The Woodfin Whitewater Wave, North Carolina’s ‘Wave’ of the Future Currently in development, the Woodfin Whitewater Wave will be one of the more ambitious projects the region has seen. In 2010, Asheville-based plastic pipe manufacturer Silver-Line Plastics donated a five-acre parcel of land. That real estate happens to be situated on the French Broad River in Woodfin, North Carolina, a few miles north of – and downriver from – Asheville. The company’s gift set in motion a plan of grand scale that is now slated to incorporate a park, an extension of an existing greenway network and – most unusual and ambitious of all – a man-made facility called the Woodfin Whitewater Wave. Describing himself as a “lifelong outdoor adventurer and whitewater paddler,” Marc Hunt was an early advocate for the Woodfin Wave. “I had seen and experienced the community benefits of in-stream whitewater parks in other locales,” he says. And he explains he became certain of the advantages of one on the French Broad River. Early efforts toward building support for a man-made wave at Jean Webb Park in Asheville’s River Arts District failed to gain traction, so when Hunt learned that nearby Woodfin was gearing up for its own major greenways and parks initiative, he approached the town leaders. “I felt there might be a lot of synergy,” he says. “Turns out there is.” Hunt points to the success of more than two dozen similar projects across the U.S. “The communities that have developed them rave about the positive impacts,” he says. He formed a group to help build support for a man-made whitewater attraction in Woodfin. Friends of Woodfin Greenway & Blueway was initially led by Hunt; eventually the organization’s efforts were folded into the larger fundraising and outreach activities or RiverLink. That local advocacy group has a stated mission of “promoting the environmental and economic vitality of the French Broad River and its watershed.” RiverLink Executive director Garrett Artz says that the project fits well with his organization’s larger goals. “We see this not only as a project that furthers how we do our mission, but also as a capacity-building initiative so that we have the skills to replicate riverfront revitalization in many more communities.” And he believes that the Wave’s appeal will extend beyond paddlers. “Even if you don’t jump onto the Wave, it will be a major attraction to be a spectator,” he says. When the idea of a man-made whitewater run in Woodfin was first floated, opinions were mixed. Though “real” whitewater runs exist along the French Broad and other rivers in the region, a project like the Wave has few local precedents. A $4.5 million bond was put onto the ballot for voters in Woodfin to vote upon in November 2016. While the bond also included sidewalks and a greenway – and was tiny in comparison to bonds on the ballot a few miles away in Asheville – it remained controversial. “If we were as big as the city of Asheville it would be one thing,” Woodfin Alderman Ronnie Lunsford told the Asheville Citizen-Times‘ Joel Burgess ahead of the vote. “But we’re borrowing almost twice as much as our budget is.” When the town’s Board of Aldermen took a vote on placing the bond on the ballot, two of the six votes were against. Speaking today about his “no” vote, alderman Don Hensley defends his position. “The amount [was] equal to about one year of the town’s budget,” he says, “and I considered it a significant amount for a town the size of Woodfin.” Passage of the bond would have meant a property tax increase for town residents averaging $112 annually. Other town leaders and personnel were more enthusiastic, right from the start. Today, Woodfin Town Administrator Jason Young says, “I’m more convinced than ever. I think that it’s a way for Woodfin to create a major recreational facility for our citizens.” Pointing out that the town hasn’t borrowed money for the project, he says that the greenway/blueway will “spur growth and redevelopment along a part of the River corridor that hasn’t entirely benefited from the reinvestment in the French Broad.” The Woodfin White Water Wave portion of the project was estimated by the town to cost $2 million, but Hunt placed his estimate closer to $1.6 million. The bond passed overwhelmingly; even some of the project’s boosters were surprised. “Perhaps the biggest moment came with the 71% approval of the bond referendum,” Hunt says. “In Woodfin, political views tend to be conservative and anti-tax.” The Wave will be part of a public park facility, free and open to the public, so it won’t directly generate revenue in the form of fees. But advocates point to similar projects and insist that the project will contribute to the region’s economy. Hunt makes the point that a number of water sports related companies are based and/or do significant in the region. “Think ENO, Diamond Brand, Industry Nine, LiquidLogic Kayaks, Astral Designs, and Watershed,” he says. “And,” he adds, “property values have risen markedly since the project was announced.” As Emily Patrick reported in a Citizen-Times article from May 2017, the Town of Woodfin moved quickly after the referendum to get started on parts of the larger initiative. Those efforts included purchase of land on Riverside Drive that would allow eventual construction of a building to house bathrooms and other uses. According to that story, the overall plan includes “a pavilion with a stage and a lawn for picnicking, a playground, river access, and a boardwalk over a wetland.” Patrick’s story provided additional insight into the disposition of the Wave itself. She quoted Woodfin Mayor Jerry Vehaun as saying “a fundraising initiative for a nearby whitewater wave park where kayakers can ride man-made rapids should begin later this summer,” adding that the town was exploring a long-term partnership with the Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority to access additional funds for both the greenway and Wave. The entire project has grown in scope since its original conception, and those changes have meant delays. But Young believes the benefits outweigh the slower pace. “Since we began this process, it has continued to grow in size in scope into a project well beyond our initial expectations,” he admits. “The project has moved more slowly than any of us had intended,” Hunt admits. “Projects like this are challenging to implement, and it’s the largest infrastructure project ever for the tiny town of Woodfin.” Both Young and Hunt are convinced that public support for the Wave and other improvements has increased since the bond referendum. “If anything,” Young asserts, “I believe that support has grown over time as people have become more educated about the project.” Hunt agrees. “As we had hoped, the project has become strongly embraced by the community.” Displaying the sort of guarded pragmatism one expects from a politician – especially one serving a community where many constituents and pols know each other personally – Hensley says that “once the bond passed, my focus [became] one of getting started on the project.” In May 2019 the Weaverville Tribune published a story by Bejamin Cohn. That article included an update on the project. Noting that half of the budgeted amount for the entire project (including the greenway and other improvements) had been spent, Young was quoted as saying that the project was “as expected, just under budget.” That same story reported on a presentation made to the town by Linda Giltz, a contractor hired to help Woodfin secure a grant. “Soon after Giltz’s report,” Cohn wrote, “the board voted unanimously in favor of adopting the proposed Parks and Recreation master plan and to approve a grant application for the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund which, if approved, would grant the town $300,000 for park improvements.” Giltz says that the larger project including the Wave is effectively part of an even grander plan. “Asheville is completing a large project redeveloping the roadways and riverfront, referred to as RADTIP,” she says. “The Woodfin Greenway and Blueway will connect to the RADTIP greenways and parks in the next three to five years and that will create close to 20 miles of continuous greenways.” Scott Shipley is the principal and lead designer at S2o Design and Engineering; Hunt began consulting with him about the proposed Wave early on. Designer of the U.S. National Whitewater Center in Charlotte, three-time Olympic athlete Shipley brings to the project a background as a professional racer and river engineer with a specialty in whitewater parks. He’s also responsible for projects similar to the one planned for Woodfin: the Eagle River Whitewater Park in Colorado and another in New Zealand. He says that detailed research and soliciting of public input reinforced his belief that Woodfin is the right spot for the whitewater project, and that the location has a number of advantages. “It’s near a school with kayaking programs, and it’s just upstream of a lake that allows for easy recovery. There is existing parking, trail access, and community pavilions, so this design could be a benefit to the community, and not just the paddling folks.” Hunt provided a graphical timeline that sets out the schedule for the entire project. The conceptual design and feasibility study phase of the project commenced in the first quarter of 2017 and continued through September of that year. Beginning in the third quarter of 2019, the second phase of the project’s conceptual design will soon get underway. Planned as simultaneous with that are both acquisition and initial conceptual design of the related Riverside Park expansion and improvements project. Those tasks are scheduled to continue through the end of the year. According to that timeline, the first half of 2020 will see formal requests for proposals, along with selection and engagement of a contractor for the project. Detailed design and permitting – the lengthiest phase of the project – is slated to commence in the third quarter of 2020, continuing through early 2022. Another round of RFPs (this time for actual construction of the Wave) is scheduled for the second and third quarter of 2022. Construction of the Wave itself is planned for the fourth quarter of 2022. While projects of this scale – despite the best, most educated projections – sometimes tend to take longer than anticipated, the Woodfin Wave timeline doesn’t provide for a great deal of wiggle room: Bond funds expire in the fourth quarter of 2023. Shipley concedes that there are structural challenges involved. “There is development very close to the river, there is flooding, and there’s debris,” he says. “Many of the things that you would normally take for granted are just different in a river that is as wide, flat and ‘bedrocky’ as the French Broad.” Marc Hunt provides some numbers regarding the projected number of visitors to the proposed park and its whitewater component. Cautioning that the Wave itself “is a very specialized amenity that requires developed skills to use,” he nonetheless estimates “over 400,000 annual users of greenways that relate to the project, and over 15,000 users on the Wave.” The Buncombe County Tourism Development Authority is providing $2.25 million via the Tourism Product Development Fund grant program. Authority CEO Stephanie Brown says that the project meets her organization’s criteria even though it’s not a direct revenue generator. “Legislation requires that funds are used for capital projects that attract overnight visitors to Buncombe County,” she says. “Projects are evaluated for room night generation rather than revenue.” Young provides the latest update on the Wave and related projects. He says that the Town of Woodfin is “preparing to finalize [the] contract to move forward with construction of Silver-Line Park and is currently in the process of obtaining the first half of the bond proceeds.” He notes that Woodfin is also negotiating to buy additional property along the French Broad for expansion of park facilities. Meanwhile, he says, “Were almost ready to start moving dirt.” # # #
Last time, we discussed how people use social media channels in real life …AND that by “going with” the culture & purpose of each channel, companies can build valuable relationships, brand equity and ultimately revenue. (click graphic to enlarge) The following builds on that concept. Enjoy! ——— Below are a few of the brands in real estate that really “get social media” and why they are so engaging. (To find these inspiring examples, the following were reviewed: public builders, 2010 JD Powers listed builders for Southern California and their top regional builders and more.) some social homebuilders… LENNAR (National) – Hard to imagine that anyone would deny that Lennar leads in social media for this category. Over 87,000 people ‘Like’ them on Facebook and 94,000 follow on Twitter. However, that’s not why the nation’s 3rd largest homebuilder is listed here (but it sure doesn’t hurt!) Responsive. Be polite and even gracious. With 94K Twitter followers, Lennar still makes a point of always acknowledging when their content is shared. That’s huge and it increases sharing tremendously. I have not found this consistency with any other brand managing this size of a following. Sure – Lennar has resources, but the fact they choose to invest here speaks volumes of their commitment to social media. the test… I ran a small, highly unscientific Twitter test this past Saturday of 14 major homebuilders. Lennar responded first in an impressive 20 minutes (78% of the sample never responded…a social miss). The Twitter stream below shows their “thank you” to me and others for sharing Lennar in some way. (Note: the first “tweet” is at the bottom). In 5 minutes, 3 people happily responded back. This brief, polite and likable exchange…resulted in Lennar’s name being positively shared with a network of 9,311 people in just those 3 tweets. Lots of small positive gestures add up in how people feel about your brand and it’s perfectly on-culture for Twitter. [Hint: By grouping people together, Lennar acknowledges people, while courteously minimizing the impact on followers.] Transparent. Don’t hide from the negative. On Lennar’s Facebook page there are some good comments & some that make me cringe. The point is – they don’t take down the bad comments, they work with them. Building a home is much more complicated than say making a shirt. There will be a few really unhappy customers at all times. It is the nature of the industry. How those customers are worked with – is the difference. Also, Lennar allows people to post directly to their page and inserts personality. With your page open to the masses, you lose some control – but “control” has been gone for some time now. Let people have the option to take the conversation where they want to and your page will be more interestingly real. National & Local. “Corporate” and local profiles can be synergistic. These dual levels of profiles can “play off each other” in the social space and make the brand feel like a team. This shows really well on Lennar’s website. [Their social media listing page feels more “personal” to me, than the traditional text listing.] Also there is a subtle unity of voice among the divisions (some much more successful than others) and they are able to draw content from the work done at the national level, which is substantial. Bottom-line: The divisions expand reach tremendously and provide real LOCAL context and personality. After all, homebuilding is a local business. [Lennar is active on: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Multiple Blogs…and more.] PARDEE HOMES (Regional CA/NV) – The first time I really took note of Pardee was years ago when I saw one of their demo rooms on ‘green’ features in a home (aka their SmartLiving platform). I believe they were one of the first homebuilders to seriously integrate sustainability into their brand and with social media the innovation is continuing. Innovative Programs. Create valuable content for target audiences. Pardee has developed some strong support programs for Realtors and homebuyers working through the challenges of this market and qualifying today. The programs play out nicely online and are positioned well when shared in social media. Integrates Content Type. Blend your content & don’t over-sell in social media. Pardee does a good job of blending their promotional content and helpful resources – with interesting items related to their business or the social channel they are on. It’s a nice combination. Educate. Have a complex product? ‘Show & Tell’ works great on YouTube. Pardee does a great job of “lifting back the curtain” on what it takes to build a home, what to expect from customer service, etc. This is about helping customers and shoppers with their research, rather than going for the entertainment angle. [Pardee Homes is active on: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Blog] Charter Homes (Regional/PA) – From being mobile friendly, personal, integrating content well and testing niche platforms like Instagram, Charter Homes is always innovating. [Charter Homes is active on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blog] Lennar Atlanta (Division) – First I really tried not to include Lennar again, but this division is so good at being personal, responsive on Twitter & Facebook, creative use of YouTube, and great integration of promotions across channels…well here they are. [Lennar Atlanta is active on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube ] bonus: a social place… VALENCIA (CA) – Valencia by Newhall Land re-launched into the market about two years ago with a “vibrant” campaign that has been playing out primarily on Facebook and in real life promotions (As of October, it appears they are now starting to focus on Twitter too.) Bold & Interesting. Valencia’s ‘Awesometown’ campaign was a big, bold, and unapologetic “high-five” for life in Valencia. Engaging, fun, sort of obnoxious and crafted to resonate with families in social media, which it did. “Awesometown” started off as a HOT neighborhood (& industry) controversy that actually made the news. Today local residents & businesses have added “Awesometown” to their vocabulary, as seen in the local Ralph’s cola display and all over social media. On Facebook various contests and colorful content keep Valencia from fading into the background and the engagement high on their page. Embrace the Local Area. Blur the line of who your audience is to capture synergy on the channel. A community doesn’t end at the developer’s property line. It’s the schools, businesses, the social groups – it’s everything. Valencia allows people to post directly to their Facebook page and fosters synergy for all aspects of community. As a result, they come across as an active participant in the fabric of that area. [Valencia is active on: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Blog] FINAL KEY POINTS: Be Responsive • Be Transparent (no editing the uncomfortable) • Match Content & Communication Style to the Social Channel. So…Who did I miss & what makes them great? Do you have a different opinion? Would love your comment here – or over on Twitter @HollyHM2 *DISCLAIMER: “Years ago I worked at a Lennar Land division, have done business with Newhall, and have connected somehow with each of these brands – & hundreds of others – on social media and in real life. The comments are solely my candid assessment of activity in the social space only and uncompensated. ”
|President Xi Jinping Holds Talks with Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia| At the noon of December 8 local time, President Xi Jinping held talks with Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia at al-Yamamah Palace in Riyadh. On behalf of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman extended a warm welcome to President Xi, and expressed sincere congratulations on the success of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and on Xi’s re-election as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee. President Xi noted that Saudi Arabia is an important member of the Arab and Islamic world. It is also a key and independent force in the multipolar world and China’s important strategic partner in the Middle East. In recent years, China-Saudi Arabia relations have maintained high-level growth. The international and regional situation is undergoing profound and complex changes, making the strategic and overarching importance of China-Saudi Arabia relations more prominent. China takes the development of its relations with Saudi Arabia as a priority in its overall foreign relations, in particular its diplomacy in the Middle East. China will work with Saudi Arabia to achieve each other’s national rejuvenation, forge stronger synergy between development initiatives, deepen practical cooperation in all areas, increase communication and coordination in international and regional affairs, and achieve even greater progress in the China-Saudi Arabia comprehensive strategic partnership. President Xi stressed that China firmly supports Saudi Arabia in upholding its sovereignty, security and stability, and supports Saudi Arabia in pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions. China supports Saudi Arabia’s major development initiatives such as Vision 2030 and the Middle East Green Initiative, and will actively participate in Saudi Arabia’s industrialization and contribute to the diversified development of its economy. The two sides need to earnestly synergize China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, and work for more outcomes in bilateral cooperation in all areas. China will increase communication and coordination with Saudi Arabia on energy policy, expand the scale of crude oil trade, enhance cooperation on exploration and development, and deliver on the Sino-Saudi Gulei Ethylene Complex Project and other large-scale energy cooperation projects. China will deepen industrial and infrastructure cooperation with Saudi Arabia, advance the development of the China-Saudi Arabia (Jizan) Industrial Park and the construction of major infrastructure projects, level up trade, investment and financial cooperation, expand cooperation in such areas as e-commerce, digital economy, clean energy, high technology and space research and development, and enhance cooperation in law-enforcement, counter-terrorism and deradicalization. President Xi noted that not long ago, over 100 Saudi learners of Chinese language jointly wrote to him in Chinese, expressing their passion for Chinese language, and he was very delighted for that. China will work with Saudi Arabia to further advance cooperation on Chinese language education. China has decided to designate Saudi Arabia as a tourist destination for Chinese group visitors, so as to expand mutual visits and people-to-people exchange between the two sides. President Xi pointed out that China supports Saudi Arabia in playing a bigger role in international and regional affairs, and will step up communication and coordination with Saudi Arabia at the UN, the G20 and other multilateral platforms. Under the current situation, to convene the first China-Arab States Summit and the first China-GCC Summit is of special significance and will play a strategic role in spearheading China-Arab relations and China-GCC relations in the next stage. China looks forward to working with Saudi Arabia and Arab states to turn the two summits into milestone events in the history of China-Arab relations and China-GCC relations, and bring these relations to new heights. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman noted that Saudi Arabia and China enjoy very close and friendly relations, and Saudi Arabia is China’s comprehensive strategic cooperative partner in the Middle East. The Chinese economy has maintained robust growth, and Saudi Arabia is striving to realize its Vision 2030. Saudi Arabia looks forward to working with China to enhance mutual support, and jointly elevate their comprehensive strategic partnership to a higher level. It is believed that President Xi’s visit will become an important milestone in the history of this relationship. It will help secure more achievements of bilateral cooperation in various areas, deliver more benefits to the two peoples, and facilitate the common development and prosperity of the two countries. Saudi Arabia firmly supports the one-China principle, firmly supports China in safeguarding its own sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, firmly supports China’s measures and efforts for deradicalization, and firmly rejects interference in China’s internal affairs by any external forces under the excuse of human rights or any other. Saudi Arabia will continue to actively engage in Belt and Road cooperation with China and expand trade and two-way investment. It welcomes more Chinese companies to take an active part in the industrialization process of Saudi Arabia, including the construction of major infrastructure and energy projects, and enhance cooperation in such areas as automobile industry, science and technology, chemical industry and mining. Saudi Arabia appreciates China’s support for its Middle East Green Initiative, and will work with China to strengthen cooperation on areas such as clean energy and green development and to increase mutual visits and cultural exchanges. It hopes that China will continue to help it enhance its Chinese language teaching capacity. It also appreciates China for supporting Saudi Arabia to become a dialogue partner of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and will increase communication and coordination with China on multilateral occasions such as the G20 and BRICS. It will work with China to jointly respond to challenges such as energy security, food security and climate change, maintain close dialogue and cooperation on major regional hotspots, and jointly contribute to upholding regional peace, security and stability, and achieving common security in the region. Saudi Arabia will play an active role for the development of relations between Arab states and China and between GCC countries and China. And the Crown Prince expressed his full confidence in the future of Saudi Arabia-China relations. The two sides agreed to upgrade the China-Saudi Arabia High-level Joint Committee to the prime minister’s level. The two leaders attended the ceremony for exchanging documents on Belt and Road cooperation, judicial, education, hydrogen energy, investment and housing cooperation, among others. The two sides issued the Joint Statement Between the People’s Republic of China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. After the talks, President Xi attended the welcome banquet hosted by the Crown Prince on behalf of King Salman. Ding Xuexiang, Wang Yi and He Lifeng were present at the events.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) has rapidly transformed how startups interact with users, streamline operations, and gain insights. With advancements like ChatGPT, GPT-4, and ongoing research, the horizon looks even more promising. But what does this mean for startups? For startups, the future of NLP signifies: 1. Enhanced Customer Interaction: Through advanced chatbots, offering real-time, human-like responses. 2. Data Mining: Gleaning deeper insights from vast amounts of unstructured textual data. 3. Content Creation: Auto-generating high-quality content tailored to specific audiences. 4. Advanced Sentiment Analysis: Gaining nuanced understanding of customer feedback and market trends. 5. Automated Support: Offering 24/7 assistance without the need for vast human resources. The potential of NLP extends beyond mere customer service. Let’s venture into the depth of NLP advancements and their transformative implications for startups. NLP’s evolving landscape opens doors to myriad possibilities: – Real-time Translation: Allowing startups to cater to global audiences without language barriers. – Task Automation: Automating routine tasks, from email sorting to document organization, leveraging NLP’s understanding of context and intent. – Enhanced Product Recommendations: Analyzing user reviews, feedback, and queries to refine product offerings and suggestions. – Voice Assistants: Beyond text, the rise of voice search and commands has startups integrating NLP into voice-responsive features. Underlying Tech of ChatGPT & GPT-4: At the core of these advancements lie deep learning architectures: – Neural networks and transformers form the backbone, enabling the intricate processing of language patterns. – Continuous learning and fine-tuning enable these models to improve over time, staying relevant and accurate. Navigating the Challenges: While the prospects are exciting, startups should be wary of: – Data privacy concerns, ensuring user data is handled ethically. – Over-reliance on AI, balancing human intuition with machine insights. – Constant updates, staying abreast with the rapid evolution of NLP technology. The realm of NLP is expansive, with tools like ChatGPT and GPT-4 representing just the tip of the iceberg. For startups, this heralds a future of seamless communication, profound insights, and unparalleled efficiency. As NLP continues its upward trajectory, startups that embed it into their core strategy stand poised to redefine industry standards, delivering exceptional value to their users and stakeholders alike. Understanding ChatGPT’s Role In Startup Innovation: Beyond Just Conversation ChatGPT has been making waves in the AI community, not merely as a conversational marvel, but as a transformative tool for businesses. Startups, particularly, have found unique ways to harness its power. But what exactly does ChatGPT bring to the startup table? ChatGPT’s contributions to startups include: 1. Scalable Customer Support: Handling vast volumes of queries without the need for large support teams. 2. Interactive Onboarding: Guiding users seamlessly through products or platforms. 3. Feedback Collection: Engaging with users to gather valuable insights directly. 4. Content Generation: Assisting in crafting marketing materials, blog posts, and other written content. 5. Multilingual Capabilities: Communicating effectively with global users in various languages. While these benefits are groundbreaking, the application of ChatGPT in the startup ecosystem dives deeper. Let’s explore the full scope of its impact and potential. The genius of ChatGPT lies in its versatility: – Training & Development: Startups can deploy ChatGPT for internal training, with the model guiding employees through complex processes or software tools. – Sales & Lead Generation: Integrated into websites, ChatGPT can engage potential customers, answer preliminary questions, and even schedule meetings with human representatives. – Personalized User Experience: By analyzing user input and preferences, ChatGPT can personalize user interactions, offering tailored responses and suggestions. – Integration with IoT: Beyond traditional platforms, ChatGPT can be integrated into smart devices, assisting users in real-time and making products more interactive. Behind ChatGPT’s Efficiency: Underlying ChatGPT’s capabilities are: – Advanced neural networks trained on diverse data sets, ensuring comprehensive language understanding. – Continuous model updates that ensure the tool remains at the forefront of conversational AI. The Ethical Angle: Startups must tread cautiously by: – Being transparent about AI interactions, so users know when they’re speaking with a machine. – Prioritizing user data security and privacy, ensuring compliance with global regulations. ChatGPT is more than just an AI chatbot. It’s a dynamic tool that, when wielded correctly, can revolutionize startup operations and user interactions. As we stand on the brink of AI-driven innovation, startups embracing tools like ChatGPT are not just riding the wave; they’re steering the ship, charting the course for a future where technology and human experience harmoniously merge. Looking For Targeted Leads? Find accurate B2B contact information for targeted marketing. Close more deals and start more conversations. 90 Free leads when you register. GPT-4 In Startups: Beyond Language, Bridging Business Gaps GPT-4, the successor to ChatGPT, has expanded the horizons of what Natural Language Processing can achieve. Startups are especially primed to benefit from its multifaceted capabilities. But how is GPT-4 reshaping the entrepreneurial landscape? GPT-4 offers startups: 1. In-depth Market Analysis: Parsing vast data sets to provide trends and insights. 2. Product Development Insights: Using user-generated content to influence product tweaks and innovations. 3. Automated Content Strategy: Crafting targeted content pieces for diverse audiences. 4. Advanced Predictive Analysis: Forecasting market shifts based on current events and user behaviors. 5. Streamlined Operations: Automating administrative tasks with a higher degree of sophistication. The potential of GPT-4 for startups isn’t limited to these facets. Dive deeper with us to discover the comprehensive impact and the future prospects of this AI powerhouse. GPT-4, with its expanded capacity and improved algorithms, amplifies business operations: – Financial Forecasting: By analyzing historical data and market trends, GPT-4 can assist in predicting financial futures, aiding startups in strategic planning. – Human Resource Management: GPT-4 can screen candidate applications, match job requirements to qualifications, and even assist in onboarding through interactive training modules. – Customized Marketing Campaigns: By understanding user behavior and preferences, GPT-4 can aid in crafting highly tailored marketing campaigns that resonate with specific target groups. – Product Support and Troubleshooting: GPT-4 can guide users through complex product setups or troubleshooting processes, reducing the need for human intervention and enhancing user experience. The Technological Backbone of GPT-4: The prowess of GPT-4 is attributed to: – An expansive training dataset that encompasses a broad spectrum of language nuances. – Enhanced transformer architectures that process information more efficiently and accurately. Considerations for Implementation: Startups eager to harness GPT-4 should: – Ensure a balanced human-AI interaction, maintaining the irreplaceable value of human touchpoints. – Stay updated with the continuous evolution of the model to utilize its full potential. GPT-4 stands as a testament to the leaps AI research has taken. For startups, it’s not just a tool but a partner in growth. Its applications are vast, its potential untapped, and its promise to revolutionize business operations is undeniable. As we progress into an era dominated by data and AI-driven decisions, startups wielding the power of tools like GPT-4 will undoubtedly lead the way, crafting a future that is efficient, insightful, and groundbreaking. The Research Behind the Revolution: How NLP Innovations Fuel Startup Growth The explosive growth of Natural Language Processing (NLP) isn’t serendipitous. Behind the scenes, groundbreaking research propels this technology forward, and startups are the eager beneficiaries. But what are the research milestones driving NLP’s rise in the entrepreneurial sphere? The key NLP research advancements benefiting startups include: 1. Transformer Architectures: Providing the foundation for models like GPT-4, enabling more complex language understanding. 2. Transfer Learning: Allowing models to apply knowledge from one task to another, ensuring versatile applications. 3. Attention Mechanisms: Improving model accuracy in understanding context and relationships within text. 4. Few-shot and Zero-shot Learning: Enabling models to perform tasks with minimal to no prior examples. 5. Active Learning: Enhancing AI training by selectively choosing data points that are most informative. Research often seems esoteric, but its practical implications, especially for startups, are profound. Let’s unravel the broader impact of these scientific milestones. NLP’s research-driven evolution translates to tangible benefits: – Cost Efficiency: Advanced models require less data and time for training, significantly cutting costs for startups. – Versatile Deployment: Transfer learning and few-shot capabilities allow startups to leverage a single model for multiple applications, ensuring flexibility. – Enhanced User Engagement: Attention mechanisms and improved architectures deliver better user experiences, particularly in conversational AI tools, fostering customer loyalty. – Strategic Decision-making: Active learning and improved data parsing capabilities empower startups to make informed, data-backed decisions. The Academia-Industry Nexus: NLP’s advancement isn’t isolated to academia: – Collaborative projects between universities and startups are commonplace, fostering innovation. – Tech conferences, workshops, and journals serve as knowledge hubs, allowing startups to stay abreast of the latest findings. Adopting Research Ethically: As startups leverage cutting-edge NLP research, ethical considerations arise: – Ensuring AI models avoid biases present in training data. – Prioritizing user privacy and data protection, especially when dealing with language data. The dynamism of the startup world finds a fitting partner in the evolving realm of NLP research. As academics delve deeper into the intricacies of language and computation, startups find new avenues to innovate, disrupt, and grow. The synergy between NLP research and entrepreneurial spirit not only shapes the future of individual businesses but also charts the course for a smarter, more connected world. ChatGPT’s Dominance: How Startups Are Harnessing Conversational AI Conversational AI, epitomized by models like ChatGPT, is revolutionizing customer interactions in the digital age. Startups, with their agile approach, are especially poised to harness its immense potential. So, how are these young companies leveraging ChatGPT to redefine user engagement? Startups utilize ChatGPT for: 1. 24/7 Customer Support: Offering real-time solutions to user queries round the clock. 2. Interactive Product Demos: Guiding users interactively through product features. 3. Feedback Collection: Garnering user opinions seamlessly. 4. Personalized Recommendations: Suggesting products or services tailored to individual preferences. 5. Streamlined Onboarding: Assisting new users in navigating platforms or services. The breadth of ChatGPT’s application in startups goes beyond these listed benefits. Join us as we delve deeper into real-world applications and success stories. ChatGPT’s impact on startups is multi-dimensional: – Boosting Sales: By offering immediate responses to product-related inquiries, startups can drive sales. Potential customers receive instant answers, reducing drop-offs due to uncertainty. – Building Trust: A responsive conversational interface fosters trust among users. They feel valued, knowing that a system is always available to assist them. – Reducing Operational Costs: Implementing ChatGPT for customer support minimizes the need for extensive human teams, translating to significant cost savings. – Enhancing User Data Collection: ChatGPT can be programmed to gather crucial user data during interactions, providing startups with insights into user behavior and preferences. Training ChatGPT for Niche Markets: Tailoring is key: – Startups in specialized markets can fine-tune ChatGPT with domain-specific data, enhancing its efficacy in addressing unique user queries. Ensuring Ethical Use of Conversational AI: With great power comes responsibility: – Startups must ensure transparency, letting users know they’re interacting with AI. – Data privacy concerns need to be addressed, ensuring user data gathered through ChatGPT remains confidential and protected. ChatGPT’s ascent in the startup ecosystem is a testament to the transformative power of conversational AI. As startups continue to innovate and adapt, tools like ChatGPT serve as invaluable allies, offering not just operational efficiency but also crafting enriched user experiences. The fusion of startup agility with advanced AI capabilities promises a future where technology and human needs align seamlessly. Beyond The Hype: Evaluating The ROI Of GPT-4 For Startups While buzz around GPT-4’s capabilities abounds, pragmatic startups must question the return on investment (ROI) when incorporating such sophisticated AI into their operations. Does GPT-4 truly offer tangible benefits that justify its implementation costs? For startups, the ROI of integrating GPT-4 can be broken down into: 1. Increased Operational Efficiency: Automating tasks that previously required human intervention. 2. Enhanced User Experience: Delivering personalized and instant responses to user queries. 3. Data-driven Decision Making: Analyzing large datasets for actionable insights. 4. Cost Savings: Reducing expenses associated with customer support, marketing, and more. 5. Innovation and Competitive Advantage: Offering unique AI-driven features and staying ahead of the competition. While these points illuminate the potential benefits, a deeper dive into each aspect reveals the full picture of GPT-4’s ROI for startups. – Operational Efficiency: GPT-4 can manage tasks ranging from email responses to content creation. This automation means startups can focus on core objectives rather than administrative tasks. – User Experience Enhancement: With GPT-4’s natural language capabilities, users get the feeling of interacting with a human rather than a bot, resulting in more satisfactory user interactions. – Data Analysis: Startups can leverage GPT-4 to parse and analyze vast quantities of data, extracting insights that could inform strategic decisions. – Cost Considerations: Although implementing GPT-4 involves initial costs, the long-term savings—due to reduced personnel requirements and increased efficiency—can be substantial. – Staying Competitive: In a tech-driven landscape, startups that harness the latest innovations, like GPT-4, position themselves as industry frontrunners. GPT-4 Implementation Challenges: It’s not all smooth sailing: – Training and fine-tuning GPT-4 to cater to specific startup needs can be resource-intensive. – Ensuring ethical use and addressing potential biases in AI responses requires vigilance. Measuring ROI Objectively: For a clear picture: – Startups should set clear KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) before GPT-4 integration to measure its effectiveness post-implementation. GPT-4, while powerful and brimming with potential, is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Its ROI varies based on a startup’s niche, objectives, and scale. However, for those that align their strategy with the capabilities of this AI marvel, the returns—both tangible and intangible—can be game-changing. As the tech landscape evolves, ensuring a balanced, informed approach to such innovations remains the key to sustainable success. Emerging Trends: How Startups Are Pushing The Boundaries Of NLP Research Natural Language Processing (NLP) has seen exponential growth, with breakthroughs often coming from unexpected corners. But how are startups, with their unique agility and drive for innovation, influencing the trajectory of NLP research? Startups are impacting NLP research by: 1. Specialized Model Training: Developing models tailored to niche industries and use-cases. 2. Scalable Solutions: Creating tools that democratize access to advanced NLP for other businesses. 3. Ethical AI Frameworks: Prioritizing the development of transparent and bias-free models. 4. Collaborative Research: Engaging with academia and other businesses to further NLP advancements. 5. Consumer-Driven Adaptations: Rapidly iterating based on consumer feedback to fine-tune NLP applications. While these are the broad strokes, the nuances of how startups drive NLP research are fascinating, offering a glimpse into the future of language-based AI technologies. – Specialized Model Development: Beyond generalized models like GPT-4, startups often cater to specific industries, such as healthcare or finance. This specialization means training NLP models on domain-specific data, ensuring higher accuracy and relevance. – Democratizing Advanced NLP: Startups like spaCy and Rasa have provided tools and platforms that allow even smaller businesses to incorporate advanced NLP into their products, bridging the gap between research and real-world applications. – Ethics at the Forefront: With concerns about AI biases making headlines, startups are placing a premium on creating models that are transparent and ethically trained. They are leading initiatives to audit models and ensure they do not perpetuate harmful stereotypes. – Collaboration is Key: Many startups actively engage with academic researchers, benefiting from the latest theoretical advancements while providing practical feedback. This symbiotic relationship accelerates the pace of NLP breakthroughs. – Adapting to Consumers: Unlike larger corporations, startups can rapidly iterate their products. By leveraging real-time feedback, they refine NLP applications to better meet user needs, driving user-centric innovation. Startups and Multimodal Models: Diversifying AI interactions: – A growing trend is the integration of NLP with other AI modalities, like vision, allowing startups to offer richer, multi-sensory interactions to users. Funding and NLP Research: The fuel for innovation: – With the rise in interest in NLP, venture capital is flowing into startups in this space, further catalyzing their research and development endeavors. Startups, with their nimbleness and inherent drive for disruption, are uniquely positioned to shape the future of NLP. By bridging the gap between academic research and on-ground applications, these enterprises are not just riding the NLP wave; they are actively directing its course. As AI continues its onward march, the synergy between startups and NLP promises a future where technology understands and caters to human nuances like never before. GPT-4 In The Startup Ecosystem: Harnessing The Potential For Unique Value Propositions In the competitive world of startups, creating a distinct value proposition is paramount. With GPT-4 emerging as a trailblazer in the NLP domain, how are startups leveraging its capabilities to carve out a unique space for themselves? Startups are employing GPT-4 to craft unique value propositions through: 1. Content Automation: Generating high-quality, varied content without the associated overheads. 2. Customer Interactions: Facilitating seamless, human-like customer support 24/7. 3. Data Insights: Parsing vast data sets to draw actionable insights with unparalleled efficiency. 4. Tailored Experiences: Offering highly personalized user experiences based on predictive modeling. 5. Innovative Product Features: Integrating AI-driven enhancements into products for added functionality. These strategic incorporations of GPT-4 are just the tip of the iceberg. A deeper exploration unravels the myriad ways in which startups are reinventing their value propositions with this NLP powerhouse. – Content Mastery with Automation: With GPT-4, startups are producing diverse content ranging from blog posts, product descriptions, to even creative scripts. This automation ensures consistency and quality, all while saving on costs and time. – Revolutionizing Customer Service: GPT-4’s capability to understand and generate human-like text allows startups to offer uninterrupted customer support, resolving queries with efficiency, and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction. – Gleaning Deeper Insights: Startups, especially those in the SaaS domain, are utilizing GPT-4’s prowess in analyzing data. This AI-driven approach offers deep insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends, enabling better decision-making. – Crafting Personalized Experiences: Predictive modeling, backed by GPT-4, enables startups to offer users tailored experiences, be it in e-commerce product recommendations or content curation, enhancing user engagement and loyalty. – Driving Product Innovation: Beyond operational efficiencies, GPT-4 is finding its way into the very fabric of products, offering features like real-time language translation, content suggestions, and even game dialogues. Ethical Considerations and GPT-4: Walking the tightrope: – As startups integrate GPT-4, there’s a growing responsibility to ensure that the generated content adheres to ethical standards, avoiding biases and misinformation. The Investment Angle: Understanding the financials: – While GPT-4 offers immense value, startups need to evaluate the ROI, considering both the immediate costs and the long-term value addition. GPT-4’s emergence in the AI spectrum offers startups a golden opportunity to redefine their value propositions. Those that strategically weave its capabilities into their operations and offerings not only stand out in the crowded startup landscape but also set the stage for long-term success and innovation. The future beckons, and it’s clear that GPT-4 will play a pivotal role in shaping the narratives of many startup success stories. Localizing NLP: Startups Bridging Cultural And Linguistic Gaps With GPT-4 As the global marketplace expands, so does the need for understanding and catering to diverse cultures and languages. Amid this landscape, how are startups using the power of GPT-4 and NLP to bridge these linguistic and cultural divides? Startups are harnessing the capabilities of GPT-4 in localizing NLP by: 1. Language Translation: Offering real-time, contextual translations with nuances intact. 2. Cultural Sensitivity Analysis: Identifying and adapting content that may be culturally inappropriate or insensitive. 3. Local Market Insights: Analyzing regional data to understand market trends and preferences. 4. Multilingual Customer Support: Providing support across multiple languages without extensive human intervention. 5. Cultural Customization of Products: Tailoring products to suit the specific cultural needs and preferences of regions. The quest for global reach while maintaining local relevance is challenging. Dive deeper to discover the multifaceted ways startups are making global feel local with GPT-4. – Beyond Simple Translation: While traditional translation tools provide a literal translation, GPT-4-powered solutions consider context, idioms, and cultural nuances, resulting in translations that resonate more authentically with local audiences. – Navigating Cultural Landscapes: By analyzing content, GPT-4 can help startups identify potential cultural faux pas, ensuring that marketing campaigns or products don’t unintentionally offend or alienate. – In-depth Local Analysis: GPT-4’s advanced data parsing capabilities enable startups to gain a deeper understanding of local markets, from consumer behavior to emerging trends, ensuring more successful market entries and campaigns. – Speaking the Customer’s Language: With GPT-4, startups can offer customer support in multiple languages, ensuring that users feel valued and understood, regardless of their primary language. – A Global Product with a Local Feel: Whether it’s customizing a user interface, tailoring content recommendations, or adapting product features, GPT-4 helps startups cater to the specific cultural and linguistic needs of different regions. Training GPT-4 for Localization: The behind-the-scenes work: – Understand the process startups undertake to fine-tune GPT-4 for specific languages and regions, ensuring maximum accuracy and relevance. Localization vs. Globalization: Striking the balance: – While GPT-4 aids in localizing content, startups must also consider the broader global context, ensuring that their localized efforts align with their global brand and objectives. In today’s interconnected world, the ability to communicate effectively across cultures and languages is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity. With GPT-4 at their disposal, startups are uniquely positioned to make meaningful inroads into diverse markets. By championing both global visions and local nuances, these pioneering businesses are not only ensuring their own growth but are also fostering greater understanding and connection in an increasingly globalized world. ChatGPT In E-Commerce: How Startups Are Enhancing User Experience In the evolving landscape of e-commerce, user experience (UX) is paramount. As ChatGPT becomes more integrated into various platforms, what advantages does it offer startups looking to revolutionize their customers’ online shopping journey? Startups are using ChatGPT in e-commerce to: 1. 24/7 Customer Service: Providing consistent, round-the-clock support without human limitations. 2. Tailored Product Recommendations: Suggesting products based on user interactions, queries, and browsing behavior. 3. Interactive Shopping Assistants: Guiding users through the shopping process, answering questions, and assisting with decisions. 4. Feedback Gathering: Interacting with customers post-purchase to collect feedback in a conversational manner. 5. Handling Returns and Complaints: Offering quick and automated solutions to common issues, enhancing customer trust. The fusion of ChatGPT and e-commerce is not merely about automation; it’s about crafting richer, more personalized online shopping experiences. Dive into the details below. – Always-On Support: ChatGPT, with its vast knowledge base, ensures that users get accurate answers to their queries anytime, making shopping hassle-free, and building brand reliability. – Beyond Generic Recommendations: By understanding user queries and analyzing behavior, ChatGPT powers recommendation engines that offer more than just popular products; they cater to individual user tastes. – A Personal Shopper Experience: With ChatGPT, e-commerce platforms can offer interactive shopping assistants that help users choose the right product sizes, colors, and even styles, mirroring the in-store experience. – Constructive Feedback Loops: Post-purchase feedback is crucial for startups. ChatGPT facilitates this by engaging users in genuine conversations, extracting invaluable insights for business growth. – Efficient Issue Resolution: Returns, exchanges, and complaints are inevitable in e-commerce. ChatGPT streamlines these processes, often providing solutions without human intervention, thus elevating the overall user experience. Steps and considerations: – While integrating ChatGPT offers numerous advantages, startups need a strategic approach. From choosing the right platform to continuous training, understand the integration journey. Privacy and Chatbots: Walking the line: – As startups incorporate ChatGPT, it’s crucial to maintain user data privacy and ensure transparency about data collection practices, thus fostering trust. The integration of ChatGPT into e-commerce is reshaping the way startups engage with customers online. This fusion promises not just efficiency but an elevation in the quality of user experience. As startups lean more into this synergy, the future of e-commerce looks set to be more interactive, intuitive, and customer-centric. With tools like ChatGPT, startups are truly setting the stage for the next big leap in online shopping. Securing ChatGPT: Startups’ Blueprint For AI-Driven Privacy In the age of data breaches and growing concerns over privacy, ensuring the security of AI-driven tools like ChatGPT is vital. So, how are startups addressing these challenges and fortifying their AI models against threats? Startups prioritize security with ChatGPT by implementing: 1. **Data Encryption:** Protecting user data both at rest and in transit. 2. **Regular Model Updates:** Continuously refining models to counter evolving threats. 3. **Privacy Policies:** Clearly communicating data usage and storage protocols to users. 4. **User Data Anonymization:** Processing queries without storing personally identifiable information (PII). 5. **Active Threat Monitoring:** Employing systems to identify and tackle potential security breaches in real-time. Ensuring AI’s potential is harnessed without compromising user trust is a delicate balance. Learn how startups are successfully walking this tightrope with ChatGPT. – Encryption as a Standard: Adopting advanced encryption standards ensures that all data, including user queries and responses, remain confidential and immune to interception. – Staying a Step Ahead: The AI landscape is dynamic. By consistently updating ChatGPT models, startups ensure they remain resilient against emerging threats and vulnerabilities. – Anonymity at the Forefront: By ensuring that user interactions with ChatGPT are anonymized, startups can extract valuable insights without jeopardizing individual privacy. – Vigilance is Key: Implementing real-time monitoring systems helps startups promptly identify unusual patterns or potential threats, ensuring immediate remedial action. Third-Party Audits and Certifications: Ensuring external validation: – Engaging third-party entities to audit and certify security measures boosts user confidence and provides an unbiased view of a startup’s security landscape. – Informing users about best practices and potential risks ensures they interact with ChatGPT in a safe manner, thus forming a collaborative defense against threats. The merger of ChatGPT’s capabilities with startups’ innovations holds immense promise. Yet, it is the unwavering commitment to security and privacy that will truly dictate the success and user adoption of these AI-driven solutions. In their journey with ChatGPT, forward-thinking startups are not just envisioning a world of advanced AI interactivity but are also laying the foundations for a safer, more secure digital future. The realm of Natural Language Processing, epitomized by the likes of ChatGPT and GPT-4, is swiftly redefining the startup ecosystem. As these cutting-edge research and tools become integral to operations, startups are discovering unparalleled efficiencies, user engagement, and innovations. However, the journey is not just about harnessing the power of AI; it’s also about navigating the intricate maze of security, privacy, and trust. The startups that manage to strike this balance will not only lead the AI revolution but also sculpt a future where technology and human needs harmoniously coalesce. The era of ChatGPT and GPT-4 is not a mere glimpse into the future—it’s a testament to the boundless possibilities that await the world of startups.
Phenakite Crystal, 17 Grams, Incredible Clarity, Synergy 12 Stone Filled with Rainbows, Charged with Reiki + Sustainably Mined in Ukraine This listing is for one Ukrainian 🇺🇦 Phenakite Crystal. You will receive the exact item depicted in the photos and video. The crystal measures around 1.4" long by 1" wide by 0.8" thick and weighs 17.06 Grams. Phenakite (sometimes spelled Phenacite) is our absolute favorite mineral in terms of metaphysical intensity. It is one of the most metaphysically powerful minerals. Not only is Phenakite a Synergy 12 Stone, as described by Robert Simmons in The Book of Stones, but it is also a beautiful and incredibly rare crystal gem! The name Phenakite is Russian for “The Deceiver” because when Phenakite was originally discovered it was initially believed to be Diamond. This is due to the incredible light dispersion of Phenakite, as well as Phenakite's hardness (it is rated a 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs Hardness Scale). We selected this Phenakite Crystal from a group of many, as this is one of the finest specimens we have ever seen from the Ukraine locality. In terms of crystal formation, size, clarity, color and luster, this crystal stands out by far. We are very excited to offer it! This Phenakite Crystal was mined sustainably in the Ural Mountains of Ukraine. Sustainable mining means that the mines are re-filled with earth when they’ve been fully harvested, so as not to disrupt the surrounding ecosystem. Synergy 12 Stones are believed to be the most powerful grouping of crystals for positive transformation. They have metaphysically synergistic properties, and are especially beneficial when held or used together. Along with Phenakite, Petalite, Tanzanite and Danburite and are some other notable Synergy 12 Stones. We offer these stones in our shop as well. Key Words: Third-eye Activation, Inner Visions, Grounding Light Energy in the Body, Interdimensional Travel Elements: Storm ⛈ Chakras: Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th) Zodiac Sign: Gemini ♊️ Locality: Ural Mountains, Ukraine 🇺🇦 Spiritual: Strengthens one’s intuitive abilities; Helps to guide one through the process of Spiritual Initiation; Helps one to make choices and take actions that are most aligned with their spiritual path. Emotional: Helps one find their Spiritual Purpose and path; Allows one to take the necessary action to change one’s life to reflect their spiritual purpose. Physical: Helps support many aspects of brain function in general. Affirmation: “I open myself for initiation into the higher realms of consciousness.” This listing is for one Ukraine Phenakite Crystal. You will receive the exact item depicted in the photos and video. The crystal measures around 1.4" long by 1" wide by 0.9" thick and weighs 17.06 Grams. To avoid discrepancies in color, please note that the color of the photos in the listing is dependent on individual screen and monitor settings. Please also note the weight, as crystals can often appear larger in photos. If you have any questions at all please send us a message and we will be happy to answer! Thanks so much, and Namaste 🙏🤍✨💎 - Gaia's Gifts We are Two Friends Raising the Collective Vibration of our Planet by Offering Gaia's Gifts of Crystals & Essential Oil Blends, Always Infused with Reiki & LOVE 🙏🤍✨💎 We are both Certified Reiki Practitioners, and we always fill our items with all the GOOD and LOVE that can fit before sending them out to you. "OUR MISSION is to Raise the Collective Vibration of our Planet. Right now we are doing so by offering the highest quality gifts that Mother Nature (Gaia) provides. We intend to accomplish this Mission in an even more meaningful way as we continue to journey on our individual paths as healers." - Julia & Colin We offer FREE shipping on all orders of $35 or more!
NVIDIA, a global leader in AI computing technology, has announced a groundbreaking initiative to propel the adoption of generative AI applications across industries. The company revealed its collaboration with renowned system manufacturers to deliver AI-ready servers designed to support the VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA. This strategic partnership aims to empower enterprises to customize and deploy generative AI applications using their proprietary business data. The forthcoming NVIDIA AI-ready servers will feature a combination of cutting-edge components, including NVIDIA L40S GPUs, NVIDIA BlueField-3 DPUs, and NVIDIA AI Enterprise software. These servers are specifically engineered to facilitate the fine-tuning of generative AI foundation models and the deployment of a variety of generative AI applications, such as intelligent chatbots, search tools, and summarization utilities. Furthermore, these servers offer an array of NVIDIA-accelerated infrastructure and software components to bolster the functionality of VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA. The L40S-powered servers, developed by prominent global system manufacturers including Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Lenovo, are set to be available by the end of the year. These advanced servers will play a pivotal role in accelerating AI initiatives within enterprises. Jensen Huang, the founder and CEO of NVIDIA, emphasized the significance of this development by stating, “A new computing era has begun. Companies in every industry are racing to adopt generative AI. With our ecosystem of world-leading software and system partners, we are bringing generative AI to the world’s enterprises.” The synergy between NVIDIA’s AI-ready servers and the VMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA aligns seamlessly with the growing demand for generative AI capabilities. The integration of real-time geospatial data sources, proprietary analytics engines, and powerful GPUs enables stakeholders across an organization to make faster, data-driven decisions. Raghu Raghuram, CEO of VMware, highlighted the impact of generative AI on digital transformation, stating, “Generative AI is supercharging digital transformation, and enterprises need a fully integrated solution to more securely build applications that enable them to advance their business. Through the combined expertise of VMware, NVIDIA, and our server manufacturer partners, businesses will be able to develop and deploy AI with data privacy, security, and control.” NVIDIA’s AI-ready servers have been meticulously designed to meet the demands of a broad spectrum of applications, ranging from drug discovery and retail product descriptions to intelligent virtual assistants and fraud detection. The servers incorporate NVIDIA AI Enterprise, a robust operating system that provides production-ready enterprise support and security for numerous frameworks, pretrained models, toolkits, and software. As the global technological landscape continues to evolve, the unveiling of NVIDIA’s AI-ready servers marks a significant step towards realizing the full potential of generative AI across various industries.
Qualia Mind Review Qualia Mind is a nootropic stack supplement with 28 high-quality ingredients that support mental performance and the functioning of the nervous system. The 154 capsules in each bottle are sufficient to last for one month, or 22 daily doses. You can purchase this supplement individually, or as a subscription. There are several benefits to taking Qualia Mind. Let’s explore them further. To start, this nootropic stack has a simple, yet effective ingredient list. Qualia Mind was created by the Brain-Boosting Team behind Nootropic Supplements, The Neurohacker Collective. They have researched many ingredients and used them to test their effectiveness. The formula’s 28 ingredients were carefully selected to maximize synergy and improve focus, memory and mental clarity. The formulation also aims to promote the body’s ability to upregulate neurotransmitters, such as Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and the pathways necessary for optimal brain function. Qualia Mind supplements combine different nootropics in order to increase brain energy. Its ingredients include amino acids, herbal extracts, vitamins, and other brain-boosting compounds. Its user reports better focus and longer attention span. They have also noted an increase in energy and reduced symptoms of lack of attention and awareness. This may be beneficial for people suffering from cognitive problems. Qualia Mind’s Neurohacker Review has been written and reviewed by an expert, who studied the ingredients list and doses for others. Another ingredient in Qualia Mind is the Coleus forskohlii root extract. It is often found in testosterone boosters. The supplement is best taken in the morning with food and should begin to increase focus, memory, and brain energy within fifteen minutes. It is important to take Qualia Mind only if you are taking it regularly and consult with your primary care provider. And be sure to read the instructions carefully. Although these supplements can be taken safely, there are some precautions that you need to follow before using them. The neuroprotectant Qualia Mind contains several ingredients that support the integrity of the brain’s structure and pathways. Vitamins C and D3 are known to help with brain health and promote cellular energy metabolism. Another key ingredient is acetyl-L-carnitine, which supports brain function and improves fatty acid metabolism. Those with cognitive decline may also benefit from the inclusion of vitamin B6, which has been shown to support brain health. DL-phenylalanine (DLPA) is a blend of two forms of the amino acid phenylalanine. DLPA serves multiple purposes, such as mood stabilization and anti-inflammatory activity. Qualia Mind is a powerful blend of 28 biologically active ingredients, including antioxidants, nootropics, amino acids, herbal tonics, and lipids. It can also improve cognitive function and help prevent the onset of age-related memory impairment. The ingredients of Qualia Mind may be a concern for some people. People who are unable to tolerate caffeine may experience unpleasant side effects. Caffeine can be a stimulant. Nonetheless, the product contains DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid essential for brain health. DHA is also known to increase metabolism and neuroplasticity. These are important benefits for maintaining good health. The manufacturer recommends that you take seven tablets in the morning. In addition to caffeine, Qualia Mind also contains a fat-soluble steroid called Ginkgo biloba leaf extract. The nootropic enhances cerebral circulation and relaxes blood vessels while protecting against antioxidants. Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract, high potency 50mg. Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble steroid which supports neurotransmitter synthesis, DNA repair, gene expression and neuroplasticity. If you’re looking for the perfect nootropic stack for memory, focus, and energy, Qualia Mind is the way to go. Qualia Mind’s proprietary blend includes L-theanine and caffeine along with 21 other powerful ingredients. This stack contains nearly three times as many ingredients per pill than the average product. It’s an excellent choice for both first-time users or those with limited budgets. Read on to learn more about this product and how it works. Qualia Mind contains ingredients that are widely accepted for their safety and efficacy. The strong empirical base of these ingredients is based on quantitative self-research and over 40 years’ international research into nootropic stack formulas. For those of you who are skeptical about a supplement, here are some ingredients you may want to avoid. It is crucial to consider the combination of ingredients in order for this product to work. This will allow you make informed decisions about the right nootropic stack that meets your needs. There are many different nootropics on the market, but Qualia Mind is the only one with 28 active ingredients. This formula is designed to help you focus, eliminate brain fog, and improve working memory. It contains several different nootropic agents, including vitamins, amino acids, fats, herbs, and more. Qualia Mind was created to increase energy and improve focus. This supplement has many benefits and is affordable. It’s a good choice for gamers, busy professionals, entrepreneurs, and other modern-day workers. Philosophy of mind It is complex to debate philosophically about consciousness and qualia. Some philosophers believe in qualia while others reject the notion. The definition of qualia depends on philosophical and neurophysiological presuppositions. The debate, regardless of which side you are on, is well worth the effort. It raises deep philosophical questions about the philosophy of the mind. Some materialists reject the existence and some others acknowledge it, raising difficult questions about consciousness. This argument is difficult if one believes in qualia. Many philosophers also believe the material is not mental. Thus, it is impossible to distinguish between mental and physical. Some philosophers disagree with this thesis, saying that we cannot examine the inner structure of qualia. However, the cognitive system can possess information about qualia that cannot be communicated to other systems. This theory could lead to the understanding of qualia’s private nature. This view has a problem philosophically because there isn’t consensus about what constitutes a proper definition of qualia. Although there is no one theory that can explain all aspects of the mind, many theories exist. The philosophical debate over the existence of qualia is incredibly complex and complicated. Many philosophers have strong opinions about this topic and disagree on how to define qualia, while others are unsure about what to say. It is difficult for people to understand the meaning of this term because it is so vaguely used. This is a fundamental problem in philosophy. This is despite the numerous debates over qualia. It is an important aspect in the determination of the mind’s definition. Qualia Mind has several components that can be used to produce neurotransmitters. A key ingredient is the amino acid L-Carnitine. This can help improve memory and concentration. Bacopa Monnieri Extract, another ingredient in the product, has been used over centuries as traditional medicine to treat snake bites. It has anti-oxidant and mood-enhancing properties. You will also experience a decrease in stress. The product also contains n-acetyl-tyrosine, a molecule that is found naturally in the body. Qualia Mind’s ingredient list is extensive and long. There are many components in Qualia Mind that may enhance cognitive function. The product contains several ingredients that have been tested for their safety and bioavailability. They have been shown to enhance cognition. Each ingredient has been clinically studied and has been shown to support cognitive health. It also includes a number of nutrients essential for brain health. The company’s claims are backed up by scientific research, which is why Qualia Mind has gained recognition as a highly effective supplement. In addition to vitamins and minerals, Qualia Mind contains antioxidants. The formula also contains Vitamin C which protects the brain from harmful free radicals. Qualia Mind also contains Theobromine and Coleus forskohlii as well as N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine and Pterostilbene bound with Caffeine. You will also find organic rice concentrate and silicon dioxide in the product. Neurohacker Collective is the company behind Qualia Mind, which is a nootropic supplement that boosts brain power. To ensure safety, all ingredients are subject to safety testing and quality control. The company has gone above and beyond typical FDA standards in testing and quality assurance. GMP/ISO 9000-certified facilities are used to manufacture the product. The company has been certified by ISO 9000 and GMP/ISO 9000. This means that their quality control processes are top-notch. There are many ingredients in it, including the phospholipid serine which can be found naturally in brain cells. Restoring the levels of PS may enhance cognitive function and reduce brain fog. This compound may improve synaptic neurotransmission which is an essential part of brain function. It also supports neurotransmitter function, improves brain energy metabolism and provides antioxidant protection. Qualia Mind contains 50 milligrams of high-quality Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract. Vitamin D3 is another ingredient found in the supplement. The fat-soluble steroid helps in the regulation of hormones and mood improvement. While many users report no adverse side effects from taking Qualia Mind, some people have experienced nausea or vomiting. Some users have reported headaches. However, this is likely due to the fact that the supplement boosts neurotransmitters that control brain activity. If you are susceptible to these side effects, it’s best to take Qualia Mind before bed to give your body time to adjust to its new level of neurotransmitters. It is dependent on user’s weight and level of sensitivity.
Available in: 30ml sample, 1000ml, 1 Gallon. A profoundly relaxing blend that will take your treatments to new depths. Indications: a perfectly balanced blend to assist in deep relaxation. Can be used in any style treatment but shines brightest when paired with gentle relaxation massage. Contraindications: for external use only. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or on medications before use. Do not use on broken skin. Ingredients: coconut oil (cocos nucifere) oil, safflower oil (carthamus tinctorius), avocado oil (persea gratissima), rice bran (oryza sativa), beeswax (cera alba), cetyl alcohol, clementine, green cognac, amyris, vetiver, texas cedarwood, hawaiian sandalwood, buddhawood, and other high quality essential oils, rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf extract. Available in: 30ml sample, 1000ml, 1 Gallon. Indications: A calming blend with essential oils known... Available in: 30ml sample, 1000ml, 1 Gallon. An all natural unscented Massage Gel with an... An all natural non-greasy unscented Massage oil with an excellent glide and slow absorption rate.... We're so happy you're here! Let's stay connected! When you sign up to our newsletter you'll never miss out on sales, blogs, or any news happening at Synergy Tree!
Guangzhou Charge’s HOTBA on Sigma OWL Debut Although the Guangzhou Charge’s Overwatch League season ended just before the playoffs after their defeat against the Seoul Dynasty, the team has seen a dramatic increase in performance since the 2-2-2 role lock in Stage 4. From placing 17th in Stage 2 to third in Stage 4, expectations were high for the expansion team. While the Charge could not overcome the Dynasty in their second play-in match, Choi “HOTBA” Hong-joon provided OWL viewers with their first impression of how new hero Sigma could be played at the highest level. Hotspawn was fortunate enough to speak with Hotba after his Sigma dominated the Chengdu Hunters in the first match of the play-in tournament. Although the flex tank’s skills were instrumental in the Charge’s victory, HOTBA shared that he initially had difficulties with the hero. “So when I played Sigma for the first time, I thought that my Sigma was not good. So I played ranked every day to improve. My queues were not too long of a wait for tank!” While Overwatch’s longer queue times due to role lock did not impact HOTBA’s tank practice, Sigma’s complicated kit provided its own challenges, even the primary fire. HOTBA shares his assessment. “I think his left click, the basic attack – even when enemies are right in front of you – it’s too hard. But now I’ve gotten used to throwing the [accretion], expecting where the enemy will be. And for Sigma’s ultimate, there’s so many variables, so you have to make a lucky shot.” The high skill necessary to be successful at Sigma may be intimidating, but HOTBA has more philosophical advice for those who want to improve. “Compared to D.Va, Sigma has a lot of things to do and think about. So, like even in your normal life, you might get distracted because you have to think about all the things going around you. That will actually help in-game.” HOTBA’s thoughtfulness as well as his experience provided a rock for the Charge as they prepared for playoffs. The flex tank’s gameplay in last year’s Grand Finals as a member of the Philadelphia Fusion factored into the Charge’s overall team confidence. HOTBA believes that other factors were vital to the team’s overall improvement, especially the recent 2-2-2 role lock. “This is our team’s first time in the playoffs. But nobody is nervous, and everyone is confident. So we just play like we always did before. [When 2-2-2 came], Stage 4 was a sniper meta, and we have great snipers on our team. And the other players could play the heroes they were good at. That is why our team synergy and teamwork improved a lot.” Looking back at the start of the season, HOTBA can’t help but laugh when thinking about the Charge’s first match against the Chengdu Hunters. When asked how the team had grown from then to their final match against the Hunters, HOTBA smiled. “We were like babies when we played Chengdu for the first time, now we’re adults!” Although the Charge had just defeated Chengdu, HOTBA was already shifting focus to preparing for the next matchup against the Seoul Dynasty. Although teams ineligible for play-ins and playoffs have dispersed, and there is a want to keep strategies close to the vest, HOTBA shared that finding scrims and preparing was not a concern. “Actually right now, it’s okay, but as the play-ins and playoffs go on, it’ll probably get more and more difficult to get teams to scrim with. But right now, it’s okay.” However, the flex tank was more troubled for the following day’s match. “I’m a little worried that we opened up with our strategies [against Chengdu]. But still, we will try our best, work a little harder, and eventually the results will show. If we win, we’re better. If we lose, well, that’s that.” The Guangzhou Charge ultimately fell 4-1 against the Seoul Dynasty, led by Marve1’s own strong Sigma. Although HOTBA’s journey will not take him back to the Grand Finals this year, the results have shown a rapid increase in performance for the Charge, that will hopefully carry through to the 2020 season.
Free Joby Rowe. Now. Joby Rowe has spent almost 5 years in jail for supposedly shaking to death his daughter Alanah. Alanah was found to have encephalopathy as well as subdural and retinal haemorrhages, which comprise the “triad” of findings associated with Shaken Baby Syndrome. I have blogged about this miscarriage of justice and published a peer reviewed article in the Australian Journal of Forensic Science that questioned how this “triad only” case could be prosecuted in Australia, given that there is no scientific basis to the notion that the triad can be used to infer shaking or abuse. Despite acknowledging that the article was refereed by people “of high standing in their respective disciplines”, following “the correct editorial processes”, this peer reviewed article was subsequently unethically retracted by the journal, after the editor succumbed to pressure from senior members of the forensic medicine community, and after legal threats were made against the journal by the experts whose work was scrutinised in the article. One of the experts further notified the police of the article, who illegally used their database to access my personal information. During the trial there was no evidence that positively indicated that Joby Rowe had shaken Alanah. Instead, the experts used shaking as the presumptive cause and then used a process of “diagnosis by exclusion”: shaking must have occurred because they were unable to find a medical cause for the triad. In other words, they claim to have discounted the wide range of medical causes of the “triad”, many of which are rare and not well researched. Their assumption also discounts the possibility that new causes of these findings will be found, despite numerous new causes being identified in the past decade. The former head of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Professor Stephen Cordner, warned back in 2008 that “A category we have to be careful of is the diagnosis – or coming to conclusions of any sort – by exclusion”, likening its use in modern criminal cases to its use in 16th century witch hunts. This “diagnosis by exclusion” also inverts one of the most fundamental principles of our justice system: the presumption of innocence. Shaking (or abuse) is considered the presumptive cause, unless proven otherwise. It should not be the responsibility of the accused to determine the cause of death in these cases where no evidence of abuse exists. But far too often it is, because “diagnosis by exclusion” presumes that abuse has occurred, unless proven otherwise. That is the reality that Joby Rowe continues to face, and it is for this reason that, along with a colleague who is also interested in these wrongful convictions, I have continued to research the medical files from the case. What we have identified is not only a possible cause that the experts failed to exclude, it is a cause that is better supported by the “constellation” of symptoms and medical findings in the case. Alanah was born 6 weeks premature after a pregnancy that was complicated by poor intrauterine growth. She did not breath for 57 seconds after being born, and was resuscitated by CPR. She subsequently spent a couple of weeks in Special Care and then remained in hospital for another couple of weeks before going home. She further had an umbilical hernia. Prior to her collapse at just 12 weeks of age, Rowe stated that after he fed her a bottle, she started having trouble breathing. As she collapsed, Alanah was taking big gasping breaths before she stopped breathing. Blood was coming from her nose. Subsequent findings were: -hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE, the ultimate cause of death) -profuse bleeding from the nose -blood stained fluid in mouth -extensive retinal haemorrhages -acute subdural and subarachnoid haemorrhages -previous subdural haemorrhages (age and cause unexplained) -blood in the space between the dura and arachnoid mater that surrounds the spinal cord, i.e. possible subdural spinal haemorrhages or possibly blood trickling down from the brain -prolonged APTT and INR, and high D-Dimer, resulting in diagnosis of Disseminated Intravenous Coagulation (DIC) -low values of coagulation factors II,V,VII,IX,X,XI -no skull or spinal fracture -no ligamentous injury to the neck -no external sign of trauma such as bruising Alanah´s body temperature was cooled to 31 degrees in an attempt to minimise the effects of Hypoxia on the brain. The medical report of the child abuse paediatrician, the central expert who testified for the prosecution, concluded that “in summary Alanah had the following abnormal findings: 1. Subdural and subarachnoid brain haemorrhages, 2. Subdural spinal haemorrhages. 3. Extensive widespread retinal haemorrhages. 4. A severe hypoxic-ischaemic brain injury.” These summarised injuries are the classic signs of the hypothesised Shaken Baby Syndrome. The expert had cherry picked the subset of findings that fit the SBS narrative in her summary of findings. The prosecutor then stated that “each of subdural haemorrhages in isolation, retinal haemorrhages in isolation and HIE in isolation could have arisen by alternative or non-traumatic causes. That's a concession we make at the outset. However, it's the constellation, the grouping of those three key clinical findings, which I expect each of the experts will identify as providing the bases for their opinion as to the mechanism which brought about these injuries.. together they are the smoking gun… that shaking occurred to cause these injuries in Alanah.” Was the full constellation of injuries really considered? Other findings, such as DIC, low coagulation factors, liver and blood chemistry abnormalities, the previous subdural bleeding, the bleeding from the nose, were then either ignored or assumed to be secondary to trauma. The medical report stated that “Alanah's blood chemistry results, blood gas results and liver function results showed some abnormalities. In the setting of critical illness and following a cardiac arrest these patterns of abnormalities are commonly seen and in Alanah's case these abnormal results are almost certainly secondary to her cardiac arrest and resuscitation” and that the “coagulation factor levels were probably low because the factors had been consumed during the process of disseminated intravascular coagulation.” Let us look at disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in particular. DIC is “a blood clotting disorder that can turn into uncontrollable bleeding”. This includes intracranial bleeding,, bleeding of the retina and “external bleeding… from the mucosa”. It is well established that coagulation problems can cause the triad of findings that are associated with SBS., So the findings of subdural haemorrhages, extensive retinal haemorrhages, and blood around the spinal cord, could all be secondary to DIC. So in this case one needs to determine the cause of the DIC. The central prosecution expert concluded that the DIC was secondary to trauma. This seems to be based on the fact that trauma was established by the presence of a particular manifestation of the “triad” (including extensive retinal haemorrhages). But these haemorrhagic aspects of the triad may be secondary to DIC whatever the cause, whilst hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) is caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain, not by trauma. The expert´s reasoning was circular: she presumed trauma because of the existence of a particular manifestation of the triad, including extensive retinal haemorrhages, and from there it followed that DIC must be secondary to the trauma, and therefore the haemorrhages were caused by trauma rather than the DIC. But what if something else, not trauma, caused the DIC, and then the DIC caused the haemorrhages? In that case the haemorrhages could not be used to infer trauma. The many causes of DIC include complications of obstetrics, asphyxia, infection or sepsis, respiratory distress syndrome, acidosis, cancer, and “shock due to any condition that causes ischaemic tissue injury and exposure or release of tissue factor.” Trauma is a relatively uncommon cause of DIC., It may not ever be possible to know what caused the DIC in Alanah, because it is a non-specific condition that can follow from a range of other conditions. Nevertheless, we propose two possible causes of DIC in this case, noting that many other possibilities exist. Congenital heart disease is the most common type of congenital defect, and accounts for more deaths in the first year of life than any other condition not involving infection[]. Some heart defects do not cause noticeable symptoms for several months or even years, making it hard to diagnose in infants. If a congenital heart condition caused Alanah´s cardiac arrest, this could have led to systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). DIC is a frequent complication of SIRS. So a heart condition can account for hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy by restricting oxygen supply to the brain, whilst the onset of DIC would then result in subdural and retinal haemorrhages, as well as the bleeding from the nose, and the low coagulation factors. Heart failure can also explain the lactic acidosis and is consistent with the lack of external signs of trauma. In the medical report, it states that “The aetiology of the diffuse cerebral oedema, subdural blood and subarachnoid blood is most likely related to trauma. A diffuse hypoxic injury such as with non-trauma related cardiac arrest could result in the cerebral parenchymal changes, but does not account for the subdural haemorrhages identified.” Yet cardiac arrest that elicits SIRS, and leads to DIC, does account for the subdural haemorrhages. It also accounts for the extensive retinal haemorrhages and all other findings in the case. In fact, Joby Rowe´s brother died at 3 months of a congenital heart defect. No test was made to see if Alanah had a genetic congenital heart condition. Birth asphyxia is another well recognised cause of DIC. Whilst acute (also referred to as “overt phase”) DIC develops “over hours or days”, DIC can pass through a “latent and compensated” phase which “evolves slowly, over weeks or months”. DIC in this phase can cause “venous thrombotic and embolic manifestations”. What if Alanah had DIC since her well documented birth asphyxia? The latent, compensated DIC may have progressed after several weeks to the overt, bleeding phase of the DIC. This can in turn lead to the haemorrhages, to the lack of oxygen supply to the brain and HIE, and to cardiac arrest. If DIC was triggered during Alanah´s birth asphyxia and evolved over Alanah´s 12 week lifespan, then a range of event sequences and combinations of conditions are possible that all could have led to the final collapse, and can explain all the findings in the case. For example, in one study of 54 patients with sepsis related DIC, 6 had congenital cardiac disease whilst 3 had dilated cardiomyopathy. So whilst is true that trauma can cause DIC, there was no outward sign of trauma. DIC is not listed as a symptom or outcome of shaking in any literature, and there is no scientific evidence that shaking can cause DIC. It should be enough for Joby Rowe that non traumatic causes of DIC cannot be excluded. But we can go further than this. The full constellation of findings in the case, including findings disregarded by the “experts”, show that it is shaking that can be excluded. Let us look at the significance of the blood nose. As she collapsed, Alanah “had blood pouring out of her nose”, and was “losing a lot of blood out of her nose”. Indeed the call to which the paramedics were responding was coded as signal 1, an emergency, with “a child with ineffective breathing and a blood nose”. So the blood nose was present at the very start. Nowhere in the long list of findings that are supposedly associated with shaken baby syndrome, including irritability, poor feeding, vomiting, lethargy, respiratory compromise, seizures, apnea and delayed development, is any mention of bleeding from the nose. However, DIC is known to cause bleeding from mucosa, including the nose. Even acute DIC takes “hours to days” to evolve. Yet Alanah was bleeding profusely from the nose during her collapse. The bleeding nose, a finding that was totally ignored by the prosecution “experts”, is the smoking gun that DIC was involved in the collapse, and that whatever caused the DIC had been evolving for “hours” at the very least. Joby had not shaken Alanah in the moments prior to her collapse, as alleged by the experts. This was a medical collapse. The intra-cranial and retinal haemorrhages followed from the DIC. Not the other way around. Blood stains in regurgitated baby formula that was found in the mouth of Alanah provide further corroborating evidence of this scenario, as they are indicative of bleeding in the mouth, stomach and/or throat, all of which are associated with DIC. Explanations for Alanah´s collapse where medical conditions were developing and evolving over days or weeks, can also explain some of the other behaviour of Alanah in the days leading up to her collapse. Alanah´s high pitched, persistent screams, and difficulty settling were likely caused by the pain she was suffering from the previous subdural haemorrhages that were found. Yes, I am aware that all infants cry, but in the days leading up to her collapse, Alanah´s crying had “escalated to screaming” that was “uncontrollable” and “unrelenting”. The assertion that Joby Rowe shook Alana moments prior to the collapse cannot explain this behaviour of Alanah, nor the previous bleeding in her brain. These findings were simply disregarded by the “experts”, and not included in the “constellation” of findings upon which their conclusions were based. The medical report stated that “Alanah was a previously well 12 week-old baby” prior to collapse, with no regard taken of her prematurity which is a known risk factor in conditions associated with SBS, no regard taken of her birth asphyxia, no regard taken of her extended stay in Special Care, no regard taken of the previous episodes of bleeding on her brain, no regard taken of her unrelenting screaming over the previous days. None of these findings fit the narrative of shaking, which was created by only considering a compatible subset of findings rather than the full constellation. A case study exists in the literature where DIC was found to have caused the “triad” including “extensive intraretinal hemorrhages from the posterior pole to the ora serrata” that were described as “severe”. The autopsy determined the cause of death to be a “myocardial infarct in the distribution of an anomalous coronary artery”. DIC, diagnosed on admission, was found to be secondary to cardiogenic or hypotensive shock. The medical examiner had considered concerns for abuse raised by the Child Protection team, based on the existence of the triad, but after considering the autopsy findings, laboratory results, and investigation of the circumstances preceding the death, ruled the death to be of natural causes. Joby Rowe is an innocent man incarcerated with the label “child killer”, who should not have to spend one more day in jail. His conviction was based on the erroneous medical testimony of three expert witnesses who testified for the prosecution. What is left to be seen is whether any of these experts have the intellectual and moral fortitude to inform the Court of the errors they made, as is their obligation under the Practice Direction for Expert Evidence in Criminal Trials. Brook, C. Is there an evidentiary basis for shaken baby syndrome? The conviction of Joby Rowe Aust. J. Forensic Sci., 53 (2019), p. 1 see J. Tully Oral Presentation “Protego Maxima” at Don't Forget the Bubbles August (2018) Brook C., Lynøe N., Eriksson A., Balding D.,Retraction of a peer reviewed article suggests ongoing problems with Australian forensic science, Forensic Science International: Synergy, Volume 3, 2021 Cordner, S. R v Klamo: an example of miscommunication and misunderstanding of expert evidence where the conviction was overturned, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 2012, 44:4, 323-331 Cleveland Clinic Monagle, P. & Andrew, M., Acquired Disorders of Hemostasis, in Nathan And Oski’s Hematology Of Infancy And Childhood 1631 (Stuart H. Orkin et al. eds., 6th ed., 2003). Levi, M & Ten Cate, H Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, 341 NEW ENGLAND J. OF MEDICINE..586, 586 (1999) Levinson JD, Pasquale MA, Lambert SR. Diffuse bilateral retinal hemorrhages in an infant with a coagulopathy and prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation. J AAPOS. 2016;20(2):166-168. What are the Signs and Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation? Haemotology-Oncology Associated of CNY Narang, S A Daubert Analysis of Abusive Head Trauma/Shaken Baby Syndrome, 11 HOUS. J. HEALTH L. & POL’Y 505, 571 (2011) Christian CW, Levin AV, AAP Council On Child Abuse And Neglect, AAP Section On Ophthalmology, American Association Of Certified Orthoptists, American Association For Pediatric Ophthalmology And Strabismus, American Academy Of Ophthalmology. The Eye Exam ination in the Evaluation of Child Abuse. Pediatrics. 2018 Moake, J. L. MSD Manual Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), 2021 Moake, J. L. MSD Manual Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), 2021 H. Ören, I. Cingöz, M. Duman, S. Yılmaz & G. Irken (2005) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation In Pediatric Patients: Clinical and Laboratory Features and Prognostic Factors Influencing the Survival, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 22:8, 679-688 Lopes, Selma Alves Valente do Amaral et al. “Mortality for Critical Congenital Heart Diseases and Associated Risk Factors in Newborns. A Cohort Study.” Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia vol. 111,5 (2018): 666-673, doi:10.5935/abc.20180175 Gando S, Kameue T, Nanzaki S, Nakanishi Y. Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a frequent complication of systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Thromb Haemost. 1996;75:224–8 Whelan, C., reviewed by Biggers, A. MD Lactic Acidosis: What You Need to Know, Healthline Nov. 1 2018 Rajagopal, R Thachil, J & Monagle, P Disseminated intravascular coagulation in paediatrics, Arch Dis Child 2016, doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-311053 Papageorgiou C, Jourdi G, Adjambri E, et al. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: An Update on Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Therapeutic Strategies. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2018;24(9_suppl):8S-28S. What are the Signs and Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation? Haemotology-Oncology Associated of CNY Papageorgiou C, Jourdi G, Adjambri E, et al. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: An Update on Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Therapeutic Strategies. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2018;24(9_suppl):8S-28S. What are the Signs and Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation? Haemotology-Oncology Associated of CNY What are the Signs and Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation? Haemotology-Oncology Associated of CNY Papageorgiou C, Jourdi G, Adjambri E, et al. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: An Update on Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Therapeutic Strategies. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2018;24(9_suppl):8S-28S. H. Ören, I. Cingöz, M. Duman, S. Yılmaz & G. Irken (2005) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation In Pediatric Patients: Clinical and Laboratory Features and Prognostic Factors Influencing the Survival, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, 22:8, 679-688 R v Rowe trial transcripts @p242 R v Rowe trial transcripts @p242 There is no evidence base for the association of these findings with shaking. e.g. Tully, J. Abusive head trauma – mechanisms, myths and mysteries , VFPMS seminar 2019 e.g. What are the Signs and Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation? Haemotology-Oncology Associated of CNY Statement of Michael Holden, ALS paramedic team manager, @p3 dated 03/09/2015 What are the Signs and Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation? Haemotology-Oncology Associated of CNY e.g. The Cleveland Clinic Subdural Hematoma R v Rowe trial transcripts @p787 R v Rowe trial transcripts @p787 R v Rowe trial transcripts @p787 e.g. Squier W, Mack J, Jansen AC. Infants dying suddenly and unexpectedly share demographic features with infants who die with retinal and dural bleeding: a review of neural mechanisms. Dev Med Child Neurol 2016;58(12):1223–34. Levinson JD, Pasquale MA, Lambert SR. Diffuse bilateral retinal hemorrhages in an infant with a coagulopathy and prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation. J AAPOS. 2016;20(2):166-168. doi:10.1016/j.jaapos.2015.11.003 see section 4.3 of the Practice Direction for Expert Evidence in Criminal Trials
Air Conditioning Noise Concerns Very few central air conditioners (AC) are whisper-silent. A certain amount of noise coming from your ductwork is not uncommon. It is normal to hear the blowers spinning, among other parts of the cooling process. Additionally, air conditioning equipment produces more sounds as it ages—not always because of a mechanical problem. However, if you’ve owned your unit for a decade or longer, it might be time for a replacement. Fortunately, air conditioning units have become much more efficient in recent years. You can cut energy costs up to 40 percent by upgrading your unit if it is 10 years or older, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Have an Air Synergy expert evaluate your air conditioner today—we’re always happy to help our California customers save money and get the most value from your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Plus, our financing plans help you purchase the HVAC equipment your family deserves! Now, let’s learn about AC noises. Air Conditioning Noises and What They Mean While some noise is normal, keep an ear out for unusual sounds. Remember, it’s best to catch problems early. If you think your Pittsburg air conditioning unit needs repair, give us a call right away. Here are some common noises and what they could mean for your air conditioner: Popping means there may be an issue with your ventilation system. It usually points to an airflow obstruction inside your ductwork. Like many HVAC mishaps, you can help avoid this issue with seasonal maintenance. Rattling likely means a part in your AC has come loose. On some occasions, it’s a harmless problem. For instance, a stray nut or bolt may have fallen off your equipment. Or, it might mean a small object fell into a floor vent. On other occasions, it could point to a more serious issue—such as a loose compressor, which is costly to replace. If you hear rattling, it’s always the safest bet to call your HVAC specialist. If you hear the sound of metal grinding together, this could indicate a problem. The noise could be coming from a failing fan motor. Alternately, it may mean a bearing has become worn. Either way, have an HVAC specialist look at it as soon as possible. Hissing coming from your ducts may mean you’re experiencing a refrigerant leak. You may also notice an odd chemical smell. This problem needs to be addressed by a professional right away. Preventative maintenance plays a vital role in the efficiency of all your HVAC equipment. Schedule your air conditioning tune-up in the early spring and a furnace tune-up in the fall. That way, you prepare your system for the season. Plus, you give our techs a chance to uncover a minor issue before it turns into a costly repair. Call us today to schedule a tune-up. And be sure to ask about our maintenance agreements tailored to save you money on parts, labor, and repairs! Call Today for Professional Heating and Cooling Service At Air Synergy, our team of certified experts can service all your HVAC needs. Whether you need installation, repair, or maintenance services, we have only the most qualified technicians in Pittsburg, CA. Call us today at 925-510-2037, or request service online.
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Before heading to the fundamental term, why and how nutraceutical products has maintained to achieve a unique position in UAE, allow us to introduce you to its historical background and real meaning. Stephen DeFelice, the renowned face who gained prominence for being the founder and chairman of the Foundation for Innovation in Medicine, formulated the term by constituting the two terms “Nutra,” indicating Nutrients signifying the foods that have good nutritious values. On the very other hands, there comes “Ceuticals,” indicating Pharmaceuticals meaning medical drugs. Stephen coined the term in 1989. Also, the Foundation for Innovation in Medicine is situated in Cranford, New Jersey. It is an American-based organization that is famous throughout the globe. Thus, by combining both terms, “Nutraceuticals” is found, referring to the non-specific natural remedies that help boost overall health, manage symptoms, and prevent cancerous processes. Further, it aims to offer just two medical or health benefits, including preventing and treating an illness. How The Nutraceutical Products Impacted The UAE Market? An inactive lifestyle with zero exercising routines and excessive pre-packed food consumption in the UAE has forced the incidence of lifestyle-based illnesses to expand as an outcome. Therefore, over time, it becomes responsible for a surge in consumer demand for nutraceuticals through fortified functional foods as well as drinks. If we throw light on the reports thoroughly investigated by Markntel Advisors, the UAE Nutraceuticals Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 6.96% during the forecast period, i.e., 2022-27. The demand for Nutraceutical Products has a booming experience in the targeted region since most people have adopted an inactive lifestyle entirely with no exposure to healthy and adequate diet plans. All these factors unintentionally urge the forecasted area to shift more towards facing diseases such as Diabetes and Obesity. By dividing the timeframe into various aspects, UAE in 2019 saw the highest prevailing rate of Diabetes as compared to the other countries. The International Diabetes Federation published this report. Similarly, between 2017-2021, the country’s Market experienced an exponential increase in the demand for Nutraceutical products owing to the inauguration of several gyms and wellness centers, which further led to the introduction of multiple wellness coaches in addition to experienced nutritionists. UAE Government Performed Vital Role of Endorsing Health and Fitness Since the beginning, the responsible government of the UAE has performed its vital role of endorsing health and fitness to provide their citizens with all the required information regarding the increase in the prevalence of lifestyle-oriented diseases that may be chronic. It has raised serious concerns that people may already be suffering from Diabetes or Sugar related to which three significant initiatives have been taken in order to promote activities such as healthy eating and exercising. The names of the initiatives include UAE Wellbeing Model for Residential Communities, Community Wellbeing Nutrition Program, and Community Program for Active Lifestyle. On a concluding note, it becomes easy to evaluate that the Nutraceutical industry intends to possess massive heights in the region in the upcoming future due to the reason being higher disposable income of the people and rising awareness among the community. What Are the Relevant Factors That Are Driving the Market to Expand Rapidly? Implementing the use of Nutraceutical Products in meals and increasing the usability of functional foods to improve a newborn’s nutritious value has become a hot topic in the targeted area. Additionally, it helps to prevent gastrointestinal illness as well. Given this, consumers are making themselves knowledgeable regarding the products’ supplementation value. Notwithstanding, the entry of an organization into the Market of newborn probiotic supplementations, including BioGaia Protectis probiotic drops, Synergy Infabiol infant probiotic drops, Calmco probiotic drops, etc., will likely create an influencing image on the expansion of the industry. Listing Down the Growth Opportunity That the Market Aims to Offer: According to the latest research and development innovation, advancement in the growth of the Nutraceuticals Supplement market can be suspected via the manufacturing of probiotic supplements for other health-related diseases, which are cardiovascular disease, hypocholesterolemia, bone health, oral health, and so on. Therefore, the changes are most likely to be witnessed very soon. This is because the consumers have awakened from a long sleep of neglect. As of now, when they are fully attentive to the rising number of chronic diseases that can be caused due to unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle routines, several manufacturers have been urged to produce the best-effective probiotics as soon as possible. Not only this, the dietary-based supplementation sector is delivering the latest nutraceutical-based products to lessen the patient’s pain.
Caymana Consulting provides clients with end-to-end marketing solutions, including advertisement campaign development, design & implementation. From your initial consultation, our team of expert developers will work alongside you to create a fully customized marketing strategy designed to work for your company. Design Your Custom Marketing Campaigns With years of design & development experience, the Caymana Consulting team has the expertise to develop a complete marketing package – focused directly on your customers interests in your products and/or services! - Design & Development of Logo - Developing a Brand Identity - Design Billboards, Posters, Postcards, Brochures, Flyers & Signage - Email Marketing Campaigns, Direct Mail Campaigns & Publication Advertisement - Media Kits & Press Releases - Business Cards, Envelopes, Letterheads & General Branded Stationary for Marketing - Banners, T-Shirts, Bracelets, Bane Tags, Trade Show Banners and Tablecloths - Employee Training Materials - Customized Web & Mobile App Development Full Spectrum Marketing At Caymana Consulting, we specialize in providing our clients with full-spectrum marketing campaigns that employ a variety of techniques, all of which are geared toward one common goal – increasing your customer base to grow your business! With a decade-plus of digital marketing experience, the Caymana team has seen the evolution of the digital marketing landscape. This not only means designing and executing marketing campaigns that will appeal to your prospective consumer, but utilizing a variety of modern tools and platforms – creating a synergy that will attract consumers from all across the web, increasing opt-ins, and eventually leading to more sales and revenue for your business. Connecting with Consumers from Across the Web From our experience in the digital marketing space, we understand that leads don’t come from one place. In fact, any successful marketing campaign will address users from all walks of life, across multiple digital platforms including – the search engine, social media, paid to advertise, and much more! Where Caymana excels is being able to accrue leads from multiple platforms, using unmatched SEO (search engine optimization), SMO (social media optimization), and much more. Our methods are designed to foster those leads through each step of the process, introducing them to quality content that outlines your products and services, while providing them with clear, concise calls to action. This ensures that no matter where a lead may come from, they are carefully curated and met with quality, worthwhile content that will influence their buying decisions and drastically increase your conversion rates! To put it simply, we focus on quality marketing campaigns designed to not only generate leads but turn them into repeat customers. With the help of an experienced team like Caymana Consulting, you can be sure your marketing campaigns are designed to one thing – grow your business! For more information on our full spectrum marketing campaigns, be sure to contact Caymana Consulting today.
Combos Browse all Suggest |Commander / EDH||Legal| |Commander: Rule 0||Legal| Artifact Creature — Beast Sacrifice an artifact: Put a +1/+1 counter on Arcbound Ravager. Modular 1 (This enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it. When it's put into a graveyard, you may put its +1/+1 counters on target artifact creature.) 2 months ago My take here is that eras, rather than the game as a whole, are defined by iconic cards, usually cards that dominate the landscape around them or that represent the state of design philosophy of the time. (This criterion is more based on competitive value than I usually lean toward, but how do you pick a card that says, "This is what Magic: the Gathering is all about!") The Power Nine, Necropotence, Arcbound Ravager, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, and Lurrus of the Dream-Den are all examples of cards that are iconic of an era by way of power. The Power Nine represent a time when the idea of buying, collecting, and selling cards for their own sake wasn't being considered. Lurrus of the Dream-Den represents an era of wild experimentation and heavy pushes for power. The era we're in right now, in my opinion, is marked by a rapid increase in supplementary products (Commander sets alongside Standard sets, Universes Beyond) and "tracking" mechanics like day/night, dungeons, Ring tempting, and similar effects. So what card defines this? I'm going to say Nazgul. It's not on the same power level as the cards I listed above, but it's the most representative of the current design philosophy: non-M:tG origin, uses a tracking mechanic, and modifies deck building rules. We'll see what shakes out in a few years, 3 months ago wallisface Whether this deck ever places in any tournaments remains to be seen, but I'm not about to throw the concept out in favor of making just another scales or taxes deck. If I wanted to do that the copy/paste function would have saved me a lot of time. I'll answer much of this when I get the description written on how to pilot it. To hit an easy one: Anointed Peacekeeper is a replacement effect, not an ETB trigger, so Hushbringer has no effect on it. Regarding Hushbringer hitting only three decks in the meta, based off MTG Goldfish data this assertion simply isn't true. In addition to hitting Scam (Dauthi Voidwalker, Seasoned Pyromancer, Grief, Fury), Omnath (Endurance, Omnath, Locus of Creation, Fury, Solitude, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines), and (both Jeskai and Azorius) Control (Solitude, Wall of Omens, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines), it also hits Creativity (Archon of Cruelty), Hammertime (Kor Outfitter, Stoneforge Mystic), Temur Rhinos (Fury), Living End (Architects of Will, Grief, Subtlety), Mono-Green Tron (Wurmcoil Engine), Yawgmoth (Young Wolf, Blood Artist, Strangleroot Geist, Endurance, Geralf's Messenger), and Scales (Hangarback Walker, Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp, Arcbound Ravager). So the decks that Hushbringer doesn't touch are Burn, Murktide, Underworld Breach, and Domain Zoo. The top 15 decks represent exactly 80% of the meta (per MTG Goldfish), with the four above decks that Hushbringer doesn't touch representing 21.5% of the meta. So assuming Hushbringer has no impact on the missing 20% of the meta not represented by the top 15 decks (definitely untrue, Death and Taxes, Eldrazi Tron, Merfolk and Amulet Titan being four obvious examples that Hushbringer hoses just off the top of my head, but let's pretend) it still prevents something in 58.5% of meta competitive decks. Granted it's not a great card against all of those decks, but it still disrupts something, while sitting on a 1/2 flying lifelink body. Regarding those decks that Hushbringer's static ability doesn't impact at all, four quick points: - She can be an excellent chump blocker or damage trader in a deck with 4x Giver of Runes when the opponent lacks trample, plus lifelink is naturally strong vs burn. - Not all +1/+1 counters are created equal, you get a lot more mileage on a lifelink flyer than on most other creatures, especially if you're trading. - Those four decks are generally hosed by other aspects of the deck (by design), i.e. Archon of Emeria hoses Murktide, as does much of the list, frankly. That's not to say it always beats Murktide, but it does hold its ground respectably (at least in my playtesting). - Our sideboard is designed to help us most vs our weaker matchups, and since it's white it's a pretty solid toolkit. I do think the sideboard could probably be further improved. In general, since we're trying to deny value and slow down the game, we're looking for mana dumps and value engines that help us grind ahead. The +1/+1 counter engines help us do that, and when placed on a lifelink or vigilance creature punch above their weight. If you think it's a garbage deck concept then that's fair. I've playtested vs a handful of the top competitive archetypes with surprisingly good results, but it may be that despite my best efforts I'm just no good at piloting other decks. In any case I'll entertain feedback that helps it do what it's meant to do better, but I'm not looking to create just another deck that everyone's seen a million times except with a slight two-card tweak just so I can call it innovation. I hope that makes some sense. When I get a description written up I hope to make things a bit clearer. Undoubtedly the deck isn't for everyone, and may not ever end up on a meta list. That's ok. 3 months ago 1st off. Is this combo how you truly plan to win. T5 play a enchantment. T6 add counter t7 make smoug and win assuming Torbran and a sac outlet is on the field. I think it's kinda clunky for modern. Here are a few ideas not necessarily better but tryingtoget more synergy where possible or give a win withouta 3 card combo: Go rb for more discard interaction and cards like Mayhem Devil to win/ profit from sacs Run Grinding Station and sac each token with untap trigger on the stack to mill 42 cards. Probably your opp deck Mechanized Production enchant treasure win on upkeep 4 months ago 5 months ago First although not necessarily required id cut white. First Day of Class will work for counters. Karn, the Great Creator also provides a win vs other artifact based combo decks. 7 months ago Ramos, Dragon Engine can only be played in a five color deck using it as Commander or another five color Commander. It's activated ability has all five mana symbols and those symbols count toward it's color identity. Urza's color identity is only three colors Esper (black, white, blue). Because Urza doesn't have red and green that's why Ramos can't be played with Urza as Commander. If you want aggro with Urza lets look at the beginning of the mana curve first, cards spots of 0-3 CMC only then we can look at the higher end of the mana curve. The first changes to consider is to remove all the nonartifact creatures and then later determine if they are worth a spot in your deck because they have abilities that help artifacts or Urza. I think you'll find that you don't need any of these creatures because artifact creatures can take their places. If you want to be aggro with Urza then you want to utilize Urza's artifact creature affinity to cast Urza quicker. To do this consistently Urza wants 0-2 CMC artifact creatures and some 3 CMC artifact creatures more than the rest. - Cut: Ramos, Dragon Engine - Cut: Slither Blade, Triton Shorestalker, Fetid Imp, Neurok Familiar - Cut: Parish-Blade Trainee, Gixian Skullflayer, Gryff Rider - Cut: Naiad of Hidden Coves, Whispering Wizard, Cryptic Serpent Some of these creatures may be added back in later, most likely not, but for now lets build the creature base with only artifact creatures. For making upgrades lets look at best cards here with Urza and build around them? Arcbound Ravager and Portal to Phyrexia are the two best cards here with Urza because they're artifacts and they're abilities are more powerful compared to most other cards here. Ravager brings the aggro, but if aggro doesn't do it and you need more reach to win the game then Portal can do that. Lets start with Ravager and what makes it better with Urza? Modular and you have some here, more one drops can help toward Urza's artifact creature affinity and Ravager. - Add: Ornithopter, Vault Skirge, Arcbound Javelineer, Arcbound Mouser, Swooping Lookout - Add: Steel Overseer, Baleful Strix, Triarch Praetorian, Malcator's Watcher - Add: Silas Renn, Seeker Adept, Armix, Filigree Thrasher, Scrapyard Recombiner Steel Overseer adds to the +1/+1 counter strategy, it's powerful but only for artifact creatures and if trying to be aggro it's a good reason to play very few nonartifact creatures. Silas Renn, Seeker Adept goes well with Arcbound Ravager since with Ravager you want to sac artifacts and Silas lets you cast an artifact from your graveyard. It's deathtouch combined with Urza's menace makes it a creature who opponent is not going to block and lose two or more creatures blocking it. Baleful Strix, Triarch Praetorian, Malcator's Watcher are two drop artifact creatures who fly and who draw when enter the battlefield (ETB) or dies. Some artifacts here are worse than others. - Cut: Veteran's Powerblade, Spellbook - Cut: Journeyer's Kite, Pristine Talisman - Cut: Reconstructed Thopter, Burnished Hart Think about limiting the amount of nonartifact spells to just the better ones you have here? - Cut: Involuntary Cooldown, Weakstone's Subjugation, Curse of Echoes - Cut: Disfigure, Curate, Scatter Ray, Cancel Equipment that increases the equipped creature's power equal to the amount of artifacts you control really ups the aggro since then any little artifact creature can become huge which combined with menace can make it a great attacker. I see Silver Myr and it's good here since counts twice for Urza, artifact creature affinity and ramp. Consider adding more artifact creature mana dorks who can make colored mana? The budget Signets can help for ramp as well as color fixing which is really needed because the manabase here is pretty much all basic lands. Arcane Signet is a staple budget mana rock for ramp in Commander. Chromatic Lantern is fine for color fixing, but you're going to want more than that. Some nonartifact creatures at the beginning of the mana curve can really help aggro and Urza. Losheel, Clockwork Scholar is powerful with artifact creatures when attacking is what you want to be doing especially Constructs. Your artifact creatures don't take damage in combat meaning that opponents will have a difficult time choosing to block since their blockers might die, but your creatures will be fine. Losheel is also repeatable draw, once on each players turn when an artifact creature ETB you draw this includes when a Construct is created by Urza if you didn't have an artifact creature ETB before your end step. Sai, Master Thopterist can be a repeatable source of artifact creatures, Thopters, to be attackers or sac fodder. Emry, Lurker of the Loch is like Silas Renn, Seeker Adept more ways to cast artifacts from your graveyard is good with Arcbound Ravager and other sac outlets. That's it for this comment, but if you're still interested I'll give advice about the high end of the mana curve here to take more advantage of aggro into mid game and Portal to Phyrexia late game as well as some budget land options for the manabase. Would you like more advice? Good luck with your deck. 8 months ago Xag803 Walking Ballista can turn every counter it has into 1 damage, at instant speed. If you have a very big Arcbound Ravager on the field, you can use Ravager's ability targeting itself. It get sacrificed and Modular triggers letring you move all the counters onto another creature, in this case the Ballista
Safety and security systems rely on campus safety disclosure management systems. When you think about campus safety disclosure management there are really 3 basic categories or responsibilities. 1Secure the campus 2Keep people safe 3Managing risk, reputation and litigation expense for the school It’s the number 3 that is the most difficult and the one that is the least obvious. Many people don’t appreciate or even consider this, but it is the one thing that can result in real financial losses for a campus, and that impacts the quality of education. Managing risk, reputation and litigation expense is the role of everyone on campus, but campus safety and security processes do a great deal to insure successful implementation. Managing risk, reputation and litigation expense also is probably the least glamourous and the one thing that goes unnoticed (with the exception of professionals in the field) when processes are not developed properly. It is usually simple things like a toilet over flows onto the stairs creating a trip and fall hazard — security may respond to it first, and shut down the stairway, keeping the students’ safe and managing the liability risk for the campus. Why is disclosure management a part of campus safety and security? Disclosure management is also one of those things that manages risk, reputation and litigation expense for the school. Adolescents are not able to fully appreciate the consequences of their own actions. Adolescents lack an important connection between the pre-frontal cortex and the limbic area, so self-control, understanding consequences, and good decision making especially around risky situations is an issue. Disclosure management depends on the type of student For students younger than 18 (or whatever your countries age of adulthood may be), parents make the decisions, and that requires parents to sign disclosures, and permission slips. Once 18 (or a legally recognized adult) however, students are responsible to sign disclosures. Managing those disclosures, those permission slips, and simple terms and conditions of participation is the role of disclosures. Disclosure management systems help schools and colleges account, distribute and record those disclosures, online. What are the critical features of a best in class campus safety disclosure management? Flexibility to present documents in a easy way to view and create. Ability to communicate the need for a disclosure to be signed by a parent or student. Ability to track and account for user compliance to the signed disclosure requirement. Ability to record and later retrieve the acknowledged or signed document. Integration into a system that provides greater value to the parent or student so that compliance rates are improved and communication is easily created and maintained. Flexibility in the way a disclosure is acknowledged. Integration into Campus SISs or LMS so that systems can leverage current user information, onboard or turn on the system and integrate with ease. Top reasons why IDentifyED’s campus safety disclosure management system is the best in the industry. 1Most complete campus safety disclosure management system. IDentifyED’s Disclosure Management System works hand in hand with IDentifyED which monitors, documents and manages all facets of a campus safety and security program. 2Best disclosure management system features: - Flexibility to present documents. - Communication system to present a disclosure to be signed by a parent or student. - Track and account for user compliance. - Record and later retrieve the acknowledged or signed document. - Flexible and configurable acknowledgements. - Easily Integrated into Campus SISs or LMS. 3Best overall compliance rates. By integrating the disclosure management system into the IDentifyED student engagments platform, communications and tracking are greatly improved upon and as such compliance rates increase significantly. Integration from your campus SIS Integration is the best news yet! IDentifyEd has the ability to integrate with your SIS so that we can pull student/user and login roster information as well as in many cases course, teacher and group information. See the list below. We can also with the Swift Data tool completely integrate with the list of premise access controllers, list below. With the Swift Data tool, we provide not only data synchronization but also workflow and business rule-based intelligence to configure access and to update Kornukopia’s IDentifyed, your SIS and your PACs! Swift Data Auto synch Clever-Managed Auto Sync - Infinite Campus SIS-Managed Auto Sync - ADAM SIS - Aspen SIS - Chalkable iNOW (formerly STI) SIS - Classe365 SIS - Edupoint Synergy SIS - eSchoolData SIS - FACTS SIS - Focus SIS - Genius SIS - edustar SIS - Harmony SIS - iPASS SIS - JMC SIS - JCampus SIS - Jupiter iO SIS - Lumen AXSIS SIS - MiStar SIS - MMS SIS - OnCourse Systems for Education SIS - ProgressBook (formally DASL for Ohio) SIS - Q SIS - RDS SIS - Realtime Inc. SIS - SAM Spectra SIS - SchoolBrains SIS - Rediker SIS - SchoolSpeak SIS - School Pathways SIS - School Time SIS - Sycamore SIS - TEAMS SIS - TxEIS SIS - Tyler Schoolmaster SIS - Tyler v9 SIS - Tyler v10 SIS Premise access controller smart card IDentifyED update integration list - Assa Abloy HID Persona Physical Access Controller - Genetec Physical Access Controller - Lenel Physical Access Controller - Rs2 Technologies Physical Access Controller - Honeywell Physical Access Controller - Vanderbilt Industries Physical Access Controller - Software House Physical Access Controller - Brivo Physical Access Controller - S2 Security Physical Access Controller What is so cool about the IDentifyED School ID app? The IDentifyEd App is much more than just a student ID and smart card, IDentifyEd’s main goal is to seduce the student with a large series of student engagement apps. These modules/features are completely configurable by the school at the user role level. IDentifyed provides 3 major types of student engagement solutions for your campus: 1Campus campus safety disclosure management - Security Operations Tools - Hall Pass - Say Something - Security Policy and Emergency Content Tool 2Campus social networking and communications. - User Messaging - User/Student Portfolios with: - User Message Boards - File sharing - Contact/roster info sharing - Picture sharing - Location Sharing - Calendar Sharing - Strong privacy and filters - Group Message Board - Course Message Board - Group/Group Messages - School Broadcast - Group Chat - To-dos & Take Home - Course Management - Group Management Adjusting to a kinder gentler cost and cutting-edge student ID. |Modules/Systems||Security Alternative||All Alternatives||Identifyed*||Identifyed Plus*| |Student ID (initial)||$6||$6| |School ID Replacement/Maintenance||$3||$3| |School ID Replacement Maintenance||$4||$4| |Emergency Broadcast/School communication Software||$3||$3| |Dispatch/Help Request Tipline||$4||$4| |Custom Campus App||$3||$3| |Communication Monitoring Software||$3| |Student Messaging Platform||$8| *2 Options to pay for Kornukopia IdentifyED, the first is the traditional Enterprise license, the second is where the student or parent bares the burden of purchase in which case the cost to the school is limited to a staff only license. IDentifyED can integrate with your: 1Kornukopia’s IDentifyED School ID tools easily integrated with your student information system or learning management system so that you can leverage student attendance, course and group rosters to communicate issues to specific users by group and course. 2Kornukopia’s IDentifyED provides students with a suite of student engagement tools and social networking tools in order so that the student use, trusts, and leverage the tool, the more they use it when you need to broadcast to them, the tool is something they are entirely familiar with. 3Kornukopia’s IDentifyEd provides your staff with all the tools that a professional security operation would use and with our apps allows you to put it at the fingers tips of your team, they are, based upon your permission make the School ID, locking down the school and potentially saving lives. What is holding you back from a campus safety disclosure management system? - You have a visitor management system already, but it does not validate visitors? What is the point of a visitor management system anyway? - You don’t have the system. - Implementing is quick and easy. - The IDentifyEd system cost is easily justified based upon all the other items it replaces. - Every minute you wait you create more risk, liability and negligence. - You can start saving lives and communicating to everyone that your campus is safe and secure, today!
Same quality, smaller coach Something special was called for Marshalls of Sutton-on-Trent’s 30th year in business. The anniversary came just at the time the operator was seeking a small coach. So to mark the occasion, the company went for a brand new 10.8m VDL Futura FHD2. What also makes this new vehicle noteworthy is it is the first coach of its type in the UK to feature the ZF TraXon transmission. Marshalls Director, Paul Marshall, is already a fan of Futuras, having three in his fleet prior to buying this latest one. One of the reasons behind this preference is the dealer, Moseley PCV. He said: “We have a good working relationship with Moseley. Their service, for us, is second to none. They took me to the factory and I was impressed with what I saw out there. I took the decision to order one while I was out there.” Buying new vehicles is no frivolity for Paul and the rest of the Marshalls. “Because we are a family business, we don’t just throw money away. At the moment, we have been averaging probably every year to two years for getting new. In 2017, we had four new, then 2018 we didn’t have any. You have to be realistic, there are lots of changes going on, so we asked ourselves do we need to buy new vehicles?” Having only recently entered the operator’s fleet, the new Futura has already gone down well and found a niche of work. Paul said: “We find there is a bit more market for this vehicle. There isn’t anyone in the area with anything quite like this. This month, it’s been out quite a lot.” Paul mentioned he has been doing a lot of marketing to promote the fact he has it available for hire. Since it entered the fleet in April, it has already covered 5,000km. Externally, there is not a great deal different with the 10.8m version of the Futura FHD2 than its larger counterparts. The distinctive bodywork of the Futura is one that can divide opinions. Admittedly, the lobed front is a design feature not to some operator’s tastes. Some say it is reminiscent of passenger aircraft, others that the previous model resembled their own pot belly! But whatever your opinion, you have to admit it is at least recognisable to both operators and passengers. The front on the latest version of the marque may not be as pronounced now as it was in older versions, having slimmed down considerably, but it is still a trademark feature that’s present. “It’s not the prettiest vehicle and it never will be,” Paul admitted. “But if you want the vehicle to do the job, this is it.” Attracting Paul to it was the customer service at Moseley. “They’re very customer service focused.” Paul opened up the engine compartment and the side access point. With his engineering hat on, he commended the amount of room there is around the engine bay for working on it. Stepping on board, it is not immediately apparent this is a shorter version of the Futura. It has the bearing of a more standard size touring coach. Impressed with the vehicle, Paul was very pleased with the colour of the moquette he has had fitted on the Brusa seats. “It’s perfect for our livery. We had the headrests changed to a more serviceable colour.” Seating capacity has been reduced to make way for two tables near the front of the coach. Paul said: “There is nothing else in this area this size with tables; it seems to be attracting quite a bit of business. If you’ve got a group of 25 or 30 on a trip, if you turn up with this they feel wanted. A bigger coach for that size group makes it seem empty. It doesn’t look good. This gives that full-size coach feel for something shorter.” The moquette is blue and is accented with a lighter blue and white leather trim. The carpet is a complementary blue, while the ceiling and luggage rack lining is a light grey. The choice of colour for the latter, as well as the beige curtains, help what could be a drab interior due to the dark moquette appear light and airy, lifting up the internal appearance. Even when parked in shade, it did not feel gloomy as some smaller coaches do. Moving down the aisle, the coach has a servery above the toilet. The toilet itself was as you would expect in a coach, not the most spacious of areas, but completely serviceable and one passengers would be happy to use if caught between service stations. Hand luggage racks appeared to give enough room for handbags and rucksacks. On close inspection they felt sturdy. Above each pair of seats were passenger service units with reading lights, service button and air conditioning controls. USB sockets were provided on these too, as they are for increasingly more coaches. However, one criticism is they are above head, meaning wires must trail down from the ceiling if they are used for charging. This may cause problems with wires that are not long enough, with nowhere for the phone or tablet to be put down. There are some sockets by the table, which are more accessible. The Futura’s luggage capacity is said to be good for its size. Paul compared it to that of other similar sized coaches, which he says just do not have the luggage space. There is plenty of room for the driver too. The dashboard is ergonomically designed, with switches not commonly needed lower down. The layout is familiar to anyone that has driven many other Futuras. Paul is pleased to see the omission of the pull-out cup holders other VDLs feature in the driving area. These, he said, would often break, as they are easily caught accidently by a driver’s leg when moving around. Driving position is good, according to Paul, with no obstruction of vision reported. An Isri driver’s seat is installed, which Paul was fond of, giving plenty of support. He liked the fact it has various adjustments and is mechanically very simple. It is heated and has lumber support, Bluetooth connectivity and a microphone. A minor criticism was from a driver from Marshalls fleet. He found cleaning the inside of the windscreen difficult due to the poles fixing the blind in place being attached to the glass. The interior layout impressed judges at the UK Coach Rally this year, where it won the Boon Award for best coordinated décor. Paul was very positive about the coach, but to prove his words, we took it out on the roads. The route we took stemmed from the pleasant village of Sutton-on-Trent and then on to the A1, five minutes from the depot. After driving north on the motorway, we turned off after the village of Elkesley, journeying through the Nottinghamshire countryside, taking in the historic village of Laxton where the medieval open field system is still observed. The route looped us back around to Sutton-on-Trent. This gave a varied driving experience, taking in motorway driving, as well as A roads and narrow, twisting rural byways. It was a warm, dry, sunny day, which is ideal for driving, but perhaps doesn’t push the vehicle to reasonable limits. Pulling out from the depot, one thing to take note of was the performance of the ZF TraXon transmission. This is perhaps what really makes this vehicle stand out. Paul is certainly a fan of this gearbox, saying it is considerably better than the ZF AS-Tronic other Futuras are fitted with. He never considered the AS-Tronic as being in the same league as some other transmissions, notably Volvo’s iShift. He said: “But this TraXon is in the league of the iShift.” He was complimentary of the Futura’s transmission’s manoeuvre mode, which he said eases control of the vehicle when it’s going slower, aiding reversing. At the next junction, it glided away from a standstill. He said: “There’s no jerking. It pulls away like a manual gearbox.” Heading out onto the A1, Paul said of the gearbox’s performance: “It knows its limits, knows what it needs.” During the village roads, there was very little, if any, rattle. Setting out onto the motorway, it was notable how little noise there was coming from the interior. The only sound from the internal fittings was a very slight rattle and squeak that seemed to be coming from the screen above the servery. Engine noise was low. A conversation could be had easily between the driver and two seats back without voices having to be raised. Paul said: “It’s that DAF engine, the MX11; it’s always very quiet.” Speaking as a passenger on the road test, I found the ride smooth and enjoyable. Paul noted: “A major thing is the fact it’s on full-size wheels.” Coaches of a similar size to this Futura can often be equipped with smaller wheels. Testing the passenger experience from the front, middle and back of the coach, it may be rather surprising from a rear-engine vehicle that it was quietest at the rear. It was a fairly warm day for May and the air conditioning system was doing its job well, providing a moderate temperature throughout the vehicle without making too much noise. The Futura had some healthy acceleration, getting to 62mph quickly when on the motorway. It pulled up hills with ease. “The DAF MX11 engine gives a lot of power for what you’re carrying,” Paul noted. “VDL seem to be getting it right. We like the DAF engine.” The Futura’s Adaptive Cruise Control kicked in while on the motorway, ensuring the coach stays within three cars length of vehicles in front. Paul demonstrated it by pulling in behind a truck in the left-hand lane, which automatically made the coach slow to 56mph, positioning it a safe distance from the truck. An issue he demonstrated with the Adaptive Cruise Control is when trying to overtake. As it needs to see the road ahead is clear before it accelerates, this means it can be slow to pull away once it moves into the right-hand lane of a motorway, due to vehicles being close ahead. This, Paul said, could annoy drivers behind the coach. Paul said: “There’s nothing you can do about it. It’s the way it is.” The system can be overridden, avoiding the delay in acceleration. We turned off the A1 towards Clumber Park. As Paul did this, he slowed smoothly only using the retarder, all but for the last few metres. Wending its way around the tight roads of the Nottinghamshire countryside, it handled well. Paul said: “It feels solid; it’s responsive. You don’t feel like you’re fighting it at all. It doesn’t roll, there is no wallow. You can sit in it all day and drive.” From a passenger’s point of view, Paul’s words were accurate. It was a smooth ride. The seats, although not small by any stretch of the imagination, were snug. Although it can be imagined that someone considerably bigger would perhaps find them a little restrictive in space, the same could be said for all seats. Back at Marshall’s depot, one of drivers, Howard Wesley, talked about the new Futura. He recently drove it to the Lake District and said of it: “I tried the manual selection on the gearbox and it worked all right, there were no issues. There is no hunting for gears. The Cruise Control was good too. It’s a good machine. And passengers said it was a comfortable ride.” Paul is happy with the fuel economy it is achieving. He accomplished 15mpg when he picked it up from Moseley PCV in Pontefract, a journey of around 40 miles via motorway and main roads. He said it does not cost much less to operate than a larger Futura, but he is getting better fuel economy. Howard said he made it up to the Lake District and back to the depot on half a tank of fuel. One issue Howard flagged with it was that when it is foggy, the camera for the lane assist camera cannot pick up where the vehicle is and displays a warning light to the driver despite being safely on the road. Sunshine glaring into the camera had a similar affect. In our test drive, the lane departure was working well, vibrating the seat when the vehicle touched the white lines. However, Paul did turn it off on some of the more rural roads, as they were too narrow for it to work properly. Howard gave a positive report of its performance behind the wheel: “It’s good. The Cruise Control doesn’t murmur.” Something the drivers were mildly concerned about was the overhang. They reported a strong enough wind can catch it at the rear and even knock it out of cruise control. Howard said: “With that overhang, you have to be careful with it.” Paul is confident the residual value of the coach will be favourable. He said: “In ten years’ time, I think the value of the vehicle will be more than something built in China or Turkey.” For Paul, it is not just the coach itself, but the back up and service he receives from Moseley that wooed him to buy it. He is definitely impressed, but then he would be; he is already a fan of the Futura, having taken three previously. Particular attention was paid to the TraXon transmission and it was found to perform well. The gear changes were perceptible only when looking out for them, they were sufficiently smooth. There was no hunting of gears perceived, it seemed to find the correct one succinctly on all occasions during the test drive and there was no jerking from it. The engine provides plentiful acceleration. As a passenger, to sit in the comfortable seats and drift along the country roads by the rapeseed fields was a most pleasurable experience. It was a relaxing ride. There seems to be a growing market for this size coach, as Paul is finding. Although more expensive than some vehicles of this size, the extra quality you are paying for with the VDL Futura FHD2 makes it stand out. As the years go by, it will be interesting to see how much residual value it retains compared to others in this size category. Back to the Futura The Futura range first came onto the market in 1982, brought into being by its original manufacturer, Bova. It was the successor of the Europa model. Unlike its predecessor’s angular bodywork designs, the Futura is known for its curved shapes and prominent bulge at the front. DAF engines were fitted as standard from the very beginning. Although in the past, Mercedes-Benz, Cummins and MAN options were also available prior to Euro III standards coming in. When this emission grade was introduced to the range, only DAF was offered. They were introduced as 12m long coaches, but in 1990 the range saw a 10.4m variant added. A third length came in 1996, the 12.7m long FH13/FL13. The Futura Magnum, a tri-axle version, was added in 1993. Various changes have been made to the range over the years, including the addition of large circular headlamps in 1982. In 1988, smaller rectangular headlamps were repositioned slightly higher up the front of the coach. A further revision to the headlamps came in 1999 and another one in 2007, when the lobed front was slimmed down. The biggest change came in 2010, when the Bova name was dropped and the bulbous front was considerably shrunken for a more upright front. It won the International Coach of the Year title in 2012. The range was extended in 2015 to include the VDL Futura FDD2, a double-deck coach to replace the VDL Synergy.
The Institute of Biology is looking for someone to fill-in the position of University Research Associate I for a NSRI funded project. You may click on this post for more details about the job opening. The Institute of Biology would like to invite everyone to attend seminar presentations to be held on June 7, 2023, 3:30 PM at IB room 345 and via zoom. We are inviting everyone to attend the seminar of Dr. Amano on May 12, 10:30 AM in IB 117. You may also register via zoom by clicking on this post. The Phi Sigma Biological Sciences Honor Society is opening its nomination for membership for interested undergraduate and graduate students. Details on the process of application for nomination can be viewed by clicking this announcement. JC’s vine cutie!!! The Institute of Biology Biodiversity Research Laboratory in partnership with UP Wild will have a nature walk featuring the blooming Strongylodon juangonzalezii, commonly known as JC’s vine. Join us on the 3rd of April 2023 (Monday). Slots are limited to the first 40 registrants. See you there! Registration link: https://bit.ly/UPNatureWalks #strongylodonjuangonzalezii #jcsvine continue reading On September 5, 2023, the IB Extension Committee hosted an Extension Service Workshop at the University Hotel. The event was attended by faculty members, administrative staff, and accomplished research associates. The workshop’s core mission was to foster synergy among personnel overseeing academic group service facilities and IB rental services. The focus was on identifying key continue reading The Institute of Biology and the UP Diliman Institute of Biology Alumni, Inc. mourn the passing of Professor Reynaldo A. Tabbada on 11 October 2021. A Requiem Mass will be held on Saturday, 16 October 2021, at 9 AM. (Zoom ID – 1233796674) The Institute of Biology congratulates Dr. Lydia Leonardo for being given the Lourdes Campos Award for Public Health during the 2021 Philippine Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology (PhilAAST) Awards. The Institute of Biology would like to congratulate Dr. Severino G. Salmo III for receiving the Outstanding Alumnus Award in Environmental Science for Academic Year 2020-2021 from the Institute of Environmental Science and Meteorology. The Institute of Biology, with the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute of UPD, Institute of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering and Institute of Plant Breeding, UPLB, embarked in a project funded by the DOST-PCIEERD in 2018 to establish a smart indoor farm for food production. This project aptly called SPICE – Smart Plant Production In Controlled Environment, recently had the ceremonial harvesting of crops from one of three developed facilities with a fully controlled environment set up.
Planning A Holiday? Book A Stay At These 4 Properties Make this monsoon your most adventurous one yet We know you’re probably itching for a spectacular holiday as much as we are, so we’ve gathered a list of places that cover the geographical gamut. So whether you want to make an easy trip to the cool climes of one of the country’s less explored regions or enjoy a wellness escape that could be potentially life-changing, these retreats offer more than just cosy rooms. 1) VILLA IN THE WOODS, KUMAON, UTTARAKHAND Situated on a hill, between Bhimtal and Mukteshwar (in Kumaon, Uttarakhand), in a region flush with deodar, oak, and rhododendron forests, Villa in the Woods at RAAS Devanya, a three-bedroom home, draws from the Kumaoni-style koti-banal architecture and is built on stilts, which gives it the feel of being in a treehouse, albeit a very luxurious one. Created by the award-winning practice Studio Lotus, the villa is built using elements like local timber and stone, much of which is taken from the site itself. The potential impact of construction on the region’s ecology was carefully considered, post which technical innovations such as pre-engineered kits were employed in construction. The design process also takes into account topography and is conceived to cause minimal intrusion into the natural world. As a result, the design of this villa, adapts to its position in the landscape. The area is home to much natural diversity. The nearby Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary, accessible by a government-run jeep safari, is home to leopards, Indian red foxes, Himalayan black bears, and over 200 species of birds. Closer home, there are numerous hiking trails along rivers and waterfall spots in the surrounding hills. For the spiritually inclined, the ancient shrines and cave sites of Kasar Devi, Jageshwar and Gananath are within driving distance. 2) AMAL TAMARA, KERALA Amal Tamara, a wellness retreat that stands by the Vembanad Lake in Alleppey’s Mannancherry village, an hour’s drive from Kochi airport, offers customised wellness treatments that centres on the philosophy of Chikitsa Chatushpada – a unique Ayurvedic concept, referring to the idea that the four parts of a curative programme, namely, the physician, the patient, the therapist, and the medicine itself, must work in synergy. Their approach bridges this traditional ayurvedic concept with modern-day luxury to create a fine balance of contemporary Ayurveda. On this journey of healing, a team of expert Ayurvedic physicians, with a combined experience of 50 years, will take your healing experience into their hands from the moment you write in. The team will conduct a thorough evaluation of your condition based on your concerns, ailments, and body type, and carefully plan a programme, therapies, medications, and a diet to maximise your healing goals. Add to these designated slots for meditation, yoga, and cultural experiences (we went black clam fishing with the local fishermen), and you can be assured of a true healing experience for the body, mind, and soul. 3) BIJAPUR LODGE JAWAI, RAJASTHAN One of the more unexplored destinations in Rajasthan – Jawai, is situated on the foothills of the Aravalis. The location is best known for its blend of tribal culture and Jawai Bandh. Recently, wild animals and frequent sightings of leopards and birds with their picturesque landscape have been gaining attention from discerning travellers. Bijapur Lodge is a newly constructed wildlife boutique property spread over five acres amidst nature. The eco-friendly resort boasts six suites that are designed for fine experiences. Keeping in line with the local sentiments and respecting the ecosystem, the property promotes sustainable practices like rainwater harvesting, solar power, and farm-to-fork experiences from the in-house organic farm. Also, it employs local tribes, thus creating opportunities for work and comfortable living. Furthermore, the raw materials for all the wooden infrastructure have come from recycled wooden beams collected from old, demolished houses. 4) BAALE RESORT, GOA The dramatic landscapes across the Sunshine State have made it one of the most popular destinations for travellers that want it all, especially since the pandemic began; paradisiac beach resorts, perfectly manicured paddy fields, and untamed forests littered with luxury resorts. Bringing tropical cool to North Goa’s Arpora area is a sophisticated seven-villa resort for refined relaxation. Each villa offers three or four-bedroom options, each with a private swimming pool with a whirlpool, a bar, a living room, a dining room, and a staff room. The Bali- inspired architecture and design elements are complemented by serene outdoor spaces that provide privacy and seclusion indoors and outdoors, meaning guests needn’t leave the resort should they not wish.
This is Part Two of a three-part series. In Part One, we looked at indicators of volatility and introduced a framework for mitigating risk in high-uncertainty scenarios. Here in Part Two, we look at specific tools for dealing with uncertainty in demand and supply. The series is organized as follows: The Current Period of Ongoing Uncertainty and Volatility Indicators of Continuous Elevated Volatility The Pandemic’s Opaque Trajectory Supply Chain Resilience in the Age of Uncertainty A Framework for Mitigating Risk in High-Uncertainty Scenarios Assessing the Pandemic’s Possible Trajectories and Potential Responses Impact of Activity Restriction and Economic Constriction on Individual Industries and Businesses Capacity and Consumption Commitment Contracts Real Options as Risk Mitigation Strategies An Example Approach to Hedging Price Guarantees Should Be Vetted for Viability Currency Exchange Rate Hedging & Natural Hedging Mapping and Monitoring The Role of Supply Chain Finance in Supply Chain Resilience Building Adaptability into Physical Infrastructure, Systems, Processes, and People Physical Infrastructure Adaptability Facility Ownership Strategies Systems, Process, and People Adaptability Data And Inter-System Integration Business Process Flexibility Bringing it All Together with Situation-specific Expertise The traditional approach for allocating demand-supply mismatch risk is blunt. Typically, suppliers take all of the fixed cost risks and may take much of the variable cost risk, while buyers take all of the capacity shortage risks. The fixed cost of putting capacity in place is factored into the per-unit cost by the supplier. If the forecasted demand doesn’t materialize, the supplier is usually left with few options but to eat their investment.1 If demand is well above forecast and the supplier cannot fulfill demand, the buyer is left scrambling, losing business and market share in the meantime. The supplier loses during downturns and the buyer loses during upturns. Probability forecasting, capacity and consumption commitment contracts, real options, and hedging provide some means of mitigating these risks to an extent. In the past, these have been viewed as rather esoteric practices only for a few advanced companies. In the age of uncertainty, companies who master these techniques may develop competitive advantages and financially justify their investments in these tools. The most common type of forecast is the traditional ‘point forecast’, which provides a single point number to predict demand (e.g., we will sell 104 widgets next quarter). In contrast, ‘probability forecasts’ are constructed as probability curves rather than single points (see sidebar Figure 1). They express how much uncertainty there is in the forecast and enable planning for a range of scenarios, instead of planning for just a single scenario. Most forecasting packages can only handle point forecasts. Range forecasts are a simpler alternative to probability forecasts that can work with traditional forecasting systems, although with somewhat less information than the probability curve gives. A range forecast has a high, middle, and low range of possible demand, estimated to be within a certain confidence level (e.g., 90%). Psychologists have found that people tend to underestimate uncertainty, and so intuitive estimates usually yield distribution curves that are too narrow.2 More accurate distribution curves result by calculating the probability curves based on historical demand variability and factoring in known potential events that have an impact on demand. The latter (factoring in potential events or impacts) is critical in times of high volatility. Probability forecasts are more realistic, capture more useful information, and are less “brittle” than point forecasts, allowing planning for the possibilities of low and high ends of the range. Providing a probability forecast to a supplier doesn’t have much meaning unless both the buyer and sellers are sharing the upside and downside risks.3 Capacity and consumption commitment (3C) contracts help mitigate upside and downside demand risks by explicit quantification and commitments to sharing of risks, via things like availability guarantees and fixed cost risk sharing (usually through a combination of upfront payments and purchase commitments). A typical 3C contract might include: - At the low-end range of the forecast — price discounts on firm, non-cancelable, earlier commitments, for consumption of quantities that the buyer considers to be nearly certain; - At the high-end of demand scenarios — pre-purchased capacity options or capacity availability guarantees for higher quantities, in exchange for a higher price, enforced by supplier penalties, sufficiently large to make compliance likely in the face of significant capacity constraints; and - Within the boundaries of forecasted demand ranges — lead-time guarantees, enforced by supplier penalties for non-performance. Developing and using 3C contracts involves: - creating a range or probability forecast; - analyzing, negotiating, and agreeing to specific terms for different ranges of the demand forecast, and (optionally) capacity options; - executing and purchasing off the contract; and - periodic re-evaluation, adjustments, and extensions to the contract (this is important, since conditions always change). 3C contracts are proactive and help both sides be more prepared. Being very explicit in the contract forces both sides to plan for uncertainty across a range of demand scenarios, and make the tradeoffs proactively, before demand ups and downs hit. Suppliers get clearer planning information for capacity, prices tied to flexibility, and firm commitments. The buyer, by making financial commitments, takes the forecast much more seriously and tries to accurately predict the level of uncertainty and the range of demand scenarios. In exchange, they are able to commit to less upfront while in essence buying an option to hedge against upside demand risks. Because there are actual financial commitments, suppliers get more reliable and complete upfront information so they can be prepared for a range of potential demand scenarios. Both sides will think seriously about capacity guarantees provided by the supplier — the supplier must quantify the cost and risks they are taking, while the buyer quantifies the value to them of these capacity guarantees. Conversely, the supplier will think about the value to them of consumption guarantees from the buyer. It reduces the risk to the supplier in making capital commitments and reduces the risk to the buyer of being caught without needed capacity/supply. Ironically, having more structure in relationships gives more flexibility to trading partners and reduces risks. In times of increasing demand and limited capacity scenarios, 3C contracts bring more predictability to allocation, allow smaller players to secure their share, and give suppliers earlier warning signals to build more capacity. The result is fewer lost sales in upturns and lower liabilities in downturns. Designing these contracts and coming up with the right numbers is not an easy task, and the results are sometimes counter-intuitive. Technology can help in evaluation, management, and execution of 3C contracts. In the negotiation process, the buyer may give the supplier a range of contract possibilities. Systems can quantify the business impact of different terms and build portfolios of 3C contracts to meet specific business objectives. In addition, systems can help in making decisions about how to optimally use options within the contract and identify the best way to perform against commitments over time, with evolving business conditions. Some of these systems can craft almost any kind of “insurance policy” — from high deductible to high premium — against risks of significant changes to lead time, allocation, price, etc., tailored to a company’s specific business objectives and market position. 3C contracts provide the ability to efficiently and effectively respond to changing events by proactively putting the right resources and incentives in place ahead of time. As with any new way of doing things, 3C contracts and risk management initiatives are often met with resistance in the organization. One of the key success factors will be selling the concepts and value to the organization, focusing initially on a few commodities to get some early successes, payback, and momentum. What is a Real Option? Real options are simply embedding flexibility (choices or options for the future) in your decisions and investments. People implement real options every day without knowing it — but usually without rigorous calculation of the value of the real option. Real options include things like second sourcing, adding production capacity to meet possible surges in demand, designing a workforce with the ability to flex the number of shifts and/or overtime, designing flexible configurability into products, building plants that can produce a range of different goods to match demand, and lining up outsourced capacity. All of these provide some additional options (flexibility) that can be exercised at some point in the future, usually with some incremental option cost today and some “exercise price” in the future. Formal techniques for calculating the value of various real options are not worth the effort for most of these decisions but can be very useful for some quantifiable key decisions. It is particularly useful in placing a value on various options within a 3C contract. Informed negotiations about and optimum use of 3C contracts leverage real options techniques, a different way of thinking about forecasts and constraints. Real option thinking and techniques are also useful for developing risk management strategies by modeling and evaluating alternative “what-if” scenarios and hedging strategies.4 What-if models can be run for various plausible scenarios, allowing sourcing and production to hedge against the upside and downside probabilities. What-if scenarios require Decision Support Systems (DSS) tools that are sophisticated enough to model the key constraints of your production and sourcing environment and help pinpoint the bottlenecks, so that appropriate hedging strategies can be developed — such as should we invest in adding another line to our plant or look for a subcontractor that could give us that capacity. The effort to run alternate scenarios makes more sense for mid-term planning than for tactical planning, in which the level of detail required makes it not worth the effort. The rigor of calculating the value of real options can help planners understand the true value of building flexibility into processes, plants, product designs, supply chains, and labor forces. There are many different ways a company can hedge to minimize losses across a wide variety of circumstances. The 3C contracts mentioned earlier are an example of a hedge. Done with proper diligence and intelligence, hedges can provide cost-effective protection against uncertainty. One CPG company has a sophisticated hedging strategy for managing supply price risks for a wide variety of commodities such as natural gas, coffee, electricity, pulp/paper, etc. They use a combination of traditional approaches — knowing supply markets well and tracking the fundamentals — along with treasury instruments for mitigating currency and interest rates. They have a four-person organization with expertise in the treasury to manage currency risk, and in procurement to understand what is going on with the commodities across the company and manage that risk. There is synergy in combining these two disciplines. Having treasury and purchasing working together instead of arguing about who should call the shots is a good practice. The firm has preferred ways of hedging. Their priorities provide some examples and insight into the basic approaches available: - Customer surcharges — Their first choice is to have contracts with their customers that enable them to pass on the commoditypricefluctuations. However, some retailers, Walmart for example, refuse to accept that risk. - Supplier Price Guarantees — If the customer will not agree to a surcharge, their second choice is to get price protection or price guarantees in the supply contract. But it is important in that case to ensure that the suppliers can support those price guarantees (see below: Price Guarantees Should Be Vetted for Viability). - Hedging Instruments — When price guarantees are not possible or adequate, their third choice is buying hedging instruments on the financial markets. For agricultural commodities such as coffee and bean oil, they can use normal futures options. If necessary, they will negotiate an over-the-counter instrument (see below: Over-the-counter Derivatives). This CPG company will only ask suppliers to include price guarantees in contracts if they are confident that the supplier can financially support the guarantee for a period of time. It is important to understand how the supplier is able to offer the price guarantee. If the supplier is vertically integrated, with their own sources of raw materials, they may be insulated from raw material fluctuations. Alternatively, the supplier may purchase hedging instruments in the open market. But absent either of those, the supplier is exposed, and may not have the financial resources required to absorb big increases in raw material prices. This CPG firm learned its lesson the hard way when natural gas prices increased dramatically for a period of time (as we are seeing again now, especially in Europe). Some of their distributors hadn’t purchased hedging instruments and as a result went bankrupt, at which point the price guarantees were worthless. Since then, this company’s buyers require suppliers to hedge their price guarantees and show how many months out they’ve hedged. Derivative financial instruments are used to hedge risks, such as interest rate risks, foreign exchange risks, and commodity risks. Accounting for these derivative instruments is covered by FASB rules in the US and IFRS standards in some other countries. Changes to the market value of derivatives can cause significant P&L volatility. This P&L volatility can be mitigated using hedge accounting to provide an offset to the market movement of the derivative. However, hedge accounting requires a large amount of compliance work documenting the hedge relationship and proving that it is effective. For more on hedge accounting rules, see FASB Accounting Standards Update No. 2017-12 (aka ASU 2017-12) and IFRS 9. When exchange-traded derivatives are not available for hedging a particular commodity, companies may opt to buy an over-the-counter (OTC) derivative, which is a contract negotiated directly between two parties, without going through an exchange or other intermediary. Products such as swaps and forward rate agreements are usually traded this way. There is an industry-standard over-the-counter base instrument for hedging, created by the ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association).5 OTC derivatives may be paid for upfront, or their cost may be built into the price the buyer pays for a commodity (such as paying a premium in exchange for a guaranteed price). In either case, the buyer should look at the total cost and risk involved, to determine if it is worth the level of price risk mitigation they are buying. These derivatives can have a big impact on P&L, unless hedge accounting is used. But hedge accounting carries its own set of compliance issues and challenges. See sidebar “Hedge Accounting” for some details on this. The sourcing person does not need to be the expert in these intricacies but should learn enough to intelligently participate in the decision-making about the best hedging strategy. Never buy derivatives you don’t understand! It is important to understand the derivative you are buying, so that you can make sure it is doing the intended job, i.e., intelligently hedging against changes to commodity prices or exchange rates. Companies get into trouble when they trade in derivatives they don’t understand.6 In addition to hedging against commodity price increases, companies may need to hedge against exchange rate fluctuations. Without a hedge, the impact of changes to exchange rates is equivalent to a change in the price of the commodity, component, or product being bought or sold in that currency. One approach taken by many companies is natural hedging. The concept is pretty simple. Companies match their revenues made in a particular currency against their costs in that same currency. This way they only have to worry about hedging the difference between revenues vs. costs, since that is their true exposure. The rest is covered by the “natural hedge” inherent in those transactions.7 There are several reasons that companies may want to use natural hedges. Derivatives can be expensive if overused. In addition, complying with hedge accounting can be burdensome, although not quite as onerous recently as in the past. Natural hedges allow a corporation to reduce their use of derivative contracts, while achieving their risk reduction goals. The use of natural hedges is enabled by the centralization of treasury operations in multinational firms. Centralized data on inter-company and third-party transactions across the various countries in which a company does business allows the enterprise to understand how transactions in one currency offset those in another, and thereby create natural hedges. In summary, hedging is an increasingly important part of overall risk management. Hedging is all about balance — not too much, not too little, not too long, not too short. For those kinds of judgment calls, it is best for a hedging strategy to be formulated by a cross-functional team that includes treasury, product, and market expertise. In Part Three of this series, we will look at strategies for achieving supply chain resilience including: mapping out your multi-tier supply chain; monitoring events around the world for early warning of events that will impact your supply chain; supply chain finance’s role in creating resilience; and building adaptability into physical infrastructure, systems, processes, and people. 1 For custom components, the supplier may renegotiate with the buyer, but usually with an unsatisfactory result for both parties. — Return to article text above 2 A wider and more accurate range can result by creating range forecasts for various drivers (economy, product features, competition, etc.) and combining them together, provided the drivers’ forecasts are accurate and the means of combining is understood. — Return to article text above 3 Without a 3C (Capacity and Consumption Commitment) contract, the buyer is tempted to expand the range of probabilities to get free flexibility. Some companies don’t bother sharing the probability forecast, because the necessary demand information is communicated via the 3C contract, stated in the concrete terms of what the buyer is willing to pay for and commit to. — Return to article text above To view other articles from this issue of the brief, click here.
My apologies, this weekend on Friday from 2 pm til 9 pm I was working on the live stream and missed all of those games. Then from 10 AM to about 4 PM on Saturday it rained so I didn't get many pictures or video clips of the non major teams this week and the report is a bit shortened because of this. Send corrections to [email protected] 2021 Nationwide Conference USSSA "Crown Town" Classic MPT pitcher Mike Nino stabs a liner and doubles off the runner at 1st. A key play in the "if" game! Team Breakdown: 36 Teams Overall 11 Nationwide Conference USSSA Teams 4 Major Teams 1 'AA' Teams 3 'A' Teams 10 'B' Teams 18 'C/D' Teams I watched the end of the "if" game from the stands Mid America Sports Complex used to have a big restaurant with wood decks at the main quad of fields. This picture is from the 2010 Mike Turney Memorial Conference event. The "Crown Town" Classic Major in Shawnee, Kansas felt like a new Conference USSSA event but in reality we did play the Mike Turney Memorial Conference event at that same Mid American Sports Complex before they changed the fields to artificial turf. The tournament began with 36 teams and 11 of them including all 4 Major teams were from the Conference making the team list a little "top heavy" since there was only 1 'AA' team (Xtreme) and 3 'A' teams. On Friday it was around 68 degrees with the wind blowing in on the main diamond #1 and across the diamond on fields #2-6. Fields #1-4 were all artificial turf and the home run fences were 300 feet, they used the Dudley Pro-M ball, and the bats were tested at 240 compression. They played from 36 teams in the winner's bracket down to the "Final 8" on Friday night under a threat of rain. Conference teams Dan Smith/Proton (AZ-M), Envy/Lifetime Diamonds/Legendary (TX-A), Resmondo/SIS/Menosse/Thunder/AA (FL-M), Denver Stars/Miken/Worth (CO-B), Xtreme/ASP/Athlon (MN-AA), MPT Rentals/Juno Athletics (NJ-M), Nightmare/Benefit the Badge (MO-A), Smash It Sports/Newbreed (NC-M), and J&R Logistics (AR-A) all beat the local/regional non-conference teams by the run rule. In some cases by the 20 run rule. Meirtran/Compressor Services/TBS (IL-B) a new conference team playing their first game of the season in league play beat Regulators (OK-C) 18-6 after trailing 4-1 in the 5th. BNS-SIS-Easton (KS-B) beat Sonic (MO-C) 9-8 on a walk off homer by Brian Marsh. In non-conference matchups Synergy Sports (MO-C) upset Homebridge Financial (CO-B) 24-2, J's Southland Towing (MO-B) beat Minnesota 'B' team JEC/P5Sports/Kevitt 12-10, Twisted Lazers a 'C' team from Nebraska beat 22 A Day (MO-B) 22-14, and Performance Glass (KS-B) knocked off Siteman Cancer (MO-B) 21-6. "Round of 16" We had power issues on the back fields which hampered the setup of the livestream back there. This was the only game I had time to watch and it was a good one. Dudleyin the blue forced MPT to play 7 innings and the game had a vast number of great defensive plays by both teams including MPT right fielder John Radich who made an incredible leaping home run rob on the water filled warning track in right center. The "Round of 16" games were played Friday night under the lights. Meirtran the new Conference 'B' team was beating the newly re-formed Dan Smith/Proton team 14-8 going into the bottom of the 5th when Dan Smith scored 5 in the 5th and 5 more in the 6th to take an 18-15 lead. Meitran made it close scoring 2 in the top of the 7th but lost 18-17. Meirtran pitcher Bo Andrews was 3-5 with 3 HR in the loss and they out homered Dan Smith 9-6. William Dooley was 4-4 for Dan Smith in the win. Envy run ruled non Conference team Synergy Sport 33-10. Resmondo made quick work of J's Southland Towing 33-10 as 8 different players hit home runs. Xtreme run ruled Denver Stars by 20 out homering them 12-2 as Shannon Smith and Curtis Stewart each went 4-4. MPT Rentals beat a very good Dudley/Gas team 33-23. Nightmare run ruled Twisted Lazers. Smash It rolled through Performance Glass 25-9. And BNS pulled off a nice 24-21 win over J&R Logistics scoring 10 runs in the bottom of the 7th and winning on a walk off grand slam by Charlie Coleman! "Round of 8" Greg Connell and Resmondo crushed Xtreme in the quarter finals The "Round of 8" was played at 10 AM and 11 AM Central time on Saturday in rainy conditions as the rain washed out games on the non-turf fields. Dan Smith went up 15-2 after 1 inning against Envy and was up 30-2 at one point before winning 34-13. Resmondo walked through Xtreme 28-8 as Clark, Jones, Yates, and Briggs all went 3 for 3. MPT Rentals run ruled Nightmare 30-14 after Nightmare put up a zero in the 1st inning but managed to hang around for awhile and Smash it Sports with the wind blowing in pretty hard on the show field #1 beat BNS-SIS-Easton 20-10. BNS hit just 3 of their allotted 12 HR. BNS/Easton takes on Smash It Sports Nightmare's Mike Brown hits in the rain against MPT The crowd Saturday night was knowledgeable, did some heckling, and enjoyed the return of Major softball to Kansas Dan Smith pitcher Bill Pinkham with another hit against Resmondo. You can watch the semi finals, winner's final, and 1st championship game in condensed game videos on the SW48 YOUTUBE channel which will be out this week! The semifinals were delayed until 9 PM as the rain subsided and pushed prior games back but there was still a good crowd and atmosphere to watch the 4 Major teams play at the main field. Dan Smith and Resmondo, two of the top names and sponsorship groups in softball history squared off. Dan Smith put up a quick zero in the top of the 1st inning. In the 2nd inning after Resmondo's Kyle Pearson had a strike called on him he didn't like and he then hit an angry monster homer into field #8 to tie the game at 6-6 and after 2 complete innings Resmondo led 13-6 having used up 7 of their allowed 16 home runs. In the top of the 3rd Dan Smith started free swinging to get back in the game and grabbed a 14-13 lead. In the top of the 5th with Resmondo up 22-14 they got a ground ball to 3rd where Bubba Mack started a 5-3-1 double play with Travis Clark the pitcher alertly covering third base and making the tag. Dan Smith got some momentum back in the top of the 6th when Conference rookie right fielder Tyrell Jenkins hit a 2 out 3 run homer to tie the game at 29-29 and then they held Resmondo to 6 runs in the bottom of the 6th thanks in part to center fielder Josh Kirstens assist throwing out Wegman trying to stretch a single into a double. In the 7th Dan Smith got 5 runs using up the last of their home runs but needed one more run to tie. They scratched it across and Resmondo came up in the bottom of the 7th needing just one run with no homer's left to win it but went down in order 1-2-3. In extra innings Argen Dodds hit a clutch bases loaded double to give Dan Smith a 3 run lead 38-35 and Resmondo again put up a zero in the bottom of the 8th getting just one hit from Nic Santana. Bennett and Matusik each had 5 hits in the win for Dan Smith while Kirsten, Matte, and Bennett each had 3 HR. Cory Briggs had 8 RBI in the loss. Dan Smith's Argen Dodds hits a 3 run double in extra innings to beat Resmondo with no HR left. In the 2nd semifinal MPT led 23-13 against Smash It Sports leading the home run management battle just 8-6 and led 37-31 going into the bottom of the 7th where Smash It scored just 5 runs to come up a run short. Buddy Wolf hits a line drive homer for Smash It in the semi finals. Bryson Baker is now the lead off hitter for MPT. Here he calls his shot. The winner's bracket final started late on Saturday night close to midnight central time as it cooled down during the game into the low 60's. The wind died down some but blew in at about 5 mph. MPT scored 4 in the 1st on 3 home runs for what would be considered a bad start. Dan Smith came up and scored 14 on 8 homer's which is also considered poor home run management. MPT scored 11 in the top of the 5th to tie the game and then Dan Smith catcher Argen Dodds hit a grand slam in the bottom of the 5th to go up 26-22. From there Dan Smith took control of the game and extended their lead in the late innings winning 38-25. Dudley/Gas (B) takes down Xtreme in the loser's bracket. In the loser's bracket JEC the non conference 'B' team from Minnesota with some of the Chanticlear Pizza players from the past made a little 4 game run in the top half of the bracket in the rain before losing to Envy 30-12. Homebridge Financial won 3 games in a row before losing to Dudley/Gas who was on a 3 game win streak of their own including a win over Xtreme 32-26 late Saturday night. And then Envy dropped down from the loser's bracket an beat both JEC and Dudley/Gas before losing to Smash It 42-26 as Smash It advanced to Sunday winning the upper half of the loser's bracket. In the lower half of the loser's bracket Siteman, Denver Stars, and Meirtran all made short runs before Nightmare and Resmondo took over with Remsondo beating Nightmare 35-29 to make it to Sunday. MPT sent the offensive line to intimidate at the coin toss. Championship is under way with MPT's John Radich hitting against Dan Smith's Bill Pinkham. On Sunday morning it was the 4 Major teams left standing. Smash It Sports scored 22 runs in the bottom of the 1st against Resmondo in the loser bracket semifinals. Resmondo tried to get back into it with a 13 run top of the 4th to make it 23-26 but Smash It scored 16 of the last 19 runs to win by the run rule in the 6th 42-26. Andrew Collins, Tyler Marshburn, and Jason Martel were all 5-6 and Ben Dunn 5-5 in the victory. Then Smash It's offense lost some of its consistency in the loser's bracket finals and the first 7 batters in the MPT Rentals lineup all scored as MPT went up 19-1. At one point Smash It cut the MPT lead to 4 but MPT used just 10 home runs to beat Smash It Sports 37-27 to get the rematch in the finals against Dan Smith. Big John Williams was 5-5 with 3 HR and 6 RBI and Chris Greinert knocked in 5 RBI in the win. This was an unusual tournament where it didn't feel like any of the Major teams were having a better tournament than the other major teams. Almost a situation where if you could have two double digit innings to the opponents one double digit inning then you win and advance. In the 1st game of the championship MPT led 7-6 after one inning and 25-17 with a 9-7 home run management lead as well. Then Dan Smith put up a couple of uninspired offensive innings and went 1-2-3 in the 5th and MPT hung on to force the "if" game 27-24. In the championship I had to go and pack up the live stream equipment so I missed most of the game as MPT was just a little better offensively late in the game and won the game and the tournament 30-28. Harvey lines one over the infield Fences were 300 feet and they had artificial turf on 4 fields. Dudley Pro-M ball Long Bombers of the Week The usual suspects all hit long homers – Matte, Dodds, Harvey, Pearson, Radich, John Williams among others but Chris Greinert hit this one into diamond #8's field and I think it may have been the longest of the tournament. And it was a moon shot. Kansas Major Final Standings and Awards MPT pitcher Mike "Nino" Echeverria was the tournaments MVP MPT middle infielder Zach Messer was Defensive MVP Dan Smith center fielder Josh Kirsten and 1st baseman Jon Nelson were Co-Offensive MVP's Team by team notes: 1st Place – MPT Rentals/Juno Athletics Conf 'M' from NJ 7-1 Record Mark Carucci's MPT Rentals went 7-1 and only won their first game by the run rule. They played some long battles with the other Major teams where they were down then up then down then up but overall their offense persevered and they won their first tournament of the year and first since Maryland a couple of years ago when they were an 'A' team. Donald Hollingsworth looks like he will be out the whole year with a shoulder injury suffered at the Hall of Fame. Pitcher Jon Dombrowski just had surgery on his bicep area and may be out the year. And Filip Washington, the leagues leading hitter, hurt his quad and couldn't play after the Nightmare game. They also played without AJ Montano. But they rallied with a "next man up" attitude and knocked off Smash It Sports twice and Dan Smith 2 out of 3 which is a great tournament in anyones mind. MVP Nino threw a LOT of pitches, made plays, got key hits. The offense had so many at bats that great players went through hot streaks and mini slumps. The outfield at one point was Bryson Baker, Brock Frentzel, and John Radich with Greinert at 1st base and yet they still beat major teams and those guys all made plays. Frentzel has a Ben Dunn like motor in center field. This team finally played to its potential in spite of the injuries! 3B Williams, SS Castillo, MI Messer Brock Frentzel was locked in Woodrow Darling is a defensive specialist MPT right fielder John Radich made a couple great catches Saturday night. Filip Washington pulled a quad early on and didn't get to play much. Emilson Marquez filled in nicely when called upon. 2nd Place – Dan Smith/Proton Conf 'M' from AZ 5-2 Record The Dan Smith and Proton merger with Dan Smith buying out former sponsor Sonny Pilcher looks like it was a success as they won the winner's bracket by beating Resmondo in extra innings after the home runs were out and then MPT in the finals. On Sunday the offense wasn't consistent after a big 1st inning in the first game of the championship and they wound up being a runner up for the 3rd time (HOF, Euless, KC). This weekend was like watching someone buy a new car as Dan and Steven Smith and Pat Dalsanders evaluated the team and at least on the outside it seemed like the team played hard and had good chemistry. They moved Phil Matte to lead off 2B Brian Dezern makes a leaping catch The new sponsorship group. Dan Smith, Pat Dalsanders, Charles Darling, Steven Smith 3rd Place – SmashItSports/Newbreed/TDB/RF/BD/T3 Conf 'M' from NC 5-2 Record Something was missing this weekend and I can't put my finger on it with Smash It Sports. But they did score the two highest run totals of the tournament, 42 vs Resmondo and 41 vs Envy. Just a slightly off weekend for SIS. They will be fine. Andrew Collins and Everett Williams Marshburn is working on another MVP season and Ben Dunn leads in doubles again. Jason Martel goes big fly Neil Haglund homers 4th Place – Resmondo/SIS/Menosse/Thunder/AA/RDD/Sprizzi/S&S Conf 'M' from FL 4-2 Record Travis Clark and Kevin Bazat Resmondo as we have documented at length is not built for the 300 foot fields and it showed again as they finished 4th. But they did break the curse with that run through the loser's bracket and tournament win in Euless a few weeks ago. Chicago is next on their schedule. Expect more of the same. Santana was racking up the extra bases and taking them away. Tied 5th Place – Envy/Lifetime Diamonds/Legendary Conf 'A' from TX 4-2 Record Envy beat who they were supposed to beat and lost to the Major teams who they will beat at some point this year. The team had an on base percentage of .698 and scored a ton of runs. Both very impressive stats. 3B Ryan Mullen, SS Mario Morales Jr, MI Kyle Bullock has been rock steady all year. Cyborg leads the league in positive energy Tied 5th Place – Nightmare/Benefit the Badge/Miken Conf 'A' from MO 4-2 Record Nightmare ties Envy as the highest finishing non Major team in KC. They only lost to Resmondo 35-29 after a long day of playing. I didn't get to see Nightmare much but they are on a pretty good roll since that disastrous start to the season at the Hall of Fame Classic. 1B Myles McGhee and 2B Mike Brown Migues hits one out easily Some more pictures for you: Siteman had a fund raiser to donate money for every run they scored. They ended up 2-2. Never did run into a conference team. Meirtran went 4-2 with a nice win over BNS and that close loss to Dan Smith. Larsen, Andrews, Ritter, and Amedei were all over .700 on base percentage. Andrews hit 9 HR. Denver Stars went 3-2 and had fun doing it. They had a close loss to Nightmare Saturday night. Daniel Sargent and Isaac Romero had over .800 on base percentages. Southland won a pair of games. JEC/P5 Sports/Kevitt (MN-B) put together by Pat O'Connell had a number of former Minnesota Conference players like his sons Ryan and Eric, Ryan Hassler, Scott Novak, Brent Sharon, Kyle Bixler, Travis Auld, pitcher Craig Arndt, and Brian Tveita on the roster. They beat 4 teams in the loser's bracket in the rain including J&R Logistics by the run rule. Pat O'Connell and his sons Eric and Ryan Homebridge Financial won 3 games. J&R Logistics went 2-2 but didn't beat any Conference teams. Vlad Gomez makes a nice catch Dudley/Gas is one of the better 'B' teams in the country. They played MPT tough on Friday night never giving up. Then in the loser's bracket they won 3 in a row beating the Xtreme 'AA' team and then losing a 10 run decision to Envy. Nick Utley and Ken Leach play on this team. Hometown Riley Norris for Dan Smith does another superman Xtreme went 2-2 and didn't beat a conference team. The beer was flowing Groupies Sid Stephany and Colby Hughes checking out Harvey Softball celebrity and social media guru John Kings was signing autographs for his legion of fans. Wegman did appear out on the assist by Kirsten The new turf made for slippery batters boxes It is Levi Lynch on the dish ladies and gentlemen! Greg Jones, Matt Gregory, and Joe Smith Championship game umpires Dave Davis and Chris Balcazar Matusik did appear safe Jenkins did appear safe Brian Logan guns a runner at 3rd. Bryson Baker touched this homer for a 4 base award. This was the only close call in the big games that the umps may have missed and it was very close plus Connell bobbled it making the call even harder. Steven Smith argues balls and strikes and gets tossed but still looked like he was having fun.
The Oakridge is our most popular apartment barn kit. Named after a sleepy country town located between Central Oregon and the Willamette Valley, this kit’s function is as dynamic as it is humble. The Oakridge building kit has gone through many different renditions, with the same durable post-and-beam frame, that are wonderful composites of our clients’ imaginations. What makes this kit popular beyond its five available sizes is the synergy between the main level’s utility and the loft’s open-concept livability. Below are three excellent examples of the Oakridge that span a variety of uses and themes. This Oakridge 60’ garage with living quarters in Bend, Oregon has a 48’ x 60’ frame nestled among the arid desert sage of Central Oregon. Above the multi-use, drive-through RV garage, is a lavish two-bedroom, two-bathroom home with a huge open-concept kitchen, living, and dining area. Outside, 600 sq. ft. of partially-covered deck flows into and around the master suite and main living area. The deck and the garage doors are the two most distinguished alternative features on this rendition of the Oakridge 60.’ The 60-foot version of the Oakridge isn’t the only size option for this kit. This quiet piece of property in Cornelius, Oregon has a barn with living quarters based on the Oakridge 36’. Unlike the Bend configuration, this Oakridge’s main level boasts two horse stalls, two stalls for the dogs, and a tack room. Two shed dormers were kept intact for additional space. On the second floor sits 1,080 sq. ft. of living space, replete with guest room, full bathroom, office, living room, and kitchen. Nantucket dormers supported by handcrafted timber trusses hang over the residence as a testament to our craftsmanship. The smallest, more scalable option, is our Oakridge 24’. These clients in Damascus, Oregon did an amazing job showing us what you can do with 1,214 sq. ft. of floor plan. We worked closely with them to create this perfect getaway, a party barn fit for both work and play. The breezeway on the main level sits between two sliding barn doors, making this an ideal spot for summer parties and events. These variations are just a sample of how flexible we can be. More importantly, it further demonstrates why we give our clients so much autonomy when it comes to drafting their designs. The designers will be yours from the beginning, because a kit shouldn’t limit you; options and upgrades are not an issue. Have your pick of siding, dormers, stairs, stalls, whatever you desire. Ready to get serious about your own building project? Request a free quote today.
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Farda: Post Mortem [en] Si estás buscando la versión en español ve a detrasldelpixel.com "I have terrible news. We're going to have to close the studio", was the message that I received from the main investor on Monday, April 6th, 2020. It was referring to Farda, a new video game studio based in Mexico City where we had started working officially in January 2020. Our main project was Tactico, and we had to abandon it just four months after starting it. The next log is an attempt to create a context, provide documentation and I'd also like to add some clarifications; hoping that this might help someone as an experience or, at the very least, as catharsis during COVID-19 times. "I have terrible news. We're going to have to close the studio". Farda was a project that did not start lightly, even though its short life may hint at it; it was something that was first planned in 2018. After travelling the world and drowning in debt, I came back to Mexico City determined to stay put for a while and try to save up some money. That's how I ended up in a web development job in Aleph, a collaborative platform for risk analysis. It was a rhythm change that I really enjoyed, and it gave me the opportunity to work with some of the best people I have ever met. During my time in Aleph, we shared office space with other companies, within which was "Draco Studio", a board game studio that has a track record of the best Kickstarter campaigns ever made in Mexico. When he heard that I had previously worked in video game development, the main investor in Draco approached me to talk to me about his idea: a modern RPG game based on one of his own intellectual properties. The main intent was to make you feel like the king of the universe on top of a dragon. In 2018 and to this day, it sounds like something very difficult to achieve. The main rule or main advice when you're making your first creative project is: keep a low scope. A game about dragons that fly around an open world does not have a low scope. Two years later, after long chats about it, I was offered the direction of this new project, with a new objective: to focus on making a video game study that might not have been dragons flying around the world, but I considered it a challenge as big as that. Dehrilya dragon, belongs to the universe of Dragonbond from Draco Studio. I started working with my partner @conejoconc and we started searching for a team. To make a video game you do not need more than two people: a programmer and an artist, at least at the beginning; so we made a rule of not making hasty decisions when hiring people and working with the bare minimum. To make a video game you do not need more than two people: a programmer and an artist, at least at the beginning; a wrong move whilst hiring can destroy a team. At the beginning, our job was to create an environment where we could communicate amongst ourselves peacefully. It became a rule of ours, that we all had to share our space and our schedules, so the team members had to be willing to go to the office daily. We made some hires and created the smallest core. The Farda team, from left to right: - @Consalv0 Programmer - @esselfer.art Artist - @eltipouy Game Designer - @afk_mario Director - @conejoconc Operations Manager A creative project is built with the work of all of its members. Defining the workflow and the way to input ideas into the project is only achieved with time and hard work; it is a never ending task. Our plan was to finish a game as fast as possible and after that; we'd understand and learn about teamwork, and we'd allow ourselves to plan a better one for the future. We always try to convey the idea that a creative project is built with the work of all of its members. That's how we found our first objective, to finish a game before the first half of the year. Tactico is a strategy game in which people take turns, and it mixes characters and fantasy elements along with futuristic elements; where the synergy between characters is the most important thing for you to plan your strategy. We started with a prototype on paper, this helped us establish the rules of the game so that the whole team could play and we could prove our ideas faster. At first we didn't have a clear idea on what characters we were going to use or what story we wanted to tell, so we focused on building a strong foundation over which we could build more units. First Tactico concept art. The most important thing when you are creating the first concept art, is to be able to communicate to your team the biggest amount of things in a simple manner using only one image. Everyone has to understand the game, and what everyone needs to do to achieve said concept. "In to the breach", one of the inspirations of Tactico. We mixed together different references and we tried to propose how the game would look. After various iterations, we tried with a 2.5D game, in which we could combine the 3D world with the 2D characters. This gave us the freedom to show different things in a small space, allowing the player to rotate the camera. The visual identity of the game was probably the hardest part for us during the development; it was difficult to define the art style of a game that wasn't 100% ours; we had to consider Draco's intellectual property, and we had to keep in mind the needs of the game that we were trying to do. For example, how can you show characters with so many details and features on a screen as small as a cellphone's or a Nintendo Switch's, without relying on a toon or chibi style? How can you show characters with so many details and features on a screen as small as a cellphone's or a Nintendo Switch's, without relying on a toon or chibi style? After various iterations, we chose an art style inspired by cyberpunk art combined with high fantasy elements. This fitted into existing game types in Draco, and at the same time we were presenting something interesting that could look good within the game that we had already planned. This is an image of the first concept that made us feel excited with the new art style. At this moment, we got the opportunity, thanks to @TheMotherBase, to become part of a new proposal for "La Mole" (the biggest comic book convention in Latin America) where various Mexican studios would display their projects. We had approximately a month left to develop a demo that should be ready to be played by the attendants of "La Mole". We accepted the challenge and got to work. During one month we had intense sessions where we would check everyone's progress every half hour. We ended up very proud of the demo we made for "La Mole", even though it was missing a bunch of things of the game that we wanted to include, it was a great first step and it helped us validate our work as a team. After "La Mole" we decided that starting that same week, we would each start working from home. The pandemic was getting closer every minute and we didn't want to push our luck. During the next weeks we adapted to working remotely, and little by little we started fixing all the details that we noticed during "La Mole" and we started to look for new hirings that could help fill the gaps we found. "I have terrible news. We're going to have to close the studio", after one call, they explained to me that we had an investment that evaporated in light of the oil crisis, the virus, and the terrible economic decisions of the country. It really wasn't anyone's fault; they were circumstances that no one could have foreseen or prevented. Fortunately our whole team still has jobs, some of us are in Draco Studio and some of us are in different projects. I believe that any project, whether it's a success or not, teaches you something in the end, so here are some of the things that I've learned in no specific order. Managing a team is not easy. The most difficult part, in my experience, is to have a clear idea about what has to be done. It doesn't matter how obvious it is to you, it's no good if you cannot communicate this to your team. - You will need to know a little bit of everything; if you have no idea how artists work, you will not be able to explain what you need from them. - Be quick making your prototype, be quick making tests, be quick making mistakes. - It's OK to have people supporting you externally. If you have a one time need, it's best to find someone who would work on a contract rather than have a new member join the team. - Making games is hard. - Making a video game studio is as hard as making a game about dragons flying around the world. - You can't be prepared for everything and sometimes even if you prepare as much as humanly possible, things just don't go your way and it is not necessarily your fault. - In a creative project your team is the most important thing, and it is everyone's job to take care of that team. Your team is everything and it is everyone's job to take care of the team. Thank you, to the complete Farda team, for giving your very best to achieve what we did. Thank you, to the whole team at Draco Studios, for their never ending support. Thank you, to my family and friends who listened to me throughout the process and gave me advice in the nicest ways. Special thanks to @ElJovenPaul for his advice and support, without him, we wouldn't have been able to make progress at the speed that we did. And we definitely would have made a lot more mistakes. Thanks to @sockertwits for the incredible visual identity he created with as little time as we gave him. Honestly, I'm trying to figure it out myself. I think this post-mortem is a first step forward, and a little bit of a closure of a brief but interesting stage of my life. For now, "Detrás del Pixel" will continue to exist, we have some things planned out. I hope you like them. And about Farda, its official situation is that it is paused until further notice. The opportunity for it to be reborn at some moment when things are more settled in is real; in the meantime, you can subscribe to its social network. Draco Studios is still working in various projects including a new Kickstarter campaign that just broke a record in Mexico.
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May 2023; National: Goafest 2023, South Asia’s most definitive advertising, media, and marketing festival makes a grand return to celebrate excellence and discuss the future of creativity. Co-hosted by The Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) and The Advertising Club (TAC), in the presence of internationally acclaimed speakers and industry stalwarts, the festival kick-started with a dynamic musical performance by Kanika Kapoor, leaving the crowd clamouring for more. Subsequently, the ceremonial lamp was lit by the members of the organising committee. Prasanth Kumar, President, of the Advertising Agencies Association of India and CEO, of South Asia, GroupM addressed everyone, marking the festival’s 16th edition. The festival also signifies the second year of association of The ABBY Awards with The One Show. With an underlying theme of ‘The Future of Creativity is Here’, delegates at Goafest 2023 were welcomed with a champagne launch! The sessions, thereafter, commenced with News18 Network presenting, ‘Future of Creativity’ moderated by Rohit Ohri Chairman & CEO – of FCB Ulka with panellists, including Anusha Shetty – Chairperson & Group CEO – of Grey Group India, Josy Paul – Chairman & Group CCO – BBDO, T Gangadhar, Co-Founder and Group CEO Quotient Ventures, and Dheeraj Sinha – CEO & Chairman – Leo Burnett & BBH. Firstly, the session focused on the future of creativity, which lies in the seamless integration of technology, empowering individuals to explore new horizons and redefine traditional boundaries, ultimately revolutionising the way we express, communicate, and experience. Gangadhar made a very interesting note about technology and our place wherein creativity is involved, “It’s not man v/s machine, it is a man with machine. You need technology to run your data but you need a human mind to add value to it.” Dheeraj on the other hand stated, “We believe that this is the best time to be in the business. Today, you have such a huge palette to play around with v/s images and copy that could be played around with back in the day. Creativity is the power to solve problems, which we have done, but now, imagine adding data and technology to it! The possibility is limitless!” Secondly, the panel also discussed the importance of hiring capable talent that will only raise the bar of creation. To this end, Dheeraj rightly mentioned, “There is no future for business if there is no future for this talent.” More importantly, Anusha highlighted an opportunity, stating “With every change we witness, finding talent to embrace new changes, is getting more complex.” Josy made a statement regarding talents and searching for the right fit for an agency, saying, “A talent should be a combination of a visionary, missionary, and an artist!” Finally, Rohit also probed questions on the structure that organisations need to put in place to enable creativity. The panels gave informative insights regarding the structure requirements of an organisation and the need to rework the idea of hierarchy. After this insightful knowledge session, we were introduced to yet another interesting one, titled ‘Brand Love Suffering At The Altar Of Short Term Sale’ presented under Industry Conclave powered by ABP News & Zee TV. The moderator of this session was none other than Anuradha SenGupta, Independent Journalist, and the panellists included Hemant Malik – Divisional Chief Executive – of ITC’s Foods Business & Member of Corporate Management Committee of ITC Ltd, Rohit Kapoor – Chief Executive Officer – Swiggy, Prabha Narasimhan – MD & CEO – Colgate-Palmolive India Ltd. The session emphasised the importance of brand love as it creates strong emotional bonds with the audiences, driving customer loyalty, advocacy, and higher engagement, resulting in sustained business growth and a competitive edge in the market. The panellists also discussed the technological advances that have taken place over the last few years and the cyclical impact it has on the audience and in turn, the brand and love for it. Having said that, there was an agreement that the fundamentals of brand love largely stay the same. Hemant, in answer to Anuradha, said, “It’s a great time for marketers, today! We are all enabled because we are able to make decisions with utmost clarity. However, while data helps you, it also makes you vulnerable.” Rohit, with regards to the synergy between teams and departments at the brand’s end, said, “CEO and creatives have too much distance between them. This needs to be corrected.” The session ended with Anuradha asking each panellist about their expectations from agencies. Each one unanimously agreed that they need to keep learning from and being challenged by the agencies. Converting the learnings into dividends, from the first year of the association, with The One Show, The Advertising Club has once again collaborated with the global partner, taking the ABBY Awards to global standards of excellence and recognition. A total of 3,301 entries were received this year from 181 creative companies and 63 media agencies, as well as jury chairs, have shown immense enthusiasm towards the awards. Partha Sinha, President of the Times of India Group and President of The Advertising Club, shared that the festival is witnessing the democratisation of creativity this year. He said, “Creativity is no longer in the hands of a select few; we are seeing the celebration of that sentiment with this edition of Goafest. So, you will hear a lot about the future of creativity overall. Since creativity is the reason we are in this business, we are celebrating it with full gusto. Overall, we are extremely happy with the response we have received with the number of entries this year; a whopping 3,301.” Prasanth Kumar, President, of the Advertising Agencies Association of India and CEO, of South Asia, GroupM, said that the constant at the festival is to make it more interesting and progressive. He stated, “The future of creativity is here. We need to realise that this industry is a large ecosystem, which is why we also need that kind of representation. With Goafest, this year, we have done exactly that in terms of categories and an industry-wise representation, including entertainment and tech. We have more than 50 sponsors for Goafest, this year; we are deeply grateful towards their unflinching support and belief in us.” Jaideep Gandhi, Chairman, Goafest 2023 Organising Committee, stated that there are more than 60 speakers and 11 masterclasses this year. “You must also note that all the masterclasses are absolutely packed! We’ve also had to request a couple of speakers to retake a class on Day 3. We are working on building a festival that is a central event for the entire industry, which is why we’re beginning with Advertising Rocks, an Industry Musical Contest on Day 3 of Goafest.” Rana Barua, Group CEO, of Havas Group India & Chairman, The ABBYs Award Governing Council, said about the awards this year, “This time, and in future, we are committed to working our way to match and surpass our game in accordance with ABBY One Show. We are extremely proud that this is our second year of association with One Show. You all will witness our hard work and commitment towards ensuring the quality of awards and the diverse jury that adorn Goafest this year.”
‘Why Europe?’ and ‘What Europe?’. Issues for the new EUEuropean Union Global Strategy The preparation of a new EUEuropean Union Global Strategy is a significant opportunity to broaden the scope of security thinking, and include such issues as poverty reduction and climate change. We learned a good deal about the likely shape of the new Strategy, at the European Think-Tanks event in Berlin. We learned rather less about specific commitments, what the authors of UK strategy papers often call the ‘we wills’. This could be just a matter of discretion, with the strategy still being worked on, and due to go to the Council only in June. Or, more worryingly, it could reflect a failure (so far) to grapple with hard questions about the comparative advantage and room for manoeuvre of the European institutions. In either case, time is running out to fill the gaps. The issue boils down to questions of ‘Why Europe?’ and ‘What Europe?’. Specifically, the conclusions are - First, it is really important to emphasise the screaming urgency of the problems Europe confronts - and therefore to welcome the preparation of a wide-ranging global strategy. - Second, a comprehensive approach has to be the right answer to dealing with external affairs, but respecting the unique mandate and role of different instruments. - Third, an analysis of the EU's comparative or competitive advantage has to be at the heart of any EUEuropean Union strategy. - Fourth, the Strategy must make choices between different approaches and make commitments with regard to legislation, mandates, procedures, competences, staffing, budgets and accountability. The preparation of a new Global Strategy, formally the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy, was mandated in June 2015 by the European Council. It is being prepared under the leadership of Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. It will replace the 2003 Security Strategy, reviewed in 2008, but not since. There is an art to writing strategy papers, there are rules, sometimes observed and sometimes not. The main trick is to avoid writing an elegant essay on the issues without getting down to the hard choices and concrete actions. I have seen many 30-page strategy papers which spend 28 pages reviewing the topic and only turn to specifics in the last 2 or 3. My advice has always been to reverse the page distribution: polish off the analysis as quickly as possible, and then get down to business. The ‘business’ needs to cover legislation, mandates, procedures, competences, staffing, budgets and accountability – the range of issues relevant also to the re-design of development agencies. There are big decisions involved. Think, for example, of President Obama’s ‘pivot to Asia’, or the current debate in the UK about the renewal of the nuclear deterrent, or DFID’s decision to spend half the aid budget in fragile states. In the case of the new EUEuropean Union Global Strategy, Ms Mogherini is ahead of the game. She received her mandate following the publication of a ‘Strategic Assessment’ of the challenges facing the EUEuropean Union in a ‘more connected, contested and complex world’. The paper is short and worth reading in full, and is pasted in at the end. The 2003 Strategy focused principally on ‘hard’ threats: terrorism, WMD, regional conflicts, state failure, organised crime. By contrast, the new strategic assessment takes a somewhat broader view of the opportunities offered by globalisation and greater inter-connection, as well as noting new challenges like climate change. It points to the changing balance of power in the world, associated with emerging powers like China. It reinforces the need for a comprehensive approach, encompassing all instruments (including aid and trade); and emphasises the need for flexibility in external affairs. The Sustainable Development Goals were approved in New York in September, after the publication of the Strategic Assessment, but arguably provide a strong foundation for a new, universal strategy. They mandate the need to achieve a combination of economic, social, environmental and political objectives, and to do so in all countries, rich and poor. The Paris Agreement on climate change also provides important context. Both agreements were referenced repeatedly in Berlin. It is not all trivial that a 'security' strategy should take account of these dimensions to policy. We learned in Berlin that there are many different strands of work contributing to the new Strategy, and many, many events and consultations. We also learned that there will be some key themes in the text, for example: - Engagement not retrenchment; - No conflict between values and interests; - Conditionality in exporting democracy does not work; - An emphasis on partnership; and - A focus on multilateralism. These generated quite a bit of discussion, as one might imagine, especially on human rights; but there were also some underlying debates, which I characterised as reflecting different positions on two key questions, viz ‘Why Europe?’ and ‘What Europe?’. There are four main points. First, it is really important to emphasise the screaming urgency of the problems Europe confronts. The refugee and migration crises are the most obvious manifestations, but themselves reflect a multitude of problems, from poverty and localised violence, to state failure and the long-term impact of military intervention. Many other issues vie for attention, most notably the current and future impact of climate change. One speaker spoke in Berlin of ‘decades of foreign policy failure’. In this context, the preparation of a wide-ranging global strategy can only be welcomed, especially a strategy which incorporates the key objectives of the new global goals. A comprehensive approach Second, a comprehensive approach has to be the right answer to dealing with external affairs, but respecting the unique mandate and role of different instruments. This means acknowledging the role of development aid, humanitarian aid, trade policy, climate policy, and indeed all aspects of economic and social policy in achieving external objectives. That is why policy coherence has become such an important topic, and why ‘Beyond Aid’ has become a key focus of development policy. At the same time, different instruments are governed by different international principles and different national rules. It is important, for example, to respect the core humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence; or to abide by the rules defining what is and is not eligible as Official Development Assistance (ODA), set by the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD. The rules are constantly under review, as the recent High Level Meeting of the DAC has illustrated – and campaigners have to be vigilant in preventing the instrumentalisation of aid. Comparative and competitive advantage Third, and here the discussion becomes more pointed, an analysis of comparative or competitive advantage has to be at the heart of any strategy. This applies generally to all actors – and I have written about it in the context of DFID, and also with respect to development agencies more widely. In the case of the EU, the question is about what the Brussels-based institutions can and should do that Member States cannot: the ‘Why Europe?’ question mentioned earlier. The dividing lines are well-known and, again, this is something I have written about many times. Most recently, I wrote a piece a year ago about the challenges inherent in the new strategy, inter alia as follows: ‘A global vision focused on institutions and incentives requires a broad canvas. But this is where peaks come in. In our work at ODI on European development cooperation, we have often tried to make the point that collective action through the EU may or may not be the right answer to particular problems. Some people look metaphorically to George Mallory, the mountaineer who died on Everest during his third attempt in 1924. Mallory famously replied to the question of why he kept trying to reach the peak by saying ‘Because it’s there’. The role of the EU in global policy can be approached with the same philosophy, to work through Brussels ‘because it’s there’. An alternative view is to be more transactional, to ask hard questions and issue by issue about the comparative advantage of the EU. Perhaps a common EU approach is the right one because it has exclusive competence, as for example it does on trade. Or perhaps a common approach has attractions because of the negotiating weight of the 28 members acting together, as may be the case with climate change. But, equally, perhaps, it might be more effective to work through other channels, perhaps because the Member States are not aligned. In practice, all countries have choices about how to allocate political and material capital, some more than others. The UK, to take one example, is a member of the EU, but also of the UN Security Council, of all the main UN agencies, of the G8, the G20, NATO, the Commonwealth, the Council of Europe, and many other international organisations. Others may have fewer options; all have some. At the margin, leaders make choices. The EU may or may not be the choice they make.’ There is a conversation to be had about the scope and limits of EU-specific action in external affairs. From a theoretical perspective, there are staging points between an approach which is entirely idealistic and one which is purely instrumental: for example, we were told in Berlin about the importance of ‘generous tit-for-tat’ (GTFT) as an approach to dealing with Prisoner’s Dilemma problems. I’ve looked it up and there are over 4000 hits, but this one looks useful. It’s about luring people into greater cooperation. Pragmatically, our work in the European Think Tanks Group has consistently explored the issue of comparative advantage. In 2010, for example, in our Report ‘New Challenges, New Beginnings’, we talked about (a) shared values, (b) shared approaches to development policy, (c) structures in Brussels, esp the creation of the European External Action Service, (d) international partnerships, including with the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group (ACP), and (e) economies of scale in funding instruments. In 2014, revisiting the argument in our Report ‘Our Collective Interest’, we again stressed the legislative framework, the range of instruments and the scale of resources. We were also clear, however, that there were limits to the EU’s role. In conflict situations, for example, its comparative advantage lay not in first line military response, but rather as ‘best supporting actor’, providing police missions or otherwise supporting peace-building. In 2016, a good question to ask is ‘which are (insert name of Member State)’s problems to which the answer is ‘the EU’?’. A number come quite quickly to mind: - Dealing with fragile states in the Sahel; - A coherent reaction to the refugee crisis; - Climate negotiations (where the EUEuropean Union did especially well in Paris, see here and here); - Anything to do with trade (where, again, the EUEuropean Union has taken positive steps in its new trade policy); - Support to the private sector, esp blended finance with the EIB. No doubt, there will be others, perhaps especially for smaller Member States. In our Collective Interest Report, we made many suggestions, dealing with: the global economy; climate change; peace and security; democracy and human rights; and the fight against global poverty and inequality. Fourth, then, we are left with the question of exactly what the strategy should say the EUEuropean Union will do: the answer to the ‘What EU?’ question, the list of ‘we wills’. Here, Berlin left us with more work to do. There were, for example, important discussions about real, practical dilemmas – for example: - Exactly how the EUEuropean Union should handle alleged human rights problems in fast-developing countries like Ethiopia and Rwanda – and the argument in the global strategy that there is no trade-off between interests and values; - Coherent joined up approaches in fragile states, esp really difficult cases like Eritrea; - The political framing of trade policy, including conditionality issues; - Climate mainstreaming post-Paris, esp related to the review of the EUEuropean Union budget, and in the context of managing winners and losers in transition; - Raising accountability standards for the private sector; - The refugee crisis (esp linking DGs Home, Near, ECHOEuropean Community Humanitarian Office and Devco, as well as EEAS); and - What exactly a boost to conflict prevention would look like. It would be useful to have boxes in the final strategy document on some of these. It is probably not difficult to add to this list; nor to imagine what approaches might be suitable (many of them identified in our Collective Interest Report). For example, on climate change, I have recently written about how the problems of transformation can be understood as classic development issues with which development studies is familiar and in which it has experience. The point remains, however, that there are choices to make, and the Global Strategy must make them. It will be important in making choices to remember the resource limitations of the EUEuropean Union External Action Service, to identify the areas where the HR/VP has licence to operate from the Member States, and to choose a limited number of initiatives. I’ve written earlier about all this, distinguishing ‘must do’, might do’ and ‘could do’. Frankly, the migration/refugee crisis probably looks like offering quite an in-tray for some time to come. But if I were Ms Mogherini, I would also want a few high-profile positive and forward-looking initiatives. The green transition? It will also be important in finalising the strategy to cover the range of issues identified as central to implementation of the strategy: legislation, mandates, procedures, competences, staffing, budgets and accountability. For example, how can the Emergency Trust Fund for Africa be made more agile, or the Migration and Mobility Partnerships be improved? What should be the priorities for the review of the various aid instruments in 2017? A final point is that the strategy needs to be owned by all the EUEuropean Union institutions, including the Council of Heads of Government. There is too often ambiguity in EUEuropean Union policy-making, with confusion about the hierarchy of decision-making. For example, the ‘services’ may propose a policy and the Council of Ministers may ‘welcome’ it but add a gloss, leaving everyone uncertain about what exactly is the new policy. My view has always been clear, that the Council trumps the Commission or even the EEAS, and should say explicitly what the new policy is supposed to be – requiring a formal revision of the original submission. In this case, given the importance of the topic, it is also surely necessary to involve the European Parliament. The European Union in a changing global environment A more connected, contested and complex world Since the 2003 Security Strategy, the EU’s strategic environment has changed radically. While much has been achieved over the last decade, today an arc of instability surrounds the Union. Further afield, we see conflicts in Africa and security tensions in Asia, while climate change and scarce natural resources harbour the risk of more conflict. At the same time, global growth, interdependence and technological progress enable ever more people to escape poverty and live longer, healthier and freer lives. The EUEuropean Union must confront both the challenges and the opportunities that come with its changed environment. We have a responsibility to protect our citizens while promoting our interests and universal values. The very nature of our Union – a construct of intertwined polities – gives us a unique advantage to steer the way in a more complex, more connected, but also more contested world. The very nature of our Union – a construct of intertwined polities – gives us a unique advantage to steer the way in a more complex, more connected, but also more contested world. - A Changing Global Environment A more connected world: Globalisation has been the dominant force shaping our world for the best part of the last century. Today it is giving rise to an unprecedented degree of global connectivity, with a surge in human mobility, compelling us to rethink migration, citizenship, development and health. The exponential spread of webs not only opens opportunities for political participation, it also favours economic and financial crime, terrorism and trafficking. Markets too are increasingly connected, as shown by China’s efforts to develop infrastructural ties with Central and Southeast Asia (as well as Europe) or the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations. Greater connectivity is a European phenomenon too: the Eurozone crisis has highlighted both the density of interconnections within the Union and the need to tackle the resulting economic problems through deeper integration. A more contested world: Fragile states and ungoverned spaces are spreading. To the east, the EU’s neighbours suffer from economic, political and energy supply fragilities. Across the Mediterranean, the spread of ungoverned spaces has enabled criminals and terrorists to thrive. Further south, instability and violence are the product of poverty, lawlessness, corruption and conflict-ridden electoral politics. More than 50 million people are now displaced. Ideology and identity drive tensions on different continents. In Europe and beyond, new narratives challenge the open society model. In the Middle East, identity politics fuels old and new cleavages. Demographic trends and growing inequalities also threaten more conflict, despite the emergence of a global middle class. Climate change and resource scarcity drive conflicts across Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Finally, technological progress is changing the nature of conflict, revolutionising the defence industry while generating new threats. The EUEuropean Union too is more contested, as internal forces increasingly challenge the European project. Yet a more contested Union can also spur decision-makers to better connect foreign policy with citizens’ expectations and inject fresh momentum in the European debate. A more complex world: We live in an age of global power shifts and power diffusion. In the years to come, the United States will still enjoy a comprehensive global reach, and the EUEuropean Union is set to retain one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. Still, the age of dominance by any single country is over. Prime amongst the ‘new’ powers is China. Across all continents, emerging powers are rising in global rankings, but they are unlikely to form a single and cohesive bloc. Moreover, different regions display different configurations of power, while globally power is diffusing beyond the nation state towards a network of state, non-state, inter-state and transnational actors. Traditional multilateralism is losing steam as emerging countries want to reform the post-World War II architecture – yet opposing existing global governance mechanisms has been easier than creating new ones. - Challenges and Opportunities for the EUEuropean Union In the emerging global environment, the EUEuropean Union faces five broad sets of challenges and opportunities. European Neighbours: The EUEuropean Union needs to continue to support reform in the Western Balkans, Turkey and the Eastern partners through integration and association policies, respectively. We also need to develop foreign policies that engage Turkey on issues of common interest; that strengthen the statehood of our Eastern partners; that respond firmly to destabilising actions on our borders, while also engaging Russia to restore a sustainable European security architecture and address global challenges. North Africa and the Middle East: The EUEuropean Union needs to tackle the immediate challenges in its South by sharpening its tools in the internal-external security nexus and addressing immediate humanitarian crises. We also need to respond to old and new conflicts and help address the root causes of resentment through tailor-made responses. Africa: The EUEuropean Union can help unlock Africa’s potential by developing the right mix of migration and mobility policies; by bolstering security cooperation with the United Nations, the African Union and other African partners; and by bridging fair trade and economic integration objectives. Atlantic Partnerships: The EUEuropean Union needs to continue investing in a strong and sound privileged relationship across the Atlantic through closer cooperation between the EUEuropean Union and NATO and through the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. At the same time, we need to deepen relations with Latin America and the Caribbean through bilateral partnerships and inter-regional arrangements. Asia: The EUEuropean Union can offer consistent but also customised support to regional cooperation efforts in Asia. We also need to foster a rules-based approach to conflict management and respond to the opportunity presented by various developments in Asian connectivity. The EUEuropean Union needs to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities which the global environment presents. An effective response depends on the Union’s ability to make choices and prioritise areas where it is willing and able to make a difference. It also depends on whether the EU’s external action instruments are fit for purpose. Five key issues need to be addressed in this context: Direction: In recent years the EUEuropean Union has started updating the direction of its external engagement: in several areas, however, adaptations are necessary. In the Common Foreign and Security Policy, the EUEuropean Union has lost salience and momentum in a few areas – for instance, the ‘strategic partnerships’. In disarmament and arms control, the EU’s approach, conceived in a post-Cold War environment, needs to respond to 21st century realities. Similarly, in the Common Security and Defence Policy, although the December 2013 European Council underlined that ‘defence matters’, the current level of ambition and capability targets are not tailored to the degraded strategic environment. Humanitarian assistance also needs to adapt to humanitarian crises becoming the ‘new normal’, with ever growing needs. Enlargement is a policy whose sense of direction is openly contested. At the same time, there is no credible alternative to EUEuropean Union enlargement in the Balkans, and a fair accession process remains the most promising channel to support reforms in all candidate countries. In trade policy, the EUEuropean Union still needs to find effective ways to manage tensions that may arise between trade and non-trade objectives. And cyber and counter-terrorism policies need to find a sustainable balance between freedom and security, while remaining committed to both. Flexibility: As the largest global combined donor, the EUEuropean Union is a leader in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance. But insufficient flexibility reduces the effectiveness of aid on the ground. Likewise, in counter-terrorism, implementation is hampered by heavy procedural requirements. Leverage: In trade and development policy, the EUEuropean Union potentially wields significant power. Yet, the EU’s declining economic dynamism, the high demands it makes on its trading partners, and what it is willing to offer may be hampering its leverage. Likewise, sanctions hinge on economic strength and the extent to which the EUEuropean Union can embed its efforts within a wider multilateral framework. Leverage is a challenge also within the European Neighbourhood Policy, particularly when it comes to neighbours that have little interest in endorsing EUEuropean Union standards. Coordination: In diplomacy, a number of initiatives by various groups of Member States have complemented efforts made within CFSP: if well-coordinated, these can make our collective action more effective. In development policy, greater coordination with Member States’ own policies will increase impact, but in this as well as other policy areas better implementation requires overcoming the fragmentation of financial instruments both across Commission services and between the EUEuropean Union and the Member States. In the cyber domain, Member State buy-into a common EUEuropean Union approach is still limited, and coordination both among EUEuropean Union institutions and across the public-private divide is insufficient. Unlike in climate policy, in external energy policy the EUEuropean Union is too often unable to speak and act with one voice, thus facilitating divide-andrule efforts by some supplier countries. Capabilities: In the field of migration, mobility partnerships and visa facilitation remain underexploited. In light of mounting migration challenges, the EU’s capabilities need to be strengthened by assigning additional resources to its Agencies and by integrating the external and internal dimensions of migration management, as well as by tackling the root causes of the phenomenon in the long-term. In security and defence, CSDP has developed from scratch since 2000 and its modus operandi in partnership with international and regional organisations works well. Yet it still faces difficulties in force generation and access to early and common financing, enablers, intelligence and logistics. The Battle Groups have never been deployed and the Lisbon Treaty’s Article 44 has never been implemented. Defence budgets have been slashed in an uncoordinated and uneven manner, with spending on R&T taking the greatest toll. While the EUEuropean Union is not a military alliance, it cannot ignore the ‘D’ in its CSDP. The case for joined up EUEuropean Union external action CSDP pioneered the “comprehensive approach”, more relevant today than a decade ago. A joined-up approach is now needed not only in external conflicts and crises, but in all aspects of the EU’s role in the world. This puts a premium on various actors and instruments of EUEuropean Union external action coming together to work in synergy. Vertical and horizontal silos hamper the EU’s potential global role. And in a world of mounting challenges and opportunities this is a luxury we cannot afford. In a more connected, contested and complex world, we need a clear sense of direction. We need to agree on our priorities, our goals and the means required to achieve them. We need a common, comprehensive and consistent EUEuropean Union global strategy
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dotnet add package I-Synergy.Framework.Payment --version 0.4.1 NuGet\Install-Package I-Synergy.Framework.Payment -Version 0.4.1 <PackageReference Include="I-Synergy.Framework.Payment" Version="0.4.1" /> paket add I-Synergy.Framework.Payment --version 0.4.1 #r "nuget: I-Synergy.Framework.Payment, 0.4.1" // Install I-Synergy.Framework.Payment as a Cake Addin #addin nuget:?package=I-Synergy.Framework.Payment&version=0.4.1 // Install I-Synergy.Framework.Payment as a Cake Tool #tool nuget:?package=I-Synergy.Framework.Payment&version=0.4.1 I-Synergy Framework Payment for .Net 5.0 |Product||Versions Compatible and additional computed target framework versions.| |.NET||net5.0 is compatible. net5.0-windows was computed. net6.0 was computed. net6.0-android was computed. net6.0-ios was computed. net6.0-maccatalyst was computed. net6.0-macos was computed. net6.0-tvos was computed. net6.0-windows was computed. net7.0 was computed. net7.0-android was computed. net7.0-ios was computed. net7.0-maccatalyst was computed. net7.0-macos was computed. net7.0-tvos was computed. net7.0-windows was computed.| NuGet packages (1) Showing the top 1 NuGet packages that depend on I-Synergy.Framework.Payment: I-Synergy Framework Mollie Payment for .Net 5.0 This package is not used by any popular GitHub repositories.
From a birds-eye-view, you would never spot the difference between hemp and marijuana. That is because they look the same, smell the same, taste the same, and even have those same sticky-icky crystalline trichomes with bulbous heads that rest on the buds. Due to both being nearly identical, how can you tell the difference and how is one distinct from the other? These are all questions that are incredibly common. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation floating around the web and the answer isn’t being delivered accurately. We’re here to clear the air. What Is Hemp? The term “hemp” is often used to describe Cannabis that contains less than 0.3% Delta-9-THC. People often refer to it as “industrial hemp”, since it is Cannabis that is harvested for industrial use with three distinct markets, which include fiber, seed, and oil. Hemp is also a name commonly used to describe whether cannabis is non-psychoactive or not. Although Delta-8-THC can be present in hemp, in most cases, there isn’t enough of it to display any psychoactive effects. Hemp gains its popularity from being rich in CBD and its non-psychoactive effects. What Is Marijuana? The term “marijuana”, however, is a different term used to describe Cannabis that contains more than 0.3% Delta-9-THC. Marijuana is often a term that is being used to describe that the cannabis variety is psychoactive. The Difference Between Hemp and Marijuana Although they look, smell, taste, and ultimately are the same, the amount of Delta-9-THC is what separates them or makes them different from one another. For example, if you have raw cannabis flower and it contains 0.4% Delta-9-THC, the Government classifies it as marijuana. If it has just 0.1% less of Delta-9-THC (0.3%), the Government classifies it as industrial hemp. How they are Grown Hemp and marijuana can be grown in the same way, however, they are harvested for different purposes. Because of this, the two often require different growing conditions. For instance, to produce female plants that have budding flowers, growers typically keep the crucial stages of the life of the plant indoors, maintaining its conditions, such as the environment, temperature, humidity, and lighting. Hemp, however, is often grown outdoors and does not require the same level of control. There is still a lot of upkeep and attention for hemp farmers, like not letting the plants cross-pollinate to produce higher yields of Delta-9-THC. This could ruin an entire crop and cost the farmer millions of dollars. This is because hemp must remain under 0.03% of Delta 9 THC in order to produce CBD that is legal. The Entourage Effect The Entourage Effect is an idea that active cannabis compounds can increase or enhance activity when combined with inactive compounds. The two compounds come together synergistically in the Endocannabinoid System to increase the effects, rather than strictly relying on an isolated compound. In other words, the cannabinoids in a full spectrum hemp product (contains all cannabinoids without extraction and isolation) work together, delivering a greater effect, rather than consuming larger quantities of an isolated product to achieve the same results. What Is The Relation With Delta 8 THC? Although the information we have on the Entourage Effect is mostly based on combining Delta-9 THC with other cannabinoids and terpenes, you shouldn’t be surprised that Delta-8 THC works in the same way due to its similarities. The molecular similarities between Delta-9 and Delta-8 THC show a strong relation. The two have also been known to share many of the same characteristics and effects they deliver. With this knowledge, we can assume that Delta-8 THC can also produce enhanced effects when combined in an Entourage Effect, rather than ingested as an isolate. What Are Terpenes? While many people are aware of the cannabinoids in the hemp plant, very few are aware of the terpenes in them. Terpenes are aromatic compounds that are found in the hemp plant, though they also exist in many other plants as well. If you were already aware of terpenes, you may associate them with the cannabis plant, however, because the cannabis plant contains much higher concentrations of terpenes compared to others. The aromatic oils of terpenes are the cause of different scents and flavors in a variety of hemp strains. For instance, the Cali Orange Kush strain utilizes a terpene profile that delivers the smell and taste of orange and citrus. The Sunset Sherbet Premium by Delta Effex on the other hand, provides a sweet berry and candy-like Indica blend, which the terpene profile is to thank for that. Different Types of Terpenes There are as many as 20,000 terpenes that exist, and the hemp plant produces more than 100 of them. Some of the most common terpenes in cannabis is Myrcene, Limonene, Linalool, Caryophyllene, Eucalyptol, Alpha-Bisabolol, Trans-Nerolidol, Humulene, Camphene, Terpineol, Alpha & Beta-Pinene, and many more. Some of them have citrus, apple, and woody notes to name a few, and are often found in some of the industry’s most iconic strains, such as Skywalker OG (rich in nerolidol) and Strawberry Cough (contains Pinene). Researchers have also found that terpenes not only help with both the smell and taste of hemp, but it also plays a vital role by offering various medical benefits. How Delta-8 THC Works Better With Terpenes Delta-8 THC works better with terpenes because the terpenes can be used to enhance Delta-8 or even counteract some of its flaws. To give you a clear example the Grand Daddy Purple strain uses myrcene, caryophyllene, and pinene, which may help exhibit better sleep (due to myrcene), while also reducing pain and inflammation (due to both THC and caryophyllene). To go further in-depth of these terpenes and how Delta-8 THC works better with them, one example included in a review by Dr. Ethan Russo (neurologist and pharmacologist who studies cannabis compounds) titled “Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects” shared that Pinene helps counteract compromised memory caused by THC. And there are many more terpenes that can be combined with Delta-8 THC to enhance its effects and boost its powerful benefits.
The Snapchef FastTrack Training curriculum, in line with MA Apprenticeship Standards, is instrumental in augmenting workforce capacities in commercial kitchens. Its blend of in-person and virtual training fortifies the industry-specific skills required for optimized performance in such kitchens. The curriculum forms the backbone of practical learning, pushing the boundaries in service station quality and production abilities. The management and quality control aspects of Snapchef add another layer of advantage to your team. They ensure that the training provided isn’t merely theoretical but extends to include hands-on experiences that simulate real-life scenarios. Snapchef’s robust approach to training is invaluable to fostering career collaboration, empowering partners and strengthening bonds in the workforce. With Snapchef FastTrack Training, you’re not just opting for a program; you’re securing a partnership that ensures top-notch training, constant support, and the tools required to excel in the culinary field. This synergy is pivotal in driving success, promoting growth and upscaling your team’s potential in the long run.
I think TW-drama Marry Me or Not is one of the best shows I’ve watched all year, from any country. It’s nice to see the drama getting traction both domestically and overseas, and now the show is getting air time in Japan as the two leads jetted over there for a press conference plus fan meeting. Roy Qiu and Alice Ke went to Japan last week to promote the drama, and I seriously can’t get enough of their synergy working together. Last time during the Office Girls era is was more chaste and cute, now it’s flirty and sweet. Alice looked particularly lovely wearing a Japanese kimono inspired modernized dress with obi, while Roy went old school with his take on the professorial three piece suit with bow tie. I’ve never been this happy with a reunion pairing, both for how much I loved the original coupling and for how much this new go-around is doing them justice. I can’t wait for the action in the drama to turn angsty, I have a feeling the writing will understand just how much separation is needed for the leads to push past the misunderstandings and reservations.
In the investment industry, retail investors are always on the weak and harvested side.Is there any method to change the weakness of individual investors so that they could fight against even exceed institutions? It would be so hard, basically impossible, in other industries; however, we could make it in the blockchain industry. In the blockchain industry, we could get multiple individual investors united to form an “investment + socialization” DAO, whose strength could exceed the traditional investment institutions. 1.What Is DAO The current organizations do not exist all the time. For example, “company” did not exist all the time but occurred to the need to get used to the socialized mass production of the market economy at the beginning of the 16th century; and it has gone through several hundred years of development to be what we could see now. Along with the development of blockchain technology, a new human organizational synergy comes to the stage. This is DAO. DAO is the abbreviation of Decentralized Autonomous Organization and an organization structure based on the core idea of blockchain with the implementation of decentralization, which is derived from the collaborative behavior of co-creation, co-construction, co-governance and sharing spontaneously generated by groups reaching the same consensus. In the essence, DAO is an embodiment of the application of blockchain technology, which is a revolutionary evolution in the history of human cooperation. The appearance of DAO is a new social model experiment through the development of blockchain technology to have decentralization of power. It is a necessary output for social development, and it is also people’s demand and desire for power or governance power. In the imaginary and ideal DAO system, management is coded, programming and automated. “Code is law”, which is the purpose complied by the cryptocurrency world. The organization is changed from pyramid-shaped to distributed, and power has been modified from centralized to decentralized. Management is upgraded from a bureaucratic system to community autonomy. The organization running does not need the company but the highly autonomous community. The community adheres to the principles of equality, voluntariness and mutual benefit; and it is driven by the mutual resource endowment, complementary advantages and win-win interests. Everybody plays their own strengths to push the entire community to march forward. 2.What is Valiant DAO Valiant DAO is a powerful organization composed of many individual investors with different backgrounds, strengths, values and expertise. The vision of Valiant DAO is to let each DAO member gain sufficient spiritual wealth and material wealth from Valiant DAO. There have been all kinds of DAO in the market, such as Investment DAO, Grants DAO, Collector DAO, Protocol DAO, Service DAO, Social DAO, Media Dao, etc. Valiant DAO belongs to the combination of Investment DAO and Social DAO, i.e. the “investment + socialization” DAO. 3.Structure and Running Rule of Valiant DAO Valiant DAO NFT is the right certificate for the Valiant DAO system. The entire Valiant DAO system is equipped with 10 thousands independent Valiant DAO NFTs. Anyone could join Valiant DAO to be a member of Valiant DAO when having one Valiant DAO NFT, and they could enjoy all kinds of welfare and rights of Valiant DAO. Meanwhile, those who do not hold the Valiant DAO NFT for all reasons would quit Valiant DAO and could not enjoy the welfare or rights. Organization Chart of Valiant DAO: Management Committee is the highest management decision-making institution of Valiant DAO to be in charge of five departments, including the foundation, investment research department, ministry of commerce, technology department and event planning department. There are 5 managers on the management committee. The managers are selected from the DAO members who participate in the campaign. The term of office is 2 years, and they could be renewable. During the change of the term of office, any DAO member with more than 5 Valiant DAO NFTs could participate in the campaign, and the top 5 DAO members with the highest votes could be the managers of the next term. The salary of the foundation manager is paid by the foundation; however, the manager gets no salary in the first session but gains it monthly from the second session. The specific amount would be confirmed by the proposal. The term of manager would be automatically relieved of the office once there have less than 5 Valiant DAO NFTs during the employment. DAO members could impeach a manager, and the impeachment would be successful if the proposal gains more than one-third of the votes (10000/3=3333.33). For all reasons, there would be a campaign for managers to fill in the vacant post once there are less than 5 managers. The supervisors of the five departments, foundation, investment research department, ministry of commerce, technology department and event planning department, must be the DAO members who must have no less than 2 Valiant DAO NFTs. When the DAO members apply for the campaign for supervisors, each Valiant DAO NFT has 1 vote, and each committee manager has 100 votes respectively (except for the number of NFT votes held by the manager as a DAO member). The one with the highest votes would be the supervisors of the department. The term of office of the supervisors is 2 years. The manager of the management committee could work as the supervisor of the department. One supervisor could be dismissed with the approval of more than half of the managers of the management committee. When there is a vacant post for a certain supervisor, the management committee should set about the campaign for the organization supervisor. During the post vacancy of a supervisor in a certain department, the management committee should coordinate an acting manager to act as the supervisor so that the department could keep working normally. 4.Rights for Joining Valiant DAO Have the Chance to Participate in High-quality Projects at the First Time Get the Free Airdrop Get the High-quality Network Circle Get Much More Investment Opportunities Get the Profit Dividend of Valiant DAO Operation Projects Get the Return of NFT Appreciation (1)Running the Private Investment Funds Most people are unsuitable for making investments, and they may not make a profit even if they were informed of a good project. They won’t join the project in the early period but enter it till it is soaring, or they just gain a little project and quit the project at the wrong time, or they would have a poor capital distribution among multiple projects… In conclusion, investment has a higher requirement for the comprehensive ability of investors, and most people would be hard to end up with a good result when relying on their own ability. Valiant DAO has resources, channels and professional abilities, and the investment ability is much better than that of most institutions. A private investment fund would be established to make investments in blockchain projects. The private investment fund is only open for the DAO members, so others must hold Valiant DAO NFT to be the DAO members if they want to join the fund. The running process of the fund would be maximally open, and all fund investors could see the running situation of the funds during the running process so as to ensure the capital security for the investors. (2)Running Company Within the Metaverse Projects Metaverse is a tendency. Metaverse projects would be increased continuously in the next few years, and the market would be more and more mature. The metaverse is a virtual world, and there would be all kinds of companies. Valiant DAO would set up real estate companies, gaming companies, amusement parks, car rental companies, and aircraft rental companies in the metaverse, and parts of the profits generated by these companies would be distributed to the DAO members each year. (3)Development of Ecological Projects As an organization, Valiant DAO would have a layout of ecology in the future to develop projects in all modules, such as developing metaverse, Defi and other new modules in the future. Many people believe that Valiant DAO will shine in the web3 era, we will wait and see.
Step into a world where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, where you can immerse yourself in the heart of a slot game’s universe like never before. Welcome to the thrilling intersection of virtual reality (VR) and online slots—a dynamic fusion that promises to revolutionize the gaming landscape. In this blog, we’ll embark on a journey into the future of gaming, exploring how virtual reality is transforming the way we experience slot games and why it’s poised to redefine the entire casino industry. The Evolution of Virtual Reality in Gaming Virtual reality technology has come a long way since its inception, transforming from a sci-fi concept to a tangible reality that’s reshaping how we interact with digital slot online worlds. In the realm of gaming, VR has made significant strides, allowing players to step into fully immersive environments that engage multiple senses and create an unparalleled sense of presence. The Immersive Slot Experience Imagine putting on a VR headset and finding yourself in a lavish casino lounge, surrounded by glitzy slot machines. You reach out and pull the lever of a virtual slot machine, and suddenly, the reels spring to life before your eyes. Every spin, every win, and every bonus feature unfolds in a 360-degree virtual space, making you feel as though you’re truly inside the game. A Multi-Sensory Adventure The allure of virtual reality lies in its ability to engage multiple senses simultaneously. In VR slot games, you not only see the vibrant visuals but also hear the clinking of coins, feel the virtual lever in your hand, and even experience haptic feedback that simulates the tactile sensation of pressing buttons and pulling levers. This multi-sensory approach elevates the gaming experience to an entirely new level of immersion. Exploring Creative Themes With virtual reality, the possibilities for creative slot themes become boundless. Players can find themselves exploring fantastical realms, traveling through time and space, or diving into the depths of the ocean—all while spinning the reels and chasing jackpots. VR technology allows developers to breathe life into intricate and visually stunning worlds, transforming the act of playing slots into a breathtaking adventure. Social Interaction and Multiplayer Features VR isn’t just about solitary gaming—it’s about connecting with others in virtual spaces. In VR slot lounges, players can interact with avatars of fellow gamers, engage in conversations, and even participate in multiplayer slot tournaments. This social dimension adds an entirely new layer of excitement to the gaming experience, fostering a sense of community among players. The future of Casino Entertainment The integration of virtual reality and slots isn’t just a passing trend; it’s a glimpse into the future of casino entertainment. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more sophisticated VR experiences that seamlessly blend with traditional gameplay. This evolution has the potential to redefine how we perceive casinos, breaking down geographical barriers and offering a global community of players the chance to experience the magic of the casino floor. Virtual reality is poised to reshape the world of online slot gaming, transcending traditional boundaries and ushering in a new era of immersive entertainment. The marriage of cutting-edge technology with the excitement of slot gameplay creates a synergy that’s exhilarating, captivating, and transformative. With virtual reality, players aren’t just spinning the reels; they’re stepping into a world of endless possibilities, where the future of gaming is limited only by the boundaries of our imagination. As this revolutionary journey continues, one thing is certain: the future of slot gaming has never looked more exciting.
As Art Director at RaceWard Studio, Mauro is responsible for driving the artistic vision of every company project, ensuring and exploring every possible synergy between art and technology. Mauro enjoys being able to directly get his hands into the development pipeline and art workflow. Mauro has the daily pleasure of managing a highly passionate and qualified core team of artists who constantly push beyond pre-conceived limits. BRIEF CAREER DESCRIPTION Mauro has clocked up a career of over 15 years’ in both offline and realtime CG. He has spent his career improving his skills at several high-profile video game studios including time spent at Milestone, Sumo Digital and Splash Damage, working on over 25 cross platform titles consisting of Racing, First Person Shooters, Strategy and Arcade genres. MOST MEMORABLE GAMES Left 4 Dead MOST MEMORABLE GAMING MOMENT The “Wow” effect launching and playing for the first time: Turrican on Commodore 64 Golden Axe on Amiga 500 Doom 2 Hell on Earth on his 486 Dx4 100 Quake 2 with two Diamond Monster 3dfx in slide Realizing that at the end of a long list he’s now a small part of the fantastic videogame developers family!
Sometimes an image or a news account of mass violence evokes public outcry. It happened this summer when a dazed 5-year-old bombing victim, shown covered in blood and dust, became the poster child of the savage assault on Aleppo. A year earlier, the heart-breaking photograph of the lifeless three-year-old washed up on a Turkish shore captured global sympathy for the plight of war refugees. But countless other images and news accounts of Syria’s brutal civil war drew little public condemnation, belying the axiom that human rights atrocities – often distant and hidden – would be stopped “if only people knew.” Why do some news stories of mass suffering arouse public concern while others are met with seeming indifference? To investigate this puzzling inconsistency, I partnered with University of Oregon Psychology Professor Paul Slovic, an international authority on psychic numbing, and research assistant Marcus Mayorga. In our cross-disciplinary study, we examined how story forms influence reader reaction to news accounts of large-scale violence in Africa. Our findings, recently published in the online edition of Journalism, show that how a story is told affects readers’ emotional response and, indirectly, charitable giving. Personalised stories and stories with photographic images stimulated the strongest emotional impact, while use of mobilising information (telling audiences how they could act to make a difference) and statistical information were found to have only a small effect on reader reaction. The straight “just the facts” news story – the predominant form of newspaper and wire service reporting – elicited the weakest reader response of all. The findings underscore that simply “reporting the news” is often insufficient to arouse civic response – what’s needed is empathetic connection that drives people to act. Social psychology provided the conceptual foundation for this study, demonstrating how motivation to help others is intrinsically wrapped up with emotional connection. According to this line of research, the victims most likely to be helped are those whose portrayal evokes strong affective response (i.e., distress, sympathy). But strong feelings do not induce action unless an effective remedy is apparent. Statistics documenting a problem’s massive scope have also been shown to be a turn-off, leading to disinterest, or feelings of hopelessness. To apply this framework to news stories, we conducted an online survey with embedded experimental conditions. A panel of 900 American adults were randomly assigned a news story emphasising one or more story-telling elements: personification, mobilising information, statistical information and photographs portraying people in need. Two news articles published in the New York Times served as templates for this experiment. One was a news story describing civilian upheaval caused by a surge of fighting in Darfur; the other was a Nicholas Kristof column reporting on vicious ethnic cleansing along the South Sudan border. Both stories were formatted as a generic newspaper article authored under the pseudonym “Mark Lester.” Just to clarify, both stories served as templates that were modified in a variety of treatments, each highlighting a story form (i.e. personalisation, statistical emphasis, combo story with and without photo). To minimise artificiality, the original wording of each article was largely preserved, though the story’s focus was manipulated through editing and rearranging content and, on occasion, by providing additional information. Hence, each treatment offers a similar storyline but is distinct in emphasis and scope. After reading the story, participants answered a series of questions designed to assess their feelings of empathy, their sense of urgency and their support of governmental intervention. In addition participants were invited to donate a portion of a prospective lottery award to a refugee relief organisation. What we learned Above and beyond all story forms, personification elicited significantly strong reader interest, concern and sympathy for the victims of the distant crisis in Africa. Personal stories also tended to accentuate anger, worry and distress. Indicative of conflicting feelings, readers of the personified story reported significantly greater motivation and sense of urgency – as well as heightened hopelessness. Clearly, the personal story arouses big feelings, but readers may be overwhelmed as well as galvanised. Seeing is indeed believing – the story with photo was rated highest in credibility. But contrary to expectations, news stories accompanied by a photo of struggling refugees otherwise did not garner more emotional power than text alone. While psychological research has shown that statistical information diminishes empathy and charitable giving, it is noteworthy that the story treatment emphasising numbers yielded minimal effect. In our study, statistics seemed neither to numb or overwhelm; on the other hand, this result indicates that quantification, even when providing an accounting of mass suffering, does not necessarily enhance reader impact. The lesson here is that selective use of numbers may offer important context, but journalists cannot rely on statistics alone to drive public response. What happens when personification is provided in combination with mobilising and statistical information? The answer: not much. The synergy of collective story treatments did not evoke a significantly different reader response than when the story treatments were provided separately. This suggests that combining the personal story with factual context – classic attributes of news feature reporting – may constitute quality journalism but the emotional impact of this approach is not apparent. Seeking to “generate a response rather than a turned page,” Pulitzer-prize winning columnist Kristof deliberately frames mass suffering through the lens of an individual, to identify solutions, and to goad the public into action. While this study provides strong support of Kristof’s pursuit of the personal story, the findings also highlight the difficulty of turning empathy into meaningful action. Further research is needed to better understand the disconnect between reader affect and reader action. The answers communication scholars provide would foster news that motivates as well as informs. The full study, “Reader reaction to news of mass suffering: Assessing the influence of story form and emotional response,” is available in the online edition of Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. Picture credits: UNAMID/CC Flickr license Screeen shot of The National newspaper front page, August 20th, 2016 Tags: audiences, Concern, emotion, empathy, ethics, Journalism, Media research, New York Times, Nicholas Kristof, quality, readers, Research, Scott Maier, South Sudan, sympathy, The National, University of Oregon
Trivers led lightin technology co.,ltd supplys led cabinet light designed for installation in to all types of showcase and cabinets.All of our exciting ranges of LED products have been desing By Mr. Candy Chu on Sep 24, 2015 Business: Consumer Goods and Services, Electronics Spoken Language: English Synergy Lighting is a leader in the lighting industry for over a decade. By Mr. Matt Gregg on Aug 17, 2011
Mobile technology has changed the way we live. In both our personal and work lives, mobile technology has not only made life more comfortable, but it has also brought about convenience and a communication solution, saving us time and money. From responding to work emails to making adjustments to documents whenever we are called upon to do so, mobile technology has had quite some positive influence in life. It is certainly not possible to think of a life without mobile technology. Here are some benefits of using mobile technology in business. Possible to work from anywhere: Mobile technology has made it possible to collaborate and pull towards the same goals even when employees are not based in the same office or even location. The desire to work from home has also been made possible by mobile technology as employees can access whatever resources they need from the comfort of their homes. Mobile technology has positively redefined the workplace, and many businesses are already reaping the benefits. Enhances responsiveness: Mobile technology increases employees’ responsiveness to work-related demands from wherever they are. Mobile technology is especially important when different teams are working on the same project but from separate locations. It helps in promoting synergy and pulling towards the same goals. Helps create captivating content for marketing: Your business doesn’t have any excuse for having boring and bland content for marketing. Mobile technology has made many things possible, and companies that have learned how to take advantage of these opportunities are enjoying the benefits. A simple video shot on a smartphone or tablet can go a long way in helping your business achieve all your marketing goals and especially on social media. One great way to ensure your videos are captivating and interesting is making use of background music. There are sites where you can download royalty-free music to give your videos the right vibe to resonate with those it is meant for. Mobile technology has also had a significant impact when it comes to saving time and money. In any business, managing these two elements go a long way in helping business cut on costs. There are thousands of mobile apps that companies can make use of to enhance efficiency.
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Steroids cycle – 4 weeks steroid cycles for building mass and cutting in 2020! steroid cycles – the best steroid cycle for 2019 the beginner steroid cycle is usually. Suffimending the practice of beginning to cut clover as cient quantity to wet a. Anabolicum needs to be supplemented with a pct or post cycle therapy after Ostarine quemador de grasa The main side effect of any prohormone supplement could be a drop in testosterone. Androgens are one of the most important hormones in the body. If these androgens are not properly balanced, they will increase a person's risk of becoming physically unable to perform their job, . Prolonged exposure to lower levels of one of the most important androgens could lead to physical problems (e. high blood pressure, heart problems, an increased risk of blood clots, or breast cancers). 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After joining the Redbud Writers Guild a few years ago, I was like the girl who finally received an invitation to the popular, pretty girl’s birthday party—excited and thrilled to be included but wondering if I truly belonged. So, I stayed on the periphery, observing from a distance, and creeping in the shadows. I joined the Facebook group, offering my likes and maybe a congratulatory comment. Because I had agreed to do so, I submitted my articles for the Redbud Post. I read every word of the Post, followed most members on social media, and bought many books by Redbud authors. But when my first book was released, I did not announce it or share it with the guild. In some ways, I still suffered from imposter syndrome, believing that many of the authors in Redbud were the real deal and that I was still playing pretend. The problem is that I am an “all-in” kind of woman. Straddling the fence, sitting on the sidelines, and dipping my toes in the shallow end (how many more idioms can I use before I drive some of you absolutely crazy?) were not long-term strategies for me. Should I take a chance and get involved, or should I walk away and leave the guild? Taking the plunge At this pivotal point, I received an email asking for help with the upcoming Redbud Writers Retreat. Although I agreed hesitantly (thinking that I could bail if necessary), it was one of the best decisions I made for myself as an author, speaker, and teacher. While I would love to give you a behind-the-scenes look at our retreat committee meetings and how welcomed, accepted, and valued I felt as a new member, I want to focus on the evidence of that collaboration: the Redbud Writers Synergy Retreat. Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young, the guild president, explained the theme of synergy to us: “The saying, ‘The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,’ expresses the core meaning of synergy. When you combine elements–chemicals, ingredients, people–we expect these things to interact in a certain way. When something extraordinary happens, this is synergy. We were designed by God to flourish together. Synergy implies that the magic is in the coming together, as opposed to the individual elements themselves.” And because we planned for it, prepared for it, and, most importantly, prayed for it, synergy happened at the Redbud Writers Retreat. Since I am a teacher first, I often use acrostics in my writing and speaking to help me synthesize and remember key points. I think I also use them because I am getting older and need simple and concrete cues! Although SYNERGY is not the easiest word to break down, I wanted to use it to summarize the retreat and show what it looked like to experience the magic of coming together as one group. S – Strong spirit of unity and service Most groups and organizations embody the values of their leadership. Dorina and the Redbud board members are all examples of servant-leaders. They worked as hard (if not harder) as the rest of the retreat committee to serve the members and include everyone. It took me a long time to figure out which members were on the Redbud board because they were indistinguishable in how they selflessly served, graciously gave, and warmly welcomed. This spirit of unity and service came from the top and was present in every part of the retreat. Y – Yearning for knowledge and growth If you wanted to learn about publishing trends, speaking skills, platform growth, or proposal writing, the retreat provided professional and personal opportunities to learn and grow. From the retreat intensives to the numerous workshops to the Q & A sessions, there is no way anyone walked away from the retreat without being encouraged, equipped, and energized. N – New connections and renewed relationships When I walked into the retreat and met the people I had only known through Zoom (and realized that they had entire bodies!), all those feelings of being the new girl at the party came flooding back. Would they talk to me? Would it be awkward? Would I be accepted? Within minutes, all my anxiety dissipated as everyone was just as eager and willing as I was to connect. By the end of the weekend, I knew I had gained not only wonderful colleagues but also lifelong friends. E – Encouraging discussions & engaging conversations Because we are all creatives who think and feel deeply, it did not take long to move past surface introductions to authentic discussions. Yes, I participated in the dreaded icebreakers and even had fun (!), but it was in those precious downtimes during meals or sitting in the common areas, that I poured out my heart and soul and listened as others did the same. I felt seen, heard, and understood in a way that is hard to describe. R – Reflective and responsive sharing (especially at our Poetry & Prose Slam!) How do I even capture the synergy of the Poetry & Prose Slam? As retreat committee members, we were unsure if anyone would even participate, but they did! And the retreat’s sacred and safe space allowed women to share with abandon. For some, it was the first time they had read their work aloud to anyone. Do you know what kind of courage that takes? It was one of the weekend’s most moving and bonding experiences. G – Gracious and generous giving I have attended other writing and speaking retreats with an undercurrent of comparison and competition. For example, “if I tell her about how I got my agent or my publishing contract, she might get one too!”- When we see others as threats to our success, we withhold out of fear. The Redbud Retreat was full of open-handed collaboration and communication. People were willing to share graciously and generously with others, championing them and wanting them to succeed. Synergy is when we realize that a rising tide lifts all boats. Y – Young Redbud Energy & Enthusiasm While I may be newer to the Redbud Writers Guild, I am a “seasoned” woman who has been married for more than 32 years, raised four children, and taught, written, and spoken for more than 15 years in the industry. One of the unexpected blessings of the retreat was meeting and getting to know the newer (and much younger!) members of the guild, especially those in the mentoring program. Learning about their backgrounds and experiences injected new life, energy, and enthusiasm into the retreat. It gave me tremendous hope to look at the guild’s future and how these young creatives will help us lead the way in touching minds, hearts, and souls for the Kingdom. I decided to attend the popular girl’s party and overcome the fear of being an imposter. And guess what? It was beyond anything I could have anticipated. It is a privilege to be a member of the Redbud Writers Guild and recognize that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And if you are someone who is still sitting on the sidelines of whatever opportunity awaits you, reach out to someone who will take your hand, show you around, and push you (ever so gently) into the deep end. In photo from the retreat, Carla Gasser is 3rd from the left.
Erin Masako Wilkins is an Asian American herbalist and acupuncturist who has been practicing for over a decade, specializing in Traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine. By tapping into her own ancestral healing traditions, she aims to empower others to reclaim preventive care, foster rooted connection to the rhythms of the natural world, and experience vibrant health. A seasoned educator, Erin holds and shares a wealth of knowledge about Asian American herbalism, folk traditions, TCM theory, seasonal wellness, and actionable community care. We studied together in our master’s degree program at the Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College in Berkeley, and it has been a true honor to witness her continuously expanding work in the world. Erin’s forthcoming book, Asian American Herbalism: Traditional and Modern Healing Practices for Everyday Wellness, is a rare gem of a resource as a contemporary publication actually written by a practitioner of Asian descent who deeply embodies her wisdom. R+B: Hi Erin! I really appreciate your making the time for this conversation during such a busy season of your life. To start, I would love to know how you have navigated the immense undertaking of writing a book! What support have you leaned on to nourish and replenish you throughout this process? EMW: Hi Alyssa! I’m so happy to have this moment and conversation with you, old friend. The book, Asian American Herbalism, was such a privilege to bring forth into the world. And it was also a real challenge mentally, physically, spiritually. The lesson that kept showing up as I wrote was the importance of cultivating a softer life. And by that, I mean a daily pace that is less hurried and more intentional. Creativity and inspiration, like wellness, are not something that can be forced. And so, by freeing up my time to write, I had the space to be inspired anew by the daily rhythms that replenish me. And a big part of that was making nourishing herbal teas, green tea, and comfort foods like Japanese curry and onigiri. R+B: I love the connection between wellness and creativity as two vital components of life that can’t be forced. Like me, you’re a huge proponent of food as medicine and what you call “slow medicine,” or moving in a way that honors consistent integration for a cumulative effect. Can you share why you feel this is important, especially in our world of “quick fixes?” EMW: Herbalism has always been a slow, cumulative medicine. And while this is at odds with our modern culture, it's also why so many folks are turning to herbs and food as medicine right now. It’s not only about the health benefits – it’s about connecting to a slower, more intentional lifestyle. Across many cultures, herbal medicine is simply part of daily food and drink – like adding thyme, bay, and garlic to chicken soup, or adding mint and lemon to drinking water. So, figuring out ways to incorporate herbs into daily meals and to make them a source of joy is key. This is something that you have done so brilliantly with Root & Bones. R+B: Thank you so much for saying so! I am lucky to have gotten a sneak peek of your book; in it, you share that one of the drivers behind your work and this publication is transcending barriers to holistic care that you have experienced… and that too many in your community—and beyond—experience. I’m curious if any stories come to mind about your workshops and the ripple effects of people learning about East Asian medicine? EMW: Workshops are a great way to transcend barriers to holistic care, especially when sharing knowledge that has historically been gatekept and difficult to access. I often ask folks to share about the foods and herbs that they grew up with as a starting point for learning about East Asian medicine. And I’m always moved by moments when people start bridging cultural food memories with the various health benefits. It’s the memory of Grandma drinking green tea with umeboshi plums for digestion. It’s the memory of eating rice porridge with jujube dates and roots when recovering from illness. These cultural food memories are especially alive for folks of AAPI heritage, but many people have deep connections to East Asian medicine. The heart of it is recognizing the cultural connections to Earth that are available to all of us. R+B: Truly! Your rich fusion of a variety of healing traditions is quite unique to your lived experience and brings so much depth to your sharing of Asian American herbalism. I am sure there’s a lot of overlap, but would you tell us some of the similarities vs. points of departure between Chinese and Japanese medicine? And even North American folk herbalism? EMW: Something that defines North American folk herbalism is the use of single herbs, or simples, for healing. For example, drinking chamomile tea for a nervous belly. Whereas in Japanese and Chinese herbalism, herbs are traditionally taken in set combinations or formulas. And generally, across Asia and the Asian diaspora, herbalism is also just a natural part of daily life through food and drink. There are countless cultural nuances to herbal traditions, but I’ve found that in East Asian herbalism, there are more similarities than departures. For example, there is a crossover between Chinese and Japanese medicine because many Japanese traditions are rooted in traditional Chinese medicine (e.g., Kampo herbalism). R+B: I love this synergy you’re speaking of, both in terms of herbal actions and traditions. Reading about the everyday medicine your grandmother was constantly cooking up in her kitchen made my heart swell. We are sorely missing this in modern times… on so many levels. I know your book features over 100 undoubtedly amazing recipes, but would you be willing to share one of your favorites with us? EMW: It would be my pleasure! Floral Black Tea Latte Here is a tea blend to ease stress, tension, and everyday pains. Black tea is a warming and hearty base for carrying a variety of herbs and flowers. The rose in this recipe is a harmonizer because it gently moves Blood and benefits the flow of energy in the body. It also balances the overall energy of the recipe. Safflower petals are so powerful at moving Blood that they can ease physical pains when taken in small amounts, slowly, and over time. Finally, the milk adds a layer of rich Yin moisture and is a vehicle for the tonic powders. You may substitute a single powdered herbal extract (i.e., Chaga or Reishi mushroom) in place of the Blood Tonic powder in this recipe for similar effects. 3 ounces (85 g) loose black tea leaves 1 Tbsp rose buds or petals, plus a petal for serving 1 Tbsp dried lemon balm 1 Tbsp dried safflower petals 1/2 cup (120 ml) milk or a non-dairy milk alternative 1/2 tsp Blood Tonic Powder (recipe below) 1 tsp honey, to more as needed Ground cinnamon, for serving In an airtight container, combine the black tea, rose, lemon balm, and safflower petals. Store away from heat, light, and moisture for up to 12 months. To make a cup of tea, place 1 tsp of the tea in a teapot and pour 1 cup (240 ml) of simmering water (180° F [80º C]) over the tea. Cover and steep for 3 minutes before straining. In a blender or using a frother, blend the milk, Blood Tonic Powder, and honey for about 10 seconds or until frothy and just incorporated. Pour the tea into a mug and top with frothed milk, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a rose petal. Contraindication: This tea is not recommended during pregnancy due to the safflower. Blood Tonic Powder Makes 5 oz (14 g) 2 oz (60g) He Shou Wu powder extract 2 oz (60g) Chaga mushroom powder extract 1 oz (30g) Reishi mushroom powder extract In an airtight container, combine the He Shou Wu, Chaga mushroom, and Reishi mushroom and mix well. Store away from heat, light, and moisture for up to 12 months. Use this powder in tea lattes, coffee drinks, and everyday meals like soups. Excerpted from Asian American Herbalism: Traditional and Modern Healing Practices for Everyday Wellness by Erin Masako Wilkins. Published by Princeton Architectural Press, owned by Chronicle Books. Copyright © 2023 by Erin Masako Wilkins. R+B: Thank you so much for sharing! This looks and sounds so wonderful. I was really touched by the section called “The Yin and Yang of Aging.” How do you think modern American treatment of elders ties in to our “anti-aging” obsessed culture? EMW: Yes, in this part of the book it was important to speak to aging as something that should be supported and celebrated rather than something that is problematic. Across many Asian cultures, we view elders in high esteem as people who deserve to be honored and supported. American culture and language around “anti-aging” frames growing older as a problem. And viewing growing older as a problem or burden is dehumanizing, both to our elders and to ourselves. R+B: In contrast, in Asian traditions elders are respected and honored, and East Asian medicine places such high priority on longevity. What are some of your favorite herbs and/or practices to promote graceful aging? EMW: In the chapter on Energetic Healing, I detail how to support Yin and Yang energy and what that feels like in the body. As we age, our Yin and Yang energies naturally decline, so Yin and Yang tonic herbs help support that process, including Cordyceps, Eucommia, Ashwagandha, Goji berry, and White Wood Ear mushroom. My general lifestyle recommendations to promote graceful aging are finding the things that bring you inner peace (Yoga, meditation, and qigong) and personal fulfillment (activism, friendship, and time in nature). R+B: Such excellent and accessible advice. Now that you have finished writing, is there anything on the horizon that you’re feeling inspired or excited by? EMW: I’m excited to have time to be in the community again – teaching workshops and offering herbal consultations online and in-person at the Scarlet Sage in San Francisco, CA. And with the book release on October 17th, I’ll host Asian American Herbalism events in the Bay Area, Los Angeles, and the Pacific Northwest. Details will be posted on my website and Instagram. R+B: I am really looking forward to all of that! Readers, I couldn’t more highly recommend that you pre-order a copy. It will greatly enrich your life in not only countless practical ways, but also expands the possibilities of healing when we know and tend ourselves well. Plus, there are some sweet giveaways with preorder. You can also find Erin on Instagram at @herbfolkmedicine.
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Meet Rabbi Mendel Lipskier. Originally from Crown Heights, Rabbi Lipskier now lives in Melbourne, Australia, where he serves as both a teacher and “mashpia” at the boy’s Mesivta for almost twenty-five years. As a young boy himself in the heart of Chabad Lubavitch culture, Lipskier was lucky enough to learn the Rebbe’s sichos in real time, as they continued spreading their light around the world. In the 80’s and 90s’, he was a young “bachur” immersing himself in Chassidus and the Rebbe’s wisdom- something which he continues to do today, and with even more enthusiasm. “Sometimes you think you understand something your first time learning it. But even your second time, you’re often not scratching the surface. The Rebbe’s Torah is layered and nuanced, and requires us to dive in deep.” For a good few years before Project Likkutei Sichos began, Rabbi Lipskier was spreading the Rebbe’s sichos through his own weekly YouTube channel, in addition to his daily classes at the Mesivta. And just about a month before the project kicked off, he began a podcast in honor of Yud Shvat, actualizing his dream in making sichos accessible to English speakers, starting with the unedited sichos and maimarim. Shortly afterwards, Lipskier saw the project advertised, and reached out immediately! The rest is history. Rabbi Lipskier has been involved with Project Likkutei Sichos from the very beginning, and continues to share the Rebbe’s weekly sichos in an accessible and straightforward way. He teaches two of the project’s weekly classes- one of the full sicha, and one as a quick overview. Often people aren’t fully comfortable with the original language of the sichos, be it Hebrew or Yiddish, and Lipskier is committed to sharing the sicha straight through in English, in a smooth and direct way. He covers every word without pause, and presents the Rebbe’s words unedited and unchanged, for those looking for a simple read-through. With his overview lesson, Lipskier summarizes the sicha’s main points in about 10 minutes, intended to be used as an aid, when trying to learn the whole Sicha. He answers the overarching questions of the sicha, and covers all the bases while giving the full picture, creating some order and clarity where the Rebbe’s words may get quite complex. “One of the most rewarding parts of the process is feeling like I did justice teaching a sicha, and succeeded in sharing its depth and nuance. Sometimes we rush to finish things in order to cover more ground- when learning Torah and in life. But we miss the real essence of the words when we skim through them. I have been learning Likkutei Sichos my whole life, but nothing like this. Learning it in order to teach is a completely different experience, and an extremely fulfilling one.” Preparing a sicha comes with its challenges as well, as you have to understand every single aspect, including the tangential sources the Rebbe brings down. Sometimes its complexity becomes heavy and intense, but when the pieces finally come together, as Lipskier explains, there is nothing like it- especially when you have the opportunity to share it with others. “The experience really comes together when I have people thanking me for the classes I give, especially other teachers, who use my classes to prepare their own!” Lipskier has friends reaching out to him he hasn’t spoken with in over 30 years, telling him how nice it is to learn together again! He even has old students reminiscing with him about the “good old days”; his shiurim take them back 25 years, sitting in Lispkier’s classroom once again. But the inspiration felt isn’t only for his audience; Rabbi Lipskier himself sees the profound way the project has impacted his own life. The Rebbe puts great emphasis on the kind and compassionate way we are to treat others, and the importance of our influence on those around us. The Rebbe reminds us that we each have a mission in this world, and Lipskier knows that being a teacher for Project likkutei Sichos is part of his. “We are taught that everyone must do what they can for Yiddeshkeit- one with his body, another with his money, and someone else with his speech. Every one of us can carry the Rebbe’s mission in our own unique way. I use my teaching; and I am extremely blessed to have the opportunity to spread light in this incredible way.” Meet Rabbi Chananya Hoffinger. For seven years, Rabbi Hoffinger has dedicated his life to making Torah accessible in a new way; one that accommodates the needs of the masses, using one of our generation’s greatest resources: technology. Torah learning is a staple of our tradition, and a cornerstone of our faith. And yet, the works of our sages and Rabbis are often intricate and complex, filled with wisdom that can sometimes be hard to discern. But it doesn’t have to be this way. After years of seeing the consistent challenge in Torah learning among his students, Rabbi Hoffinger inspired a new, straightforward, and structured way to dive into the texts. Using power-point presentations, color coding, and flow charts, he has developed an easy-to-use supplement to Torah learning, designed to engage students and organize the text. Although his work originally began as the Gemara Academy, focusing only on Gemara study, expanding to Likkutei Sichos has always been a dream for Rabbi Hoffinger; and just 10 weeks before Yud Shvat two years ago (the yardtzeit of the 6th Chabad Rebbe) things began to fall into place, revealing Hoffingers next stop along his journey, and ultimately leading him to Project Likkutei Sichos. “I was at a farbrengen leading up to Yud Shvat, and was inspired to take on something new in its honor. I decided to experiment with creating my presentations for Likkutei Sichos, and spent those 10 weeks uploading a sicha a week. That was around the same time that Project Likkutei Sichos was well in the works. The pieces were coming together, as it went from dream to reality. I got a message from one of the founders who had seen my presentations of the sichos, and we spoke about the project. The next day, I was already on board, excited to see where it would lead.” This happened within days of his birthday, and to Hoffinger, it feels like a birthday gift from the Rebbe himself, blessing him with the opportunity to teach and spread his Torah. Rabbi Hoffinger’s work with Project Likkutei Sichos has provided students with a visual, step-by-step and in-depth journey through the Rebbe’s weekly sichos, which can take up to 10 hours for Hoffinger to prepare. Each sicha follows the same overall structure, creating a clear and logical flow to the sicha’s progression. A red box contains the sicha’s questions, green contains the answers, purple contains the sicha’s lesson, and so on. The map that Rabbi Hoffinger creates allows students to analyze the sicha’s rich and often complex content in a familiar and reliable way. However, the Rebbe’s Torah doesn’t always follow the same flow, and each sicha is a world unto itself, leaving ample room for Hoffinger’s creativity. “The Rebbe doesn’t just answer the questions he poses; he introduces new ideas and new sources that answer those very questions, and we are meant to journey with him to discover those answers.” As Hoffinger explains, the Rebbe’s work often feels paradoxical, and yet, makes complete sense at the same time. There is a deep profundity and beauty within each sicha, especially when the Rebbe catches us off-guard with a counterintuitive approach. He expands the bigger picture, finding the perfect synergy in bringing everything together, and creates a solution that transcends all of the details. The Rebbe doesn’t fix problems; he introduces us to a new way, which is something Hoffinger is passionate about sharing with his students. To him, being a part of Project Likkutei Sichos is an expression of his identity as a Chassid of the Rebbe. It’s bigger than the learning, and even bigger than the teaching. It’s his way of connection to something so much larger than himself. “As a teacher in the world of chinuch, your attachment needs to transcend any type of overt experience. On the one hand, there is no greater reward than the results of teaching; however, our dedication cannot be dependent upon it. In chinuch, our dedication goes deeper than that. It becomes our lives, coming from something so deep within the soul.” Spreading consciousness isn’t quantitative, but rather a quality that slowly seeps throughout our lives. However, looking back, Rabbi Hoffinger sees over 100 sichos he has already taught, and watches that number grow each week. “Slowly, all the pieces come together to create the greater whole. But we must take one step at a time. One sicha a week adds up. It may feel small, but we must remember that one million is made up of a million ones.” Meet Rabbi Chaim Wolosow. Wolosow has always loved teaching. He loves spreading knowledge in a simple, clear and accessible way. He loves the eureka moments his students experience when understanding dawns on them, having successfully internalized the complex and deep concepts of Torah. Rabbi Wolosow began his life in Brooklyn, and many years later found himself a teacher in Boston, where he has lived for close to 41 years teaching and leading the community of Sharon, Massachusetts, and currently serves as a shaliach with his wife, Sara. When the founders of Project Likkutei Sichos approached Rabbi Wolosow, he was already knee deep in his own teaching, with in-person Torah classes every day, his own Youtube Torah channel, and a website geared towards spreading the in-depth Torah of Chassidus. But Wolosow quickly jumped at the opportunity to learn with the project. The Rebbe’s sichos are nothing new to him, but the structure and incentive that the project provides in learning the Rebbe’s Torah creates a whole new experience: one that is unparalleled. “It’s extremely important to have a defined time of study whenever we begin a new project, or a new endeavor. When you have a timeline, you push yourself where you need to be pushed in order to succeed. The Rebbe’s Torah is vast, with so many sichos to learn; but the Rebbe knew we could push ourselves a bit harder. He knew that we could succeed.” And when a group of people come together with a shared vision, they are nothing less than unstoppable. Project Likkutei Sichos provides the framework for a challenging task, making it accessible to the masses. Even Rabbi Wolosow himself sees the huge benefits to his own learning. In the past, he never felt the pressure to finish all of Likkutei Sichos, as it is undoubtedly a big undertaking. However, with the project, Wolosow has committed to learning and teaching 2 sichos each week. He admits that with a strict schedule to adhere to, it’s possible for people to rush through the learning. But that is exactly where the teachers come in, to make the learning a bit easier; to help support participants reach their goal within 7 years, something that Rabbi Wolosow is deeply passionate about. Wolosow’s classes are known for their accessibility. For years as a teacher, he would see students reading Jewish texts over and over, but without truly understanding them. He doesn’t want to simply read words; he wants to share a message in a clear and simple way. Before he dives into the sicha itself, Rabbi Wolosow always gives a bit of an introduction with the basic ideas and themes of the sicha, preparing listeners for what is to come. “Sichos are an endless fountain of insight, and the Rebbe has an amazing ability to bring out the core human experience in even the most esoteric concepts. He brings Torah down to earth. There is no individual who would not be mesmerized with the wisdom of the sichos, even for those who didn’t grow up with it. They are so applicable to anyone and everyone, in ways that other commentary may not be.” The Rebbe was a revolutionary, who saw deep into the hidden wisdom of the text, even when it seemingly defies all simple “pshat”, or translation. In many instances, the Rebbe stood alone in his viewpoints, and in doing so, revealed unparalleled truth. As Rabbi Wolosow explains, with each sicha, there is a whole new wave of enlightenment. Knowing the Rebbe’s greatness is one thing, but experiencing it firsthand through his writing is mind-blowing each and every day. If there’s one thing Wolosow has learned about himself through his time with Project Likkutei Sichos, its that no dream is unattainable, and no task is too hard. There is always more time in the day for learning if you just look for it; and when you work a bit harder, you can accomplish anything. “The Rebbe always taught us of the importance of action. We learn Torah in order to live Torah; in order to make this world a home for G-d with good deeds and mitzvos. With the Rebbe’s blessing, may we take the immense power of our learning through Project Likkutei Sichos, and create a better world.” Meet Rabbi Levi Avtzon. By the 3rd week of Project Likkutei Sichos’ debut, Rabbi Avtzon was hooked, and knew he wanted to partake in the teaching, in addition to the learning. The commitment to teaching each week gave Avtzon the push he needed to fully dive into Likkutei Sichos the way he never dreamed he could. He excitedly joined the project’s team within weeks, engrossed in the Rebbe’s weekly words, and continues to bring a unique twist to the Rebbe’s sichos today. Rabbi Avtzon, who currently serves as the Rabbi of a vibrant shul in Johannesburg, South Africa, believes that as a teacher, context is the most important thing you can give to a student; and unlike other classes in Project Likkutei Sichos, Avtzon’s primary focus is creating context around each sicha. He works to piece back together the different parts of the whole story, and build the bigger picture for his students. “There are often quite a few differences between the original, unedited versions of the Rebbe’s sichos, and the way they were published in Likkutei Sichos. In the process of writing down the Rebbe’s words into essay form, some of the flavor of the oral form didn’t make the cut.” In the written edited form we can miss out on stories the Rebbe shared when giving over the Sichos, or the humor the Rebbe would often share in the conversational style of Farbrengen. The spoken versions bring with them a special flavor and character, and add a personal touch that helps the message come across in a more relatable way. Each week, Rabbi Avtzon travels back in time to the original Farbrengen when the sicha was said. Weekday Farbrengens were recorded, and in the later years, videod. Shabbos and Yom Tov farbrengens were memorized, and then written down after Yom Tov by “Chozrim”. It’s in oral communication of the Rebbe’s Torah, where you are touched by a world vibrant with the Rebbe’s voice, as a teacher. “The Lubavitcher Rebbe did incomparably more speaking than writing, unlike many of the other Rabbeim. And when you follow the Rebbe through his original discourse, it becomes a conversation with him that enriches the written essay form of Likkutei Sichos.” Avtzon brings his students an intimacy that so many of us only dream of with the Rebbe, and connects his words with the bigger picture that we’ve missed over the years. Often, the introductions are taken out, lessons are not fully developed, and sometimes 1 sicha in LD may even be a compilation of three original sichos! But Rabbi Avtzon is committed share the flavor of the original farbrengen. The Sichos were not shared in a vacuum, and when looking at the Farbrengen the context becomes alive. Many Project Likkutei Sichos students listen to Rabbi Avtzon’s class after diving into the full sicha with another teacher of the project; his insight is like a dessert after the main course, which is of course the Sicha. When there are no discrepancies between the original transcript and the modern sicha, Avtzon looks deep into the footnotes, focusing on points that might be overlook, and brings new context from there. Just recently, while researching a sicha, “I found a beautiful point about Moshe and Am Yisroel, that never made it into LS. We learn that nation is compared to Moshe – אתה והעם; and just as Moshe is able to bless every Jew, so too every Jew can bless one another and bring down Yeshuos. It is such an incredible message about the power of a sincere Brocha from one Yid to the next!” For Rabbi Avtzon, being a part of Project Likkutei Sichos goes beyond the incredible accomplishment of one day finishing all of the Rebbe’s sichos- which is no small undertaking. His own father was the publisher of Sichos in English, the flagship organization dedicated to getting the Rebbe’s Torah out to the English speaking crowd. He grew up in a home in which sharing the Rebbe’s wisdom forward was the atmosphere of the home, and being able to continue the family tradition is both meaningful and powerful. “It is a privilege to be a part of the project, and to be exposed in a systematic way to the Rebbe’s incredible wisdom. The passion and commitment of the project’s organizers and teachers are what inspire us all to keep learning each and every day.” Meet Rabbi Moshe Klein. Originally from the “City of Gold”, Jerusalem, Moshe Klein has been living in Crown Heights for fifty-one years now. When he is not managing his Judaica business, selling mezuzot, teffilin and other Judaica items to Jews from around the world, he is traveling the world himself as a mohel, welcoming in the newest members of our nation. For Rabbi Klein, living a life connected to the Rebbe, is of utmost importance. We connect with the holy energy of the Rebbe through infusing our lives with Torah and Mitzvot; and most importantly, through learning his Torah. When Project Likkutei Sichos began, Rabbi Klein saw just how many fires it ignited within people around him. Jews from all over the world, both Chabad and non-Chabad, were tuning in weekly to be inspired. He began the weekly learning himself, and quickly realized the lack of Yiddish language learning present in the project. Without a second thought, he jumped on board as one of the few teachers spreading the Rebbe’s Torah in Yiddish. While the majority of the Rebbe’s sichos were originally taught in Yiddish, most have been translated into English, Hebrew, Spanish etc.; and while translations may bring greater accessibility to the masses, we often lose the magic of the Yiddish language- something that Rabbi Klein doesn’t ever want to forget. For 19 years, Rabbi Klein has been giving his own weekly classes on Likkutei Sichos in Yiddish at his local shul. But for the past year and a half, he has taken on the 8-year commitment of learning Likkutei Sichos along with the Project, with a structure that pushes him to explore even the most challenging sichos. “I used to choose the easier sichos in the past for my classes- the ones that were the easiest to digest and understand. I wanted to make sure it was accessible to everyone. But I missed so much of the Rebbe’s wisdom because of it. Now with the Project, there is no way around it. I dive into even the most complex and long sichos, and have learned how to turn some of the hardest sichos into classes.” As Klein explains, the project has encouraged him to create a whole new style of learning for himself, as well his teaching. He spends hours each week poring over the sicha, reading each footnote in detail, and then learning the original sources too! The Project reaches Jews around the world, and as the Tzemach Tzedek once said, ‘something printed is forever’. Taking the time to be thorough and correct is important to Rabbi Klein as he records his classes each week. And when he does not know the answer, he runs through 770, until he finds the answer he needs. While many of his listeners are Lubavitchers, well-versed not only in Yiddish but in Chabad Chassidus, many are not. Rabbi Klein has students tuning in from around the world, in non- Chabad Chassidish communities where Yiddish is still spoken- a large number of them living in Israel- and he takes the time to explain Chabad concepts, ensuring everyone’s ability to tune in and understand. Rabbi Klein teaches with passion and love, and his own enthusiasm inspires that of his students, who now feel the Rebbe with them throughout the week. The students are beginning to feel like Torah scholars themselves, each week expanding their horizons with the Rebbe’s brilliance and knowledge. Often, Rabbi Klein even gets calls from students, excited to share their experience- how a sicha changed their outlook on life, or a lesson came exactly when they needed to hear it! Learning Likkutei Sichos is not just about learning Torah. It goes much deeper than that, as each and every person steps into a personal connection with the Rebbe’s wisdom, and the Rebbe himself. “It’s hard to describe the feeling of being so connected to the Rebbe. It’s hard to put into words, you begin to live with the Rebbe. In Tehillim, we are taught that when we learn a piece of Torah, the writer of that Torah is right there, with you. And when you learn the Rebbe’s sichos, he is right in front of you, learning together with you and G-d” As he continues his journey through Likkutei Sichos, Rabbi Klein understands one thing very clearly: when there is a will, there is a way. No matter how tall the mountain, you will get there with the right determination and patience; although Project Likkutei Sichos may be a big mountain, it is a beautiful one, and from the top you will see a whole new world. Meet Rabbi Eliahu Stiefelmann. Already from a young age, Rabbi Stiefelmann was deeply enchanted by the wisdom of Likkutei Sichos; and at the age of 15, he made the commitment to spend the next eight years of his life learning the Rebbe’s words each and every night. Whether in yeshiva, at 770, or even on vacation, Rabbi Stiefelmann would open up Likkutei Sichos, and get lost in the world of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Torah. With strong determination and a carefully planned yearly schedule, Stiefelmann achieved his goal, entering the profound world of the Rebbe’s light; and he has never looked back since. His curiosity and passion for Likkutei Sichos swiftly grew with each sicha he learned, and he began creating his own personal evaluation system for the sichos, in addition to writing a short synopsis for each one- which he still uses for his classes today! “I had a whole chart in place, rating every sicha according to its complexity and level of challenge, the themes it teaches us, and what situation it could be used in- at the Shabbos table, in a shiur, or maybe during mivtzaim… My life was filled with the Rebbe’s sichos, and I am proud to say that it still is today. I even use the 2 filled booklets of my notes from years ago!” Today, Rabbi Stiefelmann lives with his family in S. Paulo, Brazil, and serves as a Shaliach for the Jewish community, teaching Torah classes and running the Kollel learning program. For twelve years, Stiefelmann has been teaching three sichos a week, creating classes inspired by the Rebbe’s wisdom and infused with his lessons for life. Likkutei Sichos was written for the masses; the Rebbe spoke to the people of our generation, and Rabbi Stiefelmann is committed to continuing this vision by sharing the Rebbe’s Torah wherever he can- in his Chabad house, on social media, and even through his own Spotify podcast. Stiefelmann first learned of Project Likkutei Sichos about two years ago when a fellow shaliach in Brazil became involved in the project, and asked Stiefelmann to join him in spreading the Rebbe’s light. His colleague would teach the first sicha, and Rabbi Stiefelmann would take on the second each week, recording their classes for the Portuguese speaking community. “It was complete Hashgacha Pratis, brought to me directly by G-d! I was so surprised when the opportunity came my way, but I knew he asked the perfect person to join him. Likkutei Sichos have been my life’s passion for over a decade, and although the task seemed a bit daunting, I was excited to give it my all!” In the beginning, Rabbi Stiefelmann committed to an 8-month trial run of the project, before stepping into the 8-year role. But fast forward 6 months, and the trial run became ancient history, as Stiefelmann himself completely forgot about his 8-month pilot. He was addicted; and there was never even a question whether he would continue to be a part of such an incredible initiative. While Rabbi Stiefelmann may have spent decades exploring the deep waters of Likkutei Sichos on his own, the project has given him even more than he ever imagined. It challenges him on the complex sichos he so often skipped in the past, and pushes him to dive even deeper, immersing himself unlike ever before. “I have never learned the Rebbe’s sichos this way. I have never absorbed them in such a way that they become such an integral part of me. I understand the Rebbe’s Torah on a whole new level now, which allows me to share that very wisdom with others.” Every Sunday morning, Rabbi Steilfelmann sits in his office and pours over the sicha of the week, exploring each “ha’ara” or reference, to really understand the full picture of the Rebbe’s words. Just a few weeks ago, Stiefelmann excitedly finished the longest and most intricate sicha he’s ever learned, a siyum on Masechet Chagigah, marking his longest recording for Project Likkutei Sichos yet. The project has given him the opportunity to explore sichos that a 15-year-old Stiefelmann found scary and untouchable; and it is precisely in those very challenging and detailed sichos where often the most meaning can be found. He has a newfound appreciation for sichos that were once too tedious and detailed, discovering that within each sicha is a vast world of knowledge and expertise waiting to be explored. Living with the Rebbe in such an intimate way has been lifechanging for Rabbi Stiefelmann, who lets the Rebbe’s words guide him into his week with the sichos. “You begin to see life in a different way. The Rebbe talks to us through his sichos, and reminds us how to live. There is more trust in G-d and more faith in life. I not only bring these life lessons into my classes, but keep them for myself in dealing with the personal, emotional and financial challenging moments that life brings to us all. It’s transformational.” As a young bachur, Rabbi Steilfelmann looks back and remembers his awe in the many Rabbis who always had a piece of Torah to share, ready at a moment’s notice with the perfect words in any situation. Today, he finally understands how; and as he continues his journey with Likkutei Sichos, Rabbi Stiefelmann is beginning to teach exactly the same way. Meet Rabbi Ari Shishler. For almost twenty-three years, Rabbi Shishler, along with his wife and 8 children, have had the privilege of building and expanding their thriving Chabad house in Strathaveon- Johannesburg, South Africa. Although it has always been a family affair, things became official when their eldest son recently married and joined them on their mission of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s shlichus. Together, they are continuing to help their vibrant Jewish community grow. When Rabbi Shishler first heard about Project Likkutei Sichos, he knew he had to take part in such an incredible initiative. To teach two of the Rebbe’s sichos each week is to live with the Rebbe, and Shishler sees the deep transformation it continuously has on him. “Every week, each sicha reveals a new and innovative perspective on Judaism. Even with the sichos I have learned before, I find a whole new perspective every time I open up Likkutei Sichos. We are learning sichos that in the past may have been challenging, and even glossed over. Now, we have to opportunity to dive into them, and learn their deep truths.” As Rabbi Shishler desrcibes, within each sicha there is an “ein sof”, a never-ending source of wisdom that we can continuously reveal, rich with the deep layers of the Rebbe’s Torah. It is this wisdom that Shishler brings back with him to his community as a shaliach every week, to instill in their values, and infuse within his Torah classes. The Rebbe’s Torah has always been meant for our modern world; as modern people living in a physical reality, the Rebbe taught ways in which to bring divine loftiness back down to earth. One of Rabbi Shishler’s favorite parts of teaching each week is the challenge in translating abstract Torah concepts into “real world” terminology, something the Rebbe guides him in doing through Likkutei Sichos. At times we may feel disconnected from the esoteric concepts we hear and speak about while learning Torah. But when we can connect to them through our very own lives, we find that these lofty Torah ideas are actually living through us, running through our veins, with every action we take. Rabbi Shishler asks us to question our preconceived notions with the concepts and ideas many of us have been learning since age five. How can we understand them on a deeper level? How can we find their very real relevance within our lives today? “The Rebbe addresses modern issues for our generation; we simply need to find the right language to make his Torah both easily digestible and accessible to anyone and everyone who wants to learn the Rebbe’s wisdom.” Although Shishler may not get face-time with his audience- and while he admits this may be his biggest challenge with the virtual world- the feedback he receives goes a long way. An old student of Shishlers is even committed to giving him weekly feedback- and posts it on social media with a link to the shiur! “A little bit of feedback is enough to keep a person feeling like they are making a difference. Never underestimate the value of one compliment.” Now, not only does Rabbi Shishler receive the positive feedback that encourages him to keep teaching, but he sees the Rebbe’s Torah spreading like wildfire as a result; he sees it changing lives, his own family feeling this impact possibly the most. Within months of Project Likkutei Sichos starting, the Shishler family received a difficult medical diagnosis for their youngest daughter. As Rabbi Shishler and his wife, Naomi, began learning how to navigate such a challenging time for the whole family, the Rebbe’s weekly sichos quickly became an invaluable lifeline. Plugging into the Rebbe’s sichos every single week, Shishler explains, has been a key factor in keeping both him and his wife focused and balanced. To be aligned with the Rebbe’s light and with his outlook on life during such a challenging time, is a precious resource they both cherish. The value in connecting with the Rebbe’s Torah is undoubtedly clear, and Shishler believes that it is exponentially greater than the time and energy it takes on our side. He encourages us all to become students of the Rebbe, and start learning today. Project Likkutei Sichos has made learning the Rebbe’s sichos an accessible goal. Once, learning every sicha would have seemed an impossible feat; and yet, here we are, almost 2 years later, still learning each week. “Start today. Start with just one sicha. When you hold that focus, slow and steady, you will get there. In just 6 years, you will know the entirety of Likkutei Sichos, and learn the Rebbe’s unbelievable insight into how every Jew can live a meaningful life in the 21st century.” We have been given a guide for life from the Rebbe; it is a gift, and learning Likkutei Sichos is indeed an investment worth making. Meet Daniella Golan. Just a year after the passing of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, Daniella Golan received the lasting blessing from the Lubavitcher Rebbe himself to open a place of Torah study for women in Israel; and in 1989, Golan officially opened Ohr Chaya, named in blessed memory of the Rebbetzin, which has been a warm and transformative home to thousands of Jewish women ever since. Located in the golden city of Jerusalem, Ohr Chaya brings the Rebbe’s Torah to life, and inspires women daily. Golan holds her mission from the Rebbe with fervor, closely to her heart. “Thirty-five years ago, very few orthodox Rabbis were teaching women, and encouraging women in Torah study. The Rebbe was a visionary, a reformer. And Ohr Chaya stands today because of him.” Daniella has been teaching Torah for years, but it was just a few years ago that her life completely transformed with Likkutei Sichos. When she first discovered Project Likkutei Sichos, Golan was excited to bring it to the women of Ohr Chaya. It was a wonderful way to dive into the Rebbe’s weekly sichos, with the right resources needed to truly experience the magic of the Rebbe’s words. Golan quickly became involved in the project herself, and was asked to teach one of the weekly sichos in Hebrew to women. Today, she teaches the weekly sicha in person to three different classes of women in Ohr Chaya, while many more women from around the world have the opportunity to tune in from the comfort of their own homes. Daniella believes in going beyond the simple translation, and beneath the words. She travels with her students into the ideas and deep insights that the Rebbe hands us- insights that are truly life-changing. “With every sicha you learn, it becomes a part of you. You are right there with the Rebbe, learning Torah with him. And it is just incredible.” As she prepares each week for her class, Golan spends days diving deep into the world of the Rebbe, learning every word and understanding each “ha’ara,” or comment. She learns with the project’s other teachers as well, listening to 5 or 6 of their classes as she builds her own. And Golan admits, the learning beforehand is her favorite part. “When teaching a sicha, you cannot simply pretend to understand it. You must know it to its core, to its depth, if you truly want to share its wisdom with others. As a woman myself, I love being able to explore the ideas that speak to me with other women.” Together, Golan and the women in her class have created a weekly community of women- one with a lot of life. They discuss the ideas with one another, ask questions, and experience the light of the Rebbe’s Torah; and Golan is extremely grateful to be a part of it. Her weekly class hasn’t yet once been canceled, and even from afar while traveling, Daniella will find a way to make it work. Unabashedly, Likkutei Sichos has become her whole life, and she has the project to thank for gifting her with this treasure. Her days are filled with a deeper connection to the Rebbe, and more joy in her heart; and her life is filled with many more blessings and miracles. Daniella even shares some of the Rebbe’s Torah with her grandchildren as she teaches them ideas from the sichos over milkshakes together! “Project Likkutei Sichos is genius. I am so lucky to be a part of such an incredible project, and work alongside brilliant teachers. The project will change the world in ways we cannot even imagine.” Golan lives with the project day in and day out, and even learns the second sicha of the week on her own after she teaches the first sicha for the project. Just recently, Golan received the “Yakir Yerushalayim” prize from the mayor of Jerusalem, recognizing her immense contribution to the culture and education of the city. Before an interview with a local newspaper, her daughter reminded her jokingly to not only speak about the project! Her family laughs with her that her world has become Project Likkutei Sichos, completely filled with the words of the Rebbe- and she holds this with pride. “It’s all I talk about. I have changed completely as a person through this experience. I thank everyone involved for bringing this blessing into the world.” Meet Mrs. Rivky Slonim As the Chabad shluchim at Binghamton, NY, Rivky and her husband, Rabbi Aaron Slonim, spend their time giving to the thriving Jewish community they have been building over the last thirty-seven years: it is an ever-expanding student community at Binghamton University who then become alumni once they leave. As Rivky explains, “it is her whole life,” one that is filled with teaching, traveling, connecting and creating. When she first heard of Project Likkutei Sichos, her busy schedule left little room for new commitments, despite the excitement and intrigue it left her with. But as a global pandemic began making its way into the minutiae of our daily lives, Rivky knew she could make use of the free time she now had; and with that, she joined the project and jumped right in, finding a new way to spread light during challenging times. For close to two years, every Monday morning at 10 AM, Rivky signs onto Zoom to gather with a group of women from around the world, ready to learn a new sicha of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. As one of few classes held live each week, Rivky has the privilege of meeting her students face-to-face. “There is a certain power that comes with people joining together to learn Torah. We have created a small community of women, and have created connections through this. I may be the one doing the formal teaching, but I feel the presence of—and learn from—everyone; we very much learn together.” Learning live creates a space for questions and reflections, and one where the women have come to inspire one another through showing up. Most of the women have full families, day jobs and busy schedules; and yet each week, they make the time to sit with their community, and learn Torah. It is a commitment not only to the Rebbe, but to one another. The weekly commitment has made the experience truly transformative, not only in regards to the community it has helped to build, but in the learning itself. There is a cumulative effect when we commit to consistency; we enter into a new headspace, and the experience becomes that much more powerful. As Rivky explains, the Rebbe taught us how to think, not what to think. And through showing up consistently each week, we are beginning to enter into the deep world of sichos. “Every sicha you learn helps you to understand every other sicha. It is a science with its own rules and axioms and terrain.” It is through entering this world that one begins to understand the vastness of the Rebbe’s teachings, and Rivky admits that it may take another one hundred- thousand years to truly appreciate the enormity, depth, and breadth of the ocean that is Likkutei Sichos. Through the teaching process, Rivky has deepened her personal connection to the Rebbe, and has gained a whole new level of “bekius” or basic Torah knowledge. But maybe most importantly, she has gained an understanding of just how much she will never know, an understanding that will keep her an eternal student of the Rebbe’s guiding Torah. “It is amazing how deeply each sicha speaks to you. Everything you take in becomes a part of you, and I see them integrated into my everyday life. The sichos have become my ‘North Star’.” Every week, Rivky sets aside the time to properly choose the right sicha for that week’s learning. Of the two sichos, which seems most relevant to our moment? Which may be more compelling, especially to our community of women? Which one seems to be doable in an hour or an hour and a half? Then, together with her husband, who has supported her role in the project from the very beginning, Rivky learns the sicha at length- and multiple times, often calling other teachers and Rabbis with questions. In a community bursting with so many Torah resources and experienced teachers, learning from others is a tool that Rivky feels privileged to have, and can bring back with her to the women in her class. There are times when the material is challenging, as each sicha brings in something new to explore. Especially for women, some sichos enter territory many women have never explored before in Torah learning, and that can be intimidating. But with each sicha, the women show up together with the power of commitment and determination, and try their best. “We have created a certain sisterhood among women across the globe- South Africa, England, South America and of course, across the United States…we have a web around the world; both a web of learning and a web of support. One member was able to speak on Zoom about a loved one on the day of her last Kaddish. We made a “lechaim” and we were all crying together.” For Rivky, her weekly time with Project Likkutei Sichos is a time to cherish. “It has become a kind of Shabbos to me, an axis around which my whole week revolves, and I am deeply grateful for it in my life. The project has ignited a fire. The heavens have opened to something unstoppable- a repository of treasures for all people to access, in our day and for all time.” This profile is part of a featured series on the incredible Maggidei Shiurim who teach for Project Likkutei Sichos. Meet Rabbi Moshe Spalter Rabbi Spalter has lived with the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s sichos for much of his life. He knows their brilliance, and sees their impact. When he heard about Project Likkutei Sichos through the grapevine, he signed up before it even began, knowing from the start what a revolutionary project it would become; and he was right. As the Chabad shaliach of Southern Ontario, together with his wife, Rabbi Spalter has been involved in teaching Torah and spreading Judaism within his vibrant community for forty years now. Both his passion for teaching and vast experience reflect the large role he has taken on within Project Likkutei Sichos. Every week, Rabbi Spalter prepares 4 classes for the project, committing himself to learning both of the Rebbe’s weekly sichos. For each sicha, he dives into the text, translating and reviewing the Rebbe’s wisdom word for word- either from Yiddish or Hebrew. But in addition to his text-based classes, Rabbi Spalter teaches a weekly synopsis class, which has become one of the project’s most popular lectures. Not everyone can find the time or the headspace for an in-depth weekly class, but with a weekly summary, even the busiest listeners can soak in the Rebbe’s light. “The synopsis classes are a creative challenge for me, a chance for me to become more innovative. I need to digest each sicha on my own before I choose how to bring together the Rebbe’s points in a short and meaningful way. I both need to absorb the sicha, and then distill it in order to share it with listeners.” As Spalter explains, sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees; we may lose the large picture, or the Rebbe’s intention, if we focus too closely on smaller details and risk getting lost there. The weekly synopses allow us to see the whole forest, and hear the clear message of the Rebbe in a concise way. While the commitment of teaching four weekly classes is no small undertaking, in addition to the responsibilities of running his own Chabad House, Spalter welcomes the challenge. He may have been learning Torah all his life, but the project has given him more reason to dedicate much of his time to learning the Rebbe’s Torah, something that has certainly changed his life for the better. The weekly task at hand focuses him; the project gives him the drive to be fully committed, while creating a vessel for learning in an orderly and consistent way. It not only creates structure for his own Torah study, but Rabbi Spalter knows it does this for all of its participants. “The amount of content being generated by the project is truly remarkable. It has created an accessible way for anyone, anywhere to learn the Rebbe’s sichos. Participants can find a way to learn that speaks uniquely to them. Teaching style, language, level of intensity…there are so many options. There are even learning options for children!” Although he may not have face-time with his virtual students, Rabbi Spalter sees the deep impact Project Likkutei Sichos has on the larger community. The numbers keep climbing, and he knows he is a part of something innovative. Something big. And the feedback he receives makes the experience that much more gratifying. Spalter has had the privilege to meet some of his students in person, and is encouraged by the positive responses he receives. He has even gotten calls from time to time from listeners looking to discuss or understand a concept taught in one of his classes. He then gets the opportunity to dive a bit deeper, one-on-one, with his students. But his most gratifying feedback is undoubtedly from his own 17-year-old granddaughter, who calls Spalter up often to discuss his classes on the sichos, and to share her own reflections on the Rebbe’s Torah. Her level of engagement is but a small window into the vast world of learning that Project Likkutei Sichos has brought into the community. Spalter encourages the project’s students to continue learning alongside its weekly study schedule. “Likkutei Sichos is where the Rebbe laid out his vision of the world, and our role as Jews within it. It will change your lives.” This profile is part of a featured series on the incredible Maggidei Shiurim who teach for Project Likkutei Sichos. Meet Mrs. Freidy Yanover From a young age, chassidus has been “mother’s milk” to Freidy, a staple in her development and growth, as well as a constant in her life. “Chassidus simply flowed in our home. It was where everything came from.” She recalls that it was early on in her life when she connected to the profoundness of Chassidic wisdom; there is always a knowledge beyond the knowledge. Chassidus is layered with a deeper meaning nestled into the words on a page, and it is precisely in the spaces between the words where the intended message can be found. And so it is with the Rebbe’s teachings. We can read the words with a basic understanding, and yet, if we do not dive into their core, we risk losing so much of their intent. It is with this understanding that Freidy approaches her weekly classes for Project Likkutei Sichos. Blessed with parents who valued the intention behind a word and coming from a family of teachers and translators who are shluchim around the world, words have always been a big part of her life. She grew up learning the nuances of language, and the power which sits at the core of each word. “When you have both a love of language and a love of chassidus, there is a merging that takes place, where you can almost marry the words on the page with a deeper understanding beyond what can be seen at face-value.” Freidy began teaching for the project from the very beginning, and although it was her first time teaching the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s sichos on such a consistent basis, she jumped right in- into the sources and references the Rebbe laid as foundation throughout each sicha. Each “ha’ara” is like another clue on the map, and when each reference is gathered along the way, it reveals the deep treasure waiting to be found. Freidy is committed to following the learning path that the Rebbe has laid out within each sicha, a brilliant framework connecting the dots from all across Torah. The references in the Rebbes sichos navigate the entire world of Torah thought. References lead us to the Talmud, followed immediately by another that leads us to Kabbalistic sources. And as we piece it all together, the journey we are on suddenly becomes clear, and the message clear as well. Every week, Freidy humbly aims to use greater accuracy in delivering the sichos, not just in their stark translation, but to translate them into words that represent their deeper meaning, a meaning that is applicable to each and every one of us today. In doing so she endeavors to get to the heart of the matter, to understand the lesson the Rebbe intended. “We are always teaching to a generation. We teach not to what was in the past, but to what is now, and with an eye to what will be. We need to look at our generation, and find the message that is meant for us. The Rebbe taught like this, and the sichos are transcribed to do just this.” Freidy explains that as she continues to live with a new sicha each week, she grows more and more familiar with the way the Rebbe develops an idea. The Rebbe’s framework for teaching has seeped into her own teaching, as she builds her lectures and classes on contemporary thoughts in Chassidus. In her work as a therapist as well, Freidy sees the influence of the Rebbe’s sichos. When she is not teaching for Project Likkutei Sichos, she is bringing the Rebbe’s unique methodology into her therapy practice with clients, and of course into the way she lives her own life. “It is an incredible zechus to be a part of this project, to be able to learn so much myself, and then to share it with women around the world. I may not know all my students personally, but as I expand my understanding, it is a privilege to facilitate this for others as well.” This profile is part of a featured series on the incredible Maggidei Shiurim who teach for Project Likkutei Sichos. Meet Rabbi Moshe Gourarie Originally from Detroit, Michigan, today Gourarie and his wife run the Chabad House of Tom’s River, NJ, where they have lived with their 12 children for 18 years and counting. What began as a more typical “Chabad house” style community- focused primarily on outreach- slowly blossomed into one with a thriving religious Jewish life, as more traditional families began joining the community in recent years. With this shift, the Gourarie family’s reach has broadened, and so have their services. Not only is outreach a part of their mission, but imbuing the community with chassidus is now a big part of it too. Thus, it is no surprise that Project Likkutei Sichos is so close to Rabbi Gourarie’s heart. Involved with the project from the very beginning, he watched as a personal passion project quickly turned into a community-wide operation, connecting people across the globe through the wisdom of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. And each week, he continues to take part in that mission. As Gourarie explains, “The Rebbe taught that every milestone creates a special energy that is meant to be harnessed and utilized”. On the 70th anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s leadership, a very powerful energy was used to help create and cultivate such a successful project, and it continues to help Project Likkutei Sichos flourish each week, as its resources, languages, and viewers worldwide rapidly expand. “God’s hand is in everything we do. Yet, there are times in life when we are blessed to see it clearly. The Rebbe’s role in the project is so clear to me, from the very beginning. I am incredibly blessed to be a part of such a special endeavor.” Rabbi Gourarie teaches a classic text-based class on the first sicha each week. He may already be a full time shaliach and father, but the Rebbe’s sichos have become a huge part of his daily life, beginning with his weekly class preparation. Gourarie believes in giving his students the full story; each sicha of the Rebbe is without a doubt a whole world unto itself, with comments that direct us to other sources and references divinely placed to teach us through their context. These “ha’aros” are crucial, Rabbi Gourarie explains, and through collecting the many puzzle pieces along the way himself, Gourarie strives to give his students the full picture, without them needing to know the different references beforehand. He provides the context needed for listeners, as he dives into the text of the sicha each week, and translates it into English from both Yiddish and Hebrew. But the sichos’ influence on Gourarie’s life go well beyond the scope of teaching; they have become a part of his family. Each week, both his wife and children learn alongside him, and work on creations of their own to help spread the Torah of the Rebbe. Gourarie’s wife, who grew up in a family of sicha transcribers and translators, has found her own unique way of continuing the family tradition, and has teamed up with their children to create weekly animated videos, based on a poem she writes each week for the sicha. “There is an enthusiasm around the Rebbe’s sichos in our home, as my children create, direct and edit their work each week. The Rebbe’s ideas follow us to the Shabbat table. It has become a part of our family, and has not only made me into a better person, but has had a positive impact on my family as well.” And well beyond his family, Project Likkutei Sichos has become a “household name” among many, finding its place in the wider community, and making its way into mainstream culture. This comes as no surprise, as the project itself both survives and thrives on the community it has created, and the many volunteers who put in the work day in and day out. It takes a village; and when a village comes together with a shared vision, the results are truly remarkable. “The project is all about connection, in its consistency and simplicity. People come together to learn each week, and there is a great power in that one simple goal.” Although Gourarie doesn’t teach face-to-face, every time he hits “record” at the beginning of each class, he feels the adrenaline rush as if it were day one- and his students feel the excitement too. Many see Rabbi Gourarie as their weekly chavrusa, and feel a personal connection to him even though they’ve never met. Gourarie recalls visiting a community member during a challenging time. “He asked me to bring my Likkutei sichos to learn, and I laughed. But he was serious, because we already learn together each week! There is a built-in friendship and connection through the project, despite not getting the chance to teach in person, and seeing the results of my classes is both meaningful and inspiring.” But the learning and teaching goes both ways. One of the Rabbi’s favorite parts of the process is his own learning. As he teaches, Gourarie gains a whole new level of understanding, and gets to learn from some of the other project’s teachers as well. As he prepares each week, he speaks with teachers from around the world, as they connect over the Rebbe’s ideas. “The best part of teaching is the learning,” Rabbi Gourarie shares “and as I continue to grow as a teacher, I become an even better student.”
Return To Nature With Healthy Routines - Amy David Return To Nature With Healthy Routines Tons of hype goes around pre-season training and bulking up the “ski legs” before the snow hits in early winter. If you missed that train, no worries! Start your momentum now as the snow continues to pile up, and keep that health routine rolling all winter. In past seasons, I’ve focused on the pre-season training then focused simply on the skiing during winter. As we all should! However, lately my outlook has shifted to developing healthy year round habits along with a boost in training prior to the kick-off of winter. Photo By: Hillary Mayberry When winter gets underway, many of us are traveling chasing the snow. Some of us are cramming in as many work hours as possible so when the snow is good we can play hooky to ski the goods. Others are enticed to the apre all night scene. Often, we find ourselves in each of these scenarios over the course of ski season and the health routines are on a roller coaster ride. Here’s a breakdown of my focus for developing a year-long health routine to crush all ski season. It’s about balance between body, mind, nutrition, and synergy with intention. Self Love and Chill Out Give yourself a break. Recovery is essential. Living in Idaho the past few years, I’ve formed a habit of spending rest days soaking in the local geothermal hot springs quite literally down by the river. Getting the guts to dip in the icey river water then back to the hot spring flushes the blood through the body adding a dose of oxygen to the muscles and joints. Sitting still to listen to the sounds of nature is magical and completely free, it only costs the time to slow down and enjoy simplicity. Taking the time to reflect on gratitude nurtures a positive mindset which translates to day to day life. If you aren’t next door to a hot spring, yoga and simple stretching with meditation works wonders. Check out this Icey bikini! Photo By: Emily Tidwell Everyone talks about them - goals, intentions, purpose, it’s all about manifesting your desires. At the start to every season, I write out overall intentions for the season in general terms, like keep it fun, be a reliable partner in the backcountry, improve my technical ski mountaineering skills, connect with nature, and so on. I think about creating purpose and meaning. Then it’s time to break down specific goals. This is how progress is initiated. Goals that are specific, timely, attainable are way more likely to be reached. The key ingredient with success after goals is ACTION. For example, one of my five year goals is to become a certified American Mountain Guide Association (AMGA) ski guide. The first step for me this winter is to complete the Avalanche Pro 1 course, and I’ve been studying everyday prepping for the certification this December. To find avalanche education in your area, check out avalanche.org. Multiple times a year, I sit down and write out goals in each area of my life to continually progress, maintain balance and check in. I aim to balance my focus between physical/health, emotional/social, intellectual/professional and spiritual. Reaching goals is similar to navigation in the backcountry in the sense that you choose a destination, create a route from you’re current status, and begin acquiring the skills and knowledge required to reach the new destination. Photo By: Jeremy Lato Let’s take it up a notch in education ourselves where our food comes from and how that affects the environment AND our bodies. Eating healthy is essential to maintaining a high performance body and mind. I try to be as cognizant as possible about what food I consume. The simplest way for me to ensure I’m eating clean meals is to cook for myself. At the store I buy organic fruits and vegetables along with healthy grains. At home I eat meat from an elk or deer my partner hunted or from an animal my parents raised on our family’s small ranch. Respect for the animal and knowing it lived a healthy happy life is important to me. Jumpstart the day. Every morning I drink coffee, water and make a smoothie. Nutrient dense smoothies jam packed with power foods to fire up the muscles for a big day. The staple ingredients: banana, blueberries, spinach, plain greek yogurt, ginger root, raw turmeric, local raw honey, organic grains protein powder, natural herbal vitamin supplements and orange juice. Photo By: Eric Sales Strong, Resilient Body Skiing is always better when the body is healthy and strong. Consistency is the lasting factor that keeps your body firing all season. The hard core leg workouts in the fall are important, but developing a long term fitness plan keeps the performance level high. My physical training routine is year round. As a person who has had two ACL reconstructive surgeries, injured neck, shoulders, and various broken bones, strong muscles are top priority for injury prevention. I’ve formed the habit of continuing physical therapy exercises throughout the ski season that target proprioceptor muscles, balance, and strength to those specific body parts. Leading up to ski season, I work with the strength and conditioning coach of MTNRDY to build muscle and endurance for long uphill climbs followed by steep descents. The program progresses with goals of training the muscles to tolerate and flush out the lactic acid during high intensity ski descents. Added in this year is a major focus on upper body, back, and core for snowmobiling. As a 125 pound gal, it takes a heap of muscle, determination, and strategy to move and lift a 400 pound machine. Pushups here I come! Photo By: Hillary Mayberry Summer is the best for building stamina. I worked as a backpacking guide all summer and fall which had me hiking through the mountains 5-10 miles a day carrying 40-80 pound packs. When I’m not backpacking, mountain biking is the ultimate cross-training (and simply fun!) I love the synergy of body and mind during mountain biking which emulate the experience during skiing. The body is exerting energy and connecting the mind which is firing as fast as you can ride taking in every obstacle and corner along the way. How are body and mind communicate to fire in harmony is critical for smooth shredding. As a coach for the Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation big mountain and backcountry team, I’ve been joining the kids on the trampolines. Learning new tricks that we may never try on snow still helps with air awareness. When you get bucked backseat and sideways off a mogul, how you recover in the air to land on your feet. I highly recommend hitting a trampoline gym for some bounce time. As winter revs up, I hope you find time to return to nature to recenter with yourself as well as shredding as much powder as humanly possible! -Icey Athlete, Amy David
EVS│Lisbon, Portugal 🇵🇹│Associação Spin Associação Spin is looking is looking for a volunteer from Croatia 🇭🇷 for EU funded volunteering activity! 💡 European Voluntary Service project in Associação Spin 😃Who? Youth 18-30 years old 🌍 Where? Lisbon, Portugal 🇵🇹 📅 When? 1st June 2018 - 28th February 2019 ⏳ Deadline for applications! 10th of February 2018. ✈️Travel costs are reimbursed! 💶 Accommodation, food and pocket money are covered by European Union! ❓ To learn more about Erasmus+ visit our website: https://www.synergy-croatia.com/what-is-erasmus The volunteers will participate in the activities of the European Programmes and Mobility Department, which include: – help in the logistical organization of Spin´s international projects (Youth Exchanges, Training Courses, Live it Lisbon! Summer Volunteer Programme, etc.); – administrative support to Spin´s sending activities (Portuguese EVS volunteers or groups of Portuguese participants in Youth Exchanges, Training Courses, etc.); – help the organization of and active participation in Information Sessions about Erasmus+ at the office, in schools, seminars and conferences in order to promote the program; – research and collecting information on international mobility opportunities for Spin´s monthly newsletter and Spin´s website, blog, Facebook and Twitter. In the Image and Communication Department, the volunteers will : – contribute to content creation (text, graphic and audio-visual) and regular updates of the blog, website, Facebook and Twitter pages; – prepare the monthly newsletter; – create brochures, posters, flyers and other promotional materials; – distribute flyers, brochures, posters and/or other promotional materials for youth related events in the neighborhood where the office is based, in the Carnide area and specifically in schools and universities of the Lisbon Metropolitan area; – document all Spin’s activities and disseminate the information. All volunteers will also support the management and staff of the SPIN Hostel (by hosting groups, answering to requests for information, cooking and cleaning together with international groups, arranging cultural activities with the groups staying in the Hostel, decorating the rooms, creating and maintaining communication regarding the Hostel, etc.). LOGISTICS & PRACTICAL INFO: Accommodation – Coordinating & hosting organization, Associação Spin, will provide the lodging in a flat as close to the office and the city center as possible. If the apartment is located in the city center, the volunteers will spend around 45 minutes to reach the office by bus and subway. The volunteers will have to share the room with another volunteer/student/young person (room and connected expenses are paid by Associação Spin). They may also – if so wished by the volunteer – receive a monthly accommodation allowance and be solely responsible for finding and paying for their own accommodation. Food & transportation – A monthly allowance of 186,70€ will be provided by Associação Spin to cover food expenses and local public transportation. Pocket money – Every month the volunteer will receive 122.22€ as pocket money. Working hours – The volunteers are expected to spend 30-35 hours a week working. The daily timetable includes time for language learning, lunch, social activities and development of own project ideas, etc. Days off – Volunteers are entitled to two days off per week (which sometimes may not be Saturday or Sunday) as well as 2 extra days of vacation for every month of their voluntary work. VOLUNTEERS’ PROFILE: WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Volunteers aged 18-30 years, open minded, eager to learn and motivated to work on the proposed project activities. It is not required to have any particular degree of formal education, but to have positive and proactive attitude, show tolerance, flexibility and capacity to adapt, motivation and enthusiasm. We will give some priority to candidates who have at least a basic level of Portuguese. In order to be considered for the vacancies, each candidate has to send (in only 1 single e-mail): project-specific Motivation Letter, short presentation about the Spin Association (the format is absolutely free for you to choose!; for the best content do a little research on our various websites and communication channels!). The complete applications (CV + project-specific Motivation Letter + presentation about Associação Spin) should be sent to firstname.lastname@example.org no later than on February, 10th 2018. Special remarks (please read carefully): This project has NOT received funding from the Erasmus+ Program yet, so it is NOT 100% sure that it will start in June 2018; we will apply for the Erasmus+ funding on February, 15th; candidates from both Programme and Partner Countries may apply; please make sure you have a Sending Organization before you apply; Contact us at email@example.com , we can be your sending organisation! we only accept complete applications that contain all the required documents; we can´t consider applications sent after the deadline (February, 10th); due to the high number of candidates, we are only able to contact the short-listed candidates (in order to invite them for a brief Skype interview); all the other candidates will be informed about the selection results by February, 16th through our website.
We all like a good come back story, don't we? Jess Winnett grew up in a less-than-perfect home and had great examples of what not to do in her own marriage. Instead of continuing a cycle of poor choices and broken families, Jess has done everything she can to have a healthy relationship with her husband and children. She's proof that you can make a better life than your parents had, no matter how crazy things were for you growing up! Listen for your marvelous inspiration! Catherine Middlebrooks is a yoga teacher, mom wife, and the founder of brb Yoga. She helps mothers get their strength back after pregnancy and childbirth! Listen to today's episode to find out why working out is different once you've had a baby, and why it's so important! We're back after a little break! Michelle Gifford is on the podcast today talking about doing things your way. She's a business mentor, podcaster, Maskcara artist, and a photographer - just to name a few. Check out her course! A Girlfriend's Guide to Blogging is your secret sauce to blogging to be found online. No more wasting time writing without being seen. This course walks you through step-by-step creating a blog and content that gets you found by the right people (think people searching on Google and Pinterest and finding YOU). Coupon code: kirsten50 Not many of us can say we've been critiqued in the tabloids, but Melisa Osmond found herself in the spotlight in a very unwelcome way. She married into a well-known family (can you guess which one?) and lives a mostly normal life. She never imagined that strangers could be so mean online! Even if you haven't been the target of cyber-bullying, we've all been victim of negative criticism at some point or another. Melisa shares how she overcame the hate in today's episode! She knows what you've been through and can say "Me, too." You're gonna love this one! Cat & Nat are the epitome of best mom friends. If you don't already know them, this episode will make you want to. "Momming" is better together! Shara is an awesome woman I met at the Wannabe Balanced event this year. She's a mother of two, a news anchor for KSL, and overall boss mom! This is a great episode with a peek into what it's like to be a full time working mom and basically rock all aspects of your life. Jen Riday is the host of a podcast called Vibrant Happy Women, and she is the epitome of that name! Ladies, be aware that major creative and special sparks flew during this episode. The synergy that can happen on a podcast interview is kind of amazing. I LOVED Jen when she interviewed me on her podcast, and loved her even more when I had the chance to chat with her for an episode of MY podcast! She is a remarkable insightful woman and you would be smart to follow her podcast as well as this one. We talked a lot about motherhood and how imperative it is that we create joy in the center of our homes. I LOVED how she compared mothers to the sun, with planets- our kids and spouses- orbiting around us, and how if we are happy it effects that orbit and energy. It's the phrase, happy wife happy life, right? But a lot more spectacular than that. The best thing that happened on this episode was the validation of how IMPORTANT it is to take care of myself before I can take care of my family. Following my dreams, passions and desires only makes me better, it doesn't take away that love I have for my children! Meditation is something I have been thinking about, as well as this craving for yoga, and Jen brought all of it right to me with her belief that an hour of yoga is as good as weekend away. Thank you Jen for having such a great conversation with me, sharing your insight as a mother of 6 children and proponent of happiness and vibrance! You might recognize the name Al Carraway from her book "More Than the Tattooed Mormon." She is a writer, public speaker, and mother to two young children: Gracie and Christian. Despite flunking public speaking class, Al now speaks multiple times a week and has won awards for her speaking. In her episode, she talks about her faith and how it has pushed her to be who she is. Hey everyone! Today is a great one for all you foodies or moms wanting a little reset on your eating routine. I love Sam's tag line- you can't eat clean without getting dirty! If you think about it, most convenient food isn't messy. We gravitate to fast food and easy meals to prevent further work in the kitchen. Raise your hand if you've ever ordered in just because you CANNOT do another dish. My hand is up. I love stories that include someone finding silver lining in a hard situation. Sam had major digestive issues for most of her life, and as she got to the bottom of what was causing it, she developed a way to eat. And it hasn't only benefited her, but those around her and anyone who wants to take advantage of her research and planning! Tune in to listen to more and get started with Sam's meal planning subscription to help you make meal time healthy and easy! Today you're going to hear a slightly different episode! I let the amazing Whippycake (remember her from episode 79?) interview ME on the podcast! In honor of International Women's Day I was really excited to share more about my own story as a mompreneur business owner! I love sharing stories of my guests and have been asked a lot lately to share more of my own background and what a day in the life is like for me! So sit back and relax and enjoy the fun twist on today's episode! Thank you Whippy for being an amazing host!! Have I mentioned before how excited I am to have the means and time to travel the world? We're getting closer every day, and talking to people who are actually doing it keeps my fire lit! I had the chance to sit down with Jessica Gee from The Bucket List Family months ago while she was in Turkey! I was so pleasantly surprised to see how normal she and her family are, in spite of their extraordinary lifestyle! I was so inspired by Jessica and her family, as well as so impressed about how they spread their happiness with others. They are such a service oriented family and are spreading goodness all around the globe. Jessica and I talked about what it has been like traveling the world with two young children, and what she's looking forward to when they take a break from their travels. Thank you for taking time between ocean dives and safaris to chat with me Jessica! It was so fun! Today's episode is all me, your host, Kirsten (you know me, right?) sending my voice into cyberspace for you to listen. I'm sharing some pretty personal stuff about what life is looking like for me right now and how so many bumps and bruises have led me to a GLORIOUS rainfall! I used to hate rain...ok I still kind of hate rain. I'm a summer soul, born in June and I love the sunshine. Gloomy skies mean gloomy moods for me. So thankfully the rain I'm speaking of is hypothetical, and the best type of rain anyone can hope for. The rain of abundance. After spending a year working harder than I've ever worked, I am reaping some amazing rewards and I wanted to share that with you! It's only fair to get to hear the good stuff, after sharing some of the struggle along the way, right? I don't know that I've ever talked this long on my own without a guest, so I hope it proves how much I had in my heart to share! I've tried to record this a few times and today it flowed freely. So enjoy, find some inspiration (I hope) and peace, knowing that all hard work pays off! Have a marvelous day! The internet is amazing friends- it makes it possible to make friends literally ANYWHERE in the world. And I didn't need to look far to find Allie- she's raising an adorable family in Arkansas, and I only stumbled upon her thanks to a blog post of hers that went viral recently. You've probably heard about her, or read about her rather. She solved every moms problem with her article, and I felt all the good feelings while chatting with her! I was literally thinking to myself the other day how much I hate picking up after my kids. How I know they can learn to pick up after themselves and it's an every day battle- but in the mean time I'm stuck doing it. Allie had the same moment in her motherhood and stopped to problem solve rather than do what most of us do- follow the same pattern expecting a different result. She realized that the things she was cleaning up every day were her kids toys- and they had way too many of them. So she started on a path that led her to clearing out not only a toy haul, but all the clutter that inundated her life! It left her so bored that she had to change a few things in their family...and you'll have to listen to find out what I'm talking about! You know those days as a mom when you are just melting into the floor in despair because you can't handle one more thing? The days you realize maybe you've taken on too much and need to quit it all just to be able to be the perfect mother? I know you've felt that way- whether or not you work or just take on a lot of extra responsibilities in your community, church, etc. The day I sat down to chat with Rhonna was one of those days for me. I had met her once before but it was an instant love, an immediate connection that I was BEYOND grateful to have. I knew before we even got Skype to work that it was going to lift my burden just to talk to her. And of course- she said all the right things and never once made me feel bad for feeling bad! As she went on to share some incredible, uplifting stories, she warmed my heart even more and helped me see that there is hope beyond my bad days. Rhonna is famous for her incredible app- Rhonna's Designs. It's been one of the most popular apps in the app store for three years now, and will change. your. life! She's SO talented and has evolved with her field even before it was ready to evolve. Basically she was a pioneer of digital media, online scrapbooking and frankly- doing a LOT with a little. In an era where it feels like we need ALL the things to be successful, this episode will ground you and help you to realize what is most important, how to make your dreams come true no matter what your circumstance- and it will just leave you feeling AWESOME. Rhonna is by far one of the wisest, sweetest women I've had the pleasure of knowing and I can't wait for you to get to know her more through this episode! Thank you for sharing your heart with us you beautiful woman! Keep up with Rhonna on Instagram and all the places- you won't be sorry! Kindle is one of those people you just INSTANTLY love. It could be her charming demeanor, or the way she can melt your heart and make you laugh all in one sentence. Or maybe it's the fact that in spite of how incredible her story is, she's still relatable, in a really spectacular way. Whatever it is that makes me love her, I guarantee you will love her too! Her story is heart wrenching, faith testing and empowering, and she is the definition of Marvelous Mom. And here's what I want everyone to realize- being marvelous does not mean being perfect. It means fully embracing your motherhood, feeling gratitude for your children and your divine role as their mother. Grab a box of tissues and prepare to ugly cry. This is a story of faith in God, faith in the fact that He truly hears prayers and answers them, and that we are all worthy of amazing blessings! Enjoy this episode brought to you by the Retail Arbitrage Course, where you can learn to make money every time you go shopping! www.amazonfbacourse.com Today's episode is short and sweet and might explain a little bit more about why I started Marvelous Moms and what the last year has been like for me personally! As the host of the podcast I rarely talk much about my own personal journey, but today felt it was important to catch you up on where we are at in our million dollar goal, why I've fallen behind and how I am getting my act back together! Whether you are a new listener or old one, this is meant to inspire you and remind you that we are all human- but we are capable of being AMAZING MARVELOUS MOMS! And today's episode is sponsored by the Amazon FBA Course- to learn how you can make a full time living from the comforts of home, check out www.amazonfbacourse.com! Several months ago I was on my favorite social media platform, Periscope, when a new person popped up and everyone invited me to watch her live streams. I had never heard of her, didn't know her story (because I was living under a rock somewhere that Instagram didn't exist apparently), but I instantly loved her. Who was this beautiful red head with five children, and how on earth did she seem so calm and sweet with FIVE children under the age of five running around? I got to know Emily a lot through watching her Periscopes, and we became "social media friends", which was wonderful. She would come on my periscopes and laugh and leave supportive comments as I tried to show everyone my make-up regimen that consisted of 3 year old lip liners and half broken brushes. I thought, hey, this girl is really sweet and fun, I should have her on the podcast sharing some mom tips since she's clearly got some things figured out to have had so many kids in such a short time! I had no idea, none whatsoever, that she was battling the hardest year of her life. Because I had been living under a rock, I had never read her blog, didn't know that her husband Martin was suffering from Stage 4 Melanoma. I didn't know that on top of taking care of five kids, she was taking care of a terminally ill husband, maintaining a blog and keeping a smile on her face. I just thought she was an adorable, carefree mom with the standard life we all seem to live. When I started reading more on her blog, I was devastated for her. I almost felt embarrassed that I had asked her to be on the podcast, not realizing how difficult life was for her. I watched with thousands of other people as her life continued to become weighed down with sorrow, and cried my eyes out when I found out her sweet husband had passed away just days before Father's Day. You never know how to talk to someone when they are in grief, or at least I don't. I prayed for Emily like everyone else, and let her know I was there. Fast forward a few months, and now I can't go a day without talking to her. She's become one of my soul sister friends, the kind that you just know you knew before. I'd always heard Emily was sweet and kind, but until I met her in real life, I didn't realize truly how special she is. And not only is she the most patient, mellow mother, she is HILARIOUS and we keep each other laughing on a daily basis, which I have always thought is the best medicine... Emily came to visit me this past weekend with all five of those amazing kids, and we stole a little time after they were all in bed to finally have this podcast interview. I'm honored to be able to share a little more insight into what the last year and a half were like for Emily, the moments she didn't feel ready to share on her blog, the stories behind the stories. I know it's been overwhelming to share everything in the middle of her turmoil, and she's always striven to keep her blog positive, faith-filled and amazing. So grab some tissues- I promise you will need them, and if you haven't already, prepare to fall head over heels in love with this absolutely Marvelous Mom, Emily Meyers. Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to catch all the new episodes! I love sharing these stories with you, and all of them hold a piece of my heart!
It all started one fateful October morning, when Shirley Xu Wang and Marly Dichter arrived for orientation at Toronto’s Miami Ad School. Realising Shirley, who had just arrived from Montreal, was in need of a notebook, Marly - a Toronto native - volunteered to lead her to the Eaton Centre. So, with Google Maps in hand, she readied her best tour guide impression, and led them downtown. As it happened, their route took them down John Street, and given that they were students of advertising, it was imperative that Marly point out john st. (the agency). However, this seemed to cause some confusion. In fact, Shirley was puzzled, because to the best of her knowledge, john st. was in the opposite direction. She was correct. But venturing onward, undaunted despite Shirley outsmarting her Google Maps skills, Marly confidently continued to call out landmarks. And that’s when it happened again. Marly pointed out ‘Ryerson’, and once more, Shirley diplomatically objected. She was right… it was OCAD. It was at this point that Marly realised maybe being a tour guide wasn’t the side hustle for her, and for the duration of the walk back to school, rather than point out landmarks, she listened to Shirley explain the law of attraction - a skill which she claims she used herself, “secretly manifesting” that one day, they would duo up. As it turns out, the universe did answer, although it took a few years before the two ended up working together, and claiming the name they now go by: ‘Shmarly’. To this end, despite the memorable first adventure leading to a great friendship, they didn't immediately collaborate. While it made sense initially - seeing as they were both in the copywriting program - for some inexplicable reason, even when Shirley made the switch to art direction, they still didn’t become a team! “[After making the switch], for some odd reason, we still didn’t partner up together, but then we thought, we get along so well as friends, so why not try this out,” Shirley says. “So, after a few internships apart, where we’d longingly stare at each other, wondering why we weren’t together, we finally joined forces at john st., where we had decided to intern. As of now, we’ve known each other for four years, and been working together for two.” In that two year span, though the duo have collaborated countless times, they can still vividly remember their first projects together - both academically and professionally. In the case of the former, Shirley has memories of working on a student award brief for Brooks Running - an experience which helped them discover their mutual willingness to share ideas and thoughts with each other. Yet, she adds, this may have been a double-edged sword. “We might have overshared ideas to the point where we didn’t know which idea we should pick, which ended in us procrastinating and only deciding on an idea at the last minute. It was low-key chaos, because we sat there doing a lot of talking, and not a lot of deciding!” While Shirley also admits that this process has repeated itself a few times since graduation, she and Marly have also since learned that even though it’s great to keep ideating and pushing for the best idea, it’s always for the best when procrastination is avoided; a lesson which proved useful when they found themselves thrown - during their very first internship - right into the brief for a 30-second TV spot. “Have you seen those TikToks of babies being thrown in water to learn how to float on their own? OK, maybe that’s just my TikTok ‘For You’ page, but that’s the best way I could describe our first professional project together,” Marly says. “As interns, you’d expect to get the social asks and the banner ads at first, but no, we got briefed by the CCO, and told it was due the next morning. No accounts people, no ACDs, no seniors… just us.” Had anyone spectated the pair, the situation would have seemed dire. Marly was pacing back and forth, and Shirley found herself repeating ‘You’ve got this’, and ‘We’ve got this’ over and over and over. But before either of them knew it, the blank document was suddenly filled with script options, ready to go for the next morning’s meeting. “The CCO called us the next morning, we read through our options, and then I blacked out,” she continues. “But the next thing I knew, it was on TV. We were thrown into calls with editors and audio houses and clients, but just like those TikTok babies in the water, we stayed afloat. It wasn’t revolutionary, but for us, it was. We still have a screenshot from a letter the client wrote to us - reminding us to this day that ‘We’ve got this.’” And got this they have. Since trading advertising for PR with a joint move to Citizen Relations in December 2021, the dynamic duo have been involved in a number of projects of which they are both immensely proud. In Marly’s case, as an avid enjoyer of ‘Emily in Paris’ , her favourite collaboration is the one that feels closest to the show, which she affectionately calls ‘Shmarly in NYC’. “We were interning in NYC (in the same agency, but with different partners), and we stayed in the office until like three in the morning, determined to crack this brief for harnessing your dogs,” she recalls. “We submitted it blurry-eyed and brained, and we were just happy that we did it. And then a few weeks later, Shirley, from across the intern table, was like ‘Marly! Refresh your email!’. We both just laughed in shock. We had won! It just kind of felt like a movie moment for whatever reason. The whole saga now lives rent free in my head.” Meanwhile, Shirley’s favourite project is also the one both partners call the most difficult: the ‘Cheetle Hand Statue’. Their first project at Citizen, the two found themselves forced to rewire what they thought they knew about the industry, as up until that point, they had only experienced making ads. However, seeking creative challenges was the very reason why they made the swap in the first place, and with the help of the leadership team at Citizen, they found themselves experiencing the benefits of, as Marly puts it, “what happens when an agency replaces department walls with doors.” “With a little magic Cheetle dust, Citizen’s earned-first thinking, solution-oriented clients, and our right-hand producers, we pushed the boundaries and found a solution that would fit the scope and explode the KPIs,” Marly says. “What started as a quick call to the town reeve of Cheadle ended up on late night television. Now that’s a story for the grandchildren!” Continuing, Shirley adds that building a 17-foot Cheeto statue in Cheadle, Alberta was something neither was truly prepared for, but due to great production partners and strong collaboration, it felt like they were in good hands the entire time. “Where previously, most of our projects were more traditional ads, this was the first project that really got media attention on a large scale,” she says. “Being able to see our project be talked about on social media, news outlets, and even late night shows like Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, and Jimmy Kimmel (featuring Don Cheadle) was a feeling like no other. I had a friend who lived in Calgary for a bit, and he would send me pictures of his friends visiting it. As someone who loves pop culture, it really felt like we made a cultural moment.” When looking at the partnership, another facet which undoubtedly helps facilitate consistently strong outcomes is the fact that when it comes to disagreements, they hardly ever have them. Both Marly and Shirley agree that the pair are very judgement free, emphasising vibes over rules, and focusing on being ‘yes, and?’ people to reframe or build ideas in the case they aren’t aligned. “We generally agree on most things,” says Shirley. “We know that our creative thinking is still being built, so when we disagree, it’s a great way to learn what the other person is thinking, if our gut is right or if their gut is right, and why. We’re not the type of team to shut down the other person’s idea if they feel passionately about it. So, when it comes to ideas that maybe one of us loves more than the other, we’ll present it to our creative director to get their take. If the CD loves it, we learn why it’s working, and if they don’t, we learn why it’s not working. We like to think of ourselves as sponges, and this allows us to keep building our creative thinking.” In fact, the sole point of frustration in their relationship is Marly’s colour-coding system. While Shirley proclaims that she herself does love good organisation, she admits that Marly’s tendency to highlight things in very harsh colours sometimes hurts her eyes, and leaves her a little lost while looking at it. (But given that it works, she notes that can’t really complain beyond that!). This consistent synergy, according to Marly, can also be attributed to the fact that the duo are just in touch with each other’s vibes, and - having been together through not only thick and thin, but the microcurrents of energy and emotion throughout the past four years - are able to perfectly balance each other out. “If one of us is stressed, the other will be chill. If one of us is drained, the other will bring the energy. We just fill in for each other emotionally every day if that makes sense.” But beyond the balancing, the two also prove consistent sources of joy and inspiration in each other’s lives. “My first impression of Marly was that she felt like a ray of sunshine,” Shirley says. “It’s very cheesy but very true. She was bubbly, friendly, and didn’t take herself too seriously. None of that has changed, and it’s also a reason why we go so well together.” To this end, Shirley is in constant admiration of Marly’s unwillingness to take ‘no’ for an answer. “Whenever she’s asked what her advice is, she always says ‘start somewhere’,” Shirley notes. “Although we laugh about it because it’s kind of funny, I think she truly embodies it. She’s solution-oriented, and that’s something I’m learning from her - to look for more solutions no matter the problem, and to just start doing something.” Marly returns the praise, adding that Shirley has altered her brain chemistry forever, in the best way possible. “Shirley has taught me to see the good in every idea, person, place, and feeling. She’s taught me that anything can be reframed into a positive, and to find the laugh and the light in everything. There is not a single positive characteristic that wouldn’t describe her. She's been my inspo since day one.” In fact, Marly would even go so far as to call Shirley family. “If sisters are built in best friends, then creative partners are built in sisters. I don’t have a sister, so Shirley is like the sister I never had,” she continues. “She’s my inspo, my therapist, and my extra set of eyes and ears. We bounce work ideas off each other, business ideas off each other, and dumb ideas off each other. Often when we work together, we make ‘Google Brain Dump Docs’. We are basically that to each other in human form. We can just brain dump on each other nonstop without judgement. It’s very therapeutic.” Shirley can’t help but agree with Marly’s analysis of their relationship, adding that the pair are so similar that they sometimes finish each other’s sentences, or send the exact same gifs in chats at the exact same time - both of which make the fun of hanging out in their free time truly outstanding. Whether they’re going shopping (sales only, Marly notes), walking, venting, ordering bubble tea, meeting Netflix reality stars in random bars or having multiple dinners in one night, ‘Shmarly’ are always up for some, as Shirley says, “shenanigans”. “We’ve flirted with the idea of opening Airbnbs, investing in properties, moving to NYC together, opening bakeries together, and many other business ideas that maybe we will manifest one day,” Marly continues, which Shirley finishes with: “Any time is a good time when we have each other!”
The Financial Intermediaries Capacity Building Technical Co-operation Programme aimed at increasing the sustainability of the Bank’s financial system and promoting its local Micro- and SME lending facilities has been concluded with respective closing event held on September 7th. With the great support of the main stakeholders - the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Union (EU) and the Ministry of Treasury and Finance of Turkiye - this programme outputs will pave the way to further strengthening of Unibank and Unicapital resilience and sustainability, and thus stronger support stronger to our clients. The programme has been implemented in the two main directions - Strategy and Business Planning and Risk Management Enhancement, including but not limited to Database on Errors and Losses & Risk Control Self-Assessment System. Comprehensive and well-wrought strategic documents were drawn up in the scope of the programme’s Strategy and Business Planning Project: two to encompass business strategy and 8 functional and corporate strategies. The Strategy and Development Department and the Strategic Governance Committee were established in Unibank in order to ensure continuity of its strategic planning and governance processes. Standing on the solid foundations of a strong value system and the vision of the shareholders, the new strategy is being implemented thanks to the will of the tenacious and determined team being in synergy with the technological platform that is being updated. The Risk Management Enhancement Project, another part of the above-mentioned programme, has achieved a very well-founded, extensively analysed and detailed set of recommendations regarding risks, self-assessment and database – both for Unibank and its subsidiary Unicapital Investment Company to benefit from. The corporate structure of Unibank has been optimised, too. The project work done on reinforcing the 1st and 2nd lines of defence and demarking the borders that define them had served as the chief driver of development of the risks culture in the Bank. Committees were established, merged and changed in the Bank. Unicapital was organised within the Group in line with the strategic development priorities, had its business process and functions streamlined as well as had risk-based governance introduced to it. The achieved results will serve generation of new products and services, the sustainable development of the company and the strengthening of its dedicated strategic management in sync with the Group. The managers and employees of both Unibank and Unicapital were awarded certificates of successful project accomplishment at the programme conclusion event.
WHAT DOES THE ANZAN PROGRAM OFFER FOR CHILDREN? The Anzan Mega Arithmetic program uses mental arithmetic and memory techniques along with IQ games to promote the brain development of children between the ages of 5 and 12. It creates synergy in the brain by combining the techniques mentioned. It also enables children to overcome their prejudice on mathematics by making the learning process enjoyable and teach them how to activate both left and right hemispheres of their brain simultaneously... We are a growing international family... UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Anzan sistemi hakkında bilgi burada olacak vs. Be an ANZAN Country Master Franchisor in Your Country! Be a member of ANZAN family! Anzan Franchise System in the World We have numerous MEMORIAD™ and Guinness™ World Record Holders By cooperating with "MEMORIAD™ World Mental Olympics Federation", Anzan™ Country Organizations are also holding country "MEMORIAD™ Country Flash Anzan Championships" in their countries. The winners of "MEMORIAD™ Country Flash Anzan Championships" are sponsored and invited to the international "MEMORIAD™ World Mental Olympics" by the federation every four years. Almost all MEMORIAD™ Mental World Record Holders are recognized and published by the Guinness™ World Records Books. We have numerous MEMORIAD™ and Guinness™ World Record Holders ANZAN™ MEGA ARITHMETIC FRANCHISE SYSTEM Replicate a wonderful "Life Changing Business since 1989". "The Mega Memory Center" started its "memory training" and "accelerated learning" business in 1989. In 2010, as a parent company experienced in speed learning, it initiated the "ANZAN Mega Arithmetic System" as an effective brain training program for "5 to 12 year old kids" in Turkey. In a short time it growed and has been growing in the world. There are Anzan Country Headquarters in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, United Arab Emirates and Colombia. We are seeking companies or individual investors that shares similar commitment in developing our program in their territories or countries. Anzan system is supported by a strong online franchise and training management software. Some Snapshots from Anzan™ Mega Arithmetic Family ANZAN™ MEGA ARITHMETIC™ BRAIN EXERCISIES AND IQ GAMES PROGRAM Anzan Mega Arithmetic™ is a special training program introduced and improved by Melik Duyar, the founder and former chairman of MEMORIAD™ World Mental Olympics. It consists of Fingermath™, Mega Soroban™, Anzan™, IQ Games™ and Mega Memory™ techniques.
Sensor and Information Management Systems for the Protection of Infrastructure and Assets GIT SECURITY: Mr. Rumpf, Mr. Rosenbusch, first of all, last year ended on a sad note with the death of Peter Göring shortly before his planned retirement. This was not only sad for Senstar but also for the security industry as a whole. Michael Rumpf: The sad news of the death of Peter Göring hit us all in the company hard – from a personal and also a professional point of view. Mr. Göring was responsible at Senstar for sales in the EMEA region for more than 20 years, had made a significant contribution to the success and growth of the company and, as the technical manager for the region, was always available with good advice. Those are really big footsteps to follow. Mr. Rumpf, you are taking over the company management after Mr. Göring. Michael Rumpf: We have been preparing the structural changes for about a year already. I have been the registered Managing Director since the 1st January and Mr. Rosenbusch will now completely take over the sales management of the DACH region. We are sure that these organizational changes will allow Senstar to meet its stated targets, and that they will enable more scalability. Which matters will be in the focus of your strategy now as the new CEO? Michael Rumpf: We will definitely continue to concentrate on the organic growth of Senstar in Germany and Europe. There will be a few new positions to fill in the coming year in sales, business development and also in the engineering departments. In addition, we want to strategically align our products and the structure of Senstar more closely with our target markets. This includes implementing projects in the critical infrastructure, oil and gas, and penal justice sectors as well as the large logistics segment. It is particularly important for us to maintain and strategically grow our network of partners in these sectors. New products for these markets are constantly being developed together with our parent company in Canada. Senstar and its products are concentrated on a number of vertical markets. You just mentioned that critical infrastructure, and in particular energy and water supply systems, are very important. Could you tell us more? John Rosenbusch: The KRITIS sector [CRITical InfraStructure] has been a prime market for us for a number of years. We have a large choice of solutions to protect the perimeters of our critical infrastructure customers that alert proactively and with the minimum of false alarms. Designing our perimeter protection systems is unbeatably easy to do and highly efficient. The various types of technology can be scaled to any size depending on requirements. We have provided a large number of fence detection systems over the past few years, particularly for solar energy generation plants throughout Europe, among them the Solarpark Tázlár, which is the largest in Hungary with a generation capacity of ca. 60 MW. Our fence and ground detection systems are also used to secure electricity substations, gas pumping stations and underground gas storage facilities. We work closely together with the operators of such power and gas networks. But water and effluent treatment stations and even nuclear power sites are also protected by Senstar systems. Before we talk about specific solutions, let us first consider your product portfolio: You say that you keep the largest portfolio of products in the security industry – what does that mean exactly? John Rosenbusch: Senstar probably does have the largest choice of detection systems in the security market. It is all there, from the various fence detection systems, and the microwave barriers to secure open spaces, through to the buried detection systems. The systems have such a precise signal evaluation that an intruder can be pinpointed down to one meter accuracy. The highlight is the fiberoptic detection solution that can reliably protect up to 80 kilometers with one system. This technology is also used to detect leaks in pipelines or to protect telecommunications networks. And on top there is our Symphony Common Operating Platform that unifies video management, AI-supported video analysis, access control, business intelligence and of course our sensors, all in one user-friendly presentation. The development and manufacture of all our products takes place exclusively in Canada and the USA. We support our customers locally with the planning of their systems and comprehensive solutions. Senstar is particularly notable for its involvement in the subject of video analysis. You acquired the specialists Aimetis a few years ago for this... Michael Rumpf: Mr. Rosenbusch and I both used to work for Aimetis and built a strong partner network for VMS and video analysis. The merging of the two Canadian companies Aimetis and Senstar, both with a similar philosophy, was a very good decision strategically. The portfolios of both companies complement each other perfectly and have allowed us to develop a very fruitful synergy over the past few years. Our long-term partners in particular have benefitted because the experienced resources of both companies have made it possible for us to develop hybrid system designs that seamlessly integrate the various detection systems and video management, including video analysis. Such systems are extremely efficient and economical as pure video solutions. This has become a Senstar specialty that you call Sensor Fusion or a hybrid concept – it also means that you combine the positive characteristics of video analysis and fence detection systems and suppress the negative ones. How does it look? John Rosenbusch: Sensor Fusion is the logical development of such a hybrid concept. The metadata of the video and fence analysis are combined using AI to reduce the level of false alarms to almost zero. The Sensor Fusion engine is more than just a simple Boolean logic integration: It uses low-level data to intelligently identify potential risks. Through this data synthesis, the system can reach a high level of performance that lies above that of the individual sensors. This has immediate, practical advantages for security applications, namely the ability to maximize the strengths of individual types of sensor and simultaneously to avoid their weaknesses. When the signal reaction data of the external sensors are synthesized with the video analysis data, false alarms caused by wind or shadows are practically eliminated, while the high probability of detection is maintained. We have managed to create a new type of product that has not been available on the security market to date. Let us compare the perimeter protection requirements, say, of a logistics company with storage space and everything with that of a gas-driven power station or an electricity substation: An important aspect of any security solution here is being able to guarantee continued operation. That probably means that you apply everything that your portfolio has to offer for such situations...? Michael Rumpf: There are no major differences here. The level of protection required in the logistics industry is similarly high. There are goods of enormous value, dangerous goods and vehicles in logistics warehouses and distribution centers that must be protected against theft or manipulation. In the KRITIS industry, you also want to protect the systems for similar reasons and to reliably detect intruders as early as possible. That is why redundant systems are often set up. In most cases, a combination of fence and buried detection is installed and these systems are supported by video surveillance. We work closely with the manufacturers of fencing systems, in particular on projects for critical infrastructure. For example, we recently provided a concept for a German energy supplier where a special wire mesh fence was designed that is extremely difficult to break through or to climb. The fence elements were constructed so that our sensor cable could be threaded through. This allows events on the fence to be reliably detected and the detection system is specially protected. Interfaces to other security systems are of course often a consideration – and also the forwarding of alarms to external security patrol services because the systems being protected are often way off the beaten track. Could you outline one or two typical projects? John Rosenbusch: Let us stick with a classic one – the solar energy site. These are typically surrounded by a wire mesh or palisade fence. Small systems have a circumference of 2 to 3 km, large systems often some 20 km, divided into separate fields. Our installers often use our FlexZone system to detect if an intruder is climbing over a fence, is cutting it or breaking through. It is a very reliable system that is easy to install, and cost efficient on top of that, and therefore perfect for the budgets of solar power parks. The system is attached to the fence, while gates are monitored with wireless, solar-powered sensors. FlexZone detects intruders in a fenced area and reports the event with closed contacts or via an interface to a superordinate video system. This automatically points a PTZ camera to the corresponding alarm zone and the security staff quickly have all the information they need to see what is happening. The alarm system on the fence only needs very little electricity and can be operated on emergency power without a problem for long periods. Do you have another example? John Rosenbusch: Another interesting example would be the protection of pipelines and communication networks. Pipelines or cableways for data communication are often buried over long distances. But these routes must also be protected against sabotage or damage by trenching work. Our FiberPatrol system can monitor up to 100 km of these routes. The system can distinguish machinery trench works at up to 30 meters distance, the movement of heavy vehicles, or the movement of people from the general background vibrations in the ground and reports an alarm including the respective GPS coordinates if the detection criteria are met. This allows potential damage to, or intervention in, the network to be quickly and reliably detected and prevented. You maintain relations with a number of (technology) partners to achieve this. Who might this include? Michael Rumpf: When various security systems have to work together, then the whole must be reliable, error-free and, above all, must function for the longest possible time. So we work closely together with various partners in the sector and create the interfaces between our systems. A good example of this is Advancis who offer interfaces to their Winguard solution not only for our detection systems but also to our video management systems. Naturally, there are many partner firms who provide network cameras, such as Axis or Hanwha. Competition aside, we have technology partnerships with companies like Bosch, Genetec and Milestone to make the messages from our PIDS system accessible in their management software. One of our most recent partnerships is with Wasabi Technologies, and this now allows our VMS customers to store their video data in the cloud in accordance with data protection regulations. Mr. Rosenbusch, Mr. Rumpf, after what can only be called an eventful year in 2022, what will Senstar be prioritizing this year? Michael Rumpf: As in previous years, we will have to keep the company and our products adapted to developments in the commercial environment and the security situation. Even though it now appears that the general availability of components has improved, it is still a concerning matter that costs us a lot of work and calls for good planning in order to be able to supply our customers without delays. Otherwise, we have a number of projects to complete and we have to find the right people for our organic growth. The year will be exciting because there will be many new developments, particularly in video analysis and AI, and we want to take our partners and end-users along with us on the journey.
By Laksiri Fernando – It is only four days to go for the Independence Day celebrations. It seems that the good input from the Minister of Foreign Affairs has come to make the celebrations far more meaningful. Earlier indication was to have the day on the theme of ‘wholesome motherland, dignified tomorrow’ (piripun maubimak, abiman heta dinak). That was adequate if Sri Lanka have been to celebrate the occasion under standard circumstances. However, Sri Lanka is now moving away from the previous Rajapaksa policy of ‘belligerence’ and ‘militarism’ and as a result it is more pertinent to have the theme of ‘National Unity and Reconciliation’ in addition or in its spot. It is now announced that ‘A Statement of Peace’ will be produced at the 67th Independence Day celebrations based on some of the important principles of the LLRC Report. The Cabinet has authorized a joint proposal by the Acting Foreign Minister and the Minister of House Affairs to this effect on Wednesday. There are two organizations, 1 primarily based in Colombo and the other outdoors the country, in Sydney, which have proposed that the National Anthem be sung in both Sinhala and Tamil at the Independence Day celebrations as a mark of country’s commitment to national unity. The Colombo based organization is the Friday Forum (FF) and the Sydney primarily based organization is the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum (SLRF). This is apart from a number of men and women and writers raising the issue of the bilingual national anthem. Although the Friday Forum issued a public statement (25 January 2015) to this effect amongst other matters, the SLRF has directly written to the President, Maithripala Sirisena, on this and a number of other matters (27 January 2015). Let me initial quote the relevant section from the Friday Forum statement below. “We urge that the celebrations be kept basic and dignified with out major military and military hardware demonstrating parades, floats, and the use of school young children. The occasion ought to promote new standards of straightforward and disciplined lifestyles. Most essential is to use the opportunity to remember the victims of the civil conflicts which Sri Lanka has endured because independence, to pledge our collective commitment to peace and reconciliation, and to resolve that there need to by no means be such violence in our country once more. We get in touch with upon the government, as a sign of our commitment to national unity, to guarantee that the national anthem is sung in each Sinhala and Tamil, and that this practice be continued.” Just before quoting the mentioned letter to the President by the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum, let me briefly outline the importance of emphasising ‘national unity and reconciliation’ at the Independence Day celebrations. Some Past Landmarks When the Independence Day was celebrated in 1948 and even thereafter, for some years to come, the event resembled one particular of the colonial events with couple of of the artifices of the new nation state. The flag and the national anthem have been of the latter genre. As Nira Wickremasinghe noted (Sri Lanka in the Contemporary Age: A History), it was like the Golden Jubilee celebrations of Queen Victoria with flag hosting, military parades, religious ceremonies, speeches and acts of charity. The acts of charity integrated the distribution of rice packets to the poor and five cents! The elitist nature of the celebrations largely changed right after 1956, but as an alternative, practically the exclusive Sinhala character of the event predominated. From the beginning, there was an attempt to more than- establish the Sinhala identity over the celebrations. This was a usual ethnic competition. It was not only a query of equality but the lack of inclusiveness. Sri Lanka adopted the National Anthem in 1952. There have been no actual qualms of possessing it in Tamil at the beginning. In many celebrations, particularly in bicultural contexts, it was sung in both languages. An ambiguity was created when the Sinhala only version became incorporated in the 1978 Constitution as the Fourth Schedule. There was no certain necessity for a constitution to incorporate a national anthem at all. Ironically, it was the same constitution which recognized Tamil as a national language and thereafter as an Official Language in the 13th Amendment in 1987. The matters became considerably worse in the course of the war. There was retaliation. There had been instances where the national anthem or even the national flag could not be employed in Tamil speaking areas. As Apratim Mukarji (Sri Lanka: A Unsafe Interlude) reported, the national anthem could not be utilised even at a sports event in Vavuniya in October 2004. This occurred throughout the ceasefire period. One particular of the most impacted Independence Day celebrations simply because of the war was in 2008. A quantity of bombs exploded setup by the LTTE in Colombo exactly where 12 civilians plus a soldier had been killed. Right after May possibly 2009 Maybe it was again as a retaliation to some of these incidents that the military did not let the singing of the national anthem in Tamil language in Northern regions soon after May possibly 2009. They insisted that it need to be sung only in Sinhalese, even by the Tamil (only) speaking college kids. Even so, retaliation was not the appropriate policy on anyone’s element. Then there was mistaken ‘theorization’ that only in one language that a country ought to have its national anthem overlooking several of the other nations like South Africa, Switzerland, Canada, Belgium and so forth. The ‘theory’ became accepted by the Rajapaksa cabinet in 2010. A lot worse was the way the Independence Day celebrations were held after 2009. It once more took an imperial glamour. The Rajapaksas went around the country with heavy military hardware to commemorate not the independence but the war victory in May 2009. I never ever had any problem with defeating the LTTE militarily. It was a political or a military necessity which must have been kept at that. Apart from particular atrocities that have been justified, directly and indirectly, ‘triumphalism’ was the tone of the Independence Day celebrations. It is not only the Tamils in the North who felt excluded from the Independence Day celebrations. Daniel Bass who researched on the problem (Each day Ethnicity in Sri Lanka, p. 43) commented that “Sri Lanka’s Independence Day on February 4 has tiny meaning to most Up-country Tamils…” This was not the case amongst the Muslims previously, but things have changed significantly in current years. It is not only in the North that these sort of difficulties of conflict existed in the country in the past. When R. Premadasa was elected to the Presidency in January 1989, 1 of his problems was what to do with the JVP? He utilized the Independence Day celebrations to appeal to the nation to desist violence and come to the primary stream. It didn’t perform quickly, but had an effect in the extended run. That was a sensible approach for social reconciliation, elimination of social alienation. No one can say the circumstance is comparable right now or Premadasa was completely right particularly in respect of the LTTE. The predicament these days is considerably greater. The LTTE is no a lot more. The key political celebration of the Tamil neighborhood, the TNA is cooperating. Even they sit with the JVP and the JHU in the National Executive Council. For that reason, what Maithripala Sirisena could do at this Independence Day celebrations as the President is to make a genuine appeal to every person and all communities to work towards reconciliation. In respect of the national anthem what may possibly be most acceptable is the recommendation of the LLRC. Soon after observing two views expressed by those who gave proof, the LLRC recommended the following in para eight.296. “On the question of the National Anthem, the practice of the National Anthem getting sung simultaneously in two languages to the identical tune need to be maintained and supported. Any adjust in this practice at the present time would only produce a major irritant which would not be conducive to fostering post conflict reconciliation.” SLRF Letter to the President This is exactly what the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum (Sydney) has also asked from the President, in a letter dated 27 January 2015 amongst other items. The Reconciliation Forum is an organization of a group of Australians of Sri Lankan origin belonging to all ethnic communities specifically living in Sydney and New South Wales with an open door policy for any individual interested in reconciliation to join. They pursue reconciliation both in Sri Lanka and in Australia. The letter has congratulated the President on his election and in the appointment of Ranil Wickremasinghe as Prime Minister. They say, the “SLRF strongly believes that your election, which was endorsed by people of all ethnic and religious communities, would pave the way for national reconciliation in addition to democratization of the nation.” They also say: “We complete heartedly assistance the ‘100 Day’ Program and think that you would also do your utmost to take the initial steps towards creating national reconciliation (while safeguarding national safety) inside the identical one hundred day period.” They are especially cheerful about the formation and the composition of the National Executive Council which includes virtually all the relevant political parties and a specific mention is created about the TNA’s participation. What they have not stated about is the desirable inclusion of the leader of the opposition in the Council. The concentrate of their letter being on reconciliation, they have appreciated the following 3 steps so far in that path. - Appointment of a civilian Governor for the Northern Province. - Lifting of the ban on overseas passport holders to check out the North and East. - Appointing a Committee to look into the military presence and land connected concerns. As it was mentioned previously, they have expressed that, as they say, “We hope that you would enable and encourage the National Anthem to be sung in each Sinhalese and Tamil starting with this Independence Day celebrations.” One particular of their major focuses has been on the “full implementation of the LLRC recommendations,” by “ensuring a effectively-resourced and powerful mechanism firmly in spot to do this.” The letter advocates a synergy amongst excellent governance and reconciliation as a corollary of democratization in the nation and says the following. “We strongly think in the reintroduction of the 17th Amendment, which along with the setting up of the needed Independent Commissions and the abolition of the executive presidency, would pave the way for good governance, accountability and guaranteeing the independence of judiciary and rule of law, which in order will boost the reconciliation approach.” Yet another highlight of their letter has been on human rights. For that reason, they have emphasized “the value of safeguarding and promoting human rights by way of a mixture of channels, which includes legislation, institutional mechanisms and education” and expressed the view that “This, we believe, should have an additional focus on ethnic, religious and social reconciliation and understanding.” The following appears to be their motive behind their letter and the efforts for reconciliation. “Though living in Australia, we are deeply committed to helping Sri Lanka create as a peaceful and just democracy exactly where all the citizens of the country can appreciate the fruits of its prosperity and growth.” It appears that this is only an initial letter that they have sent. They have said, “As it is not achievable to place forward all our proposals in this quick letter, we would appreciate if you could kindly inform us of any institution or particular person with whom we need to communicate to submit our proposals and go over methods in which we can contribute.” Possibly what they are pointing out is the lack of a focal point for reconciliation at present (i.e. a Minister or President himself taking up the initiative) for them to submit their proposals or tips. The letter is signed by Samira Wanigatunga, Sris Ponniahpillai and Shanaz Razeem, on behalf of the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum. Copies of the letter also have been or are getting sent to the Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe Minister for Resettlement, Reconstruction and Hindu Religion, D. M. Swaminathan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mangala Samaraweera Higher Commissioner for Sri Lanka in Australia Higher Commissioner for Australia in Sri Lanka and all Members of the National Executive Council.
Recently I saw in a program in Television in which there was new technology developed by Japanese to destruct a building in a phased manner without noise, smell or dust in the middle of a crowded city. The news article can be found here. For readers I am pasting the main content from this site for easy reading. The Grand Prince Hotel in Akasaka which was built in the 1980s, previously stood tall at 460 feet until the Taisei Corporation demolished the building from the inside on a floor by floor basis, reportedly losing two floors every 10 days. The innovative Taisei Ecological Reproduction System (TECOREP) is a potentially efficient approach to deconstruction in densely built cities, also designed to recycle the energy pent up in a tall building. The top floor was reinforced by engineers with steel beams, and subsequently severed but kept in place to be used as an adjustable lid which could be lowered down on the building on an external support frame. “In this demolition scheme, the building shrinks and disappears without you noticing,” said Hideki Ichihara, manager of the Taisei Corporation. “Dust pollution is cut by more than 90 percent, keeping the environmental impact very small.” I watched the program and was amazed by it. Such a cool idea to destruct a structure as huge as this for me was awesome. In the next few days I didn’t think of it and one fine day during an interacting session with my colleagues at office it was conceived that the current product on which we Software Engineers were working on needs uplift in technology and architectural aspects (overhauling). Since in Japan it was destruction which was done in a phased approach, I didn’t think there was any synergy that I could think of something like this in the case of a software application/product. I then accidentally stepped on a recent article by Martin Fowler (Genius)in here. Suddenly I could see a co-relation or rather synergy between the Japanese way of building destruction with Martin Fowler’s way of uplifting/rejuvenating an existing software application/product. I wouldn’t want to take any content out of his article and make my own article as no one in the world can write an article in such plain English as Martin. He explains this concept in such an easy manner that a lay man could easily get crux of what he wants to say. There are some cool references in his article which also is a definite read. Page Visitors: 240
Earlier this year we launched our Mid-Game Structures series; a few perspectives of how games change their environments to keep the experience engaging. This article is part of our ongoing series titled Game Structures in which we continue to build on a foundation of game design concepts. Building on Concepts: A Quick Review of Player Interaction When we last left off, Matt looked at Player Interaction in games, which used a multi-category approach to help define the type and significance of interaction between players: Degree of Interaction: This is an assessment of the degree of overlap or intensity players have with one another within the game environment. It creates spectrum ranging from No Interaction (which is akin to individual players quietly working on puzzles in opposite corners of a room) to Direction Interaction (which would be more like if the players needed to steal pieces from one another in order to finish their own puzzle). Our topic today is Player Strategies and we’ll be pairing this axis with a second criteria to help us categorize how games influence the starting strategies of players. Let’s look at that second criteria: What is a player’s time horizon to plan actions? The next thing we want to examine is how short or long-term oriented player decisions tend to be in a given game, or what we call our Time Horizon. If you’re more comfortable with it, you can think of this as our comparison of Tactics vs Strategy; strategy being the large scale focus or objective(s) needed to achieve success, and tactics being the specific steps or tasks you need to perform to implement your strategy. I’m deliberately going to gravitate away from using these terms, because we can’t really plot games using a Tactics vs Strategy scale; games can have a significant presence of each and they don’t necessarily come at the cost of one another. These terms are also very player-centric, while we we want to classify in relation to the game as a whole: how players respond to one another, deal with variance and foresee future needs. We’ll group these and several other factors together and categorize games based on their time horizon in which players plan decisions; a continuous theoretical spectrum. In this spectrum, you can think of “short-term” as games in which typically make decisions on a turn-by-turn basis; perhaps players have relatively little information available between turns, or there is a tremendous need to be reactive to a rapidly changing board, other players or new information that becomes available on their turn. Games like Love Letter and Yahtzee have a short-term time horizon in which players can plan ahead. These games consist of drawing cards or rolling dice at the beginning of your turn, then basing your decisions off of the resulting outcome. Player’s simply can’t anticipate what their precise decisions might be four or five turns ahead, as the possibilities are too great to garner much benefit. This isn’t to say either game lacks long-term decisions; You may plan to hold a certain card in Love Letter as long as possible and your choice of where to score in Yahtzee can be a strong contributing factor to success. But as a whole, these games are structured for a short-term, turn-by-turn basis of making decisions rather than stringing together multiple turns in a row into a more intricate plan. On the other end of our spectrum, “long-term” describes games in which players will be rewarded for using a proactive approach to their turns. In this case, we aim to coordinate our turns or choices in a way to maximize our final outcome. These games also allow players to have the vast majority of the information we need to plan ahead before we ever get to our next turn, so you have the ability to mastermind that multi-step ladder to success. Games like Concordia and Twilight Struggle reward player decisions on a long-term time horizon. In each game, a player has a hand of cards that they will play one-per-turn in some order. The surest path to success is to prioritize the relative order of cards played to achieve the greatest total outcome. Obviously, not as easy as I make it sound, but as a comparison, someone who is playing one card at a time without considering their next few turns can miss opportunities and beneficial combinations that the cards offer when played in a specific sequence. Putting It All Together We now have our two axis graph: Player Interaction (High vs Low) and Time Horizon (Short vs Long). Let’s take a moment and identify a few examples before we move forward. We can see a few examples whose characteristics would line up somewhere in each quadrant of the graph. For instance, Chess (Quandrant I) rewards long-term planning the ability to anticipate many turns ahead in competitive environments. In addition, you are capturing the pieces of your opponent in a tightly constrained space, a fitting example of high player interaction. Bohnanza (Quadrant II) also has high player interaction as the game drives negotiation and trading between players. Turns generally can’t be anticipated as players are constantly flipping over new cards and information, opponents are trying to make deals and you may be planting beans only to immediately pull them up as your objectives quickly change. Yahtzee (Quadrant III) is a game of short-term planning; the outcome of your dice each roll strongly determine your course of action each turn. While you can play against competition, you have no opportunity to affect the approach your opponents use in the game other than to distract them with your incredibly good looks. Dominion (Quadrant IV) is a prototypical example of a game with a long-term time horizon. There is a consequence to players who are not considering the synergy of the cards purchased between turns, as deck efficiency and composition are two driving factors of success. While players do have access to cards that can affect opponents, the vast majority of the game takes place independent from other players, so it is often quite low in terms of player interaction. Mapping Player Strategy Categories The quadrants we’ve created (unsurprisingly) have some common traits between the population of games within them. Our approach focuses on three broad strategic categories: “Initially Reactive“, “Continuously Reactive” and “Proactive“. Also included are a few game mechanic categories that are often concentrated (but not exclusive) to certain areas of our graph. Strategy Category – Initially Reactive Games that fall within the Initially Reactive area often give players different sets of initial conditions which can provide strong direction as to which paths players should or should not pursue. These starting conditions can appear in the form of your opening destination tickets in Ticket to Ride, your lord card in Lords of Waterdeep or the country you begin the game with in Diplomacy. In these games players are initially rewarded for “doing what the game tells them to do” based on their unique situation and by incorporating a game-endorsed strategy. There is rarely a single “correct” strategy applicable to all players, but there may be an optimal way to begin the game from your position. The replay value in these games often comes from tapping into a player’s creativity and the need to adapt to throw something together on the fly. While you can have an idea The intrinsic reward of games in this category like Terra Mystica and 7 Wonders is that each game begins with vastly different starting conditions and there is enjoyment in solving the puzzle of how to be successful in any of them. Strategy Category – Continuously Reactive The Continuously Reactive category consists of games where the set of initial conditions in the game matter less than the conditions that exist on each subsequent turn, due to a large degree of variance. Since so much can change between your last turn and your next turn, players are rewarded for maximizing the value on each of their turns, since a long-term strategy is often not feasible. The setting for these games might be the constant inflow of new cards and information in Love Letter, the fluctuating stock-market of Speculation or the inability to anticipate your options in Five Tribes until it actually becomes your turn. What you do on your turn in Hanabi may be dictated based on a clue given by the previous player and you can’t foresee some of your decisions in Bohnanza because they can arise unexpectedly during someone else’s turn. All of these might be reasons why you need to be on your toes constantly and watching what other players are doing on their turns. One of the common traits in this category is that these games are often very approachable for new players. The highly tactical nature of these games is beneficial to a new player who may not have the ins-and-outs of the game quite yet, as the first few turns of a game like Carcassonne can serve as a quick introduction to the sequence of ideas that are repeated throughout. Since a long-term strategy isn’t always feasible in this category, a new player who has experience with similar mechanisms can try to wing it and come out alright at the end. Replay value in this category comes entirely from the variance and the idea that you’ll probably never going to see anything close to the same game play out twice. There are generally a lot of moving parts; perhaps randomness generated by cards or dice and additional variance caused by the reactions of other players to these variables. One benefit of all these factors is that it is quite difficult to become estranged from what other players are doing, as one player’s actions might completely shuffle the priorities of all the other players on their following turns. Strategy Category – Proactive The Proactive category consists of games where each player has the same set of initial conditions and the board is relatively constant throughout the game. Players are rewarded for having a consistent strategy that they execute throughout the game and there are a limited number of optimal approaches for any given board configuration. In games like Dominion and Puerto Rico, you’re at a tremendous advantage by planning a strategy based on the initial set-up before the game even begins. To some extent, the success of your strategy may swing based on the actions of your opponents, but players who can quickly prioritize and consistently apply a strategy will have more success long-term than those who dabble in all areas of the game. A lot of the replay value in this category comes from these games being very structured and almost methodical in execution. These are many of the “Gamer’s Games” that should almost be renamed “Expert’s Games” because they reward the experience of a player who can execute an well-orchestrated big money deck in Dominion or a player who can spot an opportunity for a double build strategy during In The Year of the Dragon. Dedicated enthusiasts of these games will find a very strong replay value as they hold the knowledge of the various strategies and the experience to maneuver the hurdles that arise in their execution. There is a bit of a correlation we can see in the games of this category; the less interactive a game is, the more long-term oriented a game often is. The player interaction of these games is frequently of the “indirect interaction” nature, so while you might consider the types and counts of cards your opponent is building in San Juan, their decisions are usually not deeply intrusive to your personal goals. The Last Category – Multi-Player Solitaire I thought our the last category would be worth addressing even if it isn’t one of our strategy categories. This category of games is really the quintessential group to be called “multi-player solitaire”. Critics frequently use the term as a pejorative for “anything with less direct competition than I prefer in my games”, but that doesn’t really serve us well as a useful function for classifying games. When we look at games in this quadrant, they have the characteristics of being very short-term oriented and low in player interaction. As a dramatic example, Bingo would end up in this quadrant as you really don’t do anything until a number is called and you can’t interfere with any of the other players during the game. These games often have a large social component; you can play Yahtzee or participate in traditional trivia games without having to be at odds with other players or even be concerned with their choices. As a trade-off, the lighter nature of competition appeals to our ability to socialize between turns and invest in one another rather than the game we are playing. As we’ve been graphing, developing and revising this categorization approach, we’ve continued to find fascinating observations beyond what I could cram into a single article. Sometime ago Matt and I each developed different category names and slightly different categorical descriptions for this whole idea, but I harmonized our thoughts last year and I present it to you in the format above. Now we want to know what you think; do you see any trends in the games you enjoy or where would you graph the games you’re designing? Do you disagree with this approach entirely? Join us in the comments below. This wraps our Mid-Game Structures series and we’ll be back with soon with our next series. Thank you for reading!
Formerly located in Wey Hall, the Synergy Lab has temporarily moved to East Hall, room 158. We offer 2D printing services to students, faculty, and staff of the Art Department. Since the lab is designated as a recharge center, it will operate primarily as a fee for service unit. The Lab offers services for the following printers and equipment: Large-format printers (2D Services) - Xerox VersaLink C8000DT - Epson Sure Color P900 Printers - Epson Sure Color P9000 Printer To submit requests for printing, please fill out the following: The lab strives to process orders in 72 hours excluding weekends when the lab is closed, holidays, or university closures due to weather, or other adverse conditions. Lab Hours (subject to change) - Monday & Wednesday: 12:30am–2:00pm - Friday: 1:00pm–4:00m - Or by appointment with Joshua White by emailing email@example.com Print lab jobs are paid for by AppCard only. Add funds to your card here. For any questions please email firstname.lastname@example.org
Blues Draft Pick, Philip McRae becomes owner of TPH St. Louis TPH St. Louis is proud to announce that former St. Louis Blue, Philip McRae, has become an owner of TPH St. Louis and the St. Louis Center of Excellence (CoE). Philip first joined the TPH team in May of 2019, when he was named the Director and Head of Hockey for TPH St. Louis. After a 10 year professional career, Philip has developed a newfound passion for helping student-athletes maximize their potential, on and off the ice. Philip’s career has come full circle through the St. Louis hockey community, from his humble beginnings through his professional debut. He discovered his love for the game when he began playing for the Chesterfield Falcons. After leading the Falcons to a Central States League Championship, Philip went on to win a National Championship with the St. Louis AAA Blues. At the age of 15, Philip left home to compete as an underage player for the USA Hockey’s National Team Development Program, before signing with the London Knights of the Ontario Hockey League at 16. Furthermore, Philip won two medals with the USA National Team, a bronze at the U-18 World Championships and a gold at the U-20 World Juniors. Philip’s childhood dreams came true in 2008, when he was selected 33rd overall by his hometown St. Louis Blues in the NHL draft. He would go on to have a lengthy professional career, competing in the NHL, AHL, and several international leagues, before returning to the Gateway City to join the TPH team. After retiring from professional hockey, it didn’t take long for Philip to find himself back in the St. Louis hockey community. “I was extremely excited and grateful when TPH took a chance on me and hired me as the Director and Head of Hockey almost two years ago. I am just as excited now to be a partner and owner of TPH St. Louis” said Philip. “When I retired from playing hockey after 10 years pro, I was unsure of my future, but I have been lucky and fortunate to find what I believe is my calling in mentoring young student-athletes. I am excited to continue to run TPH St. Louis to the best of my ability, grow the program, and have a positive impact on as many young athletes as possible”. Philip also mentioned “The St. Louis Blues alumni do an amazing job of giving back to the local hockey community, so as a young player growing up in the St. Louis area, they really ingrained in me that responsibility and that’s something I now get to do each day”. “We are extremely fortunate to have a positive role model that has played for local St. Louis programs,” stated Alan Keeso, CEO of Total Package Hockey. “Philip was in the same position as many of our Center of Excellence student-athletes, and has played at every level that they aspire to one day play at. Philip demonstrates the “TPH Way” through his actions and mentorship every single day, and his commitment to helping young student-athletes maximize their potential is incredible. We are thrilled to have Philip join our ownership group and we know that he will continue to drive-up the standard in St. Louis as a partner.” Philip joins the TPH leadership team and ownership group amongst an incredible roster of hockey veterans. With a dedicated staff from around the country, TPH is focused on making student-athletes the best versions of themselves on and off the ice. About Total Package Hockey Founded in 2001, it is Total Package Hockey’s (TPH) vision to become the world leader in positively impacting the lives of student-athletes through sport. TPH prides itself on operating at a standard that exceeds expectations of student-athletes, families, coaches, teachers, advisors and all other entities within both athletic and academic circles. With platforms that include association management, elite prospects programs, tournaments and showcases, camps and clinics and its hallmark Center of Excellence academy model, TPH services over 10,000 student-athletes on an annual basis, throughout 15 U.S. based divisions. Celebration, selflessness, and reflection – three keywords that mean something different to everyone, but are united through youth athletics and the giving spirit that the holiday season brings. No matter the victories or the defeats you experienced in 2021, we shall turn our hearts and focus to surrounding communities that need help. From coast-to-coast, that is exactly what the TPH Center of Excellence student-athletes have been dedicated to accomplishing off the ice; being a helping hand and making a positive impact within their communities this holiday season. In St. Louis, the student-athletes and their families teamed up with Angel Arms, a non-profit organization, to adopt a family of seven children with a single mother who is currently battling cancer. With this act of kindness, the TPH Center of Excellence in St. Louis was able to provide clothing, gift cards, and raise nearly $2,000; fulfilling the family’s wish list for the holidays. The hand-written letters from the student-athletes brought joy to the family, as well, during this difficult time. View this post on Instagram The Indiana team took action this December by participating in the WRTV6 Toy Drive. With help from the Red Cross, student-athletes collected and filled a van full of new toys that were gifted to families around the Indianapolis area who needed some holiday cheer. Once the last toy was successfully delivered, the TPH Center of Excellence Director in Indiana, Judi Kremer, recapped the exciting experience by mentioning “What a wonderful experience to see the compassion and energy that the student-athletes brought to the toy drive and getting the information out to collect from family, friends, neighbors, and teammates. The community supported our student-athlete’s efforts and everyone showed what the spirit of giving was truly about”. View this post on Instagram In the south, TPH Center of Excellence student-athletes in Nashville wrote and decorated uplifting holiday letters that brought happiness and a smile to the residents of the Morning Pointe Senior Living facility in Franklin, Tennessee. In the spirit of giving, the Nashville team also collected 1,631 pounds of food and delivered it to the Second Harvest Food Bank. “Our original goal was to collect 500 pounds and our students and their families stepped up in a big way,” said Jen Cubides, Head of Academics. View this post on Instagram Out west, the Phoenix team provided nearly $1,000 in hygiene products for women who recently became homeless. Turning the giving up a notch in December, the student-athletes also adopted a family in need; making Christmas a little happier this year. These selfless efforts made by TPH Center of Excellence student-athletes and their families go far beyond bringing happiness to others, but rather unite teams, families, and communities. No matter if it’s in the classroom, on the ice, or in the community, each TPH Center of Excellence location has an environment built for growth with a holistic approach of preparing student-athletes for success in the ultimate game, the game of life. Take a moment to reflect on what worked well for you this year in your hockey journey and where you aspire to be this time next year on and off the ice. If you’re looking to find a better way to academic and athletic excellence, a great first step would be registering for the upcoming National Virtual Open House on Monday, January 10th. You could also get involved in the TK Scholarship Fund to help aspiring student-athletes. Let’s study, train, and play more in 2022! (Nashville, TN – December 15, 2021) – TPH is excited to announce Alan Keeso as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective January 1, 2022. Having served as Strategic Advisor to TPH over the past 5 years, Keeso brings in-depth knowledge of TPH and its Center of Excellence (CoE) academy model, its team members, and culture. “We’re so excited to have Al lead our team going into our next 20 years at TPH,” said TPH founder Nathan Bowen, who will move out of the CEO role and into the Chairman role, remaining heavily active in TPH. “Having celebrated TPH turning 20 years old this year, we are absolutely pumped about what’s to come as we strive to lead the world in positively impacting the lives of student-athletes. Al is the leader to help us scale that impact.” In addition to consulting for TPH in recent years, Keeso has helped dozens of small and medium-sized businesses grow for over a decade as a management consultant, independently, as well as through Grant Thornton and BDC. When asked early in 2021 by Bowen and his Investing Partner Taso Sofikitis to work more closely with TPH, Keeso decided to make the move with his family to Nashville. “TPH to its core is a purpose-driven organization, with an outstanding team of committed professionals,” said Keeso. “It’s an honor to have this kind of confidence from Nathan and Taso to take TPH to new heights, and the responsibility that comes with the CEO role to the TPH team and our student-athletes is something I take very seriously. We’re a team that’s poised for growth through our Center of Excellence Study/Train/Play academy model, association management, camps and clinics, The Prospect Exchange, prospects teams, and events, now featuring Champions League Hockey in partnership with World Hockey Group. All of these efforts and their growth will enable us to positively impact the lives of a greater number of student-athletes, not only at our current locations, but also at many new locations to come. The future is bright at TPH.” Keeso’s own journey as a student-athlete, and ensuing career, lend perspective to what Bowen believes will continue to differentiate TPH to prospective partners as well as families weighing the incredibly important decision on where to have their children develop as students, athletes, and people. “Al has not only been an aspiring elite student-athlete, who reached levels in hockey that many TPH student-athletes are working towards daily, but he also exemplifies to our families what the bigger picture can be when lessons learned from sports are applied beyond the game,” said Bowen. “That’s what TPH is all about, and that’s what we feel differentiates us; we prepare our student-athletes not only for the next level in their sport, but also mentor them on habits that will help them experience wild success on the ultimate journey – life. With Al’s leadership, that differentiator will only get stronger. He has lived the ups and downs the game can throw at you and is an incredible role model for young aspiring student-athletes, because he never quit and he has used those tough times as motivation and lessons learned to prepare for the next challenge in life and hit it head on in pursuit of the next success.” In addition to a successful business career, Keeso has earned two master’s degrees – an MBA and an MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management – from the University of Oxford. At Oxford, he also published a working paper, took to the TEDx stage, and was goaltender for the university’s historic ice hockey team, becoming the only men’s player in the club’s history to have earned an Extraordinary Full Blue, the highest honor in sports at Oxford. Keeso also served as an infantry officer in the armed forces reserves and ran in a federal election. A native of Listowel, Ontario, Keeso played hockey in his hometown before joining the Huron-Perth Lakers AAA organization and continuing on to Jr hockey with the Listowel Cyclones, Strathroy Rockets, and Sarnia Blast of the Greater Ontario Junior Hockey League (GOHL). He then went to Boston to study at Wentworth Institute of Technology, where he was a goaltender for the varsity NCAA Division III hockey team and graduated with a BSc in Technology Management with honors. “Having grown up in the game of hockey, I understand the opportunities for growth that youth sports provide for young people, on and off the ice, field, and court,” said Keeso. “Team members at TPH are deeply committed to the holistic development of student-athletes, knowing that the skills and habits learned extend well beyond the game to many other arenas of life. As a result of Nathan’s leadership and an all-star team of people, we have a great foundation in place as we head into ‘The Next 20’ at TPH.” If you are interested in learning more about our #StudyTrainPlay model at the TPH Center of Excellence, Alan and other key members of our team will be participating in a Nationwide Virtual Open House on January 10th at 8:00 PM EST. Register for free here! TPH St. Louis, the world leader in positively impacting the lives of student-athletes through sport, is thrilled to announce that Sam Canfield, born and raised in St. Louis with deep ties to the community, was recently hired as the full-time Coordinator of Operations and Programming for the TPH Center of Excellence (CoE) in St. Louis. Canfield brings an abundance of expertise and background in all areas including mentoring, coaching, playing, administration, and operations. In addition to assisting with the day-to-day operations of the St. Louis CoE, Sam will be heavily involved in hockey development as well as helping provide the greatest possible experience, in all areas, for our St. Louis families. The St. Louis CoE is extremely excited to welcome Sam to the team for a few reasons. Number one: Sam’s ability to connect with and mentor young student-athletes on and off the ice. Number two: Sam’s knowledge and experience when it comes to developing young hockey players. And number three: Sam believes in TPH St. Louis and the CoE hybrid-learning and sports training model. He is truly invested in doing whatever it takes to positively impact the lives of each and every one of our students; helping them reach their full potential academically and athletically. “Most importantly, Sam has a strong passion for making a positive impact on young student-athletes and helping them succeed on and off the ice. Sam is going to be a great addition to the team and myself and the entire CoE St. Louis staff and students are looking forward to working with Sam!” mentioned Philip McRae, Director and Head of Hockey. Sam comes from Synergy Hockey as Lead Skills Coach with 10 years of overall experience with 6 years experience as an Assistant Coach with AAA Blues. Furthermore, Sam has been lucky to coach with and learn from Jeff Brown, Andy Mcdonald, Alex Brooks, Jamie Rivers and Mike Berra. Learn more about our St. Louis TPH CoE location here. Founded in 2001, TPH seeks to become the world leader in positively impacting the lives of student-athletes through sport. TPH platforms include association management, elite prospects programs, tournaments and showcases, camps and clinics, and its hallmark Center of Excellence academy model, serving over 10,000 student-athletes annually throughout 16 U.S.-based divisions. TPH prides itself on taking a holistic approach, one that emphasizes the development of the individual in four ways: (1) as a player within a team setting, (2) as an athlete, dedicated to reaching their physical potential, (3) as a student, working to achieve their academic goals, and most importantly, (4) as a person, striving to win the ultimate game, and that’s the game of life. (ST. LOUIS) – TPH and its Center of Excellence (CoE) in St. Louis are thrilled to add two more staff members to its family. Molly Porfidio has joined the team as an Academic Success Coach, and Ryan Hurston has been added as the Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach. “For the development and growth of our student-athletes, Molly and Ryan will add an extra layer of accountability and instruction that will allow our students to take ownership for their development and be the best they can be,” said Philip McRae, Director of Hockey-Operation at TPH St. Louis. Molly earned her Bachelor’s degree from Missouri State University where she double-majored in Secondary Education and English. In addition to being a licensed teacher in Missouri, Molly is also currently pursuing a Master’s degree in higher education from Lindenwood University. In her previous role, Molly worked for Lindenwood Athletics within the Academic Success Center, helping to mentor and monitor the academic progress of their student-athletes. Ryan Hurston joins Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Bret Kelly in TPH St. Louis’ off-ice training of its students. Ryan will be assisting Bret and TPH’s student-athletes in the gym a minimum of twice a week. Ryan attended DePauw University and earned a degree in Kinesiology. He’s also on staff at Mercy Sports Performance in Maryland Heights. “It’s going to be more hands-on training and instruction for individual student-athletes, which will only help them improve their off-ice training that much more,” said McRae on the addition of Hurston. “We’re excited to add Ryan to the off-ice training staff.” Success in year one In its first full year, TPH St. Louis saw tremendous success with its student-athletes. “We had 37 students in this year, and it’s worked out really well with small groups of on and off-ice training,” said McRae. “The kids have been working hard and having fun with the training, but more importantly, it’s been great to see the kids putting in the same effort in the classroom academically. They finished strong in the first semester with academics, and that’s the most important thing. It’s been awesome to see the students grow and develop as hockey players, students and as people in general.” It hasn’t been easy for anyone in education to work through a pandemic, but the staff and students in St. Louis have found a way to be successful and to overtake any obstacle thrown their way. “We’ve taken it day-by-day just like the rest of the world,” said McRae. “We’ve had to go through some challenging times and adversity, but the staff and students have found a way to get the training and schoolwork that the kids need during this difficult time for everyone. We’re looking to keep battling through this to get the kids really what they need, while at the same time being safe and following all the guidelines that we need to.” As the school has grown with its student-athletes, the goal in St. Louis is to always put the kids first and add the necessary staff members to support them. With the addition of more staff members, the student to staff ratio will continue to be at a level where each and every child at TPH St. Louis receives one-on-one attention to help them reach their goals as an athlete. Interested in learning more about the TPH Center of Excellence St. Louis? TPH St. Louis will be hosting an on-site open house February 8th. Attendees must register to attend but the open house is FREE. Click here to reserve you seat. Learn more about the Center of Excellence in St. Louis. Get to know our student of the month, Jacob Langhammer, from the TPH Center of Excellence. Jacob currently plays for the St. Peters Hockey Club, and has really enjoyed the electives he’s able to take while at the COE. Learn more about Jacob and his experience in St. Louis in his interview with Justin. (ST. LOUIS, MO – November 19, 2020) – Total Package Hockey (TPH) and St. Louis Director of Hockey and Operations Philip McRae have announced the addition of Stephen Bopp as a Player Development Coach & Mentor. Bopp is currently the head coach of the 2009 Carshield AAA Team, as well as the assistant coach of the St. Louis Rockets Elite U16 AA team. Bopp grew up playing hockey in St. Louis and has been a member of the Kirkwood Stars, Affton Americans Central States and AAA Blues. Bopp went on to play junior hockey for the St. Louis Bandits of the North American Hockey League for two years and finished his career at Lindenwood University where he was a member of the 2016 National Championship team. While at Lindenwood, Bopp studied Exercise Science with a minor in Nutrition and had the opportunity to intern with the St. Louis Blues Strength and Conditioning Department during their 2015-2016 Western Conference Final run. “I’m looking forward to joining the TPH family because of the variety of students I get to coach,” said Bopp. “I love the challenge of finding ways to connect with different players to help them grow as people and hockey players. This is a unique opportunity because I’m equally excited to learn from Phil, Bobby, Scott and Bruce. These coaches all have an established background that can help broaden my own perspective in how I coach others.” Bopp currently owns Bodies By Bopp LLC and works with athletes of all ages to help improve strength, coordination and sport performance. With his past experience, he will be a tremendous asset to student-athletes in St. Louis. “I believe each person is the sum of their own experiences and you can learn something from everyone you cross paths with,” said Bopp. “I’ve worked with players from 6U all the way to the NHL level, so I’m excited to coach the athlete and not the sport. Each student at TPH has a different goal and driving factor for the game of hockey so it is my job to figure how to get the most out of each individual.” Learn more about the Center of Excellence. Former D-I athlete to serve as Player Development Coach & Mentor (ST. LOUIS, MO – August 24, 2020) – Philip McRae, Director of Hockey-Operation for Total Package Hockey (TPH) St. Louis, has announced the addition of Zach Jordan as a Player Development Coach & Mentor. Prior to joining TPH, Jordan played a season in the NAHL, four seasons in the USHL and for the previous four years, he was a right wing for the University of Nebraska-Omaha Mavericks. His path is one that TPH is preparing its student athletes for should they choose it. “Zach has done exactly what our student hockey players are striving to do,” said McRae. “He is going to be a great example for our kids, and we are thrilled to have Zach join the TPH St. Louis team until the 2020-21 professional hockey season begins.” Jordan just completed four years playing Division-I college hockey, and he’s excited to share that experience with the student athletes at TPH. One thing he’s quickly learned over his experience in junior and college hockey is that fun still needs to be a part of it. “I think the main thing I want to instill in them is that there’s a lot of hard work to get there, but there’s fun with it, too,” said Jordan. “If you stop having fun with it all, then you’re not going to enjoy it anymore. You won’t be truly as good as you can be if you’re not having fun.” During his senior year, Jordan wore an “A” as an assistant captain for the Mavericks. Building good leaders and citizens in the community is a focal point at TPH, and Jordan understands that there are different kinds of leaders. For him, finding balance and understanding your own leadership style is key. “The biggest thing when it comes to being a leader is that you have to understand the best way for you to lead as a person,” said Jordan. “For me, it was a balance between being vocal and leading by example. I think that’s one of the biggest things with showing younger kids how to be good leaders. It’s not always the rah-rah person. You can lead by example just by doing the work every day.” When it comes to the big picture, Jordan has the right mindset, and that will be an important factor when helping to prepare TPH student-athletes. When you invest the time in being a part of something great, it comes full circle. That’s also an important concept of leadership. “As a senior this year, at the end of the year we talked with the freshman class and they were just so appreciative of what we did for them,” said Jordan when sharing one of his favorite moments from last season. “It was just full circle of how we were treated and how we were able to learn and grow and get them started on the right path. It was rewarding going through the whole experience.” From his experiences going through multiple levels of hockey, to his development as a leader, Zach Jordan brings a wealth of knowledge to his role as a Player Development Coach & Mentor. Maryland Heights, MO – Total Package Hockey is pleased to announce additions of part-time Player Development Coach & Mentors, Scott Brandes and Jeff LoVecchio, to the TPH St. Louis team. Both have Missouri roots and will bring a great deal of playing and coaching experience to the TPH Center of Excellence in St. Louis. Growing up in St. Louis playing for the Jr. Blues, today Brandes is the owner and head instructor of “End2End Hockey” in St. Louis. Specializing in power skating, Brandes has built his reputation as one of the premier instructors in the market. Brandes will be at the Center of Excellence once a week throughout the school year, helping teach and develop the student-athletes on the ice. “Scott was my assistant coach in 2005 for our AAA Blues team that won the National Championship,” said Philip McRae, TPH St. Louis Director of Hockey-Operations, “He ran all of our development and skills skates that year and I believe Scott will be a great addition to the on-ice staff and have a huge impact on our students, specifically with their skating.” LoVecchio grew up in Chesterfield, MO and played all his youth hockey in the St. Louis minor hockey system. After leaving St. Louis, LoVecchio spent three years in the United States Hockey League (USHL) and three seasons at Western Michigan University where he served as captain. Following college, LoVecchio continued on to a 10 year pro career including time in the AHL, Italy, Norway, Austria, and Japan. Currently, LoVecchio is considered the top off ice hockey trainer in St. Louis training NHL players down to youth players. LoVecchio will be at the Center of Excellence once a month throughout the year to mentor the student athletes with advice and teaching points on lifestyle skills, daily habits, choices, nutrition, off ice training, and recovery. “Jeff is the first to admit he was not the most skilled player or had the most god given talent.” said McRae. “He made it to Junior, College, and Pro from his work ethic, daily choices, and habits. Jeff truly practices what he preaches daily.” Both Brandes and LoVecchio bring unique experiences and vast knowledge that will help provide a quality experience to the student-athletes at the TPH Center of Excellence – St. Louis. If you are interested in learning more about the TPH Center of Excellence – St. Louis, we invite you to visit the links below. - Click here to request more information on the CoE model. - Click here to apply for the TPH Center of Excellence – St. Louis, which is the first formal step in the registration process for the 2020-2021 school year.
Doctor Tim Spector: The shocking truth about weight loss, calories & diets Did you listen to Steven Bartlett’s ‘Diary of a CEO’ podcast with special guest Tim Spector? In the episode, the British epidemiologist, medical doctor and science writer behind the new diet app ‘Zoe’ said: - The key to good health is focusing on your gut health - Ultra-processed foods are ruining our health - Calorie counting is ‘complete nonsense’ - Exercise won’t get you closer to your weight loss goals It’s fair to say that the podcast has received a fair bit of backlash. Fitness experts have branded Tim Spector as ‘irresponsible’ and ‘amateur’, claiming he shouldn’t deny the simple science of ‘calories in, calories out’. But what did we think here at Purition HQ? Well, we’re over the moon that Tim Spector’s research finally proves what we’ve been saying and promoting for the last 10 years: Eating more whole foods, more variety of foods, fewer processed foods, less sugar – and maybe even a bit of fasting here and there – is key to long-term health and weight management. In case you don’t want to listen to the full, hour-long podcast (linked at the bottom of this blog post), here’s a run-through of the key points discussed. And, in line with Tim Spector's research, how Purition can help you to eat yourself healthy from the inside out! 1. Gut health is key to good health Spector describes the gut microbiome as “A community of microscopic bugs in our intestines. It’s called a biome because it’s like a jungle community. Lots of different species co-exist together – thousands of them!” He explains that all of these microbes pump out chemicals that are vital for your immune system, which helps to fight ageing, cancer, covid, allergies and more. Amazingly, he claims that some microbe chemicals even affect the brain and make the difference between whether you feel happy or sad. But how much of a role do your gut bug plays in your weight? Well, a big one: “Your gut bugs are key to regulating how much you eat, your appetite and when you feel full.” How to support your gut microbiome We hear you. If gut bugs are key to good health, how can you support yours? Spector explains that “You have to eat a more diverse range of plants. We did a study a few years ago and discovered that if you can get up to 30 different plants per week, you maximise the diversity of species in your gut.” Eating 30 different plants per week might seem like a lot, but it’s not just vegetables. It’s nuts, it’s seeds, it’s fruits, it’s herbs, it’s spices – even coffee. The good news? By enjoying Purition daily, you’ll instantly bump up your plant numbers by 10–14. Made with flax, chia, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds, almonds, coconut and more, Purition is a daily feast for your gut. Spector also recommends eating more fermented foods (think kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha), as well as reducing how many ultra-processed foods you eat: “All the groups in the population that have the best gut microbes don’t eat ultra-processed foods”. 2. Calorie counting is 'nonsense' You might’ve already read our blog on calorie counting and why it doesn’t work for long-term weight management – and Spector’s research completely backs up our approach. “It’s complete nonsense” claimed Spector. “There’s never been any long-term study showing that calorie counting is an effective way to lose weight or maintain weight loss after the first few weeks.” He goes on to explain that while strict calorie counting will help you to lose some weight, it’s not sustainable. Even if you’re successful, your body’s evolutionary mechanisms will make you hungrier and hungrier every week that goes by on a low-calorie diet. “Your body will go into shut-down mode, your metabolism slows down and, inevitably, more than 95% of people will go back to their baseline weight. Many go above it." What's the alternative to calorie counting? Deleting your calorie counting app and focusing on diet quality instead. Spector gave an American experiment as an example. In the study, they gave people identical meals for 2 weeks – identical calories, identical macros. The only difference? One was homemade, the other was ultra-processed. “The group with the ultra-processed meal overate by about 200 calories every single day. They kept coming back to the buffet for more. So even though they ate the same calories, the effect of ultra-processed foods on the body meant that they were hungrier.” So try to start eating more nutrient-dense whole foods – think unprocessed meat, fish, full-fat dairy and non-starchy vegetables. Getting started could be as simple as: - Purition for breakfast (it’s made from natural whole foods, but ready instantly) - A healthy whole food lunch (find some ideas here) - A Daily Feed meal in the evening (sign up for free here) 3. Time-restricted can help with weight loss Time-restricted eating simply means changing your eating window. Typically, most people in the UK and the US eat for around 14–16 hours a day. But Spector explains “In time-restricted eating, we try to reduce that to something like 10 hours, on average. For example, you might start eating at 11 am and finish eating at 9 am. Or 8 am until 6 pm. There are plenty of studies showing that it helps with energy, weight loss, inflammation levels and mood. The science is really interesting, but simply, your body needs time to recover. If you rest your gut for 14 hours, you give time for all the microbes to come out and act as a repair team that hoover up all the mess you’ve left behind.” He goes on to say that although he’s seen great benefits from time-restricted eating, it’s not right for everyone. If you’re interested, give it a try, test out different eating windows and see if it positively impacts your energy and hunger levels. 4. Exercise doesn't impact weight loss Regular exercise has many health benefits beyond weight loss. It reduces your risk of chronic conditions, improves your mood, sleep quality and self-esteem and even helps to maintain your joints and muscles. But Spector points out that exercise isn’t the key to weight loss. “Exercise has very little role in weight loss. All the long-term studies show it doesn’t help weight loss. It’s been grossly exaggerated as an easy fix for the obesity problem. On its own, if you don’t change your diet, it’s of no use.” He goes on to explain that exercise makes you build up hunger. After exercise, your metabolism slows down and your body tries to regain the energy (i.e. calories, from food) that was lost. If exercise isn’t helpful for weight loss, what is? If your goal is weight loss, your priority should be changing your diet. And, as we said earlier, that means eating more whole foods and fewer ultra-processed foods. Whole foods work in synergy with your hunger/satiety hormones, gut microbiome and other systems that help you to regulate your body weight, naturally. It can be helpful to change one meal at a time, rather than overhauling your entire diet at once. Why not start by having Purition for breakfast? It’s a small change that means 33% of your diet will come from whole foods! 5. Coffee has health benefits Many of us consider coffee a guilty pleasure, but according to Spector, it's actually a healthy habit. The Zoe blog explains that coffee may protect against heart health. For instance, one large study concluded that coffee consumption was associated with a long-term lower risk of developing heart failure. And according to a review, drinking 3–5 cups a day is linked to a 15% reduction in cardiovascular disease, compared with drinking none – in Spector's words, "If you drink 3 cups of coffee a day, studies show that you're less likely to die ten years later." How can I ensure my coffee habit is healthy? The key to coffee (and caffeine) is in the dose. "There is variability. Some people get the shakes, can't sleep and experience other side-effects if they have too much. But if you get the dose right, coffee can be very beneficial for you." Spector also claimed that "Studies show that people who drink decaf coffee also experience similar heart health benefits. Green tea is also pretty good." Ultimately, everyone's different, but it's best to drink no more than 3 cups per day – and try to stop before 2pm to avoid sleep disruptions. And if you find that you're sensitive to caffeine, why not follow Spector's tips and give decaf coffee or green tea a try instead? Listen to the full podcast here: We hope you found this information useful! We'd love to hear what you thought about the Tim Spector & Steven Bartlett podcast. Drop us an email on email@example.com with your thoughts! New to Purition? Tips for newbies A nutritionist's guide to weight loss Healthy eating: Form the foundation What you should do next... 1. Subscribe to our newsletter Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news, recipes and advice about healthy eating. 2. Try Purition for 14 days Unlock all the benefits of a whole foods diet with none of the effort. Get 2 weeks of easy nutritious meals & pick your own flavours!
TLDR – Artificial Intelligence (AI) ChatGPT, Low-Code, Web Apps In this blog, I want to explore how in 2023, the marriage of AI, low-code and business Web Apps will forever transform how organisations interact with: business data, stakeholders, business applications and application development. ChatGPT – What is all the noise about? “ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionise the way businesses operate by offering advanced natural language processing capabilities and a more intuitive way of interacting with technology.” – Erik Brynjolfsson, Professor at MIT Sloan School of Management. Unless you’ve lived in a cave since November 2022, you will have heard about ChatGPT (Chat). And you may have already had a play with it and wondered, “how is this going to change my job”, or, “will I still have a job in 2024.” Or you’ve decided, “what’s the big deal”, here we go again in another hype cycle like the internet, smartphones, bitcoin, and social media… yeah, don’t worry too much. It’s probably nothing. If you haven’t done the homework, ChatGPT is not yet another annoying chat application that pops notifications on your mobile. ChatGPT is one of a batch of new AI generative tools that uses a state-of-the-art language generation model. ChatGPT uses deep learning algorithms and training data to generate human-like text responses to input prompts. Developed by Open AI, ChatGPT can understand and respond to human language. Importantly for businesses of all shapes and sizes, this technology enables software tools to handle various business tasks, such as automating repetitive jobs, customer support, information gathering, automated documentation, software coding and data analysis with outcome prediction. And yes, you can talk with it or get it to complete your assignments. While some of these are “clever party tricks”, you should try if for yourself. Suppose you use Microsoft Excel in your daily work, and you use macros to automate tasks. Then you will appreciate the time saving when you can write a macro that will perform a job in a spreadsheet by typing a plain English prompt in ChatGPT like: Write a macro for Microsoft Excel that will remove every row with duplicate content in column B. Sub RemoveDuplicates() Columns("B:B").Select ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$B$1000").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=2, Header:=xlYes End Sub The code generated in the response will work when added to your spreadsheet, and the response from ChatGPT includes the instructions to use it and comments within the VBA code. If the response doesn’t work, ask again and improve your prompt. There are thousands of guides on the internet. What if you don’t use Excel and instead use Google sheets? No worries, ask ChatGPT how you would do this in Google sheets. The response will be using filters. Organisations adopting AI tools for natural language processing tasks like this and other more complex tasks can expect a significant productivity and efficiency boost starting in 2023. These tools automate and streamline language-based data processes like text, speech, and sentiment analysis. By relying on these tools, organisations will reduce manual data processing efforts, minimise human error, and increase the speed and accuracy of their information processing activities. For example, once trained and given the organisation’s relevant data, a generative AI-powered chatbot can handle routine customer queries, freeing the call centre to focus on more complex and value-added tasks. Here are other “less gimmicky” ways a large language model AI like ChatGPT will transform your work in 2023. Natural language interface: ChatGPT can be integrated into business applications to provide a natural language interface for users to interact with a business platform. They will improve user experience and make the solution more accessible to a broader range of users. Predictive automation: ChatGPT and other conversational language models can analyse large amounts of data and predict the most likely outcomes of specific actions, such as the next steps in a workflow. Automate repetitive tasks: Organisations can automate certain parts of the business process, reducing the amount of manual effort required and improving efficiency. Automated documentation: ChatGPT can generate accurate and comprehensive documentation for business applications, helping developers and users better understand the application’s structure and functionality. The first point, “natural language interface”, is the most transformational and potentially disruptive change for business applications. People in technology love to say, “this is a game changer”, or “this is a revolution”, or even “this time, it’s different”, regarding the influence of AI on business applications. I am confident that using AI to interact with business data will be the most profound change to business software in a generation. Paired with the troves of proprietary data backing business solutions such as Web Apps like Formbird FLEET, (FIMS) – AI generative text tools will provide fleet managers with a new intuitive tool to understand their data better. “Chats” ability to generate visualisations such as charts and graphs will make it possible to quickly and easily uncover hidden insights within the organisation’s data. This ability to present information clearly and concisely will let organisations make informed decisions based on an encyclopedic understanding of historical and live data. Imagine a fleet manager wanting to determine why the fuel bill has ballooned this month. Instead of poring over reports comparing last month to this month. The answer could be just a single-sentence prompt away. List the top 10 vehicles whose fuel consumption has increased from the previous month. The large language model AI will already have the answer because it “knows” the fleet data since it was “taught it” and can now “spit out” the answer. An AI will give the fleet manager the necessary explanations and set the next task in motion. Why has the fuel bill ballooned this month? Low-Code – Everything old is new again – build it fast and don’t break things. “Low-code development platforms will revolutionise the way businesses build and deploy applications, empowering organisations to quickly bring their ideas to life and stay ahead in an ever-evolving digital landscape.” – Gartner Research. Low-code platforms, like Formbird, are user-friendly platforms that allow anyone, regardless of their coding skills, to create and customise Web Apps. Formbird uses pre-built templates, making it easy for users to create and customise business software without coding knowledge. Low-code is not new. Lotus Notes, released in 1989, provided organisations with a way to build and manage custom applications, such as email, calendars, and databases, without requiring extensive programming knowledge. Low-code platforms like Formbird are the third generation of the low-code revolution. They allow developers and organisations to develop business software faster and more efficiently, reducing development time and costs. Because low-code platforms are accessible to a broader range of people, they allow for greater collaboration and innovation within the development process. Low-code platforms allow for greater flexibility, scalability and adaptability, enabling organisations to quickly and easily adjust their applications to changing business needs. The real power of a low-code platform is its synergy with the rapid development methodology. The ability to quickly deploy business applications, test them in real-world scenarios and make necessary improvements rapidly, realising the potential of continual improvement throughout the development process. This “Lean” or “Agile” approach leads to business applications built with a deeper understanding of the business requirements. It eliminates the risk of failed implementations due to small but critical translation errors that can occur during the initial data modelling of the application’s scope when using traditional development methodologies. By adopting a low-code and rapid development methodology, organisations can bid farewell to the long, slow software implementation era and embrace effective, faster, and more efficient business application development. Business applications built on low-code development platforms are the missing link between data and action. They let organisations quickly adapt their business applications to unlock the full potential of their data, allowing employees to become active participants in driving continual improvement within the organisation and empowering people to work strategically to achieve the business’s goals. Low-code development platforms might have been with us for a while; they look like they’re here to stay. Low-code will stand out as a landmark in 2023’s business landscape, driving positive change and improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of all organisations ready to start their journey. Bringing together AI and Low-Code Development A large language model like ChatGPT can accelerate business application development in low-code development platforms by providing advanced natural language processing capabilities. Similar to the example above about the Excel macro. ChatGPT can learn to write code for any low-code development platform by training it on the specifics of the platform. Once the AI has learned the patterns and syntax needed to generate code for the platform. A large language model like ChatGPT could automate aspects of the development process, such as developing boilerplate code or filling in missing pieces of code, allowing for more intuitive and efficient communication between developers and the low-code platform, and enabling faster and more accurate development. Additionally, AI will provide valuable insights and recommendations to developers, helping them make more informed decisions about designing and implementing their applications. Overall, AI has the potential to significantly streamline and improve the low-code development process, further fulfilling the low-code promise of making coding more straightforward, quicker and more accessible to a broader range of skill levels, organisations and businesses. Web Apps in 2023, the advantage becomes clear. Web Apps avoid the code bloat, custom workarounds and continuous updates associated with cross-platform apps. – Mark Hosking, CEO, Formbird - “The Web Apps standard is a major step forward in the development of web applications, providing new capabilities and features that were previously not possible. With the ability to access local files and other resources, web applications can provide a more seamless and integrated experience for users.” – Jeff Jaffe, CEO of the W3C Once regarded as the inferior alternative to native apps, Web Apps (also known as the Web Application API standard) will grow in 2023 as inherent inefficiencies of cross-platform app development and maintenance challenges have become more apparent. The hype surrounding native business apps has diminished profoundly in the last two years. The W3C Web Apps standard is a set of specifications and guidelines that provide a standardised way of creating and deploying web applications. Maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an international community that develops and promotes web technologies. The Web Apps standard aims to ensure that web applications are interoperable across different browsers, platforms and devices and to provide a consistent user experience. Build once deploy anywhere. The standard also includes APIs for accessing device features such as the camera, accelerometer and geolocation, and for working with data such as storing information locally on the device, a capability used by Formbird’s offline functionality. The standards also ensure that web applications have a consistent user experience, which leads to better user adoption and satisfaction. Overall, the W3C Web Apps standards will play a crucial role in shaping the future of business apps and help organisations create better, more accessible, and more useful web applications. Collaboration – the Web App Advantage By providing a common platform accessible from any location with (or without) an internet connection, Web Apps foster collaboration across any organisation with dispersed work sites, allowing teams to work together on the same project regardless of their physical location, enabling remote collaboration and reducing communication barriers. Ensuring all users have access to the same data, features, and functionalities promotes productivity and continual improvement across the team. 2023 and beyond take homes – Business Application Development Trends. The convergence of AI, low-code and Web Apps will create new, more advanced, accessible applications. Low-code platforms incorporating AI technology will likely allow for faster and more efficient app development, and the integration of AI into web applications will enhance the user experience and improve the overall functionality of the apps. This convergence will also automate specific tasks and processes within web apps, making them more streamlined and efficient. Through 2023 and beyond, combining AI, low-code development, and the Web Apps standard will revolutionise how organisations approach business information. AI gives organisations unprecedented access to their data. The ability to interrogate the organisation’s business data via a simple text interface will transform how people approach and understand their data. The transition from complex, counter-intuitive menu diving to a prompt-based interface will profoundly affect how we work for decades. Businesses that embrace this technology will have a competitive advantage in their field.
Does the Clear Skin Vitamins Pack actually help acne and give you a clear skin complexion or are the reviews untrustworthy? The Innate clear skin vitamin pac is promoted to clear skin and prevent breakouts by using vitamins and minerals that are necessary for optimal skin health. If you are having a blitz of acne will this product be beneficial for you? This product is now called Clear Skin Acne Vitamins. It is no longer a pack and now comes in a bottle. They removed the fish-oil like gel capsules and now only the orange vegetable capsules are sold. We thought the old product was pretty good, but the new version unfortunately has decreased the effectiveness of the overall product and don’t believe it’s worth your time. How Does It Work? We purchased the 30 day supply of this product and the dosing is one pack daily. There is also a 60 day supply of the clear skin pills available. One pack is four pills; two are small oval gel caps and the other two are larger capsules. I was a bit confused at first as you can tear the pack down the middle so I was not sure if you were to take 2 capsules per day or four capsules per day. Before we started taking the product we researched the ingredients, side effects, and other customer reviews to see how effective this product truly is. SEE MORE: Is Acnetame Safe? Clear Skin Vitamin Pack Reviews We have read the testimonials on Amazon and some people either like the clear skin vitamins or they don't and have moved onto another product. We don't think it works for everyone as shown in the critique below. I didn't work at all. I have hormonal acne cysts and small lumps. Moderate acne. Sad... wish it worked for me SEE MORE: Perfect Skin Pills Review What Are the Ingredients? - Vitamin A Vitamin A and can be found in many over the counter clear skin vitamins as it is known as retinol. By eating veggies you'll also consume beta-carotene which is another form of vitamin A. - Vitamin C Vitamin C includes antioxidant properties that will help prevent the breakdown of healthy skin tissues and improves skin elasticity. - Vitamin D3 The suggested form of Vitamin D to supplement is Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). It's the natural kind of Vitamin D your body makes out of sun. Individuals who don't get enough sun could be deficient in this vitamin which results in depression, dull skin, and other negative side effects. - Vitamin E Vitamin E contains antioxidant properties that can decrease inflammation. This vitamin is found in several topical products such as serums for healthier skin as it helps smoothen out fine lines and wrinkles. - Vitamin K Vitamin K is also known as Potassium and is found in natural vegetable sources like kale and spinach. It is vital in helping the body's blood flow which aids in healing wounds and bruises. It may also help particular skin ailments like spider veins, scars, and dark spots. - Vitamin B2 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) helps convert food to energy. It doesn't have much effect on pimples directly, but when B Vitamins are taken together they form a synergy which makes them more effective. - Vitamin B6 This vitamin is water soluble and can help decrease sebum production brought on by hormonal changes within the human body. It reduces the effects of testosterone which is the primary androgen that's accountable for breakouts. 50-100 milligrams of B6 have been shown to decrease acne, but high levels might actually raise pimples in some individuals particularly in females as noted within this research. - Folic Acid Folic acid is another B vitamin that's found in green leafy veggies. Acne may become a problem in certain if you are deficient in Folic acid. By increasing the intake of this vitamin we may see that our skin becomes clearer. - Pantothenic Acid Pantothenic Acid is also called vitamin B5. In high doses it has been shown to slow oil production in the skin. A 2004 study concluded that Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in many parts of the world. This vitamin is important because it helps increase mood and energy as well as benefits the hair, skin, eyes, and nails. Iodine can help keep the skin moisturized and elastic while reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Magnesium may help acne by enhancing our sleep and decreases cortisol. High cortisol levels are a contributing aspect to inflammation and makes pimples worse. Magnesium also produces an antioxidant known as glutathione and research shows that individuals who have less of this antioxidant in their body have more breakouts. Zinc is widely utilized in several natural cold treatments because of it's ability to raise the immune system. Additionally, it has other properties that might assist in skin wellness. Zinc for acne is used when there is a deficiency in the body that may also cause unwanted effects like persistent fatigue, inability to focus, flaky skin, and weight reduction. Selenium is an antioxidant that prevents cells from oxidation and damage. It is most effective when taken along with other vitamins for acne prone skin. Breakouts can be aided by selenium as it might help decrease inflammation. Chromium helps enhance the immune system which is how we can stop breakouts. A healthy immune system ensures that our body is able to effectively fight off parasites, bacteria, and germs which can possibly damage our skin. - Evening Primrose Oil EPO helps provide hormonal equilibrium which is effective for hormonal acne including cystic acne. It is also used for rosacea, eczema, and oily skin. - Organic Turmeric Turmeric has been used for reducing overall inflammation throughout the body whether it is for skin, joint pain, or muscle pain. - Vitex (Chaste Tree) Chaste Tree is used to help balance hormones in women. Though it helps female hormonal problems it may also help balance hormones in men as well. - Alpha Lipoic Acid ALA has antioxidant properties as it helps boosts the effectiveness of other antioxidants and vitamins for acne prone skin when taken orally. We are not sure of the actual dose of this ingredient because it is part of a proprietary blend. It is known to lower blood sugar which is why it is important to know how much is in it as you may want to time it out with a higher carbohydrate meal. Side effects of not consuming carbs with ALA include sluggishness, dizziness, and blurred vision. On the box of this product the company writes "Dairy Free and Soy Free", but when you look at the other ingredients it says "soy bean oil". This is misleading as it is not truly soy free. Can You Get Side Effects? There are always possible side effects associated with supplements depending on your health history and current medications you are taking. There are known interactions between some of these ingredients and prescriptions so we recommend that you speak with your doctor before taking any type of supplement. The most common side effects that we have read are: - Increased acne - No reduction of the size or consistency of pimples Where to Buy The clear skin vitamins are available on Amazon and the company website. A one time purchase and subscription is available. Which Vitamins Help with Clear Skin? From our research the best vitamins for clear skin can be found in the Acne Tame supplement stack. These tablets contain Vitamins A, B5, and B3 among minerals and an amino acid which is essential for repairing the skin. Amino acids are important nutrients required for (a) wound healing promotion and repair of the damaged skin; (b) acid-base balance and water retention in cellular layers, such as stratum corneum; (c) protection against sunlight damage; (d) maintenance of an appropriate skin microbiome. See study. CONCLUSION: Do the Clear Skin Vitamins Work? The Clear Skin Vitamin Pack for acne prone skin and pimples may be a product you want to try. It contains natural ingredients that are beneficial to our overall health and work sort of like a multivitamin. Because there are many ingredients added to the product we are not sure how effective it is for specifically treating acne. You may want to use a topical product in conjunction with taking these pills. The product may not be the best vitamins for hormonal acne, but we recommend that you give it a shot if you have tried other options for your skin with no luck. Our favorite supplement for skin clarification can be read about by clicking here.
As part of the merger and acquisition (M&A) due diligence process, every company must consider supply chain risk. The entire supply chain — supplier, vendor, customer, labor, third parties, etc. — is fraught with potential risk that can ladder up to an enormously adverse impact for the consolidating firms and investors. This makes corporate governance and risk mitigation instrumental to supply chain transparency and responsible business conduct. Within the context of an M&A, business leaders often face myriad supply chain due diligence questions. We’ll examine several critical questions, using a hypothetical firm. Why Supply Chain Matters to the M&A Process Supply chain risks typically derive from third-party suppliers (e.g., “raw material” providers many manufacturers depend on, a piece of third-party software on your systems, or a third-party hosted system in their cloud). Whoever they are, third parties provide products or services businesses rely on for operation. Third parties introduce a wide variety of risks to an organization, which need to be planned for. These risks are generally unique to individual third parties, but one factor is universal: They can have devastating consequences to your organization’s reputation and bottom line. Suppliers provide several avenues for attackers to access your network and data or disrupt your organization. There are two main scenarios: - Loss of service for critical applications and services - Loss of proprietary data, whether from customers, employees, or other third parties. Both pose serious consequences to an organization. Consider the following fictitious example of an acquisition gone wrong: Ajax Software was a start-up rising star in the e-commerce world. They created a solution that took the internet payments world by storm. Recognizing their growth and the need to expand operations, the owners sought a strategic partner to help grow their business. Attracted by Ajax’s existing market share and recognizing the synergy with their current web-based business, MegaWeb Corporation presented Ajax an acquisition offer. Owners of both companies agreed on the terms. Prior to the acquisition, the secret to Ajax Software’s success was their proprietary, home-grown software platform and its simple integration with customer websites. With the acquisition complete, MegaWeb Corporation realized integrating Ajax’s systems into theirs would be the most effective way to help both companies scale and beat competitors. Due to management, investor, and market pressures, MegaWeb Corporation conducted a shortened due diligence process to speed the acquisition. The next release of Ajax’s platform would bring much-requested features and address a market on which they wanted to rapidly capitalize. The acquisition process was completed, and the “Mega-Ajax” platform was released to great fanfare and success. A year after the acquisition, a national news site published a story with headlines identifying Mega-Ajax as a victim of EvilX, an international crime syndicate that compromised Mega-Ajax’s customer account database and corporate systems. In the days and weeks following the article, customers reported their identities and credit card information had been stolen. Worse still, as Mega-Ajax began to respond to these claims, their corporate systems were shut down by a devastating ransomware attack. Faced with market and investor pressure, MegaWeb neither assessed the suppliers employed by Ajax nor determined how closely Ajax themselves evaluated their security. By cutting these corners, MegaWeb exposed itself to both catastrophic scenarios. So, what needs to be addressed within the M&A due diligence process to ensure neither happens to your organization? Did Ajax Have a Third-Party Inventory? When reviewing Ajax’s cybersecurity supply chain risk management processes, Mega Web needed to first understand what third parties they relied upon. What third parties had access or transmitted data to Ajax systems, data, and facilities? What Ajax data resided in third-party systems? Which third parties provided critical or strategic services to Ajax or interacted directly with customers? To answer these questions with a high degree of certainty, Ajax would have needed a repository listing all third parties and their detailed interactions by the company. There would need to be documentation of the operational and reputational effects of a third-party breach, and the consequences a loss of service would have on the organization. Had this been available, MegaWeb Corporation would have understood factions they would be inheriting as third parties; the risks each supplier presents; the risk mitigation, liability, and indemnification built into third-party contracts; and if they would want to keep those relationships, renegotiate, or terminate contracts. Did Ajax Understand Who Their Critical Suppliers Were? Beyond a vendor repository, MegaWeb should have ascertained Ajax knew who their critical and strategic third parties were. Understanding which ones provide business-critical and strategic services, which connect to sensitive data and systems, and which have access to internal networks is integral to an effective cyber risk management strategy. Once identified, those third parties with higher levels of access, or who provide business-critical services, can be prioritized based on urgency and security requirements for contracts and agreements. Had MegaWeb determined whether Ajax performed these leading practices around their critical suppliers, they would have been better able to assess the level of risk posed by Ajax’s third-party suppliers prior to connecting their systems. Did Ajax Conduct Due Diligence on Its Suppliers? Mega Web Corporation should have determined whether Ajax examined their suppliers’ security postures and if they met a high level of expectation. A key aspect of cybersecurity supply management is conducting periodic due diligence and monitoring reviews to assess the controls that are in place over inherent risks to determine what residual risks impact the organization. If MegaWeb had been able to determine what third parties Ajax considered risky through these types of reviews, whether the risks were potentially impactful, and what risk mitigation strategies were in place during the acquisition integration, it would have helped them to make key business decisions during the acquisition process. Did Ajax Require Third Parties to Remediate Findings and Inadequacies? Third-party reviews serve a critical purpose: drive down risks posed by the third parties and their services and products. During these reviews, uncover risk items the organization is not willing to accept and will need to be addressed prior to the acquisition. Best practice organizations not only conduct these reviews but also have established processes to monitor and manage identified findings, in accordance with language included in contracts with each third party. Had MegaWeb Corporation validated that Ajax was tracking remediation requirements for third parties, established remediation timelines with third parties, and ensured that they were following up on the open items until resolved, these deficiencies would have been corrected. They would have been comforted to know that Ajax demonstrated a requirement for their suppliers to meet an equally high standard of security. How Was Ajax Leadership Informed of and Kept Aware of Third-Party Risk? Lastly, MegaWeb should have looked at how leadership was kept informed of third-party risks and the associated consequences of a breach or loss of service.Developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and dashboards on third-party risk levels would have helped to ensure that Ajax leadership had a clear picture of the third-party risk landscape, such as having quarterly executive board reporting (i.e., report out the number of transfer pricings [TPs]: new, terms, those in due diligence, key risks if any), monthly risk committee meetings, an escalation process defined to obtain appropriate approvals when risks are not adequately remediated, and review of contract terms to determine if the third-party risk was adequate (i.e., a formal risk acceptance process). Had this been the case, MegaWeb Corporation would have gained assurance of the overall effectiveness of the third-party risk management program. Organizations can address possible internal controls, but if they are not approaching third-party risk with the same level of urgency, they are missing one of the main attack vectors we see in cybersecurity today. If MegaWeb Corporation ensured that Ajax had an effective third-party risk management program, they could have identified risky third parties that led to their compromise, made sure deficiencies were addressed, and severed ties with the third party before suffering downtime, lost revenue, and reputational damage. Editor’s note: Updated January 2022
Unleashing endogenous TNF-alpha as a cancer immunotherapeutic Journal of Translational Medicine volume 16, Article number: 242 (2018) Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha was originally identified in the 1970s as the serum mediator of innate immunity capable of inducing hemorrhagic necrosis in tumors. Today, a wide spectrum of biological activities have been attributed to this molecule, and clinical translation has mainly occurred not in using it to treat cancer, but rather to inhibit its effects to treat autoimmunity. Clinical trials utilizing systemic TNF-alpha administration have resulted in an unacceptable level of toxicities, which blocked its development. In contrast, localized administration of TNF-alpha in the form of isolated limb perfusion have yielded excellent results in soft tissue sarcomas. Here we describe a novel approach to leveraging the potent antineoplastic activities of TNF-alpha by enhancing activity of locally produced TNF-alpha through extracorporeal removal of soluble TNF-alpha receptors. Specifically, it is known that cancerous tissues are infiltrated with monocytes, T cells, and other cells capable of producing TNF-alpha. It is also known that tumors, as well as cells in the tumor microenvironment produce soluble TNF-alpha receptors. The authors believe that by selectively removing soluble TNF-alpha receptors local enhancement of endogenous TNF-alpha activity may provide for enhanced tumor cell death without associated systemic toxicities. The history of TNF-alpha is very closely related to the history of tumor immunotherapy. In the early 1900s, the New York physician William Coley observed that various cancer patients would enter remission after experiencing bacterial infections. In a brave set of experiments, Dr. Coley began emulating bacterial infections by purposely administering various combinations of pathogens to patients. One of these mixtures, containing Streptococcus pyogenes and Serratia marcescens, was demonstrated to possess therapeutic activity and became widely used in the USA prior to the advent of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Today, such “Coley’s toxins” are limited due to lack of controlled clinical trials and FDA approvals. In the 1960s, attempts to identify the molecular mechanisms by which Serratia marcescens induced tumor regression led to the discovery of a “factor” in the sera of treated mice . This factor was identified in 1975 as “Tumor Necrosis Factor” (TNF-alpha) . It was found that this endotoxin induced factor, was also inducible with known immune stimulants such as bacillus Calmette–Guerin (BCG), zymosan, and Corynebacteria. The isolated factor had the capability to directly kill tumor cells in vitro, but there were no deleterious effects on proliferating non-malignant murine embryonic cells. Molecular analysis led to cloning of the cDNA and revealed the molecule was comprised of 233 amino acids with a leader sequence of the first 76 amino acids [3, 4]. Interestingly, it was found that the same sequence belonged to another factor associated with cancer: Cachectin . Cachectin was originally demonstrated to mediate weight loss and alter normal metabolic priorities through its effects on both the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral tissues. Early studies showed that administration of cachectin in animals induces cachexia with a pattern of tissue wasting that includes whole-body protein depletion, unlike the protein-conserving pattern induced by simple caloric restriction [6, 7]. Given the inflammatory nature of TNF-alpha, studies where performed to assess its role in endotoxin-induced shock models. It was found that administration of TNF-alpha in quantities approximating endogenous levels that were observed in response to endotoxin resulted in hypotension, metabolic acidosis, hemoconcentration, and death due to respiratory arrest within minutes to hours. This sequence resembled sepsis associated symptomology. Hyperglycemia and hyperkalemia were also observed after infusion. At necropsy, diffuse pulmonary inflammation and hemorrhage were apparent on gross and histopathologic examination, along with ischemic and hemorrhagic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, and acute renal tubular necrosis [8,9,10,11]. Thus TNF-alpha, appeared to not only be a potent mediator of tumor regression, but also an effector of cachexia, and a contributor to one of the main mechanisms leading to septic shock. TNF-alpha forms and family TNF-alpha is found in a soluble and membrane bound form. The soluble plasma form of TNF-alpha is cleaved from the membrane forms by a metalloproteinase termed TNF-alpha-converting enzyme (TACE) which belongs to the ADAMs family of disintegrins [12, 13]. Soluble TNF-alpha is 17-kDa protein consisting of 157 amino acids that forms a homotrimer for receptor activation. TNF-alpha is mainly produced by activated macrophages, T lymphocytes, and natural killer (NK) cells . A related but distinct cytokine, TNF-beta, previously known as Lymphotoxin was characterized to share some of the activity of TNF-alpha [15,16,17]. At present count, there are 19 members of the TNF family and 29 receptors that have been characterized [18,19,20]. TNF-alpha receptors 1 and 2 The activity of TNF-alpha is mediated through two cell surface receptors, TNF-R1 (p55) and TNF-R2 (p75) that differ in their signaling activity. TNF-R1 is usually pro-apoptotic whereas TNF-R2 is usually anti-apoptotic . TNF-R1 and TNF-R2 have similar extracellular TNF-binding structures characterized by four repeated cysteine-rich domains but have different intracellular domains . The main structural difference between TNF-R1 and TNF-R2 that accounts for their divergent biological activity resides in that TNF-R2 lacks an intracellular death domain. Thus, in many systems, TNF-alpha promotes apoptosis through activating TNF-R1 but causes pro-survival signaling through TNF-R2 [23,24,25,26,27,28]. After binding TNF-alpha, TNF-R1 recruits the adaptor protein TNF-R1-associated death domain protein (TRADD) and its downstream caspases (i.e. Caspase 8) causing apoptosis [18, 29, 30]. Conversely, when TNF-alpha activates TNF-R2, recruitment of the TNF receptor-associated factors (TRAF2) occurs, resulting in stimulation of NF-kappa B, which possesses anti-apoptotic properties [19, 31]. TNF-R1 is the high affinity receptor which is internalized upon ligation whereas TNF-R2 is shed . TNF-R2 is known to possess a higher affinity towards membrane bound TNF-alpha as compared to soluble TNF-alpha . While TNF-R1 is expressed on various tumor cells , and tumor endothelial cells , TNF-R2 is expressed on various immune cells including T regulatory cells [36, 37], myeloid suppressor cells , and some cancer cells [39, 40]. That TNF-R1 receptor is mainly responsible for the toxicity is demonstrated by its reduction by treating with antisense TNF-R1 . Tumor resistance to the cytotoxic effects of TNF-alpha is mediated by TNF-R2. For example, in the Lewis Lung Model, knock down of TNF-R2 in the cancer cells promotes robust anti-tumor effects upon administration of low dose murine TNF-alpha whereas in wild type mice it enhanced tumor growth while the TNF-R1 knockdown was not affected . Moreover, TNF-R2 activation has been implicated in T-reg expansion and immune-suppression [28, 43]. Role of TNF receptors in cancer The effects of systemically administered TNF-alpha are blocked by soluble receptors, sTNF-R1 and sTNF-R2, that are released into the plasma . These are cleaved from the membrane forms by TACE (ADAM17) upon the introduction or release of soluble TNF-alpha [45,46,47]. The receptor ligand affinity is largely dependent on the adaptor protein recruitment . However TNF-alpha mutants have been developed that specifically bind either TNF-R1 or TNF-R2 and novel mutants have been obtained with lower toxicity and increased anti-tumor activity compared to wild type TNF-alpha . The concentration of the soluble receptors increases following exposure to TNF that is produced after infections or upon administration of recombinant TNF as a function of the natural TNF buffering system to control runaway cytokine response . These receptors have been found to be elevated in tumors and in the plasma of cancer patients as a mechanism of tumor survival by counteracting the anti-cancer potential of TNF-alpha [52, 53]. Various complex interplays between receptors have been described based on vitro studies, which in some cases are contradictory. Accordingly, we will discuss below the cellular effects of TNF-alpha in various immunological and cancer systems. Cellular effects of TNF-alpha Approximately 28% of cancers are susceptible to direct cell killing mediated by soluble TNF. The anti-tumor activity of TNF-alpha is now well established and can be mediated through a variety of mechanisms including: (1) Cellular apoptosis by binding to tumor cell surface receptors; (2) T-effector cell activation (macrophage and NK cells) by blocking T-Reg cells that are immune suppressors [54, 55]; (3) Inducing tumor microvasculature collapse through endothelial cell modulation and disruption of neoangiogenesis including disruption of tumor vasculature [56, 57]; (4) Promoting TAM (tumor associated macrophages) to M1 anti-tumor stage (see Fig. 1); (5) Attraction and stimulation of neutrophils and monocytes to sites of activation for anti-tumor immune responses [58, 59]; and (6) Downregulation of IL-13 expression by eosinophilic-like cells and inhibition of tumor induced monocyte differentiation to immunosuppressive phenotypes . As the most pleiotropic of cytokines, TNF-alpha contributes to both inflammation during infections and anti-inflammatory/tissue repair processes after clearance of infections . Its effects at low levels of expression contribute to tumorigenesis . Upon exposure to inflammatory stimuli, TNF-alpha as well as IL-1 and other chemokines are produced mainly by activated macrophages and other cells of the myeloid lineage which attracts and activates neutrophils and monocytes to the tumor site. In tumors, the membrane form of TNF-alpha on tumor cells interacts mainly with TNF-R2 to activate clearance of pro-tumor suppressor cells via the production of reactive oxygen intermediates with signaling through ceramide . Consequently, intratumoral preservation of the membrane form (with lower intratumoral TACE activity) is associated with better prognosis . Reverse signaling can also occur where the receptors can activate intracellular processes after binding to the membrane form of TNF-alpha . Neither TNF-alpha nor its receptors are lethal in murine knockout models. However, the organization of the lymphoid organs and thymus function are affected . The anti-tumor effects of TNF-alpha have been demonstrated on primary tumors with significant pancancer effects through vascular destruction and tumor necrosis . This effect is mainly attributable to TNF-R1 ligation. However, minimal residual disease (MRD) may be stimulated upon infections and lead to the development of resistance to cytotoxic drugs . In a murine model, treatment with anti-TNF antibodies delays the onset of recurrence after initial complete regression of primary tumors. In attempt to control the potential pro-tumor effects of TNF-alpha, human clinical trials were conducted using anti-TNF antibodies or receptors and these have met with limited disease stabilization in approximately 20% of the patients [68,69,70]. However, induction of lymphoma or skin cancer was also observed [71, 72]. The ability to specifically block the anti-inflammatory/tissue repair processes of TNF-alpha in MRD would be of significance with respect to controlling the recurrence of tumors. An elegant approach would be to identify methods with cytokine or drug combinations that induce long-term immune responses such as the combination of TNF and gamma Interferon . Obviously, predicting outcomes will remain speculative until clinical trials are conducted. Potential for general anti-tumor therapy via vascular disruption by TNF Tumors can be categorized into three major types regarding their response to chemotherapy immune modulators: “hot”, “cold” and “intermediate”. Hot tumors contain a plethora of cell infiltrates whereas cold tumors have relatively few. Intermediate tumors are types that fall in between. Clinically, hot tumors tend to respond well to therapy, whereas cold tumors are resistant. Intermediate tumors may respond at first but then become resistant to therapy. With few exceptions, tumors are dependent on neovascularization and in theory share a common susceptibility to TNF induced vascular disruption. In sufficient amounts, the global effect of TNF is predictably rapid, dependent on pertussis toxin G-protein inhibition and stimulation of the release of protein S from the tumor endothelium to promote vascular modulation, and induces fibrin accumulation with clotting and enhancement of permeability leading to necrosis . This effect is dependent on C5a complement factor . Of interest is that specific delivery of TNF-alpha to tumor sites promotes anti-tumor effects [76, 77]. Overexpression of TNF in cancer cells results in longterm tumor growth suppression, independent of IL-12 or IL-18 and works via a STAT1 and IFN regulatory factor 1-dependent IFN-gamma pathway . Such higher-than-physiologic concentrations of TNF work through similar mechanisms in the normal vasculature leading to systemic toxicity. Factors in the tumor microenvironment contribute to the greater sensitivity of the tumor vasculature to TNF. Clinical trials of TNF-alpha for cancer therapy Initial clinical trials of TNF-alpha utilized systemic administration. Phase 1 studies all reported sepsis-associated symptoms as dose-limiting toxicities . For example, Kimura et al. administered intravenous infusions starting at 1 × 10 units/m2 and escalated to 16 × 10 units/m2. Fever, rigors, nausea and vomiting, and anorexia toxicities where found to be non-dose-dependent; whereas hypotension, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia and transient elevation of transaminases (SGOT and SGPT) where dose-dependent. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC), a classical symptom of sepsis, was observed at the highest dose. The authors concluded that the maximum tolerated dose was 12 × 10 units/m2 . Other studies found similar toxicities associated with systemic TNF-alpha administration, with little or no favorable achievement in tumor response [81,82,83,84]. Part of the cause of TNF-alphaassociated systemic toxicity is its ability to induce alterations to endothelial cells, resulting, in part, in augmentation of coagulopathy . Given the inability to translate the profound anti-tumor effects observed in animal studies to human studies, some researchers have explored localized administration of TNF-alpha in hopes of avoiding adverse effects associated with systemic use. One of the first reports describing localized administration of TNF-alpha was Kahn et al. who treated 27 patients suffering from Kaposi’s sarcoma. Intratumoral administration reduced the cross-sectional area in 15 of 16 injected cancer lesions and caused the complete disappearance of three lesions . The noted high degree of vascularization in Kaposi’s sarcoma may be one of the explanations for the high degree of success, given that TNF-alpha is known to induce vascular hemorrhage in malignant tissues [87,88,89]. Multiple mechanisms are believed to be associated with tumor vascular damage by TNF-alpha, including induction of release of von Willebrand Factor, which is a known anti-coagulant, as well as endothelial cell activation leading to thrombosis . One clinically successful utilization of localized TNF-alpha therapy is its use (usually in combination with the alkylating agent melphalan) in isolated limb perfusion (ILP) protocols. Early studies demonstrated synergy between TNF-alpha and melphalan in animal models of ILP [91, 92]. These procedures have been translated to patients with melanoma and soft tissue sarcomas, where the complete response rate has been 80%. It is believed that there are two mechanisms by which TNF-alpha functions as a contributor to such high response rates. The first involves augmentation of endothelium permeability, which facilitates entrance of chemotherapy, and the second mechanism involves direct killing of tumor endothelium, which results in vascular leakage. Hemorrhagic necrosis of tumors is observed in a rapid manner subsequent to TNF-alpha and melphalan administration, with disruption of cell–cell adhesive junctions occurring within minutes, followed by tumor vascular collapse 24 h later [58, 93]. From a clinical perspective TNF-alpha ILP therapy was approved in Europe for high grade soft tissue sarcoma in 1998 . Another clinical success of localized TNF-alpha administration is in liver metastasis where isolated hepatic perfusion (IHP) may be performed. IHP was first clinically applied almost 50 years ago and offered the ability to locally administer high concentrations of chemotherapeutic agents without systemic toxicities. In extending IHP to TNF-alpha administration, one phase 2 trial at the Surgery Branch of the NCI, the overall response rate in 50 patients was reported at 74% and was observed across virtually all types of histologies treated. The response rates were maintained even in patients who had numerous metastases, large metastases, or who had a significant percentage of liver replaced by tumor. Overall the duration of response was 9 months, although in some patients it was more than 3 years . To assess the contribution of TNF-alpha versus melphalan alone, 22 patients with ocular melanoma metastatic to liver were treated: 11 with melphalan alone, and 11 with TNF-alpha and melphalan. Patients possessed advanced tumor burden with a mean percentage of hepatic replacement of 25%. The overall response rate in 21 patients was 62% including 2 radiographic complete responses (9.5%) and 11 partial responses (52%). The overall median duration of response was 9 months (range 5–50) and was significantly longer in those treated with TNF than without (14 versus 6 months, respectively). This study points to the importance of TNF-alpha in isolated perfusion protocols . Interestingly, in animal models of IHP, correlations are seen between degree of tumor vascularization and tumor reduction, further suggesting that TNF-alpha mechanistically targets the tumor endothelium . Extracorporeal removal of soluble TNF-alpha receptors as a therapeutic In the light of their pro-tumor activity, the removal of soluble TNF-Rs seemed to be a logical step toward the development of an effective anti-cancer therapy [52, 53]. To test the anti-cancer effects of removing inhibitory sTNF-Rs, Immunicom, Inc. conducted a preclinical canine cancer study using a novel single-chain TNF-alphabased affinity column (a.k.a. “LW-02” device) used in combination with a Terumo Optia apheresis system. The blood from catheterized canine patients was pumped into the Optia system which separated the patients’ plasma from their cells by continuous centrifugation. During each treatment, an LW-02 affinity column device was placed into the plasma flow line to capture sTNF-Rs from the patient’s plasma which was then recombined with the previously separated cells and returned to the patient. Most of the dogs in the trial were stage III or IV patients which had failed standard therapeutic approaches. The results of the study were very encouraging. Overall, 50–60% of the patients treated were observed to have either stable disease or partial responses by RECIST Criteria during treatment with one patient having experienced a complete response with clearance of metastases. In over 300 treatments, throughout the study, the LW-02 devices appeared to be safe with no adverse events that were attributable to their use. The quality of life of the patients was effectively maintained during the treatment regimens and a significant life extension was observed based on initial prognoses. In humans, few treatment options are available for stage IV patients that are unresponsive to standard treatments. Thus, subtractive therapies may be an effective alternative to fill this gap. There is also potential for its use: (1) In combination therapies with cytotoxic drugs that induce or are enhanced in combination TNF-alpha (Table 1); (2) With immunotherapeutics such as antibodies to PD1, PDL1 or CTLA4; and/or (3) In combination with cytokines, such as IFNg and TNF-alpha . It is speculated that the removal of TNF receptors may increase the effectiveness of TNF-alpha administration while decreasing systemic toxicity. TNF-alpha is a fundamental molecule in various aspects of immunology. Original efforts at therapeutic applications failed due to systemic toxicities. In the new era of cancer immunotherapy, a promising research direction is augmentation of endogenous TNF-alpha activity through removal of its soluble receptors. cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 isolated limb perfusion programmed death ligand-1 O’Malley WE, Achinstein B, Shear MJ. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 29, 1962: Action of bacterial polysaccharide on tumors. II. 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Necrotizing activity of tumor necrosis factor: histopathological investigation using Meth A sarcoma and granulation tissue. Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Pathol. 1987;53:353–8. Watanabe N, Niitsu Y, Umeno H, Kuriyama H, Neda H, Yamauchi N, Maeda M, Urushizaki I. Toxic effect of tumor necrosis factor on tumor vasculature in mice. Cancer Res. 1988;48:2179–83. Renard N, Nooijen PT, Schalkwijk L, De Waal RM, Eggermont AM, Lienard D, Kroon BB, Lejeune FJ, Ruiter DJ. VWF release and platelet aggregation in human melanoma after perfusion with TNF alpha. J Pathol. 1995;176:279–87. Manusama ER, Nooijen PT, Stavast J, Durante NM, Marquet RL, Eggermont AM. Synergistic antitumour effect of recombinant human tumour necrosis factor alpha with melphalan in isolated limb perfusion in the rat. Br J Surg. 1996;83:551–5. Manusama ER, Stavast J, Durante NM, Marquet RL, Eggermont AM. Isolated limb perfusion with TNF alpha and melphalan in a rat osteosarcoma model: a new anti-tumour approach. Eur J Surg Oncol. 1996;22:152–7. Shimomura K, Manda T, Mukumoto S, Kobayashi K, Nakano K, Mori J. Recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha: thrombus formation is a cause of anti-tumor activity. Int J Cancer. 1988;41:243–7. van Horssen R, Ten Hagen TL, Eggermont AM. TNF-alpha in cancer treatment: molecular insights, antitumor effects, and clinical utility. Oncologist. 2006;11:397–408. Alexander HR Jr, Bartlett DL, Libutti SK. Current status of isolated hepatic perfusion with or without tumor necrosis factor for the treatment of unresectable cancers confined to liver. Oncologist. 2000;5:416–24. Alexander HR, Libutti SK, Bartlett DL, Puhlmann M, Fraker DL, Bachenheimer LC. A phase I–II study of isolated hepatic perfusion using melphalan with or without tumor necrosis factor for patients with ocular melanoma metastatic to liver. Clin Cancer Res. 2000;6:3062–70. van Etten B, de Vries MR, van IJken MG, Lans TE, Guetens G, Ambagtsheer G, van Tiel ST, de Boeck G, de Bruijn EA, Eggermont AM, ten Hagen TL. Degree of tumour vascularity correlates with drug accumulation and tumour response upon TNF-alpha-based isolated hepatic perfusion. Br J Cancer. 2003;88:314–9. SFJ, TEI, SMP, SK, FMM, ARE and AJ collaborated on advancing the concepts contained in this manuscript, performed literature review, wrote the manuscript and proofread the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. SFJ, SMP, AJ are employees of Immunicom, Inc, a clinical stage medical technology company developing revolutionary non-pharmaceutical approaches for treating cancer and autoimmune diseases. SK and FMM are advisors to Immunicom, Inc. Availability of data and materials Consent for publication Ethics approval and consent to participate Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. About this article Cite this article Josephs, S.F., Ichim, T.E., Prince, S.M. et al. Unleashing endogenous TNF-alpha as a cancer immunotherapeutic. J Transl Med 16, 242 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12967-018-1611-7 - Soluble TNF-alpha receptors
In our quest for optimal health and vitality, it is essential to explore the realm of nutrient-dense food. These extraordinary edibles are bestowed with a plethora of vital nutrients, offering a cornucopia of benefits for our overall well-being. From vibrant fruits and vegetables to hearty legumes and wholesome grains, nutrient-dense food serves as a powerful catalyst for nourishing our bodies and fueling our potential. Discovering the Bounty of Nutrient-Dense Food - Enriching Fruits and Vegetables: Nature’s Bounty When it comes to nutrient-dense food, fruits, and vegetables emerge as the true champions. Bursting with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these colorful jewels provide an array of health-promoting benefits. Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and Swiss chard boast an exceptional nutrient profile, encompassing vitamins A, C, and K, along with a myriad of minerals like iron and calcium. Meanwhile, the vibrant hues of berries, such as blueberries and raspberries, signify their abundant antioxidant content, contributing to cellular protection and vitality. - Wholesome Whole Grains: Sustenance for the Soul In the realm of nutrient-dense food, whole grains reign supreme as a source of sustained energy and vital nutrients. Buckwheat, quinoa, and amaranth stand out as prime examples, possessing a treasure trove of dietary fiber, protein, and B vitamins. These grains not only provide a filling and satisfying culinary experience but also assist in maintaining stable blood sugar levels, supporting cardiovascular health, and optimizing digestion. - Protein-Packed Legumes: Building Blocks of Wellness Legumes, encompassing lentils, chickpeas, and black beans, exemplify the epitome of nutrient-dense food. Brimming with plant-based protein, dietary fiber, and an assortment of vitamins and minerals, these humble legumes are indispensable in a balanced diet. Their versatility allows for endless culinary creations, ranging from hearty stews to delectable spreads, catering to the diverse palates of health-conscious individuals. Unleashing the Benefits of Nutrient-Dense Food - Amplifying Nutrient Absorption: The Power of Synergy Consuming a diverse range of nutrient-dense foods stimulates the synergistic effect, enhancing the absorption and utilization of essential nutrients. The amalgamation of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in these foods creates a harmonious symphony within our bodies, optimizing nutrient absorption and promoting overall well-being. - Boosting Energy and Vitality: Fuel for Optimal Performance Nutrient-dense food serves as a wellspring of sustained energy and vitality. The complex carbohydrates found in whole grains and the balanced combination of macronutrients in legumes provide a gradual release of energy, enabling us to power through our daily endeavors with vigor and enthusiasm. - Strengthening Immunity: Shielding Against Illness The abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in nutrient-dense food fortifies our immune system, acting as a robust shield against illnesses and diseases. The antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables neutralize harmful free radicals, while the array of nutrients supports the production of immune cells, enhancing our body’s defense mechanisms. - Promoting Longevity: Nurturing Health from Within A diet rich in nutrient-dense food paves the path to longevity and optimal health. The anti-inflammatory properties of these foods combat chronic inflammation, a precursor to various diseases, while the plethora of vitamins and minerals nourish our cells and tissues, facilitating their repair and rejuvenation. Embracing the realm of nutrient-dense food unveils a world of vibrant flavors, nourishment, and well-being. From antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables to protein-packed legumes and sustaining whole grains, these powerhouses of nutrition empower us to unlock our full potential and live life to the fullest. Let us embark on a culinary journey that embraces these extraordinary foods, savoring their delectable tastes while reaping their countless health benefits. It is through nourishing our bodies with nutrient-dense food that we truly unleash our inner power and vitality.
Download Empire Warriors TD Mod APK Unlimited money and gems and form a team of heroes to protect your kingdom from enemy attacks. It features lots of heroes and action-packed gameplay. Information of Empire Warriors TD - Unlimited diamonds About Empire Warriors TD Empire Warriors TD is an action-packed game offered by ZITGA. Your sole assignment will be to safeguard your empire from enemy attacks by constructing towers and recruiting heroes. It features lots of levels with different difficulty settings. Each level presents a different challenge, and you must be agile and creative to overcome it. The game also features a lot of heroes, each with their special abilities. You can recruit these heroes to help you in battle. The graphics are colorful and attractive. The controls are facile and easy to learn. Overall, Empire Warriors TD is the ultimate game for action fans. An Intense Gameplay This game calls for your best strategies as you will be building towers and recruiting heroes to battle the attacking enemies. You must make use of your resources wisely to win each level. The gameplay is quite intense and requires special agility and creative thinking. You will be battling against different kinds of enemies, each with its abilities. As such, you must be careful in choosing your heroes and towers as they will play a crucial role in your victory. The game features lots of levels with different difficulty settings. As you progress, the challenges become more difficult. You must use all your strategies and skills to win each level. Fortunately, you can upgrade your towers and heroes to make them more powerful. Always ensure that your defenses are up to par so that you can withstand the enemy attacks. Keep fortifying your kingdom until you become the ultimate empire warrior! A Variety of Towers to Select Empire Warriors TD provides a variety of towers to select from. Each tower offers different benefits in battle. As such, you must be strategic in selecting the right towers for each level. They include: - Ancient of Fire. This is one of the ancient beasts characterized by its ferocious attacks. It can shoot fireballs that deal massive damage to the enemies. Due to its lethal nature, it was restrained in a secret mountain located in the Ioria continent. - Ice Priestess. This is a tower that emits freezing waves. It can slow down the enemies and make them vulnerable to attacks. The ice priestess is also glamorous and will add to the beauty of your kingdom. - Hunters of the Moon. These are awesome warriors of the elves. They are characterized by their great accuracy and speed. The hunters of the moon will be of great help in attacking large groups of enemies from a distance. - Dragoons. These are ideal for physical attacks. They use claws and spears to attack the enemies. Dragoons are also very agile and can move quickly to avoid enemy attacks. The tower you choose will 100% reflect in the gameplay. As such, you should consider your missions and the type of enemies you will be facing before selecting a tower. Outstanding Features of Empire Warriors TD APK - Offline Mode. The game also allows you to play offline. This is beneficial if you want to enjoy the game without using your data. - High-Quality Graphics. This game utilizes high-quality 3D graphics. The environment and characters look real and beautiful. You will see different terrains, such as deserts, forests, and mountains. - 120+ Maps & Levels. This game is designed for guaranteed replayability. It will never feel repetitive as there are over 120 maps and levels. Each level is designed with different objectives, terrains, and enemies. You can also play the game in survival mode. - 11 Unique Heroes. You can choose from 11 unique heroes, each with different strengths and abilities. You must carefully select your heroes as they will play a pivotal role in battle. Ensure synergy among members for guaranteed success. - 4 Defense Towers + Upgradable Options. There are 4 different types of towers you can choose from. You can also upgrade/fortify your towers to make them more powerful. The upgradable options include Mage, Archer, Dragon, Warrior, and Golem. - 10+ Runes. In this game, you can use Runes to strengthen your players & heroes. This is a great way to add more power to your team. There are 10 different types of Runes, and you can use them to make your heroes even more powerful. - 5 Power-Ups. You can use Power-ups to give you an extra edge in battle. These will increase your attack power, speed, and health. - 30+ Enemy Types. The game features a variety of enemy types, such as Orcs, Goblins, Dragons, and Unicorns. Each enemy is unique and will present different challenges. You must be strategic in your attacks to take them down. - Fight Bosses! In this game, you will also face powerful bosses. Be prepared for a challenging battle as these bosses are not easy to defeat. - 100+ Achievements. The game features over 100 achievements you can unlock. This is a great way to test your skills and progress in the game. - Competitive Tournaments. You can compete in highly engaging tournaments. This is a great way to show off your skills and earn rewards. Ensure you are persistent as the competition is stiff. - Superior Sound Systems. This game features high-quality sound effects that will keep you immersed in the game. You will hear the sounds of swords clashing, arrows flying, and dragons roaring. Empire Warriors TD MOD APK Download If you want to experience an epic tower defense game, download Empire Warriors TD MOD APK for Android. This game provides everything you need to build your tower defense gameplay hassle-free. Some of its features include: - Empire Warriors TD MOD APK Unlimited Money and Gems. This game provides you with unlimited resources, which is very beneficial in building your empire. You can use these resources to upgrade your towers and heroes. - No Ads. The Empire Warriors TD MOD APK guarantees an ads-free gaming experience. This offers 100% immersion. - All Levels Unlocked. You can access all the levels in the game without having to go through the hassle of completing the previous ones. This is very beneficial if you want to experience the game fully. Empire Warriors TD MOD APK is one of the best tower defense games available for Android. It challenges you to build your empire and defend it against powerful enemies. Download it today and enjoy an immersive gaming experience.
As the holiday season approaches it’s time to embrace the joy and indulge in the spirit! There’s something enchanting about pairing a holiday meal with the perfect bottle of wine. It’s like adding a touch of moonlight to a symphony or adding that stroke to an already stunning painting.. Wait do you hear that? It’s not the satisfying sound of a cork popping; it’s also the sound of misconceptions being shattered. Wine isn’t limited to sommeliers or wine experts; it can be enjoyed by anyone who appreciates pleasure and loves celebrating. So join us on this journey as we explore vineyards and culinary delights offering you a simple recipe that will beautifully complement your holiday feast with your chosen beverage. This is more, than an article – it’s your gateway to becoming the conductor of your own holiday dining experience! Choosing the Perfect Holiday Wine Finding the wine for your holiday celebrations can feel overwhelming. Amidst the decorations and joyful laughter you want a wine that lifts your spirits and pairs well with your holiday feast. Start by considering the menu. This is crucial in making your decision. Are you serving turkey or ham? Maybe a roast beef? Each dish has flavors that should be complemented by the right wine. For turkey go for a bodied red like Pinot Noir. Its acidity and fruity notes enhance the flavor of this traditional holiday bird without overpowering it. If ham is on the menu opt for a Riesling or Grenache. These wines have a sweetness that works wonderfully with the salty taste of ham. When it comes to roast beef, bolder options are needed. A Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah will beautifully match its flavors. Both offer tannins and deep fruit flavors to balance out the hearty meat. Lets not forget about dessert! Sweet treats call for wines, with sweetness to maintain balance on your palate. Port or Moscato are choices here. However remember that these are guidelines. The important factor is personal preference – choose what you genuinely enjoy drinking! Lastly regardless of the wine that adorns your table during this holiday season make sure to enjoy every sip and treasure every moment spent with your loved ones. All isn’t that the true essence of holidays? As we lift our glasses high, in celebration during this festive season heres wishing you all a joyful holiday brimming with love and warmth…and of course fantastic wine! Cheers! Understanding Wine Pairings Understanding the art of wine pairings can truly enhance any holiday gathering. Selecting the wine has the power to elevate the flavors of a meal creating a delightful symphony on your taste buds. It’s not rocket science; it’s simply about finding harmony and balance. Lets begin with the basics. Red wines generally complement hearty dishes while white wines go well with lighter fare. Picture a Cabernet Sauvignon accompanying a juicy steak or a refreshing Chardonnay alongside your holiday turkey. However don’t hesitate to break these guidelines Pairing wines is also about exploring contrasts. A sweet wine can wonderfully balance out dishes while an acidic one can cut through the richness of creamy sauces. Keep this in mind as you plan your holiday menu. Now lets discuss bubbles! Champagne and other sparkling wines aren’t limited to midnight toasts; they make a match for salty or fried foods due to their high acidity and carbonation. Remember, achieving pairings isn’t crucial every single time. What truly matters is that you relish what you’re sipping and enjoy it in company. This season I encourage you to venture into uncharted territory and experiment with different combinations. Seek out matches that bring joy to your palate! All, part of the excitement in understanding wine pairings lies, in discovery. Here’s my easy recipe for a holiday; Bring together your dear ones around a table brimming with delectable food and perfectly paired wines. Relish each sip and every bite as if its the first time for these moments pass by all too quickly. My wish, for the holiday season is that everyone discovers happiness in these shared moments and creates memories that endure after the final taste of wine has been savored. A Simple Recipe for a Festive Meal ‘Tis the season for holiday cheer! The festive time has arrived, bringing joy, love and decadent feasts shared with our nearest and dearest. There’s something magical about holiday meals don’t you think? It’s not about satisfying our hunger; it’s about creating cherished memories.. What better way to celebrate than with a simple yet delightful recipe that perfectly complements your favorite wine? Allow me to introduce you to a timeless classic; Roast Chicken infused with the flavors of rosemary and thyme paired exquisitely with a bottle of luscious Cabernet Sauvignon. This combination is guaranteed to infuse warmth and taste into your holiday table. To begin preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C). While you wait for it to warm up prepare your chicken. Gently pat it dry and generously season it inside and out with salt and pepper. Enhance its aroma by stuffing the cavity with sprigs of rosemary and thyme. Now comes the roasting process. Place the chicken on a rack in a pan ensuring that its breast is facing upward. Drizzle some olive oil over it before placing it in the oven. Allow it an hour or so to turn brown while ensuring that its juices run clear when pierced. As the chicken cooks, to perfection lets dive into discussing wine. A strong and rich Cabernet Sauvignon is a choice for this dish. Its robust structure can hold up against the flavorful roast chicken while its deep fruity flavors complement the fragrant hints of rosemary and thyme. After cooking allow the chicken to rest for 15 minutes before carving. Serve glasses of that Cabernet Sauvignon to everyone gathered around the table. There you have it. A straightforward yet delightful meal that is sure to leave a lasting impression this holiday season! Remember, much as we savor food and wine during these occasions it’s ultimately about cherishing our time together. So here’s my wish for the holidays; may your hearts be as full as your plates, throughout this season! Selecting Ingredients with Wine in Mind With the holiday season approaching it’s the time to delve into the delightful realm of cooking with wine. This culinary practice not elevates the flavors of your dishes but also adds a touch of festive cheer. So how do you choose the ingredients when incorporating wine? First and foremost take into account the character of your wine. A robust red calls for flavors like rosemary or thyme while a delicate white may pair better with lighter notes such as lemon zest or fresh basil.. Don’t forget about sweetness! Sweeter wines can beautifully complement dishes. Consider textures well. Wine has the ability to bring out dimensions in food by either contrasting or mirroring its texture. A crisp Sauvignon Blanc can cut through creamy sauces whereas a velvety Merlot can accentuate the succulence of slow cooked meat. Lets not overlook acidity either. Wines with higher acidity work wonders with greasy dishes as they help balance out their richness and make them feel less heavy. So if you’re planning a roast for your holiday dinner consider serving it alongside a vibrant Chianti or Cabernet Sauvignon. Lastly always remember that cooking with wine is, about exploring new flavors and having fun in the kitchen!Don’t hesitate to experiment and discover the blend that suits your taste buds. To sum up when you consider the influence of wine on ingredient selection your holiday cooking can become a thrilling journey. It’s not about harmonizing food and wine; it’s about allowing them to inspire one another and crafting something truly extraordinary through this synergy. So here’s our straightforward recipe; take food incorporate carefully selected wine, generously sprinkle with love and laughter—and ta da! You have all the elements, for a holiday feast. The Art of Cooking with Wine Cooking with wine has an long standing tradition almost like an art form. It’s not as simple as adding a glass of your favorite red or white wine to the pot. Instead it involves understanding how wine can delicately enhance the flavors of a dish. Consider, for example a classic beef stew recipe. While most recipes call for water or broth as the base liquid adding a robust red wine can truly transform it. The result is a satisfying stew with an entirely new level of richness and depth. However it’s important to keep in mind one rule; if you wouldn’t enjoy drinking the wine on its own it’s best not to use it for cooking either. The quality of the wine matters significantly when used as an ingredient. Using wine can unfortunately ruin what could have been a beautifully flavorful dish. Now lets turn our attention to desserts – yes, even desserts! A sweet white wine reduced with sugar turns into a syrup that pairs perfectly with fresh fruit or drizzled over creamy vanilla ice cream.. Have you ever considered adding a splash of champagne into cake batter? It creates a texture thats light and airy thanks to its effervescent nature. We mustn’t overlook the holiday season! Incorporating wine into your cooking adds another layer of joy, to your table. Why not consider incorporating wine into your cooking this holiday season? Picture serving your guests turkey marinated in wine or mulled red wine, alongside delightful holiday cookies. It may seem a bit complex at first. Trust me once you’ve mastered the art of cooking with wine every meal can become a celebration. So why not invite wine into your kitchen? Embrace this adventure and make each day feel like a holiday! As we embark on this journey together through my articles I wish you all happy cooking and joyful eating! Serving and Enjoying the Wine ‘Tis the season of holiday cheer and what better way to revel in it than with a homemade wine? Wine, often considered the heart and soul of celebrations boasts a standing tradition. It’s not just about the flavor; it’s about the experience. Serving wine comes with its set of rituals. Begin by selecting the glass. Opt for a rimmed one for reds allowing them to breathe and reveal their true essence. Whites on the hand prefer a more narrow rim that keeps them refreshing and cool. Temperature plays a role too. Reds should be served cooler than room temperature ideally around 60 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Whites thrive at a frostier 50 55 degrees. Keep this in mind while planning your gatherings. Now lets discuss pouring techniques. Fill your glass up to its widest point—this isn’t just for aesthetics but also allows the wine to aerate splendidly. Savoring wine is an art form in itself. Take your time with each sip; let it dance on your taste buds before slipping down your throat. Try to discern its flavors and aromatic notes—does it lean towards fruity or floral? Perhaps. Earthy? This aspect of indulging in wine adds a layer of enjoyment, during holiday merriment. During the holiday season a wonderful and easy to make wine recipe that brings joy is mulled wine. This delightful beverage involves simmering wine with spices like cloves, cinnamon and star anise while adding a touch of sweetness with sugar and orange slices. It’s the drink to warm you up on those chilly winter evenings! As we embrace this time of year my hope, for you is that each bottle of wine you open brings you immense pleasure. Take the time to savor its flavors appreciate its rich history and treasure the way it brings people together in celebration! Cheers! A Heartwarming Holiday Wish. As the holiday season draws near with all its joy and merriment we find ourselves yearning for something deeper. More than the shimmering lights, festive decorations and delightful carols. We crave warmth, connection and above all else. A holiday wish. A wish that goes beyond material possessions or superficial desires. One that speaks to our essence resonating with our innermost hopes and dreams. It’s about unity, love and a shared sense of humanity. This wish knows no borders or cultural boundaries; it holds appeal. This year has presented challenges for many of us. So as we gather around our holiday tables adorned with treats and glasses filled with exquisite wine let us take a moment to pause. Let us extend a yet profound wish – for peace good health and boundless happiness to one another. In this moment wine assumes its role. Not merely as an accompaniment to our festive feast but as a symbol of collective joy and celebration. A crafted wine recipe can embody the perfect metaphor, for this heartwarming holiday wish. Lets take mulled wine as an example. Each ingredient brings its unique flavors; a touch of citrusy sweetness from oranges, a comforting warmth from cinnamon sticks, a deep richness from cloves a hint of sweetness from sugar an intriguing complexity from star anise and the boldness of red wine itself. When combined they create something special yet perfectly balanced. Just like the hopes we all share during this season of goodwill. So this year as you raise your glass in celebration remember this recipe. Not just for creating a delicious mulled wine but also as inspiration to craft your own heartfelt holiday wishes; ones that encompass unity, love and shared dreams. In summary; A delightful glass of mulled wine represents more than indulgence during this season; it embodies our collective aspirations and hopes for peace good health and happiness, in the times to come.
Remix Recall: deadmau5 & Kaskade – ‘I Remember’ (John Summit Remix) July 7, 2023 July 7, 2023 After three years of work apart, the critically acclaimed and multiple award winning duo of Josh Gabriel and Dave Dresden are back together with a new energy and spirit. In 2001, Josh and Dave joined forces under the now legendary Gabriel & Dresden moniker. Within their 6 years of collaboration, Gabriel & Dresden scored 19 number 1 Billboard Hot Dance/Club Play remixes and tracks, made three DJ-mixed compilation albums, an artist album and won seven International Dance Music Awards. Their tracks ‘Arcadia’, ‘Dangerous Power’, ‘Let Go’, ‘Tracking Treasure Down’ Andain “Beautiful Things” and numerous other masterpieces have turned into some of EDM’s biggest classics. ‘As The Rush Comes’, by their Motorcycle alias with Jes Brieden, they won the IDMA award for ‘Best Progressive Trance Track’ as well as peaking at #11 on the official UK top40 charts. The G&D treatment, through remixes and interpretations, was given to tracks by The Killers, Annie Lenox, Sarah McLachlan, Dido, Tiësto, Paul Oakenfold and Way Out West, making their sound cross borders from trance and progressive with pop, indie and soul sensibilities. In 2008 After 6+ years of hits and and awards, both guys felt it was time for something new and took a break from Gabriel & Dresden to focus on their individual careers. Inspiration came flowing with the new tide. After the split, Josh Gabriel set up his own label, ‘Different Pieces’ and focused on his Winter Kills and Andain projects. On his album ‘Eight’, Josh intertwined techno and house into pieces of pure electronic bliss. In the meantime, Dave Dresden took charge of the dancefloor with his Dresden & Johnston project and spawned a US radio hit in the song ‘Keep Faith’ and “That Day” (with Nadia Ali on lead vocals), as well as remixes for the likes of Owl City, Nadia Ali, BT and The Crystal Method. But you simply can’t stop musical synergy. As 2010 came to an end, Gabriel and Dresden decided to go back to their roots and reunite at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles for New Year’s Eve 2011. Their return behind the decks showed that after two and a half years apart, nothing really changed. Gabriel & Dresden’s comeback marks one of the most notable moments in EDM this year, finally answering the call of millions of dance lovers. With gigs at some of the world’s biggest festivals, clubs and events planned and a new compilation in the making, Gabriel & Dresden are all set to do what they love most: celebrate music. And we’re all invited.
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Choosing the right people for a dream team is crucial for its success. The right team members should have the skills, experience, and personal qualities that are necessary to achieve the team’s goals. Here are a few reasons why it is important to choose the right people for a dream team: - Skills and experience: Having the right skills and experience is essential for a dream team to be able to tackle complex and challenging projects and achieve its goals. - Compatibility: The team members should work well together and have compatible working styles and personalities. A team with a good chemistry will be more productive and enjoyable to work with. - Diversity: Having a diverse team with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives can lead to more creative and innovative solutions, and can help the team better understand and serve its customers or clients. - Positive attitude: Positive attitude, enthusiasm, and a strong work ethic are important qualities to look for in dream team members. These qualities can help to ensure that the team is motivated and committed to achieving its goals. - Flexibility and adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing circumstances and to be flexible in the face of new challenges is important for the team to be able to respond to unexpected developments and to continue to make progress. - Leadership: A dream team should have a good leader who can guide, inspire, and motivate the team members to work towards a common goal. Choosing the right people for a dream team is a critical step in ensuring that the team is able to achieve its goals and make a positive impact in its field. It’s important to take the time to carefully evaluate potential team members and to consider not only their skills and experience but also their compatibility and overall fit with the team.Regenerate response These are just a few possible reasons why someone might choose to join a dream team, and it’s also important to note that each individual may have their own reasons for joining. - Opportunity for growth: Being a part of a dream team can provide an opportunity for personal and professional growth, as team members can learn from one another and be exposed to new ideas and skills. - Chance to work with the best: Being a part of a dream team means that you will have the chance to work with some of the best and brightest in your field, which can be both challenging and rewarding. - Exciting projects and goals: Dream teams are often formed to tackle complex and challenging projects or goals, which can be highly motivating and rewarding for team members. - High-performance culture: Dream teams often have a high-performance culture that fosters creativity, innovation, and continuous improvement, which can be a great fit for those who are highly driven and motivated. - Sense of accomplishment: Achieving success as a part of a dream team can be a great source of pride and personal accomplishment. - Networking and Professional Development: Dream teams often have members with diverse backgrounds and experiences, this can provide a great opportunity to network, learn from others and develop professionally. A dream team is a group of individuals who possess exceptional skills and expertise in their respective fields and are brought together to achieve a common goal. The members of a dream team have a strong synergy and work well together, allowing them to achieve results that are greater than the sum of their individual efforts. This kind of team is characterized by high levels of trust, mutual respect, and open communication, which fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation. The combination of diverse skills and perspectives within a dream team can lead to more creative and effective solutions to problems, and can help drive positive change within an organization or industry. However, even the best teams will encounter challenges and obstacles, and it’s important to have a clear and structured approach to problem-solving to ensure that they continue to work effectively together. Problems can arise in any team, even a dream team, due to a variety of factors such as communication breakdowns, misunderstandings, or conflicting priorities. To effectively solve problems within a dream team, it is important to have a clear and structured approach. Here are a few strategies to consider: - Identify the problem: Clearly identify and define the problem at hand. It is important to have a clear understanding of the issue before attempting to find a solution. - Gather information: Gather information from all team members involved in the problem. This will help to understand the different perspectives and possible causes of the problem. - Brainstorm solutions: Once the problem is understood, brainstorm possible solutions as a team. Encourage open and honest discussion and consider all ideas, even if they may seem unconventional. - Evaluate and select the best solution: Evaluate the possible solutions and select the one that is most likely to be effective and feasible. - Implement and monitor the solution: Implement the chosen solution and monitor progress to ensure that it is having the desired effect. Be prepared to make adjustments if necessary. - Communicate and follow up: Communicate the solution to all relevant parties and follow up to make sure that the problem has been resolved and that the team is back on track. It is important to remember that problem-solving is an ongoing process and that even the best teams will encounter problems from time to time. By having a clear and structured approach to solving problems, a dream team can quickly and effectively address any issues that arise, ensuring that they continue to work effectively together. Staying connected with a dream team can be challenging, especially if team members are located in different geographic locations or if the team is working on a long-term project. However, there are a few strategies that can help maintain strong connections and ensure that the team continues to work effectively together: - Regular communication: Schedule regular team meetings, whether they be in person or virtual, to discuss progress, share ideas, and address any issues that may arise. - Transparency and openness: Encourage open and transparent communication among team members, so that everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. - Define Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member and make sure everyone understands what is expected of them. - Use collaboration tools: Use collaboration tools such as instant messaging, video conferencing, and project management software to keep team members connected and informed in real-time. - Celebrate successes: Take the time to celebrate successes and milestones, whether big or small, to keep team morale high and remind everyone of their shared goals. - Trust and mutual respect: Build trust and mutual respect among team members by treating everyone with kindness, fairness, and honesty. By utilizing these strategies, a dream team can stay connected and continue to work effectively together even when faced with challenges or obstacles. Teamwork is essential because it allows individuals with diverse skills and perspectives to work together towards a common goal. By combining their unique talents and abilities, teams can achieve results that would be impossible for individuals working alone. Teamwork also allows for the distribution of tasks and responsibilities, which can increase efficiency and productivity. Additionally, teamwork encourages open communication and the sharing of ideas, which can lead to more creative and innovative solutions. It also promotes a sense of shared ownership and accountability for the outcome of a project or task, which can lead to increased motivation and commitment among team members. Furthermore, teamwork fosters a sense of camaraderie and support among team members, which can improve morale and job satisfaction. It also allows for the development of strong relationships and trust, which can be beneficial for both personal and professional growth. In summary, teamwork is essential because it allows for the pooling of resources, the distribution of tasks, the sharing of ideas and the development of relationships, creating a more efficient, innovative, and productive work environment. Mission: Our dream team is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible and achieving excellence in our field. We strive to work collaboratively, leveraging the unique talents and skills of each team member to create innovative solutions and achieve our goals. We are committed to continuous learning and growth, and to using our abilities to make a positive impact in our industry and in the world. Vision: Our vision is to be recognized as the premier team in our industry, known for our excellence, creativity, and impact. We strive to be an organization that is respected and admired by our peers and clients, and to be a destination for the best and brightest in our field. We aim to be a leader in driving positive change and to be a source of inspiration for others. In our team, we have Dazzle Events & Weddings lead by Jong Paguia and Cagata Events lead by Fritzie Cagata. If you want to see how we power up events, take a look at our portfolio for Davao events here.
Recital Dress Rehearsal (for ALL DES STUDENTS: dancers & tumblers) Saturday, December 17th, 2016 @ STANSBURY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM DRESS REHEARSAL MEETING TIMES: Students MUST stay and practice ALL of their dances to perform in them that night! This is the SAME order as the Evening Recital performance. COMPANY TEAM MEETING TIMES: - Elite Co. 7:45 am - Legacy Co. 8:00 am Please arrive with your TEAM COMPANY COSTUME already on & bring all other costumes with you!! - Infinity Co. 8:20 am (Ballet, Tumbling & Hip Hop) - Synergy Co. 8:45 am - Velocity Co. 9:00 am - Prodigy Co. 9:20 am Meeting Times for all other classes/teams: Group 1 10:15 - 11:00 am Be in seats - ready to go by 10:15 am 1 Beg Jazz 1 (Dazzlers) Thursday 5:30 - 6:30 pm Ms. Tricia 2 Beg Ballet A (Legacy) Monday 5:00 - 6:00 pm Ms. Mallory 3 Jr Prep Thursday 6:30 - 7:30 pm Ms. Tricia 4 Starlets Thursday 3:00 - 4:00 pm Ms. Megan 5 Groove (Adv HH) Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30 pm Ms. Michelle 6 Synergy Company 7 Pre-Ballet B (Infinity) Monday 4:00 - 5:00 pm Ms. Mallory 8 Tumble 4 Wednesdays 5:00 - 6:00 pm 9 Tumble 1 Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:00 pm Group 2 10:45 - 11:30 am Be in seats - ready to go by 10:45 am 10 Legacy Company 11 Cypher (Int HH) Tuesday 5:00 - 6:00 pm Ms Michelle 12 Int Pointe Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30 pm Ms Gina 13 Tumble 5 Wednesday 3:00 - 4:00 pm 14 Tumble 2A Wednesday 2:00 - 3:00 pm 15 Shining Stars Thursday 5:00 - 6:00 pm Ms Megan 16 Prodigy Company 17 Beg Pointe (S/E) Wednesday 6:30 - 7:30 pm Ms Gina Group 3 11:15 - 12:00 am Be in seats - ready to go by 11:15 am 18 Funky Bunch (L) Thursday 7:00 - 8:00 pm Ms Andrea 19 Twinkle Stars Thursdays 4:00 - 5:00 pm Ms Megan 20 Pre-Ballet A Wednesday 3:30 - 4:30 pm Ms Pam 21 Velocity Company 22 Tumble 2B Wednesday 6:00 - 7:00 pm 23 Tumble 3 Wednesday 7:00 - 8:00 pm 24 Tumble 6 Wednesdays 4:00 -5:00 pm Group 4 11:45 - 12:30 am Be in seats - ready to go by 11:45 am 25 Shorties (Beg HH) Thursdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm Ms Andrea 26 Beg Ballet B (P/V) Mondays 6:15 - 7:15 pm Ms Mallory 27 Infinity Company 28 Pre Pointe Wednesdays 7:30 - 8:30 pm Ms Gina 29 Teen Prep Thursdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm Ms Tricia 30 Shooting Stars Thursdays 3:00 - 4:00 pm Ms Pam 31 Mini Prep Thursdays 4:00 - 5:30 pm Ms Pam 32 Elite Company * Please have your child come in their full costume (costume, tights & correct dance shoes), NO performing hair or makeup has to be done at the rehearsal J Please just pull their hair up into a ponytail for the rehearsal. * DO NOT WEAR UNDERWEAR WITH COSTUMES ~ for the rehearsal or recital!!! The tights have an underwear liner in them. * Please arrive with your child stretched out and ready to dance/tumble. We do not stretch at before the rehearsal or show. * Please meet in the SHS auditorium no later you’re your child’s 1st class meeting time (listed below). This is also the order of the program that evening J * Please arrive on time, as we will be on a very strict schedule and will not be able to wait for late arrivals J * When you arrive, find your child’s class poster in the auditorium and have them sit in that row with their class. * All students must stay IN THE AUDITORIUM AT ALL TIMES!! Anyone running around in the halls/school during rehearsal, will not be permitted to perform that evening. The school has very strict rules about this, and we want to be able to continue to use this great facility J Please talk with your child(ren) about this. * Nothing can be left in the auditorium after the rehearsal. No saving seats (coats, blankets, tape, etc). Please know that if you do see taped seats when you arrive, this is done by the studio director. Please Do NOT remove this tape J * The auditorium doors will open at 6:00 pm for the show and will be on first come, first serve basis J * All students must be at the school and checked into their 1st meeting room (in the backstage hallway) no later than 6:30 pm. If your child(ren) is in more than (1) class (dance & tumbling, etc): * Students in more than (1) class must stay at the rehearsal until ALL of their classes have rehearsed!! After their last class is done, they are free to leave rehearsal. J * Please have your student bring ALL of their costumes for each class (all dance & tumbling costumes), as they MUST change costumes at rehearsal J * It is your responsibility as parent, to come back stage during the rehearsal and the show to change your own child into their next costume and get them to where they need to be for their next number. The class helpers CAN NOT change the students!! If they are not ready, or are not taken to their proper meeting place, by a parent, they will miss their performance ~ we cannot wait for them. If they have a quick change (1-2 numbers in between their dances), please bring their next costume backstage BEFORE the performance and we will have them backstage!! Please talk with their teacher and let them know of their “quick change” status. * After they change costumes for their next number, please take them to that class’s row in the auditorium and have them sit with their class.
Empower yourself with essential knowledge and skills to host truly transformative events, classes and gatherings. Learn to grow your conscious business while evolving into a dynamic and influential leader who has the capacity to build and nurture a thriving conscious dance community. ✤ Is our Conscious Leadership Training for you? → do you dream of starting your own Ecstatic Dance community, but don't know how to begin? → are you a conscious dance teacher who struggles to attract the numbers of dancers you desire? → are you ready to elevate your existing dance event and take it to the next level? → Do you organise events and aspire to evolve them into a profitable, conscious business? If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then there is no need to wait. Gain instant access to our self-led training program and begin your dance towards success today! ✤ What to expect from the Conscious Leadership Training? The organization of a conscious dance event involves skill and hard work! Our curriculum is delivered in 9 modules, each building upon the last. We will teach you new skills, encourage your existing talents, and deliver wisdom drawn from both our success and failures. We answer the many commonly asked questions about running a vibrant conscious community, while creating a successful business. Upon enrolment, students instantly gain access to a detailed 200+ page manual and 22 hours of video learning for recordings of the 2022 training. As a commitment to the continuous learning journey, unrestricted access to all class recordings is granted for a full nine-month duration. ✤ This the Self-led Training Format is for you if… → You enjoy learning at a pace that suits your personal needs. → You absorb knowledge better when studying independently → Your schedules make it challenging to attend our live training sessions? (to the Aussies and Kiwis out there!) → You are seeking a more cost-effective learning opportunity → You don’t require/desire certification Join our ONLINE CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP TRAINING and immerse yourself in an enriching and vibrant learning experience. Our Live Training format includes live classes via Zoom, interactive breakout groups, somatic-based activities, and comprehensive Q&A sessions. As you journey through the training, you'll connect with a diverse cohort of peers from all corners of the globe, weaving into an enduring network of supportive, like-minded Conscious Dance Leaders. To further enhance this sense of community, you'll be granted access to an exclusive WhatsApp group to foster discussion, share, resources, and create networking opportunities. What's more? Our Live Training also paves the way for you to become certified! ✤ The Live Training Format is for you if... → You seek a vibrant learning cohort and future colleagues → You thrive when learning within a group setting → Your schedule is aligned with our live training hours → You value interaction with both instructors and fellow students Alternatively, if you’re looking for Dance Facilitator or DJ Trainings, please check OUR FULL LIST OF PROGRAMS OFFERED as we add new trainings regularly. ✤ Module 01 • DANCE → What makes conscious dance 'conscious'? → Why are conscious dance communities so connected? → What does it take to run a successful Ecstatic Dance? ✤ Module 02 • VISION → How do I turn the community I dream of into a reality? → What format will best serve my community? → What are the first steps I need to take? ✤ Module 03 • COMMUNITY → How do I attract a diverse community? → What is the best location for my dance? → How do I gather a dream team to help me? ✤ Module 04 • VENUE → How do I find the perfect venue? → What should I look for and what pitfalls should I avoid? → How do I negotiate with the venue manager? ✤ Module 05 • MARKETING → What are the most effective ways to promote my dance? → How do I create artwork that will draw people to my dance? → How can I grow my following on social media? ✤ Module 06 • MUSIC → What music is appropriate for Ecstatic Dance or conscious dance events? → What is required to create a dance journey specifically for conscious dance? → How do I select the right DJs, and hire them? ✤ Module 07 • MONEY → Can I make a living running an Ecstatic Dance? → How do I calculate my pricing? → What should I pay my team? ✤ Module 08 • FACILITATION → Is it necessary to have an opening and closing circle? → How do I facilitate the dance in an embodied way? → Does a conscious dance have to be spiritual? ✤ Module 09 • ONWARD → How do I keep momentum once my dance has begun? → What top tips do you have to avoid common pitfalls? → How do I continue to grow my community? Having begun humbly in the Kootenay Mountains of Western Canada, Bernice is now a respected mentor for Conscious Dance Leaders across the globe. Her journey started with hosting Dance Church for over ten years, where she harnessed her expertise from training in various disciplines, including Soul Motion, Movement Based Expressive Therapy (The Life Art Process), and Relational Somatic Therapy. These were brought together to nurture her local multi-generational dance community, which flourished and surpassed even her most ambitious expectations. In 2016, she stretched her wings co-founding Ecstatic Dance International, facilitating successful leadership trainings in the US, the Netherlands, Guatemala, and Portugal. Driven to incorporate DJ and dance facilitation skills into available trainings, she used the name of her unique practice, and founded Dance The Medicine, a collective of accomplished conscious dance professionals determined to infect the world with dance. While Bernice loves DJing and creating transformative events, her deepest fulfilment comes from facilitating deep somatic processes using a combination of dance, art, and ritual; to help dancers find freedom through connection to self, community and humanity. ✤ RENÉE LACROIX • DTM Co-teacher, Ecstatic Dance DJ, Retreat Creator & Founder of Ecstatic Dance UK & Ecstatic Experiences Renée's spiritual journey is rooted in meditation and Buddhism, and eventually led her to the conscious dance scene through 5Rhythms. She found her “ikigai” (reason for being) in Ecstatic Dance, and after training with Bernice in 2018, she soon became the lead organizer, facilitator, and DJ for the successful Ecstatic Dance UK. She swiftly carved out a name for herself in both the London and international conscious dance scene, and by the end of 2019 was recruited by Bernice to join the team. Since then, she's assisted, organised, and co-taught several DTM trainings and conferences. Renée’s path showcases robust leadership skills and an innate ability to build successful communities. When the pandemic abruptly halted the EDUK Sunday morning dances, she shifted them online and later outdoors with silent disco headsets, ultimately strengthening the community. Now living in Lisbon, she joined Ecstatic Dance Lisboa and founded Ecstatic Experiences, a DTM offshoot company, successfully delivering dance retreats in Portugal and the UK. In addition, Renée offers business mentoring and consultancy to aspiring conscious dance entrepreneurs. Each step of her effort supports her vision to make Ecstatic Dance more accessible and mainstream, by hosting welcoming and inclusive events that appeal to people from all walks of life. After more than two decades behind the decks as a club DJ, Alex stumbled upon conscious dance. This encounter reshaped not only his personal life but also his profession. He soon traded in his career as a computer engineer to become a conscious dance entrepreneur, sharing his passion for dance, music, and consciousness with the world. Stepping into his new life, he became a resident DJ at Templo del Baile, a hugely popular conscious club in his hometown Madrid. Two years later, an invitation to play Ecstatic Dance Madrid, enabled him to take this newfound career to the next level. During the pandemic, it became Alex’ mission to help the worldwide Ecstatic Dance community by navigating the technical challenges of live-streaming dance and music events as we all struggled to fulfil our need to dance during lockdown. Post-restrictions, he facilitated in-person dancing again by offering donation-based sessions in the streets of Spain, giving birth to a monthly gathering known as La Plaga del Baile (The Plague of Dance) In May 2020, Dance The Medicine recognized Alex’ talent and generous nature recruiting him as a teacher and tech guru during their first Ecstatic DJ Conference. He has been with us ever since, lucky DTM! ✤ ESTA POLYESTA • Co-teacher @ DTM, Global Ecstatic Dance DJ & Dance Facilitator, Event Organizer & Resident DJ @ Ecstatic Dance Amsterdam & Ecstatic Dance Goa As a full time globe-trotting DJ and ceremony leader from Amsterdam, Esta has significantly influenced global beats and Ecstatic Dance worldwide since 2005. While celebrated for her playful facilitation and adventurous sets, her skills extend past the decks to ritual design, music production, and Trance Dance facilitation. Additionally, she has pioneered Ecstatic Dance at various locations, mentors emerging DJs, and teaches in several trainings. As DTM’s first DJ coach, she has played a key role in shaping DTM’s identity as professional, supportive, and fun, and remains a valued member until today. Richard, a former corporate construction manager, turned to the London conscious dance scene entrepreneur. His instant sold-out Ecstatic Dance success reflects his skilful marketing, quality production, and marked an impressive entry. Shortly after, he became a DJ, began managing EDUK, and launched a successful weekly event. After attending several DTM conferences, the synergy between Richard and DTM was obvious, and he quickly secured his place within the team. Mayra, "La May," journeyed from Buddhism studies in India to Hridaya Yoga in Mexico, and ultimately found her passion in conscious dance and movement meditation. As a DJ, she harmonizes diverse cultural roots in her sets, while elegantly incorporating live vocals. She also guides individuals in Ecstatic Dance production, DJing, digital marketing, embodiment, and ceremony leadership. Certified by DTM in 2019, her skill in dance facilitation and music production propelled the Ecstatic Dance Colombia community to flourish. "This training is for the big visionaries, event organisers, and executives of dance programs out there. It takes you through step by step how to create an Ecstatic Dance event. The best part is, you’re surrounded by super rad people who truly believe in the vision as much as you do, and who feel alive in sharing that vision. I feel absolutely honoured to be a part of this amazing group of dancers, organisers, and beautiful human beings. Showing up with my whole heart, it changed me, and I feel like I’ve grown a lot." → Carol Boccaccio - Canada "Dance the Medicine prepared me with the tools to grow as an Ecstatic Dance leader and warrior! The container held, even online, was potent and full of space to explore the building blocks for the foundation of my dance. It was an honour to be a part of this community of conscious dance leaders. I now feel fully equipped to go out and infect my communities with the medicine of Dance! → Elissa Eskridge - Costa Rica "This online training has come at the right time, just when I felt the call to share the awesomeness of conscious dance with my people, after such a crazy year. I am amazed by the connections I have made during this training and the quality of its content, which was more than I expected." → Dounia Acef - Morocco "Bernice, Renée and the DTM team are a knowledgeable, grounded and experienced group of teachers. They REALLY care about their students, and it's obvious when you experience the quality of the production and information they share. They attract a huge variety of students and the opportunity to network during the course is high." → Rafaél Suvaii - Canada "Through powerful visualisation exercises, sharing of invaluable wisdom and experience, and creation of a supportive community, I now have the confidence and knowledge to go out there in the world and make an impact through dance. This training was everything and more that I needed!" → Lien Kabelka - Belgium "The leadership in this training was outstanding. The content was very well-thought-out, relevant and rich. It filled in a lot of questions I've long held around how to do a great job leading conscious dance, but also provided examples of many different approaches. I loved connecting with people from all over who are passionate about the same thing as me." → Sarah Hall - USA "Renée and Bernice - you two are the leaders we need right now. Thank you for this amazing opportunity!" → Nadine Guldimann - Switzerland → Will I receive a certification? Only those taking the training live via Zoom will be certified and receive a certificate. We do not certify those who take the course self-led, as we have no way of knowing whether they have completed the course and homework. If this is an issue for you, please contact us, so we can discuss it. → Will this training cover DJing? We have one module dedicated exclusively to music (what music is appropriate for conscious dance events? What structure is used to create a conscious dance musical journey? Etc.), but it is NOT a DJ training, and we won't cover any of the technical aspects of DJ-ing. We do offer Online DJ Training for both beginner and Intermediate students. If you prefer to learn DJ skills, join us at our IN-PERSON ECSTATIC DJ TRAINING, ONLINE ECSTATIC DJ TRAINING, ONLINE BEGINNER ECSTATIC DJ TRAINING, or ONLINE INTERMEDIATE ECSTATIC DJ TRAINING → For how long will the recordings be available? The videos will be available for a period of 9 months, starting from the moment you begin the course. → I'm not sure which path is right for me. Can you please advise me? Absolutely! Simply send us a message here on WeTravel or email us at email@example.com → What's your cancellation & refund policy? In case of cancellation from your side, we don't offer any refunds, regardless of the reason. → Immediate access to a comprehensive 200+ page manual and engaging video content → 9 carefully curated content modules, providing a total of 22 hours of video learning → Unrestricted access to all class recordings for a 9-month period → A 45-min 1-on-1 mentoring session with a teacher of your choice
The pandemic showed us that the kitchen must be well equipped, so having 2 ovens isn’t crazy, is a must. Of course, the point isn’t to have a crowded kitchen. The idea behind having 2 appliances of this type is that both work in synergy to offer those who live at home better dishes and opportunities to enjoy as a family without making a fuss. With that in mind, Bosch put together two-speed ovens into the model HBL8743UC from the 800 series. Thus, creating an all in one cooking center with an upper-speed oven and a genuine European convection oven below. But as if this combination wasn’t enough, this German brand focused on technological solutions for the home, adds to each appliance it manufactures a series of features that’ll turn them into your best ally in today’s modern life. Why do we say that? We’ll explain below. Different solutions, the same appliance This 30” combination oven from the 800 series by Bosch comes with a 1.6-cubic-foot speed oven and a 4.6-cubic-foot main oven, which will put a large-capacity all-in-one cooking center into your home. However, the capacity isn’t the only advantage of this appliance. Manufactured in elegant black stainless steel, this oven will not only be very useful to prepare different dishes at the same time but also add a chic touch to your home since this is an appliance equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a design of sober lines that you can combine with any kitchen aesthetic. A detail that makes this Bosch appliance unique, is the possibility of monitoring its operation through Home Connect. This app will allow you to check the status of your oven and give you the convenient option to control it remotely. So you can go to the supermarket without worrying about the turkey or stew you’ve in the oven because this app will allow you to turn off the appliance or make any adjustments with just a click from your phone. An upper-speed oven… and an ally for the kitchen below On the one hand, the combination oven HBL8743UC from the 800 series has an upper-speed oven that can also be used as a microwave. With 10 power levels to quickly reheat leftovers or heat frozen foods, this oven also has 12 automatic programs that include automatic thawing, melting butter, softening ice cream, pizza, etc. But, it also has 9 sensor cooking programs and 9 SpeedChef® cooking programs. The latter can make your life easier by offering you quick baking. On the other hand, the oven below offers you the benefits of genuine European convection. So you’ll have the opportunity to prepare different dishes on its multiple racks, obtaining uniform baking results even when the 3 racks are used simultaneously. This part of the appliance also allows you to keep the food warm, without overcooking it, until it’s time to serve, thanks to the warm mode. The fermentation mode will help you ferment yeast doughs for an even and faster rise for your bread and pizzas. The “closed-door broil” mode will prevent intense heat from escaping the oven, offering rich, even browning on those tender cuts of meat and stews you want to serve to your guests. And if you’re worried about cleaning the appliance, relax. You can enjoy as much time as you want with your guests because you can select one of its self-cleaning cycles (2, 3 and 4hours) when you finish using the oven. When you have a wall oven you have to take the necessary precautions to avoid accidents. As we always mention when it comes to recessed appliances, the same must have air both on the sides and (or, above all) on the back. This will keep the appliance ventilated, ensuring that the engine doesn’t get too hot. It’s worth mentioning that the oven HBL8743UC from the 800 series by Bosch has a panel lock feature that helps you optimize safety in your kitchen, as it prevents accidentally turning on the equipment or its unsupervised operation. Both ovens have interior lighting which will allow you to monitor the progress of your cooking, plus large windows that’ll offer you the necessary visibility to know if the temperature you chose is the right one. So, why settle for one Bosch oven, if you can have two with the model HBL8743UC from the 800 series?
Divinely Inspired Music and Humanity-Inspired Jokes Reign in Return of KSDS’s Jazz Live By Matt Silver The Charles McPherson Quintet feat. Gilbert Castellanos at San Diego City College's Saville Theatre in the return of Jazz Live, Aug. 8, 2023. Photo by Larry Redman. “Thank you so much for being here,” Charles McPherson said with seeming earnestness as the rest of the band walked backstage for a set break. “Without your support [drawn out pause for effect], we’d probably be doing the exact same thing.” Ninety-nine percent of musicians or performers of any kind would have reflexively trotted out the anodyne, “Without your support, none of this would be possible,” which maybe at one time made people feel seen and appreciated but has become just another vaguely well meaning, obligatory part of the artist-audience exchange. Not Charles McPherson. When McPherson speaks—through his mouth or his saxophone—it’s to say something. The 84-year-old alto sax master said volumes this past Tuesday night at Saville Theatre on the campus of San Diego City College. Leading a quintet comprising a rock solid and occasionally brilliant rhythm section of Sam Hirsh (piano), Rob Thorsen (bass), and Tyler Kreutel (drums), and featuring Gilbert Castellanos on trumpet, McPherson played two 55-minute sets in front of a full and vocal crowd hungry for the first edition of KSDS’s Jazz Live concert series since before Covid. A couple of things were confirmed almost as soon as instruments began issuing notes. One: McPherson, at 84 years old, is in GREAT shape, both musically and otherwise. His ideas are sharp, his loads of technique haven’t diminished, and maybe most remarkably, he was maximally engaged—even, and perhaps especially, when he was not playing. McPherson’s interaction with pianist Sam Hirsh, some 50 years his junior, was something to watch all night. He coaxed, implored, directed, and affirmed, signaling satisfaction with emphatic upturned thumbs and nods of approval as Hirsh soloed with style and playful conviction on Monk’s “Off Minor,” the second set opener. When Hirsh finished, McPherson pointed at his young piano player then looked at the audience as if to say, “If you don’t know this guy…you should know this guy.” On this night, McPherson was player/coach. Two: Gilbert Castellanos’s sartorial elegance is outdone only by the panache and precision of his playing—and it’s a high threshold to clear; the man cuts a debonair figure. The muted trumpet pairs perfectly with Gilbert Castellanos's always debonair, noirish cool -- with The Charles McPherson Quintet at Jazz Live, Aug. 8, 2023. Photo by Larry Redman. His solo on the quintet’s Clifford Brown/Max Roach-inspired arrangement of “I Remember April” ranked high among the night’s high-water marks. As did his turn on McPherson’s “Song of the Sphinx,” a tune the maestro accurately described to the audience as “dark and ethereal” and one that he composed originally for Sweet Synergy Suite, his 2015 collaboration with the San Diego Ballet and his daughter Camille, then a featured soloist with the SDB. Castellanos’s muted trumpet, noirish and dreamlike, played like the sonic embodiment of cunning and guile and forbidden pleasures in foreign lands. The bold ink is reserved for the headliners, but the sidemen came to play, too. Sam Hirsh leads rhythm section on rendition of Cedar Walton's “Holy Land.” Photo by Matt Silver. Hirsh shined brightly leading the rhythm section in a rendition of Cedar Walton’s “Holy Land” — and brightest bookending an already richly spiritual interpretation with passages of solo piano that suggested a young pianist possessed of an old soul. “Cedar Lives!” Hirsh proclaimed backstage after the show. And through Hirsh’s playing and the right combination of hallucinogenics, Cedar just might. Thorsen, meanwhile, reminded that the bass solo can be more than just the reward the bassist gets for doing all the heavy lifting. His turn out front on “Off Minor” was bouncy but not flamboyant and melodic as well as rhythmic. As bass solos go, quite palatable—enjoyable beyond something to be endured. And the young drummer, San Diego native Tyler Kruetel, was steady Eddie all night, from his brush work on ballads (“Old Folks,” set one) to setting the supersonic pace on another Brown/Roach-inspired arrangement—the night’s closer, “Cherokee.” Naturally, a preponderance of the night’s star-turns did come courtesy of San Diego jazz’s resident co-patriarchs; it was really cool to see the roles of the horns inverted on the Brown/Roach-inspired tunes such that the sax (McPherson) became the lead horn, allowing the trumpet (Castellanos) to simply own that second horn part played by the likes of Sonny Rollins and Harold Land on those legendary Brown and Roach albums. McPherson's playing and sense of humor were both sharp for return of Jazz Live on Aug. 8, 2023. Photo by Larry Redman. And speaking of Sonny Rollins…. McPherson was at his warmest on set one’s “Wedding Song,” another McPherson original from Jazz Dance Suites (McPherson’s album comprising two suites—the aforementioned Sweet Synergy Suite and Song of Songs—conceived to accompany ballet and recorded at the famed Van Gelder Studio in early 2020). This one plays like a more emotionally complex “St. Thomas,” complete with that familiar Latin-calypso groove but shot through with, dare I say, more than just a little hint of…klezmer! Which tracks with the Old Testament impetus for the composition (King Solomon’s wedding). Think Jewish wedding in a Latin-Caribbean locale, “St. Thomas,” and any given up-tempo selection from Cannonball’s “Fiddler.” But for all the moments of individual brilliance on display, the quintet’s leader and elder statesman declared this quintet a democracy—for better or worse. At one point, one of the band members looked toward McPherson as if seeking indication from the band’s senior member of what they’d play next. Deferring right back, McPherson picked up the microphone so the audience could hear the exchange and said, “This is a democracy. Which means nothing ever gets done.” It was a joke, and was met with knowing nods and a sort of funny-because-it’s-true brand of laughter from the crowd, but it also landed with the added resonance of having been delivered at a theater that sits so near to both the profound despair of San Diego’s downtown homeless encampments and the gleaming high rise condos of the managerial class—as distilled a portrait of that which late-stage American capitalism hath wrought as there is. And yet, hope. Not solely because the 84-year-old McPherson, who’s toured and recorded enough for several lifetimes, is still doing it at such a high level, though that’s certainly part of it. More hopeful to McPherson, who demonstrated early and often that his legendary status doesn’t place him above crowd work, was the full auditorium he saw before him. “Jazz fans are salt of the earth…and just a bit smarter than everybody else,” McPherson proclaimed to the crowd between first-set tunes. “People that like jazz are the best people. Doctors who like jazz are the best doctors; lawyers who like jazz are the best lawyers; politicians who like jazz…well when there are some, they’ll be the best politicians.” The "democratic" Charles McPherson Quintet post-concert at Saville Theatre. Photo by Matt Silver. The crowd of nearly 300 roared with delight at another of the surprisingly quippy McPherson’s one-liners. But underneath the joke was a sentiment that I’m willing to bet felt fundamentally true to most of the crowd. Not that a proclivity towards jazz confers added IQ points or material wealth or any discernible or bankable virtue, but it does suggest that the person in question has an appetite to be awestruck. To feel a frisson of….something. Something unknowable. Something presenting like an emotional cocktail of exaltation and hope. Just for the briefest moment, at the point where natural human gifts and hours and hours and hours of sustained and concentrated efforting towards the purely abstract concept of perfection intersect. Where determinism and free will miraculously feel reconcilable for just a second. Where, even without a packed house hungry for Jazz Live after 40 months, artists like McPherson and his bandmates would probably be doing the exact the same thing. Because they want to and because they have to.
Ingress results in a change in tone and meaning for a point, which is an energy shift designed to promote and continue growth, as well as change, on a regular and ongoing basis. Each point moves at a different speed, so the ingress for Mercury, which is faster than Mars, happens more frequently and is part of a recurring cycle in which every point eventually “returns” to the same degree as part of its elliptical cycle around the Sun. This article will look at Venus ingress from Capricorn to Aquarius. Changing the Tone, Changing the Meaning On December 20th Venus will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius at 1:42 am eastern standard time. In Capricorn, the “tone” was tied to how we achieve with or because of our relationships, and how we help others achieve. Venus, an air/earth sign (Libra and Taurus rulership), works well in all signs because it will either share the same element or compliment the element. In Aquarius, it will be more idealistic, scientific, and detached about relationships. Venus Leaving Capricorn In Capricorn, Venus found itself in the goal-oriented and achievement-driven energy of relating. Perhaps the best examples of Venus in Capricorn are the power couple or a successful tag team. The relating energy taps into what we can achieve with highly successful partners, whether we are talking about romance or business partnerships. Venus in Capricorn wants to get to the top of the mountain with the help of another person. This drive can involve two capable people working together or one person in the lead and the other as support. Venus in Capricorn seeks the synergy for success. As Venus moved through Capricorn our choices in a relationship wanted to know what value a person offers to us and wants from us; “what can you do for me and what can I do for you, so we are both more successful?” The keynote is “affections are serious but restrained” and the symbol is “a beautiful woman buttons herself into an old-fashioned dress” (Astrology: the Divine Science, Moore and Douglas, 157). At the Personal Level Understanding the movement of points at the most personal level does require knowledge of your natal astrology chart. With your chart in hand and a solid, basic understanding of astrology, such as knowing the symbols for the signs of the Zodiac and the astronomical and calculated points that make up the layout of the solar system when you were born, you can learn your own flow with points as they leave one sign and enter another. Based on the date, time, and location of my birth, my chart wheel begins with Scorpio and ends with Libra. The wheel is made up of 12 segments (pie pieces) called Houses. Capricorn rules my 3rd House of Communication so the time Venus spent in Capricorn was a period for me to connect with the relationships that could help me achieve my ambitions and get my messages out to the wider world. Interestingly, I have no points in Capricorn, so this transit will not directly cross over any points in that sign for me. However, I have 6 points in Aries, which will all get square (challenging growth) energy when Venus hits the degrees between 0 and 25 of Capricorn (Chiron at 0 degrees of Aries and the Sun at 23 degrees of Aries). This will be an intense period of work and striving to get to a higher level in my career. When points move through our houses, they bring their unique energy to bear on that area of our lives, both as an emphasis on our own inner development and with external triggers. This particular transit of Venus will be less personal for me, in general, in the area of my chart that it passes through, but it will act as a trigger for my 6th and 10th Houses where I do have points. Venus Entering Aquarius After the Capricorn goal-oriented work, how did that transit change your views regarding your idealistic vision of relationship and where you fit in your community? Venus in Aquarius tends to distance itself in a relationship in order to get a different perspective about relationships. There can also be a greater emphasis on general relating, with regard to your role in the community or among people who are not family or close friends. In Aquarius Venus tries to relate to the larger needs of a group rather than the more direct needs of individuals. When acting positively, you can step back and often see people and situations for what they “really are”. When acting negatively, you can be cold and indifferent to people in need, easily disengaging to focus on your own self-interests. The keynote is “attachments are idealistic and impersonal” and the symbol is “a group of young people admire a statue of Aphrodite at a museum” (168). You may choose to engage in unconventional relationships under this transit, just to see what they are like and how they make you feel without necessarily feeling the need to continue them after the transit is complete. Since this transit places Venus in Aquarius, you can also look to Uranus, which is in Taurus, as an additional guide. Since Venus rules Taurus and Uranus is the point in question, you may really choose some very experimental experiences with others. Uranus and Aquarius are also two energies associated with revolution and rebellion. At the Personal Level In the case of my chart, Aquarius rules my 4th House of Family. I have no points in Aquarius, so this transition could bring some new and interesting contacts into my life as well as trigger some unusual relationship dynamics within my current family. I may have to hold or move towards an idealistic vision of family or accept that my ideal vision is unable to manifest in any way. Since Aquarius is where Venus is moving, it helps to look to Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, which just entered Taurus this year. With Uranus in Taurus, Venus should consider making radical changes or be prepared for them. In my natal chart, Uranus occupies Virgo in my 11th House, so there is a very good chance some unexpected changes will occur in my relationship with my community.
In this article, we will discuss all the important current affairs of 5th July 2021 in detail. 1. The 6th BRICS Culture Ministers Meeting was hosted by Union Minister Prahlad Singh Patel. - Shri Prahlad Singh Patel, Minister of State (I/C) for Culture and Tourism, hosted the 6th BRICS Culture Ministers’ Meeting via video conference. - Under the topic Bonding and Harmonizing Cultural Synergy, a discussion was held on the promotion and extension of cultural activities among the BRICS countries. 2. During the week-long Van Mahotsav in Uttar Pradesh, a new record was set by planting 25 crore trees. - On the occasion of Van Mahotsav (July 1 and 7), the Uttar Pradesh government plans to set a new record by planting 30 crore saplings across the state. - Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister, held a programme to start planting 25 crore samples in a single day. The state administration also supplied district administrators with recommendations to ensure the plantation drive’s success. 3. The state of Uttar Pradesh intends to build Health ATMs to improve health services. - The government of Uttar Pradesh is intending to set up Health ATMs to give better health services to the people of the state. - While evaluating a high-level Covid19 conference in Lucknow, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath directed that opportunities be explored in this regard so that impoverished and stranded people might benefit. 4. The CRPF and the C-DAC have signed an agreement to train force personnel in modern technologies and collaborate on collaborative initiatives. - The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Centre for Development of Innovative Computing (C-DAC) to train its personnel in advanced technologies and collaborate on projects. - The MoU aims to improve the CRPF’s technical skills by training its personnel in advanced areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cyber security, AI, high-performance computing, and big data analytics. 5. According to WHO, China has been declared malaria-free after a 70-year battle. - The World Health Organization declared China malaria-free after a 70-year battle to eradicate the mosquito-borne disease. - In the 1940s, the country reported 30 million instances of the infectious sickness every year, but it has already gone four years without an indigenous case. Banking & Finance News 6. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued directions for the appointment of MDs and WTDs in urban cooperative banks. - The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued a notification on June 25 harmonising the rules for the appointment of chief executives and whole-time directors (WTDs) of urban co-operative banks (UCBs) with those of commercial banks. - Unless terminated or removed earlier, the managing director (MD)/ WTD’s tenure shall not exceed five years at a time, with a minimum of three years at the time of first appointment, and shall be eligible for re-appointment. The RBI further stated that the MD or WTD position cannot be held by the same person for more than 15 years. 7. The government has raised the retirement age of the chairman of the LIC to 62 years. - By amending the Life Insurance Corporation of India (Staff) Regulations, 1960, the government has raised the retirement age of IPO-bound LIC Chairman to 62 years. - According to a government notification dated June 30, 2021, the amendments to the rules will be known as the Life Insurance Corporation of India (Staff) Amendment Rules, 2021. 8. In Odisha, NABARD has sanctioned Rs 388 crore for drinking water and road projects. - Under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF), NABARD has approved Rs 388 crore for Odisha to put up four large piped drinking water delivery projects. - According to an official release, the money will also be utilised to build or upgrade 20 village roads throughout 15 districts in the state. Business & Economy News 9. Sun Pharma has launched a new programme called ‘Sunkalp’ to help doctors. - Sun Pharmaceutical Industries created the ‘Sunkalp’ project to help doctors, their families, and the society. - These measures will be phased in over time. Mental health support for doctors and their families, professional webinars on mental health for doctors, COVID-19 drug donations (Phase 2), post-doctor education support (Phase 2), and COVID-19 are among them. He went on to say that he resides in (Phase 2). 10. Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat resigns, and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Pushkar Singh Dhami was sworn in as the state’s eleventh chief minister, a day after being elected as the BJP’s legislature party’s leader in the hill state, paving the way for his elevation to the state’s top post. - Dhami, a member from the Khatima assembly constituency, is Uttarakhand’s youngest chief minister, at 45 years old. Uttarakhand was formed from Uttar Pradesh in November 2000. 11. Jim Whitehurst, the president of IBM, has resigned. - Jim Whitehurst, the president of IBM, has announced his resignation. According to news source Bloomberg, Whitehurst’s resignation is one of several management changes announced by IBM. - Following the 53-year-departure, old’s shares of the technical behemoth fell 4.8 percent to $139.83, the lowest level in five months, according to Bloomberg. 12. The WAKO India Kickboxing Federation has received official recognition from the Indian government. - In order to promote and grow the sport in India, the Sports Ministry has decided to recognise the WAKO India Kickboxing Federation as a National Sports Federation (NSF). - The World Association of Kickboxing Organizations (WAKO), the world governing organisation for kickboxing, is associated with the WAKO India Kickboxing Federation. 13. Germany Toni Kroos, a German midfielder, has announced his retirement from international football. - Toni Kroos, the 31-year-old German midfielder, has declared his retirement from international football following his team’s elimination from the European Championship. - The 2014 World Cup winner has 106 caps for his country, scoring 17 goals and assisting on 19 occasions. Awards & Honours News 14. The ‘Education for All’ programme at Nashik Radio Station has won awards. Amid Epidemic Radio Vishwas, a community radio station based in Maharashtra’s Nashik region that has been giving free audio lectures to schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic, has won two honours at the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting’s 8th National Community Radio Awards. - For its programme ‘Education for All in the Times of COVID-19,’ the station won first place in the Sustainability Model Awards category and second place in the Thematic Awards category. Books & Authors News 15. Dr. Gauri Shankar Sharma’s book “Janaksuta Sut Shaurya” written by Dr. Gauri Shankar Sharma “Gaurish” was published by Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan at his residence. - The subject of Uttar Ramayana has been conveyed in a lyrical fashion in a straightforward and easy method in the book. 16. Ashok Chakravarti’s “The Struggle Within: A Memoir of the Emergency” - The book The Struggle Within: A Memoir of the Emergency, written by Ashok Chakravarti, was recently published. HarperCollins India was the publisher of the book. - For the past forty years, Ashok Chakravarti has been offering policy assistance to countries, primarily in the African region. He is the author of books about the essential role of institutions in economic development that have been published in the United Kingdom and the United States. 17. Nathuram Godse’s biography will be published by Pan Macmillan India in 2022. - A biography of Mahatma Gandhi’s infamous murderer, Nathuram Godse, places the man and his most defining act in the context of modern Indian history, society, and politics. - Pan Macmillan India will publish “Nathuram Godse: The True Story of Gandhi’s Assassin” by Mumbai-based writer Dhaval Kulkarni in 2022. 18. Arvind Rathod, a Gujarati actor, has died. - Arvind Rathod, a Gujarati actor, died in his Ahmedabad home due to age-related issues. He was 83 years old when he died. - Rathod is well-known for his roles as villains in Gujarati films. He was also involved in the theatre community and had dabbled in Bollywood films. He appeared in films such as “Agneepath” and “Khuda Gawah,” among others. Connect with us on Social Media Bidyasagar Classes Address Plot No-N-6-325, Biju Patnaik College Road, Infront of SBI, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar Opening and closing hours: Monday to Sunday :7AM-9PM -Mail : email@example.com
Research Assistant in Image Processing or Computer Vision– DeepCamera MRG This job post is expired. You can search for other jobs here at www.carierista.com. #CC53529 Type: Full time Position: Research Assistant in Image Processing or Computer Vision Category: An initial one-year employment contract will be offered with the possibility for renewal depending on performance and project needs. Location: Nicosia, Cyprus Preferred Start Date: mid-June 2023 or as soon thereafter. Application Deadline: Remain open until the positions are filled No. Of Positions: 2 Salary Range: €18,000 - €30,000 (depends on the applicant qualifications) About the position Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary qualifications to fill two (2) full-time research assistant positions at the CYENS Centre of Excellence (DeepCamera group), to investigate in the fields of "Image Processing and Computer Vision". The CYENS CoE is focusing on multidisciplinary research in the greater area of interactive media and smart systems. It is a joint venture between the three public universities of Cyprus (University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, and Open University of Cyprus), the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany, and University College London, United Kingdom, hosted by the Municipality of Nicosia. The Centre was set-up with seed funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017 (Teaming Phase 2) under grant agreement No. 739578. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to conduct research in the areas of image processing, computer vision, and artificial intelligence with applications in high dynamic range imaging, video encoding, color management for complex multimedia systems (e.g. VR/AR, pones, virtual studios), environmental noise removal, image and video evaluation, event cameras and in the broad area of computer vision. They will work with a very active team of researchers, including Dr. Alessandro Artusi (DeepCamera MRG), investigating modern trends and techniques in Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Computer Vision. Position holders are expected to conduct experimental research on the above areas, to collect and analyze experimental results, to conduct bibliographical review of the current literature, to publish/present their research results in prestigious international conferences and journals, and potentially to participate in the preparation of research and innovation proposals. We welcome applications from talented and motivated individuals with backgrounds in related fields such as Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Robotics and Computer Science. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to conduct fundamental and/or applied research in the aforementioned areas. Where applicable, candidates may also participate in the preparation of project reports and deliverables, research proposals for funding, software development, and travel abroad for dissemination activities. Furthermore, successful candidates will be encouraged to publish/present their research results in prestigious international conferences and journals. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Alessandro Artusi (MRG Leader) General qualifications and requirements Bachelor's degree and/or postgraduate degree in a relevant field (e.g., Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) from an accredited institution. Strong algorithmic background and computer programming skills (e.g., C/C++/Java/C#, Python, Matlab) are a must. Knowledge of Image Processing and/or Computer Vision technologies will be considered an advantage. Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, including Machine Learning and Deep Learning including the usage of relevant environments (e.g., Tensorflow, Pytorch, scikit-learn) will be considered an advantage. Previous research experience and high impact research publications will be considered an advantage. Language requirements: Excellent written and oral English-language skills will be required. For non-EU applicants a work permit will be required Profile of the ideal candidate: Self-motivated with the ability to take initiative and work independently. Strong organizational, communication, presentation, and negotiation skills, having the ability to deal confidently and politely with enquiries. Very good analytical skills coupled with attention to detail. Dynamic, adaptable, hands-on and results driven. A team player with an ability to work independently and under pressure. High levels of commitment, energy, and drive. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Take advantage of this opportunity for your professional and personal development by being a part of our fast- growing Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence. A very attractive remuneration package will be offered to successful candidates according to their qualifications and experience, that it ranges between €18,000 - €30,000 for Research Assistants. From this amount all legal employee contributions will be deducted. For full consideration, interested applicants should submit the following items via the online application form and mention the position you are applying for: “Application for Research Assistant in Image Processing or Computer Vision”: Process for Research Associates: A cover letter which clearly specifies 1) contact details, 2) employment availability date, 3) part-time or full-time availability A detailed curriculum vitae in English. Copies of academic transcripts Description of their academic and research experiences as well as any relevant industrial / innovation / entrepreneurship experience, where applicable (500 words maximum). Contact details of two University professors or one University professor and one industry referee who will provide the letters. Two (2) representative publications (if applicable). Two (2) representative innovation outcomes / products (if applicable). A portfolio of projects (if applicable). Personal website and/or Github page (if applicable). Incomplete applications will not be accepted. In case you previously applied for a post at CYENS CoE, a new application is required. For general enquiries, applicants may contact the HR Department of CYENS, Centre of Excellence at firstname.lastname@example.org . About CYENS CoE CYENS Centre of Excellence is focusing on Interactive media, Smart systems and Emerging technologies aiming to empower knowledge and technology transfer in Cyprus and wider region. It is a joint venture between the three public universities of Cyprus: the University of Cyprus, the Cyprus University of Technology, and the Open University of Cyprus, the Municipality of Nicosia, and two renowned international partners, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany, and, the University College London, United Kingdom. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017 (Teaming Phase 2) under grant agreement No. 739578, as well as from the Cypriot Government, local and international partners, and other sponsors. Research in CYENS integrates the Visual Sciences, Human Factors & Design, and Communications & Artificial Intelligence, in a tight synergy that provides a unique interdisciplinary research perspective that emphasizes an “Inspired by Humans, Designed for Humans” philosophy. The Centre conducts excellent, internationally competitive scientific research delivered by 18 high-caliber multidisciplinary research teams. CYENS engages in knowledge transfer and innovation activities aiming to act as an integrator of academic research and industrial innovation, towards the sustainable fueling of the scientific, technological, and economic growth of Cyprus and Europe. CYENS Centre of Excellence is an equal opportunity employer and the position is open to everyone, internationally. All applications are treated in the strictest confidence.
Sit-to-stand motion is an important daily activity and disability of the motion can significantly reduce quality of life. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanism of sit-to-stand motion to prevent such scenarios. It was clarified that sit-to-stand motion is generated by four muscle groups called muscle synergy. However, it is unclear how the muscle synergies are controlled. Human sit-to-stand motion may be planned based on body cognition before the motion. In this study, we aim to clarify the relationship between body condition and muscle activity in sit-to-stand motion. Accordingly, we measured muscle activity when knee movability is disturbed as the condition of body changed. Moreover, we measured muscle activity of normal sit-to-stand motion and the sit-to-stand motion with disturbed knee movability using surface electromyogram. Subsequently, we extracted muscle synergy from measured muscle activity and compared the activity level of muscle synergy. Consequently, it was revealed that the muscle activity contributing to bending forward became larger and the muscle activity contributing to rise hip and stabilize became smaller when knee movability was disturbed. The result suggests that humans compensate the disturbed knee movability with the forward momentum with bending motion. Moreover, it may imply that humans adjust their motion to various environments or body conditions by adjusting the level of activity of bending forward.
THE FUTURE OF FASHION IS HERE Through technology and state-of-the-art supply chain management, we provide high quality ready-made garments for the world’s leading retailers. It is what we call “Fast, Fashion, Flexible” Our factories in Turkey and Serbia are fully compliant with international standards to provide top quality and high efficiency. In addition, we collaborate with networks of suppliers, who adhere to our standards both in quality and sustainability. WE RELY ON OUR GLOBAL NETWORK We worked hard to construct the right network, incorporating at every level of our value chains a diversified array of expertise. Each individual partnership is an opportunity to learn from each other and develop further. Through collaboration, we expand our capacities and offer fast and flexible solutions to our clients worldwide. WE GROW STRONGER TOGETHER We respect and value the unique strengths and cultural differences of our partners, customers and employees across our network. We believe that team spirit and synergy are the base of a good corporate culture and leadership. Through patient orientation and great enthusiasm, we make sure every person in Kardem stays inspired and motivated. In addition to guaranteeing the quality of our finished garments, we maintain constant quality control at each stage of production. We plan extensively in order to make sure that our processes are efficient and meet the objectives. Our own quality team members ensure that every garment is sourced, designed, manufactured and delivered in the right way to obtain a satisfactory end result. We perform process-flow monitoring and on-site quality inspections via SAP to make our business successful.
Stride towards Net5.5G, Grow as Digital Network MSPs Net5.5G innovations can drive new B2B business growth by enabling operators to upgrade their existing network and service portfolios. As new growth opportunities emerge for government and enterprise services, leading operators are looking to upgrade their government and enterprise networks and services. To realize this, they are leveraging cloud, network, digital, intelligent, and security technologies to upgrade from private lines to digital private networks, expand network connectivity services to network management services, and use industrial digital private network services to drive new growth. At the same time, the entire industry is exploring Net5.5G innovations to drive new B2B business growth. Digitalization is the new reality for all industries, with organizations increasingly relying on digital technologies to enable hybrid offices, enhance remote collaboration, connect devices, accelerate data analytics, and achieve higher levels of automation. As a result, the information architecture and technical architecture of enterprises are undergoing profound changes. Key applications are increasingly deployed on the cloud or provided as cloud services. Wide Area Network (WAN) traffic continues to grow, campus networks are becoming fully wireless, and network management and security operations are increasingly complex. Against this backdrop, leading operators are transforming into digital network managed services providers (MSPs) to enable industrial digitalization and boost new growth in B2B business. The cloudification of IT architecture has entered a new phase, with up to 85% of applications today hosted on cloud. Even mission-critical applications are increasingly deployed on cloud or provided as a service. Enterprises need to not only connect headquarters, campuses, and branch offices, but connect to multiple data centers simultaneously, so they have higher requirements on WAN data protection, security, and performance, which cannot be met using only the public Internet. The path forward for software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) is going back to private lines and private networks. Operators need to help enterprises access multiple clouds more easily and reliably by offering digital private network services bundled with managed SD-WAN services. This can enable access to multiple clouds through one private network and multiple applications through one private line. According to Gartner, global enterprises will increase spending on multi-cloud networks at a CAGR of about 24% between 2021 and 2026 to purchase agile, reliable, and high-speed cloud access services. In China, a major operator used its industrial digital private network services to significantly improve customer satisfaction and achieve a year-on-year increase of 25% in revenue from the healthcare sector in 2022. Powered by new technologies like end-to-end network slicing, the operator's private networks enabled a range of digital healthcare services like connected hospitals, health insurance settlements, and online offices, while delivering security isolation and guaranteed performance. In Europe, an operator decided to upgrade its traditional private line offerings and launched the 'Digital private network + Managed SD-WAN' suite. The solution comes with a variety of value-added services for supermarket chains, including DIY Portal, E2E encryption, QoS enhancement, and multi-cloud access. This allowed the operator to increase its average revenue per user (ARPU) by 14%, and more importantly, the contract renewal rate of traditional private line customers. Traditional multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) VPNs cannot meet the requirements of the cloud era. Instead, digital private networks enabled by new technologies such as SRv6, slicing, and network digital maps will better support industrial digitalization. By providing enterprises with premium private network services featuring multi-cloud and multi-application access, operators are better positioned to realize new growth from sweeping industrial digitalization. Campus networks are increasingly wireless thanks to constant developments in wireless technologies like Wi-Fi 6. Ubiquitous gigabit Wi-Fi access in high-density office areas and service centers delivers not just productivity gains, but higher customer satisfaction. Devices that were not connected to wired networks can now be connected through Wi-Fi, bringing enterprises a step closer to digitalization. As connected devices gradually outnumber traditional office devices, we are also seeing narrowband IoT applications give way to ultra-broadband IoT applications. For example, next-generation Wi-Fi 7 technology can enable 30 Gbit/s bandwidth delivered by APs and up to over 10 Gbit/s speeds for connected devices, allowing for dense deployments of ultra-broadband IoT devices such as automatic optic inspection (AOI) machines. This new development has strategic value for the real economy, especially in the intelligent manufacturing sector. Ubiquitous wireless networks and real-time applications are also making Wi-Fi network planning, deployment, O&M, and optimization increasingly complex, creating new challenges for enterprise IT teams. The good news is that operators can help, using their established expertise in the wireless domain. Next-generation digital network MSPs are adopting the AIOps-as-a-Service model to provide managed services, allowing users to easily manage their networks on their phones. To enable plug-and-play functionality, all they need to do is scan a QR code attached to network equipment through a mobile app. Maintenance personnel can remotely check network quality and adjust network configurations, allowing them to perform predictive maintenance to improve network reliability. These types of digital network services not only help operators improve customer satisfaction, but also enable new growth in industrial digital private network services. Unlike traditional managed services, the data analysis-based AIOps-as-a-Service model no longer needs on-premise expert services. This greatly reduces labor costs and helps achieve economies of scale. Gartner forecasts that enterprises worldwide will spend more than US$28 billion annually on managed LAN/WLAN services by 2026, which presents enormous growth opportunities for operators. An operator in Asia, for example, doubled its ARPU with one-stop 'Private network + SD-WAN + Wi-Fi' services for gas stations. In the past, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and other smaller organizations did not prioritize network security due to the limited uptake of digital technology. In today's increasingly digitalized world, network security has become an imperative. The problem is that SMEs and other smaller organizations generally lack network security expertise and cannot afford on-premise expert services. How can we solve this problem? Some operators offer the 'Digital private network + Cloud-based security service' bundle, allowing organizations to subscribe to cloud-based network security services on demand and deploy lightweight security gateways. The cloud platforms can automatically analyze security incidents based on logs reported by security gateways, deploy protection policies, perform real-time detection, and block potential threats in a closed loop. This new service model provides strong safeguards to SMEs and other smaller organizations. It will further drive industrial digitalization and bring operators new growth opportunities in managed security services. One Chinese operator achieved a 20% ARPU increase and a significant revenue boost through its 'Digital private network + Cloud-based security service' suite. This portfolio features device-cloud synergy and allows enterprises to detect and protect against security threats in real time, significantly lowering the threshold for implementing security safeguards. According to Gartner, the global managed security service market grew by 8.3% at US$12.7 billion in 2020, creating a huge market opportunity. Amid fast-paced industrial digitalization, leading operators are looking to achieve new growth from industrial digital private network services by comprehensively upgrading and expanding their enterprise network and service portfolios. The ICT industry is also researching and innovating nonstop to explore new technologies to underpin the upgrade to Net5.5G. In the recent white paper The research on the trends of Data Communication Network for 2030, Omdia expounds the industry vision for Net5.5G, outlining six areas where network capability can be improved. These are green ultra-broadband (GUB), multi-domain network AI (MNA), ubiquitous trusted networks (UTN), IPv6 Enhanced, high resilience and low-latency (HRL), and heterogeneous massive IoT (HMI). Source: The research on the trends of Data Communication Network for 2030, Omdia The global industry is also promoting the development of standards and business practices. The IETF has already released SRv6-TE specifications and is working on multiple Ipv6 Enhanced specifications like BIER 6 and APN 6. Network equipment vendors have launched 800GE routers and Wi-Fi 7 APs, boosting network bandwidth throughput and making 10 Gbit/s ubiquitous. Major operators are transforming towards digital network MSPs to unlock new growth opportunities. In its fourth white paper on autonomous networks (AN), TM Forum describes 19 typical AN use cases, shedding light on how operators can grow B2B revenue. As a leading provider of ICT products and solutions, Huawei continues to research cutting-edge technologies and develop innovative products and solutions. The company boasts a diverse data communication product portfolio and network management platforms powered by AI and machine learning. In the WAN domain, Huawei's full-service converged routers support 400GE/800GE metro and backbone ultra-broadband capabilities, and use new technologies such as network digital map, SRv6, and slicing to help operators provide premium private lines featuring minute-level service provisioning and superior user experience. In the wired and wireless LAN domain, Huawei has launched a simplified campus network solution featuring a central switch + remote unit architecture, third-generation smart Wi-Fi antennas, the industry's first L3 autonomous driving network for campuses, and a flexible cloud management platform model that supports flexible deployment options. All of this has made Huawei a leader in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™. Moving forward, Huawei will continue investing heavily in R&D, tackle technical bottlenecks, and conduct joint innovations to help operators navigate the era of industrial digitalization by transforming towards digital network MSPs, providing industrial digital private network services, and driving new growth.
PAN Communications, an integrated marketing communications firm leveraging data-driven PR, content and digital media for technology, healthcare and consumer tech clients, today announced the acquisition of San Francisco-based tech PR agency Vantage PR. With the acquisition of Vantage, an award-winning PR agency with 35 employees spanning four offices, PAN Communications (“PAN”) grows to more than 100 employees and $13.5 million in annual revenue. In addition to the agency’s Boston headquarters, the acquisition provides PAN with multiple office locations in key growth markets such as San Francisco, Orlando and New York City. Ilene Adler, who founded Vantage PR 25 years ago, will assume the role of Chief Strategist. She will be responsible for working with PAN’s executive team on integration plans, new strategies and services for the agency, evangelizing PAN’s presence in Silicon Valley and enhancing the firm’s international partner strategy. Rob Adler, Vantage’s SVP, will now serve as EVP and managing director overseeing operations in San Francisco, Orlando and New York and reporting into PAN’s founder and president, Phil Nardone. “Our firms share a synergy when it comes to culture, focus, integrity and commitment to both client value and employee development; the acquisition of Vantage is a perfect fit,” says PAN president and founder, Philip A. Nardone, Jr. “We’ve had aggressive plans in place to acquire an agency as part of our long-term growth strategy. With an employee-first culture and multiple offices in key regions, Vantage more than meets these objectives. I’m excited for the future and look forward to working with our leadership team as we continue to grow and evolve our integrated marketing communications offerings.” The acquisition of Vantage PR underscores PAN’s aggressive growth strategy and solidifies its position as an industry-leading independent, mid-sized communications agency. In addition, the move bolsters PAN’s executive leadership, account teams and client rosters, particularly in the areas of venture-funded, emerging-growth companies in clean tech, consumer tech and healthcare, as well as emerging markets such as AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things). Vantage was recently recognized as “Tech Agency of the Year” and “Small Agency of the Year” by PR industry chroniclers Bulldog Media Group and has won numerous other awards. The agency is well known for its focus on emerging-growth technology companies and its award-winning work. Like PAN, Vantage has made its mark on the PR and marketing industry by delivering a wide variety of services, including digital and social media, and leveraging an integrated communications approach to clients’ PR programs. “PAN is a tremendous agency and a fantastic match that will provide our employees with a rich pathway for professional career development and growth,” highlights Ilene Adler, founder of Vantage. “As we looked at the next level for Vantage, we saw the need to expand our array of services for our clients. As part of a midsized firm, we can now expand our PR and digital services to include more integrated marketing communications offerings, coupled with a sophisticated measurement and analytics methodology.” Celebrating its 20th year in business, PAN was recently recognized as a Top Company Culture by Entrepreneur Magazine and a top place to work by The Boston Globe and The Boston Business Journal. Coming off another record-setting year, the agency has secured several new marquee accounts and has achieved significant organic growth, resulting in a 23 percent year-over-year increase. PAN’s integrated marketing communications framework, leveraging data-driven PR, social, digital and creative service offerings, continues to be in demand as today’s modern marketers look for innovative solutions to engage with their “always on” customer. Vantage PR is an award-winning tech public relations agency with offices in San Francisco, New York, Orlando and Boston. Vantage offers 25 years of public relations expertise and brings both passion and senior-level technology experience to companies in order to help them succeed. By leveraging established connections, Vantage strives to get its clients maximum exposure through top-tier media outlets. These high-impact results raise awareness and increase sales. The firm has been recognized for many results-focused campaigns and company culture, receiving awards from PRWeek, PR News, PR Daily, Agency Post, American Business Awards (Stevies), Hermes Creative and many more. For more information, please visit www.vantagepr.com/ or follow our company blog. Founded in 1995, PAN Communications is a data-focused integrated marketing communications agency servicing technology, healthcare and consumer tech brands. With offices in Boston, San Francisco, Orlando and New York, PAN delivers insight-driven, measurable public relations programs for leading and emerging brands nationally and globally such as SAP, Carbonite, MediaMath, BlueCoat, Maestro Health and SamsungPay (LoopPay), to name a few. The firm provides today’s modern marketers with impactful communications, influencer relations, social media and digital services that continue to expand on their brand equity. For more information visit our website at www.pancommunications.com, subscribe to our blog, follow us on Twitter (@PANcomm) or call 617.502.4300. To read the original release posted on Business Wire, click here.
Berrylicious Karats Deuces THC-A Gummies 7,000mg Get ready to embark on a berry-filled adventure with Berrylicious gummies – a true delight for berry enthusiasts craving a potent experience! These 7,000mg gummies are a genuine indulgence, bursting with a medley of mixed berry flavors in every delectable bite. And guess what? They're among the mightiest gummies you'll ever encounter! Brace yourself for a berrylicious journey like no other! 🍇🍓🚀 - Flavor: Sweet mixed-berries - Strength: 7,000mg/350mg per gummy - Count: 20 gummies per jar - Suggested Use: 1/2 gummy to establish tolerance - Ingredients: Delta 8 THC Live Resin, THC-A, THC-P, THC-B What happens when you combine these cannabinoids? When you combine cannabinoids like Delta 8 THC Live Resin, THC-A, THC-P, and THC-B, you can experience a unique and uplifting synergy of effects. Delta 8 THC Live Resin offers a mellow and euphoric sensation, THC (carbonylated) provides a psychoactive wellness boost similar to delta 9, THC-P delivers a potent and focused high, and THC-B offers a novel and stimulating experience. Together, these cannabinoids can create a well-rounded and enjoyable cannabis experience, catering to a variety of preferences and needs. Enjoy responsibly and explore the diverse world of cannabinoids! - Combining cannabinoids like Delta 8 THC Live Resin, THC-A, THC-P, and THC-B results in a synergistic effect. - Delta 8 THC Live Resin offers a mellow and euphoric sensation. - THC-A provides psychoactive wellness benefits. - THC-P delivers a potent and focused high. - THC-B offers a novel and stimulating experience. - Together, these cannabinoids create a well-rounded and enjoyable cannabis experience. - Catering to diverse preferences and needs, this combination can provide a positive and balanced effect. - Enjoy responsibly and explore the unique world of cannabinoids! What is THC-A? THCA, or tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, is a chemical compound and precursor to THC found in freshly harvested cannabis plants. The cannabis plant produces THCA, which contains a carboxylic acid group. Unlike THC, THCA does not have psychoactive effects or provide an intoxicating effect. However, THCA has shown anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties that may reduce nausea and vomiting by interacting with the endocannabinoid system and CB1 receptors. When raw cannabis or cannabis extracts containing THCA are heated or dried, the carboxylic acids decarboxylate and convert THCA into THC. THC can then bind to cannabinoid receptors in the central nervous system. Edibles containing this unique compound allow people in the United States to experience potential therapeutic benefits. What is Delta 8 THC Live Resin? Delta 8 THC Live Resin is a concentrate made by extracting Delta 8 THC using the live resin process. This flash freezes fresh cannabis plants to keep more terpenes. Terpenes provide aroma and flavors. Live resin gives the Delta 8 THC product more natural terpenes and flavors. This enhances the experience compared to other Delta 8 THC concentrates with less terpenes. The extra terpenes also allow the Delta 8 THC effects to potentially last longer. What is THC-P? THC-P starts as cannabigerol acid (CBGA), the mother cannabinoid that gives rise to compounds like THC and CBD. Though rare, THC-P packs an incredibly powerful punch. This intriguing cannabinoid is estimated to be about 30 times more potent than regular THC. THC-P provides psychotropic effects much greater than standard THC due to its high efficiency binding with CB1 receptors. While research is in early stages, small doses of just a few milligrams can deliver an amazingly intense high. THC-P's ultra-potency makes this rare cannabinoid an exciting area of cannabis science to watch. What is THC-B? Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabutol, also known as THCB, is a cannabinoid closely related to THC. However, THCB shares similarities with THC in its interaction with the endocannabinoid system. It mainly affects CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain, much like THC, according to the researchers who discovered it. Karats Deuces gummies provide a convenient way to supplement your diet with these intriguing cannabinoids. They are manufactured from hemp plants high in THCA. Each gummy contains a precise dosage so you know exactly how much you are getting. Try our edibles today to explore how they make you feel. Click here for Lab Report
Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams DeMarco, T. and T. Lister. 1999. Peopleware, 2nd ed. New York, New York: Dorset House. This source is considered a primary reference for the Team Capability article. Peopleware, second edition, published in 1999, adds eight chapters to the first edition, published in 1987. Both texts consist of a series of essays on the politics, sociology, and interpersonal relationships in organizing, managing, and leading projects. Topics addressed include treating people as assets rather than costs (or not); the folly of excessive overtime; sacrificing quality to schedule; the effect of the office environment on productivity and quality; the costs of personnel turnover; synergy of cohesive teams; the chemistry of team formation; and teamicide. The eight new chapters in the second edition address issues of growing productive teams; competition versus cooperation within teams; making process improvement changes; managing human capital; and organizational learning. Although the context and examples are from software projects, the issues addressed are equally applicable to all kinds of systems engineering projects.
The center's participation in the community meeting entitled "Smart Cities: Providing Entrepreneurial Opportunities", organized by TTi and SPARK and funded by the European Union. The Center of Excellence for Innovative Projects, represented by its director, Prof. Muhannad Quwaider, participated on Wednesday 5/24/2023 in a community meeting entitled "Smart Cities: Unlock Entrepreneurial Opportunities" organized by TTi and SPARK and funded by the European Union. The meeting brought together a number of institutions supporting entrepreneurship, startups and local entrepreneurs to create synergy and exchange knowledge. This meeting provides opportunities to communicate, exchange common challenges and opportunities, and listen to inspiring stories from entrepreneurs in the community. This meeting focused specifically on the entrepreneurial opportunities offered by smart cities to entrepreneurs.
Many efforts have been made to develop intelligent agents, but they mainly focus on advancement in algorithms or training strategies to enhance specific capabilities or performance on particular tasks. While recently Multimodal Large Language Models (MM-LLMs) have made exciting strides, they mostly fall prey to the limitation of only input-side multimodal understanding, without the ability to produce content in multiple modalities. LongLoRA adopts LLaMA2 7B from 4k context to 100k, or LLaMA2 70B to 32k on a single 8x A100 machine. We also propose a mask-guided sparse video Transformer, which achieves high efficiency by discarding unnecessary and redundant tokens. Ranked #1 on Video Inpainting on DAVIS Recent advances on large language models (LLMs) enable researchers and developers to build autonomous language agents that can automatically solve various tasks and interact with environments, humans, and other agents using natural language interfaces. Language model applications are becoming increasingly popular and complex, often including features like tool usage and retrieval augmentation. Autonomous agents empowered by Large Language Models (LLMs) have undergone significant improvements, enabling them to generalize across a broad spectrum of tasks. At the core of this paradigm lies ChatDev, a virtual chat-powered software development company that mirrors the established waterfall model, meticulously dividing the development process into four distinct chronological stages: designing, coding, testing, and documenting. This shows a failure of logical deduction that we hypothesize is caused by the Reversal Curse. This paper presents DreamLLM, a learning framework that first achieves versatile Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) empowered with frequently overlooked synergy between multimodal comprehension and creation.
The reliable bookmaker 1xBet broke into the Kenyan market relatively recently, however , it has already won the have confidence of those who love betting on sports. Here, users have a chance to hit the jackpot and quickly turn their knowledge of sports right into a noticeable profit. Thanks to this approach, the registered users can depend on the fact that almost all matches will be winning for them. However , many persons still don’ t discover how to become part of 1xBet Kenya. In fact , this procedure is as straightforward as possible. The professionals working in the reliable bookmaker offer two ways of doing it and thus they immediately show users that it will give them complete freedom. 1xbet Registration Kenya How to Undergo a Sign up Procedure Therefore , you can become a part of 1xBet by visiting the official Internet website of the company or with just the registration procedure via SMS. The second option can be performed easily, because in order to begin the cooperation with the reliable bookmaker, you simply need to send a communication with the word JOIN to 29021. Picture, after this, you will enter the regarding betting on sports. The registration via the website will need a little longer, but it is also very simple, since 1xBet is a company that is happy to welcome clients. In order to start betting, you will need to submit the specified data, like the phone number. The widest range of events, as well as high it’s likely that offered at the site of the trusted bookmaker 1xBet. We respect all persons and their rights, that is why you can expect the most favorable conditions pertaining to cooperation. 1xBet Kenya provides real time bets, which have recently become especially popular among users. They attract users with high rates, as well as the chance to quickly withdraw the earned funds. Representatives of the company view the security of each transaction, so if you make forecasts here, you could end up completely sure that your first deposit is effectively protected. In order to attract even more users, 1xBet offers an exceptional bonus for users diagnosed with recently registered. You have a chance to receive 130 euros for betting just by using advertising code. Pros offer not only the opportunity to make forecasts, but also provide a chance to easily watch the development of confrontations. For this purpose, there are full-out broadcasts that cover everything that happens during the event, and allow one to keep abreast of events continuously. At the same time, attention is paid out to both the most well-liked sports disciplines and those certainly not offered by our competitors. 1xbet Registration and Features of Making Deposits In order to place deposits at the reliable bookmaker 1xBet, it’ s enough to follow along with some simple steps. One of the most well-known option is via Mpesa. To do this, you need to follow the guidelines given at the official Internet portal of our company. Such as: Choose Mpesa menu on your phone. Enter the Lipa section at Mpesa. Open the paybill. Choose one of the provided business numbers. Enter your 1xBet account number. Enter the amount of money you’ d choose to pay. After that you need to type in Mpesa PIN and then click OK option. After a while, the system will generate a confirmation message. Thanks to this method, 1xBet Kenya users obtain an opportunity to quickly replenish their balance and enjoy the game combined with professionals. A welcoming bonus from the industry leader deserves special attention. This amounts up to 200% in the size of the first first deposit. Thus, new users coming from Kenya have an unrivaled probability to receive up to 10000 KES to their account. Believe that, these funds will be very useful if you seriously decide to your betting market. 1xBet provides the best conditions for the given marketplace segment, since it is extremely important intended for the company to provide its users numerous advantages. Thus, you can renew the betting balance consist of ways. Moreover, if you do this, you can receive a real bonus and use it to make further forecasts. We provides the withdrawal of profits in full, therefore by choosing the leaders, you will get 100% safeguard at all stages of the co-operation. Now you can generate winnings together with us, it’ s easier than ever. However , gambling on sports is not the only thing. Obviously, in modern world the users want to have use of exclusive entertainment that will allow these to relax well and simultaneously hit the real jackpot. It is now much easier together with the reliable bookmaker, because it provides individuals with numerous specific features that allow them to expect maximum loyalty from your management. Advantages of Choosing Professionals REGISTER AND GET BONUS Yet today, the reliable bookmaker attempts to not settle with the existing advantages and offers more new ways to earn money. One of those may be the opportunity to communicate with other supporters. Moreover, there is a specialized affiliate program that allows users to receive percentage fee for such customers. 1xBet jackpot is the most logical and simple option of earnings, the main advantage of which can be appreciated by every of us. Thanks to this approach, actually users who were far from the field of sports competitions’ forecasts can quickly enter this area and personally experience the advantages of this approach http://1xbet-mobile.top/ of making profits. Going back to jackpots, it’ s worth mentioning there are several kinds of it; this truth opens wide enough room for clients to maneuver. Among the most well-known options, which you will surely locate at 1xBet website, listed here are worth highlighting: Daily jackpot. A standard draw that takes place regularly. The amount of the win may vary a little bit, but it is always decent amount of cash, which will allow a new user to feel confident and never to worry about the consequences. Extra funds from 1xBet are mainly a chance to make more forecasts. Jackpot Toto 15. It implies appropriate prediction of the results of 15 confrontations. Betting on precise reaction to the game. You need to guess almost eight games in a row. Football jackpot with 14 matches. Hockey option with predictions on outcomes of confrontations between 5 teams. Close attention can be paid to e-sports, also, that’ s why 1xBet stands out against its market competitors. In particular, you can place bets on FIFA occasions, as well as watch the contests. Full-fledged messages of matches and round-the-clock customers support — this is exactly what you need for the quickest and easiest integration in this platform. It is important to notice here that attention is usually paid not only to key confrontations, but to less rated tourneys, too. This is a guarantee that at any time you can monitor the course of the confrontation and make live betting. 1xBet traditionally supplies the most attractive rates for this, well, not to mention the opportunity of swift withdrawal of the funds! That’ s why more and more users choose this company. It is only below that you can find such bonus deals, as well as the wide line of incidents. Easy and Successful Cooperation with Bookmaker Organization For the ease of the registered users 1xBet gives several options, which they can use to place a deposit. This is an easy and convenient way, which in turn also facilitates the integration of recent customers that is essential with the initial stage of the co-operation. Just like placing the deposit, the withdrawal process is also very easy. It is enough to login into your bill, select Mpesa, specify the amount you need at the moment, submit the mobile phone number and then confirm the transaction. 1xBet is drastically concern about the security of registered users, so it offers dependable security options. It is very simple to evaluate them personally, you simply need to join our company right now. As well as 1xBet it is very easy to generate a good profit solely because of your knowledge of any activities discipline. In such conditions, it is most profitable to create forecasts for those confrontations that you really understand. Understand that only those users who also are already 18 years can be a part of the progressive program; their age must be confirmed. Legitimate and being successful bets are possible only together with the best bookmaker in this market segment. Join 1xBet today and make sure that added bonus, as well as unique loyalty applications are not fiction — they are real terms of synergy with the market leader, which offers an individual approach to each recently registered user.
Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck is to attend the official opening of gamescom 2023 on 23 August, as announced today by Koelnmesse and game – the German Games Industry Association. After having to cancel his appearance at last year’s gamescom on short notice and instead sending a lengthy video message, the economic minister will travel to Cologne to attend the trade visitor and media day in person this year. In addition to his appearance at the official opening event on the afternoon of 23 August, Habeck will tour the trade fair the following day to gain an impression of current trends in the game industry. ‘Following the economic minister’s positive message to us last year, we very much look forward to welcoming Robert Habeck to Cologne in person in 2023,’ says Felix Falk, Managing Director of game – the German Games Industry Association. ‘Together, we will survey the current developments in the game industry. In addition, we plan to discuss the challenges facing game companies in Germany and the path to making this country even more internationally competitive as a location for game production.’ Gerald Böse, President and CEO of Koelnmesse GmbH, says: ‘Economic Minister Robert Habeck’s visit underscores the prominence of gamescom – as the largest game event worldwide and the game industry’s most important business platform in Europe. gamescom has long since become an international flagship for Germany as a trade fair and event location.’ Review of JeetWin Online by Tamim Rahman As a gaming enthusiast hailing from the heart of Bangladesh, my pursuit of a reliable and thrilling online platform has taken me across various sites. Yet, JeetWin https://jeetwinonline.com/ emerges as a clear frontrunner. It is not just an online gaming portal; it’s a holistic experience, replete with diverse games, a robust sports betting segment, and an unparalleled user experience. History and Background Established several years ago, JeetWin, in a short span, has managed to carve a niche for itself in the crowded world of online gaming. Not just content being another platform, it stands out with its commitment to transparency, player welfare, and, of course, entertainment. The platform’s licensing and stringent adherence to fair play protocols stand testimony to its reputation. User Interface and Experience Logging onto JeetWin is like entering a digital gaming paradise. Whether accessed through a desktop or its mobile app, the platform ensures fluidity. Intuitive designs, organized tabs, vibrant graphics, and smooth transitions make navigation a breeze, even for a newcomer. The mobile app, especially, impressed me with its clutter-free interface and the ability to mimic the desktop experience seamlessly. Game and Sports Selection JeetWin’s library is a treasure trove for gaming aficionados. It’s a blend of time-honored classics and contemporary favorites, ensuring that every user finds their niche. - Casino Games: The casino section is diverse and caters to various player preferences. - Table Games: Traditionalists will love the array of table games available. Whether you’re a Poker pro, a Roulette enthusiast, or a Blackjack believer, there’s a table waiting for you. Each game offers multiple variants, ensuring players never face monotony. - Slots: The slots section is expansive, featuring themes ranging from ancient civilizations to modern pop culture. Progressive jackpots, multi-line slots, and classic reel slots ensure hours of endless entertainment. - Live Casino: The live casino section captures the essence of a real casino. With live dealers, real-time gameplay, and interactive features, players can experience the thrill of a casino from their homes. - Sports Betting: JeetWin’s sportsbook is comprehensive, reflecting the global appeal of sports. - Popular Sports: Cricket, the heart and soul of Bangladesh, finds ample representation. From international test matches to T20 leagues, there’s a bet waiting for every cricket enthusiast. Football, the global sport, is also extensively covered, from the English Premier League to the FIFA World Cup. - Diverse Range: The platform also caters to fans of tennis, basketball, horse racing, and even e-sports, ensuring every sports lover finds their match. - Live Betting: One of the standout features is the live betting option. As matches unfold in real time, players can make bets, adding an adrenaline-pumping dynamic to the viewing experience. How to Place a Bet – A Step-by-Step Guide JeetWin’s betting process is structured to ensure simplicity: - Choose your domain – casino or sports. - For sports, select your sport and then the specific event or match. For casino games, choose the game type and table or slot. - Understand the odds presented, especially in sports. The higher the odds, the higher the potential return. - Set your stake, confirm, and voila, your bet is placed! Payment Methods and Transaction Efficiency Ensuring smooth financial transactions is pivotal. JeetWin shines in this domain. Table: Payment Options |Method||Deposit Time||Withdrawal Time||Fee| |Bank Transfer||Instant||1-3 Days||Minimal| |e-Wallet (Skrill, Neteller)||Instant||Within 24 hours||None| |Card (Visa, MasterCard)||Instant||1-5 Days||Minimal| |Local Mobile Banking||Instant||1-3 Days||None| Promotions, Bonuses, and Loyalty Programs JeetWin goes above and beyond when it comes to rewarding its players, ensuring they always have a reason to return. - Welcome Bonuses: New to the platform? JeetWin greets its newcomers with generous welcome bonuses. This can range from deposit matches, where your initial deposits are matched by a certain percentage, to free spins in the slots section. - Game-Specific Promotions: Whether you’re a sports bettor or a casino game enthusiast, JeetWin regularly rolls out promotions tailored for you. These could be in the form of cashbacks, increased odds, or even tournaments with substantial prize pools. - Loyalty Program: JeetWin’s loyalty program is a testament to its commitment to its players. It’s structured in tiers, and as players ascend these levels, the rewards become more enticing. - Tiered Benefits: Starting from the Bronze level and culminating in the elite Kohinoor level, every tier offers its own set of benefits. These can range from faster withdrawal times, and higher betting limits, to exclusive game access. - Exclusive Rewards: Higher tiers also enjoy personalized customer service, birthday bonuses, and even invitations to real-world events and trips. With such a vast array of games and a plethora of promotions, it’s evident that JeetWin not only values entertainment but also cherishes its community of players. My conclusions on JeetWin In the digital realm of online gaming and sports betting, JeetWin emerges as a beacon of excellence. From its extensive gaming library to its customer-centric approach, it’s evident that this platform has been crafted with the player in mind. My journey through JeetWin has been nothing short of exhilarating, a sentiment I believe many of you will echo once you embark on your own. And if you’re still on the fence, let me offer a little nudge – the platform’s impressive first deposit bonus. It’s not just a bonus; it’s JeetWin’s way of welcoming you into a world of unparalleled entertainment and potential rewards. So, why wait? Register now, claim that enticing first deposit bonus, and dive into a gaming experience like no other. The world of JeetWin awaits! Go Big or Go Home: High Roller Casino Bonus Canada Explained Within the dynamic landscape of Canadian online casinos, high roller bonuses exemplify the adage, “Go Big or Go Home.” Crafted for players comfortable with substantial deposits, these bonuses elevate the gaming journey, offering the prospect of amplified winnings and an intensified online casino experience. Understanding High Roller Casino Bonuses High roller casino bonuses, often dubbed as ‘VIP rewards,’ are exclusive promotions tailored for players unafraid of wagering substantial amounts. These incentives, which can include extra cash or free spins, are directly linked to the magnitude of their deposits. In the context of the Canadian online casino industry, the importance of these bonuses cannot be overstated. They wield immense influence in attracting and retaining high-value players, who significantly bolster the casino’s bottom line. By extending high-roller bonuses, casinos effectively motivate these individuals to maintain their patronage, fuelling the sector’s expansion and profitability. From the player’s perspective, these bonuses open the door to the prospect of amplified winnings and an enriched gaming adventure. Gamblers can relish extended gameplay, explore exclusive titles, and even relish personalized assistance. Consequently, high-roller bonuses are pivotal in shaping the dynamics of the Canadian online casino arena. High-roller casino bonuses forge a symbiotic relationship between casinos and their most daring patrons. This synergy is not only financially rewarding for both parties but also elevates the overall gaming experience, affirming the significance of these bonuses in the Canadian online casino landscape. Unlocking the World of High Roller Casino Bonuses High roller bonuses, those coveted incentives within the realm of online casinos, come in an array of forms, each bestowing its unique set of benefits. Let’s delve into the various types of these alluring bonuses that cater to the diverse tastes of high-stakes players. This stands as the most prevalent form of high roller bonus. Casinos generously match a portion of the player’s deposit, with percentages ranging from 50% to a staggering 200% or more. In the world of high stakes, resilience is key. Some casinos extend cashback bonuses to their esteemed high rollers. It translates to a percentage of the player’s losses or deposits being thoughtfully returned to their coffers. As an example, consider a 20% cashback bonus. It graciously offers solace by refunding $200 to a player who may have faced a $1,000 loss. High rollers with a penchant for spinning the slot machine reels are not left in the lurch. Free spins are often part and parcel of their bonus package. These free spins gift players the chance to revel in slot games without denting their pockets. It’s akin to a risk-free opportunity to secure tangible winnings. Loyalty begets rewards. Players who exhibit steadfast allegiance to a casino, whether through regular gameplay or substantial deposits, are accorded exclusive loyalty bonuses. The perks span the gamut from free spins and deposit boosts to exclusive tokens of appreciation and coveted invitations to premier events. No Deposit Bonuses While relatively scarce, some casinos extend the olive branch to high rollers with enticing no-deposit bonuses. These bonuses grant players a treasure trove of free funds or spins upon mere registration, sans the need for an initial deposit. Unlocking the Gateway to High Roller Casino Bonuses in Canada Earning the coveted status of a high roller casino bonus Canada and unlocking the gateway to these exclusive casino bonuses entails satisfying specific casino criteria, a task that entails a blend of precision and perseverance: High roller bonuses in Canada beckon to those ready to invest significantly. The requisite minimum deposit surpasses standard bonus thresholds, making it imperative to wield financial prowess. Betting milestones stand as part of the journey. Canadian casinos stipulate players must wager a substantial sum before reaping high roller casino bonus Canada rewards. For high rollers, the road to reward demands extra dedication. Ascending the ladder of Canadian casino loyalty bestows privileges. High roller bonuses in Canada often materialize exclusively for those who’ve attained coveted status through consistent gameplay and substantial deposits. Hidden keys to high roller casino bonus Canada treasures, bonus codes unlock exclusive benefits. Prospective recipients must adeptly input these codes during the deposit process to access the rewards. Not all Canadian games march towards bonus fulfilment. Players must navigate restrictions and choose eligible games wisely to meet wagering prerequisites. Selecting the Optimal High Roller Bonus Choosing the most suitable high roller bonus necessitates a methodical approach to ensure it aligns seamlessly with your gaming proclivities and objectives. Here are pivotal tips and factors for contemplation when making this consequential decision: Scrutinize the Offer Initiate the selection process by thoroughly assessing the bonus proposition itself. Methodically examine the bonus quantum, percentage, and any supplementary advantages such as complimentary spins or cashback. Strive to strike a harmonious equilibrium between an enticing offer and manageable wagering prerequisites. Immerse yourself in the intricacies of wagering prerequisites, a pivotal determinant. Elaborate bonuses often accompany more rigorous playthrough obligations. Ensure that these stipulations are realistically attainable within the confines of your gaming approach and financial means. Distinct games contribute disparately to the fulfilment of wagering prerequisites. Ascertain whether your favoured games are considered eligible and discern their respective weightage. Certain bonuses may impose constraints on particular games or extend reduced contributions. The bonus percentage may fluctuate contingent on the magnitude of your initial deposit. Calculate the sum you are comfortable committing to ascertain an efficient leverage of the bonus. Loyalty Program Synergy Gauge the synergy between your high roller status and the casino’s loyalty program. Certain establishments furnish exclusive advantages and expedited reward progression for VIP participants. Bonus Activation Codes Verify whether the bonus activation necessitates a specific code. Neglecting this imperative step may culminate in the forfeiture of the bonus. Prudent consideration of the bonus’s duration is imperative. Ensure an ample timeframe for the fulfilment of wagering requisites, circumventing any undue haste. Repute and Integrity Delve into the casino’s reputation and credibility. Peruse reviews, verify licensing credentials, and solicit insights from fellow players to substantiate the casino’s standing. Contemplate the quality of the casino’s customer support. High roller status may occasionally necessitate prompt assistance; hence, a responsive support framework is indispensable. Conclusively, align your selection with your distinctive gaming inclinations and proclivities. Opt for a bonus that harmonizes seamlessly with your preferred gaming genre and strategic approach. The process of choosing the optimal high-roller bonus within the Canadian online casino landscape necessitates a systematic and informed approach. Key considerations encompass a comprehensive evaluation of bonus propositions, a meticulous comprehension of wagering prerequisites, contemplation of game eligibility, and an assessment of the synergy with loyalty programs. By carefully analysing these facets, high rollers can make judicious selections that not only elevate their gaming experience but also optimize their potential for substantial winnings. BETSOMNIA — MEET THE BRAND YOU CAN’T RESIST MEGAPARTNERS, a direct advertiser and product-oriented IT company in the iGaming industry, has announced the launch of its new online casino brand — Betsomnia, targeting the GEOs of the Netherlands, Austria and Canada. In terms of gaming, Betsomnia, operating under a Curaçao licence, offers the widest selection of over 8,000+ games. These include Slots, Live, Crash, Bonus Buy, Jackpot, Table Games, Video Poker, Roulette, and many others. Betsomnia offers classic casino bonuses for players: - Weekly cashback – up to 20% - Weekend Spins + Wednesday Free Spins - First deposit bonus – 100% up to 15000 EUR - Welcome bonus – 100 FS & +100% up to 15000 The level-based VIP program gives you a Personal account manager, higher withdrawal limits, higher cashback, and a bunch of our secret bonuses. “We are excited to launch Betsomnia — a product created exclusively for players and based on their needs,” said Anton Petrov, CEO of MEGAPARTNERS. “In addition, the brand will soon introduce unconventional mechanics for additional earnings. We believe Betsomnia will become a top choice for online casino enthusiasts worldwide.” MEGAPARTNERS is more than just an affiliate program. We are a product-oriented IT company with our own development department. It offers a range of tools and services to help online businesses grow and succeed. We are looking for traffic for our iGaming brands, and an ever-expanding audience increases ROI. All brands included in MEGAPARTNERS have legal permission to conduct online gambling based on Curaçao and MGA licenses. For more information, please visit megapartners.io. R. Franco Digital leaves its mark at SBC Summit Barcelona 2023 Leading provider of live dealer content, Stakelogic Live, quickens the pace with the launch of the exciting new Speed Baccarat game. Abios Powers Nigerian Esports Betting Brand Oyawin with Data and Widgets FeedConstruct Extends Partnership with Czech Handball and Expands Content Portfolio Greentube sends a chill down the spine with Cash Connection™ – Candelas de los Muertos™ – Señorita Suerte SOFTSWISS In-Game Currency Conversion: 85% of Bets in Crypto Casinos Are Made with In-Game Currency Conversion 7777 gaming goes live in Montenegro with SBbet Top-performing Ohio Lottery Extends Successful Scratch-Off Games Partnership with Scientific Games QTech Games goes live with Galaxsys Kalamba Games calls on mystic dragons in Moonrise Fortunes Hold and Win News6 years ago Softbroke collaborates with Asia Live Tech for the expansion of the service line in the igaming market EEG iGaming Directory7 years ago iSoftBet continues to grow with new release Forest Mania News5 years ago Super Bowl LIII: NFL Fans Can Bet on the #1 Sportsbook Review Site Betting-Super-Bowl.com, Providing Free Unbiased and Trusted News, Picks and Predictions iGaming Industry6 years ago Rick Meitzler appointed to the Indian Gaming Magazine Advisory Board for 2018 News5 years ago REVEALED: Top eSports players set to earn $3.2 million in 2019 iGaming Industry6 years ago French Senator raises Loot Boxes to France’s Gambling Regulator News5 years ago Exclusive Interview with Miklos Handa (Founder of the email marketing solutions, “MailMike.net”), speaker at Vienna International Gaming Expo 2018 News5 years ago iGaming experts Bojoko analyse female representation in film
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Ghanaian popular dancehall artiste shatta wale has cooked another banger to serve his fans and music lovers Download the song below Download Mp3: Sefa _vibration ft. Meiway I am thrilled to announce the highly anticipated collaboration between Ghanaian singer Sefa and Ivorian artist Meiway. Their latest release, “Vibration,” is an absolute masterpiece that deserves your undivided attention. This track is a perfect blend of Sefa’s soulful vocals and Meiway’s infectious melodies, creating a musical experience that will leave you mesmerized. From the catchy hooks to the vibrant production, “Vibration” is a true testament to the power of music to bring people together. Don’t miss out on this incredible collaboration – be sure to listen to “Vibration” and share it with your friends. Let’s spread the joy of this remarkable collaboration and celebrate the beauty of music. Sefa_VIBRATION ft. Meiway: Download K Vimbwoy drops a new song featuring Young Pop and Striker De Donzy titled “long life” (listen below) The song “Long Life” by K Vimbwoy featuring Young Pop and Striker De Donzy is a must-listen for music enthusiasts. This collaboration brings together three talented artists, each bringing their unique style and energy to the track. “Long Life” is a captivating and uplifting song that celebrates life and encourages listeners to cherish every moment. The infectious beats, catchy melodies, and heartfelt lyrics make it a perfect anthem for positivity and perseverance. I highly recommend giving “Long Life” a listen. It is a testament to the talent and creativity of K Vimbwoy, Young Pop, and Striker De Donzy. Their collaboration creates a synergy that is sure to resonate with audiences of all backgrounds. Don’t miss out on this incredible musical experience. Stream “Long Life” now and let the infectious vibes uplift your spirits Dowload Mp3: Wendy Shay_ Love me now Get ready to groove to the sensational sounds of Ghanaian superstar Wendy Shay! She’s back with her latest hit, “Love Me Now,” and trust me, it’s an absolute banger that you won’t want to miss! Wendy Shay has consistently delivered chart-topping tracks, and “Love Me Now” is no exception. Her powerful vocals, catchy beats, and heartfelt lyrics are sure to captivate your heart and soul. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to her music, this song promises an unforgettable musical journey. So, turn up the volume, let the rhythm take over, and let Wendy Shay’s enchanting voice sweep you off your feet. It’s the perfect tune to add to your playlist and share with friends. Don’t wait! Hit that Download button now and experience the magic of “Love Me Now.” Let’s spread the love and support our talented Ghanaian artist. Enjoy the music! Gossip1 week ago Dj Smart expresses his disappointment in Fancy Gadam for refusing to promote Fresh Faya’s “hustle hard ” song which he was featured in after taking their money . Music1 week ago Dk Wagzy and Demboi finally gets ready to release “winpang” after teasing fans on Tiktok with the sound for weeks News4 days ago Five possible reasons why upcoming artistes find it difficult to blow News1 week ago Dj Smart officially launches Showbiz96 on Maxx Empire Radio. Music7 days ago FlameBwoy releases the much anticipated track “helpless “, listen Music1 week ago Five important reasons why kusaug artistes should file for nominations for Upper East Music Awards 2023 Lifestyle4 days ago “Lip service is all I want “ lady tells male fans (video) Lifestyle2 days ago Stonebwoy connects with American Rapper Swae Lee in Australia
Scare-free Sundays: Rosalía’s merengue bop, a touching memoir about a Chinese takeaway and a psychedelic amazement park Kick back and relax with the ultimate pop culture tonic for the Sunday blues words Eve Walker Weekends are great and all, but as they come to a close, they're often tainted by a weirdly unsettling feeling. Sunday evenings; it's a period where we find ourselves simultaneously anticipating the stresses of Monday morning while grieving the freedom of the weekend. Time seems to speed up as the modern cultural phenomenon that is the “Sunday Scaries” kicks in. That's why we're providing an antidote. Every Sunday, we bring you a roundup of the week's ICYMI moments. From the news that might make you feel good, to the TV shows to binge and playlists to get lost in. So read on, and get ready to reclaim your Sunday night! GOOD NEWS FOR FASHION STUDENTS Dr. Martens has partnered with Central Saint Martins to support five students to design and create an outfit around the theme ‘All Access Summer’ – being sure to also embody Dr. Martens’ rebellious spirit. “Each student ideated, sketched, designed and produced their unique creations, captured by fashion education platform 1 Granary in a shoot to bring their visions to life,” a representative of the brand explained in a press release. TAKE A TRIP TO A PSYCHEDELIC EXHIBITION The creators of Boomtown have launched what they’re calling the first ever “amazement park” in a former Bristol warehouse. Called Wake The Tiger, the exhibition opened this weekend and invites visitors to step through a secret portal into the magical world of Meridia; a multi-layered maze of interactive installations that highlight the importance of protecting and restoring the environment. The exhibition is on until 30 September. DISCOVER A NEW BOOK Takeaway - Angela Hui This touching memoir from journalist Angela Hui recounts experiences growing up behind the counter of a Chinese takeaway in rural Wales. Exposed to anti-Asian racism from a young age, Hui recounts attacks on the shopfront, discriminatory customers, and mounting micro-agressions. But the book strikes notes of joy, too, with lyrical descriptions of food and Hui family recipes interwoven between chapters. Hilarious, shocking, and tender all at once, be sure to add this to your bookshelf. BOP TO ROSALÍA… It’s time to celebrate: Rosalía has finally released the song that she’s been teasing on TikTok. The verb “despechar” loosely translates to “to spite” and the track is basically all about living feral girl summer to the max. “There are many ways to be Despechá, in this theme it is from the freeness or the craziness, moving without reservations or regrets,” Rosalía explained in a translated statement. Co-written by reggaetón icons Chris Jedi, Gaby Music, and Dímelo Ninow, “Despechá” will leave you wanting to quit your job, order a chilled piña colada and dance the night away to a merengue beat. …OR TO QUEEN BEY Speaking of quitting (or should we say ‘releasing’?) jobs… Beyoncé's first solo album in six years has taken the world by storm, hot on the heels of lead single ‘Break My Soul’. Each track on Renaissance has a totally different feel, but thanks to the album’s spirit of “fierce club energy”, there’s still a remarkable synergy between them all. Despite the album being leaked a few days early online, the majority of fans waited until she dropped it herself. And that self-restraint hasn’t gone unnoticed. As Beyoncé wrote on Twitter: "I appreciate you for calling out anyone that was trying to sneak into the club early... It means the world to me. Thank you for your unwavering support. Thank you for being patient." From Nature to Architecture, These Coffee Table Books Are the Ultimate in Escapism From Wes Anderson’s parallel universe to adventures in the future of fungi, these coffee table reads bring you wildernesses and utopias from the comfo... Inside the 5G haptic suit that helps Deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences experience live music Wearable tech suits allow fans to feel sounds and the crowd through vibrations Stop scrolling: spooky season, The 1975 and getting closer to nature Woo's cultural tonic for the endless cycle of doomscrolling Jamie Flatters: the actor, director rewriting the script on self-love The 22-year-old Avatar star has potential, ambition, and talent in equal measure but he won’t let that get to his head These photos highlight the life and community that make up “non places” between big cities Photographer Vicente Manssur’s series “Media Distancia” is an ode to forgotten towns A guide to Harry Styles’ always evolving personal style Silky PJs, Gucci suits, the One Direction era floppy hair – the musician is an evolving sartorial sign of the times Science gets sexy! An ancient Roman dildo has been discovered Plus more of the other good news you might’ve missed this week… The key to your next Hinge match? Moon phase compatibility Could the appearance of the moon at the time of your birth explain romantic compatibility? According to TikTok, yes sir
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA / ACCESSWIRE / September 20, 2022 / Greenpro Capital Corp. (NASDAQ:GRNQ) today announced it had launched the World's first Shariah-Compliant ESG Digital Asset Exchange, Green-X. Greenpro Capital was granted the license to operate such exchange by Malaysia's Labuan Financial Services Authority ("LFSA") in April 2022. The launch was officiated by LFSA, International Shariah Research Academy ("ISRA"), ESG Global and SME Association of Malaysia. There are four Digital Asset Exchange ("DAX") Listing Sponsor engaged by Green-X, namely - BBS Trust International Limited - Labuan, Malaysia - Gan & Zul Advocates & Solicitors - Malaysia - SEATech Ventures - Hong Kong - Ata Global Inc. - Singapore Green-X is expecting at least 10 token issuers to come on board by the end of this year, including Cattle Queen Ranch and Koperasi Bersatu Tenaga Malaysia Berhad ("KOBETA"). According to global consulting firm BCG, the asset tokenization market will grow 50 times from US$310 billion in this year, to US$16.1 trillion by 2030, driven by demand from a wide range of investors for greater access to private markets. Tokenization and fractionalization of assets lower barriers to investment in private markets by sharply reducing minimum lot sizes. There is growing awareness among global investors of the synergy between ESG (environmental, social and governance) investing and Islamic finance, contributing to the rising appetite for Shariah-compliant investments as investors look for greater portfolio diversification and an alternative to more traditional ESG investments. Islamic finance and ESG investing are complementary investment approaches sharing significant common ground, such as being a good steward to the society and the environment. Both offer products that appeal to Muslim and non-Muslim investors alike, and hold strong practices and policies that each can learn from the other. The launch of Green-X is in line with the initiatives under the Labuan IBFC Blueprint to promote Labuan as a well-recognised Islamic International Centre. The Exchange is expected to be the main driver in contributing to the establishment of Islamic Digital Asset Center, or IDAC, embracing digital innovations to transform businesses beyond conventional model to improve market access, evolve financial products and promote greater financial inclusivity. Greenpro CEO, Dr. CK Lee said, "Due to the world's trend moving towards ESG and decarbonization, and the strong fundamental of Halal economy, we are confident to build Green-X as world largest STO platform in the very near future. We will continuously create and deliver more value to our shareholders." About Greenpro Capital Corp. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur and a Nevada corporation, Greenpro Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: GRNQ), is a business incubator with strategic offices across Asia. With a diversified business portfolio comprising of finance, technology, banking, CryptoSX and Green-X for STOs, health, wellness and fine art as well as 30 years of experience in various industries, Greenpro has been assisting and supporting businesses and High-Net-Worth-Individuals to capitalize and securitize their value on a global scale. This is done through the provision of cross-border business solutions, spinoffs on major stock exchanges and accounting outsourcing services to small and medium-size businesses located in Asia. The comprehensive range of cross-border business services include, but are not limited to, trust and wealth management, listing advisory services, transaction services, cross-border business solutions, record management services, accounting outsourcing services and tax advisory services. Greenpro also operates venture capital businesses, including business development for start-ups and high growth companies. For further information regarding the company, please visit http://www.greenprocapital.com. The Green-X exchange can be found at https://www.green-x.io/ This press release contains forward-looking statements, particularly as related to, among other things, the business plans of the Company, statements relating to goals, plans and projections regarding the Company's financial position and business strategy. The words or phrases "plans," "would be," "will allow," "intends to," "may result," "are expected to," "will continue," "anticipates," "expects," "estimate," "project," "indicate," "could," "potentially," "should," "believe," "think," "considers" or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements." These forward-looking statements fall within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934 and are subject to the safe harbor created by these sections. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of risks and uncertainties. Such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, involve known and unknown risks, a reliance on third parties for information, transactions or orders that may be cancelled, and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in our industry, to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from anticipated results include risks and uncertainties related to the fluctuation of local, regional, and global economic conditions, the performance of management and our employees, our ability to obtain financing, competition, general economic conditions and other factors that are detailed in our periodic reports and on documents we file from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Statements made herein are as of the date of this press release and should not be relied upon as of any subsequent date, and the Company specifically disclaims any obligation, to update any forward-looking statements to reflect occurrences, developments, unanticipated events or circumstances after the date of such statement. GRNQ has 7,867,188 million shares issued and outstanding with a float of 3,677,608 shares Gilbert Loke, CFO, Director Greenpro Capital Corp. Email: [email protected] Phone: +852-3111 7718 Contact Dennis Burns. Investor Relations. Tel (567) 237-4132 SOURCE: Greenpro Capital Corp.
Increased Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Properties of Silver Nanoparticles Using Silver Fluoride as Precursor De Vita, Lorenzo Diaz Fernandez, Yuri KAUST DepartmentBiological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering (BESE) Division Permanent link to this recordhttp://hdl.handle.net/10754/664538 MetadataShow full item record AbstractSilver nanoparticles were produced with AgF as the starting Ag(I) salt, with pectin as the reductant and protecting agent. While the obtained nanoparticles (pAgNP-F) have the same dimensional and physicochemical properties as those already described by us and obtained from AgNO3 and pectin (pAgNP-N), the silver nanoparticles from AgF display an increased antibacterial activity against E. coli PHL628 and Staphylococcus epidermidis RP62A (S. epidermidis RP62A), both as planktonic strains and as their biofilms with respect to pAgNP-N. In particular, a comparison of the antimicrobial and antibiofilm action of pAgNP-F has been carried out with pAgNP-N, pAgNP-N and added NaF, pure AgNO3, pure AgF, AgNO3 and added NaF and pure NaNO3 and NaF salts. By also measuring the concentration of the Ag+ cation released by pAgNP-F and pAgNP-N, we were able to unravel the separate contributions of each potential antibacterial agent, observing an evident synergy between p-AgNP and the F− anion: the F− anion increases the antibacterial power of the p-AgNP solutions even when F− is just 10 µM, a concentration at which F− alone (i.e., as its Na+ salt) is completely ineffective. CitationBertoglio, F., De Vita, L., D’Agostino, A., Diaz Fernandez, Y., Falqui, A., Casu, A., … Pallavicini, P. (2020). Increased Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Properties of Silver Nanoparticles Using Silver Fluoride as Precursor. Molecules, 25(15), 3494. doi:10.3390/molecules25153494 SponsorsLDV scholarship was funded by MIUR; this research was also supported by a grant of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) to the Department of Molecular Medicine of the University of Pavia under the initiative “Dipartimenti di Eccellenza (2018–2022)”. Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. - Silver nanoparticles synthesized and coated with pectin: An ideal compromise for anti-bacterial and anti-biofilm action combined with wound-healing properties. - Authors: Pallavicini P, Arciola CR, Bertoglio F, Curtosi S, Dacarro G, D'Agostino A, Ferrari F, Merli D, Milanese C, Rossi S, Taglietti A, Tenci M, Visai L - Issue date: 2017 Jul 15 - Antibiofilm activity of a monolayer of silver nanoparticles anchored to an amino-silanized glass surface. - Authors: Taglietti A, Arciola CR, D'Agostino A, Dacarro G, Montanaro L, Campoccia D, Cucca L, Vercellino M, Poggi A, Pallavicini P, Visai L - Issue date: 2014 Feb - Biosynthesised AgCl NPs using Bacillus sp. 1/11 and evaluation of their cytotoxic activity and antibacterial and antibiofilm effects on multi-drug resistant bacteria. - Authors: Rezaei Somee L, Ghadam P, Abdi-Ali A, Fallah S, Panahi G - Issue date: 2018 Sep - Ultrasmall AgNP-Impregnated Biocompatible Hydrogel with Highly Effective Biofilm Elimination Properties. - Authors: Haidari H, Kopecki Z, Bright R, Cowin AJ, Garg S, Goswami N, Vasilev K - Issue date: 2020 Sep 16 - Formulation Optimization of Chitosan-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles Using In Vitro Antimicrobial Assay. - Authors: Pansara C, Chan WY, Parikh A, Trott DJ, Mehta T, Mishra R, Garg S - Issue date: 2019 Feb
There is a lot of theory-crafting when it comes to running a portfolio of businesses, and it did not take a long time for us to see that until you spend time running one… you won’t know exactly what your challenges are going to be, or what practices are best for you. Every time we thought we’d figured it all out – what about a roll-up? A Berkshire Hathaway-style portfolio? – it was never as simple as it seemed. The integration and operations of acquired businesses required a lot more strategy and thought. A major operational conundrum that kept coming up for us was – should we have one central team running all of our properties, or should we fully decentralize. It isn’t a simple question. There are a lot of pros and cons to both in theory, which is why we could only truly decide once we’d had thousands of hours of operations under our belt. A portfolio usually starts when one company expands by acquiring or building a similar or complementary business, where it uses its existing team to fulfill the offering of the second business. It tracks then, that the general starting point for most portfolios is to have a centralized team that runs a couple of different properties. It could look something like this: A digital marketing agency owner is great at growing brands for others, and they want to diversify their income, so they decide to launch or acquire a brand or two of their own. Why would they do this? They theorize that by utilizing their agency’s team to not only fulfill their clients’ digital marketing needs but also the needs of the new brands they’ve acquired, they can keep costs lower, benefitting from their existing expertise. The premise is that the company can fill up any excess bandwidth team members have with a side-project or additional acquisition’s operations. Many internet businesses are sold as asset sales, so the founder does not continue with the business post-exit, nor is their time typically accounted for in the P&L – so adding a new “CEO” to the business post-acquisition often eats into the margin substantially. Having an existing team who could fill the roles left by the seller for no (or an incremental) increase in cost seems hugely beneficial. By using an existing team to take over the business, a portfolio can achieve operating leverage and see their expenses reduce relative to revenues as they keep making acquisitions. This is how almost every portfolio manager I’ve spoken to in the space starts, and it’s where we were back in 2019. Onfolio started life as a bootstrapped company, so looking for operating leverage was a key way to scale. We started out operating much smaller assets that typically couldn’t afford a full-time CEO or SME to run them. By hiring 4 or 5 experts and spreading them across 10-20 similar businesses, we could get the expertise needed for those sites, pay the experts accordingly, and still turn a profit. Only, there are considerations other than just costs…and getting this next one wrong is the most costly of all. Let’s talk about focus. Sure, hiring experts and spreading them across multiple businesses seemed to allow the businesses to “get the expertise they need” but here’s the reality: without focus, it’s only part-time expertise, and part-time expertise is a lot harder to transfer to action. The online business world moves fast, there are a lot of distractions, and most growth comes from a combination of momentum, quick action, and constant attention. We learned that, no matter how appealing it seems to have one operator focusing on multiple properties, no matter how much of an A-player you think you have, no matter how many “synergies” you think you see between the companies… every business needs someone to focus on it, and that person needs to only focus on one business. Otherwise, the business will fall behind competitors who do only focus on one business, and it will start to deteriorate. Small things add up to big issues with shocking consistency. Going All In On Decentralization Even after this realization, we did not immediately go fully all-in on decentralization. While it seemed clear that a lack of focus was hurting some of our businesses, it wasn’t obvious whether the solution was a full decentralization, or instead, narrowing the scope of our holdings (so-called “niching down”). It also wasn’t clear to what extent we should decentralize. Was it okay to have a single, separate CEO running each business, but share central resources among businesses such as marketing, HR, content creation, and graphic design? Was it okay to have all the different companies inside one central Slack workspace in separate channels? Could we achieve some operating leverage if we still had one central team, but acted more as a roll-up and only bought businesses in the same vertical, such as SEO agencies, for example? To answer these questions, we looked at other successful holdcos we admire, and what we found was that most holding companies evolved to a fully decentralized model: - Tiny (fully decentralized) - Constellation Software (fully decentralized but share best practices) - Berkshire Hathaway (fully decentralized) Andrew Wilkinson of Tiny, after having dinner with Charlie Munger and other value investors: “I think that synergy is how conglomerates die… almost all our businesses are digital, and they all use Amazon S3 and EC2 for hosting. We started going, oh, we should take all the businesses and we should run a procurement process where we negotiate with Amazon directly because it’s a large expense line item, same with stripe, same with cellphone providers… When we asked Munger, he said, “Look, if I could be dictator for a day, I could jump into any one of our businesses and I could probably increase free cash flow by hundreds of millions of dollars with one fell swoop, with simple things. But I don’t because then your CEOs lose trust.” The most important thing when you’re running a conglomerate is having your CEO’s trust. Believing they have full autonomy, believing they can make their own mistakes, and trusting you’re only there when asked. After we had that conversation, we spoke to many other people who run conglomerates. We’ve moved away from that.” Mark Leonard of Constellation Software on smaller, decentralized Business Unit Managers and teams: We seek out vertical market software businesses where motivated small teams composed of good people, can produce superior results in tiny markets. What we offer our [Business Unit] Managers is autonomy, an environment that supports them in mastering vertical market software management skills, and the chance to build an enduring and competent team in a ‘human-scale’ business. While we have developed some techniques and best practices for fostering organic growth, I think our most powerful tool is using humanscale [Business Unit]’s. When a VMS business is small… if the business leader is smart, energetic and has integrity, these tend to be halcyon days. All the employees know each other, and if a team member isn’t trusted and pulling his weight, he tends to get weeded-out. … Priorities are clear, systems haven’t had time to metastasise, rules are few, trust and communication are high, and the focus tends to be on how to increase the size of the pie, not how it gets divided. That’s how I remember my favourite venture investments when I was a venture capitalist, and it’s how I remember many of the early CSI acquisitions. The larger a business gets, the more difficult it becomes to manage and the more policies, procedures, systems, rules and regulations are generated to handle the growing complexity. Talented people get frustrated, innovation suffers, and the focus shifts from customers and markets to internal communication, cost control, and rule enforcement. The quirky but talented rarely survive in this environment. A huge body of academic research confirms that complexity and co-ordination effort increase at a much faster rate than headcount in a growing organisation. David Landry of Demesne Investments has also done some excellent research into the different types of holdcos and how they operate: Committing to a model of human-scale business units means that there will be many people with the same job function across the organization. One of the main reasons we so rarely see companies with hundreds of autonomous business units is the allure of the quick cost synergies that can be harvested by eliminating these supposedly duplicative roles and combining operations. For many acquisitive companies, these kinds of cost savings are the most important driver of their M&A underwriting. Decentralized businesses, especially those that acquire already-robust businesses, know that in the long run, this can kill the golden goose. Every acquisition requires some degree of integration. In decentralized businesses, the most invasive integrations happen with the smallest acquisitions at the lowest levels of the organization. At smaller sizes, a more invasive integration is more manageable because the acquired business is simpler and there are fewer people involved (i.e. human-scale). The risk to the broader enterprise is also more limited if it goes awry. The C-suite does not get involved at this level unless asked because the manager who will have responsibility for the acquired business going forward should have the primary say over how it is molded into his existing operations. As the size of the acquisition increases and becomes more complex, the lighter the integration is likely to be. This approach to integration and synergies is a total inversion of typical corporate behavior. It is all too common to see self-important (and poorly incentivized) CEOs push for large, splashy acquisitions for all the wrong reasons. Tantalizingly huge synergy estimates are dangled in front of analysts while the integration costs are relegated to the footnotes. Yet it always seems to be the synergies that are overestimated, and the integration costs that are underestimated. Ultimately, we concluded that the solution to a lack of focus was indeed to decentralize – and to go all in on it. This meant: - One CEO per business (unless the businesses were extremely similar, so much so that one could be run as a division of the other) - Setting up unique finance and operational accounts, eg. bank accounts, QuickBooks, ClickUp, payroll processing, HR management software for every acquisition - Of particular importance: Setting up a unique Slack workspace for every business. A further note on moving teams to dedicated Slack workspaces. We already had separate, dedicated channels for each business and we kept these channels under the Holdings Slack workspace – but as we grew and stopped sharing internal services, we found it was starting to become disingenuous when people who would never work together had to welcome newcomers to the company and wish each other happy birthday, among other things. One thing that we grappled with was the idea that it can be tricky to build a team culture when you’re fully decentralized. We realized, though, that our company was already a conglomerate of different teams, and each team had its own culture. These teams worked so well within their own sub-cultures that it didn’t make sense for us to force our culture on them – but rather to lean in by letting each team build their own culture and bond further. This is only helped by decentralization. Admittedly, some existing team members were used to being in one big Onfolio Slack and needed to adapt as we implemented this, but they soon saw the benefits of smaller groups and tighter teams. It greatly benefits new members who come into an already decentralized company. For example, if Contentellect hires somebody, that person should feel part of the Contentellect team – instead of feeling lost as part of the Onfolio team where they “interact” on Slack with people who work on totally different businesses, who they’ll probably never meet. Keeping teams in their own Slack allows them to thrive better and unlock their own creativity. The CEO of each company does remain in the central Onfolio Slack with the C-Suite and holding company team so that we can facilitate knowledge sharing and accountability. We decided some time ago that the best way forward was to fully decentralize, but waited until we had some bigger assets in our portfolio. The smaller assets still benefited from shared HR and other services, but after making our latest acquisitions post-IPO, we’ve leaned fully into decentralization and that process is nearly complete. As mentioned, many of the businesses we come across in our deal flow are being sold by solo founders. Many times the founder does not account for their own time in the P&L, so it’s up to us to negotiate the price based on what we think the cash flows will be with a new CEO in place of the seller. For example, we acquired Contentellect for a much lower multiple than usual, but we were pricing in the cost of hiring a dedicated CEO. Contentellect makes an excellent case study as it is the first business we’ve acquired that we had fully decentralized from Day One. A dedicated entity with a dedicated CEO, everything is 100% separate from the holding company, and has no one working on it who also works on other businesses. Granted, it’s a bit early to declare victory after just one month – but based on February’s performance, we are confident this model is the way to go. Will This Make Acquisitions Less Profitable? Yes and no. Since we’re now hiring a dedicated, hungry, experienced CEO for each business, rather than sharing that cost across businesses, there will be an instant hit to the bottom line that we didn’t necessarily have before. However, we price this into our acquisition valuation and purchase price. The DCF modeling we perform includes realistic costs of a CEO, and we bid accordingly. Does this mean we will miss out on some deals because we aren’t willing to pay as high as others? Possibly. But that buyer will either need to work for free or they will not see the margins they were expecting after they install their own CEO. For us, it is much more important to know there will be an increased expense for the incoming CEO, factor that into our NPV calculations, and be disciplined with our bidding. And the reality is, so far, factoring the cost of a CEO into our modeling hasn’t given us any headwinds when it comes to winning deals over competitors. Crucially, hiring an excellent CEO only impacts the business’ profitability in the short term. Long term, the focus they bring will lead to vastly improved results and increased profits. Will CEOs receive equity in the businesses? We could write a whole other article on this topic, and one day we probably will. It’s complicated to decide whether CEOs should receive equity in the businesses they run, or stock options in Onfolio, or other compensation arrangements such as bonuses and phantom equity. Giving equity in a specific business increases the CEO’s sense of ownership and directly rewards them for their efforts. Giving equity in Onfolio means there is liquidity (eventually) for CEOs, and a sense of all CEOs rowing together. A sense of ownership, a direct reward for success, liquidity, and a shared direction can all be achieved with different structures though, and we aren’t yet married to a single structure. What we do know is that we are looking for a balance between rewarding CEOs for performance, unlocking their entrepreneurialism, and keeping Onfolio and our shareholder interests at the forefront. So now that we’ve fully decentralized, what does Onfolio look like right now from an organizational structure perspective? But What About The Benefits Of Centralization? One of the main advantages of a roll-up is the ability to cross-pollinate and cross-promote between brands. We’ve found we can still achieve this with our companies, and we can even have some companies form clusters of close relationships, while keeping their operations completely decentralized. We think it’s important to make these optional for CEOs though. If it makes sense for both businesses to work together to grow both their own companies and the larger Onfolio pie, then they’ll do so. Our job is to facilitate that through introductions, sharing of best practices, knowledge sharing, case studies, and in-person meetings. The key difference is that we are not forcing it on the companies, which brings a lot of potential issues. Essentially, we’re looking to capture the upside of a roll-up (shared knowledge, potential JVs, business relationships) by way of suggestion and facilitation, whilst mitigating the downsides by fully decentralizing the teams and letting synergies happen organically rather than systemically. It’s the best of both worlds, and believe that we can achieve this. To summarize, after initially wanting to centralize our operations to capture more “synergies” and cost savings, we have learned that fully separating businesses is the way to go, as it allows focus and entrepreneurial freedom. We are already seeing benefits here, and will continue to lean in on full decentralization
Hello and Welcome. If you are visiting this site first time, you might be interested in this article on HGH supplements and how to avoid HGH scams. These days, there are quite a few HGH supplements available on the market for the purpose of building muscles fast. They all seem to claim that they will improve your lean muscle mass and help in cutting fat. HGH (human growth hormone) has become a hot topic in the bodybuilding community ever since the “New England Journal of Medicine” published a study stating the various muscle building advantages of it. This caused a flurry of companies to produce these promising products. Some scientific studies and anecdotal evidences from bodybuilders do suggest the role of growth hormone in muscle building while some studies emphasize more on the performance enhancing effects of hGH. Will taking HGH Factor really provide all those benefits? HGH Factor is one of the most popular supplements that make these same claims, so lets review to see if it has the potential to deliver on its muscle building promises. Primarily containing amino acids like L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, etc. HGH Factor seems fine here. There are perfectly safe and natural compounds which when taken in synergy enhance the body’s own production of HGH. These ingredients aim to stimulate the pituitary gland so that it can improve its natural HGH production. So, though not directly a growth hormone, HGH Factor consists of various ingredients to mimic the effects of HGH :- L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Glycine, and L-Lysine. You can find this product advertised all over the Internet, but you will only be able to purchase it directly from the manufacturer’s website. HGH Factor is often marketed online as being accompanied by the male enhancement supplement Xanogen. However, I could not find much information online that reported men’s use of this combination. Some reviews online demonstrate that the product Xanogen was promoted with “fake blogs” and “fake reviews”. HGH Factor is banned in countries like the U.K., Australia, India, and many other European countries. I could not find it in physical health stores either. Overall, I am not really impressed by HGH Factor primarily by examining the ingredients list and by the lack of positive comments. Stay with me as I talk about the ingredients. I have researched a lot on how ingredients in HGH supplements work, and also how companies are willing to compromise on the quality of a product just to make quick bucks out of the popularity of HGH. Fact is, an HGH product can definitely change your life in positive ways, if it’s a quality product with quality ingredients. To finally get hold of one, you need some knowledge especially on how the product is supposed to work. Anyways, back to HGH Factor. Here are the issues in a nutshell – - Great customer support. - Positive reviews on the manufacturer’s website. - 30-day full return policy. - The ingredients are proven to enhance HGH production in the body. - There have been no clinical studies or authentic recommendations, at least not those I could find online. - All the information is usually only available on the website. There isn’t much on other sites. - It’s pricey considering all it contains is amino acids and Astragalus root + Ginseng. They call the Astragalus root + Ginseng as AstraGin complex. Sounds good, but it’s just two ingredients remotely connected to HGH. 4. Ginseng in HGH Factor is well known for its anti aging benefits, but its direct impact on HGH production is unknown. In fact, a 2002 study in the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research” found that ginseng ingestion did not produce any measurable change in any anabolic hormone production. 5. This product is majorly an amino acid product. Though amino acids are proven to enhance HGH production in the body, they are required in high doses to do so. Remember the 1200 mg study. They require other compounds to work in synergy to be able to sufficiently enhance Growth hormone levels if used in small amounts, especially ingredients that can block Somatostatin , otherwise the effect of amino acids is only going to be minimal. Other powerful ingredients would be GABA, GTF Chromium, Colostrum, etc. Unlike HGH Factor, HyperGH14x gives a huge emphasis on such ingredients. Using only amino acids to increase HGH production is not an effective strategy. So, HGH Factor is not as useful in enhancing HGH. 6. In my opinion, Deer antler velvet should be a part of any hGH product because it is a natural blend of several amino acids. And HGH itself is a peptide containing 91 amino acids. HGH Factor doesn’t contain Deer antler velvet. 7. A product that is supposed to be a world class in terms of results must use mechanisms to enhance and guarantee effective absorption of the ingredients. Fact is, when you take any supplement, a good amount of its ingredients get destroyed by your stomach acid. So, a supplement should include ingredients or methods that can enhance the absorption of other ingredients. Unfortunately, HGH Factor doesn’t do that. We cannot make any confident claim of whether HGH Factor is good or bad without more medical research. The website is quite informative and makes persuasive claims on the product’s abilities. However, seeing as there isn’t too much information about the product on third party sites is a red flag. Besides there are better HGH products out there in the same price range like HyperGH14x. Benefits of HyperGH14x . Contains Deer antler velvet – Deer antler velvet is a natural source of glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen. The body uses glucosamine to manufacture glycosaminoglycans that are found in cartilage tissue. Deer antler velvet also contains, including Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) – a hormone that’s produced in the liver as a response to growth hormone stimulation. IGF-1 (somatomedin C). Studies have shown that Exercise can induce growth hormone release and thus IGF-1. And both hormones promote growth and repair of skeletal muscle. At young age our body makes good HGH and IGF-1 levels. Both hormones actually go hand in hand. In the year 1974, two physicians from Russia established that Pantocrin, a velvet antler of Russian deer (which contained IGF-1), enhanced the effectiveness of the normal athlete. They significantly improved their workout capability. Today, athletes and bodybuilders resort to HGH to enhance their performance. There is a lot to talk about Deer antler velvet, mainly because of its uniqueness of being a comprehensive natural blend of amino acids and the fact that it contains igf-1. I’ve done quite a bit of research on it and if you’re serious about getting hgh benefits, don’t waste your time buying a product that doesn’t have this “rare gem” called ‘deer antler velvet’. . Contains GABA and Phosphatidyl Choline – GABA, or Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid, is a powerful amino acid that stimulates the production of HGH. It was first discovered in 1883 in Berlin and is classified as a neurotransmitter, which means it helps nerve impulses cross the synapses (gaps) and communicate better. It has a number of positive effects on the nervous system. GABA also has positive benefits on “deep sleep” and HGH is actually produced during the “deep sleep” cycle. There are several anti aging benefits of Phosphatidylcholine, often touted as the new wonder drug. It is the most abundant phospholipid component in all cells and is notably significant in keeping the brain cells healthy, so much so, that it is often given to people with brain related problems – dementia, memory loss, cognitive impairment etc. Both GABA and Phosphatidylcholine are great for overall “brain health” and enhancing the functions of neurons. So, this killer combination of Phosphatidylcholine and GABA can keep the hypotahalamus-pituitary region of brain really healthy and fit and enhance its productivity. And this region is where the production of HGH in your body takes place. .Contains Tribulus Terrestris – A favorite of bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts alike, Tribulus terrestris has been used in traditional medicine to treat sexual dysfunction and male infertility in Europe and Asia for many decades. Several studies have demonstrated its amazing benefits in building muscle mass, enhancing testosterone and the like. Other studies have suggested that Tribulus Terrestris also acts by increasing the level of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a naturally occurring substance in the body believed to be important for a healthy sex drive. DHEA is also taken by bodybuilders and works in synergy with HGH and Testosterone in the body to build muscle mass and for overall health and well-being. Studies demonstrate that Tribulus acts as a hormone modulator, so while other ingredients are working to enhance HGH, it acts by increasing other essential hormones like Testosterone and DHEA. This is great for endocrine balance and keeping HGH levels high even after you stop taking HyperGH14x. Besides , Testosterone and DHEA are themselves anti-aging hormones with their own unique benefits. . Comes with the oral spray of Alpha-GPC – HGH release can be increased dramatically during workouts while using Alpha-GPC and this leads to harder, stronger muscle contractions and greater muscle endurance. Alpha-GPC works via enhancing dopamine and blocking Somatostatin. . HyperGH14x uses enteric coating in their pills As discussed earlier, Enteric coating is essential for maximum absorption of the ingredients so that they don’t get destroyed by stomach acid. This is really advantageous for you as you know that you’re really getting in your body what you’re spending money on. Bottom line – What hgh supplement should you buy? If you’re really serious of getting all the HGH benefits like enhanced muscle mass, better sex drive, more energy and a fit and younger looking body, I advise you try Genf20 Plus and HyperGH14x which currently seems to the best product on the market in terms of results (proven medically) and ingredients. There are cheap products out there which usually contain less diverse ingredients and the results are also less dramatic. And then, of course there are cheap products (ingredients) but are marketed at expansive prices. What about side effects? Both HGH Factor and HyperGH14x are perfectly safe products without side effects.
Star Trek Fleet Command best crew combinations Deploying the right officers for your ships can be the difference between failure and victory. But what are the best crew combinations in Star Trek Fleet Command? The answer is below. OfficersBefore we go into the best crew combinations, we should talk about the Officers and their mechanics. Similar to how ships are in the game, officers also have stats (Health, Attack, Defense) and abilities. By collecting the required number of shards, they can be promoted and you can increase their maximum level cap. Higher level means better stats and improved abilities. Officers belong to factions, and based on that, they share some general characteristics and abilities as follows: - Federation: Officers of this faction are defense-oriented. - Ability: Morale - Klingon: Klingon Officers are mainly focused on attack. - Ability: Hull Breach - Romulan: This faction's Officers offer utility and health growth. - Ability: Burning ClassesRegardless of their faction, each officer can be one of the following three classes: In addition, they are also members of various groups. Like ships, their rarity varies from 'Uncommon' to 'Epic'. Based on that, they have a set number of traits that can be used on 'Away Team Assignments': - Uncommon: 0 - Common: 1 - Rare: 2 - Epic: 3 Every Officer has two skills. One is the 'Captain Maneuver' and the other is 'Officer Ability'. The maneuver can only be activated if they are assigned as the Captain of the ship. Deploying crew members of the same group, will provide a synergy bonus to the Captain's Maneuver ability, increasing its effectiveness. Diverse experience provides the most benefit to the Captain. Putting an officer of each class (but of the same group) on the bridge, will grant the maximum synergy bonus. Best Crews in Star Trek Flee CommandDepending on their abilities and traits, various crew combinations excel in certain aspects of the game compared to others. For example, a crew that increases the mining rate of gas is great for mining gas, obviously, but it's not beneficial when it comes to battle. Additionally, each faction complements the strengths of a certain ship type as follows: - Federation: Explorer - Klingon: Interceptor - Romulan: Battleship Synergy bonus, as powerful as it is, it's not everything in some cases. There are Officers abilities that work extremely well against a certain type of enemy, or compliment another officer, regardless of their group. So in that sense, we can't say that there's one crew that's the best at everything. For better or worst, that's not how Star Trek Fleet Command works. With that being said, let's see some of the best crew combinations in Star Trek Fleet Command for different game content. If you have these two, even at lower levels, you are set, at least when it comes to farming hostiles. Pike and Moreau are the core, but the 3rd member of your crew can be either Chen or T'Laan depending on the enemies you are facing. But of course, especially as a new player, it's more likely not to have Epic or even Rare officers. In that case, you can go with high level Cadet or Next Gen combinations.Cadet Uhura and Cadet McCoy, with Chen or T'Laan as the 3rd member. Another solid combo is Cadet Uhura with T'Laan and Instructor Spock if that's all you have. A Next Gen crew would look something like this: Next Gen La Forge and Next Gen Troi as the core members. The last member of the crew can be Next Gen Crusher, T'Laan, Instructor Spock, Siege CrewWhen it comes to taking down stations, going with the 'Khan's Crew' is your best choice. - Marla McGivers MiningWhen it comes to mining operations, combinations of these Officers are the most efficient. Ore Mining - 10 of 11 - 10 of 11 - 10 of 11 - 10 of 11 These are just some examples of great crew combinations against certain game content. Hopefully, with the information we've provided here, you can figure out on your own which of your available officers are the best for the ships that you have. Discover more Sci-Fi games on our top 25 Sci-fi games list for iOS and Android devices! If the strategic aspect of Star Trek: Fleet Command is what you enjoy the most, better check our top 25 strategy games list for Android and iOS systems!
This sterling silver raw Moldavite pendant is unique. The natural piece of Moldavite was set in a 4 prong setting by an artist in our studio. All of our Moldavite is genuine, sourced from the Czech Republic, and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Pendant Size: 18 x 9 x 8mm Pendant Weight: 1.6 grams Metal: .925 Sterling Silver Stone: Natural Moldavite Tektite, from the Czech Republic Certified: Yes, includes a signed Moldavite Life Certificate of Authenticity Chakras: All, Heart (4th), Third Eye (6th) Energies: Transformation, Clearing, Protection, Spiritual Evolution Moldavite is known as "the stone of transformation." It has a strong reputation for accelerating "change" for one's highest good and also increasing synchronicities. It brings rapid spiritual evolution while ushering in change necessary for alignment to one's path in life. Moldavite is considered a very protective stone. It is also used to connect and communicate with extra terrestrials or ETs. Moldavite is one of the Synergy 12 Stones as described by author Robert Simmons for activating the light body. What is the Moldavite Flush? When holding a piece for the first time, those sensitive to the energy of this stone often experience the "Moldavite Flush". It is usually felt as a mild sense of heat or tingling in the hand followed by a warm flushed feeling in the body. Sometimes it is felt as a sudden and spontaneous opening of the heart chakra while simultaneously clearing negative energy trapped in the the etheric body / light body. This experience can be intense for some, while others may feel nothing at all consciously. Often times people feel inexplicably drawn to buy Moldavite when they first learn of it. It is advised that those new to this stone's energy only work with it for short periods of time at first. Holding or carrying minerals like Shungite, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Black Obsidian, Jet, or an Iron Meteorite will aid in balancing and grounding the high vibration energy. Herkimer Diamonds and other quartz crystals help to stabilize and also sometimes amplify Moldavite's energy. It is always best to follow one's own inner guidance when working with crystals and minerals. About Moldavite: Science & History Moldavite is a very rare green Tektite that was created as a result of a meteor that fell to earth about 15 million years ago. While it is commonly referred to as a crystal, gemstone, or meteorite, it is actually none of these. Moldavite is a naturally occurring form of impact glass known as a Tektite. It is part earthly (made from the Earth's crust) and part extra terrestrial (meteorite-based). The intense heat generated upon impact of the meteorite with the earth instantly vaporized surrounding materials. This created a hot molten green glass-like silica-rich material that rained down to earth in a region now known as the Czech Republic. This is the only place in the world that Moldavite is found. It has been referred to as the gemstone that fell from heaven. Its beautiful green color, extra terrestrial origins, and thousands of people's extraordinary experiences with it have earned this stone quite a reputation. You will receive the exact pendant shown. A necklace is not included. Close-up photography is used in natural sunlight to show detail. The moldavite tektite may appear larger than actual size. Please see size listed for the dimensions. 1" = 25.4 millimeters.
Joel Corry, Rita Ora & MK join forces on late-summer anthem ‘Drinkin’: Listen An exciting collaboration that brings together the talents of Rita Ora, Joel Corry, and MK, resulting in the vibrant release of their newest track, ‘Drinkin‘ is released. In an eagerly anticipated move, Rita Ora and Joel Corry have joined forces with MK to drop their latest musical creation, ‘Drinkin’. The announcement, which was made via Instagram, created a buzz of excitement as the trio revealed the name of their upcoming single, set to be released on the 25th of August. Mere days after the announcement, the trio made good on their promise, releasing not only the track but also an accompanying visualizer video. The video treats viewers to glimpses of their electrifying performance at Ibiza Rocks, setting the perfect backdrop for the infectious beats of their new song. The song’s inspiration comes from a sample of Chance The Rapper’s hit ‘All Night,’ which Joel Corry has dubbed the “late summer 2023 banger we needed.” The fusion of these creative minds results in an undeniable energy that is poised to resonate with listeners. Joel Corry expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “As soon as I first flipped the ‘All Night’ sample, it instantly felt like a smash, and collaborating with MK is a dream for me. I’ve been a big fan for years and he’s been a huge inspiration to me throughout my career.” He further emphasized the icing on the cake: Rita Ora’s exceptional vocal contribution. Their friendship, cultivated over time, found its perfect outlet in the form of ‘Drinkin”, a track that encapsulates their synergy. This release marks a significant milestone as it is the first instance of collaboration between Joel and Rita. Despite this being their debut musical project together, both artists have been active on the music scene this year. Rita’s musical journey in 2023 includes ‘Praising You,’ a collaboration with Fatboy Slim, while Joel’s repertoire boasts ‘0800 Heaven,’ a high-energy piece featuring Nathan Dawe and Ella Henderson. The latter track has secured its place on Joel’s inaugural album, ‘Another Friday Night.’ ‘Drinkin’ from Joel Corry, MK, and Rita Ora delivers a fresh, pulsating track that is undoubtedly set to become a favorite as summer draws to a close. Take a listen if you haven’t already! Image Credit: Press / Provided by Warner Music
Recombinant Mouse SCF Achieve Purchasing Synergy Request a quote at firstname.lastname@example.org for 2 or more vials of any Growth Factor to receive a discount. Discounts range from 5 to 20% according to the size of your order. PODS® Growth FactorsThe product is currently not available as PODS®, please check back in the future. DescriptionStem Cell Factor (SCF) is a cytokine made by fibroblasts and endothelial cells. SCF binds to the receptor c-Kit/CD117 and plays a critical role in the maintenance, survival, and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells. Human SCF shows no activity on mouse cells, but mouse and rat SCF are active on human cells. Activity AssayMouse SCF is fully biologically active when compared to standard. The activity is determined by the dose-dependent proliferation of TF-1 cells and it is typically less than 20 ng/ml. This corresponds to an expected specific activity of 5 x 104 units/mg. AA SequenceMEGICRNRVT NNVKDVTKLV ANLPKDYMIT LKYVPGMDVL PSHCWISEMV VQLSDSLTDL LDKFSNISEG LSNYSIIDKL VNIVDDLVEC VKENSSKDLK KSFKSPEPRL FTPEEFFRIF NRSIDAFKDF VVASETSDCV VSSTLSPEKD SRVSVTKPFM LPPVA Alternative NamesStem Cell Factor, c-Kit Ligand, KL, steel factor, MGF |Molecular Weight||18.6 kDa| |Purity||≥95% determined by reducing and non-reducing SDS-PAGE| |Endotoxin Level||≤1.00 EU/μg as measured by kinetic LAL| |Formulation||Lyophilized from a sterile (0.2 micron) filtered aqueous solution containing 20 mM sodium phosphate, pH 6.5| |Reconstitution||Centrifuge vial before opening. When reconstituting the product, gently pipet and wash down the sides of the vial to ensure full recovery of the protein into solution. It is recommended to reconstitute the lyophilized product with sterile water at 0.1 mg/ml, which can be further diluted into other aqueous solutions.| |Stability and Storage|| 12 months from date of receipt when stored at -20°C to -80°C as supplied. 1 month when stored at 4°C after reconstituting as directed. 3 months when stored at -20°C to -80°C after reconstituting as directed.
June 16, 2023 (Vancouver, BC) — GeoComply Solutions Inc. (“GeoComply”), the market-leading geolocation, fraud, and risk solutions provider, won three awards at the EGR B2B Awards at The Roundhouse in London, UK, on June 8, 2023. GeoComply scooped the Compliance and KYC Services Supplier Award, while newly-acquired OneComply won the Corporate Services Supplier Award and the Services Rising Star Award. GeoComply Co-Founder and CEO Anna Sainsbury said, “It has been a massive year for us with several new markets opening. We’ve also launched new products, welcomed new clients and new institutional investors and completed our first corporate acquisition. So, it’s lovely to receive such incredible recognition. Thanks to all at EGR for a wonderful evening.” The judges recognised GeoComply’s commercial success, as well as the assistance GeoComply gives regulators and operators in opening new markets, acknowledging how GeoComply has risen to customers’ needs with new products such as IDComply, which has KYC pass rates of up to 96%, and how GeoComply responds to market challenges with its fraud and risk management team. OneComply Co-Founder and General Manager Cameron Conn added, “Winning two awards is a fantastic way to celebrate our arrival at GeoComply. It’s a fitting night with GeoComply adding a third award, demonstrating how we’re in synergy.” About GeoComply Solutions Inc. GeoComply provides fraud prevention and cybersecurity solutions that detect location fraud and help verify a user’s true digital identity. Trusted by leading brands and regulators for the past 10 years, the company’s geolocation solutions are installed on over 400 million devices and analyze over a billion transactions every month. Our award-winning products are based on the technologies developed for the highly regulated and complex US online gaming and sports betting market. Beyond iGaming, GeoComply provides geolocation fraud detection solutions for streaming video broadcasters and the online banking, payments and cryptocurrency industries, building an impressive list of customers, including Akamai, Amazon Prime Video, BBC, BetMGM, DraftKings, FanDuel, and Sightline. © 2023 GeoComply Solutions Inc. GEOCOMPLY, ONECOMPLY, and the GeoComply logo are trademarks of GeoComply Solutions Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other names or logos mentioned herein may be the trademarks of GeoComply or their respective owners. The absence of the symbols ™️ and ® in proximity to each trademark, or at all, herein is not a disclaimer of ownership of the related trademark. All rights reserved.
Vacant Positions – How Long is Too Long? A few days ago, I reached out to a new business contact to introduce myself and our company. They had several vacant positions in their group, one of which was posted to the LinkedIn news feed that day. When I asked how their recruiting efforts were going, they seemed rather content – mentioning that they typically “wait about 45 days to see what comes in” before taking more active measures to fill vacant positions. Wow, really? We’re going to post and pray for 6 weeks before taking proactive steps to hire? Based on my 15+ years in corporate HR leadership roles, I can’t say that I was surprised. But after a couple of years on the consulting side, their thinking really struck me – I can’t imagine getting a job order and just hoping that a good one “comes in” to our website posting after 45 days before taking proactive steps to source, screen, interview and submit top candidates to our clients. So, why did my contact think that 45 days and a “post and pray” strategy is considered a reasonable approach? After a bit of research, it turns out that their thinking seems to be consistent with what’s happening in typical corporate talent acquisition today, and they may be even more aggressive than others! Recent research by CEB, a global best-practice insights and services company, indicates that the average time-to-fill for white-collar positions is now 68 business days, an increase of 26 business days over 2010. Longer process, but better hires? Not quite… Well, since we’re taking more time to fill these positions, we must be doing a better job selecting the best candidate, right? Wrong. CEB’s research also indicates that optimum quality of hire tends to occur at around 31 business days, and after that, the quality of hire begins to diminish. Well, it doesn’t cost us anything to do this, so what’s the harm, it’s not hitting our HR budget! Ironically, that part is likely true – vacancy costs don’t typically hit HR’s budget. The true impact of vacancy cost hits the hiring department’s productivity, synergy, output, and turnover, but these “soft costs” don’t register directly in the accounting budgets that we track in corporate FP&A exercises each month. So, what difference does it make? The true organizational cost of maintaining a vacancy for several weeks is staggering – but since it’s not included in quarterly financials, we pay virtually no attention this tremendous drain on organizational output. Research cited in a LinkedIn content article indicates that, in 2014, the calculated vacancy cost for an Accountant earning a salary of $59,000 per year equates to a monthly minimum of $9,800, while the vacancy cost calculated for a Manager earning $91,000 annually rises to a minimum of $15,100 per month. Let that sink in for a moment. Is that in any department’s budget? No, we just assume that’s what it takes, we can’t do any better, and the under-staffed team just has to cope with it. Is that really our hiring strategy? What does leaving a position vacant really cost? So, back to my conversation. My contact is willing to wait 45 days (1.5 months) to begin taking active efforts to fill their manager-level vacancy (salary well over $91k). This means that the company is going to incur more than $22,500 in organizational costs ($15.1k x 1.5 months, or 24.7% of annual salary) before corporate practices and expectations force them to take proactive steps to fill the position. And even then, the full hiring cycle must still occur to close the vacancy, resulting in an additional 23 days at a minimum to fill the position (68 days per CEB, less 45 days “passive time”). That’s roughly another $15.1k in vacancy costs, for a total of $37,600 (41.3% of annual salary) for each white-collar position filled using the “typical” timelines and cost calculations noted above. So, we’re paying 41.3% of salary in vacancy costs – wow. Let’s get this straight: We’re taking longer to do a worse job in selecting the right person for the job, with no understanding or regard for the actual cost of allowing a position to remain open for an extended period. Folks, something is broken in the typical corporate recruiting model when we’re generating hiring expectations, timelines and incurred costs like these. But hey, it’s not hitting HR’s budget – a pretty good person comes along eventually, right? They’ll have to wait. That is an outdated and inaccurate way of thinking that simply does not work in today’s highly competitive talent market. Taking a passive approach to hiring increases time to fill, negatively impacts the department and costs us the opportunity to connect with and potentially hire scores of qualified candidates (who were just hired by our competitors using a more proactive talent acquisition strategy, by the way). A passive approach just won’t do. Ask your hiring manager these questions: 1) Would you rather wait 68 days to fill a position, or would your team be better off getting that position filled in 30 days or less? 2) What negative outcomes will result from keeping the position open for that additional 6 weeks? See what the hiring manager says, and then reevaluate whether the passive “68 business days to fill” hiring model is working. At Becker Wright Consultants, we strive to provide 2-3 on-target candidates within about 7 – 10 business days of receiving a signed contract and job order, and we don’t often miss that internal goal. That’s the difference in working with a team of experienced, professional recruiters. We leverage our internal network of contacts, source dozens of passive candidates, screen and interview effectively, and work tirelessly to get top talent in front of our clients’ hiring managers within a couple of weeks, and sooner in many cases. Reach out to us today so that we can change your company’s hiring expectations – 68 days is way too long!