float32 0
| content
stringlengths 10
0.4 | How do you Change Fuel Pump on Subaru Legacy ? |
0.2 | What is columbias official language ? |
0.8 | What are the two biggest world religions ? |
1 | What date did Theo Van Gogh die ? |
0 | What do sea dragon live ? |
0.6 | Number of calories in feta cheese ? |
0.6 | How many calories in a Junior Whopper without mayo ? |
0.2 | Air distance between washington dc to moscow russia ? |
0 | Avarage gas tank on SUV ? |
0.2 | What is the healthiest breakfast cerial ? |
0.6 | How do you change oil on a 2000 saturn ion ? |
0.4 | Where did buddhism and hiduism begin ? |
0.8 | What is the meaning of indirect measurement ? |
0 | How many gay in america ? |
1 | Who invented the Polaroid camera in 1944 ? |
0.2 | What is italy ` slocation ? |
0.2 | 1 book by JK Rowling ? |
0.2 | Nickelback the band 's lead singer is . . ? |
0.6 | What is the statue of limitations on rape in Ohio ? |
0.6 | Where is the oli drain plug on a husqvarna ? |
1 | What date was Glasnost ? |
0 | The smalest members or your solar system include ? |
1 | How much money do prosthodontics earn every year ? |
1 | What is the meaning of the coefficient in a chemical equation ? |
1 | What are the principal greenhouse gases ? |
0.8 | How do crocodiles survive exteme temputure ? |
0.8 | Can red ear slider turtles eat bananas ? |
0.2 | Strongest huricane is what category ? |
0 | What is not a presidental election yeat ? |
0.4 | What is difference between market and marketing resarch ? |
0.4 | Average height of men in britain ? |
0.8 | What is the unemployment rate for cuba ? |
0.2 | Average salary of musician ? |
0.2 | Smoking and how it can damage your lungs ? |
1 | What is Exposition and Argumentation ? |
0.6 | What is flight time from la to hawaii ? |
0.8 | How did David Ortiz get started ? |
0 | What is wayne rooneys favorite colors ? |
0.6 | What is the senior population of state of new york ? |
0.6 | What important things did anne frank have ? |
0.6 | How do butterflies protect themseleves ? |
0.8 | Where is billy armstrong now ? |
0.6 | Where do you find reggie rock reggie steel and reggie ice in ruby ? |
0 | What is the difference that a bacterial cell has than the human body cells do n't have ? |
1 | Where is matter stored in the carbon cycle ? |
1 | When was king edward the 6th born ? |
0.8 | What is the difference between a solid and liquid ? |
0.6 | Who invented the C programing languages ? |
1 | Which party did sir edmund baton represent ? |
0 | The official lauguages in russia ? |
0.2 | What is objective in education provider ? |
1 | What is the main energy carrier in photosynthesis ? |
0.2 | What is the quarterbacks name of the vikings ? |
0.2 | How do you do you puzzel 112 on prof layton and the pandoras box ? |
0.6 | What kind ot benefits do Veterinarians get ? |
0.6 | What is the percent of teens using crack ? |
1 | Is a battery a form of potential energy ? |
0 | Where those bachata come from ? |
1 | What are the three major classes of plasma proteins ? |
0.8 | What are the 5 physical regions of pa ? |
0.8 | What is the physical landscape of the Caribbean ? |
0 | Meaning of ectc ? |
1 | How did the 1998 floods happen in Bangladesh ? |
1 | What are two chief agricultral products in italy ? |
0 | Oden and low ke ? |
0.4 | What are the 6 flowers beginning with l ? |
0.4 | Are there different types of sand dollors ? |
1 | What does the ovary contain ? |
0.4 | What is the population of the city of Paris in total ? |
0 | How much a hotel cause ? |
0 | How much calories does an potato has ? |
1 | Where is the oil filter on the 98 oldsmobile bravada ? |
0.4 | What is the normal temp for a person ? |
1 | What is the scientific term for the mumps ? |
1 | What are the three biggest whales in the world ? |
0 | One liter 1 pound ? |
1 | Where did claude monet work as an artist ? |
0.2 | Rituals of a jewish funeral ? |
0 | The old testament was written in what l ? |
0.2 | Where the oil filter is on the 4-cylinder Saturn Vue ? |
0.2 | When was King Henry VII brother Arther born ? |
0 | Hungary is in which continant ? |
0.4 | Which terms means the surgival puncture of the eardrum to remove fluid from the middle ear ? |
0 | How many umpire in badmintion games ? |
0.6 | How many calories per gram are in the four sources of calories ? |
0.6 | What contienent is antartica located in ? |
0.6 | What are the three main types of blood cell ? |
0.6 | Are sea monters real ? |
0.4 | What is the principle function of the judiciary ? |
0.4 | How much money does george trait has ? |
0 | The best video editing software ? |
0.4 | What are the numbers of believers in hinduism ? |
0 | Acres to feet ? |
0.4 | How do you hook up the powerline to a amp ? |
1 | How many roma tomatoes are in a half bushel ? |
1 | What kind of colony was Delaware ? |
0 | What is dylan real number ? |
0 | What is all of the codes for buildabearville ? |
0.4 | When did and who did gordon korman get married to ? |
1 | Where is the fuel pump located on a 2000 venture van ? |