I was in the study, facing Oscar across the desk. I sat down and stared at the report Oscar had given me, and at the numbers. “The annual budget of the Emperor is surprisingly huge.” “Yes. ......” Oscar, the Minister of the Imperial Household, bowed slightly and replied in a manner that suggested he was choosing his words. “His Majesty has many consorts, which inevitably results in a large budget. And even though it is a lot, it’s only a tenth of what the former Emperor Robby spent.” “That’s right.” Compared to him, anyone would be thrifty, I thought, but I didn’t say it. Robby was the name of the last emperor of the country who ruled the land before the empire, a man who made the country fall into decline with his drinking and extravagance. ” What will you do now that you know this?” “My budget is only about a tenth of the Emperor’s, isn’t it? Instead of answering the question directly, I looked up and asked Oscar. What about it? Oscar looked at me with such a questioning expression in his eyes. “It’s as you say. At present, His Majesty has a small number of consorts, and as a result, the number of ladies in waiting and eunuchs is minimal. Also, with all due respect ......, I have known you since you were a child, and you are not a man of luxury.” Oscar then looked me straight in the eye. “Therefore, as you say, one-tenth is enough.” “Hmm. That’s the reason I called Oscar. I want you to make sure this doesn’t grow unnecessarily in the future.” “That’s ...... my job, huh. ......” Why though? Oscar has such a look on his face. I stood up, turned my back to Oscar, and looked out the window. The Imperial Capital spread out below us, and we were in the midst of prosperity. “I want to expand our reach.” “—!” I can feel Oscar gasping from behind me. “In other words, a war of aggression. And for that, we need money.” “...... Yes.” “When the Emperor spends money, he has to collect ten times what he actually spends from the people.” When spending money, people move, and the labor cost for those people is high. And this is something that no Emperor can do anything about, but when people deal with a lot of money, they always want to keep a little bit in their pockets. If everyone put ” a fraction of the money” into their own pockets, the amount would be ten times larger than the actual amount of money, considering the number of people the Emperor operates. “The less you spend, the less the people have to bear. That way, we can maintain ...... or even nurture our national power.” “Excellent, sir.” I turn around and look straight at Oscar. “The time will come when we have to spend the money. I want you to hold on to my wallet for that time.” Oscar bowed profoundly and walked out of the study. Oscar is a capable man. If given a clear direction like this, he would never make a mistake. Just as I was thinking that the next step would be ......, Don walked in. After I ascended to the throne, I selected Don to be the fourth Vizier as my confidant, and he has been working just as hard as when he was in Almeria. As soon as he entered the room, he kneeled down and bowed in a fluid motion. “An emergency, Your Majesty.” “What’s happened?” “Refugees from the Gimbel region are pouring into the capital.” “Hmm. Gimbel, that’s where the famine was during the drought, right?” “Yes.” Don nodded and put the report on the desk. I sat back down, took it, and looked at it. “Then it must be getting crowded. Fuu, is the security getting worse?” “Yes. The number of fights and other small conflicts with the people of the city has been increasing visibly.” “...... “I’m thinking of organizing a refugee relief shelter in the southern suburbs and lumping all the refugees together there.” I thought for a moment. “What about Gimbel?” “We’re moving forward with the transportation of surplus food from the capital, as ordered by His Majesty. Leon will be leading a convoy in the next few days.” “Hmm” The reason for sending the food directly from the capital comes from the fact that everyone has to put a little bit in their pockets, as was the case with Oscar earlier. In the end, percent of the budget, or at most percent, will be used for disaster relief. To prevent this from happening, we had the food with little “flavor” carried as is. The less delicious the food is, the less will be taken – in other words, the more will go to the people. “About that, shall we let the refugees do it?” “............Yes?” Don looked at me like, “What is he talking about?” “Erm, ......, what does that mean?” “It means we’re going to let the refugees transport the food.” I looked back at Don with a serious face. “We need to pay the manpower to transport the food, don’t we?” “That’s why we will have the refugees do it. The reward will be in the form of food. If we do that...” “—! We can save on transportation costs for the refugees who are eating for free at the shelter.” Don gasped and looked at me. “That’s what I’m talking about. There are two main reasons why the refugees are having trouble with the people of the city. They’re in a strange land, and they’re hungry. If we let the refugees carry them away, the city will be safer and there will be fewer refugees.” “I see!” “And...” “There’s more!?” Don was even more surprised and I looked at him, smiling back. “Yeah, we can use the refugees for local distribution. They are refugees, and now they will be less likely to line their own pockets for the sake of their suffering friends back home. More importantly, since we know the situation in the affected areas well, we will know exactly where they are and how many there are. How about it, can you do it?” “...... Yes.” Don thought for a moment and then nodded clearly. “Even taking into account the refugees who flee the area, I think we should be able to reach more people than usual.” “I hadn’t thought of it this way, Your Majesty. It’s a great idea that kills three birds with one stone.” “Refugees are human beings. As long as they have a full stomach, they have labor power. Rather than that.” “Rather? “There’s no shortage of cases in history where leaving refugees behind has led to riots and rebellions.” “Indeed!” The number of refugees will never be zero no matter what we do. I decided to think of a way to handle them in the long run. In the evening, I left the palace and took Zoe, my maid, for a stroll around the capital. After a whole day of work, we headed to Keith’s store on Raid Street to freshen up a bit. Listing to Alice’s song, I decided to take a break. “What? There’s a lot of people here.” When we entered the street, we saw that it was more crowded than ever. It was so crowded that Zoe was surprised and I raised an eyebrow. And it was centered around Keith’s store – his store seemed to be the most prosperous. It was almost difficult to get close to the store. “Go and inquire about what’s going on.” I ordered Zoe to inquire about it. She ran off, asked around, and came back. “I got it — well, Master.” “Hmm” “I heard that the store is packed with women.” “Why is that?” “They know it’s a favorite of His Highness the Prince before he became Emperor.” Zoe, who had been with me for many years, had a natural way of putting things in a way that didn’t give away that she was traveling incognito. “So, if you come here, you’ll meet the Emperor who’s going incognito, and if he likes you, you might become his concubine! That’s why everyone seems to be here.” “It’s amazing, master, all the beauties are so stunning. It’s like a beauty fair.” I don’t feel bad. Perhaps. “And here’s something even better. All the innkeepers around here are so packed, it seems like you can’t get a room even if you pay three times as much.” It seemed that not only the people of the city but also beautiful women from other places were coming here to seek me out.
While waiting with Jean on the location, his subordinates who went to catch the mastermind behind the assassination attempt returned. A man about thirty years old and dressed like a Knight. That man knelt in front of me and Jean, then bowed, and reported. “We rushed as per His Highness’s instructions and captured five people.” “Were you able to catch them alive?” Jean asked, leaning forward. His response was something that was more concerning now. “Yes. ...... Somehow, when we raided the place, all the criminals had collapsed. When I investigated, I found that they were all paralyzed by an unknown poison.” “Poison? Don’t tell me they committed suicide!” Jean stretched himself even further. It was a natural guess, but the knight shook his head slowly. “No, it wasn’t a deadly poison, it was just a poison that rendered them immobile.” “Why would such a thing ......” “Yeah, I was the one who did that.” “Eh?” Jean looks at me in surprise. I linked the Ring to the Apophis and made it materialize. A metallic, dull-colored snake appears in my palm, with its tongue lolling out. “As the Third Vizier knows, during the rebellion in Almeria before, I took out the mastermind remotely.” “Yes. I remember hearing about it and going over the details many times.” Jean said that it was such an incredible event.] I nodded and added. “It’s the same thing, I remotely poisoned him with this Apophis while I was showing him the way. I paralyzed everyone present because I feared they would commit suicide if word got out.” “I see! That’s great!” Jean’s eyes sparkled, and he looked impressed. “And by the way...” Before he completes the sentence, he looked at the knight. “Are they saying anything?” “Well, sir, as you say, they ...... are all screaming and grunting ”kill” at us.” “What does that mean, Your Highness?” “It’s the same thing, the poison. After paralyzing the body, the poison was injected with an effect that made the whole body itch continuously. The effect is ...... like a mosquito bite all over your body, but you can’t scratch it at all.” When they heard my explanation, Jean and the Knight shuddered at the same time. “There are many who are trained to endure pain, but not so many who are trained to endure itching, an itching that cannot be scratched.” “As you say, sir, you’re absolutely right. Well, His Highness certainly brought the ‘itch’ into it.” “And so it is.” I turned to the knight again. “They’ll tell you anything now. Go ahead and interrogate.” “Yes!” The knight bowed to me once and then looked at Jean, his master. When Jean nodded slightly, the knight got up and left. I made some small talk with Jean and waited. I was certain that in the current situation, he would tell us everything in no time. My prediction was right on the money. In less than an hour, the knight was back again. He was on his knees in front of us, just like before. “How did it go?” “Yes, they told me everything. And I believe they are telling the truth. “Fumu. So, who sent them?” “The Rushi kingdom, sir.” “Rushi?” “Yes. The plan was that if the Rushi Tsar’s emissary died in the capital, the empire would be in trouble.” “Fuumu.” “I see. Rushi Tsar is a traitor to the Rushi Kingdom. That way, the Empire could make things easier for the Rushi Kingdom.” It was a simple matter to understand. Not only the knight who actually interrogated him but also Jean and I both felt that it was true. “Just keep interrogating him, just in case. Don’t kill anyone right away.” “And ......, Third Vizier.” “Prepare more guards for Ivan. Get him back to the Rushi Tsar at all costs.” “I understand, sir. Leave it to me.” The next day, I left the mansion and came to Cobalt Street after a long time. People are treasures. On the other hand, there are also “treasures” within treasures. In order to look for such treasures, I spent the morning touring Cobalt Street. But I couldn’t find any treasure at all, and finally, I came to Alan’s store, where I always go. “I’m sorry, sir. The treasure that His Highness is looking for is not quite .......” Alan said with an apologetic look on his face. “No, that’s fine. Treasures are not that easy to find.” “Thank you, sir. ─ Well, if you don’t mind having something new, then it’s not that much of a problem.” “Something new?” “Yes. There is a story that an interesting baby has been born in a town called Sorel, a short distance from the capital.” “What’s so interesting about it?” “Well, he was born holding a jewel. “...... eh?” What a story. ...... It’s an eyebrow-raising story. A human baby is born with a jewel in its hand. In short, it’s a story about a pregnant woman who created a jewel inside her body. Like a pearl oyster. “At the moment of birth, the jewel illuminated the room in a dazzling light. Everyone is speculating that this is a very good omen.” “......” Though it was eyebrow-raising, I was interested. It’s a good omen, Alan said. The meteorite that erased my “+” a while ago was also offered to me as a good omen. A good omen, huh? I thought for a moment and asked Alan. “Do you think you’ll be able to get your hands on that gem?” “Eh? Yeah, well...” “Okay.” I reached into my pocket and took out a leather bag. And gave Alan all the money I had brought with me when I left. “I’ve got Reens, so get it for me. If it’s not enough, just tell me.” “Leave it to me!” Alan thumped his chest and answered confidently. He left the store, saying he would be back. I was about to leave Cobalt Street and return to the mansion. Then, I paused. What entered my eyes, or rather my consciousness, was a brand new store. It was a store with a slightly different structure than a normal store. I could smell the scent of food wafting from inside. Although I could tell it was food, I couldn’t tell what it was, it was the first time I smelled it. I was curious to know what kind of place it was, so I walked in. “Welcome.” “What kind of establishment is this?” “Customer, is this your first time here?” The man who greeted me, dressed as a shopkeeper, answered with a confident look. ” The owner of the restaurant is from the Rushi Kingdom, and we serve authentic Rushi cuisine.” “I see. Two meat dishes and two vegetable dishes, please.” “Yes, sir! This way, please.” I was shown to my seat and took a bite of the food that was served. Most of the food was stewed in a greasy, warming way, probably because it was from a northern country. The taste was strong, but not bad. At the same time, I tried to find out the name of the restaurant while I was eating. Yesterday and Today, I was a little confused when I heard the name “Rushi Cuisine”, but the people at the restaurant were not hostile or malicious at all. They just seemed to be businessmen, and I was just too concerned about them. In other words, there was nothing wrong with it – until I finished the food. I was about to pay the bill and leave the restaurant when I decided that my taste buds were satisfied and the restaurant was fine. I realized I was penniless. “......Ah” I remembered that I had given Alan the money I had gone out with today just a few minutes ago. That’s why I don’t have any money on hand and can’t pay for the food. The shopkeeper, who had been smiling earlier, raised his eyebrows when he saw that I hadn’t been able to find any money in my pockets or pockets. “Hey, kid, you aren’t planning to just eat and run, are you?” “No, it’s not like that.” “Then pay up. It’s exactly one reen.” “......” This is a problem. I thought of a solution, wondering how I should pay. However, the other party was apparently very impatient. He didn’t give me time to think. “If you can’t pay, I’ll turn you into the local guards.” That’s not good, that’s unbecoming of a nobleman. I was getting more and more embarrassed when a man spoke up from behind me. “I will pay for that child, too.” “Eh?” “Fuuh?” The clerk and I both looked at the man who spoke to us. He looked like a good-natured man. “It should be reens with mine, right? Here.” Then he handed the clerk two reens. The shopkeeper took the money and put a sales smile on his face again. As long as he got paid, anything was possible, he was the epitome of a businessman. I turned my body to the man who had taken my place. “Thank you for your help, I was saved.” “Don’t mind me, I sometimes forget my wallet too. It’s a little frustrating when that happens.” “...... yeah, I was in such a hurry. Please tell me your name and I’ll pay you back as soon as I get it.” “My name is Relic. I live on Tyler Street.” “Relic of Tyler Street. All right.” “–Noah-sama!” From behind, this time, I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Shirley coming towards me. “Shirley, good timing. Do you have any money on you?” “Eh? Ah, yes! This is about it. ......” I looked at the leather bag Shirley had taken out. There are roughly 00 reens in it. “I’ll borrow it for now and return it to you when I get back to the mansion.” “Yes, whatever Your Highness commands.” Shirley said and held out a leather bag to me with both hands. I took it and handed it to Relic. I handed him the whole thing – all 500 reens. “It was a big help earlier. Thank you.” Relic looked at the leather bag and looked puzzled like he didn’t know what was going on. I pushed the leather bag to Relic. I left the store and walked with Shirley. “Y-Your Highness...” “I was listening to the exchange between your highness and that guy earlier, but isn’t it a bit excessive to borrow 1 reen and pay back 500 reens? No loan shark would go that far. ......” “That’s a Water Seller in the Desert.” “If I collapsed in the desert, I’d be happy to pay 500 reens for a bottle of water that normally costs about one reen.” That’s how much Relic had helped me. I could have announced myself as the Prince there. However, that should have been said upfront. It would be very damaging to the name of the nobleman to say that he was the Prince after being accused of being a runaway eater. That would be an improbable act. Depending on the nobleman, he may even feel so ashamed of it that he may commit suicide. That 1 reen that Relic lent me is worth that much. “Even if the favor you received is just a drop when you return it, you return it as a spring.” “I see, ......, that’s an excellent example!” Shirley looked at me with a great deal of admiration.
I left the Imperial Capital to Henry, Oscar, and the Viziers, and headed for the province of Saraluria. Saraluria is the place where innovative technology, the veins that support it so to speak, lie dormant. This is something that could drastically change the future of the Empire and, by extension, the lives of all humankind. After moving Margrave Gerdt away from there and putting Saraluria under my direct control, I decided to go there myself. And now I am on my way to it. I dressed up as a scion of a traveling merchant family, with only one servant in tow.. Status The maid accompanying me is Lou Peiyu. She’s the daughter of a tribe that once challenged the Empire to a battle and lost, and since then I’ve taken over most of the family, she’s been working for me as my loyal maid. Since she had not been a maid very long, and unlike Evelyn, Zoe, and other capable maids, she was an ordinary girl, I had brought her along as camouflage. Incidentally, they are a family with the unusual custom of having the last name in front and the first name behind. Peiyu was following me, carrying big baggage with her. “Your Maje–no–, Master.” “Umm?” What’s the matter? I turn to Peiyu, who almost mispronounced my name as we walk. She looked exhausted from a large amount of luggage, she might want to take a break. “What kind of a place is “Sabaku”?” “Fumu, I’ve never actually seen it myself, except to say that as far as the eye can see, it’s all sand.” “All sand?” “Have you ever seen the ocean?” “Yes.” “Then it’s easy to understand. Just like the ocean, but it’s all sand.” “T-Then the crops won’t grow at all! And the prey for hunting probably won’t thrive either. ......” Gah! Peiyu was shocked. She is aware that crops don’t grow in sandy soil. “Yeah, that’s right. The so-called barren land goes on and on. That’s why Saraluria became the largest province in the empire. It’s a collection of barren wastes, unsuitable for farming or hunting.” “So that’s what it was ...... a desert, huh ......?” As Peiyu walked along, she thought of the desert with a distant look in her eyes. After walking for a while, a checkpoint came into view at the end of the road. “Master, something is not right.” “Yeah ...... it’s reeking of blood.” Even though it was still some distance to the checkpoint, the situation had reached such a point that I could smell it. The front of the checkpost had become noisy and chaotic. Even from a distance, one could see that there was a struggle going on. “Let’s go. And, stay close to me. I headed for the gate with Peiyu, who followed me obediently. As we approached the gate, we could see what was going on. A group of people dressed as commoners were tearing down various parts of the gate. They were not using carpentry tools, but rather, sickles, hoes, and other such tools. Therefore, it was inefficient and time-consuming to destroy it. Some officials and soldiers were different from the group of commoners. They were outnumbered and outgunned and were already beaten and moved to a distance, groaning. “......” I thought for a moment, then cautiously approached the group and then addressed the man who had just broken down the fence. “Hey there, what’s this all about?” “Heh? What are you, ...... some kind of a bum?” “I’m just a traveler. What’s this all about? What’s going on here?” “We’re demolishing it.” “Demolition. ......” I have heard of it, but it’s the first time I’ve seen it in action. It is a kind of self-help activity of the people, in which a group of people stand up against some unreasonable situation and destroy the houses and things of the unreasonable person anyway. The basic idea is that you basically just break things, don’t kill people, and hurt them as little as possible – that’s the basic theme of the project. On closer inspection, it is true that some of the officials and soldiers who have been knocked down are groaning and unable to move, but none of them appear to have been mortally wounded. “The checkpoint here is terrible, you know how much they charge you.” “How much?” “Half of what we’re carrying.” “Half?” “That’s right. I bring vegetables and stuff to the city down the road, and they always take half of what I bring here.” “So everybody’s just pissed off, and this is what happens.” I looked around, convinced. The others, as if to relieve their pent-up frustration, were smashing down the barrier with unfamiliar tools. “It will all be over soon, so just stand back and watch.” I nodded, beckoned to Peiyu, and did as I was told. The demolition continued for the next hour or so, and then the men pulled away, satisfied. “Master, let’s go through.” “No, wait a little longer.” “Eh? Uh, yes. .......” Peiyu looked puzzled but obeyed her Master’s words. After watching there for a while, a cloud of dust approached from the distance. It was an official on a fat, well-fed horse and about a hundred soldiers who had come to the front of the barrier. “Don’t screw around! Don’t screw around, don’t screw around, don’t screw around! How dare you lowlifes! How dare you take my gate!” The man looked at the destroyed barrier and stormed on his horse, almost as if he were stamping on the ground. “Looks like that’s the official in charge of this checkpoint.” “I-it would seem so.” “I’ll go, you wait here.” “Eh? B-But...” “Wait here.” “Y-yes! Leaving Peiyu behind, I approached the gate. On the way, one of the soldiers approached me and called out to the man. The man turns from his horse and looks down at me. “What the hell are you!” “.......” I silently stepped on the symbol of the knocked-down gate – most importantly, the fence door. Then put on the performance that showed, I’m the one who did this. “It’s one of them! Seize him!” At the man’s command, several soldiers came at once. I easily dodged the attacks of the spear-carrying soldiers and dropped my sword hilt on their napes. The men, who had been hit in the vital spot, instantly turned white and fell down with a thud. “Come at me together” “You fucking bastard! You guys, kill him!” The fat official gave the order as if he were a bandit. The soldiers came at me one after another, and one by one, they were defeated by hit-and-run and hand-to-hand combat. “Wh-Waaa ...... who are you!” I snorted, looked at the officials with condescending eyes, and turned myself around. “Forgive you,......, I will never forgive you,.......” The official uttered a curse in a voice that sounded like it was squeezed out from the depths of his gut. With these words at his back, he continued walking. That night, I took lodging in a nearby inn. I write a letter by the light of a lantern. “Um, ...... Master?” “Uhmm? What is it?” Peiyu, who was in the same room with me and helping me write, timidly spoke. “Master was amazing today, you were so cool.” “That’s right.” “You mean you were expecting it to be like that?” “That’s right. When they were breaking down the gate, there were not many soldiers and there was no one who looked like he was in charge. That piggy-looking guy must have been in charge.” “If I do that, the hatred will be directed at me. That kind of person would rush in with a new kind of hatred.” “Such far ahead ...... as expected of, Master.” I continued to hold the letter as I answered Peiyu’s question. “All right. Give this to the person who brings the political papers from the Imperial Capital.” Saying that I handed the letter to Peiyu. “I understand. Um, what is this about?” I looked at Peiyu and smiled. As an ordinary maid, Peiyu doesn’t really know the line that she is not allowed to ask. If it’s confidential, I won’t tell her, but this is good. “It’s a response to the demolition.” “Eh? Aren’t you finished with that one?” “It’s about the future. I have issued an Imperial decree to the absent lord to change the law if there are more demolitions in the future.” “Law .......” “In the meantime, the people who participated in the demolition will be punished.” “No way!” Peiyu was about to say something, but I held up my hand to stop her. “It’s the same thing that led to the demolition – in this case, the swine. It will be punished in the same way. The punishment will be heavier on the official.” “Ah, ......, are you going to make it heavier, ......?” I chuckled at Peil’s “going to”. Having witnessed today’s incident, she seems to have completely fallen on the side of the people. Well, that’s fine. “That’s right. And it is going to be the higher the status, the heavier the punishment.” I gave the order to the absentees to ‘Prepare a draft,’ so we’ll have to scrutinize it after we get back to the capital to see if it follows the direction I’ve ordered. “That’s true if you’re an aristocrat. ......, it might be better if it’s one notch below the death penalty.” “Oh, that heavily!” Peiyu, who had been a staunch supporter of the people, seemed surprised by this. “It is the duty of the nobility not to let that happen.” I thought for a moment and fully turned to Peiyu. “For example, you were walking with the luggage all day today.” “I carried nothing. I was the man and you were the woman, but I let you carry my baggage and I didn’t try to do anything with it.” “That’s because of my status. I am the master and you are the servant, so it is only natural that you should carry the baggage.” “In the same way, it is the duty of the nobility to ensure that the people do not rebel. Any noble who violates this duty must be severely punished.”[TN: This series is sometimes good with this kind of message, but the sad thing is, it’s not possible in modern times] “Ah, ......” “Do you understand now?” “Yes! Master, that’s wonderful!” Peiyu looked at me with sparkling eyes like an innocent child.
At night, in my living room, I had the four of them, Leviathan, Luthiya, Fuwawa, and Behemoth, linked to the Armor Ring for a mock battle. In the mock battle, Leviathan was the strongest, Luthiya and Behemoth were about the same, and Fuwawa was a bit far behind. After a few rounds, I was thinking that my level was about to rise when there was a knock on the door, and Cecily, the reception maid, came in. “Excuse me for coming so late at night. There’s a woman here who wants to see you, Master.” “A woman? What is her name?” “She says her name is Olivia Coyle.” “Olivia Coyle.’ I rolled the name Cecily had given me on my tongue. It’s not a familiar name, I’ve never met a woman with that name. However, I was curious why she had come to visit me this late at night. If she was someone I didn’t care about, Cecily, whom Evelyn had raised and whom I had selected to serve me, would have turned her away. The fact that she asked me even at this hour means that she must have looked like a person of appropriate status. “Okay, let her through.” Cecily left, and a short time later a woman entered the room. She was in her mid-twenties and quite beautiful. Olivia Coyle stood in front of me and bowed in the manner of a woman. “Olivia, what brings you here at this hour?” “Secret information.” “......” I pretended to be unconcerned. Secret information. As soon as I heard the word, I had a very bad feeling and imagination. Trying not to show it, I asked back. “What kind of information?” “Crown Prince Albert is planning to cause a political upheaval tonight and force His Majesty to abdicate.” “—–!” As expected, I could not remain calm. After all, it’s ...... arrived. No wait, it hasn’t been determined to be true yet. I glared at Olivia and asked her back. “How do you know about this?” “I am the daughter of Coyle, His Highness Gilbert’s butler.” “Butler Coyle’s!” I remembered. Coyle was the butler at Gilbert’s mansion for many years, and I met him every time I went to the mansion. Coyle’s daughter. “Are you born within the household?” “Yes.” Olivia nodded. Born within the household. As the word suggests, it is a child born to two servants of the lord. It is not uncommon for the lord to arrange marriages for their subordinates, and to strengthen unity, it is also common to have servants marry each other. When two household servants marry each other, the children born as a result of the marriage are born as household servants and are therefore more likely to swear absolute allegiance to the royal family. This is because they were born and raised in an environment where this is the norm. “I know the story. That His Highness the th tried somehow to keep Gilbert-sama alive. And yet, Albert refused to–“ Olivia said that much and bit her bottom lip. She bit down so hard that it bled. She didn’t know the story but probably found out that Coyle was ...... at the time. “I swore vengeance, and fortunately for me, the Crown Prince took a liking to me, so I used my body to take him in.” “A woman’s weapon.” “Yes. He wasn’t tired of me yet, so he has been doing it a lot lately, especially with me. And that’s where I overheard it.” Olivia took a deep breath and said with an even more serious look on her face. “The disinheritance hasn’t officially come out yet, but once it does, it will be too late. Even now, using the power of the Crown Prince, we can move enough troops to hold the palace.” “What are they going to do with His Majesty?” “Force him to abdicate and become Emperor.” “......Fuuh” Damn you, Albert. You should have known that eunuch would be dealt with “in secret”. His Majesty doesn’t want any trouble and he’s doing you a favor by letting you live. And yet you are plotting political change. ...... “I beg of you!” Olivia dropped to her knees with both her hands down. (Dozega) “I’ll do anything! I’ll do anything I can. This body, this life! I don’t care how you use it. Please! I want the Crown Prince Albert’s head!” “...... Okay.” I sighed and gently raised Olivia. “I don’t care about anything. What were you doing at Gilbert’s place?” “I was an apprentice butler under my father.” “You’ll do the same here, and I’ll pay you as much.”” “W-Why are you treating me so well, ......?” “You wanted to avenge your master, and I rewarded you for your loyalty by offering to serve him even in death.” “...... what a man.” Olivia looked at me with eyes full of admiration. At the same time, there was a change in status that was always in the corner of my vision. Name: Noah Ararat Minister of Justice Gender: Male Level: / ∞ HPE+FMPF+FStrengthE+EStaminaF+FIntelligenceF+ESpiritF+FSpeedF+FDexterityF+FLuckF+F FireF+BWaterE+SWindF+FEarthF+FLight F+CDarknessF+F A “+” was added to Darkness. It’s a sign of Olivia’s obedience and submission to me. After leaving the mansion, I took Olivia to the Ministry of War in the east of the capital. There is a barracks next to the Ministry of War, and there are always ,0 soldiers stationed there. Due to the nature of being stationed there, they are trained to obey the orders of their superiors who have command authority without thinking twice. The Crown Prince, a half-emperor who has not yet had his disinheritance order announced, can easily move them. When I rushed there, I found that the soldiers were already assembled and lined up in the courtyard of the barracks, with Crown Prince Albert and a few of his men in control. “Brother!” “Noah? What are you doing here?” “No, brother, it’s not too late.” Albert was no different, and he understood everything in just a moment’s exchange. “That’s not the point, brother. If you take that step, you’re doomed.” “Do you want me to just sit here and die?” “His Majesty has no intention of killing brother, he is heartbroken at the thought of executing his son.” “So you want me to be content being a Prince!” That one word spoke eloquently of the difference in values, a difference that could not be bridged. If you think about it, a Prince is usually an existence of utmost nobility to the common people. But for Albert, the Crown Prince, being “dropped” by it was like death. “Do you insist on stopping me?” “All right, capture Noah! That’s a traitor!” Albert ordered his soldiers. 1000 soldiers came towards me without hesitation. I immediately pulled out the Leviathan from my bracelet. Will I be able to defeat 1000 ...... of them? I don’t know, but I have to! [Let me help you. Call my name.] I heard someone’s voice in my head. A familiar voice, but clearer than before. Then a different name came to my mind. Without hesitation, I called out the name. “Luthiya – no, Bahamut!” Instantly, a silhouette appeared behind me. A black dragon clad in flames, with huge wings. Gender: Male Level: 3 / ∞ HPE+FMPF+FStrengthE+EStaminaF+FIntelligenceF+ESpiritF+FSpeedF+FDexterityF+FLuckF+F FireF+AWaterE+SWindF+FEarthF+FLight F+CDarknessF+F At the same time, the fire became one step stronger. The black dragon, Bahamut-Luthiya, spat flames from its mouth. The flames engulfed the soldiers and they quickly burst into flames. One by one, the soldiers squirmed and suffered, dropping their weapons and cowering or rolling on the ground. “Enough, don’t kill them.” [Understood.] Immediately after Bahamut replied, the flames that had enveloped the soldiers disappeared. The smoldering smoke and Luthiya’s ring, which shone brighter than ever, told us that what had just happened was real. There was a connection between Luthiya and Bahamut, probably related to Leviathan, which I had heard in my hallucination before, but I don’t have time to pursue it in depth right now. I turned to Albert, who was astonished. “It’s over.” “Are you going to kill me, you bastard!?” I shook my head. “I’m not going to kill you, because that would cause His Majesty grief. He was saddened by the execution of his child, so how could he not be saddened by the idea of killing each other? So.” I took out a small bottle from my pocket. “...... poison?” “Yes. Drink this and kill yourself. If you manage to kill yourself, brother doesn’t have to bring his family and men along with his doom. And your eldest son can take over the house.” “Don’t be ridiculous! That’s not possible!” “If I step in this matter, your whole household will be destroyed.” “No, it won’t! Foster! Howard! Seize him, this traitor!” He shouted, ordering the two men at his side. I could tell at a glance, he was a pretty strong opponent. Just when I wondered if I could win. The two men had Albert pinned down from both sides! “What are you doing? “I can no longer follow your orders.” “Noah-sama still cared for your family and your subordinates. But still, you refuse.” “What the hell is wrong with you! Don’t listen to his nonsense!” “Shut up!” One of them shouted. “Remember the 120 people you sacrificed in the thickest miasma just after you broke the seal of Leviathan!” The 120 people ...... number sounds familiar. When Albert first brought the leviathan, he said that 120 people were sacrificed just to get it. “One of them was my brother! My childhood friend was also there!” “My father was there too!” Foster and Howard let out a blood-curdling scream at Albert. “Noah-sama.” I don’t know their names, but one of them calls out to me in a calmer...... but determined voice. “His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has decided to commit suicide.” “I see. Olivia.” Olivia, who I had brought in and had been hiding in the shadows, came out. “You do it.” “Thank you very much!” Olivia bowed to me with tears in her eyes, then took the vial and went to Albert. “Don’t be silly, you whore! Have you forgotten the favor I did you when I picked you up?” Albert shouted, but Olivia was unfazed. Foster and Howard forced Albert to open his mouth. The three of them shared the responsibility of forcing Albert to drink the poison that I had brought with me. Albert resisted for a while as his mouth was clamped down, but eventually, it turned into a cramp, and he turned white and blew foam and blood. Eventually, his strength gave out and the two men lowered Albert’s body to the ground. “Albert-sama has committed suicide.” I summarized the plot I had drawn up while I was giving him the poison and said. “My brother tried to bring about a political change, but his plan was slipped out by one of his subordinates, and fearing failure and exposure, my brother committed suicide. Therefore, according to imperial law, the informer will be rewarded, and the rest of the family will not be questioned at all. As for the house, as I said earlier, I will advise His Majesty to allow my brother’s eldest son to take over.” “”Our endless gratitude!”” Howard and Foster got down on one knee and bowed to me. HPE+EMPF+EStrengthE+EStaminaF+EIntelligenceF+ESpiritF+ESpeedF+EDexterityF+ELuckF+E FireF+AWaterE+SWindF+FEarthF+FLight F+CDarknessF+F The “+” in abilities went up again, and all the basic abilities went up from F to E. It seems that the two of them were quite strong after all. Albert ...... was given up by the two of them. After all,......, people are treasures. Albert, who despised it, would not have succeeded in the political change no matter what he did. Thus, both Gilbert and Albert. The two who were vigilantly eyeing the Emperor’s throne, and who tried to take it away from His Majesty even by murdering him, are gone. Now, His Majesty’s reign marked the beginning of a new story, different from the one that had gone before.
The following day. I was summoned to the Study of the Royal Palace, and as I stood at the entrance, I heard the voice of His Majesty inside. “Noah? You’re injured, so no need to bow.” “Yes, Your Majesty.” Even so, I gave a slight bow and entered the library. His Majesty was, as usual, conducting his affairs surrounded by a large collection of books that looked like a library. “Welcome, Noah. How is your injury?” “It’s nothing to be concerned about, Your Majesty.” “Good. But to injure a man as strong as Noah, were those assassins that strong?”[TN: Mind you our MC is years old now] His Majesty stared straight at me and asked. I knew this was coming. Well, I didn’t think I would be able to cover it up to his Majesty, even though I had further silenced the assassin with my excuses yesterday. I know from my past experiences that His Majesty’s ears are very attentive. So I’m pretty sure that he’s also going to report me for cutting up my own stomach. That’s why I said the script I had spent all night yesterday thinking about. “About the strength...” “Hmm?” “I believe that strength is not just the skill with a sword. That no matter how skilled you are, you can still be baffled by the mental side.” His Majesty stared at me for a moment. He nodded. Although he had been looking at me with probing eyes just before, now he looked impressed. “I have a good son, a son that I would not be ashamed to show anywhere.” He said such. He seemed to have understood that I was honest about my self-injury. “If everyone was like you, it would be a great help to me. You know what, Noah?” “I wonder what” “Nine out of ten so-called Virtuous Emperors have had their reputations ruined.” “......” I could feel my eyebrows twitching. The word about reputation ruined—It should be about the Crown Prince’s treason. It’s not flattery or anything like that, but His Majesty has ruled the empire well. It can be said that he led the empire to a golden age never seen before in its history. In the histories of future generations, he will undoubtedly be described as a great ruler. But what if the rebellion had succeeded? What if the crown prince had forced him to abdicate, and he had been raised to the position of the supreme emperor? In his later years, he would be written about as a man who was unable to control even his own son and made him commit a righteous act. It would be a disgrace to his legacy. The fact that His Majesty had said it so “straightforwardly” made me understand one more thing. His Majesty no longer trusts the Crown Prince. The reason why he doesn’t do anything about it right now is that disinheriting the crown prince would also “Ruin his Legacy” to some extent. But there was no proof yet, so I continued with the script I had thought of last night. “Your Majesty, I’m afraid I have a request to make.” “Hmm? Do state your request.” “Me, Brother Henry, and Brother Oscar. Your Majesty has appointed all three of us as Ministers, but this is the first time for all of us to be involved in something like this, and I’m afraid we may make some mistakes.” “So I think we need someone to organize them.” “Someone, to organize? You want me to assign you the First Vizier?” “No, I suggest we establish Prime Minster with a Prince, like my Minister of Justice.” “Prime Minster........the Prince as Minister” His Majesty rolled the words around on his tongue. “Yes, Prime Minister, that is to say, the one who will be in charge of ‘all’. He will be responsible for organizing the Ministry formed around Princes. I want His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince to take that role.” “......” His Majesty looked at me with suspicious eyes. The eyes were wary, wondering what I was saying out of the blue. It’s a natural reaction at this stage. And I continued. Here’s what about Prime Minister I have in mind. By making him the coordinator of all of us in the various ministries, he can make the crown prince imitate the emperor and suppress any thoughts of rebellion. And the final decision remains with the Emperor. We’ll report back to him after we’ve discussed the matter with him, so he won’t have to bear any additional burden, just one more hassle on our side. “But what if the Prime Minister rejects it and doesn’t want to submit it to us?” His Majesty raised the obvious question. And because it’s obvious, my pre-planned script has an answer. “In order to prevent this from happening, I would like each of the princes to have the right of direct appeal. If it’s something they feel they must do, they can appeal directly to His Majesty without going through the Prime Minister.” “.................. Amazing.” After staring at me for a while, His Majesty commented. He seemed to understand my intentions. The essence of this proposal is that the crown prince will be elevated to a position of authority, and while he will be allowed to do something like that, he will not be given any real authority. He would be our boss, but His Majesty would have the final say, and if we disagreed with him, we could skip over him and talk to His Majesty directly. In other words, the position of Prime Minister and the Ministry is just a name, a position that does not matter whether it exists or not. “That is right...... it would be for the best......” He muttered in a low voice. I knew that His Majesty knew what was going on and understood the purpose of my proposal. After all, he is a great ruler who should be called as such too. I’m convinced the best way for not tarnishing His Majesty’s reputation is for the people to live in peace. “Fumu. You have advised me well. Let us heed your advice.” “Thank you for the opportunity.” “I will discuss the details with the First Vizier later.” His Majesty said this and slowly walked towards me from across the desk in his study. He came right in front of me and put his hand on my head. “I really ...... wish you had been born earlier. ......” I didn’t answer. And I didn’t even try to make a response. I pretended that I hadn’t heard it, because I thought it was for the best. I guess His Majesty thought it was a bit much, so he took his hand away from my head, cleared his throat, and stepped away. “Now, I must reward Noah. For a proposition as good as this, money would be boring – Curuz.” As usual, the trusted eunuch appeared without a sound. “To the treasury.” With that, Curuz walked out of the study. And, His Majesty turned towards me. “I believe the ring was found by Noah through your own judgment.” “Yes.” The ring he was referring to was the one on my thumb. Although it’s usually in a ring form, when activated, it becomes armor. And now I’ve linked it to Leviathan, and it’s become an armor that can automatically move in and out to protect me. “Let’s go to the castle treasury, I want to see your judgment.” “In the treasury, sir?” “Yes. Pick one of anything you like.” “Understood.” I look forward to what to choose. Also, from the look in His Majesty’s eyes, I could see that he was looking forward to it as well. I followed him into the palace treasury. The treasure room alone was bigger than my mansion. Naturally, there was a vast array of treasures in the treasury to match its size. “Now then, you may choose.” His Majesty said to me excitedly. I thought for a moment and then ordered Leviathan. The range was the entire treasury, avoiding his majesty and the eunuch Curuz, who was waiting beside him. In the huge treasure room, there was only one response. I walked in a straight line in the direction of the reaction. And when I came to a certain shelf, I took a jewel box that was placed there. I opened it and found a ring with a flaming gem inside. “This one.” “Ooh! I’m impressed that you chose this one without any hesitation at all, Noah.” His Majesty complimented me with an even more excited and overjoyed look. I had let Leviathan use intimidation in order to find a being with the same personality or soul as Leviathan. The ring was a response to that. “Your judgment in choosing the ‘Luthiya’ was impressive. Excellent work, Noah.” With His Majesty’s permission, I put the ring, Luthiya, on the thumb opposite the armor ring. Then, my status, which has always been visible to me, changes. ―――――――――――― Name: Noah Ararat Minister of Justice Gender: Male Level: / ∞ HPF+FMPF+FStrengthF+EStaminaF+FIntelligenceF+ESpiritF+FSpeedF+FDexterityF+FLuckF+F FireF+CWaterE+SWindFEarthFLight FDarknessF It may be because it was already low from the start. But \the “+” in Fire went up to “C” at once. “Umu, you have a great eye.” It seems that the ring was so amazing that His Majesty was complimenting it.
In the courtyard of the former Thirteenth Prince’s residence, now the detached palace. I was engaged in a battle with an old general. Damien Noble. He is an honest man who still reigns at the top of the field as the strongest general in the empire. I was in hand-to-hand combat with Damien Noble. Each blow of Damien’s sword was heavy. It’s heavy, but that’s not all. The strike was so powerful that it seemed to penetrate the marrow of the bones just by hitting each other. There was nothing spectacular about it, just one slash and one kill. This is a practical sword, forged on countless battlefields. Once I understood this, we struck each other evenly, and once our swords locked to one another, I stopped and took a big leap back. I ended the match with the words, “That’s it. “As expected of the strongest general in the empire.” Damien also lowered his sword and knelt down on the spot. “His Majesty has grown even stronger. It is the grace of God that a man as gifted with the sword as you reign at the top of our Empire.” “You have become a smooth talker. I wonder if old generals who have fought many battles can also lose their edge as they get older.” “This is all my true intention, sire.” “I was joking. When I met you, I was old enough to know better.” I laughed and emphasized that I was joking. Damien has the appearance of an old general who has fought many battles, and as his title implies, he has a stern, honest, and jokingly inept side. I had to make it clear that a joke was a joke. Looking him over, I brought Damien to the pavilion in the garden and ordered him to sit down. “I called you here today to discuss, among other things, defeating Galwan. “To put it bluntly, I want Jessica to concentrate on the Galwan offensive. To do this, we need to seal off the border, transport supplies, and fodder, and watch out for other forces. I want to make sure everything is in place. Of course, I will discuss this with Henry, but I would also like to hear your opinion as the head of the field. “However, the military is not my area of expertise. To interfere in the field would only repeat the mistakes seen in history. My role is to provide direction. Do you have the tactics or the personnel to match?” Damien began by prefacing himself with that. “First, we need to seal the border.” “Umu.” “My eldest son, Karl Noble, would be the best man for the job. A certain inflexibility is required to seal the border. He will serve perfectly well if he follows only His Majesty’s orders and makes no exceptions.” He meant with great sincerity, huh? I don’t know about that, but it’s reassuring, depending on how you use it. “Next, we need to be on the lookout for other forces. For this, I nominate my second son, Kiel.” “Why?” “Kiel is very patient and has been good at enduring pain since he was a child. He is unlikely to start a war in an unexpected situation, and he is well suited for specific measures to check the situation.” “Lastly, the transportation of provisions and fodder. Please leave the transportation of provisions and fodder to my fourth son, Yale.” “All right, I’ll leave it to him. You may inform Henry that I have given my approval and consult with him.” “Thank you for your grace.” “I won’t go into details. At any rate, I want Jessica to concentrate on that one thing, all right?” “You may step back.” “Excuse me.” Damien knelt once more on the spot, then got up and walked away. After seeing him off, I called Don. “You wanted to see me, Your Majesty? “Damien’s third son, do you know his name?” “I believe it was ...... Neil Noble.” “Find out what you can about this Neil.” “For what reason?” Don tilted his head in wonder, and I told him about Damien’s recommendation of the three children. “He looked exactly the opposite of Father.” “The Emperor?” “Yeah. The eyes of a man who loves his children. He wanted to somehow scoop up the children who were not doing so well, with his own influence. His reasons were all too contrived. Regarding the transportation of the fourth son’s food and fodder, he has no reason at all, but he asks for it anyway.” “That Damien, ......” Don looked in disbelief. After all, he was the strongest old general in the Empire, a man with a reputation for honesty and integrity. It’s surprising that he has such a side to him. “So, find out about the third son.” “The third son, the one whose name didn’t come up?” I nodded sharply. “If my guess is correct, the third son is the only one who is considered to ‘get by without the influence’.” The next day, in the study. Don, who had finished his research and returned, looked at me with admiration. “As expected of His Majesty, it was just as you predicted.” “Really?” “Neil Noble. It is rumored that he inherited Damien-dono’s talent with the sword and that he inflicted a serious wound on Damien at a training session when he was years old.” “On Damien?” “Yes.” The reason why Damien is still in command of the field at that age is that he is too strong. Damien has been punished for his excessive actions. He has destroyed things that didn’t need to be destroyed, and as a result, he has drawn the ire of the local people, prolonging the war and its aftermath. For this, he was punished and lowered in rank. Because of his repeated war merits and excessive punishments, he was never promoted enough to join the Ministry of War and has remained in the field ever since. And that Damien was wounded by a twelve-year-old, huh? “I’m going to see him. Do you know where he is?” “Yes sir, I will guide you there.” A man was in a certain tavern in the castle town. He was sitting in the corner, drinking sake by hand with a wry smile on his face. His appearance was not dirty, but quite appropriate. The man looked disheveled- but his clothes looked as if they had been laundered from the clothes of some local junkie. Because of his outfit, partly because of his large size, and partly because he wears an eye patch over his right eye that indicates his blindness. In the crowded bar, it was the only place where people didn’t gather, and it seemed as if there was an empty space. I went straight over and sat down across from the man, Neil. “Neil Noble, right? “Ouu, wanna drink lad?” He didn’t ask my name back but offered a drink to anyone who spoke to him. I accept Neil’s cup and down the contents in one gulp. “You’re drinking something cheap.” “I’m happy to drink as long as it gets me drunk. By tomorrow it will be all pissed off.” “So tell me, lad. What do you want from me?” “I’m a scout. Are you interested in working for the Imperial Family?” “Me?” “Why?” “Why is it not enough that you’re a good man?” “I see. You want me to serve the Emperor?” “That’s what it means.” Neil grinned, twisted the corners of his mouth, poured himself another glass of booze, and drank it all in one gulp. “I’ll think about it if the Emperor himself comes to ask me out. Tell him that.” “What, is that okay with you? You think about it now.” “I’m already in front of you.” ” ......?” The cup spilled from his hand, rolled around on the table, hit a bottle of liquor, and stopped. Neil, who dropped it, also stopped. “Yo ......?” “What, you didn’t know what I looked like?” “E-Emperor — His Majesty!” Neil suddenly came to himself and stood up in great surprise. He immediately attracted the attention of the entire bar. “Yeah, I am Noah Ararat, the Emperor of the Empire.” While introducing myself, I showed the coat of Arms designed as a ship, with the help of the Livyathan.” Whoever it is, they will believe I am the Emperor when I use the Demon sword to announce my name. It was a name that Neil understood. “The Emperor in person? And from the very beginning?” “Is it strange?” “Did my ...... father ask you to do this?” I smiled. I picked up the cup Neil had dropped, poured himself a drink, downed it, and smiled. “Damien only recommended three others.” Hearing this, Neil regained his composure and grinned. “That’s typical of my old man. Those three guys need to get off their asses. Old man is too old to be chewing on his own coffers forever.” Neil’s complaint was tinged with a bitter smile. It seems that Damien’s parental stupidity is quite considerable. “Fuu.” “What’s the matter, you’re laughing all of a sudden?” “No, I just thought, you’re not jealous when you hear that.” “......” “Well, it doesn’t matter. I’m here in person, so think about it. Will you serve me?” “Ah — wait wait, I’m not good with honorifics and etiquette, serving at the palace –“ “Is that what this is about? Then let’s just leave it the way it is.” “You want things to stay the way they are?” “What’s weird?” “No, it’s not right. Aren’t you the Emperor? You’re supposed to have dignity and tradition and all that stuff.” “That doesn’t matter. It matters more that we have the right people.” “......” Neil was speechless. Eventually, he came to his senses, looked up to the heavens, and laughed uproariously. “Hahahahaha, you’re amazing. I’ve never heard of such an Emperor.” “I like you. If you like the way I am, I’ll serve you.” I offered my hand for a handshake, and Neil laughed harder than ever as he shook my hand. ―――――――――――― Name: Noah Ararat Empire’s Emperor Gender: Male Level: +/∞ And then, the ‘+’ in my status went up.
Its voice is pompous, but I don’t sense any hostility or harm. Above all, the “+” in my status has increased. Rather than being an enemy, it follows me, just like Leviathan and the rest. And, then. Like Leviathan and the others, I linked it to my armor ring and made it materialize. The material of the ring quickly transformed into a bird with enormous wings (compared to its body). {My name is Ziz. A demon bird that symbolizes the sky, the counterpart of Leviathan and Behemoth.}[TN: The Ziz(ジズ) is a giant griffin-like bird in Jewish mythology, said to be large enough to be able to block out the sun with its wingspan] The ostentatious tone of voice echoed in my mind. At the same time, I heard a name I knew well. Leviathan, and Behemoth. These are all the ones that follow me. This Ziz is just like them, it said itself. “So follow me, as Leviathan and the others do.” In the next moment, an image came into my mind. The image of wielding power – Ziz’s power. “Interesting ......, I’ll try it right away.” As I said this, Ziz released his embodiment and retracted it into a feather ornament. I held it, and with all my strength, I focused on it. Immediately after, wings sprouted from my back. The wings were huge, about twice the size of my arms sticking out to the sides. They were white like a swan’s, but they appeared to be glowing, wings of light. “Woah. ......” Gran, who witnessed it, let out an exclamation of admiration. I tried to flap my wings. “Mu. ......” It’s like the first time I walked on two legs after being reincarnated, but I couldn’t muster the strength to do it. My body feels connected to it, but I can’t move it well. Still trying to move it, my whole body trembles and I put more effort into it. Gradually, my wings began to move. Flap, flap, flap, flap–. The flapping of the wings became smoother and smoother. “I-I ma flying!?” My feet left the ground, and my body was lifted up little by little. As a result of flapping my wings with almost all my strength, I was able to fly up to the height of my own height. This made me so happy that I let my guard down, and as a result, my wings stopped flapping and I fell straight down. Since I fell straight down, I didn’t lose my balance and the landing went smoothly. “Woah! I can’t believe you can fly like an angel.” As Gran was praising me, more images from Ziz were pouring into my mind. I was starting to get the gist of it. Practice, and discipline. With practice, I could make my wings move more like a part of my body, and with increasing level and ability, I could increase my flying ability to a practical level. I felt confident that this was an ability that I could use. The next morning, while I was doing political work in my study, Henry, the Fourth Prince, requested an audience. As I let him into the room, he knelt down and bowed to me with a very serious expression on his face. “What’s the matter, Henry, you look grim.” “I’m afraid so as this report has come to light, I don’t know what to do.” “Let me see.” I took the report from Henry and looked it over. It is a report addressed to Henry, the Minister of War. The report is from the governor of a small town in the outskirts of the country, where bandits have taken over one of the mountains and there are disturbing movements. The report stated that they would do everything in their power to destroy them. “Their number is ,, huh?” “Yes. Lermo is a town in the countryside that I didn’t even know the name of, and it’s a big deal that ,00 bandits are showing disturbing movements there. If we’re not careful, the entire city could fall, and the situation could rapidly expand, leading to a rebellion.” “Fumu.” “I’d like to ask His Majesty’s approval if we should send an army from the center to suppress it. As I listened to Henry, I reread the report from the beginning. And– “Fuu. ......” I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, which made one corner of my mouth lift up. “Your Majesty? What’s so funny?” ” Henry has dealt with rebels many times, but never with remote bandits, I believe.” “Yes, that’s true, but ......” What about it? Henry stares at me. And while smiling back at him, “In this kind of report on the bandits’ subjugation, the number of enemies is reported larger – no, much larger.” “...... Why is that?” Henry frowned and asked back. “There are two main reasons. The first is about money. The more enemy there is, the more we need to increase our forces to compete. And if there are actually fewer enemies, you can just accept the budget and not have to raise more troops.” ” That’ s what His Majesty pointed out that time with Rice, isn’t it?” I smiled softly. Nostalgic. At that time, Henry was the Minister of War, and I was just a helper. Now, Henry is still the Minister of War, but I’m the Emperor. It was interesting to see the difference in our positions. “And one more thing. If you report a much larger number of enemy troops, you can create the illusion that your victory is greater than it is, and that your defeat was inevitable. In fact, Henry must have thought that things were out of control there and that the center had to do something about it.” “Indeed.” “To begin with.” I smiled even more and handed him the report. Henry receives it and I continue. “It made Henry concerned enough to come to me for advice, but it’s just a ‘report,’ not a word about reinforcements.” “...... Indeed. The only thing it says is that we will annihilate them with all our might.” “If there were reinforcements, they would be in trouble, wouldn’t they?” “I see. That’s right, Your Majesty, you’ve got a good eye.” As Henry bowed his head, Don entered the study. “His Highness, the Fourth. Excuse me. I hope I’m not interrupting anything important.” “Never mind, the conversation is finished.” “What is it?” “Your Majesty received something like this.” Don said and held out a box. Fuwawa’s box. It is a box that I gave to some trusted people scattered around the country to tip them off. I took it and used Fuwawa’s power to open the box. There was a letter inside, and I took it out and read it. “Fuu ..... fuhahahaha.” “Your Majesty?” “What’s the matter?” Henry and Don wondered. I smiled and handed the letter to Henry. Henry read it – and he laughed, too. “I told you so, didn’t I?” “Yes. ...... The actual number of bandits is 500. That’s a tenth.” The tip-off had come from Lermo. It is true that the bandits have taken over the nearby mountains and are making disturbing movements, but the number of bandits is estimated to be about five hundred at most. “We don’t need to send any troops.” “You are very perceptive, sir. Henry’s impatient expression when he rushed in earlier was completely blown away, and his expression became easy. “But it’s not good to have bandits popping up here and there so often.” I looked at the report Henry had brought with him. In the future, I’m going to expand the reach of the Empire. If I’m going to deploy outward, I need to calm the country down. I can’t concentrate on deploying troops if there are bandits messing around here and there. We have to do something about it. ...... “Like a monster’s nest, we could manage it reasonably well and use it to train new soldiers.” Henry suggested. “That’s a good idea. But we can’t keep doing that. Because sooner or later we’ll have to go ‘out’ and fight. “Let’s see, we’ll think about that later. Henry, keep it in the back of your mind for now.” “By your will.” Henry bowed his head once, then remembered. “By the way, Jerry Eisen’s group has been successful again.” “Hooh?” Jerry Eisen. He used to be a bandit, but since he seemed to be useful, I sent him into the army under the guise of serving a sentence. After that, with his meritorious service, his sentence was lifted and he became a full-fledged soldier. “Military service and honor – and women.” Henry laughed bitterly. “If you give them that, they’ll work themselves to death. Your Majesty has the good sense to recognize those people and put them in the right places.” “...... That’s it!” I found the solution.
One afternoon, I was visited by Byron Allan. Byron is under me, so I met him in my living room, which I use on a daily basis, not in the parlor for guests. I’m sitting on the couch, and Byron is standing. Behind Byron, the servants were still bringing in boxes and other things and piling them up. As I look at them, I ask Byron. “I just received news from the palace. Ada has officially become a ‘Common Queen’ in His Majesty’s favor. I understood what he meant, and nodded. Eida is the woman that Byron offered to the royal court as a servant. Six years ago, I met her, and based on my advice, selected her. That woman has been promoted to Queen in His Majesty’s embrace. “This is just a small token of my gratitude.” I sat down and looked at the box behind Byron. The box was almost open, revealing the gold and silver treasures inside. “You’ve spent a lot of money, about thirty thousand reens.” “.......” “What’s the matter, you look so surprised?” “Yeah. I was just surprised by Noah-sama’s eyes. To guess the exact amount of money, that’s impressive.” What’s that about? “I’m happy for the time being. First of all, the common consort, huh.” “Yes.” “Above the common queen is the side queen, above that the legitimate queen, and at the top is the empress. “Yes, eventually, I hope, she’ll be a legitimate queen.”[TN: I was thinking of using consort] I nodded at Byron’s wish. The status of the women in the palace is divided by rank. At the top is, of course, the Empress. Below her is the legitimate queen, who has the meaning of “Regular”. Below the legitimate queen is the “side queen,” meaning “concubine,” and at the bottom is the ” common queen,” with the character for “commoner” attached. Like officials, the queens rose through the ranks based on their favor and the status of their sons. The mother of the crown prince is the empress, and the mother of the prince is unconditionally a concubine. I became a “wise” prince six years ago, so my mother also became a legitimate queen at that time, one step above. Needless to say, there’s only one empress, so if you want to move up, a legitimate queen is a de facto pinnacle. “Now all we have to do is pray that His Majesty will give her more favor.” “No, it’s politics from here on out.” “Eh?” Byron was surprised. He looks like he’s just been told something he hadn’t thought of. “I said politics. Obviously, gaining His Majesty’s favor is the quickest way, but other than that, politics between queens is important.” “Is that so?” “Don’t try to make a mistake with that. What would happen if one of the Queens switched out Queen Ada’s perfume with a scent that His Majesty hates?” “–!” Byron gulped, his face turning pale as soon as he heard it. “The palace is as much an abyss as the men’s world, if not more so.” “Y-yes!” “Send money, resources to Queen Ada. Once she understands it’s politics, she’ll know how to do it, right?” “Of course! Thank you very much!” Byron said, bowed hurriedly, and left with his servants. I pondered for a moment and finished one of my letters, using the paper and pen that I also kept in my living room. “Anyone there?” Just after I called out, my maid, Zoe, came in.” She was probably waiting outside the door the whole time. “You wanted to see me, master?” “Yeah, go and deliver this letter, along with about ten thousand leens in cash, to my mother in the rear palace.” “Well, ...... me? Wouldn’t Dylan-san be a better choice for the royal court?” Zoe wondered if why he wasn’t the one I picked. “Men are forbidden in the inner palace. Not even me, her son, can enter.” “The prince is separated from his mother as soon as he is born. He only gets to see his mother once a year or so.” “Ah, by the way, ......” Other than the royal family, I often talk about these things as small talk. I’m sure Zoe, who has been with me for quite some time, has heard of this sort of thing at least vaguely. “That’s not important right now. Mother – when you meet the queen, give her a message, too. Tell her that I intend to be the guardian of Queen Ada.” “Well, ......, are you taking your mother into politics?” “Your mother is ......, isn’t she?” “That’s what the royal family is all about. Even if you’re a real parent and a real child, your interests and values are more important than your feelings. Ada is the girl I chose, she is serious and ambitious. If Queen Ada goes up, she will be a good ally for Mother.” “Haha ......, the nobility is an amazing world, isn’t it ....... I understand. I’ll be right there.” Zoe rolled her tongue, accepted my order, and headed for the royal palace. On the afternoon of that day, a messenger came from the Bardsley Shop on Cobalt Street. Alan, the owner of the store, had found a treasure, and he wanted me to come anytime.[His first name is the Last name for the previous character in the story ] So I headed to the Bardsley store by myself. “Welcome, to my store! His Imperial Highness the Thirteenth.” When I arrived at the store, the owner, Alan Bardsley, greeted me with a big smile. I’ve been here many times before. I walked in with Alan as if it were my own mansion, and we entered the guest room in the back. Sitting down on a chair, I asked him quickly. “So what kind of treasure is it?” Almost as soon as Alan held up his hand, a shopkeeper brought in a cloth-covered object. “Is that a ...... painting?” Alan tucked his chin to his man. The cloth was removed to reveal a painting in a frame. It was a picture of a beautiful woman. “It’s a painting called Fuwawa.” I stood up, approached the painting, and peered at it from up close. “...... is it cursed?” “Very good, sir!” Alan said, and held up his hand again. Then another of Alan’s subordinates walked in with another painting. This time it was not covered with a cloth, and I immediately recognized what it depicted. A girl. It’s just a painting, but if you look closely, you can see the face of the first painting – a beautiful woman depicted in Fuwawa. “What is this?” “It’s a replica, sir. I heard it was a replica from the time when Fuwawa was painted.” “I see. A cursed picture that grows.” I looked at the two pictures in turn. Fuwawa and its replica. I could see it clearly. Through Leviathan, I can see that the real thing is giving off an uncanny vibe. If this is it... I grabbed the leviathan. I take out the Leviathan, which has shrunk enough to be hidden by the bracelet and return it to its original size. Then I swing it down. The painting Fuwawa was cut in half with a single swing. “Your Highness!?” Alan was surprised, wondering what I was doing. Immediately after, he was even more surprised. To his surprise, the painting that looked like it had been cut was completely undamaged, but a beautiful woman jumped out of the painting. Her figure was translucent, and her body was floating in the air. The beautiful woman looked like a ghost. “–“ The ghost–Fuwawa’s mouth moved as if she had spoken something. “W-What is it?” Alan asked me curiously since there was no physical voice. The paints in this painting are made of her own blood. The guy who painted it must have been crazy, he killed her when she was a kid and mixed her blood with oil paint to paint her.” “I-Is that so....” Fuwawa said something more. It was still inaudible and probably only I could hear it. “W-What is saying now?” “I want to repay you for freeing me. In that case, swear your allegiance to me.” Okay—after hearing that, Fuwawa went back into the painting. She came right back out and went back in again. Thanks to the Leviathan breaking the bond, it seems she is no longer trapped in the painting, but can use it as a substitute to come and go at any time. And. ―――――――――――― Name: Noah Ararat Minister of Justice Gender: Male Level: / ∞ HPE+FMPF+FStrengthE+EStaminaF+FIntelligenceF+ESpiritF+FSpeedF+FDexterityF+FLuckF+F FireF+BWaterE+SWindFEarthF+FLight FDarknessF My abilities of Earth have also gained a bit of a “+”. It’s a cursed picture, but considering how it was born, it’s about right. Not bad. Alan, on the other hand, was watching Fuwawa coming and going. “W-Wow ....... I didn’t expect a cursed painting to turn out like this. ......” He was really surprised.
I'm back ~ When you return to the village of the High Elves, you will be gathered together. For some reason, everyone has a face that doesn't float. Dragon hunting failed? I heard that Mr. Jørgen was terrified. What? Failure? I'm dumbfounded because I don't know what I'm talking about. "Because I didn't just leave this morning." And yet, you're already back. " "No, Adela-san is right..." I left in the morning and now it's dusk. It's normal for people to come home after hunting. "The opponent was Green Dragon (Green Dragon)." Even if you fail to hunt, you won't be ashamed. " "That's right. Once upon a time, when we defeated the Green Dragon, our warriors finally defeated it after three days and three nights of total collision." It's not like that. No one blames you for failing. ” When Verte and Radmir say that, Selma and Laura look at us and nod with care, saying, "Yes." ...... Ah, that kind of thing. I finally understood. The Green Dragon was finally defeated three days and three nights by the mighty men of the High Elf Warrior. And yet, we're out in the morning and back in the evening. So you think we failed in our quest to hunt the Green Dragon. I see. In fact, I'm sure the high elves would think so because they have a proven track record of defeating the Green Dragon. But not in our case. When I looked at Fel and the others...... Humph, don't be with the lords. Fel says so with a grumpy look on his face. That's right. I don't think they're going to get behind every Green Dragon. Grandpa Gong was also in a bad mood. That's right, that's right! We're not gonna lose! The Green Dragon is bumpy. Kill him instantly! Dora-chan is also indignant at the word "failure" of the high elves, so she protests while waving her short arm around. But I don't think the High Elves can hear you. Besides, Dora-chan, I definitely made a mess of things, but I overstated instant killing. I didn't make a mistake! I defeated Mr. Dragon! Sweetie was angry with Punska as she vibrated fast over Fel's head. I heard Fel and Grandpa Gon say, "Huh?" and the high elves who stop the movement. "Um, the hunt itself is soothing, no, it's not soothing." Did you fear our attack? There was something unexpected about the Green Dragon fleeing back to the stash, but I was able to defeat it in such a short time. " When I say that, the high elves say, "Eh..." and open their mouths. Six beautiful men and beautiful women from all over the world are all in one place with no tight faces, so I almost laughed unintentionally. That's right. After that, I was hungry, so I was eating slowly, so it was this time. Without it, I would have been back for a long time. " When Fel said that, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sui agreed, “That's right.” "Give me dinner......" "I was eating slowly....." Everyone was surprised. And for some reason, he looked at me with an indescribable face. No, I don't care if you look at me like that. It's not my fault. This is how we all always look like. Everyone is strong, so it can't be helped. "Well, uh, that's why it's late today, so please dismantle it tomorrow." Having received the gaze of the High Elves, I was impatient, and I abandoned it and quickly retreated to the house I was renting with Fel and the others. ◇◇◇◇◇ The next morning, as they finished their breakfast and headed for the dismantling site, the high elves were already ready and waiting. Good morning. Good morning. As soon as I greeted everyone lightly, I started talking to the Green Dragon. "As expected, no one as big as the Green Dragon can get in here, so dismantling is outside." When Jørgen says that, Velte nods, who will be the center of the dismantling. "Oh, thankfully the weather is nice today." So, Laura, please. " Yeah. Laura, asked by Verde to build a large platform in the village square with earth magic. Laura seems to be the best soil magician among them. Is the size this good? Laura said that to Verde, and now Verde asks me, "What do you think?" The question comes. "It's the size of a green dragon, isn't it?" Well, maybe it's better to be a little bigger. " After hearing my words, Mr. Laura is making the stage bigger. "You were quite a big guy..." Mr. Radmir, who was watching at his side, crushed it. "Alright, this size is fine." It's a dragon. You can't waste a drop of blood. Please harden the surface of the table so as not to stain it with blood. And it's a little low so that there's blood on this side. " Later, under Mr. Verde's direction, Ms. Laura tweaked the platform for dismantling the Green Dragon. Verde checked the whole thing. "Then, at last..." "Mukoda, take the Green Dragon." Yes. The Green Dragon was pulled out of the Item Box to sit on the table. "Oh, oh," the high elves groaned at the size. "It's so big..." High Elves look at the Green Dragon on the platform. "But that's it." I knew that Mcoda had an item box, but you have a high elf-like item box for such a big guy. I've never seen a human before. " I'm thrilled that Mr. Jørgen told me that. Well, well. Thankfully, the capacity is quite large. and deceive appropriately. "More than that..." Do you High Elves have an item box? "Yeah. Because we have a lot of magic power, I've never seen anyone without it." Well, the capacity varies, but even a small number of them can fit into that house. " Mr. Jørgen points to the house that was nearby while saying so. "Hey, that's pretty good." It's small, but the item box that can fit in one house is really amazing. If you were an adventurer, you'd pull yourself out. A high elf is a winning team. There are even 0 green dragons of this size that might be able to afford it. Radmir said that, and Verde said, "Oh, Lucas. He took care of me when I came to this island." "Hey, hey, that's enough of this nonsense." "He's a big guy, so it'll take time to dismantle." Let's get started. The high elf ladies slapped her husband's butt in dismantling, which was hard to begin. The men who were told to move quickly began to move. The one holding Verde's hand was a white knife. It is not made of metal. Looking at it like that, Mr. Verde noticed my gaze. "Is this it? Okay." You're proud of yourself, and you show me the whole thing. Is it okay if it's not a mistletoe knife? "Ha ha, no problem." This is a knife made from Earth Dragon claws. Mythrill knife isn't bad either, but I like it better here. If it's sharp, this knife is better. Well, I think you'll see. " Then Verde pierced the Green Dragon with the Earth Dragon's claw knife. According to Verde, the Earth Dragon knife is sharp, and the skin of the hard dragon is shredded. In addition, the cooperation of the high elves is perfect, and the dismantling of the Green Dragon has progressed while it was still underway. And...... "Fu, it's over." Saying that, I wipe my sweat off, Mr. Verde. The dismantling was finished a little after noon. Then Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sweetheart, who were quiet, moved. 'Huhahahaha. Well done. It was worth the endurance of the day. " Alright, my lord, I'm a little late, but I'll have lunch now. This is a dragon steak you can't wait for! Dragon Steak! It's so quiet, and if you thought lunch wouldn't be noisy, you were aiming for this. Dragon steak as soon as it's dismantled. So, you guys are looking forward to it too much. I don't know, they're really foodies. Well, I told you it was a dragon steak. "Heh heh. Okay." When I ate the dragon, I was the one preparing to bake the dragon steak for the ugly cannibal quartet.
The next morning, I headed with Fell to the Adventurer Guild. Heading directly to the purchasing desk, there was a tough old man yesterday. "Good Morning" "Whoa, I'm ready. I keep it in the warehouse because there is a lot of meat. Follow me." Me and Fell follow the old man. There were piles of meat in the warehouse. "This is the meat they asked for." Oh, with all this, you'll have it for a while, no matter how much Fell eats. I'll quickly put the meat in the item box. "As I thought yesterday, you have a cool capacity item box." That's what my old man told me, but I appropriately answered "ha". Meat is more important, so I'm not weighing myself in right now. Besides, this old man found out as of yesterday. You won't be coming to this Adventurer Guild again in the first place, so you won't be seeing this old man again. I plan to leave this city today or tomorrow. It's forbidden to stay long. "Then we'll settle the purchase next." When I finished putting the meat in the item box, my old man put some kind of heavy hemp bag in front of me. "Uh, breakdown, but first it's the oak. Oak is a testicle when it comes to non-meat material, but it's two gold coins and five silver coins, one on the left and one on the right. Red Bore is next. Two gold coins and four silver coins with material of x skin and x fangs. And Cocatrice. This was the highest price for meat, but otherwise it would only be the wings. There were a few scratches on those wings, so five silver coins for three Cocatrices." Whatever the orc testicles are one of the ingredients of the energizer, and they need a pair of left and right testicles to create a single energizer. I'm sorry if it was me no matter how energetic they say it is, but the energizer I can make seems like a cool amount, but it's very popular. Red bore skin is popular as a material for shoes, bags and belts, and fangs are said to be used for crafts. Cocatrice blades are said to be used for pillows. "You're rockbird next. This is seven gold coins with a mouth and wings. The next Giant Dodo is also a mouth and wings, and this one has a small but demonic stone, so put that in it too, gold coins. And it's Giant Deere. The material is horns and skins, and this guy also had demon stones, so put that in. Twenty-eight gold coins. These guys are B-rank demons, but you're lucky both Dodo and Deer had demon stones." Rockbird's mouth and wings are said to be material for bow arrows. It seems that the arrows made with this are coveted arrows for bowmen because of their penetrating properties that make it easier to carry wind magic while still using them. The mouth and wings of the Giant Dodo (a big, non-flying bird with degenerate wings) say that the mouth will be made of magic equipment (like pendants, bracelets, and rings with many effects) and the wings will be made of luxury duvets. They say the horns of Giant Deer (who's a big deer anyway) become good material for the wizard wand, and the skin becomes material for leather armor. Demonic stones taken from Giant Dodo and Giant Dear are stones packed with magic, and they have many uses depending on their attributes. Demon stones can only be taken from demons above the B rank, which means they are often traded for high prices. Then, it is said that about % of all B ranks have demon stones instead of demon stones, and that all demons, large and small, will finally have demon stones after A rank. "And that's two A-ranks. I haven't seen A-rank in a long time, either. Black Serpent is a poison bag, liver, fangs, eyeballs, skin, then a pretty good demon stone, so that includes 64 gold coins. The next is Murder Grizzly, but 78 gold coins because I got my liver, nails, fur, and from now on a bigger demon stone. That's A-rank." Black Serpent (black and big snake) poison bags seem to have a lot of uses (though I was scared to ask) and the liver is going to be a nourishing drug ingredient. Then they say fangs will be material for magic props, eyeballs will be material for canes, and skins will be material for leather armor like that used by high-ranking adventurers. Looks like the demon stone I'm about to take was quite a size with the water attribute. Murder Grizzly's liver means that this will also be an ingredient for the medicine, and the nails will be magic props, and the furs will be bought by the nobles as rugs. And the Demon Stone, but this was said to have been of such a size that it was the highest price. "It's all 204 gold coins and four silver coins. From there, the cost of demolition, this time it turned me around a lot of high ranking demons, so I just need a little discount and two gold coins and four silver coins. Minus that, it's just 202 gold coins. We all want it in gold, so we have it, but if you'd rather have white and large gold coins, we'll have it in a minute." "Yes, no, gold is fine" After a lot of shopping and a peek at the city's stores, it appeared that no large gold coins or white gold coins were used in Ichii, and even those priced at more than ten gold coins were not labeled as large gold coins. Probably big gold coins and white gold coins as currency, but I don't think there's much out there. Nevertheless, over 200 gold coins... I didn't do anything. I'll take what I can get for now. Will you let Fell eat meat from other worlds later? "Oh, and, you know, someone I know asked me to ask, and I'm pretty sure your obedience is in Fenrill, right? I heard it as my old man watched Fell yawn behind me without me involved. Yeah, but what? "Actually, some people say he's the Great Wolf." We all know rumors about anything that says "the guy who obeyed Fenrill came to the city," but some people say there's no way a legendary warcraft like Fenrill could obey people, and there's half the Fenrill theory and the Great Wolf theory. Great Wolf is an A-rank demon, and it looks like a grey hairy wolf about the size of Fell. "I don't hate people who've seen Fenrill in the first place. But I was quite an adventurer before this job, too. If you ask me, I can't think of anything other than Fenrir." Fenrill theory and Great Wolf theory? Maybe I heard something good. From now on, I thought I shouldn't go into a very big city because of Fell, but when I have to go in anyway, I might have a hand in saying that it's a Great Wolf. Still, you'd be surprised because Great Wolf is an A-rank demon, but it would be better than saying Fenrill. The old man seems to know, so I left the warehouse without saying that Fell was either Fenrill or different. And today, as yesterday, I slipped through the adventurers' gaze and followed the Adventurer Alliance with Sosa and Fell. "Fell, I've served my purpose in this city, too, so I'm going to leave this city, okay? 'I don't care either way. Hopefully they'll even feed us some delicious rice.' Oh, is that right? Okay, let's go. Thus we followed the city of Fariere.
After I got out of the dungeon, for now, I headed to the Adventurers Guild for a report. I was going to ask the receptionist at the desk to tell Alliance Master Tristan that we were back from the dungeon and return as soon as possible. However, the admirable Mr. Tristan found him and directed him to the Guildmaster's room at some point with a low back attitude and tactics. The attitude of the Fells without regard to what comes with them. Lie down in the space behind the chair where I sit. It's nap mode for both Fell, Dra and Sui. "Hey, well done. I'm back! What if, in this short period of time, you broke a dungeon? "No, no, that's just it" Having reached Mr. Tristan up to forty levels. We talked about how defeating the boss there gave us a metastatic stone and so on. "Hmm, I see. There's going to be a transfer stone on the next levels of the thirty. This is new information! But that's a new record for 40 tiers! The highest-ranking hierarchy to date is on the 37th floor, and I didn't know it would soon surpass that. No, that's just a word in S-rank." "No, well, there, haha" Mostly because of Fell, Dora and Sui's strongest trio, but hey. "Oh, and then..." An adventurer's party, said to be one of the country's finest powerful factions, misplaced in the 37 tiers. I also showed Mr. Tristan what I had picked up once, telling him that the weapons guys were scattered in the boss room on the 37th floor, which would be the party's belongings. "No way...... But this weapon definitely belongs to them...... Really? Ha..." It also seemed to be one of the earners in this dungeon, and Mr Tristan dropped his shoulders on that report as well. "But danger comes with the profession of adventurer. Each of them should be aware of it." It's cynical, but, well, it does happen in the profession of adventurer. Later, the survivors will be notified by the Adventurer Alliance. The weapons I've picked up, they mean I picked up more possession than I have. "I'll change the story, because this is also important..." Mr. Tristan comes gouging with a grin and rubbing hands as he says so. The point was to talk about whether you could let me hear any information up to 40 tiers. For the leading adventurers, the information on each floor is of paramount importance for them to explore the dungeons in their favor. The lower the level, the harder it is to gather information. Well, the maps you can buy in the guild are up to thirty tiers. Up to the 37th floor of the highest-ranking hierarchy so far, it looks like we didn't even know the demons that came out with the information hidden. The 37th floor was a hierarchy of know-how for us, or Fel and Dora and Sui. "Of course I'm not asking you to tell me everything. I don't mind if I go as far as I can." "That's fine, but we didn't go around each hierarchy without scratching it either, so as far as I can tell..." I told Mr. Tristan about the shape of each hierarchy and the demons that come out. They ask me a lot about the 37 hierarchy and beyond, which I didn't have any information on in particular, and I'm going to talk to them as far as I can tell. "Is Giganto Minotaur in the 37 hierarchy? It sure sounds familiar..." Mr. Tristan pulls out the demonic atlas in his hand and turns the page. "This demon, right? Show me the open page with the demon atlas on the table. "Yes, it is. It was twice the size of a normal minotaur." Speaking of that, he was grinning at his mouth as he looked at the drawings and said, "Hmm, I see this demon makes the meat very tasty and the skins and horns are also material for the finest martial arts," etc. Anything. This demon atlas belongs to Mr. Tristan, and when he arrived here as Alliance Master, he got excited that he should also know what type of demon he is or where he bought it. It goes without saying how useful the demon atlas are. "Thirty-eight hierarchies are Gigantominotaurus, too, but the number that came out was many different digits" "I see, being broken through there means getting a lot of meat, skin, and horns." With that said, Mr. Tristan's eyes gleam. No, I do, but I don't sell meat. Because if you do that, the meat-loving trio will go mad. Ignore Mr. Tristan's guillari and glowing eyes and continue the conversation. "Thirty-nine levels were forests." "Ho, woods, is that it? I heard the dungeons had that kind of hierarchy, but so did the dungeons here in Brixt. This is a big harvest." With that said, Mr. Tristan takes notes on the paper he puts aside the drawings. "So, 39 hierarchies had a lot of worm-based demons. The boss was a four-arms bear." When I say that, Mr. Tristan says, "Four Arms Bear?!," he wailed in excitement as he rattled and sounded. "Yeah, yeah, but..." Asking too many eaters why, the fur of the four Arms Bear is very popular with the noblemen, as well as the liver becoming a powerful energizer ingredient. Just for the record, Mr. Tristan told me that when a vigorous agent using four Arms Bear liver is put up for sale, elderly aristocrats will buy this without threading at the amount. I don't even want to hear what it's for, but the four Arms Bear liver is going to be pricey, and there's nothing I can do about it, so you decide to go buy it. "So, who's the material? Because Mr. Tristan eats too much. "Uh, I got quite a few drops, so I'd like to take some for myself about that, and I'll sort it out, then, please" It was an exploration of the 20th and 30th to 40th floors, but I don't know because I got enough quantitatively not to take a pull on the drops in the dungeons of the drains and averings. I knew I had to sort it out to figure it out for myself. I'm going to buy it from you. "Can't we manage to buy it right now? "Hey, I knew it had to be properly organized once..." I know how you feel, but I need to check it out for once. "Well, if that's the case, I can't help it." He looks very sorry, Mr. Tristan, but he pulled me off here. Because I will sort it out as soon as possible and send it out for purchase. "You go on about the dungeon. Forty tiers, but this was also a forest. You had a lot of beast demons here. So the boss was a monster named Zlatrok." "Zlatrok, is it? What if..." That's what I say, and I peruse the demonic drawings. "Is this demon? Mr. Tristan showed me a picture of a deer-like demon on the Demon Atlas page. "That's right. The horns, the hair on his body were golden and huge." "This is another amazing demon out there. That's exactly what happens when you become a 40-story boss..." Ms Tristan said that the golden horns and furs seem to be very rare in Zlatrok itself, and that the most recent story was that about a hundred years ago in the Kingdom of Marvel the S-rank adventurers of the time had heard that both horns and furs had been dedicated to the king. "A hundred years ago most recently, and dedicated to the King... That kind of thing..." "Yes. You have it, don't you? "Yeah. And give me two heads." "Is that for two heads? Mr. Tristan looked indescribable when he explained that he was collecting violet berries after defeating the first head and that the second one would appear in the middle of it. "You guys are really out of standard." No, no, because our obedient trio is the only one out of the standard. That's how we finished the conversation, one line after the Adventurer Guild. Mr. Tristan asked me to drop it as soon as possible. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ After returning from the Adventurer's Guild to the magnificent house we had rented, dinner was easy and we enjoyed our first bath in a long time. "Ha, I knew a bath would be nice." "Right." "Feelings - Hey." "I don't feel good at all." About one person has not enjoyed the bath. Fell takes a shower out of the tip of Sui's tentacles with his infidel, rotten face. "You can't help it. Dungeon, you're getting dirty on the way home." I'm not dirty! "No, you're dirty. It may not look like it, but I've been running around the woods, so it's definitely getting dusty." "Gu Tu" "I don't know. Give it up already." "Ahaha, yeah, yeah. It's not as bad a bath as Fell says. ' "Uncle Fell, you must feel - Lots of hot water - ' "Damn, that's what you say because both Dora and Sui like to bathe." Wash it with washer washer with the usual veterinarian recommended hypoallergenic dog shampoo that I bought the vertebrae Fell from online supermarket. For dislike's sake, Fell is also loud about "Wash harder there" and "Keep this one in mind". Flushing away the foam in Sui's shower, Fell went up from the bath one foot ahead, shaking his body lavishly with Brumbourne and turning off the water. Then me and Dora and Sui slowly soaked in the water and soothed their fatigue in the dungeon. Going up from the bath to the living room, Fell was lying down, finished drying his body with wind magic. "Look, you were dirty after all. It's a beautiful haircut." When I say that, Fell regrettably says, 'Hung, my hairy hair is always beautiful'. "Oh, sweet drink." "Yes, yes, the usual fruit milk. Fell and Dora drink, too, right? "Of course." Naturally. After a long bath break, Fell, Dora and Sui head upstairs to the bedroom one foot away. Then we'll go to bed first. "Oh, good night." 'Totally, I had a terrible eye. Let's get some sleep.' "Ferru, it's only after the dungeon that it was in terrible shape, so it's natural to make it beautiful. I hate baths, but I can't help it when it's like this." "Good night, Ruju. I'm not here yet." "Yes, yes, because I'll be there as soon as I'm done" After the Fells head to the bedroom, they're my status checks and problem tenants... "But Fell, Dora and I were up to the level of Sui. Especially since Suey was up a lot." Sui was the number one fighter in the dungeon, so it might be natural. By the way, here's Fell, Dora and Sui's current status. [First Name] Fell [Age] 1014 [Race] Fenrill [Level] 947 [Health] 10151 [Magic] 9778 [Attack] 9442. [Defense] 10172. [Agility] 9974 [Skills] Wind Magic Fire Magic Water Magic Soil Magic Ice Magic Thunder Magic Holy Magic Junction Magic Claw Slash Body Enhancement Physical Attack Resistance Magic Attack Resistance Magic Consumption Reduction Appraisal Combat Enhancement [Guardianship] Guardianship of Ninrir, goddess of wind Guardianship of Vahagn [Name] Dora. [Age] 116 [Race] Pixie Dragon [Level] 202 [Health] 1243 [Magic] 3469 [Attack] 3324. [Defense] 1173. [Agility] 4048 [Skills] Fire Magic Water Magic Wind Magic Soil Magic Ice Magic Thunder Magic Recovery Magic Artillery Combat Enhancement [Guardianship] Guardianship of the god of war Vahagn [Name] Sui [Age] 6 months [Race] Hugheslime [Level] fifty [Health] 1756 [Magic] 1709 [Attack] 1714. [Defense] 1734. [Agility] 1758 [Skills] Acid Bullet Recovery Drug Generation Growth Water Magic Forge Supermassive [Guardianship] Guardianship of the Water Goddess Luther Luca Guardianship of the Forge God Hephaestus Fell is just some of the originally high levels and only one is up, but the very fact that he's still up at this high level is amazing. Nevertheless, it's a status that I can't fly to at any time. That's just the legendary Warcraft, isn't it? Dora said she's definitely three levels up. I don't know, because Dora's got a high level from the beginning. Still leveling up, so it feels like how much we're fighting. As far as Sui was concerned, he was up eight levels. I don't know because Sui fought as much as he wanted. (distant eyes) I didn't know you couldn't go up there, but you're fighting too much, Suey. "And it's me, isn't it? I mean, well, you haven't been up that much since you defeated Vampire Mosquito in bulk..." I said "status." [Name] Mukoda (Tsyoshi Mukouda) [Age] 27 [Race] One-Person [Occupation] Involved interracial adventurer cook [Level] 90 [Health] 508 [Magic] 499 [Attack] 495. [Defense] 480. [Agility] 394 [Skills] Appraisal Item Box Fire Magic Soil Magic Demon Full Defense Gain EXP Multiplication Contract Warcraft Fenrill Hughes Lime Pixie Dragon [Unique Skills] Net Supermarket (+1) Tenant Mitsuya Riker Shop Tanaka [Guardianship] Guardianship of Nin Lil, Goddess of Wind (Small) Guardianship of Agni, Goddess of Fire (Small) Protection of Kishal, goddess of earth (small) Protection of Demiurgos, god of creation (small) "Huh?! Oh, uh, huh? What are you doing up from level 85? I often thought about it and remembered. ".................. ahh! Ali, Ali! I recall exterminating Forest Army Ant's nest on 39 levels. "I just installed a smoke-type insecticide... If you think about it, vampire mosquitoes, mosquitoes, incense, burning all night, it's all gone up, so don't even go up at Forest Army Ant." Levels are good, but more problematic than that...... "I knew you were a tenant"
"Hello" "Oh, Mr. Mkoda, there you are" Today, I came to see how Mr. Lamberto was doing. I was also concerned about the sale of soap and shampoo. "So, how's the sale of soap and shampoo? "Well, I was just thinking about using the shop people." When I heard the story, she said Marie's publicity played a role, and from there, the ladies who would come back to buy soap and shampoo by word of mouth would not follow. "As you can see, Marie also strained to explain the product. That's not contributing to the sales." In the corner where the soap and shampoo are placed, Marie explains the product to the ladies as she touches her hair. The lady of the customer is also surprised to touch Marie's hair and seems intrigued by the product. "Thanks to Marie, sales are excellent. Of course, it's because the product I bought from Mr. Mukoda is great." The seller said it was cheaper soap and rinse in shampoo, and that it was going to sell out in a little while. Sometimes it still seems that this one is easier to get my hands on for the price. Rose-scented soaps, shampoo and treatment sets also seem to be popular with ladies who can afford to nostalgic, and they sell nearly two-thirds of them. Hair masks are expensive, but they sell nearly a third of the time, and I was surprised by this too. "I'm surprised at this sale, too. Hey, you were licking your ladies' degree of pursuit of beauty. Some customers said they really liked the scent and bought five luxury soaps in bulk." Mr. Lamberto said he was also surprised by this sale. The world is different, and women's obsession with beauty goes hand in hand everywhere. (distant eyes) My sister was a beauty geek, and when I was at home, she said, "Now men have to pay attention to beauty." She used shampoo, conditioner, lotion, lotion, lotion. I switched to the next product and it got old and I didn't need it anymore, but it just came around to me. Forget the old days, the sale of the product was good and good. "Later, I'm glad to know that the sales of leather products in the main business are fine." Anything, the lady who came here to buy soap and shampoo will finally look at the leather products, and if she can afford something she likes, she will be buying it. And the lady who came to the store with the man went to the man (and the guy who went to the store would look good and buy it). In some cases, the synergy also makes the sale of leather products, especially women's bags, good. "I didn't think it would even affect the sale of bags. It's a delightful miscalculation." Mr. Lamberto has always been Nico's face. Would it make you smile if you even increased the sales of leather products in the main business? "I need to talk to you there..." Mr. Lamberto's consultation was about an additional order. He tried to sell it on an experimental basis and was convinced that Mr. Lamberto could sell it, too, as Marie said. Additional orders were cheaper soaps, 0 rose-scented soaps, 500 rinse-in shampoos, 200 shampoos and treatments, and 60 hair masks. I was surprised that there were too many. Are you okay with 600 soaps, especially for the cheaper ones? I thought, as far as I could tell I sold it on an experimental basis, it didn't matter if it was this many. In Marie's opinion, she tried to sell the soap side by side without daring to put it in a hemp bag, and the scent caught her and the average woman came to the store. Of course, it's expensive shopping, even the cheapest soap for the average person, who is neither a nobleman nor a merchant, but he said he can now see relatively earned guild officials and female adventurers excited to buy it. Mr. Lamberto seems to expect it to become even more popular because of the luxury that you can reach if you hang in there a little bit. "It's a little high in numbers, so can I ask Mr. Lamberto to refill the bottle? This is the price of a hair mask in a bottle, so I'll do it here." "Yeah, that's okay. Besides, if you've already bought it from us, we thought that if you had the bottle, you could just buy the contents." With that said, you said that before. Whatever, I'm relieved I didn't have to refill it. If I had to, it would have been tough. I'll bring it tomorrow. I was wondering if I could sell it, but all of a sudden I didn't think I'd have this many orders. We need to get ready as soon as we get back to the inn. Because I can't keep the refill pouch I bought from the online supermarket, so I have to refill it into a large container. I saw the crates and pots at the grocery store, so let's buy them and go home. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Returning to the room and the room, he quickly began to prepare the order received from Mr. Lamberto. First, I bought a lot from an online supermarket. I ordered 600 soaps for the cheaper one, so that's 3 x 200 pieces. Mm, the quantity you can order seems to be up to 99 per item. I put 99 in my cart for now. Rose scented soap is an order of 200 pieces, 3 x 67 pieces. Not more than 99, so this was done with a single order. More than a piece of soap, but let's use that for ourselves. The rinse in shampoo is an order of 500 bottles, so it's a refill pouch (for 3 bottles) x 167. This goes to 99 carts for now. There's plenty of room for this, too, but it's troublesome to separate the liquid, so let's give it all to Mr. Lambert. You order 200 shampoos and treatments at a time, each refill pouch (for 3 bottles) x 67. Add 67 pieces to the cart. There will be extra of these two, but it's liquid, so to Mr. Lamberto. That's a hair mask at the end. This is an order of 60, so one hair mask will serve two bottles, so take 30 bottles to the cart. Then I bought 60 bottles for my hair mask. I settled on this for now. After that, I bought more than enough. All right, you got it all. All I have to do is put it in the crate and kettle I bought at the grocery store. Unwrap the soap and pack it in a crate. When you're done stuffing the cheap soap in the crate, the next thing you know, it's rose-scented soap. I'm also going to unpack this and pack it in a crate. "Heh, I'm tired. But there's still a refill left." The rinse in shampoo is next. The refill pot has a lid and is about the size of a large bottle (I think that one does fit about 8 liters) when I put fruit liquor on it. I keep getting the contents of the refill pouch out of that pot. "Ha, it's over..." There were as many as thirteen kettles with rinse in shampoo. I'm glad I bought more pots. I'm going to put the shampoo and the treatment in the pot too, so there's going to be a pot for that. Put the shampoo and the treatment in the kettle at best. I managed to do that work, too, the last hair mask. I'm going to refill it with a bottle I bought from an online supermarket. "Finally, it's over." By the end of all the work, the sun had begun to set for the most part. "Yabbe, Fell's waiting hungry" I took Sui and hurried to the beast house. Heading to the beast house, there was a fell that felt musty. "Lord, it's late." "Sorry, sorry. Forgive me for the delicious treat." I took the beef stew pan out of the item box. I was simmering last night because I had time. It simmers to a lot of good and the meat is trout. I'll serve you a beef stew on a plate. "Yes. Be careful, it's hot." I woke up Sui and gave Sui a beef stew as well. 'This is your first dish. Which......' Eat beef stew like Fell drinks. "Whoa, you're soft as meat melts" 'True. And the flavor is dyed and delicious ~' Good, the beef stew seems pretty popular too. "" Replacement "" I'll give you two a nice ride. I bought French bread at an online supermarket and I started eating beef stew too. The meat is tender to a nice feel, and the flavour is rich and delicious. I wish I could have put this in the mushroom. Let's put it in next time we make it. I bought French bread because I thought hard bread would be better for beef stews, but the French bread I buy in the supermarket is soft. After all, French bread with crisps on the outside can't be done without a bakery. Eating hard bread on a beef stew sounds delicious. ... Ah, it's in this world if it's hard bread. That hard black bread. I just can't say it's hard and not very tasty for what I eat, but if I were to put it on my beef stew, it would seem to fit. It's hard bread, so even if it includes beef stew, it looks good to eat and looks delicious. Yeah, I'll buy some black bread next time. Yes, sir. "Nah, does eating it on this taste good? That's what Fell asks when he finds me aiming to eat French bread on a beef stew. "Oh. Eat this bread on a beef stew like this and it's delicious." "Then give me that too." "I'll have a swim too." I'll buy the two of you some French bread, cut it up and dip it in a replacement beef stew. "Now try it. Because if it tastes good, I'll cut it more." "Umm." Fell and Suey eat bread and beef stew. 'Ho, this is delicious. The one called this bread sucks the flavor and tastes delicious' "Really. Tasty when eaten with bread ' Fell and Suey liked the beef stew they ate with the bread and changed over and over again. "Um, I'm hungry" "Phew, Sui is hungry too" "We both ate well." "I ate too much" Right, right, but that's how you like the beef stew. I was going to make more, but it was totally teased in the pan. I need some simmering time, but will I try to make it again when I have time?
Full of bellies, Fell, Dora and Sui fell asleep early. I mean... "Well, that's an offering to Master Demiurgos. I changed my taste a little today, and this is with me." During the journey, we offered Demiurgos, but with Demiurgos' hopes, it was full of sake and premium cans. Dinner was just right for sake this evening, so I was wondering if I could join you and prepare Demiurgos's share. Master Demiurgos, who is totally captivated by sake, so I'm sure you'll like the extraordinary hotpot for your offering. And I chose the sake I needed from the weekly rankings this time around. The first bottle is Tochigi sake. With a pure rice daiginjo carefully brewed at low temperatures, the palate is soft and slightly sweet on the fruity fragrance reminiscent of melons. In recent years, supply has become difficult to obtain due to popularity and demand. The second bottle is sake from Fukui Prefecture. Pure rice daiginjo aged at °C for two years. Long-term aging at ice temperatures allows you to enjoy fragrance like grapefruit. They have also won the third consecutive Gold Medal at the American Sake Review. Incidentally, this series of liquors was used for numerous government-sponsored ceremonies and so on to determine that liquor is behaved in a seat where the world's dignitaries gather. The third one is Yamagata sake. I chose this because it was distinctive and eye-catching with floating picture labels and names. It is a dry pure rice ginseng wine, and it was completed after three years of trial brewing with the request to also make the dry type of liquor in this series. It is a dry drink with a refreshing flavour of fruity aromas. Prepare these three and the usual premium cans. The motu pan stays hot so that you can eat it right away. Per earthen pan. In the meantime, we've got a standard soy sauce flavored pot and, of course, some Chinese noodles. Now OK. Arrange everything on the table in the living room...... "Dear Demiurgos, please deliver" "Ooh, I'm always sorry ~. I was just looking forward to it." "The usual sake and a can of knobs, and..., this is this mothpot. It was made by me, but I think it would go with sake, too, so go ahead." "Hot pot! I've had the gods of the earth treat me once! That was delicious. It was a great food for sake. And after eating the utensils, it's extraordinary." "I don't think it's the same pot Master Demiurgos gave me for a treat, but this moth pot is quite something too. The noodles in this pan are Chinese noodles, but this is also delicious." 'Ho, right? I'm looking forward to it.' "It's boiling, keep it up. Once you have finished eating the ingredients, add this Chinese noodle and simmer for a little while before serving." "I don't know if I can eat right away, it's because I'm exhausted. Thank you. I'll have it with sake soon. ' The liquor and earthen pots that were on the table disappeared with the pale light. "Well, I will tell the Lord that the kingdom of Lacehel, which summoned you, is doomed." "Huh? I hear it went to war with your neighbor, the kingdom of Marvel, but you mean you lost after all? "Uhm. I lost the game." According to the story of Master Demiurgos, the kingdom of Lacehel, which was supposed to wage war, is also under intense attack from the land of the demons in return for all that has been done, and vice versa from the kingdom of Marvel, which is full of powerful men. But by an overwhelming number of soldiers, he said, he still managed to counter both countries. Its overwhelming number of soldiers consisted of enslaved poor people, as well as beasts, elves and dwarves. Slaves in the Reisehel kingdom say they will restrict their actions so that Master Demiurgos does not turn his teeth by wearing magic items similar to the "slave bracelet" he previously asked... "Since slave soldiers and other disposables are the same. If we were to die anyway, it would have been better to pay off the scattered and tormented Kingdom of Lacehel and die, in the rebellion of the slaves. This is the deciding factor, in a short period of time the Reisehel kingdom fell apart. All the royals were beheaded, and the nobles known as the royalists, who were said to have actively participated in the war, were executed." He may die as a result of the demonic props, but he nevertheless acted ready to jade if he were to die in the form of a hand to the Reisehel kingdom. In that country slaves seemed like a scattered treatment, and to see the first luxurious three-obscured pig king I met, because it seemed like only royalty and noblemen were smoking sweet juice in that country. Karma or deserved it, I guess this is also the result of what happened so that it can happen. I find it pathetic about the fought slaves, but I have no sympathy for the destruction of the Reisehel kingdom. "Does that mean that the Kingdom of Lacehel will be annexed to the Kingdom of Marvel? 'I guess it will. The general public might be happy about that. In the Reisehel kingdom, ordinary people were squeezed out.' Except for royalty and nobility in the Reisehel kingdom and some wealthy merchants that lead to it, they called it tax and second only to exploitation. Since the Kingdom of Marvel seems to be a relatively free country without discrimination, as is the Kingdom of Leonhardt, where I am now, and since it does not seem to be the kind of country that takes unscrupulous taxes in Master Demiurgos's story, I think it will be much easier to live in. 'Yes, yes, in the last three sequels summoned with your Lord. The wedding was also held in the church of the King's Capital in the Kingdom of Marvel, and we became husband and wife of honor. Plus, I found a safe elixir in the dungeon, and my stomach arm like Lio's isn't working. These three guys made me look really happy. Happiness is a good thing. Whoo-hoo.' ............... Dear Demiurgos, can you bust that info here? Stuffy, all handsome. Yeah. I can't believe I'm marrying two beautiful girls. You're too jealous. - (Blood tears). There are three obedient demons on me... What is this discrepancy? No, there's no such thing as Fell, Dora and Sui, of course. Whatever it is, Fell, Dora and Sui are my precious people. But, hey, I don't have a woman's shadow either. He wants to complain. Ha, even though I don't have any luck with women, I don't have much luck with this. Give it back, handsome. Blast it, Leah. Blast it. Keh. I'll enjoy the meat dungeon festival tomorrow. I slept that night holding Suitan, my healing heart, to soothe her.
After breakfast, our party headed for the Adventurer's Guild in the capital. It was about Leviathan, the cause of his arrival in the capital. It seems that we have finally decided which part to buy. Yesterday, after shopping and eating, Fel and the others said, "Dinner is different! 'By the mystery theory, while eating meat and vegetable bowls made of fried vegetables full of oak that were reluctantly stocked (although I only drank coffee as expected), the guild master of Carrera came and informed me. The Guildmaster was exhausted, so I ate the meat and vegetable bowls from the Guildmaster. When I said it (with a tired face), I said, "Whose fault is it!" But I got angry. " I can only say that I am really sorry about that. Anyway, according to yesterday's announcement, I was on my way to the Royal Capital Adventurer's Guild today. However, Fel, Grandpa Gong, and Dora seemed to have a troublesome atmosphere. I don't seem to know Sweetheart very well. We've got the Leviathan meat that matters to us, and I'm sure we don't care about the other ingredients. That's why I couldn't leave him alone. But it's a Leviathan material. Even if it's a partial purchase, it's going to be a lot of money... (distant eyes) Most of the materials will come back as they are. I think I'm going to be fattening up my item box. Well, you should go and hang out with him. Without a second thought, he arrived at the Royal Capital Adventurer's Guild. As soon as I walked in, I was escorted by the staff to the warehouse. I'm a little scared of the atmosphere inside the warehouse. The warehouses were dotted with sharp-eyed, perhaps high-ranked adventurers, who tightened up their defenses. There must have been an adventurer on guard last time, but there wasn't one like this, was there? When I look around thinking about it like that... "It looks like you're here." Sorry to keep you waiting. I've finally decided on the materials I want to buy out. " It was a great appearance, including Bram, the guildmaster of the Royal Adventurer's Guild. There was also Villem, the guild master of Curry Lina. You all look tired. Um, it's kind of a big security guard. "Well, in a way, it's because now is the most dangerous time" Mr. Bram said, "Before dismantling, even if you want to steal it, even if you want to steal it because Leviathan has no teeth, you can't steal it sooner. But now that it's dismantled into a material, you can carry it if you want to. Moreover, if you steal one of those materials, if you have money to play with and live with for a lifetime, it will make you crazy." It seems that the number of such people is increasing as the dismantling progresses, and in fact, many people have told me that they are already ropes. In the preface, Bram said, "It's embarrassing...", but one official from the Wangcheng Adventurer's Guild was also captured. It seems to have been a sudden act, but I saw Leviathan's material within my reach and I was blinded by the gold. It seems that the adventurer who noticed the staff member's behavior was strange was caught immediately. And there was actually a high ranking adventurer guard around the house we were renting. "It's strange to think that Fenrir and the Ancient Dragon can do something, but I don't know what a big fool with eyes on gold would do" That's what Mr. Bram said. And I was listening to him, and I said, "What? Was I that dangerous? I was a little stunned." So I told Fel and Grandpa Gong in case they said, "Was there a weirdo around me? When I heard that, Fel and Grandpa Gong weren't there. I was there, but it seemed that Fel and Grandpa Gong had dispersed incredibly. I was really glad that Fel and Grandpa Gong were together. It seems that this kind of thing is easy to sell when it comes to materials. I heard that there are some kinds of back market that don't go through the Adventurer's Guild, and they sell stolen goods and banned bad stuff. It seems that the selling price can be seen somewhat because it is a dark product, but Mr. Bram said, "It is definitely going to be a lot of money". It seems that there is such a thing as a backworld in any world. Well then, I'd like to get into the real buying-in, okay? Yes, yes. The first material I wanted to buy as an adventurer's guild in the capital was blood. Thirty bottles in a bigger pot or a kettle around my chest. And then one eyeball. The rest is part of the bone and small fangs (although the original size is quite large), part of the brain and part of the liver. And, what about the purchase price of 0000 gold coins? When I heard that, I was absolutely exaggerated. Listen, I lost half my soul. It's 180,000 gold coins, 180,000 gold coins. "But Leviathan is going to be like this..." "That's why I'm talking to you....." I was too surprised by the amount, and Mr. Bram's story didn't come to my mind very much, but it seemed that he wanted the payment to be split in three. I nodded silently. So, for the first payment, a sack containing 60,000 gold coins and 600 platinum coins was handed over, and this was also pushed silently into the item box. All that's left is to return the rest of the material. That's why I got a headache when I saw the Leviathan material lined up in the warehouse. It was noticed that the Wangcheng Adventurer's Guild had bought only a small part of it. That amount in part. "What should I do with this tons of material..." Even now, there's a lot of material left in my inventory. And then it flashed. If you have more than you can let go. I'd like to offer some of this material to the King and Count Langridge. "Hmm. If your lord thinks so, then so be it." Let's get better at heart proofing, or maybe it'll burst into flames. " I think it's Josha because she agreed with me. He proposed that half of the returned material be offered to the king and a quarter to the count, but he immediately rejected it. "Are you stupid?" said Bram and the other great men, as well as the guildmaster of Curry Lina. So I said, "So how much is good? When I heard that, I told the king that a couple of bottles of blood and a piece of skin (even if they were really small), and the countess said that about one-third of one bottle of blood was enough. I said, "Earrings, that's just too little." After discussing something with the king, the king had five bottles of blood and a part of the skin (about one-third of the skin of the part cut by Mr. Erland for dismantling, so it is really only a small part) and two fangs (smaller than the one bought by the adventurer's guild), and the count decided to have two bottles of blood. For my part, it was a little sticky, but you guys are stubborn and stubborn. Everyone was complaining, "That's a lot." I wanted to press at least two big fangs on the king and offer them as well. Besides, if it was true, I wanted to add the meat of Leviathan, but I refused because there was a strong "absolutely no good" to all of us. Well, with this kind of offering, I asked Mr. Bram to keep the king's things and the Count's things with the guildmaster of Karellina, and to offer them to each of them. It's a round toss. I know you're not a bad person, but I'm still tired of seeing great people. However, Leviathan's materials have barely diminished. The remaining Leviathan material was mechanically placed in the Item Box. But if you don't, you won't be able to do it. I'm finally finished, and I'm getting tired. "I feel like going home early and going to bed again..." That's how I crushed it.
The next morning, after breakfast, we took care of the mansion for a week. By the way, I made the breakfast into a chicken broth bowl made out of cocatrice chicken broth that I left behind. I put the chicken broth and egg broth on the rice and made it into a bowl, but Dora and Sui told me it was delicious, but Fell seemed to be unhappy with the lack of meat and the lightness. I said boo-boo. I've done so many times for it. That's all you need for breakfast. It was a delicious breakfast for me. First I went to the commercial guild and returned the keys to the mansion. I thought it might have been a little too soon, but sometimes it was golden and the commercial guild had started working early in the morning. Then I headed to the Adventurer Guild. As soon as we entered the Adventurer Alliance, Mr. Yoran arrived. "Yesterday's oak meat is ready." I picked up pieces of meat for the oak I was asking you to head to the warehouse. "Are we headed to Bellain soon after this? "Yes, I intend to" "Right. Thank you so much for your help." "I'll be glad to drop by this city when I get another chance." "Yeah, if you get a chance." "I'll keep in touch with the Alliance Master in Bellain, so please say hello in that city." "Yes." Thus we departed after the city of Nayhof for the city of Bellain, the city of the sea. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Six days have passed since I left the city of Neyhof. The journey was going well. I'm getting used to traveling a lot, too, and I'm asking Fell to speed things up a little. It also proceeded at a fairly fast pace, and when it came to Fell, he said he would arrive in Bellain around noon tomorrow. "You're free to just move on like this." "Sure." When Fell gets bogged running with me on his back, Dora, flying next door, agrees. Sui, as usual, slept suyasuya in a leather bag. "Fell and Dora, what are you talking about, how's the journey going?" "That's true, but it's boring to just run like this." 'Yes, yes. Hopefully even an affordable demon will attack me, because there's me and Fell. If you don't have a lot of strength, it doesn't mean you're gonna get your hands on it.' I knew it was. I guess the strong know if it's the wild one. When I'm traveling with the Fells, I don't really see demons and they don't attack me. Thankful for me, but he's not happy with the Fells. 'Mm-hmm. Besides, there's no big deal in exploring the signs... Hmm? "Fell, what's up? "Is this a troll? A haphazard troll is heading for the street." Trolls out? I've only seen it in the dungeon, but you're still normal. That decadent demon. Troll. I don't know because he's an idiot. Even if we were here, I'd know they'd come at us without thinking. It's subtle for hunting, but I'm coming. ' That's what makes Dora fly away. 'Hey, you cheat, Drag! I feel like I'm underexercising, too, I'll do it! "Oh, come on, Fell! That's what Fell says and he runs away with me on it. "Gwow." In the middle of the road Jen royally and Troll was roaring. Dosh -. Oh, he's dead. Troll fell behind when Dora pierced the middle of her belly that had the fire magic put together in her body. Dosung. "Drag, I found that troll! 'I don't know that. These are the early winners.' "Grungy" Down from Fell, the breathless troll was in the item box, and Fell and Dora were beginning to argue. "Look, look, don't fight. You're gonna get to Bellain by noon, right? If you do, how long will you have to take the request again, and then dissipate it?" 'Nooo, I get it. Dora, that's my priority. " "I don't know that." "Dora, that's not what I'm saying" "Che" It's not che, damn it. Don't argue over who defeats the demons. Fell and Dora are very belligerent. Is it because of Master Vahagn's protection? But I didn't condone demons before they came with protection, and hey. I don't know, but this has to give you a place to get rid of the lack of exercise early. After that we proceeded so well that we could reach the city of Bellain around noon, as Fell had said. Thanks to the A-rank Golden Picca Guild Card, I also took the Fells into the city of Bellain. It smells like tide. You realize you're here in the city of the sea. Well, do you want to go face to face with the Adventurer Guild in this city first?
It's no bother, but I have to contact you. It's loud, and if it's too late, you'll be commissioning me one of these days, so will you give your contribution to the goddesses early on? "Guys, can you hear me? When I call, I kind of hear a war-guy voice. I have no idea what you're talking about, even if we all talk in unison. "You know, because I have no idea what you're talking about even when you talk to me like that at the same time. Talk to me one at a time." Once again, I hear a warwar-guy-gay voice. The voice stopped pitting. Looks like you got the story together. "It starts with a concubine. Lord, ah, ah, ah, uh, no three houses, what is that! It's not a dream shop. I didn't mean to designate that store! Well done, I'll send you a compliment. Anyway, give the concubine three cakes. No, three cakes! No, three cakes! Give the concubine all kinds! No, well, I expected this to happen. And Hidoine. "Next time, it's a no-no. I know that your unique skills have been upgraded to allow you to choose a tenant. Non and the others studied a little in the world where the Lord was, and there will be liquor stores with his tenants." Gikku. Is this voice Master Hephaestus? Surely there seems to be a liquor store for tenants. "The next tenant to be released was level . All right, you're going to level up now. And get to level 40 fast. Then the next tenant won't be a liquor store. ' Because you don't level up so quickly. Or will you not force me? 'That's right. It's going to be forty soon. If you're willing to die, you'll be fine. Put the liquor store in the tenant. That way you get a lot more liquor from different worlds than you do now. It's exciting, wahahahahaha' This is like Vahagn. You said you'd be fine if you were willing to die... you couldn't be okay. I won't do it, because I'll never do it. I won't be resolute in my actions to level up. Nothing. I'm not indisposed as I am, and I'm going to level up as I normally live, so don't worry. "Level 40 next? If that's about it, you can dive in the dungeon one more time. Go, go, go. The next tenant is at the liquor store." Dear Agni, you said you could dive in the dungeon one more time... I'm not going, I'll say it again, but I'm not going. What are you talking about, this goddess? You don't know if there's a liquor store in the first place, because the next tenant is a liquor store. "Hey, I was wondering if you wouldn't decide on your own that the next tenant would be a liquor store. It's up to the drugstore next. I also saw the world of the otherworlds. There are cosmetics in the drugstore, and you can choose from a lot of them. The next tenant is definitely a drugstore. ' Is this Master Kishahr? You've done a good job researching the drugstore. The next tenant is definitely a drugstore, so hey, you don't know if there's a drugstore among the options in the first place. I don't know what's coming when I get to level 40 and I can choose my next tenant. "" "Anyway, get to level 40." " Is that what you guys even say Hamo...... Dear Hephaestus, Vahagn, Agni and Kishaar, please don't impose. I can't do it fast. Nothing. I'm not at liberty as I am. I don't even need to level it up. "Uh, ladies and gentlemen, you want to get to level 40 quickly, because I'm not free at the moment, so I'm not going to level up. If you're going to level up in a normal life, you don't have to, you don't have to bother to level up." Because I don't like it, I can't believe I'm going to level for a tenant. "Oh, my God, if I told you that, you wouldn't know what time it would be to get to level 40. I'm just in Dungeon City, and I'm gonna dive one more time and bring it to level 40. ' 'That's right. Dungeon, dive. Let's get you to level 40. Put a liquor store in the tenant, whatever you want. " "Oh, you're choking because you have state anomaly deactivation and complete defense. Man, show me. ' 'Yes, yes. The liquor store is fine, if you level up quickly and level 40, you can put a drugstore in the tenant ~' Mr. Hephaestus, Mr. Vahagn, Mr. Agni and Mr. Kishaar can say whatever they want. "You know, I seem to say it over and over, but I'm not going to bother to level it up. Because if we're going to force a level increase for the tenants, we're going to stop offerings. And I'll give you back your protection." When I said that, Lady Hephaestus, Lady Vahagn and Lady Agni, Kishahr panicked. 'Hey, you can't do that. Absolutely not. I'm not asking you to level up anymore.' 'Oh, yeah. You don't have to give me a level.' "Ah, oh. You don't have to raise the level." 'Well, yeah. One of these days, nature and level will rise.' You seem to understand. "Yes, instead of telling me to level up anymore - I'd be glad to double about three silver coins -" Mm, Master Kishahr? You're not out of line. "Whoa, that's good." "Kishal, Omei, don't say good things sometimes" "Really." "I don't care about the tenant and the concubine because they have three houses, but doubling three silver coins is a good idea." "... times, okay" God aligns himself with Kishahr's proposal. 'What do you say yourself, but that's a really good idea. I don't know, Vahagn, sometimes. Sometimes. I always say good things ~' Dear Kishahr, instead, there is nothing. Double three silver coins. Six silver coins? Um, well, I've been making money lately, and I don't care what you say, because God's got me covered and skilled. "Okay. I'll make it six silver coins this time. Instead, there's no need to raise the level." When I say that, I hear yellow voices cheering and wild voices cheering. "Yes, yes, quietly. So I'm going to ask you what you want." "Yes, yes, yes, yes, at first you're a concubine! No, three cakes! No, it's a cake from three houses! I want all kinds! Ha ha, Master Nin Lil (Too bad Goddess) says all kinds, but if you buy all kinds, six silver coins won't be enough. "Lady Nin Lil, all kinds are not worth six pieces of silver at all." 'Nooo, is that so? Well, I'll show my concubine what to do.' Now you want me to show it to you? You're getting a little bit wise about some internet supermarket, too. "I can't help it, some of you are next, so pick it quickly." That brings up a voice from everyone but Lady Ninril saying, 'Yes, they do'. 'I know. I'll show you sooner than that. I had no choice but to open the menu of the three houses of the online supermarket so as to show it to Master Nin Lil. "If you want all kinds of food, this is what you do." I opened the cutcake menu and showed it to him. "Murphy, su, it's amazing! It all looks delicious! About 1 piece of copper coin, 4 pieces, so 15 pieces of cutcake? "If you choose the cake here, you can choose fifteen because there are many four pieces of copper coin per piece." With that said, Lady Ninril is happy to raise her odd voice. I really hope this goddess is okay. "But when there's so much, I don't know which one to make." "Then why don't you pick one from the top in turn? We'll make it fifteen from here today, and we'll do it next time." 'Whoa, that's a good idea! That's how you dominate all three confectioneries! Yes, yes, whatever. I chose fifteen cakes from the top in the menu of cut cakes that Lady Nin Lil wanted. "Who's next? "Next time, naturally, it's me." Master Kishahr? 'We're running out of shampoo and treatments, so you want that. I want you to show me what I have too.' Hmm, can I see Master Kishahr, too? Honestly, we've all gotten into a lot of trouble with wisdom. I can't show it to Master Nin Lil and not to Master Kishahr, so I opened the menu of hair care products to show it. Then Master Kishahr said, 'What kind of hair does this fit?' Or 'What scent?' or ask me in detail. 'Oh, all of this looks good and I get lost. I mean, there were so many different types of shampoos and treatments in the other world. The scents are different, and I'm really lost ~' Oh, this is hard to decide. Women-specific. This is good. That's good. Something's terrible when you hang out with a guy in a department store shopping bag. It's going to be a long time... "Come on, hurry up." "Yeah, well, you're taking too long." You see, alcoholic gods are getting frustrated. Dear Kishahr, the wind blows everywhere in such a voice. 'Really, what do we do? I also like the smell of shampoo and treatment I'm using right now, so it's hard to throw away... uh, I'll get lost ~' "Then why don't you refill the same shampoo and treatment as before, and with the rest of the budget, you can buy two shampoos and two treatments at a time, so why don't you buy two pairs of the series you're interested in? You can also use different shampoos and treatments to suit your mood." When I say that, Master Kishahr is also crushing, "Suitable for the mood... yes". "How about this new product? What do you care? If you go ahead with a new product, you'll say, 'It's a new product?!' and a great eater. "A new product is something new, right? Doesn't that mean you're better than before? Well, when it comes to new products, I suppose they have improved by formulating new ingredients. "I think it probably is..." Then I'll do it. Hey, no other new products? "Er, there is. Looks like this is the new product, is this okay? "Yeah, so please." "Well, that's three pairs: this and this and this." I bought a series of shampoos and treatment refills and two new product series before Kishahr wanted them. "Next please -" 'It's me, it's Agni. I'd like to ask for a drink this time, but I like beer the most, so I'll ask for half of it with beer, and the other half with all kinds, just like before.' "Don't you have to look at the menu, Master Agni? 'I don't want to.' Cause I'm more excited about what it tastes like. ' Well, that makes sense. Yeah, I wish you guys were like Agni. Okay, well, shall I choose? It's up to you, but I'm gonna want to pick you a good drink. First it's beer, but it's company A's premium beer (six-pack) and company K's premium beer (six-pack), and then it's Y-bis beer (six-pack). And then... oh, there's this. There was a local beer, so I chose this too. Beer on the plateau and three types of beer after the crossing and beer on the beach. Then later I chose American whiskey, French rosé and Italian red wines. All right, now Master Agni's is OK. "Next..." "Luca. I'm the same as Nin Lil" Oh, I think Luca is more aggressive than usual. "Does Master Luca want a cake for the three families today, too? 'Yes, cake. I like it all different, just like Nin Lil'. Has Master Luca squeezed into the cake this time? Well, if you look at the three cakes. Luca seems to like sweet things too. Does Luca come from the top as well as Ninril? As for Luca, I picked 15 cakes from the top, just like Nin Lil, on the cut cake menu. "Oops, next up, Noona." At the end of the day is the combination of Hephaestus and Vahagun-sama liquor lovers? 'We're whiskey and vodka, just like last time. But from this time on, let us choose. So let's see. " Heck. I showed Lady Hephaestus and Lady Vahagn a menu of whiskies in liquor. "This is the whiskey you're dealing with." 'Ho, there's been so much. This is all I get lost in. " "Wow, that's a different world liquor. This is different from each other, isn't it? "Yes, it's whiskey, but it seems to taste subtly different depending on the region, the manufacturer you're making, and, uh, people." "Something like that. Wow. I'd like to try everything, but because I have a limited budget ' 'Oh. There it is... you, could you give me more budget? "No, you can't. I just increased it. Why?" "" Chip "" This liquor lover combo, I said chip, chip. "By the way, which of these is your Lord's recommendation? "Um, I don't drink much whiskey, so hey.... Oh, I'll put up a little more price than the others, but I hear this is delicious. And I'm sure it was the best thing in the world about whiskey." Domestic s company whiskey. I do think I was doing it on the news that it turned out to be the best whiskey in the world. Even the liquor lovers around me tell me that this drink is delicious. "" The World's Best Whisky "" Gokuri. Something was a beautiful hammer, though. I heard you spit only afterwards. "Ask for the best whiskey in the world. Good, of the gods of war. ' 'Oh, of course. I heard it was the best whiskey in the world and I wondered if I could stay for a drink. " Yes, yes, this is it. "What do you do with the rest? "What will you do, blacksmith's?" "Um, all the alcohol from other worlds is delicious, but I think it was a good one for this black bottle." "Do you mean this black bottle? What Master Hephaestus is talking about was a black bottle of whiskey from Company S. This is famous too, isn't it? 'That was delicious indeed. Me and this bird-like painting was delicious. " Birdy painting, birdy painting... Is this what Master Vahagn is talking about? "Is this the one with the birdy picture? "Yes, that's it." It's American whiskey. I think this was quite popular, too. "So can I add these two? "'That's good.'" "You two have four more silver coins left, what do you want to do? "What about vodka? I opened a menu with vodka on it. "Vodka's not much of a kind." Yes, it is. There were only four types on it that I showed you. When it comes to vodka, there are only a few online supermarkets. "That's right. Because alcohol is strong, and it wasn't as rare as whiskey." "Which and which of these is it? "This and this is what I sent you during this time. This is what happened before that, so that's all you two haven't been drinking." To put it that way, the liquor lover combo is consulting with Gonyo Gonyo. "Well, I haven't had a drink yet, and this blue letter one, please." "What's a blue letter, this? Three whiskeys and two vodka, and, uh, one more silver coin left. "I have one more silver coin, what do you want to do? There's nothing you can buy in vodka if this is it. There are a few things you can buy with whiskey." "Bye, whiskey me." Whiskey. Then you can buy 700 milliliters of whiskey with a white horse label from Scotland. All right, this is OK. Place each item on the familiar cardboard altar. I hear the goddesses and the masculinity cheering, as usual. "No three, no three, no three!!! "This will preserve the beauty of my hair" "It's the best whiskey in the world! Hyah Hoo Woo ' "Let's drink fast - of the blacksmith god! I hear voices like that. ........................ Ha ~ I'm tired. They're all going to tell me to keep my wits on and show them. Not at all. Go to sleep now. Go to sleep. - In those days, in the divine world. "Hey, Blacksmith's" "What? "People in different worlds told me not to force me to level up, but I think I should level up." "Oops. Do you still think that's what the god of war thinks?" 'Oh.' Cause there were quite a few types of liquors I saw today, but what if I became a liquor store? We're going to be able to choose many different kinds of booze. ' "Hmm. We who like alcohol can miss it while we know it." 'I would. I just think when you tell him to level up, he's gonna tell you to stop offering again. So, why don't you sneak that skill up on him? He hasn't really checked his status. Even if you realize it, it doesn't seem like you'd be angry if it wasn't out of the way. " 'That would be a good idea. What is that skill? 'Oh. If you put this on, you won't have to level up. The level will go up' "Gahaha" "Ahaha" "Gahahahahahahaha" "Ahahahahahahahahaha" I'm not looking forward to going to level 40. "Oh. Of course you're a liquor store for tenants when you do." Mcoder, get new skills sometime. [Skills] Multiply earned EXP Double your earned experience. Getting this skill is easy to get to the next level.
After leaving the safe area, Fell says' only one more place we haven't explored yet '. If it's not there, I'll have to try going around this floor again. If that's the case, and for now, go to that place. All that was left was the boss room. Fell said, "I don't feel particularly strange," but as Fell was confident, I sometimes missed it, so we talked about going in anyway. Boss, there was already a pair of adventurers waiting in front of the room. That's where the problem came in. Boss Cool time until the next demon springs up if the room is destroyed. According to the information on the map, in this dungeon it seems to be quite a bit longer than it is in the hierarchy. Over here on the th floor, cool-time seems to take around two hours. Then again, this is the information that was on the map, but basically the dungeon here says the boss room doesn't have a door or anything like that at the entrance, and although he can look inside freely, he won't be able to go inside when the fight starts. Boss, there's an adventurer party already in battle in the room. And there's one pair of adventurer parties waiting. Even if you think the battle in the boss room is almost over, there's two hours of cool time from there. Even if the adventurer party we waited for afterwards ended the fight right away, then Cool Time again for two hours. It means that even if you don't take into account the time of the fight, you'll be waiting at least four hours for cool time alone. Explain that, Fell and Dora will be dissatisfied as soon as possible. Sui got a little chomped when he knew he couldn't fight right away. "What do we do? Boss, do you want to stop the room and go around this floor again? 'As long as we wait a long time, that would be better. I can't even feel anything strange in this room. " When Fell said that, Dora waited. 'Wait a minute, you're telling me you don't feel weird, but are you sure? If we go around here again and we can't find him again, we're going to waste our legs. I don't know if I have to line up here again for that quote. " "Hey Dora, can't you believe what I'm saying? Fell's eyes also sharpen on Dra's words. 'Cause you do. You missed the habit of being so confident.' 'I told you that happened. Even then. Humph, what do you say more or less by putting your strength on the shelf' Dora is also annoyed by Fell's words. 'I'm sure it's true. Isn't it up to me to explore? Do it yourself if you can.' "Kuck, I'm better at attacking! "The attack is beyond my reach." 'Temeye, do you want to try and see if it doesn't even reach your feet? I'll always be the other guy. " Fell and Dora gradually heat up as well, feeling like they were buying into selling words. In what could be described as a one-touch atmosphere between Fell and Dora, Sui had gone to Fell and Dora and was horny. "Fell and Dora said to calm down. Not if you're broke." I told Fell and Dora in a reading. 'Cause this guy's gonna put his strength on the shelf or something. "If you were to say that, even Dora would have doubted me." "I doubt it, I'm sure you mean it." "Hung, then my statement that you put your strength on the shelf would also be true" Again, the air between Fell and Dora is sinister. "Cora, tell him to stop. Though I'm sure he's one of us. Both Fell and Dora have said too much. Apologize to each other for not renting this place. Nice. ' With that said, both Fell and Dora are complaining about "why me" and "why me". 'Oh, yeah. That's what Fell and Dora say. Then I have an idea.' Cause I'm not gonna let Fell and Dora have their next meal. ' "What the hell?! "Why would I do that?" Declaring the rice drain, both Fell and Dora began to rush. "Sui, let's have a delicious meal for two next time." When I said that by holding Sui in my arms, who was horny, Sui was also a cash 'tasty' thing? I'm in the mood to eat ~ '. 'Whoa, you guys can't just forgive the delicious stuff! 'Yes, they do! You guys are the only cheats to eat yummy!! "If that's what you think, you just have to apologize to each other." Pushing it off like that, both Fell and Dora are roaring 'Grunt'. But we apologized to each other, reluctantly, for just not wanting to be out of rice. I knew it would work great for eaters to skip meals. 'All right, let's do this together. Nice.' "Umm." "Oh." "All right, then I'll negotiate with the adventurers lined up before." "Negotiate? 'Yes. You know exactly if Fell would be better off inside, too, don't you? 'Well then it's definitely clearer to go inside and check nearby...' "Even Dora would be more convinced if Fell made a clear affirmation after she went inside, wouldn't she? 'Well, of course I am...' 'Well, he told me to wait here. If you succeed, it should take half an hour. Pray for a successful negotiation.' ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ I spoke to the adventurers who were waiting in front of us. "What? As you can see, the battle inside is almost over, so I'm gonna ask you to do it briefly." "Yes. Uh, sorry for the indignation, but when you go inside..." The battle will be handled responsibly, and the gargoyle in the boss room will be defeated here. I will also give away all the drops that came out after I defeated the gargoyle, so I asked him if he could join me in the boss room. "You think I'll take the fight that way? "Yes." "So, all the drops are over here" "Yes." "No, actually, I just wanted to check inside. If you can get us inside, we'll be perfectly fine under these conditions." "Seriously...... Wait, I'll talk to everyone." Probably the leader you were talking to me about. Party members (one beast man and one woman, one man and one woman of a human race at a time. Then there was one elf man) who called in and talked to Kosokoso. When I listen and listen with my ears that are better when I get to the next level I say, "It's okay. It's all we got, and" "That's an S-rank adventurer with a rumored squire, isn't it? You wouldn't do anything weird for a name to sell, and you're not okay with it." "There's nothing we at B-rank can't do, but Gargoyle opponents break bones. It's a good thing for us to keep our health warm, and there's no reason to say no" etc. I wonder if I'll ever be turned down at this rate. The leader came back under me to talk a little bit. "The battle is that way and the drops are that way. If that's the case, you can come inside with me." "Thank you! Then, just after the battle in the boss room ended and into cool time. About two hours later... "Oh, here comes Gargoyle. If you want to come inside with me, follow me." "Ha. Fell, Dora, Suey, I'm supposed to go inside with these adventurers, so get ready." Speaking so, the sleeping Fells stood up staggeringly. "You're going to have the battle this way, so take down all the gargoyles inside." Tell them that the battle is over here. "Hi, hi, hi! Sui's gonna kill it all! A Russian energetic sui jumped up with Pawn and landed staggeringly over Fell's head. "Then I'll leave it to Sui, so there's no leak." "Okay ~" 'Don't worry. I'm watching, so it's okay to leak it. " "Dora, don't ask me" "When I have to, I deal with it." 'Oh. Fell, too, please. And about the anomalies in the room. " "Of course." Well, I don't think Gargoyle's gonna take a back, and I think he's gonna be fine, because this time he's with strange adventurers. I can't let you get hurt, just in case. "All right, let's go" A member went inside simultaneously with the leader's hanging voice. We'll be right behind you. We're moving forward. Nearly thirty gargoyles were hissing in the boss's room, and the gargoyles that noticed us entering the room were coming at once. "Swi." "Hi! Aye! Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. Sui stretched out two tentacles and fired acid bullets from both sides like a two-button pistol. Nearly thirty gargoyles were instantly killed. He fell one after the other like a domino knock down with a hole in his face. The adventurers who witnessed it opened their mouths gently and flashed. I was surprised, too. "Sui, when did you learn that..." "To E ~, that would be amazing -" That said, I'm a little proud of the pull rocking sui. I wonder what makes Sui's growth in combat remarkable...... 'Hey, I know exactly what you mean. There's nothing strange about this room. " 'Yes, if Fell is sure, I guess so. Let's go around again. " "Right." When I turned my heels back to leave the room, the adventurers were still stunned. "Uh, I've got business to do, so here we go. Thank you." "Oh, oh..." Speaking up, I was finally dropped off by the activated leader, and one of us left the boss room behind.
Somehow the time passed and I ended up staying overnight in the village of High Elves. The Green Dragon hunt was to be carried over to the next day. We rented an empty house in the village of High Elves. Put a futon on it, and we'll all lie down. But that's what bothered me about earlier. "Damn it, please stop scouting Fel and Grandpa Gong on your own." Isn't it nice? Now you can dismantle it and get the meat right away. " That's right. It seems like they won't be able to live long either. Don't hesitate to start hunting from now on. " "No, no, no. What are you talking about, Uncle Gong?" You've never held back before, have you? " I accidentally pushed into Grandpa Gong's words. "Well, just leave it for now." Even though I asked you to dismantle it, I also had an arrangement with the Adventurer's Guild. I'll dismantle everything I've been hunting myself..... " As an adventurer's guild business, it's not just asking adventurers to crush monsters, but also to dismantle monsters that adventurers have hunted and buy their materials, so I ignore that and say, "I will dismantle them myself from now on." I don't think I'd like to buy anything but meat. Curry Lina's guildmaster and Johan's old man are also good people, so I want to stay in good company, and I don't want to stand around too much. In that case, I'll just have to talk about things that are said to be difficult to dismantle in the Adventurer's Guild. No matter who dismantles it, all we have to do is get the meat. ” Hmmm. In the first place, it was not because we were dissatisfied that it was difficult to dismantle the dragon turtle and the dragon this time and we could not eat it immediately. "Is that the only way to dismantle a monster like that?" Hmm. So, you're an ant? "But I don't have all those big guys, and sometimes I don't..." Grandpa Gong told me that he was going to hire me. I have to pay my salary, but do I pay when I'm not working? " If you're going to hire someone, it's not like I'm soliciting them and paying them only when I'm working like a part-time job. When I think of it as a full-time employee, I still have to pay my salary even though I have a job. But you can't do that in front of my slave (employee). Even though everyone is trying so hard, if there is such a difference, you can't do it. If I were you, I'd definitely run out. I think a lot about it. My position as an employer has been very difficult, and I think it is even more difficult now. "Ah, that's enough! Fel and Grandpa Gong will scout out on their own, so I have to think a lot like this!" At least tell me one word before you do it! " Even though I'm troubled, Fel, who is in the system of sleeping with the wind blowing, is increasingly annoyed by Grandpa Gong. By the way, Dora and Sweet are already sleepy and full. Dora-chan is leaning against Grandpa Gong, exposing her swollen stomach and sleeping with Goosuka feeling good, and Sweetheart is nodding to Fel's belly hair and feeling good in her dreams. I want to sleep well, too, but the sudden hiring of high elves won't allow it. And then one more question came to my mind. "That's right! If you're going to come to my house, you'll have to prepare a place to live!" Ah, if you ask Bruno, I'll be able to handle it. " Fortunately, the timing is good, just before the construction starts at our house. I had no choice but to ask Bruno to do some extra work. Three couples of high elves... I should have asked for two houses similar to the one in the back of our main house, but if I added three more houses, the work I was supposed to ask for would be more than double. Are you mad at me? Bruno seems to be busy at work, so I think he'll be able to schedule his next job. Why don't you make it feel like a maisonette apartment? Hmm, I need to talk to Bruno. When I got home from Curry Rina, I thought I'd have to talk to Bruno right away... Con-... There is a knock on the door. Can I have a minute? I wonder if this is Jørgen's voice. Yes, I'll open it now. When I stepped out of the futon and opened the door, there were Jørgen, Verte, and Radmir's three male high elves. "Um, I just wanted to ask you a favor..." "It's been a while..." "Somehow, the high elves have good ears..." That's what three people look like. Ah ~, you heard the conversation earlier. "Well, I didn't mean to embarrass you." Well, I don't need a paycheck for dismantling. Maybe that's what my wives say. " That's right. Rather than that, we'll be fine as long as we're accompanied by the flesh of the monsters that we dismantled. “Yeah, and I wish you could treat me to something like this occasionally.” Is that all right with you? When he was surprised, Mr. Jørgen said, "We can do a lot of things in the first place, so I don't think we'll have any trouble working," and Mr. Velte and Mr. Radmir nodded to it. After listening to the story, it seems that as well as hunting monsters like adventurers, you can do a wide range of shallow streets, and each of them has something special in them, especially when living in the city of people, they have never had a problem with their jobs before. I know that Mr. Verte was good at dismantling, but if Mr. Jørgen had made a bow and arrow, he would have no one to the right among the high elves, and Mr. Radmir was good at carpentry, so he could make most of the furniture. "That's why you don't have to think too deeply." If we go to the city, we'll find our own place to live. ” "No, no, that's not how it works. I asked her to come. We have a large house and a large land, so I think the area is okay. I was just going to increase the number of employees, and I was asking for construction at my residence. At the same time, I don't have a problem building your house. However, until it is built, it will be temporarily living in my house, so please only accept it." "I'm totally fine." "Yeah. Too good." "We won't complain if it rains." High Elves are pretty wild when it comes to rainstorms. "Well, a new house would make my wives very happy." I'll take care of it, but I'll pay the rent properly, so please take care of it. " The three of you bowed your heads. I mean... " "I don't need the rent." Because it's too cheap to dismantle just meat and my food. In other words, my cooking is not a price. " That's right! "We want to eat delicious food!" Um, why are you all telling me that? Being puzzled, Jørgen, Verte, and Radmir looked at each other and let out a sigh. "No, this is what I'm saying, but we high elves are so-so, and we can do most things." But, the cooking is so different.... " "Well, still, some of them had good food." Of course, it doesn't even reach the foot of the dish called fried or tonkatsu..... " "The three of us are not good at cooking, and we make something to eat, so we do our best." to my wives.... " "You can't let them cook." The three of them asserted that with a sloppy face. "Ah, the wives are messmates..." “That's why delicious food is valuable to us.” "That's right! Happy to have a full meal" Awesome! Beautiful man and beautiful woman seem to be getting along well together. I thought they were these rear chargers, but there was such a flaw. I probably don't like the fact that I can't eat a good meal. I may be sympathetic in that regard. That's why I'm paying my rent. No, it's fine. I know high elves are worth a good meal, but I'm an amateur. I don't care if you say that. Even the Adventurer's Guild hesitated to dismantle the High Elves. The price for that meat and my food is nothing. Even if I offset the rent, I'm not worried that it might not be enough. "No, no, that's..." "That's right." "You have to pay the rent." No, no, no, no, no, no. At the end of the day, the price of dismantling somehow was settled by offsetting the monster's meat, my food, and my rent. Somehow I think this is really good, but finally the high elves are convinced. Well, if it's okay with my food, I'll have a feast a lot of times and quantities. "Yes, yes, ladies and gentlemen, what is your business?" “That's right, we have to do what we came here for.” Mr. Jørgen looks serious. Mr. Verte, Mr. Radmir, too. I wonder if this is a very important requirement. "Mukoda, do you have any alcohol?" "... hah?"
The kitchen of the mansion rented in the drain. The spacious kitchen of the mansion, arguably the mansion, provided luxurious amenities commensurate with it. In that luxurious kitchen, there's a red dragon (red dragon) hunk of meat in front of me. Red Dragon meat for dinner. The red dragon meat was a lean meat similar to the ground dragon. But I feel less fat over here. "I knew this was the first one." It was the same when the Ground Dragon (Ground Dragon), but if you were the first to taste the meat of the dragon, it would still be dragon steak. I removed the previously bought Heavenly Salt and black pepper with mill from the item box. Then cut the red dragon (red dragon) meat slightly thicker for steak. The baking method is always the same as baking lean meat steak. When oil is soaked in a frying pan and heated over high heat, add salt and pepper to the red dragon (red dragon) meat just before cooking. Place the red dragon (red dragon) meat in a hot frying pan and it sounds good enough to cook the meat. Along with that, the kitchen filled with a nice smell of meat roasting. "Sukhar, you smell delicious." First it's a high heat, then it's a low heat, then it's turned upside down and cooked the same way, and then it's covered with aluminum foil for the dish and put to bed, and then it can be done where the fire goes right through to the inside with the excess heat. "I knew steak was good - it looks delicious to see" Privilege of the maker, so give it a taste. Mogmog, mogmog. "Yeah well." Red Dragon (Red Dragon) meat may have a more wild taste like Zivier. This could be delicious to cook and eat in large chunks of meat like roast beef. Roast dragon, okay? Sprinkle with gravy sauce made from gravy filled with the flavour of dragon meat...... Gokuri, you look no better than this dragon steak. Red Dragon meat has a lot of red flavor and looks solid at first sight, but that's not true at all. Soft but also moderately chewy, with a delicious gravy spreading all over the mouth after each bite. "Just a little more..." If I had eaten while I thought so, I would have lost about half of my oversized dragon steak at some point. "Whoa, it's delicious, so I stuck with it too much." You shouldn't be too delicious. When I ate ground dragon meat, I thought it might be the best meat I've ever had, but that rocked me. Which tastes better depends on your taste, but it's very hard to wear. Or is dragon meat so delicious for everyone? I told the Fells the next time I found the dragon, if they didn't attack me, I'd leave them alone, but I'd love to override that word. Dragon meat tastes that good. I imagine that all the meat of the dragon species is delicious, since both the red dragon meat and the ground dragon meat are so delicious. That makes me want to try other dragon meats. I'm not saying hunt aggressively, but I think if I find it when I'm hunting, maybe I'll have it hunted. I don't think we'll ever meet a dragon like that. Well, we'll have to think about that later and just bake everybody's steak. If you're bringing too much, it's going to rush us all into the kitchen. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Hmm. I ate it a while ago, but the red dragon's meat is delicious. It's different when it's baked." I taste a simple dragon steak with only salt and pepper while Fell says so. "That prestigious guy is pretty awesome when it comes to meat, too" "Dragon meat is delicious! Is Sui also excited about the deliciousness of dragon steak, or is she pulling shivers as she takes it into her body? We were all hitting dinner dragon steak in formation in the spacious living room. When I was baking dragon steak, I ate a cool amount as a taste, but I could still eat this meat. Now I'm eating with onion-flavoured steak soy sauce. Dragon meat goes great with soy sauce. Simple dragon steak with just salt and pepper is also delicious, but dragon steak with steak soy sauce is even better. "I rarely eat dragon meat, but they're all pretty good." I see. Does the meat of the dragon species taste good after all? "When I heard that, the next time I found a dragon before this, I told him to leave it alone if he wasn't attacked, but maybe I could get him to hunt. I wish I could find it when I hunt." When I said that, Fell nodded loudly. 'Um, that's a good idea. Since I met your Lord, I've been lucky enough to keep hunting dragons to stand up, but that's not how I usually find them. I think it's a good idea to secure it when you find it. The dragons are delicious. " Fell's a no-brainer, too. It takes a lot of work to come to the drain to dismantle it, but this delicacy might not make it bitter either. That said, we usually talk about not finding it that way. So we were actually very lucky to keep getting Ground Dragon and Red Dragon. 'Hey, it's a replacement. Put that on me next time. " "Me too." "Sui too." Yes, steak soy sauce. First, garlic-flavored steak soy sauce. Fell, Dora and Sui flattened their dragon steaks one after the other. That's why I flattened two thick steaks, too. Dragon steak, too delicious. "Phew, I ate it" "Um. I'm hungry." "Me too. I ate too much." "Sui is hungry too" Wandered Red Dragon Dragon steak and is off to eat now. "Oh, yeah. I need to tell you something." "No, what? "Actually..." I told Fell, Dora and Sui how I got the protection of the Creator, Demiurgos. "... that's why I got protection from the Creator. Well, my life expectancy grew to about 00 years." 'Wouldn't that have been good? Good news for me, too. Now you can eat something delicious for 1500 years! Fuhahahahaha, I thought people's lives were short but I had no choice about that either, but 1500 years? Um, good, good.' "Oh, now instead of 1500 years of eating up, we'll have it on delicious rice! I did a good job with that Creator! "Well, it means that you can stay with one forever, and you can also serve a delicious meal made of sauce. Yay! Yay! Sui, I'm happy! We're all kind of tense. Kasa...... "Everybody says rice, but do I have to feed everyone for 1500 years? 'What are you talking about, naturally. We are the obedience of your Lord. Because the Lord, the Lord, is responsible for us the devil.' Mr. Fell, don't look at me like I'm saying anything obvious. To some extent, I thought you'd come with me, but at exactly 1500 years, I thought that Fell, Dora and Sui would get tired of each having a long life expectancy along the way. Now that we're talking, we don't all seem to feel that way about Sarah. Does that mean we have to feed everyone for 1500 years? With all this together, I naturally have feelings, and I guess I have to accept this because I think it's fate. It could be tough, but I might be a little happy. Well, you can cook, but the ingredients and meat are sourced individually. I don't have the power to prepare everyone's staple meat. (Kippari)
"Hmmm......" In the living room of a house in Curry Lina, beside sleeping Fell, Grandpa Gong and Dora and Sui, I've been thinking about something I've been a little concerned about lately. "What's up? That's what I heard about Fell with only one thin eye open. "No..." I told Fell that I was a little concerned and made him listen. Not long ago, I got a magic fridge as one of the treasures of the Bandit King. When I got it, I said I got good stuff, and from now on, I thought I'd use it with a bang, but the truth is that it doesn't really show up. I have an online supermarket, so you can buy it for use then, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, save it in the item box. To be honest, you only use it when you marinate it to let the meat stuck in, or about when you make shallow marinades. Also, if the flavor stains enough, it will be transferred to the item box. It's a magic prop because of it, and I wish I could use some more... "The refrigerator is the main purpose of storing food at low temperatures in the first place, so if you think about it carefully, it's convenient for me to have a time-stopped item box, I wonder if it's subtle..." That's what cools the drinks, 'cause when you buy them at an online supermarket, they generally get cold except for buying boxes. "If you're going to bang a cold dessert like the yogurt jelly I made before, you're going to think it's good to have it, but it's not about dessert." It's as easy as jelly, so I can make it, but that's also why I just make jelly. 'If you don't want to use anything else, don't use it. That bothering you so much? "I say so, but it's what you got because of it, and it's a waste. But a cold dessert? Hmmm......" I was wondering if there was anything other than jelly I could possibly make... "Desserto? Sweet! Sui, who loves sweets, reacted to the word dessert. "Dessert, or make -? Hey, what kind of...? Sue gets on my lap and blames me for asking questions in a eating mood. And Grandpa Gong and Dra also woke up to see if Sui's thoughts resounded. "Huh. What, dessert? I don't hate sweets. ' "If it's what the Lord makes, it looks delicious." Dora and Grandpa Gong say that too. "Hey, what kind of make? "Oh, no, you know, sui" I can't say...... I can't say I can't make it now. Something cold dessert I can make. ............... Oh, there was a cold dessert I could even make! It's a rare cheesecake I made at a coffee shop part-time when I was a student! ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "All right, let's get started" I was tempted in the kitchen. For dinner this evening, turn it into a menthikatsu sandwich made of dungeon pork and dungeon beef I left to make (but by the way, it's just an easy but super delicious confident menthikatsu sandwich toasted with a little bit of Theresa's special rustic country bread and buttered, sauced over cabbage and juicy menthikatsu. Of course there's a cheese IN version), the main thing is to make a rare cheesecake for dessert. Let's start with sourcing ingredients in an online supermarket. Sugar-free plain yogurt on cream cheese and raw cream................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Cart after cart remembering ingredients. I did the checking and started cooking where the ingredients were on hand. "Let's start with the foundation." Remove the hot water stored in the item box for coffee and tea and dissolve unsalted butter over water. Then I put the biscuit in a plastic bag, beat it with a noodle stick and shatter it fine. Gong, gong, gong -. "... uh, sui, what's up? From the kitchen entrance and exit, Sui was peeking this way. "Yeah, I was wondering how I'd make it." Are you interested because Sui loves sweet things? "Do you want to make a swim with me? So Swiss also joined the battle to make rare cheesecakes. "Then tap the biscuits in this bag with this stick and fine it. Oh, don't beat me too hard." If Sui beats him for real, he's going to break his plastic bag. "Okay ~" Gong, gong, gong, gong -. In a plastic bag with finely crushed biscuits on the sui, add the hot, melted butter and mommy mommy. Once the butter is tame in the biscuit, lay it down on the bottom of the mould where the cooking sheet is laid, flatten it, and let it cool in the magic refrigerator. Next, mix the cream cheese left unattended and returned to room temperature in a bowl in a foam bowl until smooth. "Sui, it's this bubble and I was wondering if you could mix this up with a vessel" Sui mixing glue and cream cheese vigorously. "Yes, stop. Yeah, you're smooth enough. Then add sugar here...... Hi, mix it up again" "Mix the sugar salad until it's gone." Grrrrrrrrrr -. "Tsuruji, Zarazara's gone." "Then add yogurt and lemon juice... Yes, mix it up again" When everything is mixed and smoothed, the next step is raw cream. Place the raw cream in another bowl and bubble about seven minutes to stand. "Sui, now mix this one up" Sui starting to mix raw cream in a foam bowl. Thanks to Sui, I'll be standing for about seven minutes soon. "Yes, fine." So when I have the powdered gelatin dissolved in hot water combined with the cream cheese dough, I mix everything together. Once the melted powdered gelatin is mixed in a bowl of the first cream cheese, add another seven minutes of standing raw cream and mix thoroughly to make the dough. All you have to do is take out the mould that was chilled in the magic fridge, pour in the dough and flatten the surface... "Suey, if you put this in the fridge and chill and stiffen it, you're done with the rare cheesecake." That's what I'm going to say. I'm going to put a mold in the magic fridge. Consider one hole per person and create five holes. I managed to fit in the magic fridge. Well, I don't eat one hole by myself, but if I stay, someone will, so it'll be fine. The rare cheesecake I taught on the job like this feels like a classic in the middle of nowhere. I could've made it, too, so, well, I guess so. But it was popular there, wasn't it? Now that I think about it, don't think it was a good idea to call it a classic. I won't take it off too much. And then you were changing the fruit sauce you put on each season. Maybe that's why it was popular too. This rare cheesecake still tastes good enough, but I'm going to mimic it as a part-time destination and make fruit sauce. "Suey, now I'm gonna make you some fruit sauce to put on a rare cheesecake." "With fruit in hand........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Violet Berry" "Uh, the one I picked in the dungeon." "Yes, yes. Let's use this as a source." Heat in a pan with violet berries, granulated sugar and lemon juice cut into appropriate sizes over low heat. Once the moisture is out and the granulated sugar is melted and boiled until slightly thickened, the rest is served with violet berry sauce if allowed to cool. "Hey, hey, I was wondering if you could cake." "Not yet." "Oh well. How long can you do that? "I wonder if it's going to take any longer. But if you can, you can't eat right away." "Why? "I told you it was dessert after dinner. So it's fun after dinner." "Well, then, Sue, I'll put up with you till dinner." .................. ............ ...... And after your waiting dinner. Cut up pure white rare cheesecake and sprinkle with bright purple violet berry sauce...... "Yes, rare cheesecake for dessert after dinner. It's me and Suey." 'Wow! Hey, I made this with you, too! "Well, which one?" "You look beautiful." "It's not quite done." Fell, Grandpa Gong and Dora bump into rare cheesecake. "Hey, hey, which one? Sui is asking everyone while blubbering and shaking. "Uhm. That's not bad." "Oh. It's too sweet." "Normally." I heard everyone's thoughts when Sui said, 'Yatter!' And I'm jumping pompous. I'll take a sip too. "Yeah, you did well. It's delicious. Try a swim." Sui taking in rare cheesecake. "Delicious ~" Seeing a happy sui makes me happy too. "... muggy...... I want to eat concubines too..." Oh, now I hear someone I shouldn't hear. "Come on... let's do something you didn't ask." I seem to have overliked the sweet stuff and accidentally got my voice. Pup. "Sui, can I hem this cake, Goddess? "Hmm? Fine." "Then put this on the table and give the goddess a hemming" I gave the cut rare cheesecake to Sui. "This was made by Sui. I recommend it to the goddess." A plate of rare cheesecake placed by Sui on the table disappeared instantly with the light. "Wow! The cake disappeared." "Haha, the goddess had it" "Oh well. Would you say it's delicious? It's delicious! Slime, that's quite an arm! "Wow, goddess, the cake Sui made is delicious." "Good for you, Sui"
Back at the inn, Fell said, 'I'm hungry'. Well, the sunset starts to set. It's not that time of year, but it's hard to make a Fell meal with a lot of food. Well, I can't help it, do you make it? What shall we do today? It's all meat here these days, so you should eat vegetables too. Sautéed vegetables when I say it can be done quickly with vegetables and meat. Fell's share is meaty. I think I'm going to say boo-boo that I don't have a lot of meat because it's about him. Um, I bought the vegetables before, so you had cabbage and onions, carrots and peppers. I'd like to include sprouts and mushrooms, but I don't have them, so I'm patient with this for today. The seasoning is fine because there is that one. Well, he said to cut the red bore meat to the right size first. It's a big deal by Fell standards though. Cut the vegetables into appropriate sizes because they don't have to be that fine either. Shake the salt and pepper gently on the red bore meat first and fry in a frying pan, then remove once the fire has gone through to some extent. If you have sesame oil at this time, it will taste better if you fry it. I didn't have any sesame oil this time, so I stir-fried it in regular salad oil. Then fry in the frying pan in the order of carrots, onions, bell peppers and cabbage. I prefer peppers and cabbage to have a bit of teeth, so I fry them like this. Once the vegetables have gone through some fire, add the stir-fried red bore meat there and saute gently. And that's that appearance I've been having lately. Sweet and spicy Chinese miso (tubed). This is delicious again, and I've been using all this lately when it comes to stir-fried vegetables. The food company is really good yesterday. You don't have to make the seasoning to add this sweet and spicy Chinese miso, so you can fry the delicious sweet and spicy Chinese miso flavored vegetables. So put this hot, sweet and spicy Chinese miso into the fried vegetables and red bore. Let the flavor soak up while you gently fry it, yes you can. "Fell, we're done." "No, I just want the meat." "No, you've always been just meat. You should eat some vegetables." 'Sure, sometimes they say we should eat leaves... But I don't have a problem eating it. Now I haven't eaten leaves in the last few decades. Whatever leaves you eat, they taste bad.' I'll say it with pride. It's not this way, is it? Eating leaves is like cats eating grass or something? Well, vegetables won't be bad for you for now, so you should eat them. When I serve a large serving of sweet and spicy Chinese miso vegetables stir-fried (more meat) in front of the fel, I take a light bite at first. After that I started eating guts as usual. Yeah, yeah, I guess so. This sweet and spicy Chinese miso should be delicious. Well, shall I eat too? Yeah, yeah, yummy, yummy. ... Ah, no rice. I should have cooked rice. Uh-huh. Damn, I totally forgot. Even though this is the flavour that goes with rice...... gaggle. I had no choice but to eat some bread. But I knew it was rice for this flavor. I realized that rice should be bought away. The sweet and spicy Chinese miso flavour also seemed to be popular with Fell, and after about three changes, she finally seemed satisfied. I knew Fell was about to have a big meal. Expect to see how much meat will be tomorrow.
When I went to the Adventurer Guild, I heard a message from Mr. Ugor from the receptionist at the desk. Everything is too busy right now to let go, so I'm sorry, but I wanted you to go directly to the warehouse. I'm a little sorry because I'm part of the busy cause. In the meantime, I headed directly to the warehouse, as the message said. Speaking to the official in charge of demolition, whom I had seen several times, the conversation soon became clear. "I've heard from the deputy guild master. We were talking about removing the meat yourself, so we keep it in the refrigerator." Head to the refrigerator with guidance from the staff. I've been in the refrigerator a couple of times because of the dragon meat pickup, etc., and it was filled with hiatus air. "So this is x Wyburn, x Wild Bison, 3x Golden Sheep, 7x Blue Bull, 1x Giant Turkey," I received the meat from the staff and stored it in the item box one after the other. "The cost of the purchase is also kept by the Deputy Alliance Master, so please come this way." Get out of the refrigerator and follow after the staff. "So here's the purchase price" Two small hemp bags were placed on the workbench. "First of all, I'm more of a drop of Aveling dungeon, but Venom Tarantula's poison bag x 92 has 644 gold coins and a special individual poison bag..." An official explained the breakdown of the drops in Aveling's dungeon. 3098 gold coins in total. That's a lot of money, but I'm not surprised now. This is followed by the cost of non-meat purchases such as Wyburn and Wild Bison. That's what the official said referring to the small hemp bag with white gold coins and gold coins on the workbench. "A message from the Deputy Guildmaster that we will pay with white and gold coins because we did not have a large gold coin with us." Yes, yes, I'm perfectly fine. I haven't even used white or large gold coins. When I tried to get the money back, an official just called me off. "Oh, yeah, wait a minute." An official brought something on the run. "The deputy guild master told me to give this to Mr. Mukoda." That said, he was given a basket of red dragon (red dragon) meat and pound cake that I gave Mr. Ugor during this time. Guess what? When I left the Adventurer's Guild, I opened it and saw that there were two letters inside and a pot just big enough to sup into the basket. Looking at the letter, one was from Mr. Ugor's wife, Tirza, and the other was from your son, Mikhail, and your daughter, Milana. “My name is Tirza and I'm Ugor's wife. Thank you for the meat of a very precious dragon. We had a delicious family meal. Sweet treat, very, very tasty. As a heartfelt gratitude, please accept my made dried fruit. ” “Thanks for the yummy smell. Thanks for the yummy freak, too. Miraya. " Apparently the dragon meat and pound cake were delightful. I wonder what's the same thing about this lady not having eyes for something sweet, looks like Mr. Tilza was particularly pleased with the pound cake. I can also see that Mikhail wrote a letter from you and Mirana trying so hard to convey her feelings with an obnoxious letter. Especially since Mirana can barely read her handwriting, I wonder if she's just starting to learn the handwriting. I'm glad to hear something like this. When I opened the lid of the kettle, Mr. Tirza had all sorts of dried fruits made by hand that were dodgy packed. I'll try one. Rustic gentle sweetness spread over the mouth. Read the letter back again and dust it. "Lord, what are you nibbling at? Fell...... What's a nigga, because people are soaking up a good mood? Ha, well, okay. "Come on, let's go home and eat." "Umm." "Rice." "Rice ~"
"Nh... disrespect, sin... death penalty... hah" When I jumped up, I was somehow in the city. Besides, everyone on the street was looking at me. I checked my situation while wondering why.... "Huh? Why am I on a fer?" Next to Fel, who put me on, is Grandpa Gong, who put Dora-chan on the swim. "You were in the royal palace, right?Hee, was that a dream? " Fell sighs when she sees me confused. It can't be a dream.I was in the royal palace.You passed out pathetically. " "Shut up. I mean, faint...Yes, that's right! Fell and Grandpa Gong say terrible things to the king! " I told him to be so quiet, but Fel and Grandpa Gong said to the king, "It's not over yet?'That's what I was saying. Hmph, I went out with you because you wanted me to, but it took too long. That's right. I don't think there's a reason why a king should go out with him in the first place. "Nh, Nh, Nh, why are you guys so great!" This attitude toward the King. I didn't say it was charming, but I wanted you to be quiet and quiet ~. I'm a Fenrir.It's only natural that I'm stronger than anyone else. " Fel seemed to take it for granted. I disagree that it is stronger than anyone in Fel, but it is not the world's reason for the weak to follow the strong.And the strongest man in the world will be the Ancient Dragon.It's embarrassing that a man like a king of a kingdom gives instructions to a king. " Grandpa Gong took it for granted. "You guys!" Ku ~, it was a big mistake for Dora-chan and Sui to still take Fel and Gong to the royal palace. Ha, there's nothing you can do about it. More than that, from now on. I don't know why I'm out of the royal palace and in the city, but it's convenient in this situation. "All right, everybody, let's get out of King's Landing before we're charged with disrespect!" "Ha, what are you talking about?" Lord...... Fell and Grandpa Gong with stupid faces. "What's with that attitude?I suppose it's because you guys are rude.I'm guilty of being your lord! " Unexpectedly pulled Fell's hair, disappointing at Fell and Grandpa Gong's unusual attitude. Hey Cora, don't pull my hair! "I don't know if it's your fault ~" So I told you not to pull! "Oops, I'll blow your hair off!" If you're going to be crushed, try it!With the power of the Lord, you will only be able to grow exquisite old hair. " "You said that! Fell!" I was angry, so I pulled Fel's hair as hard as I could. Fel looked back and said that to me like he was an idiot. "Shit." I pulled my hair even harder, but it didn't seem to work for Fell at all. Kukukuku. Well, Lord, calm down.I won't be held guilty.There was someone there who could tell the story. " "Who understands the story?" Who knows what Grandpa Gong is talking about? Grandpa Gong is right.The human woman next to the king was quite the discerner.He said he wouldn't let us do anything about it.He was next to the king, so he must be quite powerful. " Next to the king? .................. "That's the queen!" Really? He was more powerful than the king. " "Yikes....." A glimpse of the power relationship within the royal family. King, is it laid on the queen's ass...? I was the one who understood the story, so I told him that I would listen to his wishes for about once.Fenrir, that's what I said, I don't want to miss it. " "Hmm, and I told you I'd be free to spend time in this country.Let's not talk differently about that to our opponents. " Oh, is that so? That means.... "Am I innocent?" I thought you said you'd be fine. The Lord should listen to you a little more carefully. Wow, wow. I can't stop struggling because you guys are so rude! When I was relieved, Dora jumped into my head. You guys have a long story!If we're done talking, we'll go around the stalls! Eh?! Aruji, I'm starving ~ Mm-hmm. Let's get you hungry first. The street in King's Landing doesn't look bad either. Okay, let's go to the stall I was watching first! That way! Dora-chan took the lead in turning the direction. Our party headed for the stall Dora-chan was watching. After that, it's a private diner's cartel. Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora, and Sui all depend on the smell of that stall over there. I naturally have wings that go with it. Everywhere, by the time everyone was satisfied, the sky was red stained. The stalls in King's Landing were also quite good! It was delicious ~ Hmm, it wasn't bad.Well, it's inferior to the street stalls in the city where the meat dungeon was. " That city! The stalls in that city were delicious! Dungeon of meat! I want to go again ~ Heh ~, is there such a dungeon?I'd like to go too. " The city of Lausendar... I don't remember. They're less dangerous than regular dungeons, and it's good to have plenty of meat. I'd like to see Maynard and Enzo again. Above all, I made a promise to everyone. "Let's go with the next meat dungeon festival." Hmm! Of course! Let's go! Ho ho ho, I'm looking forward to it ~ I was wondering what would happen at the moment, but no one would come to get me for shopping like this, and I'm pretty sure that this is an acquittal. Good, good. But I feel like I've forgotten something... What was that? "............ ahh, Alliance Master!" I was walking around the streets, but now I remember! We were together, Alliance Master! "And for now, let's go to the King's City Adventurer Alliance!" I hurried to the King's Townsfolk walking down the street to hear about the Adventurer Alliance. And upon arrival, the King's Capital Adventurer Alliance is bigger and better than the Adventurer Alliance of other cities. I was afraid to go inside... There was a royal demon. "Oh, ma, eh, laaaaaaaa" "Hyah."
'All right, we're gonna eat meat! 'That's right! Meat. Come on, meat nik! He said, "I know." Fell and Dora making noise with meat as soon as they get back. Are you going to eat meat? I'll have a swim, too! Did Sui also wake up because of the noise Fell and Dora made? I pounced out of my bag. 'Cause you pushed those kids, naturally! 'Totally. That's the devil, then. The devil. You cut your gory health just by dealing with those guys! "Yes, yes, I understand. You just have to serve plenty of meat, right? That said, I can't make it that elaborate now. It's easy." 'What can you make when it's easy? "Um, stir-fry, I guess. How about stir-fried vegetables? You eat meat and vegetables and you're balanced." When I say that, I say 'let's say meat' in an angry breeze as Fell leans against his nose and peels his teeth out. Nothing. You wouldn't have to be mad at me like that. "So what about oak meat or dungeon pork and grilled ginger? I can do this right away with a commercially available ginger grilled sauce. "Oh, ginger roast? That's good." Do you think of the taste of ginger grill, coveted from Fell's mouth? It's dirty, already. "Ginger roasted, it's delicious. I like you, too, so that's it! "Sui likes ginger roast too -! Both Dora and Sui are already in ginger grill mode. "Do you want to cook ginger then? The meat..., you're a dungeon pig. I still don't have enough stock to hammer out. I've also cooked rice, so it's a bowl of ginger." Even when it comes to meat, just grilled ginger is too intense. I figured rice and rice would be the best. 'That's fine, but I don't need vegetables. Put only meat on the rice. " "No vegetables are sappier with cabbage." 'No, just meat. Just put the meat on. Plenty.' "I want gutty meat today, too, so do me the same favor as Fell." "Sui is also full of meat -" Heck. I can't help it. Ginger grill made pampered using commercially available ginger grilled sauce. I'll put that directly without cabbage on top of the rice served in a bowl the Fells hope. "Hey, more." "More like this. I've got plenty on it." 'That's not enough. More.' Fell urges me to serve more ginger roasts. "You can do this, can't you? "More! They urge me to do more and pile up the ginger grill. "Is this it? I can't do this any more. It's breaking down." And what I was able to do eventually was a cozy, soothing ginger-baked tower. "Uhm, that's it" Fell is delighted with the ginger-baked tower that soars in front of her. Naturally, there's the same thing before Dora and Sui. "This is good food." "Delicious Shiso" And a trio that starts eating guts to attack the ginger-baked tower in front of you. It was me with a bitter laugh that "you're too early" for a ginger grill tower that was instantly attacked. Fell and Dora and Sui finally satisfied after dominating several ginger roasted towers each. Did Fell and Dora get tired of their children? They went to bed as soon as they did. I guess I'm pretty tired because it's enough to even cancel my favorite bath to get to Dra. Me and Sui take a bath and then head to the master bedroom... Goo, goo -. Hushu, Hushu -. A sound that sounds regular. It originated with Fell and Dora. "Kukuku, Fel and Dora are both snoring and sleeping." "Interesting Sound" "Right." Snoring and sleeping gussy, Fel and Dora laughed kussly as they watched with Sui, and we fell asleep too. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ After breakfast I headed to the Merchant Guild to return the keys to the house I had rented, and with those feet I took the Fells to the Adventurer Guild. The Fells, who proclaim, 'We'll head to the dungeon at once when we get out of this city,' are willing on the road to the Adventurer's Guild. When he entered the Adventurer Alliance and spoke at the window, an official led him right under Mr. Isaac. Mr. Isak said he had worked his way out of paperwork early in the morning in the Guildmaster's room. "Welcome, Mr. Mkoda. Excuse me, just a moment." Writing violently about whether it's a hasty paperwork or something. "Oh, I'll wait. You don't have to hurry." Wait for a moment, sipping the tea brewed for me by the staff. "Thank you for waiting. Good." I put four seemingly heavy hemp bags on the table while Mr. Isak said so. "There are 0 gold coins in Tyrant Forest Python's crusade reward and 180 gold coins for purchasing materials, plus 410 gold coins." Then I put something like a carpet wrapped around a guru that was standing on the wall next to Dosun and me. I've been wondering about that for a while now, from that pattern, it's Tyrant Forest Python skin... "This is one third of the skin you want." Is it this sense of weight in a third? Maybe I failed a little. Maybe a fifth, no, maybe a sixth. It may be too big, but can I mean a souvenir for Mr. Lamberto? If Mr. Lamberto seems concerned, you can ask him to make some bags and accessories with that skin. Oh, sometimes they make little things out of this skin for all of us and give them to them. Well, you need to talk to Mr. Lamberto about that. With that in mind, he stored a hemp bag with gold coins and the skin of Tyrant Forest Python in a magic bag. "Okay, now." "It's a shame. You can stay in this city a little longer." With the Fells waiting for the dungeon, I wonder if that's an impossible story. Besides, I have a feeling I'm going to be pushed to do a lot of work if I stay longer. When I told him I was leaving the city immediately after this with a bitter laugh, Mr. Isak came to see me off to the exit downstairs. "Well, thank you for your help." "No. Welcome. It really helped that you got an urgent request. Thank you. Please stop by this city again. Well then I may be flying to another city again, hahahaha..." Mr. Isak, I'm so sad... Oh, yeah, Aleale. Give me the array and you'll get a little better. I gently removed [Divine Medicine Hair Power] from the item box so that Mr. Isaac wouldn't notice me. "Thank you for your help, Mr. Isaac. Here you go." I thought too pitiful of Isak's hair, and besides [Divine Medicine Hair Power], I also put on a hair growth shampoo for him. "What's this? "Uh, a medicine that works for hair... After washing your hair with this shampoo, wipe the water thoroughly and massage this hair conditioner into the entire scalp for your hands in small amounts." With that said, Isak stares straight into his eyes at the [Divine Medicine Hair Power] and hair growth shampoo I have in my hands. "This, if any, is a hot topic among the nobles of the Kingdom of Leonhardt..." Oh, did you know? "Is it rumored to be this country? As a matter of fact, I'm being kind enough with the merchants selling this, and they're giving me some." "M., Mukoda. Wow! Oh, you're a friend of my heart. Wow, wow, wow, wow." "Oh, cry? Or don't hold me." "Mukoda. Wow." "Hey, hey, get away from me. Hey, Mr. Isak! It's just creepy to be held by a bald scattered old man, so uh-huh. "Fe, Fel, help me! 'I don't know' turned to Fell for help. Do you have it in your roots about yesterday? "D, Dora." Dra turned that way with Twone, too. Dora too. Huh. S, where's Sui? I can't sleep in my bag. I try so hard to let Mr. Isak go, but this vulture scattered old man has a strong proposal. I can't get away with it. "Thanks, but first..." "Well, I get it, so just stay away from me! I guess it's sad. This is the Morning Adventurer Guild. Naturally, a lot of adventurers were gathered. Us getting noticed with the eye of intrigue. From that, he said, "Guildmaster, are you having an insane fight?" and so on. " Because it's not! Besides, it's impossible to be with such a bald scattered old man! "Because it's a misunderstanding. Huh!!! .................. ...... "Ha ha, it was terrible..." He left the city of Hirschfeld early after resolving some misconceptions about some disgraceful insane talk fight. "Fuhahahahaha, this is it" 'Right. We didn't help you yesterday. " Wet. Wet. "All right, we're leaving for the dungeon." "Xaw, I agree with you, but we're just going to get away from this city! Once again, we set out for the city of Brixte, where the dungeon was located.
He was coming to the Adventurer's Guild in the city of Carrerina with members of Phoenix. The window wasn't that crowded either because it was mostly dark time. I lined up next to the desk where Phoenix lined up. My line got to the reception a little early. "Excuse me, I'd like to ask you to buy" That's what I said. I gave you the Adventurer Alliance guild card. "Yes, it's a purchase." Receive the guild card I gave you while the receptionist said so. When I checked something on hand, the receptionist's face clouded. "This, you've been deregistered. Master Mucoder is G-ranked, but didn't he receive the request within a month? Hey, I totally forgot because of everything. "Actually, a lot happened..." "G-rank is the shortest time period, so that's what happens sometimes." If you listen to me, G-Rank means Theory is the one who gets all the requests anyway and goes to F-Rank early. That way, it will grow for three months and a period of time, and there will be requests from the F-rank for earnings that are quite predictable. Oh, you did, I didn't ask anything. I forgot the period. I'm the worst. Come on. "Is it okay if I pay the registration fee again? I need to sign up for the Adventurer Alliance because I have demon demolitions. "Yes, as long as you pay five silver coins for the registration fee. Since Mcoder is currently the lowest ranked G-rank, it is no problem for you to use the guild card as it is." "Oh, you don't have a problem with a submissive who's already registered? Ask the receptionist as he looks at Fell behind him. Look at Fell. The receptionist was a little surprised, but he said, "No problem." Well, then I'll pay you five silver coins. I paid five silver coins to have them re-registered. "Then I'd like to ask you to register because I have a new obedience." "Are you a new submissive? "Yes, this is him" I held Sui out of her bag and showed her to the receptionist. "S, is it slime? Confused face receptionist. Don't make fun of Sui. Unlike the other slimes, our swim is so strong. "He's a special individual. He's very strong." I said proud or proud, but the receptionist doesn't seem to believe me and gives a careless reply like "ha" or something. Grunt. You have to see the strength of Sui. Get Sui's exorcism registered and start talking about buying. "I'm buying it, I'd like to ask for some orcs and some other demons" "If so, please use the next purchase desk." Is the big demon still a dedicated contact point? "Mr. Mkoda, are you done? It was Mr. Larsh, the leader of Phoenix, who spoke up. "Yes, you've been framed for forgetting the duration of your request and re-registering." "That was tough." "Truth be told, I'm not a very enthusiastic adventurer because I'm not the main one" "Really? "Yeah. As you know, our squire is about a big meal. That's not so much a problem with Fell getting the demons, but the demolition of the demons he's gained..." "I see. Adventurer Guild is the best place to ask for demolition. Well, I don't have a hand in asking a muggle dismantler or butcher, but they don't trust me very much. Moguri demolishers can be botched, and there are a lot of cluttered jobs, and butchers handle meat carefully, but other skin-like materials are cluttered. Sometimes other ingredients are more valuable than meat. Given that, it's best to have it dismantled in an experienced and highly professional Adventurer Guild" Ho, did you? You even had hands on a mogul dismantler or a butcher. I would never ask for it if I heard what you were saying. Even though there's something about registration, it means you were right to ask the Adventurer Guild. "So, Mr. Mkoda wants you to buy the demon? "Yes, there's no more meat." "Oh, because we ate it? Well, that's one of the reasons, but let's keep it quiet. "No, I've already run out of them." "It's the one you've got, isn't it? Can I see what kind of demon you're interested in? That's what Mr. Larsh said as he looked at Fell. Would you mind if I were a member of Phoenix? "Fine." We moved to the next point of purchase.
I have also finished buying the drops and the next day I take my time off. The weather was nice too, so I went to the garden end with Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra and Sui. Fell, Grandpa Gong and Dora are gooseca naps on the lawn. Only Sui was playing well though. That said, at the end of the day, I was blasting Fell's moff hair instead of a futon. I'm a little tired of playing with Sui. More than that, it's a bitter laugh that someone saw us out in the garden, and the rumors spread and the spectators stuck around this house all day. Don't be afraid of that spectator either. He kept sleeping slowly. It was also a bitter laugh for the big guys in our cartel: Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, and Sui. And today, he was coming to the Adventurers Guild again. Take everyone from Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra and Sui. The purpose is to gather information. I thought I'd do some social services here in the city of Hirschfeld. To do so, we need to gather information about the church and the orphanage. Mr. Tristan was able to meet me right away and teach me a lot. I was still freaking out about Grandpa Gong's appearance, though. "Is it social service? That's a good idea. The city is second only to the king's capital, so there are different churches, large and small, and with that there are quite a few orphanages. It has to do with the number of believers, so it seems that every little difference in entry is leading a life of pure poverty." "Except for one..." Mr. Tristan continued with a bitter face. One of them, says Mr. Tristan, is the Lubanov church. It's a religion that speaks of example human supremacy. From time to time, Mr. Tristan taught me without leaving me with a bunch of bad reviews about whether he didn't feel comfortable about Lubanovism or even this. By means of the luxurious funds sent from the country, they say that those in the Church, including priests, live a life of luxury and obscurity that is far from pure poverty. And there are constant bad rumors of bad guys gathering for that luxurious fund. Extremely, they say, there are rumors ranging from the city's eastern district (a so-called slum where the poor gather) to grabbing people and selling them off to other countries as slaves. I don't really let him grab his tail, but as for Mr. Tristan, he even said it was a ten to eighty-nine fact. "Rubanovism, which speaks of the supremacy of the human race, does not say that beasts, elves and dwarves are, as a matter of course, inferior to the human race in this country. But, you know, doctrine like that doesn't familiarize us with this country where we all live together in the first place. In that evidence, there are very few followers of Lubanov religion in this city." They say the followers of Lubanov in this city are occupied by those who have flown almost from other countries. And a small number. "Still, I can't forgive the fact that Lubanov doctrines of human supremacy are vociferously hustled up in this country." Mr. Tristan affirms that in a strong tone of anger that does not seem to "Um, Mr. Tristan? "Oh, excuse me. It got hot on me. Actually, my grandfather Hii is the Dwarf. He died the year before I was grown up, though. He was a relentless yell at the strong, half-work guy, but he was a sweet grandpa to me." You remember that Dwarf's grandfather, and Mr. Tristan's expression is soothing. "Rubanov seemed to defile that sweet grandfather, and I couldn't stand it." I say that again with a bitter face, Mr. Tristan. I see. Was there a dwarf inside? Then don't even know how Mr. Tristan feels. I don't have that kind of body. So the Lubanov doctrine just has to twist my eyebrows. And hey. Naturally, it's a decision without a bull 's-eye for Lubanovism, isn't it? Or there's no way. You'd still be better off dumping it in the Dove as much as you would for this denomination. "Very helpful" "Really, good. to Lubanov..." "Haha, naturally I won't. You don't know what it's used for." "I was relieved to hear that" "I have one more question to ask..." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ We were walking down the main street of the city of Brixte. Though there are still people who look at Grandpa Gong and get gnawed at him, just as Grandpa Gong's presence seemed to be largely pervasive and didn't even make a scene. It's just that when we go by, the hedgerows crack. I don't know if I should reopen it if it's easy to walk... "Lord, Lord, we want that meat over there." 'No, doesn't that smell better over there? "Uh, this simmer looks better." "There's no sui, I'd love to try it all." "'You've got that hand,'" Looking at the many stalls out there, I want to eat that one. Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora, and Sui's Eater Cartel making a scene about wanting to eat this. "Ha, you know, I'm not here for your buying and eating." "'' I know, I know. '" Everyone replies back in good shape in a nutshell. "Well, I guess everyone's following you for that. Come on." You followed me after gathering information at the Adventurer Guild, and then telling me that if I told you to go shopping for a bit, we'd all go. I came to the mall to buy souvenirs for everyone waiting at Carrerina's house. Whatever you do, I'll take care of the deal with Mr. Lambert and everything about the house. It's a good opportunity for me to tour this city (how sad I only dived in a dungeon in this city), and it's a good distraction to look around a lot of shopping districts. That said, it's best to ask the locals about shops that look good. I've already researched the recommended store for Mr. Tristan. "Right here. What's Mr. Tristan's recommendation?" I talked to Mr. Tristan and he told me that he would still like jewellery to make it a souvenir of this city. Whatever you say, the dungeons here in Brixt are specialties of gems and precious metals. That's where they told me what they recommend in a store that can pick up affordable jewelry that's not too fancy. It's a decent shop, so Fells decided to wait outside, and I'm the only one in the store. "Welcome" The shop owner, in his forties or so, who felt soft, greeted me with a smile. "Looking for something? "Um, I was looking for a souvenir..." "Hmm. Are they lovers? "No......" Huh, I haven't had a lover in a long time. Sadly. "Uh, they're not slaves, do you call them family-like employees" "Ho, a souvenir for a slave means your slave is happy." "I'd be glad if you thought so." "How much for your budget? "Uh, one gold coin to one gold coin and five silver coins, I think." "Well, that's..." The shopkeeper seems a little surprised that he has such a cool forehead for slaves, but he also earned money, well, that's about it. All I had to do was talk to the store owner and decide what was right for my budget. And I decided... Celia and Lotte's girls have a hair fastening with a pink gem called Rose Quartz and a transparent green gem called Prenite. They both look good for both of us in pale cute shades, and I think they'll be happy. Aiya and Theresea, as well as the adult women's group in Tabatha, have brooches with purple, green, red and dark eyed shades of gems: amethyst, peridot and garnet. Can Tabatha wear a brooch? I also thought that sometimes it would be a stylish date because people seemed to be able to think about it. Good luck, Peter. And to the boys & men of Kosty, Oliver, Aerik, Toni, Alban, Luke, Irvin, Peter, Bartel, a buckle on the belt with the gems as one point. Honestly, I was worried about what would be good for the men, but as soon as I talked to the store owner, I solved it. He showed me a buckle with a subtle one-point of dark colored gemstones when it was also a popular item for men, and I thought this was it, and decided to buckle the souvenirs for the men. It looks pretty good using gems that are uncomfortable even when worn by the men in dark shades such as lapis lazuli, hissy, onyx, etc. Truth be told, I liked it myself and bought a buckle for myself with a hint of hisui just a little bigger than everyone's souvenir. I have money. Sometimes it's good. I gave them twenty gold coins (including more for that because they were also consulted) for various expenses, and they wrapped the souvenirs and left the store behind. Outside the store, Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui were waiting. "It's finally over, Lord." "It's our turn to hang out next." "This city is huge, so there's a lot of stalls to see." "Sui, eat a lot -! "Huh? No, hey, I'm not here for a walk." "Fine, fine." "What's good because it's okay, Grandpa Gong? Don't push it." "First of all, as we discussed earlier, we're going to that store." "That store? Fell, what store are you talking about? "Come on, can this city stall satisfy us? "Hey, Dora, how gourmet are you? "Ryuji, go eat meat ~" "No, Sui, I'm not here for meat" "'' Fine, fine '' ' Afterwards, it was me who was attached to the street tour of Brixte the Eater Cartel until sundown.
The first camp out of the city of Lawsendar. I had also finished dinner earlier this day and decided to offer my usual offering to Master Demiurgos. As usual, it's a set of a few sakes and a premium can. "I'm always sorry." "No." Ma, this is like insurance, too. "I'm so sorry that I put so much effort into their minds and your Lord's." "It's okay. I also got the Ninrir once a month, so I can afford it, and since Demiurgos likes sake, it won't take that long because they let me choose around it." Master Demiurgos is basically up to you, and it's not that much trouble because I choose rankings and recommendations as a basis. 'I'm glad you said that, but then I don't feel comfortable with you........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Surely your lords have left the city of Lawsendar? "Yes, it is..." 'Right or right. Then maybe it's just fine. The Iron Rule is that God doesn't interfere too much in the lower realm, but that's about it. " Hmm? What do you mean? There's a mountain nearby, isn't there? Speaking of which, you looked on the left hand side of the street. "You should go to that mountain." "Huh? Is there something in that mountain? 'Well, that's a pleasure to go to. Probably noticed around Fenrill. Bye.' "Ah! Master Demiurgos! I tried calling a few more times after that but didn't get back to me. "What do you want me to do to get to that mountain? ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "That's what they said." Over breakfast, I told Master Demiurgos what he told me yesterday. By the way, the Fells have been puffed with ginger roasted bowls since morning. Exactly, I was reluctant to get some crazy rice balls, tall vegetable rice balls, and instant miso soup I bought from an online supermarket. "I didn't know God was going to go to that mountain. Interesting...... Instead ' I'll put a large bowl of ginger roasted in front of Fell's fifth replacement voice. "There you go. I don't know what's in that mountain, but God wants me to go. I have to go." 'But I have that one in that mountain. Me too. " Don't eat too much this morning, Dora. I placed my third bowl of replacement in front of Dora. "Dora, do you know about that mountain? 'Well. It was a long time ago, but you accidentally came in. I've had a terrible time.' That's what Dora said as she disappointed in her bowl of change. "Taruji, Sui is also in charge" Do you want a swim next time? I also placed my fifth bowl of replacement before Sui, just like Fel. "Terrible eyes? 'Oh. There's nothing like losing one-on-one,' cause there's only so many of them. And I'm so persistent. They chased me around a long time ago. I was upset, so I did everything I could to spare him the ice magic. " There are a lot of disturbing words out there. You think they're just a lot or persistent? I wonder what Dora is referring to? Besides, wouldn't it suck if Dora let go of all the ice magic she could do? "I skewered him with ice for more than half of the guys I've been chasing, so I finally stopped chasing him around without fear! ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... "What, has Dora ever worked with them, too?" Fell, too? "Uh-huh. But Dora's right. They're a lot of people. Yeah, they're smart. I don't care who you are, but I had no trouble dealing with you alone." 'Yes, he was so numerous, so persistent and so cunning! Even then, people threw stones at me. " Yea, what's with the stone thrown? 'But this time, I'm not the only one. There are also Dora and Sui. I'm worried about the dungeon of difficulty, but I can't ignore the temple. Kukukuku, it's interesting to remind them as we head to the mountains. " "Whoa, I got on with that story! Even I've been badly hit by them. It's payback! Something looks wrong with Fell. Besides, Dora, you did skewers with ice magic, didn't you get enough revenge? I don't know... "What are you talking about, Fell and Dora, just now? "It's about Black Baboon." "That. The Black Baboon Monster Thing." Black baboon? When I say baboon......, is that Hihi's demon? Demons? Fight? 'That's right. We'll fight. Of course we'll win.' "Ha ha, naturally! "Yatter! Sweet! Kill him!" Fell, Dora and Sui are already willing to fuck (kill). But is it because you only have a bad feeling about it? "But I don't have a choice not to go. Anyway, Master Demiurgos told me straight away..." Hmm. "Okay, we had breakfast, and we're on our way." "Whoa, let's go! "Yippa, knock it down! "Hey, hey, wait a minute. Why are you suddenly trying to go? I have to clean up." "Mmm, just do it" "I'll do it, but you don't have to go right away." 'What are you talking about? It's a trust. What if I don't do it right away?' 'That's right, let's get to the mountains!' Cause I'm gonna let them call me Gaffoon. ' "Runway, let's go to the mountains." No. Shit. Everybody's in full combat mode. It doesn't work for everyone who's done this. Can't help it, head to the mountains?
Today and today, cooking meals for our hungry eaters. Well, we all feel that dinner is the best thing to do. Do you want it to meet your expectations? I wonder what to make... Think of me in a luxurious kitchen that looks great. What kind of meat should I use, assuming that it is meat? Check inside the item box. Hmm... okay, let's make this meat. I felt like eating chicken, so I decided to use cocatolis meat. The meat is decided, but what is made from the meat of the cocatolis... Chicken... All right, let's do that. Demi chicken is perfect for bread. If so, I'll go shopping at the online supermarket. Add onions, carrots, garlic, mushrooms, shimeji and demi-glace sauce can to cart. And don't forget the raw cream. When I put this on at the end, it looks good, but the flavour becomes mellow. "And then... ah, there was no butter." Add butter for checkout. A cardboard box that appears instantly as usual. Once you've taken the purchases out of there, we'll start cooking. Slice onions in half to a thickness of about millimeters, and carrots into thin half-moon slices. I don't want to spend too much time cooking this time, so it's this thick so I can cook quickly. Minced garlic. Then cut the stone and loosen the shimeji, and cut the mushroom in half. Then the main cocatolis meat is cut into large bites. Once the ingredients have been cut, heat the deep-fried pan, add the butter and garlic chops, and stir-fry. When the smell of garlic rises, roast the flesh of the cockroach from the skin's eyes. Once the skin has a good grilled color, flip over the cockroach meat and bake the surface (at this point you don't need to cook it thoroughly), add the onion and carrot and mix it gently. Add red wine to it. Oh, this is the last time. It's a cheap one for cooking, but I need to buy it again. It doesn't have to be a problem, but adding red wine to the Western-style stew system adds depth. When red wine alcohol flies, add a can of demi-glace sauce, water, ketchup, and consommé cubes to simmer a little, and finally simmer more with a simmer and mushroom that is easy to cook. Once the mushrooms are cooked, check the flavour and season with salt and pepper. Then I put it on a plate and sprinkled it with a little raw cream... "Yeah, it feels good." When I was satisfied that it was quite well done, I heard a noise from the front door. "Oh, I'm back!" Looks like the Alliance Master is back. Good timing. I'll have dinner then. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Hmm, that's a good taste. I can't say anything about this thick flavor.The Lord's rice is delicious after all. " Yeah, it's delicious. I might like this. " I love Swiss too! The intense flavor of the demi-glace sauce seems to suit everyone's taste, and I'm eating it. "Hey, it's a refill." Lord, can I have a refill, please? Me and me! Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sui will be prompted to refill their dishes with Demi chicken. A grubby cartel that starts eating it all over again. "Even if I look at it again, it's an amazing appetite.Your subordinates. " "Ha ha. Well, it feels like everyone enjoys their meal the most. But it's worth it because everyone eats without leaving behind." "Well, first of all, I'm surprised you eat the same food that humans eat." "We all eat food." The taste is loud, everyone. "Besides, I usually eat even dragon meat." "They're the ones who got it in the first place." Well, Grandpa Gong wasn't there when he caught the Red Dragon. "This is also horny and definitely eating something better than me...." That said, the guild master is kind of depressed with Zoom. Well, well, we're so special. So I don't think you need to be depressed. "Alliance Master, take this bread. This is the bread that our Teresa baked.This is how you put this bread in the sauce, and it's exquisite. " I sliced it into a basket and offered Teresa's special country bread. The Guild Master is eating mosomoso with Teresa's special country bread in a demi-glace sauce. "Oh, it's delicious." "It will be." The Alliance Master is quickly removing the second piece of bread from the basket because it was so delicious to eat it in a demi-glace sauce. "Yes, just now we were talking about the boundary between the two of you and security." "Yes" Alliance Master, you went to the King's City Adventurer Alliance again to talk about it. "Thank you very much." According to the Alliance Master, although he immediately summoned high-ranking adventurers to gather in King's Landing, there were also quite a few adventurers being commissioned, and it was doubtful whether the required number would be gathered. That's a sudden story. "But as for the King's City Adventurer Guild, I can't leave it to you two.As for the higher-ranking adventurers we've summoned, it looks like we'll arrange for them to remain on guard. " It's going to be kind of a tough security guard. "What are you talking about?It's only natural because things are things. " Hmm, is that so? It's Leviathan. Blood, guts, fangs, bones, all kinds of precious materials can be removed. We're all just interested in meat. "Well, because things are stuff, they called me to tell me that if I dismantle something like this, I'll have to call someone who knows everything." "He?" "Dolan's dragon is crazy." "Eh?! Did you call that guy?!" Grandpa Gong and Dora's natural enemies! I'm not a bad person, but when it comes to dragons, it's a loser, Elf! "Well, it's because it's Leviathan.He left himself and this guild with you the other day.So, it seems that I was largely blamed and I was given a role as a guide, but this time I needed his knowledge. " I didn't know he was coming... Oh, my God. "He was delighted to be called to tears.Besides, they said they left Dolan on the same day.I hear you're on your way to King's Landing as a sidekick. " "You don't have to come, you don't have to! Elland!"
I've also finished offering God that was a suspicious proposal (or tenant issue), and I'm going to spend it today organizing the drops in the dungeon. I'm sure Mr. Tristan will be ready. To be honest, too many drops are troublesome, but that's also a luxurious concern from other adventurers. "Well, let's do it" I slapped my knee in the bread and got in the mood. What are you doing? "It's about organizing the dungeon's drops. We'll see what happens and how many." "Interesting. I'll help you, too! "Sui, thank you. Sui is the only one who can tell me that. Compared to that..." After breakfast, they just fell asleep with Goron without me involved. "Sleep well." Spiespi, Fell and Dora sleeping looking comfortable. "Well, either way, I hope you're not going to help me sort it out." "Ryuji, let's do it quick" "Right. I was wondering if you could count how many swims there are." "Okay -" This item box is handy, but I don't know how many items are in the order I put them in just because they appear in the list. You need to grasp it for yourself to some extent. "Well, first of all, you know the first levels of exploration." There are also a lot of very small gems in the city for the variety of gargoyle drops. Aquamarine, garnet, amethyst, turquoise, moonstone, etc. Let it out for each type of gem for now. "This blue one, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.... Ruju, what's next for Ju? I gasped at Sui's innocent questioning. Only combat power won't even take a pull on Fell or Dora. Sui, but no, you were still a kid, weren't you? Even if you take a bath, it often doesn't count when you're over ten. As it's impossible for you to count it, and then you lose your Swi job. I think I'm gonna cry when I say that... Oh, yeah. I took something out of the item box. "I'll count the numbers, so I was wondering if Suey could put me in this hemp bag that I'm done counting." "Yeah, that's good." "Oops, if you want to put it in a hemp bag..." I bought an oily velcro pen from an online supermarket. "It would be easy to understand if you put it in a hemp bag with the name and number of jewels on it." First the aquamarine is one, two, three, four, five...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................. ............ ...... "Phew, it's over, it's over" "Hung, let us help you." 'Yes, they do. I was going to sleep after lunch.' "Hi, aren't you going to tell me? I mean, I've been thinking about going to bed again because I've slept too much, you guys." When Fell and Dora rushed me up for lunch and I finished lunch with a bowl of oak meat ginger with an easy commercial ginger sauce, Fell and Dora also rushed out to sort out the hard-to-finish drops. "You know, you know, Sui had fun helping out -! "Unlike some of you, Sui is a good girl." He said, "Go to E, he's a good boy." Sui was happily jumping pompous. Here's what the drops I organized while Fell, Dora and Suey helped me out. Except meat and violet berries, by the way, and then the curse pendant out of the chest I'm wearing. Aquamarine (Extremely Small Grains) x 22 Garnet (Extremely Small Grain) x 11 Amethyst (Extremely Small Grain) x 13 Turquoise (Extremely Small Grains) x 16 Moonstone (Extremely Small Grain) x 21 Citrine (Extremely Small Grain) x 15 Lapis lazuli (extremely small grains) x 14 Rose Quartz (Extremely Small Grains) x 10 Catseye (Extremely Small Grain) x 9 2 x Aquamarine (Small Grains) 1 x Amethyst (Small Grain) Citrine (small grain) x 3 1 x Ruby (Small Grain) 1 x Sapphire (Small Grain) 1 x Emerald (Small Grain) Onyx (small grain) x 72 Hisui (small grain) x 81 Onyx (medium grain) x 9 Hisui (medium grain) x 13 Gazer's Demon Stone (Extremely Small) x 29 Topaz (medium grain) x 16 Emerald (medium grain) x 10 Aventurine (medium grain) x 18 Peridot (medium grain) x 15 Sunstone (medium grain) x 21 Sapphire (medium grain) x 9 Agate (medium grain) x 23 Amethyst (medium grain) x 18 Ruby (medium grain) x 8 4 x Diamond (Large Grain) 2 x Ruby (Large Grains) 2 x Opal (Large) 3 x Malachite (Large Grains) 2 x Morganite (Large Grains) 2 x Emerald (Large Grain) Stonegolem's Demon Stone (Extremely Small) x 22 Iron Golem Shards x 44 Iron Golem's Demon Stone (Small) x 44 Auga Skin x 122 Orga Horn x 93 Orga Demon Stone (Extremely Small) x 31 14 x Red Auga Skin 6 x Red Auga Horns Red Auga Demon Stone (Medium) x 20 11 x Blue Auga Skin 3 x Blue Orga horns Blue Orga Demon Stone (Large) x 14 18 x Green Auga Skin 6 x Green Auga Horns Green Auga's Demon Stone (Small) x 24 Black Dog Skin x 58 Black Dog's Demon Stone (Small) x 24 Giganto Minotaur Skin x 196 Giganto minotaur horn x 180 Giganto Minotaur's Demon Stone (Large) x 470 Vampire Mosquito Mouthpiece x 265 Vampire Mosquito feathers x 284 Vampire Mosquito's Paralysis Poison x 169 4 x Green Longhorn Beetle Crusts 3x Red Longhorn Beetle Crust 1 x Giant Black Longhorn Beetle Crust 1 x Small Demon Stone in Giant Black Longhorn Beetle 3 x Poison Earwig Paralysis Poison 4 x Giant Horsefly Wings Poison snail corrosion poison x 6 Forest Army Ant's Jaw x 528 1 x Jaw of Queen Forest Army Ant 1 x Queen Forest Army Ant Demon Stone (Extremely Small) Sickle of Giant Killer Mantis x 14 Giant Killer Mantis Demon Stone (Small) x 3 6 x Paralysis Butterfly Toxic Scale Powder 27 x Yarn of Venom Tarantula Venom Tarantula Poison Bag x 16 8 x Giant Centipede Outer Shells Giant Centipede Demon Stone (Small) x 3 1 x Giganto Hera Clay Os Beetle Crust 1 x Giganto Hera Clay Osbeetle Demon Stone (Large) 1 x Kaiser Stag Beetle Crust 1 x Kaiser Stag Beetle Demon Stone (Large) 1 x Four Arms Bear Fur 1 x 4 Arms Bear liver 1 x 4 Arms Bear Nails 4 Armsbear Demon Stone (Extra Large) x 2 Red Bore Skin x 18 6 x Red Bore Fangs Cocatrice feathers x 23 Rockbird's Mouth x 16 Rockbird feathers x 24 Giant Dodo's Mouth x 8 Giant Dodo feathers x 13 2 x Giant Dodo Demon Stones (Extremely Small) 9 x Giant Deer Skin 3 x Giant Horn Rabbit Fur 28 x Wild Ape Fur 8 x Great Wolf Fur Great Wolf's Demon Stone (Small) x 8 4 x Red Tiger Fur Red Tiger's Demon Stone (Small) x 4 3 x Forest Panther Fur Forest Panther's Demon Stone (Medium) x 3 6 x Murder Grizzly Fur 2 x Murder Grizzly liver 4 x Murder Grizzly Claws Murder Grizzly's Demon Stone (Large) x 6 1 x Tyrant gorilla fur 1 x Heart of Tyrant Gorilla Tyrant Gorilla's Demon Stone (Large) x 1 4 x Zlatrok horns 2 x Zlatrok fur Zlatrok's Demon Stone (Extra Large) x 2 Crate Gems 16 x Gold Extension Bars (20th Floor Crate) 1 x Diamond Pendant Head 1 x Diamond Earrings 1 x Ruby's Ring 1 x bracelet with scattered gems (34th floor chest including 4 top) Hey, that's a lot. There was so much when I sorted it out even though I was still on my way. I was going to pick it up somewhat. There were a lot of drops that I gave up and didn't pick up. Because there were a lot of floors that just hadn't explored every corner. Fewer crates. Instead, there were so many dropped gems that my eyes tickled, arguably the specialty of this dungeon. The gazer is smaller on the gargoyle, but I don't know because I dropped the polo. When it came to the stone golem, it dropped a pretty good looking medium grain. Besides, gargoyles, gazers, and stone golems are a little bigger and bigger because they seem to hit once in a while. Because of the variety and number, I think Mr. Tristan would be pleased. I'd appreciate it if you could buy it all out because I'm not interested in jewelry for me. Well, aside from that... "I made a paragraph, shall we make it dinner?" "Uhm. They helped me with my job, so I'm gonna ask you to be extravagant." "Whoa, that's good." "Luxurious rice ~! Sui, I'll eat all of it! "Hahaha, luxurious. I just thought of something, and okay, why don't you use the drops to make it together?"
When I went to the Adventurer Guild Operated Inn next door, the receptionist was also surprised to see Mr. Nadya. I guess so, Guildmaster's here. "I've brought you an expectant S-rank adventurer." Nadya, please introduce me a little more properly. In the meantime, I greeted "Hi" and asked for a room where I could stay with my squire. Three gold coins a night. I asked for two nights to dive into the dungeon. I need to ask Nadya one more thing. When I asked him about the recommended weapons store because he wanted to get a spear, he told me that the store across the diagonal from the path of the Adventurer's Guild was recommended. "I recommend everything from beginners to merchandise. The store owner is unfathomable, though. Gahh." Mr. Nadya laughed luxuriously when he said so. Where the inn was also taken, Mr. Nadia returned to the Adventurer Alliance. "I'll show you the room" The room, which was guided by an employee, was also on the ground floor, sometimes a room where he could stay with his squire. That's three gold coins a night, big room. This is big enough for the Fells. Besides, it's on the ground floor, so you can use the proud magic stove here. That stove weighs a lot, so if it's a room above the second floor, it's not very sturdy, but I can't get it out. It also has a private bathroom and toilet. A peek into the bath wasn't exactly the spacious bath that was in the mansion, but there was a bath a little smaller than the one I had. Still, I just need to have a private bath. It's just me and Dora and Sui using it anyway, which may be a little tough, but then you'll have no problem with that because you just need to take a separate bath. Okay, let's go to the weapons store first... "We're hungry." "Me too." "Sui too." Oh well. It took me a while to get into the city, so it's past lunchtime. Do you want to make dinner first? ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Phew, it was delicious. Lunch was a beef bowl of Wyburn meat I had made and set aside. Everyone was eating bugs. I'm done eating, and do you want me to go to the weapons store for a minute? Even beginners get spears that seem easy to use. If it seems user-friendly, it can be used as it is, or you can ask Sui to make a similar spear with Mithril. Sometimes the weapons store was right near the inn, and everyone was asked to stay in the room and head alone. When I went inside, I had a Dwarf father with a beard on the top of a short Buddha. This looks stubborn again. "Um, excuse me..." "Is there a spear that even beginners can swing easily? "Even beginners say it's an easy spear to swing? Dwarf's father's shop owner stared at me from top to bottom. "Lord, you're really a beginner. Better than a fool wanting something that doesn't fit his height. All right, let's pick him out. Wait a minute." That's what Grandpa Dwarf said and headed to the store where the spear was located. And what I took in my hand... "Not this one. It was made by a disciple of Non, but it's not too expensive or cheap, and it's not bad." I was given a simple, straight blade with a sharp edge that was made of wood and felt like a spear. It's not too heavy or too light, and it certainly might be perfect for beginners. The price is one gold coin. It's true that the first short sword I bought after signing up for the Adventurer's Guild was eight silver coins, so it's not as expensive as it sounds. "But you have to take good care of it. If you don't take care of the iron weapon, you'll soon be blunt. A weapon that keeps its own life. Remember the liver around here." Sure enough, the iron weapon won't rust with the demon blood on it. Oh, no, no, no. What about Mithril or something? I didn't take care of the Mithril short sword that Sui made for me. Still, the sharpness remains much the same... "By the way, what about something made of misrills? "Mithrill. That's special. You don't have to take care of it to change the sharpness. It also has a high degree of affinity with magic. With such special effects and rarity, weapons made of mythrills are expensive." I see. This sounds like you should get Sui to build a Mithril spear. Mithrill Ore that fell when I found the Mithrill Mine, paku... Gohon, it's really good to have it picked up. My Dwarf father's shop owner showed me the Mithril weapon that was decorated on the shelf, but I even put 0 gold coins on the cheapest short sword. "Good luck with this, Lord." Um, I can afford it. I can buy it, but I will never buy a weapon made of Mithril again. I left the weapons store behind apologizing "sorry" in my heart to my Dwarf father's shopkeeper. Then I went back to the inn room and quickly decided to have Sui build a spear for Mithril. "Sui, I need a favor. Can you make the same spear as this? I showed Sui the spear I had just bought. "Fine. I think I can make it faster than before because I'm getting used to making it. ' "I wonder if I can ask you to do this." I gave Sui the spear and the Mithril Ore. Then I could do it faster than ever before, as Sui said. That time is roughly ten minutes. "Done -" "You're really early. I didn't know I could make anything like this in such a short time. Awesome, sui! What Sui made me was a misrillic spear to fall in love with. "Thanks. Sui." When I said that, Sui jumped with joy. I'll appraise the spear Sui made for me. [Mithrill's Spear +] Producer Sui. Well made Mithrill spear. Excellent cut. Oh, that's right, Sue. Just like the short sword, it has a positive display. He said it was excellent. Now in addition to Mithril's short sword, I also got Mithril's spear. And then when I make rice for the dungeon tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, it's finally a dungeon.
After lunch, we started exploring again. One line. We didn't even see any noticeable prey for a while, and we were peacefully on top of a giant swim. But suddenly the firehand rose from the front of the meadow where we were going. "Whoa, what happened? "That's Dora's pseudo brace." That's what Fell said looking forward. "Huh? Is there something around there? "You must be an ant." "Ali?" "You'll see many things like pointy stone towers" "Oh. That, isn't it a rock? Sure, like Fell said, I see a bunch of things like pointy stones, but I thought I was definitely a rock, no? "That's Ali Tsuka." "Antsuka?! When she was surprised to hear that what she thought was a rock was Ali Tsuka, Dora, who had preceded her, returned. 'Cause there was a white ant ahead of us, so I took care of it.' Soon after, Grandpa Gong will also return and land on a giant sui. "Non could have ended it with a brace, but Dora said she'd do it." "Let Grandpa Gong do it." Me pulling my face a little over the hook. Grandpa Gong's braces are too powerful and this one is likely to be damaged, so Yamete. While we do that, we arrive around where Dra's pseudo-dragon brace firehand went up. There were nearly ten ant tsukatsuka that burned and blackened and a white-like ant that was likely to burn a meter where it still moved picnicely. Aritsuka, who thought it was a rock, is also likely to be about ten stories tall when he comes near it. "Is that a killer mite? That's how Mr. Gaudino snapped as he glanced at his face. "You know what? "Oh. I just became an adventurer..." According to Mr. Gaudino's story, he had only seen it once when he had just become an adventurer. Anything, a white-like ant demon came out in a village and was damaged to devour crops in the field, and an adventurer's guild was asked to crusade, he said. Ali demons are low ranked one by one, but the fact that there was one is definitely a nest nearby. Having to ask for some ranked adventurers meant that even that guild at the time would receive a B-rank party that began to show its headlines with the momentum of dashed bamboo. "He said he was only two or three years older than me at the time, but he said he was sure he was going to be A-ranked soon. I've been admiring rumors that it's going to be S-rank at the end." Mr Gaudino, who speaks so as to recall the time. But after a week from that B-rank party, there's no tone out. "Sometimes it was an Alliance anticipation party, and the Alliance asked me to confirm it. That's what I and my friends took back then. I wish I didn't have to take it so badly..." When Mr. Gaudino and the others headed to the village, there was no one there. He thought it was strange, but he tried to explore the woods behind the damaged fields. Then, a little while later, there was an ant tsuka that soared like a tower, and there were tons of white ant corpses around it. "And you look like a B-rank party that was scattered and torn apart..." That's when he still remembers seeing a surviving white ant eating up on a torn apart body and waving his sword in his obsession. "It was an overly shocking sight for a or young man who had just come out of the country. We were a foursome party, but that's why I quit being an adventurer, except me." Later I found out that white ants are demons named Killer Tarmite, which are more appetizing and ranked one step higher than the common ant demons. Besides, he hasn't seen a killer mite show up around it in about thirty years. "I guess it was the guild's mess that I used to think of alongside the ant demons, but it wasn't until much later that I found out about it that I couldn't help it" From then on, he began to look at the demon atlas when he looked at the fold. Adventurers are causal business, but I'd quit if I saw a sight like that in or 6. On the contrary, I respect Mr. Gaudino, who continues to be an adventurer. "Well, as long as that's my old story. As far as I'm concerned, killer mites can easily be ravaged..." "No, well, my squires are strong," End of story. "Do you want to proceed" "Wait a minute! My jaw is falling off a lot on the drop, but won't you pick it up? It was the first time I had noticed that Mr. Gaudino had told me, but something slightly brown pointed had fallen to one side around. "Exactly. It's a hassle to pick all this up, and I don't know if it's okay." With that said, Mr. Gaudino looks like a ghost. "The chin of a killer mite is rare as a knife material. It is also popular as a craft because when polished, there is a sense of transparency." Oh, seriously? [Killer Mite's Jaw] Durable on lightweight and ideal for knife materials. When polished, it also becomes a material for the craft due to its transparency. It was true. "I just can't do it all, so I'll pick up about one hemp bag" "What else are we going to do? "You're staying put. Oh, yeah. Do you guys need it? "Are you sure?! Mr. Gaudino asks me about the flavor. And even Mr. Gidion, Mr. Seegvaldo and Mr. Feodora, who kept their mouths shut, are staring at me. Or the pressure is amazing. "Uh, Dora. The white ant material that Dra knocked down, can I share it with you guys? 'Mmm, that's good. I can't eat anyway.' I asked Dora in a nutshell and she got an OK, so I told her to "go ahead and do whatever you want" in the face of ”Arc," thanks! "He jumped off the giant sui with joy and courage after the great chorus of "Well, I'll pick it up, too" I stepped out of a giant swim. And I thought I'd start picking up the chin of the killer mite in the drop, and the sui that was huge gets smaller. "Hey Ruji, can I try to get inside Ali's nest -? "Sui, are you alone? "Yeah." "No, you can't. You're in danger." "Uh, yadda-yadda! I want to go! Sui, I've been putting all of you on it for a long time, and I haven't been able to bust you down. Boring! ' "Guh, when they say that... Right! Fell, you're free, right? Follow me. Nah!" With that said, Fell looks at me with such a frivolous face about what you're talking about. 'Hey, look at the entrance. It's a critical size for me to get in. You want me to go there? "Grunt." "Nor can Non be of that size." Grandpa Gong took the lead. Or is Grandpa Gong the same because Fell is critical? "Shh, shh. I'll follow you." "Dora..." "Yatter! Let's go, Dra! "Oops. I'm coming." "Ryuji, I'm going! With that said, Dora and Sui went right into Ali Tsuka. "Oh, sweetie." "What are you saying?" Fell says that like he's scared, but come on. "'Cause it's awesome. I'm just a kid. Aren't you worried?" "Dora is with us. Don't worry. More or less, there are dragons and swimming people, and that's like a dragon." "Oh, really? No, but..." "But nothing." Even if it was just Sui, it would be decided as a twist for Ali and other Sui. ' "That's what Fell says, but it's awesome! I'm just a kid! 'At all, your Lord is overprotective! There's nothing else about Sui, such as slime that's strong enough for me to admit it.' "It doesn't matter if Fell admits it! Oh, Sue - come back soon..." Me forgetting to pick up the chin of a killer mite. '... Fell, is this what the Lord always does? "Ha, trouble." "Sui is the strength of emperor slime at the end." "Sui has been with us since birth. I guess I still have the idea of a child. But this guy's overprotective is troublesome... ' Hey, Grandpa Gong on Fell, I can hear you. Or what's wrong with over-protection? Uh, I don't know if he's back yet than that. I often go right and left in front of Ali Tsuka, where Dora and Sui went in... "Oops." Mr. Gaudino places the heavy looking hemp bag he was carrying on the ground. Mr. Gidion, Mr. Siegvaldo and Mr. Feodora's hemp bags are as pampered as Mr. Gaudino's. "Thank you, Mr. Mkoda." You could have picked up a lot, you guys. I'm going to thank you with a hock-face. "Is that it? Didn't Mr. Mkoda pick it up? You ask me that strangely, Mr. Gidion, who doesn't have anything. "No, that's..." Dora and Sui went inside Ali Tsuka, explaining that she didn't feel comfortable and wasn't about to. "Huh? You're an obedient, aren't you? "That's what obedience is all about." After hearing my explanation, I looked delicate and the “arc” faces are talking shit, but that doesn't apply to us. "Our submissive is like one of us and family! Especially since Sui is still a child." "Oh, yeah..." I wonder why you pull it off when people are theorizing so hard. "Hey, he's back." To Fel's words, I look back and see Ali Tsuka...... He's back! Dora and Sui popped up. "Dora, sweep" I hug Sui and cheek. "I was worried." 'That's right! Souvenirs! What was on the tentacles stretched out to say so was a large beeball large demonic stone and a white sparkling stone with an oval about 5 cm long. "When I defeated a big white ant with me and Sui, I came out." "Right. Thanks, Dora, Sui." Whatever it was, it was me, Dora and Sui, who came back safe and sound.
We stayed in a deep forest stretching across the border between the Holy Kingdom of Lubanov and a small group of nations. Because it was not possible to leave the city of Karelina in the morning and reach the Holy Kingdom of Lubanov that night, but I thought that crushing the Lubanov main mountain at night would result in fewer witnesses. Then the effect is going to be bad. After all, I think this kind of thing can have a tremendous impact with a large number of witnesses. From that, after discussing it with everyone, I decided to stay overnight in this forest and board the Lubanov main mountain the next morning. "If that's what you decide to do, you'll be hungry." "Uhm. Prepare for the big day tomorrow." "Eat and prepare," he said! "Eat lots of sui too" "That's what I'm saying, but it's normal for everyone to eat a lot in case of tomorrow." I feel like I'm eating every meal and wandering. Besides... "You're going to eat tomorrow's breakfast hungry anyway, aren't you? "Take what for granted" "Naturally." "Tomorrow morning is tomorrow morning." "I'll have it all tomorrow." You're all too clean. [M] Sometimes you can shy away from me. Is it impossible for a eater (...) cartel? I will prepare dinner with a bitter laugh at that. That said, I've been making it out of carailina, so I'm just gonna get it out of the item box. There can't be anything Fells can do about this. But for the show, we're supposed to have everyone hit a little play. The role of Fell and Grandpa Gong, who can speak humanities, is particularly important. So I've been making this for Gen. "Yes, cutlet bowl" When I put the extra large bowl of cutlets served on a deep plate dedicated to the Fells in front of everyone, I'm caught up in the momentum just waiting. I knew this would be it when it came to battle rice. "Lord, this bowl of cutlets is delicious too! Grandpa Gong eats a bowl of guts and cutlets while saying so. That's a bowl of cutlets, is this the first time you've served it to Grandpa Gong? Sweet spicy cracks stained in the clothes of freshly fried tongue cutlets (if you say it accurately because it's oak meat) and fluffy trout eggs wrapping it...... Yeah, it's definitely delicious, isn't it? Ugh, when I watched it, the saliva was overflowing in my mouth. I'll eat too. I put chopsticks on the bowl of cutlets I've been making for me. "Cuttlebowl, I knew it was delicious" After a bite, it was me eating luxuriously to get caught up in it. .................. ...... "Phew. Bowl of cutlets, they were delicious, Lord." 'Mm-hmm. Not bad. But I prefer meat alone. " "Tonkatsu? That's delicious, too." "Sui Ha, I Like Both" I had a bowl of cutlets and finished dinner. Everyone is saying that over a cup of coke. Fell eats just that. What's "I prefer meat alone"? You're ready for tomorrow, because I've been in a hurry many times along the way to get more and more appetizing eater cartels and not enough cutlet bowls that I've made lumps of. "Yes, yes, I have tons of cutlets, too, so I'll get them out tomorrow morning." When I say that, they all look happy. Of course, I'm a quiet, light breakfast menu. Carnivorous meat comes naturally to the eating cartel in the morning, and whatever method of cooking it is, it comes with Don. So even fried food is fine in the morning. I don't know what's going on with everyone's stomach, really. Oh, Sui doesn't have the stomach itself. My stomach is getting upset imagining the pile of tonkatsu that I plan to serve to everyone tomorrow morning. To suppress that, I sipped a sip of black coffee in my favorite mug. Set aside the breakfast thing tomorrow, more than that...... "Fell, Grandpa Gong, you mean you're supposed to be handy tomorrow, or you're gonna be okay with your mouth? During the journey from Karelina to this point, I used the readings to have a scattered meeting with everyone. In terms of performance, the stronger ones are more convincing to come forward, so the main ones are Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dra, and Sui, and I plan to stay down and hide on Grandpa Gong's back. Fell and Grandpa Gong are particularly important places. 'Hum, naturally. I am the family of the goddess of the wind, Nin Lil. Besides, is the god of creation, Demiurgos, the superior god of Ninril? If you do, you can't imitate like applying mud to Mr. Ninryl's face. Leave it to me.' That's what I said and confident Fell. "Don't worry about it. I don't even know how to make it." Grandpa Gong is confident too. "I hope so... Dora and Sui will meet you tomorrow." "Ouch! "Sui, good luck ~" Regardless of Dora and Sui, Fell and Grandpa Gong will be really fine. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ I went into the Holy Kingdom of Lubanov in the morning with a doka of tonkatsu and a ready eater cartel. And finally, the Church of the Lubanov main mountain is in front of us. Honestly, I didn't know where the church was, but Grandpa Gong knew perfectly. He said, "It's going to be a good landmark because it stands out." I got down to the square in front of that prominent church...... I can also tell from the fact that Grandpa Gong, who returned to his original size, was able to get off at his leisure, that there is a considerable size. The building, built to look over the square, was also considerable. I heard Grandpa Gong would stand out... "This is the church? Waiting on Grandpa Gong's back as planned, but the church I saw from there was so big that I wondered if it was a castle. Anyway, it's even bigger than this giant Gong Grandpa. Besides, he built it that seemed like it would cost enough money to know at first sight that he was confined to detail. One window frame is very meticulous, and it is a specification that has truly exhausted luxury. I was flattered by the sumptuousness of the church, but I heard screams and yells from there and returned to me haha. At the same time, I can see the knights coming out of the church in shiny silver armor. "Damn, you filthy demon! Our Sacred Knight (Paladin) squad will succeed! That's what the knight shouted in his luxurious armor. "Disgusting," he said? Turn to me, Fenrir. Smart people, they cut me to pieces. ' Fell, hot. "It's easy to slice. Because they despised the ancient dragon, the Enchanted Dragon. I'll wipe you out without a trace with my braces." Grandpa Gong is hot, too. I sent my readings in a hurry to Fell and Grandpa Gong, who were still going to attack me. "Fe, Fe ~, enjoy! Yesterday, you told me to leave it to you! "Mmm, but be" "So is Grandpa Gong! You said you didn't even have a makeover! 'That's...' "Please, you're going to freak out. Besides, Master Demiurgos is here! Even though Master Demiurgos is the liver of this mission, if he has seizures and attacks, he will have no ex or child. "Do what Fell and Grandpa Gong are supposed to do! "What are you guys doing when we have a scattered meeting? No, you can't." "Uncle Fell and Grandpa Gong, no!" "Gu......" Tell me all that confident stuff. Honestly, no. Tell me more about Dra and Sui. "Anyway, say what Fell and Grandpa Gong have planned! If you don't do it right, we may not have dinner this evening! "Wow, okay." "Ugh, um." Maybe not for dinner. Did the statement work? Looks like both Fell and Grandpa Gong decided to get back on track and get things going as originally planned. "I am Fenrir, the family of the goddess of wind, Lady Ninrir. I have come to this land by the divinity of Demiurgos, Lord Ninril's superior god of creation." "The ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon), who has seen this world since ancient times, came to the land by the divine trust of the Creator, Demiurgos." "'O men, listen to the voice of the god of creation, Demiurgos'" Fell and Grandpa Gong just finished their mouths...... "Dear Demiurgos, please! I sent a thought reader, Demiurgos, to baton touch.
.................. In front of me, Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sweet seemed uncomfortably lined up. Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Swe quickly defeated the three long-necked dinosaurs in the meadow with their overwhelming combined strength. That's still good. No, it may not be good, but it can't be helped because it attacked me. However, after that, Fel said, "Among the monsters here, this guy's meat tastes so-so." After that, Grandpa Gong also said, "Hmm.The meat is a little hard, but the taste is not bad. " When that happened, everyone naturally said, "Let's hunt more!It became a story. " Everyone is in a state of cumming because of the high tension. It was a big figure, so I found it immediately, and I was about to stop it and resume hunting. The cannibal Cartes instantly took down four more. "What are you going to do with seven big guys like this?"The taste is not bad, but the meat is hard, right? " While saying that, I tried to appraise the long-necked dinosaur by saying, "I haven't appraised it yet." [Super Saurus] An endemic species of the planet, created to mimic the dinosaurs of the planet Earth.Fierce carnivorous. Has the strongest epidermis on the planet.Holds a long, powerful neck, specializing in attacks that neck and strike prey.It was the strongest on the planet. It was an extinct species. and came out. I got in touch with Mr. Demiurgos, so I came out with a lot of details. As I read with Humph, I proceeded to read, "Why don't you?It was. " "Was it the strongest"? It's a thing of the past. And finally, it's an "extinct species", an "extinct species". The moment has come to a halt. I mean, I've been watching you move. It's an “extinct species”. I don't like the answer that comes from that word. "Do you know why you're angry?" I know why you're angry, but I don't know why Dora and Sweet are so angry, but Fel and Grandpa Gong know exactly what they're doing. "You know Fel can do an appraisal."You know what Grandpa Gong means, don't you? " No, that's right. You don't seem to understand, so you should properly teach Dora to Sweet When I told Fel and Grandpa Gong that, they turned their eyes away. What's going on? ”I'm mad at you, Uncle Fel. Tell me, Grandpa Gong ~” {That's right......} Fel and Grandpa Gong did not speak clearly. "This long necked dinosaur, they've all gone extinct." ... what about you? What? Dora-chan and Sweetheart weren't quite familiar with the word "extinction" yet. "That's why I made it extinct!"There are no more seeds of this kind!I don't know about Sweet Sweet, but what if all the same slimes as Sweet Sweet Sweet are gone from this world?That means the swirls will be gone too, right? " Noooo ~ "But this dinosaur is gone."Everyone knocked it down. " These dinosaurs seem to be endemic to this land and do not live anywhere else. The long dinosaur "Super Saurus" who had just defeated his neck said that there were only seven dinosaurs that had been defeated by everyone. "Damn, it's extinct, extinct!" There were many problems in the original world. The extinction of species is a problem for the environment and ecosystems. In the first place, if this "Super Saurus" was the strongest species here, it means that even now the land where the carnivorous dinosaurs sting will become even more chaos. Well, you guys are always overdoing it! Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Swe who told me that I was really angry and never chubbed. "Do you know the word 'enough'?Everything is so good.And yet, you guys are going too far! " ”No, no, I think I just overdid it.But at that time, it was either momentum or exasperation......} "Um, um. I was wondering if I had done too much."But the blood is making a scene. " I'm sorry, I was going to hunt like I always do.I didn't think it was going to be extinct...... ” I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Do you reflect a little on what I said so strongly, Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, Sweetheart? "Normally, Fel and Grandpa Gong are elderly, so think about that a little bit more."Not to mention, I have a lot of skills and I know a lot of things. " Fel could do an appraisal, and I was good at spotting signs. Grandpa Gong could fly in the sky, so he knew what was going on around him. He might not be as good as Fel, but he was able to do more than enough. "More than that, it's a fundamental matter in the first place..." "Fenrir and the Ancient Dragon (Ancient Dragon) are said to be the strongest species, so you can't do them with all your might." No, I'm not doing everything I can. Shut up! When I say that, Fel and Grandpa Gong shut up. "You're obviously overdoing it because you've exterminated one species for not doing everything in your power!"I guess that's why being a strong man is so important.Please take care of yourself on the spot. " I don't know if there's a lot of blood, but when the tension goes up, I'll fuck it up ~, neither Fel nor Grandpa Gong. "Dora-chan, Sweetie, this time Fel and Grandpa Gong are bad adult models."You can't imitate it. " I don't think I can hear Dora-chan's words, "No, I'm an adult..." "Fel and Grandpa Gong are grown-ups, so I want you to act calmly."Most of the time..... " Fel's behavior, which he hates too much from time to time, has a little bit of anger, and there's a lot of whispering. Yes, I've been making a lot of noise! "What the hell is that?!" The other way around, Fel! Lord, I know you've done something wrong, but I don't think you'll be able to get it back. Grandpa Gong has reopened?! Fel's and Grandpa Gong's sharp face returned to the usual muddled face. "Fel and Grandpa Gong were both listening to people?!"...... That's pretty much it....." and once again preached, but this time in the style of a strong wind blowing somewhere. The fallen "Super Saurus" entered my eyes and became empty. "Ah, that's enough." Anyway, this "Super Saurus" doesn't come back to life, and the fact that it was extinct doesn't change..... " Fel and Grandpa Gong also said, "Is it over at last?" But it's not over. "I'll make sure everyone gets punished properly." What, what?! By the way, what is punishment?! Punishment?! Batu ~? "Well, let's go home anyway." I'm going back to the capital. " The super-saurus, the strongest on the planet, was extinct, but it was originally a chaotic place eaten by carnivorous dinosaurs, so yes, it's going to be fine. I'm sure it'll be okay... maybe. With that in mind, we retrieved the "Super Saurus", and our party returned to the capital. ◇◇◇◇◇ When Grandpa Gong landed in front of the back gate opposite the main gate of the King's City, just like when he left... In front of the gate, there was a guildmaster who stood with his arms crossed. I saw Grandpa Gong's figure, and I guess he was waiting for me. What do we do? While trying not to make eye contact with the Guildmaster, he said, "I'm back." “You know why I'm here, right?” I'm scared of your voice. Um, I'm sorry. "I told you, didn't I?" I want you to report it properly. " “I'm really sorry!” I'm really sorry. Even though Fel and the others rushed me, I really didn't want to leave without a report. But this time I have a souvenir. "Well, this hunting ground looks like a special place, so I have a souvenir."I don't think it's a bad idea for the Adventurer's Guild..... " I talked about it while gazing at the state of my fierce guildmaster. It's a souvenir? "Yes. Um, the place we went this time......" I explained to the guildmaster the place of the caldera we went to, the inside of it, and the presence of various dinosaurs. Then, for some reason, the guildmaster's face will faint. "You're doing it again, huh?" Crawling through the earth, he said so in a loud voice, shaking his shoulders. "If you listen carefully..." "It's a story that children read, and it's called the" Hayden Adventure. "It's a popular story for children in an environment where they can read this book, alongside heroes.It's a story I know because I can read to children who can learn to write in church.What you just told me matches the plants and monsters that appear in that story."Hayden Adventure" is not sure when it was written, but it was thought that it was a dream story written by people.Until now! " I thought it was a place where there weren't many people in it, but it's a dream story... I have a feeling it might be confusing. If it's a land that no one has ever entered, I still feel convinced by a creature that no one has ever seen, but if the imaginary creature that appears in the story comes out in real life... I imagined it and trembled. "I'll make sure to check the real thing."And I'm going to have to turn to my superiors for judgment.I'll have you explain it to the Adventurer's Guild from now on, including that area. " "Haa..." It was me who was taken to the Royal Capital Adventurer's Guild without saying whether I was a sinner or not. Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, Sweetheart are following me with a dazzling face... Even though it's you guys that caused it.
And then I need to ask you that. "Excuse me, I need to ask you guys something." ............ Is that it? I'm not responding. "Uh, I need to ask you something." ............ What, if I got the goods, they just disappeared? I don't think so. "Hey, guys! "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was obsessed with the booze that came." "Oh, so am I." So the only ones who responded were Master Hephaestus and Master Vahagn? What about the goddesses? "If they had, they would have just returned to their own palace with what your Lord had sent them." ............... Hey, no, no, no. "What do you want to hear? Once we forget about those goddesses of waste, let's ask Master Hephaestus and Master Vahagn. "Oh, you know we're going to the Avling dungeon, right? So I was hoping to ask you about that Aveling dungeon." 'Oh, you mean that. Then the Lord will know better, of the gods of war' "Oh. The Aveling dungeon..." Master Vahagn's story says there are currently tiers of Aveling dungeons. When I listen, unlike Doran, there is no field-shaped hierarchy, like a classic dungeon surrounded by stone walls on all sides. He's been stepped on once nearly 200 years ago, but he hasn't been Fang since. "It's a little less challenging than a dungeon in a drain, and there are a lot of magic items that come out of a drop item crate, but there's a lot of them in that hierarchy." What, that deep hierarchy? 'Oh, is that it? It's gonna break my bones to deal with that one. " So, what is that? "That one's undead. The Aveling dungeon, there's definitely about three layers of undead hierarchy by the bottom." "Physical attacks don't work on undead, and if they're magic, they only work on high-fired fire magic or holy magic." What, what about that? Sacred magic, I'm sure Fell didn't have it. There was such a thing as sacred magic, but I guess not. 'Oh, it's nothing. Holy magic is a gift you were born with. The only thing left to know is if you're a virgin or a brave man from another world. They're invincible against the undead. " Oh, really? So in our case, do we have to fight it with high-powered fire magic? "Baka, try such high-powered fire magic in the aisle of the dungeon, you'll be full of fire yourself." Guh, sure. "That's the way humans take it, the way they give weapons a mark in the church called the Holy Mark. Undead attacked with holy marked weapons will vanish ' Whoa, holy seal. I have to get to church as soon as I get to Aveling. 'Well, wait. I have a lot of problems with that holy mark, too. First, an attack about ten times against the undead with a weapon bearing the Holy Mark will expire. So the other one costs a lot of money to get the Holy Mark awarded. The church guys seem to be setting a very high price here. " What is it? That's why I hate religion. "Whose faithful are those churches? "You're not one of us. It's a church called Lubanov built by humans on their own. The sacred power of Lubanov manages to complain, but the Holy Mark was also brought back from the dungeon some hundred years ago. Nah, of the Blacksmith God ' 'Mm-hmm. That was definitely in the dungeon of the Marvel kingdom that we call it now. The real thing is on Lubanov's main mountain, and what's in Aveling is replication. That's why it's only halfway through. " I see. Wasn't Rubanovism certainly a religion believed in a nation of supremacy, such as the Holy Kingdom of Rubanov? I hear people who don't believe in Lubanov are destined to perish and persecute them by saying that beasts, elves and dwarves who believe in their own gods are evil. Why is such a religion coming into this relatively free country without discrimination? 'It's because you're free. The Lubanovs have come to the kingdom of Leonhardt with you for the purpose of increasing their followers. " Well, I guess so, but obviously doctrine is unacceptable in this country. You don't even speak of racial supremacy in this country where all races live free. 'The people of this country are not stupid either. There aren't many people who would be a follower of Ethereal religion like that. If the people need healing magic the most, they'll be in the temple where the followers of Noah do it. " 'Oh. Using that church is like being an adventurer with a holy seal. It's all about paying for it. " I'm glad you don't have more followers of Lubanov's ridiculous religion. But I'd rather not go to church if I heard a lot about it. I don't like being a little bit involved with that Lubanov thing in itself. "I know. You don't have to go there. 'Cause we're attached.' Oh, I just have the impression that I'm a liquor lover and I just tend to forget that every two of them are gods, right? 'Lord...... So, what are you going to do with God of War? "This is where you put your sacred magic skills on this guy, and you'll solve everything." 'No, you can't do that. If you do that, whatever it takes, God of Creation will find out. " "Oh, yeah? 'I don't know. Wow. Holy magic skills are not as good as the Virgin or a brave man from another world. As soon as you put that on, you'll find out. " "So what do we do? "What can I do? This guy has the protection of the goddesses, and he has the absolute defense. Isn't that enough? You can't defeat the undead, but with all this, you'll die soon enough. ' 'Then no. We have to get him to step through the Aveling dungeon in order to improve his ranks.' "No, well, there it is." 'Tell you what, this is an investment. Invest. Think about it, blacksmith's. What would his level be if he stepped through the Aveling dungeon? Besides, what's the level if you knock down the undead? "You can expect quite a bit. You might be able to target the next tenant, as well as that next tenant. ' "That's what I'm talking about." ............... they say whatever you want. "But I think the skills of Holy Magic are just as bad. Hmmm.................. well, god of war, how about this? I make these things a little bit so that when I press them with magic in them, they will be engraved. If you ask me, it's not a powerful version of the Holy Mark of that church." 'Whoa, that's a good idea. We can make it easy, and instead of giving it direct divine power, it's the Lord who makes it, so we don't have to worry about finding out. " "Gahahahahaha, it's perfect" "Ahahahahahaha, that's perfect." I'm laughing, dude... "Well, I'll make it a little bit." Wait five minutes. 'Okay, how about this? 'Isn't that nice? Then I can put in the divine power.... That's it' What do you want? Something just happened outside the mosquito net. 'Hey, otherworlds. I'm going to send you what Nong and the others made. " Shortly after Lord Hephaestus said so, the cardboard altar that was left intact glowed out. When the light subsided, there was a silver elongated thing placed there. What is this...? If you look closely, it's like a stamp with a long pattern. Um, that's the one I've seen in a movie or something. The one that seals it with wax and engraves it on that wax. Looks just like that one. But the engraved part isn't in anything... 'That's... no, you didn't decide on a name. Well, let's call it a holy engraving. I don't care if it's on a weapon with its holy engraving, but if you press the engraving, the undead attacked with its engraved weapon will disappear. It's like the Holy Mark of the Church we just talked about.' "Though it is not the same digit as a fig like the Holy Mark of the Church. Once pressed, you'll have an entire day. Normally, I don't see the engraving part, but if you press it with magic, the holy engraving made of magic will be pressed. Unlike church figs, weapons don't hurt." Wow, that's pretty amazing. Can I have this? 'That's fine because I did that to you. Besides, I gave it to you on purpose, so hang in there.' 'Bye. Your lord told you not to mention the level, but you did it, so at least the next tenant will be liberated. " Ugh... pressure. But with this, I'm not afraid of the undead either. I think I can hang in there a little bit. "When I get thankful. I don't know about Aveling dungeons until I dive in, but I'll hang in there." "Um, don't hang in there with that intent." "I hope so." 'All right, whiskey. of the god of war' 'Whoa, we'll have a drink till this morning. of the Blacksmith God' "Phew, looks like you went. And I'm tired." I'm glad I got the info on Aveling's dungeon, but I got this. I'll try to appraise it. [Holy engraving of God...... magic item made by Hephaestus the blacksmith god and Vahagn the god of war himself. The undead vanishes when attacked with this engraved press. Now, is it amazing what a magic item God made himself? No, I got it normal. Ma, Ma, well, you always contribute booze, and you're okay. Yeah, safe. Or I hope the liquor store leaves at the next tenant. Otherwise, that liquor-loving combination is about to burst out. Ha, I feel like I've been put on it, but I need to hang in there so I can get to at least level 40 anyway. Will you be leveling in the Aveling dungeon?
"So, Goddesses, I'm going to ask you about hope. As usual, first of all, is Lady Nin Lil? 'That's right. From the concubine. The hope of a concubine is naturally the cake of three families. " Yes, yes, I know. I opened a menu of three houses in an online supermarket. "What do you want? 'Um, I want one round and big. That's good. You can enjoy the cake as much as you want. " You must be gutting the hall cake by yourself. Lady Ninryl, are you getting fat? It's about me for now, so you can manage the area yourself. "That's a hall cake. Which would you prefer? 'Um, I don't know which one... Okay, I've made up my mind! It's got lots of red and purple fruit on it. " Uh, this one. It's a hall cake with strawberries and blueberries. Dear Nin Lil, I put that hall cake in my cart that I wanted. "And then I want a lot of things." A lot other than a hall cake, or a shortcake if you do. Opened a menu of shortcakes. "Oh, it looks like there are new products out there, too. Milk, chocolate, raw cake, chocolate, milfeuille, and then a giant peak of rare cheesecake." "Noooo, and a new product! That's what I want! Heck, you're getting a new product. "Is it okay to choose the rest appropriately? "Uhm. Oh, more baking. And the last bag of sweets was just a little snack, I'll ask for that, too." More baked and bagged confectionery. I chose the shortcake appropriately, and then I bought a bundle of Baumkuchen and Scotch cake with five of each of the four kinds of Normal Mushroom, Kokura and Chestnut, and then a bag of confectionery. All right, now Master Ninryl's share is OK. "As usual, Mr. Kishahr is next." "Yeah, it's me. I thought there was a drugstore. I'm really disappointed." No, you can even tell me that... 'Well, you can't help all this. This time, I'd like to ask for three different sets of shampoos and treatments. My hair is long and a lot, so I've been using it a lot, and I'm starting to get low on what I asked for before. So, I'd like to try a lot of things, so I'd like something different.' I see. Is it a different product than before? You did say that Master Kishahr was concerned about the tightness of her hair and the lack of cohesion. When that happens, I guess it's a moist shampoo and treatment. I opted for a moist shampoo and treatment while watching the screen of the online supermarket. "What about this? It's a moist type of shampoo and treatment, and it smells like flowers called jasmine, but it smells like elegant flowers... In the world I was in, it's used for tea, so I don't think many people like this scent." "It smells like elegant flowers. All right, that's it. One, please. ' I put jasmine scented shampoo and treatment in my cart. "The rest is also a moist type of shampoo and treatment, with a berry floral aroma... er, it seems to mean a combination of sweet fruit and floral aromas" "Smells like sweet fruit and flowers. They're both my favorite scents, and I'd love to use them. ' Yes, buy this too. "And then, how about this? It's only a little more expensive than the previous two, but the scent of a luxurious rose, which is also a floral scent, explains that it leads to moisturizing hair." 'Hair moisturizing to the tip of the hair...... nice. I will.' Buy this as well. "What do you do with the rest? I have a little over three pieces of silver left." 'I wonder what it would be like. In the meantime, I asked for a lot of things to put on my face...' No, you even bought a pack of lotion and cream and facial cleanser last time. When it comes to skincare products, what about body care products? "Then how about a body soap to wash your body? Unlike soap, it's liquid, but it's a softer wash than soap." 'Oh, some of that stuff. Soap would be nice, but there was something partially crusty about it, wasn't there? It's called body soap, so I was wondering if you could pick a few things to show me.' If you're going to make a cassava, I'd prefer a moisturizer wash among the body soaps. Um, okay. I guess these three are good. "I've chosen about three, but the first one is this body soap with honey and a moisturizing wash, and the second one looks like a new product, but the moisturizing ingredients stay on my skin without being washed away. The third one looks like it's a moist wash with oil in it." The three body soaps selected will be described to Kishahr-like while showing the screen. "I don't know which one, we all look good ~" "Then why don't we have three just like the shampoo and the treatment? Each scent is different, and I think you should try using something different every day." 'That's true. I'd like to try it all, and that's ant too. So, please.' Yes, yes, buy three ~. "It's about one more piece of silver, what do you want to do? 'That's about it, isn't it any good? Then...... "It's a moisturizing cream to put on after you wash your body, it's called body cream, how about that? "You moisturize your body, there's such a thing. So, please. I was wondering if you could pick a good one. ' It's up to you again. Well, it's from another world, and you won't be able to read the letters, so can you? Um, which one do you want...... "What about this? It contains vegetable fat called shea butter, which seems to moisturize your skin." 'So, please. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu You seem satisfied. Now Master Kishahr is done. "Mr. Agni is next." "Oops. I'm a beer, as usual. I'd love to have some easy knobs, but this one can be really easy. I have to. Beer's a priority anyway. ' Master Agni is totally into beer. Beer, it's delicious. Beer from work and bath is extraordinary again. "When you do, I think you should be in the case, like before, but with a budget of one gold coin, you can buy two cases. Or should I choose a couple of other six-pack things as one case? 'Right, I don't know what to do... Um, I figured we'd better have some kind of' "Okay. What would you like with a case? "I like the usual blue and gold ones. That's really delicious' Blue and gold would be the premium beer of company S. No, wait, is that the premier beer from Company A I've been giving you a couple of times lately? I asked him if it would be quicker for him to look at the screen of the online supermarket. "This way? Or is it this way? "Ah, you're the first one." What Lady Agni wanted was a premium beer from Company S. Quickly buy a case of premium beer from Company S. "Do you have a beer of hope for the rest? 'And then I prefer..., that's the golden one. I'll leave the rest to you.' A golden one is a Y-bis beer. I mean, I'll take care of the rest..., but there's a limited edition of Y-bis beer out there as well. It says rich and mellow taste in a red can, let's make this one. Plus, I like the beer we've had for a long time from company S. For the rest, Company A's clutter-free, clear flavor made it a limited edition product of the third beer sold (the mellow richness and gorgeous fragrance seem to sell). I bought six packs each. The balance is about one piece of silver coin, so I figured this would be the easy one to buy. I did not hesitate to add a few potato seeds and persimmon seeds to my cart with regular ones and wasabi flavored ones. Phew, now Master Agni is done. "Mr. Luca is next." "... cake and ice cream" Is it cake and ice cream again? You like sweets, but you really like ice cream. "I mean with cake and ice cream, do you like a different flavor as before? "I definitely want white ice cake. Because the rest is different. ' Do you absolutely want ice cake, okay? I added the desired vanilla ice cake to my cart. The rest is a different flavor, so the shortcake is milk chocolate raw cake and chocolate milfeuille, which was also chosen by Mr. Ninril, and then the giant peak rare cheesecake, as to buy, what more do you want... "It's a cake, but it comes in the same thing as last time, okay? Every time you cake, you really wear it. "Fine, because it's delicious no matter how many times you eat it" If that's the case, I put it in the cart from the top of the shortcake menu in order. Ice cream at the end. Oh, you have shoe ice cream. I bought all types of cup ice cream, including this one. All right, now Master Luca's share is OK. 'Okay, it's over. Now it's our turn! "Oops. Let me make a good choice ~" There are voices of Hephaestus and Vahagn, who have liquor stores in their tenants and stick them out. "Wait a minute - it is! The concubines can't hang out with the Lord who chooses to drink! Hey, Lord, make an offering to the concubines first! Nin Lil is right. I'm so sorry to wait for you guys to finish choosing booze. Crossworlder Kung, send us ours first. 'Cause I want to try today's shampoo, treatments, body soap and body cream fast.' 'Yes, they do! I'd like a beer soon, too. Crossworlds, just send us ahead. You're not gonna let these guys take their time choosing after that.' "Cake and Ice Cream, Quick" Can't you help the goddesses say this? If I was dating a liquor lover combo, it would be so late... "Dear Hephaestus, Vahagn, can I just send you the Goddesses' share first? 'Well, that's good.' Cause even if you're here, you're just loud. ' "Oh. If I get a boo-boo complain here, I can't take my time picking it out." That's what I'm talking about, so I'm going to settle the goddesses' share first. All right, then put each of them on the cardboard altar... "Dear goddesses, please take it." With that said, what was on the cardboard altar disappeared. After hearing the tall voice cheers of the goddesses, I heard a doozy running away footsteps. Looks like you just walked away with your stuff. It's not over yet, is it? There were two troublesome people left. 'Well, let me take a closer look. of the god of war. " "Ooh, let me take a closer look, Blacksmith's" Phew, it's going to be a long night...
When I left King's City on Fel's back.... All right, now it's your turn. Uh-huh, let's all get in the boat. Transfer from Fell to Grandpa Gong in the meadow just outside the gates of King's Landing. Dora-chan and Sui are joyfully embarking. "Whoa, whoa, where are you going with Grandpa Gong?!" "It's not good!" Aruji, hurry up! That's right, you better get in. Dora-chan, who got in first, was pushed by Sui. "Just get in the car." You can poke me in the face with my collar. What the hell, me! It's the same as before. Okay, everybody's on board. Please, Grandpa Gong. Hmm. Would it be better if we started here? "Where is it?! Not far away!" Nh, not far, my lord. "It's not far, but it's probably far from where I'm going to take Grandpa Gong!" "Shut your mouth for a second." Fel's big meatballs covered my mouth or face. "Nhh!!! Mogomogooo" He banged on Fel's front leg covering my face. Hey, Fel, isn't that what you're suffering from? That's Dora's voice. That's right! Fell's meatballs are blocking my nose and mouth! Dora was right, and I hit Fell on the front leg even more. Nh, I see. And finally, the front leg of the fel came off. "Zeh-ha, zeh-ha. Fel, you're killing me!" Don't be angry, it's just a mistake. "What's wrong with you!" Aruji, are you okay ~? "Sui is the only one who's worried about me ~" While saying that, I hugged the swiss and tingled. Gong, let's go. Mmm "Hey, we're still in the middle of something!" So where are you going?! ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Riding on Grandpa Gong's back is less than an hour. He stepped off the back of the landing grandfather Gong and landed on the ground. It was a desolate land of dry soil and thick rocks. ............ "Where are we?" A cold wind passed between the view and us, as if to match my words. I tremble at the chills I never felt in the city of King's Landing. Samu I took the hoodie I bought from the online supermarket out of the item box and hurried it in. Hey, Grandpa Gong, not this guy, but where is this place? The hunting pit ~? Is there a prey here? That's what I'm talking about.I was angry with the dragon even though it wasn't a dragon, so I tried to hunt it down and extinct it, but the meat was unexpectedly delicious... " Do you remember the taste of meat? Grandpa Gong's eyes have become thinner. I stopped hunting them all, so they should still be alive. Because the meat was unexpectedly delicious, I stopped hunting it all out... "Seared meat in adjusted dragon bracelets is delicious again." That's what Grandpa Gong said. "Grandpa Gong, saliva" After listening to Grandpa Gong's story, Fel, who had a difficult face, raised his face as if he remembered something. Even though it's not a dragon, it's called a dragon, and the meat is unexpectedly delicious, isn't it! Dragon turtle! Dragon Turtle True? Fel's words coincided with the voice of Dora and Sui. Dragon turtles are turtle monsters by name? Following Fel's nod, Grandpa Gong tells me about the Dragon Turtle. It's attached to a dragon, but unlike a dragon or a dragon, it's completely different from a dragon. Grandpa Gong said, "With sharp teeth like a dragon and a tough jaw, it's just a turtle spitting out the fire of a dragon brace." In addition, he said, "The movement is extremely dull, and of course the strength is not even at the foot of the real dragon." Then Fell said, "But he's got hard skin.Kola is harder than that and it's a little embarrassing, "said Grandpa Gong. Fell said, "Even I couldn't shatter that armor with a single attack," and Grandpa Gong said, "It would be troublesome to be pulled into that armor.That armor is hard and magically resistant.If we try to defeat something other than magic, we can't defeat it without repeated attacks. " Eh, isn't that so strong? I can't believe that strong men like Fel and Grandpa Gong can't defeat us without attacking us several times. "Huh ~, a hard turtle recognized by Fell and Gong.It seems worthy of defeat! It's melting like a swimming buzz ~ Knowing that Dragon Turtle is the owner of a hard armor that Fell and Grandpa Gong also admit, Dragon Turtle is suddenly motivated by Russia. But it's magically resistant. It doesn't seem to go well with me who's good at magic. It certainly doesn't go well with the magic specialist Dora. ... yes! Swiss, let's fight together and defeat the Dragon Turtle! Is that it? Sure enough, Dragon Turtle and Sui's powerful tag will beat the dragon turtle without a problem. What do you say, Swiss? Dora-chan told me that, but it's just a swim that jumps. Where is he? Hmm, what do you mean, "today”? The faint voice of the swiss echoed and I was unexpectedly thrilled. Both Fell and Grandpa Gong suggested Dora laugh bitterly. Well, the word "fight” was hard for Sui. "Fighting together” means fighting together.Defeat the Dragon Turtle with me and the Swiss. How about that? Hmm, that's good! Welcome! Then let's find that dragon turtle quickly! That's what Dora says. Hmm. Then I've detected his whereabouts.Let's go from nearby first.Lord and Swiss, get on my back. " Oops, I see. Swiss climbed to Fell's back. Dora, let's fly away. Oh. A few minutes on Fel's back. What I saw before I got there was a giant mountain with a thick feel. "This is the Dragon Turtle." ............ I could see it from afar. I thought it was a rocky mountain. However, if you look closely, you can see the crunchy pattern of the armor like a liquor turtle. That's fine, but it doesn't matter... It's a little tall, but it's about meters from end to end. Hmm. Well, it's not that big. It looks like you picked up our signs and quickly pulled your head and limbs into the armor. No, no, no, no, no. Fell and Grandpa Gong are saying that, but you're the owner of a crusty, hard armor on top of this size, right? How the hell do you hunt like this? With that in mind, I looked up at a giant dragon turtle protected by a hard armor.
We are now coming to the western meadows, where Wyburn has raided and turned into a super dangerous zone. I really didn't want to come. No, I really, really didn't want to come. "Humph, is that it? After flying away with our faces. ' One, two, three, four... twelve Wyburns in all? No, that's a lot bigger. When you see him flying, he looks more like the dinosaur Pteranodon you saw in the movie than Wyburn. Fell, are you sure you're okay? "Gah, gah, gah" Knock, that's a dirty squeal. What, that? Wyburn, are you coming this way? Have you noticed? "What? Are they after you? What are you gonna do?! 'Don't wander. It's okay because there's a bond. " "Yes, no, that being said..." Are you going to fight that? So Sui jumped out of his bag. "Oh, Sue, you can't leave" "Yes, Sui." "Big ones are flying." "I'll teach you how to hunt the flying prey. Follow me. ' "What? Yes, are you going? I don't know, teach Sui something weird." 'The Lord wait here. Sui, let's go.' "Yes." "Oh, wait." Without even listening to me, Fell took Suey to Wyburn. Wyburns gliding through the low skies after us. It's going to hit me now. "Damn, I said listen to people." Fell and Suey are about meters away, directly beneath Wyburn. 'Look, sui. If you are targeting a flying prey, first aim for the head or wings. If the head is hit, it is instant death, but it may come off because of its small purpose. In that case, aim for the wings. Most things fall if you damage the wings. Hunt where you fell. " I guess I switched to reading, Fell's voice echoing in my head. 'I get it. Your head or your wings. Sui, I'll try' Oh, come on, I'll try, what's Suey going to do? Hmm? Is that a tentacle? Something like an elongated stick was sticking out of Sui's body towards Wyburn. "Gah, gah! One of the flying Wyburns crashed. "Ah, it's off. I was after your head. ' Su, sui, you jumped an acid bullet from that tentacle? Sniper Cut?! 'I told you earlier. The head may be removed because it is small in purpose. But it seemed like a pretty good hit. That Wyburn seems to be hitting the base of the wing too, so I can't fly anymore' "Wow, praised ~. Hit it more and more. Yikes, Yikes, Yikes." Suey's got acid bullets in him, and he's shooting down more and more Wyburn. "You can't just let Sui take the bait. I'll do it, too. ' When Fell said so, a few volleyball large stones flew away, shooting down three Wyburns at the same time. ...... what are these two. I thought Fell and Suey were strong, but seeing as how easy it is to shoot down flying demons, it feels like you can do something about it. "Okay, you shot it all off." 'If you do, I'll finish these things off, but these meats are delicious. So I want to make sure I don't scratch too much. The best thing to do in that case is to chop off your neck. Like this.' Spa, golori...... I guess Fell used wind magic. Wyburn's neck is spat-amputated and his head rolls. ............... Fe, Mr. Fell or, suddenly, you're a neck pussy. 'Okay. Sui will try like Uncle Fell' "These guys have a little bit of magic resistance, so if you cut them off with magic, you can use a little more magic." With that said, Sui approached Wyburn and cut off his spa's neck. You used a water cutter? "Yay! Done." 'Mm-hmm. That was pretty good. You got the hang of it. Sue, we're cutting it off.' Two people cut off Wyburn's neck one after the other. Chew, you have no hesitation. I don't know, my suitan doesn't feel like it's getting felted... If we keep this up, they're gonna tell us about the legendary slime or something? Yes, no, no, no, no, no, that's not true, never. He's always been a cute swimmer. "Gahhhhhhh" A gust of wind blew with a loud chirping. Gee...... There was a Wyburn coming down in front of me. Looks like Wyburn had 3, not 12. Me, maybe, dead? "Gah, gah, gah! Wyburn in front of me, who killed my people, is so angry. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Fell, do something!!! Katsung, Katsung, Katsung, Katsung, Katsung. He pokes me over and over again trying to attack me with a poisonous needle in my tail. But I had managed to help, thanks to Fell's obstruction of the tense junction. Katsung, Katsung, Katsung, Katsung, Katsung. I can pull my back on Wyburn shaking up the poison needle without giving up again and again. "There was still one left, or die." Zach. Suddenly Wyburn's head blew up in front of him. Pew Pew blood is erupting from his neck where his head was cut off. Dosung. Wyburn's giant collapsed to the side. "Uncle Wafer is finally here." Shagu Sui is jumping pompous. "Yay, thanks..............." 'Damn, the Lord is loud. The attack on Wyburn will never happen to me. " "Wah, when Wyburn... ha. I'd be scared if they came in such a giant and attacked me with poison needles." I'm sorry to be here with you. 'I was hoping because it was a Wyburn herd, but it seemed like a handful of herds. Sui was there, and it wasn't a movement called exercise.' Twelve. Thirteen herds, a handful... I don't know the bottom of Fell's strength at all. "Well, shall we retrieve Wyburn and go home" 'No, I'm not leaving yet. After dinner. " "I'm hungry too, so I want to have dinner." ... That's what happens at the end, huh. Well, it's like they brought you here for dinner. I can't help it, will you make it?
For some reason, it was decided to go to the dungeon with the face of the Ark. Huh, why is this already happening? We're heading to the house we're renting in this city for a row and an "arc" face. Except for me, it looks fun and exciting. Mr. Gaudino, I was in a mood for Fell, but at some point I'm getting along with Grandpa Gong, who said 'I don't care' or something. Plus, it doesn't make sense that Dora and Sui are getting along pretty well, which shouldn't make sense. Is a common topic dungeon supposed to get you that far? I mean, I was supposed to be able to stay at the house sometime with the "arc" face. As soon as Fell's done with me, he's headed to the dungeon, so he's decided to come home or something. Mr. Gaudino and the others are willing to follow in the dungeon, so I'm not saying no. When that story came out in the Adventurer's Guild, Mr. Feodora for dinner was sticking up his fist. I said I could stay in the house when I came to the city of Carolina. I can't tell you I can't stay in the house I owe you in this city. Damn, why is this happening ~? You went to the dungeon in the first place. Brixt to Dolan, Aveling, Meat Dungeon. Besides, we're all treading on it. Though it will be enough. And yet I can't believe it's another dungeon...... Except for me. I'm so excited to go. I feel like I don't care anymore. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Damn it, we all care..." Now preparing dinner with crocodile meat in the kitchen. As soon as I got home, Fell said, 'Okay, it's rice. I'll eat crocodile meat for the economy. " The economy and everything, I would have eaten crocodile meat from the beginning. Besides, Fell looks great in the face of "Ark" and says, "I'll feed you guys too." Mr. Gaudino and Mr. Gidion are going to say whether Nori is good or not, "I'm going to be gothic" for that. Mr. Seagvald also smiled at his stern face and said, "Wow, that's a treat," and Mr. Feodora was such a small leap. Grandpa Gong says, "Don't eat the Lord's rice." I mean, Grandpa Gong has been eating my rice bumps since the beginning, but hey. Only Dora and Sui said, "What kind of crocodile meat tastes like? '" Looking forward to it. "I exchanged it and it made me dust. Well, I had to make dinner anyway, so I went straight to the kitchen. You'd be thrilled to talk about the dungeon. Sometimes I've been running away from everyone. Damn, why does everyone like dungeons so much? I know you're a big shot, but I have no idea what it's like to want to go to a dungeon until you take the risk. Leave that aside and everyone will cook the crocodile meat dish you want. That's a taste first. What does the Tyrant Black Alligator taste like...... I hear crocodile meat resembles chicken, but what about it, actually? I lightly salted pepper, cooked it and tried it. I haven't hesitated any more since I've eaten snakes (or demons that aren't in the other world in the first place). So, Pacri. "Hmm...... That sure tastes like chicken. It also looks like a white fish, and whatever it is, it has a pale taste that doesn't suck." There are “arc” faces, and orthodox dishes would be nice here. I knew I wouldn't be able to fry you when I did. I've been very popular with “Ark” faces before, and I love fried Fells. Even fried from, this meat might suit the taste of the soy sauce base better. Instead, prepare mayo, lemon, seven flavors, and onion sauce with toppings. That way, you can enjoy all kinds of flavor freaks. The rest is easy, but do you want to sauté? It's a meat with a pale taste, so let's make it a rich cream sauce. Mushrooms are good for sauce utensils. Once you've decided on the menu, you'll start shopping at the online supermarket. Buy that and this and this....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... When you're ready, the first thing you do is make fried chicken. Cut crocodile meat and soak it in the usual soy sauce-based sauce. In the meantime, you cook topped onion sauce and sautéed. Leek sauce is super easy. Add the minced leeks to the bowl and mix there with the minced garlic and shoga (commercially available in a bottle and totally OK), vinegar, soy sauce, water, sugar and sesame oil. This time, I tried using black vinegar, but it feels nice with a mellow acidity. When you have leek sauce, sautéed next. First, cut the mushrooms to be used in the cream sauce. Simezi cut and loosened the stone, and the mushroom cut the stone into thin slices. When that is done, add a few cuts into the crocodile meat cut into large palms and shake the salt and pepper gently to cover the flour. Bring the oil to a hot frying pan and cook. Once both sides are cooked and the fire is through to the inside, remove the crocodile meat. I didn't get any more fat than I thought, so I dissolve the butter in the frying pan as it was without wiping the fat and fry the shimeji and mushroom. When the shimeji and mushroom have soaked, shake the salt and pepper and add the white wine where gently stir-fry together. Once the alcohol of the white wine has flown, add the raw cream and the ingredients (granules) of the chicken consomme soup and simmer until thickened. The last time I seasoned it with salt and pepper, I made mushroom cream sauce. I won't this time, but adding powdered cheese will make it thicker and creamy and tastier. All you have to do is serve a sautéed crocodile meat on a plate and sprinkle with plenty of mushroom cream sauce...... "Complete crocodile meat sautéed with mushroom cream sauce! Mmm, good job. The crocodile meat sautéed with mushroom cream sauce, created in large quantities with the benefit of a lone cook, is temporarily stored in the item box and fried from next. Fried twice this time. After frying at medium temperature, fry at high temperature to finish. They fried more and more, and the fries piled up from the golden one. "I wonder if this is the case. All right, now we're ready." I turned the dish I could do into an item box and went under the “arc” face (or Feodora.) with the eater cartel waiting for dinner now or now in the living room. "Guys, we made it." I served a large plate of fried crocodile meat sautéed with mushroom cream sauce to the mass-eating Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui, respectively, and a large plate served like a mountain. For the “arc” face, I personally served a plate of crocodile meat sautéed with mushroom cream sauce, and the fried meat was served on a large plate to get as much as I wanted, and I also served a lot of butter rolls I bought in the online supermarket in a cage to get as much of this as I wanted. Fried toppings are also served with lemon, mayonnaise, seven flavors and onion sauce from. "I used Tyrant Black Alligator meat today, so it's fried and sautéed. Go ahead." Before I say that, the eater cartel is starting to eat guts and gums and shamsha. "Uhm. Fries are still delicious from now on" "It's not bad if this white one is hung." 'Oh. The intense flavor goes with crocodile meat! "They're both delicious ~" You were right to make it an orthodox menu. "Oh, yeah. This time, you'll be able to enjoy different flavors for frying." 'Say it quickly! That's what Fell said when he flattened a plate of pepper instantly, but you're going to change it anyway. "It's a replacement! You see. "All right, call it in." In the meantime, I served them with leek sauce from the chicken. I was watching that, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui also say one after the other, so I sprinkled the same onion sauce as Fel, so I fried him out. And the “arc” face also looks really delicious. At first, I was freaking out (too upscale) when I heard about the Tyrant Black Alligator meat, but I recommended you go ahead and I finally started getting my hands on it. A certain person, a foodie elf, was reluctant to take a pile of fried chicken. And...... "This is for you, isn't it?" Unplugged bottled beer was placed in front of Mr. Gaudino and Mr. Gidion, as well as Mr. Seegvald. "Oh, thank God! That's Mr. Mkoda. You know that." "Really. Thank you, Mr. Mkoda." "Ku, I don't know if Mr. Mukoda will be able to drink again. Thank you." All three look so happy. This time, I wanted to try it myself and bought a little good one, which is a gift set at Rickershop Tanaka. I usually just offered it to Agni, but I have customers, and sometimes I think it would be nice. By the way, I'm giving Mr. Feodora a cider. If I was pouring it on the Fells and doing it, I'd jeez see if the elf's gourmet sensors had reacted. That's why I poured it on Mr. Feodora. I had a quick sip of cider and sparkled my eyes, though. "K ~, yummy! "Too delicious! I wonder what the liquor we always drink in the tavern was." Look at Mr. Gaudino and Mr. Gidion drinking beer looking delicious, I'll try beer too. Oh, it's delicious indeed. It smells good and rich. Sometimes this kind of beer might be good. "Puch ~, yummy! Another bottle! "Come on, you're drinking fast, Siegvald." "You can't help it! This beer is so delicious! "It's delicious, but it's delicious, so you can taste and drink some more." "Taste well. Drinking a lot while tasting alcohol is not a dwarf thing." "Well, well, well. Go ahead." I'll serve Mr. Seegvald an extra beer. "Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Mukoda." Mr. Seegvald drinks the beer he receives quickly and gubbily. But...... "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm just tasting beer, but you're gonna lose frying from the best offering of beer." When I say that, the gaze of Mr. Gaudino, Mr. Gidion and Mr. Siegvaldo pours from to the plate of fries. The frying was already less than half because it was in a pile on a plate that was placed in the center. "Whoa, Pheodora, you're eating too much! "That's right! I mean, eating with both hands is against the rules! "Well, then, you're not eating too much by yourself! Mr. Feodora, who doesn't even move into the three penetrations, eats the fried chicken in alternating faces because he stuck it in a fork in both hands. "Ah, no matter what you say to Feodora with the delicious in front of her. We'll eat them before they eat them all." Me laughing at the slightly childish “arc” face that started eating fried chicken like I was competing. Like that, the time had passed for a busier and more enjoyable dinner than usual.
Fell suddenly stopped. "Hey, what's going on? "Get off." If you want me to go down, I'll go down, but I think I'll have a little more time until dinner time. "We're gonna do this in action." What? What is it all of a sudden? "Lord, when it's fire magic, you'll be able to step in action and do well. Next, do it for dirt magic." Because how many times have you decided to do it? "What are you deciding on your own? I'm not gonna do it." 'No, do it. You don't know when you'll learn dirt magic if you stay like this. One real battle works better than wasting time. It would be proven by fire magic' Damn, I'm hanging in there, too. It's sad that it's not very fruitful. Because of the fire magic, I don't even know what Fell is talking about, but suddenly I want you to stop being taken to the Goblin settlement. "Apart from not doing it, what were you trying to make me do? "That's it." That's what I said. When I saw Fell watching, the cave was opening its mouth. "What's with the cave? 'That's not just a cave. A dungeon. " .................. what? Da, dungeon? What's a dungeon, that dungeon? Hey, why is it in these woods? 'It's a young dungeon that's just been made. Sometimes something like this can happen naturally in places where the magic vegetables are thick. " Magnetic vegetables, as the name suggests, are an element of magic. It means incorporating that magic vegetable and turning it into magic and using magic. Like I got it. Like I don't know. Fell says that a dungeon is rarely created when there are the remains of a high ranking demon (with demon stones), or when it is a terrain prone to accumulation of demons. "Suddenly, the dungeon is another lame thing to say. I don't know what kind of dungeon it is. I'm not coming in." 'It's not impossible. I checked inside, but what came out was no horn rabbits, goblins, cobolts and a lot of demons in the slime. " No, no, no, no, because from me, it's no big deal. You mean, you said you checked inside? You were diving in the dungeon when you thought you were home late. "Five tiers and a shallow dungeon would make a beginner like you okay" It's shallow on five levels, because it's not shallow at all from me. I'm not diving in a dungeon. "Okay, let's go." "Wait, wait, wait. Let's go. What are you normally trying to get into a dungeon for? I'm not going." "Damn it, why is your Lord such a loser? Mr. Fell, I was wondering if you could tell me to be discreet there, not a hipster. "I'm just a prude. All of a sudden, a dungeon is impossible." 'Humph, things seem to say. If you can successfully master magic in the way of the Lord, you can't talk to me. But even the mastery of fire magic would have been suspicious in the Lord's way' Grr...... that could be true though. 'You know what I mean. I'm right. Don't worry, I'll tie the line with your lord and sui. Let's go.' Fell's going to take you to the dungeon at all costs, isn't he? Then...... "Wait a minute. If we're going to the dungeon, we need to be ready." I'll get you active here, Mr. Online Supermarket. It's a bottom-up operation with status values from online supermarkets (different worlds). I don't want to get hurt and I can't die. What a dungeon to enter an unknown world, so we need to be a little stronger. "I didn't tell Fell that eating ingredients from different worlds can make him stronger." "What? I told Fell that eating ingredients from online supermarkets increases their status on a time basis. I'm not sure, but I also explained that what goes up in time and status varies depending on the type of ingredients and what kind of food you eat. "Look, you had a treat with ingredients from different worlds before. You said Fell was going to get more energy then. I was so up there, I was surprised." "Well, is that what happened?" Fell also felt that eating ingredients from online supermarkets (different worlds) was in good shape. 'Does that mean eating food from different worlds and then going into the dungeon' "That sort of thing" Because it takes time to cook, I will buy it online supermarket mainly ready-to-eat vegetables for now. Fried chicken, croquettes, menthe cutlets, thickly chopped roast and grilled chicken, vinegar pork, fried sea cucumber, marinated smoked salmon, potato salad, pizza, shoe cream, cake, etc. Anyway, I'm buying more and more of what I see. You better eat all kinds anyway because you don't know which one will raise what status value. That said, I can't eat everything, no matter how much, so let's eat all kinds a little bit at a time and let Fell eat the rest. I'm sorry about the leftovers, but it's also Fell's fault that this happened. Oh, I need to give it to Sui, too. Leveling up in different worlds of garbage as well as raising the status level at the bottom. And I bought some more drinks, and, okay, I guess this is it. Line up the dishes bought at the online supermarket. Different worlds of cuisine are very popular. "I have to eat a lot of food anyway because I don't know which one will raise what status value. But my stomach's limited, too. I'm gonna eat a little bit, so can you eat the rest with Fell and Suey? I know it's bad for the leftovers, but it's to get into the dungeon." "Aye, okay." Mr. Fell, you're drooling. I'm not excited about Sui pulling fast either. Well, do you want to eat? I'll take a bite and give the rest to Fell. The containers containing the vegetables are for swimming. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, it seems like eating something other than ingredients from different worlds will level you up. Something like this, something like this." Explain to Fell while referring to the containers containing the dishes. 'Mm, is that right? When that happens, you can level up all you want Sui. It's strange what's in the other world. " "Wonder wasn't even like that in the original world I was in. This is what happens when you come over here, and it's weird for me." As much as I'd like to hear what principle it really is. Well, what a strange phenomenon it is to be a cross-world transition, and it's a world of everything. I keep eating. Sui eats containers to level them up, while also eating some vegetables to raise the status level. Fell's eating the rest of me, too. "Huh, I ate. I ate. Last but not least dessert." One last bite of shoe cream and cake. The rest looks delicious with Fel and Sui. "Ugh, I can't eat anymore" How much? How much higher is the status value? [Name] Mukoda (Tsyoshi Mukouda) [Age] [Occupation] Involved otherworlds Level [Health] 10 (+24) [Magic] 110 (+23) [Attack] 83 (+19) [Defense] 82 (+17) [Agility] 78 (+16) [Skills] Appraisal Item Box Fire Magic Contract Warcraft Fenrill Baby Slime [Unique Skills] Net Super Um, is that a little over 20% up? I wish you'd uploaded some more, but you can't afford the luxury. I wonder what's going on with Fell and Suey? If you appraise the two of them, Fell has just under 30% more status, and Suey has just 20% more status with a level up to 16. "As the Lord said, you're up in status." Looks like Fell appraised it, too. 'Now the dungeon is fine. Let's go.' I don't have a problem with it, but I mean, it's a big ant, but I'm sure Fell will just pull me into the dungeon and rub me in. I took the short sword out of the item box. Are you ready to come in? "Oh, Fell, hold on tight." Not to mention sauce. Safety comes first, I am.
In front of us, safely crossing the Black Baboon's territorial forests, stood a chopped mountain. "Mm?" Fell, speaking so loudly, stared near the top of the mountain. "What's wrong? "There will be a cut cliff in front of the top." "Oh, there is." "Around there, there's magic like illusion." "Illusion? You mean there's something around there? "Probably." "If that's what you're talking about, why don't I just go and see what's going on?" That's what Dra, who was listening to me and Fell, offered. Sure, Dora can fly, so she'll be able to check it out... "The magic of illusion is being done, which means someone intentionally did it, right? Is it dangerous? "Dora wouldn't have a problem" 'That's right. I'm not that weak. " "I know that's Dra strong, but it's Dra alone to go, isn't it? Until now, we've all been acting together. I don't know what it is, and I thought you were worried." 'Cause it's okay. If anything happens, I'm not gonna get hit right away.' 'That's right. I also recognize the strength of the dragon. I'm not going to let them do it. " "I hope Fell and Dora say so..." 'I'll be right back, you guys have to wait here. Okay, I'm just gonna go. " "Ah, Dora, stay! He didn't even hear me say wait, and Dora flew to the top of the mountain. "You don't have to go right away like that. I wonder if you're okay..." 'Don't worry. Dora is strong.' Of course I know that, but I'm worried I'm going to go somewhere where I don't know what it is. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Hey, are you sure you're okay? Nearly two hours have already passed since Dora flew away. I'm just worried, I can't stay jizzy. 'Don't wander around, calm down. Dora has told me many times not to worry. " Fell looks at me as if I've been stunned walking around restlessly. "I'll tell you what, it's been a long time since Dora flew away. Something's wrong." 'Wait, look over there. He's back.' That said, when Fell looks up at the sky pointing at him at the tip of his nose, something comes this way at high speed. Something that flew in with Hyun stopped in front of us. "You made me wait." "Dora! I was so worried you wouldn't make it back! "Hung, that's why I told you so many times not to worry." "You'll be worried if I say that because it's hard to come back." Oh, Sui's awake, too. I slept in a leather bag after meeting Black Baboon. 'If Sui's awake too, it's just fine. There was something funny about that place Fell said.' "Something interesting? "Oh. There it is..." The story of Dora, who went on reconnaissance, said that the cut cliff in front of the top, which Fell pointed out, was actually illusory and only seemed like a cliff at first glance. But when I checked carefully after what Fell had heard, he found a cavernous horizontal hole around the middle belly of the cliff. 'I thought this was what was hidden in the illusion, so I went inside for now. Then...' What Dra found was a human body skewered with a spear. There were three of them. They said that it was only bones after much of the time, but they wore leather armor, had swords, and looked like adventurers often seen in the Adventurer's Guild. Then he said there were also demonic bones shattered like they were crushed by something. Caves, adventurers, demons, remembered from these are dungeons. Dora also said, "Could this be a dungeon?" He thought, "but the demons never come out, going deeper and deeper. As soon as I stopped flying and put my foot on the ground while I thought it was strange...... "You make a noise and my head is filled with fire." "As soon as I put my foot on." 'Probably a trap. Dora, you're so small and helpful. " "Keh, let it go." "But does having a trap mean it's a dungeon after all? Dora doesn't seem to be talking about demons, but when there's a trap, I feel like that's the most likely thing. Are you going to the dungeon? 'No, Sue, that's not a dungeon. I went some way back and thought, that's not a dungeon. That trap felt more like a human setup than a dungeon. " "People? "Oh. Even during the fireworks trap we talked about earlier, there was still the smell of oil. You don't use oil for traps in dungeons. ' If you say so, sure. I totally forgot because there was no harm done thanks to the Fells, but you had that hand trap in the dungeon. But I never smelled oil when I tried to remember. "The trap of the dungeon consists of what lies within the basic dungeon. If it's a fire trap, it's a fire stone, not oil. Fell is right, there are demons in the dungeon, so it would be more efficient to use fire demon stones without having to use oil or anything. "So you're saying that people set it up, as Dora said. But why are you here? You're saying that something you want to protect by doing that is hidden in that cave? "Treasures or something? "No, no, it won't necessarily be a treasure. It could be something you can't tell the world because it's so hidden in there." 'No, it won't. I came to this mountain in the first place. If you have something to say, you wouldn't bother telling God to go.' "Oh, yeah. You're here on a commissioned basis, in this mountain. When that happens, what is it? 'I know Dra's saying treasure is the number one line............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Fell raised her voice like she remembered something. "Fell, you know something? "I remember." "What? About 0 years ago, there was a bandit around here who called himself the Bandit King. "Bandit King? According to Fell's story, a flavor of the person named the Bandit King repeatedly stole or robbed the area as he traveled all over the continent to Negijo. Attack the merchants, the nobles, and the likely golden carriage, and when it succeeds, move quickly. Hard to grasp a place for that, and both the country and the Adventurer's Guild at the time said they were burning their hands at this Bandit King. There was no reason to know that the Bandit King was building a Negijo around here, or anything else that he knew because it was Fell. "I should have told you this was Negijo." "I don't have any brother-in-law, but I need to tell you something." "Well, yes, I do." 'Well anyway, I guess they were getting some kind of magic item. This forest, which has been the territory of Black Baboon since that time, has also been free to come and go.' If this area has been the territory of Black Baboon since that time, then you won't find it. No one would think there was a Negijo in such a dangerous zone. "The bandit king, but he is truly greedy. He said he was getting old and was on the verge of life expectancy, but he told no one he was going to do any of the treasures he had." Wow, amazing chunks of greed. There's nothing you can do about having treasure when you die. "Then decades later, rumors arose that there was a Bandit King's Negijo around here talking about whether he was a descendant of a Bandit King. So, there was speculation that the bandit king who had made him disappear was sleeping with the treasure around here. I hear a lot of adventurers have come to the land for treasure. Most of them seem to have been turned back by Black Baboon." "There's no story of the Bandit King's treasure being found." "Umm." "Does Fell see that the treasure of the Bandit King is hidden in the cave that Dra has been watching?" ......... could be. In the first place, even Demiurgos' trust feels like a thank you for the offering. Given that, I just think you've taught me what's in my interest. "Bandit King's treasure..." Sounds interesting. 'Huhahahahaha, let me talk to you! That's hilarious! I can't believe we haven't found the treasure yet! Sue, it's not a dungeon, but it's starting to sound fun! Are you having fun? I'll do the swim too! 'So let's go quickly! "Go -! "No, no, no, guys, wait a minute. I'm kind of willing to go, but in an hour, the sun will go down. You can't climb mountains after dark, tomorrow, tomorrow." "Mmm, I can't help it" "Well, I came hungry, and if it's tomorrow, that's fine." "Sui's hungry, too, and tomorrow. No, no." So it was decided to climb the mountain tomorrow. Bandit King's treasure is fine because I'm interested too, but before I do... "How do we climb this mountain? That sounds like I have to be a professional climber.
Take Fell's back down the street. I left the city of Doran this morning. For some reason, Mr. Erland was waiting at the gate and he said, "Dra ~" and "I knew I'd follow you too," but he managed to come out. The next city is Nayhoff. You did mean there were plenty of pottery workshops in the baked goods city. Baked goods. Looking forward to it. Might as well have some dishes in the city of Neyhof. This is where I want to sightsee the city. "Hey, it's time for dinner" "Uhm, let's do that" The sun rises directly on top, and it's time for lunch. We decided to take a break on the side of the street. "Rice, rice ~" Dora, who was flying while saying so, landed next to Fell. "Rice ~" Sui also jumped out of the leather bag I was hanging from my shoulder. Well, what are we going to do? Yeah, that and that's hiccups. Start by purchasing seaweed, white sesame seeds and eggs from an online supermarket. Place the cooked rice on a deep plate and shake the chopped seaweed over it in pieces. If you put plenty of meat broth on top of it, let it snap a little in the middle, and then put the egg yellow on it and sprinkle the white sesame seeds into pieces, you can make a bowl of meat broth. There's a lot for everyone, so I'll put two yellows on it and break it down. And the meat stuffing of the bell peppers I made during this time was served on another plate. "It's rice." That's what I said and I dished them out, and they all jumped. 'Ooh, this is pretty tasty with the egg yellows involved. I don't want this green vessel. " That's right, Fell. You get mellow when yellow is involved. Is a green vessel a pepper? It's stuffed with pepper meat, so if you don't have pepper, you can't. "This sweet and spicy meat goes with the egg yellow. The aroma of this white bump adds to the flavor. This one tastes sweet and spicy, too, Ume. ' Sesame seeds can be accented. Dora, I'm sorry they both taste sweet and spicy. No, this flavor suits the rice best, so there's something going on. You could have just cooked the pepper stuffed with meat and tried to eat it with ketchup. "Sui's favorite meat and eggs. Yum yum yum." Sui loves meat and eggs. It's delicious with egg yellow in the meat broth, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, it's worth making when you eat it looking delicious. When you look at how much everyone eats, you feel accomplished. Well, shall I eat too? The pork bowl is delicious. Eggs are good after all. Sweet and spicy meatloaf and yellow flesh are involved and mellow. There's no way this won't fit the rice. I also made the pepper stuffed with meat taste sweet and spicy, so it would suit the rice. "" Replacement "" "I'm here, too." I'll serve Fel and Sui a meat bowl and a pepper filled bowl instead, and I'll serve Dora a meat bowl instead. Fell and Suey had been replaced several times since then. After dinner I have tea, everyone takes a short break while sipping cider. "Well, it's time to go" "Umm." He rode Fell's back again and proceeded toward Neyhoff. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Day five after I left the city of Doran. The journey continued smoothly. Talking about Fell, he said he'd be in the city of Neyhof by nightfall tomorrow. "I'll be around today." "Right." The sun is almost down, and we're camping around here today. As we prepared dinner, the merchant carriage with the adventurer of the escort who was passing through the street stopped. And when I pulled the carriage in next to us camping by the street, people came down from your seat. "Can I camp next door? "Go ahead." It's nothing but an obstacle, but there's a lot of this going on here. Something we're camping for, the merchant squad that comes after something starts camping around, right? Two merchants camped next door yesterday. Well, it's a street that leads from the dungeon city of Dolan, and there's a lot of people out there, so is this happening? (Conversation between merchants and adventurers arranged next to a row of mcoders) "Adventurers with demons, you were really there." "Yeah. According to what I heard, they broke through the dungeon of Dolan." "Sounds like it. Not that I don't trust you guys, but it's safe to have A-rank adventurers nearby. That squire seems pretty strong, too." "I know. Of course, I'll keep an eye out for you as well as us, because if A-rank adventurers stay close, you'll feel a different burden. I don't think it's a bad idea to have a ride if you get the chance to do this." "The A-rank adventurer with the devil is a topic of discussion among fast-earing merchants and adventurers. I don't know what it is. If the journey is any easier, I don't have a hand in not hitchhiking."
Fell stopped his leg as he toured the twenty tiers again. "What's up? "Ahead, don't worry......" Fell's right-hand passage pointing at him with his nose tip, saying so. It's about meters away. It's a dead end. "But it's over." "Uhm, but the end of that dead wall is suspicious." From Fell's words, we moved one line to the end of the line. "Ahead." I would slap the wall with Pessi Pessi, but he seemed sturdy and I didn't really think there was anything ahead. "All right, I'll smash the wall with my magic" That's what I meant, Dora... Without getting my hair in, I said, 'Fool. The walls of the dungeon can't possibly break like that,' says Fell's penetration. 'So what do we do? Dora with an infidel rotten face asked Fell. "There must be a trick somewhere." "A setup... Then it's the floor or the wall." We all split up and step on the floor or touch the walls with pets, but I don't see any tricks like that. "There's nothing like it..." "Rugged, nothing." Sui is also touching the walls and floors with tentacles hard, but finds nothing. "Isn't it nearby to set me up? Fell says it's weird beyond the end of the line wall, but I don't suppose this is all we're looking for, which means the trick itself isn't necessarily near this wall. '... wait a minute. There's a place I haven't looked yet.' "Yeah? Where's the place you're not looking, Dora?" Dra should know that we all searched for floors and walls around here... That's what I say. Dra extends her short arm to the ceiling. "The ceiling? Well, you certainly haven't even checked the ceiling. But what would you do to the ceiling? 'No, I don't know. Anyway, this is a dungeon. Besides, I guess it's never been known before now, huh? Even more so, there is no denying that the ceiling is what Dra calls it. " That's what Fell said. Sure when they say so. There are quite a few adventurers in the last twenty tiers. I haven't heard about having a hidden room or anything like that for that, and there's nothing on the map that looks like it. I think Master Demiurgos also told me because no one was holding hands. Then I can also nod that it is naturally a difficult place to find or a place I don't think it is. "Well, I'll check it out anyway." That's what I said and the flying Dora petted the ceiling with her tiny hand. 'Hmm? Something's going on here. Ok......' When Dora pressed with good force, one stone that was in the ceiling section was pushed in. Gogo goo... A new passage appeared as the wall, which was at an end, slid. "Whoa, bingo! Dora, you're in trouble! I didn't know there was a trick on the ceiling." "Huhun, I found you! "Yes, yes, I know. Let's move on." We proceeded to the new corridor where we appeared. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Wide spaces appeared about thirty meters down the new aisle. Looking inside, it was a room that seemed bigger than the boss room on this floor. There were three gargoyles in the back. But these three gargoyles, they're weird in size. It was twice the size of a gargoyle so far. "Whoa, whoa, that's a lot of big gargoyles," 'It doesn't seem like a regular gargoyle. I've never seen a gargoyle that size before. " "Is this the first time you've seen either Dora or Fell? "Oh. I've never seen a gargoyle that size before." 'Neither do I. Maybe it's this dungeon-specific gargoyle.' Dora is also the first to see it, and even the long-lived Fell looks like a pretty rare demon the first time she sees it. Sounds like you should be careful here. "I was a stone demon when I grew up. Just like before, Suey's gonna kill you. "What, wait a minute, sui" I go in to stop the sui that was in the offensive posture but I can't make it...... "Aye!" Buh, buh, buh -. Larger acid bullets were fired as they continued to stand. As though a rocket cannon hit his face, a gargoyle with a big hole in his face slowly fell. "Sui......" "That's instant killing." "Uhm. You're done in a flash." "To Ehe, you're strong." You're stronger. " Sui, you don't have to be that strong because you're still strong enough. I was the one who worried a little about Sui for strength. And when the big gargoyle disappeared, after that, the big red, blue and green gems were falling there in the square cut. If you appraise, red is ruby, blue is sapphire, green is emerald. I didn't know there were gems coming from all three of them. Besides, it's so big. I feel a little gained, I pick up the jewels. When Sui looked at the tip he pointed at with his tentacles, there was an old box potpourring along the wall. "It's old but I guess it means a treasure chest for once..." "I guess." "Appraisal is also a treasure chest. There doesn't seem to be a trap, so open it. ' That's what Fell says, but Dolan suddenly averages, and dungeon crates are a lot of things that are trapped. That's the first Mithrill spear Sui has made for me that I've taken out of the item box in a long time. Use the tip of the spear to rip open an old chest. Take a frightened peek at Pakali and the empty chest...... "Oh, it's a gold stick." "Shiny ~" "If it's like magic props, there's a certain amount of interest." Gentlemen, it's a light reaction to say it's something you can eat or something other than meat. But I think it's pretty good as a treasure that's already out of the hierarchy. Three big jewels from a big gargoyle drop and a dozen gold sticks in a chest. Looks like he's found it. It's like a one-time bonus stage if you say so. 'Cause I don't know where I'm gonna show up next.' I am suddenly surprised by the voice of Master Demiurgos, which has been ringing in my head, and my voice is about to come out. But I see, is that kind of thing? Just call it a bonus stage. This is all I have. It's also a high point that all the redemption rates are good. "Thank you, Master Demiurgos. Expect your next offering. 'Cause I'm excited." "Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm looking forward to it." Stay tuned. I will send you all the top 10 sakes and the top 10 plum sakes that Demiurgos likes lately. "Then let's go back to where we first metastasized" "Uhm. We're just moving on to the thirty tier." "I hope we can jump right from here to the thirty tier." "I know what Dra says, but it doesn't work either. It looks like that kind of specification. Thank you for the metastatic stone." "Hey, hey, what's next demon coming out? "Thirty tiers of demons, wait a minute." I'll check the map of the dungeon I had in my pocket. "Well, the 30th floor is a big eyeball demon named Gazer." "Gazer? You dropped meat again." Fell flaunts himself when he hears that the thirty tier demon is a gazer. Fell's forefinger doesn't seem to move at all to Gazer either. "Uh, I'm a pass for that kind of miscellaneous fish too. I'll leave you to it. ' Dora also said a pass or something and threw a round at Sui. "Fell and Dora call Gazer a miscellaneous fish, but aren't they such strong demons? It says," It's causing a state anomaly and it's going to attack us with light. " 'Nothing but mutton fish for me. In the first place, state anomalies will not work for us with God's protection. " Oh, well. 'Yes, yes. Besides, there's a build-up of magic rays, so it's easy to avoid them. " Fell's also saying 'um' to Dra like that, but it's not something you can say because it's Fell and Dra. "Ryuji, it's okay! Good luck next time! So let's go! "Yes, sir." Even when Fell and Dora threw me round, I was still the one who laughed bitterly at Sui, who was jealous.
At dawn of the night, the time had finally come to return to the ground. The breakfast turned into a bowl of dragon steak when Fell said she wanted ground dragon (ground dragon) meat. Not since morning, but I've had some guts, too. It was delicious. Take a post-meal break...... "Time to get back on the ground" "Um, yeah." Dora hugs me in the head from behind, and Sui holds me tight with both arms. I told him I was crossing Fell. Taking the form when transferring, Fell shed magic on the magic formations depicted on the wall. After a moment of floating, we were standing on a magic formation painted on the floor of a room of about four tatami surrounded by stone walls. "Exit where..." I got Fell to hang on to me and got off Fell. "It's happened before, but this kind of thing, when you go outside from this pattern, the door opens." Fell is right. Stepping out of the magic formation...... The stone wall moved as it made a gobbly noise. Everyone went outside. For the first time in ten days, the light of the natural sun falls on us. Let's go back to the inn. I think it's okay because I'm asking you to keep the room for once before you go into the dungeon. When I go out the door...... Looks like we were just about to hit next to the entrance to the dungeon. Naturally there are a lot of people there. Soldiers at the entrance to the dungeon and the adventurers who were about to enter the dungeon stared at us with their mouths open with pokernels. I hope you don't stare at me like that. I can't wait to hear it. It's wise to go back to the inn. "Let's go" Speaking to Fell and Dora that way, Sui asked them to enter the bag and proceeded to walk back to the inn. "Hey, wait a minute." It was the soldier who was at the entrance who called me. "Oh, why did you come out of that? Um, that's... "Let's make up our minds because we defeated the lowest level of Behemoth." Oh, Fell, you can't tell me. In that case, just mislead me. When Fell said he had defeated Behemoth, he made a noise like he had a hive. "And for now, call the guild staff." "No, that must be the Alliance Master" "That's right, call the Alliance Master." "Hurry up, hurry up! Something tells me I can't move until the Alliance Master picks you up. When I try to go home, the gatekeeper's soldiers can stop me from staying here. A little while later, I heard a familiar voice. "Mkoda." Mr. Elland, I wonder if you wouldn't call my name out loud like that. Mr. Erland is waving a boom as he calls my name out loud. "Ha ha, Mr. Mkoda, I thought you guys would do it! Mr. Elland shakes my hand with excitement. Oh, hey, Mr. Elland, my hand hurts. "I just can't see Dra for a second, how many times did I try to dive into the dungeon after..." What, were you trying to do that? I don't care if they come after me. "The deputy guild master pulled me off." When it comes to deputy guild masters, that little metabolic, thin-headed old man? Deputy guild master, good job. "That's fine, I want to talk to you about a lot of things, so go to the Adventurers Guild quickly. Come on, come on, come on." We were not allowed to return to the Inn, and Mr. Elland took us straight to the Adventurer's Guild. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Mr. Elland took us. We were in Mr. Elland's room in the Adventurers Guild. "So, how was it? "How did it go, Mr. Elland, until before Behemoth in the final hierarchy, too? "Yeah, I went, but the drops, the crates, they won't be the same." Well, sure. But there's too much of it, isn't there? I haven't sorted it out yet, so I have no idea how much there is. "No, that's true, but there's too much..." "Really? Really? That would be nice of us. That dungeon drops skin well down to the st tier, and the skin drops well from the 22nd tier to the 25th tier as well." Mr Elland is right. I have a lot of skin. "Actually, I'd like to buy that from the Adventurer Guild. This city is a city of dungeons, so demonic skins are in high demand as a material for armor. And if it's from a dungeon, it's very strong." I see. Leather armor? I don't know how many Orgs and Minotaurs there are on the troll. If you want it in your guild, please buy it all. I don't want it. "I think the treasure chests that you can expect from the contents come from after twenty tiers, how was it? Then, when I defeated the sprigan, I think there was an individual whose gems would be dropped. If we have gems or magic items, we would like to buy them too" Mr. Elland, that's exactly who you went to behemoth front of. You know a lot. "There are a few crates, and I'm getting what's inside. And Mimic was there, so I got the chest." There are plenty of gems. I'm not a woman, so I'm not interested in jewelry, and if you buy me this, I'll ask for it all. Magic items are not going to sell magic recovery rings, and I wonder what else to do after I think about it. "The treasure chest was worth it after the 26th tier. That said, we could only explore decently in the woods on the 26th and 27th floors. The 28th floors are marshy, and the 29th floors were just hard to get through by desert." The woods still don't have swamps and deserts. Field dungeons are too vicious. "Hmm? Wait a minute, what did you say now? What did you say, what? "Was the chest worth after the 26th tier? "No, not there" Hmm, isn't it? So, this is it? "We could only explore decently in the woods on the 26th and 27th floors. Is that so? "No, not there either" So, here? "Are you saying that the 28 tiers are marshy, and the 29 tiers were just hard to get through by by the desert? "Yeah, yeah, right there. Yikes! The swamp? Desert?! Mr. Elland comes out excited. When I heard the story, Mr. Elland said there was no swamp or desert hierarchy when he entered the dungeon here. They said the 25th to 29th floors were in the forest zone and it took more than a month just to get through there. "Let me tell you more about the story from level 26." In Mr. Elland's seriousness, not at all, this one also gave him a place to live. We then talked as much as possible about what happened after the 26th hierarchy and the hierarchy owner (boss). I spent a considerable amount of time answering Mr Erland's question along the way. "Well, I don't know about the dungeon drops yet, so I'll come back later to ask for them." "Okay. I'm also going to be busy with what Mr. Mukoda just told me, so I'd appreciate it later." This is how we finally managed to put the Adventurer Alliance behind us. Later, it was announced that the dungeon here in Doran would change the appearance of 25 to 29 hierarchies depending on the period, designating it as a high-difficulty dungeon.
Whoa, don't, I almost forgot again. I remembered before I went to bed. If I forgot, they'd complain again. Just do what you do and go to sleep. Um, he told me to open the internet supermarket. I wonder what I would like...... I was a western sweet threesome in the meantime, so now I'll try to make it a Japanese sweet threesome. For starters, I guess Strawberry Dafu and some more buns for Bean Dafu. Oh, there's a bun with a whole chestnut in it, so is this. Then, it's sauce with skewer dough and sesame seeds. And then, Castella and Japanese-style sweets will be roasted again. I've offered you both baking before, but if you're that goddess, you can't complain. Oh, and I'm gonna give you one whole lamb with no push. All right, this will be fine. Reconcile the offerings (contributions) to the goddess (unfortunate goddess). Arrange Japanese sweets on the cardboard altar. "Dear Nin Lil, Goddess of the Wind, it's an offering. Give it to me. Thank you very much for the blessing of God. Best regards," That's what I say. No, no, there was a goddess voice in my head. 'Oh, I've been waiting! If it seems like it's going to be any slower, I'm just going to drop the trust.' So, I gave it to you the other day, right? Have you eaten that already? You get fat if you eat all the sweetness. I don't know if God is fat or something. "Wow, wow, there's no way a god like a concubine can get fat. My concubine is always beautiful." Oh, what's wrong with you? 'Ugh, shut up. The sweetness that you say is too delicious to eat in three days. " Goddess, a truly unfortunate person (God?) Right. You're falling apart yourself. No, you can't. He says he can't be fat, he's beautiful, but he's definitely suspicious. He's a dork, and even God is going to get fat if he eats too much. If you eat that amount in three days, don't get fat for sure. "Stuff, that story is over. More than that, what kind of sweetness is it this time? Yeah, I'm glad my voice is the only one. How excited are you when it comes to sweetness? If the goddess was in front of you, she'd be absolutely zooming forward and asking, wouldn't she? "Say what? You think it's sweet? You bastard! Sweetness is the supreme." Whoa, don't be mad at me like that. You know, I've been thinking about it, but you're totally reading my thoughts, right? Stop it, please. This is a complete invasion of privacy. "Humph, what is the infringement of Puebla? The concubine is not a god. There's no way there's a splash against God. If you want to see it, you can see the whole life of the Lord, and you know what the Lord thinks so you can take it. My concubine is not a god. Wow. That's why I honor my concubine." ... is that so? You said yourself it would be amazing. As much as possible, I want you to stop reading your thoughts. And you can see the rest of my life. It's not funny to see my life or anything. Respect that? Don't force me to say it. Guess what you said and did. I love sweetness. Too bad Goddess. "Nooooooooooooooooo, I'm not sorry about the concubine." Uh, yes, yes, that's right. Let's change the story because it seems tedious. "Uh, this time I made it into Japanese sweets. It's a treat from the country I was in. It's a treat that uses a lot of black and sweet" mako ”that was in the pan and rakuroyaki that Nin Lil wanted." "What the hell?! That” mako ”treat. I can't stand the tenderness and sweetness." That's a shame, Goddess. That's chocolate. "As you have seen, we have prepared both bakes again" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Here we go. ' I think I liked the roasted rice noodles. "Then I'll take care of it." 'I know. It's a quick transfer to the divine world. " The Japanese sweets that were on the cardboard altar disappear in a pale light. I haven't really looked at it before, but that's how I transfer it. "Muho, there's a lot going on this time. Good job, Lord. ' So, what's Murray? Murray? You're a real, really sorry goddess. "Let's get you roasted. Momogu... Momogu - Still delicious! What, now it's not? Ha, let's not go into it. I'm sorry I'm a goddess. Well, unfortunately, leave the goddess alone, I'm going to bed now. Too bad the goddess couldn't fit in, so I snuck into the futon with the crust and the swine and slept. Ha - I knew my healing was just suitan.
............ This is really the top of the mountain, isn't it? Hmm. The Lord was watching you from the back, wasn't he? "Grandpa Gong is right, but that's it..." You wouldn't normally think there was a forest like this somewhere like this. I stared at the forest that spread out in front of me in a daze as I crushed it. This is the forest that I was brought here to hunt. It was in the middle of a caldera on top of a big mountain. And...... Something's different from a normal forest. There are many fern-like plants. The trees grow on top of it, the trunks are thick, the branches meet at the top, and the leaves are lush. Somehow, it was like the forest of the days when there were Jurassic period and dinosaurs that I saw in the atlas when I was a child. It was clearly different from the forest vegetation I'd seen before. And this is cheerful. The capital was neither hot nor cold, and it seemed like a cheerful place to spend some time in the early spring. However, as we approached the mountain, there were snowy spots, and the area around the top of the mountain was covered in snow. When I was riding Grandpa Gong, there was a barrier, so I didn't feel so cold, but I could see the snow accumulating perfectly, so maybe it was a very cold place, and I was worried about cold protection clothes. How about that? It's so hot here that it sweats so much. I somehow understand that Fel and Grandpa Gong said that it was a place similar to "Uranus". Anyway, it was special. I'm sure there's a lot going on. I was a little frightened and accidentally swallowed up the swallows when I came to a terrible place again. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, look This leaf is interesting ~ " While saying that, he tentacled the leaves of the fern near the watermelon. Then, Shun and his leaves closed. Seeing that, I caught a glimpse of Sweet. What is that?! I'll try too! While saying that, Dora-chan strokes the fern-like leaves wooosh. And yet again, the leaves that were touched closed. Funny! Sweetie, I'll do more! An interesting plant that closes when it touches a leaf. Dora and Sweetie seemed to be dressed up as toys. Touching the leaves and watching them close, the druffy swirls properly. "It was me who dazzled in such a sight..." "Wow, this isn't the place to be if you're dusty like that." "I just remembered, but you didn't tell the Adventurer's Guild!"I couldn't even write it down!You came aboard Grandpa Gong!This is another lecture course for guildmasters, right? " While saying that, I gulped down. If you think about what you're going to say, that's what you're going to say. You're already here, so don't give up. Fel and Grandpa Gong's voice came from behind. You guys are cold. ◇◇◇◇◇ * giggle *. I'm a little jumpy about the noise. "Oh, are you sure you're okay?" It's just a sound. The Lord is a little too jumpy. " Grandpa Gong said that in a daze. "It can't be helped!" Because you guys are threatening me! " Dora-chan laughed when she protested to Grandpa Gong while she cared about her surroundings. [Cool. You must be too jumpy to do that.It's okay because we're here. " Sweetheart will protect you! "The only thing that's kind is Sweet ~. Thank you."I'm counting on you. " I gulped down Sweet Sweet Sweet on Fel's back. Absolutely no one is the Lord... hah! What's Fel sighing about? You're being rude. I didn't threaten you separately, though. While Grandpa Gong said so, he was scratching his cheeks with sharp claws as if he was in trouble. I was with Fel on this hunt. I was actually going to wait for everyone. Even though I was worried about being alone, I felt that it would be better if I waited quietly than to accompany everyone on their hunt against a horrible monster. Even so, the barrier between Fel and Grandpa Gong was excellent. But I told Fel and Uncle Gong, "Are you sure?'' I was pushed to my senses. You don't usually say that, but you say, "What's going on?I heard that. " "Then..." Fel and Grandpa Gong said, "These people are mostly carnivores", "Their heads are weak, but they are fierce anyway", "The barrier will be stretched, so they will not be eaten", "I don't know what to say, but the Lord is a good bait for them."You may be surrounded by a large number of people, "or" I'm anxious that I can't reach out to you, and I'm going to eat you up. " What's with that? When I heard Fel and Grandpa Gong's story and my face was fading blue, I said, "The Lord is a prudent man.I heard Fel's voice in the distance. Well, but we have a barrier, so it's gonna be okay. Hmm. It's our barrier.Even if you make a mistake, you won't be eaten. " That's what Fel and Grandpa Gong had to say to convince themselves. Hurry up and say, "I'm going! I'm going with you!'I replied. Even though I was physically safe from the barrier, eating around me? I don't think I've ever seen such a painting of hell! I mean, I can't sleep for a while if I see it like that! It's quite a trauma! I decided to follow everyone for my mental hygiene while being disappointed with Fel and Grandpa Gong, who meant that they would not be able to eat me. That's why the party, including me, was walking through the dim forest. There's no monster ~ Sweetheart snorted boringly. Fel, Grandpa Gong, are these foresters really ferocious? Dora-chan is not boring, so I asked Fel and Grandpa Gong. "It's okay. If you don't come, don't come."If you don't meet me a little more, we can go home.Yeah, let's do that. " You don't have to meet such a ferocious monster. ”Hun, you can't go home. Besides, they're already here. It's a miscellaneous fish. Hmm. It's a hunting trinket for a group.A few of them are coming to scout us. " Fel and Grandpa Gong said so and groaned around. Sweetheart and Dora also looked around. That said, I was intrigued. As I did so, I heard a rustling of leaves. And then something small came out of it. Something's coming ~. Mr. Lizard? Three little creatures, not so big, jumped out in front of us. But I was very surprised at the way he looked. "What? Dinosaurs? Why?" The figure was a dinosaur standing on two legs. I was surprised at that, but I didn't feel so scared because it was small. Whether it's good or bad, I've seen various monsters in this world. It was bigger and more ferocious. "But I remember seeing this dinosaur somewhere..." Was it an atlas? Or would it have been on TV? I don't remember, but in a world full of giant monsters, it didn't seem that threatening. Although it looks like a dinosaur, the height from my feet to my head is about the size of my knee length, and the shape of shaking my head from side to side seems to tilt my neck, and I can even feel the comical love. Is that what Swe thought? When he jumped out of my arm and approached me, he said, "Lizard!I'm going to be your friend, "he said, reaching out his tentacles. "If you really understand such an exchange..." Hey, he's small, but he's carnivorous, too. Right after Fel said that. Gabubuuu... A small dinosaur bit the tentacle of a sweeper. As a signal, the other two small dinosaurs also bite into the round body of the swing. "Gahhhhhh!" Mm! Sweet, this is so nasty! Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii As soon as Sweetheart said that, three dinosaurs suffered. Release your mouth from the biting watermelon and crush your limbs before falling flat. Heehee Did you release acid? It's a waste of time, but it's not a bad attack technique in the sense that you can definitely take it down. The belly of a dinosaur melted in a cuddle. ”Hehehe, Sweetheart, you're strong, aren't you?” "Sui-chan..." I was grimaced at the sight of a swinging swinging my body to the left and right like a small jump. "Hey, don't be too careless.The main unit will be here soon. Main unit? Lord, these three are scouts. "Huh? What do you mean..." Here we go. There's a lot of miscellaneous fish.Dora, Sweetie, let's take care of this! ' It's a bit of a shame to be dealing with a miscellaneous fish, but I can't do it! I'm going to do it! Sweetheart, you're going to do your best ~! Shortly thereafter, a horde of small dinosaurs appeared along with a footsteps called dodo dodo dodo dodo. I mean, there's too many of them, right? And I clearly remembered where I saw this dinosaur. "I saw this dinosaur in the movie!"It's small, but it's as ferocious as piranha! " Some of you responded to me, and some of you came at me. "Gah, come here!" Don't tease me! Aiiiii! Bubbly, bubbly... I'll just let Sweet cuddle you up! I said it! Zash, zash, zash, zash... Dora-chan's icy magic flashed along with the watermelon's acid bullets. Ah, Dora, Sui. You shouldn't get too close to them. Bow, wow... Whoa! Here, let the fire blow like that. Hurry up and say that, Uncle Gong! I'm sorry, but there's a lot of fire in here. That's right. Well, then I'm more powerful than that! Take it! Dora-chan's pseudo-dragonbreath, which burned down the small dinosaur, exploded. "Dora-chan is overdoing it!" There's going to be a forest fire! " I mean... " Why do dinosaurs in this world blow out fire?
"Hey, what are you doing? "Hmm? Oh, look. I told you I was going to the Adventurer Guild today. That's where I'm going to get the Bandit King's treasure, and I thought I'd just appraise the magic props before I do. If there's anything I can use, I can keep it." Fell came out of the garden and appraised the demon props that the Bandit King had out of the item box. "What happened to Dora and Sui? "You're napping or you're sleeping in the morning. You must have had breakfast and gone hungry and sleepy. ' "Ha, it's peaceful" "And did you already do the appraisal? "Just this one." I pointed to a magic prop with a magic formation written on one board at a two-meter angle. "Soundproofing magic props. When you activate this, there will be no sound in the magic formation written here." Fell has a subtle face. '... such a thing. What good is it? "Well, it's not useful when you tell stories you really don't want to be heard" It's a demonic prop for once, and I guess it's expensive. Though I don't think I want it at all. "There's more, and I'll try to appraise it anyway" "I'm also a little interested in magic props. We're going out. ' Me and Fell are going to appraise the magic props. There were a lot of subtleties but some seemed to work. I honestly can't use magic props that serve large fireballs (fireballs) with tablet shapes or demons that don't come by. There are Fells, and I can use fire magic myself, but I don't need magic props that serve fireballs (fireballs) anymore. I honestly don't think a demon prop that doesn't come by is very useful because it seems to have a thin effect when it's a high-ranking demon. The magic prop that looks like a water bottle is a water bottle that keeps the water gushing out and full at any time, and I'm going to install it in the Alban family because this is usable. It seems that everyone's meals are often made by Theresa, and the women seem to be gathered at the Alban family to work. The water wax from the well is a struggle, and with this, it would be a little easier. And then there were box-shaped ice magic props, like the so-called ice maker. I was wondering if this could be used, but according to Fell's appraisal, it would also take time to get ice on top of the small amount I could make, so I'm going to go out and buy it. I tried to appraise the other demon props with me and Fell, but nothing seemed useful to us. Demonic items that serve water blades (water cutters) or magic stoves? There's only one bite of the magic stove, but the fine thermal adjustment doesn't work, and it's like a bat that doesn't even reach the foot of the magic stove I have. And finally, on the last demon prop. A square wooden box with a vertical and horizontal height of about a metre with exquisite wood-carved decorations that shouldn't have seen any deterioration, even though considerable years have passed. On the side there is a door with a handle. This may hold a little expectation. "This is the last time." "This is the last time? I thought there was more." Gikku. Of course I didn't give out the magic props for the example transfer. There weren't that many magic props, so they noticed? "No, that's the last of it." 'Well, well. At the end of the day, I'll try my appraisal. " "Oh, oh, please. Fell will come out with more details." Phew, Se, Safe. '... um, this is like some kind of food cooling magic trick. It seems to prevent food degradation.' "Cooling food means refrigerator! Magic refrigerator. That's good. You can use this! 'Really? "Oh. I can use a lot of things. Especially when I soaked the meat in the sauce. You were wondering because I left something at room temperature. This country is huge, so some places are hot. If you have a fridge, you won't have to worry about the meat getting damaged. And a little dessert like pudding and jelly." 'Well, that's good. All right, use that and eat the meat quickly' "Hurry up and eat meat with it. I have plans for you today. Tomorrow." "Well, it's a promise." "Yes, yes, I understand. Let's go to the Adventurer Alliance." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ It's been a long time since I've been visiting Carrerina's Adventurer Guild with me and Fell. Dora and Sui are leaving messages at home because they still want to sleep. "Whoa, you're back! Mr. Villem, guild master of the Adventurers Guild of Curry Lina, welcomed me. "It's been a while. I'm home." "Ha ha, what do you say? Hmm?" I stroked my fuzzy hair and said, "What do you say? guild master asking." I know you're happy and want to brag, but I'm a little wussy. "Uh, I'm glad it seems to be going well" "Ouch. Thanks to that shampoo and hair conditioner, things are going great! Thanks to you, it's rumored." Anything. While I was away from the city, I watched too many of the Alliance Master's weirdoes and insisted from the old familiar ex-high ranked adventurer, "What are you using? They asked," and it was a story that some of them heard rumors and actually took a trip to this city. He talked to Mr. Lamberto, struggling with his old familiarity, who also listens too persistently. So, from the Alliance Master's point of view, it looks like you can now purchase via the Alliance Master only if you are a high ranking adventurer with no financial problems (the point is you can pay for it well). However, Mr. Lambert seems to be pushing me to make a clear decision around here. Thank you for playing a part in selling me "Divine Medicine Hair Power." "So, there was a report of your return today and a little something I wanted you to buy out" "Well, did you do something? "It's rude of you to make fun of me. It's what you get from being an adventurer." Yeah, you're not mistaken. "Ma, no. So you want to talk in my room?" Guildmaster, me and Fell headed upstairs to Guildmaster's room. When he arrived in the room, Fell fell asleep in circles without me. I told the Alliance Master about the treasure of the Bandit King I had acquired on my way home from the city of Lawsendar as I rinsed the tea my staff had brewed for me. "... so I got the treasure of the Bandit King, so I wanted to buy some of it. What, Guildmaster? The Alliance Master, who was listening to me, kept his mouth open and blurry. "Um..." "Ha, I forgot me because you did it again. Damn, you're the one... The treasure of the Bandit King, it's the treasure that many adventurers have been chasing for a long time." That's what the Alliance Master told me with some subtle face. "Ha, really?" That's all I'm saying. You can't help it because you found it. Besides, there was a divine commission. "So, what do you want out to buy? "Uh, most of the Bandit King's treasures were gold coins and jewellery, so other than that, are you a weapon armor or demon prop? If you can buy some jewellery, I'd like to ask for it." "A jewelry? If you want to buy it, you can't buy it, but it's more profitable to buy it in Dungeon City or Wang Capital." In the dungeon city, specialist merchants are gathered for jewellery exiting the dungeon, and Wangdu is in high demand for many nobles. They can't say that jewellery is in that much demand in regional cities like Curry Lina. Hmm, is that right? "Then I'll have them buy it even when I go to the dungeon city. ... yes, I would like to ask you something" Anyway, if it's just something I got and I just have to go out and buy it, I thought maybe I'd give it to the king here. Tell the Guildmaster which way you discovered the treasure of the Bandit King, and it looks like you have to report it to the Adventurer Guild headquarters in this country in the King's Capital, and they will also contact the Royal Palace through the headquarters. "Give me your name. I don't think the Royal Palace will like it either. So, what kind of jewelry are you offering? "Are these the three candidates?" A pendant top hanging from a pedestal made of misrils and chopped with small diamonds on a chain made of misrils, as well as a pendant top with large rubies on a pedestal made of misrils, a gold ring with large sapphires on a stunning sculpture pedestal. These three and the necklace with large diamonds on the chain of misrils I tried to give Dra are visible and luxurious among the jewelry I got this time. I decided to keep the large diamond necklace just in case Dora said she didn't want it but it doesn't look like she hates it. "As for the jewellery, I'm a total doorman, but you only know how expensive it sounds... So, which one are you offering? Blah, blah, blah. You can give me all three. I'm not interested in this kind of jewelry, so I end up switching to gold. Hmmm.................. ok, let's dedicate all three, including the implication that we will continue to thank you. "I'll give you all three." "This is all of it! That's generous, you. The king or queen will be delighted." I guess. But I don't think it's a bad idea to keep the queen on your side. Women can be strong in every world. When I was going to King's Capital with this jewelry, I was told that I would leave for King's Capital a week later with two instructors who were high-ranking adventurers for escort, not just one guild master. I thought I'd put extra effort into it. "My branch's letting you make money, too. It's cheap," he said. The gift was handed to the Alliance Masters the day before they left. Afterwards, he moved to the warehouse and asked to buy weapons, protective equipment and magic equipment. The number of items purchased was not so great, but it took about five days to assess because the items were objects. Me and Fell followed the Adventurer Alliance to Mr. Lamberto's store.
Introduce Dora to the dazzling face of Phoenix. "I'm Dra, who joined my obedience. Dragons are dragons, but pixie dragons are a rare kind, and now they're adults. That said, it's so strong." "Oh, really? No, I was a little surprised you turned the dragon child into an obedient next to Fenrill." Mr. Larsh, I'm not a dragon child, but Dragon is a dragon for once, too. "Me too. I thought it was a dragon child. Mr. M'Corda, what are you going to do with all this fighting?" When Henk says so, Seedle, Aloise and Cesar agree "Me, Me, Me". No, I'm not going to do anything, and it's not like I was forced to obey the devil. 'Hey, you people there are rude! It doesn't matter how big it is! I'm not beating a big dragon or anything! Dora protests like that in her reading. 'Well, well, because I know how strong Dra is. Besides, if you show him what kind of prey he's got, he'll know that the Phoenix faces are strong. " 'I was. Fuhahahahahahaha, today is a big day! Become!' "Uhm. It was a short time, but we got our prey there." "Sui also got a lot of buzz -! Then let me see what you've got. "May I just confirm what the Fells have got before dinner? "Absolutely. We're interested, too." When Mr. Larsh says so, he's nodding about something else. Take off the magic bag on Fell's neck and explore what's inside. "Is that a magic bag? "Yeah, it came out in the Aveling dungeon." "Is that a magic bag? That's good." "Yeah. But if you're after the magic bag, you're gonna have to go to the dungeon." "You want us to go, too? Looking at the magic bags in my possession, the Phoenix faces, usually based in Carrerina, are starting to think about going to the dungeon. "Well, I don't think you always leave even if you dive" We're lucky to get some, but I think that's because we went all the way to the final tier. The lower you go, the more treasure you get. "I'll let you out for now" "Whoa, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" The first thing that came out was a demon I've seen. "This is Bloody Horn Bull." "That's what Sui was buzzing about! Looks like Sui knocked it down. There is definitely something after the acid bullet. 'I knocked him down because there were plenty of cows I'd seen -' Cause this cow's meat is delicious. ' 'That's right. You remembered very well. Sui is hard.' "Eh heh." Twenty Bloody Horn Bulls in total. I've never had more meat than this because it tastes good. "Twenty bloody hornblues... awesome..." "That's spectacular when you line up like this..." The face of Phoenix is taken aback by the bloody hornblue lying flat. I'm glad this is where we opened it. Once I had Bloody Horn Bull, the next thing I knew I was coming out...... "Eh, that's a lot bigger. What is this..." What came out was a lizard-like demon about five meters from the tip of his head to the tip of his tail. "This is..." Mr. Larsh gave a surprised voice when he saw the lizard-like demon. "Do you know Mr. Larsh? "Maybe. I've seen this in a book before, and this is probably an S-ranked Gigantomic Chameleon." When I hear about S-rank, the other faces of Phoenix are twisting. I wouldn't be surprised if it was this much. These guys are going to hunt dragons fine......, hahahaha. Is this a chameleon, not a lizard? That's what it looks like if you ask me. 'What do you say, it'll be awesome. I got this. This guy tried to eat about me for business, too. I got it in my head, so I gave it back! Oh, oh, well. You had a bad hand, chameleon. Nanbu ~. "This, Fenrill? "No, it looks like Dora got this." Answering Mr. Larsh's question that way, all the faces of Phoenix were staring at Dora with their eyes open. "Hehe, what do you say! I'm strong! That's what Dra said. She flew around us. But it doesn't sound like Phoenix. Once Giganto Mimic Chameleon is also here, take the next... Hmm, this looks big, too. What came out was this again a big bird. It's an eagle-like bird whose mouth is yellow and whose black-winger is five meters long. 'That's the last of it. That's the garuda I hunted. Because they were after the cows that Sui defeated. I shot him down. " That's what Fell told me in his reading. "It sounds like a garuda." .................. All five of them, including Mr. Larsh, had solidified silently. "Um, are you okay? "............... can you hunt a garuda? "First of all, I rarely see it. We've been adventurers and we've been there, but you've never seen us before, even though you know we exist." "That's right. And it's a flying demon. Besides, if you get a garuda, you're flying at an altitude where you can't even get an attack." "Suppose you dropped altitude and targeted where you were flying, they're S-ranked demons. Yeah, it's not gonna be that easy to hunt." "We've seen a hell of a lot..." So, why do the Phoenix faces look at me there? I guess I didn't get it. "Well, it's Fell" End of the line. Convinced face to see Fell, who also stands gently in the face of Phoenix. 'Hey, I'm hungrier than that. I guess you're ready for dinner, huh? "I'm hungry too." "Let's make it dinner." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Delicious." "Hug hug, really." "This sauce is stuck in the meat." "Oh, it fits perfectly with meat! "This one's a little tingly. It's delicious again." The face of Phoenix is wrapped around the fragrant meat cooked on a barbecue stove. Fell, Dora and Sui are also disappointed in the meat they served on a platter. Yeah, sure, don't make this meat look good. A bit of sweet sauce goes well with the fragrance. "I heard it was Rockbird's meat and thought it was expensive meat again, but if they showed me S-ranked Giganto Mimic Chameleon and Garuda. I don't know if this meat is anything to Mr. Mukoda, but it's silly to shy away." "That's right, Mr. Larsh. Don't hesitate to eat more and more. And so are you." "Oh, thank you" "" "It will be gothic" " I'll eat the face of Phoenix. I've tried recommending vegetables, but they still prefer meat. The Phoenix face has lost and the Fells have changed many times. I ended up eating vegetables with me. Only seasoned with olive oil and salt and pepper, but the asparagus was delicious. And the steamed corn was sweet and delicious with no complaints. That's how...... "Uh, I ate. I ate." The face of Phoenix is stroking her pampered belly. 'Um, that was delicious. I still like the fragrant roasted meat. " "Uh, hungry." "Sui is hungry too. The meat was delicious ~ ' All that massively soaked meat disappeared clean and refreshing. No, we all ate well. If you eat so beautifully, this one I made is also refreshing. The rest needs to be cleaned up quickly. "Well, shall we go back to the city?" "Oops, can't we make it now? We'll camp here and head to the city tomorrow morning." "No, I think you'll be fine. Sui, can you give these five a ride? "Fine. Wait a minute. ' With that said, Sui grew bigger and bigger. "Whoa," a surprise sounds from the face of Phoenix. "All Phoenix, please get on the swim." "Huh? Are you in this slime? "This slime has suddenly grown." "I mean, this slime, what? "It's not just Fenrill and the dragon. Mr. Mkoda's obedient demons are awesome up to the slime..." "Slime, Sugee ~" "Come on, get in. Get in." Drive up the face of Phoenix, who is surprised and hesitant, and put him on a swim. I'll let Fell ride me as usual... "Let's go back to the city." Going on and on with gnawing. The face of Phoenix was greatly obsessed with the comfort and progression of Sui's ride. We made it to the city on the verge of the gate closing. "You made it." "Yeah, somehow" "Nonetheless, all Mr. Mkoda's squires are awesome" Mr. Larsh looked at the Fells and said he was stingy. "Really." "I still wish I was Tamer. Can I be now, too? "Bacca. You can't be such a wheezer to Tamer. You have to be talented." "But strong obedience, I admire you" Other Phoenix faces besides Mr. Larsh said so one after the other. "Are they stupid? A mighty man like us can easily make an obedience pact with the likes of your Lord." It's true. You don't seem to be able to serve delicious meals, so you're disqualified. How dare you be such an obedient to him? ' "Sauce is delicious." Uh, yes, yes. Glad you didn't hear the Fells in the face of Phoenix...... "I'm having a treat today. Leave a message for the Adventurer Alliance if anything happens. See you later." "" "" "A treat. See you later." "" "Yeah, again." The face of Phoenix and I broke up as we entered the gate. "Well, let's go home" I went home with the Fells. No, I didn't appraise you, but can you eat Giganto Mimic Chameleon and Garuda?
As Fell had said, the next day he arrived in the city of Krall. I offered an Adventurer Guild guild card to get into the city, but I put it in without any particular problems. I received confirmation from Fell and Sui, the subordinate, and an explanation that if anything goes wrong with the subordinate, I will be punished, the Lord of the subordinate. The city of Krall was only called the city of spinning, with yarn and cloth stores and cloth shops connecting the houses. "Fell, why don't you start with the Adventurer Alliance?" "Hmm. Why don't you take the request?" I asked the clerk at a nearby store where the Adventurer Guild was and headed. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Entering the Adventurer's Guild, Fell was there to get noticed, but he wasn't particularly stuck. When I showed my guild card at the desk, the lady at the reception (who is the beast man with the cute feel of her dog ears) said "Wait a minute" and took a seat. "Oh, I've been waiting for you." Little old man with a mustache coming toward me, saying that in a big voice. Is that Dwarf? You heard the story, but you've never seen it before. Currie, Villem from Lina will be in touch. Villem from Currie Lina? Oh, I do feel like the Alliance Master of the Adventurer Guild in Carrerina was named that. And the little old man, even though he's small, he's muscular. He's got a bearded toy. A little touched by the dwarf as I imagined it. "Hmm? What, Lord, is this the first time you've seen a dwarf? Dwarves are not uncommon in this country. You're heading to the dungeon city of Dolan after this city, aren't you? There are Dwarf adventurers and blacksmiths in that city." Heh, yeah. Some Dwarf adventurers. In Carrerina, I saw the Beastman adventurer flicker, but not the Dwarf. Looks like you have some elves, but you haven't seen them before. You might be able to see all kinds of races if you go to the dungeon city of Dolan. Is the elf as beautiful as I imagined? I don't care about the beauty elves, but I would love to see the beauty elves very much. And I'd like to get to know you if possible. (aspirations) "Oh, yeah. I still had to introduce myself. Noh is the guild master of the Adventurer's Guild here in the city of Crail, Rodolfo. Say hello." That's what I said, little old man. Again, Mr. Rodolfo grabs my hand and shakes the boom. "Well, what are we talking about here? Let's go to Noon's room. Follow me." We followed Mr. Rodolfo in a row. "Well, sit down." I sat in Mr. Rodolfo's opposite chair, in the Guildmaster's room that followed Mr. Rodolfo. Fell is lying in the open space next to the chair. "I hear a lot of rumors. Turn Fenrir into an obedient demon. At first I wondered what you were talking about stupid, but I heard from Villem, and people came up with the same story, and I started to wonder if this was true, even though I was half-hearted... I didn't know I could really see the legendary Warcraft. Besides, I've heard that your Lord will turn the slime into an obedient demon." That's what Mr. Rodolfo said as he looked at Fell in a chill. Half-heartedly. I guess that's not until I actually saw it even when I asked about Fell. Anyway, it's a legendary warcraft. Sui is getting stronger and stronger in evolution, to my surprise, too. "So, I'm sorry we just got here, but can we talk about a request soon? "Yes." "Actually..." Anything meant I wanted the thread of Venom Tarantula (look like a big spider) as soon as possible. Apparently, a request came from the Chamber of Commerce called the Bruno Chamber of Commerce, a large trading partner of the Adventurers Guild here, that this Venomutarantura habitat is another mess. There's that Venomutaranthura in the Ishtam forest north of this city. In this forest, after all the poisonous worm-based demons, there will be an A-ranked Giant Centipede (Big Mukade), he said. "Worm-based demons originally have less material to take away. And if it's poisonous, no one wants to go. Besides, if there's going to be an A-rank Giant Centipede, none of them will take it. Bruno, the Chamber of Commerce is still trying to convince me that I'm in trouble." The cloth made of Venomuta rantula yarn is said to be the finest and is used for aristocratic clothing and dresses? Apparently, a sudden order came in from a nobleman whom the Bruno Chamber of Commerce is gracious. Apparently the Bruno Chamber of Commerce also panicked when ordering just when there was no stock of cloth made of Venomutarantula yarn. I tried my best to collect the threads of Venomutara, but they're missing a step now. So it was this request. I knew there was that Venomutaranthura in the Ishtam Forest, but he caught an eye because of the nasty place it had been abandoned until now, but it was an emergency. "Will you take this request somehow? As an Adventurer's Guild, I can't stand in the way of Bruno's Chamber of Commerce, a big business partner." He's in real trouble, and Mr. Rodolfo's in trouble, too. "What do you say, Fell? "Bugs... I hate bugs because they don't have many to eat. Venom tarantula is a better category because it can be eaten and it doesn't taste bad, but I don't care about that shell ' What? Spiders, can you eat them? "Um, can you eat Venom Tarantula? "Oh. Fenrill is right, there are many insect-based demons that are not suitable for consumption, but among the edible insect-based demons, this Venomutarantula is said to be the best. It's delicious when boiled in salt." Spiders, I can eat... As I said earlier, there are few ingredients that can be removed from worm-based demons, but Venomutarantura says that the ingredients that can be removed from yarn, meat, and poison bags are not worm-based demons. By the way, Venom Tarantula is B-rank, but it seems more about not having demonic stones. "The reward will be colored somewhat too, so why don't you ask for something? Looks like you're in real trouble, so it's the mountains I want to do something about, but it's actually Fell I'm gonna do it, so hey. "Fell, is this a difficult request? 'Don't be an idiot. I don't have to ask for anything difficult. Hmm, if your lord cooks, can you eat some delicious food? All right, all right. Let's take that request.' "Looks fine. I'll take it." "Whoa, is that right? Oh, my God." "So, as soon as possible, it's better to be quick, right? "I'm sorry, but I'd appreciate it if you would" Um, but not today. We don't seem to have that much time until the sun goes down. "Fell, how about tomorrow? "Uhm, that's good" "Well, I'll be there tomorrow" "Right. Quick and helpful." "Oh, I need to ask you something, can you tell me what you recommend at the inn where I can even stay with my squire? "Well, then, a yarn truck is a good place to stay." Mr. Rodolfo told me where the Yarnwheel was, and we left the Adventurer Alliance behind. "Fell, by the time I get to the inn, I'm gonna take a look at the clothes store around here." I walked when I saw the clothes I was concerned about until I got to the inn. The city of spinning means that every piece of clothing decorated in the store seems to be a few steps above what I bought before. The clothes sold in this city look plain but stained and well made. "Oh, this is good... Fell, I'm gonna go in this store for a second" What I saw was an ivory shirt in my olive trousers. The clothes I have now just look dull brown, so I get caught up in these shades of stuff. Good, this. "Did you like it? Unlike other cities, most of the ones in this city are brand new. Of course it's brand new there. Your shirt will be one gold coin and five silver coins, and your trousers will be two gold coins. When I go to other cities, I think even similar products will double. However, this city is a spinning city, so you can sell it at this price. It's a great deal." Great deal...... you know, clerk. When they say that word, they want to buy it. The touch doesn't compare to my clothes I'm wearing right now. I feel a little expensive, but my nostrils are warm and I'll buy them. I ended up buying three shirts and trousers at a time. I bought all three shirts Ivory and my trousers Olive, Blue and Dark Gray. Sounds a little impulsive to buy, but satisfying. Let's try it on early tomorrow.
The next morning... Would you like to go to the Adventurer Alliance and ask for it? The Adventurer Guild soon found out in the building facing the boulevard, but it had an early time and was an adventurer and a mess. The adventurers saw me giddy in temple development, but I dared to look strange. This is my client. I wouldn't even get tangled up if I knew it was my client in an exchange at the desk. Maybe. After a while in line, my turn finally came. "Excuse me, I'd like to make a request" "That's a request. What kind of request would that be? "Request an escort to the kingdom of Fanen. And I don't have a carriage, so it's on foot...... This is my first time making a request to the Adventurer Guild, what will be the reward for such a request? "Request for escort duty on foot, right? When you're on escort duty, you'll be asking for more than C-rank adventurers, and then on foot, it'll take a date, so I was wondering if you need at least seven pieces of gold." The receptionist told me even more when he thought that seven pieces of gold was such a painful amount considering my hand. "However, now, as you know, the boarding carriage has been suspended, and we are increasingly requesting escort assignments for this hand. In view of that, I think it would be better to have eight gold coins." As an adventurer, you'll be eating the more rewarded with this growing number of requests. Eight gold coins, huh? It's a painful amount, but I can't replace my belly on my back. "Okay. Ask for eight gold coins. And can I have your meal here, please?" Since the receptionist's mouth sounded harsh with even eight gold coins, I also added that I had a meal. I don't hate cooking, and I have that skill, so if you pick cheap ingredients, you're going to figure it out. "Thank you very much." I left the Adventurer Alliance behind by depositing eight gold coins from the reward. The next day, the Adventurer Alliance contacted me, so I went and said, "What an adventurer to take my request." I'm not expecting to find you so soon, but I'd really appreciate it if you wanted to leave this country so soon. Introduced to the Adventurer Alliance was the C-rank Adventurer Party, Iron Will. "I'm Werner, the leader of Iron Will. Regards." "I say mcodea. Nice to meet you." Don't let the nobles take a weird look because they seem to be the only ones with the last name, just the last name without daring to name all the names, which is also named in a foreign style. Mr. Werner was cm in his early thirties with a disappointing figure on a certain length, carrying a big shield and a sword down his hips. It feels like a war adventurer to see it go hand in hand with the numerous scars on his thick arms. The members introduced by Mr. Werner to Vincent, supposedly a swordsman with leather armor and a long sword lowered from his waist, would be the scourge of a young girl Rita with a dagger on her chest and on her hips, Ramon, a wizard-like, gray-haired, sinister old man with wings, and Franca, a woman around twenty years old (who, by the way, has super big tits), who would be a restorative in monastic clothing. Looks like a balanced party inside. As an Adventurer Guild, I will not introduce students who cannot achieve the request, so I decide to keep asking them to do so. Discussions with Mr. Werner led to the departure being tomorrow, at a.m., before the Adventurer's Guild. If that's the case, I'll have this meal and I'll have to prepare a lot of things. On my way back to the inn, I bought and collected what I needed for my journey. Cloak first. This is going to be cold proof, and they say it's mandatory because when you go to bed, you just have to wrap around this and go to sleep. I also bought some fine dishes from the grocery store. I found a lot to watch at that time. It's a magic stove. A stove that, as its name suggests, comes out of fire when it passes magic. There was a bite type and a two bite type but both are pricey. But that's where I thought. Can I buy a cassette stove in the online supermarket and use it? and. It looks just like a cassette stove, and if you tell the adventurers it's a demon guide stove, they won't find out. All right, let's do that. It's much cheaper to buy a cassette stove at an online supermarket. In that case, I hurried back to the inn because all I had to do was shop online supermarkets. When I get back to the inn, I'll be buying a lot more from the online supermarket. Cassette gas on cassette stoves, frying pans in pans, knives, slabs and the most important ingredients. I bought more ingredients for five adventurers for my six. Cheese, ham, sausage and eggs in potatoes, carrots, onions and other vegetables. Then I also bought a dish that I could serve right away. And then I also bought salt and solid soup ingredients and other condiments. I used a little more than two gold coins because of it. The rest of my hand is eight gold coins and five silver coins each with a few copper coins and iron coins. My nostalgia is getting tougher, but this is also my patience until I get to the kingdom of Fennen. When we get to the kingdom of Fennen, we'll sign up for the Merchant Alliance and sell a lot of stuff. And while we secure the money and look at the situation, we move again. If it's for a safe and secure life, I'll do my best.
The boss room was wrapped around three purple-colored dodecadent cobras that were more than a meter thick and had a total length of meters. "That's a King Crimson Asp...... I've never seen the real thing before too...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... So twinkly, next to me, Mr. Erland was staring at King Crimson Asp. Demons enough for even Mr. Elland, the long-lived elf, to see for the first time. When I appraised King Crimson Asp, it was S-ranked. I looked out the boss room at a dodgy cobra that made shoeshoes and sounds threatening. That size would give me a drink. Gokuri...... I accidentally swallowed my spit. 'Um, there's just three of them. Dra, Sui, we'll take one down. " 'One at a time, yes! "Let's go! Say Fell knocks one down. No, Dra and Sui pop out towards King Crimson Asp. "If you come with them at all..." That's what I said, and Fell was a foot late and headed for King Crimson Asp. Then I guess...... Fell, Dora, and Sui's private basement. Fell's opponent, King Crimson Asp, died after his thick body split in four with a claw slash. Dra's opponent, King Crimson Asp, died when he was plunged into that thick body by Dra wrapped in lightning magic. Sui's opponent, King Crimson Asp, dies when the bottom part of his thick body is dissolved in Guzguz with acid bullets. I feel a little pathetic about being one-sided with the enemy. "Okja, look, look, look, look, look, I dropped the meat." Seeing it, King Crimson Asp, defeated by Sui, was dropping a big chunk of meat. This is going to be food. And since you're an S-rank demon, you're supposed to be dropping demon stones, too. "Oh, there it is. You're so big." When I searched for the vicinity where the meat had fallen, a round demon stone with a red colour had fallen, so I picked it up too and turned it into an item box. "Mr. Mukoda, the drops that Fell and Dora took down are covered with skin, fangs, and magic stones." "Oh, that's just how big the skin is..." How many of the regular snakes are for, this skin? I put my skin, fangs, and demon stones in an item box with that in mind. "Hey, there's a chest over here." It's Fell's voice. As I approached, there was a simple wooden box at the wall that was invisible to the crate. "Is this the chest? 'Cause I appraised you, I'm sure of it.' "What about the trap? "At the same time as opening it, the pit in front of the box seems to be activated" Oh, it's a pit. Even though it was a trap that was set on the chest itself before, it suddenly fell... We had an appraisal, so we saved him, but he opened it while paying attention to the trap set on the crate itself, and he fell into a pit. Then it's going to be stylish. Then I'll open it. By the wall, just in case, I decided to use my spear to open the chest. Hook the spear tip onto the fitting and carefully remove the clasp to open the chest. Gacon -. As soon as I opened the chest, there was a hole in the floor in the front of the chest. A little while later, the floor went back to normal, but I peered inside the chest trying not to stand there just in case. "Oops." Unexpectedly voiced. "Is it a gold extension stick....... one, two, three...... ten in all. Isn't that pretty good?" Mr. Elland also smiles when he sees a golden extension stick. It's nice to feel like a treasure being a stack of gold sticks. When we recovered the gold stick, we went down the stairs to head to the next floor. Next is finally the last undead hierarchy. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "It's finally the last undead hierarchy," "Yeah. It looks like Rich came out the last time the trespasser went through, but it's not necessarily the same. Honestly, it's not weird no matter what comes out. Let's keep our minds together." I snorted at Mr. Erland's words. We already have holy engravings on everyone. We're all set, but whatever it is, this is the 26th floor. This is the deepest part of the dungeon. The story I was hearing beforehand was about Mummy on Ghoul, then Skeleton Mage, Skeleton Night on Skeleton Warrior, and then Race and Rich appearing, but I can't say for sure because that's also what I heard from an adventurer who stepped through a dungeon here nearly 200 years ago. As Mr Erland said, it would not be strange to see anything come out. Okay, now what's coming? Going ahead with Fell. Our first line encounted was a bunch of ghouls and mummies. Soon Fell, Dora and Sui attack. "Be careful, Mummy can freely manipulate the bandages that are wrapped around her! Mr. Elland's attention flied. However, the Fells are strong. He defeated the undead in excellent condition, as usual. "Dora, you're in danger! Mr. Elland jumped out screaming. And...... Span -. Mummy's head rolled across the universe. Mummy manipulated the bandage and tried to capture Dra, following a gap where Dra was dealing with Ghoul. Mr. Elland snapped his neck. "I didn't know you were going to touch Dra with that dirty bandage...... You deserve to die, don't you? I will succeed and defeat the inferior species that pollute Dora. That's a good idea. Let's do that, that's good. Yeah, the undead on this floor have all decided to kill." "E, Mr. Elland......? Hey, something's scaring my eyes, Mr. Elland. And Mr. Elland joined the attack flabbergastly. 'Hey, Dora, you're not paying enough attention! "Chip... flatter me, I know! Dora knows her carelessness, too, and she didn't say anything more, but the attack intensified to hit the undead eight times. Then again, what can I say... The cartel was joined by Mr. Elland, who kicked ass in the trio of Fell, Dora and Sui. It's a super dangerous group for relative demons. Everyone relentlessly launched an attack. In the room along the way, some riches unleashed such strong magic, but that's just like a bug if it gets on the cartel. The undead were in the same condition as their counterparts. I saw all the battles and I was glad I was on your side. I was wondering what would happen to the last undead hierarchy, but my search went on and on without delay. I just picked up the drop as I followed everyone. And finally, we made it to the 26-story boss room.
On the twelfth floor awaited Giant Killermantis and a little smaller Killermantis of the Kamakiri demon that was also in the dungeon of Drun. There was a killer mantis gushing out in the aisle, threatening us with a sickle in his arm trying to chop us up. But even here, Dora and Sui took the lead in destroying it. Anyway, he seems to enjoy defeating his enemies, and he's so energetic, he pushed on. Killermantis and Giant Killermantis, who were in the room along the way, also defeated Dora and Sui as they competed. I had a couple of them turned because I had a purpose to level up too. First spankily slash off both arms with a sickle, then pound your chest. I went with this method of warfare, but the Mithril spear that Sui made me performed too well to defeat me or without bitterness. Other than that, me and Mr. Elland picked up the drop at best, and Fell was totally in the role of navigation by skipping directions like "Turn right at the next corner" or "There's a trap there" with a perception of signs he was good at. I went smoothly to see if Fell had guided me as far as possible out of touch with the other adventurers. Boss, Killermantis and Giant Killermantis were sickeningly hissing in the room, but this was also crisply finished by Dora and Sui. Killermantis drops are smaller than Giant Killermantis sickles, by the way. Sometimes the Giant Killer Mantis drops were sickles and demon stones, just like the dragons, and a few more but double-eyed eyes to see for the first time. When I asked Mr. Elland, he said it would be material for some kind of drug. That's why we went all the way to the th floor. What was waiting for me on this floor was a killer hornet. Killer Hornet is also a demon who was in the dungeon of Dolan. Dora said, 'Whew, it's Killer Hornet,' and Fell looked disgusted. Still, I'm actually knocking him out in the Dolan, and I thought he wasn't the enemy of Fell or Dora or Sui, but when I was talking about Mr. Elland, the killer hornet in the dungeon here was a pain in the ass. "Killer Hornet, like Killer Ant, doesn't have a lot of power, one at a time. There's nothing about demons that come under attack in groups with such a large number, because it's the most important thing not to be surrounded and how to deal with them early. However, unlike Killer Ant, Killer Hornet can be feathery and flying, and you need to watch out for attacks from unexpected... and this explanation would suffice for a regular Killer Hornet, but Killer Hornet here is a little different, isn't it?" With that said, Mr. Erland also looks sinister. "Dungeons here somehow have many special individuals... You know, Killer Hornet is poisonous, but that's not going to kill you unless you're stabbed bad or stabbed at more than ten places. Relatively easy to use the poison removal potion, too. But special individuals have more potent poison than regular killer hornets. Besides, the poison removal potion is also hard to work with" When stabbed by a special individual, if the stabbing place is bad, he dies instantly, if the stabbing is one, he still can handle it, but when it comes to two, when it comes to three places in some people, almost all of them die. Besides, they say the thing they don't like about special individuals in killer hornets is that they're almost indistinguishable from regular killer hornets. "I guess there are extremely few adventurers heading after the 13th floor because of that. 'Cause that's what happened when I dived here in my active life." You sure stopped seeing adventurers as soon as you came to this floor. 'Hey, you didn't say a mess, and the point is, you shouldn't take everyone down. Boom-boom flying around, depressed pottery. " That's what Dora, who boiled the business, said when I was talking to Mr. Elland. 'Um, Dora's right. You just have to destroy it. " "Defeat -" Both Fel and Sui agree with Dora. Come on, let's go! Gowwwwww. When Dora opened her mouth pacably, she sprayed a fire. "D, Dora?! "D, dragon bressu?! I was surprised by this, too, but Mr. Elland was also surprised with his eyes open. "It wasn't even in past literature that Pixie Dragons throw up braces! It's a new discovery! Seeing Dora spraying fire from her mouth, Mr. Elland said so excitedly. Where does Dora gush fire out of her mouth with the breeze that blows, burning down the killer hornets. It's like a flamethrower. "Dra, you made the braces..." When I said that, 'No, you're not,' Dora told me. "The braces, of all the dragon species, only the large ones can throw up. Mine is fire magic. Well, I can make you look like a brace. ' That said, he erupted the fire again and burned the killer hornets. Mr. Elland was staring at Dora, who was spraying fire, with her sparkling eyes. I mean, it was pretty creepy. "Are you okay, using all the fire magic..." I was worried that using all the fire magic in a confined space would result in a lack of acid. "Are you worried the Lord won't be able to breathe using fire magic in the narrow? "Oh. Looks like Fell knows." "Uhm. When I fought in the dungeon back in the day, it was right..." Looks like he's messing with something before. "From my experience, you don't have to worry about that." "Oh, really? "Don't worry, we've been in the dungeon more than once. First, can't your lord breathe now? "No, not at all" No, that's all the fire I was spraying, but I'm not breathless or anything at all. "That's what I'm talking about." Um, I don't know, is it because it's magic that's burning with fire magic or something? Well, this world itself is a fantastic world, and maybe not all reason on Earth goes through. I'm telling you Fell's okay, and I don't need to worry about that. From then on, thanks to Dra's fire magic, I also proceeded without difficulty to the thirteenth floor, where I thought I would have some difficulty. Dra burned down both the room along the way and the killer hornets that were massive enough to fill the inside. There were also only a few killer hornets who escaped Dra's fire magic, but that was also being shot down with Swiss acid bullets. And we reached the boss room on the 13th floor.
'There are only miscellaneous fish on this floor. There's nothing to deal with. Dora or Sui do it. " You're not even willing to deal with him in a goblin or a cobolt, Fell says that in his readings and throws a round at Dora and Sui. 'Goblin or Cobolt is here, isn't he? I don't want to deal with clutterfish like that either. Sui, I'll take care of it' Dora doesn't want to deal with Goblin and Kobolt either, she's throwing a round at Sui. Sui can take it down by herself? Sui is jumping with pleasure. Only Sui seems to be jealous of whatever he's dealing with. But, you know, you can't take it down on your own. You didn't even spin it on me earlier, did you, Sui? 'Sui, you can't take it all down by yourself. You said you wanted to train spears so you could spin them to me. " "Oh, yeah - You can't take it all down, can you? Then how much do I have to leave? "Um, don't knock one down for now. Will you turn it over here?" I still don't know how many spears I can use. Carefully here, for now, it starts with one. "Okay -" We spearheaded Suey, me and Mr. Elland, and then proceeded in a formation called Fell and Dora. "Ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg! A group of goblins at the end of the aisle noticed us coming towards us. "It's a goblin. Suey's gonna take it down." Buh, buh, buh -. Sui's acid bullet is shot in and the goblin falls flabby. What I said seems to have protected me, and one surviving goblin runs this way. "Blame." I stuck out Mithril's spear toward the goblin. The spear tip sucked into the middle of Goblin's chest softly. Pulling through that spear, Goblin fell forward without power. Yeah, that's just as horrible a cut as the short sword on Mithril. That's Mithrill. The sui that made it is amazing too. "You surprised me. Mkoda told me he was a special individual and strong, but I didn't know there was a slime that could attack like this..." That's what Mr. Elland said when he saw the Battle of Sui. Uh, you didn't believe me because Sui is slime. Anyway, when I say slime, I'm like a representative of miscellaneous fish. But you know, my sui is so strong, as you can see. "That's the beginning. I'll keep going. Sue, it keeps going." When I said that, I replied with a 'hi' and a reading and proceeded further and further down the aisle on the eighth floor. I didn't dare go into a room on the way. There are a lot of beginner to intermediate adventurers around here, and at first sight, we talked about how it would be bad for me in S-rank and former S-rank Erland to take root drops. So, boss, I even went down the aisle to my room. Encounted goblin and cobolt populations along the way instantly feed on Swiss acid bullets. Don't forget to leave one at a time and turn it on me. I pierced it with a spear. I repeated that several times and arrived in front of the boss room. By the way, I didn't pick up the goblin and cobolt drops I knocked down along the way and left them there. It wasn't a big deal, and we didn't really need it. I've decided to give it to the adventurers who will come after us. Peeping into the boss room, some young adventurers in their mid-teens were fighting a mixed unit of goblins and cobolts. "Is this a junior adventurer party?" "It seems so. Yeah, that's pretty good, huh? Even Aveling has a good adventurer growing up." Oh, Mr. Elland made a statement that sounded like an Alliance Master. "What is it, those eyes? I'm also an Alliance Master, so I care about adventurers." That's what Mr. Elland said as he was in a hurry when I looked at him with his raw eyes. 'Cause I'm only under the impression that this guy is a bit of a shame about the intense dragon love. "Really." "Well, that's what I'll do" "No, I won't..." "Oh, it looks like it's over." The young adventurers finished the fight and came back here. Then he said, "It's over, please" and went back to the aisle. "Is that it? Aren't those kids going to move on? "Next is the ninth floor where the undead, also the first gate, is located." Right, the undead hierarchy is next. Are the undead tough on junior adventurers? "Yes, can you leave this place to me? "Huh? Fine, but isn't Mr. Elland enough? Unlike me, Fells, this guy is a bee's ex-S rank, and he's short on goblins and Kobolt opponents. "Ha, yes, but it's been a long time since you've had a dungeon. Let me show you my power, including what I mean by shoulder habit." Oh, can you see Mr. Elland's swordsmanship? You won't be able to do the mane, but I hope it helps a little when I use my sword. Oh, maybe you can ask me to tell you when you have time. My sword is amateur. If that happens, I'll have to convince Suey that I'm willing to go into the boss room. "Sui, Elf's uncle will take you down here, so will you just put up with me for a second? Sui wants to take him down. 'I'm sorry. But, you know, next floor, there's gonna be demons that I've never seen before. I want you to take them down all over you. " "There's a guy out there that I've never seen before? Wow, fun. Sui, good luck on the next floor - ' All right, all right, let's have Suey hang in there next floor. I'm going to hang in there, too, but zombies and skeletons are going to pull back if I actually see them. "Well, Mr. Elland, please." "Yeah. Okay, I'll be there." That's what Mr. Erland said. He broke into the boss room. Spa, spa, spa, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy. -. Mr. Elland slashed the goblins and cobolts one after the other so he could flow. Kachin. Mr. Elland delivers his love sword to the sheath. It's over. Mr. Erland with Nico's face. All I did was keep my mouth shut and watch. "... Ha, ha, what is it! Wow, that's amazing, Mr. Elland! Ex-S rank was true! Mr. Elland's sword sword was like dancing. Goblins and cobolts were slashed and lay down one after the other in flowing motion. It didn't take five minutes to defeat everything, despite the fact that there were such numbers of goblins and cobolts that could be called miscellaneous fish. "Were you suspicious that it was true? You said S-rank many times." No, I'm sorry. 'Cause I, I've only seen something weird about Mr. Elland. I wasn't suspicious, but I just had a few thoughts about it. Really, I'm sorry. I don't care about that. "Hey, what's that flowing sword move? Somewhere awesome. You extremed this sword genre, or something like that? If I saw that sword move, I would definitely. I slaughtered Daddy like a flower. "Hey, it's not that big a layer. My sword is self-streaming, self-streaming. The business of not having the physical ability and experience of an elf." "... is that what you're doing? "Yeah. Because the elves are originally light. Does it feel like the sword moves are getting better and better for you? When that happens, the rest will be able to do some sword twisting if you gain experience. Elves have a longer life span than people, so you can experience them multiple times. I'm glad you had a long life elf, hahahaha" Elves, pane. Or cheating. That's the only advantageous thing about a long life span. Well, it's something I can't help but envy. Mr. Elland's sword, I thought it might be helpful. That's not helpful. "I was going to ask Mr. Elland to teach me a little sword, but that doesn't seem to work for me." "Ahhh, mine is only self-styled, so hey. But I think it's number one that the basics are well targeted and slashed. Anyway, it's important to hit it, not knock it down with a single blow or anything. If you hit a machete, you can damage it, so it leads to the next attack." Well, that certainly makes sense. That's not what I've ever done. Sometimes he said that he could only aim and slay firmly because he was an amateur, but when he said it again, it's not the basics in the basics. All right, from now on, let's be more conscious of aiming and slashing. "Shall we go to the ninth floor?" "Yes." We went down the stairs at the end of the boss room. Finally, the undead hierarchy. It's time to try that one that Master Hephaestus and Master Vahagn gave you.
I'm not convinced by the pitiful look from the face of "Ark". Nothing. I'm not dealing with S-rank all the time. ............... No, there are many of them. Yeah, but it's actually the Fells they're dealing with. I watch a lot more... That means I was a merchant aspiration in the first place. I have dealings with Mr. Lamberto, and he does some things like a merchant, but I don't care what you think, adventurer operation is more dominant. Thinking about it, I feel like I'm just going to the dungeons here. Sometimes I like the Fells, but somehow I'm even breaking them all. When you go to the lower level, there are only high ranking demons, so what the “arc” faces say is often not a mistake... Or not if you think about it. It's a lot of fun in my life right now. All right, let's make some rice. I like that. It's hot in the dungeon, so let's make it cold and refreshing. It's easy, and you might want some cold pasta. That's right! There are plenty of giant scallop scallops, so maybe some cold pasta for the scallops. Yeah, let's do that. It's just that the meat-loving eater cartel says, 'Where's the meat? You're going to say' or something. Then...... Do you decide to also make cold pasta with pork shabu-shabu using dungeon pork? Sure, dungeon pork should be thinly sliced and stocked, so that's just fine. If that's the case, the next step is to check the material. If you're looking for cold pasta for the scallops, it's in your hand. For pork shabu-shabu cold pasta...... "Who is Sesame after all, Pork Shabu-shabu? So you're white sesame for Sesame Sauce. And the vegetables, I wonder if they're water vegetables." It is only in the online supermarket that you buy the missing ingredients of refined sesame seeds and water vegetables hidden in the shadow of the magic stove so that they are not seen in the face of the "arc”. "Okay. First, we need to boil the water." Sprinkle a torso pan with plenty of water from the magic stove. "Hooff, you can afford six new magic stoves." Boil Giant Scalap scallops first to make Dungeon Pork Shabu-shabu. Boil the giant scallops with salt in half of the six dimensional torso pans. Boil a thin slice of dungeon pork in the other half of the dimensional torso pan. When both are boiled up, open them on a monkey and cool, place them in the magic fridge and let them cool. Now boil water for pasta. In the meantime, mince the alban-stamped onions used for the sauce of cold pasta on the scallops and leave them exposed to water. The onions made by Alban are less spicy and sweet, so the exposure time to water is short but OK. Then, the tomatoes with the alban-stamp polar note are cut into cm squares. If you're concerned about the skin, it's better to peel off the water, but I don't care, so stay put. I just finished cutting a ton of tomatoes and start making sauce by cutting off the water from the onions I left exposed to the water. Mince onions in a bowl and mix in soy sauce, olive oil, black vinegar, sugar and powder type scallops. Lick one of the sauces you could... "Yeah, that's perfect." Then, now cut the water vegetables used for cold pasta with pork shabu-shabu into lengths of about cm. Next, create a source. Mix in a bowl with white condensed sesame seeds, menzuyu, sugar, vinegar, sesame oil and white sesame seeds. Lick one of the sauces you could do. "I like this one too" That's how I noticed the hot water boiling. "Oops, salt salt" Add the pasta by adding salt to the boiling water. Another job while I boil the pasta while stirring it from time to time to keep it from sticking. Cut the boiled giant scallop seapillars that were chilled in the fridge into large bites. In a bowl with a sauce of chilled pasta from the seapillar, add the polar tomato with the alban-stamp and the giant scallop seapillar and mix well. Now in a bowl with a pork shabu-shabu cold pasta sauce, add the chilled dungeon pork shabu-shabu and water vegetables and mix this well. Pasta boiled up just after that. All you have to do is fill the boiled pasta with ice water and add the pasta to each bowl with the cold pasta sauce and ingredients of the scallops and the cold pasta sauce and ingredients of the pork shabu-shabu and tangle it well. Serve that up even more...... "Done!" Chopped large leaves for cold pasta with seapillars, and caiwale for cold pasta with pork shabu-shabu. The colors are also prettier, but I don't have any habits at all, so stay put this time. There are also “arc” faces. "We're ready for dinner." Speaking up, we all got together as soon as we could. I served both cold pastas to Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui's Eater Cartel from the beginning (because they're all, of course, big eaters. Two dishes are so perky), I asked him which one was better for the “arc” face. Pasta is a good stomach, and I was just wondering if you could eat both, but brilliantly, all four requests with both of them. I was wondering if you were okay, but everyone was eating up beautifully. "Cold noodles are some ways to eat them. Refreshing and delicious" "Both Ume! "Both are delicious, but Noon prefers the meat on this side. I can't tell you how fragrant and intense it tastes." "Sooo delicious" Mr. Feodora even replaced the cold pasta from the scallops. It's a terrible stomach. Eater cartels are, as usual, a replacement storm. Grandpa Gong, Dora, and Sui seemed to like the cold pasta they eat in this heat, and the cold pasta on the scallops and the cold pasta on the pork shabu-shabu were widely replaced, but only Fel complained about 'Mmm, less meat' or something. You don't take care of pig shabu-shabu cold pasta because you eat it badly for that matter and it's the most swallowed. I got some cold pasta for the scallops. Save it for yourself. What, but I was so freaked out. I knew I'd like something refreshing like this when it's hot ~. By the way, I made the sauce this time, but when it's troublesome, the chilled pasta of the scallops uses a Japanese-style dressing, and the chilled pasta of the pork shabu uses a sesame dressing, but it's totally OK. That's super easy, so I did a good job in the summer, too. That's how everyone finished their cold pasta and took a ho breath sipping the cold apple juice they had transferred to the pitcher. "No, it's a Caribbean drop. It looks like Mr. Mukoda was receiving it, but what kind of drop was it? That's what Mr. Gidion has heard in an intriguing way, moisturizing his throat with apple juice. "No, you did interact like that." Mr. Gaudino is also interested. "Mm-hmm. Those are the drops that came out of all those demons. Non is interested." Mr. Seegvald also seems interested in "for later school". Or do we all remember looking at that place a lot in that situation? The apple juice I served to the face of "Ark” was served in a ceramic cup I had previously bought in the city of Neyhof, but I did it by pouring apple juice on Mr. Feodora, who had silently offered me that cup. With such a bitter laugh at Mr. Feodora going my way, I was remembering a Caribbean drop. "Uh, it was definitely a magic stone, fangs and a chest." When I said that, they all reacted to the crate. "Ho ho, is that a chest? So, what was in there? "I'm interested in that too! "Oh. Me, too." "Uh, it was after that. I just turned it into an item box without looking at the contents, and I haven't even looked at the contents yet. Yes, let's open it now." Since I will confirm it later, I decide to open it to see if I can confirm it now. The "Caribbean Chest" I took out of the item box was quite something to look at again. It was a deep blue color, a fine workmanship of wave design, which was finely applied and scattered with diamond and pearlescent gems. When Mr. Gaudino, who sees it, snaps, "You're just a treasure chest," both Mr. Gidion and Mr. Seegvaldo nod as they swallow the gokuri and the snail. Certainly some of the crates I've seen so far are particularly luxurious specifications. I swallowed gokuri and spit without knowing it either. Whoa, I just need to do an appraisal before I open it. Sneak an appraisal of the crate to make sure there are no tricks. "I'll open it." I opened the Caribbean chest nervously. Mr. Gaudino, Mr. Gidion, Mr. Seegvaldo and I peek into the chest. ............ All four became silent. What was inside were sapphires and diamonds, and tiaras that were so plentiful that the pearls were still this. "Eramon was in there..." Mr. Gaudino and Mr. Gidion nod silently at Mr. Seegvaldo's crush. "Will you buy it off in the Adventurer Guild..." I know it's going to be worth a lot, but even with the jewels. Besides, it looks like we're going to have to buy it at Tiara's. "I can't do that. In other words, in some cases, this can also cause battle." "Eh? There was an unexpected strange voice in Mr. Seegvald's word "cause of the war". "Does Mr. Mkoda know the value of pearls? Pearls are pearls, right? Aren't diamonds and sapphires worth more than pearls? "You don't seem to understand. Look, pearls..." Mr. Seegvald said that pearls are not something that rarely comes out in the first place. That said, the shellfish demon named Giant Pearl Oyster, where pearls can be picked, was captured a long time ago and now only very few live. Besides, not all Giant Pearl Oysters can pick pearls, and they can't pick pearls unless they're from Giant Pearl Oysters who lived a certain number of years. So by pearl, it has now become very valuable only to find a few a year. Simple but elegant, Pearl's brilliance, which adds to what you can wear, seems to captivate upper-class women. They say that pearls found a few times a year are also taking advantage of the upper-class women, regardless of the country. Naturally, its value is also, needless to say, dantotsu among the gems. Mr. Seagvald also said he had seen only chilli what had been requested to be processed by some royalty inside when he was young. "It was a smaller grain than this, though. But I followed the guard until the machining was finished. I still remember you very well. That pearl is all there is to it. Besides, none of these are nearly perfect spheres with no distortion. And this size! At dawn when I found out I had something like this...... I don't even want to think about it." The faces of Mr Gaudino and Mr Gidion, who I heard about Mr Seegvaldo, were convulsing. And three eyes can be turned on me. It's like, "What do you want me to do, this? They seem to be asking." "This is something you guys didn't see..." That's all I can say. I didn't even think Mr. Seegvald's "cause of the war" was a big deal, but when I heard about it, I couldn't tell you it was a big deal either. There's no way I can get this out of the world. You decided you didn't see it, and you only have to permanently save it in the item box. But, Cariboudis, it wasn't rock to the end......
As soon as I got to the Adventurer Alliance, the Alliance Master came out. I was puzzled when the sinister-faced guild master told me that. "Huh? Did you do something? "Did you do something? No, I'm not! With the sighting of the Black Dragon heading towards the city of Valence Ella, the Adventurer's Guild on that side was a little noisy! Ahhh...... I don't know the city of Valence Ella, but I have a great verse in mind about the Black Dragon. Behemoth, that was totally out of my mind because of the noise, but I was traveling on Grandpa Gong, so it would be noisy. It's not the original size, it's about the size of a regular dragon, so it's okay. 'Cause Grandpa Gong and Fell insisted, but it wasn't okay after all. I stare at Fell and Grandpa Gong, but where are the winds blowing at us? "We talked about a black dragon, but it's him, isn't it? I was wondering if, because a sighting of him flying off the outskirts of the city here in Carrerina went into the ears of the Alliance Master, he said he was sure of our Grandpa Gong. "Uh, no..." "You, think about it for a second. If you see a dragon flying, you're gonna make a fuss." An Alliance Master who puts his hand on his forehead like he was stunned while saying so. Most likely, yes. "I disagreed, too, but they insisted, 'If it's the size of a normal dragon, not the original size, it won't be a problem'..." I see Fell and Grandpa Gong, where the wind blows at the top of my mouth. The Alliance Master also looks at Fell and Grandpa Gong...... oh, I missed my eye. "It can't be a problem though. You have a problem with what you think. Well, if you look at the uninformed colossal dragon giant, everyone will wonder if it's the end of the world. But when you say" normal dragon, "that's what the general public thinks." Absolutely. You're right, yes. But you're telling me only because I can't tell Fell and Grandpa Gong strongly. I can't solve it. "Mostly, you're the main one, aren't you? Then it's basically about telling them to obey." Guru, I can't argue with that when they say it. But they're Fenrir and the Ancient Dragon. I also want you to guess my struggles for a second. "Fenrir and the ancient dragon are all legendary warcraft, but they must be your obedience. The Lord........................" The sermon of the Alliance Master continues. Wet, wet, this is also Fell's and Grandpa Gong's fault. I stopped it. ".................. and well thats the thing. All I'm saying is, when I use dragons on my feet, they always contact the Adventurer Alliance beforehand. Otherwise, you're just gonna make a scene, so you're gonna have to be thorough." "Thank you very much." Finally, the long sermon of the Alliance Master is over. I can't argue with you because what you're saying is true. "Hey, hey, Ruju, are you done talking to me? Sui, I'm getting bored ~ ' "Come on, Sue, this guy's pissed off, so guess what." Dora's kindness is hard. I mean, neither Fell nor Grandpa Gong are outstretched. You're the culprit. Irrational. Remember, I'd say absolutely. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "This, this, this, this." Get the Fells' hunting achievements out of the item box and pile up more and more in front of Johann's old man, who has come to no exaggeration when it comes to the dismantling of the Alliance Master and my rep. We had come to a warehouse we were familiar with to buy away the fruits of the Fells' hunt, the original purpose of our presence here at the Adventurer's Guild. "And then there's this, and then there's this." The fruits of the hunt made even more by the addition of Grandpa Gong. Many piles of prey had already been made. Both the guild master and Johann's old man, who should be getting somewhat used to it, are staring at it. "... erm, that's the last of it. Yikes." The last frog I put out with Dodon, it only looks like a huge, mossy rock. Appraisal said “Giant Mimic Frog”. He's a B-rank demon, jizzing in the woods, and he's going to pucker where his prey's coming from. This is also a natural mutation. The meat seems light and delicious, so I plan to pick it up here. You eat frogs......, I think, but you're eating snake meat and now you feel even better. Besides, it looks like there are countries outside of Japan that usually eat. Most importantly, you've been tattooed by the self-proclaimed gourmet Fell and Grandpa Gong that it's quite delicious meat. "No, I've had a lot more before..." "Grandpa Gong is a new subscriber." "I would have...... Is our capital flow okay..." Alliance Master, don't tell me with such farsightedness. Well, even if we buy everyone's highranking prey, we'll have to make it gold as an Adventurer's Guild. Some of them will or will not soon be converted into gold. Ma, I guess the worst part is that all of us go hunting more often. "Um, would you like to keep it less this time? "Hmm, let me think for a second" That's what I say and think guild master. Well, the guild here will continue to be big business, too. Mainly because of us, no doubt. "Ouioioi, brother, where did you get this? That's what Johann's old man, who was watching his prey, asks like he was in a hurry. Uh, I knew you'd notice there. "Hmm? Johann, what's up? "Guildmaster, take a look." The guild master, prompted by Johann's old man, jizzes at the piled prey. "Hmm, a lot of them are big overall, but isn't that an individual difference? "No, I'm not. Is this troll easy to understand?" Johann's old man slapping a pong and a troll while saying that. That's right - I noticed that too. Ordinary trolls were a little greenish. Gray, or colored like that, but those trolls are reddish. "Well, I know it's different colors from regular trolls, but don't you mean special individuals? These guys got it, and it wouldn't be weird to have that." Something Eli would say, but there's something I can't deny. I'm messing with a lot of things. "I thought I would, too, but this, this, this, this is not normal when you look closely. So, as I looked at it, I remembered a book I used to read. You see, I study a lot about demons." Well, I think Johan's old man already found out where he got it. "If it wasn't your brother who brought this. Oh, I'm just smiling at what's stupid, too, but it seems like it could be your brother." With that said, Johann's old man sees Fell and Grandpa Gong chilling relaxing as if they were at home behind me. "Come on, Johann, what are you up to? Let me get this straight." "Brother, I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where did you get this? I knew I had to answer this. But it's hard to say anything. I know because I've been there, but it's never an easy place for people to go. Ooh, Johann's old man and guild master's gaze is good for Thailand. "Uh..............., in" Forest of Skies ”" When I heard my answer, Johan's old man held his head "I knew it..." "... what? I think I heard an illusion. Say it again." Guildmaster, what's a phantom? Because it's not an illusion. I'll say it again. "So, in the“ Forest of Skies ”. It seems to be called" Uranos. " Guildmaster, my ear hurts when I'm screamed. "Brother, you look like that, but the Alliance Master's reaction is normal." According to Johann's old man, who said so in disdain, a little over a hundred years ago, the highly-ranked adventurers of the day gathered to challenge the “Uranos”, which had remained untouched until then. But of the more than fifty highly-ranked adventurers who ventured into the adventure, only one returned. When one of them was rescued, he said he was weak and confused. At first, he seemed to be not even able to speak properly, and retired from the Adventurer as he was. Late in life, the surviving adventurer wrote about “Uranos” in a single book. Johan's old man said he read a copy of it. The surviving adventurer said, "Where people shouldn't come in, the unknown land is Uranos”. Ma, well, I guess that's normal. If I go normal, I'll have to climb that wall, and if I suck, that's usually all I can lose my life. It seemed like a normal hunting ground treatment for our cartel, but hahahahahahaha...... Throw it all round, wondering if it was enough, and in the past Fer and Grandpa Gong have also been to “Uranos” and told both of them that they normally recognize it as a hunting ground and that it is the only mutant species that lives there in “Uranos”. Both the Alliance Master and Johan's old man are sighing after hearing me talk and making a dry laugh. And when the Alliance Master said, "Fenrir and the Ancient Dragon..." Johann's old man said to each other, "That's right..." What a distant look. "Gohon, so, what do we do? When do you make less? When I say that, the Alliance Master returns to sanity and says, "Except if you're a mutant from Uranos. I'll buy it all out," he declared. You must have played Abacus in a short time. Seems like a mutant from Uranos would have a good chance of winning. "Paying for the buyout is, yeah, it's after noon tomorrow. Truth be told, I just need some more time, but I have to head to the King's Capital the day after tomorrow." "Oh, that's what you're asking for" I entrust the Alliance Master with offerings to the King. They're ready for Mr. Lamberto's place, and they're set to leave here the day after tomorrow. "Yes, just meat, as usual..." "Brother, he said he knew. You just have to go back to the meat you're going to eat." Johann's old man got it too. "More than that, I'd like to ask, was Behemoth there? Apparently, there was something about Behemoth in the book (or so) written by the surviving adventurer, and that's what Johann's old man asked me. "Uh, there you are" "What's going on? There's no such thing as you guys couldn't hunt, right? That's what Johan's old man said as he looked at Chirali, Fell and Grandpa Gong. "Well, yes..." I scratched and talked about the fact that it was only a scratch. "Oh, I don't know what you're talking about, but if it's normal, I almost yell at you." "Right. As an Alliance Master, I would yell and preach what I would do if that did harm to people, but the place is the place..." “Uranos," people don't live there, so hey. I also missed Behemoth because I had asked Fell and Grandpa Gong there. Naturally, the possibility of harm to people has occurred to me. But when I thought about what Fells told me and the location, I knew it wasn't going to mean that people would step into that place. You didn't just miss it because you have a child. Even I think about it for once. "Well, don't blame me this time, but don't do it in a place that's harmful to people." Attention was paid to the Alliance Master. "Yes, I know enough there" "Oh, and, as I've just told you, I'm going to head to the King's Capital the day after tomorrow, but in the meantime, I'm leaving it to Johan to do something about you. But while I'm gone, weigh yourself a little." "That's where I was begging you, too. When you bring something similar to this, it will be reflected in the purchase price. I can't do anything about it." "That's what happened" "Uh, I'll do good." Self-weight and nothing, it depends on our cartel. I mean, well, at worst, I have a hand in keeping it in the item box. That's how we managed to get the Adventurers Guild to take all the prey we've all got, and we left the Adventurers Guild behind in one line. "There's something I'd like to stop by, over here" "Mm, where do you want to stop by? "Where are you going? "Is that a stall? "Meat ~" "No, no, it's not a stall, Dora. Sue, don't forget the meat when you get home. It's a magician who stops by." Previously, I bought magic props to strengthen my security. Maybe not, but we'll talk about whether the magic stove broken by Behemoth will fix it. Because I used it a lot, I knew it was thoughtful. If it doesn't seem to fix it, I've got a new magic stove with the same performance there. Either way, the Magic Stove is a magic item that must be for us.
I wonder if I can go pick up the bread I asked for from the orphanage tomorrow evening and leave for the city of Carrerina the day after tomorrow. Finish dinner and think about that with a ho sip of coffee. The Fells say...... "Um, this white is still delicious" 'I knew this was it, this! Pudding is awesome ~' "Amai cake, all yummy" I'm obsessed with dessert after dinner. Actually, I bought my share too. I was at the Fall Fair, and I didn't know Japan was going to fall. Mont Blanc caught my eye and I wanted to have a taste of Fall. Packle Mont Blanc with coffee. Mmm, delicious. This chestnut cream is really delicious. It is not too sweet while leaving the chestnut flavor well and goes well with coffee. Thought I'd say goodbye to this city the day after tomorrow while puking Mont Blanc... "Is that it? Me, I seem to have forgotten something..." What was it................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I remember! It's God's, God's. It's been about a month since my last offering. It would be a good time to do it by now. Do I hear your requests before I go to bed? Tomorrow, I'm free until I go to the orphanage in the evening, and in the meantime, I'll make it ready. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Are you all here?" When I spoke that way, I heard a lot of doozy footsteps. 'Finally, finally... I've been waiting for you! I've been waiting for you. "Okay, I've been waiting." '... I've been waiting' "Whiskey, whiskey! "Coo, I've been waiting for you! I kind of have some wings stuffed. "Um, I'm just going to ask for a request today. I will prepare it for you during the day tomorrow and give it to you at night." "Oh, really?" "You're an idiot, Nin Lil, if you" 'Right. I don't know, I got it unplanned in the first place. Isn't it bad that you scattered it? "... you deserve it" "Ma, if you say so, the same thing about liquor lovers there." "Ku......, in opposition, it's humiliating to be told in the same line as this fool." "I ate all that in a little over half a month. Don't worry about it with Nin Lil. We're the ones who let him keep it. It was gone three days ago." ........................ Dear Nin Lil Ye. I've been told to "humiliate" and "don't be with me" even by a big drinking liquor lover combo. "Uh-oh, shut up, you guys! Because, 'cause it was delicious! Shino-no-no-no-no-no-no-no.' The opposite is true. I always thought you were an unfortunate goddess, but is it because of the fact that you're getting even more pompous? Or did you consume that amount in about half a month? Horrible. Master Ninril, are you all right with your weight? "Humph, that's what I'm asking you. I met Kung from another world and Nin Lil made me fat, but I don't know if I can say I'm fortunate, but you went back to it discreetly. And yet, I've gained weight again in the last month. Plus, he's fatter than before, and he's got a punny cheek. ' "Yeah, yeah, I don't admit Nin Lil, but Kishal's right, you've definitely gained more weight than before." "... fat" "Hmm, when they say that, I don't think Nin Lil's fuzzier than before" "Indeed." "Nooooooooooooo, lords, after I only said that to my concubine because I wanted to! My concubine is not fat! Well, that's just a little, maybe just a little more, but you're not fat! It's true! And, Luca! Lord, take my concubine for a fat man for lack of reason?! "True thing. 'Cause I think my clothes are gonna stick.' "Ku......, ko, this is, uh, uh, yeah, it just so happens," ... Dear Nin Lil, by chance. I think that excuse is just as painful. "Erm, well, since Master Ninril is a goddess, I don't think she has anything to do with diabetes or adult disease, but the more" "Wow, I know." "So I would like to hear your request" "Hey, hey, hey, hey, you're a concubine! If it's in the usual order, naturally it's not from the concubine! Dear Nin Lil, who is twice as tense as man. I could hear the other gods giving up half the time, saying, 'Let me just talk to them and shut them up is number one' or something like that. "Admittedly, I gained a little more weight than before, but Nin Lil is an endless beauty as long as you keep your mouth shut. True, she's a shame. Wow. ' "Kukukuku. Kishal, don't be such a squeamish. I feel sorry for you. ' 'But even Agni would think so, wouldn't he? "No, well, I am." "Ninrir is a pompous trick. We all know the gods in the divine world." I don't think I heard you at all. "I knew I couldn't take my concubine off the grill. That is delicious. I don't get tired of eating it every day. And it's not a cake from the three houses. That's good, too. Because there are all kinds of cakes and they're all delicious. Then I want all kinds of cake. That's right! If there's another new one out there...... are you listening, Lord?! My concubine is talking about something important right now! The important story is almost about what Lady Ning Lil wants to eat, right? This is the kind of thing I can't imagine hearing Lady Nin Lil as an extinct beauty. "Yes, yes, I'm listening properly, so it's okay. It's a roasted cake and three cakes." 'Mm-hmm. If there's a new one out there, so is that! "I know. If there's a new one out there, so is that. Can I choose the rest appropriately? "Uhm. Oh, naturally the rest is sweet too! Nice to meet you! "Yes, yes, I know." As usual, Lady Nin Lil's offering is going to be full of heartburn sweetness just to watch. "I'm next, Kishal. What I'd like to ask you for is the usual face wash foam, lotion and cream, and then a sheet pack. Then... ' As for Kishahr's request, she used the usual slightly higher face wash foam, lotion, cream, sheet pack, and beauty products for her face. As for the shampoo and treatment, I have also given them refills during this time and they are still fine, and I have given them a couple of bottles about body soap, so this was okay as well. When that happens, after all, what I want is a beauty product for my face. Master Kishahr asked for a high moisturizing beauty solution or something that might work anyway. I feel like you're telling me that, but this is the only way I'm going to be able to make sure I pick the kind of thing that suits Master Kishahr's wishes while looking at the online supermarket. Listen to Master Kishahr's request. Next, Master Agni. "I'm naturally a beer! The usual blue one and the gold one in the box, please. And then again, it was good to have all kinds of beer in between. It's not bad to have all kinds in there like that. ' All kinds of beer...... Ah, a set compared to local beer drinks. If that's a good idea, there were a few other sets of local beer drinks comparison, and there was no such thing as a set of international beer drinks comparison, so what if I put that in? 'I hope you have something to eat that fits the beer. You know, the gut burn you've been making in the meantime, what a beer that looks like.' Yeah, the hormone grill is perfect for beer. The hot dog I made at the meat dungeon festival goes well with the beer, too. I didn't make the sausage with the meal during the trip, so maybe I could make it tomorrow too. Let's say we make a few other simple dishes to go with beer. "The rest, of course, is with beer. I'll leave it up to you what kind of beer you want, delicious favor! You seem to like the pack of local beers that was your first, so you might be more than happy to choose around a new brand. "Rickershop Tanaka" in trouble around here, please. "Me next. I knew I'd like an ice cream. ' Luca seems to be a big favorite with ice cream, and this request is also ice centric. When I asked him, he wanted to try ice cream with all sorts of flavors. Until now, it has been the cup ice cream center of the three houses, so let's also choose from an online supermarket this time. And then she wanted cutcakes, so she wanted a new one, just like Nin Lil. 'Then I want rice too. You made it for the trip. It looked delicious. I want it all. " Oh, you've been watching me. Well, I made plenty of rice during the trip, so I can serve about Luca's share. At the end of the day, these two are naturally Hephaestus and Vahagn. "It's finally our turn." 'Cause we were talking about which one we want next. It's mostly settled.' It also seemed to blossom into the conversation about what the two of us would ask for next with a glass of whiskey, and the request seems to be made to some extent. 'First of all, you're the best whiskey in the world. I don't like this either. I don't like this one at a time. " "Oh. For the rest, we'll ask for whiskey we've never had before." 'Mm-hmm. I'd like to try a lot of flavors. And ask for as many kinds as possible' Does that mean a lot of pricey stuff there rather than pricey stuff? This is Rickershop Tanaka, too. Please. "I'll give it to you tomorrow night." "Um, don't forget what the concubine wanted! "I know. He's taking notes, so it's okay." I made a proper note of your request on the note form I bought from the online supermarket, so I'll be fine. Well, I'm looking forward to it. See you tomorrow! "Tomorrow" "I'm looking forward to it! 'Please! This is unexpected. You're going to be busy tomorrow.
"So you've decided where to go? The Alliance Master sat across the street in the Alliance Master's room asking. "It's just a place to go, a place to go to sea." "Uhm. The ocean. Go get Kraken and Cesar Pent." "I mean." "Kraken and Cesar Pent." "Something, I'm sorry. I didn't ask if Fell was delicious..." 'Mmm, that's delicious. And sometimes you can eat something from the ocean. If you cook with the Lord, it will taste even better.' Uh, yes, yes, because I get it. "That's what I want to do. I want to go to the sea." "The sea, wait a minute." That's what I said, the Alliance Master stood up and took the paper out of my desk drawer. "This is the map of this country and the kingdom of Ellman." The map spread over the desk was that of the kingdoms of Leonhardt and Ellman. It is written in such detail on a map of this country and the kingdom of Elman alone. By the way, they sell this map anywhere in the Adventurers Guild of the Kingdom of Leonhardt and the Kingdom of Ellman. "If you're going to the sea, I'd appreciate it if you could take this road. Sometimes it is recommended because the roads are well developed, but it would be helpful if you would take the request there because it goes through the three major cities." "That's good, but where are the three major cities? "The first thing we get from here is this city called Crail. Through there, the next is the dungeon city of Dolan. And the next Neyhoff. The end is Bellain, the city of the sea." Looks like you'll end up in a city called Bellain, facing the sea, following what the Alliance Master points out. The first city to arrive is not as big as this city, but it seems to be famous for its spinning. The merchants also gathered in search of colorful yarns and cloths to seem quite busy. That next dungeon city, Dolan, seems to have a dungeon, as its name suggests. Having a dungeon brings together adventurers and merchants to look like a pretty big city. This city of Carrerina is also the fifth largest city in the Kingdom of Leonhardt, but it is occupied by the king's capital and three dungeon cities in this country. So with a dungeon, the city flourishes. It seems like a big city, so I'm not looking forward to it. And the city of Nayhof says there are plenty of pottery workshops in the city of baked goods. They also make baths here. And last but not least is the fishing port city of Bellain. He's famous enough to be told this city if he eats fresh seafood. It seems that the world has demons in the ocean, and the fishing is usually unattainable, but the fishermen of the city here fish without the demons. It seems a famous story to say that Bellain fishermen have to be strong to serve. You're a pretty aggressive fisherman not to take demons for granted. Well, because of that, they say no city has more seafood than this one. As a Japanese fish lover, I'm very excited about seafood. "I recommend this dungeon city of Dolan. With adventurers gathering, there are many weapons and armor stores, and the food is delicious. Plus, they sell rare items that come out of the dungeon. Yeah, you might want to dive into the dungeon if you have time." "No, dungeon? You've never seen a dungeon in a city of people. Doesn't that sound interesting? ' Fell, you're not responding to the dungeon. Don't have a bad feeling... "Dungeons? Fight? Oh, Suey crawled out of my bag. 'Oh, yeah. Sui, we're going to the dungeon. " "Dungeons ~" For some reason, the tense sui jumps pompous. "Sui, don't you jump. Hey, there's no dungeon in here." The dungeon is already corny. I'm never going into a dungeon. "Is that a dungeon? You heard good things. Why don't we hurry up? ' "Sui also goes to the dungeon -" "No, no, I said I wouldn't go in. Let's not go to that. Not yet. Since I got paid to buy Wyburn, I'll be leaving as soon as I can, the day after tomorrow." The Alliance Master is laughing when he hears a conversation between me and Fell (Suey only sounds like me and Fell because she's a talker). "Hahaha, it's nice to be looking forward to the dungeon, but I'd also appreciate a request in the city on the way to the city of Bellain. Of course, there must be a request left for Dolan." 'I know. If you hit me, it'll be over soon. Then why don't we go into the dungeon? "Yeah, of course. I'll tell Doran's guild master a lot too." "Uhm. A dungeon in a people's city, or I'm looking forward to it" "I also look forward to Sui ~" "No, no, no, that's why I'm not coming in." When I heard what I wanted to hear and said what I wanted to say, Fell fell asleep again. As always, I don't listen to people. Totally this guy, huh. "Hahaha, your lord will struggle too" "Yeah, I'm having a hard time." "I'll take care of this map, if you ask me." "Okay. Thank you for contacting the city along the way, Guildmaster." "Oh, okay. Oh, and the ground dragon just now, but the dragon might be able to dismantle it. Let's tell Doran's guild master what's going on around there." "Thank you. Oh, and if Mr. Lamberto, the merchant, comes to ask, can you tell me where I am?" I'm talking about exchanging letters between adventurer guilds with magic tools of transfer, so I guess there's no telling which side we're in. "Do you know Mr. Hollambert? "Yeah. Thanks for everything. And I'm going to ask for a cape with Wyburn's skin." "I see. Okay, I'll tell Mr. Lamberto when he gets here." "Please. I'll come back the day after tomorrow." Thus we followed the Adventurer Alliance. Let's go back to the inn. "Uhm. I'd love some Wyburn meat for dinner today." He said, "I know." I wonder what Wyburn meat tastes like. I can't imagine. When I saw it in the warehouse, it looked like some kind of Wagyu beef with sashimi in it. It looks like a luxury ingredient, so it shouldn't taste bad. Looking forward to it.
After finishing lunch with a bovine bowl of warm balls made of blue-bull meat, which I set aside, we all spend the whole thing. Fell is lying in the living room again, and Dora and Sui are napping over to Fell. I was drinking coffee brewed in a drip bag, and now I was searching my own online supermarket. "I'll buy about ten more pairs." I bought more socks because they are getting a lot tired. Then I remembered that the bathing agent was greatly reduced because I bathed here every day. The bathing agent with the carbonated gas fragrance of yuzu that I always use was added to the cart. "Sometimes I buy something that smells different." Recently, it smelled like yuzu, so I also bought bathing agents with four herbal scents. Let's use it early tonight. Continuing to color online supermarkets with that in mind...... "Mr. Mkoda, the refill you were asking for is over" "Oh, you're early." I was asking to be in the women's club asking for things in the house. I bought a shampoo from an online supermarket and refilled it with [Divine Medicine Hair Power]. There was a guy who said, "Mr. Mukoda gave me that." It was easy. And Celia was handy, so it didn't take that long. " When Theresa said so, Celia looked down in embarrassment. Celia, you're a shy, less assertive kid, but don't do it when you do it. Seems like you're good at fine work on that, and you clean things up pretty good as a young man. Theresa's "sounds like" was purchased in an online supermarket, of course. I thought it would be useful if I had a spot to add one drop of the Swiss special elixir, so I thought maybe I'd look in the online supermarket. I bought it right away and gave it to him with me when I asked him to refill it. "I still have a lot of this, so I'll give it back." That's what Theresa gave me. It's a bottle with a Swiss specialty elixir. Theresa was right, much of the contents remained. In the meantime, I asked for 0 bottles, including a portion to be given to the Count, but for this amount, even one bottle can have a cool number of [Divine Medicine Hair Power]. "I might ask you again in time, so say hello then. Celia, it's good to see you then." When I said that, Aya and Theresa said yes, and Celia nodded yes as she honeycombed. Lotte said, "Good luck with Lotte!" That's right. "Mr. Mkoda, do you have any other work to do? Think a little about Ayya's words. I've had the house cleaned impeccably, I've had refills done, and I'm going to make and set aside dinner this evening..., not particularly so far. "Not particularly today. A little early, but you can end it." That said, the women said, "Shall we go shopping then?" etc. "Are you going to buy something? "I'm running out of vegetables, so I thought I'd go buy some." "Is that it? I gave you the magic bag, didn't I? I wish you could buy a lot of them and put them in that one." When I said that, Aiya and Theresa laughed like they were in trouble. "You're safe, you don't need an escort anymore, but if you had a magic bag, the rogue would be after you." "... ahhh, well. Was a magic bag worth a lot?" Because I have an item box, when I say Magic Bag, it was enough to put in the Fells' hunting scores, but the world traded them for quite a price. That, and then, did you go shopping for vegetables often? I asked, and apparently so. I bought a lot of flour and sun-drenched vegetables from the first purchase. They are still fine, but they go to buy mushrooms every three days or so for vegetables similar to the seemingly sun-drenched tomatoes and vegetables similar to broccoli. Former farmer Theresa said, "I'm getting a little high when I buy it in the city and it's numb, but I can't help it all". At Theresa's, they grew the vegetables they eat, and it's going to be some time since they harvested what they sell on the city market compared to the vegetables they took. "Now, if you'll excuse me for shopping." "Excuse me." When Ayya and Theresa say that, Celia learns to do it and says, "I'll stick with it". Lotte waved her little hand back, "Mukoda's brother bye bye" fine. I waved back at it and dropped it off, too. Still, it's vegetables. If it's vegetables, the freshly harvested ones do taste better. Especially if it doesn't get sunny. Do you want to make it in the field? It's a big land. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Alban, should we plow like this? "The soil is also softer, so it's enough. The magic is still amazing. I didn't know there was such a use." I was soilmagically cultivating the land next to it, which had three servant houses lined up behind my mother's house. Build a field has the merit of being food if you grow it well, and it seems interesting, so I just decided to run it. That being said, half of it's easy to do. The advisor is, of course, Alban, a former farmer. I told Alban about the field and he gave me an OK at Norinoli. I knew he was a farmer for generations and he seems to love dirt. At first, I thought about making it in the garden in front of my mother's house, but Fell, Dora and I were very opposed to Sui. It's a playground for everyone, but it's huge, so I thought maybe a little bit, but it doesn't seem to work. And this is where I laid my eyes. Next to the servant's house is the best place to think about it. The fields are going to be entrusted to the Alban family, a former farmer, and it would be better if they were closer to the servant's house because it would be food for everyone. It just seems to be a field about the size of a tennis court in a location, so it could be a lot smaller if I tried it from my ex-farmer's alban. I can't help it because the area is about a home garden. That's why I started making fields, but it starts with dirt. If I was doing it in Qua, it would take time, so I decided to give it a try, wondering if I could do it magically. Magic is an image, and I could manage it when I tried it with an image where the soil would loosen and soften. It didn't go all at once, though. I guess it's about three meters square at a time with magic. Put in a break along the way and release earthly magic more than two dozen times with magic in your head with your hands on the ground and images of soil loosening and softening. "Huh, I guess this is it. Hey, I'll take care of the acre-making." Speaking up, Oliver to Alban, who was standing by, Aerik to you, and Toni and Costy came into the field where you plowed with the quail. Everyone had me go buy a quack while I was magically plowing. Of course the former farmer Alban, Oliver and Erik, who were helping out with the house, are quite handy too. Toni and Costy, you will also make acres while learning from Alban. "Wow, it's a field, there's a field! Lotte is jumping a pimp next to me when she comes back from shopping. "Mr. Mkoda, this is..." "Well..." "It's a field..." Teresa, Ayya and Celiah are all amazed at the fields that were suddenly made. "Hey, there's some ex-farmers out there, and I was wondering if they could eat freshly harvested vegetables if they had fields" It's not a waste because it's food for everyone. "Hey, Mukoda's brother, what do you make in the field? That's what Lotte innocently asks, but you didn't even think about what to make just because you vaguely thought of it as a vegetable. "Lotte, what were you making in Chi? "Nah, I used to make potatoes all over the field." Potatoes? It's a popular vegetable over here, too. "Shall I make potatoes too, then?" "Ugh." "Nothing else..." At any rate, I might try to make vegetables and fruits from different worlds. With that in mind, Alban's voice. "Mr. Mukoda, it's over." "Oh, thank you." Looks like the Albans are done making acres. "All right, we've got a separation and let's get a break in." If you look at any snacks and online supermarkets, Melon is among the top deals of the day...... Melon. There's this kind of thing, and it might be just fine. I might grow up with different world powers. If you didn't bud, you could have another vegetable plant in your alban later, or you could just try it. So I also bought my favorite watermelon. The online supermarket sold everything for whatever season it was, so I sold a whole watermelon as a matter of course. My prediction isn't that this online supermarket is connected to Japan, but that it might be recreating how the online supermarket works with something magical. Probably, but what I was selling in the period I was using is reproduced as it is. 'Cause for some season, they usually sell things together that aren't even seasonal at all. Well, I can only imagine that area, so I don't know, but as far as I'm concerned, I appreciate it because it sells a lot of stuff regardless of the season. 'Cause that means you can always buy it if you want to. Aside from that, I bought melons and watermelons and we're all snacks. Fell, Dora and Sui, who were taking a nap, were also here at some point. "Were the Fells here too? You want some fruit? "Of course." "Eat Eat" "Eat ~" Ask Aya and Theresa to help me cut the melon and watermelon apart. In the meantime, I asked the kids to call everyone on the guard. Fells' share was skinned off, cut into pieces, and served on a plate. "This is the melon, this is the watermelon. Melons are sweeter, watermelons are sweeter and more luminous." The Fells start eating with the guffaws. "Oh, eat everyone. Oh, this watermelon black is a seed, so keep it. Because I'll try to sow it in the field. Alban, I'm going to try growing vegetables and fruits from other worlds in half of the field, including this species, okay? "Of course it is. I'm interested, too." Melon seeds are already divided. I got permission from Alban, and when I'm done eating this, let's take a little online super peek. Because there's a menu called Horticultural Products in an online supermarket, I think they probably sell vegetable seeds as well. "Sweet ~" Lotte said that happily with Mellon in her mouth. "The red one over here is so luminous after it's sweet. I've never seen fruit like this before." Alban, who ate watermelon, is circling his eyes. Yeah, yeah, I guess so. Sounds like both melons and watermelons technically mean vegetables. Everyone else says it's mouth-wateringly sweet. Or... "Tabatha, why are you two crying? An asshole twin was eating melons and watermelons crying when he said, "This sweetness stings in my belly" or something. "No, I don't know what it is, but I think it's probably because it's carnivorous today." When I heard more about it, the meat-loving twins said they only ate bread and eggs this morning and noon. Anything. He said the menu today was soup full of oak meat and vegetables made by Mr. Ayya, but the asshole twins didn't eat it because they looked pale just because they heard it was oak meat. "Aiya's soup was delicious." Oak meat, somehow. After all those dead fights with the orcs yesterday, it would mean I don't want to eat anything that reminds me of the orcs. I was a little lost for dinner yesterday, too. I ended up using Rockbird's yakitori bowl. Well, I usually ate a bowl of pork with oak this morning. I don't know because the twins were so fucked and so full of creativity. I don't know that you don't want to remember yesterday. But I thought you had a slightly thicker personality. It was delicate. I laughed a little while I thought I shouldn't laugh. When the break is over, buy the seeds at the online supermarket. As I thought, all sorts of seeds sold. In the meantime, I bought lettuce, cucumber, tomato, aubergine, corn and pumpkin seeds. I showed the Albans a package of seeds with pictures of vegetables and they said they had never seen anything but lettuce and tomatoes. Cucumbers, tomatoes, aubergines and pumpkins really seem like they should be seedlings before planting them, but trying them out meant I sowed them as seeds this time around. From what I hear, this city is with warm climates all year round, so it will be okay to sow now. I tried sowing one acre each, including melon and watermelon, but we all sowed it, so it ended right away. Fertilizer when you're done sowing seeds. I bought some liquid fertilizer when I picked the seeds. Mix the liquid fertilizer stock solution where there is plenty of water in the jouro that was given to Alban or Toni. We all hung it sharply on a frightening field. "I hope it's sweet." You liked Mellon a lot. That's what Lotte said with Nico's face. "Right. I hope they all grow up right." I hope you grow up properly with different world powers.
While defeating Snow Giant Horn Rabbit and Snow Cocko with a good chance of encountering them, two days will go on through the snowfield while defeating A-rank and S-rank demons as well, such as a bright white, fast moving leopard demon with an elephant-like giant named Snow Caribou and a tiger demon one turn larger than Fell with a black tiger pattern on the white ground named Giant Snow Tiger. Finally got under the Hierarchist (Boss). The boss royally stands in front of a square box-shaped building stacked with stones built to be buried in the snow. "Yu, snowman? A bipedal ape covered in white hair. There was a demon of the unidentified animal as it was to be told. I can tell from the fact that you can see it well from me at some distance, that it would be quite a size. Try the appraisal immediately...... [Yeti] S rank demons living in extremely cold lands. Strong enough to pull a thousand pieces of captured prey. Strong sense of territory and relentless attacks on those who come into territory. Oh, hey, sure, the Himalayan snowman was also named Yeti. Keep it up. That's a good thing, you're strong enough to pull a thousand captive prey... I was frightened to imagine the scene. "Fell, that..." 'Mm-hmm. You've only seen it once. But I've never fought.' Fell's story says he saw it once in Winter Mountain, just as it is here in the extreme cold, but the bipedal demon basically went bare without being intrigued because the meat was sometimes unsavory. Fell said, "It was more important to look for a bed then." Well, when you say that, when you say delicious demons on two feet walk, you can only think of about oak and minotaur. Apart from Giganto Minotaur, its oak and minotaur. Because it seems difficult to say even superb meat if you try it on fer, there is something somewhat convincing that if it is an extremely cold land like this one it is more important to look for a bunk. He said he was strong enough to pull a thousand cuts of captured prey, and he was terribly territorial. "Uhm. You're in my appraisal, too. He's starting to intimidate me, but he's not coming out. So you're saying we're not in a clear offensive territory yet? ' "What do we do? 'Whatever you do, you just take it down the same way you always do. Naturally.' Naturally, no, well, go ahead and do that kind of crap. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! "Mm, can we go? 'Yeah, I'm fine! 'All right, then I'll leave it to Suey. Go on.' Make a stop at the conversation going on between Fell and Suey. "No, no, no, no, wait a minute -! What are you doing? You can't just go swimming! He's strong enough to pull a thousand cuts of his captured prey! What if Sui gets grabbed by a pussy! 'Shut up. There's no way Sui's going to get behind him. Right? "Right? And you don't know how strong Fell is because he's never fought for that either? 'Oh, no, that's not true. Sui will be fine.... maybe' "Maybe it is, maybe it is! I know I'm strong, too, but I can't wait to be worried when I'm going to face a strong demon on my own. So when Sui fights, he really wants us to fight together as much as possible. "Fell will go with me and fight. That would make me feel safe." "Ryuji, it's okay! I'm gonna knock you down! "Hey, wait, sui! Sui also goes under Yeti in a quick move without stopping in time. "Oh, sweetie." 'Don't make a pitiful sound. Don't worry, I'll help you when you have to. " That being said, I'm still worried about the kid slime sui. "Mm, you noticed Suey." That's what Fell said, while Yeti's thick arm slipped into the snow. "You're not gonna catch a swine." Yeti is oddly shouting "wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww And they were diving in the snow. Sui pushed the snow and jumped. "Aye." Buh -. "Uhhhhhhh" Sui's unleashed acid bullet hit the right side of his belly. Yeti held her belly down and knelt, feeling like she couldn't resist. "Yatter!" I saw a sui bouncing pompously with joy that I thought I had tailored. But the next moment... "Ugoaaaaaaaaa" Yeti, who stood up squeezing the last counterattack and all that remained, grabbed Sui in its hand with a quick move. "Swi?! I could see that Punipni's sui's body was still about to split into two parts with a Gyuuuuu grip. "Suh, SWEE!!! Ferru, please!! Fell runs out at the same time as my scream. 'Wow. Let go, aye.' Before Fell could get under Sui, Sui snagged the acid vishably toward Yeti's face. Yeti throws out a sui along with a scream left in his ear to cover his face with his hands. And a few steps down the bat. "Sui is stronger! At the same time I rushed out under Sui as I heard a rough snort called Huns. And......................... Running underneath Sui at first sight, I hugged the puny body. "Sui ~, are you okay? Does it hurt or something? "Really? Are you okay? 'Yeah, it doesn't hurt anywhere. It's alright -' I was finally relieved that Sui said that and showed how well she was doing. "Don't make me worry, Sue." "Eh heh, I'm sorry, Ruju" That's what I said. Me stroking Sui around. "Sui, my lord, I thought you had stopped and I would have been alarmed." 'Yeah, Sue, I got a little alarmed. I was surprised they grabbed me -' "We're going to teach you a lesson. No one can be caught off guard. When you do, you have to do it right. You got it. ' "Yes." It was me who grabbed Sui's chest for being safe. Something bothers me where I calm down. Yeti dropped it. That's S-rank, with the oversized Demon Stone... "Uhm. That's so big." There are no jewelry or other decorations, but it is a white chest carved with a snowy crystal-like pattern. I'm driven by the urge to open it right away, but many crates have traps, so I have to do this at first. "Appraisal" [Hierarchist's Crate] Crates that are rarely dropped by defeating the Hierarchist. There is no trick. "Crates, don't try to open them because they don't seem to have any traps" Open the white chest thrilled. Me, Fell and Suey, intrigued by the contents, peered inside the crate. "What is this? "I don't know what I'm doing." Inside the chest was a white mocking-bore-like fabric that was tucked in. I'll try lifting and spreading that fabric. "This is a cape." The mockingbird fabric I tried to spread out was in the same shape as my Wyburn cloak. "Ho, isn't that a pretty good thing" "Really? "Try to appraise the Lord, too." Fell prompted me to appraise my cape, too. [Yeti's Cloak] Cloak made of Yeti fur. Great thermal insulation. Stay warm and comfortable even in cold weather. "Ooh, this is good. If this lower tier is the same extreme cold as here, it'll be quite usable." "Um, Dora would be a little easier with this too" Usually, it was pathetic for an active Dora to say that in this hierarchy, she could only withstand the cold and be jiggy or sleeping in her bag. But with this cloak, you'll manage to be comfortable in it. We went down the stairs to level after 45.
I went out through the woods into the streets. We'll just go home later. There is still time before sundown because the annihilation of the Oak settlement has come to an early end. "Do you want to go home?" "No, wait a minute." Fell's lay went in. "What is it, Fell? "We're hungry." "Me too." "Sui too." Speaking of which, you were past noon. "Excuse me, why don't you say the Fells are hungry and eat? Speak to the Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior) face. "No, you weren't eating. Let's make it dinner." Each sat thoughtfully in an empty space beside the street. The Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior) faces serve dried meat and black bread from the bag they were carrying. Yeah, I don't know what to say, but it's shoddy rice. Besides, it looks bad. Suppose we divide the meals between those who received the same request here? "Um, why don't you eat my cooked meal? I think it's better than dried meat." "Are you sure? "Yeah. I got the same request. That's good. Wait a minute, please." What am I going to do? Maybe bread is better than rice after all. If that's the case...... yeah, let's make this one. I still have a lot of black bread I bought from Dolan, so I'll use it. He said to cut the round black bread up and down first. If I put a chopped cabbage on top of the bread below and a hamburger with plenty of ketchup sauce tangled on top of it and the bread above, I can do the hamburger. Two for Shadow Warriors. That Gatai would eat this much. That's five for Fell and Dora and Sui. I've got enough for one. "Go ahead." I put the burger on a plate and sent it to the faces of Shadow Warriors (Shadow Warriors) and Fells. Fell, Dora and Sui are eating Bakubaku as usual. Seeing it, the faces of the Shadow Warrior (Shadow Warrior) also hit the hamburger. "Ugh, delicious! I've never eaten anything so delicious! Mr. Alonzo says so and cheeks the burger all over his mouth. "Ume! The sauce on this meat is ume! That's what Mr. Clement said. He's eating bugs. "Oh, this sauce is sour and a little sweet and rich and awesome! I'm glad you took this request for such a delicious meal! Go on, Mr. Mathias. I've already said that and I'm hitting the burger with a big mouth. ............ Mr. Ernest is silently obsessed with eating. You also liked the faces of Shadow Warriors. Good. "" Replacement "" It's Fell and Suey's replacement. Dora looks hungry already. It's good for black bread bites. Give him a replacement for Fell and Suey, and I'll start eating too. Um, the black bread is a little stiff, but don't be handsome. I knew Hamburg was definitely there. Hamburgers are delicious. Two Shadow Warriors (Shadow Warriors) didn't seem to be enough, so I gave them one extra. Looks like Fell and Suey have been satisfied on several occasions as well. "Oh, hey, Mr. Mukoda said something about leaving this city tomorrow, but you have plans? Taking a post-meal break, that's what Mr. Mathias has heard. "Yeah. We were talking about Fell wanting to go to the ocean, so we're headed to Bellain. The city of the sea means I look forward to eating fresh sea delights." "Whoa, is that Bellain? We went last year, too. The city over there had the best fresh seafood. But some of them didn't enjoy it. Gahahahaha." That's how Mr. Mathias laughed. "Oh. Me, Mathias and Ernesto had fresh seafood and enjoyed the Berleans, but Alonzo...... He said he hates fish and he's going to a different city fast. I don't have that many opportunities to eat fresh seafood, so I'm enjoying it." I look at Mr. Alonzo with a frightened face as Mr. Clement says so. Mr. Alonzo, can't you fish? "Yeah, well, even the city of the sea was just eating meat from Alonzo. Besides, why did you come to the store to eat seafood and come to the city? That's what they do to my face. You laughed at that one." Mr. Ernesto says that and laughs gahaha. "The raw smell of seafood doesn't suit me. I don't want to go to the city anymore. Don't limit rice to meat after all." Mr. Alonzo sucks like that. Seafood, even though it's delicious. "If that's what you're going to Bellain for, the morning market you're doing near the harbor is a must. While fresh seafood is available cheap, there are many stalls around. I recommend it." That's what Mr. Mathias told me. Ho, morning market, I heard good things. I don't know how many stalls there are to get fresh seafood cheaply, but this is definitely going to have to go. "Hey, that fish from Bellain's specialty was delicious, too. What the hell was that? "That's it, that's it," Mr. Ernest says, trying to remember. "Tyrantfish, right? When Mr. Mathias puts out the help boat, Mr. Ernest is knocking on his knees saying, "Yes, it is." "Surely that's a kind of demon, too, isn't it? Look, he's a fierce face, but if you try it, he's light white, he's Ume's something." That's what Mr. Ernest says with a snort as he remembers that Tyrant fish and the flavor of it. "Only Bellain's rough fishermen can catch it, so it's a specialty of that city. You should definitely eat when Mr. Mukoda goes, too. It's so delicious." Mr. Clement will recommend it to me. Tyrantfish, or let's remember. "And that shellfish, uh, did you get a big hard crumb? That soup was delicious." If you ask me in detail, Big Hard Crumb seems to be two shells the size of my palm. Does it sound like a clam? It looks delicious when I suck it up. The soy sauce looks delicious when cooked and eaten. This looks good for seafood BBQ, too. Jurli... I think I'm going to get some saliva. I'm starving for seafood because I've been eating meat all along with the Fells. If I go to Bellain, I'll eat all the fresh sea delights! "Uh, if I'd told Mr. Mkoda about Bellain, you'd want to go again." "Oh, you're eating sea food." "Whoa, eat." Mr Clement, Mr Mathias and Mr Ernest each said so. Then Mr. Alonzo immediately says, "I'm not kidding". "I'm not going to the ocean. I thought we were going to Aveling next." Mr. Alonzo doesn't seem to be very good at seafood. "Huhahaha, Alonzo, don't be so angry. You just said you were eating sea delights. After this, I'm going to Aveling as planned, so don't worry." "Yes, yes. It's been a long time since we've had a dungeon, my arm's ringing." "Oh. I'm not planning on staying for a while this time, let's make a lot of money" Are Shadow Warriors headed to Aveling, Dungeon City, after this? "Are you guys going from Nayhoff to Aveling? "Oh. I'm going to stay in Nayhof for another four or five days and then head to Aveling" Mr Alonzo replied so. "That's an odd encounter. We're going to Aveling after Bellain, too." "Oh, really? This time we're going to sit back and try the dungeon, so we're going to have a long stay. Maybe we can reunite with Mr. Mukoda and the others in Aveling." When Mr. Clemens says so, Mr. Mathias says, "Maybe there's a sneak reunion in the dungeon". "Reunite in the dungeon, there may be. Actually..." We talked about when we reunited with the face of the adventurer "Iron Will" we knew in Dolan's dungeon. The faces of Shadow Warriors (Shadow Warriors) seem to have dived into Aveling dungeons before, and I could hear a lot about that. That's how I got a little excited about the topic of the dungeon, and at some point much of my time had passed. Though the annihilation of the oak has come to an early end, it is time to return to the city. "So it's time to go home" We went back to the city, having Sui grow up just as we went, and ride on top of it the faces of Shadow Warriors.
Spending a few more days in King's Landing. While daring Fel and Grandpa Gong to celebrate Pantry Day as declared (although I returned them to their usual meals on the evening of the second day of crying), I also enjoyed the final King's City by buying souvenirs for everyone who remained in Carrerina. And...... "Ahh, finally, I can go home to Carrerina..." The tired face of the guildmaster crushed it. A meadow stretches out in front of the entrance gate of the King's City. I'm here with the Guildmaster and our party, and the "Iron Will" who came to see us off. The Guildmaster's work was finally done, and I was able to return to Karelina. When I say that, the Guildmaster looks at us with a fussy face. "Hey, hey, hey, hey." When it comes to origin, it's probably because of you. " No, that's true. Oh, it's not so much me, but all of us hustling. “Well, the big job of dismantling the Leviathan has been done.” Werner, who could read the air, called out to the Guildmaster. That's right. It was an emergency call this time, but it was a good income ~ That's what Nikoniko says, Rita. The other members nodded. The "dismantling of Leviathan", which was declared to be the largest project in the history of the Royal Adventurer's Guild, seems to have warmed Iron Will's nostalgia. "Hey, thanks to that, you can also make new weapons." That said, Vincent deepened his smile. Iron Will's faces are now going to be equipped with new weapons and armor for the B-rank promotion. He said that he would stay a little longer in the capital for that purpose. "I'm looking forward to seeing all the good things in King's Landing." It looks like there's something to dig up. Ramon and Franca are also looking forward to it. "So, after that..." “Yeah, it's like going to a meat dungeon with a request on the way to the city.” "I heard something fun from Mukoda-san. This is the only way to go, Leader." During the B-rank promotion celebration of "Iron Will", there was a story about the meat dungeon, and everyone seemed to be interested, so I told him about the meat dungeon festival. It's still a little further, but I'd like to see it just right for you. From the capital city to the city of Rosendaal, where the meat dungeon is located, it is planned to arrive to coincide with the meat dungeon festival while warming up the lonely nostalgia of the new weapon and armor at the request of the city in the meantime. We're going to go to the Meat Dungeon Festival, so we'll see you there! I promised everyone at the orphanage. I also want a stock of boar. Whatever happens, I'm going to Rosendahl. "If that happens, I'm looking forward to another delicious meal!" Attai too! As expected, Vincent and Rita were dumbfounded by Werner's expression, “You guys are in good shape again.” Then the ingredients are sourced locally. It's a meat dungeon anyway. "Hi-hi, that's enough chatter. Let's get back to Karelina. I just want to get some rest at home The tired face of the guildmaster flashed. Even Leviathan was eating bubbles, and these guys had no time to rest because they were messing with each other one after the other. The guildmaster grinned at me while complaining. Haha, Dragon Turtle, you mean the "Hayden Adventure" dinosaur. It's all their fault, Fel. Even as you look away, you blurt out your insistence that you don't let me in. "Are you still saying that? I wonder if you're the owner." No, that's not what I'm told. They are too free to do anything. [Proverb] Well, I found the most powerful weapon (just bread), so I think I'll be able to keep it down a little. "Ahh, well." Let's go home soon anyway. Well, I still have work to do. Dragon Turtle can't do anything about it at home..... " {Hmm. Please. Yesterday and the day before yesterday were terrible... Anyway, I feel like eating delicious meat. " ”That's right. I want to eat delicious meat anyway...” "Oh dear, you guys deserve it." Sweetie, let's do it well. ” Yeah? I don't know, but I want to eat delicious meat! Even though I've been silent until now, my cannibals only insist on this kind of time. You don't have to look like a dead fish with a sunken expression. Too effective. I'd appreciate it. "Hey, what's going on?" That's what the Guildmaster heard when he saw Fel's face and Grandpa Gong's face... "Well, it's okay to leave it alone." It's because of us. " Dora-chan's right, you deserve it. "Well then, shall we leave for Carrerina?" Uncle Gong, please. " Hmm. I get it. That said, Grandpa Gong was as big as he was when he came to the capital. Of course, the neighboring cities have been notified. No, after all, this is what happens on the way home? Looking at the grown-up Gong, the guildmaster with a frightened face twisted his face. "What are you talking about now? Of course not." How many days do you think it will take you to get to Karelina if you don't get on Grandpa Gong and go home? "Oh, that's right..." "Yes, I did. I did." Push the back of the guildmaster you want to slip into. "Hey, don't push me!" "Then get in the car." The guildmaster rides on Grandpa Gong's back reluctantly. Aside from that, Fel and Dora properly swoop into the street as usual. "Finally, I got on board..." All right, everyone aboard. This is goodbye to the capital city, where I've been taking care of you for a while. Oh, see you! I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Meat Dungeon! Mukoda-san, I look forward to seeing you again ~ Hmm. Until we meet again! I look forward to seeing you again! He slapped Grandpa Gong on the back and called out, "Let's go." Well, let's go then. Along with those words, Grandpa Gong's huge body leaves the ground. Well then, I'll see you soon! That said, I waved to everyone in Iron Will's family. Grandpa Gong ascended faster and faster. The guildmaster squatted with his head hidden and screamed, "Heehee..." I smiled bitterly at who deserved the harsh screams of my grandfather. I've been through this once, but I don't think I'm good at travelling by air. But it's just a little patience. Uncle Gong's flight is fast. We will arrive at Karelina by evening. Farewell, capital of the kingdom. And to the nostalgic Karelina!
We were in line to enter the dungeon. I'm sick of being a little noisy around you. "That's Elland, the Alliance Master of Doran's Adventurers Guild, isn't it? "This is Elland, a former S-rank adventurer." "The adventurer with the devil next door, the one who's been rumored lately, right? "Why is Doran's Alliance Master here?" "Take the squire next to Elland, a guy named Mukoda who's been rumored lately, right? They say a lot of things equally. Everybody's saying shit, 'cause I hear you. I don't know if it's because you're getting better levels, but you're getting better ears. You can still hear me whispering. That said, is there any way to stand out? Even though it stands out that the Fells are just there, I'm even with Mr. Erland this time. I'm the guild master of the Adventurer Guild in the dungeon city of Dolan, and many of the adventurers here seem to know Mr. Erland. Dolan's guild master would stand out. I guess it's easy to pretend you can't hear me here. I can't hear you. I can't hear you, ignore you. That's what I said, and I moved my gaze around. The dungeon here in Aveling feels the same as the dungeon in Doran. Outside the walls of the city, there are merchants' dewstores lined with sloths around them. Near the entrance to the dungeon, there also appears to be an outpost for the Adventurer Guild. "You look like a dungeon in a drain." "This is usually the case around the entrance to the dungeon. There's another dungeon in this country, but it's also like this." Heh, yeah. If there's a dungeon, people will gather, and the merchants won't miss it. Hmm? Is that... "It's a fried potato originating in the city of Doran. It's dusty and delicious." Don't you have fries I showed you at Dolan's Merchant Guild? The stall was already built in this city. Fast forward. "Oh, that fried potato is what Mr. Mkoda taught you, isn't it? It's also very popular in the city of Dolan. He said it would be a little kid's snack, and it would be perfect for a pinch of booze. I ate too. That would suit Yale, wouldn't it?" He noticed me looking at the fried potato stall and Mr. Elland said so. Has Mr. Elland eaten already? You've got so many more stores serving fries. Well, you don't need the ingredients that much, and it's easy. That's why I told you. It tastes good even if you eat it normally, and bring it to your knobs. Freshly fried fries with beer... that can't be right. That's why you're dying to eat. "Oh, yeah, are you sure you don't want to prepare food? Is it because it has become the subject of food, Mr Erland has asked. On the road, Mr. Elland told me that if I were to dive into a dungeon, I would only want to refill it because there was less food, but I told him that if I had plenty of rice for the dungeon, I would be fine. "He said it's okay. I've got plenty of them in my item box." It took me all day yesterday to prepare plenty. One Mr. Elland will be enough to bribe you. If it's not enough, I don't have to worry about starving because I have an online supermarket. I have to make sure Mr. Elland doesn't see me using an online supermarket. "Please don't starve to death and join the undead." "Ahaha, that's not gonna happen." You have online supermarket skills. You can't have me in case that happens. "Don't worry. With Fells, we can't compromise on rice, so we have more food." If it comes down to no rice or fucking unsavory portable food, I'll be bummed by the Fells. "If you say so, I'll take care of the food. Thank you." Looks like Mr. Elland finally convinced me too. But you're a former S-rank adventurer. You know how important food is in the dungeon. "Yes, has Mr. Elland ever dived into a dungeon here as an adventurer? "Yeah. That said, up to the seventeenth floor." Up to the seventeenth floor, or is that where it stops because the next eighteenth floor is the undead hierarchy after all? "When you say th floor, is it because there is an undead hierarchy on the 18th floor? "That's right. Because the undead is still troublesome. After discussing it at the party, we stopped it by the seventeenth floor because we wouldn't have to do that." Then it's a species with a life. But even at the S-rank party, does the undead trick you? "Do you want to shy away from undead even at S-rank parties? "That's right. Basically, neither physical nor magical attacks work. As for dealing with the undead hierarchy, it feels like doing damage and moving on to that gap. Honestly, it's such a hassle. Besides, if you're surrounded or anything, it's a war of annihilation." That's what made Mr. Erland look disgusted. Surrounded by undead............ I don't feel like I could survive in that situation. "There's also a church's holy seal for once as a countermeasure to the undead, but honestly, it's not much of an effect." The Holy Mark of the Church. About ten attacks against the undead would have been ineffective. I heard things like being taken out of expensive gold, but for that matter, it works so well. "But I'm with you guys this time, and you're definitely treading" I also have trouble being so sure. The Fells are here, and I think it's okay for once because there's an item God gave me to take care of the undead. It's really good to have the Sacred Engraving from Lord Hephaestus and Lord Vahagn. Anyway, I'll have to try it on the first undead hierarchy on the ninth floor. "Oh, it's our turn next. I'm looking forward to it because it's a long time dungeon too. Besides, I'm with Dora this time...... muffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" Mr. Elland, it's disgusting. Well, finally, it's a dungeon. Do you feel comfortable going in?
I came back to the inn room and called as usual. "Uh, are there any goddesses -? The reply echoes in my head as soon as I call it in. "No? Lord, earlier than usual. It's a good idea. I'll get everyone. Just wait a minute. ' A little while later, I heard Gaya and everyone. "Interworlder Kung, you're early this time ~. I'd like to ask you a favor, though I'm happy" 'That's true. I appreciate it, though.' "... rice and sweets" 'Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. No - alcohol from other worlds is the best. Oh, God of War, let's talk about what kind of booze you want. " "Whoa, here comes another world! Right. Blacksmith God's. Don't get lost because all the booze in the other world is good." Something, you're all willing to order. Lady Hephaestus and Lady Vahagn are even starting to talk about what liquor to order. "Actually, I'm planning to dive into the dungeon tomorrow, so I don't think I can offer it or anything while I'm diving. I don't want anyone else to see me using my unique skills online supermarket." I just want to avoid being seen by other adventurers. 'Well, I guess so. Whatever your skills are, you're going to make a huge profit depending on how you use it. Because of this, my concubine is enjoying the sweetness of the other world. " 'Isn't that right? Because of that, we can also get things from different worlds' 'Sure. It's a skill we've never even heard of as gods. I can't believe the skills that different worlds can get.' "... rice and treats from different worlds" Thanks to this skill I can get a lot of things from the original world too, and some parts of it that are helpful, but this is how we gather in God... Gohon, because I have to make an offering. Well, I'm getting protection instead. "Anyway, we can't be seen by other adventurers, so we decided to make an offering to you before diving into the dungeon. We would now like to ask you what you would like. Oh, up to three silver coins per person." "Uh-huh. You got it. Then the concubine is as sweet as usual! (Goddess) I really don't brace this guy. Or how much I like sweet things. I'm going to open an online supermarket and choose the sweetness Lady Nin Lil wants. I bought Western and Japanese confectionery, confectionery and sweet carbonated beverages, mainly from Ninryl-sama. "Next time please." "It's Kishal. The cleanser, lotion and emulsion in the meantime, then the cream, it was so good! The cream was particularly good. You're right, if I applied more at night, my skin would be prickly the next morning. I can't believe it was dry. It made my skin look like a lie. Thanks to you, I look forward to seeing the mirror every day ~ ' Ha, is that right? Mr. Kishahr looks at his face in the mirror and looks at it. Ma'am, well, whatever it is, it's good to have Kishahr-like glasses that are loud for beauty. "So, what do you want? 'That's it, but I want more to take care of my face. Anything good? Uh-huh, I can't think of a pussy because she's not a woman. "I'll take a look. Please wait." I'm going to look in the columns where the online supermarket skincare products line up. He said he liked the cream, and I don't know about this. "I like the cream, so how about the cream as well. I blow up three silver coins in one piece, but it seems to contain a lot of beauty ingredients for the high price." "Bi, it's rich in beauty ingredients. So what?! Absolutely! Make it so!! Dear Kishahr, I overreact to the abundance of beauty ingredients. I put three creams of silver coins in my cart, just like Master Kishahr wanted. "What, Kishal has spent all three silver coins on one thing? Lord, you're an outgoing idiot. Buhfu ' It's true. I should've asked you to do a lot of things. " "... Kokukoku" 'Leave me alone. I woke up to beauty. " Master Kishahr was ridiculed by other goddesses, but it looks like a breeze where it blows. It's just, Lady Ninril, I'm telling you, one cream and three silver coins are the beginning. There's even tens of thousands of yen of cream in the world. My sister, a beauty geek, bought cream for , yen. I thought you said (Kiri) that you don't wear gold threads on your beauty. My sister told me what the beauty ingredients were and that it was all worth it. Well, I thought to my sister, who spent 30,000 yen on one beauty cream, "You're an idiot." I didn't put it in my mouth, but never. If the world were the same, Master Kishahr and my sister would have felt great. "Uh, is Lady Agni next? "Ooh, it's me. I'm just as good as the booze I've had. I don't get tired of having all kinds of booze, 'cause it was all delicious.' Is Agni-sama the same combination as during this time? But I'm not bored by the same manufacturer, so do you want to make a difference? If the manufacturer is different, it will taste different. "Well, in the same combination as in the meantime, I'm going to make sure you choose something different from the manufacturer." "I'll take care of it." I chose a different manufacturer for the combination and put it in my cart. "Mr. Luca is next." "Rice and Confectionery" Is Luca the same as last time? "The one called Beef Bowl was delicious. If there is, I want it. ' A bowl of beef. Sweet and spicy beef matches rice and is delicious. I mean, if there is, I want it, but there is, this is it. I made it for the dungeon. "Then I stabbed the meat on the skewer and it was delicious to have it cooked" Uh, is that a grilled chicken? He also bought yakitori. And then fry it because it's fried for the dungeon, then serve beef stew and rolled cabbage as well. The rest, as usual, are sweets in bread. "Next..." "Ooh, Hephaestus. It's not the boys' turn next. For Non's sake, please drink that alcoholic whiskey. That was delicious. You can put ice in it and drink it, as the Lord said, or you can divide it with water and drink it. It was delicious to drink as it was. Really, alcohol from other worlds is delicious." Master Hephaestus is a whiskey. Yeah, whiskey might be good if you like strong liquor. "It's Vahagn. My share is alcohol other than whiskey. It would be nice to have a different kind. Of the blacksmith god, is that all right? "Oops, whiskey is delicious, but I want to enjoy a lot more alcohol from different worlds. Of the gods of war, your lord will be fine." Looks like these two tried to work together to secure the booze. "My lords, when it comes to alcohol, there is a lot of coordination." "Really." 'I wish I could choose what I want at all. When it comes to booze, it's cheating. " "... Alcohol tastes bad" The goddesses are frightened. These two, from what the goddesses have talked about before, they've made a lot of noise about alcohol. "Ha, you can say anything. We can't compromise on alcohol." 'That's right. If you can get good liquor, I'll help you out as much as I can. And, Luca, booze isn't too bad. It's delicious. " 'Oh yeah. Because it is the water of life for the people. Gahaha' So you're both unmatched liquor lovers. Well, why don't we pick a place early? Is Mr. Hephaestus whiskey? This time I chose three whiskies, one from the United States and one from Scotland, and then another from the previous Japanese manufacturer. Master Vahagn has a lot to offer, and if there was anything different from the previous one, it would have been better. Otherwise, I chose vodka and rum because local liquor and both of them seem to prefer strong alcohol. 'Oh, yeah. You're going to the dungeon, aren't you? Master Vahagn suddenly asked me that. "Yeah, I think we'll be diving into the dungeon tomorrow" When I answered that, I spoke with the gods somehow. 'Hey, you guys must be doing defensive skills to different worlds, right? "Defensive skills? Why, Vahagn?" 'Cause you guys aren't doing defensive skills. What are you doing?' 'That's right. This guy doesn't have to have defensive skills for the sake of the others. " What are you talking about, Master Vahagn and Mr. Hephaestus? "What are Vahagn and Hephaestus talking about? They're giving protection to the otherworldly Kung, and they'll be fine." 'That's right. I've got Nin Lil and Kishal and my protection, and I can follow that Fen Lil, so you'll be fine.' "... the slime with my blessing is with me" "" Ha ha. "" "Sides are sweet, you guys" 'Bye. I mean, these guys don't get it. Vahagn, explain to him. " 'I don't know how. You know, from tomorrow on, the otherworlds will dive into the dungeon. Um, is that Dolan's dungeon there? Doran dungeons are more difficult and the demons there are quite strong and dangerous. You guys told me you'd be okay because there's protection for the otherworlds and obedience, right? Sure, Fenrill could use the junction and Slime could make potions. But it would be impossible to talk about how magical Fenrir is to keep the line open all the time while diving in the dungeon. If there was a slime that I could make potions would be able to cure them if they weren't dead, but that's only if they weren't. For example, what if you get hit hard enough to smash your head, or you get your heart pounded? It would be instant death. When that happens, the potion means nothing. " 'Um, you're right. That's not what I'm saying.' "When the otherworlds die..." "If the otherworlds don't have Kung..." "When the otherworlds are gone..." ............ "You'll never get another world's stuff again." "Give this guy defensive skills for the sweetness of the other world." 'Yeah, well, I'm not talking about getting any more beauty products.' "I'm not kidding you won't be able to get alcohol from another world." "............ (Cockroach, Cockroach)" "Non Ra, because he wants to enjoy more alcohol from different worlds. It's very unpleasant for this guy to die. of the God of War." "Oops. There are many different kinds of liquor from different worlds, and it's delicious. If I can't drink this, I'm gonna break out in the lower realm. ' "Is it okay that Noon is going to give the other world a full defensive skill? "No objection." "Naturally." "Oh, that's a good one." "Quickly." "All right, otherworlds, give your Lord the skill of complete defense." ... I'm not sure what it is, but it looks like it gave me skills. "Oh, now you can enjoy the liquor of another world for a while." 'Right. Don't enjoy the liquor of the other worlds, blacksmith god's' "Hmm, sweet sweetness" "Beauty Products" "Alcohol, Alcohol" You were worried you wouldn't be able to get anything completely different than my worries. Ha, I don't know if God exists at all. Something about God's opponents is so tiring. Just give me the offering and pick it up. When I settled the contents of my cart in the online supermarket, I quickly lined up on the cardboard altar. "Please note that both Master Vahagn and Mr. Hephaestus are highly alcoholic. I'll keep drinking this one. I'll put some ice in this one or I'll drink it just like that." For once, keep an eye out for vodka and rum with high alcohol content. "It's what you want. Please take it." When the items on the cardboard altar disappear, I hear the goddesses and the masculine gods cheering, as usual. Huh. It's over. It's over. God's opponents are tired. Get some sleep.
Lesson : The Giant Zone The hierarchy had changed slightly since then. No, it's the same as it feels like a pit that was dug forward, but it was clearly different in size. The aisle is also more than twice as large as ever. For some reason, I peeked inside the first room and found out. It was over three metres of troll and minotaur hissing into a space that was clearly wider than the previous room. "There are only trolls and minotaurs...... Is that why the aisle and the room are so big?" 'Right. From the signs, it looks like this is a hierarchy where all the giants are gathered. Besides, it's a similar sign down here to the lower level. " I see. From Fell's story, does the next 23, 24, and 25 hierarchies mean the Giant Zone? You freak out a lot just because you're a giant over 3 meters... Damn, I'm making this dungeon nasty. I thought I'd help a little, too, but I can't do that big thing. I respect everyone who can go flat on that one. "I don't know if I can handle that giant for a second. So, guys, please." "Humph, your lord is truly unwilling. Well, neither Troll nor Minotaur are enemies to us. Behold the Lord there." It's cool without intent. I got a full defensive skill, but I'm not ambitious enough to go for that giant over three meters. "It's time to leave me alone! I'm going to get rid of that blunt-moving big fat ass!! Oh, Dora, you're clear. Please. "Rubbish, I'll knock you out full of sui too. We also use the magic of water. ' Sui is a jerk, too. You can use more and more water magic. "Let's go, then." Everyone jumped into the room with Fell's voice. Zach, zach, zach -. Dogan, dogan, dogan -. "" "Gwow" " "" "Bumowo" " Fell wind magic and thunder magic burst into Troll and Minotaur. Zudo, Zudo, Zudo, Zudo, Zudo, Zudo -. "" "" "" Gruvo "" "" Dra with fire magic in her body pierces the troll's chest one after the other as she travels at high speeds. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh -. "" "" "Bumowowo" "" " Sui's acid bullet dissolves Minotaur's belly. Looking at Sui's previous battles, he seems to be using acid bullets separately between close and long range fights. It feels like shooting a large sphere of acid at a nearby enemy, and shooting a bullet of acid at a high speed at a distant enemy to pierce the target. Not all sorts of magic can be used, like Fell and Dora, so it sounds like we're working on that area. I mean, smart or clever. I know Sui is sometimes the youngest and growing up, but she's getting stronger. Evolve when you get back on the ground. Oh, are we done? Which one will you pick up the drop? Minotaur's iron axe, Minotaur's horn, Minotaur's meat, then Troll's poison claw on Troll's skin? Don't come to this floor and feel like there's more drops. Does that mean the more you go to the lower level, the more flavorful it is? Naturally, the danger increases. The drops are then collected as they circle the room in turn. And that's a lot of demons. There weren't many demons in the aisle until the 21st level, but I came to this hierarchy and frequently encountered demons in the aisle. Of course, there's nothing like taking a back because Fell and Dora and Suey are here. 22 Explore the hierarchy in advance, and then only in the boss room... "We're hungry." "Oh, I'm hungry too" "Sui's hungry, too." Rice time for my kids. Boss, we were supposed to have dinner in a safe area close to the room. I wonder what I'm going to do today. Can I have a ginger-baked bowl and pork juice from Oak General? When I serve rice on a deep plate, I lay plenty of chopped cabbage on it, and on top of that I put plenty of ginger on it again, and I'm done with the ginger bowl. Then the pork juice also depends on the deep plate. I'll serve you a ginger-baked bowl and pork juice before Fell, Dora and Sui. "Yes, go ahead" Everyone starts eating Bakubaku right away. "The rice after the move is delicious" "Ooh, this meat flavoring is ume" 'Yeah, yeah, that's delicious. This juice with vegetables and meat is delicious. " The rice after the move is delicious. Would you like a bowl of ginger and pork juice, too? The ginger bowl goes well with the ginger grill, cabbage and rice. I like the fact that I have chopped cabbage makes it refreshing. And this pork juice. The vegetables are dyed with flavor and delicious. And warm juice is horrible, isn't it? Ah, yummy. "" Replacement "" Dora seems to be hungry (I put it on a deep plate I put out to everyone because I have about three servings lightly), but Fell and Sui said they changed. If you turn to Fell and Suey for a change, you start eating guts again. I replaced it several times until I ran out of all the ginger grills I had made and it looks like I'm finally full. I barely had enough pork juice left for another meal. "Hey Fell, I'm tired too, let's sleep here today and try the boss room tomorrow." 'Right. time outside will probably be a quiet time to sleep, so do that' Fell seems sensibly able to grasp the time, and now it's like night outside. Well, the belly clock is also cracked and accurate. "Dora, Sue, that's what I'm talking about, so I'm gonna sleep here today." "Oh, I get it." "Okay -. What about the futon? Uh, futon. We're the only ones in this safe area anyway, do you want to use a futon? I'm gonna lay cardboard and lay a futon for me and a futon for Fell on top of that. I didn't expect to get to the lower level so soon. I thought you didn't want to see an online supermarket or anything, so I made and put away a lot of it, was it wasted? Well, isn't it a waste at all because you don't have to cook in the dungeon? As I was thinking about that while laying down the futon, I heard voices. "We're going into the safe area anyway!!! "Hurry up! Hurry!! "Damiang, hold on! "What happened to the potion?! "No more!! Full-blown adventurers have rushed into the safe area. It's an adventurer party of four men and two women. The man's adventurer, supported by both sides, was in particularly bad condition and full of blood. If you look closely, they cut your flank and you see your gut. When all of a sudden you're surprised, you get a voice from this adventurer party leader-like guy who noticed me. "Whoa, whoa, don't you have a potion?! I'll pay for it. If you have it, split it it. "Oh, my God." There was a bottle left over from the curry rina, so before diving into the dungeon, I asked Sui to make advanced, intermediate, and junior Swiss specialty potions. I keep 20 advanced, intermediate, and inferior bottles each in the item box to match what I had made before and what was left of them. I took one of the Swiss specialty advanced potions out of the item box and handed it to the leader. "Hey, it's a potion, hang on!!! Sleep the seriously wounded man and sprinkle a Swiss specialty advanced potion on his cut flank. Then the man's flank wound blocked as he looked around. The fellow adventurers who saw it looked surprised. "Hey, what's this...? Is that a superior potion? "No way... I can't have a special potion on my own..." The gaze of the adventurers pours on me. "Oh, you know, this is an advanced potion, but it works better than normal. Give me a break where you get it." Ma, well, I'm not lying. "Really? If that's all it's gonna do, we'd love to get it, but you know what it's like to keep it a secret." "These hand tags are important to adventurers. Yeah, you can't tell me that." Something convinced me of it. Besides, is anyone seriously injured okay? I shouldn't have seen it, but I saw it. "I'm unconscious, but my wounds are blocked and my breathing is stable. You'll be fine now." That's what the leader man exhaled in a ho. "Good... gussssssssssss... I thought Damien couldn't do it anymore..." "Don't cry. Well, you were especially close to Damien. But I'm really glad I saved you." "It's true. I'm a healer, but even if I hadn't lost my magic, I couldn't have healed this wound." "Sure. You can't cure a wound like this unless you're a high priest... It's a miracle Damien helped." He says Mr. Damian, a seriously ill man, but with help, all the members have a relief look on their face. "Thank you so much, thank you" A man of leadership bowed his head at me. "No, never mind. I just happen to have a potion." It just so happens, I have a sui that can make potions, so I'm fine whenever and whenever I want. "Considering the effect of the potion earlier and the fact that it's in the dungeon, how about fifteen gold coins for the price? I've heard that even regular advanced potions have ten gold coins, so that's enough. It was originally free. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, but I hear even regular advanced potions have ten gold coins..." "The potion I just got was clearly more effective than the regular advanced potion. Besides, I got it under special conditions like dungeons, so why don't we pay that much?" When I said that, a man of leadership offered me fifteen gold coins. If that's the case, I also received the gold coin. Instead...... "Besides this. Use it." I gave him about three Swiss specialty lower potions. Because, although not seriously wounded, other members of Mr. Damian are also full of cuts and full of creativity. If it hurts, I won't. "Are you sure? "Yeah, go ahead. What can I say instead, can you let me know what happened? With that said, a man of leadership said "That's bad" and received a Swiss special junior potion. And he told me what happened. They say this adventurer party is called the A-rank adventurer party Tempest. Let's be proud that the leader's man and the other are A-rank adventurers and the other members are B-rank adventurers, with both track record and ability. I started diving into the dungeon here two months ago and this is my second attack. Last time I explored the last 22 tiers, they went back to the ground because they were running out of food. So this time they planned to go further down to the lower level, and they came down through to the twentieth level. Then explore with the 21 and 22 tiers to reach the 22 tier boss room. But that's where I was... "Three sprigans messed with it. There are other trolls and minotaurs. There were clearly more of them than the last time I saw them." When I say sprigan, it seems like a giant demon with an ugly face even bigger than a troll or a minotaur. Last time I dived into this dungeon, there was only one sprigan, and Troll and Minotaur weren't as numerous as this one. "Because it's a dungeon, I know it can't be the same as last time, but I didn't expect there to be three sprigans..." Besides, there were many trolls and minotaurs. This was unsavory and I managed to start the retreat, but along the way Mr. Damian was injured by Minotaur's axe. They've been rushing into this safe area for their lives. "You better watch out... are you guys okay?" That's what the leader's man saw Fell as chilling. Yeah, if you're an A-rank or B-rank adventurer, you know Fell is Fenrill. "We talked about an adventurer who turned Fenrill into an obedient demon, but you were telling the truth." "Yeah, yeah, well..." "Haha, you don't have to be so vigilant. I don't ask for details, and the Adventurer Alliance tells me that the adventurer who demonized Fenrill is useless." I would greatly appreciate it if you could do that. "If it's got Fenrill on it, I know it's okay, but be careful. We're supposed to be ready for this, too. I heard from Gilmouth here beforehand and got some information about the dungeon. It was a legend that there was one sprigan leaving on this floor. Still, I assumed there could be two of us, but I didn't expect three of us to come out... Well, now I can't help it. We're supposed to go back to the ground when we get some sleep." Are you saying that something exactly unexpected has happened? I'm talking about a lot of trolls and minotaurs, not just three sprigans. I knew I was building this dungeon in a mean way. Traps and all that. What, that? If everyone in Tempest isn't knocking down their enemies in the boss room, you mean Sprigan, Troll, Minotaur sitting there like that? I asked Fell and she replied. Whoa, what's going on? 'Don't worry. No matter how many sprigans there are, they are not my enemies. Better get some sleep now. Tomorrow we're going downstairs. " Or so they said. It would be fine if Fell had a sui on Dora, and although I know I have some absolute defensive skills, it would also make me anxious to imagine being surrounded in all directions by giant demons. I couldn't help but fall asleep convinced everyone would be fine.
The asshole twins had a daddy leak in their secret story and were once again getting Tekken sanction on Tabatha. Tabatha apologized for this. Those are the twins, you know, typical of brain muscle. It's a character I can't hate. "Then I'll prepare dinner. Theresa and..., Aiya help too, okay? Speak to Theresa and Aiya, who are just getting better. "Of course I'm fine" That's what Ayya said. He seems to be feeling better and jerking off. "And can Celia help you, too? "Yes." Celia also meant that she could do all the chores, so I asked and received a healthy reply. Well, will you prepare dinner in the kitchen then? I took the three of them to the kitchen. It's a pan, Zubari. The pot would be great for deepening rapport. It's easy and tasty and perfect for these adult places. This time I'm going to make a chicken salt pan made with seafood bought in Bellain and Rockbird meat. The first step is to procure the missing materials in the online supermarket. I teach everyone about the online supermarket, and I opened it casually. What I buy is vegetables in a pan. I absolutely need cabbage, and then I need carrots and leeks, enoki and tofu, okay? And then there's the pivotal pot. It's troublesome and I use commercially available products. Don't be ridiculous with the commercials. This is so delicious. This time I decided to use a straight pan Tsukuba packed in a pack. I don't need to dilute it, and if I transfer it to the pan and warm it up, it's easy and appreciated that it's OK. I used it before and bought a delicious salt pan Tsuyu with a dashi pot of wig and kelp and a chicken mashed pot Tsuyu. I am thinking about rice cooking and ramen, so I will not forget to buy the missing noodles. And that's a knife slab for the Ayers to use. Although I have a set of cooking products here, the knives in this world are a little bigger and harder to use. I also bought peelers for peeling carrots. Because if it's about Celia, it's better this way than using a knife. Well, let's start cooking. That said, I just cut it and boil it in a pot tweezer. I decide to have Ayya, Therese and Celia cut the vegetables. "Celia peels carrots." I taught him how to use the peeler. "Hold the carrot like this and move the peeler..., it'll peel like this. Try it." Celia received the peeler and I'm afraid she moved the peeler like I said. "Wow, wow! The skin peeled off the sullen." Celia is excited about the carrot peel on her beautiful. "Good. Good. Well, that's a bit much, but can you peel all that's here? Celia replied with a smile as she was jealous. "I want Aya and Theresa to cut the vegetables, but this is what this cabbage looks like..." Cut into the core part of the root, peel off the leaves and layer several lightly washed pieces into zak cuts. Thick and concerned white shaft sections are finely chopped along the fibers. "The carrot Celia peeled is about this size" The carrots were cut into rectangles for easy boiling. "Wash the leeks lightly, then diagonally like this" The leeks are naturally cut in diagonals. "Enoki if you cut the bottom part and let it loosen up about this size" Enoki cut off the stone and loosen it up so it doesn't get too fine. "Tofu, if you cut it sideways like this, cut it into crosses" Tofu is divided into eight equal portions. That's the housewife. First ingredients such as tofu are also cut into good shape. Both Ayya and Theresa were impressed by the thinness and cleavage of the knife. In the average household, it was common to use a single-edged knife for cooking, and when cut with a somewhat thick knife, softer ingredients and the like were often guttered. The knife I bought from an online supermarket was very popular when the ingredients ran out softly without difficulty. The knife, slab, and peeler are to be used as supplies, so I would have loved to have told you to bring them home on the way home. Peeler only has Celia's share, so buy another bottle and pay for it. I bought T-shaped peelers, so I'll also buy and pay for I-shaped peelers that are easy to peel off potatoes. Potatoes are popular vegetables in this world, and they seem to go up to the table well. I'm also going to pay for this to the five former adventurers, but can you cook there? I'll have to check there later. Well, aside from that, I'd rather have seafood and rockbird meat. First removed from the item box were Aspidokelon and Tyrantfish purchased in Bellain, and Small Hard Crumb. Small hard crumbs like white fish aspidoceron, tyrant fish and a bit of a larger clam would be perfect for a stopover. Aspidokelon and Tyrantfish are fillets, so we'll cut the rest to the right size. As for the small hard crumbs, they have been sanded, so just wash them gently and it's OK. Rockbird, too, keep hitting it. Sometimes I make chickens, but now we're all waiting and we don't have time, so stay put. Rockbird would be enough as it is because the meat itself is delicious. All you have to do is warm the earthen pan with the pot Tsubaki and add the ingredients and boil it. I took out two four-mouthed demon instruction stoves in the kitchen and my handheld demon stove, and I finally set the earthen pot on fire. Where the pot Tsuyu has warmed up, Aya and Theresa will also help me add the ingredients. "And then you can do it when there's fire in the material." I've boiled it down to a good feeling. "I think it's time." "That smells good." "Really." "It smells delicious." "Well, we'll all be hungry, so let's eat soon." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ First, I'm going to get Ayya and the Fells to help me out with the pot. If you turn it later, Fell's going to be loud. "This is a pot of seafood, this is a pot of rockbird" "No, I only want meat." "Well, well, the seafood pot over here is delicious too, so try it." "Mmm, I can't help it" "Be careful, it's hot. The soup is fun, so leave it behind." Dora's going to be hungry if she eats a meal, but Fel and Sui won't be eating enough yet. That's when I left it in the item box. You can handle it by putting it in the box. If I give you Fell's share, now it's ours. Lay a hot pot on a dodecadent table in the dining room with a rapidly purchased pot laying in an online supermarket. I prepared one stopover and one chicken salt pan for the Toni and Alban families, and one stopover and two chicken salt pans over here because the former adventurer has a small number of people but seems to eat them to see. Choice of pot for me. "Wow, that smells good! I was waiting for dinner, Lotte's eyes sparkling. "This is a delicious meal you're waiting for. Look, sit there." That being said, Lotte sat in the chair saying, "Yeah." "Everybody's free. Sit down." All right, you're all in your seats. "It's my hometown dish, so I don't know if it suits everyone's mouth, but try it. This is a pot of seafood, and this is a pot of rockbird." That said, once again, five former adventurers sprayed "bufo". I said, "Ro, Ro, Rockbird, it's a fancy ingredient." "You're right, sister. We made money there in B and C, and we've only eaten enough to count." Tabatha and Irvin said that excitedly. "Well, it's not a rare ingredient for me either. Just eat it." Fell, Dora and Sui are gourmet, so you can't help it because your hand is full of these ingredients. Even Rockbird gets it again because he's still getting it dismantled in his Adventurer Guild. "Chi, by the way, so what's this seafood over here? "It's a delicious white fish," Bartel replied because he was afraid to ask. "Whatever it is, it's good, it's good. Let's eat faster than that." I'm waiting for you to covet Luke and Peter to be surprised they couldn't beat your appetite. Though the Toni and Alban families have stopped to see the surprises of the five former adventurers. Lotte looks like she ate it. I can't help it. I started eating the pot for myself. "Eat them yourself, too." That's what I said, and everyone finally started taking it apart. I used dishes that were from the beginning, but whether it's the hobby of the original owner of this house or a floral white dish like Bourne China where everyone's used dishes don't fit the pan is adorable. "Yum! Brother Mukoda, this is delicious! Lotte is pounding her tongue drums on Rockbird's chicken salt pan. "Hey, delicious rice, right? Lotte smiles happily and hits Rockbird meat. "Whoa, fish tasted so good..." "It's really delicious. I haven't eaten fish in years but the fish I ate before wasn't this good" Alban and Toni said as they tasted the pot. Right, right. Aspidochelon and Tyrant Fish taste well when chewed even though they taste light with a thick, crumbling body when placed in the mouth. Explaining that it was a sea fish meant that everyone in the Toni and Alban families was new to eating sea fish. There are demons of aquatic habitat in the river, and they rarely seemed to speak of fish themselves in the first place. Children other than Lotte, Kosty, Celiah, Oliver and Aerik were also eating a deliciously muggy pot. Aya and Theresa cried and laughed as they watched such children. They both said, "It's been a while since I was able to feed you to the full stomach. Thank you," he said. In a slave situation, you can't eat just as full. Even if adults can tolerate it, it's hard to be hungry for kids. "Everybody, eat up." Yes. When I spoke to the children, I was smiling and nodding. The five former adventurers, they all eat just because their bodies are big. I'll eat them. You were eating to compete, Umeuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I got one pot for me, but I just couldn't eat all of it, and I left "Want one? When I heard that, I took every pot so that my asshole twins and peter could take it from me. Along the way, we can finally make our pan just soup while we make it for the Fells who have finished eating all the pot utensils. It's the last pleasure of the pan. "This pan is delicious to the end." Serve the cassette stove just where the soup is left and reheat slightly. Add rice to the pot and melt the eggs at the end. In a chicken salt pan, add the ramen for the pan you bought and simmer slightly. "Okay, this will do. It's rice and ramen." It seems like a rare treat to eat eggs, and the faces of the Toni and Alban families look delicious eating rice cooking. Ramen is not popular, but I wanted ramen, so I got a chicken salt pan. Release the noodles and soup and put one last piece of butter on it. Zuzozozozozozo. "Salted Butter Ramen Yeah Well" When I am thrilled with the taste of salted butter ramen, my gaze from everyone...... Thank you. You seem surprised at the way you eat ramen. "Oh, this is it. It's so delicious to rinse and eat." When I say that, five former adventurers try ramen. The only thing that worked was Peter. But the taste seemed delicious, and I finished eating right away. "Phew, I ate it" Satisfied. The Toni and Alban families and five former adventurers also looked satisfied. "Hey, I'm still eating." "Sui too." "Ha ha, don't eat Fel and Sui yet. I'm already hungry." ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I made it for Fell and Suey, so I added some extra fried hamburgers. To the Toni family, the Alban family and the five former adventurers, for today we decided to go home and get some rest.
"Oops." Mithril's spear ripped Minotaur's belly. Dobba guts spilled out of his torn belly with a Minotaur scream called "Gmowow". Minotaur falls and disappears after a few seconds. "Wow, I saw it in Moro..." Pick up the dropped meat and put it in the item box, looking for the next prey. We were in a big boss room on the last th floor of the Giant Zone. Naturally, I've moved on without any problems until I got here, but the last boss room meant I'd like to fight for a bit too. The troll who found me is coming at me with a powerful scream. The next prey is the Troll. That's right, Fell, Dora and Sui keep the other demons under control, and there's only one that comes to me. No, I really appreciate it. All right, do you want to take down the troll securely? "Fireball Ruh" Magic is hard to work with trolls, but I hit volleyball fireballs (fireballs) first, including blinding meanings. Blasting fireballs. But trolls don't die like this. How sturdy are you? Quickly turns behind while the troll is frightened by the fire that spreads in front of him. And I'm going to spa all over my troll's legs, around my ankles, with a misrill spear. Troll fell on his knees screaming. Just take the troll's neck......, span. It is a neck chomper with a spear of misrils with excellent slices of Swiss character. It's cowardly to attack from behind. I'm a heck of a bitch, so I'm gonna make sure I get buried. The drop was skinned. When I picked it up and put it in the item box, Fell's story came in. 'Big ones go that way. Fight for it.' Eh... Well, if I say it's big here.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... "Gghhhhhh" "I knew it was a sprigan! Sprigan, even bigger than Minotaur and Troll, was coming toward me as he made footsteps with Dosundosun. "Your Lord will have the skills of a complete defense that God has given you. I have nothing to fear so much. ' "No, no, no, that's right. That's scary." 'I'm fine. Do it.' It's not okay! I was in peaceful Japan. I'm Japanese. He said there was a complete defense, that he couldn't do it if he was forced to fear it with that giant. Are you included with Fell, and neither Dora nor Sui will come to help you. Damn it, remember that Fell one later. Yikes. "Damn, for now, fireballs!! It's a fireball full of me with nearly half my magic. More than a meter of fireballs (fireballs) cut off the bun and the wind and landed on the sprigan. And I set the sprigan on fire. There is a sprigan rampaging on fire. I gobbled the floor and desperately tried to extinguish the fire, and then I stopped moving. "... killed? "Ggo......" I thought I knocked him out. The sprigan rose to peel. "Gee." Sprigan is staring at me with an amazing shape. And............ "Ggowwwwww" An angry sprigan raised a roar that could also be called a scream and thrust at me. I used the rest of my magic to create three volleyball giant fireballs and shoot them out. I'm guessing Sprigan was taking damage after taking the first fireball (fireball) over a meter, but he got three new fireballs (fireball) and got on his knees. "Now! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! I poked around my heart selflessly with Mithril's spear many times. Pulling out the last pierced spear, the out-of-pocket sprigan fell to collapse. And the drops left after they disappeared were demon stones and opals. "Huh, I managed to take him down..." "Wouldn't you be able to do it?" "It's what we can't do, Ferru! All of a sudden, you're such a big shot! "Humph, didn't you work together to be a little stronger because your Lord is too weak" "It's true that you're weak, but you're ready for it." I don't want you to think about it by the standards, Fells. "I'll be in the dungeon and I won't be ready for anything. It's all about defeating a matching enemy." Wow, I wouldn't regret it because what I say is the most correct argument. That's when... "Rugi, over here." There's a chest! I heard Sui and Dora calling. Turning to those who spoke, I saw that there was indeed a treasure chest at the wall behind the room. Hurry up and head over there. "Ho, that's a beautiful chest" The chest, which was 50 cm wide and about 30 cm high, was white in its entirety, with silver edges and jewel decorations on the fastening part. This looks like a cool value to the crate itself. That said, it's forbidden to get your hands on the dungeon chest right here. It's a treasure chest that opens as soon as you remove the clasp, but the more you must say, the more traps there are. For now, it's an appraisal. [Chest] Crate designed to open and activate the pit in front of the crate at the same time. If you fall into that pit, you will never come out again. No, no, no... If you can't come out again, it means you're dead. This trap was the one that was at stake. Even with full defense, I don't know if it'll even work on the pit. All right, this even stops at the interwall critical, clasp it with a misrill spear...... I managed to remove the clasp hardware and threaded a misrill spear into the gap in the lid to lift it. Gacon -. As soon as I opened the lid, the floor in front of the chest fell out. "Huh, no alarm, no gap. It's good to have an appraisal." We looked inside the chest, watching out for the missing floor. "This is..." Appraisal. [Large Magic Bag] Magic bag the size of which contains 100 hemp bags (large). No time lapse. "Whoa, it's a big magic bag with no time lapse" There wasn't anything in the crate other than this, but it came out pretty good. Let's keep this on hand. I always let Fell hold my magic bag (oversized) when the Fells go hunting, but I also let Dora hold this one. I'm tired, but I'm glad I ended up with a big magic bag. "Well, let's go home" "Nah, wouldn't that be a little better? "Uh, let's go a little further." Are you going home? "Derme, you're already a field dungeon down here. Until then, I promised you I'd go home." With that said, everyone was saying boo-boo, but I was settled to serve ground dragon (ground dragon) and red dragon (red dragon) steak for dinner. And the three cakes are five at a time. "Come on, we're going back to earth." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Phew, the ground is good after all. This dungeon I dated the Fells selfishly, but it's good to have been able to secure fifty drops of minotaur meat and a (large) magic bag. I'm tired, so I really just want to go home to the Mansion like this, but I have a portion of what I asked for yesterday, so I have to go to the Adventurer Guild. "Stop by the Adventurer Guild and go home." "I'm hungry. Let's get this over with." "Uh, I'm starving." "I'm hungry." "Sorry, I don't think it's going to take that long just to pick it up. Because as soon as I get back to it, I'll make it dinner. Huh?" I defied everyone and headed to the Adventurer Alliance.
"" I'm home. "" When I got home, your mother was asleep. Sometimes I was awake when I got sick and I've been asleep all these days. "Brother, hurry up with your medicine" "Ugh." I spoke to my sleeping mother. "Mother, it's medicine. Open your mouth and drink." My mother got my voice, and she opened her mouth a little bit. I gave my mother a little medicine from my uncle. [M] Mother's body glowed white when she gave her mother all the medicine she had in the bottle. "Brother." Elise came to me surprised. [M] "It's okay, I'm sure it's okay" I don't know why, but I could trust the medicine my uncle gave me. If the medicine my uncle gave me, it definitely works for your mother. Embracing Elise, I waited for your mother's light to subside. "... um... Darryl, Elise? "" Mother! Your mother woke up. "Darryl, Ellis, I'm sorry I've been lying there the whole time." "Guzz...... oh my god, wow" You woke up. You were relieved to see your mother. Ellis clung to your mother and cried out. And when I was tired of crying, I fell asleep. I think I was tired today because I walked to the woods away from the city and the orcs chased me. "Oh, Ellis fell asleep." "Mother, how are you? "Yeah, I'm almost done. I guess it's a good thing you've been resting, a little lazy, but nothing else. I think I'll be working again tomorrow." "I'm sick, so you have to slow down tomorrow. Oh, yeah, can we have dinner? "Yeah, I'm kind of hungry." I gave my uncle his food to his mother. [M] "Oh, that smells good. What's wrong with this? "The guy who helped me today gave it to me. Eat before it gets cold." Your mother took her time, but she ate it out until it was empty. It's been a long time since your mother had this much appetite. If this is all you can eat, it looks fine. I was horrified from the bottom of my heart. "Me and Ellis will eat later. Your mother's sick, so go to sleep." After I put your mother to bed, I carried my sleeping Elise back to bed. "Your mother's illness, it's healed... really good...... gus" When I was relieved, I started crying. My mother, who hadn't had an appetite since she got sick, ate clean without leaving it earlier. If that's all you can eat, you're all right now. Thanks to that uncle. My uncle gave me that medicine, so your mother's illness healed. I'm not an idiot either. I know that the medicine my uncle gave me is huge. Because it's enough to cure your mother, who was so sick. As much as the great cleric in Wang Du told me I could only cure him... Oak was chasing me. He helped me and Elise. Yet I... I was desperate, too, so I said rude things to my uncle. Yet you even gave me and Ellis a meal. He's an unusual uncle who took an old wolf, a tiny dragon and a slime, but he was so sweet. So I won't tell anyone about the medicine. [M] Tell Elise to shut up, too. I don't think your mother remembers taking any pills because she's unconscious. I keep quiet that my uncle gave me medication. 'Cause I think that pill is amazing and very valuable. My uncle was so sweet, he gave it to us for free. But what happens if everyone finds out my uncle has a worthy pill? There could be a guy out there who would attack his uncle and force him to take his meds. I know there's such a bad guy in the world. My friend Stefan's father found a treasure in a dungeon, switched it for money in an adventurer's guild, and on his way home, he was attacked by such a bad guy and died. I've heard other similar stories. That's why I don't tell anyone about my uncle. I don't want my uncle to turn to the bad guy. As I said to my uncle, I will definitely repay him myself. One day I'll definitely have my own store, and so, I'll definitely make your mother and Elise happy. And give back to your uncle. Thank you very, very much, uncle.
Fell, Dora and Sui are napping in the living room. Well, what am I supposed to do? When it comes to preparing dinner, there's not much to prepare for today. Exactly. The Fells seem to want to eat meat after all this seafood... 'The fish here are delicious, but if it goes on like this. Meat is good for dinner.' That's what Fell said, and Dora agreed to it. 'Sure. You're eating meat. Oh, the one I baked with that sweet spicy sauce, what did you get? Uh, oh, a bowl of grilled meat! I like a bowl of grilled meat! Dora started saying that she wanted a bowl of grilled meat. 'I wonder if Sui would like some meat too. I want a bowl of grilled meat. " Sui also said she wanted to have a bowl of grilled meat in tune with it. We all love meat. Then I thought I'd make it a grilled meat bowl for dinner tonight. That's because they just grill meat and entangle the sauce of grilled meat, too. You need to cook rice, but it won't take that long. When that happens, you're free. I don't know what to think, Bo. I feel like I'm forgetting something. What the...? ..................... Ah! I forgot the gods' offerings! I totally forgot before I left Neyhoff. It's been a week, and it's not good. One of these days, the trust will come, damn it. All right, I'm just free right now, and shall we do it? I moved upstairs to my room. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting. Are you there? When I thought I heard a doozy sound, I immediately heard a voice. "Lord, I forgot again! "I'm finally here." Don't forget you at all. "... forget, no" 'Lord, there's no way you can forget. Punisher! "Yeah, I almost got busted." There was about one dangerous statement, but let's just say we didn't hear it here. Kung, you promised to do it once a week, didn't you? Is this voice like Kishahr? Master Kishahr can't escape, can he? I have a bad feeling... "You broke your promise, so you think this place should be one gold coin for six silver coins." Is that it? I hear the voices of God agreeing with Master Kishahr that 'yes' and 'um, that's a good idea'. Sure, I forgot, but suddenly six silver coins into a single gold coin. UP, hmm. "The otherworldly Kung broke our promise to the gods, you know what that means? That's what they say... It's totally my fault I forgot. Well, I have money, and only this time, okay? "Oh, not only this time, but always." "Huh? You broke your promise to the gods. Because I forgot, you know? Guh...... I can't argue with you because it's a fact. "If you're going to turn that into one gold coin, I'm going to make you a charlatan. So hey." Grunt. Master Kishahr still won't make it. Ha, I can't help it. It's my fault this time. Besides, I don't feel like I can beat Master Kishahr if I say something here. "Okay. I'm going to UP to one gold coin today." When I say that, the gods cheer. 'You just have to know. If you know what I mean.' I heard Master Kishahr say that. I've never seen Master Kishahr's face, but I can see him in a doozy face. "That's Kishal." It's true. "... All right" "Well done. Kishahr Reviewed Zoe ' "I thought you were a woman with a lot of mouth, but you know what?" Ha, are you going to do it early? "So, from this time on, it means one gold coin. Is that Lady Ninryl at first? 'Well, you're a concubine. The concubine, as usual, is the cake of the Mitsuya family. I like the round, big cake in front of you! Yes, yes, it's a hall cake. "Nin Lil, are you okay? What is it? "I was eating guts with one of those big cakes, but you haven't gotten fat lately, have you? "Grunting......" Did you eat the hall cake by yourself just like I thought? "Um, this big, round cake is usually cut up and eaten by a few people." 'Ugh, shut up, shut up, shut up! Whatever way the concubine eats, there's no point in complaining! It's the other way around. That's a shame, Goddess. I don't mind if you say so, but I don't have any complaints about fat. It's only at your own risk. I chose the hall cake you wanted, Lady Ninryl. Don't be so cool when it comes to one gold coin. What I chose was a strawberry short hole cake s size with strawberries also between the creams in the middle and a chocolate cake hole cake s size with strawberries embellished on top with chocolate cream on the chocolate sponge, then apple pie on a strawberry tart with strawberries still on it. Lady Nin Lil was excited about this and gave it to me quickly. Still, are you really going to eat this alone? It's really at your own risk. "Next..." Yes, yes, it's me. Master Kishahr. Is that natural? "Of course I'd like a beauty product. I hope it's going to work because it's one gold coin from now on." Do you get your hands on expensive products? Because there's no limit to this kind of thing. I remember being shown a magazine where my sister showed me that she wanted this. I saw the price and saw it twice. The price is 8,000 yen (tax included). I thought you were kidding. That's a hundred grand, man. A hundred grand. I thought someone was buying it, but I thought it was scary to hang onto a woman's beauty when I thought she was actually here. Aside from those memories, I have to choose Master Kishahr's. This online supermarket is pretty much the same as I used, and I guess the main series of famous cosmetics companies in the country can be bought somehow. Looking at you, oh, I don't know about this. "Dear Kishahr, how about this? It's just one gold coin with this lotion and cream. It says," It firms and leads to youthful skin. " When I said that, it made a rattling noise. "Wow, youthful skin? That's it, that's it! Give it to me! Is that it? Is Master Kishahr old enough to care about the bends of your skin? "Ugh, it's against manners to ask a woman how old she is." ... Brrrrrrr, uhh, I'm having some chills. "Oh, yeah. What about one silver coin for the last carry-over? "You UP me on one gold coin this time, so I'll make that a big deal of chara for you. Pick another time instead." Seems like the last carry-over will make me a charlatan. That said, one gold coin starts this time. It's complicated. I bought lotion and cream for Master Kishahr. "Uh, what's next, Master Agni?" "Oops, it's me. I'm a beer after all. And if there's any delicious knobs, I want them too." Beer and Tsumami...... If it is a budget of one gold coin, is there also a case purchase here? Anyway, Company A's premium beer is sold in a case. Master Agni said this was delicious, and you bought it. Then, as usual, a pack of six of K's premium beers and Y-bis beers. And this time, the S company's premium beer is also in a pack of six. When it matched the beer, it was still fried, so I bought the rest of the fried vegetables. "Me, Luca. I got lost, but I knew it was the same as Nin Lil '. Looks like Master Luca got hit by the magic of the cake, too. But are you okay? At your own risk. 'It's alright. Unlike Nin Lil, I'm growing up. So I don't get fat.' Oh, yeah, is that right? "Wow, wow, you're a concubine, fu, fat, etc." Oh, I can hear Master Ninryl. It's like admitting it's out of the way. I bought the same cake from Luca as Ninril. Naturally next...... "Next time, it won't be Nona." "Oh, I've been waiting for you." "'One gold coin at a time? Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu' ' Don't laugh so creepy. "First of all, it's not always the best whiskey in the world. I can't take that off. ' "Right." "I think it would be better if I hadn't drunk anything else before..." "Oh, so what about the one that was expensive and untouchable? When I buy whiskey from company s that it's my previous budget, there are some that I couldn't help. 'Oh, that's good. What do you say, Blacksmith's?' "Uhm. I think it's a good idea." "How about this? What I showed the two of you is a black label, and I know it. It's a famous American whiskey. It says premium whiskey in the description, and I think it's good. "Oh, this is the one you've never had." "I don't even remember drinking Non. I think this is fine, but how about God of War? "I think that's it for me, too." So I bought. And then... don't think I've even bought this yet. "How about this? It's a Scottish whiskey with a green bottle. "I don't remember drinking this either." "Oh." So I also bought this. And then... oh, this is just enough for the rest of the budget, maybe. "How about this one last time? A single malt whisky from a Japanese manufacturer. "I don't remember seeing this either." "Noona." So I bought this at the end as well. Phew, and then he told me to put each on the cardboard altar. "Ladies and gentlemen, take it" Items disappear from the top of the cardboard altar. I could hear the gods cheering right away. Well, it's finally over. You're tired of dealing with the gods for nothing. Of course I made a bowl of grilled meat for everyone's request for dinner. I used a long cellar grilled meat sauce with Wyburn meat, but they all looked deliciously gutty. I'm pretty sure it's a bowl of grilled meat. But I'll be seafood again tomorrow. The ingredients are ready, and the seafood BBQ is finally ready.
My stomach feels bumpy. "Ah, I was just eating something different...." It was me holding my stomach by my hand and crushing it small. Now, after leaving the island, which was a campsite, our party was riding on a giant swim and heading for the Great Sea Plains. Even though it was fried chicken, everyone but me was cheerful. I've been eating meat again since the morning, eating baby cartels and eating baby elves. Dora-chan said in the morning, "I want to eat gingerbread." Fel, Gong, and Sui also said, "Good." So I made a gingerbread rice bowl in the morning. Besides, if you want to eat gutty, just white rice and meat without cabbage. Meat is the usual thing for Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and the Swiss eater cartel in the morning, but I wonder if even Feodora-san was caught by the smell, and sent a hot gaze to the ginger grilled rice bowl... But since it was a fried chicken bun, I thought it would be better if I had a light breakfast for my body. But when I served the fels a ginger grilled bowl, Mr. Feodora said, "Don't you have any for me? Look at me with a sad face. I couldn't help it, so I served Feodora-san a ginger-grilled rice bowl. Then you're smiling really good. Originally it was an elf eating everything at a big eater, so the meat seemed fine in the morning, but I didn't think I could eat this fried rice from Lianchang... He's the owner of an iron stomach no less than a foodie's cartel, really. That's why eaters' cartels and eaters' elves have been cheerfully eating ginger-grilled rice bowls since morning. Meanwhile, Gaudino, Gidion and Siegbald were eating a light Western menu for my morning. A delicious line of consommé soups with plenty of Aruban vegetables, scrambled eggs, Aruban vegetable pickles and Teresa's special natural yeast bread toast. Though these three people also have a light menu, I think the stomach is tough because I ate molasses instead. I only bought vegetable juice secretly from online supermarkets without appetite. I'm under the protection of God, so it's supposed to be in abnormal invalid condition ~. Does this stomach murmur come from the mental rather than the physical side? Since I was years old, I've been worried about my physical condition and never had a fried chicken. That's why it was fried to keep going. Then, because the fried yuzu pepper and miso were delicious, I couldn't help but eat too much. That's the best thing you've ever done. Under clear weather, I looked at the sea shining in cobalt blue and thought so. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Five days after the Sea Surpent match. Our party was on a giant swim and proceeding smoothly through the great sea. "I'm going to forget that this is a dungeon...." I looked at the sea spreading beyond me and spoke to myself. Arugi, fish With that said, Swiss gives out the white fish of the drop that he grabbed with his tentacles. This reminds me that it's a dungeon. "Thank you." It's a big needlefish. I've been able to catch a little since a few days ago. When I tried to cook the foil, it was popular with everyone, so I was actively caught by the swiss. Until now, Clarken has encountered two other Aspidokerons, but Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, or Swiss have hunted them quickly. Well, they're both delicious. The squid and fine white were caught there, making it a good souvenir for everyone in Carrerina. From now on, I wonder if seafood BBQ is good in the garden. Mr. Feodora seems to be expecting Clarken and Aspidokeron to go out to dinner, but he's going through there without noticing. This is a souvenir. It's a dead end, a dead end. Like that, a little monster came out, but thanks to Fel and the others, it was generally peaceful. Until then... Nh, you're here. Mmm Oh, you're here a lot. "Came" A lot of shells floating on the sea came towards us. "Ha ha! "Gee, it's a killer turtle." "Merdar Sea Turtle." "It's troublesome, but that armor will be good money." The Ark appears to be a known monster. He said he was a killer turtle, but Kola alone seems to be about two meters away, and he looks vicious. It feels like a razor shark. "All right, let's do it! We have fought before. There is no problem if you deal with it calmly. Just watch out for bites! "Oops! We did Sea Surpent. There's no such thing as a B-rank killer turtle! Hmm! If you don't, we'll be fine. "Kola. Take a lot of Kola." Wait, what? Guys, are you fucking with me? I can't help it. That's the number. We'll do it too. Can I help you? Or did you eat that? Turtle, I'll knock it out! Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Swiss are all fucked. I hurriedly took out my Mythrill spear, pushed by everyone's fuckin 'mode. "Coming! Encount with Gaudino's voice. Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sui slaughter fierce sea turtles one after the other without danger. The “Arc” faces were destroyed one after the other with excellent teamwork. I mean... Come on, don't come this way ~ I waited up hopefully and looked at the armor of the vicious sea turtles. However, my wish did not come true, and the vicious sea turtle and I met. A vicious sea turtle trying to catch me and come up to Switzerland. "Gah, I told you not to come! Shake the Mythrill's spear, but the vicious sea turtle can pull his neck into the armor as expected. "Shit." In the meantime, the vicious sea turtle is shrinking further and further. "Shit, don't come this way! I cut him from head to forefoot. How much red blood falls from the front foot of a vicious sea turtle. However, the wound on the forefoot alone was not fatal, but on the contrary, it made me angry. A fierce, vicious sea turtle came at me. "Hey, wait, wait, wait! I shook my stupid spear. The spear hits a vicious sea turtle in good shape and drifts to the sea. I saw it. I changed it to a plan to drop rather than defeat. The fallen ones will be taken care of by Fel and the “Arc".... I drove the vicious sea turtle towards me into the sea in a state of selflessness. .................. ...... "Ha, I'm tired..." You didn't defeat me, did you? Why are you so tired? " "Goo." I roared at Fell's sharp penetration. "I can't help it! It was the best I could do because I threw it into the ocean." Ha ~, the one named Lord...... What the hell are you shaking your head like? I did what I could. Ah, that's the last time ~ "Oh, thank you. Sweet" The mountain of Kola is ready. Looking at that, the “Arc” face is satisfactory. This armor seems to be a good price. And the other mountain. It's not as much as Kola, but I have quite a lot of it here. That turtle meat. Is it delicious? That's because I've never eaten a pigeon before. How's Fell? I've never eaten that either. But the meat doesn't mean you can eat it. " Well, that's right. I hope this meat tastes good! So, Lord, please. I see. If you leave this to me, you'll be fine. " Hmm, let's cook something delicious. Aruji, make it tasty ~ "Whoa...." I'll take care of it. I mean, can you really eat this? It's a piece of meat with unprecedented skin, and it's a very grotesque. Keep your legs where they are. Well, you don't have to do this right now, and it's on hold, on hold. There's plenty of meat in the item box to eat, even if you don't bother eating it. With that in mind, it was me who poured a lump of meat into the item box with a cramped face.
Episode Two Hundred Seven: Kraken + We were marching down the ocean toward the waters where Kraken was submerged. "Sui, thank you. I owe it to Sue to do Kraken's crusade in this way." "Ugh, is Sui amazing? "Yeah, wow. I'm really glad you had Sui." I'm so glad you had Sui. If we hadn't found a way to go offshore like this, it might have meant that Kraken's crusade request failed. "At all, someone was confident, but I didn't think about it." "Grungy" "Ahahahahaha, Fell told me not to." Fell looks sinister at my words, and Dora is laughing at it. Me, Fell and Dora had me on top of a grown sui. Sui's ride through the sea is incredibly comfortable. There's speed and there's not much shaking to go on. Besides, Sui himself is the soft body of Punip II, so he sits comfortably. Sui is strong, he can get everyone on board and move around like this, and he's really amazing. I'm just worried... "Fell, just hold on to the junction around Suey." "I know." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ 'It's a little hard to tell because it's in the ocean, but there's a sign of Kraken from a little further.... hmm? This is............' When Fell said so, he stared with a rugged eye at the sea level a little further ahead that Kraken was there. 'Whoa, Kraken isn't the only one! This sign... there's Cesar Pent too! And one more. Not as good as Kraken and Cesar Pent, but there's something here! E, aye, aye. Hey, what's that? Cesar pent to Kraken, and then there's something else? Zappaaaaaaaaaaaa. -. Large splashes were raised and Kraken and Cesarpent, a class of ten metres in length, showed up. "Oh, uh, what the hell! With Kraken tangling his sucker legs around his elongated body like a snake in Cesar Pent, Cesar Pent is sticking his sharp teeth up and biting Kraken's head. Kraken and Cesar Pent are big. It's like a monster. Those two were fighting in front of me. "This is like a movie where monsters are fighting each other..." I'd have to be flabbergasted if they showed me this in front of me. "Whoa! I'll play Kraken. Dora does Cesar Pent. Sui's gonna do it under the sea." "Oops, I'm Cesar Pent. I'll do it! "Sui is in the water. You don't have to defeat Mr. Deckai Fish. Sui, good luck! Huh? Down at sea? If you look closely, there's a big fish shadow beside Kraken and Cesarpent fighting...... It's inferior to Kraken and Cesar Pent, but it's pretty big. I was wondering if it would be a triple feud, and the big fish below the sea level wouldn't move jizzily. Could this guy be waiting for Kraken and Cesarpent to finish the fight? Kraken and Cesar Pent seem to have antagonistic powers, so there's going to be some discussion, and they're going to be injured by hand no matter which way they win. Big fish move out when that happens...... So you're saying he's after the fisherman's interests? But I don't think so. Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu -. It would be Fell's thunder magic. Lightning fell on Kraken's head as he was battling Cesarpent. Doggaaaaaaaa -. Now it would be Dra's thunder magic. The lightning would fall on the torso of Cesar Pent, who was fighting Kraken. Ooh............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Kraken and Cesarpent, who ate the lightning, slowed down and stopped moving. I've seen the thunder magic released by Fell and Dora several times, but it's still amazing. Something's going to burst into a shock. It's good to have Fell tied up. A black shadow gradually approaching the breathless Kraken and Cesarpent with a pucker floating on the sea surface without force. Zapavan -. The Lord of the Mysterious Large Fish Shadow, who was beneath the sea level, appeared on the sea level. It's a super giant fish with a red and black color. That red and black fish was about to open its sharp fangy mouth and devour Kraken. If the fisherman's interests don't work, then what? That won't wholesale the inquisitors. A thick tentacle stretched from Sui's body toward the red and black fish. Dosh -. A thick tentacle was skewering the red and black fish. The tail was moving and rampant to resist for a little while, but soon stopped moving. "Yatter! Big fish caught -! Sui said that happily. Something was not the same at sea as usual. He's offshore, and he's a sea monster, so I thought he'd struggle a little with Fell, Dora and Suey, but that wasn't a problem at all. Anyway, hunt quickly with a pre-emptive attack. Fell, Dora and Sui, it was normal driving as usual. "Uhm, you're done" "Huhaha, I defeated Cesar Pent! "So did Suey." Look, look, I caught a big fish. " Both Fell and Dora are slaughtering Kraken and Cesarpent with one magical shot, and Sui is skewered with a thick tentacle. Sea or land, but you mean more and more. Still, what is this super giant fish that Sui knocked down? I'll try to appraise it. [Aspidokelon] S-rank demons. Edible. Finest white. How many times, Aspidokelon? You're a monster with a hard name to say. Oh, even the S-rank demon. Can it also be S-rank if it's a big deal? Besides, it's edible and the finest white. You're safe at all costs. Then I also appraised Kraken and Cesarpent, and this one was also S-ranked. Besides, they're both edible. Mr. Marx said, "I've never heard of you eating Kraken," but it sounds like you can definitely eat it. I mean, when I appraised him, he started coming out with "edible” or something in the description, because this is a level increase? I have a slightly subtle explanation as to whether I can eat something or not. Well, if we think about it, can we eat it or not because it's important information for us? Besides, this is the first time you get seafood. Kraken's crusade has finally won Cesar Pent and Aspidokelon. Nice start. Now I've cleared the request, and I've been hearing about it tomorrow. I'd like to go to the market in the morning. I turned Kraken, Cesar Pent and Aspidokelon into an item box. Let's go home. "Umm." "Ooh." "Sue, please come home." When I said that, Sui went gungling down the sea towards the harbor.
As soon as I arrived on the island, the eating boy's medical record said, "Eat the sea surpent quickly." "I've been thinking a lot about what kind of food I'm going to cook, so don't rush me." What are you talking about? Seeserpent and no, that's definitely it! Hmm, that's it. Fell and Dora-chan are staring at each other. Looking at that, Grandpa Gong wondered, "What is that?" and Fell and Dora listened properly. And it was Switzerland who answered energetically. Deep-fried! "Hmm. Deep-fried sea surpent is delicious." That's right. It's so delicious! Fel, Dora, and Swiss both seem to remember the taste of fried sea bread from the sea city of Berlayan. "Ho ~, expectations will increase because everyone says it's delicious. I'm looking forward to it." That makes Grandpa Gong smile. Deep-fried sea surpent is delicious indeed. But.... "Deep-fried yesterday," he said. You'll get tired of going on. " Yesterday it was fried from a cockroach. Never tired of it. If it's fried, it's enough for every day. " Yeah. Deep-fried and delicious ~ " You can also fry it every day ~ "No, no, fried every day. I really don't like it." It's a fried welcome every day, so I love to fry, Fel, Dora, and me laughing bitterly at the return of the Swiss. The taste will change if the meat is different. I would definitely like to eat the fried chicken because it is a sea surpent that everyone is delicious. Lord, please. " Grandpa Gong, who turned into a real face, grabbed his shoulders with his stiff forefoot and said such a thing. How desperate you are, Grandpa Gong. "Hey, it hurts, it hurts! It's too much effort! Oops, it's hard to keep up. So, Lord, will you make it for me? "Ok! You can make it." After losing the pressure of Gong, it was me who decided to make fries again after yesterday. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Take out the magic stove from the item box and start preparing. As for fried vegetables, the usual soy sauce base and salt base classics are naturally made, and since fried vegetables follow yesterday, I am thinking of making them with other flavors. Fell and the others say they're not tired of it, but there's also the Arc. Above all, I'm getting bored. Same menu every day, same taste. Bye. Therefore, in addition to the classic, I would like to make a fried dish with curry flavour, yuzu pepper flavour, and miso flavour. First, I hid behind the magic stove and secretly opened the net supermarket to avoid being found in the face of the “arc”. Among the ingredients, I bought curry powder and yuzu pepper that I didn't have. All you have to do is fry more and more. First, cut the meat of the Sea Surpent into appropriate sizes. Then, let's start with the standard one. Make the classic soy sauce-based sauce and salt-based sauce as usual, and soak the meat in an oversized plastic bag. Deep-fried curry-flavoured meat is simply fried in a sauce-based sauce with a garment mixed with curry powder, rather than adding curry flavour to the base, so prepare more meat to be soaked in the sauce-based sauce. However, the taste is a little diluted. Deep-fried with yuzu and pepper, marinate in a sauce mixed with yuzu and pepper, chicken soup vegetables, sake, grated garlic and grated ginger. Deep-fried miso is dipped in a sauce mixed with miso, sake, mirin, soy sauce, grated garlic, and grated ginger. Of course, they were both soaked in large quantities using an extra-large plastic bag similar to the classic soy sauce and salt base. How many extra large plastic bags have you used? Thanks to you, we're out of stock. I have to refill it later. If that's okay, immerse the meat of Sea Surpent in each sauce and wait a while until the flavor is soaked. ... hey. "Hmm, what? Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, the Swiss foodie cartel and the foodie elf Feodora surrounding the magic stove. Still there? I want to eat fast. I'm hungry. "... (excited)" "Ha, there's a procedure for cooking. Deep-fried meat takes a little time to soak in the flavor, so wait. Otherwise it's delicious, so I can't eat fried rice." Because it's so frustrating. You can't be seen with that kind of eyes fast. If I could see it with such a starving glare, it would only be under pressure. Surrounded by eaters' cartels and eaters' elves, all you have to do is prepare fried oil and clothes. Don't forget to mix curry powder in the fried clothes because of the curry flavour. I am often exposed to pressure from eaters' cartels & eaters' elves. Okay, I think it's time. When you start dressing and frying the meat of the Sea Surpent, which was soaked in an oversized plastic bag, the eater's cartel and eater's elf sneak up like they couldn't stand it. When the smell of dyeing my empty stomach drifts... The noodles staring at the deep-fried rice cake while drooling its saliva. While laughing bitterly at such a state, I served everyone fried because I was fried. "Be careful, it's freshly fried and hot." The eater's cartel and eater's elf, whose appetite outweighs the heat, is eating happily. Mmm, delicious! "Ho, this is delicious. It's exquisite! It tastes different than usual. This is delicious too! Delicious ~ "... Huff Huff (Bakubak)" Everyone cheeks fried from a waiting sea surpent is a full smile. I can't tell you that there is a foodie elf in the eater's medical record without feeling uncomfortable. Gaudino and the others, please. "Oh, sorry. My Feodora bothers me every time." "Thank you, Mr. Mukoda. Damn it, Feodora's guy." "Let's have it. Among delicious elves, Feodora is not special. I'm really sorry." Gaudino, Gideon and Sigwald laugh bitterly at Feodora, who holds a fork in both hands and eats fried bakubaku, together with a foodie cartel. "Feodora-san, you've been looking forward to seeing Sea-surpent. Besides, we all said," If you eat sea bread, it's fried, "and I'm sorry it got fried just like yesterday." "No, no, this fried dish is completely fine because it's delicious.” "Yeah, yeah. Wow, this is delicious." "Hmm. It goes great with alcohol." That's exactly what I said today, Mr. Sigwald. "Hey, it's a refill! Please give me more of my usual flavor." You too. I'd like to ask you more of this tingling. " I have more different flavors than usual! Hmm, the swimming pool is full of them all! Yes, sir. I'm getting deep-fried more and more. Deep-fried from, with a little pinching. Deep-fried with yuzu pepper and miso is delicious. Curry flavor is also delicious, but it might have been better if there was a little more curry powder. I've never eaten a Sea Surpent before, but it's delicious. That's right. Besides, Mr. Mukoda cooks for me. It can't be bad. " "That's it. However, this tingling is superb. It would be great if I had a drink." "Hey, I'm in a dungeon. Don't say that." "Yes, Sigwald." Gaudino, Gideon, Sigwald, who will take a glimpse of the conversation. It would be great if there was beer in this ~. But I won't let you out! Don't look at me like that. We'll continue in the dungeon tomorrow. So... I've been frying for a long time. Calm down and feed me!
We were coming to the West Forest for a request to crusade the Iberplant. Mr. Yoran's story is that there will be a major outbreak of ibil plants every ten years or so, although it has not been elucidated why in the west woods here. You said the big outbreaks this year seem to be particularly numerous. If there are many of them, is it more efficient to divide them and crusade them? "Fell, where are the top species going to be? "It's scattered, but there seems to be more in the back of the woods" Behind the woods, then...... "Looks like there's a lot of them this time, and let's split them up on two hands. If you're in the back of the woods, can you take charge of Fell and Dora? If there are many superior species in the back, Fell and Dora would be better placed in charge. "Suey's with me." "Eh, I want to knock Sui out full of buzz too -" Sui has a powerful skill called acid bullets, but the status values are at the bottom when compared to Fel and Dora. I'll have you in charge of the woods with me. Even Swi is definitely strong compared to me, not to say the bottom compared to Fell and Dora. Sui is also going to have him work as my bodyguard. "You can buzz me and knock me down. I'm just glad you're by my side. I'm the weakest of them all, so Sue will protect me. I'm counting on you." "Okay -! Sui, I'll protect you! I want to try something this time too, so I'm going to fight. I don't think I'm going to die because I have total defense, because it doesn't mean I'm used to fighting. I would appreciate it if Sui were here. "Fell, don't give me your magic bag" I put a magic bag around Fell's neck. When we're talking about Yoran, the Alliance Master, the ibil plant withers as soon as he dies. The C-ranked ibil plant leaves nothing, but the top species of giant ibil plant may drop demonic stones because it is B-rank. "Fell, Dora, it looks like there are a lot of top species Giantoiville plants out there, and if you drop a demon stone in there, pick it up and put it in there and bring it back" Mr. Yoran tells me to buy out the Demon Stone in the Adventurer's Guild. 'Got it. Let's go, Dora.' "Ooh." Fell and Dora proceeded into the woods. Meanwhile, mine... "Huffle, I hope this works" I removed the weapon from the item box for the anti-Ibir plant. It was the herbicide that was removed. There's a horticultural item on the menu at the online supermarket, and I thought it was going to be possible. When I checked this morning, I knew there was herbicide. Moreover, there were many types of spray types to be diluted. One of them I chose was a spray type herbicide. It seems to be easy to use, and the explanatory notes say that it is an environmentally friendly herbicide with food-borne ingredients. Also, I think it would be perfect for this crusade of the Ibir plant because there was only one weed that wanted to work only on the wrong place and wither away. Once I appraised it, it came out like this. Herbicides Herbicides of different worlds of the spray type. Eco-friendly as well. What I'd like to try is whether this ”herbicide" works. It's a plant demon, so I thought the herbicide was going to work. If this works, it's going to be a powerful weapon in the event of a plant-based demon coming out. "All right, Sue, let's go too." "Ugh." Me and Sui went into the woods. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Oh, here comes weird! It's an Ibir plant. It looked just like Mr. Yoran told me. The ibil plant looked just like the eating plant haetrigusa with the appearance of two shells with gizzards. That's close to two meters high, and from the stem it stretches out like a free-flowing mollusc, and the root is a monster that moves with Uneune and is a plant-based monster, but can travel on its own. "Sui, that's the ibil plant. We're gonna take him down." 'I get it. Sui will take this down.' Buh, buh, buh -. Sui's acid bullet hits and the ibil plant withers away. "Well done, Sue" "Eh heh. Uh, that! Then there came a whole bunch of weird grass moving like that just now ~ ' When Sui's tentacles looked at him, nearly ten Ibir plants were approaching us. Oh, here we go again. Sounds like a fact that there's been a massive outbreak. "Oh, you're full. We're gonna take that down. Suey, let's do it." "Ugh, I'll do it full of swine, and I'll knock you out full of weird grass that moves." Sui strained and started shooting acid bullets at the ibil plant. All right, I can't lose, either. A weapon against the Iberplant, a Japanese ”herbicide." Eat. He sprayed herbicides at the Ybil Plant, which was stretching to get me. ”Herbicides" worked great. The herbicide-covered bamboo quickly withered, and it gradually spread to the stem, ending up withering all over the body. I'm not sure if it worked like an ingredient from different worlds, or because there won't be anything like herbicides in this world before, so it was easy to work with, but it seems to have worked anyway. Yatta, it worked. 'Oh, wow! Sui can't beat you either! Knock Down a Lot -' Buh, buh, buh -. Shh, shh, shh. -. Me and Sui even took down the Ibir plant that came to prey on us. "Phew, are you done?" That's what I think...... "Ryuji, here we go again -. And now here comes the big one! Now there was not only the ibil plant, but also the Giant ibil plant. "De, you're big..." The two shellfish pieces with gizzards, the stems, the twigs and the roots are about twice the size of the Iberplant. It's also close to four meters high. But since the herbicide worked on the ibil plant, it should also work on this giant ibil plant. Towards the thick fishes of the Shire Toyville plant, which looms to catch me whilst wandering with Uneune. "Eat it." Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh -. Large amounts of herbicide were sprayed. Batang, Batang, Batang. Is it painful? Ibilplant slammed his thick roots to the ground. Skip and avoid it at the right place. "Shit, let's die fast." Large amounts of herbicide were also sprayed into the roots. Then it withered faster than it sprayed onto the stem. Is the root a weaker point? I turned to teach Sui...... Yeah, it seemed like it had nothing to do with Sui's acid bullets. It would be a stem, but it would be a root, but it was melting all over. All right, I'll do this one over here. Good thing I bought more herbicides just to be careful. I took out another herbicide and grabbed a spray-type herbicide in both hands. Shakian, this is Herbicide Duplicant. "Heh heh heh, no herbicides." I was distracted by the fact that the herbicide was doing a tremendous amount of work besides my thoughts, and I went into a herd of Ibir plants. I sprayed herbicides all over the Ibir plant. Three hours later... "Ah, I'm tired" I sat down to fall to the ground. "Ryuji, are you okay? "Oh, I'm just a little tired, so I'm fine. Still, I knocked Suey down so many, she's still fine." You're supposed to be knocking down the ibil plant more than I am, but Sui still seems energetic and jumping pompous. "Eh heh, Sue, I'm still fine. I can take down all the weird grass that moves." Me and Sui took down the next Ibir plant. Does the Iberplant have the habit of gathering in what moves, from next to next? Perhaps I alone have defeated nearly a hundred Ibir plants. Nearly ten Giantoiville plants were among them. Even though I was just shrugging herbicides, I was just tired. I was just in a hurry when I ran out of herbicides I should have prepared more along the way. I hurried to buy more at the online supermarket and managed to get away with it. Nevertheless................... Looking around, it was full of dead debris from the ibil plant. Looking at the amount of this wreckage, I guess that means Sui beat twice as many as I did. Watch Sui jumping pom pom pom. I don't see it that way at all, but Sui is really combat capable. "No, I think it's gonna be awesome to knock out a lot of Sui." "Eh heh, sui awesome? "Oh, Sui is amazing." "Ugh, I'm glad" Sui is happily jumping around me with a pom pom. "Oh, yeah, sui. Can you find the demon stone and keep it? The Giant Evil Plant is rank B, so you have the Demon Stone in it. Mr. Yoran said he would like to buy it in the Adventurer's Guild if he had demon stones. "Demon Stone, that twitchy stone? "Yes, it's a tough stone that comes out when you defeat a demon." The Ibilplant dies and withers, so if there was a demonic stone, it would have fallen on the spot. "Please." Ask Sui to collect the demon stones and I will rest. Exactly. I'm seriously tired today. "'Cause we almost all left the fight to ourselves." When you fight demons against them, you can't lose your mind for a moment. Besides, there were a lot of them today, and there weren't any patron saintly Fells nearby. I knew the neighborhood was mentally different. Master Vahagn said, 'Because if your arm is blunt at times of need, it's life-threatening', but it sure is. I guess I'll join the fight at all from now on when I can. When you can only participate, though. If I'm gonna get in everyone's way, I'm gonna make a big deal out of it. "Oh, thank God" There were sixteen demonic stones received from Sui. Even though not all of them have demon stones, there are sixteen of them, which means there are a huge number of Giant Evil plants. You've been gushing like a whole lot of weed. That's how Fell and Dora came back, too. "How'd it go? "Um, there were tons of them." "Oh. Strong at all, but numbers anyway. Besides, the Iberplant is coming together for something that moves. The next thing I know, the next thing I know, the next thing I know, the next thing I know, the next thing I know, the next thing I know. Of course I kicked him all in the ass! Looks like Fell and Dora had a ton of them too. "It's okay because we've been through it all with me and Dora." "You mean everything stays? "Umm." That's great. Mr. Yoran told me it would be impossible to crusade everything because the numbers are numbers. Even the usual western forests inhabit Ibir plants, so it meant that they should be greatly reduced in number anyway, right? "I crusaded being around here with me and Sui, but I stayed. Really? 'Wait a minute... No, you don't seem to be here. Um, there's no more Ibilplant in this forest.' "Right, good. That means we're done." I'm relieved to be safe. "Uh, are we done yet? Sui, I wanted to knock you down with more buzz. ' Oh, Sui was still full of energy. "Uh, Sue, I have another request to get rid of the demons later, so buzz and knock them down." Cuclops, I'm sorry, but I need you to take Suey's acid bullets all over the place. "Oh, Fell, Dora, have you picked up the Demon Stone? "Oh." "Of course you are." Removing the magic bag from Fell's neck and checking inside, there were nearly fifty demon stones. ... how many Fell and Dora have knocked down. "Well, the request's done, and when you get out of the woods, do you want to make dinner" "Um, I'm hungry." "Rice. Rice." "I'm hungry." I turned the Demon Stone and Magic Bag into an item box and went out into the woods with everyone.
Yesterday, he was crab-capped on the Elemay River, as declared by Fell. We all rode the grown sui and explored the Elemay River all day long. For what it's worth, you succeeded in capturing three Berthakmad clubs. That wasn't exactly the size of a four-ton truck. All three are smaller than that. Well, still, we were all satisfied because we were able to secure three crabs that were difficult to find per se. It wasn't bad for me because I could get additional river fish as well. I'm just so tired of being on the river all day. I'm sorry to sui for putting everyone on and trying, but it's still the safest thing to do to get your feet on the ground. That's why we spend the day slowly until near noon, have a good lunch and then head to the Adventurers Guild. By the way, lunch was a pork teki bowl with dungeon pork. The truth is, I thought it was even a fry of fish Elemay Megalodras, similar to catfish caught on the Elemay River, from the Eater Cartel's "Meat! changed at the request of '. Meat and rice wrapped in sweet and spicy sauce, soy sauce, liquor, mirin, sugar and grated garlic. In tandem with the main demonstration of the eating cartel, to sharks that make an extra large quantity...... The new magic stove helped a lot, too. Ma, leave that alone, I'm on my way to the Adventurer's Guild now. Of course, everyone who was free is sticking together. Both sides of me, Fel with Sui on board and Grandpa Gong with Dra on board are walking slightly. Surprisingly people pull away, as they deserve. I can't help it, but... Exactly. "It's Mr. Wolf and Mr. Dragon ~. I'd love to touch you," said the child's mother. "Shh, don't look! When I saw him say," I felt indescribable. I'm scared to look, but Fell and Grandpa Gong are the ones who are more willing to eat than anything else, hey. While I was doing that, I could see the Adventurer Guild. "Crocodile meat? Looking forward to it. ' Grandpa Gong......, maybe he's laughing, but he said stop because he sees fangs and people around him are scared. "Uhm. You're crocodile meat tonight." Fell as well. I've never seen crocodile meat before, so I'm looking forward to it. "Looking forward to it." Dora and Sui can't help it. People around you, now you're confused. We were on our way into the Adventurer Alliance, shaking chaos around us. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "The crusade reward for this request will be 0 gold coins for the Berthac Mud Club, 135 gold coins for the Kelpies, and 170 gold coins for the Tyrant Black Alligator. If you are buying..." Mr. Orson explains the crusade reward and buyout cost of this request in the Alliance Master's room. 650 gold coins in total. Looks like Kelpy's skin and Tyrant Black Alligator's skin got a good price. And by way of example, here too, to pay in a currency higher than gold. "Okay, here it is. Please confirm." I received a hemp bag from Mr. Orson. Inside was a large gold coin that I've been seeing a lot here lately that was jarring. Take out that larger gold coin and count it. One, two, three, four..., 65 pieces in large gold coins, that's for sure. It's actually easier to use gold coins, but it's still better than getting them with white gold coins. I don't know if that's really useless, but it's limited. I can't tell you how much I've been surprised lately. Haha...... "Yes. Sixty-five large gold coins, no doubt" That's what I say, put the big gold coins back in the hemp bag. Then I asked what I was a little concerned about. "Um, are you still in this city about the aristocratic adventurer who pissed off the Berthakmad Club? It's like a bong bong of bad quality, so if you're in this city, you have to stay out of it. Well, it won't be a rare thing because there are some Fells, but there are places where you don't know what you're going to do if you're a real idiot. There are precedents like those in the Collection. "No, I pushed him here for trouble and he just left." That's what Mr. Orson said as he sighed hah. Wow, that's sad. That said, I have another thing going on about the Berthakmad Club. But, well, I was a little horrified to find out there wasn't going to be any trouble. "So, Mr. Mkoda, that Berthakmad Club..." That's what Mr. Orson reluctantly asked me. You must be wondering, because you looked so obsessed with the shell of the Berthakmad Club. But... "We've all been delicious. I boiled it and ate it, but it was delicious." 'Um. That's not bad. It didn't taste bad.' 'It tasted better than I expected, that crab. I was lucky to get three more. " 'That was delicious, Crab! "Mr. Crab was delicious ~" Hear my words and say everyone was delicious too. Dora and Sui are reading, so they just can't get through to Mr. Orson, but you should be hearing Fell and Grandpa Gong's words because they were in their voices. "Did you really eat that one...... Besides, boil it..." That's what I say, Mr. Orson, I drop my shoulder and I'm depressed. "Huh? Couldn't you boil it? "That shell is a property that becomes brittle when heat is applied before processing...... That's worth the shell, so I didn't have anything to try to eat..." No, even if they say so. Is it brittle when the heat is applied? I heard it was stiff, but it cracked my balls. But, Mr. Orson, don't you have to be discouraged like that? There are plenty of other adventurers out there, so you'll get them sometime. With that in mind, Mr. Orson looked up as if he suddenly remembered something. "You said you caught three more earlier, didn't you?! "Huh? Yeah, well" I did get three extra... "Make sure you let me buy that! "Er..." See Chirali and the Fells. "I know it's a bad idea." 'Bye.' Cause we all got it to eat. ' That's what Fell and Grandpa Gong say. Fell and Grandpa Gong rejected me and it was Mr. Orson dropping his shoulder again. That crab for us, it's totally edible, so hey. We broke up with Mr. Orson, who dropped his shoulder laughing bitterly, and we headed to the warehouse. So I received some of the meat and skin from the Tyrant Black Alligator and today's appointment is complete. I don't have much to do later... "Take a peek in the street shop." 'Agreed! If there's a stall that looks delicious, please! "Hmm. Sometimes there's meat that looks delicious." "Mm, really? Then I'd like to try some non." Sui also eats meat! I have a feeling I'll be touring the street for some reason. Well, that's good. I just left the Adventurer Guild talking to everyone about that in a nutshell...... "Mr. Mkoda? When they called me by my name, and I saw the one with the voice, I had a nostalgic facial rash. "Guys, why are you here?! In front of me were Mr. Gaudino, whose bastard sword suits him well, Mr. Gidion, a handsome Hollywood actor-like, Mr. Siegvald, a dwarf carrying a warhammer, and Mr. Feodora, a tremendously beautiful elf with emerald eyes in his golden thread hair. It was a reunion with Ark, an A-rank adventurer party we met in Aveling's dungeon.
"Stonebarretto" One small stone rubble (stone barrette) flies away. And I hit the tree I was targeting with a cutlet. I rushed to see it, a little but the trunk had been decided. "Come on! You're getting a little better." As always, there is only one flying stone valet, but it is also more powerful thanks to its faster speed than before. This would also be thanks to the protection (small) of Ninrir, the goddess of wind. (Small) But they do a good job. It looks like a goddess. Now I'm taking a short break after dinner. I use that time to practice dirt magic. As soon as Fell finished his meal, he said, 'I have something to worry about' and ran off into the woods. I'll be right back. He said not to worry, and I hope he kept his ties around me and Sui. Sui is pulling at my feet. By the way, I'm steadily leveling up (because I'm leveling up just eating different worlds of garbage anyway) and now I'm at level . I'm very excited to see how many levels it will evolve. Okay, let's keep practicing dirt magic. I knew people like me only had practice. "Stonebarretto" Phew, I'm tired. I guess I used a little too much magic. Even though you only have practice, it's hard to get tired after using too much magic. I hope you have some more magic. Well, there's nothing I can do about it. You're sweet when you're tired. I bought board chocolate and can of coffee at an online supermarket. Can coffee is black. Sweet and bitter makes this combination of chocolate and black coffee exquisite. Eating chocolate, Sui clung to his leg. "What, you want a swim too? When I heard that, Sui shook up a pull. Let him hold the broken plate chocolate in half to the tentacles of a swie and he'll start eating it right away. The plate chocolate melted in an instant in the sui. Sui seems to like the board chocolate, and she shakes her pull and rubs her body against my feet like she says more. "You're a good snob. Wait a minute." Buy extra board chocolate for Sui. When I do board chocolate on Sui, she eats it looking delicious as she shudders. That's sweet for me, too. This guy is nostalgic and cute, so stick with him. Still, Fell, you're late. He said he'd be back soon or something, but it's been a long time. Then after a while Fell finally came home after spending a whole lot of time with Sui while restoring his magic. "You were late, Fell. Is something wrong? 'I'm fine. It's no big deal. Hmm? Sung Sung......' Fell sniffed around me and Sui with his nose. "Hey, what is it? "Have you eaten anything delicious without me, my lords? Gikku. You mean chocolate, right? Do you smell that chocolate sweet? "Yes, no, nothing" That said, Fell's going to look at me jito. "My nose will not be deluded." Grr...... Damn, you found out. I knew it was a dog or a wolf. Fenrill's sense of smell in your system is sharp. "Me and Sui were eating a treat called chocolate. I was tired of practicing magic. I like sweet things when I'm tired." "I'm a little tired of running, too, so I want that chocolate." What are you tired of? Though I'm sure I can't be tired of just a few people running a little closer to Kanst with stats like you. "It's cheap that only the Lord and Sui can eat and I can't eat." Ugh, when they say that... Uh, I get it. I lost to Fell's jito eyes and bought board chocolate at an online supermarket. I'm also going to buy Sui's share because she looked at me like she wanted it (I don't actually have eyes, but that's what it looks like). "Look, this is chocolate" When I offered the wrapped plate chocolate, Fell ate it burly. 'Mmm, this is the first taste I've ever had. I don't hate you.' Ha, right, this guy ate ten slices of chocolate pepper. So much for eating and tooth decay. Oh, you didn't even get tooth decay because of the state abnormality invalidity. Fine, so to speak, I'm (small) too, but with God's protection, you don't get tooth decay, do you? Well, you didn't say you'd eat sweet food in an amount like a Fell. By the way, Sui was happy to eat board chocolate. The concubine is Nin Lil, the goddess of the wind. Serve chocolate and pray now. Oh, make sure you can serve them both together. ' A woman's voice echoed in her head. Similar to my thoughts with Fell, but I heard voices more clearly than that. Even Master Nin Lil says............ This is a sweet snack, isn't it? Is this the trust? 'Bye. It's a trust. Hurry up. " What a reminder. Goddess, do you mind if I entrust you with a treat... as a god? I'm sorry to tell you, but you're a bad goddess. There's no majesty or flattery, this. "Shut up. Even God needs fun." Damn, it's a real explosion. You're a goddess who can't help it at all. Ever since Fell told me you had a temple to "offer sweetness," I thought it might be a little unfortunate that you were a goddess. Can't you just take it from another world with God's privilege? That way you don't have to tell me to give it to you or anything. Well, I got some protection. I'll give it to you before. Come on. I bought board chocolate and whiskey roast in an online supermarket for the goddess. "Hmm, what? You gonna give me more? "No, no, this isn't for Fell. I have just been entrusted to you by Lord Ninryl. Give me some chocolate and pray." 'No, really? Pray hard with Lord Ninryl's trust. " I prayed on the cardboard altar with chocolate and roasted meat. When I opened my eyes, Chocolate and Dorayaki had disappeared. "Grubble." What's a good job? Where do you learn those words? It's a shame you're a goddess. 'All right, you're done praying. Okay, let's go. Come on, get in.' Fell's in a hurry for something. "Okay, but is there anything you can do to hurry? 'Yes, no, it's nothing. What about your Lord's earthly magic? Is that it? Has anything been deluded now? "As always, we only fly one pebble, but thanks to Lord Nin Lil's protection, we've become more powerful." "A stone barrette would be the magic of flying many stone debris. I didn't know that could only fly one thing as usual... ' Gutsy, I can't help it. I don't fly. "This is still the only way to get him over there." (Fell whispering) "Hmm? Did I say something? 'Nothing. Ride faster than that.' "Yes, sir. Suey's in the bag, too. Hey, good." "Okay, let's go."
"Marie, it's been a while." Going in front of Mr. Lamberto's shop, Mr. Lamberto's wife Marie was out of the store. "Well, Master Mkoda! Long time no see. You're back in Currylina." "Yeah, I've been back a long time. Soap, shampoo, it seems to be selling." Women flocked around the corner of the store where soap and shampoo were kept. "Thanks to you, it's this big day every day. However, there is a limited number, and it is distressing that we limit ourselves to one per person of all kinds in order to prevent buying..." Oh, I knew it. I thought it might be time for the inventory to be in jeopardy. I don't know since I wholesaled it in the city of Bellain. "There's something I'd like Mr. Lamberto to talk to you about by getting involved in that area as well, is Mr. Lamberto here? "Wait a minute, please" As soon as Marie told the small-time boy to call Mr. Lamberto, Mr. Lamberto showed up from behind the store. "Long time no see, Mr. Mukoda." "Long time no see, Mr. Lamberto" "The cloak of Wyburn you're ordering, it's in the last finish right now, but you're doing great! "Whoa, that's exciting ~" "I think it'll take about 0 more days." "Of course you'll be fine." I came a long time before my appointment was due. "Looks like we need to talk, go to the back." Mr. Lamberto led me to the back room of the store. There's also talk of wholesale soap and shampoo, so Marie's with me. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "I'm sorry to be so quick, but may I talk about purchasing first? Because Marie doesn't seem to care, hahahaha" "If that happens again. But soap and shampoo are all popular and thin. If you run out of stock, we apologize to the customer who came to buy it." ... You're still a good couple. If I can show off too much, my life will be cut off. "Master Mukoda is back, and we would love to purchase it soon. Hopefully......" Marie's story was that she wanted enough to wholesale it in Bellain as soon as possible. With that number, I refused to buy it, but one limit per person of all kinds is likely to be lifted. Amount wholesaled in Bellain...... It's hard to refill a crate with a pot. I know it's as soon as possible, but I'd appreciate it if I had a full day or so tomorrow. Marie accepted that it would be delivered before noon the day after tomorrow. When the conversation came to a close, Marie said she was more concerned about the store and then went back to the store. "I'm sorry. Marie seems to enjoy her current job." "It's good for a woman to work." "Right. Marie seems to enjoy herself every day, as long as I'm happy too. ... So, Mr. Mkoda has something to discuss with me." "Yep. Actually..." I told Mr. Lambert what I had been thinking for a while. What I've been thinking is I want the Zubali family. I started renting a house at the beginning of my journey, and I figured I wished I had a home. It's spacious, so the Fells don't have to worry about it as much as I do. It would be nice to have a kitchen, bath and other amenities. Of course that's because it was a luxurious mansion I was renting, but now I'm saving a lot of money thanks to the Fells. I think I can buy enough luxurious mansions. Besides, it's nice to have a home to go home to. Of course I'm going on a journey, but I don't think I have a home to go home to. When I thought about what would be better if I had a house there, the city here in Carrerina floated to number one. I didn't even have to think about Dolan, but if I had a house in Dolan, Mr. Erland would be immersed in it, and I rejected it. Dora's going to get carried away. That's why I figured if I were to buy a house, it would be in the city of Carrerina. "Ho, when you set up in this city. That's good! "There are some ladies in this city who, thankfully, can talk a lot about this." "I'm glad you said that." "So, let me ask you something, if you're going to buy a house in this city, is it still number one to go to the Merchant Guild? "Well, depending on what kind of house you want, I still think it's easy to pinch a merchant guild. So, what kind of house would Mr. Mkoda like? When I was going to buy it, I knew I wanted it the size of the mansion I'd ever rented. Fell can go in and out at leisure, the room is larger, and the kitchen, bath, etc. are fully equipped, and if possible the garden is more spacious. Explaining to Mr. Lambert that he wanted a house like that, Mr. Lambert slapped Pong on his knees. "We have the perfect home for Mr. Mukoda's wishes. Yikes! Plus, the furniture stays the same, so you can live in it right away! Whatever the house is, it is originally a separate residence of a noble nobleman, and although it is not too far away from the center of the city, it is conveniently located to do shopping and so on, and the grounds are spacious. The mansion itself is huge, and what a 14 LDK. In addition to that, they have three smaller houses built exclusively for servants, in addition to their 14LDK mother house. "They're going to let it go under certain circumstances, and they're going to deal with it in a merchant's guild, but that's all the property, so hey. It's a lot of money, and it's hard to buy." Mr. Lamberto is also told by the Merchant Guild that if anyone is better, he must introduce him. "I heard Mr. Mukoda became an S-rank adventurer, so I was wondering" Oh, I knew you knew. But how big a forehead is that? If you're going to be able to buy it with my money, I have something to look at for now. "So, how much is it? "That's 12,000 gold coins. This much may seem expensive to ask, but considering the location and the size of the grounds, and that mansion, it's cheap enough. Plus, furnished is a great deal." Twelve thousand gold coins? It's expensive, but you can't afford it. Or you can afford it. Mr. Lamberto is a good value for money property, and maybe enough to take a look at it. "Um, I don't know if I'll buy it, but can I see it? "Really? Now let's move on to the Merchant Alliance." I feel like I've been given a little ride, but if I were you, I'd better buy it soon, so I followed Mr. Lamberto to the Merchant Guild.
A little over an hour away from the village of High Elves. Running through the woods under Grandpa Gong's instructions that he knew where the Green Dragon was. And finally, Grandpa Gong said, "Stop." It was definitely around here, though. I wandered around slowly. At the same time that Fel said that, he heard a grunting sound. Looks like it's coming from over there. Something's coming ~ "I see. This is already part of his territory." It saves me a lot of trouble. " "Wait a minute, that's..." "This is not the time to be calm ~!" I heard a roar that made my ears squeak. Hee-hee The overwhelming volume shrank unexpectedly. Humph, you didn't threaten us a moment ago. Well, don't say that. Among the dragon species, the Green Dragon (Green Dragon) has a poor head. " ”Bhaha. Well, at a time when we didn't even realize we were superior, you were a big fool.” It's so damn good that the watermelon beat you ~. The watermelon is so strong ~! Oh, you guys, you can say whatever you want. I have only a little sympathy for the Green Dragon, which I haven't seen yet. "In the meantime..." Dodo, dodo, dodo, dodo. The sound of the ground was getting closer and closer. It's coming! Immediately after Fel's words. While pushing down the trees, a green giant appeared. Huh? Huh? What's that, Triceratopsu?! The appearance of the Green Dragon in front of us was similar to that of the extinct dinosaur Triceratops once seen in the Atlas. The distinctive head and three corners are as seen in the drawing. "But..." Triceratops were herbivores, but the Green Dragon doesn't look like herbivores to me. I twisted my face and looked at the Green Dragon while using Grandpa Gong as a shield. His sharp teeth drooled from his big mouth and he was stomping on his feet to intimidate me. .................. What's that? Did the Creator God do this? I mean, you're doing this completely, right? With reference to the Earth's dinosaurs, the creator made a demo creature with the addition of the creator god's word, "Ijinori". ... it could be... Very likely. As I recall, Earth Dragon looked just like T-Rex, too. "Gohong. This is not the same thing that was on that mountain." It was made with experiments and nori. The nearest thing to say is, "There are dragons nearby, but it's hard to say the dragon itself." In contrast, of course, Earth Dragon, but Green Dragon was also created as a unique dragon. The proof of that is that such physical attacks as blowing fire, spitting acid, biting with a powerful jaw, and attacking with poisonous claws were dominant. But not the dragon. Use your magic skillfully! I said, "Creator God, have you done it?" When I thought about it, my voice suddenly echoed in my head. Isn't that an excuse for explaining it? And use your magic skillfully! (Doya) 'That's not it. Well, I understand that the demo creature that was in that mountain now is different from the Earth Dragon and Green Dragon. I understand ~. ...... What's the truth? It's just a little bit troublesome. I borrowed the appearance from the dinosaurs of the Lord's world. " That's what I thought. "Well, I created a lot of dragons at that time, and I was busy with other things to do." Even your lords can be like that sometimes. " No, that's true, but it's on a different scale. "Anyway, it looks like a dragon." That's not what I meant! Adios! What the hell is that?! ' And "Adios!", where do you learn to do that? Damn, that's the Green Dragon in front of me. Green Dragon with Fel and the others. "It seems that we are holding each other back..." Gwaaaaaaah. The Green Dragon moves. Three sharp corners rush toward us. My lord, I'm sorry! Grandpa Gong told me so and clung to my back desperately. Grandpa Gong gorgeously avoided the Green Dragon's rush without suiting his large body. Hun, what are you going to do to us? Fel was also lightly avoiding with his proud legs. Sweetie was also on Fel's head, so she was safe. That's not how you hit me. That's why they call me stupid. Dora-chan moves her wings and stays in the air, making a fool of the Green Dragon. "Well, it looks like the Green Dragon's nose is getting rough and excited..." Dora-chan made a fool of herself. Is it somehow communicated? Are you mad at me? Oh, did you get mad at me for telling you the truth? Along with the roar of anger, a needle like Sword Mountain sticks out from our feet in a wide area. Fel jumped and landed outside the range of the needle. Grandpa Gong spread his big wings and flew over. What the hell is that? Then let's go this way. " "Ahh, Dora-chan is cheating!" This is a quick win! Along with Dora-chan's voice, a sharp ice pillar rained down on the Green Dragon. The pillar of ice never penetrated the hard skin of the Green Dragon, but the Green Dragon groaned "giggling". Damn. You can't defeat my magic with one shot. Next time, the swirls are coming ~! Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bhh, bhhhh... Sweet acid bullets hit the green dragon's flanks. "Gaaaaahhh" A green dragon who can take away the screams while torturing herself. When I saw it, there was smoke coming up from the side where the acid bullet hit. Mmm, I won't fall down ~ I was angry that I couldn't get rid of the watermelon with my specialty acid bullets. Sweetheart, I didn't fall down, but I'm definitely doing damage. Hore, look. You must be in pain as you strangle yourself. ” "Oh, that's right." Besides, it's a dragon. " Even if it's not, the power of Sweetheart's acid bullets is getting really powerful. "If I could defeat a dragon with one shot of acid..." Bloop... my cute Sweetie is coming back. Alright, I'll do it in the end. This is the end. As soon as Fel stepped forward. The Green Dragon retreated as if frightened. And when I changed directions at once, I ran away in a daze. .................. Huh? You ran away. Awkward. Plenty of escape. Huh? Where are you going? I'll follow you. Hmm. We can't afford to miss the finest meat. That's right! I'll definitely eat the meat of dragons Just because they escaped, it wasn't Fel who let them escape honestly. Everywhere for good meat. One of us went after the Green Dragon.
It's delicious... I knew the meat was good... It's delicious ~... Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sweetheart say they're stinging while biting the pork bowl for breakfast. I was surprised by Fel's unusual appearance while gulping down the dashi rolled eggs from my light breakfast menu (by the way, the miso soup of wakame and tofu, the rice balls stewed in kelp, the dashi rolled egg and the shallow pickled cucumber). What's going on? That's what I heard, Cartesian cannibal looking at me. What's wrong with you?After you've done such a terrible thing. " No punishment, but yesterday there was no punishment. It wasn't delicious at all... It seems that the evening meal just for eating bread was quite tight yesterday. "It's only natural that a terrible result is a punishment."Is that why everyone apologized as soon as they woke up in the morning? " That's right. When I woke up in the morning, Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sui apologized. And I swore I would never extinct a species again, nor would I overdo it. Fel and Grandpa Gong's elders also vowed to "look around and act now". With that in mind, breakfast went as usual. "This is much more effective than I expected."You can use it when something happens. " Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora-chan, and Sweetie twitched as they twitched. No, please don't. I don't want to eat that anymore. " "Hmm. I'll never forgive you for that again.Because it doesn't taste at all.No, if you chew it, it'll taste a little sweet, but that's it...... ” ”The more I ate, the more moisture I got in my mouth, and I was desperate...” "Rice like that, noo..." I wonder if you only remembered yesterday's dinner. Fel's whole body is upside down, Grandpa Gong has a lying eyes, Dora-chan is losing her expression, and she is about to cry at the end of the swirl. "Eh, that's so much." Don't you want more than a meal full of vegetables? " That's still good. Although I don't like it, it has a proper flavor. " 'Umm. Because the Lord is cooking for me.But what happened yesterday..... ' That's my favorite thing about meat, but that doesn't mean I can't eat vegetables. The vegetable dishes made by Aji are delicious... Even if it's a meat supremacist foodie carte blanche, it seems that it's still better to eat a meal full of vegetables than to eat bread only for dinner yesterday. You're totally traumatized. Come on, "just bread" is the strongest. That's why today's breakfast was hard to make with about twice as much as usual, but even though it was just a pork bowl made with Chacha, I was just a bit nervous about the appearance of everyone eating while chewing to taste it differently than usual. ◇◇◇◇◇ "Haa...... I didn't know it was that secret......" "Hahaha, no one can go except these people..." We came to the Adventurer's Guild in the Royal Capital. Yesterday, Bram, the guildmaster of the Wangcheng Adventurer's Guild, said that he wanted to hear more about the caldera we went to. So, I came here again today and asked Bram and Villem, the guildmaster of Curry Lina, to join Fel and Grandpa Gon on the way, and I was just talking about that caldera in a lot of detail. It seems that the two of them were able to identify the location. The caldera we went to is in the frigid mountain of Mount Jeltova all year round, and it seems that even high ranked adventurers with high ranked monsters from the foot of the mountain rarely set foot. "I mean, I don't know if I've ever been to such a place..." Looks like we were out of the country sometime, Tehe. Mt. Jeltova seems to be standing across two kingdoms, Reisehr and the Krasen Empire. "Ha ha, I've been so far away..." It was also because of Grandpa Gong, who had great maneuverability. Oh, yeah. I have to tell you what I told you yesterday. "Well, do you remember the biggest dinosaur I gave you?" "You left an extra one last time you wanted me to dismantle it." If so, it would have been a pleasure for him to dismantle it overnight. "I'm seriously working all night to dismantle it, Erland-san..." Well, that's fine now. "Well, that dinosaur is extinct." ”.......................................... what?” Two guildmasters who open the space plenty and then make a voice that doesn't make sense. So, it's extinct, or it's extinct. That's what I said when I looked at the two of them. "...... let me listen to that story carefully." "Haa..." Let me talk to you again in as much detail as possible. The point is that everyone in my family has hustled too much. "Ha-ha-ha-ha" After I finished talking, they both threw up because they were deep at the same time. "No, in the first place, there seemed to be a small number of dinosaurs, like there were only seven of them..." That's why we're putting them to extinction. I don't think so. "If the lords hadn't gone, they wouldn't have been extinct." That said, in the first place, it's a place where only the lords can go. Given the efficacy, it's a bit unfortunate that it's gone extinct. What? What's the effect? The two of them said that "Super Saurus" that Erland had just dismantled, but they lent Erland an appraisal magic tool to investigate each part. It was the Adventurer's Guild of the King's City. I heard that he had the magic tool for appraisal. "Even if we do a detailed investigation later, there are new species, so we will agree afterwards, but we have only done an appraisal of each part" “Yes, of course that's fine.So, was there some kind of efficacy?The flesh was hard, and the skin seemed to be hard... " Mr. Bram said, "It doesn't seem to be as effective as a dragon, but it seems to be so effective from the internal organs that there is no place to throw it away." Based on the appraisal results, I think it is a material that can also be used as an elixir material. However, if you use this "Super Saurus" as a material, if the elixir using the dragon as a material is a complete version of a panacea that cures anything such as illness, injury, and missing parts, it seems that you can create an elixir that only cures injuries and missing parts that are one step worse than that. "I know that detailed verification is necessary, but from the efficacy, there is no doubt that it is a material that pharmacists want to obtain." "In particular, there are a lot of pharmacists here in the capital, and there are many pharmacists who are blind to such materials."If you know, the pharmacists will come here. " Oh, is that so? Dinosaurs are like "dragons" after all, so in this world they may be like relatives of dragons. Well, Demiurgus created it with his own momentum, so the setting around it might be ambiguous. "There's also such a thing, but originally, I want to get it from the internal organs through blood, but it's really about the budget ~" That's what Bram said as he wrinkled between his eyebrows. Sometimes it's the material of Leviathan. I'm really sorry for taking care of what we brought in. “Well, there are five more left, so if you tell me when you can afford it, I can sell it.” Then Mr. Bram opened his eyes and said, "Really?!"and it's coming. "Yeah, yeah, especially since I'm not planning on doing anything right now." "I see, I see!" Well, then, please! " Somehow I'm in a good mood. Okay, let's go home now before we get held up by some kind of bump. Now that we've finished talking, I'll be free soon. "Hmm. Well, it's almost time to dismantle it."On the way back, you should stop by the warehouse. " Heh, I told you to stay up all night, but I'm already that far ahead. After all, it's a disgrace to see Mr. Erland's work. He's a pervert. When I went to the warehouse, Erland, who had made bears under his eyes, greeted me with a smile. Mukoda-san, welcome! We're done dismantling ~ "Yes, I heard that..."You really did dismantle it all night long, didn't you? " "Of course! It's a waste to carry over such a fun thing to the next day!" I can only admit my guts to working with such a thick bear under my eyes. "Damn, I hope you're so enthusiastic about your usual work..." Like Mr. Erland, Moira, who had a thick bear under her eyes, was boasting. It was thoroughly monitored by Moira-sama. Thank you very much. "Then take it." Got it! Beginning with the flesh, skin, bones, blood in many pots, hearts and liver in pots, teeth, etc. Everything that was released went into the item box one after another. And finally, a sharp nail came out. I put a few of them in my locker, but Elland won't let go of the last one. Um, Mr. Erland? ............ ”Will you let go of my hand?” Even though I'm an elf, I'm not happy to be stared at by a tear-eyed old man. "What are you doing!" Get your hands off me! " Mr. Elland gets a beating from Moira-sama. You deserve this. "Because, Moira-sama..." "I don't mean that!" Do you have the money to buy it?! " "W-Well, that's..." Mr. Erland, I bought some dragon materials the other day. "Ahh, I'm not going to do anything about this anytime soon, so if you tell me when the money is saved, I'll give it to you." That way, Mr. Elland's complexion will be brightened. Really?! "Mukoda! You are my best friend after all! I will definitely buy it!" No, you're not my best friend. "Come on Moira, it's my job! I have a mission to buy that material!" Master Moira, Gamba. With that kind of support in my heart, it was us who quickly left the warehouse. But you guys are quiet at a time like this, aren't you? And it came to pass, as they boasted unto Fel, who walked beside them, that they said, Naturally. Is there a guy who sticks his neck in such a troublesome place? I know how you feel. I know that, but you guys just keep up the good work.
We'll be touring the city church and orphanage in Ronkainen today. That's the routine around here for buzzes & donations. We're going shopping for the “Ark" next thing we know, it's a dungeon. This morning, you said you were going out shopping a lot to get ready to go to the dungeon, so I was in charge of the meal, so I told her you didn't have to shop for groceries, and she was delighted with the "arc” face. If you were so happy to be able to eat my meal, if you ask me carefully, of course there is that, but most importantly, you seemed happy that you would run out of all the groceries that were the best luggage in your dungeon exploration. “Arc” said that Mr. Feodora's item box depended on the baggage when heading to the dungeon, except for the minimum baggage to be held individually. Mr. Feodora's item box seems to be a little smaller as it belongs to the elves. Sometimes it's more than a month of dungeon exploration. That food alone will make up the majority of the item boxes, he said. Besides, the food is second to none in flavor, and they focus on sun-dried meat-stiff bread and other things that get sunny. And the rest of the empty space was filled with spare weapons and potions, and then filled with thin things that might be needed to match the diving dungeons, and there were no gaps. During Doran's dungeon, I heard about the importance of food when diving into a dungeon in the Adventurer's Guild, but when I heard it from all of you who are actually adventurers, it further conveyed its importance and truthfulness. Still, Mr. Gaudino said, "While there are members with item boxes, they are blessed." Additionally, "Nong et al. individually have magic props for drinking water is also called big. I got it early and it was the right item," Mr. Seegvald said smugly, "but it sure is. Humans, you can't live with food alone. I also need water. Adventurers who do not possess magic props for drinking water also know what Mr. Seegvald feels like talking about smudging because he is talking about packing water in a barrel and taking it. Sure, because Fell said that normal water magic water can't be potable water, it doesn't seem like the water problem will be solved immediately if there are members who can do water magic. We're all protective, so we don't have to worry about that area. I have my internet supermarket. When I said normal, that was it, but I often learned a lot about stories from adventurers like "Ark”. If a member doesn't have an item box, he says he can rely on a magic bag, but I hope he's lucky enough to find a magic bag in the dungeon, but if not, naturally he'll have to buy it. That would require a lot of money to fund the purchase. Moreover, there are current situations where magic bags themselves are not so much on the market. For adventurers who don't have members with item boxes, magic bags are a good substitute for dungeon exploration, and if acquired, they're hard to sell. That's why it's hard for adventurers to explore dungeons. Still, Gidion said, "I wonder if you have a member with an item box, if you have a magic bag, because it also involves whether the area can exceed the C-rank as an adventurer". After all, they say the dungeon is the best way to increase the level, and whether you can dive into the dungeon for a certain period of time also involves a lot of strength. Being involved in strength means being heavily involved in the Adventurer ranks as well. Magic bags, we have a number of them. Because Fells need it to retrieve their prey when they hunt. Well, I'm putting it out to buy, except for what I need, but I heard from you guys and I thought I'd keep doing that. Anyway, even the “arc” faces of the A-rank Adventurer Party, which is classified as a high-rank adventurer in the world, are also witty about Adventurer Running. Anyway, I was listening to Mr. Gaudino and I thought, "I'm quite blessed." That's why breakfast told us about it, and then we went to the city to do what we had to do. Information I had heard beforehand from Mr. Orson shows that there is a goddess of wind, earth, fire and water in this city and a church of gods of war that is sometimes close to a small group of nations. After the buzzes and donations, we plan to purchase the offerings to the gods. If we don't make an offering before we go to the dungeon, it's going to be postponed, so try to get it done at this time. That's what the gods are waiting for, so it's going to stink when the dates are extended. So I've also received a request from the gods within yesterday. It's the same request as usual, but it's because of the number of items. Do you want to finish off the boutique and donation process just now? Let's start with the church of the earthly goddess Kishahr, which is closest to here. "Guys, we're going from the church of the goddess of earth." ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "It took longer than I thought, but it's the last time in God's church for the next war" "We're just finishing up and going home..." "Uhm. I like that......" Fell and Grandpa Gong looking sloppy. "Hey, are you okay with Fell and Grandpa Gong?" "Are you okay?" I hear voices from Dora and Sui aboard Fel and Grandpa Gong. "They're depressing..." "Apostles, Apostles..." So crushing. Bitter laugh at Fell and Grandpa Gong. What are you saying to a habit that was initially annoying and annoying? In one example of Lubanov religion, Fer and Grandpa Gong were apostolically certified by the god of creation, Demiurgos, and the church of the visiting goddesses was also quite noisy. In discussions with Master Demiurgos, the main church officials of other religions, such as the Four Goddesses, had been able to reach their voices, so one example of Lubanovism was misplaced. Church officials, including the greatest priest from the church of the earthly goddess who headed for the beginning, lapped forward Fell and Grandpa Gong, and that was awesome already. Fel and Grandpa Gong didn't seem to feel bad either, so I also handed over the gift and donation to the apostle at Nori... I'm already making a scene. The priest is more of a cry than a joy. Surrounded by church officials, I couldn't make it home and it was hard. Luca's church, the goddess of water, finally headed for the next one, couldn't make it home with the same enthusiastic welcome. Besides, I also made a buzz and donation here in the name of the apostle, so I made a scene again. 'Cause you made all that fuss in the church of the goddess of earth by making a bounce & donation in the apostolic name. All of a sudden, I don't know what to do in my name, because I had a feeling that would be a big problem. That's why even the Church of the Water Goddess couldn't get home at the end of the day surrounded by church officials. Still, I forcibly broke through "because I have somewhere to go next," but the same thing happened in the church of the next goddess of the wind, Ninril, and even more so in that next church of the goddess of fire, Agni. The “apostolic” onslaught of Church officials was just as devastating for both Fell and Grandpa Gong. And finally the church of the last god of war, Lord Vahagn. As he went inside, the murky men with their muscles were on one knee with their left arms resting on their chests. "Welcome, Apostle" That's what a middle-aged man from Hikiki Muki, who looked good with his inert mustache in the center, said. "'Ugh, um'" Fell and Grandpa Gong, a little confused by the way the goddesses welcomed each other, unlike their church earlier. Me, too, but this time it's just like being an escort, so you're looking at it like you're pulling a step back. "We are the followers of the god of war, it is better to fight one battle than to have one word. Yes, with me." Oh, I signed up for a fight with this old man Fell and Grandpa Gong without freaking out. But suddenly you have a lot of blood to sign up for World War I. Does it also affect the proximity of small groups of countries where there is a lot of contention? Thinking that way, Fell and Grandpa Gong looked less than full. "Ugh." "Hmm." That's what Fell and Grandpa Gong look like. "And with which do you want to hang out? That's what Fell asks...... The old man was staring at Grandpa Gong. Shh, great eyesight. Hear the old man's response, a little infidel rotten Fell. 'That's good. Call me.' Grandpa Gong tells his old man that in Norinoli. At the same time, Dora, who was on Grandpa Gong, flies towards me. "I don't know. That's funny." That's what Dora says... "Grandpa Gong, don't let him get hurt. So much so." Yes, I told Grandpa Gong in a conversation, 'I know, Lord. More or less, this guy can't scratch a single one. I was just wondering if I could respond to that temper of challenge even if I knew it. " And to challenge Grandpa Gong, as Mukimuki's inert mustache old man came forward, this time Mukimuki's skinhead old man raised his voice to follow it. "I want to challenge Master Fenrill! "Huh, that's good." Answer that to the skinhead old man, Fell, who can afford it. At that point I summoned Sui, who was on the fer, to this side of the story. Uncle Fell, are you going to fight? "Yes, I am." "Nice. I want to do a swim too" "Um, because Uncle Fell is telling me to fight this time. Suey's in the dungeon." I can't seem to avoid the dungeons after this. "Dungeon! Ugh, sui, dungeon, buzz, buzz, bust, bust, bust, bust, bust, bust, bust!" "Hahaha, I guess so" Ha, Sui, you're going to stick it out in the dungeon again... "Yeah, and don't let Fell get hurt, either." When I also pressed Fell to read, this one came back as' I know '. An old man with an insensitive mustache sets up a spear. The skinhead old man set up a bastard sword. The followers of the mundane and painful God of War who are around are watching over the two, sipping solidly. "Fight!" The inert mustache old man went to Grandpa Gong and the skinhead old man to Fell. And...... Grandpa Gong gets a sharp thrust of an old man with an insensitive beard with his head, without leaving it slightly motionless. Fell remained motionless on the spot and was slashed by an old skinhead with a single forefoot nail. Kickin '... Spa -. The spear of the inert mustache old man crumbled from the tip of his ear. And the old man's bastard sword in the skinhead was spatteringly disconnected from the inside. Two grumpy old men. And the mundane painful followers who opened their mouths gently. No, no, no, no, no, I know you were confident in your arm, but it's the other guy, the ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon) and Fenrill. That said, I just can't wait to see this situation. If I thought so, I would get a reading from Fell and Grandpa Gong. "Oh, hey, we're going home now." Fell and Grandpa Gong in a hurry. Following the gaze of Fell and Grandpa Gong, who roam...... There were children staring at Fell and Grandpa Gong with sparkling eyes from the shade of the building and the shade of the plants. Ha ha, you mean to run away before the kids get together? Ma, can I get you on that this time? So, "It's from the Apostle," he said, handing the Bush & Donation to the followers who were nearby, and it was us who followed the Church of the Gods of God of War with Sora. "Huh, thank God. Kids don't like it because they don't hesitate." 'Sure.' Cause even our opponents have nothing to be afraid of. ' Seems to be sporadically messed around and colliding in the church I've visited with a bounce & donation so far. "Nothing good. About a kid." "That's right, you don't have to treat children properly." "It's fun to play with you." Me and Dora and Grandpa Gong look like bitter bugs to the words of Sui. The two most powerful natural enemies in the world were me laughing at the thought that I might be an out-of-the-box child.
I've been coming to the Adventurers Guild since this morning. I didn't have to go to the reception and was immediately led to the Guildmaster's room upstairs. When I entered the room, Mr. Marx was waiting for me. "Ooh, you've come a long way. Have a seat." I sat in the chair across from Mr. Marx. "Hey, after all the dungeon stuff, they showed me all the ground dragon stuff, so I was pretty worried." "So have you decided what to buy? "Oh." The dungeon products that Mr. Marx has said he would like to buy were: Oak testicles, 15 Minotaur iron axes, 1 Oak King testicles, 1 Red Oga demon stone (medium), 38 Giant Killer Mantis sickles, 21 Murder Grizzly furs, 3 Giant Centipede outer shells, 286 Killer Hornet poison needles, and 1 Mimic crate (small). The ground dragon material was two bottles of blood. "We rarely get dungeon products or ground dragon materials, so I'd really like to buy more, but that's the limit." Mr Marx said that unfortunately. But they also buy Earth Dragon blood, and it's better than I thought. Naturally, we can't give the item of purchase here, but we talked about it in the warehouse. "Exactly when it comes to buying this much, it takes time to assess. Can you wait till tomorrow afternoon? That's what Mr. Marx said as he headed to the warehouse. "Yes, you'll be fine." They buy a lot of things and there's a lot of them. So far, it's only as good as purchasing seafood, and it's not a problem at all. I'll get to the warehouse and send out the items for you to buy. I was just about to leave after I got it out, and Mr. Marx called me off. "Excuse me. Excuse me. I had a message for you. The Merchant Alliance sent me a message early in the morning asking me to come to the Merchant Alliance because I have something for you." From the Merchant Guild? Once I sign up for the Merchant Guild too... What is it? Ma, do you want to just go? I headed to the Merchant Alliance. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ I don't mind coming to the Merchant Guild, but what are you talking about? I entered the Merchant Alliance and headed to the desk for now. "I say that mcoder, I was told to come to the Merchant Guild..." I showed the Adventurer Alliance guild card and the Merchant Alliance guild card to the receptionist. Then, I was led to the business room in the back. When Fell and I asked him if he could join us, he said it was okay, so he took Fell and the others to follow the receptionist. When I walked into the trading room, I did say Mr. Gert in the Alliance Master of Merchants Alliance, with that Mr. Gert sitting in the chair with a skinny man around forty with a slight feel. "Welcome to the Merchant Alliance. Yes, go to this chair." That's what Mr. Gert tells me, and he sits in the chair of a slightly skinny man. I decided to ask the Fells to wait behind the chair. "I've seen you a little during this time, but my name is Gert, and I'm a guild master again. Best regards," "Nice to meet you" "We hear what you're doing. You think you broke through Doran's dungeon? Besides, they've crusaded the Kraken, which was a problem in this city, and it's a momentum for the bamboo." Is it some kind of fault that Mr. Gert feels his eyes glow with Kieran? "Ha, well..." Thanks to the Fells for all the achievements so far. I guess I wasn't called to talk about this, and what is it? "Um, so, what can I do for you? "Oh, I'm sorry I pinched an extra story. As a matter of fact, the Lamberto Chamber of Commerce in the city of Carrerina contacted me to make an appointment with this Lamberto Chamber of Commerce." According to Mr. Gert's story, even the Merchant Guild exchanges letters with magical tools of transfer, like the Adventurer Guild. It's not like the Adventurer's Guild, but we have it in major cities and it's here in Bellain. It looks like Mr. Lambert contacted me using that magic tool. "My name is Adrian and I'm in charge of purchasing. See you later. I received my life from the meeting today, and it's up to me to come to Bellain to see Master Mukoda." He said that Mr. Adrian had been near the city of Bellain and had been contacted. Mr. Lambert, are you involved? Could it be that I'm starting to miss that inventory? "So, Alliance Master, this will be a separate business meeting." When Mr Adrian said so, Mr Gert took a seat by saying 'Right'. "Mr. Mkoda, I need to speak to the receptionist for a moment before you leave." That's what Mr. Gert said and left the trading room. "So, what did Mr. Lamberto say? "Yes, if you show me this letter, I'll know." That's what I said. Mr. Adrian gave me a letter. Read it...... I still meant that, soap and shampoo thing. It seems to be selling pretty well, so much so that it puts a limit of up to 100 pieces per product? Still, she wanted to buy it as soon as possible because the stock was becoming dangerous. For this reason, the Merchant Alliance's magic tool of transfer was also used to communicate. What Mr. Lamberto is saying he wants to buy was 1000 cheaper soaps, 500 rose-scented soaps, 1000 rinse-in-shampoops, 400 shampoos and treatments, and 100 hair masks. What a total of 1185 pieces of gold. She was surprised by a fair amount of it, but is screaming gladly that it is selling all over the market despite the restrictions. It was said that more women now knew how good the product was and that young women in particular were going to buy it. So the feeling that women want to be beautiful is common in all worlds. "I read your letter and I understand the circumstances. I'll have it ready by tomorrow morning." "Understood." I told Mr. Adrian about my house in Bellain and asked him to come tomorrow morning. Well, we need to get ready now. After this, we'll have to buy crates and pots by the grocery store. It's hard to prepare by yourself, but you can't just show the plastic pouch guys over here. Above all, it's a request from Mr. Lamberto for your help, and will you do your best here? I also finished my conversation with Mr. Adrian and spoke to the desk as Mr. Gert had told me when I left the trading room. "Excuse me, I'm going to say Mkoda, but I was told to speak to Mr. Gert, the guild master, before he left." When I said that, the receptionist said, "Wait a minute," and took a seat. And soon Mr. Gert arrived. "I'm sorry to hear about your return. I really wanted to ask you something..." Mr. Gert's story was that he wanted the goods from the dungeon to be sold both to the Merchant Guild and definitely. Sometimes dungeon products are still hard to come by and even the Merchant Guild here seems to want to get them. I think I want something like jewellery and jewellery just like Doran's Merchant Guild. Then I guess. The bitter experience in the drain comes to mind. You don't really know the value of a gem, and you don't feel like you can beat a thousand merchants in Haichiyama. I'm sorry, but I don't feel like I'm just gonna get round to it. "I don't mind selling that, can I go through the Adventurer Guild? When I said that, I was free for a little while, but Mr. Gert also gave me an OK. Whatever the cost, I still think you should have someone familiar with the Adventurer Guild jewelry come with you. "I'll talk to Marx, Alliance Master at Adventurer Alliance, and I think he'll be okay tomorrow or the day after. If the Adventurer Alliance is more inconvenient and extends ahead, I'll get in touch." "I'm here almost every day, so please do it as soon as it's convenient because it's cool at all times" We were dropped off by Mr. Gert and left the Merchant Alliance behind.
"I knew it..." "Um, you were right." "Bright white again" Forty-six levels down the stairs. There was a silver world spread on one side as far as I could see as well as the tiers as I had expected. "Ugh, it's cold again..." Dra's dismayed voice echoed her head knowing that the 46 tiers were the same extremely cold land as the 45 tiers. "You're early to be discouraged, Dora" Speak to Dra that way. Have Fel and Sui, who are resistant to the cold, wait as they are, and take Dra, who stays in the leather bag until the middle of the stairs, excluding the cold, and go back just me. And I took Yeti's cloak out of the item box that I just got. Take off the cloak of Wyburn you were wearing and weave the yeti cloak you took out. "What do you say? Dra. I took turns with my previous cloak of Wyburn and weaved my Yeti cloak. Yeti's cloak keeps you warm and comfortable in the cold." '... um, I guess I feel a little better' "Right. We're going to level 46 for now. That's where we're going." "Okay." I went down the stairs and stepped down to level 46 again. I've been waiting for you. Fell and Suey are coming under me. "What do you say, Dora? "Warm -? I immediately asked Dora if Fell and Sui were also concerned. With that said, I look down and peek into my cape. Slowly, it's time for Dora to get her face out of the leather bag. '.................. cold, not. Yeah, it's not cold! Dora rides herself out of her bag like she's excited. "Whoa, calm down. But good for you, Dora." It's warm and comfortable for me. I'm so glad I got Yeti's cape. It's ideal for Dompisha in the current situation of going to the extreme cold hierarchy. "Good for you, Dora." 'Um, this will make things a little better. But it's cold outside the cape. Be careful, Dora.' 'Oh. Of course I know that, Fell. But now I think I can help a little. If it's magic from here, we can attack it. " It was Dora, who was only in her cape but was able to move and regained a little energy. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ With Dra joining the fight as declared, the 46th hierarchy was able to move ahead more smoothly. Even though it only unleashes magic from inside the cape, it's still naturally faster to deal with it with Fell, Dra, and Sui when a number of demons come out. That's why we got to the bottom of the hierarchy master (boss) on day four, which was earlier than the 45 hierarchy. In front of you is a snowy mountain or iceberg that stands with Deng. Before that, the prestigious sitting was...... "You're totally Fell's flag..." "What?" "Because Fell says ice dragons." Yes, the boss who showed up before our line was an ice dragon. Ice dragons with just a little bit of blue mixed in with silver are so beautiful that you can feel it if you just watch. But if you want to move on to the lower tier, you have to fight that ice dragon against them and win. "What's wrong with that? "Whatever you do, naturally you just take it down." "Is it okay to just knock him out? It's bigger than the Ice Dragon, the Earth Dragon and the Red Dragon that Fell and everyone else defeated." 'Don't worry. I have fought ice dragons about twice in the past. Of course I won. " That's how confident you look, Fell. Well, I can't do anything about dragons, so that's all I got. "Uncle Fell, Sui also fights ice dragons -! "What, does Sui join the war? 'Ugh.' Cause the meat called that ice dragon is delicious, right? "Uhm. His meat tastes refreshing, unlike other dragon meats, but it's delicious again. That's how much you can eat." Do you recall the taste of ice dragon meat, Fell, who says so while meditating on his eyes? Or, Fell, because you're drooling from the edge of your mouth. "I also want to try some delicious meat from Ice Dragon! That's why Sui fought too! 'Right. That's going to be easy. All right, Sue, let's go.' "Oh, wait a minute -! It's like something's going easy, but, Sue, they're dragons. Are you okay with this? I guess it's okay because Fell says he's fought and won, but wouldn't Sui rather wait with us? "Uh, Sui also fights. So, eat some delicious meat from the ice dragon! "Eating delicious meat doesn't mean the meat is dropped." "Colour, it was. That was a dungeon here. Doesn't that mean the meat will be dropped? When that happens, wait and go to another fight... ' Fell is kind of saying disturbing things. "Hey, you can't fight another fight like that." 'Say what. Ice dragon meat is delicious! It's not something you get, so you can't miss it! 'Yes, I am, Ruju. Sui wants some delicious meat too. " Grrr, say that till sui. "No, but, look, Dora, there's a Dora who doesn't like to be cold, so you can't stay on this floor for that long." When I say that with Dora in the daisies...... 'I'll be fine. I'm comfortable in this cape. " Hey, Dora ~. I thought Dora would say that. Come on...... 'That's what Dora says, so there's no problem. If that ice dragon didn't drop the meat, we'd have another fight.' Look, this is what happens. "Or until you drop the meat." "Eh." "Uncle Fell, let's go now." 'Um, let's do that. Sue, we'll keep fighting till he drops the meat. " "Yeah! Ice Dragon Meat! That's what Fell and Suey went for the ice dragon. "Hey - how many fights are you guys going to play? When this fight is over, it's over!! That's what I call you, but are you listening or not? 'I mean, I can't help it if I do. We can't fit in until we've got the meat, so let's just keep them company until they get the ice dragon meat. If you get meat in the first fight. Oh, that would be the best part.' Yes, Dra told me. I was the one who decided to watch the battle between Fell and Sui very closely, in a dismal way. Fell and Suey confront the Ice Dragon. It was the ice dragon that moved first. Ice dragon swells my throat...... "Dragon braces are coming! Dora's voice peeks into the battle through the gap in her cape. "Oh, wow! Wouldn't it be a course that would hit us straight if Fell and Suey avoided it! Me retreating from the direct hitting course as soon as I'm out of here. Shortly after I retired, a blue and white light dragon brace was emitted from the big mouth of the ice dragon along with the sound of a gobble. In such a glare I covered my eyes with my hands and lay my face down. I raise my face and open my eyes where the light has subsided. And my face was drawn to the sight I saw. "Ki, the tree is frozen..." Snow-covered trees that unfortunately were behind where we were. That was freezing brilliantly from snow to snow. Dosun, the tremor that comes through Dosun. Fell and Suey, as well as the giant ice dragon, were attached. Ice Dragon wields its giant, trying to bite Fell with its sharp teeth, trampling Sui with his thick front leg. Sui was hitting the acid bullet on his leg while avoiding a leopard on his thick leg to be swayed down. But I guess that's the place called Dragon. Even the highly aggressive Swiss acid bullets did not penetrate, and they were fastened to discolor blackish. Still, it doesn't look like there's any damage, and he's shaking his front leg up over and over again trying to finish off a swim wandering under his feet while showing a bare gesture of reluctance to acid bullets. Fell gently avoided multiple targeted ice dragon bite attacks, and rolled out a claw slash, Nail Slash, waving his forefoot like he had targeted the gap. "Ggahhhhhhhhh" Ice dragon screaming. From the base of the ice dragon's wings, which could not be slaughtered, between the flanks is zackled off, and the dodges and blood are pouring out. But it doesn't even mean fatal injuries, on the contrary, an angry ice dragon wields an even bigger giant and storms out. The tremor was coming through to us. And......................... Parin -. It really was like that. The trees that were frozen with ice dragon dragon braces were shattered and scattered by the tremors of the battle being waged. "His dragon braces, nasty......" I also snorted silently over and over again at Dora's twinkle, who was watching the same sight as me. In the meantime, the battle between Fell and Suey against the Ice Dragon continued. An ice dragon that boiled its fortune to a hard-to-tail Fell and Sui showed a bare gesture releasing the dragon brace again. "It's a dragon brace! As soon as I realized it, Dora screams in a reading. "Hung, let me! Zang -. "Aye!" Buh -. Fell's unleashed nail slaughter faster than the ice dragon unleashed the dragon brace strapped the ice dragon's neck, and Swiss cannon-like acid bullets drilled a large hole in his chest. The exhausted ice dragon slowly fell to the side. I'll take Dra and run under Fell and Sui. "Fell, Suey, are you okay?! "I'm not the one who gets hit by this guy." It's okay. Um, Ice Dragon. Hey, buzzing didn't quite make it down. But when I did it, it was huge and I fell. I knocked him down with Uncle Fell. - 'That would be amazing.' "Yeah, yeah, that's amazing. It's really amazing how big it is." It was me who was a little hoaxed at Suey for appealing to him for knocking down the ice dragon so hard. And the ice dragon drops that showed up... "Oh, this is ice dragon meat" There's a big white chunk of meat in front of Fell who said that as a delight. Fell says it tastes good, but from the color it doesn't feel like meat, and I don't think bright white meat tastes good in flattery... I don't know if my thoughts were on my face, because Fell confidently says, 'If you try your lord too, you'll know how good this tastes'. For now, I'm relieved that I got what I was after in the first war. Other beautiful colored skins mixed with just a little blue in silver, eyeballs and liver in a white pot, thick and sharp fangs, and super oversized demon stones were dropped. After collecting all of that, we managed to hold down Fell, who was crushing 'Maybe We Can Fight Another Battle' for the meat of the ice dragon, and we proceeded one line into a pock-and-mouth cave in a standing snowy mountain. "All right, 47 floors down this staircase? Now what hierarchy..." With forests, wilderness, deserts, and extreme cold, such words came out of anxiety about what hierarchy of environments awaited next. "Mm... apparently the next tier is the bottom tier" "Really?! While I was happy to finally get out of the dungeon when I heard it was the lowest level. I remember the words of Master Demiurgos. "Sa, the bottom layer..." 'No way this is..............., is he him? Fell stared downstairs with a sharp gaze and crushed that. "What's he? Without answering my question, Fell slowly went down the stairs. Me and Dora and Sui had to follow Fell like that.
My stomach's over and I'm finally in a cave. The rock skin burst out. This is it. Fell leads into a horizontal hole that feels like a cave. The cave is getting darker and darker. "Wait a minute." "What?" "No, unlike a dungeon, it's dark, so I'll turn it on." I took the flashlight I bought from the online supermarket and switched it on from the item box. "Whoa." The skeleton lay ahead illuminated by a flashlight. "Surprised -. The skeleton Dora was talking about." "Oh." Three skeletons wrapped around worn leather armor and robes. Next to it were also scattered rusty spears with runny patterns over time. "Gussari with a spear. That's a plain nasty trap." The trap of numerous spears popping up would be inevitable first if the reflex nerves weren't so good. "Why don't we just prevent spears, etc." 'Right. Or you just have to avoid it. " "Fell and Dora are easy to say, but not everyone's like Fell and Dora." I look at the skeleton, and the next thing I know, it's me and Burri trembling. "Yes, you mean there's a trap from here. Are you all right? You're not gonna be stylish when it comes to dying in a trap. "Your Lord will have complete defensive skills" "No, it is, Fell said. This is a skill that perfectly defends against attacks from hostile sources. That's why he said the dungeon is okay... but it's not a dungeon here." 'Well, yes, but I think it's okay because it's the same trap that people set...' "I think my life is at stake. And when you die, you're going to die." 'Mmm, then I'll put my boundaries on it. And then Dora and Suey. " Oh, thank you. "Thank you, Uncle Fell." "Thanks, I'm relieved of this. Thank you, Fell." 'Uhm. Don't worry, if it's a trap that people make, it won't break. But I hope your lord is a little stronger, too.' It's a big favor. I'm just a prude. "We're moving on." "Oh." With Fell in the lead, we headed all the way to the back of the cave. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Kang, kang, kang, kang, kang -. A myriad of Beeball large stones made noisy noises by hitting the fermented junction. "Again. I guess Bandit King and I didn't really want to give away the treasure. There are no traps like this in a dungeon. ' That's how Dra raised her voice as if she was frightened. Since entering the cave, a series of traps after traps. Spears fly from the walls, flames of fire erupt, blades as sharp as guillotine fall from the ceiling area...... Anyway, a number of different traps were set. Plus, if all of that takes place, it's just an instant death trap. "This would have seriously sucked if it hadn't been for Fell's junction..." Sure, I have a complete defense, but Fell said, 'I think it's okay'. "I think," I think. If you tried to see if it worked and it didn't work, make an instant death decision. You can't be that scared, this. That's how vicious you are, trap here. 'Sure. If it was me or Fell or Suey, I could handle it, but you could have been dead.' Dora, who was listening to my crush, said that. But...... "Dora, don't make it easy for me to say you could have been dead." "Hahaha, evil no evil no evil no" "It's good that I kept my boundaries together as well. It's not inevitable, but with all this number, it's just a hassle ' Fell is sick and tired of so many traps. Suey's the only one who's having fun. "Yeah." "Sui is a slime of liver." Dra from the top, me, Fell. We all do and watch Sui follow us from the rear. Sui is about to have fun jumping a pom pom. Guys, what's going on? Let's go. I wonder what's next. ' Sui's feeling is that maybe a bunch of this vicious trap is like an amusement park attraction too. He seems to be joyously going into a trap from himself. My liver just got cold when Sui ran into a place where acid like liquid was pouring out of the ceiling area. Sui herself took all the acidic liquid into herself and was kerosene. Surprised to see us and say, 'It's funny here! Say' or something. Although I knew repeatedly that Sui was a special individual or not, he really grew up hard. "Well, it's sui..." "Umm." Still, it's sui. So it was us who somehow convinced me. "Still don't you get where that bandit king and they hid the treasure? I think we've gone a long way through the cave. 'There's something like a room a little further. That's where it will be.' "Can you finally see the treasure of the Bandit King" Kotsu -. After the sound like you stepped on something...... I made a ragged noise and my feet broke down. "Huh? Wow." Fell pulled me over with his collar on the verge of me falling. Me on the floor. "Oh, it was dangerous..." "Traps are traps and pitfalls, and there's nothing I can do about them." It seems that even if you can prevent an attack, you can't prevent it from falling. "Oh, come on, be careful." "Dora can say that because she can fly. Be careful, because you can't be careful.... is that it? And Sui?" "Oh, could it have fallen? "Uhm. There's a sign of a swim at the bottom of the hole." "Eh?! Suey fell? Sweetie!" I peered into the hole as a ghost and called Sui. "It's dark and it doesn't look good. Is Sui okay?! 'That's noisy. There are also solid signs. It's okay.' 'There's no way Sui's gonna die like this. Damn. " That's what I'm saying. "Sui?! Worried, Sui came up from the bottom of the hole jumping the pom pom pom, walls and walls like rubber balls. And land right in front of me. "It was funny -! "Huh?" Sui said, 'Well, Pew is funny to fall downstairs'. It must have been quite a shock to me that it would fall downstairs, but when I asked Sui if she was okay, she returned the answer 'Nothing's wrong. "That's why I told you it was okay." 'Right. I don't think Sui can handle this.' Guh, that's what Fell and Dora say, but Sui hasn't been born for a year. I'm worried we'll be together not so long after birth. "We're in a hurry." Fell seems to want to just find the treasure and end it with too many traps. From there I scratched some traps and proceeded, finally reaching in front of the place where the treasure was. 'There is a wide space at the end of this wall. I guess that's where the treasure is.' "You mean the room with the treasure behind it? But what about this wall? "Hum, just break it." When Fell progresses along with those confident words. Gacon -. "Huh? Is this sound another trap?! When the right side, which I thought was just a rock, opened with a go-go sound, a big ball of stone rolled towards us with a goggle. "This is good at the end! How obsessive is a bandit king? "Humph, be smart." Zang -. The stone balls directly struck by Fell's claw slaughter were easily crushed. "Huh, I'm in a hurry. Thank you, Fell." "As natural as this." Oh, is that so? It's a treasure room. A rolled claw slash had also broken the wall that led to the room where the treasure was located along with the stone balls. We all went into the treasure room. "Ooh, it's full of golden pickles! "Pickle Picker" A plethora of gold coins and rings with necklaces, crowns, tiaras and other jewelry. That was piled up as a mountain. There's a skeleton sitting on a luxurious chair like a king sitting around a mountain of its treasure. "Is that the Bandit King... I don't think I can die and take treasure to the afterlife, but I think it's just vain to be surrounded by so much treasure." "I guess that means I was so full of greed" "Then let's collect the treasure. Everybody help me, too." I'm going to give Fell a magic bag and get everyone to help me collect the treasure. "Hyah Ho" Dora going into a pile of gold coins. I imitate Dora and Sui is also stuck in a pile of gold coins. "Coracola, I told you not to play with Dra or Sui and collect them." "Dragons are dragons, too. You must like the light. ' "Oh, I knew there was such a thing" "You don't have a collection habit like a big dragon, but you don't hate these glows." "Heh, well, if you like it from inside, you can take it. If it's a necklace around here or something, maybe even Dra can wear it? What I gave you was a necklace with a big diamond in the chain of missles. I guess even Dora can lower this around her neck. "Um, I don't hate it, but it just gets in the way in the end, so no." "Right. Well, everyone, for now, it's a pleasure to collect. I'll collect it from that one." I started collecting treasures from the other side of Fell, Dora and Sui's collection site. "I don't know what it is, but is it some kind of magic trick around here? Some of them are like magic painted boards, suspicious boxes, magic bags. Because of the high number, it goes from one end to the item box for now. "Huh? Why is this letter used?! The tablet I took in my hand to turn it into an item box. There was an unlikely letter written there in this world.
When I finished breakfast, Dora said she wanted some pudding. "Hey, I pulled it yesterday. I wanna eat that." You really liked the pudding. "I'd love to have some cake, too, Sui." Sui too. It's sweet stuff skinny. It's easy to do, but if you don't decide to limit it properly, you're gonna want more. You're gonna want more. Too much would be bad for your health. "Um, I'll give you that, because sweet things like pudding and cake are two a day. This is with Fell, Dora and Suey." "Uh, two. Give me some more. Yikes. ' "Just two." Both Dora and Sui seem a little dissapointed. But we have to ghost our hearts out here. "You can have one, not two." 'No, no, two is fine. Yeah, two of them.' "You can have two of them too." Yeah, that solves it. "Me, I pulled it. I want one right away." "I don't know what to do with Sui. Um, give me one Sui too. I'd like a different cake than yesterday's. ' "I'm white. Give me something with red fruit on it." Oh, you all eat one quick. I mean, Fell, it's coming in all the time. Well, fine. I bought a shortcake of custard pudding and strawberries at three houses in an online supermarket, and then a strawberry mousse cake for a swim. "Yes, sir." "Whoa, I pulled it." Dora's eating her long-awaited pudding as she beckons around her mouth. "Umm." Wow, Fell ate a shortcake in one bite. "Wow, it's the one I've never eaten. Oh, this is sweet and sour and delicious! I'm glad the strawberry mousse cake fits Sui's mouth, too. Okay, well, when we're all done eating dessert after dinner, do you want to go to the Adventurers Guild? ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ We were coming to the Adventurer Alliance now. When I entered the Adventurer Guild, Mr. Erland flew away as if an official had contacted me. "Come to my room." Mr. Elland took me to my usual Guildmaster's room. "So, are you sure this time you want to buy dungeon drop items, etc? "Yes. So, there was a lot more than I thought..." "Well, so much? What kind of stuff do you have, by the way? Even then, it determines how you buy it." You're certainly right about Mr Erland. I can't do it all first, and even the skin that Mr. Elland said he wanted would be hard to buy all of it. Conversely, they might be able to buy gems and magic items. The list of drops I checked yesterday must have taken a note... Oh, there it is. I will read through the list of drop items as I look at the notes. I put on the magic recovery ring, so I took it off. Then there's the thing about the Devil's Sword Karadborg, so I decided to lay low for a second and ask him if he seemed to be able to ask at the end. Mr. Erland opened his mouth on the way to the list too long. The dumb surface of the aesthetic elf was a bit laughable. "Su, that's a tremendous amount..." Hey, everyone's strong. Everyone was glad to knock them down, so I guess I got some drops. I think back to what happened in the dungeon. "I also cleared the party I was at to the 29th tier of that dungeon and got a fair amount of drops and magic items, hey. It's not even at Mr. Mukoda's feet." "Hey, it's more awesome with Fell and Dora than with me. I was almost like a drop collector." I guess it's sad. Because it actually was. Yeah, but we fought a little bit, a little bit. "Dora's majesty............ I wanted to see it. Shit, if it wasn't even for that deputy guild master, I'd have followed him soon... regret it." Chip, Mr. Elland...... It's just trouble if they come after us. Dolan's deputy guild master is a real pain in the ass. "Well, aside from that story, it's about the purchase, but you just can't do it all" I guess so, that amount. "But dungeon skins are in high demand and I would like to buy them as much as possible. I'd like to buy all the oak skins and the Lizardman skins, and then the Auga skins. Plus I want the troll skin............... hmm this is going to be a bit of a consultation with the deputy guild master to decide what I will be buying. The deputy guild master pissed me off about spending too much of my budget. (BOSSO)" Oh, I knew they were mad at me. Take the money yourself. What, this guy, he was spending too much money on his own desire. I felt it. "That's okay. Oh, please remove the meat from the purchase because only the meat that was on the list earlier will be consumed this way. Oh, and..." I put the (small) (medium) magic bag out of the item box. "Hey, Fell. What's going on with this magic bag? Can you tell by Fell's appraisal? After all I thought about it, I thought that if the time lapse of this magic bag seemed normal, I would be able to use it when cooking. My item box doesn't run out of time, so it's very convenient when it comes to saving things, but it can be difficult when cooking. I don't know if it would be better to stain the flavors when cooking or let them sleep overnight. When I always stained the flavor, I used to make holes in the meat with a fork to make sure the flavor stained even for a short time, and if it was an inn, I would put the delicious ones out at my desk when I went to bed, depending on whether the time elapsed for the magic bags, the magic bags are quite usable when cooking. I also made a lot of miso pickles and kept them in a magic bag, and moved them to my item box where they were pickled in a nice way. It seems like they can be used in a lot of ways. My item box is like an interracial perk, so I think it's pretty well made. Considering that, there's going to be a time lapse in the magic bag. My appraisal didn't tell me that much, so I asked Fell. 'Which, let's see. The main point is that this small bag contains a lot of things because the time lapse is the same as usual. The passage of time here is the same as usual. " I see, is the passage of time unusual for both of them? Then I think I will go out and buy the (small) one with the (medium) one at hand. "Mr. Elland, what is it? Speaking to Mr. Elland, he opened his eyes and stared at Fell. "Oh, uh, no way, is that Fenrill, or can you do an appraisal? Oh, well. I did tell you that having appraisal skills is about as brave as being summoned from different worlds that come out of a fairy tale. But even Fell... "Uh, no, it looks like this. It's a legendary warcraft." "No, what is it? What is it?" No, you see, in my case, I've seen and heard a lot. I know Fell gets caught in the food and has an obedience contract, or he's a cannibal character. "Oh, no, if you say so. It's a legendary warcraft, Fenrir, that you don't even normally see." Yeah, yeah. Mr. Elland's getting a little paralyzed by this sight, too. Fenrir, Pixie Dragon and Special Individual Slime. "So, I'd also like to have my magic bag (inside) removed from the list earlier" "Meat and magic bags (inside), right? Otherwise, are you sure you want to consider it eligible for purchase? "Yes, I'm fine" If this is the case, it might be okay to talk about it.
I'm buying seafood in the morning market. I bought bronze king clubs similar to car shrimp and tarabagani, ajiro similar to magpie, small hammered hard crumbs like small hammered crumbs on big hard crumbs like big clams like big clams, yellow scallops similar to scallops and one after another. It was actually delicious to try, and everyone seems to like it. Tyrant fish, the city's specialty, is delicious, but the city's hidden specialty is seafood, I'm sure. Seafood here is delicious for everyone. The khakis that looked just like the oysters I had fried during this time were so delicious. I also bought this naturally additionally. And this time, I found the octopus taco. This was already boiled and sold in the condition of boiled dako. Kraken had a rejection, and you eat octopus around here? I questioned the old man at the store and told him that it was only recently that he started eating. The locals didn't eat anything, but they're getting a little more widespread when they see people moving from foreign countries to this city eating. "If you try it, this is really cool." Grandma, I know how octopus tastes. Because you're Japanese. Because it is boiled, I bought it instantly because I thought it could still be used as is and that I would be able to use a lot more. If I had gone around the market, I would have bought quite a few today alone. Because this was my last purchase, and when I realized it was delicious, I bought more than usual. But because of that, even if I eat seafood on Monday, I think I can enjoy seafood for about three months. After purchasing in the morning market, it's breakfast at the stall, as usual. When I said that today was the last time I was going around the stall, Fell, Dora and Sui were eating up all sorts of things here. Me too, of course. Then it was nearly noon and we headed to the Adventurer Guild. Mr. Marx was out on some business, and the staff member in charge of the demolition who was at the warehouse yesterday handled it. I headed to the warehouse with that official and received the meat of Cocatrice and Rockbird, Giant Horn Rabbit and Golden Bubble that I asked for yesterday. Now I have a little stock of meat. "It's the purchase price, it's all gold coins" The story of an official in charge of dismantling who responded was that the B-ranked Giant Horn Rabbit and Golden Bubble unfortunately had no demon stones. The Giant Horn Rabbit fur and the Golden Bubble skin were also unusual and became a slightly higher purchase, he said. I guess it would be good to think without demon stones after getting the meat back. Receiving 41 gold coins, we left the Adventurer Alliance behind. Now, do I work in cooking meals during my journey? ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ The Fells fell asleep as soon as they got home. I think I had plenty of seafood at the stall. You didn't have to prepare lunch to save me. Now, do I cook the cooking and storage dishes that I eat during my journey in the kitchen? First, I'm going to make a fried fries that I lost sight of yesterday. I fried more this time. The fries were delicious. And then I used oil, so I also fried tempura. Tempura has a tempura bowl. Shrimp and squid are a staple in the classic, so I fried a lot of them too. Then a tempura of Tay fillets resembling Thailand. I gave it a taste, but the clothes were crisp and soft and excellent. I also made vegetable tempura by sourcing vegetables from an online supermarket. Peppers on onions, sweet potatoes on asparagus and then maytake on shiitake. I like vegetable tempura, so I fried a lot. Whatever else I wanted to make, I remembered a taco similar to the octopus I bought at the market today. I just have some fried oil, and I thought I'd make that one. It's fried from the octopus (taco) on the classic menu in the tavern. It's a little subtle whether it's going to be a meal or not, but I'll make it out of delicious. Great for beer knobs, too. I don't have to buy enough ingredients, so let's make it quick. First, cut the boiled octopus (octopus) foot into bites. Then put the liquor, soy sauce, grated garlic and grated shoga (along with the one with the tube) in a plastic bag and rub in the legs of the octopus (taco) cut into bites and soak for about 30 minutes. In the meantime, we'll have a perfectly good break with coffee. "I think it's time." Wipe the excess moisture from the soaked octopus (taco) with kitchen paper and then cover thoroughly with single-chestnut flour. And then you can do it if you fry the calamari. Taste it. Pacri. Hmm, that tastes like you're gonna want a beer. "Do you think it's time for dinner? We all had lumpy seafood in the stalls, I'm sure you'd call it meat." What kind of meat dish would you like? You might want to use today's Giant Horn Rabbit meat. But I've never eaten rabbit meat, what does it taste like? So, technically, even this Giant Horn Rabbit is a demon, and it's not like the rabbit I know. In the meantime, why don't you just bake it and eat it? I cut off just a little meat and cooked it with salt and pepper to taste. "Chicken or no pig? It tastes like chicken and pork. It doesn't smell and it's usually delicious." I wasn't sure what to make of it, but it's easy and I decided to simply bake it in the oven. Pussy with a fork on the meat cut flat in my hand at about 2 cm thick (it feels like meat for tonkatsu). When properly drilled, cover the herb salt and leave for about 10 minutes. Once you have laid the cooking sheet on the oven ceiling, add the meat of the Giant Horn Rabbit covered with herbal salt and sprinkle with plenty of olive oil. All you have to do is cook in a preheated oven. "Yeah, it smells good" Herbal Roast Giant Horn Rabbit (Herbal Steak?) It can be done. Peeping into the living room where everyone slept, they were all awake to see if they were hungry. "I made dinner, you want some? "Umm." "Eat." I'll serve everyone a herbal roast of Giant Horn Rabbit. "Hmm. I just wanted some meat." "You know what I mean." "Meat ~" Everyone is hitting on meat. Everybody loves meat no matter what you say. We fully enjoyed Giant Horn Rabbit meat.
Yesterday and today, the meals during the journey are ready. I used all the rest of the cocatrice and red bore that I dismantled, pickled miso and ginger roasted in the classic fried fish, and then made hamburgers and meat broth into hiccups. I used the red bore and the rest of the golden buck bull to make snoring meat, so I made a lot of dumplings in a while. Besides grilled dumplings and fried dumplings, I also made dumpling soup full of vegetables. Easy soup just to add vegetables and dumplings to chicken glass soup but delicious. And then I made fried seafood sourced from Bellain with Thailand-fish and buttered soy sauce-flavored foil. Sometimes you want seafood. Mostly me. After I got a cook in my profession, I made a lot of things because I can work smoothly and quickly. Yeah, yeah, I also made cream stews out of cocatrice meat. Which I haven't made before because I prefer demiglass stews to cream stews, but sometimes this makes me want to eat them asexually. I used a loo that blended in with plenty of Hokkaido grace that my parents also used, so it gave me the usual flavor to be relieved of. I guess I can't go back to the original world with a taste of stew......, don't tell me how I just felt a little centimeter. After I finished cooking meals during my journey, I went to the Adventurer's Guild with Mr. Elland before dark and reported to Mr. Nadya that I would travel tomorrow. On that occasion, I gave Nadya a plain pound cake and tea pound cake that I made when I was in the city of Bellain, saying, "It's sweet, so even during the break," and I was delighted. The female employee who was watching it looked jealous, so I also set aside the staff's share. The female staff were cheering despite the fact that they were working. Pound cake gifts were really effective for women who had no eyes for sweet things. We'll all be at dinner when we get back from the Adventurers Guild. I made it into a bowl with sauce and fried chicken in the daytime. Place plenty of chopped cabbage on top of the rice and add the sauce made with a mixture of medium dark sauce, ketchup, mirin and sugar and the sauce for the bowl slightly tangled on top...... Yeah, it was really good. The sauce and bowl were so popular that everyone urged me to make it again. After a hungry dinner, Dora and Sui and I enjoyed a bath before we embarked on our journey. Mr. Erland is with me this time, and I don't think I can take a long bath on my journey. It's been a pretty busy day like that, but I have one more thing to do. I'm leaving for Dolan tomorrow, so if it's true, I just want to get some sleep, too. That's why I woke up without sleeping alone, even after everyone had calmed down. I have to do that because I work for the routine. It's a hassle, but can I do it right? "Are you all here ~?" When I called him that, I could hear the doodle and the rushing footsteps. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ As usual, I take hope from the gods and leave the items purchased at the online supermarket on the cardboard altar that I have become familiar with. Lady Nin Lil's desire is, as a matter of course, to have three cakes. He chose a sweet treat with so many cakes that he would be heartburned just looking at it today. Master Kishahr is also a beauty product as usual. She said she was concerned about the dullness, so today she bought a pack of the type to wash off. And then he wanted some bathing detergent, so he recommended a slightly higher bath salt made in Germany. Master Agni loves beer. Buy it today in a Y-bis beer box. The rest are a few packs of Company A's premier beer and Company S's black label beer. Master Luca has three cakes and ice cream. Then I prepared that for you because I was talking about my hamburger and fried seafood and dumplings. The combination of Hephaestus and Vahagn-sama liquor lovers naturally focuses on whiskey in the tenant's "Rickershop Tanaka”. He had a lot of eyes on him in the last description of the ranking, and for these two, it was decided as soon as it was cracked. Only the whiskey day and week rankings were well explained, though. Actuate what's in the cart and put each item on the cardboard altar...... ok, now that's ok. "Gentlemen, please" The items on the cardboard altar disappeared one after the other, and I heard the cheers of the gods. Phew, it's over. "'Wait a minute - wait!! A wild voice that pulls me back on my feet trying to get some sleep. "What is it now? 'What is it? You're not! You forgot your promise to us? 'That's right! Didn't I tell you I could order one more I like in the meantime? I'm not gonna tell you I forgot! ............... Oh, no, I said that. I totally forgot. Excuse me. "Hey, what are you talking about? I hear the gods talking. Looks like the liquor lover combo is telling the goddesses about that time to ask Lady Ninril. "What the hell?! Is that what you told me? Wouldn't it help the lords once in a while? ' I can hear Lord Ninril protesting against Lord Hephaestus and Mr. Vahagn's 'What is it now and then'. 'More than that. I wonder what that includes us?! Master Agni asked me that. "Uh, yes, yes. And the goddesses, of course." It's like a special bonus to the gods. But it's about one gold coin per person. "Oh? Can I have more than one? It was Kishahr who overreacted to my words. "It's just a little bit. Rejected if significantly exceeded." Answering that raised the cheers of the goddesses. "Then I'll ask you what you want. Oh, like I said, one at a time." Let's start with Lady Nin Lil. 'The concubine has already been decided. Ha-ha-ha, I've been wanting to try it since I saw it before. It's a big cake with lots of red fruit in a square shape! That's a big, square shaped cake............... is that it? This cake is for a large number of people who still have strawberries on the menu of Hakusan's hall cakes. "Dear Ninril, is this it? "That's right! That's it! Dear Nin Lil screaming so excitedly. Well, then, this is pretty big. The price is pretty good, one silver coin for each gold coin. Well, that's acceptable, but are you going to eat this by yourself more than that? Yeah, he's going to eat it by himself, saying ~ or something. Sounds like it's hard to get sick because you're a god, but you said something that doesn't mean you're not going to get sick at all. Just be careful with diabetes. ... you should be able to read my thoughts, but I'm excited and haven't noticed at all. I put a dodgy cake in my cart with that in mind. "I'm next! To tell you the truth, there's a cream that I've been after for a long time. ' Master Kishahr said that with pleasure. Come on, it's about a piece of gold. Beauty products are expensive, so weigh yourself down. When I spoke to Master Kishahr, it was with the cream for the evening. "Uh, do you remember which manufacturer? "Sure... there it is." As I pointed at the menu of the online supermarket, my voice rose at SHISYOUDO. When it comes to night creams, it's like night creams. Looking at the night cream, the voice of Master Kishahr is raised again. "That! That! Oh, this? Ugh, high. Two silver coins for one price gold coin. I mean, I only have grams of this cream in it to do this... But two silver coins for one gold coin at 50 grams..., beauty products horrible. "Next..." "It's me! Master Agni's energetic voice echoes in his head. "Is Master Agni a beer after all? 'Oh. But it's one at a time, isn't it? A box of beer won't get you one gold coin, and you feel like you've lost something.' Indeed. Buying a box of premium beer or Y-bis beer from a higher S company doesn't make one gold coin. No...... You saw something chilling the last time you checked the tenant's Rickershop Tanaka. Um... oh, there it is. As I checked the Rickershop Tanaka screen, I found what I saw last time. "How about this? I introduced Master Agni to a little expensive beer gift set with a golden label on the black bottle. One price gold coin for a pack of thirty bottles. "" A brewer's particular dream beer, "he said. It has a bitter, deep taste, and it says it's delicious to stand out from the rest of the beer." 'Whoa, that's good! Nice name for a dream beer, huh? I'll do it. " Buy your dream beer. "Mr. Luca is next." '.................. I want some delicious meat ready to eat' That means you're ready to eat, right? I'm following every single one of them, and you don't exactly sell cooked meat in an online supermarket that makes one gold coin................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I thought maybe I would check the gift menu. Domestic brand beef sukiyaki meat, shabu-shabu, and grilled beef. Looks delicious. So Luca-sama's hope can be eaten right away, so maybe you should have a ham or something. Which.................., oh, this might be good. "Dear Luca, how about this? What I recommend to Luca is a selection of domestic branded pork ham and grilled pork fillings. "If this is it, you can cut it and eat it as it is, and this ham is delicious even if it's thick cut, cooked a little and made into ham steaks" 'Of different worlds, meat............, very good. Jurli' Hey, didn't you just covet it? Going from this reaction of Master Luca...... "Is this okay? "Yeah." It was an immediate answer. We got it once in a while at neutral or old age, but this hand's fine ham is delicious. Cut this in dice, cook it lightly, and apply grain mustard, it would be great for a pinch of beer. How about one after the other? "Mr. Hephaestus and Mr. Vahagn are next." "Ouch, Noona. I don't know what they're asking for anymore." "Oh. I can finally ask for you." "'What Nong et al. (We) ask for is twelve years of the best whiskey in the world! Is that it? Was it indeed twelve years old and one gold coin and two silver coins? With eighteen years on top of that, Don and the price jumped, too, and what a 25 year thing it was. Un 100,000. Ma, well, compared to that, one gold coin and two silver coins, is that budget acceptable and better? "Are you sure you want to take one of those each? "Uhm. One for each." "Oh, I want to taste this drink very carefully." So I carted two 12-year-olds of the world's best whiskey from a domestic manufacturer. All right, that's it. Each item was placed on the cardboard altar again. "Well, take it, gentlemen." Cardboard altar items disappeared with the words. The cheering voice of the gods rising again. Immediately after that.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. "Lord, what do you come together to do? I heard my squeamish grandfather's voice very clearly. "Noooo." "Wow." "Ah." "Guh." I can hear God's surprised voice. "" "" "" "" Oh, God of Creation............ "" "" "" Hey, nah-nah-nah?!
I'm traveling through this city tomorrow, so I'd like to prepare a lot of dishes for it today. Of course, this time it will also be a task to rent the courtyard of the Inn. It is being made from fried foods that are becoming an iron plate menu. When fried (salt, soy sauce) from four kinds of meat: red salpent, black salpent, rock bird and giant doe, fried also the popular cheese IN chicken cutlets. Then I also use all the ground beef I had left to make the mench cutlets. Menchikatsu tried to make something normal and something cheese IN. I think Sui likes cheese. I ran out of all the ground beef, so I'm going to make it again. Ground the oak general meat and the bloody horn bull meat with a hand-wound mincer. I turned it around again and again to create tons of ground beef. "Is this good enough? Huh. Tired." And then I ate Wyburn's meat yesterday and thought, "This meat would look delicious even if it was shabu-shabu or sukiyaki. So make a lot of thin slices of Wyburn meat. I admire the fact that there are things that are out of the way. There was a good amount of thinly sliced Wyburn meat. This is arranged on a plate, wrapped and stored in an item box. I think I'm going to make a 0% hamburger of Wyburn meat with that because I got a lot of chopping to make Wyburn thinly sliced meat. I'm doing a 100% Japanese beef hamburger made from chopped domestic Japanese beef on a gourmet show, and I'm going to try to manipulate that, but you did put nutmeg in that one. I don't put nutmeg in my usual hamburger. Because it's a doctrine where you can't put anything that doesn't have to be. (Killi) Oh, my God. I'm just saying I didn't always put it in my hamburger because it was a hassle to go out of my way to buy it. I'll use good meat this time, so I'll put it in properly. You said it would taste better on the show you saw. So I bought nutmeg online supermarket. First, fry the onions well until they are quite brown and leave to cool. Do not hang Wyburn meat on the mincer, mince with a knife and use. Unlike the mince, the cuts made with the knife also have loose meat and are difficult to put together. So it was better to fry it than raw because having moisture makes it extra difficult to put it together. I'm usually a raw onion player. I protected it here and sautéed it thoroughly. Next, Wyburn's meat is roughly minced with a knife. I thought it might be a little bigger, but you said it tasted better because you could taste the texture and flavour of the flesh. When the meat is minced, add it to the ball and stir fried onions, bread flour and eggs, then mix thoroughly when the nutmeg and salt and pepper are added. Then I mold it and bake it, but the first time I bake it on medium heat for about a minute, the next time I bake it on low heat for about four minutes, and on the back the same way, the first time I bake it on medium heat, the next time I bake it on low heat. When I turn this over and cook it over low heat, I can sprinkle the wine and lid it in the frying pan and steam it. The sauce is the usual ketchup-based sauce, but this time I added wine and butter to it. It's richer than usual and looks like it would fit a hamburger of Wyburn meat. "Alright, I can swim with Fell..." I didn't have to call them. They were both waiting right behind me. "Go ahead -" "Umm." "Wow - looks delicious" Two people started eating 100% Wyburn meat hamburgers. Look at that. I start eating too. You're a hamburger with lots of gravy. I like the texture of the loose chunks of meat these days. Mincing meat with a knife is a little cumbersome, but these hamburgers are delicious, too. "Mm, is this Wyburn's meat? "Oh, yeah. Wyburn meat is delicious just to cook, but this is how you eat it, isn't it? "Uhm, yummy. You'll feel the flavor of meat when you're fine-tuned." "Yeah, yeah, this is delicious ~. Sui, I'd like a change." "Me, too." Yes, sir. Bake a hamburger instead of Fell and Suey. Ultimately, 100% hamburger of Wyburn meat, which should have been made more, fit all in Fell and Suey's belly. Still, we both eat a lot.
This morning, I bought pots and crates to put soap and shampoo to wholesale in Mr. Lamberto's shop. And he indulged in the refill job with all his heart. I've been thinking a lot about it. I bought this mansion with a lot of momentum, but suddenly I sneered. When I calm down and think about it, I feel like I'm too big to do something about it. I don't know what to do about cleaning this big mansion, because the garden is huge and the trees are full, so I have to take care of it. I'm also convinced that there are three houses built for servants. If this is all the mansion, we have to hire people. It's not very, but it can't be maintained. I've seen a servant's house, but it's a bungalow house, and it feels perfectly fine for normal living, so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I can live here. That said, this whole mansion has become mine... I can also tell you that I won't take care of anything. Most importantly, why did you buy a house? At dawn when I bought the house, I was thinking of hiring one or two people to manage the house and do the refill work on the soap and shampoo and to get Mr. Lamberto to do the wholesale job, but I don't care what one or two people think in this mansion is enough. Ah, don't think about a lot of things in the end even when you're working on refills. Damn, and then I came with them. "I'm worried about Fell, Dora and Sui..." Taking my troubles aside, the Fells were running around the big yard fine. Worried but immersed in refill work, the work progressed faster than I thought. "Whatever you do, you still have to hire people... Not one or two people I've been thinking about, but some of them will have to be prepared." Fortunately, I have the money, so it's okay to hire a few people, but the important thing is... "If you want to hire people, you're a tough guy, no matter what you say." My online supermarket skills are more likely to be discovered than I am to ask for refills for soap and shampoo. Even though you don't know what your online supermarket skills are, you'll definitely know that I have the soap and shampoo and stuff that's sold all over the alley. When that happens, I figured you'd have to be a confidential, talkative person. Besides, I want to travel because I still want to see a lot of places... With that in mind, it is well decided who can be trusted while I am away from this mansion. "You're a trustworthy, hard-mouthed person... What can I do to hire someone like that? If you ask for this kind of thing, is it a merchant's guild, or is there another place where you mediate your profession..." I'm not sure about the job situation in different worlds. I can't help but worry about it by myself, and I figured it would be number one to ask Mr. Lamberto about this. If you're a merchant, Mr. Lamberto, you seem familiar with these things. All right, let's hear it tomorrow when I go deliver the soap and shampoo. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ The next day, I put the same amount in Mr. Lamberto as I did when I was in Bellain and cut out the story after I received the price. "Mr. Lamberto, I actually need to talk to you again..." We talked about wanting to hire someone who can be trusted and has a strong mouth to do the job of managing the house and wholesale soap and shampoo. Mr. Lamberto then gave me an immediate answer. "Then it's best to buy slaves." "Doh, slave, is it? I was a little freaked out by the word slave. I do know there are slaves, and I've seen them by the time I come to this country, but when it comes to buying them myself...... "Oh, Mr. Mkoda wasn't from this country, was he? Slavery in this country is solid, so it has many advantages for both buyers and buyers." Ms Lamberto's story was that the slavery system in this country has become a fairly solid one, as it also includes a saving meaning for the weak. Where, first of all, is the registration system. When you buy a slave, you will always be registered who is the master of that slave. That obliges those who become masters to guarantee a minimum life for their slaves. Secondly, it must be contractual. There will be a covenant between those who will be masters and slaves. This contract also had provisions such as the amount of the slave's own repurchase and the setting of wages, which meant that arrangements could be made freely between the master and the slave. Normally, they would include a confidentiality clause within this agreement to the effect that any other information learned during the contract would not be divulged. This also protects the information of those who become masters. It is reassuring to note that this confidentiality obligation must also be strictly observed after the termination of the contract. Moreover, this contract is a strong contract using magic, and it is obvious because when a contract is made, a black circle rises at the base of the thumb of the slave's right hand, and if it is violated, that black circle spreads throughout his right hand. This alone seems to be detrimental to the slave side, but the slave side says if there is a breach of contract on the master's side, if he rushes into the nearby Knights' Stuff, etc., the master side will later undergo a thorough investigation. Registration and contract, these two are very important things, and both the husband and slave sides will naturally be guilty if they violate them, and in some cases they will have to pay huge amounts of compensation. For example, if a slave buys himself back or his contract is terminated with amnesty from his husband, it will be a sin and a punishment if the contract is terminated with registration and cancellation, but if he escapes at will without registration and without termination of the contract. My husband's side is also naturally guilty and punished if he does not let the slaves do what is not in the contract or pay the wages determined by the contract. The punishment in this world is harsh and there are almost only two choices: death penalty or criminal slavery, in this case criminal slavery. Every country seems to be together, but if they become criminal slaves, they are often tortured without human rights or snagginess. "Tell you what, slaves are also a form of contract. Moreover, this country has established the human rights of slaves compared to other countries. It's not a bad idea to break a crime until you take the risk of becoming a criminal slave." I see, indeed. If you're institutionally strong enough, you don't normally think about making a difference until you take a risk. "Among other things, my recommendation is to buy each family out." "Every one of you, is it? I didn't know what that meant, and when I spoke to Mr. Lamberto, every family meant every single family as it were. They say there are cases where people have trouble eating because they don't make it, and there are cases where they make it into slaves because of debt. Slaves like that hope to get every family bought to prevent their families from falling apart. But the slave traders on the selling side also do business, so you can't hear that hope all the time. Usually about three months will be used as a guide to sell each family and if you still can't find a buyer, it will be sold in pieces. "Before they sell it to pieces, I guess buying it into each family will make you feel beneficial. They all work so well. That's as impressive as this one is. And I would never do anything to the detriment of me or the store." Ho, is that what happened? "Then, I guess the slaves bought from every family still think of stability in their lives as number one after buying themselves back. Most people keep working for us." Sometimes, Mr. Lamberto says, when he buys slaves, he mostly buys them from one family to another. Mr. Lamberto said that if you buy every family, you will pay a slightly higher amount at first, but that it is cheaper if you think about the rest. Would you like to buy it for each family or consider it for once? But if you want to buy slaves anyway, I wonder if a cute girl would be nice. Yes, no, it's not that I had a weird idea. Oh, it's just, I'm a man, too, and if you're with me, you'd better have a cute girl. A man would naturally think so. "Oh, and if they're going to buy slaves, I think they should buy fightable slaves with them." "Huh? Are you a fightable slave? "Yeah, actually..." Mr. Lamberto spoke with a serious face.
"I knew it was a mistake we came to this dungeon. Wow." "Wow, I'm dying - whoa!!! "Nooooooooooo" "Cahhhhhh" The face of "Ark" is a desperate shape for a hundred warfare adventurers. "Why is this happening? Yikes! Whether it's Fell or Grandpa Gong, either way, do something about it ASAP OH!!! A huge vortex that makes a loud noise. Currently in progress, we were caught in a giant vortex. Me and “Ark” face screams his nose as he grabs onto the giant sui desperately as he is shaken off. The reason this is happening is, needless to say, Fell. Fell said, 'Hey, it's a stopover' or something, and if you come, this is it. Or... You, 'I'm just stopping by. Don't worry,' he said. Wow. My heart screams as I cling desperately to Sui. "Hey, are you okay? "Fell's here, and you're gonna be okay." It's Grandpa Gong and Dra who are having such a conversation about swallowing. Watching us go around in the vortex and glue right from the top of the vortex. I didn't forget I left early because I could fly! "Rugged, Uncle Fell - I'm glued around ~. Fun! What's been ringing in my head is the sound of this another swallowing or pleasant swim. Sui enjoying herself cackly as if she were on a plaything. Why are you having fun in this situation? You're too big, Sui Chi. "Sh, shh, it's not fun at all, so hey! We're about to be eaten by demons right now! It's a big, big pinch, so hey! It's like screaming at a crisis-free sui, but do you know this situation or not? 'It's all right, Ruju. Suey's gonna kill him! That's what Funce and I are willing to say. Sui. But... It's easy to say, 'I'm going to kill you!' I don't know what to say, but whatever it is, you won't be able to do it for Suey. That ugly look you can also see from here. That's just the subject of fear. At the center of the swirling tide you can see, a demon with astonishingly sharp teeth in Isogynchuk's mouth was waiting for us with a big mouth open. If the mouth alone is that size, how huge is the body in the sea...... I saw that big mouthful of sharp teeth waiting to eat us go with the bees as they made noise. "Gah! No more! Die uuuuuuuu." Is this the one called the running lantern? Life after the years I remember from birth comes back as if I were watching footage. Elementary, middle, high, college...... And the Lehman era since I got a job. Sudden otherworldly metastases. Meet Fell, Sui, Dora, and Grandpa Gong. The world I live in has changed, but that I lived quite a pleasant life...... But that's over, too. All I could see was a future sucked into that mouth and chewed to pieces to death. "Don't make a scene. I told you not to worry. ' Despite this critical situation, Fell finally uttered the word, who was gently standing and silent. "Don't worry, you can't be worried in this situation. Ooh! I don't know, I'm dying! It's over. Ah! Even during that exchange, we were glued around to the vortex and sucked by the moment and that huge big mouth. "A lot's happened, but it's good to meet you guys, Ferru, SWITH, DRA, GON!!! I really didn't think I could do it anymore. I ran a message to everyone like a will. "Ha ha. What the hell are you talking about! You're an embarrassment. You can't die yet. ' Right after Fell said that...... Doggone, BallyBallyBallyBallyWicked. An oversized lightning bolt fell into the center of the vortex as it was sucked into the giant mouth. A few minutes later... The giant vortex vanished without a trace, and before us there was an ocean of trembling. Me and “Ark” were so flabbergasted by the drama. "Oh, it's over. Guru, that was hilarious." 'Don't say that, Sue.' Cause it was a monster. ' 'But I didn't expect to slaughter that one in a single blow. It's Fell. " "Hung, naturally." "Oh, my God, does Grandpa Gong know what that demon is? "Umm." "Does Fell know? "I don't know. But there's nothing wrong with defeating that much." "Ha ha. Sounds like a Fell. So, Grandpa Gong, what is it? "What demon?" "So will Dora, but even if Fer and Sui have ever been to the sea, they have never been out to the ocean, so there is no reason not to know. That demon... Well, what was the name? "Hey, Grandpa Gong......" "Have you lived too long in eternity to be messed up, Lord" "Be rude. Is it not the same, Fell, that the Lord lives in more or less eternal times? I can't remember the name. Um, something like that... Ka, ka, kari................... Caribbean Dis. Yes, it's a demon called Caribbean Dis. It's giant, it moves dull, it doesn't move much in the first place. But it eats up everything that comes close to it. If you get attacked, there won't be anybody around Cesar Pent." "Well, even Cesar Pent. Caribbean Dis. Let's Remember ' A conversation between Fells and me next to Ark's face. It didn't sound like an "arc” face, but naturally it sounded to me. I thought we were going to die, but we're having a flat conversation. I don't know. Come on, don't go towards knowing what demon it is, Felu! I lay flat on top of a giant swim when I was dismayed and exhausted. "There it is! Uncle Fell, look, look! The one your Uncle Fell knocked down just now dropped it ~ ' Sui's tentacles, grabbing the Caribbean drop, jumped out of the sea. "No, you don't have anything to eat. I don't want it. Give it to this guy. ' "Saruji, Uncle Fell doesn't want it." "Hmm? Three drops placed in front of me. Fangs, crates and demon stones. Look at that, my face is cramped. Crates comparable in size and super oversized demon stones to Dungeon Boss crates out in Aveling, Dolan. I don't have to appraise it. This is definitely the one out of the S-rank demon. Kasa...... "Earlier demons, aren't you the boss of this hierarchy? "You're not." "Different." Answer at the same time, Fell and Grandpa Gong. "Huh? No..." "The last thing I'm waiting for is the stronger one" 'Mm-hmm. That's the sign. I haven't seen each other in a long time, either. He's more responsive than he was earlier. Stay tuned.' .................. Aren't you enjoying it at all?!
After an unwanted misunderstanding in the face of "Ark (Ark)" and not doing this all the time, this time I managed to understand the misunderstanding by explaining that it happened to be something that Grandpa Gong had brought back as a souvenir. Right? It's gonna be okay, right? I believe you, Ark folks. Restore your mind and prepare for lunch. We found a muddy, relatively dry, spacious meadow, and we decided to make it lunch there. Of course, Fell and Grandpa Gong have tied the line and the safety is perfect. In addition to Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora, and Sui's Eater Cartel, he gets the expected glance from a foodie elf, Mr. Feodora. Hi, I know. It's a pan made with emperor draught. Damn, I thought I could make lunch easier with the makeup. But a pot. Since the emperor draught is white, any pot would fit, but there are some “arc” faces, and I'd rather have an orthodox pot than a change pot. But that doesn't twist, does it? Hmmm...... In the meantime, why don't you take a look at the online supermarket? He opened the internet supermarket hiding behind the demonic stove he had removed, taking care not to be seen in the face of the "arc”. And I'm going to look at a menu that has the ingredients of a pot that I'm taking care of a little bit. "Oh, this might do." What I found was a vegetable pot of ingredients. It's light, but the vegetables taste good, and it suits both meat and fish. "Okay, I've decided on this. Today, it's a vegetable, it's a pot." If you decide that, it's a quick vegetable and you pour the pot of vegetables. The vegetables in the utensils are ok because they are handheld, but you don't have mushrooms. The good taste of mushrooms is a must for pots, isn't it? So I also bought Shiitake and Shimeji. When it arrives, open the cardboard and release the ingredients quickly. Of course, this is hidden in the shadow of the magic stove. Will you make the pan crisp after that? Remove the hacksai, leeks and carrots from the vegetables in hand. This was all made by Alban. The former farmer, Alban, seems to enjoy his field work, and now he makes a lot of things. I'm glad I got plenty of hemming too. Most importantly, the vegetables made by Alban are so delicious. Cut the alban-stamped hacksai, green onions and carrots to its extreme effect. Haksai is divided into leaves and cores, the leaves are cut into pieces, the cores are finely chopped, and the leeks are cut diagonally. The carrots are peeled and cut to half a month. Ordinary carrots would be fine, but alban carrots are big. All the vegetables made by Alban are big. Shiitake and Shimeji are next. Shiitake cuts the stone in half, and Shimeji loosens it up when he cuts the stone. "Okay, I guess this is it. And then prepare the earthen pot..." It is a vegetable that is solid with water in an earthen pot, and the ingredients of the pot are poured into the pot. It's vegetables, and if the pot's ingredients melt and boil, the rest can be done when the ingredients are added and the fire goes through. The pot that can be boiled with gutsy looks delicious to me. A little taste of the pot soup. Zuzz. "Ooh, so delicious. I might prefer this. It's light and rich, okay?" The flavour of the alban-stamped polar spirit vegetables, the flavour of mushrooms and the flavour of the emperor draught are added to make it a truly delicious soup. Savoring that delicious soup carefully...... Ji -. Eater Cartel + Eater Elf stared at this one jeezy. "Because I don't have to look like that to get it out now. Gone, gone." Faces scattered reluctantly when I say so. But when it comes to rice, Mr. Feodora, you'll join the Fells naturally and remind them, won't you? Don't be afraid to eat. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ 'Isn't this fish quite delicious! "Is this what you call a pot? This is delicious too. ' 'I knew the pot would be good. This fish is delicious too! "Mr. Fish, that's delicious." "Eat your vegetables, too. Because the vegetables made by Alban are so delicious. Don't eat all the fish from beside me, Fell." "Your lord says," Eat vegetables "every time. How many times do I have to tell you I hate you?" Fell complains that way looking like he crushed a bitter bug. "Yeah, but it's still bad for you when it's all meat. Vegetables are good for your health, so you have to eat them." "That's what protects me. I'm telling you, I'm not gonna get sick." Fell says that as if he was frightened. But I think, don't I? "You can't have bulimia even with protection. I thought you'd like a balanced meal." "Uncle Fell, these vegetables are delicious." "Hey, that's delicious. Unlike someone else, Sui doesn't like or dislike it and it's great." "Eh heh. Sui, I love meat and fish -! I don't even hate vegetables." "Right, right." I doubt there are times when you're not feeling well in the slime, but I'm sure it's a good thing because eating anything you like or dislike means you're getting a lot of nutrition. 'I'm not good at vegetables either, but I think this is delicious. I think I can eat as many of these leaves as I want. " Dora eats Hakusai badly while she says so. "Right. Speaking of pots, Haksai. Hakusai in a pan is super delicious." "The meat was all I ate, but whatever the Lord's dish contained, it was delicious." Ku, you'll be glad to say something. "Thank you, Grandpa Gong" "Oh, my God, it's not true." And Grandpa Gong, Dora, Sui and my gaze gather at Fell. "Gu...... Hey, what is it? "If you don't eat them all, there's no turnover." When Sarali proclaimed so, Fell roared in praise of her face as' plucky '. You can't say you looked scared. I was freaking out at first, but I've been used to it lately. And...... You took root with me, you looked disgusting, but you were feeding off vegetables. "It's a replacement! No vegetables. No, not much! Because I know I can't accept "no vegetables" for a replacement request, or I say "less" again, Fell. "Yes, sir." Every pot I can make has the same amount of vegetables ~. Seeing the replacement pan, Fell was complaining about boo boo but gorgeously through with the wind blowing where. I interrupted the “arc” people surrounding the pan next door. "What do you say? "Oh, Mr. Mkoda. This“ pot ”dish is so delicious! "Oh. Plus I like being able to eat a lot of vegetables. If you run adventurers like us, they tend to skew their food." "I've eaten all the meat, but the fish aren't so bad." Mr Gidion, Mr Gaudino and Mr Siegvaldo say that one after the other as they cheek the pan. It is the eating elf, Mr. Feodora, who keeps those three elsewhere and the pan on his cheeks relatively silently over and over again. "Whoa, Feodora's eating too much! "That's right. Don't take it personally." "Leave the fish to eat." Even if the three of you say so, raise your face and say something. "The Faster Win" And Mr. Feodora cheeks the pot again. It was Mr. Gidion, Mr. Gaudino and Mr. Siegvaldo who hurriedly put the pot on, saying that Feodora, who looked like that, couldn't wait to eat everything. Mr. Feodora has the same amazing appetite. I wonder where you're going so far in that skinny. That's all I have to tell you, even though I'm a little frightened. "The pan has its last pleasure, so keep the soup ~" But it's a good “arc” face with all of us. Then you can't even eat dinner. Just in case, it's good to split it up for myself beforehand. I enjoyed one of the pots I had split up, beside the guts and the momentum to eat the pot. Of course, the rice cooking with the last melted eggs is also very popular. If I made it, it was a very satisfying lunch to the extreme.
"No, it's delicious. From this point on, the fried product is. I'm also convinced that your lords keep their mouths shut and say it's delicious." In front of Grandpa Gong is a plate served like a mountain with fried chicken from. Grandpa Gong says so with a smudge as he looks at it. This is already the third plate of fried food, by the way, because it's right in front of Grandpa Gong. They alternate fries from soy sauce and salt, so they are fried from the soy sauce base. Grandpa Gong chewed up the fried chicken satisfactorily when it was served with his mouth full of bakles. Fell answers that with a Doya face, but that's because I made it. "Deep-fried from Sauce Sauce Soft and Yummy" Sui, who loves to fry from, is also in a good mood. "It's still delicious, fried from. But I think the frying from the salt over here tastes a little different than usual. That being said, it doesn't make a difference. ' That's what I say, Dra, who hits on fried from pacli and salt. "Oh, you've often noticed a difference in flavor, that's Dra. I use a seasoning called salted lemon, a sour fruit and salted seasoning called lemon. Sometimes I wonder if this kind of flavor changes." It was fashionable for a time, and you got hammered, didn't you, salt lemon? I've tried to make it myself. But I've been using a lot of commercials lately. So, when you have salt lemon in the fridge when you make fry from, you used to make fry from this salt lemon. I remembered that and made it a bit. I thought it would be nice to fry because I've made a little change. "It tastes like lemon, it's fried, but it tastes refreshing." That's what I said. I bumped into frying from salted lemon. Crisp texture and overflowing gravy. And the lemon flavor slips through my nose slightly. Yeah, it's pretty good. "Ho, was that how you were changing the flavor? All right, I'll try to eat consciously, so it's a change. Of course it's the salt lemon." "I'm asking for a replacement, Lord." Listen to me and Dora, they're just gonna ask for a replacement, Fell and then Grandpa Gong and Sui. I laughed bitterly, but I put the fried salted lemon in front of Fell, Grandpa Gong and Sui. Naturally, it is a pile. And I'm happy to bump into Fell, Grandpa Gong and Sui. "Totally with these guys. If it's delicious, I can see anything. In the end, I'm the only one who can tell the difference." I'll tell you that and distract you from the gourmet, Dra. That being said, Sui is also a gourmet guy who understands the difference in flavor. Well, still, I don't think I'm wrong to say anything if it's delicious when it comes to Fell and Suey. That's what Grandpa Gong looks like when you watch him. It would be nice if you thought it would taste good with me. "Lord, it's delicious! so I hope for the next replacement ' With that said, Grandpa Gong requests a replacement by offering an empty plate in his mouth. "Master Gong, you eat fast." "It shouldn't be too delicious to fry from this." "I hope you like it. Yes, please." When I give him a change, Grandpa Gong eats out the molly with joy. "It's my turn too." "Sui too! "I'll add you too, please." We finished our dinner by enjoying the fried meat from the stomach. And Fell, Grandpa Gong, Dora, and Sui sandwiched Coke for a neat meal break while I drank tea in the mood and cleaned up after dinner... "Well, do you want to go to bed today when you've already taken a bath? Dra, have you stopped the water? I left the bath water out before dinner, so I thought it was time to ask Dora to stop it. Then, during the meal break, he also handed over a selection of bathing agents from the drugstore. 'Ouch. It was full, and I can always put in the bathing detergent that you gave me.' "Thank you. Shall we take a bath?" "Wow, bath" "... then I'll be asleep first." That's what I'm gonna say and Jen royally stand before Fell trying to leave the spot. "Wait a minute" "It's not what it is. You think I'm gonna miss this? When I say that, Fell looks really nasty. "I'm back from the dungeon, so Fell's got to take a bath, too. Even when I told you to come in when you came back on the way in the meantime, you didn't come in anyway because you were going to be in the dungeon again soon. But that won't work this time. I'm done with the dungeon. Then..." Now turn to Grandpa Gong. And then I tweaked Grandpa Gong's body with my fingers, and then I looked at those fingers jiggly. "Grandpa Gong is so dirty, too. Yes, Grandpa Gong also decided to take a bath" "Bath? What is a bath? Say so, Grandpa Gong as Kyoton. "Follow me and you'll see. And don't let Fell get away with it. If I run away, I'll run out of food until I take a bath." I was the one who would declare that to Fell only as a must-win in the lead. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "Uh-oh, I knew it was huge." I wrap a towel around my waist, I go into the bathroom, and I give you an exclamation. I know the size and luxury of this bathroom because I watched it beforehand, but I'm surprised to see it again and again. I hear it was nobles who made this place without leaking in the example, but when it came to making all this stuff, I guess it was quite a bath lover or a good look again. Where's the big bath where you can still afford to go in with Fell and Grandpa Gong? "What, a bath means a bath?" "Chitchitch. Grandpa Gong, I don't want you taking a bath with me. Grab a bath in the water. It feels so good." I want Grandpa Gong to know how good the bath is. Because it's a big bath here, and Grandpa Gong can fully enjoy the bath. "Bath! "Hiccup, it's been a long bath! Bath lovers Dora and Sui try to jump into the big bath as a delight. "Yes, yes, wait! Before you go in, take a bath of water and get rid of the dirt." "Yes." "Chip, it was" I'll shrug the water in the bucket I took out of the item box and sprinkle it on Dra properly. "Yes, that's good." Now it's time to jump into the bath, Dora and Sui. "Ha, that feels good." "Feelings ~" "Sui, I'm sorry about the relaxation, but can you water Fell" With that said, Sui's tentacles stretch nuzzly and the water descends like a shower over the Fell. "Grandpa Gong washes after Fell, so wait a minute." "Aye, okay." "Well, I guess this is it" Where Fell's body was wet enough, a newly bought dog shampoo was removed from the item box. "Hooff, this time I bought a new one at the drugstore. There's a wider variety of drugstores like this. So, I bought organic dog shampoo, which is a 0% vegetable hypoallergenic shampoo that gently washes and plumps hair." 'I don't care about that. If you want to wash it, hurry up.' You don't like the feeling of your whole body getting wet, Fell, who says so with a smile on his face. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Fenrill, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's what Grandpa Gong said to tear it up when he was watching the disgusting Fell. "I can't possibly be afraid. I just don't like it. ' Fell rebutting in a mucky way. "Yes, yes, because I get it. Do you want to wash it properly?" Wash washer washer and fel by taking organic dog shampoo with plenty in hand. "Wash it. Wash your neck and chest well. ' "I know, I know." Washawasha, Washawasha. "Wash it there, too." "So is that." WASHAWASHAWASHAWASHAWASHA. "Phew, you can do this" "Umm." "Suey, Fell's bubble flush." "Hi." Fell's body bubbles flowed more and more in the shower of Sui. "Okay, that's good. Wait a minute! Shortly after I stopped, Fell swung his body like a brumble. "Peppe. Oh, God, I stopped it." "Know what? I'm coming up first." That's what I said. I'm just leaving the bathroom, Fell. "Fuhahahahahaha, that was a disaster, Lord." "Hmm? Was Grandpa Gong okay? 'Naturally. It was magically prevented. " "Could it be junction magic? You can have Fell, so you can have Grandpa Gong." Your Answer "Oh, my God, I hope you called me, too." "Because I haven't been asked to." Chickshaw. If I put zabun and hot water on my head and shed my stuck Fell hair, now Grandpa Gong washes it. "Okay, it's Grandpa Gong's turn next. Sui, give Grandpa Gong some hot water." A sui shower pours over Grandpa Gong. "Uh, I don't know what to do with the cleaning agent, so let's just use the body soap we're using." When I applied the body soap to Grandpa Gong's body, I took some of the items I bought from the drugstore out of the item box. "Jahn, deck brassies. I bought it because I thought this would be the best way to wash Grandpa Gong." "What's that?" "This kind of thing" Rub Shako Shako and Grandpa Gong's body with a deck brush. "Oh, this feels pretty good." With that said, Grandpa Gong is meditating on his eyes to make him feel good. "Ugh, the bubbles are turning black. Grandpa Gong, you've been so dirty." Lord, could you rub it with a little more force? "Heck, I get it." Rub with your flank, back, tail and deck brush with force. Shako, Shako, Shako. "Ah..." The towel that was wrapped around her waist broke and she fell harrowed. Shako, Shako, Shako, Shako, Shako. "Huh, it's only half the time. But I wash dragons naked me...... It's surreal. Wow... Wash it quickly." Shako, Shako, Shako. Finally I finish washing Grandpa Gong and have Sui flush Grandpa Gong's body. 'And you're going into that water? "Wait a minute. If Grandpa Gong goes in, he'll have less hot water at once, so come in slowly after I go in." "Um, I understand." After I go in, when I speak, Grandpa Gong slowly enters the hot tub. "Oops." "Wow." Catch Sui with Dra, who is about to be flushed with the overflowing water. "Ugh, is this what the Lord says about the bath? It doesn't feel so good." "I guess so. Well, in Grandpa Gong's case, it's hard to get in without this big bath." With that said, the bath at Karelina's house...... I'll have to ask for expansion work when I get home, damn it. "But, Lord, from today on, the fried one was more delicious than I heard. I'm really excited to be able to eat something as delicious as this. ' "Saucer rice is always delicious." 'I guess I get my favorite meat coming out in the morning. It's great. " "Ho, can you eat something delicious in the morning? Hey, you were so right to be the obedient demon of the Lord. ' "No, no, it's meat in the morning because everybody says meat." I'm eating something light on a different menu. I mean, you're a little concerned... "Something. Come on, I mean, I made it faster than usual when I was making fried food today, or I cooked it smoother than usual. Is it your fault? "Didn't you get a level? "I don't know what to say to myself, but the second time I dived into a dungeon, I didn't do anything that would level me up. You'll see, Dora was with you." 'Sure when they say so. It's like picking up a drop, you.' "Right. I'm not fighting, so there's no way I'm going to get a level..." "It may have been titled" Grandpa Gong, who was listening to me and Dra, said that. "Underneath Non, for some reason, there comes what is sometimes called the brave. So, one of them... ' According to Grandpa Gong's story, the brave man tried to crusade Grandpa Gong by calling him Evil Dragon. Grandpa Gong has explained to me many times that he is an ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon), but he doesn't have the ear to listen. Come on, it's getting depressing, and Grandpa Gong says, "You're a little human being, but you only deserve praise for what you've done with grandeur. I feel sorry for you for crushing me, and I did it to the point of dying." But he was quite shocked when he tried that brave guy who was returning with no teeth at all: "I'm a brave man! With the Brave title, all stats are corrected! I'm the strongest, why won't it work for you!" They were scattering things like that. He just couldn't get along, and Grandpa Gong flew off the spot, but he remembered that loud brave guy very well, and he thought I might have got some sort of title and correction, too. "What, there's still a title?" "I knew Grandpa Gong had an appraisal, too. Does it have a title? Oh, I didn't check my status during this time..." I hurried to check my status, too. [Name] Mukoda (Tsyoshi Mukouda) [Age] 27 [Race] One-Person [Title] Lonely Cook [Occupation] Cook adventurer? Involved otherworlds [Level] 90 [Health] 508 [Magic] 499 [Attack] 495. [Defense] 480. [Agility] 394 [Skills] Appraisal Item Box Fire Magic Soil Magic Demon Full Defense Gain EXP Multiplication Contract Warcraft Fenrill Hughes Lime Pixie Dragon Ancient Dragon (300 years only) [Unique Skills] Net Super Tenant Mitsuya Riker Shop Tanaka Matsumura Kiyomi [Guardianship] Guardianship of Nin Lil, Goddess of Wind (Small) Guardianship of Agni, Goddess of Fire (Small) Protection of Kishal, goddess of earth (small) Protection of Demiurgos, god of creation (small) "Lonely, cook? What, a lonely cook? When you touch the letter “Lonely Cook” in the translucent window with the status written on it, the description appears. [Lonely cook...... title given only to those who continued to cook tons of delicious dishes on their own. Cooking by yourself is smooth and faster. Yay! They say cooking alone can be smooth and faster. Now we can cook. You think I'd be happy with that? Uh-huh! I mean, the cook's the first one to come to the profession for sayings! Adventurer? That? what the heck! I also have a proper Adventurer registration! "I mean, I'm not even happy with a title like this. Whoa." My empty scream echoed into the bathroom.
A little accident? We left the island despite the fact that there were a lot of people on the island, and we all went out to sea again. The giant water sui carrying us was going smoothly. We were attacked by Katos on the way, but we fought him once. "The Ark's men were hunting for it. I asked Sui to collect all the dropped items, and she did it without fail. I was impressed by that, as expected of an A-ranked adventurer. However, it seems that Feodora's item box is finally running out of room due to too many dropped katos' skins, and since we were discussing how unfortunate it is that we'll have to throw them away, I offered to store them in my item box for her. And now we're friends in a joint dungeon attack. As we were going through the ocean, we saw a lot of sharks in these waters. At first we were terrified, but then Sui, who was bored, happily stabbed it with her tentacles and hunted it, and we started to wonder if it was out again. Even though we were only being hunted by Sui, sharks kept coming one after another, so a lot of shark skin and flesh that had been dropped by Sui were recovered. The only use I can think of for shark skin is to grate shark skin. I hope the Adventurer's Guild can buy this large amount of shark skin for me. I don't know if Fel and the others will eat the shark meat, but I'm thinking of keeping it because it looks like it would be a good accompaniment to drinks, such as fried, tatsuta-age, surimi and satsuma-age. Well, that's okay, for now, we are going through the sea peacefully. We're being surrounded by - meter class sharks all the time, though. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇. Oh, the shark is gone. Yeah, it's gone. "Kukku, it's my turn to be next. Me too. Fel and old man Gong are sticking it out. I have a bad feeling about this. "Hey, if Old Man Fel and Old Man Gong do it, what's next? "The Sea Serpent. "The Sea Serpent"? I'll do it too! "Sui-mo! Dora and Sui are suddenly ready to get laid when they hear the Sea Serpent. I mean, what about our guys who get laid when they hear that it's an S-ranked Sea Serpent, hahaha ....... 'There you go.' The Sea Serpent appeared with a splash of water with a zapper. It lifted its long, slender, snake-like body and attacked us with its sharp, fanged mouth, trying to bite us. ''All of a sudden! Somebody do something! 'Don't make a fuss in my ear, my lord. Hmph. Fell takes a swing at his front leg. Zashu---. The Sea Serpent's slender body was cut into pieces. ''Ah! Uncle Farell cheats! I always end up doing it first! That's right! 'The Fel could use a little restraint. Dora-chan and Sui are pissed off that Fel beat them to it. ''Don't worry.'' "That's right. It seems that our waters are overrun with sea serpents. Old Gong said something I couldn't hear. 'Old Gong, what do you mean by a bunch of seerserpents? You mean that's a lot of them? "Mm. The Sea Serpent? 'Huh? That's not a good idea! The people of the Ark who were listening to the conversation between me and old man Gong nearby were also stunned by his words. "Here they come. 'There it is! Six Sea Serpents emerge, splashing around us. Hm, six is just right. Let's deal with each of them.'' Hold on, hold on! I understand that Fel, Grandpa Gong, Dora and Sui have one each, but what about the other two? ''You guys can do it yourselves. Since your level has risen, you should be able to take out that one by yourself. Fell said this as if it were a matter of course. 'Alone, that? ...... I can't, I can't, I can't! There's no way I could deal with that thing! You're a demon if you want to take care of that one by yourself! I think they're going to do it. When I looked to the side, I saw the Ark crew looking very serious. Mi-ya guys? Oh, wait, really? 'If we don't, we're going to be left with the impression that we're weak. We've got to take a stand at this point. Mr. Gaudino glanced at Fel and Old Man Gong as he said that. 'Yes, yes. This is the place to be, you know!'' Gidion said and squeezed his proud spear again. It's not only that, but it's also that you'll be able to beat the Seasurpent. And you'll get rich! Mr. Gaudino said and laughed boldly with a gahaha. 'I'm going to eat a lot of good food with my grandchildren! Feodora says that and shows her spunk like never before. I'm serious! Hey, hey, hey, are you kidding me? "Mm. Well said. You should take a lesson from these guys. 'Hey! A little bit, not a little bit! "Lord, I'll help you if you're in danger. Old Man Gon tapped me on the shoulder with his paw claws. 'Not if it's in danger, but if you guys take care of it from the start! "Stop complaining. There he goes. The Sea Serpents, who were bobbing their heads and peeking at us, attacked us all at once. ''Tsk tsk tsk!'' Just as Fel and the others wanted, I had to join the battle in a hurry. Hurriedly, while taking out the Mithril Spear from the item box, I went to ....... "Fireball, damn it! I fired a fireball at the mouth of the Seerserpent, who opened his big mouth and aimed at me and attacked me. The fireball managed to hit the inside of the Ceasarpent's mouth. However, the Ceasarpent only looked a little depressed, and it was far from being a fatal wound. ''Kisshaw!'' As if to say that this time it's my turn, the Sea Serpent attacks me to prey on me with a bakery, but I try my best to avoid it. ''Hah, hah. That's awful. It's impossible to do that. I mean, not again? Just when you think you've dodged it, the Sea Serpent comes right back at you. And me avoiding it with a desperate desire. That attack and defense continued. 'Zee, zee, zee, gosh, gosh, gosh ....... Oh, I thought you were going to help me if I was in danger! My legs are wobbly from avoiding the attacks so many times. But if I didn't avoid the next attack as well, the Sea Serpent would be confirmed as food. Perhaps sensing that I was getting weaker, the Seerserpent attacked without pause. ''Damn, that was maddening.'' My legs don't move like I want them to, and I'm too late to avoid the tangles. 'Oh my God!' In desperation, he thrust Mithril's spear forward. A heavy feeling in my hand. ''Guaaahhhh.'' An ear-splitting scream came from close by. And then the sound of something falling with a thud. I lifted my head and saw ....... The Mithril spear that I thrust out of the Sea Serpent's eye socket was stabbed into the eyeball of the Sea Serpent with a giggle. Perhaps because both me and the Seaserpent had momentum, the Mithril spear was buried in the eyeball to about half its length. So this means it reached the brain and died. Or rather, ....... 'Yatta! Yes! I beat the Sea Serpent! I had managed to defeat an S-ranked Sea Serpent all by myself, albeit with a Magre.
Today, Fell, is the day of the whole wash. I bought a dog shampoo, a dog brush and a large bath towel yesterday. I saw the online supermarket and there it is. There was a wide variety of pet food and plenty of pet supplies. I knew it was because there are more pet owners now. Besides, it looks like a lot of owners don't thread on their gold. It's good for me because I could have bought it at an online supermarket. With a bag containing a swim on his shoulder, he heads to Fell's waiting beast house. "Fell, we're going outside the city today. Like I said yesterday, I'm gonna wash Fell's body." 'No... ho, are you sure you want to wash it? "Sure. Or is something, after all, scared of water? 'Well, that could have happened. I'm not good at getting wet...' "I'm not putting anything in the water, 'cause it's okay. Let's go." "Noooo, I can't help it" They even brought me to an unpopular forest as well as yesterday. First, Fell's brushing. I brushed it before washing it. I need to get rid of the hairs. I do it remembering what I heard from a dog lover acquaintance. Suddenly, a dog lover acquaintance argued that the dirt where the hair solidified may not come off, and brushing the hair loss in advance would make it easier to shampoo and rinse it off. "Fell, let's start by brushing and brushing our hair." "Ugh, um." Brush Fell's hair. "It. why don't you do it a little more gently" "Sorry, sorry" The hardened part of the hair is combed with care not to snap the skin. It's tough because you have a big body like a cow. Especially the belly area. It's stiff. I had a lot of hair and struggle, but I managed to finish combing the whole thing. There's a massive pile of fell hair loss beside me... This was filled with dirt magic with holes. I'm done brushing, so let's go to the shampoo. He wants to take a bath first. "Sui, will you wake up because I need a little help" Talking in a nutshell, Sui immediately crawled out of his bag. "What, rubbish" "I was wondering if you could get some water in here" When you have Sui put water in the bath, pound the fireball in and turn it into hot water. When I spin it with a hot stick to check the temperature, I ask Sui to add some water because it's still a little hot. Yeah, I guess I'll be okay with this much. It seems a little warm, so I'm keeping it a little warm. I rinse the hot water in the hot water and sprinkle it on the fer. "Colour......" You're a little lumpy. Fell doesn't seem to like getting wet after all. Fell twitched out after repeatedly sprinkling the hot water. "It's not over yet? "Absolutely. It's hard to get the whole thing wet because it's so big." "Can't you handle it with Sui's water magic? Oh, did you have that hand? Can you suck up the bath water and have it served like a shower? Since there is also the protection of Luca, the goddess of water, it seems possible to manipulate the water, and because we can make use of the properties of the slime to deform it, we might be able to do it if we swim. "Sui, can you suck up the hot water in this bath and make Fell rain like a sher? You don't have to be so strong." "Um, I'll try." With that said, Sui extended his tentacles to the bath and sucked up the hot water, extending his other tentacle to the other side to get the hot water out of its tip. It feels like I just drained the water from the hose. 'Like this, is this what you think? The tip of the tentacles deformed and the water came out like a shower from beyond. "Yeah, well, good. This will be fine. That's awesome." 'Ugh. Sweet. Great? "Great. So, will you stay here for a while until I finish washing Fell?" "Yeah, that's good." Fell's body was also generally wet in Sui's shower. Here comes the dog shampoo I bought yesterday. That said, it actually sounds like a dog/cat shampoo. The one that said veterinary recommendations in the product introduction. It also says that it is ideal for maintaining skin health and hypoallergenic, so it can be used in puppies and kittens. They have conditioners that give them moist and soft hair to wash. It was a little expensive, but it was good, so I tried this. All right, you did say that the rest would be washed sequentially from the neck to the shoulder and then from the back and higher. You were only kind and dog lovers were a strong theory, speaking of which. Apply shampoo and gently wash from the neck. "Fell, do you have an itch or something? 'Um, I'm fine. But you can wash it with a little more effort.' Oh, yeah, right. It's Fell, and shouldn't I be with the dog that the dog lover had? I washed it as Fell hoped. "Oh, there it is, there it is." Heck. Gashigashi with all the strength that Fell is there. "Uh-huh, that's pretty good." Wash your back, flanks, feet and entire body without scraping. Does washing with shampoo have a massage effect? Fell seems nice too. This is when I want to wash my face too, but I would just hate it if I bubbled it in my face. I'd like to just wash it in hot water. "Hey, Fell, I want to wash your face, can I have some hot water? "Or on your face? Ugh, I'm a man too. Just do it. ' That's what Fell said and meditated his eyes. I knew Fell didn't like water. But I don't even have to be that prepared. Legendary warcraft hunting high ranking demons say they don't like water...... I'm sorry to laugh, but you're about to laugh. "Buffoo." "No, Lord, you just laughed, didn't you? "Wow, I'm not laughing. Sui, can you suck up some hot water? Buh." "Grungy" "Fell, I'm gonna put it on your face." "Gu" Sher. I shower Fell's face out of the tip of Sui's tentacles and rinse it off. Yeah, now I guess I'm pretty. "Yes, that's good." "Phew" "I'm going to bubble my body out next." Wash away the shampoo in the shower of the sui. Carefully so that there is no rinsing left. It's never harassment. "That's it. Okay, I'm done flushing it." "Phew, is it finally over" "Wipe it with a towel now, wow, don't. Ugh." The arrow tip I wanted to wipe my body with a towel, blurb and Fell shook my body lavishly. Chatter, chatter, chatter. "............... Fell? "No? Oh, sorry." "I'm sorry, you've got a full-body mess, Peppe." Besides, it's even mixed with Fell's hair in the water that's blown up. You came here to wash Fell, and you took a bath till I did. Huh. Fell said that after cutting off the water as a blurb, he was getting himself a warm breeze to dry his body. It seems to me that wind magic is a gift because of Lord Ninryl's protection. He doesn't seem to like the water, but he seems happy with the washed finish, and he looks at his body and says' um 'or something. Sure, the silver fur of the twinkly salad seems to fall in love. But it's important to maintain that, isn't it? "I'll wash Fell's body once or twice a month." "What? Isn't this the end of it? "What are you talking about, it's bad for your skin to stay dirty. Besides, you look satisfied with the fur. You have to wash it properly to maintain it." "No, no, I'm not..." "Besides, you look more like Fenrill with your beautiful silver hair. You'll be disillusioned with the thin, dirty Fenrir." "Ugh, thin dirty Fenrir... plush" "Well, if you wash it properly, you can keep that hairy. Don't worry, I'll wash you responsibly. Besides, Sue, what do you think of Uncle Fell now? "Nfussy, beautiful and cool! "Look, this is what I'm talking about, Sue." "Mmm, I can't help it, they wash you once or twice a month." All right, now don't get on the dusty Fell. I wash it once or twice a month.
"O, ooh......" I managed to escape Fell's back with my crawling body, and I vomited (not) without crawling on all fours. "Hey, are you okay? "Ryuji, are you okay? "You're weak at all times, Lord." "Damn, who do you think it is..." I looked up and stared at Fell, who had gotten completely gessy in the last three days. "I can't help but get through the hierarchy quickly." "I disagreed..." "That's you, it was decided by a majority, so blaming me is a mistake." "Knock..." I totally punished him on the first day, and I suggested we move on more slowly, but I insisted that Fell try his best to get through the floor here sooner. I tried to convince Fell with Dora and Suey on my side, but Dora and Suey, who were supposed to have me on that side, all this time agreed with Fell. I guess I couldn't bear the boredom of this hierarchy of only poison vultures just wide. That's why a line of us, under Fell's lead, has rushed through the vast wilderness on a forcible schedule of three days. As opposed to the energetic Fell, Dora and Sui, I was so full of clinging to Fell that I grew gessy day by day. Dirty talk, eating poorly is going to make me throw up, so I've been snuffing with nutritional jelly I bought from an online supermarket for the last three days. Fells were eating meat, as usual. "I can't help it, do you want to stay here for one night" "I'd appreciate it if you could do that" Sometimes my strength was the limit, and it was near sundown that I arrived in front of the cave leading to the rd tier, and we decided to stay overnight in the cave. "Up......" Fel, Dora and Sui, who make cutlet sandwiches made from the meat of Giganto Minotaur that they had made and set aside, look deliciously baked. I'll meet you on an empty stomach. "Uhm, yummy" "The sauce is tamed to the bread, and it fits perfectly with the meat." "Yummy! Good for you...... I can't eat the same thing. I wouldn't accept it in my stomach when it was snug with nutritional jelly. So I'm on a different menu for dinner. I didn't have the energy to stand up, so I sat on the ground and took out the cassette stove I used to take care of scattered in front of me. It's been a long time. I decided to make an easy, nutritious, stomach-friendly egg rice cooker. It's water, granules, and if you add soy sauce, mirin, and salt to the earthen pan and put it on fire, dissolve the eggs until it boils. When it boils, add the rice and spin the melted eggs where the rice has inhaled the juice reasonably well. Once the eggs have solidified a little, mix them and taste them at the end of the day. I really hope I put chopped onions and chopped ribs on it, but I saved it because it's a hassle today. Cool the freshly prepared egg rice cooking in a huffy breath, then zuzzle. "Ha ha, I'll dye it..." I accidentally get smudged and crushed. An empty stomach-friendly taste of egg rice cooking stains. When I cook the eggs again zucchingly, it feels like choking more thighs. Hmm? And when I looked down, Sui had my thighs on with his tentacles. "Hey, Rugi, is that, like, delicious? "Well, it's delicious for me. You want to try a swim, too? "Yeah." Hemmed slightly in a soup bowl to a swim. Sui to make sure it tastes right. "What do you say? 'Um, it's delicious, but I was wondering if you prefer meat' "Haha, I thought you'd say that" Especially since today's is boiled soft enough to be close to porridge so that it doesn't strain the stomach, and the flavor is diluted. "Hey, give me a change" "Me too." Fell and Dora call for a new voice. "Yes, sir. Sue's in charge, isn't she? "Yeah, I'm here! Fel, Dora and Sui, who ate the cutlet sandwich full of bellies, and I slept like mud after a long time on a decent meal. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ "A few more steps down, you're on level 43." 'Um. That won't mean a wilderness with nothing next. If I did... I'd be just as warm as I am' "Uh, is that what you're really saying about Fell being warm? "What is that? He's disrespectful. I'll be warm enough." "No, no, no, there's a lot of legends and stuff about destroying a country. Besides, they're hunting fierce demons." "That would be different from this" "What's so different?" Dora, who was flying ahead of us between me and Fell making that argument, cracks and goes in. 'Yes, yes, yes, that kind of statement is over. Let's just go.' "Everybody's probably. Sui will go first ~ ' Suey, who was on Fell's back, jumped over Pawn and Fell's head and landed. The first person on the 43 hierarchy was Sui. After Sui, we also stepped down to level 43. "Here it comes..." "Sagittarius, it's full of sand." 'Desert is the one. It was in Dolan's dungeon, too.' We say that to a vast desert with only sand everywhere we see it spread out in front of us. And about one of us had a different feeling about that. "Kukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Joyful dra, sui. I'm here. There are mountains of demons we should slaughter! "Really?! Hyah ho! Sounds like you don't have to be bored on this floor! "Yatter full of demons! Sui, I'll knock you out full of buzz! No, no, hey, guys, with all the demons, why are you so tense? "Hey, let's get you out of here." When Fell looked in the direction Fell stared at Fell's words, the red and black dots were pushing this way. "Something looks familiar..." "It's a bunch of sand scorpions." "It was! It's a red and black sasori about a meter that was also in the dungeon of the drain. "Suppose that's a bunch of sand scorpions..." "Naturally, there are others. There! ' Zach -. Fell's claw slaughter is shot in as he soars up the sand. It was Giant Sand Scorpion, an already breathless idiot big sasori who broke into two and showed up from the sand about thirty meters away. With the disappearance of Giant Sand Scorpion, the head of the herd, Sand Scorpion tries to escape to the scatter. But those who do not miss it. "Fell took the big one, and I thought I'd miss you guys! "Wait! Eh, eh. ' Sand scorpions are increasingly taken over by Dora's ice magic and Sui's acid bullets. "Ahhh, I got away with it." Before the tentacles of Sui were pointed, there was a little red and black dot that kept them away as long as they were detached. 'Suey, don't let it get you down. There's still plenty of prey. " 'That's what happened. Next.' "Ugh." That's odd that there's still a lot of demons to comfort you. "Well, put that away and help me collect this drop." It was us getting to level 43 and picking up the scattered drops on the sand early. Then we had Fell tie the line to combat the heat in the desert. Our line proceeded through the desert. On the road, I came across one demon after another, just like Fell said. Including the first sand scorpion to come out, a giant mite-like sandworm with gizzard teeth, a deathside winder resembling a ragged snake that would be three meters, and a golem sandwich golem made of sand. Sometimes it's a special environment called desert, and the demons that come out are almost identical to the demons we've seen in the desert hierarchy of the dungeons of Dolan. Those demons that are unique to the desert appear one after the other in front of us. Or it feels like Fell is leading the way to those with demons himself as he moves forward. Fell, Dora and Sui both seemed pretty depressed in the wilderness with nothing on the 41 and 42 levels, and as soon as they found the demon, they launched one attack after another. It's enough to pull a little on that unforgiving battle or an attack to the point of unilateralism. But I didn't do anything to stop you, either, just to know how everyone felt. I wore a hooded UV cut hoodie that I bought from an online supermarket before and focused on picking up drops. And in the front of one of our rows, which proceeded to defeat the demons with exasperation, appeared like a dark, brown stone that we could see was enormous even in the distance. "Hmm? What is that... I mean, is that, is it working? 'You're moving. It's a monster, too. " "A demon is that whole thing? "No. Behind it." "Behind?" So strange, something black snapped out of his head as he covered it with something like a cobbled brown, round stone. "Hmm? Still staring at the devil at a distance. "... whoa, is that a funkologashi?" A documentary show featuring organisms in the desert that I saw one day. It looked just like the Funkorogashi that was out in it. "Fool. Haven't they noticed because the Lord shouts' Fell tells me that and I hold my mouth unintentionally, but it was too late. Huge hunkorogashi was coming this way with fierce momentum as he rolled his shitballs. "Gah! It's coming, it's coming! Fear the imminent giant Funkorogashi. 'Don't make a scene like that. Whether you're noticed or not, we do things together. Isn't that right, Fell?' "Well, Dora's right." It's okay because Sui is going to knock you down! "Swallow what! Uh, come on, come on, batchy, dirty, whoever it is, just knock it down. Whoa!
I was putting Fell in the inn again and coming to the tavern in this city. To hear a lot from adventurers. This city is a big city, so I went in and thought every tavern would have adventurers, but this store looks like a hit. It was like an adventurer's destination store, with lots of adventurers gathered together. I laid eyes on him. Probably the same party member. I approached four adventurers. "Um, I'd like to talk to you for a second, would you mind? I just called the clerk and ordered ales from the four adventurers. "Wow, you know what I mean." A leader-like, flexing skinhead man slapped me on the shoulder and made me sit in an empty seat. "So, what do you want to hear? "I do things like a pedestrian while traveling, but it's still shallow in the sun to start this kind of work. So I wanted to thank you for asking all of you experienced adventurers about your country." "What, you know what? Then you're right to ask us." When the leader says so, a beast man with the same inflexible body as the leader (is it a tiger?) The member nods and returns, "Surely we've gone around a lot of countries". "Oh, what the hell are you looking at? Are you a tiger? and looking at the members of the Beast Man, he was awesome. "Silly, Omei, I guess it's because beasts other than slaves are rare in this country" When the other members said so, the members of the Beastman nodded, yeah, like, to the point where they would be. "Is that what you mean? I'm sure you're a slave to the Beast Man in this country. Still, this country is better yet." When members of the Beast Man said so, other members, including the leader, nodded, "Right." Anything, he said, the treatment of beasts, elves and dwarves, especially non-human beings, is terrible in the kingdoms of Soles, which are treated like the kingdoms of the Geisler Empire and the Holy Kingdom of Lubanov and the Holy Kingdom of Lubanov. They say that the Geisler Empire is a dictatorial military state in Gatchbee, and that only those who do not obey the emperor are dead, and beasts, elves, dwarves, etc. are like livestock. The Holy Kingdom of Lubanov is a religious nation of ethnic supremacy, and those who do not believe in Lubanovism in this country will be doomed, and the beasts, elves, and dwarves who believe in their own gods will do terrible things as if they were cults. Nor does the kingdom of Soles, which treats the Holy Kingdom of Lubanov as a nation, say that internal affection is no different from the Holy Kingdom of Lubanov. The fate of the beasts, elves and dwarves enslaved in these three countries is tragic and extreme. Compared to that, this kingdom of Feinen, even though it is a slave, is still better because it is cheap, but it provides a minimum level of security of life while it receives wages. "What about the Kingdom of Lacehel? I've been through that country, but I don't think the Beast Man saw it..." "Oh, and that country, too" The Reisehel kingdom is also a nation of ethnic supremacy who believe in Lubanovism, basically they do not allow the entry of beasts, elves or dwarves. But he's been running into the territorial expansion route since he became king of the present, and wars are constantly arguing everywhere. He says it's an open secret that he's fighting beasts, elves and dwarves who can't possibly be there in that feud. Plus it seems a famous story that many nobles in the Reisehel kingdom surround beasts, elves and dwarf women as sex slaves. ............... this world is not nice. He said that the kingdom of Marvel, which borders that Lacehel kingdom, is also the home of these four adventurers and a good country where they can live in peace without discrimination on the grounds of race. But I wasn't blessed with my neighbor. To the north lies the demonic realm, to the south the Geisler Empire and to the east the Kingdom of Lacehel and the Holy Kingdom of Lubanov. They keep targeting the territory with tiger vision. In fact, very recently there has been a stirring between the two armies along the border between the Kingdom of Lacehel and the Kingdom of Marvel, and war is also said to be a matter of time. With that said, you heard in the city of Keels that the kingdoms of Lacehel and Marvel are going to start a war. They said these four came out with a cut out for their native country like that. "If we were family in the country, I wouldn't even have thought about it, because we're all orphans." They all grew up in the same orphanage for everything and became adventurers as they were. He said he has reached a point from Adventurers Guild to countries not to obstruct the movement of adventurers above the C-rank, which meant that he could not turn adventurers guild to enemies, a powerful organization beyond the country, and that countries reluctantly acknowledge it. "We came all the way through Lacehel, and the chest shit went bad in their eyes when they saw me in that country." That's how the members of the Beast Man threw up. Um, listen, is this world okay? I think I've come to some kind of an erratic world... Continuing the conversation, we now come up with the name of the Klarsen Empire, which is next to the east of the Kingdom of Lacehel. This country has a long history, but everything is now rough in the country because of the house disturbances within the royal family. The rest are small groups of countries whose names are unclear from the south to the centre of the continent. This seems to be a crowded area, a place where adventurers never get too close. "But five or six years ago, small countries on the seaside snagged at each other, and what did I say about that?" It's the Quaint Republic. "Well, you said it was the Quaint Republic, but it was a crisis of division." Yeah, let's stay away from the small group of countries. And then there's the kingdoms of Ellman and Leonhardt to the east of the continent. The kingdoms of Ellman and Leonhardt are also relatively free countries without discrimination, and no matter what they say, they don't have to worry about being invaded because the army is so strong. Moreover, since this kingdom of Ellman and Leonhardt is in a friendly and cooperative system, the domestic situation is also stable. "We're on our way to Leonhardt, too. One of these days, I'm going to Ellman." There are many dungeons in both the Leonhardt and Ellman kingdoms, and both countries are tasty countries to do as adventurers. I'm out, dungeon. I knew you had one. I'm a little interested, but I won't be coming in. I knew safety was paramount. Take care of your life. But I've heard a lot from adventurers and they've decided where I'm going. This is a choice between the kingdom of Ellman or the kingdom of Leonhardt. They both seem to be in a stable situation, so either is fine. The question is, tell Fell you know the route we're on. I hope you have a map at times like this.
The fun feast was over, and I slowly took a bath with Dora and Sui to heal my fatigue. All you have to do is sleep. Fell, Dora and Sui are early in their dreams. But I only have one more thing to do. It is a gift to Master Demiurgos. I had decided to do it once a week, but sometimes it was on my way this time and I was a little late. Unlike some gods full of cravings, I don't think there's anything like Demiurgos getting mad at me because I'm late, but I picked up a little more of the usual sake and premium cans to apologize for. Then I bought plum wine with Rickershop Tanaka because it had a special feature on plum wine. Because of the fruity taste and ease of drinking of everything, the feature seems to have recently been organized by the fact that not only women, but also men, are becoming more and more lovers of plum wine. There was a recommended ranking among them, so this time they let me choose among the rankings as well. Here are honestly three to the top three. The # ranked sparkling type of plum wine as if it were champagne. They also add the aroma of roses produced by the company, and the bottle is more stylish like champagne than plum wine with a luxurious plum wine with hints of roses, which makes them happy as a gift. Ranked # is a brandy-based plum wine featuring a bottle of cologne. This plum wine, made with effort and time based on brandy, is a plum wine that I want you to taste thoroughly over a thick throat. And the # 1 ranking is plum wine based on precious ripe plums that can only be made in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan's best plum region. He has also won a plum contest, sometimes from the real Wakayama of Plum, with plum wines with intense and elegant flavors that maximize the aroma, acidity and sweetness of plums. I've only had plum wine from a famous manufacturer called here when it comes to plum wine, so I was surprised at how many things there are. When it comes to plum sake, I just thought it would be soaked in a white-ricker or some kind of shochu or sake, and there's even something based on brandy and whiskey, and it made me look really interesting. While I was watching a lot, I wanted to try it myself, and I still bought the top 3 rankings for myself. I look forward to drinking. So, leave me alone. I need to give it to you because it's time for me to offer it. I checked that the contents are properly in place, so I put every cardboard down... And then there's the two layered pots of cabbage and dungeon pork that we all ate today, too, with pound vinegar and sesame seeds. "Dear Demiurgos, it's a little late, please put it away. I also made a layered pot of cabbage and dungeon pork, so try it." 'Oh, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're offering this to me. I'm sorry that the pan is with you. I'll take that. " The offering disappears with the pale light with the words. "The pan of the clear soup should be eaten with a pot of vinegar or sesame seeds in the bottle sent to you together. The other one is boiled in miso flavoured soup, so keep it up." 'Well, that smells good. I'm not looking forward to eating. " "Then in addition to the usual sake, we also sent you a sake called plum soaked with fruit called plum, so give it a try." "Fruit liquor? I don't hate it. I'm not looking forward to drinking this, either. ' I could hear Master Demiurgos laughing profoundly. "So, I went to the mountain that Master Demiurgos taught me before..." I told him that there was the treasure of the Bandit King in the mountains and that I found in them the magic tools of the transfer created by the sage cuz of my homeland. "Master Demiurgos told me to go to the mountains to find this magic tool for the transfer." I tried to make things this noisy, but when I thought about it, it was Master Demiurgos who told me to go to the mountains, and then I thought it was to make me find this. Thinking about it, there's no way it didn't. The intention of Master Demiurgos may be for me or for us to go to the Demonic Continent. 'Ugh, um. There's that too.' (You said it was a magic tool for metastasis? Well, was there something like that in there? "Again...... So you're telling us to go to the Demonic Continent? (In the demonic continent? I totally forgot there was a magic prop for the transfer, but I can't believe I told you to go. But if there was such a thing, I would certainly take a look. What should I answer... Hmm, I can say the most appropriate thing here and try to get through it) 'Oh, no, that's not true. Whether you go or not, you can do whatever the Lord wants. I gave that to the Lord because I thought it was number one that the Lord, my hometown, would take over.' "Really? Well, you can choose not to go." "Of course not." I was going to give a little thanks to the Lord for offering them discipline. "Good -. Relieved." "Well, the Lord is free to live. Because Noon and the others are always watching. I'll see you then. ' God communication hung up with the word. "Phew, good" Master Demiurgos says it's my freedom, so it doesn't look like I need to be forced to go, and you don't tell the Fells like this by deciding it wasn't there. I think I'll get some sleep this evening. When I dived into the futon, my consciousness quickly wandered away.
We were coming to the Adventurer Alliance. I also put a pound cake in the basket I bought at the grocery store and it's ready. Mr. Erland arrived after saying nothing with what he was accustomed to. Then we headed to the Guildmaster's room upstairs, where we became familiar again. "Ugor, you're coming too. Please wait a minute. I said I'm all right alone, hey. Ugor, I didn't know you were going to be there..." That's what I said. Mr. Elland looks a little dissatisfied. No, I know how Mr. Ugol feels, too. You'll try to skip right away. "Thank you both for waiting" Mr. Ugor came to the room without waiting so long. "That's quick, but I'd like to give you the purchase price for yesterday's dungeon products. Uh, you have details..." Is it parchment, which is confirmed by Mr. Perali and Turning Ugor? "Firstly, gold coins for the Oak Skin x 25, 630 gold coins for the Lizardman Skin x 103, 2040 gold coins for the Oga Skin x 102, 2486 gold coins for the Troll Skin x 113, 1672 gold coins for the Minotaur Skin x 88, 315 gold coins for the Oga Demon Stone (Extremely Small) x 21, 460 gold coins for the Troll Demon Stone (Small) x 23, 380 gold coins for the Minotaur Demon Stone (Small) x 20, 147 gold coins for the Giant Killer Mantis Demon Stone (Small) x 7, 75 gold coins for the Paralysis Butterfly Paralysis Toxic Powder x 15, 160 gold coins for the Wild Ape Fur x 20, and a total of 965 gold coins for the Magic Bag (Small). My forehead is my forehead, so I would like to learn from the Merchant Guild that we will also pay with white and large gold coins. May I? When I said I was okay, then Mr. Ugor arranged 96 white gold coins, 4 large gold coins and 5 gold coins on the table. "Well, check it out." One, two, three white gold coins... (omitted)... 96 pieces and four large gold coins. Then five gold coins, yeah, you're fine. "Yes, definitely" "This time, thanks to Master Mukoda, we were able to secure a large quantity of skin and demonic stones. Thank you so much." That's what Mr. Ugor said with a smile. "... even though Vaski's fangs, Manticore's poison needle, Gustave's fangs, and spine were better. (Boso)" "Alliance Master, did you say something? I didn't say anything. ... No, what are you cutting white? You told me, boss. "Well, fine. I'll leave you alone this time. I really wanted to beat you up when I heard you bought the ground dragon material on your own without any consultation, but it turned out to be more expensive than I expected, as you said. Thanks to this, we were able to purchase a large quantity of dungeon products from Master Mukoda this time." "Yeah, yeah, you must be. You must be. Even I do it when I do it. So I was wondering if you could budget me right now to use Earth Dragon fangs as a sword to reward me." As soon as Mr. Erland said that, Mr. Ugor's temple had a vivid blue muscle. Oh, something extra. This guy, Mr. Ugol, you just pissed me off. I'll end up being a tough guy for what I'm watching, but Mr. Ugol with me all the time is really tough. Thank you for your hard work. "Alliance Master, I have convinced you to use Earth Dragon fangs as swords to decorate your Alliance. reluctantly, though. But it is, this is all the material. I'm not saying anyone can ask for it. You don't seem to understand, but the budget is finite. I've never been able to ask for as cheap as I can be a guild. I have to select a client, including consultation around here. You say you want a massive budget to be put into the sword right away to take that kind of procedure and make a decision. That's all the material, so you'll make it a sword as soon as you pile up the gold. You're asking me to give you a budget now, and that's what the Alliance Master says to give you a budget to run the Alliance for your own desires, right? What do you think, Guildmaster? Oh, there's no point in arguing that you can do this. "Oh, no, I didn't say that much." That's what Mr Erland says to keep an eye out for Mr Ugor. "That's what I'm saying about giving me a budget right now," he said. The point is, it's like a bid, and as for Mr. Ugor, I guess you want to ask for good conditions among the major blacksmiths. "By and large, the Alliance Master..." Whoa, Mr. Ugol's sermon has begun. Mr. Elland looks disgusted, but you haven't heard this. Ma'am, well, you're an unpunished Mr. Elland. In the meantime, would you give me a little help because even someone like this took care of me? "Um, Mr. Ugol" "Ah, excuse me, Master Mukoda. There's nothing the Alliance Master can do about it, so stick with it." Oh, Mr. Ugol, I made it clear there's nothing I can do about Mr. Erland. "No, more than that, I have something I'd like to give Mr. Ugol and Mr. Elland. Er..." I put a basket with pound cake in front of the two of us. "Mr. Ugor took care of me yesterday at the Merchant Guild, and Mr. Elland took care of me about the Ground Dragon. It's a little treat, eat it." "Uh, okay? "Yes, go ahead" "No, I appreciate this. Confectionery delights my wife and children." Mr. Ugor smiles at this too. Looks like you didn't make the wrong choice of confectionery, good. "I'm glad you don't have eyes for sweet things either. I'll have you with my tea as soon as possible." Mr. Elland seemed surprisingly fond of sweet things. "Alliance Master, what do you mean we'll have you with your tea soon? Are you going to make it tea time even though you're not working? Once again, Mr. Ugol's temples have blue muscles. "Yes, no, I'm not. Also, of course, after work, hey, haha..." Yeah, come on, you should work, Mr. Elland. I have to go to Wang Du, and I have to get ready for that. Well, I guess it's time for some free time. So, uh, there was talk earlier about the blacksmith workshop, but if you think about it, you can ask the blacksmith to go to the barbecue stove, right? I asked Mr. Ugor that the blacksmith factory, which is sometimes a dungeon city, specializes mostly in weapons. "Can't you make me anything but a weapon? "Blacksmiths are a lot of stubborn people. I can't tell you anything without talking about it." I knew it. In the meantime, do I have to go to the section where the blacksmith workshop gathers and negotiate? We followed the Adventurer Alliance to the block where the Blacksmith Workshop gathered.
It's the only thing I can do when I say it's the aroma of appetizing garlic and the meat the trio loves. "It's garlic steak, I knew it" Simple iz vest. Easy to cook, and more importantly, more satisfying and luxurious because you can eat gutty meat. What shall we use meat for? Seeing Fell and Dora and Sui thinking about that. I have a feeling the appetite of the meat-loving trio is going to MAX due to the smell of garlic. Or how much should I give that giant ancient dragon (enchanted dragon) a hemming? Something tells me that the stock of large quantities of meat in my item box right now is also peppery...... Ma, well, even if you're just going to give it all a break, you should use meat with a lot of stock. Luxurious and delicious meat, I didn't even think about dragon meat, but that's just the amount. Considering the quantity and flavour, I figured it was around the meat of Giganto Minotaur. Then the dungeon cow, which is also the upper species. It's a request from Fell that I use both because it's luxurious. All right, it's garlic steak with Giganto minotaur meat and meat from the top species of dungeon beef. Then make garlic rice too. This is because I want to eat. If that's the case, serve the magic stove and start cooking. Firstly, serve the meat of Giganto minotaur and the meat of the top species of dungeon beef and muscle cut it. Giganto Minotaur is almost unnecessary, but it needs to be done for dungeon cows. Then shake salt and pepper all over the surface of the meat. This salt and pepper is a black pepper with mineral-rich sky salt and mill that I bought from an online supermarket before. When the meat is ready, slice the garlic thinly, add the salad oil and sliced garlic to the frying pan and saute over low heat. Remove the garlic where the aroma of the garlic has come out sufficiently, lightly colored and crisp. And then cook the meat in a frying pan with the garlic removed over a high heat. The first thing to bake is Giganto minotaur meat. Cook the meat while shaking the frying pan so that it does not burn, turn it to medium heat where it has a light baking color and cook until it has a sticky baking color. You can do it if you turn the meat over and cook it to the addition or subtraction of your preference while shaking the frying pan as well. My appetite was stimulated by the smell of garlic and meat roasting rising from the frying pan, and I accidentally swallowed my spit gobbly. "Oh, hey, haven't you? So I was called out and looked back, and there were Fell and Dora, who dazzled the covetousness, and Sui, who felt blubberly trembling and twitching. I was going to make some garlic rice in the frying pan after I took the meat out, but I don't think I can afford that. In the meantime, I put garlic chips on the grilled Giganto Minotaur garlic steak and served it to him. "Yes, it's a giganto minotaur garlic steak" I was waiting for you. I just bumped into the trio face. Or, Mr. Fell, don't take a bite. In a bite. "Delicious! Bake more and more, bake more and more" "Carr, I don't know! Are you calling this garlic? Don't let that flavor go so well with meat! Fell's right, Grandpa. You're burning. ' "The meat is delicious! Sui, I'll eat more! Some of it would have been after it moved in the dungeon, rushed by a trio of appetite-inspired eaters who were really inspired by the smell of garlic, baked one garlic steak after another. I also bake the meat of the top species of dungeon beef, seasoning and just salt and pepper. Then I wonder if I'll get tired of it, and I'll bake it in butter and serve something with garlic butter flavor and garlic flavored steak soy sauce. Even if you serve one after another, the foodie trio won't be too busy because it will flatten out with peroli. Fells weren't the only ones inspired by the smell of garlic. I couldn't stand the patience either, so I pinched the garlic steak and baked the Fells' share. "Ho, I burned it. Garlic butter flavor." "Uhm, this is delicious too" "This garlic butter flavor is rich and delicious." "Sui, I like this -! The appetizer trio, who can't hold his appetite, is eating garlic steak badly without changing his phase. "Okay, next. Next." "I eat fast, too." "...... Collar!!! Your angry voice in a suddenly resounding heavy bass voice. I was too busy to remember, but there was an ancient dragon. When I saw the dreaded ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon), he was drooling his teeth out like a waterfall. Wherever the wind blows at such an ancient dragon, it's like, "What? Shut up, 'answers Fell. Shut up! Hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush! Let Non eat too! An ancient dragon (enchanted dragon) called, smelling a garlic steak full of dizziness with a rough nose. "Hung, what's cheating? There's nothing wrong with cheating. What's wrong with eating this guy's meal, our obedience? In the first place, it's wrong for this guy's obedience or nothing to tell his grandfather to eat this guy's cooked rice. You have no right to do that! After eating garlic steak to show off to Bakri and the Ancient Dragon (Enchanted Dragon), Fell returns to the Ancient Dragon (Enchanted Dragon) with a Doya face. "Ngigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigi" I don't want to see it. Wow... Such an ancient dragon. When I said ancient dragon, I had fantasies about a vague, but some amazing, legendary dragon, but when I actually met him, let him eat. Don't let him eat. I contend, and I regret teething... Your fantasies will collapse. That said, I also feel kind of sorry for you. They can't even smell this garlic steak and eat it. "Hey, Fell, don't you have to insist that I can't feed you that hard? Let's just hem him a little bit." "Humans, well said! Lord, isn't that a fairly discerning one! Ancient Dragon (Enchanted Dragon) to fix the mood for my words at once. 'Whatever you say, your lord is too sweet! More or less, you can't possibly just do a little bit with that giant of a grandfather. I won't forgive you if we lose all the meat we've sourced.' "I don't like that either." "Uh, meat, Dragon's uncle eats it all? When all the meat may be eaten by the ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon) because of Fell's story, both Dra and Sui will just look dissatisfied. "Hey, when they say that..." Because it's definitely that giant. As good as the Fells can handle it, but whether that's all it takes. "Mmm, is this body the problem? Sure, this body eats a lot. But if that's the problem, there's a solution. Watch. ' After the ancient dragon said so, the entire body glowed for a moment, shruggling and its giant. And eventually, just about the size of a Fell. "Oh, can you change the size? I unwittingly round my eyes to the smaller Ancient Dragon. I didn't have to know if it was a field-type hierarchy, and I was wondering how it came through that hierarchy in this giant. Even though the dungeons here are huge, the passage of the hierarchy to the field-type hierarchy seemed very difficult to get by in that giant. So you're saying you've come this far at this size? "Grandpa, did you have such an artist..." I'm surprised that Fell didn't even know that the ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon) could be smaller. "Can an ancient dragon do that..." Dora-chan, the same dragon species, sounds like a surprise fact. "Huhun, what do you say? Is this gonna be a problem? That's what the ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon) said when it was about the same size as Fell. "Wow, dragon uncle, same as sui! And Sui. Hey, you can grow or get smaller. Yikes! I'll show you. ' That's what I said and stopped Sui hastily trying to get big with a blurb tremor. "Wow, wow, I know! I know enough to make Sui bigger or smaller, so let's stop now! So he manages to think, "If that's what you're gonna say, I get it." I'm so glad Sui's an honest kid. Now I'm talking about the ancient dragon, but when Sui gets huge and gets his splinter back, he won't be able to clean it up any more. 'All right, man. I'm getting smaller, so let Noon eat it too.' "Be great. Grandpa's not your obedience or anything, so you don't have to feed him." 'Hum, that's up to humans to decide. You'll feed me, won't you, human? Hmm?' "Wow, I get it. Wait a minute, please." Though I'm getting smaller, I hope you don't approach me with that compelling dragon face. When I was baking an extra Garlic steak for an ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon), Fell managed to complain about bumps like 'Your Lord is Too Sweet, Extremely Amazing', but I pretend I can't hear him. "Go ahead." Of course, I'll serve some extra garlic steak to Fell, Dora and Sui. After biting the meat and swallowing it with gokuri, the ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon) shook up as a crocodile. "Huh? What's up? Did it taste bad?" I'm in a hurry to see if it didn't suit the taste of ancient dragons. "Ugh!!! "Become, what is this! Was there such a delicious thing in this world?! Fell laughs invincibly at the ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon), who opens his eyes and says so. 'That's why I told you. The rice this guy makes is delicious. But this is the first and last time Grandpa can eat this guy's dinner. Taste it now. " "First and last? Why not? "I don't know why. As I have said many times, my grandfather is not his squire or anything, so there is no way I can eat this guy's food." "Why not?! That'll be it, Noon will be his obedient devil! Heh? What are you talking about? The Trio of Eaters is enough! There is no such thing as an ancient dragon squire. No thanks. 'What are you talking about, it's going to be no good! First, Grandpa is too whimsical to deserve as an obedient demon. Even when I used to hang out with him, he said that he had just woken up a little asleep, but if you ask me, that little bit was twenty years. Was the purpose of being here also to sleep? Besides, it doesn't look like it at all. And then you were here years? Sixty years? Er, he said he'd sleep on a decade-long basis... and Fell's right. I can't do obedience. 'Kuh......, I came here some time after I fought your Lord.... go to another continent and then go back over here and blah blah blah..., 100, no. Less than 200 years.' Answer the discipline so bossly Ancient Dragon. "I was scared. I didn't know you'd been asleep for nearly 200 years." 'Gu......, as, well, it will be. And yet, I slept too much this time. So you don't have to go to bed for a while. " 'What's wrong with that? I'm telling you, this guy has a life expectancy of about 1500 years with the protection of the Creator. In the meantime, you won't be able to serve as an obedient demon. " "Guru, 1500 years, well, that's a long one. Surely when it comes to following all that period...... But it's also hard to throw away the delicious rice made by humans' "Grandpa can't do it, so give it up." "Hey do, give up clean! Humans, could you make me a provisional obedience for 300 years, for now? Ancient dragons say that, but they come at me all the time. "Hey, hey, face, because it's close! "Hey Grandpa, don't bother this guy! "Shut up, Lord! Non is asking the humans! 300 years, 300 years, okay? I can answer as I guard the face of the ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon) with my hands. "No, you know what..." "In 300 years, the Ancient Dragon (Enchanted Dragon) will become an Enchanted Demon, even though it is a temporary Enchanted Demon. I can't possibly say I don't like it. What do you say? Hey, you're cheating on that way of asking. Give me a break. While I'm doing this...... 'All right! All right, all right, all right, all right! Huhahahahahahahaha, human, thank you. Now you are the Lord's obedient devil. " "What? Huh? What do you mean?" "You fool, why did you agree to it! Me with my eyes dotted even when Fell tries to fool me. "Ha, you don't understand? It means your grandfather has become the Lord's temporal obedience." "What? Huh? Why?!" 'Lord, forget it. I would have thought about it that way. So this is the result. Something I wish I had clearly denied with firmness...... Damn, this heckle.' That's what I say, Fell, with a grumpy item. Although I want to argue with the word heckle, I have no word to give it back because Fell is right about the trouble. 'Well, well, well, well, from now on, Noh will be one of us, so why don't we get along? Though Noon is a tentative obedience. Gwach hahahahaha' Looks like what Gwach is. Thus, for 300 years, the ancient dragon (Enchanted Dragon) was added to our line.
"Well, thank you for your help." "No, this one helped me because I could hear a lot about it" "I can't believe you saved me. Thank you so much! We'll always be in this city for the time being, and I can help you with anything. Tell the Adventurers Guild I'll run." The face of the pentagram nods and says "right" to Mr. Alec's words. "See you then! The face of the pentagram fell asleep in the safe area, then thanked him and left. Ask Fell for some directions to the original location where the staircase leads up, so I'm sure it's okay. It was helpful because I could hear so many helpful stories about this one. There are only two adventurers exploring ahead from here, and the party exploring the tiers is talking about one of the members being injured and now back on the ground. Alec said, "I hear one of the members had one arm, so what are we going to do? Well, the one with that arm is pathetic, but the adventurer will be out of business. The rest of us will either continue our dungeon exploration with the rest of us, or we'll put in another member, or we'll use this as an opportunity to break up the party," he said. And as it stands, the party that precedes the deepest thirty-seven levels of this dungeon is still being explored. According to what I've heard, two of the six-man parties are S-ranked and the others are A-ranked parties of this country's premier meritocracy. Then I could also hear the demons coming out in the hierarchy below this. Although, of course, the face of the pentagram is limited to the extent that it has been examined in advance. Whatever it was, the 34 tiers down here were about the orga coming out. They also come out with aug kings that are special individuals and superior species with colors such as red or blue augs. And the story was that the 35th floor is similarly august, but there are many out of step with the 34th floor. The important thing is that the augs that come out of this dungeon appear to be exceptionally fiercer and more nosy than regular augs, sensitive to people's smells and accurately following adventurers. Axel said, "I'm a cannibal. It's not like he misses a chance to make a treat for them." A member of the party, who was exploring the 35 tiers, was injured, apparently also because this ferocious org devoured one arm. When I told Fell that story, he said, 'Hmm, a ferocious orga? Besides, I think I was willing to do a little bit because I was so annoyed by what you said about orgasm......' The 34th floor is going to be around the attack with the addition of Fell in the trio. In that case, exploration is likely to accelerate even further. I feel like I'm going to get there sooner than I thought at the bottom of the problem Master Demiurgos was saying...... Ugh, my head hurts...... ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ The boss room on the 33rd floor with the iron golem is also crisply destroyed by Dra. After collecting countless scattered shards of iron golem, one of our rows came to the 34 tiers. As I thought, Fell will join the attack from this floor. "If there's an orgasm, I'll do it." What a declaration. We begin our exploration and continue smoothly with the slaughtering of one orga after another. Though Fell was unfaithful for saying 'boring' or something to an orgasm that didn't quite come out. Several augs of colored special individuals came out, but Dora and Sui were killing each other instantly without any problems either. But...... He was after me. He was after me. "Well, that's because people like it." Oh, I'm a cannibal. "Doran's dungeon had an ogre too, but you look a lot more vicious than Doran's" "I told you earlier that the orga here is an exceptionally fierce guy" I know, I know, but don't make it that easy on Fell and Dora. More than two metres of musculoskeletal giant orgasms rock on me as I salivate. That's what's coming for you. You're so scared. I shudder brutally remembering. "Ryuji, are you okay? Or don't worry, Sui will protect you! "Sui, thank you" I slept at Sui by accident. After that, Sui did his best as proclaimed, and was able to break through the 34 hierarchies with almost just Sui's power. It was a bit of a pioneer that the only thing Auga would drop was skin and demon stone (what a gloom Auga skin is), but I could also find a crate in the room along the way, so it was quite a harvest. By the way, there was naturally a trap in the crate (which was how poison arrows popped up when I opened them), but thanks to the appraiser, I was able to handle it sparingly. The contents contained pendant heads and earrings of this dungeon-like medium grain diamond with lots of gems and precious metals, a medium grain ruby ring, and a bracelet scattered with small grains but various gems. There were some special solids in the boss room called Red Auga, Blue Auga, and then Green Auga, but they were instantly knocked down by Sui's acid bullets, so they didn't even know how strong they were in the end. And 35 hierarchies. As I heard from the face of the pentagram, there's gonna be an orga. I'm gonna be out. Straw after straw as soon as I started exploring the 35 tiers to see which one sprang up. Most importantly, all of those many orgasms would have been instant kills if it had been on a trio of Fell, Dora and Sui. The moment we all saw each other, it was a crisp moment to kill. Still, the rate of progression had dropped in a good way due to the large number. "But you got a lot of numbers" "Hung, even if the number is large, there is no such thing as an aug. I thought an orgasm would be about a playmate, but don't come out yet. ' "Well, anyway, we have to do something about this massive aug. We can't go down there." As I forgive Fell for spilling dissatisfaction with the fact that the orgy kings are hard to come out of, I have a story for Dra. 'Hey, here we go again! "Sui will kill you!" "Ho, now you're massive again" "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Not if you're saying It's full of orgasms in front and back! Numerous augs were pushing forward and backward as they roared "Gwow". "Relax. There's no way we can do something about it. Dora and Sui do the forward orga, I'll kick the rear orga ' "Ooh." "Yes." Dora and Sui confront Auga coming from the front of the aisle, and Fel confront Auga at the rear. I said I was horny in the middle of it... Zach -. As Fell swings his front leg down, a nail slash (such a slap) rolls out, and the orgasms in the front row slice into thin pieces. Still, an orga that I held back from coming this way. Fell rolls out two, three nail slashes. The third time I finally defeated all the orgasms. Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh, Dosh -. Dora shoots all over the ice magic and destroys the orgs one after the other. Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh -. The Swiss also fired acid bullets in succession to tailor the orgasm. After the auga is swept away, the auga skin skin. And a few demonic stones. Uh-huh, but no other adventurer here upstairs is going to pick it up, so I picked it up and left it in the item box for now. From then on, I definitely finished the many appearing augs in the trio. And finally, the boss room. A peek inside reveals a special individual colored in a regular aug, and.... "What the..." An auga with a seemingly fierce face twice as common as an ordinary one was royal in the center. "Are you finally out for an orgasm? I'll take care of that." "Damn you. Then the others are with me." "Okay -! There's plenty of them. Sue, I'll kill them all! The allocation must also be determined to go to the boss room. But Fell suddenly stopped one step before entering. 'Speaking of which, Lord, you haven't fought in this dungeon yet, have you? "Huh? Well, not yet." "Now, get used to your arms around here a little bit." "What?" "Dra, Sui, let only one orga go for this guy. It's not colored, it's normal." 'Ooh, okay. Sue, I'll do it this way. You keep taking' em down. ' "Hmm? I don't know, but I get it." "Then let's go." "Huh? Hey, don't make up your mind about turning one around! I protested aloud, but the Fells went straight into the boss room. I'll end up in the wings with you. The vicious-faced orga drifts forward. They are roaring to intimidate "Gwow" and "Ggaaa". To that august opponent, for some reason, I had to fight too. They're cannibals, and when they see me, they drool. I have nothing but anxiety. Weapon, weapon, weapon. I won't give you a weapon. Realizing he was unarmed, he hurried to take out a spear of a special Swiss misril. I stood up a spear as my hips pulled over. While doing so, the battle between Auga and the Fells trio began. I said fight, but it was almost one-sided. He said he was going to play orgy king opponent, Fell, but he just hit a thunderous magic on the Jen-royal orgy king with a dokan and the battle was on. The orgasm that ate the thunder magic, I didn't keep it slight for a few seconds, but then it slowly fell back. A large number of other orgasms are accurately and quickly finished by Dora and Sui with ice magic and acid bullets, respectively. Don't I have to fight this? You don't have to, do you? Even if I thought so, the inquirer didn't wholesale it. I said, "Hey! I went to one over there!" Dora's readings echoing her head. "Gwow." Along with a scream that echoed from the bottom of the earth, a vicious-faced orga drowned at me in a straight line. "Gah!" I scream unintentionally at the impending auga. I try to escape, but my legs are dull and I can't move as I think. "Gwow." An aug trying to grab me that would be a bait while roaring. "Hih..." I slipped my hips out of fear and butted myself. That worked and escaped from the hand of the Auga. In that gap, I stuck out Mithril's spear obsessively. "Shit, Conoyalo! "Guh, guh..." Auga movement stops. Terrified, the tip of the spear was poking around the crisp and heart. I thought it was the only time I could get up and push the spear even more gritty with my selfless obsession. "G......................................." When you pull out the spear in anticipation of the total loss of the power of the orga, the orga collapses dozzily with its momentum. A little bit later, the org disappeared as well. "Huh." At once I was out of my mind, I knelt down on the spot and exhaled. "It was a much different way to fight an orga. Wasn't it a little better in the previous dungeon? That's what I'm going to say with a slightly frightened face, Fell. Geez, that's what they said. It's been awhile since Dolan and Aveling, and we haven't had much of a fight in the meantime, so we can't help it. Or because I'm a de amateur who doesn't originally have anything to do with combat, he said I wouldn't wear that right away. Besides, the augs here are really scared. That coveted phase is enough to come out of a dream. "Well, well, well, well, you know I shouldn't have expected this guy's fighting power." "It's okay if the rubber is weak. Yo! 'Cause Sui protects it! Hey, Dora, that sounds terrible. And Sui, you don't say you're weak. It's true, but I, I'm gonna cry. Ha, I knew I wasn't good for battle...
Gaze at the stone slab that was about to turn into an item box. "Why Japanese..." The stone slab had hieroglyphic characters written on it in a complex magic formation. And at its heart...... "Of metastasis, demonic props? Letters that were deliberately written in Japanese. Crushing that in Japanese, the rigging door on the right side of the tablet opened with a gotten noise. "What?" A peek inside contained an old fashioned book. When I took out the book and opened the cover, it was also written there in Japanese. “Having this book in your hands means you must be Japanese. This lithographic tablet is a magical prop for metastasis, just like the script. By the way, it's all my work. I hate to be abused, but it's also a memento, and I just don't have to be sneaky to break it. I've decided to relax in the hands of my fellow countrymen. There will be a lot of questions, but I want you to make effective use of them because they are described in this book, including how to use them. ” "... you mean it was the Japanese who made this? Does that mean that the Japanese, like me, were summoned to this world in a ceremony of valiant summons? Well, I was just involved, but I'm pretty sure I came to this world with a ceremony of brave summons. Besides, the pig king of the Reisehel kingdom did say something like "perform the ritual of summoning the brave". That means...... "The ritual of summoning brave men has been performed before." Who came to this world more than four Japanese, including me? Fell's voice as she tries to open the book attracting interest. 'Hey, we're done here. How's it going over there? With excitement, I hurried the book and the tablet into the item box. I don't know why, but it's because I felt like Fell still shouldn't know. Let me take a moment to read this later. "Oh, uh, maybe a little bit more. Just give me a minute." I rushed off to the item box with my magic props and treasures. "It's over." I finished demon props and joined the Fells. "Take this." Receive a magic bag from Fell that collects treasure. "What are Dora and Sui looking at? For some reason, Dora and Sui were eager to look at their feet. 'You should also look at the Lord. Something interesting came out from under the mountain of treasure. Now it's rare to see anything but a dungeon.' "Something interesting?... what is this? What Dra and Sui were eager to see was some kind of magic formation. Much of the time has passed and it has faded, but I could clearly see the text. "What demon squares? "Probably a magic formation of metastases," According to Fell's story, there were people who would not listen now but until a few hundred years ago would solve the magic formation of metastasis, although it was a short distance away. Of course, there seemed to be a small number of people who could understand and draw complex magic formations about metastases. What Fell said was that the Bandit King might have grabbed those people and made them draw. I remembered the story that even the Adventurer's Guild uses magic props of transfer, and when I told that story, I said, 'Can you carry people or big things?' and was asked back the other way around. I do think I heard that the magic props of the Transfer of the Adventurer Guild are enough to send a letter. Maybe that's what it means now at best. According to Fell, the bigger people, objects, and things to transfer, and the longer the distance to transfer, the more complicated and difficult the magic formations used. Some of the magic formations depicted here are certainly complicated and elusive. "It will not be possible to carry this much treasure on the journey we have followed." Indeed, Fell is right. There were also about three magic bags in the magic props, but just won't mean it's all oversized. Given that, I don't think I can carry tons of treasure like this mountain in one go with three magic bags. We owe our line to everyone, or because Fell was there, I managed to get to the cave, too, but normally it's a tough journey not strange to be dead. You can't imagine how many times you've come and gone on that life-saving journey. In addition to that, the cave is full of traps. Even on the side of setting the trap, it would be more and more impossible to talk about the journey to life after avoiding this. "Okay, I'm gonna use this." "I'm gonna use it, Fell, you know where this is going? I don't know. Even if they say they don't know. "You're scared to use it even though you don't know where to transfer it" 'That being said, this magic formation will also be a short-range transfer. I think it's somewhere at the foot of the mountain at best.' "It's nice to be at the foot of the mountain, but I kind of don't know where it is" If I said at the foot of the mountain, there would be one. Black baboon. I don't like it when I suddenly transfer near that one. "Shut up with the mess. If you don't like metastases, you'll have to go back the way you came. Is that all right with you? I don't care either way." Yes, Fell tells me to think about it. If you're not transferring back, you do have to go back the way you came. There seems to be no other way. Going back the way I came means going down that cliff and down the steep slope...... I got goosebumps just imagining it. I can't, I can't, I can't, I can never. Then Fell's right, I wonder if I should use this magic formation of metastases. "I get it. Let's use this magic formation to get back. But if the destination is at the foot of the mountain, there might be a black baboon." "Hung, I have Dora and Sui. They can do anything. Wouldn't you? Dora, Sui ' "Naturally." Do you want to fight again? It's gonna be okay because Sui's gonna get rid of it. ' Are you okay with this face? But I'm not okay... "The bond you got hung up on is still working, right? 'Your lord is worried. I'm still fine. Don't worry.' That's why you're alive. Even if it's not, this world is often dangerous, so it's just better to be a little worried. "All aboard the magic formations because of my magic." That's what Fell tells me, we all do it and move over the magic formation. "Then let's go." Fell who can magic at the same time you say that. The magic formation glowed out and a floating sensation struck for a moment. When the light subsided, we were already in the woods. And...... "Isn't this, like, a little, pretty bad? "Uhm. You've apparently moved to your Black Baboon address," "Ha-ha-ha, more than just now." There were black baboons all around us. There are even more than a bunch of black baboons I met on the way. "Vo, vo, vo" "Gah, gah, gah" "Vo, vo" Black Baboon is attacking us to get rid of the foreign body that suddenly appeared at our residence. "Wow, duh, what are we gonna do? "Hung, naturally it is decided to take it down and move on. It's the same as going. Get in. ' When he jumps on Fell's back, as declared, Fell unleashes a claw slaughter and knocks down the Black Baboon. "Drah, swih, I asked for a rear guard! "Ouch! Leave it to me! ' "Sui, I'll knock you all out again! "Whoa, whoa, whoa" Fell put me on and ran through the trees again at a fierce speed.
Once I got home, I naturally served a delicious bowl of grilled meat to the eater cartel who wanted the meat, entangled with a sauce of grilled meat in Giganto Minotaur's meat and baked it for plenty on top of white rice, and after finishing my late lunch, I headed to Mr. Lamberto's shop as planned. "The meat dishes of the Lord's Hall earlier were delicious too. I guess I still have some meat dishes I don't know about." Eat meat and be in a good mood, Grandpa Gong. "Um, naturally." 'Yeah, yeah. Something unusual, it was delicious to burn the guts out in the dungeon.' "I came out in a meat dungeon. I like that one too." 'Whoa, is that it? I thought it was determined by the guts and other unsavory tastes, but it was quite tasty against expectations' 'That's right. My guts are stingy, and I can't eat them, but I'm not going to eat them. That's that deliciousness. When chewed, the flavor fills my mouth. " "It was delicious." I think it's a hormone grill when it comes to burning your guts. Talking about hormone baking, Fell, Dora and Sui are thriving. "Visceral? Visceral and other clutter and tastes bad... Is that so good? Grandpa Gong is asking everyone with a surprised face. "Uhm. That was pretty good, man." "Oh, it was delicious." Fell, Dora and Sui answer that they were uniformly delicious. You remind me of the taste. Everyone is drooling. 'Right, was it delicious? I'd like to try the noodles, Lord. " Grandpa Gong will look at me with cancer while I say so. Your claim is fierce. "It's been a while since I've had one, too, that one." "I agree." "I want a swim, too." The gaze that can be directed at me with that word. Damn, you guys too. "Yes, yes, I understand. You should make it a hormone grill for dinner today, right? But there's smoke out there, so it's outside. It's dinner, it's gonna be after dark, and I'm just gonna get the junction straight so the bugs don't drop by." Lord, it's okay. Why don't you take responsibility for the job? ' Because I'm in good shape just being responsible at times like this. This is how we arrived at Mr. Lamberto's shop when everyone's treat determined the menu for dinner. Mr. Lamberto's shop is still busy today. Especially in the corner where Marie sells the soap, shampoo, etc. that she chops up, there was a crowd of women of all ages. When I was overwhelmed by the number of enthusiastic female customers and could hardly speak, Marie noticed me first and called out. "Dear Mcoder, welcome. What can I do for you? "Actually, I wanted to ask Marie..." In buying dishes in this city, I asked if there were any recommended stores where I could get good dishes like the ones I bought in Nayhoff. "Oh, there's a good store if that's the case. Straight down this street, right on the second corner." Marie, according to the information, the shopkeeper is quite eye-catching and goes to Neyhoff several times a year to buy his own. The fact that there is no mistake in what I buy at that store means that even at the tea party hosted by Marie, she uses the tea set she got at that store. Hmm, that's a pretty good store. Neither is Mr. Lambert, but Marie is also the merchant's wife, so you have information. That's right, at this point, so let's also ask where to ask for home bath extensions. "Thank you. I'm going to stop by. Then I want to ask you another question..." After that, I will ask you what supplier you are thinking about expanding the bath and if you want to do the work. Then Marie even wrote me a letter of introduction, telling me that the contractor also undertakes maintenance by working on Mr. Lamberto's bathroom. "Hey, that helped. Thank you." "No, you can always ask me if this is about it" "Uh, so..." I took the thank-you items I had prepared out of my leather bag pocket. "It's not a big deal, but I was wondering if Marie would be happy with this." That's what I showed you as I said it was an all-in-one gel refilled into a bottle like a jam containing the hair mask I'm wholesale in the store here. I thought the beauty treatments for Marie were going to be delightful. But lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lotion lot So this is the one thing I thought about, an all-in-one gel called OK. It seems fashionable because it makes it easy to take care of your skin. That's why I'm going to explain the all-in-one gel while showing Marie...... "After washing your face, apply this to moisturize and moisturize your skin." "Yeah, yeah." More food than I expected, or Marie's eyes are glitching. "My skin will be greasy this time because it will dry and if I apply oil..., my skin will not stop worrying..." Oh, my God, Marie's in her own world. "Gohon. Uh, go ahead..." "Oh, I don't like it. I've shown you my embarrassment, Ojoho." Shy to say so, Marie seems to hold onto the all-in-one gel bottle I handed her. "If you like it when you try it, tell me. I don't have that much, but I can accommodate it in a little bit." "I believe that word. Thank you very much." Hey, Marie, my eyes are serious. Marie was overwhelmed by her eyesight and thanked her for leaving the store behind. Huh...... Was it premature to give the all-in-one gel cream to Mr. Marie? I mean, well, I can't help what I gave you. Yeah, next. Next. Let's go to the dish store you introduced me to. I decided to head to the contractor for bath expansion at a later date, and for now I decided to go and purchase dishes for Grandpa Gong, as originally intended. ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ Fell and the others wait outside the store and enter the store selling the dishes that Marie introduced them to. "Welcome" My uncle, featuring a middle-backed chobi mustache like a shopkeeper, greeted me with a smile. "What kind of things would you look for? I took Fells' pottery plates out of the item box and showed them to the store owner. "I got it in Nayhoff, but I was looking for a different color for a vessel like this" "Can I see one? Pass the blue-green plate to the chobbing beard shopkeeper. "Hmm. Is this the work of Filmino Workshop" I don't even remember exactly what workshop piece it was, but it could have been such a name. "Wait a minute. Surely this form of work in the Filmino workshop..." With that said, the chobi mustache shopkeeper went to the back of the store. The shopkeeper, who came back a little, had the same deep dish in his hand as the Fells'. "I think this is the same Filmino Workshop piece as your stuff and the shape is the same, what do you think? The deep dish brought by the shop owner is another sinister shade of good color due to its colour. "Nice ~. I like the shades, as sinister as the ones I have now" As a deep dish dedicated to Grandpa Gong, naturally you bought this. I hope you like it. When you ask me about the price of a tease-colored plate I'm going to buy, gold coins. I didn't even give 20 gold coins when I bought them in Neyhof, but can't they be just like buying them in the region of origin? Transportation is expensive, so of course it won't be expensive. That means I can't help it anymore, so I'm going to buy this deep dish and secure it. Tell them you want a large plate, especially for the Fells who eat a lot. "This is the work of Lawrence Workshop, which has recently grown in popularity." What he showed me was a large, ceramic plate featuring gold edges on off-white ground. It's impeccable in size, not bad, but don't worry, it's thin in thickness, so it seems fragile. It's the Fells who use it anyway. Especially with Fell, this thinness is going to crack as soon as it hits my teeth. "Would you prefer a thicker plate?" "Hmm, then..." The next thing the shopkeeper said so put out was a plate that was white as well, but somewhat thick with transparent white. "This is the work of the up-and-coming Ludwick workshop I've just been purchasing in the meantime." Yeah, yeah, isn't this a good idea? Sounds like it's white magnetic and it's going to show the food. You bought this too. This is sometimes referred to as an up-and-coming piece, with seven gold coins a piece. I had five identical ones, so I got them all. I bought five large plates with a deep beige-like hue and five large brown bowl-like vessels after that. Ninety-six gold coins. I could have bought something I liked and it was a pretty good buy, as I couldn't help but to buy it in Neyhof. After finishing the payment, I left the store with the dishes in the item box. Chobi mustache owner dropped me off at Nico's too. "Sorry to keep you waiting, guys" "Oh, my God! 'Yes, it's too late! "I'm tired of waiting now or now. Sui will fall asleep on Non's head." "Zzz......" "I'm sorry. We're done shopping, and let's go home." "Uhm. And it's gut cooking, as promised" 'Yeah, yeah. Juwa, the one with the good taste spreading all over his mouth! Lord, I'm looking forward to it. "Nng......, dinner? Rice ~! ' As soon as the subject of dinner came up, I woke up, Sui. "Sui, I haven't had dinner yet. Let's not have dinner when we get home." "Yeah!" Pleasantly pully rocking sui. Well, when you get home, you're ready to grill the hormones.
The next morning, instead of the broken magic stove, I used a cassette stove of nostalgia that had recently become completely unused to make a bowl of meat-mashed grilled meat at Fell's request, for everyone's breakfast. After a thoroughly gutted breakfast, go hunting Behemoth. Quick, get on Grandpa Gong's back and explore Behemoth. It's to exorcise Behemoth, who broke an important magic stove, and this time, I'm in the mood to get in on Grandpa Gong. "Grandpa Gong, we're on board." "All right, great, Grandpa Gong." Everybody's on board. "Wow, empty sky ~" "Shall we go then?" Grandpa Gong climbing up in the air with everyone on board. "Uh-oh." I don't like heights, I leak my voice unexpectedly. "Fell, I'll take care of the search." 'Leave it to me. Behemoth and the like. I'll find you soon.' If you leave exploration to Fell, it's fine. "Grandpa Gong, over there" "Um, you got it." Dozens of flights over depressed woods under Fell's direction. "Over there." When Fell looked down, there was a cave that appeared neglected in the depressed woods. This is also a sight to see from above. "Give me this far and I'll find out." With that said, Grandpa Gong lowered altitude and stepped down to the front of the cave. "Is there a behemoth in this cave? Dra flies in front of a cave with a big hole to see what's going on inside. "Bad Bestring, come on! Sui says that with a pounding and jumping jerk. I was nervous that I was finally going to confront Behemoth, but when I saw Sui, the nervousness would also break. Sui, it doesn't sound like Behemoth because it's a mindset. 'Hey, I know you're here! Fell spoke out toward the cave. But there's no response. "Hey, are you sure you're here? I trust what Fell says, but I inadvertently hear that in a cave where I can't hear a single thing. "Yes. I can't be wrong. Behemoth is definitely here. ' Hearing Fell say that, Dora and Sui scream at the cave. "Hey, come on out. Hey, Behimosu! "Bestrings, come out! Dora, Sue, that's why I don't think you guys can hear me because I'm reading. Me laughing bitterly at Dora and Sui, who are willing to fuck off and lure me out with their reading stories. 'If you're not coming out, I don't know if I'll have to go this way! To Behemoth, who didn't quite show up, Grandpa Gong raised his voice toward the cave all the time with no push. Then I heard the footsteps coming this way with Dosindshin from the back of the cave. 'Coming! With that word of Fell, we all jumped out of the cave entrance at once. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Behemoth appears with a roar. "Ha-ha, you're finally out! "Bad Beshinge! Sui will defeat you! Dra and Sui tense up on the giant behemoth who shows up. "They took our supper by surprise. Atonement with Death ' 'They were bad. Well, your Lord knows very well that this world is a weak predator. Don't feel bad.' Both Fell and Grandpa Gong are jerking off. What we all relate to is a little or a lot of excessive force, but the opponent is that ferocious behemoth. I'm pretty sure these are safer. "Don't let Fell and Grandpa Gong get their hands on you! "Sui is going to knock you down." At first, Dora and Sui seem to set it up. No matter what you say, Dora and Sui are strong. But on the verge of Dora and Sui attacking Behemoth, I saw it. "Wait a minute -!!! I shouted and panicked and stopped Dora and Sui. "What the fuck, all of a sudden! "Why are you stopping me?" Both Dora and Sui suddenly got into a stop. You look unhappy with me. "Behemoth's foot, look under your stomach! Around the bottom of his stomach between his hind legs, two small behemoths were leaning against him. "Oh, my God, have a baby." "There's a tiny strand." The Behemoth who attacked me seemed to have children. It intimidates us as if Behemoth were to protect our children. It conveyed the desperation to protect children even when surrounded by Fell and Grandpa Gong, which would obviously be superficial. What do you mean, you have kids? "No, if you have kids, I was wondering if the story would change a bit... I mean, did you know Fell had kids? "Of course." "What the hell? Tell me if you want to." "Why? Are you saying I forgive you because you have children? "No, it's not about forgiveness or not there. Come on... Look, you have kids, but if you crusade, you have a bad aftertaste. If you're just a child, you might not survive." Thinking about the fact that my parents Behemoth had to eat a lot to give their children breasts, I also get a foggy feeling that they were fierce enough to let him take a one-machete bath. "Lord, that is not the reason of the world. If that child is a true strong man, he will survive. ' "Grandpa Gong is right." That's what I'm saying... "Though how much behemoth, it doesn't necessarily mean you can survive in this secluded realm with just a child behemoth..." 'Yeah, Udauda and the troublesome guy. If you're gonna say that, I'm gonna hunt you down with the kids! Fell, who boiled the business, pops up a step ago and runs like that. "No! Absolutely not! Parent Behemoth broke the magic stove, and when I think of it, I'm certainly a business belly, but the child has no sin whatsoever. What makes a child crusade with it? "At all, the Lord is sweet. So what are we gonna do? I don't care what you say... 'Come on, what's going on? Can we do this? "Aren't you going to defeat Bad Bestrings?" Dora and Sui, who were stopping me, tell me what to do. That's when I heard a little chirp. "Kruuuuuu" "Krull." The child Behemoths was making an anxious squeal as they blurbed. When I saw that, I was very unlikely to be able to crusade. "Stop it. Stop it. Let's go home." When I say that, I get a simultaneous' yeh 'and protest from everyone, but it doesn't change my mind. You might say sweet, but this is me, so I can't help it. "That's enough! Even a broken magic stove is something you can buy again. Fortunately, thanks to everyone, we have enough money." "Ha...... Well, if you say you're a weak, sweet lord, you're a lord. ' "Hey, it doesn't matter there, Fell." 'No, no, you're right about Fell. But, you know, where do I clear up my grudges about dinner eaten? "Uh, yes, yes, then I'll make you the same meat dumplings they ate when I get home." "If it's the same dish, we're eaten and lost, right? Guru, Dora, you're following me where it hurts. "Yes, yes, I understand. So we have a lot of hiccups at the moment, so why don't we just run out of hiccups? I'll make hamburgers and mench cutlets and everything else." "Hamburger! Hey, I didn't even make white trout cheese! Sui, who loves hamburgers, wants cheese IN. "Cheese IN hamburger? Okay, I'll make a lot of them." "Wow, Yatter! Sui is happily jumping pompous. 'All right, let's go home. We're going home now.' Fell, who said so, was dazzling about whether he was remembering the flavor or coveting it. "Fuhaha, there seems to be a lot of dishes that Non has not eaten yet. I'm looking forward to it." Looks like Grandpa Gong's interest has also shifted to dishes we haven't seen yet. "All right, let's go home and have a meat-filled dinner! Just like when we arrived, we just pulled up on Grandpa Gong.
Running behind the city of Krall toward the dungeon city of Drun. As usual, I had Fell on my back, and Sui was in a bag I hung from my shoulder, and Dora was flying along with me in a whim. After a while, the sun was falling and we were going to camp here. I just want to make sure that the rice can be done quickly, so I made it into a bowl of Rocco using the remaining hamburger of bloody hornblue and oak general ground meat that I had made before. I already baked the hamburger, so it would be easy to just put it on. First, buy lettuce, cucumber and petite tomatoes in an online supermarket, then eggs. Cut lettuce into appropriate sizes, cucumbers into thin, oblique pieces, and cut petite tomatoes in half. Then make an eyeball grill. I'll put three hamburgers on for Fell and Sui, so I'll cook three eyeball grills for the eggs, and Dora's got two hamburgers, so I'll cook two eyeball grills for the eggs, depending on how she's been eating. Place the rice that was cooked on a plate and serve the vegetables on top in a balanced manner. I put a hamburger on top of it and put plenty of sauce on it and it's done with eyeballs on top of it. It's delicious even with mayonnaise if you like. Don't call me at first. "It's rice." Fell, Sui and Dora come together. "This is how you mix and eat." It's a shame to break it down a bit, but you eat a bowl of Rocco in a mixture. I'll mix the three plates gently. 'Can I eat with this? "Go ahead." Three people start eating. "Delicious." I have some vegetables so I can eat them. " "Yeah, this is bullshit! It's good to have eggs. ' Sounds like a favorite from Sui and Dora. "Um, yummy, but I'd rather not have vegetables." Fell, vegetables are essential for a bowl of Rocco. "Without vegetables, this bowl is half-appealing. This is delicious because I eat it with vegetables." Fell doesn't mean you can't eat vegetables, but you don't like them. He doesn't seem to like raw vegetables in particular. I'm in trouble. I also eat a quick bowl of Rocco. Yeah, it's easy, but delicious. I knew it was delicious because I eat it with vegetables, this is... Dora seems to have been full with a cup, but Fell and Suey have been replaced ever since. Fell said it without vegetables, but I told him I should eat vegetables, so I gave him less vegetables. I just finished eating dinner and sandwiched a little break, and I make a bed box shaped house with dirt magic. "Everyone can sleep first. I have a little something to do." 'Um, okay, but what is it we're going to do now? "Uh, you said you could eat Venom Tarantula. But you can't imagine what it tastes like. Rodolfo said it would be delicious to boil salt, so I thought I'd try one boiled. I can't even cook until I know what it tastes like." "I see. I don't really like bugs, but I also wonder what they taste like when they boil. So I'm going out with you." So, Fell just wants to eat. "What? Do you still have something delicious? I'll have a swim too. ' "Whoa, whoa, I'll eat too." Looks like both Sui and Dora will eat it. In the end, we all had a tasting party. All legs of Venomutarantula. In the meantime, I decided to boil about eight legs for one. Remove Venom Tarantula's feet from the item box. It is purple, close to black, and when I look closely, my hair grows loud. Ugh, you shouldn't take a good look at this. Even the colors look like crab feet. In the meantime, I washed it and salted it, and the boiling up looked like a real crab with the shell turning red. "Boiled up looks like crabs..." I can't because I think it's a spider. This is crab, this is crab. I removed the rough shell and tried just a little bit. Ooh? You don't taste bad, you taste so good. The taste looks crabby to me. But when they say it's crab, huh? Feels like it. It looks like crabs, but it tastes cheaper or something. Hmm, it tastes like I've had it before. I don't know what it is... Oh, that's it! This is a crab-flavored pumpkin. The texture looks just like that. Well, you can. "Hey, don't eat alone. Give it to us, too." "Oh, I'm sorry" I peeled off my shell and put it out on three. 'Um, don't feel better than I did when I ate before. It's still boiled. " 'That's true. I've had Venom Tarantula before, but it's definitely better this way than raw.' Looks like you've eaten both Fell and Dora, raw. I just can't get a spider raw. They both say it tastes better if you boil it, so I guess so. 'Yeah, that's delicious. But I wonder if Sui prefers red meat' Sounds like you prefer red meat or sui to animal meat. "If you're going to say that, I prefer the meat I usually eat, too." 'Neither do I. This worm doesn't taste bad either, but it's definitely that way if you compare it.' Are you of the opinion that both Fell and Dora taste better with animal-based meat? Oh, yeah. If I told you I'd prefer crab-flavored pumpkin or meat, it would definitely be meat. But you still have 56 more legs of Venom Tarantula, don't you? It would be a shame if we managed to digest this by thinking about the menu. Um, crab-flavored pumpkin, let's think about it later. After this I took a bath with Sui. What surprised me was that Dora also wanted to take an interest in a bath. In the meantime, I wiped your whole body with a wet towel before you went to the bath. Dora was floating around like a sui, feeling good too. Looks like Dora liked the bath, too. Fell's the only one in this who hates baths (just washing them). I took a bath and refreshed myself, and we all went into the futon and slept slowly. It's great to be able to sleep in a futon on the road.