Unnamed: 0
Derivation and dispersal of Acacia (Leguminosae), with particular reference to Australia, and the recognition of Senegalia and Racosperma
The morphology of seedlings, leaves, flowers and inflorescences, anatomy of the pod, the occurrence of extra‐floral nectaries, free amino acids of the seeds, flavonoid compounds in heartwoods, cyanogenic compounds and porate, colporate and extraporate pollen, and susceptibility to rusts, all indicate that three genera, Acacia Miller, Senegalia Raf. and Racosperma Martius, should be recognized. These correspond to currently accepted subgenera of Acacia. The size of these more narrowly circumscribed genera is in keeping with the size of genera of other tribes of low diversity in Leguminosae. Acacia and Senegalia arose independently from the Ingeae, with Racosperma being derived from Senegalia. Section Filicinae is more advanced than section Senegalia of Senegalia, and sections Racosperma and Pukhella, both with at least some species with bipinnate foliage, are the most advanced of Racosperma, while the other sections Pleurinervia and Lycopodiifolia have only phyllodinous species. Long‐range dispersal of Racosperma from the Australian region has occurred, but the broad pattern of distribution is interpreted in terms of plate tectonics. Racosperma was present in Australia in the late Cretaceous but did not become widespread until the general drying of the continent in the Miocene. The flora of SW Australia has been isolated from the rest of the continent by climatic barriers since the late Tertiary and has a high proportion of endemic species. Barriers to plant migration in the east have operated only intermittently and there is no area comparable in endemism to the southwest.
Prospective, randomized, single-blinded, multi-center phase II trial of two HER2 peptide vaccines, GP2 and AE37, in breast cancer patients to prevent recurrence
PURPOSE: AE37 and GP2 are HER2 derived peptide vaccines. AE37 primarily elicits a CD4+ response while GP2 elicits a CD8+ response against the HER2 antigen. These peptides were tested in a large randomized trial to assess their ability to prevent recurrence in HER2 expressing breast cancer patients. The primary analyses found no difference in 5-year overall disease-free survival (DFS) but possible benefit in subgroups. Here, we present the final landmark analysis. METHODS: In this 4-arm, prospective, randomized, single-blinded, multi-center phase II trial, disease-free node positive and high-risk node negative breast cancer patients enrolled after standard of care therapy. Six monthly inoculations of vaccine (VG) vs. control (CG) were given as the primary vaccine series with 4 boosters at 6-month intervals. Demographic, safety, immunologic, and DFS data were evaluated. RESULTS: 456 patients were enrolled; 154 patients in the VG and 147 in CG for AE37, 89 patients in the VG and 91 in CG for GP2. The AE37 arm had no difference in DFS as compared to CG, but pre-specified exploratory subgroup analyses showed a trend towards benefit in advanced stage (p = 0.132, HR 0.573 CI 0.275–1.193), HER2 under-expression (p = 0.181, HR 0.756 CI 0.499–1.145), and triple-negative breast cancer (p = 0.266, HR 0.443 CI 0.114–1.717). In patients with both HER2 under-expression and advanced stage, there was significant benefit in the VG (p = 0.039, HR 0.375 CI 0.142–0.988) as compared to CG. The GP2 arm had no significant difference in DFS as compared to CG, but on subgroup analysis, HER2 positive patients had no recurrences with a trend toward improved DFS (p = 0.052) in VG as compared to CG. CONCLUSIONS: This phase II trial reveals that AE37 and GP2 are safe and possibly associated with improved clinical outcomes of DFS in certain subgroups of breast cancer patients. With these findings, further evaluations are warranted of AE37 and GP2 vaccines given in combination and/or separately for specific subsets of breast cancer patients based on their disease biology.
Vitamin B and Vitamin C Affect DNA Methylation and Amino Acid Metabolism in Mycobacterium bovis BCG
Vitamins are essential nutrients and key cofactors of enzymes that regulate cellular metabolism, and also activate the immune system. Recent studies have shown that vitamin B1 (V(B)(1)) and vitamin C (Vc) can inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth, but the precise mechanism is still not well understood. In the present study, we have used RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq), liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing to analyze the transcriptional, metabolic and methylation profiles of Mycobacterium bovis BCG when treated with V(B)(1) and Vc. Our results show that, after vitamin treatment, variant metabolites were mainly clustered in pathways related to amino acid metabolism. Treatment with both vitamins significantly up-regulated the gene encoding cysteine synthase A. Additionally, only BCG that was treated with V(C) showed m4c modifications. Genes harboring this methylation were up-regulated, suggesting that m4c methylation can promote gene transcription to some extent. Overall, this study contributes to the understanding of the effects of V(B)(1) and V(C), and suggests that these vitamins constitute potential anti-tuberculosis drugs.
Management in der Behandlung von Patienten nach Einsatz biologischer Agenzien
The risk of terrorist attacks with weapons of mass destruction like biological agents is increasing. Biological agents can be disseminated as aerosols or by contaminating food and beverages. The multitude of agents and the different pathways of transmission cause very different clinical presentations. Natural infections with potential biological agents in Germany are rare and in most cases imported from endemic areas abroad. It is crucial to include these diseases in the spectrum of differential diagnosis. Local and state health departments have to be notified as early as possible in dubious cases. Public health management can be efficient only, if there is high reporting discipline and all epidemic measures are well coordinated.
Chloroquine and bafilomycin A mimic lysosomal storage disorders and impair mTORC1 signalling
Autophagy is dependent upon lysosomes, which fuse with the autophagosome to complete the autophagic process and whose acidic interior permits the activity of their intraluminal degradative enzymes. Chloroquine (CQ) and bafilomycin A1 (BafA) each cause alkalinisation of the lumen and thus impair lysosomal function, although by distinct mechanisms. CQ diffuses into lysosomes and undergoes protonation, while BafA inhibits the ability of the vacuolar type H(+)-ATPase (v-ATPase) to transfer protons into the lysosome. In the present study, we examine the impact of CQ and BafA on the activity of mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), inhibition of which is an early step in promoting autophagy. We find each compound inhibits mTORC1 signalling, without affecting levels of protein components of the mTORC1 signalling pathway. Furthermore, these effects are not related to these agents’ capacity to inhibit autophagy or the reduction in amino acid supply from lysosomal proteolysis. Instead, our data indicate that the reduction in mTORC1 signalling appears to be due to the accumulation of lysosomal storage material. However, there are differences in responses to these agents, for instance, in their abilities to up-regulate direct targets of transcription factor EB (TFEB), a substrate of mTORC1 that drives transcription of many lysosomal and autophagy-related genes. Nonetheless, our data imply that widely used agents that alkalinise intralysosomal pH are mimetics of acute lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) and emphasise the importance of considering the result of CQ and BafA on mTORC1 signalling when interpreting the effects of these agents on cellular physiology.
Preparing undergraduate students for clinical work in a complex environment: evaluation of an e-learning module on physiotherapy in the intensive care unit
BACKGROUND: Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are daunting environments for physiotherapy (PT) students performing clinical rotations. To prepare students for this environment, a newly developed, evidence-based e-learning module was designed and implemented in the undergraduate curriculum. The aim of this study was to investigate whether e-learning is a feasible method in preparing PT students for clinical work in complex ICU environments, as perceived by students and experts. METHODS: A mixed methods proof of concept study was undertaken. Participants were final-year students of an international curriculum, and experts from didactic and clinical fields. An e-learning module consisting of 7 separate chapters based on the latest scientific evidence and clinical expertise was developed, piloted and incorporated into the undergraduate curriculum as a compulsory course to be completed prior to clinical ICU rotations. Data were collected through 3 focus group meetings and 5 semi-structured interviews; these meetings and interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed. RESULTS: The study sample comprised of 14 students and 5 experts. Thematic analysis revealed three themes: expected competencies of PT students in ICU, feeling prepared for ICU clinical work and dealing with local variety. The e-learning module enabled students to anticipate clinical situations and PT tasks in the ICU. Higher level clinical reasoning skills, handling of lines and wires and dealing with out-of-textbook situations could not be achieved with the e-learning module alone. CONCLUSIONS: An e-learning module can sufficiently prepare PT students for their clinical tasks in the ICU, as long as it is integrated with, or closely connected to, the students’ clinical placement.
General Adaptation in Critical Illness: Glucocorticoid Receptor-alpha Master Regulator of Homeostatic Corrections
In critical illness, homeostatic corrections representing the culmination of hundreds of millions of years of evolution, are modulated by the activated glucocorticoid receptor alpha (GRα) and are associated with an enormous bioenergetic and metabolic cost. Appreciation of how homeostatic corrections work and how they evolved provides a conceptual framework to understand the complex pathobiology of critical illness. Emerging literature place the activated GRα at the center of all phases of disease development and resolution, including activation and re-enforcement of innate immunity, downregulation of pro-inflammatory transcription factors, and restoration of anatomy and function. By the time critically ill patients necessitate vital organ support for survival, they have reached near exhaustion or exhaustion of neuroendocrine homeostatic compensation, cell bio-energetic and adaptation functions, and reserves of vital micronutrients. We review how critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency, mitochondrial dysfunction/damage, and hypovitaminosis collectively interact to accelerate an anti-homeostatic active process of natural selection. Importantly, the allostatic overload imposed by these homeostatic corrections impacts negatively on both acute and long-term morbidity and mortality. Since the bioenergetic and metabolic reserves to support homeostatic corrections are time-limited, early interventions should be directed at increasing GRα and mitochondria number and function. Present understanding of the activated GC-GRα's role in immunomodulation and disease resolution should be taken into account when re-evaluating how to administer glucocorticoid treatment and co-interventions to improve cellular responsiveness. The activated GRα interdependence with functional mitochondria and three vitamin reserves (B1, C, and D) provides a rationale for co-interventions that include prolonged glucocorticoid treatment in association with rapid correction of hypovitaminosis.
Mitteilungen des GRC
Mitteilungen der agswn
Nebenwirkungen neuer onkologischer Immuntherapien
Systemic treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) has revolutionized the treatment of hematological and oncological diseases in recent years. The mechanism of action hinges on enhancing the natural ability of the immune system to eliminate malignant cells. The most important substances in this arena include inhibitors of PD‑1, PD-L1 and CTLA‑4. As a consequence, the spectrum of treatment-associated adverse reactions is shifting away from classical cytotoxic effects (e.g. pancytopenia and polyneuropathy) towards novel entities of immune-mediated complex diseases. These so-called immune-related adverse events (irAEs) can involve any organ system and mimic known classical autoimmune conditions. Timely recognition of irAEs is the key for rapid initiation of a suitable treatment and is especially challenging in the clinical routine as it requires an intensive interdisciplinary management. Nephrologists are particularly confronted with this kind of problem due to the highly interdisciplinary nature of their work. This article summarizes the broad spectrum of currently known renal and more frequently occuring non-renal forms of irAEs and aims to prime the reader on diagnostic and therapeutic options.
A Mathematical Framework for Predicting Lifestyles of Viral Pathogens
Despite being similar in structure, functioning, and size, viral pathogens enjoy very different, usually well-defined ways of life. They occupy their hosts for a few days (influenza), for a few weeks (measles), or even lifelong (HCV), which manifests in acute or chronic infections. The various transmission routes (airborne, via direct physical contact, etc.), degrees of infectiousness (referring to the viral load required for transmission), antigenic variation/immune escape and virulence define further aspects of pathogenic lifestyles. To survive, pathogens must infect new hosts; the success determines their fitness. Infection happens with a certain likelihood during contact of hosts, where contact can also be mediated by vectors. Besides structural aspects of the host-contact network, three parameters appear to be key: the contact rate and the infectiousness during contact, which encode the mode of transmission, and third the immunity of susceptible hosts. On these grounds, what can be said about the reproductive success of viral pathogens? This is the biological question addressed in this paper. The answer extends earlier results of the author and makes explicit connection to another basic work on the evolution of pathogens. A mathematical framework is presented that models intra- and inter-host dynamics in a minimalistic but unified fashion covering a broad spectrum of viral pathogens, including those that cause flu-like infections, childhood diseases, and sexually transmitted infections. These pathogens turn out as local maxima of numerically simulated fitness landscapes. The models involve differential and integral equations, agent-based simulation, networks, and probability.
Mitteilungen der DGINA
Toward minimal bacterial cells: evolution vs. design
Recent technical and conceptual advances in the biological sciences opened the possibility of the construction of newly designed cells. In this paper we review the state of the art of cell engineering in the context of genome research, paying particular attention to what we can learn on naturally reduced genomes from either symbiotic or free living bacteria. Different minimal hypothetically viable cells can be defined on the basis of several computational and experimental approaches. Projects aiming at simplifying living cells converge with efforts to make synthetic genomes for minimal cells. The panorama of this particular view of synthetic biology lead us to consider the use of defined minimal cells to be applied in biomedical, bioremediation, or bioenergy application by taking advantage of existing naturally minimized cells.
The curious case of COVID-19 in children
The distress of Iranian adults during the Covid-19 pandemic – More distressed than the Chinese and with different predictors
Bacterial insertion sequences: their genomic impact and diversity
Insertion sequences (ISs), arguably the smallest and most numerous autonomous transposable elements (TEs), are important players in shaping their host genomes. This review focuses on prokaryotic ISs. We discuss IS distribution and impact on genome evolution. We also examine their effects on gene expression, especially their role in activating neighbouring genes, a phenomenon of particular importance in the recent upsurge of bacterial antibiotic resistance. We explain how ISs are identified and classified into families by a combination of characteristics including their transposases (Tpases), their overall genetic organisation and the accessory genes which some ISs carry. We then describe the organisation of autonomous and nonautonomous IS‐related elements. This is used to illustrate the growing recognition that the boundaries between different types of mobile element are becoming increasingly difficult to define as more are being identified. We review the known Tpase types, their different catalytic activities used in cleaving and rejoining DNA strands during transposition, their organisation into functional domains and the role of this in regulation. Finally, we consider examples of prokaryotic IS domestication. In a more speculative section, we discuss the necessity of constructing more quantitative dynamic models to fully appreciate the continuing impact of TEs on prokaryotic populations.
Candidemia following solid organ transplantation in the era of antifungal prophylaxis: the Australian experience
Abstract: Solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients have high rates of invasive fungal infections, with Candida species the most commonly isolated fungi. The aim of this study was to identify differences between incidence rates, risk factors, clinical presentations, and outcomes of candidemia in SOT recipients and non‐SOT patients. Data from the multicenter prospective Australian Candidaemia Study were examined. From August 2001 to July 2004, 24 episodes (2.2%; 24/1068) of candidemia were identified in SOT recipients. During this period, the numbers of transplanted organs included liver (n=455), kidney (n=1605), single lung (n=57), bilateral lung (n=183), heart and lung (n=18), heart (n=157), and pancreas (n=62). The overall annual estimated incidence of candidemia in SOT recipients was higher (3 per 1000 transplant admissions) than in non‐SOT patients (incidence 0.21 per 1000 admissions; P<0.001). The incidence and timing of candidemia post transplant was influenced by the transplanted organ type, with the majority of episodes (n=14, 54%) occurring >6 months after renal transplantation. Risk factors for candidemia in the month preceding diagnosis were similar to non‐SOT recipients except for corticosteroid therapy (P<0.001). Antifungal prophylaxis did not select for more resistant or non‐albicans Candida species in the SOT group. The 30‐day all‐cause mortality was similar to non‐SOT patients with candidemia and remains high at 21%. All deaths in SOT recipients occurred early (within 5 days of diagnosis), underlining a need for better diagnostic tests, targeted prevention, and early treatment strategies.
New ethnicities online: reflexive racialisation and the internet
In this article we analyse the emergence of Internet activity addressing the experiences of young people in two British communities: South Asian and Chinese. We focus on two web sites: http://www.barficulture.com and http://www.britishbornchinese.org.uk, drawing on interviews with site editors, content analysis of the discussion forums, and E‐mail exchanges with site users. Our analysis of these two web sites shows how collective identities still matter, being redefined rather than erased by online interaction. We understand the site content through the notion of reflexive racialisation. We use this term to modify the stress given to individualisation in accounts of reflexive modernisation. In addition we question the allocation of racialised meaning from above implied by the concept of racialisation. Internet discussion forums can act as witnesses to social inequalities and through sharing experiences of racism and marginalisation, an oppositional social perspective may develop. The online exchanges have had offline consequences: social gatherings, charitable donations and campaigns against adverse media representations. These web sites have begun to change the terms of engagement between these ethnic groups and the wider society, and they have considerable potential to develop new forms of social action.
Immunoglobulin G, A, and M Light Chain Ratios in some Humoral Immunological Disorders
The total kappa/lambda immunoglobulin light chain ratio and the kappa/lambda ratios within each of the serum immunoglobulin classes G. A. and M were measured in thirteen patients with humoral immunological disorders. Of those patients, eight had common variable immunodeficiency whereas live patients had other forms of humoral immunological deficiencies. Eleven patients had abnormal antibody response in vivo. All but three of the thirteen patients had clearly abnormal light chain ratios in one or more of the immunoglobulin classes. We conclude that humoral immunological disorders, usually characterized by abnormal heavy chain production and a disturbed antibody response, may frequently have a concomitant abnormal synthesis of the light chains resulting in an abnormal kappa/lambda light chain ratio.
Interferon‐α Production and Tissue Localization of Interferon‐α/β Producing Cells after Intradermal Administration of Aujeszky's Disease Virus–Infected Cells in Pigs
Intradermal administration of glutaraldehyde–fixed Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) infected autologous or allogeneic cells resulted in the induction of an interferon(IFN)–α/β response in pigs. Using a sensitive dissociation–enhanced lanthanide fluoroimmunoassay (DELFIA), IFN–α/β was detected in blood at 8 and 24 h after injection of ADV–infected cells. In parallel, by means of in situ hybridization, IFN–α/β mRNA containing cells were demonstrated in regional lymph nodes. Occasional IFN–α/β mRNA positive cells were also seen in injected dermal areas, but not in contralateral lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, blood or liver. The ability of leucocytes in whole blood cultures to produce IFN–α/β upon stimulation by ADV was markedly diminished 3–7 days after intradermal injection of ADV–infected cells. In contrast, cultures of purified peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) had intact IFN–α/β responses. Further, serum from ADV–injected pigs inhibited the in vitro ADV–induced IFN‐α/β responses in PBMC from control pigs, most likely due to the demonstrated presence of anti–ADV antibodies. We suggest that the IFN‐α/β producing cells in lymph nodes may participate in the development of antiviral immunity and could be equivalent to Natural IFN–α/β producing (NIP) cells.
Apneic Oxygenation for Emergency Intubations in the Pediatric Emergency Department—A Quality Improvement Initiative
INTRODUCTION: Emergency airway management of critically ill children in the Emergency Department (ED) is associated with the risk of intubation-related desaturation, which can be minimized by apneic oxygenation. We evaluated the use of apneic oxygenation in the pediatric ED and reported a quality improvement initiative to incorporate apneic oxygenation as a routine standard of care during rapid sequence intubations (RSIs). METHODS: A baseline period from June 2016 to April 2017 highlighted the practice gaps. Quality improvement interventions were subsequently developed and implemented as a care bundle consisting of a pre-intubation checklist, placing reminders and additional oxygen source in resuscitation bays, incorporating into the responsibilities of the airway doctor and the airway nurse (copiloting), education during airway workshops and simulation training for doctors and nurses, as well as enhancing documentation of the intubation process. We monitored a post-intervention observation period from May 2017 to April 2018 for the effectiveness of the care bundle. RESULTS: Apneic oxygenation was not performed in all 22 RSIs during the baseline period. Among 25 RSIs in the post-intervention observation period, providers performed apneic oxygenation in 17 (68%) cases. There was no significant difference in the utilization of apneic oxygenation among emergency physicians and pediatric anesthetists performing RSIs in the pediatric ED. CONCLUSIONS: We successfully implemented a care bundle targeted at incorporating apneic oxygenation as a routine standard of care during emergency intubations performed in ED. This method could be adopted by other pediatric EDs to improve airway management in critically ill children.
Schedule-based Family-centered Rounds: A Novel Approach to Achieve High Nursing Attendance and Participation
INTRODUCTION: Bedside nurse (RN) presence during family-centered rounds (FCR) enhances communication and collaboration for safer, higher-quality care.1–3 At our institution, RN participation in FCR was variable and lower than desired. The content discussed at each bedside during rounds was inconsistent, contributing to the irregular achievement of established FCR checklist items. METHODS: Using a scheduling tool with a prioritization algorithm and set time allotment/patient, we implemented schedule-based family-centered rounds (SBFCR) on a pediatric acute care unit. Primary outcome metrics included RN attendance and participation. We tracked rounding checklist compliance, parent presence on rounds, and adherence to the schedule. Surveys provided information on provider and family satisfaction. Perceived impact on teaching was the balancing measure because the structure discouraged spending extra time at the cost of team tardiness for the next patient. RESULTS: We created a schedule for 95% workweek days, with the rounding order kept for 93%. Mean RN attendance increased from 69% to 87% and participation increased from 48% to 80% with SBFCR (P < 0.001 for each). FCR checklist compliance increased from 60% to 94% (P < 0.001). Families felt more informed and able to attend; their presence at rounds rose from 66% to 85% (P < 0.001). Most faculty and trainees felt SBFCR was efficient and observed increased teaching with SBFCR. CONCLUSIONS: SBFCR provides an organizational framework for increased RN attendance and participation as well as greater family presence during rounds. The system elevated provider satisfaction with rounding without degrading the perceived educational experience.
Key Drivers in Reducing Hospital-acquired Pressure Injury at a Quaternary Children’s Hospital
INTRODUCTION: Despite being a participating Solutions for Patient Safety (SPS) children’s hospital and having attempted implementation of the SPS hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) prevention bundle, our hospital remained at a HAPI rate that was 3 times the mean for SPS participating children’s hospitals. This performance led to the launch of an enterprise-wide HAPI reduction initiative in our organization. The purpose of this article is to describe the improvement initiative, the key drivers, and the resulting decrease in the SPS-reportable HAPI rate. METHODS: We designed a hospital-wide HAPI reduction initiative with actions grouped into 3 key driver areas: standardization, data transparency, and accountability. We paused all individual hospital unit-based HAPI reduction initiatives. We calculated the rate of SPS-reportable HAPIs per 1,000 patient days during both the pre- and postimplementation phases and compared mean rates using a 2-sided t test assuming unequal variances. RESULTS: The mean SPS-reportable HAPI rate for the preimplementation phase was 0.3489, and the postimplementation phase was 0.0609. The difference in rates was statistically significant (P < 0.00032). This result equates to an 82.5% reduction in HAPI rate. CONCLUSIONS: Having an institutional pause and retooled initiative to reduce HAPI with key drivers in the areas of standardization, data transparency, and accountability had a statistically significant reduction in our organization’s SPS-reportable HAPI rate.
Retrospective Review of the Safety and Efficacy of Virtual Reality in a Pediatric Hospital
INTRODUCTION: Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging tool for anxiety and fear reduction in pediatric patients. VR use is facilitated by Certified Child Life Specialists (CCLS) at pediatric hospitals. The primary aim of this study was to retrospectively review the safety of VR by analyzing adverse events after the utilization of VR under CCLS supervision. Secondary objectives were to characterize the efficacy of VR in enhancing patient cooperation, describe the integration of VR into Child Life services, and identify interventions that accompanied VR. METHODS: The Stanford Chariot Program developed VR applications, customized VR interfaces, and patient head straps, and distributed these to CCLS. Chart review analyzed VR utilization through CCLS patient notes. Inclusion criteria were all patients ages 6 to 18-years-old who received a Child Life intervention. RESULTS: From June 2017 to July 2018, 31 CCLS saw 8,098 patients, 3,696 of which met age criteria with pre- and post-intervention cooperation data. Two hundred thirteen patients received VR with an accompanying intervention, while 34 patients received only VR. Adverse events were rare, and included increased anxiety (3.8%, n=8), dizziness (0.5%, n=1), and nausea (0.5%, n=1). Patients were more likely to be cooperative after receiving VR (99.5%, n=212) compared to pre-intervention (96.7%, n=206, p=0.041). VR use was most common in the perioperative setting (60%, n=128), followed by outpatient clinics (15%, n=32). CONCLUSION: VR is safe in pediatric patients with appropriate hardware, software, and patient selection. Side effects were rare and self-limited. VR appears to be associated with improvements in cooperation.
A Three-part Quality Improvement Initiative to Increase Patient Satisfaction and Reduce Appointment Time
INTRODUCTION: PediPlace, a busy pediatric not-for-profit clinic in Lewisville, Tex., struggles with prolonged patient wait times. This quality improvement (QI) project aimed to reduce appointment lengths and improve the patient experience. METHODS: PediPlace introduced 3 interventions: improved patient tracking to measure timing on the electronic health record interface, elimination of script repetition between medical assistants and providers, and patient art kits. RESULTS: From over 2,000 surveys indicated that patients were more satisfied; the percentage of negative survey comments decreased from 20% in 2017 and 2018 to under 10% in 2019. The overall rating of the clinic rose from 3.8 to 4.75 (on a scale of 1–5) after QI interventions as well. The number of patients not checked out declined from 49 errors in October–December 2018 to 25 errors in January–March 2019, indicating that this part of the initiative was initially successful. However, subsequent months experienced higher error rates. Analysis of over 20,000 appointments from June 2018 to July 2019 showed that appointment length did not change after interventions. CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in appointment lengths between Hispanic/Latino patients and other patients, and an encouraging finding that suggests PediPlace providers are effective bilingual communicators. Furthermore, anecdotal evidence indicated that the art kits were positively received. The interventions appeared to improve the patient experience but did not impact appointment length. PediPlace plans to continue QI initiatives in the future.
Establishing Standardized Documentation for Anaphylaxis Treatment in a Tertiary Care Pediatric Allergy Clinic
INTRODUCTION: Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. Common allergy clinic procedures, including oral food challenges and subcutaneous immunotherapy, carry a risk of anaphylaxis, the treatment for which is epinephrine. Our goal was to develop a standardized process for the management and documentation of allergic reactions that occur in a tertiary care pediatric allergy clinic. METHODS: This was a single institution quality improvement pilot study. A multidisciplinary team from the allergy department designed, implemented, and studied the use of a standardized form for the documentation and treatment of allergic reactions within the clinic. RESULTS: A standardized form was developed based on evidence-based guidelines for the management of allergic reactions and included space for documentation. Both clinic providers and staff approved the form. One year after the introduction, we reached 100% adherence for the use of the form in visits during which a patient experienced a severe allergic reaction requiring epinephrine. Two patients required transfer to the emergency room; the quality improvement form was utilized in these cases to document treatment and assist with the hand-off to emergency room personnel before transfer. CONCLUSIONS: We successfully implemented a standardized form for the treatment and documentation of anaphylaxis within our allergy clinic. The next steps focus on further integrating this form into the electronic medical record, determining compliance with evidence-based management of anaphylaxis, and formally assessing the use of the form as a handoff tool in the event of patient transfer.
Pediatric Clinician Comfort Discussing Diagnostic Errors for Improving Patient Safety: A Survey
INTRODUCTION: Meaningful conversations about diagnostic errors require safety cultures where clinicians are comfortable discussing errors openly. However, clinician comfort discussing diagnostic errors publicly and barriers to these discussions remain unexplored. We compared clinicians’ comfort discussing diagnostic errors to other medical errors and identified barriers to open discussion. METHODS: Pediatric clinicians at 4 hospitals were surveyed between May and June 2018. The survey assessed respondents’ comfort discussing medical errors (with varying degrees of system versus individual clinician responsibility) during morbidity and mortality conferences and privately with peers. Respondents reported the most significant barriers to discussing diagnostic errors publicly. Poststratification weighting accounted for nonresponse bias; the Benjamini–Hochberg adjustment was applied to control for false discovery (significance set at P < 0.018). RESULTS: Clinicians (n = 838; response rate 22.6%) were significantly less comfortable discussing all error types during morbidity and mortality conferences than privately (P < 0.004) and significantly less comfortable discussing diagnostic errors compared with other medical errors (P < 0.018). Comfort did not differ by clinician type or years in practice; clinicians at one institution were significantly less comfortable discussing diagnostic errors compared with peers at other institutions. The most frequently cited barriers to discussing diagnostic errors publicly included feeling like a bad clinician, loss of reputation, and peer judgment of knowledge base and decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians are more uncomfortable discussing diagnostic errors than other types of medical errors. The most frequent barriers involve the public perception of clinical performance. Addressing this aspect of safety culture may improve clinician participation in efforts to reduce harm from diagnostic errors.
Decreasing Usage of Lights and Sirens in an Urban Environment: A Quality Improvement Project
INTRODUCTION: The risk of lights and sirens use in emergency medical services has been well documented. Our critical care transport team performs over 1,800 interfacility nonemergency medical services transports annually into a dense urban environment. Historically, we have utilized lights and sirens to navigate traffic patterns. The use exceeded industry standards. This quality improvement project was undertaken to decrease the use of lights and sirens. METHODS/RESULTS: The baseline use of lights and sirens in 2011 was 76% en route and 73% on return to the facility. We revised the internal policy guiding the appropriate usage of lights and sirens. In 2012, without an improvement in usage, a use justification process was implemented. By 2013, the use of lights and sirens was still high en route, but had decreased to 53% on the return trip. In 2014, we added accountability measures requiring justification, with a subsequent drop in 2015 to 14% en route and 13% on return. In the following 3 years, the transport teams have sustained lights and sirens use to 20% or below. CONCLUSIONS: This quality improvement initiative impacted team behavior and decreased the use of lights and sirens over 5 years, with sustained improvement at or below 20%. This improvement was accomplished through ongoing evaluation, education, data gathering, and open communication. There was no negative impact on patient outcomes during this time. Lights and sirens continue to be used when indicated.
ED RAPID: A Novel Children’s Hospital Direct Admission Process Utilizing the Emergency Department
INTRODUCTION: Direct hospital admission of children without evaluation in the emergency department (ED) is common, but few guidelines exist to maximize safety by assessing patient stability. This report describes a novel approach to support patient safety. METHODS: An interdisciplinary children’s hospital team developed a brief ED-based evaluation process called the ED Rapid Assessment of Patients Intended for Inpatient Disposition (ED RAPID). It entails a brief evaluation of vital signs and clinical stability by the ED attending physician and nurse. Children deemed stable are admitted to inpatient wards, whereas those requiring immediate intervention undergo full ED evaluation and disposition. We assessed outcomes for all children evaluated through this process from March 2013 through February 2015. RESULTS: During the study period, we identified 715 patients undergoing ED RAPID evaluation. Of these, we directly admitted 691 (96.4%) to the hospital ward after ED RAPID evaluation; median ED treatment time was 4.0 minutes. We transitioned 24 (3.4%) to full ED evaluation, 14 (2.0%) because a ward bed was unavailable, and 10 (1.4%) for clinical reasons identified in the evaluation. We admitted four of the 10 stopped (40% of stops, 0.6% of total) to an intensive care unit, and 6 (60% of stops, 0.8% of total) to the hospital ward after ED care. Eight children (1.1%) admitted to the hospital ward after ED RAPID evaluation required a transfer to an intensive care unit within 12 hours. CONCLUSION: The ED RAPID evaluation process for children directly admitted to the hospital was feasible and effective in this setting.
AutoPEWS: Automating Pediatric Early Warning Score Calculation Improves Accuracy Without Sacrificing Predictive Ability
INTRODUCTION: Pediatric early warning scores (PEWS) identify hospitalized children at risk for deterioration. Manual calculation is prone to human error. Electronic health records (EHRs) enable automated calculation, removing human error. This study’s objective was to compare the accuracy of automated EHR-based PEWS calculation (AutoPEWS) to manual calculation and evaluate the non-inferiority of AutoPEWS in predicting deterioration. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study inclusive of non-intensive care unit inpatients at a freestanding children’s hospital over 4.5 months in Fall 2018. AutoPEWS mapped the historical manual PEWS scoring rubric to frequently used EHR documentation. We determined accuracy by comparing the expected respiratory subset score based on the current respiratory rate to the actual respiratory score of AutoPEWS and the manual PEWS. The agreement was determined using kappa statistics. We used predicted probabilities from a generalized linear mixed model to calculate areas under the curve for each combination of scores (AutoPEWS, manual) and deterioration outcome (rapid response team activation, unplanned intensive care unit transfer, critical deterioration event). We compared the adjusted difference in areas under the curves between the scores. Non-inferiority was defined as a difference of <0.05. RESULTS: There were 23,514 total PEWS representative of 5,384 patients. AutoPEWS respiratory scores were 99.97% accurate, while the manual PEWS respiratory scores were 86% accurate. AutoPEWS were higher overall than the manual PEWS (mean 0.65 versus 0.34). They showed a fair-to-good agreement (weighted kappa 0.42). Non-inferiority of AutoPEWS compared with the manual PEWS was demonstrated for all deterioration outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Automation of PEWS calculation improved accuracy without sacrificing predictive ability.
Economic Evaluation: Onsite HSV PCR Capabilities for Pediatric Care
OBJECTIVE: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis has an overall mortality rate of 11%–29% with treatment. Although rare, HSV encephalitis is frequently tested for and empirically treated, especially in the neonatal population. HSV infection can be diagnosed with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, although this frequently requires sending samples to reference laboratories. The inherent delay in results may lead to prolonging empiric treatment and hospital stay, resulting in increased costs. This study investigates whether onsite HSV PCR testing decreases hospitalization duration, acyclovir treatment duration, and financial cost on an institution. PROJECT DESIGN: This single-center project utilized the IHI model for improvement to evaluate third-party HSV PCR processing versus an implemented onsite PCR-based meningitis–encephalitis panel for HSV central nervous system evaluation. The primary outcome was hospital cost differential with secondary outcomes, including duration of acyclovir administration and time to result. RESULTS: We identified 96 children age 0–18 from 2010 to 2016, 74 patients utilizing offsite third-party testing, and 22 patients utilizing onsite. We observed a per-patient cost savings of $428 ($618.43–$190.43, P = 0.029) upon the implementation of onsite testing. The mean duration of acyclovir therapy decreased from 3.7 to 0.26 days per patient (P < 0.001). Time to result decreased from 4.6 to 0.13 days (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Acquisition of real-time local HSV PCR capabilities significantly decreased time to result and empiric medication use while significantly reducing hospital costs in a military treatment facility.
Decreasing Chronic Lung Disease Associated with Bubble CPAP Technology: Experience at Five Years
INTRODUCTION: Bubble continuous positive airway pressure (bCPAP) is associated with a decreased risk for chronic lung disease (CLD) in preterm neonates. This report examined the effectiveness of adopting bCPAP to reduce respiratory complications and medication usage in a community hospital NICU. METHODS: The efficacy of bCPAP was assessed by retrospective examination and comparison of 45 neonates who received bCPAP and 87 neonates who received conventional ventilation only. Data on medication usage were also collected and analyzed. RESULTS: After introduction of the bCPAP protocol, the median number of days on oxygen decreased in the bCPAP group compared with the conventional ventilation only group (median = 33 days, IQR = 7.5–66 vs median = 0, IQR = 0–0; P < 0.001). The exposure to conventional ventilation decreased in the bCPAP group compared with the conventional ventilation only group (median = 18 days, IQR = 5–42.5 vs median = 0, IQR = 0–7; P < 0.001). Postimplementation of bCPAP revealed decreases in CLD from 26 (30%) in the conventional ventilation only group to 2 (4%) in the bCPAP group (P = 0.002); there was also a significant decrease in the use of sedative medications in the bCPAP group compared with the conventional ventilation only group (mean = 5.20 doses, SD = 31.97 vs mean = 1.43, SD = 9.98; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The use of bCPAP results in significant decreases in the use of conventional ventilation, the risk for CLD, and the need for sedative medication.
A Quality Improvement Intervention Bundle to Reduce 30-Day Pediatric Readmissions
INTRODUCTION: Pediatric hospital readmissions can represent gaps in care quality between discharge and follow-up, including social factors not typically addressed by hospitals. This study aimed to reduce the 30-day pediatric readmission rate on 2 general pediatric services through an intervention to enhance care spanning the hospital stay, discharge, and follow-up process. METHODS: A multidisciplinary team developed an intervention bundle based on a needs assessment and evidence-based models of transitional care. The intervention included pre-discharge planning with a transition coordinator, screening and intervention for adverse social determinants of health (SDH), medication reconciliation after discharge, communication with the primary care provider, access to a hospital-based transition clinic, and access to a 24-hour direct telephone line staffed by hospital attending pediatricians. These were implemented sequentially from October 2013 to February 2017. The primary outcome was the readmission rate within 30 days of index discharge. The length of stay was a balancing measure. RESULTS: During the intervention, the included services discharged 4,853 children. The pre-implementation readmission rate of 10.3% declined to 7.4% and remained stable during a 4-month post-intervention observation period. Among 1,394 families screened for adverse SDH, 48% reported and received assistance with ≥ 1 concern. The length of stay increased from 4.10 days in 2013 to 4.30 days in 2017. CONCLUSIONS: An intervention bundle, including SDH, was associated with a sustained reduction in readmission rates to 2 general pediatric services. Transitional care that addresses multiple domains of family need during a child’s health crisis can help reduce pediatric readmissions.
Survey-based Work System Assessment to Facilitate Large-scale Dissemination of Healthcare Quality Improvement Programs
INTRODUCTION: The dissemination of quality improvement (QI) interventions to a broader range of healthcare settings requires a proactive assessment of local work systems and processes. The objective of this study was to examine the feasibility of using a survey-based work system assessment (WSA) tool to facilitate the dissemination of a program for optimizing blood culture (BC) use. METHODS: Informed by findings from an onsite, interview-based WSA at 2 hospitals, a 50-item WSA survey was devised and administrated to 15 hospitals participating in a QI collaborative. WSA survey data were summarized, shared, and discussed with individual hospitals to inform the adaptation and implementation of the BC program. Physician champions leading the local QI team assessed the use of the WSA survey by completing an 8-item survey. RESULTS: A total of 347 clinicians completed the WSA survey, and physician champions at 12 hospitals evaluated the use of the WSA survey. Both the WSA survey data and the evaluation of the WSA survey showed that the survey-based WSA tool could help participating hospitals understand their current BC ordering practices and identify potential barriers to implementing the program from the perspectives of different clinicians. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated how a survey-based tool could be used to facilitate WSA in the dissemination of a program for improving BC use to a multisite collaborative. A survey-based WSA tool can be used to facilitate future large-scale intervention dissemination efforts.
Qualitative Study to Understand Pediatric Hospitalists and Emergency Medicine Physicians’ Perspectives of Clinical Pathways
INTRODUCTION: Healthcare costs are rising, and clinical pathways (CPW) are one means to promote high-value care by standardizing care and improving outcomes without compromising cost or quality. However, providers do not always follow CPW, and our understanding of their perceptions is limited. Our objective was to examine pediatric hospital medicine (PHM) and pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) physician perspectives of CPW. METHODS: We conducted semistructured, in-depth, one-on-one qualitative interviews with PHM and PEM physicians between February 2017 and August 2017. Interviews were audio-recorded, professionally transcribed, and accuracy verified. Using an inductive analytic strategy, we systematically coded the data to identify themes. RESULTS: We interviewed 15 PHM and 15 PEM physicians. These providers identified many benefits and limitations of CPW, which positively or negatively impact resource utilization, communication, education of personnel, patients, and families, as well as practice behaviors and attitudes. Perceived benefits included (1) reduction of unnecessary utilization, (2) standardization of care, (3) improved communication, (4) education of oneself and others, and (5) confidence and validation when actions align with CPW. Limitations of CPW were (1) resource utilization for revisions, updates, and dissemination; (2) “tunnel vision” and cognitive biases; (3) loss of autonomy; (4) prescriptive medicine; (5) information overload; (6) pressure to adhere; and (7) guilt if actions do not align with CPW. CONCLUSIONS: CPW are tools with advantages and disadvantages that are used and viewed differently by providers. Such insight into how physicians perceive CPW may help to optimize hospital improvement work and enhance high-value care.
Handoff Communication between Remote Healthcare Facilities
INTRODUCTION: Handoffs and transitions of care are common weak points in healthcare provider communication as patients move between sites. With no consistent pattern of communication between St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (St. Jude) and its affiliated clinics, the Affiliate Program Office at St. Jude developed and implemented a standardized communication tool to facilitate patient transitions between different healthcare sites. METHODS: Each team of providers created flow diagrams to define the current state of communication when patients were transitioning between remote sites. Fishbone diagrams identified the common barriers to effective communication as a lack of consistent communication and ownership. We developed a communication tool to address these barriers, which was disseminated by secure email. We measured the percent usage of the completed hand-off tool before a patient transitioned, staff experience, and the number of errors. RESULTS: The time to send or receive the communication bundle was <10 minutes. Within 3 months of implementing the SMART bundle at 3 pilot sites, the bundle was used completely in 6 of 8 patient transitions and was associated with somewhat improved staff satisfaction. We identified no adverse events related to the communication bundle. CONCLUSIONS: In this small pilot study, we accomplished closed-loop communication between geographically remote healthcare sites by using an electronically transmitted standardized communication bundle.
The Vitals Risk Index—Retrospective Performance Analysis of an Automated and Objective Pediatric Early Warning System
INTRODUCTION: Pediatric in-hospital cardiac arrests and emergent transfers to the pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) represent a serious patient safety concern with associated increased morbidity and mortality. Some institutions have turned to the electronic health record and predictive analytics in search of earlier and more accurate detection of patients at risk for decompensation. METHODS: Objective electronic health record data from 2011 to 2017 was utilized to develop an automated early warning system score aimed at identifying hospitalized children at risk of clinical deterioration. Five vital sign measurements and supplemental oxygen requirement data were used to build the Vitals Risk Index (VRI) model, using multivariate logistic regression. We compared the VRI to the hospital’s existing early warning system, an adaptation of Monaghan’s Pediatric Early Warning Score system (PEWS). The patient population included hospitalized children 18 years of age and younger while being cared for outside of the ICU. This dataset included 158 case hospitalizations (102 emergent transfers to the ICU and 56 “code blue” events) and 135,597 control hospitalizations. RESULTS: When identifying deteriorating patients 2 hours before an event, there was no significant difference between Pediatric Early Warning Score and VRI’s areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve at false-positive rates ≤ 10% (pAUC(10) of 0.065 and 0.064, respectively; P = 0.74), a threshold chosen to compare the 2 approaches under clinically tolerable false-positive rates. CONCLUSIONS: The VRI represents an objective, simple, and automated predictive analytics tool for identifying hospitalized pediatric patients at risk of deteriorating outside of the ICU setting.
Improving Accuracy and Timeliness of Nursing Documentation of Pediatric Early Warning Scores
INTRODUCTION: Accurate and timely documentation of pediatric early warning scores (PEWS) by the bedside nurse into the electronic health record (EHR) is important to promote early identification of patients in stages of deterioration. Through the implementation of a PEWS calculator embedded in the EHR, we hope to improve the accuracy of the recorded score and reduce the time between vital sign collection and final documentation in the EHR. METHODS: Identification of the highest PEWS value in the 24 hours before all unplanned transfers or rapid response activations without a transfer occurred between the period November 1, 2013, through December 31, 2016. The accuracy of the calculated cardiac or respiratory subscore based on heart rate or the respiratory rate at the time of PEWS calculation was determined. We tracked the calculation of the time to chart via the difference between nursing documentation of PEWS compared to vital sign collection. Before September 3, 2015, PEWS was calculated mentally by the bedside nurse; afterward, the nurse entered the unique PEWS features into the EHR, and the EHR automatically calculated PEWS. RESULTS: This study evaluated 2,409 PEWS scores, 1,411 before and 998 after initiation of the PEWS calculator. Accuracy before the EHR calculator was 71%, and the median time to document was 55 minutes. Following the implementation of the calculator, no scores were incorrectly calculated too low, and the median time to document was 20 minutes. CONCLUSIONS: Transition to an EHR-based PEWS calculator eliminated inaccurately low PEWS values and reduced time to document.
Improving Disposition Decision-Making for Pediatric Diabetic Ketoacidosis: A Quality Improvement Study
INTRODUCTION: In many centers, children with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) receive care either in an endocrinology ward or a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). We conducted a quality improvement (QI) initiative to reduce potentially avoidable PICU admissions of children with DKA without increasing endocrinology ward-to-PICU transfers. METHODS: A survey of providers demonstrated opportunities to increase awareness of institutional criteria for PICU admissions of children with DKA. We created an electronic health record (EHR) dot-phrase, prepopulated with these criteria, and placed a note in the EHR for all patients with DKA as a reference for all providers. An EHR-based data report was created to monitor the disposition of DKA patients and the use of the dot-phrase (process measure). The primary outcome measure was the potentially avoidable PICU admissions for patients with DKA. Endocrinology ward-to-PICU transfers were tracked as a balancing measure to ensure safe disposition. RESULTS: After the implementation of the dot-phrase, use was variable, but averaged 33.4% over 1 year. The percentage of DKA admissions classified as potentially avoidable PICU stays decreased from 4.1% to 0.5%, with a concurrent decrease in the total percentage of PICU admissions for DKA from 19.1% to 8.4%. The percentage of endocrinology ward-to-PICU transfers also declined from 0.8% to 0%. CONCLUSIONS: A novel EHR-based intervention increasing awareness and documentation of established pediatric DKA management guidelines can be used to safely reduce PICU admissions for DKA without increasing the rate of endocrinology ward-to-intensive care unit transfers.
Optimizing Analgesic Use During Infant Lumbar Puncture in the Emergency Department
INTRODUCTION: Lumbar puncture (LP) for the collection of cerebrospinal fluid is an important diagnostic tool for the evaluation of febrile or ill-appearing infants. This invasive procedure is painful for patients; inadequate analgesia may have lasting effects. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends analgesia during all LP procedures, and oral sucrose alone does not offer sufficient analgesia. Our objective was to identify analgesic use trends during infant LP in our emergency department and create a system of analgesic administration. We aimed for complete compliance with one method of analgesia and an increase in our use of 2 or more methods to 85% over 12 months. METHODS: We utilized Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle methodology and retrospective chart review. Five interventions focused on staff communication, collaboration, and education. Inclusion criteria: infants <60 days who underwent LP procedure due to fever >38°C, hypothermia <36.5°C of unknown origin, or ill-appearance. RESULTS: One hundred infant LPs analyzed: 52 preintervention and 48 intervention. The use of one analgesic increased from 98% preintervention to 100%. The use of 2 or more analgesics increased from 58% preintervention to 87%. Topical lidocaine use increased from 56% preintervention to 73%. LP success rates were high in both groups, with no statistically significant change in the success rate. CONCLUSION: We created a streamlined process to ensure all infants undergoing lumbar puncture received at least 1 analgesic and increased the proportion of infants treated with 2 or more analgesics. This work could be expanded to improve analgesia during other invasive procedures in the emergency department.
A Front-end Redesign With Implementation of a Novel “Intake” System to Improve Patient Flow in a Pediatric Emergency Department
INTRODUCTION: Children’s Hospital Colorado is an academic, tertiary-care Level 1 Trauma Center with an emergency department (ED) that treats >70,000 patients/year. Patient volumes continue to increase, leading to worsening wait times and left-without-being-seen (LWBS) rates. In 2015, the ED’s median door-to-provider time was 49 minutes [interquartile range (IQR) = 26–90], with a 3.2% LWBS rate. ED leadership, staff, and providers aimed to improve patient flow with specific goals to (1) decrease door-to-provider times to a median of <30 minutes and (2) decrease annual LWBS rate to <1%. METHODS: An inter-professional team utilized quality improvement and Lean methodology to study, redesign, and implement significant changes to ED front-end processes. Key process elements included (1) new Flow Nurse/EMT roles, (2) elimination of traditional registration and triage processes, (3) immediate “quick registration” and nurse assessment upon walk-in, (4) direct-bedding of patients, and (5) a novel “Intake” system staffed by a pediatric emergency medicine physician. RESULTS: In the 12 months following full implementation of the new front-end system, the median door-to-provider time decreased 49% to 25 minutes (IQR = 13–50), and the LWBS rate decreased from 3.2% to 1.4% (a 56% relative decrease). Additionally, the percentage of patients seen within 30 minutes of arrival increased, overall ED length-of-stay decreased, patient satisfaction improved, and no worsening of the unexpected 72-hour return rate occurred. CONCLUSIONS: Using quality improvement and Lean methodology, an inter-professional team decreased door-to-provider times and LWBS rates in a large pediatric ED by redesigning its front-end processes and implementing a novel pediatric emergency medicine-led Intake system.
Screening With Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Increased Iron Sufficiency Among NICU Patients
INTRODUCTION: To increase the rate of iron sufficiency among neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) patients from 16% to >35% within 12 months of implementing standardized assessment of reticulocyte hemoglobin (retHE). METHODS: We implemented a quality improvement (QI) study to improve iron sufficiency in our out-born level III/IV NICU. We screened 2,062 admissions, of which 622 were eligible based on feeding status at discharge. QI interventions included educational efforts and guideline implementation. Our primary outcome measure was the percentage of patients with their discharge retHE measure within the normal range. We also tracked the process measure of the number of retHE tests performed and a balancing measure of the incidence of elevated retHE among patients receiving iron supplementation. Statistical process control (SPC) charts assessed for special cause variation. RESULTS: The percentage of patients with a retHe within the normal range was significantly increased from a mean of 20% to 39% on SPC chart analysis. We measured significantly more retHE values after guideline implementation (11/mo to 24/mo) and found no cases of elevated retHE among patients receiving iron supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: After the implementation of a standardized guideline, a higher rate of iron sufficiency was found in NICU patients at discharge. This work is generalizable to neonatal populations with the potential for a significant impact on clinical practice.
Improving the Compliance of Intraoperative Antibiotic Redosing: A Quality Improvement Initiative
INTRODUCTION: At Children’s Hospital and Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska, the intraoperative antibiotic redosing guidelines and the time frame considered compliant for redosing were unclear. This lack of clarity plus an ill-defined process for ensuring intraoperative antibiotic redosing resulted in a compliance rate of 11%. The organization’s surgical site infection (SSI) rate was 3.19%, above the national benchmark of 1.87%. The primary project goal was to increase intraoperative antibiotic redosing compliance. The secondary project goal was to decrease SSIs. METHODS: With recommendations from the Infectious Disease Society of America, we developed new organizational redosing guidelines, as well as a new antibiotic-specific reminder alert in the electronic medical record. Implementation of the new guidelines and processes occurred after providing education to the anesthesiologists, surgeons, and circulating nurses. Monthly evaluation of data allowed for quick recognition of oversights followed by the initiation of process updates. RESULTS: Data showed that the initial compliance rate for the intraoperative redosing of antibiotics was 11%. Following interventions, compliance has reached and sustained an average of 99%. Survey results show that provider knowledge of the guidelines and process has improved. Though not directly related, the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program observed that the SSI rate decreased from 3.19% in 2014 to 2.3% in 2018. CONCLUSIONS: This project demonstrates that comprehensive education along with antibiotic-specific electronic medical record alerts significantly increased the compliance of intraoperative antibiotic redosing at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center. Continuous education and monthly updates sustained results for over 40 months.
Impact of a Multidisciplinary Sepsis Initiative on Knowledge and Behavior in a Pediatric Center
OBJECTIVE: Our institution performed an educational initiative targeting previously identified barriers to pediatric sepsis recognition and treatment. We hypothesized that provider knowledge, attitude, and behavior would be improved 1 year after implementation. METHODS: This was a prospective, observational study of a multi-faceted quality initiative introduced to providers in the Emergency Department, inpatient wards, and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of a tertiary care children’s hospital. Educational platforms consisted of quarterly electronic sepsis “newsletters,” brightly colored posters highlighting protocol and screening strategies displayed throughout the hospital, and low-fidelity simulation sessions (drills) led by trained staff and incorporated into daily workflows. The content was driven by feedback from a baseline needs assessment of sepsis education. One year after implementation, the needs assessment was repeated. RESULTS: Over 3 months, facilitators conducted 197 drills and captured a majority of nurses (89%), pediatrics residents (96%), and respiratory therapists (62%). By 6 months, 241 sessions had been completed. Approximately 55.4% of the 442 eligible staff participated in our post-intervention survey. Overall, knowledge of diagnostic criteria for pediatric sepsis and septic shock increased from pre-intervention levels (P = 0.015). Among post-implementation respondents, drill participants outperformed their colleagues (P = 0.001). A greater percentage of post-intervention respondents indicated comfort with sepsis recognition (P < 0.001), and fewer reported hesitating to bring sepsis concerns to their care team (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that a multidisciplinary curriculum balancing active education—through brief, targeted simulation—and general awareness—through electronic resources and a poster campaign—can improve sepsis-related knowledge, attitude, and behavior among pediatric practitioners.
Reduction of Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infection Through Focus on the Mesosystem: Standardization, Data, and Accountability
INTRODUCTION: Efforts to reduce central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) rates require strong microsystems for success. However, variation in practices across units leads to challenges in ensuring accountability. We redesigned the organization’s mesosystem to provide oversight and alignment of microsystem efforts and ensure accountability in the context of the macrosystem. We implemented an A3 framework to achieve reductions in CLABSI through adherence to known evidence-based bundles. METHODS: We conducted this CLABSI reduction improvement initiative at a 395-bed freestanding, academic, university-affiliated children’s hospital. A mesosystem-focused A3 emphasized bundle adherence through 3 key drivers (1) practice standardization, (2) data transparency, and (3) accountability. We evaluated the impact of this intervention on CLABSI rates during the pre-intervention (01/15-09/17) and post-intervention (07/18–06/19) periods using a Poisson model controlling for baseline trends. RESULTS: Our quarterly CLABSI rates during the pre-intervention period ranged from 1.0 to 2.3 CLABSIs per 1,000 central line-days. With the mesosystem in place, CLABSI rates ranged from 0.4 to 0.7 per 1,000 central line days during the post-intervention period. Adjusting for secular trends, we observed a statistically significant decrease in the post versus pre-intervention CLABSI rate of 71%. CONCLUSION: Our hospital-wide CLABSI rate declined for the first time in many years after the redesign of the mesosystem and a focus on practice standardization, data transparency, and accountability. Our approach highlights the importance of alignment across unit-level microsystems to ensure high-fidelity implementation of practice standards throughout the healthcare-delivery system.
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Evolution of ARDS biomarkers: Will metabolomics be the answer?
To date, there is no clinically agreed-upon diagnostic test for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): the condition is still diagnosed on the basis of a constellation of clinical findings, laboratory tests, and radiological images. Development of ARDS biomarkers has been in a state of continuous flux during the past four decades. To address ARDS heterogeneity, several studies have recently focused on subphenotyping the disease on the basis of observable clinical characteristics and associated blood biomarkers. However, the strong correlation between identified biomarkers and ARDS subphenotypes has yet to establish etiology; hence, there is a need for the adoption of other methodologies for studying ARDS. In this review, we will shed light on ARDS metabolomics research in the literature and discuss advances and major obstacles encountered in ARDS metabolomics research. Generally, the ARDS metabolomics studies focused on identification of differentiating metabolites for diagnosing ARDS, but they were performed to different standards in terms of sample size, selection of control cohort, type of specimens collected, and measuring technique utilized. Virtually none of these studies have been properly validated to identify true metabolomics biomarkers of ARDS. Though in their infancy, metabolomics studies exhibit promise to unfold the biological processes underlying ARDS and, in our opinion, have great potential for pushing forward our present understanding of ARDS.
Letter to the Editor: Resources and recommendations for a quick transition to online instruction in physiology
Fever: Role of Pyrogens and Cryogens
Chemokines in acute respiratory distress syndrome
A characteristic feature of all inflammatory disorders is the excessive recruitment of leukocytes to the site of inflammation. The loss of control in trafficking these cells contributes to inflammatory diseases. Leukocyte recruitment is a well-orchestrated process that includes several protein families including the large cytokine subfamily of chemotactic cytokines, the chemokines. Chemokines and their receptors are involved in the pathogenesis of several diseases. Acute lung injury that clinically manifests as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is caused by an uncontrolled systemic inflammatory response resulting from clinical events including major surgery, trauma, multiple transfusions, severe burns, pancreatitis, and sepsis. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome involves activation of alveolar macrophages and sequestered neutrophils in the lung. The clinical hallmarks of ARDS are severe hypoxemia, diffuse bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, and normal intracardiac filling pressures. The magnitude and duration of the inflammatory process may ultimately determine the outcome in patients with ARDS. Recent evidence shows that activated leukocytes and chemokines play a key role in the pathogenesis of ARDS. The expanding number of antagonists of chemokine receptors for inflammatory disorders may hold promise for new medicines to combat ARDS.
Increased particle flow rate from airways precedes clinical signs of ARDS in a porcine model of LPS-induced acute lung injury
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a common cause of death in the intensive care unit, with mortality rates of ~30–40%. To reduce invasive diagnostics such as bronchoalveolar lavage and time-consuming in-hospital transports for imaging diagnostics, we hypothesized that particle flow rate (PFR) pattern from the airways could be an early detection method and contribute to improving diagnostics and optimizing personalized therapies. Porcine models were ventilated mechanically. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was administered endotracheally and in the pulmonary artery to induce ARDS. PFR was measured using a customized particles in exhaled air (PExA 2.0) device. In contrast to control animals undergoing mechanical ventilation and receiving saline administration, animals who received LPS developed ARDS according to clinical guidelines and histologic assessment. Plasma levels of TNF-α and IL-6 increased significantly compared with baseline after 120 and 180 min, respectively. On the other hand, the PFR significantly increased and peaked 60 min after LPS administration, i.e., ~30 min before any ARDS stage was observed with other well-established outcome measurements such as hypoxemia, increased inspiratory pressure, and lower tidal volumes or plasma cytokine levels. The present results imply that PFR could be used to detect early biomarkers or as a clinical indicator for the onset of ARDS.
Human lung extracellular matrix hydrogels resemble the stiffness and viscoelasticity of native lung tissue
Chronic lung diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are associated with changes in extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and abundance affecting the mechanical properties of the lung. This study aimed to generate ECM hydrogels from control, severe COPD [Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) IV], and fibrotic human lung tissue and evaluate whether their stiffness and viscoelastic properties were reflective of native tissue. For hydrogel generation, control, COPD GOLD IV, and fibrotic human lung tissues were decellularized, lyophilized, ground into powder, porcine pepsin solubilized, buffered with PBS, and gelled at 37°C. Rheological properties from tissues and hydrogels were assessed with a low-load compression tester measuring the stiffness and viscoelastic properties in terms of a generalized Maxwell model representing phases of viscoelastic relaxation. The ECM hydrogels had a greater stress relaxation than tissues. ECM hydrogels required three Maxwell elements with slightly faster relaxation times (τ) than that of native tissue, which required four elements. The relative importance (R(i)) of the first Maxwell element contributed the most in ECM hydrogels, whereas for tissue the contribution was spread over all four elements. IPF tissue had a longer-lasting fourth element with a higher R(i) than the other tissues, and IPF ECM hydrogels did require a fourth Maxwell element, in contrast to all other ECM hydrogels. This study shows that hydrogels composed of native human lung ECM can be generated. Stiffness of ECM hydrogels resembled that of whole tissue, while viscoelasticity differed.
Worldwide clinical practices in perioperative antibiotic therapy for lung transplantation
BACKGROUND: Infection is the most common cause of mortality within the first year after lung transplantation (LTx). The management of perioperative antibiotic therapy is a major issue, but little is known about worldwide practices. METHODS: We sent by email a survey dealing with 5 daily clinical vignettes concerning perioperative antibiotic therapy to 180 LTx centers around the world. The invitation and a weekly reminder were sent to lung transplant specialists for a single consensus answer per center during a 3-month period. RESULTS: We received a total of 99 responses from 24 countries, mostly from Western Europe (n = 46) and the USA (n = 34). Systematic screening for bronchial recipient colonization before LTx was mostly performed with sputum samples (72%), regardless of the underlying lung disease. In recipients without colonization, antibiotics with activity against gram-negative bacteria resistant strains (piperacillin / tazobactam, cefepime, ceftazidime, carbapenems) were reported in 72% of the centers, and antibiotics with activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (mainly vancomycin) were reported in 38% of the centers. For these recipients, the duration of antibiotics reported was 7 days (33%) or less (26%) or stopped when cultures of donor and recipients were reported negatives (12%). In recipients with previous colonization, antibiotics were adapted to the susceptibility of the most resistant strain and given for at least 14 days (67%). CONCLUSION: Practices vary widely around the world, but resistant bacterial strains are mostly targeted even if no colonization occurs. The antibiotic duration reported was longer for colonized recipients.
Potential prognostic roles of serum lactate and Creatine kinase levels in poisoned patients
BACKGROUND: Examination of serum lactate level and its changes, as an indicator of tissue oxygenation, as well as level of creatine kinase (CK) inhibitors, as a factor of mortality which partially expresses heart, brain, and muscle damage, may be considered as tools to determine prognosis in critically ill patients. We aimed to evaluate these two factors as potential prognostic factors in critically poisoned patients admitted to our toxicology ICU. METHOD: This is a cross-sectional descriptive-analytic study that was performed on poisoned patients referred to emergency department of Loghman Hakim Hospital. One-hundred critically poisoned patients who had been admitted to ICU were conveniently chosen using a random number table and included into the study after obtaining consent forms from their next of kin. Their serum lactate and CK levels were checked on admission. These levels were compared subsequently between survivors and non-survivors to seek for their potential prognostic role. RESULTS: In a total of 100 patients enrolled, 61 were male. Serum level of lactate (with a cut off of 26 mg/dL) and serum CK with a cutoff point of 169 U/L could have prognosticated death with sensitivity and specificity of 78 and 77% (for lactate) and 74 and 62% (for serum CK), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In poisoned patients, serum lactate and CK can be used as possible prognostic factors because they rapidly increase in the serum and are easily detectable.
A tribute to Stephen M. Schwartz, MD, PhD
Point-of-Care Technologies for Health Care
The increasingly global focus on health care issues continues to underline the importance of point-of-care technologies and their ability to provide cost-effective solutions that address many unmet health care needs. Further, the current crisis in health care costs has critically underscored the need for research and development into highly effective, but low cost means of delivering health care. With a focus on providing clinically actionable information at or near the patient, point-of-care devices provide clinicians with information that is critical to the management of patient care while they are still with the patient. Rapid information results in various advantages for POC testing in different kinds of health care settings. In primary care settings in developed countries, the shortened timeline between testing and availability of results reduces the need for extra office visits or follow-up phone calls to convey testing results and adjust clinical intervention. This strategy can reduce cost and increase access of otherwise underserved populations to medical care. For diseases that are infectious, such as sexually transmitted infections or respiratory diseases, POC testing can facilitate treatment modalities quickly, thus preventing further spread of the infection for better and timely clinical management. In acute care settings, timely access to diagnostic information is most critical for providing an effective medical response. In disaster settings, POC diagnostics can speed triage and enable rapid establishment and delivery of medical services.
Pandemic response lessons from influenza H1N1 2009 in Asia
During April 2009, a novel H1N1 influenza A virus strain was identified in Mexico and the USA. Within weeks the virus had spread globally and the first pandemic of the 21st Century had been declared. It is unlikely to be the last and it is crucial that real lessons are learned from the experience. Asia is considered a hot spot for the emergence of new pathogens including past influenza pandemics. On this occasion while preparing for an avian, highly virulent influenza virus (H5N1 like) originating in Asia in fact the pandemic originated from swine, and was less virulent. This discrepancy between what was planned for and what emerged created its own challenges. The H1N1 pandemic has tested national health‐care infrastructures and exposed shortcomings in our preparedness as a region. Key health challenges include communication throughout the region, surge capacity, access to reliable information and access to quality care, health‐care worker skills, quality, density and distribution, access to essential medicines and lack of organizational infrastructure for emergency response. Despite years of preparation the public health and clinical research community were not ready to respond and opportunities for an immediate research response were missed. Despite warm words and pledges efforts to engage the international community to ensure equitable sharing of limited resources such as antivirals and vaccines fell short and stockpiles in the main remained in the rich world. This manuscript with authors from across the region describes some of the major challenges faced by Asia in response to the pandemic and draws lessons for the future.
The function of a ribosomal frameshifting signal from human immunodeficiency virus‐1 in Escherichia coli
A 15‐17 nucleotide sequence from the gag‐pol ribosome frameshift site of HIV‐1 directs analogous ribosomal frameshifting in Escherichia coli. Limitation for leucine, which is encoded precisely at the frameshift site, dramatically increased the frequency of leftward frameshifting. Limitation for phenylaianine or arginine, which are encoded just before and just after the frameshift, did not significantly affect frameshifting. Protein sequence analysis demonstrated the occurrence of two closeiy related frameshift mechanisms. In the first, ribosomes appear to bind leucyl‐tRNA at the frameshift site and then slip leftward. This is the 'simultaneous slippage’mechanism. In the second, ribosomes appear to slip before binding amlnoacyl‐tRNA, and then bind phenylaianyl‐tRNA, which is encoded in the left‐shifted reading frame. This mechanism is identicai to the‘overlapping reading’we have demonstrated at other bacterial frameshift sites. The HIV‐1 sequence is prone to frame‐shifting by both mechanisms in E. coli.
Limited polymorphism at major histocompatibility complex (MHC) loci in the Swedish moose A. alces
The Swedish moose was analysed for genetic variability at major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II DQA, DQB and DRB loci using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) techniques. Both methods revealed limited amounts of polymorphism. Since the SSCP analysis concerned an expressed DRB gene it can be concluded that the level of functional MHC class II polymorphism, at least at the DRB locus, is low in Swedish moose. DNA fingerprinting was used to determine if the unusual pattern of low MHC variability could be explained by a low degree of genome‐wide genetic diversity. Hybridizations with two minisatellite probes gave similarity indices somewhat higher than the average for other natural population, but the data suggest that the low MHC variability cannot be explained by a recent population bottleneck. However, since minisatellite sequences evolve more rapidly than MHC sequences, the low levels of MHC diversity may be attributed to a bottleneck of more ancient origin. The selection pressure for MHC variability in moose may also be reduced and we discuss the possibility that its solitary life style may reduce lateral transmission of pathogens in the population.
Analysis of Benthic Communities in the Cyclades Plateau (Aegean Sea) Using Ecological and Paleoecological Data Sets
Abstract. In the Cyclades plateau (Aegean Sea), a qualitative and quantitative analysis of macro‐benthic fauna was carried out in 1986. Standard multivariate analysis techniques were applied to both ecological (living benthic fauna) and paleoecological data sets in order to distinguish distribution patterns. Results showed that caution must prevail in drawing conclusions from a limited data set. The clearest classification was obtained using total living fauna, while the dead molluscan fauna gave a similar pattern; this indicates similar response to the environmental conditions of the area. In the analysis of the living molluscan fauna, the groups failed to show any clusters, probably as an effect of some impoverished sites. In the two groups delineated, depth seems to be the major factor in the distribution of species. The fact that two distinct data sets (subfossil assemblages and living communities), when treated separately, produce similar grouping indicates that the subfossil assemblages could be reliably used as a first approach for determination of the living communities' distribution patterns.
Mycelial compatibility groups and pathogenic diversity in Sclerotium rolfsii populations from sugar beet crops in Mediterranean‐type climate regions
The population structure of Sclerotium rolfsii from autumn‐sown sugar beet crops in Mediterranean‐type climate regions of Chile, Italy, Portugal and Spain was determined by analyses of mycelial compatibility groups (MCGs) and pathogenicity to 11 economically important plant species. Twelve MCGs (i–xii) were identified among 459 S. rolfsii isolates. MCG iii was the most prevalent group in all countries except Italy. MCG i, the most abundant group (64·7% of isolates) was identified in Portugal and Spain. The remaining MCGs were restricted to various regions within one country (ii, vi, ix) or different countries (v), or to specific localities (iv, vii, viii, x, xi, xii). MCGs iv, vii and x each comprised one isolate. Fields extensively sampled in southern Spain were infected with one to three MCGs. Plant species differed in susceptibility to MCG tester isolates with a MCG by species interaction. Cluster analyses allowed selection into five MCG groupings and grouped plant species into species‐groups 1 (broccoli, chickpea, sunflower, tomato) and 2 (cotton, pepper, sugar beet, watermelon). MCG groupings 1 (i, ix), 2 (ii, iii, vi, viii) and 5 (x, xii) were moderately virulent to species‐group 1 and mildly virulent to species‐group 2. MCG groupings 3 (iv, v, xi) and 4 (vii) were mildly virulent to both species‐groups. Across MCG groups, species were rated highly susceptible (chickpea, sunflower), susceptible (cotton, pepper, tomato, watermelon), moderately resistant (broccoli, melon, sugar beet) and resistant (corn, wheat). Establishing the MCG population structure and virulence variability among S. rolfsii isolates should help in the management of sclerotium root rot diseases.
Correlation between relative growth rate and specific leaf area requires associations of specific leaf area with nitrogen absorption rate of roots
• . Close correlations between specific leaf area (SLA) and relative growth rate (RGR) have been reported in many studies. However, theoretically, SLA by itself has small net positive effect on RGR because any increase in SLA inevitably causes a decrease in area‐based leaf nitrogen concentration (LNC(a)), another RGR component. It was hypothesized that, for a correlation between SLA and RGR, SLA needs to be associated with specific nitrogen absorption rate of roots (SAR), which counteracts the negative effect of SLA on LNC(a). • . Five trees and six herbs were grown under optimal conditions and relationships between SAR and RGR components were analyzed using a model based on balanced growth hypothesis. • . SLA varied 1.9‐fold between species. Simulations predicted that, if SAR is not associated with SLA, this variation in SLA would cause a 47% decrease in LNC(a) along the SLA gradient, leading to a marginal net positive effect on RGR. In reality, SAR was positively related to SLA, showing a 3.9‐fold variation, which largely compensated for the negative effect of SLA on LNC(a). Consequently, LNC(a )values were almost constant across species and a positive SLA–RGR relationship was achieved. • . These results highlight the importance of leaf–root interactions in understanding interspecific differences in RGR.
Seasonal and pandemic influenza during pregnancy and risk of fetal death: A Norwegian registry-based cohort study
Previous studies of fetal death with maternal influenza have been inconsistent. We explored the effect of maternal influenza-like illness (ILI) in pregnancy on the risk of fetal death, distinguishing between diagnoses during regular influenza seasons and the 2009/2010 pandemic and between trimesters of ILI. We used birth records from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway to identify fetal deaths after the first trimester in singleton pregnancies (2006–2013). The Norwegian Directorate of Health provided dates of clinical influenza diagnoses by primary-health-care providers, whereas dates of laboratory-confirmed influenza A (H1N1) diagnoses were provided by the Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases. We obtained dates and types of influenza vaccinations from the Norwegian Immunisation Registry. Cox proportional-hazards regression models were fitted to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) of fetal death, with associated 95% confidence intervals (CIs), comparing women with and without an ILI diagnosis in pregnancy. There were 2510 fetal deaths among 417,406 eligible pregnancies. ILI during regular seasons was not associated with increased risk of fetal death: adjusted HR = 0.90 (95% CI 0.64–1.27). In contrast, ILI during the pandemic was associated with substantially increased risk of fetal death, with an adjusted HR of 1.75 (95% CI 1.21–2.54). The risk was highest following first-trimester ILI (adjusted HR = 2.28 [95% CI 1.45–3.59]). ILI during the pandemic—but not during regular seasons—was associated with increased risk of fetal death in the second and third trimester. The estimated effect was strongest with ILI in first trimester. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (10.1007/s10654-020-00600-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Neutrophil chemoattractant receptors in health and disease: double-edged swords
Neutrophils are frontline cells of the innate immune system. These effector leukocytes are equipped with intriguing antimicrobial machinery and consequently display high cytotoxic potential. Accurate neutrophil recruitment is essential to combat microbes and to restore homeostasis, for inflammation modulation and resolution, wound healing and tissue repair. After fulfilling the appropriate effector functions, however, dampening neutrophil activation and infiltration is crucial to prevent damage to the host. In humans, chemoattractant molecules can be categorized into four biochemical families, i.e., chemotactic lipids, formyl peptides, complement anaphylatoxins and chemokines. They are critically involved in the tight regulation of neutrophil bone marrow storage and egress and in spatial and temporal neutrophil trafficking between organs. Chemoattractants function by activating dedicated heptahelical G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). In addition, emerging evidence suggests an important role for atypical chemoattractant receptors (ACKRs) that do not couple to G proteins in fine-tuning neutrophil migratory and functional responses. The expression levels of chemoattractant receptors are dependent on the level of neutrophil maturation and state of activation, with a pivotal modulatory role for the (inflammatory) environment. Here, we provide an overview of chemoattractant receptors expressed by neutrophils in health and disease. Depending on the (patho)physiological context, specific chemoattractant receptors may be up- or downregulated on distinct neutrophil subsets with beneficial or detrimental consequences, thus opening new windows for the identification of disease biomarkers and potential drug targets.
Polymorphisms in PARP1 predict disease-free survival of triple-negative breast cancer patients treated with anthracycline/taxane based adjuvant chemotherapy
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a highly aggressive disease and of poor prognosis. It is very important to identify novel biomarkers to predict therapeutic response and outcome of TNBC. We investigated the association between polymorphisms in PARP1 gene and clinicopathological characteristics or survival of 272 patients with stage I-III primary TNBC treated with anthracycline/taxane based adjuvant chemotherapy. We found that after adjusted by age, grade, tumor size, lymph node status and vascular invasion, rs7531668 TA genotype carriers had significantly better DFS rate than TT genotype carriers, the 5 y DFS was 79.3% and 69.2% (P = 0.046, HR 0.526 95% CI 0.280–0.990). In lymph node negative subgroup, DFS of rs6664761 CC genotype carriers was much better than TT genotype carriers (P = 0.016, HR 0.261 95% CI 0.088–0.778) and DFS of rs7531668 AA genotype carriers was shorter than TT genotype carriers (P = 0.015, HR 3.361 95% CI 1.259–8.969). In subgroup of age ≤ 50, rs6664761 TC genotype predicted favorable DFS than TT genotype (P = 0.042, HR 0.405 95% CI 0.170–0.967). Polymorphisms in PARP1 gene had no influence on treatment toxicities. After multivariate analysis, tumor size (P = 0.037, HR = 2.829, 95% CI: 1.063–7.525) and lymph node status (P < 0.001, HR = 9.943, 95% CI: 2.974–33.243) were demonstrated to be independent prognostic factors. Our results suggested that polymorphisms in PARP1 gene might predict the DFS of TNBC patients treated with anthracycline/taxane based adjuvant chemotherapy.
Under-the-Radar Dengue Virus Infections in Natural Populations of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes
The incidence of locally acquired dengue infections increased during the last decade in the United States, compelling a sustained research effort concerning the dengue mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, and its microbiome, which has been shown to influence virus transmission success. We examined the “metavirome” of four populations of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes collected in 2016 to 2017 in Manatee County, FL. Unexpectedly, we discovered that dengue virus serotype 4 (DENV4) was circulating in these mosquito populations, representing the first documented case of such a phenomenon in the absence of a local DENV4 human case in this county over a 2-year period. We confirmed that all of the mosquito populations carried the same DENV4 strain, assembled its full genome, validated infection orthogonally by reverse transcriptase PCR, traced the virus origin, estimated the time period of its introduction to the Caribbean region, and explored the viral genetic signatures and mosquito-specific virome associations that potentially mediated DENV4 persistence in mosquitoes. We discuss the significance of prolonged maintenance of the DENV4 infections in A. aegypti that occurred in the absence of a DENV4 human index case in Manatee County with respect to the inability of current surveillance paradigms to detect mosquito vector infections prior to a potential local outbreak. IMPORTANCE Since 1999, dengue outbreaks in the continental United States involving local transmission have occurred only episodically and only in Florida and Texas. In Florida, these episodes appear to be coincident with increased introductions of dengue virus into the region through human travel and migration from countries where the disease is endemic. To date, the U.S. public health response to dengue outbreaks has been largely reactive, and implementation of comprehensive arbovirus surveillance in advance of predictable transmission seasons, which would enable proactive preventative efforts, remains unsupported. The significance of our finding is that it is the first documented report of DENV4 transmission to and maintenance within a local mosquito vector population in the continental United States in the absence of a human case during two consecutive years. Our data suggest that molecular surveillance of mosquito populations in high-risk, high-tourism areas of the United States may enable proactive, targeted vector control before potential arbovirus outbreaks.
Epitope-Based Peptide Vaccine against Glycoprotein G of Nipah Henipavirus Using Immunoinformatics Approaches
BACKGROUND: Nipah belongs to the genus Henipavirus and the Paramyxoviridae family. It is an endemic most commonly found at South Asia and has first emerged in Malaysia in 1998. Bats are found to be the main reservoir for this virus, causing disease in both humans and animals. The last outbreak has occurred in May 2018 in Kerala. It is characterized by high pathogenicity and fatality rates which varies from 40% to 70% depending on the severity of the disease and on the availability of adequate healthcare facilities. Currently, there are no antiviral drugs available for NiV disease and the treatment is just supportive. Clinical presentations for this virus range from asymptomatic infection to fatal encephalitis. OBJECTIVE: This study is aimed at predicting an effective epitope-based vaccine against glycoprotein G of Nipah henipavirus, using immunoinformatics approaches. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Glycoprotein G of the Nipah virus sequence was retrieved from NCBI. Different prediction tools were used to analyze the epitopes, namely, BepiPred-2.0: Sequential B Cell Epitope Predictor for B cell and T cell MHC classes II and I. Then, the proposed peptides were docked using Autodock 4.0 software program. Results and Conclusions. The two peptides TVYHCSAVY and FLIDRINWI have showed a very strong binding affinity to MHC class I and MHC class II alleles. Furthermore, considering the conservancy, the affinity, and the population coverage, the peptide FLIDRINWIT is highly suitable to be utilized to formulate a new vaccine against glycoprotein G of Nipah henipavirus. An in vivo study for the proposed peptides is also highly recommended.
Increased mortality of acute respiratory distress syndrome was associated with high levels of plasma phenylalanine
BACKGROUND: There is a dearth of drug therapies available for the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Certain metabolites play a key role in ARDS and could serve as potential targets for developing therapies against this respiratory disorder. The present study was designed to determine such “functional metabolites” in ARDS using metabolomics and in vivo experiments in a mouse model. METHODS: Metabolomic profiles of blood plasma from 42 ARDS patients and 28 healthy controls were captured using Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) assay. Univariate and multivariate statistical analysis were performed on metabolomic profiles from blood plasma of ARDS patients and healthy controls to screen for “functional metabolites”, which were determined by variable importance in projection (VIP) scores and P value. Pathway analysis of all the metabolites was performed. The mouse model of ARDS was established to investigate the role of “functional metabolites” in the lung injury and mortality caused by the respiratory disorder. RESULTS: The metabolomic profiles of patients with ARDS were significantly different from healthy controls, difference was also observed between metabolomic profiles of the non-survivors and the survivors among the ARDS patient pool. Levels of Phenylalanine, D-Phenylalanine and Phenylacetylglutamine were significantly increased in non-survivors compared to the survivors of ARDS. Phenylalanine metabolism was the most notably altered pathway between the non-survivors and survivors of ARDS patients. In vivo animal experiments demonstrated that high levels of Phenylalanine might be associated with the severer lung injury and increased mortality of ARDS. CONCLUSION: Increased mortality of acute respiratory distress syndrome was associated with high levels of plasma Phenylalanine. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry, ChiCTR1800015930. Registered 29 April 2018, http://www.chictr.org.cn/edit.aspx?pid=25609&htm=4
In vivo evidence for extracellular DNA trap formation
Extracellular DNA trap formation is a cellular function of neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils that facilitates the immobilization and killing of invading microorganisms in the extracellular milieu. To form extracellular traps, granulocytes release a scaffold consisting of mitochondrial DNA in association with granule proteins. As we understand more about the molecular mechanism for the formation of extracellular DNA traps, the in vivo function of this phenomenon under pathological conditions remains an enigma. In this article, we critically review the literature to summarize the evidence for extracellular DNA trap formation under in vivo conditions. Extracellular DNA traps have not only been detected in infectious diseases but also in chronic inflammatory diseases, as well as in cancer. While on the one hand, extracellular DNA traps clearly exhibit an important function in host defense, it appears that they can also contribute to the maintenance of inflammation and metastasis, suggesting that they may represent an interesting drug target for such pathological conditions.
Tolerance of coffee (Coffea spp.) seeds to ultra‐low temperature exposure in relation to calorimetric properties of tissue water, lipid composition, and cooling procedure
The effect of exposure to ultra‐low temperature (liquid nitrogen, LN) on viability of seeds desiccated to various water contents was investigated in 9 coffee species. Three groups of species could be distinguished based on seed survival after LN exposure. In group 1 species, no seedling production could be obtained after LN exposure due to endosperm injury. In group 2 species, recovery was very low or nil after rapid cooling, and only moderate after slow cooling. In group 3 species, very high percentages of seedling development were observed after both rapid and slow cooling. A high interspecific variability for the high moisture freezing limit was observed within the species of groups 2 and 3, since it ranged from 0.14 to 0.26 g H(2)O g(−1) dry weight. A very highly significant correlation was found for those species between the unfreezable water content, as determined from DSC analysis, and the high moisture freezing limit of their seeds. No significant correlation was found between seed lipid content, which varied from 9.8 to 34.6% dry weight, and survival after LN exposure. However, a negative relationship was found between seed unfreezable water content and lipid content. Interspecific differences in fatty acid composition of seed lipids resulted in a high variability in the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids, which ranged from 28.7 to 54.4% among the 9 species studied. For all species studied, a highly significant correlation was found between the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids and the percentage of seedling recovery after rapid or slow cooling.
Resource Allocation and Priority Setting
There has been much discussion of resource allocation in medical systems, in the United States and elsewhere. In large part, the discussion is driven by rising costs and the resulting budget pressures felt by publicly funded systems and by both public and private components of mixed health systems. In some publicly funded systems, resource allocation is a pressing issue because resources expended on one disease or person cannot be spent on another disease or person. Some of the same concern arises in mixed medical systems with multiple funding sources.
International Collaboration for Global Public Health
There is a long tradition of global collaboration in biomedicine and public health. Examples range from medical outposts in rural communities run by foreign missionaries (Good 1991) to the early infectious disease programs of the Rockefeller Foundation (Fosdick 1989) and from medical services and training programs for indigenous populations set up by colonial authorities (Marks 1997) to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) established by a collective of sovereign governments (Cueto 2007).
Addressing Burnout: Symptom Management Versus Treating the Cause
To our global neonatal nursing community
Functional richness of local hoverfly communities (Diptera, Syrphidae) in response to land use across temperate Europe
Environmental change is not likely to act on biodiversity in a random manner, but rather according to species traits that affect assembly processes, thus, having potentially serious consequences on ecological functions. We investigated the effects of anthropogenic land use on functional richness of local hoverfly communities of 24 agricultural landscapes across temperate Europe. A multivariate ordination separated seven functional groups based on resource use, niche characteristics and response type. Intensive land use reduced functional richness, but each functional group responded in a unique way. Species richness of generalist groups was nearly unaffected. Local habitat quality mainly affected specialist groups, while land use affected intermediate groups of rather common species. We infer that high species richness within functional groups alone is no guarantee for maintaining functional richness. Thus, it is not species richness per se that improves insurance of functional diversity against environmental pressures but the degree of dissimilarity within each functional group.
Character‐ and tree‐based delimitation of species in the ‘Cichlasoma’ facetum group (Teleostei, Cichlidae) with the description of a new genus
The ‘Cichlasoma’ facetum group is part of the taxonomically complex group of Neotropical cichlid fishes of the tribe Heroini. Many species groups and unplaced species of heroines are still left without a generic name following the revision of the genus Cichlasoma. We describe here the ‘Cichlasoma’ facetum group as a new genus, Australoheros, and provide evidence for its monophyly based on phylogenetic analyses of morphological and mtDNA characters. Australoheros is morphologically characterized by the lowest values in meristic characters among heroines and by three apomorphic characters in coloration pattern. In addition to the three described species of Australoheros, our results of species delimitation based on a combination of tree‐ and character‐based approaches identify seven putatively new species of Australoheros. Several coding schemes of morphological characters are used to recover the intrageneric relationships within the genus, resulting in very similar topologies. Discovery of additional species within the genus is expected once material from the whole distribution area is studied.
In vitro susceptibility of Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrhoeic lambs and goat kids to 14 antimicrobial agents
The in vitro activities of 14 anti‐microbial agents were determined against 92 strains of E. coli isolated from lambs (60 strains) and kids (32 strains) affected by neonatal diarrhoea. The overall percentage of resistant strains to streptomycin, sulphadimethoxine and tetracycline was very high (above 70%). A high level of resistance (from 30% to 50%) to ampicillin, kanamycin, neomycin and chloramphenicol was also detected. The E. coli strains were highly susceptible to cephalosporins, polymyxin and quinolones. Most of the strains showed multiresistance: 77.2% of isolates were resistant to at least two antibiotics, 55.4% were resistant to at least four antibiotics and 33.7% were resistant to at least six antibiotics. A total of 34 antibiotypes could be distinguished.
Graptoloid feeding efficiency, rotation and astogeny
Two methods are used to examine feeding strategies in graploloids; the first profiles different sets of zooids on the colony, the second treats the colony as a whole. Both of these techniques have advantages. The choice between them brings into question our concepts of the degree of coloniality shown by graptoloids. Using a whole colony model. graptoloids can be shown to have sampled the water with variable efficiency. as defined in this paper. Planar forms were relatively inefficient, generally sampling less than 10% of the available water. Inclined forms frequently approached 75% efficiency. Biserial forms and strdight monograptids roulinely exceeded 100%. sampling each unit of water more than once. Rotation of the rhabdosome during movement increased the efficiency of horizontal and inclined forms. It reduced the efficiency of scandent biserials and straight monograptids. These were both advantageous effects. Astogenetic changes in colony size and form would have had a profound effect on feeding efficiency.□Graptoloid, ecology, astogeny
Propagation of Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus in Porcine Cell Cultures
SUMMARY: This study reports some cultural characteristics of the VW 572 strain of hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (HEV) in primary pig kidney (PPK) cells, primary pig testicle (PPT) cells, secondary pig thyroid (SPTh) cells and the cell lines PK‐15 (pig kidney), SK−6 (swine kidney) and ST (swine testicle). A growth curve, based on cytopathic effect (CPE), immunofluorescence (IF), hemadsorption (Hads) and hemagglutination (HA), showed that SPTh and PPK cells were most susceptible for cultivation and quantitation of the virus. For the detection of replication in tubes inoculated with small amounts of virus, CPE, Hads and HA appeared to be useful and sensitive criteria. Repeated virus quantitation trials revealed a high variation in titration end‐points, even in the most susceptible cell types. The optimal procedure for the isolation of HEV from clinical specimens is preferably to inoculate the material on SPTh or PPK cells and to make a blind passage if the HA test at 7 days post inoculation is negative. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Züchtung von Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus (HEV) in porcinen Zellkulturen Kulturelle Eigenschaften des HEV‐Stammes VW 572 in primären Schweinenierenzellen (PPK), primären Schweinehodenzellen (PPT), sekundären Schweineschilddrüsenzellen (SPTh) und in den Zellinien PK‐15 (Schweinenieren), SK−6 (Schweinenieren) und ST (Schweinehoden) werden beschrieben. Vermehrungskurven, die mit Hilfe des cytopatischen Effektes (CPE), der Immunofluoreszenz (IF), der Hämadsorption (Hads) und der Hämagglutination als Kriterien für die Virusreplikation erstellt wurden, zeigten, daß SPTh und PPK‐Zellen am empfindlichsten für die Züchtung und Titration des Virus sind. Zum Nachweis der Virusvermehrung in Röhrchen, die mit kleinen Virusmengen beimpft wurden, waren CPE, Hads und HA empfindliche und brauchbare Kriterien. Wiederholte Virustitrationen zeigten eine hohe Variation der Titerendpunkte auch in hochempfänglichen Zellkulturen. Die optimale Methode für die Isolierung von HEV von klinischem Material ist die Verimpfung auf SPTh oder PPK mit anschließender Blindpassage, wenn der HA‐Test sieben Tage p. inf. negativ ist. RÉSUMÉ: Culture du virus hémagglutinant de l'encéphalomyélite (HEV) dans des cultures de cellules de porc On décrit les propriétés de culture de la souche HEV VW 572 dans des cellules primaires de reins de pores (PPK), dans des cellules primaires de testicules de porcs (PPT), dans des cellules secondaires de glandes tyroïdes de porcs (SPTh) et dans les lignées cellulaires PK‐15 (reins de porcs), SK−6 (reins de porcs) et ST (testicules de porcs). Les courbes de multiplication établies avec l'effet cytopathique (CPE), l'immunofluorescence (IF), l'hémadsorption (Hads) et l'hémagglutination (HA) comme critères pour la réplication du virus ont montré que les cellules SPTh et PPK étaient les plus sensibles pour la culture et la titration du virus. CPE, Hads et HA furent les critères sensibles et utilisables pour la mise en évidence de la multiplication virale en tubes inoculés avec de petites quantités de virus. Des titrations du virus répétées ont montré une forte variation du titre final également dans les cultures cellulaires hautement réceptrices. La méthode optimale pour l'isolement de HEV à partir d'un matériel clinique est l'inoculation sur SPTh ou PPK avec passages à l'aveugle si le test HA est négatif 7 jours après l'infection. RESUMEN: Propagación del virus hemoaglutinante de la encefalomielitis (HEV) en los cultivos de células de cerdos Se describen las propiedades culturales de la estirpe HEV VW 572 en células renales primarias de cerdo (PPK), células testiculares primarias de cerdo, células tiroideas secundarias de cerdo (SPTh) y en las líneas celulares PK‐15 (riñones de cerdo), SK−6 (riñones porcinos) y ST (testículos de cerdo). Las curvas de multiplicación, las cuales se establecieron con ayuda del efecto citopático (CPE), la inmunofluorescencia (IF), la hemoadsorción (Hads) y la hemoaglutinación como criterios para la replicación virósica, mostraban que las células SPTh y PPK son las más sensibles para el cultivo y titulación del virus. Para la puesta en evidencia de la multiplicación virósica en tubitos, los cuales se inocularon con cantidades pequeñas de virus, eran CPE, Hads y HA criterios sensibles y útiles. Titulaciones repetidas de virus mostraban una variación elevada de los puntos finales de títulos incluso en cultivos celulares harto receptibles. El método óptimo para el aislamiento de HEV a partir de material clínico consiste en la inoculación a SPTH o PPK con pase ciego inmediato si la prueba HA es negativa 7 días después de la infección.
Necrotizing enterocolitis in very low birthweight infants: a four‐year experience
Fifty (13%) of 375 infants who weighed 1500 g or less at birth had necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Haematological changes suggestive of sepsis occurred in 83% and positive bacteriological cultures were found in 38%, the most common organism isolated being Clostridium perfringens. Complications included intestinal perforation in six patients and recurrence of NEC in five, of whom one subsequently developed an intestinal stricture. Five of the eight nursery deaths were secondary to peritonitis and overwhelming sepsis from NEC. In spite of the discontinuation of milk feeds for prolonged periods, satisfactory caloric intake and weight gain were achieved with parenteral nutrition in the survivors. Of the 41 long‐term survivors, six (15%) were found to have a disability at 2 years of ago, corrected for prematurity, compared with 48 (20%) of 241 very low birthweight survivors from the same study period who did not have NEC. None had evidence of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Six (15%) children remained below the 10th percentile for both weight and height. This study showed that early diagnosis and therapy for NEC in very tow birthweight infants were associated with a favourable short‐ and long‐term outcome.
The Evolutionary History of the Genus Acanthamoeba and the Identification of Eight New 18S rRNA Gene Sequence Types
ABSTRACT The 18S rRNA gene (Rns) phylogeny of Acanthamoeba is being investigated as a basis for improvements in the nomenclature and taxonomy of the genus. We previously analyzed Rns sequences from 18 isolates from morphological groups 2 and 3 and found that they fell into four distinct evolutionary lineages we called sequence types T1‐T4. Here, we analyzed sequences from 53 isolates representing 16 species and including 35 new strains. Eight additional lineages (sequence types T5‐T12) were identified. Four of the 12 sequence types included strains from more than one nominal species. Thus, sequence types could be equated with species in some cases or with complexes of closely related species in others. The largest complex, sequence type T4, which contained six closely related nominal species, included 24 of 25 keratitis isolates. Rns sequence variation was insufficient for full phylogenetic resolution of branching orders within this complex, but the mixing of species observed at terminal nodes confirmed that traditional classification of isolates has been inconsistent. One solution to this problem would be to equate sequence types and single species. Alternatively, additional molecular information will be required to reliably differentiate species within the complexes. Three sequence types of morphological group 1 species represented the earliest divergence in the history of the genus and, based on their genetic distinctiveness, are candidates for reclassification as one or more novel genera.
Influences of El Niño on assemblages of mesopelagic fish larvae along the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur
Seasonal assemblages of mesopelagic fish larvae and changes related with environmental factors (plankton biomass, sea surface temperature anomaly, upwelling, and the multivariate El Niño index) were investigated. From 1982 to 1987, 16 oceanographic cruises were carried out along the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Larvae of 42 mesopelagic fish taxa were collected. Larval abundance was highly variable during the studied period, but summer months coincided with higher abundance (>200 larvae under 10 m(2)). Larval assemblages were dominated by three of the most common species of tropical (Vinciguerria lucetia, Diogenichthys laternatus) and subtropical affinity (Triphoturus mexicanus). A group of species of tropical affinity (Diplophos proximus, Diaphus pacificus, Benthosema panamense) was useful for distinguishing the 1982–84 El Niño event, and an assemblage of larvae of temperate affinity (Symbolophorus californiensis, Melamphaes lugubris, Bathylagus ochotensis, Leuroglossus stilbius, Protomyctophum crockeri) characterized ‘normal’ years (mid‐1984 to mid‐1987).
Land use affects the relationship between species diversity and productivity at the local scale in a semi‐arid steppe ecosystem
1.. The accelerating extinction rate of plant species and its effect on ecosystem functioning is a hotly debated topic in ecological research. Most research projects concerning the relationship between species diversity and productivity have been conducted in artificial plant communities, with only a few in natural ecosystems. In this study we examined the relationship between species diversity and above‐ground net primary productivity (ANPP) over two consecutive growth seasons (2004 and 2005) in a semi‐arid steppe ecosystem of northern China, that were subjected to different land uses. 2.. Land use affected the relationship between species diversity and ANPP in this semi‐arid steppe ecosystem. Exclusion of grazing without or with biomass removal by mowing increased ANPP, species richness and species diversity compared with free grazing; the effect was reflected mainly as enhanced importance of the perennial forbs functional group in terms of their relative contributions to ANPP, plant cover and plant abundance. 3.. Many mechanisms regulate the relationship between species diversity and productivity. Differential effects of anthropogenic activities on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning greatly complicate the analysis of such relationships. On grazing‐exclusion sites the relationship between ANPP and species richness can be best described as an exponential growth function (R (2) = 0·99, P < 0·001, n = 24); whereas on the free‐grazing site the relationship takes the form of exponential decay (R (2) = 0·96, P < 0·001, n = 24). Our study concludes that the mode and severity of disturbance are important factors for interpreting the relationship between species diversity and productivity in semi‐arid steppe ecosystems.
Assessment of periradicular microbiota by DNA‐DNA hybridization
Abstract – In the present study the “checkerboard” DNA‐DNA hybridization technique was used to identify bacteria in periapical endodontic lesions of asymptomatic teeth. Thirty‐four patients with root‐filled teeth and apical periodontitis were divided into two groups, each containing 17 patients. In Group 1, a marginal incision was performed during surgery to expose the lesion, and in Group 2, a submarginal incision was applied. The gingiva and mucosa were swabbed with an 0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate solution prior to surgery. Bacterial DNA was identified in all samples from the two groups using 40 different whole genomic probes. The mean number (±SD) of species detected was 33.7±3.3 in Group 1 and 21.3±6.3 in Group 2 (P<0.001). The majority of the probe‐detected bacteria were present in more lesions from Group1 than from Group 2. The differences were most notable for Campylobacter gracilis, Porphyromonas endodontalis, Propionibacterium acnes, Capnocytophaga gingivalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum ssp. nucleatum, Fusobacterium nucleatum ssp. polymorphum, Prevotella intermedia, Treponema denticola, Streptococcus constellatus and Actinomyces naeslundii I. Bacterial species such as Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Bacteroides forsythus were detected in more than 60% of the lesions from both groups. Also, P. endodontalis was abundant in periapical tissue. The data supported the idea that following a marginal incision, bacteria from the periodontal pocket might reach the underlying tissues by surgeon‐released bacteremia. The study provided solid evidence that bacteria invade the periapical tissue of asymptomatic teeth with apical periodontitis. The detection of much more bacteria with the “checkerboard” DNA‐DNA hybridization method than has previously been recovered by anaerobic culture indicated that the endodontic (and periodontal) microfloras should be redefined using molecular methods.
Immunogenicity and Efficacy of a Commercial Feline Leukemia Virus Vaccine
Twenty young adult specific pathogen‐free cats were randomly divided into two groups of 10 animals each. One group was vaccinated with two doses of feline leukemia virus vaccine according to the manufacturer's recommendations. All 20 cats were challenge exposed oronasally (4 times over a 1‐week period), beginning 3 weeks after immunization, with a virulent subgroup A strain of FeLV (CT600‐FeLV). The severity of the FeLV infection was enhanced by treating the cats with methylprednisolone acetate at the time of the last FeLV exposure. Ten of 10nonvaccinated cats became persistently viremic compared with 0/10 of the vaccinates. ELISA antibodies to whole FeLV were present at high concentrations after immunization in all of the vaccinated cats, and there was no observable anamnestic antibody response after challenge exposure. ELISA antibodies to whole FeLV appeared at low concentrations in the serum of nonvaccinated cats after infection but disappeared as the viremia became permanently established. Virus neutralizing antibodies were detected in 3/10 vaccinates and 0/10 nonvaccinates immediately before FeLV challenge exposure, and in 8/10 vaccinates and 1/10 nonvaccinates 5 weeks later. Although vaccination did not consistently evoke virus neutralizing antibodies, it appeared to immunologically prime cats for a virus‐neutralizing antibody response after infection. Active FeLV infection was detected in bone marrow cells taken 14 weeks after infection from 10/10 nonvaccinates and 0/10 vaccinates. Latent FeLV infection was not detected in bone marrow cells from any of the vaccinated cats 14 weeks after challenge exposure.
Monotonicity properties for a ratio of finite many gamma functions
In the paper, the authors consider a ratio of finite many gamma functions and find its monotonicity properties such as complete monotonicity, the Bernstein function property, and logarithmically complete monotonicity.
Urbanization interferes with the use of amphibians as indicators of ecological integrity of wetlands
1. Wetlands are ecologically and economically important ecosystems but are threatened globally by many forms of human disturbance. Understanding the responses of wetland species to human disturbance is essential for effective wetland management and conservation. 2. We undertook a study to determine (i) whether anurans can be used effectively to assess the ecological integrity of wetlands affected by groundwater withdrawal and, if so, (ii) what effect increasing urbanization might have on the utility of anurans as wetland indicators. We monitored the intensity of anuran calls at 42 wetlands in south‐western Florida throughout 2001–2002 and 2005–2009. 3. We first validated the use of anurans to assess wetland integrity using a small group of wetlands by comparing anuran calling and subsequent tadpole development with an established index employing vegetation composition and structure. We then verified that the results could be expanded to a variety of sites throughout the region. Finally, we focused on urbanized wetlands to determine whether urbanization could interfere with the use of anurans to assess wetland integrity. 4. We used PRESENCE to estimate occupancy and detection probabilities and to examine the relationship between occupancy and five covariates expected to influence individual species occurrence. We used FRAGSTATS to calculate the mean proximity index for urbanized wetlands, which assesses the size and distribution of land use types within a specified area. 5. Our results showed that the group of species including oak toad Anaxyrus quercicus, southern cricket frog Acris gryllus, pinewoods treefrog Hyla femoralis, barking treefrog Hyla gratiosa, and little grass frog Pseudacris ocularis is a reliable indicator of wetland integrity. However, this same group of species, which is sensitive to wetland health, is selectively excluded from urbanized wetlands. 6. Synthesis and applications. Although anurans are effective indicators of wetland health and complement vegetation surveys, the usefulness of this group for monitoring the ecological integrity of wetlands can be substantially reduced, or eliminated, as a consequence of urbanization. We urge for careful consideration of confounding factors in any studies examining the utility of indicator species.
Acanthamoeba healyi N. Sp. and the Isoenzyme and Immunoblot Profiles of Acanthamoeba spp., Groups 1 and 3
ABSTRACT Two strains of Acanthamoeba isolated from human brain tissue and a strain of Acanthamoeba isolated from a fish were compared with 10 species of Acanthamoeba belonging to groups 1, 2 and 3 based on their isoenzyme profiles and antigenic characteristics. A total of 12 enzymes were studied. The isoenzymes and antigens were electrophoretically separated on polyacrylamide gradient gels, and the patterns obtained were compared after appropriate staining for particular enzymes and reactivities with homologous and heterologous rabbit anti‐Acanthamoeba antisera. One of the human strains (CDC:1283:V013) was identified as A. healyi n. sp. because of its unique isoenzyme profiles for 11 of the 12 enzymes tested. The other human isolate was reidentified as A. culbertsoni because its isoenzyme profiles for 10 of 12 enzymes resembled those of A. culbertsoni, Lilly A‐1 strain. Since the isoenzyme profiles and the antigenic patterns of the fish isolate as well were remarkably similar to those of A. royreba, it was considered as a strain of A. royreba. Polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis appears to be a powerful technique for the study of isoenzymes and antigens of Acanthamoeba.
An Ultrastructural Study of Vairimorpha necatrix (Microspora, Microsporida) with Particular Reference to Episporontal Inclusions During Octosporogony
ABSTRACT. The life cycle of Vairimorpha necatrix was studied by electron microscopy. Disporous development has two distinct stages: 1) diplokaryotic meronts which are actively mitotic, and 2) diplokaryotic sporonts which are distinguished by reduced ribosome density and a thickened plasmalemma. After final division of the sporont, sporoblasts form spores which are ovocylindrical and measure 4.4 ± 0.08 × 2.3 ± 0.05 μm (mean ± SE). Octosporous development results in eight haploid spores being formed in a sporophorous vesicle. The uninucleate octospores were smaller than the binucleate dispores and the exospore was thicker but less crenulate in outline. Early in octosporogony, tubules are produced from the sporont plasmalemma and electron‐dense material accumulates in the episporontal space. The latter may be amorphous, vesiculated, or vacuolated in appearance and in later stages may take a stacked, lamellar form. At sporoblast formation, exospore material coats the plasmalemma and attached tubules; all inclusions in the episporontal space gradually disappear as spores are formed. These secretory products may have application to taxonomic distinction at the species level.
Multiplication of rubella and measles viruses in primary rat neural cell cultures: relevance to a postulated triggering mechanism for multiple sclerosis
Rubella virus multiplied to low titre and produced a partial cytopathic effect in rat glial cell cultures. Anti‐galactocerebroside staining showed that this cytopathic effect involved the disintegration of oligodendrocytes. A similar effect was produced following infection of myelinating neural cell cultures with rubella virus, but virus multiplication could not be detected in pure neuron cultures. Measles virus was found to multiply and produce a cytopathic effect in primary cultures of both neurons and glial cells. These results are discussed in relation to the ability of measles and rubella viruses to trigger human multiple sclerosis.
Aspects of canine distemper virus and measles virus encephalomyelitis
Canine distemper (CD) is a frequently fatal, systemic morbillivirus infection in the dog and other carnivores: encephalomyelitis is the common cause of death. Susceptibility to canine distemper virus (CDV) is now recognized in a wide range of non–domestic animals, most recently in captive lions, tigers and leopards. Furthermore, closely related viruses have produced CD–like diseases in marine mammals. CDV induces an inclusion–body encephalomyelitis in the dog and demyelination is often a conspicuous feature. Myelin injury is associated with the presence of virus but the mechanism of demyelination remains incompletely understood. Oligodendrocyte infection may be defective, as has been shown in vitro. CDV and measles virus (MV) produce similar systemic disorders in their respective hosts but differ markedly in the frequency of central nervous system (CNS) involvement, and in the pathogenesis of the more common neurological sequelae. Both CDV and MV have been considered as multiple sclerosis agents, and the association of CDV with other human disease has been suggested.
Considerations for Drug Interactions on QTc in Exploratory COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) Treatment
COVID-19 cacophony: is there any orchestra conductor?
Clinical characteristics and imaging manifestations of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A multi-center study in Wenzhou city, Zhejiang, China