90 values
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 423. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 'INDIAN CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003442340 is '4S OF CORTLAND'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 40 degrees 26 minutes 35.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 96 degrees 42 minutes 11.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1960. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003442340 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 18.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 18.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 7.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 28.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 16.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2 - 20.0 - 29.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 18.9. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 921. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003442340 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003442340 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003442340 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1983.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 9 - Other. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 9 - Other. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003442340 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003442340 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003442340 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 141.75. The para of bridge with structure number C003442340 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 423. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 'INDIAN CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003442340 is '4S OF CORTLAND'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 40 degrees 26 minutes 35.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 96 degrees 42 minutes 11.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1960. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003442340 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 18.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 18.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 7.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 28.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 16.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2 - 20.0 - 29.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 18.9. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 921. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003442340 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003442340 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003442340 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003442340 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1983.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 9 - Other. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 9 - Other. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003442340 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003442340 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003442340 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003442340 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003442340 is 141.75. .
What is the Deck Condition Rating for the bridge with structure numberC003442340
6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 00P57. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 111. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 'MEDICINE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005605703P is '.25 S WELLFLEET'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 40 degrees 44 minutes 42.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 100 degrees 43 minutes 48.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 100. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2001. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2001. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005605703P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8.7. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 43.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 26.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005605703P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005605703P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005605703P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005605703P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005605703P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005605703P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 59. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005605703P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005605703P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 79.17. The para of bridge with structure number C005605703P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 00P57. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 111. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 'MEDICINE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005605703P is '.25 S WELLFLEET'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 40 degrees 44 minutes 42.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 100 degrees 43 minutes 48.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 100. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2001. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2001. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005605703P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8.7. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 43.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 26.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005605703P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005605703P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005605703P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005605703P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005605703P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005605703P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005605703P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 59. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005605703P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005605703P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005605703P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005605703P is 79.17. .
What is the Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC005605703P
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 55. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 101. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 'SUTHERLAND CANAL'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005115505 is '2.5SE OF KEYSTONE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 41 degrees 11 minutes 13.200000000011642 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 101 degrees 32 minutes 31.199999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 20. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1969. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005115505 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - 20.0 - 29.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 15.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1121. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 60. The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 223.0. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005115505 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1998.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Other. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005115505 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005115505 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005115505 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 124.82. The para of bridge with structure number C005115505 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 55. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 101. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 'SUTHERLAND CANAL'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005115505 is '2.5SE OF KEYSTONE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 41 degrees 11 minutes 13.200000000011642 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 101 degrees 32 minutes 31.199999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 20. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1969. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005115505 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - 20.0 - 29.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 15.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1121. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 60. The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 223.0. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005115505 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1998.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Other. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005115505 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005115505 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005115505 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 124.82. .
What is the Length of Structure Improvement (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC005115505
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 7734. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 'COLL 7734'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003403805 is '3N .3E OF ELLIS'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 3.587. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 40 degrees 15 minutes 48.59999999997672 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 96 degrees 52 minutes 19.92000000004191 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 130. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 9.8. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003403805 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 10.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.2. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.2. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 7.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 30.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 18.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2 - 20.0 - 29.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 10.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 921. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003403805 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003403805 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403805 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 9 - Other. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 9 - Other. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003403805 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 221. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003403805 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003403805 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 73.73. The para of bridge with structure number C003403805 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 7734. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 'COLL 7734'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003403805 is '3N .3E OF ELLIS'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 3.587. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 40 degrees 15 minutes 48.59999999997672 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 96 degrees 52 minutes 19.92000000004191 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 130. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 9.8. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003403805 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 10.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.2. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.2. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 7.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 30.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 18.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2 - 20.0 - 29.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 10.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 921. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003403805 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003403805 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403805 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403805 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 9 - Other. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 9 - Other. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003403805 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 221. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403805 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003403805 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003403805 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003403805 is 73.73. .
What is the County/Parish Code for the bridge with structure numberC003403805
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 7539. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 'EAST 26TH STREET'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000101430 is '1920 EAST 26TH STREET'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.003. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 40 degrees 36 minutes 41.40000000002328 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 98 degrees 21 minutes 15.119999999995343 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1999. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 135. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8.2. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000101430 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 9.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 9.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 9.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 10.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000101430 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000101430 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 822. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000101430 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000101430 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000101430 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000101430 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 229. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000101430 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000101430 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 97.76. The para of bridge with structure number C000101430 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 7539. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 'EAST 26TH STREET'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000101430 is '1920 EAST 26TH STREET'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.003. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 40 degrees 36 minutes 41.40000000002328 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 98 degrees 21 minutes 15.119999999995343 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1999. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 135. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8.2. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000101430 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 9.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 9.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 9.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 10.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000101430 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000101430 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 822. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000101430 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000101430 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000101430 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000101430 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000101430 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 229. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000101430 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000101430 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000101430 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000101430 is 97.76. .
What is the Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health for the bridge with structure numberC000101430
1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 37. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 121. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 'SILVER CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006103705 is '2.5E 5.4N CENTRAL CITY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 41 degrees 12 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 97 degrees 56 minutes 35.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1983. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006103705 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 3.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 15.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1121. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006103705 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006103705 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006103705 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 141.05. The para of bridge with structure number C006103705 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 37. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 121. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 'SILVER CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006103705 is '2.5E 5.4N CENTRAL CITY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 41 degrees 12 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 97 degrees 56 minutes 35.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1983. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006103705 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 3.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 15.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1121. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006103705 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006103705 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006103705 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 141.05. .
What is the Highway District for the bridge with structure numberC006103705
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 44. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 61. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 'CRYSTAL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003104405 is '20 1/2 & D'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 40 degrees 2 minutes 48.11999999999534 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99 degrees 10 minutes 12.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1984. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - M 13.5 or H 15. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 30 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003104405 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 82.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 49.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003104405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 59. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003104405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003104405 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 62.05. The para of bridge with structure number C003104405 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 44. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 61. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 'CRYSTAL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003104405 is '20 1/2 & D'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 40 degrees 2 minutes 48.11999999999534 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99 degrees 10 minutes 12.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1984. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - M 13.5 or H 15. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 30 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003104405 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 82.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 49.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003104405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 59. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003104405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003104405 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 62.05. .
What is the Deck Geometry Rating for the bridge with structure numberC003104405
6 - Equal to present minimum criteria
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 147. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 99. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 'SAND CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005014705 is '43 1000 CNTY RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005014705 is '.6N 2.3E NORMAN'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 40 degrees 29 minutes 17.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 98 degrees 44 minutes 35.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1985. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 20 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005014705 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 6.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 18.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 9.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 39.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005014705 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005014705 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005014705 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005014705 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005014705 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005014705 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005014705 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005014705 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 164.7. The para of bridge with structure number C005014705 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 147. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 99. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 'SAND CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005014705 is '43 1000 CNTY RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005014705 is '.6N 2.3E NORMAN'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 40 degrees 29 minutes 17.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 98 degrees 44 minutes 35.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1985. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 20 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005014705 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 6.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 18.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 9.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 39.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005014705 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005014705 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005014705 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005014705 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005014705 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005014705 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005014705 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005014705 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005014705 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005014705 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005014705 is 164.7. .
What is the Flared Structure for the bridge with structure numberC005014705
0 - No
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3190. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 'AMES CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001424750 is '575TH AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 'JCT N12/N57 1.5N 3.1E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1.366. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 42 degrees 43 minutes 28.55999999999767 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 97 degrees 2 minutes 5.28000000002794 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1978. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 90. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001424750 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 15.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 65.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 39.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001424750 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001424750 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001424750 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 146.94. The para of bridge with structure number C001424750 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3190. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 'AMES CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001424750 is '575TH AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 'JCT N12/N57 1.5N 3.1E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1.366. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 42 degrees 43 minutes 28.55999999999767 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 97 degrees 2 minutes 5.28000000002794 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1978. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 90. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001424750 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 15.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 65.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 39.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001424750 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001424750 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001424750 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 146.94. .
What is the Deck Condition Rating for the bridge with structure numberC001424750
5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 7149. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 5. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 33. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 'CO RD 121 MI 12102'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001705101 is '3.5E 9.5S SIDNEY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.122. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 41 degrees 0 minutes 42.84000000002561 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 102 degrees 54 minutes 24.479999999981374 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 100. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1964. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 120. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001705101 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 9.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 6.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 7 - Shrinkage cracks, light scaling, and insignificant spalling which does not expose reinforcing steel. Insignificant damage caused by drift with no misalignment and not requiring corrective action. Some minor scouring has occurred near curtain walls, wingwalls, or pipes. Metal culverts have a smooth symmetrical curvature with superficial corrosion and no pitting.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001705101 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001705101 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1121. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001705101 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001705101 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001705101 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001705101 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 204. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001705101 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001705101 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 56.95. The para of bridge with structure number C001705101 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 7149. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 5. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 33. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 'CO RD 121 MI 12102'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001705101 is '3.5E 9.5S SIDNEY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.122. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 41 degrees 0 minutes 42.84000000002561 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 102 degrees 54 minutes 24.479999999981374 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 100. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1964. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 120. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001705101 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 9.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 6.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 7 - Shrinkage cracks, light scaling, and insignificant spalling which does not expose reinforcing steel. Insignificant damage caused by drift with no misalignment and not requiring corrective action. Some minor scouring has occurred near curtain walls, wingwalls, or pipes. Metal culverts have a smooth symmetrical curvature with superficial corrosion and no pitting.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001705101 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001705101 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1121. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001705101 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001705101 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001705101 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001705101 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001705101 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 204. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001705101 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001705101 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001705101 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001705101 is 56.95. .
What is the Deck Area for the bridge with structure numberC001705101
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 7912. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 25. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 'COLL 7912'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001302840 is '7.5E WEEPING WATER'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.048. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 40 degrees 52 minutes 16.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 95 degrees 59 minutes 30.479999999981374 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001302840 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 10.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 11.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 11.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001302840 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001302840 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 93. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001302840 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001302840 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 66.0. The para of bridge with structure number C001302840 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 7912. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 25. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 'COLL 7912'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001302840 is '7.5E WEEPING WATER'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.048. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 40 degrees 52 minutes 16.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 95 degrees 59 minutes 30.479999999981374 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001302840 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 10.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 11.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 11.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001302840 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001302840 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 93. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001302840 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001302840 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 66.0. .
What is the Federal Agency for the bridge with structure numberC001302840
N - No
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 121. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006101405 is '13E N14 NANCE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 41 degrees 18 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 97 degrees 43 minutes 59.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1984. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 25. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 45 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006101405 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 11.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006101405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 35. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006101405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006101405 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 93.5. The para of bridge with structure number C006101405 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 121. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006101405 is '13E N14 NANCE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 41 degrees 18 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 97 degrees 43 minutes 59.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1984. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 25. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 45 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006101405 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 11.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006101405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 35. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006101405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006101405 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 93.5. .
What is the Submitted By for the bridge with structure numberC006101405
31 - State Toll Authority
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 20. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 59. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003002020 is '4.8S 1E EXETER'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 40 degrees 34 minutes 5.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 97 degrees 24 minutes 54.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2008. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 50. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003002020 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 3.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 11.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003002020 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003002020 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003002020 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003002020 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 85. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003002020 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003002020 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 98.6. The para of bridge with structure number C003002020 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 20. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 59. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003002020 is '4.8S 1E EXETER'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 40 degrees 34 minutes 5.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 97 degrees 24 minutes 54.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2008. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 50. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003002020 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 3.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 11.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003002020 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003002020 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003002020 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003002020 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003002020 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 85. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003002020 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003002020 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003002020 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003002020 is 98.6. .
What is the Owner for the bridge with structure numberC003002020
2 - Unknown
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 44. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 61. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 'CRYSTAL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003104405 is '20 1/2 & D'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 40 degrees 2 minutes 48.11999999999534 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99 degrees 10 minutes 12.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1984. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - M 13.5 or H 15. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 30 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003104405 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 82.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 49.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003104405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 59. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003104405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003104405 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 62.05. The para of bridge with structure number C003104405 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 44. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 61. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 'CRYSTAL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003104405 is '20 1/2 & D'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 40 degrees 2 minutes 48.11999999999534 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99 degrees 10 minutes 12.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1984. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - M 13.5 or H 15. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 30 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003104405 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 82.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 49.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003104405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003104405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 59. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003104405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003104405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003104405 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003104405 is 62.05. .
What is the Parallel Structure Designation for the bridge with structure numberC003104405
N - No parallel structure exists.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 75. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 57. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 'MUDDY CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 'AVE 348'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002917705 is '3E 3.5N OF MAX'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 40 degrees 10 minutes 1.9199999999837019 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 101 degrees 20 minutes 38.76000000000931 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 190. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1989. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 45. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2020. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 40 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002917705 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2 - Concrete continuous. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 11.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 28.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 9.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 63.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 37.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002917705 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002917705 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 822. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002917705 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002917705 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002917705 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 5.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002917705 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 45. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2026. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002917705 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002917705 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 260.36. The para of bridge with structure number C002917705 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 75. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 57. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 'MUDDY CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 'AVE 348'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002917705 is '3E 3.5N OF MAX'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 40 degrees 10 minutes 1.9199999999837019 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 101 degrees 20 minutes 38.76000000000931 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 190. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1989. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 45. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2020. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 40 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002917705 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2 - Concrete continuous. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 11.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 28.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 9.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 63.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 37.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002917705 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002917705 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 822. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002917705 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002917705 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002917705 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002917705 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 5.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002917705 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 45. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 2026. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002917705 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002917705 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002917705 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002917705 is 260.36. .
What is the Features for the bridge with structure numberC002917705
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 19. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'BATTLE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901925 is '7.5S 3W OF BATTLE CREEK'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 41 degrees 53 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 97 degrees 39 minutes 32.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - 30.0 - 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1970.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901925 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 29. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901925 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901925 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 94.24. The para of bridge with structure number C005901925 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 19. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'BATTLE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901925 is '7.5S 3W OF BATTLE CREEK'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 41 degrees 53 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 97 degrees 39 minutes 32.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - 30.0 - 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1970.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901925 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 29. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901925 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901925 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 94.24. .
What is the Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC005901925
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 'PEARL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001400910 is '556TH AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001400910 is '4N 3E OF MAGNET'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 42 degrees 31 minutes 19.55999999999767 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 97 degrees 24 minutes 23.760000000009313 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1950. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001400910 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 8.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.9. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001400910 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9 - Other. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001400910 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7 - Countermeasures have been installed to correct a previously existing problem with scour. Bridge is no longer scour critical.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001400910 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001400910 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 37.92. The para of bridge with structure number C001400910 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 'PEARL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001400910 is '556TH AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001400910 is '4N 3E OF MAGNET'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 42 degrees 31 minutes 19.55999999999767 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 97 degrees 24 minutes 23.760000000009313 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1950. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001400910 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 8.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.9. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001400910 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9 - Other. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001400910 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7 - Countermeasures have been installed to correct a previously existing problem with scour. Bridge is no longer scour critical.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001400910 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001400910 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 37.92. .
What is the Structural Evaluation Rating for the bridge with structure numberC001400910
2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 45. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 'Mirage Flats Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 'Lembke Rd'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is '25.8 mi S-SE of Chadron'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.62. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 42 degrees 28 minutes 3.8800000000046566 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 102 degrees 52 minutes 19.56000000005588 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 17. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1945. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - M 9 or H 10. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 20 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 11.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.1. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 38 - Other structural work, including hydraulic replacements.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 45.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 21.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 65.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2019.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Bridge is scour critical; field review indicates that extensive scour has occurred at bridge foundations. Immediate action is required to provide scour countermeasures.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 54.39. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 45. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 'Mirage Flats Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 'Lembke Rd'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is '25.8 mi S-SE of Chadron'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.62. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 42 degrees 28 minutes 3.8800000000046566 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 102 degrees 52 minutes 19.56000000005588 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 17. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1945. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - M 9 or H 10. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 20 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 11.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.1. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 38 - Other structural work, including hydraulic replacements.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 45.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 21.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 65.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2019.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Bridge is scour critical; field review indicates that extensive scour has occurred at bridge foundations. Immediate action is required to provide scour countermeasures.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 54.39. .
What is the Place Code for the bridge with structure numberNKA-MF-002
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 227. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 61. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 'FRANKLIN CANAL'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003122705 is '33 H'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 40 degrees 6 minutes 11.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 98 degrees 56 minutes 12.119999999995343 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1952. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 10 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003122705 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 7.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 10.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 10.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 7.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 8.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 25.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003122705 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003122705 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003122705 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003122705 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003122705 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1982.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003122705 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 34. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003122705 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003122705 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 85.6. The para of bridge with structure number C003122705 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 227. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 61. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 'FRANKLIN CANAL'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003122705 is '33 H'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 40 degrees 6 minutes 11.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 98 degrees 56 minutes 12.119999999995343 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1952. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 10 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003122705 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 7.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 10.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 10.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 7.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 8.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 25.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003122705 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003122705 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003122705 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003122705 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003122705 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003122705 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1982.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003122705 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 34. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003122705 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003122705 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003122705 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003122705 is 85.6. .
What is the Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded for the bridge with structure numberC003122705
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 25. The Direction of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 97. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 'BADGER BRANCH'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C004902520 is '.5S 2.2W OF TECUMSEH'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 40 degrees 21 minutes 32.039999999979045 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 96 degrees 14 minutes 11.400000000023283 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 70. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C004902520 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 14.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.7. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 921. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C004902520 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C004902520 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Bridge is scour critical; bridge foundations determined to be unstable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 119. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C004902520 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C004902520 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 75.35. The para of bridge with structure number C004902520 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 25. The Direction of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 97. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 'BADGER BRANCH'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C004902520 is '.5S 2.2W OF TECUMSEH'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 40 degrees 21 minutes 32.039999999979045 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 96 degrees 14 minutes 11.400000000023283 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 70. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C004902520 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 14.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.7. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 921. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C004902520 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C004902520 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Bridge is scour critical; bridge foundations determined to be unstable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 119. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C004902520 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C004902520 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 75.35. .
What is the Federal Agency for the bridge with structure numberC004902520
N - No
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 111. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 107. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 'N BR VERDIGRIS CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005411120 is '8.5W 1.2N OF VERDIGRE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 42 degrees 36 minutes 50.76000000000931 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 27.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 80. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005411120 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 10 - Truss - Thru. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Steel. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 22.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 30.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 17.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 10.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 30.5. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 24. The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1021.0. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005411120 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1965.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005411120 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 26. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005411120 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005411120 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 166.1. The para of bridge with structure number C005411120 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 111. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 107. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 'N BR VERDIGRIS CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005411120 is '8.5W 1.2N OF VERDIGRE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 42 degrees 36 minutes 50.76000000000931 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 27.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 80. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005411120 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 10 - Truss - Thru. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Steel. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 22.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 30.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 17.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 10.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 30.5. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 24. The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1021.0. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005411120 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1965.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005411120 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 26. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005411120 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005411120 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 166.1. .
What is the Lowest Rating for the bridge with structure numberC005411120
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 880. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 17. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 'Ainsworth Canal Lateral'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is '880th Rd'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is '2.9 mi NE of Johnstown'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 42 degrees 34 minutes 42.76000000000931 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 100 degrees 0 minutes 10.42000000004191 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 320. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 1963. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2 - M 13.5 or H 15. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7.0. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 5.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 10.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.1. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.1. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 32.4. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 21.6. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 6. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 79.18. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 880. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 17. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 'Ainsworth Canal Lateral'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is '880th Rd'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is '2.9 mi NE of Johnstown'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 42 degrees 34 minutes 42.76000000000931 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 100 degrees 0 minutes 10.42000000004191 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 320. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 1963. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2010. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2 - M 13.5 or H 15. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7.0. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 5.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 10.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.1. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.1. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 32.4. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 21.6. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 6. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-AINS-023 is 79.18. .
What is the Substructure Condition Rating for the bridge with structure numberNKA-AINS-023
6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3140. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 51. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'LOGAN CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'FAS 3140'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'JCT US20/N116 3S 1E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.494. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 42 degrees 25 minutes 25.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 97 degrees 0 minutes 59.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1989. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 190. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 20 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002604205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 14.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 15.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 50.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 29.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002604205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 115. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002604205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002604205 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 131.75. The para of bridge with structure number C002604205 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3140. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 51. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'LOGAN CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'FAS 3140'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'JCT US20/N116 3S 1E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.494. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 42 degrees 25 minutes 25.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 97 degrees 0 minutes 59.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1989. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 190. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 20 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002604205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 14.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 15.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 50.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 29.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002604205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 115. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002604205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002604205 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 131.75. .
What is the Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC002604205
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 236. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 47. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 'BUFFALO CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 'COUNTY ROAD 757'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002423605 is '5.5E 1N OF LEXINGTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 40 degrees 48 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 99 degrees 37 minutes 30.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2014. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002423605 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 30 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002423605 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 4.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 13.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 9.4. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002423605 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002423605 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002423605 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002423605 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002423605 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002423605 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 111.35. The para of bridge with structure number C002423605 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 236. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 47. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 'BUFFALO CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 'COUNTY ROAD 757'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002423605 is '5.5E 1N OF LEXINGTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 40 degrees 48 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 99 degrees 37 minutes 30.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2014. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002423605 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 30 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002423605 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 4.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 13.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 9.4. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002423605 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002423605 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002423605 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002423605 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002423605 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002423605 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002423605 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002423605 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002423605 is 111.35. .
What is the Design Load for the bridge with structure numberC002423605
A - Unknown
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 19. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'BATTLE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901925 is '7.5S 3W OF BATTLE CREEK'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 41 degrees 53 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 97 degrees 39 minutes 32.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - 30.0 - 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1970.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901925 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 29. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901925 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901925 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 94.24. The para of bridge with structure number C005901925 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 19. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'BATTLE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901925 is '7.5S 3W OF BATTLE CREEK'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 41 degrees 53 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 97 degrees 39 minutes 32.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - 30.0 - 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1970.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901925 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 29. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901925 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901925 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 94.24. .
What is the Special Inspection Interval for the bridge with structure numberC005901925
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 00P18. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 107. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 'STEEL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005401805P is '891ST RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005401805P is '4W 4.5S OF VERDEL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 42 degrees 44 minutes 58.9199999999837 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 98 degrees 17 minutes 9.239999999990687 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 160. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2016. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2022. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005401805P is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005401805P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 45.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 35.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005401805P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005401805P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 30. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005401805P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005401805P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 150.75. The para of bridge with structure number C005401805P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 00P18. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 107. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 'STEEL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005401805P is '891ST RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005401805P is '4W 4.5S OF VERDEL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 42 degrees 44 minutes 58.9199999999837 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 98 degrees 17 minutes 9.239999999990687 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 160. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2016. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2022. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005401805P is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005401805P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 45.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 35.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005401805P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005401805P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 30. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005401805P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005401805P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 150.75. .
What is the Direction for the bridge with structure numberC005401805P
0 - Not Applicable
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Other. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'SCOTT CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'PRIVATE DRIVEWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000102713P is '2N 1.5W AYR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 40 degrees 28 minutes 0.47999999998137355 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 98 degrees 28 minutes 16.680000000051223 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 999. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000102713P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Bridge is scour critical; bridge foundations determined to be unstable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000102713P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 96.94. The para of bridge with structure number C000102713P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Other. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'SCOTT CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'PRIVATE DRIVEWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000102713P is '2N 1.5W AYR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 40 degrees 28 minutes 0.47999999998137355 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 98 degrees 28 minutes 16.680000000051223 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 999. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000102713P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Bridge is scour critical; bridge foundations determined to be unstable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000102713P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 96.94. .
What is the Record Type for the bridge with structure numberC000102713P
1 - Route carried on the structure
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 45. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 'Mirage Flats Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 'Lembke Rd'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is '25.8 mi S-SE of Chadron'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.62. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 42 degrees 28 minutes 3.8800000000046566 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 102 degrees 52 minutes 19.56000000005588 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 17. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1945. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - M 9 or H 10. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 20 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 11.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.1. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 38 - Other structural work, including hydraulic replacements.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 45.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 21.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 65.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2019.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Bridge is scour critical; field review indicates that extensive scour has occurred at bridge foundations. Immediate action is required to provide scour countermeasures.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 54.39. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 45. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 'Mirage Flats Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 'Lembke Rd'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is '25.8 mi S-SE of Chadron'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.62. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 42 degrees 28 minutes 3.8800000000046566 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 102 degrees 52 minutes 19.56000000005588 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 17. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1945. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - M 9 or H 10. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 20 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 11.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 4.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3.1. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 38 - Other structural work, including hydraulic replacements.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 45.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 21.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 65.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2019.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2 - Bridge is scour critical; field review indicates that extensive scour has occurred at bridge foundations. Immediate action is required to provide scour countermeasures.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-MF-002 is 54.39. .
What is the Service Level for the bridge with structure numberNKA-MF-002
8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 00P23. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 109. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 'STREAM (T 22)'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 'SO. 25TH ST.'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 'JCT US77/N33 2.3N .7E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 40 degrees 41 minutes 16.080000000016298 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 96 degrees 41 minutes 25.43999999994412 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1967. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 145. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1999. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005502320P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 7.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 7 - Shrinkage cracks, light scaling, and insignificant spalling which does not expose reinforcing steel. Insignificant damage caused by drift with no misalignment and not requiring corrective action. Some minor scouring has occurred near curtain walls, wingwalls, or pipes. Metal culverts have a smooth symmetrical curvature with superficial corrosion and no pitting.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005502320P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005502320P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 421. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005502320P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005502320P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005502320P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1991.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005502320P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 246. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005502320P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005502320P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 62.05. The para of bridge with structure number C005502320P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 00P23. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 109. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 'STREAM (T 22)'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 'SO. 25TH ST.'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 'JCT US77/N33 2.3N .7E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 40 degrees 41 minutes 16.080000000016298 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 96 degrees 41 minutes 25.43999999994412 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1967. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 145. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1999. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005502320P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 7.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 7 - Shrinkage cracks, light scaling, and insignificant spalling which does not expose reinforcing steel. Insignificant damage caused by drift with no misalignment and not requiring corrective action. Some minor scouring has occurred near curtain walls, wingwalls, or pipes. Metal culverts have a smooth symmetrical curvature with superficial corrosion and no pitting.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005502320P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005502320P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 421. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005502320P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005502320P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005502320P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1991.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005502320P is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005502320P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 246. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005502320P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005502320P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005502320P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005502320P is 62.05. .
What is the Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating for the bridge with structure numberC005502320P
8 - Equal to present desirable criteria
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2250. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'PLUM CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'FAS 2250'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'JCT N52/N91 3N 2.7E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5.697. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 41 degrees 43 minutes 34.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 9.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 100. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1930. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 35 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 51.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 30.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1983.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000602810 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000602810 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000602810 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 86.87. The para of bridge with structure number C000602810 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2250. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'PLUM CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'FAS 2250'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'JCT N52/N91 3N 2.7E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5.697. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 41 degrees 43 minutes 34.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 9.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 100. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1930. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 35 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 51.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 30.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1983.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000602810 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000602810 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000602810 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 86.87. .
What is the Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) for the bridge with structure numberC000602810
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 121. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 'WARM SLOUGH'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006100910 is '2W .3S CHAPMAN'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 41 degrees 0 minutes 54.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 24.119999999995343 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1995. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006100910 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 4. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 10.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006100910 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006100910 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006100910 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006100910 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006100910 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006100910 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 42. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006100910 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006100910 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 75.92. The para of bridge with structure number C006100910 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 121. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 'WARM SLOUGH'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006100910 is '2W .3S CHAPMAN'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 41 degrees 0 minutes 54.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 24.119999999995343 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1995. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006100910 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 4. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 10.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006100910 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006100910 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006100910 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006100910 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006100910 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006100910 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006100910 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 42. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006100910 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006100910 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006100910 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006100910 is 75.92. .
What is the Lanes of Traffic On the Structure for the bridge with structure numberC006100910
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 211. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 'SOAP CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 'SW 72 ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003421145 is '2S 2E OF CLATONIA'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 40 degrees 26 minutes 6.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 96 degrees 49 minutes 0.11999999999534339 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2010. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 7.6. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 10 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003421145 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003421145 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003421145 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003421145 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003421145 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003421145 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003421145 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 69.16. The para of bridge with structure number C003421145 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 211. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 'SOAP CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 'SW 72 ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003421145 is '2S 2E OF CLATONIA'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 40 degrees 26 minutes 6.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 96 degrees 49 minutes 0.11999999999534339 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2010. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 7.6. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 10 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003421145 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003421145 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003421145 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003421145 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003421145 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003421145 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003421145 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003421145 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003421145 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003421145 is 69.16. .
What is the Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) for the bridge with structure numberC003421145
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 25. The Direction of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 97. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 'BADGER BRANCH'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C004902520 is '.5S 2.2W OF TECUMSEH'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 40 degrees 21 minutes 32.039999999979045 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 96 degrees 14 minutes 11.400000000023283 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 70. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C004902520 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 14.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.7. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 921. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C004902520 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C004902520 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Bridge is scour critical; bridge foundations determined to be unstable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 119. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C004902520 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C004902520 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 75.35. The para of bridge with structure number C004902520 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 25. The Direction of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 97. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 'BADGER BRANCH'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C004902520 is '.5S 2.2W OF TECUMSEH'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 40 degrees 21 minutes 32.039999999979045 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 96 degrees 14 minutes 11.400000000023283 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 70. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C004902520 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 14.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 13.7. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 921. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C004902520 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C004902520 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C004902520 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 3 - Bridge is scour critical; bridge foundations determined to be unstable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 119. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004902520 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C004902520 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C004902520 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C004902520 is 75.35. .
What is the Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) for the bridge with structure numberC004902520
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 3265. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 'SHAW CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 'FAS 3265/S 82ND RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 'JCT N41/S-34B .7S'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 6.556. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 40 degrees 27 minutes 20.15999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 96 degrees 36 minutes 34.92000000004191 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1971. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 150. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003453340 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 10 - Truss - Thru. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5.7. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 15.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.2. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.2. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5.7. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 6.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 11.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 6.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 15.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 919. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 24. The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 821.0. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003453340 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003453340 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003453340 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003453340 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 140. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003453340 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003453340 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 94.8. The para of bridge with structure number C003453340 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 3265. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 'SHAW CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 'FAS 3265/S 82ND RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 'JCT N41/S-34B .7S'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 6.556. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 40 degrees 27 minutes 20.15999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 96 degrees 36 minutes 34.92000000004191 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1971. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 150. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003453340 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 10 - Truss - Thru. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5.7. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 15.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.2. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.2. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5.7. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 6.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 11.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 6.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 15.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 919. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 24. The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 821.0. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003453340 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003453340 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003453340 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003453340 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C003453340 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 140. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003453340 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003453340 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003453340 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003453340 is 94.8. .
What is the Historical Significance for the bridge with structure numberC003453340
5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 202. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 'HADAR CREEK TRIB'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005920205 is '846TH RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005920205 is '4W US81 PIERCE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 42 degrees 5 minutes 26.15999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 97 degrees 30 minutes 3.2399999999906868 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1993. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 45 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005920205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 6.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 7.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.7. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 55.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005920205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 43. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005920205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005920205 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 63.51. The para of bridge with structure number C005920205 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 202. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 'HADAR CREEK TRIB'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005920205 is '846TH RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005920205 is '4W US81 PIERCE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 42 degrees 5 minutes 26.15999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 97 degrees 30 minutes 3.2399999999906868 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1993. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 45 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005920205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 6.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 7.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.7. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 55.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005920205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 43. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005920205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005920205 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 63.51. .
What is the Year Reconstructed for the bridge with structure numberC005920205
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 37. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 99. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005003715 is '38 400 CNTY RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005003715 is '2.4W 5.5S NORMAN'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 40 degrees 24 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 98 degrees 50 minutes 12.119999999995343 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1990. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 50. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005003715 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 6.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005003715 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005003715 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1222. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005003715 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005003715 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005003715 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005003715 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 70. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005003715 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005003715 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 50.56. The para of bridge with structure number C005003715 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 37. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 99. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005003715 is '38 400 CNTY RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005003715 is '2.4W 5.5S NORMAN'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 40 degrees 24 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 98 degrees 50 minutes 12.119999999995343 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1990. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 50. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005003715 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 6.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005003715 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005003715 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1222. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005003715 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005003715 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005003715 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005003715 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005003715 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 70. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005003715 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005003715 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005003715 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005003715 is 50.56. .
What is the Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC005003715
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Other. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'SCOTT CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'PRIVATE DRIVEWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000102713P is '2N 1.5W AYR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 40 degrees 28 minutes 0.47999999998137355 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 98 degrees 28 minutes 16.680000000051223 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 999. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000102713P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Bridge is scour critical; bridge foundations determined to be unstable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000102713P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 96.94. The para of bridge with structure number C000102713P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Other. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'SCOTT CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'PRIVATE DRIVEWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000102713P is '2N 1.5W AYR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 40 degrees 28 minutes 0.47999999998137355 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 98 degrees 28 minutes 16.680000000051223 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 999. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000102713P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Bridge is scour critical; bridge foundations determined to be unstable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000102713P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 96.94. .
What is the Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC000102713P
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 121. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006101405 is '13E N14 NANCE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 41 degrees 18 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 97 degrees 43 minutes 59.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1984. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 25. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 45 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006101405 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 11.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006101405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 35. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006101405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006101405 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 93.5. The para of bridge with structure number C006101405 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 121. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006101405 is '13E N14 NANCE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 41 degrees 18 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 97 degrees 43 minutes 59.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1984. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 25. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 45 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006101405 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 11.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006101405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006101405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006101405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 35. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006101405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006101405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006101405 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006101405 is 93.5. .
What is the Scour Critical Rating for the bridge with structure numberC006101405
8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 40. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 109. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 'HAINES BRANCH TRB (N 19)'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 'W PIONEERS BLVD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 'N EDGE OF CONESTOGA LAKE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 40 degrees 46 minutes 18.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 96 degrees 51 minutes 28.07999999995809 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2019. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 167. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005504005 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005504005 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 3.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 11.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 54.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 42.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 521. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005504005 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005504005 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005504005 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005504005 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 284. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005504005 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005504005 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 90.06. The para of bridge with structure number C005504005 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 40. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 109. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 'HAINES BRANCH TRB (N 19)'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 'W PIONEERS BLVD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 'N EDGE OF CONESTOGA LAKE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 40 degrees 46 minutes 18.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 96 degrees 51 minutes 28.07999999995809 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2019. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 167. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005504005 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005504005 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 3.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 11.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 54.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 42.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 521. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005504005 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005504005 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005504005 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005504005 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005504005 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 284. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005504005 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005504005 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005504005 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005504005 is 90.06. .
What is the Flared Structure for the bridge with structure numberC005504005
0 - No
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 38. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 127. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006403810 is '.2W 105 PAWNEE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 40 degrees 15 minutes 42.11999999999534 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 96 degrees 0 minutes 42.11999999999534 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006403810 is E - Open, temporary structure in place to carry legal loads while original structure is closed and awaiting replacement or rehabilitation. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - SERIOUS CONDITION - loss of section, deterioration, spalling or scour have seriously affected primary structural components. Local failures are possible. Fatigue cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be present.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - Bank and embankment protection is severely undermined. River control devices have severe damage. Large deposits of debris are in the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006403810 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is T - Bridge is a temporary sturcture or contains temportary structures or conditions. The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1986.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006403810 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006403810 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006403810 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 47.04. The para of bridge with structure number C006403810 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 38. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 127. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006403810 is '.2W 105 PAWNEE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 40 degrees 15 minutes 42.11999999999534 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 96 degrees 0 minutes 42.11999999999534 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006403810 is E - Open, temporary structure in place to carry legal loads while original structure is closed and awaiting replacement or rehabilitation. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - SERIOUS CONDITION - loss of section, deterioration, spalling or scour have seriously affected primary structural components. Local failures are possible. Fatigue cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be present.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - Bank and embankment protection is severely undermined. River control devices have severe damage. Large deposits of debris are in the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006403810 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is T - Bridge is a temporary sturcture or contains temportary structures or conditions. The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1986.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006403810 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006403810 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006403810 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 47.04. .
What is the Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) for the bridge with structure numberC006403810
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 3250. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 109. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 'BNRR (X-277)'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 'FIRTH RD/FAS 3250'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 'JCT US 77/S55G 6S 5.0E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2.071. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 40 degrees 32 minutes 17.520000000018626 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 96 degrees 36 minutes 43.199999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2003. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2593. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2017. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 11.6. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 18 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005517219 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - Railroad. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 9.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 22.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 53.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 9.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 10.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005517219 is R - Railroad beneath structure. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7.2. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005517219 is R - Railroad beneath structure. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 5.6. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 9.2. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N - Not applicable. Use when bridge is not over a waterway (channel).. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 64.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 37.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N - Not applicable. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005517219 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005517219 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 323. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005517219 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005517219 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005517219 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - In place and functioning. Does bridge with structure number C005517219 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N - Bridge not over waterway.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 4408. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005517219 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005517219 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 559.65. The para of bridge with structure number C005517219 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 3250. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 109. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 'BNRR (X-277)'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 'FIRTH RD/FAS 3250'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 'JCT US 77/S55G 6S 5.0E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2.071. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 40 degrees 32 minutes 17.520000000018626 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 96 degrees 36 minutes 43.199999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2003. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2593. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2017. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 11.6. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 18 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005517219 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - Railroad. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 9.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 22.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 53.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 9.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 10.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005517219 is R - Railroad beneath structure. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7.2. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005517219 is R - Railroad beneath structure. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 5.6. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 9.2. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N - Not applicable. Use when bridge is not over a waterway (channel).. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 64.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 37.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N - Not applicable. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005517219 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005517219 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 323. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005517219 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005517219 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005517219 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2 - In place and functioning. Does bridge with structure number C005517219 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is N - Bridge not over waterway.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 4408. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005517219 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005517219 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005517219 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005517219 is 559.65. .
What is the Total Structure Length for the bridge with structure numberC005517219
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 111. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 107. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 'N BR VERDIGRIS CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005411120 is '8.5W 1.2N OF VERDIGRE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 42 degrees 36 minutes 50.76000000000931 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 27.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 80. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005411120 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 10 - Truss - Thru. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Steel. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 22.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 30.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 17.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 10.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 30.5. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 24. The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1021.0. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005411120 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1965.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005411120 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 26. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005411120 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005411120 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 166.1. The para of bridge with structure number C005411120 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 111. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 107. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 'N BR VERDIGRIS CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005411120 is '8.5W 1.2N OF VERDIGRE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 42 degrees 36 minutes 50.76000000000931 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 27.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 80. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005411120 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 10 - Truss - Thru. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Steel. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 22.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 30.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 17.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 10.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 30.5. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 24. The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1021.0. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005411120 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005411120 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1965.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005411120 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 26. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005411120 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005411120 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005411120 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005411120 is 166.1. .
What is the Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC005411120
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 7507. The Direction of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 89. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 'COLL 7507'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C004543805 is '11N 5.5W ONEILL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2.211. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 42 degrees 37 minutes 27.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 98 degrees 45 minutes 51.839999999967404 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 190. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2001. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 40. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C004543805 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 15.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 31.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8.7. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 44.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 25.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 19.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C004543805 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C004543805 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004543805 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C004543805 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 68. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C004543805 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C004543805 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 270.57. The para of bridge with structure number C004543805 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 7507. The Direction of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 89. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 'COLL 7507'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C004543805 is '11N 5.5W ONEILL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2.211. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 42 degrees 37 minutes 27.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 98 degrees 45 minutes 51.839999999967404 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 190. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2001. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 40. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C004543805 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 15.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 31.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8.7. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 44.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 25.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 19.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C004543805 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C004543805 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004543805 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004543805 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C004543805 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 68. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004543805 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C004543805 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C004543805 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C004543805 is 270.57. .
What is the Type of Wearing Surface for the bridge with structure numberC004543805
1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck)
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 00P18. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 107. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 'STEEL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005401805P is '891ST RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005401805P is '4W 4.5S OF VERDEL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 42 degrees 44 minutes 58.9199999999837 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 98 degrees 17 minutes 9.239999999990687 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 160. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2016. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2022. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005401805P is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005401805P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 45.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 35.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005401805P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005401805P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 30. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005401805P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005401805P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 150.75. The para of bridge with structure number C005401805P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 00P18. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 107. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 'STEEL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005401805P is '891ST RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005401805P is '4W 4.5S OF VERDEL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 42 degrees 44 minutes 58.9199999999837 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 98 degrees 17 minutes 9.239999999990687 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 160. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2016. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2022. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005401805P is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005401805P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 45.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 35.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 20.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005401805P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005401805P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 5.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005401805P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 30. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005401805P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005401805P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005401805P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005401805P is 150.75. .
What is the Structural Evaluation Rating for the bridge with structure numberC005401805P
9 - Superior to present desirable criteria
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 39. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'WOLF CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003403915 is '4W 1N OF LIBERTY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 40 degrees 6 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 96 degrees 33 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1992. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 28.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 61.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 36.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - In place and functioning. Does bridge with structure number C003403915 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003403915 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003403915 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 294.32. The para of bridge with structure number C003403915 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 39. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'WOLF CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003403915 is '4W 1N OF LIBERTY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 40 degrees 6 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 96 degrees 33 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1992. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 28.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 61.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 36.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - In place and functioning. Does bridge with structure number C003403915 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003403915 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003403915 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 294.32. .
What is the Kilometerpoint for the bridge with structure numberC003403915
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - State Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 61. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 29. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 'Enders Dam Spillway'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 'STATE HIGHWAY 61'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is '2.6 mi S-SE of Enders'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 40 degrees 25 minutes 9.539999999979045 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 101 degrees 31 minutes 2.959999999962747 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1948. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 150. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 15.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 113.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.3. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.3. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 58.5. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 35.1. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 522. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 160. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 893.49. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - State Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 61. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 29. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 'Enders Dam Spillway'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 'STATE HIGHWAY 61'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is '2.6 mi S-SE of Enders'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 40 degrees 25 minutes 9.539999999979045 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 101 degrees 31 minutes 2.959999999962747 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1948. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 150. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 15.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 113.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.3. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.3. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 58.5. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 35.1. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 522. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 160. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-003 is 893.49. .
What is the Lowest Rating for the bridge with structure numberNKA-FCD-003
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 000P3. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 43. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 'BAHAMA CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002200305P is '5W 1S OF HUBBARD'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 42 degrees 22 minutes 29.64000000001397 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 96 degrees 41 minutes 32.28000000002794 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 60. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2002. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002200305P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7.7. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 9.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 29.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7.7. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7.8. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 4 - Bank and embankment protection is severely undermined. River control devices have severe damage. Large deposits of debris are in the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 75.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 44.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 17.4. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 822. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002200305P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002200305P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002200305P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002200305P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002200305P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002200305P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 226.2. The para of bridge with structure number C002200305P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 000P3. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 43. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 'BAHAMA CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002200305P is '5W 1S OF HUBBARD'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 42 degrees 22 minutes 29.64000000001397 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 96 degrees 41 minutes 32.28000000002794 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 60. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2002. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002200305P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7.7. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 9.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 29.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7.7. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7.8. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 4 - Bank and embankment protection is severely undermined. River control devices have severe damage. Large deposits of debris are in the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 75.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 44.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 17.4. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 822. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002200305P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002200305P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002200305P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002200305P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002200305P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002200305P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002200305P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002200305P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002200305P is 226.2. .
What is the Federal Lands Code for the bridge with structure numberC002200305P
0 - Not applicable
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 3215. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 'BOW CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001401530 is '559TH AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 'JCT US81/N84 4E 2.2S'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5.541. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 42 degrees 34 minutes 50.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 97 degrees 20 minutes 53.160000000032596 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 60. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1976. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 65. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001401530 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 23.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 24.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 9.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 9.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 30.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 18.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 3 - 10.0 - 19.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001401530 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001401530 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001401530 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001401530 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001401530 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001401530 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 7 - Countermeasures have been installed to correct a previously existing problem with scour. Bridge is no longer scour critical.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 110. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001401530 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001401530 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 226.92. The para of bridge with structure number C001401530 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 3215. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 'BOW CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001401530 is '559TH AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 'JCT US81/N84 4E 2.2S'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5.541. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 42 degrees 34 minutes 50.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 97 degrees 20 minutes 53.160000000032596 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 60. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1976. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 65. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001401530 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 23.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 24.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 9.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 9.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 30.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 18.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 3 - 10.0 - 19.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001401530 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001401530 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001401530 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001401530 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001401530 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001401530 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001401530 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 7 - Countermeasures have been installed to correct a previously existing problem with scour. Bridge is no longer scour critical.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 110. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001401530 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001401530 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001401530 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001401530 is 226.92. .
What is the Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) for the bridge with structure numberC001401530
1 - Navigation protection not required
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1480. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 129. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'REPUBLICAN RIVER TRIB.'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006514817 is '2.0 E SUPERIOR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 40 degrees 1 minutes 0.11999999999534339 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 98 degrees 1 minutes 13.800000000046566 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2014. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006514817 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2024. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006514817 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006514817 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 82.81. The para of bridge with structure number C006514817 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1480. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 129. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'REPUBLICAN RIVER TRIB.'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006514817 is '2.0 E SUPERIOR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 40 degrees 1 minutes 0.11999999999534339 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 98 degrees 1 minutes 13.800000000046566 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2014. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006514817 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2024. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006514817 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006514817 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 82.81. .
What is the Channel Condition Rating for the bridge with structure numberC006514817
6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 00P55. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 125. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'SKEDEE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'COUNTY HIHGWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'NJCT N22/N39 1.8W .4N'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41 degrees 27 minutes 11.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 97 degrees 45 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1981. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 14.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006305515P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006305515P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006305515P is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 110.96. The para of bridge with structure number C006305515P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 00P55. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 125. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'SKEDEE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'COUNTY HIHGWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'NJCT N22/N39 1.8W .4N'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41 degrees 27 minutes 11.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 97 degrees 45 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1981. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 14.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006305515P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006305515P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006305515P is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 110.96. .
What is the National Network Designation for the bridge with structure numberC006305515P
0 - No
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3140. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 51. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'LOGAN CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'FAS 3140'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'JCT US20/N116 3S 1E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.494. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 42 degrees 25 minutes 25.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 97 degrees 0 minutes 59.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1989. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 190. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 20 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002604205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 14.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 15.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 50.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 29.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002604205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 115. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002604205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002604205 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 131.75. The para of bridge with structure number C002604205 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3140. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 51. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'LOGAN CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'FAS 3140'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 'JCT US20/N116 3S 1E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.494. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 42 degrees 25 minutes 25.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 97 degrees 0 minutes 59.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1989. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 190. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 20 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002604205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 14.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 15.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 50.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 29.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002604205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002604205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 115. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002604205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002604205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002604205 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002604205 is 131.75. .
What is the Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC002604205
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 53. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 'SILVER CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 'RD. G BET. 11 & 12'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 41 degrees 39 minutes 18.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 96 degrees 42 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 60. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1970. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 100. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 30 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002701425 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 23.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 24.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 32.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 19.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 3 - 10.0 - 19.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002701425 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002701425 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002701425 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002701425 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002701425 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 10.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002701425 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 170. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002701425 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002701425 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 195.13. The para of bridge with structure number C002701425 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 53. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 'SILVER CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 'RD. G BET. 11 & 12'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 41 degrees 39 minutes 18.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 96 degrees 42 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 60. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1970. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 100. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 30 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002701425 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 23.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 24.7. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 32.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 19.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 3 - 10.0 - 19.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002701425 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002701425 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002701425 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002701425 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002701425 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002701425 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 10.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002701425 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 170. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002701425 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002701425 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002701425 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002701425 is 195.13. .
What is the Federal Agency for the bridge with structure numberC002701425
N - No
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 19. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'BATTLE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901925 is '7.5S 3W OF BATTLE CREEK'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 41 degrees 53 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 97 degrees 39 minutes 32.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - 30.0 - 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1970.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901925 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 29. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901925 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901925 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 94.24. The para of bridge with structure number C005901925 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 19. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'BATTLE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901925 is '7.5S 3W OF BATTLE CREEK'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 41 degrees 53 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 97 degrees 39 minutes 32.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - 30.0 - 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1970.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901925 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 29. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901925 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901925 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 94.24. .
What is the Type of Service Under Bridge for the bridge with structure numberC005901925
5 - Waterway
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 71. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 15. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'PONCA CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000807115 is '.7E BRISTOW'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 42 degrees 50 minutes 12.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 98 degrees 33 minutes 54.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 110. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1994. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 24.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 43.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 63.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 38.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000807115 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000807115 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000807115 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 262.3. The para of bridge with structure number C000807115 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 71. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 15. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'PONCA CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000807115 is '.7E BRISTOW'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 42 degrees 50 minutes 12.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 98 degrees 33 minutes 54.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 110. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1994. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 24.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 43.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 63.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 38.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000807115 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000807115 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000807115 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 262.3. .
What is the Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC000807115
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 'BUFFALO CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901410 is '840TH RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901410 is '1.5S 1W OF MEADOW GROVE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 42 degrees 0 minutes 12.239999999990687 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 97 degrees 45 minutes 24.839999999967404 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1975. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 40. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901410 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.6. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 11.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.3. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901410 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901410 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 58. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901410 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901410 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 157.38. The para of bridge with structure number C005901410 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 'BUFFALO CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901410 is '840TH RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901410 is '1.5S 1W OF MEADOW GROVE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 42 degrees 0 minutes 12.239999999990687 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 97 degrees 45 minutes 24.839999999967404 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1975. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 40. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901410 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.6. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 11.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.3. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901410 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901410 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 58. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901410 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901410 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 157.38. .
What is the Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC005901410
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2250. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'PLUM CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'FAS 2250'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'JCT N52/N91 3N 2.7E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5.697. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 41 degrees 43 minutes 34.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 9.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 100. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1930. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 35 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 51.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 30.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1983.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000602810 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000602810 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000602810 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 86.87. The para of bridge with structure number C000602810 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2250. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'PLUM CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'FAS 2250'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'JCT N52/N91 3N 2.7E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5.697. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 41 degrees 43 minutes 34.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 9.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 100. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1930. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 35 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 51.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 30.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1983.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000602810 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000602810 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000602810 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 86.87. .
What is the Substructure Condition Rating for the bridge with structure numberC000602810
6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 412. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 19. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 'SWENSON CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001041205 is '6W OF PLEASANTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 40 degrees 58 minutes 30.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99 degrees 12 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 190. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1993. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2022. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001041205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 6.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 822. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001041205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 90. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001041205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001041205 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 54.4. The para of bridge with structure number C001041205 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 412. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 19. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 'SWENSON CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001041205 is '6W OF PLEASANTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 40 degrees 58 minutes 30.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99 degrees 12 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 190. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1993. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2022. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001041205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 6.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 822. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001041205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 90. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001041205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001041205 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 54.4. .
What is the Border State for the bridge with structure numberC001041205
- None
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 37. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 121. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 'SILVER CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006103705 is '2.5E 5.4N CENTRAL CITY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 41 degrees 12 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 97 degrees 56 minutes 35.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1983. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006103705 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 3.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 15.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1121. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006103705 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006103705 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006103705 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 141.05. The para of bridge with structure number C006103705 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 37. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 121. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 'SILVER CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006103705 is '2.5E 5.4N CENTRAL CITY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 41 degrees 12 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 97 degrees 56 minutes 35.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1983. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006103705 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 4. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 3.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 15.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1121. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006103705 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006103705 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006103705 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006103705 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006103705 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006103705 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006103705 is 141.05. .
What is the Historical Significance for the bridge with structure numberC006103705
5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Spur. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0044B. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 87. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'Trenton Dam Spillway'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'County Road 44B'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is '2.7 mi W of Trenton'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 40 degrees 10 minutes 18.90999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 101 degrees 3 minutes 48.699999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 16. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1953. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 293. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 14. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 13.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 133.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 34.2. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 20.7. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 522. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 320. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1057.02. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Spur. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0044B. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 87. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'Trenton Dam Spillway'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'County Road 44B'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is '2.7 mi W of Trenton'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 40 degrees 10 minutes 18.90999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 101 degrees 3 minutes 48.699999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 16. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1953. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 293. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 14. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 13.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 133.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 34.2. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 20.7. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 522. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 320. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1057.02. .
What is the LRS Subroute Number for the bridge with structure numberNKA-FCD-002
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 55. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 101. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 'SUTHERLAND CANAL'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005115505 is '2.5SE OF KEYSTONE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 41 degrees 11 minutes 13.200000000011642 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 101 degrees 32 minutes 31.199999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 20. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1969. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005115505 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - 20.0 - 29.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 15.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1121. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 60. The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 223.0. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005115505 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1998.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Other. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005115505 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005115505 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005115505 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 124.82. The para of bridge with structure number C005115505 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 55. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 101. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 'SUTHERLAND CANAL'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005115505 is '2.5SE OF KEYSTONE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 41 degrees 11 minutes 13.200000000011642 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 101 degrees 32 minutes 31.199999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 20. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1969. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005115505 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - 20.0 - 29.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 15.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1121. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 60. The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 223.0. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005115505 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005115505 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1998.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 9 - Other. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005115505 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005115505 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005115505 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005115505 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005115505 is 124.82. .
What is the Roadway Width (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC005115505
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 71. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 15. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'PONCA CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000807115 is '.7E BRISTOW'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 42 degrees 50 minutes 12.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 98 degrees 33 minutes 54.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 110. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1994. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 24.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 43.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 63.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 38.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000807115 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000807115 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000807115 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 262.3. The para of bridge with structure number C000807115 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 71. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 15. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'PONCA CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000807115 is '.7E BRISTOW'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 42 degrees 50 minutes 12.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 98 degrees 33 minutes 54.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 110. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1994. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 24.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 43.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 63.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 38.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000807115 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000807115 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000807115 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 262.3. .
What is the Navigation Control for the bridge with structure numberC000807115
0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1855. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 137. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 'FAS 1855'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 'JCT US6/US183 16.1N 8.6W'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5.222. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 40 degrees 40 minutes 17.039999999979045 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 99 degrees 32 minutes 24.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 350. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1335. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006901105P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 8.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 7.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 7.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 8.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 9.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 46.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 27.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006901105P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006901105P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006901105P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006901105P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006901105P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 6 - Bituminous. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 9.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006901105P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1869. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006901105P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006901105P is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 73.47. The para of bridge with structure number C006901105P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1855. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 137. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 'FAS 1855'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 'JCT US6/US183 16.1N 8.6W'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5.222. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 40 degrees 40 minutes 17.039999999979045 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 99 degrees 32 minutes 24.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 350. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1335. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006901105P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 8.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 7.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 7.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 8.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 9.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 46.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 27.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006901105P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006901105P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006901105P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006901105P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006901105P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006901105P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 6 - Bituminous. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 9.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006901105P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 1869. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006901105P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006901105P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006901105P is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006901105P is 73.47. .
What is the Type of Service On Bridge for the bridge with structure numberC006901105P
1 - Highway
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 19. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'BATTLE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901925 is '7.5S 3W OF BATTLE CREEK'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 41 degrees 53 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 97 degrees 39 minutes 32.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - 30.0 - 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1970.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901925 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 29. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901925 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901925 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 94.24. The para of bridge with structure number C005901925 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 19. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'BATTLE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901925 is '7.5S 3W OF BATTLE CREEK'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 41 degrees 53 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 97 degrees 39 minutes 32.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901925 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - 30.0 - 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 15.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901925 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1970.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901925 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 29. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901925 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901925 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901925 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901925 is 94.24. .
What is the Record Type for the bridge with structure numberC005901925
1 - Route carried on the structure
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 132. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 127. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 'JARVIS CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006413225 is '723 RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006413225 is '2S 2.4W OF NEMAHA'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 40 degrees 18 minutes 21.599999999976717 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 95 degrees 43 minutes 1.1999999999534339 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2019. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006413225 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 45 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006413225 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 5.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 16.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 64.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 49.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 721. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006413225 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006413225 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006413225 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006413225 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 34. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006413225 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006413225 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 137.7. The para of bridge with structure number C006413225 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 132. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 127. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 'JARVIS CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006413225 is '723 RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006413225 is '2S 2.4W OF NEMAHA'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 40 degrees 18 minutes 21.599999999976717 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 95 degrees 43 minutes 1.1999999999534339 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2019. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006413225 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 45 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006413225 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 5.2. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 16.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 64.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 3 - Load and Resistance Factor (LRFR). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 49.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 721. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006413225 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006413225 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006413225 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006413225 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006413225 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 34. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006413225 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006413225 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006413225 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006413225 is 137.7. .
What is the Deck Structure Type for the bridge with structure numberC006413225
N - Not applicable
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 69. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 47. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 'SPRING CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 'COUNTY ROAD 442'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002406905 is '1.5S 2W OF OVERTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 40 degrees 42 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99 degrees 34 minutes 41.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1981. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002406905 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002406905 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002406905 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002406905 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 143.78. The para of bridge with structure number C002406905 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 69. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 47. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 'SPRING CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 'COUNTY ROAD 442'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002406905 is '1.5S 2W OF OVERTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 40 degrees 42 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99 degrees 34 minutes 41.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1981. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002406905 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002406905 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002406905 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002406905 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 143.78. .
What is the Channel Condition Rating for the bridge with structure numberC002406905
6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 00P17. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 109. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 'HAINES BRANCH (O 132)'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 'S CODDINGTON AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 'W BURNHAM ST/S CODDINGTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 40 degrees 46 minutes 28.55999999999767 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 96 degrees 44 minutes 58.199999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1995. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1850. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2018. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005501705P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2 - Concrete continuous. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 9.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 13.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 33.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 9.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 10.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 59.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 32.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005501705P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005501705P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005501705P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005501705P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005501705P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Epoxy Coated Reinforcing. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 10.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005501705P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 3145. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005501705P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005501705P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 351.75. The para of bridge with structure number C005501705P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 00P17. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 109. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 'HAINES BRANCH (O 132)'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 'S CODDINGTON AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 'W BURNHAM ST/S CODDINGTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 40 degrees 46 minutes 28.55999999999767 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 96 degrees 44 minutes 58.199999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1995. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1850. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2018. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005501705P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2 - Concrete continuous. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 9.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 13.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 33.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 9.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 10.5. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 59.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 32.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005501705P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005501705P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005501705P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005501705P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005501705P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005501705P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Epoxy Coated Reinforcing. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 10.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005501705P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 3145. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005501705P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005501705P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005501705P is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005501705P is 351.75. .
What is the Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC005501705P
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 39. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'WOLF CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003403915 is '4W 1N OF LIBERTY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 40 degrees 6 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 96 degrees 33 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1992. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 28.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 61.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 36.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - In place and functioning. Does bridge with structure number C003403915 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003403915 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003403915 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 294.32. The para of bridge with structure number C003403915 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 39. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'WOLF CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003403915 is '4W 1N OF LIBERTY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 40 degrees 6 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 96 degrees 33 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1992. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 28.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 61.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 36.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - In place and functioning. Does bridge with structure number C003403915 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003403915 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003403915 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 294.32. .
What is the Approach Roadway Width (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC003403915
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 7912. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 25. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 'COLL 7912'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001302840 is '7.5E WEEPING WATER'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.048. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 40 degrees 52 minutes 16.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 95 degrees 59 minutes 30.479999999981374 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001302840 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 10.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 11.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 11.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001302840 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001302840 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 93. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001302840 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001302840 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 66.0. The para of bridge with structure number C001302840 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 7912. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 25. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 'COLL 7912'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001302840 is '7.5E WEEPING WATER'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.048. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 40 degrees 52 minutes 16.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 95 degrees 59 minutes 30.479999999981374 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 8 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1998. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001302840 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 10.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 11.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 11.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001302840 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001302840 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001302840 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 93. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001302840 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001302840 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001302840 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001302840 is 66.0. .
What is the Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded for the bridge with structure numberC001302840
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 107. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 129. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 'MIDDLE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006510710 is '7.5W 2.8N SUPERIOR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 40 degrees 4 minutes 18.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 98 degrees 13 minutes 0.11999999999534339 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1996. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 45. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006510710 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 23.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 9.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 77.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 46.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006510710 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006510710 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006510710 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006510710 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006510710 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006510710 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 76. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006510710 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006510710 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 216.2. The para of bridge with structure number C006510710 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 107. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 129. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 'MIDDLE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006510710 is '7.5W 2.8N SUPERIOR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 40 degrees 4 minutes 18.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 98 degrees 13 minutes 0.11999999999534339 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1996. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 45. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006510710 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 23.5. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 9.2. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 77.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 46.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006510710 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006510710 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006510710 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006510710 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006510710 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006510710 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006510710 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 76. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006510710 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006510710 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006510710 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006510710 is 216.2. .
What is the Bridge Operational Status for the bridge with structure numberC006510710
A - Open, no restriction
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1480. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 129. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'REPUBLICAN RIVER TRIB.'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006514817 is '2.0 E SUPERIOR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 40 degrees 1 minutes 0.11999999999534339 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 98 degrees 1 minutes 13.800000000046566 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2014. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006514817 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2024. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006514817 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006514817 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 82.81. The para of bridge with structure number C006514817 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1480. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 129. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'REPUBLICAN RIVER TRIB.'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006514817 is '2.0 E SUPERIOR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 40 degrees 1 minutes 0.11999999999534339 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 98 degrees 1 minutes 13.800000000046566 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2014. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006514817 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2024. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006514817 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006514817 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 82.81. .
What is the Type of Service Under Bridge for the bridge with structure numberC006514817
5 - Waterway
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Spur. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0044B. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 87. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'Trenton Dam Spillway'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'County Road 44B'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is '2.7 mi W of Trenton'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 40 degrees 10 minutes 18.90999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 101 degrees 3 minutes 48.699999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 16. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1953. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 293. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 14. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 13.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 133.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 34.2. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 20.7. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 522. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 320. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1057.02. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Spur. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0044B. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 87. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'Trenton Dam Spillway'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'County Road 44B'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is '2.7 mi W of Trenton'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 40 degrees 10 minutes 18.90999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 101 degrees 3 minutes 48.699999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 16. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1953. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 293. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 14. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 13.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 133.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 34.2. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 20.7. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 522. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 320. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1057.02. .
What is the Substructure Condition Rating for the bridge with structure numberNKA-FCD-002
6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 69. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 47. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 'SPRING CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 'COUNTY ROAD 442'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002406905 is '1.5S 2W OF OVERTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 40 degrees 42 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99 degrees 34 minutes 41.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1981. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002406905 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002406905 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002406905 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002406905 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 143.78. The para of bridge with structure number C002406905 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 69. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 47. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 'SPRING CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 'COUNTY ROAD 442'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002406905 is '1.5S 2W OF OVERTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 40 degrees 42 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99 degrees 34 minutes 41.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1981. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002406905 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 14.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 9 - EXCELLENT CONDITION. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1021. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002406905 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002406905 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002406905 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002406905 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002406905 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002406905 is 143.78. .
What is the Design Load for the bridge with structure numberC002406905
4 - M 18 or H 20
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 00P55. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 125. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'SKEDEE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'COUNTY HIHGWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'NJCT N22/N39 1.8W .4N'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41 degrees 27 minutes 11.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 97 degrees 45 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1981. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 14.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006305515P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006305515P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006305515P is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 110.96. The para of bridge with structure number C006305515P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 00P55. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 125. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'SKEDEE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'COUNTY HIHGWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'NJCT N22/N39 1.8W .4N'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41 degrees 27 minutes 11.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 97 degrees 45 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1981. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 14.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006305515P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006305515P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006305515P is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 110.96. .
What is the Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC006305515P
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 38. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 127. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006403810 is '.2W 105 PAWNEE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 40 degrees 15 minutes 42.11999999999534 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 96 degrees 0 minutes 42.11999999999534 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006403810 is E - Open, temporary structure in place to carry legal loads while original structure is closed and awaiting replacement or rehabilitation. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - SERIOUS CONDITION - loss of section, deterioration, spalling or scour have seriously affected primary structural components. Local failures are possible. Fatigue cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be present.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - Bank and embankment protection is severely undermined. River control devices have severe damage. Large deposits of debris are in the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006403810 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is T - Bridge is a temporary sturcture or contains temportary structures or conditions. The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1986.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006403810 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006403810 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006403810 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 47.04. The para of bridge with structure number C006403810 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 38. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 127. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006403810 is '.2W 105 PAWNEE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 40 degrees 15 minutes 42.11999999999534 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 96 degrees 0 minutes 42.11999999999534 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006403810 is E - Open, temporary structure in place to carry legal loads while original structure is closed and awaiting replacement or rehabilitation. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4.8. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - SERIOUS CONDITION - loss of section, deterioration, spalling or scour have seriously affected primary structural components. Local failures are possible. Fatigue cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be present.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 4 - Bank and embankment protection is severely undermined. River control devices have severe damage. Large deposits of debris are in the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006403810 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006403810 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is T - Bridge is a temporary sturcture or contains temportary structures or conditions. The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1986.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006403810 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006403810 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006403810 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006403810 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 3. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006403810 is 47.04. .
What is the Features for the bridge with structure numberC006403810
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 39. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'WOLF CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003403915 is '4W 1N OF LIBERTY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 40 degrees 6 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 96 degrees 33 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1992. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 28.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 61.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 36.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - In place and functioning. Does bridge with structure number C003403915 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003403915 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003403915 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 294.32. The para of bridge with structure number C003403915 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 39. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'WOLF CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003403915 is '4W 1N OF LIBERTY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 40 degrees 6 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 96 degrees 33 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1992. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 28.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 61.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 36.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - In place and functioning. Does bridge with structure number C003403915 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003403915 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003403915 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 294.32. .
What is the Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC003403915
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 137. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 129. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 'S FRK BIG SANDY CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006513725 is '2.5E 3N ANGUS'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 40 degrees 19 minutes 23.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 97 degrees 55 minutes 59.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1999. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 25. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1999. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 26 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006513725 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 11.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 11.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 8.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 53.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 32.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006513725 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006513725 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 921. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006513725 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006513725 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006513725 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006513725 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 42. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006513725 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006513725 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 95.2. The para of bridge with structure number C006513725 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 137. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 129. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 'S FRK BIG SANDY CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006513725 is '2.5E 3N ANGUS'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 40 degrees 19 minutes 23.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 97 degrees 55 minutes 59.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1999. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 25. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1999. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 26 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006513725 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 11.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 11.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 8.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 53.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 32.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006513725 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006513725 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 921. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006513725 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006513725 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006513725 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006513725 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006513725 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 42. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006513725 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006513725 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006513725 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006513725 is 95.2. .
What is the Navigation Control for the bridge with structure numberC006513725
0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 34. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 23. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 'COUNTY ROAD 33'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001203405 is '1.9W 1.7S DAVID CITY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 41 degrees 13 minutes 14.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 97 degrees 9 minutes 50.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001203405 is K - Bridge closed to all traffic. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 9.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2 - CRITICAL CONDITION - advanced deterioration of primary structural elements. Fatigue cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be present or scour may have removed substructure support. Unless closely monitored it may be necessary to close the bridge until corrective action is taken.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 3 - SERIOUS CONDITION - loss of section, deterioration, spalling or scour have seriously affected primary structural components. Local failures are possible. Fatigue cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be present.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Bridge closed. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 417. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 24. The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 417.0. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001203405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001203405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001203405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001203405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001203405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001203405 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 48.02. The para of bridge with structure number C001203405 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 34. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 23. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 'COUNTY ROAD 33'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001203405 is '1.9W 1.7S DAVID CITY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 41 degrees 13 minutes 14.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 97 degrees 9 minutes 50.04000000003725 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001203405 is K - Bridge closed to all traffic. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 9.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2 - CRITICAL CONDITION - advanced deterioration of primary structural elements. Fatigue cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be present or scour may have removed substructure support. Unless closely monitored it may be necessary to close the bridge until corrective action is taken.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 3 - SERIOUS CONDITION - loss of section, deterioration, spalling or scour have seriously affected primary structural components. Local failures are possible. Fatigue cracks in steel or shear cracks in concrete may be present.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Bridge closed. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 417. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 24. The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 417.0. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001203405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001203405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001203405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001203405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001203405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001203405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001203405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001203405 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 2. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001203405 is 48.02. .
What is the Inspection Date (MM/YY) for the bridge with structure numberC001203405
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 00P55. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 125. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'SKEDEE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'COUNTY HIHGWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'NJCT N22/N39 1.8W .4N'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41 degrees 27 minutes 11.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 97 degrees 45 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1981. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 14.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006305515P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006305515P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006305515P is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 110.96. The para of bridge with structure number C006305515P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 00P55. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 125. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'SKEDEE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'COUNTY HIHGWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 'NJCT N22/N39 1.8W .4N'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41 degrees 27 minutes 11.880000000004657 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 97 degrees 45 minutes 47.88000000000466 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1981. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006305515P is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 14.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 15.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 41.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006305515P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006305515P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006305515P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006305515P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006305515P is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006305515P is 110.96. .
What is the Inventory Rating Method for the bridge with structure numberC006305515P
1 - Load Factor (LF)
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 71. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 15. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'PONCA CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000807115 is '.7E BRISTOW'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 42 degrees 50 minutes 12.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 98 degrees 33 minutes 54.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 110. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1994. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 24.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 43.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 63.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 38.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000807115 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000807115 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000807115 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 262.3. The para of bridge with structure number C000807115 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 71. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 15. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'PONCA CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000807115 is '.7E BRISTOW'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 42 degrees 50 minutes 12.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 98 degrees 33 minutes 54.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 110. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1994. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 4.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000807115 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 24.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 43.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 6.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 63.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 38.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000807115 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000807115 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000807115 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000807115 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000807115 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000807115 is 262.3. .
What is the Type of Membrane for the bridge with structure numberC000807115
0 - None
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 10. The Direction of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 79. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 'WHITE CLOUD RD.'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C004001000 is '1S. 3.5W CAIRO'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 40 degrees 59 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 98 degrees 40 minutes 30.71999999997206 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2002. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1997. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C004001000 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 7.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C004001000 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 59. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C004001000 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C004001000 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 59.5. The para of bridge with structure number C004001000 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 10. The Direction of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 79. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 'WHITE CLOUD RD.'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C004001000 is '1S. 3.5W CAIRO'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 40 degrees 59 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 98 degrees 40 minutes 30.71999999997206 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2002. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1997. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C004001000 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 7.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C004001000 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 59. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C004001000 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C004001000 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 59.5. .
What is the Latitude for the bridge with structure numberC004001000
40 degrees 59 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2015. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 19. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 'SWEET CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 'FAS 2015'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 'JCT N2/N68 7.8S'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1.233. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 40 degrees 54 minutes 24.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 98 degrees 54 minutes 47.160000000032596 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1989. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1165. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 9.8. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001025520 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 20.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 3.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 11.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001025520 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001025520 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001025520 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001025520 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001025520 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2011.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001025520 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1165. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001025520 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001025520 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 110.74. The para of bridge with structure number C001025520 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2015. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 19. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 'SWEET CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 'FAS 2015'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 'JCT N2/N68 7.8S'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1.233. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 40 degrees 54 minutes 24.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 98 degrees 54 minutes 47.160000000032596 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1989. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1165. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 9.8. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001025520 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 20.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 3.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 11.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001025520 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001025520 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001025520 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001025520 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001025520 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2011.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001025520 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001025520 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 1165. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001025520 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001025520 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001025520 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001025520 is 110.74. .
What is the Deck Geometry Rating for the bridge with structure numberC001025520
N - Not applicable
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 39. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'WOLF CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003403915 is '4W 1N OF LIBERTY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 40 degrees 6 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 96 degrees 33 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1992. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 28.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 61.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 36.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - In place and functioning. Does bridge with structure number C003403915 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003403915 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003403915 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 294.32. The para of bridge with structure number C003403915 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 39. The Direction of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 67. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'WOLF CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C003403915 is '4W 1N OF LIBERTY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 40 degrees 6 minutes 6.119999999995343 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 96 degrees 33 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1992. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C003403915 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 28.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 9.6. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 10.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 61.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 36.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C003403915 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - Concrete Precast Panels. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2 - In place and functioning. Does bridge with structure number C003403915 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C003403915 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C003403915 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C003403915 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C003403915 is 294.32. .
What is the Border State for the bridge with structure numberC003403915
- None
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 10. The Direction of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 79. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 'WHITE CLOUD RD.'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C004001000 is '1S. 3.5W CAIRO'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 40 degrees 59 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 98 degrees 40 minutes 30.71999999997206 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2002. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1997. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C004001000 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 7.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C004001000 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 59. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C004001000 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C004001000 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 59.5. The para of bridge with structure number C004001000 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 10. The Direction of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 79. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 'WHITE CLOUD RD.'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C004001000 is '1S. 3.5W CAIRO'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 40 degrees 59 minutes 20.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 98 degrees 40 minutes 30.71999999997206 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2002. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1997. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C004001000 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 7.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C004001000 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C004001000 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C004001000 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 59. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C004001000 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C004001000 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C004001000 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C004001000 is 59.5. .
What is the Year Forcasted for the bridge with structure numberC004001000
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 202. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 'HADAR CREEK TRIB'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005920205 is '846TH RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005920205 is '4W US81 PIERCE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 42 degrees 5 minutes 26.15999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 97 degrees 30 minutes 3.2399999999906868 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1993. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 45 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005920205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 6.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 7.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.7. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 55.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005920205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 43. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005920205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005920205 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 63.51. The para of bridge with structure number C005920205 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 202. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 'HADAR CREEK TRIB'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005920205 is '846TH RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005920205 is '4W US81 PIERCE CL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 42 degrees 5 minutes 26.15999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 97 degrees 30 minutes 3.2399999999906868 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1993. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 45 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005920205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 6.7. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 7.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8.7. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 55.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005920205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005920205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 43. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005920205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005920205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005920205 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005920205 is 63.51. .
What is the Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) for the bridge with structure numberC005920205
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 22. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 55. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 'ROAD DITCH'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 'PACIFIC STREET'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002802210 is '252ND ST AND PACIFIC'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 41 degrees 14 minutes 53.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 96 degrees 18 minutes 40.31999999994878 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1990. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 480. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2005. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 7.0. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002802210 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 9 - Relief for waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 7.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 6.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 7 - Shrinkage cracks, light scaling, and insignificant spalling which does not expose reinforcing steel. Insignificant damage caused by drift with no misalignment and not requiring corrective action. Some minor scouring has occurred near curtain walls, wingwalls, or pipes. Metal culverts have a smooth symmetrical curvature with superficial corrosion and no pitting.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002802210 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002802210 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002802210 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002802210 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002802210 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 25.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002802210 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 500. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002802210 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002802210 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 44.8. The para of bridge with structure number C002802210 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 22. The Direction of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 55. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 'ROAD DITCH'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 'PACIFIC STREET'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C002802210 is '252ND ST AND PACIFIC'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 41 degrees 14 minutes 53.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 96 degrees 18 minutes 40.31999999994878 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1990. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 480. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2005. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 7.0. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C002802210 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 9 - Relief for waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 7.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 6.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 7 - Shrinkage cracks, light scaling, and insignificant spalling which does not expose reinforcing steel. Insignificant damage caused by drift with no misalignment and not requiring corrective action. Some minor scouring has occurred near curtain walls, wingwalls, or pipes. Metal culverts have a smooth symmetrical curvature with superficial corrosion and no pitting.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C002802210 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C002802210 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C002802210 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C002802210 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C002802210 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C002802210 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 25.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C002802210 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 500. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C002802210 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C002802210 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C002802210 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C002802210 is 44.8. .
What is the Design Load for the bridge with structure numberC002802210
5 - MS 18 or HS 20
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 828. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 71. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 'Mirdan Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 'Hatchery Road'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is '5 mi NW of Burwell'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 41 degrees 49 minutes 27.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99 degrees 12 minutes 44.90000000002328 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 320. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1989. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 6. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 3 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 19.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 19.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 9.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is A - Load Factor, Allowable Stress, Load and Resistance Factor, and Load Testing. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.9. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is A - Load Factor, Allowable Stress, Load and Resistance Factor, and Load Testing. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.9. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 21.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 27.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2019.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 10. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 184.24. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 828. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 71. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 'Mirdan Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 'Hatchery Road'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is '5 mi NW of Burwell'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 41 degrees 49 minutes 27.760000000009313 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99 degrees 12 minutes 44.90000000002328 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 320. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1989. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 6. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Prestressed concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 3 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 19.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 19.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 9.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is A - Load Factor, Allowable Stress, Load and Resistance Factor, and Load Testing. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.9. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is A - Load Factor, Allowable Stress, Load and Resistance Factor, and Load Testing. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 99.9. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 21.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 27.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2019.0. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 10. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 7. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-MIR-001 is 184.24. .
What is the Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) for the bridge with structure numberNKA-MIR-001
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 'PEARL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001400910 is '556TH AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001400910 is '4N 3E OF MAGNET'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 42 degrees 31 minutes 19.55999999999767 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 97 degrees 24 minutes 23.760000000009313 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1950. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001400910 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 8.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.9. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001400910 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9 - Other. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001400910 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7 - Countermeasures have been installed to correct a previously existing problem with scour. Bridge is no longer scour critical.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001400910 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001400910 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 37.92. The para of bridge with structure number C001400910 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 'PEARL CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001400910 is '556TH AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001400910 is '4N 3E OF MAGNET'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 42 degrees 31 minutes 19.55999999999767 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 97 degrees 24 minutes 23.760000000009313 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1950. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001400910 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 4.8. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 8.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7.9. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001400910 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001400910 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 3 - One lane bridge for 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 6 - Corrugated Steel. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 9 - Other. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001400910 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 7 - Countermeasures have been installed to correct a previously existing problem with scour. Bridge is no longer scour critical.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400910 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001400910 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001400910 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001400910 is 37.92. .
What is the Year Built for the bridge with structure numberC001400910
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 21. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 133. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006712130 is '6W 2.7N OF PAWNEE CITY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 40 degrees 8 minutes 56.40000000002328 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 96 degrees 16 minutes 29.28000000002794 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006712130 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 9.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 9.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4 - Bank and embankment protection is severely undermined. River control devices have severe damage. Large deposits of debris are in the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 13.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 7.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 722. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006712130 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006712130 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006712130 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1985.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006712130 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006712130 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006712130 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 48.02. The para of bridge with structure number C006712130 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 21. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 133. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006712130 is '6W 2.7N OF PAWNEE CITY'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 40 degrees 8 minutes 56.40000000002328 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 96 degrees 16 minutes 29.28000000002794 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 10. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006712130 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 9.1. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 9.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4 - Bank and embankment protection is severely undermined. River control devices have severe damage. Large deposits of debris are in the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 13.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 7.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 9.8. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 722. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006712130 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006712130 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006712130 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006712130 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1985.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006712130 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 17. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006712130 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006712130 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006712130 is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006712130 is 48.02. .
What is the Functional Classification of Inventory Route for the bridge with structure numberC006712130
9 - Unknown
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 425. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 5. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 33. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 'CO RD 95 MI 9542'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001742510 is '8.4E 5.3N POTTER'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 41 degrees 17 minutes 53.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 103 degrees 8 minutes 48.11999999999534 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1973. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 4.6. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001742510 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8.5. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8.6. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 90.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 54.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001742510 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001742510 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001742510 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001742510 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001742510 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1985.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001742510 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001742510 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001742510 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 78.26. The para of bridge with structure number C001742510 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 425. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 5. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 33. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 'STREAM'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 'CO RD 95 MI 9542'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001742510 is '8.4E 5.3N POTTER'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 41 degrees 17 minutes 53.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 103 degrees 8 minutes 48.11999999999534 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1973. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 30. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 4 - M 18 or H 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 4.6. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001742510 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8.4. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8.5. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8.4. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8.6. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 90.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 54.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001742510 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001742510 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001742510 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001742510 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001742510 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001742510 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1985.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001742510 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 51. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001742510 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001742510 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001742510 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001742510 is 78.26. .
What is the Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure for the bridge with structure numberC001742510
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Spur. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0044B. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 87. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'Trenton Dam Spillway'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'County Road 44B'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is '2.7 mi W of Trenton'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 40 degrees 10 minutes 18.90999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 101 degrees 3 minutes 48.699999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 16. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1953. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 293. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 14. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 13.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 133.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 34.2. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 20.7. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 522. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 320. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1057.02. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Spur. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0044B. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 87. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'Trenton Dam Spillway'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 'County Road 44B'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is '2.7 mi W of Trenton'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 40 degrees 10 minutes 18.90999999997439 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 101 degrees 3 minutes 48.699999999953434 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 16. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1953. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 293. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Inspected feature meets currently acceptable standards.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3 - Bridge is possibly eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (requires further investigation before determination can be made) or bridge is on a State or local historic register.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 14. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 13.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 133.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 7.9. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 34.2. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 20.7. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 522. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 320. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-FCD-002 is 1057.02. .
What is the Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating for the bridge with structure numberNKA-FCD-002
N - Not applicable
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 'BUFFALO CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901410 is '840TH RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901410 is '1.5S 1W OF MEADOW GROVE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 42 degrees 0 minutes 12.239999999990687 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 97 degrees 45 minutes 24.839999999967404 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1975. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 40. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901410 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.6. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 11.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.3. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901410 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901410 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 58. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901410 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901410 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 157.38. The para of bridge with structure number C005901410 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 119. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 'BUFFALO CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005901410 is '840TH RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005901410 is '1.5S 1W OF MEADOW GROVE'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 42 degrees 0 minutes 12.239999999990687 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 97 degrees 45 minutes 24.839999999967404 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1975. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 40. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005901410 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.3. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.5. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8.6. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 11.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - Meets minimum tolerable limits to be left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 34 - Widening of existing bridge with deck rehabilitation or replacement.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 18.3. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 821. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005901410 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005901410 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 8 - Gravel. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005901410 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 58. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005901410 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005901410 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005901410 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005901410 is 157.38. .
What is the Length of Structure Improvement (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC005901410
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1480. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 129. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'REPUBLICAN RIVER TRIB.'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006514817 is '2.0 E SUPERIOR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 40 degrees 1 minutes 0.11999999999534339 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 98 degrees 1 minutes 13.800000000046566 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2014. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006514817 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2024. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006514817 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006514817 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 82.81. The para of bridge with structure number C006514817 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1480. The Direction of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 129. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'REPUBLICAN RIVER TRIB.'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C006514817 is '2.0 E SUPERIOR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 40 degrees 1 minutes 0.11999999999534339 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 98 degrees 1 minutes 13.800000000046566 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2014. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C006514817 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2.4. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 922. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C006514817 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C006514817 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C006514817 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 30. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 2024. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C006514817 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C006514817 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C006514817 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C006514817 is 82.81. .
What is the Place Code for the bridge with structure numberC006514817
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3190. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 'AMES CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001424750 is '575TH AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 'JCT N12/N57 1.5N 3.1E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1.366. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 42 degrees 43 minutes 28.55999999999767 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 97 degrees 2 minutes 5.28000000002794 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1978. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 90. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001424750 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 15.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 65.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 39.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001424750 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001424750 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001424750 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 146.94. The para of bridge with structure number C001424750 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3190. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 'AMES CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001424750 is '575TH AVE'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 'JCT N12/N57 1.5N 3.1E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1.366. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 42 degrees 43 minutes 28.55999999999767 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 97 degrees 2 minutes 5.28000000002794 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1978. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 90. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001424750 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 15.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 15.8. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 65.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 39.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 3 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of corrective action. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001424750 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001424750 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 99. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001424750 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001424750 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001424750 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001424750 is 146.94. .
What is the County/Parish Code for the bridge with structure numberC001424750
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 3180. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 'ANTELOPE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 'FAS 3180'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 'JCT US81/N121 1.8E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.272. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 42 degrees 50 minutes 40.9199999999837 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 97 degrees 22 minutes 2.64000000001397 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 805. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001400220 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 11.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 12.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 9.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 9.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 19.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 12.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 721. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001400220 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001400220 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400220 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1978.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 6 - Bituminous. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001400220 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 7 - Countermeasures have been installed to correct a previously existing problem with scour. Bridge is no longer scour critical.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 805. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001400220 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001400220 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 111.02. The para of bridge with structure number C001400220 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 3180. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 27. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 'ANTELOPE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 'FAS 3180'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 'JCT US81/N121 1.8E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.272. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 42 degrees 50 minutes 40.9199999999837 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 97 degrees 22 minutes 2.64000000001397 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 805. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 9.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001400220 is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 9.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 11.6. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 12.2. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 9.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 9.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 19.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 4 - 0.1 - 9.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 12.2. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 721. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001400220 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001400220 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400220 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001400220 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1978.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 6 - Bituminous. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001400220 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 7 - Countermeasures have been installed to correct a previously existing problem with scour. Bridge is no longer scour critical.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 805. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001400220 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001400220 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001400220 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001400220 is 111.02. .
What is the Length of Structure Improvement (meters) for the bridge with structure numberC001400220
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 412. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 19. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 'SWENSON CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001041205 is '6W OF PLEASANTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 40 degrees 58 minutes 30.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99 degrees 12 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 190. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1993. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2022. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001041205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 6.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 822. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001041205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 90. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001041205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001041205 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 54.4. The para of bridge with structure number C001041205 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 412. The Direction of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 19. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 'SWENSON CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 'COUNTY HIGHWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C001041205 is '6W OF PLEASANTON'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 40 degrees 58 minutes 30.0 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99 degrees 12 minutes 29.880000000004657 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 190. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1993. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2022. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8.5. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 15 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C001041205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 12.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 6.4. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 9 - There are no noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - No noticeable or noteworthy deficiencies which affect the condition of the culvert. Insignificant scrape marks caused by drift.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not provided. The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 33.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not provided. The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 22.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 822. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C001041205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C001041205 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C001041205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 4 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions; field review indicates action is required to protect exposed foundations from effects of additional erosion and corrosion.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 90. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C001041205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C001041205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C001041205 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C001041205 is 54.4. .
What is the Skew (Degrees) for the bridge with structure numberC001041205
15 degrees
The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 145. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 'Red Willow Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 'County Road 720'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is '7.2 mi NE of McCook'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 40 degrees 15 minutes 47.98999999999069 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 100 degrees 30 minutes 58.85999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 320. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1955. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - M 13.5 or H 15. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 30 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 14.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.2. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.2. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 35.1. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 25.2. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 85.4. The para of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 145. The Place Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 'Red Willow Canal'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 'County Road 720'. The General Location of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is '7.2 mi NE of McCook'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 40 degrees 15 minutes 47.98999999999069 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 100 degrees 30 minutes 58.85999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 320. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 25 - Other Local Agencies. The Owner of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1955. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2014. The Design Load of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - M 13.5 or H 15. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 30 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.1. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.9. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 14.0. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.2. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.2. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.1. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Bank protection is being eroded. River control devices and/or embankment have major damage. Trees and brush restrict the channel.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 35.1. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 25.2. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 322. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - None (no additional concrete thickness or wearing surface is included in the bridge deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is - . Does bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 6. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 2040. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is nan. Is bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 managed by a Federal Agency? Y - Yes. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 69 - Bureau of Reclamation. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 5. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number NKA-RW-002 is 85.4. .
What is the Historical Significance for the bridge with structure numberNKA-RW-002
5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 342. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 107. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 'LITTLE BAZILE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005434205 is '.5S 1.2W OF BLOOMFIELD'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 42 degrees 34 minutes 59.52000000001863 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 97 degrees 40 minutes 2.2800000000279397 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1996. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2022. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005434205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 7.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 7.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 41.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005434205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005434205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005434205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005434205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005434205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005434205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 45. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005434205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005434205 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 73.71. The para of bridge with structure number C005434205 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 342. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 107. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 'LITTLE BAZILE CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 'TOWNSHIP ROAD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005434205 is '.5S 1.2W OF BLOOMFIELD'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 42 degrees 34 minutes 59.52000000001863 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 97 degrees 40 minutes 2.2800000000279397 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 30. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1996. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 35. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2022. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 7.3. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005434205 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 7.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8.8. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 9.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 7.9. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8.1. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8 - VERY GOOD CONDITION - no problems noted.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 41.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 24.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005434205 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005434205 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005434205 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005434205 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005434205 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005434205 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005434205 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 5 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 45. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005434205 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005434205 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005434205 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 8. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005434205 is 73.71. .
What is the Total Structure Length for the bridge with structure numberC005434205
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 99. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 'DRY CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 'S 200 CNTY RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005001405 is '.5W 8N AXTELL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 40 degrees 35 minutes 53.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 99 degrees 8 minutes 42.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2016. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005001405 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 10 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Yes. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005001405 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 5.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 11.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 12.5. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005001405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005001405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005001405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005001405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 28. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005001405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005001405 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 77.72. The para of bridge with structure number C005001405 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 14. The Direction of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 7. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 99. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 'DRY CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 'S 200 CNTY RD'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C005001405 is '.5W 8N AXTELL'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 40 degrees 35 minutes 53.88000000000466 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 99 degrees 8 minutes 42.0 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 50. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2016. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 20. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C005001405 is A - Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 6.7. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 10 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Yes. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable or a safety feature is not required.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C005001405 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Concrete. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 19 - Culvert (includes frame culverts). The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 3. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 5.9. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 3.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 11.6. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - NOT APPLICABLE. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 8 - Banks are protected or well vegetated. River control devices such as spur dikes and embankment protection are not required or are in a stable condition.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 9 - No deficiencies.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 42.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 33.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 9 - Superior to present desirable criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 12.5. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1122. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 48. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C005001405 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C005001405 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C005001405 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not applicable. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C005001405 is N - Not Applicable (applies only to structures with no deck). The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C005001405 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 28. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 2033. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C005001405 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C005001405 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C005001405 is G. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 9. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C005001405 is 77.72. .
What is the Parallel Structure Designation for the bridge with structure numberC005001405
N - No parallel structure exists.
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Other. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'SCOTT CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'PRIVATE DRIVEWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000102713P is '2N 1.5W AYR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 40 degrees 28 minutes 0.47999999998137355 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 98 degrees 28 minutes 16.680000000051223 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 999. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000102713P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Bridge is scour critical; bridge foundations determined to be unstable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000102713P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 96.94. The para of bridge with structure number C000102713P is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Other. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Service and/or unclassified frontage road. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'SCOTT CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 'PRIVATE DRIVEWAY'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000102713P is '2N 1.5W AYR'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 40 degrees 28 minutes 0.47999999998137355 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 98 degrees 28 minutes 16.680000000051223 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 999. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 9 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1935. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2003. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - MS 18 or HS 20. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6.1. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P - Posted for load (may include other restrictions such as temporary bridges which are load posted). The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.1. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.2. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.4. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - FAIR CONDITION - all primary structural elements are sound but may have minor section loss, cracking, spalling or scour.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4 - POOR CONDITION - advanced section loss, deterioration, spalling or scour.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 6 - Bank is beginning to slump. River control devices and embankment protection have widespread minor damage. There is minor stream bed movement evident. Debris is restricting the channel slightly.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Allowable Stress (AS). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - > 39.9% below. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 5 - Somewhat better than minimum adequacy to tolerate being left in place as is. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - Replacement of bridge or other structure because of substandard load carrying capacity or substandard bridge roadway geometry.. The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Contract. The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 13.1. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1022. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000102713P is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 7 - Wood or Timber. The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000102713P Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 3 - Bridge is scour critical; bridge foundations determined to be unstable for calculated scour conditions. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 8. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 2042. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000102713P is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000102713P managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000102713P is P. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 4. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000102713P is 96.94. .
What is the Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health for the bridge with structure numberC000102713P
0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*
The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2250. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'PLUM CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'FAS 2250'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'JCT N52/N91 3N 2.7E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5.697. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 41 degrees 43 minutes 34.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 9.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 100. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1930. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 35 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 51.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 30.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1983.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000602810 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000602810 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000602810 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 86.87. The para of bridge with structure number C000602810 is The Record Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Route carried on the structure. The Route Prefix of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 4 - County Highway. The Service Level of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Mainline. The Route Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2250. The Direction of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not Applicable. The Highway District of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3. The County/Parish Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11. The Place Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Features of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'PLUM CREEK'. The Critical Facilities of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Facilities Carried of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'FAS 2250'. The General Location of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 'JCT N52/N91 3N 2.7E'. The Minimum Vertical Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Kilometerpoint of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5.697. The Bridge in Base Highway Network of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The LRS Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The LRS Subroute Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Latitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 41 degrees 43 minutes 34.679999999993015 seconds. The Longitude of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 98 degrees 12 minutes 9.35999999998603 seconds. The Bypass/Detour Distance (kilometers) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 100. The Toll Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Free road. The Maintenance Responsibility of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Owner of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Functional Classification of Inventory Route of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Unknown. The Year Built of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1930. The Lanes of Traffic On the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2. The Lanes of Traffic Under the Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Average Daily Traffic was Recoded of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2011. The Design Load of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other/Unknown. The Approach Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.9. The Bridge Median of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No median. The Skew (Degrees) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 35 degrees. The Flared Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Bridge Railing Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Transtion Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail Front Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Bridge Approach Guardrail End Health of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Inspected feature does not meet currently acceptable standards or a safety feature is required and none is provided.*. The Historical Significance of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Bridge is not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.. The Navigation Control of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No navigation control on waterway (bridge permit not required).. The Navigational Vertical clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Navigational Horizontal Clearance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Bridge Operational Status of bridge with structure number C000602810 is A - Open, no restriction. The Type of Service On Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Highway. The Type of Service Under Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Waterway. The Kind of Strucure Materials/Design used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 3 - Steel. The Type of Design/Construction used on Bridge of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - Unknown. The Kind of Material/Design used on the Apprach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Other. The Type of design/construction used on the Approach of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Unknown. The Number of Spans in Main Unit of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1. The Number of Approach Spans of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0. The Total Horizontal Clearnce for Inventory Route (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Length of Maximum Span (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.3. The Total Structure Length of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 11.9. The Width of Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Width of the Curbs or Sidewalks on the Left Side (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Deck Width (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7.3. The Vertical Clearance over Bridge Roadway(meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 99.99. The Feature Beneath Structure of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Vertical Clearance Beneath Structure (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Feature Beneath Structure.1 of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Feature not a highway or railroad. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Right (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Minimum Lateral Underclearance on the Left (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Deck Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Superstructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - GOOD CONDITION - some minor problems.. The Substructure Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - SATISFACTORY CONDITION - structural elements show some minor deterioration.. The Channel Condition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.. The Culvert Contition Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. Use if structure is not a culvert.. The Operational Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Operational Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 51.0. The Inventory Rating Method of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Load Factor (LF). The Inventory Rating (metric tons) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 30.0. The Structural Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Deck Geometry Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6 - Equal to present minimum criteria. The Underclearance (vertical and horizontal) Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - Not applicable. The Load Posted Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 5 - Equal to or above legal loads. The Waterway Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 7 - Better than present minimum criteria. The Approach Roadway Alignment Evaluation Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Equal to present desirable criteria. The Type of Work Proposed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Work Done By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Length of Structure Improvement (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Inspection Date (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1221. The Bridge Inspection Frequency of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 24. The Fracture Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Underwater Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Special Inspection Interval of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N . The Last Fracture Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Underater Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Last Special Inspection (MM/YY) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Bridge Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Roadway Improvement Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Total Project Cost Estimate ($Thousands) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The Year of Improvement Costs Estimate of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - None. The Percent Resposibility of Border State of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. The Border State Structure Number of bridge with structure number C000602810 is . The STRAHNET Highway Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - The inventory route is not a STRAHNET route.. The Parallel Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is N - No parallel structure exists.. The Direction of Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2 - 2-way traffic. The Temporary Structure Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is - . The Bridge Inventory System in the National Highway System of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Federal Lands Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - Not applicable. The Year Reconstructed of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1983.0. The Deck Structure Type of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Concrete Cast-in-Place. The Type of Wearing Surface of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Monolithic Concrete (concurrently placed with structural deck). The Type of Membrane of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Deck Protection Code of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - None. The Average Daily Truck Traffic (% of Average Daily Traffic) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0.0. The National Network Designation of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 0 - No. The Pier or Abutment Protection (for Navigation) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 1 - Navigation protection not required. Does bridge with structure number C000602810 Meets NBIS Bridge Length Specifications? Y - Yes. The Scour Critical Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 8 - Bridge foundations determined to be stable for assessed or calculated scour conditions; calculated scour is above top of footing.. The Forcasted Average Daily Traffic of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 55. The Year Forcasted of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 2041. The Minimum Navigation Vertical Cleance (meters) of bridge with structure number C000602810 is nan. Is bridge with structure number C000602810 managed by a Federal Agency? N - No. The Submitted By of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 31 - State Toll Authority. The Bridge Condition of bridge with structure number C000602810 is F. The Lowest Rating of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 6. The Deck Area of bridge with structure number C000602810 is 86.87. .
What is the Owner for the bridge with structure numberC000602810
2 - Unknown