous or unrealistic.After all, it's still unclear what triggers reality. " "That's why I told you what we could do...." I'm sorry to come here at night. I looked at me. After that, she looked anxious even before evening. "But... I just got involved, and there are more challenges to be done in reality..." "That's right. My login time to the Clan Clan will be drastically reduced for a while...." I can't help it when they're busy. Anyway, it's just something you carried for me. "It's all right. You have me at the roundtable, and you have other people who might be able to help you. "Oh, is that the one your sister runs?" "I hope that the number of members of the meeting will gradually increase as we grasp the mercenaries who are grasping the change of reality." I see. As soon as they find out, they want to build a partnership with us and bring us into the meeting. " So, after expressing our opinions, we dissolved before anyone could see this meeting. I have some concerns, but I'm not that vigilant. We'll manage. We'll spend the night like that and have the morning. And on my way to school, I knew. Sweetness of your perception.
Stories Crazy Bloodless Darkness "What do you say? You can tell me where [once again] you are." I look him straight in the eye in the suspicious light, and I answer with clarity. "No, it's okay" "Ho, ho. Do you reject my fascinating suggestion?" If you find out whether or not [once more fascinating] is there, you can get all the rewards you want from [crown (kanmuri) cat ringing in white thunder]. I'm curious and excited about what kind of reward it is. However, I find this [Wandering King of Thousands Guns Olympic Surface] frigid. It's hard to trust a man who calls himself a cunning and abusive purple garden. And the alchemist, what he wants, is basically created with his own hands. "That's good. That's good. You don't eat right up to the hanging bait, because there's nothing scarier than free food. cunning to read behind it, I like it wow." Cunning... well, no one like you feels distrust. The face may be very dark handsome and well impressed, but even that face is not what I found out whose face it is. "Bye. Say hello instead. Mixed with Aotearoa and Reikoku, you can put your bullets in subtle shades too." : I received secret rewards from [Shioyuan (Shioyuan)] due to the liberation of two colors of the Ten Mr. system [Aotearoa] and [Zero Black (Reikoku)] of Heavenly Extinction: : [Smelter: Synthetic Beast Compass (Rashinban)] or [Kings: Keys to Uncover the Gods "Lead Elipio Gear"]: What a... choice in addition to a sudden reward... Both are very interesting, very attractively smelly rewards. Don't forget to raise your guard at the same time. Hum. [Kings: Keys to Uncover the Gods "Lead Elipio Gear"] Oh my God...!? What secrets of the gods can you uncover and solve!? This will no doubt be limited to one more choice [King's Vessel: The Key to Uncover the Gods "Lead Elipio Gear"]! Yes, if I were a normal person, I would have chosen the key if I had stayed a normal person tallow. But I'm an alchemist. I'm the only one who doesn't miss being an alchemist, as everyone tends to see the great name Gods! Give me the letter of the smelter (...) vessel on [smelter: synthetic beast compass]! He is a rather suspicious person in the first place, and if that's what you get from him... it should be a good idea to choose something that is a little familiar, usable, and controllable, which should lead to risk mitigation. If I use it, it seems easy to attach a nasty bat status or go wild. It seems dangerous. What a sole reason to line up behind my brain, I choose [smelter: synthetic beast compass] to justify my desires. : [Smelter: Synthetic Beast Compass] Got: A compass with a heavy, dull amber glow. It's much bigger than the size of a hand, enough to hold it with both hands. The circular interior is closed with glass, where strange letters and objects like azimuthal magnetic needles rotate in circles. Quite stylish and sophisticated, to put it bluntly. I'm just going through the description. Of course, don't forget to use "Appraisal Eye" just in case. [Alchemist: Synthetic Beast Compass (Rashinban)] "Let the user master the skill 'Synthetic Beast Compass'" "Beautiful metal plates containing disintegrating magnetic needles that can only be handled by those who know many beasts and demons. According to one theory, if he were not one who had joined the divine beast and body together, he would be said to be a curse that would disorient the mind and body and transform them into alien objects, and in [Luxenhaden, the Silver Everlasting Nation] there is a record that he was [designated as prohibited]. But those who can control this crazy azimuthal magnetic needle are left behind in the legacy that it is also possible to interact with demons and create new species of life. ' "Conditions of use: More than 0 times items have been generated with demonic drop materials. Experienced in blending with beasts and demons." [Silver everlasting state Luxenhaden]......? If you doubt it's a name you've heard somewhere, you did say something like, 'Abandoned King, who made [Luxenhaden, the Silver Everlasting Nation] superior to the glory of intelligence and divine power,' when Mr. Misora was relative to the ash king of the pioneer city of Michelangelo. Hmm? Well, the historical background is the conditions of use that are central to leaving it at this time. I see. "Emerald (Emerald) Tears" based on "The Nucleus of Slime," I have enough knowledge of demons to make potions... No, I don't... I feel less than 20 different types of monsters fought, and yes! Anyway, the first condition is met! And the second condition is also [Lost Generation Pocket Watch], because he fused with the Divine Beasts and fought, so he's clearing it! "Hehe..." I stare at my newly acquired alchemy kit and leak an evil grin. Is this... what if I could create a [Synthetic Beast (Chimera)]...!? No, no, wait......!? I stare at old materials in item storage. That is the legacy Master Richie left with his extinction. "Alchemist Richie Damond" [Photo] The colour is [mad, bloodless darkness (Pruitt Schwartz)]. And [Golden Rusty Crown], [Necromancer King's Staff] [Immortal Dark Wet Supreme Stone]. Everything that Master Richie dropped when he was killed. I decided I would never use this material until I had the strength to call myself an alchemist at one end. But... maybe if I were you right now... "Ho, ho. It's a shame you chose that way. If any of the humans showed up to read the [god elephant character (Deus Route)], I was going to go on a journey around imitating the gods, approaching them, and freeing the seal of the Underground Realm (Gaillum), stained with the curse and divine punishment left by the rebels. We'll have another chance!" What [Olympic Surface, Wandering King of a Thousand Guns] talks about to me now sounded like any bullshit. Whatever they say, it sounds sumptuous, and every word of it is equally worthless to dust. Because with my hands, the ultimate treasure may create a better existence than anything. The mind whispers that it is not impossible, whether it is disgraceful or immoral. The high heartbeat, the blood tide, the pride of being an alchemist. Quickly, quickly, he wants to revive my master with this hand. I can't stop my invincible grin from spreading, no. No one will stop me from walking.
Stories Alchemist Eating Up The Human Body () The shadow of a quiet sneak night. If the smell of darkness begins to drift, those who slept relaxed during the day also move out as hunters. Is it too much to think about seeking prey and being illusioned that suspiciously glowing eyes sometimes aim at this one? "Ugh." Yeah, I was thinking too much. Cute. White cat showed up by jumping a leopard over a stone wall. If you give me the "Margro fillet" I bought from "Auction and Bounty Neck (Wonted)," it's just soothing to see you scrub your head with a scratch in your throat with "Guru". After we mastered our skills, Sleeping Cat, we used LV's ability, Feed Friends, to find a cat to be our partner. Ability "Feed Friends" means you can contract only one fed cat as a partner. If the cat loses all of its HP, the partnership agreement will be dissolved if it fails to resuscitate within 3 minutes and you will never see that cat again. You can never let him die. Specifications. "Cat, come here." "Pretty kids." George says the cats' movements around the city are enlivened as the event [black and white (chuckles) meatballs and hidden castles] begin. Speaking of how things have changed, are they getting rough? It doesn't look that way at all. Even now, if you keep White Cat's head crunchy or something, he's narrowing his eyes to make you feel good. "Ugh, guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! "Huh!? Cat, are you all right!? Oh, my God, the white cat suddenly spit it out. "George!? Maybe your cat is not feeling well!? Seek help from George, who is beside him. "Oh? That's a hairy jade. Cats don't have the habit of eating cat grass and spitting out excess stuff tangled in their stomachs." "You mean you don't have to worry? : I got 'White Cat Hair Ball': "Oh, did you get any material? "Ahem... maybe hairy balls? But there were a lot of cheap 3eso's on" Auction and Bounty Neck (Wonted), "but they don't seem to be usable for anything, do they? "Ho...? I immediately identify with the Appraisal Eye. "White Cat Hair Ball" [White hair and more in the cat's stomach after hairy. It has a mix of pompous sunny smells and other aromas, which smell a little raw. It is a treasure ball made by cats, some say magic dwells] Hehe, a treasure ball? It doesn't look pretty at all, but my sixth sense is screaming bizzy that this can be used for something. Alchemy has always proved to me that the strongest seeds are asleep because of the garbage. "George! I've got a little something I want to do, and George keeps looking for a partner? "So, am I going to say bye already today? "Oh ♪ Well, then, mah mah mah mah mah mah mah mah ♪" "Hmm. I don't know if I can get in tomorrow, but again! "Angel Cucumber, don't be late for school for too much gaming." "I know!" "Nfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Leaving a strange laugh, George disappeared sassy in the dark night. Apparently, I'm on a serious journey to find a partner. "Welcome back, My Lord Tallo" "Anonymous City", run "Silver Sperm (Argent) Carriage" to my territory and return in minutes. Sebastian, the NPC butler, greeted me at the mansion. "Oh, Sebastian. 'Cause I'm gonna do the alchemy now." "Yes, I did. But before you do, there's some information you should have in your ear." "Okay." Start up the territorial management system and read the items alongside the sloppy ones. "The sale of" Emerald (Emerald) Tears "is on the rise... The wholesale value to the Mercenaries (Clan)" Sadie Stick "is stable, and the production line of" Alchemy Workshop (Alchemis Lab) "seems good... Are the people of" Secret Society (Secret)/Chemical Heritage Empire (Lieberegalia) "obedient so far?" When that happens, should I be concerned about the report I received from George earlier? "I've already sold two of my knife skills, too, okay. With more than 1.5 million eso in just a few days, you can afford to maintain the [Sacred Wolf Squad (Rosary Hunt)]. I wonder if we can increase the staff of the Institute, and then we can also increase the number of" Guard (Guardy) Stuffs "and" Knights of the Count of Tallo (Ritter Alden) "and the countryside. Do we need to get in touch with the mercenary regiment" The Martial Striker "soon..." I want to hear how much the weapon 'Knife' has started to sell. Depending on that, the value of the metal I create, which was a useless long object, could also be significantly revised upwards. Anyway, so far, only my metal can make a knife. And then... we need to find some other metal that can generate a knife, or we need to put some exploration into it. "Hmm... Sebastian, there's been a change in 'Reconstruction City Aquatalon'...? "Yes, Count Vlad said a line was very pleased with His Excellency's support and seems committed to the reconstruction work" As a matter of fact, the "Reconstruction City of Aquatalon" has changed its promise since then and has been exempt from paying taxes here (of which) for some time. Because I want it to be rebuilt as' Watergate Corridor Aquarium Street 'as soon as possible and tax revenues increased with dokan. There is also a desire not to create as many gaps as possible that are penetrated by other mercenaries (players), who, conversely, are paying eso as reconstruction support. "What is this urban plan...? The letter sent to me by Count Vlad contained a plan for the construction of the Tempura Aquarine and a document entitled: That city is designed to be like an upper, middle, lower and giant spiral staircase. He then ran the waterway from the upper to lower levels, keeping the city's interior clean. There are facilities everywhere that symbolize water, originally a beautiful city, which is [Watergate Corridor Aquarium Street]. That's the contamination of the virus pandemic that's left the middle class terrible... but if you run this city plan based on it, that city will be reborn. "But... as stated in this plan, [The Divine Stone of Law (Oracle Gem)]... does it really exist? I find myself half-hearted by the proposal to completely recreate the middle layer, using "Dragon Stone Sealed with Water Polo," which is also one of the heirloom treasures said to be [the Divine Stone of Law (Oracle Gem)]. "Dragon Stone Sealed with Water Polo" seems to be [the water world sealed, a method stone that creates the power of dragons]. It's a substitute for generating a giant water polo in the air and infinitely flowing clean water from it... what a work of art by the gods (Oracle Art) that allows you to control the movement of water and everything else. "They say it's a treasure to pass on to that city. Previously, due to its rarity, I managed it strictly at the upper management level, but I was impressed by your cooperative attitude." explained to Sebastian and conceived. The design of the new city is to make the middle layer a completely submerged zone and see it in a beautiful lake. And if you drill a number of holes from the middle lake area to the lower level, many waterfalls will be designed to spill... increasing your brand power as a [water capital] with giant water columns pouring down. While there are many beautiful cities within the Clan Clan, the previous [Watergate Corridor Aquarium Street] was a top notch popularity. There were not many visitors or mercenaries (players) based in the city. In other words, the use and consumption of Auctions and Bounty Neck (Wonted) is directly linked to tax revenue. This way the exterior is beautiful and even the building costs of the middle floor float for the moment. Of course, the middle floor can be built a little later as a city standing on the lake. In the unlikely event that the middle layer collapses, it is possible to keep the water in the air with the power of "dragon stone sealed with water balloon", and safety aspects are taken into account. "Are the vampires convinced to expose their treasures? "Yes, I would like to respond to your noble thoughts." If you turn your attention to the six noble vampires you keep (Nobles Vamp), everyone will bow their heads with a convincing face. If the vampires are accepting, isn't that a bad story? Actually, there's a reason the vampires stick to water quality. That's because the freshness and taste of human blood, which is also the most nutrient, depends a lot on the quality of the water you're drinking. Therefore they produce clean water in their own power, and give the humans their bounty. Instead, he seemed to have a win-win relationship with humans that consumed just the right amount of delicious blood. I didn't know they would manage the treasure that would be their lifeline in the middle... I can see their readiness for me. "This concept is certainly a good urban plan, but it will cost enormous in the future to make it happen" It's also true that you can't give an OK sign easily. Though we are still ahead of us, it will be a business to create a new city on the water. Moreover, the city is an overall diagonal structure, so there are corresponding technologies and costs when it comes to putting up a building, a half-side where water flows easily to withstand the weight. Evolve into a city far more amazing than my 'Unknown City'... Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. It would be easier to get the attention of mercenaries (players) than 'unnamed cities', and maybe just right for hiding? Shaking Night and Evening Fai were constantly worried that mercenaries would come after control of the 'Unknown City'. "All right. Tell them to cooperate fully." "My pleasure......! All right, all right. After all my official duties, I finally get my hands on the alchemy I wanted to do. Study "White Cat Hair Ball"! Just put 'White Cat's Hairy Ball' in the synthetic cauldron. Then, list all kinds of materials to find a compatible object. "Mm..." Crystal Branches, "Hmm" The clearest of the sky patterns in the cauldron was the material taken in "The Jewellery Generating Forest Cristaly," dominated by Mr. Misora. Who could have predicted that twigs as clear as crystals would go well with hairballs? Gently simmer the "Crystal Branch" in a kettle. It's a medium heat. Then, of course, in order to increase the chance of success at all, the all-purpose material "Yoshinori powder" is flushed onto the beaker to activate "Exploration Without Boredom", and the third material is used as a golden liquid. "Brilliant, 'Silver Method of Generation'! Abilities are also activated to increase the success rate of the synthesis. "Phew..." After a while, the blue smoke that shows success from the synthetic cauldron stops, and I can't stop sniffing. : "White Cat Hairy Balls" + "Crystal Branches" + "Fine Powder" "Looks like a Broomstick Cat" is ready: : Recorded in Synthetic Recipes: [Gemstone cat is not there. The finely branched tip features lots of sparkling crystalline grains, and the cats will be enchanted and delighted by the brilliance of stretching their tails like a shooting star. Even if there is no consciousness in the swinging broom, its brilliance will not fade] [Effect: Whenever used, cat's liking + 30] Phew, mmm. Very good item done! But, but, gentlemen... I doubt this item is going to (...), right? Ask to the void, where no one will ever answer, and sort out your head. "Synthetic results are definitely a success...... but not likely...... I mean heh! There's no such thing as deriving answers! "White Cat's Ball of Hair" has other possibilities! It would be more synthetic if I knew that! As a matter of fact, a large number of hairy balls have been bought at Auction and Bounty Neck (Wonted) as they come to Unknown Cities. George told me he was in a threesome state. There was a lot of black cat hair balls, tea and cat hair balls, but first it is unified in white. The remaining stock is 10. "Uncover the secrets of the hairy balls before these are consumed!
Episode After Dawn This is the appearance of Princess Makoto...! "Even the silver princess who has been recognized as an angel (Vero) in the [Church of the Rainbow Goddess (Arko Ilis)], a priest of the Buddhist Jingu family! Although Mike's voice echoed during the play had a slightly explanatory tone, he immediately responded to my intrusion. In addition, the Crown Prince, who was watching from the audience seat on the second floor, stood calmly, posted a beautiful smile, and raised the beautiful voice that often passes to the students we see. "It is you here who is Japan's proud princess! Whoa, look at me without any silver-haired, pale-eyed Japanese features and ask me what I'm talking about with my heart, because I have to follow the Crown Prince. By His Highness's words, the wave of perplexity that had spread to the venue for just a moment remained perfectly still.Because the Crown Prince's attitude was as if I had been scheduled to appear in the climax of the play from the beginning. And did you draw on the will of the Imperial family? The newcomers in Faction Sciences spin similarity and dialogue. While arrogant, as a gift for a Japanese boy I swear I will continue to protect the princess! The play was thus brought to an end. A quiet view of the warm wind and the hot sun blending in with the western sky. This is a particularly spectacular balcony on campus, where students can be seen encouraging their activities. After school, there is only one reason why I stand alone in a less popular place. "Hey, Jintaro." That's because I was waiting for my best friends. During the play, I jumped into a lot of joy, but the more calm I became, the more embarrassed my actions became, and I couldn't see the faces of both of them well.That said, it was too big to leave this feeling alone, so at the end of the play, I specified a place and a time and told them where to meet. "Oh, wow... both of you..." Both cheeks are strangely hot. Turning to the two of them again, I remember what I did in front of a lot of people, so two shame sprouted. "What is it? What is it? Is that all?We were enrolled here. " "Did you get used to being a princess after a while?I want to give you something to celebrate. " The two of you are messing with me at the same pace, so the strange feelings just now fade away. Instead, the usual sense of security fills your chest. "Damn, we're both too surprised.They don't get in touch, they don't log in to the Clan Clan, and I'm worried. " Forgive me for not being honest with you. But can I just say this kind of stupidity? Even though it was a surprise, I can't tell you that we were challenging the entrance examination by ourselves in silence.If you'd told me, I could have helped. "Whoa, is that the last word you want to say?Knight, the princess seems to be in an oblique mood. " "That's tough.If so, let us cut the princess's darkness to pieces. " I will also deal with my best friends who are persistently messing with me with a smooth face. That's the limit of patience. "Both of you!How dare you! " Jump to both of you and slap your head and shoulders pompously. I can't stop feeling "happy" anymore.If I hit the two of them with the feeling of overflowing, I would say, "Ouch, ooh, I'm jumping." I saw the shaking night and the evening glow laughing with a smile that didn't seem to hurt at all, saying, "It's a bit painful, it hurts." I thought I'd hit the two of them with my actions with a few more thoughts. The moment our feelings go through without saying, I can taste the time I feel most honored. Then everything was over and everyone watched the sunset with their mouths shut.I entrusted myself to the aftertaste and quiet for a while, so I finally told my best friends my heart and soul. "Both of you... thank you..." It wasn't a big deal. "Of course, it's normal." I can't help but admire the strength of these best friends, because I have to say it with a firm face. The Imperial College of Japan is not a school that can be enrolled with half of its capacity.It's a super prestigious school. The general frame was a narrow gate that only a handful of people could enter, and they broke through it in a short time.That effort shouldn't be commonplace... "I still can't stand beside you with dignity.I had a hard time sneaking in here. " "After that, it was hard for new students and other students to ask questions.... I thought I wouldn't abandon the usual way to follow you to Xintaro. " "No, I don't want to be told by you guys who played with ordinary people in middle school." I will not forget the rebellion of my best friends. "I mean, tell me.That's why even if I didn't work hard in reality, I could have set up a plan to improve the status of two people in the game, and if I succeeded, I might have been able to improve my position in reality and move in. " "No, I'm not sure." "Yeah, and if Shaking Night takes that approach, I have to say I feel like I lost to him a little bit as a man." "Ha! Yuki would have liked to say that if we were to fight each other, we'd just bump into each other and overwhelm each other! "Nothing, I didn't want to lose.Shake the night! " "Yuki Yu!" When I look at two people repeatedly asking questions that I don't understand, they look at each other unexpectedly and notice my gaze.Then a little sigh, "What a barren argument." "I don't want to dig any more graves." And for some reason, I was smiling at each other to make me feel illuminated. It's a secret that I felt like I was getting closer while I didn't know anything about it, and I felt a little jealousy, like a rush. I'm going to split up between the two of them and ask them about my best friends. "Speaking of which, how did they pass the entrance exam here... especially the practical exam? Premium students like me don't know anything about dew, and I hear that Faction Science is exceptionally difficult to do practical exams. "Ah, look, I told you before.Looking for alcohol. It's about offering delicious liquor to the "sky fox". " "We also got the skill blessing (gift) fried, which makes the skill a reality, just like Kotaro." "I couldn't get rid of the loneliness of that demonic fox, but I got along well." "It was so easy to get the liquor that Empty Fox admitted." A confident smile filled my best friends. "That's why I got the boxing and somatology skills in real life." "I learned the Sword of One Hand and Shield skills." "It was easy to acquire a skill, but I couldn't keep up with the control of power or the technology to shake it.Compared to the skills of the magical system, realizing skills that have a strong influence on the body is difficult to get used to. " "Even though the status is reflected in reality, it was hard. We did a lot of training together, we went to martial arts classes, and we learned a lot anyway." In parallel, if you were studying for exam preparation and writing tests, as well as part-time work... you would know how busy they were. Also, I can't thank you enough for your willingness to go to the same school as me. "The examiner highly regarded my skills as similar to Chinese martial arts and boxing.It might have been interesting to know that it leads to a martial arts system that is different from the Japanese Tanden Law.I'm afraid that the United States is afraid of Tanda Breathing and Tanda Martial Arts, and Japan has been a sealed martial arts art since losing the war... I wonder if it's because of the influence of the game that it's supposed to be the victorious country of the Second World War, there were so many Tanda classrooms. " "I'm like a Western swordsman who beats and smashes his opponent with a thick sword.The sword blade was cherished and the opponent was splendidly torn apart, so he didn't have a good face, but he seemed to recognize his strength. " "Well, the results came out, and you don't care about us, do you? "Now you can stay with Xintaro even in reality.I intend to earn more of that right so that others can recognize it. " While I was desperately acquiring manners and knowledge to get used to the upper classes, my face would naturally relax if I knew that they were both desperately trying. Especially the word "together" of Yukihiro strangely stung my chest. "Hang on, I don't think he's gonna make it with a rope..." "That's the atmosphere of a country's successor." "Does he mean the Crown Prince? "That's right. I don't know, I think he knew we were going to college from the beginning." "I was calmly dealing with Xintaro's dramatic intrusion, and on the contrary, I was petitioning both inside and outside." I hear from both of you that my reputation has grown. First of all, my intrusion was solved by information manipulation by the Crown Prince. From the beginning, the princess was me, and she put the surprise performance in the body that she provided to the viewers, that is, the students.It also seems to be a demonstration of His Highness's fiancée. What's more, I seem to say that I am forgiving and brilliant as the future empress.As evidence of this, I heard that even ordinary people who are excellent are also personalities who actively recognize their abilities and recruit personnel, such as looking at promising military personnel as soon as possible and being close to their friends, and already being in their hands as a token. "Wow... I appreciate you telling me not to be unnatural even at night or in the evening..." "It feels like you're here to bury the moat." We're choosing handpieces and words for ourselves. The two faces are sharp. "Sure, if they see us talking for Taro right now, it's gonna be a lot worse." "It sounds like a warning to us that we need to be on our feet." "With that habit in mind, and with the feelings and hopes of Jintaro in mind, I'm showing everyone around me that I can stay with us." "I think he's a pretty good match." The two eyes that speak of the Crown Prince are quietly burning. But there was a funny, hostile smile in their mouths, like finding a good opponent. I don't know. A fighting mind?It's bad to put water where it's rising, but I haven't been able to talk to the two of you for a long time, so I'd like to tell you something else. His Royal Highness is not the only one concerned. "Ooh? Are there any other perverts besides that crowd? "Well, is there anything more unusual than the Crown Prince? I feel like I'm laughing at Sarah and the two people who say the Crown Prince is terrible. Well, I generally agree with my best friends. "That smells more problematic than the Crown Prince...." I'm going to tell my best friends about what happened in the Clan Clan for a while. When they heard about it, they reacted to Pickle primarily by defeating a mercenary with a title (player) and enlarging my territory. "Hey, what's the name of the major city in that new territory again?" "It sounded rather disturbing...? I'm sure they both realized the dangers in the same place as me. "[Corrupt City of Iron and Chains Gildigarion].A place where people's freedom is tied up with iron and chains and rotten with desire..... " I'm not the only one who'd be thrilled if a city like this became a reality for some reason. It is also unclear how this city will affect the world in the future. "... a city where only war criminals (Judas) mercenaries (players) and criminal (Gilty) mercenaries can enter." One of the cities I got in the game was like a real crime city. That's just the territory that Baron Ped, who was dealing with child mercenaries (players)...
If it's for your own desires, you don't have to consider the people's, my will, etc. His Royal Highness said to Ignor, the royal brother, who proclaims so and releases unspeakable pressure. "My uncle is right, but..." He seems desperate for some thought, and slowly opens his mouth after only a few moments of opposition to his own uncle. "Isn't it more appropriate to behave as a superior without even using force to accomplish things? "I've never heard of that happening to anyone. But pushing demands against the backdrop of force is not a waste of time. The only thing we can't resist is the bondage of time, old age and longevity." Hehe, joking and royal brother Ignoa laughs. But those eyes are half moon-shaped, but they don't seem very pleasant. His Royal Highness tells his opponent to show such a creepy reaction. "Uncle, with regard to the treatment of Buddha Shintaro, let me claim that I have full authority." "It was originally where they were free. His Majesty wanted it, but it was just a tragedy like this because the infant was on his feet." The royal brother Ignor further narrows the eye of the cleaver and looks to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. If Royal Brother Ignor had ordered me to 'untie', I or Blue White Tan's restraint would have been immediately lifted. Then the Royal Palace Police took the initiative to clean things up on the spot. Incidentally, the white uniforms who sifted violence at night and evening glow, although there was a blame for it, do not seem to carry out any particular public punishment. In this series of currents... it became depressing that the royal family was shown various ways to fully master the culmination of Japanese law and order. When the exchange between the church people who heard the disturbance and the Royal Palace Police ended, me and Yuehui were called to a room in St. Illis School at night. "... I really caused a lot of trouble to Shintaro and the others" Apparently His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wanted to rent a room at St. Illis School and set up a place to make a firm apology. There are only two men and women indoors in a white uniform that looks like His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and no one else. The two of you were close enough to take His Royal Highness's will because His Royal Highness bowed his head and said nothing. I was not sure how we answered His Highness's altered apology. Honestly, after hearing the conversation between the Imperial Brother and His Royal Highness, I'm only anxious to see what happens to us in the future. Whatever they're going to say, I can't hide the big shock from the fact that I don't know Japan anymore... It's fundamentally different from the changes that have happened every once in a while. There were no situations where fairies appeared or where they were directly threatened, such as the alteration of history, the disappearance of religion, or the launch of automated robots for nursing care. However, this change in reality... is not within its scope. Because fantasy has invaded reality, and that is the same thing that has become a visible threat to us and we have been tearing our fangs out... If this one responds well, His Highness sees that he has received an apology and continues to speak out. "It was the mountains that wanted to approach you after I made the proposal Shintaro... because Shintaro's position in the church was vague..." As you judge how best to act, you say your uncle took the lead? But why do you need to get me into this as soon as possible? "... apparently Shintaro is receiving saintly privileges for the Church" That's what I said, a flame-haired boy sinking into a sea of thought. The bareback of junior high and middle school students was sufficient to show noble birth. A member of such a nasty clan obsesses with me... the royal Ignitol fondness for me in the game must be affecting it. But does that happen unexpectedly or something? "My uncle is concerned that the power of the 'Rainbow Goddess (Arco Illis)' Church will enter the Japanese hub is not a good idea. Father... His Majesty would like to join hands with the Church forces while plotting to strengthen Japan's authority globally and yet retain its superiority by suppressing the Church forces" National government agencies moving to crack down on demonstrations such as Christianity, Buddhism and Islam happening around the world. It is Japan that helps to sell favors by supporting the 'Rainbow Goddess (Arco Illis)' Church. I see, does it indeed increase authority? "So the other day, the miracle that I met with you moved all the gear of destiny. Mr. Shintaro, whom I proposed, is a member of the church. It would be quite a strength for Japan if the Church had a strong voice after showing that it was a member of the royal family and making it known that it was a representative of Japan, right? Haven't we talked too much... I've been judged to be in a diplomatic position so that the Church forces and the Japanese delegates can say hello? "My uncle and the people... want you to value Japan more than the Church. Yes, it needs to be shown around..." It is visibly attached to the Japanese side, is that an appeal? And for that reason, the easiest way to understand. "Please, would you agree to attend the Royal Japanese Academy to make things easier? A prestigious school attended by Japanese gold eggs. Everyone at the Royal School of Japan was more or less "talented (holder)" and "rich (bourgeois)." That is, a gathering of sons and children with force and power. If we put ourselves there and show our attitude of learning with the leading Japanese boys and girls, I will be completely on the Japanese side... it would certainly make sense to advertise, but I don't remember putting an OK on His Highness's proposal before that as a big premise. "Your Highness... even when we first met, as I said earlier... I refuse your proposal" "I want you to talk to me there. It's not officially decided yet, but if you're in a position to be your fiancée, fewer people take bad action. It will be a good weapon to restrain people like you." "No, but..." "Don't rush the answer. If you tell the public that you refused my proposal, you will have no place in Japan. [M] It was also for Shintaro's safety that he turned it into media manipulation on TV news," My fiancée stayed. " haha...... just not funny. My mind can't keep up with the rapidly moving reality. "I've fallen in love with you at first sight, and I know a hundred people are inviting you to this situation." "But I want you, whatever you do," his Highness stares at me with a strong will. My face is certainly handsome, but I feel insane... because I know this is the effect of the game after all? If you were a normal girl, your highness, who has a good face, a good family, and a good financial strength triple slap, would make you balls even if you were somewhat forced to! You must say and rejoice. But I... want to live my school life at the same school as Shaking Night or Evening Fai. But that could threaten the safety of our dear best friends... Evening Fai bled into bitterness, and the shaking night was beaten hard and her glasses were broken. I'm sorry about that again. I... Do I have to obey His Highness's... royal will? How can I look at you like this? Honestly, I don't have any good feelings for His Highness involved in all this trouble. But if my actions alone don't bother my best friends... In reality...... I'm about to be crushed by fantasy. I look down unexpectedly. But all of a sudden there is a softly warm plush on both shoulders. Oh, this is the hands of my best friends stretched out from behind. Caught in that warmth, I looked behind me, and the shaking night and the evening glow were turning a strong smile at me. In front of overwhelming violence and power, my best friends are smiling at me. "Shintaro, let's talk calmly here." "It's all right, let's do something about it again." I feel like I'm saying that, and I'll stretch my spine properly too and relate to His Highness again. No, don't be weak. "This is what I invited, so I want to protect you as much as I can. But they won't let me do that around them." His Royal Highness also said it was true that he had not been able to see the surroundings. They say that the intentions of Japanese executives and celebrities in charge of important industries, even the royal family at the top of Japan, cannot ignore their influence. "Perhaps it is the intention of his uncle and father... His Majesty to threaten Shintaro's surroundings and force him to enter the school" Whenever someone like me comes to us with a little scratch, it's impossible to impose severe punishment in a row. Moreover, if the permission of His Majesty the Emperor, the current lord of the Flaming Royal Family, is given behind it, all the more so. I can't fight that decision on my own. 'Besides, I myself want you to attend the same school,' the Crown Prince says honestly. "Oh, I trusted Shintaro and told him so much about it." The dust and, if a woman sees it, eight out of ten will give off a gentle grin that seems to graduate as adorable, Your Highness. "If you find out, you won't miss it easily." I say things that scare me, smiling like an idol. "If anything else were said, I would ask you to be my wife without regard for your will or anything. I have declared that if this promise is reversed, your friend standing there will be the witness." I am too afraid of His Highness's arms and compulsion not to forget to get caught up in the evening glow and shaking night. Or... you know, coming so far with power as a gasket and pressing for love... I can honestly reveal my black parts with dignity, but at the same time I'm maximizing my consideration for me... I get a glimpse of honesty. It's going to be too new to say anything by the time it's clear. I could only be sure that it was not a character of the Prince of the King's Road, not a glimmer. "Um... Your Highness, I'm talking about what... what happens if I don't like Your Highness's proposal and I go out of the country? "Are you leaving this rich country? His Royal Highness breathes only for a moment. The face was huge as if it faced the biggest surprise of my life, and I wondered what I needed to be so surprised about. And from here, it was unexpected that the furious patriotic story by His Highness began. "A happy country where everyone can live in peace and security, that's Japan." By then, Japan has a strong royal power. That's not just in the country, and they say they have a pretty strong say in foreign countries. America, for example. After the war, domestic America, which was defeated by Japan, was exhausted by the war and lost all cultures and technologies, from a sharp decline in population to a decline in productivity. Japan, the victorious nation, made significant investments to rebuild American companies, but at that time it signed an owner agreement, and now all the giant companies in the United States are Japanese at the top, a system in which part of the gross profit, giant wealth, flows to Japan as a tax. Based on luxurious sources of funding in such an environment, he has set up a number of technology development, well-equipped research facilities and attracted talented scientists and other personnel from all over the world. To put it badly, it's a genius pull out of the country by offering favorable conditions. If that is how we become representatives of the world's top countries in military and scientific and technological terms, the impact on the world will be immeasurable. One of the royal family's moods is to build an international siege net with economic sanctions, and the national power of the targeted country will be significantly lower. "Wherever you go." I want you to wait. Is that a threat that the country I was traveling to would eat just... "With vast resources and abundant talent, America belongs to the state, and all controls such as weapons are monopolized by the Flaming Royal Family. All U.S. nuclear missile buttons are in the Imperial Palace, even if they fire weapons of mass destruction from somewhere..." Shh, amazing Japan. Isn't that impotent? "Even England, the successor country to the magic culture, far surpasses the number of 'talented (holders)', because we have anti-weapon devices that combine 'talented (holders)' with the crystals of science. Detection, interception is easy. There will be no other country in Japan that is better at safety." I had an image of England as the real world of magic and magic, but what's it like to be the inheritance country of magic culture? Even though questions arise in the heart, His Highness's Japanese pride continues. "Of course, there have been few criticisms of our country, which reigns at the top of the economy. Indeed, you can also say that Japan's wealth is made up of their, workers from other countries. I wonder what you said over there..." Tong, Your Highness trying to tease your temples and pull your memories. "Right, you're a slave worker (Slaveworker). They say there's a word for company livestock, company livestock (pig). Japan's system of exploiting wealth is a legacy for the great achievements made by our great forefathers. That's why most companies in our country work five hours a day, three to four days off a week." What the hell!? "They say the US and others keep working five days a week and the holidays are only two days. Some overtime, some industries, one day off a week." Isn't that a Japanese story!? "Our country will be the only country that enjoys such an elegant and free life and is rich in things, albeit world wide. Furthermore, development power is more drained than in other countries. If we can sing about freedom and wealth, a new driving force can emerge from it, and we can spend it on generating ideas, technologies to lead the world order and the world one step at a time. People can do anything with time." His Royal Highness continued to speak so vigorously, but switched to a smile so as to unload his shoulders all the time, and His Highness abruptly stopped the hot valve. "Of course, we also enjoy laziness" It was a gentle and calm grin. "You are still students, so it may be hard to understand the beauty of this country called Japan. But childhood education is important, so you can't help it." When I grow up, I can fully enjoy spending my time doing whatever I want, researching and excelling. To do this, as a basic knowledge, you are required to go to school at a week? Or what a dreamy society... School teachers were often foolish when they said, 'Do what you can among students' or 'Have fun - freedom is only when you're a student'... "When I grew up, I was bored with stuffing" what a society was transforming into wood dust. Of course, not everyone would have been forced to live a life of exhaustion with work stuffing, and some of them would have made their jobs viable. But I have dreams far more than I know reality. When you grow up, there are countless options, and you can be passionate about society? That's probably what I mean when I have time and I can afford the money. Moreover, young people would incite with great hope for the future and move forward to enhance themselves. Of course, there will be students who drown in the option of 'devouring laziness', as His Highness put it. "Can you abandon such a wealthy Japan? Honestly for this... makes me want to shake my neck to the side... "Think carefully about the matter of" The Royal School of Japan ". Two weeks is the limit for me to be able to guarantee your safety, so please respond by then. Please remember that Japan is definitely a hegemonic nation of the world." When we were given the two-week deadline, we greeted His Royal Highness there after the occasion. Thus a series of disturbances closed the curtain, but our footsteps on the way home were heavy. "Hey, Shintaro. You don't want to go to school, do you, boy? "We never want to let Shintaro go." Anxiety is constantly looming. But after all, my best friends and my heart are in one. "Oh, I don't want to go. I want to be with Shaking Night or Evening Fai! I'm happy, I accidentally put my shoulders together with you two - I can't, so I'll hold you. "Hey, what the sudden" "Ouch, Shintaro, we're injured, right? You guys are laughing happily while you say something like that. "First we have to do something about the royal approach and the pressure." I snort at Yuehui's words, too. And drop the potpourri and the question, and we knew we were in agreement. That can also be said to be the answer that was already out there, and each of the three mouths releases a policy of the same content at the same time. "" The only way to change reality in the game ""
"Uh... I'm annoyed" After Big Slime's sweep operation, George ended up with real plans and we got tired, so we decided to postpone approaching the mystery of "Shallow Dreams and Graveyards" this time. That said, the more I celebrated the victory, the more I logged out of Squirrel and Clan Clan. "Being friends with everyone in that place is a bit..." Even though the battle was over, he said the battle was coming, but he also avoided the surviving mercenaries (players) who were turning a blind eye. One or two of the novels will have to be told to him later because of Yuji's unfamiliar oath that somehow I would be his friend. From the side I thought of him, a line of notifications flew in from Yuji. Yuji: "My Angel, the Little Officer has a question" Did you come? Daimyo, it would be a case at the convenience store. Yuji: "I heard from Colonel Yu and Colonel Kou, are you sure that your appearance in the characters is perceived as a bug caused by the game? Yuki: "Right. Speaking of which, isn't there a character bug yet? Shaking Night: Fast Talk, Running Lazy Two old friends are instantly added to the topic Yuji set up. Until now, Yuji was to be invited to join the same group in the name of those who play the same game in the name of the group that was just me and Shaking Night and Evening Fai... as expected, was this story inevitable? Yuji: Now let me change the question. I saw a girl in a convenience store nearby the other day who resembles His Excellency Taro, isn't that you in person? You've been asking straight, it's Yuji. "What are you talking about, Yuji?" Aren't you watching too much cartoon? Shaking Night: "Oh, my God, I guess you're not going to say anything crazy until Evening Fai." Evening Fai: "No, Michelle, when I called Shintaro on the line during this time? I heard a voice for a moment. I ran out right away, didn't I? Speaking of which, when my body changed, there was a time when I accidentally went to Sunset Fai's call. Michelle said it was, and she managed to deceive me because she made a mistake. Shaking Night: Oh, was that Shintaro's sister? Evening Fai: "Yes, yes. Yuji doesn't know about Mr. Michelle, does he? You must be mistaken for Mr. Michelle." That. Is Yuki making a good mistake? Yuji: Who is Mr. Michelle? Evening Fai: Is that right? It's also about Shintaro's family, and I wonder if it's something I can tell you. " This is exactly what a ship is about to cross. Shintaro: A long time ago, a friend of my father's and mother's passed away. That acquaintance's daughter is Michelle, and now she's my sister. ' Yuji: Is it my sister-in-law!? Shintaro: Yeah, well. I haven't been informed of the details, but I thought we'd take care of it. And because I was born Russian, I could be so close to white with hair color or something ' Michelle has white blonde hair, to be exact. What's more, Michelle is still not in Japan because she acts with her father and mother abroad. My sister tells me that I'm in a hurry to come home with my parents when she finds out I'm like this. Yuji: Was it Master Left! I have asked Your Excellency a frivolous question...... ' Shintaro: No, no, it's perfectly fine. Nothing. ' Yuji: "So, a beautiful girl similar to your Excellency, whom the dwarf encountered at the convenience store, because Ensign Michelle means (...) OK? Shintaro: Probably? I'll ask him next time. " Yuji: Saar Yesusser! Shaking Night: 'By the way, it's Yuji. Weren't you complaining about these mercenaries? Evening Fai: Oh - I couldn't be friends with an angel properly, or something? Yuji: Your issue has been dealt with promptly Shaking Night: What do you mean? Yuji: Your temper is enough! and I kicked it off ' Evening Fai: Uh, so you were okay? Yuji: ............... ' I wonder what it is. Yuji's silence is somewhat heavy. Has something been done? It just seemed a little pitiful. Shaking Night: Mercenary Operations Can't Be a Glimmer Shintaro: After all, is it better to be friends and solve the problem in circles? Evening Fai: Hmm. Becoming friends or not is the freedom of mercenaries (players). I don't think Shintaro has to worry about that. " Yuji: The Little Officer is responsible and proud of his words! Shaking Night: "It's Yuji's fault that I told the conversation that made them care." Evening Fai: "It's just that if Yuji hadn't inspired everyone over there, it would have been a big deal, so those heck of a lot of us would be grateful, right? Yuji: Saar Yesusser! I was going to complain to Yuji about something, but Yuki also has a point. Why is Yuji not a bad guy? I deceived her about the girlization, and at this rate, she doesn't have a problem with being friends and having an adventure with me at Clan Clan. "My Lord Angel! Again, it's an honor to meet you! Foreword withdrawn. (laughs) I knew it was kind of nasty. RF-you who give a picturesque salute. Yuji turned to a little beautiful boy, but my eyes still stick to me. Even without this...... My attitude also hardens in the clan clan when the inner manifestation becomes embodied. Just move your neck giggly, make a laugh and quickly send your friend application to your classmate. "I didn't know that small officers and others would be given the opportunity to exchange their knowledge with His Excellency... I know with the utmost pleasure! "Ah, yes, yes, yes. Earl said," Shut up. " "Well. I couldn't go to shit last time, but you're going to The Shallow Dream Cemetery, right? Shaking night blocks Yuji and Yuki asks me to confirm the will of the members who gathered here. "Oh. For that, I asked everyone to come together" "Heavenly Master and I are always together." "If nothing happens, Rin, it could happen... I'm not looking forward to it" "Today's the day to play with Taro! Mina, Mr. Announ, and three Yuki women respond with a tense voice. Then each of them got ready for the adventure quickly. In addition to organizing items, I leveled up with the benefit of my last Big Slime match, and I'm just going to sprinkle my status points. Talo LVHP 80 MP 60 (+ 10) 80 (+ 10) Power 1 Magic 14 Defense 2 Magic 8 Quickness 160 180 Intelligence 205 255 Remaining Skill Points 47 Skill points are a big deal. Thanks to the title [The Sophisticated Witch], I have to do it using skill points that accumulate right away with three times the usual momentum. Therefore, let's decide on the skills to be sorted this time into the "Friends of the Wind Fairy News", which has been very active recently. Keep 11 points here. : Uploaded to Skill "Friends of the Wind Fairy News" Lv4 Lv15: : Wind Fairy wind up from 10 to 35: : Wind Fairy has evolved into a unique fairy, Wind Maiden (Sylph): : At fairy summons, three buffs are now granted automatically to the summoner: 'Graceful Wind Whisperer (High Wind)', 'Wind Protector (Early)' and 'Wind Bearer (Orly)': Wow. Sounds like it's had a lot of great effects. I can't thank Mithola enough for getting the skill "Friends of the Wind Fairy News". "Well, let's move on! To the wise man in the woods, as I was grateful, Yuruchi pulled "The Great Wheel Fire Slash" out of his back and moved forward with momentum. Pulled by her energetic ringtone, the party by a total of seven was to head to a point where a 'shallow dream and graveyard' would appear only from evening to night. "Speaking of which, Heavenly Master, I have become LV9! On the road to The Shallow Dream Graveyard, Mina has almost told me to level herself with her face. "Oh, good. Congratulations." "Yes! So that's it! I finally increased my MP Yikes! "Oh, how long? "It's 50! And then there's 50 for magic! Oh, whoa. I'm polar to intelligence, too, but Mr. Mina is a really magical stew, isn't she? Speaking of which, Mina's "Green Magic" skill in the wind was LV7, right? Comparing "Friends of the Wind Fairy News" to "Green Magic" seems like a cool difference. Also, I was curious about the buff I had just mastered earlier, so I guess I'll ask around. "Speaking of which, Mina was" Green Magic "LV7, right?" "Yes, but it's up to LV8 now." "Ooh. After all, a phenomenon that can be caused with every level increase? Or the magic kind, right? "Right. MP consumption varies depending on the magic you work with." "Green Magic" clearly determines the content of the effects that can be activated. For this reason, it is easy to combine operational actions in combat and the collaboration that leads to the next hand. In contrast, the "Friends of the Wind Fairy News" reflects my thinking patterns and the content of my favors, causing the wind. But there is a lot of ambiguity as to whether it will be feasible. Wind enough for a fairy to respond to my request? It will depend, and it will depend on the accuracy of the thoughts I convey. In other words, we often don't want the effects we thought they would. A good example would be when I ended up just shaking the hair of an ese samurai. "My 'Friends of the Wind Fairy News' also consumes MP when you ask the Fairy to do something, so that's the same thing there" "Mina is happy to be here with Heavenly Master." While I let Mina's delightful words make me look good, I'll give her a thought about the buffs she's just mastered. "Graceful Wind Whispers (High Wind)" [Sometimes the summoned fairy whispers his unique knowledge and sight by the fairy. Content is corrected by Summoner's status' Intelligence '] This buff will have some advice for me. Besides, the more intelligent I am, the more useful information you must give me. I'm very satisfied with this one because I got a buff of intelligence. And this is the second buff. "Wind Protector (Early)" [Get wind protection. Increases dodge against flying objects and reduces damage from flying objects] Literally, you can hope for effects such as softening the attack of the throwing system. This kind of thing seems to exist in green magic as well. "Does" Green Magic "have a bow or arrow or a magic that weakens an attack that flies? "You do. Instead of weakening, learn the magic" Amulet of the Wind "that plays arrows and more in Skill LV5." Instead of mitigating attacks, disabling them? Well, green magic is activated by consuming MP. This one is only an automatic granted buff, and that would be a reasonable effect. Until now, it's convincing, no. It's a great buff. But the last buff was tough on me. Wind Bearer (Ollie) [By placing fairies on the path of the wind, you can increase the power of events, magic, etc. about the 'wind' by 5% -10%. However, this effect is not included in the event of a wind fairy] This would mean that you need to be mastering abilities and magic about the wind yourself. Move fairies to places that activate magic associated with the wind, etc. That's all it is, I know it's more powerful, but unfortunately I haven't mastered green magic like Mina. Should I use this as an opportunity to remember? "Hmmm......" "What's up? Heavenly Master? "Oh, no... nothing" While we were troubled by such stuffiness, we were arriving in front of a grave sign that appeared snuggly on the earth into which the sunset plunged. "Hey, that sounds like an atmosphere, right here." Shaky Night (Koya) looked over at "Shallow Dream Cemetery" and quickly-lifted her glasses and shrugged. "The officer does not believe in visible inorganic objects or anything else! Yuji spinning the words of denial there with clarity. "That, Earl, could you possibly be scared? "Eh! Never! I remember the first time I came here, as Earl answered Yuki's tease with perseverance. Mina had a year-to-year reaction, and she said she would have been scared if she did. If you look at her, our cleric grabbed the mace tightly and was vigilant around. I thought maybe the way she set up her weapon was like the power coming from fear, and I keep Mina's head pounding. "And, Heavenly Master..." A slightly loose look on Mina's face, which was tense, comes in a sign in my eye. Be polite, it says' Beware of ghosts ahead '. Yeah, yeah, this creepy vibe. It's been quite a while. Speaking of which, when is each ghost doing well? At that time, I ended up about getting a little talk about a mysterious alchemist named New Age Saint Germain, but I wonder if I can pull out any useful information this time around? I have a 'demonic demon mirror' and 'show things without entities' without what? Tap the 'to observe the surroundings over the mirror. "What are you doing... glowing hand mirrors..." "Talo... you're not immersed in joy, even with your own character, are you? disrespectful. I'm looking for a ghost in a mirror, and my old friends throw up an out-of-consideration dialogue, so I just denied it was' different '. That's how I was able to capture through the mirror a few seconds of looking for a ghost, a presence whose upper body is a boy but whose lower body is ungnawed. : The demon mirror mirrored the ghost: : The captured ghost will only be visible in the eyes of the mercenary (player) holding the demon mirror for one minute: I wave before a nostalgic boy spirit glowing blue and white. Don't look at me. "Long time no see." A familiar ghost made me feel nervous. Apparently, the ghost I had the conversation with the last time I came here and the ghost in front of me are the same person. It doesn't change my personality to use my transparent body and not hesitate to pass through this body. "Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh? Looks like you've got something in your eyes that you shouldn't look at again. I wonder if you've become an increasingly discerning alchemist? "Really? As I greeted the ghost, the shaking night approached me with an unbelievable face. "Hey, Taro. You, who are you talking to earlier? "That didn't bother me either." And then Mr. Announ asks questions, so I'll be honest with you. "A ghost, though? "What? Ghosts!? "Hmm? I wonder where he is" "Uh, where? "So, Heavenly Lord!? "Don't believe the petty officer. More and more! "Harrah, I guess that's... a whisper to you" I shall only give a minimum explanation to the members who returned the reaction of the Seven Seven: 'We are interacting in alchemy'. Everyone says, "What alchemy..." or, "Are there really ghosts? 'etc., each seemed surprised. I'd like to give you a detailed explanation, but I have only one minute of conversation with a ghost. What I found out from my last encounter is that he has a whimsical part. For that reason, it would be a bad idea to come back to the conversation and find it again. You should listen to what you can hear right now. "Much, I wonder if you've spread the word" "What do you think? There's still so much I don't know. Like the cemetery here? This spirit knows something about the cemetery. That's something I've felt since I first met you. "Hmm? Are you interested? "Yeah, that's interesting. This is the cemetery of the giant, and I wonder if there's anything left behind by the giant." I can't even pick up a word that hints at something, or I spin the word for it. "Hmm? I wonder why you're telling me that." But ghosts can be difficult. The conversation must be taken with caution. The fact that this cemetery is a cemetery in the Giant Kingdom is predictable in the [photo] and material description sections taken by alchemy. First, let's talk about making them smell. "The great stone tablet at the back of this cemetery, where 'the glory of our giants is immortal. It was carved out, illuminating the earth, showing the way of the giant only to those who dwell in the will of the great light. I mean, maybe that glow is about the sun." 'But you can't do anything? After all, you don't seem to give me the information easily. But here's the trump card. Is it time? In anticipation of the moment just before the ghost disappeared, I took the item out softly. To get the ghost in front of him to show up again, he created an end to a conversation that tickled his intellectual curiosity at the end. "Hmm? That's... that's about time." Advice, the boy spirit seems to have attracted interest. But as it is, his appearance disappears and he returns to an unrecognized existence. Again, I'll use the Demonic Mirror to find the ghost I was looking for. It looks like you rode this invitation because you could spot yourself in seconds of something. "Don't look at me, and when I say you do," "It just went on, but I have it, so I don't know what's gonna happen" I synthesized "Hard Stone" and "Yellow (Sun Yellow)" to make "Flashing Stone" appear clear to ghosts. This is an eye-catching item that emits light when rubbed onto a hard object and dyes the vision of the person with the light in his eyes only white for three seconds. "What's that? "Here's how you use it." Rub 'Flash Stone' vigorously onto the small stone tablet that was nearby. Moment after moment, a dazzling ray of sunlight occurred, burning everyone's vision to white, including mine. "Eyelash." "Confirm flash! As soon as possible, I thought I should be committed to restoring my vision! And that's not all. "" "'Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" "" " A number of low voices became dissonant and focused on the area, as they echoed from the bottom of the earth. "What's that voice now!? "Harara." "Oh, come on, seriously." "I don't know, this voice" Everyone else heard you, Yuri, Mina, etc. are upset. "" 'Ohhhhhhhhh! '... quiet down, guys' The voices of the ghosts, who were echoing so many times, stopped pitting in the words of such a boy spirit. "Hmm... that? When my vision, eroded by white, returns, I realize that the ghost boy I was in conversation with has changed only slightly. My appearance or my outfit was changing. He has a cape woven on his shoulder and a crowned ornament over his head. Even though he is a boy, his majestic disposition seems unnatural. "Dominated by an endless night of darkness -" "Never, the rays of the sun never rise in a decaying cemetery -" "It is he who has that brilliance who brings an end to our cursed nation..." "... our king's (...) foresight seemed right" Yes, I brought it. He stares at me and says something meaningful. "Again, let me name it here" The ghost boy has bowed down with the graceful work he deserves for the outfit he put together. "My name is Luxel the Slave King. Giga Makina of the East, who made me a servant of Journey, and united the men of his great kingdom. "Eh... King, it was you..." I had somehow grabbed his identity... When searching for "Skeleton Dark Gray," a clear grey dark color, and taking a [photo] of the soul of the monster skeleton (skeleton) in this cemetery, in the description section of the [photo], Skeleton was described as a slave human serving the giant kingdom. I hadn't forgotten what a ghost boy called a "paranoid compatriot" for such a skeleton. I mean, I used to blind myself to a human being who was once a slave to the giants and to something connected... but I never dreamed I was a slave king.
Stories For Love () Richie Damond, Alchemist of Doom and Regeneration. His story had begun and three minutes were about to pass. "- There's no problem if you freeze the body. Don't worry about being greedy in time." Richie Damond's voice, clinging to the temple, was more worrying and damp than earlier. "Yes, the eagle is uh-huh. First, in order to produce sufficient research (sei) fruit, we concluded (tsi) that there was not enough time in the flesh to remain human (human). Therefore, to prevent the aging of my flesh... I tried to merge with Rich (Tsi), King of the Undead, who is said to be as immortal as possible, and also to have intelligence in human form." "I see." Given what Mr. Damon was trying to accomplish, he nodded at it as well. It will take a tremendous amount of time to reach the frontiers he aspires to. Besides, no good alchemist can beat old age. "The eagle with the properties of Ricci (Tsi) - the immortality - at the same time did Seikong (thus) to master a certain by-product." "Is it the ability to follow the undead? I just don't forget to listen to him, but to give him a subtle hand. "Whatever. But let's just tweet that there was a problem." Only, that said, Mr. Damon was a gun-talking person. He said his ability to manipulate the undead was very weak because he was originally human even if he could fuse with Richie. So he apparently glanced at the famous "Knight of the Dark Moon" contract in "The Avenger". "The Knight of the Dark Moon" refers to the people who made the covenant with the Spirit Lean of the Moon and the Stars, which binds the fairies of the Night (Gun Knight). They seem to be a group that forced certain servants into Spirit Lean instead of being applied the power to form revenge. In the first place, why did you create such a group, Spirit Leanne said she fell in love with a human man named Knight Lunas. At the time, when it came to spirits and humans, they continued to contend as incompatible beings. It was discovered that such a human knight, Lunas, had made a covenant with the Spirit, and the people blamed him and executed him. For his beloved Lunas, Spirit Lene seems to have created The Knight of the Dark Moon as a personal vengeance pawn against man. It also appears that the creation of the "Knight of the Dark Moon" was informed that the "Spirit Lean" formed a covenant with the help of the "Dark Spirit Dakness", which unifies the Dark Fairy (Shadow). Different to this was the "Moon Spirit Wold," a compatriot of Lene, the Spirit of the Moon and the Stars, who ran off to quiet Lene's distractions, it seems, yet another story. Anyway, it was Mr. Damon who weaved this characteristic of "Revenge" and "Slavery" called "The Knight of the Dark Moon" into his undead service abilities, exploring the use and utilization of alchemy. "First of all, I wanted some experimental material from the giant to get things done. Therefore, the eagle told the dragon clan that the East Giant Kingdom had the Dragon Ringing Stone (Seiki), which the Titans would seek to destroy." In fact, it wasn't 'dragon ringing stone' or anything else that was said to increase the power of dragons. It was a great supreme demonic stone (artifact) and a hallucinating ball of illusion stars sealed with more pure magic than the moonstone (Lewis) found in their giant hometown, Fantasma. "Well, the Great Supreme Demon Stone (artifact), sealed with the Spirit of the Moon and the Stars Lean's Magic Vegetables (mana). Even that was easy, such as Rue's Undead Obedience." Using Richie's original abilities, he calls on the Titans to the souls of the dead. And they used their will to the Dragon Nation to use the idea of "revenge", which was the basis of the "Knight of the Dark Moon" contract, and used the "Glow Ball of the Phantom Star" to succeed in attaching the "pledge" of obedience to themselves, even though it was incomplete, but they managed to call the souls of the giants back to the flesh. This seems to be Richie's unique combination of necromancy and alchemy. "But with the power of the eagle, it's far worse than Spirit Lean... even if we could create a simulated moonlight based on the teacher's teachings, the results weren't fragrant." When the moonlight shines, its body is strengthened and the Knights of the Dark Moon show their unusual power. In contrast, what Mr. Damon has created is a presence in which the soul and the corpse are stabilized and allowed to come back to life only when they are in moonlight. Plus, it comes with a debuff that your lifetime intelligence is significantly reduced and even your memory is lost. "I can't move without the moon, free wooden idol" Mr. Damon says he lacks his strength, but Leanne could not revive the dead and serve as an undead. You will surely have accomplished a great deed that did not fear God, but brilliantly destroyed the management of this world. "It's a feat." I can't help but whine like that. Given the feelings of the giants, it's never a praised act. Rather, it is nothing but evil to destroy the giants, to flicker candy in the name of vengeance, to bind freedom at the soul level, and to be in service. But let me say as one alchemist... the unknown tread he has taken is not a half-breed one. "You're the one. Thanks to you." But on the contrary, it was me who was praised. "No way. No way! I didn't know the sunlight could bring back memories because of their knowledge! Apparently, the eagle was too trapped in the moonlight enhancement. Huh! Thank you for this new discovery." I see. Mr. Damon also seemed to have a good grasp that the Titans' consciousness had temporarily returned with "Flash Stone". "But Mr. Damon is a great alchemist, after all." "Kuhahahahahaha! The eagles, the alchemists... Whether they are destined to be taken away (no), or the laws set by the gods, it would be the reason of the world..." What he has done is really amazing. But this guy... I wonder what it is. Is it easy to talk about the contents of this? And it was also true that you might have doubts. Thanks, it's easy to put on. Could it be stupid? No, of course you're good as an alchemist, but somehow, personally, I feel like some key part is broke. Maybe this is the reason why his apprentice, Noah World, succeeded New Age Saint-Germain. "Keep running to not accomplish your own quest and greedy desires, and overturn any concepts from the ground up. The eagles are like that, right? But I also think my view as an alchemist is pure by the horror. "... you'll be searching again soon." Quiet. Strictly. Says the alchemist earlier who ended up undead. "Thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of hours wander, but the place where dreams decay - still, far away" ... My 'How did you do this?' To the question, 'he said first. Richie Damond had a woman she loved. She said she was a mixed species (half) of giants and humans. "Eventually, even if it is destined to be taken away and disappeared" She praised him for being innocently awesome. She always took care of herself, big body and mind for herself. She kept supporting Mr. Damon by her side for a long time. One day she died suddenly. "You'll never lose this thought." In the wake of her death, she began studying 'Resuscitation of the Dead' with all her heart. "It's the eagles, the alchemists who make their dreams, their thoughts, their reality." Her body was frozen and preserved without decay. The problem is with me. So, Mr. Damon, who has come to assimilate with Richie. "I am incomplete in my fight against the fate of death, but I have been able to make it happen." Half of her flowing blood is of the giant race. We need to keep a large number of souls on hand with the bodies of giants that would then be a racially good experimental material. "It's not impossible to revive her completely." I got the ingredients. All you have to do is repeat the experiment and try her resurrection to perfection. Turn into bones, like yourself, not a tasteless or tactile appearance. Resurrect her with flesh in exactly the same condition as she was born, with spirit, memory and character. That's where Mr. Damon aspires. "... again, I can't wait to see her luxurious smile." Monster yourself. Destroy a whole race for your beloved woman. Only to serve as an experimental bench, he mercilessly deceives the souls of the giants and continues to bind them by pledge from flesh to flesh. Richie Damond, an alchemist who lives in this bleak underground city of Yorn, painted with artificial moonlight, is the only one. "Because of love..." All I can say is it's crazy. "In a wooden puppet like this, it's still far from complete." I found out about the dark side of alchemy. I don't see any sacrifice as a sacrifice, that attitude. But I have to admit that I have an undeniable self in his way of life, and there's a part of me that could meet him. It's strangely attractive. "This is the Alchemy Road where the eagles walk. Was that a little helpful? Richie ruthlessly followed the remains of many giants to the White Temple. Only for a moment, he looked terribly cool to me. "... very, very. Helpful." I could not hear the art of fine alchemy. But I feel like I've learned something important from Richie Damon. Heard my heartfelt reply. He said, 'Nh! Nghhh!' he nodded again and again, laughing with a ragged clatter. And he slowly approached us. While following the king of such an intimidating giant as to dispute with a giant god behind his back. Mr. Damon said, "There's nothing more to talk about," but the process was smooth. Of course, our tensions have increased all at once. "Ki......" And the words that come out of my mouth do not encourage PT members to shift to defensive postures, nor do they call for the first must-win to set up an ambush. "... Kim, let me do a commemorative shoot! That's what I offered "Old Camera" with one hand. Yeah. I don't have to wonder what you're talking about against a phenomenal and transcendent existence, but when you fight, victory and defeat are visible. That is why the only means left are dialogue. Besides, Richie Damon may be the enemy, but from me, he's definitely an alchemist walking far from it. I also really want to keep my commemorative photography before I get killed. From the photo... I've got a little information on him. "Sounds familiar. The eagles used to color and shoot their souls with their toys." He seemed to know my alchemy kit. "Knowledge (tsi) that attitude greedy to knowledge (sei) huh. Yeah, yeah, it's really good. The Basics of Alchemy, the Importance of Collecting Information (Sai) Seems Understandable" It looks like this one's intentions are clear. "And from the bottom of my heart, this eagle, the indestructible (metsu) wi alchemist Richie! Damon, Dodd! I respect the eyesight, hum. Good wih! Reasonable (sai) action that matches my desire with reason, really good wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Once again, you start praising me. This puzzles me as well as Mina and Announ and Lily. "Mm-hmm! After all, the eagle liked you." ...... hmm? "You should be an apprentice to the eagle. Only, let's tweet." Richie Damon's pungent eye hole, two dark, blue flames swinging from her skull, is staring at me zippily. "Huh?" : Do you have a pediatric contract with Richie Damond? : Yes or No: In the midst of the confusion, such an assist log and a selection log come to mind - I swallowed my spit.
Stories Fantastic Vigilance A wall depicted as if it were a magic formation or something. The windows have a spicy lattice, and the light entering from the outside is shaded, casting a strange shadow indoors. And the light emitted by the luxurious chandelier suspended from the sky reflects on every dish, and the whole room is lit with a sacred brilliance. After the recital, I was invited to this room by the followers of the 'Rainbow Goddess (Arco Iris)' Church, especially the great ones, while I said goodbye. Of course, there's also a Lean Priest (Bishop) in there, and apparently she's in my posterior position because she let me in. By the way, Shaking Night and Evening Fai couldn't follow me, so they're waiting inside the school building. "From this, do the Angel Accreditation Congress with simplicity" A large desk with a bright white tablecloth, wooden chairs with flavours arranged to surround it. Ten of those legs are buried with people who look great. Standing in front of those people, I'm full of nervousness. Quickly respond to the call of your bald uncle with a splendid coat of law. "Yes, sir" "You have inherited the blessings of the Rainbow Goddess in colour. It is obvious from the miracle she has performed, and everyone who was there is a witness to it." Uncle Bald Head does what he does to show the presence of Blue White Tang, who spreads his arms to speak to the great man on the spot and refrains behind my right diagonal. "Are you saying Bishop Lean was right?" "You have to admit it." "But I've heard that it's only been a few weeks since I arrived... to such a faithless person, such as the rank of angel..." "So you think that miracle is the devil's falsehood? "No... such a thing..." Bishop Lean rises to take control of the defiant faithful. At her age, she is the only woman in this room. Everyone quieted back to wait for her words. "Though Buddha Shintaro has a shallow period of faith, he is a fine believer who is agile and kind to people's hearts." I can even glimpse majesty into her look stretching her spine and speaking harshly. "Haven't you blessed him because you're the goddess who found out his innocent will? Then the faithful will have one thing to do." I'm done talking about everything that needs to be said. There was a deep silence in each of them who dropped off Bishop Lean (Bishop), who would be seated with such grandeur. Then a few minutes passed and Uncle Bald opened his mouth when he first told everyone that he would have an Angel Certification Council. "So... we have to set the date for the Angel Certification Ceremony for the" Reader ", Buddha (two) Shintaro" Everyone nodded heavily as if to meet Uncle Bald Head's words. Then angels are briefly explained, such as what roles and positions they have within the Church. Simply put, there's nothing special about being symbolic. He was also advised to be careful what he said and did, because power and class are far more than readers. Bishop Lean took care of the area. After all the explanations, I whine in my heart that I want to go home soon. I wonder what Shaking Night and Evening Fai are doing. Listening to boring stories, I was associating myself with my best friends, who would be taking a swallowing tour of the school building. You've got a problem... Even as I stare at the white men in front of me, I feel so foolish inside. Soitz, who cursed me and Evening Fai with non-nationals behind the auditorium, looked familiar to one of the white clothes who came to sell the fight. The other day, they cursed "vulgar people who worked for His Highness Ignitol" and attacked them without question. When His Highness Ignitol signed up for an engagement to Shintaro, it was shown on television that we had come forward to block the way to Shintaro, but he didn't care what he did. Since when has Japan become a country that fanatically worships and worships the royal family? I knew they were radical enough to blow up even during such questioning and mild irony. Because while they're all over town, they make a grand mess of me... surrounding us with multiple people and beating us up is new to my memory. Early on, they put Gibbs and a bandage on his right arm and it was these guys who got to hang him from his shoulder. When Shintaro asked me about the injury, he deceived me into saying, "I beat the crap out of my dick," but when I get here with these guys' perseverance, I'm so muscled that I won't be dealing with the crap out of them. When I saw the figure of the white clothes in the auditorium of St. Illis School, the simmering rage boiled down but twisted there with reason. That's the same for Evening Fai, and I didn't want to worry about Shintaro. Even though he noticed us, he didn't show his hand on the spot... but after the recital, he was involved. "What you're doing while wearing a beautiful white uniform is an act of black violence. Which Yankee High School people? Sewing into Evening Fai's words is obvious provocation and frustration. It's rare for this guy and instantly grasps why he's making things a rough haul. I haven't been friends with Evening Fai for a long time. "It's no use pretending you don't know. Your disrespect for His Highness Ignitol is known to the students of the Royal School of Japan." That's right. It is the students of a special college called the Royal Japanese Academy that is plunging the fight. We didn't even know this school existed until recently, but if we were the ones who got hurt, we wouldn't be looking into it. Not to mention, you can't be interested in an institution that might have something to do with the person you proposed to Shintaro. As a result, what I found out about the Royal Japanese Academy was that it was a school attended by an elite Japanese reserve. It was a prestigious school where boys and girls who would hold great power in the future, such as the great corporations, the treasurer's chief cadet, and the leading political courtier, were gathered. Of course, it is the royal family, the so-called imperial family, at the apex of Japan today that separates the operation of that school. Those are troublesome bastards. Against those guys, Evening Fai is actively urging them to make a case. That's because this is the property of St. Illis School. "As those who revere the Emperor Ignitol, non-citizens like you cannot be missed" "When I say there are non-citizens, you see. You've gathered so much will, haven't you? Twelve in number. Men dressed in crisp, wrinkle-free, pure white uniforms. Such an adult number of students at the Royal School of Japan will not be free if they make an incident within this St. Iris School, at the knees of the influential "Rainbow Goddess (Arco Iris)" Church worldwide. Well, their top emperor has officially stated that he will coordinate with the Church of St. Britain. Try to wake me up here in a violent shack, while that's the situation. The tide is inevitable that "Royal School of Japan" is a dangerous facility for thugs to attend. "You guys, I know you're harassing us like this for wanting Shintaro to join Yankee High School, but I don't think it's worth it, huh? Shintaro's wife snuck up on me the other day and told me that Shintaro was going to be in a position to be integrated into these guys' schools. Of course, this is an off-the-record story for Shintaro. The problem is that the Royal Japanese Academy is an all-door system. I don't like being unable to attend the same school as Shintaro. Besides, there's no way you could have chosen to keep him in a facility you don't know how to handle. What a request that the royal family wants to spend time in the same study hall as the future bridesmaid candidate. I guess Daitaro's aim is to soothe the people close to Shintaro and threaten to sedate their radical actions if Shintaro admits to the "Royal Japanese School". What you're doing is really no different from the kind of blackmail you're doing there. A few of the guys who were beaten up without question the other day obviously had a peculiar ability to be called 'talented (holder)'. There will be a good chance this time. Me and Evening Fai are probably faster or tougher than normal people, or stronger in arms. If the status in the game hadn't been reflected in real life motor nerves and abilities, me and Evening Fai wouldn't have had just one arm fracture. As far as the guys who can stay on this scene without a thing, even though they acted in a way that could be a criminal case... did they use considerable social power to crush their sins? We talked about the damage report, the compensation, etc. being paid over here and hit in juvie... but I guess that's what makes me look so flat in front of us, such as bail being paid a lot. He said he was in a position to be forgiven no matter how many times he finally did it...... Then you just have to let them know it's no use doing it again and again. "No matter how many times you do a dick job, it's no use, okay? "What about that...? One of the white clothes creates an atmosphere that one might argue with when I read the aim, but it's the partner next door who cuts it and throws it away. "No matter how much you Yankees attacked us, if you look at the recital that Shintaro presented earlier, you'll see the results." One of the concerns was resolved. In the case of the "Royal School of Japan", there was some anxiety as to whether the Church side of the "Rainbow Goddess (Arco Iris)" would protect Shintaro (Tsutaro)... In an earlier speech, to see the reaction of the faithful and the reaction of the great men of the Church of England who were on the spot, it was possible to perceive Shintaro's position within the Church as valuable. Because he was treated like a saint. So the Church will let go of such saints with ease, or not. The Church of St. Illis is also a suspicious enough organization, but it would be better than handing over Shintaro to the imperial family, the "Royal School of Japan", who at least allow such violent action. More importantly, under the shelter of the Church, Shintaro will be able to live the life he has always lived with us. Fight the great forces with great force. I use what's available. Now, all we have to do is impress the "Rainbow Goddess (Arco Iris)" church side that "The Royal School of Japan" is a radical schoolhouse, and remove Shintaro from their thoughts in the name of church protection. "Hey, here. I guess you're ready, you weak bastards." I know you originally planned to get your hands on it from over there, but I'm gonna provoke you to do that, too. If it's inevitable, there's no other way to take it in the right direction. The only concern is that this will be passed on to Shintaro. Honestly, I didn't want him to know that we were being followed by troublesome people. I don't want to worry about it. But there are limits to what we can do personally. Naturally, but the bigger the opponent, the narrower the options you can take. So now...... there is no other way to kass the power of the Church and take the stuffiness here in a good direction. Honestly, I regret it, but it's important that we clear up what we can do one by one. "Ready? It's this way to ask if you're ready." "Oh, I forgot to tell you. I'm here with Mitsumishi, his famous Mitsumishi Heavy Industries Sousuke. I mean, it's a trail, right? Evening Fai twists her neck about what she wants to say to the white clothes with Nitanita and a lowly grin. Unlike my questionable best friend, my heartbeat jumps piquely when I'm named Sanami Heavy Industries. "You, you there. Is his name Higurashi? And your father, Ichiya, happens to work for a subsidiary of Mitsumi Heavy Industries, right? "Now, what happens if this Mitsumishi asks his father to fire a man who serves as a subsidiary in exchange for increasing the volume of transactions with a subsidiary? What outrageous people they are. As my head gets hateful and hot, I hear a voice desperately suppressing myself to calm down. "One of those subsidiaries weighs enormous profits and one man on the scale, and to which do they weigh in fulfillment? "That's why. If you don't want your father's job to shake your financial life base, you get it? Sunset night? "There's only one thing you can do for your father desperately supporting you with your pathetic single fathers, for your lovely brother, for your family" "Keep an eye out for a lot of people there this time (...)" Oh, my God, what rotten people with sexual roots. These people... people who threaten and suppress people with power are the people responsible for the future of Japan? Don't be ridiculous... don't be ridiculous! A burning rage rages wildly inside, driven by the urge to still jump and ramble around... but to beat them up, my left arm just trembled and didn't move. "Wow... Yuki, I can't help you with anything this time..." A pitiful word speaks the opposite of the heart. I was struggling to see if I could do something for my best friend, but I didn't know this would get brittle if they took my family as a shield. Like ridiculing my powerlessness like that, the white guys approach me step by step. "Shake the night, never mind. These guys, I don't care if I'm alone. - Grr." One of the white clothes that relentlessly punches his fists into the encouraging Evening Fai. Guerraggera and laughter, sanctions for non-citizens! screaming, one kick after another assault is repeated. "Eh, it's not a habit for one of these guys" "Shh! Is this guy 'talented (holder)' too!? It's hard!" "What, those defiant eyes! I will teach you thoroughly that your identity is the same as that of a livestock! "Whoa, you're losing momentum? "Grab it there! Yes, you can't move! The desperate struggle was also muddled, and Evening Fai was strangled with feathers by more than four male students. And it started with a beating of belly bread. You're just starting to make a scene, and I eat my teeth off at the sidelines of irrelevant people gathering around me. Damn, someone call the police...... "Hey! You guys! What are you doing in a sacred study house!? The voice of a young woman sounds abruptly, not like a place where violence swirls. If everyone, including me, looked at the girl, it would have been a girl elementary school who had a tunkened attitude to Shintaro earlier. Are you sure... your name was Kiiko? Is she desperately suppressing her fears, with her legs shaking slightly? Before the violence, which I still can't see, I was trying to get healthy into arbitration. Grab a bottle of water in your hand that was presented at the recital earlier. Apparently, it's a miracle that creates its own water sword, and you're trying to put this place away... but it's pointless for them to be violent without hesitation. "Run, call the police." "Hey livestock man! Who told you to talk!? The warning to her is hit hard on the horizontal side and interrupted naggingly. "Dude, is this church just a bunch of idiots who can't grasp their position? "What will the Holy Royal Family summon to the land of Japan in a manner that is permitted for your faith to exist" "Shut the fuck up, kid! One of the white clothes rushed over faster than Kiiko put out a water sword. And then I kicked my abdomen up as much as I wanted. My head turns white in front of her. Yeah, these guys did something they shouldn't have done. I felt like I was shooting my fist out at the idiot next door. "Stop it! That kid won't matter! Evening Fai raises a voice of restraint. "Bear with it, it's okay," he said, and the police should be here in a while to hear this noise. That's what my best friend's eyes told me, and he seemed to convince me there was nothing left to lose. I hold a fist that trembles gently before the will of my best friend. But they don't stop. In response to Evening Fai's words, the guys who were suppressing Evening Fai's body start smiling creepy. "What? This guy is more worried about other people than he is about himself." "Night flirting, that kind of thing." "I'll spare you that hypocrisy, and I'll give you a break just to crush your beautiful face" A bunch of fists to be shaken. One shot at a time pierces deep into Evening Fai's abdomen. Every time, my best friend doesn't come along and gives me a distressed look. It was Evening Glow who endured the pain and penetrated an attitude of never giving in, but at last the violent nature moved to a different place. "Ha-ha. It's the hardest thing for a non-citizen who hasn't taken up a position like you." That said, one of the white clothes began to punch Evening Fai in the face. Violence stacked with one, two or three shots. But Evening Fai doesn't shake the strength of her gaze when she thinks about me showing off her group lynching. Besides, 'I'm fine' is enough to turn a small grin on this one forcefully. I just sensed that the people around me who saw this commotion have already called the police, but no help has come yet. Damn, the police... not yet!? I can't believe my best friend gets beat up... I just can't believe I'm watching. Besides, you can only rely on someone else... damn it! Too much remorse, the taste of iron from the bitten lips. I'm sure Evening Fai will be spreading many times my darker flavor all over its mouth. That makes me grip so hard that nature and my fingers are about to smash. "What, this guy. Not too sturdy? "Hey, is this okay to hit me? A bottle of carbonated drinking water was what the white clothes that threw up the disturbing dialogue had in their hands. And two. "So-" Wait a minute for that! It'll be dangerous! And, faster than my suppression, the murder weapon was slapped down on Yuehui's head. The bottle is shattered and scattered around. "Grr..." Evening glow crumbles and falls with pain and shock. White clothes that echo it and make a humble spiral laugh in unison. A string of red lines runs from head to jaw, of heavily bottled Evening Glow. Bleeding. Obviously, I couldn't stay in a business beyond the boundaries of a fight. "Sounds painful, oh one more shot! Whoa, whoa, whoa! "Geez... ku, ha..." You're too dangerous! It's not a dimension my family can say anymore. Finally, I jumped forward to explode what I had been enjoying. You guys, I can't do this for free. "Whoa, whoa! First, we'll tackle each other physically for the guys who restrain Evening Fai. He couldn't seem to cope with my surprise attack, punching his fist quickly into his defenseless face. And then... "Gu." Intense pain is screwed in the right cheek. Beating me in the cheek was the right fist of a particularly good Gatai man in white clothes. He's a few centimeters taller than me, but he's a lot wider than me. I eat a punch that weighs enough and fluff it. If you look at Evening Fai, you seem to have managed to be released from custody. With one arm hanging in a bandage, it made sense to get bumped out. That's the same for me, with a fist rush of multiple people sucking into my shoulders, chest, belly, feet, and face. As remorse preceded pain, we were ravaged in the name of violence. "Guh...... Damn, let's" Blunt pain hits my whole body and fills my surroundings with unpleasant laughter and screams. In the meantime, there's a sharp scream that rips everything apart. One Rin voice sounds abruptly. "Mine! What are you doing to my best friends! My vision clouded with anger. But the silver light that awakens makes me clear in an instant. Its presence, though small, is immense. Our best friend, who turned into a silver-haired girl, came to help us. "I won't forgive you..." Shura, while he has the expression of poking at his angry hair heaven that can be said to be. Shintaro's guy was divine and beautiful. Oh, shit. I can't believe the day is coming when he looks so dazzled. I punched one of my white clothes out like I was waving a hot thing in my head.
The day after the 'Fairy Ball', which was a series of wars and surprises. I woke up early, had a light breakfast (cupmen), and cleaned and washed the apartment. After the summer vacation, I was immersed in the Clan Clan for ten days in a cold room where I let the cooler benefit the cancer. He was living a life of utter self-depravity. The clothes I took off are left scattered. The stuff I ate, it's mainly just cupmen, but that container stays put in a plastic bag and left alone. Plus, by the way, the end of the day the trash is falling off. "Hmmm...... still, dirty" Yeah. Let me make an excuse first, it's been hard to cook since I became this little body, and it's been hard to do laundry. So glad the Cupmen Only event was easy. I didn't have to wash the clothes I was wearing since I became this body to smell otherwise sweaty, so I didn't mind leaving them on the floor as they were. That's why. To the chores I was skipping during the summer vacation, I asked if I was desperately engaged this morning. The answer is simple. Because in an hour, my sister will come to the house. "At this pace, don't make it..." If my sister sees this status quo, she decides that she can't live alone with me and has the possibility of sitting here forever. Even with such a body, as always, we must show that we can live. "I wish I could get a passing score" My sister in the Clan Clan was quite relentless, but I think she was still overprotective when I got within sight. I mean my sister like that. If you see me, I'm afraid I'm going to tell you I'm not going back to my apartment. The college my sister attends is far from here, so it's going to be annoying. As was the case at the ball, thanks to the fairies' accompaniment, my sister had blinded herself to me after all the attention, preventing weird people from approaching me. I appreciate it a lot there, but I'd like to be a little reluctant to get the same thing done in real life. "A lot, you can afford it..." A grunt that I was forced to utter to myself, distracting myself from a certain thought. "Now you don't have to worry about anything." Words to yourself that are not directed at anyone are in the washing machine's 'Peppy!' was cancelled in the notice of completion of the washing. Hold a laundry basket containing clothes that have been washed, gripping both hands that are about to tremble. Go out onto the veranda and reach for a hanger hung from a raised dry object. But now that my height has shrunk, it's hard for me to say that I can grasp it safely. Something like stretching out and arriving or not. "Ha..." Even a bad injury before meeting my sister would make the story unnecessarily complicated. I sigh, dragging the table my sister Michelle used when she was a little girl directly beneath me to dry her feet. And reach for the hanger again. "No more. We can't postpone this." I took the hanger with the desire to consolidate my resolve and deliver something important into this hand. Until my sister arrived, I did my chores quietly. ―――― ―――― He said that he was doing a final check on the house where he had become a little beautiful enough to be sure it would be okay for his sister to come. "Ping-Poon!" Housekeeper, nice to meet you. I react pickly to the sound of the intercom informing visitors. Then slowly approach the monitored phone and take the receiver. The monitor provided in front of the front door reflected the unmistakable appearance of my sister. My sister, with her carry bag in her right hand, had her hair on her left hand unconstructively. Unlike the ponytail hairstyles in the game, my sister with long grated hair has more of a clean, clean and white flair than a clear pity. I remembered a little freshness for a little sister change. My sister in high school said, 'Because school rules are strict, I'm just tying my long hair. At work, it can't be easy to cut,' I often remembered. That's how I've been keeping my ponytail. I wonder how much my sister has changed since I went to college. Familiar ponytail to straight long. I just saw such a minor change. The receiver I was holding was slipping out of my sight. Again, the inorganic sound of the interphone echoing back into the quiet room. My body can't move even if I know with my head that I should respond to something or I have to go unlock it. Like I just had feelings for my sister's slight change. My sister must think of something when she sees me. My sister sees my changes and I'm terribly scared of how the hell they'll react. Until now, the lid, desperately containing those emotions, was about to disintegrate easily. "Taro? He's not here? Speaking over the intercom, my sister on the screen strapped her neck to the shadow. After twisting or knocking on the door knob, he took something out of the carriage back like a hundred million bucks. The key to our match. We don't have much time. My sister is inserting the key and turning her hand to the knob. Should I be locked in my room? Until just now, I was firmly prepared to make up my mind that if the wind blows, it would turn off the lights. Step back so you can be stirred up by the anxiety of smearing your mind black. "Gachari" The door opens. Thore is supposed to be a small sound, but it has sounded somewhat louder in my ear than it would have been in the illusion of being echoed in a cave. "I'm home." Hearing my sister's voice coming from the front door over my back, I sneak into my room and close the door. "Phew..." Lean against the door and exhale deeply. Weird sweat is out of the ordinary. The feeling of the door on my back is chilled out, and it gives me a strange sense of discomfort. Listening to the sound of Gasagoso and some sister messing around in the living room, I close my eyes and rebel against my sister's actions and actions so far. My sister covered for me whenever she wanted. I'm sure my sister had an idea since the day we first played together within the clan clan that I was having something to worry about. That's a good example of what I've been doing as a 'good boy, good boy' in elementary school. Always, Rin, a little scared, but a very warm sister. Such a sister, not in the game, but right from the side, separated a door. We should have to face it. I'm fine. My sister should be fine. I recite the words I have said to myself many times in my chest, putting my strength to my lower abdomen. I slapped both cheeks with a punch of my hand to further my temper. You reacted to that sound, across the door, from the living room. "Taro? Are you there? Were you asleep? To my sister's inquiry, I drank my spit. I stepped on that if I was hesitant any more, I would look back at the door, turn the door knob vigorously, and push. My sister was on her knees and was about to take something out of her carry bag. The door in my room opened, so naturally, my gaze moved from hand to hand. At first, maybe. I think you saw my legs, my toes. And to the knees, hips, hands, chest and arms, neck. Slowly up from the bottom. At least for me, I felt like I'd been watching me for long enough to be forever. At the end of the day, my sister's black eyes were pointed at my face. "Ta," My sister opened her mouth once, but quickly tied it tight to the letter. And then slowly start observing me again, the silver-haired girl. There was a glimmer of fear in that expression. I quickly came to that answer as to why my sister had such feelings. At the same time, it made me sad. A strange girl is in the house of her own accord at her parents' house who has been home for a long time, and besides, it is natural to be suspicious when she comes out of her brother's room. Even my sister is a woman at first, and it's reasonable to be scared. Besides, if that figure was grossly similar to my brother's character that I had seen on a daily basis in the game, I would have a fear gushing out. I know. I know, but I couldn't help but suppress the whirlpool of emotions that pushed me over, and even though I hadn't been able to explain anything to my sister, salt water was unfortunately about to overflow from my eyes. "Taro...? But thanks to the words that were inadvertently uttered by my sister, I stomped at the critical point. "Uh... Taro from the game is here now, I mean, it's Taro there" And then he bumps and asks himself, and jeez, he stares at me like a hole. And my sister stood up and approached me step by step. "One, I have a question for Taro" The sister poked her knee (knee) into her eyes to reassure the young child and inquired in a soft tone. I was so happy that my sister decided it was' me 'before she asked the question, I couldn't stop the liquid from coming out of my eyes and my nose. My sister, who has broken through so clammy, gets so thankful that she can't say it all in words. And I cried with no sound like this since I made an accusation against Mr. Miyano Uchi. I mean, I cried just ten days and twice there. Still, this time I stared back at my sister without worrying because it was not misery or cut or remorse, but salt water drooling that came from the feeling of pure joy. "Hey, hey... hey, sister (ah)" And the voice that finally squeezed out was trembling at the tremor. But I think it should have reached my sister's ear. "Taro, in my memory, is a little taller... No, he may be saying weird things, but never mind." Bad toothed rhetoric, as if something was caught in the back teeth. My sister is also desperate, I guess, to tour her thoughts not to be confused. The wonder that you can calmly see your sister the other way because you are exposing her to impudence as much as you can no longer do. While my sister, I'm impressed with how well she can handle it so calmly without even panicking. "So, you know... Taro is cute, of course, but, uh, what? According to my memory, Taro was supposed to be a boy, but is that what you call a misremembering? After all, she was my sister who threw up some confusing dialogue.
Stories Blood Wet Alchemist Although I was determined to protect you, I have traveled back and forth several times on the road. I mean, it's a familiar path, you know? I also wore the "Visitor's Cover (Visor)", and it's more reasonable to take a little sampling than it can be removed by the curse. "Mr. Twa, look at this grass. This is where the potion comes from." If I showed 'Weed', Mr. Twa jumped to the topic as surprised. "What, really? I always buy potions that NPC sells because the potions traded in" Bounty Neck and Auction (Wonted) "are expensive... Speaking of which, Talo, your potions seemed so handy...? "Hmm. As a matter of fact, if you convert this weed to the top without any kind of transformation..." Clean Grass (Clear Leaf) can be formed and "Purified Water" can be made if mixed with "Sewage", a failure of "Water". Here, the liver is deliberately using the failures. If it is synthesized with the "nucleus of the slime" in the finish, the tears (potion) of emerald (emeral) can be made. Though I was going to tell you such a backstory, my explanation gets blocked (whispered) at the beginning. "Dude, 'Weed' is the garbage material that's out on the market eso" "If you can make a potion that sells nearly 00 eso like that, anyone can get rich." "Don't blow the crap out of Mr. Twa because he's oblivious to material relationships." "I've seen a lot of things because you're a kid, but you're not a good liar." "Top conversion in the first place... is alchemy famous for its garbage skills" "You're such a shame... shall I bless your brothers with something? Let's give poor child mercenaries (players) some charity, what a heartfelt muck to male mercenaries (players) who appeal to kindness... I was familiar with the fact that the image of 'alchemy' is not fragrant, so I'll deal with it calmly. "It's bad for you guys, so it's okay." "Oh, my God, you're such a cute guy" "I wish I'd taken it honestly" "The level is higher than ours, so you took into account only one." "Well, well, I get so annoyed with the kid." What an unhappy grunt. I'm just a little disgusted with the faces. Though Shaking Night (so on) was foolish to say occasionally, 'There are uncomfortable people who treat only female players so they don't sneak up on male players they meet for the first time'... I see, maybe these people fit into that kind of case a little bit. I thought some of those people were like other HRs when I heard them, but there was actually something so painful when I could do it. I actively go to female mercenaries (players) all over the city, but I don't even look at male mercenaries (players). I guess having such people is also a unique phenomenon for nettles. "Hey, guys... just now Taro, I don't feel good for you, do I? Tallo, I don't think you're lying, and I don't think that's a good idea." Thanks for following me, Twa. Somehow, I took a ride and I showed him, "Once this is what I just said, [Emerald (Emerald) Tears] in the potion..." and he said, "Don't make fun of what I bought from a player," or "You're the type I've never seen. Come on. Didn't you make a deal at a high price? 'And it's totally awesome, and it kind of draws my feelings in. Maybe the more Mr. Twa shelters me, the more they feel like they're gonna get mad at me, too. "Mr. Twa and Mr. Tallo, you two are close, aren't you?" "Be jealous of your kids" "It's not funny, but, well, is it safer to have more people? Even so, it's alchemy kids, so you can't expect it as a force of war." "More than that, if we keep going straight, we'll be right at Ignistra? Uh... I'm pretty sure if we straighten out around here, it's the shortest course to Ignitra. Who would leave a course that seemed to pass by such a crowded group, especially a mercenary (player) who would be the first to go to Ignistra, in a world where PvP would travel? Information from everyone in The Hundred Rides of Night says there's a cool chance you'll encounter Ignistra's first glance hunt. "Straight down this road, you may encounter a group of people ambushing mercenaries (players). I think it would be safer to travel around to the right." "Ambush, is that solid information? "I'm definitely not necessarily here..." "A detour to the right... you're a forest. Aren't those monsters boiling? "When it comes to processing it one way or another, don't give it time." "This is a 5 person party, and you can handle it in case you get caught up in PvP" Apparently, it's negative for my opinion. And the number of people at the party is Mr. Twa and me, four male mercenaries (players). I mean, it's supposed to be a six-party for all of us... but do I treat it like an out-of-power notice? "I think you should go from the forest to the right, Taro, as you say. You're the only one who's ever been to Ignistra, right, Taro? The only one who affirmed me was Mr. Twa. "If Mr. Twa says so, shall we decide by majority vote?" But even she couldn't stop the flow. That's how we decided to take the shortest route. My words don't deserve credit. The cause of that being judged was clear. That's a simple status to look at when you put together a PT. Talo Lv8 HP 101 MP230 Twa Lv7 HP 240MP80 Gohangott Lv7 HP 270 MP65 Sizka Masiro Lv7 HP 140 MP180 Hiroki Lv7 HP 340 MP46 to Birotai Lv7 HP 200 MP110 I'm at the top of the level but my HP is significantly lower. Since that half-sided MP is expensive with the benefit of the gear, I naturally decided it was a magic job, except for Mr. Twa. And then I said, "What kind of magic abilities can I use? It was inevitable that they would ask, 'I don't have magic skills,' and when I answered honestly, I was turned to the eyes of suspicion in unison. "MP up, but you haven't mastered magic skills..." "Shit, you don't know the basics? "You've been raised to 8 levels a lot..." "I knew you were a jerk" I'm totally sorry I got treated like a kid. It was also not impossible for them to judge me that way. Because they also seem to be researching it well enough for them, and the party balance was an orthodox yet robust formation. First, he plays Mr. Twa, who has the rare skill of a monster mediator (Tame), and Mr. Hiroki, who has a high HP, plays the role of shield. Mr. Gohangod is a melee and can cover both mid-range attacks and healers. And Mr. Sizkamashiro, who has a high MP, has the role of Mage (Castor). By the way, Mr. Twa seems to be lurking five bat-shaped monsters in his shadow called "The Dark Night's (Dark) Family (Bad)" as companions. It's only natural for me to get underrated because I can organize a party so responsive. Blue White, I explained the fact that I could fight with you and the summons of the Wind Fairy Hu, but I was overwhelmed with "I've never heard of such summoning abilities" and "It's probably good to look good". Even if Mr. Twa follows me, everyone will be half-hearted... and here I am in an evil mood to be confrontational and call hu etc, so I softly tried to keep the MP warm... that's fine if the enemy doesn't show up, and I'll save my strength for when I'm attacked. What a casual thought, but I knew something had happened that I was concerned about. It happened about five minutes later at points such as arrival in Ignistra, the capital of thunder flames. Both ends of the road are surrounded by tall woods, prompting vigilance that this is a great place to ambush them, but saying, 'Are you some kind of mercenary (player) coming this far to attack you? The men dance to the fact that new cities can be seen at a distance. Whether the tension has gone up or their deviant emotions have made PT a slight run. That somewhat brave leg became a factor that soaked itself in the trap. "Ah?" First of all, it was Mr. Hiroki who raised the question abruptly. We saw Mr. Hiroki sink as a shield leading the way with clarity. "What!? This, what!? Starting with Mr. Hiroki, upset runs to this party formation. An emergency situation where your lower body sinks to the ground and it's as if you've been tangled up in a swamp. Second, Mr. Gohangod, who was running forward, also made sure he fell off one leg and stuck it in the swamp, no longer disfigured and buried half to his face. End of story. The person in need of this defense and melee was instantly restricted from moving. "This sucks! What's going on!? It was in the Ignitol Inheritance War that I made a small trap that was devastated by the fort's defense. I could immediately predict that it was a familiar magic, a stand-alone activated form of 'marination'. Although it was a massive magic then to simultaneously activate a swamp planted in several places by several operators to generate a large swamp, this time it is probably a stand-alone activation. Still, it easily deprived two mercenaries (players) of their liberty, so it can be said that it is a powerful trap-shaped magical ability. "Pull it quick! "Help me! "I'm gonna help you now, so wait! Hey, stop! Once we try to help a mercenary (player) get into the swamp, we can sink ourselves. If you have time to do that, you should be vigilant and defensive in the left and right woods. "Be more vigilant in the woods than help! After all, my scream only reaches Mr. Twa, and Mr. Tai rushes to help Mr. Gohangod to take on a medium-range attack and recovery role. Mercenaries (players) pop up from left to right, not to mention waiting there. All four enemy mercenaries (players) possess long spears, and of course the cutting-edge aim is Mr. Gohangod and Mr. Tai. I can only go around behind my back, even if I can predict. Even though I remember my helplessness, I quickly activated Dominator of Dolls. Strain the 'guide thread' in both hands and awaken the 'Snow Princess of White Blue (Hakusei)' from her sleep. "I'm calling you, Ka - Lord Ma." Blue white tongue that instantly manifests itself behind my back while fogging the ice grains of silver foil around me. Asking her, I nod silently and hand over the "Guide Thread" to get the "Ice Flower" abilities activated. Although I was honestly anxious to see which was faster... I was sure that the enemy's spearhead, which was about to pierce the two allies, had stopped and managed to make it. With a single hair, Blue White Tan's "Ice Flowers" blossomed at the feet of spear-held enemy mercenaries (players), causing the movement to stop completely. "Oh, you saved me? "We, eh? "No way, Taro, take this..." "Suddenly a beautiful girl showed up!? For the first time, a group of fellow male mercenaries (players) stared at me and Blue White Tan alternately, turning their eyes round. Strictly say to such an outspoken ally that I don't have time for that. "The battle is coming! Attack the four spears who have sealed their movements." The battle is not over yet. The only person who moved quickly into my words was Mr. Twa, who seemed to wave the munchies in her hand and target the mercenaries (players) on the right whose knees were frozen by 'Ice Flowers'. The whip that reaches out of her hand becomes and strikes two mercenaries (players) brilliantly in one swing. The magician (caster) class Sizcamasillo finally went into chanting a few seconds after that, but that's too slow a decision. Besides, if you follow his gaze, your aim is to brace Mr. Twa and the two spear-held mercenaries (players) on the left. Plus the "Silver Fox Ear" on my head captures the tall sound that enlightens me about the crisis of physical attack. Something seems to be approaching in a linear fashion. Its sound trajectory draws a straight line much earlier than the magical activation, sounding the omen with Kivin. The answer to that identity would be a bow and arrow. A quick attack will destroy the chance to fight back because of this one. If that kind of soul gall looks transparent, only prepend the arrow's orbit with sound. Only one thing that bothered me was that "Silver Fox Ear" picked up a different roar than any other treble. So leave the Blue White Tan on the spot, and I'll be the only one running. The accuracy of flying arrows is never high. I approach the spear-held mercenary (player) on the left as I accurately identify the sounding area and move to the point where it will not be shot. To match the aim of Mr. Sizkamashiro, a magician (caster). Disconnect the 'guide thread' at the same time as the enemy, and grip the knife pattern with its hands. Shine a shining blade on the thin gold hidden from the hem of the robe, and I will be struck with a single mercenary (player) to kill for sure. "Time Rain Red Cherry Blossom (Bezakura)" The red cherry blossoms scattered like, and the red fat muscle poured down more heavily (no) than the upper part. Knife Abilities that usually give you 0 or 5 times more power than an attack about 5 to 7 times are sure to sharpen the HP of enemy mercenaries (players). Then a metal sound sounds playing something with Kin more than behind his back. Turning around, it was the sound of a blue-white tan knocking down several arrows. Because I can't have such a perfect artistic discipline, I was right to leave her to protect Mr. Sizcamasillo, and I knew it would work as expected. It was also between the bundles that I was so relieved that I could not hide my surprise at the sight that followed. One large spear, a blue-white once that played all the arrows, had been shot out with a meteor-red light than the back of the forest. If you realize it, it's a flash, and you think you've caught that speed with your eyes, it's already arrived. He was so overwhelmingly fast that he illusioned him. The spearhead, which was dozens of times more powerful than the arrow, pierced Snow Princess of White Blue (Hakusei), had been stopped with one of her right hands. If it wasn't Blue White who took that one, it's easy to predict that he would have been killed in one blow. I was lucky enough to pull out a means of attack that would be the enemy's deciding factor, but now I can't move the Blue White Tan poorly. She's the only one with a defense on that throwing spear. At this time, I want to ensure that one person kills enemy combat power through Mr. Sizkamashiro's magic attacks. "Damn, I'm sorry... it's a failure" Apparently, he failed to solve the chanting problem presented, and Mr. Sizcamasillo failed to activate the magic. In that case, the war situation is quite unfavourable. I can't decide enough to fight back, and Tai is sinking one foot in the swamp by going to help Mr. Gohangod without asking my stop. Moreover, the swamp group is unable to move and is also damaged by arrows. Disappear the Ice Flower at the feet of four enemy spears, and all Melee enemy mercenaries (players) are free. Once I get back to the Blue White Tan, prepare for a war analysis and the next enemy attack. "There are at least 4 + 4 enemies..." "Talo, what do you want..." Mr. Twa makes an uneasy voice. That should be it too. Substantially, I get a headache with the eight-to-three schematics. No, there's a blue-white tan here, so it's eight to four. I don't want to keep the Blue White Tang, the key to attack and defense, away from us as much as possible. If there's anything I can do... "Blue White, come right back with a blow away" "Yi Ni......" What you should be wary of is that throwing spear. Bet on the reading that there must be dozens of seconds until the next recast time to give that much power and speed. However, even if I make full use of the Blue White Tan, this battle power will be easily shredded. "Guh." Being a recovering position, Tai has no art of fighting back, and is pierced by three protruding spears to scatter Kill Effects. One of the spears was beaten up by Blue White Tan and although he fed him a blow kill, this one is no different than being chased. This move is defensive with sporadic bow attacks, and besides, the enemy is hiding in the woods and is not in position. I don't know where to aim to fight back...... The spears are also afraid of the firepower of the Blue White Tan, staying just to harness the long reach and tow it with Chimatima, occasionally ticking off the swamp group. "It's annoying..." While the enemy's tactics are still in play, it is also troublesome to see the debuff of the Visitor's Mask (Visor) and the slightly dimmer vision. Finally after half an hour, I immediately remove my mask and endure it while dealing with defenses to bows and arrows flying in with the Blue White Tan. "Both of you, avoid it over here! Without "Silver Fox Ears," the arrows would have been slammed and killed, but I would have managed to take advantage of the benefit of being able to prepend the physical attack's orbit to repeat Mr. Sizkamashiro's and Mr. Twa's induction into the safe zone. Unpreventable arrows are left to the Blue White Tan to deal with, but I can't keep this going forever. "What, Taro, you're a girl......" Ah! Sizkamashiro, the sorcerer who is the outline of the favor... for some reason the magic activation seems to have failed again this time. He's in a panic, but his gaze is nailed to me, and I can't see the bare gesture of throwing up the next magic chant. I can't seem to expect any more from him that I'm bringing, so it seems that me and Mr. Twa, we have to do something about it because it's blue white. "It's a waste, but I'll give it a try..." Then retrieve one item from the inventory. It was produced in Herbarium Savannah, a longtime botanist [Blood Wet Permanent Bottle (Blood Glass)]. Ice flowers produced by Blue White Tan are sealed and filled with blood, "Light Fluid of the Moon Monster Tree," to keep its freshness permanently. The outfit is exactly a plant specimen, but the virus generated internally is quite dangerous. [Colour Bacteria (Virus)/Frozen Color (Platier)] [Infectious power: 7] [Reproductive power: 3] [Adaptability: 2] In the end, of the three attempts to produce colored bacteria (Saiki) on a trial basis, only one virus grew well. But the effect is enormous, and once infected, it should be easy to override this situation. "That's why I'm so poignant." That beautiful bottle, slipping off my hand, crashed into the ground and split wide open. Of course, the colored bacteria that bred inside were freed from Blood Glass, a closed world. Now, if there's only one problem, it's going to be difficult to take advantage of this colored fungus. I'm going to try that out, so I'm going to activate a new ability. "-" Heavenly Ball Hungry for Colored Bacteria "-" Then what do you think? There are ripples more than voids, and a single conductor drips right next to me from its center point. The tip had a light bulb. Ripples then occur one after the other, and one becomes two, three, and four, and the number of colored bacteria leaking from the [bloodwet permanent bottle (Brad Glass)] into the atmosphere is increased and increased as nutrients. "What are you? Abilities I've never seen." "A bulb hanging from the air......? Oh, come on, it keeps growing." "Be careful! Something's coming! Step back so the Spear Mercenaries (players) can be more alert. That should be it, too, and I would look terribly strange right now. Several lights hung from heaven. A suspiciously bright bulb spreads innumerably behind me. That number slightly exceeds thirty. "I'm sorry, but from now on, this is gonna be my lab." Of course, our allies, excluding Mr. Twa, are also subject to experimentation. If Friendly Fire is possible as to whether [Colour Bacteria (Virus)/Frozen Color (Platier)] is harmful to PT members, it can be a valuable data (sample) for future PT battles. "Now it's time for a pandemic infection." It seemed to me that the enemy and his allies were a little overwhelmed.
Before I knew what was going on, I was transferred to the glowing stage with Klarus. And in the meantime, I left myself to the powerful songs played by Luluz and the others, and I was able to dance brilliantly with George. That's a lie. Hi. I can't dance. I'm pathetically ashamed of myself on the screen. And there were a lot of people, so I got nervous. "Shvidubah ♪ Shvidubah bah bah bah bah ♪" The miniscao cama maid performs a crisp dance to the songs of Luluz and the others. With a weird hanging voice. In time, George's pretense became the perfect thing to attract Clarus, the idol. You're a pro! You're a backdancer! Speaking of gibberish, all I could do was dance to rhythm appropriately, like a robot. Vienna, Gashan...... Vienna. Here we go, robot dance. No......? Luluz reaches out to me with her cheeks loose while holding the microphone in one hand like that. If I somehow held that hand back, I'd be smiling so cute that my hips were about to crumble, and I'd blow away nervousness and much more. Wiwie Vienna Gasha Gashan ♪ Wi, wi! Let's go hard tonight! Heeha! Glittering Luluz takes my hand, I just fall in love with her. After all, it's just an idol and it's super cute. Nature and my mouth are getting worse, and I no longer stare at Luluz as if I had become a pervert. Awww, and I think I've made some bonsai moves. Oh, that's fun. Thanks, Luluz. We can't have a conversation because we're live, but if we had a proper eye for Luz at the mundane moment, we somehow felt like we were communicating each other's feelings. 'Suddenly......... sorry, Taro... did it bother you? "Surprised! But I was happy. ' 'Enjoy it... I hope' 'Things are amazing. I'm having fun! Wi! Vienna! I think it's a lot like this. Or, Luluz, you can send an amazing natural smile to everyone in the venue. As much as he said he wasn't good at making expressions, the grin boasted a superb pretty-face that made the man melt away badly. Hasn't this also become a very effective 'Klarus' publicity? Must have got more fans. It will be a topic of discussion, albeit in-game. The mercenaries (players) who are not here will be unfortunate. While respecting Luluz, who does her job well, she increases and increases the speed of robotic dance in an attempt to enjoy it to the last moment while being hit by the glare (eyelids) of existence (idols). The song Kralus spins is already in good shape. "Everybody's having fun, too." If you look out of the stage, a lot of mercenaries (players) are making a scene. A star-shaped slime, once ruled, cannot be taken away, so those who sit slowly on the slime and watch it live. Those who push mercenaries (players) waiting to dominate the star slime and engage in a dobon battle on the lake. The venue is in full swing. It's still just a mercenary summer festival and it's a little rough, but I don't think these hustle and bustle are bad. Ultimately, the lake was filled with slime scaffolding so that we could all look up at the live venue. By the end of all the songs, about mercenaries (players) had reached the stage, sang and danced with Klarus. After the concert, just one word, 'Luluz was adorable, awesome,' and I flew wild like the mercenaries (players) around me, 'I love Taro! Thanks to Taro, it's the most fun I've ever had to sing!' It was unexpected that he was hugged. Mike got keen and my ears hurt just a little. Ma, Mike's noise...... you were in there. For some reason, I said, "Fowwwwwwww! 'It was a mystery that an enthusiastic cheer rolled up. And Luluz sent me a friendship application. I'm surprised and happy. Because the fact that a friend application came means that Luluz will leave a character behind. This means you are likely to play Clan Clan again in the future. "Shh" with your index finger on your mouth. Let's share the secret all the time, Luluz showed the pose for just a moment. Cute! After all the noise at the end of the event, only today we were moving to the "beginnings meadow" where there were few mercenaries (players). It would have been nice to be at the summer festival venue as it was, but the atmosphere was such that I was likely to be questioned about my relationship with Luluz, so I left early. Especially since it sucked from RF4-you (Yuji), the three of us left the festival venue with Shaky Night (Koya) and Evening Fai (Yuki). For some reason, Mina also asked about Luluz in an excited atmosphere, so she sneaked a whisper (sayin ') that she knew her sister, "A rival appeared..." and so on. Anyway, the members who put out the "stall" together were dissolved because of the late night, and most of them logged out, so fluidly these three were to immerse themselves in the aftermath of the festival. Well, the place isn't Festival House. "That was fun, the festival" Disclose your thoughts on today's event as the night falls on the Klan Klan horizon. "Yeah, that was fun. I didn't expect the Idol Clarus to come out in collaboration." Yuki also agrees that the wind-blown grass will dance and gently touch and drop the sole on her hair. "I was surprised, too. My sister looked like she knew, but she didn't tell me... and Makralus was good, but I knew it was pretty profitable (already)! And I'll say the best thing today. Exchange of currency between mercenaries (players) is not systematically possible in Clan Clan, but in Street you can freely divide sales within mercenaries (players) with that exception. Only a mercenary (player) who submitted an application to open a "stall" can specify the amount, which means that Yuki registered as a representative in this case. As a result of the discussion, a fortune of 48,000 eso came down to my nostalgia. Thankfully. Hmm. I get excited about the topic of 'stalls' and events with my best friends for a while. And little by little, the conversation became sparse, and only when silence came down. ............ Somehow we stare at the meadows rippling with the wind, stained with the rays of the sun shining in gold at dusk. "Hey, Taro..." It was the shaky night (or so) that I reluctantly broke my comfortable silence. Where the usual fuzzy attitude had gone, the glowing eyes behind the glasses, for some reason, were shaking with the color of anxiety. "What?" Unbelievably, he leans (hides) his neck. ............ ...... But I didn't hear back from my best friends. "What's up? Were you unhappy before the reward? "No... that's not what I'm talking about..." "Phew... I knew it, again, you're scary" Scared? What's Yuki afraid of? "Well - no more! Goddamn it! I'm gonna do it again." "Well - I just have to ask..." Yuki takes a slow, deep breath during a head-disturbing night. And after a few moments of time, the two of them had a strange face, looking at me kickingly and throwing questions at me. "Taro, do you remember Christianity? "Talo, doesn't Christianity sound religious to you? Christianity...... Well, the two of you had doubts about the chapel of the 'Rainbow Goddess (Arco Illis)' church being built in our high school in exchange for the line. The same goes for my sister, who was looking into the (more or less) religion, but after all, she may have noticed the disappearance of Christianity in relation to the 'Rainbow Goddess (Arco Illis)' church. "Christianity... I remember. I was honestly surprised that it had disappeared from history textbooks recently. I still can't believe it, or even think it might be some mistake..." Then the two best friends somehow got their bottom ho shoulders down and had a blatantly appeased attitude. "Oh good..." "I knew it was bad for your heart. But I'm really happy..." Best friends lying in big letters on a green bed smelling like dirt. I don't see the subtlety of the story. It's me, but I'm gonna hitch them a ride and roll over here. The skies in sight stained the herd blue, and some stars began to blink, and the book of the night was about to visit. I want to hear what my best friends have to say as soon as possible. But I also felt that these guys would need time to regain their composure, and decided to wait for the two of them to say their words looking out at the night sky. "... means. If Taro recognizes and remembers Christianity," "That means we missed our expectations." "What the hell is going on?" "It's more like you're dreaming weird than creepy." Predictions? What are you saying you were predicting? "Aataro. Isn't it weird lately? "I don't know what to say, I'm also an alley to say this as a high school student, but don't you feel like the real world is weird? I guess these two thought the same thing about me and my sister noticing. "Well... that's crazy, isn't it? History is changing... and no one's noticed." Shaking Night and Evening Fai, only my sister and I know. "No, you're not." "Hmm, are there other guys who feel uncomfortable? "I'm here." Was it? I wonder who...... "It's Yura." "Yuruchi? Speaking of which, Yuri also said she didn't know about the 'Rainbow Goddess (Arco Illis)' church. "Yeah, I would have remembered if Yuri had asked me about Christianity away the other day. I'm sure you haven't noticed the fact that it's still gone." "He doesn't seem interested in studying or history. I couldn't even tell you to check with us. I was so vigilant." "Alert?" When I ask back at night, my best friends look at me more seriously. "Oh... when I told my father and brother about Christianity, they were worried I was going crazy." "I'm the same... I told my family and friends, and they made noise about delusions exploding and too many games..." ... After all, the vast majority of humans are unaware of this change. "Well, why are we the only ones making this change? I don't know what to say anymore... anyway, I figured we were the only ones who noticed what was going on." "First of all, the difference between my family and me... is whether I'm playing Clan Clan or not" "But. I didn't tell Taro, but my brother plays Clan Clan, too." Is my brother doing it... However, the house at night should have been a father-son family. He's playing the same game, or he's a brother and he's close. "So I figured out why I don't remember Christianity when my brother from Shaky Night is playing Clan Clan. I also gathered information." "Quick story, Yuraya we remembered. RF4-you (Yuji), Shiz, and my brother don't remember..." "The difference is... I even asked Yuri a few questions, but by the time I could ask, I was wondering if the rapport had deepened." "Yura no Yoro - was also a real module" Really... you know what? I'm convinced. Real modules, systems that create mercenaries (characters) to mimic what reality looks like. "This means that only mercenaries (players) who are playing Clan Clan and are still characteristic in Real Mods are aware of the changes they were making in reality." "That's what we predicted... apparently off the hook" They take me seriously. "My best friends know Taro's not such a cute girl in real life." "Quick story, you can't be a pretty girl" Ha ha...... I see...... The two predictions are probably met. Sole is the only truth I've ever reached on this occasion. Thanks to both of you. I'm a real mod too. But my best friends don't know the fact that I've been transformed into a silver-haired girl by an odd disease called sexual transformation. That's why I have to tell you. From my mouth. But I can't really get the word out. I get the illusion as if my lips have gotten heavier. "Kou, Yuu......" "Did you notice any other key points? "No... I think the two predictions are right..." Somehow, I'll just put the conclusion in my mouth. "What? You're the one who just proved otherwise, aren't you? "What, are you saying? Because Taro..." He's gone. All I'm saying is, two of my best friends look suspicious. I ran out of words for both of them. "I'll prove it..." "Tallo, what? "How...? I hold my trembling hands, and I don't gaze at them... I just ask, staring at the starry sky of Clan Clan. "Next... When can I see you? "Meet... in real life" "What, Taro, did you forget? There's gonna be a fireworks show in the riverbed the day after tomorrow, right? You promised to come with me." Oh... you did. The fireworks show in reality is also current. Perhaps just right for a cumming out. "Yeah...... the day after tomorrow. See you at the fireworks show." I finally couldn't see what they looked like. Then I left a word and I logged out Clan Clan.
Episode Welcome To The Oni Mansion () "I'm afraid the intruders have disappeared.Now, let's all entertain our guests. " We are guided to the Mansion in a bewildered manner, and their hospitality begins as we greet them. The restaurant is lined up in front of you with fine Japanese cuisine that makes you wonder where you bought it, and faces face-to-face with a group of executives, including Kuguri. "Taroshan, how's the sushi taste?" "Yummy, yummy, ngu!" After seeing such a scene, I can't be too rude not to take care of the meal served.Anyway, just after seeing the strange leopard of fear, I thought nothing would pass through my throat... Big trolls. Yeah, yeah, yeah! "Especially this big troll with a plip!The moment the deep flavor of the ingredients spreads to the mouth, it's so delicious to melt down, yes! " "I'm glad. Your friends seem to be satisfied, above all else." "Shrimp and sweet shrimp are delicious!" "Sushi! Tuna, salmon! It's delicious!" "Tamagoyaki is also a fluffy, slutty craftsman's business (on purpose)...." The other three had blue faces at first, but even fear seemed to blow up in front of luxury sushi. Hmm, this is a different belly. No sushi! I am not confused about sushi because I want to escape the sight of Poor Boy's meat pressure stamp sticking to my brain and Grandpa Bacchus's ground meat stamp. Yes, I'm definitely not messing with fear...! "So, what does Tarothan want to know about this city?" "Mug. Um... does the Ortoros family have anything to do with the dominance of this city and the arena events [Gridore] and [Gratonio] said?" "That's right. [Greed] and [Greed] are going to get a new 'Grand Sin Skill' that will be presented to the winners in the arena event." "Daini Skill...?" Both the names [Gridlor] and [Gluttonio] used unmatched powerful abilities.Perhaps those are also great sin skills. Everyone would want that skill if it were given to the arena winners. "I didn't know there was such a gift." "Lily, you're right.This is information that only flows between a very small number of mercenaries. " Mr. Kunigi said, "Isn't it a good deal to talk to us? 'laughs. "Information, thank you. So, what is the relationship between the great sin skill and the dominance of the city?" Minazuki's doubts are unnatural.What, it's not a simple story. The dominance of this city rests with mercenaries (players) with more great sin skills or with the forces to which he belongs. " With a crisp smile, Mr. Kunigi drank all at once what looked like alcohol in a flat plate of red lacquer. Nh... obviously I'm a minor, but I can't trust anything. The contents may be juice or something. "We have [Rage] and [Decoration] major sin skills.The Orthos (family) also have [greed] and [greed] - " For the first time here, her bright expression clouds for a moment. "Now that you're in this city, you've got two great sin skills." "What? If it were two, it would be a reversal...?" "Towashan, I noticed a good thing.The family that controls this city is commonly known as "Fate's Advocate," but these guys are also tied up with other organizations. " "Don't tell me that the organization also has great sin skills?" "That's a good answer, Taro.The current boss of Faith Nostrade is Lucky Luciano, right?The subordinate organization that Jiji created was Little Mad Hatter Ink, commonly known as Crazy Killer. " "So now that the assassin's boss has the felony skill and has three felony skills combined with 'Fait Nostrard' and 'Little Madhatter Ink', Lucky Luciano is in control?" "That's not what I meant. But according to rumors, even that Jinny is not the true ruler of this city." "What the hell is that...?" "Apparently, those who have the most great sin skills will actually be able to bargain with the true ruler of this city..." ............ The true ruler of this city...? ... it's not about me!? Wait, wait, wait. Mina, Towa and Lily, don't look at me! Please, don't look at me! Besides, don't send a subtle look of pity!? Oh, I don't want to negotiate with people who like me, who seem scared... No, well, if we were talking about the right to tax, we would definitely do it!? There's an item in the lord's system that says "Lucky Luciano" can talk to the NPC, and there's also a call...? You don't deserve such a big title as a true ruler!? As long as we check the lord's system... the bosses of the most powerful families in the city will accompany us when we talk about tax rights and when we visit them. Well, that sounds good, but it's surveillance to keep you from doing whatever you want.From that point of view, I may be a troublesome lord at the moment. I've never seen Lucky Luciano before, so could you pass? I don't know what to do, I'm starting to get scared when I imagine things. "Actually, I'd like to know more, but lucky Jimmy rarely meets the big ones in this city.Even the two of you who are the heads of the [Night Fork Team] and the [Orthos Family] won't be able to do as you see.... " Listening to Mr. Kunigi's words, I decided not to say that I could call with a single tap even if my mouth was ripped open. That's the beginning of the turmoil if I call you here casually. "In that regard, 'Faith Nostrad', the bosses of previous generations had gaps that made it easy to kill." "Lucky Luciano is the second generation." "Yes, my ancestors often used the pseudonym 'Joe the Boss' to stroll the happiness streets with my face.The [Orthos (Family)] killed Joe and robbed him of his Great Sin Skill [Greed]. " "Did you take the skill?" Nine mists jumped out of a dialogue that could not be discarded.
After consuming a lot of solar system colors for the creation of "Lantern" and "Flash Stone", I collected light again in the village of Komgi. "As always, does Tough Slime continue to emerge" "Right. I hope I'm not worn out like Ine Village..." While fine-tuning into the Alchemy Kit "Zodiac Telescope," Me and Mina watched the wheat fields for swallowing (relaxation) with a bunch of tough slimes and sword-sharing mercenaries (players). "It's going to be a hole as a good experience earner, but I want people fighting to do their best... because if the wheat fields are shredded, that's all the less I can pick colors" "It's amazing how much the clan clan has changed to cities and villages." "Indeed. A normal game doesn't reflect that much." The village of Ine, where the discovery of the massive appearance of Tough Slime was delayed, was vandalized by the Slime and transformed into a landscape far from what it had been before. The atmosphere of the villagers had changed and the vibes had become dull. This game is where changes in the game act on all sorts of things. Cities and villages in fields, dungeons and NPCs. And the suspicion that even in reality... "Okay, I got a lot. Shall we go to the rendezvous point with everyone (...), Mina" I speak to Mina like I shake off a bad feeling. "Yes, Heavenly Master." My mind quickly regained its composure after only a moment of disturbance to a bright reply that was not consigned (at all). ―――― ―――― What came was the restaurant "The Casual Cloud Flow Pavilion", which I took care of when I had a date with the wise man, Mr. Mithola. Because after Evening Fai (Yuki) and Shaking Night (Koya) were brought up to serve the "stall", I asked Mina, Lili and Announ, who got the same made-up clothes at once, to cut the "stall" together at the summer festival event if it was good. "Heavenly Master and Summer Festival, stall! Absolutely! ' 'You don't have a choice, I'll do it with you' "Come on, it's an interesting invitation. Mr. Taro and I always wanted to have a business partnership. Happy to accept it ' And, the three of us got a good color reply, so we had promised to come up with each other's opinions over what we were going to sell now. Two more than one, three more than two. In the mood for 'red light, I'm not afraid if we all cross,' I gathered the made-up momentum to reduce the psychological compression it takes when I wear made-up clothes at all. "There you are... silver lady, no. Thanks for coming." "Hello, Nyudo -" "Hello, shopkeeper" A gentle greeting is exchanged with Mr. Nyudo, the Lord here. "Mr. Nyudo, I have three (...) friends coming soon today, so can I sit on the wider seat? "Ooh! Prosperous, prosperous. Oh, thank God! Well, I guess I'll have to serve you again today." With the owner's permission, Mina and I sat down in the seat. If you look at the chill menu table, oh! A few new menus had been added. [Large bowl of entrance clouds - eso] [Torino Snow Cloud Pudding - 30 Eso] [Suggested Menu of the Day] [Yakitori Moku Ramen + Torino Snow Cloud Pudding - 100 Eso] I decided on the recommended menu for the day. I've been worried about ramen for a long time, and I'd love to try the pudding, which is a new product. When everyone comes, let's ask. "Aye, no at the service" "Always, thank you" "Thank you" After receiving the usual "cloudy and sunny juice" from Mr. Nyudo, we mix the gray juice with straw and change it to blue sky. He then smoked with chew and straw and enjoyed the refreshing citrus flavour with carbonation. "Did I make you wait? "Thank you for waiting, Rinsu." A short while later, Mr. Lilli and Mr. Announ arrived as the waiters. The last one left (member) had been contacted beforehand that it would be late, so I decided to have dinner first and encourage him to move on. "No, thank you for coming. Let's just order the stuff we want from the menu and discuss' stalls'" "To get intent or to refer to your book here, right? The opening is best, Mr. Announ, who is already in operation conference mode. That's a seamstress looking to own a store. "Oh, no. Purely because the rice is delicious." But honestly, I told you it wasn't. "Whoa, silver lady isn't happy to say something. Besides, I'm just too happy for you today, Beppin! Look, go with the service." "I don't know, this drink... Ugh" I received "Cloudy and then Sunny Juice," and Lily's face, which I drank while remaining gray, was quite bumpy. I wonder why. Ments were almost there, the rice was so delicious, all we had to do was have an ops conference. "I think Taro needs to be a little more of a lady. The crude phase stands out." "In terms of defenselessness, I agree." The story was flying in the wrong direction. The beginning of this was the way I ate my ramen. I asked Mina and I to get along [Suggested Menu of the Day] and if we were eating noodles with a cheeky, well-motivated, mocking-rich cloud, Lily would say 'It's nasty' and no. I thought Ramen would be a numb after eating a lot of momentum, but if you look at the mina next door, which is each other... I put a little noodles and soup on Lianhua (rensen), and I was eating pakli in one bite. And taste good. The soup will be more tangled with noodles over there, so it will taste thicker. I didn't know there was such a way to eat... a silent diet. "No, I was wondering if ramen tastes better like this zurr..." "I think we each have our own doctrinal assertion of how to eat, so give it a step away. It's a snack at home or in public. It's a store with other people's eyes, right? "Uh, yes, well..." "As a lady, try to attract yourself to beauty for a moment." "Heh." You were stunned by my careless reply, Mr. Lily tangled a fork in his requested 'spider pasta'. Beautifully wrap the noodles around with only a circle and a fork, then pack them with a shaped, tiny mouth in a flowing motion. Deciding on a series of movements in an elegant setting, without any spilling, she ended up with an elegant smile. "Really, it's delicious. Store owner." In Lily's background, she was so glossy that she could see the illusion as if beautiful rose (bulb) flowers had bloomed for many rounds. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Mr. Nyudo's face was stained with a darker ju than a rose (bulb). "Come on, that was a sample earlier. It's a sophisticated move with an even more subdued smile. At that time, we're all crazy about the shallow lords? What the fuck? That's right, Mr. Lily, a mercenary (player) who has a reputation for being a junior high and taking a man by the hand and pounding him from behind in the dungeon. She was beautiful. If I were a boy, if I was laughed at like that, everyone would be fine. "Mr. Lily, do you always do that to guys? I'm so happy to have such a beautiful woman with such an attitude. Even if they poke me from behind. Ms. Lilli has answered with a slight panic as to whether such an inner appearance was on her face. "Him, if you need me, yes! I rarely do, do I? "You're lying." "It's not what I heard in the rumors." I'm going to cut Mr. Lily's words off with a bass, Mina and Mr. Announ. "Either way, someone like Mr. Lily would be happy to have such a beautiful smile on his face" "Ha, Mr. Taro, could it be jealousy? Mina speared a cross spear hard at Lily, who questioned him in an oddly upbeat mood. "That's impossible. In the first place, the Heavenly Master is fine with the Heavenly Master as he is. Stop trying to force me into your shape." "But you can also smile to make things easier! "Here we go again." "You don't have to make it impossible. Especially not like you." "What the hell!? Whoa, that's kind of suspicious of Mina and Mr. Lily's clouds. Mr. Lily's Operation Smile may indeed be effective, but I'm the girl who drops the guy? I don't want to be. A woman's weapon? I don't even want to use it, so should I say my opinion is clear in order to stop them both? "I might not be able to smile like that at a guy" Me, I look like this now, but I'm a clean man in it. I'm not a faggot. I groaned a little bit self-derisively, 'I appreciate the advice you gave me,' and I'll also follow up with Lily. Then why not? The scene calmed down. Um, did I miss something? "Perhaps Mr. Taro has had some hard experiences with his lords..." "This has been a terrible love affair in the past." "Shut up." "It sucks, Mr. Lily." "But I'm also concerned about the existence of a boy who shakes a pretty girl like Mr. Taro on his sleeve. I don't know who he was..." Something, Mina and Lily stiffened up when they thought the three women started to come over and solidify and secretly talk with the Kosokoso whisper. Or when was Mina moving to the opposite seat? "Mr. Taro fell in love with you..." "It's... it's a concern and a concern... and it doesn't necessarily mean that a man without that brain won't come near you." "Oh, well, you are! Shouldn't we be asking what kind of person this place was!? "Okay, you go ahead. Mr. Lily." "How could I?" "Lady's taste is important, but she's already experienced, isn't she? It's a great way to hear the delicate love of Heavenly Master." "You were the best friend Tallo ever had, weren't you? If you're my best friend, I don't think I should ask you to talk to me about love sooner than anyone." "When it comes to the boys around Mr. Taro, there are only two of them..." Again, Mina and Mr. Lily are stationary as stones. From now on, I'm very curious about what you're talking about. But this also openly gathers just women, and when they talk hissohisso... can we even call it a unique restricted area for women... very hard to get into. And for them, I wonder if I've stepped on any landmines, and it's hard to overhear the air. In the first place, I lost sight of him because he was a well-intertwined opponent in the game, but if you reconsider this situation often, I'm doing a tremendous job. I'm eating dinner with three beautiful girls. Something I didn't usually care about because my adventures were there, and when it comes to this, my nasty boy who comes to my attention, I don't know if he spoke or acted, but he may have been exposed... "This time again, at the request of those (...) two (...) 'stalls' together, I am listening" "Mr. Koo and Mr. Yu..." "That's the Rin Hall pair..." "Now, Mr. Lili, on behalf of everyone here, I'd like to ask you about Mr. Taro's romantic pattern." "Are you a rep...... well, there's a catch in the way you put it, please, Mr. Lily" "Then let's not pursue it." Even then, if Mina and Lily think they have shaken their bodies vikkungly, they stop being microscopic. What the hell is Mr. Announ blowing into the two of us? No, the calmest deposition of all that is Mr. Announ. Weirdly, maybe the two of them are just overreacting. Nevertheless, will it be time to break the rather state of this needle? The tingling and stomach are starting to hurt. "Don't talk about Mr. Taro's love affair, huh? ............ "Mr. Lily is our fine representative." "You can't help being a lady if you even say you're a representative." Apparently, the wellside meeting has come to an end. Finally, the three of us stopped talking secretly, and they turned to me. Mina can go back to her seat and settle down next to me. But I kind of feel like everyone's expression is stuck, and I'm just a little scared. "Cohon, excuse me for earlier, Mr. Tallo." Hmm, I guess you mean the Hissohiso Conference. No, as far as I'm concerned, it's okay if there was something out there that wasn't mine. More than that, I'd be glad to hear you say exactly where you shouldn't have been. "It's okay, Mr. Lily. What were you talking about more than that...? Drink gokuri and spit. Listen, it's alley, but it still resonates with my heart to be damned about something by a near-old heterosexual. Because I thought we were getting along, it seems like a lot of damage. Still ready...... for future reference. "Uh..." Staring at Lily as if Mina and Announ were going to back her up again fuels my fears. "Ta, was Mr. Taro there, like, your favorite lord or something? "To?" For some reason I turned my face bright red and asked Lily shyly with a pull tremor on her shoulders, while I gave her a distracted raw reply.
"Yu...... Kou, Mina. What happens to us if we keep fighting like this? The four of us gathered on a battlefield where mercenaries (players) could get into trouble. And they look around, back-to-back with each other to be vigilant on all sides. "Right, is it all gone? Mercenaries here, strong people." "For some reason, I don't seem to have many people to give me a little" Evening Fai (Yuki) and Shaking Night (Koya) gave Chirali and I their gaze and strayed immediately. It was a subtle trick that bothered me, but Mina stuck to my arm, so I freaked out over there. "I will follow the Heavenly One everywhere." Mina smiles innocently, so cute. Exactly the circle of angels blooming on the battlefield will be nothing short of Mina. "Oh, thank you, Mina" but not even if you know that. Old friends look at me with warm eyes. I didn't know there was going to be a day on the battlefield like this when my classmates would have a Loricon suspicion. I shake my head and think about this situation again. "So, what do we do now? As far as I'm concerned, I think it would be fun to die in battle as much as I can." Yuki told me the story, so I'll take a ride. "... maybe a death fight would be nice" "Some of them are already on the line." The jaw is quickened at night, indicating a certain direction. There were PT members George and Glenn attacking numerous mercenary (player) opponents. George was waving some nunchuck-like stuff around with a boom and smashing a mercenary (player) approaching you, Glenn. Glenn, who has fallen gently into that gap, seems to be releasing some small-scale magic. The mercenaries (players) around them were pushed to work together brilliantly. Glenn, I thought you were using a lot more plain magic than you did when you fought us, but I realize. Speaking of which, wizards seem spicy in a row because MP is limited. They haven't discovered any MP recovery items other than my "Forest Couscous" yet. Although MP is a specification that naturally recovers, it does not recover immediately. About ten seconds to recover once. Well, maybe people with magical system abilities are different, but at least that's what I am. Wizards seem like such a hard time in a brawl. Yukio-kun has already been killed. "Those two are going to have a lot of enemies." "You want me to tell you a quick story and mix it up with you? Evening Fai rearranges his sword and shield, his neck snarling with an invincible grin at night. Is it okay with the policy of helping your people for now? "I'm a PT member, and I think that means assistant katana." After I squeal, the four of them run out to you, Okama and Glenn. But earlier than we arrived, a group of people who helped (...) George and the others showed up. No, maybe that's right to say ravaged. If you think the footsteps of the mercenaries (players) flocking to George and the others fluttered unreliably, it just so happens that a green effect ran to slash them all in the neck. "Wow..." Suddenly, the killing took place in an instant. Around George, who until earlier was noisy with swordfire and anger, he was engulfed in silence within a few moments. "Hi-ha, hi-ha." "It's a neck hunt..." "This is no place to be! Mercenaries (players) struggling with each other nearby rush to distance themselves. And even bothered to change the place to fight. That overwhelming power was preceded by the creation of a strange space. The head of the group covered by Georges turns to me as Evening Fai and Shaking Night, Mina clamor. And it brings a grin of relief. "My Taro... looks safe" My sister and her mercenary regiment (Klan) are from The Drunken Neck Hunter. Tom and Jerry were also taken care of in the Missora Forest the other day. "Hey, hey, isn't it too late to come and help? To the PvP's most vicious and feared group, Okama crippled Kunechne so that there was no feeling whatsoever. ...... Glenn, by contrast, is rarely silent. But the fact that the cloak is only fuzzy is that it is not braced, or it is not cool... not good. That's about it, not at all. "I didn't help you. It is only Taro's rescue. Taro, you can rest assured by my side, come." My sister squeezes her hand around me. So I nodded to my PT buddies that it was okay, and we all gathered together at my sister's place. "Thanks, sister" "Not to thank you, it's my Taro. You can rest assured with me." My sister comes with her head to reassure me, but I need you to give me a break in front of my friends. But when I avoided it, I seemed angry, so I told myself that I was grateful for helping Georges, and he shut up and was a good boy. "My sister (ahh)... That said, I can't say enough about being safe. I don't know if this is a good situation." Even though it was a battlefield, I wonder if it was because I took the skinship of my sister and brother for a long time. A fellow sister, a member of the regiment, murmured anxiously. "Say it, Tom." "I told you earlier, you pulled the info on" inferior (Femi) Divine Soldier (Deus) "with my analytical (analytical) abilities, didn't you? "What's wrong with that? "Their LVs are around -, and it feels like they analyzed some of their stats, which is more than 100 different than our mercenaries." "I mean, given the Mercenary (player) equivalent growth rate... assuming that every LV flows 100 points to the status, and they are the same growth as that number..." "At the moment, the status difference with 14LV mercenaries (players) will be over 800 overall." "A little medium boss level in the dungeon. Wow..." Mr. Jerry groans. But with the power of the mercenaries here, you can't beat the three of them. Tom shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands so that he could look around. I found out what Tom was trying to say. "Mercenaries (players) do not cooperate. If this situation continues, total annihilation is inevitable." "Your sister's sister is right." Jerry wraps up watching the mercenaries (players) continue to fight each other in the ballroom. I'd like to go in there and say that I'm not my sister, but not if I'm contesting it now. My sister seemed to agree there, and she looked at this one with a sinister face and nodded. "Do any of the PT members of the Talos have abilities to figure out the number of mercenaries (players) and enemies? My sister looks at us and asks. It was George who raised his hand to it. "There's only two of us here... that's not enough" My sister dives down mysteriously. What the hell are we going to do with the numbers of enemies and mercenaries? "If only we had Shizuku..." Evening Fai mutters the names of the members of the 'Hundred Rides Night Trip' who are not here right now. The night also shook with wrinkles (wrinkles) between his eyebrows and he roared, "What are we going to do?" I look up to my sister for an explanation. "We need to know how many enemies and allies we have. If the three Mercenaries (players) can defeat the inferior Divine Soldier (Femi Deus), the number of Mercenaries (players) will need to be purely three times higher than the Divine Soldier (Deus)..." With something in mind, my sister put her hand on her chin. Tom and Jerry's, looking old mercenaries (players) take on their sister's wings accordingly. I said, "Well, it's not realistic to run around this battlefield and activate detection abilities everywhere." "The numbers are fluctuating. "I don't care if it's a guide to operational planning, it's not the kind of information I want to put so much effort into getting." "That's why I have to present any numbers. Ah, I can't convince the mercenaries (players) around me to go around. It lacks persuasion and lays a cooperative attitude. Ah... that's tough." "It's not easy for you to convince me without a basis." There's no sense of crisis. "In the first place, you have to believe what we're saying. I don't think you're gonna stop." Tom and Mr. Jerry with a dry laugh. The laughter is practically impossible for mercenaries (players) to work with each other. It seemed so declared. "Do we have to try and survive..." Bright voices were thrown abruptly at us in such a dark place. "Oh! It's not Taro! Are you in trouble? The voice was dominated by female mercenaries (players). He wears a pitchy leather armor and has a dagger on his right hand and a small shield on his left. The human looked familiar somewhere, but I can't remember who he was. "A thief... you just told me not to get involved with my Taro. That neck, you want to be hunted? My sister responds to the woman with high pressure. Apparently, you know my sister? "Mr. Singh, there's nothing wrong with us. I heard you talking, and I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help." This is another essex man I've seen somewhere who emerged from the back of a burglar. "Hasn't it been a week? and even a loving smile jumps at me. Napa. On the battlefield, is that a numb? "Have we met anywhere?" 'Are you a targeted used numb? "As always, eavesdropping is (...) a good thing" Ironically of my sister, both names replied with pleasure. "Stealing is a patent." "Let's not only talk about it, but also steal your sister's heart" I got a muscle in my sister's forehead. "Wow, a couple of bandits who had sex with your sister during the beta test (...)" "We met... on the other hand, I can only remember the sight of my sister destroying the mercenary regiment (Klan)." Tom and Jerry are chatting to Hisohiso in an open-minded manner. "Elina and Josio. What kind of faces do you offer to cooperate with? With a name that came out of my sister's mouth, I finally remembered it too. For the first time, when I entered Clan Clan, he even showed me where to meet my sister, stupid couple, eh? I forgot all about Netto's charging. I didn't dare to exclude it from my memory because I was jealous. "But, Mr. Singh. We know how many enemies there are and how many mercenaries there are. Elina declares to her sister, strangely strong. "I've been using Detective Ability Cancer to get here. I'm sure there are some errors." "Who will trust your words?" To my cold, truncating sister, Elina looks at me with a roar. "I was wondering if you just want me to believe how you feel about Taro. Taro is so sooo cute" "Otaru, I would use Taro's cuteness to thrive the bandit operation. Did you even come up with a good calculation for blurring things out of a Uzi bug that leaned on Taro's charm?" The way Mr. Josio panicked, blocking his sister's words. "Mr. Singh, we don't want to (...) compete with you right now... we don't have any more allies left in this venue... to be honest, we've finally survived this far." "So yes, instead of working together, let's work together temporarily, shall we? Following Josio, who revealed his belly, Elina brought the negotiations to her sister again. "So you want us to keep our bodies up and protect you thieves? Instead of providing information that's not very important? "I don't think so. Together we'll protect Taro." "Sounds like a thing. As a big premise, you guys can't be trusted." My sister and Mr. Elina face each other silently. One of them is staring right now with a sword screen that seems to pull out his double sword strapped to his waist. One, I'm smiling with Nico, but my eyes aren't smiling. Follow such parallel lines to us. "Whoa, whoa! We're number one today! "The strongest mercenary regiment in PvP is us! "Now it's time for me to hunt you back, its neck. Yeah! A group of mercenaries suddenly attacked us, distancing themselves from their fear of their sisters. Along with her sister's tongue-beating, Tom and Jerry, who had refrained behind her back, and four other sisters and the same members began to respond to them. My sister doesn't seem to know what to do. With Josio and Elina, they may be deciding whether it's okay to leave this one alone. Even if we stick together here, nothing will change. The moment Wolfe, famous for that vile method of warfare, presented herself and covered me. It made me feel like a definite thing. If we work together, we might survive. I don't want to give up what I can do to myself. I don't want the fairies to die, and my people, my sister, we all want to survive this place. So I opened my mouth. "Ahhh! Sister! This isn't the time to be hostile to Mr. Elina and the others! Why don't we work together, even temporarily? "Sasasu, Taro, we can talk." To Elina's delight, my sister makes a tannic surface. "Sister...... please. We'll all be wiped out." Pull my sister's sleeve, manage to join forces for just a few moments, so I hope you trust Elina and the others. Whatever you had in mind, I didn't know right or left when I first got into Clan Clan. You lectured me a lot like that and even delivered me to the church where my sister is, these two. "... Now, tell me how many" My sister spoke low and listened to my wish. "All right! Eh!" "All right! All right, kiddo! Elina and Josio immediately put their right hands up against each other. And they both speak up at the same time. "" 'The Herald resonates! The two put their raised hands to heaven to earth. And for a few seconds, I'm closing my eyes. Apparently, it's an adversarial ability. Is this how you know where your enemies are and what their targets are? What a bandit-like ability. "The number of these footsteps..." "I knew there was a bunch of Divine Soldiers (Deus) near the Imperial Castle..." I'll make sure we and my sister surround and protect those two defenseless people. "Not yet? When their scorched sister gave them a glance, they exhaled. "Actually, it's on the front line, and I don't have time to use my abilities. We're all strong, and no." "Now we finally know the whole ballroom." "I know... because there's no such thing as an ability to detect a wide range in a single time. So, what's the result? "The number of Divine Soldiers (Deus) approaching to besiege the venue is around 50, 28 near the King, I wonder? "The number of mercenaries (players) must be less than I know. Approximately 200 people..." The number of divine soldiers is about 80. If so, it could be under 200, even though we need at least triple the number of 240 mercenaries (players) to fight it. "There are fewer mercenaries (players) than I thought..." Moreover, the enemy is not the only inferior divine soldier (Femi Deus). Behind it lies Kaguya Morpheus, the Ashes King. Honestly, the war situation is hopeless. "There were nearly 500 people at first, huh? Did someone...? I don't know if it's because I've killed so many people." "Eh, stop tangling with Mr. Singh. Afterwards I'm afraid." My sister's hand cracked all the time, but apparently she dared to sulk the exchange of a stupid couple with a seizure disorder. "Fair enough. All we have to do is run around the battlefield and give this information." "I'll go easy on you." Tom and Jerry have also joined the conversation at some point to see if they have killed the mercenaries they have attacked. All the members of my sister's mercenary regiment seem safe and hectic when they put up their own weapons and can go anytime. "What's your next fight? You can still go, us. "I'll let it pass, it's a mistake, right? My sister smiles at the light mouth of such a group. "I'll live. Don't die, you guys." How many of these people are fighting in a row? I thought it would be amazing to be able to keep this war spirit, temper. That's a madly painted mercenary regiment that prefers to fight blood called PvP, "The Neck Hunting Insanity Together". "And that was fast, you guys" "Um, before breakfast." "Sa, do we touch each other! The mercenaries are gone! "Anyway, the majority of them here won't listen to you, you sons of bitches! Gehaha and I take a step towards them enjoying this situation. "Sister, that's it. I have a good idea." "Hmm?" I told my sisters, the fierce warriors, that I was the weakest of them all.
Mamoru, who breathes out but uses a large shield for bows and arrows that fly in from the rear. After breaking through the NPC Inspector's walls for a few moments, we were close to full creation. "Tallo, honey! It's like the blue fire powder from earlier, I feel it would help if it splashed around! Kay asked me to install "Fox Fire Light Flower Walk". It can be said that this plant item, which moves autonomously and keeps the firepowder scattered at designated points, is quite suitable for sustained damage and slowing down the speed to the NPC examiners in pursuit. However, it is also limitless and the remaining two are in an unforgiving situation. Both "Melting Water (Wotalard)" and "Sniper Fireworks (Small)" were useful in the mass battle, with only a small number of stocks. "Wahahahaha! The guys from" The Shining Boulevard "Cirque du Llumière" freaked out on us and ran away! Dyske, you're pushing along in a good mood, but he can't be right. That seems to be recognized by everyone in the PT membership, and no wording came back from anyone affirming his paranoia. Mercenaries (clans) who would certainly have received an assassination quest have never been attacked since Gentleman Hat was killed. But make sure, make sure, they launch another raid at some point. Again, it is obvious that this one is waiting to become deflected and worn out in the battle against the heavily (every time) NPC examiner, and that the invisible pressure is mentally hunting down PT members. It is so tiring to look back to see how the chase is going over and over again, and brace yourself for the next examiner who will be waiting forward. Such a fold, the moment I saw the chaser flickering, I flew in with a brilliant arc that one arrow unleashed by the enemy would strike directly at your back running before me, Junya. Oh, are you okay... oh, huh? Oh, no! "Danger! Mr. Junya! When I decide to hit, I hug Junya to cover her and dive into a similar momentum to Tackle. For what it was worth, the arrow stabbed a ston on the snow surface and escaped the ordeal painfully. Even though it has taken the form of a fallen Junya riding over you, I'm glad I saved him with no damage. We've got snow all over each other, but I laugh nicely at you, Junya. And if you don't get up early, I'll give you my hand in a sense. "Junya-kun, were you okay? "Uh, yeah... thank you... angel" Junya, you never took the right hand I put out, and you stood up alone out of sight. And start running again to escape the rear chase. It's like taking a distance from me, to his manoeuvring to escape... the back of my chest hurt so tightly. Tanks dealing with large shields and short spears, attackers carrying two-handed swords, front and rear followers with small shields and one-handed swords, high firepower casters with canes, and two out-of-combat forces who would have been placed for the harm caused by Miss Ignitore's escort quest and level limits. A total of six mercenaries (players), you've got a little duck this time around. Those of us who make money day after day on the "Assassination of Successors" quest, which conflicts with the special quest "Escort of Your Lordship", were supposed to be so convinced when we heard the reports of the members who observed the enemy. "Captain, this one has zero damage except for Hatman. We've also been able to kill casters that seem to be the biggest firepower on the other side, and the show is going well." Zero damage except for Hatman? That's obvious - to me. I listen to the members' war reports and sigh in my heart. The escorts over there will only receive mercenaries (players) above Lv0 on quest order terms and will have a maximum PT of 6. This one on the Kayu assassination side says there is no level limit and he is assaulting with an average of 8 LV12 mercenaries (players). Besides, it comes with an addition, called the NPC Examiner. "I can't believe Hatman was killed." I'll point out to the opponent with the difference in power the fact that he lost valuable transfer skills, but my worded members just shrug their shoulders. "But he's a prominent clown and performer. If you've activated the metastatic abilities, you've already used them. The enemies won't be aware that the stalls of the shining clown Cirque du Llumière are always in a position to look over and support the entire show, that is, us on the back." Well, Hatman was a habitual performer, but I might even like his performance a little bit with that one. It was difficult for me to work with other members of the team, so I've been working on a policy for a while to match our enemies to a show that brings Hatman's skills to life. Outreach, when you show off your Hatman transfer skills in the first place, it's also true that the approximate opponent was alert to the transfer, unable to move well, and was easily collapsing? "Uh-huh..." A trump card that allows Hatman's ability to exchange his position with the target, called Reverse Star Shift (No), can only be used once every 12 hours. The pre-emptive attack by the show that took advantage of it, besides my thoughts, was helping Miss Ignitol hunt for escorts. Hey. "A prominent performer..." "Of course, when the team leader plays, he doesn't want to stand out, etc., and he doesn't even think about the team for a moment! The performers the leader presents have the power to fascinate us! Yes, sweet, poor, very black, as if it were a bud of flowers that are ripe and likely to bloom now! Even us on the back are motivated! Maybe they're flattering me because I'm the only girl in the regiment. But there's no reason to lose your motivation here, and I'll get back to you with a proper smile. "Thanks. Then I guess I'll do my best next time as an actor." "While overtaking, it's legal... I'll be sure to protect the captain! It's what surprises us on the battlefield. Playing a clown is not us being clowns who defeat and become enemy laughers. Because the last person to laugh is always the clown who is the show's setup. In that regard, the fact that Hatman was killed is just a little unconvincing. Thankfully, I regret the team getting hit. Yet the members next to me seem happy, and even though they are not in contention within themselves now, they are likely to sigh. "Hatman's too alarmed." "Yes, Captain. I thought the line was thick. For that matter, I am the guardian of the iron wall, legal lo... Kohon, let me try to protect the captain. Be sure to look like the first team leader in a long time! I'll try to protect it in the eyes of the team running as a chaser! Yeah, well, this guy's pretty strong when it comes to protection, so if you say you can count on him, you can count on him a lot. "Well, you've come to this point already. Those are the mercenaries who killed Hatman." There are a total of 10 points where NPC examiners are placed, and on this quest, carriages carrying Miss Ignitol will politely pass through all the places where the examiners are placed, right? "Right. Shall we put our backs around here and stop (...)" Now we have the eighth crossing point. From point 6, the crew was lost in the shadow of the NPC examiner, and it was the stone that struck and crushed them. If they break through those raids to the escort side, the assassin-side mercenaries (players) will go after Miss Ignitol with the running prosecutors. Either way, we're going to have to deal with a lot of NPC inspectors from here, so even in the meantime, we can catch up with the escort... but in case something happens, it's a standby operation for both of us. This assassination quest just gets in the way here in the first place, and the majority of the pattern is that the escort side is naturally crushed by a large number of NPC examiners, so, like the members said, you just have to stop. But it's been a long time since I've been eaten up around here, and I'm just a little excited about it, too. I'm doing this because the quest rewards are delicious, but the escort hunt was becoming boring routine work, this time today, I wanted a little inspiration. "As usual, should I say run, run away, taking advantage of the speed of carriage movement? And is the buff placed on the escort's mercenary (player) also a boost to travel?" "Right." As usual, it poisons me that it's a bit of a hassle NPC. The two NPCs riding on either side of the lady's carriage as they break through the 6th inquisitor appear to put a buff on the mercenaries (players) on the escort side that increases the speed of movement. I guess that's the dimension of weighing the escape from the NPC examiner in the pursuit unit. Even though the Speed Buff expires during battle, it feels like you're going to be in trouble as the chasing side. "Hmm... balanced PT configuration" I bumped into an NPC examiner in the 8th inning, observing a little far-sighted how the escort fights. The opponent has four mercenaries (players) who seem to be experienced there and one who doesn't seem to be. "Didn't Castor kill you? "It should..." That's crazy. A beautiful girl turning her waking silver hair against more than 20 interrogators, one fireworks blast magic after another? emit yellow liquid and flicker it with a range attack. What are you talking about, strong acid magic? I've never heard of anything like that... the mercenaries (players) on the escort side rush and Miss Ignithol's flaming spear stab each other in the form of a punch through the gap made by that beautiful girl, and she flickers a breakthrough brilliantly. "Hey, is that a rumored fairy user? "I don't know... maybe..." Beside the silver-haired girl, she wings with six wings... and for a dwarf, there's a fairy-like presence of a slightly larger size. I wonder what the hell that kid is. If you think you're swinging knife-like stuff too, you move around swinging blue firepowder...... plants? I'm going to put something like that in place. I guess if I touch that phosphorescent light, I'll be damaged around seeing it burning into the examiners chasing after me, in the form of it already being left in the carriage. "That silver-haired girl... you're so young" "Not as good as the captain" Let's keep a formal scratch on the team that will point out my characteristic appearance all the time. "No. Me, I'm 21 years old with clean contents," "Now, that's not really young" "What does that mean?" "No, it's nothing" ............ Either way, our opponent, who boasts of the momentum of the bamboo, will have to abandon the option of slowing down... moving on. You won't be able to follow an NPC that can only take certain moves and destroy itself. "The examiners have broken through, haven't they? We're still in pursuit." "The escorts, huh. You broke up with two after the carriage and three ahead. Oh, silver hair is the other way around." Well, it's been a while since I've been a performer, too - hey. Shall we go then? "The boys and girls that go even further there -! It's a little stoppy!" With a sweet voice, as Rin sounds, so that all audiences pay attention to me. Put together a pretentious, sparkling costume and stand on the snowfield. "Why do I have to stop? To a sudden intruder, the escort being chased by NPC soldiers is a little confusing. That's right. A little girl, 145cm tall, who doesn't look like a battlefield, swung a magical stick or something, and came up gorgeously beautiful. "Why stop? Oh, fuck, wow, hey! Shake the tip of the stick appropriately a little bit, behaving like that, to a point where it has not been specified in particular. From, Decision Pose Hey. "Seriously, Seriko, it's time for your magic show." Yeah, I know it hurts myself. You can play me a little unrealistic in the game, right? If you're a girl who's ever admired idol cartoons or anything, you know, it's fun for something like this. Arrow tip that broke through the wall of the examiner for the eighth time. We saw the appearance of a mercenary (player) with pink hair sarcastically washed away and dressed in a cottage-cotte sparkling costume, the person who was about to appear in the girls' cartoon... and we became so pokant that we forgot for a moment the onslaught of the examiners chasing us from behind. "I see... something strange has come up..." "That feels bad... magic girl cos? Mamor, I also nod naturally to your honest feelings about you and Kay. "Gahahahaha! I'm fine! If that's a magic girl, there's an angel tallow over here! ............ Mr. Dyske, I want you to stop calling me an angel. And you, Junya, are almost silent from around breaking through the sixth line. I mean from the moment I showed my face... I knew Junya you were looking strange... Maybe, I'm sure it's my fault. But I don't know what he thinks. I'd really like to talk slowly, but I don't have time for that right now... Then we just have to hurry through this predicament and complete the quest. "Mmmm..." I wanted to defeat the magical girly mercenary (player) that appeared in front of me as soon as possible.
An explosion that dirty (injured) white snowfields in red and brown. They erupt from the ground, blocking our path and causing definite damage. ... Minefield is a pain in the ass. I, Mamor, look out for the girl who suddenly appeared, regretting that you were swallowed by the red smoke that jumped off the ground. "Keywords for the explosion? It's an automatic bombing ability, right?" When she says' detonate (bomber) ', there's bound to be an explosion. Which means that if even that girl does something, the snowfield where this mine was laid will also be a free snowfield. "Ahh." So, I get too distracted by the analysis, and I get a little bombed by the blast. The left leg touched by the red effect is a little hot. "Gu, once here, it stands still! It doesn't make any sense." "I mean, I feel like the carriage is running! And I feel like the coroner's gonna catch up to me." The situation sucks if you mean it in a nutshell. But it's not like I don't have the help to hit it. "Mamor, you guys! I'll take care of that girl! I just want you to hold on a little bit! "No! Ta, you're a tarot! Angel, it's dangerous! Junya was the one who reacted quickly to my decision, and I thought it was somehow avoided, but you worried about me first. Honestly, there's no such thing as a chance of winning. The strength of my enemies is unknown, and I'm a poor stat with nothing but swiftness. If that girl wasn't unfamiliar with melee, she wouldn't be able to win. But of the enemy, the only one who can strike that girl... is me within this PT where you have been killed that allows for a magical attack. If I hadn't run out of stock for "Sniper Fireworks (Small)," I'd have taken some more definite tactics. "Junya's right, guys, to break through this situation a little bit now, please! "I feel sorry for you, Taro, I left you to it! We'll see what we can do! "Whoa, I got this! Dear Taro! "Oh, no. Then, Taro, the angel is too dangerous..." Junya staring at me anxiously. I can't help but think that Junya, who calls me an angel, has a distance. But he's starting to avoid me, and I'm just glad he's worried about me like this. "It's okay, Junya-kun! I change to "Dancing in the Sky Circle (Rondo)", a water-colored summer dress that Mithola gave me my crisp gear. PT members were surprised that I suddenly changed my clothes as the flaming firepillar rose, and for a moment they were all solidified, but not if they cared. The interrogators are already approaching right in front of us, and the distance from the carriage to be escorted is getting wider and wider. "Huh, do your best to fly me that far! "Aiai -" If the characteristic of "Sky Dancing Circular (Rondo)" combined with the wind power of Hu, who became "Wind Calling Princess (Garuda)", would make it about that distance - - it would arrive. Fly to the sky feeling the wind of hu on your back, making the leap as you wish. "Aha, kimoi" The feeling of feet off the ground is a little scary, but the feeling of dancing in the wind every time and in the universe is exhausted in a refreshing word. Contain the inner mind that you have to exalt even though you are in battle, and focus your gaze on the approaching enemy girl. "Maybe that kid has magical abilities. Then I didn't really want to get you out here. - That? One more, we have enemies!? Were you hiding yourself with latent skills, or was the mercenary (player) that suddenly appeared beside the girl a protective system screaming something out? abilities were deployed in my direction of travel, near the landing site. I guess the purpose of this is to protect her, after all, as a detonator. It seemed like a pretty good defensive performance, and the translucent shield occurred in quadruples. But to this extent, it's fine. Remove the Seed Fire Inlet (Lantern), which houses the Moon Essence (Luke), from the item storage while it is gliding, and speak to the False Soul (Luna Homncrus), who smiles nicely inside. "Homncrus... Moonsperm (Luke), please" Two false souls (Luna Homunculus) in a spherical state can be burned to the moon. I send them the idea of unleashing Ability 'Sifting Magic' on Mercenaries (players) who unleash Magic Protection, which generates light shock waves and [Attribute White] minimal damage around them. He then rides on a shield unfolding in the universe and descends temporarily with the help of the wind in a one-to-one step procedure. Honestly, a shield that doesn't move is such a phantom that it's not in front of me and Hu's collaboration. Either way, for Luke, who is free to modify his orbit in the air. "So, he said it was a genuine loli that could easily perform attitude control in the air!? Against astonishing mercenaries (players), Luna Homncrus moves quickly and sees shockwaves by the Magic of Sieve. I didn't make it possible for me to hit the attack at the same time as landing, but I dash to the enemy's magic girl as far as I can wield the slide knife in my right hand. "You little darling! You will meet my heart! Uh-huh? Opposite her, she generated a pink ray from the tip of the stick at the same time as a weird dialogue. Hmm? So is the outfit, but from this dialogue, is the magic girl the concept mercenary (player)? And unexpectedly...... it was easily avoided because of the slow speed of the light she emitted. Successfully pushed herself forward and narrowed her distance easily. Then flash, then flash, alert your opponent to strike back, roll over the snow, half-rotate and see how it goes... that's the shock of the attack that's holding you back. It was full of gaps, so I cut it as I jumped in even more. "You, magic girl talent." She gets wrapped up in green polygon effects, pointing to me for some reason. Hmm? Kill effects don't blow up, or is this some kind of ability too? It's like a girl disappearing. "Why don't you be a magic girl and join my regiment?" Plus, I've been exhorting you to be a magic girl at the exact time of your death. "... dismissed, sorry" That's how she became so quick to kill. Could she have been a mercenary (player) with very poor melee combat or a rather extreme status swing (player)? "Whoa, whoa! Dear My Holy Legitimate Lori? Speaking of the other mercenary (player), he just keeps activating his protective abilities against Luke and doesn't even try to attack me. Hmm? Staring for a few seconds. Round up the snow piling at your feet to try and grip it cuddly. If you throw a hardened snowball silently...... in response to that attack it generated a brilliantly translucent shield and the snowball smashed and scattered with the collision. But there is still no indication at all that they will fight back just to prevent it. Could it be a defensive magic specialist mercenary (player)? If you're not attacking me, it's convenient, Junya, because now the Inquisitors are after you, and it would be a bad idea to get that mercenary (player) to take time against you. "Luke, when you're done playing, go home." Around the time the two lights went out, my will seemed to pass to the Moon Sperm (Luke) successfully. I paid the least attention to the presence of enemy mercenaries (players) and decided to fly to tell you Junya, who is starting to fight the chasers in the rear, that it's okay to move on. "Come on, seriously, it's amazing to disable the 'Cirque du Llumière' trick." "I feel like Taro." As much as everyone says, I can't deny that I didn't do a big thing... Because I just chopped up a magic girl who can't come close. Besides, Junya, I don't feel like you're avoiding me any more than you just did. When I reported defeating the magic girl, his eyes stained with astonishing colors and I didn't miss the dark shade running on his face. "Wahahaha! We have angels on us! ............ In contrast to your high tension, Dyske, Junya, you are silent. From his attitude, there was something moisturizing in his chest, but now Junya, I don't have time to hear your insides out. Me and you, Mamor, managed to shake off the chase and catch up with the carriage that Miss Ignithol, who is also an escort, would take. Because of the impossibility of passing the minefield earlier, the carriage carrying the lady is going to be worn out and still break down, which may be why the carriage is definitely slowing down...... Even though rendezvous with the escort object was achieved thanks to this, it is not a good idea that the speed has dropped under the circumstances where the chaser is present. Incidentally, the defense-specific mercenary (player) was allowed to pass in a manner close to ignoring it. He and the Lunar Sperm (Luke) were also well timed and had the lanterns come back so they could pass without any particular problems. He just stared at us with regret and never followed us. "Even so, this quest is tight..." "Really, I don't feel there's any reward for the difficulty." "It makes sense to complete an unprecedented quest! "Right! It's rewarding! "Taro's here, and you feel like you can afford it? "... but you're breaking through that again? Junya shows you how to react to the air that motivates you, Mamor. That should be it, too, in the front he looked forward with a frightening face. There were more than thirty examiners waiting. I think that's a tough number. But...... "O brave mercenaries! Go on with me! Our escort is only... going into the enemy. "Can you do it? "I feel like I have to do it" Mamor, you and Kay make a cold sweat. "Whoa, I'm gonna have to cut in like a man! "Manly, or..." Dyske, you nodded like you were good at something, Junya, and you looked at me chilling. Junya, I know your attitude towards me has gone crazy. It's more relative than before. Still, for some reason, just his tricks made me happy... because I felt like I was recognized as a man. "Well, let's go." To cut into the enemy, I pull the knife out of my hips. I won't forget to make MP replenishments in "Forest Kusuri" because I've used too much of Fu's power. Anxiety is endless as to whether you can break through that number against them. But there's nothing else here but to push through.
Episode Silver Eating Ravages "What, they killed the executives instantly?" "You've been quiet for a while!Kill me and look at the Master!Until then, no glances! " It is Lady Nostalgia who yells at the stunning [Gridlor]. "What, what... what are you guys...?" Lady Nostalgia hunts down [Gridlor] with her proud Rapier. But surprisingly enough, he even fought back with her attack on his own.The speed is the same for both of them, but with nearly twice the size difference, losing [Gridlor] is a must. But the biggest concern is his great sin skills.It's too unknown, and he still has something to hide.That's why we fused it with the [Ancient Wolf (Dia Wolf)], which combines both mobility and attack power, but it's not a good idea to inadvertently enter his pocket. It's not like I'm going to loosen my hand, so I'll see what kind of hand [Gridlor] will cut while relentlessly reducing his men. If this situation continues, it will be [Gridlor] himself who best understands that he will become destitute. I can't afford to lose my important men and powers in the fight against the heretics in order to beat the fate of the struggle, "Face Nostrad." Understand that, and I and the werewolves will disable the NPC, which continues to rage one after another. The Fate Nostrad, the Orthos, and the Night Forks are just crackdowns. "--Big sin skill" Eating "... sucking, eating..." And after all... As before, I suddenly respond with the whole spirit's consciousness to the voice murmured in my ear. The prey was (...) caught in a nest of spiders. "― The mouth of the Naraka Po" "Blue White Tan!" At the same time as the ability of Gratonio is activated, I tie up with my allies. The [lead thread] is connected to both hands and the blue white collar, and the thread manipulated to activate her gimmick is pulled by her own stiffness. Yes, Blue White is on the roof of the building. That's why my whole body flies like a bullet into space, avoiding a black swamp inviting me to a fallout from the ground. [Gratonio] would have been surprised to have watched me suddenly and irregularly. But perhaps - this is not the end of it. His great sin skill [phagocytosis] is probably of the type that creates a black space and is forcibly transferred when pulled into it.Last time and now, it just happened from the ground, and if my predictions are correct, the spatial range is... I am convinced that this recognition was not mistaken by the appearance of a dark swamp in front of me as I travel in the air. "Hmm! Please!" Aisasa ♪ Hu's wind power and the [guiding thread] connected to the blue white collar rush the universe at endless vertical and horizontal speeds. Still, the black swamp persistently appeared and disappeared, and finally the devil's hand reached me. That's right. The moment I touched the black swamp, I was supposed to be somewhere in my math. But it didn't happen, instead a red and black lightning ran around. "Hey, you know what? If you put a curse on it, it'll hurt the same way." From the black swamp, where I was supposed to be inhaled, a well-breathed male mercenary (player) was ejected to be dragged by something invisible. "Po!? Why, Po!?" The upset [Gratonio] is cut twice, three times and four times by my claws, without any technique in the air.Pulled up by Leading Thread , the high-speed movement is stacked in the wind of fu, and the aerial combo of serial fire is decided after serial fire.Finally, while not even being allowed to land on the ground, [Gratonio] explodes the kill effect. : Mercenary (Player) Killed Gratonio: : 00 Eso earned: : We have recovered the cultivated "Great Sin Skill [Greed]".Mercenary Gratonio's Grand Sin Skill will not be lost as Mercenary Talo owns the dominance of the Grand Sin Throne: : Dropped the material "Dream skin wet cloth (Ship)": [Gratonio] tries to disappear from the scene without understanding what happened. It was the [Gridlor] who managed to stop it. He used the "Red Water of Unlost Salvation" he stole from me as he used Lady Nostalgia's onslaught. "Chi! What the hell is going on?" "Wait, angel... no way..." "Hey, fat boy! Are you sure your big sin skills are safe?" "Po, po... po, po. But I'm sure that--" "Reflecting on your [phagocytosis], what the hell is going on with him..." There is no reason to answer the question of [Gridlor]. But Bluff should keep it tight. "As long as he's here, I'll be safe." When I pointed my thumb backwards, a white spider bigger than the car appeared in the space where nothing had happened before.The sight of moving through the invisible thread is unusual, but it is also love if you put it behind me to protect me. The mouth that sounds like "tickle..." is so big that dogs can swallow it all, it's powerful. "What, can that monster... even be transparent?" I will honestly nod to the question of [Gridlor]. Now that the fusion with the [Ancient Wise Wolf (Dia Wolf)] has been resolved, it would be helpful if you were alert to this [White Night Bitter Spider (Kudzuku)] for a while. Bitter Spider of the Day and Night is a synthetic beast (chimera) made of Cursed Vomiting Tongue . Like Lady Nostalgia, it is a precious companion who loses all HP, so you can return to the invisible state immediately. He deals with "Decisive Magic," and among them is an attack reflex buff such as [Code of the Curse Tree (Nephrotic)].Absolute defensive and aggressive abilities that are the strongest of all abilities and their effects on the person who exercises them. For that minute, the reflex was removed once, and the cool time was two hours and it was very long. At the same time as the battle began... I left behind the Night Fork Team , precisely Bitter Spider of the Night (Bokuya) .From there, I thought about what happened, and was immediately given the [Code of the Cursed Tree (Nephrot)]. Last time, [Gratonio] was forced to relocate shortly after his reaction, and [Gridlor] stole something while he was unaware. Both of them have enough power to carry out a single hit. That's why I was on alert. In other words, in order for the [Code of the Curse Tree (Nephrot)] to be activated here and so on, I couldn't get hit just once, but it wouldn't matter if it didn't hit me. "So, both of you from the Orthos family.Are you ready to fight me? " Tilting his head and asking the two of them, [Gratonio] snorted his throat like a puppy. However, [Gridlor] 's eyes are still shaking with a faint flame. "Looks like the dog doesn't have enough discipline yet." They don't seem to yield by force. But if we go this far, we don't think it's just a (...) persuasive fool to play with words. "Silver angel... I won't forgive you anymore.[Raptor (Gratonio)]! Let's show them what we really mean. " "Po, but I won't show it to anyone until the arena event...." "Can you say that!?You've wiped out all your men, you misjudged their strength, fat boy! " "Po, but Angel, maybe in this city..." "You already know [Gratonio]." While I'm in the conversation, I open the lord's system and tap on a person's call. "[King of Thieves (Greedore)], you said.I don't belong in this city. " I stared at two members of the Orthos family and finished my second souvenir on the rooftop. Look at Nine Fog. "Sure, the way we do things here - it doesn't suit me." But at the same time as denying it, the tricks and footsteps echo from the darkness behind the alley. "So, I'm going to let this city (...) suit me (...)" When so proclaimed, the Lord of Footsteps appeared almost the same as the time. A small beginner who doesn't seem to be a very mafia ruler opens his hands in front of me and expresses his welcome. "Oh! Isn't this Milord?How long have you been waiting for this old man to call! " I heard you say "don't do it yourself," but the unknown mercenaries (players) would have sounded like this old man was under my control. "Po... the current boss of 'Fait Nostrade', 'Lucky Luciano' Pooh!?" "Well, what the hell is going on?A silver angel called!?That old man!? " "Is Taroshan really the true ruler of this city...?" I let go of my awesome face and stare at everyone with my own face. The truth is, it was a secret that I could make the perfect timing to make the three of them rigid and silent. And... Lucky Luciano is too scared. However, as you push your scary heart somehow, you keep laughing. "If you don't like me, you don't have control of this city." It is the usual way to boast that you have power after you have the impression that it is not a rope in terms of force. "You don't want to keep fighting and being crushed?" ...... This also broke the [Gridlor].
Stories, Looking Down From The Sky. "Humph, I didn't know you'd bother to correct me. So, shall I correct one of these?" To my provocation, the leader of the "lone wolf" tells me how calm he is while sticking his sabel up at a swinging night (so far) that made HP full. "Vikin, he's useful to me even if he's dead (...)" Wolfe has turned his clear eyes to this side, remaining in a one-kneed position, and has denied the words I unleashed on Vikin. "It's up to you to change your mind... and perhaps insult Taro's alchemy." "Humph, keep your mouth shut of bugs crawling to the ground" Like Weikin earlier, have you been granted paralysis (Stan) status abnormalities? There is a condition abnormality coming out. And because of the frequency of its emergence, the usefulness and popularity of paralysis (stans) seems high. The effect is still troublesome. However, to see that Wolfe hasn't let go of the sticking sabel, the paralysis (Stan) may be lifted if it is not bordered by the sword. I'm not sure if it's the effect of that sabel or Wolfe's own abilities, but there's only one thing for sure. That means that during this analysis, the HP of shaky nights (and so on) is decreasing galloping. Even though "Emerald (Emerald) Tears" is a cool way to make and store it, if you keep using it to keep it from killing the shaking night, the amount of residue will be on the bottom in no time. I hold the knife and nod to the fairies. "Tallo, are you going? "Again? "Taro, fluffy." When I looked at Mina as a chilli, I drank my own MP recovery item, "Kusuri in the Woods". "Mina, you're going first! "Hum. Let me see what you can do with a greenhouse grower." The wind of the wind fairies hits me in the back and makes me burst. When Wolfe comes near me, he doesn't try to get anything done with his knee on the ground with his mid waist. I was a little angry with that spare attitude, and I swung the knife around as much as I could. "Humph. I know you're useless only in the battle against Vikin earlier." With every arm of mine holding the knife, Wolfe struck him straight off the side with his bare hands. The timing of the attack on me was perfect, and I was easily intercepted. As a result, I fell hard trying to get Wolfe through the street without being able to contain the wind's propulsion. Talo HP . But that's it. Wolfe's right, I'm just buying time. Mina chants. Correspondingly, I use "Emerald Tears" with myself at night to prepare for Wolf's next move. But he didn't make it slight. Instead, he spewed out a mighty beast squeal from his mouth. Sole screamed like a wolf and a dog. For a moment, wondering if the air around Wolfe's face swayed, she could see a step backwards, as if Mina's hair had been barely pressured by something. "Mina! What's up!? "Oh, Heavenly Lord! The problem is harder than usual to solve! Here comes Mina's remorseful cry. It comes out after a magic chant, if you can't solve the problem sentence, the magic won't activate. The difficulty of the issue has increased? You saw our exchange, Wolff's spiral laugh strikes me in the ear. "Humph, what's up? How about a good alchemy and a wasted MP of a wizard who fails many times to recover and do it? I'll go on and on." I see. Apparently, is Mina's magical failure due to Wolf's abilities? Is there also an ability to make an effect just from making such a noise? Wolfe realized I had no attack power in the vicinity, and his bare hands were enough to deal with me. Continuously deals damage while tying in threatening shaky night motions. For the only high-powered Mina, use abilities that increase the difficulty of the problem statement that occurs when activating magic to seal it. I don't know if this is Wolfe's tactic, but is it enough to prevent us from attacking? Though there is still room for each item's residual amount, there are only two 'Blue Amber Seeds' left to increase the maximum MP for Mina. "I only have five of these left too... I didn't want to use them at the moment" As I grabbed the "Sniper Fireworks" and tried to get up, a mercenary (player) broke into Wolf to poke me in the back. A tackle from a mercenary (player) dressed in iron armor and helmet with a shield in front hits Wolf. Yuki rushed to us in the midst of a mixed war. However, Wolf lowered himself even further and kicked Evening Fai's foot off brilliantly with his right leg as he rotated with his left leg axially. Yuki shrugs her legs and falls. "Humph. Next to next, you're the ones who like to flock..." The leader of "Lonely Wolf" looks over to me in turn, Yuki, Yuki lying on the ground. "... chilled. I'm being entertained with an angel again, so I thought it might be something like that. Are you stuck with Zako? As the same mercenary (player) under the age of 15, he's far from our crew who've been messing around with the training grounds." Wolfe pulled out the sword she had stabbed at night and stood up as she glanced at me. "Humph. Sounds like it was a waste of time. I'm done seeing how you guys get out. Have them follow their path as prey." "Yu! This sword has a slight paralysis (Stan) when touched! As soon as he is free, he warns Evening Fairy as he moves backwards. "Okay! If you don't even touch it, it's one of ours! The weapon has a shield here! "Hum, you guys are soaking up too much warm water" Wolf said, 'Wong!' And as he barked again and stopped the magical activation that Mina was secretly chanting, he approached me suddenly. "Mi, right! Ask the fairies to fly to the right. "Humph. Right" What a quick trip due to the sudden gust, Wolfe followed me closely and swung the sabel down on me. The fairies applied it to me, I can't believe I can move as fast as this. While I'm surprised at the unexpected speed, I kick myself in the ground. Even in view of the power of the clash arm earlier, I can predict that Wolf's power status far exceeds mine. Abandon the choice of taking a sword strike from the right diagonal with a small knife and focus on turning yourself in. "Humph, there's more to defenselessness." It was me with a single hair that sent Wolfe's sabel, but the ability of the outfitted dress "Dancing in the Sky (Rondo)" makes me float into the air. Wolfe laughed niggardly and shook up the sabel in its hand again to chase him. "Snowblower!" Double Cherry Blossoms "! However, it was the night of the swing that made a quick surprise attack on Wolfe, who stretched Sabel's sword tip to me. He lowered his posture and activated his abilities from right diagonal rear, right next to Wolfe. Two fists thrust forward at the same time seemed to have stopped Wolfe from attacking. "Humph, that's sweet" The fist aimed at his face and abdomen cut the sky slightly. And Wolfe cut me out of the way. In response to the attack at night, he kicked the ground and danced through the universe, jumping parallel to the ground in such a position as a greeting from the rear of a bar jump. It is nothing more than placing oneself between two fists located just above and below what was unleashed by the shaking night. In addition to avoiding it magnificently, he tried to do a very acrobatic art of adding rotation to the leap, turning back to the night (so on) in the air, flashing without turning around, even fighting back with a sabel. "Guh." Slashed and torn vertically from shoulder to hip, the shaking night raised a groan and braced backwards to manage to arouse the numbing body on the spot. Kou HP 260/270 195/270 Here finally, Evening Fai approaches Wolf with his shield in front. Wolfe landed brilliantly on the ground from his feet and set up a sabel to Evening Fai. "Light Sword!" Evening Fai (Yuki) shouts his ability name out loud and goes straight to Wolf. The knight's shield benefits from his abilities, and suddenly glares, and I unwittingly narrow my eyes. Was that the true summit of the Sword of Light? He lost sight of his opponent, and behind that shield a hidden sword was pounded and unleashed by Wolfe. But even that was easy for Wolfe to spot. Evening Fai opened her shield to the side at the same time as she protruded her sword, and as she did, Wolfe was moving her body in the same direction as her shield. Moreover, he leaped lightly, placing his left hand on the shield so as to put on Evening Fai's blind spot, and stabbed Evening Fai (Yuki) deep from the top to his left shoulder with a sabel he gripped with his right hand. "Ugh! Yu HP 340/450 220/450 Wolfe survived Yuki's attack without difficulty, and decided on a counter through the street. From the subtly paralyzed body of Evening Glow (Yuki), Wolfe pulls out her sword at the same time as she lands, releasing a backward spinning kick. My best friend, who had been hit hard on the back, had not been able to gain momentum and still crashed into me drifting through space. "More than that, Wolfe! A swinging night to hold it back punches Wolfe, but while avoiding it, he approaches us with a ruthless look on his face. "Humph. Curse your uselessness, alchemist bastard" I thought it was a bad idea. I threw a certain item on the ground. The eyes of misery. But the avoidance items that lead to the next hand. Substitutes created by synthesizing "Fluffy Cotton Grass" Fluffy Leaf Green "and" Chemli Ball ". It's a yellow-green ball. It's a fuzzy ball. "Fuwamoku Ball" [This range item was born by combining the 'fluffy cotton grass colour' inherited from the properties of a mofwusa drifting in the wind like cotton wool with the power of 'Chemli balls' to take away vision. When used, light green chemistry explodes, blocking vision. Moreover, within the smoke range, he becomes lighter and weighs down to one-twentieth as if he were a mofwussa. Plus only for mercenaries (players), the gravity applied to them becomes one-half] Weight loss means nothing more than faster travel. However, if gravity is halved in addition to sole, it becomes difficult to step on. It's easier for those who attack and those who are swept away, making it harder for them to carry out one blow in a row. And the light green smoke covers my vision, so I'm sure it's confusing. Exactly, this is the situation right now. The surrounding area is stained with a single color of light green and you can't even peek a meter away. Of course, Shaking Night, Mina, and Evening Fai are heard from mercenaries (players) who were spreading battle around. And Wolfe should have the same sole. Wolfe, who was about to tear the chase right up to that point, once stopped moving or would he go in without a problem? I can't measure that judgment, but I snort at Yuki, who fell ill to get out of the crisis. "Ohh. I need you to report back on the PT chat." Then speak to the wind fairies. "Up" Weight was one-twentieth + one-sixth by one-half of gravity, and one-twelfth of gravity was not Dade. With unprecedented momentum, it quickly thrusts through the smoke and rises all at once to the sky. Its height is higher than expected, more than 15 meters. I haven't reached the altitude of the sky, but the feeling of flying this body to a high place is simple. Flying is the closest feeling to a symbol of freedom, he said, and the famous brothers who invented the plane have been hovering from day to day, but I see. This ends in a refreshing word. The ability to fly far from freely dancing the universe at your own will, but the wind blowing through, the blue sky. All of that makes me feel refreshed. Not without some fear of unexpected heights, but I smiled unexpectedly at the fairies beside me. Thank you, fairies. "Taro, be the wind" "Tallow - Tallow - Windy Feelings" "Stay free." With the help of the wind fairy, there's only one reason I let myself rise. Because looking down on the battlefield from above is easier to grasp the situation quickly. Plus, if you're going to make an ambush, attacks from the uppermost of your intentions are easy to hit. Even Wolfe regrets his ability to evade, but he has no choice but to take these methods of warfare. There are Evening Fai, Shaking Night, and Mina on the ground. Even if we expose ourselves to defenselessness, they'll cover us there. Set up "Shooting Fireworks (Small)" and carefully observe the lower smoke area. How with that Wolf, if you get sniped with this item that allows ranged, ranged attacks where your body flutters, you will surely take damage. It is unknown how much damage the fireworks do to the surrounding companions. But at least when you fight with Mr. Announ, you don't have to worry so much if you don't even take a direct hit, as Mina or I didn't take that much damage even if I were in the fireworks range. Well, it's Wolfe. Where does it come from? As the grey-haired boy appeared from what part of the smoke, now or now, his voice sounded inadvertently heard from above. "There is, that. You can't see the sky without looking up there, can you? I don't see you, Taro." A pale sky witch in a robe. "Uh... Mr. Missora" Even as I was upset by her sudden appearance, I felt unspeakable relief, delighted that I had half anticipated that there would still be Mr. Mithola on this battlefield. Fluffy, unlike me slowly descending in an undressed position, Mr. Mithola stood on some immortal greetings little cloud. "Hmm, I wondered whose cloud it was, and that green one was Taro's. Were you?" Mr. Mithola is slowly coming down to my altitude and gazing intriguingly at the smoke of my 'fuzzy balls'. "Oh, uh, was Mr. Misora here after all? Or what about the Divine Soldier? Ashes King, what happened to the magically unleashed Divine Soldiers (Deus) who, unlike me, were flying freely and freely through the air at my will, under the life of Kaguya Morpheus? If my predictions were correct, it would still be Mr. Missora who was under their attack. "I don't think you will notice the magnificence of the great Ethereal Dome, the hand-pawn style of those who can only imitate God. So even if I don't deal with him, he's going down to the ground, he's going down." Miss Mithola smiled cheerfully pointing her wand far above. There were four Divine Soldiers (Deus) and a wizard in an old man's robe beside the king desperately dancing and flying in the sky. No, that one's on the run. From what, if asked. That's too big a white chunk. It's from a giant cloud. The clouds, which were supposed to be intact, had changed into various forms, ravaging the Divine Soldiers (Deus). Sometimes he tries to chew it off with a dragon-like agate, sometimes forming fists released by giants and beating them up. The total is about the size of a castle, and if all of them have masses, it's a hell of a monster. Moreover, a number of magic that can only be described as powerful, activated by the Divine Soldiers (Deus), is sucked into place immediately after it occurs, as if swallowed by the blue of the sky. In the remaining skies, only ripples sound like water. "I sure don't see the beauty sky just looking down there. But when the beholder sees it, he understands the dangers of men crawling to the ground, even if they are leaning down." Ms. Mithola began to look down, even as she said the battle with the Divine Soldiers (Deus) did not matter. I'm caught, too, looking down. If you look closely at the battlefield, you will notice that the number of mercenaries (players) has dropped dramatically. Around the king close to the castle, the Divine Soldiers (Deus) have been attacked by Gatchiri and the Mercenaries (players), and the battle between the Mercenaries (players) has intensified. On the outer periphery of the venue, the encircled Divine Soldiers (Deus) narrow their circles. ... I'm starting to feel that this is not the case when mercenaries (players) are arguing with each other. "Well, are the Wind Fairies able to help Talo? "Well, of course it is! Without these kids, I'd be..." "Taro is a good one" "Taro - is a wind child - a healthy child" "Wow." Even though I didn't instruct them to do anything, the fairies caused the wind and even flew my body up. Mr. Mithola smiles and protects us. In a calm tone as the Mother of Mercy, she speaks. "Oh, yeah. Taro has less magic, so you're gonna be careful when you join forces with the fairies, right? You should be careful." "Uh? That's the first time I've noticed you say that. That I only have 2 MPs left. "Maybe..." "Using these kids' winds will reduce your magic, it will decrease. But there are three fairies, so maybe a third more magic than usual? Right? "We're working together." "The power of taro, it's delicious ~" "Me, Ramon, Taro." "Well, it's kind of a noisy ball, but let's have fun with each other, huh? Enjoy. If Taro and the fairies are in danger, it's not too late for Mithola, the guardian of the sky, to go down to earth." Leaving those words behind, Mr. Mithola, the wise man, went up to further heights. Watch it get smaller for a while. Kind of seemed like a distant person. I remember a little loneliness. It's me, but I have to get back to my battlefield. Reduce the shaking of the mind that nearly blew, and look under your eyes. After all, more and more mercenaries (players) are eaten and kicked in death. The fangs come from the same mercenary (player), or from weapons of divine soldier apprenticeship that hold pale armor together. The art of surviving this battlefield. That's only cooperation. He taught me to shake the night, Yuki, Mina, George, and Glenn. But like Wolfe. If the other person does not have that will, is it still the only way to annihilate them? Drinking "Forest Couscous" and restoring my MP I slowly descend into the sky. ―――― Character Name Wolf Level 13 HP 300 MP? Power or magic? Defense? Demon defense? Fast or intelligent? Equipment:???? Skills:???? Title: Head of Herd If you are a PT leader during PT, your overall status will be 1.1 times higher. Even if a PT member is killed, the effect persists if the PT is combined.
"I believe you." Staring with pale eyes clearer than the sky, shaking silver hair more beautiful than the moon, she forcefully says' I trust 'me. The magnificence of the scenery looking down from the hands of the giant, and the sense of crisis surrounded and pressed by enemies in all directions, will all be in front of her by Kasumi. "Uh, so there's no minerals that can lead to explosives? She just said she was working hard to overcome this predicament, but I was in the mood to rise and rise to heaven. I want to shame the fact, the half side of joy, my tiny amount of instrumentation, and fly away somewhere. I'm so happy that I'm the only one who can pick... the silver angel has admitted me, depends on me, and she's beautiful. Reason has alarmed me over and over again, telling me to stay calm with my head. She's still exploring the threads of the attack with all her might, and her mind can't catch up even if she understands that it's not if she's floating as a mineral maniac. Still, I pull my knowledge of the minerals in the corner of my head on words before I manage to get my mind stained with her brilliance. "Yes, but if it's a fire ore, I have it." I also handed my chi to two types: "Wandering's (Ele) Fire Iron (Inca)" and "Flaming Demon Mine (Flame)". It is likely to be associated with the firing, and of all the minerals I possess by hand, it is of the highest quality. "Hmm? It seems that Talo is the one who goes into the ore appraisal immediately. The look of "Wandering's (Ele) Fire Iron (Inca)" is nothing strange, it feels like a red stone mixed with a little gray. But, as the name suggests, it seems to be a wandering mineral. I don't know the details, but the Mercenary Corps (Clan) member who actually used it as a material when creating the weapon said, "This guy can hardly stabilize the temperature because he wanders with heat." When using it as a material for fine iron, refining and weapon protection equipment, it is very lacking in stability, so I have been told that it is a hard ore to handle, but as an individual, it is one of my favorite minerals. Speaking of "Flame Demon Mine", it's a red and black, slightly transparent mineral. It seems to have a swinging flame-like property. It suddenly emits heat during weapon production, causing a phenomenon that dissolves the characteristics of the iron temperatures that are being struck and other materials that are combined. Another less-used mineral is the "Wushu Man (We)" view. "My prediction is that the materials that go with" Wandering (Ele) Fire Iron (Inca) "bind whatever nature you like... I think you need the hardness to control it. Or the kind of material that symbolizes the freedom to make good use of its penetration? Say it yourself. It's alley, but I think it's a terribly sensory thought. But now I just have to tell the angel everything I can think of. Because that angel is counting on me as nobody else. "I also think" Flame Demon Mine "needs to be strong enough to withstand the heat. Even if mixed with conflicting materials, such as water and ice, there will be no ex or child if each other's properties rebound and offset each other. A blacksmith's mercenary (player) made of this material said it would not go well with the soft material." "I see. Either way, you need a strong material... you need something with an impact..." Angels who observe seriously and minerals and glow their eyes gold. I must have used some kind of appraisal system abilities. As the alchemist who is extremely eager to explore her behaved, I also seem to be at the tip of a mineral maniac, and I do a brain search to see if I have any other knowledge of minerals. "Speaking of which, it's like it said in some material description section that very hard minerals can be collected from giants..." He is currently riding the carcass of the giant in a progressive fashion, so he talks about what he came up with naturally. "From the giant? Mmm..." As the angel contemplated something, he gazed at the giant's face and looked refreshed as if he had noticed something with A. "Yes, there was material found in the underground city of Yorn..." With that said, what she showed me was a big, blackening, gothic mineral. "Mr. Nahak! Get your face a little closer this way! That's how the zombie face of an overly big giant approached me suddenly, and I thought to myself, what would she do? "What, angel, such filth" I clung my hand to the hole in the giant's nose. Plus, it's pretty momentum and wandering. It's not strange to be called a goddess. From what she looks like, I'm surprised at a place I can't even imagine, but the angel says it dignified, regardless of me like that. "What are you talking about, Mr. Junya! This is also a fine ore, it's a material! The angel who laughs niggardly and shows off the glowing stones collected from the nose of the giant...... Tallo, as he did when we met. Surrounded by numerous enemies, desperate, yet just, just laughing fun. I feel strange about her like that, and my mouth is loose. "Haha, Taro is funny" "Junya, can you call me there?" For some reason she suddenly turns into a vegan face and says that to her. Talo's incredible reaction was funny, and her presence in the distance, an angel, finally seemed familiar to me. Junya, with the whine you gave me, I wake up memories about certain materials. "From the giant? Mmm..." Yes, I did discover minerals the first time I explored the underground city of Jørn with Mr. Lilli and the others. "Black Stone (Bugger)" [A nostril (biko) of the noble giant Nobles Giant, his nostrils hardened over the years. It is very similar to blackening ores and boasts more than equal hardness. It was therefore difficult to process, and the slaves of that time said, 'That's noble nose shit. It seems to have made it a laugh during the blacksmith with half the compliments, half the shudders, half the blacksmiths, not even the nose fucking breaks and bends, it has a noble trait' etc.] I had no idea what material it would be after I got it, so I left it, but maybe I can hope for some hardness that's not unusual. There is only one possession, and one more thing is missing to try to synthesize with each of the Wandering (Ele) Fire Iron (Inca) and Flaming Demon Mine (Flame) that you gave me. Wait, wait, wait. You can take it from the noble giant Knobless Giant... right next to you, noble giant! I ask Mr. Nahak to hurry up and collect the Black Stone (Bugger). So, Junya, I'm going to try out the "synthesis" with the two materials I gave away from you. "" Demon Alchemy "..." Gathering of Wisdom "Rubik Architect" Type Cube... " First activate the ability to 'synthesize' on the spot. "Awaken the power to sleep in it..." Blessings of the Double God (Hypnos) " Plus, I spent my skill points in advance until I became LV on Demon Alchemy, but the abilities I learned in LV are also activated additionally. To sum up the effect of this ability, Blessings of the Double God (Hypnos), is just to say that we can do two 'syntheses' at the same time. Additionally, there is some content that gives a blessing that increases the effect of items made using Blessings of the Double God (Hypnos) by 1.1x, but the best strength would be that you can treasure multiple items quickly when you have to make them in battle. "Ugh... difficult" However, the cubes floating in both hands naturally had fragmented colors on each side, and although only two colors, it was quite a difficult task to align those color patterns at the same time. Does this on the contrary take time to try and error, and it takes time to achieve 'synthesis'? "Gu... it's a failure" Synthesis of "Black Strange Stone (Bugger)" and "Wandering (Ele) Firestone (Inca)" has failed. In other words, the cube color could be aligned on all six sides, but the item could not be created. In other words, the material itself did not seem to be compatible. After all, it can be said that the weakness of "Magic Alchemy" cannot be synthesized while watching the compatibility and progress of the materials carefully with the Alchemy Kit "Synthetic Cauldron". "This one... a little later... so, I could! : "Flaming Demon Sealed Boulders" has been created: : recorded in recipe: : "Blessings of the Double God (Hypnos)" has amplified the item effect created by 1.1x: Flush and read the log and gaze at the description section of the completed new item. "Flaming Demon Sealed Boulder" [A giant stone containing fierce demon flames] [Status, force, 400 +, cannot be moved from the installation point] [When it strikes, it explodes] [Generates 200 to 1300 damage depending on the red attribute bombing distance] The power is awesome...... Would this be a substitute for any mercenary (player) at the moment to kill instantly if they were caught in an explosion right around the corner? At the moment of the explosion, the damage seems to vary depending on the distance bombed... but isn't 200 damage even on the outermost side of the range pretty powerful? Hmm, but do I have to shock you? In the first place, this item sounds like the type of thing that will be installed on the spot the moment you use it from your inventory... but how bad is it that you get swallowed up by an explosion and how much longer does it take to launch it? To be practical on PvP, you need a thoughtful meeting with bowman Lily or Mina, who specializes in magic attacks. But now you don't need to worry about those either. You know, I could have created the item I wanted. And then there's just action to trigger the phenomenon I'm after (...). "Junya-kun, how many more" Flame Demon Mines "are there? "Uh, I guess we only have two more" That said, Junya, you give me the Flame Demon Mine without saying anything. "Thanks" Without reward or reward, I thank him exactly for his attitude, which gives way to me, followed by a call to the giant Mr. Nahak. "Mr. Nahak! Throw this stone as much as you want in the mountains right there! "Gyoi" That's how I take the freshly completed Firedemon Sealed Boulder from my inventory to Mr. Nahak's palm. Its size is exactly beyond stone to rock. Mr. Nahak held the red and black boulder two metres across and more than one metre high with his other hand and threw it near the vicinity I had specified. The boulder thrown by Mr. Nahak painted a stunning arc and hit a snowy mountainside. At the same time, intense explosions shook (hissed) the area, and a chain of intense explosions spread (hives) at the falling point of "The Flaming Demon's Sealed Boulder". I see that power next door, Junya. Likewise, I had something to freak out about that power just a little bit. : I have mastered Extra Ability: The Titan's Small Meteorite: I need to be amazed at what I've done when a very noisy log has flown. I have a duty to observe (...) the mountains. "On the first, won't it happen? Then we need to make the next 'Flaming Demon Sealed Boulder'..." It's bad for Nahak, who struggles against a large number of interrogators, who persistently (persistently) attack at his feet, but let him tickle his nostrils again. At the time I tried to ask the giant to keep his face close so I could get the Black Strange Stone (Bugger). Slow heavy bass did start to sound. "Yay... right on target" Small at first, but getting bigger. After a while, it comes close with a rage momentum, a melody on an overwhelming scale. This is accompanied by a shake that is driven by anxiety for everyone who stays on the spot. The seismic intensity grew louder every time the sound increased, and I would finally have noticed. From above the palms of the giants, look down at the pathetic NPC examiners. They twitch, they look around and they float about something... and that's how they realize the sound, the shaking, the identity. By the time I figured out what that was, everything was never there. Potsuri and Junya you shrugged. Staring at the imminent wave of pure white with immense mass. I had a desire to watch the snowy enemy soldiers, too, but I have something to do before I do. "Mr. Nahak! Mamor-kun and Miss Ignitol on board! Yes, I think the avalanche (who) is on a scale that you could do over if it was grabbed by Mr. Nahak over 15 meters tall, maybe. So we also have to protect the two people who are engaged on the ground in the vicinity. Having thus succeeded in blowing up the snowfield and causing an avalanche from Snow Mountain with sound and momentum, we take a magnificent view of the white pushing everything over Mr. Nahak's palm. Then the intruder disappears without a trace, and when the neighborhood is surrounded by silence, I slowly see you next door, Junya. Did he also guess, and he turned his face a little awed over here? "Junya, sir. Finally, we can talk calmly." Finally, I can hear what he's offended and how he started avoiding me. Tell him I want him to remain a friend who can talk to him about collecting and materials, with the same attitude as before. "Uh, yeah." But I felt hooked by the strange reaction he showed, and I had to put it on hold to convey my feelings. Junya dyeing her cheeks into a Zhu once again. I look directly at your face and feel a sense of ready-made vision. "Uh, Talo... what are you talking to me about? Yeah? Bo blushes his cheeks all the time, and Junya stares at me with her forehead... yes, this is for sure... very similar to the way she showed me before I tried to confess to Hikane. Wait. What happened to me when I confessed to Sy? I called her to talk, and I tried to dare her to confess. Yes, a confession of love. Uh, in retrospect of what I've been up to earlier... my face suddenly starts to get hot. I want to talk, how dare you say it like me right now... Isn't that the kind of thought that leads me to see the look on his face when I'm a girl and Junya is heterosexual to you, and if I take a bunch of those barbarities, it could very well be in the wrong direction the day after tomorrow (or later)!? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not good, not good. I don't have such romantic feelings for you, Junya, but I want you to be my friend... but here, what I'm not telling you is that it doesn't make sense that I've worked so hard to get here, or that I'm not manly, at the end of the day... Words and feelings that don't form get stirred up in my brain and I don't know what to do. Still, I have to force myself to say something! No more silence, no more! With a little bit of painful air, I desperately squeeze out the real deal. "Ore, for alchemy, has something to do with the edge of cutting but not cutting..." So say what! What am I trying to say!? This is like me and Junya saying you have an edge that you can't even cut! I lost the lights, tried to tell them away, but instead it's a terrible dialogue... but if I'm honest with you about wanting you to be my friend, it sounds like a puberty kid is confessing! Oh, I'm embarrassed. Yes. "Ugh, yeah. Talo, I'm sorry." I'm sure my face is brighter than yours, Junya. His smile was very soft and dazzling. It's a quiet night. I dare to divulge my thoughts to what's going on around me to fit inside my noisy chest. Your brother will be sleeping upstairs, spilling a sigh into the bunk bed ceiling. I don't know how many times this is going to happen, I don't know that much anymore. Hitting a turnaround doesn't calm your feelings. Second, the white light spilled from the gap in the curtain entered my eyes, and I quietly stepped out of the bunk bed and looked out the window. There are stars in the night sky. Yes, if we were like those stars, she would illuminate them, like that moon. It's so impossible not to look at it. I can't stop thinking about her enough to think about what a stupid thing it is. Whether you're logging out of the game, eating rice, or doing your homework...... really, her expression, voice, and tricks burned in the back of her brain flash back. I... Taro, do you like it? I've never felt this way about three or four younger girls. I've been in love before. There was a time in third grade when I was secretly one-sided with the most beautiful girl in my class. But what is it? Not at all this time. After entering junior high school, it became spicy to talk to girls and kept them at a certain distance. I don't know what the opposite sex is thinking, but I was getting worse at it. I kind of feel Taro is different. It's very easy to talk about, and we can talk about the ingredients... it's fun, I'm happy... But when Taro and I got our eyes on each other, I almost got sucked into those gemstone-like pale eyes... and every time my long hair swayed brilliantly on silver, my eyes chased after Taro naturally... thrilled... Oh, what's wrong with me? You're the girl I met in the game. Yeah, I'm sure that looks too pretty, so I'm just restless. In the first place, you can't have a girl like that moon goddess in reality. It sounds silly to wander off into a design made of calacri. Is that it? But I didn't seem to have a choice of silver for the hair color item...... What do I expect? There's no way a real module can be seen like that. And thinking about it, it bothered me, and in the end, nothing's going to change, and there's no way I'm going to do anything about it with her. "Hmm, pure night. You were still awake? Calling his name and looking back, his brother, who was supposed to have slept on a bunk bed, was only waking up his upper body and looking at this one. Did I wake you up? And, while I feel bad, I laugh at my brother for shaking the night (...). "Sorry, brother. Think about it..." "Oh? What the hell, I guess you're not talking about love troubles or anything? "Oh, that's not true! I just had a few thoughts about Clan Clan... I'm going to bed now! "Ooh? Ooh. Don't get too obsessed with the game. Isn't that my in-laws?" Momochi and the lower part of the bed, I close my eyes. "Oh, pure night. No, because my friends are coming to see me tomorrow." "Huh? Oh, yeah. I don't mind." Speaking of friends my brother often tangles with... Buddha (two) and Asahina-kun? "It's more like a meeting than playing, though." "Hmm? Like Asahina-kun? "Well that's the place. Oh, and..." "What?" "Whatever guy comes, don't be surprised, do it" It's a strangely bad way to say it to your brother. Hmm, maybe call me a class girl or something? I don't know if you're aware of your brother, but he's so hot. "I'm not being rude to your brother's friends." "Oh, no, that's not what I meant." "Brother, it's okay." "Well, good night, brother" "Oops......" I need to decide quickly how to face this emotion towards Taro... somehow, it was the night I felt that way.
"Are you sure you have Yukio's main weapon, vice president of The Hundred Nights!? Yuruchi-san eats at night when his weapon is taken away. After the battle in "The Meadows That Sink On The Lake," we were to rendezvous with Yuri, who was ambushed once alone. "It was Taro who dropped Yukio's weapon" When Shaking Night shows me with his gaze, Yuri "eh..." hardens a lot. As for Yuri, who inexplicably slipped out of PT because of me, I guess it's uncomfortable on top of this that I'm the one holding the key to the negotiations that my weapon might come back. "Yes, what..." Staring at me casually, Yuri-chan. "Oh. But I'm glad Taro's in possession." "Sure. If I'd dropped it on someone from our Hundred Rides Night Trip, you'd be crazy to death over there to take it back. That's going to hit us with a lot of momentum that's going to kill us." Evening Fai (Yuki) agrees with Shaky Night's opinion. "Besides, Taro looks like a mercenary (player) under the age of , so if you don't attack them from Taro forever, Taro won't be able to attack you for long." "In the first place, there's a verse that you like about Glenn from The Hundred Nights, isn't there, Taro?" "Talo, you're so good" "So, we trade Yuri's" Big Wheel Fire Slash "and Yukio's" Cane to Grow Ice and Snow, "and the exchanger also does the taro? Yuri-chan called "Waited" as she tried to sum up the conversation specifically. "Hey, hey, stop" "What the fuck?" "Yura, what? Yuruchi is alone with his tofu. "No, what are we talking about naturally? Well, Yukio's weapon dropped on Taro, so Taro's free to handle it, right? "I don't care." If it can be exchanged, a clear indication of will should be given. "... why? Then Yuruchi-san stuffed me with a bright red face. Subtly rough nose. "I grabbed you by the way, grabbed your stuff, and I slipped out of the PT. The" Cane to Grow Ice and Snow "equipment can be sold at a high price in the" Bounty Neck and Auction (Wonted) "if the Master Right (...) expires. And you... for me." Mastery is simply ownership of a weapon (...). That weapon is set with something called usage, a system where the longer the previous owner was equipped, the more master rights remain the previous owner and cannot be equipped (...). They call a weapon that has no master rights' new 'and a weapon that still has master rights' used '. By the way, they say that master rights disappear over time or when you take them to a facility that erases master rights, they release them for a fee (...). "Why..." Yuruchi can't understand why you're following me on such a sword screen. My intentions don't make her lose anything. I can't stand Yuri's gaze when she looks at me like a jerk, and I say boss. "It's my friend's chance to take back what I care about. This is normal, right? Yuki and Koya are my friends. And if anyone thinks these guys are buddies is in trouble, shaking nights doesn't matter either. Then it would be normal to want to be as powerful as you can for shaking night and evening glow. "Uh, ha...? Yuri-chan heard my answer, her eyes patted and her mouth slightly opened. Something pocan. "Well, there's a" mundane "statement by a normal person." "Yo, normal people." Shit. I'm going to say 'normal' for anything, old clichés have appeared. I remember in middle school when the name of Buddha (two) Shintaro and my words and deeds became disastrous and the nickname Taro, a normal person, became frightened. "... mundane? While Shizuku is questioning my nickname, Shaking Night (Koya) and Yuki (Yuki) come shoulder to shoulder to tease me. Ugly. "Shut up, don't mumble at me" "The first person I said it to was a normal person, Taro, right? "That's right, Ordinary Tallow? "So - because I already figured it out. Yes, yes, it's normal. Normal." "So don't worry about this guy because he's like this, Yuchi" "Koo and Yu, mind your own business." Hold still, hold still, hold still. Then you start showing an unusual, unusual reaction from the two of us. Evening Fai looks uncomfortable and soothing. I don't mess with my glasses at night or try to gaze at them. Doubt it, I'll ask. "Oh, my God, both of you" "Oh, no, you know what? "... ah, ah" How awkward they seem, they don't try to gaze at each other. "What the hell. Let me get this straight." "... now, when you can snare at the look of that taro, right? "... it's against the rules to stare at a silver-haired girl as soon as possible." As unexpectedly as the two of us, my abomination increases. I jumped at both of them. "Taro, I'm sorry, we're screwed." I don't even listen to their stops, and I'm going to slap Pokapoka and Yukou on the head. Zamaa (laughs). "hahaha" Yuruchi suddenly laughed looking at us. "haha what is that" That, this kid. That's pretty cute when you laugh. I don't know what she bumped into, but then for a while she was holding her stomach and laughing. By the time it finally healed, Yuruchi had begged for a handshake, wiggling tears. "Then say hello again. I'm loose. I'm sorry about earlier. I'm going to take care of you." "Oh, yes, Yuri-chan. Nice to meet you." Squeeze each other's hands. "Like Shiz, call me Yura too. I'll call you Taro, too." Nica smiled so much that she thought she was a sunny daughter. Then, under the leadership of Evening Fai (Yuki), Yuri negotiated a friend message with Glenn in the Hundred Nights. Yukichi and Glenn also registered friends because they were real brothers and sisters. "Looks like you're up to this offer. After all, there were no particular conditions for that request, except that Taro would bring a 'cane to grow ice and snow'. Of course, I'm talking about accompanying us." "Now Yura's weapon is coming back, and we're not going to be talking about soliciting mercenaries." "Talo. Glenn's a perverted brother, so you better not deal with him." Yuruchi shrugs her shoulders and advises me. "That's right, what's the place for a deal? "The pioneer city of Michelangelo's 'Time is Golden' is the square in front of the tavern." "Eh, that means..." Mr. Sizk looks strangely anxious when he asks where it is. When I wondered, I stared at Evening Fai and Shaking Night for explanations. "Quick story, it's insecure around the tavern." "There's a tavern called 'Time is Gold' off the main street. I mean, it's the equivalent of an area in the city where there's hardly a god soldier (Deus) to control PvP." "For that matter, the range of interactions between mercenaries (players) widens, so it's very busy around the tavern..." Yuruchi put his arms together and mumbled. "This is not the end of just trading gear." "I don't know, I'm sorry I got involved, Taro" "Uh-huh, it's fun to do this" "You don't have to worry about this because this is normal for Taro" "Don't worry about Koo." I'll leave a scratch in Evening Fai, who answers openly. "Glenn, it's you..." Yuki goes through my statement, takes a sooo deep breath, and squeals the name of the head of the enemy mercenary regiment (Klan). "Like I said, he's just a perverted brother" "Taro saw you once at The Ten Spheres Mandatory Watch Stand, didn't he? "Oh, no, not in a personable sense..." "Oh, battle style." "You're a typical magician type." "Sure, I had a cane..." Even he looked like he was going to use magic in a robe. "You're a magician who specializes in red magic skills." "Red means magic that deals with fire? "Right. See, even when you were relative to Talo on the watch stand, you were barking like, 'You don't seem to know until you're burned out by my flames (Kimeface)'? "Glenn, it's rumored that you have some titles that give bonuses to the magic of the red attribute." "Heh, title." Like me, do you have a title that works for a mercenary (player)? "Yeah. You know, sometimes magic fails because you watched sizzling and shaking nights activate magic, right? "Yeah." "It is said that he has never failed to activate magic, only with regard to the red attribute" "In fact, we've never seen Glenn fail flaming magic either." Flames. "My brother, my sister, won't tell me about the title, either. He's an asshole." Hmm. There may be circumstances where you can't tell others the conditions for obtaining a title, like the gemstone producing forest 'Christerie'. "And Mr. Glenn's magic is very powerful, and the range of magic effects is completely wider than any other Red Class magic user." Whatever, flames. The time may have come for 'Crystals to Freeze Sparks' to come in handy. "I mean, Mr. Glenn is a mercenary (player) who specializes in flaming magic? "Honestly, it's too powerful to fail magic or something. You don't want to fight from the front." I need Red Lotus Stone, assuming a battle against flames. In other words, it is necessary to "convert" the "Red Eyed Stone (Red Eye)", which drops from Mohusa. The only material I got is pieces. "Well, I'd like to be as ready as I can be..." Ask me what I think is interesting. "Do you have any secrets? Alchemist Which" I laugh so hard. "If you can, guys. I was wondering if you could give me the material I collected on this adventure." "Of course." "Fine." "Oh, me too, I'll give you something Taro" Quickly, you listened to my request. Whenever possible, create items with Alchemy. The rendezvous point with Baijitsu, "Time is Golden," was a fairly large tavern on two floors of wood. The exact meeting point was the square in front of the tavern, but we arrived a little earlier than we had promised to, and we had a look around the store. "The problem is... it doesn't look like much." There is no particularly disturbing air, and no mercenaries (players) such as ambushes are found. "Hiu, that's a rare blush" "" A Hundred Rides at Night "? What about Glenn's guy? Here at Evening Fai and Shaking Night, I began to deal with Ozi and the others who spoke casually about whether their faces were wide or not. I guess the two of them have the soul guts to gather as much information as they can. Smell of alcohol, smoke, dim lighting, and heat with human-specific body temperature. Older mercenaries (players) who seem to have both one and two habits. Exactly a tavern. "Hey, what's this beppin '?" "Lady, I don't know... especially the kids" A few mercenaries with eyes on me tangle a jock in one hand. It was Yuchi who covered it up softly. "Whoa? Well, if you guys say so, I guess so." "Damn mercenaries under fifteen don't hurt too much because they're just kids and they're scared of what to do." "Don't be cute, miss." The mercenaries who began to gather quickly scattered at Yuichi's word. "... 'lone wolf'? I'll say the name of the mercenary regiment that was in the conversation earlier to Yuchi. "Hmm. And what does that have to do with mercenaries under fifteen? "The Mercenary Corps (Clan)" The Lonely Wolf "is made up of mercenaries (players) under the age of fifteen." Even mercenaries under the age of fifteen were surprised to say that they were crossing with the adults in good standing. "Taro, Shizuku, Yuri. It's time. Let's go outside." As a matter of fact, Evening Fai calls out whether you have finished collecting information. Finally. I confirm my own strength, no matter what happens. "Emerald (Emerald) Tears + 2" x 7. [Immediately recovers HP. Usually 150, +1 is 180, +2 is 200, +3 is 220] 2 x "Crystal Potion". [When used, the crystals inside overflow from the bottle and diffuse to wrap the body. I can instantly recover the HP200 and MP20 of those who have touched the light they emit] 2 x "Forest Kusuri". [Using it, MP40 recovery occurs when you drink Shizuku, which flows out of the petal. Limit of use up to 3 times] 3 x "Extreme Ame Balls". [When used, the status force is only +10 for one minute] 1 x "Chemli Ball + 2" 2 x "Chemli Ball + 3" [When used, white smoke screen occurs. And this time there are two items: eyeballs, anti-sleepless Magic Instructor Glenn, and flame resistance. Materials obtained from the gemstone-producing forest and "Red Eyed Stone (Red Eye)", separated from everyone else, were made from materials. "Dust of Fire Protection" x 5. [When used, all PTs can reduce Red Attribute damage by 10% for a minute] This is followed by an item made from "Red Lotus Stone" made of 10 x "Red Eye Stones", which can be produced with superior conversion. "Crystals that freeze the spark" x3. [Freeze the crystal and the bumped flame. However, only for flames with a total damage of 500 or less] There is quantitative anxiety. But this is the limit we can prepare for at the moment. "Okay. Shall we?" Evening Fai (Yuki) and Shaking Night (Koya) left "Time is Golden" with Shizuku and Yuichi's five. When we showed up in the square in front of the liquor store, the faces of the Hundred Nights had already arrived. There are more than 15 people. There are two familiar magician-style figures in the center of the group. One with red hair and one with grey hair. This is Glenn, the insomnial magician who led the "One Hundred Nights" regiment, and Yukio, the deputy leader. Glenn graciously thanked me when he saw me and said hello. "This is a glamorous flower, respond to your senseless invitation, this sleepless magician, Glenn, to the extreme of gratitude" I guess flowers are about me... "Ha, ha" "Glenn, this is Yukio, as promised. I brought your former main weapon, The Cane to Grow Ice and Snow. Are you bringing Yuichi's 'Big Wheel Fire Slash', too, firmly? "Damn, Yu-kun can't help but say hello in the middle of nowhere. Look, Yukio, let me show you to those suspicious guys." When Glenn orders Yukio next door to do so, the grey-haired boy sets one hand in the universe. A few moments later, he embodied a thick sword measuring 1.2 metres in diameter and 20 cm across. The red sword body was dull and cracked, and the patterned area had gold edges. "Definitely. It's my Big Wheel Kill." Yuri takes confirmation from a distance. "Now, am I satisfied? Well, then you have to show me my wand." Yukio, with his great sword protruding to the ground, laughs nihera at this one. I take the 'Wand to Grow Ice and Snow' out of my gear storage and show them the bright white weapon that belonged to Yukio. "There's no doubt about that either. It's my wand to grow ice and snow." "Okay, so we're done confirming both sides. Better than this, forbid Yukio and his poor angel, Mr. Taro, to approach, and you two have no objection to trading gear on this occasion? Evening Fai replies to Glenn's declaration. "That's fine." "Okay, Yukio. Go on." Glenn prompts Yukio. "Tallo, go away" Evening Fai will guide me. Me and Yukio, step by step, shrink our distance. In the meantime, the two factions were unusually quiet. I don't know, my gaze is focused on us and I'm restless. And. Distance to Yukio cut a meter, then. : Trading has been applied for by Yukio LV11: : Do you accept? and the system log flows. I tap Accept without hesitation. : The trade system 'Big Wheel Fire Slash' is carried from Yukio: : Choose the weapon you want to trade: : I set up "Cane to Grow Ice and Snow": : Yukio is in the process of confirming. Are you sure about this exchange too? Again, check the name of the weapon Yukio is carrying with him for replacement. "Big Wheel Fire Slash". Definitely. : The trade has been concluded: : I got 'Big Wheel Fire Slash': "Phew..." "Haha, I never dreamed you'd kill me. Although Glenn has often said that beautiful flowers are poisonous, I don't know if I'm wrong." Yukio-kun, who finishes the trade, turns his back and returns to the Hundred Nights. "So that's the end of the deal (...), Glenn" "Then we're going home. I'm not the same Hippo who keeps logging in like you." The moment the shaking night said goodbye and turned his legs toward the surface street. Four members of the Hundred Nights traveled to block that direction of travel. "This is just an esse knight with a hypocritical sword, and I can make a senseless statement." "That way. Is a tongue that often turns to a ghost's ass a camouflage that hides its low deviation? Quickly jerking off my glasses at night as I huffle and fool around. "Ha, that attitude of looking down on others, don't even bother the knight's wind" "Which one?" Soon, a member of the Hundred Nights showed up in a position that would besiege us. Looks like he was hiding somewhere. With the number of people from the beginning, there are more than 20 of them. Were they calculating to surround us from the beginning? "Well fine. Stupid knights. I don't care how badly you think it's gonna end, do you? "I wish I could just say that ghosts want to be ghostly, savagely primitive, naive (chiseled) beatings, right? Yuki provokes sarcasm. "So you are fools who cannot be saved." Glenn laughs at such evening glow with his nose. "Glenn, what are you trying to say? "It would be boring just PvP, wouldn't it? We can only win because we can see it." To Glenn, who speaks with confidence, swings his glasses up quickly at night. That's what Shake Night says, look at me (...). Fished by it, Glenn, you look at me and you're bitter. [M] "That stupid brother. It's in front of Taro, so you want to look good." Glenn becomes even more sword-soaked in his lay. "Don't pinch the extra mouth, Yura" "My brother won't tell me." Where does the wind blow make Yuri feel like his real brother? "And anyway, which is the better mercenary regiment, let's do a 4vs4 PvP" "4vs4 or......" "You're where you want to be." Evening Fai and Shaking Night looked at each other and nodded. "Except for your poor flowers." That's what Glenn's gonna nominate to reach out to me. It was Evening Fai who surprised me with that. "This one won't let Yukio, the deputy team leader, join the battle as a level difference handler. In addition to that, you will be challenged by the four of us, and this one will be conditioned on the participation of the three of us in the fight. What do you say? Or a knight who thinks he can't even protect one poor flower? "Involving irrelevant mercenaries is an outward step, isn't it? "This is not a word that anyone who makes an irrelevant mercenary use a valuable potion can throw up." Kuhaha laughing sleepless magician. "What do you mean? Shaking nights in a low voice raises questions. "According to the information brought by our team, it seems that you took a valuable potion from the innocent girl there, used it, had it used, and beautifully repelled the raid of our team" "No, that's not it. He took the initiative and used the item." "And the potion's precious value is well explained." Yuki also adds an explanation to the objection of shaking night. "Let the children to protect cover you. Again, not even on the wind of a knight. Do you write knights and read them as hippos? "If you say otherwise, let me prove it once in a while. And then I want her to take the initiative and see if I can get her to join the fight and do it at her will and use the shelter items! Glenn spreads his hands wide and shouts to heaven. He sighs at such a wizard at night and looks back at me. "... Taro, are you okay? "If it's okay with me, we'll fight together." When Yuki hears my words, he pronounces them to Glenn. "I get it. Shall I give you 3 minutes? Even this one, I want to make sure the PT configuration is checked." "Don't say three minutes, I'll wait as long as I can" That's what Glenn told the surrounding members to look at and give them instructions to distance themselves from us. Evening with Evening Fai, and Shizuku, Yuri, I try to form a circle and look at each other. "Well, it's been a strange stream," Yuki drops the volume of her voice and begins to whisper. "Maybe we should thank Glenn for his consideration." I don't know much about shaking nights. A member of the Hundred Rides Night Trip that snorts at it. I wonder what that means. It's supposed to be just an item deal, but why should I be thankful if I'm being plugged into battle? "Why?" Sizuk answers my pure question with a laugh. "Serious to the members? I think it feels that way, don't you? Bullshit to the team? "We're mercenaries in the war, Taro." "If such a group of mercenaries face each other, they will kill each other. That's the common sense of Clan Clan, all mercenaries who live in Tuquinothea." "Bet your sword, your magic, your wealth and your pride." "What do you think will happen after the arms deal is over? An unlimited PvP. Is it possible to take advantage of the difference in the number of people without asking questions and start full bocco? "If you put it on black and white in front of the team beforehand, you will purposefully take the rules and add them until the battle begins" "So it prevented me from discriminating PvP after the deal." "Well, I don't think that's all." Yukichi is blurry as if he were frightened. "Ma'am, I don't think you would do that, would you, Glenn? Evening Fai laughs at me all the time. Naturally everyone in The Hundred Rides Night Trip will see me (...). "Hey, what...? "Ah. I think that asshole brother, perfectly, just wants to show Taro a good place" Yuki laughing bitterly. "Maybe I won't attack Taro in any way during the battle." Sizuk, too, has a dry grin. "That's happened before, hasn't it? Are you sure it was against Shiz? "That kind of place is (...) disciplined, Mr. Glenn..." Shaking night and Evening Fai laugh bitterly. Don't bother getting rid of it. Well, if you're not going to attack me, that's convenient. Because of my low level, if I take damage from a single blow, all HP losses will be a must. "Assuming that even if Taro recovers with an item, he has the confidence and strength to do so much damage that he can't keep up with that amount of healing, it's a lot to do -" Evening Fai groans with a serious face (thigh) to Yuri's bitterness. "Three opponents..." "Perhaps only one Glenn is the Ranged Attack type, and Theory is the one who brings in two Wall and Melee types as PT members" "Those two, as Bo and Ko will have" "Glenn's role depends on Sizuk, who has strong blue attribute magic skills in the red attribute, and Taro, the alchemist." A shaky night that makes your glasses glow creepy. "Uh, hey. Me... and Taro, the alchemist... are you okay? Yuri looks at me worried. I was able to get along with Yuki because of this. I just want to pay for my image of alchemy here. "Well, anyway. I'm telling you, there's three of us over there." Yuehui grins nicotineously and refreshingly, rattling with chatter, sword and shield. "Right. There's only one thing we need to do." At night, he smiles miserably and strikes a cage hand (gauntlet) with both hands. "Yeah, you are." Shizuku grips her wand with a smile. "Kill the Glenns." I proclaimed poso at the end. Nature and mouth angle connect. How does the belligerent grin of a silver-haired girl appear in the human eye? "What about me!? Alone, I can stop Evening Fai from eating the extravagant Yuki. "This time it's stable for Taro to go with Shiz, who has PT experience, and me, Kou, right? "If you resent me, resent yourself for not joining the Queer, Yuri" Cool laughs at night. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Shizu Taro chan. Let Yu and Koo mess with you." Shizuku pounds his tearful head. "I'll try my best to get to Yura's minute." I have a thumb on me, too. "Yuri, I'll take care of this." That's how the operation meeting ended, which can't be called an operation meeting. "Mr. Glenn! This one's ready! Evening Fai (Yuki) speaks loudly and sends a signal to the enemy to declare war. The opposing enemy. Glenn is the only long-range attack type, as expected. Nestled beside him is one lightly dressed mercenary with a spear in his hands. With a long sword on his back and a disappointing heavily armed (full plate) mercenary. Glenn pulls the redhead apart and puts the cane on the ground with a cutlet. "No one will be buried in my fire." Then, the captain of "Hundred Nights" points the tip of the wand at Evening Fai (Yuki), the captain of "Hundred Rides Nights". "Be prepared. Let's burn down every skin of that hypocrisy."
To advance the event [Black and White (Bitter) Meatballs and Hidden Castles], they move on when they raise the cat Tamed with the skill 'Cat Owner' to LV. "Hmm... are you in a fight? "That's right. I see fights between wild cats every once in a while, but they're so frequent." I heard that this event was taking place and that cats in each city were becoming ferocious... but that was [the cat city of Nyalunte] no exception. The cats, usually swallowed while even hissing, also occasionally struck a fierce squeal and seemed to rope each other's fangs and nails into weapons and quarrel. Honestly, it's also a painful sight to watch. But it is also true that natural dishes are not easily accessible. "Cat......" Kingdom-kun is watching the cats fight with a sad look on his face. "[Crown Cat Ringing on White Thunder (Kanmuruko)] and [Crown Cat Hissing on Black Cloud (Kanmuruko)], are they splitting into their respective factions and fighting...? "Mm-hmm. That's what I heard everywhere. Mercenaries (players) can't intervene directly. Right? "Hmm. Whatever, looks like you should prioritize a partnership agreement with your cat. There you go. Cuttlefish supplies." Give White Cat the bait that she bought for 30 eso at the Bounty Neck and Auction (Wonted). "Lovely, eheheheheheheheheheheh" Mm-hmm! Tickling eyes. Fuzzy hairy! Rounded Faceline! What a lovely creature! "Hmm?" I felt my gaze, and if I looked up, Kingo was looking at me jizzily. I wonder what it is and try to speak up, but he turns his face away in a hurry. My ears are red... I feel angry again. Maybe if you saw it from your cat-loving Kingsguard, you were dissatisfied with the way I whispered to my cat? Maybe it's courtesy of his cat, or there's a way to focus. I stop thinking about it because Mina was staring at Kingsguard even though I think about it. "Mina. Conoe, my heart is in elementary school because of how good you are. Watch with soothing eyes as a senior mercenary (player), huh? "Even I... no, that's right. Forgive the kindness of Heavenly Master, but look to Kingsguard's attitude." "Mina's a pain in the ass" "Hehe. You can give me more compliments, right? "Shiro - Come" "Umi-chan" White cat rubbing her head against the rind and my shin. The first name is called 'Shiro'. That's right! After that, I ran Ability 'Feed Friend' a few times and I succeeded in my partnership agreement! "Momo is a good girl." "Mr. Goldie, come here." "Dundee ~ n! You can fly all over your chest." Mina has a light peach scottish hold, Lily has a tea-haired Persian cat close to gold, and George has a black and white sham cat as her partner. And Kinei-kun was partnering with the memorial tea tiger pheasant cat. The cats have specifications that show up from nowhere if they call their names, and that's why they can take them to various places. "Come on! At this rate, I'll give you the LV of Cat Cucumber. Wow! "Aisa! We run with the cat to George's hanging voice. Raising the level of your cat is easy. Just feed them moderately and fight the monsters together. But the problem here is that the cat's HP is unusually low. HP5 with Lv1, or even a single attack of slime, would put me on the verge of death. It's no exaggeration to say that fighting while protecting your cat is raising the level of your cat. Still, fighting slime and mohusa is an easy win for us today. If you take down monsters while moving from "Beginning Meadows" to "Mithola Forest," the cats will be Lv9 and HP is increasing around 24. The only thing I'm struggling with is my beginner Kingsguard, but of course we're following, so no problem. "Ah, tigers are in danger! George stands majestically in front of the tea tiger cat in the cry of Kingdom-kun. The fireball released by Mohusa hit George's chest plate and disappeared as it was. "Kuh! Me too! Apparently, George was the one who had his precious cat protected by the men's pride of impatience. He put up a short spear with regret and hit the next prey. "Oh, it's hot. I'm so jealous." Kinei-kun is currently LV4. The level is definitely low within the party members because I'm a beginner. Still, to date, I have defended my cat on my own, showing off my good standing. He cleverly uses the short spear of his main weapon. It has always been a good procedure to put a thrust into the enemy and stir it up, preventing the cat from attacking. "When this happens, it's all I can do!" Friends of the Rock Fairy News "!" "To?" I doubt what Kingsguard said. If he reached right, a dwarf bigger than a soccer ball rolled to the ground with Gotton. That's a form that gives the overall impression of being sluggish, with all of your hands, feet and body seemingly made of small rocks. "Rock! Protect my tiger! "Hmm." Rock fairy rocking green grass grown all over his head. There is still soil in the joints, and although I don't know what the principle is, it seems that each body area is glued with that one. Rolling down the ground with the corn, he picks up the stones around it and throws them at Mohusa seems somewhere cute. Sounds like a golem...... I'd like to try to make something close to that one day with alchemy. "Hmm... a rock fairy" "What the hell. I'm not gonna tell you how I learned my skills." Kinei-kun says a little proud to be observing. "Oh, yeah. I'll be fine." "... Shit.... the captains have been so desperate to hear..." I just pulled it off so lightly that I don't like it. Indeed, Wolfe, the leader of the Mercenary Corps (Klan) "The Lonely Wolf", is likely to persist in asking questions. But even I have to explain "Jewelry Forest Cristaly" if I'm going to reveal how to master "Friends of the Wind Fairy News," which is forbidden by Mr. Missora. Besides, if I rose, I wouldn't be able to pick up the crystalline material. I'm sure even Kingdom-kun has considerable disadvantages, so he won't reveal to others how to meet the skill 'Friends of the Rock Fairy News'. : Partner Cat's 'Shilo' is now LV10: Our cat just went up to LV10 when we found out about Kingdom-kun's unexpected skills. "I did it. Hey! Uhun" " "And Mr. Cat is quick, isn't he? It's like someone's going to be here someday." Mr. Lily is looking at me for some reason and seeing his partner. "I'm hardly a fighter yet, but if you rank 'Cat Again' or 'Haunted Cat' you're going to be strong" "Mr. Tallo... it's a savage idea to let a cat fight" Oops, I think I stepped on Kingsguard's mine. Cats lose permanently if they can't resuscitate within 3 minutes. I'm revivable because I have "Red Water for Unstrayed Salvation"... but it's different for Kingo. "Indeed -" I certainly don't like it if they fight with me and kill me, but Mina, who was next door to me, pushes Kingsguard over and rushes to her own partner cat, makes my words misty. "Ah! My Momo has something! This is..." The Worm Carcass "..." Actually, cats, they pick up material from time to time. My Shiro just picked me up a 'bird feather'. Was George's Dandin 'Little Fish Bone'? Apparently, what you pick up is influenced by the field you were in with the cat. It's a forest now, so there may be a lot of insect systems. "Meh! This is perfect, Momo." Mina puffing her hands on the cat's head. What a soothing sight to watch, I wonder if my Shiro has got anything too - and turn to the anticipation. "Uh-oh." Shilo rings out loud trying to respond. Following that, the log of interest began to flow in front of me. : Looks like partner cat 'Shiro' would like to invite you to 'White Cat Nap Castle' or 'Black Cat Walk Castle': : go? : Yes or No: If you turn your attention to everyone, apparently the same log appears for everyone. Is this the event progression? "Can I take a nap castle first? Everyone nodded at my question and I tapped 'White Cat's Nap Castle' to select Jesus. Then, Shiro stares at me and cutely scowls at me. If you look at the mina next door excitedly wondering how the hell you're going to move - "What?" There's a mob with a big mouth. Only Mina's partner cat's face suddenly enlarged to the size of a car, eating the whole Bakri and Mina with force when he was a monster. "Ha!? It's so sudden that I can't keep up with my understanding. Speaking of the key momomo, my face is already back in size and I'm wearing my head on my forelegs with kushi as if nothing had happened. Then he started licking Pelori and his own back and getting hairy. I'm stuck with shocking footage. It was me. "Hey, hey!? It was not a case of standing long. Tomorrow is about us. My vision is lined with cat fangs and full of pink mouth. Wow. The cat's tongue, it's so shiny... I was heartless, salivated, and my whole body swallowed by the subtle sensations.
"So, Master, what's your errand? You're not just here to see how it goes, are you? "That's the primary purpose, isn't it? All of a sudden I threw it out into the country. If you're in trouble, you have to take him home, right? I have no travel expenses to come back to, what a state, it just hurts me too" My mouth turns to my master, who says such things with laughter. "Mmmm...... luckily, I'm not having a hard time eating. It's a little too rural, and I'm having a little trouble selling materials and handling cash." We were safely finished with no tough training or injuries and sweated in the bath, surrounding our meals together. Most of the dishes on the table came out of the master's bag. Delicious without complaint. Probably by Maria. "I guess. From here on out, even if I wanted to go wholesale to South Strag...... would Sarasa take a day or so? "Yes, day trips are still a bit harsh" "Sarasa needs to build strength first. In your case, there's something you can cover with magic. If we work out a little, we'll be able to make it back and forth in a few hours, okay? "Ugh." "I can't! I just want to say," When my master tells me I've been here in three days from Wang Du, I can't say anything. In fact, when you don't have enough muscle strength, there are places where you rely on strengthening your body using magic, so your master isn't wrong either. If you're a regular alchemist, even where you can't enhance much due to lack of magic, I can rely on the amount of magic to enhance more than normal, so I've managed to do something with less vegan muscle strength. "... I'll work out" "Right...... let's do Potion, an alchemy that makes it easier to get stamina and muscle strength? "Is there such a thing? Isn't it convenient to destroy tea? Even though it's classic to make strength, plain and painful. "There is. It's not cheap enough for ordinary people to buy, but some rich people use it. Hot and bitter knights are like, 'Out of the way! Though some say'. They're mazos who like to abuse their bodies." "No, a mazo..." They're dependable people who work hard at rigorous training, the knights. In fact, we're talking about a high level of knighthood in our country? "By the way, what are the side effects? "Nothing. I should have only had two or three on hand, so if I lost them, I'd have to make them myself... were they on six volumes indeed? Sarasa, how far have you been? "I haven't been to half of the three volumes yet" "Uh, well, I don't have a choice. It costs money, too. Besides, if you run a store, you can't even take time, can you? "Yes, it is! I'm glad our guests are here." "That's an independent alchemist's problem. Because if it's an alchemy store, I can't handle it with a regular store number." "Right" Regardless of whether it is just the sale of the smelting drug "potion" or the like, when it comes to buying alchemy materials, eye-catching is necessary. Naturally, materials whose condition cannot be discerned unless they are alchemists, and even if they are otherwise, the variety of alchemy materials is enormous. It's also difficult for a normal person to value it. "In the end, it's education. If you hire a clerk to educate you for a long time, you can count on a lot of things. It would be a lot easier if we were Maria, wouldn't it? "Is that Maria? Pretty long, huh? "Right. I hired a clerk right after independence." "Huh..." When this age unknown master became independent... He looks like a young master on the outside, but the real age of a master in the master class can't be young, and naturally, so will Maria, who came with him. You just look like a little older sister! "It's about finding someone to say that too, Sarasa. It's convenient, isn't it? "Maria, you're living in and even taking care of your master's personal life. Master, if it weren't for Maria, life would be pretty messed up." "Ha ha! You can't deny it." A master who laughs and affirms lightly. Isn't that a no, that. It was only the last day I saw how I normally was, the day after you celebrated, but from the atmosphere at that time, I have predictions. The breakfast was also prepared by Maria, and something already felt like a father who would only work and his wife who would take care of him. My master is a woman, but he used to look somewhat like my parents when he was still alive. "Master, please be careful not to be dumped by Maria, right? "I'm fine. I'm paying just enough to make it work." "It's not just about the money, it's about the feelings, right?" Thank you all the time "or something like that, it's important." "Mm... let's consider" You took a little look at your words and actions, and your master nodded with a slightly strange face. Well, if it's going to be a problem, I think it's been a problem a long time ago, and it's been with me, so I'm sure Maria understands the master, too. "So what are your other errands? "Oh, right. The second objective is to put a transfer team here." "Transfer formation, is it? "Uhm. You know that. "I know that..." A transfer formation is, as its name suggests, an smelter "artifact" by which objects can be transferred between two points. That seems convenient to ask, but the general view is that it's actually not very practical. First and foremost, the same alchemist needs to go to both the installation locations. If this was the case, the master would have set up a transfer team in Wang Du's shop first before coming here. However, this installation cannot be a glimmer in itself. When setting up a pair of second transfer formations, you need to “connect” to the first transfer formations. Because the difficulty of this “connection” is proportional to the distance, it is difficult for an alchemist in line to connect even just out of sight, even an alchemist with a slight arm is difficult to get out of town. Even if you manage to clear this, the next problem is the necessary magic. It is difficult to carry too large a quantity of luggage far away because magic is required in proportion to the distance and the quantity of goods to be transferred. Finally, we cannot transfer organisms. Furthermore, it cannot be moved once installed. If you do something like, "It's a little out of the way, so go to the other room," it's a start over. It is the language of the teacher who taught us that merely such a restricted forwarding formation, existence itself would be almost unlikely to be actually used, even if learned in school. "For once, it's been used in some parts of the world, right? I'll send you a letter." "Even for about a minute in town, is it better than a fast horse? But from here to Wangdu - no, it's a foolish question to tell your master." There's no way the master can say what he can't do. I can't do it very well...... "You wouldn't have a problem with magic, would you? If it's Sarasa, we've improved it somewhat and reduced the amount we need." "I do have more than people...... Why the transfer team in the first place? "I told you I'd buy you materials, but it's gonna be hard to send them, isn't it? If you use the transfer team, it's an instant. And I can send you the materials you want." "Honestly, I appreciate that..." If the transport period is even a month, the transport costs necessary for it will not be foolish either. Besides, if you can send me materials that are difficult to obtain here, it will help me immensely in ripening the whole alchemy. Clearly, it is a good thing. "I understand. Location is...... good in the corner of the workshop? "Anywhere you want to stay out of the way? Oh, for once, the ground floor is good. 'Cause upstairs is a little rough." "It's hard... it's usually impossible." Best of all, it is in direct contact with the ground. I suggested a workshop where the floors are stoned because they don't seem to have that much effect if it's about cobblestone... is it pointless to say “normal” to the master? There is no need to dare to make it a difficult place, so I will guide you honestly to the workshop. "What do you say in this area? "Hmm, no problem." Working time, just a few minutes or so. The master finished the work without making him feel fine dust, such as what is generally said to be difficult. "You can send it now." The vial the master took out of the bag was placed on top of its transfer formation, and when he could magic it, in an instant the vial disappeared. "Okay, no problem. Sarasa, send me what you bought properly. I'll buy you out at Wang Du's market. And if you have the material you need, write it down in your notes and send it too. I'll get you something you can get." "Thank you. But is that okay? When sent appropriately, the master's store inventory or something." "Wang Du can dispose of anything. If you send me a lot of the same stuff, I'll lower the purchase price accordingly." Slightly down, a very favorable deal at the point of “Wang Du's Market”. Essentially, not much material is picked around Wang Capital, so most of the material will be brought from afar, and its transportation cost will be put on top of the price. In other words, most materials are significantly higher than the South Strag market. It was the master who set up the transfer team, so even though you can buy the transportation cost, you can buy it at the market in Wangdu, or in other words, completely support from the master. Thankfully. "Well, that's the end of the errand. We'll still have time for bed, won't we? Your work here, let me ask you something." "I haven't done enough to be active... well, what shall we talk about it from" In the end, I spent the day chatting with my master late at night. And the next day, the master bought the material that had accumulated in our warehouse in cash, and even said, "It's prepaid," and left it all the way back to a large amount of cash. Thanks to this, the cash shortage that was the subject of the suspension was eliminated... it was a visit that came from a distance, but it was not a busy visit. I can't keep the store open for very long, so I don't have a choice. On his way home, by the way, he said, "I'll show you my sword arm the next time I come. Don't skip, okay?" He left me the words. ... that's the arm of alchemy, isn't it, Master? ◇ ◇ ◇ "What, was Mr. Sarasa's master coming? "That's right. So tired yesterday...... muscle aches" The next day, I was melting 'guh-guh' over the counter at the store. It is a complete muscle ache after just training for a day because it usually doesn't move much. Stay in that state, tell Lorea I came to see her about yesterday. "Ha... you torture your body even with your alchemy training" "No, you're not. Oh, alchemy doesn't make a difference in torturing your body, but the reason for my muscle aches is, no." It is a terrible misunderstanding. It's only natural if you misunderstand. "Almost a day, I was given sword training, so what?" "... Yes? Were you here to master the sword, not the alchemy? Lorea: What do you mean? 'and twist his neck. You don't know what that means, you came here and you trained your sword, really. "No, of course he's a master of alchemy, isn't he? "... I don't know what Mr. Sarasa is talking about" "I'm not going to figure it out either. Simply put, the Master of Alchemy said," Work out your body, too. " "Erm... Can an alchemist handle a sword? "I can handle it, actually. Of course, it's pinky. Because there's also a collection practice at school." Briefly explain the school curriculum to Lorea as she floats her hatena over her head. From the average person, I somehow have the image of a brainworker when it comes to alchemists, but that's not all, actually. "By the way, my master says in pinkiri, pinkier. It's not a half-breed arm, that's it." "Really? "Probably. I was a little confident too..." "As far as I'm concerned, it's a wonder in itself that Mr. Sarasa can handle a sword." "I think very few alchemists actually go and get their own material." If you need a request that you won't get unless you go get it yourself, you just have to say no. You don't have to do that to make enough money. If everyone is desperate to go up there, I guess there are more master class alchemists out there, too? "That said, I got a sword from my master..." "Wow, that's a beautiful sword" Lorea shines her eyes on the sword I took out. There are no extra modifications, etc., it is a practical one-sided sword as a form, but its sheen of fullness has not changed in any way after yesterday's training, blade spills, of course, not even scratched. If I bought this, it would be definitely expensive. Never, just a sturdy (...) sword. "I can't even put dust on it, so I have to train, I have to go on" "Even though you're an alchemist? "Yeah. Well, I came to this village and I was feeling a little lazy, so I guess it's just the right opportunity? Because of the joy of graduating safely and becoming an alchemist, I had a relaxing day, but I might have been a little lazy. In fact, while I was at school, I continued to build some strength. If you get sick, it's fatal. I need money for treatment, and "I was catching a cold, so I didn't get a good grade" excuse doesn't work, because it's alchemist training school quality that gets me out of school smoothly. "Lazy, is...? I've never seen Sarasa play." "No, no, because there's quite a bit of time I haven't done anything. - I have to go to the store, so there's a part of me that I can't help." I'll do what I can at the counter, but I figured there's more work I can't do without a workshop, so I'll just be sitting there for a lot of time. When I was going to school, I would have borrowed books, but naturally there is no place in this village where I could borrow books, and all the books I have of the poor, only alchemy. There are few things you can do during the store number anyway. Some hands are called strength training, but it's a little risky to do that without knowing when your customers are coming. The clerk with the abs on the floor of the store - suspicious, no matter what. I'd give you back your heels at the entrance, absolutely. "I wish I could at least hire a store number... Lorea can't, can she? "Huh? No, it's okay, isn't it? I don't know if it'll help." No, I asked her originally, but the answer I got back from Lorea was unexpected. "That, is it? How can I help my parents? Lorea, who comes to see me quite a bit, just doesn't come every day. For that matter, I thought I was helping my parents... "Fathers, I've only been buying them out about a month lately. If you can get a few days off in the meantime, fine. You get paid, don't you? "Of course that is. It can't be very expensive." "Enough. If I help you with the house, it's zero. I don't have any brothers, and I can't help you." Well, it's natural for a child to help you with the house. Speaking of which, you don't have any other brothers at Lorea's, do you? My only child is pretty rare in these countryside... it's awkward when he's dead, so these things are hard to ask. "If that's the case, I'd like to introduce you to a child I know." "Oh, yeah. If Lorea doesn't have a problem, is that more convenient? I know what you're thinking." "Uh, Mr. Sarasa, you don't interact with the children of the village, do you?" "Yes, I hardly know..." I'm going to dinner at Mr. Dillall's, so I'm saying hello to the right guy on the road, and I'm talking to the guy I met in the dining room, because the kid's not coming. Most people who come to my shop are collectors, and they don't need kids. "But is there a child in this village who can introduce you? "Ahhh, when you're a kid who's not working right now, you're getting pretty young. About me, I work normally." Lorea will have a slightly awkward look. If you are over ten years old in the countryside, it is normal to help with the work of the house, and if you are as old as thirteen as Lorea, you will be put to work in the same way as an adult. Even if you don't have a job at home to help you, you can go help other houses and make money or share the crops as a reward. Lorea also seemed to be in a situation where she used to be a store number as a house job, but her parents stopped doing what they had to do to get in charge, and it was time to think about something. "Shall I ask you then? "Yes! Be sure! - But are you okay with me? It's usually hard to work in an alchemist's shop..." "Right, is it pretty tough? To my words, Lorea gives me an anxious look, but I pound her shoulder like that and smile. "It's okay. I'll teach you what you need. But do you want Lorea to work hard and long? If I could, I'd be happy to have a relationship like Master and Maria. "Yes! I'll do my best until Mr. Sarasa tells me to quit! "Yeah, I'm not telling you to quit if you work seriously, so good luck" That's what I said and offered, Lorea shook my hand back hard with a slightly nervous look. ◇ ◇ ◇ Lorea told me she'd "work hard," but unfortunately she's still underage. Regardless of an orphan like me, you can't just hire him without telling his parents anything, so that day he took the store as a temporary holiday, visiting Mr. Darna. And when I cut out Lorea's employment with a little nervousness, both Darna and Marie raised their hands and said, "Sure!" He agreed. Again, even as both of us, I think I need to think about Lorea's work. The grocery store number itself seems to be enough for either Mr. Darna or Marie, and Lorea's addition there, honestly, would be overmanned. In addition, when I talked to her about the store number while I was buying it out, she also said, "It's not necessary, so make sure Lorea works well." Unlike before, when there was no alchemist's shop and we had to frequently go back and forth with South Strag, now that we only deal with regular groceries, it's enough to go back and forth once a month. As long as it's about that time, you can close the store, and it's often enough for Dalna alone, Marie stays and opens the store at that time. He said that's how he did it before Lorea was born originally. However, I think it would be inconvenient for the store to be closed for days from the collectors, and I suggested that we make a consignment sale while Dalna and the others are away when it comes to commonly sold items. The store number is Lorea, so I don't have a problem with the product knowledge. Mr. D'Arna also accepted me very well on this, but what made it difficult to navigate was wage negotiations. Even so, they didn't say "give me more"; on the contrary, they rejected "too many". In Lorea's case, she can read and write and calculate, so when she says to me, "Even if I pay a little more," the Darnas say, "It's not a good idea to have a lot of money from childhood. Plus, there's too much difference between you and the rest of you," he insists. I suggested based on the amount I could get for a part-time job in Wang Du, but then it seemed too much in this village. Hmm, that's a wage gap between the city and the countryside. The amount of money you'll need to live is different, so it's obvious if you take it for granted. In the case of this village, there is also a lot of barter, so there is a place to live without cash. But I guess the biggest problem is still the combination with the surroundings. It is easy to be jealous to say that only one person makes money, just for a small village. Because like an alchemist like me, it's not in a position to make money and say, naturally. And as a result of all the stirring, Lorea's wages were slightly higher than the same age. Mr. Darna insisted it's as good as it is, but we need to properly evaluate his ability to read and write calculations. Plus, it's a little "harder to quit if you're paying a higher wage than you're around." I kept working in my master's shop for a long time because of the great reason that I was paid significantly more than any other part time job. Of course, I've been friends with my master and shop people about training in alchemy.
Me and Lorea, who dropped Mr. Iris off, were getting ready to open as usual. Usually Mr. Iris and the others can help, but Lorea and I are together today. But thanks to the "engraving," the store is not that dirty, so much so that when it comes to doing it, I gently wipe the counter, etc. to dust off the shelves and refill the product. Even if you two do it, it'll be over soon. "You're gone" "That's right." Look around the store. To those Lorea, I hit lightly on the relationship. Without Mr. Iris and the others, the store would feel a little wider. At first I was alone, I didn't have much product in the store, and I didn't have any decor, so I think it was a killer landscape than it is now... does that mean I'm used to living with the four of us? "Mr. Sarasa, I'm alone for a while to come, don't you miss me? "About the night? Mr. Iris and his family have been vacating the house for a long time since he was home in debt. With the three of us living longer, it does make it quieter to be a house alone, I think... "No, that's it, isn't it? Childhood when my parents were vacant at work for most of the time. The age of orphanages at dawn in study. I moved on to part-time work and study, in school when I didn't have many friends. Such a background goes hand in hand with me, being alone is not a very bitter type. Of course, I like to be cute with friends I care about. - Ah. "Ah, right, a little, lonely, huh? "Oh, yeah, right. Hey, if it's okay with you, me, why don't you come stay? I returned my wrist and palm, and Lorea gave me such a suggestion somewhere to be happy with. If you look at Lorea's expression, as much as you flip the foreword, it's a natural response, isn't it? Or if you want to come stay, don't hesitate to come. Since Iris and I started living in our house, and the rooms have become private, we have purchased beds in other available rooms so that we can stay. "Really? Then let me ask you a favor? "Leave it to me! I'm not sure what to leave to you, but is it good because Lorea seems happy? Lorea's been at our place lately, from breakfast to dinner, and she often takes a bath, so really, about the difference in where she sleeps. What? "Uh, so, can I tell your mother? "Huh? From now on? "Ha!" "I'm done getting ready, but..." "Thank you! Well, I'll be there! Lorea shines her face before I say, even if she doesn't have to be in such a hurry, she responds well and rushes out the door. I smiled and dropped off Lorea's back like that and flipped the bill hanging on the store door and changed it to "OPEN" display. ◇ ◇ ◇ Closed safely today. After closing work, me and Lorea were surrounded by a little more sumptuous dinners than usual. But this is never going to be 'luxurious for the two of us because Mr. Iris isn't here!' Or not for that reason. The usual process of Lorea cooking dinner, eating, cleaning up and then going home after closing work. But no matter how much of the village, some gatherers came from the margins. It's also a bad idea to let you walk outside too late, so there's not much time you can hang on to cooking. But I'm staying today. I wouldn't say as much, but I'm pretty sure I can afford it. The result is a little extravagant dinner. "What do you think...? "Yeah, today's food is delicious, too, Lorea. Thanks for everything." Smiling at Lorea peeking at my expression, Lorea exhaled in a ho as relieved. "Good. I was a little nervous because I tried a new dish." "I don't think it's the first time you've done it so well, huh? I really don't know the right dish. Because I'm not a gastronomer, and I couldn't afford to walk around in Wang Du. But it's definitely delicious, right? "Speaking of which, it's been a long time since Lorea's been here to stay," "Right. I thought that was the first time you took a bath." "Oh, Lorea left you naked, I let you up -" "Also, already! Forget that, Mr. Sarasa! "No, no, that's hard to forget." I shake my head smiling bitterly at Lorea, who dyes her cheeks shyly and slaps my arms peppery. More than that, it's also my mistake, so don't forget it. That's because I boiled the bath with water I magically served, not well water, so Lorea has less resistance to magic, so she's got magic sickness. You're unconscious back and forth, aren't you? At that time, I was in quite a hurry, too. It was okay because I was in there with you, but if Lorea was alone, there was even a risk of an irrevocable accident. "That was caused by the magic in the water, wasn't it? Even for me right now, would that be the case in the same situation? "Uh-huh, now, maybe you're okay? 'Cause Lorea's not what she was then." The bath now is basically boiling using water drawn from the well. However, that would take some time for the bath to boil, and it would cost some Demonic Crystal Stone, so when I first get in, I can magically bribe them all. Even in that case, by the time the next person enters, the magic in the water is quite missing, and now Lorea has started practicing magic and is used to magic. Probably, but if you go in right after it's magically boiled, it won't be like losing consciousness? "Is that what it is?" "Yeah. Ordinary commoners don't have any connection to magic. My body startles me. You mean... like that? If you're in an environment with smelters (artifacts) on a daily basis, you'll get used to the feeling of using magic little by little as you grow up, but until I got here, this village had little edge on smelters (artifacts). Mr. Iris, by the way, is a nobleman in a bend. Since smelters (artifacts) existed in the normal living environment and some people could use the magic of Katerina nearby, there was no concern about the area. "If it was, why don't you come in with me today and experiment? "Right. That could be good too. You won't have to worry about it anymore." From the point of view of saving money, the four of us can go in for two or three if the time is right. I don't care that much, because Mr. Iris and the others said, 'I don't want to boil water!' You say. In that regard, if you're with me, it's not costly because it magically boils water. If Lorea finds out she doesn't have a problem, she won't have to worry about combinations, etc. "Bye. Let's go in later. - So, Lorea. It's a different story, but why did you want to stay today? Of course, I don't mind." "... after all, you know what I mean, right? "Well, right? If I miss you, I'm sure Lorea didn't mean it either. Looking a little awkward, my cheeks loosen to Lorea, who looks at me at the top of her head. "Eh, the Iris living with Sarasa sounds like fun, and I'm a little jealous..." "Really? "Yes, because you don't live alone away from your parents... But living independently...... it's subtle if you do, but for once, you look like an adult? And?" Right. Mr. Iris, I'm not even going to tell you to hug me, because I'm in a bad mood. Because Lorea also knows about it, she gets lost in words and makes her gaze wander. "But do you know what I'm trying to say?" I think it's like that, like a kid admiring an adult. The eligible Iris are a little shamefully hidden, but the cause of this is a debt that does not depend on the blame of Mr. Iris, who is inherently strong enough to do it independently enough. "Besides, I simply wanted to stay with Mr. Sarasa today, but I'm also an adult in a little while, so I was wondering if I should even think about leaving the house, or something" "Oh, Lorea's that age too..." If it's more just the look, it looks better than me. Lorea's birthday is winter, so she's almost fourteen. Adults are right in front of us. "Uh-huh... so you're still coming to us? The room's empty, and I'm fine, right? I thought about it a little bit and made such a suggestion to Lorea.
Commercial Warfare () "Copy that. So let's all start retrieving the fangs." "Yes, please" We decide where to place the processed corpse and repeat the task of folding the fangs and loading the corpse. It was only at first that we had a chat, but eventually there was nothing to talk about, and we continued to work silently, even silently. Eventually, as Mr. Kate stood up and stretched her body all the way, she looked around and sighed. "... I can't see ahead, is that what this is about? "haha...... that's a bit high number" Even after a few hours, I still haven't even finished processing the bodies that are piling up around me, so I can also better understand that Mr. Kate leaks a raunchy voice. Others continue to work as they unravel their bodies from time to time, and outside, it's time for the sun to go down. Finally, the last one was thrown on the mountain. "Done -!!" It was Mr. Iris who shouted at the same time. Though the others don't scream either, they breathe a ho and leak a smile. "Good luck, Kate" "Mr. Store Manager - Oh, and Cinzini, too" "Ha ha, it's good because there won't be anyone at this time just right" "That was more than I could have imagined. How many of them were there? Both me and Kate tilt their little necks at that question of Mr. Andre. "Come on...... because I just stopped counting on the way in" "Me too. Because it seemed like it was going to be a pain in the ass." Looking at the others, no one seems to have counted the number of people they have processed. "There are thousands of them... Cinzini, how many people should I call tomorrow? "Right......" A total of dozen times seems to require carriage, but limiting it in half may also be a source of discord. For once, I'm going to pay you more than I normally do. "Everyone who Mr. Andre trusts and wants to do it. Me, for once, dressed like this to hide who I am, but if I find out," To my words when I said so, Mr. Andre and his men looked at each other and sighed. "Well, there's no such thing as ancient ginseng." "If you look where we're fighting, that's one shot. I'm not in this village." "... find out? Nodded by clams and everyone. "I was ready..." "Of course, I think it makes sense not to hide your face at the entrance or call your name? "Yes, yes. If you're a recent collector, you don't know." Oh, so you know all the collectors of ancient ginseng. All the ancient ginseng people there, I said, 'Uhm. You were laughing inside when you heard him say' let's go in 'or something. "- Well, good. Because of this, this route will continue. So, are the rewards good this time around in mountain splits? "No, if we get that much, we'll be jealous of the rest of them." "Yes, yes. Enough to color the forehead we usually earn, huh? "Oh, the only reason I can kill you safely is because of Cinzini's magic." "Really? But if you could say that, it would help. After tomorrow, we'll have to pay the people who carry the bodies." Even if you pay to color your regular earnings a little, you won't be stupid if you have a lot of people. Besides, I also want them to help me sell my fangs to the merchants, so I'll need a commission at that time. There's nothing suspicious about bringing in massive amounts of fangs with just the mask on. "What will Mr. Iris and the others do? "Ugh. On this occasion, you can't possibly tell me to divide it into mountains." "Yep. Just like Mr. Andre and the others." "I understand. So, depending on your working hours, you pay everyone about three days of your regular earnings." "Enough. But for today, this corpse, can we stay like this? Exactly in this condition, carrying heavy baggage and walking for a few hours is..." "Yeah, I don't mind." Tomorrow, we'll have plenty of manpower. "And then there's that pile of fruit...... who wants to collect it, anyone? Everyone's gaze gathers on the pile of fruit that caused this Fang Recovery Death March, which I pointed out, and then turns to Mr. Gill. I got everyone's gaze, and he laughed a little troubled, one hand up. "Uh, now you're okay with putting your hands on it, right? "Yes, now. Tomorrow, there should be another ice tooth bat around here, so no." Since the deepest part has become a blank zone, young ice tooth bats of previous age, located close to the entrance, will enter deeper. If you get your hands on it in that state, today's tragedy (?) Again, is. "... whether to eat or not, shall we collect it? You can sell it high, can't you? "If you have a seller? It's just that it's hard to transport, because if it melts, it's not worth it." To that word, Andre and the others said, 'Huh?' And turn your gaze to me. "Isn't that impossible for a normal gatherer? "- Our store is selling a handy smelter called the freezer, Artifact." Conversely, in the case of people who cannot use magic, it is difficult to recover without this. "Is that such a price that you can take the ex? I answer Mr André's confirmation with a few thoughts. "... if you have a seller? It's certainly a difficult product to handle, isn't it? You have to keep it cool all the time, and only a few people can buy it. That is why it will not be money if the great merchants and nobles do not have the handover "Once Upon a Time". "By the way, Cinzini can take it home, right? "Yes, it's possible. Saving is possible for a while now." "Oh, the freezer I made because of it, it's almost carapo. Just in time! "... yeah, that's right" I respond with a slightly bitter look to Mr Iris, who says with a good smile. The dining relationship is almost entirely up to Lorea, but whatever the refrigerator is, the freezer doesn't really use it. As much as I make ice. Lorea said, 'I don't know what to use it for'... Well, I can understand that feeling. If I hadn't seen you use it at your master's, too, I'd have said, 'Maybe you don't really need it?' I thought it was just a candle. "Normal people don't have the edge of a freezer." "Right. It's useful for storing meat..." "Cinzini, ordinary villagers can't buy enough meat to save." "Right. I know." To the words of Mr. Kate and Mr. Andre, I can only snort. This previous Hell Flame Grizzly is a special case, and there is usually not enough prey for Mr. Jasper to freeze and store it. If you distribute it to people in the village, a lot, about two meals. I don't have time to rot. It is a complete luxury because normal life consists of no refrigerator. "I'd appreciate it if water with ice came out in the summer, but it's not like I can buy it personally." "Mr. Andre, you can buy the fruit here, to save it, right? "If you don't have a seller, you can't take the ex, can you? "Yes." To me, who answered honestly, Mr. Andre shrugs his shoulders and laughs bitterly. "You can't buy that. You think a normal gatherer like us has a connection to nobility? How are the Iris ladies? "... me too, that's hard" Asked by Mr. Andre, Mr. Iris shakes his head with a slight silence and a difficult face. "Right. Then we'll have fun on our own or..." "You have the courage to look at this situation and try to eat it, Mr. Andre." "No, I have something to hesitate about, too, you know? "But it's delicious, isn't it? I'm interested." "Something you rarely eat," they say. That's the veteran gatherer. Strong mental. I can't believe I'm trying to get my hands on something in such a guzzled, rotten fruit... "Well, shall we collect it first? It's a waste of time to argue here." "Right. Hey, Gil, Gray, let's do this." That's what I said, the three of them starting to crumble a pile of rotten fruit. As it stands, even though my nose is quite paralyzed, the sweet smell that started to drift when I started working on it gets on my nose. And I tried to collapse the mountain and found out that only the surface part is really rotten. The fruit on the inside still remains frozen and, at first glance, looks decent. "... Isn't this something you should do? "Oh, you're going to eat something." With that said, Andre and the others pick up the beautiful fruit they look and pack it in a leather bag. The quantity is going to be more than I thought... but is that good enough? "I'll leave the good and bad decisions to you, but just the inside, okay? - Oh, no. I don't mind if you eat something suspicious, break your stomach, and buy our smelting potion." It's bought and sold, so it's probably okay...... the first person to eat it is brave, isn't it? "I'll do that when I get back. If I break my stomach here, it won't be stylish." "If this all stinks, even if your shit mixes up here, don't you know? Buhaha.................. sorry" Our woman's sharp gaze pierced Mr. Gill, who said nasty things, and he immediately apologized. Sure, it's loaded with bat shit, but it's a little different than that, isn't it? "Sorry I didn't grow up well." "It's not about growing up, it's about Gil's personality, right? That's not hot for a woman, is it? To Grey, who apologizes for his loss, Iris says something rather harsh. "Iris, you're tight! "If that's what you think, then Gil should be able to stop being weird and light-hearted and focus on women, too" "Ugh!" "Totally. How come gatherers have so many nasty guys like this? Andre smiles bitterly at Mr. Iris, who exhales in disaffection with his arms. "There are very few women. So if you have beauties like Iris' ladies, there are a lot of guys who speak up." "Really? "Perhaps one in three of the newcomers spoke up? Asking Mr. Andre, he returned more numbers than he could have imagined. "Really? Now to Mr. Iris. "... unfortunately, that's about it. It's a pain in the ass. "That's very popular, isn't it? "I'm not happy. Yikes. Cinzini doesn't like it when people come to the store and nag you every time, right? "I don't like it. - I don't have any experience." Not one! Shit, I don't have a cool guy or anything, so it's nothing good! I don't regret anything, but hey! "No, you don't have a collector who numbs an alchemist," "Ah. In the elite and us, we're in too different positions. In that regard, Iris and the others are the same collectors. I guess it's easy to call." "I see, is there such a side to it?" Is that good or bad? Seems annoying to Iris and to me... yeah, I'll think about that in the future. Even the master doesn't seem married, does he? "Well, I recovered what looked good, but how to sell it later, right? It's no use eating them all ourselves..." "I thought I'd jump in and bring it to the big merchant." "You can't carry it in the first place, you said it was us." "... If that's a good idea, why don't I ask you in my handover? "Hmm? Did Cinzini say something about an orphan? I saw the troubled Mr. Andre and when I suggested he looked back at me a little strangely. You're an orphan, but you have such a legend, I guess... "Ah! Right, master! If you are indeed a master class alchemist..." "Yes, I can't, but the master's handler might be able to." Maybe if I contact my senior at school, I'll be able to do the same, but I'd like to avoid bothering you because I'm in training. In that regard, a master can send letters and in kind in a transfer formation, and all kinds of conveniences are convenient. "Uh, I mean, is Cinzini's master a master class alchemist? "Yes. So I thought you had quite a handout... They might say no." It's not surprising at all that only that master said 'cause it's troublesome' and said no. Even at the request of the nobles, because it is the master who refuses if it is a hassle. "If it's still possible, I'd like to ask for it." "Oops, even if this is delicious, it's better if it's normal than something that's hard to handle from us." "You don't have to be that expensive, but you should be able to drink a lot." "I understand. We'll negotiate in that direction." Do you want to drink alcohol in the dining room or buy it at Mr. Darna's place in this village? If you ask your master, he'll also get you alcohol like you're not selling in this village?
"Good, the shop is safe! It was my castle that broke up with Iris and welcomed us back to the village as it was before we left. Some of the fence in front of the store has been broken, but I can easily cure it, so much as the visible damage. I was honestly relieved just to be prepared to break the window as harassment. Window glass is expensive. I can fix it myself. "Yeah, really. - Even if it means Sarasa won't run wild." "That's why I won't." I opened the door and entered the shop, feeling a little unconcerned about Lorea, who seemed to be relieved in a different way from me. Even if I'm away for a while, the shop has a “clean” stamp on it, so it doesn't look dusty. You want to introduce one to the family, don't you? Engraving. If the inhabitants had magic, but... "... that? The magic of engraving is decreasing more than you can imagine. It was almost full before we went out, but now it's about half full. Even though I have been away for a long time and did not supply magic in the meantime, this reduction is too much. What is conceivable is that there is a lot of magic and something that needs to happen. "... maybe" crime prevention "?" The effect of the engraving on the shop also includes “crime prevention”. This is activated when trying to destroy a store from the outside, just as it was activated when the pussy went wild before going to collect Masanon. I didn't originally give it to you, so I don't know exactly how effective it is, but maybe it was because the window wasn't broken. "By the way, Sarasa. How much magic did you consume? "Well, it's hard to say how much..." It is difficult to express the amount of magic in numerical terms. For example, the amount of magic you need to boil a pot of water. If you use the same magic stove, it doesn't matter who uses it. If Lorea and I try it, I'm more accustomed to magic manipulation, and even if I make a smelter (artifact) that weighs the amount of magic, it's the same. Including the difference, if it means "effective magic amount", it will be possible to investigate, but unfortunately, such research has hardly been carried out. Because it doesn't cost money because it takes a lot of trouble. If you use magic for such research, you would normally earn more by using magic to make alchemy potions. So my answer to Lorea will inevitably be ambiguous. "The stamp of this shop has an allowance that doesn't fill up even with all my magic. So the magic consumed is more than half of all my magic? "Um... what was the amount of magic you used when Sakura blew up the back forest? The woods on the back are now just the right place to play. I'll think about it a little before I answer Lorelei, who looks at you and asks. "I think 'I blew it up' is a big deal, but that magic... a bit? "Isn't that important? The man who attacked the shop is alive, isn't he? "It's not as efficient as using direct magic, so it's impossible to compare." I think it would be quite flashy if I consumed half of all my magic and used attack magic, but this shop's engraving is by no means an attacking forgery (artifact). The “security” stamp on this shop is completely security and is basically non-lethal. "What kind of attack doesn't strike back that suddenly kills you...? "'Should be'!" Should be "! If only there were a Baron Kirk himself among them...." "Well, it's okay. I don't think he's gonna be able to move before he dies." "I can't feel safe...." Looking anxiously at me, Lorea slaps me on the shoulder. "Don't worry, the more magic you consume is to defend yourself, maybe." If you can throw a stone, you have to prevent it. If we can light it, we have to put it out. It also consumes accumulated magic. Counterstrikes are designed to prevent further attacks and are not the subject of a security function. "Unless you try to break into it, you'll be numb and unable to move, I'm sure." "The words at the end of the story have made me uneasy, Sarasa. But... before Sarasa-san came, there were some people who came into this store. To get the remaining furniture." "Ah, that's what you said." I also heard that Daruna and Marie got along (...) well (...) in this shop. From Lorea, who is nothing else but the fruit. "I suppose that's because crime prevention was minimal." The alchemist who used to live here probably set it up before moving. There must have been a point in reducing the amount of magic consumed, but I thought it would be a lot of trouble for the villagers not to get inside. It's normal to get furniture left over from a move. I didn't put my hands on the workshop stuff, but I might have left it there saying, "Don't touch it because it's dangerous." "Well, you don't have to worry about what happens to bad things. More than that, we're ready to open, Lorea! I've been closing it for a long time. Some of you may have had errands in the winter." "That's right.... but I'm a little anxious, so I'll gather some rumors." "Yes, please. I'll do my best with hair thinners." ◇ ◇ ◇ That night, for the first time in a long time, I enjoyed proper Lorean cooking. It was Lorea who was in charge of the main cooking during the gathering, but it was still different from what was made in a decent kitchen. That's fine with wild cuisine, but it lasts a long time. Business report as usual while savouring well. "How was the shop today? I knew you were free. "It wasn't as much as it was before winter, but it was a bump. I didn't get much sales because I just seem to be working nearby on good weather days." The collectors also seem to have money to spend the winter, and not only have they been relaxing in the inn for a long time, but some have been working. The fewer competitors, in a sense, the winter is the time to earn money, so I'd like you to do your best... Marley asked me to give you some information about winter gathering? Speaking to Andre and the others will have an effect on them and the village gatherers. It would be nice if collectors with experience in winter mountain sampling came, but the more veterans you become, the easier it won't be to change bases. There's no need to dare to move from a stable place to earn money. There is also a way to call me for a reward, but it is difficult for me to get that far. Given the long-term profits of the store, I think it's worth considering, but isn't it possible in the meantime? I can't afford it right now. "Also, I tried to gather rumors when I bought dinner, but it seems that some people were messing with the shop." "Ah, is that so? Do you know what it was like? "Until then. Everyone, just looking from afar, seems to have left right away to stay out of it." I see.... yeah, that's better. " Bandits and bandits must be destroyed as soon as they are found. Depending on the situation, we can look for it and destroy it. I am quite aware that I am such a minority. I have no intention of expecting anything more than villagers to catch dangerous people with weapons. And if it's aristocratic, it's the right thing to do. "Well, it looks like Jasper took out his bow." "Eh!?" On the shock message that popped out of Lorea's mouth, I suddenly raised my voice and got up from the chair.
The reply from the master arrived faster than I imagined. The smelter I was inquiring about (artifact) - along with the details of the "Drain Trail Detector" - also came with a letter saying "Call me if you can't do anything about it," but I'd like to avoid that if possible. Because if you ask a master of the master class to rescue you, or normally pay for it, it will be an amount that doesn't get seriously stylish. The other day, I managed to pay off the debts of the Rotze family, so much so that it wasn't my eyes. Most of all, he's a kind master at the same time, so I'm sure he'll forgive us as far as we can bribe him. Because the Iris people I take care of are not the others in the red. If you don't like it, even the aristocrats are relentless enough to kick it off. However, even if the master himself forgives me, given the social influence of the master class, I am certain that things will be troublesome around me. I'm sure you'll annoy your master. "Still, if you're serious about imminent danger to your life, you have to think about crying." That's right, I can't replace Mr. Iris and Mr. Kate's lives. Mr. Nord? Sounds cold, but doesn't he matter? - No, I'd rather tell you to take responsibility. I'm alchemy first, and I don't understand research first. But also don't involve Mr. Iris and the others. No matter how much the escort pays, this time, it's not a bit. "... now is the time to analyze this" Written on the paper sent to me by my master is how to make a drain trail detector. Naturally it is not something that can be used as magic as it is, and you have to assemble magic considering that it is used through walnuts, which are alchemy organisms (homunculus), not myself. Usually, magic is designed so that it can be realized as a smelter (artifact), so it's the opposite of the usual process, but this one isn't so difficult. Because it is self-evident that it is easier to disassemble than to assemble. The problem is how to make the magic extracted that way available to walnuts...... "Again, is it reasonable to use a magic circuit together? We also have to take into account the amount of magic the walnut can hold, and the combined use of the Demonic Crystal Stone is a must, I wonder? Hmm, it's harder than using it yourself..." And even if this could be achieved, the only thing that is possible is to 'discern the path that might lead us outside'. Luckily for us, we'll find our way there, and if we can get out there, there's not even on this one, but that's too optimistic. Multiple proposals should be considered, including my own going to the rescue. "Any other smelting equipment (artifacts) that might be useful... in case you should also make smelting drugs (potions) ...? I repeatedly bothered to consider a number of ways to achieve my goal of rescuing Mr. Iris safely. ◇ ◇ ◇ "Nord, is there a problem? Of course we understand the danger of demons coming out..." Iris wrinkled between her brows with a look that mixed anxiety and some annoyance at Nordrad, who showed her how to deny Kate's words, which she said seemed okay for the time being. "No, that's a problem before that. You guys don't seem very conscious, but this place is pretty hot." "Huh... ah! Nordrad pointed me out, and Kate raised her voice as if she was annoyed. The heat protection equipment that Iris and Kate wear is of such high quality that they don't feel as much heat right next to the lava. There was no discomfort due to heat in this area, which is fairly low in temperature compared to there, but Nordrad's stuff would perform a few steps less than the two of us. If you look closely at him, he still sweats on his forehead, which occasionally drips and wets the ground. Around that time, the ambient temperature here was high. It will be difficult to recover health where we have rested in such a state, and water consumption will increase. "Did you have a problem with that one... Nord, are you okay? "I'm still working out. Fortunately, the floating tent Sarasa-kun made has a temperature control function, so if you don't mind the magic, you can rest there. I'll be fine." "Right....... hmm? Then what's the problem? Iris nods a little hoarsely and then tilts his neck wonderfully. "So, magic, it is. Same goes for my heat protection gear, but just wearing it consumes magic all the time. If it's hot around here, it's too late." The heat-proof equipment used by the Nordrads also has high insulation properties on the materials themselves, but that alone can't make them comfortable in hot zones, combined with enhanced insulation performance by magic and internal cooling. The magic used at that time is usually the magic power of the wearer, but its magic consumption depends on ambient temperatures, and the situation that magic power continues to be consumed at all times, even where it is not so hot, is burdensome for the body. "I don't really seem to care how high quality your heat protection gear is, but it would still consume magic, wouldn't it? In fact, Iris and the others' heat protection equipment is so high that it can't be sold in stores. The comfort of Sarasa, who is not confident in the stamina, to operate for a long time, even if the combat and magic are high. A high degree of magic efficiency that allows even less magical Iris to act with Sarasa while retaining comparable performance. Made out of Sarasa's guilt that "it's a little easier for me..." it had a performance that normally wouldn't have to worry about magic consumption, but they didn't know if Iris' magic would remain even if he worked in hot environments for decades. I can think about it and Iris and the others have a serious look on their face. "Yes, that's a big problem." "Right? If you stop beating the heat, your magic will recover slowly, and your water consumption will increase." "Besides, we have to use magic to get that water out... a vicious cycle." "Yeah. I... well, I wish I could at least move, but you guys need to stay strong enough to fight." "If we don't have this... oh, no. It's subtle to have a day without a fight." I tried taking my coat off to try it, Iris, but to the too much heat around me, I shake my head and put it back on right away. The ambient temperatures are not as hot as' life-threatening immediately without heat protection gear ', but if you sleep overnight without any preparation, they are as hot as dying of heat stroke in the morning. "I mean, out of magic is a slice of life," "That's the thing. I can bribe with Demon Crystal Stone to some extent, but maybe, when the Demon Crystal Stone is gone, it collapses all at once. Unless your ability to recover magic is particularly high." "... no, you're probably right about Mr. Nord" It is possible to maintain the status quo if the thermal protection gear and the minimum amount of magic consumed to produce water are commensurate with the amount of magic restored in this environment, but Iris and Nordrad, as well as Kate, among the three, would be quite subtle lines. Besides, if you consume health in battle and elsewhere, it will also affect the amount of magic restored, and naturally, the consumption of water will increase, and consequently the consumption of magic. Around here, Sarasa's assumption that she herself had no worries about magic may be considered a sweet part, but in the first place, Iris, Kate and Nordrad are issues that should be dealt with under their own responsibility. It would be wrong of you to blame Sarasa. "Based on that, well, let's figure out a policy" Nordrad gave a slightly tired look and grinned nicely as he wiped his sweat.
I don't do it myself, but I'm plain tired of watching magic manipulation practice. No, I'm more tired than I do. Because it needs to be properly manipulated or 'see' the magic of others. Waiting for a while while while while I gently massaged my eyes, Cottori and cup were placed before me. My nose is tickled by the aroma of getting up, and I feel calm. I say thank you to Lorea and sip that warm cup of tea. I like the better temperatures and tannins. "Huh, delicious" "Dear Mr. Bad.... Um, Sarasa, is there any good way to improve your magic manipulation? "Naturally, but it's basically an authentic exercise. It's also effective to use magic with precision, but since it's not suitable as magic that Lorea can use right now, is this one of these days? After that, working with smelters (artifacts) can also help. Because I know what it's like to run magic." "Smelter (artifact)... like a magic stove or something? "It's easier for the average person to use it, so it's not that far... the magic furnace that Lorea used to melt the frying pan on is, in a way, ideal" That was when we had not yet introduced the Magic Guided Stove. Lorea said to me, "I'll make it! 'And I said,' You've cooked for me before... and that's when I used the magic furnace I keep in the workshop. It wasn't a large one, it was a small one used for a little blacksmith work, but even a small one has the ability to just melt metal. Lorea, whose injection magic manipulation was immature, consequently crippled the frying pan she had brought from the house, causing a major burn. I fixed the frying pan, but I was in a bit of a hurry then too. Finally, there was another failure, so naturally, since then, I haven't let you cook in the workshop, and now that the kitchen is already in place, you don't have to. You remembered that, and Lorea, too, lays down her eyes and bends her mouth at first sight. "Oh, those are... bitter memories" "Yeah, that's right. Me, too, I'm not gonna let you touch that. Not yet." Since I really started practicing as an alchemist? Because I plan to grow my knowledge side for the time being. "Something else... well, maybe there's no danger with the nursery aids I have right there." "Is that it? It's a beautiful smelter." Lorea, who was sitting in front of me and drinking tea, stands in front of the nursery aid at the window as she puts the cup down and stands up, observing the pot still. "You haven't sprouted yet..." "I won't be out in exactly one night ~. Because just subsidizing it doesn't promote growth" The functionality of nursery aids only brings them closer to the optimal environment of the plant, so the time taken for germination is not that different from if planted normally. Some plants are fast growing like sprouts overnight, but all of the stuff I planted this time is pricey - that is, difficult medicinal herbs to grow. It can't even sprout easily. "Oh, but if you're a nursery aid, it's a little different from what you saw yesterday. It's kind of like the light's faded...? "What, really? You shouldn't be spending so much magic as soon as you know..." "But here, isn't it? I get up, too, and move next to Lorea to see the nursery aid. Lorea is pointing to the Demonic Crystal Stone placed on the side. That was clearly inferior in whiteness than yesterday, and we could see signs of magic consumption. "... really. Hmm?" This nursery aid is also designed to allow me to store a little more magic, thinking about leaving the store open. Normally, in just one day, there can be no change that can tell the magic consumption. Nonetheless, that is what is happening...... Could it have failed something when I made it? "... should I refill it? Doesn't look like it's working." "Ah, Mr. Sarasa. Can I try? "Right, fine. Try it. Put your finger here." "Yes...... Surely this... is not the same as using a Magic Stove." "Right, but it's done right." Slightly less expensive, the magic is replenished properly. Watching as it is, Lorea eventually takes her hand off the nursery aid. "Phew...... Is this the limit for me?" "Yeah, don't push it too hard. Mostly, it's full." I touch Choi and the nursery aids and pour out the missing minutes, almost consuming my magic and letting Lorea sit in the chair with her hands on her fluttering. "It's also important to know how long it takes to consume and how long it will take to recover. Sit down for a while and rest." "Yes, thank you" If I lowered my back to the chair next door with my hands on Lorea's body and drank some slightly soaked tea, Lorea carelessly left her body at the table and looked at the empty chair in a bluff. "... Mr. Iris, by now, what are you doing? "Uh-huh, there's no salamander, so it's not gonna be dangerous, and I think it's about time we got home if things go well...... my entourage is the researcher, so hey" I believe that it is the researchers who act unscheduled, with their own interest priorities. It's a little biased, but, I guess, it's not that far off. Considering that, the worse you do, the more you eat the road grass on the way, the more you finally get on the ground, the better it can even be. "Well, still, because of the food convenience, I'm sure you'll be back in that range," Exactly, stick with local sourcing of food, I don't think there's anything like it. I don't know what kind of food you can get around the cave in Salamander, about lava lizards. Anyway, Mr. Nord is like second to none of the other things in the research first, and Mr. Iris is too pathetic to be attached to it. "But if it's dangerous, I'm a little relieved" "Yeah, well, whatever happens, for then..." And, as if I had been gauging the timing, my voice echoed in the house. "I need your help! I need your help! ......... To a familiar voice somewhere, a word that the person is not likely to utter if normal. Lorea's gaze, which looks kind of cold, pierces me guzzly. "... Sarasa, what's this? "This is a resonance stone, that is, a distress request from Mr. Iris and the others. Looks like something went wrong that we can't solve ourselves." "No, it's not. Oh, no, that's important, too, but what's this dialogue? "This? I might miss hearing that it was just a bell sound or something, so I asked Mr. Iris to make it a sound I would definitely notice" "I wanted Mr. Iris to say a cute dialogue" "Mr. Sarasa......" My guilt is slightly irritated by Lorea's frightened voice. But rather, it's no exaggeration to say that you built a resonant stone for it! Because in the process of deciding what it sounded like, I had a lot of fun! Mr. Iris is in shame. Instead, the resonant stone itself was provided for free, so no problem, right? "But I didn't know I was actually going to use it" "Ah! I mean, this is what Mr. Iris and the others are in danger for, right?!?" "I broke it by mistake, I can also think of that... maybe? "Ha, isn't it tough!! What do we do!?" I support Lorea fluttered trying to get up in a hurry and let her sit in the chair again before I respond quietly. "Take it easy, Lorea. That's why we're accompanying Alchemy Creatures." "It was! Yes, hurry and check! "Roger. It's a little far away, but it's tough..." When you synchronize your consciousness with an alchemy organism (homunculus), your body becomes a little more neglected. I'm actually in the best shape I've slept, but when I look into Lorea's eyes, which shake anxiously, I say, 'You're going to lie down a little!' It's hard to say. I calmed my hips on the chair and slowly began to work out my magic as I placed my hands on the table to stabilize my body.
"Yea!? That's such a dangerous place!?" "Lorea, in case, in case. At the time I left home and became a gatherer in the first place, I always consider the possibility of dying sideways somewhere. I'm only here now because I had the good fortune to meet the manager." On Lorea's shoulder, which shivers her lips, Mr. Iris puts his hand down and slowly lets her sit in the chair, and Mr. Kate gently strokes that back, too. "Right. Normally, Iris would have died then. But since I'm saying goodbye when I leave the house, there's nothing wrong with me not being able to tell you the final words." "Mm-hmm. I'd love to have words left, to that extent." "Oh, no..." You recognised the collector's danger again, a little blood drawn from Lorea's face. I shrugged my shoulders when I saw how Lorea was like that and Kate laughed like she was changing the air. "Ma, right. I've been home a couple of times since, so - it's a little subtle. You can't play a mourning ground every time, can you? "Mm-hmm. After I do that, I'm usually home." "That's... right" You imagined the scene, and Lorea leaks a little grin, too. "Lorea, you don't have to worry so much, I don't think you're in much danger, do you? Really, just in case. And the truth is, the last salamander crusade was so much more dangerous..." "I guess that's right...... I don't think Mr. Sarasa would be too worried. That big Hell Flame Grizzly thing, it was so light." Oh, I see. Lorea didn't get a real feeling because she didn't see Salamander in person? "You can understand how Lorea feels when you look at the store manager." "Salamander and Hell Flame Grizzly, I can't compare..." "If you look at it from the average person, they're both strong. Isn't that what it is? "Mmmm... is that what it is? Well, good." It'll just make Lorea anxious even if we keep talking too much, and let's get back to it. "It's really insurance, but don't hesitate to use resonant stones when you want help. Even if I can't get my hands on it directly, maybe I can just give you some advice." "Is that alchemy (homunculus)? Through it, right? Is it a matter of magic, after all, that you don't check regularly? "Right. I can't do it, but when I get away from it, I think it's hard to share my senses in tune with alchemy (homunculus). You need magic for your job." I've also heard about it because I've never made an alchemy organism (homunculus) yet, but it seems that just a few hundred meters away will consume quite a bit of magic. I don't move the alchemy creature (homunculus) directly, but if I just look at it, if I just ask, it seems like I can save a lot, so I plan on overtaking it this time. Still, it would be magically difficult to check Mr. Iris' condition again and again while doing his usual work. "Most importantly, if you can't make alchemy (homunculus), they are also paint cakes. It's supposed to cost a lot to collect materials, but fortunately we have everything we could use this time, so I thought I'd give it a try." The first thing you need is a material with powerful magic. This can be covered with the eyes of Hell Flame Grizzly, the salamander's scales and frenzy. The attribute is a little too close to “fire," but it can be adjusted there with ice tooth bat fangs. Besides, the fire attribute is more convenient in terms of where you are going this time, so a certain degree of attribute bias is acceptable. These materials are the most costly, and if you're an alchemist on my level, it's impossible to easily buy and collect... my victory in anticipation of ahead and keep it right, right! All the rest of the material is relatively easy to get. "For something a little unusual, I'll use my hair" By the way, instead of hair, there are ways to use blood and nanicas that are hard to get maiden. Especially when using the latter, the difficulty of smelting decreases, but conversely, the difficulty of obtaining explodes, so naturally I haven't even considered it. Because I'm a maiden. Blood doesn't make it that hard to smell. "I want another kind of hair..." "Mr. Sarasa, can I have mine, too? You don't mind if I hang up for a minute, do you? "Thanks. A few bottles would be enough, if I could get something missing when I combed my hair" "Really? Then there's nothing wrong with that. ... but are you a creature born with me and Sarasa's hair" "Well, you will. What's the matter with you? "Kind of like two kids, huh? Laugh a little pranky and say that, Lorea. It was Mr Iris who reacted to that. "What? I don't want that. Lord Store Manager, let me offer you my hair! With that said, Kate sighs when she sees Mr. Iris sticking his head out between me and Lorea to interrupt. "Iris... you don't have to stick to that little thing" "No, Kate. It's a hole in an ant, isn't it? Don't be alarmed." "Being alert... Lorea wouldn't be a rival. Hey?" "Oh yeah...... right? As I nodded, I saw Lorea tilting her neck a bit, and Mr. Iris opened his eyes. "It's dangerous! It's dangerous, Kate! Even for the Lotze family, you can't give up your rightful wife's seat! "Yeah!? No way, really? "Oh, no, it's not that I want to marry Sarasa, but that if Sarasa gets married and stops shopping, I'll be in trouble. My job." She shook her head with a pull as she panicked, and nodded as Kate was convinced to Lorea, who explained so. "Oh well. Fine, it's a life-threatening issue, whether you can work in an alchemist's shop or not." "I see, that way. Paycheck, something different. Especially in such a small village. It's all right, Lorea. Our jury is excellent. Even if the manager doesn't do the lord's job, there's no problem." "Yeah, right. I'd appreciate it if you worked hard as an alchemist." "Really? Then my future is also cheap." "Mm-hmm. Being the manager's spouse would be even cheaper, wouldn't it? To Lorea, who breathes in a ho, Mr. Iris laughs nicely and puts his hand on his shoulder. ... Is that it? Wasn't the story of the brides before this supposed to have been shelved for Lorea's hard work? If you leave it like this, Lorea, who was supposed to be the jetty, is going to be taken in, right? I rushed to track modification. "Oh, that! Your hair, it belongs to me and Lorea, okay? "Hmm? Oh, that was the story. Store manager, by the way. What do you put hair in for? "Eh. Alchemy creatures (homunculus) also usually operate independently, but at that time they are said to affect their character, their behavioral guidelines, and so on." If the hair of a restless person, the alchemy creature (homunculus) made is restless, and if the person is quiet and less active, the alchemy creature (homunculus) is the same. There is also a theory that it affects the appearance, but the basic appearance setting is done depending on the image of the operator, and this time it shouldn't be nearly relevant because it's not the human form I make. "- When you put more than one person's hair in? "In that case, it should be average. You can also say that it has no features, but on the contrary, it has no pointy spots, which may be reassuring." "Then we're done talking. Let's get everyone's hair in. I'd be in trouble if I had an alchemy (homunculus) that acted ironless, just Iris." "That's horrible!? Me, that much gunless? "To the point of trying to be a gatherer whose life is in danger, even though it's the heir of the Knight family, right? "Ugh! To Kate, who laughs at Nicole, Mr. Iris clogs the words. But I'm convinced. No matter how small the aristocrats are, they usually don't allow things like inheritance leaving the house and getting a dangerous job. I think Master Adelbert, who will allow that, is also Master Adelbert.
"Making... smelting equipment (artifacts)? I've never heard you can do that..." "I asked my master for help. Not impossible ' "Oh well, with masterclass experience and skill, that's possible too...? "However, it is not a formal smelter (artifact), but a magical aid. It's walnuts to use. ' "The walnut... the manager is through the walnut, right? The walnut shakes his head and denies Kate's words, which he told him to confirm. 'No. The walnuts do it themselves. It's not convenient for me to be in tune when I want to use it, and even if I could, I don't have enough magic. And it's time for danger. Demon Crystal Stone' Give me your hand at the same time as the walnut finishes writing that. For a few moments, Iris stared at his hands, but soon looked back at the luggage that Iris had lowered to the ground as Kate hacked. And as he panicked, if he took the magic crystal stone out of it and gave it to the walnut, the walnut immediately threw it into his mouth. "Well, maintaining the walnut body..." "There's a limit to magic stones." Today, even if Sarasa and the walnuts are just in tune, the magic needed to maintain the walnut body is being consumed more and more. Given that, it is naturally out of the question to keep in tune. It would be difficult to even repeat a short period of tuning on a regular basis, without even knowing how many days it would take to escape. "I don't have time for this. Materials are required to make it. Arrange the smelters (artifacts) and materials here ' "Wow, I get it! Iris and Kate get the demonic material they've secured so far, and Nordrad arranges the experimental tools he was responsible for on the ground, and the walnut walks in between and picks up some items. And naturally, most of them were Nordrad's smelters (artifacts). "It breaks, okay? "Of course I don't mind. Because, as I said, life is a priority. It hurts a lot, pursely." "Appreciation." That's all the walnuts wrote, hurried to work. Flashing his nails quite luxuriously, he dismantles the smelter (artifact), combines it, sharpens it gallantly and draws a pattern. While the Iris and the three of them were watching, the smelter (artifact) was completed after continuing the finer work that could not have been imagined from the bear's hand and consuming all three more Demonic Crystals. "Done." At first glance, an item that is undressingly attached to a board with intricate patterns. I totally didn't understand the Iris, who are not alchemists, but I have no choice but to trust them more than to say that they were able to make them. "Now... can you use it? 'I can use it. I can use it if I say' discern the way 'to walnuts. There's no strength, so carry it carefully.' "Well, I'll carry that. I've lost my luggage." What lies ahead of Nord's gaze is the wreckage of a demolished smelter (artifact). There are certainly more items stacked there than the members used to pull out the trail detector, and the lost value is likely to be greater. "Is this useless anymore? "Garbage" I asked Iris a little unfortunately, and the walnut response was terminal. In fact, however, the smelter (artifact) is a delicately assembled substitute that can only destroy the entire material used if the smelter fails. The task of removing parts that can be used from it is inherently very difficult, and closer to 'sharpening off unwanted parts of the smelter (artifact)' than to 'removing parts'. Take out the parts you need and make sure you keep the value of what's left, for Christ's sake, it's a groundbreaking story. "Then you should just throw it away. Thank you, Store Manager." "I'm hanging up now. I will not be in full tune as much as I can in the future. Good luck. ' The walnut nodded at Kate's words, describing it to the ground as somewhat panicked, rolling it to the ground as it had done last time. "Oh, already?... the manager? Did you cut it? As Iris responded to his words, if the walnut that stood up sounded so, Iris accidentally held up the walnut's body. "I don't know, you were in a rush at the end... I haven't even been able to thank you." "Probably was the limit? Considering the distance and the difficulty of the work" "Right, you're doing something pretty advanced.... you owe the manager again." "Right. To thank you, and to repay you, but not to return. And it says," I'm not completely in tune... " It was Nordrad who answered Iris with a question about whether there was a tone that wasn't complete. "That's just visual or auditory tuning. Naturally, it consumes less magic, but from now on, the walnut will also need magic to use this trail detector. Probably wouldn't be in tune if it wasn't as good? "I mean, you can't expect the manager's help anymore." Iris shakes her head to Kate, who says it's a little too bad. "But it's not the kind of situation where you could have help. The presence of an emergency pack and this smelter (artifact) is too much. From now on, we need to get through what we have, and on our own. You asked for walnuts, too? The walnut raised its hand vigorously to Iris, who stared at herself with a hug. ◇ ◇ ◇ Sarasa remotely created an unplugged trail detector. Iris and I were somewhere anxious to see if that could actually be used, but the opportunity to demonstrate it soon came. Following Sarasa's advice, Iris, who had taken a dose in an orange spring water bottle, had resumed his exploration for dozens of minutes and before them a branched path had emerged in three. One is wide enough for Iris alone to manage to stand and walk, the other is a wide rip that seems to pass if he's sideways, and the last one is a hole that's unlikely to go ahead unless he crawls away. "Until now, we're going down a wide road..." "You should try it, because the manager made it for me" "Then this is... should I put it on the ground? When Nordrad put the pull-out trail detector on the ground and looked back at Iris and nodded, Iris nodded again to respond to it, and looked at the walnut. "See you, walnut." Discern the Way "" When he heard Iris's words, the walnut, which jumped to the ground just right, stood in front of the unplugged trail detector, put his hand on it and roared "Guru". With that voice, the retrieval trail detector moose began to emit a pale light, and the walnut that saw it let go of its hand and immediately moved on to the next motion. "Ha, ha, ha! A walnut around a pull-out trail detector broom placed on the ground, as if dancing somewhere. One, two, three weeks. Gradually, the light became stronger. "Ha ha!!" A walnut that lifts both hands in a pi with a ringing voice and stops the movement. Such a ritual (?) The Iris, who watched still, called out to explore, seeing that there was no further movement in the walnut. "... over, huh? The walnut, who answered forcefully, used both arms to mark the bat when first pointing to the widest passage. "This road is a dead end," he said? The walnut nods at the iris to confirm, then shows a thin gap and the same behavior. And at the end of the day, I show a hole where I can't proceed without crawling, with my hands up and markings... acting like one, but my arms are too short to look like marl. "Kupu...... Are you saying you can get through this? A walnut nodding at Iris asking as he erupted a bit. "Right, thanks. Thank you so much... but do we move on here?" Nicole and I smiled, and Iris was thankful, but I looked at that little hole again and sighed depressingly. In fact, the hole is small enough for each person to crawl through it, and narrow enough to branch with a large load on his back. You naturally want to avoid it if you can, such as going into such a hole that you can't even see ahead. "But you have to go. The luggage will have to be pulled with a rope." "Right...... ha" "Mr. Iris, what if I go first? Nordrad speaks so to Iris, who sighs and unloads his luggage, but Iris shakes his head without getting lost. "No, that just won't work. For once, it's an escort, we are....... Yikes! At that time when Iris had one temper and succumbed, walnuts slapped Pong and his own chest before him, as he controlled her like that. "Ha ha." "Hmm? What? "... maybe you're saying you're going first? The walnut said, 'Exactly!' Pointing to Kate as though, he stepped into a narrow hole ahead of Iris. The three of them looked at each other in a powerful voice that they had heard without waiting much longer. "It's okay, sounds like it, right? "... are you telling me to come? "Probably is. But now I can feel a little relieved. Thank you for the walnuts." As Iris crawled to the ground again, he followed the walnut and proceeded into the hole.
"You already have predictions, but I came here because of this head thing" "Is that... a matter of His Highness having a little hair... that... being begged for free? To my subtle words, which I said worried about how to describe so as not to be rude, His Highness laughs and says clearly, "Phew." "Normally say bald, bald and. No need for futile care. Yes, that's it. Mr. Sarasa, I'd like you to make a hair conditioner. You can, can't you? "I can do that..." Hair growth agents are smelters (potions) listed in all five volumes of alchemy, and can be made if I am now. And one of the best materials for collecting this season, presented to Iris earlier, is the main raw material. Strangely enough, very gutsy timing. But that's also inevitable in some ways. The material, "Missanon root”, is a material that can be harvested regardless of the season, but only those harvested during this harsh cold season can be used as raw material for "hair growth agent", and if made from other harvested items during other seasons, it becomes “hair growth agent”. I mean, if the purpose is hair growth agents, it makes sense to come this time of year, not so surprisingly. - If that person isn't in the position of a prince, though. "But Your Highness. If requested, it was also possible to deliver the material..." I would rather you did. What a merciless act to come all of a sudden without any prior contact! I'm used to it to some extent if you're a nobleman, because royalty is so different on its own!! "I don't care if you don't bother to step up, if you're a king's capital, I think you're essential to an alchemist with good arms, and you were more convenient there? "Like Master Millis, your master, for example? "Yes." Naturally, it goes without saying the difference in skill between me and my master. My master just took care of me the other day. If you ask me, 'Pick up the roots of the Missanon and send', I say, 'Immediately!' There is no other response. As long as that is the case, there is no reason why His Highness should bother to come this far. I'm a master with a little bit of a loathing for nobility, but I'm just not supposed to refuse His Royal Highness's request... and you're not gonna say no, are you? "If you do think only of the alchemy arm, it would be best to ask Master Millis" His Highness Felik smiles and affirms my words, while shaking his head and continuing his words. "But it's not that simple. Still, I'm a prince, and Millis is a master class alchemist. If you make a request, it will get you really noticed. The King's capital is just so crowded, it's hard to hide it through" A hair growth agent is quite a delicate substitute. Hair problems are the ones that some people don't care about at all, but those who do care very much. For some reason His Highness doesn't really care - on the contrary, it is His Highness's position to enter the category that makes it a laughing story, but normally cares. I mean, if this story leaks, even if it's incomplete, it's not hard to imagine things starting to leap. If you are a faction that wants to join His Highness Felik, you will want to obtain it before His Highness and sell your grace, and if you are a hostile faction, you will interrupt your acquisition and target His Highness's loss. Even an opportunistic faction is likely to take some action if it is to be a deal story. If that happens, the market for alchemy materials will surely be rough, and so many people will be annoyed. "That's not what I meant. As far as I'm concerned, I'm not as troubled as I am, but my father told me that I can't go out in public like this." "That would be..." His Royal Highness himself doesn't have to worry, there is something called a public image. If you're an older royal, you still don't have the hair of His Royal Highness Felik, who is still young and has a good appearance, or you come in the way diplomatically. If you're an older royal, you're still young, Your Highness Felix. The goodness of its appearance is also of diplomatic value, and if His Royal Highness were not to be able to go out into public, that would be a considerable loss as a prince. Sure, His Royal Highness Felik should have been the first prince, but now the king hasn't decided on the crown prince yet, because in some circumstances other princes, princesses, may be nominated. "Well, that's why. I want to get it in secret if possible to avoid a nasty cross spear." "- Your Highness Felik, may I make a statement? "Yeah, I don't mind. As I said, thank you is not necessary." If Mr. Iris raised his hand a little and asked to speak, His Highness nodded to Eagle Deep. "I'm afraid so. I understand the circumstances, but why is Your Highness here himself? It should not be more noticeable if it is also used. Didn't you have to go out of your way to get your feet taken? Besides, even in this country." "I guess that's more familiar with Sarasa, the alchemist, why I came." His Highness turns his gaze, and I nod and open my mouth. "Uh, Mr. Iris. There are two types of hair conditioners. One is a generic hair conditioner for everyone. The other is a hair conditioner tailored to the person who uses it. I need the latter more if I'm going to treat him in earnest, but I can't do this without him." Even the former grows hair, but it lasts a little longer until it grows, and when you stop using it, it often falls out again, which is a bit subtle as a function. In contrast, the latter, once grown, will continue to work for about a few years, so even if the value is slightly strained, it is ultimately better to make and use things tailored to the individual. That's why hair conditioners made for personal use are called “hair conditioners” to distinguish them. However, it is necessary to examine the user in order to make the hair growth agent, and it is inevitable that he/she will go to the alchemist or call the alchemist. If I were Your Highness, I would be able to adopt the latter method, but if I did that, I would certainly stand out. As for this one, it's a means you can't choose, right? "Was it? Fine, that's a hassle." "Yes. It would be easy if you were a" bald pill ”person. Because it can be used by anyone and works great." But I can't make it when they tell me to. It's on because it's ten volumes of all the alchemy filled with subtle substitutes. It's not that hard to make, so there are quite a few people who can make it, and if you ask someone you know, they'll tell you. When it comes to the proper smelting drug (potion) to be put on about five or six volumes, it seems that the history of making it is "because it has been made as a failure of the hair growth agent". If the person who made it used it without realizing it, it would be a tear eye. "Baldness pills? Lord Store Manager, is there a demand for such smelting drugs (potions)? "Yeah, I do, I'm out. It's popular with some people because it can permanently remove hair." With people who shave their hair religiously or women who want to treat waste hair? It's not cheap so it's not something anyone can use, but there were people who came to my master's store sometimes to buy it. "So it depends on how you use it. But I wish I could change my name." "Ha ha..., you're the first alchemist to name it" If this is still good. If it's easy to change, there are lots of smelters (artifacts) and smelters (potions) to change. "If that's the reason, I know Your Highness is here... but why you're the manager, right? Even if we don't get this far, there will be other alchemists. Your Highness, is it because the manager is Master Ophelia's apprentice? "There's that, too, but the primary reason is Nord, whom I said earlier" "Is that Mr. Nord? "Yep. He and I have known each other quite a long time. He must have caused you a lot of trouble the other day, didn't he? He asked me to do something about it."
By the time I finished making the four-roll smelter Artifact, Mr. Iris and the others had returned safely with a few deer. Since there are no deer in the great tree waters around here, they carried out an expedition to the territory of the Rozze family in order to hunt in a place they are used to. "Dear Store Manager, is this all right? "Yes, you'll be fine." "To Lorea, this way." "Thank you. I'll make it right this evening! What Mr. Iris and his men brought back was five heads of skin and about five kilos of meat. All I needed this time was leather, so I hunted based at my parents' house and it seems I left meat, horns, etc. at my parents' house that I can't bring home. "Now I'll be ready in two weeks... how was my parents? "Uh, yeah... your mother was a little worried about you, but there's no problem with that, is there? "My dad inspired me. Make sure it helps." When my own daughter challenged Salamander, I think it's the reaction of Mr. Iris that's common, but still, what I didn't disagree with was, is that nobility? To protect the house. I don't really know. "Your father doesn't have a problem either. A little hi-hi said, but you should be able to get here as planned" The other day, Master Adelbert was also working hard to handle his work while he was here, and the next time he was here. "Now let's measure the size of the two legs and hands later. Boots and gloves are safer with heat resistant items." Get ready like that. Not for two weeks. Dear Adelbert and Katerina revisited, "Operation Debt Repayment with Salamander! 'was transferred to the final line. ◇ ◇ ◇ The five of us who added Adelbert and Katerina to the three of us were following the path we walked with Andre last time, early enough. The purpose is to kill the salamander and get the material. Without even shaking your sides to your destination - no, keep your sampling to a modest level and head to your destination. 'Cause if you had good stuff, you'd want to collect it, right? With this prep, I've thrown up a lot of money, too. Nor do the Adelberts say anything, so there is no problem. Yeah. Instead, it's a little weird, but the problem along the way was the floating tent with only one, and the number of women per man. As for me, a young maiden, no matter how much Mr. Iris' father, sleeping in a tent with Master Adelbert is just not. However, it was resolved in due course by pairing Mr. Iris and Mr. Adelbert. Regarding the enemies that come out along the way, no problem. Because... "I was somewhat worried about the sea of trees, but not as much as I thought." "Right. I can kill enough." Even though it is still a shallow place, there were no lies in Mr. Iris' words' stronger than ourselves'. With that said, Master Adelbert and Mr. Caterina lightly shoot the demons that come out. Most importantly, it is wrong to compare professional instructed and trained knights to ordinary gatherers in battle. In a way, a collector is a collector if you name it 'collector' yourself. I have no qualifications, no exams, and I don't have an educational institution like Alchemist. Sometimes I get instruction from senior collectors, but most of them have never learned how to handle a decent weapon. Not so high in terms of fighting skills. Given that, it would be natural for knights to feel less threatened, even in places where rookie gatherers would hesitate to step in. "If this is the case, Noon may also make money as a collector after retiring." "No, that's right, my father, I think by the time he retires, he'll have a weakness... Besides, if we could fight, we wouldn't be collectors, would we? "I understand. I'm not insulting the gatherers." Lady Adelbert smiles bitterly at the words of Iris, who is slightly dissatisfied with the fact that she feels denied about us. In fact, the collector's main business is "gathering" not fighting. What sells, where we can collect it, how to collect it... It is with those experiences that I can do it as a gatherer. Perhaps if Mr Andre and Mr Adelbert fought, Mr Adelbert would win, but if I were to say which would make more money as a gatherer, Mr Andre and I would. "But you're sure you're relieved in a way. I was a little nervous when I sent you out because I didn't have any money..." "At this point, you had nothing to worry about." Mr Caterina looks at Chirali and Mr Iris and adds the words, saying somewhere reassuring. "... if normal, though" "Ugh! It's not funny" "I'm sorry, if only I were firmer..." "Well, well. That was bad luck, too." Instead of a guide, a fellow with a clutched leg, the Hell Flame Grizzly I encountered in a place that wouldn't normally come out. The overlap between those two points led to that accident. I don't think I would have gotten hurt that far if it had been one of those things, considering the skill and behavior of Mr. Iris I've seen since then. Most of all, when I found out I couldn't count on that collector, I didn't break up or turn back, and I didn't have enough experience as a collector. "Lord Sarasa, are the Iris doing well, as gatherers? "Right...... I can't deny the lack of experience, but I think it's a good idea to say I'm a successful enough gatherer, right? Mr. Iris and Mr. Kate with a chillary and gaze. I didn't lose that pleading eye, but I'll compliment you for once. Whatever the fight is, not yet when it comes to collecting, but with my advice and working with Andre and the others, it's not a lie that you're making a lot of money, is it? "Hmm?... Did I just say Cheng? But that kind of care seemed promising to Master Adelbert, and when he grinned, he compared me to Mr. Iris' faces. "For once, the send-off was here, and I don't think it's a lie, do you? Dear Adelbert," "That's what he sees with all the help around him, isn't it? Yes, you're right, Father. Confirmed by Lady Adelbert, Mr. Iris affirms in a very bad way. But even looking at Mr. Iris like that, Master Adelbert nodded in a good mood the other way. "No, no, that's good. Somewhere you've been able to fight, you're newcomers as gatherers. It is important to listen to and learn from your surrounding words. Lord Sarasa, I know this is bothering you, but please keep it up." "Of course it is. It's in my interest to have both of you, and now I think of you as a dear friend." I naturally responded to Master Adelbert, who asked me to bow my head.
I Could Graduate! Royal Alchemist Training School. It is the only school in this country where the national qualification of alchemist can be obtained. If you can graduate from this school and even qualify as an alchemist, the person's life is already safe. The life of our left is promised. But it's also very competitive, and it's very difficult to enroll, as well as graduate safely. Such a super difficult school is the Royal Alchemist Training School. Alchemists are synonymous with elites in the first place. Having the ability to create essential smelters (potions) and smelter artifacts, their supply is always scarce to demand. There is also price control by the state, and excessive discounts are not allowed. In other words, simply put, the profit margin is very high and you don't have to worry about remaining sold as long as you choose the product. For this reason, if you can be an alchemist, you won't have a lifetime full of food - on the contrary, you don't have to work desperately to make enough money. Also a hallmark of the Royal Alchemist Training School is that anyone who strives - civilians, of course, even orphans - can enrol in school. Knowledge required in entrance exams can be learned in textbooks, which are lent free of charge upon application. Besides, there is no cost to take the exam. There's nothing I can do if I can't even read the letters, but even in an orphanage, it's possible to study the letters to the extent I want, so I can cover them there with my personal efforts as well. In addition to tuition waivers, there are also scholarship payments and exam-by-exam bonus awards for the best performers, which in a sense creates a "good as long as they are studying” environment. But because it is such a privileged environment, its gateway is very narrow. For civilians and orphans, there are many who wish to enroll only in a profession that is almost the only one capable of development, and naturally the exams are difficult. Furthermore, nobles with excellent tutors take the exams as well, so there is no way they can beat the competition with their raw "naked" efforts. And I can't feel safe if I manage to pass the entrance exam. If the results of the exams that take place every four months do not reach a certain level, you will be relentlessly expelled. Naturally, there is no such thing as retesting, as is this even for nobility. As a result, it is said that less than a tenth of the graduation ceremony at the time of enrolment can be attended five years later. I, Sarasa Feed, graduate from such a school today. No, that was tough! Graduation emotions? I didn't even have time to feel that way. Whatever you say, I had my graduation exam until yesterday. And the announcement of that test result, this morning. In case you fail with that, it's a nightmare that you can't go to graduation even if you come to school today!? I don't know who thought about it, but I don't think we have exactly this date. Well, it seems that no one has ever missed a graduation exam before. There's no one left with a grade problem because they're hung up on a sieve long enough by then. It's possible to fall off if you get out of your mind, but if you imagine a situation where only one person is left in the classroom on graduation day, it's natural to get more tempered than usual exams. Is it about sickness that's dangerous? Of course we all know that, so we'll work hard to stay fit, and if we have anxiety, we'll be out of school for a while. But we'll get better. Of course I did, desperately! It was also worth it, and I got my last exam bounty along with my diploma. Yeah, thankfully. I think I lost my parents in an accident when I was eight, and since I was put in an orphanage, I even study except for the minimum job, as if I were going to escape reality. For this reason it annoyed everyone in the orphanage, but it was not particularly reprehensible because of the implicit understanding that all children who aspire to an alchemist training school will support them. If you succeed in becoming an alchemist instead, sending a donation in return is another implicit understanding. The alchemist from the orphanage now sends us donations on a regular basis, so we didn't have to live like lighting a fire on our nails either. But it was also worth such a gallery study, and as a civilian, I succeeded in enrolling in school with a pretty good grade, earned free tuition, eligibility to pay scholarships and residency, and was able to leave the orphanage at the age of ten. After that, it even dawned on part-time work and study. Fortunately, he was hired to work part-time at an alchemist's shop, so he could also be apprenticed to the store manager. Thanks to this, I was able to study myself and keep my academic achievement at the level where I can get exam rewards even if I get time for part-time work. Unfortunately, I rarely took the top, but fortunately, all the people above me were aristocrats, right? Why “lucky”? Is that customary about bounty money? Tradition? Because there was such a thing. Typically, exam bonuses are paid up to the top three. If this is strictly applied, maybe the reward I got is about half of what it is now? But if nobility comes to the top, there's a “duty of nobility” trend to resign. The declined bounty is then rolled down to the lower ranking. It is thanks to this system that I was awarded a bounty for the majority of my exams. Of course it's not compulsory, but they have noble pride and other looks there. In the case of lower nobles, I think it's hard because sometimes when you're bad, you don't have more money than wealthy civilians. Though it's a very thankful tradition for me. Thanks to this, my savings were over Rs million at the time of graduation. Ordinary civilians don't earn half a million rare a year, so they actually earn more than ten times what they earn a year! Yeah, good luck! Me! More than half of them are scholarships and bounty money, but the rest is money earned part-time! Even though accommodation and food are free thanks to the dorm, it was really, really hard (...) to make this much money using between school classes and study time. Thankfully, my part-time daily wage was comparable to the full day's earnings of the civilian population, but for this, it's not usually the kind of amount you can earn on a part-time basis. It is an amount because I am an alchemist apprentice and I was able to work part-time in my master's shop. That's all you can earn from your apprenticeship part time, so how can a real alchemist earn money? And from today on, me too, such an alchemist! A strange substance, like a thin metal, then very light and flexible. There is engraved Mark the Alchemist and my name, the diploma of the Royal Alchemist Training School. Furthermore, my own magic prints have been recorded, and even the mechanism by which the display disappears when anyone but me touches it. In a sense, this is a masterpiece of alchemy. Hmm, I can get my hands on my cheeks that my face is going to burn. It would be suspicious if one person was snorting in front of the gate. ... alone. Yes, I'm alone. The graduation ceremony is over safely, and a new doorstep. But I'm alone in front of the school gate. Hey, I really haven't done anything but part-time and study in the last five years! Thanks to you, I'm trying to get out of school like this, but no one even comes to say hi. And there's no one to go say hello to. The air tastes different around me, even though there are graduates around who spare their juniors their goodbyes and people who are smiling and talking to the people who pick them up. No one comes near me. Beh, nothing, I don't miss you, but heh! - No, I really miss you a little bit. I don't know, because I hardly had any friends. Because it's my fault, I can't help it. After all, you're even studying and you barely even have a conversation, you can't make friends, can you? No, well, the truth is, it's just almost zero, and it wasn't really zero, was it? Until last year, there were two seniors who cared about me like this and got along. And there's one junior who got along because of that senior connection. But the two of you who graduated safely last year are not in the Wang Capital because you now work in another town. I still do the correspondence, but the first year alchemist isn't sweet enough to come to Wang Du for my graduation ceremony. It costs a lot of transportation. ... Speaking of which, I was wondering if it was about the cost of the correspondence that I spent money on besides the essentials. And speaking of juniors, I've been ill for a few days unluckily and I don't attend graduation. I tried to get you here, but my junior regular exams are right after graduation. You can't let them fail in case, "Never come, let your body heal!" I told him so strongly. Because it involves life enough not to be stylish. Hey, if you fail the exam. "Yeah,... let's go quick" Standing alone in this air is a little hard. Sometimes the surprise "a lot" of shivering gaze sent to me must not be my fault. I look back once and look up at the school building where I spent five years. A lot happened. Most of them have only memories of studying, but still some fun. At least I don't have any trouble with my life as long as I'm studying, so all in all, I think it was not a bad student life. But from now on, I have to walk away by myself. I walked out with determination in my chest and my back to the school gate.
Towards Escape () After the second day, the Iris exploration had not progressed much. A cave where even it's hard to move on. If you show up there to the branch, and you're going to get stuck and turn back in the majority of it, your fatigue will be intense, mentally and physically, and rest will be mandatory. As a result, the time spent on exploration is reduced and the distance advanced substantially is scarce. And on the fourth day, when the stress coming from the sense of working began to build, there was movement in the walnuts that were sticking in energy-saving mode on Iris' luggage. "Ugh, ugh! "... ah? Oh, what's up, walnut? Are you hungry? "Idiot, Iris, hold on! The manager, I'm sure." From tiredness, or if Kate pulls Iris' hand in love (with him) and stops on the spot, the walnut gets off Iris' luggage to the ground a bit and snorts as if to affirm Kate's words. And I looked around at the faces of Iris and wrote letters on the ground. "Tired? "Pathetically. Thanks to the manager, I can withstand the heat, and I didn't have a heavy fight..." Originally, Iris was a bent nobleman's maid. I became a gatherer and started living in a tougher environment than before, but the basics are day trips, and I don't have much experience with full-scale collection work, like staying in for days. The last Salamander crusade was a tough itinerary, but at that time the spiritual peace of mind was great because of the presence of Salasa, on the battle side, and the guardians of Adelbert and Katerina together. But now, only we can rely on ourselves in terms of combat, and Nordrad is an object to protect, a situation where we can escape safely or not see ahead. He was placed in a state of considerable stress, in a more mental part than his physical strength. In that regard, Nordrad was inferior to the Iris and his health drain was severe in terms of equipment, but with his experience of observing demons for long periods of time in worse environments and his experience in critical situations, he has some mental leeway. "Actually, you're anxious in terms of magic. Spring water bottles and thermal protection equipment are the lifeline, so the magic runs out immediately leading to a life-threatening situation. Sarasa, how are you doing around there? To Nordrad's inquiry, the walnut hung his neck properly and wrote a letter on the ground with gullibility. "Mr. Iris and the others have no problem with the amount of magic. If you don't use the orange one too much ' "What! Really?!?" "I thought it was critical? 'That's not true. If it's about this temperature, it's okay if you don't try to take a bath.' Iris and the others, eyeing the walnut-written text, exhale loudly in alignment, dropping their shoulders. "No, I just don't think about bathing in this situation... can I think of that as wearing heat protection gear all the time, using a floating tent and producing more water than you can drink in a spring water bottle? "Yes. Not only does Mr. Kate, but Mr. Iris also has an outgoing magic." "Oh yeah... I kind of lost my mind all at once" "Orange is fine if you have about a glass a day. Drink sweets and refresh ' In fact, that's also what Sarasa put the orange spring water bottle in the emergency pack for. It is a concern that once a day, if sweet food is consumed, it will be much different mentally, even if the portable food (ration) disappears and a terrible meal is eaten locally. "However, only with respect to the smelter (artifact) I gave you. I don't know any other smelters (artifacts) ' "I guess that is. Because the magic efficiency of smelters (artifacts) varies. The disciples who received direct instruction from the master class and what the alchemist in their quarters made are not comparable in the same row. But it's so efficient... that's great." "A floating tent runs with demonic materials if you have to. I'm a little unwell. ' Usually, the operation of a smelter (artifact) requires a demonic crystal stone with a user's magic power or magic power, but if it is a material that contains a lot of magic, such as an ice tooth bat fang, for example, it can also be used as a fuel. However, with the exception of such compatible combinations as' refrigerator and ice tooth bat fangs', the use of that magic is significantly inefficient. Naturally speaking because it is impossible to extract magic, but that is more than "processing the fangs of the ice tooth bat into a demonic crystal stone", which Sarasa was considering at one time, making it a very unavoidable use even from the value of the material. "I see. If you have to, let's do it. You can't sell expensive materials unless you can go home." "ominous!?" "But you do, don't you? I survive now because I have always given my life the highest priority. Drop expensive experimental tools if you need them, but run away. Without that thought, you can't study demons." Nordrad bragging about that somewhere, but the look on Iris and Kate's face when asked about it is clear, bitter. "Then I'd like you to experiment a little more carefully..." "Nord, you're the cause of this crisis, aren't you? "I have a sense of consciousness over there. But because it's experimental priority. I am prepared to throw away other things so that my life will be saved after experimenting" It's conflicting somewhere, but it can't be done in the first place, such as studying dangerous demons if life is paramount. I guess there is some criterion for the need for experimentation and the associated danger to life, Nordrad himself, but it seems hard for the rest of us to know that. At least the Iris didn't seem to understand, and to Nordrad, claiming with his chest outstretched, Iris dropped his shoulders deeply and turned his gaze to the walnut. "So the manager. Any help...... can you do it? The walnut nods to Iris, who asks a little reluctantly if the situation is just the situation, and writes a letter on the ground. 'I was. I'm ready to unplug the trail detector. " Iris and Kate tilted their necks at what the walnut had written, but Nordrad seemed to have a clue, nodding "Hmm". "Pull out the trail detector... You've heard of it" "Really? I don't know." "Normal people don't have much use for smelters (artifacts). Because it is only used in fairly limited circumstances, such as exploring unknown caves or in the event of an accident in a pit." Nordrad knew such things because he had the opportunity to hear them when he made a downward look at studying the demons that inhabit the cave. 'Then the story is quick. Explain. " "Yeah. This is literally a smelter (artifact) looking for a way to get through. I mean, unlike before, I've tried my best to move on, but it stops, and God forbid. The more rushed you are, the more hard you feel, so it's worth it just to avoid this." "But there are also shortcomings" "Right. Now all I know is that the (...) distance (...) of a constant (...) is not (...) the end of the line. There can be no discernment if there is a division along the way or if it continues much longer on the main road as well. How far you can look depends on performance and magic consumption, but around it..." 'Not very good. It'll be an irregular use' "I guess that is. Or is it something you can handle? If you're an alchemist with good arms, you've heard frowning stories about how you can use magic through alchemy creatures (homunculus)." "It's not eyebrow spit. Fact. But difficult. So make it on this occasion ' The words written by the walnuts not only breathed Iris and his knowledgeable Nordrad as researchers.
I've been kicking out a little troubled merchants for a while. Ice tooth bat fangs, which temporarily presented the look of a bubble, had also reduced the number of people living in caves in addition to the fact that I had drastically lowered my buying price, which had restored a lot of calm. Some of the collectors complained about it, but when I said 'to protect resources after next year', most of them honestly pulled back, so there's no major problem. In the first place, most collectors had made quite a bit of money by then, so it is also significant that there was no problem with the nostalgia. Rather, the village is boiling down to a bit of a good economy, as it spends the money it saves by then and does a little extravaganza. "That said, I myself feel like I've worked a lot and done less." It reminds me of what I've done in a while and how it turned out, and I shake my head, for Christ's sake, Lorea looks strange. "Really? It didn't look that hard to me..." "... that? Was I? Even though I'm an alchemist, I've had a lot of trouble going to caves and hunting, going to South Strag and having all sorts of meetings and negotiating with merchants? Mr. Iris and Mr. Kate are in tune with Lorea, against me for tilting her little neck. "I'm not going to deny that the manager has worked hard, but don't feel like he's making enough money." "I don't seem to have that much cash on hand, Mr. Store Manager, quite a creditor...... no, investor? You did, didn't you? "For once, yes..." The bulk of the money earned, in the form of co-financing with Mr. Leonora, was loaned to the alchemist by the merchant in Kundan, who used it to buy claims. When it comes to instant gold buying, it seems to have pretty much bought it, but still, it's not a promising place to invest at the moment -. "It's going to take a while to collect, isn't it? In the first place, he's not a very good business alchemist." Originally, if you save money by ripening boring work into the tunnel with tricks, it's the alchemist who doesn't go into debt life. Despite this, the alchemist in debt is the other person. For once, with regard to the circumstances that led me to be in debt, Leonora said, 'Because due diligence is important! Looks like I investigated' em, and I'm hearing them too... they were pinkier from someone with circumstances that I had to sympathize with, to someone I had no choice but to sneer at. With regard to the repayment plan, I'm totally at your disposal because Mr. Leonora took it, adding the whole thing. "But, Mr. Sarasa, you've often lent money to someone like that? "Mm-hmm, it's a foreclosure, so it's a little different than I lent it..." For once, he said he would put in some tough audits quite often regarding 'the only person he can get stuck with,' so I guess that's okay, I guess. The means were a little arrogant, but for once, it's the money I've earned so hard. At least you have the strength to qualify as an alchemist, so if you don't even have to, you should be able to make a profit. "Even if it burns, is there a problem because I got a lot of material this time? We're going to be able to focus on alchemy for a while, thank goodness." Finally, a ton of ice tooth bat fangs, bought from Yorke Barr. Of course, I couldn't use it all alone, so I asked him to exchange it with all kinds of materials in the master's handbook. Thanks to this, the progress of the alchemy daiichi, which has been stalled for a while, began to go constantly, so that this alone is worth the hassle. Yoku Bahr also dropped a lot of money, so if you look at the whole village, it's a plus. "Is it one of them that Lord Store Manager is making right now? - What the hell is that?" "This is the artifact of a smelter called a symphony box. It was Leonora who provided the material." "Heh, how do you use it? "Wait a minute, 'cause I can already do it.... All right, done" That's what I put on the table, a palm-sized square cube. At first glance, it's just a crate, but, of course, it can't be. "Put your hands on this......" Testing, testing. Mr. Leonora, can you hear me? 'I can hear you. Success. Call me whenever you need me.' Mr. Iris' eyes circle in the voice that suddenly rang out of the box. Experimental success, right? "'Yes, thank you. See you later'. -" "This..., can we talk to a remote town? "Yeah. I use a lot of magic, so it's difficult to use it for long distances and long periods of time." To the intriguing Mr. Iris, I hand Pong the consonant I had. "It's light, isn't it? "Heh, with these little boxes... that's awesome. Sounds good to be more popular...? "You're an awesome smelter, Artifact. It looks like a crate." The consonant box crosses from Mr. Iris' hand to Mr. Kate and Lorea, observing as they all turn to twirl intriguingly. "Because it's a little expensive. Five hundred thousand for the standard selling price." "What!! Ha, ha! Lorea, who just had a symphony box, trembles terribly at my words. And a symphony box that spills with polories. "Danger!" It was Mr. Iris who moved quickly. He held the consonant so that it slipped into the floor and prevented it from falling. "Shh, excuse me! "No, I'm fine. I managed not to drop it." Iris stood up with a grin on Lorea, who crouched beside Mr. Iris as she panicked... "... Ah, don't worry, it won't break as much as I normally dropped it, will it? Unless you're so unlucky." "That means if you're unlucky, you'll break it, right? Mr. Store Manager, give me the expensive stuff like it's expensive. Because it surprises me." "I see. Copy that." I don't know how to do it, though. It's just a little expensive, and if I was treating you freaked out, I wouldn't have been able to work part-time at my master's, and hey. On the contrary, it's dangerous. "And finally, that's why it's a little hard for ordinary people to use." Compared to the transfer team, it's a vastly energy-saving consonant, but if you're a normal person, you can't use it unless you consume the Demonic Crystal Stone, and even if you're somewhat magical, when the distance is about between town and town, it's a little harsh. In other words, if you want to use a symphony box, you need either the cost of preparing a magic crystal stone, or the cost of having someone with a lot of magic. If the operating costs are high in addition to the purchase costs, it would be advisable not to disseminate them. What I made this time was that Leonora provided me with the material, and that I needed to make it in order to upgrade my level, and if it was me and Leonora, there was a lot I could ignore in terms of operating costs. Mr. Leonora and I would like to maintain a system of cooperation in the future, and we are on a boat crossing. I agreed to it in two replies when it was proposed. "Do you still mean the smelter Artifact? - Sir, I need to talk to you about one thing, okay? "Yeah, I don't mind. What is it? As I smiled and nodded, she thought a little and opened her mouth, pushing Mr. Iris' back a little hesitant. "Uhm...... We're done collecting ice tooth bats, aren't we? So is there anything good you can do to get it next time? "We owe the manager, don't we? So I was wondering if you could let me know if you have an efficient collection or something that the store manager would like to get. I'm sorry I always depended on the manager." "Is it an efficient object? That's right..." I don't need the debt itself to be repaid in a hurry, but I also know how Iris and I feel about wanting to pay it back soon. If you were in debt, you wouldn't be calm, I knew it. "It's the Great Tree Sea, so naturally, some collections can pay off your debts in one go -" To me, who told me to worry, Mr. Iris and Mr. Kate rush in the face visibly and pinch the words. "Oh, and, of course, ask at a level where we can come home safely" "Oh, yeah. If you get hurt again and you end up with more debt, you're going down." "Of course, I understand. Based on the abilities of Mr. Iris..." I can carry a lot of spite worms at once, and they tend to run out of stock, but is it a little wasteful to ask Mr. Iris and the others? If it's nearby, that's the kind of material even Lorea can collect, and it's pretty hard to find a lot. I don't make as much money per hour. Flaming stones are a material that will increase demand over the coming winter, and the buyout price is high, but since it is the habitat of Hell Flame Grizzly that can be collected in this neighborhood, it is a little risky to go there now that we don't even know what caused the frenzy the other day. This is a bit too big of a gambling element because sometimes the fruits of Johue should be there, but you rarely find them instead of tens of thousands of rare in one, right? That's bonus item material you'll find during other collections. Then there's something else...... "Right, how about rotting fruit bee honey? It fits seasonally, and it will be a raw material for luxury honey, so you can buy it pretty high, right? We need to get ready, but if we find a big nest, we can make money all at once." After considering a number of materials that came to mind and suggesting what seemed suitable for the current Iris ladies, Iris ladies tilted their necks in alignment. "Rotten fruit bee? Kate, you know what? "No. First ear. Mr. Store Manager, I'm sorry, can you tell me more? "Yeah, I don't mind. Uh..." A rotten bee is, as its name suggests, a bee that uses rotten fruit as its staple food. It usually works well around the end of autumn, but in areas where ice tooth bats live, activity begins around summer. Its aim is the fruit that the ice tooth bat has saved and let rot. If it was meant to be, for ice tooth bats, rotting bees should be enemies for food, but rotting fruits that ice tooth bats don't eat. Where they took it, it didn't hurt the ice tooth bat, on the contrary, it sometimes eliminates enemies entering the cave, making it a kind of symbiotic relationship. And honey from rotten fruit bees that collect honey from ice tooth bat fruit is particularly rare and the buyout price is higher. "By the way, near where the ice tooth bat cave is located, the rotting beehive often also seems to get bigger. You'll get plenty of food." "I see...... hmm? Could it be that if we go into the Ice Tooth Bat Cave now, that bee will attack us? I nod to Mr. Iris, who asks if you have noticed 'Eliminate the Enemy', which was in my explanation. "You're in that danger. If you have the insect repellent smelter Artifact, I'm sure you'll be fine. Oh, when collecting honey from rotting bees, it's better to have a" bug bale ”instead of a" bug repellent. " "Can't it be a normal insect repellent? That would be higher, wouldn't it? "No.“ Insect repellent ”is an smelter" artifact "that creates an area where insects repel, but when their nests are being attacked, do you think they will escape to the point of" repellent "? "... Indeed. Anything else you need? "An antidote to bee poison would be a must, wouldn't it? If you do it badly, you'll die." Kate turns a blind eye to me stressing that this is important. "Are you going to die!? Are you such a dangerous bee? "If anyone can collect it, you can't afford it." "No... that's right. Should we invite Andre and the others as well...? "I'll take care of that area. It depends on which part of the forest the nest is located, but you should invite it if you prioritize safety. If it's a priority to earn money, you shouldn't invite it..." Even if the bees themselves are not so threatening, there are other demons in the forest. If you chase a bee into the depths of the woods, the two of you alone are a little anxious. But it's something they should think about around. For once, you're a professional gatherer. "Thank you, Store Manager. I'll think about what I'm gonna do." "Yes, but be careful."
"Get the manager out! It was a young man who finally came inside the shop with such a rough voice that he took all five of the men who looked like they had a bad pattern. When I was in my early twenties, I was low in height and slightly thicker on the side. Were you a rich merchant or a nobleman because of its shape, which is visible to the reckless? Either way, it only stinks of trouble. I subtly hid Lorea behind my back, and if I stepped forward, Mr. Iris and Mr. Kate also stepped forward and lined up next to me. "I'm the manager, though? "Well, you're the alchemist in this store. - Not bad." The grin that the man has put on properly builds up an unparalleled aversion and strives to keep a distorted look on his face. "Can I help you? "Non is Associate Baron Kirk. Yesterday, there was an allegation that I had been subjected to unwarranted violence in this store. If you ask, they have noblemen to talk to. Then the civilian population will have a heavy load. Lord Tatsuno came all the way out here." He calls himself Associate Baron Kirk, who says that while turning his gaze to Chirali and Mr. Iris. Do you mean Mr. Iris? Although he's a junior, Iris, the son of a knight, is a historical nobleman. However, there is little chance that Kaguya Ruptured Door will know Iris' face, and to see Iris and Kate's bitter expression, there seems to be no doubt that Colle is Associate Baron Kirk himself. I mean, the other day, the customer who broke out at the store, that was a setup... troublesome. - Well, it's just a hassle. I don't have that much trouble. I lift my eyebrows and control Mr. Iris, who went out front, and I open my mouth. "No reason for me? If so, you don't have any idea. I knocked out the broken door that broke in the store, but that's a legitimate thing to do." "Oui, that's terrible with a broken door. Poor victim, huh? If the victim sues you, you'll have to judge him well as a lord. To Associate Baron Kirk, who laughs and says, I grin even deeper and return the words. "That's hard work. But don't worry. It's not about annoying the lord's hands." "Am I?" "The territorial law does not apply to what happened inside the Alchemist's shop. I mean, there's no need for the lord to bother you." Applicable in respect of alchemists is basically Kingdom law. This is dictated by the country's policy of wanting to place alchemists all over the country, and no matter what strange law the lord has made, that law will not encroach on the rights of alchemists. This is also the case in this case, when 'there was an act of violence in the store' comes out, I will not be unjustly tried, but of course I will be bound by Kingdom law, so if I am an alchemist, I can wield power, there is nothing like it. Explain that carefully to bite and include, and add the words "If you are (...) harmed (...), please tell them to sue the judicial authorities in the Wang capital", and the face of Associate Baron Kirk will turn red and his voice will leak out of his mouth. Well, there can't be anything like suing me, can there? It's like hustling that there's something behind it if the lord dares to complain about the extent to which he was violently evicted from the store. There is no darkness behind me, and the judicial authorities of the King's capital are not corrupt enough to make a ruling in favor of the lord with it. "But it's a lot of diligence not knowing that a lord would bother to move to that degree of appeal, isn't it? You seemed busy at Hell Flame Grizzly." If you tell them to tell you that they didn't even help you after the fact, the most able-bodied of the men who held back behind them roughed up their voices and awesome. "Temeye! Shut up and listen, and tell Master Kirk a joke -" But Associate Baron Kirk controls such a man and raises the corner of his mouth as if he had regained a little room. "Of course there's no way a busy non would just come for that. You're next. I heard there was a field that didn't pay taxes. I came here to check on you. To the words, I frown unexpectedly. I have also been asked by Mr Elles about the taxes in this village. According to that, in this village, where agriculture is not thriving, a certain amount is collected as a tax each year, regardless of the harvest of agricultural land. It's like a head tax in shape, but if it's not worth the hassle of grasping and managing the population, the tax will remain the same, whether the number of villages increases or decreases. Taxes that can be collected in such a small village are not a huge amount, so in a way they are reasonable. However, that amount is never small in terms of this village's earnings, and even more so in comparison to the average headcount tax + tax charged on agricultural land in this country. Even before, in recent years, when the number of collectors had decreased, they had struggled to pay for it. I guess that's why Mr. Erin planned to build herbal fields so that he could make steady revenues...... "Stupid!? Farmland in this village shouldn't be taxed! Instead of me saying nothing, Mr. Iris stuffed up with Associate Baron Kirk, but he shrugged his shoulders laughing with Niyaniya. "If you think of someone, aren't you the rural daughter of the Poor Knight family? In this place, what's the matter with the gatherer? Is it hard for a poor man without money? I hear you know Mr. Iris and Associate Baron Kirk. Associate Baron Kirk dares to put it in a way that would hinder his eclampsia, even though he wouldn't notice Mr. Iris, who wasn't hiding. "Lords have the authority to determine taxes. Poor nobles with no decent territory might not know, though, huh? The herbal fields are now taxed, the other day! Look at that niggling surface and let Mr. Iris wave the fist he held, but I take that hand gently so as to calm him down. In fact, it is up to the lord to decide what things to tax. It is the Lords who determine the type of tax, from general objects such as headcount taxes allocated by the number of residents, commercial taxes multiplied by the size of the business, to objects operating only in some territories, such as maternity taxes, adult taxes, marriage taxes and death taxes, which are important rights. The amount also varies from a small amount to a high amount that cannot be easily paid. Depending on the territory, 'I was born but I can already speak the language', 'I'm old but I'm not an adult', 'I can't even die without saving money', or even there's such a situation. So the decision to 'tax the herb fields too' is not a problem in itself. Unfortunately, if you're in your own territory, you can go through it even if you're unscrupulous, because you're a lord. "That's hard work. Surely it is the Lord's job to determine taxes." "Ho, you seem somewhat wise, unlike the countrymen over there. So..." - Anyway, it's none of my business. "I just don't know that there's such a herbal field, I'm oligarchy...... because where did you hear that? He frowned and glared at me, blocking the words of Associate Baron Kirk with an unpleasant grin, and if I smiled nicely. "Ah? There will be, but right next door. The herbal fields." "Yes, yes! I don't care what you think of that, it's a herbal field! "You think you won't find out if you surround yourself with a fence! Associate Baron Kirk shows the direction of the neighboring field with his jaw, and the men behind him ride that ass horse too, but I laugh and shake my head "heh". "Oh, is that it? That's my field. Alchemist's fields are not subject to tax. This is also stipulated by the laws of the Kingdom." If it's to be exact, it won't be tax revenues for local lords, should I say? Because all taxes paid by alchemists can be paid against the country. Herbs grown and harvested by alchemists can also be taxed if processed as smelting drugs (potions), so the fields themselves cannot be taxed. Compared to other businesses or something, reporting and so on is a lot of detail and hassle, but if you think of it as the price of generous protection, it's acceptable. So you can fight a troublesome lord?
"Oh, I died in an accident when I made a joke on the ski giant Snowglide Sentipide." "Hoo, accident." "Oh, it was an accident." When Iris raised her eyebrows a little and checked, Madison nodded without changing her expression. Is the accident accidental or man-made? ... there's no need to pursue it. I made it look like an accident and killed him! Even if they say, "I almost killed you, so I killed you," it's troublesome to handle. Considering the situation, even if you didn't actively do it, you didn't try to rescue me when you had an accident, right? "Hey, I understand this is a selfish argument, but can you help me? To keep my family safe, I couldn't refuse a job I didn't like." "That means rescuing injured people and supporting them down the mountain, right? "Oh, of course, I'm not going to escape punishment. If you can get home safely, do whatever you want." I do not intend to blame myself for giving priority to the safety of my family over others. If that's a crime - in this case, it's a little delicate to call it a crime because you just followed the lord's orders - I understand your desire to protect your family, and I can't help but prioritize it. ... I'm not tired of being targeted. Well, we didn't get hurt, and even if we swallow it, there are other problems. "Hmm...." When I roared and looked at Iris and Kate, they looked back at me like they were in trouble. Lorea tends to hesitate to open her mouth to us like that. "Um, can you do something about it? "Hmm, Lorea is kind. I almost got killed." "That's true... I wasn't directly attacked, and I didn't feel too dangerous..." Lorea gazes at me as she wanders her gaze and moves her hands together. As the same civilians, do you feel sympathetic to them who cannot defy the nobles? Well, myself, I'm in a slightly better position now, but until a few years ago, I was close to the bottom of society. I will not forgive you if you are attacked, but if you raise your hands and surrender, I don't think I will have any discretion. But for that, there are problems to be solved. It was Iris who pointed it out on my behalf. "But, Lorea. Attempting to harm the alchemist, even if it is an attempt, is quite a felony, isn't it? Most of the time, it's a death sentence." "Really? Of course, I know you can't help killing me anymore..." In fact, how guilty would this be? Taking into account the provocations against the ski giant Snowglide Centipede in advance, Madison's objective behavior was to be chased by the giant and rub it against others. It is quite a malicious act, but this alone will not make it a capital offence. There are some differences between the nobles ruling the land where the incident took place. But the situation is different when the opponent becomes an alchemist. Even in a pure accident, there is a good chance that the death penalty will be carried out. If it is done systematically, even if it is attempted, it will be sentenced to death in nine quarters. This is because the Alchemist is registered as a resident of the King's City, and it is the national law, not the territorial law, that applies. However, this is slightly different from favouring the alchemist, and depends largely on national circumstances. After all, the alchemist is the property of the country, raised by the country with a lot of money. If you try to hurt it intentionally, you will inevitably be more guilty. "By the way, Iris is noble. It's not that small." "Yes, but I'm still..." Kate, isn't "even this" terrible? When Iris answered Kate, Kate shrugged and sighed. "Well, Iris, can you say with a big heart, 'I'm a noble lady'? I'd be glad to hear that. "- Mm-hmm. But I'm noble. Death is guaranteed if you are punished. In some cases, the family will be brought together." Iris remained silent and continued to speak as if nothing had happened. I don't see any plans to improve it. However, behind its flat tone, its contents are quite eggy. It is a terrible crime for civilians to attack nobles, but Madison didn't know about Iris, and as he looked at it, his blood was drawn from his face, and even his pale face got worse with the cold, and he was closer to the earthy tone. "Normally, the responsibility for what a soldier did - or at least what he was ordered to do - rests with the person who gave the order... Do you think he will be held accountable? Warrant Baron Kirk. ......... Madison answers Iris's questions in silence. I'm sure he understands that he can't be held responsible. There is no way that such a winner could be assassinated. "Shit! Either way, we were discards!!" Madison waves his fist down into the snow with regret, but the soft snow doesn't catch it, it just soars up quietly. The lack of response led him to kick the ground in disgust. "It is possible that they were going to destroy all of us and destroy the evidence. Didn't they say that? "I can't say no to a job like that, but I figured I'd run away. At least I'm not listening. I don't know about the dead son." "Maybe you were going to tell me and let me do it in the last place. If they don't kill us all, they'll execute us, including our families." "Gunu...." Moving away from the land where ordinary civilians live involves major difficulties in terms of safety, income, etc. Instead of killing us, even Madison, who thinks about it, looks painful. If his family's life is at stake, he can't say he didn't do it. Looking at him like that, Lorea leaned her head. "But you're completely wrong about force analysis. If all of us aren't dying in the battle against the ski giant Snowglide Sentipide, it doesn't make sense to force all the soldiers to fight. It's easy to fight back." Madison's bitter expression turned into a sad expression that lowered her eyebrows and buttocks in the mouth of a pre-adult girl without a lid. "Ah, young lady, we're still a soldier who's trained in some sort of battle..." "But can you beat Sarasa and the others? I'm totally out of combat, but Kate wasn't actually in the fight for the ski giant Snowglide Sentipide, and Sarasa didn't use any magic." "If you use flashy magic, there is an avalanche danger. If it's dangerous, I won't hesitate." The danger of avalanches and nearby weapons attacks. It goes without saying which should be the priority. In addition, as Lorea's bodyguard, there are walnuts. You're on alert, but now you're hiding in Lorea's hood. "Isn't that right? Can you fight with us who can run normally on snow in the first place? Maybe even my legs can escape. Lorea says, "Even on my legs," but her feet, trained in the countryside, are quite mastery. If she runs around in snow boots, no matter how well trained a man is, she won't be able to catch up with her hips buried in snow. Not to mention Mr Kate, who is accustomed to fighting. If you shoot from a little distance, about ten or twenty people are just a target. When Lorea explained it lightly, Madison dropped his shoulders tired. "That's right... I'm not going to tell you to make a plan so you can kill me, but it's a sham. I didn't hear you were so strong...." Madison took a breath because he was long and deep.
A few months ago, Mr. Nord, who had escorted Mr. Iris to investigate the salamander, was to be trapped in a cave because of his tiredness (...), his (...), his (...), his (...) probing (...), his mind (...). If he was the only one trapped, I don't think I would have done anything, but unfortunately for me, and fortunately for him, there was Mr. Iris and Mr. Kate. As a result, I was to cut myself and embark on the rescue of Mr Iris and his men. After the successful rescue, Mr. Nord gave me all the money possible, including the cost of the emergency set and other things that Mr. Iris and the others spent, but compared to the money I spent, that was only a fraction of the pole. Much of the money spent remains as smelters (artifacts), but there is no doubt that I ran out of cash, and it was Nord's fault that I had to go and collect it myself. "So? I guess he's not a bad person either..." This is how you talk to His Highness Felix. - Honestly, I appreciate the subtlety, but annoying! To be clear, people on the cloud from royalty and civilian me. Though somewhat accustomed to the aristocracy of coming to the master's shop and the marquis housekeeper who became friends at school, the intrusion is nonetheless somewhat. It's not a public place, and I'm doing something because Your Highness says, 'No thanks needed,' but it still hurts my stomach a lot, doesn't it? "I'm just a research idiot, I'm capable... sorry" "Yes, no, by asking His Highness to apologize! "Though, you can't even let me give you the money. So I've got a good job for you. In this case, we will issue 00 gold coins as an advance and 1000 gold coins as a reward for success." "" -!! " Mr. Iris and Mr. Kate breathe in the forehead presented by His Highness. Indeed, the amount you pay for a single smelter (potion) is a bit higher. Hey, but. Because if the smelting agent (potion) used by Iris to connect the broken hands and feet, it would be more than ten times the amount. "Are you sure? That's about twice the market." "How expensive, hair growth agent!?" Mr. Iris, who told me to scream, hurriedly holds his own mouth, but His Highness nods flatly. "That's okay. Can I ask for it? "I understand. However, we need to collect materials from now on, so we need to take some time..." "No problem. We're going to be touring the area for a while." His Royal Highness nods, pointing to his own head and continuing his words. "According to the doctor, the cause of this seems to be stressful. This case also has the purpose of leaving the king's capital for a while and forgetting his job. I chose this place as a combination of inspections and trips." Although His Highness Felik floats a handsome smile with that said, that smile is somewhere lying. The inspection is still only doubtful, if you ask if the area is suitable as a destination. Scenic, mild climate, nice healing spots. None of them are in the area. No, if it means' sights you don't normally see ', you'll find as much as you can extend your legs to the Great Tree Sea and the mountain ranges ahead, but at the same time you'll also hold on to the danger to your life. - Whatever you think, you're making the wrong choice, right? And so on, and wise I'm not supposed to say, just say what you need. "Now, a little of Your Highness's hair -" Lorea's hurried voice echoed from the store space behind me so as to block my words like that though. "Ya, stop it! Yikes!" "Olah!!" Gun, Gashan, Don! Lorea's voice and the voice of an unfamiliar man. And the devastating sound that followed. To the loud noise I looked back and floated my hips, but gleefully glanced at His Highness. I just want to go check right away, but it's not normal customers I'm dealing with. Ignoring and sitting in the middle is too rude. No matter how much they say you don't need to thank me. But His Highness nods as soon as he realizes it. "I don't mind. Please go." "Excuse me! I got permission. I got up, opened the door leading to the store space, and it was Lorea standing with four bad patterned men and a walnut standing on the counter to protect Lorea. The circumstances are unknown, but in view of the walnuts being in a combat position, I'm pretty sure they did something offensive. But they laughed with their noses when they saw walnuts like that. "Ha ha, what the hell? A moving stuffed animal?" Certainly the walnut figure is not intimidating at all. But there, there's something in the Alchemist's shop. I'd be vigilant if I had a normal head - but unfortunately it wasn't normal stuff on their necks. "I'm in the way! Olah!!" A man who waves his hand up like a walnut. "... stupid" It was almost simultaneous with Mr. Iris squeaking from behind me and the walnuts moving. It was the walnut drop kick that rolled out of the walnut that jumped right up. They let it go sharply, and it enters the man's stomach. "What!" Where he groaned and frowned, the walnut dressed on the ground jumped again. walnut coax screw, with one arm up and rotating. A man with his jaw valued rose flutterly and fell straight behind him. ......... Three men open their eyes and lose their words to a slightly unrealistic sight if they don't know about walnuts. By the way, the fallen man is totally knocked out. Instead of opening her eyes, she has completely white eyes, but she looks like she's breathing. - Yeah, that sounds perfect. Walnut claws are tough objects that even scrape rocks. If I did it without a clue, my important store would get dirty with blood - not hurt badly. "... Ha!? What the hell!?" "It's the bodyguard of this store. More than that, what are you guys? "Bodyguard? I'm not kidding!!" The man's answer to me, who took a step and did what, was abusive. One man shakes his leg up big and tries to kick the shelves in the store to leave it to frustration. but that was an obvious bad hand in this store. On the verge of that foot hitting the shelf, a thin film of light appeared to protect the shelf, and the moment the man's leg touched it, his body stopped moving like paralyzed and was crushed on the floor - before that walnut punch burst into its dovetail, unconscious and lined up next to the first. "Hey, what is this?!?" I retreat like the other two wolves, but I'm not going to do it with that in mind. "Walnuts, do it" "Ugh! When I gave the instructions, the walnut moved instantly. Punching his stomach to decide from below, he chased him to the jaw of a man who had fallen. Against the last one who tried to escape with his back turned, he stepped on the shelf and jumped. I kicked the ceiling and hit that neck muscle hard. And Dothali, Dothali and two men who fall, and one walnut that circles and lands with Poughn. I held up a walnut that looked at me somewhere satisfied.
"Phew." When we went out of the cave, the sun had already fallen completely. For the first time in a day I breathed heavily into the beautiful air and took a deep breath. "I almost paralyzed my sense of smell, but I knew it was tight" "Yes. So let's make sure it deodorizes" Sprinkle the deodorant that you had brought properly all over your body with Pushpush, and firmly on Mr. Iris and Mr. Andre as well. "Speaking of which, this was also recently placed at the entrance to the dining room. Did Cinzini put it down, after all? "Yes. Talk to Mr. Dillall. I knew I was in trouble, and he understood me in two replies." When I went to show him what I had made, he immediately said, 'Anyone who doesn't use this will be banned from going in and out!' So I decided to install it. At first, he told me that he would buy it, but sometimes I was involved in the cause, and he lent it free of charge, and for every single use, the collector put the royalties in the tollbox. "That's helping us, too. But is that, like, original? "Uh, it's a deficit, for sure" The usage fee is three rarities at a time. Mr. Dilal said, 'I'll keep an eye on you!' So no one would not pay for it, but tonnes if it was lightly used. Because the smell is tight and if used in large quantities, the complete deficit. It is a service for collectors and for Mr. Dilal. In a village like this, neighborhood is very important. "Well, shall we go home now? Mr. Andre and the others, would you like to take some of this fruit home? "... right. Try it." "Right. Inn can handle it even if it sucks." "I know it's okay, but if you're in a really bad state, come to us. Alchemist Potion, I will provide it. For a fee." "Well, you're all right, 'cause our bellies are sturdy." With that said, Mr. Andre and his men took the fruit out of the leather bag on my back, one by one or two, and transferred it to the leather bag I had. "I'll keep it in our freezer for a while, so let me know how to dispose of it - if we decide whether to sell it or eat it ourselves" "Ooh, thanks.... Oops, I did. Is it okay to divide the fruits and distribute them among the people? I'm sorry Cinzini only had to take it home and save it." "Yeah, I don't mind. Thank you for your help, Andre." The magic you need to carry it in the freezer isn't a big deal from me, and the freezer's empty. "Is it good? We're not very helpful..." "There's, well, a thank you for letting the nasty Gil hang out with you." "I don't deny anything nasty." Mr. Gill points to himself in Mr. Andre's words, leaking a slightly obsessive and dissatisfied word. "Heh, well, I'll thank you for that." "Helpful. I'm a little interested, and I don't have to eat to pay off my debts." To the care of Andre and the others, Kate smiled and nodded. "Well, thank you for today. Thanks again tomorrow." "" "Ooh (yes)! ◇ ◇ ◇ From the next day, the gatherers, to whom Mr. Andre and his men spoke, also joined us. Tons of ice tooth bats we hunted on the first day and ice tooth bats we hunt from day one onwards. They took those bodies out of the cave, dug and buried the holes, and asked for them. I was anxious to leave the amount alone to the purifying action of the forest, and this time of year, it would rot quickly and would definitely annoy me. And ask them, at the end of the day, to go and sell the ice tooth bat fangs to the merchant. Daily allowances to the extent of normal earnings and salaries paid to the gatherers by % of the selling price at this time. In case they get away with the fangs I gave them, it's just the people Andre's been collecting there, and there's nothing particularly wrong with them, like a week. The massive build-up of fangs and the visible decrease in the number of ice tooth bats in the cave separated Cinzini's activity there. "So, Mr. Kate, how's the merchant? It is difficult to go for sale in masked condition, so it is difficult to see how things are going directly. So I'm going to ask Kate, who seems to be more trustworthy than Iris, about her modest judgment around there. "I see a rush, I feel... what do you think? "I heard you say, 'Unexpectedly sticky' or something? Another piece of information was provided by Iris to Kate, who leaned over her neck in what was difficult to say after a few thoughts. "'Sticky' is about me here, isn't it? Do you think I'm gonna cry because I can't get my ice tooth bat fangs anymore? From me, they're the ones who stick to it unexpectedly." To be honest, the money that is gathering at my disposal for the sale of my fangs is so much that my cheeks unwittingly loose. Once I showed it to Lorea, I pampered her mouth, waved both hands. Wow. Then he blued his face and nearly fell. I won't tell you the exact amount, but the level at which Alchemy Daiichi is priced and can buy as many sets as you want. If you're not quite a merchant, I don't think it's that easy to collect cash so far... it sticks really well. "Mr. Store Manager, I think you're probably moving your fangs to another town to dispose of them, right? Whatever it is, I don't think I was bringing that much money." "That's what I thought, too. I've seen him go back and forth on horses several times." "Ice tooth bat fangs sell high for small. Huuuuuuuuuu..." "What's wrong, Mr. Store Manager? Laugh suspiciously." "No, you're right, I thought." Laughter spills unexpectedly on my supposed movements. "What do you mean? "Mr. Iris, where are the fangs I got in this village, if I were to sell them? "Normally, it would be South Strag. Because it's closest. There are other small villages and towns, but they are inefficient to swallow goods." "Right. And where does that sell to? "... the average person doesn't buy it. You're an alchemist." "Yep. And the South Strag alchemist. One of them is someone I know." He stares at my face like Mr. Kate hassled. "Maybe I contacted you beforehand? "Yes, when I decided to confront you. I asked you to buy it down to the critical." I entrusted Mr. Darna with a letter confirming the circumstances and having it delivered to Mr. Leonora. Mr. Leonora gets cheap ice tooth bat fangs and I can restrict the merchant's sources of funding. If you beat her too hard to buy, I tell her I'll provide it, so she doesn't have to worry about the lack of ice tooth bat fangs. It could be brought to the bad alchemist, but that's when. It's pointless to think about if a merchant and a bad alchemist are connected, and even if they're not, the amount of money an alchemist has in such a business is expensive. It only increases the supply until it turns up the sound. "That's right, it's all around the preparation... So small." "Small is extra! We're going to grow! To me, who insisted strongly, it was the raw and warm gaze directed at me by Mr. Iris and his men. "Isn't that... impossible? "What is it! "No, because, Lord Store Manager, you're an adult, aren't you? Even in such a way." "Such a shape!?" "It's mostly up to adults, isn't it? Some kids grow up after that... but they're a minority." "... I'm a minority, so what do you think? Such a hope of mine, Mr. Iris shook his head with a bitter smile and denied it. "Unfortunately, there are a lot of little kids who grew up in orphanages. Because I eat very little as a child." "Ugh..." I feel it, I do. It wasn't enough to starve, but I could eat my stomach full, nothing happened. I didn't work much, so I was a little reluctant... "It's okay. Because the manager is cute enough." "Yes, yes. You don't have to worry about it, to that extent. There are so many other good places in the store manager." "I'm not comforted! We're both splendid, so you can say that! Yes! Yes! Attack a little bit on the two pods. Damn. You don't feel the same weight as me. "... If you two fail to repay your debts, will you take this into the form of debt" Distancing himself from me, as Mr. Iris and his men panicked, to the words I groaned bossly, sheltering his own breasts with both arms. "Don't be scared! "That's right. First of all, there's no point in taking it into shape!?... there's no point, is there? If you're an alchemist, you can do something about it!?" "Yeah, I can't... I can't say, it's just plain worrying" "Stop! Such a scary thing to worry about! I shrugged my shoulders and laughed because they said that on a pretty serious face. "It's a joke. In fact, if you're curious about that, you can do something with the smelting drug Potion. Tall height, proportions." Hearing the words, Mr. Iris exhales, as he was also a little relieved. You wouldn't do anything as bad as that, would you? "That's the alchemist. Not half." "Then, in time, will the manager really grow taller? "No, I'm not going to use it" Sometimes I still can't make it on my level, but this body of mine is the only thing my parents left me. I'm not going to change that unnaturally. That's why I hope it grows naturally... hopeless. After all, it's a shame. "... the manager cares about his parents." "Yep. I don't have many memories, but I think they were respectable parents, because I was a child when I broke up with them, and my parents often left the house empty." "... the manager is amazing. Because I care about my parents, and I work hard to be an orphan and not rot, and I am a solid alchemist." "Right. It's not that easy to be an alchemist, though it's an orphan's dream." My face gets unwittingly hot with words they both say stingy. "Hey, what's up, suddenly? If I can be praised..." I made an effort, but that's also because of the help of all sorts of people. Master, orphanage teacher, other kids. So if you get much praise, it's embarrassing. "... Cohon. In the meantime, I still have ice tooth bat fangs. Operation continues." "Pfft. Copy that. Leave it to me. 'Cause I'll keep my money rolled up tight." "Oh. They buy it for a high price, because it's a good golden crawl" "Yes, good luck with that"
Even after Mr. Andre's return, the villagers visited intermittently, eventually gathering five leather bags. The total number of skins that were inside was . "There is a difference in the level of processing..." Some items are stripped clean, and many less beautiful skins remain fat. Perhaps the beautiful thing is the handling at Mr. Jasper's hands. However, there were no surprisingly weird cuts. Of course, I have a scratched skin in battle, but I failed to skin it and the hole was empty, nothing like that. Did you peel it off with a lot of caution because it affects the buyout price? "Okay, let's start with the bottom processing. Even if you're used to it, it still stinks." Stuff a giant alchemy kettle with two or eight skins in a cucumber. And one extra. This is the first Hell Flame Grizzly that started this one. I don't need to put it in from the start because it's something that's been handled to a certain extent, but it's a hassle, so let's throw it in. "Put some water in. ♪ Put some chemicals in. ♪ Hang it on fire. ♪ Put the alchemy kettle on top of the furnace, with the guts. Stirring with grime as it is, the unpleasant smell that was drifting at first gradually disappears. "... yeah, is this what it is? Remove the treated skin from the alchemy kettle, wash thoroughly and check the skin condition. The only thing that remains completely intact to your head is the first one. But not so bad as a whole, huh? It includes the guy I dropped my neck on. Do you think Yu has seven, Leung has ten, and the rest is OK? Even if it doesn't make a lot of difference in practical terms, “Yu" is expensive. “Good” can be used in the same way as "good” if repaired. “Yes” is a bit of a loss of quality even in practical terms. Depends on usage, though. Because it's not all I use all over my body. Even in this condition, which is only treated downwards, if it dries thoroughly, the hair becomes fluffy and it is durable as leather, so it becomes a good enough product, but I would like to add some effect anyway. "Suitable, I knew it was a fire attribute... not very good at times" Time to get hot in the future. “Very warm fur," there can't be any demand. It is too much to carry out a process that ignores the properties of the material. "Is this going to the warehouse until winter...? Oh, before we do, let's contact the master." Write the history of this one in a note with Sarah and send it to the master in the transfer formation. And as I waited and dried my fur, I got back to you as soon as I could. "Uh..." I'll buy you up to eight pieces of instant gold. Send '? That's right, Master, you can count on me! The price you pay the village chief, if you buy it on the market, you can handle the money you have, but I'll have trouble losing cash, too. On the first one I hunted, seven of “Yu". And add a “good” to it, note it. "Eh, 'Send me eight sheets of cash and warm grass seeds for one sheet' all the time" It said eight, but it didn't say quality! Pfft. It's okay, Master would have no problem! I don't have a seller who sells furs of “Yu" quality! And wait while the skin is repaired. The transfer team sent me two leather bags and one piece of paper. The contents of the leather bag are tons of cash and the warm grass seeds I asked for. "The paper is...... 'not bad'. I can afford it!" That's the master. I was just wondering if they'd say, 'Don't send me all the expensive stuff,' but that didn't happen at all! But I got the cash safely, so I asked Lorea to deliver it to the village chief, and I continued processing the fur. "Put the remaining fur in the alchemy kettle again. Grab a warm grass seed and take the demon stone... about this much. I also put one flame bag in it, and the eyeballs... I don't have any body, so I guess I'll stop it." It would be more effective if you put it in, but for that matter, the selling price would go up, and then it would be difficult to sell it the other way around. "Oh, yeah, eyeballs and flame bags. Let the master buy it." Ordinary eyeballs, anyway, this time a frenzied eyeball. Really rare. Polar theory, against ordinary eyeballs that are available if you go on crusade, frenzied eyeballs are a substitute that you don't get if you want to. Naturally, it's also valuable. ... it doesn't matter if it sells. It's also limited in use, so assuming I arranged it in our store, no one would buy it. No, in our case, is it the same with the other alchemy materials? The alchemist won't come to buy it. As a little wholesale to Mr. Leonora's store, more than half for the time being, is it a dead end? If I try to force myself to dispose of it, they will buy me, and I have only gone as far as four volumes of alchemy. It's not always possible to secure rare materials when they become necessary in the future, so I've never been able to store them at my leisure. "Later, if you spin your magic..." The point is not to push it, but to slowly put magic into it. I put it in the alchemy kettle, and when there's nothing left but fur, it's a sign of completion. "All right, I got it! Later, wash and dry this thoroughly. "Mr. Sarasa, we're back." As I was jabbering my fur, Lorea came back. "Ah, welcome home. Did you give it to me properly? "Yes, Mr. Village Chief, it seemed like he had more forehead than I imagined, and I was surprised. I mean, I was surprised, too. I can't believe there's so much money in there... say it! I normally walked away with it! Sure, it was a big amount for a kid to have -. "But if I told you, didn't you get anxious the other way around? Between you and the village chief's house." "... now. Maybe even suspicious behavior." You thought about that time again, Lorea, a little bluer. "Right? I didn't say anything because I thought about Lorea! Truth is, I just didn't care. - Yeah. From now on, let's put Mr. Iris or Mr. Kate on the escort. Now anyway, if there are more unidentified gatherers or something, it could be dangerous. "Already..." From Lorea, I feel subtly white-eyed, but it's your fault, isn't it? "Fair enough. - That's that bear fur, isn't it? "Yeah, yeah. Want to see it? When she gave the washed and dried product, Lorea, who received it, circled her eyes as if surprised. "It feels so good. And the smell is gone... slightly warm? "That's what it does. It's so warm in the winter, wearing a fur coat made of it." "That's convenient. But... you're expensive, aren't you? "Well, isn't it cheap? The money Lorea just took, the money she bought off this skin." "Wow! Besides, you're processing it with alchemy...? Oh, my God, you imagined the price, stop the hand you were stroking your fur and gently give it back to me. "Pfft. I made it with slices, not even gloves and hats." "Ugh, still, I'm not going to be able to buy it on my paycheck... But you make it from this time of year. It's gonna be hot now." To Lorea, who seems a little strange, I grin bitterly and shrug my shoulders. "Because you got it. As for clothing materials, they can be sold as soon as possible." It's from the autumn mouth that fur coats and such can be sold, but if you're a clothing store tailoring that, naturally, I'll be buying it for a long time. Normally around summer, I also hear people say that they collect from the spring because they need to secure a number when they become popular stores... unfortunately, I don't have a handover to the store like that. Master, why don't you wholesale it to the store in that corner? I sent it to you. It's all good quality and it won't be easy to handle in a normal store. "... Ok, that's ok" After washing all the fur and finishing it to dryness, I fold them one head at a time. "Oh, I'll help you fold" "Thanks.... clean up the rest in the warehouse" To avoid deterioration, put it in a special crate and then store it in the corner of the warehouse. I need to figure out a way to process it by around fall... now, forward, forward. "So, Lorea, kitchen, what do you want me to think with you? "Oh, yes! Looking forward to it!" As the saying goes, are you happy to have a kitchen, Lorea, smiled all the time at.
Karan, Cologne. "Ah, welcome -" Lorea, talking to you like that, a first customer arrived in the morning. "I'm sorry to bother you" What came in was a man I'd never seen before. Age is . There, the figure is slightly different from the collector's. But it's not the same as the villagers' outfits again. He's a little bit of a good guy, doesn't look like he's been working out much. Around here, I'm a bit of a rare type of person...... After such a surprise gaze of mine, the man waved open his mouth like he was in a panic. "Oh, well, I say Gretz! Next door, he's the son of Jasper, the hunter! To that word, I recall a story I had previously heard from Mr Elles. "... Oh, that you became a merchant without becoming a hunter? "Ugh. Well, yes..." Are you a little drawn to that, Mr. Gretz, while a little stuck in words, I affirm. But... maybe I have no choice? Compared to Mr. Jasper, he's got a physique that even feels weak. "Oh, Gretz, you're my brother. I didn't realize." "Hih, that's terrible, Lorea. We used to play together..." To the words of Lorea, who said with a slap of her hand with Pong, Mr. Gretz lowers his eyebrows and gives a pitiful look. Lorea responds clearly to his condition without looking concerned. "Because it's been years since I left the village, and I rarely come back. If you don't want to be forgotten, you have to show your face frequently." "Ugh, because this village doesn't have anything to buy, and I have Mr. D'Arna, so I can't sell it if I bring it." "Oh, because you don't have to bring it. Because I'm gonna lose your father's job." "Awful! While I tell you to come back often!?" "You didn't tell me to come, did you? Just forget it if you don't come." Yeah. That's pretty bad. I have to smile bitterly at Lorea's words, too. Childhood friendly (?) I guess it's a late relief. "So, why are you back? Oh, did I fail to do business? Has Mr. Jasper made up his mind to deal with Shirako? "No!? I didn't run away from being treated like a father in the first place!? I rushed back after hearing rumors that this village had been attacked by Hell Flame Grizzly." "Uh, that was too late. It's the past, that's all." As Lorea responded with a snort of unh, Mr. Gretz sighed, too, snorting. "Sounds like, there's been no damage... Oh, yeah." When Mr. Gretz looked at me like a hack, he corrected his posture and bowed his head very carefully. "I heard the village was protected thanks to you, Mr. Sarasa. If it weren't for you, my parents and the villagers would have died, I'm sure. Thank you." "Oh, no, I live in this village too, so it's natural to help. Never mind." I also rush to wave and have my head raised. Because when you can bow your head like this to an older man, you get a little carried away. "But, Gretz, you didn't forget about the village, did you?" "You don't forget. How surprised I was to hear the story. I came back in a big hurry..." I see. But I didn't expect to come back after hearing rumors of a Hell Flame Grizzly raid, pretty much local love? Or parent-child love? There were a lot of collectors who escaped, but they're deliberately trying to come back to a dangerous place. It looks a little unreliable, but it doesn't look like a bad person. - But Lorea was tough. "You didn't make it at all." "Ugh..." "And even if I'm in time, in the first place, I don't really have a brother Gretz..." "I know! I'm not like my father! That's childhood friendliness. Really unforgiving. It's completely different from the way you usually respond to us, Lorea. However, Mr. Gretz, who is subtly in tears, is just pathetic, so I decide to forgive Lorea while I grin bitterly. "Well, well. Because you came back worried. Right?" "Yes, but..." It wasn't like Lorea was missing a little, but again, when I slapped her on the shoulder with a pom, she exhaled and loosened her expression a little. "So, Gretz, is your brother just here to thank Mr. Sarasa? "Of course that's the best thing... Actually, I asked my mother if Sarasa's shop could buy some good stuff..." Mr. Gretz says that as he looks a little bad about me. But I'm pretty sure the only thing that could be bought in this village is about our shop. The farm crops in the village are not for sale by Mr. D'Arna, because he doesn't have any specialties. "Well, if you buy the material here and sell it to the South Strag alchemist, I'm sure you'll make some profit..." Of course, Mr. Leonora. If it's the other one, there's definitely a loss. But even if it's Mr. Leonora, the transportation costs are a little too colorful. Not much good. "Mr. Gretz is a pedestrian, isn't he? The sure thing is to buy the cooling hat there and sell it." "Cooling hat, is it? At this time of year, it will certainly sell, but the profit... is that it? Isn't this cheap? Mr. Gretz, surprised to see the shelf I pointed to, tilts his neck when he sees the price attached there. "Compared to the market this season, it's about 30% cheaper. It would be easier to sell because adding transport costs and profits would give you a slightly lower price than the market." "Yes, is that good? Sarasa is losing this..." "I make very little profit, but it's not so much a loss, so it's okay." It would be tough if I had purchased the Ice Tooth bat fangs from somewhere else, but I bought them directly from the collector. So far, it's sold quite a bit and the stock hasn't piled up, so I'm working it out. "Then be sure! "Mm-hmm. Are you going to be your father's commercial enemy? Lorea turns her harsh gaze again to Mr. Gretz, who said happily. To Lorea like that, Mr. Gretz waved hastily. "Yes, I'm fine! Because it's not South Strag I'm going to sell! Right?" "Well, then..." Lorea seems a little dissatisfied, but she's got a spear, but she can't even say she won't necessarily be a commercial enemy. Some people will come to South Strag to shop from nearby towns and villages... Well, if you think about the whole village, I think it's better to sell it outside of South Strag, so let's enjoy it here. "It's just that all I have right now is the stuff that's lining up there. The hat itself is made by the villagers..." That's what I say, I'll explain to Mr. Gretz how to sell the cooling hat. I was just doing business, and I immediately seemed to understand how it worked, and I nodded as I was impressed. "I see, that's a good way. Then the villagers will strive too...... ok! Leave it to me! Mr Gretz, who said so forcefully, was indeed a merchant. After my shop, he moved out immediately. Drawing on the strengths of being from this village, each door is visited directly and a hat is requested to be made. The hat that I could do, I bought cash on the spot. You brought them all to me. They also ordered what hats might be good when asking for them, less stylish hats that are likely to be popular in town. Most are practical and cheap items that seem easy to sell in rural areas. If it was meant to be, other than the inhabitants of the village, and I can't personally admit to bringing in the hat I've been buying, they're the son of Mr. Elles, who takes care of me, and I bought the hat in the village. Adding to that, and wanting to increase the amount of money distributed to the village, is a good idea for me to undertake. Further, he was unable to visit frequently due to the fact that he was travelling around many villages, and he was allowed to pay half of the price later. It is entirely Mr. Elles' face, rather than saying that the amount is just the amount, his own credibility. As a result, Mr. Gretz, who was able to purchase a significant number of cooling hats, travelled with a hockey face some time later. To Lorea, 'Mr. Sarasa, it's too sweet!' I was told, 'but you bring money to the village, because you're a valuable person, Mr. Gretz. Wouldn't it be a good idea to give that degree of preference?
As a result of the examination, only the two people who had relatively minor injuries were stabbed and broken fingers. With three broken arms and three broken feet, the last one was the most seriously injured, along with two broken femurs and one arm, as well as several broken ribs, but fortunately no one died. Actually, is Madison's practice surprisingly high? Even if you are a Collector, fighting the ski giant "Snowglide Sentipide" has a small chance of death. The fact that Madisons were more numerous than the usual gatherers' parties, and that they only fled without fighting from the front, is quite pleasant given that they are the units in charge of security throughout the town. "What do you think? Lloyd - he's unconscious, he's bent in a strange direction like his leg, and he looks like shit." "Please! Help me, please! The Lieutenant is covering for me....." The most seriously wounded was Lloyd, apparently the deputy captain of this squad. From what I can see, the worst part is the fracture of the foot pointed out by Madison, but it does not have an open fracture, and the fracture of the ribs does not seem to pierce the internal organs, so it does not seem to be immediately life-threatening. When I heard about him, he was injured because he protected his subordinates who slipped his legs, and the subordinates who were sheltered at that time are now begging me. When you look at me with tears in your eyes, is that face as young and as old as me? Are you worried about hurting yourself because of your mistake? Your legs are broken, and you're about to stop by and say, "Calm down, Patrick! It's stopped. "It's okay, there's nothing wrong with life." "I see! I'm relieved...." "Of course, if you stay calm. Let's start with people with minor injuries." I will nominate the injured person standing, adding that I can never be optimistic about Patrick's relaxed appearance. There is also a way to get it from a seriously injured person, but there is a place. If we don't increase the number of people who can move, we won't be able to deal with it when the weather gets worse. "Nevertheless, only two people can heal with my healing magic." "Even a wizard like Sarasa can't heal a broken arm or leg? "It's not impossible... have you ever explained it to Lorea? Healing magic does heal injuries, but it also drains the patient's health." This is also true for smelters (potions). Generally, however, alchemy (potions) are used less physically than magic treatments, and the higher the quality of alchemy (potions), the greater the difference. Also, with regard to healing magic, like magicians who specialize in healing, people who are accustomed to using it are less burdensome on patients. "If I can't, I'll be able to cure one bone in my arm and leg, but I can't guarantee what will happen afterwards." Whether you're in a coma for a few days because you've exhausted your health, there's no problem if you're in a safe place. But this is Mt. Winter. If you sleep in a place like this, you could freeze to death. In short, there are ways to use alchemy (potions) to restore health, as with Iris's treatment, but I don't intend to do that for them, who are still uncertain whether they are enemies or allies. "Otherwise, you may have sequelae if you are forced to recover in a short time. If you don't recover soon, you're going to die. If it's not like this, you should recover slowly." When combined with normal treatment and mild healing magic, the time taken to recover from fractures and the like will be one-fifth to one-tenth. If you have a fracture, it will heal in a few days to a week, so there is no point in imposing it. While explaining that to Lorea, the two minor injuries were treated quickly. The next step is to treat people with broken arms and legs. The first was a young man just nearby, Patrick. You were leaning on me. "The three Madisons need to find something that could be used as a splint. You two, hold this man down." Oh, wow. Okay, I got it. While confused, the first two healed followed my instructions, grasping Patrick's broken leg and correcting the bone position. "Almost." "Nh!? uyaaa!!" If Patrick's body is forced to scream and try to riot, the two soldiers will hold him down like they were in a hurry. "I'm a boy. Patience." "Ke, but, hey, it hurts! That hurts, doesn't it? It's broken. "But it'll hurt even more if you get violent, right? Patrick's eyes are full of tears in a different way than before, but if you're worried about that, it's just a waste of time. There are still patients left, so it's going to be crispy. "The manager's treatment is quite unforgiving, isn't it?" "It's not a polite treatment, it's a slow one. It doesn't mean it won't hurt over time." Even if you correct it carefully, it will only last a long time. After the bones have been repositioned, quickly apply pain relief and anti-inflammatory agents to the affected area, process the branches collected by Madison and secure them with a bandage, and then apply a viscous, clear liquid onto them. "Sarasa, what is it? "This is the liquid that solidifies the bandage. If you spray water from above and leave it for a while, it will solidify." And while explaining to Lorea, if I sprinkle the magical water with bashari, the bandage will solidify with a slight white bubble. Normal water is fine, but water containing magic solidifies better, hardens faster, and does not reduce the amount of drinking water on hand. Finally, apply a light healing magic... "Yes, it's over. Just stay calm." "Ah, thank you." Yeah, well done. When I smiled nicely, Patrick's pale complexion returned slightly and the redness subsided. Are you relieved that the treatment is over? "- No, Master, I don't think so. "Eh, what is it? "Nothing. - It's going to be a snake." ...... Well, look. Okay, next person ~ " While tilting my neck to Iris, who says something I don't know, I went on to the next treatment. The other soldiers were either older than Patrick, or they were ready, and were able to finish their treatment in a short period of time without being as violent as him. And finally, the most seriously wounded. Some lacerations and fractures to one arm, both legs, and ribs. She is still unconscious and is breathing with Zeissei. When you think about moving it, the problem is still the ribs. The torso has limitations for fixation, and if a broken bone damages your internal organs, it is life-threatening if you fail. If you can be quiet, that's the best. But you can't stay here until he's cured. "... the ribs should be cured with healing magic, even if it's a little tough. Instead, keep your arms and legs free of magic." I am concerned about the loss of health due to magical influences, but it should be easier to breathe if the ribs heal. Apply healing magic carefully to your ribs, omit only the last magic on your arms and legs, and treat as before to calm down Lloyd's breathing, which seemed painful. "Now, I think your consciousness will be back in a while, but this person should be especially careful not to cool your body." "Oh, I see. Hey, bring all the extra cold gear." When I wash my hands, I stretch out and take a breath away from Madison's instructions to the soldiers who are ready to move. "Phew...." "Good work, Sarasa." "Store manager, are you all right? Magic consumption." "Ah, magic is fine. There are a lot of people, but I didn't use that much advanced magic." Light healing magic and water magic for nine people. Compared to the usual smelting work, there is nothing to it. Only the last person consumed a lot, but I am confident in the amount of magic. I didn't use attack magic in the battle with the ski giant Snowglide Sentipide. "You still used your strength, didn't you? Just watching the bone correction seemed very difficult. I thought you were mentally tired. "That's true. I'm not an expert either." The alchemist can also treat, but his main business is alchemy - that is, making medicine. Even if I am practicing, I have less experience than a real doctor, and I am concerned about unfamiliar behaviors. If you say so clearly, it's easier to make a smelter (potion) and spray it on than to apply normal medicine and wrap it around a bandage... --We have to think about the cost. The medicine I used this time is not a smelter (potion), but I used a smelter (potion) to consolidate the bandage, and the total amount is never cheaper for everyone. --They 're civilians, and they probably don't have enough money to pay for it. That's why it's not free. I sighed at what had happened.
When I finished dropping off His Highness, I turned the shop sign into a closed shop, and when I locked it tightly, I kept my body securely on the couch in the reception room. "Uh, uh, tah." Out of mental fatigue, Iris, who looked sorry when I was leaking a meaningless groan, returned to the reception room. "Good day, Mr. Store Manager" "I'm really tired. - Okay, guys, let's get out of here. No?" I broke my posture, and there was blame as I weakened. Mr. Iris and Mr. Kate grin as troubled as I turned my gaze. "I'm sorry. But in the unlikely event of a coarse phase..." "Yes, I can't believe I'm dealing with His Highness either... Instead, the manager was able to respond normally." "Well, the noblemen came to the master's shop, too." Besides, I learned some of the manners around it at school, and since my close predecessor was a nobleman, I have met with noble nobles such as the head of the Marquis family. So it would be a little better than the average person... "But I wasn't expecting to get involved with the royalty ~. Maybe it's generous, Mr. Nord, but honestly, thanks for the annoyance! "Sure. You won't even be able to say no." "Of course you are! There's no way I can say to His Highness that I've come to this place, 'Your royal opponent's job is a little...' or anything!!" The reward is good, but it's subtle to see if that suits your hard work. If you fail, your life is in danger? "Mr. Sarasa, I made you a warm cup of tea, would you like one? "I'll have it." Drink Lorea's care and take a breath. The cookies you offered me together are also pachry. The gentle sweetness soothes my heart. "Phew. Thanks." "No, I can't do anything... but that guy, he was a prince, wasn't he? I thought you were a nice guy." "That's right.... Is Lorea the type of person you are? You want to get married? I kind of asked Lorea, who was looking upwards at 'yeah' and she waved her hands like she was in a panic. "Yes, no, not at all! The world you live in is different, so at all! Beautiful shape, I think, but I don't feel it at all... I can't even imagine it..." "Oh well. Will that happen if it's Lorea? What about Mr. Iris and Mr. Kate? Mr. Iris is an aristocratic maid for once." "Same goes for me. As the manager said, it's really one thing to respond." "I can't think about it. When they're princes, there's no difference between me and Lorea." Some ladies longed for the prince to say it was school, and they were saying 'hey, hey, hey,' but, well, was it because there were a lot of high-ranking nobles over there? He's my closest senior Priscia or Marquis housekeeper, and he can't possibly be the prince's counterpart. - I didn't seem to feel that way about him at all. "What about the manager? "Not at all, either. You don't really want to get involved, do you, those people around here? Some people are good, but most people are mentally tired when they hang out..." I'd like to give you a break if that lasts a lifetime. Even a born prince loses her hair because of stress. ... No, I didn't say dating was the cause. His Highness himself, who seemed like a good man at first sight, seems to be hiding something under his smile... I don't want to get paid to do a marriage with someone like that. "Hmm, even the manager? - But I didn't expect His Highness Felik to come to a place like this without escorts. Actually, are you quite powerful? "I know His Highness will be able to arm himself, but I think there was an escort, right? Probably." I don't know you're just in our midst, but there was something uncomfortable around the house, so I think that's probably the sign of an escort. But that's the kind of escort that goes with a prince. About me, I said, 'Something out of the ordinary maybe?' I could only tell to the extent. So, there's the possibility that it's just a mistake, but it's natural to assume that if you consider your Highness's identity. "Plus, you wore quite a few smelters (artifacts) to protect yourself. Probably something the master made." That wouldn't hurt you a bit or softly, and even if your escort was somewhat away, there's nothing wrong with that. "Speaking of which, I didn't even serve you tea, were you okay? "Oh, that's not a problem. Because if you're a noble opponent, unless you invited them to a tea party or a meal, it's normal not to serve them. Except for the one you're particularly close to." If you are also a nobleman, there is no way that you can speak of objects that you do not know what is in them, and if necessary, prepared by a squire who brought them himself. So it's normal not to serve food and drink, and even if you don't get your hands on it if it does, it won't be a violation of manners. Even though I know I won't get my hands on it, there are ways to serve it and show my welcome for once -. "In case anything happens - even if it was food poisoning, it would be fatal if they suspected it. in a literal sense." If that were a civilian, my neck would fly light. Physically. "Ha... you're troublesome, nobleman" Chilari and Lorea turned her gaze, and Mr. Iris blinked with a pussy, shaking her head with a pull. "Hmm? Because we're completely different, aren't we? I'm not proud, but I don't invite nobles, I don't get invited. I've never heard of such manners in the first place! "Iris...... because I'm not really proud of that. I don't have a chance to learn, though, do I? In that regard, it would be very helpful if the manager walked into the Rotze house." "I don't plan on doing that" I shake my head clearly to Kate, who sent me a run-in. - Oh, but if you get aristocratic status, will it make it a little easier for you to hang out with your senior Priscia? The seniors themselves don't care. They adore me, but even though I became an alchemist, I'm an alleged civilian and from an orphanage. It is inevitable to be seen in the eyes of prejudice. If you become aristocratic even in nominal terms...... no, no, no. Exactly, that would be rude to Mr. Iris, wouldn't it? "... whatever that is. You've taken the job, but you have to work hard." "Right. Neither failures nor delays will be tolerated. Mr. Store Manager, are you okay? You know, pressure." "As always there, because I just take it seriously. It's just that I have to go pick up some Missanon roots." "Isn't that on schedule? Even before His Royal Highness came, he would have consulted about it, and the material would have been listed as a candidate, wouldn't it? "That's right..." Forecasting the weather, he said, 'I hope they find me, okay?' I'm going to pick it up lightly enough, and the deadline is separated, 'but I have to find it!' and go pick it up, not at all. "There is no doubt that it can be collected, so I mentioned it as a candidate, but it is a relatively difficult material to collect, this" As a matter of fact, the hair growth agent and hair conditioning agent are about the same thing. When using the root of the misanone collected in the middle of winter, the hair conditioning agent can be used when using the hair conditioning agent and the other products collected in other seasons. If you only think about ripening the alchemy daiichi, there is no difference between the easiest hair conditioner, generic hair conditioner, or the most cumbersome personal hair conditioner, and you can make any of them. I also have little experience collecting in winter mountains, so this winter I pass through the difficult Missanon roots to collect. The aim was to gain winter mountain experience with a relatively easy collection, and after spring, it was also intended to make it with hair conditioners to cloud the tea. "I've been in internships, but Winter Mountain is a place you should never insult. Iris and the others..." Asked once and for all, Mr. Guido Iris assured him with his chest stretched. "Um, I've never been in there before! Again, I'm not proud of you! "Because there were no mountains in our territory like snow. Of course, I didn't have the technology to go into Winter Mountain as a gatherer. Gear costs money, doesn't it? "Yes, because the performance of the equipment directly affects survival. If I were to go pick up Missanon roots in the middle of winter, I would have gained some winter mountain experience in the land and then I thought... We'll have to prep him." The problem is that its advance preparation also costs money. I have an advance, 00 gold coins, but I'm a little reluctant that this is all I have. Well, what am I going to do?
That was one day, as usual, when I was working in the alchemy. My place was visited not by the village chief - but by Erin, acting village chief and not just the daughter of the village chief (but a substantial village chief). There was some sort of consultation, so I was at the table placed in front of the counter - at this time, the reception room was not yet complete - and I invited Mr. Erin. Did Erin also consider the time slot, just when there were no customers, and Lorea could talk to you here. "So, Mr. Erin. What is a consultation? Are you talking about the herbal field? "No, thanks to you, things are going well over there. Thank you." "Then it was good. But that's because those couples are working hard, right? I just taught you politely, and it doesn't make any sense if you're clueless." The herbal fields built next to ours, once and for all, belong to me. Mr. and Mrs. Michael are the ones who are entrusting it there. Unlike alchemists, they can't cheat magically to reclaim their failures, so they have to stay out of hand and take serious care of them. It's all just manual, it's quite a hassle, but that couple was very serious about that. Regardless of Michael, who used to live in this village, Izu, who grew up in town, comes to the field every day without skipping and takes care of him carefully. Although it has not yet reached harvest, it will almost certainly be possible to expect enough harvest at this rate. Thankfully. "But if it's not a herb...... any trouble again? "It's not a problem...... does Sarasa know of any preserved food she sells at Darna's place? "Yes, because I was looking out for you, too, until Lorea started making it for me" I can buy it so I was eating with it when it was troublesome. Dried vegetables and dried meat. It's not tasty, but it's cheap and convenient to eat just by simmering in a pan. "So all of that, too, is what Darna has been purchasing at South Strug? "I didn't know that, did I? You thought so. Because I've never seen it dry." This village is not large enough. Something that I think would have caught my eye for a little while if I had made dried vegetables and not much to walk away from. "Yes. For once, I make enough to consume in each household, but not enough to stand out. Because it's in the backyard, under the house, that kind of place." They were making it. ... well, the only way I usually walk is down the main street, huh? You don't see the backyard or anything, do you? "Until now, the number of collectors has been low, and I thought that would be a good idea, but more collectors have been based in this village lately. This is a chance, don't you think? "Of the villagers, of the cash income, is it? "Yes! Thanks to Sarasa, more people are making money from inside jobs, but as far as I'm concerned, I'd like to take another step forward" The main industry in this village is agriculture. The majority of them are cereals, otherwise crops are only a little excessive, except for what we consume ourselves and what we serve in the village cafeteria. They will be sold by Mr. D'Arna in South Strag, but not all of them can be brought in due to sunshine, weight, ease of transport, etc. "I've been saving vegetables that I can't eat and sell before, but that one doesn't have a good reputation, does it? - Except for a very few. Did you know, Mr. Sarasa? "... oh, speaking of which. I've only heard stories." That was definitely the first day I came to this village. I remember something like that coming out of Mr. Dillall's conversation with Mr. Elles. Luckily for me, I haven't had a chance to eat that so far, but it would fail as a preserved meal, as I seem to choose who to eat. Of course, there are poorer regions than you can say that. "More delicious preserved food would be appreciated as a gatherer" "Isn't it? As for us, if we're good, we'll make our vegetable waste go away, and our winter table will be somewhat better. If collectors also seem to have a good reputation, you want to increase your village's cash income by also producing non-cereal vegetables. Because if you can now secure cash, you will be able to think about the grain market and buy and sell it! "I see..." When paying taxes in this country, whether they are paid in cash or crops as they are depends on the lord of the land. The Rotze family, Mr. Iris' home, receives cash and crops, either, and the lords of this village receive cash only. We cannot say which is better in general because the way in which taxes are calculated is also involved, but in the case of rural areas, we have to convert our own crops into cash in order to pay taxes in cash. In a small village like here, that becomes the neck. Unless you can afford to save in cash, I guess, but most villages can't afford that, and as soon as you harvest the crops, you have to put them on the market and sell them off and get the cash. But it is the same for the other villages, and inevitably the cereal market will fall during that period. If we can get enough cash in advance to pay taxes, we will be able to avoid that time of year and sell them, and as a result, the village's finances will be lubricated. To do this, of course, we will need a new warehouse for storing cereals, etc., but I think that the effort to make it better to the extent that it is realistic will be just fine. "I think it's good. If dried vegetables are domesticated, there will be less cash to leave and more cash to fall into the village. Two birds a stone." I'm not familiar with it either, but I don't know about dried vegetables. I guess you just have to cut them and dry them. I don't think it's the kind of product you can sell into other towns, but conversely, it doesn't matter which one you buy. Extremely, if Darna, the only shop in this village, doesn't sell anything other than what she made in this village, the gatherers will have to buy it. Unless you're of poor quality or overpriced, the distance between this village and South Strag is far enough to be tolerable if it's a little bit different. "... but that doesn't matter to me, does it? What do you want to talk to me about? Miss Erin smiled at me twisting her neck so strangely. "Yes, of course, I won't take the time of the alchemist to ask you how to make dried vegetables." "Ha ha... I only know what's normal when asked" I also return a dry grin to Erin, who laughs jokingly. I was born a merchant's daughter. Even if I had seen it as a product, I didn't make preserved food at home, and except for what I learned at school, I only have general knowledge. Rather, I may not be more familiar with it than the farmer's children around it. "What I'd like to talk to you about is dried vegetables... No, shall I sum them up and say preserved food? Is there any artifact to make it?" "Right ~!" Whatever Lorea might have asked me about cooking, it doesn't mean a lot. "But that's right. Uh... wait a minute" At least there are no preservative foods in the smelters (artifacts) that have been made so far. Just five volumes of all the alchemy I'm working on right now. I also feel like there was something like that on that... It's five rolls and it's getting thicker, so you don't remember everything. "If it's on, it's around here..." Put all the alchemy I brought from the workshop on my desk with Don, and roll it apart. For once, it's classified and listed, so I don't need to read it all, but it's a bit troublesome that it's not necessarily an imaginary classification. For example, if it is a smelter (artifact) that makes dried vegetables, I think it is food-related, agriculturally related, or something that is dried, it is industrial. Out of the question, I can't be alarmed. Still, if you keep naming me Zubari, it's still easy to find. Just look at it as a parallax, because it catches my eye. But when you can give me a weird twisted funny name, I have to look through the description every time I find that weird name, so it's a little tedious. Really, a weird self-explanatory alchemist is a pain in the ass, isn't it?
If you turn your gaze to the one who hears you, you will see a woman who has become royal at the entrance to the kitchen that leads to this room. Whoever it is, it's Erin, the village chief's daughter. She seems to be a child since the village chief was older, only around thirty years old. In the ages, she is about the same as Lorea's mother, Marie. Erin has apologized a little awkwardly for looking at me like that. "Oh, Sarasa, you're sorry to interrupt, aren't you? 'Cause I heard something." "No, it's no problem, not at all" Apparently he was working in the kitchen, Mr. Erin. But it's not surprising to hear our conversation, or a difficult topic to hear, just in a house that's not very big. Besides, when I asked you to make a hat, it was Erin's age that I wanted to ask. Instead, we should ask you to join us in the conversation...? "Um, if that's all right with you, can I have Erin's opinion, too? "Of course! First, Father! Ms. Erin nodded forcefully, pointing her sharp gaze at her own father, pointing to Bisilli and his face. "Hey, what? "Earlier, Sarasa was so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, There are no such favorable conditions!?" "Oh, really? When my own daughter forcefully tells me that I can't even deny it, the village chief gives an ambiguous response. Against such a village chief, Mr. Erin nods forcefully again. "Really! Sarasa, that hat, the cost of turning it into a cooling hat if it doesn't sell - five thousand rare won't be charged, will it? "Yep. ... However, if a hat made by the same person sells more than a certain number of hats, I will place a limit on it." I'm going to wear it if I lose some money, but it's just a little hard for me to have too much bad stock piled up. In response to me, Erin nods as if convinced. "That's natural, isn't it? Sarasa's gonna lose everything." "Why not? Sarasa's not buying up anything, is she? "Your father's idiot!! It would cost you five thousand rare to make it a cooling hat!? If the hat didn't sell, Sarasa would lose many times the cost of making a hat! I know!? You don't understand! Understand!" Erin approached the village chief with a strong tone of doubt, and the village chief nodded cocklessly. When it comes to making cooling hats, if you succeed every time exactly, the cost of the material itself will not cost ,00 rare... if you include my labor costs, is it definitely cheap? But at the time of the last Hell Flame Grizzly incident, I was a little concerned about the village chief's unreliability, but maybe Mr. Erin usually has a lot of support? "Right, isn't it a good idea to limit the number of people that can be lined up in stores? You think if you want to line up another thing, you're going to buy yourself out of what's left of it? What do you say, Sarasa?" "As far as I'm concerned. But isn't it hard to buy it out? "Yeah. I made something I can't sell, so I need to take that much responsibility. And the way you look at it, you get a cooling hat for yourself for 5,000 rare, right? "... you can also see it that way. If you make your own hat," To Erin, who laughed like a prank, I nod. Again, Mr. Erin, your head spins fast. I can't think of anyone in a country village like this. Extreme story, if you get a hat from somewhere and bring it into my store, you get a cooling hat for 5,000 rare. The cooling hat I make and line up is seven thousand rare, so the difference, two thousand rare. Ordinary hats don't do two thousand rare, and because your favorite hat becomes a cooling hat, it's a pretty good deal. "I'm not saying no, but I won't make it anymore because I got mine, or anything like that, will you? That's not what I'm here for." "Absolutely. You're thinking about the village, aren't you? Just ask Darna to go sell it, she'll get the cash... Sarasa, aren't you forced? "It's okay, it's...? Really, it's a little grey. If I sell my cooling hat for 5,000 rare. Given that the ice fang bat fangs of the material can be collected nearby and that the actual selling price is higher than that, it's probably ok. I never get caution...... and good? - Yeah, when Mr. Darna sells outside, let's fix the lowest price, just in case. He was Mr. Erin, who pointed a slightly worrying glance at me, who said a little bit, but nodded small because I wouldn't say anything more. "That would be good...... Fine. I'll call some of you for now. If I could, should I take it to the store? "Oh, yeah, I don't mind..." "Is it okay for Mr. Erin to decide? 'And when I turned my gaze toward the village chief, the village chief, who had listened to me blurtly, noticed my gaze and nodded again and again as if he had panicked. "So, please. Uhm." "Oh, because your father doesn't have to worry too much. From now on, it's quicker to bring the details to me." Not really, but... the village chief doesn't look like he cared, he's got a cup of the table and he's drinking tea. Is that good? The village chief...... If you don't have any complaints, I'd appreciate it if we talked faster, too. "Uh... yes. Then, if you need it, I'll prepare a design illustration of the hat, etc., so come and get it from the store." "Really! Wow, nice! This village has no connection to urban clothing. Sarasa's illustration from Wangdu must be cutting-edge!?" Mr. Erin is still a woman, too. You're interested in fashion, you got yourself up to me and let your eyes shine. I snort as she pressures me like that. "Yeah, well, I don't care if you expect much, but for once, it's a hat worn in the king's capital." "Enjoy! Quickly, I need to speak to everyone! "Around there, thank you" "Yeah, leave it to me! Because I'm sure you'll be able to make a nice hat! Mr. Erin punched Pong in the chest when he said so with his chest stretched. And this was the beginning of this village specialty - and I just wanted to say, is it going to work? ◇ ◇ ◇ Go to the village chief's place - no, maybe Erin's, to be exact? - and talk to him for a while. The cooling hat thing went pretty well. That said, it wasn't going well from the start. Whether it was a neck that I didn't get paid for it right after delivery or how it worked didn't make any sense, the first person who delivered it was just someone I knew. Specifically, Erin and Marie the grocery store, Jimena the blacksmith, and four neighboring Elles. Should I say someone who deals with some money or people who trust me? But that too, for a short time. At Erin's behest, Marie and the others made hats by spreading rumours that she was somewhat consciously 'making money'. If you can do it, it's pinky, and it didn't feel like the value was a bit ripe in the beginning, but the good stuff is expensive these days, the awkward stuff is cheap, and that's what it feels like. Mr. D'Arna also took the cooling hat he purchased from us and went to purchase it, selling it at South Strag, in addition to groceries and groceries, as well as cloths that served as ingredients for the hat. It's not in my interest... but it's a long-term prospect, isn't it? No problem because it's not negative! - And I thought. We have a problem. That day, Lorea, somehow wearing a monkey for cooking on her head, came to work. "Mr. Sarasa! This! How about this? It is more compact size than a regular monkey and fits Lorea's head perfectly. Could it have stopped being taken? No way, I didn't wake up odd...... right? "Lorea, what's wrong? The monkey." "The, it's not a monkey! Look closely! Here!" With a disgruntled face, I hold onto Lorea's shoulder, which I've been holding my head close to without, and observe her head. If you look closely, the monkey is like a double structure, thick, and the straw is braided in such a way that it intersects up and down. "Yeah? Straw... Could this be a hat? "Yes! I asked for the gatherer's opinion and made it! It's for people wearing helms." Lorea took off her hat and offered it to me, so I took it and checked the back. The thickness is about a cm. It is knitted to be cleverly well double layered and does not crumble to the point of holding it down lightly. For people wearing helms... Oh, I see. This gap. It's getting harder for the air to steam through here? This alone is well worth it, but it's not hard to imagine that if you turn this further into a cooling hat, it will be the gospel of summer for the helm-wearing gatherer. "This is amazing..." "Heh heh heh, right! Lorea shows me her rare Doya face, which I honestly admire. But this idea and the technology to braid straw well, it's both good to be proud of, really. It's worth just enough doya face. Even before, Lorea used the time between store numbers to make straw hats, but this tastes different. "The problem is durability, but what about that one? "I borrowed a helm from a collector to try it out, but it doesn't seem to be a problem if it's to the extent that I got slapped somewhat" I experimented with it, and although the material was just straw, not that sturdy, it was easy to peel and lose gaps, it seemed, there was nothing like it. However, it is “somewhat” to the point of boredom and does not look good if attacked. "Uh-huh, then it's optional, should we also add durability improvements? "Can you do that? Lorea rounds her eyes to my words like that. "Yeah. It's gonna take a little work, though." If you are going to make the smelter "Artifact" that remains on the alchemy daiichi, you just have to write down the described circuits there and so on, but in order to do the customization, it is impossible without knowing exactly what it means, etc. As a matter of fact, if you are an alchemist, it is obvious - or not. Even if you can't, you're not going down, are you, this? Absolutely not, then just not, but there are quite a few people who can't handle complicated things. Still, the only reason you can be an alchemist is because of the lack of alchemists. It's well worth it just to be able to make what's on all the alchemy. By the way, I... quite, I can. It's impossible to get to the top of the grade if you can't, so he said he studied desperately, with the help of his master. Most importantly, as long as it adds durability to this cooling hat, it's not that difficult. "But Lorea, you've come up with such a complicated knitting idea, haven't you? "Oh, Grandma Zeng helped me there. Eh heh." That's what Lorea says. Oh, or Grandma Zeng? Is this the wisdom of the elderly? "I've never met you, but you live somewhere else? "I'm at our place, Grandma Zeng, but my legs are bad and I barely go outside. Oh, but I'm still fine, so I'm doing a job where I can sit down, right? Because Grandma Zeng makes more than half of the hats your mother brings." "Oh, by reason..." I thought Marie would be busy, but she'd bring a lot. Since Mr. D'Arna is going to sell the cooling hat, I was wondering if you were working hard with that, but you had Grandma Zeng's help. "Thanks to Sarasa, Grandma Zeng and I are delighted that we can make money ourselves. Thank you." "Yes. Then it's worth thinking about, too. Good." "Yes!" Lorea replies with real pleasure as to whether she likes Grandma Zeng. "Oh, so, Mr. Sarasa, I need to talk to you, can you keep this hat as a sample? I need to match it perfectly to the shape of my head, so I thought I'd make it an order production..." "Oh, right. Yeah, it's good." I nodded nicely at Lorea, who seemed a little hard to say. Given that it will be worn under the helm, that would be natural. It's been a lot of work, and it's impossible to keep many kinds of them. "Thank you" "The problem is that right now, a good percentage of collectors in the village already have cooling hats...... is it ok because there are more new ones too? "Oh, right. There's been an increase recently." "Probably because Hell Flame Grizzly material and ice tooth bat fangs flowed into South Strag? The flow of material ensured that Hell Flame Grizzly was successfully crusaded. Besides, ice tooth bat fangs, which are in high demand this season, have also flowed, so it is not surprising in itself that gatherers gather because they think they can make money. However, as for the collectors who escaped at that time, it seems that they have not come to my store so far. I'm not necessarily acting like I blame you, but I figured you'd be mocked, from me living in this village. I'm not going to discriminate against you if you come.
Herbal Fields () When I came home, there was a fine enclosure next door. "... that? The report to troublesome Erin pushes Andre and the others - please, I came back early to see Lorea's face... No, no, of course I asked Mr. Andre and the others for a reason, didn't I? Unlike me, Andre and I go to Erin to collect the reward. "Oh, could this be my reward...? To Andre and the others for whom cash is a reward, Erin presented me with a herbal field (with caretaker). Much more splendid for a field enclosure - higher than my height, and no clearance for people to let in - but if you peek inside through the gap in the fence, what was there was certainly a field-like object. While the majority are still grass-grown, three men plow the ground and work to make fields. "... Mr. Sarasa? "Oh, Lorea! If you look back at the voice you were called from behind, there's Lorea with an amazing look on her face. "Welcome home. I'm relieved to be back safely." "Yeah, I'm home! Thanks, guys, no injuries. - Not! Uh, what's this? "It's a field. I heard about the reward for your job? "Yeah, it is... it's wider than I thought, and it's kind of a very fine enclosure..." There may be fields in this village, somewhat beastly fences, but there is no such thing as a field surrounded by such a sturdy fence, at least to the best of my knowledge. Even if it's not as good as the new fence built on the border with the woods after Hell Flame Grizzly the other day, this sturdiness has something close to it. "Are you avoiding the beast? It's my field, so you worked hard for me? "Is that it? That's better than avoiding the beast, avoiding people... let's get this straight, avoiding impudent gatherers." Lorea says that with her arms around her and her snorts. Indeed, from the gatherers, there are worthwhile herbs growing in front of us even if we don't go into the woods. "... no, just stealing the herb from the field next to ours? Normal." No matter how much, you can't bring the medicinal herbs you stole from the field to our store, can you? "Mr. Sarasa, ordinary people don't do crop thieves. There are many good gatherers in this village right now, but back in the day, when this village was busy with gatherers, it seemed that there was also damage to crops being stolen from the fields. I wasn't born." "Oh yeah...? No, I don't think I have any of those uncomfortable people either, but what happens if I do that in such a small village? Though I think I understand. "Well, it looks like the thief joined the villagers and the other gatherers, bummed it out and beat it out" "Ugh, yeah... it will, I knew it" The fields of this village are only small objects, so they are right next to the village or in the village. You won't be able to steal without anyone finding you, and you have a small population, so ask around and you'll quickly find the killer. Moreover, in small villages where there are no officials, the village chief is the supreme power. Fortunately, the village chief of this village is a good man, even if somewhat unreliable, but because some villages do not even guarantee that a proper investigation will be carried out... the culprit, if he was left the village alive even if he was bogged down, it may be your word. "It doesn't happen very often, but this is out of the village, and I think I did my best because I'm in trouble when they steal all the medicinal herbs and run off to South Strag with their feet." "Oh well. Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'm relieved, so I appreciate it." Anyway, if it's about to get stolen a little bit, I can't even pick the seeds if they get screwed. If you plant precious herbs, it doesn't mean no one will give them away. In some cases, maybe I should also consider installing crime prevention equipment. "I think Erin will come to explain the details... Michael! When Lorea spoke, the people who were working looked back at her and gently raised their hands to stop the work and approached her. Oh, I thought there were three men, and one is a woman. I didn't know because I was wearing a large straw hat with my back to this one. "Sarasa, this is Michael and his wife, Izu, and your brother, Gut." Mr. Gatt has a pretty disappointing physique, and the color of that skin burned in the day feels like a farmer. I left it up to Lorea when it came to eating, so she didn't get a chance for me to go shopping for vegetables, but I remember saying hello when I was farming. By contrast, Michael said he was Mr. Gatt's brother, in a narrow physique, which at first glance seemed less like a brother. At least you're not a farmer, are you? Mr. Izu also draws a line from the village's women-specific success (...) and (...), and although it seems healthy, it is far from the strength of those who work in agriculture. "Mr. Gatt has seen you before, but Michael and Izzu have met, right? I'm a little unsure, but this village isn't huge. Exactly who I haven't seen before...... there shouldn't be many. "Yes, we have recently returned to this village..." "Oh, I knew it was. You two... er..." There is mostly one thing about people leaving the countryside. The pattern of a second son, second daughter and later, who does not succeed in the family business, going to a large town in search of work without even being able to marry in the village. Like Mr. Gretz, some people want to get into some profession and leave the village, but that's a pretty small minority. So many people leave the village in no time... should I ask why such a person came back to this village...? - Lorea won't hesitate to bust my tour. "Michael was in South Strag. Looks like Izu and I got married there, but we didn't get a very good job. Simply put, you're back! "Lo, Lorea..." Michael's crying look on Lorea's words without a real body or lid, and Izu standing beside him is also smiling bitterly. Michael's back, like your brother, Gut, mumbled. "It's not true! When I get married - you should go celebrate... you can't make decent money, but you're not married. It was helpful because I happened to have a conversation from Mr. Erin, but what were you going to do, you? "Ugh... that's... I appreciate it. To Mr. Erin, and to your brother. Oh, of course, to Mr. Sarasa! Anything, when I heard my brother out of town got married, Mr. Gatt said, 'You succeeded safely!' He went out to celebrate with joy and courage to the South Strag. But what was there was my brother and sister-in-law, who lived on the critical side every day. For once, we were both at work, so it didn't seem like it was enough to say that we were in distress, but we have no vision of the future. That said, there can't be enough room for Mr. Gatt, who is a fine farmer in the village, to be able to provide assistance, and at that time he seemed to have to leave the celebration of his marriage behind and go home. "In that state, how could you marry me? It's like Michael who attacked me, so if you ask Izu why he accepted... "This guy feels bad if I don't support him..." "" Wow... " With a troubled look, me and Lorea unwittingly align their voices with Izu's words that make them feel somewhere happy. This is a bad pattern! Wife supporting the lack of merit. He's beautiful at first sight, but he can't be happy with either! "At this rate, right? I'm not leaving you alone, and you asked Erin from me." Hearing stories about Erin looking for someone to work in the herbal field just then, when she was worried about the situation of her brother and his wife, Mr. Gatt said she was in a hurry to bow her head to Erin and call back Mr. and Mrs. Michael. Normally, if you are going to increase the number of new fields in the village, you will have to bear all the costs you need to do so yourself, as well as the cost of living to eat up until you can produce crops. Since this is a herbal field that will be made as a reward for me, it seems that Erin will pay me enough wages to live in a village and even harvest... well, it is definitely a pretty good condition. "Brother... he's a good man..." To Mr. Gut, who sighed, I nodded smugly. I don't know about the brothers who left the house, I'd rather throw them out because I'm in the way, because some houses are like that, but I'll break your bones on purpose. "Heh. That's not true. Whatever this guy is, he can't make his sister-in-law unhappy because of it, can he? I don't have any money, but I can help you if I can." And so on, Mr. Gatt says as he scratches his nose like it's a little lit, but he also came all the way out here to help out with the dirt lifting he was doing now, after he finished working on his field. Even though it's hard to farm in the summer... "Good luck in the heat" "It's summer, so there's no choice. Still, it's a lot easier this year, huh? I have Sarasa's cooling hat. If it weren't for that, this guy would already be down! That's what I said, Mr. Gatt poking Mr. Michael in the face. The little poked Michael nods as he smiles bitterly about whether he is conscious or not. "Yes, it's really helping. - I owe you this hat, too." "I'm also such a midsummer farm job, not very much without this... I can't believe these country villagers normally have the smelter Artifacts - oh, sorry! Mr. Izu, who polarized and leaked the incontrovertible facts, holds his mouth down with his hands and apologizes hastily. But Lorea and Mr. Gatt shook their heads, not looking particularly concerned. "Because it's definitely rural. This is still a little better since Sarasa arrived..." "Right. Even for a cooling hat, I guess I just got it thanks to Sarasa. Thank you both, Sarasa, okay? "Absolutely." "Yeah, I'm listening. Uh, Mr. Sarasa, is it okay if I bring in my hat? "Yes. Anyone from the village. You're moving here, aren't you? "Of course. - Yay, you get a stylish cooling hat" Mr. Izu nods deeply and leaks those words in a small voice. Since what Izu is wearing right now is the straw hat type commonly used by farmers in this village, as a city grown Izu, maybe he wants to look a little more stylish. Even for me, Izu brought in a slightly more stylish hat like that, and more product variations are welcome, so on the contrary, thank you very much. Exactly. There will be little second demand for villagers, but they might be able to sell it to Mr. Gretz.
"- I mean, Lorea, do you have any good ideas? "As far as I'm concerned, I think what Mr. Sarasa is making right now is good enough," "This? A water pump? What I'm making now is Artifact, an smelter that automatically pumps up water, from wells to kitchens to bathrooms. I'm sure it's convenient... "But not many houses have wells, right? "... it was. Even if it sells, a few." Naturally, I know that with regard to the three Lorea, Iris and Kate who use this in our company, it would be fine if it were to this extent of magic. But if you're going to attach it to a common well, it should still be available to anyone. There are some people who have little magic, too. "Or incorporate the Demon Crystal Stone, but then it gets higher..." "Uh-huh, about that, I don't think you mind if someone can't use it. Normally, someone in the family would be able to use it, and it would be nice if that person went for a water draw, wouldn't it? "... I see, that's the way you think about it, isn't it? I hear Lorea thought differently than I did. When I say 'use magic plain', for the majority of people that amount is not enough to deplete magic. Especially in the case of this village, other smelters, such as Mr. Dilal, use artifacts, are some of the poles. Just because you have less magic, you will have little trouble. If I'm going to mention the difficulty, it's going to be difficult for people who live alone and have no magic, but about that, is there a problem with this village? There seems to be very few people living alone, and everything is easy to do, just ask someone nearby to get the water out of the village because everyone knows each other. "No, but wait...? What if only one of the brothers could use it? Only one of them is allowed to pump water, and I, the kid, don't resent me? - Lorea gave me a slightly frightened gaze when I said it. "I care too much. If it makes it easier to suck it up, all you have to do is carry it. Why don't you come with me and carry it?" "That too, isn't it? Me, my only son. The lack of such experience was exposed. Even in the orphanage, the day-to-day tasks such as water pumping were left to manpower...... Master, did you deliver the money properly? For once, I'm asking my master to pay for the materials I send, % of which go to the orphanage. When I can make more money, I just want to return it with Don. I think most of my contemporaries who cooperated directly with me graduated from the hospital, but the dean took care of me, and the hard work of the last generation makes it the orphanage that makes donations to the next generation. "If we're going to install it in a joint well... why don't we sell it to the village chief? It's the village chief's job to pay for what's going on around there, isn't it? But it looks like I distributed the money I paid to the villagers, and maybe I can't afford much. Even so, it doesn't feel like a luxury, this village. "Oh, well, next time, I'll ask you something. If you have a pulse, I'll let you know." "Is it good? "Yes, I'm a clerk in this store, too, and I wouldn't be hesitant to talk to you more than Sarasa would." "Maybe there is. Then, please." "Understood." Having then installed the finished suction machine in the well, I install a water pipe in the kitchen and bathroom to make sure it is properly sucked up to work on the next smelter, Artifact. Rust, refrigerator and freezer in kitchen smelter (artifact) series. It's two things while I say last, but the only difference between these two is how much cooling power you set, so it's pretty much the same thing as an object. Well, because of the different uses, the freezer is smaller. "The size, should I ask Lorea's opinion? Lorea, how much better? "Well... even if they ask me that, I've never used it..." "That too, huh? I don't know how much food to store..." In a way, if it's bigger, there's likely to be something in it that's as big as it is. If you could just go into the woods and hunt even one of the pigs, a small freezer would bury them easily, and if you want to hunt bears or something, you'd want a freezer about a small room. If you can cool it, you can also afford to process alchemy material... Oh, no, can't that be done? Because there are a lot of ingredients to put in with food that are a little... "Mr. Sarasa, why don't you just think from where you put it? Because the size you can put in the kitchen is limited." "Oh, that's Lorea. Housewife eyes, huh? "I'm not a housewife, but it's where I mainly use it." "Yeah, yeah. Lorea's cooking is very helpful." Our meals have been handmade by Lorea every meal since the Magic Guided Stove and Oven were installed. Of course, I'm no match for Mr. Dilal's cooking arm, but at least it's tastier than I make, so nothing's wrong. The Iris and the others seemed the same, and did not speak out of dissatisfaction. Most importantly, it's cheaper than going to eat at Mr. Dilal's. "Well, let's measure it! As a matter of fact, there is quite a bit of free space in the kitchen. What I have is about a table or chair, and later about a crate with recently added ingredients. The dishes are still washed and dried and left out... maybe I should order a cupboard or something? "Think about it..." Space to place cupboards, refrigerator and freezer. Taking into account my height and that of Lorea. "Let's make it about 150 cm tall and two-on-one with a fridge and freezer as tall as mine. What do you say? "Uh... maybe it's good? Lorea nods vaguely as to whether it is difficult to judge just the smelter Artifact she has never used. "Am I not in the way? Let's go." If the function of the refrigerator is to be roughly divided, it will be the cooling part, the insulating part, and the outer frame part. The first two are made of alchemy, so naturally as I do, the last outer frame part is a complete woodworking product. There is no difference from regular cabinets except that thick plates are used to create no gaps. "As I ask Mr. Geberg for the outer frame..." I can make it myself, but given the hassle of getting wood for furniture and the number of tools I have, I'm sure it would be better to ask a professional. Don't worry if you can do it, Mr. Geberg. "What about the core part of the cooling section? Do you honestly want to use the Demon Crystal Stone or something else..." "There are many different ways to make it? "Yeah, well, not as many as there are, but mostly there are about two. Because if there's only one kind, you just don't get one material, and you can't make it." Usually the most efficient way to make it, but for example, if you don't have a substitute for the smelting drug Potion, which deals with illnesses, you don't feel safe. Anyway, in a city like Wang Du, in a country like this, you don't always get the materials you need right away. Of course, it's a substitute, so I have problems with extra costs and slightly inferior effects. "This time the core part to be cooled. The most versatile way to make it is to use the Demon Crystal Stone, but the problem is that the Demon Crystal Stone is expensive and it takes a lot of work. 'Cause we need some finishing touches to make the Demonic Crystal Stone have cooling." Circuits drawn when creating the Magic Instruction Stove. Just like that circuit, I need to draw a circuit for cooling. "The other is how to utilize materials that originally have ice attributes. This one is much easier. Generally speaking, it's cheaper than Demon Crystal. Where you can get it." "This village? "I'm probably supposed to get ice tooth bat fangs... they've never been brought in before. So I was worried about what to do." If I even put it out on a recruiting sticker in the store, will someone get it? Or should I go get it myself? If I'm just waiting, I don't know what time it will be... "In the meantime, why don't you ask the Kates? "... right, let's do that" ◇ ◇ ◇ "Ice Tooth Bat? "Yes, don't you know? "I... Iris, you know? "Mm, I'm sorry, I don't know" At dinner time, I asked the two of them, and that was the answer they gave me back. "Is that what you get near this village in the Great Tree Sea... no? "Yes, there should be a cave not too far from this village, but I hear it lives there" "There's something like that... we haven't either." "Because it's still shallow to be here, us. Mr. Andre, would the veterans know? "Probably, I know... no, what do you think? Maybe if I knew, I'd be bringing it in? Due to its nature, ice tooth bat fangs are a slightly higher price material this time of year when it gets hot, and if you do well, you can make quite a bit of money. It's not hard to collect, and if you knew, you'd be here to sell it, normally. "Mr. Store Manager, do you want me to call in Mr. Andre and the others tomorrow morning? "Hmm, I feel sorry to have you come all the way..." "It won't be a problem there. If you're going to work, it won't be too much trouble to stop by this shop." "Really? Then if Mr. Andre and the others are going to say it's good, please. You can't force me, can you? "Oh, I'll take care of it" To my words, Mr. Iris nodded forcefully. The next morning, while Mr. Iris and the others were calling for Mr. Andre, I worked in flyer making. "'Seeking, Ice Tooth Bat Tooth' all the time" Write the title further, and then also describe how and where you can collect it. The Iris guys didn't seem to know either, and if more people read this and go pick it up, it would help even as far as I'm concerned. Having put that flyer on the bulletin board, I look at it and think a little. The only thing on there is the bad alchemist's attention to the matter and the flyer I just made. I couldn't even afford much, so I stayed put... "Shall we increase our recruitment some more? Uh..." Seeking, the whole body of the spiteworm "" "What kind of stuff do you use that for? Beside me making flyers, Lorea has asked me intriguingly, so I will briefly explain. "I can use a lot of things, but I'm thinking about it now as a material for a bug repellent veil, right? I thought I'd sell it to farmers. The insect repellent we're selling is a bit expensive." "Oh, that's good. I don't do much farming, but I still suffer from insects in the summer." "Vail, so the range is narrow, but for that matter, it can be cheaper, so would you recommend it? Lorea, while talking properly, add caution to the flyer. "'Caution, if you have scratches on the lower half, you can't buy them,' he said." What you need as a material is an organ in the lower body of the spite worm. It's completely pointless to have a scratch on here, and even I'm tough when they tell me to do it in the woods to just take it out intact. So it's safest to have them bring the whole thing. It's not that big of a bug. There must be various habitats, so there is no particular description. Explain the appearance... don't you need it? "... yeah, that's good" Spite worm flyers are also added with pettiness. Write a halfway explanation, and I have trouble with people who don't know Spite Worm bringing in the wrong stuff, and if you don't, don't know, where I want you to study. If you are a collector. If you study about other materials, there will be more kinds that will be brought in, because as a gatherer, you earn more and are a good thing. The problem is that the books used to study are expensive and cannot be bought that way. So regular collectors get taught by seniors to increase their knowledge. - Uh-huh, buy it in my store, lend it... it could be stolen, so should I be able to browse it in the store or something? Materials that the gatherer will increase by acquiring knowledge, the profit of the store from my buying it, and the costs necessary to align the books. The troubling part about whether it fits the bill. So far, I wonder if it's reasonable enough to stick a flyer like this. As I looked at the bulletin board and thought about it, the store door opened and a wild voice sounded.
Smelter Making Days "Well. I wonder what I can make today? Only a few rolls remain. I can almost get to five volumes, but the master says, 'It's going to be hard around here'. Even so, if you're seriously encouraging me to improve my skills, it sounds like I'm going to have financial problems ahead of my technical side. In order to level up, you have to make the smelter Artifact and the smelter Potion, which you don't even have to sell. If I can't afford it financially, I don't know, it's tight. Speaking of how hard it is... for example, Potion, the smelting drug that Mr. Iris used when he was dying. Actually, that, too, is Volume Four of All Alchemy. But if I wanted to buy and collect the materials I would need to make, even when the money was roaring in the warehouse, it would cost me a level of hesitation. Cash in hand now... Giri? Not enough? If you fail, you are bankrupt, for trying impossible with this level of assets. If you don't have a seller where you succeed, you're out of working capital and done. If it weren't for the assistance of my master, you wouldn't have been able to help me for a few years, absolutely. But there are only a few luxury materials left that my master gave me apart like that. From now on, I have to earn my own money and get luxury materials. "Ma, I don't have a problem with four volumes anymore. I could have bought them all." All you have to do is make one after another. For today...... "Floating tent, shall we make it? This, as its name suggests, is a tent for camp floating in the universe. That's kind of awesome to hear, but it actually only floats about cm from the ground, so it looks out-of-the-box plain. But he is insulting. Floating in the universe prevents ground irregularities, moisture, cold, insect penetration, and promises a comfortable sleep. Whatever the day or two, it is definitely the coveted smelter Artifact for collectors who sometimes conduct long expeditions. "How big... shall I make it for four or five? If it's just for the purpose of making it, it's fine for one person, but that makes it really limited in use. At least it should be big enough to be used when I go pick it up with Mr. Iris and the others. ... I don't know if I'll get a chance to go though. "First, cut the leather..." The first thing you need is to create a tent. There is nothing special to do with this in itself, just stitch the cut out leather together and build a tent. Just, what, this is pretty hard. 'Cause you sew leather, right? Because I can strengthen my body by magic, I know it's still better than all the tanneries in the world, but it takes time to make it so. Four or five people can stay in a size tent, so there's a wide range of stitches to be made. If it's true, I'd like to ask a tannery, but I'm not in this village, so hey. Continue to work for a few days while you speak of stupidity. The tent exterior is complete. If you describe the circuit on the floor part of this and overlay another piece of thick leather, the cumbersome work is largely complete -. "What, but because of that, you just want to come up with another idea. I can't sell it anyway." It's just me, or Mr. Iris, who uses it, and it's a waste to just float. "The function of the environmental regulating cloth and... Shall we also include insect repellent? There's more..." Naturally, the difficulty is greater than making it normally. But that's not good - but it's going to be training, and it's going to be more user-friendly, so no problem. Well, it's not all good because it consumes more magic, or Demon Crystal Stone, that's what it takes. It is a luxury because I use it myself. "... All right. Is this what it is? Paste the leather to hide the circuit you wrote up a little harder, fold the tent compactly, and then put it into the alchemy kettle. Pour in various materials, water, etc. and start heating. "Guru Guru. I knew a big cauldron was a must when building a big one." Regardless of the Alchemy Potion, which can also be made in small pots, many Alchemy Artifacts cannot be made without large alchemy kettles, such as tents and sheets, but large alchemy kettles are quite expensive. You can't make Artifacts, a floating tent-like smelter, if you don't have all this, so an alchemist costs money, right? Before I became an alchemist, I thought, 'As long as you qualify, you can make money easily!' What a big difference from the image. Of course, it's just a narrow gate, and I'm more blessed than ordinary civilians. "Well. Is this what it is? Lower the alchemy kettle from the furnace and wash the removed tent with jab jab and water. Dry this...... "Done and done! I should have. ... move properly or check it out" When I took charge of the folded tent and headed towards the store, Lorea looked confused at the counter in her spare time. Customers aren't coming this time after lunch, are they? Still, it's a little better because, compared to before, villagers other than collectors are visiting. "Is that it? Are we done for today, Mr. Sarasa? "When I say it's over, is it over? I thought I'd check what I made." When I said that and showed what I was in charge of, Lorea stood up intrigued, too. "What is it, that? May I see it? "Yeah, I don't mind. I'll spread it out in the garden, let's go." Get out of the store and the vestibule part. If you spread the tent there and pass the magic, as designed, the tent floats off the ground fluttering. "Wow! I floated... Don't you even need a stick to support this? "Yeah. That's why it's easy to carry. Convenient, right?" "Convenient! It's amazing!" That said, a fairly large leather product. Besides, I use sturdy leather, so it's pretty heavy, not easy enough to carry around with me. "By the way, if you go inside, you'll see how good this is. Come on, come on." "Yes, I'm sorry to bother you.... Ah, cool! Plus, it feels fluffy and good! "Pfft. You can try sleeping, okay? "... Wow, I'm very comfortable sleeping. This is more comfortable than sleeping in bed, isn't it? haha! Llorea falls asleep as she is told, laughing joyfully as she rolls. Yes, it's exactly as comfortable as floating in the universe, this tent. I mean, you're floating in fact. With the addition of air conditioning, you can definitely sleep comfortably. "Mr. Sarasa, how much does this cost? You're selling it at the store? "Depending on the size, I guess I'll have over 00,000 rare. So I don't know if it's for sale, this village." It's something that villagers don't need, and collectors in this village, they don't buy the very expensive smelter Artifact. To me, Lorea thought a little and shook her head. "No, maybe we can sell it, right? Many collectors now have money thanks to Ice Tooth Bat Tooth. Besides, I don't think collectors know exactly what they have when they don't order the smelter Artifact. If you're exhibiting this here, aren't some people interested? "... I see that makes sense" Words are a little bad, but collectors don't learn. I am not familiar with any smelter artifacts that exist, and few people are guided to devise or try to get the tools needed to increase work efficiency. Therefore, it has been nearly six months since I set up a shop here, but none of the collectors have ever asked me, "Is there any such smelter artifact?" I wonder if it's sad, it's almost zero when it comes to ordering the smelter Artifact, which is not arranged in stores, even though it puts out the 'I'll Accept Orders' sign. I sometimes take orders from collectors from other towns in the form of 'I saw other collectors use them, that', but that number is only very small. "Besides, I can sew this tent together, right? Me, I have a lot of free time even if I have a store number, so I think I can help if I can get my order in! I hold both hands, and I turn my motivated eyes to Lorea...... "Um, I appreciate that, but it's tough, huh? Sewing leather is" In my case, I use physical strengthening to sew at my discretion. But that's impossible for a normal person, and it takes more than twice as long to drill a hole in the leather with an eye first, and then pass a needle through it. It's a pretty tough task, and I'm a little sorry to make Lorea do it. "No, as far as I'm concerned, it's usually more painful to get paid even though I'm free most of the time...... Instead, if there seems to be some other work you can do to help, say it, right? "Really? As far as I'm concerned, I just want to thank you for making me dinner... ok. If there's anything you can ask for, please do." "Yes, definitely. I'll keep an eye on the tents to make sure they don't get stolen." "Yeah, but I'll put a security device on it, so you don't have to worry too much about that one." If Lorea pays attention poorly, an upside-down thief could hurt her. The tent also has an added night crawl repelling feature, so let's modify that a bit and make sure it activates if you try to take it out of the garden. If you suck, it's life-threatening... but if you're dealing with thieves, it's nothing good, right?
"The biggest problem is you don't get a lot of cash in this village." "Because it's the collectors who have the cash in the first place. Unless you do business for that collector, it's going to be hard." "Collector opponent commerce...... That sounds pretty difficult. The accommodation and meals are served by Mr. Dilal's place, and the grocery store is already there. I'm also saying we're going to open a competitor." "Oh, your father's shop is crumbling! I nod at Lorea, waving her hands patty as she panicked. "Right. In the first place, it doesn't make sense that the totals don't change." Unless there are more gatherers, not enough cafeterias, or grocery stores too crowded to use, it makes no sense to share one pie among villagers. Even if that happens, it would be more reasonable to expand your current store and hire someone from the village. It's a little impossible for someone who farmed until yesterday to start running a store all of a sudden. "Then the manager will have to make a job." "Me, sir? Mr. Iris pointed me out and I tilted my neck. "What can I say, who has the most money in this village? "... for once, am I, going to say? Aside from whether I'm free to spend money or not, it's not a mistake in the sense that I have cash. I can't believe you were in extreme poverty until a while ago! That's the Alchemy's License, the Alchemy's License, those difficult days weren't for nothing! "Unless, of course, it could be an asset, including land and buildings - oh, no, considering the smelting drug Potion and all that, with a smash...? And I owe you..." "Iris, it's off the record." To Iris, who thought a little about it, Kate pointed it in and fixed the track. "Oops. The manager can absorb the money from the collector. And maybe we can also create a job supplying the villagers with that money. Like Lorea. Well, that's why." It does have muscles through it. Hire Lorea to pay, ask Mr. Geberg or Mr. Zizd for a job, and pay the price. Somewhat at the moment, but so I'm supplying the money. "Is this your job... there's not much point in adding more employees, otherwise..." It's different to hire people even though you don't have a job. That's just an imposition. You can't do that. Other things to do... like grasshopping in the garden, managing herbs? No, but grasshoppers anyway, it's pretty hard to manage medicinal herbs... "Oh, yeah! Mr. Sarasa, you're asking Grandpa Geberg for the main part of the fridge, right? Like that, do you ever ask a villager to make some of the smelter artifacts? I was hazy about what Lorea said with her bread and hands slapped. "Ah! That might be a good idea. Uh, he said he's selling it now... the hat part of the cooling hat, there? You don't have to be an alchemist to do it, a plain hassle task. Isn't this good for outsourcing? The problem is that the cooling hat is the only smelter that can be sold in the village. If it can be sold, I can also think of having bedding and clothing made with an environmental conditioning cloth, but unfortunately no one buys it in this village. I mean, he wasn't there. Just cloth. "It's just that the cooling hats, it's time to hit them in the head... one at a time, no, a few in the family would suffice" At an aunt network, now that information has spread across the village in an instant. Anyone who needs it and can afford it has already bought it. When that happens, we only have customers who don't have them yet... "Why don't we just go out there and sell it? "Is it a takeout? To the suggestion from Kate, I twist my neck. "Even as it stands, it's a little cheaper than the market, right? Then if Mr. D'Arna goes to sell it, we'll figure it out, won't we? At least, I think it's more efficient than selling dried meat." "... right. That's not bad, it" It is also large that the object is a cooling hat. Light and take no place, instead the unit price is high. And because the effect can be seen as soon as it is worn, even if it is sold by Darna, who is not an alchemist, he will not be suspected of being fake. It's much easier to handle than the potion, a smelter that you don't use right away. "That helps your father and the people in the village! Sarasa, if you can..." Lorea turned me to a begging gaze, and instantly I nod. Shall I say no to her? "Yeah, I got it. I'll do it in that direction." Mr. Iris shrugs his shoulder a little and laughs bitterly at me for answering that. "Well, if you're selling outside the village, you should think about the design, not the hat or the practical side. What we're selling right now is for farmers and collectors, right? "Right. Because I made it as a user-friendly priority." And then to save me the trouble. Because I put a lot of effort into it poorly and thought the focus on practicality was better for villagers than increasing the sales price. "Exactly to the people in town, things don't seem popular right now, do they? Or the straw hat that farmers wear better... unless you're going to sell it to the countryside." "After all, we'll have to make something stylish" "Ugh. That seems difficult. Aunties of the village, they have no connection to being stylish..." Speaking of which, did Lorea say 'urbanite' or something when you first saw me? Not stylish at all. Look at me. "Around there... shall we even make references? Draw an illustration of a hat or something. How about you and Kate? Don't you know, designing a hat? "Ugh... I'm not much on that side..." "Iris is not interested.... No painting, either." "Kate." Well, Mr. Store Manager, I'm not really interested, but you know what's good and bad? "Uh, yeah." You're making excuses like you're in a bit of a hurry because you didn't put it out on my hat, Mr. Iris. But it's okay. Exactly, because I didn't make the hat that I'm selling right now because I thought it was stylish. "I'll work with you. I'm not very good at special paintings, but I think I can tell you about the atmosphere." "Yes, please" If I had to, I wouldn't have hated relying on my master, but is this a little reassuring? Although I live in the Wang capital, I didn't really walk outside, so I'm not familiar with fashion. "Well, hey, I'll talk to the village chief." ◇ ◇ ◇ I remember, but it's an auspicious day. As soon as I visited the village chief's house, the village chief seemed free and immediately invited me in. "Hmm, a job request?" When I briefly explained, the village chief nodded Hmm. "Yes, what do you think? "Not bad, huh? No, honestly, it helps as a village. I don't have enough cash, I rely on Dudley and Darna a lot..." With that said, the village chief sighs loudly. What comes in is the money that collectors spend in their lodgings and grocery stores against the cash that leaves with tax payments. All you have to do is rent the house you're renting out when the number of people increases. Much of the material gathered by the gatherers had been brought straight into South Strag, so there was no money going into the village. As a result, the cash remaining in the village was fairly limited and seemed to remain something like borrowing cash from Mr. Dudley and Mr. Darna at the time of payment of taxes. "But isn't it about a straw hat that the women of the village can make? You can sew, but you don't know how to make it." "There, I plan to provide an illustration from mine that will serve as a reference for the design. I need you to look at that and think about how to make it... because if you need it, I can give you some guidance" "Then we can work it out, huh? So, how much do you buy? "That's it... what I'm thinking now is in the form of a commission" "Commission? What do you mean? Explain to the village chief, who twists his neck strangely, the way I was thinking. First, a villager makes a hat at his own expense and puts a price on it of his choice. I put that hat as a cooling hat, add the cost of making it a cooling hat to the price the villagers put on it, and arrange it in stores. And if that hat sells, I'll pay the villagers. "Because you can't make a simple hat with a pragmatic focus and a stylish hat with the hassle, for the same price" "Hmm, that's not true." "The cost of making it a cooling hat I'm thinking about right now is five thousand rare per piece. If the villagers make 0 rare hats, they'll line up in the store for 5500 rare." "... if I can't sell my hat, won't I be paid? Isn't that what the villagers do? "It's..." "That's not true, Dad! A sharp voice sounded in the room at the time I tried to explain.
"Phew." "Duh, how was it, Mr. Sarasa! At the same time as I restored my consciousness to my body, Lorea, who was waiting, pressed me to hurry. "Uh, sorry, wait a minute..." "Yes, sir" The tuning of consciousness over unfamiliar long distances is more burdensome than I thought, supports my head that seems to flutter, and exhales loudly with "Phew ~ ~". "Um, are you okay? I shake my head gently to Lorea, who looks worried and peeks into my face. "Yeah, I'm just a little tired. Lorea..." Do you mind? Already around the end of my lunch break...... this situation, I can't help it. Lorea won't be calm in this situation, and if you're in a hurry, there's a ringing bell. Since very few customers come at this time of day in the first place, it doesn't have much impact either. "Okay. You know..." If I raised my face where something like a sensory discrepancy fitted in a lot and explained the situation I had just heard to Lorea in a frivolous fashion, my blood gradually pulled away from Lorea's face and began to shake with a pull. "How much, what shall we do!?" "Calm down. Things aren't good, but they're not the worst. I was locked up, but I'm not in immediate danger, and I'm not injured. I don't know where to go, but there's a way back, there's food... there's got to be plenty left." I have an emergency pack at Mr. Iris's place that I gave him, so if he doesn't even complain about the flavor, he should survive for quite some time. I was a little excited about this, because I put a lot of stuff in it. ... No, it's a lie. After I made the resonance stone, I dyed my face bright red and my guilt was inspired by Mr. Iris saying ahhh, I just put more good stuff in than I originally planned. I made it, but I don't have a good use for it. "Well, if we don't have a way out, we're just gonna have to extend the time to die." "Isn't that hard!!" "Yeah. So we need to think of measures." There's no point in being in a hurry. Trying and calmly telling me, Lorea also pulled herself back and sat back in the chair and started twisting her head with Unh. "... is it impossible for Mr. Sarasa to go and help? You were there the other day, weren't you? "That's reasonable, but the place and the situation aren't good" Location first. Last time, as I could only take Mr. Iris and Mr. Kate, I needed special gear, and those gears are only on hand for my share. Next, the situation. If it's just a collapse, worst of all, I might be able to rescue one person, but now Salamander is back on track. Even if I go to the rescue in that situation, I'm in danger. Rescue activities presuppose, first and foremost, that your own safety can be ensured. Even if it is not possible there, it will only result in more sacrifices in secondary shipwrecks and so on. "Again, killing Salamander is..." "That's hard. Last time I did something with a gorilla push, because it was so critical" It can be said that the ice tooth bat's fangs were lubricated, which is why we managed. Naturally, in a short time now, it is impossible to align just the same amount. "Well then, what should I do..." "The basics is, do we have to get ourselves out of here? Looks like there's a way back there, so we need your help to continue exploring it." "Do you have something? "For example, a smelter (artifact) that indicates the direction of the exit - if you want to be precise, there is a smelter (artifact) that allows you to see if the end of the cave is connected outside..." Is it connected to the outside? (...) I know, it's Miso. If I actually went there, humans could have been so small that they couldn't get through, or they could just see the sky above at the bottom of a deep hole, or there was a hole in the cliff, or they could normally reach places where it was difficult to escape. Finally, it is difficult to determine that far if not so high performance, and I can only tell to the extent that most things are 'not at a certain distance from here'. "Still seems convenient enough, but if you can't give it to me, it doesn't make sense, does it?" "Once and for all, there are means. Because there are walnuts over there." Originally, a smelter (artifact) is something that makes magic available to everyone. In other words, what can be achieved with smelting equipment (artifacts) can also be achieved by magic. - In principle. In fact, it's not that simple, for example, if it's attack magic like dokkan, bukkan do, it's easier to use direct magic, or if it's precise and complex magic, it's more successful to take the time to draw magic circuits and make smelters (artifacts) that also use precious materials, etc., or magic that's too complicated can't be activated by a concurrent wizard in the first place, depending on the situation. Neither is superior. The only absolute excellence is that even people who can't use magic can use smelters (artifacts)? "Er... I mean, its exploratory magic? Is that what Sarasa uses through walnuts? "That's a good guess, Lorea. Although there are many difficult things to do, it is close to it. I think it will help. Just..." "Just?" "You can't make that smelter (artifact) yet, can you, me?" Sure, I remember hearing it was in six or seven volumes. Exactly. It's unrealistic to make all the rest of the five volumes now and be able to read the six volumes. "In other words?" "I'm not familiar with that magic" "Isn't that a no! I'm the one studying about the magic I use in the course of doing the smelting, the initial magic, some attack magic, etc., but I'm pretty negligent about other magic. I, too, have had a little more magic to use since Hell Flame Grizzly's frenzy, but special magic like this one has low priority and naturally cannot. "Hmm, I wonder if I'll have to ask my master for help with this" Alchemist's level determines how many volumes you can read, but it's not like you don't have any backgammon. That's the way to get people who can read to copy it or teach it directly. "Uh, is that, is there? "It's not really very good... but when it comes to it, what is it?" Even alchemists are in business. I'm not gentle enough to let a new alchemist who comes to the store for training make items from one roll to the next that I don't even plan to sell. So normally, even items on two or three volumes will be made under the guidance of seniors and masters if they are likely to be made. Even when I was working part-time at my master's shop, I didn't make them in order from one volume to the next, I was just saying that if I had made items while my master was coaching me, I would have made all the items up to three volumes as a result, over a five-year part-time period. Probably - no, absolutely, it's because my master adjusted it for me. "Just this time, I'm not getting direct instruction... if they say no, let's think of other means" It's an acceptable means because the supervisor supports it if it fails. "Whatever it is, try inquiring." Lorea hesitated to speak to me as I quickly took out the paper and began writing letters to my master. "... Um, is there anything I can do to help? "Uh-huh, is it most helpful that Lorea keeps her store number as usual? 'Cause I can't focus on rescue work either without someone in charge of the store." "Of course, let me do that, but anything else..." "Right..." Emotionally, I know you want to do something for the close Mr. Iris, but even though you're smarter and more driven than your age, you're still a minor, Lorea. It doesn't mean I'm proud of my health, and my combat skills are still at the average person level. Given the risk of secondary shipwrecks and entering the woods, there is nothing you can do to help me directly. "Oh, yeah. Can I ask for a magic supply of nursery aids? Because I want to save my magic." Though not as much from my total magic power, I don't know if that slight difference could separate the lives and deaths of Mr. Iris - yeah, I guess not. But it's not zero, and Lorea feels like she's helping, and she also trains in magic manipulation. In fact, Lorea also said, "Humph!" and his nose is rough and he's in the mood. "Got it! Leave it to me. If there's anything else, don't hesitate to say it, okay? "Yeah. I'll ask you then."
The first person to leave school is the master's shop. Thank you for your help, but I can't be unfaithful to graduate and say hello, and even without it, I have business for my master. The master's shop is also close to the school and in a pretty good place in Wangdu. Thanks to this, it was convenient to go on part-time and use my time effectively. I'm not sure about the price of the land or anything, but it faces the boulevard, maybe first class? My job was to help my master, so I didn't serve the customer, but I still know about the customer's entry and exit. At least when I was working part-time, I almost felt like a guest was coming. "Hello." I greet lightly and enter the back of the store as usual. The part-time job itself quits before the graduation exam, so I really feel bad too, but for me, who has been working for almost five years, the people here can also be considered the closest people at the moment. So there was nothing particularly stoppable about it, rather he smiled and called out "Happy Graduation," and put me through normally. Happy graduation, Sarasa. Behind the store, the alchemist greeted me with a super beautiful woman. Someone who talks in a somewhat abusive way that doesn't suit its appearance. Appearance age in the mid twenties? But I don't think I've seen a change since five years ago, an alchemist of unknown real age. This is my master. Its skill is at the top level. Oh, my God, he's a master class alchemist who is said to be more influential than a lousy aristocrat, besides only being present enough to count all over the country. Moreover, while other master class alchemists are old men, the master has this appearance. You can't help but tell me I'm not old enough, can you? But, well, because of its appearance, he's also a very popular alchemist in Wang Du, and he doesn't even cut his job requests. Even now, it's incredible that I could have been hired at a store like that. I'm not going to go into details, but I don't know... The Occasional Gift of Coincidence and Luck? "Thank you. Thanks to my master, I managed to graduate." Once again, carefully bowing his head and thanking him, the master responded with a gentle wave. "Don't be modest. Are you listening to me? Grades say he was almost the chairman." "That? Yes, what is it? I got a lot of exam bounty, but I never came first...? The ranking itself can be grasped because every time there is an exam, the top ten grades are stretched out. I checked every time because it involves whether I could receive a bounty, but there were mostly two or three of them over me. I don't remember the name well, but I'm sure it was noble. As soon as you see the family name, you'll know, and it's about the bounty. "The nobles, well, that's it. I'll wear waste by the title." "Oh, really?" "Hmm? Not really interested? In response to me plainly, my master leaves my neck a little surprised. I do think it's a little sloppy, but it doesn't really matter to me. Honestly, if it doesn't even affect the exam bounty, it doesn't have to be first place. The nobles are making donations to the school, and the scholarships, the bounty, are declining. If you think my scholarship or bounty is out of that donation, I'd rather say thank you. As much as some waste, let him wear as much as he wants. When I said that, the master grinned and nodded. "School grades don't matter if you become an alchemist. It depends on your efforts to raise the level. - Yeah, because nobility is equally evaluated for the decision to leave school, because no alchemist is below standard, right? However, for post-graduate employment, grades appear to affect grades slightly. But the people who hire them also know about the waste worn by the nobles... - Isn't it harder for an aristocrat who's not legitimately appreciated the other way around? Some aristocrats had a big attitude at school, but they weren't that bad, and one of the seniors who adored me was the Marquis' son, so I never got involved, so you don't have that bad impression. A year after the seniors graduated? That wasn't a problem at all either. A slightly problematic aristocrat can't stay in school until the last year first. Besides, even the civilian population is almost certain to be an alchemist as of the time they remain until the fifth grade. Given the alchemist's social status, there are major disadvantages to hostility. Maybe I'll be a master class alchemist in the future. "So, Master. Can we go out? I'm also anxious to have too much money, so I'd like to go buy the alchemy daikon..." "Hmm? Are you going already? I don't have any more plans for today, so I'm fine." “Alchemy in full (all ten volumes)". That's an alchemy bible everyone has, if you're a single alchemist. When I worked part-time at my master's shop for a while, I asked. "If you can be an alchemist, what is the first thing you should get?". At that time, it was recommended that this book, "The Great Alchemy”. Make it an introduction to alchemy and the deepest. As long as that book says that all alchemy techniques are noted, the journey as an alchemist will be shown. "Such an amazing book, where the hell do you get it!?" the master casually added to me, "By the way, I can buy it from school purchasing". The deepest can be easily bought with school purchasing. While I felt something somewhat unclear about such reality, the next day I grabbed the money I had worked so hard to save and happily went out to buy. And it collapsed. The pricing my purchasing aunt told me, what a . million rare. Even Wang Du can afford a house that is quite large. Even an alchemist is not an easy amount to pay for new rice. Not to mention what students did before that. Is this a good price to sell on a purchase? I usually buy it here, and the gap with about 0 rare notebooks and ink is too great. It's effortless in places, but not at all effortless in price. Hey! Naturally, I gave up purchasing and stupidity to my master. Then the master smiled bitterly and said, "So normally, you go into a store with an apprentice and make money. I don't even need to buy ten volumes together in the first place," he told me one way out. "You can buy it for five million if you let me through. If I could save by graduation, I'd buy it for you". Five million! What a 2.5M rare discount!! ... No, but it's still a price you can normally buy a house for. But why is the alchemy daiichi so expensive? One of the reasons for this is that the book itself is a special "smelter" artifact. If you're not an alchemist, you can't read it, otherwise it just looks like a blank book to someone else. Even alchemists can read different volumes depending on their level. No, exactly the opposite, levels are determined by readable volumes. If a freshly-schooled alchemist like me is a new America, he is called a junior alchemist when four volumes can be read, intermediate by seven volumes, and senior alchemist at a stage when ten volumes can be read. Very few of the alchemists can become senior alchemists, and those who have gone beyond it are masterclasses like masters. It is difficult to determine the veracity of this book because it is such an object. Normal people just can't tell the difference from blank books, so they can't deny or affirm it when they say, "This is the whole alchemy thing". The same is true of new American alchemists, who don't know if a roll is fake or not, even if it's blank. That is where the guarantee system becomes necessary. Ask the alchemist to see what's inside and write back that it's real. But when you buy up to ten volumes, you need more than a senior alchemist. Ask a handful of senior alchemists to be present and write backwards. Naturally, it is not unremunerated, and that is reflected in the cost of the goods. This is another reason why alchemy daisy is expensive. Incidentally, the alchemy daiichi is sometimes sold in an old bookstore, but the master says, "Don't ever get your hands on it because it's almost certainly a fake". Of course, the possibility of a book flowing from a defunct alchemist is not zero, but it seems unlikely that a roll or two would be the first if it were even ten. At least the master says he never saw the real thing in an old bookstore. When it comes to the poor quality of the "We", is it a good thing that you can't confirm that the level is low, so that even the junior alchemist will use the real one by about three volumes that can be confirmed, and then make it all fake? Still, they see crying when the price of authentic products is just the price, and there are alchemists who sometimes get their hands on them. "But I really don't expect to save 5 million rar..." Kind of my master looks at me emotionally, but I totally agree with him. Because I really saved...... Can I be complimented for not buying a hobby for the past five years, while generally having an amount of money? Yeah, it's amazing, me! "So, it's good to go buy it, but how are you going to take it back? "Huh? Put that in this." That being said, I go around Kurli and show my master the bag I'm carrying. What's inside is only "not" except for study tools and cash. This is my entire property, not buying anything but essentials. Poor me, I was choosing a bag that wasn't decorative but was durable and bigger, so I still can afford the space, and it's okay to add some heavy books! That's what I thought and confidently indicated, but the master seemed disapproved, which made me sigh. "Ha... Come back a little bit." "Oh, yes." A slightly frightened master took me upstairs, usually not up, and it was one room that I reached. Lots of books lined up, a little dim. There's a big desk in the center of the room, but it's somewhat cluttered and hasn't been cleaned up much. "Wait a minute." That's what they said, honestly waiting for a while. The book the master had brought from the back of the room was piled up on the desk. "This is the whole alchemy, three to ten volumes. You've seen one and two volumes, haven't you? "... oh? Isn't it something thick? Eight books were piled up on the desk by the master. ... eight books? With this? One or two volumes of the great alchemy that I was allowed to read at my master's office were only about two centimeters thick at best. Yet the height of all the books on the desk now is fifty centimeters. "He's getting thicker and thicker as the roll progresses. Give it a try." "Oh, yes." Lift the book tower as the master tells you. "Gu, muggy. Oh, it's heavy." "Right? There's nothing I can't even hold on to. I can also put it in a bag... maybe. But from now on, I'm going to have to find a place to study and get there. And the place, probably not the king's capital. Can you stand a trip like that...... "What do you say? Still don't you want to work for us? You don't have to buy everything, you don't have to look for a place to finish? "Mmmm... well, that's... eh! I knew you wouldn't let me! I shook my head at the thought of a mutilation to my master, who laughed niggardly and invited me. Honestly, it's almost impossible to have the opportunity to be a disciple to an alchemist with as many arms as a master, and I'm almost certain that if you learn here, you can extend your arms smoothly. My master seems to have bought me for a long time, and I had been invited since my part-time days. But still, I didn't shake my head vertically because I was aware that my world was so narrow. I went into an orphanage at a young age and studied even for an alchemist right after that. Even when you go into school, only part-time and study when it comes to what you did. Outside of the school and the master's shop, the part-time store I was hanging from, that's about my range of action. There was a sense of crisis that if we went into the master's shop like this, we would almost certainly grow up unknown to the public. Given that, I think we should be independent at least once. "Hmm. Is that still true? Unfortunately, well, it would be a good experience to go outside. That's your graduation." I have only said no a few times before, was it as expected that I would answer that, and the master handed me one backpack when he nodded lightly. Compared to the practical one-sided thing I have, that backpack is about two turns small and a bit stylish in shape. Dyed in a light pink color, cute. Sounds good for a little getaway around the city, but not enough capacity for a long trip, right? Wait for me in my bag this time, huh? "Incidentally, it is endowed with effects such as capacity expansion and weight reduction. If you put it in there, you'll be able to travel with all of it." "... What!? Really? Are you sure? It's very expensive, isn't it? "If I buy it, yes, but don't worry, it's something I made" "Thank you! I thought it was just a stylish backpack, apparently it was the smelter Artifact. In my current situation, I am so happy with this backpack. More than that, without this, you can't carry the whole alchemy thing first. ... I will not consider how much this backpack made by a master class alchemist is. Because it scares me. "Oh, and you also wore anti-theft. I can't use it other than you, so if you give way to people, work hard until you're at a level where you can change that part." "No, I won't do that! My master gave it to me because of you! I laugh and try to get my hands in my backpack quickly. "Ooh, ooh." Even though the feeling I see is just the right size for my back, my arms get soaked in. Even if I finally put in the bag I had, there's still room in there. If it's just the size I saw from the outside, the bag is obviously bigger. "That's my master! Amazing!" "Well, that's about it. You're gonna go buy more than that, aren't you? Too late to close your purchasing, huh? As I glanced up, the master missed his gaze with a flat expression and changed his story. "Oh, I was. I need to buy it by the end of the day and finally find a place to train! Because I can't stay in the dorm anymore." I had an occasional look on my face at the orphanage I'm from, and I'm going to go report graduation, but it's just hard to say "stay". So for a while, stay at the inn and get a job. But the Wang Du Inn is pretty expensive. Of course, some places seem cheap, but if a girl like me stays in a place like that, it's dangerous... Apparently. From what I hear. "You can stay with us for a while, okay? "No, because I'm a jerk! For once, this year, adults are welcome. We need to be independent! Being bad can be cozy and sloppy... whatever. I rush my master to purchase a school. Back right after graduation, because it's kind of unfamiliar, but the truth is, it can be about here that you can buy the alchemist's tools. I didn't know at the beginning of school, but the alchemist's tools are basically order production, and there are not enough customers - that is, alchemists - to be made up of it alone. You think it turns out to be a form of dealing with everything in school purchasing? "Sorry." When I went into purchasing and spoke up, my usual aunt came out of the back. "Oh, Sarasa, don't graduate." "Thank you. Thanks to you, I graduated safely" I bowed my head and thanked my aunt for smiling and celebrating. I used to buy paper, pens, and ink here frequently, so I'm friends with my aunt. I also know that I am from an orphanage, so sometimes, I took care of products that I plan to dispose of for free. Except for the professor and the three seniors and juniors in this school, I guess it's sad, my acquaintance is only about this old lady and the librarian. Of course, someone to celebrate...... "Um, did that one you were asking for arrive? "Oh. Just give me a minute." That being said, my aunt brought it from the back, of course, "The Great Alchemy (all ten volumes)". The exterior is new compared to what I saw earlier in the master's room, but its heaviness is the same. This is the fixed price of Rs. 7.5 million. It's more expensive than a bad mansion. "Well, I'm pretty sure Sarasa doesn't need a warranty, huh? "Yes, because you came to my master for that. - So, master! Please!!" "Hmm. I don't think it's that much effort." When I give way to the place and show it to the master by hand, the master smiles lightly and bitterly, rolling each roll in pieces. And Sarah and I will write down my signature on the last page. In the meantime, just for a few minutes or so. If your aunt presses Peppa and Hanko next to that signature, the work will be complete. This will confirm by the master class alchemist and prove that the school recognized it. By the way, they don't need a warranty, so they sell it without a back note, and they don't go through with it. You think it's a measure to avoid creating a confusing object that doesn't have a back note, but it's real? If you're just watching it on the side Buckwheat, it's an easy task, but this job, for the price, is 2.5 million rare... If you think about it, it's something that will help my gaze. Even so, in fact, even if the master undertook this task, not all Rs 2.5 million will be paid to the master. As an administrative fee to coordinate the appropriate level of alchemists, there is also, to some extent, a school-side portion. Still, the majority of them belong to alchemists... advanced alchemists don't look great! You can earn a few minutes of ordinary people's work if you put it to the extreme: one day! - I thought, if you ask me later, they're not actually that good of a job either. First of all, for most alchemists, there is little opportunity per se to be asked. Since school instructors can handle up to six volumes, there is no need to ask outside, and if it is more than that, it is the senior alchemist who will be required. Most alchemists will not be eligible at this point. Furthermore, in the case where a job has been contracted, if the owner has been asked to determine the veracity of the book he/she wrote back, such as when the owner has changed due to trading, etc., he/she has to respond. It's a price including the hassle around it. Since very few people buy up to ten volumes in the first place, the job itself does not occur. Is that it? Few people buy up to ten volumes? - No, no, master, you told me to buy it, didn't you? Believe that, you saved money, didn't you? And when they talked to me, I thought, of course, you didn't complain to your master because I immediately remembered that you had me doing the backwriting for free? "All right, I got it, Sarasa. Five million rare." "Yes, now..." Arrange the white gold coins of the tiger child on the counter of fifty pieces. This is almost all my property. Five years of hard work, my blood and sweat crystals. I know I need it. I know I need it!! "Yes, every time ~" An aunt who retrieves the white gold coins that I sent out inside, in a puffy tremor. It's a hell of a lot of money, but it doesn't look like I noticed it at all. The only thing I would buy in purchasing was cheap stuff, but I'm sure white gold coins are normally used just to handle alchemy tools as well. "But you did your best, Sarasa. Usually graduates can buy up to three volumes, right? If that's the case, it's still cheap." My aunt is right, I can ask the school lecturer to write backwards up to about three volumes, so I don't need the expensive backwards cost of 2.5 million rare etc. If you have a friendly instructor, you can negotiate a discount. So it is common for graduates who can afford some money to buy up to that point and go to training. If I can't get a part-time job at my master's shop, too, I think that's the choice I made. "Ha ha... that's all thanks to the master, right" With a bitter smile, I carefully fit all the alchemy in the backpack that my master gave me. Thinking that without this I would have had a hard time carrying around, I really can't get my head up on my master. Finished putting the whole thing in my backpack, I get up in the mood. "Whoa, whoa! and?!?" but it breaks the balance to a different weight than expected and the master manages to rebuild it. "Are you okay, Sarasa? Pretty heavy, huh? No, it's tear-free and light. That's my master. I don't have half the level of weight loss. But I can't help but purposefully promote that, so let's be vaguely deluded. "Oh, no...... it's okay. Thank you for your help, Auntie." "No, it's fine, Sarasa was trying, so hey. Come back when you get a chance." I lowered my head to my aunt, who smiled and waved at me, and I followed my purchasing with my master.
No matter how much I grew up with, I know how much girls ate. We were back at the store after paying the price of "Ozama" for about three times what we normally earned, including my share, and ordering beds, tables, bulletin boards, etc. from Mr. Geberg, who happened to be coming to dinner. You can't just make a futon in the store, so switch the bill in front of the store to "Call Mode” and move to my room. "Lorea, can I leave the cover of the futon to you? "Yes! It's the second time, so I think you can do a little better! "You were good enough last time, you'll be fine." The cotton shaping needs a little trick, so I'm in charge again this time. Curtains sew with Lorea as she teaches how to do it. Honestly, using an environmental conditioning cloth for curtains is a lot of waste, but dyeing again can be tricky, so let's get a little excited here.... can't sell anyway? Relax and get to work as we chat and tea along the way. The sun went down on the way to work when you heard in the cafeteria that I was returning, or even responding to the occasional gatherers. "Lorea, it's getting dark, okay? "Eh, what should I do, I'd like to finish it because of..." I'm more than half done working on it, but if I try a little harder, I'll be done. "Uh-huh, why don't you stay? I can only do enough to have dinner." "Is that good? Then I'll tell your father! Quick as I can tell, Lorea got up quickly and ran away. "... alas" After all, is it fun to stay at a friend's? I have no experience. I'm getting help today, and I need to feed you something delicious. But when I say what I can serve, only the fruits and cheeses I've bought from South Strag, etc. that I can eat as is. We don't even have a cooking stove yet! Only hot water is magically manageable, so I can only serve tea... Yeah. Is it good as usual? Wait for Lorea to come back, and I'll go to Mr. Dillall. Also add cheese, fruit and sweets to the dinner I bought there. Arrange that on the table. It's so clueless, but Lorea was so happy, there's nothing wrong with that! And the other thing Lorea was happy about was the bath. I haven't installed the smelter Artifact or anything yet, and it takes a little effort, so I only go in every few days, too, but I don't have a bath in a regular house, so it seemed unusual for Lorea. And then relax, sew while we chat. I didn't work so desperately, but before I went to bed, I finished both the futon and the curtains. But here's one problem. Due to this, the futon is finished, but you don't have a bed yet, only one. The unfortunate result that the futon you made for your stay is not available for your first stay. It was at first that I gave Lorea my bed and I thought I'd lay my futon directly in the empty room and go to bed, and Lorea said, "It's not like we're staying with each other!," so in the end, we were both supposed to go into bed together. Though how small, I thought it might be just narrow, but the bed Mr. Geberg gave me is the size that even a large male gatherer can sleep in. Surprisingly, you can handle it. Lorea also said the next morning, "It was so comfortable!" I admired it, so I guess it wasn't a problem. Even if the two of us sleep together, the temperature regulates it perfectly, so an environmental conditioning cloth, after all, is convenient. Even in the middle of summer, you can sleep with your partner! - I don't have it. ◇ ◇ ◇ A few days later, with beds and tables, a message board was delivered by Mr. Geberg. Always, it looks good to fit the atmosphere of the store. That bulletin board hung on the wall now has only one example cautionary flyer on it. I had a few fliers made in a size that I could stick to, so I'm still free space...... "Hello ~" As I looked at the bulletin board, Gachari and the door opened and a relatively regular Mr. Andre came in with a light greeting. "Welcome, Mr. Andre" "Whoa, that was helpful before. Gappoli made me earn it. This is an empty bottle of smelting medicine." Mr. Andre pokes his elbow at the counter and arranges an empty bottle of emptied smelter. It's all primary wound medicine. It only works for about a few cuts, but it's not something that does that for a major injury, so this medicine is the one that is most in demand. "No, that quality Anger Bear is hard to come by, so it helped me too. Because if it's badly dismantled, it's worthless. Is the smelter good for the same thing? "Oh. So. That smell is helping too. I couldn't easily use it until now, so I couldn't stop getting injuries." Until now, not too bad wounds have been basically healed naturally, and they used the smelting drug Potion only when it interfered with their behavior. But it doesn't have to be terrible. It hurts, and there can't be zero impact. Are you saying that such wounds are now properly healed every time and then acted upon thanks to the smelting drug Potion I offer? "If your collection is progressing, it will benefit me, too." "No, no, no, because there's nothing else you can do to serve me like this. - Hmm? What is this? He noticed the bulletin board quickly. All right, let's keep it modestly pushy. "Oh, I installed that today. Announcement?" "Hmm... alert? - That alchemist, was he like that? "I just wanted to be dealt with like that when I went. Did they lick you because they thought you were a little girl?" Look at the cautionary flyer I put on, Mr. Andre with a difficult face. The contents of the flyer only say the facts so that you can't put weird flies on them. Specifically, “once I brought the same material into the two stores, there was a tenfold difference in the buyout price”. Of course, it says exactly which is more expensive and which is the cheaper store. "And it's a tenfold hiccup. In our case, if they say," You're hurt, "you can't tell." "Exactly the same thing, they said." I left the store immediately because I am confident in my handling and can determine the quality, but in the case of collectors, I don't know if it is correct even after various points have been made, so the quality is poor. "You didn't understand Sarasa as an alchemist! Ha ha, you're kidding me. I don't even think I'm going to sell it because I have this store, but I'll remember that." Yeah, be sure to remember and spread the word around. Ha-ha-ha, what a broken bad alchemist's shop! No, but in fact, as a peer, the existence of such a person is annoying. When the alchemist's reputation is eroded, all comes to other alchemists, including me. "But in fact, Sarasa's here, and we gatherers are so helpful, right? Double what you earn! For that matter, there have been more competitors lately." "Uh, after all, the number of collectors, is increasing? As one who lives in the village, I think it's good to be lively..." "No, I think that's good, too, huh? But some of them are subtly amateurish." "It's... it's definitely a little bit, somewhere to feel" I also agree with Mr. Andre, who wraps his arms around him and twists his neck like he's having a little trouble. It's just called the Great Tree Sea or something, and it's actually pretty dangerous, this forest. At least to the extent that an amateur would put his life at risk if he thought, "Come in and make some money." People who come to my store, at first we were just veterans, but these days I've seen people who look a little amateur... well, it's my own fault to force them to die, too, as a gatherer, so if you don't bother others, you can't say anything. "For once, I care about him, because the young guy has a lot of bouncing..." "That's tough, and veterans" "We used to be like that, too. Sarasa, don't ask me when you can, because it's as good as you can." "Okay. There are no doctors in this village." It is also the role of the alchemist to be relied upon when the injured and sick leave. Mr. Andre is right, it will be “as far as I can” but I have to deal with it. I don't want to make a very cynical decision, so I hope you don't come at that opportunity, if you can. Even then Mr. Andre had some chatter and when he received only the smelting drug Potion for what he consumed, he went home. Looks like he was just here to refill for tomorrow. I would like you to buy expensive products or something anyway... you can't do that. Karan Karan. The doorbell rang as I poked my elbow at the counter and thought about it. Raise your face and call out as usual. "Welcome - say, Master!?" "Ooh. Sarasa. Looking good, huh? One hand up and answered with a flat look was undoubtedly my master, Ofelia Millis. "You look fine... what's wrong!?" "Oh? Is it weird to come and see how your apprentice is doing? "It's not weird...... no, it's weird after all! How far do you think we are from here!?" The master is one of the few master class alchemists, quite busy, to be clear. It depends on how much work the master feels, but there are tons of people who want to ask for it. Considering it's been a month since I got here, two months back and forth. It is impossible to close the store for such a period of time. "Right. It took me three days." "Right! It'll take time, won't it! - Three days? "Ah. Three days." "Why!? It took me a month to take over the carriage when I was coming! "I've been running." "No, it's faster to run or something...... no, it could be a master. But you don't have three days! "If you work out, you can handle it. Sarasa, aren't you training enough? "I don't care what they say like samurai... we're alchemists, right? "Well. But then use your head." "Oh, I get it. You used some special smelter, Artifact, or the smelter, Potion! "No, I didn't use it." "Hey." It's a weird thing to say, so I accidentally put a scratch in it. "But it's true you should work out quite a bit, right? If we don't get the alchemy material, we need to make sure we do it ourselves." "And the master? "Once upon a time. Exactly since I became a master class, I don't care." "Oh, there's a customer who brings materials, right?" There were quite a few customers who managed to get their masters to take on the job, gathering difficult materials and then coming to ask for them. Such opponents are often aristocratic, and masters took on relatively priority because of the less effort. If you don't like someone, it's still my master who says no. And it is the master class that allows it. Speaking of which, I never taught you how to fight. "Uh, yeah. I did some internships at school." That being said, it is not at a level that beats the beast in its heap more than practicing material collection, and maybe better than bandits who are not properly trained, etc. "It's not about internship. All right, I'm here because of you. I'll take it easy on you." "Yes? Normally, isn't that an alchemy trick? "If I get stuck, I'll think about it, but you're still gonna have no problem with that, right? "Yes, it is" I haven't experienced enough material so far to say I can't make it technically. As far as self-study is concerned, if you say so, that's it. "In that regard, martial arts is more efficient with teachers. Let's go." "Oh, hey, hey, Master, wait! It was outside the store that they took my hand out. There is plenty of free space between my shop and Mr. Elles' house next door, where there is plenty of room for some exercise. Fortunately, should I say, or unfortunately, should I say? I guess it would be appreciated if it were true...... "What was Sarasa using for her weapon? "Uh, it was a sword for once... oh, it was. I don't have a sword. I borrowed it from school during my internship. Oh, I'm sorry." I couldn't afford to buy my own sword. I don't use it outside of class, so I did it on loan from school. For once, I have a protective dagger to travel with, but I just really do. Fortunately, I haven't encountered anything to take advantage of. Oh, still, swordsmanship arm, that was the best thing in the school year, right? The reason, of course, is because there will be a bounty on the sword exam! Besides, it doesn't really affect alchemy grades, so I tend to get out of hand except for those who are looking for a bounty. In that situation, there's no way I'm not trying! The swordsmanship teacher also enthusiastically mentored me because it's something I show motivation in a lot of people who don't do it seriously. But the purpose is a bounty, so I don't like swordsmanship. "What, you don't even have a decent weapon? I have no choice." "Right. So for today..." "I'll do this. It's not a big deal, but it's pretty good for you." Before I say, "Let's stop," the master throws a slallish sword out of his lumbar bag at me with a pong. "Wow! If I rushed to take it and pulled it out gently, what showed up was so full of myself that my face reflected beautifully. My master gives it to me, so there's no such thing as ornamental use. "Is that good? Sounds pretty expensive though." "It doesn't matter. Just sturdy is a handle, not a big sword." It's not a “big sword," because it's what the master says. At least it looks expensive just because it looks... I won't hesitate. "Then set it up. I'll look at your arms." "Uh, are you going to use this sword? Another one the master took out is a training sword no matter how the blade was crushed, but what I have is obviously serious. I don't care what you think, it's not what you use for training. "Oh, you think it's gonna hit me? "Gu......" I'm stuck in words to a master who laughs and says things like that. I'm sure it won't hit you. But you're scared, aren't you? He said if I hurt him. "Ma, don't worry. Even if you are dying, you will always have the potion, a perfectly revivable smelter if you live. So don't worry about Sarasa getting hurt." "I hate to hurt! What is it! I was a little annoyed by my flirtatious, waving master, and I tried to punch him into an unexpected feeling, but the attack was taken lightly to say after all, or what to say. Easily stopped and recirculated, even when adding more serial strikes, as if you were hitting even soft objects. "Hmm. Sarasa, you, you're better than I thought? Are you sure it's just class? "Light! Stop, while you can! Even if they say so! It's not convincing! Even though he uses it to strengthen his body to make attacks at considerable speeds, his master barely moves his legs, and he takes all of them. "Hmmm, if this is all you have in class, Sarasa might have some qualities..." My master normally speaks, but in the meantime, I'm desperate to attack, yeah. Honestly, don't be ridiculous, I want to say. Are you playing the best swordsmanship in school? You worked hard, didn't you? "No, this is going to be worth working out! Happily, Master who plays Cancún and my sword. I can't afford to talk anymore. Take a great distance and exhale. "Master, are you really an alchemist? "Aren't you pretty good, too? You're better than a bad soldier, huh? Right. Actually, secretly, I was a little confident. As much as I'm going to travel solo to such a country with one dagger. Such confidence has now been broken, though. By the way, despite all that intense meeting, the glow of the sword has not lost a trace of dust, and I don't even see a blade spill. True, it is a "sturdy sword”. "... Master, do you still want to continue? "What are you saying? Didn't I just check your arm a little bit yet? No decent instruction has even begun. We're about to, aren't we? "Are you serious..." I lay down my sword, feeling an unspeakable object, to a master with a happy grin. "In half a day, we can achieve some results. Don't worry." What do you want me to feel safe about? But the other guy is definitely taking care of his master, Hiji-kun, and if he tells me to do it, I have to do it. Let's start with the sword waving and ripen as they say plain training. And customers don't come only at times like this. No, he seems to be coming precisely, but he looks at me and my master from a distance and turns back on the way to say that I'm sorry to disturb him. Guys, don't be shy, okay? Because customers are not in the way! Really! - The cry of my heart did not seem to reach at all, and the training of me and my master continued until the sun went down and it became difficult to see the sword.
"Well, you made a good deal with each other. - Sarasa, are you staying today? Mr. Leonora offered me such a suggestion after the exchange of money and materials was over and it was time to take a seat. But I shake my head and solidify it. "No, I'm leaving today. Because my goal this time is a day trip! Time is still before noon. I can go home now! That's how I gripped my fist, and I got a gaze from Mr. Leonora. "A day trip... no, that's not impossible, considering the time you came to us. You left the village this morning, didn't you? "Yes, I've run this time without rest" "You militants. Besides, he's got a good sword on his back." Even though it's a very ordinary sword. When I pull out the sword from each sheath, I place it on the counter. "Pfft, do you want to see? Want to take a look? "What? You seem very happy." "My master gave me this" "Really!? Let me see!... Wow, I don't have any decorations, but I can feel the flavor." Mr. Leonora, who immediately took the sword and pulled it out, looked at himself and raised his admiration. With all that, it's a cloudless sword. "The sharpness is amazing, too. Hell Flame Grizzly's neck, because I could drop it in one blow. That's just what the master class made, isn't it? "- No, that's not it" "Is that it?" My master was amazing, when I said, clams were denied. "Because if I were you, I wouldn't be able to have this sword. Ordinary alchemists because they don't take their swords to Hell Flame Grizzlies in the first place" "Oh, a lot of you are good at magic, say you're an alchemist. Some people can only use their swords to a certain extent." That's why I got the bounty all I wanted. "That's not the level...... come on. Sarasa." "... kind of subtly derogatory? "I'm praising you, I'm praising you. - In a way. Better yet, lunch, right? I'll give you the luxury of showing you my sword." I nod as I gently give the sword offered to my hips. "Mm-hmm, that's a curious way of saying it, but I'm willing to spare you the luxury of not caring" "Yes, yes. I don't care, I don't care. - Hey, hey! I'll be out for lunch, store number please! "Yes." I made sure I heard a reply from the back of the store, and Mr. Leonora pushed my back and left the store. ◇ ◇ ◇ The store Mr. Leonora took me into was honestly a luxury store. Simply put, the single-digit price is different from Mr. Dilal's. If I were alone, I wouldn't pick a store first. But this time, luxury. I mean, me, the strongest. I won't hesitate. Me, because I'm a girl from a system who doesn't have eyes for a good deal. But the real strongest is looking at me smiling, Mr. Leonora, who doesn't hesitate. That's right, you're not a veteran alchemist! My God, even if I had some money, I could hardly spend it on my own thing! "Sarasa, are you hungry? "Yes! It's a very delicious store, here" I really didn't hesitate, I ate full without thinking about the price, but Mr. Leonora's smile doesn't change. "I'm a favorite, too. I know Sarasa's having a rough time right now, but she's gonna be able to afford it in a while, so she's gonna be able to use all these stores without worrying about it, right? "Uh, but me, when I can afford it, I'm gonna donate some more to the orphanage." Even though the orphanage is tough, eating good food just for yourself is a bit...... "Is Sarasa from an orphanage? But you should make it as much as you want, right? Or talk to the director of the orphanage and think about the amount" "'Cause if a high-level alchemist really donates, don't you think the orphanage would be so comfortable? What about the kids you grew up with? "Oh... that's the way you think" Master, for example. Assuming I donated even % of my master's income, I think surely the orphanage I was in could have had a more luxurious life than the majority of the world's children. Well then, in such an environment, if I say I studied desperately...... I probably can't. I could work hard because I had a strong desire to get out of this environment, but if I had lived comfortably...... And what happens when a child who grew up in such an environment gets out of an orphanage? So all of a sudden the level of life is going to drop... and I'm sure it's not going to be very good. "I'm from an orphanage, too, but when it comes to my daily life, I give them money to fix buildings and stuff like that." "I see, you'll learn" It's not that you simply give me the money and I'll pay you back. I know the dean would use it well... but when my income increases, I'll talk to him once. "Yeah. Why don't you talk to your master about that? I think you have more experience in life than I do in the master class." "Thanks for the advice" "No. Because we're still ahead of schedule. If you have any problems, talk to me about anything? "Yes, it's your neighborhood, and I think you may want to consult with me..." "Yeah, anytime." "It helps. So, me, you go. Because I want to go home by sundown. Thank you for today! Leonora waves with a slight bitter smile to me leaving the store and thanking me again. "It's unusual to be able to get home now... I know it's useless to just say, but be careful on the road" "Yes. See you later! I broke up with Mr. Leonora and started running right out of town to get back to the village...... "Up...... I ate a little too much." As soon as he runs out, he will suffer from a heavy stomach. I have no idea how expensive it is, but I forgot to run home right after and ate it. But I can't help it! Because it's impoverishment! Impossible choice not to eat as much as you can because you are told to be extravagant. As a result, my legs slowed down and I reached the village almost entirely when the sun went down. I just came out a little late to say I apologize to Lorea and the others who were waiting worried, had dinner with me, and went to bed immediately that day. The next day, when I came back to tell Mr. Geberg that I had placed a proper order, Mr. Andre had just visited the store. "Whoa, Sarasa, I've got it all together. Give me your glove order." "Already? Uh... that? It's a lot..." I wonder if all the collectors in this village are worth this amount right now? "Oh. When I tell you about the convenience of that glove and the ice-tooth bat, start telling me that nobody wants him either." They took into account the dangers of breaking ice tooth bat fangs and the convenience of the gloves, plus the buying price of ice tooth bat fangs, and decided that almost everyone could get enough of the original even if they ordered flexible gloves. "... well, there's nothing to lose, but I didn't know this was the only order I could collect without even looking at the real thing... Mr. Andre's confidence, is it? "I'm a veteran and I have a little face, too, but one way or the other. Hey, you must have faith in Sarasa." "Me...? Did you do something? I just asked Mr. Andre for a summary. "If that strong Sarasa uses it, if Sarasa makes it, Sarasa will buy it out properly. I'm trusted." The toughness of flexible gloves is my tattoo. And the fact that you risk losing your fingers because you fail is also my inkling. I also buy out the ice tooth bat fangs I collected at a decent and fair price. In that situation, there is no reason not to buy flexible gloves. "That's... thank you, isn't it? If the alchemist is also abandoned by the collector, he will no longer be able to stand." Alchemy consists of buying materials collected by collectors. In other words, if the gatherer turns that way and you don't sell it to me, it's going to be hard to do it as an alchemist. Of course, there are ways to go collect them all in front of yourself and cover them with purchases from peers... but as a revenue it still gets tough, doesn't it? "But if this is all you can sell... well, let's make it 3500 rare for a pair of 3800 rare places, spare Andre for collecting a lot of orders" "Oh, is that good? Nothing. I think it's worth it enough for the original price." "I don't mind, but I still manage to make a profit" Because I myself went all the way to South Strag to buy some material. If this was an order and a pickup, I can't do it a little bit. It turns red. "Then will you be sweet to the word" "Yes. Sweet, please. Because I would also make more money if collectors were to be safer and bring in a lot of material" "Ha-ha-ha! Damn, we have to work hard! To my words, which I said with a smile of nickel, Mr. Andre also laughed with a wide open mouth.
"Chi, because you're not, are you? I'm not going to be violent that easily, am I? It's a basic discussion, isn't it? - Except for a bandit or something. Bandits must not die, and there is no mercy. "Um, even if I know. Killing an aristocratic private soldier is a bad idea! "Wow, even I can do better than that! - Chi, no! I won't get my hands on it or anything easily! "The other day, I thought a broken door was knocked out of the store." "Oh, that's because I heard Lorea screaming..." You can't help getting your hands up on a girl or getting beat up, can you? You deserve it, don't you? It's a no-can, right? "I mean, that doesn't mean if you get your hands on Lorea, she'll be pretty. Even if it doesn't work, it might fail. Look, lava lizards and stuff." "Ugh!" My neck fell off... The sword cut was better than I expected, huh? I mean, bare hands don't worry about that either... No, you can't bare hands! Two disobediences! "They fled on my wheel! "... for now, thank you, I'll tell you. - Although the engagement was my first ear. We used to talk about that, but you don't remember agreeing to it, do you? While thanking Iris on Doya's face, if you add a tickle and sarcasm, Iris and Kate look at each other and lower their brow butts like a little trouble. "I'm sorry. But in addition to the debt shoulder, they would have helped us where we were in distress the other day, wouldn't they? Until it takes a lot of work and money." "Yet we haven't been able to return anything. So his wife also said, 'It's still not enough to iron Iris and offer him. The only other thing I can give you is the housekeeper.'" No, that's not a good thing to give, is it? Isn't that the most important thing to the nobility? - I'm not even talking about Mr. Iris making it easier. "As far as I'm concerned, the presence of Mr. Iris is quite helpful." Ask them to collect the materials they need, or help them when they need manpower. Even in terms of crime prevention, I believe that having collectors, Iris and Kate, has a better impact than just the two of me who have just grown up with underage Lorea. In fact, I can fight too, and it may not be much different in terms of the level of danger if attacked because of the stamps on the crime prevention, but the large number of people makes the opponent wary, and it's so much better not to be in that situation. "I appreciate you saying that, but I need to thank you in a clear and objective way." "Because even the weak aristocrats have trouble being seen as ungrateful" "That's... I kind of get it..." If you are seen as not giving back, you will not be able to get help even at times, and it will be very difficult to live in an aristocratic society where reputation is important. But whatever it takes, the housekeeper is too heavy. Maybe that's all you owe me... but honestly, I'm a little in trouble. "Ugh..." Lorea just exhaled as impressed, against me confused as to what was going on. "Huh, Mr. Sarasa, are you going to be a nobleman? Awesome, isn't it? "Awesome, isn't it? Because there aren't many more aristocrats in this country" Some countries can buy aristocratic status as long as they have money, but in this Laprosian kingdom they cannot even join the aristocracy's last seat without extra merit. That's why even if I wanted to put up a martial arts medal in the war, I don't have the opportunity to do so because high is known, such as a martial arts medal that civilians can put up, and this country hasn't had a war in a while. For once, as a way out, there are ways to son-in-law, dowry and essentially buy a title to a nobleman whose neck has stopped spinning because of debt, as the Rotze family was set up, but this does not increase the total number of nobles. But from the country, this is also natural. Even though there isn't more territory, it's cheaply reciting, it just increases the burden on the treasury. Once you make it aristocratic, you can't drop it so easily on civilians, so there's no way you can do that, such as increase aristocracy so easily when you think about the future. "But nobility isn't just easy, is it? I have responsibilities and work to do." Not if you are a decent nobleman. If you do poorly, like the Rotze family, it can even happen to carry a lot of debt for the people. Of course, there are benefits to gaining a different degree of trust from the civilian population, namely social status. "If there's a generation of lords who can't inherit, it's possible." "It's really just honor, some titles don't even get a pension, so how much is it worth... it's a little subtle though" "Well, thinking about it, what about Mr. Iris' Rotze family, actually? "No, it still doesn't make any difference that we're a junior nobleman." "But you can inherit, right? That's where Mr. Sarasa gets involved... as a Rozze family, is that good? "I trust the character of the manager. Exactly. It would be difficult for the Store Manager to marry someone else and that child would inherit the Rozze family, but if it was a child with me, it would be fine. If marriage or working as a lord annoys you, just form it. That's what you get." "No, it's not (...) Ke (...) So! Because the tea-down hurdle is expensive!!" In many ways, it's a paradigm shift, isn't it? Unlike Mr. Iris, who, as a nobleman, was also thinking of marrying against his will, I thought, like your father and mother, that one day I would meet a nice man and be attracted to each other and marry him. Well, in this year, I also understand that that's hard and that there are many marriages where the loss comes first. Love is dessert. Even if it's just love without staple food, it's just drowning and dying. "If you really can't, Mr. Store Manager, there are ways to adopt a child born of Wisteria or Cattleya, so feel free to think about it, okay? "Even if they say it's easy... uh, it was Mr. Iris's sister, wasn't it? "Uhm! They're both pretty cute! When you come to us, make sure you let me introduce you! I'm sure you'll get along with the manager." I've never seen you before, but to Wisteria, who is still ten years old but active resembling Mr. Iris, a ladylike Caterea under those two. Master Adelbert's immediate line has those two, so even if he can't have a child between Mr. Iris and me, he doesn't have a problem as a Rotze family lineage. However, if I marry Mr. Iris just in form, I find it harder to marry a man! status as a nobleman and a normal marriage. If you hang on the scale, as a merchant I lean on the former, and as a girl I lean on the latter. Mmmm...... shaking. "... I get it. I'll swallow it for now." It would be undesirable to strongly disagree if we also consider the face of the Rozze family, which requires gratitude in a visible way, and we are not talking about how to do this now. Things will change if debt repayment proceeds, and for one thing, it's good to shelf it, right? I myself, for a while, am going to focus on my work as an alchemist, because at the moment there is no one who likes me. "That's it, and what was that one earlier? The Marquis Films, was it? "Oh, that? The current head of the Marquis Films family is married to a woman." ""... Huh? Even if I know it as knowledge, I'm not familiar with aristocratic society, and I don't know anyone like that. So me and Lorea all turned a blind eye to the fact that there are aristocrats who are actually same-sex marriages, and that is in the high status of Marquis.
"With that said, Lord Store Manager, what about Kate and Lorea's magic? I haven't heard it's ready to use." I laugh unexpectedly at Mr. Iris for asking me that one day at the breakfast table, as I recall. "There will be no immediate results like that. When it's easy to use, there will be more wizards in the world." "Hmm. Something like that." Kate and Lorea also laugh bitterly at Iris, who snorts. "Right. For once, I have a response... Hey, Lorea? "Yes, it feels like it's gone." "It's hard at first, magic. You two have a nice environment, so I'm sure we're almost there." The first step in using magic is to feel magic. You need to recognize things that are invisible, so in a way, this is the biggest difficulty you have. But we are flooded with smelter artifacts, and this house is in a state of constant magic flowed by engraving. Not only does Kate live with you, but Lorea also deals with magic on a daily basis. Probably will clear this up soon. "When you can feel the magic, it'll be a while before you can actually use it, because the next step is to manipulate the magic, and activate it and move on." "I see. Is it still too far before Kate can use magic in battle" "No, Iris? I'm not learning attack magic, am I? Attack magic is hard - of, isn't it? Store manager." "Whether it's difficult or not, there are many ways to think about it, but there's no doubt that qualities affect it" For alchemists, magic manipulation is important, but when using attack magic, all you need is the amount of magic. With regard to the total amount of magic and the amount of magic that can be used at a time, the quality affects a large part of the magic manipulation skill that can be improved in training. Of course, if you are good at magic manipulation, you can also carry out effective attacks with small magic, but there is no doubt that more magic is more advantageous. Conversely, as long as the amount of magic is high, even if the technology is somewhat inferior, it can be managed by force pushing, so many people choose wizards rather than alchemists can be out of the picture. "But I don't think there's a problem with you two. I think you have a lot of magic, so it's up to you to practice later. It's up to me to learn the magic of attack." "That's what bothers you, isn't it? It would seem useful if it could be used..." Lorea shakes her head without hesitation against Kate, who shows how she strays from her position as a gatherer. "I'm going to start by firmly remembering the magic of plowing fields. I don't think there's much chance of using attack magic, because I'm not as clever as I can do a lot of things." "Yeah, that would be better.... I think Lorea is clever enough." The food is good, and the alchemist's shop number is ripe for a lot of troublesome work. If Lorea is not clever, I wonder who is clever... Karan, Karan. Talking about that, the storekeeper rang the ringing bell. Lorea gives me the store number, and lately we look at each other and put our necks around the sound that we haven't heard much of lately. "That's unusual. I can't believe people came before the store opened." "Right? New guy, huh? Since the time for opening and closing the store is fixed, not only the villagers, but also the gatherers, do not come to the store outside of business hours. If you're a new collector, you can think that you don't know your opening hours, but even though they're closed, you can't dare call them by pressing the call bell. "Lord Store Manager, maybe an emergency or something, isn't that what this is about? "Ah! That's possible! Alchemists may also be asked to act as doctors. When I remembered that, I rushed up from the chair, but Mr. Kate shook her head to deny it. "Isn't that different? If you're in a hurry, you'll panic more, and you'll call Sarasa by her name. I can't believe you don't know my name because I'm not in this village." "So is that. ... can you tell if you go too? Lord Store Manager, let's go too." "Well, so am I." There may be something I can do to help you. Even if it's not an emergency, it's definitely what they're calling it. When I headed to the store, everyone followed me around the back. It would be more helpful to have manpower if you were in a hurry, but if you were just a customer... go ahead. Karan, Karan. "Yes, yes" To the ringing call to urge, I fasten my legs and open the door. "Who...? Standing there were men as sinister as slightly past the grandeur and a young black elf woman with a glossy feel. I'm not from the village, and I don't look a bit like a gatherer. Rarely do merchants come, but they don't even look that way... No, really. Which one? As I looked up at the man in wonder, the man pulled a step and opened his mouth with a gentle rendition. "Excuse me. Are we sure this is Lord Sarasa's shop? "Sarasa is me, though? "If you...? They both look at me with a little surprise and take me seriously. "Yes, but..." You didn't expect anyone to visit, did you? That's when I thought, Mr. Iris, who had caught up to me, looked out the door and raised his voice. "Father!?" "Mom!" ""... Yes? Unexpected words are hammered by the words of me and Lorea. Uh, your father and your mother? No, to be precise, a man is Mr. Iris' father, and a woman is Kate's mother. Couple, it's not, is it? I've never heard of the two of them being sisters, and Mr. Iris' appearance doesn't look half as good. I mean, Mr. Kate's mother, young! That's the elf.I don't care what you think, you just look like sisters. "Oh, Iris, Kate. Was I right here?" "Why are you here, Fathers? Mr. Iris and his men were somewhat puzzled by the response to the relief. I guess they hadn't heard about the visit either. Mr. Iris would have inadvertently forgotten to tell you, for God's sake, but Mr. Kate would have told me properly. "Of course, it's up to you because you have business to do" "That would be...... Uh, Store Manager, I'm sorry, but can I get your fathers inside? I haven't asked where Mr. Iris' home is, but you two have probably visited from afar. I nodded naturally because Mr. Iris also thought it would not end in stand-up, and he looked at me and asked me so sorry. "Ah, yes. Never noticed. It's narrow, though." "Never mind." "Sorry to disturb you." Invite the two of you into the back of the house. Since there is no such thing as a reception room in this house, it is the kitchen and dining room that can guide you. This is where we had breakfast earlier. I kind of feel like more customers have come in lately, so maybe we should seriously consider adding more reception. Iris and the others are now living together, and we have a new table and chair for six, so even if two guests come, we can sit down for once... "Mm-hmm. Am I interrupting you at meals? I'm sorry." I have a little trouble at times like this. "No, because I was just finishing eating" This is true because I was just taking a break from eating for tea after dinner. Clean up the top of the table quickly and recommend a seat for both of you. "I'm sorry I don't have a decent room either... please, call me" "No, no, this is the one I suddenly pushed. Never mind." "Yes, I'm sorry about this one" Lorea serves tea to the two of you, who sit back a little frightened, without one. And Lorea, in a gentle token, whispered to me, 'Prepare to open the store, I'll keep it,' and left the room. Mr. Iris' father opened his mouth, making sure the three of us who remained were seated in the chair. "Let me greet you again. Non is Adelbert Rotze. That's Iris's father there." "I'm Katerina Starven. I'm Kate's mother, and I serve the Rotze family." Dear Adelbert, a slightly reluctant uncle who grew a moustache. It looked old from the atmosphere, but if you look closely, it's not like that, maybe around forty? Katerina's just looks like Kate's sister at first glance, but there's an elf. Considering the information about the mother, at least is over, right? It doesn't look that way at all, because I've certainly heard Mr. Kate say 21. By the way, unlike Kate, who is difficult to judge without being told, the pure elf-like Katerina has its characteristics firmly in her ears and skin color. "Ah, yes. I'm Sarasa the Alchemist. I'm the manager of this store." "I hear Lord Sarasa has daughters to take care of. Thank you." "Thank you" "Yes, no, not much..." I also lowered my head in a panic to the two of them who correct their posture and meet lightly. I mean, Mr. Iris, you were a nobleman. I didn't think so. Turning her gaze to Chirali and Iris, she moves her hand, as if in a bit of a hurry. "Oh, no, I wasn't hiding it, was I? Yeah, I don't really want you to get up to it, you know! "No, I didn't say anything? I'm noble in the first place. Once upon a time, I didn't have to know, because when I worked in my master's shop, I would frequently see something called "nobility” that my master kicked me in the ass and kicked me out of the store. Really, you don't know anything scary about a master. That's right, the master class is not Dada. "In the first place, you say nobility, but you're a wooden nobleman, Lord Knight, who just has two small villages! Give it to me, yeah! Maybe you're panicking to me for saying nothing more, but the way you say it is terrible! Maybe it's true, but Master Adelbert's on the tannic side, too. "Hey, Iris? I don't deny it either, but a little more..." "Ah. Father, this is never, in a bad way! I don't want the manager to care too much..." Now we begin our excuses against Master Adelbert, Mr. Iris. I don't think it's a bad idea to call me a wooden end, but Master Adelbert smiled bitterly and shook his head gently. "Oh, I know. No problem if you don't say it in public. There are other nobles in front of us." That's right. Even if I am humbled to say so, the nobility of the other knights is equal to calling the wooden nobility. Did Mr. Iris notice that too, as Mr. Iris shun, round his back? "Shh, excuse me. I'll be careful." "Mm-hmm. Do that." Kate, who had a bitter look at Mr. Iris like that, changes his expression and turns to Master Adelbert. "So, Master Adelbert, what the hell is this time? I didn't hear you could come...? "Oh, that's..." In response to Kate's inquiry, Lady Adelbert seemed a little hard to say, and when she looked at Katerina sitting next to her, she exhaled gently and opened her teasing mouth. "Iris. I'm here to bring you back today"
"It's time to get to the second place...... this is a hit, isn't it? You can tell from here." The cave I saw at the end of my gaze. To the magic flowing out of it, I looked back and nodded at Mr. Iris and the others. The third cave is a little far away, so I might have been a little lucky to pull the hit here. "Really? Though refreshing to me. You know what, Kate? Kate shook her neck vertically, vaguely, against Iris, who twisted her neck surprisingly. "Just a little...? Does this have to do with practicing magic? "Right. I think Kate has a sharper sense of magic than before." That's what's important in using magic, so why don't you tell me that Mr. Kate's training is going well? At this rate, I think maybe with a little more, we'll be able to use magic. From there to practical magic, there are a few more walls to cross, but that's as far as I can handle with my efforts. Quality says things, slightly different from 'magical activation'. "If you two are going to say it, I guess there's no mistake. So we're finally going to confront Salamander." The look on Mr. Iris's face to say so is slightly stronger, and if you look closely at his gripped hand, he is slightly trembling. Kate, too, although not as much as Iris, has quite a bit of the tension she is causing to drift. Honestly, that tension is going to contagious to me too, so I just want you to relax a little bit more if you can. The better the tension you need, but the more nervous you get, the harder the movement becomes. "Are you scared, Mr. Iris? "Oh. Quite, if I'm honest. Challenge enemies you can't beat at all. It's the first time I've fought like this." "No, don't fight!? Just buy time and cover. If Mr. Iris tries a melee from the front, he's totally incompetent with that gear, right? I shook my head in a panic to Mr. Iris, who answered with his hands on his hip sword. This coat has a level of heat protection that means it's okay to use lava if it's slight, but if you can withstand the attack of the salamander, that's never the case. You'll be able to withstand the braces a few times, but in terms of simple defense, to the extent that it's 'somewhat better than a sturdy leather coat'. This leather draws more heat resistance than the strength of a lava lizard, so there is no strength to play the sword when the lava lizard is alive. If we gang each other in melee and eat salamander attacks, we'll be able to break them light, and then the surroundings will be pretty hot. At once your health is lost, and if you eat a brace in that state, there you go. In the first place, with Mr. Iris's weapon, the weapon he attacked breaks more, so it makes no sense at all. If I'm wrong, I don't want you to pull that sword out of your hand. "I know that..." I don't feel comfortable knowing. I smile and stretch my chest to Mr. Iris, who took his hand off the sword in that manner. "It's okay. There can be no struggle." "Mm, really? I don't think the manager said he was very good at offensive magic...? "It's true you're not good at it, but it's not like you can't use it, is it? Master says, in my case, 'the magic you hold is too great'. Normally, something called magic gradually grows according to magic training. If you have the right training, with it you will also grow the control of magic, and you will have trouble without your own magic being able to control you, I can't believe it. But in my case, they had too much magic to begin with. That in itself is a very advantageous thing to do as an alchemist, but in terms of the treatment of magic, this advantage turns into a disadvantage. Even though control does grow, magic grows together, so I can't fully control it for long. To put it, it's like pouring wine directly from a giant wine barrel into a small glass. It's hard to just lift a wine barrel, and it's hard to move it delicately and pour it out so it doesn't spill. Even if you work hard to gain muscle strength, there's nothing you can do if you grow to the barrel in proportion to your muscle strength. Compared to pouring from a wine bottle, the difference in difficulty will be clear. "So I, too, at the beginning of my apprenticeship to my master, was quite a failure and a nuisance, wasn't it?" "Heh, the manager? My image is that the manager doesn't fail." I shake my head and laugh bitterly at Kate for saying it unexpectedly. "Well, for once, you're admitted to serving, now. That's why I'm properly qualified. I only met you two after that." Before and after qualification. There's no way that that success rate is the same, and there's no way that an alchemist who owns a bent shop can show that he's so unsuccessful. Regardless of the "potion", which is a familiar smelting drug, this is still the first thing to try, and it can fail. Just don't you dare. "Well, thanks to this smelter Artifact I got from my master, it's a lot easier" That being said, what I showed the Iris and the others is the necklace that I'm always wearing from my neck. At first glance, it only looks like a normal necklace. That's what Mr. Iris, approaching, looked at strangely seriously. "Lord Store Manager, what's this? "This is my magic artifact, the smelter that suppresses the upper output limit. In an earlier example, did you just say something that closes the lid securely and creates a better pour so that it doesn't flood with doba from the wine barrel?" Exactly. If it's a normal task, I can handle it without this, but it's not the same without it after all. Let's use some magic, the situation is still good. But when it comes to situations that require a lot of magic, it's hard. The adjustment is that while giving out a lot of magic, don't let it go too far. And in the case of attack magic or magic that uses massive amounts of magic, this becomes very important. Ordinary people seem to just have to do what they want, so I'm a little jealous of that. "Does that mean that when the manager removes the smelter Artifact, he can use powerful magic? "You could say that. Because of the control problem, I can't do it except use it to the best of my ability." "Is that what you're not good at? "Right. When it comes to magic on more than a certain scale, you can't use it if you're wearing this smelter Artifact, and if you remove it, you'll feel half rampant... Well, it aggregates to the word lack of practice" But if you want me to make an excuse, I'm an alchemist. Unlike wizards who belong to the military, doccan, boccan, it's not my job to do it. What an alchemist needs is stability and ability to manipulate magic. There is no need for instantaneous high output, and at least at the level I am involved in, I have not had trouble wearing the smelter "artifact" and not enough output. And there's usually no chance of practicing magic that can't be used with capped magic in that state. Clearly, because it's too powerful and the neighborhood is too annoying. I can't even rent an army training ground. "Well, when you say runoff, you just run out of magic, so don't worry about it." "That's what the manager said," I can't move. " "Yes. That's why, stretch or go against it. Can you succeed and take it down lightly, or will you fail and run back? Either that. There is no redo. Rest assured." "Is that safe and sound...? "Isn't it a reassuring point that if you work a little harder, you might be able to defeat them, or you don't have to fight them while you think about it? At a time when you can't defeat them by magic, you can make a decision to hit the run. You don't have to hesitate as long as the attack doesn't work halfway, do you? "At that time, I need you to hold me and get away with it... Exactly, I don't think there's anything intact about eating my magic, and I think I can get away with it without any problems. If it's dangerous, can you leave me? Leave me alone with powerful magic and go after Mr. Iris, there will be no such thing. Even I can't move, I think it's useful enough as a decoy. "In that situation, can we leave the Store Manager! It's like involving the manager in our situation. Whatever happens, the manager returns safely. Don't worry there." "In that case, I'll do the stopping. It would be more physically appropriate for Iris to carry the manager." "Ahhh, no, I don't think that's pretty much the case, so you don't have to decide to be ready for that..." I feel sorry for the words I said half-jokingly, the words of Mr. Iris that are stronger and more serious than I thought, and the look on Kate's face that makes me even feel slightly sadder. "If it's dangerous, if you sprinkle all the ice stones you keep, you can hold back, so please do that then, right? For those of you Iris who do not have the means to attack, this time I have prepared two things: "Ice Stone” and “Ice Arrow”. Disposable attack smelters (artifacts) that can be made from ice tooth bat fangs, etc. This is also what Mr. Leonora sent me. Basically, it's for towing, but I've seen quite a bit of room and I've prepared it, so if my calculations aren't wrong, even when I'm supposed to run back, there must still be quite a few left. In addition to that, Mr. Leonora gave me something. You won't have to worry. "Ice Stone... one of these stones, over ,00 rare, right? "Yes, the store sells for 3500, and Kate has 4,000 ice arrows." "That's so..." Kate sighs when she sees the arrow packed in the arrow barrel she carries and the leather bag that Mr. Iris was in charge of. "That's a very luxurious weapon." "Well, you don't use regular gatherers. If you don't do well, you're in a deficit." I don't care what you think about fighting while consuming this stuff. It's not normal. If I'm not in this situation either, 'I'm still short on strength', and I'm somewhere to refrain from fighting. But even if I push it, I want to do something about it. That's all there is to it.
I decided to fix the kitchen first, but I actually had something to take precedence over. Hell Flame Grizzly, which caused this disturbance. Before I fell, I managed to perform the downward processing on all kinds of materials, but I couldn't move anymore, so I left them after that. Naturally, it hasn't been exchanged for money. Yes, money. Andre and the others who stayed, even though it was dangerous. Collectors and villagers who had their houses destroyed. If you don't distribute it properly and quickly to those people, I'm sorry. So I came to talk to the village chief about how we should distribute it... "- What? You don't need it, do you? "Bye. At least, with regard to the material Sarasa recovered, you can do whatever you want. Yep." It was an unexpected word the village chief told me. "Sarasa killed a lot of them, didn't she? No one complains. Instead, I let you handle the rest here..." "Oh, no, of course, I don't mind..." What was left was not used as alchemy material or so worthless. Specifically, meat, skin, etc. Depending on how I did it, there were parts that I could use, because I couldn't afford that much. "Right. Well, that's why. If you sell them, you'll get paid enough." "I see..." After all, how many did you have? More than , right? If we sell those meats and skins...... yeah, it could certainly be a pretty good price? But can you do it? Mr. D'Arna has to go for sale, says it's this village. "Um, are you okay? Don't you have a problem selling to? Whatever it is, I'll take it somewhat." "Mm... I don't think so. The meat is now salted by the villagers, but Darna doesn't have many handouts..." Mr. D'Arna's business partners are vendors who purchase groceries for sale in the village and vendors who sell agricultural products made in the village. Regardless of the meat, which is food, the skin, to be honest, seems to have trouble handling it. "Then I'll take on the skin. Especially for collectors, you'd need cash to pay right away, wouldn't you? "Is that good? "Yeah, I can process it." Normally, the skin needs to be tanned and processed into leather, but with alchemy it is the same as tanning - no, it can be in better condition than it is normally tanned. If you multiply the cost slightly, it can also have a special effect, so even if you pay more to buy it, you can get enough of it. "Well, I'm sorry, but it's nice to meet you. I'll let you take it later, so if you're paying for it, look at it and pay what Sarasa thinks is reasonable." "Understood." ◇ ◇ ◇ Having left the village chief's house, I was going a little farther and looking around the village to see what was going on in the village. I didn't see it because it collapsed almost at the same time as the raid ended then... Yeah, thanks to the hard work of Mr. Andre and the others, the house where the villagers lived seemed fine. There is considerable damage to the rental property for the gatherers, but that is the joint ownership of the village. You will fix it with village funds, and you will not have any immediate problems even if it is broken. Quite a few collectors left, so no one's staying here right now. To receive the Hell Flame Grizzly, the fence made by piercing work had already been removed and the material used to form a little fence on the boundary between the forest and the village. Maybe you had a little bit of a crisis about this one? It's not often.... maybe. Neither am I familiar with the woods here, and I can assure you. After checking on the village, go to your home. But in the meantime, the villagers called me more than I could imagine. "Thank you, Sarasa." "No, it's the result of what we've all worked so hard for" "Sarasa, thanks to you, our guy was safe! Look, take this! "Oh, thank you" "It's amazing, what an alchemist. Oh, that's all I miss. Eat this too." "Ha, ha. Thanks......" Say more than you can imagine or say everything you meet. When you see me walking, the more the villagers say it's bound to come and say hello. Plus, it makes a lot of difference. The crop you're making. Thanks to my hard work, too? ... Yeah, it's good to be accepted by the village, let's think so. But this crop that's been both hands full by the time I get home... what do we do? "Welcome back - what's going on, that? "All right, Lorea, I got it! I couldn't even open the door, and I was stuck in front of my home. I asked Lorea, who came conveniently at that time, to explain why and to manage the items she had received. I can't cook with it? At least, as it stands. "I see. Gentlemen, I appreciate it. If it wasn't for Sarasa, I'd know there was nothing I could do." "I'm glad you said that, but you can light it up a bit. When you're so grateful." I'm just not used to it. Because I haven't been very involved with people before. "We'll cook these and bring them." "Thanks. It helps ~. Honestly, there was nothing I could do except eat it as it was" If it's about potatoes, it doesn't have to be burned in a furnace in the alchemist's... just like that, right? "But hurry up and make a kitchen, will you? "Copy that! I salute Piscilli to Lorea, who tells me to push just in case. "But first, I wonder if I can repair the wall. I have an" engraving ”so it's kind of hard... Oh, the skin treatment before that? You're busy." "Skin treatment, is it? "Yeah. Even the villagers could handle the meat, but they seemed to have trouble handling the skin, so I decided to buy it. It's time to bring it." As I was explaining the situation to Lorea, Mr. Andre just arrived with a big leather bag there. When I see the two of us standing in front of the house, I smile and raise my hand and call out. "Happy recovery, Sarasa. I brought the skin." "Thank you. Good luck to you, too, Mr. Andre. Thanks to you, I managed to recover." "Sounds like it. I didn't want to see you because I thought you weren't hurt or going to a girl's house." "Oh, Mr. Andre. You're someone who doesn't look good on the outside and can take care of you, right? "Say, Sarasa. This is still somewhat alive. I don't give a shit about that, do I? To my light-hearted remarks, Mr. Andre laughs niggly and returns the words. "Really? Now, if we can entrust Kate and the others with our sympathy, we'll be one more rank, man, right? "Oops! You took one of these! Ha, ha, ha! But there's no such thing as a visit in this village, is there? I can't even give you lodging bread." "Sure, it's not a treat. It's delicious." Whether you want flowers in sympathy, or nutritious food, or a store in this village, only Mr. Darna's grocery store. Hard to get by itself. And now, if I say "nourishing" or something, I'm going to get Hell Flame Grizzly meat. "So that leather bag is Hell Flame Grizzly's skin" "Oops. Some of it." That said, Mr. Andre lowers the swollen leather bag to the ground. At the same time, Lorea glanced at the smell that drifted from it. "Ugh. You smell pretty good. Smells raw..." "I'm sorry. I don't know what to do because some of the shit I did." "No, because that processing is also the work of an alchemist" "Alchemist... that's tough" "Fine, because there's a lot of stinky stuff. You'll get used to it." Regardless of the minerals, animal and plant-derived materials are often used, some of which really stink but are tight. That's enough to make you unconscious if you don't use a dedicated mask. Compared to that, it's no big deal. Of course, the smell stinks. "But this time it really helped. If it weren't for Sarasa, seriously, I wouldn't have done it, would I? That's an unexpected number." "You've said a lot of thanks. For the people of the village." "It's time! It was awesome right after, rumors." "... so much? "Oh! No one and he were talking about Sarasa! He said he shot me." I accidentally put my hand on my forehead to Mr. Andre, who laughs niggly. "Right. After four days, I calmed down a lot, because the size of that bear was so convincing." "... you're going to sleep for three days, and you think it might have been a little good." Much calmer, that condition. I'm not that good with people. If it was me, even if I was fine, I might not have gotten out of the house. Fortunately, I'm unhappy, because I fell asleep, and no one pushed me home. No matter how much you appreciate it, that's just awful. "By the way, when will the store start again? After all, Sarasa doesn't have Potion, her smelter, because it's completely different, and it's safe." "If it's just the smelting potion, you can start today, right? Will they buy it and go? "Oh, is that good? "Yes. Lorea, can you do me a favor? "Got it! Now, Mr. Andre, go inside the store." "Oh, I'm sorry." Dropping off the two of them entering the store space, I took a leather bag stuffed with skin and went from the back to the alchemist's. First, when I put the leather bag in the corner of the workshop and moved to the store space, Mr. Andre just received the smelting drug Potion and finished the settlement. "Every time, thank you for your purchase" "This way, thanks for the help. Don't tell the rest of them you're back on track." "Yes, thank you again" "" Thank you "" Dropping off Mr. Andre as he walked out the door, me and Lorea held their mouths together.
The time taken for the complete resurrection of Mr. Iris was about four days. Were you eating less, or were the Iris and their health high? Either way, congratulations. So today's dinner is a party for pleasure. "Yum, yum! Lorea would be great! Eilis eats the dishes lined up on the table, either as a recoil to the fact that he hasn't had a decent meal in a while. "Iris, before I do, I need to thank the manager and Lorea very much. Thank you so much. Thank you. Momogu." My hands and mouth are moving securely, too, while I say things like that. Plus, pretty fast. "Oops, I was. Thank you. I've shown a lot of pity..." "You can't help it when you're sick. Hey?" "Yes. When I get sick too, I'll be sweet on your mother." Lorea smiles and nods again at me asking for her consent. "Lorea is only a child, so I guess that's natural. Because in our case, I did it with my mistake...... Ha. If I lived in an inn, what would have happened..." "Right. Is it possible that Mr. Andre and the others were okay? "Mr. Gray is the only one who took the expensive smelting drug Potion and looked after it." "Right. That's a relief." I would avoid a detailed portrayal, but when I went to deliver the medicine, Mr. Andre and the others were in quite a terrible situation. And they don't have me or Lorea. As a result of a spectacular battle, Mr. Gray gets the smelting drug Potion. Instead of recovering soon, he was supposed to take care of the other two. Mr. Andre and Mr. Gill are also taking that pill, so perhaps they'll both recover today or tomorrow? Unless you're greedy and licking a lot of honey. "But, Mr. Iris, Mr. Kate. You can't cheaply put alchemy material in your mouth, can you? It was helpful this time, but it can be life-threatening! When I pin my fingers and do it with a meh, we both lay eyes down awkwardly. "... it's not honorable. Because it looked delicious." "Because it's honey, I thought I could eat it normally. I'm sorry." "I understand that! If you had something sweet in front of you, you'd be on your hands, wouldn't you? "Even Lorea...... 'Cause you can't, can you? Never cheaply lick anything in this store, no matter how harmless it may seem! If you get it on your hands, wash it nicely, okay? To Lorea, who nods deeply, I squeeze my expression and push forcefully. Some things are really life-threatening. Well, there's hardly anything that looks delicious. "Oh, I punished you for this one. No matter how delicious it looks from now on, I'm going to ask the manager, and then I'm going to get my hands on it." "Right. Exactly because I don't want to do it anymore." "Ha... even for me, I hope you avoid that" Yes. Kate ended up experiencing it, didn't she? It's never Mr. Iris did mean anything, but just when the two waves overlap, there's nothing we can do about it. Bathroom, we only have one. Beautifully done with the aftermath, but I still get hit in the garden because there's a part of it that's a little... "But don't you think Kate and the others can do something outside when they're picking it up and during their journey? "Lorea, there's nothing I can do about that, and it's a good time to break it off." "In the garden of the house, and you wanted me to give you a break for not being able to move for a long time. I'm really glad the backyard here is surrounded by walls, I think it's ripe" Yeah, Mr. Iris on the first day, he was pretty pathetic, wasn't he? If the location of this shop was off the village, surrounded by a backyard, a fence and not visible from the outside. If the three conditions were not in place, I would have had to think about leaving this village if I were in Mr. Iris's shoes. "At least I wish my cell toilet was finished, hey" "What!? Do you have such a smelter, Artifact? "Yes. Yesterday, I made it" "Come on! That time, if I had it! "Store manager... why are you doing this a little faster..." "No, 'cause I didn't think you'd need it." Uncreated smelters (artifacts) for all remaining alchemy volumes. In terms of the materials and labor needed, there were a lot of big guys left, including the floating tent I made the other day and this portable toilet. Essentially, none of these are things I plan to use myself, so I was deciding whether to make them based on whether or not they would attract my interest, but the priority of the mobile toilet is quite low, and if there was no such thing as this one, it would probably have been the last time I made them. In addition to Iris, I rushed to Kate's backyard and got my hands on it... well, by the time I could, I didn't need it anymore, did I? Because it's not something you can make in a short time. "Mmmm... should I buy that portable toilet when I think about the future? "Iris, that suggestion, I'm a little hard to disagree with, too, but after you see what it's like, right? Mr. Store Manager, can you show me later? "Yeah, I don't mind. Because of this, shall I also display this like a tent? There's no use for it." "Oh, that's the tent on the table! That's so good! I'm sure you'll sleep well." "Yeah, fine, it's popular." Two floating tent orders had already been placed, whether the exhibition was successful when the gatherer's nostalgia was warm. Size and other meetings have already been held, and now Lorea is encouraging me to make a tent of it. "The camp won't suffer either! Kate, we..." "- You don't need it, do you? It's a day trip, so there's no camping." Kate shakes her head and denies eating the words of Mr. Iris, who sparkled her eyes. "Gu...... Yes, it was. Ever since I was on my way to this village, I haven't camped and collected anything." "If you don't have to camp, that's better. Whatever you say, it's the sea of trees." Here, at the foot of the Gerba Roch mountain, the sea of trees is called the "Great Tree Sea”, neither dat nor insane. Even if amateurs are dangerous even a few hours away from the village, and even if they are somewhat armed, if they step into a range that prevents them from going on a day trip, they will lose their lives with a slight alarm. And with bad luck, even the shallower outer edges of the woods can run into fierce demons like Mr. Iris. Given that, it's a very solid and smart choice, in a way, for Mr. Iris and the others to be working in the daytime range, isn't it? No matter what happens, you can come running into us. "Are you two getting back to work tomorrow? To Lorea's inquiry, they give a slightly troubled look. "Right... avoiding more debt, but I haven't earned it because I've been resting for a while, so I'm hoping to do so if it's possible..." "I'm going to rehab for a few days to make sure it's safe. Even though he's recovered, he's losing strength..." "Oh...... I guess. To see, I'm thin." I could barely eat it for a few days, and I even served it. It is a forcible diet even if it is not attempted. As if to get that back, we're both eating a ton of dishes lined up at the table now, but eating a lot and sleeping overnight will restore our health, what an easy story. "Lord Store Manager, if you have time, will you accompany me in my training? "Yeah, I don't mind. I have to do it, too, so the training. I can't hang out for long." To avoid wasting the sword my master gave me, I have been training ever since, finding time. Since I am an alchemist, I sometimes skip a few days when I'm passionate about you, but when the time is right, I sometimes train with Mr. Iris, so there's nothing wrong with a few hours. "So tomorrow morning, can you do me a favor? "Yes, I understand. In the afternoon... work continues, I guess." "Speaking of which, Mr. Sarasa, I was making something pretty big, but what are you making now? "Now it's the floating board, the smelter artifact. Mechanically, it's like a degraded version of a floating tent, so it's not very interesting to make." The floating board, as its name suggests, floats in the universe. Is it easy to understand when it comes to transporting heavy goods and missing luggage wheels? It is very convenient because it can be moved with light force, even if it is on a bad road of the bump or heavy with what you are putting on it - it looks like it and is actually not very convenient for the smelter Artifact. Because this isn't very efficient, is it? Magic. For example, if I strengthen my body and carry my luggage, or if I carry it on a floating board, which consumes more magic, the latter is overwhelming. As inefficient as that is, if a normal person is going to use the Demonic Crystal Stone to operate it, the cost of it is quite considerable, and although it is not very much, it cannot be possible to replace the carriage. Lots of magic. I could do the operation, but when it comes to usage, about when I carry a huge amount of stuff that I can't physically carry? It may be quite convenient when carrying light and large items. If it is heavy and heavy, I don't really want to do it because I am tired. Hopefully, you just want to do something with a regular carriage.
Towards Escape () "What's going on? You're weak." "It also makes me weak. We've been walking quite a distance, but if we made it a straight distance, how much do you think we could have traveled? It's still better if you're on the middle hips or sidewalks, there are a few places where you have to crawl and go, and you can guess how fast you travel when you do. In addition to the upward and downward journeys, there are many paths that lead to turning back in the direction they came from, and Iris' itinerary, which has gone uncertain in its intended direction, could never be described as going well. "... Honestly, I don't really want to think about it." "Right? I'd like to think it's close to the exit... but I can also assume it's not in itself" "It's a natural cave. But if you're desperate, let's do it after the food runs out. It's a little early." To Kate, who strives to brighten up, Iris smiles bitterly. "When you run out, do you mean portable food? There's still enough for a few months." "No, not until there's nothing left to eat. Luckily, like Black Vipers, there are demons out there that can be eaten? It's okay, even if it's slightly unsavory, we have an orange spring water bottle that the manager has prepared for us." "No, that's right... but I mean, don't despair," "It's obvious. Rise to the brink of death. Master Adelbert will scold you if he finds out you gave up even though you have the skill to live. And I, your mother, will kill me. Even though it's pretty bad at the moment." Although Iris and Kate are best friends to each other, in reality they are subordinates to the main body. He is the eldest daughter of the Starven family, whose loyalty could not be shaken, even if the Rotze family was crumbling with debt, and is harshly raised by his parents to help Iris. Naturally, that includes Iris' follow-up, and in a way, Kate may be the most stressful of these three. "Hmm. I'll defend myself then." Kate, who had heard the words and was thinking a little, looked up hah. "... No, let's just say that this job was forcefully contracted by Iris. That way, I can draw sympathy from Lady Adelbert and Deanna for 'being attached to an unscrupulous Iris', and in that state, neither mother nor father should be able to say strongly! "Hey, is that why I'm being scolded by your fathers? To Iris, who turns her eyes, Kate smiles with a very good smile. "Iris, we, we're best friends, right? "... you're my best friend, so you want me to sacrifice you? "It's okay. Whatever you say, Master Adelbert is sweet on you. First, without asking for details, I said," Yes! 'Who could have said that? "Ugh! That's weak when they say it" "And after we get back safely, they won't say it's that tight, I'm sure." "Maybe... oh, yeah. What do you say we don't let your fathers know about this? Kate shakes her head like a shudder at Iris, who brightens her expression just because she comes up with something good. "Hey, Iris. Probably, but I think the manager is spending a lot of money on this one. He said, 'I asked my master for help,' but you don't think that's costly? "... the opponent is a master class. If you're normal, you'll need a hell of a thank you. Even if it's a real cost, it's going to cost a lot." "Right? I don't think that even that unplugged trail detector, no matter how many store managers, created it in a bump production, and I think there's a good chance he's doing a lot of other things. You can't just not give back the money you spent on them, can you? "Naturally. I will return the favor I received. As the daughter of the Rozze family, it cannot be conceded" If you said you didn't need Sarasa, it wouldn't be very acceptable as Iris. Iris, as well as Kate, were carrying that much clarity together. "Yeah. I mean, in addition to the debt we have as it stands, that means more -" "How can you not talk to your fathers?" "That sort of thing" "Uh-huh. Kind of more money to lose than we, the money we make as collectors? "Right. But in the sense of" fringe, "it's a lot of positive income and expense, right? I'm not in debt, but the Rozzes are saved." "Is it all because I knew His Excellency the Store Manager? including my life." So smug and groaning, Nordrad's voice rang from afar to Iris, who conceived, "Mmmm..." "Hey, both of you! It's time you took my place! "Oh, oh, I'm sorry! I'll cut it off already! - So Kate, we'll talk about it when we get home." "As far as I'm concerned, Iris sacrificed..." "Talk to me when you get home! Look, Kate, wipe your body quick, and get dressed. Nord's gonna see us! Saying Kate's words in a feisty manner, Iris raises her legs from the hot springs to hasten Kate. "Yes, sir. Understood ~" While responding lightly to it, Kate breathed softly relief in Iris's expression, which was much brighter than earlier. ◇ ◇ ◇ The wreck of the Iris was over thirty days old. Through the side of the place where the hot springs were located, up once, down again...... the distance walked had grown well, but the subtleties had not changed in the straight distance. In addition to that, the rest of the magic crystal stones have become scarce, and given the maintenance of the walnut body, the number of times I use the unplugged trail detector mochi is also in a suppressive mood. "... Also a split. What are we gonna do, use it? "There are three easy walking paths, and a small gap? That's what bothers you." If the easy way to walk is divided into two strands these days, head out directly to confirm. If there is more than one split path that needs to be narrow or crawled forward, use a drain trail detector to confirm. If the number of branches is high, depending on the circumstances. The situation in this branch was the type of worrying about what to do. "How long did the magic crystal stone remain? "I think it's time to cut one hand off. If the walnuts are to be lost, we can't face the manager, can we? "Even to Lorea. They could cry." The walnut magic is consumed in order to use the walnut trail detector, but the walnut needs magic in order to exist. If we don't have the means to replenish it, sooner or later, the walnuts won't be able to move. It would be for each person to see that as the death of an alchemy creature (homunculus), but for Iris, who had spent a long time together, there was also a strong desire not to lose the walnuts himself, along with the feeling of sorry for Sarasa and the others. "Then let's go check this time..." "Right..." I don't want to go, but I swallowed the word, and the next moment the Iris and I tried to walk out, a walnut stood up on Iris' luggage and jumped right down to the ground. "Ugh! "What! walnuts!?" "Duh, what's wrong!?" Kate and Iris raise their bewildered voices to the sudden behavior of walnuts who stick to their luggage except for the break and, if not told, do not try to move, but as soon as the walnuts looked back at Chirali and Iris, they picked a path and began to take a long run. "What the hell -" "Uh, before I say anything, shouldn't we go after him? "Oh yeah! Iris, who was pointed out by Nordrad and immediately began to chase after the walnuts, but clearly the walnut's motor ability greatly outweighed them. It passes through without difficulty, even in narrow places, and climbs out easily with nails up, even on steep rock walls. Such advantages other than simple physical abilities, as well as the ability to even run flat, are unimaginable from their little bodies and short legs. If the walnuts were going to leave the three of them, they would have been lightly pulled apart, but nothing like that, repeatedly running out again when they caught up...... would that chase have lasted for about an hour? "K, walnut, are we done? "Quite tired..." "Bo, as far as I'm concerned, oh, it would help if you ended it, wouldn't it? It's just so hard..." Kate is still showing her tiredness, although better than Iris, in front of a walnut who finally stopped her leg, hands on her knees and breathes. And Nordrad, with the most luggage, sat on the spot, breathing heavily on his shoulders. "Did you want to bring me to this place? "Probably.... but nothing? The walnut stopped. There, at first glance, was a passage without any philosophy.
- Remedial Measures () As he roared with a difficult face, Madison, who had finished giving instructions to the soldiers, lowered his head deeply to me. "Miss, thank you. Now we're all going home safely.... the question is what happens when I get back." "Let's talk about it on the way home. The priority now is to get home safely. Mt. Winter will never be despised." "Absolutely. That's the cost of treatment....." "That's right...." The cost of treatment in such cases is very difficult. For example, if an injured or sick person comes to the store and says, "Please treat me." In this case, you can charge the usual treatment cost and medication cost. But if not. If it's the same party, of course, you won't be charged for the treatment, and even if you use alchemy (potions), it's normal to calculate the price as usual or cheap, and divide the cost by half for everyone. It's less burdensome than usual, so it's not much of a problem. What happens if someone happens to ask me for medical treatment? I want to help you humanely, but the top priority is our people. If you consume magic and medicine poorly, it will interfere with your treatment in the unlikely event, and the medicines you choose take into account the amount of luggage you can carry and the risks. Getting medicine in town is worth a whole different thing. Therefore, depending on the situation, treatment may be refused, and even if it is treated, it is correct to charge a high amount for both the cost of treatment and the cost of medicine. --That's right, but most of these people don't have enough money to pay for it. Instead, if you are a collector, you will be paid with the collected goods, or if you are a merchant, you will be paid with the goods in kind, but in this case neither. "If you have money, you'll pay for it... but you don't have it, right? "I'm sorry. When I get home, I have a little bit of storage, but when I'm asked if it's enough forehead...." Even though I'm a guard captain, I'm like, "Are you making a little more money than the average person? I think so. Even if Madison were a saver, it would probably be impossible to pay more for his treatment than usual. In the first place, I don't even know if I can go back to South Strag. Cutting an empty bill doesn't mean anything. "--First of all, can you help dismantle and transport the ski giant Snowglide Centipede?" I can't help winding up all the small sums of money from the troubled Madison, and I can sell the material of the ski giant Snowglide Centipede. It's not very expensive material, but it's hard for us to dismantle this giant ski giant, Snowglide Centipede, alone, and it's impossible to take everything home. In that regard, with Madison's help, there will be a lot more to take home. However, if the value is equivalent to the cost of treatment, it is quite subtle. "It's lighter than that. I'll be happy to do it. Unless they say," Drop the wounded and hold the material. " "I won't say that. What do you think I am? Very unexpectedly, Madison smiled and shook his head when I revealed my dissatisfaction. "Oh, I see. But I can tell you that shit." Is it the people scattered in the snow, or the people who sent them here? I don't know which one it refers to, but it is a word that shows how Madisons have been treated so far. "Rest assured. I'm not going to be rude." "I understand. Even us ladies treated us well. Is there anything else I can do? "And then... I want you to cooperate with me in the future, like testimony or something." I don't know how far I can go, but I want to weaken Baron Kirk as much as I can. In order for me to do business with confidence in the future. "Of course. It's about leaving us." Now, let's get to the dismantling. When it comes to the characteristics of the ski giant Snowglide Centipede, one of the most important is its ability to travel fast even on snow. Rather, it is life. If there's no snow, it's just a big bug. It's not a miscellaneous fish, but it's not that hard to fish. Now, when it comes to what secures its mobility, it's the structure of the foot. The elongated part of the board specializes in moving on snow and allows for high-speed gliding. And that trait won't be lost when the ski giant Snowglide Sentipide dies. This part is perfect for a sleigh slip. If you use this to make a sleigh, you will slip very well without resistance, and if you are on snow, it will not be difficult to carry heavy luggage. In other words, for us who can't walk on our own with injured people and luggage, we definitely want it. That's why I made up three simple sleds with three pairs of toes. Of course, it is simple, and if I keep using the ski giant "Snowglide Sentipide" without processing the toes, it will deteriorate, but there is no particular problem until I go back to the village. Even if you try to stack injured people and luggage on top of it, it is easy to move and performs more than you can imagine. Thanks to this, we succeeded in going down the mountain earlier than originally envisaged. ◇ ◇ ◇ A half-day drive to Yoke Village. When we got back so far, we set up a campsite in the woods and took a break. I've talked to a lot of people along the way about how to treat Madisons, but if we don't abandon them, we don't have many options. If you return to South Strag normally, you could be killed with your mouth sealed, and even if you take them to Yorkville, that village must also be the territory of Baron Kirk, and it is difficult to sneak away with this number of people. The result was a way to hide in the Rozze family territory for the first time. Nevertheless, even Iris, the Inbred son of the Rotze family, cannot decide on important matters that could be a kind of conflict with other nobles without consulting the main parties. For that reason, Kate decided to consult with Mr. Adelbert first, but Kate also succeeded in obtaining an understanding and returned yesterday. Today, we're pulling out the camp and moving on to the Rozze family territory. "Now, we're going to our parents' house... Dear store manager, are you all right? It is Iris and Kate who lead the Madisons. Me and Lorea, who need to ripen the request from His Highness, are to split up here and return to Yorkville. "It's okay, we've lost a lot of material." As I came back here, I was almost finished processing the Snowglide Centipede, a ski giant, thanks to the extra time I spent working on it. I asked Madisons to take the unnecessary parts and store them at the Rozze house, and Lorea and I would only take some of the materials back to the village that would be difficult to process without a workshop. It is not a small amount, but we can manage to hold it together, and if it is about half a day's distance to the village, there is no problem. "No, I'm worried about Warrant Baron Kirk..." "You're fine, I can fight a little too. The number of pussies brought in at that time has increased slightly. I don't think it's convenient to hire a new skilled vigilante. Not to mention the city of South Strag, which is also a regional city. It's probably no coincidence that a clever man showed up and Baron Kirk hired him. No, right...? "... no, don't be alarmed. Prepare powerful smelters (artifacts) to ensure that even when strong people come out..." What happened to the Smelter (Artifact) for the attack? Iris raised his voice to block my thoughts. "No, no, no! This country isn't slaughtered enough to beat the manager? I don't think about losing or anything like that. No, but I'm worried that the store manager will catch on to me. To Warrant Baron Kirk. "Does it hurt? I'm the kind of guy you think I am? I'm pretty open, aren't I? Don't get a little angry, okay?
"Welcome home, Iris and Kate! It's been about three weeks since Warrant Baron Kirk was captured. Iris and the others finally returned. Madisons are still the direct cause of all this time. A report of the capture of Baron Kirk where he was arranging for them to live anyway. Iris and the others were supposed to stay at the Rozze house until the situation stabilized. Then, when Madison and the others returned, they were sent back to South Strag. "Well done. Both of you." They greeted me and Lorea with a slight color of fatigue on their faces, but it was clearer than that because various matters of concern had been resolved. "I'm home! He's finally back! "Please wait. I'm sorry I couldn't be with you at a difficult time." "No, I can't help it. Kate and the others were doing what they needed. I didn't have any particular damage. Hey, Lorea." Lorraine didn't return the favor to me, but to Jito. With my mouth pointing, my flank is pounding. "... my stomach has been badly damaged. Delivering homemade sweets to the royal family was the most irrational job I've ever had in this shop." "Nah!? Did you offer Lord Felix Lorea's sweets? "Yes, it was openly demanded. That's royalty, that's irrational." "So, you pushed that irrationality on me, Sarasa." "It's okay, it was very popular with His Highness! Maybe. I'm not sure. You didn't complain, so there's no problem, right? She said it was delicious... even though it made me say it slightly. "And I'm with you when I'm punished! When I hugged her a little bit to deceive her, Lorea shook me in the mouth and hit me in the back. "Mhh... that's fine, I think it was harder for Sarasa to deal with it directly." "Will you understand!? That guy's waist is soft, but it's something! I don't know... I feel like a super nobleman! For royalty only!!" Most of the nobles I know were at the Alchemist Training School - that is, they may have been pre-adult children, but I've never met anyone who's so hard to read. I don't know if the emotions in the front page and the ideas I read are correct, and it seems very difficult to get along. In the meantime, I don't want you to be near me. I want to get along quite a bit. "I know how you feel. But, manager, I don't like talking about criticism. Especially if you don't know who's good at it." "That's right. I can't stand being punished for this, even though the corner is safe. Let's go inside." As Kate pointed out, I rushed into the house with Iris and the others. ◇ ◇ ◇ Well, let's do it again. "Welcome home." Iris and the others came back around lunch, and the shop took a lunch break, and we were surrounded by lunch together. The dinner table that we missed a little while ago was restored, and Lorea's smile looked clearer than usual. "Ah, I'm home. I feel like I'm back when you pick me up like this." Yeah, you should be home by now. "If that's what you think of my house, I'm glad. --I haven't lived here much different from Iris." I moved frequently when my parents were alive and the last house I lived in wasn't mine anymore. School dormitories are completely rented, and orphanages are a little different from their homes. It's like a family home that's already left... no, it's like a home of a close relative, right? In comparison, it may be that this house, which has not yet started living for less than a year, will settle down because it is my own home. "... I wonder if there's a delicious dish for Lorea? "Eh, what is it? "This is why it feels like my home." Your home also needs safety and comfort, but once you're done, it's important to heal and serve warm, delicious food. One of the reasons I'm happy to be here is because I'm sure there's Lorea. "Hmm, I know. This is the one with the stomach! "Eh, am I caught? "Hmm, can't you deny it? I nodded ambiguously to Lorelei, who looked at me with her head tilted. I think it is subtly different from the original meaning, but it is delicious after all. Uncomparable to the hands-on dishes I make appropriately. "I thought it would be nice if my stomach was bloated, but if I ate something delicious every day... it would become luxurious." Once in a while, if you can eat something delicious, it usually doesn't matter if it's simple. Until Lorea arrived, I thought so. "Is it true what your mother said?" "Iris has a sense of crisis, and we have to work hard to make sure the manager doesn't throw it away." No, nothing to throw away - ah, I'm supposed to be engaged, so if I don't get married, will I be thrown away? But if Iris the aristocrat and me the civilian, it would be me who was objectively abandoned. "No, that's... that's right, I'm a noble lady. You don't have to cook for yourself." "I don't become a 'noble lady' only when convenient. You learned it from your wife, didn't you? I can't afford to hire a cook." "That's the right material. I'll leave cooking to Kate. After all, it's a set sale, and we're..." Iris with her chest stretched with her face. I do think you said that, but you don't have to say it like it's on sale. Besides, I don't think that's a good way to look at you. "Ugh, that worked.... I don't think I can beat Lorea either." "You know, cooking alone doesn't really determine who you want to marry." In their words, I sighed. How would it feel to say that if I caught my stomach, I'd decide to marry? --But Lorea's dishes aren't just delicious. Much better than my hands-on dishes, but at the same or cheaper cost. In a way, it's not the stomach that got caught, it's the wallet. Well done is a necessary skill for a good wife, isn't it? Alchemists are a basic waste of money, and I am very grateful to be able to trust my family with peace of mind. "... Store manager, did you get lost? "No, that's not true! More than that! Let's report to each other, and more. There's something better to know, right? "Hmm. Well, my marriage to the manager is settled. Let's prioritize reporting." "Eh...? Hold on a second. That's the first time I've heard that. I know about the engagement, but the marriage hasn't been decided yet!? Ignoring my confusion, Iris began to say, "Well, from us." "Well, first of all... Kate, please" opens his mouth and abandons his explanation as soon as possible and throws a round at Kate. "We don't have to do anything bad about Adelbert anymore." Ms. Kate, who took it, inflated her cheeks a little, but immediately opened her mouth to us. "- Well, shall we talk after we split up with the shop managers? From there, we went to the territory of the Rotze family....."
"Now let's go out and exorcise the bear! Thank you for today, Mr. Jasper." "Oh, let it be. For Non, it's not every person." The members of the bear hunt are me and Kate, Iris, and Jasper, the hunter. Mr. Jasper was added because he was sometimes a neighbor and easy to ask for, but the primary reason was to expect the hunter to be able to track him down. If you can't find it, it doesn't make sense. Well, I'm an amateur, and Iris and the others don't seem to be able to do it, so I wanted you to be a professional. Mr. Jasper, the only hunter in this village, would surely do it. "Sarasa, let me ask you something, are you okay? Non is a hunter, but if he's a normal bear, what can he do about demons? "Yes, because I will fight alone. Run when you're in danger." "If you do that, you'll kill me! For God's sake, run when it's dangerous, okay? "haha...... it's ok, really" Out of the blue, isn't it, Mr. Jasper's place? Mr. Elles, you look strong. "Well, then, Kate, I'd like you to show me around." "Okay. Uh... this way." With Kate's guidance, we first head to the place where we were attacked. She didn't seem to remember clearly either, but when she ran away, she was running in charge of Mr. Iris, who had lost one arm. Naturally, there is a little bit of blood on that path. That seemed like a good signpost if you take it from Jasper, the hunter, and he was assisting me with it every time Kate showed a bare gesture of getting lost. And leave the village for about minutes. "Here! This is where they attacked me! Even I, the amateur, found out that this was the scene of a tragedy. Grass crushed by broken branches, marks of something burning, and still lingering dull black bloodstains. "Damn... Sarasa, he's pretty big, huh? At least you can't shoot me. No matter how big a bear you were." Mr. Jasper, who had detected claw marks and such on the tree around, shook his head with a slightly frightened look. In Mr. Iris's story, he said, 'It was about two minutes bigger than his head,' but in Jasper's view, it seems certain that it's bigger than that. "Ma, you'll be fine. The question is how to kill her beautifully..." "There it is! My sword!!" At that time, Mr. Iris, who was looking around violently looking for something, raised his delightful voice and picked up a sword from the grass. Speaking of which, you weren't able to recover your sword. "Good for you" "Ah, the manager..." Mr. Iris, who was happily holding his sword, gave me a slightly awkward look when I spoke, and began to make his hands wax like he panicked. "This is, that! Never, I was wondering if I could safely collect my sword if I followed you with my luggage! I wish I could repay you something! "Huh? Oh, I don't mind. If you don't have a sword, you won't get a job." I wondered what you were panicking about, and that's what happened. I wish I didn't have to feel backwards. Like I didn't have when I came to this village, a thing called a sword is a pretty good price and not so easy to buy. In particular, it would be a serious problem for Mr Iris, who is currently in debt. I can't work without a sword, and that's why I'm not an explorer either, so I don't have a sword that I can lend. I can't lend you the sword I just got from my master. "Excuse me, Mr. Store Manager. I totally lost it, too. - Iris, if you wanted to retrieve your sword, wouldn't it be polite to say something? "Ugh... My apologies, Store Manager. I can't deny the sword was on my mind when I volunteered to carry my stuff." With an awkward look on his face, Mr. Iris puts his head down on me and Mr. Kate lowers his head to go with it. "Oh, no, you really don't have to care, do you? I'm glad they found you." "Ugh, I'm such a sweet store manager..." "No, really" I managed to forgive Mr. Iris for the pitiful look on his face, and the orbital modification. "Mr. Jasper, is tracking possible? "Leave it to me. You can't hunt without being able to track a giant like this." "It helps. Well, thank you." "Ooh." We follow the traces of the bear, guided by Mr. Jasper, who nodded vigorously. The first way we headed was in the direction we came. However, he had interrupted the chase relatively quickly and had changed course in a different direction. "Is this... were we lucky? "Right. If you get certified as a prey, the bear will persevere. That... was Hell Flame Grizzly? I don't know if that applies." "Demons are pretty persistent, aren't they? There are a lot of belligerent objects, so unlike normal animals, they seem to come under attack a lot." Ordinary wildlife escapes first if it encounters humans. Unless you're hungry enough, but if you make the right noise and walk, they usually avoid you over there. But creatures classified as demons are different. I dare to come closer from the other side, and there are quite a few cases of being attacked. It's a rather vague division between animals and demons, but it could be quite a clear difference around here. Of course, demons don't get paid or gradually attacked by anything, but you don't know the ecology in detail around them. "I'm glad Hell Flame Grizzly gave up along the way. If it had followed me to the village, it would have been dangerous." "In my village, there's no one I can deal with... except Sarasa" "Probably not a problem if you're a veteran explorer... well, it's a different matter if you'll fight for the village" "Wow, I'm gonna fight? "No, no, Mr. Iris, you've been hit." "Mind, mind only." More important than your heart, your life. On top of the temporary party, I don't abandon even the two explorers who pulled their legs, or I know they're very good people, but they're a little dangerous. You're getting closer and closer to the village in this direction. "Yes. Looks like you're glad you came" While the traces are serpentine, they are moving to the village as an approximate move. If left unattended, there is a good chance, they would have broken into the village. "Mmm, this is a pretty new trail. From here on out, proceed with caution." Explore the area with detective magic. If you came close, would you get caught? "- Oh, here it is. I found it. Well, then, you're going. You can follow me, but when you find me, it's troublesome..." I think Mr. Jasper is fine, but the other two... "Are you sure you're okay on your own? "Yes, because I'm still an alchemist." "There is no strong image of an alchemist in Non..." I know how you feel. But strong people are strong, aren't they? Especially with our master. irrationally. That, absolutely, I think he's more than a kingdom knight, even if he fought with his sword alone. I can't compare to that, but a short battle without stamina would be pretty strong. Me cosily headed in the direction found by detective magic. A little further behind it, Mr. Jasper and the others follow. The important thing is to ambush. It doesn't have to be an ambush to kill, but in terms of material, an ambush is important. - Discover. Turning his back on this one, he's scratching the trunk of the tree with his nails. "Dear Store Manager, how do you kill me? "I don't care if you just shoot me... is it my neck this time" "Neck?" "Yes, it's best to break your neck, you can take the material" "Huh...? "Ha!" Me leaping as far as I can toward that back as I want, approaching Mr. Iris with his neck clenched. Feet to be tapped in. A dull sound that sounds "cockroach". Thick neck of a bending hell-flame grizzly. I kicked down that giant and landed behind it. Hell Flame Grizzly's body fell to the ground and lay still motionless with Pickle. "Phew." "Huh? Huh? Huh!?" "... Yes? "Unbelievable..." I stood on the ground, alternating between me and Hell Flame Grizzlies, who stopped moving, and Mr. Iris, who is confused. "You said before breakfast." "No, that's what the manager did say. No way, no, no, hey? Hey? Even if they say so. "I just thought you were going to take it down with that sword." "I brought it with insurance, but you can collect more material if you don't cut it." I'm better at physics in the first place. Money, because there was no money. Weapons wear out when used, and it costs money to take care of them. In that regard, magic and physical skills are good. Zero cost. All you need is your strength, your mental strength! How ecological! That's why you basically killed him with physical surgery when you were practicing, right, me? The fur can be recovered beautifully. By the way, the master of this is the school swordsmanship teacher. I don't have an exam for physical surgery, but the teacher seemed to be an orphan, sympathetic to me in the same situation and eager to mentor me. "Shall we retrieve the material quickly? It's better if it's fresh... Yeah, there's plenty of flame bags in it." The flame bag is an organ in a fiery demon, like Hell Flame Grizzly, with liquid inside. All you need to do to recover this is take it down in an instant. When it comes to battle and they throw up flames, even if they shoot because of it, it even means the contents carrappo. This time a few days ago, we got into a fight with the Iris, but I guess we didn't consume that much. "Ho, Sarasa, are you handy? "I'm a professional, too. If you can't do this, you can't name an alchemist." At least as far as the demonic dismantling arm is concerned, I'm confident Mr. Jasper won't beat me. "Ugh, my struggling enemies are so light on the material..." Proceed to recover the material while being watched by Iris, who looks somewhat complicated. Fresh materials are hard to come by so far, so it looks like you can expect them for the price. About half of it, send it to the master or flush it to South Strag...... "Well, at the end of the day, it's an eyeball. After that, it's enough to go home." "Are you done yet? You're really early." "The fresher the better it's worth...... eh! No way, this is..." Normally white Hell Flame Grizzly eyeballs. But that I took out, it was stained with bright red color. ◇ ◇ ◇ "The frenzy of Hell Flame Grizzly? "Yes, that's very likely" “The Frenzy of Hell Flame Grizzlies". It refers to Hell Flame Grizzlies attacking nearby villages and towns as a group. The causes are theoretical, but the most powerful theory is "lack of flame stones”. Flaming stone, as its name suggests, is a stone that houses the power of flaming, and in this vicinity it produces in the back of the Great Tree Sea, in the middle belly of some mountains. Hell Flame Grizzlies prefer to eat this stone, but when they can't secure enough for some reason, they leave their normal territory and start rampaging, as if they've lost their reason. The sign is a red-dyed eye. This time the individual I defeated is like a scourge, and after a while the body of the group will come. I hear that there have been more than a hundred good and ten, if bad. "Oh, no..." The village chief was stuck with my explanation like that. After that, we hurried back to the village, and when we threw our prey into Mr. Jasper's demolition cabin, we were immediately visiting the village chief's house. One or two would just increase my savings, but it's just impossible to deal with “frenzy” alone. I'm not proud of it, but I don't have the stamina to fight for a long time. "Duh, what am I supposed to do... Jasper, can you handle this? "You can't kill one in Non. Even if you ask your lord to rescue you, there's still time." "Tomorrow at the earliest, but no later than six days." "I can't! I can't even get in touch in time...... In the first place, whether the lord will send forth soldiers" The village chief blues his face and holds his head. Mr. Elles only has about a job to collect taxes, he was just saying, and I guess he's not used to training grounds. If you can count on me, externally or calmly, Mr. Jasper is overwhelmingly upstairs. "Sarasa, can you handle this? "Mr. Jasper, I killed him briefly earlier, but that's because he's unintentionally alone, right? Something like strangling a sheep and being pushed into ten sheep in the same row. It is not comparable. "Of course, I will cooperate to the best of my ability... but who can fight in the villagers? "Clearly, about Jasper. Probably not helping." "Oh. Most of them are just peasants." "Still, I think we can throw stones and hang water, but we'll still have to ask collectors to help us." "But there's no money in the village..." It was the Iris who were with him who responded promptly to the village chief who leaked the words like trouble. "Wow, I'll work with you! Minor force though." "If there's anything I can do." "Oh, thank God. Other collectors of ancient ginseng might be able to help..." "If you're rewarded, if you shoot Hell Flame Grizzly, you'll figure it out with that material. Because I'll buy it. So let's hire them." The gatherer is not a mercenary, but I think he will cooperate if he pays for the village he is staying in. The problem is, if you're not a veteran, you can't shoot Hell Flame Grizzly, but if you're around Mr. Andre, you're probably fine. "But still enough people to protect the whole village, right? "Yes, but there is a way" I just read in the book, too, that Hell Flame Grizzlies, who prefer flame stones, can be induced to some extent by using magical crystal stones with the magic of fire. If we can't protect the entire village, we have to gather our enemies in one place. "Build a fence, direct it there and slap it all at once. If those who can't fight can also help with watches, advance preparation, etc., we can figure it out..." Even if we couldn't collect it completely, it should be better than getting ripped apart from all sorts of places. Against Hagre, someone will have to deal with it in an assault. "Of course, it's the village chief who decides, so I think there's a way for us all to evacuate somewhere..." "We can't evacuate. The majority of the villagers are farmers. You can't live without abandoning farmland. It's no use just expecting support from the Lords here..." "The lord here is incompetent." The sighing village chief and Mr. Jasper, who decides too clearly. But if the village is just to crumble, a normal lord would support it... oh, but is that it? To put it to the extreme, it doesn't have to be the same villagers who are in that village. There is no way to bring people from elsewhere to the village that has become Carrappo. Finally, if you collect the land bill or something, the lord will make money... "Rather, Sarasa is the one who came to this village and the sun is shallow. You don't even have to be here, do you? "Uh-huh. You can't just leave without your friends." Lorea, you're one of the few friends I have, and I'm being looked after by Mr. Elles and Mr. Dillall. Unless you have no prospect at all, but if you have eyes that can handle it, I'm not going to run away. "Thank you. Sarasa came to me this time of year to guide God." "I'm sorry. Grateful. Non is also attached to this village. I don't want to do anything to throw it away if I can." "No. All I can do is to the extent of my power. More than that, let's pack the details of the policy." Then we continued our discussions for a while in order to consolidate details such as the extent to which the fence was built, the combat area and how to direct it. For once, as for me studying knowledge around there at school as well, anyway, it was unexpected that Mr. Iris and Kate had more knowledge than I imagined, but it was a delightful miscalculation that the discussion had progressed thanks to it. "Mr. Sarasa, is there anything you can do to help me? "Right, well, can you pick some herbs out of the garden and wash them? "Got it! Dropping off Lorea as soon as she gets out of the house, I get to build a Demonic Crystal Stone with the magic of fire. When I say Demon Crystal Stone, I don't need anything as pure as the one used for the smelter Artifact, so I just crush the Crumb Demon Crystal Stone and put magic into it. However, the amount is high because it has to be sown quite extensively in order to induce it. "If this fails, you have a huge deficit..." I'm supposed to recover the cost of the crumb demon crystal stone I consume and the smelting drug Potion I offer from the material I killed Hell Flame Grizzly, but I hope that works too. If I fail and run away from the village, I will return to the King's Capital and work in the master's shop. Exactly in this short period of time. I want to avoid that. By the way, I'm explaining the situation to Lorea because she's going to be known anyway. She's been out of line for a while, but it's just as soon as she gets me back and tries to do what she can. By the way, I'm asking Iris and Kate to help me build the fence. A strong fence to make to a place to collect Hell Flame Grizzlies, and a simple fence to make around a village facing the woods. It depends on how far you can build it, but I don't think you need to be so pessimistic to see the hands of Mr. Geberg and all the collaborators who built our garden walls. At the very least, if the fence in the battle area is solid, we'll figure it out...... and good? No, no, no. No pessimism. I need to work hard thinking I can. I put my strength into the hammer of crushing the scraps demon crystal stone so as to shake off the weak thoughts that came to my mind.
"Um! I'm in the middle of a conversation, would you mind waiting? Surprising gaze from everyone at me for putting my hands up and blocking the conversation. "Ah, ah. I don't mind the nonsense. I can't go on a day trip anyway. There's plenty of time." "Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me for a moment..." I give my condolences to Master Adelbert, who shows confusion. Look on the table and speak to Mr. Kate. "Mr. Kate, could you please serve me a cup of tea and... sweets? Sure, because I think I left some cookies made by Lorea." "Oh, yes, right. Okay." I asked Mr. Kate to do so and left the room, hoping to eat something sweet and light up a little. ◇ ◇ ◇ When I came back from my errands, the air in the room was a little softer than earlier. Yeah, I'm sure this is thanks to Lorea's handmade treats. Because it's so delicious, that cookie. ... enough to spare you a split. "Ah, welcome home, manager" "Yes, I'm back now" "Lord Store Manager, where are you going? "I just wanted to check something out. Sorry to keep you waiting." When I got to my seat and lowered my head gently, Master Adelbert shook his head. "What. Instead, I got time to hear more from the two of you. So, Lord Sarasa. Let me thank you again. Well done, Iris." "Let me also thank you from me. I owe it to Sarasa to have Iris' life now." That being said, Master Adelbert and Mr. Caterina bowed their heads deeply against me. "Oh, no, keep your head up! You just said thank you! If you do that to someone in front of you, you're in a little trouble! "But you are rude to Lord Sarasa..." Iris and Kate sandwiched their mouths with a bitter smile at me waving their hands and necks. Father, the manager is in trouble. "Mom, too, because even if you get your head down like that, the opposite will annoy the store manager" "Really? So, if there is. But Lord Sarasa is the benefactor of Iris' life. If there's anything you can do, say it." "Yes. Me too. ... there's not much we can do." Without Mr. Iris and the others (?) So I exhale to the two of you who raised their heads. "Sometimes, please? First of all, Mr. Iris' luck is huge..." I am truly fortunate that I happen to have an inventory of Potions, a smelter that can cure Mr. Iris' injuries. In the unlikely event that someone with similar injuries visits now, I don't know if they can be cured... No, there's nothing I can't cure, but the Tiger Child smelting drug Potion, which I have now, is definitely an over-specified substitute, so I would be very lost in deciding whether to use it. The amount to be charged is going to be significantly higher than the amount charged to Mr. Iris, and when he tells me he used the smelter Potion, which is more expensive than necessary, it's undeniable. But in fact, in the event of an emergency, I can't believe that I happen to stock Potion, the perfect smelter for my symptoms, which is rarely available in this country, so even if they say, "More than necessary," I have trouble being an alchemist, right? Because if you say, 'I don't have just the right smelting drug, Potion, so I won't cure you,' you're going to resent me. It's hard, isn't it? "So, Mr. Store Manager, what's the research? What does that have to do with anything? "Yes, I thought I heard the name that came up earlier when I had a business meeting with Mr. Leonora, so I made a few inquiries." Good to have a symphony box. I installed it the other day and still had no opportunity to be active other than to check the operation, which served an unexpected purpose. "Well, who's Leonora? "Father, Leonora is an alchemist in the town of South Strag" "South Strag's... but how...? Even as he nodded at Mr. Iris' explanation, Master Adelbert twisted his neck wondering how he got in touch. "There's a thing called a symphony box installed. Didn't you know? "I've heard rumors. I hear some of the senior aristocrats are setting it up. Is that it? "Yes, because we are alchemists to each other" "Oh my God!" Master Adelbert looks out for surprises. In fact, if you weren't an alchemist, if you weren't a senior nobleman, as Dear Adelbert put it, it would be difficult to bear the installation and operating costs. The farther away it is, the more costly it is to use, and the closer it is, the less sense it makes to install it. "Lord manager, what about Lord Leonora? "Yes, that's..." First of all, he was trying to make rough money in this village - he was making rough money pickling the alchemists into debt, to be exact, and he said I was targeting them too, and Yoku Barr was still getting rough after that. It is Leonora's expectation that funding was not forthcoming in time and that she was put on kejime by the back society. No, Mr. Leonora himself seemed convinced, so maybe he's getting some information from somewhere. For a mere alchemist, I know a lot. His son Howe Barr is currently running the Barr Chamber of Commerce, succeeding his father-in-law. He is a merchant who appears in this story. Thanks to the hard work of me and Mr Leonora, although the scale of commerce is a much smaller Barr Chamber of Commerce, it still does not reach crumbling just because it was originally large, and for once, they are proud of their considerable power. - Looks like it. Its fruit, its interior is a fire car. The current Barr Chamber of Commerce seems to be in a pretty critical situation. "Leonora said, 'Not very much, but not in a situation where we can have that much money'..." If this fact involves the name of Associate Baron Kirk, there's going to be some kind of back, isn't there? Prejudice, maybe. "Mmm, I looked like a good young man..." "No cheater with a bad face, I hear, Master Adelbert." "That's... I guess so" Lady Adelbert sighs loudly with a suddenly distracted, tired look. A lot of worries, and the determined result of sacrificing Mr. Iris. Now, that sense of restraint is huge, after all. "But why did the Barr Chamber of Commerce approach home? It's not like I have money. It's a knight's house." To Mr Iris, who says a little strangely, I shake my head. "Because you're still noble. You must have had some kind of calculation to help. And I don't know what to say, but the current level of the Barr Chamber of Commerce will be limited." Mr. Iris doesn't seem very conscious, but civilians and nobles, the difference is enormous. Even if that's the lower nobility. "So did our house get eyes on us? If you do a little research, you will know that Noh is in trouble with the money. Was it a good duck?" Master Adelbert roars with regret. "Besides, I can't assure you, Associate Baron Kirk might be chewing one as well. Did you circulate the information or there was some agreement to pay off the debt" Barr Chamber of Commerce and Associate Baron Kirk. It seems almost certain that there's some connection between these two, including the last time, but the other guy is a lord. Mr. Leonora also seems to have difficulty getting his hands on it, which has not been clarified so far. "But either way, I can't take this talk. Even if the money was available, you can't let someone like that into the Rotze family! "Dear Adelbert! It was Mr. Kate who honestly brought joy to that word. Iris and Katerina, too, although not put into words, can find obvious relief from their serene expressions. "But, Father. If you are in debt..." "That's right. I'm back to shaking it out, but how more dangerous would it be to borrow money from such a chamber of commerce than to put the people first" Yeah, what happens if someone like that becomes the head of the Rozze family or something in the future? There can never be 'support for the people because they are hungry'. "But given the circumstances, it seems like I'm responsible for this one, too." "No, nothing. Lord Sarasa has nothing to do with it? We owe money, and we can't pay it back because we don't have enough power." "But I was wondering if there was a part about it because I pushed the Barr Chamber of Commerce." To the strange Lady Adelbert, I shake my head. Of course, this is if you think the Barr Chamber of Commerce and Associate Baron Kirk are connected and a sudden request for repayment has been made from there to Master Adelbert. But in fact, if you normally think about it, there's little reason for Associate Baron Kirk to ask for a lump sum repayment. current situation with high interest and little reduction in principal. So it is certainly more profitable to receive interest in the long run than to be repaid in bulk. It's a somewhat puzzling demand, if not for the reason that Associate Baron Kirk fell short of funds and needed a lot of cash for some reason. "I'm not saying that's a zero chance, but what the manager did is not wrong. You don't have to worry about it." "Right. The manager's actions have definitely saved many people." I get a follow up from Mr. Iris and Kate, who bother me. "If you say so, you will be saved" "But then again, the money has to be constructed somehow..." "I wish I could help..." The cash on hand is currently quite scarce, as a little rough money spent the bulk of it to help the alchemists, and since then has bought in materials that make the big smelter Artifact. It's not that if you dispose of what's in the warehouse, you'll never be able to prepare the amount, but if you do that, you won't be able to stand up as an alchemist, and it won't be that easy to sell, so it'll be hard to find a place to sell it. For once, that's all it's worth. But I don't want to abandon Mr. Iris and, if I have to, think about it too -. "Just one thing before I do, I'd like to ask you something, okay? In my words, the Adelberts nodded, even with a strange look on their face.
- Remedial Measures () However, it seems that my self-assessment did not enjoy much approval. "Hey, it's warm." "(She dropped her neck the moment the monster came out, right? "Oh, we didn't even have time for weapons." "(Do you remember the meaning of the word" generous "by mistake? Wow. I was worried about the wounded. As the days went by, their injuries healed and they were now able to walk on their feet, except for Lloyd, who had been seriously injured. Still, half of us can fight it all. When there was a riot, it was dangerous, and I was rotten to deal with it quickly. I am. And yet, this rating. But I'm not angry. It's so generous! "I also know that the manager is kind and kind." Isn't it? The boulder is Iris. Thank you for your judgment! "- But sometimes it's relentless, isn't it? "That's right. For example, if I came back and the store was destroyed or something like that happened...." "Wouldn't it be a shatter and too much momentum to kill Baron Kirk? My shop worked hard to fix the garden, rebuild the walls, repair the exterior walls and roofs, put up stylish signs, and put them into my favorite interiors. Back in the village, the shop was destroyed - imagine that. "... it's okay, I guess." "You've lost a lot!?" "Oh, calm down, okay? Store manager." "Calm down. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." "No, Sarasa. You felt something really cold. Oops. Stopped Baron Kirk rolling in front of the destroyed shop. Perhaps that's how I imagined it would have leaked. "Are you sure? For now, the manager is a civilian. If you put a nobleman in your hands, you'll be in trouble." No, I mean, no matter how cheap it is, that shop is my precious castle. Besides, it's not worth living, is it? It's like a bandit, isn't it? You should apologize for dying, right? Kate sighed as if she had read my mood from my face. "Should I marry Iris nominally? Then it would be a nobleman." "Ugh... it's okay. I weigh myself." Maybe it's safer for a moment? I thought about it. Indeed, if a civilian kills a nobleman, he will certainly be executed, even if there is a reason for this. This is not something that can be covered with some backing or connections. But if there is a difference in titles between nobles, the situation will change completely. If it takes the form of a “duel”, the other party will not be held responsible even if he dies, and if it is treated as a “conflict”, it will be judged fairly. Because that's exactly why we got married... "... store manager, if you kill someone, don't leave any witnesses behind. If I can buy time, I can do the crafts." "Mm-hmm. In that case, I should have killed him. I'm noble, and the manager owes me that much." "No, that's why I won't! I shook my head in a hurry to both of them with so serious expressions. If Iris tells me that, I can't do it! --But in case of an incident, should I prepare a non-lethal attack smelter (potion)? Something like that that that makes you want to run away. I rolled up the whole alchemy in my head, and when I was laughing with Fufufu, Madison and the others started talking to Kokoshiko with the look that they pulled. "Captain, we're not listening to you...." "Listen, they already have our lives in their hands." "On the contrary, I've been treated for my injuries and my life has been saved. All we can do is cooperate as much as we can to get rid of the lord? I see. If he stays the same, the lives of us and our family will be..... " "I don't have a family. If I have to, I'll be the lord...." "" Senpai...! A few young men with tears grip the grumpy fist of a grand man. It sounds like a good story, but that's not good enough. Iris broke into the conversation like he was in a hurry. "Wait, wait! Don't make up your minds to be sad. You're the ones who tried to kill us, but I won't hold back until you cooperate. I got permission from your father to move." "I still don't know if it'll settle down like this, but you can run away, including your family." Typically, the higher the number of residents, the higher the tax revenue and the more power the territory will have. Therefore, as a lord, it is difficult to accept emigration outside the territory, but there are no restrictions on internal emigration in this country, and restrictions are prohibited by the territorial law. If the people flee, it is the policy of the state that there is only a problem with the rule of the lord, and if they do not like it, make it a territory from which they cannot flee. As a result, if each lord competes to develop the territory, it will lead to an increase in national power, and if the territory fails and is destroyed, it will be good to descend to the throne and confiscate the territory on the grounds of its failure - perhaps the law was made with that in mind. However, it is a different issue whether we will be able to live safely in the destination. It is difficult to find a place to live or work in an unrelated place. If you are an ordinary person, you cannot make a decision to migrate unless you are pushed too far. Well, there are people who have been pushed here... I understand the difficulty of migrating, so even if I hear Kate's words, the expression won't clear up. "Thank you very much, but... can you manage by migrating? Surely the Rotze family territory is rural, isn't it? I don't think we have a security job... some farmers, but most of them are amateurs? "There's not much farmland left to give to a normal village, is there? Then, from the opening. This is going to be tough. " "Still, it's cheap if the whole family lives are saved. Fortunately, we are confident in our health. If you can even give me the land, if we all work hard....." "So don't start early." Better than dying, Iris will interrupt Madisons who are in a spiritual mood again. I told you I got permission. Agricultural land will be provided if necessary. I'm not saying we can expect a profitable harvest soon, but there's no need to open it up. " "Is that... I feel like I'm talking too well? Not only Madison answered that question, but all the other soldiers looked strange. As one of the soldiers mentioned earlier, there is no surplus agricultural land in the ordinary countryside. Originally, farmland is inherited by each house, and children who do not inherit the house will marry the inheritance of other houses, leave the village, or work to open one or eight. So, if there is surplus agricultural land, it is only natural that it be distributed to young people in the village before the migrants. It is only natural that they should be suspicious. However, the situation is a little different this time. "There is certainly no surplus agricultural land. However, for this time only, the store manager is supposed to cooperate. Don't worry about it." "The Alchemist's daughter? Well, then, is that possible? That's all... that's why." All the soldiers looked at me and nodded as if they were convinced. I'm a little curious about what you think... well, no. Incidentally, Iris said 'I will cooperate', but I will advise and help and Kate will actually be the main task. The magic of openness that Kate and Lorea are currently teaching. I decided to try it out in the territory of the Rotze family, along with my field training. Depending on the situation, it may not be necessary, but Iris and Kate's siblings would like to be introduced, and I think it would be good to visit once. "There will still be trouble, but would it be better if your family were executed together? When Iris laughed at Nicholas, he understood the situation and felt relieved. The soldiers' expressions were bright and the tone was light. "Of course! Thank you, Señor! Yeah, it's too light. Aristocratic treatment of Iris - or excessive struggle - is no longer the same as before, but how about you? "Ah, Seung-san... I'm not asking you to call me a lady, but if you're going to be a citizen, stop calling me that." Iris also corrects the words of the well-behaved soldier with a troublesome look on his face. - But, young lady. A little unfamiliar words. Lorea asked Kate next door if she had noticed. "Is Iris called a lady? "Yes, Miss Iris. Because I'm the next lord." "Miss Iris...." Me and Lorea's voices overlap. It's not wrong. I'm not mistaken. But Iris in his dress... hmm? Maybe it looks good on you? Kate, maybe we should take a look. "Got it. Miss Iris! No, so... "Well, that's good. It's the same thing when you get home, isn't it? "That's true... Ah, I see. Call me whatever you want." Alice, who tried to correct it, sighed as if she had given up. In fact, if that's what the people are calling it, it doesn't make much sense to just correct Madisons. "By the way, where's Kate? "Am I normal? It was Kate who answered my question, but Iris laughed at it. They call me Kate. "Dear Kate! Without thinking about it, Lorea and I have a voice that meets again. It's not normal! No, Kate is also a jury, so it's not strange for the people to call her that! Still, it's not normal. As far as we're concerned from the civilian population, it's not normal for everyone to call us by farewell! That's what I wanted to say... "--Normal, right? Kate smiled and said that, but there was no other answer. I mean, my eyes aren't laughing.
Lava that was quiet with only a slight wave. That's where it starts making bumpy noises and there are disturbing signs. "Whoa, this is! The magic concentration dropped rapidly." "If you're saying it!! I don't care what you think, it seems dangerous!?" Iris yells at Nordrad, who happily looks at the measuring instrument, but Nordrad doesn't look like he cares, comparing the measuring instrument to foaming lava. And the surface of the lava thrives all at once -. Zabah! What appeared was a giant demon of red scales, which tormented the Iris a while back. It brings the neck, and it grinds the Iris. "Yay! Salamander!!" "'Yay!', not! "I'm getting away with this! If Kate runs over to Iris with her luggage on her back, Iris also quickly takes charge of her luggage and enters the escape posture. But only Nord was different. "" What...? Step toward the salamander and shrink your body on the spot. "Huh! And when I thought it had stretched up all at once, I poked my fist up over my head. Dogong! A dull, heavy noise sounded, his fist pierced Salamander's jaw and lifted his head. "" Yeah!? " "Again, can't you" To unexpected behavior, Iris blinks and shudders for a moment, and Nord squeaks so calmly. And when I took up my baggage very smoothly, I ran out to flow. - Leave the Iris on the spot. "Huh? Huh? Is that...? Ha!?, we're getting away! Iris!" "Oh yeah!?" Kate, who immediately returned to me, pulls Iris's hand, and they both start running after Nordrad. Nordrad, who looks thin if only in terms of results, but he is the subject of the Iris and their escorts. We should let him get away first if he's supposed to, and he's more thankful to have escaped. His behavior is not wrong - except for the last minute uppercut. "Iris, hurry up! We reached the passage leading from the hall to the outside one foot ahead of Iris, and if Kate looked back, Salamander, recovering from Nordrad's attack, was breathing heavily in. The behavior Kate saw the other day. You can't even look at it wrong. "The braces are coming! "Wow!!" Iris runs through Kate's side with a weird scream. And, at the same time... "Ugh, more debt again!" With such a blood-soaking voice, Kate threw the stone out of her pocket. It is a fragile condition of 'If you use it, pay for it', a smelter (artifact) borrowed free of charge from Sarasa. Naturally, where it should have been purchased, it was a substitute that Kate was supposed to lend to me because of the luxury goods she had to abandon, and the effect was proportionate to the price. Kim! A clear, light sound sounded and the passage closed with thick translucent ice. Immediately after that, it stained the red colour, but I don't feel any heat. But Kate and the others have experienced the power of that brace. No matter how thick the ice is, it's not always bearable, and this space itself is hot in the first place. I'm going to solve it, even if it's nothing. I can never afford it in time. Kate immediately turned her back on it and ran after Iris and the others. ◇ ◇ ◇ Iris, who had escaped from the salamander, had stopped his feet in a single passage, off the side of the passage leading to the ground. Needless to say, if you're going to think about safety, it's better to escape all the way to the ground at once, but in this cave where you could die at high temperatures if you take off your coat, the three of you are not human apart enough to be able to go on such a long journey with heavy baggage on your back. "Ha ha. I'm tired..." Iris, who sat up to enter, lowered her luggage to the ground and wiped the sweat dripping from her jaw. Iris and his coats are also equipped with cooling, but essentially to protect themselves from intense heat such as flames. It has a mechanism to keep the inside of the coat at a comfortable temperature to some extent so that it can act normally, but sweat if you exercise intensely at any comfortable temperature. So as to make up for the lost moisture, Iris glanced kickingly at Nordrad when he sipped a gook of the water he had removed from his luggage. "I have a lot to say... Nord, why did you do that? Did you bring Salamander back to life? Unlike Iris, Nordrad, who was taking out his notebook rather than water, responds to Iris without even raising his face as he writes there. "That's right. You knew that and you did it, didn't you? I'm pretty sure you had a prediction that you'd be back. "So why? You knew it was dangerous, didn't you? "Because that was the theme of the experiment? You seem hesitant because it's dangerous, and you're disqualified as a researcher, aren't you? In the first place, if we are to avoid danger, we have not become the researchers of demons. I finally look up, and to Nordrad, who says so, Iris and the others have trouble disputing it. Iris and the others were on the escort because of the danger, and bitterly complaining that it was dangerous would be a little different. Although it would be debatable whether dyeing your own hands with dangerous behavior is the right thing to do as an escort. "Mm-hmm, I don't know..." "As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to ask if you needed that kind of experiment in the first place." "Definitely helpful, you think? For example, if you need material for a demon. This country has relatively easy access to materials because of the tree sea at the foot of the Gerba Roch Mountains, but you still don't always get the materials you need" "Well, I guess so. But you don't have to be in the country to import, do you? "That's a risk. As a nation. Of course, we shouldn't normally do this because this is too dangerous. But what you can do makes sense." This country, where the Iris live, is not currently at war with some country, but that does not mean that preparation is unnecessary. Even if this one has no intention of attacking, he would be disqualified as the person in charge of the defense of the state if he hadn't kept it 'risky to invade' from the surrounding countries. Preferences for alchemists adopted by this country are part of this, and smelters (artifacts) and smelters (potions) play an important role in the strategy. But it is also because of the availability of those materials. There is no doubt that alchemists are good, even if they cannot be smelted, but their value is greatly shredded. "Nord thinks like an exchanger, doesn't he?... are you noble? "Um, well, give me that end? But in my case, I'm just thinking about what my sponsors might be happy with." It's all for the prize money. Iris and the others can only smile bitterly at Nordrad, who says it without a shudder. "Nevertheless, I don't think we have to experiment with salamanders..." "But if you're a salamander, resurrection wouldn't bother anyone else, would it? Salamander who rarely comes out of a nest hole if not a little bit. It does not strike the surrounding settlements or anything, and it may indeed be suitable as an experimental subject. Although there is a premise that the safety of experimental personnel must be considered. And as for Iris and Kate, who have been made that 'experimental associate' sometime, it would be natural to want to file a complaint. "You almost fed the braces, didn't you?" "Though I have the coat the manager made for me, I don't know about that... and the luggage doesn't matter" The luggage on your back is outside your coat. Even if Iris' lives are saved, it is quite dangerous to see if he can make it back to the village safely if his luggage is lost. "Finally, the attack on Salamander - hey, Nord, you were stronger than you imagined, weren't you? "Well, I'm working out to some extent. It's a demon study, isn't it? I can't even look into it properly because I can't seem to get close." If you just observe from afar, you can rely on an escort, but if you're studying living demons, combat ability is a must. If you don't have the ability to withstand some attack, it's too dangerous no matter what you think. "You weren't just physically fit. I don't have a weapon, so..." "You can fight a little. The basics are in the form of not being like earlier and leaving it to the escorts later. And when you're obsessed with the investigation, you're neglecting your guard, so it's imperative that you escort them." Incidentally, Nordrad doesn't have a weapon because he fights by physical surgery, and when it comes to why physical surgery, he doesn't hurt the subject more than he needs to. No matter how far you go, research comes first. That's Nordrad.
Madison, who had been dropping his shoulders for a while, slowly raised his face, turned around and stared at me with determination and seriousness. "Miss, can you manage with my neck alone? The men are captains, not in the form of just following my orders." "That's nothing-- it's not up to me to decide." I buy that willingness to protect my men with my own life, but I only report it. It is the judicial authorities of the King's Landing who decide on punishment. --But perhaps you won't give me an extenuating circumstance. It is a hassle to investigate in detail, and I have a feeling that executing the executor is going to end. For the bureaucrats of King's Land, the civilians of the regional territory are all one thing. Individual situations will not be repeated and will be handled in a streamlined manner. "Nevertheless, as far as I'm concerned, I'm not at all happy to have your neck. Benefits are zero. It would be worth it if I could take the head of the baron himself." "Oh, oh... Miss, don't be scared. "Fufu," I laughed to Madison, who stood back like a white nose. "I mean, you almost got killed. Isn't that a natural request? It is also tantamount to banditry, such as trying to dispose of us in an illegal way. It's also like taking hostages in the middle of the day, using irresistible people to fight giants (centipede). Even though it was prevented before, it has caused people to be exposed in the store, and it has become difficult. ... I guess you can fuck me already. "Restaurant manager, calm down. No matter how much scum you get, you'll be in trouble with the nobles." Kate puts her hand on my shoulder to calm me down when something black accidentally leaks out. "Yes, that's right, Sarasa. No such thing to a noble opponent..." "If you're going to fuck, we need to get things right and make sure there's no problem. It's not the only way to do it directly." "Kate!?" Lorea peeled her eyes, but Iris nodded. "The debt made me drink boiled water. The manager has a great deal to offer, and I'll do anything to help. If Warrant Baron Kirk's strength drops, it'll be convenient for us." "Even Iris... is that okay? "Lorea, I want you to remember that I am a nobleman." "... ah, that's right. I just heard that." Lorea nods again because Iris and the nobles can't connect somewhere. Iris continued his words in response to Lorelei's reaction, making her look a little pathetic. "We didn't get involved, but the power struggle between the nobles is going on pretty well, right? Poke it thoroughly if it drops, and hit it with a stick if it falls into the water. That's what it is." "Hah, what a nasty place, a noble society. I'm glad I didn't get involved." "I, aristocrat...." "... I'm glad I didn't get involved with strange nobles." Iris pointed it out again with a subtle expression, and Lorea corrects her remarks slightly. Well, not just the nobility, but the nature of each person. Some people don't want to hang out with civilians, and others are good to nobles. Is it the difference between a noble and a civilian whose nature has a huge impact on the surroundings? The Madisons, who were to be swayed by it, could not forbid any sympathy. "Well, we'll discuss what we can do about them in the future. --Shall I get treatment first? They seem to have finished their work." When I looked behind Madison, he also looked back. "One, two... did you collect them all?" They were gathered there by members of Madison's forces. While Madison was explaining it to us, the first two people who were separated from Madison and a few others who were walking normally worked together to bring the people who had fallen all over the snow. Did you notice that our conversation was interrupted? One of them approached us and saluted Madison. "Captain, we've collected them all! I see. What's the status? " "Fortunately, there are no dead. - Oh, except for that shit." Words added to throw up after a little smile and report. Perhaps that "shit" is the son of a lord who suffered (...) the accident. From the disgust seeping into the words, I can feel the personality of "shit". "I don't give a shit. Throw it away." "Yeah, I just peeled off what I needed and left it there." "Okay, that's good." A man with a good smile and thumbs, and Madison with a good smile in response. Seeing that, Iris accidentally leaked a word. "... no, is that okay? So..." I don't think so, either, but that's why I don't have enough kindness to suggest 'I'll bring you back the body'. You're the one who came here to kill us? My kindness can only be poured into a radius of a few meters. In a distance-of-minded sense. "So, Captain... what happened? I suppose you understand that it is not a relationship that you can help me with. The man with the thumb pulled into his eyes is worried about our complexion. When we turned to Madison, he nodded and opened his mouth. "I'm going to be treated. I don't think I can say anything about it afterwards... better than fighting them here, right? "Of course. It's more likely to save you than to prove your death. Fighting girls is enough on the bed. Like this, it's like poking each other." A man shook out his hand and smiled, adding extra words. But he got Madison's fist instantly. "Carter, watch your mouth! This is the lady of nobility." "Ufuuu!!" Carter breaks and falls. However, he raised his face immediately and apologized in a hurry. "Ma, are you serious!? I'm sorry! "I'm sorry about the poor education." "No, that's fine, but... are you okay? "I'm fine! I'm sorry!" Whether it was difficult to complain about the situation or whether Iris was in trouble, Carter immediately stood up, bowed his head again, apologized, and gazed at me. "Ah, um, can I ask you a favor? Some of them are pretty bad." "I see. But please refrain from being vulgar. Lorea's in there too, so it's flat!? ... when I thought about it, Lorea, you were more resistant to plain taste than I am. In the country, you get married early. But my healing complaint seemed to have worked well against Carter and immediately "Watch your mouth! The answer came back. "Yes, please. Are there... nine people injured?" Of Madison's troops, one or two were intact, including Madison. There are five standing on their feet, the remaining four lying on the snow. I have fur on it to protect against the cold, but I don't know when the weather in the mountains will change, and it seems better to hurry. "Now, I'm going to examine you... but please don't make any suspicious moves. You may look weak, but I can still kick Hell Flame Grizzly to death." Their future has not yet been confirmed, so I am a little troubled if they are exposed during the medical examination saying, 'If you don't have a weapon, you may be able to handle it.' ― ― In the sense that you can't take care of it. I didn't want to kill him, and just to warn him, Madison and the others looked all the same subtle. "(No one sees that battle and thinks it's weak....)" "(Can you kick Hell Flame Grizzly to death? Not at all)" "(Seriously. Almost a monster)" Injured people, can you hear me whispering? Because you don't even know how to treat someone who's crazy. "Beautiful flowers have thorns." ... well, I'll forgive you with a wide heart.
Magic Stove () After the creation of the Magic Instruction Stove is finished, he spends more time restoring the herbal fields in the backyard, which have become ruinous, as well as increasing variations of the smelting drug Potion, until additional iron plates are delivered. Basically, it's me doing business for collectors, but here's what I want to push against people in the village who got a little rich on this one. “Primary antidote". You can apply it when a poisonous insect has stabbed you, or you can drink it when you become "Shiitake" in the food. It's a very convenient potion for an affordable price. So one for the family, where I always want to have it. Even in the orphanage I was in, I always kept it just in case, but naturally, they never let me use it. That's for babies and little kids. Sometimes you die while you're eating. As an example, they sell cheap by returning bottles of the smelting drug Potion, so I hope the villagers will come to the store easily on this occasion... Incidentally, the material for this smelting drug, Potion, has been collected mainly by Mr. Iris and his men. It was easier for them to request what they wanted because they were in a position that was half exclusive to us, and it was easier for them to make a deal about 'gathering materials because we offer the smelting drug Potion'. Oh, sure, it's a fair deal, huh? I don't use a landlord, creditor, or position like that...... I guess. And about a few days while doing that. The iron plate I was waiting for was delivered. "Sa, Sarasa, good job......" "Yes, good job. You look really tired, don't you? "Yeah, it was quite heavy, this is" Gizdo's wife, Jimena, came to deliver to us. There are sixteen iron plates on it - four of them are for business magic stoves, and they are quite large - I have pulled the luggage car and it is brought to the luggage car like I am tired. It was pretty deep on the ground, and it was hard for her to bring it alone, wasn't it? Eh...... the total weight, even if easily calculated, is slightly over 0kg, right? I guess cobblestones would have been better yet, because cobblestones are neglected around here and out of villages with no crowds, so the road isn't very good either. "It's pretty heavy, so I'd like to ask you to help me carry it in...... today, what about Mr. Iris and the others? "Oh, they're at work. I'll carry it myself, you'll be fine. Wait a minute, please." When I take the gloves that protect my hands from the workshop, I test the iron plate seated on the luggage car. Regardless of the iron plate for the Magic Instruction oven, the four iron plates on the business Magic Instruction stove are quite large. You should just stop carrying this at once, right? If I slip my hand and even pinch my finger, it's going to break normally. "Um, Mr. Sarasa...? "Come on!" "-!? Yeah!? Why...? When I loaded it, I carried it with my husband!?" One or two for the magic guide oven. Lifting it up for a moment, Mr. Jimena raises his voice. From my physique, maybe it looks strange... "It's magic. If you can't hold it alone in the first place, you can't even process it." "That's right... but honestly, Sarasa's outfit makes me uncomfortable..." Ha ha...... This iron plate is lightly over half my weight, and hey. Maybe it does look a little different. "I'm not that good at this magic, but it's a must for alchemists. At first, alchemists don't have enough money to hire help or anything." For this reason, if I can't use physical enhancement, I would be rather embarrassed to say no to "I can't make that smelter Artifact because it's heavy". "That's amazing. It would seem useful if even a blacksmith like us could use it...... is it difficult? "You don't need magic much, but it's pretty hard, right? Because precise magic manipulation is required. Magic for alchemists to use, but on the contrary, more than precision, many people can't use it for magicians who want destructive power anyway. By the way, I'm relatively good at magic manipulation, which is another reason why I'm not that good at this magic. Simply because "I don't have the original muscle strength." That's all. If I need a 60% multiplier where others need to multiply it by 30%, I have to use it twice as powerful and twice as sophisticated as others. - No, it's my fault I honestly don't work out my body. Because my health has been neglected in my previous life and my intelligent polarization. School could be graduated, and from now on, it's going to improve a little bit, plans. Tomorrow, I seriously continue my sword training, which my master told me to do. "This is the last time...... duh. Thank you, Jimena." Three times back and forth in front of the workshop and the house, I took off my leather gloves and exhaled. "No, welcome. In the end, I left it to you." "It's hard to carry in the hallway or the other way when you're two people, so it's no problem." It's an iron plate that's 50 centimeters wide. It's hard to travel the other way when carried by two people. "This is going to be Mr. Dilal's magical guide stove, right? "Yes, I ordered, I got it" "If there's a stove that works with magic, isn't there a furnace for blacksmiths that works with magic? Because blacksmiths consume a lot of fuel after all." "There is, isn't there? "Do you have one?!?" "Yes." I raise my voice in surprise, Mr. Jimena, but our workshop is also equipped with small objects of it. It only works with magic, so you don't need any charcoal or anything. No, but I have a problem selling this to a blacksmith. "With that, you don't need fuel, do you? "Yes, but there's very little you use at the blacksmith's, isn't there? "Really? It would be so much easier if we didn't need fuel..." "'What a magic furnace. Out of the way!' Some people say, 'but it's mostly about magic." Unless special finishes are applied, heat is proportional to the amount of magic used, as in "Magic Stoves for People with Less Magic." Simply put, a magic stove would be nice if the pan was hot, but a furnace used for blacksmithing would require enough temperature for that pan to melt. Inevitably, the necessary magic increases dramatically. The reason we alchemists can use magic furnaces for blacksmiths is because, in addition to having more magic than normal people, the furnaces are smaller in size and have less time to use compared to blacksmiths. When it comes to working as a blacksmith for a day, many alchemists will not have enough magic. In principle, a highly efficient magic furnace can also be built, but given its cost, it is not a substitute that can be introduced into a very ordinary blacksmith. Gimmena such an explanation, she nodded unfortunately, but as convinced. "I see. You don't have any good stories." "Sounds like a magical, extra blacksmith is using it... you're a minority" What about Mr. Zizd? and turned her gaze, Ms. Jimena shook her head. "Well, it's not very common, like Mr. Jimena didn't know. There are other useful smelting tools for blacksmiths, Artifacts, but craftsmen are often constrained by tools, so they don't seem to sell very well." "Oh, I get it. Because that's where my husband is." Light but powerful hammers, automatic motion, and clay that makes the shape you want. Some things keep beating hammers with more power than humans when it's a big deal, but the blacksmiths subtly take it badly. The alchemist is happy to use it, so I'm sure it's handy, but I'm sure there's something I can't give away. ◇ ◇ ◇ The way in which the Magic Guided Stove is made basically doesn't change when the size increases. Even though you will need a lot of magic in proportion to your size, you do not try to make it at once, if you rest, you can make it even if you have less magic. "Rather, the problem is in terms of health, hey..." When writing a circuit, you can't write while moving the iron plate like paper, but you will write a fine circuit as you move around the iron plate you put on the table. If it is also the stage of sticking two more iron plates together, putting them in a box filled with clay, and putting them in an alchemy kettle, their weight lightly exceeds my weight. And that's two this time. Dismantling tea heavy. Finally, lift it up, put it slowly through the mouth of the cauldron, and gently stand to the side. "Phew. In the first place, putting a plate in a kettle with a round bottom feels wrong in itself! An alchemy kettle like a shallower pan, or rather a frying pan, would be easier. Well, that would make it inconvenient when making the smelting drug Potion, so it would be of limited use. Alchemy cauldrons are not easy to buy, so it is impossible to use them separately for different purposes. But if you put it in, the processing process is easy. I just need some more magic. "And it's even harder to take it out," he said.... Oh? If you think about it, this is... " Lower the alchemy kettle from the magic furnace, lay your mouth down and let it sleep slowly. Drag the Magic Instructor stove out of there in a jittery. "... Wow, it's not easy. My hard work, what was that?" No, couldn't I have rather treated the alchemy kettle with it lying around? I'm not putting liquid in it, so I don't have any problems with my mouth lying sideways. "Uh-oh, next time, when you make the smelter Artifact, let's lay it down and use it, absolutely" No, it's okay to install it a little diagonally, even during the smelting potion. Because of my physique, it's a little hard for me to use this size alchemy kettle. "There was a back stretch pill or something...? When it comes to alchemists, you don't know all the smelters, the artifacts, the smelters, the potions. Instead, perhaps I should say that I only know the contents up to the number of volumes I can read. I know famous things and weird things. “Baldness pills” or something. By the way, they're in ten volumes. Yes, it is ten volumes packed with the wasted substitute "Do It". They were born as a failure of "hairy pills"... this, the person who tried it, isn't it teary-eyed? If I applied it with the intention of growing it, you think it would fall out? But this “balding pill", surprisingly, is in demand. It is very popular for people who have a hard time shaving their beard, who are shaving their hair for religious reasons, or who want to get rid of it, if it is gentle on the skin and has a dramatic effect on it. It's totally niche, though. Well, there are drugs like that, so I think there was a taller smelting drug, Potion. However, I am hesitant to use this body that my parents gave me, such an alchemy potion, cheaply. It's not like I'm sick. ... if it's about the potion, an alchemy that encourages healthy growth, is it acceptable? "Hey, more than that, finish, finish" Because it is used in the cafeteria where it is frequently used, it will be more rust-proof and waterproof than usual. "Firm on the back, too - colored" The items we use are beautifully embedded in the foundation, so yes, the back won't get dirty, but Mr. Dilal's place will be followed. I think I'm just going to put it on top of the one I'm using right now, and you should be careful with this one, too. "The rest, if you dry it till tomorrow, it's done! As long as the Demonic Crystal Stone is prepared in advance, it will take time, a few hours or so. After that, we made a magic oven for the crisp and our kitchen, and the day's work coincided with the end.
Finish your lunch and take a breath. I'd love to take it more slowly if I had the time, but after this I can't even relax very much because I'm waiting to say hello to the village chief. Besides, I'd like to clean the house a little before sundown. "Welcome, Mr. Dilal." "Aye, crude lady. Oh, wait a minute! Mr. Dilal, who stopped me from leaving the store, once in the kitchen, came back with a pot and a bag. "Take him home. You're moving, you're not cleaning up the house, are you? "Oh, but..." "I won't hesitate! Come on, come on!" When I glanced at Mr. Elles, he nodded, "Take it, so I can push it in half and take it." "Thank you" "Ha ha, because the countryside needs help. That bread, we sell it in the morning, so it's a hassle to bake it yourself, if you like it, come buy it." "Yes, I understand" I know how to bake bread myself, and I've done it before. But the mindset is the level of help in the orphanage. Meals came out in school dorms, so I've never made them in the last few years. Honestly, I don't think I can make anything tastier than the bread I just ate, so I think it's more likely that I'll take care of you. "Ma, even if you don't like it, there's nothing else you can buy in this village but hard-baked bread from the grocery store! I mostly buy troublesome retreats here." "What are you talking about! Even you sometimes say," I forgot to plant it! 'Cause you're running in! That said, when Mr. Elles mixes it up, Mr. Dillall's flat hand bursts into the bassin and back. Um, this is normal. Should I work out my body? "Come on, let's go. Your daughter's busy too, isn't she? "Ah, yes. Thank you, Dilal." "Aye! Again, we left the dining room thanking Mr. Dilal, all the way to the village chief's house... of, before, Elles had a moment to wait and rushed back to the house once. It's not good to go say hello, but keep the pan in your hand, is it? ◇ ◇ ◇ "Um, what kind of a village chief are you? If you are a difficult person, you are a formidable enemy to me because I have little experience with people. "Hmm, you're a pretty old grandpa already. I'm a little jerked off, but I'm not going to get tired of it yet." "... are you scared? "Huh? Oh, it's okay! Because he's a laid-back grandfather." "Oh yeah! Good for you! Sarasa, great victory! No, it took a little despair when I came to this village, but not a pretty good one? Maybe thanks to Mr. Elles' introduction, but they're all nice to me for being a lousy mouth. It's easiest to live! See, that's the village chief's house. What Mr. Elles points to ahead is an ordinary private house. It is neither extra large nor luxurious compared to other houses. Locally, it's near the center of the village, but if you don't tell me, you don't realize it's the village chief's house, this is... "In this village, I don't think Sarasa has much to do with it, because she only has about a tax collection." "Perhaps." Although the tasks required of village chiefs vary from village to village, tasks ordered by the state may include collecting village taxes and handing them over to tax collectors. When it comes to taxes, it's not just about money, it's also about storage in crops and specialties depending on the industrial structure of the village, so it's commissioned by the state to save the tax collectors time. However, the tax on merchants will be treated differently, and the amount determined by the size of the business, the population of the location of the store, etc. will be paid once a year at a flat rate. It's basically the same with us alchemists, but in the case of alchemists, we have to calculate and pay the amount according to the sales. Well, it's self-declared, so I'm gonna deceive you to some extent. False declarations are a crime for once, and given the profit and tax rates, there will be a small number of people who deceive until they commit a crime. However, "It's a pain in the ass to record, make it easier because you can increase taxes," the master was disapproved. "He's a village chief, even if he rots. Your face is huge, so it helps a little when you're in trouble. It doesn't hurt to say hello." "Ha..." Is that how it feels right? "Come on, Elles. Isn't that a terrible way to say it?" I came all the way to the village chief's house talking about that, and my grandfather, who came out of the back of the house, approached me saying that. So this guy's the village chief? "Oh, Grandpa, were you listening?" When he asked me, I thought it would be a bad idea, and Mr. Elles didn't look bad, so I returned the words. "Elles, who used to be cute, could have been so..." "Don't say 'honey' or anything! This is why Grandpa is here. This is Sarasa, the alchemist who came to the store." "Nice to meet you. My name is Sarasa, and I'm an alchemist. I'm going to live in this village, thank you." As I panicked and lowered my head to coincide with Mr. Elles' introduction, the village chief waved at ease. "Ho ho ho. I won't be so afraid. Alchemist is super eri and (...) Later. You're welcome to come to our village." "No, no... I'm still a young man..." "No, no, just being an alchemist is helpful enough for our village. Nice to meet you. I'll help you with anything you need, so feel free to talk to me." "Yes, thank you" But in fact, the village chief is certainly not wrong. In small villages without doctors, the presence or absence of alchemists can be quite a dead and alive issue. Any novice alchemist can definitely make some smelting drug Potion, as well as medical knowledge. So much so that the alchemist has more credibility than the doctor in that area when he does poorly. Well, if that's why you get arrogant, it's imperative for Village Eight, so I'll go humbly, humbly. Then for a little while I turned over Mr. Elles to the village chief and asked him what he would have known better about living in the village, etc., and I quit the place by telling the village chief that I didn't seem to have enough to talk about yet "because the house has not been cleaned up yet". Of course, I had the information I needed, but % of what I talked about was chatter. Is the village chief actually free? Mr. Elles said he didn't have a job. ◇ ◇ ◇ "Well! I have a lot to do, and I need to get rid of it crisp! Leave all the stuff I've received at the grocery store in the corner of the room for now, laundry first. Move to the bathroom and throw the laundry you saved during your journey into the bucket you bought and wash it. I bought a fishing bottle, but it's a pain in the ass, so the water used magic to get it out. ... Yeah, actually, if it's just me, you don't have to use the well to figure it out. There is a difference between using a fishing bottle to draw water consumes strength, and using magic to get water out consumes magic, but when it comes to me, the latter is easier. Then why did you buy a fishing bottle... what kind of well can't draw water? Well, not only is it such a sensory object, but sometimes it is more desirable if you use it for alchemy, if you grow herbs, if you treat it using the smelting drug Potion, etc., because it is not magically served water, so you need it. "There's a place to dry... no vestibule, right? Let's use magic." If I dried it in front of the store, it would be just lame, and the backyard is not rough enough to dry the laundry all you want. I feel like I just want to dry out into the sun, but for today, let's deal with this magically again. Squeeze the washed clothes tightly, spreading them clean and then magically drying them out. At this time, if the wrinkle "wrinkle" is dried without stretching, it will become wrinkly, so be careful. The magic of drying won't remove wrinkles. When the laundry is done, clean up next. It's not that dirty thanks to the engraving, but there's dust on some furniture that doesn't work. I opened the windows of the house and cast the primary magic 'Breeze' of the wind system, also known as cleaning magic. This, in the wind system, is the first kind of magic I can remember, but it's actually quite difficult. No, if it's just the original “just a little wind” feature, it's really easy. Because it's elementary magic. However, as is also known, it requires a lot of advanced magic control to be used as cleaning magic. If you make it too strong, it will blow up to what you need, so you have to turn the wind all the way around with moderate strength and then successfully carry the dust collected out the window. It is quite difficult and is ideal for practicing magic control, so cleaning with this was normally done in the dorm. And it can be a new year's festive poem, in a sense, for paper and sheets to fall out the window. What an alchemist needs is not mighty magic, but elaborate magic manipulation, so if you can't do this much, you can't graduate very much, yeah. The general public may not recognize that magicians alchemists are also magicians, even though they recognize them. Most importantly, what is needed for alchemy is precise magic manipulation, so I can be an alchemist even with less magic. I mean, he's a magician, but he's not always strong. Fortunately, my magic is a lot to the extent that I can do it as a mage - no, clearly, it's more than enough, but I don't practice that kind of magic much. Because alchemists are safer and more profitable than magicians. I don't know what to say instead, but I practiced quite a bit when it comes to some handy magic like cleaning magic, and I took great care of it when cleaning dorm rooms. Now you can clean without even dancing paper. Well, there's nothing right now, so there's no need for such elaborate manipulation at all. Instead, let the wind dance all over the room pretty strongly and let the dust spit out the window at once. "Um, roughly good? From what I've seen, there's no more dust on it. If you want to say the details, it would be a good idea to clean the wipes in the house, but since it's a hassle, let's hope for the rest of the engraving features. "But just the room I'm going to sleep in today, let's clean it up" I don't have a bed or a futon yet, so I'll be sleeping on the floor with a cape and a blanket. Even if it's obvious that it's a wild lodge, I just want to keep it a little clean in my own house. "Water and rags... oh, you don't have a rag" I've just thrown away what I used in the dorm, and I just bought it, and it's too much for me to use a cloth for futon. I stick my hand in my backpack and indulge in what I bring. "I can still wear this. This one... it's beautiful, so maybe I can use it for something. So this...? What I took out was a piece of clothing. Clothes that have gotten a little tight in size to wear normally. I would sell these clothes to an old clothing store, make other cloth products, and if the fabric was rags, they were a little memorable and left behind. That was when, yes, I decided to enroll in school and was about to move to the dorm. Words the dean said away to me in a bit of good clothes because it was dorm day. Sounds a little narrow to me, Misubo. It's Halle Day, so why don't you get some good clothes? As a dean, I got a scholarship, so naturally I just thought clothes and other things were different from the time of the orphanage, words I said without offense at all. And the fact is, the seniors of the past seem to have been. I just got in trouble because I was completely unconscious of buying anything but essentials and wore good things in the clothes I had until then. But it's been a long time since I got into school with clothes that just seem to be narrow to look at, so I quickly had Dean hang out with me, and one of the clothes I worked so hard to fit is this rag candidate. At that time, I bought clothes that were just a little bigger because they would grow up soon anyway... "You wore these clothes a while ago, didn't you? I..." No, no, it's just so small right now, you can't wear it anymore, can you? The clothes I bought when I was ten! It's pretty grassy "every time" and I can't wear it outside very much. Instead, I don't think I can handle sleeping clothes. Never. It's okay, it's growing properly. I'm sure there are about the same age averages! ... should? - Speaking of which, I didn't ask about Mr. Lorea's age, but how old are you? I'm just a little less developed than she is... a little, just a little! "I wonder if there's a growth drug or something with alchemy drugs? The old clothes are cut appropriately and wet with water, and the walls and floors are wiped, even though there is no great stain thanks to the engraving, which ends in a short time. Still, by then, the sun was quite tilted, so when I finished cleaning up quickly, I would make dinner easy with what Mr. Dilal gave me. And he wrapped up in a blanket early that day, finishing his first day at his new home. "Uh-huh, haven't slept well in a while! The next morning, I woke up stretched out as much as I wanted, and I lost all my strength. I haven't slept well in a long time, so I feel pretty neat. It was on the floor that I slept, so my body hurts a little, but unlike during my journey, I'm pretty healed mentally, even if I can just sleep distracted. The sun plugging through the window feels good too...... "But again... this room, it's a killing scene, right?" Only the biggest room upstairs is more than twice the size of the dorm room you've ever lived in. Furthermore, there is not a single piece of furniture in the room, so it feels bigger than the area. It's a bright room with two windows, but me sleeping around in a blanket in the corner of that room. What a subtle picture. Honestly, it's a killer landscape - no, no, let's think this isn't a killer landscape, there's room to arrange it. Because it's a house I bought! The orphanage room was a common room, and there was no room for that in the dorm room. But I can coordinate as much as I want here, as money permits. If you think about it, it's not bad to have nothing, is it? "Well, we're finally at the workshop today! Hmmm......" Workshop I put up with entering yesterday. My own workshop! This lovely sound, an alchemist would surely empathize, wouldn't he? Stick around, laughter spills out of your mouth. Yi "Hayaru" suppresses his mind, and the breakfast packs the rest of the dish that Mr. Dilal received yesterday and stands in front of the workshop door. "No!" Open the door, step inside, and light the light. "- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Oops. When people asked me, I got a bad feeling. But I don't have a choice. Awesome stuff, this workshop! Alchemy cauldron first. Tools so important that most alchemy cannot be performed without this. Maybe I was also thinking about the possibility that it didn't come with it, but instead of being decent, its size is big enough that I'm likely to get it inside. If the alchemy cauldron contained in the alchemy set (a luxury item that ordinary people cannot buy) that I was given by my master is a one-handed pot size, can you figure out how awesome it is? Next, a glass furnace. The main use is to make medicine bottles for the smelting drug Potion, but the presence or absence of this is quite important. Because the glass used in the bottle may also need to be adjusted depending on the type of smelting drug "potion", purchasing the bottle from elsewhere is quite a hassle. In addition to other fine tools, various materials are also placed, so strangely that they are too full compared to the fact that the other rooms were suckalakan - or a tear away wonder. That's not as good as the master's workshop, but it's a pretty luxurious workshop for freshly out of school alchemists to use, and I'm going to be dazzled considering the amount of money I need to get this all together. "This house was 0,000 rare..." It's obvious, but not even a single alchemy kettle can be bought for 10,000 rare. On the contrary, just selling some of the remaining material would lightly exceed 10,000 rare. "Actually, maybe it was a great deal? No, definitely a good deal. I was startled when I saw the look, but I guess the guy I used before was a pretty high-ranking alchemist? He said he was a grandfather, but what was he like? I don't think you understand the value of this room because you're an alchemist. ... No way, there's no such thing as a sooo flawed property, is there? Even in Wang Du, if it becomes the scene of a tragic incident and the grudging spirits possess it, it can be so cheap... then does Mr. Elles have that attitude? I'm a little concerned, but the school mediates, so it shouldn't be such a weird property. Yeah, let's think so. Otherwise, I can't live with it because I care. "Cleaning seems so necessary." Only in the workshop, is the effect of the engraving of the cleaning strongly set or less dirty than in other rooms. "Oh, yeah! We need to line up all the alchemy! In one corner of the workshop, there is a bookshelf just to ask you to line it up. Or maybe they were lining up, something that's an alchemist! I quickly get my backpack and put away all my alchemy there one book at a time. Plus, I can clean up the tools my master gave me. None of those tools are as cheap as they were used in school, just beautiful to line up. "Hehe hehe... this is exactly the alchemist's workshop! Highest! I'm not a freak! It was somewhat anomalous, but having your own shop and workshop is one reach for alchemists. I can't help but be happy! Instead of laughing, as much as I want to laugh, I'm getting high now! "Hehe, what shall we make at first? Walk around the workshop lightly, taking the tools one by one and looking at them. This kind of situation makes me want to try it right away. Naturally, right? or so, making a simple smelting drug Potion is a bit...... "Uh-huh......, ah! That would be just right for the situation! I run back to my room and when I bring the cloth I bought yesterday, I stick it together in an alchemy kettle. I bought a cloth quite sparingly to make a futon up and down, but this alchemy kettle would go in at once. This task cannot be done if it is just the "one-handed pot" of a hand-held alchemy kettle, so it must be appropriate to get this workshop and make it first. "And then..." I remember when I made it before, I put water and some ingredients in the alchemy kettle to make the drug solution, put fire in the magic furnace and heat it as I stir. Saying “fire” doesn't actually light firewood and heat the alchemy kettle, it just pours magic, but it consumes quite a bit of magic just because the size of the alchemy kettle is large. "This... you see why large alchemy cauldrons are not common." Even I'm quite tired with a lot of magic. Considering that, I wonder if about half the alchemists wouldn't be able to use this size alchemy kettle? We need to instill magic in both the Magic Furnace and the Alchemy Cauldron. Once boiled as it is for about thirty minutes, drop the fire of the magic furnace and unload the alchemy kettle from above...... unload...... drop, rock, shih! "Shit, it's too heavy to get me down..." The weight of the Alchemy Cauldron was more than I could have imagined. No, it was unimaginable, right? A metal cauldron like the one I would put in, with plenty of water in it, it was only natural for its weight to exceed a few hundred kilograms.
Summer production is approaching today. “Cooling hat, specialization plan” went well. Mr. D'Arna had sold a good amount at South Strag, and Mr. Gretz had visited the village several times since then to purchase a cooling hat. The cooling hat we both purchased seemed to be sold out properly, and Mr. Gretz's price, which had been paid late, had been paid properly the next time he came. I guess it's still the cheaper than the market that's going so far. And Lorea's monkey - as well as a special hat - is more popular with gatherers than you can imagine. When the steaming helm became super comfortable, it was selling. Because the raw materials are straw, the price is quite expensive because there are more work processes compared to a normal cooling hat, such as improved durability and waterproofing, and the making of the hat itself takes a lot of work, but it just has to do with the selling. The order came in so bad that Lorea couldn't keep up with her work, and one day, Lorea's grandmother, who had heard her legs were bad, asked. Says, 'I heard Lorea has an inside job while she's at work. Lorea makes me focus on my work, so I may be disturbed, but will you let me reside in the store'. Most of the time I'm free. Because of the store number, as far as I'm concerned, I didn't have a problem with Lorea doing an inside job, but I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to say no to that, permission. As a result, most hats would be made by Grandma Zeng, and for some time, Grandma Zeng was seen knitting straw in the corner of the store. But hats like that can't be sold if they go to the majority of the people wearing helms in this village. Grandma Zeng stopped coming and Lorea drove normally. Given how well you can do it, it looks like you could sell it in another town, but it's completely bespoke, so that's hard too. I don't know what to say if there are enough gatherers in this village to make this... I guess I'm a little hopeless. Because I feel it is faster to be imitated than to spread and increase the visibility of the village. But basically, the sale of cooling hats is going well and there's definitely more money coming to the village. It's far from a "wealthy village," but I took that step, can I just say that? And it's not just the villagers who are getting wealthy, as is Mr. Gretz, who is about half a villager. At one point, I was consulted by him. "Do you want to give something in return for Mr. Ells? "Yes, I'm struggling with my father and mother because I left the village..." It was Lorea who was listening, just like me, who rounded her eyes to that word of Mr. Gretz. "The prodigal son and the famous brother Gretz, give back! "Yeah!? I'm famous like that!?" Was “Prodigal Son” his first ear, Lorea snorts ruthlessly at Mr. Gretz, who raised his voice to his surprise. "Yeah. 'Cause you raised me, and I left the village, and I barely came back. There is no sign of sending. The general assessment in this village is," No son. Someone you can't marry. "Right? "but ~ ~ ~! When I asked around to make a hat, I subtly felt a raw, warm, gentle gaze, maybe..." "I think it feels like a little help, because no kids are working hard, right? "Ugh, I thought we could negotiate well..." Lorea pokes the truth at me, and Mr. Gretz drips with a gag. The hat was collected properly, so some would think that would be good, but as a merchant, maybe a little subtle. However, it is certain that Mr. Erin is gathered more than when he spoke. Even if there was a precedent named Erin and an advantage of paying in advance, it meant that Gretz had the qualities to gather that much sympathy... Yeah, I might not be too happy. Besides, if you do poorly, that sympathy could be for Mr. Jasper and Mr. Elles with such sons, not Mr. Gretz...? Even if I remember the other day during the raid, it's because Mr. Jasper has morality. But you don't have to say that to chase him. "Well, isn't that good? I'm making money safely. The people who can make money are great. On one side, that's the truth, isn't it? "Oh, right! Decent money, earned it. I succeeded! To my follow up, Mr. Gretz, a little back on his feet. But to him like that, here's someone who can shower cold water again. "It's also because of Mr. Elles' handover and Sarasa's kindness, but hey" "Ugh..." "Lorea..." Mr. Gretz has a subtly tough hit, Lorea. He abandoned the village and left - in some respects there may be a little pan "macaroni" against Mr. Gretz, who looks that way. Oh, could it be, Lorea, that you have a pale heart for Mr. Gretz, who was your neighbor's brother? Extra because I liked it, or...? But given the age at which Mr. Gretz left the village and Lorea's age, is that unlikely? When I first walked into the store, I didn't know it was windy. ...... What is it, Mr. Sarasa? "Oh, yeah. It's nothing." Because I was comparing Lorea to Mr. Gretz several times, or because Lorea has asked me strangely, I shake my head in a hurry to get back to the conversation. "So, that was a favor. Well, my recommendation is the fertilizer manufacturer Harvester." "Fertilizer manufacturer, is it? Our parents do very little field work..." "No, what matters this time is the material to be put into the harvester" Harvester is the smelter Artifact that processes the input into fertilizer. They use dead leaves, dead trees, raw debris and other materials to make fertilizers that are quite effective. And Mr. Jasper is a hunter. When the prey that you have hunted, there is a massive amount of unnecessary parts. These processes are surprisingly cumbersome. If you leave it, it rots, so if you dig a hole and fill it, go throw it away where it won't get in the way. I know because I've been there before. In that regard, with a harvester, the process is easy. We can even fertilizer it, so if we sell it to the farmers, we'll make a little penny. If you're going to mention the difficulty, it's going to take more magic to make it work, but Mr. Jasper is my neighbor. My recently restored herbal field needs fertilizer, too, and for the price of fertilizer, you can supply me with magic. "If you're a hunter, it's an artifact, a smelter that won't hurt to have it, right? - I never think of this opportunity as an unproduced work of Volume IV of Alchemy. Mr. Gretz snorted deeply into my explanation, so there's nothing wrong with that. "I see, when garbage disposal is easier and you can earn change. That's good. I used to be helped, too, with guts and stuff. Some parts of me feel like I don't want to be a hunter because of that..." "Oh, if I've been made to do it since I was a little girl... I understand" Traumatic if you see a creature's neck, a dripping gut of blood, or something as a child. People who get used to it may get used to it, but on the contrary, I think some people get totally bad. Mr. Gretz is probably the one who's gone bad, and he's going to choose the path of a pedestrian. "By the way, how much is that harvester? "Depending on size and efficiency, right? If you have a lot of processing and run with less magic, it's higher. It starts with at least ,000 rare." "... Fine, huh? "It's the smelter Artifact. But isn't that how much you make? "It's not like I can't get it out, but if I do... I'll make some more hard money, Mr. Sarasa, so can you please do it in the form of an appointment? "Yeah, I don't mind. I also need to gather the necessary materials." I was going to make it soon anyway, so I actually have most of the material. Most of all, what I was going to make was something small enough to handle the raw debris that comes out of us. It's too small for Mr. Jasper to use even when he's a big shot. So it's not a lie that we don't have enough material. "Gretz, your brother is filial...... should I, too, do something to your father? "No, I'm still about twice as alive as Lorea, right? When I start to think seriously, I give Lorea a slightly out-of-heart look, Mr. Gretz. But he's a prodigal son. "I definitely want to get rid of that rating! This is not true, but I need to give my fathers a harvester. If you hand out fertilizer, you'll be sure to rate me..." Lorea, I also feel pretty deeply rooted in the generation... Well, if Mr. Jasper starts selling fertilizers, a lot of people in the village will know that Mr. Gretz gave him Harvesta. I don't know if that will erase the previous image, but there's something about the cooling hat, and the information might work? "You're filial... If you're Lorea's age, I don't think you need to worry about it yet..." "Sarasa told her parents - Oh, excuse me..." You already reminded me that I had no parents, Lorea interrupted the words and bowed her head. "Never mind. But have I ever heard you say that when I get paid, I give you a gift? I'm sending you to the orphanage for once, too. Oh, by the way, I sent a letter to my master saying, 'Please adjust the amount sent to the orphanage to look good'. Before this, after coming back from South Strag. I still don't have much to earn, but you can rest assured if you leave it to an experienced master. "For once, you have the artifact that Darna recommended to you, right? "What kind of stuff is it? "Uh, the smelter" artifact "with the name“ corny ”. "- Yes?" "So, co, corny..." Lorea asks me straight back, and while I blush a little, I mouth that name again. "Ha, ha. corny, is it?" "That's the name, isn't it? Officially. By the way, with the smelter Artifact that attaches to the carriage axle, the carriage is reputed to move very lightly" Specifically, the weight of the luggage seems to be half as light as it was. You can now tow a two-headed carriage with one head, or travel time is greatly reduced. A fairly popular smelter, Artifact, for those who use carriages. The drawback is that maintenance is required quite often. If maintenance is not carried out regularly depending on the distance travelled, it breaks quickly. "It's a round trip with South Strag, so I don't think maintenance is a problem...... that, unusual name, is it? "Right. But you know, there's a lot of" artifacts "in the smelter." Essentially, it is the alchemist who invented it who names the smelter Artifact. Most people very simply name the function as it is. Sniffing pills, magic stoves, etc. The most appreciated way to name it, even from other alchemists, because you know what it is if you ask for its name. Flexible gloves are also close to this, but in addition to flexibility, they are also more robust than usual, and because their durability is important, the name is slightly underexplained. At the very least, I think it would be easier to understand about "flexible blade resistant gloves”. But this place is good for you. The trouble is someone who shows weird obsession or names it by intuition. I guess I think I look good and give it a name, but for the most part, I have no idea what kind of smelter Artifact is from the name. Fortunately, if anyone has common sense around them, it will be corrected, or an easy-to-understand explanation will be added to the name, like "Fertilizer Manufacturer“ Harvester ". By contrast, if such track modifications were not made, many would struggle. Yes, like this one's corny. "This is cheaper than Harvesta, but with Lorea's salary, can't you still buy it? "Really...... you have to work hard. I think it'll be easier for your father." Mr. D'Arna, too, I think he makes a lot of money with his cooling hat, rather, he could sell it directly to Mr. D'Arna... it looks like Lorea wants to give it away, should we stop it? "All right, Lorea, it's a competition to see which one you can buy first with me! In response to Mr. Gretz, who laughed nicely and said that, I knew Lorea would smile at her mouth and open her mouth as she turned a slightly colder gaze. "Brother Gretz, aren't you ashamed to compete with kids half your age? "Guha!!" Very true. That's right, Mr. Gretz, he's a subtle shame. Even though the appearance isn't so bad. "I don't mind the competition itself. Gretz, good luck with your brother, okay? "Yes. I'll do my best......" Which is older. Mr. Gretz nodded in a way that made him feel a little bit like that.
"I have no choice. I'm a little bad at it..." I breathe slowly and let my magic spill all over my body. Mood in that state and lift the cauldron! "Humph!!! Whoa, I don't know. As a girl, I got a voice that felt bad. As it is, once it is transported to the flush, it is flipped at once and the kettle is emptied. "Phew ~ ~" Exhale loudly to relieve muscle strength. It was only a few hours, but I'm pretty tired. - No, no, no, I don't have a choice. I'm not very good at physical strengthening relationships. I wouldn't be so tired if I were to raise my muscle strength a little bit, but if I were to lift just a few hundred kilos, it would take a pretty advanced magic manipulation. The master said, "It's also convenient to protect yourself. Good luck wearing it," but I used it to breathe. For once, I don't have a problem with it for as long as I fight a little, but it just doesn't work like a master. If I'm not used to it physically, I think it's a lot worse. Muscle strength may also be required to process the alchemy material underneath... "Oh, come on! In the meantime, we need to process this." Wash clean as you hang water on the cloth left in the flush. At first the brown-looking cloth gradually turns into a beautiful empty color as it washes away the remaining medicinal solution. "Yeah! Good color! Just as I thought! What I did was simply stain, of course not. I'm not a dye shop, I'm an alchemist. This is commonly referred to as an "environmental regulating cloth”, which is a cloth with temperature and humidity regulation. It's adjusted to be more comfortable for people, so making bedding promises a comfortable sleep! By the way, color is a hobby. An environmental conditioning cloth with no hands on it is a bit of a thin dirty brown, subtle looking, isn't it? It costs a lot to change colors, but it's not just about performance, it's about appearance! If you get rid of the waste and the medicine, the next thing you know, it's heavenly sun-dried. I can just resist drying my clothes in front of the store, but this is just a cloth as it stands. The colors are beautiful, and they don't look bad, so there's nothing wrong with them. Stack the tightly squeezed cloth on the bucket and move it in front of the store. Stretch the strings between the standings and dry them as they fold back for better ventilation. "Yo! Yeah, that's beautiful! Cool, empty cloth hangs in the wind, very good. It's still a beautiful day, so it'll be dry in a few hours. To the joy of being able to dye the colour of my choice more than I thought, as I nodded, I could hear a luggage car called ragged from the side of the road. "What a beautiful cloth." "Ah, Mr. Geberg" Looking back, Mr. Geberg, who pulled the luggage, stood. There's something like a bed in that luggage truck, but it's kind of falling apart...? "That, bed, is it? "Oh. I brought you a bed now." "Really? But it's got some form..." "I haven't assembled it yet. It's gonna be hard to bring in, isn't it? Where do I put it? "Oh, right! Upstairs, please." Big parts - probably guiding Mr. Geberg inside, who was in charge of the sleeping part of the board. Moving straight to the upstairs room, indicating where he wanted the bed to be, Mr. Geberg carried the parts shortly after I helped him, and in a few minutes or so he put the bed together. If you lower your hips to try it out, it's well made and not rattling at all. "I don't think it's a problem because it's a very normal bed, but let me know if you have any deficiencies" "No! I had it made in a hurry, but even the Wang capital can work well enough! Thank you." "Hurry up, but you won't get out of hand. Finally, not to mention him. You can't have a store number without a chair, can you? With that said, it was the two-legged chair that put me pompous in the store space. It's a simple thing with no back, but without it, it's a big difference. Much appreciated... "Are you sure? "I don't care. Easy stuff. Don't be shy of kids." Mr. Geberg just left when he waved gently at me, trying to shy away from getting any more free. Even though it is a simple object, the beds are carefully facedown and yasled. Innocent tree with a gentle touch, also made of material, a substitute for oil applied to bright terrain skin. Even though it was yesterday today, it's never the kind of thing I made appropriately, and it's rustic yet warm. "Uh-huh, professional. Artisan handiwork with the season. I have to apprentice too! And, at that time, my stomach rang a protest, "Kirururu ~". "Uh, it's lunch already. I've been passionate about it since morning..." I was happy with my workshop and forgot a little bit of time. I have a pot I borrowed yesterday, and I just want to go to the dining room... "The cloth outside... I was wondering if it was okay? The people I met yesterday were good people, but there are few people around this house. Looks, even if it's just a water-colored cloth, its fruit, the "environmental conditioning cloth” is just a fairly expensive substitute, and I'm a little worried about leaving it alone. "Uh-huh, what do we do? Should I take it in and go? But it's not dry yet..." When I was worried about what was wrong with me, I heard voices coming from the front door. "Sarasa, hello." When I went outside, it was Mr. Lorea from the grocery store who was there. "Hey, what's up, Mr. Lorea?" "Uh, Mr. Sarasa, I just moved in, so I was wondering if I could help you with anything." "Wow, that helps! Just the right watch personnel, here they come! Oh, my God, you look so smudged! I first saw you yesterday, and you're here to help me, Mr. Lorea, a good man! "Is Mr. Lorea ready for lunch? "Oh, speaking of which, not yet. My mothers came back and jumped right out..." I'd look a little embarrassed to say that, Mr. Lorea, but it's convenient for me. "Lunch, I'll do the treat, will you take a look at this for a second? That said, pointing to the cloth as it remained dry, Mr. Lorea nodded, then slapped his neck a little. "I don't mind that, is this the cloth that was bought yesterday,? "Yeah, yeah. I dyed it a little bit. Pretty good color, huh? "Yes! Soooo! Can you even stain Mr. Sarasa? Said with a dazzling smile, I respond with a bit of a bitter smile. "This is alchemy for once, too. I'm gonna get you some lunch for now, so wait a minute! I rushed out to the dining room with the pot I had borrowed and the takeaway dish in my hand. ◇ ◇ ◇ When I bought two take-home lunches from the dining room and came back, Mr. Lorea sat at the doorstep in discipline and waited. "Uh, I'm sorry. I wish you'd come in." "Oh, no, it's okay. It's a beautiful day." "Really? Ma, a little early, but shall we have lunch? The weather's nice, and here, okay? That said, lifting lunch gently, Mr. Lorea laughed and nodded at me. When I bring the rug from the room, I lay it in front of the front door and pour the water drawn from the well into the cup I just bought yesterday and place it. Maybe there's no visitors who need a cup? Even though I thought so, I bought the dishes for two, Good Job. There's no tea, no yakan, so it's really just water though. "I'm sorry, just water. I don't even have a pot yet..." "Oh, no, my place is usually water, too. Because the water around here is delicious. There's a well in this house, right? We're a joint well, so water intake is a hassle." "Alchemy needs water. I knew this neighborhood was a joint well? "Yes, it's shared in a few houses. There are a few other houses in this village that have wells, like a lodger or a blacksmith." The water itself seems to be abundant due to the large tree sea right on the side, but they can't afford each house to dig a well because of the cost. Besides, it seems to be affecting that there is no need to increase the number of wells because they never dry up. "Oh well. Don't you drink much tea around here? "It depends on your taste and money around it. This is a village where people often drink suya tea made from leaves from trees that say suya can be taken from nearby woods, but people who don't like it will buy it." "Is that what you let me out with Mr. Elles? Don't you really like Mr. Lorea? "No, I'm either. I just don't seem to like my mother very much." "I see." Things on the table really reflect the intentions of people who cook meals, don't they? By the way, I'm basically white water. Tea was a purchase in Wangdu, and the only preference for the price was not cheap. However, I know that good tea is delicious because they served it in my master's shop. So I don't really feel like drinking cheap tea. Because I really compare it to delicious tea. But if it's a completely different cup of tea, would you like to try it? That sounds like fun. Suya tea? Because it seems easy to drink, and most importantly, it's good that it's free. If you can afford it, it might be interesting to make a new cup of tea with something you can take around here. "Still, this cloth, it's beautiful ~. I rarely see such a bright cloth around here. We don't buy it because it's expensive." "Right, because with normal dyeing, it's hard to dye bright colors. Alchemists usually don't make dyeing work.... right! After this, I'll make a futon, can you help me? That way I can share this cloth with Mr. Lorea, too, right? I dyed a lot." Because of this, Mr. Lorea came to help me move, but I don't need to clean the house, and the luggage I brought is for one backpack. I can't believe I'm doing anything else, like taking care of a desolate garden. But it's just hard to say to someone I knew yesterday that I helped troublesome grass out. "Is that good!? Oh, but I, I can only sew cloth enough" He was Mr. Lorea, who gave my words a happy look, but soon gave me a troubled look. But there is no problem. The majority of futon making is just sewing straight. "It's okay, it's okay. If you sew the cloth straight, it's ok! I imitated the way this village behaved and slapped Mr. Lorea in the back with a pomp. After lunch we went to make futons in my room where there was only a bed. Lorea said she had never made a futon, but she was good at sewing herself, so I would go ahead and teach her everything. The difficulty in making a futon is that it fills the cotton well, so I leave the fabric making to put it in to Mr. Lorea, and I'm ready for cotton. Once the futon is neatly shaped, push it into the raised fabric and stop stitching it to avoid flaws. "Heh, this is how you make futons..." "Mr. Lorea, is this the first time you've seen it? "Yes. I'm ashamed that we don't use such a cotton futon..." "Uh, well." That's what Lorea says with a bit of a bitter smile, but if you think about it, you couldn't make a futon with plenty of cotton without a little room. I was also in the orphanage with a blanket in a peppery futon, leaning against each other and sleeping. I also made a futon when I went into the dorm because I got a scholarship and I said to the orphanage teacher, "You're going to a good school, so I need to get my stuff together that I'm not ashamed of! 'Cause they said so." Well, 'embarrassing' and 'not embarrassing' had nothing to do with me in particular. Because there was no one to visit my room. I was called to the seniors' room a few times, but they just used aristocracy, quite a fine futon there. After making the duvet and duvet, sew the sheets and cover. This one just sews, so we even sew while the two of us chat. 'I can only sew enough cloth,' said Lorea, handy very well, more than me, to be clear. My sewing skills, which I thought I was good at, were also people-friendly...... But thanks to that, we had a beautiful set of futons in the evening. "Thanks -! Now you'll feel better sleeping today! I banzai and hug Mr. Lorea. Honestly, I wasn't expecting it to end in a day, so I was ready to go to bed twirling around in my blanket today, unexpectedly. True, Mr. Lorea, various. "No, I'm here to help, so that's how natural it is." She seems a little embarrassed by me, and she says so, Mr. Lorea, but my hands hurt, too, so I'm sure she does. "All right, thanks for this! From the remaining cloth, cut enough cloth to make a set of futons and give them to Mr. Lorea. I don't have to go out of my way to futon it, just use it as a sheet or cover, the environmental conditioning cloth works well enough and I'm sure it will help. "Are you sure? Such a beautiful cloth, I think it's pretty expensive." "Never mind. I can't give you anything for free if it's for sale at our store, but you haven't sold it yet. Oh, that cloth, it's an environmental conditioning cloth, so it's a good idea to make bedding like me." "What!? That's even more expensive..." "It's okay, it's okay. I just made it because I wanted to use it. It's a memorial to being your friend." Is it good? I wave to Lorea with a patty look on her face and try to treat her like a friend even more. Isn't that nice? "Really? Thank you." Lorea, who is happy to thank you. Okay, they didn't reject me. I think I'm happy because of the cloth. "Oh, but isn't it comfortable making clothes then? "This cloth doesn't have a very strong effect, so it's subtle to use on clothes, right? It's not pointless." It's not such a dramatic effect because it's a cloth that functions based on environmental magic and the slightest magic that leaks from the body of a sleeping person. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother making a duvet stuffed with cotton. I can make an environmental conditioning cloth that's more effective, but it costs more and consumes more magic, so at least you're highly discouraged from using it as a futon. I'm tired of consuming magic even though I'm asleep, and I'm falling for it. "I see, you are. Okay." "But you used a lot of cotton. Mr. Lorea, are you still in stock? "Yes, not that much, but as long as it's as good as they bought it yesterday," "Then I'll go buy it again soon. I want to make cushions and duvets." "Ha ~, that's just great. My allowance doesn't allow me to buy very much cotton..." How impressive, Mr. Lorea says... No, no, wait a minute? "Mr. Lorea, I'm an adult, right? Because you work, right? No, the store isn't exactly open yet, but I think it's more economical than Lorea's allowance at the help level, huh? "Oh, yeah, I was. Something about the same age." "Uh, how old is Mr. Lorea now? "Now thirteen, it's almost fourteen! Ugh. Two down, so...? "Oh, yeah? Heh. Growth, good, huh? "Really? I think it's a little late for some of my friends." Innocent, no offense to say that, Mr. Lorea. Yeah, that's right. I knew it. Unlike this village, I lived in Wang Capital, where there were many people my age. That I grow only slightly (...) slower than others. It's okay, because we're still growing up - I'm sure it's my fault that it's barely changed from a year ago. "What about Mr. Sarasa? "Me? I'm ." "Heh, really?" Oh? Didn't Chillari and her gaze go somewhere now? Mr. Lorea. If you were a little more outspoken, no waiting for enemy certification - no, no, you can't lose your friend to this extent. I smiled and pushed away the black emotions that floated with chills, and we thrived on stories that didn't even have the year-to-year good "I Wanna Do It" until the sun went down. The next day, the cloth and cotton, which had been reduced, had somehow increased significantly over the original quantity. No, well, nothing strange happened or anything, and Mr. Lorea's father just came in the morning and left a bunch of new cloths and cotton behind. Yesterday, I saw the cloth that Mr. Lorea brought home, and it seems that your father, the merchant, figured out its value. "I don't get this expensive stuff for about half a day," he said, leaving his cloth and cotton half forcefully. Sure, if I sold it normally, it would be more expensive than this cloth and cotton, but it would have been nothing better because it was a thank you for coming all the way to help. By the way, I hear the cloth you gave Mr. Lorea turned into sheets for the three parents and children. They thanked me for being so comfortable sleeping. I got it because of you, and let's dye this cloth in a different color. The slaughter landscape of the room was alleviated a little thanks to the bed and the empty futon, but there is still room for improvement with curtains, cushions, etc. If it's just dyeing, it's easy, so I want to think about balance and think about coordination that feels good. Because you got your own house! Nevertheless, is it up to the curtain to make it soon? If we don't open the store first, the money will poke the bottom. "Let's check outside today, as it's good in the house" I only looked at it roughly, so I need to pick up where the problem is. First the roof. If this place was damaged, it would be deadly as a house...... looks fine. It looks like the metal plate on the surface was reinforced by alchemy, which is firmer than expected. Is this okay for the time being? However, the signs showing the alchemy stores listed are tilted and damaged, so I'll have Mr. Geberg fix this soon. The exterior walls are basically fine, but some parts should be repaired a little, so you can ask Mr. Geberg for this one, too. "The question is, is this grass bow bow garden and fence? I don't feel like practical trouble without a fence, but the worn out fence just doesn't look good as a store. Oh, no, I figured we should have a fence, too? Anyway, now that I've developed the herbal field behind me, I'm having trouble getting into the wildlife and stuff. Garden maintenance, if you don't think about trouble, there are magical ways to prune it, but happy or unhappy, you have a mixture of medicinal herbs, this garden. Ignore it, prune it all? No, you can't. To me of poverty. "... All right, let's sort things out" Open a store · Make products for sale in stores -Do something about the fence. · Do something about the garden and the herb fields · Makes it easier to draw up well water · Run the bath · Make a magic stove so you can cook "In the short to medium term, is this the place? And then we have to prioritize.
"Thirty percent is too much, but it does seem a little expensive for ten percent" The next day, that was about the difference between the valuation I had noted and the price that Mr. Iris had actually sold, in comparison. About the same amount Andre told me. Sounds like you can definitely appreciate the value of the ice tooth bat's fangs properly, but you don't seem to know my buyout price per se. But my buyout price is a little high, so from the market point of view, it could be close to %. "Ah. A little surprised. Even if it was expensive, I thought it was very small." "But when a regular merchant buys it out at this price, I think it's tough..." Even if you sold it at South Strag at this price without taking into account the cost of transportation, it is subtle whether it can be sold. It would sell in Wang Du, but transport costs are in deficit. It's not like me not having to consider shipping costs, thanks to a substandard master. "What is the purpose? I don't know why I bought it till I got a deficit." Lorea... you don't understand, do you? He's shaking his head with a pull. "Wow, I can't either, can I? That's Kate's job. Huh?" Next, Mr. Iris, who turned his gaze, also shook his head and spoke to Mr. Kate. Kate, who was told the story, thought for a while and opened her mouth. "... well, first of all, if the merchant needs to collect ice tooth bat fangs, even if they are not. For example, I decided on the amount to prepare in the contract, but I couldn't get it anymore, or something." "Given the penalty, it's better to buy higher," he said? To Mr. Iris' words, Mr. Kate nods. "Yeah. Others, manipulation of the market. Sometimes things bought and collected in anticipation of higher prices collapse due to unscheduled arrivals." "Was the ice tooth bat fangs flowing from this village unexpected? But as for the ice tooth bat fangs themselves, they shouldn't be flowing much..." The first quantity I sold to Mr. Leonora was quite high, but I haven't been there since. Except for the items in the warehouse as inventory, they are all used for cooling hats, etc. Even though it is possible that the gatherer went to sell to South Strag, the quantity should not be that high. "You're not only selling cooling hats to this village, you're selling them to South Strag, right? Mr. Gretz. Isn't that the same thing? If the product flows, we won't be able to sell the materials to make the product." "... that too, right" There are many uses for ice tooth bat fangs, but the most used this season is the cooling hat, after all. Though they are also used in chillers, refrigerators and freezers that cool the entire room, they are still luxury items. Consumption is low. "Otherwise... resentment or something? "Yeah!? I don't remember being resented!?" To Mr. Kate's words, it was Lorea who raised her voice louder at the same time as I did. "That's right! There's no way anyone resents Mr. Sarasa! ... No, I'm not alive enough to have you say that forcefully, though, are I? "Lorea, life, even if you haven't done something to be resented, do you have someone to resent? "Irrational! Phew, phew, and his nose is rough, too, and to Lorea, who holds both hands, Kate puts her hand on her cheek and nods deeply with a sigh. "Yes, life is irrational. Most of the time, he's not necessarily the manager." "- And say? "Mr. Gretz or Mr. Darna, for example." "Father, is it? To the unexpected words out of Mr. Kate's mouth, Lorea stops moving and tilts her little neck. "Aren't you making a lot of money with this cooling hat? "Huh!? Your father doesn't make much money, does he? Of course, I think I got a lot of cash thanks to Sarasa, but I'm using it to enrich the store's products." "Ooh, was it because of that that the grocery store's improved range of products recently! "Yes. Until now, I haven't been able to afford anything I don't know if I can sell. The people in the village now have a little bit of money, so it looks like there are more customers." Whoa, there's actually the fruit of the effort close by. However, the problem is... "That's hard to figure out." Neither did Mr. Iris realize that the grocery store's product enrichment was due to this, and it is possible that he thinks he is saving money. "On the contrary, Mr. Gretz... could he be making money? They're making good money. Mr. Gretz officially ordered Harvesta the other day. So I'm pretty sure I'm saving a lot of money... "But knowing he's making money is limited, right? "That's it, isn't it? In Mr. D'Arna's case, it's a round trip between South Strag and this town, so if you're familiar with the circumstances of South Strag, you can get some idea, because Mr. Gretz should be around a lot of villages..." Except for me, I find it difficult to imagine his earnings unless he's as strong in calculations as some of the villagers, that's Erin. Of course, if you work hard and ask the villagers, you'll know how many hats he's buying away, but if he did that, he'd be noticeable. "Well, whatever the merchant's motive is, how do we deal with it? Store Manager" "Uh-huh, confront or leave..." "Leaving it is what it is, isn't it? Is the cooling hat okay with you? "As I said the other day, we still have it in stock, and you can go get it yourself" "The manager can do that, so he's strong." "Yes. The problem is luggage carriage, well, if you work hard there with physical enhancement" Mr. Iris immediately raised his voice to me when he said so. "Lord Store Manager, we'll help you then too! "I'd rather help the manager hunt a lot than sell it over there, so it's profitable." "Yes, yes - it's not! My lord the manager takes care of me! Besides, that merchant... I kind of didn't like it! "Haha... I'll distribute it right then" "Lord Store Manager! You really don't have two hearts!?" "I know, I know" I nod as I push back Mr. Iris, who is desperately insisting and approaching. Because it's Kate's light mouth. "If you know what I mean, it's fine. Yeah. - So who's in the showdown? "There are several ways... to increase the buying price of my place to the same level" To Mr Iris, who nodded in relief, I present one of the proposals I had in mind. In contrast, it was Mr. Iris and Kate who nodded as they were convinced, and Lorea twisted her neck strangely. "Sarasa, there's no point in equivalence...? "No, if it's equivalent, I would sell it to the manager, who is in charge. Especially if you're a gatherer who's been in this village for a long time." "You're trustworthy. If you ever used the smelter potion or the smelter artifact in this store, you'd understand the skill of the manager." "Thank you" I just want to believe that much trust is held. Because of this, I'm thinking about how to sell potion, a smelting drug for collectors. "But wouldn't that make the store manager lose money, too? "No, I'm fine with the current price.... ignore the cost to my work, if I don't fail in any way" If one fails, that'll blow dozens of profits, though. Of course, with my conversion without pay for labor, right? "That's... what do you think? Above working for free, you can't fail." "Mr. Sarasa, is alchemy something that doesn't fail? "That's not true. Pretty much a failure. If you're a regular alchemist, if you don't put a price on the assumption that you're going to fail twice, you're going to be broke." That's why the smelter Artifact is expensive. If everyone can succeed at 100%, the price is a little lower. "That's not gonna work." "It's okay. I wouldn't fail about a cooling hat.... Probably" "Probably..." "No, because so far, I have never failed! Again, because I am a master's apprentice in the master class! You can't fail with a level four magic trick! A cooling hat is an easy type of smelter, Artifact. "Well, that's... hmm? Master class apprentice? 'Oh?' I nod to Mr. Iris, who tilted his neck. "Yes. What, that? Didn't you ever tell Mr. Iris? "I'm not listening! I'm not listening! So, whose apprentice is he? Speaking of which, did the master come before Mr. Iris and the others came to us? Asking Iris in a bit of a hurry, I told him the name of my master. "I'm Ophelia Millis. Did you know? "Is there a reason you don't know! I think I understand the strength, insanity, and reason of the manager." Insanity is rude. You're still the chief alchemist training school, aren't you? Lorea, who was listening to it, gives a strange look to Iris, who answered forcefully and sighed a little frightened. "Um, I, I don't even know the master class or its Ofelia Millis...... are you famous? "Didn't you even tell Lorea? I've been to our store before." "Yes. It's my first ear. I heard someone was visiting Sarasa's shop..." "Yeah, that guy. He's the master who said you should hire a store number." If it weren't for the Master's words, I'd hire Lorea... there might have been, but was it just a little further?
It has been a year since I set up a shop in Yorkville. And I was married. .................. And I had no choice! The territory of the Rozze family visited for the opening. Westeria and Catherine, Iris' sisters, who welcomed me there, were so cute! "Onee-sama, teach me swordsmanship!", "Onee-sama, please teach me how to study." If you're admired, you can't help but bond. Come out if I have an honest and cute sister who was my only child, or someone who made a plan. I'll give you a compliment! ... yeah, well, I can't deny that I wanted my own family. When I was young, I broke up with my parents and was sometimes betrayed by others, but overall, I think that my life up to now has more good encounters with my master as the head. Still others. It's different from my family. I thought I'd get married and start my own family, but if I wanted to be an alchemist, I couldn't afford the time to find someone to marry or have a child. Even if it goes well for ten years, if it goes poorly, we won't get married like Master and Mr. Leonora, and we don't have any children. I can think of enough circumstances. If such a person asks me to give you two cute sisters with one autograph, I'll sign it. You will. If Iris followed me to my mother-in-law, I would run a pen. Iris, who had lived together for nearly a year, didn't have any personality conflicts or anxiety. Well, I can't deny that getting a family, rather than getting a partner, became the deciding factor. So, speaking of whether something has changed since we got married... nothing has changed. As always, I run a shop in Yorkville, Iris lives in my house and collects, and Lorea keeps the shop as usual. I'm not having a couple relationship with Iris, and with my current technology, I couldn't make the smelter "potion" for that in the first place, and even though I was married, it was almost on paper. Of course, there are no plans for children. Either I or Iris will have a baby soon, but I don't have any plans for a while because of the money I owe to the Rotze family. After all, I've become a family, so maybe I can waive Iris' medical bill? I thought, "I'll keep my eye on it. It's all about paying back the debt." Mr. Iris. So it's unlikely that Iris and the others will quit the collector for the time being. Well, if you quit the collector and went home, you'd get married and suddenly live apart. Is this good because it's really just a paperwork relationship? This is the second spring I've had with you. I checked my travel plans and stood in front of the shop. "Hmm, leave it to me. This is also the work of internal help. Good luck with Sarasa." Be careful, Sarasa. "I'm sure Sarasa-san won't have to worry, but... I hope you're okay." You'll be escorted by Iris with a strong smile, Kate with the same smile as usual, and Lorea with a slightly worried face. Yes, I told you there was no change, but as you heard, there was a slight change in the way I called it, and I went back to the way I used to call it for just one time. I didn't call you "store manager" until I got married. I'm still a little used to it, but is it a matter of time? Lorea, please take care of the herbal fields. "Yes, we can only drain and water the grass, and then distribute the fertilizer as Sarasa taught us." "I don't mind, thank you." In winter, medicinal herbs grown indoors are also planted in the back fields, and at the same time, many weeds are beginning to grow. These herbs are just harder to grow than Michael and the weeds could lose if left alone, so weeding is important to plain taste. Conversely, if you sprinkle the fertilizer and medicine I made properly, you won't die soon without me. I'm just a little worried about one grain, some sort of seed. When I had something else to do, I asked my master and he said, "If you can raise me well, I can do something good." So I'm growing up looking forward to it... I don't know, but I smoke a lot of magic, right? When seedling, he consumed the magic of seedling aids and quickly withered after planting them in the backyard. Even if you give me magic, I'll be fine, so it's easy to say... but I'm a little worried that Lorea's magic will cover it. Good luck practicing your magic tricks! I begged you... when you died? No matter how much delicious fruit you get, it doesn't seem to take much trouble, so you don't have time to spend on alchemy, and it's better to buy it - it's not a food. If you're worried about that tree, you can't postpone your trip. Well, I guess it's time to go. "Sarasa, be really careful." Looking at me lifting my luggage, I smiled bitterly at Lorelei, who was slightly tearful. "No, don't worry so much. I came from there to this village." "That's true, but... It's so far away." Well, there's no King's City from here. Yes, my destination this time is King's Landing. Many times more distant than the South Strag I usually go to - no, dozens of times more distant. The journey is by no means easy. "But I can't just leave." The purpose is to file and pay taxes. If you don't do this, it will be a terrible thing. Specifically, fines in light cases, deprivation of the Alchemy's License in heavy cases, imprisonment, and even execution in malicious cases. My neck is stiff. The alchemist's tax is self-reported, but the penalties for failing to do it properly are also heavy. But it's been a while since King's Landing. I would also like to thank the Master directly for all the help he has taken over the past year, and if he is lucky, he may also meet the junior students of the school. Senpai... can't you do it? I don't have my own shop yet, so I won't even visit King's City to file a tax return. However, since Senpai Pricia has taken special care of him, he may want to take a long detour on his way home but stop by the town where he is and thank him. "Lorea, you won't have to worry about that. Your father came back safely. You think Sarasa would be safer? "But does Sarasa tend to put her neck in danger? I shake my head and deny to Lorraine, who gives a slightly unfair assessment. That's not true... "If you find a bandit, why don't you find an aside and crush it? "Ugh! Bandits are special enemies. If they attack, it is natural to fight back, and if they escape, chase them and destroy them. Without encountering it, it is within my common sense to find and destroy it if I hear rumors. If you encounter a bandit, you're asked if you can miss it. Well, I'll be careful there, yeah. You won't promise me. To me who answered ambiguously, Lorea smiled with a troublesome look, but when she exhaled, she smiled again. "... well, that's good. I'm sure you won't have to worry if it's not too much. Please be careful and go." "Yeah, I'm coming! "" "Welcome! After being escorted by the three of them and leaving the village, I reversed the path that I walked a year ago with hope, expectation and great anxiety. The past year has been so volatile and full of encounters and changes that I have fought for a year or two in my life. Good things, bad things, a lot of things, but with a lot of experience, it's going to make a lot of money, and it's going to be good enough. I take it for granted that there will be some difficulty or hardship in the year ahead, and in the year ahead. But fortunately, I'm not alone. It's only natural that I should try my best, but with the help of my mentor and Lorea, I'm sure I can get over it. That's why you're facing forward firmly. And I took a light step towards the new year. ----------------------------- So the story of Sarasa ends here, separated by a year. Thank you for reading this for a long time. Hey, Sarasa, you're married. When Iris appeared, I didn't plan on getting married... So far, you don't have romantic feelings. It is driven by family friendliness, modest intentions, and self-preservation by gaining a noble position. However, it is rare to marry in love as a world view. Basically, the convenience of home is the priority. If you become an aristocrat, it feels normal to get married and face each other for the first time. So Sarasa and Iris may still be better off. At least we have a respectable relationship, and we are more likely to have a happy life than to marry Ho Barr or His Highness Felix. Talks and legendary material from the second year onwards may be written if motivated, but for now it has not been decided. Finally, I would like to thank all of you for your support. Thank you very much. If you had the opportunity, I would appreciate it if you could read my other work as well. P.s. Comic Valkyrie will be featuring the comic curation of this work. You can read it for free, so be sure to check it out.