This study evaluated the performance of soil and coal cinder used as substrate in vertical-flow constructed wetlands for removal of fluoride and arsenic. Two duplicate pilot-scale artificial wetlands were set up, planted respectively with cannas, calamus and no plant as blank, fed with a synthetic sewage solution. Laboratory (batch) incubation experiments were also carried out separately to ascertain the fluoride and arsenic adsorption capacity of the two materials (i.e. soil and coal cinder). The results showed that both soil and coal cinder had quite high fluoride and arsenic adsorption capacity. The wetlands were operated for two months. The concentrations of fluoride and arsenic in the effluent of the blank wetlands were obviously higher than in the other wetlands planted with cannas and calamus. Fluoride and arsenic accumulation in the wetlands body at the end of the operation period was in range of 14.07–37.24% and 32.43–90.04%, respectively, as compared with the unused media.
2018-11-14 16:31:07
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seriestest - Strategy for Testing Series 1 1 If the series is of the form it is a p-series which we know to np be convergent if p > 1 and divergent if p # seriestest - Strategy for Testing Series 1 1 If the series... • Notes • 3 This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 3 pages. Strategy for Testing Series1. If the series is of the form1np, it is ap-series, which we know tobe convergent ifp >1 and divergent ifp1.2. If the series has the formarn-1orarn, it is ageometric series,which converges if|r|<1 and diverges if|r| ≥1. Some preliminaryalgebraic manipulation may be required to bring the series into thisform.3. If the series has a form that is similar to ap-series or a geometricseries, then one of thecomparison tests(Theorems 10, 11) shouldbe considered. In particular, ifanis a rational function or an algebraicfunction ofn(involving roots of polynomials), then the series should becompared with ap-series (The value ofpshould be chosen by keepingonly the highest powers ofnin the numerator and denominator). Thecomparison tests apply only to series with positive terms.Ifanhas some negative terms, then we can apply the Comparison Test to|an|and test forabsolute convergence.
2021-06-22 01:40:23
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# nLab dual morphism ### Context #### Monoidal categories monoidal categories duality # Contents ## Idea The notion of dual morphism is the generalization to arbitrary monoidal categories of the notion of dual linear map in the category Vect of vector spaces. ## Definition ###### Definition Given a morphism $f \colon X \to Y$ between two dualizable objects in a monoidal category $(\mathcal{C}, \otimes)$, the corresponding dual morphism $f^\ast \colon Y^\ast \to X^\ast$ is the one obtained by $f$ by composing the duality unit of $X$ (the coevaluation map), the duality counit of $Y$ (the evaluation map)… ###### Remark This notion is a special case of the the notion of mate in a 2-category. Namely if $K \coloneqq \mathbf{B}_\otimes \mathcal{C}$ is the delooping 2-category of the monoidal category $(\mathcal{C}, \otimes)$, then objects of $\mathcal{C}$ correspond to morphisms of $K$, dual objects correspond to adjunctions and morphisms in $\mathcal{C}$ correspond to 2-morphisms in $K$. Under this identification a morphism $f \colon X \to Y$ in $\mathcal{C}$ may be depicted as a 2-morphism of the form $\array{ \ast &\stackrel{\mathbb{1}}{\to}& \ast \\ {}^{\mathllap{Y}}\downarrow &\swArrow_{\mathrlap{f}}& \downarrow^{\mathrlap{X}} \\ \ast &\underset{\mathbb{1}}{\to}& \ast }$ and duality on morphisms is then given by the mate bijection $\array{ \ast & \overset{\mathbb{1}}{\to} & \ast \\ {}^{\mathllap{Y}} \downarrow & \swArrow_{\mathrlap{f}} & \downarrow^{\mathrlap{X}} \\ \ast & \underset{\mathbb{1}}{\to} & \ast } \;\;\;\;\; \mapsto \;\;\;\;\; \array{ \ast & \overset{\mathbb{1}}{\to} & \ast \\ {}^{\mathllap{X^\ast}} \downarrow & \swArrow_{\mathrlap{f^\ast}} & \downarrow^{\mathrlap{Y^\ast}} \\ \ast & \underset{\mathbb{1}}{\to} & \ast } \;\;\;\; \coloneqq \;\;\;\; \array{ \ast & \overset{Y^\ast}{\to} & \ast & \overset{\mathbb{1}}{\to} & \ast & \overset{\mathbb{1}}{\to} & \ast \\ {}^\mathllap{\mathbb{1}}\downarrow & \swArrow_{\epsilon_Y} & {}^{\mathllap{Y}} \downarrow & \swArrow_{f} & \downarrow^{\mathrlap{X}} & \swArrow_{\eta_X} & \downarrow \mathrlap{1} \\ \ast & \underset{\mathbb{1}}{\to} & \ast & \underset{\mathbb{1}}{\to} & \ast & \underset{X^\ast}{\to} & \ast } \,.$ ## Examples ###### Example In $\mathcal{C} =$ Vect with its standard tensor product monoidal structure, a dual object is a dual vector space and a dual morphism is a dual linear map. ###### Example If $A$, $B$ are C*-algebras which are Poincaré duality algebras, hence dualizable objects in the KK-theory-category, then for $f \colon A \to B$ a morphism it is K-oriented, the corresponding Umkehr map is (postcomposition) with the dual morphism of its opposite algebra version: $f! \coloneqq (f^op)^\ast \,.$ ###### Example More generally, twisted Umkehr maps in generalized cohomology theory are given by dual morphisms in (∞,1)-category of (∞,1)-modules. See at twisted Umkehr map for more. Revised on July 19, 2013 15:24:08 by Urs Schreiber (
2015-02-27 13:10:57
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# Problem of the Week #254 - Aug 01, 2017 Status Not open for further replies. Staff member #### Euge ##### MHB Global Moderator Staff member No one answered this week's problem. You can read my solution below. For all $k \ge 1$, the $k$th tensor algebra of $\Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z$ is $(\Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z)^{\otimes_{\Bbb Z} k}$, which is isomorphic to $\Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z$. So the tensor algebra $\mathcal{T}(\Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z)$ of $\Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z$ is isomorphic to $M=\Bbb Z \oplus \Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z \oplus \Bbb Z/n\Bbb Z \oplus \cdots$. The mapping $\Bbb Z[x] \to M$ mapping $p(x) = \sum_{i = 0}^m a_i x^i$ to $(a_0,a_1,\cdots,a_m,0,0,0,\ldots)$ is a surjective morphism with kernel $(nx)$, so $M \approx \Bbb Z[x]/(nx)$. Status Not open for further replies.
2020-07-02 08:13:48
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Find the Mean (Arithmetic) 24 , 360-8 , 621 24 , 360-8 , 621 Subtract 8 from 360. 24,352,621 The mean of a set of numbers is the sum divided by the number of terms. 24+352+6213 Simplify the numerator. 376+6213
2023-01-29 23:24:04
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## sticking coefficient in surface chemistry https://doi.org/10.1351/goldbook.S06012 The ratio of the rate of @[email protected] to the rate at which the @[email protected] strikes the total surface, i.e. covered and uncovered. It is usually a function of @[email protected], of temperature and of the details of the surface structure of the @[email protected] Source: PAC, 1976, 46, 71. (Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units - Appendix II. Definitions, Terminology and Symbols in Colloid and Surface Chemistry. Part II: Heterogeneous Catalysis) on page 78 [Terms] [Paper]
2023-03-23 18:17:03
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# Find the first $5$ terms of the sequence whose $n^{th}$ term is given by $t_n=2^n$ $\begin{array}{1 1} 2,4,8,16,32 \\ 2,4,6,8,10 \\ 2,4,12,24,48 \\ 2,4,8,32,64 \end{array}$
2020-09-29 00:13:04
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Table III Meiotic Progression in Oocytes from MLH1 Null Females and Controls PrometaphaseMeta IAna/MII ApolarBipolarOther* +/−41 4 4 h(91%)(9%) −/−4526 1 (63%)(36%)(1%) +/− 7  8 9 6 h(29%)(33%)(38%) −/− 740 7 (13%)(74%)(13%) +/− 2 656 1 8 h(3%)(9%)(86%)(2%) −/− 338 4 (7%)(84%)(9%) +/−3926 10 h(60%)(40%) −/−27 3 (90%)(10%) +/− 7‡32 12 h(18%)(82%) −/− 342 5 (6%)(84%)(10%) +/− 18 h −/− 711 3 (33%)(52%)(14%) • *  Includes cells with collapsed spindles, spindles with grossly unequal poles, and tripolar spindles. •  A proportion of control oocytes arrest at MI; this is a reflection of oocyte immaturity (Eppig et al., 1994).
2019-08-22 20:21:24
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ISL-1999 A2 Discussion on International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) sourav das Posts: 461 Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:05 am Location: Dhaka Contact: ISL-1999 A2 The numbers from $1$ to $n^2$ are randomly arranged in the cells of a $n \times n$ square ($n \geq 2$). For any pair of numbers situated on the same row or on the same column the ratio of the greater number to the smaller number is calculated. Let us call the characteristic of the arrangement the smallest of these $n^2\left(n-1\right)$ fractions. What is the highest possible value of the characteristic ? You spin my head right round right round, When you go down, when you go down down...... (-$from$ "$THE$ $UGLY$ $TRUTH$" )
2021-01-24 18:33:32
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### Math Notes Subjects #### Differential Calculus Solutions ##### Topics || Problems Find the slope of the curve $$x^2 +xy +y^2 =3$$ and $$(1, 1)$$ Slope = $$\frac{dy}{dx}$$ $$2xdx + xdy +ydx +2ydy = 0$$ $$2(1)dx + (1)dy + (1)dx +2(1)dy = 0$$ $$3dx + 3 dy = 0$$ $$dy = -dx$$ $$\frac{dy}{dx} = -1$$
2023-03-20 19:46:11
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# How to Perform t-Tests in SAS Nikki Kamouneh Posted on central limit theorem t test SAS t distribution All three types of $$t$$-tests can be performed in SAS. This tutorial will demonstrate the steps and syntax needed to conduct one sample, two independent samples, and paired samples t-tests. There are two datafiles used in this tutorial. The iq_wide can be downloaded from our GitHub repository here, and the iq_long data can be downloaded from our GitHub repository here. The one-sample and independent samples examples will use the iq_long data, and the paired samples example will use iq_wide. ## One Sample $$t$$-Test Say we have data from 200 subjects who have taken an IQ test. We know in the general population the mean IQ is 100. We want to test the hypothesis that our sample comes from a different population, e.g. one that is more gifted than the general population. We will first look at the distribution of scores to determine if there are any outliers or if the distribution is highly skewed. Then we will test the null hypothesis that our sample comes from a population where $$\mu \ne 100$$. To get the histogram we will run: proc univariate data=iq_long noprint; histogram iq; run; This will give us the following figure:
2022-05-21 18:33:28
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# Overview A wise person once said, “Data completion is 90% of the work in a data pipeline.” (Technology consultant Dixon Dick) My experience thus far bears out this statement! This was my first foray into Spark, where my goal was to perform data investigation. Here I outline my path to get to the data. Summary of tools used: # Starting point I started with a 1.7 GB cvs (comma separated values) file of unknown content: 1715069652 Rosetta.csv Once I found the schema, I used cat to prepend headers: $cat headers.csv Rosetta.csv > RosettaWithHdrs.csv # Issue I invoked Spark with sudo /opt/spark-1.6.1-bin-hadoop2.6/bin/spark-shell --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.4.0 And ran code: val df = sqlContext.read.format("com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header","true").option("inferschema","true").load("RosettaWithHdrs.csv") Which failed with java.io.IOException: (startline 1) EOF reached before encapsulated token finished Yikes! Looks like the csv may be malformed. It’s a huge file! How to find the problem? # Break it down, and again I used sed to successively cut out lines of the file until I found a segment I could read, and thus identifying at least one faulty record. Example: sed -n 1,500000p RosettaWithHdrs.csv > 5-10e6.csv The first record to cause a problem was on line 1031. Turns out that some of the text fields spanned multiple lines. Each record has 24 fields, and the file is too big to view in an editor. It took me a while to realize the issue, and that Spark simply could not accomodate a CSV file of this complexity. ## Find a different format: JSON I found csvkit enormously helpful in exploring the file. This suite of tools can also convert csv to json with csvjson, so thought I’d see if Spark could handle inter-field carriage returns in JSON format. The ‘-z’ option specifies maximum field size. $ csvjson -z 10000000 RosettaWithHdrs.csv > all.json Yes! JSON format accomodates records with inter-field carriage returns. I originally tried sed to split the file, realizing I’d still need to look at the surrounding lines to ensure I captured complete records. I killed the sed process after an hour and looked for an alternative. Enter jq! This is how I determined the number of records in the dataset. By default, jq produces human readable output. The “-c” flag overrides the default, producing the compressed mess that Spark prefers. jq 'length' offRec.json 1 $jq 'length' all.json 171679$ jq -c '.[0:1000]' all.json > subset1000.json scala> val datafile="subset1000.json"
2018-04-22 16:13:14
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# Levy collapse Given any cardinals $\kappa$ and $\lambda$ in $\mathfrak{M}$, we can use the Levy collapse to give a new model $\mathfrak{M}[G]$ where $\lambda=\kappa$. Let $P=\operatorname{Levy}(\kappa,\lambda)$ be the set of partial functions $f:\kappa\rightarrow\lambda$ with $|\operatorname{dom}(f)|<\kappa$. These functions each give partial information about a function $F$ which collapses $\lambda$ onto $\kappa$. Given any generic subset $G$ of $P$, $\mathfrak{M}[G]$ has a set $G$, so let $F=\bigcup G$. Each element of $G$ is a partial function, and they are all compatible, so $F$ is a function. $\operatorname{dom}(G)=\kappa$ since for each $\alpha<\kappa$ the set of $f\in P$ such that $\alpha\in\operatorname{dom}(f)$ is dense (given any function without $\alpha$, it is trivial to add $(\alpha,0)$, giving a stronger function which includes $\alpha$). Also $\operatorname{range}(G)=\lambda$ since the set of $f\in P$ such that $\alpha<\lambda$ is in the range of $f$ is again dense (the domain of each $f$ is bounded, so if $\beta$ is larger than any element of $\operatorname{dom}(f)$, $f\cup\{(\beta,\alpha)\}$ is stronger than $f$ and includes $\lambda$ in its domain). So $F$ is a surjective function from $\kappa$ to $\lambda$, and $\lambda$ is collapsed in $\mathfrak{M}[G]$. In addition, $|\operatorname{Levy}(\kappa,\lambda)|=\lambda$, so it satisfies the $\lambda^{+}$ chain condition, and therefore $\lambda^{+}$ is not collapsed, and becomes $\kappa^{+}$ (since for any ordinal between $\lambda$ and $\lambda^{+}$ there is already a surjective function to it from $\lambda$). We can generalize this by forcing with $P=\operatorname{Levy}(\kappa,<\lambda)$ with $\kappa$ regular, the set of partial functions $f:\lambda\times\kappa\rightarrow\lambda$ such that $f(0,\alpha)=0$, $|\operatorname{dom}(f)|<\kappa$ and if $\alpha>0$ then $f(\alpha,i)<\alpha$. In essence, this is the product of $\operatorname{Levy}(\kappa,\eta)$ for each $\eta<\lambda$. In $\mathfrak{M}[G]$, define $F=\bigcup G$ and $F_{\alpha}(\beta)=F(\alpha,\beta)$. Each $F_{\alpha}$ is a function from $\kappa$ to $\alpha$, and by the same argument as above $F_{\alpha}$ is both total and surjective. Moreover, it can be shown that $P$ satisfies the $\lambda$ chain condition, so $\lambda$ does not collapse and $\lambda=\kappa^{+}$. Title Levy collapse LevyCollapse 2013-04-16 22:08:32 2013-04-16 22:08:32 ratboy (4018) e1568582 (1000182) 9 ratboy (1000182) Example msc 03E45
2019-09-20 18:02:12
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# Latex LaTex error : "Missing } inserted" I have written this: but latex gives me the error "Missing } inserted", i tried some stuff but everytime latex gives me this. Can you help me please ? • Welcome to TSE. Please post a Minimal Working Example, instead of a code snippet. Jun 21 at 9:17 • \begin{array}{2} contains a syntax error. Please tell us how your array environment is supposed to be organized: how many columns, and how should the columns be aligned? – Mico Jun 21 at 9:27 • Move \end{document} up until you find the exact line that causes the problem. Then you can create a MINIMAL example showing the problem. Until then, the best we can say is the you are missing a }. Jun 21 at 9:31 • Off-topic: Don't write $G^'$ and $L^'$, respetively. Instead, just write $G'$ and $L'$, i.e., omit the ^ (caret, "exponentiation") symbols. – Mico Jun 21 at 9:39 • Please post the code itself, not a screenshot of the code. In general, I'd say, you're using far to many curly braces. For instance, there's is absolutely no advantage in writing ${C_G}$. Indeed, by writing $C_G$ you would do yourself a big favor as you'd have to deal with much less code clutter. Similarly, do replace ({C_{{G_{end}}(V,E}}) with (C_{G_{\mathrm{end}}(V,E)}). – Mico Jun 21 at 10:00
2022-06-29 06:02:52
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# Math Help - sine angle 1. ## sine angle How do I solve this? What is the answer? sin x/2= (square root 3)/2 , -pi<x<pi (this is the range given) (I had no idea how to put a squre root symbol of the 3...) 2. Originally Posted by jcfulton How do I solve this? What is the answer? sin x/2= (square root 3)/2 , -pi<x<pi (this is the range given) (I had no idea how to put a squre root symbol of the 3...) hint: $\sin (?) = \frac {\sqrt{3}}2$, what is $?$? 3. sin 60 degrees is (square root 3)/2, therefore the answer is 120 degrees, since the angle is x/2. 4. sin of 60 degrees is (square root 3)/2..........or pi/3........where do I go from here? 5. sin x = (square root 3)/2 means that x is 60 degrees. sin x/2 = (square root 3)/2 means that x is 120....120/2 = 60
2014-08-01 10:26:44
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# Definition:Normal Operator ## Definition Let $\HH$ be a Hilbert space. Let $\mathbf T: \HH \to \HH$ be a bounded linear operator. Then $\mathbf T$ is said to be normal if and only if: $\mathbf T^* \mathbf T = \mathbf T \mathbf T^*$ where $\mathbf T^*$ denotes the adjoint of $\mathbf T$.
2023-02-06 09:24:56
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# 3.116 FAQ-676 We are trying to use a single exponential decay equation to determine the half-life of a compound, but your equation is slightly different than the standard form. How do we calculate the half-life? Last Update: 2/3/2015 Typically, the standard form of the single exponential decay function is $A(t) = A_0e^{-kt}$ where $A_0$ is the initial population, $k$ is the decay constant, and $t$ is time. In this case the formula for $t$ is $\frac {\ln(2)} {k}$. In Origin's case, one of its single exponential decay equations (ExpDecay1) is described as: $y = y_0 + Ae^{\frac {-(x-x0)} {t}}$ Suppose $y_0 = 0$. The equation then becomes $y = Ae^{\frac {-(x-x0)} {t}}$. If the equations are then set equal to each other and solved for $k$ one finds that $k=\frac {-(x-x_0)} {t^2}$. Since this is the case, the equation for a half-life becomes $t(\frac {1}{2}) = x_0 + t\ln(2)$ Keywords:Exponential Fit
2019-03-24 00:58:34
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💬 👋 We’re always here. Join our Discord to connect with other students 24/7, any time, night or day.Join Here! # Find the exact length of the curve.$y = \ln (1 - x^2)$ , $0 \le x \le \frac{1}{2}$ ## $-\frac{1}{2}+\ln 3$ #### Topics Applications of Integration ### Discussion You must be signed in to discuss. Lectures Join Bootcamp ### Video Transcript it's Clara. So when you read here, So here, we're gonna find that exactly. We're gonna first start with the derivative. And we got negative two acts over one minus x square. We're gonna use this on plug it into our our Klink equation Square root of one plus negative to X over one minus x square square. When we factor this out we got four x square all over one minus two X square less x to the fourth when we're gonna make one bye. Using a common denominator two X square, it was four x because X to the fore. Excuse me one minus two X square plus X to the fourth. And when we add and simplify, this part becomes from zero to wouldn't have one plus x square over one minus x squared DX. Because we're taking this square root off the integral. We're gonna defy the top and bottom. Using long division in this equals from 0 to 1/2 negative one plus two over one minus x squared d x and we're going to use partial fractions. So a over one plus tax must be over one minus X or finding A and B and we get a to be one be to be one. So it becomes negative X plus from 0 to 1/2 one over one plus x plus one over one minus x the ex. When we just integrate this, we got negative one have plus Helton of three. #### Topics Applications of Integration Lectures Join Bootcamp
2021-09-23 05:29:08
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# Problem 2.6 A First Course in String Theory . 2.5 Constructing $\displaystyle{T^2/\mathbb{Z}_3}$ orbifold (a) A fundamental domain, with its boundary, is the parallelogram with corners at $\displaystyle{z = 0, 1}$ and $\displaystyle{e^{i \pi/3}}$. Where is the fourth corner? Make a sketch and indicate the identifications on the boundary. The resulting space is an oblique torus. (b) Consider now an additional $\displaystyle{\mathbb{Z}_3}$ identification $\displaystyle{z \sim R(z) = e^{2 \pi i/3} z}$ To understand how this identification acts on the oblique torus, draw the short diagonal that divides the torus into two equilateral triangles. Describe carefully the $\displaystyle{{Z}_3}$ action on each of the two triangles (recall that the action of $\displaystyle{R}$ can be followed by arbitrary action with $\displaystyle{T_1}$, $\displaystyle{T_2}$, and their inverses). [guess] (a) $\displaystyle{z = 1 + e^{\frac{i \pi}{3}}}$ (b) [guess] — Me@2021-02-11 06:03:36 PM . .
2021-09-26 21:54:57
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## Thinking Mathematically (6th Edition) The dominance of connectives is used to clarify the means of the statement. The ascending order in which dominance of connectives is used is: (1) Negation, $\sim$ (2) Disjunction, $\vee$ Conjunction, $\wedge$ (3) Conditional, $\to$ (4) Biconditional, $\leftrightarrow$ Biconditional statement is most dominant and Negation statement is least dominant and conjunction, disjunction has the same level of dominance. Use this order of dominance of connectives then the statement in the clarify form is: $\left( p\to p \right)\leftrightarrow \left[ \left( p\vee p \right)\to \sim p \right]$. The statement is biconditional because biconditional is most dominant. Hence, the statement in the clarify form is$\left( p\to p \right)\leftrightarrow \left[ \left( p\vee p \right)\to \sim p \right]$.
2019-11-20 07:52:13
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[XeTeX] Wacky behavior of XeLaTeX in TeXLive 2011 Vafa Khalighi vafaklg at gmail.com Mon Nov 7 13:14:27 CET 2011 ```I uploaded a minimal working example, it's a stripped down version of a > book, text removed apart from a stub using greek text (Unicode > capabilities), the prologue is intact, the default font is Tinos, a freely > downloadable font, but if you want you can substitute it with > LiberationSerif or any other font that supports polytonic Greek. > Thanks for this. I used LiberationSerif font which is by default shipped with Ubuntu. These are the warnings, I get: LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `EU1/LiberationSerif(0)/m/sl' undefined (Font) using `EU1/LiberationSerif(0)/m/n' instead on input line 43 . LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted. Which I believe is perfectly normal and you ought to get the same warnings with TeXLive 2010. This happens because Italic or oblique version of LiberationSerif does not exist and so fontspec uses the regular shape of the font for slanted shape (produced by \textsl, etc). Please provide me with an example for pdflatex, I don't know how to use it > :) > What I meant was that you produce a similar example with pdflatex (no polyglossia, no fontspec, no xelatex specific packages) and see if the same issue happens.
2023-03-22 00:39:50
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## Weird love.graphics.line behaviour Questions about the LÖVE API, installing LÖVE and other support related questions go here. Forum rules Before you make a thread asking for help, read this. Zaphio Prole Posts: 2 Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:49 pm ### Weird love.graphics.line behaviour Code: Select all function love.load() love.graphics.setMode(500, 500) love.graphics.setLineWidth(100000) ------------------------ -- EDIT THIS VARIABLE -- interval = 1 -- Try out: .9, 1, 2, 5, 10, 50 ------------------------ end function love.draw() love.graphics.setLine(25) drawRainbow({255, 0, 0, 255}, 10) drawRainbow({255, 127, 0, 255}, 20) drawRainbow({127, 255, 0, 255}, 30) drawRainbow({ 0, 255, 0, 255}, 40) drawRainbow({ 0, 255, 127, 255}, 50) drawRainbow({ 0, 127, 255, 255}, 60) drawRainbow({ 0, 0, 255, 255}, 70) drawRainbow({127, 0, 255, 255}, 80) drawRainbow({255, 0, 127, 255}, 90) end local function f(x) return 250+10*math.sin(x) end function drawRainbow(col, offset) love.graphics.setColor(unpack(col)) local ly, t = f(0), love.timer.getTime() for x = 1, 500, interval do local y = f(x/30+t) + offset love.graphics.line(x-1, ly, x, y) ly = y end end I'm trying to draw a rainbow, but I'm getting skewed vertical lines that turn instead of a smooth horizontal line. Why is this happening? Have I hit a bug? Or am I just plain dumb? Also note setLineWidth doesn't seem to affect anything. vrld Party member Posts: 917 Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:14 pm Location: Germany Contact: ### Re: Weird love.graphics.line behaviour Zaphio wrote:I'm trying to draw a rainbow, but I'm getting skewed vertical lines that turn instead of a smooth horizontal line. It's because of how you loop over x. Replacing 1 with interval and adjusting the vertical starting position should fix it: Code: Select all local t = love.timer.getTime() local ly = f(t) + offset for x = interval, 500, interval do local y = f(x/30+t) + offset love.graphics.line(x-interval, ly, x, y) ly = y end Zaphio wrote:Also note setLineWidth doesn't seem to affect anything. That's a feature of how OpenGL defines line drawings and how graphic card vendors implement it: There is an arbitrary upper (and lower) limit of the line width, which depends on the type of graphics card you have installed. I can get a line width up to 10, but yours seems to be limited to about 2. The line drawing method will be replaced in the next LÖVE version. I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum. hump | HC | SUIT | moonshine kikito Inner party member Posts: 3153 Joined: Sat Oct 03, 2009 5:22 pm Contact: ### Re: Weird love.graphics.line behaviour I must point out that the current result looks more interesting than the "plain sinusoidal curves" to me. When I write def I mean function.
2020-09-30 00:01:07
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# Embed Picasa slideshows into BlogEngine.net I was having a problem embedding a slide show from Picasa into my BlogEngine.net editor. Basically, the editor kept stripping the embed html.  The trick is to edit \admin\tinyMCE.ascx file.  You need to modify the extended_valid_elements entry. Apparently this is used to define valid html tags for the tinyMCE editor. Here are my additions in red:
2021-07-28 18:15:45
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August 2017 ## Daniel Scofield, NC State, Patterns in Khovanov homology Khovanov homology is a recent link invariant that lifts the Jones polynomial. We analyze torsion in Khovanov homology by describing a related homology theory that lifts the chromatic polynomial. In particular, we describe torsion in Khovanov homology of several link  families… Find out more » ## Jichun Li, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Electromagnetic cloaking: mathematical analysis and simulation In  June 23, 2006's "Science" magazine, Pendry et al and Leonhardt independently published their papers on electromagnetic cloaking. In Nov.10, 2006's Science magazine, Pendry et al demonstrated  the first practical realization of such a cloak with the use of artificially constructed… Find out more » September 2017 ## Joey Hart, NCSU, SIAM Tutorial Series: Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods In this lecture we will present basis theoretical and algorithmic properties of Monte Carlo methods. In particular, their convergence properties and implementational simplicity will be highlighted. There are a variety of Monte Carlo methods but we will focus on two,… Find out more » ## Adam Levine, Duke, Heegaard Floer invariants for homology $S^1 \times S^3$s Using Heegaard Floer homology, we construct a numerical invariant for any smooth, oriented 4-manifold X with the homology of $S^1 \times S^3$. Specifically, we show that for any smoothly embedded 3-manifold Y representing a generator of H_3(X), a suitable version… Find out more » October 2017 November 2017
2017-08-21 17:56:36
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# Pricing in the Heston Model The dynamics of the Heston Model is \begin{align*} \frac{dS}{S} & = \lambda \sqrt{\nu} d W^S \\[0.5em] d \nu & = k (1- \nu )dt + \epsilon \sqrt{\nu} dW^\sigma \end{align*} where $$\lambda$$ is the instantaneous volatility. Let $$\nu_0 = 1$$. The Brownian motions are correlated with $$\rho dt$$. Now I want to use this online pricer: https://kluge.in-chemnitz.de/tools/pricer/heston_price.php to determine the prices. How would I go about this without $$\lambda$$ being specified in the model of the pricer? Say I want to find the price for $$S_0=100$$, $$K=90$$, $$\epsilon = 0.3$$, $$\kappa = 0.05$$, $$\rho = 0.5$$ and $$\lambda = 0.2$$. I know that by using Ito on the spot I get $$d \log S_t = \lambda \sqrt{\nu_t} d W_t^S - \frac{1}{2} \lambda^2 \nu_t dt$$ Do I somehow need to use the relationship between $$\lambda^2 \nu_t$$? If so, how? This is not the typical Heston stochastic differential equation (SDE). In the original Heston paper, the SDE is defined without $$\lambda$$, that is $$\lambda=1$$ and $$v(0)=v_0$$ not necessarily 1. In your case you have to do the change of variable $$y= \lambda^2 v$$ which leads to $$dS/S = \sqrt{y}dW_S$$ $$dy = k(\lambda^2 - y) + \epsilon\lambda\sqrt{y} dW_y$$ and $$y(0)=\lambda^2$$. the initial vol is $$\sqrt{y(0)}$$ and the vol of vol (actually really a vol of var) is $$\xi=\epsilon\lambda$$.
2019-10-15 18:09:17
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# IGCSE Economics (Coursebook 2nd edtion, Cambridge) - Textbook Answers #### raghav4igcse Hi - which textbook do these chapter answers relate to? Thanks Of course, "Cambridge IGCSE & O level Economics, Coursebook 2nd edition" by Susan Grant. #### Shamar Hi - which textbook do these chapter answers relate to? Thanks Yes thank you so much - I could not find which textbook because I have a few with the same title! Thankfully, I have managed to find my relevant textbook. Sorry for the confusion.... thank you again for posting the answer chapters, I really appreciate it. #### Rayyan Sohail Thank You sooooo much, This helped me a lot!!! #### raghav4igcse Thank You sooooo much, This helped me a lot!! No problem at all ! I hope it did. Yes thank you so much - I could not find which textbook because I have a few with the same title! Thankfully, I have managed to find my relevant textbook. Sorry for the confusion.... thank you again for posting the answer chapters, I really appreciate it.
2022-07-07 17:02:48
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# The same frequency sounds sound as different sounds Imagine, the piano is sounded $$500 \mathrm{Hz}$$ sound and the same frequency is sounded in a violin. We always observe their sounds are different even though they're harmonic. I think there must be some other parameters that provide the same frequency sounds differently. Why it's sounded differently?
2022-07-03 13:09:58
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# longtable and rowcolors I tried to use the longtable with the row color and I just simply can get it to work. When I try to do: \documentclass[10pt, landscape]{report} %Packages \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{array} \newcounter{rowno} \setcounter{rowno}{0} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage[table]{xcolor} \begin{document} \rowcolors{1}{gray!40!white}{blue!10!white} \begin{longtable}{>{\stepcounter{rowno}\therowno.}c c l c l l l l } \hiderowcolors \multicolumn{1}{c}{No.} & Article & Word & Type & 3. Person & Präteritum & Perfect & Translation \\ \toprule \showrowcolors \hiderowcolors \multicolumn{1}{c}{No.} & Article & Word & Type & 3. Person & Präteritum & Perfect & Translation \\ \toprule \showrowcolors & --- & abdecken & verb & deckt ab & deckte ab & abgedeckt & to cover, \\ \midrule & --- & abholen & verb & holt ab & holte ab & abgeholte & to collect or pick up \\ \midrule \end{longtable} \end{document} I am getting every row to be the same color - gray. I tried doing different things with it but to no avail. Did anyone dealt with something like that and have a solution? - give a complete example which shows what you see –  Herbert Jan 29 '13 at 18:34 What do want to do with {\stepcounter{rowno}\therowno.}? Please make your given code compilable, so add used packages, document class and \end{document}. –  Kurt Jan 29 '13 at 18:59 The \stepcounter{rowno}\therowno gives an automatic count to the rows in the table (there are ~240 entries in it) –  ulek Jan 29 '13 at 19:06 it is a problem with your setting of \show/hiderowcolors. This works: \documentclass[10pt, landscape]{report} %Packages \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[english, ngerman]{babel} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{array} \newcounter{rowno} \setcounter{rowno}{0} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage[table]{xcolor} \begin{document} \rowcolors{3}{gray!40!white}{blue!40!white!80} \begin{longtable}{>{\stepcounter{rowno}\therowno.}c c l c l l l l } \multicolumn{1}{c}{No.} & Article & Word & Type & 3. Person & Präteritum & Perfect & Translation \\\toprule \multicolumn{1}{c}{No.} & Article & Word & Type & 3. Person & Präteritum & Perfect & Translation \\ \toprule & --- & abdecken & verb & deckt ab & deckte ab & abgedeckt & to cover, \\ & --- & abholen & verb & holt ab & holte ab & abgeholte & to collect or pick up\\ & --- & abholen & verb & holt ab & holte ab & abgeholte & to collect or pick up\\ & --- & abholen & verb & holt ab & holte ab & abgeholte & to collect or pick up\\ \bottomrule \end{longtable} \end{document} - Actually it appears that \midrule was the problem. When I removed the \show/hidecolors I got nowhere fast, however after removing the \midrule' everything works fine –  ulek Jan 29 '13 at 19:26 Actually it appears that \midrule was the problem. When I removed the \show/hidecolors I got nowhere fast, however after removing the \midrule` everything works fine
2014-04-24 09:51:51
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## Thursday, August 20, 2015 ### WDW Picture of the Day Entrance to Spaceship  Earth at Epcot. So, if you've been a long-time WDW fan, did you ever remember Spaceship  Earth having this long of a line LATE in the day? Unfortunately, this is a direct consequence of the Fastpass+. Attractions that normally do not have a long line late in the day are now getting these long lines. And fastpass lines that used to move fast are now crawling. In fact, in some cases, there's a line trying to get into the fastpass line! See Kilimanjaro Safari! Zz.
2021-10-17 07:32:14
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# Activity-Based Costing p7. Kall Company produces cellular phones. It has just completed an order... Activity-Based Costing p7. Kall Company produces cellular phones. It has just completed an order for 10,000 phones placed by Connect, Ltd. Kall recently shifted to an activity-based costing sys- tem, and its controller is interested in the impact that the ABC system had on the Connect order. Data for that order are as follows: direct materials, $36,950; pur- chased parts,$21,100; direct labor hours, 220; and average direct labor pay rate per hour, $15. Under Kall’s traditional costing system, overhead costs were assigned at a rate of 270 percent of direct labor cost. Data for activity-based costing for the Connect order follow. Activity Cost Driver Activity Cost rate Activity Usage Electrical engineering design Engineering hours$19 per engineering hour   32 engineering hours Setup        Number of setups      $29 per setup 11 setups Parts production Machine hours$26 per machine hour        134 machine hours Product testing              Number of tests          $32 per test 52 tests Packaging Number of packages$0.0374 per package         10,000 packages Building occupancy                 Machine hours            $9.80 per machine hour 134 machine hours Assembly Direct labor hours$15 per direct labor hour     220 direct labor hours reQUIreD 1.    Use the traditional costing approach to compute the total cost and the product unit cost of the Connect order. (Round unit costs to the nearest cent.) 2.    Using the cost hierarchy, identify each activity as unit level, batch level, product level, or facility level. 3.    Prepare a bill of activities for the activity costs. 4.    Use ABC to compute the total cost and product unit cost of the Connect order. (Round activity costs to the nearest dollar, and round unit costs to the nearest cent.) 5.    aCCounting ConneCtion ▶ What is the difference between  the  product unit cost you computed using the traditional approach and the one you computed using ABC? Does the use of ABC guarantee cost reduction for every order?
2018-09-24 09:20:52
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## Search times out cmloegcmluin Posts: 721 Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:10 pm Location: San Francisco, California, USA Real Name: Douglas Blumeyer Contact: ### Search times out The "Search..." bar on the forum doesn't work for me; it always times out. If it is of help to anyone else, I've found that I can use my browser's omnibar as an alternative: simply typing "forum.sagittal.org: thing i was searching for" there works. Dave Keenan Posts: 1024 Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:59 pm Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia Contact: ### Re: Search times out Thanks for that. Fixed now. I had noticed it too, and tried rebuilding the index, to no avail. Searching the PHP help forum told me that the likely culprit was: failing to install and enable the optional "mbstring" extension when I upgraded PHP to version 7.4 recently. I fixed it by logging into the server as root and issuing the following commands: apt-get install php7.4-mbstring service apache2 restart cmloegcmluin
2020-09-19 06:14:37
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# Referee's scores Referee's scores in output files will range from -2 to 91. Since Referee's score is a ratio of probabilities, theoretically any score from -infinity to +infinity is possible. However, in practice scores tend to be limited to -300 to +300. Positive scores indicate support for the called reference base while negative scores indicate more support for some other base. We cap Referee's scores from 0 to 90. This means that all sites that score negative are converted to a score of 0, and any sites that score higher than 90 simply get a score of 90. This scaling is practical because it makes scores easily interpratable and allows for the converstion to ASCII characters in the FASTQ output. However, here are several scenarios where the scoring calculation is impossible. We have reserved some scores for these situations. ScenarioScore The sum of the genotype likelihoods that do not contain the reference base is 0 91 The reference base is called as N -1 No reads mapped to this site -2 For the case of the reference base being called as N, Referee can calculate the highest scoring base and report it with the --correct option. ### Referee's scores are not Phred-scaled error probabilities Rather, they are a a ratio of probabilities. While Referee's scores are said to be Phred-like because higher scores indicate more confidence in the called base, they do not represent a probability of error as traditional Phred scores do, and as such they are scaled differently. Put succinctly: A Phred score of 10 corresponds to a probability of error of 0.1. A Referee score of 10 means that the called base is $$10^{10}$$ times more likely than another base.
2023-04-02 05:50:27
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Since I started working at my internship placement this year, I’ve noticed a fairly frequent occurrence of a phenomenon where for some odd reason (and seemingly out of context) a phantom “J” character would appear in an email at the end of a sentence. Take this (fabricated, but representative) example: Hi all, There is cake downstairs if anyone wants some. J Bob Anyhoo, with a bit of Googling, I found this blog post which explains the reason behind the phantom J. When someone types a smiley face (i.e. :)) in Outlook on Windows, it’s automatically “corrected” to the smiley face character in the Wingdings font (Microsoft’s proprietary Dingbats font). The smiley face character in Wingdings just so happens to map to the ASCII character code “J”. So, if someone types a smiley face in an Outlook email, and then you view that email on another platform (OS X, Linux, Android, etc) - then chances are, you’ll just see a phantom “J”. You can check this by looking at the HTML source of an offending email: <font face="Wingdings">J</font> This is completely redundant - there’s actually a Unicode character for a smiley face. Unicode is supported across almost all platforms created in the last… 20 years, and isn’t reliant on an obscure proprietary font. The consequence of this is that anyone who doesn’t use Windows now has to read emails with phantom “J” characters in…
2018-03-22 04:11:55
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anonymous 5 years ago dy/dx=cos^2(x)cos^2(2y), y=? 1. anonymous This is separable. You just need to rewrite it as$\frac{dy}{\cos^2 (2y)}=\cos^2 (2x) dx \rightarrow \int\limits_{}{} \frac{dy} {\cos^2 (2y)}=\int\limits_{}{} \cos^2 (2x) dx$ 2. anonymous Use the fact that $\cos 2\theta =\cos^2 \theta - \sin^2 \theta = 2 \cos^2 \theta -1 \rightarrow \cos^2\theta =\frac{\cos 2 \theta +1}{2}$ 3. anonymous Hello dichalao 4. anonymous Hello loki~ haha 5. anonymous Isn't it ~1am there? 6. anonymous yep :) 7. anonymous i dont want to end my day as usual :( 8. anonymous Why's that? 9. anonymous find the exact solution to this bvp u''-u=0 u(0)=0 and u(1)=1 how do you solve this problem..i was trying to help the guy, but failed 10. anonymous I don know.. i just dont want to go to bed 11. anonymous It should be a exponential function right 12. anonymous Lol...this is a linear homogeneous second order differential equation with constant coefficients. We assume a solution of the form $y=e^{\lambda x}$, sub it in and solve the characteristic equation${\lambda}^2-1=0 \rightarrow \lambda = \pm 1$The solution's then$y=c_1 e^x + c_2 e^{-x}$ 13. anonymous how you got λ2−1=0→λ=±1 14. anonymous $(e^{\lambda x})''-e^{\lambda x}=0 \rightarrow {\lambda}^2e^{\lambda x}-e^{\lambda x}=0 \rightarrow ({\lambda}^2-1)e^{\lambda x}=0$In the last product, it can only be the case that${\lambda}^2-1=0$since$e^{\lambda x} \neq0$for all x. 15. anonymous because λ=+-1 you got ce^x+c2e^(-x)? 16. anonymous Yep, the aim is to find lambdas that will allow you to make the assumption true. There's a theorem in differential equations that tells us how many solutions there will be in a diff. equation and that those solutions are unique. For second order homogeneous (what we have here) there will be two solutions, and since we've found two independent solutions (that technically needs to be checked with something called the Wronskian, but no-one usually cares with these types), and since we know a set of solutions is unique, we've found the solutions to the equation. 17. anonymous Last bit wasn't explained all that well. 18. anonymous LOL it is good enough at my level 19. anonymous Happy now? You can hit the sheets! 20. anonymous LOL i am always happy when you are on :) flattery gets me to anywehre 21. anonymous So do you just have to tell that guy the solution? 22. anonymous you can do it :) i dont want to take any credits for it.. it is 10 thread up 23. anonymous You can just screen shot it and send as an attachment. 24. anonymous He just has to solve for the boundary conditions u(0)=0 and u(1)=1. 25. anonymous LOL can you please do that for me :P 26. anonymous so you will earn your 133th fan 27. anonymous Okay, I'll go over to him. I think nikvist might be dealing with it...
2016-10-28 07:09:31
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DMGT ISSN 1234-3099 (print version) ISSN 2083-5892 (electronic version) IMPACT FACTOR 2018: 0.741 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2018: 0.763 Rejection Rate (2017-2018): c. 84% Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory THE EDGE GEODETIC NUMBER AND CARTESIAN PRODUCT OF GRAPHS A.P. Santhakumaran and S.V. Ullas Chandran Department of Mathematics St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) Palayamkottai - 627 002, India e-mail: apskumar1953@yahoo.co.in e-mail: ullaschandra01@yahoo.co.in Abstract For a nontrivial connected graph G = (V(G),E(G)), a set S⊆ V(G) is called an edge geodetic set of G if every edge of G is contained in a geodesic joining some pair of vertices in S. The edge geodetic number g1(G) of G is the minimum order of its edge geodetic sets. Bounds for the edge geodetic number of Cartesian product graphs are proved and improved upper bounds are determined for a special class of graphs. Exact values of the edge geodetic number of Cartesian product are obtained for several classes of graphs. Also we obtain a necessary condition of G for which g1(G[¯] K2) = g1(G). Keywords: geodetic number, edge geodetic number, linear edge geodetic set, perfect edge geodetic set, (edge, vertex)-geodetic set, superior edge geodetic set. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C12. References [1] B. Bresar, S. Klavžar and A.T. Horvat, On the geodetic number and related metric sets in Cartesian product graphs, (2007), Discrete Math. 308 (2008) 5555-5561, doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2007.10.007. [2] F. Buckley and F. Harary, Distance in Graphs (Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA, 1990). [3] G. Chartrand, F. Harary and P. Zhang, On the geodetic number of a graph, Networks 39 (2002) 1-6, doi: 10.1002/net.10007. [4] G. Chartrand and P. Zhang, Introduction to Graph Theory (Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, New Delhi, 2006). [5] F. Harary, E. Loukakis and C. Tsouros, The geodetic number of a graph, Math. Comput. Modeling 17 (1993) 89-95, doi: 10.1016/0895-7177(93)90259-2. [6] W. Imrich and S. Klavžar, Product Graphs: Structure and Recognition (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 2000). [7] A.P. Santhakumaran and J. John, Edge geodetic number of a graph, J. Discrete Math. Sciences & Cryptography 10 (2007) 415-432.
2020-02-28 22:52:01
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2018 Том 70 № 12 Topological stability of the averagings of functions Abstract We present sufficient conditions for the topological stability of the averagings of piecewise smooth functions $f : R \rightarrow R$ with finitely many extrema with respect to discrete measures with finite supports. Citation Example: Maksimenko S. I., Marunkevych O. V. Topological stability of the averagings of functions // Ukr. Mat. Zh. - 2016. - 68, № 5. - pp. 625-633.
2019-01-17 17:03:44
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College Physics (4th Edition) $L = 13.1~m$ Let $L_0 = 30.0~m$ We can find the length measured according to an astronaut on the other spaceship: $L = L_0~\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}$ $L = (30.0~m)~\sqrt{1-\frac{(0.90~c)^2}{c^2}}$ $L = 13.1~m$
2019-11-19 17:49:38
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10:15 AM @JohnRennie need help with part (b)! How does one find relative angular speed? I'm doing it wrong... The relative angular velocity is just $\omega_1 - \omega_2$ Thats not how the solution does it They do it this way: $\Delta \omega = \frac {v_2 - v_1}{r_2 - r_1}$ Follow up question: Does the position of the two satellites matter when measuring relative angular velocity? I'm aware that position of the satellites is important when dealing with velocity, but what about angular velocity? I guess the angular velocity is $\omega = \mathbf r \times \mathbf v/|r|^2$ Where $\mathbf r = \mathbf r_1 - \mathbf r_2$ and $\mathbf v = \mathbf v_1 - \mathbf v_2$. hmm.. and $r x v$ is just $rvsin(90)$ = $rv$ since, both the satellites are at their closest position, $r$ and $v$ are perpendicular to each other. Then, the position of the two satellites is important to find relative angular velocity, correct? 10:33 AM It's certainly a simple calculation when the satellites are at their closest approach. Hm, thank you =]
2020-04-05 23:49:24
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1. ## Double Angles, half angles, radian solutions and more I got my math study guide today and everything looks like arabic I need help on pretty much all of it, but this is what I'm asking about for now: 1.) Find all the radian solutions for the following equation: 4sin^2 x - 1=0 2.) Simplify the following expression by using a double-angle formula or a half-angle formula: 1-2sin^2 (x/12) 3.) Find the quotient z1/z2 in trigonometric form, if z1=cos(pie) +i sin(pie)and z2=5cos(pie/2) + 5i sin(pie/2) 2. 1.) Find all the radian solutions for the following equation: 4sin^2 x - 1=0 this one will factor ... $(2\sin{x} - 1)(2\sin{x} + 1) = 0$ use the zero product property and solve for x. 2.) Simplify the following expression by using a double-angle formula or a half-angle formula: 1-2sin^2 (x/12) hint ... $\cos(2u) = 1 - 2\sin^2(u)$ 3.) Find the quotient z1/z2 in trigonometric form, if z1=cos(pi) +i sin(pi)and z2=5cos(pi/2) + 5i sin(pi/2) if $z_1 = r_1[\cos(\theta_1) + i\sin(\theta_1)]$ and $z_2 = r_2[\cos(\theta_2) + i\sin(\theta_2)]$ , then ... $\frac{z_1}{z_2} = \frac{r_1}{r_2}[\cos(\theta_1-\theta_2) + i\sin(\theta_1-\theta_2)]$
2013-12-05 07:51:43
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How do you simplify (x^2+5x)/(2x)? $= \frac{x \cdot \left(x + 5\right)}{2 x}$ $= \frac{x + 5}{2}$ ( we divide by $x$ both numerator and denominator to simplify )
2022-09-28 22:43:33
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Question # Find the image of the point (3,8) with respect to the line $$x+3y=7$$ assuming the line to be a plane mirror. Solution ## Let line AB be $$x+3y=7$$ and point P be $$(3,8)$$.Let $$Q(h,k)$$ be the image of point $$P(3,8)$$ in the line $$x+3y=7$$.Since line $$AB$$ is a mirror,1) Point $$P$$ and $$Q$$ are at equal distance from line $$AB$$, i.e., $$PR = QR$$, i.e., $$R$$ is the mid-point of $$PQ.$$2) Image is formed perpendicular to mirror i.e., line PQ is perpendicular to line AB.Since R is the midpoint of PQ.Mid point of $$PQ$$ joining $$(3,8)$$ and $$(h,k)$$ is $$\left (\dfrac{h+3}{2},\dfrac{k+8}{2}\right )$$Coordinate of point R = $$\left (\dfrac{h+3}{2},\dfrac{k+8}{2}\right )$$Since point R lies on the line AB.Therefore,$$\left (\dfrac{3+h}{2}\right )+3\left (\dfrac{8+k}{2}\right )=7$$$$h+3k=-13$$         ....(1)Also, $$PQ$$ is perpendicular to $$AB.$$Therefore,Slope of $$PQ$$ $$\times$$ Slope of $$AB = -1$$Since, slope of $$AB =$$ $$-\dfrac{1}{3}$$Therefore, slope of $$PQ =$$ $$3$$Now, PQ is line joining $$P(3,8)$$ and $$Q(h,k).$$Slope of PQ = $$3=\dfrac{k-8}{h-3}$$$$3h-k=1$$       ........(2)Solving equation 1 and 2, we get,$$h=-1$$ and $$k=-4$$Hence, image is $$Q(-1,-4)$$.Mathematics Suggest Corrections 0 Similar questions View More People also searched for View More
2022-01-19 02:02:19
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Thread: why this doesn't work, cross product. 1. why this doesn't work, cross product. need to explain why these are not valid, or meaningless. 1. a x (b*c) 2. (a*b) x c 3. (a*b) x (c*d) not sure whats wrong with each of them, thankyou for any help. 2. Recall that the dot product between two vectors gives you a number. Also recall that the cross product is defined between two vectors, not numbers. Can you see what's wrong with your expressions? 3. okay, so each of those have a problem because two vectors multiplied will give a number. and then its a number x a vector, which can't happen for the cross product which looks like the case for each of them, correct?
2017-06-29 00:39:37
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## anonymous 4 years ago Determine the slope of the line which passes through these two points: (-1, 3) and (6, 9). 1. anonymous 6/7 2. anonymous y=ax+b a=(9-3)/(6-(-1))=6/7 3. anonymous (9-3)/(6--1) 6/7 4. anonymous Line equation = $y-y _{0}=2a(x-x _{0})$ 5. anonymous y−y 0 =a(x−x 0 ) this is right 6. anonymous y-9=2*(6/7)*(x-6) 7. anonymous don't mix it up with physic 8. anonymous you're wrong amir.sat 9. anonymous you're wrong 10. anonymous not me 11. anonymous review your lesson more timea lol 12. anonymous |dw:1327679283219:dw| 13. anonymous Gradient = distance up divided by distance along, i.e. gradient is $m = \frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2-x_1}$ Where the points have coordinates $(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2)$ That is the formula you use to calculate the gradient of any line passing through two known points. 14. anonymous y=(12/7)x-(9/7) 15. anonymous Use $\Large \frac{{\Delta y}}{{\Delta x}} = \frac{{{y_2} - {y_1}}}{{{x_2} - {x_1}}}$ 16. anonymous $\Large \frac{{{y_2} - {y_1}}}{{{x_2} - {x_1}}} = \frac{{9 - 3}}{{6 - - 1}} = \frac{6}{7}$ So whoever said otherwise is incorrect.
2017-01-16 22:27:10
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# All Bases of Matroid have same Cardinality ## Theorem Let $M = \struct {S, \mathscr I}$ be a matroid. Let $\rho: \powerset S \to \Z$ be the rank function of $M$. Let $B$ be a base of $M$. Then: $\size B = \map \rho S$ That is, all bases of $M$ have the same cardinality, which is the rank of $M$. ### Corollary Let $X \subseteq S$ be any independent subset of $M$. Then: $\card X \le \card B$ ## Proof By definition of the rank function: $\map \rho S = \max \set{\size X : X \subseteq S, X \in \mathscr I}$ Let $B_1$ be an independent subset such that: $\size {B_1} = \map \rho S$ It is shown that $B_1$ is a base. Let $X$ be an independent superset of $B_1$. $\size {B_1} \le \size X$ By choice of $B_1$: $\size X \le \size {B_1}$ It follows that: $\size X = \size {B_1}$ $X = B_1$ It follows that $B_1$ is a maximal independent subset. That is, $B_1$ is a base. It is now shown that any other base has the same cardinality as $B_1$. Let $B_2$ be any other base. By choice of $B_1$: $\size {B_2} \le \size {B_1}$ Aiming for a contradiction, suppose $\size {B_2} < \size {B_1}$. From Independent Set can be Augmented by Larger Independent Set there exists $Z \subseteq B_1 \setminus B_2$ such that: $B_2 \cup Z \in \mathscr I$ $\size{B_2 \cup Z} = \size{B_1}$ This contradicts the maximality of $B_2$ in $\mathscr I$. Then: $\size {B_2} = \size {B_1} = \map \rho S$ $\blacksquare$
2021-05-07 16:24:49
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## Neutrinoless double beta decay and low scale leptogenesis The extension of the Standard Model by right handed neutrinos with masses in the GeV range can simultaneously explain the observed neutrino masses via the seesaw mechanism and the baryon asymmetry of the universe via leptogenesis. It has previously been claimed that the requirement for successful baryogenesis implies that the rate of neutrinoless double beta decay in this scenario is always smaller than the standard prediction from light neutrino exchange alone. In contrast, we find that the rate for this process can also be enhanced due to a dominant contribution from heavy neutrino exchange. In a small part of the parameter space it even exceeds the current experimental limit, while the properties of the heavy neutrinos are consistent with all other experimental constraints and the observed baryon asymmetry is reproduced. This implies that neutrinoless double beta decay experiments have already started to rule out part of the leptogenesis parameter space that is not constrained by any other experiment, and the lepton number violation that is responsible for the origin of baryonic matter in the universe may be observed in the near future. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Published in: Physics Letters B, 763, 72-79 Year: 2016 Publisher: Amsterdam, Elsevier ISSN: 0370-2693 Laboratories:
2018-11-14 12:06:56
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# Math Help - Limits 1. ## Limits find this the picture 2. Originally Posted by rqeeb find this the picture evaluate it along the path $y=mx^3$. 3. Originally Posted by Ted evaluate it along the path $y=mx^3$. it will be (m^3)/(1+m^4) but if we use y=x it will be zero which one is the correct 4. Originally Posted by rqeeb it will be (m^3)/(1+m^4) but if we use y=x it will be zero which one is the correct No need to use $y=x$; since the value of the limit along the path $y=mx^3$ depends on m, then the limit has different values for different values of $m$. Hence, the limit does not exist. 5. Originally Posted by Ted No need to use $y=x$; since the value of the limit along the path $y=mx^3$ depends on m, then the limit has different values for different values of $m$. Hence, the limit does not exist. thanks but if we use polar coordinates it will be zero.... why 6. Originally Posted by rqeeb thanks but if we use polar coordinates it will be zero.... why If you use polar coordinates, you will face: $\lim_{r\to 0} \frac{r^6sin^3(\theta)cos^3(\theta)}{r^{12}cos^{12 }(\theta)+r^4sin^4(\theta)}=\lim_{r\to 0} \frac{r^2sin^3(\theta)cos^3(\theta)}{r^8cos^{12}(\ theta)+sin^4(\theta)}$ What did you do for it ? 7. Originally Posted by Ted If you use polar coordinates, you will face: $\lim_{r\to 0} \frac{r^6sin^3(\theta)cos^3(\theta)}{r^{12}cos^{12 }(\theta)+r^4sin^4(\theta)}=\lim_{r\to 0} \frac{r^2sin^3(\theta)cos^3(\theta)}{r^8cos^{12}(\ theta)+sin^4(\theta)}$ What did you do for it ? this $\lim_{r\to 0} \frac{r^6sin^3(\theta)cos^3(\theta)}{r^{12}cos^{12 }(\theta)+r^4sin^4(\theta)}=\lim_{r\to 0} \frac{0}{0+sin^4(\theta)}=0$ 8. Originally Posted by rqeeb this $\lim_{r\to 0} \frac{r^6sin^3(\theta)cos^3(\theta)}{r^{12}cos^{12 }(\theta)+r^4sin^4(\theta)}=\lim_{r\to 0} \frac{0}{0+sin^4(\theta)}=0$ Nope. The problem here is that $sin^4(\theta)$ can be zero. and this will make the limit $=\frac{0}{0}$ which is indeterminate. 9. Originally Posted by Ted Nope. The problem here is that $sin^4(\theta)$ can be zero. and this will make the limit $=\frac{0}{0}$ which is indeterminate. Is that right!! because our teacher told us that we deal with any term has theta as a constant. 10. Originally Posted by rqeeb Is that right!! because our teacher told us that we deal with any term has theta as a constant. and the constant could be zero. 11. It could be Thanks 4 everything
2016-05-25 02:55:02
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Bounty Hunting as Highest Response Ratio Next My original bounty hunting paper could actually be considered a market implementation of the Highest Response Ratio Next. $\text{Priority}=\frac{\text{Waiting Time} + \text{Estimated Run Time}}{Estimated Run Time}$ The bounty assigned to tasks is set to some base bounty $B_0$ and a bounty rate $latex r$ which in the first bounty hunting paper was set to 100 and 1 respectively.  So, as each tasks was left undone the bounty on it would rise.  Tasks belong to particular “task classes” which basically means that there location is drawn from the same gaussian distribution.  In the paper we used 20 task classes and there were four agents.  The four agents were located at each of the four corners of a 40×60 rectangular grid.  The agents decide which task to go after based on which task has the highest bounty per time step which works out to be: $B(t) = P_i\frac{B_0 + rt}{\bar{T}}$ This is for the case when agents commit to tasks and are not allowed to abandon them.  Essentially non-preemptive.  When the agents are allowed to abandon tasks we then have: $B(t) = P_i\frac{B_0 + rt + r\bar{T}}{\bar{T}}$ Both of these equations are stating that the agents are going after the task in an HRRN order.  Now, the key part that bounty hunting added was that it made it work in a multiagent setting.  This is where they learned some probability of success $P_i$ of going after the particular task class $i$.  Also, the paper experimentally demonstrated some other nice properties of bounty hunting based task allocation in a dynamic setting. Presently I’m taking this approach and moving it to dynamic vehicle routing setting where I use it to minimize the average waiting time of tasks where the agent doesn’t get teleported back to a home base after each task completion.  Namely the dynamic multiagent traveling repairman problem.  This is another setting where the Shortest Job Next (Nearest Neighbor in euclidean space) is a descent heuristic and because the agents are not reset causes interesting behavior with a non-zero bounty rate.
2019-05-23 09:41:03
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### Session P13: Membranes: General, Surface, Biological 8:00 AM–11:00 AM, Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Room: B112 Chair: Haskell Taub, University of Missouri Abstract ID: BAPS.2010.MAR.P13.1 ### Abstract: P13.00001 : Studies of the Temperature-Dependent Structure of DMPC Bilayer Lipid Membranes by Atomic Force Microscopy 8:00 AM–8:12 AM Preview Abstract MathJax On | Off Abstract #### Authors: A. Miskowiec M. Bai H. Taub (U. Mo.) F.Y. Hansen (Tech. U. Denmark) We are using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to characterize the structure and topography of single-supported bilayer lipid membranes to complement quasielastic neutron scattering investigations of the membrane dynamics. To investigate the effect of different membrane-substrate interactions, samples of hydrated DMPC bilayer membranes have been fabricated on four different supports: 1) a bare SiO$_{2}$-coated Si(100) wafer; 2) a SiO$_{2}$-coated Si(100) wafer preplated with a monolayer of the pure alkane $n$-C$_{36}$H$_{74}$ in which the molecules are aligned with their long axis parallel to the SiO$_{2}$ surface; 3) an underlying DMPC membrane itself supported on a SiO$_{2}$ surface; and 4) a SiO$_{2}$-coated Si(100) wafer covered with a polyethylenimine (PEI) cushion. Above room temperature, our AFM images show a decrease in the DMPC membrane thickness with increasing temperature consistent with chain-melting transitions of the lipid tails. The onset temperature at which the membrane thickness begins to decrease and the temperature at which its thickness saturates both decrease with weaker binding to the support and with a greater level of hydration. To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.MAR.P13.1
2013-06-19 13:00:02
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# How to install fonts I use MikTeX 2.8. I want to install the greek fonts "GFS neohellenic". I open the MikTeX package manager, I type GFS neohellenic but nothing similar is found. I searched through the net for similar issues but nothing seem to be the proper one. How can I get them to work on windows? P.S.:I use TeXNiC CenteR - Just install the font on your computer (e.g. C:\windows\fonts) and compile the .tex file with xelatex. The following is an example.. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage{xltxtra} \setmainfont{GFS neohellenic} \begin{document} asdf hjkl \end{document} - Thank's a lot for your answer. I used the aforementioned code, however it's not working. I get ~400 errors. When I try to see what is wrong TXC opens a .mf file and I heve no idea what is going on, whatsoever...Let alone, it takes about to minutes to build it... –  Thanos Mar 27 '12 at 13:17 That's strange! I just compiled it on Texnic centre and it works. Have you configured texnic centre to work with xelatex? If not, see [here] (latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=731). Also, please compile the above code and paste the first few errors here. –  caveman Mar 27 '12 at 13:35 Just out of curiosity.. have you otherwise successfully compiled a normal .tex file with standard font in Greek on Texnic centre? I have a feeling that texnic doesn't support UNICODE. I could suggest you texmaker.. it works like a charm! –  caveman Mar 27 '12 at 13:40 I have been using the package kerkis with TXC or the default babel. Greek letters are indeed suported by TXC. The first build says XeTeX is required to compile that document. I see... I tried to build a new profile... I have a question: What am I supposed to write on "Command line arguments to pass to the compiler"? –  Thanos Mar 27 '12 at 13:54 You can just choose the first option, main file's full path, as long as you don't have made some unconventional changes to your file. The code is %pm –  caveman Mar 27 '12 at 14:04 These are OpenType (OTF) fonts. Install them in your windows system font folder and use them with xelatex/lualatex + the fontspec package. - How am I going to do it? I don;t have xelatex/lualatex. I use LaTeX and TXC... –  Thanos Mar 27 '12 at 12:28 @Thanos: You have xelatex. It is part of miktex 2.8. Lualatex is in miktex 2.9. –  Ulrike Fischer Mar 27 '12 at 12:43 I see...How am I going to use it? What am I suppossed to do to make it work?Thanks for your time! –  Thanos Mar 27 '12 at 12:51 Use it instead of latex. And if you search the site here you will find a lot example documents. –  Ulrike Fischer Mar 27 '12 at 12:56
2015-05-22 19:21:06
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Mohammed is a Mathematician with a solid background in scientific programming. Mohammed's mathematical interests are in the analysis of partial differential equations and the discretization thereof.
2021-06-24 09:17:32
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# Normal/Tangential coord 1. ### 600burger 65 Using normal and tangential coord the the tangential acceleration of any point on earth is 0, correct? 2. ### Mindscrape Normal and tengential, coord? I don't quite know what you mean by that, but you are right that since the earth spins with a constant velocity, there will be no tangential acceleration.
2015-04-26 13:00:40
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# 2017 SSC CGL 16 Aug Shift-1 Instructions For the following questions answer them individually Question 91 The point of intersection of all the angle bisector of a triangle is ______ of the triangle. Question 92 ABC is an equilateral triangle and P is the orthocenter of the triangle, then what is the value (in degrees) of ∠BPC? Question 93 In a triangle ABC, AD is angle bisector of ∠A and AB : AC = 3 : 4. If the area of triangle ABC is 350 cm2, then what is the area (in cm2: of triangle ABD? Question 94 A boat is sailing towards a lighthouse of height 20√3 m at a certain speed. The angle of elevation of the top of the lighthouse changes from 30° to 60° in 10 seconds. What is the time taken (in seconds) by the boat to reach the lighthouse from its initial position? Question 95 What is the value of [sec θ/(sec θ - 1)] + [sec θ/(sec θ + 1)] ? Question 96 If $$\cosec\theta = \dfrac{1}{4x} + x$$ ,then what is the value of $$\cosec\theta + \cot\theta$$. Instructions The pie chart given below shows the runs scored by Pujara against team of different countries. Question 97 The runs scored by Pujara against South Africa is more than runs scored against Bangladesh by what percentage? Question 98 If Pujara has scored 1875 runs in total, then what is the difference in runs scored by Pujara against South Africa and New Zealand? Question 99 What is the sectorial angle (in degrees) made by the runs scored against Australia in the given pie chart? Question 100 What should be the least number of runs that Pujara must have scored in total (runs can only be integers)? OR
2020-01-26 04:39:51
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# The Root of the Problem: The Sequel Algebra Level 2 Solve for $x$: $x = \sqrt{1+2\sqrt{1+3\sqrt{1+4\sqrt{1+5\sqrt{1+\cdots}}}}}$ Note: If you think you know this problem so well, try this. ×
2021-03-01 18:36:58
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A duality theorem for divisors on certain algebraic curves Compositio Mathematica, Tome 26 (1973) no. 3, pp. 331-338. @article{CM_1973__26_3_331_0, author = {Huikeshoven, Frans}, title = {A duality theorem for divisors on certain algebraic curves}, journal = {Compositio Mathematica}, pages = {331--338}, publisher = {Noordhoff International Publishing}, volume = {26}, number = {3}, year = {1973}, zbl = {0264.14004}, mrnumber = {337969}, language = {en}, url = {www.numdam.org/item/CM_1973__26_3_331_0/} } Huikeshoven, Frans. A duality theorem for divisors on certain algebraic curves. Compositio Mathematica, Tome 26 (1973) no. 3, pp. 331-338. http://www.numdam.org/item/CM_1973__26_3_331_0/ A. Altman and S. Kleiman [1] Introduction to Grothendieck Duality Theory, Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 146, Springer-Verlag (1970). | MR 274461 | Zbl 0215.37201 R. Hartshorne [2] Residues and Duality, Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 20, Springer-Verlag (1966). | MR 222093 | Zbl 0212.26101 F. Huikeshoven [3] Multiple algebraic curves, moduli problems, (Thesis, Amsterdam) (1971). M. Nagata [4] Local rings, Interscience tracts 13, Interscience Publishers (1962). | MR 155856 | Zbl 0123.03402 F. Oort [5] Reducible and multiple algebraic curves, (Thesis, Leiden) (1961). | MR 180553 | Zbl 0102.15905 J.-P. Serre [6] Groupes algébriques et corps de classes, Act. Sc. Ind. 1264 Hermann (1959). | Zbl 0097.35604 J. Tate [7] Residues of differentials on curves, Ann. scient. Ec. Norm. Sup. 4e série 1 (1968) 149-159. | Numdam | MR 227171 | Zbl 0159.22702
2021-03-01 07:23:45
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# Linear Algebra ## my old friend Posted on January 31, 2016 As part of explorations into machine learning, I’ve been brushing up on computer science basics starting with linear algebra. Nice to see good old eigenvectors again after so many years. An eigenvector of a square matrix $A$ is a non-zero vector $v$ such that multiplication by $A$ alters only the scale of $v$: $\mathrm{Av}=\mathrm{\lambda v}$ The scalar $\lambda$ is known as the eigenvalue corresponding to this eigenvector. Excerpted from Chapter 2 of Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville. ## Practical Use? So, why are eigenvectors important? Well, they are used in singular value decomposition, which can be applied in principal component analysis as mentioned in this podcast on machine learning fundamentals. ## Example Code Here’s a quick way of calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors in Python using the numpy library: import numpy as np k = np.random.normal(size=(2,2)) eigenvalues,eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(k) with output shown in this interactive session:
2021-07-29 10:01:22
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# Find the unknown sides and y to the nearest thousandth: drawn to scale:) (The triangle is not430The entrance to bealth ###### Question: Find the unknown sides and y to the nearest thousandth: drawn to scale:) (The triangle is not 430 The entrance to bealth clinic is feet above strect level to the entrance of the strect level IEp iS installed fromn The health clinic which has An [WnP fcct long What is _? angle of inclination
2023-03-27 23:39:58
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Street Fighter - Karin Description "OHOHOHOHO" - Karin Karin is now part of the SFM roster fully rigged with face flexes! The model was ported over from Street Fighter V. The rig file is called "rig_ryu". Place the files in the "sourcefilmmaker\game" folder. Many thanks to the creator of this script http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=444750868 and this beautiful man for the model and the textures http://sticklove.deviantart.com/art/Karin-568875709 Credits go to its creators, Capcom. Nice, Karin has always been my fav, but way too much clothes on all these SF models... evilpancake posted 2 years, 9 months ago Thank you, appreciate the work you put into making this. AjnaFX posted 2 years, 9 months ago Finally! ofpigsanddogs posted 2 years, 9 months ago Hi great work here ;) Any chance you do cammy from SFV? lapinedours posted 2 years, 9 months ago Make nude lololel posted 2 years, 8 months ago
2019-06-19 20:45:40
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# La La la Algebra Level 3 $\begin{cases} (x+y+z)(x+y)=30\\ (x+y+z)(y+z)=18\\ (x+y+z)(z+x)=2 \end{cases}$ Given that $x, y$ and $z$ satisfy the system of equations above, find the sum of all values of $z$. ×
2019-10-18 15:01:16
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# Generalizing Eichler-Shimura to higher dimension, again This question is related to Intuition behind the Eichler-Shimura relation? and L-functions and higher-dimensional Eichler-Shimura relation Answering the first question above, Matt Emerton gives a sketch of a proof of the Eichler-Shimura congruence relation which tells that the Hecke correspondence mod p is a sum of the graph of the Frobeniusm and it's transpose. I am wondering how the statement and the proof can be generalized to moduli of higher dimensional abelian varieties with level structure (and maybe some more structure, like PEL). It seems like the reason for having only two isogenies $E \to E'$ in Matt's answer is that p-isogenies correspond to subgroups of order p in E[p] as a scheme, and E[p] (if we assume E to be ordinary) in char p is a product of $Z/p$ and the dual group, $\mu_p$, and apparently these two groups: $Z/p$ and $\mu_p$ are the only nontrivial subgroups in E[p], so taking quotients we come up with the Frobenius and Verschiebung (dual isogeny). Now let's say A is an abelian variety of dimension g in char p, which has maximal p-rank, i.e. $A[p] = Z/p^g \times \mu_{p^g}$. What are the subgroups of order $p^g$ of such a group? I am not familiar with how local groups behave, but I can assume there will be g+1 isogenies $A \to A'$, each one having the Kernel of the kind $H_1 \times H_2$, where $H_1$ and $H_2$ are subgroups in $Z/p^g$ and in $\mu_{p^g}$ respectively. Also one probably needs a statement that abelian varieties with maximal p-rank are Zarisky open and dense in the moduli space, which is true in dimension 1. Then the reduction mod p of the Hecke correspondence $T_p$, appropriately defined will be a sum of these g+1 cycles? Is that making any sense? Thanks. -
2015-08-30 23:07:42
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# zbMATH — the first resource for mathematics Non-distributive cancellative residuated lattices. (English) Zbl 1073.06006 Martínez, Jorge (ed.), Ordered algebraic structures. Proceedings of the conference on lattice-ordered groups and $$f$$-rings held at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, February 28–March 3, 2001. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISBN 1-4020-0752-3). Developments in Mathematics 7, 205-212 (2002). Summary: Cancellative residuated lattices are a natural generalization of lattice-ordered groups ($$\ell$$-groups). In studying this variety, several questions have occurred about residuated lattice orders on free monoids and commutative free monoids. One of these questions is whether every residuated lattice order on a (commutative) free monoid is distributive, a fact known about $$\ell$$-groups. We construct two examples that show that this is not necessarily the case. For the entire collection see [Zbl 1068.06001]. ##### MSC: 06F05 Ordered semigroups and monoids ##### Keywords: residuated lattice orders; free monoids
2021-05-07 19:08:04
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# Screw Gauge A screw gauge is a tool used to measure very thin objects like sheets of metal or wires. It provides greater precision than Vernier’s Callipers. Sometimes it is also called a micrometre screw gauge. Index ## Screw Gauge Diagram In the above diagram, we have the description of a Screw Gauge and its parts. Below we discuss the parts of this tool. ## Parts of the Tool The parts of this measuring tool are as follows: • The U-shaped frame: the object to be measured is placed here, between S1 and S2 • S1 (Screw). It is movable. It is adjusted by rotation of the thimble, till the object to be measured is firmly held between S1 and S2. • S2 (Stud or Anvil). It is immovable. It and the screw hold the object in place. • Hollow Cylindrical Tube: The Pitch Scale is engraved on this. • Pitch Scale (Also called Main Scale): It is parallel to the main axis of the instrument. • Head Scale (Also called Circular Scale): It is located on the circular part, in front of the milled head. • Ratchet: It ensures that pressure is uniform between measuring surfaces. It is a safety device. ## Screw Gauge Formula The formula is given as follows: $$\text{Total Length} = [(\text{Pitch Scale Reading}) + (\text{Circular Scale Reading}) \times (\text{Least Count})] mm$$ Each of the terms are described below: • Pitch Scale Reading (PSR): It is the reading on the pitch scale when the object is firmly held between stud and screw. • Circular Scale Reading (CSR): It is the reading on the circular scale which is in-line with the pitch scale. • Least Count (LC): It is given by- • $$\text{Least Count of Screw Gauge} = \frac{(\text{Pitch of Screw Gauge})}{(\text{Number of Divisions on Circular Scale})}$$ • $$\text{Pitch of Screw Gauge} = \frac{(\text{Distance Travelled by Screw})}{(\text{Number of rotations})}$$ ## How to use Screw Gauge? We can use this tool as follows: 1. The object to be measured is place between S1 and S2 2. Zero error, if any, is recorded. 3. The milled head is rotated to ensure that the screw rotates forward and the object is held firmly. 4. We wait for the ratchet for to click thrice. 5. The PSR and CSR are noted. 6. The screw gauge formula is applied, and adjusted for zero error if needed. ## Applications This tool can be used to measure very thin objects like a wire or a thin sheet of metal. The least count is in the range of micrometre (10-6 m), so the instrument is also called a micrometer screw guage. ## FAQs What is screw gauge? It is an instrument used to measure very thin objects. It uses the principle of screw to work. What is pitch of screw gauge? Pitch is the distance moved by the spindle per unit revolution. It is measured on the pitch scale, and is given by the formula: $$\text{Pitch} = \frac{\text{Distance travelled by screw/Spindle}}{\text{No. of rotations}}$$ What is screw gauge formula? Formula of this tool is: $$\text{Total length} = \text{(Pitch Scale Reading)} + \text{(Circular Scale Reading)} \times \text{(Least Count)}$$ The answer is usually in millimetres. How to use Screw Gauge? We can use this tool as follows: 1. The object to be measured is place between S1 and S2 2. Zero error, if any, is recorded. 3. The milled head is rotated to ensure that the screw rotates forward and the object is held firmly. 4. We wait for the ratchet for to click thrice. 5. The PSR and CSR are noted. 6. The screw gauge formula is applied, and adjusted for zero error if needed. Scroll to Top
2023-02-06 22:36:04
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# work of body remaining still in gravitational field How to quantify power output of a statite? It's a kind of (non-)satellite, that remains immobile in relation to the central body (e.g. hovering over one of the poles of a planet) through continuous counteracting the gravitational pull through its propulsion. (the linked article suggests solar sail, but other means have been proposed; ion propulsion based Sun statite could maintain position for months.) If we take work as force over distance, since statite remains immobile, work understood that way is zero. This approach is impractical here. Yet indubitably fuel is burnt, propellant accelerated, a certain energy output over time is required to maintain status quo. How should I calculate this work, energy and power, knowing the local gravitational acceleration and mass of the statite? (let's assume the statite mass change over time of the experiment is small to avoid rocket equation problems). While the statite remains stationary, it has to eject mass (like a rocket motor) in order to maintain altitude. The work done is computed by considering the momentum exchange needed per unit time. If the force of gravity you are counteracting is $F$, then the momentum of matter accelerated per unit time is also $F$ (since $\Delta P = F\Delta t$, it follows that $F=\frac{\Delta P}{\Delta t}$) Now the energy contained in the ejected mass is $\frac12 m v^2 = \frac{P^2}{2m}$. It follows that the larger the ejected mass, the lower the energy needed. This is why the Sikorsky challenge was won by a human-powered helicopter with a giant span - it could move a very large amount of air (mass) very slowly (low energy needed).
2020-04-07 07:26:38
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# 5.6.2 Progressions, SPM Practice (Paper 2) Question 3: An arithmetic progression has 16 terms. The sum of the 16 terms is 188, and the sum of the even terms is 96. Find (a) the first term and the common difference, (b) the last term. Solution: (a) Let the first term = a Common difference = d Given the sum of the even terms = 96 $\begin{array}{l}{T}_{2}+{T}_{4}+{T}_{6}+\dots ..+{T}_{16}=96\\ \left(a+d\right)+\left(a+3d\right)+\left(a+5d\right)+\dots ..+\left(a+15d\right)=96\\ \frac{8}{2}\left[\left(a+d\right)+\left(a+15d\right)\right]=96\\ 4\left[2a+16d\right]=96\\ 2a+16d=24---\left(2\right)\end{array}$ (2) – (1): 16d – 15d = 24 – 23.5 d = 0.5 Substitute d = 0.5 into (2): 2a + 16 (0.5) = 24 2a + 8 = 24 2a = 16 a = 8 Therefore, first term = 8 and common difference = 0.5. (b) Last term = T2 = 8 + 15 (0.5) = 8 +7.5 = 15.5 Question 4: The third term and the sixth term of a geometric progression are 24 and $7\frac{1}{9}$ respectively. Find (a) the first term and the common ratio, (b) the sum of the first five terms, (c) the sum of the first n terms with n is very big approaching rn ≈ 0. Solution: (a) (b) (c) Therefore, sum of the first n terms with n is very big approaching rn ≈ 0 is 162.
2022-01-22 08:00:44
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# How to simplify (6.3 times 10^5) ÷ (9 times 10^3) in scientific notation? Mar 18, 2018 $7.0 \times 10$ #### Explanation: $6.3 \times {10}^{5}$ is the same value as $63 \times {10}^{4}$ So we have: $\frac{63 \times {10}^{4}}{9 \times {10}^{3}} \textcolor{w h i t e}{\text{ddd") -> color(white)("ddd}} \frac{63}{9} \times {10}^{4} / {10}^{3}$ $\textcolor{w h i t e}{\text{ddddddddd.d")->color(white)("ddd}} \frac{63}{9} \times 10$ If the sum of the digits is exactly divisible by 3 then the actual number is also exactly divisible by 3 $\to 6 + 3 = 9$ so we will divide both top and bottom by 3 to simplify the fraction. $\textcolor{w h i t e}{\text{ddddddddd.d")->color(white)("ddd}} \frac{63 \div 3}{9 \div 3} \times 10$ Note that: $\frac{63 \div 3}{9 \div 3} = \frac{21 \div 3}{3 \div 3} = \frac{7}{1} = 7$ so we have: $\left(6.3 \times {10}^{5}\right) \div \left(9 \times {10}^{3}\right) = 7.0 \times 10$
2020-08-10 03:02:52
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• Create Account We're offering banner ads on our site from just \$5! ### #Actualwarnexus Posted 09 February 2013 - 11:02 PM Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong (still learning C++, having learned Java, and some C#), but I believe this is what it is... In C-based languages, void is simply nothingness, as I'm sure you know. Commonly (thought not seen in Java much - at least I don't to use it) void is an unnecessary parameter in functions if used as above. This is merely just a matter of taste from what I know. Therefore, this: void run (void){ //Filler code } should compile the same as this: void run (){ //Filler code } Really the only thing that the extra void does is fill in the parameter parenthesis, and make it a bit clearer to the programmer that the function has no intent to take arguments. However, depending on your level of comments & documentation, it may be completely unnecessary. tldr: Don't worry about it. There may be some subtleties between them, but nothing very significant. Java does not allow void in the parameter. Maybe for other languages but not Java. I tested it just now ### #1warnexus Posted 09 February 2013 - 10:55 PM Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong (still learning C++, having learned Java, and some C#), but I believe this is what it is... In C-based languages, void is simply nothingness, as I'm sure you know. Commonly (thought not seen in Java much - at least I don't to use it) void is an unnecessary parameter in functions if used as above. This is merely just a matter of taste from what I know. Therefore, this: void run (void){ //Filler code } should compile the same as this: void run (){ //Filler code } Really the only thing that the extra void does is fill in the parameter parenthesis, and make it a bit clearer to the programmer that the function has no intent to take arguments. However, depending on your level of comments & documentation, it may be completely unnecessary. tldr: Don't worry about it. There may be some subtleties between them, but nothing very significant. Java does not allow void in the parameter. Maybe for other languages but not Java. I tested it for now PARTNERS
2014-11-27 03:06:48
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I'm trying to include an EPS file into a PDF file using MikTex 2.9 under Windows 8. Everything else LaTex related works like a charm. pdflatex keeps complaining about a missing xy-eps-converted-to.pdf file. However a xy.pdf exists and is exactly that file that pdflatex should use instead of the xy-eps-converted-to.pdf, so it's just the filename that appears to be wrong. Either epstopdf is giving the file the wrong name or pdflatex is expecting the wrong one. Whichever way might be right or wrong, how do I kind of synchronize them to use the same filename? - I'll give that a try, however I've chosen to use pdflatex with pngs that I create from the eps files manually. Much more convenient in my book. – Hendrik Wiese Dec 28 '12 at 11:18 Are you including it as `\includegraphics[..]{xy.eps}`? If so, don't. Use `\includegraphics[..]{xy}` - the driver will take care of file extensions. Under `pdflatex`, an EPS is converted to a PDF, but if a PNG exists, then it will be used (a legacy preference order). There are default file extensions accepted by `pdflatex`, searched in a specific order (see Graphics file extensions and their order of inclusion when not specified), so there's no need to include the extension. Moreover, this allows for one to possibly switch between processing a document in `latex` and `pdflatex`, letting the compiler decide on the graphics file to include. If you're still experiencing problems, there should be a converted version of your `.eps` in the working folder. Rename this to an appropriate `.pdf` name (say, `xy.pdf`) and then include this verbatim ``````\includegraphics{xy.pdf}
2016-05-06 00:22:54
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# mrsprep The mrsprep command restructures survival data and calculates weighted mean expected mortality rates and time-dependent weights so that a marginal relative survival can be directly estimated. After running mrsprep estimation commands that fit (conditional) relative survival models (e.g. stpm2 or strcs) can be used to estimate marginal relative survival without out the need to include covariates that affect expected survival. You can install mrsprep within Stata using . ssc install mrsprep
2021-09-27 06:05:38
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Understanding relation between Laurent Series and Singularities I am thinking about an example, in order to better understand how Laurent Series help us understand the Poles, Zeros and Essential singularities of a complex function. I am trying to find the singularities of $$\frac{1}{sin(z)} - \frac{1}{z}$$ Individually, 1/z has a pole of order 1 at 0 For $$\frac{1}{z}$$ I am quite confused as to what to do. Given for sin(z), it has zeros at $$n \pi$$ for all integer $$n$$, so the inverse has poles of order 1 at those points. But what happens at 0, where $$\frac{1}{sin(z)} - \frac{1}{z}$$ have poles pushing against each other? Thank you for some hints on how to see this example! 1 Answer Write it as $$\frac {z-\sin\, z}{z\sin \,z}$$ and apply L'Hopital's Rule twice to see that the limit as $$z \to 0$$ is $$0$$. The function has a removable singularity at $$0$$. • Ohhh, it works! But could we see this using Laurent series? Nov 6 '18 at 0:09 • $\frac z {\sin \, z}$ is analytic near $0$. Its power series expansion (in $|z|<\pi$) is of the form $1+a_1z+\cdots$. Dividing by $z$ you get the Laurent series for $\frac 1 {\sin\, z}$ which is of the form $\frac 1 z+g(z)$ with $g$ analytic. Nov 6 '18 at 0:35
2021-10-18 10:58:26
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Question # A picnic is being planned in a school for Class $VII$. Girls are $60%$ of the total number of students and are$18$ in number. The picnic site is $55km$from the school and the transport company is charging the rate of $Rs12perkm$. The total cost of refreshments will be $Rs4280.$ Find the ratio of the number of girls to the number of boys in the class? Open in App Solution ## Step 1 - Finding the total number of students Let the total students be $x$Number of girls $=60%$of the total number of students $⇒18=60%$ of $x$ $⇒18=\frac{60}{100}×x\left(\because ofmeansmultiplication\right)\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}⇒18=\frac{60x}{100}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}⇒18=\frac{6x}{10}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}⇒x=\frac{18×10}{6}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}⇒x=3×10\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}⇒x=30\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}$The total number of students is $30$Step 2- Ratio of the number of girls to the number of boys Now, the number of boys $=$Total number of students $-$number of girls the number of boys$=30-18$ the number of boys $=12$$\frac{\mathbf{t}\mathbf{h}\mathbf{e}\mathbf{}\mathbf{n}\mathbf{u}\mathbf{m}\mathbf{b}\mathbf{e}\mathbf{r}\mathbf{}\mathbf{o}\mathbf{f}\mathbf{}\mathbf{g}\mathbf{i}\mathbf{r}\mathbf{l}\mathbf{s}\mathbf{}}{\mathbf{t}\mathbf{h}\mathbf{e}\mathbf{}\mathbf{n}\mathbf{u}\mathbf{m}\mathbf{b}\mathbf{e}\mathbf{r}\mathbf{}\mathbf{o}\mathbf{f}\mathbf{}\mathbf{b}\mathbf{o}\mathbf{y}\mathbf{s}\mathbf{}}=\frac{18}{12}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\frac{3}{2}$Hence, the required ratio is $3:2$ Suggest Corrections 10
2023-02-07 11:08:30
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# News & Events ## NISER Colloquium Date/Time: Friday, October 26, 2018 - 16:00 to 17:00 Venue: LH-5 Speaker: Parameswaran Shankaran Affiliation: IMSc Chennai Title: The geometry of the upper half-space The parallel postulate of the Euclidean geometry says that there is exactly one straight line that is parallel to a given line l and passes through a given point P which is not on l. There are several equivalent axioms---such as the sum of the angles in a triangle equals $\pi$. We will see that there are geometries where the parallel postulate fails. One such is the geometry of the Poincaré upper half-space. We will point out some interesting features of the upper half-space.
2020-05-28 04:31:32
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# A wagon of mass 500 kg is travelling around a circular path of radius 200 m with study speed of 90 km/h. What is the angular momentum? 25 × 10^4\ "kg m"^2//"s" Speed $\text{= 90 kmph" = 90 cancel"kmph" × 5/18 "m/s"/cancel"kmph" = "25 m/s}$ Angular momentum $\text{= mvr = 500 kg × 25 m/s × 200 m = 25" × 10^4\ "kg m"^2//"s}$
2019-05-26 15:48:44
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# 3.2.3. Observations file¶ This file is used to specify the observed gravity anomalies with estimated standard deviation. The output of the forward modelling program GGFOR3D has the same structure except that the column of standard deviations for the error is omitted. Lines starting with ! are comments. The following is the GIF-formatted file structure of a gravity observations file: Parameter definitions: • comp: Flag must start with datacomp= and then can be set with the following possible flags (followed by comma or space): • xx the $$g_{xx}$$ component (x+ north) • xy the $$g_{xy}$$ component (x+ north; y+ east) • xz the $$g_{yz}$$ component (x+ north; y+ east) • yy the $$g_{yy}$$ component (y+ east) • yz the $$g_{yz}$$ component (y+ east; z+ down) • zz the $$g_{zz}$$ component (z+ down) • ne the $$G_{ne}$$ component for Falcon data • uv the $$G_{uv}$$ component for Falcon data • ka the along-line component for VK1 data (must give sensor heading) • kc the cross-line component for VK1 data (must give sensor heading) • nLoc: Number of observation locations. • E, N, ELEV: Easting, northing and elevation of the observation, measured in meters. Elevation should be above the topography for surface data, and below the topography for borehole data. The observation locations can be listed in any order. • H $$_i$$: The VK1 heading in degrees for the instrument. This number is positive clock-wise (north = 0; i.e. platform heading angle). Only given when ka and/or kc is given in the data component flag. • GG $$^n_i$$: Anomalous gravity gradient of ith location and nth component (in order of the component flag), measured in Eotvos. • Err $$^n_i$$: Standard deviation of gradient component of the ith location and nth component (in order of the component flag). This is absolute error and must be positive and non-zero. NOTE: It should be noted that the data are extracted anomalies, which are derived by removing the regional from the field measurements. Furthermore, the inversion program assumes that the anomalies are produced by a density contrast distribution in g/cm $$^3$$ with mesh cells in metres. Therefore, it is crucial that the data be prepared in Eotvos. ## Predicted data file¶ The predicted data file is the exact same format as above, but omitting the uncertainty column. The forward modelling and inversion code will output the predicted data in this format. ## Locations file¶ The locations file is the exact same format as above, but omitting the gravity component data and its uncertainty columns. The forward modelling code will read in locations even when the components (and uncertainties) are given. ## Example¶ Below is an example for FTG data with just the $$g_{xy}$$ and $$g_{zz}$$ data at 144 locations. The $$g_{xy}$$ uncertainties are assigned at a 5 Eotvos and the $$g_{zz}$$ are assigned at 20 Eotvos. NOTE: A file with just the $$g_{zz}$$ would mimic a vertical gravity file, but with the data component flag being datacomp=zz. Below is an example for Falcon data. Below is an example for VK1 data with the instrument set directly East: a heading of 90 degrees.
2021-03-05 04:40:12
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# How to change $n$ variables with $n$ Buttons automatically [duplicate] I was trying to make a little game, and I came accross this problem. The goal is simple. There are going to be $n$ number of buttons, and each one will change a value of one variable. For example, the Button with the number 2 would add 1 to list[2]. This is my code. Don't forget that the solution must be a generalized solution for any positive integer number $n$. Module[ {n = 10}, Table[list[i] = i, {i, n}]; With[ { buttons = Sequence @@ Table[Button[i, list[i]++], {i, n}] }, Manipulate[ list[#] & /@ Range@n, buttons ] ] ] But whenever I click a button, it throws me an error saying that "list[i] is not a variable with a value, so it's value cannot be changed", it's like when I call it in Table the variable sticks with list[i] instead of list[2](for example). I tried to put Evaluate[] on almost everything to see if things were getting better with no luck, now I don't know how to deal with this. • Button has HoldRest attribute so you need to proceed like in case of injecting to dynamic, e.g.: ...Table[With[{i = i}, Button[i, list[i]++]],... – Kuba Apr 28 '14 at 23:32 • Apr 28 '14 at 23:37
2021-09-22 17:29:54
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# vLength vCalc Reviewed L_2 = Tags: Rating ID vCalc.vLength UUID 97850b9e-6377-11e4-a9fb-bc764e2038f2 The Length Units Conversion calculator converts a measurement of length from one of vCalc's standard units to another unit of your choice. INSTRUCTIONS: Choose your preferred length unit (e.g. centimeters) and enter the following: • (L1)  This is the input length (Length):  The calculator echoes the input length (L1) in the same length units.  However, the answer can be automatically converted to any other length unit via the pull-down menu. RELATED CALCULATORS: • To compute the total price of something base on a cost per unit length, CLICK HERE. • To price compare the cost of two items priced by length, CLICK HERE. • To price compare the cost of three items priced by length, CLICK HERE. • To estimate the time to produce, consume or travel a length or distance, CLICK HERE. • To compute the length produced, consumed or traveled over time based on a length per unit time, CLICK HERE. Length Units angstrom nanometer pixel points millimeter centimeter inch foot meter yard fathom kilometer mile nautical mile astronomical units light years parsecs kilo-light years ### Uses This answers many, many questions, including: • how many meters in a mile? • How many meters in a nautical mile? • How man feet in a meter? • How many inches in a centimeter? • How many meters in an astronomical unit? • How many miles in a light-year? • How many meters in a parsec? • How many pixels in an inch? • How many nanometers in mil? • How many yards in a kilometer? • How many fathoms in a mile?
2019-06-26 08:10:31
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#### Sentence Examples • If W is the weight required to depress the attracted disk into the same sighted position when the plates are unelectrified and g is the acceleration of gravity, then the difference of potentials of the conductors tested is expressed by the formula V - V'=(d - d') /87 W where S denotes the area of the attracted disk. • If the gold-leaf is unelectrified, it is not acted upon by the two plates placed at equal distances on either side of it, but if its potential is raised or lowered it is attracted by one disk and repelled by the other, and the displacement becomes a measure of its potential. • Instead of rebounding after collision, as the unelectrified drops of clean water generally, or always, do, the electrified drops coalesce, and then the jet is no longer scattered about.
2019-01-22 19:31:20
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## anonymous one year ago How do I find the length of an arc that subtends a central angle?? 1. anonymous @ganeshie8 2. anonymous @Here_to_Help15 3. anonymous The ratio of the arc's length to the circumference of the circle is the same as the ratio of the angle subtended by the arc to an entire revolution of the circle. In other words, $\frac{L}{2\pi r}=\frac{\theta}{2\pi}~~\implies~~L=r\theta$ where $$r$$ is the radius and $$\theta$$ is the central angle.
2017-01-18 10:36:34
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## Elementary Algebra $5i\sqrt 3$ Recall, $i=\sqrt{-1}$. Thus, we obtain: $\sqrt {-75}$ $=\sqrt {-1\times3\times25}$ $=\sqrt {-1}\times \sqrt 3\times \sqrt {25}$ $=i\times \sqrt 3\times \sqrt {5^{2}}$ $=i\times \sqrt 3\times 5$ $=5i\sqrt 3$
2021-04-12 22:33:44
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# Origin of the Notion of a Well-Formed Formula When was the idea of a well-formed formula first stated or can get inferred as such under another name? - at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottlob_Frege they give links to translations. I cannot be positive it was Frege, of course. –  Will Jagy Sep 27 '12 at 1:33
2015-04-19 04:52:23
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# Structures de Poisson Logarithmiques : invariants cohomologiques et préquantification Abstract : The main objective of this thesis is to propose a criteria of prequantization of singular Poisson structures with singularities carried by a free divisor of a fi nite dimensional complex manifold. For this, we start from an algebraic construction of formal logarithmic di fferentials along a fi nitely generated non trivial ideal of a commutative and unitary algebra. We introduce the concept of logarithmic Poisson algebra. Then, we show that these Poisson structures induce a new cohomological invariant, this is dow via the Lie-Rinehart algebra structure, that they induced on the module of formal logarithmic di fferentials. With the latter, we study the integrale conditions of such Poisson structures. First, we show that the Hamiltonian map of logarithmic Poisson structure extends to the module of formal logarithmic diff erential and induces a structure of Lie-Rinehart algebra on it. Furthermore, we show that its image is contained in the module of logarithmic derivations. We called logaruthmic Poisson cohomologie, the cohomologie induced by this representation. Subsequently, we show on some examples that Poisson cohomologies groups and Poisson logarithmic cohomologies groups are diff erent in general, although they coincide in the case of logsymplectic Poisson structures. We conclude with a study the prequantization conditions of all such structures by means of this cohomology. Mots-clés : Document type : Theses https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00985181 Contributor : Anne-Marie Plé <> Submitted on : Tuesday, April 29, 2014 - 12:31:43 PM Last modification on : Friday, May 10, 2019 - 12:14:02 PM Long-term archiving on : Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 12:15:29 PM ### Identifiers • HAL Id : tel-00985181, version 1 ### Citation Joseph Dongho. Structures de Poisson Logarithmiques : invariants cohomologiques et préquantification. Analyse classique [math.CA]. Université d'Angers, 2012. Français. ⟨tel-00985181⟩ Record views
2019-06-25 09:46:24
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## connected parts of hyperbola [closed] I have the coordinates of an hyperbola how can I separate the two connected arcs? - mathoverflow.net/faq#whatnot – Yemon Choi Jan 3 2012 at 22:14
2013-05-22 16:53:18
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# I want to use Mathematica Reference pages for an Appendix in a LaTeX report I want to put the aforementioned information in an appendix(obviously I will Cite it) of a LaTeX report, however I get a variety of Errors when I attempt to do so. I was trying the Module page, I've opened it in mathematica and tried copying certain information in LaTeX form and saving it as a LaTeX file but it doesn't work. I've also Tried ?Module in Mathematica and I have the same Issues. Is there any way to do this? Print it to PDF. Use the appropriate page size during printing, and in File -> Printing settings adjust the header and footer as necessary. Insert the PDF pages directly into your document. The pdfpages LaTeX package should make this possible.
2020-02-19 03:19:00
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2015-11-12 # Problem Statement In a train yard, train cars are rolled down a long hill in order to link them up with other cars as shown. A car of mass 4000. kg starts to roll from rest at the top of a hill 5.0 m high, and inclined at an angle of 5.0° to the horizontal. The coefficient of rolling friction between the train and the track is 0.050. What velocity would the car have if it linked up with 3 identical cars sitting on flat ground at the bottom of the track? Hint: The equation for rolling friction is just like the one for sliding friction. # My Solution The speed of the car after leaving the hill is equal to v = sqrt(kinetic_energy * 2 / m) And its kinetic energy will be equal to the work done on it: kinetic_energy = F * d Getting the distance is a matter of simple geometry: d = csc (5°) * 5 m ~= 57.37 m The force is a bit more complicated, note that I am using the net force, taking friction into account F = tan (5°) * 4 * 10^4 N - 0.05 * sec (5°) * 4 * 10^4 N = 4 * 10^4 N * (tan (5°) - 0.05 * sec (5°)) ~= 1,492 N Throwing everything together v = sqrt(F * d * 2 / m) ~= 6.542 m / s As the velocity will be equally divided between the cars v = (6.542 m / s) / 4 = 1.635 m / s Thus, the answer is 1.64 m / s. Note that I used 10 m s^-2 for the gravitational acceleration. If you want to be more precise, use 9.80665 m s^-2, the the standard acceleration due to gravity.
2019-11-20 16:41:21
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# Centripetal force If a body moves in a circle there must be a resultant force acting towards the centre. This is because the change in direction implies that the body is accelerating. Deriving the equation is not so simple though... Key Concepts Perpendicular force A force acting at right angles to the direction of motion causes the body to travel in a circular path. Relationship between ω and v ω is the angular velocity = $$2\pi \over T$$ v is the speed = $$2\pi r \over T$$ From this we can deduce that $$v = ωr$$ Essentials When deriving the equation for centripetal acceleration we start by considering a small part of the motion we can deduce that $$a = {mv^2\over r}$$ This is the acceleration. Test Yourself Use quizzes to practise application of theory. Exam-style Questions
2021-09-17 18:48:12
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3 added 7 characters in body 1. For the moduli problem of a curve of genus $g$ with $n$ marked points, how large an $n$ is needed to ensure the existence of a fine moduli space? For this question, terminology is that of Mumford's GIT. 2. For the following three moduli problems, how big an $N$ is required for existence of a fine moduli space? The terminology is from the exposes of Deligne-Rapoport and Katz-Mazur, or Shimura. The first is in French, the second is too big, and the third is using old language and never mentions the modern terminology of universal elliptic curve, etc.. Therefore it is not possible for me to dig up the information myself. i) Elliptic curves equipped with a cyclic subgroup of order $N$ -- this moduli problem corresponds to the modular group $\Gamma_0(N)$. ii) Elliptic curves equipped with a point of order $N$ -- this moduli problem corresponds to the modular group $\Gamma_1(N)$. ii) Elliptic curves equipped with a symplectic pairing on $N$-torsion points -- this moduli problem corresponds to the modular group $\Gamma (N)$. References other than the above, will be appreciated. 2 edited tags 1 # Existence of fine moduli space for curves and elliptic curves 1. For the moduli problem of a curve of genus $g$ with $n$ marked points, how large an $n$ is needed to ensure the existence of a fine moduli space? For this question, terminology is that of Mumford's GIT. 2. For the following three moduli problems, how big an $N$ is required for existence of a fine moduli space? The terminology is from the exposes of Deligne-Rapoport and Katz-Mazur, or Shimura. The first is in French, the second is too big, and the third is using old language and never mentions the modern terminology of universal elliptic curve, etc.. Therefore it is not possible for me to dig up the information myself. i) Elliptic curves equipped with a subgroup of order $N$ -- this moduli problem corresponds to the modular group $\Gamma_0(N)$. ii) Elliptic curves equipped with a point of order $N$ -- this moduli problem corresponds to the modular group $\Gamma_1(N)$. ii) Elliptic curves equipped with a symplectic pairing on $N$-torsion points -- this moduli problem corresponds to the modular group $\Gamma (N)$. References other than the above, will be appreciated.
2013-05-22 22:49:45
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RUS  ENG JOURNALS   PEOPLE   ORGANISATIONS   CONFERENCES   SEMINARS   VIDEO LIBRARY   PACKAGE AMSBIB General information Latest issue Archive Impact factor Search papers Search references RSS Latest issue Current issues Archive issues What is RSS Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom.: Year: Volume: Issue: Page: Find Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom., 2013, Volume 9, Number 3, Pages 379–391 (Mi jmag570) Some Applications of Meijer $G$-Functions as Solutions of Differential Equations in Physical Models A. Pishkoo, M. Darus School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor D. Ehsan, Malaysia Abstract: In this paper, we aim to show that the Meijer $G$-functions can serve to find explicit solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs) related to some mathematical models of physical phenomena, as for example, the Laplace equation, the diffusion equation and the Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger equation. Usually, the first step in solving such equations is to use the separation of variables method to reduce them to ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Very often this equation happens to be a case of the linear ordinary differential equation satisfied by the $G$-function, and so, by proper selection of its orders $m; n; p; q$ and the parameters, we can find the solution of the ODE explicitly. We illustrate this approach by proposing solutions as: the potential function $\Phi$, the temperature function $T$ and the wave function $\Psi$, all of which are symmetric product forms of the Meijer $G$-functions. We show that one of the three basic univalent Meijer $G$-functions, namely $G^{1,0}_{0,2},$ appears in all the mentioned solutions. Key words and phrases: Meijer $G$-functions; partial differential equations; Laplace equation; diffusion equation; Schrödinger equation; separation of variables. Full text: PDF file (207 kB) References: PDF file   HTML file Bibliographic databases: MSC: 35Q40, 35Q79, 33C60, 30C55 Revised: 19.12.2012 Language: Citation: A. Pishkoo, M. Darus, “Some Applications of Meijer $G$-Functions as Solutions of Differential Equations in Physical Models”, Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom., 9:3 (2013), 379–391 Citation in format AMSBIB \Bibitem{PisDar13} \by A.~Pishkoo, M.~Darus \paper Some Applications of Meijer $G$-Functions as Solutions of Differential Equations in Physical Models \jour Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom. \yr 2013 \vol 9 \issue 3 \pages 379--391 \mathnet{http://mi.mathnet.ru/jmag570} \mathscinet{http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=3155146} \isi{http://gateway.isiknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&KeyUT=000322697400006} • http://mi.mathnet.ru/eng/jmag570 • http://mi.mathnet.ru/eng/jmag/v9/i3/p379 SHARE: Citing articles on Google Scholar: Russian citations, English citations Related articles on Google Scholar: Russian articles, English articles This publication is cited in the following articles: 1. Pishkoo A., Darus M., “on Meijer'S G-Functions (Mgfs) and Its Applications”, Rev. Theor. Sci., 3:2 (2015), 216–223 2. Pishkoo A., Pashaei R., “Describing Micro- and Nano-Structures: Reaction-Diffusion Equation in Fractional Dimensional Space”, J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci., 12:4 (2015), 585–588 • Number of views: This page: 244 Full text: 99 References: 31
2020-03-31 17:38:55
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Lemma 61.10.7. Let $f : X \to Y$ be a separated finite type morphism of quasi-compact and quasi-separated schemes. Let $\Lambda$ be a torsion ring. Let $E \in D(X_{\acute{e}tale}, \Lambda )$ and $K \in D(Y_{\acute{e}tale}, \Lambda )$. Then $Rf_!E \otimes _\Lambda ^\mathbf {L} K = Rf_!(E \otimes _\Lambda ^\mathbf {L} f^{-1}K)$ in $D(Y_{\acute{e}tale}, \Lambda )$. Proof. Choose $j : X \to \overline{X}$ and $\overline{f} : \overline{X} \to Y$ as in the construction of $Rf_!$. We have $j_!E \otimes _\Lambda ^\mathbf {L} \overline{f}^{-1}K = j_!(E \otimes _\Lambda ^\mathbf {L} f^{-1}K)$ by Cohomology on Sites, Lemma 21.20.9. Then we get the result by applying Étale Cohomology, Lemma 58.95.6 and using that $f^{-1} = j^{-1} \circ \overline{f}^{-1}$ and $Rf_! = R\overline{f}_*j_!$. $\square$ In your comment you can use Markdown and LaTeX style mathematics (enclose it like $\pi$). A preview option is available if you wish to see how it works out (just click on the eye in the toolbar).
2021-06-15 00:00:34
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# `f(x) = 6/x` Find the derivative of the function by the limit process. You need to find derivative using limit definition, such that: `f'(x)= lim_(Delta x -> 0) (f(x + Delta x) - f(x))/(Delta x)` `f'(x) = lim_(Delta x -> 0) (6/(x+Delta x) - 6/x)/(Delta x)` `f'(x) = lim_(Delta x -> 0) (6x - 6x - 6Delta x)/(x*Delta x*(x+Delta x))` Reducing like terms... Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. You need to find derivative using limit definition, such that: `f'(x)= lim_(Delta x -> 0) (f(x + Delta x) - f(x))/(Delta x)` `f'(x) = lim_(Delta x -> 0) (6/(x+Delta x) - 6/x)/(Delta x)` `f'(x) = lim_(Delta x -> 0) (6x - 6x - 6Delta x)/(x*Delta x*(x+Delta x))` Reducing like terms yields: `f'(x) = lim_(Delta x -> 0) (-6Delta x)/(x*Delta x*(x+Delta x))` Simplify by `Delta x` : `f'(x) = lim_(Delta x -> 0) (-6)/(x*(x+Delta x))` Replacing 0 for `Delta x` yields: `f'(x) = -6/(x^2)` Hence, evaluating the limit of function using limit definition, yields `f'(x) =-6/(x^2).` Approved by eNotes Editorial Team
2022-10-03 15:22:18
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# NEUTRINO2010, XXIV International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Athens, GREECE 14-19 June 2010 Europe/Athens timezone ## Neutrino masses in a multi-Higgs model with A_4 symmetry Not scheduled Aithousa Mitropoulos ### Aithousa Mitropoulos Megaron, Athens - Greece ### Speaker Ana Carolina Bruno Machado (IFT-UNESP/SP) ### Description Presently we know that neutrino oscillation data are well described by massive neutrinos which makes the flavor problem still more interesting: why is there a mixing angle hierarchy in the quark sector but not in the lepton sector? In an attempt to answer this and others open questions we propose a multi-Higgs extension of the standard model with Abelian and non-Abelian discrete symmetries. In this model the fermionic degrees of freedom (plus right-handed neutrinos) of the standard model gauge symmetry also transform non-trivially under the discrete symmetries $A_4 \otimes Z_3 \otimes Z^{\prime}_3 \otimes Z^{\prime\prime}_3$. The flavor problem is be solved since due to discrete symmetries each charge sector has its own Higgs scalars and the mass matrix entries depend mainly on VEVs. In this situation the VEVs related to the neutrino masses are small, in the range of keV-MeVs, and it would imply the existence of light scalars or pseudoscalar that may be in trouble with experimental and theoretical results. In order to avoid this and also problems with flavor changing neutral currents in the quark sector, we allow the soft breakdown of the $A_4$ symmetry with diagonal and non-diagonal $\mu^2$-terms. Although the model has many scalar doublets, triplets and singlets, we analyzed the scalar potential with three doublets, having all of them small VEVs, and we show in which conditions all scalars are massive enough to be in agreement with the experimental and theoretical point of views. ### Co-authors Juan C. Montero (IFT-UNESP/SP) Dr Vicente Pleitez (IFT-UNESP/SP) ### Presentation Materials There are no materials yet.
2020-12-05 06:19:52
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# Recursive style Let $$A_n$$ be a recursive formula that satisfies $$A_1=k, \;\; A_2 \neq 2, \;\; A_n=D(A_{n-1}) \;\;$$ where $$k$$ is a positive integer and $$D(t)$$ is the number of divisors of $$t$$. Does $$\{A\}$$ contain a perfect square? Bonus: prove your answer! $$:)$$ This problem is not original. ×
2017-12-13 22:49:15
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# Replacement for GraphJoin According to MathWorld >> GraphJoin, Mathematica could compute the join of two graphs with the GraphJoin command, part of Combinatorica. This command no longer works as of v10, and I cannot find a replacement. I want something like: GraphJoin[PathGraph[{a, b}], PathGraph[{c, d, e}]] To produce $G_1+G_2$ below. ## GraphComputationGraphJoin GraphComputationGraphJoin[PathGraph[{a, b}], PathGraph[{c, d, e}], VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> 10, GraphLayout -> "MultipartiteEmbedding"] This undocumented function works in both version 9.0 and version 11.3. • Thanks! Knew it had to be somewhere, but it sure isn't documented anywhere that I could find. – Bryan Clair Jan 2 '18 at 6:30 • @Bryan, my pleasure. Thank you for the accept. – kglr Jan 2 '18 at 6:32 • Unrelated question: Do you know if there's a fast way to retrieve EdgeCapacity, comparable to how GraphComputationWeightValues retrieves EdgeWeight much faster than PropertyValue or Options can? – Szabolcs Jan 2 '18 at 9:14 • @Szabolcs, i don't remember seeing any function that does it; and I think I learned about GraphComputationWeightValues from a post of yours. – kglr Jan 2 '18 at 9:34 The function you reference still works fine, but it is part of the Combinatorica package. You need to load the package first, and work with Combinatorica's own graph datatype. Combinatorica precedes Mathematica's built-in graph datatype by many years, and is not interoperable with it. That said, it is relatively easy to implement an equivalent function for built-in Graph objects as well: graphJoin1[g1_?GraphQ, g2_?GraphQ, opt : OptionsPattern[]] := GraphUnion[ GraphDisjointUnion[g1, g2], CompleteGraph[{VertexCount[g1], VertexCount[g2]}], opt ] graphJoin1[PathGraph[{a, b}], PathGraph[{c, d, e}], VertexLabels -> "Name", GraphLayout -> "MultipartiteEmbedding"] If you want to preserve vertex names (when the original vertex sets are disjoint), you can write a slightly more complicated function: graphJoin2[g1_?GraphQ, g2_?GraphQ, opt : OptionsPattern[]] := With[{g = graphJoin1[g1, g2, opt], vl1 = VertexList[g1], vl2 = VertexList[g2]}, If[DisjointQ[vl1, vl2], g ] ] This solution uses only supported and documented functionality. The original version of this answer used the implementation graphJoin[g1_?UndirectedGraphQ, g2_?UndirectedGraphQ, opt : OptionsPattern[Graph]] := Graph[ Join[ EdgeList@IndexGraph[g1], EdgeList@IndexGraph[g2, VertexCount[g1] + 1], EdgeList@CompleteGraph[{VertexCount[g1], VertexCount[g2]}] ], opt ]
2020-04-06 12:26:38
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# 13.4.1 USPS dataset The dataset and this description is made available on http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/data.html. The dataset refers to numeric data obtained from the scanning of handwritten digits from envelopes by the U.S. Postal Service. The original scanned digits are binary and of different sizes and orientations; the images here have been deslanted and size normalized, resulting in 16 x 16 grayscale images (Le Cun et al., 1990). There are 7291 training observations and 2007 test observations, distributed as follows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Train 1194 1005 731 658 652 556 664 645 542 644 7291 Test 359 264 198 166 200 160 170 147 166 177 2007 or as proportions: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Train 0.16 0.14 0.1 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.09 Test 0.18 0.13 0.1 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.09 The test set is notoriously "difficult", and a 2.5% error rate is excellent. This is a notorious example of multiclass classifiction task where $\mathbf y\in { 0,1,\dots ,9}$ and the inputs are real vectors.
2017-01-17 21:26:07
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# Revision history [back] ### How do I find the image of an element of a differential algebra in the cohomlogy? Following the documentation on Commutative Differential Graded Algebras, I have defined a differential graded algebra $C$. I have some element $x \in C$, in degree $4$. I can get a basis for the cohomology at degree 4 by C.cohomology(4) and generators for cocycles and coboundaries by C.cocycles(4) C.coboundaries(4) How do I check if $x$ is a cocycle, and if it is, what it is in terms of the basis of the cohomology above? I'm not sure I used the right tags, feel free to edit.
2021-09-28 00:56:44
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axiom-developer [Top][All Lists] ## [Axiom-developer] RE: latexwiki update From: Page, Bill Subject: [Axiom-developer] RE: latexwiki update Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 17:46:26 -0500 Bob, On Thursday, February 24, 2005 4:57 PM I wrote: >> ... >> http://zwiki.org/HowToUseTheStandardSkinInPlone >> > > Unfortunately that page and several other things on the > zwiki.org site (even issuetracker) seems to be broken right > now :( IOError ): So I can't review exactly what I did. Ok, ZWiki is back. The change is quite simple. It amounts to only changing the priority of the portal_skins/standard in a new "skin" called Zwiki. I think that all this means is that it gets searched first when Plone goes looking for stylesheets. > ... > Maybe something in the ZWiki "standard" skins have to refer to > latexwiki.css? Yes! All I had to do was to cusomize portal_skins/wikipage_macros Now the LaTeX generated image of a character and the corresponding HTML character align properly. But this is still a problem: > Another weird thing that you might also have already noticed > is that images that are inlined via $...$ do not seem to be > transparent but $$...$$ are > transparent. This seems to be a problem both on the plainwiki > as well as under plone. I will take a look at the new LatexWiki code to see if I can see why this happens. Regards, Bill Page.
2021-06-22 15:05:10
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# Equalizing marginal utility per dollar spent Why the marginal utility for dollar spent should be theoritically equal for the last increment of either good purchased. Created by Sal Khan.
2017-01-24 21:32:53
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SEARCH HOME Math Central Quandaries & Queries Question from: Angel Four friends ran a race: Ben finished seven seconds ahead of Mike. Noel finished three seconds behind Sam. Mike finished five seconds behind Noel. What will be the formula to support their place? Hi Angel, I'm not sure what you mean by "the formula to support their place", but here is what I would do. I am going to use the number line and put each runner on the line at the time it takes them to finish the race. Time is in seconds. I am going to call the runners B, N, S, and M for Ben, Noel, Sam, and Mike. First Ben. Ben's time is somewhere on the line but I'm not sure where. Now put Mike on the line. "Ben finished seven seconds ahead of Mike." so Ben took 7 seconds less time than Mike to complete the race. Hence we have The second clue compares Noel and Sam and we don't have either on the diagram. The third clue says "Mike finished five seconds behind Noel." so Noel took 5 seconds less time that Mike and thus we have Now we can use the fact that "Noel finished three seconds behind Sam." and hence Thus Sam took the least amount of time so he won. But what about a formula? Suppose Sam took $t$ seconds to complete the race. How many seconds did Ben take to complete the race? What about Noel? and Mike? I hope this helps, Penny Math Central is supported by the University of Regina and The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.
2022-09-30 17:08:50
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# Kerodon $\Newextarrow{\xRightarrow}{5,5}{0x21D2}$ $\newcommand\empty{}$ Example Let $U: \operatorname{\mathcal{C}}\rightarrow \operatorname{\mathcal{D}}$ be an inner fibration of $\infty$-categories. Then: • A morphism $e$ of $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ is $U$-cartesian (in the sense of Definition if and only if it is a $U$-limit diagram when viewed as a morphism of simplicial sets $(\Delta ^0)^{\triangleleft } \rightarrow \operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$. • A morphism $f$ of $\operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$ is $U$-cocartesian (in the sense of Definition if and only if it is a $U$-colimit diagram when viewed as a morphism of simplicial sets $(\Delta ^0)^{\triangleright } \rightarrow \operatorname{\mathcal{C}}$. This follows by combining Remark with Proposition
2022-08-09 16:42:43
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# Bilateral Multi-Perspective Matching for Natural Language Sentences @inproceedings{Wang2017BilateralMM, title={Bilateral Multi-Perspective Matching for Natural Language Sentences}, author={Z. Wang and W. Hamza and Radu Florian}, booktitle={IJCAI}, year={2017} } • Published in IJCAI 2017 • Computer Science • Natural language sentence matching is a fundamental technology for a variety of tasks. [...] Key Method Given two sentences $P$ and $Q$, our model first encodes them with a BiLSTM encoder. Next, we match the two encoded sentences in two directions $P \rightarrow Q$ and $P \leftarrow Q$. In each matching direction, each time step of one sentence is matched against all time-steps of the other sentence from multiple perspectives.Expand Abstract
2020-10-28 00:58:43
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# Math Help - just need explanation for integration prob. 1. ## just need explanation for integration prob. Ok so this is the problem: Integral from 1 to e of (ln(x))/x) dx (sorry don't know how to put the intergral symbol in) I set u= lnx and du= 1/x and changed the limits to 0 to 1 When i solve though, I get 1, and my book says the answer is 1/2. I've tried this a bunch of times but can't get their answer. Any explanation? 2. Originally Posted by painterchica16 Ok so this is the problem: Integral from 1 to e of (ln(x))/x) dx (sorry don't know how to put the intergral symbol in) I set u= lnx and du= 1/x and changed the limits to 0 to 1 When i solve though, I get 1, and my book says the answer is 1/2. I've tried this a bunch of times but can't get their answer. Any explanation? So after your sub you get $\int_{0}^{1}u du =\frac{1}{2}u^2 \bigg|_{0}^{1}=\frac{1}{2}(1^2-0^2)=\frac{1}{2}$ 3. $\int_{1}^{e} \frac{lnx}{x}$ $u = lnx$ $du = 1/x$ $\int udu$ Raise power and divide by power. $\int udu = \frac{1}{2}u^2$ $\frac{(lnx)^2}{2}$ From 1 to e, 1/2ln(e)^2 - 1/2ln(1)^2 ln(1) = 0, ln(e) = 1 4. Thanks, I understand the setup now, but the only that I'm still confused about is why you plugged 0 and 1 into just u^2, and not lnx? Because, ln(1)^2=0 and ln(0)^2 just doesnt exist. Why does it not work when you plug it in? 5. If u = lnx, than our intervals are no longer 1 and e but ln(1) and ln(e). Hence the substitution. 6. Oh, I get it, you plug it into u^2, not the other thing, because its all in terms of u. Thanks!
2014-07-23 14:56:42
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# How do you find the zeros of y = -6x^2 + 5x -2 using the quadratic formula? Mar 28, 2016 here is a short video to demonstrate how to do this. You will need to pick out the necessary components from your function for the substitution. In your case, a = -6 b = 5 and c = -2 Substitute these values into the quadratic formula and you will obtain the roots (zeros) of the equation. From a graphical perspective, this will be the location of your X intercepts - where the graph will cross the X-axis
2020-09-23 02:06:08
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# how to put words in several lines in one cell? The table is too wide, and I want to make it narrower by wrapping the Second under the First, how should I achieve this? The latex code looks like this currently: \begin{table*}[htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{c|ccccc} \hline \textbf{\#} & \textbf{Violations} & \textbf{First Second} & \textbf{First Second} & \textbf{First Second} & \textbf{First Second} \bigstrut\\ \hline 1 & 0 & 91 & 101 & 507 & 1973.54 \bigstrut[t]\\ 2 & 0 & 102 & 92 & 472 & 1874.65 \\ 3 & 0 & 104 & 92 & 459 & 1856.21 \\ 4 & 0 & 108 & 100 & 407 & 1790.56 \\ 5 & 0 & 112 & 77 & 511 & 1723.66 \\ $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ \\ \hline \end{tabular}% \end{table*}% • @Werner the "violations" needed to be center at the row, is it possible? – sweetyBaby Mar 13 '14 at 3:55 • – Werner Mar 13 '14 at 3:55 You can use the minimalistic makecell package that could adjust the alignment of a specific cell: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{makecell}% http://ctan.org/pkg/makecell \begin{document} \begin{table}[ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{c|ccccc} \hline \textbf{\#} & \textbf{Violations} & \bfseries\makecell[c]{First \\ Second} & \bfseries\makecell[c]{First \\ Second} & \bfseries\makecell[c]{First \\ Second} & \bfseries\makecell[c]{First \\ Second} \\ \hline 5 & 0 & 112 & 77 & 511 & 1723.66 \\ $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ \\ \hline \end{tabular}% \end{table}% \end{document} • You could make the code even shorter using the \theadcommand and declaring \renewcommand{\theadfont}{\bfseries} in the preamble. – Bernard Mar 13 '14 at 16:29 Simplest way would be to just use two lines. To place the single line heading in the center of the row you can use \multirow from the multirow package: ## Code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{multirow} \begin{document} \begin{table*}[htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{c|ccccc} \hline \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{\#}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Violations}} & \textbf{First} & \textbf{First} & \textbf{First } & \textbf{First } \\ & & \textbf{Second} & \textbf{Second} & \textbf{Second} & \textbf{Second} \\ \hline 5 & 0 & 112 & 77 & 511 & 1723.66 \\ $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ & $\ldots$ \\ \hline \end{tabular}%
2020-01-21 13:52:42
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