Time will bring you your reward :
Try, try, try again.
All that other people do :
Why, with patience, should not you?
Only keep this rule in view--
Try, try, try again.'
And now, as you walk around the show, keep your eyes and ears open to gain all possible information. You will meet with many of greater experience than yourself--the best bee-keepers of the county, and you will always find them ready to give you kind words and advice. Bee-keepers, like their bees, try to help one another, and to work for one common end.
And then, having thoroughly examined all the exhibition tent contains, you will visit the 'bee-tent' where, safe from attack behind the gauze net, many will be gathered to witness some expert engaged in driving bees, and transferring them from a skep. You will hear him also explain some of the wonders of the hive, and the best way of practical management. Observe and listen carefully, and you will pick up many a hint to be brought into practice afterwards.
And thus, amidst beautiful flowers making the air sweet, and amidst bees, and honey, and pleasant friends, and cheerful faces, and in listening to the band, you will spend a happy day, and, when evening comes, will return once more to your home and hives, all the better for having mixed with others, and gathered experience, and all the more, I think, loving your bees because understanding them better.
And this interest will not flag in future years. On the contrary, I think, as years pass away, you will be all the more attached and devoted to bee-keeping. There will be ever a growing interest, not simply for profit sake, but because you will ever find more and more to learn, fresh wonders from time to time, wonders of bee life, wonders of bee instinct, wonders amidst the honey-giving flowers, each one more clearly unfolding the wisdom and goodness of the great Creator, who desires that we should enjoy to the full the rich and countless gifts of Nature so freely bestowed upon us all.
Printed by Strangeways & Sons, Tower Street, Upper St. Martin's Lane.
Weils Gardner, Darton, & Co.'s
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