what is tps or toyota production system
[ "The Toyota Production System The Toyota Production System. The Toyota Production System – also known as TPS – is an organizational culture that consists of three key elements: 1) Toyota’s Philosophy. Toyota’s philosophy includes: Customer First: Provide customers with what they want, when they want it and in the amount they want it.", "- 2018 All New Toyota Tacoma Diesel Review, Price, Design, Release Date. 2018, Toyota. 2018 All New Toyota Tacoma Diesel Review, Price, Design, Release Date – Toyota is one of the car manufacturers that are often releasing the newest products. It is not a bad thing for sure.", "- Related: 4runner rear differential toyota 4.3 toyota 4runner differential 1995 toyota 4runner axle toyota 4runner rear differential.", "The Three Forms of Waste â Muda, Mura, and Muri Many books have been written on the TPS process (with all apologies to Office Space fans), and I would encourage people interested in the history to do some research — but for this article I wanted to focus on what the TPS system views as “waste” and how each is specifically defined, because when we talk about Agile and Lean trying to eliminate “ ...", "Transaction Processing All of these events are referred to as transactions, and keeping track of them requires a transaction processing system. A transaction processing system, or TPS, is a system to capture and process the detailed information necessary to update data on the fundamental operations of an organization.A transaction is essentially a single event that changes something. There are many different types of transactions.ll of these events are referred to as transactions, and keeping track of them requires a transaction processing system. A transaction processing system, or TPS, is a system to capture and process the detailed information necessary to update data on the fundamental operations of an organization.", "PIPESIM Fundamentals OLGA Flow Assurance (5 days). In this course, you explore PIPESIM* 2014 production system analysis software that provides steady-state, multiphase flow simulation for oil and gas production systems. major feature of PIPESIM software is the system integration and openness that allows you to develop a Total Production System Model. You gain a general understanding of how PIPESIM software is used to design and optimize total production systems from the reservoir to the final processing delivery point.", "- 1 2016 Toyota Yaris Hatchback | Source: Toyota. 2 2016 Scion iA/2017 Toyota Yaris iA | Source: Scion. 3 2016 Toyota Yaris Hatchback | Source: Toyota. 4 2016 Toyota Yaris Hatchback | Source: Toyota. 5 2016 Scion iA/2017 Toyota Yaris iA | Source: Scion. 6 2016 Scion iA/2017 Toyota Yaris iA interior | Source: Scion.", "- The Post-Implementation Review is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the system development after the system has been in production for a period of time (normally 6 months).", "Toyota Highlander Receiver Hitches Choose which Toyota Highlander receiver hitch is right for you, and always pay the lowest price. We even offer free shipping on all your Toyota Highlander receiver hitch orders! And with countless Toyota Highlander receiver hitches reviews to read, you'll discover real experiences from real customers like you." ]
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what causes body chills
[ "What are the symptoms of internal shingles? Mrizzi50 answered... As with so very many ailments, apparently internal shingles, or shingles which develop on the internal organs of your body will at first cause a series of flu-like symptoms such as headaches, chills, body aches, nausea and fever.", "All you need to know about flu It is worth noting that not every person with flu will have all of the symptoms; for instance, it is possible to have flu without fever. Early symptoms of flu. Often, fatigue is one of the earliest signs of flu and cold. With flu, the fatigue is often more extreme. Other early symptoms can include cough, sore throat, fever, body ache, chills, and gastrointestinal changes.", "- Seek immediate medical attention if your heavy sweating is accompanied by: 1 Chills. 2 Lightheadedness. 3 Chest pain. 4 Nausea. A body temperature of 104 F (40 C) or higher.", "- The Live Event you are trying to watch is either unavailable or has not started Please refresh this page in your browser to reload this live event video. A new contender for the title of world's biggest snake has been discovered. With a head that dwarfs any human's and a seemingly neverending body the terrifying beast is sure to send chills down your spine. Footage has emerged of the snake bound up in chains after it was captured in the wild, but that doesn't make it any less fearsome. YouTube.", "- The Herxheimer Reaction is a short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea or other symptoms.imply stated, it is a reaction that occurs when the body is detoxifying and the released toxins either exacerbate the symptoms being treated or create their own symptoms. The important thing to note is that worsening symptoms do not indicate failure of the treatment in question; in fact, usually just the opposite.", "- At the first signs of the flu (fever, chest pain, body chills) you might spend a good hour or two consulting with Dr. Google about what drugs could help. At the first signs of the flu (fever, chest pain, body chills) you might spend a good hour or two consulting with Dr. Google about what drugs could help.", "- Having chills refers to feeling excessively cold, even when you are wearing warm clothing or are wrapped in blankets. When you have the chills, you may also be shivering or look pale. Chills are often related to fever, an increase in body temperature above normal (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit). Fever is a sign of inflammation or infection in the body.", "What Causes A Low Body Temperature? Sepsis Symptoms. Because sepsis can begin in different parts of the body, it can have many different symptoms. Rapid breathing and a change in mental status, such as reduced alertness or confusion, may be the first signs that sepsis is starting. Other common symptoms include: 1 Fever and shaking chills or, alternatively, a very low body temperature. 2 Decreased urination. 3 Rapid pulse. 4 Rapid breathing. 5 Nausea and vomiting.", "Does anyone else ever get the hot and cold chills and sweats with a hangover? Does anyone else ever get the hot and cold chills and sweats with a hangover? This happens to me every time I have way too much to drink the day and night before. I don't think this is dehydration. Could it be a form of mild alcohol withdrawal?" ]
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algebraic definition
[ "Finding the Least Common Denominator (LCD or LCM) [fbt] Shop.TutorMeMath.net. This video by Fort Bend Tutoring shows the process of finding the LCD (Least Common Denominator) or LCM (Least Common Multiple). Two techniques are shown and 8 examples worked including finding the LCD with algebraic expressions.", "- Algebraic Expression – a number, variable, or combination of the two connected by some mathematical operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents and/or roots.", "BUS 515 Homework Problem Solved (all weeks) variable costs of each unit produced would be $8 and fixed costs. would be $70,000. (a) If the selling price is set at $20 each, how many units have. to be produced and sold for Fine Manufacturing to break. even? Use both graphical and algebraic approaches. (b) If the selling price of the product is set at $18 per unit, Fine Manufacturing expects to sell 15,000 units. What", "Group (mathematics) In mathematics, a group is an algebraic structure consisting of a set of elements together with an operation that combines any two elements to form a third element.The operation satisfies four conditions called the group axioms, namely closure, associativity, identity and invertibility.nformally, a subgroup is a group H contained within a bigger one, G. Concretely, the identity element of G is contained in H, and whenever h 1 and h 2 are in H, then so are h1 • h2 and h 1 −1, so the elements of H, equipped with the group operation on G restricted to H, indeed form a group.", "- Field (mathematics) In mathematics, a field is a set on which are defined addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, which behave as they do when applied to rational and real numbers. A field is thus a fundamental algebraic structure, which is widely used in algebra, number theory and many other areas of mathematics. The best known fields are the field of rational numbers and the field of real numbers. The field of complex numbers is also widely used, not only in mathematics, but also in many areas of science and engineering.", "How do you convert 13 inches to cm? There are 2.54 centimeters in one inch. So take your measurement in inches and multiply it by 2.54 to change the unit to centimeters. In this case, the answer is 33.02 centime … ters.Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 13 in * 2.54 cm 1 in = 33.02 cm /.3 people found this useful. inch = 2.5 cm (approximately) So 13 inches = 13 x 2.5 = 32.5 cm. * * * * * That is too crude an approximation, specially when the exact value is only one decimal place … away. 1 inch = 2.54 inches so 13 inches = 33.02 cm Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula 13 in | * | 2.54 cm 1 in | = | 33.02 cm.", "- ous to Homogenous The prefix homo - as used in homosexual, always means the same as. Flows on homogenous spaces of algebraic groups or Lie groups, and dynamics on moduli spaces of abelian or quadratic differentials on surfaces are distinct but related areas of research with some common roots and features.", "Transcendental number Any non-constant algebraic function of a single variable yields a transcendental value when applied to a transcendental argument. For example, from knowing that π is transcendental, we can immediately deduce that numbers such as 5π, (π − 3)/√ 2, (√ π − √ 3) 8 and (π 5 + 7) 1/7 are transcendental as well.", "- Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by malevolent | malevolent definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition" ]
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cfl player salaries
[ "Salary cap Salary cap. (Redirected from NFL salary cap) In professional sports, a salary cap (or wage cap) is an agreement or rule that places a limit on the amount of money that a team can spend on players' salaries. It exists as a per-player limit or a total limit for the team's roster, or both.", "Canadian currency hits some CFL players where it hurts The minimum wage for a CFL player is $51,000, and that translates to about $39,000 (U.S.). The stars on the team, who make more than $100,000 — such as kicker Swayze Waters — have it easier financially. But he sees how hard it is for some of the lower-paid rookies.", "Average CFL Player Makes Only $80,000 Per Year The life of a CFL player isn’t particularly lavish or luxurious, actually it’s quite ordinary. The average salary in the CFL is around $80,000 a year, with starting quarterbacks making between $250,000-$400,000. Compared to the colossal salaries of the NFL, CFL players make peanuts. The average NFLer makes around $1.9 million per year.", "- 2015 New York Yankees Player Stats: Postseason, Batting, vs. Left.014 New York Yankees Player Stats: Batting. 2015 New York Yankees Player Stats: Spring Training, Batting. 2015 New York Yankees Player Stats: Postseason, Batting, vs. Left. 2015 New York Yankees Player Stats: Batting. 2015 New York Yankees Player Stats: Postseason, Batting II.", "CFL vs NFL: which football rules do you prefer? The rules in the major leagues of football in these countries, CFL and NFL show some important discrepancies. The field is larger in Canadian football and there are more players in each team (12 instead of 11). In the NFL, the offense has 4 downs to make a first down, score a touchdown or kick a field goal. In the CFL, the offense has only 3 downs.", "Definition of Hard Cap Most major sports leagues throughout the world employ some sort of a salary cap. A salary cap is a limit on the amount of money that teams can spend on player salaries every year.Now, there are two kinds of salary caps-hard caps and soft caps. A soft cap is when a team is allowed to spend over the salary cap as long as they are willing to pay a fee, which is usually known as a luxury tax.ost major sports leagues throughout the world employ some sort of a salary cap. A salary cap is a limit on the amount of money that teams can spend on player salaries every year.", "Who is the highest paid player in the NFL? The structure of NFL salaries can make any player seem to be making more than any other player, but the averages are not always the net they receive (because of salary cap con…siderations) or are guaranteed (they can receive more or less).", "The highest-paid player on every NBA team The highest-paid player on every NBA team. Despite a salary cap and maximum salaries, there is still a big disparity in the NBA in terms of how much teams pay their top players. But unlike the NFL, where top salaries fluctuate each year because of signing and roster bonuses, NBA contracts are fairly straightforward with just a base salary. The result is that NBA teams have more year-to-year consistency in which players are receiving the most money. Here are the 30 players who will make the most money on their teams this year, ranked by their 2015 salaries, using data obtained from Spotrac and ESPN.", "WNBA Salaries 2017 Average salaries of the WNBA players will be varying from season to season but there will be very little variation. According to the records, in the year 2010 salary for the entire team of WNBA was $827,000. If a player had experience of three to fours years, then they were able to earn around $51,000 on an average in this season. While the salary for the rookies in WNBA team were around $35,190." ]
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what is continuous processing
[ "What is eye tracking? Eye tracking is the process of watching where a person is looking. We do this all the time – it’s a natural part of human behavior. With the advent of small, highly accurate and low-cost systems, eye tracking is now being rapidly adopted in devices and applications to enhance computer interaction. An eye tracker is a device that incorporates illumination, sensors and processing to track eye movements and gaze point. The use of near-infrared light allows for accurate, continuous tracking regardless of surrounding light conditions.", "- Average Sterile Processing Technician Salaries. The average salary for sterile processing technician jobs in Dallas, TX is $39,000. Average sterile processing technician salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits.he average salary for sterile processing technician jobs in Dallas, TX is $39,000.", "How to Use Plastic As a Vapor Barrier in the Walls A continuous plastic vapor barrier prevents condensation from forming on the internal surfaces of the exterior wall. Any condensation on a properly installed continuous plastic vapor barrier will eventually be reabsorbed into the ambient air of the home’s interior and not produce any damage to the wall components. continuous plastic vapor barrier prevents condensation from forming on the internal surfaces of the exterior wall. Any condensation on a properly installed continuous plastic vapor barrier will eventually be reabsorbed into the ambient air of the home’s interior and not produce any damage to the wall components.", "What are Digital and Analog Signals? - Definition & Explanation There are many examples of analog signals around us. The sound from a human voice is analog, because sound waves are continuous, as is our own vision, because we see various shapes and colors in a continuous manner due to light waves.", "Continuous Processing: Moving with or against the Manufacturing Flow Continuous Processing: Moving with or against the Manufacturing Flow. Fueled by a need to reduce costs and improve efficiencies, continuous processing may be the next paradigm shift in pharmaceutical manufacturing.", "streaming Streaming or media streaming is a technique for transferring data so that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream.Streaming technologies are becoming increasingly important with the growth of the Internet because most users do not have fast enough access to download large multimedia files quickly.or streaming to work, the client side receiving the data must be able to collect the data and send it as a steady stream to the application that is processing the data and converting it to sound or pictures.", "- 1 The probability that a continuous random variable will assume a particular value is zero. 2 As a result, a continuous probability distribution cannot be expressed in tabular form. Instead, an equation or formula is used to describe a continuous probability distribution.", "- Resolve debit or credit issues with invoices. Matching, coding, and processing and scanning invoices *. This is a dynamic role processing invoices and payments...", "H1B Visa Premium Processing H1B Visa Premium Processing. As the name suggests, the Premium Processing Service allows a faster processing time after the H1 visa petition is received. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS, formerly the INS) guarantee that it will process the visa petition within 15 days under this service.1B Visa Premium Processing. As the name suggests, the Premium Processing Service allows a faster processing time after the H1 visa petition is received. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS, formerly the INS) guarantee that it will process the visa petition within 15 days under this service." ]
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what language is spoken in slovakia
[ "Irish language Irish (Gaeilge), also referred to as Gaelic or Irish Gaelic, is a Goidelic language of the Indo-European language family, originating in Ireland and historically spoken by the Irish people. Irish is spoken as a first language by a small minority of Irish people, and as a second language by a rather larger group.", "List of languages by first written accounts Although the first known text by native speakers dates to 1885, the first record of the language is a list of words recorded in 1793 by Alexander MacKenzie.ecause of the way languages change gradually, it is usually impossible to pinpoint when a given language began to be spoken. In many cases, some form of the language had already been spoken (and even written) considerably earlier than the dates of the earliest extant samples provided here.", "Languages of Brazil Portuguese is the European language that's the official language of Brazil. It's the most widely spoken, and understood, language throughout the country. It's the language of …the country's first European explorers and settlers. Making the world better, one answer at a time.", "- English is the main language spoken in Australia, but it is not the official language, as Australia has no declared official language. English is spoken by 78.5% of Australia's population. After English, Italian, Greek, Cantonese, Arabic, Mandarin and Vietnamese, in that order, are the most widely-spoken languages, and languages of most cultures are represented and spoken by Australians.", "- Australia has no official language and no declared national language. English is the default language throughout the country. According to the official CIA World factbook, English is spoken by 78.5% of Australia's population. After English, Italian, Greek, Cantonese, Arabic, Mandarin and Vietnamese, in that order, are the most widely-spoken languages, and languages of most cultures are represented and spoken by Australians.", "Languages in Saudi Arabia In Saudi Arabia, much like the rest of the Arab world, Modern Standard Arabic, or MSA, is more commonly spoken than is the Classical ilk of the Arabic language. MSA is spoken and understood across the Arab world. It the language used by the spoken media (radio, television) and by politicians.", "Sign language Sign languages generally do not have any linguistic relation to the spoken languages of the lands in which they arise. The correlation between sign and spoken languages is complex and varies depending on the country more than the spoken language.", "Cairo - Speaking the Language Cairo-Speaking the Language. Arabic is the official language in Cairo, and is the most common language spoken throughout the city. Although English is widely spoken in the major tourist arias, particularly by taxi drivers and other tourist service personnel, it is far less common in other areas of the city.airo-Speaking the Language. Arabic is the official language in Cairo, and is the most common language spoken throughout the city. Although English is widely spoken in the major tourist arias, particularly by taxi drivers and other tourist service personnel, it is far less common in other areas of the city.", "- Slovak is the official language of Slovakia where it is spoken by approximately 5.51 million people (2014). Slovak speakers are also found in the United States, the Czech Republic, Argentina, Serbia, Ireland, Romania, Poland, Canada, Hungary, Croatia, the United Kingdom, Australia, Austria, and Ukraine.omanian words entered the Slovak language in the course of the so-called Wallachian colonization in the 14th–16th century when sheep breeding became common in Slovak mountains. Many of today's Slovak rustic-pastoral words like bača (shepherd; Rmn." ]
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colpocleisis definition
[ "Definitions &Translations Colpocleisis is a procedure involving closure of the vagina. It is used to treat vaginal prolapse. In older women who are no longer sexually active a simple procedure for reducing prolapse is a partial colpocleisis. The procedure was described by 'Le Fort' and involves the removal of strip of anterior and posterior vaginal wall, with closure of the margins of the anterior and posterior wall to each other.", "- Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by logistics | logistics definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary", "- What does mean by liaise | liaise definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by liaise | liaise definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition", "- Definition. The limit of f(x) as x approaches a is L. if and only if, given, there exists such that 0 d implies that |f(x) - L| e. 1 Discussion of how to obtain the above formal definition of limits from our previous definition of limits.[ 2 Using Flash 3 ]. Examples of finding delta given a specific epsilon.efinition. The limit of f(x) as x approaches a is L. if and only if, given, there exists such that 0 d implies that |f(x) - L| e. 1 Discussion of how to obtain the above formal definition of limits from our previous definition of limits.", "Meaning of \"aquanaut\" in the English dictionary Definition of aquanaut in the English dictionary The definition of aquanaut in the dictionary is a person who lives and works underwater. Other definition of aquanaut is a person who swims or dives underwater. english words that begin like aquanaut", "Well-defined Whereas the definition in step 1. is formulated with the freedom of any definition and is certainly effective (without the need to classify it as „well-defined“), the assertion in step 2. has to be proved: If and only if, we get a function, and the of definition is well-defined.hereas the definition in step 1. is formulated with the freedom of any definition and is certainly effective (without the need to classify it as „well-defined“), the assertion in step 2. has to be proved: If and only if, we get a function, and the of definition is well-defined.", "Who or what is the middle class? In the end, they wrote, “There is no consensus definition of ‘middle class’; neither is there an official government definition. For one thing, the report noted, there's little agreement on how many households above or below the midpoint should be included in the standard definition of the middle class.", "- Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary What does mean by presiding | presiding definition | Online Dictionary and Definition. Search to find any definition and meaning of a word at the-definition.com online dictionary Definition", "- In this section we’re going to be taking a look at the precise, mathematical definition of the three kinds of limits we looked at in this chapter. We’ll be looking at the precise definition of limits at finite points that have finite values, limits that are infinity and limits at infinity. We’ll also give the precise, mathematical definition of continuity. Let’s start this section out with the definition of a limit at a finite point that has a finite value. Definition 1 Let f(x) be a function defined on an interval that contains, except possibly at." ]
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what is progress woodrow wilson
[ "- Woodrow Wilson, a leader of the Progressive Movement, was the 28th President of the United States (1913-1921). After a policy of neutrality at the outbreak of World War I, Wilson led America into war in order to make the world safe for democracy.. Like Roosevelt before him, Woodrow Wilson regarded himself as the personal representative of the people.", "- If Mr Obama was looking for ideas on where to visit outside London, he might take inspiration from Woodrow Wilson, who was the first US president to travel to the UK as a guest of the Royal Family in December 1918.During the visit he took in not only London, but Manchester and Carlisle.Image caption President Woodrow Wilson visited Carlisle in 1918. His trip to the latter was a personal one which was described as a pilgrimage of the heart. short train ride from London, the commuter town might not be an obvious choice for a world leader, but Mr Obama has already made a trip to the area. Before he became president he attended his former brother-in-law's stag do in nearby Wokingham.", "List of Presidents of the United States by education Presidents who were admitted to the bar after a combination of law school and independent study include; Franklin Pierce; Chester A. Arthur; William McKinley; and Woodrow Wilson.", "1-WORLD-WAR.COM When did World War 1 end? December 15th 1917: a ceasefire agreement was signed between Soviet Russia and the Central Powers. January 8th 1918: The United States, under the Presidentship of Woodrow Wilson, puts forth the Fourteen Point Plan program.", "- Thomas Woodrow Wilson (December 28, 1856 – February 3, 1924) was an American politician and academic who served as the 28th President of the United States from 1913 to 1921.he USS Woodrow Wilson (SSBN-624) , a Lafayette-class ballistic missile submarine, was the only ship of the United States Navy to be named for Wilson. She later was converted into an attack submarine and redesignated SSN-624.", "Primary Documents - U.S. Declaration of War with Germany, 2 April 1917 Primary Documents - U.S. Declaration of War with Germany, 2 April 1917. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson outlined the case for declaring war upon Germany in a speech to the joint houses of Congress on 2 April 1917. A formal declaration of war followed four days later, on 6 April 1917. Click here to read German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg's reaction to news that Wilson was to address Congress on 2 April.", "The wives of the presidents and vice-presidents John Tyler, Nelson Rockefeller, Millard Fillmore, Woodrow Wilson, Benjamin Harrison, Alben Barkley and Aaron Burr all married for the second time when they were over 50, Burr being the oldest at 77 (as described above).", "Which president is on a 100000 dollar bill? Woodrow Wilson. Only about 42,000 $100,000 bills were ever printed. They were never intended for circulation, and were used to move large amounts of money betwee … n government departments in the days before electronic funds transfers.", "Federal Reserve System The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is an Act of Congress and signed into law by US President Woodrow Wilson. The Federal Reserve System's original purposes were to give the c … ountry an elastic currency, to provide facilities for discounting commercial paper and to improve the supervision of banking." ]
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intermediate vs beginner definition
[ "Root Certificates Let’s Encrypt will issue certificates to subscribers from its intermediate CAs, allowing us to keep our root CA safely offline. IdenTrust will cross-sign our intermediates. This will allow our end certificates to be accepted by all major browsers while we propagate our own root. Under normal circumstances, certificates issued by Let’s Encrypt will come from “Let’s Encrypt Intermediate X1”. The other intermediate, “Let’s Encrypt Intermediate X2”, is reserved for disaster recovery and will only be used should we lose the ability to issue with “Let’s Encrypt Intermediate X1”.", "Languages: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Fluent? Best Answer: There's no clear-cut definition of fluent, but I measure it like: Beginner: can't carry on a conversation. Intermediate: basic conversational skills (can talk about a few topics) Advanced: can carry on a conversation (can talk about many topics) Fluent: can talk about almost any topic.", "Where does the name \"Moon\" come from? (Beginner) (Beginner). My students keep asking where does the name Moon come from. Also why do we call the moon, moon. They say all the other planets that have moons have names for their moon.The Moon is called many things from different mythologies. For example, Luna by the Romans, Selene by the Greeks.Beginner). My students keep asking where does the name Moon come from. Also why do we call the moon, moon. They say all the other planets that have moons have names for their moon.", "- 1 Basic: Consists of 30 to 35 test questions that cover beginner level questions only. 2 Saving, Printing, Copying, Pasting, Bolding, etc. 3 Standard & Intermediate (2013): The standard and intermediate test is our most popular version.here are 3 versions of each test to choose from: Basic, Standard and Advanced. 1 Basic: Consists of 30 to 35 test questions that cover beginner level questions only. 2 Standard & Intermediate (2013): The standard and intermediate test is our most popular version. 3 Advanced: Consists of 30 to 35 test questions that cover advanced level questions only.", "We Review the BEST Beginner Drum Sets! Top Rated Kits Reviews Most beginner sets will come with three cymbals – a crash, a ride, and a hi-hat. Finally, there’s what’s referred to as the hardware. This is all the stuff that completes the set, such as stands, clamps, and pedals. Again, most beginner sets include all the hardware that is required to get you going. Finally, it’s important to be aware of the difference between a shell pack, a drum kit/set to avoid disappointment in ordering the wrong thing.", "Sentences Worksheets The exclamatory sentence expresses strong feeling. These Four Kinds of Sentences worksheets are for students at the beginner and intermediate level. Our Kinds of Sentences Worksheets are free to download and easy to access in PDF format. Use these Kinds of Sentences Worksheets at school or at home. 1 Grades K-5 Four Kinds of Sentences Worksheets. There are four kinds of sentences in the English language. (Imperative, Declarative, Exclamatory, Interrogative) The imperative sentence gives a command. The declarative sentence makes a statement. The interrogative sentence asks a question. The exclamatory sentence expresses strong feeling.", "intermediate : occurring in the middle of a process or series. an intermediate stage of growth. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 2. : relating to or having the knowledge or skill of someone who is more advanced than a beginner but not yet an expert.", "viola Definition of viola : a musical instrument of the violin family that is intermediate in size and compass between the violin and cello and is tuned a fifth below the violin violist play \\-list \\ noun", "- definition of metalloid 1 an element intermediate in properties between the typical metals and nonmetals 2 a nonmetal that can combine with a metal to form an alloyefinition of metalloid 1 an element intermediate in properties between the typical metals and nonmetals 2 a nonmetal that can combine with a metal to form an alloy" ]
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how many pints in a liter of water
[ "Cups, Pints, Quarts, Gallons Background Information for Teachers and Parents Since there are 2 pints in a quart, there are 8 pints in a gallon. Since there are 2 cups to a pint, there are 16 cups in a gallon. You can demonstrate how the units are related by measuring different materials and pouring them into the carton or pot. We use abbreviation “gal” to stand for gallons.", "How many ounces in 1 liter? Best Answer: If you look on a (ONE LITER) bottle of soda, it will tel you that 1 liter = 33.81 fluid ounces. A quart is 32 fluid ounces, so a liter is a little bit more than a quart, and four liters is a little bit more than a gallon. The person who said 67+ ounces in a liter must have been looking at a TWO LITER bottle of soda.", "Liters to Pints Conversion Liters to pints volume measurement units conversion factors are listed below. To find out how many pints in liters, multiply by the right conversion factor or instead, use the converter. 1 Liter = 2.11337642 Pints [Fluid, US] 1 Liter = 1.75975398 Pints [UK] Liter is a volume unit and equals to 2.11 US liquid pints, 1.816 US dry pints and 1.76 imperial (UK) pints. The abbreviation is L. Pint is an imperial and US customary volume unit and equals to 0.47 liters and 16 fl. ounces.", "- of course you can see that the question also has two silly answers there are 9 6 u s pints in a british gallon and consequently there are 6 7 british pints in a u s gallon written sep 16 2011 view upvotes", "How Many Milliliters Are in a Gram? What part of a liter is one milliliter? A: A milliliter is 1/1,000 of a liter, meaning that there are 1,000 milliliters in a liter. A liter is a measurement of volume in the metric system. Convertin... Full Answer >", "Soda Freshly cut flowers will last longer if you add 1/4 teaspoon bleach per quart (1 liter) of vase water. Another popular recipe calls for 3 drops bleach and 1 teaspoon sugar in 1 quart (1 liter) water. This will also keep the water from getting cloudy and inhibit the growth of bacteria.", "- Jul 26, 2012 - Hiking Dude. Robin - every person is different in their water needs, but 3 liters would be more than I'd take. If I drink up before the hike and know there will be water at the end of the hike, I'd take 1 liter on the 8-mile hike to drink.", "How many glasses are in 1 liter of water? One liter of water is about 33.8 ounces. A typical glass of water holds about 8 ounces. Therefore, a one-liter bottle contains about four 8-ounce glasses of water.", "Cliches Annabelle Neilson: Hair of the dog that bit you, basically means you have another drink. The best is a bloody mary, some people say you should put a raw egg in it, not sure why, sounds yuck. Drinking two pints of water and a paracetamol, because simply said your totally dehydrated.www.bravotv.com." ]
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where is prostate pain felt
[ "sitz bath A sitz bath is used for patients who have had surgery in the area of the rectum, or to ease the pain of hemorrhoids, uterine cramps, prostate infections, painful ovaries, and/or testicles. It is also used to ease discomfort from infections of the bladder, prostate, or vagina.", "- The main symptoms of costochondritis are pain and soreness in the chest. A sharp pain is usually felt on the left side of the breastbone, but it's possible to feel it on both sides of the chest. The pain can get worse when a child takes deep breaths, coughs, moves the upper body or presses on the affected area.", "Print Options Adolph, a 68-year-old gentleman, has trouble urinating and is scheduled for a rectal exam. What is his most probable condition and what is the purpose of the rectal exam? Adolph probally has hypertrophied prostate, a condition that can be felt from the anterior wall of the rectum.", "Everything You Need to Know About Hip Injuries Hip Bursitis. 1 Pain at the outside point of the hip that may extend down to the outside of the thigh muscles. 2 Early stage hip pain that is sharp and intense; later stage “achy” pain felt over a wider area. 3 Hip pain that is worse at night, when lying on the side of the injured hip, and when getting up from a chair.", "Prostate Pain Location and Symptoms Pain is not always present with every prostate problem and at times the condition may be silent (asymptomatic). The most common symptoms reported along with prostate pain are urinary pain and a number of urinary problems. The presence of the following signs or symptoms may be a better indication of prostate pathology. 1 Pain upon urination, including burning (dysuria) 2 Difficulty urinating. 3 Frequent urination and even awaking at night to urination (nocturia) Straining to 1 urinate. Sensation that bladder is not empty/urination incomplete (vesical tenesmus)", "What are Prostatitis and Related Chronic Pelvic Pain Conditions? Prostatitis and related pelvic pain conditions involve pain in and around the prostate. In most cases, you feel pain because of: a prostate infection. inflammation. some other problem.", "- Hip Joint Injuries. Pain from the hip joint may be felt in a number of areas, including the hip, groin, outer thigh and lower back. The pain is commonly a dull ache, although it may be associated with a clicking or catching sensation. The pain may also be referred to the anterior aspect of the knee.", "What would cause feelings of electric shock in teeth and gums?? Trigeminal neuralgia causes a sudden, severe, electric shock-like, or stabbing pain that lasts several seconds. The pain can be felt on the face and around the lips, eyes, nose, scalp, and forehead.", "- Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also called muscle fever, is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise.The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the exercise.elayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), also called muscle fever, is the pain and stiffness felt in muscles several hours to days after unaccustomed or strenuous exercise. The soreness is felt most strongly 24 to 72 hours after the exercise." ]
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what does accused mean
[ "J. Robert Oppenheimer Nobody is really sure who accused him, but at the time many writers were being accused and investigated, particularly among Miller's group of friends, and he had actually help … ed Communist-Front groups in the 1940s, and had been a member of a writers' unit of the Communist party.", "Boris Johnson accused of folly over new Routemaster bus project But critics pointed out that the project would cost £7.8m in development and manufacture of the first five new Routemasters and accused Johnson of wasting taxpayers' money at a time of increasing economic hardship.", "- SEOUL — A soldier accused of burning down a “Hooker Hill” brothel last fall was allowed to walk free Friday after judges ruled he was guilty of gross negligence in starting the fire but had not done so intentionally.The Seoul Central District Court gave Pfc.EOUL — A soldier accused of burning down a “Hooker Hill” brothel last fall was allowed to walk free Friday after judges ruled he was guilty of gross negligence in starting the fire but had not done so intentionally.", "Punitive Elements for Adultery Defined by the UCMJ There are three Elements of Proof for the offense of Adultery in the Military: 1 That the accused wrongfully had sexual intercourse with a certain person; 2 That, at the time, the accused or the other person was married to someone else; and. That, under the circumstances, the conduct of the accused was to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces or was of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.", "False Criminal Allegations in San Diego Wrongfully Accused Defendants May Have Recourse in the Civil Courts. If someone is falsely accused of a crime, pleads not guilty, and the charges are dismissed, he or she may be able to file suit against the person who brought the charges.", "How to Handle Being Wrongfully Accused Being wrongfully accused is a situation that no one wants or expects. Any type of accusations can catch one off guard, which can then lead to mistakes that may be personally and financially devastating.It is important to take the right steps to guard against any type of loss.Take Immediate Action.eing wrongfully accused is a situation that no one wants or expects. Any type of accusations can catch one off guard, which can then lead to mistakes that may be personally and financially devastating. It is important to take the right steps to guard against any type of loss. Take Immediate Action.", "- So after Knorr-Bremse, do parties accused of willful patent infringement still need to seek an opinion of counsel? Some commentators have suggested that the Knorr-Bremse decision could result in fewer accused infringers seeking an opinion of counsel to defend against a charge of willful infringement.", "- Wiktionary(4.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: 1 accused(Noun) The person charged with an offense; the defendant in a criminal case. 2 accused(Adjective) Having been accused; being the target of accusations.", "- The arraignment for a licensed day-care owner accused of cruelty to a child after a toddler was found with a broken leg was put off for 15 days, officials said." ]
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average cost for lawn mowing
[ "Calories burned mowing the lawn calculator Calories burned mowing the lawn calculator. The total number of calories burned for any task is calculated by first finding the calorie burn per minute - this is done by multiplying the MET value of the task by the person's body weight in kg and 3.5, then dividing that number by 200.", "Term Contracts \"Level of Effort\" The description of the either the completion form or the term form could easily be made to fit lawn mowing contract. (It's a term form! No, it's a completion form!) Moreover, the term level of effort as used in FAR 16.207 and 16.306(d)(2) is vague. It is not clear exactly what that means. Instead of worrying about the FAR descriptions, worry about what the language of each contract says.", "Lawn Care Tips for October - Yes, Really, Lawn Care in October. For example, if the lawn has been kept at about 2.5 - 3.0 inches during the growing season and the desire is to reduce that to two inches, then begin the process of gradually lowering that mowing height two to three mowings prior to your very last cutting.", "How Much Does Lawn Edging Cost? Wood edging is priced at $5 to $9 per linear foot and depends on the quality. Natural wood lawn edging is available for $30 as a set totaling about 50 feet. Composite lawn edging is durable and inexpensive at a cost of only $1 per foot. Metal lawn edging is priced from $15 for a 14-inch piece to $100 for 16 feet and $135 for 50 feet of commercial grade. Aluminum lawn edging is also available for $47 for 24 feet. Terracotta lawn edging costs $34 for 20 feet.", "- The cost to have your new lawn hydroseeded is less than 1/4 the cost of using sod, and in a few weeks you will have a better appearing lawn with no need to worry if the sod will take. your new lawn will be sprayed on. The protective mulch covering has an attractive green appearance.", "How Much Does Lawn Care Cost? Lawn Care Prices. 1 A reasonable price for lawn care is $25-$35 per week, or $100-$140 per month. 2 By the hour, this works out to $20-$25 per hour, or $40-$50 for half acre lawns. 3 Most landscapers will include basic lawn maintenance such as lawn mowing and edging.", "- Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Aerate a Lawn! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Lawn Aeration project. For a basic 500 square feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Aerate a Lawn ranges between $0.08 - $0.21 per square foot* .", "How Much Does A Lawn Sprinkler System Cost? Note, however, that zones are, proportional to the entire system cost, cheaper to install. This means that sprinkler system installation on a 4,000 sq. ft. lawn, for example, isn’t necessary twice as expensive as on a 2,000 sq. ft. lawn.", "Lawn mower A robotic lawn mower (lawn-mowing bot, mowbot, etc.) is designed to operate either entirely on its own, or less commonly by an operator by remote control. Many lawn mowers include other functions such as mulching the cut grass or collecting their grass clippings in a removable bag or bin." ]
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what is monocytes in blood test
[ "How do white blood cells fight infection? The blood has several types of white blood cells including neutrophils, bands, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. Each fights infection in a different way. Neutrophils, for example, are one of the body's main defenses against bacteria.", "What are absolute monocytes on a blood test? What affects their levels? Monocytes will usually be in the 4 - 10 % range. Absolute counts are calculated based on the relative number times the total white blood cell. (E.g. 50% neutrophil x 6.0 total WBC would mean an absolute neutrophil count of 3.0.) So to reiterate, there is only one type of monocyte typically listed on a CBC blood test. One is a percentage (relative) and one is the number of cells listed in thousands per microliter (absolute).", "Peripheral Arterial Disease and Claudication You will likely have a test that compares the blood pressure in your legs with the blood pressure in your arms. This test is called an ankle-brachial index. A test called an arterial Doppler ultrasound may be done to check the blood flow in your arteries.", "TB Test There are two types of this test: the skin test and the blood test. There are two types of TB (tuberculosis) tests. One is a TB skin test (also known as a PPD test) and the other is a TB blood test (QuantiFERON®-TB Gold). A tuberculosis skin test is a TB test that is often used to detect latent tuberculosis.", "- White blood cells protect the body against infection. Some types of white blood cells include lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils. Each type of white blood cell plays a different role in protecting the body.", "Monocyte count This test measures the amount of monocytes in blood. Monocytes are a type of white blood cell (WBC). This test is used to evaluate and manage blood disorders, certain problems with the immune system, and cancers, including monocytic leukemia[1].", "Why Should You Fast Before Blood Tests? For certain other kinds of tests, such as a blood glucose test, fasting is necessary. This test is done to check for diabetes, and it requires that you abstain from any food intake for at least eight hours before the blood is drawn. There are alternatives to this test for diagnosing diabetes, but according to howstuffworks.com, the blood glucose test is easy, fast, and inexpensive.", "- Fasting blood glucose test. Do not eat or drink anything except water for 8 to 10 hours before a fasting blood glucose test. These are used to diagnose diabetes, a condition caused by too much glucose (sugar) in the blood.n other cases, you will be instructed not to eat or drink (other than water) before your test. This is known as a fasting blood test. You may also be told not to drink alcohol or not to smoke before your test.", "- Blood test results are important in Blood disorders in Blood tests and a Blood test with Rare Blood types. A very specific test is unlikely to indicate disease in healthy people. Although, it may miss the disease in some who have it.lood test results reveal Blood disorders in Blood tests and also with a Blood test with Rare Blood types. Good Blood tests make possible state-of-the-art lab procedures that can be provided directly to the public in private and these Blood tests can be provided affordably." ]
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what kind of mic do black keys use
[ "âIâm White But My Girlfriend Fantasizes About Black Menâ Recently, we got to talking about what kind of people we’re attracted to/what turns us on. Her answer was black men. We’re both white, so that just made me really insecure. Not only that but she said that she wants to have a black baby, too.", "The Black Keys Carney reveals the Black Keys'' preferred mic setup for guitar and drums, which included 1950s-era WFL and Gretsch kits and an early-''60s Ludwig kit. “There were a couple Electro-Voice Model 668 dynamic mics on guitar amps,” he says, “and we use a Unidyne 57 on the bass and snare drums.", "âThe Black Deathâ Because they did not understand the biology of the disease, many people believed that the Black Death was a kind of divine punishment–retribution for sins against God such as greed, blasphemy, heresy, fornication and worldliness.", "- Barbie made her first debut at New York s annual Toy Fair in 1959, in her trademark black and white swimsuit. Barbie was the first doll of its kind in the U.S. and critics questioned whether consumers would buy it.", "How to reduce the echo when recording a video with Bandicam I have and its rather annoying. Its also annoying for the viewers so I made this little video showing how to fix the issues of echo with Bandicam. Also if your not using a headset, try and keep the mic away from the speakers.The echo is created mostly because the mic is too close to the speakers so its picking up your voice as you speak AND as the computer records it and it passes through the speakers. have and its rather annoying. Its also annoying for the viewers so I made this little video showing how to fix the issues of echo with Bandicam. Also if your not using a headset, try and keep the mic away from the speakers.", "The Meaning of The King Holiday This is not a black holiday; it is a peoples’ holiday. And it is the young people of all races and religions who hold the keys to the fulfillment of his dream. We commemorate on this holiday the ecumenical leader and visionary who embraced the unity of all faiths in love and truth.", "Using Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetic Concepts to Optimize Treatment of Infectious Diseases For agents with concentration-dependent killing, such as aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones, the best responses occur when the concentrations are at least 10 times above the MIC for their target organism(s) at the site of infection.", "The Big Book of Songs The Big Book of Songs. The Big Book of Songs is the easiest way for older kids and adults to get started playing songs with both white and black keys. No musical training or experience is required. The Big Book of Songs contains songs which make use of the black and white keys, whereas Piano Is Easy has songs on the white keys only.", "Piano Minor Scales Relative keys - major and minor. Relative keys have, as said above, the same notes and it can be found for all major and natural minor scales. G major is relative with E minor, F major is relative to D minor; see all relative keys below: Cb - Abm. Gb - Ebm." ]
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how common is rocky mountain spotted fever
[ "- There are three such rocky outcroppings with the official name of Rocky Top in Tennessee. The middle one is on the Tennessee-North Carolina state line on Thunderhead Mountain, partially in Blount County, Tennessee, and in Swain County, North Carolina.", "Ticks Some of the most common zoonotic diseases to know about include: 1 Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which you can get from a tick bite. 2 West Nile virus, which you can get from a mosquito bite.", "NEWS: Tick-borne RMSF death in Southern California Sometimes these ticks carry germs like bacteria or viruses that can be transmitted to a person while the tick is attached. Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii and is a cause of potentially fatal human illness in North and South America.", "- Please note: Trail Ridge Road, which cuts through Rocky Mountain National Park and connects Grand Lake and Estes Park, is closed from mid October through late May.Trail Ridge Road will also close, from time to time, during the summer and fall because of bad weather.ocky Mountain National Park never closes! You can enter or exit the park at any time, day or night, 365 days of the year. If you’re staying overnight, you need to be in a designated campground (there are five campgrounds inside Rocky Mountain National Park) or have a permit for a backcountry campsite.", "- It is a protein synthesis inhibitor. It is commonly used to treat acne today, and, more recently, rosacea, and is historically important in reducing the number of deaths from cholera. Tetracycline is marketed under the brand names Sumycin, Tetracyn, Lymecycline, and Panmycin, among others.t is first-line therapy for rocky mountain spotted fever (Rickettsia), Lyme disease (B. burgdorferi), Q fever (Coxiella), psittacosis and lymphogranuloma venereum (Chlamydia), mycoplasma pneumoniae and to eradicate nasal carriage of meningococci. Tetracycline tablets were used in the plague outbreak in India in 1992.", "- Rocky Mountains. The Rocky Mountains, commonly known as the Rockies, are a major mountain range in western North America. The Rocky Mountains stretch more than 3,000 miles (4,800 km) from the northernmost part of British Columbia, in western Canada, to New Mexico, in the Southwestern United States.", "Geology of the Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains. 1 The Rocky Mountains represent the subduction and collision of an old oceanic plate with the west coast of North America. 2 The growth of the Rocky Mountains (also known as Laramide orogeny) has been one of the most perplexing of geologic puzzles. Normally, mountain building is focused 200-400 miles inland from a subduction zone boundary.", "- Welcome to Rocky Mountain Show Pigs, located in Longmont, Colorado, is a partnership between Spring Tree Farms Show Pigs and Wild Show Pigs.", "Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (tick-borne typhus fever) What is Rocky Mountain spotted fever? Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a tick-borne disease caused by a rickettsia (a microbe that differs somewhat from bacteria and virus). Fewer than 50 cases are reported annually in New York State." ]
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is liam payne a father
[ "Liam Payne Is A Dad Now & It's Adorable Liam Payne Is A Dad Now & It's Adorable. Liam Payne Is A Dad Now & It's Adorable. Amelia Edelman. One minute, he was a young lad experiencing the foreshadowing of Donald Trump's current attitude towards non-American folks (Translation: He got kicked out of Trump Tower along with his fellow One Direction members).", "Father 1 Father-in-law – the father of one's spouse. 2 Foster father – child is raised by a man who is not the biological or adoptive father usually as part of a couple.", "- The Mission is a 1986 British drama film about the experiences of a Jesuit missionary in 18th century South America.The film was written by Robert Bolt and directed by Roland Joffe. Joffé the movie Stars Robert De, Niro Jeremy, Irons McAnally, Mcanally Aidan, Quinn Cherie lunghi And Liam. neesonoved by the Guarani'guaraní s, Acceptance mendoza wishes to help at the mission And Father gabriel gives him A. Bible in, Time mendoza takes vows and becomes A jesuit Under Father gabriel and his Colleague Father (Fielding Liam). Neeson The jesuit missions were, safe because they were protected Under spanish. law", "- Texas Ranger Samantha Payne (Luciana Duvall) reopens a 15-year-old Missing Persons case, uncovering clues linking a local boy's death to wealthy family man, Scott Briggs (Robert Duvall).", "- Orlando, Oklahoma. Orlando is a town in Logan and Payne counties in the U.S. state of Oklahoma. The population was 148 at the 2010 census, compared to 201 at the 2000 census.[3] It is part of the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "Crispus Attucks Community Center announces annual award winners Rita Smith-Wade-El, professor of psychology and African American Studies at Millersville University. Crispus Attucks Community Center has named the recipients of its Ruby M. Payne Cook and Essence of Humanity awards.ita Smith-Wade-El, professor of psychology and African American Studies at Millersville University. Crispus Attucks Community Center has named the recipients of its Ruby M. Payne Cook and Essence of Humanity awards.", "The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night Burton's translation was one of two unabridged and unexpurgated English translations done in the 1880s; the first was by John Payne, under the title The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night (1882–84, nine volumes).", "- Share on LinkedInShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+. 1 Public Profile Julie Payne Business Development, Marketing, Concept, and Design. 2 Public Profile Dr. Julie Payne-Kirchmeier Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief of Staff, Northwestern University.", "- Low-grade fever and chills. Appendicitis symptoms may mimic those of a stomach bug, including a low-grade fever, chills, and shaking. Dr. Payne says that if you have stomach pain with a 100-degree fever, it's probably nothing to worry much about." ]
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weather in orlando january
[ "Average Weather in December in Prague Czech Republic Average Weather in December in Orlando Florida, United States. In Orlando, the month of December is characterized by gradually falling daily high temperatures, with daily highs decreasing by 4°F, from 75°F to 71°F over the course of the month, and rarely exceeding 82°F or dropping below 60°F.", "- Weekly Weather Report for Orlando, United States of America. Looking at the weather in Orlando, United States of America over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 31℃ (or 88℉) on Saturday 22nd April at around 5 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 16℃ (or 61℉) on Tuesday 25th April at around 5 am.", "- Stuttgart, Germany weather text for Mon 29 th January. It looks on Monday, 29 January the Stuttgart, Germany weather is going to be cloudy. The visibility is going to be around 18 km i.e. 11 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1034 mb. The daytime temperature is going to reach 9 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 4 °c at night.", "florida classic gymnastics invitational orlando, florida florida classic gymnastics invitational orlando, florida. is proud to present the Florida Classic Orlando featuring competition for Women’s USA Gymnastics member athletes. This competition is being held in Orlando, Florida at the Embassy Suites Orlando-Lake Buena Vista South on January 16-17, 2016.", "- Distance to cities nearby Orlando, FL and Mobile, AL. 1 Distance from Orlando, FL to Aloma, FL. 2 Distance from Orlando, FL to Altamonte Springs, FL. 3 Distance from Orlando, FL to Alafaya, FL. 4 Distance from Orlando, FL to Apopka, FL. 5 Distance from Orlando, FL to Altoona, FL. 6 Distance from Mobile, AL to Aloma, FL.", "Orlando Health Orlando Regional Medical Center Orlando Regional Medical Center, a part of Orlando Health, a not-for-profit healthcare organization serving residents of Central Florida, is an 808-bed facility located in downtown Orlando, Florida.", "January in Iceland January in Iceland. Quick facts about the weather and daylight in January. Length of day on January 1st: 4 hours and 24 minutes. If you are looking for Mai Thais by the pool and tropical weather, Iceland in January is probably not for you. If, however, winter is your jam then pack your bags and head on over.", "- Orlando Weather In February is a nice alternative for anyone who lives in a cold weather area. It's a good time to visit Disney World, Universal Orlando, or Sea World. Super Bowl weekend is rumored to be the slowest weekend of the year at the theme parks.", "Weather in Orlando in January 2019 Weather in Orlando in January. The average maximum daytime temperature in Orlando in January is a comfortable 21°C (70°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 70% of the 11 hours of daylight. Expect 57mm (2.2 inches) of rainfall across the whole of January with 7 days with some rain falling." ]
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what tossing salad means
[ "How long will homemade salad dressing stay good in the fridge? And are there any other ingredients that I should watch out for that could affect salad dressing shelf life? Any rules of thumb regarding storing salad dressings...? storage-lifetime salad-dressing", "What does tossing someone's salad mean? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Tossing someone's salad is basically oral sex in the anal area of your partner. Typically speaking, it's best to do after both parties have had bath/showers and are completely clean. Most people can't get over the aspect of 'oh my gosh, it's his/her butt'...", "Surimi Salad Directions. 1 Cut imitation crab legs in half inch pieces at an angle and place in a bowl. 2 Mix the salad together to combine and add dressing and dill. 3 Last season the salad with salt and pepper to taste and stir once to combine. Add all other ingredients except for salad dressing, dill, salt, and pepper. 2 Mix the salad together to combine and add dressing and dill. 3 Stir again to combine. 4 Last season the salad with salt and pepper to taste and stir once to combine. 5 Chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes up to 20 minutes and serve.", "Chicken salad Like tuna salad and egg salad, it may be served on top of lettuce, tomato, avocado, or some combination of these. It may also be used for sandwiches. Typically it is made with leftover or canned chicken. It may also refer to a garden salad with fried, grilled, or roasted chicken (usually cut up) on top.", "foodsThe Best Salad Dressings List Criteria: List includes salad dressing flavors, not brands. List of salad dressings, ranked. Just like we all have our own favorite salad toppings and ingredients, we each have that one favorite salad dressing, be it ranch dressing, Italian dressing, or even a sweet and tangy honey mustard.", "- exists and is an alternate of. Merge this question into. Split and merge into it. Answer by Deb Answers. Confidence votes 84.9K. The term tossed salad or tossing your salad is slang sexual term that refers to inserting one's tongue into the anus of his/her partner.xists and is an alternate of. Merge this question into. Split and merge into it. Answer by Deb Answers. Confidence votes 84.9K. The term tossed salad or tossing your salad is slang sexual term that refers to inserting one's tongue into the anus of his/her partner.", "- Get the Beet Fennel Salad recipe from Inspiring the Everyday Shaving raw vegetables for a salad not only makes them pretty, it also makes them easy to eat when you get them as thin as possible.Golden beets, Chioggia beets and fennel are all shaved for this refreshing salad.et the Beet Fennel Salad recipe from Inspiring the Everyday Shaving raw vegetables for a salad not only makes them pretty, it also makes them easy to eat when you get them as thin as possible.", "Chick Fil-A Salads To Get âHealthyâ Revamp Here's a publicity photo of the new Cobb Salad, Asian Salad and Grilled Market Salad: Chick fil-A is also revamping its salad dressings and its side salad. In addition, the Atlanta-based chain will introduce a new, low-calorie Grilled Cool Chicken Wrap.", "Mayo Substitute for Egg Salad? An egg salad without mayo is a healthy alternative to rich mayonnaise. This is also a good option if you are allergic to raw eggs and want a low calorie option to enjoy egg salad. Try these ideas to make egg salad without mayonnaise and enjoy it as a healthy breakfast or snack." ]
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aes encryption algorithm
[ "Data Encryption and Decryption Data Encryption and Decryption. Encryption is the process of translating plain text data (plaintext) into something that appears to be random and meaningless (ciphertext). Decryption is the process of converting ciphertext back to plaintext. To encrypt more than a small amount of data, symmetric encryption is used.", "- AES Crypt is a program that will encrypt files using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). AES has. been adopted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as U.S. Federal Information. Processing Standard (FIPS) 197.", "- End-to-end encryption is the most secure means of encryption and can provide non-reputability. Most modern email clients have the Internet standard S/MIME encryption built in. Other end-to-end encryption solutions require a plug-in or other software to use.", "What does it mean that a phone is encrypted? A: A smart phone is encrypted when the data stored on it is encoded. The most common encryption standard for phones is AES, or Advanced Encryption Standard. The key to lock and unlock encrypted phones is typically the passcode necessary to unlock the phone on its home-screen.", "U.S. Customs and Border Protection Change in Automated Export System (AES) exporter ID filing requirement. Is there a change in Automated Export System (AES) exporter ID filing requirement? As of March 24, 2010, a social security number (SSN) became unaccepted as a form of identification.", "Simplex algorithm In mathematical optimization, Dantzig 's simplex algorithm (or simplex method) is a popular algorithm for linear programming. The journal Computing in Science and Engineering listed it as one of the top 10 algorithms of the twentieth century.", "Download YouTube Thumbnail / Random Color / Webcam test / Loop YouTube videos / Search on Instagram by location / Convert Image to Base64 and back What is AES encryption? AES (acronym of Advanced Encryption Standard) is a symmetric encryption algorithm. The algorithm was developed by two Belgian cryptographer Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen. AES was designed to be efficient in both hardware and software, and supports a block length of 128 bits and key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits.", "Apache Spark: 3 Real-World Use Cases To do this, Yahoo (a major contributor to Apache Spark) wrote a Spark ML algorithm 120 lines of Scala. (Previously, its ML algorithm for news personalization was written in 15,000 lines of C++.) With just 30 minutes of training on a large, hundred million record data set, the Scala ML algorithm was ready for business.", "- B. Principles of Design-Two Dimensional Design/Art Definition: Principles of design are applied to the Visual Elements to create aes-thetic compositions. 1. Unity and Variety 2." ]
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what are obligate parasites
[ "Food Poisoning Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating or drinking food or water contaminated with viruses, bacteria, toxins, parasites, or chemicals.ood poisoning is an illness caused by eating or drinking food or water contaminated with viruses, bacteria, toxins, parasites, or chemicals.", "Biology II 1 They are obligate intracellular parasites. 2 Probably there are no cells in nature that escape infection by one or more kinds of viruses. ( 3 Viruses that infect bacteria are called bacteriophages 4 .). Outside the cell, they consist of particles called virions. They are obligate intracellular parasites. 2 Probably there are no cells in nature that escape infection by one or more kinds of viruses. ( 3 Viruses that infect bacteria are called bacteriophages 4 .). Outside the cell, they consist of particles called virions.", "Why is There Mucus in My Poop? If that happened, you really need to see a doctor. A runny nose with a cold, runny poop with an infection ... If there is blood, that could be a sign of parasites like worms. I haven't eaten any worms. There are parasites that have eggs in water or tissue of animals we eat. Then we eat and drink it and get it in us. Oh, gross. I can't have that. I don't eat eggs.", "- Intestinal parasites. Introduction. The two main types of intestinal parasites are helminths and protozoa. Helminths are worms with many cells. Tapeworms, pinworms, and roundworms are among the most common helminths in the United States. In their adult form, helminths cannot multiply in the human body.", "Protozoan Conditions Protozoa can be parasites or predators. In humans, protozoa usually cause disease. Some protozoa, like plankton, live in water environments and serve as food for marine animals, such as some species of whales.rotozoan Conditions: Protozoa are a group of microscopic one-celled animals. Protozoa can be parasites or predators. In humans, protozoa usually cause ... more about Protozoan Conditions.", "- Toxoplasma gondii (tŏk'sə-plāz'mə gŏn'dē-ī') is an obligate, intracellular, parasitic protozoan that causes the disease toxoplasmosis.", "10 U.S. Code § 2326 - Undefinitized contractual actions: restrictions (2) Except as provided in paragraph (3), the contracting officer for an undefinitized contractual action may not obligate with respect to such contractual action an amount that is equal to more than 50 percent of the negotiated overall ceiling price until the contractual terms, specifications, and price are definitized for such contractual action.", "- excystation ex·cys·ta·tion (ěk'sĭ-stā'shən) n. Escape from a cyst. Used of encysted parasites.", "Obligate parasite An obligate parasite, or holoparasite, is a parasitic organism that cannot complete its life-cycle without exploiting a suitable host.If an obligate parasite cannot obtain a host it will fail to reproduce.This is opposed to a facultative parasite, which can act as a parasite but does not rely on its host to continue its life-cycle.f an obligate parasite cannot obtain a host it will fail to reproduce. This is opposed to a facultative parasite, which can act as a parasite but does not rely on its host to continue its life-cycle." ]
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when did the designated hitter come in play
[ "- Hall of Fame 3B Eddie Matthews Played for the Braves in 3 different cities. Strange Stat: Bob Uecker arguably the worst hitter ever with a lifetime .200 average, had one pitcher he could hit. That pitcher was the most dominant of the era, Sandy Koufax. Uecker's lifetime average in over 50 At Bats against Koufax is .429.", "- Ruth was the first big-time home run hitter, and he was king of sports culture in the 1920s. Both parts of the nickname denote his power and his position as the most popular player in his era. Christian Wheeler Berea, Ky. The Great Bambino's legend has out lasted them all. He was a titan and his lofty nicknames were well-deserved -- and earned. Bob", "- In this article, I focus on a specific kind of play: dramatic play or, as it’s sometimes called, pretend play, imitative play, and symbolic play, which usually involves: 1 reenacting everyday activities or situations that children observe, such as diapering a baby.n this article, I focus on a specific kind of play: dramatic play or, as it’s sometimes called, pretend play, imitative play, and symbolic play, which usually involves: 1 reenacting everyday activities or situations that children observe, such as diapering a baby.", "- He's one of the hardest hitters of our generation as well as in NFL history. Harrison nearly beheaded wide receivers for nearly 15 years with the New England Patriots and the San Diego Chargers—which also resulted in several fines that he had to pay, but that's the price of being a feared and relentless hitter.f you ask me, Lawrence Taylor is not only the hardest hitter in NFL history, but he is the greatest defender to ever play the game. L.T. put fear in everyone's eyes when he stepped onto the ,as he would do whatever it took to get to the ball-carrier and made sure that he punished them.", "George Brett George Howard Brett, is a retired American baseball third baseman and designated hitter who played 21 years in Major League Baseball for the Kansas City Royals. Brett's 3,154 career hits are the most by any third baseman in major league history and 16th all-time. He is one of four players in MLB history to accumulate 3,000 hits, 300 home runs, and a career.300 batting average. He was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1999 on the first ballot and is the only player in MLB history to win", "Which MLB team has never had a no hitter in its history? As of July 26, 2010, only the Mets and Padres have not. June 1, 2012-Johan Santana threw a no hitter for the Mets!! Go Mets!! Only the Padres are left!", "- Disc #3 -- Hawaii Five-O: The Seventh Season - Disc 3 Play All Episodic Promos Episodes How to Steel a Masterpiece Play Episode Play With Episodic Promo A Gun for McGarrett Play Episode Play With Episodic Promo Welcome to Our Branch Office Play Episode Play With Episodic Promo Presenting... in the Center Ring... Murder Play Episode Play With Episodic Promo", "How many players are on a baseball team? In baseball, there are 9 players on each team.in base ball there 11 people on the team. The number of players on a baseball team <br /> <ul> <li>25 on the team</li> <li>9 on the field</li> <li>The American League has 10 starters. 9 on the field and 1 designated hitter.</li> <li>When anyone gets hurt in their place another player comes and plays.</li> </ul> Each team carries 25 active players on its Major League roster.", "Designated hitter In Major League Baseball, the designated hitter is a hitter who does not play a position, but instead fills in the batting order for the pitcher. The DH may only be used for the pitcher (and not any other position player), as stated in Rule 6.10. Use of the DH is optional, but must be determined prior to the start of the game. If a team does not begin a game with a DH, the pitcher (or a pinch-hitter) must bat for the entire game." ]
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carving definition
[ "- When using a barbecue sauce, apply during the last 15 to 30 minutes of grilling to prevent excess browning or burning. NOTE:  USDA recommends cooking pork, beef, veal, lamb chops, roasts, steaks to 145º F then let rest 3 minutes before carving or eating.", "- Answer Porphyry is a type of granite that comes in various colors, that the Egyptians were known to appreciate carving things like coffins in. A stone coffin carved of … porphyry is a porphyry sarcophagus.nswer Porphyry is a type of granite that comes in various colors, that the Egyptians were known to appreciate carving things like coffins in. A stone coffin carved of … porphyry is a porphyry sarcophagus.", "Talking convection-oven turkey Return turkey to oven. Baste with pan drippings every 20 minutes until internal thigh temperature reaches 165°. A 12-to 16-pound bird will cook in about 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours. Let turkey rest for 20 to 30 minutes before carving.aste with pan drippings every 20 minutes until internal thigh temperature reaches 165°. A 12-to 16-pound bird will cook in about 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours. Let turkey rest for 20 to 30 minutes before carving.", "Travel Tips & Information Travel Tips & Information. Whether you dream of carving a wave for the first time, relaxing at a wine country estate, taking a spin on an iconic theme park ride or walking through soaring redwoods, you will find your perfect getaway in California. What you will find here are ways to make that dream holiday happen without a hitch.", "Making a Three Stone Diamond Engagement Ring. Step 5: Making a ring blank. The easiest way to make a ring blank (the starting point for carving your ring) is to use a wax ring tube. Matt Wax make ring tubes in three different wax hardnesses: Red/Purple - Medium, flexible.", "Definition of 'carving' A carving is an object or a design that has been cut out of a material such as stone or wood. ...a wood carving of a human hand. Carving is the art of carving objects, or of carving designs or writing on objects. I found wood carving satisfying, and painting fun. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.", "Chippendale (Furniture) (of furniture) designed by, made by, or in the style of Thomas Chippendale, characterized by the use of Chinese and Gothic motifs, cabriole legs, and massive carving Chip•pen•dale (ˈtʃɪp ənˌdeɪl)", "- The repair of an open proximal contact in an otherwise functional, intact existing complex. amalgam restoration may be an acceptable alternative to replacement. SUMMARY. The carving of a complex amalgam restoration. may occasionally result in light proximal con-. tact with the adjacent tooth.", "- Definition of SLOYD KNIFE. : a single-blade woodworker's knife used in carving, trimming, or slicing.ADVERTISEMENT. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis. Note that some information is displayed differently in the Unabridged.efinition of SLOYD KNIFE. : a single-blade woodworker's knife used in carving, trimming, or slicing. ADVERTISEMENT." ]
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number killed in revolutionary war
[ "Where Did The Revolutionary War Take Place ? The Revolutionary War in America took place in several places like South Carolina, Maine, New York, Massachusetts, Georgia, Alabama, Colorado, Texas, California, and almost all the other states. There was at least one war that was fought in almost every state of then Colonial America.", "American Revolution The Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from each of the thirteen American colonies. These delegates served as the government during the Revolutionary War. Congress Voting Independence", "Treaty of Paris Introduction. The Treaty of Paris of 1783, negotiated between the United States and Great Britain, ended the revolutionary war and recognized American independence.The Continental Congress named a five-member commission to negotiate a treaty–John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Laurens.ntroduction. The Treaty of Paris of 1783, negotiated between the United States and Great Britain, ended the revolutionary war and recognized American independence.", "Worst American This or That 1 The total given by the VA for the Indian Wars (1,000) seems to be a wild guess. 2 Just two major defeats -- Custer's and St. Clair's -- add up to about 900 dead all by themselves. 3 The official number of Americans killed in the Revolutionary War (4,435) is only about 2/3 the numbers usually given by historians.", "American Revolution There was fighting in the Revolutionary War for more than a year before the United States declared independence from Britain. True. The first shots of the war were fired near Boston in April 1775 but it was not until July 1776 that the Continental Congress declared independence from Britain.", "- This is a partial list of rescuers who helped Jewish people and others to escape from the Nazi Holocaust during World War II, possibly the most well-known among whom was Oskar Schindler. The list is not exhaustive, concentrating on famous cases, or people who saved the lives of many potential victims.uring World War II and the Holocaust about 2,000 Jews sought refuge in Albania during the war, during which five Jews were killed in the country. Far more were killed in the Albanian occupied-territories of Kosovo and Macedonia, where an estimated 600 Jews were captured and killed throughout the war.", "- Revolutionary War. This list was created in 1864 from official Pension Record Rolls, provided by the U.S. Pension Office. It was printed in a book called The Last Men of the Revolution... by E.B. Hillard; published in 1864. We add other data as we find it. Last 12 Revolutionary War Soldiers on the Pension Rolls, as of February 18, 1864.", "United States military casualties of war ^ Revolutionary War: All figures from the Revolutionary War are rounded estimates. Commonly cited casualty figures provided by the Department of Defense are 4,435 killed and 6,188 wounded, although the original government report that generated these numbers warned that the totals were incomplete and far too low.", "Daniel Boone Show Summary. Frontier hero Daniel Boone conducts surveys and expeditions around Boonesborough, running into both friendly and hostile Native Americans, just before, during, and after the Revolutionary War." ]
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what is adobe shockwave player vs flash player
[ "Q: Keep getting popup asking to update Flash Player. Is it a malware pop up? LE. Hello, I keep getting a suspicious pop up, the pop up advises me to up date my flash player. My flash player is: Adobe, and the suspect pop up flash notice has no mention of Adobe, or any other clue of its origins.E. Hello, I keep getting a suspicious pop up, the pop up advises me to up date my flash player. My flash player is: Adobe, and the suspect pop up flash notice has no mention of Adobe, or any other clue of its origins.", "- Check if Flash Player is installed on your computer. Flash Player is pre-installed with Internet Explorer in Windows 8. For more info, see Flash Player issues | Windows 8. Flash Player is pre-installed with Microsoft Edge in Windows 10. For more info, see Flash Player issues | Windows 10.", "- Nutrition facts label for Starbucks beverage: Iced Vanilla Latte, nonfat milk This feature requires Flash player to be installed in your browser. Download the player here.", "- Click the ... button to access the Edge menu. Select the Settings menu item. Scroll down to the Advanced Settings section and click the View Advanced settings button. Locate the Use Adobe Flash Player section and toggle the switch on to enable Adobe Flash Player.", "- Flash Plug-in Required for this Web site. We're glad you're here! To learn all about scientists with Gabriela, you'll need to download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. Once you have the Adobe Flash Player installed, you can make your own creations and share them with your friend. Click here to play: http://pbskids.org/sid/journals.html The site also has many early science exploration resources for Parents and Teachers.", "Flash Player Change pop-up blocker settings, Enable JavaScript, or Clear the cache. If a SWF file stops abruptly, see Flash video stops after a few seconds in Firefox. Chrome has a built-in Flash Player. Check if the internal Flash Player is interfering with external Flash Player. Type about://plugins into address bar.", "Adobe Flash Player updates available for macOS on November 1, 2016 If you're using an out-of-date version of the Adobe Flash Player plug-in, you may see the message “Blocked plug-in,” “Flash Security Alert,” or “Flash out-of-date” when attempting to view Flash content in Safari.", "Flash Player Help Adobe is committed to providing you with options to control SWF or FLV content and applications that run in Adobe Flash Player. The Flash Player Settings Manager lets you manage global privacy settings, storage settings, and security settings, by using the following panels: 1 To specify whether websites must ask your permission before using your camera or microphone, you use the Global Privacy Settings panel.", "Difference Between Shockwave and Flash Difference Between Shockwave and Flash. Flash and Shockwave are two internet software that people easily confuse to be the same, especially with the confusing branding of Macromedia called Shockwave Flash. Today, Flash is the most widespread standard for showing online videos while Shockwave is used mostly for creating and implementing online games." ]
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summit pikes peak how long hike
[ "Divide, Colorado Divide is a census-designated place and a U.S. Post Office in Teller County, Colorado, United States.The population as of the 2010 Census was 127. Divide sits on the north slope of Pikes Peak on U.S. Highway 24.Ute Pass is immediately west of town. The Divide Post Office has the ZIP Code 80814.ivide is a census-designated place and a U.S. Post Office in Teller County, Colorado, United States.", "- Three Ways to Hike the Zion Narrows: 1 Zion Narrows Bottom Up Day Hike (from the Temple of Sinawava): For tourists or casual hikers who want to see the best of the Zion Narrows, this is the hike that you want to do! 2 Top Down Two-Day Backpacking (from Chamberlain's Ranch):", "- The Day Hike: The easiest and most popular way to get up the mountain is the eponymous Mt. Whitney Trail. Many folks who hike up Whitney do it in one long and grueling day from the parking lot at Whitney Portal, situated at 8,360' above sea level.", "the drive up to Pikes Peak 1. Re: the drive up to Pikes Peak. Jul 20, 2010, 9:27 PM. If you've done the cog, definitely do the drive, it's a different experience and very fun. -Give yourself 3-5 hours, maybe even more depending on how much you plan to stop. From Manitou I'd say it'd probably take 3 hours if you drove straight up, stopped for about 20-30min and then came back down. So any stops are going to ad to that.", "W Pony Express Homepage. On April 3, 1860, a lone rider left on horseback from the gates of one of the nation’s most historic landmarks, the Pikes Peak Stables in St. Joseph, Missouri. Carrying saddlebags filled with our nation’s hopes and dreams, the Pony Express riders traveled 2,000 miles west to Sacramento, California.omepage. On April 3, 1860, a lone rider left on horseback from the gates of one of the nation’s most historic landmarks, the Pikes Peak Stables in St. Joseph, Missouri. Carrying saddlebags filled with our nation’s hopes and dreams, the Pony Express riders traveled 2,000 miles west to Sacramento, California.", "- Latinos are fastest-growing population in county, census says. May 20, 2011. Sylvia Vazquez, 24, checks out customers at Carniceria Leonela Meat Market on Pikes Peak Avenue last week. Vazquez and her family moved to Colorado Springs seven years ago from Colima, Mexico.", "Latinos are fastest-growing population in county, census says Latinos are fastest-growing population in county, census says. Sylvia Vazquez, 24, checks out customers at Carniceria Leonela Meat Market on Pikes Peak Avenue last week. Vazquez and her family moved to Colorado Springs seven years ago from Colima, Mexico. She graduated from Harrison High School.", "- By: Alysia Dupuy | 5 / 5 | 2 years ago. In comparison to all of these other hot-shot mountains Kili is definitely a much less challenging climb. However, for someone who isn't a trained mountaineer and is doing their first ascent, it is still a remarkable feat making it to the summit at Uhuru Peak.", "Barr Trail Starting at the Barr Trail, it’s approximately 12 miles to the summit of Pikes Peak; if you are in great shape (or from the area) it will take approximately 8 hours to hike. However, if you are neither of these, there are two great spots along the trail to camp." ]
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foreign relations definition
[ "- The House Foreign Affairs Committee considers measures about the relations of the United States with foreign nations, protection of United States' citizens abroad, and United Nations organizations. The House Foreign Affairs Committee considers measures about the relations of the United States with foreign nations, protection of United States' citizens abroad, and United Nations organizations.", "Executive Orders The agencies within the Intelligence Community shall, in accordance with applicable United States law and with the other provisions of this Order, conduct intelligence activities necessary for the conduct of foreign relations and the protection of the national security of the United States, including:", "International relations The history of international relations based on sovereign states is often traced back to the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, a stepping stone in the development of the modern state system. Prior to this the European medieval organization of political authority was based on a vaguely hierarchical religious order.nternational relations is an academic and a public policy field, and so can be positive and normative, because it analyzes and formulates the foreign policy of a given State.", "12 Marketing Job Descriptions to Recruit and Hire an All-Star Team [Free Templates] Public Relations Manager Job Description. The following is a full job description for Public Relations Manager. Here are the requirements and responsibilities for Public Relations Manager along with statistics.", "- Member of one primary group may be involved in many activities. The situation is different for the secondary groups. In secondary groups activities are usually narrow. They are limited by the goal of each secondary group. The meaning of relations inside primary and secondary groups is also different.In primary groups relations themselves make the main value for the members of the group. For example, family relations are valuable themselves, they do not serve for special goals.hey are limited by the goal of each secondary group. The meaning of relations inside primary and secondary groups is also different. In primary groups relations themselves make the main value for the members of the group. For example, family relations are valuable themselves, they do not serve for special goals.", "- U.S.-CURACAO RELATIONS. Curacao is an autonomous part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is responsible for the conduct of foreign affairs, including with the United States, and its embassies and consulates issue visas for travel to the island.Tourism and financial services are mainstays of Curacao’s economy..S.-CURACAO RELATIONS. Curacao is an autonomous part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is responsible for the conduct of foreign affairs, including with the United States, and its embassies and consulates issue visas for travel to the island.", "- Definition of entitative. 1 : considered as mere entity abstracted from all circumstances or relations.", "PRONUNCIATION OF CHAIN OF COMMAND Foreign relations is the management of relationships between a public policy administrative organization of a state, and other countries. The leading ... English dictionary cookies are used to personalize ads and get web traffic statistics.", "TOEFL Learner's definition of TOEFL. — used for a test of the language skills of people who have learned English as a foreign language." ]
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when was the canterbury tales written
[ "- Canterbury Park Offers Loaded Poker Schedule This October. Fall Poker Classic Runs From Oct. 1-16. by Barbara Rogers | Published: Sep 29, 2016. Canterbury Park, the premier poker room in the upper Midwest of Shakopee, Minnesota, can’t wait to kick off the upcoming Fall Poker Classic this October with 19 events running from Oct. 1-16.", "heart rate of boy babies 1 - 10 of 30 answers. 1 according to What to expect when your expecting, while old wives tales and some practitioners- have been telling tales for ages ( a heart rate of above 140 promises a girl, one under 140 delivers a boy) studies show no correlation between fetal heart rate and gender..", "- Out of these two words, eirein and meisastai, the legislator formed the. name of the god who invented language and speech, and we may imagine him. dictating to us the use of this name. O my friends, says he to us, seeing that he. is the contriver of tales or speeches, you may rightly call him Heiremeis.", "- Both dremen (to dream) and meten (also to dream) are sometimes used with a dative case and reflexively in Old English. Chaucer's Works, Volume 5 (of 7) -- Notes to the Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer", "- 'The Canterbury Tales' by Geoffrey Chaucer (c.1345-1400) was enormously popular in medieval England, with over 80 copies in existence from the 1500s. Skip to main content", "Queen Victoria Victoria was christened privately by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Charles Manners-Sutton, on 24 June 1819 in the Cupola Room at Kensington Palace. She was baptised Alexandrina, after one of her godparents, Emperor Alexander I of Russia, and Victoria after her mother.ictoria was christened privately by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Charles Manners-Sutton, on 24 June 1819 in the Cupola Room at Kensington Palace. She was baptised Alexandrina, after one of her godparents, Emperor Alexander I of Russia, and Victoria after her mother.", "10 Oldest Surviving Documents Of Their Type Early literature often came in the form of poetry. Before writing, oral tradition passed on stories through the generations and poetry was an easy way to learn and recite tales. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a contender for the first epic poem. The earliest surviving written versions are dated to around 2,000 BC.", "- THE CANTERBURY TALES. The Canterbury Tales is a work written by Geoffrey Chaucer. During 1380-1392, he wrote the General Prologue and some of Canterbury Tales. By the year 1400, he had completed the Canterbury Tales, perhaps the most famous poem in medieval English! In the General Prologue, Chaucer describes most of the twenty-nine pilgrims whom he encounters at the inn, who are on their way to the shrine of Saint Thomas a Becket at Canterbury Cathedral.", "- the canterbury tales is the last of geoffrey chaucer s works and he only finished 24 of an initially planned 100 tales the canterbury tales study guide contains a biography of geoffrey chaucer literature essays a complete e text quiz questions major themes characters and a full summary and analysis" ]
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who makes the denali rv
[ "RV Bill Of Sale RV Bill Of Sale. One of the most important forms in the buying or selling of an RV is the RV bill of sale. A bill of sale for RV is a written evidence that secures both the seller and the purchaser of an RV. An RV bill of sale shows the transfer in ownership of an RV. If you want to sell your RV, you will have to prepare a bill of sale.", "- Below: The legs and feet of the two RV Gypsies, each with one foot in the USA and one foot in Canada. Note: The two RV Gypsies returned to the International Peace Garden in 2015 and there was a fence around the Peace Towers because they are crumbling and must be torn down.", "How to make your RV refrigerator work more efficiently How to make your RV refrigerator work more efficiently. In this four-minute video, RV expert Mark Polk tells you how to make your RV refrigerator work more efficiently. He explains exactly how a refrigerator in a recreational vehicle is different from a home unit, and why you need to treat it differently than your fridge at home. Posted by Staff Report at 6/10/2009 06:30:00 PM.", "2008 Denali Travel Trailer/5th Wheel Prices and Specs Built by Dutchmen Manufacturing under the Thor Industries banner, the Denali line of recreational products are designed to combine craftsmanship and comfort alongside value. Entering the marketplace in the 2005 model year, Denali fifth wheel and travel trailers are suited for family trips to the campground or lake. Travel trailers produced by Denali range from 29 to 35 feet in length while the fifth wheel trailers span up to 36 feet. Fitted with all-weather insulation, Denali trailers are equipped with other standard features such as deluxe bed mattress and an entertainment center.", "- Published on Aug 18, 2014. After living in my RV motorhome for almost a year, I'd like to share some of my experiences on what I've found to be the pros and cons or challenges and benefits to RV living.Category. License.ublished on Aug 18, 2014. After living in my RV motorhome for almost a year, I'd like to share some of my experiences on what I've found to be the pros and cons or challenges and benefits to RV living. 1 Autos & Vehicles.", "RV Dimensions RV Dimensions. RV is an acronym that stands for recreational vehicle, which is widely used particularly in North America. Also referred to as a motor home, it boasts of different home and living space features such as a bedroom, a bathroom as well as a kitchen.", "Getting Here 1 Arriving from Fairbanks: The incoming train to Denali Park from Fairbanks arrives at 12:00 PM, therefore you can make an easy connection with our bus on the day of your reservation. Arriving from Anchorage: The incoming train to Denali from Anchorage arrives at 3:45 PM.", "Kodiak, Dutchmen And elevate your experience. No matter how you get there, the going is easier in a Kodiak. Whether you drive an SUV, crossover, minivan, or light truck, Kodiak has an RV to fit your outdoor lifestyle. The leader in ultralight technology, Kodiak’s aerodynamic profile makes for easy towing and better fuel economy. But lightweight doesn’t mean light on features.", "Your Adventure Starts at Keystone RV Center Explore Our World We are very happy to be able to present them with this and give back to those who need it most. Keystone RV MEGA Center is conveniently located in Greencastle, PA, perfect for patrons from PA, MD, WV, VA, D.C., NJ, DE, OH, and NY. We have been independently owned and operated for over 28 years. Keystone RV Center has over 325 years of combined recreational vehicle expertise, ready to provide you with personal attention in rv sales, rv parts, rv service, and manufacturer and appliance warranty." ]
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what clears a kidney infection
[ "Kidney stones Kidney stones are solid crystals formed from the salts in urine. They are sometimes called renal calculi. Kidney stones can block the flow of urine and cause infection, kidney damage or even kidney failure. They can vary in size and location. The risk of kidney stones is about one in 10 for men and one in 35 for women. Between four and eight per cent of the Australian population suffer from kidney stones at any time.", "- Antibiotics for kidney infections. Antibiotics are the first line of treatment for kidney infections. Which drugs you use and for how long depend on your health condition and the bacteria found in your urine tests. Usually, the signs and symptoms of a kidney infection begin to clear up within a few days of treatment.But you may need to continue antibiotics for a week or longer.hich drugs you use and for how long depend on your health condition and the bacteria found in your urine tests. Usually, the signs and symptoms of a kidney infection begin to clear up within a few days of treatment. But you may need to continue antibiotics for a week or longer.", "- There are two types of herpes simplex virus. Type 1 is the usual cause of cold sores around the mouth, and herpes simplex infection in the eye. Type 2 is the usual cause of genital herpes.It rarely causes cold sores or eye infections.7. Herpes simplex eye infection is caused by a type of herpes simplex virus. An episode often clears without any permanent problem. However, in some cases the infection causes scarring to the transparent front part of the eye (the cornea).", "Can Kidney Stones Cause An Enlarged Prostate I quickly ran down the list of possible causes in my mind including: enlarged prostate; kidney stone (I had had another 5 years earlier); kidney infarction, urinary track infection and a few others). Symptoms of Kidney Stones.", "Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson Call your doctor if you have these symptoms and think it may be a kidney infection, especially if you have a UTI and you’re not getting any better. If you don’t get treated, it could lead to kidney damage or blood poisoning, which is life-threatening. Also, if you’re pregnant, a kidney infection can affect your baby.", "- After birth, children with such abnormalities may incur additional kidney damage as a result of postnatal infection, but UTI is not the major cause of the kidney impairment. Go to Urinary Tract Infection in Males and Cystitis in Females for complete information on these topics.", "Bacterial Infection (Pyelonephritis) of the Kidneys in Dogs Pyelonephritis is a bacterial infection of the renal pelvis, the funnel-like part of the ureter in the dog's kidney. Normally, if pyelonephritis takes place, it is due to an impairment of the dog's defenses: ureteral movement, blood supply to the kidneys, or the flap valves found between the kidney and ureters.yelonephritis is a bacterial infection of the renal pelvis, the funnel-like part of the ureter in the dog's kidney. Normally, if pyelonephritis takes place, it is due to an impairment of the dog's defenses: ureteral movement, blood supply to the kidneys, or the flap valves found between the kidney and ureters.", "What Are Kidney Cysts? The cause of single kidney cysts is unknown. In most adults, polycystic kidney disease is inherited and, in fact, is the most common hereditary disease in the United States. Occasionally, it occurs without a family history of the disease. In certain cases, urinary tract infection may cause kidney cysts.", "How can you tell if you have a kidney or bladder infection? For a simple bladder infection, you will take antibiotics for 3 days (women) or 7 - 14 days (men). For a bladder infection with complications -- such as pregnancy or diabetes, OR a mild kidney infection -- you will usually take antibiotics for 7 - 14 days." ]
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can a pawn take a piece moving backward
[ "- Use these worksheets to get your kid's pen moving! Looking down at a blank piece of paper can freeze up young authors, but these fun writing prompts give them a head start!Download All is only available to Education.com Plus and Pro members.Learn More.ooking down at a blank piece of paper can freeze up young authors, but these fun writing prompts give them a head start! Download All is only available to Education.com Plus and Pro members.", "- From the drivers seat you can control the rate of brake application from soft to aggressive my simply moving the control forward or backward. Most controllers also have a manual over-ride device which allows the user to apply the trailers brakes independently of the vehicles brakes.", "- 21st century Hillclimb. The iconic Goodwood hill forms the centre-piece of the Moving Motor Show, which takes over the Hillclimb on the Thursday of the Festival of Speed. This gives guests the chance to see the latest road cars in action - with some even able to have a test drive on the hill.", "Chumlee Hoax? Austin Chumlee Russell Death Hoax Shocks Pawn Stars Fans (VIDEO) (PHOTO:Facebook/Pawn Stars Tv Show)Pawn Stars. Chumlee of Pawn Stars has been the subject of an Internet death hoax this week. Rumors of a marijuana overdose were reported this week, claiming that the reality TV star had died from an accident. The rumors went viral with many of Chumlee's fans expressing their sadness and shock that he had died, and from a drug overdose at that.", "Chess and Pawns The Pawn on its first move can either one or two squares. After the first move the Pawn can only move one square at a time. The Pawn can capture by moving diagonally one square forward, either to the left or right diagonal. The Pawn can never move or capture backward. Every other piece can move forward or backward. The En Passant Pawn capture may be the least known capture in chess rules. An example of En Passant: the black opponent has a Pawn in position at C4 and white decides to move his Pawn sitting on B2.", "- Neck mobility is matchless. It is capable of moving the head in many directions: 90° of flexion (forward motion), 90° of extension (backward motion), 180° of rotation (side to side), and almost 120° of tilt to either shoulder. The causes of neck pain are as varied as the list is long.", "- A dissection that is moving backward toward the heart may cause a murmur that can be heard through a stethoscope. Chest x-rays are the first step in detecting aortic dissection. X-rays show a widened aorta in 90% of people with symptoms.However, this finding may be due to other disorders. dissection that is moving backward toward the heart may cause a murmur that can be heard through a stethoscope. Chest x-rays are the first step in detecting aortic dissection. X-rays show a widened aorta in 90% of people with symptoms. However, this finding may be due to other disorders.", "Backward Compatible A backward compatible system is newer hardware that is backward compatible with older hardware versions of the same model. For example, PlayStation 3 (PS3) is backward compatible with PlayStation 1 (PS1) and most PlayStation 2 (PS2) systems.", "âPawn Starsâ: 13 Things You Didnât Know About Chumlee, Rick And Corey Since the debut of the hugely popular reality show Pawn Stars (Mondays at 10 p.m. ET on History) in 2009, it seems everyone wants to walk around with images of fan favorite Chumlee emblazoned across their chests." ]
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icare customer service phone number
[ "Question: What is Boohooâs customer service contact number? Question: What is Boohoo’s customer service contact number? Answer: unfortunately, Boohoo does not have a customer service phone number. Boohoo does have a head office phone number, but they only appreciate B2B calls to that number, and have requested that we takedown all mentions of it. We have kindly obliged to their request.", "- The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Luxor Service Center and Luxor customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Luxor customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.", "Celebrity Cruises Phone Number: 800 Customer Service Contact Number of Celebrity Cruise Celebrity Cruises Phone Number: 800 Customer Service Contact Number of Celebrity Cruise. Phone Numbers - (on November 14, 2015 02:36 AM) It is the customer service phone number of celebrity cruises; you can use this number to contact them for booking and for emergency purpose. Read the following menu transcription of the celebrity cruise helplines.", "Citizens Bank Phone Number Citizens Bank Customer Service Phone Number Citizens Bank customer service phone number is different from product to product. The bank has a dedicated customer service number, which can be accessed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This number is 1-800-922-9999, which you can dial to enquire several things about your bank account and more.", "Hoveround Corporation Customer Service Phone Number Hoveround Corporation customer service phone number to contact Corporation helpline dial the helpline given here for technical support. You can make call by Hoveround Corporation phone number given below to address your issue and filing up your complaint to Hoveround customer service officer. The phone number given here is known as the best phone of Hoveround Corporation to contact their customer support and have the official assistance to solve your issue.", "Minnesota Timberwolves Front Office Customer Service Phone Number Minnesota Timberwolves Front Office Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Minnesota Timberwolves Front Office is +1 612-673-1600 (Click phone number to call).", "ICare Customer Service Phone Number Contact Details of iCare Customer Service Department. For any kind of information regarding iCare services, you can contact customer service representatives at +1-800-777-4376 (TTY: +1-800-947-3529) iCare Customer Service Contact Information for Members.", "- The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Michigan Contact Service Center and Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Michigan Contact customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Michigan Contact customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Michigan Contact Customer Service Phone Numbers", "- Some More Customer Service Phone Numbers 24/7 Related to Interval International. 1 AMEX International Customer Service Phone Number: +1 (202) 429-0222, Fax No: +1 (202) 429-1867. 2 Amazon International Customer Service Phone Number: 1-206-266-2992, 1-888-280-3321, 1-888-280-3321. 3 ASF International Customer Service Phone Number: +34 931 762 726." ]
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what percentage of customers are lost due to poor customer service.
[ "- Top 5 Dislikes about Light In The Box Poor customer service, No way to contact human, Poor service no contact, Delivery, No contact to customer service Related Companies", "8 Rules for Good Customer Service Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business won't be profitable for long.", "- Effective measurement of the quality of your customer service will help you identify specific weaknesses within your operation. For example, perhaps customers are not happy with the length of time they have to wait for assistance, or they are frustrated because a certain product always seems to be on backorder.nowing what your competitors are offering in terms of customer service can also help you know whether you are on track with your own service level. Send an employee down the street to act as a customer and find out how they are treated.", "Our Customer Service Commitment The UPS Store® is committed to providing world-class customer service to our retail customers. We are committed to providing personalized and professional solutions while supporting our core values. The UPS Store Customer Service. Headquarters for retail The UPS Store locations in the US.", "- WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. That same revealed that, when customers stop using a product or service, the reason is almost always either bad customer service (cited by 74 percent of respondents) or poor quality (cited 32 percent of respondents). Price was only an issue for only a quarter of the respondents, and product functionality (i.e.", "Acceptance Insurance Customer Service Number Acceptance Insurance Customer Service Number Acceptance Insurance offers the detail of customer service for its existing as well as potential customers that can help them in conveying their feedback of its products and services.", "Contact Walmart Credit Card Customer Service On another page of the site customers are told to contact the customer service number 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if they have questions about interest fees or late charges. Walmart Credit Card Customer Service: 1-877-294-7880. Walmart Discover Customer Service: 1-866-611-1148.", "- Alex and Ani Customer Service Number, Headquarters Address, Email ID. Alex and Ani customer service department provides help and support to the customers during the working hours and after business hours through emails, phones and online.", "5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer That store may very well have sold the product or service I was looking for. However, poor customer service cost them the sale. Greeting the customer can often be the most important aspect to closing a sale. Take these 5 tips to ensure your customers never walk out your door dissatisfied:" ]
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where in la is there a recording studio
[ "What's My Name? (Rihanna song) What's My Name? (Rihanna song) What's My Name? is a song recorded by Barbadian recording artist Rihanna, for her fifth studio album Loud (2010). Featuring guest vocals from Canadian rapper Drake, the song was released as the second single from Loud on October 26, 2010 through Def Jam Recordings.", "- Chandelier is a song by Australian recording artist Sia from her sixth studio album, 1000 Forms of Fear (2014). Written by Sia and Jesse Shatkin and produced by Shatkin and Greg Kurstin, the song was released on 17 March 2014 as the lead single from the album.", "Magic Stick Magic Stick. Magic Stick is a song performed by American hip hop recording artist Lil' Kim, released on April 8, 2003, as the second single from her third studio album La Bella Mafia (2003). The song features fellow American rapper 50 Cent and was produced by Carlos Fantom of the Beat Evans.", "The Vocal Ranges of The Worldâs Greatest Singers Compare the vocal ranges of today’s top artists with the greatest of all time. This chart shows the highest and lowest notes each artist hit in the recording studio. Hover over the bars to see the songs on which they reached those notes. Sort by: Range / Highest Note / Lowest Note. Loading. Name Song Song High - Low.", "Sound City Studios Logo of Sound City. Sound City Studios was a recording studio incorporated in 1969, located in Van Nuys, Los Angeles, California, USA. The facility had previously been a production factory of the British musical instrument manufacturer, Vox.", "The Differences Between Music Producers & Engineers Often, a producer will play an instrument or add sounds to a recording. An executive producer performs many of these functions, but also oversees the recording budget, hires session players and oversees nonrecording studio personnel.", "- Hello (song) Hello is a song by British recording artist Adele. It was released as the lead single from her third studio album, 25, on October 23, 2015. It was written by Adele and Greg Kurstin, and produced by the latter. Hello was first teased in a 30-second snippet that aired during The X Factor on October 18, 2015.", "- Distance to cities nearby New Orleans, LA. 1 Distance from New Orleans, LA to Arabi, LA. 2 Distance from New Orleans, LA to Avondale, LA. 3 Distance from New Orleans, LA to Ama, LA. 4 Distance from New Orleans, LA to Barataria, LA. 5 Distance from New Orleans, LA to Akers, LA. 6 Distance from Charlotte, NC to Arabi, LA.", "- All Cello applicants (for either the Classical Program or the Orchestral Performance Program) are required to submit a video recording for prescreening purposes in order to be considered for an invitation to a live audition in New York City. The recording must include all of the repertoire as listed below. Prescreening recordings must be uploaded directly to your application on Decision Desk. It is not required that the format be a professional or studio recording, but the sound quality must be as good as possible." ]
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synonym for submission
[ "- In their 32nd degree, Masons are told that the name for god is composed of 3 Hindu gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. Siva (Shiva) is a synonym for Satan. Satanist Anton LaVey shows Shiva as a synonym for Satan in his satanic bible.n their 32nd degree, Masons are told that the name for god is composed of 3 Hindu gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. Siva (Shiva) is a synonym for Satan. Satanist Anton LaVey shows Shiva as a synonym for Satan in his satanic bible.", "- Delta synonyms and Delta antonyms. Top synonym for delta (another word for delta) is mouth.", "Biography It looks like we don't have any Biography for Fali yet. Be the first to contribute! Just click the Edit page button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Biography submission guide.", "Chapter 3 The arbitration process begins with a submission. Submission is the act of referring a dispute to an arbitrator. The parties may agree to submit questions of fact, questions of law, or both to the arbitrator. The parties may even agree to leave the interpretation of the arbitration agreement to the arbitrator.", "What are 510 (k) Clearance and Premarket Approval? 510(k) Clearance. The purpose of a 510(k) submission is to demonstrate that a device is “substantially equivalent” to a predicate device (one that has been cleared by the FDA or marketed before 1976).", "- Evilness synonyms and Evilness antonyms. Top synonym for evilness (another word for evilness) is evil.", "Synonyms and Antonyms Synonyms and Antonyms. Synonym. A synonym is a word that means exactly the same as, or very nearly the same as, another word in the same language. For example, close is a synonym of shut. Note that a synonym may share an identical meaning with another word, but the two words are not necessarily interchangeable.", "Synonyms of submission 2. submission, compliance, group action. usage: the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another. 3. submission, condition, status. usage: the condition of having submitted to control by someone or something else; the union was brought into submission; his submission to the will of God.", "- synonymous. adj. 1. (often foll by with) being a synonym (of). 2. (foll by: with) closely associated (with) or suggestive (of): his name was synonymous with greed.ynonymous. adj. 1. (often foll by with) being a synonym (of). 2. (foll by: with) closely associated (with) or suggestive (of): his name was synonymous with greed." ]
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when was first artificial heart invented
[ "Diet soda is no healthier than regular soda: report The message has been that diet soda is healthier since it has artificial sweetener and no calories, but Swithers said tracking sugar intake means limiting real and artificial sugars. She reviewed recent scientific studies about the long-term link between artificial sweeteners and health outcomes.", "- Discovered the Edison Effect, the fundamental principle of electronics. 1885. He Discovered a system of wireless telegraph between going trains and stations. 1891. Invented the motion picture camera. 1896. Invented the fluoroscope. Invented the fluorescent electric lamp. 1900. Invented the nickel-iron-alkaline storage battery. 1914", "- 1 Invented VAO, (VETTATH ANASTAMOTIC OBTURATOR) which is a device used for performing the proximal anastamosis of the vein graft to the aorta, without using the side clamp. 2 This avoids the escape of calcium and debris to the brain, there by preventing stroke and neurocognitive defects during beating heart surgery.", "- User: Two important navigational technologies, the magnetic compass and the astrolabe a. were invented by Columbus. b. were held by an exclusive English patent. c. were invented by Henry the Navigator. d. were of Italian origin.", "Who invented the artificial heart? The first artificial heart was patented by Paul Winchell in 1963. Winchell subsequently assigned the patent to the University of Utah, where Robert Jarvik ultimately used it as the model for his Jarvik-7.eport Abuse. Artificial hearts date back to the mid-1950s when Dr. Paul Winchell first patented an artificial heart. William J. Kolff invented the first artificial heart and the first artificial kidney-dialysis machine.", "Red (game) Red soon journeys into Saffron City in the heart of Kanto to find it overrun by Team Rocket, who is attempting to take the recently invented Master Ball from the Silph Co. President, and defeats Giovanni again, ending the group's plots for the time being.", "Artificial Heart Valve The first recorded surgical operation on a heart valve took place in 1913. Replacement of diseased valves did not take place until 1962, when the first successful biological valves were invented using human tissue from a donor. Ball valves were the first type of mechanical valves and were developed around the same time. Miles Edwards, an electrical engineer who founded a medical device company called American Edwards Laboratories in the 1950s, is credited with co-inventing the first commercially available artificial heart valve.", "- Mr. School was who started the idea of a school, the very man who invented school. Related Articles on Who Invented School: 1 Who Invented School. 2 ETS Chaiyim School. 3 Best High School Pranks. 4 High School Reunion Decorations.", "- In 1877 Edison invented the phonograph and his first recording (click on link below) was Mary Had A Little Lamb His studio made the first western in 1904 (The Great Train Robbery) after he invented the movie camera." ]
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what should parents do if they are concerned about a child's language development
[ "C# (C Sharp) C# (C Sharp) Definition - C# is a general object-oriented programming (OOP) language for networking and Web development. C# is specified as a common... C# (C Sharp) Definition - C# is a general object-oriented programming (OOP) language for networking and Web development. C# is specified as a common language infrastructure (CLI) language. In January 1999, Dutch software engineer Anders Hejlsberg formed a team to develop C# as a complement to Microsoft’s NET framework. Initially, C# was developed as C-Like Object Oriented Language (Cool).", "9 Ways to Help Your Child's Language Development Parents play a critical role in a child's language development. Studies have shown that children who are read to and spoken with a great deal during early childhood will have larger vocabularies and better grammar than those who aren't. Here are some simple ways to nurture your baby's language development. 1. Talk, talk, talk. Narrate the day as it evolves. Tell your child, for instance, Now we're going to take a bath.", "Child development Child development refers to the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy.It is a continuous process with a predictable sequence yet having a unique course for every child.romoting child development through parental training, among other factors, promotes excellent rates of child development. Parents play a large role in a child's life, socialization, and development. Having multiple parents can add stability to the child's life and therefore encourage healthy development.", "When Children Reject, Disrespect, and Disappoint When parents assert their desires for their children, it is not unusual for them to be met with expressions of different or opposing wants and needs. Pushing back against what parents want is a necessary part of a child’s development.", "2016âs Best Programming Languages For Mobile Development Moreover, the language that you select for mobile development can make the difference between huge success and terrific frustration. There are numerous options; however, only if you know that on which path you are: Java – Let’s begin with Java as it is the most powerful programming language that you can use today.", "- These connections build language, literacy, and social–emotional skills at an important time in a young child’s development. These activities strengthen the bond between parent and child. Pediatricians know. this and urge parents to start reading with their babies from the start.", "Parents....how much do you pay for your childs school lunch? Parents....how much do you pay for your childs school lunch? I'm debating on doing sack lunches, or paying for my child's lunch. It's 2.25..We don't qualify for free lunch.", "- The unsatisfactory performance of students in language and literacy at all levels of the. Jamaican educational system, and its accompanying effects on language competence and on. the potential for human development in the wider society, have perpetually been matters of. concern.", "- Component Based Software Development. ABSTRACT. In this paper we introduce a novel aspect oriented implementation. language, called JAsCo. JAsCo is tailored for component based. development and the Java Beans component model in particular. The JAsCo language introduces two concepts: aspect beans and. connectors. An aspect bean describes behavior that interferes with." ]
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what does the word succumbing mean
[ "What is the opposite of advance? What is another word for advanced? What is the opposite of advanced? Sentences with the word advanced What is the meaning of the word advanced? How do you pronounce the word advanced? Words that rhyme with advanced What is another word for advances? What is the opposite of advances? Sentences with the word advances What is the meaning of the word advances? How do you pronounce the word advances? Words that rhyme with advances What is another word for advanced? What is the opposite of advanced? Sentences with the word advanced What is the meaning of the word advanced?", "Q: Word auto-highlighting, how to make it STOP! How do you disable this STUPID feature? I'm trying to highlight a single word or some part of a word for cut&paste operations and Word auto-highlights the whole line and sometimes the whole paragraph or page.'m trying to highlight a single word or some part of a word for cut&paste operations and Word auto-highlights the whole line and sometimes the whole paragraph or page.", "Four Examples of Word Processing Software Many companies use Microsoft Word for their word processing needs, but it is not the only product on the market. Review these examples of word processing software to learn about your options including free programs and web-based word processors.any companies use Microsoft Word for their word processing needs, but it is not the only product on the market. Review these examples of word processing software to learn about your options including free programs and web-based word processors.", "- It seems like a good idea to get out of a city filled with contagion. There's nothing to do but watch the bodies pile up and hear the news about who died. Plus, it's dangerous to stay somewhere where all social and moral controls are gone and people are succumbing to carnal pleasures..", "Skill: [Suffix] Words ending with â tion â as in na tion Words ending with \" sion \" as in vi sion Please include a word in each sentence that has the spelling pattern (tion) or (sion). Please be attentive to neatness and try to spell each word in your sentence correctly.refixes and suffixes are structural changes that are added to root words. A suffix is a phonetic unit that is placed after a root word. The root is the part of the word that contains the basic meaning. A root word is also known as a base word.", "- word origins ; language questions ; word lists; word of the year. current choice; previous choices; forum; blog; more. explore . word origins ; language questions ; word lists; word of the year. current choice; previous choices; forum; blog", "- Translation Price Language Pair Translation Price; French to English: £0.09 per word: English to French: £0.10 per word: Italian to English: £0.09 per word: English to Italian: £0.09 per word: Spanish to English: £0.09 per word: English to Spanish: £0.09 per word: German to English: £0.09 per word: English to German: £0.10 per word: Portuguese to English: £0.09 per word", "Does the word \"succumb\" mean to fall in a temptation? You seem not to have understood the meaning of succumb. If you plan on succumbing to your wife’s desire of moving to a new house. - You can't plan on succumbing to something. You might plan not to buy a new house, but then succumb to your wife's persistent entreaties to buy one. Succumbing to bad habits is not just easy, but also tempting. - Doesn't make sense. Succumbing is a consequence of temptation, there aren't two parallel processes.", "Governo Meaning Translation Italian To English Governo - The influence of a word in regard to construction, requiring that another word should be in a particular case. How To Say Governo in English To correctly spell or say the word Government you need to first know what sound all letters in the word make." ]
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where is little bohemia wisconsin
[ "Little Bohemia Lodge See more things to do in Wisconsin ». Little Bohemia is a lodge built in 1927 located in the small northern Wisconsin town of Manitowish Waters. The lodge caught fire in 1928 but was reconstructed in 1930; it now stands preserved as it was during the time of the 1934 FBI siege.", "- Map showing location of Wisconsin on the US map. As shown in the given Wisconsin location map that Wisconsin is located in the north part of the United States; however, it is considered as the part of the Midwest. Wisconsin shares its border with Minnesota in the west, Iowa in the south-west, Illinois in the south, Michigan in the northeast. Besides, it also shares water areas with Great Lakes Superior and Michigan. The capital city of Wisconsin is Madison; however, the largest city is Milwaukee.", "Czech Republic From 1991, the Czech Republic, originally as part of Czechoslovakia and since 1993 in its own right, has been a member of the Visegrad Visegrád group and from, 1995 THE. Oecd The Czech republic JOINED nato on 12 march 1999 and The European union on 1 may. 2004on 21 december 2007 The Czech republic joined The Schengen. areahe Czech state was formed in the late 9th century as the Duchy of Bohemia under the Great Moravian Empire. After the fall of the Empire in 907, the centre of power transferred from Moravia to Bohemia under the Přemyslids.", "WIDA Consortium The WIDA Consortium administrative office is located in the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.", "Airlines that fly to Wausau Central Wisconsin American Airlines flights. The biggest airlines flying to Wausau Central Wisconsin: Delta flights to Wausau Central Wisconsin, United flights to Wausau Central Wisconsin, American Airlines flights to Wausau Central Wisconsin.", "- Roads of the Mid-South & West > Highways of the State of Wisconsin > State Highways of the State of Wisconsin > Wisconsin State Route 133 > Wisconsin State Route 133, Grant County. Wisconsin State Route 133 is a east-west highway in Grant County. It runs from near Potosi to the Grant/Iowa County Line, near Muscoda. WI St Rt 133 passes through the following towns in Grant County. WI St Rt 133 is multi-plexed in Grant County. Wisconsin State Route 35, from Bloomington to near Patch Grove.", "- Cudahy, Wisconsin. Cudahy is a city in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, United States, North America. The population was 18,267 at the 2010 census.", "- Welcome to the Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year Award Program. Manufacturers contribute to the vibrancy of Wisconsin and our communities through good business practices, innovative processes, and productivity enhancements. Manufacturing creates economic growth and is the engine that drives the Wisconsin economy.", "German Submitted Surnames Kaden Name Meaning. German: habitational name for someone from Kaaden (Czech Kaden) in North Bohemia, or any of several other places called Kaden, examples of which are found in Schleswig-Holstein and in the Westerwald, near Koblenz." ]
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us post office mailbox height requirements
[ "- The 48” maximum high side reach is also found in the USPS requirements where at least one tenant mailbox must be located less than 48” above the finished floor. The 15” lower limit is also found in the USPS requirements as the lowest position above the finished floor for the shelf surface of a parcel locker.", "- Here are all Kirkland WA post office hours. There are many post offices in or around Kirkland to choose from. Below is the location of each Kirkland post office. Get the most up-to-date post office hours in Kirkland. Find phone numbers and map out the exact location of the post office you are looking for.", "Install a Mailbox Here are the guidelins for placing a mailbox, directly from the USPS: 1 Position your mailbox 41 to 45 from the road surface to the bottom of the mailbox or point of mail entry. 2 Place your mailbox 6 to 8 back from the curb. If you do not have a raised curb, contact your local postmaster for guidance. Put your house or apartment number on the mailbox. If your mailbox is on a different street from your house or apartment, put your full street address on the box.", "How to Use Telnet to Verify Basic POP3 Connectivity in Exchange 2007 Topic Last Modified: 2009-04-10. This topic explains how to use Telnet to verify that Post Office Protocol (POP3) can be used to connect to a mailbox that is on a computer that is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. The Exchange server has the Client Access server role installed.", "US Post Office 350 W High St, Lima Ohio 45801 (OH) US Post Office is predominantly engaged in U.S. Postal Service. US Post Office operates in Lima. This establishment is involved in U.S. Postal Service as well as other possible related aspects and functions of U.S. Postal Service.", "What is a P.O. Box? Can please anyone explain me!!? Best Answer: A p.o. Box is instead of getting mail and letters at your home...you have it sent to a post office...and they keep a box for you at the post office...and you go pick up the mail at the post office in a box they keep for you. Source(s):", "- To find out when your post office is open: 1 Enter your location in Find a Post Office. 2 A map will appear displaying post offices near you. 3 Select Hours and Services.4 Select your desired location to view the hours of operation. Enter your location in Find a Post Office. 2 A map will appear displaying post offices near you. 3 Select Hours and Services. 4 Select your desired location to view the hours of operation.", "Lima Post Office in Lima Ohio Lima Post Office in Lima Ohio Lima Post Office, a Post Office, in Lima, OH 45801, address and phone number. Post offices provide information on bulk mail services, domestic mail delivery, international shipping, change of address, mail forwarding, PO boxes, and passport services.", "3 Easy Steps to Renting a PO Box To get a mailbox online: 1 Go to PO Boxes Online. 2 Reserve a mailbox by selecting a location and a mailbox size. 3 Bring two form of IDs and Form 1583 with you to the post office where your postal box is located. 4 Get the keys for your box. Go to the post office where you want your postal box located. 2 Save yourself a trip and go online first to check if the size of the postal box you want is available. 3 Get a PO Box rental form (essentially a variation of Form 1583) at the counter." ]
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how to become a private investigator maryland
[ "Metrocast Phone Number Customer Service Phone Number of Metrocast is 800 6338578 / F: 843 4797115. Metrocast is a private owned telecommunication company which deals with Internet, broadband, cable connections and phone related services in various places of Maryland, South Carolina, Virginia, New Hampshire and Maine.", "Trickster (comics) In the live action television series The Flash (1990–1991), the Trickster was played by Mark Hamill. In the episode The Trickster, private investigator Megan Lockhart (played by Joyce Hyser) attempts to capture a wanted criminal psychopath named James Jesse.", "- Responsibilities The ICH-GCP guidelines describe the responsibilities of all parties involved in clinical trials such as ethics committees, sponsors and clinical trial investigators. Investigator responsibilities The investigator is the person responsible for the conduct of the clinical trial at the trial site.", "Penalty for Hiding Assets in a Divorce Sometimes, in a divorce, one spouse will try to hide or conceal assets from the other spouse. For example, this may occur because a husband does not want to share a large asset like a bank account or a piece of real estate with his wife, as is usually required in divorces.f you suspect that your spouse is hiding assets during your divorce, there are things you can do to try to unearth this fraud. You can hire a private investigator who can follow your spouse to find out if he goes to work full time or if he uses a bank that you did not know about.", "Search for a Private Investigative, Security or Recovery Licensee Search for a private investigative agency, private security agency or recovery agency licensed pursuant to Chapter 493, Florida Statutes. Check to see if a person is licensed (or has applied for a license) as a private investigator, private investigator intern, security officer,... Read more.", "Welcome to Historic Frostburg, Maryland Welcome to Historic Frostburg, Maryland Our Town Frostburg, Maryland is a small college town in Western Maryland boasting Frostburg State University; a four-year graduate and undergraduate public university.", "Baltimore Private Investigator Private investigators in the Baltimore, Maryland area are required to obtain a private investigator’s license through the Maryland State Police Licensing Division before they can legally conduct investigations, and ICS uses licensed sub-contractors in Maryland.", "- Maryland Human Resources Salaries. The salaries paid to human resources professionals in Maryland are quite generous from top to bottom if you take into consideration that the Maryland Per Capita Income is $43,800.", "Sara Paretsky Sara Paretsky, (born June 8, 1947, Ames, Iowa, U.S.), American mystery writer known for her popular series of novels featuring V.I. Warshawski, a female private investigator. Her books are set in and around Chicago." ]
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how to drink green tea to lose weight
[ "How to Drink Green Tea for Weight Loss Another study suggested the increase in calorie output was equal to about 100 calories over a 24-hour period. You don’t need to drink a lot of green tea to help you lose weight. While weight loss benefits vary based on different dynamics, they have been found by drinking as little as 2.5 cups of green tea per day.nother study suggested the increase in calorie output was equal to about 100 calories over a 24-hour period. You don’t need to drink a lot of green tea to help you lose weight. While weight loss benefits vary based on different dynamics, they have been found by drinking as little as 2.5 cups of green tea per day.", "5 Teas That Boost Your Calorie Burn This antioxidant-rich traditional Chinese drink not only helps keep cholesterol levels in check and aids digestion, it can also help rev up your metabolism. Like green tea, oolong is also packed with catechins, which boost weight loss efforts by improving the body’s ability to metabolise fat.", "Can I Drink Green Tea Instead Of Water Dont replace it! Drinking green tea is very very very beneficial! But you need water as well. Plus too much green tea is high in caffenine and can dehydrate you! You still need tons of water.But don't let the warnings of drinking green tea scare you! Drink plenty!osted. Green tea has been shown to be beneficial in a number of areas including possibly acne (it certainly helps with mine), but Clear Dreaming is right, the caffeine can dehydrate you. You should be drinking more water whilst drinking green tea.", "- Sip tea. I drink hot black or green tea with lemon and honey. Drinking the tea and breathing in steam stimulates the cilia—the hair follicles in the nose—to move out germs more efficiently. Lemon thins mucus, and honey is antibacterial..", "- Lipton teas are always dependable. This green tea is no different. If I want tea in bags, I will turn to Lipton. This green tea is a bit weak to my taste, and I do like the version that incorporates a citrus flavor better.", "Warningâ¦Your Green Tea Isnât What You Think It Is The other side of the green tea story: Even if you are consuming green tea, the truth is that you might not be getting what you pay for. Some bottled green teas and even green tea supplements contain only trace amounts of EGCG. Meanwhile, the amount of EGCG in other green tea–based products can vary by more than 240%.", "- But if you add milk or cream you're totally going to smother the taste. Plain with two exceptions: home-made Moroccan mint tea (sugar and mint added), and matcha frappes (milk and sweetener added). But the other 99% of the time it's completely straight green tea, regardless of the type. personally i drink my green tea with a side of more green tea. I usually add a little drizzle of honey!", "- I drink 2-3 cups of tea a day. I mostly drink oolong, and earl grey black. I get most of my tea from Adagio Teas, a company in NJ (USA). I only buy loose leaf tea and I brew it in a tea ball. I used to use un-dyed tea bags that Adagio sold but eventually switched to the tea ball.", "- The benefits of Iaso Tea. Iaso Tea is a blended herbal tea, which is often referred to as a ‘healing potion’ and after regularly consuming it for a month I can understand why. For me, it’s like a combination of green tea and a weight loss tea that also maintains the flavor of a tasty herbal tea." ]
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is ambulance services considered a covered entity
[ "- The transport is a Medicare-covered ambulance service under the statute (i.e., the individual cannot be safely transported by other means); (2). The provider believes that for the individual on that occasion, the ambulance service may be denied (in part or in full) as “not reasonable and necessary”; and (3).he Medicare law defines the ambulance service benefit as an “ ambulance service where the use of other methods of transportation is contraindicated by the individual's condition .” That is, the patient’s medical condition is such that transportation by ambulance is a clinical medical necessity.", "hustling Medical practice The illegal soliciting of victims of accidents or dread disease, to provide them with services; after being hustled, the Pt's insurance company is usually billed for office visits and treatment. See Ambulance chaser.", "Your Medicare Coverage Emergency ambulance transportation. You can get emergency ambulance transportation when you’ve had a sudden medical emergency, and your health is in serious danger because you can’t be safely transported by other means, like by car or taxi. These are some examples of when Medicare might cover emergency ambulance transportation:", "Modifiers for Medicare Billing Modifiers that are used on claims for ambulance services are created by combining two alpha characters. Each alpha character, with the exception of X, represents an origin (source) code or a destination code. The pair of alpha codes creates one modifier.", "Emergency Medical Dispatches and HIPAA: Are You HIPAA Compliant? Covered entities include: health care clearing houses; health plans; and health care providers who transmit any health information electronically in connection with certain transactions. Although this definition can be somewhat difficult to apply, generally speaking, ambulance services are covered entities. However, most dispatchers, such as 911 dispatchers, are not because they do not engage in covered electronic transactions, such as directly billing insurers for services or transmitting healthcare enrollment information.", "Medicare Hemodialysis Fee Schedule Mandated report on Medicare payment for ambulance services. Sep 6, 2012 … Effect of add-on payments on providers\\’ Medicare margins. • Need to reform ambulance fee schedule, whether add-ons should be built into base rate … Example: SNF resident with ESRD to/from dialysis.", "- We are in no way associated with or authorized by the Proctors Theatre Mainstage and neither that entity nor any of its affiliates have licensed or endorsed us to sell tickets, goods and or services in conjunction with their events.", "What are Tax and Liability Issues for a Disregarded Entity? What Business Entities are Considered Disregarded Entities? For income tax purposes I would define a disregarded entity as a legal entity that is ignored for federal (and many state) income tax purposes. The most common disregarded entity that I deal with is a single member limited liability company (LLC). No, because a sole proprietorship is not a legal entity separate from its owner.", "Who is an âInsured?â Commercial Coverage! Likewise, the insured entity may form or purchase a subsidiary LLC that compliments the products or services offered by the parent company. No coverage is extended for a newly formed or acquired LLC, not even for a short period of time unless and until this new entity is specifically named on the policy." ]
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average age of online bingo players
[ "High Stakes B-I-N-G-O Cons: Can be overwhelming if it is your first time playing there. This isn't your grandmothers bingo, this is anything goes high stakes! Foxwoods casino, the world's largest casino, houses a large high stakes bingo hall. Located in Stonnington, CT, the 3,600 seat capacity bingo hall, is bingo taken to its extreme.Bingo is play almost 350 days a year. two times a day. There is a 10:00am and 6:00 pm session.ocated in Stonnington, CT, the 3,600 seat capacity bingo hall, is bingo taken to its extreme. Bingo is play almost 350 days a year. two times a day. There is a 10:00am and 6:00 pm session.", "Word list: Baby Shower Bingo Neutral 1 All the Baby Shower Bingo cards you need. 2 Word list for the theme Baby Bingo Neutral. With a total of 87 words, the sets of this theme in the Baby bingo ebook contain 64 cards each.", "Frequently Asked Questions about Compensation The average salary of all starting players would be much higher than the average of all players so the mathematical average is much different than what the average player's contract states. Player salaries by position, age, years of experience or team are not known to the public.", "How To Grip a Baseball Bat To Help You Hit Better I would venture to say most older ball players already know how to grip the baseball bat. We were taught at a young age how to hold a bat either by coaches or parents. Let’s go back to the basics though for kicks and giggles because I’ve seen players of all ages holding it wrong.", "- Sword Art Online (SAO) is a Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG), released in 2022. With the NerveGear, a helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds.word Art Online (SAO) is a Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG), released in 2022. With the NerveGear, a helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds.", "- Rules and how to play Bingo, number calling, and online bingo: Bingo is played in halls. Bingo rules and payouts and play variations vary from place to place. Bingo brochures detailing particular games, rules and payouts are usually available at each respective location. Basically, players buy cards with numbers on them in a 5 x 5 grid corresponding to the five letters in the word B-I-N-G-O.", "Who is Playing? 1 The average age range for both men and women is 30 to 50 years olds. 2 As mentioned, 85% of players are playing online as opposed to in land-based casinos. In the last decade, the amount of players who are younger than 45 has increased from 46% to 62%.", "NCAA ICE HOCKEY SCHOLARSHIPS The average age of college hockey freshman is 20 years old. College coaches often begin scouting and recruiting players starting in high school and will follow them for their two years at the junior levels before making scholarship offers.", "- Most online casinos have an age limit of 21, so if you are under this age you will have to find one that will let you play through their service. Lucky Red Casino - 400% Match Bonus. One online casino that will let you play at 18 is that of Lucky Red Casino." ]
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how much does the average cremation cost
[ "RocketSwag.com In the United States, nearly quarter of all corpses are cremated because cremation is seen as way of reducing the average cost of a funeral. Traditional funerals are an expensive affair with costs starting at $5,000 but the average cost for cremation services is one-fifth of that.", "Cremation Cost 1 Embalming is not required with cremation unless the body will be on display, or if there will be a long delay between death and cremation. 2 If embalming is done, it can cost $200-$700 or more. 3 See How Much Does Embalming Cost. 4 The body must be in a container when it is cremated. The body must be in a container when it is cremated. 2 A simple unlined and unfinished container or casket starts around $20-$250; cardboard or softwood caskets covered with fabric cost $200-$1,000; and a hardwood casket can be $1,200-$8,000. 3 See How Much Does a Casket or Coffin Cost.", "- The average price of a direct cremation generally varies between $495 and $1,500. This cost varies between areas. In Miami, Las Vegas and Phoenix you can arrange a direct cremation for as little as $495 - $580.", "Frequently Asked Questions For an average size adult, the initial cremation takes about 21/2 to 3 hours with an operating temperature between 1500-1600 degrees F. In addition the “cool down” cycle, which allows for the removal of the cremated remains after cremation, may vary depending on the type of cremation unit.", "- In nj can you rent a casket for cremation. Cremation with no fueral service? How much does a basic funeral cost cremation? Casket rental for cremation in southern nj. How much does it cost to have a memorial service for a police?", "- Cost is reportedly the biggest factor causing the shift to cremation. According to the New Jersey Funeral Directors Association a family typically spent between $7,000 to $14,000 on a traditional funeral service in 2011.Yet the costs spent on a cremation service were nearer to $4,000. full service cremation in New Jersey is likely to cost between $4,000 - $10,000. Cremation with a memorial in New Jersey Arranging a cremation followed by a memorial service can work out cheaper.", "- 1 Embalming is not required with cremation unless the body will be on display, or if there will be a long delay between death and cremation. 2 If embalming is done, it can cost $200-$700 or more. 3 See How Much Does Embalming Cost. 4 The body must be in a container when it is cremated. Embalming is not required with cremation unless the body will be on display, or if there will be a long delay between death and cremation. 2 If embalming is done, it can cost $200-$700 or more. 3 See How Much Does Embalming Cost. 4 The body must be in a container when it is cremated.", "- The average price of a direct cremation generally varies between $495 and $1,500. This cost varies between areas. In Miami, Las Vegas and Phoenix you can arrange a direct cremation for as little as $495 - $580. However, in most metro areas across the U.S. a direct cremation costs between $795 and $1,200.", "Cremation Jewelry Cremation Jewelry. Cremation Jewelry in an Assortment of Favorite Jewelry Styles for Ashes... We offer three primary categories of cremation jewelry for ashes. Standard cremation jewelry is shipped to you with simple, step-by-step instructions so you can fill the cremation jewelry yourself." ]
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when was mott community center established
[ "- Related Posts: 1 Call Blending in Call Center Also known as blended services, call blending is a call…. 2 Call Center IQ Formed through the union of Call Center Week, the world's…. 3 3CC Call Center Established in 2013, 3CC Call Center is a BPO company…. 4 VTO in Call Center VTO or Voluntary Time Off is a call center jargon….", "Gravel Switch, Kentucky Gravel Switch is an unincorporated community within Marion County, Kentucky, United States. A post office was established in the community in 1870, and it was named for a valuable gravel deposit to which the local railroad directed a railway track.", "BRACKETTVILLE, TX BRACKETTVILLE, TX. BRACKETTVILLE, TEXAS. Brackettville, the county seat of Kinney County, is on U.S. Highway 90 twenty-two miles northeast of the Rio Grande and 125 miles west of San Antonio, near the geographic center of the county.he community was known as Brackett or Brackett City when it received a post office in 1873; another Texas community was named Brackett, however, so the postal service changed the community's name to Brackettville. It was designated the county seat of Kinney County when the county was established in 1876.", "- Lakewood, WA 98499. Home of the Pierce County Parks and Recreation administrative office, the Lakewood Community Center contains a large gymnasium, public meeting rooms and the Lakewood Senior Activity Center.", "Lewis Center, Ohio Lewis Center, Ohio. Lewis Center (also Lewis Centre) is an unincorporated community in northwestern Orange Township, Delaware County, Ohio, United States, located between Columbus and Delaware. Its ZIP code is 43035.", "- Soon a school was established, a church appeared, and a sailboat and a steamboat were built at Maiden Rock to keep the community in touch with other communities up and down the river. The village grew gradually to a population of slightly over 300 by 1900.", "Avoiding Counterfeit Cubans Smoking a fake cigar just isn’t fun at all. Counterfeit cigars are a bigger problem than you might think. At the last Las Vegas Big Smoke, executive editor Gordon Mott and I led a presentation on counterfeit cigars. As the seminar began, we polled the audience, asking if anyone had ever purchased a fake cigar.moking a fake cigar just isn’t fun at all. Counterfeit cigars are a bigger problem than you might think. At the last Las Vegas Big Smoke, executive editor Gordon Mott and I led a presentation on counterfeit cigars. As the seminar began, we polled the audience, asking if anyone had ever purchased a fake cigar.", "Marguerite H. Mott Dies at 88 Marguerite H. Mott, 88, who with her husband established a community center that helped bring water, sewer and social services to their neglected corner of Fairfax County, died of cancer Sept. 15 at her home in the Lewis Park area of Fairfax. Mrs. Mott and her husband, James, set up the community center in 1969. Originally a log cabin behind their home, the center later added two adjoining trailers and finally a permanent facility in 1995 that was named the James and Marguerite Mott Community Center.", "- Apprentices from Oahu attend classes at Honolulu Community College and the Hawaii Carpenters Training Center in Kapolei. Apprentices on the Neighbor Islands attend classes at the nearest Community College or a designated training center." ]
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what percentage of wages is medicare
[ "Do You Pay More in Taxes if Your Salary Is Based on Commission? Depending on the situation, your employer must withhold federal income tax from your commission at a flat percentage or according to the tax withholding tables for regular salary. When your commission represents your full wages, you pay the same amount in taxes as you would for salary.", "Medicare Coverage of Vaccinations Medicare Part B doesn't cover vaccinations for other diseases. If you have a Medicare Part C Medicare Advantage plan: Medicare Part C, also called a Medicare Advantage plan, covers everything that's included in original Medicare Part A and Part B, and sometimes more.", "Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax The employer is also liable for 6.2% Social Security and 1.45% Medicare taxes, making the total Social Security tax 12.4% of wages and the total Medicare tax 2.9%. Employee's share of the Social Security portion of the FICA tax.", "- Assuming a Medicare tax rate of 1.45% and monthly gross wages of $2,500, the amount recorded in Medicare Tax Payable for one quarter for the employee's payroll deduction is … read more taxmanrog", "Employer Obligations for the Additional Medicare Tax Employers are responsible for withholding and reporting the 0.9 percent Additional Medicare Tax, which became effective in 2013. If an employer fails to withhold the correct amount from wages it pays to an employee, the employer may be liable for the amount not withheld and subject to applicable penalties. Background.", "- Box 5 - Medicare wages and tips. The Medicare base amount is used for the Medicare tax calculation. The amount in this box has been. reduced to reflect employee contributions to voluntary SBS, pre-tax health insurance and dependent care.", "- SSI portion is 6.2% subject to the above wage limit for employers. SSI portion is 6.2 % subject to the above wage limit for employees. Medicare portion is 1.45% with no wage limit. FUTA – 0.60% (6.0% minus a maximum of 5.4%) on the first $7000 in wages . SUTA – 0.10% to 5.70% on the first $45,000 in wages.", "Medicare in Massachusetts Here are the types of Medicare plans available in Massachusetts. Medicare Part D is Medicare prescription drug coverage. If you have Original Medicare, you can add on stand-alone drug coverage by enrolling in a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.", "DI 23540.001 Medicare for Qualified Government Employment (MQGE) Cases These GEQCs are credited for the same amount of wages and in the same way as Social Security quarters of coverage (SSQCs). They can be used alone, or in combination with SSQCs for work in covered employment, to meet the insured status requirements for Medicare." ]
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enthralling definition
[ "The Definition of Lying and Deception There is no universally accepted definition of lying to others. The dictionary definition of lying is “to make a false statement with the intention to deceive” (OED 1989) but there are numerous problems with this definition.", "culinary culinary definition: The definition of culinary is something related to food or cooking. (adjective) An example of something that would be described as culinary is your skill in cooking....", "- Secant function (sec) - Trigonometry. Definition of secant function in trigonometry as applied to right triangles. Secant of a circle definition. Definition and properties of a secant-a line that intersects a circle at two points.", "- See Pipeline definition above PUMP STATION PHMSA has no definition, but the definition of pipeline includes “pumping units” and “fabricated assemblies associated with pumping units” ( 195.2) § 195.262 provides special regulations for pumping equipment. Not regulated by MMS Same as facility piping above See Pipeline definition above", "Sexual violence There is no generally accepted definition of sexual violence; however, a commonly used definition is the definition provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its World Report on Violence and Health 2002.", "- General Usage Instructions. Vault Administrator has to do the following actions: - Select a particular Lifecycle Definition. - Once Definition is selected the Lifecycle states for the selected definition is displayed in the Lifecycle State dropdown menu.", "- Show. 1 Answer: C is the correct colloquialism definition. A is the definition of slang and B is the definition of jargon. 2 Answer: B is an example of colloquialism because of the contraction “gonna” and the usage of the word “soda”, as well the non-literal usage of “grab”.", "- Enthralling definition: holding the attention completely; fascinating ; spellbinding | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples", "\"Ambition Definition Essays\" Essays and Research Papers Ambition Definition Essays Essays and Research Papers. 1 Ambition Definition Essays Ambition Essay “Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform... 2 Definition Essay Definition Essay I. A definition essay defines a word, term, or concept in depth by providing a..." ]
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what is a good cost per click on adwords
[ "How Much Will it Cost to Retile My Shower? If not, you’re liable to do more damage than good or end up wasting your time and then calling a professional. Labor can cost anywhere from $5 to $10 per square foot of tile installation. Odd-shaped showers or other issues that complicate the installation can add to the cost. If you need to install a new shower pan it could cost you an additional $300 – $400 for the pan itself, and then the additional cost of labor. And while you’re removing the old tile, it’s a good idea to inspect the piping.", "- WordStream, a venture capital-backed provider of hosted software that automates most of the manual work involved with creating and optimizing both paid and natural search engine marketing campaigns, has done some research to discover which keyword categories fetch the highest costs per click (CPC) in Google’s AdWords solution.", "Formula Auditing On the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click Trace Precedents. As expected, Total cost and Group size are used to calculate the Cost per person. 3. Click Trace Precedents again. As expected, the different costs are used to calculate the Total cost.", "Cost of Pergo Flooring Simply enter your zip code and the square footage, next click update and you will see a breakdown on how much it should cost to have Pergo Flooring installed in your home. Cost can add up quickly, especially if you’re a novice and have never attempted a Pergo Flooring installation before.", "- Labor. Labor and installation costs account for nearly two-thirds of the final deck cost. That's the majority of your deck cost no matter what materials you choose-good news for experienced DIYers.", "You Should Disable Adobe Flash Player Now: Here's How Apple Safari. 1. Click Safari in the menu bar. 2. Scroll down to Preferences and click. 3. Click the Security tab in the pop-up window. 4. Click the second Website Settings button, next to Allow Plug-ins. 5. Select Adobe Flash Player. Our Safari installation didn't have the Flash plug-in, which is probaby a good thing. 6.", "- The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning. Ways of saying hello:hello, good morning, good afternoon... Ways of saying goodbye:goodbye, bye, good night...", "How Much Does Google AdWords Cost? The average cost per click in Google AdWords is between $1 and $2 on the search network. The average CPC on the Display Network is under $1. The most expensive keywords in AdWords and Bing Ads cost $50 or more per click. These are generally highly competitive keywords in industries that have high customer lifetime values, like law and insurance. Giant retailers can spend up to $50 million per year on paid search in AdWords. The average small business using AdWords spends between $9,000 and $10,000 per month on their Google paid search campaigns. That's $100,000 to $120,000 per year. Now, let's examine these points about AdWords costs more closely. How Does AdWords Work?", "Cost of Carpet Tiles The Carpet Tiles cost estimator will provide you with up to date pricing for your area. Simply enter your zip code and the square footage, next click update and you will see a breakdown on what it should cost to have Carpet Tiles installed in your home." ]
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what is the daily allowance of sodium
[ "WW Allowance Calculator If you are working out as part of your Weight Watchers plan, then you want to know how many points you earned for your activity. Use this online calculator to find out and don't forget to record it on your tracking sheet. Points Allowance for Nursing Moms If you are a nursing mother, then you get extra daily allowance points.", "What is the \"recommended daily allowance\" for sodium? Asker's rating. 1 Daily Allowance Of Sodium. 2 This Site Might Help You. 3 I recently read in Fitness magazine that the RDA for sodium for women is about 2000. 4 less than 2000mg of sodium per day is considered low sodium. 5 I have discovered that I do not need to add salt to anything, as ther eis enough in there.", "- Manganese concentrations in sweat are so relatively low that it would take about 300 liters (about 75 gallons) of sweat to use up a typical daily intake. As you can see from the table, sodium is critical. Just four liters (quarts) of sweat might result in a loss equivalent to a typical daily intake.", "- For example, some diets require you to consume just 20 grams of net carbs or less each day, during the initial stage. In this case, 1/2 cup of quinoa takes up the majority of your daily carb allowance.But as you continue to lose weight and progress in the diet regimen, you can gradually start increasing your net carb intake.or example, some diets require you to consume just 20 grams of net carbs or less each day, during the initial stage. In this case, 1/2 cup of quinoa takes up the majority of your daily carb allowance.", "The Benefits of Juicing Tomatoes Each 8-ounce serving of fresh tomato juice contains just 13 milligrams of sodium -- less than 1 percent of your daily sodium allowance, according to the Institute of Medicine. An equivalent serving of canned tomato juice, in contrast, contains 653 milligrams of sodium, 44 percent of your daily allowance.", "Are Apples With Peanut Butter Healthy? High in Energy. Apples are very low in calories but peanut butter has a lot. One serving of peanut butter has about 200 to 250 calories. This covers approximately 12.5 percent of your daily allowance, based on a 2,000-calorie diet.", "- A per diem allowance is a daily payment based on government calculated rates instead of reimbursement for actual expenses.Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) are now reimbursed on a per diem basis. per diem allowance is a daily payment based on government calculated rates instead of reimbursement for actual expenses.", "- Check the Label! High levels of sodium may seem “hidden” in packaged food, particularly when a food doesn’t “taste” salty – but sodium is not hidden on the Nutrition Facts Label! 1 The Nutrition Facts Label lists the Percent Daily Value (%DV) of sodium in one serving of a food.heck the Label! High levels of sodium may seem “hidden” in packaged food, particularly when a food doesn’t “taste” salty – but sodium is not hidden on the Nutrition Facts Label! 1 The Nutrition Facts Label lists the Percent Daily Value (%DV) of sodium in one serving of a food.", "- up vote -2 down vote favorite. Per diem is a daily allowance for expenses, a specific amount of money that an organization gives an individual per day to cover living and traveling expenses (allowance) in connection with work done away from home or on tour.sk your employer, as this depends on them. Ask what allowable expenses are and what their maximums. In the U.S. the U.S. government sets per diem rates for its employees. There is a maximum rate for hotels and a daily rate for meals and other expenses. For expensive cities, these are adjusted upward." ]
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was war ever declared in afghanistan
[ "Durrani The Durrani are the politically dominant Pashtun group in Afghanistan as the former President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, is of the Durrani sub-group known as the Popalzai and has close ties to the last king of Afghanistan, Zahir Shah, another member of the Durrani tribe Mohammadzai / Barakzai.he Durrani are the politically dominant Pashtun group in Afghanistan as the former President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, is of the Durrani sub-group known as the Popalzai and has close ties to the last king of Afghanistan, Zahir Shah, another member of the Durrani tribe Mohammadzai / Barakzai.", "Woodrow Wilson The next day, President Wilson decided to enter the war alongside the Allied forces. On April 2, 1917, Wilson requested that Congress declare war on Germany, stating that the The world must be made safe for democracy.. Congress declared war on April 6, and Wilson signed the war declaration on April 7.", "ANGLO-RUSSIAN CONVENTION OF 1907 ANGLO-RUSSIAN CONVENTION OF 1907. an agreement relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet. ANGLO-RUSSIAN CONVENTION OF 1907, an agreement relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet.Signed on 31 August in St. Petersburg, it formalized political changes that had occurred in the Far East, the Middle East and Europe as a result of the Russo-Japanese war and the Russian revolution of 1905.n agreement relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet. ANGLO-RUSSIAN CONVENTION OF 1907, an agreement relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet.", "World War II: Country Code Breaking Efforts--The United States World War I. The United States had not participated in a major war since the Civil War (1861-65). As a result, Americans had little expertise with cryptology when Congress declared war (April 1917). Parker Hitt, a Signal Corps instructor, published a short book on cryptology (1915).", "- The U.S. has spent more reconstructing Iraq and Afghanistan than it did rebuilding Germany after World War II. And it’s not done yet. The U.S. spent $60.45 billion in Iraq reconstruction from fiscal 2003-2012 and nearly $100 billion in Afghanistan since hostilities began in 2001.The United States has invested more in the reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan than it did in Germany after World War II.60.45 billion has been spent in Iraq, more than $100 billion in Afghanistan. For comparison, the U.S. spent less than $35 billion in today’s dollars in Germany from 1946 through 1952.", "- In addition to these policing bodies, U.S. military forces havebeen deployed against Americans several times in our historywithout a congressional declaration of war as in the KoreanWar, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, and the wars inIraq and Afghanistan in the twenty-first century.", "John C. Calhoun The US declared war on Mexico on May 13, 1846 because the government wanted to expand the USA to the west and Mexico owned most of the land in the west. After the war ended in 1848, Mexico ceded land from California to Texas to the United States government.", "- The first Republican president ever, Lincoln led the Union to victory in the Civil War and ended slavery in America. With firm conviction, Lincoln declared South Carolina's secession illegal and pledged to go to war to protect the federal union in 1861.", "U.S. Ends Its War in Afghanistan U.S. Ends Its War in Afghanistan. The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan ended its combat mission Sunday, marking the formal—if not real—end to the longest war in American history. American warplanes began bombing the country on Oct. 7, 2001, less than a month after the 9/11 attacks." ]
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where did the jack russell breed originate from
[ "List of dancers img via instagram. Russell Ferguson - Season 6 - Currently performing in the dance crew SIDESTREET, Russell has performed in Anthony William's Urban Nutcracker and competed and starred as a judge on China's So You Think You Can Dance.", "Ray Charles â Hit The Road Jack Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back. No more no more no more no more. Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back. No more. What'd you say. Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back. No more no more no more no more. Hit the road Jack and don't cha come back.", "SEE IT: Jack Russell terrier teaches baby how to crawl SEE IT: Jack Russell terrier teaches baby how to crawl. A beyond-cute dog has flipped an age-old idiom on its head by teaching a young baby some new tricks. Adorable footage shows Buddy the Jack Russell giving tiny 7-month-old Allie an energetic lesson in how to crawl. Worried that the little girl is unable to move her way across the rug, he decided to show her exactly how it's done. Sliding along on his belly, he hikes his paws in front and drags his back legs behind. LIttle Allie is learning how to crawl, but is having a tough time ...", "Russell Martin Net Worth About Russell Martin. Russell Martin is a Canadian professional baseball player with an estimated net worth of $35 million. Russell Martin played for the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and Polyvalente Édouard-Montpetit’s baseball team. In junior college, he took a scholarship at Chipola College.", "Posts belonging to Category 'Union Station' Click Here for Google Map showing the location of the Russell Senate Office Building. Closest Metro Station: The Union Station Metro Station on the Red Line is nearest to the Russell Senate Office Building.", "Jack Russell Terrier - History and Health Jack Russell Terrier - History and Health. History. The Jack Russell Terrier was developed in Devonshire, England, in the early 1800’s. In 1819, a young John (Jack) Russell was wandering the Oxford University campus shortly before he was to sit for an examination for which he apparently was ill-prepared.", "The curse of Tarantino is back in The Man With The Iron Fists The Good, The Bad And The Portly: Russell Crowe Jack Knife in The Man With The Iron Fists. The wafer-thin characters have names like Poison Dagger, Lady Silk and Jack Knife.", "- Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey Essential Facts. 1 Contrary to popular belief Jack Daniel’s isn’t bourbon. 2 Thanks to a courthouse fire, the exact birth date of Jack Daniel is unknown. 3 Why Jack Daniel named his whiskey “Old No. 7” is also a mystery.", "- Wyatt Russell. Wyatt Russell was born on July 10, 1986 in Los Angeles, California, USA as Wyatt Hawn Russell. He is an actor, known for 22 Jump Street (2014), Everybody wants Some!! (2016) and Cowboys & Aliens (2011). See full bio »." ]
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define the term of parameter
[ "Menu Search Create AccountSign InSign InForgot your Password?New to Sophia?Create an Account - know what the two classes of hormones are - define the term peptide - define the term polar define the term non-polar - give examples of hormones that fall into these classes - know what steroid hormones are synthesized from - know what cholesterol is - know how each class of hormone is transported in the blood stream - know what a carrier protein is - know what half life is This packet covers the two classes of hormones in the human body and their differences.", "7 Auditing Database Activity Values: none. Disables standard auditing. This value is the default if the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter was not set in the initialization parameter file or if you created the database using a method other than Database Configuration Assistant.If you created the database using Database Configuration Assistant, then the default is db. os.his value is the default if the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter was not set in the initialization parameter file or if you created the database using a method other than Database Configuration Assistant. If you created the database using Database Configuration Assistant, then the default is db.", "What Are Gross Receipts? The phrase, gross receipts, is an accounting term often heard from accountants and financial managers. Its meaning pertains to a parameter of revenues that is often discussed when talking about the profitability of a business.", "SharePoint 2013: How to implement pagination in REST services So use data.d.__next to get next page items. REST service always returns this property whenever there is possible next set of items otherwise returns null. To implement pagination $top parameter is important, so in default REST URL define the $top value and then data.d.__next will work properly.", "Dynamic Vs. Static Character Definitions and Examples A common misconception is that a dynamic character has an electric, charismatic personality. In fact, the term dynamic doesn't define the character's qualities, but rather refers to how those qualities change over time.", "Linear Algebra/Describing the Solution Set We refer to a variable used to describe a family of solutions as a parameter and we say that the set above is parametrized with and. (The terms parameter and free variable do not mean the same thing. Above, and are free because in the echelon form system they do not lead any row.", "Sound The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch of the sound The lower the frequency the lower the pitch of a sound Define the term frequency as it applies to sound waves.", "C Formal Vs Actual Parameters Parameter (computer programming) In computer programming, a parameter is a special kind of variable, used in a subroutine to refer to one of the pieces of data provided as input to the subroutine. These pieces of data are called arguments.", "- We have seen attempts to define asset management as. life-cycle cost management; it has been used in the. phrase “asset management reliability”, which seems to. be redundant or confusing; we have seen the term. substituted for maintenance or reliability practices." ]
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which shade welding glasses are darker
[ "Welding Types Home Arc welding is the most basic of all welding types, is easy to master in a home welding situation. Stick welding can be used for manufacturing, construction and repairs, very much well suited for heavy metal size 4 millimetres upwards. Thinner sheet metals and alloys are usually more suited to the mig welding types.", "What is ARC Welding Introduction SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW), commonly called stick, or covered electrode, welding, is a manual welding process that uses a welding power supply to create an electric an arc between a flux-covered consumable electrode and the workpiece to melt the metals at the welding point.", "Welder's Glass Welder's Glass. Welder's Shade Glass. A heat resistant grey-green tinted glass made to provide the correct eye protection for every welding operation. The shade numbers 1-14 refer to the density needed for the different welding operations. The higher the number, the darker the shade. Stock sheet size is 0.108 thick in Density 3 through Density 14.", "How to Arc Weld Welding shield (hood). This is the mask which is worn to protect the person welding from the bright flash of the arc, and from sparks being thrown during welding. Standard arc welding lenses are tinted very darkly, since exposure to the arc flash can cause flash burns to the retina of the eye.", "The cost of glasses and how to save Posted by Ruthie Dean on Thu, Mar 20, 2014 @ 05:03. The cost of glasses and how to save Glasses can cost anywhere between $10 for reading glasses at Walmart to $500+ if you opt for an expensive designer pair.Asking how much glasses cost is a little like asking how much your wife should spend on a new dress.ow much glasses cost for you will depend on whether or not you have vision insurance. Every vision insurance will have different amounts, but VSP gives insured customers a $150 allowance for glasses. At Lenscrafters, prescription glasses cost: Plastic prescription glasses: $125.", "Orbital Welding in Critical Systems Orbital Welding in Critical Systems. Introduction. Orbital welding has steadily gained popularity in the last ten. years, mainly due to the semiconductor industry’s requirements. for better gas distribution systems. These systems encompassed. all the requirements of a critical system. Orbital welding did not.", "Why can't we just buy \"Near sighted\" glasses at the local drug store? Why can&#39;t we just buy &quot;Near sighted&quot; glasses at the local drug store like we can buy &quot;Far sighted&quot; reading glasses for $10 and that&#39;s it?t makes no sence. If I just have normal bad eye sight, then why can't I just go to the local store to buy some near-sighted glasses Near-Sighted glasses are reading glasses also, but just to read further away.", "- Blublockers brand glasses with the original 'amber' (orangish-brown) lens color are also fully blue-blocking lenses. They are darker than SCT Orange - maybe too dark to use indoors - but awesome as outdoor sunglasses.", "Hobart Pro Series Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet with Grind Mode â Black, Model# 770753 The Hobart Pro Series Variable-Shade Welding Helmet is a premium auto-darkening helmet with weld and grind modes. Has a variety of pro performance features you can count on for any job. Provides 813 variable shades and adjustable controls for delay and sensitivity. Low amperage TIG-capable." ]
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how did the slave trade affect europe
[ "In 1807 the slave trade was abolished by the British Parliament. It became illegal to buy and sell slaves, but people could still own them. Introduction. In 1807 the slave trade was abolished by the British Parliament. It became illegal to buy and sell slaves, but people could still own them. In 1833 Parliament finally abolished by the British Parliament finally abolished slavery itself, both in Britain and within it's empire.The slave trade and the plantations were abolished and up came the freedom of the African black men. There were many factors that lead to the abolition to slavery.ntroduction. In 1807 the slave trade was abolished by the British Parliament. It became illegal to buy and sell slaves, but people could still own them. In 1833 Parliament finally abolished by the British Parliament finally abolished slavery itself, both in Britain and within it's empire.", "Levofloxacin (Levaquin) 1 In Europe, levofloxacin is marketed by Sanofi-Aventis under the trade name of Tavanic®, and in Asia it is marketed by Daiichi under the trade name of Cravit®. 2 As levofloxacin has a high oral bioavailability (about 99%) it is appropriate for intravenous-to-oral sequential treatment.", "- Despite the growth in trade and manufacturing, China did not develop the kind of commercial capitalism--private business based on profit--that was emerging in Europe. Some key … differences between China and Europe explain this fact. In the first place, middle-class merchants and manufacturing in China were not as independent as those in Europe. Trade and manufacturing remained under the firm control of the government.", "- Portugal and Spain Portugal was the first European country to trade in slaves from Africa, initially mainly to bring them back to Portugal (there were 32,000 African slaves in Portugal in the 16th century, working mainly in the fields and sugar plantations).ome, such as England, France and Portugal used slave labour in their colonies while others, such as the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark, were mainly active in the commercial trade and shipping, thus contributing to the trade by carrying slaves from Africa to the Caribbean and Latin America.", "Ukraine has been part of Europe for nearly a millennium. In other words, medieval history shows that Ukraine has long been part of Europe, connected by trade, religion, alliances and marriage. Though some have argued that Ukraine is not part of Europe (generally equating “the West” with Europe and opposing it to Russia), this is a historically fallacious claim.", "Abolition of slavery in the Americas Abolition of slavery in the United States. The slave trade was abolished in the United States from 1 January 1808. However, some slaving continued on an illegal basis for the next fifty years.One popular subterfuge was to use whaling ships. The campaign to end slavery itself in the United States was long and bitter.bolition of slavery in the United States. The slave trade was abolished in the United States from 1 January 1808. However, some slaving continued on an illegal basis for the next fifty years.", "HISTORY History The Compromise of 1850 consisted of five laws passed in September of 1850 that dealt with the issue of slavery. In 1849, California requested permission to enter the Union as a free state, potentially upsetting the balance between the free and slave states in the U.S. Senate.) The slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia.5) The Fugitive Slave Act made any federal official who did not arrest a runaway slave liable to pay a fine. See also Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Law.", "Racism â A history The first episode of Racism – A History, ‘The Colour of Money’, explores how this shift in the attitudes of the day can be largely attributed to the colonial powers’ desire to justify the slave trade.", "After decades-long loophole, US bans imports made by slave labor Feb 26th 2016 10:41AM. President Barack Obama signed a law on Wednesday banning the import of goods produced by slave labor. The law was apart of a larger trade enforcement bill presented by Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) last year. The bill was created to strengthen trade enforcement efforts and to streamline legal trade in goods." ]
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where does the deltoid muscle attach
[ "What You Can Do Right Now about Your Elbow Pain * You must be logged in to name and customize your collection. DESCRIPTION. Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow, is a painful condition involving the tendons that attach to the bone on the outside (lateral) part of the elbow.Tendons anchor the muscle to bone. You must be logged in to name and customize your collection. DESCRIPTION. Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow, is a painful condition involving the tendons that attach to the bone on the outside (lateral) part of the elbow.", "- Yes, calcium is necessary for the release of neurotransmitters that cause a muscle to initiate a contraction. Calcium is also needed to bind to the troponin-tropomyosin comple … x causing it to change position so the myosin head can attach to the actin molecule which results in contraction.", "How to Use a Pool Vacuum 1 Attach the vacuum head to one end of the telescopic pole. 2 This allows you to move the vacuum head around the bottom of the pool. 3 There should be a clear place on the top of the head where you attach it to the pole. 4 Attach one end of the vacuum hose to the vacuum head. Attach the vacuum head to one end of the telescopic pole. 2 This allows you to move the vacuum head around the bottom of the pool. 3 There should be a clear place on the top of the head where you attach it to the pole. 4 Attach one end of the vacuum hose to the vacuum head.", "Muscle Exercises for Archery The actions in archery utilize several main muscle groups in the body, including the triceps, which sit at the back of your upper arm, the deltoid muscles in your shoulders and the latissimus dorsi muscles in the lower back.ow, Row, Row Your Muscles. Spending time on the rowing machine is well worth it if you want to improve muscles for archery, because it works all of the primary muscles used in the sport including the deltoids, latissimus dorsi and triceps. Sit on the seat with your feet strapped in securely.", "Deltoid tuberosity In human anatomy, the deltoid tuberosity is a rough, triangular area on the antero lateral (front-side) surface of the middle of the humerus to which the deltoid muscle attaches.", "Elbow pain Elbow pain can be caused by many problems. A common cause in adults is tendinitis. This is inflammation and injury to the tendons, which are soft tissues that attach muscle to bone. People who play racquet sports are most likely to injure the tendons on the outside of the elbow. This condition is commonly called tennis elbow.", "What Muscles Does Running Build? Extending your arm backward is the job of your latisimus dorsi muscle of your back and your posterior deltoid. There is very little work being done by your upper body muscles in distance running so any building effect will be very slight. You use your upper body muscles far more in sprinting.", "Brachialis muscle The brachialis originates from the lower half of the front of the humerus, near the insertion of the deltoid muscle, which it embraces by two angular processes.Its origin extends below to within 2.5 cm of the margin of the articular surface of the humerus at the elbow joint.he brachialis originates from the lower half of the front of the humerus, near the insertion of the deltoid muscle, which it embraces by two angular processes.", "Are human rabies shots still administered through your stomach? SOURCE PLEASE...? No. The initial prophylaxis includes a single shot of rabies immune globulin, which may be given in the rear, or it may be given half around a particularly bad bite, with the other half in the rear; at the same time, the first dose of the HDCV immunization is given in the deltoid muscle of the arm, as are the subsequent doses." ]
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when ordering multifocal what is the add
[ "Chapter 8: Rhythms Originating in the Atria Which of these statements about how sinus arrhythmia differs from wandering atrial pacemaker is. Sinus arrhythmia has uniform P wave shapes; wandering atrial pacemaker has at least 3 different shaped P waves. The difference between wandering atrial pacemaker and multifocal atrial tachycardia is. Multifocal atrial tacycardia has a faster hr.", "ORDER OF PAYMENT The noun ORDER OF PAYMENT has 1 sense: 1. a document ordering the payment of money; drawn by one person or bank on another. Familiarity information: ORDER OF PAYMENT used as a noun is very rare.Dictionary entry details.he noun ORDER OF PAYMENT has 1 sense: 1. a document ordering the payment of money; drawn by one person or bank on another. Familiarity information: ORDER OF PAYMENT used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details.", "Case StudyVerruciform xanthoma of the esophagus Verruciform xanthoma is a distinctive lesion of oral mucosa and genital skin. It can be solitary or multifocal, as well as sporadic or associated with inflammatory, autoimmune, immunodeficient, metabolic, neoplastic, or congenital diseases. To our knowledge, it has not yet been described in the esophagus.", "- Illinois Divorce Certificate Ordering. This option is the simplest and easiest way to get your Illinois Divorce Certificate. Order online and you will get your Illinois Divorce Certificate usually in less than a week.", "What Are Multifocal Contact Lenses â And Should You Order Them Online? The first sign that you may need multifocal contact lenses is if your prescription for glasses has numbers in the ADD column. Numbers in this column indicate that you are presbyopic to some extent. Although there is no set limit to what the ADD number can be, it usually ranges between +0.75 to +2.50. The higher your ADD number is, the more you stand to benefit from multifocal contact lenses. But more importantly than the ADD number, is how bothered you are by your vision up close.", "Where is the transit/ABA routing number on my checks? refer to you check to determine the appropriate number. ACH Routing: 021300077 or 222370440 Wire Transfer: 021300077 Florida ABA (Ordering Checks): 067014181 Wire Transfer & ACH Routing: 041001039 Ohio - Columbus ABA (Ordering Checks): 044000642 Wire Transfer & ACH Routing: 041001039 Idaho ABA (Ordering Checks): 124101555", "Differential Diagnosis of Retinal Disease For example, in multifocal pattern dystrophy (B), the RPE disease can be seen in a reticular pattern, whereas in fundus flavimaculatus these lesions are in the so-called pisciform (fish bone) pattern (C). CASE #4: Two asymptomatic male patients were referred for evaluation of the lesions seen in the photos below.", "Electroencephalography Abnormal results. The EEG readings of patients with epilepsy or other seizure disorders display bursts or spikes of electrical activity. In focal epilepsy, spikes are restricted to one hemisphere of the brain. If spikes are generalized to both hemispheres of the brain, multifocal epilepsy may be present.", "What does ' qty ' mean? Okay, so I was shopping on this shoe site (www.sneakerhead.com), and while looking at the shoe I want and ordering it, it said ' qty ';1. Does that mean I get one pair of the shoes or only one shoe? - (: ♥ $ ." ]
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what is an esata drive
[ "Individual Data Storage (P:) When you have a wireless or cable connection to the Tufts network, you can drag and drop files to your P: drive, create folders, and use it as a “Save as …” location the same way you work with files and directories on your computer’s C: drive, an external hard drive, or USB thumb drive.", "- chevrolet hhr all wheel drive chevrolet hhr all wheel drive. Follow chevrolet hhr all wheel drive chevrolet hhr all wheel drive to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow chevrolet hhr all wheel drive chevrolet hhr all wheel drive to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following chevrolet hhr all wheel drive chevrolet hhr all wheel drive in your eBay Feed.", "Q: How do I put photos into my PC from an SD memory card? If your computer has a an SD crad reader, when you insert a card into it, it's just like a disk drive. You can copy files from *that* disk drive to your real disk drive just as you would from any other disk drive--copy and paste, drag and drop, etc.If you don't know how to do those things, write back for more info.f your computer has a an SD crad reader, when you insert a card into it, it's just like a disk drive. You can copy files from *that* disk drive to your real disk drive just as you would from any other disk drive--copy and paste, drag and drop, etc. If you don't know how to do those things, write back for more info.", "How to Do a Clean Install of OS X Mavericks To do a clean install of OS X Mavericks, you'll need a blank USB flash drive that is at least 8GB in size. You'll be using this drive completely for OS X Mavericks, so don't waste a larger drive if you have an 8GB available.", "What is eSATA? External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment or eSATA is an external interface for SATA technologies. It competes with FireWire 400 and universal serial bus (USB) 2.0 to provide fast data transfer speeds for external storage devices.", "- G-DRIVE ev ATC Up to 136MB/s 7200RPM (1) USB 3.0 1TB $179.95 Accessories Rugged, All-Terrain Drive Solution G-DRIVE ev ATC is as rugged1 as you want to be. This all-terrain drive solution with tethered USB cable shields a high quality, lightweight2 removable, stand-alone G-DRIVE ev RaW USB hard drive.", "How do I get data off of the hard drive in a dead computer? Get an external drive enclosure. Perhaps the most flexible way of dealing with a hard drive in a dead computer is to purchase a USB hard-disk drive enclosure. These are almost identical to any of the external USB drives you might purchase, except there’s no drive inside. You need to get the correct-sized enclosure for the physical size of your drive.", "How to Clean Install Windows 7 over Windows XP Click your Windows XP drive. Your Windows XP drive will have the letters XP in its name from Step 2. Click Drive Options (Advanced). Clicking Drive options, (advanced) lets you prepare your hard drive to make room for Windows 7.", "drive from las vegas to reno Nov 30, 2006, 9:15 PM. The drive up 95 takes about 6.5 hrs if you dont stop. It is a boring drive. Alot of the drive is two lane HWY. I lived in Vegas and made that drive maybe 6 times. I would always fly if I could but sometimes had to drive. Ive never done the scenic route just the fastest route." ]
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what is ankylosing spondylitis disease
[ "What Is Diclofenac (Voltaren)? Diclofenac is normally taken to relieve pain, swelling, or inflammation caused by injuries and conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, painful menstruation periods, migraines, and ankylosing splondylitis.Diclofenac belongs to group of drugs known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).iclofenac is the generic name for a prescription drug that’s available under a number of brand names, such as Voltaren, Pennsaid, Solaraze, Zipsor, Cataflam, and Zorvolex.", "- About Batten Batten Disease is a rare neurodegenerative disease with no cure... yet. We are racing against time to change that. About Batten Batten Disease is a rare neurodegenerative disease with no cure... yet.", "Humira People with rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn's disease often have higher levels of TNF. These high levels of TNF-alpha can cause inflammation and lead to problems.", "Ankylosing Spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of chronic inflammation of the spine and the sacroiliac joints. The sacroiliac joints are located at the base of the low back where the sacrum (the bone directly above the tailbone) meets the iliac bones (bones on either side of the upper buttocks) of the pelvis.", "What are the causes and types of arthritis? Arthritis literally means inflammation within the joint itself, but inflammation may also affect the tendons and ligaments surrounding the joint (this is known as enthesitis). Inflammation can damage the surface of the joint and sometimes the underlying bone.Inflammatory types of arthritis often affect several joints.Examples of inflammatory arthritis include: 1 rheumatoid arthritis. 2 reactive arthritis. 3 ankylosing spondylitis. 4 arthritis associated with colitis or psoriasis.nflammatory types of arthritis often affect several joints. Examples of inflammatory arthritis include: 1 rheumatoid arthritis. 2 reactive arthritis. 3 ankylosing spondylitis. 4 arthritis associated with colitis or psoriasis.", "What is the difference between a communicable disease and a contagious disease and an infectious disease? In brief: Spread. A communicable disease is a disease many others may get and that is why we have vaccinations. A contagious disease is a disease someone in contact with the person may catch. An infectious disease is a disease that may be spread within the person such as a virus or a bacterial or a fungal infection. An infectious disease may be contagious and communicable but does not have to be. In brief: Spread.", "- Genetics and ankylosing spondylitis. Each rheumatic disease has its own cause(s), including a certain genetic background. One of the strongest examples of this genetic influence on a rheumatic disease is the connection between ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and a gene called HLA-B27. Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritis affecting primarily the spine that begins in teenagers and young adults.", "What is Tivorbex? Indomethacin is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to treat mild to moderate acute pain and relieve symptoms of arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) or gout, such as inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and joint pain.ndomethacin is also used to treat ankylosing spondylitis, which is a type of arthritis that affects the joints in the spine. This medicine may also be used to treat painful shoulder caused by bursitis or tendinitis. This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.", "What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease? 1 Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. 2 The cause of Crohn's disease is unknown. 3 Crohn's disease can cause ulcers in the small intestine, colon, or both.rohn's disease facts. 1 Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. 2 The cause of Crohn's disease is unknown. 3 Crohn's disease can cause ulcers in the small intestine, colon, or both." ]
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number of items in sharepoint folder
[ "Part 2: How to Conditionally Require Data in more than one SharePoint Column Part 2: How to Conditionally Require Data in more than one SharePoint Column. I wrote a blog a few months ago titled How to Conditionally Require Data in SharePoint Columns. Since then, I’ve had several readers ask if it was possible to use list validation to conditionally require data in more than one SharePoint column.", "Delete a message Delete a message. Delete messages you no longer need or want to see in your Inbox or mail folders. In the message list, when you point to or select a message, the icon appears. To delete the message, press. If a message is open in its own window, click Message Delete.When a message is deleted in Outlook 2013, it’s moved to the Deleted Items folder. If you want to bypass the Deleted Items folder and permanently delete a message, press Shift+Delete or Shift+ .f a message is open in its own window, click Message Delete. When a message is deleted in Outlook 2013, it’s moved to the Deleted Items folder. If you want to bypass the Deleted Items folder and permanently delete a message, press Shift+Delete or Shift+ .", "SharePoint 2013: Limitations & Boundaries The largest number of items per content database that has been tested on SharePoint Server 2013 is 60 million items, including documents and list items. If you plan to store more than 60 million items in SharePoint Server 2013, you must deploy multiple content databases.", "- Right-click in an empty space on your computer desktop with your mouse. Choose New and Folder from the drop-down menu. Click in the folder title field, and rename the New folder any name you want. The name of the folder will become the playlist. Find all music files that you want to add to the new folder.Right-click on the music file that you want listed first on your flash drive. Select Rename from the drop-down menu.Insert a number before the name of the file. This number represents the order in which you want the file to be listed on the flash drive.ight-click on the music file that you want listed first on your flash drive. Select Rename from the drop-down menu. Insert a number before the name of the file. This number represents the order in which you want the file to be listed on the flash drive.", "Max number of messages in a single Outlook 2010 folder? I have a user that has 44,000 messages in an Outlook folder. These are messages he wants to keep for possible referral later on down the road. The folder is his Outlook 2010 Exchange DELETE ITEMS folder. Yes, the deleted items folder.", "- Reference Link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj163978.aspx. Overview. SharePoint 2013 introduces managed metadata based navigation. It provides the ability to apply friendly URLs to pages. The Navigation items can be managed using the term store or Managed Metadata.It allows you to create and update navigation for all sites in the farm using the Managed Metadata Service Application.eference Link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj163978.aspx. Overview. SharePoint 2013 introduces managed metadata based navigation. It provides the ability to apply friendly URLs to pages. The Navigation items can be managed using the term store or Managed Metadata.", "- 1 Always name them right or make a misc folder on your desktop and clean it once in a while. 2 On a Mac, the easiest way to delete multiple files and folders is by highlighting them all. 3 To highlight multiple items, click the first one, then, while holding down shift, click the last one. Don't just name folders random letters, (like hdrukbxawth) because you think it's a temporary folder. 2 Always name them right or make a misc folder on your desktop and clean it once in a while. 3 On a Mac, the easiest way to delete multiple files and folders is by highlighting them all.", "Recover deleted emails and folders in Outlook 5. After the recover process, select “All Hard Deleted Items” folder in the “All Folders” pane. *Please note when you accidentally delete a folder in the Outlook, it's first move the emails from this folder to the Deleted Items folder, and then delete the folder and the moved emails in the Deleted Items folder.ou may be able to recover the deleted message using PST Walker email recovery tool. To recover permanently deleted emails and folders, follow these steps: 1. Close the Microsoft Outlook and other applications that may use your mailbox.", "- Enterprise Content Management in SharePoint. Applies To: SharePoint Online SharePoint Server 2013 Enterprise SharePoint Server 2013 Standard More... Less. Computers make it easy for organizations to create lots of content, and lots of different kinds of content." ]
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coldest temperature recorded in columbia south carolina
[ "- The region's average temperature is about -56 degrees Fahrenheit (-49 degrees Celsius), making it the coldest climate on earth. In contrast, the Arctic's average winter temperature is -29 degrees Fahrenheit (-34 degrees Celsius), but it gets warmer in the summer. The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth was -128 degrees Fahrenheit (-89.6 degrees Celsius), recorded July 21, 1983, at the Vostok Station located near the South Geomagnetic Pole.", "- Charlie Wilson concert at the Colonial Life Arena in Columbia, South Carolina on March 10, 2015 for the Forever Charlie Tour. Use the links below to get the best Charlie Wilson tickets at the Colonial Life Arena now... before they are gone! KEM & Charlie Wilson Tickets-Colonial Life Arena-Columbia, SC 3/10/2015.", "Is Common Law Marriage an Alternative to the Real Thing? First of all, a common law marriage cannot be established in most states. Only Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and Utah, as well as the District of Columbia, recognize common law marriages.irst of all, a common law marriage cannot be established in most states. Only Alabama, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and Utah, as well as the District of Columbia, recognize common law marriages.", "A Day of Empty Seats and Donald Trump in Full Attack Mr. Trump found a far larger crowd on Wednesday night at a candidate forum in Columbia hosted by Senator Tim Scott, Republican of South Carolina, filling most of an auditorium’s 2,200 seats on the University of South Carolina campus. But Mr. Trump kept up his grumbling there.", "What does 'kumbaya' in the song \"Kumbaya, my Lord\" mean? Kumbaya, my Lord was first recorded by an out-of-work English professor, Robert Winslow Gordon, in 1927. Gordon went on a search for black spirituals and recorded a song Come by Here, My Lord, sung by H. Wylie. The song was sung in Gullah on the islands of South Carolina between Charleston and Beaufort.", "Gaston Sponsored Topics. Gaston is a town in Lexington County, South Carolina, United States. The population was 1,645 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Columbia, South Carolina Metropolitan Statistical Area. Gaston is located at 33°48′57″N 81°6′3″W / 33.81583°N 81.10083°W / 33.81583; -81.10083 (33.815927, -81.100937).", "Area code 803 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Area code 803 is the area code for most of central South Carolina. It is anchored by Columbia, the state capital. It also includes most of the South Carolina portions of the Charlotte (North Carolina) and Augusta (Georgia) metropolitan areas.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Area code 803 is the area code for most of central South Carolina. It is anchored by Columbia, the state capital. It also includes most of the South Carolina portions of the Charlotte (North Carolina) and Augusta (Georgia) metropolitan areas.", "Record Hottest and Coldest Weather Temperatures Ever Recorded in Columbia, South Carolina Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded in South Carolina is -19 Degrees ; The coldest weather temperature ever officially recorded in the state of South Carolina is -19 degrees, which occurred on January 21, 1985, at Caesars Head, which located about 130 miles northwest of Columbia. Caesars Head is a granite mountain located in Caesars Head State Park that has an elevation of 3,208 feet.", "- COLUMBIA, S.C. — Four months after a massive data breach at the South Carolina Department of Revenue exposed millions of state taxpayers to identity theft, state government's response to the hacking is incomplete and uncertain." ]
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what is rna in biology
[ "- Renature. (Science: molecular biology) The reannealing (hydrogen bonding) of single-stranded dna and/or rna to form a duplex molecule. Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page.enature. (Science: molecular biology) The reannealing (hydrogen bonding) of single-stranded dna and/or rna to form a duplex molecule. Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page.", "Phenotype and Genotype The central dogma of biology states that _____ gives rise to RNA, which gives rise to _____?", "- RNA plays a central role in the pathway from DNA to proteins, known as the Central Dogma of molecular biology. An organism's genetic information is encoded as a linear sequence of bases in the cell's DNA. During the process known as transcription, a RNA copy of a segment of DNA, or messenger RNA (mRNA), is made.This strand of RNA can then be read by a ribosome to form a protein. RNAs also play important roles in protein synthesis, as will be discussed in the ribozyme section, as well as in gene regulation.he structure of RNA nucleotides is very similar to that of DNA nucleotides, with the main difference being that the ribose sugar backbone in RNA has a hydroxyl (-OH) group that DNA does not. This gives DNA its name: DNA stands for.", "Rodentia Frye, M. S. and S. B. Hedges. 1995. Monophyly of the order Rodentia inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences of the genes for 12S ribosomal RNA, 16S ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA valine. Molecular Biology and Evolution 12:168-176.", "Messenger RNA Following transcription of primary transcript mRNA (known as pre-mRNA) by RNA polymerase, processed, mature mRNA is translated into a polymer of amino acids: a protein, as summarized in the central dogma of molecular biology.", "- For other uses, see Exon (disambiguation) . An exon is any part of a gene that codes for a part of the final mature RNA product of that gene after introns have been removed by RNA splicing. The term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.In RNA splicing, introns are removed and exons are covalently joined to one another as part of generating the mature messenger RNA.he term exon refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and to the corresponding sequence in RNA transcripts.", "What are the differences between mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA? This type of RNA is called ribosomal RNA, or rRNA. Remember that DNA and RNA differ slightly at the nucleotide level. Therefore, the process of transcribing DNA into RNA not only changes the information from a double-stranded into a single-stranded molecule, but also changes all the thymine bases into uracil ones.his type of RNA is called ribosomal RNA, or rRNA. Remember that DNA and RNA differ slightly at the nucleotide level. Therefore, the process of transcribing DNA into RNA not only changes the information from a double-stranded into a single-stranded molecule, but also changes all the thymine bases into uracil ones.", "What is RNA? Ribonucleic acid, or RNA is one of the three major biological macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life (along with DNA and proteins). central tenet of molecular biology states that the flow of genetic information in a cell is from DNA through RNA to proteins: “DNA makes RNA makes protein”.", "What does RNA do in the body? RNA stores the codes for protein synthesis. It is copied from DNA and is very similar. There are many different kinds of RNA including messenger RNA, transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA.It has limited use in enzymes.eport Abuse. RNA mainly involves in translation of the genetic code or DNA to protein. Messenger RNA or mRNA functions as a template for protein synthesis.The codon of the mRNA, the three base sequence, code for one amino acid." ]
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how old was michael jackson when he caught on fire
[ "Plot Michael Jackson: Thriller (1983 Video) Michael Jackson and his date are watching a movie. They leave, and take a shortcut through the graveyard on the way home. Michael turns into a werepanther-type creature, and then later a zombie, as he gets down and funky in a tremendous dance scene to the tune of his song Thriller..", "Primetime Exclusive: Lisa Marie Presley ABC News. Primetime Exclusive: Lisa Marie Presley. She was the King's daughter who married the reclusive pop icon Michael Jackson. Her life has played out on the front pages, but through through it all, she's remained a mystery.", "- THE GREAT MAUSOLEUM, FOREST LAWN MEMORIAL PARK, GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA. This is the building of the mausoleum that contains the Holly Terrace where Michael Jackson is interred. The front entrance to the Holly Terrace is to the far right in this photo. Michael is buried in The Sanctuary of Ascension at the very end of the hall from this entry way. This is the opposite side of The Great Mausoleum. The portion to the far left with the white smudge on the outside is the area where Michael Jackson's white sarcophagus is contained.", "Teens Douse 15-Year-Old Michael Brewer, Set Him On Fire Michael Brewer may have been set ablaze in as beef over a bike​ UPDATE: See latest update: 142 people ask for leniency for Matthew Bent, the 15-year-old accused of ordering that Michael be set on fire...", "The Weeknd 251 @TheWeeknd. Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, otherwise known as The Weeknd, is an R&B/Hip-Hop singer hailing from Toronto, Canada. He has been referred to as the songbird of his generation and the best musical talent since Michael Jackson throughout his career.", "- The TV commercial producer who filmed Michael Jackson 's hair catching fire at an infamous 1984 Pepsi ad shoot has sold Jackson's hair to be turned into diamonds. Chicago's LifeGem, which specializes in creating diamonds from individual hair samples, plans to sell a limited collection made from the King of Pop's hair.", "Michael Jackson Doc Conrad Murray Ordered Hundreds of Vials of Propofol, Bleaching Cream: Pharmacist Email. The manager of a specialty pharmacy testified in the Conrad Murray manslaughter trial that Michael Jackson's doctor ordered 255 vials of the powerful anesthetic propofol and never revealed that the medicines were for Jackson.", "- Jackson is also a co-owner of Sony/ATV which was found in 1995. During the time of acquisition, Sony/ATV is estimated to worth around $1.6 billion. This gives Michael Jackson a total share of $800 million.Every year, Jackson gets a portion of the company’s total revenue which amounts to $80 million.uring the time of acquisition, Sony/ATV is estimated to worth around $1.6 billion. This gives Michael Jackson a total share of $800 million. Every year, Jackson gets a portion of the company’s total revenue which amounts to $80 million.", "tangentiality For example, the boy caught a ball; balls of fire exploded from the house. Tangentiality can destroy or seriously hamper the ability of people to communicate effectively. It is frequently seen in schizophrenia." ]
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how long can elephants walk in one day peta.org
[ "- Asian elephants have smaller ears. African elephants have huge ears. Asian elephants live in Asia, and are smaller than Af … rican elephants. African elephants live in Africa.However, they are usually the same color and they both have tusks made of ivory and a trunk for a nose.Now you know how to tell apart African and Asian elephants!sian elephants live in Asia, and are smaller than Af … rican elephants. African elephants live in Africa. However, they are usually the same color and they both have tusks made of ivory and a trunk for a nose. Now you know how to tell apart African and Asian elephants!", "- it depends in africa elephants can cover over 50 miles 80 kilometers in a day if food is scarce but rarely walk that far more often they cover a few miles during the day and sometimes spend most of their time near a water source the distance that elephant herds travel seems to change during the year", "- About PETA. Our Mission Statement. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters.", "Dugongs: âSirensâ of the Sea sea creature → land mammal → back to the sea (supposed ancestor of elephants and dugongs) → back to the land (elephants). 17. But there is no fossil evidence that dugongs and manatees are related to any creature that now—or ever—walked on land.ea creature → land mammal → back to the sea (supposed ancestor of elephants and dugongs) → back to the land (elephants). 17. But there is no fossil evidence that dugongs and manatees are related to any creature that now—or ever—walked on land.", "- African elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. They are slightly larger than their Asian cousins and can be identified by their larger ears that look somewhat like the continent of Africa.(Asian elephants have smaller, rounded ears.).Asian elephants have one.). Both male and female African elephants have tusks they use to dig for food and water and strip bark from trees. Males use the tusks to battle one another, but the ivory has also attracted violence of a far more dangerous sort.", "- Houston Zombie Walk. We are a 501(c)(3) public charity hosting events year round to support animals and children! Downtown! houstonzombiewalk.org.", "Elmer: the patchwork elephant Elmer: the patchwork elephant. Age: Since 2 years old. Elmer is the story of an elephant who was different to all the other elephants because he was patchwork and therefore lots of colours. Of course life being as it is Elmer did not want to be different, he wanted to be elephant colour like all the other elephants. the writer is David McKee So one day he hatches a fabulous plan.", "The Truth About '10,000 Steps' a Day Walking 10,000 steps a day is not an official recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Instead, the agency recommends adults engage in 150 minutes of moderate activity a week, such as brisk walking.o meet the CDC's recommendation, you need to walk about 7,000 to 8,000 steps a day, Tudor-Locke said. If you normally walk about 5,000 steps a day, getting in an extra 30-minute, brisk walk into your day would take you to about 8,000 steps, Tudor-Locke said.", "- As long as the quests in deepholm arent chained to the one in org to go through the maelstrom. Sure. Even if not, its a minute cooldown, instant cast, and takes you straight to the Temple of Earth." ]
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what does megace treat
[ "Claritin Loratadine is used to treat the symptoms of allergies, such as sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. It is also used to treat skin hives and itching in people with chronic skin reactions.", "Megace Trade name: Megace. Other name: Megestrol Acetate. Drug type: Megestrol is a hormone therapy. This medication is classified as a progesterone.. (For more detail, see How this drug works section below). What this drug is used for: Treatment of breast, and endometrial cancers.", "What Is Nystop Powder? What is Nystop powder? Nystop powder, a topical form of the generic antifungal medication nystatin, stops the growth of fungus and is used to treat fungal infections of the skin caused by Candida yeast. Doctors sometimes prescribe it to treat diaper rash, but they do not prescribe it to treat vaginal fungal infections.", "Megace, Avastin and Blood Clots Tagged: arixtra, blood clots, enoxaparin, fondiparinux, lovenox, megace, megestrol acetate. This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by rf1942 4 years, 9 months ago. Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)", "Inherited IRAsâWhat You Need to Know If that is your situation, you have a number of options: 1 Treat the inherited IRA as yours by designating yourself as the account holder. 2 Treat the inherited IRA as yours by rolling it into a traditional IRA you already hold or into a qualified employer plan such as a 401(k) or 403(b) set up in your name. The assets are then treated as your own. Treat yourself as the beneficiary (as opposed to becoming the account holder).", "- Considering taking medication to treat Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency? Below is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency.", "How do I treat a cold? How To Treat A Cold; How To Treat Flu Symptoms; How To Help With Occasional Sleeplessness; How To Treat Nasal Congestion and Sneezing", "eszopiclone Medical definition of eszopiclone: a sedative and hypnotic drug C17H17ClN6O3 used to treat insomnia a sedative and hypnotic drug C17H17ClN6O3 used to treat insomnia… See the full definition", "- 1 It is a corticosteroid, sometimes known as a glucocorticoid or steroid. It is used to treat a variety of conditions by reducing inflammation. Budesonide is used to treat asthma by reducing inflammation in the lung which helps to keep the airways open and make it easier to breathe properly. Budesonide is taken using an inhaler device to treat asthma so that the medicine is delivered directly to the lungs where it is needed." ]
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how hot should hot tub be
[ "4 Lymphatic Cleanse Recipes Retaining fluid causes congestion where the nutrients do not move to the cells, and the waste is not filtered out. 1. Lymphatic Cleanse Bath Recipe (from a friend, Gail). Ingredients: 1 cup baking soda 1 cup Epsom salts (USP Grade) Tub filled with hot water – as hot as you can comfortably soak in.", "- Solar Hot Tub Heaters keep the water in your hot tub hot without harming the environment or adding to your electric bill. Anyone who owns a hot tub knows how expensive it can get to use the electricity it takes to keep the water hot. Adding a Solar Hot Tub Heater will cut down on that cost.", "What Do Our Custom Spa or Hot Tub Covers Weigh? What Do Our Custom Spa or Hot Tub Covers Weigh? How much do your custom spa covers weigh? Depending on the model that you choose and the size of your spa, your hot tub cover will have a weight anywhere for 40-75 pounds. Ocean Economy spa cover with a 3 to 2 taper with one-pound foam - weighing about 40 pounds. This manageable weight allows this cover to be easily taken off by just one person.", "- Quit staring at the old tub and call College Hunks Hauilng Junk! No matter how big the hot tub or whether it’s in-ground or above-ground, we know how to handle it, no problem! Upon arrival, your fully licensed, bonded and insured College Hunks Hauling Junk team will assess the hot tub, it’s size, and the best route for removal.", "- A HOT tub is thought to have been the probable source of an outbreak of Legionnaires' Disease, the Health Protection Agency has said. THE Health Protection Agency has launched an investigation into a cluster of cases of Legionnaires' disease in people who have been to Corfu, it said today.", "What Is the Temperature of a Hot Tub? While there may not seem to be much difference between a hot tub temperature of 104 and 106, experts agree the impact on safety is immense. Soaking in a hot tub at 106 degrees or higher can lead to heat stroke, heart attack, nausea, stroke, brain damage, other illnesses and death, even in healthy adults.", "- 5 travellers mentioned hot tub room and hot tub when describing this hotel. 1 Excellent stay.. Hotel was clean, we had the hot tub room. 2 Good value for a family stay. The hotel has a pool and a hot tub, which is great for a family over nighter.", "- Maintain and monitor the water temperature in your hot tub or pool on your smartphone or Blue Tooth compatible device with this Remote Pool Thermometer. After downloading the app, you can keep track of your pool's temperature from up to 150 feet away.", "Ups And Downs Of A Yoga Mom The hot bath test. For many years, the “hot bath” test was used to diagnose MS. A person suspected of having MS was immersed in a hot tub of water. The appearance of neurologic symptoms or their worsening was taken as evidence the person had MS." ]
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what is sales tax in nc mooresville
[ "Credits and refunds AU-11 Credit /Refund as part of filing a sales tax return. If you are registered for sales tax purposes, you can claim a credit for sales tax you overpaid, paid by mistake, or collected but then repaid to your customers.You can then apply the credit to reduce the tax you owe on your sales tax return.ou may apply for a refund if you paid too much, or should not have paid, sales or use tax. If you are a business registered for sales tax, you may claim a credit against your sales tax due rather than apply for a refund. A credit will reduce the amount you owe on your sales tax return.", "2017 Stark County, Ohio Sales Tax Download all Ohio sales tax rates by zip code. The Stark County, Ohio sales tax is 6.50% , consisting of 5.75% Ohio state sales tax and 0.75% Stark County local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 0.75% county sales tax. 1 The Stark County Sales Tax is collected by the merchant on all qualifying sales made within Stark County.", "Watertown, Wisconsin Sales Tax Rate The combined sales tax rate for Watertown, WI is 5.5%. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates. The Wisconsin state sales tax rate is currently 5%. The Dodge County sales tax rate is 0.5%. Watertown sales tax rate is 0%.", "Alameda, California Sales Tax Rate Click to download sales tax rates. The combined sales tax rate for Contra Costa County, CA is 8.25%. This is the total of state and county sales tax rates. The California state sales tax rate is currently 6%. The Contra Costa County sales tax rate is 0.25%.", "Mooresville, NC Sales Tax Rate Mooresville, NC Sales Tax Rate. The current total local sales tax rate in Mooresville, NC is 6.750%. The December 2016 total local sales tax rate was also 6.750%.", "- The Nebraska sales tax rate is 5.5% as of 2018, with some cities and counties adding a local sales tax on top of the NE state sales tax. Exemptions to the Nebraska sales tax will vary by state.", "2017 Spokane Valley, Washington Sales Tax Download all Washington sales tax rates by zip code. The Spokane Valley, Washington sales tax is 8.70% , consisting of 6.50% Washington state sales tax and 2.20% Spokane Valley local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 2.20% city sales tax. Spokane Valley Washington Sales Tax Exemptions.", "Sales Tax Calculator When purchasing, the sales tax will be added to the listed price. In other countries, the listed prices are after tax final value, which includes the sales tax. The sales tax rate for EU countries ranges from 15% (Luxembourg) to 27% (Hungary). U.S. Sales Tax. In the United States, sales tax at the federal level does not exist.", "2017 Grant County, Washington Sales Tax Combined Sales Tax. The Grant County, Washington sales tax is 7.90% , consisting of 6.50% Washington state sales tax and 1.40% Grant County local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 1.40% county sales tax." ]
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carpet cost per yard
[ "- Besides the standard berber, multi-level berber and cut loop carpet is available. Multi-level loop carpet is simply any berber with different loop heights. This is usually done to create various textures and patterns, such as floral patterns or diamonds.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. CUT & LOOP CARPET. A cut loop carpet is a combination of both a berber carpet and a cut pile carpet. It contains loops followed by cut pile.", "How Much Does it Cost to Repair Carpet? 1 According to HomeAdvisor.com, carpet repairs cost between $100 and $400, with an average price of around $200 to $300. 2 Carpet re-stretching costs $100 to $250 per room depending on the size of the room. 3 Carpet patches cost $100 to $200 apiece. 4 Repairing damaged carpet might cost $100 to $250 per area. Carpet re-stretching costs $100 to $250 per room depending on the size of the room. 2 Carpet patches cost $100 to $200 apiece. 3 Repairing damaged carpet might cost $100 to $250 per area. 4 Carpet color restoration starts at $150 to $500 for an average-sized room (less for spot dyeing). 5 Stain/spot removal costs $100 to $200.", "- 1 Selecting the carpet-carpeting can cost as little as $2 per square foot, or as high as $100 per square yard, but the average carpet and pad will cost between $30 and $40 per square yard-for a total of around $995 for the carpeting alone.", "The Average Cost of Carpet Laying Labor. Labor costs are one of the most flexible aspects of carpet installation and vary depending on which installer you talk to. As of this writing, expect to pay between $9 to $12 per square yard of carpet installation for a competitive, average installer.", "- ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Builder Grade Carpet Average Longevity Low traffic 8 years Medium traffic 6 years Heavy traffic 4 years Average Cost for Carpet, Pad & Installation - $14 to $22 per square yard Carpet Cost $10.00 to 15.00 per sq. yd.______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Upgraded Residential Carpet Average Longevity Low traffic 12-years Medium traffic 9 years Heavy traffic 7 years Average Cost for Carpet, Pad & Installation - $23 to $30 per yard Carpet Cost $15.00 to 20.00 per sq. yd.", "- The cost of having a carpet cleaned is usually determined according to square footage. The average cost of professionally cleaning your carpets is 28 cents to 30 cents per square foot, according to 2010 data.This varies depending on whether you use a franchise/national chain or a local business.he cost of having a carpet cleaned is usually determined according to square footage. The average cost of professionally cleaning your carpets is 28 cents to 30 cents per square foot, according to 2010 data.", "How Much Does Carpet Cleaning Cost? One Room Carpet Cleaning Cost Example: A common bedroom size is 10’ X 14’ or 140 square feet. At 18 cents per square foot the cost for cleaning would be about $25.00 (Carpet doesn’t appear dirty) At 28 cents per square foot the cost for cleaning would be about $40.00 (Carpet looks fairly dirty) At 36 cents per square foot the cost for cleaning would be about $50.00 (Carpet is very dirty!) Some Carpet Cleaning companies prefer to charge by the room or by the job.", "- (16' x 16') Cost to install new carpeting varies greatly by region (and even by zip code). Get free estimates from carpet installers in your city.", "- Find the average cost to install carpet tiles yourself compared with the labor and material fee charged by an installer.ind the average cost to install carpet tiles yourself compared with the labor and material fee charged by an installer." ]
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generate random social security number
[ "Random number generation Random number generation. (Redirected from Random number generator) When a cubical die is rolled, a random number between 1 and 6 is obtained. Random number generation is the generation of a sequence of numbers or symbols that cannot be reasonably predicted better than by a random chance, usually through a random-number generator (RNG).", "What Do the Letters at the End of My Medicare Number Mean? What Do the Letters at the End of My Medicare Number Mean? by Irene Lang ; Updated October 25, 2017 When most of us turn 65, we receive a Medicare card with a number on it. The number is usually our Social Security number with a letter added to the end. The purpose of the letter is to indicate to the Social Security Administration what benefits we are entitled to.", "Social Security 1 For information on how to use this process, read Social Security Numbers And Immigrant Visas. 2 If you did not get a Social Security card as part of the immigration process, read New Or Replacement Social Security Number Card to find out how to get one in the United States.etting a Social Security card. To work in the United States, you will need a Social Security card that has your Social Security number. You can find general information about Social Security cards by reading our online publication, Social Security Numbers For Non-Citizens.", "- A Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is an identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws. It is issued either by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or by the IRS. A Social Security number (SSN) is issued by the SSA whereas all other TINs are issued by the IRS.", "- Social Security Number (SSN) Generator: Generate and validate US social security numbers. Jacob Allred. This class can be used to generate and validate United States social security numbers. It can generate random numbers for testing purposes based on the social security administration specifications. The numbers do not exist but are well-formed, so they could be valid.", "Here are some advantages : Here are some advantages : * Federal Tax ID Number. it to use instead of a social security number. if you use your social, it will be on every business application you fill out because it will be your business tax ID.", "- Ardmore Social Security Office 73401. The Ardmore Social Security Office location is in Ardmore 73401. This page provides the contact information for this location including the Social Security office phone number, office hours and driving directions. If you have questions or issues about your retirement Social Security benefits, or you need to schedule an appointment, then call the Ardmore Social Security Office listed below.", "Social Security office Ada OK Show Up Early: Ada OK Social Security office can sometimes be crowded. 1 You must understand every person needs to provide Social Security number when required by a business or government entity. So a lot of people may be at the Social Security office with questions or concerns related to their Social Security number or benefits.", "- The State of Florida is authorized to collect the social security number of licensees pursuant to the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 405(c)(2)(C)(I). This information is used to identify licensees for tax administration purposes." ]
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sewerage definition
[ "Extended Definition Essay Topics When your students write extended definition essays, they will have to think carefully about the structure and mechanics of their writing as well as the purpose of providing such a detailed definition. These topics will help your students get started with extended definition essays.", "What is another word for thoracic? Definition 1: of or relating to the chest or thorax - [adjective denoting pert] Samples where thoracic or its synonyms are used according to this definition. Synonyms for thoracic in the sense of this definition.", "- Dictionary Tooltip is a firefox addon which displays the definition of words in a small tooltip on the same page. You don't have to open a new tab to see the definition. You do not lost the context and showing the definition in a tooltip helps you to focus more on what you were reading.", "Definition of 'sewage' Sewage is waste matter such as faeces or dirty water from homes and factories, which flows away through sewers. ...the MPs' call for more treatment of raw sewage. waste, shit [taboo, slang], slops, sewerage, effluent, excrement", "GDPR: New definition of personal data and why it matters GDPR: New definition of personal data and why it matters In the centre of the GDPR is a new definition of personal data. Companies that fail to understand the new definition will have a hard time reaching compliance with the upcoming data regulation. In this blog post, we place the new definition of personal data under the microscope and examine what it means to you.", "- What is the definition of definition? To write about something in a detailed way is known as definition. To explain something and to tell what it is. Another meaning of the word definition is c…larity -- as in the clearness of the edges or shape of an object that makes it easy to see.", "Definition Essay Ameritech. Definition Essay How to write a Definition Essay: Outline, Format, Structure, Examples, Topics Writing a definition essay A definition essay is an essay concentrated on the explanation of the meaning of a definite term.", "- The definition of Identifier and Verbatim Identifier in C, C++ and C# programming languages. The definition of Identifier and Verbatim Identifier in C, C++ and C# programming languages. Definition of Identifier", "Beginners Guide to Eating Clean Part of the problem with getting to the bottom of what clean eating is, is that everyone seems to have a different definition of what actually constitutes ‘clean’. You’ve got your bodybuilder definition, your paleo definition, your vegan definition, your celebrity doctor definition and on and on and on.on’t drink your calories: soda is loaded with sugar, diet soda is loaded with artificial sweeteners and fruit juice is also often loaded with refined sugar and of course, natural sugars. If you just stick to the above guidelines most of the time, you’ll be well on your way to a clean eating lifestyle." ]
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what gss
[ "Fordham Center for Nonprofit Leaders The Fordham Center for Nonprofit Leaders, established in 2010, can help. A joint initiative of the Fordham Graduate School of Social Service (GSS) and the Gabelli School of Business, the Center for Nonprofit Leaders offers: A one-year 30-credit Master's in Nonprofit Leadership program. The MS degree is issued by both graduate schools.", "Flexibility and Overtime Among Hourly and Salaried WorkersWhen You Have Little Flexibility, You Have Little To Lose Salaried workers making $455 a week or more only have the right to earn overtime pay if their duties are determined to be nonexempt duties. This means that employees who make as little as $23,660 per year may have no limit on their weekly work hours nor earn any pay for working beyond the standard 40-hour workweek.able 1, which uses the pooled GSS data for the two most recent data years, 2006 and 2010, shows that 38 percent of workers were paid on salary, 51 percent were paid on an hourly basis, and 11 percent were in the “other” category.", "- Familial prion diseases, which have overlapping signs and symptoms, include familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS), and fatal familial insomnia (FFI). The PRNP gene provides instructions for making a protein called prion protein (PrP). Although the precise function of this protein is unknown, researchers have proposed roles in several important processes.", "Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease CJD is the most common of the known human TSEs. Other human TSEs include kuru, fatal familial insomnia (FFI), and Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease (GSS). Kuru was identified in people of an isolated tribe in Papua New Guinea and has now almost disappeared. This is by far the most common type of CJD and accounts for at least 85 percent of cases. 2 In hereditary CJD, the person has a family history of the disease and/or tests positive for a genetic mutation associated with CJD. About 5 to 10 percent of cases of CJD in the United States are hereditary.", "What is GSS? Our non-polluting SUP boards are coated with the GSS giving them a unique rough texture finish that helps to break the surface tension and decrease the drag that is caused by the polymer’s elasticity. SUP boards coated with GSS are perfect for River, Flat-water, Family, Touring, and Recreation uses.", "Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease (GSS) is a type of prion disease. Prion diseases are a group of conditions that affect the nervous system. The main feature of GSS is a progressive degeneration of the cerebellum (a part of the brain that controls coordination, balance, equilibrium and muscle tone), as well as different degrees of dementia.", "- Most of the GSS mutations involved in glutathione synthetase deficiency change single amino acids in glutathione synthetase. Other mutations disrupt how genetic information from the GSS gene is pieced together to make a blueprint for producing the enzyme.", "GSS G11705T homozygous mutation GSS also requires ATP (energy from Krebs cycle with depends heavily of Vits B1, B2 and B3). GSS also require the amino acids glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. You may want to work with a Practitioner as there could also be something going on in your dopamine pathway as well. Cynthia", "Doing Social Science Here is a sample to help you see where the variable name, label, and description are presented on the GSS website: Find these elements for your own variable and enter them below: Variable name: [TEXTBOX: GSS Variable Name]. In our example project, “IMMRGHTS” is the name of the variable." ]
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homozygous a1298c mutation
[ "- Loss-of-function mutation: A mutation that results in reduced or abolished protein function. Gain-of-function mutations,which are much less common, confer an abnormal activity on a protein.", "MTHFR Mutation The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) mutation test is used to detect two relatively common mutations in the MTHFR gene that are associated with elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood.f a person has two copies (homozygous) of MTHFR C677T, or has one copy of C677T and one of A1298C, then it is likely that elevated homocysteine levels are due to these inherited mutations, or that the mutations are contributing to them.", "MTHFR A1298C Mutation Basics MTHFR A1298C Mutation Basics. The MTHFR A1298C mutation affects the enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase by inhibiting the utilization of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF), or methylfolate, in producing an important chemical called tetrahydrobiopterin, or BH4.enetic Testing You can easily find out if you have the MTHFR A1298C mutation by ordering a DNA test kit from 23andMe ($99). Once you receive your results, go to Genetic Genie for methylation analysis (free).", "LabBench Activity Genotypic frequency is the frequency of a genotype—homozygous recessive, homozygous dominant, or heterozygous—in a population. If you don't know the frequency of the recessive allele, you can calculate it if you know the frequency of individuals with the recessive phenotype (their genotype must be homozygous recessive).", "What role do mutations play in evolution? What are roles of natural selection and mutations in evolution? Mutations give variety, which increases a species' chance of adapting to change, as at least some individuals in the species might have the required mutation to survive in the … new environment. Whether a mutation will be good will depend on where the individual with that mutation is.", "Nonsense Mutation: Definition & Example Example of a Nonsense Mutation. This diagram shows an example of a nonsense mutation. Under 'No mutation,' you can see that the normal DNA sequence at this locus is TTC, which is transcribed to the sequence AAG in the messenger RNA. AAG normally codes for the amino acid lysine at the protein level.", "What is the difference between somatic sell and gametes? What difference does it make if a mutation occurs in a somatic cell or in a gamete? If the mutation occurs in a somatic cell and the cell is still able to reproduce, the mutation continues in the daughter cells in following generations. If a mutation oc…curs in a gamete, the original organism remains unchanged.", "MTHFR Mutation Of these, MTHFR C677T and A1298C mutations are among the most common. If a person has two copies (homozygous) of MTHFR C677T, or has one copy of C677T and one of A1298C, then it is likely that elevated homocysteine levels are due to these inherited mutations, or that the mutations are contributing to them.wo copies of A1298C are not typically associated with increased homocysteine levels. If the MTHFR mutation test is negative, then the C677T and A1298C mutations were not detected and the tested person's elevated homocysteine level is likely due to another cause.", "HOMOZYGOUS, OR NOT HOMOZYGOUS? The question of whether horses are homozygous for a trait or not (or it's chance of being homozygous) is not really that hard to understand, but it takes someone good at math or good at explaining it to help understand the statistics sometimes." ]
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can you decoupage thick paper
[ "10 Animals With Amazing Super Skin There are some tough animals out there with some pretty thick hides. Crocs of course have some tough skin. Rhinoceros leather is thick and durable. Some places around the web even list the whale shark as having the thickest skin in the world, at an amazing 15 centimeters (6″) thick!", "Purple Paper Find your perfect paper in purple choosing from: Mulberry Paper, Kozo Paper, Lokta Paper, Origami Paper, Yuzen Paper, Chiyogami Paper, Banana Paper, Mango Paper and all sorts of decorative accents and Mulberry Paper Flowers. Your shopping cart is currently empty.", "- You can use just about any materials for decoupage, including cards, tissue paper, wrapping paper, paper shopping bags, magazine clippings, rice paper, thin fabric pieces, or (of course) decoupage paper. You can even Make Paper to use.pply the glue. Use a paintbrush to brush a thin layer of glue onto your surface and onto the backs of the cut-outs. Make sure you apply the glue evenly and over the edges of the cut-outs. http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/2/2f/Decoupage-Step-7-preview-Version-2.jpg/550px-Decoupage-Step-7-preview-Version-2.jpg.", "What Paper Should I Print My Resume On? 1 Southworth sells paper that they specifically brand as resume paper but I prefer the business paper just because of the look and feel. You'll do fine with the resume paper, but aim for 32 lb if you can. I don't like the linen paper. It's too grainy and a bit to showy for me.", "- How to Clear a Paper Jam. However advanced your printer, one piece of wrinkled paper can grind it to a halt. Most paper jams are straightforward mechanical problems. It can take patience to remove the paper, but once you've found it, you...", "- 1. if you want to take pictures of people, choose an x-ray head in the. range of 20-50 kev. if you want to take pictures of denser things, choose an x-ray head in the range of 50-500 kev. 2. buy x-ray film paper from the list of the following source: ksr.3. position a subject between the x-ray head and the film.. turn off the x-ray. 7. develop the paper. if you have more than the $10,000 necessary to do this, I recommend. trying the following methods: 1. monolithic amorphous silicon x-ray detector. 2. x-ray photomultiplier. I also recommend you erect a four-foot thick concrete wall.", "Stone paper Stone Paper, a name used to identify a type of highly strong, durable and eco-friendly paper scientifically known as Rich Mineral Paper. Stone Paper (also known as rock paper, paper from waste marble, mineral paper, or rich mineral paper) is a paper-like product manufactured from calcium carbonate bonded with high-density polyethylene (HDPE).", "USPS Large Envelopes Typically, large envelopes are sent in an envelope large enough to fit an unfolded 8½” x 11” sheet of paper. Envelopes used for flat mail cannot be more than ¾” thick, 12” high, 15” long or weigh more than 13 ounces. The USPS considers any envelope bigger than this size to be a package, and will be subject to parcel prices.", "THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD OF HAIR Near 1715, wigs started to be powdered. Families had special rooms for toilette, where they arranged and powdered their artificial hair. Wigs were powdered with starch or Cyprus powder. To powder wigs, people used special dressing gowns, and covered their faces with a cone of thick paper." ]
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what is collaboration diagram
[ "- Definition of group work - work done by a group of people in collaboration Definition of group work - work done by a group of people in collaboration dictionary", "UML 2 Communication Diagramming Guidelines UML collaboration/communication diagrams like UML sequence diagrams, are used to explore the dynamic nature of your software. Collaboration diagrams show the message flow between objects in an OO application, and also imply the basic associations (relationships) between classes. Collaboration diagrams are often used to: Provide a birds-eye view of a collection of collaborating objects, particularly within a real-time environment.", "collaboration diagram A collaboration diagram, also called a communication diagram or interaction diagram, is an illustration of the relationships and interactions among software objects in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The concept is more than a decade old although it has been refined as modeling paradigms have evolved.", "Emergency light control and battery charging system FIG. 1 a block diagram of an emergency light control and battery charging system constructed in accordance with the principles of this invention; and. FIG. 2 is a detailed schematic circuit diagram of a preferred embodiment of the system shown in FIG. 1.", "How to add arrows to Visio Activity Diagram Connector? This question is pretty old, but to help other people out there I'm posting what I found. If you choose Activity Diagram template to create the file, you'll have the arrows by default, but you probably created an empty diagram without choosing a template. In this case, you can select the connector, right click on it and choose Format Shape.", "- In this photo of a collaboration between Martin Garrix and Tiesto, FL Studio ... In this photo of a collaboration between Martin Garrix and Tiesto, FL Studio is seen in the back ground on two screens. Based on the photo's recency and layout of FL Studio's playlist layout, it is most likely to be version 11.", "How To Create a Swim Lane Diagram How To Create a Swim Lane Diagram. How To Create a Swim Lane Diagram. We live in a world overwhelmed with waste, and many supply chains suffer the effects of it daily. Luckily, there are many tools out there used to target and eliminate that waste. My personal favorite is the process map in the form of a swim lane diagram. It clearly identifies responsible parties and the points in the process at which they are involved. Below, I have created a simple “how to” guide on creating a swim lane diagram.", "What Is a Circle Spoke Diagram They are used to show the features or components of the central item in marketing and management documents and presentations. This template for ConceptDraw PRO diagramming and vector drawing software is contained in Circle-Spoke Diagrams solution from What is a Diagram area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. Circle-spoke diagram template-Target market | Circle-Spoke 2 ... Circle-spoke diagram template-Target market | Arrow circle chart 3 ... Circle-spoke diagram template-Target market | Marketing 4 ... Pie Chart Examples | Circle-spoke diagram template-Target market ...", "Molecular Orbitals Notice that the orbitals of the separated atoms are written on either side of the diagram as horizontal lines at heights denoting their relative energies. The electrons in each atomic orbital are represented by arrows. In the middle of the diagram, the molecular orbitals of the molecule of interest are written." ]
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is armodafinil used to treat multiple sclerosis exhaustion
[ "modafinil Suggested Reading on armodafinil (Nuvigil) by Our Doctors. Related Diseases & Conditions. 1 Narcolepsy, a chronic disease of the central nervous system causes have not been fully determined. Multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms vary from person to person, and can last for days to months without periods of remission.", "Description and Brand Names It is used to treat a number of different conditions, such as inflammation (swelling), severe allergies, adrenal problems, arthritis, asthma, blood or bone marrow problems, kidney problems, skin conditions, and flare-ups of multiple sclerosis.Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid (cortisone-like medicine or steroid).t is used to treat a number of different conditions, such as inflammation (swelling), severe allergies, adrenal problems, arthritis, asthma, blood or bone marrow problems, kidney problems, skin conditions, and flare-ups of multiple sclerosis.", "Jack Osbourne wants to teach you about multiple sclerosis Jack Osbourne wants to teach you about multiple sclerosis. Jack Osbourne found out he had multiple sclerosis just three weeks after having his daughter. You Don't Know Jack About MS. The youngest child of Ozzy Osbourne is all grown up, and he's a man on a mission. Producer/director Jack Osbourne learned in 2012 that he had multiple sclerosis, and soon after, the TV personality decided to turn his diagnosis into an informational campaign for other MS patients and their families. Its name? You Don't Know Jack About MS. The former Osbournes star admits that he certainly didn't know jack about the disease when he was first diagnosed, and now he wants to make it easier for patients to learn about MS through a fun, personal video series and website. Osbourne talked to CBS News about his campaign.", "- Updated October 30, 2014. Neither had I until a friend with multiple sclerosis (who sees the same neurologist that I do) called me to tell me that it had changed her life.. Nuvigil (armodafinil) is a derivative of Provigil (modafinil), which many people with MS take to combat MS-related fatigue. My ears perked up at the excitement in my friend's voice. She went on to tell me that she couldn't tolerate Provigil, as it left her too wakeful to sleep at night.", "- Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) may also be referred to as SPMS. The termdescribes people with multiple sclerosis (MS) who find that they are gradually worsening overtime. These people previously had relapsing-remitting MS but are gradually changing inbetween attacks.he testing for secondary progressive MS is the same as for other people with MS. MRI scanning of the brain and sometimes spinal cord is very helpful in showing changesin the white matter of the brain. Spinal fluid may also be important in selected patients. Evoked potentials are sometimes used.", "How can optic neuritis affect my vision if I have multiple sclerosis (MS)? A Multiple Sclerosis Foundation answered. Optic neuritis, a common first sign of multiple sclerosis (MS), can cause blurry vision, blind spots, dimmed color and eye pain. A follow-up study of people with optic neuritis found that the majority of those examined 15 years later had 20/20 vision in the affected eye.", "Multiple Sclerosis: What's New in MS Treatment Options? According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, an MS attack is defined as the worsening of MS symptoms, and/or the appearance of new symptoms, which lasts at least 24 hours and is separated from a prior exacerbation by at least one month.", "ten In relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS), weakness can be a result of a problem with nerve signals. You may also experience weakness from lack of activity. Sometimes you may be less active because of fatigue, stiffness, or a relapse.", "Top 5 signs youâve used too much cannabis Shakiness/tremors. Although cannabis is proving to be an invaluable treatment for tremor-causing illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, some individuals actually find that use of cannabis causes tremors in its own right." ]
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what helps with sulfur burps
[ "Period 3 element Elemental sulfur occurs naturally as the element (native sulfur), but most commonly occurs in combined forms as sulfide and sulfate minerals. Being abundant in native form, sulfur was known in ancient times, being mentioned for its uses in ancient India, ancient Greece, China, and Egypt.lemental sulfur occurs naturally as the element (native sulfur), but most commonly occurs in combined forms as sulfide and sulfate minerals. Being abundant in native form, sulfur was known in ancient times, being mentioned for its uses in ancient India, ancient Greece, China, and Egypt.", "Sulfur Sulfur is derived from the Latin word sulpur, which was Hellenized to sulphur. The spelling sulfur appears toward the end of the Classical period. (The true Greek word for sulfur, θεῖον, is the source of the international chemical prefix thio-.)", "Apple Trees In apple farming, the use of sulfur spray has been used for many years as an organic alternative to poisonous fungicides. The use of sulfur can cut down and kill fungal infections on trees. Sulfur comes in a few different varieties, such as liquid lime sulfur, dry wettable powders and formulations that are liquid.", "Sulfur Burps These remedies include avoiding beverages and carbonated drinks. Some common food recommended to help get rid of sulfur burps are having plenty of fruits and fresh vegetables. Avoid consuming foods and food products like cakes, candies and ice cream.", "What Is the Texture of Sulfur? The texture of sulfur depends upon the form that it takes, and it may be powdery, bumpy or smooth. Sulfur is a relatively common substance on Earth, and it is an important component of a number of geochemical and biological processes.", "Sulfur Burps Burping refers to releasing air and other gases from the stomach through mouth. Sulfur burps are a kind of burp which smells like rotten eggs or sulfur. This smell is because of the hydrogen sulfide gas which sulfur proteins contain.", "- Definition of sulfur oxide. : any of several oxides of sulfur: such as a : sulfur dioxide b : sulfur trioxide.", "SULFUR FILTERS for WELL WATER Smelly water can be caused by having sulfur in water wells. Below are the most common ways to size a sulfur filter or remove sulfur smells from your private well water at you home or business. sulfur water only filtration: Injecting chlorine directly into water line (no retention) to rid yourself of that rotten egg smell (aka sulfur smell):", "How to get rid of sulfur burps? Tweet. You can prepare to get rid of sulfur burps by changing your diet and avoiding certain foods that predispose you to these gassy emissions. You can start by eliminating foods that are high in sugar. Avoid confectionery, ice cream, candy, breads made from refined flour, sodas, and alcohol." ]
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who is danny dyer
[ "- 24 hour store locations in Dyer More store locations in Dyer © copyright MyStore411.com Home | Recently Added | Black Friday Store Hours | FareDeals+ | About Us | Contact Us | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy", "Biggest Loser Winner Danny Cahill on 'Losing Big' I recently sat down with Danny to discuss his new book, Losing Big: The Incredible Untold Story of Danny and Darci Cahill, advice on how to lose weight, and what he has gained from his greatest loss. Please take a moment and tell me about your background.", "The Andy Griffith Show On February 15, 1960, The Danny Thomas Show episode Danny Meets Andy Griffith aired. In the episode, Griffith played fictional Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry, North Carolina, who arrests Danny Williams (Thomas's character) for running a stop sign.", "Julia Roberts & Danny Moder: It's Over! And now, after almost 12 years of marriage, friends fear that Julia Roberts and Danny Moder are finally ready to call it quits. Trust has been an issue with the couple since they first got together — in large part because Danny was married to another woman when he and the actress first got together.", "LOST HORIZON But those are minor changes and, all things considered, for the better. The rest of the story Mr. Riskin has yielded intact to Frank Capra, the director; to Joseph Walker and Elmer Dyer, his cameramen; to Stephen Goosson, the art director; and to Dmitri Tiomkin, who wrote the score.", "âIron Fistâ: Donât Expect Danny Rand to Appear in Costume Any Time Soon ‘Iron Fist’: Don’t Expect Danny Rand to Appear in Costume Any Time Soon. by Dave Trumbore March 6, 2017. The last member of The Defenders is about to make his debut on Netflix when Marvel’s Iron Fist series premieres on March 17th. But while Finn Jones & co. bring the mythology of Danny Rand’s alter ego to life on the small screen, fans shouldn’t expect to see the signature green-and-yellow suit of Iron Fist any time soon.", "Trivia Danny Tanner works as a morning show co-host, similar to Bob Saget, who worked on CBS This Morning prior to his time on Full House.", "- According to our records, Danny Dyer is possibly single. We have no records of past relationships for Danny Dyer. Danny Dyer is a 39 year old English Actor. Born on 24th July, 1977 in Canning Town, East London, he is famous for Hotel Babylon. His zodiac sign is Leo.", "ava ragan Charlie Scene Jordan Terrell funnyman Dylan Alvarez Johnny 3 Tears George Ragan ava ragan ava 3 tears Da Kurlzz Matthew St. Claire Matthew Busek Danny Murillo danny rose danny rose murillo j-dog Jorel Decker hollywood undead." ]
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what kind of therapy is progressive muscle relaxation
[ "biofeedback Definition. Biofeedback, or applied psychophysiological feedback, is a patient-guided treatment that teaches an individual to control muscle tension, pain, body temperature, brain waves, and other bodily functions and processes through relaxation, visualization, and other cognitive control techniques.efinition. Biofeedback, or applied psychophysiological feedback, is a patient-guided treatment that teaches an individual to control muscle tension, pain, body temperature, brain waves, and other bodily functions and processes through relaxation, visualization, and other cognitive control techniques.", "Describe how the bone and muscle work together to make you move? to contraction in skeletal muscle. The trigger for a muscle contraction is an electrical impulse. The electrical signal sets off a series of events that lead to crossbridge cycling between myosin and actin, which generates force.et's take a look at what occurs within a skeletal muscle, from excitation to contraction to relaxation 1 : An electrical signal (action potential) travels down a nerve cell, causing it to release a chemical message (neurotransmitter) into a small gap between the nerve cell and muscle cell.", "SKELETAL MUSCLE Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of skeletal muscle): voluntary muscle (striated muscle that can be controlled voluntarily). rhomboid; rhomboid muscle (any of several muscles of the upper back that help move the shoulder blade).", "Total Knee Replacement & Effect on Muscle Strength Physical Therapy. After a total knee replacement, physical therapy is important to improve the knee's range of motion and the lower extremity muscle strength. A major orthopedic surgery will globally affect the surrounding musculature, but the focus of therapy should be on the quadriceps and hip abductor muscle groups.", "Semimembranosus Muscle: Buttock, Thigh, Knee, Calf Pain Warm Therapy Gel for Semitendinosus Hamstring Muscle Pain. Sombra Warm Therapy Pain Relieving Gel is a pain relieving gel that I use both personally and in my massage therapy practice. It provides warmth without burning heat and is great for relieving pain.", "Natural Dog Arthritis Treatments Weight gain and muscle loss. Weight gain and muscle loss are common side effects of hormonal therapy for prostate cancer. An increase in fat tissue causes weight gain, and loss of muscle tissue causes a decrease in strength.Diet and exercise help to reduce weight gain and muscle loss.eight gain and muscle loss. Weight gain and muscle loss are common side effects of hormonal therapy for prostate cancer. An increase in fat tissue causes weight gain, and loss of muscle tissue causes a decrease in strength.", "- Progressive muscle relaxation is a type of therapy used to help patients control the levels of tension in their muscles.Through a series of instructions, patients gradually learn to condition their bodies to less tensely respond to external stimuli, essentially practicing a form of muscle relaxation.rogressive muscle relaxation is not a conventional form of physical therapy, as it can be practiced alone without any direct contact from a therapist. The therapy is also not a series of exercises, like many forms of relaxation therapy.", "Overview Cognitive behavioral therapy may be done one-on-one, or in groups with family members or with people who have similar issues. It often includes: Learning about your mental health condition; Learning and practicing techniques such as relaxation, coping, resilience, stress management and assertiveness; Your first therapy session", "- Visceral muscle tissue, or smooth muscle, is tissue associated with the internal organs of the body, especially those in the abdominal cavity. There are three types of muscle in the body: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.s with any muscle, the smooth, involuntary muscles of the visceral muscle tissue (which lines the blood vessels, stomach, digestive tract, and other internal organs) are composed of bundles of specialized cells capable of contraction and relaxation to create movement. If one..." ]
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where is the marriott centerpoint
[ "- Hawaii. Just say the name and you're smiling. Marriott Vacation Club offers more ways to experience the island paradise from Oahu to Maui to Kauai.", "The Complete Guide To Earning With Marriott The Complete Guide To Earning With Marriott. I have heard a lot of people give Marriott Rewards a hard time but seemingly for all the wrong reasons. My problem is that spending 70,000 points on a Ritz Carlton seems absurd when 22,000 Hyatt points gets a room at a Park Hyatt. However, there are so many things to take advantage of with Marriott, and in many ways superior to the other hotel programs.", "Marriott International, Inc Reviews Marriott International, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters. Company Overview. Marriott International is a hospitality chain of hotels, which is a franchiser of a number of hotels as well as lodging facilities. The company has over 3700 properties spread across 74 countries around the globe.", "- You can transfer your points to your legal spouse or domestic partner at time of reward redemption provided he or she is also a Marriott Rewards member.", "- Marriott Rewards Program. Marriott Rewards members can earn 500 points per rental on all qualifying Hertz rentals worldwide. Simply provide your Marriott Rewards membership number when making your reservation or at the Hertz counter. Also, mention discount number CDP 154080 for special savings on rentals. Contact Marriott Rewards Customer Service at 1-800-450-4442 or 801-468-4000 in the U.S. and Canada.", "- GETAWAYS MARKET PICK. About Auburn Hills Marriott Pontiac. Located in Pontiac (Troy - Auburn Hills), Auburn Hills Marriott Pontiac is close to Cranbrook Institute of Science and Cranbrook Art Museum. This hotel is within the vicinity of Cranbrook House and Gardens and Chrysler LLC Headquarters.", "Staying in Rosslyn-is it safe? I've been reading the postings and appreciate the great answers and help! We are planning an anniversary trip next month. We're flying into BWI. Currently we have reservations at a Marriott hotel in Rosslyn.", "- Earn miles when you stay: Earn two award miles per $1 USD spent (or three miles per $1 spent for Gold and Platinum Preferred Guests) at Four Points® by Sheraton, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts®, W Hotels®, Le Meridien®, The Luxury Collection®, Westin Hotels & Resorts®, St. Regis Hotels & Resorts®, aloft®, and element®.ere's how: You must be a member of Marriott Rewards to earn miles. Enroll in Marriott Rewards by visiting any hotel front desk, by calling 1-800-367-6453 or by visiting marriottrewards.com. Select MileagePlus miles as your earning preference in your Marriott Rewards account.", "- The Marriott Credit Card, more formally known as the Marriott Rewards Premier Credit Card, gives you a whopping 100,000 points for spending at least $5,000 within three months of account opening. That bounty is redeemable for an average of $970 in Marriott reservations, according to WalletHub research." ]
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what disease is clostridium tetani
[ "Do I have flesh-eating disease? Flesh-eating disease, also called flesh-eating bacteria syndrome is a bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. There is a range of bacteria which can cause flesh-eating disease: Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio vulnificus, Clostridium perfringens and many others. The most common is Streptococcus A ” “ the same bacteria that causes strep throat. Flesh-eating bacteria do not actually “eat” the flesh, but release a range of toxins and cause complete system shock, known as toxic shock syndrome. While very virulent and deadly, most of bacteria respond to the treatment with antibiotics.", "Food Poisoning Bacteria â Salmonella, Listeria, E.coli 0157, Campylobacter This short paper in our series covering food poisoning bacteria examines how various bacterium causes food poisoning, paying closer attention to five of the most common bacteria; Salmonella, Listeria, E.coli 0157, Campylobacter and Clostridium perfringens.", "Multidrug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) and Clostridium difficile (C. diff): Information for Outpatients diff): Information for Outpatients. This information describes multidrug resistant organisms (MDROs) and Clostridium difficile (C. diff) , including how they are spread and how infections are treated in the outpatient setting.", "- Clostridium tetani: Clostridium tetani is listed as a type of (or associated with) the following medical conditions in our database: 1 Bacterial diseases. 2 Vaccine-preventable diseases. 3 Conditions involving a pathogen. 4 Child health conditions. 5 Muscle conditions. 6 Musculoskeletal conditions. 7 Oral conditions.", "Meropenem Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a bacterium that causes diarrhea and more serious intestinal conditions such as colitis. Symptoms include. Watery diarrhea (at least three bowel movements per day for two or more days) Fever. Loss of appetite. Nausea. Abdominal pain or tenderness.", "Clostridium tetani Description and Significance. Clostridium tetani is a rod-shaped, anaerobic, and endospore-forming bacterium that is responsible for the tetanus disease, a condition of the central nervous system affecting an estimated 350,000 people a year, worldwide.lostridium tetani is a rod-shaped, obligate anaerobe that is saprophytic in nature. The bacterium forms a terminal endospore through sporulation when survival becomes difficult, usually in the presence of oxygen.", "- Hot tub-associated infections may be caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When wounds are deeper, the possible pathogens include anaerobes such as Bacteroides and Clostridium species. Typical bacterial skin infections include: 1 Folliculitis, furuncles, and carbuncles.", "Nerve Disease and Bladder Control Top Nerve Disease and Bladder Control Related Articles Botox Treatment Botox, the brand name of a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles.", "Antibiotics â A Double Edged Sword | Our Experience With C. Diff. I am simply sharing our experience with C. Diff along with some of the information I have learned along the way. Please consult a medical professional if you suspect you have C. Diff) In February of 2011, my oldest son came down with a stomach bug called Clostridium Difficile (C." ]
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how long to steam squash in a steamer
[ "- Inside of Spaghetti Squash after cooking. The squash looks like cooked pasta and may used in place of regular pasta. Spaghetti Squash (also called vegetable spaghetti, vegetable marrow, or noodle squash). A small, watermelon-shaped variety, ranges in size from 2 to 5 pounds or more.nside of Spaghetti Squash after cooking. The squash looks like cooked pasta and may used in place of regular pasta. Spaghetti Squash (also called vegetable spaghetti, vegetable marrow, or noodle squash). A small, watermelon-shaped variety, ranges in size from 2 to 5 pounds or more.", "How to Grow Spaghetti Squash How to Grow Spaghetti Squash. The name of the spaghetti squash comes from its unique flesh. When cooked, the fibers give the squash a very distinctive strands that look a lot like orange spaghetti. The added texture makes spaghetti squash a favorite with children who turn their noses up at the softness of other types of squash.", "How to Steam Yellow Squash Place the squash in a steamer basket or large, heatproof colander. Place the steamer basket in the saucepan. Be sure the water is below the bottom of the basket. Cover the saucepan and turn the burner to medium-high so the water continues to boil gently. Steam the squash until you can easily pierce the squash with a fork or the tip of a knife. Thin slices or small chunks generally steam in 4 to 5 minutes, while a whole squash may take 10 to 12 minutes.", "How to Steam Your Wedding DressâWithout Ruining It If your dress is particularly creased, try a handheld steamer. Just remember: You never want to apply steam directly to your dress, as water droplets can leave spots. Steaming through a clean white cloth is safer.", "Face Steamer Review: The Pros, Cons, and Science of Face Steaming If you do steam your skin, it seems like a moderate approach is best - not for too hot, and not for too long. And it's probably best to follow up with something to moisturize your skin and repair its barrier function. That's it for my face steamer review (in this case, it's a review of both the product and the science)! If you liked this post, please feel free to vote for me here! If you want to learn more about the product, you can check out the Panasonic official site and Panasonic FB page.", "- An authentic Mexican tamale recipe is unique because of its soft tamale corn masa, which is made by nixtamalization, a interesting process of mixing field corn with wood ash or lime to soften the corn.. Pack tamales tightly in a steamer and cover top with corn husks. Cover tightly and steam the tamales in a large steamer at about a medium heat for 90 minutes (can take longer for larger tamales). Do not let the tamales touch the water or the dough will get soggy.", "How to Steam Cabbage on the Stove Cut the head of cabbage in half, and then cut the two halves in half to make four wedges if your recipe calls for wedges. Add the cabbage to your steamer basket and place a lid on top to hold the steam inside. Steam for five to eight minutes for shredded cabbage and 10 to 12 minutes for wedges. Remove the pot and steamer basket from the heat, and remove the cabbage from the basket with tongs.", "- 1 Place the chicken thighs in a deep dish suitable for steaming, with the ginger slices underneath the chicken. 2 Steam in a steamer on medium for 30-45 minutes depending on the size of the chicken thighs. 3 Stick a skewer through the meat at the joints, if the juices run clear then it is cooked.", "- An electric vegetable steamer is an excellent option. Here's how to steam asparagus with an electric steamer. First ensure that the steamer is filled with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. Now lay the spears out in the steaming basket and set the timer for 5 minutes.n electric vegetable steamer is an excellent option. Here's how to steam asparagus with an electric steamer. First ensure that the steamer is filled with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. Now lay the spears out in the steaming basket and set the timer for 5 minutes." ]
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can drinking alcohol cause stomach bleeding
[ "Iron Deficiency Anemia and alcohol I alcohol fast because I have a drinking problem, its ... I alcohol fast because I have a drinking problem, its ...I refuse to take vitamins at all because I read that iron deficiency anemia causes appetite loss.", "- Here's a list of the legal drinking and purchasing ages for every country in Europe: 1 Albania: Age 18 for both drinking and purchasing. 2 Austria: Age 16 for both drinking and purchasing. 3 Belarus: Age 18 for both drinking and purchasing. 4 Belgium: Age 16 for drinking and purchasing beer and wine, age 18 for drinking and purchasing spirits. Bosnia & Herzegovina: Age 18 for both drinking and purchasing alcohol. Bulgaria: No legal drinking age in Bulgaria, but the purchase age is 18. Croatia: Age 18 for both drinking and purchasing alcohol.", "Can I drink moderately while on Prednisone? Theoretically, it is possible that drinking alcohol while taking prednisone (Deltasone®) might increase the risk of stomach ulcers or other gastrointestinal bleeding, as both substances can cause gastrointestinal irritation.", "Drug Interactions With Gabapentin More Information on Gabapentin Interactions. Alcohol. Alcohol can increase your risk of certain gabapentin side effects, such as drowsiness or dizziness. Talk to your healthcare provider about drinking alcohol while taking the drug (see Neurontin and Alcohol for more information) .", "- Social Drinking vs. Problem Drinking. People who have alcohol dependence can't always predict how much they will drink, when they will stop, or what they will do while drinking. And it is common for alcoholics to deny the negative effects of drinking or that they even have a problem.", "Bleeding in the Digestive Tract The stomach is a frequent site of bleeding. Alcohol, aspirin, aspirin-containing medicines, and various other medicines (particularly those used for arthritis) can cause stomach ulcers or inflammation (gastritis). The stomach is often the site of ulcer disease. Acute or chronic ulcers may enlarge and erode through a blood vessel, causing bleeding.", "- Alcohol overdose is affected by age, drinking experience, sex, the amount of food in the stomach, and ethnicity. As younger people often engage in binge drinking of five or more drinks at one time, this age group is at higher risk for alcohol overdose.", "Choose Responsibility In these countries the introduction of alcohol typically comes from parents. In the United States, where the drinking age is 21, parents are not legally afforded that opportunity, and as a result initiation to alcohol consumption is not responsibly controlled.n these countries the introduction of alcohol typically comes from parents. In the United States, where the drinking age is 21, parents are not legally afforded that opportunity, and as a result initiation to alcohol consumption is not responsibly controlled.", "Alcohol Poisoning - Symptoms,Causes, and Effects There is no minimum amount of alcohol that could cause alcohol poisoning. It’s true that binge drinking is often the cause of alcohol poisoning. But not always. It depends on your age, sex, size, weight, how fast you’ve been drinking, how much you’ve eaten, your general health and other drugs you might have taken." ]
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how much do informants get paid
[ "- The lender may either provide a copy of the check sent to the mortgage Insurer or a copy of the paid receipt. Monthly Mortgage Insurance. The Seller must collect two months of mortgage insurance payments at closing. If the premium is paid at closing, the HUD I must reflect the payments paid in advance by the lender.", "Dividend Thus, if a person owns 100 shares and the cash dividend is 50 cents per share, the holder of the stock will be paid $50. Dividends paid are not classified as an expense, but rather a deduction of retained earnings. Dividends paid does not show up on an income statement but does appear on the balance sheet.", "Lunch Labor Laws â Federal and State Federal law also does not require that your lunch breaks be paid. Generally speaking, if you are completely relieved from work duties for 30 minutes or more, you do not have to be paid for that time. This rule makes sense, if you think about it. Most workers don’t expect to be paid for their lunch time. But if you are not relieved from duty, your employer must compensate you.", "Vedder Thinking | ArticlesCalifornia Corner: New California Law Requires Paid Sick Leave Employers that already provide paid sick leave (or paid time off), subject to certain requirements, need not provide additional paid sick days where the existing policy (i) satisfies the new law's accrual, carryover and use requirements; or (ii) provides at least 24 hours or three days of paid sick leave for each year of employment.", "What Does Salary Employee Mean? Answer by Lemonkitten614. Confidence votes 7. A salary employee means that you are paid a yearly salary, not an hourly or weekly salary. Although you may be paid weekly or bi-monthly, etc, the amount is a prorated per payday.nswer by Lemonkitten614. Confidence votes 7. A salary employee means that you are paid a yearly salary, not an hourly or weekly salary. Although you may be paid weekly or bi-monthly, etc, the amount is a prorated per payday.", "- This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. QuickBooks Tip 24: How to Remove the Paid Stamp from a Paid Invoice is part of QuickBooks Tips Volume 3 (https://vimeo.com/ondemand/qbtipsvol3). In this video, you'll learn how to Remove the Paid Stamp from a Paid Invoice in QuickBooks.Make sure to subscribe, like, and post comments…Thanks!lease try again later. QuickBooks Tip 24: How to Remove the Paid Stamp from a Paid Invoice is part of QuickBooks Tips Volume 3 (https://vimeo.com/ondemand/qbtipsvol3).", "Prevailing Wage Act FAQ The rate of pay is determined by the prevailing wage as ascertained under the Act paid to laborers, workers and mechanics employed on public works projects and is not determined based upon the rates paid on non public works. It is not an average or median of rates paid.", "- Records on the number of informants and what they're paid is not made public by the sheriff’s office. Aitken says informants are paid with seized drug money, not taxpayers’ dollars. “I've seen informants get paid anywhere from $50 to thousands of dollars. But there's no set rate or set fee,” said Aitken.", "Washington Minimum Wage Increase, Initiative 1433 (2016) F. No compensation shall be paid to an employee for accrued, unused paid sick days upon termination, resignation, retirement, or other separation from employment. G. If an employee separates and is rehired within one year from the date of separation, previously accrued and unused paid sick days shall be reinstated." ]
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pregnancy symptoms on pill
[ "Pregnancy symptoms 3 weeks after stopping the pill? pregnancy, symptom, pill. I stopped taking the pill right after my last pack was done. Two days later I had sex with my husband and had a few days of bleeding. Now it is three weeks after I stopped and in the past week I have experienced a whitish thick discharge, nausea, pelvic pressure and bloating and extreme fatigue.", "Pregnancy Symptoms Pregnancy Symptoms. Whether you are hopeful, worried or curious about conceiving, getting to know the signs and symptoms of pregnancy will be your first and most important step on the road ahead.", "Family Planning Module: 5. Oral Contraceptive Methods How to Use. Take your first pill on the first day of your period or the first Sunday after your period has begun. Use Cryselle 28 just as your healthcare provider has instructed and not more often or for longer than your healthcare provider mandates. Missing a dose of Cryselle 28 increases the risk of pregnancy. There are ways to make up for missing a pill that will maintain the effectiveness of the birth control.", "- Early Pregnancy Symptoms-Heartburn/ Indigestion. Although early pregnancy symptoms such as heartburn and indigestion are usually associated with the later stages of pregnancy, they can also occur early on for some women.uman Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), the pregnancy hormone, slows down digestion meaning that your stomach remains full for longer. Consequently, stomach acid is then able then make its way into your oesophagus and even to the back of your throat causing discomfort, a burning sensation, and even nausea.", "- Pregnancy symptoms at 6 weeks. For most women, morning sickness begins between 6 and 8 weeks. You may also be exhausted and experiencing mood swings, which could be due to hormonal changes as well as the stress of wondering what lies ahead in your pregnancy. About 25 percent of women have spotting in early pregnancy.That's counting eight weeks from the first day of their last menstrual period.) The results: 1 50 percent had some symptoms of pregnancy by the time they were 5 weeks pregnant. 2 70 percent had symptoms by 6 weeks.", "Early pregnancy symptoms One way to tell is to look for signs like tender breasts, fatigue, and nausea all of which can show up within weeks after conception. Here’s a look at the most common early symptoms of pregnancy, which is a time of great physical change. A woman may experience a variety of symptoms in early pregnancy, usually from around 6 weeks.", "- Rate this Article: VN:F [1.9.20_1166] please wait... Find out the earliest pregnancy symptoms before a missed period, some even as early as a few days after conception. When most women think about pregnancy symptoms, that telltale missed period is usually at the top of the list.", "Ovulation Constipation: Can Hormones Cause Constipation? One of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy is constipation, but does constipation actually start during ovulation? The hormone likely responsible for pre-pregnancy and pregnancy constipation, from a reproductive standpoint, is progesterone and both pregnant and non-pregnant women suffer from this uncomfortable symptom.", "How Much Water Do You Need to Drink in Early Pregnancy? The human body needs plenty of water to function and eliminate waste, especially during pregnancy. Drinking enough water in the early months of your pregnancy can help relieve pregnancy symptoms such as constipation, hemorrhoids and morning sickness. Water also helps your body cope with the hormonal and physiological changes throughout your pregnancy." ]
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difference between roasting and baking
[ "It's easy to get hooked on whole salmon Place the salmon on the baking sheet or roasting pan. Place the remaining ingredients, except cilantro and lime slices, in a bowl and whisk well to combine. Brush some of this mixture into the cavity of the fish. Now stuffthe cavity with the onions.", "- Part 2 of 2: Using Odor-Removers. 1. Use baking soda. To get rid of odors, spread a box of baking soda across a baking sheet and place in the refrigerator. Keep the door closed until the smell disappears, then discard the baking soda.To try to counteract everyday odors, keep an open box of baking soda in your fridge at all times.. Use baking soda. To get rid of odors, spread a box of baking soda across a baking sheet and place in the refrigerator. Keep the door closed until the smell disappears, then discard the baking soda. To try to counteract everyday odors, keep an open box of baking soda in your fridge at all times.", "- Roast. Roasting, very similar to baking, is a method of cooking pork in the oven in a shallow, uncovered pan, and without adding liquid to the pan. Any cut of pork can be roasted, and should be roasted at 350° F unless otherwise noted. This chart will help you decide how long you need to roast the cut of pork you have.oasting, very similar to baking, is a method of cooking pork in the oven in a shallow, uncovered pan, and without adding liquid to the pan. Any cut of pork can be roasted, and should be roasted at 350° F unless otherwise noted. This chart will help you decide how long you need to roast the cut of pork you have.", "What's difference between \"bake\" and \"roast\"? When I took Home Economics back during the Pleistocene era, there was a difference between baking and roasting. Baking was done in the oven, and open ie. a cake or cookies. Roasting always meant the cover was put over top, as in a roast.", "Oven Roasted Potatoes 1 Preheat oven to 475 degrees F (245 degrees C). 2 In a large bowl, combine oil, garlic, basil, marjoram, dill weed, thyme, oregano, parsley, red pepper flakes, and salt. 3 Stir in potatoes until evenly coated. 4 Place potatoes in a single layer on a roasting pan or baking sheet. Preheat oven to 475 degrees F (245 degrees C). 2 In a large bowl, combine oil, garlic, basil, marjoram, dill weed, thyme, oregano, parsley, red pepper flakes, and salt. 3 Stir in potatoes until evenly coated. 4 Place potatoes in a single layer on a roasting pan or baking sheet.", "The difference between Royal icing and Buttercream icing • Categorized under Food | The difference between Royal icing and Buttercream icing. With the evolving baking industry, cakes have become one of the most baked and liked dessert in everyday life.", "What's the difference in the roasting methods of espresso and Turkish coffee? The answer wrote by Ese Warner is correct. Just a line missing: usually all coffee beans used for turkish coffee are arabica beans, meanwhile for espresso, the usual way is around 20% robusta beans with 80% arabica. And yes, there are no significant difference between turkish and espresso roasting.", "Beef Sirloin with Oven Roasted Vegetables Set aside. 3. Place steak on rack in shallow baking pan. Insert ovenproof meat thermometer in thickest part of beef. Do not cover or add water. Roast steak and vegetables in oven for 25 minutes.Stir vegetables and add zucchini to baking pan; continue roasting 20 to 25 minutes or until vegetables are tender and meat registers at 140 degrees F for medium-rare doneness. 4. Transfer steak to carving board. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes. 5.Carve steaks into slices.et aside. 3. Place steak on rack in shallow baking pan. Insert ovenproof meat thermometer in thickest part of beef. Do not cover or add water. Roast steak and vegetables in oven for 25 minutes.", "Prime Rib An hour before cooking, remove the roast from the refrigerator to allow it to come to room temperature. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Put the reserved ribs in a roasting pan bowed-side up (the ribs will be acting as the roasting rack).n hour before cooking, remove the roast from the refrigerator to allow it to come to room temperature. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Put the reserved ribs in a roasting pan bowed-side up (the ribs will be acting as the roasting rack)." ]
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largest denomination bills
[ "- 1 10/4 Empire Writes Back: New York Giants: Defense leads team to upset win against Buffalo Bills: The New York Giants were able to get off to a great start in Week 2 ... 10/3 Empire Writes Back: Giants vs. Bills Final Week 4 Injury Report: The New York Giants will be traveling to take on the Buffalo Bills ...", "Mumbai Money Exchange There are a number of money/currency exchangers in the Mumbai city of India. Explore more on money exchange in Bombay. Travel to India : Maharashtra : Maharashtra Travel : Mumbai : Mumbai Money Exchange. Just like the rest of India, in Mumbai also, the currency is rupees. It is available in the denomination of Rs. 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500, with only 1, 2, and 5 being available in the form of both coins and notes. The rest of the denomination is available only in the form of notes.", "What is the largest bill in circulation in the US? What is the largest US bill printed? For public use in the US, $100 is currently the highest-value bill issued. At one time $500, $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 were also printed. Printing of all higher… denomination bills was suspended in 1945 due to low demand.", "Narendra Modi Bans Indiaâs Largest Currency Bills in Bid to Cut Corruption NEW DELHI — Prime Minister Narendra Modi fired a direct shot at India’s endemic corruption with a surprise move on Tuesday to ban the country’s largest currency bills, starting the next morning. The ban is intended both to curb the flow of counterfeit money and to take aim at terrorist organizations that rely on unaccounted-for cash.", "- Stop Chasing Bills and Statements. Hubdoc automatically pulls your online bills and statements into one secure hub. No more chasing down missing bills and statements. Your receipts, bills and statements turned into accurately coded QuickBooks Online transactions with key data entered and source documents attached.", "How to Survive When You Canât Pay Your Bills Finally, if you are in a situation in which you can’t pay your bills, I’m sorry. I’m sorry about…. The embarrassment you feel when you can’t afford to meet someone for coffee. The sick feeling of seeing the bills pile up on the counter and not being able to do anything about it.", "TAX⦠How Much Are We Actually Paying For Every £100 Earned? If you’re a higher rate tax payer that rises to 40%. Of your £100, £78 is left. Then there are your bills – you might put aside £3 for Council Tax, £2 for Road Tax and say £3 for the VAT on our utilities bills, which are charged at 5%.Now you’re down to £70.f you’re a higher rate tax payer that rises to 40%. Of your £100, £78 is left. Then there are your bills – you might put aside £3 for Council Tax, £2 for Road Tax and say £3 for the VAT on our utilities bills, which are charged at 5%.", "Frankenmuth Frankenmuth is a city in Saginaw County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 4,944 at the 2010 census. The city is located within Frankenmuth Township, but is politically independent. Bronner's Christmas Wonderland, which bills itself as the World's Largest Christmas Store, is located in Frankenmuth. The most popular nickname is Little Bavaria , but the city is also nicknamed Muth .", "Is There a Limit on the Amount of Money That Can Be Deposited at Once? For example, the Navy Federal Credit Union accepts up to $10,000 per card per day. Instead of limiting the dollar amount, some banks limit the number of bills you can deposit. For example, you can deposit up to 40 bills at Bank of America ATM machines, while Chase machines accept up to 50 bills or 30 checks. Make sure that the bills aren’t worn out, creased or have added marks on them, because they might be rejected." ]
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town of trumbull health department number
[ "- Members of Congress: Lyman Trumbull (1813-1896) Lyman Trumbull could be a difficult man to like. Ward Hill Lamon wrote how Mr. Lincoln signed the Thirteenth Amendment in the spirit of the moment – even though his signature was unnecessary. Trumbull wasn’t a great orator but he was a careful attorney and such details concerned him.", "Flu Reaches Epidemic Level in Kentucky, 8 Die in NKY In Northern Kentucky, more than 2,700 cases of flu have been reported locally through January 20. Eight adults have died, the Northern Kentucky Health Department reported. The health department still recommends being vaccinated, saying it's not too late.", "Does Dish Soap Contain Formaldehyde? The Dangers of Formaldehyde. A number of governmental authorities warn of the dangers of formaldehyde and limit its use, including the State of California, the European Union's REACH program, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the governments of Canada and Japan.", "Fire Department The Selma Fire Department is a Combination Fire Department operated by the Town of Selma. Selma operates from one station located in the heart of the Town. The brave Firefighters of the Selma Fire Department protect a municipal district of just under five square miles and a rural district of 15 square miles.", "TOWN OF TRUMBULL NPI 1316321318 335 white plains rd trumbull health department trumbull, ct zip 06611 Phone: (203) 452-1030 TOWN OF TRUMBULL is a public health and state or local cliniccenter in Trumbull, CT. town of trumbull npi is 1316321318. The provider is registered as an organization entity type.", "- US Department of Health and Human Services Organizational Chart US Department of Health and Human Services Organizational Chart US Department of Health and Human Services Organizational Chart", "- The Department of Mental Health uses a number of acronyms and abbreviations to describe its services and programs (DMH, for example).", "Vineland Fire Department Station #3 in Cumberland County NJ In the Maps and Aerial Photos section below, you'll find links to: (1) Local area photos around Vineland Fire Department Station Number 3, (2) A listing of the nearest hotels to Vineland Fire Department Station Number 3 and (3) Driving Directions to Vineland Fire Department Station Number 3 from almost anywhere.", "- NPI Number One provides detailed information about Uci Department Of Medicine a health care provider in the United States of America Toggle navigation NPI #1 Doctors & Physicians" ]
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is pamela anderson has surgery?
[ "Let It Go Do You Want to Build a Snowman? was written by Anderson-lopez, Kristen / Lopez, Robert.", "Biography Tommy Lee was born on October 3, 1962 in Athens, Greece as Thomas Lee Bass. He was previously married to Pamela Anderson, Heather Locklear and Elaine Margaret Starchuk. Officially leaves Mötley Crüe to spend more time with his family and focus on his new project, Methods of Mayhem.", "- Good Housekeeping (1950) Anderson, H - 007. For this painting, Anderson used red as his local color, complementing that with a high chroma green to direct the viewer’s focus. Again, what appears as informational detail is actually a series or grouping of expertly coordinated brush strokes of paint.", "Pamela Anderson Plastic Surgery Pamela Anderson Plastic Surgery Procedures. Honesty, confidence, and a free-spirited personality are some of the qualities that have endeared the bubbly actress to her mob of fans. She has a no-holds-barred approach to publicity and she has publicly confirmed that she has had plastic surgery.", "Signe Anderson, Original Jefferson Airplane Singer, Dead at 74 Signe Anderson, Jefferson Airplane's original female vocalist who sang on the band's 1966 debut LP Jefferson Airplane Takes Off, passed away January 28th. Anderson was 74.", "South Carolina State Flower Dixie Chapter No. 395 of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Anderson, South Carolina (since disbanded) adopted the flower as their organization's official emblem in 1906. To honor the yellow flower, Teresa Strickland, of Anderson, wrote a poem for the Dixie Chapter called.", "Pamela Brown (journalist) For other people named Pamela Brown, see Pamela Brown (disambiguation). Pamela Ashley Brown (born November 29, 1983), is an American television reporter and newscaster. Brown works as Justice Correspondent for CNN. She formerly worked for ABC Washington, D.C., affiliate WJLA-TV.", "- Wendy R. Anderson. Wendy R. Anderson is the Chief of Staff to the Deputy Secretary of Defense at the U.S. Department of Defense. Previously, she served as Special Assistant to the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics at the Department.", "- 4.8%. According to our research of South Carolina and other state lists there were 249 registered sex offenders living in Anderson, South Carolina as of August 24, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Anderson to the number of sex offenders is 107 to 1." ]
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definition of organic fish oil
[ "Medical Definition of Fish oil, omega-3 Fish oil, omega-3: A class of fatty acids found in fish oils, especially from salmon and other cold-water fish, that acts to lower the levels of cholesterol and LDL (low-density lipoproteins) in the blood. Omega-3 fish oil is therefore thought to be a neutraceutical, a food that provides health benefits.", "Does Fish Oil Help Acid Reflux (GERD)? 1 Consuming fish oil capsules with food. 2 Do not eat foods that aggravate, heartburn such as caffeine and chocolate. 3 Take fish oil supplements made not to cause acid reflux, some supplements are enteric coated. 4 Take a non-fish omega-3 supplement such as flax seed oil.", "- Effective healthy hair growth treatment for those with highly porous, thick naturally curly hair. Suitable for those with eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, and acne. Our Organic Burdock Oil macerate is created by infusing Organic Burdock Root in Camellia Kissi oil for 3 months.To ensure the cell membranes of the Organic Burdock are ruptured, releasing the Burdock root properties into the oil. Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly.rganic Burdock oil absorbs instantly, leaves no oily, greasy residue. For Skin: Provides optimum hydration to your skin without leaving a greasy feel. Brilliant for treating acne, dry and sensitive skin types.", "Organic India Organic India is a global leader in promoting organic products and in supporting sustainable farming. Organic India cultivate, collect, process, manufacture and market Certified Organic Tulsi Teas, Herbal Supplements, Psyllium, Castor Oil, Ayurvedic and Medicinal Herbs, and many other organic foods and organic spices.Organic India products are of the highest quality and marketed all over the world.Organic India is proud and honored to be the first company to introduce the sacred Tulsi (Holy Basil) as a delicious Herbal Tea. Herbspro.com is proud to carry the entire range of this fine brand.rganic India cultivate, collect, process, manufacture and market Certified Organic Tulsi Teas, Herbal Supplements, Psyllium, Castor Oil, Ayurvedic and Medicinal Herbs, and many other organic foods and organic spices. Organic India products are of the highest quality and marketed all over the world.", "Atlantic Menhaden The Atlantic menhaden commercial fishery consists of a reduction fishery and a bait fishery. The reduction fishery, named because it processes the whole fish into fish meal, fish oil, and fish solubles, first began in New England during the early 1800s and spread south after the Civil War.", "Fish oil: friend or foe? News out of Seattle is sure to fuel confusion about fish oil supplements. Take this email I got yesterday from a friend. “Ok, I give up. Should I take them? Throw them away? June 29 — Fish oil may prevent breast cancer. Today (July 11) — Fish oil may increase risk of prostate cancer.” First, the latest news.", "Dr. Bronners Inspired DIY Liquid Castile Soap Ingredients for DIY Liquid Castile Soap. 1 Coconut Oil – 10 oz. I use Trader Joe’s Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. You can also use other brands of pure coconut oil, like Carrington Farms Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, or Viva Labs Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. 2 Olive Oil – 4 oz. I use Trader Joe’s Imported Olive Oil.", "- 1 The people of the Northwest used a lot of fish oil to add flavour to their food. 2 They typically used the oil from whales, seals, and eulachon, a type of smelt. 3 Eulachon was full of oil, and the women had a special process of squeezing all of the oil out of the fish.", "Natural Remedies for Warts is the Best Type of Hpv Warts Treatment to Stop Warts on Genitals Pure oregano oil combined with organic virgin coconut oil is a great home remedy for warts. If you are using a cue-tip, you will need to put the coconut oil on first, then add 4-6 drops of oregano oil to the other side of the cue-tip. There may be a slight tingling feeling, and that is normal." ]
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normal parameters for blood sugar levels
[ "Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar) Extremely low blood sugar levels may cause you to be confused, or disoriented. Severely low levels of blood sugar may cause coma. You may have a fast heartbeat, or feel palpitations. Things You Can Do About Hypoglycemia: If you are experiencing low blood sugar levels as a result of your treatment of diabetes, your healthcare provider may instruct you on the use of close blood sugar monitoring during this time. Follow all of your healthcare provider's instructions. Try to exercise. Low blood sugar levels are often temporary. If you are diabetic, you will have high blood sugars as well.", "Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar) If you are experiencing low blood sugar levels as a result of your treatment of diabetes, your healthcare provider may instruct you on the use of close blood sugar monitoring during this time. Follow all of your healthcare provider's instructions. 1 Try to exercise. 2 Low blood sugar levels are often temporary.", "Normal Blood Glucose Levels in Dogs On the other end of the spectrum, dogs that have blood sugar levels of 180 milligrams per deciliter on a consistent basis tend to need diabetic treatment as well. Maintaining normal blood glucose levels in dogs with either high or low blood sugar can be difficult, but is essential for extending the life of the pet.", "What blood sugar levels are considered normal, and what levels are diabetic? A. At present, the diagnosis of diabetes or prediabetes is based in an arbitrary cut-off point for a normal blood sugar level. A normal sugar level is currently considered to be less than 100 mg/dL when fasting and less than 140 mg/dL two hours after eating.But in most healthy people, sugar levels are even lower.During the day, blood glucose levels tend to be at their lowest just before meals. For most people without diabetes, blood sugar levels before meals hover around 70 to 80 mg/dL. In some, 60 is normal; in others, 90.ut in most healthy people, sugar levels are even lower. During the day, blood glucose levels tend to be at their lowest just before meals. For most people without diabetes, blood sugar levels before meals hover around 70 to 80 mg/dL. In some, 60 is normal; in others, 90.", "Blood sugar regulation For homeostasis, insulin is the main hormone involved. Blood sugar regulation is the process by which the levels of blood sugar, primarily glucose, are maintained by the body.ypoglycemia, the state of having low blood sugar, is treated by restoring the blood glucose level to normal by the ingestion or administration of dextrose or carbohydrate foods. It is often self-diagnosed and self-medicated orally by the ingestion of balanced meals.", "Blood sugar level Blood sugar levels outside the normal range may be an indicator of a medical condition. A persistently high level is referred to as hyperglycemia; low levels are referred to as hypoglycemia.", "What Is The Normal Range For Blood Sugar Levels, And What Blood Sugar Level Constitutes A True Emergency? What we call fasting blood sugar or blood glucose levels is usually done six to eight hours after the last meal. So it's most commonly done before breakfast in the morning; and the normal range there is 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter. Now when you eat a meal, blood sugar generally rises and in a normal individual it usually does not get above a 135 to 140 milligrams per deciliter. So there is a fairly narrow range of blood sugar throughout the entire day.", "Complete blood count gran For example, WBC is white blood cell count-yours is normal but if it was up it could indicate an infection. Basically your hemoglobin and hematocrit are normal so you are not anemic. The tests you should be asking your doctor about, for example, is what is your glucose (blood sugar).or example, WBC is white blood cell count-yours is normal but if it was up it could indicate an infection. Basically your hemoglobin and hematocrit are normal so you are not anemic. The tests you should be asking your doctor about, for example, is what is your glucose (blood sugar).", "What Is The Normal Range For Blood Sugar Levels, And What Blood Sugar Level Constitutes A True Emergency? Answer: Now, in a normal individual we measure blood sugar under different circumstances. What we call fasting blood sugar or blood glucose levels is usually done six to eight hours after the last meal.So it's most commonly done before breakfast in the morning; and the normal range there is 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter.Now when you eat a meal, blood sugar generally rises and in a normal individual it usually does not get above a 135 to 140 milligrams per deciliter.n the other side, if blood sugar gets up above 180 to 200, then it exceeds the capacity of the kidneys to reabsorb the glucose and we begin to spill glucose into the urine. And if it gets way up high, up in the 400s or even 500s, it can be associated with some alteration in mental function." ]
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what is an assisted squat
[ "California Assisted Living Facilities Cost of California Assisted Living Facilities. According to the 2015 Genworth Financial cost of care survey, the average cost of assisted living in California is $3,750 per month.The monthly base rate for California assisted living is typically average when compared to neighboring states.California is also more expensive compared to the national average.ost of California Assisted Living Facilities. According to the 2015 Genworth Financial cost of care survey, the average cost of assisted living in California is $3,750 per month.", "10 Ways to Beat the High Cost of Assisted Living The official cost of assisted living facilities may not be set in stone — ask about move-in incentives, and whether they might be willing to negotiate the monthly price. 4. Consider a Different Location. As with other types of housing, the cost of assisted living varies by location.", "Magnolia Village Natchez, MS Assisted Living in Vicksburg, Mississippi; Assisted Living in Mccomb, Mississippi; Assisted Living in Alexandria, Louisiana; Assisted Living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Assisted Living in Denham Springs, Louisiana", "High Performance Exercises You Should be Doing: Goblet Squat Squats are a great tool, but like anything else, how you use the tool is most important. A hammer is great when hitting a nail, as long as you strike the nail instead of exploding your thumb. As it is, the goblet squat is my preferred exercise when introducing the squat to new clients. Whether I’m working with an inexperienced athlete or a desk jockey with the mobility of a screwdriver, the goblet squat is an idiot-proof way to teach body awareness and squat mechanics.", "Quads Without Squats For years, my challenge is to bring up my quads despite the fact that my knees are beaten up. I squatted for too long through the pain, believing that one couldn't have impressive quads without squats. Now I know that's bullshit: a beginner should squat, but if you're not built for them, go to leg presses before you ruin your hips and knees. I got my biggest quad size with leg presses after ditching the squat.", "- an assisted living residence or assisted living facility alf is a housing facility for people with disabilities or for adults who cannot or chose not to live independently", "How Do You Spot Someone On Squats? Spotting squat is nothing like bench TO SPOT SQUATS: Stand directly behind the person squatting As the lifter goes down the spotter must also squat along with the lifter...make sure your arms are extended under the lifters armpits to provide security if the lifter is struggling.", "Assisted Living Costs Review the Average Costs of Assisted Living by State The cost of assisted living varies significantly between facilities across the nation and even within the same city. We have compiled estimated costs of assisted living facilities in the United States from many industry surveys. The costs of assisted living care depend on the level of service a resident requires.The 2010 CDC National Survey of Residential Care Facilities provides some treasured insights into the costs of assisted living, but also how facilities charge residents.he costs of assisted living care depend on the level of service a resident requires. The 2010 CDC National Survey of Residential Care Facilities provides some treasured insights into the costs of assisted living, but also how facilities charge residents.", "- The resistance band assisted squat is a exercise for those with a expert level of physical fitness and exercise experience. Watch the resistance band assisted squat video, learn how to do the resistance band assisted squat, and then be sure and browse through the resistance band assisted squat workouts on our workout plans page!" ]
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what e coli is
[ "Is E. Coli Contagious? Food poisoning results when food or drinks allows the E. coli to get into our intestines and cause illness. Though E. coli outbreaks are usually the result of widespread food contamination, the bacteria is contagious and can sometimes spread directly between people. E. coli doesn't typically spread between people through coughing, kissing, or other normal, everyday interactions between friends and family.", "Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli Infection Facts. Escherichia coli, or E. coli for short, is a very common bacterium. There are hundreds of different strains of E. coli. Some are harmless while others cause serious illness.", "Is there an optimum temperature for snow fall in the UK? Answer 37 degrees celsius. ....Is the temperature of the gut in which E. coli lives, so you might call that 'optimal.' Note that the optimal growth rate fo … r E. coli is actually a bit higher, around 40.6 C assuming normal conditions.", "E. coli infection: Symptoms, causes, and treatment E. Coli Infections: Risks, Symptoms, and Treatments. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacterium commonly found in the gut of warm-blooded organisms. Most E. coli strains pose no harm to humans. However, there are six groups of E. coli known for their ability to cause human illness.", "14 brands of bottled water recalled over E. coli fears 14 brands of bottled water recalled over E. coli fears. Fourteen brands of bottled water have been recalled due to a potential E. coli contamination including food store brands ShopRite, Stop & Shop, Giant, Acme and Wegman's.", "BioNumber Details Page ID105002 Property Maximum temperature at which balanced growth of E. coli B/r can be sustained Organism Bacteria Escherichia coli Value ~49 Units °C Reference John L. Ingraham and Allen G. Marr, Effect of Temperature, Pressure, pH, and Osmotic Stress on Growth,Fig. 1 chapter 98, Neidhardt, et al. eds.omments Most bacteria, including E. coli and S. typhimurium, can grow over a range of approximately 40°C. The growth rates of most wild-type strains of E. coli and S. typhimurium respond similarly to changes in temperature the particular response of E. coli B/r is shown in Fig. 1.", "How E. Coli Evolves To Adapt To Changing Acidity E.Coli provides insight into how organisms adapt to changing environmental conditions and fluctuations. Scientists explore the effect on E. coli of fluctuating acidity, an especially important environmental factor for the bacteria.", "Escherichia coli in molecular biology Escherichia coli in molecular biology. Escherichia coli (/ˌɛʃᵻˈrɪkiə ˈkoʊlaɪ/; commonly abbreviated E. coli) is a Gram-negative gammaproteobacterium commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms (endotherms). The descendants of two isolates, K-12 and B strain, are used routinely in molecular biology as both a tool and a model organism.", "E.coli Bacteria E.coli - Uniquely Adapted Super Mutator. E.coli, the cause of around 85-90% of bladder infections, is an acid-tolerant bacterium that is uniquely adapted to survive in the human body, and can quickly mutate to resist antibiotics. It can travel upwards and attack your kidneys, and cause serious kidney problems." ]
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how many calories are in a slice of strawberry poundcake
[ "- There are 70 calories in a 1 slice serving of Cook's Ham Steaks. Calorie breakdown: 26% fat, 11% carbs, 63% protein.", "- Use our easy to read table to find how many calories in bread and bread products, such as white bread, hamburger buns, pita bread and mountain bread calories per slice. When counting calories you need to know how many calories or kilojoules are in everything you eat. As bread is one of the staples of life, calories contained in bread make up a large percentage of your calorie intake. Therefore knowing the amount of calories or kj per slice is an important step to controlling weight.", "Crispy Strawberry Banana Cheesecake There are 580 calories in 1 serving of IHOP Crispy Strawberry Banana Cheesecake. Calorie breakdown: 42% fat, 53% carbs, 5% protein.", "Strawberry cervix Description of Strawberry cervix Strawberry cervix: Related Topics These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Strawberry cervix:", "- 2. Strawberry: About 2 cups or 16 medium berries (294 grams): 100 calories and 14.3 grams sugar", "Calories in Tortilla Wrap Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Tortilla Wrap. 130 calories of Whole Wheat Tortilla, medium (45g), (1 serving). 53 calories of Monterey Cheese, (0.50 slice (1 oz)). 50 calories of Oscar Mayer Turkey Breast, (1 serving).", "Calories in a Slice of Whole-Grain Bread Calorie Breakdown. Of the 69 calories in one 26-gram slice of whole-grain bread, and about 65 percent of them are from carbohydrates. About 20 percent of the calories come from the 3.47 grams of protein. Fat contributes 14 percent of the calories, with about 1 gram per slice. It is worth noting that a slice of whole-grain bread gets 11 percent of its calories from fiber, whereas white bread only gets 4 percent of its calories from fiber.", "- 1 Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Cheese Pizza Slice. 2 Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Pepperoni Pizza Slice. Calories, Fat, Protein, Fiber, & Carbs In Pizza Pizza Slice Pies Classic Bacon Double Cheeseburger.", "Sliced Strawberry Pound Cake There are 160 calories in a 1 slice serving of Meijer Sliced Strawberry Pound Cake. Calorie breakdown: 45% fat, 50% carbs, 5% protein." ]
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what are reins
[ "- When falling off a horse, the first thing you feel like doing is holding onto the horse, but only do this if you feel like you can get yourself back in the saddle. As soon as you feel like you are going to fall, let go of the horse and the reins. Ad.", "- Lateral flexion is sometimes called a relaxation cue, hence its effectiveness in helping to quickly calm a horse. Lift the reins to feel the horse's mouth through them using one hand, then move your other hand down the rein. Reach until the arm is straight and touching the horse's mane.", "Carol Burnett Explains How Lucille Ball Got a NSFW Nickname Burnett, who will be honored with the Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award on Jan. 30, says when she did the Carol Burnett Show in 1967, it was difficult for a woman to take the reins. “If I spoke up or did what Jackie Gleason did… Men could get away with it.", "- Warnings. 1 Don’t pull on the reins or make them excessively short to try to encourage your horse to lower his head. 2 Your horse may learn to evade the constant pull by going past flexion -- drawing his nose inward to his chest -- to get “behind” the bit. 3 When he does this you have no control with the bridle or bit. Don’t pull on the reins or make them excessively short to try to encourage your horse to lower his head. 2 Your horse may learn to evade the constant pull by going past flexion -- drawing his nose inward to his chest -- to get “behind” the bit.", "- 1 Don't pull straight back on the reins, it can encourage a horse to back up while bucking. 2 Pull one rein to the side. 3 Preforming a one rein stop will also help to stop a bucking horse. 4 Grab one rein closer to the bit and draw it back to your thigh.5 Make sure you do not also pull on the other rein. Pull one rein to the side. 2 Preforming a one rein stop will also help to stop a bucking horse. 3 Grab one rein closer to the bit and draw it back to your thigh. 4 Make sure you do not also pull on the other rein.", "- The Liverpool bit has a ring that runs right round the mouthpiece – behind and forward. – and this example has two deep slots down the cheeks, which would allow me to use my. 7/8 inch wide driving reins through them IF I really needed to. The rear half of the ring is. for securing the rein on “plain cheek” (snaffle) setting.", "Horse Symbol Meanings Symbolic Meanings of the Horse. Horse symbol meanings date back to prehistory, and the first civilized, written acknowledgement of the Horse comes in the third millennium BC where historians uncovered slate tablets in Elam (present day Iraq and Iran) which reference this noble, wild beast.reaming of a Horse with reins, pulling a wagon, tied with ropes, etc., indicates you are feeling restricted and desire more freedom in your life. A bucking Horse in your dreams indicates a need to break old habits. For more symbol meanings of animals in dreams click here for Animals in Dreams page.", "- What is the real purpose of lunging? Since I joined this forum, I have seen lots and lots of people talk about lunging their horse every day or before every ride. I was just wondering what the purpose was. I understand that sometimes lunging must be done with equipment like side reins for training purposes or if you have a cold backed horse.", "Split Reins Split reins are a piece of equipment used for communicating with a horse while it is being ridden. Split reins are actually two separate, individual reins that are used together, with one rein on each side of the horse's neck." ]
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what is thatch
[ "Managing Thatch in Lawns Managing Thatch in Lawns. Thatch is a loose, intermingled organic layer of dead and living shoots, stems, and roots that develops between the zone of green vegetation and the soil surface. Thatch build up begins when turf produces organic debris faster than it can be broken down.", "Photo of the Week: Traditional Palheiros Houses of Santana, Madeira, Portugal architecture, Europe, history tourism, island, local knowledge, Madeira, Palheiros, photo of the week, Portugal, Santana, thatch, tradition, This entry was posted on Sunday, September 26th, 2010 at 9:00 pm and is filed under the following categories:", "What Is Grass Thatch? Vertical mowing is also performed on heavily thatched lawns. These machines, also called power rakes, have steel blades or tines that dig into the turf, bringing some soil to the surface. This process leaves a great deal of debris on the lawn which must be removed. Keywords: lawn thatch, grass thatch, what is thatch.", "- Egypt Houses- the walls were made out of bricks, the bricks are made out of mud and chopped straw. They molded the mud and chopped straw together and got bricks. The floors ar…e made of beaten earth. The roof is made out of timber covered with thatch and matting , that was topped with a thick layer of mud plaster.", "How to Dethatch a Lawn How to Mow the Lawn Properly. 1 How and when you mow your yard can affect the lawn's appearance and health. 2 Thatch acts as a barrier to water, nutrients and air reaching the soil and should be removed to ensure a healthy lawn. Learn how to reinvigorate a lawn by removing the thatch.", "- FIBERPALM – which comprise of leaf like extrusions. FiberPalm Tiles was developed as a realistic long lasting replacement for natural leave thatch mediums. The tiles were designed to provide maximum coverage to reduce cost.Although originally intended to be installed on top of a sub roof such as waterproofed ply wood or alternatively corrugated metal sheet roofing.he tiles simply clip onto 8 mm diameter rods in the usual overlay pattern spaced at 250mm, the tiles can also be stapled or nail onto wood roof battens. The FiberPalm tiles installed without a sub roof will provide you with a 98% waterproof roof covering.", "- Leave clippings on the lawn. If they are excessively heavy, rake them up and remove them. Clippings contain nutrients and water, breakdown rapidly and do not contribute significantly to thatch. You can cut down your fertilizer (especially nitrogen) by 20%-35% by leaving the clippings on.", "Slime Mold on Lawns So the most logical way to get rid of slime mold is to cut off its food supply of dead organic matter. What dead organic matter resides on your lawn? Well, you certainly should be raking up leaves and twigs that have fallen on your lawn. But one of the biggest culprits is more difficult to see: lawn thatch. De-thatching your lawn can sometimes seem like just so much", "Japanese:Thatch [edit] Description. Thatch is made by the Japanese when they have wheat. It is a building material for the roofs of japanese buildings and is availble from any japanese main building. The player has to have Friend of the Village status, check the Reputation page for details. Thatch cannot be made by players. Only the japanese can make it. Thatch is made by the village women and 5 thatch is made from one wheat. Please help us by expanding it." ]
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at what temperature does frost form
[ "What Is Dry Ice? When the pressure is released, some of the liquid will transition into a gas, cooling some of the liquid into dry ice frost or snow, which can be collected and pressed into pellets or blocks. This is similar to what happens when you get frost on the nozzle of a CO 2 fire extinguisher.hen the pressure is released, some of the liquid will transition into a gas, cooling some of the liquid into dry ice frost or snow, which can be collected and pressed into pellets or blocks. This is similar to what happens when you get frost on the nozzle of a CO 2 fire extinguisher.", "Frost Frost forms when the temperature of a solid surface in the open cools to below the freezing point of water and for the most clearly crystalline forms of frost in particular, below the frost point in still air.dvection frost (also called wind frost) refers to tiny ice spikes that form when there is a very cold wind blowing over branches of trees, poles and other surfaces. It looks like rimming the edge of flowers and leaves and usually it forms against the direction of the wind. It can occur at any hour, day or night.", "âRobert Frost family graveâReview of Old First Congregational Church Robert Frost family grave - Old First Congregational Church. “Robert Frost family grave”. Review of Old First Congregational Church. Owner description: This 1805 Bennington church is where poet Robert Frost is buried. I believe this is the church whose graveyard holds the family grave of Robert Frost, his wife and children. One may park easily on the quiet street and spy the little sign directing one to the gravesite, behind the church's right corner.", "Frost (temperature) Frost or freezing occurs when the temperature of air falls below the freezing point of water (0 °C, 32 °F, 273.15 K).This is usually measured at the height of 1.2 m above the ground surface. There is a rather subjective scale to show several degrees of frost severity: 1 slight frost: 0 to −3.5 °C (32.0 to 25.7 °F).rost or freezing occurs when the temperature of air falls below the freezing point of water (0 °C, 32 °F, 273.15 K).", "London, Ontario Temperatures: Averages by Month London typically has 142 days a year when the minimum temperature is at 0 °C or below. The average date for the last frost in spring is April 30. Frost normally returns here on October 12. The frost-free period extends for 164 days on average between the final spring frost and the first fall frost.", "- Frost forms in much the same way as dew forms. Frost usually forms when a surface cools through loss of infrared radiation to a temperature which is colder than the dewpoint of the air next to the surface, AND the temperature of that surface is below freezing (32 deg F, or 0 deg.C).The source of this moisture is water vapor contained in the air.rost forms in much the same way as dew forms. Frost usually forms when a surface cools through loss of infrared radiation to a temperature which is colder than the dewpoint of the air next to the surface, AND the temperature of that surface is below freezing (32 deg F, or 0 deg.", "Skip the Thawing, Cook Frozen Fish Straight From the Freezer Here's how to do it: 1 Remove the fish from the freezer: Remove the fish from the freezer and from its packaging. 2 Rinse off frost or ice: Rinse the fish under cold water to remove any frost or ice that's accumulated.", "- Frost dates listed are . Frost dates. Going by visitor feedback and personal knowledge of various areas, I would recommend deducting 2 weeks from First Frost dates, and adding 2 weeks to Last Frost dates. There is a slight chance you may still get a minor frost but it is highly unlikely. This frost date chart should only be used as a guide.", "- The average last frost day is the date on which in half of the previous years the last frost had already occurred (so about half of the time it will not frost again and it will be safe to plant tender plants). Most planting directions are based on the average last frost date. The calendar based directions I give (Now it is time to... etc.) are usually based on an average last frost date of April 1st. An important thing to realize about last frost dates is that the actual date of the last frost is different every year. It can be much earlier than the average or much later. This is especially important for tender plants that can be killed by a frost." ]
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what are dental caries
[ "- Dental caries, gingivitis, and periodontal disease are ubiquitous; however, with good oral hygiene and preventive dental practices, the incidence is decreasing in the Western world. 1 Dental caries is the leading cause of tooth loss in children younger than age 12.", "27 thAmerican Dental Congress A dental hygienist is a licensed dental professional who is registered with a dental association or regulatory body within their country of practice.They are a primary healthcare professional who works independent of, or alongside dentists and other dental professionals in a team to provide full oral health care. dental hygienist is a licensed dental professional who is registered with a dental association or regulatory body within their country of practice.", "Complete guide on dental implant cost Dental implant cost : what is the average cost of dental implants? Please note the prices indicated from our research may differ from those of your chosen dental specialist based on many factors ( usually regarding the upper range….), however, you will have a pretty good idea of the necessary budget for dental implants.", "Dental Abscess Overview Causes of a Dental Abscess. The cause of these dental abscesses is direct growth of the bacteria from an existing cavity into the soft tissues and bones of the face and neck. An infected tooth that has not received appropriate dental care can cause a dental abscess to form.", "Minnesota Dental Insurance Plans differ primarily in how much you'll have to pay monthly for your coverage and how much you'll have to pay when dental services are rendered. Compare Minnesota dental insurance plans and select the dental plan designed to meet both your dental care needs and budget.", "Oil Pulling for Oral Health If the goal is whitening the teeth, I’ve found coconut oil to be most effective (especially when combined with this unusual remedy). Coconut oil is also slightly more effective at removing certain bacteria from the mouth, including the Streptococcus mutans bacteria that is known for causing dental caries (source).", "Tooth decay Dental caries (caries is Latin for rottenness), also known as tooth decay, cavities, or caries, is a breakdown of teeth due to activities of bacteria. The cavities may be a number of different colors from yellow to black.Symptoms may include pain and difficulty with eating.he cause of caries is bacterial break down of the hard tissues of the teeth (enamel, dentin and cementum). This occurs due to acid made from food debris or sugar on the tooth surface.", "- Delta Dental of California is a specific company within The Delta Dental Plans Association that provides dental coverage to more than 59 million people in the U.S. It is Delta Dental of California that underwrites the Veterans Affairs Dental Insurance Program.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Dissolve Dental Plaque 4 doctors agreed: 1 Complex: Different makeup, in different people and in different parts of the mouth. 2 Dental plaque: Treatment for dental plaque will reduce the risk for dental caries (cavities) and gingivitis. 3 Dental plaque: Treatment for dental plaque will reduce the risk for dental caries (cavities) and gingivitis." ]
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what is ventolin hfa aer for
[ "albuterol sulfate Adults and children age 4 and older (with ProAir HFA): Two inhalations q 4 to 6 hours to treat acute bronchospasm. Children ages 2 to 12 weighing more than 15 kg (33 lb):Solution for inhalation-2.5 mg three to four times/day by nebulization.", "- Asthma and pulmonary patients must now use the greener and more expensive HFA inhalers, which the FDA acknowledges have a different feel and taste. Patients must also breathe in deeply when using the four HFA inhalers now on the market: ProAir, Proventil, Ventolin, and Xopenex.", "Approved Use for FLOVENT 1 FLOVENT does not relieve sudden symptoms of asthma. Always have a rescue inhaler with you to treat sudden symptoms. Do not use FLOVENT DISKUS if you have a severe allergy to milk proteins. Do not use FLOVENT DISKUS or FLOVENT HFA if you are allergic to fluticasone propionate or any of the ingredients in the products.", "- LONHALA MAGNAIR UTIBRON NEOHALER SEEBRI NEOHALER ARCAPTA NEOHALER BROVANA XOPENEX HFA Register; My Account. Account Settings; Track Sample Requests; Submit A Medical Inquiry; Log out; Log in", "Latest News Teva Received FDA Approval for QVAR® (beclomethasone dipropionate HFA) with Dose Counter. All Teva Respiratory Brands in the United States Will Soon Be Available With a Dose Counter.", "Ventolin hfa inhaler coupon The price of your pharmacy. Medication Pricing Get A Free Printable Discount Now. VENTOLIN HFA INHALER medicine used to Look Up the medication albuterol. It is used to treat or viagra stock price prevent bronchospasm in people 4 years of your Ventolin HFA prescription medicine purchases.", "- PRAMOXINE-HC-CHLOROXYLENOL OTIC SOLN 10-10-1 MG/ML EXOTIC-HC DRO OTIC 12539-0623-10 AGMARIN 5. TRYPSIN W/ CASTOR OIL & PERUVIAN BALSAM SPRAY GRANULEX AER 51079-0621-81 UDL LABS 6. TRYPSIN W/ CASTOR OIL & PERUVIAN BALSAM SPRAY GRANULEX AER 51079-0621-82 UDL LABS 6.", "JetBlue Corporate Office Major airlines such as Delta and United Airlines started rival mini-carriers but these have now been disbanded and absorbed by their parent airlines. JetBlue expanded to add routes all over the United States and in 2008, the airline also had twelve Caribbean/Atlantic destinations. From 2008 to 2013 JetBlue entered into codeshare agreements with Aer Lingus, Lufthansa, South African Airways, Virgin Atlantic Airways, Jet Airways, and Air China. Today JetBlue is a publicly traded company, trading on the NASDAQ under the symbol JBLU.", "Risk And Side Effects VENTOLIN HFA is a prescription inhaled medicine used to treat or prevent bronchospasm in people aged 4 years and older with reversible obstructive airway disease. VENTOLIN HFA is also used to prevent exercise–induced bronchospasm (EIB) in patients aged 4 years and older." ]
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do dogs get any nutrition from vegetables
[ "- The last thing nutrition should be is confusing. Find easy-to-understand answers to your most common nutrition questions and concerns. Basics. Diet and Health. Fruit and Vegetables. Meal Planning. Gaining Weight. Weight Management.", "10 Fruits and Veggies that Aid in Dogs' Nutrition Just as fruits and vegetables are considered healthy foods for humans, they can also help prolong a dog's life. Orange, red and yellow fruits and vegetables are best for dogs because they are often nutrient-dense [source: Donomor ]. Many fruits and vegetables also contain antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer.", "What Is Nutrition Support Therapy Nutrition Support Therapy is part of Nutrition Therapy which is a component of medical treatment that can include oral, enteral, and parenteral nutrition to maintain or restore optimal nutrition status and health.", "Best Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs Best Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs. If your New Year's resolution is to eat healthier, we've got some good news: Your dog can do it, too! Fruits and vegetables make great treats for dogs, and we've got the skinny on which ones are OK to feed your dog. If your pooch already eats a quality commercial diet that's been approved by your veterinarian, he doesn't necessarily need fruits and vegetables to balance his nutrition — not like we humans do, anyway.", "- Home » Blogs » Nutrition Nuggets. Your dog's nutrition is important for a healthy & happy life. petMD experts help you to know what to feed your dog, how much food to feed, and the differences in dog foods, so your dog gets optimum nutrition. Nutrition Nuggets is the newest offshoot of petMD's Dog Nutrition Center.", "Dental Care for Your Dog Dogs need dental care, too! Unfortunately, dental hygiene for dogs is sometimes overlooked. Many people seem to just expect dogs to have bad breath, and few people brush their dogs’ teeth frequently enough. Dental hygiene is just as important to your dog’s overall health as things like nutrition, proper exercise, and routine grooming.", "2- The common kinds of leafy vegetables To encourage you to put more leafy vegetables on your plate, WebMD asked Nussinow to rank the country's most widely-eaten greens from most nutritious to least. Here's our top 10 list: 1 Kale: This nutrition powerhouse offers everything you want in a leafy green, says Nussinow, who gave it her first-place ranking.", "Juice Plus+ ® Ingredients Juice Plus+ Orchard, Garden and Vineyard Blend capsules contain juice powders from 30 fruits, vegetables and grains that offer whole food based nutrition, which is the core concept behind Juice Plus+ Research that shows Juice Plus+ can lead to a healthier lifestyle.", "PetMeds ® Pet Food Definitions For pet foods passing a feeding trial, the manufacturer is allowed to display, Animal feeding tests using AAFCO procedures substantiate that (name of product) provides complete and balanced nutrition.. Each trial involves only 8 animals (either dogs or cats) and there is no restriction regarding breed or sex." ]
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when was sam heughan born
[ "How did Sam Kinison die? Sam Kinison was born on December 8, 1953 and died on April 10, 1992. Sam Kinison would have been 38 years old at the time of death or 61 years old today.", "Finn Wolfhard Finn Wolfhard was born in Vancouver, Canada, where he's a student in the 8th grade. Finn has always had a laser focus on continuously growing as an actor, all the way back from the time that he saw his first movie (thank you Sam Raimi's Spider-Man!). Following that pivotal life event, Finn went to work and has since gathered prime time network TV ... See full bio ».", "Itâs Official! Sam Heughan Cast as Jamie Fraser in Starzâs Outlander Series We are looking forward to who will be cast as Claire Fraser in the series! Beverly Hills, Calif., July 9, 2013 – Starz in association with Sony Pictures Television has announced today that Sam Heughan will play the role of Jamie Fraser in the original series “Outlander,” adapted from Diana Gabaldon’s international best-selling books, which will premiere on STARZ in 2014.", "Thomas Edison and Menlo Park Young Edison. Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in the town of Milan, Ohio. His parents, Sam and Nancy Edison, were of Canadian origin and had six children prior to Thomas, only three of whom survived.Edison’s family moved to Port Huron, Michigan in 1854.oung Edison. Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in the town of Milan, Ohio. His parents, Sam and Nancy Edison, were of Canadian origin and had six children prior to Thomas, only three of whom survived.", "Featured Drum Sets Drum Sets At Sam Ash Direct. Sam Ash carries the nation's widest selection of drum sets.", "The Tragic Sam Sheppard Murder Case Sam Sheppard is Arrested: Sam Sheppard was arrested for the murder of his wife on July 29, 1954. On December 21, 1954, he was found guilty of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.", "- Pam Dawber. Pamela Dawber (born October 18, 1951) is an American actress best known for her lead television sitcom roles as Mindy McConnell in Mork & Mindy (1978–1982) and Samantha Russell in My Sister Sam (1986–1988).", "Biography Mini Bio (1). Sam Heughan was born April 30, 1980 in New Galloway, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. An accomplished stage and screen actor best known for Outlander (2014), A Princess for Christmas (2011), and A Very British Sex Scandal (2007).He is an active patron of Youth Theater Arts Scotland and Leukemia and Lymphoma Research.ini Bio (1). Sam Heughan was born April 30, 1980 in New Galloway, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. An accomplished stage and screen actor best known for Outlander (2014), A Princess for Christmas (2011), and A Very British Sex Scandal (2007).", "Adventures in Babysitting Sam arrives in a truck stop expecting to find one Vetala, but they are in two and he is captured by the monsters. Meanwhile Frank finds that the numbers are a coordinate and the land belongs to Dick. While Frank keeps the place under his surveillance, Dean goes to Krissy's house to seek out Sam. But the girl destroyed the map and information and Dean is forced to travel with her to seek out Sam, Lee and the dangerous Vetalas. Adventures in Babysitting is an episode that shows the life of a hunter and how his family is affected." ]
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