4 values
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Dr. Sinning is wonderful. 1) she cares 2) read the notes & you're golden 3) MUST attend class to take notes 4) DO NOT buy the textbook.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Pretty good assignments, the course is laid out well. Crits are kind of unhelpful and sometimes don't make sense. She is extremely nice, however, and is very lenient with project restrictions/requirements/materials. Definitely a good introduction to 3D. Have fun, it's hard to go wrong if you put time and thought into your work.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Sue Sipple is is witty, humorous, and easy to talk to. She is understanding if you have a good reason to turn in an assignment late. She makes everything clear. I would recommend her to anyone interested in actually learning something new.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
A wonderful teacher. Shes always willing to go out of her way to help whether its on a one to one basis or in a group. Her teaching style is different, but she manages to get you to think independently and question ideas rather than just mindlessly recalling stuff from memorization. Take her class, its worth the work.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Jerome Taylor is the worst teacher I have ever had for the following reasons: 1. he comes ten minutes late to every class, 2. he talks in a incomprehensible monotone voice so its impossible to stay awake in class, 3.he is extremely disorganized, 4. he missed the final, forcing us to take an incomplete grade & take the final next semester.DONT TAKE
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
This lady has a huge ego problem. She doesnt respond to emails when you have a question, and when she does get around to them, she treats you as if you are an idiot. I have never been treated so poorly by a teacher in my life. Honestly, don't take this class, because if you get on her bad side, she will be bias. Worst professor at NCC period.......
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Boring. Can't Teach. Hasn't mastered material.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Heb is attrative, but still the wild child of the business dept. He is hilarious.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
This is the WORST teacher I have ever had in my life and if you have her I would suggest dropping it immediately. She is the most miserable women I have ever met. She talks down to all her students and if you ask her a question she will either laugh at you or embarrass you in front of the class. I hope Columbus State will get rid of her soon!!!!!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
At first, he may seem a bit confusing, but give him time. He is truely one of the most caring and understanding individuals I've ever met. One of OSU's best!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
i had rose for the second semester in a row. last semester i did alright, but i found his presentations recycled for this class which was helpful. he was always around for extra help and he wrote RIGHT back for emails. seriously. reading and homework is extensive, but you only meet once a week. very useful. kind and funny! take him if you can :)
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
He is absolutely borring!!! I had him for forensic psych and he is borring and hard. Plus he is a weird professor. I DO NOT recommend him!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Dr. Frank is a great professor! His lectures tend to be on the boring side but he tries to make it entertaining by throwing in jokes. Tests are easy if you REALLY study the study guides. Always willing to help and work around your schedule. Always writes nice comments and smiley faces on exams if you do well! He's great!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Great teacher, knows his stuff and knows how to teach. People who complain are the ones who did not try and were playing games on their laptops in class.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Todd is the best professor i've ever had (like many other students here). I honestly believe he is a complete genius. His lectures are absurdly interesting (and laugh-out-loud hilarious), his assignments are relevant and reasonable, and his ability to relate complex information is unparalleled. Todd has changed my life and i couldn't be happier
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Look past his bully act and you'll find someone who's remarkably intelligent and genuinely caring. Think rationally, keep your emotions in check, open your mind and put serious thought into the things that Bob says and you will benefit tremendously from him. Only those who put true and honest effort into their studies succeed with Bob.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
I LOVE Dr. Lynn!He really seems to care when he helps. He'll sit and explain something to you a million times if he has to! He relates stuff to everday college things. Great man! By far one of the best teachers I've ever had!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Rick is an awesome instructor! I am about to take my third class from him. If you are easily offended or want someone to reassure you all the time, he not the teacher for you. Rick will give you the easy A but if you want to learn he has a lot to teach you! Go to the first day and you will know if you are going to enjoy his class.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
He is awesome. ALEKS is obnxious but all Math310s have to do it. He gives quiz outlines, explains everything, is clear....it's a very simple subject as well - especially if you're into Math. He is flexible and approachable. He didn't make any students feel dumb like I would have....EASY A.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
She's knows her stuff but I did not enjoy having her as my professor. She is rude. I could have made a better grade if I had known how to study. The questions in the back of the Fundamentals of Nursing book were helpful but you do best by studying the powerpoints. 1st test was mainly over the syllabus... Be sure to study.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
I believe that he may be a great architect but as a teacher, it needs a lot of work, because I had trouble in that class.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Professor Pratt is great. He's one of those teachers who you can just feel enjoy teaching. You never feel intimidated to ask a question and he never gives you attitude for asking questions in person as opposed to in front of the class.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
She is clearly over her head and has no idea what she doing. She talks to hear herself be friendly, has no true industry in-site that does not come out of a book. She plays favorites, and is straight up two faced. Never take courses or the gaming degree from this school.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
got me into math...got me into calc...got me into WPI...best math tacher ever.....and he's a physicist not a mathmatician...I love it
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
She explains every thing really well and is extremely sweet with her students, makes sure they understand everything before moving on to another subject. The class is interesting but she makes it even more fun (that is, if you like math). She is truly an amazing teacher, she made my first semester much easier.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Dr. E is absolutely one of the best professors on campus. She knows more about Spanish than any professors I've had, and does her absolute best to help you learn everything you can. She integrates the language with the cultural experience and encourages students to expand their world, and to have fun while doing so.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
The guy obviously knows and loves this material..but as a person, he was just annoying and not funny. But overall, it's possible to do well. Just study...alot....
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
very ignorant and arrogant...made my life miserable!!!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
I just loved her, the best professor I ever had. She has so much enthusiasm and created such a pleasant environment. She even hosted a party at the end of the year for our class. The very best at STU!!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
This professor is one of CSM's finest. She works with her students so they understand the material. She goes out of her way to give students feedback about their work. She KNOWS what she is talking about when teaching class, even without the text. I learned a lot from her. I'm a better writer because of her.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Evergates. While gentle of voice and speech, he packs a punch! Very entertaining, very informative. Loved the narrative style of his lecturing! Speaking as a non-traditional student, I think he is one of the most respectful and decent professors on campus.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Would definately recommend him to anyone. HE really tries to ****off the class and you learn so much.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
She is the sweetest woman who really understands her students and gets that not everyone is interested in sociology but has to take it to graduate. She's easy going and she will work with you as long as you communicate with her. She knows her stuff and she explains it well. She has her own ideas but genuinely hears her students out. Take her!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Brooks is not a good professor. He lectures very heavy and if you don't pay attention you won't pass. Tends to make fun of students and can be funny at times but other times he takes his jokes too far to the point where he is very disrespectful. He will not change the way he teaches the course so don't bother taking him for biodiversity
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
A Kindergarten teacher with a profesor's badge
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Professor Travisano was and I presume still is second to none.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Freddy knows how to run a laid back yet thought provoking class. He explains theories and hypothetical situatins with great clarity and humor. Tests are a bit hard but assignments are rare except for reading. This class, or any with Kauf for that matter is worth taking, whatever your major is.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
TONS of readings! And she often goes off on random rants about life. This quarter her favorite lines are "Don't be Spongebobs! Or Walking Dead!" Sometimes going to lecture is totally useless. But then there are other times when she is focused and actually explains/clarifies the readings.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
He's very intelligent and knows what he's talking about because he's done fieldwork in the past. He's sort of intimidating but friendly if you talk to him one on one.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Dr. Woody genuinely cares if students are learning or not. This class was so interesting and really broadened my interest not only in philosophy but also in the performing arts, she also gives great essay feedback. I feel lucky to have been able to learn with her and would highly recommend her to anyone who wants a teacher who genuinely cares.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Great teacher, extremely supportive, made me excited to become a teacher.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Great guy. Understands that we're college students, and knows it's just a requirement for most of us. I was born and raised a Catholic and learned more about the religion than I have my whole life. Didn't mind being in his class on a Thursday night
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
She is intelligent and kind. However, the constant powerpoints of the readings got dull. When she didn't rely on them to lecture it was great. She will show you a lot of perspectives and the class is overall incredibly interesting.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Incredible woman with such a large heart and lots of stories. I loved talking to her and miss presence here a lot. She really helps you understand the texts with all of her background information and makes lectures interesting. Hopefully she'll be back in Spring 06.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
I had prof. Gilson for a writer's workshop-style class. Being a published author herself she understands how to balance supporting the writer's work while still pushing them outside of their comfort zone to help find their inner voice. If you are serious about your writing & want honest feedback in a creative setting prof. Gilson's class is ideal.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
this guy is great!!! great sense of humor in a class that should have an "intro to l & c" class. the reading is very very difficult, but there are certain fundamentals that the good doctor wants you to pick up. if you can grasp that concept, and make sure he gets the study guide to you, then you will have a good time. will take again.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
She's like a rent-a-cop on a power trip that takes delight in failing (or hurting GPA) her students. Takes ~1 wk to respond to emails w/vague answers not pertaining to the subject/question. The most useless, unrealistic & worst "instructor" I've ever had.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Prof. Barden is hands down one of the most amazing professors I have ever had. His class is interesting and humorous and the exams are very fair! His lab is also very interesting and the most fun lab I have ever had! This class hands down was my favorite class at MCPHS so far. He is a very fair grader and is ALWAYS willing to help his students!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
great prof, very interesting, cute, just love the accent
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Amazing professor that she explain very well and spend whole class time that mean she don't want to waste any minute.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
I loved the class because Dr. Wood's stories/experiences were soooo interesting!! She made us all laugh all of the time! She is very flexible and understanding if you are having any personal issues and need to extend an assignments due date by a week. She offered to print extra PowerPoints for us if we needed them.Language Module was unclear though
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Talham went to chemistry seminars around the world, in his absence the TA would take over the course. The TA sucked at lecturing. Talhams lectures are very interesting though. He doesn't use power points. I finished with an 83, which is an A. One Important thing; Use Study Edge as supplement if you wish, not as a learning tool. Understand the notes
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
this is agood instructor--the best one teaching type. the others are dull and boring. u can tell he really cares about and knows type and design. and yeah he's a little hot. kinda strict about getting work done and hates excuses but its usually managable. really learned alot how to work with type and be a good desniger.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
I took almost everything that Branch taught @ Guilford College a few years ago. I thought that she was the most thought-provoking, engaging scholar. She was also very approachable and genuinely invested in the success of her students. She inspired and still inspires me to Go Deeper. Novels, articles, & other forms of research were our textbooks.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Unprofessional. Talks down to students. Not helpful. Rude. Lecture material is NOT a good reflection of what will be on the exams. Students and clinical patients complained about her attitude, demeanor, and overall lack of professionalism.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
She was an absolutely amazing professor. I really loved her. She just had so much positive energy and such a great attitude. She made me appreciate Theatre. If you have any chance to have her, do it! You won't regret it. Very easy and fun too, I miss her as a professor.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
The Perfect Speech Professor
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Aurora is fantastic! Really cares about our projects and makes an effort to support us towards creating a fantastic final work.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Easy to understand but....could anyone be more cocky?
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Impossible to not like her. Good: Doesn't talk down to students! Bad: Unfortunately, now I want her to teach all my classes. She is very likable and easy to talk to, and while she keeps the student/teacher line drawn, she's more like a friend than a teacher. Bad only because it's hard to not want to have her as a friend! Great person!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Bad teacher. Unclear, seemed to be confused, could not explain worth anything. I learned more from my brother in 30 minutes than I did from her the entire semester. I'd say about half the class dropped.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Has lots of experience.Very approachable. In this field we need a caring side for patients and not just Porfessor side. They both work together. She has it!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Taking writing for the web with Dr. MCT and Ms. Joyce was the best idea ever! She's such a sweetheart. Very helpful and loves to hear your ideas. :-D
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Dr. Toth is a fantastic prof. She makes what seems to be a boring subject pretty entertaining. She likes to make jokes and will connect with the students if the put in the effort. Quizzes are fairly simple if you take good notes and skim through the book. Be in class, use good grammer and turn everything in on time and you should get an A.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
In my opinion he doesn't have a good way of teaching. He always quizzes you on grammar. He doesn't show any powerpoint or examples. And most of the time he spends the class time talking about things that aren't even related to anything in class, he always releases you early. He's one of those teachers that seem not to care.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Not a fan of math myself but she explains things in a helpful way.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Loved this class. No nonsense approach to teaching - conveys the critical information and explains its significance and application. Would take Labour Law again with him in heartbeat!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Pretty worthless as a professor
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Really great guy, will go great lengths to help you understand, and truly seems to enjoy teaching. My only gripe is that if you zone out for three seconds, you will be entirely lost in his lectures. Further, his notes are not exactly the best to study from, but I know he means the best.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
This was the most boring class I have ever taken at Western. I got the worst grade in this class I have ever gotten in college. He has an interesting sense of humor, but I think he is rude, and it is very impossible to follow his lectures without falling asleep because is voice is monotone. I couldn't go to class without falling asleep.. STAY AWAY!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
"Dr" Davis my hiney! He's just a Marxist raving lunatic.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Angela is awesome, she makes english to intresting and explains everything is such a manner that everything makes sense!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Mean, unapproachable, unhelpful
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
He's an absolutely amazing professor and very fair. Take him if you can! I learned a lot.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
He tells you exactly how to get an A, you have to work for it but if you're willing it's right there. He is always willing to talk to you, make accommodations, and really goes out of his way to help a student who asks for it. He says any version of the text book is fine but MAKE SURE YOU GET THE OLD VERSION.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
he is a schmuck/very unhelpful..he knows what he is doing but very negative and wants to scare EVERYone out of the graphic design program!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Kathy is a very laid-back type of professor. Attendance is usually not mandatory as long as you do put in the work. She does have very unorthodox approaches to assignments and projects and the medium in which she bestows it on her students. However, there is method to her madness, and I do feel like I retain info from her classes.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Awesome guy. Lectures aren't really boring, and he does have extensive knowledge about the subjects he teaches. Likes naming sample functions/methods "foo" or "bar" heh. I recommend him.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Warning: By far the worst online teacher no communication skills, no desire to help
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Wonderful professor. Truly cared that you learn and his efforts show it.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Welp, I had this guy for tutor and surprisingly the words "Never judge a book by its cover" comes to mind. Although the tattoos and and mean face may deter you from talking to him, he is actually one of the rare individuals who will talk to students as equals and also JOKES around. Took him in Mr Li's, and Peter if you're reading this. HOLD IT, PJ
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
I thought he was a good teacher. He explains stuff really well and is available to help.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Feth was the absolute worst professor I have ever come across at CSCC. She is boring, rude, and has a dry sense of humor. Don't bother asking questions because she refuses to answer anything. Her tests are insanely hard. Her notes rarely ever help with understanding the material. My advice is drop Feth instantly if you see her as your instructor.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
One of the most knowledgeable and caring professors ever!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
She is awful, you will not understand anything from her lectures. You will only sleep.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
By far, this is the most wonderful teacher i have ever had. He is caring, funny, sweet, helpful, everything. Yes, he may not be clear about some assignments, but he is willing to help out the best he can. This professor puts a smile on my face everyday. I would recomend him to everyone
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
amazing, beautiful person. so caring and passionate about her subject area. more than fair tests, interseting lectures, and always willing to offer extra help! super fun lady! awesome classes.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
These comments accurately describe the class. She does scream at the top of her lungs often, which is annoying considering my class starts at 830 am. She goes off topic way to often, talking about things that have no relevance to the class. Today we were supposed to review for the test, but we ran out of time and weren't able to.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Dr. Critelli is the best professor I've ever had. Should I be fortunate enough to achieve some success in life, I'll attribute some of it to Dr. Critelli expanding my horizons. If I could keep him as my professor, I'd change majors.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
AMAZING prof. One of the best I have had in a long time. Tries to connect everything to the students and encourages discussions in class. . Don't really need the textbook because he posts all the topics in his ppt slides, which is great. Readings are dry but if you go to the lectures, you don't have to do the readings, which is great.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
I loved professor Root! I had her for body conditioning and she was so nice and amazing. The class works you, and make you feel like you've had a good work out! Root really cares about her job, and her students. I would definitely take again.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
She's very popular, and I've never understood why. I found her class tedious and her style annoying. She's also quite arrogant.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
I took PSYCH 337 Comm. & Society w/ Prof. Milburn (online). The material he provides is very interesting and I really enjoyed the class. He is extremely responsive if you ask him anything which is great. The class is very straight-forward and what is expected of you is laid out clearly. The work load is fair, & if you do the work you will do well.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
unfair standards; singles people out and picks at them setting them up for failure. difficult to comprehend what she is asking for.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
A god among men.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
Great Professor! Very helpful and understanding if you miss class, as long as you keep him informed. He's very laid back, his classes are easy to understand and he's extremely helpful at all times... If you need to take SYG2000 he's the professor you need to sign up to!!! Trust me, he's the best!
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
AMAZING TEACHER. Knows his material. Very entertaining. Makes going to class fun. Would take him a million times more. No textbook and is very straight forward about the exams
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
The material is challenging but Delameter knows his stuff. Never had any problems asking him questions. He gets a bad rap I suspect, because most people around here don't want to put in the effort. They'd be screwed at other schools. Attend class, study, ask questions. The class was interesting and he was super cool.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities
This was one of the most useful classes I have ever taken. It helped me learn the great variety that the field has to offer. Dr. Langley is smart and funny. He rewards effort. He does not play favorites, although he certainly puts lazy students in their place, trying to teach them to get their act in gear now before they go out in the real world.
5) highlights the professor's demeanor, attitude, or personal qualities