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I HOLD YOU In the silent space of my heart I hold you know you are going forevermore apart I keep you in a silent space in my heart You are dying I am not crying But inside a silence I hold you know you are dying I keep you while you are going I hold you I hope you know it silent grieving, silent loving
WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE  WORDS CANNOT CONTAIN WORDS CANNOT                 words cannot describe words cannot describe your leaving words cannot contain words cannot contain the pain of your leaving your dying words are empty shells words can only tell the shell of the story inside is the pain inside I cry in vain cannot stop your leaving you don't want to go my son this story shows your pain at your leaving                     my son  if I could hot the pain your pain I would you know my heart can't contain the grief of your leaving my heart cannot contain my longing in vain to change your dying my son I cry again inside my shell of pain my shell it cracks my life it lacks words to contain your leaving words cannot describe words can't bring alive my son who has died leaving a child  grandson of mine just three and you have died words cannot contain can't bring alive my son who has died his life just begun a three year old son a wife by his side her grief like a tide no holding it contained a world of love and pain my son my son I lack words but I hope you can hear the love so near the love like a tide the grief that you have died I just cannot believe my son I am numb my son I can't believe my son I am numb my son has died
SADNESS IN YOUR EYES sadness in your eyes sadness but you don't cry sadness it's not about goodbye it's the love has died sadness you can't try to pretend pretend it's not goodbye sadness sadness in your eyes sadness in my eyes
BROUGHT TO GRIEF BY LOVE I am brought to grief brought to grief I am touched by caring warmed by kindness disarmed Yes I am brought to grief by love A man is dying of Aids He can no longer hide that he is gay from the small straight tight-knit tight-lipped community where he has taught math for twenty-three years He expects censure He receives an outpouring of caring And I am brought to grief brought to grief I am touched by the caring warmed by the kindness disarmed Yes I am brought to grief by love A woman is raped in an old pick-up truck A man is dying shot in the guts I am a rock But I am brought to grief brought to grief I am touched by caring warmed by kindness disarmed Yes I am brought to grief by love A child is outside not the same out of luck not Jewish not Christian not French not Wasp I am a rock The child is included by a child by the teacher in a game on the street I am disarmed by the caring Instead of disapproval, love Instead of exclusion, love Yes, I am brought to grief brought to grief I am touched by caring warmed by kindness disarmed Yes I am brought to grief by love
THE NIGHT BEFORE THE FOREVER DARK the night before the dark the day before the forever night the evening before the total dark the closing of my father's mind I fall down crying in a dream he has died and I have not said good-bye because he lives at moments because he flickers in and out so on the day before the forever night I still see him my father alive his mind is not yet forever dark it blinks in and out he asks he asks questions like a child he wonders like a child the cat has a second litter of kittens so she is, he says, a grandmother now no, she is, once more, a mother, I reply oh, he goes, not sure why this time she is not a grandmother a few minutes later, he again says, so she is a grandmother now he is seventy-four so young, so very young he is the age to be a grandfather and he has no grandchild he is not forever young but on the night before the total dark I hold him in my heart in my wakeful mind and wonder where has the time gone? I am your daughter I used to be a child your child I am not a child though still your child and on this night before the forever dark I ask what has happened to my father with his questioning, ever-wondering mind?
Just There Where you were, I did not see you. So close to me, but yet so veiled. Quietly you waited, upon my invitations; but still, somehow, I failed to note of you, yearning to be with me, but finding just a void. So sadly, you retreated; bowed, dejected. Finally when I knew of you, your devotion, so foolishly I did feel, like a simpleton. For I had looked so very hard for you, up/down/everywhere. but I just did not looked clear, in front of me, where you were just there.
My Pain My pain feels like bones breaking, Day after day. I feel so stressed and tired, that my hair may turn gray. I keep on crying, like an old tissue tatty and wear. What if I don't get better, That is my biggest fear. I feel so dizzy, like I might fall down, but no matter what my family has been around. However lately I feel like I might give up, as I have so many pills that they could fill up a cup. This year hasn't been so great for me, and not for a lot of my family. My grandma is forgetting simple things, like who she is and what she brings. My uncle and best friend have cancer, I wish somehow that they will both find the answer. These horrible things are making me mad, I love them so much it makes me sad. Believe me I'm not trying to make it all about me, I just don't know the last time my pain was a three. All I've been getting is nines and nines, there's no way this pain is in my mind. Without god I would not be here, he saved my life this year. The pain is only a small price to pay, as I wish to walk with my lord someday
O Death Rock Me Asleep a sad and poignant poem by Anne Boleyn just before her execution Death, rock me asleep, Bring me to quiet rest, Let pass my weary guiltless ghost Out of my careful breast. Toll on, thou passing bell; Ring out my doleful knell; Let thy sound my death tell. Death doth draw nigh; There is no remedy. My pains who can express? Alas, they are so strong; My dolour will not suffer strength My life for to prolong. Toll on, thou passing bell; Ring out my doleful knell; Let thy sound my death tell. Death doth draw nigh; There is no remedy. Alone in prison strong I wait my destiny. Woe worth this cruel hap that I Should taste this misery! Toll on, thou passing bell; Ring out my doleful knell; Let thy sound my death tell. Death doth draw nigh; There is no remedy. Farewell, my pleasures past, Welcome, my present pain! I feel my torments so increase That life cannot remain. Cease now, thou passing bell; Rung is my doleful knell; For the sound my death doth tell. Death doth draw nigh; There is no remedy.
The House with Nobody in it a poem by Joyce Kilmer Whenever I walk to Suffern along the Erie track I go by a poor old farmhouse with its shingles broken and black. I suppose I've passed it a hundred times, but I always stop for a minute And look at the house, the tragic house, the house with nobody in it. I never have seen a haunted house, but I hear there are such things; That they hold the talk of spirits, their mirth and sorrowings. I know this house isn't haunted, and I wish it were, I do; For it wouldn't be so lonely if it had a ghost or two. This house on the road to Suffern needs a dozen panes of glass, And somebody ought to weed the walk and take a scythe to the grass. It needs new paint and shingles, and the vines should be trimmed and tied; But what it needs the most of all is some people living inside. If I had a lot of money and all my debts were paid I'd put a gang of men to work with brush and saw and spade. I'd buy that place and fix it up the way it used to be And I'd find some people who wanted a home and give it to them free. Now, a new house standing empty, with staring window and door, Looks idle, perhaps, and foolish, like a hat on its block in the store. But there's nothing mournful about it; it cannot be sad and lone For the lack of something within it that it has never known. But a house that has done what a house should do, a house that has sheltered life, That has put its loving wooden arms around a man and his wife, A house that has echoed a baby's laugh and held up his stumbling feet, Is the saddest sight, when it's left alone, that ever your eyes could meet. So whenever I go to Suffern along the Erie track I never go by the empty house without stopping and looking back, Yet it hurts me to look at the crumbling roof and the shutters fallen apart, For I can't help thinking the poor old house is a house with a broken heart
Darkness - a poem by Lord Byron I had a dream, which was not all a dream. The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars Did wander darkling in the eternal space, Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air; Morn came, and went and came, and brought no day, And men forgot their passions in the dread Of this desolation; and all hearts Were chill'd into a selfish prayer for light: And they did live by watchfires - and the thrones, The palaces of crowned kings, the huts, The habitations of all things which dwell, Were burnt for beacons; cities were consumed, And men were gathered round their blazing homes To look once more into each other's face; Happy were those who dwelt within the eye Of the volcanos, and their mountain-torch: A fearful hope was all the world contain'd; Forest were set on fire but hour by hour They fell and faded and the crackling trunks Extinguish'd with a crash and all was black. The brows of men by the despairing light Wore an unearthly aspect, as by fits The flashes fell upon them; some lay down And hid their eyes and wept; and some did rest Their chins upon their clenched hands, and smiled; And others hurried to and fro, and fed Their funeral piles with fuel, and looked up With mad disquietude on the dull sky, The pall of a past world; and then again With curses cast them down upon the dust, And gnash'd their teeth and howl'd: the wild birds shriek'd, And, terrified, did flutter on the ground, And flap their useless wings; the wildest brutes Came tame and tremolous; and vipers crawl'd And twined themselves among the multitude, Hissing, but stingless, they were slain for food: And War, which for a moment was no more, Did glut himself again; a meal was bought With blood, and each sate sullenly apart Gorging himself in gloom: no love was left; All earth was but one thought and that was death, Immediate and inglorious; and the pang Of famine fed upon all entrails men Died, and their bones were tombless as their flesh; The meagre by the meagre were devoured, Even dogs assail'd their masters, all save one, And he was faithful to a corpse, and kept The birds and beasts and famish'd men at bay, Till hunger clung them, or the dropping dead Lured their lank jaws; himself sought out no food, But with a piteous and perpetual moan And a quick desolate cry, licking the hand Which answered not with a caress, he died. The crowd was famish'd by degrees; but two Of an enormous city did survive, And they were enemies; They met beside The dying embers of an altar-place Where had been heap'd a mass of holy things For an unholy usage; they raked up, And shivering scraped with their cold skeleton hands The feeble ashes, and their feeble breath Blew for a little life, and made a flame Wich was a mockery; then they lifted up Their eyes as it grew lighter, and Each other's aspects. saw, and shriek'd, and died, beheld Even of their mutual hideousness they died, Unknowing who he was upon whose brow Famine had written Fiend. The world was void, The populous and the powerful was a lump, Seasonless, herbless, treeless, manless, lifeless, A lump of death, a chaos of hard clay. The rivers, lakes, and ocean stood still, And nothing stirred within their silent depths; Ships sailorless lay rotting on the sea, And their masts fell down piecemeal; as they dropp'd They slept on the abyss without a surge The waves were dead; the tides were in their grave, The moon their mistress had expired before; The winds were withered in the stagnant air, And the clouds perish'd; Darkness had no need Of aid from them. She was the universe.
As soft winds sweep away the days I look back on life through a haze. Remember playgrounds, parks and friends, In childlike gaze that never ends. The laughter in a game of catch, Shall memory ever attach... To innocence in youthful eyes, Catching the ball to Dad's surprise. I recall my first bike, first wreck, Who picked me up, said, "What the heck?" Convinced me to give one more try, While, knees skinned, I forgot to cry. Just the joy knowing he was there, Making him proud my only care. There was nothing I couldn't do, My heart held fast that to be true. Though teenage years were kind of rough, I sure wasn't too big or tough. You taught me to defend what's right And never back down from a fight. So I learned the hard way to stand, Still, with each lump, I found your hand. Drawing from you an inner strength, And stubborn pride of equal length. But there the line of fate was drawn, As though I blinked and you were gone. I found myself facing the sun, Not man, not boy, fatherless, one. Eyes blinded by a void inside, I could not live that you had died. Alas finding it to be true, I could do nothing without you. Please, Dad, today just hear my call, I'm sorry that I dropped the ball. My life is wrecked, my knees are skinned, My emotions undisciplined. I can't get up although I try, Please don't be upset if I cry. Though I can't fight what I can't see, Please, Dad, say you're still proud of me.
Dance Of Terror Window panes come crashing down Amidst the tears and pain Vanishing hopes are gone and flew away Up above through twilight Shadows cast across the floor Reflections of the past Trembling thoughts of one Dwelling deep within the soul A mystical sense of reality Captured by the craze All in bewilderment Of the shock in the wave Creatures of the dimness Chattering amongst the green Everything slows in stillness What is this we see?
My Father, My Son As a son I lost a father, As a father, a son - If the choice was mine I'd rather Had not lost either one. I do not know where I come from Or where I am to go. True, this fate is less than some And more than some can know. My father, my son - you both I miss But we shall meet someday In the kingdom where angels kiss To chase the clouds away.
Surprise! Surprise! I dreamt death came the other night And heaven's gate swung wide; With kindly grace an angel came To usher me inside. Yet there to my astonishment Stood folks I'd known on earth, Some I had judged as quite unfit Or of but little worth. Indignant words rose to my lips But never were set free; For every face showed stunned surprise NO ONE expected me!
This morning’s surprise This morning’s surprise is how much I’ll miss rail travel. The green fields looming up and falling behind, the milky tea wobbling in a plastic cup, the engine’s steady vibration. This afternoon’s surprise is how many shades of red there are, each one sitting in a room of its own, dense in meditation. Each one a field of conflict, a medium of conciliation. This evening’s surprise is not that the novel ends in a desultory return to the working week - loose ends trimmed and tucked out of sight - but the ferocity of my recoil at the author’s glib contrivance. Midnight’s surprise is Lorca’s moon floating over Hackney full-faced, round-eyed and speaking Spanish.
I Hate Poems user img I try to write a poem, but poems are too hard Rhyming is for losers and airy-fairy bards To put a pen to paper and write about your life I've had enough of all of those, they only cause me strife Free-verse script is awful, for fools without a beat Repetition's far too simple just repeat, repeat, REPEAT Those lovey-dovey ode-things, that wishy-washy crap And poems about hatred, you all deserve a slap Spare me all your ramblings, I don't care how you feel Your self-expression surely stinks of mouldy day-old eel To tell a tale of wonder never ceases to be trite To sing of magic wonders is nothing but pure ****e Your metaphors are useless, your imagery is vile Your sense of diction makes me gag, I cannot stand your "style" So save me your quotations, please spare me all your rhyme Shove that poem up your rear and cease to waste my time I look at what I've written, this jumble of clichés Looks like I wrote a bloody poem so I'm the one to blame!
This Will Be The Last Time I currently drown in a black sea of a swirling abyss, as you mould me to how you see fit -- to how you wish me to be. You can’t hear it, but I’m screaming on the inside. It’s been days, but feels like it’s been years. I’ve become used to so much torture that my lace fringed heart stopped breathing. Now the empty shell of a woman only remains, but you’re pleased with what you’ve done, as you marvel at the girl you destroyed. Now once that coppery sun has set, I shall seek my deserving revenge. With all the hurt and anger I have bottled up you won’t make it out alive; you can count on that darling. The last thing you’ll see will be my charcoal eyes and the psychotic harlequin smile I don. Be sure that I will rip out your ugly heart with my bare hands; staining and tarnishing their porcelain finish. This will be the last I waste my time on you. With hugs and love always,
Sorry, my mask fell, what emotion was I wearing? Since the day I was born humanity always hated me Anytime I accomplish something The critics always slated for free Speaking of this weak flow And of each illiterate rhyme Always hearing "Last in Show" So I retained every word of mine... But, look at me now, every rhyme will be sublime And this flow of corrupt power runs the show So now they call it another crime To express the feelings I don't know To write emotions in lifes spare time And for each new critic who trys to dictate Another tear sheds, emotions slow Defenses shatter, breaking I let go. Wake as essence torn asunder under bright stars Minds obscured in this black I call mine Mental blacklists entwine with physical scars Losing control waiting for god's loving light to shine Stepping forward, critics rejoice, with headlights and black cars
here is hate-prejudice which thinks ill of others and there is love-prejudice which thinks well of others without sufficient warrant. It's your choice, practice hate-prejudice or try God's way with love-prejudice. Is it worth the argument?
Gone and Forgotten Rotting away like time and wear I become frail like wilting roses yet they walk on by without a care and no one even supposes. Another page, another turn but time after time they are blank and then my edges start to burn in place of where my heart sank. I sit alone and decompose simmer out like a dying light and despite the poetry and the prose I slowly loose the fight. Now just a pile of cinder and soot I am swept to a corner to lay swept by society's heartless foot with nothing to feel and nothing to say. Slowly over time I start to disperse and blow away in specks of black and in this lonely pathetic verse it's too late for you to take it back.
The Inevitable End Coming Sooner than Expected Tell me one reason why I shouldn't do it Jump from this building Or tighten this noose Swallow these pills, or cut at my wrist, Why shouldn't I? Life is a **** Why should I "deal"? Or try to get by When all that I get is for me to cry It can be over, ended, and done If I jump, or I can be hung My stomach is boiling with the vile of society The cause for this bile coming out of me For my image, does it matter though? We all look the same when we meet our fate
Night Flights I'm closer to the night sky than to the earth below me here amongst the peaceful stars whose dazzling lights enclose me I've sat upon the crescent moon spoke of many wishes and dreams I've watched the glow of shooting stars fall down in spiralled streams I'm sure I saw the spherical shimmer of other planets far beyond here I sent subliminal thoughts to them in the hope that they would answer I cried tears of loss and happiness for loved ones who breathe no more I miss their presence in my life and the times we shared before I know that with times passage hope will slowly flower and grow I feel its touch within my soul warming me and making me whole I've spent many a night flying free adrift in heavens splendour I'll stay in this velvet blue haven until the sun, my soul awakens
Night Flights I'm closer to the night sky than to the earth below me here amongst the peaceful stars whose dazzling lights enclose me I've sat upon the crescent moon spoke of many wishes and dreams I've watched the glow of shooting stars fall down in spiralled streams I'm sure I saw the spherical shimmer of other planets far beyond here I sent subliminal thoughts to them in the hope that they would answer I cried tears of loss and happiness for loved ones who breathe no more I miss their presence in my life and the times we shared before I know that with times passage hope will slowly flower and grow I feel its touch within my soul warming me and making me whole I've spent many a night flying free adrift in heavens splendour I'll stay in this velvet blue haven until the sun, my soul awakens
In His Hands In His hands I feel safe no harm can come to me for He holds me to his breast and whispers "I love thee." In His hands There is love this gift He gave to me It is this gift of love that set my spirit free. In His hands there is life I am not alone He met me there at Heaven's gate and softly said "Come Home." I am sorry Mom and Dad for leaving you so soon even though I'm in His hands He is there with you.
Sunspeed I feel my mind drifting drowsy now as dawn draws near. The shift in season means I'll soon be gone, I fear. I feel my body tire while my spirit soars on higher. Down my face there rolls one lonely, laughing tear. And oh, I hope the sun shines bright today. Its shining spectacle will send me on my way. Seems I've seen it all in a dream I know it's closer than it seems. For I've lost the urge to hideaway. There's no need to wander now; squandered too much anyhow and failed to find a thing I'd keep. Perhaps true patience lies in lasting sleep. And oh, I pray the sun shines bright today. Its light will speed my flight and guide me to my grave. The dream's come clear now, it calls to me, "Run through the woods, boy and to the sea. Only there shall you be saved." And blazed upon that forest floor there is a path I've walked before which wildly winds then finally finds the shore. I'll watch the waves until they crest then calmly lay these bones to rest. Just another shell upon the sand forevermore. And hey, look how the sun shines bright today! Poised on the horizon its rays riding every wave. Such a lovely sight to see. Think I'll take it away with me. To wherever it is I'll be.
Christmas 2008 -- a Gift It is Christmas soon. Red and green and white on display. Cookies in jars; fruit cakes on trays; presents secretively wrapped, betoken with beloved names. Christmas carols resound. Joy glitters in eyes. Sorrow flares up. Fanfare cannot hide facades. The needy becomes more needy. Melancholic. Withdrawn. Or reach out, cutting the crust of indifference. Even those forgetting the Real Present, are inevitably embraced by the warmth of Love. At last I found the bread basket liners I was looking for: two red cotton squares, the only two in the shop, but part of a set of four, of which the other two disappeared. No, Madam, we may not sell those -- the set is incomplete. Oh! But to me it is complete! I want only these two! Will you please ask the Manager if I may buy it? I asked this with such hope. Over a distance I saw his friendly smile while the attendant spoke to him. He caught my eye, nodded, and grinned. The attendant smiled too, when she reached me: Madam -- with compliments of the Manager: your Christmas present! I waved at him, answered his grin, and nodded too. Joy to the World! our smiling eyes signaled. Back at home KitKat, a true Christmas Cat, looked at me with a clear, knowing gaze: It is Christmas ... and His Love is in the air. Our greatest Gift.
Upon hitting the wall. . . Where the still water gathers the peace of clear skies -- after the tumbled traipse, rock and rill rollick -- mountain face carving in creative haste, all the youth of creek falling and stumbling ‘cross stone and branch in frothy dance, this place of solitary glance ‘neath the cool shadows of leaf near the fern and moss green mist. When I’ve lost my path amongst the wonders of love and bedazzled by mysteries beyond my grasp -- my poetic voice, a memory scratched upon papers, bound, to show where once my wonder pranced. Emotions caught in lyrical beat. I let myself be led to this source, this place of infinite relief. My aches pulse stilled, frustration shorn the inner cacaphony -- want and need -- my children, clutch and grab at who I be, finally close their eyes, allow the mind to slumber. the inner ear within the soul becomes alert waits with surety for the truly promised gift. The pond, bequeathed, unstirred by ripple or run becomes a reflection of the source -- all gifts, mine since birth, wait for what’s to be heard. The small still voice, we all seek, makes clear, without herald of storm, awakens the creative seeds to flourish and grow where I had only seen barren loam. Now reborn to the world’s harsh clatter, I am healed and whole where once wounded and shattered. My words, dried and dusty, sere, squeezed to no meaning, once again, trumpet joy, are cups rich in flavorful meaning to unclench the throat. Walled with a cell, caught by my own humanness, tossed and torn by competing needs -- I know I have the strength from the primal spring that love's me and has my constant thanks. Join me, upon the banks of this clear quiet pond, listen as you are imbued with serenity, for the voice with which miracles blossom. Whether recognized or not, you will be eternally changed and gifted for the time you have spent upon this spot.
Peaceful Abyss Join me in this simplistic environment. Immerse yourself in the sweet nothingness of this paradise. Allow the cool breeze to blow past your worry-free mind. Take my hand and embrace this feeling as we close our eyes. Like a dream it seems, while we slowly float above. Let’s savor this serene sensation. We'll bask in the dimming sunlight as the day evolves And we nurture our current elevation. Hold me while we observe the graceful flight of the souls of the sky And we witness the harmonic image of the lively sea spirits. Let your contentment seize control as we lay here, Listening to the subtle whistle of the calm wind. Sail away with me in the depths of euphoria. Let's embark on this beautiful journey and we'll slowly descend. Stay with me while we free-fall into my Nirvana. We'll share the wondrous flavor of bliss And feel the touch of pure tranquility,
Rejuvenation Is Here! Alone, perplexed beyond all solace you saw in the misted mirror as a red-eyed teardrop fell from the drip-pad of your soft cheek to land like a pearl in the palm of your hand right on your heart line..... Unexpectedly the pearl turns to gleaming gold with all hues of rainbow before exploding without any shock or any force transporting you to a heavenly place..... Under clear azure sky without a cloud in sight wandering through freesia vales and cyclamen dells scented piquant with pinks, yellows, and purples, lilting with rich Robin syllables and warbley Nightingale trills and edged entirely by magenta gobuleted magnolias each chalicing wine of enchanting to be alive! above blaze of flame of sweet wafting azalia blooms a fabled river enchantedly runs...... With droplets like sun dew every ripple scintillates with hue that magical mix of pure sunlight with pure water that glows with spontaneous fuse so you take off your shoes like bathing in champaigne the water is bubbly and warm dispersing all worldy worries making you feel lighter than a feather and you float peaceful as gossamer laying on your back in the spa of the water's form...... Elegent damsel flies and butterflies luster even more wonderful hues as the kiss of air from their wing-beats feels almost angelic on your skin! while waters sun-spangled ripples scintillatingly and safely pass completely right through you making you feel utterly refreshed, buoyant, pristine, effervesced! infused with vibrant health re-youthfulness returned you to your most zesty, mirthful best..... As sun-dappled scintillas dance an entrancing dance on the trunks of the Magnolias reflected from the streamy ripples projecting the lowering sun, and as humming-birds and shimmering green bees head off to roost you leave the water to go home yourself.... After pausing under the saintedly natural cathedral of a large green weeping willow to whisper within it's echo an appreciative prayer to the great Creator of all natural bounties then....whoosh, you're back at home! But you'll remember this place and come back here again to be at one with your maker and all that's lovingly made...... you'll know just when to return probably reminded by raindrops or whenever next you hold a tears pearl in your hand!
Bridge Parched earth crumbled at the slightest touch. roots shriveled, fruit rotted, fissures formed-- chasms ached with thirst. Your love seeps into my soil; breaches heal, roots swell-- I burst into bloom. Wind whispers forgiveness, limbs shiver with joy. Your colors kiss my soul-- we breathe a bow of peace.
Peace The World Together The world’s heartstrings, should strum in harmony, where oxygen longs only wars to cease. Blessed are benign souls who bestow beauty, as mindful poets, weave love's masterpiece. Such sweet quintessence, like stars in a row, where some stand, hand in hand, out of the blue. Let's unleash peace, a path we need follow, revealing rapport, our worlds never knew. Like starry lightshows, of lucid night skies, sparkling in unison, where silk songs play. Diplomatic minds, be still and think wise, let’s learn from history, starting today. Dreaming of all life, where we can share rain, where souls can feel warmth, healing in love's light. Embrace peace, after long eras of pain, so new generations won’t fear the night. May friendly smiles fill souls with gentleness, living anew, this peace our lips profess.
Spill Your Peace Lead lost sheep through vale of fear, where raging storms threaten to tear down fence of safe haven. Spill Your peace upon barren deserts torched by horror of war lighten our hearts heavy with regret, gather restless in your gracious embrace.
the real victory! Kings, presidents and chiefs Rule the world with the people’s fear; Making law at their side, so they’ll keep ruling the world from their comfy seats. Mastering the language of wars and hostilities, nothing to lose, just send armies to the battlefield! Freedom, justice and independence, these concepts in politics are just theories Oh peace, will you ever be here? I’ve never seen you in this sphere, I’ve just read about you in the myths. But I know that one day, you’ll be real. They’ll see people screaming ‘’ cheers ‘’, as to celebrate the victory they have achieved . Now all I got to do is write this rhyme , and wait for someone to understand what it means. Wait for people not to be sheep, and for societies to wake up from their sleep; So as to push hierarchies down to the deep. That’s how our kids will know the truth peace.
Where There Is Love Where there is love there is life Regardless of strife Where there's desire there's a way Where there is sun a hopes ray Peace is present each day Where there is hope there is light Warmth lifts, renewed height When we open our closed heart When we search for a fresh start Peace will find a way Where there's kindness there is love All greed climb above where to give we don't dare Where walls fall, naked bare True peace must stay Where there is God there is fate Surplus love, less hate When his heart opened to give When we may love him and live In PEACE I pray
Vigil There is a magical peace in watching you sleep That’s not unlike the calm surrender Of quietly observing a meandering river As it slowly wends its way down its muddy banks Past reeds and grasses on the marshy shore To somewhere new and heretofore unknown The current, steady as your unconscious breath Moves through the cycles of your mind Bringing you respite from the troubling stream of consciousness And pulling you down to a course of dreams Where I like to think of you Like that warm brown river Flowing gently into me You lie so quiet, still Your breath bidding me closer Like the river beckons the thirsty to drink Would that I could drink you down So you really did flow through me Quench me And bestow on me your peace
Surprise Surprise Surprise" My Honey's a "Gem" and he pampers me and promised his love eternally. Valentine's Day was coming our way-- What beautiful gift would I see? The day broke clear that early morn. I expected a package with bow adorned. But, Woe is me! No gift did I see!~ I was feeling so sad and forlorn! My Honey had a "Smirk" on his face as he took me into his embrace. He said, "Close your eyes-- There's a big surprise!" I balled up my fist, just in case! Blindly, I was led to the lawn while I kept asking, "What's going on?" He said, "Wait and See-- I'm sure you'll agree-- All your worries will soon, be gone!" Alas, I became so excited and my inner-fires ignited! I felt so elated and anticipated that I would be so delighted. Slowly, I opened my eyes and much to my surprise-- What did I see in front of me ?? A "Clothesline" with all it implies! Now, the laughter filled the air! I didn't show signs of despair. I took control and embraced the pole-- He'll soon, have "Starch" in his Underwear!
Surprise Surprise Pretty Surprise Oh boy, a brand new slate You're all in for a HUGE surprise, just wait You thought I had money before? Now I'll be sweating money from my pores This is just in time Seriously I'm on cloud nine!
surprise, surprise surprise never know whats in store for me for today, doctors or patients, ear pain, back pain or stuffed throat?
Surprise, Surprise!! When you started talking to me again yesterday, It took me by complete surprise. I didn't know what to say really, I was in total shock. I still am even after reading the whole conversation again. You seem to have had a change of heart, but I'm not sure why. I'm glad that you did though, because I missed talking to you. Maybe you realized that I had no part of it, That it was all just a misunderstanding. I still can't believe that you wanted to see me before you left, After telling me not to talk to you any more. Then to see the words "You can call me some if you want.", Has just really blew my mind! I'm still not sure what to think of it all, I guess you can say that I am kind of confused. All of a sudden here you are saying you want to chill with me, After telling me that you had changed your mind about anything else. You acted just as interested as you did before, So I can't help but ask, What's up? Have you changed your mind, had a change of heart? I sure hope you have, I had high hopes of it being more. So I don't know where this will lead, I have to wait a while to see because you have already left, But I guess only time will tell! It is really up to you though, my friend.
Surprise, Surprise I called you once and you didn't respond even though you specifically said to call you sometime. Okay, that's alright, maybe you were busy or didn't hear it. Either way, maybe I should try again later. . . Again, nothing. Alright, I'll leave a message, Even though I hate having to talk to a machine. I'll call sometime tomorrow. Once again nothing, maybe you're ignoring me, Maybe I was wrong to hope that you and me... Forget it. Okay one more time, yes you answered! You'll be coming down later? Awesome, great! I'll be waiting. And waiting. And waiting. I'll go watch TV. What? you were here? When? You just left, no NO! Okay, I'll try again. No answer... The next day, no answer... One more time, nothing... Maybe she doesn't like me after all. Curse that god damned hope. It got me again.
Surprise, Surprise One moment can tell a story for years, Passed down with twists and turns... But no matter how many distortions are made, it is the original that is truly yours. 'Twas the first day of school, such an interesting day, I walked the halls nervously A lack of words to say. Turning a corner, I look up and around: A teacher asks a boy for his name, I myself shocked by the sound: The name has been spoken and time seems to stop; I look up at the boy in confusion and feel my jaw drop. No way! Is it really him? You? He? That guy? The one I thought lost now returned, how? why? Was he not gone for such a period that I'd thought his return unseen: Now this even is so abrupt! It happened so quickly...
surprise surprise. We're best friends You & I but i love you and your brown eyes Just a boy and a girl never torn apart afraid to date afraid to start Never felt like this Never opened up my heart till just lately now i know wasn't smart you told me before we'll be together soon but today you changed your mind now everything seems ruined I don't know what to say My face a blank stare Tears flowing out my eyes Life really isn't fair You say you can't lose me And you didn't want to hurt me but there was no way around it now i ask you to let me be I need time to let you go I need space so i can think I'll never open up my heart again For it to only sink Your still my best friend I'll always wish we were more but i respect your wish Tho my feelings were tore.
An 'Elegy' for Irony by Glen Martin Fitch Sharp trickster, how we loved to watch you tie our muddled minds into a knotted maze. Your jests and jokes did twist each question, "Why?" till heart and head were drugged in deadly daze. Wise cynic, never have you had such praise for tense distortion, farce and helplessness. With hope abandoned, darkest night betrays "dead" land, "dead" minds and only Death to bless. And yet in spite of Lethe, I must confess my heart still beats and wiser have I grown, for, while I have no spirit left to guess, I know the constants even you have known. And so if queer queens love and scapegoats die won't spring reveal the truth of every “lie”?
Aquamarine Butterfly by Nina Gabriel Aquamarine Butterfly By Aquamarine waters of my Kingdom, Surrounded with splendor of treasures of my creations, In a hard shell of a Crab, I was sitting and contemplating on my Life’s Journey, One day, as the Golden rays of the Sun touched the Earth, The silky threads of my cocoon passed through my heart, Thus illuminating my spirit, warming my body and soul. And as the night sky touched the Earth, By the Silver rays of the Moon I was transformed into a Butterfly, Keeping the color of my Kingdom of Aquamarine colors I spread my wings as far as I could; Two Golden threads connected me to Heaven from Earth leading my path. And as I was transformed into a butterfly and given the wings to fly, And fly I did, as far as I could see. On my paths I discovered many places and many souls, Some went along with me, some stayed behind to discover their own paths. My journey is not over yet, it seems that it has just began, once more, And this time around I plan to fly even further, Spreading my wings far and wide, travel to different lands, Sharing the splendor of my creations and gifts with the whole world, Meeting the Souls that are transformed into butterflies as well, This way we may all spread our Sparkles of Love and Light, Illuminating the paths for the rest that plan to follow us, On our Souls’ path of the Life’s Journeys with Love and Light in our hearts. So you too, if you been transformed into a butterfly as well, Come and join us on our Flight to Freedom through Love, Because this way we can all create beautiful Heaven on Earth And in our hearts were it all began.
BELIEVE YOUR HEART by SWETA LEENA PANDA Sometimes people says don’t make wrong choice You will be forever alone However I believe no choice make me alone Until & unless I want No doubt my tears are dry now & it’s now like river without water Still my eyes are live Who says many things? No doubt I hide it like the hidden treasure No one can open it Because I lost the key of my treasure knowingly I believe if a person understands it without saying anything He/she truly loves Tear may fake, however eyes are true always Sometimes words may fake However heart is true always Never judge a person by their words Judge them by their heart Because heart is a like an open precious treasure Where you find many things which you never know Try to steal it, as it is very precious Always believe the words of your heart Because it will never ever cheat you It always tells love & care for everyone However never ever take the words of everyone granted Sometimes when we really need help These people become good spectator & listeners Start saying about you Without knowing the story of you No person is copy of another So how people commenting others Stop discuss about others If you can’t help others, At least don’t pull their legs down
Branches by Ivy Page If I knew that those Sunday-school stories I heard would become a ball of uncertainty rolling around inside me, if my parents hadn’t kicked me out for dating the youth pastor wannabe, and I hadn’t moved in with the married lesbian. If the married lesbian hadn’t decided to divorce her husband I wouldn’t have ended up living in Athens, Georgia where I would, in the span of a week discover that my boyfriend was cheating on me, miscarry our baby, and get mugged. If I hadn’t moved in with my ex-boyfriend’s mother after that and then in with a distant cousin in Milledgeville, Georgia where I would find my perceptions altered by practicing the loss of time through smoke and mushrooms, multiple partners and practicing being Good Enough* at karaoke. Or if my drinking buddy hadn’t said that the guy running the karaoke night was gay, so that I challenged — I would bet her a beer that I could get him in the sack, and if he hadn’t asked for my number that same night only to tear it up a week later because I turned him down because I was still only seventeen and wouldn’t be let into the bar where he wanted to take me dancing. And if the drummer in the band I sang for hadn’t done twelve shots of white lightning the following New Year’s and then urinated on me in bed because he was in diabetic shock, and if I hadn’t covered the shift delivering pizzas for the girl I worked with, and if I hadn’t gone to the party, where the guy that ran karaoke read poetry, and I sang bad imitations of Janis Joplin— then I wouldn’t have ended up in place of eight month snows, married ten years to the guy that ran karaoke, and I wouldn’t be watching our two children recreating games of hopeful daisy chains, and animal clouds. And if we had chosen any other branch? * “Good Enough” Sarah McLachlan ** After W.S. Merwin’s “One of the Lives” From: Any Other Branch
MYSELF Some call I m crazy Some say I m sick I think it’s freedom However ,it helps release the pain That I go through every day Feeling like everything's wrong I want to escape from my sadness However now I m looking forward I no longer feel like a coward Any challenge put before me to stand and face it Any blessing waiting for me to try and take it Although almost brought tears However I promise I’ll never cry Even if the battle seems lost never die Although adversity is long humanity stronger
OURNEY OF A DAY Our days begin with sunrise & ends with sunset Often the days are seem useless, pointless We don’t think they matter but they do Everything that happens has a reason The truth will be revealed in due season Our life is a journey that we must make A road, a path, which we must take Our course is never easy The stakes may be high We should not let our life like the leaves in winter Life is a poem where we write our story everyday Life is a game which we must play Through trouble and disaster We never know what we will get Our hand is not always get what we want We always learn a lesson of hearts and minds is taught However from the failure We should not walks on a street of hopeless & blind Sometimes we find the face with in the face Which hurt us most of the time? Still we always expected to act like the world is as beautiful and clean If we struggle let it be With hope for things we wish to see So in every day let’s find you, knowing the world for its reality …+A184
LET Go..A185 Let go, a truth so bitter; Let go, a wound so sore For nothing in life is permanent; And 'Change' is the only constant ! Let go, a hidden drop of tear; Let go, a secret concealed & obscured For a day that follows the night without remorse; From a grappling 'Dusk' to a delighting 'Dawn' ! Let go, the mask that covers your identity; Let go, the shield that safeguards your dignity 'Coz, you are the betrayer, the only traitor; Who can deceive others but the real 'You' ! Let go, the profound pain that agonizes you; Let go, the sinful urge that torments you For 'Time' alone is the best healer; Like a 'Boon' to mankind in disguise ! Let go, the evil neighboring you; Let go, the devil inside of you. Your overblown 'Ego' & overstated 'Attitude' Limitless Idiosyncrasy & Eccentricities! Let go, your fear, hurt & resentment; Let go, broken promises & hollow commitments. For Life is too petite to brood over 'Insignificant Issues' Like grains of sand; waiting to be eroded with ceaseless TIME !!!!
Let us pull, pull the boat+A186 Let us pull, pull the boat, young man… away from the waters safe on to land just the while perhaps till the morning and pull, young one…take a deep breath and pull… generations have worked and gone past exertion and into a discovery of inner strength and a sudden illumination perhaps of the resilience within… feel and pull - see, there’s the boat and you and the forces and the ground and there’s much within you… there’s the mark of the effort in your mind as footprints in the sand pull, young one…safe to land – a little more and a little more… and we are come to completion, and you will see within yourself where the struggle, where the living and all these days of our lives between earth and the oceans begin and end…
Shining Armour A chest of metal, an eagle’s vision A teeth of sour girdle, an insight of taught mentions A plunging foot, a never dragging heart There a princess stood, but never a hint of look or any dart Scorching suns were braved Torenting skies were naived Dust like a life stuck up in every breadth But the bronze turned skin shows his worth of every mile A sweet child’s look, an outsmarting tangle A heart wrapped up in pure satin To be lent, to without crave given... to the Bronze man in the shining armour A metal built but without any doubt, human emotions he felt A mask of ignorance worn, A mask of love that was thrown Days of blooming flowers, Ages of moving clouds A touch of line upon the princess’ radiant skin shone A wage of a tower, but yet never held any power... His people mattered most he splattered Wars of brave ones gone, yet he seemed as strong as sun But just as unique and lovely he was A gray tress came along, but never did the princess Show a sign of crave w+A185ithdrawn She gazed and withheld the A184heart that was never given to hold Neigh a quarter century but seventeen years of doom stay Who says, every living moment was a precious day Until a battle came, the same messenger to call them away The torrent warnings and swords flocked, The persons in numbers, they were all brave soldiers that flocked A life’s battle…so long will take Maybe a fortnight or until the next full moon day Her heart leapt just like it had for every rage in these seventeen years She crouched; she leaned to have the clearest view Of her bronze man in the shining armour He was at his point’s sharpness, a heart of rage and a love for his men unmeasured A triumphant eagle’s scowl thrown A way to the highest he has never known But a look of gracious melodies, everlasting charms made a flash He turned to the tower, where he knew the princess stood and gave a look into her eyes and then to the skies as he always did A pleasure of pre-victory to have earned the world’s most precious gem But a look of plain bravery and everlasting plight But less did he know this would be his last sight With a brave leap onto his trustee He rode off... into the land of wilderness Into the air of plain aura Thus she held... Thus she will tell... That this is my Knight’s Shining Armour
THE DAY I may never see tomorrow, There's no written guarantee, I don't seem to understand, However I know who hold tomorrow, The great power, which shows me light every time I walk besides him, for he knows what is ahead, And Things that happened yesterday belong to history, I cannot predict my future, I cannot change my past, I have just the present moment, I must treat it as my last, I must use this moment wisely for it soon will pass away, Every step is getting brighter as the golden stairs I climb. Every stars getting lighter, There the sun is always shining over my head, So there no fear for dark, I feel like touching the rainbow after a heavy rain, Still I don't know about tomorrow, It may bring poverty, However I have faith upon someone, The one who stands by me, And Path I follow & his presence always helps me to look forward, So I thanks God with humble heart for giving me this day, And His great blessing over my head...
A Dream Girl Before I have too much expectations for a girl. She must be smoking hot and very beautiful. She must be conservative, educated and rich But I now realize, you can't have a perfect match. I was looking around the city Patiently waiting for a real love to say, "Come, my baby. Marry me." But I now realize, you can't buy or borrow love. I was a fool when I didn't notice a simple girl Who made me happy every single day. She took away my loneliness and put a big drill Into my closed and selfish heart.
A Big Idea? by Satish Verma Satish Verma The moral dilemma was unlearning. less than truth. Downgrading the- branded witch. Vaccine was spawning new virus. O Buddha, why did you started looking beautiful and began sitting in a living room? Trailing the smoke I was going to find the- burning home. What were those intimate- words of unthinkable dirty secrets?
Dying Rose... by Anselm Vaz I found a rose, not red to see. Its pettles with blisters crumpled down. It looked at me with a dead smile. Uttering drops of tears and silent shivers. No speach to define, the pain and plunder. Thinking of the past ectasy. Taking sometime to survive. In the dark sunshine, With no glittering light to see. Oh! How was it picked by the lover winds, and stamped by foreseen legs. The wounds so deep, can't be healed. The plunder pain, can't let it sleep. A magical prayer, I say to God. To heal this flower and take it away from me. So no pain would touch its hearts. And only smiles would make its way, To heavens gates, And the hells flames, Would be waiting for me.
Tears by Alina Ahmed Every tear rolled out of the eye has different story, Every drop of it makes a different memory, Some lies in the corner, Whereas some in the shower. It follwes out when ones heart is full, makes a whole of pool, But no one understand its pull, And leaves it in a mad school, Where more tears comes together , Makes tear remind his fear, For which his soul had broken the swear, Now that tear has no intentions to be hearts near. He wants to live alone, Where there are no clones, Where he can live with his memories in that zone, That tear will then dry himself up with the help of o-zone....
Tears Every tear rolled out of the eye has different story, Every drop of it makes a different memory, Some lies in the corner, Whereas some in the shower. It follwes out when ones heart is full, makes a whole of pool, But no one understand its pull, And leaves it in a mad school, Where more tears comes together , Makes tear remind his fear, For which his soul had broken the swear, Now that tear has no intentions to be hearts near. He wants to live alone, Where there are no clones, Where he can live with his memories in that zone, That tear will then dry himself up with the help of o-zone....
Dear Mom Dear Mom, You said you'd always be there But you're nowhere to be found I can't believe you left me I feel so low beneath the ground There's nothing I can do now I trusted you with all my heart But now you're gone You're the one who tore my life apart I've learned not to trust There's nothing more to say You've lost someone special You can't get back each day Now you're the one left in the dark And all of a sudden you feel my pain You expect me to take you back But you still feel you're not to blame I could never forgive you Even if I tried You can never make up For the lonely nights I've cried You will never know the feeling Of losing the person you need the most To laugh and cry and love you Instead of making you feel like a ghost I've moved on with my life Without you by my side My pain has kept so long I'm telling you how I feel inside In a way I want to thank you Because of you I'm strong I just wanted you to know I didn't turn out wrong
Always My Father But Never My Dad I'm sorry you missed out when I went to school for the 1st time, And you didn't have me tell you that you were all mine, I'm sorry you weren't there to take me to the mall, And you weren't there to tell me I have to stand tall, Sorry you weren't the one I saw when I came home that day Or the one I'd run to when I had a bad day, I'm sorry you didn't hear me write these, you'd have been so proud, And you weren't there to lift me up on a cloud, Sorry you weren't there to tell me there's nothing to fear, But then again you should have been here, I'm sorry you weren't the one to teach me to ride a bike, Or the one who took me on my first ride. I'm sorry you weren't the one who carried me on his back, that was my other daddy, the one I actually had! Or the one who held me tight when strength is what I lacked, I'm sorry you weren't the one to hold me when I cried, Or tell me I did great when I really tried, I'm sorry you were never there to teach me how to cook, Or there at night to read me my favorite book, I'm sorry me as a daughter is what you never had, You will always be my father, but you will never be my dad.
Dear Mom Standing in self-hatred, drowning in my tears. Looking back on my life, what I've been through the past 18 years. Living in my brother's shadow, everything I do & say, wishing somehow things would change, praying for a way. Same old sh*t just another day, living this evil life that was created just for me. Starving for love, affection, & attention, I know none of this is how it's really supposed to be. I try to be strong, even though I feel so weak. Feel like just giving up, but I won't accept that level of defeat. Pretend like I'm always happy, although I'm never really okay. Waiting for this pain to end, that I feel every stupid day. It's hard to say what's wrong, when nothings going right. Hard to keep myself going, when I've been blinded by sight. This pain is never ending, it just goes on & on & on. It's all so unbelievably real, I just wish it all was gone. Trying to pick myself up, when I've fallen so far and hard. But I don't know where I'm going, It's all so very dark. My heart is weak, my emotions sore, I do my best to never let it show. But deep down inside I feel like, I'm dying & nobody knows. A lot of f***ed up thoughts, run through my head constantly. I just wish I didn't live, this life of MISERY!
How Do You Call Yourself A Mom? Looking in yours eyes Tells me something's wrong Never began to realize You've neglected for so long. It seems your never there You never really try And every time I want to be with you You make up stupid lies. I feel as if I'm just your friend That you hate being around So don't pretend Don't say you love me With that dreadful tone It doesn't make sense Why you never answer your phone It's pathetic to know You had three daughters But you have nothing to do with any of them that truly makes me wonder Sure our family has had problems But not that bad that u can ignore So if you expect me to stick around I'll walk right out of the door You wonder why I live with dad At least he does try Daddy has always cared about me Do you know how much this makes me cry I feel like your dead Because your never there Your dead to me How is that fair I have never done anything to hurt you And your boyfriend comes before your me? That's bull shit mom Pay attention to me Its always poor poor pitiful you You always have problems You tell me your troubles Like I'm supposed to stop them? You used to call every day Just to see how I was doing Now it's like you don't own a phone As my emotions are brewing It's so hard not to cry Knowing my mother is barely around I see girls so close the there mothers But it's as if mine is already in the ground Do you ever cry over me mom? Do you ever stop and wonder? About how I am doing Your just a silent thunder I hate loving you There's no point if it's not returned My sisters hate it too I feel like my skin is in a blazing fire being burned Trying to smile When I'm with you never seems to faze me You were always the "cool mom" But now you don't care about me. So now when you need me I hope you know I won't be here I hope one day you read this And it brings a world of fear I don't want your hugs And fake understanding I want a mom Who is never-ending I'm sorry mom But I gotta say I'll always love you But never look my way!
Daddy Told Me..... I was told I was living a lie I was told don't bother to cry I was told they no longer did care I was told I love you, they did not dare I was told I am a bad role model for my sister and brother I was told I was betrayed by my mother I was told my mother did not love me I was told that is why she chose to flee I was told, the love I have for my mother to hide I was told I later picked the wrong side I was told the abuse I got was 'tough love' I was told that while getting a shove I was told I brought them to shame I was told I were many horrible names I was told I was not the daughter they had in mind I was told the love for me they could not find I was told I was expected to fall I was told they would not help when they received that call I was told I was going no where I was told to stay far from there I was told I would not make much of my life I was told she'd be the one to cut with a knife I was told they would leave me alone I was told I was a daughter disowned Daddy no longer wants his little girl'
I Needed You When I was sad and depressed, I needed you to be cheer me up. Instead I drank till I was numb enough not to feel anything. When everyone was attacking me and putting me down, making me feel so low, I needed you to be the one to defend me and be on my side Instead I endured all the cruel words and criticism the world threw at me. When I lost all my friends and had no one, I needed you to be that only friend I had left, Instead I experience what the word "friendless" really meant. When I was scared and frightened, I needed you to be my security blanket. Instead I had to live in fear. When I was angry and full of rage, I needed you to calm me down, Instead I kept it all bottled up inside. When I felt so lonely and needed someone to care, I needed you to hold me tight and never let me go. Instead I grew up alone with no one to turn to. When I was hurt and in pain, I needed you to come running with you healing ways. Instead I remained scarred and bruised. When I would inflict self-torture, wanting to die, I needed you to stop me and tell me how important I was. Instead I hid my scars and became oblivious to everyone. When I would cry myself to sleep at night, I needed you to wipe the tears away. Instead I held my pillow tight while never ending tears streamed down my face. When my world was crashing down on me, I needed you to be the one I ran to. Instead I locked myself in my room in complete despair. When I felt unloved, I needed you to tell me how much you loved me. Instead I learned the words "I love you" are meaningless.
My Father Leaving behind others to take your place, Carrying on your name, walking around with your face, Knowing you go left behind, Wondering what's on my fathers mind. He didn't even think to try. To leave my mother with tears going down her face, Left me only to embrace, Only for me to ask her why? My mother can give me answers; My father left behind. For he can give his love to another, But can't give his love to me, My mother would give her life, As she's given life to me, My father I hope to love. Will he ever really love me? He can take and make a life and keep living on, But what is it like to live without a father, He doesn't even know, Because he doesn't even care, He left me alone.
Set Her Free Why do you do this to her? Why do you make her cry and hide her fears so deep inside? Is she not beautiful enough or does she not have enough wit or charm? Why is that you make her feel like a dog that you have chained to the tree and trained to answer only at you’re beck and call? Misery and pain is what you have taught her to believe in, Will she ever get the courage to run and get away? To me you are the devil in disguise Constantly standing over her watching from the corner of you’re eye. Do you think you’re perfect? Do you think that we should just sit back and watch her become more miserable every passing day Because you have taught her to believe that without you she can’t get by? You credent you rodent you evil man in my eyes I see the truth and from me that you can not hide!!!! Some may sit back and watch you make her die inside, But as for me I will bring back that sparkle I have seen in her eyes. I will not cover for you I will not lie. I will not sit back and let you’re wickedness slowly kill who she really is so deep inside. Courage and bravery is what I will make arise from my beautiful aunt. You try to keep for yourself to hide you’re own pity and worthlessness, you are no better, you are no good, Wake up and face the truth Without her you are nothing but a menace to society A fake a fraud and a pitiful excuse for anyone to call a husband But even more you’re not even worth having the title of being called a man. Let her go, let her live, let her be set free. Hide in you’re corner and reflect on what you are Because while you try to hold her there and constantly whisper how she is no good and can never do right. I will be there beside her constantly praising her and directing her to another world far from you. She will win, you will lose and one day she will wake and see you for the beast we know you to be. All the misery all the pain all the tears and agony you have dished out Will one day come to haunt you and bring you down The way you have her. While you huddle in a corner so lonely and cry your selfish tears. She will be happy and free to live her life And be able to finally become who she has always wanted to be......... You’re the devil on her shoulder I’m the angel And in the end the good always wins...Because you have to have her. I want to have her, you have to make her think you love her I just smile and she knows...It’s a fair game Let me show you who will win, it will not be you, it will not be me But it will be her And she will finally be the woman we know her to be. I wish you well and bid you goodbye Because from this day you are nothing to me but a speck of dirt passing by You credent you rodent goodbye!!!
Tell Me Tell me, how to love someone who doesn't love me back. Tell me, how to respect someone who doesn't deserve my respect. Tell me, how to trust someone who betrayed me so badly. Tell me, how to care for someone who never cared about me. Tell me, how to speak nicely to someone who only spoke down to me with bad words. Tell me, how to get along with someone who brought me nothing but endless tears. Tell me, how to get close to someone who caused me so much pain. Tell me, how to forgive someone who hurt me so severely. Tell me, how to open my heart to someone who broke it to pieces too many times.
Thanks, Mom Dear Mom, Thanks for the years the years of my tears you treat me bad and you make me sad I just want to die in heaven I'd lie I'd sail and I'd dream I wouldn't have time to scream I wouldn't take the tears I wouldn't have these fears I would be able to love I could rise high above and even though I seem to hate I don't hate as I probably should that I expect, you probably would you hate everything and even yourself so I'll hang the presence of you upon my highest shelf even though you cause a hole in my heart in years of time, you can always re-start.
Blind You are blind You can never see All the anger built up in me I hated life I wanted out You didn’t care You would just shout I felt so alone Thought I didn’t need anyone Turns out I just needed a mum The black sheep I was never apart Furthest away from your heart Things have changed I’m growing old I don’t need you You still feel cold I’m now out of sight Out of mind I don’t need you, I'll do alright I don’t need your blessing Or your cash Without your help I'll make a splash Land on my feet with a crash I’m happier than ever My life’s brand new And most of all I'm not like you.
Dad Thanks for believing in me. Thanks for showing me you care. Thanks for holding my hand Thanks for being there. Thanks for being the best Thanks for making me glad Thanks for loving me with all your heart. Thanks for being my dad. ^Now after every 'thanks for' add never.
Dear Mom Dear mom how could you Never care about me I’m dying inside Which you will never see You never even call Just to talk to me Heck you don’t write either So your love I don’t see You’re not the one Who wipes my tears at night Nor are you the one Who chases away my frights Dear mom how could you Just leave me like this You didn’t even come back For one last kiss Mom how could you Have a kid and just leave That’s no way to act That’s no way to behave Dear mom I want to know why You decided not To be part of my life I want to know why You have no heart at all And how you can have a child You don’t see, write, or call?
Father Of Mine You weren't around to help me out. You left my life without any doubts. You were never around to help me out, You were always the one who would shout. Violence was the answer for you, Well guess what? I'm growing up to be just like you. I always wanted you around but no matter how hard I tried you would just make me cry. Father of mine you're not a man. To this day I won't forgive you. I have grown strong and I have been through a lot but none of my strength comes from you because your someone who NEVER came through.
New Life Why can't you love me and accept me for who I am? I always try my hardest; I do the best I can. Can't you see how sad I've been? The way you treated me must have been a sin. For a long time, I've tried to make you proud. But instead of encouraging words, I get put down. Stop trying to live my life for me. I'm not a kid anymore, damn it, just let me be. You don't like my friends, boyfriend, or anything I do. Tell me, what the hell did I ever do to you? You married a jerk, who disrespects me. You always take his side, and turn against me. I've moved in with my dad and Joan. They welcomed me with open arms; this is my new home. They treat me with respect, and they love me for me. No matter what, I'm here for them, and they're here for me. I've never felt this happy before; happiness for me was rare. Now that I'm happy in this new life of mine, do you even care?
Father Everlasting Love Falling in my pit of darkness I sit upon the black rose of sadness Dreaming of day fill with happiness Only to end with loneliness Open eyes wonder why Looking at life pass by My hollow eyes begin to fill with crimson tear As you still don't see the fear My life starts to darken As my heart become broken I am trap in shame For you I blame Father everlasting love The love I hold for you is dying Why do you keep on trying Listen to my story For I do not feel sorry What’s wrong with you now Your smile is upside down Is it cause I'm taking a stand Or that you now want to give a hand My love is never lasting
Mom You lost me years ago And so I let go You are my sickness that slowly seeps in my brain with each spoken word A disease that spreads throughout my body What about you? It's always about you What about me? Why can't you just see what you are doing to me? I just hope your traits are not genetic I don't want to spread this disease any further Death is the only antidote
Where Did He Go? He's Right Here The man who made me is not here. But the man who was here half my life and treated me like his daughter and the man who is by my side everyday is with me today. That man is my step dad. The man who is not here for me is my daddy The man who called me his baby girl and his little Punkin, and said he would always be here for me and never leave my side. Well you ain't here right now. You screwed up are lives by doing drugs. But I don't care I have my step dad and I don't need you daddy. I don't want you to walk me down the isle and give me away I want him to. I don't want you to come to my house on Christmas and play airplanes with your grand kids I want him to. I don't want to say I love you daddy I want to say that to him. I don't want to cry on your shoulder when my boyfriend dumps me. I want to see you move away and never come back.
Just A Title Just a title Nothing more I am sorry to say We have no rapport Better this way Than playing pretend This is the way I have come to contend Just a title Nothing more I'm finally able to close the door You did this yourself All on your own I hope you like feeling alone I have tried too much Now I am tired of holding the clutch Just a title Nothing more Is what I have decided for You made your choice Now you must lie Now I see your chosen side Just a title Nothing more 'Mother' now I shut the door.
Can You Hear Me! Can You Hear Me! Where were you when the tears fell? When the blood began to flow? Where were you when I was scared? When all my skies were gray, And I lost all hope? Where were you through all the years? When it all began? Where were when I was hurt and bleeding, when I needed you? Where were you when I was sad and in jail? When there was no strength left, And where the hell are you now? When it all came down and the walls were crashing in, All was lost and gone, and when I fought? Where were you when I stayed up and cried myself to sleep each night, and I tossed and turned? And where are you now? That I'm stuck and there's nowhere to turn? So I ask you this where will you be, When the walls come down again? Where will you turn when the tables turn? And there is no wear to hide or no one to blame?
Daddy He pushes my sister in the cart, in place of the man that tore us apart. It's been a while since I've seen you last, but now you're becoming a part of my past. I don't feel bad for the hatred I've shown. Dad you'll be amazed at how much I have grown, Not only physically but emotionally too, I've learned to live my life without you. I've taught myself how to hate, & Dad it feels great. Moving on without you here, Learning to live with no fear. Now I'm cold, numb inside... Love or hate dad, you decide..
I Hope You Understand You were like a father, And my world was all clear, I wasn't expecting much from you at first, Then you treated me like a daughter, I expected more then, I thought you would keep your promises, And now I know. You made my life a living nightmare, Yet I still loved you like a father, I wasn't sure if forgiving you was right, But every time I did anyways, You had many chances and many opportunities, But you used your last one. I will always think of you as a father, But if that last chance wasn't blown we would be together, I hope you never think you were replaced, Because I will always remember the good, But the bad will be there too in my thoughts everyday. Your life means a lot to many different people, So please don't blow that too, Because you only get one life and I love that life, And I hope you do too. Every night I worry about what you are doing, And sometimes I cry wondering, I just wish life didn't have to be this way, Then I remember it doesn't. I looked up to you and I wanted you to stay around forever, I wanted to grow up knowing you were always going to be there, Now I am not sure that will happen, You are killing the thing I love most, So now I am begging you to stop, I want you to spend the time you have left with me and your family. We deserve better than to sit and watch you fade away, Soon there won't be anything left, Think about these emotions and I hope you understand.
Learning My Lesson I gave you a chance, let you in and tried to be your friend, I should have known, you wouldn’t be there in the end. I wanted you to love me, I waited for so very long, I didn’t want to feel the hurt, but you still did me wrong. I always had hope, I never wanted it this way, No matter how hard I tried, You always pushed me away. I should have known, You never really cared, You let us leave, You were never even scared. We never turned back, your own brother helped us board. Never caring what was ahead, through it all we sure soared. There were times, whether good or bad, When I was a little girl, I should of had my dad. You weren’t there when I was young, You never got to see, You don’t have a clue, You don’t even know me. Every single birthday, They all went by, You never saw those candles go out, never my dad by my side. But you should know, I had someone there, He’s special to me, and his name is Ger. But not even him can take away, all these years of pain, Through all of this hurt, there is still a lot to gain. Without even knowing, you taught me good lessons for life, I will do what I can, because my husband deserves a good wife. I will stick by his side, never let things go bad. Because I have chosen a man, who will always be a good dad. You have made me wise, much more than my years, All this hurt and pain, I have learned a lot through the tears. I have been so mature, much more than even you, What can I say, I guess you didn’t know what to do. You think I don’t know, maybe it’s I didn’t want to, But me being younger, I will always be more mature than you. I stand up for myself, believe in what I say, And always know, I treat people the right way. There is no more to say, nothing more I can do. Any chance of a relationship for us, is now and forever through. You threw that away, many years ago with the lies, Funny thing though the truth, you must know, it never dies.
Never There You were never there for us, When we needed you the most, You would just disappear when things got tough. And when we did spend time together, it would just end in promises that would later be broken, and then you were gone giving us no reason at all. Did you not think that we would care? Was your life that bad that you had to go and end it there? Were we not good enough for you? Was that it?
Daddy My dad is never there, My dad is always gone... My dad really cares, he just is never there... I know he loves me so, I just wish he would let it show.. I hate how he always leaves, and stays away for so long.. I wish my daddy would show me love, for I am his little girl... Please daddy, don't go.... Mommy always misses you as I do too... So why keep going, when it hurts us so????
FIRE red and hot blazing or not starts out small Then into a hall burning fiercely with all its might angry and tough putting up a fight I AM FIRE
Don't Be Sad When I Die When tomorrow starts without me, and I’m not there to comfort you, please know that I still love you, cause I know you love me too. When tomorrow starts without me, and you feel lost and blue, I hope these words I’ve written will help to see you through. Someday your pain will ease, sadness replaced by fond memories Come tomorrow you will hear I love you whispered on the breeze. When tomorrow starts without me cause God has called me home I turn, blowing a kiss for thee Sad that you may feel alone. I will miss you tomorrow as I take one last glimpse a tear falls from my cheek I’ll be going home. And tomorrow will start without me
Love In My Life I married a man too early in life and wasn’t prepared to be a good wife. I believed he loved me and things would be fine. My love for him would grow over time. The years passing by were good for awhile. Then came a time I could not see my smile. He cheated on me and I deserved more. With a heavy heart I went out the door. We parted as “friends”, which ended one day. With a baby conceived he went on his way. He now liked his freedom away from me. I carried our son -- he didn’t want to see. Soon after another cared about me; I ignored the things I didn’t want to see. I married that man -- I thought it’d be best. But soon after that, he was failing the test. Driven by fear, I mistakenly thought A son of “his own” was thing that he sought I now had a toddler and one on the way; there was no doubt, I now had to stay. Things started to spiral out of control. The alcohol had a firm grip his soul. Choosing to leave to protect us all; I was forced this time to really stand tall. Now on my own with two children to raise I examine my life in so many ways. My relationships failed, for that I am sad; but the result of those could never be bad. Now long gone are those men from my past replaced by a “true” love that forever will last. My love for my sons, my two little boys, erase all my pains and reveal only my joys.
Why Try Imagine a time... when everything was absolutely right. When you looked forward to waking up the next day. When you actually slept through the night. When you finally felt peace. That everything is going to be alright. When all of a sudden your dreams, your hopes and strength are gone forever. All you want to do is scream "Please God, tell me it's a dream!" When you wake in the morning to realize its reality. You try to fight the finality. You need just a little bit of normality. You try not to think of "Why" all you do is cry. You try to be angry with God, but end up angry at yourself. "Why didn't I just stay home that day?" "Why can't anything ever go my way?" You crawl out of bed. Decide to give life another whirl. You reach out. Some reach back. Some don't even call back. Just when you thought you had no more to lose. You do. These people you thought to be friends just wanted you to use. So you lay back down just wanting to snooze, thinking why me? Is it how I choose? You begin to give up. You don't see a reason any longer to even wake up. Then all of a sudden you hear the sound of the phone ring or a knock on the door. Someone there to tell you not to give up, you're worth so much more. You begin to cry while this other person is wondering why. You try to say "Thank you for being my friend today, if it weren't for you I would’ve given up and died." You now know the answer of "Why". It’s to remind you to never give up and to always try. Now when I cry I know and don’t ask why. I get out of bed and again I try.
Don't Look Back Just keep on walking A small voice said Don’t dare look back Look straight ahead Yes so many things Have changed Think they'd stay As you arranged? Be strong and brave Calm your fears Keep that chin up Dry your tears. Yes love hurt And broke your heart Keep your head And heart apart. Don’t cry over What you have had At least you had it Don't be sad. This will be tough But time will heal Perhaps a new life Will then reveal. You are not new To this whole game You gave your best You're not to blame. The hardest thing There is to do Is love someone Who not loves you. So is it worth it What's to gain When you love someone Who brings you pain? Just walk away And stand up tall Count your blessings One and all!
A Different Kind Of Hero A hero to me is not just a person who died for there country or went inside a burning building or stuff like that. A hero to me is a single mother who survives everyday by herself. A teenager against all odds getting through life. An alcoholic walking into a rehab center. A father being not just a father but a friend, a caregiver, supporter, a brick wall for his kids. A friend who no matter what or how wrong you are standing up for you and taking your side. A hero who no matter how hard they are being hit or pushed or beat down, no matter how bad they are emotionally or physically or psychologically they stand up and keep going. They push through the pain of life, love, kids, work, school, drugs, sports, parents, heartbreak, alcohol, that to me is a hero. A person who isn’t just there, but is there living, breathing, and surviving.
Time To Stop Struggling Life is unfair, sometimes the misery we can't bear.. This was a feeling I could never share... I am strong, strong enough to move on from this pain, I won't feel the shame, my life is not a game, tired of these tears and my fears... I will cherish my inspirations... I will find my dream, I promise, that's what I will achieve.. I will find a way to leave.. I'm not who you will deceive.. I believe in miracles, these people laugh like it's hysterical... I won't fall, I may be lost but I will be found... One day I will find the perfect life, life will run beautifully, I will fly like a butterfly through the night, will have a pleasant sight, afraid but I will fight... No boundaries, free my mind of all the pressure, leaving here will be my pleasure.. I want so much to be free, so much I want to see... I want to reach the sky, I want so bad too fly... See, I use to be a fool when I let you treat me cruel... I made a mistake but I wont let my self break.. Leave me, for gods sake... So now I kneel down to pray, for these times of struggle I will just say, I'll leave in your hands. God, I will let go..
Sometimes Sometimes we see things that aren’t meant to be seen. Sometimes things aren’t always as they seem. Sometimes we need someone to call our own, Especially when we’re alone. Sometimes people just can’t understand, Why things get out of hand. Sometimes life just isn’t fair, Especially when people just don’t care. And sometimes it's hard to say, Why things have to be this way. Sometimes it’s all you can do to get by, Especially when dreams continue to die. Sometimes it’s nice to sit in the rain. Even to just relieve the pain. And when we’ve had a really bad day, Sometimes we just need to get away. We never know what’s wrong with out pain. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same. And sometimes when people get hurt, Even the strongest ones may need comfort.
Have Courage life is not just waking up one morning and saying ok I want this to happen, it's about getting out there and going for it. . . . life is full of surprises, here, there and everywhere, you never know where you will end up, or who you will end up with, you just have to trust your faith and keep God close. never say never cause you know you can do it, never say later do it right now, never let people bring you down, they will do anything to watch you fall, so keep your head up and your heart strong, and then my dear you can never go wrong.
A Wing And A Prayer Under the wing of an angel, we feel protected Through prayers to God, we feel connected Peace is said to be offered on the wings of a dove Prayers can bring peace along with hope, faith, and love Wings of a jet plane provide steady flight I pray you remain steady and strong through this fight Butterflies have wings to fly playfully free And free from this monster is what I pray you'll soon be Birds spread their wings as they may leave their nest We're spreading our prayers that you'll always be Blessed Go fight and win this battle you didn't start On the wings of an angel and prayers from my heart
Memories Memories, memories I have had some were good though most were bad physical and sexual abuse occurred And madness and sadness reoccurred I feel as though I'm on display as CARLEY the messed up school girl here to stay but they will never know how I will grow and be someone some day so look at me in dismay and you discourage me for the last time today.
Life Will Go On when I was little my life was great but as I got older me and my mom were becoming farther apart my mom no longer cares for me she left me alone she never wants to talk or give kisses and hugs she just don't care anymore I used to try to take all my anger out on myself by trying to take drugs and drinking but now I realize that mom don't care and she never will so I'm trying to become something great something not like her I hate the fact that she's not around but I have learned to deal with it if she doesn't want to be with me why should I want to be with her I have learned that even if you love someone they might not feel the same about you even if it is your daughter I have learned to deal with life as it comes deal with it the best you can and don't let other people control your life life will go on as long as you let it
Life Is Hard our world is nothing don't you see there's people with money and there's people like me my life has never been anything or made me proud to see every day there's more troubles for me to carry around there's shooting and killing and guns all around I'm tired of waking up and hearing one of my people are down I'm black and Hispanic and its hard to get around some busses won't pick me up but I don't cause problems around racism is something I'm tired of being around but I'm me and I'm going to stand tall and still get around no matter how much hell is coming around
Our Outrageous Day What do you think Washington would say, If he saw the way our country operates? No Bibles allowed in schools, Everyone calling Christians fools, Hatred toward the founding beliefs, officials lying to keep their seats. Everything done today, Would be outrageous in his day. We are fine with drinking and drugs, Because our country is run by thugs. We want to take the rights of the parent, To somehow protect the children? We need to take a stand, To stop sin in this Christian founded land. All of Our forefather's broken laws, Are a good enough cause, To rebel against the coming evil, Which can be stopped at will. We just need to take a stand.
Darkness Befalls Gliding deep into the forest Darkness covers me like a blanket And the mist surrounding me I feel like there's no way to flee I look beyond the broad horizon See the moon shine over the sea Like the oceans filled with sadness I run, stumble and try to break free The path encloses and I’m shattered Tears of rain encumbers me Darkness embraces me like a child Now I wait for him to let me be
My One True Life One true story, Told by a child, Everyone thought, That she was wild. But it was her cousin, Who exceeded the truth, But that was only when, They were in their youth. All grown up, Getting ready to go, Bad little streets, They didn’t know. Her parents thought, She was a lie, But they were wrong, They said goodbye. Runaway, Just like a slave, To never come back, Any day. Live your life, And do what you do, Become the wife, That you want to, Get a job, Just be you, Because by the end of the day, That is only thing you can do…
Too Broken To Break Here’s to the girl with the invincible spirit, No matter how confused her soul may be. She’s been broken many times, Searching for love that was just not there. She’s learned her lesson now, put up her wall, And never again her heart she’ll bare. For she realized that in the end a body is still a body, No matter who’s it may be, And love may not exist for anyone So we should all just settle and it’ll be easy. But she’ll never give in, All she needs is herself, and who ever she is that day, But this she’ll never know, Because life is surreal When all she does is feel. She thinks with her passion, Sees the world through her heart Even though many times it’s cold, desolate, and dark. Yet at the same time she can see that there may be hope out there, The one nobody else possibly can. She’s a dreamer and an idealist, Life’s greatest pessimist and realist. She’s a contradiction sure, But never a hypocrite, Because in her soul this all somehow fits. She wants to explore the world just to understand what she’s thinking, Dig into the deepest corners of her heart to understand the universe. She often loses herself though, And who she used to be she can never know. Yet she’s happy like this, She’s free and to no one she’ll commit, Except sometimes when she’s all alone, She just wants some place she can call home. She knows every side of every story, Because she has felt absolutely everything, Often all at once. This contradiction, This ability to see in ways that no one else can, Is it a curse or is it a gift? Even she cannot understand how or when or why or what, And sometimes she doesn’t even know if it is. She wants something more, Even when she is sure there’s nothing else out there. But no, she’ll never settle, Especially for a love, if that even does exist. She’ll always hope there’s something out there to bring her bliss. But she doesn’t expect it and convinces herself she doesn’t want it. This is how her spirit is infinite. Oh, how I hope there’s something more than this.