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Learning to Control Camera Exposure via Reinforcement Learning
Kyunghyun Lee, Ukcheol Shin, Byeong-Uk Lee
Adjusting camera exposure in arbitrary lighting conditions is the first step to ensure the functionality of computer vision applications. Poorly adjusted camera exposure often leads to critical failure and performance degradation. Traditional camera exposure control methods require multiple convergence steps and time-consuming processes making them unsuitable for dynamic lighting conditions. In this paper we propose a new camera exposure control framework that rapidly controls camera exposure while performing real-time processing by exploiting deep reinforcement learning. The proposed framework consists of four contributions: 1) a simplified training ground to simulate real-world's diverse and dynamic lighting changes 2) flickering and image attribute-aware reward design along with lightweight state design for real-time processing 3) a static-to-dynamic lighting curriculum to gradually improve the agent's exposure-adjusting capability and 4) domain randomization techniques to alleviate the limitation of the training ground and achieve seamless generalization in the wild. As a result our proposed method rapidly reaches a desired exposure level within five steps with real-time processing (1 ms). Also the acquired images are well-exposed and show superiority in various computer vision tasks such as feature extraction and object detection.
Splatter Image: Ultra-Fast Single-View 3D Reconstruction
Stanislaw Szymanowicz, Chrisitian Rupprecht, Andrea Vedaldi
We introduce the Splatter Image an ultra-efficient approach for monocular 3D object reconstruction. Splatter Image is based on Gaussian Splatting which allows fast and high-quality reconstruction of 3D scenes from multiple images. We apply Gaussian Splatting to monocular reconstruction by learning a neural network that at test time performs reconstruction in a feed-forward manner at 38 FPS. Our main innovation is the surprisingly straightforward design of this network which using 2D operators maps the input image to one 3D Gaussian per pixel. The resulting set of Gaussians thus has the form an image the Splatter Image. We further extend the method take several images as input via cross-view attention. Owning to the speed of the renderer (588 FPS) we use a single GPU for training while generating entire images at each iteration to optimize perceptual metrics like LPIPS. On several synthetic real multi-category and large-scale benchmark datasets we achieve better results in terms of PSNR LPIPS and other metrics while training and evaluating much faster than prior works. Code models and more results are available at https://szymanowiczs.github.io/ splatter-image.
Modeling Collaborator: Enabling Subjective Vision Classification With Minimal Human Effort via LLM Tool-Use
Imad Eddine Toubal, Aditya Avinash, Neil Gordon Alldrin, Jan Dlabal, Wenlei Zhou, Enming Luo, Otilia Stretcu, Hao Xiong, Chun-Ta Lu, Howard Zhou, Ranjay Krishna, Ariel Fuxman, Tom Duerig
From content moderation to wildlife conservation the number of applications that require models to recognize nuanced or subjective visual concepts is growing. Traditionally developing classifiers for such concepts requires substantial manual effort measured in hours days or even months to identify and annotate data needed for training. Even with recently proposed Agile Modeling techniques which enable rapid bootstrapping of image classifiers users are still required to spend 30 minutes or more of monotonous repetitive data labeling just to train a single classifier. Drawing on Fiske's Cognitive Miser theory we propose a new framework that alleviates manual effort by replacing human labeling with natural language interactions reducing the total effort required to define a concept by an order of magnitude: from labeling 2000 images to only 100 plus some natural language interactions. Our framework leverages recent advances in foundation models both large language models and vision-language models to carve out the concept space through conversation and by automatically labeling training data points. Most importantly our framework eliminates the need for crowd-sourced annotations. Moreover our framework ultimately produces lightweight classification models that are deployable in cost-sensitive scenarios. Across 15 subjective concepts and across 2 public image classification datasets our trained models outperform traditional Agile Modeling as well as state-of-the-art zero-shot classification models like ALIGN CLIP CuPL and large visual question answering models like PaLI-X.
RNb-NeuS: Reflectance and Normal-based Multi-View 3D Reconstruction
Baptiste Brument, Robin Bruneau, Yvain Quéau, Jean Mélou, François Bernard Lauze, Jean-Denis Durou, Lilian Calvet
This paper introduces a versatile paradigm for integrating multi-view reflectance (optional) and normal maps acquired through photometric stereo. Our approach employs a pixel-wise joint re-parameterization of reflectance and normal considering them as a vector of radiances rendered under simulated varying illumination. This re-parameterization enables the seamless integration of reflectance and normal maps as input data in neural volume rendering-based 3D reconstruction while preserving a single optimization objective. In contrast recent multi-view photometric stereo (MVPS) methods depend on multiple potentially conflicting objectives. Despite its apparent simplicity our proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in MVPS benchmarks across F-score Chamfer distance and mean angular error metrics. Notably it significantly improves the detailed 3D reconstruction of areas with high curvature or low visibility.
LOTUS: Evasive and Resilient Backdoor Attacks through Sub-Partitioning
Siyuan Cheng, Guanhong Tao, Yingqi Liu, Guangyu Shen, Shengwei An, Shiwei Feng, Xiangzhe Xu, Kaiyuan Zhang, Shiqing Ma, Xiangyu Zhang
Backdoor attack poses a significant security threat to Deep Learning applications. Existing attacks are often not evasive to established backdoor detection techniques. This susceptibility primarily stems from the fact that these attacks typically leverage a universal trigger pattern or transformation function such that the trigger can cause misclassification for any input. In response to this recent papers have introduced attacks using sample-specific invisible triggers crafted through special transformation functions. While these approaches manage to evade detection to some extent they reveal vulnerability to existing backdoor mitigation techniques. To address and enhance both evasiveness and resilience we introduce a novel backdoor attack LOTUS. Specifically it leverages a secret function to separate samples in the victim class into a set of partitions and applies unique triggers to different partitions. Furthermore LOTUS incorporates an effective trigger focusing mechanism ensuring only the trigger corresponding to the partition can induce the backdoor behavior. Extensive experimental results show that LOTUS can achieve high attack success rate across 4 datasets and 7 model structures and effectively evading 13 backdoor detection and mitigation techniques. The code is available at https://github.com/Megum1/LOTUS.
GeoReF: Geometric Alignment Across Shape Variation for Category-level Object Pose Refinement
Linfang Zheng, Tze Ho Elden Tse, Chen Wang, Yinghan Sun, Hua Chen, Ales Leonardis, Wei Zhang, Hyung Jin Chang
Object pose refinement is essential for robust object pose estimation. Previous work has made significant progress towards instance-level object pose refinement. Yet category-level pose refinement is a more challenging problem due to large shape variations within a category and the discrepancies between the target object and the shape prior. To address these challenges we introduce a novel architecture for category-level object pose refinement. Our approach integrates an HS-layer and learnable affine transformations which aims to enhance the extraction and alignment of geometric information. Additionally we introduce a cross-cloud transformation mechanism that efficiently merges diverse data sources. Finally we push the limits of our model by incorporating the shape prior information for translation and size error prediction. We conducted extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Through extensive quantitative experiments we demonstrate significant improvement over the baseline method by a large margin across all metrics.
LAN: Learning to Adapt Noise for Image Denoising
Changjin Kim, Tae Hyun Kim, Sungyong Baik
Removing noise from images a.k.a image denoising can be a very challenging task since the type and amount of noise can greatly vary for each image due to many factors including a camera model and capturing environments. While there have been striking improvements in image denoising with the emergence of advanced deep learning architectures and real-world datasets recent denoising networks struggle to maintain performance on images with noise that has not been seen during training. One typical approach to address the challenge would be to adapt a denoising network to new noise distribution. Instead in this work we shift our attention to the input noise itself for adaptation rather than adapting a network. Thus we keep a pretrained network frozen and adapt an input noise to capture the fine-grained deviations. As such we propose a new denoising algorithm dubbed Learning-to-Adapt-Noise (LAN) where a learnable noise offset is directly added to a given noisy image to bring a given input noise closer towards the noise distribution a denoising network is trained to handle. Consequently the proposed framework exhibits performance improvement on images with unseen noise displaying the potential of the proposed research direction.
Scaling Up Dynamic Human-Scene Interaction Modeling
Nan Jiang, Zhiyuan Zhang, Hongjie Li, Xiaoxuan Ma, Zan Wang, Yixin Chen, Tengyu Liu, Yixin Zhu, Siyuan Huang
Confronting the challenges of data scarcity and advanced motion synthesis in human-scene interaction modeling we introduce the TRUMANS dataset alongside a novel HSI motion synthesis method. TRUMANS stands as the most comprehensive motion-captured HSI dataset currently available encompassing over 15 hours of human interactions across 100 indoor scenes. It intricately captures whole-body human motions and part-level object dynamics focusing on the realism of contact. This dataset is further scaled up by transforming physical environments into exact virtual models and applying extensive augmentations to appearance and motion for both humans and objects while maintaining interaction fidelity. Utilizing TRUMANS we devise a diffusion-based autoregressive model that efficiently generates HSI sequences of any length taking into account both scene context and intended actions. In experiments our approach shows remarkable zero-shot generalizability on a range of 3D scene datasets (e.g. PROX Replica ScanNet ScanNet++) producing motions that closely mimic original motion-captured sequences as confirmed by quantitative experiments and human studies.
Semantic-aware SAM for Point-Prompted Instance Segmentation
Zhaoyang Wei, Pengfei Chen, Xuehui Yu, Guorong Li, Jianbin Jiao, Zhenjun Han
Single-point annotation in visual tasks with the goal of minimizing labeling costs is becoming increasingly prominent in research. Recently visual foundation models such as Segment Anything (SAM) have gained widespread usage due to their robust zero-shot capabilities and exceptional annotation performance. However SAM's class-agnostic output and high confidence in local segmentation introduce semantic ambiguity posing a challenge for precise category-specific segmentation. In this paper we introduce a cost-effective category-specific segmenter using SAM. To tackle this challenge we have devised a Semantic-Aware Instance Segmentation Network (SAPNet) that integrates Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) with matching capability and SAM with point prompts. SAPNet strategically selects the most representative mask proposals generated by SAM to supervise segmentation with a specific focus on object category information. Moreover we introduce the Point Distance Guidance and Box Mining Strategy to mitigate inherent challenges: group and local issues in weakly supervised segmentation. These strategies serve to further enhance the overall segmentation performance. The experimental results on Pascal VOC and COCO demonstrate the promising performance of our proposed SAPNet emphasizing its semantic matching capabilities and its potential to advance point-prompted instance segmentation. The code is available at https://github.com/zhaoyangwei123/SAPNet.
Learning Group Activity Features Through Person Attribute Prediction
Chihiro Nakatani, Hiroaki Kawashima, Norimichi Ukita
This paper proposes Group Activity Feature (GAF) learning in which features of multi-person activity are learned as a compact latent vector. Unlike prior work in which the manual annotation of group activities is required for supervised learning our method learns the GAF through person attribute prediction without group activity annotations. By learning the whole network in an end-to-end manner so that the GAF is required for predicting the person attributes of people in a group the GAF is trained as the features of multi-person activity. As a person attribute we propose to use a person's action class and appearance features because the former is easy to annotate due to its simpleness and the latter requires no manual annotation. In addition we introduce a location-guided attribute prediction to disentangle the complex GAF for extracting the features of each target person properly. Various experimental results validate that our method outperforms SOTA methods quantitatively and qualitatively on two public datasets. Visualization of our GAF also demonstrates that our method learns the GAF representing fined-grained group activity classes. Code: https://github.com/chihina/GAFL-CVPR2024.
HUNTER: Unsupervised Human-centric 3D Detection via Transferring Knowledge from Synthetic Instances to Real Scenes
Yichen Yao, Zimo Jiang, Yujing Sun, Zhencai Zhu, Xinge Zhu, Runnan Chen, Yuexin Ma
Human-centric 3D scene understanding has recently drawn increasing attention driven by its critical impact on robotics. However human-centric real-life scenarios are extremely diverse and complicated and humans have intricate motions and interactions. With limited labeled data supervised methods are difficult to generalize to general scenarios hindering real-life applications. Mimicking human intelligence we propose an unsupervised 3D detection method for human-centric scenarios by transferring the knowledge from synthetic human instances to real scenes. To bridge the gap between the distinct data representations and feature distributions of synthetic models and real point clouds we introduce novel modules for effective instance-to-scene representation transfer and synthetic-to-real feature alignment. Remarkably our method exhibits superior performance compared to current state-of-the-art techniques achieving 87.8% improvement in mAP and closely approaching the performance of fully supervised methods (62.15 mAP vs. 69.02 mAP) on HuCenLife Dataset.
Improving Transferable Targeted Adversarial Attacks with Model Self-Enhancement
Han Wu, Guanyan Ou, Weibin Wu, Zibin Zheng
Various transfer attack methods have been proposed to evaluate the robustness of deep neural networks (DNNs). Although manifesting remarkable performance in generating untargeted adversarial perturbations existing proposals still fail to achieve high targeted transferability. In this work we discover that the adversarial perturbations' overfitting towards source models of mediocre generalization capability can hurt their targeted transferability. To address this issue we focus on enhancing the source model's generalization capability to improve its ability to conduct transferable targeted adversarial attacks. In pursuit of this goal we propose a novel model self-enhancement method that incorporates two major components: Sharpness-Aware Self-Distillation (SASD) and Weight Scaling (WS). Specifically SASD distills a fine-tuned auxiliary model which mirrors the source model's structure into the source model while flattening the source model's loss landscape. WS obtains an approximate ensemble of numerous pruned models to perform model augmentation which can be conveniently synergized with SASD to elevate the source model's generalization capability and thus improve the resultant targeted perturbations' transferability. Extensive experiments corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Notably under the black-box setting our approach can outperform the state-of-the-art baselines by a significant margin of 12.2% on average in terms of the obtained targeted transferability. Code is available at https://github.com/g4alllf/SASD.
Unsupervised Learning of Category-Level 3D Pose from Object-Centric Videos
Leonhard Sommer, Artur Jesslen, Eddy Ilg, Adam Kortylewski
Category-level 3D pose estimation is a fundamentally important problem in computer vision and robotics e.g. for embodied agents or to train 3D generative models. However so far methods that estimate the category-level object pose require either large amounts of human annotations CAD models or input from RGB-D sensors. In contrast we tackle the problem of learning to estimate the category-level 3D pose only from casually taken object-centric videos without human supervision. We propose a two-step pipeline: First we introduce a multi-view alignment procedure that determines canonical camera poses across videos with a novel and robust cyclic distance formulation for geometric and appearance matching using reconstructed coarse meshes and DINOv2 features. In a second step the canonical poses and reconstructed meshes enable us to train a model for 3D pose estimation from a single image. In particular our model learns to estimate dense correspondences between images and a prototypical 3D template by predicting for each pixel in a 2D image a feature vector of the corresponding vertex in the template mesh. We demonstrate that our method outperforms all baselines at the unsupervised alignment of object-centric videos by a large margin and provides faithful and robust predictions in-the-wild on the Pascal3D+ and ObjectNet3D datasets.
Plug-and-Play Diffusion Distillation
Yi-Ting Hsiao, Siavash Khodadadeh, Kevin Duarte, Wei-An Lin, Hui Qu, Mingi Kwon, Ratheesh Kalarot
Diffusion models have shown tremendous results in image generation. However due to the iterative nature of the diffusion process and its reliance on classifier-free guidance inference times are slow. In this paper we propose a new distillation approach for guided diffusion models in which an external lightweight guide model is trained while the original text-to-image model remains frozen. We show that our method reduces the inference computation of classifier-free guided latent-space diffusion models by almost half and only requires 1% trainable parameters of the base model. Furthermore once trained our guide model can be applied to various fine-tuned domain-specific versions of the base diffusion model without the need for additional training: this "plug-and-play" functionality drastically improves inference computation while maintaining the visual fidelity of generated images. Empirically we show that our approach is able to produce visually appealing results and achieve a comparable FID score to the teacher with as few as 8 to 16 steps.
MindBridge: A Cross-Subject Brain Decoding Framework
Shizun Wang, Songhua Liu, Zhenxiong Tan, Xinchao Wang
Brain decoding a pivotal field in neuroscience aims to reconstruct stimuli from acquired brain signals primarily utilizing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Currently brain decoding is confined to a per-subject-per-model paradigm limiting its applicability to the same individual for whom the decoding model is trained. This constraint stems from three key challenges: 1) the inherent variability in input dimensions across subjects due to differences in brain size; 2) the unique intrinsic neural patterns influencing how different individuals perceive and process sensory information; 3) limited data availability for new subjects in real-world scenarios hampers the performance of decoding models. In this paper we present a novel approach MindBridge that achieves cross-subject brain decoding by employing only one model. Our proposed framework establishes a generic paradigm capable of addressing these challenges by introducing biological-inspired aggregation function and novel cyclic fMRI reconstruction mechanism for subject-invariant representation learning. Notably by cycle reconstruction of fMRI MindBridge can enable novel fMRI synthesis which also can serve as pseudo data augmentation. Within the framework we also devise a novel reset-tuning method for adapting a pretrained model to a new subject. Experimental results demonstrate MindBridge's ability to reconstruct images for multiple subjects which is competitive with dedicated subject-specific models. Furthermore with limited data for a new subject we achieve a high level of decoding accuracy surpassing that of subject-specific models. This advancement in cross-subject brain decoding suggests promising directions for wider applications in neuroscience and indicates potential for more efficient utilization of limited fMRI data in real-world scenarios. Project page: https://littlepure2333.github.io/MindBridge
Make Pixels Dance: High-Dynamic Video Generation
Yan Zeng, Guoqiang Wei, Jiani Zheng, Jiaxin Zou, Yang Wei, Yuchen Zhang, Hang Li
Creating high-dynamic videos such as motion-rich actions and sophisticated visual effects poses a significant challenge in the field of artificial intelligence. Unfortunately current state-of-the-art video generation methods primarily focusing on text-to-video generation tend to produce video clips with minimal motions despite maintaining high fidelity. We argue that relying solely on text instructions is insufficient and suboptimal for video generation. In this paper we introduce PixelDance a novel approach based on diffusion models that incorporates image instructions for both the first and last frames in conjunction with text instructions for video generation. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that PixelDance trained with public data exhibits significantly better proficiency in synthesizing videos with complex scenes and intricate motions setting a new standard for video generation.
MM-Narrator: Narrating Long-form Videos with Multimodal In-Context Learning
Chaoyi Zhang, Kevin Lin, Zhengyuan Yang, Jianfeng Wang, Linjie Li, Chung-Ching Lin, Zicheng Liu, Lijuan Wang
We present MM-Narrator a novel system leveraging GPT-4 with multimodal in-context learning for the generation of audio descriptions (AD). Unlike previous methods that primarily focused on downstream fine-tuning with short video clips MM-Narrator excels in generating precise audio descriptions for videos of extensive lengths even beyond hours in an autoregressive manner. This capability is made possible by the proposed memory-augmented generation process which effectively utilizes both the short-term textual context and long-term visual memory through an efficient register-and-recall mechanism. These contextual memories compile pertinent past information including storylines and character identities ensuring an accurate tracking and depicting of story-coherent and character-centric audio descriptions. Maintaining the training-free design of MM-Narrator we further propose a complexity-based demonstration selection strategy to largely enhance its multi-step reasoning capability via few-shot multimodal in-context learning (MM-ICL). Experimental results on MAD-eval dataset demonstrate that MM-Narrator consistently outperforms both the existing fine-tuning-based approaches and LLM-based approaches in most scenarios as measured by standard evaluation metrics. Additionally we introduce the first segment-based evaluator for recurrent text generation. Empowered by GPT-4 this evaluator comprehensively reasons and marks AD generation performance in various extendable dimensions.
Morphable Diffusion: 3D-Consistent Diffusion for Single-image Avatar Creation
Xiyi Chen, Marko Mihajlovic, Shaofei Wang, Sergey Prokudin, Siyu Tang
Recent advances in generative diffusion models have enabled the previously unfeasible capability of generating 3D assets from a single input image or a text prompt. In this work we aim to enhance the quality and functionality of these models for the task of creating controllable photorealistic human avatars. We achieve this by integrating a 3D morphable model into the state-of-the-art multi-view-consistent diffusion approach. We demonstrate that accurate conditioning of a generative pipeline on the articulated 3D model enhances the baseline model performance on the task of novel view synthesis from a single image. More importantly this integration facilitates a seamless and accurate incorporation of facial expression and body pose control into the generation process. To the best of our knowledge our proposed framework is the first diffusion model to enable the creation of fully 3D-consistent animatable and photorealistic human avatars from a single image of an unseen subject; extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate the advantages of our approach over existing state-of-the-art avatar creation models on both novel view and novel expression synthesis tasks. The code for our project is publicly available.
Fully Convolutional Slice-to-Volume Reconstruction for Single-Stack MRI
Sean I. Young, Yael Balbastre, Bruce Fischl, Polina Golland, Juan Eugenio Iglesias
In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) slice-to-volume reconstruction (SVR) refers to computational reconstruction of an unknown 3D magnetic resonance volume from stacks of 2D slices corrupted by motion. While promising current SVR methods require multiple slice stacks for accurate 3D reconstruction leading to long scans and limiting their use in time-sensitive applications such as fetal fMRI. Here we propose a SVR method that overcomes the shortcomings of previous work and produces state-of-the-art reconstructions in the presence of extreme inter-slice motion. Inspired by the recent success of single-view depth estimation methods we formulate SVR as a single-stack motion estimation task and train a fully convolutional network to predict a motion stack for a given slice stack producing a 3D reconstruction as a byproduct of the predicted motion. Extensive experiments on the SVR of adult and fetal brains demonstrate that our fully convolutional method is twice as accurate as previous SVR methods. Our code is available at github.com/seannz/svr.
Enhance Image Classification via Inter-Class Image Mixup with Diffusion Model
Zhicai Wang, Longhui Wei, Tan Wang, Heyu Chen, Yanbin Hao, Xiang Wang, Xiangnan He, Qi Tian
Text-to-image (T2I) generative models have recently emerged as a powerful tool enabling the creation of photo-realistic images and giving rise to a multitude of applications. However the effective integration of T2I models into fundamental image classification tasks remains an open question. A prevalent strategy to bolster image classification performance is through augmenting the training set with synthetic images generated by T2I models. In this study we scrutinize the shortcomings of both current generative and conventional data augmentation techniques. Our analysis reveals that these methods struggle to produce images that are both faithful (in terms of foreground objects) and diverse (in terms of background contexts) for domain-specific concepts. To tackle this challenge we introduce an innovative inter-class data augmentation method known as Diff-Mix (\href https://github.com/Zhicaiwww/Diff-Mix) https://github.com/Zhicaiwww/Diff-Mix which enriches the dataset by performing image translations between classes. Our empirical results demonstrate that Diff-Mix achieves a better balance between faithfulness and diversity leading to a marked improvement in performance across diverse image classification scenarios including few-shot conventional and long-tail classifications for domain-specific datasets.
A&B BNN: Add&Bit-Operation-Only Hardware-Friendly Binary Neural Network
Ruichen Ma, Guanchao Qiao, Yian Liu, Liwei Meng, Ning Ning, Yang Liu, Shaogang Hu
Binary neural networks utilize 1-bit quantized weights and activations to reduce both the model's storage demands and computational burden. However advanced binary architectures still incorporate millions of inefficient and nonhardware-friendly full-precision multiplication operations. A&B BNN is proposed to directly remove part of the multiplication operations in a traditional BNN and replace the rest with an equal number of bit operations introducing the mask layer and the quantized RPReLU structure based on the normalizer-free network architecture. The mask layer can be removed during inference by leveraging the intrinsic characteristics of BNN with straightforward mathematical transformations to avoid the associated multiplication operations. The quantized RPReLU structure enables more efficient bit operations by constraining its slope to be integer powers of 2. Experimental results achieved 92.30% 69.35% and 66.89% on the CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100 and ImageNet datasets respectively which are competitive with the state-of-the-art. Ablation studies have verified the efficacy of the quantized RPReLU structure leading to a 1.14% enhancement on the ImageNet compared to using a fixed slope RLeakyReLU. The proposed add&bit-operation-only BNN offers an innovative approach for hardware-friendly network architecture.
Alpha-CLIP: A CLIP Model Focusing on Wherever You Want
Zeyi Sun, Ye Fang, Tong Wu, Pan Zhang, Yuhang Zang, Shu Kong, Yuanjun Xiong, Dahua Lin, Jiaqi Wang
Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) plays an essential role in extracting valuable content information from images across diverse tasks. It aligns textual and visual modalities to comprehend the entire image including all the details even those irrelevant to specific tasks. However for a finer understanding and controlled editing of images it becomes crucial to focus on specific regions of interest which can be indicated as points masks or boxes by humans or perception models. To fulfill the requirements we introduce Alpha-CLIP an enhanced version of CLIP with an auxiliary alpha channel to suggest attentive regions and fine-tuned with constructed millions of RGBA region-text pairs. Alpha-CLIP not only preserves the visual recognition ability of CLIP but also enables precise control over the emphasis of image contents. It demonstrates effectiveness in various tasks including but not limited to open-world recognition multimodal large language models and conditional 2D / 3D generation. It has a strong potential to serve as a versatile tool for image-related tasks.
FutureHuman3D: Forecasting Complex Long-Term 3D Human Behavior from Video Observations
Christian Diller, Thomas Funkhouser, Angela Dai
We present a generative approach to forecast long-term future human behavior in 3D requiring only weak supervision from readily available 2D human action data. This is a fundamental task enabling many downstream applications. The required ground-truth data is hard to capture in 3D (mocap suits expensive setups) but easy to acquire in 2D (simple RGB cameras). Thus we design our method to only require 2D RGB data at inference time while being able to generate 3D human motion sequences. We use a differentiable 2D projection scheme in an autoregressive manner for weak supervision and an adversarial loss for 3D regularization. Our method predicts long and complex human behavior sequences (e.g. cooking assembly) consisting of multiple sub-actions. We tackle this in a semantically hierarchical manner jointly predicting high-level coarse action labels together with their low-level fine-grained realizations as characteristic 3D human poses. We observe that these two action representations are coupled in nature and joint prediction benefits both action and pose forecasting. Our experiments demonstrate the complementary nature of joint action and 3D pose prediction: our joint approach outperforms each task treated individually enables robust longer-term sequence prediction and improves over alternative approaches to forecast actions and characteristic 3D poses.
NightCC: Nighttime Color Constancy via Adaptive Channel Masking
Shuwei Li, Robby T. Tan
Nighttime conditions pose a significant challenge to color constancy due to the diversity of lighting conditions and the presence of substantial low-light noise. Existing color constancy methods struggle with nighttime scenes frequently leading to imprecise light color estimations. To tackle nighttime color constancy we propose a novel unsupervised domain adaptation approach that utilizes labeled daytime data to facilitate learning on unlabeled nighttime images. To specifically address the unique lighting conditions of nighttime and ensure the robustness of pseudo labels we propose adaptive channel masking and light uncertainty. By selectively masking channels that are less sensitive to lighting conditions adaptive channel masking directs the model to progressively focus on features less affected by variations in light colors and noise. Additionally our model leverages light uncertainty to provide a pixel-wise uncertainty estimation regarding light color prediction which helps avoid learning from incorrect labels. Our model demonstrates a significant improvement in accuracy achieving 21.5% lower Mean Angular Error (MAE) compared to the state-of-the-art method on our nighttime dataset.
Task-aligned Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation through Joint Object-Part Representations
Daan de Geus, Gijs Dubbelman
Part-aware panoptic segmentation (PPS) requires (a) that each foreground object and background region in an image is segmented and classified and (b) that all parts within foreground objects are segmented classified and linked to their parent object. Existing methods approach PPS by separately conducting object-level and part-level segmentation. However their part-level predictions are not linked to individual parent objects. Therefore their learning objective is not aligned with the PPS task objective which harms the PPS performance. To solve this and make more accurate PPS predictions we propose Task-Aligned Part-aware Panoptic Segmentation (TAPPS). This method uses a set of shared queries to jointly predict (a) object-level segments and (b) the part-level segments within those same objects. As a result TAPPS learns to predict part-level segments that are linked to individual parent objects aligning the learning objective with the task objective and allowing TAPPS to leverage joint object-part representations. With experiments we show that TAPPS considerably outperforms methods that predict objects and parts separately and achieves new state-of-the-art PPS results.
From Activation to Initialization: Scaling Insights for Optimizing Neural Fields
Hemanth Saratchandran, Sameera Ramasinghe, Simon Lucey
In the realm of computer vision Neural Fields have gained prominence as a contemporary tool harnessing neural networks for signal representation. Despite the remarkable progress in adapting these networks to solve a variety of problems the field still lacks a comprehensive theoretical framework. This article aims to address this gap by delving into the intricate interplay between initialization and activation providing a foundational basis for the robust optimization of Neural Fields. Our theoretical insights reveal a deep-seated connection among network initialization architectural choices and the optimization process emphasizing the need for a holistic approach when designing cutting-edge Neural Fields.
UnScene3D: Unsupervised 3D Instance Segmentation for Indoor Scenes
David Rozenberszki, Or Litany, Angela Dai
3D instance segmentation is fundamental to geometric understanding of the world around us. Existing methods for instance segmentation of 3D scenes rely on supervision from expensive manual 3D annotations. We propose UnScene3D the first fully unsupervised 3D learning approach for class-agnostic 3D instance segmentation of indoor scans. UnScene3D first generates pseudo masks by leveraging self-supervised color and geometry features to find potential object regions. We operate on a basis of 3D segment primitives enabling efficient representation and learning on high-resolution 3D data. The coarse proposals are then refined through self-training our model on its predictions. Our approach improves over state-of-the-art unsupervised 3D instance segmentation methods by more than 300% Average Precision score demonstrating effective instance segmentation even in challenging cluttered 3D scenes.
Nearest is Not Dearest: Towards Practical Defense against Quantization-conditioned Backdoor Attacks
Boheng Li, Yishuo Cai, Haowei Li, Feng Xue, Zhifeng Li, Yiming Li
Model quantization is widely used to compress and accelerate deep neural networks. However recent studies have revealed the feasibility of weaponizing model quantization via implanting quantization-conditioned backdoors (QCBs). These special backdoors stay dormant on released full-precision models but will come into effect after standard quantization. Due to the peculiarity of QCBs existing defenses have minor effects on reducing their threats or are even infeasible. In this paper we conduct the first in-depth analysis of QCBs. We reveal that the activation of existing QCBs primarily stems from the nearest rounding operation and is closely related to the norms of neuron-wise truncation errors (i.e. the difference between the continuous fullprecision weights and its quantized version). Motivated by these insights we propose Error-guided Flipped Rounding with Activation Preservation (EFRAP) an effective and practical defense against QCBs. Specifically EFRAP learns a non-nearest rounding strategy with neuron-wise error norm and layer-wise activation preservation guidance flipping the rounding strategies of neurons crucial for backdoor effects but with minimal impact on clean accuracy. Extensive evaluations on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our EFRAP can defeat state-of-the-art QCB attacks under various settings. Code is available here.
DiffAvatar: Simulation-Ready Garment Optimization with Differentiable Simulation
Yifei Li, Hsiao-yu Chen, Egor Larionov, Nikolaos Sarafianos, Wojciech Matusik, Tuur Stuyck
The realism of digital avatars is crucial in enabling telepresence applications with self-expression and customization. While physical simulations can produce realistic motions for clothed humans they require high-quality garment assets with associated physical parameters for cloth simulations. However manually creating these assets and calibrating their parameters is labor-intensive and requires specialized expertise. Current methods focus on reconstructing geometry but don't generate complete assets for physics-based applications. To address this gap we propose DiffAvatar a novel approach that performs body and garment co-optimization using differentiable simulation. By integrating physical simulation into the optimization loop and accounting for the complex nonlinear behavior of cloth and its intricate interaction with the body our framework recovers body and garment geometry and extracts important material parameters in a physically plausible way. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach generates realistic clothing and body shape suitable for downstream applications. We provide additional insights and results on our webpage: people.csail.mit.edu/liyifei/publication/diffavatar.
AlignSAM: Aligning Segment Anything Model to Open Context via Reinforcement Learning
Duojun Huang, Xinyu Xiong, Jie Ma, Jichang Li, Zequn Jie, Lin Ma, Guanbin Li
Powered by massive curated training data Segment Anything Model (SAM) has demonstrated its impressive generalization capabilities in open-world scenarios with the guidance of prompts. However the vanilla SAM is class-agnostic and heavily relies on user-provided prompts to segment objects of interest. Adapting this method to diverse tasks is crucial for accurate target identification and to avoid suboptimal segmentation results. In this paper we propose a novel framework termed AlignSAM designed for automatic prompting for aligning SAM to an open context through reinforcement learning. Anchored by an agent AlignSAM enables the generality of the SAM model across diverse downstream tasks while keeping its parameters frozen. Specifically AlignSAM initiates a prompting agent to iteratively refine segmentation predictions by interacting with the foundational model. It integrates a reinforcement learning policy network to provide informative prompts to the foundational models. Additionally a semantic recalibration module is introduced to provide fine-grained labels of prompts enhancing the model's proficiency in handling tasks encompassing explicit and implicit semantics. Experiments conducted on various challenging segmentation tasks among existing foundation models demonstrate the superiority of the proposed AlignSAM over state-of-the-art approaches. Project page: https://github.com/Duojun-Huang/AlignSAM-CVPR2024.
A Simple Recipe for Language-guided Domain Generalized Segmentation
Mohammad Fahes, Tuan-Hung Vu, Andrei Bursuc, Patrick Pérez, Raoul de Charette
Generalization to new domains not seen during training is one of the long-standing challenges in deploying neural networks in real-world applications. Existing generalization techniques either necessitate external images for augmentation and/or aim at learning invariant representations by imposing various alignment constraints. Large-scale pretraining has recently shown promising generalization capabilities along with the potential of binding different modalities. For instance the advent of vision-language models like CLIP has opened the doorway for vision models to exploit the textual modality. In this paper we introduce a simple framework for generalizing semantic segmentation networks by employing language as the source of randomization. Our recipe comprises three key ingredients: (i) the preservation of the intrinsic CLIP robustness through minimal fine-tuning (ii) language-driven local style augmentation and (iii) randomization by locally mixing the source and augmented styles during training. Extensive experiments report state-of-the-art results on various generalization benchmarks.
Learning Spatial Adaptation and Temporal Coherence in Diffusion Models for Video Super-Resolution
Zhikai Chen, Fuchen Long, Zhaofan Qiu, Ting Yao, Wengang Zhou, Jiebo Luo, Tao Mei
Diffusion models are just at a tipping point for image super-resolution task. Nevertheless it is not trivial to capitalize on diffusion models for video super-resolution which necessitates not only the preservation of visual appearance from low-resolution to high-resolution videos but also the temporal consistency across video frames. In this paper we propose a novel approach pursuing Spatial Adaptation and Temporal Coherence (SATeCo) for video super-resolution. SATeCo pivots on learning spatial-temporal guidance from low-resolution videos to calibrate both latent-space high-resolution video denoising and pixel-space video reconstruction. Technically SATeCo freezes all the parameters of the pre-trained UNet and VAE and only optimizes two deliberately-designed spatial feature adaptation (SFA) and temporal feature alignment (TFA) modules in the decoder of UNet and VAE. SFA modulates frame features via adaptively estimating affine parameters for each pixel guaranteeing pixel-wise guidance for high-resolution frame synthesis. TFA delves into feature interaction within a 3D local window (tubelet) through self-attention and executes cross-attention between tubelet and its low-resolution counterpart to guide temporal feature alignment. Extensive experiments conducted on the REDS4 and Vid4 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Multiagent Multitraversal Multimodal Self-Driving: Open MARS Dataset
Yiming Li, Zhiheng Li, Nuo Chen, Moonjun Gong, Zonglin Lyu, Zehong Wang, Peili Jiang, Chen Feng
Large-scale datasets have fueled recent advancements in AI-based autonomous vehicle research. However these datasets are usually collected from a single vehicle's one-time pass of a certain location lacking multiagent interactions or repeated traversals of the same place. Such information could lead to transformative enhancements in autonomous vehicles' perception prediction and planning capabilities. To bridge this gap in collaboration with the self-driving company May Mobility we present the MARS dataset which unifies scenarios that enable MultiAgent multitraveRSal and multimodal autonomous vehicle research. More specifically MARS is collected with a fleet of autonomous vehicles driving within a certain geographical area. Each vehicle has its own route and different vehicles may appear at nearby locations. Each vehicle is equipped with a LiDAR and surround-view RGB cameras. We curate two subsets in MARS: one facilitates collaborative driving with multiple vehicles simultaneously present at the same location and the other enables memory retrospection through asynchronous traversals of the same location by multiple vehicles. We conduct experiments in place recognition and neural reconstruction. More importantly MARS introduces new research opportunities and challenges such as multitraversal 3D reconstruction multiagent perception and unsupervised object discovery. Our data and codes can be found at https://ai4ce.github.io/MARS/.
From Variance to Veracity: Unbundling and Mitigating Gradient Variance in Differentiable Bundle Adjustment Layers
Swaminathan Gurumurthy, Karnik Ram, Bingqing Chen, Zachary Manchester, Zico Kolter
Various pose estimation and tracking problems in robotics can be decomposed into a correspondence estimation problem (often computed using a deep network) followed by a weighted least squares optimization problem to solve for the poses. Recent work has shown that coupling the two problems by iteratively refining one conditioned on the other's output yields SOTA results across domains. However training these models has proved challenging requiring a litany of tricks to stabilize and speed up training. In this work we take the visual odometry problem as an example and identify three plausible causes: (1) flow loss interference (2) linearization errors in the bundle adjustment (BA) layer and (3) dependence of weight gradients on the BA residual. We show how these issues result in noisy and higher variance gradients potentially leading to a slow down in training and instabilities. We then propose a simple solution to reduce the gradient variance by using the weights predicted by the network in the inner optimization loop to also weight the correspondence objective in the training problem. This helps the training objective 'focus' on the more important points thereby reducing the variance and mitigating the influence of outliers. We show that the resulting method leads to faster training and can be more flexibly trained in varying training setups without sacrificing performance. In particular we show 2-2.5x training speedups over a baseline visual odometry model we modify.
Denoising Point Clouds in Latent Space via Graph Convolution and Invertible Neural Network
Aihua Mao, Biao Yan, Zijing Ma, Ying He
Point clouds frequently contain noise and outliers presenting obstacles for downstream applications. In this work we introduce a novel denoising method for point clouds. By leveraging the latent space we explicitly uncover noise components allowing for the extraction of a clean latent code. This in turn facilitates the restoration of clean points via inverse transformation. A key component in our network is a new multi-level graph convolution network for capturing rich geometric structural features at various scales from local to global. These features are then integrated into the invertible neural network which bijectively maps the latent space to guide the noise disentanglement process. Additionally we employ an invertible monotone operator to model the transformation process effectively enhancing the representation of integrated geometric features. This enhancement allows our network to precisely differentiate between noise factors and the intrinsic clean points in the latent code by projecting them onto separate channels. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods at various noise levels. The source code is available at https://github.com/yanbiao1/PD-LTS.
ADA-Track: End-to-End Multi-Camera 3D Multi-Object Tracking with Alternating Detection and Association
Shuxiao Ding, Lukas Schneider, Marius Cordts, Juergen Gall
Many query-based approaches for 3D Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) adopt the tracking-by-attention paradigm utilizing track queries for identity-consistent detection and object queries for identity-agnostic track spawning. Tracking-by-attention however entangles detection and tracking queries in one embedding for both the detection and tracking task which is sub-optimal. Other approaches resemble the tracking-by-detection paradigm detecting objects using decoupled track and detection queries followed by a subsequent association. These methods however do not leverage synergies between the detection and association task. Combining the strengths of both paradigms we introduce ADA-Track a novel end-to-end framework for 3D MOT from multi-view cameras. We introduce a learnable data association module based on edge-augmented cross-attention leveraging appearance and geometric features. Furthermore we integrate this association module into the decoder layer of a DETR-based 3D detector enabling simultaneous DETR-like query-to-image cross-attention for detection and query-to-query cross-attention for data association. By stacking these decoder layers queries are refined for the detection and association task alternately effectively harnessing the task dependencies. We evaluate our method on the nuScenes dataset and demonstrate the advantage of our approach compared to the two previous paradigms. Code is available at https://github.com/dsx0511/ADA-Track.
HIR-Diff: Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Restoration Via Improved Diffusion Models
Li Pang, Xiangyu Rui, Long Cui, Hongzhong Wang, Deyu Meng, Xiangyong Cao
Hyperspectral image (HSI) restoration aims at recovering clean images from degraded observations and plays a vital role in downstream tasks. Existing model-based methods have limitations in accurately modeling the complex image characteristics with handcraft priors and deep learning-based methods suffer from poor generalization ability. To alleviate these issues this paper proposes an unsupervised HSI restoration framework with pre-trained diffusion model (HIR-Diff) which restores the clean HSIs from the product of two low-rank components i.e. the reduced image and the coefficient matrix. Specifically the reduced image which has a low spectral dimension lies in the image field and can be inferred from our improved diffusion model where a new guidance function with total variation (TV) prior is designed to ensure that the reduced image can be well sampled. The coefficient matrix can be effectively pre-estimated based on singular value decomposition (SVD) and rank-revealing QR (RRQR) factorization. Furthermore a novel exponential noise schedule is proposed to accelerate the restoration process (about 5xacceleration for denoising) with little performance decrease. Extensive experimental results validate the superiority of our method in both performance and speed on a variety of HSI restoration tasks including HSI denoising noisy HSI super-resolution and noisy HSI inpainting. The code is available at https://github.com/LiPang/HIRDiff.
Mind The Edge: Refining Depth Edges in Sparsely-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
Lior Talker, Aviad Cohen, Erez Yosef, Alexandra Dana, Michael Dinerstein
Monocular Depth Estimation (MDE) is a fundamental problem in computer vision with numerous applications. Recently LIDAR-supervised methods have achieved remarkable per-pixel depth accuracy in outdoor scenes. However significant errors are typically found in the proximity of depth discontinuities i.e. depth edges which often hinder the performance of depth-dependent applications that are sensitive to such inaccuracies e.g. novel view synthesis and augmented reality. Since direct supervision for the location of depth edges is typically unavailable in sparse LIDAR-based scenes encouraging the MDE model to produce correct depth edges is not straightforward. To the best of our knowledge this paper is the first attempt to address the depth edges issue for LIDAR-supervised scenes. In this work we propose to learn to detect the location of depth edges from densely-supervised synthetic data and use it to generate supervision for the depth edges in the MDE training. To quantitatively evaluate our approach and due to the lack of depth edges GT in LIDAR-based scenes we manually annotated subsets of the KITTI and the DDAD datasets with depth edges ground truth. We demonstrate significant gains in the accuracy of the depth edges with comparable per-pixel depth accuracy on several challenging datasets. Code and datasets are available at https://github.com/liortalker/MindTheEdge.
Attention-Driven Training-Free Efficiency Enhancement of Diffusion Models
Hongjie Wang, Difan Liu, Yan Kang, Yijun Li, Zhe Lin, Niraj K. Jha, Yuchen Liu
Diffusion models (DMs) have exhibited superior performance in generating high-quality and diverse images. However this exceptional performance comes at the cost of expensive generation process particularly due to the heavily used attention module in leading models. Existing works mainly adopt a retraining process to enhance DM efficiency. This is computationally expensive and not very scalable. To this end we introduce the Attention-driven Training-free Efficient Diffusion Model (AT-EDM) framework that leverages attention maps to perform run-time pruning of redundant tokens without the need for any retraining. Specifically for single-denoising-step pruning we develop a novel ranking algorithm Generalized Weighted Page Rank (G-WPR) to identify redundant tokens and a similarity-based recovery method to restore tokens for the convolution operation. In addition we propose a Denoising-Steps-Aware Pruning (DSAP) approach to adjust the pruning budget across different denoising timesteps for better generation quality. Extensive evaluations show that AT-EDM performs favorably against prior art in terms of efficiency (e.g. 38.8% FLOPs saving and up to 1.53x speed-up over Stable Diffusion XL) while maintaining nearly the same FID and CLIP scores as the full model.
CPR: Retrieval Augmented Generation for Copyright Protection
Aditya Golatkar, Alessandro Achille, Luca Zancato, Yu-Xiang Wang, Ashwin Swaminathan, Stefano Soatto
Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is emerging as a flexible and robust technique to adapt models to private users data without training to handle credit attribution and to allow efficient machine unlearning at scale. However RAG techniques for image generation may lead to parts of the retrieved samples being copied in the model's output. To reduce risks of leaking private information contained in the retrieved set we introduce Copy-Protected generation with Retrieval (CPR) a new method for RAG with strong copyright protection guarantees in a mixed-private setting for diffusion models. CPR allows to condition the output of diffusion models on a set of retrieved images while also guaranteeing that unique identifiable information about those example is not exposed in the generated outputs. In particular it does so by sampling from a mixture of public (safe) distribution and private (user) distribution by merging their diffusion scores at inference. We prove that CPR satisfies Near Access Freeness (NAF) which bounds the amount of information an attacker may be able to extract from the generated images. We provide two algorithms for copyright protection CPR-KL and CPR-Choose. Unlike previously proposed rejection-sampling-based NAF methods our methods enable efficient copyright-protected sampling with a single run of backward diffusion. We show that our method can be applied to any pre-trained conditional diffusion model such as Stable Diffusion or unCLIP. In particular we empirically show that applying CPR on top of un- CLIP improves quality and text-to-image alignment of the generated results (81.4 to 83.17 on TIFA benchmark) while enabling credit attribution copy-right protection and deterministic constant time unlearning.
FreeDrag: Feature Dragging for Reliable Point-based Image Editing
Pengyang Ling, Lin Chen, Pan Zhang, Huaian Chen, Yi Jin, Jinjin Zheng
To serve the intricate and varied demands of image editing precise and flexible manipulation in image content is indispensable. Recently Drag-based editing methods have gained impressive performance. However these methods predominantly center on point dragging resulting in two noteworthy drawbacks namely "miss tracking" where difficulties arise in accurately tracking the predetermined handle points and "ambiguous tracking" where tracked points are potentially positioned in wrong regions that closely resemble the handle points. To address the above issues we propose FreeDrag a feature dragging methodology designed to free the burden on point tracking. The FreeDrag incorporates two key designs i.e. template feature via adaptive updating and line search with backtracking the former improves the stability against drastic content change by elaborately controlling the feature updating scale after each dragging while the latter alleviates the misguidance from similar points by actively restricting the search area in a line. These two technologies together contribute to a more stable semantic dragging with higher efficiency. Comprehensive experimental results substantiate that our approach significantly outperforms pre-existing methodologies offering reliable point-based editing even in various complex scenarios.
Image-Text Co-Decomposition for Text-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Ji-Jia Wu, Andy Chia-Hao Chang, Chieh-Yu Chuang, Chun-Pei Chen, Yu-Lun Liu, Min-Hung Chen, Hou-Ning Hu, Yung-Yu Chuang, Yen-Yu Lin
This paper addresses text-supervised semantic segmentation aiming to learn a model capable of segmenting arbitrary visual concepts within images by using only image-text pairs without dense annotations. Existing methods have demonstrated that contrastive learning on image-text pairs effectively aligns visual segments with the meanings of texts. We notice that there is a discrepancy between text alignment and semantic segmentation: A text often consists of multiple semantic concepts whereas semantic segmentation strives to create semantically homogeneous segments. To address this issue we propose a novel framework Image-Text Co-Decomposition (CoDe) where the paired image and text are jointly decomposed into a set of image regions and a set of word segments respectively and contrastive learning is developed to enforce region-word alignment. To work with a vision-language model we present a prompt learning mechanism that derives an extra representation to highlight an image segment or a word segment of interest with which more effective features can be extracted from that segment. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that our method performs favorably against existing text-supervised semantic segmentation methods on six benchmark datasets.
Orchestrate Latent Expertise: Advancing Online Continual Learning with Multi-Level Supervision and Reverse Self-Distillation
Hongwei Yan, Liyuan Wang, Kaisheng Ma, Yi Zhong
To accommodate real-world dynamics artificial intelligence systems need to cope with sequentially arriving content in an online manner. Beyond regular Continual Learning (CL) attempting to address catastrophic forgetting with offline training of each task Online Continual Learning (OCL) is a more challenging yet realistic setting that performs CL in a one-pass data stream. Current OCL methods primarily rely on memory replay of old training samples. However a notable gap from CL to OCL stems from the additional overfitting-underfitting dilemma associated with the use of rehearsal buffers: the inadequate learning of new training samples (underfitting) and the repeated learning of a few old training samples (overfitting). To this end we introduce a novel approach Multi-level Online Sequential Experts (MOSE) which cultivates the model as stacked sub-experts integrating multi-level supervision and reverse self-distillation. Supervision signals across multiple stages facilitate appropriate convergence of the new task while gathering various strengths from experts by knowledge distillation mitigates the performance decline of old tasks. MOSE demonstrates remarkable efficacy in learning new samples and preserving past knowledge through multi-level experts thereby significantly advancing OCL performance over state-of-the-art baselines (e.g. up to 7.3% on Split CIFAR-100 and 6.1% on Split Tiny-ImageNet).
Vision-and-Language Navigation via Causal Learning
Liuyi Wang, Zongtao He, Ronghao Dang, Mengjiao Shen, Chengju Liu, Qijun Chen
In the pursuit of robust and generalizable environment perception and language understanding the ubiquitous challenge of dataset bias continues to plague vision-and-language navigation (VLN) agents hindering their performance in unseen environments. This paper introduces the generalized cross-modal causal transformer (GOAT) a pioneering solution rooted in the paradigm of causal inference. By delving into both observable and unobservable confounders within vision language and history we propose the back-door and front-door adjustment causal learning (BACL and FACL) modules to promote unbiased learning by comprehensively mitigating potential spurious correlations. Additionally to capture global confounder features we propose a cross-modal feature pooling (CFP) module supervised by contrastive learning which is also shown to be effective in improving cross-modal representations during pre-training. Extensive experiments across multiple VLN datasets (R2R REVERIE RxR and SOON) underscore the superiority of our proposed method over previous state-of-the-art approaches. Code is available at https://github.com/CrystalSixone/VLN-GOAT.
Mitigating Object Dependencies: Improving Point Cloud Self-Supervised Learning through Object Exchange
Yanhao Wu, Tong Zhang, Wei Ke, Congpei Qiu, Sabine Süsstrunk, Mathieu Salzmann
In the realm of point cloud scene understanding particularly in indoor scenes objects are arranged following human habits resulting in objects of certain semantics being closely positioned and displaying notable inter-object correlations. This can create a tendency for neural networks to exploit these strong dependencies bypassing the individual object patterns. To address this challenge we introduce a novel self-supervised learning (SSL) strategy. Our approach leverages both object patterns and contextual cues to produce robust features. It begins with the formulation of an object-exchanging strategy where pairs of objects with comparable sizes are exchanged across different scenes effectively disentangling the strong contextual dependencies. Subsequently we introduce a context-aware feature learning strategy which encodes object patterns without relying on their specific context by aggregating object features across various scenes. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over existing SSL techniques further showing its better robustness to environmental changes. Moreover we showcase the applicability of our approach by transferring pre-trained models to diverse point cloud datasets.
Confronting Ambiguity in 6D Object Pose Estimation via Score-Based Diffusion on SE(3)
Tsu-Ching Hsiao, Hao-Wei Chen, Hsuan-Kung Yang, Chun-Yi Lee
Addressing pose ambiguity in 6D object pose estimation from single RGB images presents a significant challenge particularly due to object symmetries or occlusions. In response we introduce a novel score-based diffusion method applied to the SE(3) group marking the first application of diffusion models to SE(3) within the image domain specifically tailored for pose estimation tasks. Extensive evaluations demonstrate the method's efficacy in handling pose ambiguity mitigating perspective-induced ambiguity and showcasing the robustness of our surrogate Stein score formulation on SE(3). This formulation not only improves the convergence of denoising process but also enhances computational efficiency. Thus we pioneer a promising strategy for 6D object pose estimation.
Visual Anagrams: Generating Multi-View Optical Illusions with Diffusion Models
Daniel Geng, Inbum Park, Andrew Owens
We address the problem of synthesizing multi-view optical illusions: images that change appearance upon a transformation such as a flip or rotation. We propose a simple zero-shot method for obtaining these illusions from off-the-shelf text-to-image diffusion models. During the reverse diffusion process we estimate the noise from different views of a noisy image and then combine these noise estimates together and denoise the image. A theoretical analysis suggests that this method works precisely for views that can be written as orthogonal transformations of which permutations are a subset. This leads to the idea of a visual anagram ---an image that changes appearance under some rearrangement of pixels. This includes rotations and flips but also more exotic pixel permutations such as a jigsaw rearrangement. Our approach also naturally extends to illusions with more than two views. We provide both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrating the effectiveness and flexibility of our method. Please see our project webpage for additional visualizations and results: https://dangeng.github.io/visual_anagrams/
Unveiling Parts Beyond Objects: Towards Finer-Granularity Referring Expression Segmentation
Wenxuan Wang, Tongtian Yue, Yisi Zhang, Longteng Guo, Xingjian He, Xinlong Wang, Jing Liu
Referring expression segmentation (RES) aims at segmenting the foreground masks of the entities that match the descriptive natural language expression. Previous datasets and methods for classic RES task heavily rely on the prior assumption that one expression must refer to object-level targets. In this paper we take a step further to finer-grained part-level RES task. To promote the object-level RES task towards finer-grained vision-language understanding we put forward a new multi-granularity referring expression segmentation (MRES) task and construct an evaluation benchmark called RefCOCOm by manual annotations. By employing our automatic model-assisted data engine we build the largest visual grounding dataset namely MRES-32M which comprises over 32.2M high-quality masks and captions on the provided 1M images. Besides a simple yet strong model named UniRES is designed to accomplish the unified object-level and part-level grounding task. Extensive experiments on our RefCOCOm for MRES and three datasets (i.e. RefCOCO(+/g)) for classic RES task demonstrate the superiority of our method over previous state-of-the-art methods. To foster future research into fine-grained visual grounding our benchmark RefCOCOm the MRES-32M dataset and model UniRES will be publicly available at https://github.com/Rubics-Xuan/MRES.
DiffInDScene: Diffusion-based High-Quality 3D Indoor Scene Generation
Xiaoliang Ju, Zhaoyang Huang, Yijin Li, Guofeng Zhang, Yu Qiao, Hongsheng Li
We present DiffInDScene a novel framework for tackling the problem of high-quality 3D indoor scene generation which is challenging due to the complexity and diversity of the indoor scene geometry. Although diffusion-based generative models have previously demonstrated impressive performance in image generation and object-level 3D generation they have not yet been applied to room-level 3D generation due to their computationally intensive costs. In DiffInDScene we propose a cascaded 3D diffusion pipeline that is efficient and possesses strong generative performance for Truncated Signed Distance Function (TSDF). The whole pipeline is designed to run on a sparse occupancy space in a coarse-to-fine fashion. Inspired by KinectFusion's incremental alignment and fusion of local TSDF volumes we propose a diffusion-based SDF fusion approach that iteratively diffuses and fuses local TSDF volumes facilitating the generation of an entire room environment. The generated results demonstrate that our work is capable to achieve high-quality room generation directly in three-dimensional space starting from scratch. In addition to the scene generation the final part of DiffInDScene can be used as a post-processing module to refine the 3D reconstruction results from multi-view stereo. According to the user study the mesh quality generated by our DiffInDScene can even outperform the ground truth mesh provided by ScanNet.
MAPSeg: Unified Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Heterogeneous Medical Image Segmentation Based on 3D Masked Autoencoding and Pseudo-Labeling
Xuzhe Zhang, Yuhao Wu, Elsa Angelini, Ang Li, Jia Guo, Jerod M. Rasmussen, Thomas G. O'Connor, Pathik D. Wadhwa, Andrea Parolin Jackowski, Hai Li, Jonathan Posner, Andrew F. Laine, Yun Wang
Robust segmentation is critical for deriving quantitative measures from large-scale multi-center and longitudinal medical scans. Manually annotating medical scans however is expensive and labor-intensive and may not always be available in every domain. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is a well-studied technique that alleviates this label-scarcity problem by leveraging available labels from another domain. In this study we introduce Masked Autoencoding and Pseudo-Labeling Segmentation (MAPSeg) a unified UDA framework with great versatility and superior performance for heterogeneous and volumetric medical image segmentation. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study that systematically reviews and develops a framework to tackle four different domain shifts in medical image segmentation. More importantly MAPSeg is the first framework that can be applied to centralized federated and test-time UDA while maintaining comparable performance. We compare MAPSeg with previous state-of-the-art methods on a private infant brain MRI dataset and a public cardiac CT-MRI dataset and MAPSeg outperforms others by a large margin (10.5 Dice improvement on the private MRI dataset and 5.7 on the public CT-MRI dataset). MAPSeg poses great practical value and can be applied to real-world problems. GitHub: https://github.com/XuzheZ/MAPSeg/.
Leveraging Predicate and Triplet Learning for Scene Graph Generation
Jiankai Li, Yunhong Wang, Xiefan Guo, Ruijie Yang, Weixin Li
Scene Graph Generation (SGG) aims to identify entities and predict the relationship triplets <subject predicate object> in visual scenes. Given the prevalence of large visual variations of subject-object pairs even in the same predicate it can be quite challenging to model and refine predicate representations directly across such pairs which is however a common strategy adopted by most existing SGG methods. We observe that visual variations within the identical triplet are relatively small and certain relation cues are shared in the same type of triplet which can potentially facilitate the relation learning in SGG. Moreover for the long-tail problem widely studied in SGG task it is also crucial to deal with the limited types and quantity of triplets in tail predicates. Accordingly in this paper we propose a Dual-granularity Relation Modeling (DRM) network to leverage fine-grained triplet cues besides the coarse-grained predicate ones. DRM utilizes contexts and semantics of predicate and triplet with Dual-granularity Constraints generating compact and balanced representations from two perspectives to facilitate relation recognition. Furthermore a Dual-granularity Knowledge Transfer (DKT) strategy is introduced to transfer variation from head predicates/triplets to tail ones aiming to enrich the pattern diversity of tail classes to alleviate the long-tail problem. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method which establishes new state-of-the-art performance on Visual Genome Open Image and GQA datasets. Our code is available at https://github.com/jkli1998/DRM.
DaReNeRF: Direction-aware Representation for Dynamic Scenes
Ange Lou, Benjamin Planche, Zhongpai Gao, Yamin Li, Tianyu Luan, Hao Ding, Terrence Chen, Jack Noble, Ziyan Wu
Addressing the intricate challenge of modeling and re-rendering dynamic scenes most recent approaches have sought to simplify these complexities using plane-based explicit representations overcoming the slow training time issues associated with methods like Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and implicit representations. However the straightforward decomposition of 4D dynamic scenes into multiple 2D plane-based representations proves insufficient for re-rendering high-fidelity scenes with complex motions. In response we present a novel direction-aware representation (DaRe) approach that captures scene dynamics from six different directions. This learned representation undergoes an inverse dual-tree complex wavelet transformation (DTCWT) to recover plane-based information. DaReNeRF computes features for each space-time point by fusing vectors from these recovered planes. Combining DaReNeRF with a tiny MLP for color regression and leveraging volume rendering in training yield state-of-the-art performance in novel view synthesis for complex dynamic scenes. Notably to address redundancy introduced by the six real and six imaginary direction-aware wavelet coefficients we introduce a trainable masking approach mitigating storage issues without significant performance decline. Moreover DaReNeRF maintains a 2x reduction in training time compared to prior art while delivering superior performance.
SfmCAD: Unsupervised CAD Reconstruction by Learning Sketch-based Feature Modeling Operations
Pu Li, Jianwei Guo, Huibin Li, Bedrich Benes, Dong-Ming Yan
This paper introduces SfmCAD a novel unsupervised network that reconstructs 3D shapes by learning the Sketch-based Feature Modeling operations commonly used in modern CAD workflows. Given a 3D shape represented as voxels SfmCAD learns a neural-typed sketch+path parameterized representation including 2D sketches of feature primitives and their 3D sweeping paths without supervision for inferring feature-based CAD programs. SfmCAD employs 2D sketches for local detail representation and 3D paths to capture the overall structure achieving a clear separation between shape details and structure. This conversion into parametric forms enables users to seamlessly adjust the shape's geometric and structural features thus enhancing interpretability and user control. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by applying SfmCAD to many different types of objects such as CAD parts ShapeNet objects and tree shapes. Extensive comparisons show that SfmCAD produces compact and faithful 3D reconstructions with superior quality compared to alternatives. The code is released at https://github.com/BunnySoCrazy/SfmCAD.
CoDi-2: In-Context Interleaved and Interactive Any-to-Any Generation
Zineng Tang, Ziyi Yang, Mahmoud Khademi, Yang Liu, Chenguang Zhu, Mohit Bansal
We present CoDi-2 a Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) for learning in-context interleaved multimodal representations. By aligning modalities with language for both encoding and generation CoDi-2 empowers Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand modality-interleaved instructions and in-context examples and autoregressively generate grounded and coherent multimodal outputs in an any-to-any input-output modality paradigm. To train CoDi-2 we build a large-scale generation dataset encompassing in-context multimodal instructions across text vision and audio. CoDi-2 demonstrates a wide range of zero-shot and few-shot capabilities for tasks like editing exemplar learning composition reasoning etc. CoDi-2 surpasses previous domain-specific models on tasks such as subject-driven image generation vision transformation and audio editing and showcases a significant advancement for integrating diverse multimodal tasks with sequential generation.
Tuning Stable Rank Shrinkage: Aiming at the Overlooked Structural Risk in Fine-tuning
Sicong Shen, Yang Zhou, Bingzheng Wei, Eric I-Chao Chang, Yan Xu
Existing fine-tuning methods for computer vision tasks primarily focus on re-weighting the knowledge learned from the source domain during pre-training. They aim to retain beneficial knowledge for the target domain while suppressing unfavorable knowledge. During the pre-training and fine-tuning stages there is a notable disparity in the data scale. Consequently it is theoretically necessary to employ a model with reduced complexity to mitigate the potential structural risk. However our empirical investigation in this paper reveals that models fine-tuned using existing methods still manifest a high level of model complexity inherited from the pre-training stage leading to a suboptimal stability and generalization ability. This phenomenon indicates an issue that has been overlooked in fine-tuning: Structural Risk Minimization. To address this issue caused by data scale disparity during the fine-tuning stage we propose a simple yet effective approach called Tuning Stable Rank Shrinkage (TSRS). TSRS mitigates the structural risk during the fine-tuning stage by constraining the noise sensitivity of the target model based on stable rank theories. Through extensive experiments we demonstrate that incorporating TSRS into fine-tuning methods leads to improved generalization ability on various tasks regardless of whether the neural networks are based on convolution or transformer architectures. Additionally empirical analysis reveals that TSRS enhances the robustness convexity and smoothness of the loss landscapes in fine-tuned models. Code is available at https://github.com/WitGotFlg/TSRS.
Differentiable Display Photometric Stereo
Seokjun Choi, Seungwoo Yoon, Giljoo Nam, Seungyong Lee, Seung-Hwan Baek
Photometric stereo leverages variations in illumination conditions to reconstruct surface normals. Display photometric stereo which employs a conventional monitor as an illumination source has the potential to overcome limitations often encountered in bulky and difficult-to-use conventional setups. In this paper we present differentiable display photometric stereo (DDPS) addressing an often overlooked challenge in display photometric stereo: the design of display patterns. Departing from using heuristic display patterns DDPS learns the display patterns that yield accurate normal reconstruction for a target system in an end-to-end manner. To this end we propose a differentiable framework that couples basis-illumination image formation with analytic photometric-stereo reconstruction. The differentiable framework facilitates the effective learning of display patterns via auto-differentiation. Also for training supervision we propose to use 3D printing for creating a real-world training dataset enabling accurate reconstruction on the target real-world setup. Finally we exploit that conventional LCD monitors emit polarized light which allows for the optical separation of diffuse and specular reflections when combined with a polarization camera leading to accurate normal reconstruction. Extensive evaluation of DDPS shows improved normal-reconstruction accuracy compared to heuristic patterns and demonstrates compelling properties such as robustness to pattern initialization calibration errors and simplifications in image formation and reconstruction.
In-distribution Public Data Synthesis with Diffusion Models for Differentially Private Image Classification
Jinseong Park, Yujin Choi, Jaewook Lee
To alleviate the utility degradation of deep learning image classification with differential privacy (DP) employing extra public data or pre-trained models has been widely explored. Recently the use of in-distribution public data has been investigated where tiny subsets of datasets are released publicly. In this paper we investigate a framework that leverages recent diffusion models to amplify the information of public data. Subsequently we identify data diversity and generalization gap between public and private data as critical factors addressing the limited public data. While assuming 4% of training data as public our method achieves 85.48% on CIFAR-10 with a privacy budget of ?=2 without employing extra public data for training.
Learning Degradation-unaware Representation with Prior-based Latent Transformations for Blind Face Restoration
Lianxin Xie, Csbingbing Zheng, Wen Xue, Le Jiang, Cheng Liu, Si Wu, Hau San Wong
Blind face restoration focuses on restoring high-fidelity details from images subjected to complex and unknown degradations while preserving identity information. In this paper we present a Prior-based Latent Transformation approach (PLTrans) which is specifically designed to learn a degradation-unaware representation thereby allowing the restoration network to effectively generalize to real-world degradation. Toward this end PLTrans learns a degradation-unaware query via a latent diffusion-based regularization module. Furthermore conditioned on the features of a degraded face image a latent dictionary that captures the priors of HQ face images is leveraged to refine the features by mapping the top-d nearest elements. The refined version will be used to build key and value for the cross-attention computation which is tailored to each degraded image and exhibits reduced sensitivity to different degradation factors. Conditioned on the resulting representation we train a decoding network that synthesizes face images with authentic details and identity preservation. Through extensive experiments we verify the effectiveness of the design elements and demonstrate the generalization ability of our proposed approach for both synthetic and unknown degradations. We finally demonstrate the applicability of PLTrans in other vision tasks.
LSK3DNet: Towards Effective and Efficient 3D Perception with Large Sparse Kernels
Tuo Feng, Wenguan Wang, Fan Ma, Yi Yang
Autonomous systems need to process large-scale sparse and irregular point clouds with limited compute resources. Consequently it is essential to develop LiDAR perception methods that are both efficient and effective. Although naively enlarging 3D kernel size can enhance performance it will also lead to a cubically-increasing overhead. Therefore it is crucial to develop streamlined 3D large kernel designs that eliminate redundant weights and work effectively with larger kernels. In this paper we propose an efficient and effective Large Sparse Kernel 3D Neural Network (LSK3DNet) that leverages dynamic pruning to amplify the 3D kernel size. Our method comprises two core components: Spatial-wise Dynamic Sparsity (SDS) and Channel-wise Weight Selection (CWS). SDS dynamically prunes and regrows volumetric weights from the beginning to learn a large sparse 3D kernel. It not only boosts performance but also significantly reduces model size and computational cost. Moreover CWS selects the most important channels for 3D convolution during training and subsequently prunes the redundant channels to accelerate inference for 3D vision tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of LSK3DNet on three benchmark datasets and five tracks compared with classical models and large kernel designs. Notably LSK3DNet achieves the state-of-the-art performance on SemanticKITTI (i.e. 75.6% on single-scan and 63.4% on multi-scan) with roughly 40% model size reduction and 60% computing operations reduction compared to the naive large 3D kernel model.
Faces that Speak: Jointly Synthesising Talking Face and Speech from Text
Youngjoon Jang, Ji-Hoon Kim, Junseok Ahn, Doyeop Kwak, Hong-Sun Yang, Yoon-Cheol Ju, Il-Hwan Kim, Byeong-Yeol Kim, Joon Son Chung
The goal of this work is to simultaneously generate natural talking faces and speech outputs from text. We achieve this by integrating Talking Face Generation (TFG) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems into a unified framework. We address the main challenges of each task: (1) generating a range of head poses representative of real-world scenarios and (2) ensuring voice consistency despite variations in facial motion for the same identity. To tackle these issues we introduce a motion sampler based on conditional flow matching which is capable of high-quality motion code generation in an efficient way. Moreover we introduce a novel conditioning method for the TTS system which utilises motion-removed features from the TFG model to yield uniform speech outputs. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our method effectively creates natural-looking talking faces and speech that accurately match the input text. To our knowledge this is the first effort to build a multimodal synthesis system that can generalise to unseen identities.
Diversified and Personalized Multi-rater Medical Image Segmentation
Yicheng Wu, Xiangde Luo, Zhe Xu, Xiaoqing Guo, Lie Ju, Zongyuan Ge, Wenjun Liao, Jianfei Cai
Annotation ambiguity due to inherent data uncertainties such as blurred boundaries in medical scans and different observer expertise and preferences has become a major obstacle for training deep-learning based medical image segmentation models. To address it the common practice is to gather multiple annotations from different experts leading to the setting of multi-rater medical image segmentation. Existing works aim to either merge different annotations into the "groundtruth" that is often unattainable in numerous medical contexts or generate diverse results or produce personalized results corresponding to individual expert raters. Here we bring up a more ambitious goal for multi-rater medical image segmentation i.e. obtaining both diversified and personalized results. Specifically we propose a two-stage framework named D-Persona (first Diversification and then Personalization). In Stage I we exploit multiple given annotations to train a Probabilistic U-Net model with a bound-constrained loss to improve the prediction diversity. In this way a common latent space is constructed in Stage I where different latent codes denote diversified expert opinions. Then in Stage II we design multiple attention-based projection heads to adaptively query the corresponding expert prompts from the shared latent space and then perform the personalized medical image segmentation. We evaluated the proposed model on our in-house Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma dataset and the public lung nodule dataset (i.e. LIDC-IDRI). Extensive experiments demonstrated our D-Persona can provide diversified and personalized results at the same time achieving new SOTA performance for multi-rater medical image segmentation. Our code will be released at https://github.com/ycwu1997/D-Persona.
Towards Automatic Power Battery Detection: New Challenge Benchmark Dataset and Baseline
Xiaoqi Zhao, Youwei Pang, Zhenyu Chen, Qian Yu, Lihe Zhang, Hanqi Liu, Jiaming Zuo, Huchuan Lu
We conduct a comprehensive study on a new task named power battery detection (PBD) which aims to localize the dense cathode and anode plates endpoints from X-ray images to evaluate the quality of power batteries. Existing manufacturers usually rely on human eye observation to complete PBD which makes it difficult to balance the accuracy and efficiency of detection. To address this issue and drive more attention into this meaningful task we first elaborately collect a dataset called X-ray PBD which has 1500 diverse X-ray images selected from thousands of power batteries of 5 manufacturers with 7 different visual interference. Then we propose a novel segmentation-based solution for PBD termed multi-dimensional collaborative network (MDCNet). With the help of line and counting predictors the representation of the point segmentation branch can be improved at both semantic and detail aspects. Besides we design an effective distance-adaptive mask generation strategy which can alleviate the visual challenge caused by the inconsistent distribution density of plates to provide MDCNet with stable supervision. Without any bells and whistles our segmentation-based MDCNet consistently outperforms various other corner detection crowd counting and general/tiny object detection-based solutions making it a strong baseline that can help facilitate future research in PBD. Finally we share some potential difficulties and works for future researches. The source code and datasets will be publicly available at \href https://github.com/Xiaoqi-Zhao-DLUT/X-ray-PBD X-ray PBD .
AVFF: Audio-Visual Feature Fusion for Video Deepfake Detection
Trevine Oorloff, Surya Koppisetti, Nicolò Bonettini, Divyaraj Solanki, Ben Colman, Yaser Yacoob, Ali Shahriyari, Gaurav Bharaj
With the rapid growth in deepfake video content we require improved and generalizable methods to detect them. Most existing detection methods either use uni-modal cues or rely on supervised training to capture the dissonance between the audio and visual modalities. While the former disregards the audio-visual correspondences entirely the latter predominantly focuses on discerning audio-visual cues within the training corpus thereby potentially overlooking correspondences that can help detect unseen deepfakes. We present Audio-Visual Feature Fusion (AVFF) a two-stage cross-modal learning method that explicitly captures the correspondence between the audio and visual modalities for improved deepfake detection. The first stage pursues representation learning via self-supervision on real videos to capture the intrinsic audio-visual correspondences. To extract rich cross-modal representations we use contrastive learning and autoencoding objectives and introduce a novel audio-visual complementary masking and feature fusion strategy. The learned representations are tuned in the second stage where deepfake classification is pursued via supervised learning on both real and fake videos. Extensive experiments and analysis suggest that our novel representation learning paradigm is highly discriminative in nature. We report 98.6% accuracy and 99.1% AUC on the FakeAVCeleb dataset outperforming the current audio-visual state-of-the-art by 14.9% and 9.9% respectively.
Discover and Mitigate Multiple Biased Subgroups in Image Classifiers
Zeliang Zhang, Mingqian Feng, Zhiheng Li, Chenliang Xu
Machine learning models can perform well on in-distribution data but often fail on biased subgroups that are underrepresented in the training data hindering the robustness of models for reliable applications. Such subgroups are typically unknown due to the absence of subgroup labels. Discovering biased subgroups is the key to understanding models' failure modes and further improving models' robustness. Most previous works of subgroup discovery make an implicit assumption that models only underperform on a single biased subgroup which does not hold on in-the-wild data where multiple biased subgroups exist. In this work we propose Decomposition Interpretation and Mitigation (DIM) a novel method to address a more challenging but also more practical problem of discovering multiple biased subgroups in image classifiers. Our approach decomposes the image features into multiple components that represent multiple subgroups. This decomposition is achieved via a bilinear dimension reduction method Partial Least Square (PLS) guided by useful supervision from the image classifier. We further interpret the semantic meaning of each subgroup component by generating natural language descriptions using vision-language foundation models. Finally DIM mitigates multiple biased subgroups simultaneously via two strategies including the data- and model-centric strategies. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-100 and Breeds datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of DIM in discovering and mitigating multiple biased subgroups. Furthermore DIM uncovers the failure modes of the classifier on Hard ImageNet showcasing its broader applicability to understanding model bias in image classifiers.
DiffusionRegPose: Enhancing Multi-Person Pose Estimation using a Diffusion-Based End-to-End Regression Approach
Dayi Tan, Hansheng Chen, Wei Tian, Lu Xiong
This paper presents the DiffusionRegPose a novel approach to multi-person pose estimation that converts a one-stage end-to-end keypoint regression model into a diffusion-based sampling process. Existing one-stage deterministic regression methods though efficient are often prone to missed or false detections in crowded or occluded scenes due to their inability to reason pose ambiguity. To address these challenges we handle ambiguous poses in a generative fashion i.e. sampling from the image-conditioned pose distributions characterized by a diffusion probabilistic model. Specifically with initial pose tokens extracted from the image noisy pose candidates are progressively refined by interacting with the initial tokens via attention layers. Extensive evaluations on the COCO and CrowdPose datasets show that DiffusionRegPose clearly improves the pose accuracy in crowded scenarios as evidenced by a notable 4.0 AP increase in the AP_H metric on the CrowdPose dataset. This demonstrates the model's potential for robust and precise human pose estimation in real-world applications.
Memory-Scalable and Simplified Functional Map Learning
Robin Magnet, Maks Ovsjanikov
Deep functional maps have emerged in recent years as a prominent learning-based framework for non-rigid shape matching problems. While early methods in this domain only focused on learning in the functional domain the latest techniques have demonstrated that by promoting consistency between functional and pointwise maps leads to significant improvements in accuracy. Unfortunately existing approaches rely heavily on the computation of large dense matrices arising from soft pointwise maps which compromises their efficiency and scalability. To address this limitation we introduce a novel memory-scalable and efficient functional map learning pipeline. By leveraging the specific structure of functional maps we offer the possibility to achieve identical results without ever storing the pointwise map in memory. Furthermore based on the same approach we present a differentiable map refinement layer adapted from an existing axiomatic refinement algorithm. Unlike many functional map learning methods which use this algorithm at a post-processing step ours can be easily used at train time enabling to enforce consistency between the refined and initial versions of the map. Our resulting approach is both simpler more efficient and more numerically stable by avoiding differentiation through a linear system while achieving close to state-of-the-art results in challenging scenarios.
X-MIC: Cross-Modal Instance Conditioning for Egocentric Action Generalization
Anna Kukleva, Fadime Sener, Edoardo Remelli, Bugra Tekin, Eric Sauser, Bernt Schiele, Shugao Ma
Lately there has been growing interest in adapting vision-language models (VLMs) to image and third-person video classification due to their success in zero-shot recognition. However the adaptation of these models to egocentric videos has been largely unexplored. To address this gap we propose a simple yet effective cross-modal adaptation framework which we call X-MIC. Using a video adapter our pipeline learns to align frozen text embeddings to each egocentric video directly in the shared embedding space. Our novel adapter architecture retains and improves generalization of the pre-trained VLMs by disentangling learnable temporal modeling and frozen visual encoder. This results in an enhanced alignment of text embeddings to each egocentric video leading to a significant improvement in cross-dataset generalization. We evaluate our approach on the Epic-Kitchens Ego4D and EGTEA datasets for fine-grained cross-dataset action generalization demonstrating the effectiveness of our method.
ExMap: Leveraging Explainability Heatmaps for Unsupervised Group Robustness to Spurious Correlations
Rwiddhi Chakraborty, Adrian Sletten, Michael C. Kampffmeyer
Group robustness strategies aim to mitigate learned biases in deep learning models that arise from spurious correlations present in their training datasets. However most existing methods rely on the access to the label distribution of the groups which is time-consuming and expensive to obtain. As a result unsupervised group robustness strategies are sought. Based on the insight that a trained model's classification strategies can be inferred accurately based on explainability heatmaps we introduce ExMap an unsupervised two stage mechanism designed to enhance group robustness in traditional classifiers. ExMap utilizes a clustering module to infer pseudo-labels based on a model's explainability heatmaps which are then used during training in lieu of actual labels. Our empirical studies validate the efficacy of ExMap - We demonstrate that it bridges the per- formance gap with its supervised counterparts and outperforms existing partially supervised and unsupervised methods. Additionally ExMap can be seamlessly integrated with existing group robustness learning strategies. Finally we demonstrate its potential in tackling the emerging issue of multiple shortcut mitigation
Gaussian Head Avatar: Ultra High-fidelity Head Avatar via Dynamic Gaussians
Yuelang Xu, Benwang Chen, Zhe Li, Hongwen Zhang, Lizhen Wang, Zerong Zheng, Yebin Liu
Creating high-fidelity 3D head avatars has always been a research hotspot but there remains a great challenge under lightweight sparse view setups. In this paper we propose Gaussian Head Avatar represented by controllable 3D Gaussians for high-fidelity head avatar modeling. We optimize the neutral 3D Gaussians and a fully learned MLP-based deformation field to capture complex expressions. The two parts benefit each other thereby our method can model fine-grained dynamic details while ensuring expression accuracy. Furthermore we devise a well-designed geometry-guided initialization strategy based on implicit SDF and Deep Marching Tetrahedra for the stability and convergence of the training procedure. Experiments show our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art sparse-view methods achieving ultra high-fidelity rendering quality at 2K resolution even under exaggerated expressions. Project page: https://yuelangx.github.io/gaussianheadavatar.
Stratified Avatar Generation from Sparse Observations
Han Feng, Wenchao Ma, Quankai Gao, Xianwei Zheng, Nan Xue, Huijuan Xu
Estimating 3D full-body avatars from AR/VR devices is essential for creating immersive experiences in AR/VR applications. This task is challenging due to the limited input from Head Mounted Devices which capture only sparse observations from the head and hands. Predicting the full-body avatars particularly the lower body from these sparse observations presents significant difficulties. In this paper we are inspired by the inherent property of the kinematic tree defined in the Skinned Multi-Person Linear (SMPL) model where the upper body and lower body share only one common ancestor node bringing the potential of decoupled reconstruction. We propose a stratified approach to decouple the conventional full-body avatar reconstruction pipeline into two stages with the reconstruction of the upper body first and a subsequent reconstruction of the lower body conditioned on the previous stage. To implement this straightforward idea we leverage the latent diffusion model as a powerful probabilistic generator and train it to follow the latent distribution of decoupled motions explored by a VQ-VAE encoder-decoder model. Extensive experiments on AMASS mocap dataset demonstrate our state-of-the-art performance in the reconstruction of full-body motions.
Learning to Segment Referred Objects from Narrated Egocentric Videos
Yuhan Shen, Huiyu Wang, Xitong Yang, Matt Feiszli, Ehsan Elhamifar, Lorenzo Torresani, Effrosyni Mavroudi
Egocentric videos provide a first-person perspective of the wearer's activities involving simultaneous interactions with multiple objects. In this work we propose the task of weakly-supervised Narration-based Video Object Segmentation (NVOS). Given an egocentric video clip and a narration of the wearer's activities our aim is to segment object instances mentioned in the narration without using any spatial annotations during training. Existing weakly-supervised video object grounding methods typically yield bounding boxes for referred objects. In contrast we propose ROSA a weakly-supervised pixel-level grounding framework learning alignments between referred objects and segmentation mask proposals. Our model harnesses vision-language models pre-trained on image-text pairs to embed region masks and object phrases. During training we combine (a) a video-narration contrastive loss that implicitly supervises the alignment between regions and phrases and (b) a region-phrase contrastive loss based on inferred latent alignments. To address the lack of annotated NVOS datasets in egocentric videos we create a new evaluation benchmark VISOR-NVOS leveraging existing annotations of segmentation masks from VISOR alongside 14.6k newly-collected object-based video clip narrations. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot pixel-level grounding performance compared to strong baselines under similar supervision. Additionally we demonstrate generalization capabilities for zero-shot video object grounding on YouCook2 a third-person instructional video dataset.
Rewrite the Stars
Xu Ma, Xiyang Dai, Yue Bai, Yizhou Wang, Yun Fu
Recent studies have drawn attention to the untapped potential of the "star operation" (element-wise multiplication) in network design. While intuitive explanations abound the foundational rationale behind its application remains largely unexplored. Our study attempts to reveal the star operation's ability of mapping inputs into high-dimensional non-linear feature spaces--akin to kernel tricks--without widening the network. We further introduce StarNet a simple yet powerful prototype demonstrating impressive performance and low latency under compact network structure and efficient budget. Like stars in the sky the star operation appears unremarkable but holds a vast universe of potential. Our work encourages further exploration across tasks with codes available at https://github.com/ma-xu/Rewrite-the-Stars.
Adapting Visual-Language Models for Generalizable Anomaly Detection in Medical Images
Chaoqin Huang, Aofan Jiang, Jinghao Feng, Ya Zhang, Xinchao Wang, Yanfeng Wang
Recent advancements in large-scale visual-language pre-trained models have led to significant progress in zero-/few-shot anomaly detection within natural image domains. However the substantial domain divergence between natural and medical images limits the effectiveness of these methodologies in medical anomaly detection. This paper introduces a novel lightweight multi-level adaptation and comparison framework to repurpose the CLIP model for medical anomaly detection. Our approach integrates multiple residual adapters into the pre-trained visual encoder enabling a stepwise enhancement of visual features across different levels. This multi-level adaptation is guided by multi-level pixel-wise visual-language feature alignment loss functions which recalibrate the model's focus from object semantics in natural imagery to anomaly identification in medical images. The adapted features exhibit improved generalization across various medical data types even in zero-shot scenarios where the model encounters unseen medical modalities and anatomical regions during training. Our experiments on medical anomaly detection benchmarks demonstrate that our method significantly surpasses current state-of-the-art models with an average AUC improvement of 6.24% and 7.33% for anomaly classification 2.03% and 2.37% for anomaly segmentation under the zero-shot and few-shot settings respectively. Source code is available at: https://github.com/MediaBrain-SJTU/MVFA-AD
AV-RIR: Audio-Visual Room Impulse Response Estimation
Anton Ratnarajah, Sreyan Ghosh, Sonal Kumar, Purva Chiniya, Dinesh Manocha
Accurate estimation of Room Impulse Response (RIR) which captures an environment's acoustic properties is important for speech processing and AR/VR applications. We propose AV-RIR a novel multi-modal multi-task learning approach to accurately estimate the RIR from a given reverberant speech signal and the visual cues of its corresponding environment. AV-RIR builds on a novel neural codec-based architecture that effectively captures environment geometry and materials properties and solves speech dereverberation as an auxiliary task by using multi-task learning. We also propose Geo-Mat features that augment material information into visual cues and CRIP that improves late reverberation components in the estimated RIR via image-to-RIR retrieval by 86%. Empirical results show that AV-RIR quantitatively outperforms previous audio-only and visual-only approaches by achieving 36% - 63% improvement across various acoustic metrics in RIR estimation. Additionally it also achieves higher preference scores in human evaluation. As an auxiliary benefit dereverbed speech from AV-RIR shows competitive performance with the state-of-the-art in various spoken language processing tasks and outperforms reverberation time error score in the real-world AVSpeech dataset. Qualitative examples of both synthesized reverberant speech and enhanced speech are available online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTsKhviukAE.
Depth-aware Test-Time Training for Zero-shot Video Object Segmentation
Weihuang Liu, Xi Shen, Haolun Li, Xiuli Bi, Bo Liu, Chi-Man Pun, Xiaodong Cun
Zero-shot Video Object Segmentation (ZSVOS) aims at segmenting the primary moving object without any human annotations. Mainstream solutions mainly focus on learning a single model on large-scale video datasets which struggle to generalize to unseen videos. In this work we introduce a test-time training (TTT) strategy to address the problem. Our key insight is to enforce the model to predict consistent depth during the TTT process. In detail we first train a single network to perform both segmentation and depth prediction tasks. This can be effectively learned with our specifically designed depth modulation layer. Then for the TTT process the model is updated by predicting consistent depth maps for the same frame under different data augmentations. In addition we explore different TTT weight update strategies. Our empirical results suggest that the momentum-based weight initialization and looping-based training scheme lead to more stable improvements. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves clear improvements on ZSVOS. Our proposed video TTT strategy provides significant superiority over state-of-the-art TTT methods. Our code is available at: https://nifangbaage.github.io/DATTT/.
Dual-Consistency Model Inversion for Non-Exemplar Class Incremental Learning
Zihuan Qiu, Yi Xu, Fanman Meng, Hongliang Li, Linfeng Xu, Qingbo Wu
Non-exemplar class incremental learning (NECIL) aims to continuously assimilate new knowledge without forgetting previously acquired ones when historical data are unavailable. One of the generative NECIL methods is to invert the images of old classes for joint training. However these synthetic images suffer significant domain shifts compared with real data hampering the recognition of old classes. In this paper we present a novel method termed Dual-Consistency Model Inversion (DCMI) to generate better synthetic samples of old classes through two pivotal consistency alignments: (1) the semantic consistency between the synthetic images and the corresponding prototypes and (2) domain consistency between synthetic and real images of new classes. Besides we introduce Prototypical Routing (PR) to provide task-prior information and generate unbiased and accurate predictions. Our comprehensive experiments across diverse datasets consistently showcase the superiority of our method over previous state-of-the-art approaches.
RMem: Restricted Memory Banks Improve Video Object Segmentation
Junbao Zhou, Ziqi Pang, Yu-Xiong Wang
With recent video object segmentation (VOS) benchmarks evolving to challenging scenarios we revisit a simple but overlooked strategy: restricting the size of memory banks. This diverges from the prevalent practice of expanding memory banks to accommodate extensive historical information. Our specially designed "memory deciphering" study offers a pivotal insight underpinning such a strategy: expanding memory banks while seemingly beneficial actually increases the difficulty for VOS modules to decode relevant features due to the confusion from redundant information. By restricting memory banks to a limited number of essential frames we achieve a notable improvement in VOS accuracy. This process balances the importance and freshness of frames to maintain an informative memory bank within a bounded capacity. Additionally restricted memory banks reduce the training-inference discrepancy in memory lengths compared with continuous expansion. This fosters new opportunities in temporal reasoning and enables us to introduce the previously overlooked "temporal positional embedding." Finally our insights are embodied in "RMem" ("R" for restricted) a simple yet effective VOS modification that excels at challenging VOS scenarios and establishes new state of the art for object state changes (VOST dataset) and long videos (the Long Videos dataset). Our codes are available at https://github.com/Restricted-Memory/RMemand our demo can be watched on https://youtu.be/V3tCFQsJrrM.
Not All Prompts Are Secure: A Switchable Backdoor Attack Against Pre-trained Vision Transfomers
Sheng Yang, Jiawang Bai, Kuofeng Gao, Yong Yang, Yiming Li, Shu-Tao Xia
Given the power of vision transformers a new learning paradigm pre-training and then prompting makes it more efficient and effective to address downstream visual recognition tasks. In this paper we identify a novel security threat towards such a paradigm from the perspective of backdoor attacks. Specifically an extra prompt token called the switch token in this work can turn the backdoor mode on i.e. converting a benign model into a backdoored one. Once under the backdoor mode a specific trigger can force the model to predict a target class. It poses a severe risk to the users of cloud API since the malicious behavior can not be activated and detected under the benign mode thus making the attack very stealthy. To attack a pre-trained model our proposed attack named SWARM learns a trigger and prompt tokens including a switch token. They are optimized with the clean loss which encourages the model always behaves normally even the trigger presents and the backdoor loss that ensures the backdoor can be activated by the trigger when the switch is on. Besides we utilize the cross-mode feature distillation to reduce the effect of the switch token on clean samples. The experiments on diverse visual recognition tasks confirm the success of our switchable backdoor attack i.e. achieving 95%+ attack success rate and also being hard to be detected and removed. Our code is available at https://github.com/20000yshust/SWARM.
PairDETR : Joint Detection and Association of Human Bodies and Faces
Ammar Ali, Georgii Gaikov, Denis Rybalchenko, Alexander Chigorin, Ivan Laptev, Sergey Zagoruyko
Image and video analysis requires not only accurate object but also the understanding of relationships among detected objects. Common solutions to relation modeling typically resort to stand-alone object detectors followed by non-differentiable post-processing techniques. Recently introduced detection transformers (DETR) perform end-to-end object detection based on a bipartite matching loss. Such methods however lack the ability to jointly detect objects and resolve object associations. In this paper we build on the DETR approach and extend it to the joint detection of objects and their relationships by introducing an approximated bipartite matching. While our method can generalize to an arbitrary number of objects we here focus on the modeling of object pairs and their relations. In particular we apply our method PairDETR to the problem of detecting human bodies and faces and associating them for the same person. Our approach not only eliminates the need for hand-designed post-processing but also achieves excellent results for body-face associations. We evaluate PairDETR on the challenging CrowdHuman and CityPersons datasets and demonstrate a large improvement over the state of the art. Our training code and pre-trained models are available online.
PortraitBooth: A Versatile Portrait Model for Fast Identity-preserved Personalization
Xu Peng, Junwei Zhu, Boyuan Jiang, Ying Tai, Donghao Luo, Jiangning Zhang, Wei Lin, Taisong Jin, Chengjie Wang, Rongrong Ji
Recent advancements in personalized image generation using diffusion models have been noteworthy. However existing methods suffer from inefficiencies due to the requirement for subject-specific fine-tuning. This computationally intensive process hinders efficient deployment limiting practical usability. Moreover these methods often grapple with identity distortion and limited expression diversity. In light of these challenges we propose PortraitBooth an innovative approach designed for high efficiency robust identity preservation and expression-editable text-to-image generation without the need for fine-tuning. PortraitBooth leverages subject embeddings from a face recognition model for personalized image generation without fine-tuning. It eliminates computational overhead and mitigates identity distortion. The introduced dynamic identity preservation strategy further ensures close resemblance to the original image identity. Moreover PortraitBooth incorporates emotion-aware cross-attention control for diverse facial expressions in generated images supporting text-driven expression editing. Its scalability enables efficient and high-quality image creation including multi-subject generation. Extensive results demonstrate superior performance over other state-of-the-art methods in both single and multiple image generation scenarios.
Learn from View Correlation: An Anchor Enhancement Strategy for Multi-view Clustering
Suyuan Liu, Ke Liang, Zhibin Dong, Siwei Wang, Xihong Yang, Sihang Zhou, En Zhu, Xinwang Liu
In recent years anchor-based methods have achieved promising progress in multi-view clustering. The performances of these methods are significantly affected by the quality of the anchors. However the anchors generated by previous works solely rely on single-view information ignoring the correlation among different views. In particular we observe that similar patterns are more likely to exist between similar views so such correlation information can be leveraged to enhance the quality of the anchors which is also omitted. To this end we propose a novel plug-and-play anchor enhancement strategy through view correlation for multi-view clustering. Specifically we construct a view graph based on aligned initial anchor graphs to explore inter-view correlations. By learning from view correlation we enhance the anchors of the current view using the relationships between anchors and samples on neighboring views thereby narrowing the spatial distribution of anchors on similar views. Experimental results on seven datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over other existing methods. Furthermore extensive comparative experiments validate the effectiveness of the proposed anchor enhancement module when applied to various anchor-based methods.
SportsSloMo: A New Benchmark and Baselines for Human-centric Video Frame Interpolation
Jiaben Chen, Huaizu Jiang
Human-centric video frame interpolation has great potential for enhancing entertainment experiences and finding commercial applications in sports analysis industry e.g. synthesizing slow-motion videos. Although there are multiple benchmark datasets available for video frame interpolation in the community none of them is dedicated to human-centric scenarios. To bridge this gap we introduce SportsSloMo a benchmark featuring over 130K high-resolution slow-motion sports video clips totaling over 1M video frames sourced from YouTube. We re-train several state-of-the-art methods on our benchmark and we observed a noticeable decrease in their accuracy compared to other datasets. This highlights the difficulty of our benchmark and suggests that it poses significant challenges even for the best-performing methods as human bodies are highly deformable and occlusions are frequent in sports videos. To tackle these challenges we propose human-aware loss terms where we add auxiliary supervision for human segmentation in panoptic settings and keypoints detection. These loss terms are model-agnostic and can be easily plugged into any video frame interpolation approach. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our proposed human-aware loss terms leading to consistent performance improvement over existing models. The dataset and code can be found at: https://neu-vi.github.io/SportsSlomo/ https://neu-vi.github.io/SportsSlomo/.
APSeg: Auto-Prompt Network for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
Weizhao He, Yang Zhang, Wei Zhuo, Linlin Shen, Jiaqi Yang, Songhe Deng, Liang Sun
Few-shot semantic segmentation (FSS) endeavors to segment unseen classes with only a few labeled samples. Current FSS methods are commonly built on the assumption that their training and application scenarios share similar domains and their performances degrade significantly while applied to a distinct domain. To this end we propose to leverage the cutting-edge foundation model the Segment Anything Model (SAM) for generalization enhancement. The SAM however performs unsatisfactorily on domains that are distinct from its training data which primarily comprise natural scene images and it does not support automatic segmentation of specific semantics due to its interactive prompting mechanism. In our work we introduce APSeg a novel auto-prompt network for cross-domain few-shot semantic segmentation (CD-FSS) which is designed to be auto-prompted for guiding cross-domain segmentation. Specifically we propose a Dual Prototype Anchor Transformation (DPAT) module that fuses pseudo query prototypes extracted based on cycle-consistency with support prototypes allowing features to be transformed into a more stable domain-agnostic space. Additionally a Meta Prompt (MPG) module is introduced to automatically generate prompt embeddings eliminating the need for manual visual prompts. We build an efficient model which can be applied directly to target domains without fine-tuning. Extensive experiments on four cross-domain datasets show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art CD-FSS method by 5.24% and 3.10% in average accuracy on 1-shot and 5-shot settings respectively.
Text2HOI: Text-guided 3D Motion Generation for Hand-Object Interaction
Junuk Cha, Jihyeon Kim, Jae Shin Yoon, Seungryul Baek
This paper introduces the first text-guided work for generating the sequence of hand-object interaction in 3D. The main challenge arises from the lack of labeled data where existing ground-truth datasets are nowhere near generalizable in interaction type and object category which inhibits the modeling of diverse 3D hand-object interaction with the correct physical implication (e.g. contacts and semantics) from text prompts. To address this challenge we propose to decompose the interaction generation task into two subtasks: hand-object contact generation; and hand-object motion generation. For contact generation a VAE-based network takes as input a text and an object mesh and generates the probability of contacts between the surfaces of hands and the object during the interaction. The network learns a variety of local geometry structure of diverse objects that is independent of the objects' category and thus it is applicable to general objects. For motion generation a Transformer-based diffusion model utilizes this 3D contact map as a strong prior for generating physically plausible hand-object motion as a function of text prompts by learning from the augmented labeled dataset; where we annotate text labels from many existing 3D hand and object motion data. Finally we further introduce a hand refiner module that minimizes the distance between the object surface and hand joints to improve the temporal stability of the object-hand contacts and to suppress the penetration artifacts. In the experiments we demonstrate that our method can generate more realistic and diverse interactions compared to other baseline methods. We also show that our method is applicable to unseen objects. We will release our model and newly labeled data as a strong foundation for future research. Codes and data are available in: https://github.com/JunukCha/Text2HOI.
Zero-TPrune: Zero-Shot Token Pruning through Leveraging of the Attention Graph in Pre-Trained Transformers
Hongjie Wang, Bhishma Dedhia, Niraj K. Jha
Deployment of Transformer models on edge devices is becoming increasingly challenging due to the exponentially growing inference cost that scales quadratically with the number of tokens in the input sequence. Token pruning is an emerging solution to address this challenge due to its ease of deployment on various Transformer backbones. However most token pruning methods require computationally expensive fine-tuning which is undesirable in many edge deployment cases. In this work we propose Zero-TPrune the first zero-shot method that considers both the importance and similarity of tokens in performing token pruning. It leverages the attention graph of pre-trained Transformer models to produce an importance distribution for tokens via our proposed Weighted Page Rank (WPR) algorithm. This distribution further guides token partitioning for efficient similarity-based pruning. Due to the elimination of the fine-tuning overhead Zero-TPrune can prune large models at negligible computational cost switch between different pruning configurations at no computational cost and perform hyperparameter tuning efficiently. We evaluate the performance of Zero-TPrune on vision tasks by applying it to various vision Transformer backbones and testing them on ImageNet. Without any fine-tuning Zero-TPrune reduces the FLOPs cost of DeiT-S by 34.7% and improves its throughput by 45.3% with only 0.4% accuracy loss. Compared with state-of-the-art pruning methods that require fine-tuning Zero-TPrune not only eliminates the need for fine-tuning after pruning but also does so with only 0.1% accuracy loss. Compared with state-of-the-art fine-tuning-free pruning methods Zero-TPrune reduces accuracy loss by up to 49% with the same or higher throughput.
Enhancing Visual Continual Learning with Language-Guided Supervision
Bolin Ni, Hongbo Zhao, Chenghao Zhang, Ke Hu, Gaofeng Meng, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Shiming Xiang
Continual learning (CL) aims to empower models to learn new tasks without forgetting previously acquired knowledge. Most prior works concentrate on the techniques of architectures replay data regularization etc. However the category name of each class is largely neglected. Existing methods commonly utilize the one-hot labels and randomly initialize the classifier head. We argue that the scarce semantic information conveyed by the one-hot labels hampers the effective knowledge transfer across tasks. In this paper we revisit the role of the classifier head within the CL paradigm and replace the classifier with semantic knowledge from pretrained language models (PLMs). Specifically we use PLMs to generate semantic targets for each class which are frozen and serve as supervision signals during training. Such targets fully consider the semantic correlation between all classes across tasks. Empirical studies show that our approach mitigates forgetting by alleviating representation drifting and facilitating knowledge transfer across tasks. The proposed method is simple to implement and can seamlessly be plugged into existing methods with negligible adjustments. Extensive experiments based on eleven mainstream baselines demonstrate the effectiveness and generalizability of our approach to various protocols. For example under the class-incremental learning setting on ImageNet-100 our method significantly improves the Top-1 accuracy by 3.2% to 6.1% while reducing the forgetting rate by 2.6% to 13.1%.
MACE: Mass Concept Erasure in Diffusion Models
Shilin Lu, Zilan Wang, Leyang Li, Yanzhu Liu, Adams Wai-Kin Kong
The rapid expansion of large-scale text-to-image diffusion models has raised growing concerns regarding their potential misuse in creating harmful or misleading content. In this paper we introduce MACE a finetuning framework for the task of mass concept erasure. This task aims to prevent models from generating images that embody unwanted concepts when prompted. Existing concept erasure methods are typically restricted to handling fewer than five concepts simultaneously and struggle to find a balance between erasing concept synonyms (generality) and maintaining unrelated concepts (specificity). In contrast MACE differs by successfully scaling the erasure scope up to 100 concepts and by achieving an effective balance between generality and specificity. This is achieved by leveraging closed-form cross-attention refinement along with LoRA finetuning collectively eliminating the information of undesirable concepts. Furthermore MACE integrates multiple LoRAs without mutual interference. We conduct extensive evaluations of MACE against prior methods across four different tasks: object erasure celebrity erasure explicit content erasure and artistic style erasure. Our results reveal that MACE surpasses prior methods in all evaluated tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/Shilin-LU/MACE.
DIBS: Enhancing Dense Video Captioning with Unlabeled Videos via Pseudo Boundary Enrichment and Online Refinement
Hao Wu, Huabin Liu, Yu Qiao, Xiao Sun
We present Dive Into the Boundaries (DIBS) a novel pretraining framework for dense video captioning (DVC) that elaborates on improving the quality of the generated event captions and their associated pseudo event boundaries from unlabeled videos. By leveraging the capabilities of diverse large language models (LLMs) we generate rich DVC-oriented caption candidates and optimize the corresponding pseudo boundaries under several meticulously designed objectives considering diversity event-centricity temporal ordering and coherence. Moreover we further introduce a novel online boundary refinement strategy that iteratively improves the quality of pseudo boundaries during training. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted to examine the effectiveness of the proposed technique components. By leveraging a substantial amount of unlabeled video data such as HowTo100M we achieve a remarkable advancement on standard DVC datasets like YouCook2 and ActivityNet. We outperform the previous state-of-the-art Vid2Seq across a majority of metrics achieving this with just 0.4% of the unlabeled video data used for pre-training by Vid2Seq.
PeLK: Parameter-efficient Large Kernel ConvNets with Peripheral Convolution
Honghao Chen, Xiangxiang Chu, Yongjian Ren, Xin Zhao, Kaiqi Huang
Recently some large kernel convnets strike back with appealing performance and efficiency. However given the square complexity of convolution scaling up kernels can bring about an enormous amount of parameters and the proliferated parameters can induce severe optimization problem. Due to these issues current CNNs compromise to scale up to 51x51 in the form of stripe convolution (i.e. 51x5+5x51) and start to saturate as the kernel size continues growing. In this paper we delve into addressing these vital issues and explore whether we can continue scaling up kernels for more performance gains. Inspired by human vision we propose a human-like peripheral convolution that efficiently reduces over 90% parameter count of dense grid convolution through parameter sharing and manage to scale up kernel size to extremely large. Our peripheral convolution behaves highly similar to human reducing the complexity of convolution from O(K^2) to O(logK) without backfiring performance. Built on this we propose Parameter-efficient Large Kernel Network (PeLK). Our PeLK outperforms modern vision Transformers and ConvNet architectures like Swin ConvNeXt RepLKNet and SLaK on various vision tasks including ImageNet classification semantic segmentation on ADE20K and object detection on MS COCO. For the first time we successfully scale up the kernel size of CNNs to an unprecedented 101x101 and demonstrate consistent improvements.
AiOS: All-in-One-Stage Expressive Human Pose and Shape Estimation
Qingping Sun, Yanjun Wang, Ailing Zeng, Wanqi Yin, Chen Wei, Wenjia Wang, Haiyi Mei, Chi-Sing Leung, Ziwei Liu, Lei Yang, Zhongang Cai
Expressive human pose and shape estimation (a.k.a. 3D whole-body mesh recovery) involves the human body hand and expression estimation. Most existing methods have tackled this task in a two-stage manner first detecting the human body part with an off-the-shelf detection model and then inferring the different human body parts individually. Despite the impressive results achieved these methods suffer from 1) loss of valuable contextual information via cropping 2) introducing distractions and 3) lacking inter-association among different persons and body parts inevitably causing performance degradation especially for crowded scenes. To address these issues we introduce a novel all-in-one-stage framework AiOS for multiple expressive human pose and shape recovery without an additional human detection step. Specifically our method is built upon DETR which treats multi-person whole-body mesh recovery task as a progressive set prediction problem with various sequential detection. We devise the decoder tokens and extend them to our task. Specifically we first employ a human token to probe a human location in the image and encode global features for each instance which provides a coarse location for the later transformer block. Then we introduce a joint-related token to probe the human joint in the image and encoder a fine-grained local feature which collaborates with the global feature to regress the whole-body mesh. This straightforward but effective model outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by a 9 reduction in NMVE on AGORA a 30 reduction in PVE on EHF a 10 reduction in PVE on ARCTIC and a 3 reduction in PVE on EgoBody.
SOK-Bench: A Situated Video Reasoning Benchmark with Aligned Open-World Knowledge
Andong Wang, Bo Wu, Sunli Chen, Zhenfang Chen, Haotian Guan, Wei-Ning Lee, Li Erran Li, Chuang Gan
Reasoning from visual dynamics scenes has many real world applications. However existing video reasoning benchmarks are still inadequate since they were mainly designed for factual or situated reasoning and rarely involve broader knowledge in the real world. Our work aims to delve deeper into reasoning evaluations specifically within dynamic open-world and structured context knowledge. We propose a new benchmark (SOK-Bench) consisting of 44K questions and 10K situations with instance-level annotations depicted in the videos. The reasoning process is required to understand and apply situated knowledge and general knowledge for problem-solving. To create such a dataset we propose an automatic and scalable generation method to generate question-answer pairs knowledge graphs and rationales by instructing the combinations of LLMs and MLLMs. Concretely we first extract observable situated entities relations and processes from videos for situated knowledge and then extend to open-world knowledge beyond the visible content. The task generation is facilitated through multiple dialogues as iterations and subsequently corrected and refined by our designed self-promptings and demonstrations. With a corpus of both explicit situated facts and implicit commonsense we generate associated question-answer pairs and reasoning processes finally followed by manual reviews for quality assurance. We evaluated recent mainstream large vision language models on the benchmark and found several insightful conclusions. For more information please refer to our benchmark at www.bobbywu.com/SOKBench.
LORS: Low-rank Residual Structure for Parameter-Efficient Network Stacking
Jialin Li, Qiang Nie, Weifu Fu, Yuhuan Lin, Guangpin Tao, Yong Liu, Chengjie Wang
Deep learning models particularly those based on transformers often employ numerous stacked structures which possess identical architectures and perform similar functions. While effective this stacking paradigm leads to a substantial increase in the number of parameters pos- ing challenges for practical applications. In today's land- scape of increasingly large models stacking depth can even reach dozens further exacerbating this issue. To miti- gate this problem we introduce LORS (LOw-rank Residual Structure). LORS allows stacked modules to share the majority of parameters requiring a much smaller num- ber of unique ones per module to match or even surpass the performance of using entirely distinct ones thereby significantly reducing parameter usage. We validate our method by applying it to the stacked decoders of a query- based object detector and conduct extensive experiments on the widely used MS COCO dataset. Experimental re- sults demonstrate the effectiveness of our method as even with a 70% reduction in the parameters of the decoder our method still enables the model to achieve comparable or even better performance than its original.
Design2Cloth: 3D Cloth Generation from 2D Masks
Jiali Zheng, Rolandos Alexandros Potamias, Stefanos Zafeiriou
In recent years there has been a significant shift in the field of digital avatar research towards modeling animating and reconstructing clothed human representations as a key step towards creating realistic avatars. However current 3D cloth generation methods are garment specific or trained completely on synthetic data hence lacking fine details and realism. In this work we make a step towards automatic realistic garment design and propose Design2Cloth a high fidelity 3D generative model trained on a real world dataset from more than 2000 subject scans. To provide vital contribution to the fashion industry we developed a user-friendly adversarial model capable of generating diverse and detailed clothes simply by drawing a 2D cloth mask. Under a series of both qualitative and quantitative experiments we showcase that Design2Cloth outperforms current state-of-the-art cloth generative models by a large margin. In addition to the generative properties of our network we showcase that the proposed method can be used to achieve high quality reconstructions from single in-the-wild images and 3D scans. Dataset code and pre-trained model will become publicly available.
Multi-modal In-Context Learning Makes an Ego-evolving Scene Text Recognizer
Zhen Zhao, Jingqun Tang, Chunhui Lin, Binghong Wu, Can Huang, Hao Liu, Xin Tan, Zhizhong Zhang, Yuan Xie
Scene text recognition (STR) in the wild frequently encounters challenges when coping with domain variations font diversity shape deformations etc. A straightforward solution is performing model fine-tuning tailored to a specific scenario but it is computationally intensive and requires multiple model copies for various scenarios. Recent studies indicate that large language models (LLMs) can learn from a few demonstration examples in a training-free manner termed "In-Context Learning" (ICL). Nevertheless applying LLMs as a text recognizer is unacceptably resource-consuming. Moreover our pilot experiments on LLMs show that ICL fails in STR mainly attributed to the insufficient incorporation of contextual information from diverse samples in the training stage. To this end we introduce E2STR a STR model trained with context-rich scene text sequences where the sequences are generated via our proposed in-context training strategy. E2STR demonstrates that a regular-sized model is sufficient to achieve effective ICL capabilities in STR. Extensive experiments show that E2STR exhibits remarkable training-free adaptation in various scenarios and outperforms even the fine-tuned state-of-the-art approaches on public benchmarks. The code is released at https://github.com/bytedance/E2STR.
Amodal Completion via Progressive Mixed Context Diffusion
Katherine Xu, Lingzhi Zhang, Jianbo Shi
Our brain can effortlessly recognize objects even when partially hidden from view. Seeing the visible of the hidden is called amodal completion; however this task remains a challenge for generative AI despite rapid progress. We propose to sidestep many of the difficulties of existing approaches which typically involve a two-step process of predicting amodal masks and then generating pixels. Our method involves thinking outside the box literally! We go outside the object bounding box to use its context to guide a pre-trained diffusion inpainting model and then progressively grow the occluded object and trim the extra background. We overcome two technical challenges: 1) how to be free of unwanted co-occurrence bias which tends to regenerate similar occluders and 2) how to judge if an amodal completion has succeeded. Our amodal completion method exhibits improved photorealistic completion results compared to existing approaches in numerous successful completion cases. And the best part? It doesn't require any special training or fine-tuning of models. Project page and code: https://k8xu.github.io/amodal/
Training Diffusion Models Towards Diverse Image Generation with Reinforcement Learning
Zichen Miao, Jiang Wang, Ze Wang, Zhengyuan Yang, Lijuan Wang, Qiang Qiu, Zicheng Liu
Diffusion models have demonstrated unprecedented capabilities in image generation. Yet they incorporate and amplify the data bias (e.g. gender age) from the original training set limiting the diversity of generated images. In this paper we propose a diversity-oriented fine-tuning method using reinforcement learning (RL) for diffusion models under the guidance of an image-set-based reward function. Specifically the proposed reward function denoted as Diversity Reward utilizes a set of generated images to evaluate the coverage of the current generative distribution w.r.t. the reference distribution represented by a set of unbiased images. Built on top of the probabilistic method of distribution discrepancy estimation Diversity Reward can measure the relative distribution gap with a small set of images efficiently. We further formulate the diffusion process as a multi-step decision-making problem (MDP) and apply policy gradient methods to fine-tune diffusion models by maximizing the Diversity Reward. The proposed rewards are validated on a post-sampling selection task where a subset of the most diverse images are selected based on Diversity Reward values. We also show the effectiveness of our RL fine-tuning framework on enhancing the diversity of image generation with different types of diffusion models including class-conditional models and text-conditional models e.g. StableDiffusion.
Diffusion 3D Features (Diff3F): Decorating Untextured Shapes with Distilled Semantic Features
Niladri Shekhar Dutt, Sanjeev Muralikrishnan, Niloy J. Mitra
We present Diff3F as a simple robust and class-agnostic feature descriptor that can be computed for untextured input shapes (meshes or point clouds). Our method distills diffusion features from image foundational models onto input shapes. Specifically we use the input shapes to produce depth and normal maps as guidance for conditional image synthesis. In the process we produce (diffusion) features in 2D that we subsequently lift and aggregate on the original surface. Our key observation is that even if the conditional image generations obtained from multi-view rendering of the input shapes are inconsistent the associated image features are robust and hence can be directly aggregated across views. This produces semantic features on the input shapes without requiring additional data or training. We perform extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks (SHREC'19 SHREC'20 FAUST and TOSCA) and demonstrate that our features being semantic instead of geometric produce reliable correspondence across both isometric and non-isometrically related shape families. Code is available via the project webpage at https://diff3f.github.io/
LASIL: Learner-Aware Supervised Imitation Learning For Long-term Microscopic Traffic Simulation
Ke Guo, Zhenwei Miao, Wei Jing, Weiwei Liu, Weizi Li, Dayang Hao, Jia Pan
Microscopic traffic simulation plays a crucial role in transportation engineering by providing insights into individual vehicle behavior and overall traffic flow. However creating a realistic simulator that accurately replicates human driving behaviors in various traffic conditions presents significant challenges. Traditional simulators relying on heuristic models often fail to deliver accurate simulations due to the complexity of real-world traffic environments. Due to the covariate shift issue existing imitation learning-based simulators often fail to generate stable long-term simulations. In this paper we propose a novel approach called learner-aware supervised imitation learning to address the covariate shift problem in multi-agent imitation learning. By leveraging a variational autoencoder simultaneously modeling the expert and learner state distribution our approach augments expert states such that the augmented state is aware of learner state distribution. Our method applied to urban traffic simulation demonstrates significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art baselines in both short-term microscopic and long-term macroscopic realism when evaluated on the real-world dataset pNEUMA.
Revamping Federated Learning Security from a Defender's Perspective: A Unified Defense with Homomorphic Encrypted Data Space
K Naveen Kumar, Reshmi Mitra, C Krishna Mohan
Federated Learning (FL) facilitates clients to collaborate on training a shared machine learning model without exposing individual private data. Nonetheless FL remains susceptible to utility and privacy attacks notably evasion data poisoning and model inversion attacks compromising the system's efficiency and data privacy. Existing FL defenses are often specialized to a particular single attack lacking generality and a comprehensive defender's perspective. To address these challenges we introduce Federated Cryptography Defense (FCD) a unified single framework aligning with the defender's perspective. FCD employs row-wise transposition cipher based data encryption with a secret key to counter both evasion black-box data poisoning and model inversion attacks. The crux of FCD lies in transferring the entire learning process into an encrypted data space and using a novel distillation loss guided by the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence. This measure compares the probability distributions of the local pretrained teacher model's predictions on normal data and the local student model's predictions on the same data in FCD's encrypted form. By working within this encrypted space FCD eliminates the need for decryption at the server resulting in reduced computational complexity. We demonstrate the practical feasibility of FCD and apply it to defend against evasion utility attack on benchmark datasets (GTSRB KBTS CIFAR10 and EMNIST). We further extend FCD for defending against model inversion attack in split FL on the CIFAR100 dataset. Our experiments across the diverse attack and FL settings demonstrate practical feasibility and robustness against utility evasion (impact >30) and privacy attacks (MSE >73) compared to the second best method.
A Dynamic Kernel Prior Model for Unsupervised Blind Image Super-Resolution
Zhixiong Yang, Jingyuan Xia, Shengxi Li, Xinghua Huang, Shuanghui Zhang, Zhen Liu, Yaowen Fu, Yongxiang Liu
Deep learning-based methods have achieved significant successes on solving the blind super-resolution (BSR) problem. However most of them request supervised pre-training on labelled datasets. This paper proposes an unsupervised kernel estimation model named dynamic kernel prior (DKP) to realize an unsupervised and pre-training-free learning-based algorithm for solving the BSR problem. DKP can adaptively learn dynamic kernel priors to realize real-time kernel estimation and thereby enables superior HR image restoration performances. This is achieved by a Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling process on random kernel distributions. The learned kernel prior is then assigned to optimize a blur kernel estimation network which entails a network-based Langevin dynamic optimization strategy. These two techniques ensure the accuracy of the kernel estimation. DKP can be easily used to replace the kernel estimation models in the existing methods such as Double-DIP and FKP-DIP or be added to the off-the-shelf image restoration model such as diffusion model. In this paper we incorporate our DKP model with DIP and diffusion model referring to DIP-DKP and Diff-DKP for validations. Extensive simulations on Gaussian and motion kernel scenarios demonstrate that the proposed DKP model can significantly improve the kernel estimation with comparable runtime and memory usage leading to state-of-the-art BSR results. The code is available at https://github.com/XYLGroup/DKP.