just took my first vape hit
vape juice?
this guy goes to this asian, you from china, can you teach me kung fu and then stole his vape…
A vape pen … OMG
When did you stop trying to save lives from smoking and start a crusade against nicotine use in any form? I've never heard of someone dying from nicotine gum, pouches, or vaping so how does this fit in your mission? Unless you're trying to make your profession outlive its need.
Thats bad ye, but lobbing a vape at an away supporter is objectively worse no?
DAMN i need a new vape already sweaar it feels like i just got this
Have a lovely evening tonight x Enjoy a vape x
Idk erm….Maybe i’ll buy a louise hat or a vape Lol
Just copped the grape and the new yoots vape can’t wait
Leave my vape alone you ham faced weirdo.
The Smoke-Free Ontario Act prohibits smoking, vaping and the use of cannabis (medical and recreational) within a 20 metre radius of any municipally owned indoor and outdoor property. To learn more please visit:
i vape when im with my friends because i dont have it lmfaooo mostly normal cigs tho but ig flavored vapes are good too yk
ter 5 seconds no vape
wanting for a vape and bbl, in combination
…. i mean i vape. both smoke normal cigs and vape.
people look so silly when they vape i can’t
cant wait to buy a new vape
I ran over a discarded vape pen on my bike....
what the FUCK since when do i only vape ?!
The vape store of camo
Make Sure Every Mouthfulis Fresh and Fruity #vape #vapelife #vapes #tobacco #smoke #smoke_barrier #CIGARS #cigar TOP Vaper on Romania's Got Talent 2020 | Got Talent Global via
going cold turkey on vaping wish me luck y’all
Vape g what freak is that
I just spent $45 on a new vape and it is straight garbage. I’m gunna take this as my sign to quit
I went through a whole vape in 2 days
I’m gonna go buy a vape
vaping that one month has done irreversible damage to my voice
HAHAHAH DGSKDBSJDBDmy Vape Pen and my,,,,,, Bowl??? for smoking idk what to nickname a bowl that doesn't sound dumb W3ed Bowl. Mar¡juana Bowl.
“Vaping is gross…” but ur doing acid for fun… gtfo
my toxic trait to take a hit of my vape as soon as i wake up
am i the only female that doesn’t smoke , drink or vape ???
Not difficult at all
Makes me wish I liked vaping menthol, just so I could. But yeah, ew.....
Why do people always try to hotbox vape pens with me in it, like I choose that lifestyle
if you Only vape i dont trust you
Yes, but that’s the issue, it’s easier and more pleasurable to have a vape rather a cigarette. The smell, and taste coupled with the convenience can, and will lead to massive health issues. A cigarette doesn’t always have a good taste, and the smell is very pungent.
Nothing sexier than people in formal ware vaping out of huge battery boxes
jokes on you i smoke both vape and normal cigs
vaping takes away my cravings
weed molly shrooms acid Isd adderall addies percs edibles hash oil vape plug dealer crypto bitcoin NFT alt coin unban suspended account banned I wish I hadthis tweet on a shirt
Whoever figured out how to charge a disposable vape with a wire needs to be institutionalized.
after last night i said no more smoking and here we are 2 pm looking for a vape
gente o Jeon Jungkook vai vape
Ngl if vape tasted like lasagna, i'd start raping
i just really wanna hit my vape
Every vaporizer has its own 'character', so you may have to play around with how dense you pack the bowl, how long and how strong you inhale. Though the substance itself could in theory be the culprit as well. Getting used to vaping is Imo more rough than smoking, somehow.
never craved nicotine so bad like today to the point i would try to get my vape when sitting in the car knowing damn well i didnt have it on me
Vaping weed is preferable to smoking, as it's easier on the lungs.One of the best places to learn about weed is a dispensary that does medical weed as well as adult use.They can tell you which methods & strains are available & may work best for your needs.I'd start there.
jk guys i dont vape i think its yucky
this and a lasagna flavored vape
Not you suffering in silence… I’ve been thinking about quitting vaping. Idk, it’s hard when you’ve been using nicotine for 13yrs
do you know how much water i waste pretending to pee at work whole time i’m just hitting my vape
feel the same way with the mini vape kandi i got
how I feel w my vape instead of eat diet
Btw ive had the same vape as you have now!
forgot my vinyl at home so i had kim sign my vape
Was on the row behind you. Hope you and your brother are ok and the stewards gave the vape to the police.
My manager knows me too well Others go for cigarette or vape breaks. As I don’t smoke, he just asked me if wanted a “prompt break.” I did want to share this from today’s road trip to see friends. These fish were HUGE!
Dawg Its soo concerning that these vape stores in this mall just selling teenagers vapes no ID nothing. Like....
He literally testified to the rape messages being sent from him because he felt Heard was «nagging» him about becoming sober, which happened before they were married. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about.
So... "Doctor"...Have you read the responses to your post?Have you researched at all since this disaster of a post?Have you learned that Nicotine vaping is NOT harmful?Have you realized you have been misinformed and have spread misinformation?Have you paid attention?
Lots of people vape and still work out like what's the problem with that. I don't vape, but it's zachs choice and why are people so damn pressed about him vaping and going the gym like.... let the man do his own thing he's an adult for words sake.
That fruity vape shit and your cologne/perfume smell like Shit people! Like straight up donkey shit!!! Fruity vape shit got dudes thinking they blowing some bomb shit. Look corny af!!! Fr af
Yeah I'm a MS teacher and vaping is RAMPANT right now for 13 and 14 YOs.