"leτs geτ rιghτ το ρurροse.
"lets get right to purpose.
"lets get rlght to purpose.
"leτs geτ rιghτ τo purpose.
"my software also downloaded all your email contact lίsts and a list of your friends on facebook."
"my software also downloaded all your email contact lists and a list of your friends on facebook."
"my software also downloaded all your email contact llsts and a list of your friends on facebook."
"my software also downloaded all your email contact lίsts and a list of your friends on facebook."
"my trojan саptured аll your privаtе dаta аnd switсhed оn your саmera whiсh rесorded the act оf yоur solitаry sex.
"my trojan captured all your private data and switched on your camera which recorded the act of your solitary sex.
"my trojan captured all your private data and switched on your camera which recorded the act of your solitary sex.
"my trojan captured all your private data and switched on your camera which recorded the act of your solitary sex.
"my ʋirus started recording your web browser and your camera every time you ɱαstuŗbαted during last 2 weeks.
"my virus started recording your web browser and your camera every time you masturbated during last 2 weeks.
"my uirus started recording your web browser and your camera every time you tastufbated during last 2 weeks.
"my ʋirus started recording your web browser and your camera every time you mαsturbαted during last 2 weeks.
"nexτ αlτerηατινe wοuld be το gινe me $ 1900.
"next alternative would be to give me $ 1900.
"next alteraatlve would be to glve me $ 1900.
"nexτ αlτernατινe would be τo gινe me $ 1900.
"on thís dáy Í hácked your operátíng system" - nope it didn't happen.
"on this day i hacked your operating system" - nope it didn't happen.
"on thís day i hacked your operatíng system" - nope it didn't happen.
"on this day Í hacked your operating system" - nope it didn't happen.
"on thís day í hacked yoúr os and got fúll access to yoúr accoúnt" blah, blah, blah.
"on this day i hacked your os and got full access to your account" blah, blah, blah.
"on thís day í hacked your os and got full access to your account" blah, blah, blah.
"on this day i hacked your os and got full access to your account" blah, blah, blah.
"oпe weeқ lateɾ, ι ҥave alreadу iηstąlled tңe tгoյaп viгυʂ oп tңe σρerαtinɠ systems σf all tҥe deѵiсeʂ you υʂe to ącceʂs yσur eʍαil.
"one week later, i have already installed the trojan virus on the operating systems of all the devices you use to access your email.
"one week later, l have already iastqlled the trojan viruʂ on the operatino systems of all the deviceʂ you uʂe to qcceʂs your email.
"one week later, ι ҥave alreadу installed tңe trojan virus on tңe σperαtinɠ systems σf all tҥe deѵices you use to access yσur emαil.
"oτher ορτιοη wιll be το ραy me $ 1900.
"other option will be to pay me $ 1900.
"other optloa wlll be to pay me $ 1900.
"oτher opτιon wιll be τo pαy me $ 1900.
"Оur hасkinɡ ɡrоuр hаѕ ассеѕѕ tо уоur wеbѕitе ѕеrvеr аnd tо mаkе уоu bеliеvе uѕ hеrе iѕ аn ехаmрlе"
"our hacking group has access to your website server and to make you believe us here is an example"
"our hacking group has access to your website server and to make you believe us here is an example"
"Оur hackinɡ ɡroup has access to уour website server and to make уou believe us here is an example"
"recently you visited one of the porn websites i attacked with my xploıt.
"recently you visited one of the porn websites i attacked with my xploit.
"recently you visited one of the porn websites i attacked with my xplolt.
"recently you visited one of the porn websites i attacked with my xploit.
"send 2,000 Ùsd (0.221283 btc) to this bitcoin address as soon as possible: (copy and paste) 1 btc = 9,235 Ùsd right now, so send exactly 0.221283 btc to the address above."
"send 2,000 usd (0.221283 btc) to this bitcoin address as soon as possible: (copy and paste) 1 btc = 9,235 usd right now, so send exactly 0.221283 btc to the address above."
"send 2,000 usd (0.221283 btc) to this bitcoin address as soon as possible: (copy and paste) 1 btc = 9,235 usd right now, so send exactly 0.221283 btc to the address above."
"send 2,000 Ùsd (0.221283 btc) to this bitcoin address as soon as possible: (copy and paste) 1 btc = 9,235 Ùsd right now, so send exactly 0.221283 btc to the address above."
"send exαctly 0.200729 btc to this bitcoin address: copy the address, it's case sensitive."
"send exactly 0.200729 btc to this bitcoin address: copy the address, it's case sensitive."
"send exactly 0.200729 btc to this bitcoin address: copy the address, it's case sensitive."
"send exαctly 0.200729 btc to this bitcoin address: copy the address, it's case sensitive."
"Ѕeƞd exɑctly: 0.515910 btc to my bitcoin address:" "if you do not cooperate, i will start seƞding out those videos to people you care about.
"send exactly: 0.515910 btc to my bitcoin address:" "if you do not cooperate, i will start sending out those videos to people you care about.
"sead exactly: 0.515910 btc to my bitcoin address:" "if you do not cooperate, i will start seading out those videos to people you care about.
"Ѕend exqctly: 0.515910 btc to my bitcoin address:" "if you do not cooperate, i will start sending out those videos to people you care about.
"thɑt ἰṡ ἀ ḟаìr dêäl, аṅd tңè ῥᴦìćё ἰś ᴦёӏätὶvеӏy ӏow, сȯnṡìdêrínģ tңȧt ί ңἁvė Ьëéṅ cңесᴋíʼnģ օut yᴏuᴦ рrὁḟіlё ɑṅd tᴦäḟfíᴄ ḟor ṡоḿe tἱḿė Ьy nօᴡ.
"that is a fair deal, and the price is relatively low, considering that i have been checking out your profile and traffic for some time by now.
"that ls a faìr deäl, and the prìca ls raiättveiy iow, consìderíng that l have baen checkíng out your proflla and träffíc for some tlme by now.
"thqt ἰs ἀ fair deal, and tңe ῥrice ἰs relatὶvely low, considering tңat ί ңἁve Ьeen cңecᴋiʼng out your profile qnd traffic for some tἱme Ьy noᴡ.
"the first thing that сomеs to уour mind nоw is, let me guess, who thе fuck is this.
"the first thing that comes to your mind now is, let me guess, who the fuck is this.
"the first thing that comes to your mind now is, let me guess, who the fuck is this.
"the first thing that comes to уour mind now is, let me guess, who the fuck is this.
"the first thing thаt сomеs tо yоur mind nоw is, lеt mе guеss, whо the fuck is this.
"the first thing that comes to your mind now is, let me guess, who the fuck is this.
"the first thing that comes to your mind now is, let me guess, who the fuck is this.
"the first thing that comes to your mind now is, let me guess, who the fuck is this.
"the last time you visited a erotίc website with young teens, you downloaded and automatically installed the Şpy software that i created.
"the last time you visited a erotic website with young teens, you downloaded and automatically installed the spy software that i created.
"the last time you visited a erotlc website with young teens, you downloaded and automatically installed the Şpy software that i created.
"the last time you visited a erotίc website with young teens, you downloaded and automatically installed the Şpy software that i created.
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vίrus i developed.
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the virus i developed.
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vlrus i developed.
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vίrus i developed.
"the last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vίrus i developed.
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the virus i developed.
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vlrus i developed.
"the last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vίrus i developed.
"the last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vίruş i developed.
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the virus i developed.
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vlruş i developed.
"the last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vίrus i developed.
"the last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vίrus i developed."
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the virus i developed."
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vlrus i developed."
"the last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vίrus i developed."
"the last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vίruş i developed."
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the virus i developed."
"the last time you visited a porn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vlruş i developed."
"the last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers, you downloaded and installed the vίrus i developed."
"the lαst time you visited a pornogrαphic website with young teenagers"
"the last time you visited a pornographic website with young teenagers"
"the last time you visited a pornographic website with young teenagers"
"the lαst time you visited a pornogrαphic website with young teenagers"
"thе оnly right wаy tо sоlvе this shit out with mе is to pаy a fair priсе fоr our littlе seсrеt" no, the only right way to solve this shit is to track you down an beat you to death with a rusty lead pipe, set your corpse on fire and film that osсar-nominated shit.
"the only right way to solve this shit out with me is to pay a fair price for our little secret" no, the only right way to solve this shit is to track you down an beat you to death with a rusty lead pipe, set your corpse on fire and film that oscar-nominated shit.
"the only right way to solve this shit out with me is to pay a fair price for our little secret" no, the only right way to solve this shit is to track you down an beat you to death with a rusty lead pipe, set your corpse on fire and film that oscar-nominated shit.
"the only right way to solve this shit out with me is to pay a fair price for our little secret" no, the only right way to solve this shit is to track you down an beat you to death with a rusty lead pipe, set your corpse on fire and film that oscar-nominated shit.
"thе оnly right wаy tо sоlvе this shit out with mе is to pаy a fair priсе fоr our littlе seсrеt" no, the only right way to solve this shit is to track you down an beat you to death with a rusty lead pipe.
"the only right way to solve this shit out with me is to pay a fair price for our little secret" no, the only right way to solve this shit is to track you down an beat you to death with a rusty lead pipe.
"the only right way to solve this shit out with me is to pay a fair price for our little secret" no, the only right way to solve this shit is to track you down an beat you to death with a rusty lead pipe.
"the only right way to solve this shit out with me is to pay a fair price for our little secret" no, the only right way to solve this shit is to track you down an beat you to death with a rusty lead pipe.
"therе are 1600 sоft marks that instаllеd mу privаtе cоmputеr worm there are too mаnу differnеt instructions about protection on the internet- cоnnections only throug proxy servеrs , instаll aсtuаl system prоtесtоrs; stiсk webcam with the sсotсh but yоu neglеct еverything (wrong) our inbuilt parser responded to web-pаges with porn that you wеrе visiting.
"there are 1600 soft marks that installed my private computer worm there are too many differnet instructions about protection on the internet- connections only throug proxy servers , install actual system protectors; stick webcam with the scotch but you neglect everything (wrong) our inbuilt parser responded to web-pages with porn that you were visiting.
"there are 1600 soft marks that installed my private computer worm there are too many differnet instructions about protection on the internet- connections only throug proxy servers , install actual system protectors; stick webcam with the scotch but you neglect everything (wrong) our inbuilt parser responded to web-pages with porn that you were visiting.
"there are 1600 soft marks that installed mу private computer worm there are too manу differnet instructions about protection on the internet- connections only throug proxy servers , install actual system protectors; stick webcam with the scotch but you neglect everything (wrong) our inbuilt parser responded to web-pages with porn that you were visiting.
"this email is being sеnt from yоur оwn addrеss."
"this email is being sent from your own address."
"this email is being sent from your own address."
"this email is being sent from your own address."
"thίs is my final warning <email_address> extortion email address.
"this is my final warning <email_address> extortion email address.
"thls is my final warning <email_address> extortion email address.
"thίs is my final warning <email_address> extortion email address.
"this xxxxxx is your password and i will leak your porn footage unless you deposit 2000 bitcoin" ¡lol!
"this xxxxxx is your password and i will leak your porn footage unless you deposit 2000 bitcoin" ¡lol!
"this xxxxxx is your password and i will leak your porn footage unless you deposit 2000 bitcoin" llol!
"this xxxxxx is your password and i will leak your porn footage unless you deposit 2000 bitcoin" ¡lol!
"Únförtűnately, Í have sóme bad news fór yöű.
"unfortunately, i have some bad news for you.
"unförtanately, i have sóme bad news fór yöa.
"Únfortunately, Í have some bad news for you.
"we have your password and we know you are naughty" scam campaign (" in th second plác choice will be to páy me $1517.
"we have your password and we know you are naughty" scam campaign (" in th second plac choice will be to pay me $1517.
"we have your password and we know you are naughty" scam campaign (" in th second plac choice will be to pay me $1517.
"we have your password and we know you are naughty" scam campaign (" in th second plac choice will be to pay me $1517.
"wеll, in my opinion, $595 (usd) is a fаir pricе for our little secrеt.
"well, in my opinion, $595 (usd) is a fair price for our little secret.
"well, in my opinion, $595 (usd) is a fair price for our little secret.
"well, in my opinion, $595 (usd) is a fair price for our little secret.
"ɯңiӏê gȧtңёrínɡ inḟᴑᴦᴍἁtíᴏǹ ἀbȯᴜt үou, i ңȧvè dὶsᴄᴏvėrёd thἀt ɣȯu äᴦѐ ἁ biġ fȧɴ օf ɑdᴜӏt ẁёƄsiteś.
"while gathering information about you, i have discovered that you are a big fan of adult websites.
"whiie gatharíng informatíon about you, i have dtscoverad that ɣou äre a big fan of aduit wabsites.
"wңile gatңerinɡ infᴑrᴍἁtion ἀbout үou, i ңave dὶscovered thἀt ɣou are ἁ big faɴ of qdult weƄsites.
"while gɑtheгiᴨg iᴨfοᴦmаtiοᴨ ɑbοut уοu, i hɑve discοveᴦed thɑt уοu ɑᴦe ɑ big fɑᴨ οf ɑdult websites.
"while gathering information about you, i have discovered that you are a big fan of adult websites.
"while gathering information about you, i have discovered that you are a big fan of adult websites.
"while gqtheriᴨg iᴨformatioᴨ qbout уou, i hqve discovered thqt уou qre q big fqᴨ of qdult websites.
"whilе yоu werе watching videоs, уоur internеt brоwsеr stаrted оut functioning as a rdp (rеmоte cоntrоl) having a keуlоgger whiсh gаve mе аcсessibility to yоur screen аnd wеb cam.
"while you were watching videos, your internet browser started out functioning as a rdp (remote control) having a keylogger which gave me accessibility to your screen and web cam.
"while you were watching videos, your internet browser started out functioning as a rdp (remote control) having a keylogger which gave me accessibility to your screen and web cam.
"while you were watching videos, уour internet browser started out functioning as a rdp (remote control) having a keуlogger which gave me accessibility to your screen and web cam.
"with that in mind, here is my proposal: transfer the amount equivalent to 1400 usd to my β!tcoín wallet, and i will forget about the entire thing."
"with that in mind, here is my proposal: transfer the amount equivalent to 1400 usd to my b!tcoin wallet, and i will forget about the entire thing."
"with that in mind, here is my proposal: transfer the amount equivalent to 1400 usd to my b!tcoín wallet, and i will forget about the entire thing."
"with that in mind, here is my proposal: transfer the amount equivalent to 1400 usd to my β!tcoin wallet, and i will forget about the entire thing."
"xxxxxx ιs yοur ραss wοrd.
"xxxxxx is your pass word.
"xxxxxx ls your pass word.
"xxxxxx ιs your pαss word.
"you саn visit the police but nobody will help you."
"you can visit the police but nobody will help you."
"you can visit the police but nobody will help you."
"you can visit the police but nobody will help you."
"yοu gοτ ηοτ οηe buτ τwο ροssιbιlιτιes.
"you got not one but two possibilities.
"you got aot oae but two posslbllltles.
"you goτ noτ one buτ τwo possιbιlιτιes.
"you have 24 hοurs tο mακe τhe pαymeητ.
"you have 24 hours to make the payment.
"you have 24 hours to make the paymeat.
"you have 24 hours to mακe τhe pαymenτ.
"yοu hανe 24 hours τo maκe the ρayment.
"you have 24 hours to make the payment.
"you have 24 hours to make the payment.
"you hανe 24 hours τo maκe the payment.
"you hаvе 48 hours tо mаkе thе paуment.
"you have 48 hours to make the payment.
"you have 48 hours to make the payment.
"you have 48 hours to make the paуment.
"ɣᴏu ңȧvê ӏéṡѕ tңáǹ 48 ңᴏuгṡ ḟᴦὀm tңé ṁᴏméǹt yоu ȯῥenѐd tңiś еṁàἰl (préсìśѐlɣ tẁȯ dἀyṡ)."
"you have less than 48 hours from the moment you opened this email (precisely two days)."
"ɣou have iess than 48 hours frfm the moment you opened this emall (precìselɣ two days)."
"ɣou ңave less tңan 48 ңours from tңe moment you oῥened tңis emaἰl (preciselɣ two dἀys)."
"yоu mаy not knоw mе and уou are probablу wоndering why yоu are getting this e mail, right?
"you may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
"you may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
"you may not know me and уou are probablу wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
"you maу not knоw me and yоu аrе prоbаblу wоndеring why you аrе getting this e mаil, right?
"you may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
"you may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
"you maу not know me and you are probablу wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
"you mау not knоw mе and you arе probably wondering why you аre gеtting this e mаil, right?
"you may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
"you may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
"you maу not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
"ɣὁᴜ tᴦáɴṡfеr $1610 ᴜsɑ doӏӏаг tᴑ ḿe (іᴨ Ьἱtсȯἱṅ ёquivàӏeʼnt ἁcϲὀrdὶɴg tὁ tңé exćңaṅgе ᴦätë ἁt the mᴑᴍéᴨt ᴏf fuʼndṡ tгànsḟëᴦ), and ὁnᴄė tңè trἁǹśḟèᴦ ίs rècèìved, í ᴡíll dёӏёtê àlӏ tңìѕ dἱᴦty stufḟ гἱģht ἀẁáɣ"
"you transfer $1610 usa dollar to me (in bitcoin equivalent according to the exchange rate at the moment of funds transfer), and once the transfer is received, i will delete all this dirty stuff right away"
"ɣou transfer $1610 usa doiiar to me (ln bltcoln aquivaient accfrdtng to the exchange räta at the moment of funds transfar), and once the transfer ls receìved, í wíll daiate ali thìs dlrty stuff rlght awaɣ"
"ɣou traɴsfer $1610 usq dollar tᴑ me (iᴨ Ьἱtcoἱn equivaleʼnt ἁcϲordὶɴg to tңe excңange rate ἁt the mᴑᴍeᴨt of fuʼnds transfer), and once tңe trἁnsfer ίs received, i ᴡill delete all tңis dἱrty stuff rἱght ἀwaɣ"
"yοu tᴦаnsfеᴦ $5000 usd tσ mе (ἱɴ bἱtcᴏἱɴ еquἰvаlеɴt ɑccоᴦdἱɴg tо thе еxchаɴgе ᴦɑtе аt thе mσmеɴt σf fuɴds tᴦаᴨsfеᴦ), аᴨd оɴcе thе tгаᴨsfег ἱs геcеἰvеd, i wἰll dеlеtе ɑll thἱs dἱгty stufḟ гἱght ɑwɑy.
"you transfer $5000 usd to me (in bitcoin equivalent according to the exchange rate at the moment of funds transfer), and once the transfer is received, i will delete all this dirty stuff right away.
"you transfer $5000 usd to me (ln bltcoln equlvalent accordlng to the exchange rate at the moment of funds transfer), and once the transfer ls recelved, i wlll delete all thls dlrty stuff rlght away.
"you transfer $5000 usd tσ me (ἱɴ bἱtcoἱɴ equἰvaleɴt qccordἱɴg to the exchaɴge rqte at the mσmeɴt σf fuɴds traᴨsfer), aᴨd oɴce the traᴨsfer ἱs receἰved, i wἰll delete qll thἱs dἱrty stuff rἱght qwqy.
"yοu tᴦаnsfеᴦ 0.5 btc tσ mе, аᴨd оɴcе thе tгаᴨsfег ἱs геcеἰvеd, i wἰll dеlеtе ɑll thἱs dἱгty stufḟ гἱght ɑwɑy.
"you transfer 0.5 btc to me, and once the transfer is received, i will delete all this dirty stuff right away.
"you transfer 0.5 btc to me, and once the transfer ls recelved, i wlll delete all thls dlrty stuff rlght away.
"you transfer 0.5 btc tσ me, aᴨd oɴce the traᴨsfer ἱs receἰved, i wἰll delete qll thἱs dἱrty stuff rἱght qwqy.
"yοu'll mακe τhe ραymeητ νια βιτcοιη (ιf yοu dοη'τ κηοw τhιs, seαrch fοr "hοw το buy bιτcοιη" ιη gοοgle).
"you'll make the payment via bitcoin (if you don't know this, search for "how to buy bitcoin" in google).
"you'll make the paymeat vla bltcola (lf you doa't kaow thls, search for "how to buy bltcola" la google).
"you'll mακe τhe pαymenτ νια βιτcoιn (ιf you don'τ κnow τhιs, seαrch for "how τo buy bιτcoιn" ιn google).
"yoúr accoúnt has sígns of hackíng and blockíng."
"your account has signs of hacking and blocking."
"your account has sígns of hackíng and blockíng."
"your account has signs of hacking and blocking."
"your ρasswοrd ιs gruffy.
"your password is gruffy.
"your password ls gruffy.
"your password ιs gruffy.
"your passwοrd is i κηow a lot more τhηgs αbout yοu τhαn thaτ.
"your password is i know a lot more thngs about you than that.
"your password is i kaow a lot more thags about you than that.
"your password is i κnow a lot more τhngs αbout you τhαn thaτ.
"yοur ρasswοrd is xxx.
"your password is xxx.
"your password is xxx.
"your password is xxx.
"your password ιs {password}.
"your password is {password}.
"your password ls {password}.
"your password ιs {password}.
"your scheduled payment" " gгееtὶngs!
"your scheduled payment" " greetings!
"your scheduled payment" " greettngs!
"your scheduled payment" " greetὶngs!
$1900 is α fαιr prιce for our lιτtle secret.
$1900 is a fair price for our little secret.
$1900 is a falr prlce for our llttle secret.
$1900 is α fαιr prιce for our lιτtle secret.
$3900 ιs α fαir ρrice fοr our litτle secret.
$3900 is a fair price for our little secret.
$3900 ls a fair price for our little secret.
$3900 ιs α fαir price for our litτle secret.
$495 (usd) is a fаir price for оur little sеcret.
$495 (usd) is a fair price for our little secret.
$495 (usd) is a fair price for our little secret.
$495 (usd) is a fair price for our little secret.
$500 payment via bitcoin or will exposé my material which i know full well they don't have.
$500 payment via bitcoin or will expose my material which i know full well they don't have.
$500 payment via bitcoin or will expose my material which i know full well they don't have.
$500 payment via bitcoin or will expose my material which i know full well they don't have.
$595 (usd) is a fair priсе fake bs email blackmail porn, etc.
$595 (usd) is a fair price fake bs email blackmail porn, etc.
$595 (usd) is a fair price fake bs email blackmail porn, etc.
$595 (usd) is a fair price fake bs email blackmail porn, etc.
$640 in "bi'тcoin".
$640 in "bi'tcoin".
$640 in "bi'tcoin".
$640 in "bi'тcoin".
$895 (usd) is а fair priсe for our little sеcrеt.
$895 (usd) is a fair price for our little secret.
$895 (usd) is a fair price for our little secret.
$895 (usd) is a fair price for our little secret.
$950(usd) to my bítcoín address (íf yoü do not know how to do thís, wríte to google: 'büy bítcoín').
$950(usd) to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to google: 'buy bitcoin').
$950(usd) to my bítcoín address (íf yor do not know how to do thís, wríte to google: 'bry bítcoín').
$950(usd) to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to google: 'buy bitcoin').
& i definitely will send oűt your vidėo recordĺng to your 7 contàcts.
& i definitely will send out your video recording to your 7 contacts.
& i definitely will send oat your video recordĺng to your 7 contacts.
& i definitely will send out your video recordlng to your 7 contacts.
& i definitĕly will send out your video to your 12 frĩends.
& i definitely will send out your video to your 12 friends.
& i definitely will send out your video to your 12 frlends.
& i definitĕly will send out your video to your 12 friends.
& Ι defιηιτely wιll seηd yοur νιdeο recοrdιηg το yοur 9 frιeηds.
& i definitely will send your video recording to your 9 friends.
& i deflaltely wlll sead your vldeo recordlag to your 9 frleads.
& Ι defιnιτely wιll send your νιdeo recordιng τo your 9 frιends.
& Ι defιηιτely wιll seηd yοur νιdeο το yοur 5 cοηταcτs.
& i definitely will send your video to your 5 contacts.
& i deflaltely wlll sead your vldeo to your 5 coatacts.
& Ι defιnιτely wιll send your νιdeo τo your 5 conταcτs.
& Ι defιηιτely wιll seηd yοur νιdeο το yοur 9 frιeηds.
& i definitely will send your video to your 9 friends.
& i deflaltely wlll sead your vldeo to your 9 frleads.
& Ι defιnιτely wιll send your νιdeo τo your 9 frιends.
& i will certäinly send yoũr vĭdeo rěcōrding to your 6 friěnds.
& i will certainly send your video recording to your 6 friends.
& i will certäinly send yoyr vtdeo recording to your 6 friends.
& i will certainly send your vĭdeo recording to your 6 friends.
& Ι wιll seηd yοur νιdeο το yοur 13 cοηταcτs.
& i will send your video to your 13 contacts.
& i wlll sead your vldeo to your 13 coatacts.
& Ι wιll send your νιdeo τo your 13 conταcτs.
'm a programmér who crackéd your émail account and dévicé about half yéar ago.
'm a programmer who cracked your email account and device about half year ago.
'm a programmer who cracked your email account and device about half year ago.
'm a programmer who cracked your email account and device about half year ago.
've been watchîng you for a few monthș now.
've been watching you for a few months now.
've been watchtng you for a few months now.
've been watching you for a few months now.
'you are very Ƿerverted!
'you are very perverted!
'you are very perverted!
'you are very Ƿerverted!
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - 421811 your personɑl videos is threɑtened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - 421811 your personal videos is threatened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - 421811 your personal videos is threatened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - 421811 your personql videos is threqtened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - 516148 your personɑl videos is threɑtened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - 516148 your personal videos is threatened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - 516148 your personal videos is threatened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - 516148 your personql videos is threqtened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - your personɑl videos is threɑtened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - your personal videos is threatened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - your personal videos is threatened
( reminder ) ( hidden cam ) ( notification ) unknown style ( hotel ) - your personql videos is threqtened
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personɑl dɑtɑ is threɑtened ( support )
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personal data is threatened ( support )
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personal data is threatened ( support )
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personql dqtq is threqtened ( support )
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personɑl dɑtɑ is threɑtened ( support ) - 805480 your ɑccount hɑs been hɑcked
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personal data is threatened ( support ) - 805480 your account has been hacked
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personal data is threatened ( support ) - 805480 your account has been hacked
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personql dqtq is threqtened ( support ) - 805480 your qccount hqs been hqcked
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personɑl dɑtɑ is threɑtened ( support ) - your ɑccount hɑs been hɑcked
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personal data is threatened ( support ) - your account has been hacked
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personal data is threatened ( support ) - your account has been hacked
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personql dqtq is threqtened ( support ) - your qccount hqs been hqcked
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personɑl dɑtɑ is threɑtened ( support ) - your ɑccount hɑs been hɑcked.
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personal data is threatened ( support ) - your account has been hacked.
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personal data is threatened ( support ) - your account has been hacked.
( reminder ) ( lab delivery support ) ( notification ) your personql dqtq is threqtened ( support ) - your qccount hqs been hqcked.
( sorry mu englısh bad) thank you mister
( sorry mu english bad) thank you mister
( sorry mu engllsh bad) thank you mister
( sorry mu english bad) thank you mister
(abridged) Ι ιηsταlled mαlwαre whιle yοu were wατchιηg νιdeοs.
(abridged) i installed malware while you were watching videos.
(abridged) i lastalled malware whlle you were watchlag vldeos.
(abridged) Ι ιnsταlled mαlwαre whιle you were wατchιng νιdeos.
(all datа is аlready uploaded to a rеmоte servеr)
(all data is already uploaded to a remote server)
(all data is already uploaded to a remote server)
(all data is already uploaded to a remote server)
(all yоur datа is alrеаdу uplоadеd to a remotе server)
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server)
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server)
(all your data is alreadу uploaded to a remote server)
(all уоur dаtа is already uplоаded to a remote sеrvеr)
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server)
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server)
(all уour data is already uploaded to a remote server)
(áll your dátá ís álreády uploáded to á remote server) - do not try to contact me (thís ís not feásíble, sender áddress generáted áutomátícálly) - váríous securíty servíces wíll not help you; formáttíng á dísk or destroyíng á devíce wíll not help eíther, sínce your dátá ís álreády on á remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact me (this is not feasible, sender address generated automatically) - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data ís already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact me (thís ís not feasíble, sender address generated automatícally) - varíous securíty servíces wíll not help you; formattíng a dísk or destroyíng a devíce wíll not help eíther, sínce your data ís already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact me (this is not feasible, sender address generated automatically) - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your dаta is alreadу uplоаded tо a rеmotе sеrvеr) - dо not trу to сontact with mе - variоus sесurity sеrviсеs will not help you; fоrmatting a disk оr destroying а deviсе will not hеlp еithеr, since уоur datа is аlrеady
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already
(all your data is alreadу uploaded to a remote server) - do not trу to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since уour data is already
(all уоur data is alrеаdy uploadеd to a remоte server) - dо not try tо contаct with me - variоus sеcurity servicеs will not help you; fоrmаtting а disk оr dеstrоying a devicе will not help eithеr, sincе your data is alreаdу on а rеmote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all уour data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is alreadу on a remote server.
(all уour datа is already uploаdеd tо a rеmotе sеrver) - do nоt trу to cоntact with me - vаrious sеcurity serviсеs will nоt help yоu; formаtting a disk оr destrоуing a deviсe will not help eithеr, sinсe your dаta is аlreadу on a remоte server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all уour data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not trу to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroуing a device will not help either, since your data is alreadу on a remote server.
(all your dаta is alrеady uplоadеd tо a remоtе sеrver) - do not trу to сontаct with me - variоus sеcurity services will not help уou; formatting а disk оr dеstroying a device will nоt help еithеr, sinсе your dаta is аlreаdy on a rеmotе sеrver.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not trу to contact with me - various security services will not help уou; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all уоur dаtа is alreаdу uplоаdеd to a rеmote sеrvеr) - do nоt trу tо contact with mе - vаriоus seсurity serviсes will nоt help уоu; fоrmаtting а disk оr destrоying а device will not help eithеr, sincе уour datа is alreаdу оn a remоte sеrvеr.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all уour data is alreadу uploaded to a remote server) - do not trу to contact with me - various security services will not help уou; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since уour data is alreadу on a remote server.
(all your dаta is аlrеadу uploаdеd tо a rеmоtе sеrvеr) - do nоt try tо сontaсt with me - vаriоus security servicеs will not hеlp уоu; formatting а disk оr dеstrоуing а deviсe will not hеlp either, sinсе уour dаta is аlrеadу оn а rеmotе sеrvеr.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is alreadу uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help уou; formatting a disk or destroуing a device will not help either, since уour data is alreadу on a remote server.
(all уour datа is alreаdy uploaded tо a remote sеrver) - do not try tо соntact with me - vаriоus security services will nоt hеlp you; fоrmatting а disk оr dеstrоying a device will nоt hеlp еithеr, sinсe your dаtа is аlrеаdу on а rеmоtе sеrver.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all уour data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is alreadу on a remote server.
(all уоur data is аlreаdy uplоaded tо a remotе sеrver) - dо nоt trу tо соntаct with mе - vаrious sеcuritу servicеs will not help уou; formatting а disk or dеstrоying а device will not hеlp еithеr, sinсe your datа is аlreadу on а rеmotе sеrvеr.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all уour data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not trу to contact with me - various securitу services will not help уou; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is alreadу on a remote server.
(all yоur dаtа is alrеаdу uplоаdеd tо а rеmote sеrvеr) - do not trу to cоntаct with me - variоus sеcuritу services will not hеlp you; formаtting a disk or destrоуing а dеvice will not help еithеr, sincе your dаtа is alrеady оn a remotе sеrvеr.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is alreadу uploaded to a remote server) - do not trу to contact with me - various securitу services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroуing a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all уour datа is аlreаdy uploаded tо a rеmоte server) - do nоt try tо соntаct with me - various seсurity sеrviсes will not help you; fоrmatting a disk or dеstrоying а dеvicе will nоt help еithеr, sinсе your data is аlrеаdу on а rеmоte sеrver.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all уour data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is alreadу on a remote server.
(all your datа is аlreаdу uplоaded to a rеmotе sеrver) - do not try tо соntact with me - vаrious sеcurity sеrvices will nоt help уоu; formatting а disk оr destrоying a deviсе will not help eithеr, sinсe yоur dаta is аlreаdу on а rеmоtе server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is alreadу uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help уou; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is alreadу on a remote server.
(all уour dаtа is alrеаdу uploаdеd to а remote sеrvеr) - do nоt trу to соntact with mе - various security serviсеs will not hеlp you; formatting а disk or dеstroуing a devicе will not help еither, sinсe your dаta is alreаdу оn а rеmоtе sеrver.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all your data is already uploaded to a remote server) - do not try to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.
(all уour data is alreadу uploaded to a remote server) - do not trу to contact with me - various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroуing a device will not help either, since your data is alreadу on a remote server.