Chao ah tiong*Emj* Frown :( *Emj*
seem like the guy in black is troublemaker?
china kia jhk brought their ugly culture to singapore...knn
These ppl hasn’t been to Little India area
it_geek said:TS is not local, who uses the phrase "Singapore Supermarket"Another foreign sh1t stirrer,Anyway, that is indeed in SG. Scarlett supermarket but i dont know which branch this isClick to expand...Please advise me use what? Ah tiong supermarket in Singapore perhaps.
chan08 said:those ang mo from aus, uk, usa also come here work. their salary good in their own countries also wan come sg snatch rice bowlClick to expand...Our salary is comparable with many Ang Moh countries, thats why unlike the losers in Taiwan bitching about this, there are Ang Mohs come SG work, there are also SG go Ang Moh land work.
china is disqppear
Papermate said:Are you writing Mandarin pinyin or some Chinese dialect pinyin?I don't understand what you wrote....can you write in Chinese characters?*Emj* Embarrassment :o *Emj*Click to expand...chao PAPermate is also banana lai de
reno77 said:Aiyo this one cannot use China stuff..must use German one.Click to expand...German also hit-and-miss only.Military hardware, American brands is high-quality.
China no lack of monkeys.
China only interested in monkeys?...
So if next time Sri Lanka needs any help, China just send some monkeys to help them, can??????
Ccp go jiak sai lah
Burmese is stupid as JHK.Just saying.
I will avoid any prc festive season or online shopping season. No matter which forwarder, sure will kena something, just matter of dia daiji or small daiji.Asakura said:so far my small gadgets all arrive safely.but when u read all these complains, its always the same few issues popping up. i think is warehouse organization/system. esp when comes to 11.11 or 12.12, those holiday seasons. that's why i probably wont go thru them after CNY also.Click to expand...
d3n said:I think what he meant was the dealer MO from amazon, repack and sell on qoo10Click to expand...Can't be. But looking at their stocks quantity, it's more possible that they got a cheaper source, buy straight from factory in bulk and sell on qoo10. Seller is an Indian.
d3n said:Tmr i going jb hoot fan. Want to make full use of this trip to buy bathroom accessories if price is comparable to taobao (towel holder, toilet paper holder etc) , any recommendation which shop? I googled and found kac kitchen (website didnt put much info about bathroom accessories) and bigbath.Click to expand...Go where to buy? If Tampoi just cross the road got bathroom shop ... think it's an Indian shop though.
Shdwfalcon said:Us knows china is backed into a potential multi front fight, now going all out to push china's buttons. No matter what happens, china will end up the loser.Click to expand...might nt be so bad i was thinkingso many adventurous nations but all 一物克一物India got Pakistan to check themSK got NK siao kiai doubt Russia would chu spot at this moment when they r so occupied that NATO/EU keep kar jiao their ex USSR statesS.E.A would not group together unless tiongkok really send their PLAN down to encroach on 1 of the countries & not the overlapping sea claimsonly variable point would be Jipun liao
Plow98 said:One of his best rally speech.The only flaw was his failure to recognise Singaporeans unhappiness with CECA. And why?Click to expand...不能说的秘密两只小鸟坐在墙上,一只彼得,一只保罗。 HardwareZone Forums app
helium balloons can blow until so big
thats an indication of the size of his/her kkj
Being a gay is a choice. They can choose to be normal.
Why do gays need help?
When u have a kkj , u still wan play other people kkj u abnormalWhen u have a ** , u opt for cucumber instead of kkj ,u r abnormal too.
Imbeciles who will destroy society and the children.
Got CECA flying in doves to take sinkie jobsYet must bother to allocate resource abt a bunch of chao ah gua who want marriage right, hdb bto right. They cant even produce new sinkiesChao ah gua go and die la
the gay couple get their children from where?*Emj* Confused :s11: *Emj*will the sudden proliferation of gay couples leads to increase demand for orphans and result in increase of illegal child trade?*Emj* Confused :s11: *Emj*
Chao rainbow flag! Rainbows never do anything also now become obscene.. I used to love rainbows*Emj* Sad :sad: *Emj**Emj* Sad :sad: *Emj**Emj* Sad :sad: *Emj*Simi LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ just take all 26 alphabets and get it over and done with!omg I'm triggered
** don't bring your disgusting lesbian and gay culture here lah .... Knn
Faggot ts please **** off from singapore. ******* disgusting eyesore lgbt
PAP must put all these faggots on a small island with a one way ticket.
LGBT must STFU.They will not be able to withstand a backlash against them should they continue to push for their agenda.Just be glad that no one is actively going around attacking LGBT... yet.
gays should die in a fire! especially public-toilet-urinal-cock-peeping gays.
Should deport all these ppl to Middle East, waste our time and resources dealing with fags.
Ghey is ghey.shld send them to isolated island to ghey themselves to death
Alrdy lowest fertility still do this kind of crap. Condemn the LGBT la **** sibeh err xin
ghey ******* faggotsbetter diam diam with chiur agenda, this ish notch the west
I just gave my views. I do not support repeal of 377a. In fact i feel punishment should be enhanced
Fug you Lgbt people. Get out of sg and go live in US in the land of the free.
OYK stupid stupid spend 50% on vaccine and sign NDA liaomust keep buying from them and keep using,so now must keep jabbing if not cannot justify waste of money.
zeebrugge said:Yaloh! His Mandarin damn buey gan leh, last time CCS Chinese was normal and at least can understand, but this LW totally cmi when speaking in Mandarin.Click to expand...I think when he takes over, he will let ccs do the mandarin part
tankgunner said:Is a torture to listen to him speaking in mandarin*Emj* Embarrassment :o *Emj*Click to expand...Yaloh! His Mandarin damn buey gan leh, last time CCS Chinese was normal and at least can understand, but this LW totally cmi when speaking in Mandarin.
Boring boring pap
PAP really scraping the bottom of the barrel. PM Lee himself belongs to the bottom of the barrel too.Now imagine him picking who's the successor. Hahahaha
BlackWing1977 said:Fix OYK first lar.. then we talk okay...Click to expand...Yup. The PAP is the real disease.
This show pap really really desperate and they dont have any other way of slashing wp popularity except this.*Emj* Frown :( *Emj**Lnk* *Lnk*
so smellyi think that smell is DESPERATIONgood job pap ib, now what time can pangkang alr
the only solution is to vote pap out
Pap wayang all they wantWhen pink cracks the party whip, they look at their wallets and vote the PAP wayHot airSent from Parasites trampling upon the Singaporeans who carried them into power, Pimps who sold millions of Singaporean dreams in exchange for million dollar salaries. They are Pimps And Parasites. using GAGT
goodif more pap mp speak like that maybe next election dont need opposition alr*Emj* Big grin :D *Emj**Emj* Big grin :D *Emj*
the photo maybe from India location. but the person who posted that said that there is no singaporean in there. that is true..and the poster did not mention location in singapore.. how does that equate to fake news? do u find any singaporean working in india DBS bank in indian location?India has strict laws on foreigners working there. that stupid LHL doesnt know thisMultiversal said:Whoever posted that picture of DBS India did not even get sanctioned in this forum. It shows how dishonest the oppo supporters are. I would have expected them to take him to task, demanding that he deleted his post. By not doing anything, one fake news was being allowed to be viewed tens of thousands of time since edmw is an online forum. I repeat: it's tens of thousands which is far more than the number 99.*Emj* Laughing :s13: *Emj*Click to expand...
Damn this ts is the kind of people captain woke said should die off like dinosaurs
so shud politicians and mps involved in certain gender, race, religion and cats shud be voted out?
I also don't want to see PAP in my ward.
Thank you PAP for giving me the chance to finally see the truth behind the reign. It's because of how lousy u have become made me appreciate alternative voices more. Thank you!
will never ever vote for pap
I will still continue to vote against them no matter what.
I thank PAP for making me a cynical and skeptical arsehole. because of these traits, I have not been scammed. I learnt to not believe in anyone, and people will only "help" you for their own benefits. run away when people say they are there for you..... yes, they are there to do you in.*Lnk* *Lnk*
with SG50, PG card and LKY pass awaychao chao PAP win 67%
fight alreadygo lock upfaster charge court and jail them
boredom2012 said:Click to expand...chao ni ma
low ses people
males are generally into fights - across the anima kingdom.
siao lang see siao lang talking to siao lang.skali is tanyak chin.
Wife siao liao
yc kor kor are you siao lang
Early morning start to grind exp liao...Reall ish hardcore siao Lang
wan die mai die*Emj* Laughing :s13: *Emj*
knn this kinda siaolang still can carry on driving
..Didn't know how to use chopsticks...She must be a moron!*Emj* Eek! :eek: *Emj**Emj* Eek! :eek: *Emj**Emj* Eek! :eek: *Emj*.
Small white face died too easily le....
Michelle Chia and small white face are very despicable...
What's the ang mo song? "Don't say goodbye... dun say goodbye.."
whatever the reason, he is damn stupid. if one is driving without road tax and valid insurance, should keep a low profile and not do stunts like this that will get him noticed
SiaoAngMoh said:If only the subscription was 10% of the USA price*Emj* Laughing :s13: *Emj*Click to expand...I hope so too. Very v v v v limited content in sg.
Only go corridor .. water plant . WE stay at home ..see Chao Sinkies crowd at mall make me turn into incredible HULKS .Walk left or right sure have ppl block u ..
FappingKing said:I signed Bentacur for my Roma but i have no idea how to register him...This year FM the non-EU thing for Serie A like much more complicated...Click to expand...Chao fapper see me no up.Put water when play H2H with me*Emj* Vijay :vijayadmin: *Emj*
FappingKing said:Not sure if anybody will read this or smth, just a heads up if anyone sees this.If you are using genie scout or whatever, TURN OFF your autoupdate for now.I just got an FM17 update 15 minutes ago (July already still update wtf) and now the game became 17.3.2 which makes genie scout incompatible. Apparently this update is just to make twitter work in game (wtf?)Click to expand...chao turtle.. use genie scout..*Emj* Vijay :vijayadmin: *Emj*
pls don’t bring this to Singapore you want to do whatever go find your own pulau.. Pulau backdoor or pulau belakang pintu
Cursed lifestyle
Last was to repel the policy, now wanna have marriage. Never enough.
I'm moving to England now
it's 2023 and Singapore still has so many dinosaurs
Why do some gay man dress up so flamboyantly? It made the pulbic thinks gay = flamboyant pink clowns
had to prepare your family may not accept you
where is the brain? U know I know
fuck that shit
hi they repeal 377a already yall still want more
its okay not to be normal. But we don't wish to see !
Can you fight for my right to marry my dog? My dog identified as human
Why do people feel the need to force this down our throats?
Siao lang la
how far sg has fallen
Every word out of jo teo’s mouth tbh“Their contribution cannot be measured in dollars and cents”, but my contribution can be measured in two torn ACLs and a 40k surgery so jo teo can take her dollars and cents and shove it where the sun don’t shine