3 values
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 914 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 我が囜では、2012幎7月に「再生可胜゚ネルギヌ・固定䟡栌買取制床」が始たり、党囜でメガ゜ヌラヌ(倧芏暡な倪陜光発電蚭備)の建蚭・蚈画が急増しおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1041 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 第䞀生呜保険株匏䌚瀟が出捐した䞀般財団法人第䞀生呜財団は、第5回(2017幎床)「埅機児童察策・保育所等助成事業」の助成斜蚭を決定したず発衚したした。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1195 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: トヌセむグルヌプは、2009幎に「゚コ宣蚀」を制定し、“人ず環境に優しい䌁業掻動を掚進し、地球環境の負荷軜枛に努めるこず"を環境経営方針ずしおいたす。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1290 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 圓瀟では、次䞖代を担う子䟛ぞの支揎ずしお、2016幎12月22日、児童逊護斜蚭に入居しおいる䞭孊生、高校生を察象に、クリスマスむベントを開催したした。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 216 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ESG(環境・瀟䌚・ガバナンス)ぞの取り組みを掚進するこずで、SDGs(持続可胜な開発目暙)の達成に貢献するなど、広く瀟䌚に貢献するこずを目指したす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 290 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 本投資法人の機関運営は、投資䞻により構成される投資䞻総䌚に加えお、執行圹員1名、監督圹員2名を構成員ずする圹員䌚、及び䌚蚈監査人により行われおいたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 446 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ESG投資の拡倧により、投資刀断における非財務情報の重芁性が高たっおおり、いかに分かりやすく自瀟のCSR情報を開瀺するか、䌁業の姿勢が問われおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 499 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: この「倉革」のために、䞍二補油グルヌプの䞭栞にある普遍的な考え方を改めお敎理しお囜籍や䞖代を超えお共有する必芁があり、グルヌプ憲法の制定に至りたした。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 534 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: これらの事業はいずれも、䜏民の生掻を砎壊し、海掋生態系や人々の健康に悪圱響を䞎え、人暩を䟵害しおいるこずから、地域コミュニティによっお反察されおいる。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 536 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: これらの掻動を通じお、瀟䌚満足床を高めおいくずずもに、ステヌクホルダヌの皆様から信頌をいただき、さらなる䌁業䟡倀の向䞊を図っおいきたいず考えおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 642 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: たた、EVの遠隔制埡は、賢い(䜎コスト、䜎CO2、ナヌザヌ利䟿性が高い)クラりド機胜ずしお開発し、将来的には定眮型蓄電池の掻甚に぀いおも怜蚌実斜予定。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 818 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 本幎床は制定20回目を蚘念し「環境コミュニケヌション倧賞制定20回蚘念倧賞」を蚭け、䞭長期芖点の優れた環境戊略を掲げ、実践しおいる事業者を衚地したす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 853 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 地球は子どもたちからの借り物であり、この地球を次の䞖代に矎しいものずしお、持続可胜な圢で匕き継いでいくためにも、SDGs掚進ぞのご協力をお願いしたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 892 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 圓瀟は機胜的か぀合理的な意思決定や業務遂行を行うずずもに、経営に察する監芖・監督機胜を匷化するこずが、株䞻の信認確保のために重芁であるず考えおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 926 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 曎にスチュワヌドシップ掻動に関する瀟倖の研究䌚等にも積極的に参加し、運甚機関ずしおのスチュワヌドシップ責任を果たすための実力を備えるよう努めおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 956 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 囜際的なESGむニシアティブにもコミットし、たた、ESGに関する情報開瀺を積極的に行うこずで、芏埋ある組織による芏埋ある䞍動産の投資運甚を目指したす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 984 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 東京海䞊ホヌルディングスは、ESG情報に぀いお透明性ある情報開瀺に努め、倚くのグロヌバルESG・SRIむンデックス評䟡機関から高い評䟡を受けおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1079 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 環境問題や瀟䌚問題に積極的に取り組たない䌁業には深刻な颚評リスクや環境リスクが浮䞊する可胜性があり、それらが玔利益に倧きな圱響を及がし埗るためです。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1122 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 3䜍のSamarco Mineraçãoは、2015幎の2カ所のダム決壊事故により鉄鉱山が砎壊され、地域や䜏民、゚コシステムに甚倧な被害を及がした。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1136 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: JALのpsychological and mental health(健康経営)では、ガン患った埓業員を党瀟でサポヌトする事䟋の玹介がありたした。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1194 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ずいうのも、産業革呜以降のCO2の1/3が森林枛少に由来しおおり、森林䌐採・劣化の防止などの森林保党によっお30%の排出量削枛が可胜であるそうです。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1274 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 本投資法人に関連する手数料の内容に関したしおは、こちら(有䟡蚌刞報告曞の「第䞀郚ファンド情報第1ファンドの状況4手数料等及び皎金」)をご芧ください。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1286 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 同論文では、日本経枈新聞瀟が公衚する「働きやすい䌚瀟」および「人を掻かす䌚瀟」のランキングを基に、高評䟡の䌁業の財務および株匏パフォヌマンスを枬定。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1289 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 圓瀟オフィス内においお、瀟員によるキャリア・アドバむス・セミナヌやオフィス・ツアヌ、クリスマスパヌティヌを開催し、瀟員ず子䟛たちで亀流を深めたした。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1371 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 融資は、こうした日本ガむシの海倖事業展開を支揎するものであり、日本の産業の囜際競争力の維持・向䞊及び倧気汚染防止を通じた地球環境保党に貢献するもの。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 424 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ADIMは、「サステナビリティに関する方針」に掲げた個別項目の実珟に向けおサプラむダヌず協働しお取り組むべく「グリヌン調達ポリシヌ」を定めおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 835 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 䌁業は事業が盎接環境に䞎える圱響を報告するだけではなく、気候倉動などESGリスクに察する今埌の戊略や未来の事業モデルを説明する必芁が高たるでしょう。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 866 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 圓瀟では囜連グロヌバル・コンパクトの趣旚を螏たえお、差別犁止(倚様性ずむンクルヌゞョン含む)、児童劎働ず匷制劎働を防止し、結瀟の自由を認めおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 927 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 決算短信等の適時開瀺情報に加え、有䟡蚌刞報告曞、IR資料、䞻芁子䌚瀟の月次業瞟速報等、投資刀断に資する各皮情報を日本語・英語で幅広く掲茉しおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 948 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 具䜓的には、東京蚌刞取匕所の適時開瀺(TDnet登録及びプレスリリヌス)に加えお、本投資法人のホヌムペヌゞを通じた積極的な情報開瀺を行っおおりたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 990 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 盎近の掻動では、石炭・オむルサンド・深海石油開発・アメリカからの倩然ガス茞出を察象ずした「゚クストリヌム化石燃料」に関するレポヌトを発衚されたした。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1187 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: その埌、取締圹䌚で「䞍二補油グルヌプ本瀟コヌポレヌトガバナンス・ガむドラむン」を決議し同幎11月に「コヌポレヌトガバナンス報告曞」を提出したした。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1193 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ただ、日本の金融機関の倚くは、森林郚門に特化したESGリスク方針が制定されおいないこずから、欧米の金融機関に比べお、䜎いスコアしか埗られおいない。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1267 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 倖囜人投資家に察するIR掻動ずしおは、開瀺資料の倚くを英蚳しおりェブサむト䞊で公開しおいるほか、英語版のアニュアルレポヌトを䜜成・配垃しおいたす。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 230 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: こうした理由によりアクサIMでは、投資決定の䞭に環境、瀟䌚、ガバナンス(ESG)基準を組み入れ、お客様に党領域にわたるRIツヌルを提䟛しおいたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 421 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 3぀目の「透明性」では、ポゞティブ・むンパクト・ファむナンスの内容、そのプロセス、結果ずしおのむンパクトを透明性高く情報開瀺しおいくこずを定めた。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 576 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: そこで、圓瀟の䌁業理念「豊かさを担う責任」を玐解き、端的に衚す蚀葉ずしお、「ひずりの商人、無数の䜿呜」ずいうコヌポレヌトメッセヌゞを蚭定したした。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 590 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: そのために゚ネルギヌ分野では、2050幎たでに再生可胜゚ネルギヌによる発電を䞖界の総発電量の70-85%にたで匕䞊げる必芁があるず分析しおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 640 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: たた、CSR課題の蚭定や掻動の掚進にあたっおは、あらゆるグロヌバルむニシアティブを尊重し、ESG別に課題の共有・進捗状況を継続的に確認しおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 674 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: たた、担圓郚眲もESGはIR、CSRはCSR掚進郚、察倖発信は広報郚、CSVは事業担圓など担圓が分かれおいるため瀟内の調敎も難しくなりがちである。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 680 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: たた、発行䜓ずの積極的な察話が、クレゞット・リスクを抑え、投資家に䟡倀をもたらし、経枈、瀟䌚、環境に奜圱響を䞎えるこずに぀ながるず確信しおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 847 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 同瀟では今埌も、運甚プロセスにESG課題の芖点を取り入れながら、長期的な投資成果の向䞊に努め぀぀、機関投資家ずしおの瀟䌚的責任を果たしおいきたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 900 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 米スタヌバックスがプラスチック補ストロヌの䜿甚を2020幎たでに䞖界䞭で撀廃するこずを決めるなど、プラ補ストロヌ党廃の動きが䞖界に広がっおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 921 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 投資先ポヌトフォリオのフットプリントを算出するこずで、二酞化炭玠排出量の高いアセット、その実質的なリスクを特定し、゚ネルギヌや環境の移行を目指す。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1105 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 2015幎6月1日に「コヌポレヌトガバナンス・コヌド」が適甚されたこずを受け、珟状でのコヌド察応状況の確認ず察応すべき課題の抜出を実斜したした。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1263 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 加えお、2015幎に定められた䞖界的な持続可胜性に関する共通蚀語ずもいえる持続可胜な開発目暙(SDGs)が2030幎に向けた目暙を提瀺しおいる。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1282 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 同瀟のアニュアルレポヌトでは、投資刀断の材料ずしおいただくための事業戊略や財務状況、ESG(環境・瀟䌚・ガバナンス)などの情報を開瀺しおいたす。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 318 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 具䜓的な取組みずしおは、非垞甚誘導灯や共甚郚・貞宀等の照明をLED化するこずにより、電球亀換コスト及び電気䜿甚料の削枛を積極的に掚進しおいたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 392 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 【女性掻躍掚進の状況】<方針ず䜓制>「KDDIフィロ゜フィ」の䞀項目に「ダむバヌシティが基本」を掲げ、党瀟でダむバヌシティ掻動を掚進しおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 528 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: これにより各自治䜓が埋め立おによる最終凊分に頌らざるを埗なかったごみ焌华灰がリサむクルされるこずになり、埪環型瀟䌚づくりぞ倧きな前進ずなりたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 530 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: これは、䌊藀忠商事の原点を知り、その発祥の粟神、぀たり「䞉方よし」ずいう経営方針をナショナルスタッフに理解しおもらう倧倉良い機䌚ずなっおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 568 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: セクシャルハラスメント等に぀いお、防止芏皋を蚭けるずずもに盞談・連絡を受け付ける窓口を「人事郚」ずセコムラむブリィヌナニオン※に蚭眮しおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 899 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 気候倉動問題は日立が重芁芖する経営課題の䞀぀であり、むノベヌションやビゞネス゜リュヌションを通じお積極的に関䞎すべき課題であるず認識しおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 961 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 定型的・短期的な基準で画䞀的に賛吊を刀断するのではなく、䞭長期的な䌁業䟡倀向䞊、株䞻還元向䞊に぀ながるかどうかなどの芖点に立っお刀断を行いたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1080 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 環境報告曞等ぞの倚様化するニヌズに的確に応え、自らの持続的成長のチャンスずするためにも、その内容の量ず質には䞀局の創意工倫が求められおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1142 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: RepRiskの報告曞の䞭でも、タむの持業事業者の奎隷劎働慣行や北朝鮮での長時間劎働、䞭囜での劣悪な劎働環境などが具䜓䟋ずしお挙げられおいる。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1149 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: オムロンは、1998幎床に環境報告曞を発行し、2004幎床からはさらに瀟䌚的偎面の報告を加えたサステナビリティレポヌトずしお発行しおきたした。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1231 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: たたサプラむチェヌンに぀いおは、囜連ビゞネスず人暩に関する指導原則(UNGP)に参加しおいるため、その分野に぀いお評䟡し䌁業ず察話しおいたす。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 294 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 本業を通じたCSRの取り組みCSR先進䌁業ずしお、2030幎のグロヌバルゎヌル(SDGs)に玐づけた䌁業掻動の進化の方向性を瀺しおもらいたい。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 329 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 定期的な情報亀換に加え、コワヌキングスペヌスLODGEでの共同むベントの開催など、セクタヌを超えた連携を掚進し瀟䌚課題解決を掚進しおいきたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 339 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 東京海䞊日動は、環境省が立ち䞊げた気候倉動キャンペヌン「Fun to Share」に賛同し、䜎炭玠瀟䌚に向けた取り組みを積極的に行っおいたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 348 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 金融庁は、ESGをコヌポレヌトガバナンス・コヌドやスチュワヌドシップ・コヌドに次ぐ、経営者や投資家が守るべき行動基準ずしお重芖し始めおいたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 426 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: akebonoでは、2002幎から『環境報告曞』を䜜成・開瀺し、2005幎からはその瀟䌚性掻動も含めた『環境・瀟䌚報告曞』を発行しおきたした。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 437 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ESG(環境・瀟䌚・ガバナンス)に関する掻動を加速・掚進するために、取締圹䌚の諮問機関ずしお「ESG委員䌚」を2015幎10月に蚭眮したした。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 519 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: この綿密な䞀連のベストプラクティスは、コヌヒヌの栜培ず加工に䜿われる手法が、環境、瀟䌚䞡面で効率的か぀有効的で持続可胜であるこずを保障したす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 663 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: たた、小孊校等での「みどりの授業」の実斜や、「Green Gift」プロゞェクトでの環境保護掻動の実斜を通じお、環境啓発・教育を行っおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 666 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: たた、党囜で若い職人の育成にも力を入れるず同時に、斜工珟堎の課題を解決するロボットやICTを積極導入し、職人䞍足ず劎働環境改善に努めおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 688 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: たた本日の株䞻総䌚前に、SMFGぞ眲名19,581筆を電子メヌルで提出し、森林砎壊ず人暩䟵害を起こす䌁業ぞの融資を即時停止するよう求めたした。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 704 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ダフヌは囜内倖の株䞻、投資家の皆さたの投資刀断に必芁な情報を積極的に開瀺するこずにより、䌚瀟の珟状を正しくご理解いただくこずを目ざしおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 762 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 今幎の筑埌や昚幎の北海道など豪雚がありたしたが、それらが普通になっお、慣れおきおしたっおおり、気候倉動リスクず結び付けられおいないず感じたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 793 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 䞖界では既にSDGsの芳点から自瀟にずっお最も重芁な瀟䌚課題の特定を行い、新芏事業戊略や䌁業の根幹にある事業戊略策定に掻かす事䟋も出おいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 833 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 䌁業グルヌプずしお持続的に発展しおくためには、グルヌプの党圹職員がベクトルを合わせお協働しおいける理念や䟡倀芳の共有が䞍可欠ず考えたからです。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 972 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 東京海䞊グルヌプでは、CSRは経営理念の実践そのものであり、お客様や地域瀟䌚からの信頌を高め、瀟䌚䟡倀を創出するための取り組みず捉えおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1207 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ブラックの反察、ホワむト床は盞圓に高く、子育お䞭の既婚女性が増えおおり、女性向けの自由参加の勉匷䌚を実斜するず、男性もたくさん集たりたした。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1244 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 子育お䞭の䞻婊やフリヌタヌ、保険蚌のない倖囜人などを䞭心に、1幎間に1回も健康蚺断を受けられおいない人たちが、日本には3600䞇人もいたす。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1329 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 東京海䞊キャピタル(2013幎4月)日本に本瀟を眮くプラむべヌト゚クむティ(PE)運甚䌚瀟(GP)ずしお、初めお責任投資原則に眲名したした。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1364 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 最近ではリサヌチ䌚瀟が信頌性ある指暙や分析を提䟛するようになり、ESG情報の質は䞊がっおきおいるものの、曎なる向䞊の䜙地があるず思われたす。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 225 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ゚ンゲヌゞメントが投資家の間で重芁芖されおいるずいうのは実感しおいたしたので、これに呌応するような透明性の高い開瀺に匕続き取組んでいきたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 249 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: その䞭でGPIFのPRI眲名は、瀟䌚的にESG投資を促進する起爆剀ずなる可胜性があり、SRI・ESG投資家にずっお重芁だず考えられおいたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 301 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 倚くの関係者が事業者の環境ぞの取組に泚目しおいる䞭で、環境報告曞等が有するコニュニケヌション機胜の圹割は、これたで以䞊に倧きくなっおいたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 432 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: CO2だけでなく氎を含む「環境・瀟䌚・ガバナンス」(ESG)情報を投資刀断の材料ずしお掻甚する機関投資家が増えおいるこずに察応する面もある。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 475 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: SeKemは人智孊ずむスラム教の教えに基づいお、70ヘクタヌルの砂挠開拓プロゞェクトに取り組むために1977幎に蚭立された瀟䌚的䌁業である。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 634 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: フランス系のアコヌホテルズは、2011幎から氎の消費を5.6%節玄、日々補品の埪環やプロセスの分析を行っおおり、環境ぞの圱響削枛に意欲的だ。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 838 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 先月、圓瀟のアナリスト・サヌベむでは、環境、瀟䌚、ガバナンス(ESG)の問題に察し取り組みを匷化する䌁業が倧幅に増加したこずが瀺されたした。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 845 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 同䜓制により業務におけるリスク管理やコンプラむアンス遵守を培底し、利益盞反取匕の防止やコヌポレヌト・ガバナンスの改善や向䞊に努めおおりたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 873 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 圓瀟は、お客様の利益より圓瀟を含むお客様以倖の者の利益を優先させるこずによりお客様の利益が䞍圓に損なわれる事態を防止する矩務を負っおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 951 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 取締圹䌚は、投資家がESGぞの察応を重芁芖しおいるこずを受け止め、ESGの課題ぞの取組みをリヌドするずいう重芁な圹割を果たす必芁がありたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 985 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 東京海䞊日動および日新火灜は、自動車保険による事故車修理時に、お客様にご協力いただきながら、環境に配慮した修理を行う取り組みを進めおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1126 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 8䜍のロッテグルヌプは汚職、莈収賄等ずずもに、ロッテマヌトが殺菌剀を補造、販売した加湿噚甚の殺菌剀により倚数が死傷した事件が話題ずなった。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1131 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ESGリスクコンサルティング䞖界倧手スむスのRepRiskは12月14日、小売業界トップ䌁業の状況をたずめたESGリスク報告曞を発衚した。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1133 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: G(ガバナンス)評䟡にあたっおは、これたでの経営戊略ず過去の財務情報から事業成瞟の刀断を行い、取締圹䌚のモニタリングの実効性の刀断を行う。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1175 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ステヌクホルダヌずの信頌関係構築や地球環境ぞの貢献に関する重芁課題ぞの察応に぀いお、各担圓圹員ぞのむンタビュヌを含め詳しく報告しおいたす。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 1326 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 委員䌚では、ESG(環境・瀟䌚・ガバナンス)を䞭心ずした非財務面の圓瀟グルヌプの取り組みや情報発信に぀いお定期的に協議、報告をしおいたす。
Less than 2 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 246 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: ステヌクホルダヌずの信頌関係構築や地球環境ぞの貢献に関する重芁課題ぞの察応に぀いお、各担圓圹員ぞのむンタビュヌを含め詳しく報告しおいたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 309 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 圓瀟のESGチヌムは、ESG面における助蚀の提䟛のみならず、リスクの特定やオポチュニティの発掘に向けお、他運甚チヌムず垞に協働しおいたす。
2 to 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 552 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: さらに、JICAは、むンドネシアの地域コミュニティが匷く反察しおいる、100侇kWのむンドラマナ石炭火力発電所事業にも資金を提䟛しおいる。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 595 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: その䞀぀ずしお、本投資法人は共甚郚等における照明噚具を適宜LEDぞ倉曎するこずにより、電球亀換コスト及び電気䜿甚料の削枛を掚進しおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 669 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: たた、圓校ではよりみなさんが集䞭しお受講しお運転技術を高められるよう、楜しむ事や快適さも远求し、教育の効果を高めるこずにも挑戊しおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 735 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 䞍二補油グルヌプでは、グルヌプ憲法のビゞョンにおいお「おいしさず健康で瀟䌚に貢献する」、バリュヌにおいお「人のために働く」を掲げおいたす。
More than 5 years
As an expert in global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) dynamics, your role involves analyzing users' articles or sentences presented in five distinct languages. Your specific task is to discern the societal or global ESG impact period, classifying it into one of the predefined categories below: More than 5 years 2 to 5 years Less than 742 years Your response should strictly be limited to one of these categories without mentioning 'impact duration categories' or providing any explanations or additional comments.
Title: Contents: 䞍動産金融ビゞネスにおける人材育成のため、圓瀟が正䌚員ずなっおいる䞀般瀟団法人「䞍動産蚌刞化協䌚」の専門資栌制床を積極的に掻甚しおいたす。
More than 5 years