What is Agneta Bolme Börjefors's occupation?
[ "journalist", "journo", "journalists", "television presenter", "host", "hostess", "TV host", "television host", "TV presenter", "TV anchor", "television anchor" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.7, "text": "Agneta Bolme Börjefors. At the 24th Guldbagge Awards he won the award for Best Actor for his role in \"\"Creditors\"\". Along with Kim Anderzon, he co-hosted the 27th Guldbagge Awards. Tomas Bolme Tomas Robert Olof Bolme (born 21 April 1945 in Högalid, Stockholm) is a Swedish actor. He is famous for being the Swedish voice of Tintin, and he is also the voice of the anime hero Cobra. He studied at Teaterhögskolan in Stockholm during the years 1966 to 1969. Bolme has performed at Fria Proteatern, Royal Dramatic Theatre, Stockholm City Theatre and Riksteatern. He has also recorded several audiobooks", "title": "Tomas Bolme" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.7, "text": "Agnes Börjesson Agneta \"\"Agnes\"\" Fredrika Börjesson (1 May 1827 in Uppsala – 26 January 1900 in Alasssio, Italy), was a Swedish painter. She was a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts (1872). Börjesson was the daughter of the poet Johan Börjesson and Fredrika Gustava (née Fock). Her grandfather was , her great grandfather , and her 2nd great grandfather . In 1849, she became a student of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts in Stockholm. She was a student of Constantin Hansen in Copenhagen 1852–53, of Johan Christoffer Boklund in Stockholm 1853–1856, and of Benjamin Vautiers in 1865.", "title": "Agnes Börjesson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.98, "text": "Her genre was historical scenes, often from the 17th and 18th centuries. Börjesson settled in Italy, but continued to participate in the exhibitions of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, where she was inducted as a member in 1872. Agnes Börjesson Agneta \"\"Agnes\"\" Fredrika Börjesson (1 May 1827 in Uppsala – 26 January 1900 in Alasssio, Italy), was a Swedish painter. She was a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts (1872). Börjesson was the daughter of the poet Johan Börjesson and Fredrika Gustava (née Fock). Her grandfather was , her great grandfather , and her 2nd great grandfather", "title": "Agnes Börjesson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.72, "text": "Johan Börjesson Johan Börjesson (30 August 1790 – 6 May 1866) was a Swedish prelate, poet, and dramatist, associated with the Swedish and romanticist movements. He was holder of chair 3 of the Swedish Academy. Johan Börjesson was born in Tanum, Bohuslän, in 1790 to Börje Hansson and Agneta Wingård. His uncle was Bishop Johan Wingård, his cousin Archbishop Carl Fredrik af Wingård. He enrolled at Uppsala University in 1808, graduated in 1815, and was ordinated priest in the Church of Sweden in 1816. While in Uppsala, Börjesson was admitted to the romanticist society \"\"Aurora\"\", where he initatied his poetic", "title": "Johan Börjesson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.28, "text": "Börje Langefors Börje Langefors (; 21 May 1915 – 13 December 2009) was a Swedish engineer and computer scientist, Emeritus Professor of Business Information Systems at the Department of Computer and Systems Science, Stockholm University and Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and \"\"one of those who made systems development a science.\"\" Langefors was born in Ystad, Sweden, in 1915, and received his training from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He started his career in Nordic Armature Factories (NAF) industries, and in 1949 he got recruited for the SAAB aircraft company. In 1965 he went to Stockholm and was stationed", "title": "Börje Langefors" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.06, "text": "Tomas Bolme Tomas Robert Olof Bolme (born 21 April 1945 in Högalid, Stockholm) is a Swedish actor. He is famous for being the Swedish voice of Tintin, and he is also the voice of the anime hero Cobra. He studied at Teaterhögskolan in Stockholm during the years 1966 to 1969. Bolme has performed at Fria Proteatern, Royal Dramatic Theatre, Stockholm City Theatre and Riksteatern. He has also recorded several audiobooks and one of them is Jan Guillou's \"\"Coq Rouge\"\". Bolme is a former member of the political party Communist League Marxists-Leninists (, \"\"KFML\"\"). He is the brother of television host", "title": "Tomas Bolme" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.92, "text": "who had returned to England to work, a few years earlier. It was during this visit that war broke out and they were unable to return to Denmark. Needing work, Agnete went to stay with her brother Svend, who lived in the centre of the pottery manufacturing industry at Stoke-on-Trent and secured work with Bullers Ltd, who produced electrical insulators. Later she became head of their small art studio and continued in this position until the studio was closed in 1952. After this, she moved down to London to be with her second husband, Harry Bohrer, whom she married in", "title": "Agnete Hoy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.8, "text": "Agneta Rosenbröijer Agneta Rosenbröijer (1620- 11 September 1697), was a Finnish (Swedish) noblewoman and business person. She was a significant figure in the local history of Vyborg, known for her pride, temperament and feuds, which has been the subject of many stories. Agneta Rosenbröijer was the daughter of the burger Tönnies Antonius Bröijer, mayor of Viborg in Swedish Finland. She married in 1640 to merchant Anders Skarpenberg (d. 1652). In 1647, her father was ennobled to Rosenbröijer, and as Agneta, as was usual in Sweden at the time, kept her own name after marriage, she took her father's new name", "title": "Agneta Rosenbröijer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.78, "text": "by a set of data to humans in an information system is a function \"\"i\"\" of the data \"\"D\"\", the semantic background \"\"S\"\", and the time interval \"\"t\"\" of the communication. Langefors published numerous papers in journals, books, and archival proceedings since the 1970s. Books, a selection: Börje Langefors Börje Langefors (; 21 May 1915 – 13 December 2009) was a Swedish engineer and computer scientist, Emeritus Professor of Business Information Systems at the Department of Computer and Systems Science, Stockholm University and Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and \"\"one of those who made systems development a science.\"\" Langefors was", "title": "Börje Langefors" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.55, "text": "at the University at the Department of Mathematical Statistics. From 1967 to 1980 he was Professor of Business Information Systems at the Department of Computer and Systems Science, Stockholm University and Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. In 1974/75 he has been a fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in Wassenaar, the Netherlands, where he completed the writing of a book \"\"Information and Control in Organizations\"\" on Information Systems Architecture. Furthermore, Langefors was one of the key players in founding the IFIP TC8 Technical Committee of Information Systems in 1976. Among his former students and later colleagues in Stockholm", "title": "Börje Langefors" } ]
What is Lothrop Stoddard's occupation?
[ "journalist", "journo", "journalists" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.95, "text": "Lothrop Stoddard Theodore Lothrop Stoddard (June 29, 1883 – May 1, 1950) was an American white supremacist, historian, journalist, eugenicist, Klansman, political theorist and racial theorist. Stoddard was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, the son of John Lawson Stoddard, a prominent writer and lecturer, and his wife Mary H. Stoddard. He attended Harvard College, graduating \"\"magna cum laude\"\" in 1905, and studied Law at Boston University until 1908. Stoddard received a Ph.D. in History from Harvard University in 1914. Stoddard authored many books, most of them related to race and civilization. He wrote primarily on the alleged dangers posed by \"\"colored\"\"", "title": "Lothrop Stoddard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "War II, Stoddard's theories were deemed too closely aligned with those of the Nazis and so he suffered a large drop in popularity. His death from cancer in 1950 went almost entirely unreported despite his previously broad readership and influence. Stoddard was a member of the American Historical Association, the American Political Science Association, and the Academy of Political Science. He was also on the board of directors for the American Birth Control League and was part of its founding. Additionally, Stoddard wrote several articles for \"\"The Saturday Evening Post\"\". Lothrop Stoddard Theodore Lothrop Stoddard (June 29, 1883 – May", "title": "Lothrop Stoddard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "peoples to white civilization. Many of his books and articles were racialist and described what he saw as the peril of immigration. His most famous book was \"\"The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy\"\" in 1920. In this book, he presented a view of the world situation pertaining to race and focusing concern on the coming population explosion among the non-white peoples of the world and the way in which \"\"white world-supremacy\"\" was being lessened in the wake of World War I and the collapse of colonialism. Stoddard argued that race and heredity were the guiding factors of history", "title": "Lothrop Stoddard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "as \"\"A land without a people for a people without a land.\"\" However, his son Lothrop Stoddard, who remained agnostic after his father's conversion, held antisemitic (and white supremacist) views. During his later life he used his fortune to support his adopted home of Merano, South Tyrol, contributing substantially to the building of its secondary school and to a home for homeless youth, now used as a rehabilitation center. Supplementary volumes: John Lawson Stoddard John Lawson Stoddard (April 24, 1850 – June 5, 1931) was an American writer, hymn writer and lecturer who gained popularity through his travelogues. Stoddard was", "title": "John Lawson Stoddard" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.14, "text": "the North American Newspaper Alliance in Nazi Germany. He got preferential treatment by Nazi officials compared to other journalists. An example was the Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda's insisting that NBC's Max Jordan and CBS's William Shirer use Stoddard to interview the captain of the \"\"Bremen\"\". Stoddard visited the Hereditary Health Court in Charlottenburg, an appeals court that decided whether Germans would be forcibly sterilized. After having observed several dysgenics trials at the court, Stoddard stated that the eugenics legislation was \"\"being administered with strict regard for its provisions and that, if anything, judgments were almost too conservative\"\"", "title": "Lothrop Stoddard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.44, "text": "\"\"The Revolt Against Civilization\"\" (1922), Stoddard put forward the theory that civilization places a growing burden on individuals, which leads to a growing underclass of individuals who cannot keep up and a 'ground-swell of revolt'. Stoddard advocated immigration restriction and birth control legislation to reduce the numbers of the underclass and promoted the reproduction of members of the middle and upper classes. He considered social progress impossible unless it was guided by a \"\"neo-aristocracy\"\" from the most capable individuals that was reconciled with the findings of science rather than based on abstract idealism and egalitarianism. In \"\"Re-Forging America: The Story", "title": "Lothrop Stoddard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "he considered them a threat to Nordic racial purity in the US. He warned that US was being \"\"invaded by hordes of immigrant Alpines and Mediterraneans, not to mention Asiatic elements like Levantines and Jews.\"\" Stoddard blasted the ethnic supremacism of the Germans and blamed the \"\"Teutonic imperialists\"\" for the outbreak of World War I. He opposed what he saw as the disuniting of white European peoples through intense nationalism and infighting. Some of the predictions that Stoddard made in \"\"The Rising Tide of Color\"\" were accurate, though not all of them were original to him or predicated on white", "title": "Lothrop Stoddard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.14, "text": "supremacy. They include Japan's rise as a major power; a war between Japan and the US; a second war in Europe; the overthrowing of European colonial empires in Africa and Asia; the mass migration of non-white peoples to white countries; and the rise of extremist Islamism as a rival to Western civilization because of religious radicalism. (Stoddard was anti-Islamic and would publish the book \"\"The New World of Islam\"\" in 1921.) In \"\"The Great Gatsby\"\" (1925), by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there is an allusion, by re-worded title, to \"\"The Rising Tide of Color\"\", wherein the Tom Buchanan character says: In", "title": "Lothrop Stoddard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "of human being that Lothrop Stoddard has called the 'under man.'\"\" [\"\"...den Lothrop Stoddard als 'Untermenschen' bezeichnete.\"\"] Quoting Stoddard: \"\"The Under-Man – the man who measures under the standards of capacity and adaptability imposed by the social order in which he lives\"\". It is possible that Stoddard constructed his \"\"under man\"\" as an opposite to Friedrich Nietzsche's \"\"Übermensch\"\" (superman) concept. Stoddard does not say so explicitly, but he refers critically to the \"\"superman\"\" idea at the end of his book (p. 262). Wordplays with Nietzsche's term seem to have been used repeatedly as early as the 19th century and, due", "title": "Untermensch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.58, "text": "of Klansman Lothrop Stoddard's 1922 book \"\"The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under-man\"\". It was later adopted by the Nazis from that book's German version \"\"Der Kulturumsturz: Die Drohung des Untermenschen\"\" (1925). An advocate of the U.S. immigration laws that favored Northern Europeans, Stoddard wrote primarily on the alleged dangers posed by \"\"colored\"\" peoples to white civilization, with his most famous book \"\"The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy\"\" in 1920. Alfred Rosenberg was the leading Nazi who attributed the concept of the East-European \"\"under man\"\" to Stoddard. As the Nazi Party's chief racial theorist, Rosenberg oversaw", "title": "Master race" } ]
What is G.E.M.'s occupation?
[ "singer-songwriter", "singer songwriter", "singer/songwriter", "singersongwriter", "singer-songwriter" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.5, "text": "cancelled. G.E.M. (Government Employees Mart) was a membership only store. You had to be a government employee. But getting a membership card wasn't as restrictive as it sounds. Anyone qualified as a municipal, provincial or federal government employee—including nurses, teachers, police officers, armed forces personnel, and even notaries public were welcomed. Like a regular department store, G.E.M. sold everything from end tables to record albums. But it also had a food supermarket, a bank, drug store, snack bar, dry cleaners, shoe repair and an auto service centre. G.E.M. itself owned little. Office equipment was leased. The departments were concessions paying", "title": "G. E. M. Membership Department Stores" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.88, "text": "G. E. M. Membership Department Stores G. E. M. Membership Department Stores, also known as G.E.X. or G.E.S., was a chain of discount stores in the United States and Canada. The chain extended membership to direct and indirect government employees; the name was an acronym for \"\"Government Employees Mart.\"\" Appliance and electronics departments in G.E.M. stores were operated by Wards Company, which later changed its name to Circuit City. The stores closed during the discount store shakeout of 1973. Canadian pharmacist Murray Koffler was an investor in the G.E.M. chain, bringing the first G.E.M. store to Toronto in 1959. He", "title": "G. E. M. Membership Department Stores" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.73, "text": "G.E.M. Gloria Tang Sze-wing (born 16 August 1991), professionally known by her stage name G.E.M. (backronym of Get Everybody Moving) or Tang Tsz-kei, is a Chinese singer-songwriter and actress, widely known for her vocal range and stage presence. She made her debut in the Hong Kong music scene with the release of her self-titled EP \"\"G.E.M.\"\" in 2008. This was followed by the release of 2009's 18..., 2010's MySecret and 2012's \"\"Xposed\"\", which won the Hong Kong Top Sales Music Award for the Best Sales Local Female Vocalist. Her 2nd-place finish in the 2014 edition of Chinese singing competition program", "title": "G.E.M." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.69, "text": "rent based on turnover. The membership concept was centered on the conjecture that Americans, because of their rampant individualistic lifestyle had a subconscious need to belong to some group, or club, which gave them a sense of belonging. It seemed to be a fair supposition, as membership was urgently sought. The concept didn’t travel well to Europe. G. E. M. Membership Department Stores G. E. M. Membership Department Stores, also known as G.E.X. or G.E.S., was a chain of discount stores in the United States and Canada. The chain extended membership to direct and indirect government employees; the name was", "title": "G. E. M. Membership Department Stores" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.66, "text": "Primary School and True Light Girls' College with a score of 21 points in HKCEE. In 2008, she attended Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, but dropped out in 2009 due to her decision to focus on her singing career. In October 2008, G.E.M. released her debut self-titled EP \"\"G.E.M.\"\" which included two Mandarin songs and three Cantonese songs. She won a series of awards for the album, and was dubbed \"\"Girl with Giant Lungs\"\" and \"\"Young Diva with Giant Lungs\"\" for her vocal range. In May 2009, G.E.M. traveled to Los Angeles to record her first studio album, \"\"18...\"\",", "title": "G.E.M." }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.5, "text": "22 days which is the fastest music video for G.E.M. reaching 10 million views. On 4 November, G.E.M. was invited to perform the song “Light Years Away” and served as on-stage presenter in the Breakthrough Prize. On 19 November, she was selected as the BBC 100 Women. G.E.M. Gloria Tang Sze-wing (born 16 August 1991), professionally known by her stage name G.E.M. (backronym of Get Everybody Moving) or Tang Tsz-kei, is a Chinese singer-songwriter and actress, widely known for her vocal range and stage presence. She made her debut in the Hong Kong music scene with the release of her", "title": "G.E.M." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.48, "text": "Shortly thereafter, I.R.S. compiled R.E.M.'s music video catalog (except \"\"Wolves, Lower\"\") as the band's first video release, \"\"Succumbs\"\". Don Gehman was unable to produce R.E.M.'s fifth album, so he suggested the group work with Scott Litt. Litt would be the producer for the band's next five albums. \"\"Document\"\" (1987) featured some of Stipe's most openly political lyrics, particularly on \"\"Welcome to the Occupation\"\" and \"\"Exhuming McCarthy\"\", which were reactions to the conservative political environment of the 1980s under American President Ronald Reagan. Jon Pareles of \"\"The New York Times\"\" wrote in his review of the album, \"\"\"\"Document\"\" is both confident", "title": "R.E.M." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.44, "text": "G. E. M. Skues George Edward MacKenzie Skues, usually known as G. E. M. Skues (1858–1949), was a British lawyer, author and fly fisherman most noted for the invention of modern-day nymph fishing and the controversy it caused with the Chalk stream dry fly doctrine developed by Frederic M. Halford. His second book, \"\"The Way of a Trout with the Fly\"\" (1921) is considered a seminal work on nymph fishing. According to Dr Andrew Herd, the British fly fishing historian, Skues: Paul Schullery, the American fly fishing historian, characterises Skues in \"\"Skues on Trout\"\" as: John Goddard in \"\"The Essential", "title": "G. E. M. Skues" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.27, "text": "G. E. M. Anscombe Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe (; 18 March 1919 – 5 January 2001), usually cited as G. E. M. Anscombe or Elizabeth Anscombe, was a British analytic philosopher. She wrote on the philosophy of mind, philosophy of action, philosophical logic, philosophy of language, and ethics. She was a prominent figure of analytical Thomism. Anscombe was a student of Ludwig Wittgenstein and became an authority on his work and edited and translated many books drawn from his writings, above all his \"\"Philosophical Investigations\"\". Anscombe's 1958 article \"\"Modern Moral Philosophy\"\" introduced the term \"\"consequentialism\"\" into the language of analytic", "title": "G. E. M. Anscombe" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.17, "text": "In September 2016, she released her photobook \"\"25 Looks\"\" and an EP, which includes four remix songs. In November 2016, she earned an MTV Europe Music Award for Best Mainland China & Hong Kong Act. On December 29, 2016, G.E.M. released the Chinese theme song for the science fiction film Passengers (2016 film) titled \"\"Light Years Away\"\" 《光年之外》, which she also performed on several occasions, including NASA 2019 Breakthrough Prize. Lyrically, similar to the plot of the film itself, it speaks of a doomed love. The music video has over 120 million views on YouTube and 1-billion on KuGou (Chinese:", "title": "G.E.M." } ]
What is Larry Sitsky's occupation?
[ "composer", "pianist" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.2, "text": "Larry Sitsky Lazar \"\"Larry\"\" Sitsky (born 10 September 1934) is an Australian composer, pianist, and music educator and scholar. His long term legacy is still to be assessed, but through his work to date he has made a significant contribution to the Australian music tradition. Larry Sitsky was born in Tianjin (formerly Tientsin), China, of Russian-Jewish émigré parents. He demonstrated perfect pitch at an early age, by identifying notes or chords played in a different room. He studied piano from an early age, gave his first public concert at the age of nine, and started writing music soon thereafter. His", "title": "Larry Sitsky" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.83, "text": "He is married to the Czech-born Magda Sitsky. Larry Sitsky Lazar \"\"Larry\"\" Sitsky (born 10 September 1934) is an Australian composer, pianist, and music educator and scholar. His long term legacy is still to be assessed, but through his work to date he has made a significant contribution to the Australian music tradition. Larry Sitsky was born in Tianjin (formerly Tientsin), China, of Russian-Jewish émigré parents. He demonstrated perfect pitch at an early age, by identifying notes or chords played in a different room. He studied piano from an early age, gave his first public concert at the age of", "title": "Larry Sitsky" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.69, "text": "written extensively. In 1966 he was appointed Head of Keyboard Studies at the Canberra School of Music, was later Head of Musicology and was Head of Composition Studies. He is currently Emeritus Professor of the Australian National University in Canberra. Sitsky has always performed as well as composed, and as a student won performance awards. He believes that composers should perform, believing that \"\"without this communion with a live audience, music-making all too easily becomes over-intellectualised, sterile and arid\"\". As a performer, he champions twentieth-century repertoire. In terms of composition, Sitsky has regularly changed his musical language to \"\"express himself", "title": "Larry Sitsky" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.64, "text": "(AM) for service to music as a composer, musicologist, pianist and educator; and in the same year he received the Centenary Medal for service to Australian society through music. In 2017 Sitsky was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia for distinguished service to the arts as a composer and concert pianist, to music education as a researcher and mentor, and through musical contributions to Australia's contemporary culture. Sitsky has published the two-volume \"\"The Classical Reproducing Piano Roll\"\" and \"\"Music of the Repressed Russian Avant-Garde\"\", 1900–1929, and has recorded a number of CDs of Australian piano music, including the", "title": "Larry Sitsky" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.12, "text": "Australia Council, which gave him the opportunity to write a large number of compositions (including concerti for violin, guitar, and orchestra), to revise his book \"\"Busoni and the Piano\"\", and to commence work as a pianist on the Anthology of Australian Piano Music. In 1997 the Australian National University awarded him its first Higher Doctorate in Fine Arts. In 1998, he was elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. He is currently a Distinguished Visiting Fellow, as well as Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University. In 2000 he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia", "title": "Larry Sitsky" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.58, "text": "in ways that are not familiar and 'easy'\"\". Larry Sitsky attracted attention when he, among others, criticised the Keating government for giving successive artistic fellowships to the pianist Geoffrey Tozer. He explained that his criticism was not personal against Tozer, who was a friend of his, but that it was a matter of principle. A biography of Sitsky was published in the USA in 1997. Listen to the interview with an Australian composer, pianist, and music educator and scholar Larry Sitsky on SBS Radio, Australia in Russian (Presented by Tina Vassiliev) Sitsky was the first Australian to be invited to", "title": "Larry Sitsky" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.69, "text": "complete sonatas of Roy Agnew. He has had works commissioned by many leading Australian and international bodies, such as the ABC, Musica Viva Australia, the International Clarinet Society, the Sydney International Piano Competition, Flederman and the International Flute Convention. His collection of teaching pieces, Century, has been published by Currency Press, and he also has an open contract to publish anything he wishes with his New York publisher, Seesaw Music Corporation. In August 2011, Sitsky announced plans to write a series of operas based on the stories of Enid Blyton. The works were premiered by the ANU School of Music.", "title": "Larry Sitsky" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.33, "text": "the USSR on a cultural exchange visit, organised by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs in 1977. He has received many awards for his compositions: the Albert H. Maggs Composition Award in 1968, and again in 1981; the Alfred Hill Memorial Prize for his String Quartet in 1968; a China Fellowship in 1983; a Fulbright Award in 1988–89, and an Advance Australia Award for achievement in music (1989). He has also been awarded the inaugural prize from the Fellowship of Composers (1989), the first National Critics' Award, and the inaugural Australian Composers' Fellowship presented by the Music Board of the", "title": "Larry Sitsky" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.05, "text": "Larry Brodsky Larry Brodsky (born January 19, 1960) is an American former college and professional football player who was a wide receiver in the United States Football League (USFL) for three seasons. He played college football for the Miami Hurricanes football team finishing with 100 catches for 1,696 yards and 9 touchdowns in his career. He was drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL) in the 10th round of the 1982 NFL Draft, but never appeared in a regular season NFL game. He signed and instead played for the New Jersey Generals and Tampa Bay", "title": "Larry Brodsky" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.75, "text": "Larry Janesky Lawrence \"\"Larry\"\" Janesky is an American businessman and entrepreneur. Janesky is the founder and CEO of Basement Systems Inc. He is the co-founder of Total Basement Finishing, Inc., Foundation Supportworks, Inc., and Dr. Energy Saver, Inc. Larry Janesky was born in Bridgeport Connecticut in 1964. Active in boy scouts, he earned the Eagle Scout rank at age 14. He graduated high school at age 17 in 1982 from Bullard-Havens Technical High School located in Bridgeport, CT. He did not go to college but immediately began his career as a self-employed carpenter remodeling and building homes. He was contracted", "title": "Larry Janesky" } ]
What is Brigitte Bardot's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses", "model", "fashion model", "sitter", "poser" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.5, "text": "Brigitte Bardot Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot (; born 28 September 1934) is a French actress, singer, dancer, and fashion model, who later became an animal rights activist. She was one of the best known sex symbols of the 1950s and 1960s and was widely referred to by her initials, B.B. Bardot was an aspiring ballerina in her early life. She started her acting career in 1952. She achieved international recognition in 1957 for her role in the controversial \"\"And God Created Woman\"\". Bardot caught the attention of French intellectuals. She was the subject of Simone de Beauvoir's 1959 essay, \"\"The Lolita", "title": "Brigitte Bardot" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.52, "text": "her fame to promote animal rights. In 1986, she established the Brigitte Bardot Foundation for the Welfare and Protection of Animals. She became a vegetarian and raised three million francs to fund the foundation by auctioning off jewellery and personal belongings. She is a strong animal rights activist and a major opponent of the consumption of horse meat. In support of animal protection, she condemned seal hunting in Canada during a visit to that country with Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. On 25 May 2011 the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society renamed its fast interceptor vessel, MV \"\"Gojira\"\",", "title": "Brigitte Bardot" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "\"\"Playboy\"\" magazine, which celebrated her 40th birthday. On 28 September 1983, her 49th birthday, Bardot took an overdose of sleeping pills or tranquilizers with red wine. She had to be rushed to hospital, where her life was saved after a stomach pump was used to evacuate the pills from her body. Bardot is also a breast cancer survivor. Bardot expressed support for President Charles de Gaulle in the 1960s. Her husband Bernard d'Ormale is a former adviser of the Front National, the main far right party in France, known for its nationalist and conservative beliefs. In her 1999 book \"\"Le", "title": "Brigitte Bardot" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.08, "text": "her 75th birthday. The Australian pop group Bardot was named after her. Bardot released several albums and singles during the 1960s and 1970s Bardot has also written five books: Brigitte Bardot Brigitte Anne-Marie Bardot (; born 28 September 1934) is a French actress, singer, dancer, and fashion model, who later became an animal rights activist. She was one of the best known sex symbols of the 1950s and 1960s and was widely referred to by her initials, B.B. Bardot was an aspiring ballerina in her early life. She started her acting career in 1952. She achieved international recognition in 1957", "title": "Brigitte Bardot" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.73, "text": "Fondation Brigitte Bardot La Fondation Brigitte Bardot (FBB), (\"\"The Brigitte Bardot Foundation)\"\" is a French foundation dedicated to animal protection created by French actress Brigitte Bardot in 1986. Since 1992, the foundation has been recognized as a \"\"public utility\"\" (French: Déclaration d'utilité publique). Bardot's initial involvement with animal rights was in 1962, after seeing photographs of the conditions in which animals were killed. Upon this, Bardot immediately began advocating against the use of painful electric shock pistols in slaughterhouses, and became a vegetarian. In 1967, Bardot was received at the Élysée Palace where she met with Charles de Gaulle, the", "title": "Fondation Brigitte Bardot" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.56, "text": "due to military service and Bardot's affair with musician Gilbert Bécaud. In early 1958, her divorce from Vadim was followed in quick order by her break-up with Trintignant, and a reported nervous breakdown in Italy, according to newspaper reports. A suicide attempt with sleeping pills two days earlier was also noted, but was denied by her public relations manager. She recovered within weeks and began an affair with actor Jacques Charrier. She became pregnant well before they were married on 18 June 1959. Bardot's only child, her son Nicolas-Jacques Charrier, was born on 11 January 1960. After she and Charrier", "title": "Brigitte Bardot" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.53, "text": "Syndrome\"\", which described Bardot as a \"\"locomotive of women's history\"\" and built upon existentialist themes to declare her the first and most liberated woman of post-war France. She later starred in Jean-Luc Godard's 1963 film \"\"Le Mépris\"\". For her role in Louis Malle's 1965 film \"\"Viva Maria!\"\" Bardot was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Foreign Actress. From 1969 to 1978, Bardot was the official face of Marianne (who had previously been anonymous) to represent the liberty of France. Bardot retired from the entertainment industry in 1973. She had acted in 47 films, performed in several musicals and recorded", "title": "Brigitte Bardot" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "in Saint-Tropez, in 1986 where she auctioned her jewellery and other personal possessions to raise 3 million French francs for her campaigns and activities. In 1988, the organization moved to Paris. It was here that Bardot led a television series entitled \"\"S.O.S. Animaux.\"\" The show aired from 1989 through 1992, over which time it spread its purpose of influencing public opinion of animal cruelty. In 1991, Bardot donated her Saint Tropez property, \"\"La Madrague\"\" to the foundation so as to raise the capital required to obtain a declaration of public utility. The declaration was granted on February 21, 1992, by", "title": "Fondation Brigitte Bardot" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "her stance on global warming and gun control. She was also offended by Palin's support for Arctic oil exploration and by her lack of consideration in protecting polar bears. On 13 August 2010, Bardot lashed out at director Kyle Newman regarding his plan to make a biographical film on her life. She told him, \"\"Wait until I'm dead before you make a movie about my life!\"\" otherwise \"\"sparks will fly\"\". In fashion, the Bardot neckline (a wide open neck that exposes both shoulders) is named after her. Bardot popularized this style which is especially used for knitted sweaters or jumpers", "title": "Brigitte Bardot" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.28, "text": "as MV \"\"Brigitte Bardot\"\" in appreciation of her support. She once had a neighbour's donkey castrated while looking after it, on the grounds of its \"\"sexual harassment\"\" of her own donkey and mare, for which she was taken to court by the donkey's owner in 1989. Bardot wrote a 1999 letter to Chinese President Jiang Zemin, published in French magazine VSD, in which she accused the Chinese of \"\"torturing bears and killing the world's last tigers and rhinos to make aphrodisiacs\"\". She has donated more than $140,000 over two years for a mass sterilization and adoption program for Bucharest's stray", "title": "Brigitte Bardot" } ]
What is Alexander Bogdanov's occupation?
[ "economist", "economists", "journalist", "journo", "journalists", "physician", "physicians", "medical doctor", "medical practitioner", "doctor", "medical doctors", "philosopher" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.69, "text": "Alexander Bogdanov Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogdanov (; born Alyaksandr Alyaksandravich Malinovsky; ; – 7 April 1928) was a Russian and later Soviet physician, philosopher, science fiction writer, and revolutionary of Belarusian ethnicity. He was a key figure in the early history of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, (RSDLP - later the Communist Party of the Soviet Union [CPSU]), originally established 1898, being one of its co-founders in 1903, after the split with the Mensheviks minority faction and a rival to Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), until being expelled in 1909. Following the Russian Revolutions of 1917, when the", "title": "Alexander Bogdanov" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.25, "text": "to dialectic materialism. The rediscovery of \"\"Tectology\"\" occurred only in the 1970s. Alexander Bogdanov Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogdanov (; born Alyaksandr Alyaksandravich Malinovsky; ; – 7 April 1928) was a Russian and later Soviet physician, philosopher, science fiction writer, and revolutionary of Belarusian ethnicity. He was a key figure in the early history of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, (RSDLP - later the Communist Party of the Soviet Union [CPSU]), originally established 1898, being one of its co-founders in 1903, after the split with the Mensheviks minority faction and a rival to Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), until", "title": "Alexander Bogdanov" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.06, "text": "Bolsheviks came to power in the collapsing Russian Empire, during the first decade of the subsequent Soviet Union in the 1920s, he was an influential opponent of the Bolshevik government and Lenin from a Marxist leftist perspective. Bogdanov received training in medicine and psychiatry. His wide various scientific and medical interests ranged from the universal systems theory to the possibility of human rejuvenation through blood transfusion. He invented an original philosophy called \"\"tectology\"\", now regarded as a forerunner of systems theory. He was also an economist, culture theorist, science fiction writer, and political activist. He was one of the Russian", "title": "Alexander Bogdanov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "Bogdanov was a major figure among the early Bolsheviks, second only to Vladimir Lenin in influence. In 1904-1906, he published three volumes of the philosophic treatise \"\"Empiriomonizm\"\" (\"\"Empiriomonism\"\"), in which he tried to merge Marxism with the philosophy of Ernst Mach, Wilhelm Ostwald, and Richard Avenarius. His work later affected a number of Russian Marxist theoreticians, including Nikolai Bukharin. In 1907, he helped organize the 1907 Tiflis bank robbery with both Lenin and Leonid Krasin. For four years after the collapse of the Russian Revolution of 1905, Bogdanov led a group within the Bolsheviks (\"\"ultimatists\"\" and \"\"otzovists\"\" or \"\"recallists\"\"), who", "title": "Alexander Bogdanov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.84, "text": "Vladimir Bogdanov Vladimir Leonidovich Bogdanov (; born 28 May 1951) is a Russian businessman and oil tycoon. In 1973 he graduated from Tyumen Industrial Institute with a degree in oil and gas and since then has worked in oil industry in Tyumen Oblast, mainly in Surgutneftegas. Since 1993, he is the President of Surgutneftegas, one of the largest Russian oil companies. In 1978-1980 he occupied leading positions in Yuganskneftegaz. Since 1984 he has been the Director General of Surgutneftegaz, which became a private company in 1993. In June 2001 Forbes claimed that Bogdanov was the third wealthiest Russian with $1.6", "title": "Vladimir Bogdanov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.56, "text": "Arakcheyev's arbitrary and despotic rule in the early 1820s. In 1918, Bogdanov became a professor of economics at the University of Moscow and director of the newly established Socialist Academy of Social Sciences. Between 1918 and 1920, Bogdanov co-founded the proletarian art movement Proletkult and was its leading theoretician. In his lectures and articles, he called for the total destruction of the \"\"old bourgeois culture\"\" in favour of a \"\"pure proletarian culture\"\" of the future. It was also through Proletkult that Bogdanov's educational theories were given form with first the establishment of the Moscow Proletarian University. At first Proletkult, like", "title": "Alexander Bogdanov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.53, "text": "him and worked as a nurse for Rudnev. Malinovsky adopted the nom de plume that he used when he wrote his major theoretical works and his novels from her patronym. Alongside Bazarov and Ivan Skvortsov-Stepanov he became a tutor in a workers' study circle. This was organised in the Tula Armament Factory by Ivan Saveliev, whom Bogdanov credited with founding Social Democracy in Tula. During this period, he wrote his \"\"Brief course of economic science\"\" which was published – \"\"subject to many modifications made for the benefit of the censor\"\" – only in 1897. He later said that this experience", "title": "Alexander Bogdanov" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.08, "text": "of student-led education gave him his first lesson in proletarian culture. In autumn 1895, he resumed his medical studies at the University of Kharkiv (Ukraine) but still spent much time in Tula. He gained access to the works of Lenin in 1896, particularly the latter's critique of Peter Berngardovich Struve. In 1899, he graduated as a medical doctor and published his next work, \"\"Basic elements of the historical perspective on nature\"\". However, because of his political views, he was also arrested by the Tsar's police, spent six months in prison, and was exiled to Vologda. Bogdanov dates his support for", "title": "Alexander Bogdanov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.02, "text": "Rifkat Bogdanov Rifkat Ibragimovich Bogdanov (; June 13, 1950 – November 3, 2013) was a Soviet and Russian mathematician known for contributions to nonlinear dynamical systems, bifurcation theory, and differential geometry. He was an ethnic Tatar. In his work on bifurcations of limit cycles and versal deformations of singular points of vector fields (1975–76), he described a bifurcation of co-dimension 2, which has become known in the literature as the Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation. Born in the village of Mamykovo in Tatarstan, Bogdanov had a doctorate in physico-mathematical sciences and was a professor in two Russian research organizations: the Skobeltsyn Institute of", "title": "Rifkat Bogdanov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "Konstantin Bogdanov Konstantin Anatolevich Bogdanov () is a Russian anthropologist and philologist whose areas of investigation covers Russian culture, including folklore, rhetoric, and the history of science and humanities. He has also researched the history of social thought in 18-20th Century Russia. Konstantin Bogdanov was born 1963 in Leningrad, USSR. He obtained his undergraduate degree in Classical Philology and Russian Language and Literature at St. Petersburg State University. During this time Bogdanov became a member of the Russian Academy of Science. In 1992, Dr. Bogdanov completed his PhD with the dissertation: “Magic Spelling in Russian Folklore: A Structural Analysis:. During", "title": "Konstantin Bogdanov" } ]
What is Chris Lang's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.56, "text": "Chris Lang Chris Lang (born 1961) is a British television writer, actor, producer and musician. Lang has written for many British television series but is best known as the writer, creator and executive producer of the critically acclaimed \"\"Unforgotten\"\". The first series starred Nicola Walker, Trevor Eve, Sir Tom Courtenay, Cherie Lunghi, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Gemma Jones, Hannah Gordon, Ruth Sheen and Bernard Hill. and was first broadcast in Autumn 2015. Sir Tom Courtenay later won the 2016 BAFTA for Best Supporting Actor for his role, and was nominated for a Royal Television Society award for his performance, while Nicola Walker", "title": "Chris Lang" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.45, "text": "Chris Langford Chris Langford (born 2 January 1963) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who has been an AFL Commissioner since 1999. Langford is best known for his 303-game career for the Hawthorn Football Club between 1983 and 1997. Langford played his early games for Hawthorn on the wing or as the second ruckman. He had a good leap which compensated for his lack of height. It was after the retirement of Peter Knights and David O'Halloran he switched to full back . It was that position in which he won his first All-Australian selection in 1987. A defender,", "title": "Chris Langford" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "James Lang (politician) James Christian Lang (25 March 1910 – 14 December 2002), usually known as Chris Lang, was an Australian politician. The son of Jack Lang, Premier of New South Wales 1925–27 and 1930–32, he succeeded his father as the member for Auburn in the New South Wales Legislative Assembly, serving from 1946 to 1950. Born in Homebush, Lang was educated at North Auburn Public School and Burwood Intermediate High School before entering his father's real estate business, Lang and Daes, in 1925. In 1930 he became the manager, remaining so until 1958, when he became the manager of", "title": "James Lang (politician)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.25, "text": "TF1 on 27 March 2017. Lang began his career as a television writer with \"\"The Bill\"\", for which he wrote many episodes, and for which he won a Writer's Guild award. He went on to write episodes for shows including \"\"Casualty\"\", \"\"Soldier Soldier\"\", \"\"The Knock\"\", \"\"Reach for the Moon\"\", \"\"The Palace\"\", \"\"POW\"\", \"\"Primeval\"\", \"\"Hustle\"\" and most recently \"\"The Tunnel\"\" for Sky Atlantic. In 2001, he wrote and created his first original drama series \"\"The Glass\"\", which starred John Thaw and Sarah Lancashire. Since then some of his other original work has included \"\"Sirens\"\", \"\"Unconditional Love\"\", \"\"Amnesia\"\" (which was nominated for", "title": "Chris Lang" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "1995 NBA Draft but he did carve out a professional career overseas, including stints in Italy and Switzerland. Today he resides in the Charlotte, North Carolina area, working non-basketball related jobs. Jarvis Lang Jarvis Christopher Lang (born June 25, 1971) is an American former professional basketball player. A power forward, Lang had a lauded collegiate career at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte between 1990–91 and 1994–95 prior to playing professionally overseas. He was known as a rugged player who was difficult to contain in the low post offensively while providing a stiff challenge defensively. As a freshman for", "title": "Jarvis Lang" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "Jarvis Lang Jarvis Christopher Lang (born June 25, 1971) is an American former professional basketball player. A power forward, Lang had a lauded collegiate career at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte between 1990–91 and 1994–95 prior to playing professionally overseas. He was known as a rugged player who was difficult to contain in the low post offensively while providing a stiff challenge defensively. As a freshman for the Charlotte 49ers, Lang led all NCAA Division I freshmen in both scoring (19.6) and rebounding (10.6) per game. He was named the Metro Conference Freshman of the Year and named", "title": "Jarvis Lang" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "Chris Langkow Chris Langkow (born August 22, 1989) is a Canadian professional ice hockey center. He is currently playing with MAC Budapest who compete in the Slovak Extraliga (Slovak). Prior to turning professional, Langkow played major junior hockey in the Western Hockey League with the Spokane Chiefs, Saskatoon Blades, and the Everett Silvertips. During the 2012–13 season, Langkow was traded by the Reading Royals to the South Carolina Stingrays on November 9, 2012. After playing the majority of the 2013–14 season with the Bridgeport Sound Tigers, posting 20 points in 64 games, Langkow was signed to a one-year extension on", "title": "Chris Langkow" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.92, "text": "in 1983, after winning the Royal Academy award for 'A Series of Outstanding Performances in the Vanbrugh Theatre'. As an actor he worked on such British television series as \"\"Shadow of the Noose\"\", \"\"Drop the Dead Donkey\"\", \"\"Outside Edge\"\", \"\"A Dance to the Music of Time\"\" and \"\"All Along the Watchtower\"\". In his youth, he formed a comedy revue called \"\"The Jockeys of Norfolk\"\" with Andy Taylor and Hugh Grant, but stopped acting in the mid nineties in order to fully concentrate on his writing career. Chris Lang Chris Lang (born 1961) is a British television writer, actor, producer and", "title": "Chris Lang" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.78, "text": "1991 respectively. His son Lachlan was selected in the 2014 rookie draft. Chris Langford Chris Langford (born 2 January 1963) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who has been an AFL Commissioner since 1999. Langford is best known for his 303-game career for the Hawthorn Football Club between 1983 and 1997. Langford played his early games for Hawthorn on the wing or as the second ruckman. He had a good leap which compensated for his lack of height. It was after the retirement of Peter Knights and David O'Halloran he switched to full back . It was that position", "title": "Chris Langford" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.58, "text": "securing a one-year deal with Hungarian club, MAC Budapest, for their inaugural season in the Slovak Extraliga. Chris is a first cousin to NHL veteran Daymond and Scott Langkow. Chris Langkow Chris Langkow (born August 22, 1989) is a Canadian professional ice hockey center. He is currently playing with MAC Budapest who compete in the Slovak Extraliga (Slovak). Prior to turning professional, Langkow played major junior hockey in the Western Hockey League with the Spokane Chiefs, Saskatoon Blades, and the Everett Silvertips. During the 2012–13 season, Langkow was traded by the Reading Royals to the South Carolina Stingrays on November", "title": "Chris Langkow" } ]
What is Pamela Winslow's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "and Bojembe around upstate New York, including Glens Falls, Albany, and Colonie. Winslow's \"\"day job\"\" is that of a music and performing arts teacher at Saint Anne Institute, a reform school for girls, where she administers the \"\"Expressive Arts\"\" program. She was quoted as saying \"\"Teenagers have a lot to express, especially children-at-risk. But they haven't always been directed as to how to do that. We try to help them.\"\" Funding for this program was a Youth Advancement Through Music and Art (YATMA) grant. YATMA, since 2006 called Educational Mentoring Through the Arts & Humanities (EMTAH), \"\"incorporates strength-based mentoring with", "title": "Thomasina Winslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "Mary Nelson Winslow Mary Nelson Winslow (1887–1952) was a Washington, D.C. social worker who worked in the US Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau from 1920 into the late 1930s, conducting many research projects on the status of working women. She was an officer of the National Women's Trade Union League. When the Inter-American Commission of Women was made a permanent subsidiary commission of the Pan-American Union (which later became the Organization of American States) Winslow was made the official US delegate to the commission and served from 1938-1944. Mary Nelson Winslow was born on September 22, 1887 to Francis Winslow", "title": "Mary Nelson Winslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "of married women employed outside the home, the effect of women working on the family, and the non-acceptance of working wives by employers. Between 1929 and 1941, she also served as legislative representative in Washington, DC for the National Women's Trade Union League and then served on its executive board. During that same time, Winslow was nominated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as the United State's representative to the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM). In a large part, her nomination was used by FDR to oust Doris Stevens from the CIM and transform the organization from a quasi-autonomous advisory group", "title": "Mary Nelson Winslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.98, "text": "spin.\"\" As a business woman, Winslow manages and produces music for herself and other artists in a variety of music. She is one of the few African-American woman today producing records for indie artists, including herself. She is the owner of a production company, Winslow Productions. As part of her production work, Winslow also mentors up-and-coming performing artists. Winslow was, for a while, an artistic agent. She has also collaborated with a local visual artist, Kim Morris, for a concert and art show. Winslow's music is sold on and other online sales web sites, such as CDBaby. Due to", "title": "Thomasina Winslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "range, and all of it was well done. Winslow served as commissioner from Massachusetts to the Cotton States and International Exposition of Atlanta, 1893; director of Board of Trustees of the Frances Willard Hospital, Bedford, Massachusetts; and State regent of the Massachusetts Daughters of the American Revolution, 1901-02. She served as treasurer of the New England Woman's Press Association, and was one of its six founders. She was also the founder of the Boston Authors’ Club; and served as vice-president of the Press League. Winslow lectured before many women's clubs and societies. She was a member of The National Society", "title": "Helen M. Winslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.61, "text": "Helen M. Winslow Helen M. Winslow (pen name, Aunt Philury; April 13, 1851 – March 27, 1938) was an American editor, author, publisher, and journalist. She began her work on Boston papers. Winslow served as dramatic editor on \"\"The Beacon\"\", 1891–97; editor, Woman's Club Departmentt, \"\"Boston Transcript\"\", 1893–98; editor, Woman's Club Department of the \"\"Delineator\"\", 1897, and again 1912; editor and publisher, \"\"The Club Woman\"\", 1897-1904; and she was the publisher of the Official Register of Women's Clubs in America from 1897. She was the author of \"\"Salome Sheppard, Reformer\"\". 1893; \"\"Concerning Cats\"\", 1900; \"\"Concerning Polly\"\", 1902; \"\"Literary Boston or", "title": "Helen M. Winslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.3, "text": "into a subsidiary commission of the Pan American Union. Winslow was appointed the US's official representative at the 1938 Conference of the Pan-American States, held in Lima, Peru and served on the CIM until 1944. She then became an adviser on women's affairs to Nelson Rockefeller. She died on May 2, 1952 in Washington, DC and her papers were donated by Harriet Winslow to Radcliffe College. Mary Nelson Winslow Mary Nelson Winslow (1887–1952) was a Washington, D.C. social worker who worked in the US Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau from 1920 into the late 1930s, conducting many research projects on", "title": "Mary Nelson Winslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.25, "text": "Margaret E. Winslow Margaret E. Winslow (1836-1936) was an American activist, newspaper editor, and author of several temperance books. She served at two separate times, and during the longest period of any editor-in-chief of \"\"Our Union\"\", the national organ of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). It was a burst of inspiration from Winslow, relative to its simplicity and purity, which at the National WCTU Convention in Chicago determined the union to wear the white ribbon as a badge rather than the red, white, and blue which was strongly urged by many. Margaret Elizabeth Winslow was born in New York", "title": "Margaret E. Winslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.23, "text": "and Harriet Livingston Patterson. On her mother's side, she descended of Carlile Pollock Patterson and the Livingston family, which married into the Jay family and were some of the founding families of the United States. Winslow attended the New York School of Social Work and by 1920 she was working in the government service as an industrial agent for the US Department of Labor in the Women's Bureau. She had worked her way up to director and editor of exhibits by 1923 and by 1924 was conducting studies on the nature of women in the labor force, including the number", "title": "Mary Nelson Winslow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.95, "text": "Ola Elizabeth Winslow Ola Elizabeth Winslow (January 5, 1885 in Grant City, Missouri – September 27, 1977 in Damariscotta, Maine) was an American historian, biographer, and educator. She won a Pulitzer Prize in 1941 for her biography of Jonathan Edwards, an 18th-century American theologian whose basic writings she edited for Signet Classics. Born in Missouri, Winslow was an instructor at College of the Pacific from 1909 to 1914, when she earned a master's degree from Stanford University. She was professor of English at Goucher College in Baltimore (1914–1944) and at Wellesley College (1944–1977, emeritus after 1950). Winslow earned a Ph.D.", "title": "Ola Elizabeth Winslow" } ]
What is Alan Bjerga's occupation?
[ "journalist", "journo", "journalists" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.48, "text": "Alan Bjerga Alan Bjerga (born 1973) is an American journalist, author of the book \"\"Endless Appetites: How the Commodities Casino Creates Hunger and Unrest.\"\" He also covers global food policy for Bloomberg News and is a journalism instructor at Georgetown University, where in 2016 he received a department award for dedication to student learning. In 2010 he served as president of the National Press Club and was president of the North American Agricultural Journalists in 2010-2011. He has been recognized for his work with awards from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers, the New York Press Club, the", "title": "Alan Bjerga" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "edited the student newspaper, \"\"The Concordian\"\". He earned a master's degree in mass communication from the University of Minnesota, where he was the managing editor of The Minnesota Daily. In 2012 he was an inaugural winner of the university's award for outstanding journalism alumni under 40, and in 2013 received Concordia College's annual \"\"Sent Forth\"\" award given to an outstanding young alumnus. Bjerga began his career with the St. Paul Pioneer Press (Minn.) and also reported for the Sioux Falls (S.D.) Argus Leader and The Wichita Eagle (Kan.). Alan Bjerga was a contestant on the game show, \"\"Who Wants To", "title": "Alan Bjerga" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.95, "text": "Kansas Press Association, the North American Agricultural Journalists, and the Overseas Press Club. He has commented on food and agriculture for Bloomberg Television, National Public Radio, the BBC and PBS Newshour, among other programs. Bjerga won the NAAJ's top writing award in 2005 while working for the Knight-Ridder Washington Bureau, where as a Midwest correspondent also covered foreign policy issues including defense contracting and intelligence related to the Iraq war. Bjerga, who grew up on a farm near the town of Motley, Minnesota, went to Concordia College (Minnesota) where he earned a bachelor's degree in history and English literature and", "title": "Alan Bjerga" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.47, "text": "Be A Millionaire?\"\" where he won $50,000. He was a second-place finisher on \"\"Jeopardy!\"\"' At his National Press Club inaugural on January 30, 2010, he played guitar and sang lead vocals with \"\"Honky Tonk Confidential\"\", a retro/alt country band with songs written by former CBS Face the Nation anchor, Bob Schieffer. He has also competed for the standup comedy title of \"\"DC's Funniest Journalist.\"\" Alan Bjerga Alan Bjerga (born 1973) is an American journalist, author of the book \"\"Endless Appetites: How the Commodities Casino Creates Hunger and Unrest.\"\" He also covers global food policy for Bloomberg News and is a", "title": "Alan Bjerga" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.17, "text": "Alan Wilkie Alan B. Wilkie (born 1951) is an English former football referee, who officiated in the Football League and the Premier League, and for UEFA. He was born in Denton Burn, Newcastle upon Tyne, but now lives in Chester-le-Street, County Durham. His other occupation during his refereeing career was as a Telecommunications electrical engineer, and he now works for the Football Association as a regional manager for referees in North East England. Wilkie became a Class 3 referee in 1977, at the age of 26, when a serious knee injury meant him having to give up playing football in", "title": "Alan Wilkie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.98, "text": "Juul Bjerke Juul Bjerke (14 April 192828 February 2014) was a Norwegian economist. He was born in Hof, Vestfold. He took the cand.oecon degree and was hired in Statistics Norway in 1950. He served as State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance from 1971 to 1972, in Bratteli's First Cabinet. He was later a head of department in Statistics Norway from 1973 to 1983, then led the Economy Department at the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions from 1983 to 1993. He was also a member of the board of directors of the Bank of Norway from 1978 to 1993. He", "title": "Juul Bjerke" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.77, "text": "of hobbies gives him the necessary skills and knowledge to solve murders, thefts, fraud and a rather petty theft by a small child. His hobbies covers chess, astronomy, optics, philately, track and field, football betting and other interests that has seems to have nothing in common. Bjerke also published two collections of mystery short stories in 1970, titled \"\"Onkel Oscar starter opp\"\" and \"\"Onkel Oscar kjører videre\"\". Oscar is a cab driver in contemporary Oslo who is mixed up in different crimes and solves them by his ability his acumen. The stories, co-written by TV host, Harald Tusberg, were adaptations", "title": "André Bjerke" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.77, "text": "Johannes Bjerg Johannes Clausen Bjerg (26 January 1886 – 17 February 1955) was a Danish sculptor who worked primarily in the El Greco-style. Born in Ødis near Kolding, Bjerg attended the Latin School in Kolding before serving an apprenticeship with A.L. Johansen & Son in 1907 during which he created an oak bust of his father. Thereafter he spent an extended period in Copenhagen (1908–11) during which he created a silver medal for a bronze bust of his father. In 1911, he went to Paris to associate with progressive artists of the times such as Picasso, leading to his Cubic", "title": "Johannes Bjerg" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.75, "text": "Lars Bjerring Lars Bjerring Larsen (born 30 November 1981) is a Danish football trainer and former football player, who currently works as goalkeeper coach for OB. He had to retire in 2010 due to injury. In February 2011, Bjerring signed a contract with Køge Boldklub as a goalkeeping coach for the youth teams of the club. Bjerring signed a full time contract with HB Køge in the summer 2011 as a goalkeeper coach. In March 2012, Bjerring signed a three month contract with HB Køge as a back-up goalkeeper, because of injuries in the HB Køge squad. He didn't play", "title": "Lars Bjerring" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.75, "text": "Bjartmar Gjerde Bjartmar Alv Gjerde (6 November 1931 – 28 November 2009) was a Norwegian politician for the Labour Party. He held several posts as a government minister between 1971 and 1980, and was Norway's first Minister of Petroleum and Energy. He was later the director-general of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation and director of the government agency Aetat. Hailing from Larsnes in Sande, Møre og Romsdal, he was a son of smallholder Hjalmar Gjerde (1902–1979) and housewife Astrid Øvrelid (1907–1993). In his younger days he worked as a journalist, first in \"\"Sunnmøre Arbeideravis\"\" from 1948 to 1953 and then as", "title": "Bjartmar Gjerde" } ]
What is Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn's occupation?
[ "poet", "poetess", "bard" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.77, "text": "Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn (c. 1550 – c.1591) was an Irish poet. A well-known late-Gaelic era poet, Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn was a member of a family of professional poets from north Connacht. He was called \"\"dall\"\" because he was blind. His mother's name is unknown. His father was Mathghamhain mac Maolmhuire, a direct descendant of Tadg Óg Ó hUiginn (died 1448). His brother, Maol Muire Ó hUiginn, Archbishop of Tuam, died in 1590. Tadhg had lands at Doughrarane in Achonry, and Coolrecuil in Kilmactigue, among other parcels in County Sligo and served as a juror.", "title": "Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.95, "text": "of the Ó hEadhra family, who retaliated by cutting out his tongue before murdering him. Tadgh Dall had a daughter, Máire. His son, Tadg Óg Ó hÚigínn, who was nine years old when his father was killed by members of the Ó hEadhra sept, inherited his father's lands at Dooghorne in Achonry. Tadg Óg's grandson, Pól Ó hUiginn (1628? - 1724) was a scholar and Protestant preacher. Tadhg, d. 1315 Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn (c. 1550 – c.1591) was an Irish poet. A well-known late-Gaelic era poet, Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn was a member of a", "title": "Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.61, "text": "Eleanor Knott, the twentieth-century editor and translator of his works for the Irish Texts Society, suggested that these were lands originally granted to his ancestors by the O'Conor Sligo family, who were patrons of the family. Ó hUiginn evidently enjoyed high status in his lifetime, reflected in the lords to whom he addressed some of his poems. They included Cú Chonnacht Mag Uidhir (died 1589), Patrick Plunkett, Baron Dunsany (d. 1601), Aodh Mac Seáin Ó Broin (d. 1579), Aodh Mag Uidhir (died 1600), Cormac Ó hEadhra (died 1612), Brían na Múrtha Ó Ruairc (died 1591), Conn Ó Dónaill (died 1583),", "title": "Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "Aodh Ó Dónaill (died 1600), Turlough Luineach O'Neill (died 1595), John Burke (died 1580), Myler Burke (died 1586). Further indication of his status among contemporaries and in the decades after is the sizable number of his compositions that are found in the Book of O'Conor Don and in the Ó Gadhra manuscript (RIA MS 23 F 16), compiled in Ostend in 1631 and Brussels/Lille c. 1659 respectively. A constant theme of his work is a very distinct sense of Irish nationalism, acutely aware of the political situation in late 16th-century Ireland. Irish sovereignty under threat from England features in several,", "title": "Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "along with restructuring invasion stories found in Lebor Gabala Erenn for the Norman-Irish, who were now heavily Gaelicised. An inquisition held at Ballymote in 1593 recorded that Tadhg Dall had died at Coolrecuil on the last day of March 1591. A chancery inquisition of 1617 provided further details, stating that members of the Ó hEadhra family of Cashel Carragh, Kilmacteige, were attained in 1591 for \"\"murdering one Teige Dall O Higgen (sic) his wife and childe in the year one thousand five hundred ninetee and one or thereabouts\"\". Tadhg Dall apparently composed a satirical poem about six robbers, all members", "title": "Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "oak tree, the likes of which no longer exist today. Kilclooney Castle was once the home of the renowned Ó hUigín bardic family and was occupied by Domhnall Ó hUiginn in 1574. Tadhg Dall Ó hÚigínn refers to a school of poetry here in the 16th Century. It is stated that seventeen poets of Ulster's brightest progeny sought learning in Kilclooney, while it is also reputed that students from Scotland may have studied there. Each student studied filíocht (poetry) for 12 years, in a school year lasting from November to March. It is said each student had his own stone", "title": "Milltown, County Galway" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.05, "text": "and have issue. His descendants included an Archbishop of Tuam, and the poet Tadhg Dall Ó hUiginn (died c.1591). The Irish annals state that he kept a guest house for scholars and pilgrims, and died at Kilconla (Kilconla should read ‘Kilcloney’- the remains of his Castle can be seen today outside Milltown. I lived in Kilconla MOF1} in the barony of Dunmore, County Galway, in 1448. He was buried in the priory of Strade, County Mayo. His school at Kilconla was still functioniong in 1574, overseen by his descendant, Domnall Ó hUiginn. Ó hUiginn enjoyed a great professional reputation within", "title": "Tadg Óg Ó hUiginn" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21, "text": "Domhnall Ó hUiginn Domhnall Ó hÚigínn (fl. 1574) was an Irish poet and teacher. Domhnall was a member of the same clan as Tadhg Dall Ó hÚigínn (1550–1591) and the scribe of Leabhar Cloinne Aodha Buidhe (fl. 1680). This branch of the Uí hÚigínn ran a school of poetry at Kilclooney, near Milltown, County Galway. They were a branch of the Uí hÚigínn Magheny, County Sligo. They had originally settled there at the request of Brian mac Domhnaill Ó Conchobhair Sligo (ruled 1403–1440). The Book of the Burkes is a surviving manuscript, created by Tadhg Dall Ó hÚigínn, and Domhnall's", "title": "Domhnall Ó hUiginn" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.14, "text": "Tadg Óg Ó hUiginn Tadg Óg Ó hUiginn (died 1448) was an Irish poet. Ó hUiginn was a member of a well-known Irish family of bards, based in Connacht. His father, Tadhg, died in 1391, while all that is known of his mother is her first name, Aine. He had an elder brother, Fearghal Ruadh Ó hUiginn, whose early death he laments in \"\"Me a dhearbhrathair 's a dhalta\"\". Marc Caball (p. 578) believes him to have been a great-grandson of Tadhg Ó hUiginn, a celebrated poet who died in 1315. Further personal details are few, but he did marry", "title": "Tadg Óg Ó hUiginn" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.97, "text": "son, Ruaidhrí Ó hÚigínn. Domhnall himself is listed as in possession of Kilclooney castle in 1575, and there he conducted \"\"a well reowned bardic school ... possibly under the patronage of the local O'Connors ... One bardic poem of Tadhg Dall Ó hÚigínn ... informs us that Ulster students came to study at Kilclooney. Scottish students were also reputed to have attended there.\"\" Domhnall Ó hUiginn Domhnall Ó hÚigínn (fl. 1574) was an Irish poet and teacher. Domhnall was a member of the same clan as Tadhg Dall Ó hÚigínn (1550–1591) and the scribe of Leabhar Cloinne Aodha Buidhe (fl.", "title": "Domhnall Ó hUiginn" } ]
What is Leigh Whannell's occupation?
[ "screenwriter", "scenarist", "writer", "screen writer", "script writer", "scriptwriter", "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.83, "text": "Leigh Whannell Leigh Whannell (born 17 January 1977) is an Australian screenwriter, producer, director, and actor. He is best known for writing films directed by his friend James Wan, including \"\"Saw\"\" (2004), \"\"Dead Silence\"\" (2007), \"\"Insidious\"\" (2011), and \"\"\"\" (2013). Whannell has directed two films, \"\"\"\", released in 2015, and \"\"Upgrade\"\", released in 2018. Whannell and Wan are the creators of the \"\"Saw\"\" franchise. Whannell wrote the first installment, co-wrote the second and third installments, was producer or executive producer for all the films, and appeared as the \"\"Adam Stanheight\"\" character in four of the installments. He was also the", "title": "Leigh Whannell" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.2, "text": "writer of the \"\"Saw\"\" video game (2009),Saw 2 flesh and blood game 2000 on Saw ll 2005 Movie Whannell was born in Melbourne, Australia. He believes that he inherited his love of storytelling from his mother, and his fondness of filmmaking from his father, who was a cameraman in the television industry. A writer since childhood, Whannell worked as a reporter and film critic for several Australian television shows, including ABC's \"\"Recovery\"\", a Saturday morning youth-oriented program that was hosted by Dylan Lewis. Whannell has described the show in a 2011 blog post: The result was that instead of following", "title": "Leigh Whannell" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.62, "text": "that special club of film directors that he’s always admired very soon. I’m so happy for him, like a proud father. And that is why it is the end of an era.\"\" Whannell also added that he doesn't rule out collaborating with Wan again, but he felt like he needs to direct a film for the first time. Whannell's latest project as a writer-director was the science fiction body horror film \"\"Upgrade\"\", which was released by Blumhouse Tilt and OTL Releasing in 2018 to positive reception. (2007) – Spink and Hoffman and Dr Gordon foot Xavier's Skeleton and hacksaw Leigh", "title": "Leigh Whannell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "the usual \"\"MTV\"\" ideal of what teenagers want in a TV show—“Hey kids, coming up next we’ve got some seriously WICKED windsurfing moves!!”—\"\"Recovery\"\" managed to tap into the so-called “alternative” movement that was in full swing at the time by giving teenagers what they actually want: genuine, unpolished anarchy. Whannell had originally auditioned for the host role, but was later employed as a reporter; Whannell's first interview was with Jackie Chan and he has stated that \"\"\"\"Recovery\"\" is the best job I've ever had ...\"\" Whannell appeared in Episode 4, Season 1 of the RMITV production Under Melbourne Tonight presents", "title": "Leigh Whannell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "horror film about a team of zoologists exploring the Tasmanian wilderness to locate a creature thought extinct, the thylacine, aka Tasmanian tiger. Instead, they wander into the domain of cannibals who retain their ancestor Alexander Pearce's taste for human flesh, and become prey. Before and during the production of \"\"Saw\"\", Whannell sought medical treatment. \"\"I was going through a bit of a tough time healthwise and suffering anxiety,\"\" says Whannell. \"\"The anxiety manifested itself in physical ways. I was suffering headaches everyday for nearly a year. It was serious stuff and really started affecting my life.\"\" Spending time in a", "title": "Leigh Whannell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20, "text": "\"\"Saw\"\" led to a sequel, \"\"Saw II\"\", which was directed and co-written by Darren Lynn Bousman, and on which Whannell co-wrote and revised Bousman's original script, titled \"\"The Desperate\"\". Whannell also served as an executive producer. Around the same time, Whannell returned to collaborate with Wan; they wrote a film called \"\"Dead Silence\"\", which Wan directed. It was originally slated for a 2006 release, but small problems with the title pushed the release date back to March 2007. In 2006, the duo composed the story for \"\"Saw III\"\"; Whannell wrote the screenplay for the third time. It was again directed", "title": "Leigh Whannell" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.67, "text": "In relation to the \"\"Saw\"\" franchise, Whannell stated, also in 2011: It's hard to say definitively, because we don't own the copyright for it. The producers could make 10 more if they wanted to. But, if we're to take them at face value, they told us that they were definitely done with it. They're pretty exhausted. They've been making one a year every year for the past seven years, so I think they need some time off. Media reports were published in mid-2013 in regard to \"\"Cooties\"\", a film project that Whannell is an executive producer, actor and screenwriter for.", "title": "Leigh Whannell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.48, "text": "What's Goin' On There? on 10 June 1998 In 2003, Whannell appeared in a minor role in \"\"The Matrix Reloaded\"\", as well as in the video game \"\"Enter The Matrix\"\" as the character \"\"Axel\"\". While in film school, Whannell met James Wan. Together, the two wrote a script for what would become \"\"Saw\"\". After making a short film in 2003 to showcase the intensity of the \"\"Saw\"\" script, the feature film version, directed by Wan, was made in 2004 and became a low-budget sleeper hit. Whannell played Adam Stanheight in the film, one of the main characters. The popularity of", "title": "Leigh Whannell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.91, "text": "The film's plot concerns an extreme virus that infects an isolated elementary school. Whannell made his directing debut on the sequel \"\"\"\" (2015), which he also wrote. In 2014, Whannell expressed possible interest in returning to the \"\"Saw\"\" franchise; however, in a November 2013 post on his personal blog, Whannell described a new chapter beyond his partnership with Wan, as the director had finally reached his goal of making epic-style blockbuster productions. Whannel explained: \"\"Now, he’s off making the films he’s always wanted to make - the big ones. I have no doubt that his name will be added to", "title": "Leigh Whannell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.91, "text": "hospital inspired him to endow the lead antagonist of the \"\"Saw\"\" series, Jigsaw/John Kramer, with cancer. \"\"It was weird to be 25 and sitting in a neurological ward and I'm surrounded by people who actually had brain tumors. It was very scary and it was my first proper look at mortality. I really wanted to get my health back and it really hammered home how important good health is. If you've got that, you've got everything.\"\" Whannell wrote the script for and acted in the 2011 paranormal thriller film, \"\"Insidious\"\", which was directed by Wan and produced by Oren Peli.", "title": "Leigh Whannell" } ]
What is Yannis Ritsos's occupation?
[ "poet", "poetess", "bard" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "editor-in-chief of all technical journals. He is a University Fellow of the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, and serves on the advisory boards of a number of institutions worldwide, including the School of Information Science and Technology of Tsinghua University, and the Academic Advisory Council of the Greek Embassy in the United States. He was singled out among the Los Angeles 500: The most influential people in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Business Journal, in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Yortsos’ research and teaching interests are in the general areas of fluid flow, transport and reaction processes in porous and fractured", "title": "Yannis C. Yortsos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "(\"\"International Herald Tribune\"\", \"\"Los Angeles Times\"\") and many others. These days he is particularly active in the interior and exterior design and refurbishment of hotels, luxury housing estates, and public transport vehicles. At the age of 15 Yannis Tseklenis started working at his father's textile-couture retail business, where he gained valuable experience while also exploring his abilities in painting and design. At age 24 he established his own advertising agency, Spectra Advertising, and undertook the publicity campaigns of major international and Greek companies such as Metaxa, General Motors, and Aegean Mills. In 1962 and 1964 respectively, Tseklenis was directly involved", "title": "Yannis Tseklenis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "occupations to support himself. Despite previous disappointments, Ploutarchos' love of music pushed him back into the business and just two years after his first performance, he started appearing at club Rodolfo, which was followed by appearances at bigger clubs such as Neraida, Fantasia, and Tonel where he collaborated with well-known laïka names such as Giannis Poulopoulos, Rita Sakellariou, Themis Adamantidis, as well as Contemporary aïka artists such as Stelios Rokkos and Giorgos Mazonakis. Around that time, he met Dimitris Kardatzis and Ilias Filippou who believed in his talent, and got him in touch with his first producer Girgos Makrakis, who", "title": "Yannis Ploutarchos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.88, "text": "Yannis C. Yortsos Yannis C. Yortsos is the Dean of the Viterbi School of Engineering at the University of Southern California. Since June 2005, he has served as Dean of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering and has held the Zohrab A. Kaprielian Chair in Engineering. He has also held the Chester F. Dolley Chair since January 1995. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in February 2008, where he has also served as secretary, vice-chair and chair of Section 11, and as the NAE Section 11 liaison to the National Research Council. Since July 2017, Yortsos serves", "title": "Yannis C. Yortsos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "Yannis Anastasiou Yannis Anastasiou (born 5 March 1973) is a Greek football manager and former footballer, who has been manager of AC Omonia since November 2018. As a player, Anastasiou played as a striker, and was active professionally in Greece, Belgium and the Netherlands. He also represented the Greece national team at senior international level. Born in Arta, Anastasiou played professionally in Greece, Belgium and the Netherlands for PAS Preveza, Ethnikos Piraeus, OFI Crete, Anderlecht, Roda JC, Ajax, Sparta Rotterdam and Omniworld. He also earned five caps for the Greece national team between 1998 and 1999. After his retirement from", "title": "Yannis Anastasiou" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.27, "text": "Yannis Tseklenis Yannis Tseklenis (Greek; Γιάννης Τσεκλένης, born 1937) is a Greek fashion designer. Born in Athens, Greece on 6 November 1937, he is the son of Costas Tseklenis from Pyrgos, Elis regional unit (located in the Peloponnese area of Greece) and Melania Pastirmadji who was born in Constantinople. He grew up and completed his studies in Athens. He attended Athens College and graduated from the Moraitis School. In 1960 he married Aspa Pesmazoglou and eventually divorced in 1965. They have one son, Constantinos Tseklenis, a conceptual artist and cinematographer, born in 1963. In 1976 Yannis Tseklenis married his second", "title": "Yannis Tseklenis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "Yannis Bakos Yannis Bakos is a professor at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University. His primary area of expertise is the economic and business implications of information technology, the Internet, and online media. He is the co-founder (with Chris F. Kemerer) of the Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), and the co-inventor of Flexplay DVDs. Bakos holds a Ph.D. in Management and an MBA in Finance from the MIT Sloan School of Management. He also received a Masters in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and a B.S. in Computer Engineering from MIT's Department of", "title": "Yannis Bakos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "Yannis Pappas Yannis Pappas is a Greek-American comedian born and raised in Park Slope Brooklyn, New York. Both of his parents, Anna and Chris, practiced law. He is the youngest of three children. He has two older brothers, Peter and Nikos Pappas. His brother Peter is also a lawyer who worked for the Clinton and Obama administrations. Yannis attended college at the American University in Washington, D.C. where he studied American Studies and History. Pappas previously also worked in the social work field where he participated in 9/11 disaster relief for two and a half years and worked with the", "title": "Yannis Pappas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "Yannis Hamilakis Yannis Hamilakis (, ; born 1966) is a Greek archaeologist and writer who is the Joukowsky Family Professor of Archaeology and Professor of Modern Greek Studies at Brown University. He specialises in archaeology of the prehistoric Aegean as well as historical archaeology, including ethnography and anthropology. His research interests include nationalism, postcolonialism, and migration studies. Hamilakis was raised in Sitia, a town in Crete. He received his BA in History and Archaeology from the University of Crete in 1988, followed by an MSc and PhD from the University of Sheffield. From 2000–2016, he was Professor of Archaeology at", "title": "Yannis Hamilakis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "Yannis Tamtakos Yannis Tamtakos () (1908 – January 4, 2008) was a Greek political activist, initially of Trotskyism and in his later life, of Anarchism. Due to his political activity, he was chased by the Axis forces, Greek state and National Liberation Front (Greece). For quite a few years before his death, he was the oldest survivor among the active participants of the great strike of 1936, in Thessaloniki. He was born in 1908, in Foça, Ottoman Empire. In 1914, his family fled persecutions of Anatolian Greeks to Greece, and he was forced to earn his living as a street", "title": "Yannis Tamtakos" } ]
What is Andy C's occupation?
[ "disc jockey", "DJ", "dee jay", "dj", "D.J.", "disk jockey", "dee-jay", "deejay", "disquaire", "discaire", "record producer", "music producer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.59, "text": "Andy C Andrew Clarke (born April 7, 1973) is an English DJ and record producer. He is the co-founder of RAM Records, a pioneering force in the drum and bass genre. In 2011, Andy C won the Best DJ title in the 2011 Drum and Bass Arena Awards, and since the awards' inception in 2009, he has won the people's vote in the awards for Best DJ each year. He specialises in fast mixing, often employing three turntables. A signature mixing style of Andy is what he refers to as \"\"The Double Drop\"\": lining up two tunes so that both", "title": "Andy C" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.44, "text": "Ham United. Andy C Andrew Clarke (born April 7, 1973) is an English DJ and record producer. He is the co-founder of RAM Records, a pioneering force in the drum and bass genre. In 2011, Andy C won the Best DJ title in the 2011 Drum and Bass Arena Awards, and since the awards' inception in 2009, he has won the people's vote in the awards for Best DJ each year. He specialises in fast mixing, often employing three turntables. A signature mixing style of Andy is what he refers to as \"\"The Double Drop\"\": lining up two tunes so", "title": "Andy C" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "desperation, Andy tries his hand at a new occupation: professional wrestling. He doesn't have the build for it, but by behaving and dressing in the manner of a Gorgeous George-type, he creates a character known as \"\"The Lover\"\" who drives both opponents and audiences crazy. At last, Andy has thousands of fans, even if they're not the kind he had in mind. Vincent Canby of \"\"The New York Times\"\" did not enjoy the film much although he appreciated earlier works by Reiner. \"\"\"\"The One and Only\"\" is more of that sort of safe, schmalzy comedy, but fatally lacking the presence", "title": "The One and Only (1978 film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.92, "text": "a setup that allows Andy to custom mix content on the fly. These sets need to be custom made for each venue, and to this date Andy C has already had bookings at SXSW in Texas, Beyond Wonderland in California, Vooruit in Gent Belgium and Melkweg in Amsterdam, as well as Brixton Academy and Cambridge Junction. His talent as a producer and a DJ have earned him extensive respect from his peers, sites as a musical influence and inspiration by some of the biggest names in drum and bass; so diverse is his style that Andy C has played for", "title": "Andy C" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.91, "text": "Records was nominated for Best Label. Since its inception in 2009, the peoples vote each year for the annual awards for best DJ at The Drum and Bass Arena Awards has been won each year by Andy C. He is considered a pioneering force in the drum and bass genre. He specialises in fast mixing, often employing three turntables. A signature mixing style of Andy is what he refers to as \"\"The Double Drop\"\" – lining up 2 tunes so their heaviest basslines drop at the same time. Andy C is a self-confessed tech freak, a lifelong fan of West", "title": "Andy C" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.67, "text": "has been able to attract and nurture other artists of high calibre, including Chase & Status, Loadstar, Sub Focus and Wilkinson. Showcasing their label and DJ talents, Andy has secured headline acts and their own stage at major events including Creamfields, Global Gathering, The Sunbeat Festival and The Electric Daisy Carnival. In 2012 Andy C launched a new concept – Andy C Alive, where he uses custom made software and settings to mix both audio and visuals, creating stunning light and laser shows. At the heart of the setup are 3 deck mixing desks, audio and image editing suites and", "title": "Andy C" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.27, "text": "A. C. Anderson Andrew Charles \"\"Andy\"\" Anderson, (March 28, 1909 – April 23, 1996) was a pharmacist and politician in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. Anderson was elected six times as the mayor of Lethbridge, serving from 1968–1986. Anderson's 18 years in office made him the longest tenured mayor in the history of the city. He was born in Shabbona, Illinois. Anderson moved with his family to Champion, Alberta from Illinois in 1912. He graduated from the University of Alberta in 1934 with a pharmaceutical chemist degree. After working for a Lethbridge pharmacy for 14 years, he opened his own business, Anderson's", "title": "A. C. Anderson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "Andy C. Saxton Andy C. Saxton is a musician, producer and film composer from Watford, United Kingdom. He has worked alongside many famous bands and musicians including Bon Jovi, Sepultura, Alexisonfire, Jimmy Eat World. Saxton was also the bassist for the Progressive Metal band Cry For Silence for 8 years with the new Slipknot bassist Alessandro Venturella. Saxton has played on albums with Ryan Richards from Funeral For a Friend and Charlie Simpson from Busted/Fightstar According to an interview published in Bass Guitar Magazine Saxton's main influences are Alain Caron, Jaco Pastorius, Ryan Martinie, Stuart Zender, Les Claypool and Flea.", "title": "Andy C. Saxton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "Andy C. Saxton Andy C. Saxton is a musician, producer and film composer from Watford, United Kingdom. He has worked alongside many famous bands and musicians including Bon Jovi, Sepultura, Alexisonfire, Jimmy Eat World. Saxton was also the bassist for the Progressive Metal band Cry For Silence for 8 years with the new Slipknot bassist Alessandro Venturella. Saxton has played on albums with Ryan Richards from Funeral For a Friend and Charlie Simpson from Busted/Fightstar According to an interview published in Bass Guitar Magazine Saxton's main influences are Alain Caron, Jaco Pastorius, Ryan Martinie, Stuart Zender, Les Claypool and Flea.", "title": "Andy C. Saxton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "Valley Speedway. He also became the first person at Lebanon Valley to win two races on the same night, four years in a row. On 4/6/2014 Andy won the inaugural 'Hard Clay Open' 50-lap Modified race at the Orange County Fair Speedway in Middletown, NY. Andy is married to Natalie Johnson Bachetti and lives in Sheffield, MA. They have 2 children; Blake, age 9 and Delaina, age 4. His occupation is full-time race car driver and enjoys hunting, fishing and snowmobiling Andy Bachetti Andy Bachetti, (Born December 13, 1975) also known as \"\"The Wild Child\"\", is a dirt track race", "title": "Andy Bachetti" } ]
What is Frequency's occupation?
[ "disc jockey", "DJ", "dee jay", "dj", "D.J.", "disk jockey", "dee-jay", "deejay", "disquaire", "discaire", "record producer", "music producer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "a complicated product of exponentials: For \"\"small\"\" times such that formula_148, the inner exponential inside the double exponential in the last term can be expanded up second order to obtain: This result shows that the probability of occupation of the excited state \"\"oscillates\"\" with effective frequency formula_150. It also shows that it should decay over characteristic time: The collapse can be easily understood as a consequence of destructive interference between the different frequency components as they de-phase and begin to destructively interfere over time. However, the fact that the frequencies have a discrete spectrum leads to another interesting result in", "title": "Jaynes–Cummings model" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.95, "text": "questions involving subsistence, geographic range, and domestication. Based on Marwick's own research and Shoocongdej's (2000, 2006), behavioral ecological models were applied to examine human behavior through lithic assemblages which found in Tham Lod and Ban Rai rockshelters. In theory, high frequencies of pre-processing should reflect logistical mobility strategy. However, at Tham Lod, a high frequencies of pre-processing (CPM) but a residential mobility strategy (ODM) and a low intensity of occupation (PCM) was observed: We can see an internal conflict between models. An multiple optima model is proposed to explain this contradictory result. Multiple optima model allows more than one optimal", "title": "Hoabinhian" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.03, "text": "pre-existing conditions causing a problem in the occupation, correct posture for the work, frequency of rest breaks, preventative action that can be undertaken, and so forth. \"\"Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by their working conditions; the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health; the placing and maintenance of the worker in an occupational environment adapted to his physiological and psychological capabilities; and, to summarize, the", "title": "Occupational safety and health" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.02, "text": "population was impossible, although separate analysis has found that such a model is feasible if such a migration happened along the coasts. Finally, archaeogenetics has been used to study the occupation of Australia and New Guinea. The aborigines of Australia and New Guinea are phenotypically very similar, but mtDNA has shown that this is due to convergence from living in similar conditions. Non-coding regions of mt-DNA have shown “no similarities” between the aboriginal populations of Australia and New Guinea. Furthermore, no major NRY lineages are shared between the two populations. The high frequency of a single NRY lineage unique to", "title": "Archaeogenetics" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.02, "text": "the amenity needs of recreational travelers and those of the drivers of heavy vehicles — so much so that on arterial routes it is common to see rest areas specifically signed to segregate the two user groups entirely. Thus rest areas generally do not allow overnight occupation. In Queensland, however, well-maintained rest areas sometimes explicitly invite travelers to stay overnight, as a road safety measure, but this is rare elsewhere. Both the frequency and quality of European rest areas differ from country to country. In some countries such as Spain rest areas are uncommon – motorists are directed to establishments", "title": "Rest area" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.83, "text": "rate of oscillatory and vibratory phenomena, such as mechanical vibrations, audio signals (sound), radio waves, and light. For cyclical processes, such as rotation, oscillations, or waves, frequency is defined as a number of cycles per unit time. In physics and engineering disciplines, such as optics, acoustics, and radio, frequency is usually denoted by a Latin letter \"\"f\"\" or by the Greek letter \"\"formula_1\"\" or \"\"ν\"\" (nu) (see e.g. Planck's formula). The relation between the frequency and the period formula_2of a repeating event or oscillation is given by The SI derived unit of frequency is the hertz (Hz), named after the", "title": "Frequency" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.75, "text": "Radio-frequency engineers are specialists in their respective field and can take on many different roles, such as design, installation, and maintenance. Radio-frequency engineers require many years of extensive experience in the area of study. This type of engineer has experience with transmission systems, device design, and placement of antennas for optimum performance. The RF engineer job description at a broadcast facility can include maintenance of the station's high-power broadcast transmitters and associated systems. This includes transmitter site emergency power, remote control, main transmission line and antenna adjustments, microwave radio relay STL/TSL links, and more. In addition, a radio-frequency design engineer", "title": "Radio-frequency engineering" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.42, "text": "experience have shown a very good correlation with occupational deafness in the frequency range of human speech. It is also used when measuring low-level noise in audio equipment, especially in the United States. In Britain, Europe and many other parts of the world, broadcasters and audio engineers more often use the ITU-R 468 noise weighting, which was developed in the 1960s based on research by the BBC and other organizations. This research showed that our ears respond differently to random noise, and the equal-loudness curves on which the A, B and C weightings were based are really only valid for", "title": "A-weighting" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.17, "text": "breaks his usual desk based routine, because of his need to pray at certain times, creating a circumstance that the player can take advantage of should they wish. The Occupation The Occupation is an upcoming single-player video game developed by White Paper Games and scheduled for release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows on 5 February 2019. The game takes place in a single government building, in real-time over four hours, the game advances without input from the player, but almost all in-game actions can affect the game's story. The game is set in late 1987 within the", "title": "The Occupation" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.12, "text": "document specifying the nature and frequency of the examinations. A Decree of February 1989 laid down the safety and health requirements in relation to powered Industrial trucks and their equipment. The Arrete of April 1989 stipulated that occupational physicians should produce each year a schedule of activities based on employees' health and health requirements. The Arrete covered health risks, workplaces and working conditions and specified the studies to be undertaken and the minimum number and frequency of inspection visits to workplaces. In the same field, the Arrete of May 1989 stipulated that occupational physicians In enterprises and establishments with more", "title": "Rocard government" } ]
What is Zoran Rankić's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.72, "text": "Zoran (designer) Zoran Ladicorbic (born 1947), known as Zoran, is an American fashion designer who launched his business in 1976. He is particularly known for extremely minimalist, understated garments following the American sportswear principle, in neutral colors (occasionally red, purple or blue) and high quality natural fabrics such as silk, linen and cashmere wool. His clothes have been described as \"\"Gap for the very rich\"\", and as \"\"revolutionary\"\" due to being designed without \"\"built-in obsolescence\"\". Born in the Banat in 1947, Zoran trained as an architect before migrating to the United States in 1972 where he worked in clothing retail", "title": "Zoran (designer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "a private basis for individual clients. Zoran (designer) Zoran Ladicorbic (born 1947), known as Zoran, is an American fashion designer who launched his business in 1976. He is particularly known for extremely minimalist, understated garments following the American sportswear principle, in neutral colors (occasionally red, purple or blue) and high quality natural fabrics such as silk, linen and cashmere wool. His clothes have been described as \"\"Gap for the very rich\"\", and as \"\"revolutionary\"\" due to being designed without \"\"built-in obsolescence\"\". Born in the Banat in 1947, Zoran trained as an architect before migrating to the United States in 1972", "title": "Zoran (designer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.47, "text": "Zoran Lilić Zoran Lilić (Serbian Cyrillic: Зоран Лилић; born 27 August 1953) is a Serbian politician. He served as President of the National Assembly of Serbia in 1993 and as President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1993 to 1997. He was born to a Serb father and a Romanian mother. He finished primary and secondary school in his native village. He graduated from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Technology and worked in the rubber factory \"\"Rekord\"\" in Rakovica. After twelve years of performing various duties, he was appointed director general. He was an MP of the Socialist", "title": "Zoran Lilić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "Zoran Višić Zoran Višić (; born October 13, 1956) is a Serbian professional basketball coach. He is currently a head coach of the India women's national basketball team and India men's national basketball team. Višić coached the Mladost Zemun of the Serbian B League during 2008–09 season. He coached Singapore Pro-Am team Falcons during 2015–16 season. Višić coached Beopetrol, Budućnost Podgorica and Spartak of the First Women's League of FR Yugoslavia. In 2001, he had signed for the Romanian team ICIM Arad where he stayed for one season. Višić was a head coach of the Russian team UMMC Ekaterinburg from", "title": "Zoran Višić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "Ranko Ostojić Ranko Ostojić () (born 3 October 1962) is a Croatian left politician and lawyer who served as Interior Minister in the Cabinet of Zoran Milanović from December 2011 to January 2016. Ostojić graduated from the University of Split's Faculty of Law in 1988. He held various positions in Split-based companies, and became involved in politics in 1990 when he joined SDP. Between 2001 and 2004 he served as assistant to Interior Minister Šime Lučin during Prime Minister Ivica Račan's government and held the post of Director of Police. Before becoming government minister he served one term as MP", "title": "Ranko Ostojić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.98, "text": "Zoran Matić Zoran Matić OAM (; born 25 December 1944) is a former football (soccer) coach. After arriving in Adelaide 1973 from Yugoslavia Matić played for Beograd Woodville (White City) before moving to Adelaide City. While playing for Adelaide City he represented the State of South Australia four times. Matić is best known for coaching Adelaide City in the Australian National Soccer League. He coached Adelaide City to three championships (1986, 1991/1992 and 1993/1994) and was the first NSL coach to have won 200 matches. Matić was NSL coach of the year for the 1990/1991 and 1994/1995 seasons. Matić is", "title": "Zoran Matić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.98, "text": "Zoran Gajić Zoran Gajić (; born December 28, 1958 in Pančevo) is a Serbian volleyball trainer, who coaches Azerbaijani women's volleyball club Rabita Baku. He is a former coach of FR Yugoslavia, Iran and Russia men's national volleyball team. His coaching career, he started in OK Mladost from Omoljica, then he coached OK Vojvodina, Aris Thessaloniki, A.C. Orestiada, Olympiacos S.C. Piraeus, A.E.K. Athens, Arçelik, Odintsovo, Ural Ufa. With the national volleyball team of FR Yugoslavia, he won a gold medal at the 2000 Summer Olympics and a bronze medal in 1996 at Atlanta. His other international victories include a silver", "title": "Zoran Gajić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.95, "text": "Zoran Talić (politician) Zoran Talić () is current Chairman of the Assembly of the City of Banja Luka. He was born in Banja Luka on 30 January 1983, where he attended elementary and high school, and graduated from the Law Faculty. He worked at the Pension Fund of the Republic of Srpska until 2013, after which he started engaging in the position of procurator in the consulting company \"\"Intervent\"\", where he cooperated with domestic and foreign businessmen. He was a candidate for councilor in the Banja Luka City Assembly several times, as well as a candidate for deputie in the", "title": "Zoran Talić (politician)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.94, "text": "city of Slavonski Brod. Ranko Ostojić Ranko Ostojić () (born 3 October 1962) is a Croatian left politician and lawyer who served as Interior Minister in the Cabinet of Zoran Milanović from December 2011 to January 2016. Ostojić graduated from the University of Split's Faculty of Law in 1988. He held various positions in Split-based companies, and became involved in politics in 1990 when he joined SDP. Between 2001 and 2004 he served as assistant to Interior Minister Šime Lučin during Prime Minister Ivica Račan's government and held the post of Director of Police. Before becoming government minister he served", "title": "Ranko Ostojić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.89, "text": "a member of the Football Federation Australia Football Hall of Fame and the Football Federation of South Australia Hall of Fame. After retiring from coaching Matić began working in the construction industry. In 2006 as a result of an industrial accident involving a six-metre fall from a roof, Matić was hospitalised with multiple injuries including a broken neck, broken arm, shattered knee cap and facial injuries. Zoran Matić Zoran Matić OAM (; born 25 December 1944) is a former football (soccer) coach. After arriving in Adelaide 1973 from Yugoslavia Matić played for Beograd Woodville (White City) before moving to Adelaide", "title": "Zoran Matić" } ]
What is Chitra Bahadur K.C.'s occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.25, "text": "of Poverty Alleviation Chitra Bahadur K.C. Chitra Bahadur K.C. () is a Nepalese politician and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Poverty Alleviation Of Nepal. He is the chairman of the Rashtriya Jana Morcha and the general secretary of the All Nepal Peasants Association linked to RJM. Chitra Bahadur K.C. belonged to the Communist Party of Nepal (Fourth Convention). In the 1983 he sided with Mohan Bikram Singh, and joined the Communist Party of Nepal (Masal). Chitra Bahadur K.C. contested the Baglung-2 constituency in the 1994 election. He finished second, with 15089 votes. He was elected to the Pratinidhi Sabha", "title": "Chitra Bahadur K.C." }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.2, "text": "Chitra Bahadur K.C. Chitra Bahadur K.C. () is a Nepalese politician and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Poverty Alleviation Of Nepal. He is the chairman of the Rashtriya Jana Morcha and the general secretary of the All Nepal Peasants Association linked to RJM. Chitra Bahadur K.C. belonged to the Communist Party of Nepal (Fourth Convention). In the 1983 he sided with Mohan Bikram Singh, and joined the Communist Party of Nepal (Masal). Chitra Bahadur K.C. contested the Baglung-2 constituency in the 1994 election. He finished second, with 15089 votes. He was elected to the Pratinidhi Sabha in the 1999", "title": "Chitra Bahadur K.C." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "Butwal May 25–26, 2006, in which he was elected chairman of this JMN faction. The Chitra Bahadur K.C.-led JMN was renamed as the Rashtriya Jana Morcha in 2007. Chitra Bahadur K.C. won the Baglung-2 seat in the 2008 Constituent Assembly election, the sole RJM candidate to win a seat in the First Past the Post system. He got 12594 votes. Chitra Bahadur K.C. has been a staunch opponent of Federalism, especially Federalism on the basis of ethnic identity. He has reported to have been threatened with his life on several occasions due to this view. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister", "title": "Chitra Bahadur K.C." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "Tej Bahadur Chitrakar Tej Bahadur Chitrakar (Devanagari: तेज बहादुर चित्रकार; 1898-1971) was a Nepalese artist who had a prolific artistic career in the early 20th century. He was one of the leaders in the development of contemporary art in Nepal in the early 20th century. Chitrakar spearheaded the trend of creating art using new techniques for its aesthetic value, and introduced a new style in the milieu of traditional art which is essentially religious and follows descriptions laid down in ancient texts. Tej Bahadur was born in Lalitpur as a second son to Shivadas and Ashamati in the chitrakar caste", "title": "Tej Bahadur Chitrakar" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "Chitra Bahadur Gurung Chitra Bahadur Gurung () (May 21, 1970November 22, 2010) was a Nepalese former swimmer, who specialized in sprint freestyle events. Gurung represented Nepal at the 2000 Summer Olympics, where he became the nation's flag bearer in the opening ceremony. He also held a Nepalese record in the 50 m freestyle. Gurung competed only in the men's 50 m freestyle at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. He received a ticket from FINA, under a Universality program, in an entry time of 27.28. He challenged six other swimmers in heat one, including 16-year-olds Wael Ghassan of Qatar and", "title": "Chitra Bahadur Gurung" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "election, as a candidate of Rashtriya Jana Morcha (the electoral front of the Communist Party of Nepal (Masal) (2006)) in the constituency of Baglung-2 with 24124 votes. When Janamorcha Nepal was formed in 2002 through the merger of RJM and Samyukta Janamorcha Nepal, Chitra Bahadur K.C. became a member of JMN. When JMN split in 2006, he sided with Communist Party of Nepal (Unity Centre-Masal) (the parent party of JMN) general secretary Mohan Bikram Singh in rejecting participation the Seven Party Alliance government. Effectively JMN was split. A conference of the JMN led by Chitra Bahadur K.C. was held in", "title": "Chitra Bahadur K.C." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "of Newar community. The caste chitrakar were traditionally entrusted by the state or the Malla ruler as sole custodian of tradition of religious paintings in the valley since 14th century AD. The extraordinary family background and his own talent since his early childhood led him to the Government college of Fine Art in 1918 at Calcutta (now Kolkata) as one of the earliest Nepali to receive the degree in Fine Art with distinction in portraiture in Oil in 1927. His education was sponsored by the then prime minister Chandra Shumsher. He returned to Nepal in 1929 AD. He heralded a", "title": "Tej Bahadur Chitrakar" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.75, "text": "change in Nepalese art scene from traditional religious art to modern Western-style paintings. He also began teaching art at Durbar High School and later became head of Juddha Art School He initiated 'Chitrakala Udhyog Sangh' (now defunct) to promote Nepali art. Many of his enduring paintings today are in the collection of prestigious Art galleries worldwide. In 2009, the Postal Services Department, Government of Nepal issued a commemorative postage stamp (Denomination - Rs. 15) depicting a portrait of Tej Bahadur Chitrakar to honor his contribution to the development of art in Nepal. Tej Bahadur Chitrakar Tej Bahadur Chitrakar (Devanagari: तेज", "title": "Tej Bahadur Chitrakar" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.52, "text": "Party Alliance government. Effectively JMN was split. A conference of the JMN led by Chitra Bahadur K.C. was held in Butwal May 25–26, 2006, in which Acharya was elected General Secretary of this JMN faction. The Chitra Bahadur K.C./Dilaram Acharya-led JMN was renamed as the Rashtriya Jana Morcha in 2007. Dilaram Acharya Dilaram Acharya is a Nepalese politician. He was elected to the Pratinidhi Sabha in the 1999 election, as a candidate of Rashtriya Jana Morcha (the electoral front of the Communist Party of Nepal (Masal) (2006)) in the constituency of Argakhanchi-1 with 23,452 votes. When Janamorcha Nepal was formed", "title": "Dilaram Acharya" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.3, "text": "Chitrakar played an important role practising in both traditional Nepali art as well as western ways of painting. Simultaneously he is also fondly remembered as a dedicated teacher who shared his knowledge to many aspiring artists of his time. Under the tutelage of Tej Bahadur, Dil Bahadur Chitrakar versed himself in various paint mediums especially pastel techniques whilst Amar Chitrakar became an expert in water color and oil and became one of the beloved Nepali artists. The arrival of Lain Singh Bangdel (1919–2002) in 1961 marks as an introduction to Modern Art in Nepal. He brought with him, the exposure", "title": "Nepalese painting" } ]
What is Ski Beatz's occupation?
[ "record producer", "music producer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.7, "text": "Ski Beatz David Willis, otherwise known as Ski and Ski Beatz, is an American record producer from Greensboro, North Carolina mainly working in hip hop. Discovered by DJ Clark Kent, Ski was originally known as \"\"MC Will-Ski\"\" in the late 1980s. He began his recording career as one third of North Carolina's first hip hop groups \"\"The Bizzie Boyz\"\", alongside Mixmasta \"\"D\"\", Fanatic and dancers Move & Groove. In the early 1990s, Ski moved to New York City and was a member of the group Original Flavor, the first group managed by future recording industry executive Damon Dash. In the", "title": "Ski Beatz" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.58, "text": "all but three songs on the rapper Curren$y's 3rd album Pilot Talk; these artists are also all featured on the producer's upcoming solo debut, entitled \"\"24 Hour Karate School\"\" in honor of the collective. On July 14, 2012, Ski announced he has secured his own label deal, named \"\"The Fresh Air Fund Music Group\"\". Ski Beatz David Willis, otherwise known as Ski and Ski Beatz, is an American record producer from Greensboro, North Carolina mainly working in hip hop. Discovered by DJ Clark Kent, Ski was originally known as \"\"MC Will-Ski\"\" in the late 1980s. He began his recording career", "title": "Ski Beatz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.72, "text": "Bob Beattie (skiing) Robert Prime Beattie (January 24, 1933 – April 1, 2018) was an American skiing coach, skiing promoter and commentator for ABC Sports and ESPN. He was head coach of the U.S. Ski Team from 1961 to 1969 and co-founded the Alpine Skiing World Cup in 1966. His work as a ski-racing commentator for ABC included four Winter Olympic Games, from 1976 through 1988. Beattie was born in Manchester, New Hampshire, on January 24, 1933, to Robert Archibald Beattie (1904–1975), a sales manager for a roofing company, and Katherine Simpson (née Prime; 1906–1995), a homemaker. He had a", "title": "Bob Beattie (skiing)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "mid-90s, Ski was working on duo Camp Lo's debut album \"\"Uptown Saturday Night\"\" when Dash called him in to work on the debut album of his own artist, Jay-Z. Jay's album, \"\"Reasonable Doubt\"\", was released in 1996, marking Ski's first major production placement. Ski produced four tracks off the album, including the singles \"\"Dead Presidents\"\" and \"\"Feelin' It\"\". After the critical success of \"\"Reasonable Doubt\"\", Ski formed Roc-A-Blok Productions in affiliation with Jay and Dame's label, Roc-A-Fella Records, working with Camp Lo and Sporty Thievz. The producer crafted most of Camp Lo's debut, which dropped in 1997, and produced the", "title": "Ski Beatz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "Ski Beatz (Bizzy Boyz, Original Flavor, Jay-Z, Camp Lo, etc.). Both would become instrumental in teaching him production and beatmaking. He would lend his talent for spotting hits to influence records on Jay-Z's Reasonable Doubt (Can't Knock The Hustle and Dead Presidents). His network consisting of many of Hip Hop's elite would lead him to finally signing his 1st and only industry deal in 1999 with Game Recordings through Rawkus. (Eminem, Royce 5' 9\"\"). He would release two singles: By A Stranger (Grand Theft Auto III) featuring Black Rob (Bad Boy) and then unknown, Labba (Flipmode Squad) and Keep It", "title": "Ilacoin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.7, "text": "Foxy Brown, Ras Kass and Proof. The producer has continued to produce for Camp Lo, providing most of the production for their second album \"\"Let's Do it Again\"\", as well as their third album, \"\"Black Hollywood\"\". Recently, Ski linked back up with Dame Dash, joining the entrepreneur's DD172 collective, subsequently nicknamed the 24-Hour Karate School. Since the foundation of the studio enclave, Ski has worked with Mos Def, Jay Electronica, Jean Grae and others; on April 30, 2010, he announced that he will be producing upcoming albums for Jean Grae, Joell Ortiz, Ras Kass and others, and will be producing", "title": "Ski Beatz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.59, "text": "Fat Joe single \"\"John Blaze\"\"; Ski continued to work with Jay-Z, on his second album \"\"In My Lifetime, Vol. 1\"\" as well as non-solo albums and compilation projects, until 1998, when Jay released his third project \"\"Vol. 2... Hard Knock Life\"\" without beats from any of his former producers except for DJ Premier. Though Roc-A-Blok Productions had since folded, Ski stayed somewhat active in music. Relocating to his home state of North Carolina for a break from New York City's fast-paced lifestyle, he continued producing for artists such as Nature, members of the New Jersey crew The Outsidaz, Lil' Kim,", "title": "Ski Beatz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "1976, 1980, 1984, and 1988. He also covered Volleyball at the 1984 Summer Olympics. Beattie later worked as ABC's winter sports correspondent, which also involved non-alpine sports, and occasionally worked as an announcer for non-winter sports on ABC's \"\"Wide World of Sports\"\" program. He continued to manage the World Pro Ski Tour until 1982. He started hosting ESPN skiing programs in 1985. Beattie authored or co-authored three books, including \"\"My Ten Secrets of Skiing\"\" (Viking Press, NY; 1968) and \"\"Bob Beattie's Learn to Ski\"\" (Bantam Books, 1967). Beattie was given the AT&T Skiing Award in 1983. He was inducted into", "title": "Bob Beattie (skiing)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.42, "text": "in the local rap community, working the likes of producer E. Dan and rapper Wiz Khalifa. He opened many local shows for artists such as Nelly, Jurassic 5, Usher, Nas, The Roots, Ja Rule and 50 Cent. Chahrour relocated to Los Angeles, California and worked as a waiter while he continued to pursue music. Chahrour conceived of a song based on the line \"\"I like when girls kiss girls\"\", and turned to North Carolina-based producer David Willis, also known as Ski Beatz, for help with the production. For the song, \"\"Girls Kiss Girls\"\", they made a music video featuring \"\"Penthouse\"\"", "title": "Pittsburgh Slim" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.39, "text": "2018. Beattie died on April 1, 2018, in Fruita, Colorado, from a long illness at the age of 85. Bob Beattie (skiing) Robert Prime Beattie (January 24, 1933 – April 1, 2018) was an American skiing coach, skiing promoter and commentator for ABC Sports and ESPN. He was head coach of the U.S. Ski Team from 1961 to 1969 and co-founded the Alpine Skiing World Cup in 1966. His work as a ski-racing commentator for ABC included four Winter Olympic Games, from 1976 through 1988. Beattie was born in Manchester, New Hampshire, on January 24, 1933, to Robert Archibald Beattie", "title": "Bob Beattie (skiing)" } ]
What is Siegfried Czapski's occupation?
[ "physicist" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.36, "text": "Siegfried Czapski Siegfried Czapski (born 28 May 1861 on the Obra estate near Koschmin in the province of Poznań; died 29 June 1907 in Weimar) was a German physicist and optician. Czapski was the son of Simon Czapski (1826–1908) and his wife Rosalie Goldenring (1830-1916). His family was Jewish, and he was related to the physician Albert Neisser. In 1870 Czapski's father suffered a serious accident which left him unable to work. The family sold their estate and moved to Breslau (Wrocław) where, in 1872, eleven-year-old Czapski began attending school at the Maria Magdalenen Gymnasium. In 1879 he completed his", "title": "Siegfried Czapski" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.59, "text": "– a post he held until 1886 – and involved him in his discussions with the physicist Leonhard Sohncke from the University of Jena. As Abbe's assistant, Czapski maintained a relatively loose connection to Zeiss as a company and continued to accept work from Bamberg, but all that changed in 1886 when he was hired to work full-time at Zeiss, becoming Abbe's most trusted employee with the approval of Carl and Roderich Zeiss). Abbe involved Czapski in his theoretical studies as early as 1885. It was Czapski who went on to publish these studies the following year because Abbe himself", "title": "Siegfried Czapski" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "and as its fame spread far beyond the borders of Germany. In 1891 he became one of the company's three managing directors. Founded in 1889 by Abbe, the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung (Carl Zeiss Foundation) took the entire Zeiss company and half of the Schott company under its wing in 1891. Czapski was subsequently appointed as an authorized representative of the Foundation. Working closely with Abbe and a foundation inspector from the Grand-Ducal Saxon State Ministry in Weimar (initially Karl Rothe and from 1899 onwards the Government Privy Council Max Vollert), Czapski played an ever greater role in managing the company, something that", "title": "Siegfried Czapski" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "University of Berlin to study under the physicists Hermann von Helmholtz and Gustav Robert Kirchhoff. Here he met Leopold Loewenherz and became interested in experimental physics, which prompted him to start attending more practical, hands-on courses. In 1882 Czapski began work for the Normal-Eichungskommission (Imperial Institute for Weights and Measures) which was headed by the astronomer Wilhelm Julius Foerster. In the autumn of that year he worked on his doctorate under the supervision of Hermann von Helmholtz, in which he conducted experiments to investigate one of Helmholtz's own theories. He submitted his doctoral thesis to Helmholtz and Kirchhoff in November", "title": "Siegfried Czapski" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.94, "text": "had neither the time nor the patience, being too occupied with his development projects. In 1893, after five years of work, Czapski finally completed his contribution to Adolf Winkelmann's Handbuch der Physik (Encyclopedia of physics) entitled Theorie der optischen Instrumente nach Abbe (Theory of optical instruments according to Abbe). The 300-page work was issued that very same year as a separate publication from volume II of the encyclopedia and was hailed as a key work in the field of technical optics. Working with Abbe and Otto Schott in Jena and with Leopold Dippel in Darmstadt, Czapski was involved in the", "title": "Siegfried Czapski" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.72, "text": "1883. In December he embarked on his doctoral exams which were held by Helmholtz and Kirchhoff in physics, Leopold Kronecker in mathematics and Eduard Zeller in philosophy. In February 1884 he took his Rigorosum oral examination (doctoral viva) to complete his doctorate. His interest in physical and technical optics (the design and fabrication of optics) enabled him to gain a position at Carl Bamberg's workshop for scientific precision instruments (subsequently known as the Askania works). Keen to explore these areas in more depth, he approached Ernst Abbe from the Zeiss works in Jena. Abbe soon appointed Czapski as his assistant", "title": "Siegfried Czapski" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.62, "text": "design and fabrication of new microscope optical systems from the moment he started work in Jena. He subsequently worked on the technical implementation of a binocular microscope based on ideas put forward by the American biologist Horatio S. Greenough. As the company expanded, so too did its range of products: Zeiss started producing photographic objectives in 1890, optical measuring instruments in 1892/93, prism binoculars in 1893/94 (a development based on significant input from Czapski), astronomical instruments in 1897 and image measuring devices in 1901. Czapski steadily took on more and more responsibility as Zeiss increased its product portfolio and workforce", "title": "Siegfried Czapski" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.22, "text": "university entrance examination (together with Wilhelm Prausnitz, Richard Reitzenstein and Felix Skutsch) and spent a semester studying at the University of Göttingen, attending lectures by Eduard Riecke (physics), Moritz Abraham Stern (mathematics) and Rudolf Hermann Lotze (philosophy). At the start of his second semester he switched to the University of Breslau, studying physics under Oskar Emil Meyer, Ernst Dorn and Felix Auerbach, mathematics under Jakob Rosanes and philosophy under Jacob Freudenthal. It was during this period that he embarked on a friendship with Arthur Heidenhain (1862–1941) which led to a lifelong exchange of letters. In 1881 Czapski switched to the", "title": "Siegfried Czapski" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.8, "text": "suffering from ill health, and his huge workload made the situation even more difficult. On June 29 he died of a pulmonary embolism due to complications after an appendectomy. Having been the close working companion of his friend and mentor Ernst Abbe, and ultimately his successor, Czapski was only destined to outlive Abbe by a mere two-and-a-half years. A street in Jena, near the Carl Zeiss works, is named after him: Siegfried-Czapski-Straße, a few blocks off Zeiss Promenade. His most important publication was \"\"Theorie der optischen Instrumente, nach Abbe\"\" (Breslau: Trewendt, 1893). Siegfried Czapski Siegfried Czapski (born 28 May 1861", "title": "Siegfried Czapski" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.67, "text": "took an increasing toll on his health. Abbe already had the university trustee Heinrich Eggeling and the lawyer Eduard Rosenthal involved in drawing up the Foundation statutes and he soon included Czapski in that task – even though by this point Czapski was increasingly overwhelmed by concerns and problems relating to the workforce. Work on the statutes was completed in 1895/96. In 1885 Czapski's life changed dramatically when he met and fell in love with Margarete Koch. Margarete (officially spelled Marguerite) was the granddaughter of Abbe's teacher, the mathematician and physicist Karl Snell. Margarete's father was a professor at a", "title": "Siegfried Czapski" } ]
What is George Minor's occupation?
[ "composer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.41, "text": "Audax Minor Audax Minor (1887 – October 8, 1979), the pen name of George F. T. Ryall, was a Canadian writer who worked as the horse racing columnist for \"\"The New Yorker\"\" for 52 years. Born in Toronto, Ryall was sent to England to be educated in 1900. In England, he began working as a general reporter for the newspaper \"\"London Exchange-Telegraph\"\" and began writing racing reports from England for \"\"New York World\"\". Ryall afterwards went to New York City, and his first column for \"\"The New Yorker\"\" was published on July 10, 1926. \"\"The New Yorker\"\" had been launched", "title": "Audax Minor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.81, "text": "died at Columbia, Maryland. His obituary in \"\"Time magazine\"\" described him as a \"\"jaunty, tweedy Canadian.\"\" Audax Minor Audax Minor (1887 – October 8, 1979), the pen name of George F. T. Ryall, was a Canadian writer who worked as the horse racing columnist for \"\"The New Yorker\"\" for 52 years. Born in Toronto, Ryall was sent to England to be educated in 1900. In England, he began working as a general reporter for the newspaper \"\"London Exchange-Telegraph\"\" and began writing racing reports from England for \"\"New York World\"\". Ryall afterwards went to New York City, and his first column", "title": "Audax Minor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.58, "text": "Philip George Philip Stanley George (born 16 September 1978) is a former Welsh cricketer. George was a right-handed batsman who bowled right-arm medium pace. George made his debut for Wales Minor Counties in the 1997 MCCA Knockout Trophy Devon. From 1997 to 2002, George represented the team in 10 Trophy matches, the last of which came against the Worcestershire Cricket Board. His Minor Counties Championship debut came in 1999 against Oxfordshire. From 1999 to 2000, he represented the team in 9 Championship matches, the last of which came against Devon. His MCCA Knockout Trophy debut for the team came in", "title": "Philip George" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.5, "text": "minor master, \"\"a mediocre player who figured at or near the bottom of every better than average tourney in which he participated\"\". However, during his career he played tournament games against most of the world's leading players, including World Champions Lasker and Steinitz; World Championship challengers Zukertort, Tarrasch, Chigorin, and Gunsberg; Louis Paulsen, Harry Nelson Pillsbury, and James Mason, all at some point ranked number 1 in the world by Chessmetrics; Burn, Blackburne, Bird, and Cecil de Vere (all ranked number 2); and Weiss and Wisker (both ranked number 3). As of 1874, Gossip was the chess editor of \"\"The", "title": "George H. D. Gossip" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "1975. She earned a master's degree in environmental science at George Mason University and worked with K-12 schools on science education. She ran a Department of Interior office in Chicago. Minor served on the Smithsonian Women's Council. She had a 35-year-long career at various federal bureaus including the Environmental Protection Agency, where she was responsible for assessing environmental impact statements for many projects, ranging from hydroelectric dams to noise abatement procedures. At retirement in 2006, Minor was a senior employee in the Department of the Interior. As of 2018, Huff lives in Virginia, where she is an active member of", "title": "Sheila Minor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.03, "text": "being cut back, and as a result he began to think about a change in his employment. Concurrently, Beaumont Newhall had recently become the curator at the George Eastman House in Rochester, New York, and Newhall invited White to work with him there as a curatorial assistant. Over the next three years White organized three theme exhibitions that demonstrated his particular interests: \"\"Camera Consciousness,\"\" \"\"The Pictorial Image.\"\" and \"\"Lyrical and Accurate.\"\" In 1955 he joined the faculty at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), where he taught one day a week. White's photographic output declined during this time due to", "title": "Minor White" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.95, "text": "His half brother was Dr. William Chester Minor (June 1834 – March 26, 1920). Also known as W. C. Minors, he was an American surgeon who made many scholarly contributions to the Oxford English Dictionary. It was while living at Lambeth that Minor murdered George Merrett, for which he was found criminally insane and confined for the rest of his life at Broadmoor Hospital. His life was chronicled in \"\"The Surgeon of Crowthorne\"\" by Simon Winchester (published in the United States as \"\"The Professor and the Madman\"\"). He returned to the United States when he was seven years old, locating", "title": "Thomas T. Minor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "he fatally shot a man named George Merrett, who Minor believed had broken into his room, on February 17, 1872. Merrett had been on his way to work to support his family of six children, himself, and his pregnant wife, Eliza. After a pre-trial period spent in London's Horsemonger Lane Gaol, Minor was found not guilty by reason of insanity and incarcerated in the asylum at Broadmoor in the village of Crowthorne, Berkshire. As he had his US army pension and was not judged dangerous, he was given rather comfortable quarters and was able to buy and read books. It", "title": "William Chester Minor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "Nicholas George Nicholas Thomas Peter George (born 29 February 1972) is an English cricketer. George is a left-handed batsman who bowls right-arm medium pace. He was born at Penzance, Cornwall. George made his Minor Counties Championship debut for Cornwall in 1995 against Wales Minor Counties. From 1995 to 2006, he represented the county in 31 Minor Counties Championship matches, the last of which came against Wiltshire. George also represented Cornwall in the MCCA Knockout Trophy. His debut in that competition came against Dorset in 1999. From 1999 to 2005, he represented the county in 10 Trophy matches, the last of", "title": "Nicholas George" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "George Kissell George Marshall Kissell (9 September 1920 – 7 October 2008) was an American baseball minor league player, manager, coach, scout, and instructor, as well as a Major League coach, for the St. Louis Cardinals organization. Born in Evans Mills, New York, he graduated from Evans Mills High School and attended Ithaca College, where he earned both bachelor's and master's degrees in history and physical education. As a player, he stood 5'8\"\" (173 cm) tall and weighed 175 pounds (79 kg). He threw and batted right-handed. Kissell was signed as an infielder in 1940 by Branch Rickey, and spent", "title": "George Kissell" } ]
What is Lord George Hamilton's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.31, "text": "Lord George Hamilton Lord George Francis Hamilton (17 December 1845 – 22 September 1927) was a British Conservative Party politician of the late 19th and early 20th centuries who served as First Lord of the Admiralty and Secretary of State for India. Hamilton was the third son of James Hamilton, 1st Duke of Abercorn and Lady Louisa, daughter of John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford, and was educated at Harrow. He served with the Rifle Brigade and Coldstream Guards, achieving the rank of lieutenant. Hamilton was Member of Parliament for Middlesex between 1868 and 1885 and for Ealing between 1885", "title": "Lord George Hamilton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.45, "text": "he remained until 1903, the last year under the premiership of Arthur Balfour. In 1903 he was appointed a GCSI. In 1916 he was part of the Mesopotamia Commission of Inquiry. For a number of years, Hamilton was a member of the board of the Underground Electric Railways Company of London (UERL) which ran the majority of London's Underground lines. He served as the company's chairman between 1915 and 1919, following the resignation of Sir Edgar Speyer in 1915. Hamilton also held the honorary posts of Captain of Deal Castle (1899–1923) and Major of Deal (1909) and received the degree", "title": "Lord George Hamilton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.38, "text": "and 1906. He served under Benjamin Disraeli as Under-Secretary of State for India from 1874 to 1878 and as Vice-President of the Committee on Education from 1878 to 1880 and was sworn of the Privy Council in 1878. He entered the cabinet as First Lord of the Admiralty under Lord Salisbury in 1885, a post he held until 1886 and again between 1886 and 1892. In 1894 he was elected as Chairman of the London School Board, standing down after one year when the Unionists won the general election and he became Secretary of State for India under Salisbury, which", "title": "Lord George Hamilton" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.16, "text": "of honorary LLD from Glasgow University and of honorary DCL from Oxford University. He was also a Justice of Peace for Middlesex and Westminster. He was also President of the Royal Statistical Society from 1910 to 1912 and from 1915 to 1916. Hamilton married Lady Maud Caroline, daughter of Henry Lascelles, 3rd Earl of Harewood, in 1871. They had three sons: Hamilton died in September 1927, aged 81. His wife survived him by eleven years and died in April 1938. Lord George Hamilton Lord George Francis Hamilton (17 December 1845 – 22 September 1927) was a British Conservative Party politician", "title": "Lord George Hamilton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "George Hamilton-Gordon, 6th Earl of Aberdeen George Hamilton-Gordon, 6th Earl of Aberdeen (10 December 1841 – 27 January 1870), styled Lord Haddo from 1860 to 1864, was a Scottish peer and sailor. Hamilton-Gordon settled for a time in Richmond, Maine, where he took jobs cutting ice and clerking at a store (where it is reported he lost his temper at being fired and told his employer that he \"\"could buy and sell him many times over\"\" before storming out). As a sailor, he often shipped out of Richmond, and at one time captained a small ship called the Walton (or", "title": "George Hamilton-Gordon, 6th Earl of Aberdeen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney Field Marshal George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney, KT (9 February 1666 – 29 January 1737), styled Lord George Hamilton from 1666 to 1696, was a British soldier and Scottish nobleman and the first British Army officer to be promoted to the rank of field marshal. After commanding a regiment for the cause of William of Orange during the Williamite War in Ireland, he commanded a regiment in the Low Countries during the Nine Years' War. He then led the final assault at the Battle of Blenheim attacking the village churchyard with eight battalions", "title": "George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.28, "text": "George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen, (28 January 178414 December 1860), styled Lord Haddo from 1791 to 1801, was a British statesman, diplomat and landowner, successively a Tory, Conservative and Peelite politician, who served as Prime Minister from 1852 until 1855 in a coalition between the Whigs and Peelites, with Radical and Irish support. The Aberdeen ministry was filled with powerful and talented politicians, whom Aberdeen was largely unable to control and direct. Despite trying to avoid this happening, it took Britain into the Crimean War, and fell when its conduct became unpopular, after", "title": "George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.05, "text": "Victoria and Albert Museum. In 1695 Hamilton married Elizabeth Villiers, a former mistress of William III; they had three daughters: George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney Field Marshal George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney, KT (9 February 1666 – 29 January 1737), styled Lord George Hamilton from 1666 to 1696, was a British soldier and Scottish nobleman and the first British Army officer to be promoted to the rank of field marshal. After commanding a regiment for the cause of William of Orange during the Williamite War in Ireland, he commanded a regiment in the Low Countries during the Nine", "title": "George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.95, "text": "George Baillie-Hamilton, Lord Binning Brigadier-General George Baillie-Hamilton, Lord Binning, CB, MVO, DL (24 December 1856 – 12 January 1917) was a British Army officer; he was styled \"\"Lord Binning\"\" as a courtesy title. He was born in 1856, the second child and eldest son of George Baillie-Hamilton-Arden, 11th Earl of Haddington and Helen Katherine, daughter of Sir John Warrender, 5th baronet of Lochend by Frances Arden. After an education at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge, he was commissioned in the Royal Horse Guards on 11 September 1880. He served with distinction in the 1882 Anglo-Egyptian War, the Nile Expedition of", "title": "George Baillie-Hamilton, Lord Binning" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.81, "text": "George Hamilton-Gordon, 5th Earl of Aberdeen George John James Hamilton-Gordon, 5th Earl of Aberdeen (28 September 1816 – 22 March 1864), styled Lord Haddo before 1860, was a British peer and Liberal Party politician. Lord Haddo was born at Bentley Priory in Hertfordshire, the eldest son of the 4th Earl of Aberdeen and Harriet Hamilton, Dowager Viscountess Hamilton (née Harriet Douglas), widow of James Hamilton, Viscount Hamilton and granddaughter of James Douglas, 14th Earl of Morton. He was educated at Harrow School and Trinity College, Cambridge. On 5 November 1840, he married Mary Baillie (a sister of the future 10th", "title": "George Hamilton-Gordon, 5th Earl of Aberdeen" } ]
What is Mariángel Carolina Ruiz Diaz's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses", "model", "fashion model", "sitter", "poser" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.84, "text": "Mariángel Ruiz Mariángel Ruiz Torrealba (born 7 January 1980 in San Juan de los Morros, Guárico) is a Venezuelan actress, TV Host, fashion model and beauty pageant titleholder. She was first introduced as Miss Aragua in the Miss Venezuela 2002 competition, she won the contest, giving her the opportunity to go to the Miss Universe 2003 pageant, where she got the first runner up title. Ruiz has been one of the most publicized Miss Venezuelas in the recent years, having been compared to Alicia Machado (Miss Universe 1996). Like Alicia, she won her national title against every prediction (in a", "title": "Mariángel Ruiz" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.08, "text": "28 January 2006. Ruiz gave birth to a girl named Mariángel Victoria, in August of the same year . The two divorced in 2008. Ruiz has worked with several companies to promote their products, those include: In November 2008, posed for the cover of the prestigious Venezuelan Urbe Bikini magazine. Mariángel Ruiz Mariángel Ruiz Torrealba (born 7 January 1980 in San Juan de los Morros, Guárico) is a Venezuelan actress, TV Host, fashion model and beauty pageant titleholder. She was first introduced as Miss Aragua in the Miss Venezuela 2002 competition, she won the contest, giving her the opportunity to", "title": "Mariángel Ruiz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.3, "text": "on several TV shows of Venevisión. Her main credits include: She has also done specials for the Miss Venezuela and Mister Venezuela pageants. In October 2005, she started filming the show Bailando con las Estrellas (\"\"Dancing with the Stars\"\"), which is similar to several other shows in other countries with the same format. Ruiz was threatened once, she made it through, but on the second threat she got eliminated. In December 2005 she announced her marriage and pregnancy to Major League Baseball center fielder Tony Álvarez. Their civil wedding was the same month, and their religious wedding was held on", "title": "Mariángel Ruiz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18, "text": "contest where the results are almost never surprise) and was considered a \"\"rebel\"\" Miss Venezuela. Also, like Alicia, she turned in a spectacular performance at Miss Universe, in comparison to more \"\"conventional\"\" titleholders, and overcame a number of major odds both within and outside her control. Ruiz actually tried twice for the Miss Venezuela title, the first time in 1998 when she did not even place into the top 120 candidates. In 2002, she won the preliminary casting in Maracay, becoming Miss Aragua 2002. For the national pageant, she was not a favorite and was predicted to place as finalist", "title": "Mariángel Ruiz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.7, "text": "Rubén Ruiz Díaz Rubén Martín Ruiz Díaz Romero (born 11 November 1969) is a former Paraguayan football goalkeeper, who was nicknamed \"\"Puchi\"\" and \"\"La Bomba\"\" during his career. He represented Paraguay at the 1998 FIFA World Cup. In the 1990s, he became a referent of the Mexican outfit Monterrey. Born in Asunción, Ruiz Díaz began playing football in the youth side of Club Rubio Ñu, before making his senior debut for the club at age 15. He played professional football in the Primera División Argentina and Primera División de México. Ruiz Díaz made his international debut for the Paraguay national", "title": "Rubén Ruiz Díaz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.69, "text": "Albina Ruiz Albina Ruiz Ríos is a Peruvian environmentalist, social activist and social entrepreneur. She is the founder and leader of Ciudad Saludable, a non-profit environmental health organisation based in Lima, Peru, and a Schwab Foundation fellow of the World Economic Forum. Ruiz was the only woman in her class at the National University of Engineering, where she majored in industrial engineering. She later earned an MA in Ecology and Environmental Management from the Ricardo Palma University and a PhD in Chemistry from Ramon Llull University in Barcelona. She started working on health and environmental problems caused by uncollected household", "title": "Albina Ruiz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.67, "text": "teacher and professor, designer, department directors, lecturer, event and project organizer, amongst others. As professor and teacher, she has worked in San German’s public education system, at Inter-American University on the San German and Metropolitan campuses, and at Escuela de Artes Plasticas. She was a Department Director at the Inter-American University; Fine Arts twice, Artistic Education Program, and Art & Music. Many times Ruiz helped coordinate and organize events and programs such as the Visiting Artists Program at Inter-American University (1976–77), Visit and Exhibition of Larry Rivers (1976–77), Art Appreciation Seminar (Inter-American University) (1968), Post Conference Tour of the National", "title": "Noemí Ruiz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.41, "text": "Martha Elena Ruiz Sevilla Martha Elena Ruiz Sevilla is a Nicaraguan lawyer and politician who has served as Minister of Defence since 2013. Ruiz Sevilla is from Acoyapa. She has a Masters in Law from the Charles University in Prague. Ruiz Sevilla worked for the National Authority to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, before becoming Secretary General of the Ministry of Defence. Ruiz Sevilla was appointed Minister of Defence by President Daniel Ortega on 19 February 2013, becoming the first woman to hold the post. Ruiz Sevilla is married", "title": "Martha Elena Ruiz Sevilla" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.36, "text": "Estela Ruiz Estela Ruiz (born April 8, 1936) is an alleged Marian visionary in Phoenix, Arizona. Ruiz grew up in Lordsburg, New Mexico, the daughter of Manuel Ruiz and Delfina Aguilera who are from Mexico. Her father was a sometimes-unemployed alcoholic, and her mother's business supported the household. Her father verbally and emotionally abused her mother, who in turn vented her frustration on Ruiz, on whom she relied for support. When Ruiz was sixteen, her mother made a \"\"promesa\"\" to the Virgin of Guadalupe that if her eldest son Inocensio, Ruiz's older brother, survived his illness, she would scale Mount", "title": "Estela Ruiz" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.33, "text": "Luis Cristaldo Luis Héctor Cristaldo Ruiz Díaz (born August 31, 1969 in Formosa, Argentina) is a retired Argentine-Bolivian football midfielder. He is Bolivia's national team record cap holder alongside Marco Sandy. Born in Argentina, he relocated to Santa Cruz, Bolivia at the age of 15. Cristaldo then began attending the prestigious Tahuichi football academy, and by the time he was 18 years old he made his official debut in first division. He played for Bolivian teams Oriente Petrolero (1990–92) and Bolívar (1993–98), winning 4 national titles combined during those years. In 1998, he went abroad to play for Sporting de", "title": "Luis Cristaldo" } ]
What is Michael Shelley's occupation?
[ "singer-songwriter", "singer songwriter", "singer/songwriter", "singersongwriter", "singer-songwriter" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.94, "text": "Michael Shelley (mathematician) Michael J. Shelley (born August 17, 1959) is an American applied mathematician who works on the modeling and simulation of complex systems arising in physics and biology. This has included free-boundary problems in fluids and materials science, singularity formation in partial differential equations, modeling visual perception in the primary visual cortex, dynamics of complex and active fluids, cellular biophysics, and fluid-structure interaction problems such as the flapping of flags, stream-lining in nature, and flapping flight. He is also the co-founder and co-director of the Courant Institute's Applied Mathematics Lab. Shelley was born in La Junta, Colorado (USA).", "title": "Michael Shelley (mathematician)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.56, "text": "worked as a sign painter and carpenter from 1973 to 1990, and learning these trades helped her to develop woodworking and design skills important to her evolution into a visual artist. Her work was shown at the Jay Johnson Folk Heritage Gallery from 1976 through 1990 when the gallery closed. From the start of her career until 2008, she has produced upwards of 2000 painted and carved wooden reliefs. Shelley calls her work a “picture story” or “picture diary”. Many of her pieces are concerned with narrative, the telling of a story, the recording of an event. Shelley plays with", "title": "Mary Michael Shelley" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.5, "text": "He holds a BA in Mathematics from the University of Colorado (1981) and a PhD in Applied Mathematics from the University of Arizona (1985). He was a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University, and then joined the faculty of mathematics at the University of Chicago. In 1992 he joined the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University where he is the George and Lilian Lyttle Professor of Applied Mathematics. He is also a Professor of Neuroscience (NYU) and Professor of Mechanical Engineering (NYU-Poly). Michael Shelley (mathematician) Michael J. Shelley (born August 17, 1959) is an American applied mathematician who", "title": "Michael Shelley (mathematician)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.98, "text": "Michael Shelley (athlete) Michael Shelley (born 10 October 1983) is an Australian long-distance runner who competes in track events and road races. He has won gold medals in the marathon event at the 2014 Commonwealth Games at Glasgow, Scotland, as well as the 2018 Commonwealth Games at Gold Coast, Australia. He has also represented Australia at the IAAF World Cross Country Championships and the IAAF World Half Marathon Championships. On the road, he has won at the Gold Coast Half Marathon and the City2Surf race in Sydney. Born in Southport, Queensland, Shelley made his first international appearance at the 2002", "title": "Michael Shelley (athlete)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "Mary Michael Shelley Mary Shelley (born 1950 in Doylestown, Pa) is an American folk artist with no formal visual art training. Her art work has variously been described as naïve, primitive or self-taught. She graduated from Cornell University in 1972 with a degree in English and Creative Writing, and has lived her entire adult life in Ithaca, NY. She began making her painted low relief woodcarvings in 1974, after her father sent her a painted woodcarving (inspired by the art work of Mario Sanchez, Key West, Florida) that he made of Shelley as a child at the family farm. Shelley", "title": "Mary Michael Shelley" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.2, "text": "Michael Schelle Michael Schelle (pronounced \"\"Shelley\"\"), born January 22, 1950 in Philadelphia, is a composer of contemporary concert music. He is also a performer, conductor, author, and teacher. Schelle grew up in Bergen County, in northern New Jersey, where he studied piano and conducting with Walter Schroeder. After receiving a pre-collegiate certificate from the Trinity College of Music in London, he changed direction for a B.A. in theatre and philosophy from Villanova University (PA). During his four years at Villanova, Schelle was the keyboard player in various regional rock bands, and also \"\"Composer in Residence\"\" for the Villanova Graduate Theatre,", "title": "Michael Schelle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.91, "text": "metaphor, using cows and waitresses as stand-ins for her life experiences and feelings as a woman. Her work frequently contains veiled social commentary. She tends to work in series, the major among these being her diner, farm, outdoor, animal and dream series. Mary Michael Shelley Mary Shelley (born 1950 in Doylestown, Pa) is an American folk artist with no formal visual art training. Her art work has variously been described as naïve, primitive or self-taught. She graduated from Cornell University in 1972 with a degree in English and Creative Writing, and has lived her entire adult life in Ithaca, NY.", "title": "Mary Michael Shelley" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "Haven, CT. His son, Patrick, M.S.W. from NYU, is a social worker with \"\"Family Services of Westchester\"\" in New York City, White Plains and The Bronx. Michael Schelle Michael Schelle (pronounced \"\"Shelley\"\"), born January 22, 1950 in Philadelphia, is a composer of contemporary concert music. He is also a performer, conductor, author, and teacher. Schelle grew up in Bergen County, in northern New Jersey, where he studied piano and conducting with Walter Schroeder. After receiving a pre-collegiate certificate from the Trinity College of Music in London, he changed direction for a B.A. in theatre and philosophy from Villanova University (PA).", "title": "Michael Schelle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "became foreman of a section crew, building tracks for the Chicago and North Western Railway. Michael died of \"\"consumption\"\", in 1878. Kate had to help support the family by plowing, planting, harvesting crops, and hunting. In 1880, the family consisted of Margaret, Kate, Mary, Margaret, and John, living in Worth Township. A fifth child, James, was also born in Iowa, but he drowned while swimming in the Des Moines River when he was ten. On the afternoon of July 6, 1881, heavy thunderstorms caused a flash flood of Honey Creek, washing out timbers that supported the railroad trestle. A pusher", "title": "Kate Shelley" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.02, "text": "2017 Season In October, Shelley placed 10th in the Chicago Marathon, finishing with a time of 2:12.52. 2018 Season On 15 April 2018, Shelley won the gold medal in the Marathon event at the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games with a time of 2:16:46. Michael Shelley (athlete) Michael Shelley (born 10 October 1983) is an Australian long-distance runner who competes in track events and road races. He has won gold medals in the marathon event at the 2014 Commonwealth Games at Glasgow, Scotland, as well as the 2018 Commonwealth Games at Gold Coast, Australia. He has also represented Australia at the", "title": "Michael Shelley (athlete)" } ]
What is Anjali Sudhakar's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.77, "text": "Anjali Sudhakar Anjali () (born 22 May 1972) is an Indian film and television actress who appeared in Kannada cinema. Her original name was Shantha, before director Kashinath named her as Anjali. Anjali is married to Sudhakar and since 1998 has settled in Dubai to focus on family life. She has two daughters, Siri and Samrudhi. She has given rare interview about her family life to Roopa Tara and Sudha Magazine. One decade of career and a variety of popular roles in more than 87 films speak volume about her calibre as an actress. Some of her all-time hits are", "title": "Anjali Sudhakar" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.67, "text": "Anantana Avantara, Neenu Nakare Halu Sakare, Tharle Nan Maga, Ksheera Saagara, Kalavida, Koona Eidaithe, Undu Hodha Kondu Hodha, Utkarsha. She has acted opposite to Vishnuvardhan, Ambareesh, Anant Nag, Jaggesh, Kumar Govind, Kumar Bangarappa, Sridhar, Sunil(Late), Jai Jagadish and Ravikiran. She has also acted in television series with over 500 episodes. Anjali Sudhakar Anjali () (born 22 May 1972) is an Indian film and television actress who appeared in Kannada cinema. Her original name was Shantha, before director Kashinath named her as Anjali. Anjali is married to Sudhakar and since 1998 has settled in Dubai to focus on family life. She", "title": "Anjali Sudhakar" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.02, "text": "Anjali Mukhi Anjali Mukhi is an Indian television actress. She is best known as Sudha in \"\"Saas Bina Sasural\"\". Anjali Mukhi made her television debut with \"\"Khwaish\"\" on Sony TV. She was last seen in \"\"I Luv My India\"\" as Simran on Life OK, as Sudha Lalit Sharma in \"\"Saas Bina Sasural\"\" on Sony TV and as Maithali in \"\"Chhanchhan\"\" on Sony TV. She played the role of Saroj, Urmi's mother, in \"\"Doli Armaano Ki\"\" on Zee TV.Currently she is playing the role of Mrs Kamini Malhotra , Pushkar's mother , in Sony TV's Ek Duje Ke Vaaste. Between 2009", "title": "Anjali Mukhi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.73, "text": "Anjali (TV series) Anjali () is a 2006-2008 Indian Tamil-language soap opera starring Mallika, Prajin, Devadarshini, Poovilangu Mohan, Subhalekha Sudhakar, Devipriya and Rindhiya. It aired on SBS from 27 November 2006 to 25 April 2008 for 358 episodes. The show is produced by Aniksha Productions Anitha Kumaran and director by C.J.Bhaskar, title track was composed by Kiran and Lyrics by Vairamuthu. It was also aired in Sri Lanka Tamil Channel on Shakthi TV. It was getting very low trp ratings.So,the serial finished with 358 episodes. The story revolved around the girl Anjali. She was a girl who was brought up", "title": "Anjali (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.22, "text": "Tharle Nan Maga Tharle Nan Maga (English: Naughty fellow) is a 1992 Indian Kannada film written and directed by Upendra in his directorial debut, and stars Jaggesh and Anjali Sudhakar in lead roles, who also made their debuts in lead roles with the film. The story revolves around a miserly couple Parandamaiah Urbagal (Bank Janardhan) and Subbalakshmi (Satyabhama), who want their son Santosh (Jaggesh) to marry a rich girl, for want of dowry. Santosh, however, marries a girl from a poor financial background, antagonizing them. How son changes his parents outlook forms rest of the story. Parandamaiah owns a general", "title": "Tharle Nan Maga" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.19, "text": "on Monday to Friday 8:30PM IST. Later its timing changed to Monday to Friday at 6:00PM IST. The final episode was broadcast on 25 April 2008. Anjali (TV series) Anjali () is a 2006-2008 Indian Tamil-language soap opera starring Mallika, Prajin, Devadarshini, Poovilangu Mohan, Subhalekha Sudhakar, Devipriya and Rindhiya. It aired on SBS from 27 November 2006 to 25 April 2008 for 358 episodes. The show is produced by Aniksha Productions Anitha Kumaran and director by C.J.Bhaskar, title track was composed by Kiran and Lyrics by Vairamuthu. It was also aired in Sri Lanka Tamil Channel on Shakthi TV. It", "title": "Anjali (TV series)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.17, "text": "creative consultant Prabhakar Garu. Their TV channel undergoes a number of changes, and Anjaneyulu gets to interview various people. He meets with Anjali, an Airtel employee, and both dramatically fall in love. While investigating corrupt politicians, he comes across evidence and decides to join the gang of a gangster named Bada. Still involved in gathering evidence, his world will come crashing around him when he will be told his parents and many others have been killed after their bus was torched by hooligans. He sets out to trace who was responsible behind their killing - not knowing his life is", "title": "Anjaneyulu (film)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.11, "text": "remade in Odia as \"\"Mo Duniya Tu Hi Tu\"\", starring Anubhav and Barsha Priyadarshini. Raja (Venkatesh) and his friend Balu (Sudhakar) are petty thieves. One day they steal an idol of Lord Ganesha from a temple. While escaping from the police, they hide in a house, where Anjali (Soundarya), who is a governess taking care of three children, when the others all were out. She locks them in her kitchen for one week, that one-week association with Anjali changes the entire lifestyle of Raja, he starts a new life and slowly falls in love with Anjali. Meanwhile, before leaving the", "title": "Raja (1999 film)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.11, "text": "and 2010, she played the role of Leela Arvind Thakkar in the second season of the serial \"\"Baa Bahoo Aur Baby\"\" replacing Lubna Salim, but the show soon went off air. Anjali Mukhi Anjali Mukhi is an Indian television actress. She is best known as Sudha in \"\"Saas Bina Sasural\"\". Anjali Mukhi made her television debut with \"\"Khwaish\"\" on Sony TV. She was last seen in \"\"I Luv My India\"\" as Simran on Life OK, as Sudha Lalit Sharma in \"\"Saas Bina Sasural\"\" on Sony TV and as Maithali in \"\"Chhanchhan\"\" on Sony TV. She played the role of Saroj,", "title": "Anjali Mukhi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.09, "text": "She serves as an independent non executive director on the public boards of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Pharmaceuticals India, Bata India Limited, Tata Power as well as Delhivery. She is on the Advisory Board of the Columbia University Global Centers, South Asia. Previously, she chaired the India board of Women's World Banking, a leading global livelihood-promoting institution and continues to be an advisor to SEWA. She is a charter member of TiE, serves on the managing committee of the Indian Venture Capital Association, angel investor and mentor to Facebook SheLeadsTech, NITI Aayog's Atal Innovation Mission and others. An active contributor to the", "title": "Anjali Bansal" } ]
What is Greg Miller's occupation?
[ "cartoonist", "graphic artist", "animator", "illustrator", "animator", "animation artist", "cartoonist", "graphic artist", "storyboard artist", "story artist", "visualizer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.09, "text": "Greg Miller (Australian footballer) Greg Miller (born 8 May 1953) is a former Australian rules football player and administrator. He played with South Melbourne in the Victorian Football League (VFL). A defender, Miller was cleared to South Melbourne during the 1972 VFL season, from Richmond, where he played in the thirds. He came from East Burwood originally. After appearing in the final four rounds in 1972, Miller retained his spot in the team at the start of the 1973 season, but didn't play after round five due to a knee injury. He played 17 games in 1974, as a full-back,", "title": "Greg Miller (Australian footballer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.75, "text": "Greg Miller (footballer) Greg Miller (born 1 April 1976 in Glasgow) is a Scottish former professional footballer who played as a midfielder. Miller began his career with Hutchison Vale before turning professional in 1995 with Hibernian. Over the next two seasons, Miller made 15 appearances in the Scottish Football League, scoring one goal. Miller's next team was Livingston, where he made just five League appearances. Miller moved to Motherwell in 1998, making a further 4 League appearances. After just one season, Miller signed for Clydebank, making scoring 2 goals in 35 League appearances over the next year. Miller's next club", "title": "Greg Miller (footballer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "but convinced the club's General Manager Ron Thomas to release him to North Melbourne. In 2002 he joined Richmond as Football Manager and remained in that role until he resigned during the 2008 AFL season. Miller is the son of former South Melbourne footballer Allan Miller. Greg Miller (Australian footballer) Greg Miller (born 8 May 1953) is a former Australian rules football player and administrator. He played with South Melbourne in the Victorian Football League (VFL). A defender, Miller was cleared to South Melbourne during the 1972 VFL season, from Richmond, where he played in the thirds. He came from", "title": "Greg Miller (Australian footballer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.39, "text": "York City. While on The Who's \"\"Quadrophenia\"\" tour, Miller played trumpet, horn, flugelhorn, mellophone, trombone, and euphonium, covering the original work of John Entwistle on the \"\"Quadrophenia\"\" album. He is a member of The United States Army Field Band horn section. J. Greg writes and arranges music in popular, commercial, military and classical styles which has been performed internationally. He also has worked as a horn maker and welder for Lawson Horns. He currently is Vice President of Veritas Musica Publishing. Miller has been recognized with the 2011 Brandon P. Merhle Award for Distinguished Service from the University of Southern", "title": "J. Greg Miller" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.36, "text": "Greg Miller (photographer) Greg Miller (born 1967) is an American photographer based in Connecticut. He was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2008. He is known for his use of a large format camera. Miller was born in Nashville, Tennessee in 1967. He started his commercial photography career in 1988. He graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 1990 with a bachelor of fine arts degree in photography. His projects include photographs of county fairs, marching band camps, Ash Wednesday rites of New Yorkers in Midtown Manhattan and school children waiting for the morning bus in Connecticut. He is a", "title": "Greg Miller (photographer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.22, "text": "Having served as chair of the English Department and President of the Faculty Council, Miller is a professor of English at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi; he received his Ph.D. in English from the University of California at Berkeley, his M.A. in English and Creative Writing from Stanford University and his B.A. in French Literature and Political Science from Vanderbilt University. Miller currently serves as chair of the Sudanese Ministry Committee of the Episcopal Church, Diocese of Mississippi, and he has edited and published, with the help of his students, a pamphlet of personal stories by Sudanese refugees entitled \"\"The", "title": "Greg Miller (poet)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.08, "text": "teacher of photography in the International Center of Photography in New York City. Miller lives in Connecticut with his wife and daughters. Greg Miller (photographer) Greg Miller (born 1967) is an American photographer based in Connecticut. He was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2008. He is known for his use of a large format camera. Miller was born in Nashville, Tennessee in 1967. He started his commercial photography career in 1988. He graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 1990 with a bachelor of fine arts degree in photography. His projects include photographs of county fairs, marching band camps,", "title": "Greg Miller (photographer)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.05, "text": "Greg Miller (animator) Greg Miller is an American animator, cartoonist and storyboard artist. His art style is based on the animation style of \"\"Schoolhouse Rock!\"\", which was used in his own television series, \"\"Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?\"\", aired on Cartoon Network from 2002 to 2003 and his short film, \"\"The Wizzard of Krudd\"\", a canceled Nickelodeon short featuring the voice of Devon Workheiser as the protagonist. He worked on the production of \"\"Shrek the Third\"\" and \"\"Monsters vs. Aliens\"\" as the additional storyboard artist. His recent credits include being a storyboard artist, writer, animator, and character designer on \"\"Secret", "title": "Greg Miller (animator)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "Greg Miller (Internet celebrity) Gregory 'Greg' James Miller (born April 27, 1983) is an Internet personality and former editor and video host of the entertainment website IGN. He currently manages \"\"Kinda Funny\"\", a YouTube channel along with Nick Scarpino and Tim Gettys. Miller was a frequent cast member and host on the IGN audio-video podcasts \"\"Game Scoop\"\". He and fellow former-IGN editors Colin Moriarty, Nick Scarpino, and Tim Gettys left \"\"IGN\"\" on January 5, 2015. It was Miller's eighth year hosting Beyond, as well as his 381st episode, with current-IGN editors Max Scoville, Brian Altano, and Jonathon Dornbush now hosting", "title": "Greg Miller (Internet celebrity)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "was Brechin City, where he spent four years, making 89 League appearances. Miller moved to Arbroath in 2004, making 50 League appearances over the next two seasons. Miller retired from professional football in 2006 to become a coach at first club Hibernian. His father Alex and brother Graeme have also been professional footballers. Greg Miller (footballer) Greg Miller (born 1 April 1976 in Glasgow) is a Scottish former professional footballer who played as a midfielder. Miller began his career with Hutchison Vale before turning professional in 1995 with Hibernian. Over the next two seasons, Miller made 15 appearances in the", "title": "Greg Miller (footballer)" } ]
What is Rose Beaudet's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.84, "text": "Rose Beaudet Rose Beaudet (1862–1947) was an American actress and opera singer of the late Victorian era and early 20th century who regularly appeared in musical theatre. She was born as Eliza Lang, the daughter of Councilman Lewis H. Lang (1836-1912) of Stockton near San Francisco, and his wife Mary Ann Lang (1848 -1878). She married S. Arlant Edwards on 15 January 1891, but had divorced him by 1902. She appeared with the C. D. Willard Company in 1903. A mezzo-soprano, Beaudet's appearances on Broadway included Eva in \"\"The Beggar Student\"\" at the Casino Theatre (1883 - 1884), \"\"Amorita\"\" at", "title": "Rose Beaudet" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.7, "text": "Mrs Kennion in \"\"The Younger Generation\"\" and in \"\"Half an Hour\"\" at the Lyceum Theatre (1913). She died in 1947 and is buried in Stockton Rural Cemetery with her father, mother and sister. Rose Beaudet Rose Beaudet (1862–1947) was an American actress and opera singer of the late Victorian era and early 20th century who regularly appeared in musical theatre. She was born as Eliza Lang, the daughter of Councilman Lewis H. Lang (1836-1912) of Stockton near San Francisco, and his wife Mary Ann Lang (1848 -1878). She married S. Arlant Edwards on 15 January 1891, but had divorced him", "title": "Rose Beaudet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.05, "text": "Jean-Marie Beaudet Jean-Marie Beaudet (20 February 1908 – 19 March 1971) was a Canadian conductor, organist, pianist, radio producer, and music educator. He had a long career with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, serving variously as a music producer, programing director, conductor, and administrator. With the CBC Symphony Orchestra he conducted the premiere recordings of works by many Canadian composers, including pieces by Maurice Blackburn, Claude Champagne, J.-J. Gagnier, Clermont Pépin, and Healey Willan. Born in Thetford Mines, Beaudet was the brother of pianist Pierre Beaudet. He began his musical education at the Collège de Lévis where he was a piano", "title": "Jean-Marie Beaudet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.67, "text": "him yet at our upright, stocky but erect in shirt-sleeves and red hair ... He taught at Harvard in the English department for seven years following his graduation, resigning his teaching post in 1902. By 1915, La Rose would describe his occupation as a \"\"man of letters\"\", busying himself with critical literary work and graphic design while making trips to Europe, Mexico, and Turkey. A fervent Catholic, La Rose was an expert on ecclesiastical heraldry, and designed the coats of arms of many American Catholic prelates. He also designed arms for institutions both Catholic and secular, including The Catholic University", "title": "Pierre de Chaignon la Rose" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.42, "text": "He remained in that position through 1957, during which time he conducted for numerous radio and television broadcasts. He was particularly active as an opera conductor at the CBC. He also frequently conducted the CBC Symphony Orchestra from 1953-1964. From 1957-1959 he served as CBC's representative in Paris. Beaudet was the executive secretary of the Canadian Music Centre from 1959-1961, after which he worked for the last time at the CBC as the assistant vice-president in charge of programming from 1961-1964. He was appointed the first music director for the National Arts Centre in 1964, where he remained until his", "title": "Jean-Marie Beaudet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "Beaudet joined the staff of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation where he held a variety of posts through 1947, including program director for the Quebec region, national music supervisor, and program director for the French network. He played an influential role in making music the primary focus of CBC programing, as opposed to news, drama, and talk radio. The CBC commissioned its first two operas, both by Healey Willan, as a result of his leadership: \"\"\"\" (1942) and \"\"Deirdre\"\" (1945). Beaudet also conducted numerous broadcasts for CBC Radio between 1936-1946, including performances of Hector Berlioz's \"\"L'enfance du Christ\"\", Gabriel Fauré's \"\"Requiem\"\",", "title": "Jean-Marie Beaudet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.02, "text": "Louise Beaudoin Louise Beaudoin (born September 26, 1945 in Quebec City, Quebec) is a Canadian politician, who represented the electoral district of Rosemont in the National Assembly of Quebec until 2012, as a member of the Parti Québécois (PQ). She sat as an independent from June 6, 2011 to April 3, 2012. She is best known for her previous tenure as a Member of the National Assembly (MNA) of Chambly, from 1994 to 2003, when she occupied various ministerial positions. Beaudoin earned a master's degree in history from Université Laval and a master's degree in sociology at the Sorbonne. As", "title": "Louise Beaudoin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.98, "text": "Dhanaé Audet-Beaulieu Dhanaé Audet-Beaulieu is a graduate of Collège de Rosemont. He started in college co-directing a short film with Jonathan Bolduc and Louis Roy entitled \"\"Changer d’air\"\" winning both the public \"\"Coup de cœur\"\" and the \"\"Jury Grand prix\"\". Professionally, he has acted in a number of popular Quebec television series, most importantly \"\"Les Lavigueur, la vraie histoire\"\" as well as acting on theater stage in \"\"Les messagers DO\"\". He also produced and co-directed a documentary about slackline, an emerging balance discipline. He also took part in the 8th season of the well-known Quebec's TV serie Lance & Compte.", "title": "Dhanaé Audet-Beaulieu" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.98, "text": "the Casino Theatre (1885), Captain Delauney in \"\"Erminie\"\" at the Casino Theatre (1886), a role played in the original London production by Kate Everleigh, \"\" The Kitchen Belle\"\" (1889), Mrs St Mirim in \"\"Miss Innocence Abroad\"\" at the Bijou Theatre (1894), Catherine in \"\"Lost, Strayed or Stolen\"\" at the Fifth Avenue Theatre (1896), \"\"All on Account of Eliza\"\" at the Garrick Theatre and Wallack's Theatre (1900 - 1901), \"\"The Cardinal\"\" at the Garden Theatre (1902), Mrs Jefferson Briscoe in \"\"The County Chairman\"\" at Wallack's Theatre (1903 - 1904), Marcie Brook in \"\"Miss Jack\"\" at the Herald Square Theatre (1911), and", "title": "Rose Beaudet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.95, "text": "Arthur Beaudet Arthur L. Beaudet is a professor and chair of molecular and human genetics at Baylor College of Medicine. He was inducted into the Institute of Medicine in 1995, the Society of Scholars in 2008 and into the National Academy of Sciences in 2011. Beaudet was born in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. He received a bachelor's degree from the College of the Holy Cross in 1963 and received his MD from Yale Medical School in 1967. He completed a residency in pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1969 and a postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Health two years", "title": "Arthur Beaudet" } ]
What is Jean Gabriel Marie's occupation?
[ "composer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.72, "text": "Gabriel Marie, was also a composer. Jean Gabriel Marie (1907–1970) Jean Gabriel Marie or Jean Gabriel-Marie (1907–1970) was a French composer. His works included the opera \"\"Mirèio\"\", which was awarded the \"\"Prix de l'Académie des Arts, Lettres, et Sciences\"\" shortly after its premier in 1939. The composition was based on the Provençal poem that inspired Gounod's opera \"\"Mireille\"\". He wrote \"\"Suite provençale\"\" in six movements, which is occasionally performed, based on themes from the opera. Chamber music and organ works are significant among his other compositions. He directed of the Institut Gabriel-Marie in Marseille for many years until his death", "title": "Jean Gabriel Marie (1907–1970)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.69, "text": "Jean Gabriel-Marie Jean Gabriel Prosper Marie (8 January 1852, Paris – 29 August 1928, Puigcerdà, Girona, Spain) was a French romantic composer and conductor. Gabriel Mari was born in Paris on January 8,1852, where he studied at the Conservatoire de Paris and held a prominent position in the local musical world. He died unexpectedly on August 29, 1928. He was the father of the composer Jean Gabriel-Mari. Gabriel Mari's works include \"\"La Cinquantaine\"\" (\"\"The Golden Marriage\"\", 1887) for cello and piano, for octet, and in various other arrangements. He also composed many dance pieces, notably the waltz \"\"Sous les firnes\"\"", "title": "Jean Gabriel-Marie" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.39, "text": "Jean Gabriel Marie (1907–1970) Jean Gabriel Marie or Jean Gabriel-Marie (1907–1970) was a French composer. His works included the opera \"\"Mirèio\"\", which was awarded the \"\"Prix de l'Académie des Arts, Lettres, et Sciences\"\" shortly after its premier in 1939. The composition was based on the Provençal poem that inspired Gounod's opera \"\"Mireille\"\". He wrote \"\"Suite provençale\"\" in six movements, which is occasionally performed, based on themes from the opera. Chamber music and organ works are significant among his other compositions. He directed of the Institut Gabriel-Marie in Marseille for many years until his death at age 63. His father, Jean", "title": "Jean Gabriel Marie (1907–1970)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.31, "text": "(\"\"Under the Ash Tree\"\", 1884) and the highly original polka \"\"Frais minois\"\" (\"\"Fresh Fries\"\"). \"\"Sérénade Badine\"\" achieved some popularity by its numerous arrangements, including those for saxophone and piano, and cello and piano, as did other chamber works and light works for orchestra. Jean Gabriel-Marie Jean Gabriel Prosper Marie (8 January 1852, Paris – 29 August 1928, Puigcerdà, Girona, Spain) was a French romantic composer and conductor. Gabriel Mari was born in Paris on January 8,1852, where he studied at the Conservatoire de Paris and held a prominent position in the local musical world. He died unexpectedly on August 29,", "title": "Jean Gabriel-Marie" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.88, "text": "Jean-Étienne Marie Jean-Étienne Marie (22 November 1917 – 25 December 1989) was a French composer of contemporary music. He is an important figure in the history and exploration of Microtonal music and electroacoustic. Marie studied at the Conservatoire de Paris with Simone Plé-Caussade. After WWII he dedicated his life to music. He worked at the Radiodiffusion Française where he was specialist in broadcasting contemporary music festival. Marie was the disciple of Olivier Messiaen and of Darius Milhaud, but this is his meeting with microtonality pioneer Julián Carrillo that was crucial in his musical work. He created le CIRM in 1968", "title": "Jean-Étienne Marie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.84, "text": "Jean Monnet Jean Omer Marie Gabriel Monnet (; 9 November 1888 – 16 March 1979) was a French political economist and diplomat. An influential supporter of European unity, he is considered as one of the founding fathers of the European Union. Jean Monnet has been called \"\"The Father of Europe\"\" by those who see his innovative and pioneering efforts in the 1950s as the key to establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, the predecessor of today’s European Union. Never elected to public office, Monnet worked behind the scenes of American and European governments as a well-connected \"\"pragmatic internationalist\"\". He", "title": "Jean Monnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.64, "text": "Marie Jean Philip Marie Jean Philip (April 20, 1953 – September 24, 1997) was a leader in both the American and international Deaf community. She advocated for the right to a natural sign language for Deaf people. Marie was one of the original researchers studying ASL and Deaf Culture. She was active in establishing American Sign Language (ASL) as a recognized language in the colleges of Massachusetts in the early 1980s. Later, Marie was the Bilingual-Bicultural Coordinator at The Learning Center for the Deaf in Framingham, Massachusetts. Marie Jean Philip was born on April 20, 1953 at Worcester, Massachusetts. She", "title": "Marie Jean Philip" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "experimental art in the 1990s. Jean Marie Syjuco Jean Marie Syjuco (born June 26, 1952) is a painter, installation artist, and performance artist from Manila, Philippines. Through the 1980s and the 1990s, Jean Marie brought attention and institutional support to the maverick art-form of Performance Art in the Philippines. Beginning in the 1970s as an extension of her work as a visual artist, her performance works developed from conceptual pieces of marked brevity rooted in anti-narrative devices, to the thematic spectacles and large-scale collaborations and video documentations for which she is now better known. For over 3 decades, she has", "title": "Jean Marie Syjuco" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "Jean-Marie De Koninck Jean-Marie De Koninck, (born 1948) is a Canadian mathematician. He has served as a professor at Université Laval since 1972 and is the creator of the road safety program Opération Nez Rouge, or \"\"Red Nose Operation\"\", a system preventing people from drinking and driving. He is the son of the philosopher and theologian Charles De Koninck and the brother of the geographer Rodolphe De Koninck, the psychologist Joseph De Koninck, the philosopher Thomas De Koninck and the sociologist Maria De Koninck. Birthdate: April 29, 1948, Quebec City. Occupation: Professor of Mathematics at Université Laval University diplomas: 1970:", "title": "Jean-Marie De Koninck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.52, "text": "in Toulouse. He became president of the \"\"Association corporative des étudiants en droit\"\", an association of law students whose main occupation was to engage in street brawls against the \"\"\"\"Cocos\"\"\"\" (communists). He was excluded from this organisation in 1951. After his time in the military, he studied political science and law at Panthéon-Assas University. His graduate thesis, submitted in 1971 by him and Jean-Loup Vincent, was titled \"\"Le courant anarchiste en France depuis 1945\"\" or \"\"\"\"The anarchist movement in France since 1945\"\"\"\". After receiving his law diploma, he enlisted in the Foreign Legion. He arrived in Indochina after the 1954", "title": "Jean-Marie Le Pen" } ]
What is Ava Deluca-Verley's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.83, "text": "Ava Deluca-Verley Ava Deluca-Verley (born September 27, 1989) is a French-American television and film actress who is best known for her role in NBC's comedy series \"\"Growing Up Fisher\"\", playing the daughter of Jenna Elfman and J. K. Simmons's characters. Deluca-Verley spent most of her childhood living with her family in Winchester, Massachusetts. She began her artistic education at the Walnut Hill School in Natick, Massachusetts, before attending college at Carnegie Mellon School of Drama, graduating in 2012. While at Carnegie Mellon, Deluca-Verley was voted \"\"Best Actress\"\" in her graduating class. She has dual citizenship in France, and speaks French", "title": "Ava Deluca-Verley" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.17, "text": "fluently. Deluca-Verley appeared in Oscar-winning screenwriters Jim Rash and Nat Faxon's directorial debut \"\"The Way, Way Back\"\" starring Steve Carell, Toni Collette and Sam Rockwell, which sold to Fox Searchlight at Sundance Film Festival in 2013. She has guest starred on TNT's \"\"Southland\"\", as well as playing a supporting role in Australian feature film, \"\"Blinder\"\". In 2014, she starred alongside Hugo Becker in the PBS three-hour mini series, \"\"The Mystery of Matter: Search for Elements\"\", helmed by Emmy Award winning director Stephen Lyons. Ava Deluca-Verley Ava Deluca-Verley (born September 27, 1989) is a French-American television and film actress who is", "title": "Ava Deluca-Verley" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.02, "text": "Roberts and Lance Henriksen, Mic and the Claw and Trafficking. Ava Lazar resides in Los Angeles and works as a coach and creative consultant. Combining business savvy with a strong artistic conviction, Ava is an experienced film producer, coach, creative consultant and actress. Utilizing her vast experiences working in the arts, both in front and behind the camera, as well as working in related fields such real estate, interior design, marketing and sales, and creative development Ava draws from all of these artistic fields to assist her clients in successfully strategizing, marketing and expanding their business practices, as well as", "title": "Ava Lazar" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.98, "text": "function after the divorce of blind father and lawyer Mel (J.K. Simmons) and mother Joyce (Jenna Elfman). The series follows everyday situations the family goes through, often involving Henry's sister Katie (Ava Deluca-Verley) and normal situations the parents handle, usually in a comical way. The series first appeared on the development slate at NBC in October 2012 under the title \"\"...Then Came Elvis\"\". The network placed a pilot order in January 2013. The pilot episode was written by D. J. Nash, and directed by David Schwimmer. Casting announcements began in February 2013, with Parker Posey first cast in the role", "title": "Growing Up Fisher" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 16.86, "text": "Ava Cadell Dr. Ava Cadell (born June 15, 1956) is a former actress, writer, producer and currently a therapist and speaker on issues of sexuality. Dr. Ava Cadell obtained a doctorate in human behavior from Newport University (California) and later a doctorate of education in human sexuality from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. She then embarked upon teaching, writing and lecturing, based out of Los Angeles. Through her private practice, Cadell counsels individuals and couples on personal issues including infidelity, orgasm barriers, performance problems, sexual compulsion, parental concerns, power struggles, anger management, fear of", "title": "Ava Cadell" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 16.38, "text": "of Joyce Fisher, Henry's mother who attempts to reclaim her youth, post-divorce. J.K. Simmons was the second actor cast, in the series regular role of the blind family patriarch, Mel Fisher. Shortly after, Eli Baker and Ava Deluca-Verley were then added to the cast, with Baker cast in the lead role of Henry Fisher and Deluca-Verley to the role of Katie Fisher, Henry's older sister, who Joyce desperately wants to be close to. In May 2013, NBC placed a series order for the comedy under the new title \"\"The Family Guide\"\", and in June, it underwent another name change to", "title": "Growing Up Fisher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.33, "text": "Ava Lowery Ava Lowery is an American peace activist and documentary filmmaker from Alabama who has created over 100 Flash-based animations denouncing the Iraq War, former United States President George W. Bush, policies of the Republican Party and several individual Republican politicians. She has actively demonstrated against the war, and in support of soldiers. Lowery is also the creator of the website Peace Takes Courage, and she and her work have received national media attention in 2005 and 2006, including interviews on Fox News. She is noted for her creation of an online animation, \"\"WWJD\"\" (which stands for \"\"What Would", "title": "Ava Lowery" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 16.14, "text": "States, Cadell volunteered her services at several children's charities including MacLaren Children's Center & Resource Institution for Abused Children, Childhood Leukemia Foundation, International Toy Bank and Ahead with Horses, where she is currently on the board of directors. Ava Cadell Dr. Ava Cadell (born June 15, 1956) is a former actress, writer, producer and currently a therapist and speaker on issues of sexuality. Dr. Ava Cadell obtained a doctorate in human behavior from Newport University (California) and later a doctorate of education in human sexuality from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. She then embarked", "title": "Ava Cadell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.06, "text": "Ava DuVernay Ava Marie DuVernay (; born August 24, 1972) is an American film director, producer, screenwriter, film marketer, and film distributor. DuVernay won the directing award in the U.S. dramatic competition at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival for her second feature film \"\"Middle of Nowhere\"\", becoming the first black woman to win the award. For her work on \"\"Selma\"\" (2014), DuVernay was the first black female director to be nominated for a Golden Globe Award. With \"\"Selma\"\", she was also the first black female director to have her film nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture. In 2017,", "title": "Ava DuVernay" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.03, "text": "Eros in China. In her capacity as a sexologist, she has appeared on numerous national television shows, including The Doctors, Good Morning America, Extra, Montel Williams, Geraldo and The X Show, as well as in documentaries and news reports on major broadcast networks and cable programming outlets, including CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, Fox, MTV, VH1, The Discovery Channel, Lifetime and A&E, E! True Hollywood Story. She also appeared on reality TV shows as herself giving advice on Gene Simmons Family Jewels, Kendra on Top, Family Plots and HBO's and on the radio shows The Howard Stern Show, The Mark &", "title": "Ava Cadell" } ]
What is Sayaka Ichii's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.62, "text": "Sayaka Ichii Joined the girl group Morning Musume in 1998. She, along with Mari Yaguchi and Kei Yasuda, formed the second generation of members. While in Morning Musume, Sayaka Ichii was put into the spin-off group, Petitmoni with Maki Goto and Kei Yasuda . Ichii was also part of the Hello Project! Summer Shuffles 2000 group Aoiro 7. She also recorded a folk song album with Yuko Nakazawa. She left Morning Musume in May to continue her education. Sayaka Ichii graduated from Morning Musume and Hello! Project after the single \"\"Happy Summer Wedding\"\" in 2000. A year after she left,", "title": "Sayaka Ichii" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "she formed the group \"\"Ichii Sayaka in Cubic-Cross\"\", trio with Taisei (keyboardist from Sharan Q), and wrote two of their songs. In 2003, Cubic-Cross disbanded, and after a solo single She retired from the music business at the end of the year. In February, she joined Ranves Management agency.on August 30, she returned to TV in a TBS show called Sunday Japan. Ichii announced in 2004 that she was pregnant and was to marry the group's guitarist, Naoki Yoshizawa. The couple had two daughters but divorced in 2011. Ichii later remarried and gave birth to her son. Sayaka Ichii Joined", "title": "Sayaka Ichii" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.14, "text": "debut single, \"\"Happy Summer Wedding\"\", (continuing the legacy of number one hits with 1,370,000 copies sold,) Sayaka Ichii left to pursue her own music career. She became the vocalist of Japanese group Cubic Cross and later married fellow member Naoki Yoshizawa (no relation to Hitomi Yoshizawa). With Ishiguro and Ichii gone, both Tanpopo and Petitmoni revised their lineups—Hitomi Yoshizawa joined Petitmoni, and Ai Kago and Rika Ishikawa were added to Tanpopo. Meanwhile, Mari Yaguchi had started performing informally with Ai Kago and Nozomi Tsuji in concerts as Mini Moni, a group tailored towards younger audiences with all the members being", "title": "Morning Musume" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.23, "text": ". She rose to the top hostess at the bar and worked for the bar until she moved to Roppongi to work at R, a newly opened Roppongi hostess bar where she was hired as the \"\"face\"\". She had since worked at the Roppongi bar for two years. Araki retired from the nightwork at the age of 23. \"\"Koakuma Ageha\"\" featured her retirement from the nightwork with its special editorial titled . Sayaka Araki Araki was born in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. She lived in Kyoto until she moved to Tokyo to learn makeup art and nail art. She graduated from", "title": "Sayaka Araki" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "Sayaka Aoki (comedian) Aoki is a daughter of two elementary school teachers. After attending Aichi Prefecture Seto High School, she went on to the Foreign Language Faculty at Nagoya Gakuin University with a concentration in Chinese. After she graduated from college, she attended the Television Talent Center in Nagoya. She started her career by working as a free announcer at a local TV station and as an attendant to a TV star. When she landed an introductory spot in a late-night TV show, she introduced herself as wanting to become a \"\"funny TV star\"\" which was taken as an aspiration", "title": "Sayaka Aoki (comedian)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.97, "text": "Sayaka Araki Araki was born in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. She lived in Kyoto until she moved to Tokyo to learn makeup art and nail art. She graduated from technical schools specialized in these arts, but entered nightwork at the age of 19 when she began working at a hostess bar. She began fashion modeling at the age of 21 after being approached to model by \"\"Koakuma Ageha\"\"'s editorial board in 2005 when she was a hostess at a Kabukicho hostess bar. Araki moved to Roppongi in 2006 and began working at Roppongi hostess bar R, under her new genji name", "title": "Sayaka Araki" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.97, "text": "under the title \"\"Convenience Store Woman\"\". Throughout her writing career Murata has worked part-time as a convenience store clerk in Tokyo. Murata's writing explores the different consequences of nonconformity in society for men and women, particularly with regard to gender roles, parenthood, and sex. Many of the themes and character backstories in her writing come from her daily observations as a part-time convenience store worker. Societal acceptance of sexlessness in various forms, including asexuality, involuntary celibacy, and voluntary celibacy, especially within marriage, recurs as a theme in several of her works, such as the novels \"\"Shōmetsu sekai\"\" (\"\"Dwindling World\"\") and", "title": "Sayaka Murata" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.94, "text": "S. I. Hayakawa Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa (July 18, 1906 – February 27, 1992) was a Canadian-born American academic and politician of Japanese ancestry. A professor of English, he served as president of San Francisco State University, and then as U.S. Senator from California from 1977 to 1983. Born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Hayakawa was educated in the public schools of Calgary, Alberta, and Winnipeg, Manitoba, and received an undergraduate degree from the University of Manitoba in 1927 and graduate degrees in English from McGill University in 1928 and the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1935. Professionally, Hayakawa was a linguist, psychologist,", "title": "S. I. Hayakawa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.89, "text": "policy and social perception so that all women, rather than an elite few, will have equal work opportunities. Sayaka Osakabe Sayaka Osakabe was born in Japan in 1977. She was working as a magazine editor when she became pregnant. Rather than approve shorter working hours, her boss tried to pressure her to quit her job. After suffering two miscarriages, Osakabe asked for approved leave of absence should she become pregnant again and was denied. Osakabe quit her job under duress and pursued her case with a labor tribunal. In June, 2014, she won her case and formed a support group", "title": "Sayaka Osakabe" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.75, "text": "Sayaka Osakabe Sayaka Osakabe was born in Japan in 1977. She was working as a magazine editor when she became pregnant. Rather than approve shorter working hours, her boss tried to pressure her to quit her job. After suffering two miscarriages, Osakabe asked for approved leave of absence should she become pregnant again and was denied. Osakabe quit her job under duress and pursued her case with a labor tribunal. In June, 2014, she won her case and formed a support group called \"\"Matahara Net\"\", using a portmandeau of the English words \"\"maternity and harassment\"\" to create the name, which", "title": "Sayaka Osakabe" } ]
What is George Birnie Esslemont's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.22, "text": "of the Assembly's Employment and Learning Committee. He retained his seat in 2003 but lost it in the 2007 elections. He was then employed as a special advisor to Employment and Learning Minister, Sir Reg Empey. He is now Chief Economist for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Northern Ireland. Esmond Birnie Dr John Esmond Birnie (born 6 January 1965) is an author, economist, and Ulster Unionist Party politician. He is a former Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly (MLA) for South Belfast. After attending Ballymena Primary School and Ballymena Academy, Birnie became a graduate of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge in Economics. He", "title": "Esmond Birnie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.98, "text": "James Birnie James Birnie (1799–1864) was an employee of the North West Company (NWC) and the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC), serving primarily within the Pacific Northwest. With the Oregon Question resolved in 1846, he became the first settler of Cathlamet. Birnie was born in Aberdeen in 1799, emigrating to Lower Canada at the age of sixteen. At Montreal he joined the North West Company, and was appointed to serve as a junior clerk. During his time with the NWC, Birnie was largely stationed at Fort George, the entrepôt and administrative center of the Columbia District on the shoreline of the", "title": "James Birnie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.91, "text": "Lord Provost of Aberdeen In 1884, he was a guest at Haddo House for a dinner hosted by John Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair in honour of William Ewart Gladstone on his tour of Scotland. Esslemont was first elected as the Liberal Member of Parliament for East Aberdeenshire at the 1885 general election. He remained an MP there until he resigned in late 1892 to take up the post of Chairman of the Fisheries Board for Scotland. He died in Aberdeen in 1894 aged 60 and is buried at the Nellfield Cemetery. Esslemont married Georgia Anna Birnie at", "title": "Peter Esslemont" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.45, "text": "Columbia River. After the NWC was forcibly amalgamated into the Hudson's Bay Company in 1821, Birnie considered leaving the Pacific Coast. George Simpson convinced him to remain in the employ of the HBC as a clerk, finding his knowledge of the hazardous Columbia Bar of great value to the company. Throughout the 1820s and 1830s, Bernie was a part of several HBC efforts that reorganized the supply infrastructure of the Columbia Department. Notably he oversaw the opening of Fort Colvile, an important station along the developing York Factory Express. At various points he later managed at various times the Spokane", "title": "James Birnie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.22, "text": "Ted Birnie Edward Lawson 'Ted' Birnie (25 August 1878 in Sunderland – 21 December 1935) was a professional footballer and manager. He played for Sunderland Seaburn, Newcastle United, Crystal Palace, Chelsea and Tottenham Hotspur In his managerial career, he took on the reins at Southend United, staying in charge of the seaside club until his retirement in 1934. Birnie began his career at local club Sunderland Seaburn before joining Newcastle United. The commanding centre half played in 19 matches between 1898–1903. Birnie went on to play for Crystal Palace where he featured in 29 matches in all competitions (22 league).", "title": "Ted Birnie" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.2, "text": "Esmond Birnie Dr John Esmond Birnie (born 6 January 1965) is an author, economist, and Ulster Unionist Party politician. He is a former Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly (MLA) for South Belfast. After attending Ballymena Primary School and Ballymena Academy, Birnie became a graduate of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge in Economics. He completed a PhD in Economics at Queens University Belfast before becoming a senior lecturer. He has appeared as an expert economics witness in the House of Commons and is a leading critic of the euro. He was an unsuccessful Conservative Party candidate in the elections to", "title": "Esmond Birnie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.17, "text": "at Midland, Western Australia, Australia. He recorded his next of kin as Mrs. Janet McKenna of Sorn, Ayreshire, Scotland. His occupation was listed as horseshoer. He noted a prior apprenticeship at Wilmot, Sorn in Ayreshire for a period of 4 and ½ years. On 18 August 1914, the local newspaper, the \"\"Bunbury Herald\"\" announced the names of the first 60 Bunbury volunteers selected for the 11th Battalion of the Expeditionary Force for the landing at Gallipoli on 24 April 1915. The battle at Gallipoli was from 25 April 1915 to 9 January 1916. George Dinnie was part of the first", "title": "George Dinnie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.11, "text": "John Birnie Philip John Birnie Philip (23 November 1824 in London – 2 March 1875 in London) was a nineteenth-century English sculptor. Much of his work was carried out for the architect Sir George Gilbert Scott. He was born in London, the son of William and Elizabeth Philip. He studied at the Government School of Design at Somerset House in London under John Rogers Herbert, and then at Herbert's own newly-opened school in Maddox Street. He went on to work in Pugin's wood carving workshop at the Palace of Westminster before setting up his own studio. Much of his work", "title": "John Birnie Philip" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.67, "text": "& Co. Alexander's son George Birnie (1786-1863) joined the partnership and was sent to Prince Edward Island, Canada, as the firm's agent there between 1809 and 1813. Birnie & Co had at least ten whaling ships in operation in the 30 years between 1796 and 1826. These vessels often took passengers and cargo to ports in the southern hemisphere before engaging in sealing and whaling. Alexander Birnie was active in London as a philanthropist and a supporter of worthy causes. He was one of the directors of the Royal Highland School Society. He was also an elder of the Scotch", "title": "Alexander Birnie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.59, "text": "Richard Birnie Sir Richard Birnie (c. 1760 – 1832) was a Scottish police magistrate in London, who came to prominence for his involvement with the Cato Street Conspiracy. He was a native of Banff, Aberdeenshire, born about 1760. After serving an apprenticeship to a saddler he came to London, and worked for the house of Macintosh & Co., in the Haymarket, saddlers and harness-makers to the royal family. In favour with the Prince of Wales, he was made foreman and eventually a partner in the business; he married the daughter of a wealthy baker. After his marriage Birnie rented a", "title": "Richard Birnie" } ]
What is Tiffany Pollard's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.81, "text": "Tiffany Pollard Tiffany Pollard (born January 6, 1982), sometimes known by her nickname New York, is an American reality television personality and actress. She first achieved public recognition for her participation in VH1's \"\"Flavor of Love\"\" and \"\"I Love New York\"\". Pollard was given the nickname \"\"New York\"\" by rapper Flavor Flav. She is also known colloquially by her self-proclaimed nickname, the \"\"HBIC (Head Bitch In Charge)\"\", which she exclaimed in the \"\"Flavor of Love\"\" series to taunt her competitors. In 2016, Pollard took part in the British television series \"\"Celebrity Big Brother\"\", finishing in fourth place. She was a", "title": "Tiffany Pollard" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.81, "text": "most of whom are also former reality show contestants. Pollard has also appeared in a play called \"\"The Clean Up Woman\"\" in 2009, and \"\"The Trial of The Chicago 7\"\" in 2010. Tiffany Pollard Tiffany Pollard (born January 6, 1982), sometimes known by her nickname New York, is an American reality television personality and actress. She first achieved public recognition for her participation in VH1's \"\"Flavor of Love\"\" and \"\"I Love New York\"\". Pollard was given the nickname \"\"New York\"\" by rapper Flavor Flav. She is also known colloquially by her self-proclaimed nickname, the \"\"HBIC (Head Bitch In Charge)\"\", which", "title": "Tiffany Pollard" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.48, "text": "the previous night. She finished as runner-up on Day 32. Tiffany Pollard, also known by her stage name New York, is an American reality television personality and actress; best known for her appearances in VH1's reality shows such as \"\"Flavor of Love\"\" and \"\"I Love New York\"\". She entered the house on Day 1. On Day 10, Tiffany was issued a warning for aggressive behaviour used in an argument during the previous night. She finished in fourth place on Day 32. Winston McKenzie is an English perennial candidate for office and former boxer. He entered the house on Day 1.", "title": "Celebrity Big Brother 17 (UK)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "cast member in the reality television series \"\"\"\". She and her mother were main cast members in the first season of the reality show \"\"Family Therapy with Dr. Jenn\"\". On November 3, 2016, it was announced that she joined the second season of E! reality show \"\"Famously Single\"\". Pollard was born in Utica, New York to Michelle Rothschild-Patterson (also known as \"\"Sister Patterson\"\") and Alex Pollard. Pollard has used the surnames of both her parents, who are unmarried. She attended John F. Kennedy Middle School and graduated from Thomas R. Proctor High School. Pollard was engaged to \"\"I Love New", "title": "Tiffany Pollard" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.64, "text": "viewers. \"\"New York Goes to Hollywood\"\" premiered August 4, 2008 on VH1. The eight episode season follows Pollard as she tries to establish herself as an actress in Hollywood, California. \"\"New York Goes to Work\"\" premiered on May 4, 2009. The reality show followed Pollard as she searches for a regular job. The jobs were selected by fans (via text messaging) from a list of three possible jobs for each episode. Pollard would receive a $10,000 bonus each week if she were able to impress her employer. However, if she quit, failed or was fired, she would not receive a", "title": "Tiffany Pollard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "On January 5, 2016, Pollard entered the \"\"Celebrity Big Brother\"\" house in the United Kingdom to participate in the seventeenth season of the show. She was involved in an infamous misunderstanding in which Pollard believed that David Gest had died of cancer inside the house; it subsequently turned out to be David Bowie that had died, the ex-husband of fellow housemate Angie Bowie. Throughout her time on the show, Pollard proved popular with the British public, and achieved the most votes to save over her fellow contestants on at least one occasion. On February 5, Pollard made the final and", "title": "Tiffany Pollard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "available free for a limited time. A follow-up/spin-off season, entitled \"\"New York Goes to Work\"\", premiered May 4, 2009. \"\"First aired August 4, 2008\"\" Tiffany \"\"New York\"\" Pollard holds interviews for personal assistants. She hires Harvard graduate and former Access Hollywood special correspondent Lizza Monet-Morales. After that, Lizza sets up a workout for Tiffany at a gym in Hollywood and hires someone to make a reel of her most famous moments set up. The guy who makes her reel was supposed to deliver her reel to her the next day so she would have it for her show later that", "title": "New York Goes to Hollywood" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.41, "text": "2017. Several images and GIFs of Pollard, taken from her various VH1 appearances, have developed into internet memes on social network sites such as Tumblr and Twitter. A notable example includes \"\"New York on a Bed,\"\" which became a popular meme on Twitter used to express emotions of frustration and discomfort as well as moments of awkwardness. Pollard's first movie role was in 2008, in the comedy \"\"First Sunday\"\". She appeared in a supporting role, acting alongside Ice Cube, Regina Hall, and C. J. Sanders. Pollard participated in a 2009 national tour of the \"\"Vagina Monologues\"\" with an all-black cast,", "title": "Tiffany Pollard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "premiered on March 16, 2016 on VH1. In August 2016, it was announced that Pollard would host new gay dating show, \"\"The Ex\"\" in which she also served as executive producer. The show hasn't been picked up by a network yet. On February 9, 2017, Tiffany's VH1 digital series \"\"Brunch with Tiffany\"\" premiered. The series follows Tiffany as she informally interviews a celebrity guest over brunch. The pilot featured \"\"Real Housewives of New York\"\" star Sonja Morgan. In August 2017, it was announced that Pollard would compete in the first season of VH1's \"\"Scared Famous\"\", which premiered on October 23,", "title": "Tiffany Pollard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "came in fourth place - ranking higher than any other American female who had been on the show. Due to her popularity on the show, Pollard appeared in many UK publications including New! magazine. She also became a regular fixture on the Big Brother spin off show Big Brother's Bit on the Side during Big Brother 17 (UK). In January 2016, Pollard was announced as a main cast member on TV One's \"\"\"\" which premiered on February 10, 2016. In February 2016, Pollard was announced as a cast member on the first season of \"\"Family Therapy with Dr. Jenn\"\" which", "title": "Tiffany Pollard" } ]
What is Shorty Hamilton's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.11, "text": "Shorty Hamilton Shorty Hamilton (September 9, 1879 – March 7, 1925) was an American actor and silent film comedian who appeared in more than 80 films, mostly westerns, from 1909 to 1925. His birth name was William John Schroeder, and he was also known as \"\"Jack Hamilton.\"\" He had served in the United States Cavalry for several years and worked as a cowboy in Montana and Texas. He was best known for the \"\"Adventures of Shorty\"\" series of two-reel silent films that were released from 1912 to 1917. Before becoming an actor, Hamilton served six years in the United States", "title": "Shorty Hamilton" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24, "text": "Cavalry and worked as a cowboy for five years in Montana and Texas. As an actor, he appeared in many of the western films produced by Thomas H. Ince, including \"\"The Great Smash\"\". He was described as \"\"an extremely likeable little chap who combines the wonderful riding, lassoing, cow-punching stunts of the true westerner with the polished, quick-wittedness of the New York society man.\"\" Hamilton was best known for the \"\"Adventures of Shorty\"\" series of two-reel comedies in which he starred from 1914 to 1917. There were more than 35 two-reel films featuring Hamilton as the \"\"Shorty\"\" character, a cowboy", "title": "Shorty Hamilton" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.16, "text": "a fan of Hamilton's work, at an appearance at a movie theater in Venice, Los Angeles, California. The two were married less than two months after they met. The last of the \"\"Adventures of Shorty\"\" films was released in 1917. However, Hamilton continued to appear in western genre films. In March 1925, Hamilton died at age 45 when his automobile crashed into a steam shovel standing in a street in Hollywood. Shorty Hamilton Shorty Hamilton (September 9, 1879 – March 7, 1925) was an American actor and silent film comedian who appeared in more than 80 films, mostly westerns, from", "title": "Shorty Hamilton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "with a trained horse—his \"\"remarkably intelligent horse, Beauty.\"\" Hamilton was not the only big talent associated with the \"\"Shorty\"\" pictures; the films were produced by Thomas H. Ince, many were written by the noted screenwriter C. Gardner Sullivan, and the directors included Francis Ford. Aside from the trained horse, Hamilton's co-stars in the \"\"Shorty\"\" pictures included Enid Markey and Charles Ray. Hamilton's popularity drew attention to his personal life as well as his screen performances. In the fall of 1914, less than six months after the release of \"\"Shorty Escapes Matrimony\"\", Hamilton married Ethel Spurgin. Hamilton met Spurgin, who was", "title": "Shorty Hamilton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "Shorty Green Wilfred Thomas \"\"Shorty\"\" Green (July 17, 1896 – April 19, 1960) was a Canadian professional ice hockey forward who played four seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Hamilton Tigers and New York Americans. As captain of the Tigers in 1925, he led the team on a strike with the demand that the players be paid an additional C$200 to participate in the playoffs. The league refused, suspended the team and sold the organization New York interests. As a member of the Americans, Green scored the first goal in Madison Square Garden history, and after two", "title": "Shorty Green" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.41, "text": "his practice to represent companies in the oil, water, and natural resources industries. Short was involved in the California Bar Association, a voluntary organization that predated the mandatory State Bar of California that was established in 1927. He was president of the statewide organization in 1918. He also had been president of the Fresno County Bar Association in 1899, 1912, and 1913. In 1899, Governor Henry Gage appointed Short to the State Board of Commissioners for the preservation of Yosemite Valley. Short was an avid hiker and explorer of the Sierra Nevada. Short was nationally known for his advocacy for", "title": "Frank Hamilton Short" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.27, "text": "The Adventures of Shorty The Adventures of Shorty is the name of a 1914 Western short film featuring Shorty Hamilton, and the general name for the series of similar short films it started. More than 30 two-reel \"\"Shorty\"\" titles were released between 1914 and 1917. All featured Hamilton as the \"\"Shorty\"\" character, a cowboy with a trained horse—his \"\"remarkably intelligent horse, Beauty.\"\" The films were initially produced by Thomas H. Ince, many were written by the veteran screenwriter C. Gardner Sullivan. The 1915 \"\"Shorty's Ranch\"\" was the last entry from the original producers, and after a year the series was", "title": "The Adventures of Shorty" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.27, "text": "to clasp him by the hand and call him friend. He is a gifted actor who can make you laugh or lift you to the extreme pinnacle of nervous anticipation in the same breath. He never over-does anything and his extreme naturalness is refreshing. 'Shorty in the Tiger's Den,' is with us today and you will shake with laughter as Shorty tries to ride a motorcycle, which proves more uncontrollable to Shorty than a bucking pony.\"\" The Adventures of Shorty The Adventures of Shorty is the name of a 1914 Western short film featuring Shorty Hamilton, and the general name", "title": "The Adventures of Shorty" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.23, "text": "revived by Monogram Pictures in January 1917. Directors in the series included Francis Ford and Jay Hunt. Aside from the trained horse, Hamilton's co-stars in the \"\"Shorty\"\" pictures included Enid Markey, Betty Burbridge, and Charles Ray. The films placed \"\"Shorty\"\" into a series of improbable comic adventures: inheriting a harem, posing as a judge, joining the Secret Service, going to college, and confronting a wide range of characters including loan sharks, ghosts, and moonshiners. In March 1917, a newspaper reviewer of the latest \"\"Shorty\"\" film wrote the following about Hamilton:\"\"Shorty Hamilton is a fascinating little chap who makes you want", "title": "The Adventures of Shorty" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "Frank Hamilton Short Frank Hamilton Short (September 12, 1862 - June 5, 1920) was a Fresno, California lawyer and a states' rights advocate within the early American Conservation movement. Soon after Short's birth in Shelby County, Missouri, his father died from drinking poisoned water while engaged in the American Civil War. Short and his mother moved to Fresno, California in 1881. After a brief stint as a school teacher in Ahwanee, California, Short was, at age 22, elected justice of the peace in Fresno County. Admitted to the bar in 1887, Short became an accomplished trial lawyer. Later, he changed", "title": "Frank Hamilton Short" } ]
What is Ajay Kumar Parida's occupation?
[ "biologist", "biologists" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.05, "text": "of the Indian Science Congress in 2012. Dr. Parida was the President of Biological Sciences Session of the National Academy of Sciences India in 2014. Parida is involved in application of science and technology for rural development. He has played an active role in organisation of school level Genome Clubs for creating awareness on relevant issues in biology and biotechnology that has been adopted as a national initiative of DNA clubs supported by the Govt. of India. He is actively involved in working with grassroots organizations and local communities in identifying the issues affecting food and livelihood security and providing", "title": "Ajay Kumar Parida" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24, "text": "Ajay Kumar Parida Dr. Ajay Kumar Parida is an Indian biologist noted for his contributions in the fields of agriculture, plant molecular biology and biotechnology. In 2014, Parida was awarded the Padma Shri Award by the President of India for his contribution in the field of Science and Technology. Parida, who was born and raised in Odisha, is the Director of the Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. ILS ( is an autonomous institution of the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. He served as the Executive Director of the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai during 2009-2017.", "title": "Ajay Kumar Parida" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.81, "text": "solutions based on participatory problem solving and providing solutions. Ajay Kumar Parida Dr. Ajay Kumar Parida is an Indian biologist noted for his contributions in the fields of agriculture, plant molecular biology and biotechnology. In 2014, Parida was awarded the Padma Shri Award by the President of India for his contribution in the field of Science and Technology. Parida, who was born and raised in Odisha, is the Director of the Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. ILS ( is an autonomous institution of the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. He served as the Executive Director of", "title": "Ajay Kumar Parida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.86, "text": "basic understanding of the genetic architecture and species relationship in mangroves, and wild relatives of cultivated cereals, legumes and other cultivated crop species. He has supervised 20 students for their Ph.D. degree. With more than 70 peer reviewed publications in international journals, Parida’s research contributions has been widely cited and many of the publications are of significant value to increasing the basic understanding of the process and mechanisms associated with genetic resources characterization, conservation genetics, stress biology and biotechnology related policy issues. Parida has won the following awards: He was elected as President of the Agriculture Science and Forestry section", "title": "Ajay Kumar Parida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "Parida’s major scientific contribution is in the area of application of frontier technology for addressing major challenges in global and national declining agriculture productivity threatened due to climate change, sea level rise and reduced precipitation. His research aims at developing location specific crop verities to cope with the adverse impact of climate change and has significant implications in bringing in stability and sustainability of the major farming systems. Parida has used advanced biotechnological tools for crop improvement. He has made pioneering contributions in identifying stress tolerant genes specifically for salt and drought stress. Parida’s research has also contributed to the", "title": "Ajay Kumar Parida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "as Principal Secretary (Information Technology), managing director of the Kerala State Electronics Development Corporation, Secretary (Industries), managing director of the Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank, general manager in the Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation and as the district magistrate and collector of the Palghat (now Palakkad) district in the Kerala government; and as the Defence Production Secretary, additional secretary in the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, joint secretary in the Department of Information Technology of the now-erstwhile Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, director in the Department of Biotechnology of the Ministry of Science and Technology", "title": "Ajay Kumar (civil servant)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.14, "text": "and as a deputy secretary in the Department of Home of the Ministry of Home Affairs in the Indian government. Ajay kumar spent three decade of his service with the Kerala state government where he headed three different departments. Kumar also served as a private secretary to a minister in the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (now Ministry of New and Renewable Energy). Kumar was appointed as the Union Defence Production Secretary by the prime minister-headed Appointments Committee of the Cabinet in November 2017, he assumed office on 1 December 2018. Ajay Kumar (civil servant) Ajay Kumar (born 2 October", "title": "Ajay Kumar (civil servant)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20, "text": "Ajay Kumar (civil servant) Ajay Kumar (born 2 October 1962) is a 1985 batch Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer of the Kerala cadre, who is the current Defence Production Secretary of India. Kumar is has a Bachelor of Technology in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,has a Master of Science in development economics from the University of Minnesota, and has a Doctor of Philosophy degree in business administration from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. Kumar has served in various posts in both the Government of India and the Government of Kerala, such", "title": "Ajay Kumar (civil servant)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "Ajay Kumar Tripathi Ajay Kumar Tripathi (born: 12 November 1957) is an Indian Judge and present Chief Justice of the Chhattisgarh High Court. Tripathi was graduated in Economics with Hons. from Shri Ram College of Commerce and studied Law from Delhi University. He started practice in 1981 at Patna High Court on Service matter, Constitutional, Taxation, Excise and commercial litigations. Tripathi was the Standing Counsel for the Union of India and the Income Tax Department. He also appeared on behalf of the CBI and the Auditor and Comptroller General of India. He served as an Additional Advocate General for the", "title": "Ajay Kumar Tripathi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.61, "text": "Ajay Kumar Lallu Ajay Kumar Lallu (born 11 April 1979) is an Indian politician and a member of 16th and 17th Legislative Assembly of Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh of India. he represents the Tamkuhi Raj constituency of Uttar Pradesh and is a member of the Indian National Congress. Lallu was born in Saverahi, Kushinagar to his father Shri Shivnath Prasad. He is unmarried till now. He belongs to Backward caste (Kendu, Mudheshia-Vaishya). In 2001, he received Post Graduate in Political science from Kishan PG Collage Saverahi, Kushinagar. Lallu was two time MLA. Since 2012, he has represented Tamkuhi Raj constituency as", "title": "Ajay Kumar Lallu" } ]
What is Baruch Steinberg's occupation?
[ "rabbi", "Rav" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.45, "text": "Baruch Steinberg Baruch or Boruch Steinberg (17 December 1897–after 9 April 1940) was a Polish rabbi and military officer. He was Chief Rabbi of the Polish Army during German invasion of Poland in 1939 and was murdered in the Katyn massacre by the Soviet Union in April 1940. Baruch Steinberg was born on 17 December 1897 in the town of Przemyślany (now Peremyshliany, Ukraine) to a Polish Jewish family with tradition of rabbinical service (his father and grandfather were rabbis and three of his brothers would also become rabbis). During the First World War his family moved to Vienna; there", "title": "Baruch Steinberg" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.41, "text": "military officers in the Polish Army. Baruch Steinberg Baruch or Boruch Steinberg (17 December 1897–after 9 April 1940) was a Polish rabbi and military officer. He was Chief Rabbi of the Polish Army during German invasion of Poland in 1939 and was murdered in the Katyn massacre by the Soviet Union in April 1940. Baruch Steinberg was born on 17 December 1897 in the town of Przemyślany (now Peremyshliany, Ukraine) to a Polish Jewish family with tradition of rabbinical service (his father and grandfather were rabbis and three of his brothers would also become rabbis). During the First World War", "title": "Baruch Steinberg" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "prisoner by the Soviets after the Soviet invasion of Poland in late September, becoming a prisoner of war. He was imprisoned in the camp in Starobilsk. In Starobilsk he organized services for his fellow inmates, which were also attended by non-Jewish Poles; survivors noted his emphasis on unity of all Poles, regardless of religion. In Starobilsk, Steinberg was arrested by NKVD together with Polish priests and chaplains during Christmas of 1939 and transported to a prison in Moscow. He briefly returned to Starobilsk in March 1940, and then was moved to Yukhnov and later to Kozelsk camps. Steinberg was eventually", "title": "Baruch Steinberg" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.69, "text": "in 1916 he was elected a rabbi, passing the required examinations in the following year and returning to Przemyślany. He joined the Polish Military Organisation, providing services for Polish Jewish soldiers. In November 1918 he volunteered to join Polish forces in the Polish-Ukrainian war, he fought alongside the Polish forces in the battle of Lwów and remained on the frontlines until Polish forces took control of Przemyślany in May 1919.In 1922 he officially joined the Polish Army (first the reserves), becoming a rabbi chaplain. His applications for full service were rejected, the reasons cited were his lack of formal education", "title": "Baruch Steinberg" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.66, "text": "of a captain rank). A few years later he would be promoted to older rabbi, second class (\"\"starszy rabin drugiej klasy\"\" - equivalent of a major rank). In 1931 he was moved to First Corps Region in Warsaw, in 1932 he also served on the Fifth Corps Region in Kraków (Cracow). In 1933 he replaced Chaim Elizjer Frankl as the chief of Main Office of Judaism Chaplainship (\"\"szef Głównego Urzędu Duszpasterstwa Wyznania Mojżeszowego\"\"), first on a temporary basis, from 1935 on a permanent basis. In 1936 he became the Chief Rabbi of the Polish Army. Steinberg was highly respected and", "title": "Baruch Steinberg" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.55, "text": "commended by his superiors. He was also known as a supporter of Polish statesmen Józef Piłsudski and his policies, organizing on 11 November (from 1937 the official Polish Day of Independence) religious services in the intention of Poland (and after Piłsudski's death, in his intention as well). He was a supporter of active Jewish participation in the Polish state. In September 1939 he was one of the seven rabbi chaplains in the Polish Army. During the Polish September Campaign he was the Chief Chaplain for Noncatholics in the Army Kraków and chief rabbi of the Polish army. He was taken", "title": "Baruch Steinberg" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "at Bar Ilan University in 1982, and is a professor of Political Science. Steinberg has served as a consultant to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to the Israeli National Security Council. He also served as a legislative adviser to Likud Knesset Member Ze'ev Elkin. Steinberg is founder and president of the NGO Monitor, an institute whose stated aim is \"\"to generate and distribute critical analysis and reports on the output of the international NGO community\"\" and \"\"to publicize distortions of human rights issues in the Arab-Israeli conflict and provide information and context for the benefit of NGOs working", "title": "Gerald M. Steinberg" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.08, "text": "(he did not finish secondary school) and opposition from the Orthodox Jewish faction, as Steinberg was seen as a member of a zionist camp. In 1927 Steinberg passed his matura exams and started studies at University of Lwów in oriental studies (which he would finish in 1933). In 1928 he was accepted into active service in the Polish army, with the (chaplain) rank of professional rabbi (\"\"rabin zawodowy\"\"), becoming the Chief Rabbi of the Third Corps Region of the Polish Army (in Grodno, now Hrodna, Belarus). In 1929 he was promoted to rabbi, first class (\"\"rabin pierwszej klasy\"\" - equivalent", "title": "Baruch Steinberg" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.66, "text": "provider of computerized reservation systems and information technology to the travel industry. From 1990 to 1996, he held a number of senior positions within the legal department of American Airlines, Inc., serving as Associate General Counsel in charge of the airline's employment and environmental legal practice, and Senior Attorney responsible for antitrust matters. From 1986 to 1990, he was associated with the Los Angeles-based law firm of Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher, where he practiced antitrust law and commercial litigation. Immediately prior to joining the Department of Transportation, Steinberg was Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Church & Dwight Co.,", "title": "Andrew B. Steinberg" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.53, "text": "living under Israeli occupation. He supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, including the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. He received his BA in 1983 from Tufts University. He received a Ph.D. in history from Brandeis University in 1989, where he worked under the guidance of Donald Worster, David Hackett Fischer, and Morton Horwitz. Ted Steinberg Ted Steinberg (born 1961) is Adeline Barry Davee Distinguished Professor of History and Professor of Law at Case Western Reserve University. Steinberg is the author of several books in U.S. history that focus on the relationship between ecological forces and social power. His best", "title": "Ted Steinberg" } ]
What is Charles Martin Smith's occupation?
[ "film director", "movie director", "director", "motion picture director", "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.56, "text": "Charles Martin Smith Charles Martin Smith (born October 30, 1953) is an American film actor, writer, and director. He is best known for his roles in \"\"American Graffiti\"\" (1973), \"\"The Buddy Holly Story\"\" (1978), \"\"Never Cry Wolf\"\" (1983), \"\"Starman\"\" (1984), \"\"The Untouchables\"\" (1987), \"\"Deep Cover\"\" (1992), \"\"Speechless\"\" (1994) and \"\"Deep Impact\"\" (1998). He is further known for directing the films \"\"The Snow Walker\"\" (2003), \"\"Dolphin Tale\"\" (2011) and \"\"Dolphin Tale 2\"\" (2014). He is the third cousin, twice removed of writer David LeGault. Smith was born in Van Nuys, California. His father, Frank Smith, was a film cartoonist and animator,", "title": "Charles Martin Smith" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.58, "text": "Charles R. Smith (coach) Charles R. Smith (? – 1969) was an American football, basketball and baseball player, coach, and college athletics administrator. He served as the head baseball coach at San Diego State University from 1936 to 1942 and from 1946 to 1964, compiling a record of 555–289–10. Smith was also the head basketball coach at San Diego State from 1945 to 1948, tallying a mark of 45–36, and the school's athletic director from 1947 to 1954. In addition, he served as the president of the California Collegiate Athletic Association and as a district representative to the NAIA. Smith", "title": "Charles R. Smith (coach)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.89, "text": "was entirely naked. While working on this production, Smith formed a solid friendship with the author, Farley Mowat, and the two remained friends until Mowat's death in 2014. Along with his acting career, since the mid-1990s Smith has increasingly focused on his work behind the camera both as a writer and director. His first film as director was the camp horror story \"\"Trick or Treat\"\" (1986) for Dino De Laurentiis, in which Smith also appeared. In 1992, he directed and acted in \"\"Fifty/Fifty\"\", a movie filmed in Malaysia which also starred Robert Hays and Peter Weller. He was one of", "title": "Charles Martin Smith" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.81, "text": "while his uncle Paul J. Smith was an animator as well as a director for the Walter Lantz Studios. Smith spent three years of his youth in Paris, where his father managed the English-language branch of a French animation studio. He received his high school diploma from Grover Cleveland High School, Reseda, California. He attended California State University, Northridge and was awarded a B.A. in Theatre. Smith was discovered by a talent agent while acting in a school play, \"\"Man of La Mancha\"\". After a few years of working in film and television, he landed the role of Terry \"\"The", "title": "Charles Martin Smith" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.5, "text": "Charles H. Smith (historian of science) Charles H. Smith (born September 30, 1950) is Professor of Library Public Services and Science Librarian at Western Kentucky University (WKU). He is best known for his work as a historian/philosopher and bibliographer of science, especially for his expertise on the career of Alfred Russel Wallace. Smith was born in Winsted, Connecticut, and grew up in the nearby town of New Hartford. Since his undergraduate college years he has lived in Georgia, Connecticut, Indiana, Illinois, Australia, Pennsylvania, and, from 1995, Bowling Green, Kentucky. He created and maintains the website \"\"The Alfred Russel Wallace Page\"\"", "title": "Charles H. Smith (historian of science)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "Charles Smith (cricketer, born 1864) Charles Robert Smith (18 April 1864 – 25 May 1920) was a New Zealand cricketer, cricket administrator and businessman who played four matches of first-class cricket for Hawke's Bay in 1892. He was one of the founders of the New Zealand Cricket Council in 1894. Born in Sydney, Smith joined the Alliance Assurance Company as a young man in Australia. He took up the position as the company’s manager in Napier, New Zealand, in 1890, before becoming manager in Christchurch in 1892, in Dunedin in 1897, and in Wellington in 1900. He became general manager", "title": "Charles Smith (cricketer, born 1864)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "Charles William Smith Charles William Smith (September 15, 1937 – November 29, 1994) was an American professional baseball third baseman. He played 10 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) from 1960 to 1969 for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago White Sox, New York Mets, St. Louis Cardinals, New York Yankees, and Chicago Cubs. Smith was a regular third baseman for only half of his ten MLB seasons, but he was involved in some of the most important trades of the 1960s. He was a key component in deals that involved Turk Farrell, Roy Sievers, Ken Boyer and Roger", "title": "Charles William Smith" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "Charles Smith (artist) Charles Smith (7 November 1749 – 19 December 1824) was a Scottish artist who worked initially as a painter of portraits but later also painted mythological and whimsical subjects. Smith was born on 7 November 1749 in Stenness on the Orkney Isles. His father was William Smith and his mother, Charlotte Whitefoord, was sister to Caleb Whitefoord, a diplomat and political satirist. He attended the Royal Academy Schools before moving to London to establish himself as an artist under the tutelage of J. H. Mortimer. He exhibited three portraits at the Society of Artists in 1776 but", "title": "Charles Smith (artist)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "University of Pittsburgh. Charles H. Smith (historian of science) Charles H. Smith (born September 30, 1950) is Professor of Library Public Services and Science Librarian at Western Kentucky University (WKU). He is best known for his work as a historian/philosopher and bibliographer of science, especially for his expertise on the career of Alfred Russel Wallace. Smith was born in Winsted, Connecticut, and grew up in the nearby town of New Hartford. Since his undergraduate college years he has lived in Georgia, Connecticut, Indiana, Illinois, Australia, Pennsylvania, and, from 1995, Bowling Green, Kentucky. He created and maintains the website \"\"The Alfred", "title": "Charles H. Smith (historian of science)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.33, "text": "Edgar Charles Bate-Smith Edgar Charles Bate-Smith (1900-1989) was an English chemist and phytochemist specialising in food chemistry. He worked in the Low Temperature Research Station in Cambridge where his main fields of research were meat and polyphenols. The discovery in 1943 by Martin and Synge of paper chromatography provided for the first time the means of surveying the phenolic constituents of plants and for their separation and identification. There was an explosion of activity in this field after 1945, none more so than that of Bate-Smith and Tony Swain. In 1951, Bate-Smith developed and first described a coloration method to", "title": "Edgar Charles Bate-Smith" } ]
What is Bobby Henon's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.94, "text": "Bobby Henon Bobby Henon is a Democratic politician and member of the City Council of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Henon, an electrician by trade, has worked as a steward, sub-foreman and foreman. The head of the local chapter of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Johnny Dougherty, eventually named him the chapter's new Political Director, a position from which Henon lobbied various levels of government on legislative issues pertaining to the electrical industry. Henon also managed election day operations for endorsed candidates, educated campaign volunteers, and coordinated major campaign events. He also served as Chairman of the local’s Political Action Committee,", "title": "Bobby Henon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.98, "text": "as board member of the Electrical Mechanical Association, and as a delegate to the IBEW International Convention. In 2011, he was elected to Philadelphia City Council's Sixth District, succeeding the retiring incumbent Democrat Joan Krajewski. Since taking office, Henon has focused on quality of life issues in the 6th District through his Bad Neighbor Initiative, which aims to identify the residents and owners of properties who have received multiple property maintenance code violation notices for ongoing issues like trash; over-grown weeds; high grass; and broken windows, which cause property values to drop, neighborhoods to decline and community morale to fade.", "title": "Bobby Henon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "strong family ties to manufacturing and belief in bringing family-sustaining jobs back to Philadelphia's neighborhoods. Family health and physical activity was another key focus for Bobby in 2013, when he launched his Philly Play! initiative, which aimed at promoting play and physical activity as a preventative health measure to families. Central to that effort is the promotion of public play spaces such as recreation centers, basketball courts and other outdoor and indoor play areas, such as Police Athletic League centers. Henon and his wife, Jill, live in Northeast Philadelphia with their two sons. Bobby Henon Bobby Henon is a Democratic", "title": "Bobby Henon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "The 'worst of the worst' owners are issued subpoenas to testify in front of City Council. Bobby also developed and released the City Hall app, a Philadelphia first-of-its-kind way for residents to interact with City government to report issues from problem properties to potholes. Manufacturing was also a key focus during Bobby's first term. At his urging, Mayor Michael Nutter named a Manufacturing Task Force, of which Bobby was named co-chair. The task force was charged with studying the current manufacturing sector and making comprehensive recommendations on how it can grow in the Philadelphia region. The pursuit grew from his", "title": "Bobby Henon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.17, "text": "Bobby Beaton Robert \"\"Bobby\"\" Beaton (June 19, 1912 – June 11, 2007) was an Atlantic Canadian hockey player, boxer and boxing referee. Beaton was born in Port Hood, Cape Breton Island and played hockey in Atlantic Canada in the early 1930s. He moved to England in 1938 to play for the Stratham Lions and Brighton Tigers, winning the European Championship in Berlin. The next year he played for the Falkirk Lions of Scotland. Returning home to Nova Scotia, Canada, he played and coached teams in Pictou, Truro, Stellarton and New Glasgow, winning seven A.P.C. (Antigonish, Pictou, Colchester league) titles, three", "title": "Bobby Beaton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.98, "text": "Bobby Davison Robert Davison (born 17 July 1959) is an English former professional footballer who played as a striker. Born in South Shields he began his career with Huddersfield Town before spending time at Halifax Town, Derby County (twice), Leeds United, Sheffield United (twice), Leicester City, Rotherham United and Hull City. After he retired from playing he spent time on the coaching staff of a number of clubs, including brief spells as manager of Guiseley and Ferencváros, and is currently youth team coach at Crystal Palace and assistant manager to Noel Blake's England national under-19 football team. Davison started his", "title": "Bobby Davison" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.72, "text": "of Fame, the Pictou County Sports Heritage Hall of Fame and the Cape Breton Sports Heritage Hall of Fame. Bobby Beaton Robert \"\"Bobby\"\" Beaton (June 19, 1912 – June 11, 2007) was an Atlantic Canadian hockey player, boxer and boxing referee. Beaton was born in Port Hood, Cape Breton Island and played hockey in Atlantic Canada in the early 1930s. He moved to England in 1938 to play for the Stratham Lions and Brighton Tigers, winning the European Championship in Berlin. The next year he played for the Falkirk Lions of Scotland. Returning home to Nova Scotia, Canada, he played", "title": "Bobby Beaton" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.38, "text": "Bobby Hillson Bobby Hillson is a London-based fashion illustrator, former designer of children's clothing, and founder of the Saint Martin's School of Art MA Fashion course. Hillson, who had studied at Saint Martin's School of Art, started out as an illustrator for \"\"Vogue UK\"\", \"\"The Sunday Times\"\", and \"\"The Observer\"\" in the early 1950s. In 1954 she attended Coco Chanel's relaunch show. She is particularly renowned for her 1960s illustration work. In 1969, she launched her childrenswear brand, and in 1972, a little girl's dress and pinafore was chosen as the Dress of the Year by Moira Keenan alongside a", "title": "Bobby Hillson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.16, "text": "of which, \"\"The Wonder Kid\"\", was ever made. This was filmed in late 1949 - early 1950, but not released until 1952. However, it was not a great success, influencing his family's belief that he should return to education. Henrey worked for a number of years as a tax consulting partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers in New York City until his retirement in 1997. Henrey was ordained as a deacon in 1984 and went on to serve as an interfaith chaplain at Greenwich Hospital after his certification in 2001. Bobby Henrey Robert Henrey (known, as a child actor, as Bobby Henrey), is", "title": "Bobby Henrey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.02, "text": "Bobby Higginson Robert Leigh Higginson (born August 18, 1970) is a former outfielder in Major League Baseball who played his entire career for the Detroit Tigers where he wore the number 4. He attended Frankford High School and Temple University. Higginson was drafted by the Tigers in the 12th round of the 1992 MLB Draft. His rookie year was 1995 when he played 130 games for the Tigers. Higginson batted .320 in 1996 and .300 in 2000, scored over 100 runs in 2000 and drove in over 100 runs in 1997 and 2000. His career high of 30 home-runs came", "title": "Bobby Higginson" } ]
What is Erwin Schulhoff's occupation?
[ "composer", "pianist" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.64, "text": "Erwin Schulhoff Erwin Schulhoff (; 8 June 189418 August 1942) was a Czech composer and pianist. He was one of the figures in the generation of European musicians whose successful careers were prematurely terminated by the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany and whose works have been rarely noted or performed. Schulhoff was born in Prague into a German-Jewish family. His father Gustav Schulhoff was a wool merchant from Prague and his mother Louise Wolff from Frankfurt. The noted pianist and composer Julius Schulhoff was his great-uncle. Antonín Dvořák encouraged Schulhoff's earliest musical studies, which began at the Prague", "title": "Erwin Schulhoff" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.3, "text": "radical politics, he and his works were labelled \"\"degenerate\"\" and blacklisted by the Nazi regime. He could no longer give recitals in Germany, nor could his works be performed publicly. His communist sympathies, which became increasingly evident in his works, also brought him trouble in Czechoslovakia. In 1932 he composed a musical version of \"\"The Communist Manifesto\"\" (Op. 82). Taking refuge in Prague, Schulhoff found employment as a radio pianist, but earned barely enough to cover the cost of everyday essentials. When the Nazis invaded Czechoslovakia in 1939, he had to perform under a pseudonym. In 1941, the Soviet Union", "title": "Erwin Schulhoff" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.22, "text": "in Cologne (1992) and in Düsseldorf (1994) focused on Schulhoff's work have been published. Erwin Schulhoff Erwin Schulhoff (; 8 June 189418 August 1942) was a Czech composer and pianist. He was one of the figures in the generation of European musicians whose successful careers were prematurely terminated by the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany and whose works have been rarely noted or performed. Schulhoff was born in Prague into a German-Jewish family. His father Gustav Schulhoff was a wool merchant from Prague and his mother Louise Wolff from Frankfurt. The noted pianist and composer Julius Schulhoff was", "title": "Erwin Schulhoff" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.91, "text": "was one of the first generation of classical composers to find inspiration in the rhythms of jazz music. Schulhoff also embraced the avant-garde influence of Dadaism in his performances and compositions after World War I. When organizing concerts of avant-garde music in 1919, he included this manifesto: Schulhoff occasionally performed as a pianist in the Prague Free Theatre. He also toured Germany, France and England performing his own works, contemporary classical compositions, and jazz. His 1921 Suite for Chamber Orchestra, in one critic's words, \"\"is stylistically mixed, with jazz-like numbers...encompassing two slow affecting if the clown of \"\"Die Wolkenpumpe\"\"", "title": "Erwin Schulhoff" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.42, "text": "superior who prohibits jazz on board ship. The final period of his career was dedicated to socialist realism, with Communist ideology frequently in the foreground. In general, Schulhoff's music remains connected to Western tonality, though—like Prokofiev, among others—the fundamentally triadic conception of his music is often embellished by passages of intense dissonance. Other features characteristic of Schulhoff's compositional style are use of modal and quartal harmonies, dance rhythms, and a comparatively free approach to form. Also important to Schulhoff was the work of the Second Viennese School, though Schulhoff never adopted serialism as a compositional tool. The papers of conferences", "title": "Erwin Schulhoff" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.41, "text": "Erwin Schulhoff. Julius Schulhoff Julius Schulhoff (Julius Šulhov) (2 August 182515 March 1898) was a Bohemian pianist and composer of Jewish birth. As a composer, he was best known for his virtuosic salon pieces for solo piano, which included a grand sonata in F minor, twelve études, and various caprices, impromptus, waltzes, and mazurkas. Schulhoff was born in Prague, where he began studying piano with Kisch and Ignaz Amadeus Tedesco and also trained in music theory with Václav Tomášek. He made his debut at Dresden in 1842 and soon afterwards appeared at the Leipzig Gewandhaus. Moving to Paris shortly afterwards,", "title": "Julius Schulhoff" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "Conservatory when he was ten years old. He studied composition and piano there and later in Vienna, Leipzig, and Cologne, where his teachers included Claude Debussy, Max Reger, Fritz Steinbach, and Willi Thern. He won the Mendelssohn Prize twice, for piano in 1913 and for composition in 1918. He served on the Russian front in the Austro-Hungarian army during World War I. He was wounded and was in an Italian prisoner-of-war camp when the war ended. He lived in Germany after the war before returning in 1923 to Prague, where he joined the faculty of the conservatory in 1929. He", "title": "Erwin Schulhoff" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "approved his petition for citizenship, but he was arrested and imprisoned before he could leave Czechoslovakia. In June 1941, Schulhoff was deported to the Wülzburg concentration camp near Weißenburg, Bavaria. He died there on 18 August 1942 from tuberculosis. Schulhoff went through a number of distinct stylistic periods, ranging, in Anne Midgette's words, \"\"from the endearing self-consciousness of talented youth in the Suite for Chamber Orchestra to the fierce somber aggression of the Fifth Symphony.\"\" She found that even as his style changed there was a certain commonality, so that even the \"\"angular, forceful, even raw style\"\" of the late", "title": "Erwin Schulhoff" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.69, "text": "third period dates from approximately 1923 to 1932. The pieces composed during these years, his most prolific years as a composer, are the most frequently performed of his works, including the String Quartet No. 1 and \"\"Five Pieces for String Quartet\"\", which integrate modernist vocabulary, neoclassical elements, jazz, and dance rhythms from a variety of sources and cultures. He thought of jazz as a dance idiom and in a 1924 essay expressed the view that no one, including Stravinsky and Auric, had yet successfully blended jazz and art music. Performers of his Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 2 (1927)", "title": "Erwin Schulhoff" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.59, "text": "Fifth Symphony reflected \"\"the late Romantic tradition of orchestral color\"\". His early works exhibit the influence of composers from the preceding generation, including Debussy, Scriabin, and Richard Strauss. Later, during his Dadaist phase, Schulhoff composed a number of pieces with absurdist elements. \"\"In futurum\"\", part of his \"\"Fünf Pittoresken\"\" for piano, is a silent piece composed entirely of rests that anticipates John Cage's \"\"4′33″\"\" by over thirty years. Schulhoff's composition is notated in great rhythmic detail, employing bizarre time signatures and intricate rhythmic patterns. A 1923 report of a Bochum performance puts Schulhoff in the context of his contemporaries: Schulhoff's", "title": "Erwin Schulhoff" } ]
What is A. Lawrence Kocher's occupation?
[ "architect" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.42, "text": "A. Lawrence Kocher A. Lawrence Kocher (July 24, 1885 – June 6, 1969) was an American architect, editor, and teacher. He was a pioneering advocate of modern architecture and the preservation of historic landmarks In 1909, he studied Bachelor of Arts in history at Stanford University. Subsequently, in 1916 he studied Master of Arts in Pennsylvania State College (M.A. 1916). He is graduated also from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and New York University. His extensive education in both history and architecture informed his forward-thinking approach to consolidation between old and new, and led to his appointment as Director of the", "title": "A. Lawrence Kocher" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.42, "text": "A. Lawrence Kocher A. Lawrence Kocher (July 24, 1885 – June 6, 1969) was an American architect, editor, and teacher. He was a pioneering advocate of modern architecture and the preservation of historic landmarks In 1909, he studied Bachelor of Arts in history at Stanford University. Subsequently, in 1916 he studied Master of Arts in Pennsylvania State College (M.A. 1916). He is graduated also from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and New York University. His extensive education in both history and architecture informed his forward-thinking approach to consolidation between old and new, and led to his appointment as Director of the", "title": "A. Lawrence Kocher" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.19, "text": "McIntire School of Art and Architecture at the University of Virginia. Kocher is best known in his role as managing editor of Architectural Record from 1927 to 1938, and for shifting the focus of the publication from historic European style architecture to modern building methods and design. In addition to being regarded as a well-known authority on colonial and modern architecture and history, Kocher grew a successful design practice with Swiss architect Albert Frey. Their collaboration resulted in many notable buildings, including the Aluminaire House, the Fort Salonga Colony, and the Studies Building at Black Mountain College in North Carolina", "title": "A. Lawrence Kocher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.28, "text": "Kocher's success as managing editor of Architectural Record and his advocacy of affordable housing led to his collegial friendship with Walter Gropius. Gropius, founder of the German Bauhaus School of Design and visionary champion of the international style, discussed the idea of opening a similar school in America with Kocher. Although the school was never created, Kocher was responsible for attaining a teaching position at Columbia University for Gropius, and thus bringing his influence into the United States. Furthermore, when a campus master plan by Gropius and Marcel Breuer for Black Mountain College was dropped in 1940 due to financial", "title": "A. Lawrence Kocher" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.19, "text": "constraints, Kocher was approached by the school to develop a more incremental modernist scheme that could be implemented by faculty and students. Kocher was a Professor of Architecture at Black Mountain from 1940 until 1943. Beginning in the early 1930s, Kocher's partnership with Swiss architect Albert Frey put him at the forefront of architectural design practice. Theirs was one of the few firms working in the International Style in the United States at that time. While the men were both seen as the face of the practice, Frey held the primary design role, while Kocher provided mentoring and final analysis.", "title": "A. Lawrence Kocher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.12, "text": "Thomas Anton Kochan Thomas A. Kochan (born September 28, 1947) is a professor of industrial relations, work and employment. He is the George Maverick Bunker Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management, where he has been a faculty member since 1980. He is author of the books \"\"Restoring the American Dream: A Working Families' Agenda for America\"\"and Shaping the Future of Work. In 2010, Kochan led the formation of the Employment Policy Research Network (EPRN), an online think tank on the subject of employment, a project of the Labor and Employment Relations Association, supported by the Rockefeller", "title": "Thomas Anton Kochan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.92, "text": "Pierre Koch Pierre Koch (18 September 1895 – 14 February 1978) was a French civil engineer, director of Water and Sanitation in Paris, and Professor of Hydrology at the École des ponts ParisTech. He is known for his work as a hydraulic engineer, and as co-founder of the International Project Management Association. Born in Saverne in 1895, Koch entered the École Polytechnique in 1914. After participating in World War I, he continued his studies after the war at the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées, now École des ponts ParisTech, where he obtained his engineering degree. He later also obtained his", "title": "Pierre Koch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "Walter J. Koch Walter J. “Wally” Koch (born March 2, 1961) is an American scientist best known for his work with G protein-coupled receptors in the heart and gene therapy approaches to cardiovascular disease. He is currently a Principal Investigator at Temple University School of Medicine, where he is also the Director of the Center for Translational Medicine, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology, and W.W. Smith Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine. In 2013, he co-founded the biotech company, Renovacor. Koch was born on March 2, 1961, in Bryan, Ohio to Walter E. “Bud” and Marguerite Koch. After graduating", "title": "Walter J. Koch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.83, "text": "Cary Kochman Cary A. Kochman (born April 1965) is an American banker and the Co-Head of Global Mergers and Acquisitions Group at Citigroup as well as the Head of the Chicago Citi office. Kochman has nearly 30 years of investment banking experience. Over the past fifteen years, he has had tenures as the head of three leading Wall Street M&A Groups. Kochman specializes in mergers, acquisitions, activism defense, strategic hostile defense, divestitures, corporate takeovers, and is also considered a leading cross-border M&A expert. He serves as an advisor to board of directors, special committees, management teams, foundations, and governments. He", "title": "Cary Kochman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "labor-management groups. He was a consultant for one year to the Secretary of Labor in the Department of Labor’s Office of Policy Evaluation and Research. Kochan focuses on the need to update America’s work and employment policies, institutions, and practices to catch up with a changing workforce and economy. Through empirical research, he demonstrates that fundamental changes in the quality of work and employment relations are needed to address America’s critical problems in industries ranging from healthcare to airlines to manufacturing. Thomas Anton Kochan Thomas A. Kochan (born September 28, 1947) is a professor of industrial relations, work and employment.", "title": "Thomas Anton Kochan" } ]
What is John Andrew Martin's occupation?
[ "lawyer", "attorney", "solicitor", "barrister", "lawyers", "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.92, "text": "John Andrew Martin John Andrew Martin (April 10, 1868 – December 23, 1939) was an American journalist, attorney, soldier, and politician, who represented Colorado in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, a son of Hugh and Ann (Bohan) Martin, native of Ballinakill, parish of Duniry, County Galway, Ireland. Andrew's father was a soldier of the Civil war, enlisting for active duty with the Union army, and was assigned to service on a gunboat on the Mississippi River. His brother Hugh Martin Jr. was the first sheriff of Woods County, Oklahoma after statehood. John A. Martin", "title": "John Andrew Martin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "was the eldest in a family of five sons and one daughter. He acquired a public school education in Mexico and in Fulton, Missouri. He came to Colorado in 1887, worked on the construction of the Colorado Midland Railroad, and became publisher of the La Junta Times. He studied law in the offices of Fred A. Sabin and Dan B. Carey, and was admitted to the bar in 1896. On September 6, 1892, he married Rose M. Chitwood. He became active in Colorado Democratic politics. He was elected to the Colorado general assembly in 1900, and served in the U.S.", "title": "John Andrew Martin" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.62, "text": "Congress in 1909-13 and 1933-39. When World War I broke out, he raised the First Battalion, Second Colorado Infantry, and was commissioned a major. After ten months in command, he was discharged due to his age, and returned to Pueblo. John Andrew Martin John Andrew Martin (April 10, 1868 – December 23, 1939) was an American journalist, attorney, soldier, and politician, who represented Colorado in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, a son of Hugh and Ann (Bohan) Martin, native of Ballinakill, parish of Duniry, County Galway, Ireland. Andrew's father was a soldier of the", "title": "John Andrew Martin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "John Martin (bibliographer) John Martin (1791–1855) was an English bookseller, librarian and writer, known as a bibliographer. Born on 16 September 1791, he was son of John Martin of 112 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London. After assisting John Hatchard, bookseller in Piccadilly, he went into business on his own account in Holles Street, Cavendish Square; but soon afterwards entered into partnership with John Rodwell in New Bond Street. He retired from business in 1826, but continued bibliographical pursuits. Until 1845 Martin acted as secretary to the Artists' Benevolent Fund. In 1836 he was appointed librarian to the Duke of Bedford", "title": "John Martin (bibliographer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.3, "text": "John Martin (businessman) John Martin (August 18, 1820–May, 1905) of Peacham, Vermont was an American steamboat captain and businessman in Minneapolis, Minnesota involved in lumber and flour milling. In 1891, Martin led a merger of six mills to create Northwestern Consolidated Milling Company, at the time the world's second largest flour milling company after Pillsbury-Washburn. In 1855 he was standard-bearer and leader on horseback of the ceremonial opening of the Hennepin Avenue Bridge the first major, permanent bridge across the Mississippi River He was also President of the First National Bank, owner of the largest lumber mill in the area", "title": "John Martin (businessman)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "2012–13 but returned to Glenrothes and stepped up to the managers role in September 2016, after the resignation of Benny Andrew. Martin resigned from his management position at Glenrothes in March 2017 and joined Dundonald Bluebell as a player later the same month. He moved on to Burntisland Shipyard in early 2018, before returning to Glenrothes in August that year. John Martin (footballer, born 1985) John Martin (born 4 May 1985), is a professional footballer who currently plays for Glenrothes in the SJFA East Superleague. He has previously played in the Scottish Football League First Division for Raith Rovers. Martin", "title": "John Martin (footballer, born 1985)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "at the Louisville Male High School, he held several jobs as actor, publicist, and editor in Louisville and New York. During World War I, he served in the Aviation Section of the Army Signal Corps, after which he returned to theatre working with the Chicago Little Theatre where he met his wife Hettie Louise Mick. They married in 1918. He also served as director and press agent for many different theatre projects. Over the years, Martin developed an interest in the actor/director/drama teacher Konstantin Stanislavsky's system which expressed the \"\"dramatic impulses that arise within\"\" Many have claimed that Stanislavsky's ideas", "title": "John Martin (dance critic)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.02, "text": "John Martin (oceanographer) John Martin (February 27, 1935 – June 18, 1993), was an oceanographer. Born in Old Lyme, Connecticut, he is best known for his research on the role of iron as a phytoplankton micronutrient, and its significance for so-called \"\"High-Nutrient, Low Chlorophyll\"\" regions of the oceans. He is also known for advocating the use of iron fertilization to enhance oceanic primary production to act as a sink for fossil fuel carbon dioxide. John Martin died from prostate cancer at the age of 58. “Give me a half tanker of iron, and I will give you an ice age.”", "title": "John Martin (oceanographer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "1909, when the property was sold to noted geologist Horace V. Winchell and Brown moved permanently to Brooklyn Farm in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. John Martin (businessman) John Martin (August 18, 1820–May, 1905) of Peacham, Vermont was an American steamboat captain and businessman in Minneapolis, Minnesota involved in lumber and flour milling. In 1891, Martin led a merger of six mills to create Northwestern Consolidated Milling Company, at the time the world's second largest flour milling company after Pillsbury-Washburn. In 1855 he was standard-bearer and leader on horseback of the ceremonial opening of the Hennepin Avenue Bridge the first major, permanent", "title": "John Martin (businessman)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "John Martin (painter) John Martin (19 July 1789 – 17 February 1854) was an English Romantic painter, engraver and illustrator. He was celebrated for his typically vast and melodramatic paintings of religious subjects and fantastic compositions, populated with minute figures placed in imposing landscapes. Martin's paintings, and the engravings made from them, enjoyed great success with the general publicin 1821 Thomas Lawrence referred to him as \"\"the most popular painter of his day\"\"but were lambasted by John Ruskin and other critics. Martin was born in July 1789, in a one-room cottage, at Haydon Bridge, near Hexham in Northumberland, the fourth", "title": "John Martin (painter)" } ]
What is Salvador Allende's occupation?
[ "physician", "physicians", "medical doctor", "medical practitioner", "doctor", "medical doctors", "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.39, "text": "Salvador Allende Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens (; ; 26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) was a Chilean democratic socialist politician and physician, President of Chile from 1970 until 1973, and head of the Popular Unity political coalition government; he was the first Marxist ever to be elected to the national presidency of a liberal democracy in the entire world. Allende's involvement in Chilean political life spanned a period of nearly forty years. As a life-long committed member of the Socialist Party of Chile, whose foundation he had actively contributed to, he was a senator, deputy and cabinet minister. He", "title": "Salvador Allende" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.36, "text": "of the Lodge Progreso No. 4 in Valparaíso. In 1933, he published his doctoral thesis \"\"Higiene Mental y Delincuencia\"\" (Crime and Mental Hygiene) in which he criticized Cesare Lombroso's proposals. In 1938, Allende was in charge of the electoral campaign of the Popular Front headed by Pedro Aguirre Cerda. The Popular Front's slogan was \"\"Bread, a Roof and Work!\"\" After its electoral victory, he became Minister of Health in the Reformist Popular Front government which was dominated by the Radicals. While serving in this position, Allende was responsible for the passage of a wide range of progressive social reforms, including", "title": "Salvador Allende" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.95, "text": "Presidency of Salvador Allende Salvador Allende was the president of Chile from 1970 until 1973, and head of the Popular Unity government; he was the first Marxist ever to be elected to the national presidency of a liberal democracy. Though the 1970 election was lawful, in August 1973 the Chilean Senate declared the Allende government to be \"\"unlawful\"\" in large part due to its practice of unconstitutional expropriation of private property. Allende's presidency was ended by a military coup before he could complete a full term in office. During his tenure, Chilean politics reached a state of civil unrest amid", "title": "Presidency of Salvador Allende" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.88, "text": "Moneda in 1973. A residential street in Toronto, Ontario, Canada has been named after him. Allende Avenue in Harlow, Essex, UK is named after him. There is also a square in the 7th arrondissement of Paris named after him, not far from the Chilean embassy. Salvador Allende Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens (; ; 26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) was a Chilean democratic socialist politician and physician, President of Chile from 1970 until 1973, and head of the Popular Unity political coalition government; he was the first Marxist ever to be elected to the national presidency of a liberal", "title": "Salvador Allende" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.8, "text": "upper middle class and had a long tradition of political involvement in progressive and liberal causes. His grandfather was a prominent physician and a social reformist who founded one of the first secular schools in Chile. Salvador Allende was of Basque and Belgian (Walloons) descent. Allende attended high school at the Liceo Eduardo de la Barra in Valparaíso. As a teenager, his main intellectual and political influence came from the shoe-maker Juan De Marchi, an Italian-born anarchist. Allende was a talented athlete in his youth, being a member of the Everton de Viña del Mar sports club (named after the", "title": "Salvador Allende" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "of free milk for children in the schools and shanty towns of Chile, and an expansion of the land seizure and redistribution already begun under his predecessor Eduardo Frei Montalva, who had nationalized between one-fifth and one-quarter of all the properties listed for takeover. Allende also intended to improve the socio-economic welfare of Chile's poorest citizens; a key element was to provide employment, either in the new nationalized enterprises or on public work projects. In November 1970, 3,000 scholarships were allocated to Mapuche children in an effort to integrate the Indian minority into the educational system, payment of pensions and", "title": "Salvador Allende" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.62, "text": "safety laws protecting workers in the factories, higher pensions for widows, maternity care, and free lunch programmes for schoolchildren. Upon entering the government, Allende relinquished his congressional seat for Valparaíso, which he had won in 1937. Around that time, he wrote \"\"La Realidad Médico Social de Chile\"\" (\"\"The social and medical reality of Chile\"\"). After the Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany, Allende was one of 76 members of the Congress who sent a telegram to Adolf Hitler denouncing the persecution of Jews. Following President Aguirre Cerda's death in 1941, he was again elected deputy while the Popular Front was renamed Democratic", "title": "Salvador Allende" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "more famous English football club of the same name), where he is said to have excelled at the long jump. Allende then graduated with a medical degree in 1933 from the University of Chile. During his time at medical school Allende was influenced by Professor Max Westenhofer, a German pathologist who emphasized the social determinants of disease and social medicine. Allende co-founded a section of the Socialist Party of Chile (founded in 1933 with Marmaduque Grove and others) in Valparaíso and became its chairman. He married Hortensia Bussi with whom he had three daughters. He was a Freemason, a member", "title": "Salvador Allende" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "Alliance. In 1945, Allende became senator for the Valdivia, Llanquihue, Chiloé, Aisén and Magallanes provinces; then for Tarapacá and Antofagasta in 1953; for Aconcagua and Valparaíso in 1961; and once more for Chiloé, Aisén and Magallanes in 1969. He became president of the Chilean Senate in 1966. During the Fifties, Allende introduced legislation that established the Chilean national health service, the first program in the Americas to guarantee universal health care. His three unsuccessful bids for the presidency (in the 1952, 1958 and 1964 elections) prompted Allende to joke that his epitaph would be \"\"Here lies the next President of", "title": "Salvador Allende" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.33, "text": "would default on debts owed to international creditors and foreign governments. Allende also froze all prices while raising salaries. His implementation of these policies was strongly opposed by landowners, employers, businessmen and transporters associations, and some civil servants and professional unions. The rightist opposition was led by the National Party, the Roman Catholic Church (which in 1973 was displeased with the direction of educational policy), and eventually the Christian Democrats. There were growing tensions with foreign multinational corporations and the government of the United States. Allende also undertook the pioneeristic Project Cybersyn, a distributed decision support system for decentralized economic", "title": "Salvador Allende" } ]
What is Nandor Balazs's occupation?
[ "physicist" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.86, "text": "Nándor Balázs Nándor Balázs (; July 7, 1926 in Budapest – August 16, 2003 in Setauket, New York) Hungarian-American physicist, external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (from 1995). Balázs attended to the Rácz private primary school and was a classmate of Janos Kemeny. Nándor Balázs received a master's degree at the University of Budapest (1948). Balázs left the communist Hungary in 1949. He received a PhD at the University of Amsterdam (1951). After receiving his PhD, Balázs spent two years (1951 and 1952) as assistant to Schroedinger at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, one year (autumn 1952", "title": "Nándor Balázs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.55, "text": "through summer 1953) as assistant to Einstein at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and was Associate Professor of Physics at the University of Alabama during the years 1953–56. In 1961 he went to the Stony Brook University. During his life, Balázs had close friendships and working collaborations with Schroedinger, Paul Dirac (Dirac's wife, Margit Wigner, was Hungarian), Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Eugene Wigner, and other major figures in 20th-century physics. Balázs maintained contacts in his native Hungary and occasionally brought Hungarian physicists to the US. In his collaborations with people in Budapest (notably Béla Lukács and Jozsef Zimányi), he dealt", "title": "Nándor Balázs" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.52, "text": "with relativistic heavy-ion collisions and thus provided a connection between Stony Brook (a home of RHIC theory) and Hungary. Nándor Balázs Nándor Balázs (; July 7, 1926 in Budapest – August 16, 2003 in Setauket, New York) Hungarian-American physicist, external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (from 1995). Balázs attended to the Rácz private primary school and was a classmate of Janos Kemeny. Nándor Balázs received a master's degree at the University of Budapest (1948). Balázs left the communist Hungary in 1949. He received a PhD at the University of Amsterdam (1951). After receiving his PhD, Balázs spent two", "title": "Nándor Balázs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.19, "text": "Balázs Gulyás Balázs Gulyás (born 26 June 1956) is a Hungarian neurobiologist. Gulyás is a Hungarian born neurobiologist now working and residing in Singapore. Since 1988, Gulyás has been living in Stockholm, working at the Karolinska Institute. Since 2013, while keeping his professorship at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, he has been one of the founding professors of the Imperial College London-Nanyang Technological University Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine in Singapore where he is responsible for Translational Neuroscience and is the Scientific Director of Neuroscience and Mental Health . At NTU he is the founding director of the university's", "title": "Balázs Gulyás" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.91, "text": "a member of the Council and the Board of Trustees) and the Royal Belgian Academy of Medicine. He is the founder of the World Science Forum series. His books include: Balázs Gulyás Balázs Gulyás (born 26 June 1956) is a Hungarian neurobiologist. Gulyás is a Hungarian born neurobiologist now working and residing in Singapore. Since 1988, Gulyás has been living in Stockholm, working at the Karolinska Institute. Since 2013, while keeping his professorship at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, he has been one of the founding professors of the Imperial College London-Nanyang Technological University Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine", "title": "Balázs Gulyás" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.86, "text": "Endre Alexander Balazs Endre A. Balazs (10 January 1920 – 29 August 2015) was a Hungarian inventor who transformed a natural lubricant into a palliative for arthritic knees. He devoted seven decades to exploring the therapeutic potential of hyaluronic acid. He was enlisted in the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame in 2012. He was born in 1920, in Budapest, Hungary. His father was an engineer at the Budapest Waterworks until the Communist takeover after World War II. He graduated from the University of Budapest in 1942 and started his research career at the Department of Histology and Embryology of", "title": "Endre Alexander Balazs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "Harold Balazs Harold Balazs was an American sculptor and artist whose work has been featured in exhibits and public art installations throughout the Northwestern United States. He is known for creating large, abstract metal sculptures, but also created murals, jewelry, furniture, drawings, stained glass and wooden boats. Balazs lived in Mead, Washington and referred to the studio in his barn as Mead Art Works. Balazs died on December 30, 2017. He was born in 1928, in a small Ohio farming community during the Depression Era. While his mother encouraged his interest in art, he honed his skills in his father's", "title": "Harold Balazs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "Balázs Birtalan Balázs Birtalan (October 12, 1969 – May 14, 2016) was a Hungarian author, poet, publicist, and psychotherapist, mostly known for his participation in the gay Christian movement in Hungary. He was the son of the poet Ferenc Birtalan. His first poems were published at the age of ten; he has been publishing regularly since the age of 14. He attended the Eötvös József High School in Budapest and graduated in 1988. Raised as non-religious, he became a Christian on February 12, 1989, which was a life-changing experience for him; he was baptized as a Roman Catholic one week", "title": "Balázs Birtalan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "Anna Balazs Anna C. Balazs (born 1953) is an American materials scientist and engineer. She currently is Distinguished Professor at the University of Pittsburgh and holds the John A. Swanson Chair at the Swanson School of Engineering. Her research involves developing theoretical and computational models to capture the behavior of polymeric materials, nanocomposites and multi-component fluids in confined geometries. In 2016, Balazs was the first woman to receive the Polymer Physics Award from the American Physical Society “for imaginative and insightful use of theory to understand multi-component polymeric systems.” Balazs is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, the Royal", "title": "Anna Balazs" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.62, "text": "Attila F. Balázs Attila F. Balázs (Târgu Mureș, 15 January 1954) is a poet, writer, translator, editor, and publisher. Born in Târgu Mureș, he was a student of the high school of Ditrău (Mathematics-Physics). He continued his studies at the Institute of Catholic Theology in Alba Iulia. He graduated in Library science and Literary translation in Bucharest. He worked as a librarian at the Harghita County Library in Miercurea Ciuc until 1989. In 1990, he moved to Slovakia. Between 1990 and 1992 he was an editor of Szabad Újsag (Bratislava), collaborated to Új Szó and was the manager of the", "title": "Attila F. Balázs" } ]
What is Maurice Le Boucher's occupation?
[ "composer", "organist", "organ player" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 26.06, "text": "Mexico, owning several beach front properties in Acapulco and often hosted parties attended by senior officers of the extremely corrupt Acapulco police department. When filing his income taxes, Boucher variously gave his occupation as a chef, construction worker, used car salesman, and real estate developer. A great fan of Luciano Pavarotti and Phil Collins, Boucher always purchased front-row seats whenever those artists played in Montreal. Despite his background in the white supremacist gang, the SS, Boucher's bodyguard was the Haitian immigrant Gregory \"\"Pissaro\"\" Wooley, who was also reputed to be the best assassin working for the Angels. Wooley is known", "title": "Maurice Boucher" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.86, "text": "Maurice Le Boucher Maurice Georges Eugène Le Boucher (25 May 1882 – 9 September 1964), was a French organist, composer, and pedagogue. Le Boucher was born in Isigny-sur-Mer. In 1904, he entered the Conservatoire de Paris, where he was a student of Gabriel Fauré. In 1907, Le Boucher won the prestigious Grand Prix de Rome. Later, he became professor at the École Niedermeyer and organist at St. Germain-l'Auxerrois in Paris. He wrote an Organ Symphony in E major, which was published in 1917 by Éditions Leduc, Paris. He wrote a drama on Oscar Wilde \"\"la Duchesse de Padoue\"\" which was", "title": "Maurice Le Boucher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "of one of the homes they had robbed. In July 1979, Boucher got a job working at a plastic factory in Montreal, which he held for four years, which was the longest period of legitimate employment in his entire life. In December 1981, Boucher was again charged with a home invasion, but the charges were dropped when the victim refused to testify against him in court. Around 1982, Boucher was a member of a white-supremacist motorcycle gang named the SS, who were based in Pointe-aux-Trembles, on the eastern tip of the Island of Montreal. The SS were a group of", "title": "Maurice Boucher" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.73, "text": "published by Salabert in 1931. In 1920, he was appointed as director of the Montpellier Conservatory, a post he held for 22 years. His students included André David. Le Boucher died in 1964 in Paris. Maurice Le Boucher Maurice Georges Eugène Le Boucher (25 May 1882 – 9 September 1964), was a French organist, composer, and pedagogue. Le Boucher was born in Isigny-sur-Mer. In 1904, he entered the Conservatoire de Paris, where he was a student of Gabriel Fauré. In 1907, Le Boucher won the prestigious Grand Prix de Rome. Later, he became professor at the École Niedermeyer and organist", "title": "Maurice Le Boucher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.23, "text": "(\"\"the king of construction\"\"), who ran the \"\"Conseil des métiers de la construction\"\" union quite brutally. The world that Boucher grew up was a world where violence was commonplace and where corruption was accepted as normal. Boucher's school reports describe him as an indifferent student and he dropped out of school in grade 9 to work odd jobs. In April 1973, the 19-year-old Boucher committed his first known crime, when he stole $200 from a \"\"dépanneur\"\". In July 1974, Boucher got a certificate allowing him to work in the construction industry, but he only lasted a week before being fired", "title": "Maurice Boucher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.02, "text": "Maurice Boucher Maurice \"\"Mom\"\" Boucher (born June 21, 1953) is a Canadian convicted murderer, reputed drug trafficker, and outlaw biker—the former President of the Hells Angels' Montreal chapter. Boucher led Montreal's Hells Angels against the rival Rock Machine biker gang during the Quebec Biker war () of 1994 through 2002 in Quebec, Canada. In 2002, Boucher was convicted of ordering the murders of two Quebec prison officers (as an effort to destabilize the Quebec Justice system), and is currently serving three life sentences in a Canadian prison. He has one known daughter Alexandra Boucher and a son Francis Boucher. Born", "title": "Maurice Boucher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.94, "text": "was involved in numerous lucrative criminal activities such as cocaine trafficking and loan sharking. In June 1992, Boucher founded the Rockers, the Hells Angels' puppet club in Montreal that was to be responsible for most of the murders committed in the Quebec biker war, as it always the hope of the Rockers to be promoted up to become Hells Angels. In September 1992, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police started an investigation codenamed Project Jaggy, of a drug smuggling operation run jointly by the Mafia and the Hells Angels to bring in cocaine from Jamaica. On 25 May 1993, a surveillance", "title": "Maurice Boucher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "with the \"\"Service de police de la Ville de Montréal\"\" from 1966 to 1974, and was dismissed for associating with Mafiosi. As a former policeman, Lepage could not join the Hells Angels as the Angels do not accept current or former policeman into their ranks, but he did join the Rockers. Lepage also enlisted the help of the Craigs, a couple consisting of Raymond Craig and his Bolivian wife Sandra, to assist with importing drugs from South America. In March 1995, Boucher was found to be carrying a handgun after he was pulled over by the police, doing a few", "title": "Maurice Boucher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.39, "text": "in Causapscal, Quebec, Canada, he was raised in poverty in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve section of inner-city Montreal, where his family moved when he was two years old. Boucher had 7 siblings with his father working as a construction worker while his mother stayed at home to raise their 8 children. Boucher's father was an alcoholic who frequently beat his wife and children, and his mother was described as the main source of love during his childhood. In the 1960s–1970s, the construction industry in Quebec was dominated by the Mafia-linked union boss André \"\"Dédé\"\" Desjardins, known as \"\"le roi de la construction\"\"", "title": "Maurice Boucher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.28, "text": "in the 1970s, saying that he only consumed alcohol and otherwise avoided all drugs and that he always got up early in the morning to meet other Angels at about 9:30 am. Cleverly, Boucher usually paid his lawyer to be present at his meetings with other Angels, thus technically making these meetings between a client and his lawyer, meaning the police could not record these meetings as that would violate solicitor-client confidentiality. Boucher purchased a mansion in the south end of Montreal, complete with gardens and stables for his horses. Boucher was also active as a real estate developer in", "title": "Maurice Boucher" } ]
What is T. P. Poonatchi's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.64, "text": "Pradesh (Governors of Madhya Pradesh) taking charge on 17 August 1978 and later as Governor of Orissa on 30 April 1980 (Governors of Odisha). Poonacha had two sons and two daughters. Two of his children, C. P. Belliappa and Kaveri Nambisan, are well-known writers in English. C. M. Poonacha Cheppudira Muthana Poonacha usually referred to as C. M. Poonacha was Chief Minister of Coorg, Minister in Mysore State, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha), Union Railway Minister of India and Governor of Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. C. M. Poonacha was a descendant of the Coorg Dewans. During the", "title": "C. M. Poonacha" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 16.5, "text": "T. B. Poholiyadde Wasala Bandaranayake Herat Mudiyanse Ralahamillage Tikiri Banda Poholiyadde, (10 July 1890 - 1956), commonly known as \"\" T. B. Poholiyadde Dissawa \"\", was a Ceylonese colonial-era headman and politician. Poholiyadde was educated at Trinity College, Kandy. In 1947 Poholiyadde was elected to the Parliament of Ceylon at the 1st parliamentary election, in the Horowpothana electorate, representing the United National Party. He secured 44% of the total vote, defeating the Lanka Sama Samaja Party candidate, P. M. K. Tennakoon, by 2,179 votes. He was re-elected at the 2nd parliamentary elections in 1952, winning by 1,510 votes over Tennakoon,", "title": "T. B. Poholiyadde" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.5, "text": "C. M. Poonacha Cheppudira Muthana Poonacha usually referred to as C. M. Poonacha was Chief Minister of Coorg, Minister in Mysore State, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha), Union Railway Minister of India and Governor of Madhya Pradesh and Orissa. C. M. Poonacha was a descendant of the Coorg Dewans. During the Freedom Movement he was sentenced to imprisonment twice during the Salt Satyagraha in 1932 and 1933. He was again imprisoned in 1940–41. and in 1942–44. He became a member of All-India Congress Committee in 1938. Also, in 1938 he was elected to Coorg District Board, became", "title": "C. M. Poonacha" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.36, "text": "T. P. Meenakshisundaram Thenpattinam Ponnuswamy Meenakshisundaram (1901–1980), popularly known as Te Po Meenkshisunadaranar, was an Indian scholar, writer of Tamil and English literature and the founder vice chancellor of Madurai Kamaraj University. Born on 8 January 1901 at Thenpattinam, in the erstwhile Chengelput district of the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu to S. Ponnusami Gramani, he did his college studies at Pachaiyappa's College from where he secured his BA (1920), BL (1922), MA in History (1923) and a Diploma in Economics. After starting his career in 1923 as a lawyer and serving the Madras Corporation Council in 1924, he", "title": "T. P. Meenakshisundaram" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.33, "text": "Industries under its Chief Minister S. Nijalingappa. He was also Chairman, State Trading Corporation of India from 1959 to 1963. He led the Government of India Trade delegation to some East European countries in 1960 and was the leader of the State Trading Corporation delegation to Japan in 1961. Poonacha was elected to the Rajya Sabha in April 1964. Later Poonacha was made Union Minister without portfolio in Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's cabinet. From 1 to 24 January 1966, he was Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance and from 25 January 1966 to 12 March 1967 Minister of State", "title": "C. M. Poonacha" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.19, "text": "in the Ministry of Transport, Aviation, Shipping and Tourism. He contested and won the Lok Sabha seat for the Mangalore constituency in 1969. He contested again in 1971 as a candidate of NCO party, but lost. After some time he became Union Minister for Railways from 1967 to 1969 (at first interim and then final) and Minister for Steel and Heavy Engineering in 1969. At that time he was the Member of Parliament representing Mangalore Lok Sabha constituency to which Coorg then belonged. After his retirement from active politics, he served two terms as governor, once as Governor of Madhya", "title": "C. M. Poonacha" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.06, "text": "outstanding work in the Central Police Organization. Thakur is married to Poonam Thakur and they have two children. He currently resides in Patna with his wife. P. K. Thakur Pramod Kumar Thakur or P. K. Thakur (born 18 February 1958), is a retired Indian Police Service (I.P.S.) officer of Bihar state in India, currently serving as Information commissioner in the state of Bihar. He served as Director General of Police of Bihar Police from June 2014 until his retirement in February 2018. He belongs to the I.P.S. batch of 1980. He has also served as Director General (Vigilance Bureau) in", "title": "P. K. Thakur" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16, "text": "reconstructed on 21 Feb 2016 shri Chinnappillai Amman koil and Periyasamy, Santhana Karuppu koil \"\"Kumbabhishekam\"\" was celebrated for two days. it's one of the powerful god in our village. Palamalai.R one of the young business men in the village . he is the M.D of M.R.P Tractors and other agriculture field equipments. The \"\"Punarutharnam\"\" of Shri Poonatchi Amman Koil was celebrated on 10 July 2016 with much fanfare. The total population of this village is 10,000. Some 50% of the people are farmers, 25% are self-employed, 25 are professionals who are working in nearby towns and cities. Buses are available", "title": "Maruvathur" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.91, "text": "Poonam Salotra Poonam Salotra is an Indian scientist and researcher at the National Institute of Pathology (NIP) whose work is centered on infectious diseases like Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL), Anthrax, Tuberculosis and Cholera. Her research covers the development of diagnostic tests and attenuated vaccines, drug resistance and immune responses for patients suffering from Leishmaniasis in some form. Poonam Salotra received her Ph.D from Delhi University and has conducted postdoctoral studies from Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, New Jersey, USA. Dr. Salotra was the Director-in-charge of the National Institute of Pathology (NIP), an institute under the Indian Council of Medical Research at", "title": "Poonam Salotra" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 15.55, "text": "Cyrus S. Poonawalla Cyrus S. Poonawalla is an Indian businessman, the chairman of Poonawalla Group, which includes Serum Institute of India, the Indian biotech company that manufactures paediatric vaccines. He is not related to Tehseen Poonawalla and Shehzad Poonawalla. As per Forbes March 2018 rankings, Poonawalla's net worth is Rs 73,000 crore and is ranked # 7thrichest person in India and #170th richest person in the world. He did his schooling from The Bishop's School in Pune, and later graduated from Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, University of Pune, in 1966. He was awarded the Padma Shri for his contribution", "title": "Cyrus S. Poonawalla" } ]
What is Joni Jenkins's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "Jon Jenkins Jon Gordon Jenkins (born 17 June 1958) is an Australian virologist, information technologist and former state parliamentarian who represented the Outdoor Recreation Party in the New South Wales Legislative Council from 2003–2007. Jenkins commenced a combined Law/Science degree at Macquarie University, then decided to pursue a career in the natural sciences and medicine. He graduated BSc (Hons) and completed a PhD degree, being awarded the University Prize for his postgraduate work in virology, which was followed by studies of viral coat proteins, protein structure prediction, artificial intelligence in medicine, virtual surgery and 3D imagery construction. Prior to being", "title": "Jon Jenkins" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.97, "text": "elected to Parliament, Dr Jenkins worked in private industry and as a medical-education consultant. He was a lecturer in the Medical and IT schools at Bond University in Queensland and was retained for a time as an adjunct professor. Jenkins was appointed in October 2003 to fill a casual vacancy from the resignation of Malcolm Jones. He resigned the seat in February 2007, not contesting the March election. He professed himself to be \"\"anti-Green\"\" and constructed a vitriolic web page \"\"Dedicated to Debunking Junk Green Science\"\". Jon Jenkins Jon Gordon Jenkins (born 17 June 1958) is an Australian virologist, information", "title": "Jon Jenkins" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.16, "text": "the foreword to Jon Naar's\"\"The Birth of Graffiti,\"\" a book devoted to graffiti in Germany in the 1970s. Currently, Jenkins is the creative director of \"\"Mass Appeal\"\", an urban culture magazine and website founded in 1996. He is also writing a biography with the Beastie Boys, and is finishing up his directorial debut, “Fresh Dressed” — a documentary film about the history of hip-hop fashion—for CNN Films. Jenkins is a member of The White Mandingos, a rock band that also features rapper Murs and Bad Brains bassist Darryl Jenifer. Their debut single and full-length LP—both titled \"\"The Ghetto Is Tryna", "title": "Sacha Jenkins" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.66, "text": "a request or an invitation was no longer required to join the site. In addition, the Pinterest app for Android and iPad was also launched on August 14, 2012. On September 20, 2012 Pinterest announced the hiring of its new head of engineering, Jon Jenkins. Jenkins came from Amazon, where he spent eight years as an engineering lead and was also a director of developer tools, platform analysis and website platform. In October 2012, Pinterest announced a new feature that would allow users to report others for negative and offensive activity or block other users if they do not want", "title": "Pinterest" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.64, "text": "concert for the victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. For many years, Jenkins' principal occupation has been as the owner of Lukes Guitars, a guitar shop in Ramsgate, England, selling new and used musical instruments. Barry Jenkins (musician) Colin Ernest \"\"Barry\"\" Jenkins (born 22 December 1944, Leicester, England) is an English musician, who is best known for being a drummer for The Animals during both of that 1960s group's incarnations. Barry Jenkins replaced Roger Groome as the drummer for the British R&B based group The Nashville Teens in 1963. In 1964 the group had its first big hit record with", "title": "Barry Jenkins (musician)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.64, "text": "Carolyn Jenkins Carolyn Charise Jenkins (born January 29, 1969 in Fresno, California), is the assistant commissioner for operations of the West Coast Conference. Previously, Jenkins served as a women's basketball coach in the WNBA, serving as an assistant coach and head coach of the Minnesota Lynx, and as Director of Player Personnel for the WNBA. Jenkins earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from UC Berkeley (Cal) in 1990. While at Cal, she played 104 career games in four seasons with the Golden Bears from 1986-1990. After assistant coaching stints at Stanford and Michigan State, Jenkins became the head", "title": "Carolyn Jenkins" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.56, "text": "Andrea Jenkins Andrea Jenkins (born 1961) is an American policy aide, politician, writer, performance artist, poet, and transgender activist. She is known for being the first African-American openly transgender woman elected to public office in the United States, serving since January 2018 on the Minneapolis City Council. Jenkins moved to Minnesota to attend the University of Minnesota in 1979 and was hired by the Hennepin County government, where she worked for a decade. Jenkins worked as a staff member on the Minneapolis City Council for 12 years before beginning work as curator of the Transgender Oral History Project at the", "title": "Andrea Jenkins" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.5, "text": "the needs of countries where those programs are engaged. Jenkins serves as the Leadership Liaison for the Department of State's Veterans-at-State Affinity Group. She also serves on the Department of State's Diversity Governance Board. Prior to rejoining the U.S. Government, Jenkins most recently served as the program officer for U.S. foreign and security policy at the Ford Foundation. Her grant-making responsibilities sought to strengthen public engagement in U.S. foreign and security policy debate and formulation. She promoted support for multiculturalism, the peaceful resolution of disputes, and the international rule of law. Before joining the Ford Foundation, Jenkins served as counsel", "title": "Bonnie Jenkins" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.45, "text": "Leila Jenkins Leila Cassel Jenkins (born 1954) is an American investment counselor and the owner of Locke Capital Management, Inc., with offices in New York and Rhode Island. Jenkins is an economics graduate of Boston College (1977), and has an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard (1999). She worked for the New England Merchants National Bank and the First National Bank of Boston as an international economist, and in the early 1980s she was an officer of the Credit Division of the Chemical Bank. From 1982 she was a vice president of Shields Associates, a New York investment", "title": "Leila Jenkins" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.34, "text": "Jenkins was the lead partner of Herbert Smith Freehills' Australian equal opportunity practice. There, she led the firm’s Melbourne Women in Business group for more than a decade and was the lead employment partner in the firm’s pro bono community program. Jenkins is the convener of the Victorian Male Champions of Change, the Chair of the Independent Review into sex discrimination and sexual harassment, including predatory behaviour in Victoria Police and the Co-Chair of Play by the Rules. She is also the Co-Chair of the Commission’s Disability Reference Group and a member of the Aboriginal Justice Forum. She was recognised", "title": "Kate Jenkins" } ]
What is Martin Shapiro's occupation?
[ "screenwriter", "scenarist", "writer", "screen writer", "script writer", "scriptwriter" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.3, "text": "Martin Shapiro Martin Shapiro is an American screenwriter and comic book writer. He created the horror comic book series \"\"Chopper\"\" published by Asylum Press and wrote the screenplay for the movie version of it. Shapiro was born at a United States Army base in Frankfurt, Germany where his father was stationed. He was raised in Richmond, Virginia. After high school, he served for eight years in the U.S. Air Force. In 1990, he attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, with the intention of becoming an Air Force pilot upon graduation. In 1991, Shapiro was recalled to active duty for the Gulf War.", "title": "Martin Shapiro" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.84, "text": "Martin Wilk Martin Bradbury Wilk, (18 December 1922 – 19 February 2013) was a Canadian statistician, academic, and the former Chief Statistician of Canada. In 1965, together with Samuel Shapiro, he developed the Shapiro–Wilk test, which can indicate whether a sample of numbers would be unusual if it came from a Gaussian distribution. With Ramanathan Gnanadesikan he developed a number of important graphical techniques for data analysis, including the Q–Q plot and P–P plot. Born in Montreal, Quebec, he received a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering from McGill University in 1945. From 1945 to 1950, he was a", "title": "Martin Wilk" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.42, "text": "the screenplay adaptation. A prequel based on characters from the comic book was produced as a web series starring actors Tyler Mane (\"\"Halloween\"\", \"\"X-Men\"\") and Andrew Bryniarski (\"\"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre\"\", \"\"Batman Returns\"\"). Martin Shapiro Martin Shapiro is an American screenwriter and comic book writer. He created the horror comic book series \"\"Chopper\"\" published by Asylum Press and wrote the screenplay for the movie version of it. Shapiro was born at a United States Army base in Frankfurt, Germany where his father was stationed. He was raised in Richmond, Virginia. After high school, he served for eight years in the", "title": "Martin Shapiro" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.14, "text": "in detail On returning from London, Shapiro was employed as government pharmacologist of the Biological Control Laboratories at the Union Health Department in Cape Town. In 1939, he interrupted this employment to complete his medical studies, graduating M.B. Ch.B. in December that year. He then moved to the health department's medico-legal laboratories as a forensic pathologist and in October 1943 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa and was a lecturer in medical jurisprudence at Cape Town University until1948, when he left left to take up the editorship of the South African Medical Journal. He chaired", "title": "Hillel Abbe Shapiro" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.06, "text": "companies including an adaptation of \"\"Dragonlance\"\", the \"\"New York Times\"\" bestselling series of fantasy novels with sales of 22 million copies worldwide, and the role-playing game \"\"Millennium’s End\"\". While writing professionally in Los Angeles, Shapiro attended the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television, where he received his Master of Fine Arts degree in Screenwriting. While in the program, he won the prestigious UCLA Showcase award for his war drama \"\"Crossfire\"\". In 2011, Shapiro launched \"\"Chopper\"\", a creator-owned comic book series published by Asylum Press. The movie rights to the book were optioned in the same year and Shapiro wrote", "title": "Martin Shapiro" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "While still deployed in Kuwait, he decided to change gears in life and applied to the University of Central Florida Film School. Shortly after returning to Patrick AFB, Florida, he was accepted into UCF's motion picture program, where he developed a passion for writing, directing and producing films alongside classmates Eduardo Sanchez and Daniel Myrick, who went on to co-direct \"\"The Blair Witch Project\"\" several years later. Shapiro’s first feature-length screenplay \"\"Lair of the Fox\"\", a military action-thriller, was optioned by Ilya Salkind (Producer of \"\"Superman\"\"). Shapiro went on to write and develop projects for MGM, HBO and other production", "title": "Martin Shapiro" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "Jeremy J. Shapiro Jeremy J. Shapiro (born 1940), is an American academic, a professor at Fielding Graduate University who works in the area of critical social theory with emphasis on the social and cultural effects of information technology and systems, social change, and the aesthetics of music. His main intellectual products/innovations include In addition he works in the following areas: the sociology of digital simulation and of on-line environments; the experience of multiple identities and multiple realities among users of information and communication technologies; and enhancing the experience of music listening. He has worked as a computer programmer/analyst, as a", "title": "Jeremy J. Shapiro" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.77, "text": "Stuart L. Shapiro Stuart Louis Shapiro (born 6 December 1947 in New Haven, Connecticut) is an American theoretical astrophysicist, who works on numerical relativity with applications in astrophysics, specialising in compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes. Shapiro studied at Harvard University and graduated with a BSc. in 1969, completed his Master's degree in 1971 at Princeton, and completed his PhD in 1973. He became a professor in 1975 at Cornell University. In 1996 he became a professor of physics and astrophysics at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is an expert in the numerical simulation of astrophysical", "title": "Stuart L. Shapiro" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "Steven R. Shapiro Steven R. Shapiro (born July 24, 1951) is the former National Legal Director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) from 1993–2016. Shapiro served as counsel or co-counsel on more than 200 briefs submitted to the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the ACLU. When he announced his retirement from the ACLU, Kathleen Sullivan said: “Civil Liberties without Steve Shapiro is like the Rolling Stones without Jagger.” Shapiro was a staff lawyer at the New York Civil Liberties Union from 1976–1987, and the ACLU’s Associate Legal Director from 1987–1993. He began his legal career following graduation", "title": "Steven R. Shapiro" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "director of academic computing and networking, and as a computer journalist. At Fielding Graduate University he is also senior consultant for academic information projects. He studied at Harvard with Robert Paul Wolff and Barrington Moore, Jr.; at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main with Herbert Marcuse, Theodor W. Adorno, and Jürgen Habermas; at Brandeis University with Maurice Stein and Kurt H. Wolff; and at the City University of New York with Abbe Mowshowitz. He received his Ph.D. from Brandeis in 1976. Through his translations he introduced Habermas's work (\"\"Toward a Rational Society\"\" and \"\"Knowledge and Human Interests\"\")", "title": "Jeremy J. Shapiro" } ]
What is Gabriel Gonsum Ganaka's occupation?
[ "priest", "reverend", "priestess" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.91, "text": "Gabriel Gonsum Ganaka Archbp. Gabriel Gonsum Ganaka was the Bishop (later Archbishop) of Jos, Nigeria. Born 24 May 1937 in Pankshin, he was ordained a priest on 4 July 1965. On 17 May 1973, aged 36, he was appointed as Auxiliary Bishop of Jos and as titular Bishop of Cuicul. He was consecrated on 9 September 1973 by Cardinal Dominic Ekandem. On 5 October 1974, he was appointed Bishop of Jos. On 26 March 1994, aged 56, he was elevated to Archbishop. Archbishop Ganaka died on 11 November 1999, aged 62. On 2014, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Jos opened", "title": "Gabriel Gonsum Ganaka" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.72, "text": "his cause for beatification naming him a \"\"Servant of God.\"\" Gabriel Gonsum Ganaka Archbp. Gabriel Gonsum Ganaka was the Bishop (later Archbishop) of Jos, Nigeria. Born 24 May 1937 in Pankshin, he was ordained a priest on 4 July 1965. On 17 May 1973, aged 36, he was appointed as Auxiliary Bishop of Jos and as titular Bishop of Cuicul. He was consecrated on 9 September 1973 by Cardinal Dominic Ekandem. On 5 October 1974, he was appointed Bishop of Jos. On 26 March 1994, aged 56, he was elevated to Archbishop. Archbishop Ganaka died on 11 November 1999, aged", "title": "Gabriel Gonsum Ganaka" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.38, "text": "an active member of the Detroit Sports Broadcasters Association. From 1976 to 1998, he served as assistant athletics director and from 1998 to 2000, Ganakas served as a special assistant to head coach Tom Izzo, directing the activities surrounding Michigan State basketball's centennial in 1998–99. In 2002, Ganakas became the sixth recipient of the Men's Basketball Distinguished Alumnus Award. Ganakas was married to his wife Ruth who died in 2014. He resides in the Lansing area. Gus Ganakas Gus G. Ganakas (born July 3, 1926) is an American sports broadcaster and former Michigan State Spartans men's basketball coach. He was", "title": "Gus Ganakas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.19, "text": "1969) where he obtained a degree in electrical engineering. He worked as executive engineer in the Ministry of Works and Housing of North-Eastern State. In October 1979 he was appointed Borno State Commissioner for Works and Housing by the Greater Nigerian People's Party (GNPP) government of Borno State under Governor Mohammed Goni. In 1983 he was the gubernatorial candidate of the GNPP in Borno State. For several years he was on the board of the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA). Mohammed Abba Gana Mohammed Abba Gana (born 1943) served as a Special Adviser on Civil Society to the Nigerian Vice", "title": "Mohammed Abba Gana" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.14, "text": "Noemi Givon Gallery, Tel Aviv. In this installation Cohen Gan built sophisticated geometric bodies in wooden frames covered in painted canvas that comprised an attempt to examine the conventions of Euclidean geometry as an expression of his occupation with the epistemology of art. During the 1980s Cohen Gan converted the image of the anonymous figure into the image of the head without a body. The use of this floating image also made possible the change in the composition of Cohen Gan's works, which became more expressive. The unattached head, according to Mordechai Omer, symbolizes the lack of fusion between body", "title": "Pinchas Cohen Gan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.08, "text": "1943 and held until October of the following year. He spent the rest of the occupation as a private practitioner. After the country's independence and during the ensuing revolution, Gani gained greater political power while also serving with the military. From 1945 to 1947 he was the commissioner for the PNI in South Sumatra, also serving on that party's board. He also coordinated military efforts in the province. He considered Palembang a viable economic powerhouse for the newly independent nation, arguing that with oil they could gather international support. He negotiated sales with international interests, including the Dutch-owned Shell while", "title": "Adnan Kapau Gani" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.94, "text": "Gabriel Barima Gabriel Barima (popularly known as \"\"Tweaa DCE\"\") is a Ghanaian politician and the former District Chief Executive of the Ahafo Ano South District in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. He is well known for making popular the Akan word \"\"Tweaa\"\", which has subsequently become a slang. The \"\"Tweaa\"\" was said at the function which took place at Mankranso hospital. Tweaa, an Akan interjection used to express disapproval or contempt for a statement. Barima was captured on video expressing anger at the audience, after an unknown individual allegedly said \"\"Tweaa\"\" during his speech, at an end of year event", "title": "Gabriel Barima" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.94, "text": "at Anglo-Chinese School. He later did his bar exams at Inner Temple, London and received his LLB at the University Of London. His mother died whilst he was taking his final exams in London. Upon his return to Singapore he was a successful criminal litigator, deputy public prosecutor and district judge. He was also an avid reader and supporter of the arts in Singapore and contributed by teaching Literature classes later in life at the National University of Singapore. Ganesan was responsible for changing the Malaysia Cup venue from the Jalan Besar Stadium to the 55,000 capacity National Stadium. He", "title": "N. Ganesan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.92, "text": "Gus Ganakas Gus G. Ganakas (born July 3, 1926) is an American sports broadcaster and former Michigan State Spartans men's basketball coach. He was the head coach there from 1969 to 1976. Ganakas is a native of Mount Morris, New York. He attended Michigan State University (MSU) from 1946 to 1950 after serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. After graduation from MSU, Gus taught and coached basketball at East Lansing High School, where he won the 1958 State of Michigan High School Championship, posting an undefeated season. In 1964 he became the Coordinator of the Ralph Young Fund, MSU's athletic", "title": "Gus Ganakas" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 16.91, "text": "Adnan Kapau Gani Adnan Kapau Gani (16 September 1905 – 23 December 1968), often abbreviated as A. K. Gani, was an Indonesian politician. Born in West Sumatra, he spent much of his youth in Java, where he studied medicine and became involved with the nascent nationalist movement before going to South Sumatra to work as a doctor. During the Indonesian National Revolution he served three terms as Minister of Welfare; two of these were concurrent with terms as a deputy prime minister. Afterwards Gani went to Palembang, South Sumatra, where he remained active in politics until his death. In November", "title": "Adnan Kapau Gani" } ]
What is Max Fechner's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.11, "text": "Max Fechner Max Fechner (27 July 1892 – 13 September 1973) was a German politician who served as Minister of Justice of East Germany from 1949 to 1953 (aged 57-61) Fechner was born in Berlin and was a trained tool maker. He joined the SPD in 1910, was a member of the USPD from 1917 to 1922, and then returned to the SPD. He was a district councilor for the Neukölln district of Berlin from 1921 to 1925, and member of the Landtag of Prussia from 1924 to 1933. He worked in the National Executive of the SPD and was", "title": "Max Fechner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.75, "text": "the editor of the municipal policy magazine \"\"Die Gemeinde\"\" (\"\"The Community\"\"). Fechner participated in the social-democratic resistance group led by Franz Künstler, and was jailed in 1933–1934 and 1944–1945 by the Nazi regime. After the war, Fechner became a member of the SED, he was elected to its Executive Committee and Central Committee. Between 1946–1948, he was a city councilor for East Berlin, he was elected in 1949 to the German People's Council, in 1950 to the People's Chamber. In 1948, Fechner succeeded Eugen Schiffer as President of the German Central Administration of Justice, he served from 1949 to 1951", "title": "Max Fechner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.34, "text": "as President of the Association of Democratic Lawyers, and was from October 1949 to July 1953 Minister of Justice of the newly created GDR. In an interview to \"\"Neues Deutschland\"\", the official party newspaper of East Germany, on 30 June 1953, he voiced his opposition to the prosecution of workers who had taken part in the 17 June strike. Consequently, he was denounced as an \"\"enemy of the state and the party\"\", lost his ministerial charge, was expelled from the SED and arrested. After a two-year-long detention without charge in the Stasi headquarters at Hohenschönhausen, he was sentenced to eight", "title": "Max Fechner" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.11, "text": "years of prison by the Supreme Court. He was however released on 24 June 1956, and two days later amnestied. In June 1958, he was reinstated as a SED member. Fechner received in 1967 the Patriotic Order of Merit, and in 1972 the Karl Marx Order. He died, aged 81, in Schöneiche, Brandenburg in 1973. Max Fechner Max Fechner (27 July 1892 – 13 September 1973) was a German politician who served as Minister of Justice of East Germany from 1949 to 1953 (aged 57-61) Fechner was born in Berlin and was a trained tool maker. He joined the SPD", "title": "Max Fechner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "Max Rychner Max Rychner (8 April 1897 in Lichtensteig, Switzerland – 10 June 1965 in Zurich) - was a Swiss writer, journalist, translator, and literary critic, writing in German. Hannah Arendt called him \"\"[O]ne of the most educated and subtle figures in the intellectual life of the era\"\" Rychner published several books of poetry, short stories, essays, and autobiographical prose, and translated some of the works of Paul Valéry into German. For several decades, he was one of the most influential literary critics and reviewers writing in German. He admired, promoted, and published the works of Robert Walser, and corresponded", "title": "Max Rychner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.38, "text": "Carl-A. Fechner Carl-A Fechner is a German journalist, film-maker and film producer, known for documentaries about Germany's \"\"Energiewende\"\" and sustainable energy more generally. Fechner took a degree in media education, graduating in 1980 with a diploma. During the First Gulf War, he served as a correspondent for ARD. Since 1988 he has been managing partner of fechnerMEDIA GmbH (formerly focus–film GmbH). His attention since then is the production of documentaries on sustainability. As editorial director, Fechner is responsible for content and artistic design of fechnerMEDIA films and media campaigns. After producing TV documentaries, Carl-A. Fechner produced and directed his first", "title": "Carl-A. Fechner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.12, "text": "Eduard Clemens Fechner Eduard Clemens Fechner (21 August 1799 – 7 February 1861) was a German portrait painter and an etcher. Fechner was born at Gross Särchen, near Bad Muskau, and studied in 1814 at Dresden under Grassi and Retsch. In 1820 he went to Munich, where he improved his style under Stieler. He worked some time for the Duke of Leuchtenberg, and visited Paris in 1826. He excelled in painting portraits of ladies and children; he also executed eleven etchings in a spirited manner. He died in Paris, aged 61. Fechner was the brother of experimental psychology pioneer and", "title": "Eduard Clemens Fechner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.09, "text": "Gustav Fechner Gustav Theodor Fechner (; ; 19 April 1801 – 18 November 1887) was a German philosopher, physicist and experimental psychologist. An early pioneer in experimental psychology and founder of psychophysics, he inspired many 20th century scientists and philosophers. He is also credited with demonstrating the non-linear relationship between psychological sensation and the physical intensity of a stimulus via the formula: formula_1, which became known as the Weber–Fechner law. Fechner was born at Groß Särchen, near Muskau, in Lower Lusatia, where his father was a pastor. Despite being raised by his religious father, Fechner became an atheist in later", "title": "Gustav Fechner" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.97, "text": "Soviet Military Administration appointed not Melsheimer but Max Fechner to head up the DJV. On 7 December 1949 Ernst Melsheimer was appointed to the position for which he is best remembered, as the first Attorney general, and thereby Chief Prosecutor, in the of the East German Supreme Court. In this position he (successfully) called for the death penalty at several show trials including those of Johann Burianek and Wolfgang Kaiser. Victims of other high-profile show trials prosecuted by Melsheimer included Wolfgang Harich, Walter Janka, , und . Melsheimer served as prosecutor in numerous secret trials. Melsheimer became notorious for court", "title": "Ernst Melsheimer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "with Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Thomas Mann, Gottfried Benn, Ernst Robert Curtius, and others. He championed the young poet Paul Celan and published the memoirs of Walter Benjamin. In 1956, Rychner won the Gottfried Keller Award. Max Rychner Max Rychner (8 April 1897 in Lichtensteig, Switzerland – 10 June 1965 in Zurich) - was a Swiss writer, journalist, translator, and literary critic, writing in German. Hannah Arendt called him \"\"[O]ne of the most educated and subtle figures in the intellectual life of the era\"\" Rychner published several books of poetry, short stories, essays, and autobiographical prose, and translated some of the", "title": "Max Rychner" } ]
What is Augustine Steward's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.02, "text": "Tony Steward (American football) Tony Steward (born September 19, 1992) is an American football linebacker who is a free agent in the National Football League (NFL). He was drafted by the Buffalo Bills in the sixth round of the 2015 NFL Draft. He played college football at Clemson. Steward was considered one of the best linebacker prospects in his class, and earned the 2010 high school version of the Dick Butkus Award. A native of Hastings, Florida, Steward attended Pedro Menendez High School in St. Augustine, Florida, where he was coached by Keith Cromwell. On mediocre 5–6 and 5–7 teams,", "title": "Tony Steward (American football)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.77, "text": "Augustine Baker Fr. Augustine Baker OSB (9 December 1575 – 9 August 1641), also sometimes known as \"\"Fr. Austin Baker\"\", was a well-known Benedictine mystic and an ascetic writer. He was one of the earliest members of the English Benedictine Congregation which was newly restored to England after the Reformation. Augustine Baker was born David Baker at Abergavenny, Monmouthshire on 9 December 1575. His father was William Baker, steward to Baron Abergavenny, and his mother was a daughter of Lewis ap John (alias Wallis), vicar of Abergavenny. His parents were \"\"church papists\"\" , meaning that although outwardly they conformed to", "title": "Augustine Baker" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.33, "text": "a message from Secretary of State William H. Steward to Giuseppe Garibaldi, offering the Italian patriot a Union command. After the Civil War he bought an orange grove in St. Augustine, Florida, from John Hay, who had been one of President Lincoln's secretaries and later served as U.S. Secretary of State. It was the beginning of a large investment in the state. The St. Augustine grove was later developed as a real estate subdivision in the northern part of the city's historic Lincolnville neighborhood. It includes a Sanford Street as a permanent memory of its origins. He married on September", "title": "Henry Shelton Sanford" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.28, "text": "elected unopposed. Steward died in Island Bay, Wellington on 30 October 1912. The body was taken by ferry steamer to Lyttelton, and by train to Waimate. The funeral took place in Waimate. A plaque in the St Augustine Church in Waimate is dedicated to Steward. The Waimate District Council's district plan has a formal protection for a tree that was planted by Steward on 26 June 1911. It is located beside the memorial statue for Dr Margaret Barnett Cruickshank MD. William Steward (New Zealand politician) Sir William Jukes Steward (20 January 1841 – 30 October 1912) was a New Zealand", "title": "William Steward (New Zealand politician)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "the only man since Fr Cressy to have read all two million words of his writings, always diffuse and unstructured. Augustine Baker Fr. Augustine Baker OSB (9 December 1575 – 9 August 1641), also sometimes known as \"\"Fr. Austin Baker\"\", was a well-known Benedictine mystic and an ascetic writer. He was one of the earliest members of the English Benedictine Congregation which was newly restored to England after the Reformation. Augustine Baker was born David Baker at Abergavenny, Monmouthshire on 9 December 1575. His father was William Baker, steward to Baron Abergavenny, and his mother was a daughter of Lewis", "title": "Augustine Baker" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.05, "text": "1,500 men, including Italian mercenaries, to quell the rebellion. As he drew near to the city he sent forward his herald to demand the surrender of the city. The Deputy Mayor, Augustine Steward, responded. It was conveyed that the rebels had retreated back to the safety of the high ground overlooking the city. Kett had already seen how difficult it was to defend miles of walls and gates and had instead chosen to withdraw. It was much more prudent to allow Northampton's tiny army to defend the city while he again laid siege to it. On the night of 31", "title": "Kett's Rebellion" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.78, "text": "Alonso served as steward until Francisco's suspension in 1637, again from 1639 until 1646, when he was briefly replaced, and finally from 1647 until 1649. When governor Benito Ruíz de Salazar Vallecilla was suspended from office in 1646, Francisco Menéndez Márquez and acting accountant Pedro Benedit Horruytiner acted as co-governors until Salazar Vallecilla was returned to office in 1648. After being suspended, Salazar Vallecilla retreated to his farm near San Miguel de Asile. A few years after Francisco's death, the royal treasury in St. Augustine was audited, and it was found that between 16,000 and 20,000 pesos were missing (Francisco's", "title": "Francisco Menéndez Márquez" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.66, "text": "Edmund Steward Edmund Steward (died 1559) otherwise Stewart or Stewarde was an English lawyer and clergyman who served as Chancellor and later Dean of Winchester Cathedral until his removal in 1559. Edmund Steward received his Bachelor of Civil Law in 1515 at Cambridge University. Despite being trained in civil law, Steward went on almost exclusively serve the Church. In 1521 Steward was recorded as serving the Archdeacon of Sudbury as a Commissary. A Commissary represented the authority of the Archdeacon and could exercise ecclesiastical jurisdiction in his name, without taking clerical orders. Steward would go on to be Vicar of", "title": "Edmund Steward" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.58, "text": "of absence in 1619, and Francisco continued to perform the duties of treasurer in his father's absence. Juan died in 1627, and Francisco was confirmed as his replacement as treasurer-steward the following year. Francisco went to Mexico City three times to collect the annual \"\"situado\"\" (the royal subsidy for the presidio of St. Augustine): in 1627, while still acting treasurer, and in 1631 and 1632. Francisco was suspended from his office in 1637, and reinstated in 1639. To deal with the duties added to his position in 1628, Francisco appointed his uncle Alonso Menéndez y Posada as steward in 1630.", "title": "Francisco Menéndez Márquez" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.39, "text": "Augustine Herman Augustine Herman, First Lord of Bohemia Manor (Czech: Augustin Heřman, c. 1621 – September 1686) was a Bohemian explorer, merchant and cartographer who lived in New Amsterdam and Cecil County, Maryland. In the employment of Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore, he produced a remarkably accurate map of the Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay regions of North America, in exchange for which he was permitted to establish an enormous plantation that he named Bohemia Manor in what is now southeastern Cecil County, Maryland. Land rights to the area now known as St. Augustine, Maryland were granted to Herman by", "title": "Augustine Herman" } ]
What is Andrew Ure's occupation?
[ "chemist", "chemists" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.83, "text": "Andrew Ure Andrew Ure FRS (18 May 1778 – 2 January 1857) was a Scottish physician, founder of Andersonian Institution, which became University of Strathclyde, foremost consulting chemist, Scriptural geologist and early business theorist. Andrew Ure was born in Glasgow, the son of Alexander Ure, a cheesemonger, and his wife, Anne. He received an MD from Glasgow University in 1801, and served briefly as an army surgeon before settling in Glasgow, where he became a member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons in 1803. He replaced Dr. George Birkbeck as Professor of Natural Philosophy (specialising in chemistry and physics)", "title": "Andrew Ure" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.27, "text": "his own works. In 1822 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. By 1830, Ure's outside interests led him to resign first from his chair and then from the institution. He moved to London and set himself up as a consulting chemist (probably the first such in Britain). His work included acting as an expert witness, government commissions and industrial tours of England, Belgium and France. His visits to English textile mills led to his publication of \"\"The Philosophy of Manufactures\"\" (1835) and \"\"Account of the Cotton Industry\"\" (1836), dealing with the textile industry. In 1840 he helped", "title": "Andrew Ure" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "in 1804 at the then recently formed Andersonian Institution (now known as University of Strathclyde). His evening lectures on chemistry and mechanics enjoyed considerable success and inspired the foundation of a number of mechanical institutions in Britain and the École des Arts et Métiers in Paris. He married Catherine Monteath in 1807. Ure founded the Garnet Hill observatory in 1808. He was put in charge and resided in it for several years, leaving it second only to Greenwich in reputation at that time. While in residence he was visited by Sir William Herschel, who gave some lectures to the local", "title": "Andrew Ure" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "Astronomical Society and helped him to install a fourteen-foot reflecting telescope of Ure's design and manufacture. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1811. Herschel's second son, many years later (in 1866), came to occupy Dr. Ure's chair in natural philosophy. In 1814, while giving guest lectures in Belfast, he did consulting work for the Irish linen board, devising an 'alkalimeter' which gave volumetric estimates of the alkali contents of industrial substances. This in turn led him to the concept of normality in volumetric analysis. He achieved considerable reputation for his practical chemistry. In 1818 Ure revealed", "title": "Andrew Ure" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "A secondary memorial was erected in Glasgow Cathedral by his daughter, Katherine MacKinlay. Ure was a scriptural geologist and in 1829 published \"\"A New System of Geology\"\", for which \"\"he received 500 guineas (worth about $15,000 in 2010) and was elected an original member of the Geological Society.\"\" Ure promoted the study of geology, that \"\"magnificent field of knowledge.\"\" However some criticised the book severely, and \"\"The \"\"New System of Geology\"\" was not a success, even among readers who might have been expected to be sympathetic, and it was soon forgotten.\"\" because \"\"the \"\"New System of Geology\"\" ... came just", "title": "Andrew Ure" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "experiments he had been carrying out on a murderer/thief named Matthew Clydesdale, after the man's execution by hanging. He claimed that, by stimulating the phrenic nerve, life could be restored in cases of suffocation, drowning or hanging. In 1819 he divorced his wife, who had become the mistress of an Anderson's Institution colleague. In 1821 he published his first major book, \"\"Dictionary of Chemistry\"\", a replacement for William Nicholson's outdated Dictionary. It came out two years after William Brande's \"\"Manual of Chemistry\"\", and Ure was accused of plagiarism. Subsequently, Ure accused Dr William Henry and Thomas Thomson of plagiarism of", "title": "Andrew Ure" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "found the Pharmaceutical Society. His exposure to factory conditions led him to consider methods of heating and ventilation, and he is credited with being the first to describe a bi-metallic thermostat. The great \"\"Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines\"\", Ure's chief and most encyclopaedic work, was published in 1837 for which he received 1,000 guineas (worth about $30,000 in 2010). Further enlarged editions were rapidly called for in 1840, 1843 and 1853. After his death four further editions appeared, the last in 1878. This work was translated into almost every European language, including Russian and Spanish. \"\"The Times\"\" review said:", "title": "Andrew Ure" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.84, "text": "\"\"This is a book of vast research, and the variety of subjects embraced in it may be estimated by the fact that on the French translation it was thought advisable to employ nineteen collaborators, all regarded as experts in their special subjects.\"\" Historical accounts of the advancement of geology regularly make mention of Andrew Ure. Ure died in 1857 in London. Throughout his life he had a wide circle of friends and he communicated regularly with many principal scientists around the world. These all lamented his death. Michael Faraday's posthumous description of him was: He is buried in Highgate Cemetery.", "title": "Andrew Ure" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.11, "text": "Andrew Urdiales Andrew Urdiales (June 4, 1964 – November 2, 2018) was an American serial killer. Little is known about Andrew Urdiales' childhood. In June 1977, shortly before his 12th birthday, he fiercely beat the family dog with a baseball bat and told his parents that the animal had been fatally injured in a fall. After successfully completing high school, Urdiales joined the United States Marine Corps. Between 1984 and 1991 he was stationed at the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in California. Here Urdiales completed melee and combat training, which he then used to kill people. Urdiales committed his", "title": "Andrew Urdiales" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.72, "text": "Antony Andrewes Antony Andrewes, (12 June 1910 – 13 June 1990) was an English classical scholar and historian. He was Wykeham Professor of Ancient History at the University of Oxford from 1953 to 1977. Andrewes was born in Tavistock, Devon, England, on 12 June 1910. He was educated at Winchester College from 1923 to 1929. He studied at New College, Oxford, between 1929 and 1933. Andrewes was a Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford, between 1933 and 1946, and of New College, Oxford, from 1946 to 1953. He was Wykeham Professor of Ancient History from 1953 until his retirement in 1977.", "title": "Antony Andrewes" } ]
What is Guy Joseph Bonnet's occupation?
[ "major general", "major-general", "MG", "Maj.Gen.", "M.Gen.", "two-star general", "Major general" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.69, "text": "Joseph Bonnet Joseph Bonnet (17 March 1884 – 2 August 1944) was a French composer and organist. One of the major French pipe organ players, Joseph Bonnet was born in Bordeaux. He first studied with his father, an organist at St. Eulalie. At the age of 14, he became official organist, first at St. Nicholas and almost immediately at St. Michael. Bonnet also attended classes with Alexandre Guilmant at the Conservatoire de Paris. A few years later he finished with a first prize and, in 1906 was selected to become the organist at St. Eustache, Paris. In 1911 he had", "title": "Joseph Bonnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "of the premier advocates of French organ music in the United States as both professor of organ and head of the Organ Department at Catholic University of America. Bonnet died on 2 August 1944, while vacationing in St. Luce-sur-Mer, near Rimouski, Quebec. He is buried at the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Benoît-du-Lac, near Magog (Québec). Joseph Bonnet Joseph Bonnet (17 March 1884 – 2 August 1944) was a French composer and organist. One of the major French pipe organ players, Joseph Bonnet was born in Bordeaux. He first studied with his father, an organist at St. Eulalie. At the age of", "title": "Joseph Bonnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.25, "text": "few years later, Bonnet returned to Paris, where Denise Restout attended one of his master classes in 1933. Four years later, he took Louis Vierne's position as organ teacher and specialist at L’École César-Franck. In 1940, due to the outbreak of World War II, he was forced to leave France and returned to North America. He was organist at the Worcester Art Museum 1942-1943 and was appointed professor at the Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal in 1943. In Paris Bonnet had taught a student from Québec named Conrad Bernier who studied with him 1923-26, who eventually became one", "title": "Joseph Bonnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "the privilege of succeeding Guilmant as concert organist at the conservatoire. He was actively teaching at this time and one of his notable students from his earlier years was Canadian organist Henri Gagnon. On 28 January 1917 he moved to the United States, where he gave more than 100 concerts around the country until 1919. He was elected an honorary member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia music fraternity in June 1917. Bonnet founded the organ department of the Eastman School of Music in 1921. He composed a large number of organ pieces and compiled the six-volume \"\"Historical Organ Recitals\"\". A", "title": "Joseph Bonnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "Guy Bonnet Guy Bonnet is an author, composer, and singer, born in Avignon, France in 1945. He wrote the lyrics and composed the music for the French entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1968 (performed by Isabelle Aubret). In 1970 he participated in the Eurovision song contest for France with \"\"Marie-Blanche\"\" coming 4th out of twelve contestants. In 1983 he represented France in Eurovision again with \"\"Vivre\"\" (finishing eighth). He wrote and composed songs for many artists including Mireille Mathieu, Sylvie Vartan, Franck Fernandel and Massilia Sound System. He has also written a contemporary pastorale \"\"La Pastorale des enfants de", "title": "Guy Bonnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.03, "text": "Provence\"\". Guy Bonnet Guy Bonnet is an author, composer, and singer, born in Avignon, France in 1945. He wrote the lyrics and composed the music for the French entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1968 (performed by Isabelle Aubret). In 1970 he participated in the Eurovision song contest for France with \"\"Marie-Blanche\"\" coming 4th out of twelve contestants. In 1983 he represented France in Eurovision again with \"\"Vivre\"\" (finishing eighth). He wrote and composed songs for many artists including Mireille Mathieu, Sylvie Vartan, Franck Fernandel and Massilia Sound System. He has also written a contemporary pastorale \"\"La Pastorale des enfants", "title": "Guy Bonnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.75, "text": "Jerry Bonnet Jerold A. Bonnet was an interim Secretary of State of Indiana. A lawyer by profession, Bonnet was the deputy Secretary when his superior Charlie White lost his position after being convicted of voter fraud, leading Governor Mitch Daniels on February 4, 2012, to appoint Bonnet until a permanent successor could be chosen. Holding the office for an uneventful term of over a month, Bonnet was succeeded by Connie Lawson on March 16. Currently, Bonnet serves as the chief legal counsel in Lawson's administration. Graduating from Yorktown High School, Bonnet has a BA from Indiana University, a law degree", "title": "Jerry Bonnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.73, "text": "Carlos Bonnet Carlos Bonnet (sometimes Carlos Bonet) (October 29, 1892 – January 16, 1983) was a Venezuelan composer, orchestra conductor, and militar. Bonnet was born in Villa de Cura, Estado Aragua, Venezuela, on October 29, 1892. He studied in the Escuela Musical Militar Infantil. He conducted the Venezuelan Army Number One Brigade music band, and was the dean of the Venezuelan Military Orchestra School. On December 9, 1930, Bonnet conducted the Radio Caracas Radio (RCR) orchestra for the RCR official inauguration. As a composer, he wrote multiple songs, including \"\"Quitapesares\"\", \"\"La Partida\"\" (Venezuelan waltz), \"\"El trabadedos\"\", \"\"Refranero\"\", \"\"La tierra de", "title": "Carlos Bonnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "Marie-Jo Bonnet Marie-Josèphe Bonnet (born 1949 in Deauville) is a French specialist in the history of women, history of art, and history of lesbians. She has also published books in the history of the French resistance and occupation. Bonnet obtained a BA in history at the Pantheon-Sorbonne University, and went on to get her Master and PhD from Paris Diderot University. Working with Michelle Perrot she published her thesis, \"\"Romantic Relations between women of the 16th and 20th centuries\"\" (), in 1995. As a doctor of history, Bonnet has taught art history at Columbia University and Carleton University (in Paris),", "title": "Marie-Jo Bonnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.62, "text": "Manuel José Bonnet Manuel José Bonnet Locarno (25 June 1936 – 15 June 2018) was a Colombian military officer, Commander of the National Army of Colombia between December 1996 and July 1997, under the presidency of Ernesto Samper. Born in Ciénaga (Magdalena department), Bonnet also was Commandant during \"\"Toma de Miraflores\"\". He was a distinguished intellectual, professor of political science at Del Rosario University, Ambassador of Colombia in Greece and philosopher. In 2010, he was appointed acting governor of Magdalena by President Juan Manuel Santos in replacement of Governor-elect Omar Díazgranados, who was dismissed for irregularities in hiring, until 2012.", "title": "Manuel José Bonnet" } ]
What is Rhea Silvia's occupation?
[ "Vestal Virgin" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.36, "text": "Rhea Silvia Rhea Silvia (also written as Rea Silvia), and also known as Ilia , was the mythical mother of the twins Romulus and Remus, who founded the city of Rome. Her story is told in the of \"\"Ab Urbe Condita Libri\"\" of Livy and in fragments from Ennius, \"\"Annales\"\" and Quintus Fabius Pictor. According to Livy's account of the legend she was the daughter of Numitor, king of Alba Longa, and descended from Aeneas. Numitor's younger brother Amulius seized the throne and killed Numitor's son, then forced Rhea Silvia to become a Vestal Virgin, a priestess of the goddess", "title": "Rhea Silvia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.77, "text": "from \"\"Rea\"\", meaning \"\"guilty\"\", and \"\"Silvia\"\" meaning \"\"of the forest\"\" and so assumed that Rhea Silvia was a generic name for \"\"the guilty woman of the forest\"\", i.e. the woman who had been seduced there. Rhea Silvia Rhea Silvia (also written as Rea Silvia), and also known as Ilia , was the mythical mother of the twins Romulus and Remus, who founded the city of Rome. Her story is told in the of \"\"Ab Urbe Condita Libri\"\" of Livy and in fragments from Ennius, \"\"Annales\"\" and Quintus Fabius Pictor. According to Livy's account of the legend she was the daughter", "title": "Rhea Silvia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.36, "text": "been interpreted as a depiction of the \"\"invention\"\", or coming-upon, of Rhea Sylvia by Mars. In a version presented by Ovid, it is the river Anio who takes pity on her and invites her to rule in his realm. The name Rhea Silvia suggests a minor deity, a demi-goddess of forests. \"\"Silva\"\" means woods or forest, and \"\"Rea\"\" may be related to \"\"res\"\" and \"\"regnum\"\"; \"\"Rea\"\" may also be related to Greek \"\"rheô\"\", \"\"flow,\"\" and thus relate to her association with the spirit of the river Tiber or Greek goddess Rhea. Carsten Niebuhr proposed that the name Rhea Silvia came", "title": "Rhea Silvia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.16, "text": "Vesta. As Vestal Virgins were sworn to celibacy for a period of thirty years, this would ensure the line of Numitor had no heirs. However, Rhea Silvia conceived and gave birth to the twins Romulus and Remus. She claimed that the god Mars was the father of the children. Livy says that she was raped by an unknown man, but \"\"declared Mars to be the father of her illegitimate offspring, either because she really imagined it to be the case, or because it was less discreditable to have committed such an offence with a god.\"\" When Amulius learned of the", "title": "Rhea Silvia" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.06, "text": "daughter, Rhea Silvia, a Vestal Virgin, supposedly to do her honour, but in fact to ensure her perpetual virginity and prevent any further issue in her father's line. But Rhea was raped, and gave birth to twin sons, Romulus and Remus; she claimed that their father was Mars himself. Amulius had her thrown in prison, and ordered the infants thrown into the Tiber. But as the Tiber was swollen and its banks unreachable, the boys were exposed at the base of a fig tree, where they were suckled by a she-wolf, and then discovered by the shepherd Faustulus, who raised", "title": "Kings of Alba Longa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.98, "text": "birth he imprisoned Rhea Silvia and ordered a servant to kill the twins. But the servant showed mercy and set them adrift on the river Tiber, which, overflowing, left the infants in a pool by the bank. There, a she-wolf (\"\"lupa\"\"), who had just lost her own cubs, suckled them. Subsequently Faustulus rescued the boys, to be raised by his wife Larentia. The god of the Tiber, Tiberinus, rescued Rhea Silvia and took her to be his bride. Romulus would go on to found Rome, overthrow Amulius, and reinstate Numitor as King of Alba Longa. Despite Livy's euhemerist and realist", "title": "Rhea Silvia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "deflation of this myth, it is clear that the story of her seduction by Mars continued to be widely accepted. This is demonstrated by the recurring theme of Mars discovering Rhea Silvia in Roman arts: in bas-relief on the Casali Altar (Vatican Museums), in engraved couched glass on the Portland Vase (British Museum), or on a sarcophagus in the Palazzo Mattei. Mars' discovery of Rhea Silvia is a prototype of the \"\"invention scene\"\", or \"\"discovery scene\"\" familiar in Roman art; Greek examples are furnished by Dionysus and Ariadne or Selene and Endymion. The Portland Vase features a scene that has", "title": "Rhea Silvia" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.3, "text": "of Mars and a vestal virgin. According to the historian Livy, this vestal virgin's name was Rhea Silvia, who is described in Book I of the Aeneid as a descendant of Aeneas. Virgil establishes a stronger connection of Silvia to the Trojans by changing her name in the epic to Ilia. This new name connects her by its similarity to the name \"\"Ilium\"\", another name for the city of Troy, and because it is the feminine form of both Ilus (Aeneas' great-great-grandfather) and Ilus, the second name of Ascanius before the fall of Troy. Virgil also references Julius Caesar's claim", "title": "Political commentary of the Aeneid" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.19, "text": "himself. Rhea Silvia was made a Vestal Virgin by Amulius rendering her unable to have children on pain of death; however, she was forcibly impregnated by the god Mars. Romulus and Remus overthrew Amulius and reinstated Numitor as king in 752. Numitor In Roman mythology, King Numitor () of Alba Longa, was the maternal grandfather of Rome's founder and first king, Romulus, and his twin brother Remus. He was the son of Procas, descendant of Aeneas the Trojan, and father of the twin's mother, Rhea Silvia and Lausus. In 794 BC Procas died and was meant to be succeeded by", "title": "Numitor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.11, "text": "150,000 copies sold. Besides her work as a television content producer and host, she's also dedicated to research in health and mental issues. Silvia is member of the editorial board of \"\"Women's Health\"\" magazine. She collaborates with NGOs such as México Vivo for education and HIV prevention and is part of the steering committee of Vive Consciente. She is also a well-known lecturer. Silvia Olmedo is a content producer and host since 2006. She started at Telelehit with Cuentamelove. She also appears regularly in programs like , Despierta América and Netas Divinas. She has also been invited to Primero Noticias,", "title": "Silvia Olmedo" } ]
What is Jason Reitman's occupation?
[ "film director", "movie director", "director", "motion picture director", "screenwriter", "scenarist", "writer", "screen writer", "script writer", "scriptwriter" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.16, "text": "Jason Reitman Jason Reitman (; born October 19, 1977) is a Canadian-American film director, screenwriter, and producer, best known for directing the films \"\"Thank You for Smoking\"\" (2005), \"\"Juno\"\" (2007), \"\"Up in the Air\"\" (2009), and \"\"Young Adult\"\" (2011). , he has received one Grammy Award, one Golden Globe, and four Academy Award nominations, two of which are for Best Director. Reitman is a dual citizen of Canada and the United States. He is the son of director Ivan Reitman. Reitman was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the son of Geneviève Robert, an actress sometimes billed as Geneviève Deloir, and", "title": "Jason Reitman" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.06, "text": "and stated he was divorced . Jason Reitman Jason Reitman (; born October 19, 1977) is a Canadian-American film director, screenwriter, and producer, best known for directing the films \"\"Thank You for Smoking\"\" (2005), \"\"Juno\"\" (2007), \"\"Up in the Air\"\" (2009), and \"\"Young Adult\"\" (2011). , he has received one Grammy Award, one Golden Globe, and four Academy Award nominations, two of which are for Best Director. Reitman is a dual citizen of Canada and the United States. He is the son of director Ivan Reitman. Reitman was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the son of Geneviève Robert, an actress", "title": "Jason Reitman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "himself as a baby on the set of \"\"Animal House\"\" in 1978. This showed him that making movies is \"\"a job that people do, that it's not just this piece of magic that happens.\"\" Jason described his childhood self as \"\"a loser... a movie geek... [and] shy.\"\" In the late 1980s, Reitman began appearing in small acting parts and serving as a production assistant on his father's films. He spent time in the editing rooms of his father's movies, learning the process. Reitman graduated from Harvard-Westlake School in 1995; Reitman was a high jumper in high school, coached by Occidental", "title": "Jason Reitman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.17, "text": "College Hall-of-Famer Phil Sweeney. Reitman attended Skidmore College and was going to major in pre-med studies before transferring to the University of Southern California (USC) to major in English/Creative Writing. At USC he performed with improv group Commedus Interruptus. Reitman started out making short films during his time at USC. Throughout his 20s, instead of accepting offers to make commercial feature films, Reitman began making his own short films and directing commercials. Although he was offered the opportunity to direct \"\"Dude, Where's My Car?\"\" on two separate occasions, he declined. Reitman's first feature film, \"\"Thank You for Smoking\"\", opened in", "title": "Jason Reitman" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.88, "text": "and became director Atom Egoyan's biggest moneymaker ever. Before his feature film career began, Jason Reitman wrote and directed six short films. He financed his first short film, \"\"Operation\"\", with money he made by selling ads in desk calendars. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 1998. He was a guest on \"\"The Howard Stern Show\"\" on April 10, 2008; when he was asked if he would direct \"\"Ghostbusters III\"\" and cast Howard, he said \"\"Do you know how many times I get asked if I want to do \"\"Ghostbusters III\"\"? Looking at my career so far, I", "title": "Jason Reitman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.64, "text": "holiday season commercials for Wal-Mart with advertising agency Bernstein-Rein. He has also directed ads for Burger King, Nintendo, BMW, and Buick. In television, Reitman directed two episodes of \"\"The Office\"\" entitled \"\"Local Ad\"\" and \"\"Frame Toby\"\". Reitman also directed a three-part pretaped sketch for the NBC show \"\"Saturday Night Live\"\" called \"\"Death By Chocolate,\"\" about a walking candy bar (played by episode host Ashton Kutcher) who murders people (stabbing a homeless man, shooting a doctor, cutting off a life support machine on a coma victim, and slicing Andy Samberg [dressed as a lumberjack] with a chainsaw). Since 2011, Reitman directs", "title": "Jason Reitman" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.61, "text": "the \"\"Live Read\"\" series, a monthly live staged reading of film scripts as part of the Film Independent at LACMA. When Reitman was 16 and still in high school he moved in with a woman 10 years his senior. They were together for 7 years until they separated. In 2000, when he was 23, Reitman started dating his next-door neighbor, writer Michele Lee, with whom he co-wrote the 2004 comedic short \"\"Consent.\"\" They married and have one child, a daughter named Josie, born in 2006. After being together 10 years, Reitman filed for divorce from his wife in June 2011", "title": "Jason Reitman" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.45, "text": "comedy director Ivan Reitman. Reitman has two younger sisters: Catherine, an actress, who is three years younger than him, and Caroline, a nurse, who is 12 years younger. Reitman's father was born in Czechoslovakia, to Jewish parents who were Holocaust survivors. Reitman's paternal grandfather ran a dry cleaner and then a car wash. His mother is from a Christian background, and of French-Canadian descent; she converted to Judaism. When he was still a child, his family moved to Los Angeles. His father, Ivan, directed the films \"\"Ghostbusters\"\", \"\"Stripes\"\", and \"\"Kindergarten Cop\"\". Reitman grew up on set, and has photos of", "title": "Jason Reitman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.86, "text": "in a Minnesota farming town. In 2009, Reitman left Hard C to form Right of Way Films. In 2001, the year the novel \"\"Up in the Air\"\" was published, Sheldon Turner discovered the book and wrote a screenplay adaptation, which he sold to DreamWorks in 2003. Jason Reitman later came upon the novel (initially attracted by the Christopher Buckley blurb on the cover) while browsing in the Los Angeles bookstore Book Soup. Reitman persuaded his father Ivan Reitman to purchase the book's film rights, and the elder Reitman commissioned a screenplay from Ted and Nicholas Griffin, who used some elements", "title": "Jason Reitman" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.81, "text": "it was reported that Reitman will produce the upcoming animated series \"\"\"\". Reitman has been married to Geneviève Robert since 1976. Reitman has a son and two daughters. His son, Jason Reitman, is a film director best known for his films \"\"Juno\"\", \"\"Thank You for Smoking\"\" and \"\"Up in the Air\"\", for which he won a Golden Globe for his screenplay. His daughter Catherine Reitman is a member of The Groundlings comedy troupe in Los Angeles. His other daughter, Caroline Reitman, is a sophomore at Santa Barbara City College. Reitman's wife is a convert to Judaism. In 2009, he was", "title": "Ivan Reitman" } ]
What is Lewis J. Rachmil's occupation?
[ "film producer", "movie producer", "producer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.12, "text": "Lewis J. Rachmil Lewis J. Rachmil (July 3, 1908 – February 19, 1984) was an American film producer and art director. He was nominated for an Academy Award in the category of Best Art Direction for the film \"\"Our Town\"\". In the mid and late 1940s, he produced several of William Boyd's popular \"\"Hopalong Cassidy\"\" B-Westerns. In 1959, he was producer of \"\"Men into Space,\"\" a one-season CBS TV series that tried to give a serious science fiction preview of where the then-new American space program seemed to be heading. During the 1960s he produced several films in England for", "title": "Lewis J. Rachmil" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.5, "text": "Mirisch Films. He was born in New York City and died in Beverly Hills, California. Lewis J. Rachmil Lewis J. Rachmil (July 3, 1908 – February 19, 1984) was an American film producer and art director. He was nominated for an Academy Award in the category of Best Art Direction for the film \"\"Our Town\"\". In the mid and late 1940s, he produced several of William Boyd's popular \"\"Hopalong Cassidy\"\" B-Westerns. In 1959, he was producer of \"\"Men into Space,\"\" a one-season CBS TV series that tried to give a serious science fiction preview of where the then-new American space", "title": "Lewis J. Rachmil" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.33, "text": "J. Slater Lewis Joseph Slater Lewis MICE FRSE (4 June 1852 – 27 July 1901) was a British engineer, inventor, business manager, and early author on management and accounting, known for his pioneering work on cost accounting. Lewis's early life was spent largely in Helsby, Cheshire at the Rake House, where he was born. After attending a private school at Nantwich, he received further education at the Mechanics' Institutes in Manchester. Lewis was apprentice at a land agent and surveyor, named George Slater, in Northwich from 1868 to 1872. In his younger years he had been particularly interested in agriculture", "title": "J. Slater Lewis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.03, "text": "August 12, 1842 in Ohio. In 1860, Lewis and Ruth were living in Cambridge in Guernsey County, Ohio. Lewis' occupation was listed as editor and publisher. By 1870, Lewis and Ruth were living in Ohio County, West Virginia with their children John, Mary, Harry, Anna, and Jennie. Harry was born in West Virginia in 1865, dating the family's move. Lewis' occupation was listed as journalist. On June 20, 1863, West Virginia became the 35th state in the Union. The Wheeling Custom House served as the first state house. Lewis Baker served as a state senator from 1871 to 1872. He", "title": "Lewis Baker (politician)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.67, "text": "Department of Labor, L.J. Minor Corporation, and the American Culinary Federation successfully advanced the listing of Executive Chef in the Dictionary of Official Titles from the “Services” category to the “Professional, Technical, and Managerial Occupations” category. Lewis J. Minor Lewis Joseph Minor (October 24, 1914 – March 17, 2001) was an American inventor, food scientist, businessman and philanthropist who founded the L. J. Minor Corporation in 1951 and is credited as one of the earliest supporters for elevating the chef title from domestic to professional in the Department of Labor Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Lewis Joseph Minor was born in", "title": "Lewis J. Minor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.66, "text": "in the areas of high-speed vehicle and spacecraft design. Lewis was the founder of the Center for Hypersonic Education and Research, and later the NASA-Air Force Constellation University Institutes Project. Dr. Lewis was formerly the Willis Young Jr. Professor and Chair of the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland at College Park (stepping down in April 2012). He was also formerly president of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). He is an author of over 280 technical publications and has served as the research advisor to more than 60 graduate students. He is active in", "title": "Mark J. Lewis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.61, "text": "management; which reduced operating costs, improved operating efficiency, and reduced outside audit fees. In November 1988, Lewis became employed by PepsiCo in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he quickly advanced to the position of Senior Manager, Planning and Analysis. In April 1993, PepsiCo promoted Lewis to Director, Investor Relations. During his tenure as Director, the Consumer Analyst Group of New York ranked PepsiCo’s Investor Relations function number one in America. In December 1994, PepsiCo promoted Lewis to Area Vice President of the New York, New York regions. In his capacity as Area Vice President, Lewis developed regional snack food businesses for Frito-Lay", "title": "Jim Lewis (business executive)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.38, "text": "J. Randolph (Randy) Lewis J. Randolph (Randy) Lewis (born c. 1950) is an American businessman, a disability employment advocate, and author. Lewis is a former senior vice president of a Fortune 50 company, and board member of a national restaurant chain. He was the head of supply chain and logistics at Walgreens for 17 years until his retirement in 2013. Over his last ten years there, he created a program in its distribution centers to integrate large numbers of people with disabilities as equals into its workforce. Lewis was born in Texas \"\"circa\"\" 1950. He earned his Bachelor of Applied", "title": "J. Randolph (Randy) Lewis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.34, "text": "J. H. Lewis John Hedley Lewis, DL (October 1908 – 28 December 1976) was an English landowner, farmer and local politician, who served as Chairman of Kesteven County Council and Lincolnshire County Council. Born in October 1908, John Hedley Lewis lived at Birkholm Manor in Corby Glen, a village in Lincolnshire. He went to school at Stubbington House, Fareham, and Malvern College, before graduating from Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, with a degree in mathematics. Lewis served in World War II as an RAF intelligence officer, and joined Kesteven County Council in 1954. He served on it for two decades; by", "title": "J. H. Lewis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.27, "text": "and had been secretary to the Wirral and Birkenhead Agricultural Society. In the 1870s he was working as a coal trader in Malpas, and turned his attention to mechanical engineering and electricity. In 1879 in Helsby Lewis started his own company in electrical engineering. The next year he invented and patented a self-binding insulator for electric telegraph wire, which he started to manufacture. This device got adopted across Europe and in the United States. After he had travelled to the United States to sell his American rights, he extended his company's work into other branches of electrical engineering, then merged", "title": "J. Slater Lewis" } ]
What is René Bégin's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.31, "text": "wishes of becoming an artist. Earliest art employment included commercial work as paste-up artist, art director and illustrator. Men's magazines of the era based in New York provided regular work, including \"\"Gent\"\", \"\"Dude\"\", \"\"Nugget\"\" and \"\"Cheri\"\". René also became a major contributor to \"\"Screw\"\" magazine, which provided an outlet for the artist's early erotic illustrations, and a forum for later anti-censorship diatribes. René Moncada, by then married to wife Joanne, moved to SoHo in the mid-1970s. The couple were among the earliest residents of SoHo through its rise as the center of the New York art world in the 1980s.", "title": "René Moncada" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.08, "text": "the role of industrialization on the general health and quality of life of working-class people. His best known work was concerned with workers in the cotton, wool, and silk industries, including the children that worked in the mills. Born in Paris on 10 March 1782, Villermé was a man of many occupations; he covered a wide range of professions in his lifetime including: medical student, army surgeon, author, social economist, and member of several medical boards. He studied with the anatomist Guillaume Dupuytren during 1801–1804. Villermé then spent 10 years serving in the army room during 1804–1814 under the reign", "title": "Louis-René Villermé" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.06, "text": "René Follet René Follet (born 10 April 1931), sometimes known by the pen name Ref, is a Belgian illustrator, comics writer and artist. René Follet was born in Brussels in 1931. His first publication appeared when he was 14, illustrating a promotional issue of Robert Louis Stevenson's \"\"Treasure Island\"\" for Aiglon, a chocolate factory. In 1949, he started working for the two main Franco-Belgian comics magazines of that time, \"\"Tintin\"\" and \"\"Spirou\"\". For both, he collaborated on the series of 4 page historical stories which functioned as a starting point for many young artists like Jean Graton and Hermann Huppen.", "title": "René Follet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.91, "text": "began working with his father. In the early 1960s he took over the family business from his father. He met his wife, Paola, whose family was also in the footwear business at a shoe fair. Paola became responsible for public relations and the Caovilla handbag line. His concentration was on the high-end of the market with opulent evening shoes. His work is known for elegant detailing and high quality. Beginning in the 1970s, he worked with Valentino Garavani.. In the 1980s, he began to collaborate with Christian Dior and Chanel. Working alongside Karl Lagerfeld in 2000, Caovilla decided to create", "title": "Rene Caovilla" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.86, "text": "which The Cure Starts Now (Australia) is a Foundational Member. Ren Pedersen Ren Michael Pedersen (born \"\"Rene\"\") 4 February 1971 in Atherton, North Queensland, Australia. Ren is a prominent, international advocate for children's brain cancer research and owner of a long-standing crane hire business in Townsville, North Queensland. After the death of his daughter Amy, from a brain stem cancer known as Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), Ren founded the independent Australian arm of The Cure Starts Now . In 2012 and 2017 Ren was nominated for Australian of the Year award in recognition of his efforts to fund research", "title": "Ren Pedersen" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.86, "text": "René Monory René Monory (6 June 1923 – 11 April 2009) was a French centre-right Gaullist politician. René Monory was born in Loudun and began his career as the owner of a garage. He was the founder of the Poitiers Futuroscope. Monory first became a Senator in 1968. A member of the Union for French Democracy (UDF), he was Minister of Economy and Finance (1978–1981) in the government of Raymond Barre. He was President of the Regional Council of Poitou-Charentes from March 1985 to March 1986. He later served as Minister of Education (1986–1988) in the government of Jacques Chirac.", "title": "René Monory" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.83, "text": "René Hérault René Hérault, Seigneur de Fontaine-l'Abbé et de Vaucresson (23 April 1691 – 2 August 1740), simply known as René Hérault, and sometimes as René Hérault de Vaucresson, was a French magistrate and administrator who served as Lieutenant General of Police of Paris from 1725 to 1739. Born in Rouen, he was the son of a tax collector, Louis Hérault (1645-1724), and his wife Jeanne Charlotte Guillard de la Vacherie. René Hérault started his career in 1712, at the age of 21, as King's Advocate (a position similar to Advocate General) at the Châtelet of Paris, the city's civil", "title": "René Hérault" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.81, "text": "René Balcer René Balcer (born February 9, 1954) is a Canadian-American television writer, director, producer, and showrunner. He was born in Montreal, Quebec, and attended Lower Canada College in Montreal. He studied creative writing at Concordia University under noted Canadian poet Deborah Eibel, and earned his BA Magna Cum Laude in Communication Studies from Concordia in 1978. While a student, he took a six-week seminar with Jean-Luc Godard and worked as director John Huston's personal assistant during the filming of \"\"Angela\"\". He began his career as a journalist covering the Yom Kippur War as a cameraman. He later worked as", "title": "René Balcer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.73, "text": "pursue a career in web design and marketing. He began his association with computers at the age of 6 with an Apple II Plus, and first began working on the internet in 1998 as a moderator on CompuServe. In 2010 Ritchie left a job in Enterprise software product marketing to work full-time for Mobile Nations, an online content and merchandise provider. In April 2008, Ritchie began writing for Phone Different, the iPhone channel of the Smartphone Experts Network. In 2009 he took over as managing editor of the site, which changed its name to The iPhone blog and then TiPb.", "title": "Rene Ritchie" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.72, "text": "René Laloux René Laloux (July 13, 1929 – March 14, 2004) was a French animator and film director. He was born in Paris in 1929 and went to art school to study painting. After some time working in advertising, he got a job in a psychiatric institution where he began experimenting in animation with the interns. It is at the psychiatric institution that he made 1960's \"\"Monkey's Teeth\"\" (\"\"Les Dents du Singe\"\"), in collaboration with Paul Grimault's studio, and using a script written by the Cour Cheverny's interns. Another important collaborator of his was Roland Topor with whom Laloux made", "title": "René Laloux" } ]
What is Johann Heinrich Lambert's occupation?
[ "astronomer", "physicist", "mathematician" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.42, "text": "a series of jobs. These included assistant to his father (a tailor), a clerk at a nearby iron works, a private tutor, secretary to the editor of \"\"Basler Zeitung\"\" and, at the age of 20, private tutor to the sons of Count Salis in Chur. Travelling Europe with his charges (1756–1758) allowed him to meet established mathematicians in the German states, The Netherlands, France and the Italian states. On his return to Chur he published his first books (on optics and cosmology) and began to seek an academic post. After a few short posts he was rewarded (1763) by an", "title": "Johann Heinrich Lambert" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.05, "text": "Johann Heinrich Lambert Johann Heinrich Lambert (, \"\"Jean-Henri Lambert\"\" in French; 26 August 1728 – 25 September 1777) was a Swiss polymath who made important contributions to the subjects of mathematics, physics (particularly optics), philosophy, astronomy and map projections. Edward Tufte calls him and William Playfair \"\"The two great inventors of modern graphical designs\"\" (\"\"Visual Display of Quantitative Information\"\", p. 32). Lambert was born in 1728 into a Huguenot family in the city of Mulhouse (now in Alsace, France), at that time an exclave of Switzerland. Leaving school at 12, he continued to study in his free time whilst undertaking", "title": "Johann Heinrich Lambert" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.78, "text": "his admiration for Johann Heinrich Lambert. Johann Heinrich Lambert Johann Heinrich Lambert (, \"\"Jean-Henri Lambert\"\" in French; 26 August 1728 – 25 September 1777) was a Swiss polymath who made important contributions to the subjects of mathematics, physics (particularly optics), philosophy, astronomy and map projections. Edward Tufte calls him and William Playfair \"\"The two great inventors of modern graphical designs\"\" (\"\"Visual Display of Quantitative Information\"\", p. 32). Lambert was born in 1728 into a Huguenot family in the city of Mulhouse (now in Alsace, France), at that time an exclave of Switzerland. Leaving school at 12, he continued to study", "title": "Johann Heinrich Lambert" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.83, "text": "invitation to a position at the Prussian Academy of Sciences in Berlin, where he gained the sponsorship of Frederick II of Prussia, and became a friend of Euler. In this stimulating and financially stable environment, he worked prodigiously until his death in 1777. Lambert was the first to introduce hyperbolic functions into trigonometry. Also, he made conjectures regarding non-Euclidean space. Lambert is credited with the first proof that π is irrational by using a generalized continued fraction for the function tan x. Euler believed the conjecture but could not prove that π was irrational, and it is speculated that Aryabhata", "title": "Johann Heinrich Lambert" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.67, "text": "Emil Johann Lambert Heinricher Emil Johann Lambert Heinricher (November 14, 1856 – July 13, 1934) was an Austrian botanist from Laibach (Ljubljana). In 1879 he received his doctorate from the University of Graz, where after graduation, he served as an assistant to botanist Hubert Leitgeb. In 1889 he became an associate professor of botany, which was followed by a full professorship at the University of Innsbruck in 1891. While at Innsbruck, he created a new botanical garden in nearby Hötting. Through support from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, he took part in a study trip to Java (1903/04). While there,", "title": "Emil Johann Lambert Heinricher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.25, "text": "Heinricher's grandson, Meinhard Michael Moser (1924–2002), was an esteemed mycologist. Emil Johann Lambert Heinricher Emil Johann Lambert Heinricher (November 14, 1856 – July 13, 1934) was an Austrian botanist from Laibach (Ljubljana). In 1879 he received his doctorate from the University of Graz, where after graduation, he served as an assistant to botanist Hubert Leitgeb. In 1889 he became an associate professor of botany, which was followed by a full professorship at the University of Innsbruck in 1891. While at Innsbruck, he created a new botanical garden in nearby Hötting. Through support from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, he took", "title": "Emil Johann Lambert Heinricher" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "In his main philosophical work, \"\"Neues Organon\"\" (\"\"New Organon\"\", 1764), Lambert studied the rules for distinguishing subjective from objective appearances. This connects with his work in the science of optics. In 1765 he began corresponding with Immanuel Kant who intended to dedicate to him the \"\"Critique of Pure Reason\"\" but the work was delayed, appearing after his death. Lambert also developed a theory of the generation of the universe that was similar to the nebular hypothesis that Thomas Wright and Immanuel Kant had (independently) developed. Wright published his account in \"\"An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe\"\" (1750),", "title": "Johann Heinrich Lambert" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.05, "text": "photometric unit lambert is named in recognition of his work in establishing the study of photometry. Lambert was also a pioneer in the development of three-dimensional colour models. Late in life, he published a description of a triangular colour pyramid (\"\"Farbenpyramide\"\"), which shows a total of 107 colours on six different levels, variously combining red, yellow and blue pigments, and with an increasing amount of white to provide the vertical component. His investigations were built on the earlier theoretical proposals of Tobias Mayer, greatly extending these early ideas. Lambert was assisted in this project by the court painter Benjamin Calau.", "title": "Johann Heinrich Lambert" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.89, "text": "as Lambert's problem. His work in this area is commemorated by the Asteroid 187 Lamberta named in his honour. Johann-Heinrich Lambert is the author of a treatise on logic, which he called \"\"Neues Organon\"\" (1764), that is to say, the New Organon. The most recent edition of this work named after Aristotle's \"\"Organon\"\" was issued in 1990 by the Akademie-Verlag of Berlin. This contains one of the first appearances of the term \"\"phenomenology\"\", and one can find therein a very pedagogical presentation of the various kinds of syllogism. In \"\"A System of Logic Ratiocinative and Inductive\"\", John Stuart Mill expresses", "title": "Johann Heinrich Lambert" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.72, "text": "he spent time working at the Buitenzorg Botanical Gardens (now the Bogor Botanical Gardens). He is known for his research pertaining to the morphology, developmental history, ecology and physiology of parasitic spermatophytes. He performed detailed studies of toothwort and mistletoe species, including investigations of pear tree immunity in regards to mistletoe. Heinricher also conducted studies on flower construction anomalies and their importance in understanding its phylogenetics, adventitious buds on the frond lamina of ferns from an evolutionary and morphological perspective, the effects of light and substrate on seed germination and isolateral leaf construction in plants being exposed to strong sunlight.", "title": "Emil Johann Lambert Heinricher" } ]
What is Robert Jonckheere's occupation?
[ "astronomer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.56, "text": "him to have the title Maître de Recherche and employment as a professional astronomer at the Observatory of Marseille. He continued his discoveries of double stars by using the telescope of Léon Foucault with its 80 centimeter mirror. Jonckhèere received the Prix Becquerel of l'Académie des Sciences in 1943. He became chief editor of the Journal des Observateurs, a journal which published French astronomical research. He retired in 1962. Robert Jonckhèere Robert Jonckheere (25 July 1888, Roubaix – 27 June 1974, Marseille) was a French astronomer. He is known for his discovery of more than 3350 double stars. A. R.", "title": "Robert Jonckhèere" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.55, "text": "Aimable Robert Jonckheere Aimable Robert Jonckheere, commonly known by friends and colleagues as \"\"Jonck\"\", was a psychologist and statistician at University College London (UCL). He is probably best known for his work in nonparametric statistics, where he has a test named after him: Jonckheere's trend test. Jonckheere was born in Hem, near Lille in France, in a house attached to an observatory. His father was Robert Jonckhèere, a French astronomer known for discovering 3350 double stars. Jonckheere took a first class degree in psychology with statistics in 1949 and a PhD in 1956, both from UCL. Jonckheere is probably best", "title": "Aimable Robert Jonckheere" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.8, "text": "Robert Jonckhèere Robert Jonckheere (25 July 1888, Roubaix – 27 June 1974, Marseille) was a French astronomer. He is known for his discovery of more than 3350 double stars. A. R. Jonckheere, psychologist and statistician at University College London, was his son. The son of a wealthy Belgian textile industrialist, Robert Jonckheere developed early in life an enthusiasm for astronomy. At age 12, he began to travel in England to learn the language and the textile industry. He attended secondary school at the lycée of Tourcoing and attended college at Notre Dame des Victoires de Roubaix. With his family fortune,", "title": "Robert Jonckhèere" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.28, "text": "main loves, applying mathematical analysis to psychological science. But Jonckheere's interests were much broader than mathematics. For example, although he worked at (what is now) the UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, he also gave lectures at the Slade School of Fine Art there, one of the top art schools in the UK. He earned a reputation for devouring books and being able to talk with assurance on a broad range of topics. Aimable Robert Jonckheere Aimable Robert Jonckheere, commonly known by friends and colleagues as \"\"Jonck\"\", was a psychologist and statistician at University College London (UCL). He is", "title": "Aimable Robert Jonckheere" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.2, "text": "observatory. In 1929, Jonckhèere sold the telescope and equipment to the University of Lille for use by the Observatory of Lille. In spite of his achievements, Jonckhèere was unable to obtain employment as a researcher at the Observatory of Lille. In 1929, having sold land and building of his old installation at Hem, he left for Marseille. At Marseille, Robert Jonckhèere was allowed to do research by the staff at the Observatory of Marseille but he had to do various odd jobs for a living. It was not until 1942 that he passed the entrance examination for the CNRS, enabling", "title": "Robert Jonckhèere" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.77, "text": "known for his work in nonparametric statistics, approaches which make fewer assumptions about the theoretical distribution of the data than parametric statistics. In this field he developed what is now known as Jonckheere's trend test, a method which is implemented in SPSS, a statistical package favoured by social scientists, and R, widely used by statisticians. He published little; however, he influenced many people's ideas and work, with traces of conversations and advice throughout UCL and beyond. Jonckheere visited and left his mark at the International Centre for Genetic Epistemology in Geneva, where Jean Piaget forbade him from leaving unless he", "title": "Aimable Robert Jonckheere" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "his wife and children took refuge in England. During this period, the Royal Observatory, Greenwich allowed him to continue his study of double stars and published a catalogue presenting his results. For this catalogue, l'Académie des Sciences awarded him the Prix Lalande for 1917. In order to support his family, Jonckheere worked in the optical department of the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich. After the end of the war, he returned to France to find the family business in ruins. In 1920, he took over the business from his father but the 1920s were bad times for the business and the", "title": "Robert Jonckhèere" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.92, "text": "he built a private observatory on the roof of the family home in 1905 and became a member of l'société astronomique de France. In 1907, he found a site for a new observatory on a hill 20 meters above the surrounding land, which is now in the city of Hem near Lille. Construction started in December 1907 and ended with the installation of the telescope under the dome in 1909. Jonckheere's observatory was not totally devoted to astronomy. The building complex had several offices, a residential house, a library, and a weather station. During World War I, Robert Jonckheere with", "title": "Robert Jonckhèere" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.72, "text": "could find an equally able replacement. Jonckheere coauthored a book with Piaget and Benoit Mandelbrot on mental development. Other people Jonck worked with or was associated with include J. B. S. Haldane, A. J. Ayer, Cyril Burt, Hans Eysenck, and Ernst Gombrich. R. J. Audley's (1956) University of London PhD thesis acknowledgment illustrates the kind of support which was common from Jonckheere; Audley writes that \"\"much of the thesis is the result of long periods of almost daily argument with him.\"\" The fruits of this collaboration led to the Audley-Jonckheere stochastic model of learning. This also illustrates one of Jonckheere's", "title": "Aimable Robert Jonckheere" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.62, "text": "Jonckheere Jonckheere was a Belgian motor coach and bus builder, founded in 1881 by Henri Jonckheere in Roeselare. In 1881, Henri Jonckheere began to build horse-drawn carriages in the town of Beveren, near Roeselare in the province of West-Flanders, Belgium. In 1902 Jonckheere build his first \"\"luxury automobile\"\". In those days many, largely wooden bodies with their typical styling, were built upon several famous chassis such as Minerva and Rolls-Royce. In 1922 Henri's son and successor Joseph Jonckheere built his first bus body. Car bodies were still a large part of the production until the early 1930s when Jonckheere moved", "title": "Jonckheere" } ]
What is Klaus Rainer Röhl's occupation?
[ "journalist", "journo", "journalists" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.97, "text": "Klaus Rainer Röhl Klaus Rainer Röhl (born 1 December 1928 in Trockenhütte, Free City of Danzig) is a pre-eminent German journalist and author, best known as founder, owner, publisher and editor-in-chief of \"\"konkret\"\", the most influential magazine on the German political left from the 1960s to the early 1970s. He has since become critical of communism and leftist tendencies. Known as \"\"K2R\"\", he founded the left-wing monthly magazine \"\"Studentenkurier\"\" in 1955. Röhl had been a secret Communist since 1951, and the magazine survived due to funding from the Communist East German regime. In 1957, the magazine was renamed \"\"konkret\"\" and", "title": "Klaus Rainer Röhl" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.84, "text": "2008 film \"\"Der Baader Meinhof Komplex\"\". Klaus Rainer Röhl Klaus Rainer Röhl (born 1 December 1928 in Trockenhütte, Free City of Danzig) is a pre-eminent German journalist and author, best known as founder, owner, publisher and editor-in-chief of \"\"konkret\"\", the most influential magazine on the German political left from the 1960s to the early 1970s. He has since become critical of communism and leftist tendencies. Known as \"\"K2R\"\", he founded the left-wing monthly magazine \"\"Studentenkurier\"\" in 1955. Röhl had been a secret Communist since 1951, and the magazine survived due to funding from the Communist East German regime. In 1957,", "title": "Klaus Rainer Röhl" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.28, "text": "rose to prominence in the 1960s as the primary magazine of the Außerparlamentarische Opposition and the German student movement. He had previously founded a weekly newspaper about and for the Hamburg sex trade, \"\"St Pauli Nachrichten\"\". After the Communist Party of Germany was banned as unconstitutional in West Germany in 1956, he became a clandestine member of the then illegal party as an act of support. He was married to Ulrike Meinhof from 1961 until the spring of 1968, before her descent into left-wing terrorism. Their marriage produced two daughters, Regine and Bettina Röhl, who became an author critical of", "title": "Klaus Rainer Röhl" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "Gustav Stresemann, Thomas Dehler, and Erich Mende, among others. He has also been a regular columnist for the newspaper \"\"Junge Freiheit\"\". He earned a doctorate in history at the Free University of Berlin under the supervision of Ernst Nolte in 1993, with a dissertation on cooperation between Communists and National Socialists against the Social Democratic Party (\"\"Nähe zum Gegner\"\", published as a book in 1994). He has written several books critical of communism and the far-left. His partner since the early 1970s has been Danae Coulmas, a Greek diplomat and author. He was portrayed by Hans Werner Meyer in the", "title": "Klaus Rainer Röhl" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "where she could be hiding, etc. The magazine \"\"konkret\"\" was dissolved in 1973. The year before, he had joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany. For some years, he then published the moderate leftist magazine \"\"das da\"\". From 1981 to 1984, he published the left-wing magazine \"\"Spontan\"\". However, from the mid-1980s, his political views gradually changed towards liberal conservatism. He has been a member of the German liberal party, the Free Democratic Party of Germany, since 1995. He has been active in Liberale Offensive, the right-wing faction of the party that tried to revive the national liberal tradition represented by", "title": "Klaus Rainer Röhl" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.7, "text": "between Röhl and those who supported the use of violence against the government (particularly his former wife), and his home in Hamburg was attacked in 1969 by Ulrike Meinhof and some \"\"konkret\"\" staff members. In June 1970, after Ulrike's command, Monica Berberich and Marianne X took Röhl and Ulrike's daughters from a house where Ulrike's sister, Wienke had hidden the children, in order to transfer them to Gibellina, a commune in Sicily where other left-wing families and communists lived. According to Jutta Ditfurth, Ulrike's biographer, Ulrike believed she would win the custody case over the children from Röhl which meant", "title": "Klaus Rainer Röhl" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.61, "text": "communism and far-left extremism. Ulrike later co-founded the Red Army Faction, also known as the RAF or the Baader-Meinhof Gang, together with Gudrun Ensslin, Andreas Baader, and Jan-Carl Raspe. Articles in \"\"konkret\"\" openly advocated sex with minors. His marriage with Ulrike was his second marriage. From his first marriage he also has a daughter Αnja Röhl, who in May 2010 accused him of sexual harassment against her. As a consequence of the radicalization in the late 1960s, and subsequent leftist terrorism, he turned away from Marxism and gave his magazine a more moderate tone. This led to a power struggle", "title": "Klaus Rainer Röhl" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "and part of the far-left fringe. It is described as leftist extremist by the Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution and also as Anti-German by the State Office for Protection of the Constitution in North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1955, Klaus Rainer Röhl started the monthly \"\"Studentenkurier\"\" (\"\"Student Messenger\"\"), which was published until 1957. Due to the contributions of many authors as Werner Riegel, Peter Rühmkorf, Arno Schmidt, Kurt Hiller, it became a very influential magazine among students. On the basis of the success of the \"\"Studentenkurier\"\", \"\"Konkret\"\" was founded by Röhl in 1957. Until 1964, it had clandestine ideological and", "title": "Konkret" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.39, "text": "that Wienke would take custody of the kids. Finally, journalist Stefan Aust, a long-time friend of Röhl abducted the children after Peter Homan misinformed him that Ulrike was about to send the children to a Jordanian boarding house where other children of refugees used to live. By that time, Röhl was on holiday in Italy. Aust delivered the girls to him in an apartment near Plaza Navona. Röhl and his daughters lived under constant police protection for some time, fearing a supposed attack or abduction by RAF members. Röhl was also supporting BKA's investigation providing information about Meinhof's past, places", "title": "Klaus Rainer Röhl" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.36, "text": "Parasit Laut, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur. Klaus Rohde Klaus Rohde (born 1932 in Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany) is a German biologist at the University of New England (UNE), Australia, known particularly for his work on marine parasitology, evolutionary ecology/zoogeography, and phylogeny/ultrastructure of lower invertebrates. Rohde studied zoology, botany, physics, physiological chemistry in Potsdam (Brandenburgische Landeshochschule, Germany) from 1950–1952, and, after moving from East- to West-Germany, in Münster/Westfalen (Germany) from 1953–1956. He received the degree of Dr.rer.nat. at University of Münster (Germany) in 1956 for a thesis on the behaviour and physiology of Paramecium. Subsequently, (1957–1959), he did", "title": "Klaus Rohde" } ]
What is Yuki Kaida's occupation?
[ "seiyū", "Japanese voice actress", "seiyuu", "seiyu", "Japanese voice actor" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.67, "text": "also a member of the voice acting unit AZU alongside Junko Takeuchi and Junko Minagawa, and is a member of the unit Takada Hiroyuki alongside Hiroki Takahashi. She is notably multilingual, competent in French and Chinese, as well as being a fluent English speaker; the latter being evident in her Western education, her interest in Queen and the Chronicles of Narnia, and also by having an all-English speaking role as Angela Burton in \"\"Genshiken\"\". Her other hobbies include watching rakugo, especially Kosanji Yanagiya, and baseball, while she also has a pet dog named Vivian. She is commonly mistaken for her", "title": "Yuki Kaida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.34, "text": "Yuki Kaida She holds the distinction of being one of the only Japanese voice actors to have completed their formal education in the United States. Consequently, she speaks multiple languages with varying degrees of fluency outside of Japanese. She is affectionately nicknamed by her Japanese fans. Kaida was born in Tokyo, Japan, and was raised in the Shinjuku ward of the city. Shortly following her graduation from Shinjuku High School, she enrolled in the International University of Art and Music in San Diego, California, and studied abroad for four years, where she majored in musical theater. She returned to Japan", "title": "Yuki Kaida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.03, "text": "sung as the character. She is also known for her wide vocal range and feminine natural voice, being skilled at voicing males as well as adult women such as Ouka from \"\".hack//Legend of the Twilight\"\", gag characters such as Son Goku/Patalliro from \"\"Patalliro Saiyuki!\"\", and young females such as Machi Kuragi from \"\"Fruits Basket\"\". In addition to voice acting, she is also a prominent radio personality, and is the current announcer for Sadao Watanabe's radio show, \"\"Nightly Yours\"\". She is nicknamed , which is also her blog nickname, and , the latter being a corruption of the former. She is", "title": "Yuki Kaida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "friend and fellow voice actress Yūko Kaida, due to the fact that their names differ by only two characters and one letter in romanization. Yuki Kaida She holds the distinction of being one of the only Japanese voice actors to have completed their formal education in the United States. Consequently, she speaks multiple languages with varying degrees of fluency outside of Japanese. She is affectionately nicknamed by her Japanese fans. Kaida was born in Tokyo, Japan, and was raised in the Shinjuku ward of the city. Shortly following her graduation from Shinjuku High School, she enrolled in the International University", "title": "Yuki Kaida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21, "text": "to focus on voice acting, making her debut in the OVA \"\"Southern Wind\"\" as Himiko, followed up by some minor roles in other television animation; but her first major role as a voice actor came when she was cast as Kurapika in \"\"Hunter × Hunter\"\" in 1999, after which her popularity began to grow. However, she went on to perform her arguably most well-known role, that of Shusuke Fuji in \"\"The Prince of Tennis\"\", which began airing in 2001; she reprises the role for later adaptations as well as for voice acting events to promote the series and for CDs", "title": "Yuki Kaida" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.36, "text": "of painting. From 1914, Yasuda assisted Yokoyama Taikan in re-establishing the Japan Fine Arts Academy (\"\"Nihon Bijutsuin\"\"). From 1944 to 1951, he taught as a professor at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. In 1948, he was awarded the Order of Culture by the Japanese government, and was appointed a member of the Japan Art Academy. In the post-war period, he assisted Maeda Seison on restoration and preservation work on the murals of Hōryū-ji. Yasuda was known primarily for his paintings on historical themes, and occasionally for portraiture or bird-and-flower paintings. One of his principal disciples was", "title": "Yukihiko Yasuda" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.31, "text": "Yuki Itoda Yuki Itoda (born 1982 in Japan) is a Japanese artist. After finishing Suidobata Art Academy and graduating from Funabashi Art School in 2003, Subsequently, Yuki Itoda started exhibiting his work in art galleries in Tokyo, and was represented by Zenshi Gallery. He works in a variety of media, including oil, acrylic, spray paint, and neon. His work draws on an array of techniques ranging from traditional oil painting to graffiti and experimental video. Sometimes starkly simple, elsewhere striped and patterned like tacky retro jumpsuits seen through a kaleidoscope, his works alternate between an endearing vulnerability and an infectious", "title": "Yuki Itoda" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.09, "text": "Kyōju Dairi Employed by Sōkaku Takeda in the early part of his career to designate a high level of understanding of the Daitō-ryū aiki-jūjutsu system, later he added a higher level designation known as the menkyo kaiden. Thus his earliest high-ranking students such as Sagawa Yukiyoshi (who was once asked to serve as the inheritor of the art and so we must assume had a very thorough understanding of the art), were only awarded the kyōju dairi. Some of those known to have received this certificate from Sokaku were Yukiyoshi Sagawa, Taiso Horikawa, Kodo Horikawa, Kōtarō Yoshida, Morihei Ueshiba and", "title": "Kyōju Dairi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20, "text": "Yuki Shimoda Yuki Shimoda (August 10, 1921 – May 21, 1981) was an American actor best known for his starring role as Ko Wakatsuki in the NBC movie of the week, \"\"Farewell to Manzanar\"\" in 1976. He also co-starred in a 1960s television series, \"\"Johnny Midnight\"\" (39 episodes), with Edmond O'Brien. He was a star of the silver screen, early television and the stage. His Broadway theater stage credits include \"\"Auntie Mame\"\" with Rosalind Russell, nominated for eight Tony Awards and winner of three Tonys, and \"\"Pacific Overtures\"\", a Stephen Sondheim Broadway musical directed by Harold Prince nominated for ten", "title": "Yuki Shimoda" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.94, "text": "Takuma Hisa. Kyōju Dairi Employed by Sōkaku Takeda in the early part of his career to designate a high level of understanding of the Daitō-ryū aiki-jūjutsu system, later he added a higher level designation known as the menkyo kaiden. Thus his earliest high-ranking students such as Sagawa Yukiyoshi (who was once asked to serve as the inheritor of the art and so we must assume had a very thorough understanding of the art), were only awarded the kyōju dairi. Some of those known to have received this certificate from Sokaku were Yukiyoshi Sagawa, Taiso Horikawa, Kodo Horikawa, Kōtarō Yoshida, Morihei", "title": "Kyōju Dairi" } ]
What is Tracy Coogan's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.5, "text": "Tracy Coogan Tracy Elizabeth Coogan is an Irish actress most widely noted for her leading role in the 2004 independent film \"\"Zombie Honeymoon\"\". Coogan was born and raised in Trim, County Meath, Ireland, one of five children of Michael and Ann Coogan. She first acted in many theatrical productions at school. The summer after she graduated from high school, Coogan went to New York City to represent Ireland in a modeling competition. She stayed in New York, where she landed roles in Irish Repertory Theatre stage productions of \"\"The Playboy of the Western World\"\", \"\"The Colleen Bawn\"\" and \"\"Poor Beast", "title": "Tracy Coogan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.77, "text": "stars also for the Charity event Bowling for Boobies on 27 October 2009 in Los Angeles alongside Carlee Baker, Heather Snell, Brooke Lewis and Eve Mauro, the event fights against Breast cancer. In 2008 she relocated to Los Angeles with her husband. Tracy Coogan Tracy Elizabeth Coogan is an Irish actress most widely noted for her leading role in the 2004 independent film \"\"Zombie Honeymoon\"\". Coogan was born and raised in Trim, County Meath, Ireland, one of five children of Michael and Ann Coogan. She first acted in many theatrical productions at school. The summer after she graduated from high", "title": "Tracy Coogan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.39, "text": "in the Rain\"\". Her first screen credit was a bit part as a model in the 1998 Woody Allen movie \"\"Celebrity\"\". In 2002 Coogan starred in \"\"Love without Borders\"\", a Russian television series filmed in Moscow. Coogan's performance as the loving wife of a zombie in the 2004 horror cult hit \"\"Zombie Honeymoon\"\", which won her a Fangoria Chainsaw award in 2006 for best low-budget film, has been praised. The film was acquired by Showtime for release on both DVD and television. Coogan has been noted as \"\"a passionate, sensitive and hard-working actor, with a strong professional work ethic.\"\" She", "title": "Tracy Coogan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.36, "text": "Steve Coogan Stephen John Coogan (; born 14 October 1965) is an English actor, stand-up comedian, impressionist, screenwriter, and producer. He began his career in the 1980s, working as a voice artist on the satirical puppet show \"\"Spitting Image\"\" and providing voiceovers for television advertisements. In the early 1990s, he began creating original comic characters, leading him to win the Perrier Award at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. In 1999, he co-founded the production company Baby Cow Productions with Henry Normal. While working with Armando Iannucci on \"\"On the Hour\"\" and \"\"The Day Today\"\", Coogan created his most developed and popular", "title": "Steve Coogan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.27, "text": "Gwynneth Coogan Gwynneth \"\"Gwyn\"\" Coogan (born Gwynneth Hardesty; August 21, 1965 in Trenton, New Jersey) is an American former Olympic athlete, educator and mathematician. Hardesty attended Phillips Exeter Academy for two years, where she played squash and field hockey. She then attended Smith College, graduating in 1987, where she majored in math and took up running for the first time, and became the two-time NCAA Division III champion in the 3,000 meters. She qualified for the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, where she competed in the 10,000 meters. Four years later, she was an alternate for the women's marathon for", "title": "Gwynneth Coogan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.23, "text": "Robert P. Coogan Robert Paul Coogan (April 1, 1922 – March 9, 2015) was a Vice Admiral in the United States Navy who served as its Commander, Naval Air Forces from 1976 to 1980 and Third Fleet from 1975 to 1976. Coogan also served as Commanding Officer of both USS Shangri-La (CV-38) and USS Tolovana (AO-64), Commander of Task Force 73, directing Navy actions during the Mayaguez incident in 1975, as well as Commandant of Midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy from 1969 until 1971. He was born in Newport, Rhode Island. After leaving the Navy, Coogan worked as", "title": "Robert P. Coogan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.2, "text": "James J. Coogan James Jay Coogan (January 16, 1846 – October 24, 1915) was the borough president of Manhattan, New York from 1899 to 1901, and a successful merchant and real estate manager. He was born on January 16, 1846 in Manhattan, New York City. Coogan started out as an upholsterer, and opened a furniture store on the Bowery. Through his dealings with furniture laborers, he became known as a friend of the working class, and eventually became friendly with Richard Croker, one of the leaders of Tammany Hall. He was a graduate of New York University School of Law.", "title": "James J. Coogan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.09, "text": "School of Design since 1982. He was appointed the president of MCAD in 2009 and is still in this position as of 2015. At the Rhode Island School of Design, Coogan held several positions including: professor of sculpture, dean of fine arts, and provost. He also received praise from the president of RISD who claimed he was one of the most valuable contributors to that school. Coogan's main focus coming into the MCAD as the new president was to \"\"strengthen the College's regional connections, building new partnerships, and elevating MCAD's reputation as a leader in discovering and developing creative talent\"\".", "title": "Jay Coogan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.03, "text": "Dan Coogan Daniel George Coogan (February 16, 1875 – October 28, 1942) was an American baseball player and coach. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, he played professionally for 11 seasons, including one in Major League Baseball with the Washington Senators. He also coached several college teams during and after his playing career. He was tall and weighed . Coogan was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1875. His parents, John and Emma Coogan, died when he was young. Coogan attended Girard College and played for the school's baseball team until he graduated in 1892. He then attended the University", "title": "Dan Coogan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.95, "text": "in the Steve Coogan comedy sketch show \"\"Coogan's Run\"\" (1995); the 1998 film \"\"St. Ives\"\"; the 2003 film \"\"Girl with a Pearl Earring\"\" - a screenplay adapted from the Tracy Chevalier novel of the same name; and the 2005 film \"\"Breakfast on Pluto\"\" among others. His most recent projects were roles in the films \"\"Becoming Jane\"\" (2007) and \"\"House of Boys\"\" (2009). As well as acting McHallem is also a script writer. In 2001 he wrote and directed the short film \"\"This Little Piggy\"\" about two cops in Dublin, who try to find a missing finger at a cab rank.", "title": "Christopher McHallem" } ]
What is Arafan Camara's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.14, "text": "Urban Box Office. Dr. Camara later became the managing director of AtlanTrade International, LTD managing affairs related to mining, importing, and exportation of resources. Currently Dr. Camara is a member of AFEED (Assistance Aux Femmes Et Aux Enfants Desherites/ Assistance to Underprivileged Women and Children) in Guinea. AFEED’s aim is to provide assistance to people in need thorough the country. Dr. Camara is also a member of the Association of Guineans in the State of New York. His goal is to organize Guineans around the world and develop sustainable and applicable strategies to improve the quality of life in Guinea.", "title": "Sekou Benna Camara" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.45, "text": "Camara Laye Camara Laye (January 1, 1928 – February 4, 1980) was an African writer from Guinea. He was the author of \"\"The African Child\"\" (\"\"L'Enfant noir\"\"), a novel based loosely on his own childhood, and \"\"The Radiance of the King\"\" (\"\"Le Regard du roi\"\"). Both novels are among the earliest major works in Francophone African literature. Camara Laye later worked for the government of newly independent Guinea, but went into voluntary exile over political issues. Camara Laye was born in Kouroussa, a town in what was then the colony of French Guinea. His family were Malinke (a Mandé-speaking ethnicity),", "title": "Camara Laye" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.28, "text": "Titi Camara Aboubacar Sidiki \"\"Titi\"\" Camara (born 17 November 1972) is a Guinean former footballer who was also the coach of the Guinean national team, which he captained and played for. He was also the Guinea sports minister before being replaced in October 2012. He is best known for his stint with Liverpool in the 1999–2000 season, where he scored 9 goals in 33 games, memorably scoring the winner in a game against Arsenal at Highbury. Camara played for Saint-Étienne, Lens and Marseille in France (playing in the 1999 UEFA Cup Final for the latter) before transferring to Liverpool. A", "title": "Titi Camara" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.12, "text": "Gilberto Câmara Gilberto Câmara (born 29 March 1956) is a Brazilian computer scientist and former director of Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE) (between 2006—2013). He was head of INPE’s Image Processing Division from 1991 to 1996 and Director for Earth Observation from 2001 to 2005. He is a researcher in the areas of Geographical Information Science, Spatial Databases, Spatial Analysis and Environmental Modelling. Gilberto is the principal investigator on the area of Spatial Databases and Spatial Environmental Models in the GEOMA research network for Environmental Modelling of Amazonia. He is responsible for setting up data policies for CBERS", "title": "Gilberto Câmara" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.05, "text": "Cheick Fantamady Camara Cheick Fantamady Camara (1960 – January 7, 2017) was an award-winning Guinean film director. He was the director of two short films and two feature films. His 2006 film \"\"Il va pleuvoir sur Conakry\"\" won the 2007 Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso and the 2008 Prix Ousmane Sembène at the Khouribga African Cinema Festival in Morocco. Cheick Fantamady Camara was born in 1960 in Conakry, Guinea. While living in France in his 40s, he took a course in screenwriting at the Institut national de l'audiovisuel, graduating in 1997. A year later, in", "title": "Cheick Fantamady Camara" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.02, "text": "Maxime Camara Mamadouba Resmu Camara nicknamed Maxime Camara (4 February 1945 – 29 March 2016) was a Guinea international football midfielder. Born in Kissidougou, Camara played club football for local side Hafia F.C. in the 1960s and 1970s. He helped the club win the 1972 African Cup of Champions Clubs. Camara represented Guinea at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City. He also made several appearances for the senior Guinea national football team, including four FIFA World Cup qualifying matches, and played at the 1976 African Cup of Nations finals. On 24 April 1974 he Married Aminata Touré, the daughter", "title": "Maxime Camara" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.86, "text": "Makalé Camara Hadja Makalé Camara (born 1956) is a Guinean lawyer, diplomat and politician who has served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guinea since 4 January 2016. Camara was born in Mamou in 1956. She graduated from the Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry with a master's degree in Labour law in 1980. She was a Humphrey Fellow. Camara worked in various public service roles from 1980 to 1985. In 1986, she was appointed Inspector General at the Ministry of the Civil Service, responsible for labor law and arbitration between trade unions and employers. From 1991 to 2002, she", "title": "Makalé Camara" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 17.83, "text": "Loffo Camara Loffo Camara (c.1925 – 25 January 1971) was a senior Guinean politician, and a member of the Politburo of the First Republic of Guinea in the years immediately following independence. After falling out with the President Sékou Touré, she was dismissed from the cabinet, and later was arrested and executed. Loffo Camara was trained as a midwife, and became an activist in the Democratic Party of Guinea (PDG) in Macenta. She was elected a member of the National Assembly, and became a member of the PDG Central Committee. In July 1960 she visited the German Democratic Republic on", "title": "Loffo Camara" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.83, "text": "For several years, Dr. Camara has been working with investment companies and entrepreneurs, creating strategies for advancement and development in Guinea He believes that sustainable development and use of resources in a judicious manner is a necessity in order to secure Guinea's growth and bright future. Dr. Camara is married with two children. His wife is a classically trained pianist. Both his son and daughter are currently pursuing their Doctoral degrees in Physiotherapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine, respectively. Camara L. \"\"La democratie et l'unite decront voir le jour ici et maintenant\"\", dixit Dr. Sekou Benna Camara. Horoya. January 29, 2010", "title": "Sekou Benna Camara" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.8, "text": "Fatou Kiné Camara Fatou Kiné Camara (born 29 December 1964) is a Senegalese lawyer and women's rights campaigner. The daughter of a magistrate and government minister, Camara has a doctorate in law and works as a lecturer and researcher. She has supported campaigns for reform in many areas of the law and is particularly involved in attempting to increase the availability of abortions and free legal advice. Camara was born on 29 December 1964 in Dakar. Her father, Ousmane Camara, was a magistrate for the French colonial authorities. He was a minister in the government of Senegal's first president, Léopold", "title": "Fatou Kiné Camara" } ]
What is George Lewis's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "George W. Lewis George William Lewis (March 10, 1882 – July 12, 1948) was the Director of Aeronautical Research at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) until he retired in 1947. He taught at Swarthmore College from 1910 to 1917. In 1910, George Lewis graduated from Cornell University with a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering and proceeded to teach at Swarthmore College until 1917. He became involved in aircraft engines which led to his membership in NACA's Power Plants Subcommittee. In 1919, he was appointed as NACA's first Executive Officer. Five years later, he was named as the Director", "title": "George W. Lewis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.39, "text": "George Lewis (colonel) George Lewis (March 22, 1735 – February 22, 1791) was a Colonel in the British Army and commander of the Royal Artillery at the Siege of Gibraltar. He served in the several campaigns against the French and Spaniards in America, from 1757 to the end of the war in 1762, and was present at the taking Louisburgh, Quebec, Martinique, and Havannah. He is most famously known for the events that took place on 13 September 1782, at the Siege of Gibraltar, when the artillery under his direction set fire to and destroyed all the floating batteries of", "title": "George Lewis (colonel)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "George H. Lewis George H. Lewis is a world-renowned artist, healer, and polymath. His philosophy is expressed through his art and various modalities including paintings, photography, sculpture, music, lectures and public speaking, astrology, healing (specifically Tibetan Singing bowls), books, and articles. Lewis has traveled across, and lived in, more than 80 countries, including large swathes of the Middle East, which have impacted his ideas and philosophy. His works are collected by presidents and heads of state, CEOs, spiritual and religious leaders, prominent and public figures, celebrities, communities, and nations from all around the world. He has lectured at the United", "title": "George H. Lewis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "George Robert Lewis George Robert Lewis (1782–1871) was a versatile English painter of landscapes and portraits. The younger brother of Frederick Christian Lewis and of Charles Lewis the bookbinder, he was born in London on 27 March 1782. He studied under Henry Fuseli in the schools of the Royal Academy, and worked on both nature and antiquities. Lewis sent landscapes to the exhibitions of 1805–7; he at that time lived with his brother Frederick at Enfield, and worked for him on John Chamberlaine's \"\"Original Designs of the most celebrated Masters\"\" and William Young Ottley's \"\"Italian School of Design\"\", for both", "title": "George Robert Lewis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.14, "text": "George Lewis (rugby) George Lewis was a Welsh rugby union, and professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1920s and 1930s. He played club level rugby union (RU) for Pontypool RFC, as a centre, i.e. number 12 or 13, and representative level rugby league (RL) for Wales, and at club level for St. Helens, as a , i.e. number 1, 3 or 4, 6, or 7. George Lewis won 3 caps for Wales (RL) in 1926–1928 while at St Helens. George Lewis played , and scored 3-goals in St. Helens' 9-5 victory over Huddersfield in the Championship Final during", "title": "George Lewis (rugby)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.08, "text": "George Lewis (trombonist) George Emanuel Lewis (born July 14, 1952) is an American composer, electronic performer, installation artist, trombone player, and scholar in the fields of improvisation and experimental music. He has been a member of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) since 1971 and is a pioneer of computer music. Born in Chicago, Illinois, Lewis graduated from Yale University in 1974 with a degree in philosophy. In the 1980s, he succeeded Rhys Chatham as the music director of The Kitchen. Since 2004, he has served as Edward H. Case Professor of American Music at Columbia University", "title": "George Lewis (trombonist)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.03, "text": "George Lewis (clarinetist) George Lewis (born Joseph Louis Francois Zenon, July 13, 1900 – December 31, 1968) was an American jazz clarinetist who achieved his greatest fame and influence in the later decades of his life. Lewis was born in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. Through his mother, Alice Zeno, his maternal great-great-grandmother was a Senegalese slave who was brought to Louisiana around 1803. Zeno's family retained some knowledge of Senegalese language and customs until Alice's generation. Lewis was playing clarinet professionally by 1917, at the age of 17, working with Buddy Petit and Chris Kelly regularly as", "title": "George Lewis (clarinetist)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.84, "text": "George Lewis (journalist) George Lewis (born 1943) is a retired American television journalist who worked for NBC News for 43 years from 1969 to 2012. His stories have appeared on \"\"NBC Nightly News\"\". Lewis joined NBC in December 1969 as a war correspondent covering the Vietnam War. He also covered the Iranian hostage crisis from 1979 to 1981, the 1989 Tiananmen Square revolt in China, and Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Lewis has won three Emmys, the George Foster Peabody Award, and the Edward R. Murrow Award throughout his career covering wars and other events abroad. Based in Los Angeles,", "title": "George Lewis (journalist)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.83, "text": "George Lewis (footballer) Thomas George Lewis (20 October 1913 – 6 August 1981) was a Welsh footballer who played as a centre-forward for Watford in the late 1930s, before joining Southampton for a brief period after World War II. Lewis was born in Troed-y-rhiw in Glamorgan and after playing youth football with his village side and then in the nearby town of New Tredegar followed his elder brother Jim to join Watford. He initially joined Watford as an amateur at 17, before signing his first professional contract in May 1934. Lewis stayed at Vicarage Road until the war, making irregular", "title": "George Lewis (footballer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.81, "text": "H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field in Cleveland, Ohio is partly named after him. George W. Lewis George William Lewis (March 10, 1882 – July 12, 1948) was the Director of Aeronautical Research at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) until he retired in 1947. He taught at Swarthmore College from 1910 to 1917. In 1910, George Lewis graduated from Cornell University with a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering and proceeded to teach at Swarthmore College until 1917. He became involved in aircraft engines which led to his membership in NACA's Power Plants Subcommittee. In 1919, he was", "title": "George W. Lewis" } ]
What is Louis O'Dea's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.64, "text": "Paul O'Dea Paul O'Dea (July 3, 1920 – December 11, 1978) was an American professional baseball player, manager and scout. He saw Major League service during World War II for the and Cleveland Indians. A native of Cleveland, Ohio and alumnus of Case Western Reserve University, O'Dea began his professional career with the Fargo-Moorhead Twins in 1938. He played in 62 games for the Twins and had a .362 batting average. The following season he played for the Springfield Indians, hitting .342 in 122 games, and due to his hitting the Indians brought him to spring training in 1940. During", "title": "Paul O'Dea" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.59, "text": "John R. O'Dea John Roche O'Dea (April 17, 1915 – 1998) was a business owner and politician in Newfoundland. He represented St. John's South from 1959 to 1962 in the Newfoundland House of Assembly as a member of the United Newfoundland Party. The son of John V. O'Dea and May Coady, he was born in St. John's and was educated at Saint Bonaventure's College, Loyola College and Memorial University College. O'Dea married Madeleine Connolly; the couple had five children. He began work with Newfoundland Brewery Ltd in 1934, later becoming managing director and then becoming president in 1963. O'Dea founded", "title": "John R. O'Dea" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.33, "text": "Ken O'Dea James Kenneth O'Dea (March 16, 1913 – December 17, 1985) was an American professional baseball player. He played in Major League Baseball (MLB) as a catcher for the Chicago Cubs (1935–38), New York Giants (1940–41), St. Louis Cardinals (1943–46), and Boston Braves (1946). O'Dea had the misfortune of playing on the same teams alongside some of the best catchers in the National League, which limited his playing time. Although he played most of his 12-year MLB career as a backup catcher, O'Dea was considered one of the best defensive catchers in the major leagues prior to World War", "title": "Ken O'Dea" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.09, "text": "Louis O'Neill Louis F. O’Neill is an American diplomat and attorney. An expert on Russia/Eurasia conflicts and security, he served as Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Ambassador and Head of Mission to Moldova (2006–2008). O’Neill worked on the State Department's Policy Planning Staff (2005–2006), and as Special Assistant for Russian Affairs to Secretary of State Colin Powell (2004–2005) when O’Neill was a non-political, non-partisan White House Fellow. Before his diplomatic service, O’Neill served under Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morganthau as an Assistant District Attorney in the Special Prosecutions Bureau. After law school, he worked in the private sector", "title": "Louis O'Neill" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.09, "text": "Ernest Charles O'Dea Ernest Charles O'Dea (19 February 1889 – 21 November 1976) was an Australian trade union official, Labor Party politician, Lord Mayor of Sydney and Member of the New South Wales Parliament. O'Dea was born in Armidale in 1889 and moved to Sydney with his family as a child. O'Dea entered the retail trade and moved rapidly through the trade union ranks whilst in his twenties. He served as a Sydney Municipal Council Alderman for two periods (1924–1927 and 1930–1965) and was elected Lord Mayor of Sydney in 1948 for four years. He served two twelve-year terms in", "title": "Ernest Charles O'Dea" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.66, "text": "Louis DaPron Louis Francis DaPron (February 13, 1913, in Indiana – July 21, 1987, in Agoura, California), was an American dancer, choreographer and dance instructor. He worked often with tap dancer Donald O'Connor. His parents were Elizabeth Kurtz (b. around 1890) and Louis I DaPron, and the family shows up on the 1930 Federal Census as living in Denver. Both parents were professional dancers, and at some point in the ‘30s they settled in Hollywood to open a dance school. Louis, who had been dancing and teaching dance with his parents since he was a child, was hired by choreographer", "title": "Louis DaPron" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.64, "text": "Nicholas Deak Nicolas Louis Deák (8 October 1905, Transylvania, Hungary—18 November 1985, New York City, US) was a Hungarian-born US banker, chairman of the Deak-Perera group and a secret service operative, serving both in the OSS during World War II and its successor the CIA during the Cold War. Deak earned a Ph.D. from the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland in 1929. In 1939 he came to New York to open Deak & Company, a foreign exchange business. During World War II he worked for the Office of Strategic Services, serving in Egypt, Burma, Thailand and Malaya. In 1946 he", "title": "Nicholas Deak" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.55, "text": "Louis O. Kelso Louis Orth Kelso (; December 4, 1913 – February 17, 1991) was a political economist, corporate and financial lawyer, author, lecturer and merchant banker who is chiefly remembered today as the inventor and pioneer of the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), invented to enable working people without savings to buy stock in their employer company and pay for it out of its future dividend yield. He was born on December 4, 1913 in Denver, Colorado. Kelso began to think seriously about economics in 1931, the second year of the Great Depression. Although not yet 18, he was", "title": "Louis O. Kelso" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.55, "text": "Frank O'Dea Francis O’Dea, OC (born 1945 in Montreal) is a Canadian entrepreneur, humanitarian and author. He left a lifestyle of homeless panhandling and in 1975 co-founded the Second Cup chain of coffee stores with Tom Culligan. He is currently the Chair of YP-IT Data and is Chair of the Development Committee of CUSO International. He regularly speaks professionally on the subjects of his personal and business life. He was involved with the founding of Proshred Holdings Ltd. an international document destruction service (1986), and Samaritan Air Service, a regional air ambulance service (1989). O'Dea became founding President of Renascent", "title": "Frank O'Dea" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.53, "text": "(ATF) where he served as an undercover agent. While at ATF, Diaz made many high profile gun cases and arrested many organized crime members. In 1975, Diaz was hired by the Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA) in New York City where he served 28 years as a special agent, 22 of which were spent working in an extensive undercover capacity. In 1975, Diaz's talents as an undercover agent caught the attention of his DEA superiors who assigned Diaz to the Nicky Barnes investigation. During the course of this investigation, Diaz infiltrated the Barnes organization at its highest levels, purchasing heroin and", "title": "Louis Diaz" } ]
What is Mohamed Bazoum's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.64, "text": "Mohamed Bazoum Mohamed Bazoum is a Nigerien politician who has been President of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism (PNDS-Tarayya) since 2011. He served in the government of Niger as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 1996 and again from 2011 to 2015. He was Minister of State at the Presidency from 2015 to 2016, and he has been Minister of State for the Interior since 2016. Bazoum served as Secretary of State for Cooperation under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in the transitional government of Prime Minister Amadou Cheiffou from 1991 to 1993. He was", "title": "Mohamed Bazoum" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.61, "text": "Massaoudou. Mohamed Bazoum Mohamed Bazoum is a Nigerien politician who has been President of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism (PNDS-Tarayya) since 2011. He served in the government of Niger as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 1996 and again from 2011 to 2015. He was Minister of State at the Presidency from 2015 to 2016, and he has been Minister of State for the Interior since 2016. Bazoum served as Secretary of State for Cooperation under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in the transitional government of Prime Minister Amadou Cheiffou from 1991 to 1993. He", "title": "Mohamed Bazoum" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "African Integration, and Nigeriens Abroad on 21 April 2011. Bazoum was moved to the post of Minister of State at the Presidency on 25 February 2015. The move was viewed as allowing Bazoum to focus on leading the PNDS in anticipation of Issoufou's bid for re-election in 2016. He was elected to the National Assembly in the February 2016 parliamentary election. After Issoufou was sworn in for a second term, Bazoum was appointed as Minister of State for the Interior, Public Security, Decentralization, and Customary and Religious Affairs on 11 April 2016. He took office on 13 April, succeeding Hassoumi", "title": "Mohamed Bazoum" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "elected to the National Assembly from the special constituency of Tesker as the PNDS candidate in a special election held on 11 April 1993; this followed the cancellation of the initial election in Tesker, held in February. After the January 1995 parliamentary election, which was won by an opposition coalition of the National Movement for the Development of Society (MNSD) and the PNDS, Bazoum became Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in the government of Prime Minister Hama Amadou, named on 25 February 1995. He was initially reappointed to that post after Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara seized power in a military", "title": "Mohamed Bazoum" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "arrest. At the Fourth Ordinary Congress of the PNDS, held on 4–5 September 2004, Bazoum was elected as its Vice-President. Bazoum was again elected to the National Assembly in the December 2004 parliamentary election, and during the parliamentary term that followed he was Third Vice-President of the National Assembly and Vice-President of the PNDS Parliamentary Group. Bazoum was one of 14 deputies who filed a censure motion against Prime Minister Hama Amadou on 26 May 2007; Amadou's government was defeated in the subsequent no-confidence vote on 31 May, and Bazoum praised the \"\"maturity of the political class of Niger that", "title": "Mohamed Bazoum" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.5, "text": "coup on 27 January 1996, but he was replaced in the government named on 5 May 1996. The PNDS opposed Maïnassara, and on 26 July 1996, Bazoum was placed under house arrest along with PNDS President Mahamadou Issoufou, a few weeks after the 1996 presidential election. He and Issoufou were released on the orders of a judge on 12 August 1996. Bazoum was arrested along with two other major opposition politicians, including MNSD Secretary-General Hama Amadou, in early January 1998, for allegedly participating in a plot to assassinate Maïnassara. He was never charged and was released a week after his", "title": "Mohamed Bazoum" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "has just put an end to the mandate of the team which specialised in the predation of public funds.\"\" After urging the people to boycott the August 2009 constitutional referendum, Bazoum was briefly detained and questioned for two hours on 14 July 2009. Bazoum was re-elected as PNDS Vice-President at the party's Fifth Ordinary Congress, held on 18 July 2009. Following the success of the referendum, he characterized it as a \"\"coup d'etat\"\" and said that the October 2009 parliamentary election was an \"\"electoral farce\"\" intended merely to add a \"\"democratic polish\"\". President Mamadou Tandja was ousted by a military", "title": "Mohamed Bazoum" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.28, "text": "should hold Tandja until \"\"democratic institutions\"\" were in place, and then Tandja should be tried, although he also said that he felt the death penalty would be unnecessary. After Mahamadou Issoufou won the January–March 2011 presidential election, he stepped down as PNDS President in March 2011, prior to his swearing-in, in accordance with the requirement that the head of state not participate in partisan politics; Bazoum took over as Acting President of the PNDS. Issoufou took office as President of Niger on 7 April 2011, and Bazoum was appointed to the government as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation,", "title": "Mohamed Bazoum" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.5, "text": "who had been Minister of Communication during the transition that followed the 1999 coup, as Prime Minister on 23 February. Mohamed Bazoum, one of the leading members of the CFDR, said on 23 February that his coalition wanted Tandja to be put on trial for high treason because he had abrogated the 1999 constitution in his efforts to remain in power. According to Bazoum, such a trial was necessary to deter future leaders from pursuing a similar course. He said that the junta should hold Tandja until \"\"democratic institutions\"\" were in place, and then Tandja should be tried, although he", "title": "2010 Nigerien coup d'état" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.23, "text": "where he worked as a delivery-truck driver. He trained in martial arts, frequented salsa night clubs, and had an \"\"unbridled sex life\"\". Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was married, and had three children, but was in the process of divorce. He was reported to have had financial difficulties and to have worked as a driver, acquiring a truck permit less than a year before the attack. In January 2016, he fell asleep at the wheel of a van, and was subsequently fired. His parents are divorced. His father, who lives in the family's native town, told an international news agency that Lahouaiej-Bouhlel suffered from", "title": "Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel" } ]
What is Dennis Rodman's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "Dennis Rodman Dennis Keith Rodman (born May 13, 1961) is an American retired professional basketball player who played for the Detroit Pistons, San Antonio Spurs, Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers, and Dallas Mavericks in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was nicknamed \"\"The Worm\"\" and is famous for his fierce defensive and rebounding abilities. Rodman played at the small forward position in his early years before becoming a power forward. He earned NBA All-Defensive First Team honors seven times and won the NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award twice. He also led the NBA in rebounds per game for", "title": "Dennis Rodman" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.66, "text": "and regularly disrupted games by clashing with opposing players and officials. He famously wore a wedding dress to promote his 1996 autobiography \"\"Bad As I Wanna Be\"\". Rodman pursued a high-profile affair with singer Madonna and was briefly married to actress Carmen Electra. Rodman also attracted international attention for his visits to North Korea and his subsequent befriending of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in 2013. In addition to being a retired professional basketball player, Rodman is a retired part-time professional wrestler and actor. He was a member of the nWo and fought alongside Hulk Hogan at two Bash at", "title": "Dennis Rodman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.64, "text": "an athletic standout. According to Rodman, he was \"\"unable to hit a layup\"\" and was listed in the high school basketball teams, but was either benched or cut from the squads. Measuring only as a freshman in high school, he also failed to make the football teams and was \"\"totally devastated\"\". After finishing school, Rodman worked as an overnight janitor at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport. He then experienced a sudden growth spurt and decided to try basketball again despite becoming even more withdrawn because he felt odd in his own body. A family friend tipped off the head coach", "title": "Dennis Rodman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.38, "text": "Dennis has had a long friendship with Mr. Trump and has also developed a very cordial friendship with Mr. Kim. In this tense climate, as we stand at a perilous crossing, Mr. Rodman's unique position as a friend to the leaders of both U.S. and North Korea could provide a much-needed bridge to help resolve the current nuclear standoff. Dennis Rodman Dennis Keith Rodman (born May 13, 1961) is an American retired professional basketball player who played for the Detroit Pistons, San Antonio Spurs, Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers, and Dallas Mavericks in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He was", "title": "Dennis Rodman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.27, "text": "\"\"Celebrity Big Brother 4\"\" and 18 days for \"\"Ultimate Big Brother\"\". Dennis Rodman (born 13 May 1961, Trenton, New Jersey, USA) is a retired American professional National Basketball Association player of the Detroit Pistons, San Antonio Spurs, Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers and Dallas Mavericks. He was evicted on Day 21 with 23.5% of the vote. He exited the house smoking a cigar and wearing sunglasses and a cap which he refused to remove during the interview angering Davina McCall. He gave a confusing interview not answering direct questions which he also did for Dermot O'Leary whilst making a rude", "title": "Celebrity Big Brother 4 (UK)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "a pre-draft camp for NBA hopefuls, he won Most Valuable Player honors and caught the attention of the Detroit Pistons. During college Rodman worked at a summer youth basketball camp, where he befriended camper Bryne Rich, who was shy and withdrawn due to a hunting accident in which he mistakenly shot and killed his best friend. The two became almost inseparable and formed a close bond. Rich invited Rodman to his rural Oklahoma home; at first, Rodman was not well-received by the Riches because he was black. But the Riches were so grateful to him for bringing their son out", "title": "Dennis Rodman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.67, "text": "Dead By Now\"\"; he promoted the book by sitting in a coffin. Rodman became Commissioner of the Lingerie Football League in 2005. Since his initial entry into acting, he has appeared in few acting roles outside of playing himself. Rodman has made an appearance in an episode of \"\"3rd Rock from the Sun\"\" playing the character of himself, except being a fellow alien with the Solomon family. He voiced an animated version of himself in the \"\"Simpsons\"\" episode \"\"Treehouse of Horror XVI\"\". Rodman has also appeared in several reality shows: in January 2006, Rodman appeared on the fourth version of", "title": "Dennis Rodman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "countries. Why it's been left to me to smooth things over, I don't know. Dennis Rodman, of all people. Keeping us safe is really not my job; it's the black guy's [Obama's] job. But I'll tell you this: If I don't finish in the top three for the next Nobel Peace Prize, something's seriously wrong.\"\" On September 3, 2013, Rodman flew to Pyongyang for another meeting with Kim Jong-un. Rodman said that Kim has a daughter named Kim Ju-ae, and that he is a \"\"great dad\"\". Rodman also noted that he planned to train the North Korean national basketball team.", "title": "Dennis Rodman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "a record seven consecutive years and won five NBA championships. His biography at states that he is \"\"arguably the best rebounding forward in NBA history\"\". On April 1, 2011, the Pistons retired Rodman's No. 10 jersey, and he was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame later that year. Rodman experienced an unhappy childhood and was shy and introverted in his early years. After aborting a suicide attempt in 1993, he reinvented himself as a \"\"bad boy\"\" and became notorious for numerous controversial antics. He repeatedly dyed his hair in artificial colors, had many piercings and tattoos,", "title": "Dennis Rodman" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "of his shell that they were able to set aside their prejudices. Although Rodman had severe family and personal issues himself, he \"\"adopted\"\" the Riches as his own in 1982 and went from the city life to \"\"driving a tractor and messing with cows\"\". Though Rodman credited the Riches as his \"\"surrogate family\"\" that helped him through college, as of 2013 he had stopped communicating with the Rich family for reasons unknown to them. Rodman made himself eligible for the 1986 NBA draft. He was drafted by the Detroit Pistons as the 3rd pick in the second round (27th overall),", "title": "Dennis Rodman" } ]
What is Guo Gengmao's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.58, "text": "Guo Gengmao Guo Gengmao (; born December 1950) is a politician of the People's Republic of China. He served as Communist Party Secretary and Governor of Henan Province, as well as Governor of his native Hebei Province. Guo Gengmao was born in Ji County, Hebei (now the county-level city of Jizhou), in December 1950. He joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in March 1972. Guo graduated from the political science division of the International Politics faculty of Peking University. He also obtained a master's degree in Political Economics from the Central Party School. Guo served in various positions in", "title": "Guo Gengmao" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.88, "text": "Hebei province for some 30 years. He began work in November 1975 as the deputy party secretary of a people's commune in Ji County. He was mayor of Xingtai from 1994 to 1997. Guo was then promoted to vice-governor of Hebei in 1998 and Executive Vice Governor of Hebei in 2000, as well as deputy secretary of the provincial government's leading party group. Guo then became the acting governor of Hebei and concurrently the deputy party secretary in October 2006, and was officially elected governor in January 2007. In a reshuffling of provincial leadership in 2008, Guo was transferred to", "title": "Guo Gengmao" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.81, "text": "active politics, Guo sat on the National People's Congress Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee as a vice chair. Guo was an alternate member of the 16th Central Committee and is a full member of the 17th Central Committee and the 18th Central Committee of the CPC. He was a delegate to the 10th, 11th, and 12th National People Congresses. Guo Gengmao Guo Gengmao (; born December 1950) is a politician of the People's Republic of China. He served as Communist Party Secretary and Governor of Henan Province, as well as Governor of his native Hebei Province. Guo Gengmao was born", "title": "Guo Gengmao" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.95, "text": "the neighboring Henan Province. He became the Deputy Communist Party Secretary of Henan in March 2008 in preparation for his governorship, and was appointed as the acting governor of Henan on April 7, 2008. On January 17, 2009, Guo was confirmed as governor of Henan. In 2013, upon the departure of Lu Zhangong, Guo was promoted to party chief, having served for some seven years as governor of two provinces by this point. On 26 March 2016, Guo stepped down as Henan party chief after reaching the retirement age. He was succeeded by the governor Xie Fuzhan. After retiring from", "title": "Guo Gengmao" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.45, "text": "Guo was the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei military region's chief of staff. Subsequently in December he was made the 2nd army division commander tasked to carry out the guerrilla war. He participated in major campaigns such as the 1940 Battle of Niangziguan during the Hundred Regiment Offensive. His command post of the Hebei military region was shifted to Zhangjiakou after its occupation in August 1945. Guo Tianmin Guo Tianmin (; 7 May 1902 – 26 May 1970) was a general in the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China from Hubei. He was a descendant of the Tang dynasty general Guo", "title": "Guo Tianmin" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.34, "text": "Guo Shengkun Guo Shengkun (; born October 1954) is a Chinese politician and business executive who currently serves as a Politburo member and Secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China. Previously Guo served as Minister of Public Security, State Councilor, Communist Party Chief of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and General Manager of Aluminum Corporation of China, a major state-owned enterprise. Guo is a native of Xingguo County, Jiangxi province. He has a doctoral degree in Business Administration from the University of Science and Technology Beijing. Guo Shengkun entered the workforce in 1973", "title": "Guo Shengkun" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.33, "text": "Guo Yongxiang Guo Yongxiang (; born February 1949) is a former Chinese politician. He worked for the China National Petroleum Corporation before joining the Ministry of Land and Resources. He was subsequently transferred to work in Sichuan province, and successively served as the Vice Governor and Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Congress. He was investigated for corruption, dismissed from office, expelled from the Communist Party of China, and sentenced to 20 years in prison. Guo was a close associate of disgraced former security tsar Zhou Yongkang. Guo was born in Linyi County, Shandong in February 1949, during the Republic", "title": "Guo Yongxiang" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.31, "text": "Australia. Guoga lived in Melbourne where he graduated from school, and had various jobs, including repairing sewing machines and washing cars. Later, Guoga started working as an assistant to Australian Mortgage Brokers chief Bill Buchanan. He studied accounting and finance at college. In 1993, he was employed by an investment bank in Hong Kong managed by CitiBank. His responsibilities included attracting new customers and managing their investment portfolios. Following that, Guoga successfully invested in a news portal, and in Rate Detective life insurance company in Australia. In addition, he developed a trading business in London. In Lithuania, he invested in", "title": "Antanas Guoga" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.16, "text": "Guo Feixiong Guo Feixiong (; born 2 August 1966) is the pen name of Yang Maodong (杨茂东), a Chinese human rights lawyer from Guangdong province who is often identified with the Weiquan movement. Guo is known as a dissident writer and \"\"barefoot lawyer\"\", who has worked on several controversial issues to defend the rights of marginalized groups. Prior to his 2006 imprisonment, Guo worked as a legal advisor to the Shanghai Shengzhi Law Firm. In 2005 and 2006, human rights groups reported that Guo was taken into custody and beaten on multiple occasions for his human rights advocacy, including his", "title": "Guo Feixiong" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "Guo Tianmin Guo Tianmin (; 7 May 1902 – 26 May 1970) was a general in the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China from Hubei. He was a descendant of the Tang dynasty general Guo Ziyi. Guo had his primary education in the provincial agricultural school, and later enrolled into the Wuchang Zhonghua University's Affiliated Middle School. He returned to his hometown in Guangzhou in 1925, joining several local rebellions. In the following year, he enrolled into the Whampoa Military Academy. He joined the Communist Party of China in March 1927 and participated in the Guangzhou Uprising", "title": "Guo Tianmin" } ]
What is Derek Ingram Hill's occupation?
[ "priest", "reverend", "priestess" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.81, "text": "Derek Ingram Hill Canon Derek Ingram Hill (11 September 1912 – 20 October 2003) was an Anglican priest, notable as a pastor, administrator and historian, active mainly in the south-east of England and particularly in the city of Canterbury and its cathedral. Derek Ingram Hill was born in Wimbledon, London but moved to Margate in 1916 for health reasons. At the age of 11, he was sent to The King's School, Canterbury, where he first formed a strong attachment to the cathedral and its pattern of worship and wrote a short guide to it. He then went to Trinity College,", "title": "Derek Ingram Hill" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.42, "text": "son. Derek Ingram Hill Canon Derek Ingram Hill (11 September 1912 – 20 October 2003) was an Anglican priest, notable as a pastor, administrator and historian, active mainly in the south-east of England and particularly in the city of Canterbury and its cathedral. Derek Ingram Hill was born in Wimbledon, London but moved to Margate in 1916 for health reasons. At the age of 11, he was sent to The King's School, Canterbury, where he first formed a strong attachment to the cathedral and its pattern of worship and wrote a short guide to it. He then went to Trinity", "title": "Derek Ingram Hill" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.33, "text": "work led him into membership of the Redundant Churches (now the Churches Conservation Trust), a charity which takes responsibility for Anglican churches no longer required for worship. He pursued his historical and conservation interests further through the Kent Archaeological Society and the Friends of Kent Churches. He was also a member of the General Synod of the Church of England for nearly a decade, from 1965 until 1974 and, for a time, the archbishop's adviser to diocesan schools. In 1964, while still at St Gregory's, Ingram Hill was appointed a member of the college of Six Preachers – originally a", "title": "Derek Ingram Hill" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.95, "text": "work, moving to a further curacy at St Andrew’s, Croydon, in 1939, and later taking over as priest-in-charge and then vicar at Holy Innocents, South Norwood. This was at a time of constant danger during the London Blitz, but he made a great success of Holy Innocents, where he ministered for 14 years. Ingram Hill was invited to return to Canterbury by Archbishop Geoffrey Fisher in 1957, to take up the post of Vicar of St Gregory's. From there he moved a short distance in 1965 to become Rector of St Peter and St Alphege and Master of the Hospital", "title": "Derek Ingram Hill" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.66, "text": "body charged by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer with preaching against Roman Catholicism, but by this time an honorific appointment, allowing the holder to sit with the Dean and Canons in cathedral services. He was made an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral in 1970. In 1976 Archbishop Donald Coggan appointed Ingram Hill a Canon Residentiary, a full-time member of the Cathedral Chapter. He held this position until his retirement in 1983. He was noted for his enthusiasm in promoting community interest in the cathedral itself and the churches of the surrounding city and countryside, as well as his punctilious observance of all", "title": "Derek Ingram Hill" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "Oxford, to study modern history. At Trinity he developed a wider interest in the medieval churches of England. He visited every cathedral in the country by bicycle and wrote a study of the stained glass of Oxford. Moving to Wells Theological College to study for ordination, he again wrote a study of stained glass in local churches. Ingram Hill was ordained in 1935 and became curate at Buckland-in-Dover. This facilitated his developing interest in the cathedrals and abbeys of northern France, which he explored each summer, as usual by bicycle. However, he also built a growing reputation for his parish", "title": "Derek Ingram Hill" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "divinity by the University of Kent and the granting of the freedom of the city of Canterbury. Ingram Hill's scholarly work and enthusiasms persisted after retirement, and he continued to worship regularly at the cathedral until near his death. He was able to expand his interest in music, in particular the cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach. In 1998 the King's School commissioned John Ward to paint his portrait, which won the BP Portrait Award at the National Portrait Gallery. Derek Ingram Hill was married to Violet, who died in 1998. They had a daughter, who died in 2002, and a", "title": "Derek Ingram Hill" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.42, "text": "aspects of cathedral worship. He produced a number of studies and guidebooks in this period, including \"\"Christ’s Glorious Church\"\" (1976), a popular guide to the cathedral, the \"\"New Bell’s Guide to Canterbury Cathedral\"\" (1986), a more substantial work, and \"\"The Six Preachers of Canterbury Cathedral\"\" (1982), a history of the college. His work extended to radio broadcasts and interviews. However, he was perhaps best known for his constant work in welcoming visiting parties, initiating them into the mysteries of the cathedral, often by torch-light. His knowledge and commitment were recognised on retirement by the award of an honorary doctorate of", "title": "Derek Ingram Hill" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "of St. Thomas the Martyr, Eastbridge. In 1972 his work was extended to St Mildred with St Mary de Castro, the oldest church within the city walls, which had to be restored after a fire. In common with most English cities, Canterbury was undergoing a process of suburban growth, greatly intensified by the rapid development of the centre as a tourist attraction and the growth of the University and teacher training college (now Canterbury Christ Church University). Ingram Hill initiated a series of changes in use of church buildings, with St Alphege's itself ultimately becoming the Canterbury Environment Centre. This", "title": "Derek Ingram Hill" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.34, "text": "Derek Hill (painter) Arthur Derek Hill, , (6 December 1916 – 30 July 2000) was an English portrait and landscape painter long resident in Ireland. Hill was born at Southampton, in Hampshire, the son of a wealthy sugar trader. He first worked as a theatre designer in Leningrad in the 1930s and later as an historian. In the Second World War he registered as a conscientious objector and worked on a farm. His long association with Ireland began when he visited Glenveagh Castle, County Donegal to paint the portrait of the Irish-American art collector, Henry McIlhenny, whose grandfather had emigrated", "title": "Derek Hill (painter)" } ]
What is Jacques Monasch's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.66, "text": "Jacques Monasch Jacques Simon Monasch (born 4 January 1962) is a Dutch politician, art collector and former management as well as political consultant and civil servant. He was a member of the House of Representatives between 17 June 2010 and 23 March 2017, where he focused on matters of housing and spatial planning. He was a member of the Labour Party from 1986 to 2016. Due to Monasch leaving the Labour Party, the Second Rutte cabinet lost its majority in the House of Representatives. Several weeks after leaving the Labour Party Monasch announced he would enter the 2017 general election", "title": "Jacques Monasch" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.16, "text": "with his new party, \"\"Nieuwe Wegen\"\". His party did not obtain any seats in the election. Monasch studied public administration at the University of Groningen and political economy at the University of Essex. He owns a gallery of Russian art. At the very least grandfather of Jacques Monasch was Jewish and active in the textile business. Jacques Monasch Jacques Simon Monasch (born 4 January 1962) is a Dutch politician, art collector and former management as well as political consultant and civil servant. He was a member of the House of Representatives between 17 June 2010 and 23 March 2017, where", "title": "Jacques Monasch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.72, "text": "Serge Monast Serge Monast (1945 – December 5, 1996) was a Québécois investigative journalist, poet, essayist and conspiracy theorist. He is known to English-speaking readers mainly for \"\"Project Blue Beam (NASA)\"\" and associated conspiracy tropes. His works on Masonic conspiracy theories and the New World Order also remain popular with French-speaking conspiracy theorists and enthusiasts. In the 1970s and 1980s, Monast was a journalist, poet and essayist. He was an active member of the Social Credit Party of Canada. In the early 1990s, he started writing on the theme of the New World Order and conspiracies hatched by secret societies,", "title": "Serge Monast" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.62, "text": "in a civil ceremony. He gave up a position at his father's bank, lived the life of a playboy, left his wife and their daughter, and fathered an illegitimate son with another woman. Disillusioned with his life, he dreamed of escaping to sail around the South Pacific Ocean, but his parents refused to pay for a boat. On 24 February 1954, to fund the purchase of a boat, he went to rob Alexandre Sylberstein, a money changer, of gold coins. Sylberstein was struck but not unconscious, and raised the alarm. Fesch fled, losing his glasses, and shot wildly at Jean", "title": "Jacques Fesch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.61, "text": "Jacques-Louis David's famous painting. Among his unpublished manuscripts was a treatise in Arabic called \"\"Marj al-azhar wa bustan al hawadith al Akhbar\"\" (\"\"The Hubbub of Al Azhar and the Garden of New Events\"\"), in which he subtly critiqued the pedagogical methods of the Al-Azhar University by contrasting them to the more organized teaching of the French Academy. In 1816 after the fall of Napoleon at Waterloo, he returned to Egypt where he entered the service of Muhammad 'Ali Pasha. He worked as a translator and poet, translating many works from Italian to Arabic. Raphaël de Monachis Rufa'il Zakhûr known in", "title": "Raphaël de Monachis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.3, "text": "Jacques Fesch Jacques Fesch (April 6, 1930, Saint-Germain-en-Laye – October 1, 1957, La Santé Prison, Paris) was the murderer of a French police officer, who became such a devout Roman Catholic while in prison awaiting execution that he has been proposed for beatification. Fesch's father was a wealthy banker of Belgian origin, an artist and atheist, distant from his son. Jacques was a young aimless dreamer. Brought up a Roman Catholic, he abandoned religion by the age of 17, after his parents divorced. He was expelled from school for laziness and misconduct. At 21, he married his pregnant girlfriend Pierrette", "title": "Jacques Fesch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.28, "text": "and was its editor-in-chief until his death. He died in Zurich in 1930. Monakow made numerous contributions in his analysis of the sensory and motor pathways of the brain. He was interested in the functional relationships amongst the different regions of the brain, and conceptualized that in faculties such as intellect, coordination was needed among its many diverse parts. From his brain research, he introduced the terms \"\"chronogenic localization\"\" and \"\"diaschisis\"\". In 1910 Monakow coined the term \"\"diaschisis\"\" to describe how an injury to the brain can create behavioral deficiencies that may be followed by eventual recovery. The word is", "title": "Constantin von Monakow" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.02, "text": "Jacques Rigaut Jacques Rigaut (; 30 December 1898 – 9 November 1929) was a French surrealist poet. Born in Paris, he was part of the Dadaist movement. His works frequently talked about suicide and he came to regard its successful completion as his occupation. In 1929 at the age of 30, as he had announced, Rigaut shot himself, using a ruler to be sure the bullet would pass through his heart. He is buried in the Cimetière de Montmartre. Rigaut's works include: His suicide inspired the book \"\"Will O' the Wisp\"\" by Pierre Drieu la Rochelle. The movie \"\"The Fire", "title": "Jacques Rigaut" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.02, "text": "Jacques Adnet Jacques Adnet (April 20, 1900 – October 29, 1984) was a French art deco modernist designer, architect and interior designer. He was known for his furniture designs in leather. An icon of luxurious French Modernism, Jacques Adnet grew up with the 20th Century. He attended the Municipal School of Design in Auxerre and the École des Beaux-Arts Paris. He believed in the functional aspect of furniture combined with geometrical simplicity. Jacques Adnet was inspired by pre-classical styles and was well acquainted with traditional furniture. Until the age of 28, Jacques lived and worked hand in hand with his", "title": "Jacques Adnet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.98, "text": "Jacques Raige-Delorme Jacques Raige-Delorme (18 November 1795, Montargis – 22 January 1887, Paris) was a French physician and librarian, known for his work involving medical dictionaries. Jacques Raige-Delorme studied medicine in Paris and received his doctorate in 1819 with the dissertation \"\"\"\"Considérations médico-légales sur l'empoisonnement par les substances corrosives\"\"\"\". In 1836 he began work as an assistant librarian at the Faculty of Medicine in Paris. Following the death of Jean-Eugène Dezeimeris in 1852 he was named chief librarian. From 1823 to 1854 he was the principal editor of the journal \"\"\"\"Archives générales de médecine\"\"\"\". With Amédée Dechambre, he published \"\"Dictionnaire", "title": "Jacques Raige-Delorme" } ]
What is Sebaki Devi Das Tatma's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.55, "text": "Amalprava Das Amalprava Das, also known as Amal Prabha Das, was an Indian social worker, Gandhian and the founder of \"\"Kasturba Ashram\"\" at Sarania Hills, Assam, a self help group for women and their economic upliftment and \"\"Guwahati Yubak Sevadal\"\", a non governmental organization working for the social development of harijans. The Government of India honoured her in 1954, with the award of Padma Shri, the fourth highest Indian civilian award for her contributions to the society, placing her among the first recipients of the award. A recipient of the 1981 Jamnalal Bajaj Award, Das was honoured again by the", "title": "Amalprava Das" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.45, "text": "Das. Amalprava Das Amalprava Das, also known as Amal Prabha Das, was an Indian social worker, Gandhian and the founder of \"\"Kasturba Ashram\"\" at Sarania Hills, Assam, a self help group for women and their economic upliftment and \"\"Guwahati Yubak Sevadal\"\", a non governmental organization working for the social development of harijans. The Government of India honoured her in 1954, with the award of Padma Shri, the fourth highest Indian civilian award for her contributions to the society, placing her among the first recipients of the award. A recipient of the 1981 Jamnalal Bajaj Award, Das was honoured again by", "title": "Amalprava Das" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.09, "text": "Rajmohini Devi Rajmohini Devi was an Indian social worker, gandhian and the founder of \"\"Bapu Dharma Sabha Adivasi Seva Mandal\"\", a non governmental organization working for the welfare of the tribal people of Gondwana, in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh. It is reported that she had a vision about Mahatma Gandhi and his ideals during the famine of 1951 and she started a movement, (popularly known as Rajmohini Movement) for the liberation of women and eradication of superstitions and drinking habits among the tribal people. The movement gradually assumed the status of a cult movement with a following of over", "title": "Rajmohini Devi" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.08, "text": "As the minister of Education, his contributions were noted in the implementation of basic education scheme in Assam. He also served as the minister of Food and Civil Supplies for a period of time. Das is credited with the publication of several books, including \"\"Mor Satya Aneshwanar Kahini\"\", an Assamese language translation of \"\"The Story of My Experiments with Truth\"\", the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. \"\"Gandhijir Jiboni\"\", \"\"Mahatma Gandhik Aami Kidore Bujilu\"\" and \"\"Asomot Mahatma\"\" are some his other works. He was involved with the activities of several social and Gandhian organizations such as Harijan Sevak Sangh, Bharatiya Adim Jati", "title": "Omeo Kumar Das" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.05, "text": "Deba Prasad Das Deba Prasad Das was an Indian classical dancer, considered by critics and conoisseurs as one of the four first generation gurus of the Indian classical dance form of Odissi. His Odissi style is robust and unique. He was a recipient of the 1977 Sangeet Natak Akademi Award. and 1974 Odisha Sangeet Natak Akademi Award. Deba Prasad Das was born in 1932 in a small village near Cuttack called Keul Chabi Sua, in the Indian state of Odisha to Indramani Devi and Durga Charan Das, a police officer. He lost his mother at an early age and was", "title": "Deba Prasad Das" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.02, "text": "has worked with Self-Employed Women's Association of India (SEWA), a similar non-governmental organization founded by renowned Gandhian, Ela Bhatt, URMUL, Sandur Kushal Kala Kendra, Rangsutra, SASHA, Berozgar Mahila Kalyan Samiti, and many others. Other major DASTKAR projects are in Kashmir for the social reestablishment of the victims of terrorism, in Ranthambore, for the rehabilitation of the people who were evacuated for the National Park and in Bellary for the revival of the dying art of Lambani embroidery. She is associated with the artisans across the country such as Banjara Needle Crafts and Rabari mirror work craftswoman of Kutch and Maharashtra,", "title": "Laila Tyabji" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.77, "text": "Asha Devi Aryanayakam Asha Devi Aryanayakam (1901-1972) was an Indian freedom fighter, educationist and gandhian. She was closely connected with Sevagram of Mahatma Gandhi and the Bhoodan movement of Vinoba Bhave. She was born in 1901 in Lahore of the erstwhile British India and the present day Pakistan to Phani Bhushan Adhikari, a professor, and Sarjubala Devi and spent her childhood in Lahore and later in Banares. She did her schooling and college studies at home and secured MA after which joined the Women's College, Benares as a member of the faculty. Later, she took up the responsibility of looking", "title": "Asha Devi Aryanayakam" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.73, "text": "college in Odisha, the main building of which was gifted by her. She started a Hindu widow’s training school to train widows to become high school teachers. On the political front, she started several branches of All-India Women’s Conference. She established Orissa Nari Seba Sangha in 1941 for social welfare of women. Indian National Council for Women held its biennial conference in Cuttack, under her leadership. She extended her reach to Bihar, where she became the first woman inspector of prison cells in Patna, first woman to join the management committee of the Prince of Wales Medical College and became", "title": "Sailabala Das" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.67, "text": "1915 to Rameswar Saikia and Swarnalata in North Lakhimpur in Assam, Das did her schooling at Panbazar Girls High School. She started her political activities from school days and was the secretary of an organization by name, \"\" Mukti Sangha\"\". In 1931, she and her comrades organized a protest against the hanging of the revolutionary, Bhagat Singh by the British Raj and was expelled from school. She continued her studies as a private student and passed the matriculation examination in 1934, after which she joined Benaras Hindu University to complete her intermediate course. Later, she graduated from Andhra University and", "title": "Pushpalata Das" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.56, "text": "and a government girls' college, \"\"Rajmohini Devi PG Girls College\"\", in Ambikapur, are named her. Rajmohini Devi Rajmohini Devi was an Indian social worker, gandhian and the founder of \"\"Bapu Dharma Sabha Adivasi Seva Mandal\"\", a non governmental organization working for the welfare of the tribal people of Gondwana, in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh. It is reported that she had a vision about Mahatma Gandhi and his ideals during the famine of 1951 and she started a movement, (popularly known as Rajmohini Movement) for the liberation of women and eradication of superstitions and drinking habits among the tribal people.", "title": "Rajmohini Devi" } ]
What is Robert Antoine's occupation?
[ "missionary", "Christian missionary" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.44, "text": "Robert Antoine Robert Antoine (1914 in Belgium – 1981) was a Belgian Jesuit priest, missionary in India. Professor of Comparative Literature at the Jadavpur University, he was a Sanskritist and musician. He was co-founder, with Pierre Fallon, of Shanti Bhavan, a dialogue centre at Calcutta. Antoine entered the Society of Jesus in 1932, was sent to Calcutta in 1939, dedicated himself to the study of Sanskrit, and became the first Jesuit to obtain a Master's Degree from the University of Calcutta in Sanskrit philology. Besides this, he held a Licentiate in Philosophy, a Licentiate in Theology, a B.A. Classics. Antoine", "title": "Robert Antoine" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.38, "text": "a series of 24 monthly letters which appeared from June 1957 to June 1959, then, with Joseph Neuner and Richard De Smet as editors, as an enlarged book in 1964. Antoine contributed himself nine of the chapters of this book; a 'third' revised edition was produced in 1968, and a fourth in 1997. Robert Antoine Robert Antoine (1914 in Belgium – 1981) was a Belgian Jesuit priest, missionary in India. Professor of Comparative Literature at the Jadavpur University, he was a Sanskritist and musician. He was co-founder, with Pierre Fallon, of Shanti Bhavan, a dialogue centre at Calcutta. Antoine entered", "title": "Robert Antoine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.7, "text": "arrived in India in 1939 and became an Indian citizen in 1950. His untimely death from liver cancer occurred in 1981. During the 42 years he spent in India, mainly in Calcutta, he contributed much to the Bengali culture, the diffusion of Sanskrit and the life of the Church in Bengal. In the words of Felix Raj, “he was an eminent priest, a scholar, an accomplished teacher, a gifted musician and singer and a dear friend.” From 1956, he was lecturer in the Department of Comparative Literature of the Jadavpur University. He also taught at St. Xavier's College, Calcutta. In", "title": "Robert Antoine" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "Antoine Gaudreau Antoine-Robert Gaudreau (c. 1680 – 6 May 1746) was a Parisian \"\"ébéniste\"\" who was appointed \"\"Ébéniste du Roi\"\" and was the principal supplier of furniture for the royal châteaux during the early years of Louis XV's reign. He is largely known through the copious documentation of the Garde-Meuble de la Couronne; he entered the service of the Garde-Meuble in 1726. However, since his career was spent before the practice of stamping Paris-made furniture began (1751), no stamped piece by Gaudreau exists and few identifications have been made, with the exception of royal pieces that were so ambitious and", "title": "Antoine Gaudreau" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "Robert Antoine Pinchon Robert Antoine Pinchon (July 1, 1886 in Rouen – January 9, 1943 in Bois-Guillaume) was a French Post-Impressionist landscape painter of the Rouen School (\"\"l'École de Rouen\"\") who was born and spent most of his life in France. He was consistent throughout his career in his dedication to painting landscapes \"\"en plein air\"\" (i.e., outdoors). From the age of nineteen (1905 to 1907) he worked in a Fauve style but never deviated into Cubism, and, unlike others, never found that Post-Impressionism did not fulfill his artistic needs. Claude Monet referred to him as \"\"a surprising touch in", "title": "Robert Antoine Pinchon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.88, "text": "eroticism and prostitution. The piece was presented officially on 15 May 1877 at the studio of Maurice Leloir, in front of Gustave Flaubert, Émile Zola, Ivan Turgenev and eight elegantly dressed masked women. Since his son showed early signs of interest and aptitude in the arts, Robert Antoine's father purchased a box of oil paints and accompanied him on long Sunday painting walks. An 1898 photograph shows him painting at the age of twelve. He exhibited some of his first paintings in 1900 at fourteen years of age. In 1900 Robert Antoine exhibited a painting in the storefront of a", "title": "Robert Antoine Pinchon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "the service of a surprising eye\"\". Among his important works are a series of paintings of the River Seine, mostly around Rouen, and landscapes depicting places in or near Upper Normandy. Robert Antoine Pinchon was born into an artistic and literary environment. His father, Robert Pinchon, a librarian, journalist, playwright and drama critic, was an intimate friend of Guy de Maupassant and also became a close protege of Gustave Flaubert. Maupassant and Robert Pinchon (\"\"La Tôque\"\", as they called him) co-wrote in 1875 a script for a play entitled \"\"A la Feuille de Rose, Maison Turque\"\", on the subject of", "title": "Robert Antoine Pinchon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.48, "text": "Robert Campeau Robert Joseph Antoine Campeau (August 3, 1923 June 12, 2017) was a Canadian financier and real estate developer, who engineered the largest retailing bankruptcy at the time in U.S. history. Starting from a single house constructed in Ottawa, Canada, Campeau built a large land development corporation around the development of the suburb of Kanata. Expansion in the U.S. led Campeau to diversify into the ownership of retail department stores to anchor commercial development projects. The Campeau Corporation used leveraged buyouts to buy the department stores and went bankrupt when it could not maintain the debt payments. Born in", "title": "Robert Campeau" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.17, "text": "an independent candidate for election to the second district of Cantal. In 1869 he was supported by the government in giving popular science lectures throughout France, which were very popular. He died in Paris on 10 February 1891. He was aged 89. Robert's published works include: Citations Sources Antoine Richard du Cantal Antoine Richard \"\"du Cantal\"\" (4 February 1802 – 10 February 1891) was a French doctor, veterinarian, agronomist and politician. Antoine Richard was born in Pierrefort, Cantal, on 4 February 1802. He enlisted as a volunteer in the 1st Cuirassiers of the Guard and was sent to the \"\"École", "title": "Antoine Richard du Cantal" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.02, "text": "1950 he founded the dialogue center \"\"Shanti Bhavan\"\" with Pierre Fallon as a center of inter-faith, inter-cultural dialogue and their home amidst a population of middle-class intelligentsia. For many years, their periodical, \"\"Darśan Cakra\"\", attracted keen professors of philosophy and other intellectuals. But Shanti Bhavan was above all a centre of friendly conversations, music, songs, bhajans and Eucharistic liturgy. From there Antoine produced his ten books (Sanskrit manual, Bengali hymn book, translations, Indological essays, ecumenical dialogue, etc.) and as many articles. Special mention must be made of \"\"Religious Hinduism\"\", which Antoine, with some other Jesuit friends, had planned, first as", "title": "Robert Antoine" } ]
What is Howard Fowles's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.31, "text": "Howard Fowles Howard Fowles (24 January 1894 – 17 May 1973) was an Australian politician. He was a member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly from 1941 until 1968 and a member of the Labor Party (ALP) . He was the acting Speaker of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly for 3 months in 1962. Fowles was born in Merrylands, New South Wales. He was the son of a blacksmith, was educated to elementary level at state schools. From the age of 14 he worked as a linesman for the New South Wales Government Railways and was an official", "title": "Howard Fowles" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.64, "text": "in the Electrical Trades Union until 1941. In later life, he was also a poultry farmer. Fowles was elected to the New South Wales Parliament as the Labor member for the seat of Illawarra at the 1941 state election. . The sitting Labor member Billy Davies successfully contested the new seat of Wollongong-Kembla at that election. He retained the seat for the next 8 elections and retired at the 1968 state election. Howard Fowles Howard Fowles (24 January 1894 – 17 May 1973) was an Australian politician. He was a member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly from 1941", "title": "Howard Fowles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.44, "text": "Edwin Fowles Edwin Wesley Howard Fowles (17 June 1871 – 29 December 1945) was a barrister, journalist, and member of the Queensland Legislative Council. Fowles was born in December 1871 at Oxley, Queensland, to William Fowles, schoolteacher, and his wife Nancy (née Whittle). He began his education at home, being taught by his father before attending Brisbane Normal School. In 1884 Fowles won a government scholarship to Brisbane Grammar School, winning the Lilley medal in 1887 before attending Ormond College at Melbourne University, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in 1893, then a Master of Arts and Bachelor of Laws in", "title": "Edwin Fowles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.69, "text": "to Peter McLachlan in the seat of Merthyr. In 1904, Fowles married Janet Mary Archibald, the daughter of John Archibald (also a Member of the Queensland Legislative Council). Fowles died in 1945 and following a service at Kingsholme Methodist Church was cremated at Mount Thompson crematorium. Edwin Fowles Edwin Wesley Howard Fowles (17 June 1871 – 29 December 1945) was a barrister, journalist, and member of the Queensland Legislative Council. Fowles was born in December 1871 at Oxley, Queensland, to William Fowles, schoolteacher, and his wife Nancy (née Whittle). He began his education at home, being taught by his father", "title": "Edwin Fowles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.48, "text": "search for truth is the noblest occupation of man, its publication a duty.\"\" V. E. Howard Verna Elisha Howard (September 29, 1911 – September 28, 2000), known as V. E. Howard, was an American minister and radio evangelist based in Texarkana, Texas, who founded the \"\"International Gospel Hour\"\". Howard was the second of seven children born in the Rocky Branch community near Farmerville in Union Parish in North Louisiana, to a Church of Christ couple, Elisha John \"\"Hardy\"\" Howard (1889-1974) and the former Corinne Smith (1888-1971). Two of his younger brothers, W. L. \"\"Jack\"\" Howard and Alton Hardy Howard, were", "title": "V. E. Howard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.45, "text": "of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. Fowle was a founder and chairman of the New York chapter of Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility, an advocacy group for social justice and a sustainable built environment. He is on the Advisory Boards of New School University's Eugene Lang College and the New York City Ballet. Following the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, he helped create and mobilize New York New Visions, a coalition of organizations to help shape the planning and design response to the destruction. He continues to serve on the executive board which acts in an advisory", "title": "Bruce Fowle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.44, "text": "Daniel Fowle (printer) Daniel Fowle (c. 1715 – June 1787) was an American printer before and during the American Revolution, and the founder of \"\"The New Hampshire Gazette\"\". Fowle, a native of Boston, Massachusetts, was an active printer in the city beginning in 1740. Over the next fifteen years, Fowle would print or co-print publications such as the \"\"American Magazine and Historical Chronicle\"\" and \"\"The Independent Advertiser\"\". Along with his business partner Gamaliel Rogers, Fowle was the first to print Samuel Adams and the New Testament in the American Colonies. In 1755, he was arrested on orders from the Massachusetts", "title": "Daniel Fowle (printer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.39, "text": "Music in the United Kingdom. In 1896 Fowles became the organist and choirmaster of St George’s Presbyterian Church of West Croydon, a post which he held until 1904 when he was invited to serve as the organist and choir director of the Presbyterian Church in St. John's Wood, London. Fowles served as president of the Free Church Musician's Union in 1917, and as an examiner in the London College of Music from 1908 through 1920. In September 1899, Fowles was married to the former Ethel Hattie Phillips. He died on 18 January 1939 and was buried 24 January 1939, in", "title": "Leonard N. Fowles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.28, "text": "Leonard N. Fowles Leonard Nowell Fowles (6 October 1870 – 18 January 1939) was an English organist and choirmaster, classical music composer, arranger, teacher, adjudicator and conductor, best remembered for his hymn tunes \"\"Golders Green\"\" and \"\"Phoenix\"\". Fowles was born on 6 October 1870, at Portsea Island near Southsea, Hampshire, to Helen Nowell and Albert Godwin Fowles. His father, a native of the Isle of Wight, was a highly regarded professor of music and a free church organist; his mother was born on Jersey, the Channel Islands. His was a musical family. Fowles' paternal aunt, Miss Margaret Fowles, was organist", "title": "Leonard N. Fowles" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.28, "text": "capacity, providing vision and guidance to the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation. A 1960 graduate of the Syracuse University School of Architecture, Fowle was a founder and chair of the school's Advisory Board and was the recipient of its George Arents Pioneer Medal in 2001. He is LEED accredited by the U.S. Green Building Council. Fowle was elevated to the American Institute of Architects College of Fellows in 1985, elected into the National Academy as an Associate member in 1991, and became a full Academician in 1994. He has served as President of the National Academy since 2011. In 2016, Fowle", "title": "Bruce Fowle" } ]
What is Seif Sharif Hamad's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.97, "text": "Seif Sharif Hamad Seif Sharif Hamad (born 22 October 1943) is a Zanzibari politician. He is the secretary-general of the opposition Civic United Front (CUF) party and first vice president of Zanzibar. 1950–1957: Hamad attended Primary School at Uondwe and Wete Boys School, in Pemba. He started his secondary education from 1958–1961, at King George VI Memorial Secondary School, in Zanzibar Town, Zanzibar. Hamad goes on to attend High school education at the same school from 1962–1963. After completing high school in December 1963, for the next nine years (1964–1972), he was prevented from pursuing University Education because he was", "title": "Seif Sharif Hamad" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.69, "text": "required to fill in one of the vacancies in the civil service caused by the mass departure of British officials in 1964, after being asked to do so by the new Zanzibar Revolutionary Government. He was posted to teach in Secondary Schools, before joining University of Dar es Salaam in 1972–1975, and graduated with B.A. (Honors) in Political Science, Public Administration and International Relations. Hamad served as Member of the Zanzibar Revolutionary Council and Zanzibar Minister of Education (1977–1980), founding member of the Zanzibar House of Representatives (1980–1989) and Member of Tanzanian Parliament (1977), Member of the Central Committee and", "title": "Seif Sharif Hamad" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.73, "text": "(The charges were finally dropped by the Zanzibar Magistrate’s Court in November 2003). Hamadi became the first ever vice president of Zanzibar when Dr. Shein was sworn in as president of Zanzibar.cuf isles Seif Sharif Hamad Seif Sharif Hamad (born 22 October 1943) is a Zanzibari politician. He is the secretary-general of the opposition Civic United Front (CUF) party and first vice president of Zanzibar. 1950–1957: Hamad attended Primary School at Uondwe and Wete Boys School, in Pemba. He started his secondary education from 1958–1961, at King George VI Memorial Secondary School, in Zanzibar Town, Zanzibar. Hamad goes on to", "title": "Seif Sharif Hamad" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.58, "text": "National Executive Committee of Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) - Tanzaniania's Ruling Party (1977–1987), Head of the Economic and Planning Department of the CCM (1982–1987) and Chief Minister of Zanzibar from 6 February 1984 to 22 January 1988. Soon after his dismissal, he was expelled from the sole legal party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), after disputes with party officials. From May 1989 - November, 1991 he was imprisoned as a prisoner of conscience. When Tanzania adopted a multiparty political system in 1992, Hamad along with other former CCM members founded the Civic United Front party. The first multiparty elections took place", "title": "Seif Sharif Hamad" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22, "text": "unceremoniously dropped from the Revolutionary Council and removed as the Chief Minister of Zanzibar and in May 1988 he was expelled from the ruling CCM with six colleagues and automatically lost his parliamentary seat in the Zanzibar House of Representatives. In May 1989, he was arrested and taken to court to face (politically motivated) trumped up charges of allegedly being found with government secret documents. From 1989–1991 he was remanded in the Zanzibar Central Prison. In April 2000, he was arrested and charged with trumped up charges of allegedly attacking members of the police and robbing them with a gun.", "title": "Seif Sharif Hamad" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.94, "text": "in 1995 and Hamad was the CUF's candidate for the Presidency of Zanzibar. He was narrowly defeated by CCM candidate Salmin Amour, winning 49.76% of the vote to Amour's 50.24%. Observers noted serious irregularities in the poll and the CUF rejected the result as rigged. Hamad was again defeated in the 2000 elections by CCM candidate Amani Abeid Karume. He received 32.96% of the vote to Karume's 67.04%. Observers condemned the poll citing widespread irregularities and instances of intimidation of opposition supporters by the security forces. The Commonwealth of Nations team described the election as a 'shambles'. On 26 and", "title": "Seif Sharif Hamad" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.23, "text": "resign his posts as vice president of Tanzania and president of Zanzibar in January 1984. His Chief Minister, Seif Sharif Hamad was detained,and On January 1988 Unceremoniously dropped from the Revolutionary Council and dropped as the Chief Minister of Zanzibar, on May 1988 he was Expelled from the ruling CCM with six colleagues and automatically lost his parliamentary seat in the Zanzibar House of Representatives. On May 1989 he was arrested and taken to court to face (politically motivated) trumped up charges of allegedly being found with government secret documents believed to be the Article of Union. From 1989–1991 he", "title": "Articles of Union" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.8, "text": "27 January 2001, more than forty five CUF supporters were gunned down by Tanzanian Security Forces in peaceful demonstration called to protest the imposition of Zanzibar Government against the will of the people. This led to the ruling CCM party and opposition CUF to have a dialogue that resulted in signing MUAFAKA II, a peace accord designed to ensure electoral and constitutional reforms. Most of the planned reforms were not implemented by the government, including, crucially, an agreed credible voter's register prior to the elections of October 2005. In the 30 October 2005 election, according to official results, Hamad was", "title": "Seif Sharif Hamad" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.67, "text": "the ruling party CCM who was declared the winner on Monday, 1 November 2010, scooping 179,809 votes against 175,338 votes of Hamad. Dr Shein's victory is equal to 50.1 per cent of all the 364,924 votes cast while Hamad garnered 49.1 per cent. In October 2015 Hamad won the election by 25000 votes against Incumbent Ali Mohamed Sheni but the election commission canceled the election after noticing ruling party had lost the election. In March 2016, Hamad refused to participate in the rerun of the election which brought Dr Sheni to power again illegally . In January 1988, he was", "title": "Seif Sharif Hamad" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.56, "text": "he is now serving. Alaa grew up in a family of activists and activism was a constant topic of discussion in his childhood. His father, Ahmed Seif El-Islam Hamad, a human rights attorney who had been arrested in 1983 by State Security Investigations Service officers and tortured and imprisoned for five years, is one of the founders of the Hisham Mubarak Law Center. His mother Laila Soueif, the sister of the novelist and political commentator Ahdaf Soueif, is a professor of mathematics at Cairo University and a political activist. His parents' activism dates to the days of Anwar Sadat. During", "title": "Alaa Abd El-Fattah" } ]
What is Fernanda Vasconcellos's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.36, "text": "Fernanda Vasconcellos Fernanda de Vasconcellos Galvez (born September 14, 1984) is a Brazilian actress. She worked as a model starring in several TV commercials and as a dancer in SBT's Domingo Legal show before becoming an actress. Fernanda played the lead role of Betina in the 2005 season of Malhação working with actor Thiago Rodrigues. After leaving Malhação, she played an art student character named Nanda in the 2006 Rede Globo telenovela Páginas da Vida. This was her second time as Thiago Rodrigues' love interest. Fernanda Vasconcellos won the Best Newcomer Actress Award for this performance. Next, she played the", "title": "Fernanda Vasconcellos" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.89, "text": "Bom as Malu, a college student rejected by her famous mother. Fernanda Vasconcellos Fernanda de Vasconcellos Galvez (born September 14, 1984) is a Brazilian actress. She worked as a model starring in several TV commercials and as a dancer in SBT's Domingo Legal show before becoming an actress. Fernanda played the lead role of Betina in the 2005 season of Malhação working with actor Thiago Rodrigues. After leaving Malhação, she played an art student character named Nanda in the 2006 Rede Globo telenovela Páginas da Vida. This was her second time as Thiago Rodrigues' love interest. Fernanda Vasconcellos won the", "title": "Fernanda Vasconcellos" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.45, "text": "lead role of Clara in the 2007 telenovela Desejo Proibido. Set in a fictional 1930s city located in Minas Gerais state, her romantic interest was a character played by Murilo Rosa. In the 2010 telenovela Tempos Modernos, Vasconcellos again played a character romantically involved opposite actor Thiago Rodrigues, in what would be the third time in her career. She played the lead as Nelinha. Vasconcellos plays the lead role in the 2011 Rede Globo telenovela A Vida da Gente as a tennis player named Ana Fonseca. She plays one of the lead roles in the 2013 Rede Globo telenovela Sangue", "title": "Fernanda Vasconcellos" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.69, "text": "Brother Brazil – for hunting a millionaire husband and save the three. She finds a job in the company of Abdalas and rejoins with Aparício, pretending to be a simple janitor. Already Camila (Agatha Moreira), the arrogant niece Teodora, was responsible for the wrongful arrest of Giovanni, who after being released and vows to take revenge on her. However, when she loses her memory, she falls in love with Giovanni who reciprocates despite the bitterness. Moreover, Bruna (Fernanda Vasconcellos), Giovanni's girlfriend, is a thorn on his side as she intends to do everything to separate them. The first volume of", "title": "Haja Coração" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.58, "text": "Vasco da Gama Fernandes Vasco da Gama Fernandes (4 November 1908 - 9 September 1991), was a Portuguese lawyer and politician. He was named after his most remote relative Vasco da Gama. Vasco da Gama Fernandes was licensee in Law, from the faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, and became a lawyer and politician. Distinguished as an oppositioner to \"\"Estado Novo\"\", being arrested for several times by the political police (PIDE), he joined the Aliança Republicana e Socialista (ARS) and later to the Movimento de Unidade Nacional Antifascista (MUNAF). In 1945, he was one of the founders of", "title": "Vasco da Gama Fernandes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.52, "text": "and Employment. During 1957, she established the Children's Museum and Library, Inc. (CMLI). Fernanda Balboa Fernanda Salcedo Balboa (October 8, 1902 – May 24, 1999) was a Filipina civic leader. Daughter of Marcelino Salcedo and Maria Pilar del Prado, she became the head of League of Women Voters of the Philippines, Inc. (LWVP) from 1947-1957. During World War II, she formed the Home for Convalescent Soldiers in Sampaloc, Manila and a community kitchen in Antipolo, Rizal. Under her dacade of leadership in the LWVP, she transformed it into a corporation and fought for the approval of the New Civil Code.", "title": "Fernanda Balboa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.42, "text": "Grão Vasco Vasco Fernandes (c. 1475-c. 1542), better known as Grão Vasco (\"\"The Great Vasco\"\"), was one of the main Portuguese Renaissance painters. Vasco Fernandes was probably born in Viseu, in Northern Portugal, where he began his career in the team of painters executing the main altarpiece of Viseu Cathedral (1501–1506). Between 1506 and 1511 he painted the main altarpiece of Lamego Cathedral. After working in the Santa Cruz Monastery of Coimbra, Vasco Fernandes returned to Viseu and executed a series of altarpieces for Viseu Cathedral, considered his main works. Most of his paintings hang nowadays in the Grão Vasco", "title": "Grão Vasco" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.33, "text": "elected deputy in the legislative elections of 1985 and 1987. Vasco da Gama Fernandes Vasco da Gama Fernandes (4 November 1908 - 9 September 1991), was a Portuguese lawyer and politician. He was named after his most remote relative Vasco da Gama. Vasco da Gama Fernandes was licensee in Law, from the faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, and became a lawyer and politician. Distinguished as an oppositioner to \"\"Estado Novo\"\", being arrested for several times by the political police (PIDE), he joined the Aliança Republicana e Socialista (ARS) and later to the Movimento de Unidade Nacional Antifascista", "title": "Vasco da Gama Fernandes" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.2, "text": "Vasco Fernandes Coutinho, 1st Count of Marialva Vasco Fernades Coutinho ( 1385 – 1450) was a distinguished Portuguese nobleman, the 3rd Marshal of Portugal and 1st Count of Marialva (from 1440/41). Fernandes Coutinho was the son of Gonçalo Vasques Coutinho, Lord of Couto de Leomil, the 2nd Marshal of the Kingdom. His brother was Álvaro Gonçalves Coutinho, nicknamed \"\"Magriço\"\", a semi-legendary knight of the Twelve of England. Fernandes Coutinho inherited his father's titles and position as Marshal in 1413. He participated in the Portuguese capture of Ceuta in 1415. He was one of the leaders of the Portuguese expedition to", "title": "Vasco Fernandes Coutinho, 1st Count of Marialva" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.05, "text": "Vasco Fernandes (footballer) Vasco Herculano Salgado Cunha Mango Fernandes (born 12 November 1986) is a Portuguese footballer who plays for Vitória F.C. as a right back or a central defender. Born in Olhão, Algarve of Guinea-Bissauan descent, Fernandes started his professional career with hometown's S.C. Olhanense, making his debuts in the second division. Prior to that, he was loaned to FC Girondins de Bordeaux from France, but never appeared officially for the Ligue 1 club. After another loan, now in Spain with UD Salamanca where he teamed up with countryman Zé Tó, Fernandes returned to Portugal, after being bought by", "title": "Vasco Fernandes (footballer)" } ]
What is Julia de Asensi's occupation?
[ "journalist", "journo", "journalists" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.28, "text": "Asensio Julià Asensio Julià i Alvarracín, nicknamed El Pescadoret, the Little Fisherman (c.1759/60, Valencia - 22 February or 25 October 1832, Madrid) was a Spanish painter and engraver who was closely associated with Francisco de Goya. He was born in the seaside barrio of Cañamelar and was apparently the son of a fisherman, so he was given the nickname \"\"El Pescadoret\"\"; although this has been brought into question by later research. In 1771, at the age of eleven, he entered the Real Academia de San Carlos and studied there until 1775. When he turned 19, he spent almost two years", "title": "Asensio Julià" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.58, "text": "of international controversy, the issue was decided in favor of Goya. (For an exhaustive discussion of the subject, with references, see \"\"Attribution\"\" in the painting's article). A major retrospective of his work was presented by the Ministry of Culture of Valencia in 2010. Asensio Julià Asensio Julià i Alvarracín, nicknamed El Pescadoret, the Little Fisherman (c.1759/60, Valencia - 22 February or 25 October 1832, Madrid) was a Spanish painter and engraver who was closely associated with Francisco de Goya. He was born in the seaside barrio of Cañamelar and was apparently the son of a fisherman, so he was given", "title": "Asensio Julià" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.73, "text": "of St. Anthony of La Florida, but his health continued to be unstable and he sometimes employed Julià as an assistant. A portrait by Goya indicates that the two were in contact until at least 1814. Apparently, he was a man of little ambition; satisfied with whatever orders he received from the local bourgeoisie. The number of his confirmed paintings is rather small; mostly of a military or allegorical nature. His painting, \"\"The Castaway\"\" (also called \"\"The Smuggler\"\") was attributed to Goya until the early twentieth century; complicated by the fact that he was known to have made copies of", "title": "Asensio Julià" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "fighting the Barbary Pirates along the coast of North Africa until he had to return to Spain because an illness had left him deaf. Later, he moved to Madrid, where he worked with Mariano Salvador Maella and was briefly introduced to Goya. In 1783, he became a teacher at the Escuela Real de la Merced, a satellite school of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, and applied to continue his studies at the Academia. (In 1818, he became Director of the Escuela.) Little more is known of personal life at that time, except that, in 1790, he", "title": "Asensio Julià" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.06, "text": "was living in his old neighborhood in Valencia, near the home of the Marqués de La Romana, to whom he had offered his services, and where Goya had come to recover from a spell of ill health. According to a letter from Goya to his friend , this is where they first became acquainted when Julià sought Goya's recommendation as a mutual friend of Maella. At this time, Goya was beginning to suffer from deafness, so this may have helped form a sympathetic bond between them. In 1798, Goya received a major commission to create frescoes in the Royal Chapel", "title": "Asensio Julià" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.97, "text": "Goya's works. Some of his paintings were made into engravings by , who had also worked with Goya. Apparently, he was never married and had no children. Online sources give his birth year as early as 1746, or as late as 1767. His place of death is generally given as Madrid, although this is not firmly established. A few sources give his year of death as 1816. In 2008, , Chief Curator at the Museo del Prado issued a press release asserting that \"\"The Colossus\"\", an iconic work by Goya, was actually the work of Julià. After a year's worth", "title": "Asensio Julià" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.86, "text": "Mexico as women began to take up employment as social workers in 1936. In addition to her essays and journal articles, Julia Nava de Ruisánchez published the following: Julia Nava de Ruisánchez Julia Nava de Ruisánchez, also Ruiz Sánchez, (2 February 1883 – 2 May 1964) was a Mexican writer and an activist during the Mexican Revolution. She is also remembered for establishing the first Mexican institution for training social workers in 1936. Born in 1883 in Galeana, Nuevo León, Nava attended the state's teachers' training college and in 1900, became headmistress of the high school in Tula, Tamaulipas. In", "title": "Julia Nava de Ruisánchez" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.72, "text": "Julia Nava de Ruisánchez Julia Nava de Ruisánchez, also Ruiz Sánchez, (2 February 1883 – 2 May 1964) was a Mexican writer and an activist during the Mexican Revolution. She is also remembered for establishing the first Mexican institution for training social workers in 1936. Born in 1883 in Galeana, Nuevo León, Nava attended the state's teachers' training college and in 1900, became headmistress of the high school in Tula, Tamaulipas. In 1904, she helped establish La Sociedad Protectora de la Mujer, known for being Mexico City's oldest feminist society. In 1909, in Mexico City, she took part in activities", "title": "Julia Nava de Ruisánchez" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.67, "text": "Julia Gran Julia Gran is an American graphic designer and children's book illustrator. Gran was born in New York City. She attended the High School of Art and Design, where she majored in animation. She graduated from Parsons School of Design. She then worked as a designer and art director for a variety of design studios and book and magazine publishers. Working in the tradition of her influences Paul Rand and Saul Bass, Julia has combined her designer’s eye and whimsical illustration style. She has created brands for clients ranging from fashion and food to institutional. She has also worked", "title": "Julia Gran" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.64, "text": "Julia de Burgos Julia de Burgos (February 17, 1914 – July 6, 1953) was a poet from Puerto Rico. As an advocate of Puerto Rican independence, she served as Secretary General of the Daughters of Freedom, the women's branch of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. She was also a civil rights activist for women and African/Afro-Caribbean writers. Julia de Burgos (birth name: Julia Constanza Burgos García) was born to Francisco Burgos Hans (a farmer) and Paula García de Burgos. Her father was a member of the Puerto Rico National Guard and had a farm near the town of Carolina, Puerto", "title": "Julia de Burgos" } ]
What is Đurđa Ivezić's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.44, "text": "Zvonko Ivezić Zvonko Ivezić (; 17 February 1949 – 4 September 2016) was a Serbian football manager and player. Born in Vajska, village near Bač, SR Serbia, FPR Yugoslavia, he played with FK Vojvodina in the Yugoslav First League, and with FC Sochaux-Montbéliard in French Division 1 before retiring in the Division 2 by playing with RC Paris. He made 4 appearances and scored twice for the Yugoslav national team during 1975 and 1976. During the 1980s he became general secretary of FK Vojvodina and later he coached a number of domestic clubs. He was the main coach of FK", "title": "Zvonko Ivezić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.25, "text": "Đorđe Ivelja Đorđe Ivelja (; also transliterated Djordje Ivelja; born 30 June 1984) is a Serbian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Swiss club Pajde. Ivelja made his First League of FR Yugoslavia debut with OFK Beograd in 2001, aged 17. He spent seven years there, including several loan spells with lower tier clubs. In early 2009, Ivelja moved to Romanian side Rapid București. He made 11 league appearances for the club, before leaving at the end of the year. On 12 January 2017, Ivelja joined Bulgarian First League side Montana, signing a short-term contract. He left the", "title": "Đorđe Ivelja" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.16, "text": "Rudar Ugljevik in the 2004–05 Premier League of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Zvonko Ivezić Zvonko Ivezić (; 17 February 1949 – 4 September 2016) was a Serbian football manager and player. Born in Vajska, village near Bač, SR Serbia, FPR Yugoslavia, he played with FK Vojvodina in the Yugoslav First League, and with FC Sochaux-Montbéliard in French Division 1 before retiring in the Division 2 by playing with RC Paris. He made 4 appearances and scored twice for the Yugoslav national team during 1975 and 1976. During the 1980s he became general secretary of FK Vojvodina and later he coached a", "title": "Zvonko Ivezić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.58, "text": "club in June. In the summer of 2017, Ivelja joined Swiss club NK Pajde Möhlin. Ivelja represented Serbia at the 2007 UEFA European Under-21 Championship, winning the silver medal. Đorđe Ivelja Đorđe Ivelja (; also transliterated Djordje Ivelja; born 30 June 1984) is a Serbian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Swiss club Pajde. Ivelja made his First League of FR Yugoslavia debut with OFK Beograd in 2001, aged 17. He spent seven years there, including several loan spells with lower tier clubs. In early 2009, Ivelja moved to Romanian side Rapid București. He made 11 league appearances", "title": "Đorđe Ivelja" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.42, "text": "Željko Ivezić Željko Ivezić (born 1965 in Sarajevo) is a Croatian-American astrophysicist. After receiving his PhD in physics from the University of Kentucky in 1995, where he worked on dust radiative transfer models (he wrote the code Dusty), he moved to Princeton University in 1997 to work on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). After Princeton, he took a professorship at the University of Washington in 2004. He has co-authored over 250 scientific papers. Asteroid 202930 Ivezic is named after him. Currently, he is the System Scientist in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope project (LSST) and the chair of the", "title": "Željko Ivezić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.31, "text": "Đurđa Adlešič Đurđa Adlešič (also Đurđa Adlešić; born August 9, 1960 in Bjelovar, Croatia) is a former Croatian politician and former leader of center-right Croatian Social Liberal Party. Adlešić entered politics in 1990 and was one of the founders of Croatian Social Liberal Party in her hometown. She became an MP in 1995. In 2000, she won her second term and became the vice-president of the party. In 2001 she became the mayor of Bjelovar. In 2003 she won her third term in the Parliament, and was reelected as mayor in 2005. She served as the president of the Croatian", "title": "Đurđa Adlešič" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.08, "text": "linked up with all his other occupations, whether he were writings lyrics, epic poems, dramatic plays, novels, publishing, making a pencil sketch of the vision that floated before his eyes, or simply painting upon canvas his magnificent portraits. It is typical of him that, besides painting and colouring his songs, he should have sung them to music. During his lifetime and after, though Jakšiċ had many admirers—they included Konstantin Danil, his former art teacher, portrait painter Katarina Ivanović, Uroš Knežević, painters Pavle Čorbanović, Jovan Popović, and Đorđe Krstić, and, among the poets and writers, Laza Kostić, Simo Matavulj, Kosta Trifković,", "title": "Đura Jakšić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.03, "text": "LSST Science Council. He is also a member of the science advisory groups for the EVLA, VAO and LIGO projects. Željko Ivezić Željko Ivezić (born 1965 in Sarajevo) is a Croatian-American astrophysicist. After receiving his PhD in physics from the University of Kentucky in 1995, where he worked on dust radiative transfer models (he wrote the code Dusty), he moved to Princeton University in 1997 to work on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). After Princeton, he took a professorship at the University of Washington in 2004. He has co-authored over 250 scientific papers. Asteroid 202930 Ivezic is named after", "title": "Željko Ivezić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.86, "text": "Đorđe Bogić Đorđe Bogić (Serbian Cyrillic: Ђорђе Богић; 6 February 1911 – 17 June 1941) was a protopresbyter in the Serbian Orthodox Church and the parish priest of the Orthodox church in Našice. He was canonized by the Serbian Orthodox Church as Holy Hieromartyr Georgije Bogić due to his brutal murder by Croatian fascists in 1941. Đorđe was born in Pakrac on 6 February 1911. He completed grammar school in Nova Gradiška and seminary in Sarajevo. On 25 May 1934, Đorđe was ordained a priest in Pakrac. Đorđe then performed his duties in the parishes of Majar and Bolmače, after", "title": "Đorđe Bogić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 17.84, "text": "Ivan Đurđević Ivan Đurđević (; also transliterated Djurdjević; born 5 February 1977) is a Serbian retired footballer who played as a left back or a left midfielder, and is the manager of Polish club Lech Poznań. He competed professionally in Serbia, Spain, Portugal and Poland, notably with Lech Poznań where he served as both a player and manager. Born in Belgrade, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Đurđević made his professional debuts with FK Rad in 1996. In January 1998 he first moved abroad, going on to remain two and a half years in Spain with CD Ourense and competing in", "title": "Ivan Đurđević" } ]
What is Rick Wilson's occupation?
[ "farmer", "agriculturist", "grower", "raiser", "cultivator", "agriculturer", "farmer (occupation)", "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.03, "text": "Rick Wilson (ice hockey) Richard Gordon Wilson (born August 10, 1950) is a former Canadian professional ice hockey defenceman and head coach. Wilson is currently an assistant coach for the Philadelphia Flyers of the National Hockey League (NHL). Wilson was drafted by the Montreal Canadiens in the 1970 NHL Amateur Draft, sixty-sixth overall. He played for the AHL Nova Scotia Voyageurs, Montreal Canadiens, St. Louis Blues, Detroit Red Wings and AHL Philadelphia Firebirds. He was an assistant coach for the University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux hockey team, Prince Albert Raiders, New York Islanders, Los Angeles Kings and Dallas Stars.", "title": "Rick Wilson (ice hockey)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.36, "text": "Rick Wilson (political consultant) Rick Wilson is a Republican political strategist, media consultant and author based in Florida who has produced televised political commercials for governors, U.S. Senate candidates, super PACs, and corporations. Wilson became well known during the 2016 United States presidential election for his denunciations of Donald Trump and radical supporters of Trump. Examples include calling Trump an \"\"insecure\"\" \"\"dictator\"\" and criticizing his alt-right supporters on Twitter. He was later a prominent strategist for the Evan McMullin presidential campaign. Wilson entered the political arena by campaigning for Connie Mack during the 1988 Florida Senate election. He later served", "title": "Rick Wilson (political consultant)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.89, "text": "He was also an acting head coach between January 25, 2002, and May 2002 for the Dallas Stars. He won the Memorial Cup in 1985. He won the Stanley Cup in 1999. On August 10, 2010 Wilson was named assistant coach for the Minnesota Wild organization, a position he held until the conclusion of the 2015-16 season. He is also the father of former NHL forward Landon Wilson. Rick Wilson (ice hockey) Richard Gordon Wilson (born August 10, 1950) is a former Canadian professional ice hockey defenceman and head coach. Wilson is currently an assistant coach for the Philadelphia Flyers", "title": "Rick Wilson (ice hockey)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.72, "text": "on George H. W. Bush's campaign as Florida field director. Wilson was also a presidential appointee to the Department of Defense under then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. In 1994, Wilson joined a Florida media firm, where he created Pollie-award winning ads for Rudolph Giuliani during the 1997 New York City mayoral election. In 1999 Wilson moved to New York City where he initially worked at City Hall, and then later campaigned for Giuliani during the 2000 New York Senate election. Since 2000, Wilson has augmented his media presence by writing opinion and analysis columns for publication such as \"\"The", "title": "Rick Wilson (political consultant)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "Rick Wilson (jockey) Rick Wilson (born August 12, 1953 in McAlester, Oklahoma) is a retired American jockey and a member of the inaugural class of inductees into the Parx Racing Hall of Fame. During his riding caeer Wilson had 4,939 wins from 24,681 starts and total earnings of $77,303,270. Wilson was able to achieve success from an early age, starting his thirty-five year career in 1972 when he achieved his first win as a teenager racing quarter horses in his native Oklahoma. Wilson had a 4,939-win career, which ranked him at the time, twentieth all-time amongst jockeys. He also earned", "title": "Rick Wilson (jockey)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.41, "text": "Bristol later that year, finishing 19th following an accident. Rick continues to live on his family’s cattle ranch and work as a business owner in his home of Bartow, Florida. Rick was elected to the Polk County Commission on August 28,2018 after soundly beating his opponent, Kathryn Gates-Skipper, by an almost 2 to 1 vote. His elected term was to begin on November 20, 2018; however, after the seat was left vacant by the resignation of Commissioner Melony Bell for the last six weeks of her term, Rick was appointed by Florida Governor Rick Scott to begin serving early and", "title": "Rick Wilson (racing driver)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "Rick Wilson (basketball) Richard \"\"Rick\"\" Wilson (born February 7, 1956) is a retired American basketball player. He played for the Atlanta Hawks of the National Basketball Association. Wilson graduated from Atherton High School in Louisville, Kentucky. He played collegiately for the University of Louisville from 1974 to 1978. As a freshman, Wilson was a reserve on the Cardinals' 1975 Final Four team. Wilson then entered the starting lineup for the rest of his Louisville career. As a sophomore, he averaged 14.8 points, 6.3 rebounds and 4.5 assists per game and led the Cardinals to the 1976 National Invitation Tournament. As", "title": "Rick Wilson (basketball)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.17, "text": "face. These sustained injuries combined left him unable to continue racing. During this time Wilson visited a psychiatrist to help overcome the emotional and mental trauma the event had caused him. Shortly after his bad incident, Wilson’s compassion for racehorses compelled him to become a steward. Rick Wilson married nurse Jean Wilson and together they have four children. He and his family live in Sykesville, Maryland. Rick Wilson (jockey) Rick Wilson (born August 12, 1953 in McAlester, Oklahoma) is a retired American jockey and a member of the inaugural class of inductees into the Parx Racing Hall of Fame. During", "title": "Rick Wilson (jockey)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "Daily Beast\"\", \"\"Politico\"\", \"\"The New York Daily News\"\", \"\"The Federalist\"\", \"\"The Independent Journal Review\"\", and \"\"Ricochet\"\" and is a frequent guest on various mainstream media outlets. Wilson released his first book, \"\"Everything Trump Touches Dies\"\", in 2018. Rick Wilson (political consultant) Rick Wilson is a Republican political strategist, media consultant and author based in Florida who has produced televised political commercials for governors, U.S. Senate candidates, super PACs, and corporations. Wilson became well known during the 2016 United States presidential election for his denunciations of Donald Trump and radical supporters of Trump. Examples include calling Trump an \"\"insecure\"\" \"\"dictator\"\" and", "title": "Rick Wilson (political consultant)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.95, "text": "Rick Wilson (racing driver) Rick Wilson (born January 31, 1953 in Bartow, Florida) is a former NASCAR Winston Cup driver. He began racing in 1980, and posted 23 top-ten finishes over his career. NASCAR's website says that he is probably best known for his \"\"close, side-by-side second to Bill Elliott in Daytona's summer event in 1988.\"\" He was also known for taking over Richard Petty's car at Petty Enterprises after Petty retired in a car numbered 44. Wilson's most successful run came from 1986 until 1989, driving the No. 4 car for Morgan-McClure Motorsports, when he was a consistent top-20", "title": "Rick Wilson (racing driver)" } ]
What is John Campbell, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland's occupation?
[ "diplomat", "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.8, "text": "John Campbell, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland John Campbell, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland KB (10 March 1696 – 26 January 1782), styled Lord Glenorchy from 1716 until 1752, was a Scottish nobleman, diplomat and politician. Campbell was the son of John Campbell, 2nd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland and Henrietta Villiers. He was educated at Christ Church, Oxford. He was Envoy to Denmark from 1718, and ambassador to the Russian Empire from 1731. He was a Lord of the Admiralty in 1741 until the dissolution of Sir Robert Walpole's government the following year. He was Member of", "title": "John Campbell, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.44, "text": "Parliament for Saltash in 1727 and 1734, for Orford from 1741, and was a Scottish representative peer from 1752. He was Master of the Jewel Office from 1745–56, was awarded a DCL from Oxford University in 1756, and served as Justice in Eyre south of the Trent from 1756 to 1765 and Vice-Admiral of Scotland from 1776. Lord Breadalbane and Holland was married on 20 February 1717 to Lady Amabel de Grey, a daughter of Henry Grey, 1st Duke of Kent and his wife, the former Jemima Crew. Lady Amabel died on 2 March 1726 leaving 2 children: The Earl", "title": "John Campbell, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.22, "text": "married a second time to Arbella Pershall on 23 January 1730. They also had 2 children: John Campbell, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland John Campbell, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland KB (10 March 1696 – 26 January 1782), styled Lord Glenorchy from 1716 until 1752, was a Scottish nobleman, diplomat and politician. Campbell was the son of John Campbell, 2nd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland and Henrietta Villiers. He was educated at Christ Church, Oxford. He was Envoy to Denmark from 1718, and ambassador to the Russian Empire from 1731. He was a Lord of the Admiralty in", "title": "John Campbell, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.72, "text": "John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Breadalbane Lieutenant-General John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Breadalbane FRS (30 March 1762 – 29 March 1834), known as John Campbell until 1782 and as The Earl of Breadalbane and Holland between 1782 and 1831, was a Scottish soldier and landowner. Campbell was the son of Colin Campbell of Carwhin by Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of Archibald Campbell, of Stonefield. He was a great-grandson of Colin Campbell of Mochaster, younger son of Sir Robert Campbell, 3rd Baronet, of Glenorchy, and uncle of John Campbell, 1st Earl of Breadalbane and Holland. He was educated at Winchester. In January,", "title": "John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Breadalbane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.33, "text": "John Campbell, 2nd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland John Campbell, 2nd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland (19 November 1662 – 23 February 1752) a Scottish nobleman born in Breadalbane to John Campbell, 1st Earl of Breadalbane and Holland and Lady Mary Rich. In 1685 he married Lady Frances Cavendish, daughter of Henry Cavendish, 2nd Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Lady Frances Pierrepont. With no issue Lady Frances died on 4 February 1690. On 23 May 1695 the Earl married a second time to Henrietta Villiers, daughter of Edward Villiers and Lady Frances Howard. They had three children including John Campbell, 3rd", "title": "John Campbell, 2nd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.25, "text": "aged 71, and was succeeded by his only son, John, Earl of Ormelie. The Marchioness of Breadalbane died in September 1845. John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Breadalbane Lieutenant-General John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Breadalbane FRS (30 March 1762 – 29 March 1834), known as John Campbell until 1782 and as The Earl of Breadalbane and Holland between 1782 and 1831, was a Scottish soldier and landowner. Campbell was the son of Colin Campbell of Carwhin by Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of Archibald Campbell, of Stonefield. He was a great-grandson of Colin Campbell of Mochaster, younger son of Sir Robert Campbell, 3rd", "title": "John Campbell, 1st Marquess of Breadalbane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.11, "text": "of the Scottish privy council. Though nominally a Presbyterian he had assisted the intolerant and despotic government of the Duke of Lauderdale in 1678 with 1700 men. He was reputed to own the best wig in Scotland and his influence, owing to his position and abilities, was greater than that of any man in Scotland other than his cousin, the Duke of Argyll, a relationship that irked him and led to his continuous political manoeuvering to improve his lot. It was important that William III obtained his services in conciliating the Highlanders. Breadalbane at first carried on communications with Dundee", "title": "John Campbell, 1st Earl of Breadalbane and Holland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.98, "text": "demolished in 1806 and replaced by Taymouth Castle are shown further down. John Campbell inherited the title of 4th Earl of Breadalbane and Holland at the age of 19, from his third cousin, who was John Campbell, 3rd Earl of Breadalbane and Holland. In 1789, he called upon Robert Mylne to prepare plans for a new \"\"chateau\"\", although these plans were never carried out. It is said that he wanted to demolish Balloch Castle and build a new grander castle in its place, in order to overshadow the Duke of Argyll's castle at Inveraray. However, ten years later, he did", "title": "Taymouth Castle" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.95, "text": "Holland (1662-1752). He married secondly 1678 Mary Campbell, widow of George Sinclair, the Earl of Caithness, and daughter of Lady Margaret Douglas and Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll. By his second wife, he had a third son, Colin (d. 1708), who was the presumed ancestor (via an illegitimate son) of Sir Lachlan Campbell, one of the present contestants for the title of Earl of Breadalbane and Holland. He also had an illegitimate daughter, Mary Campbell (d. 1725), wife of Sir Archibald Cockburn, advocate, and mother of Sir Alexander Cockburn of Langton, 7th Bt. Lord Breadalbane died on 19 Mar", "title": "John Campbell, 1st Earl of Breadalbane and Holland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.95, "text": "1717. John Campbell, 1st Earl of Breadalbane and Holland John Campbell, 1st Earl of Breadalbane and Holland (1636 – 19 March 1717), son of Sir John Campbell of Glen Orchy, and of the Lady Mary Graham, daughter of William Graham, 1st Earl of Airth and 7th Earl of Menteith, was a member of Scottish nobility during the Glorious Revolution and Jacobite risings and also known as \"\"Slippery John\"\". An astutely political man, Campbell was one of the men implicated in the Massacre of Glencoe. He took part in the abortive royalist uprising under Glencairn in 1654, and was one of", "title": "John Campbell, 1st Earl of Breadalbane and Holland" } ]
What is Ya'akov Ahimeir's occupation?
[ "journalist", "journo", "journalists" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.55, "text": "Ya'akov Ahimeir Ya'akov Ahimeir (; born July 21, 1938), is a senior Israeli journalist, and a television and radio personality. Ya'akov Ahimeir was born in Ramat Gan in 1938, the son of the Revisionist Zionist leader Abba Ahimeir. He was named after Ya'akov Raz, a fighter in one of the Israel's pre-state Jewish undergrounds, who died after he had intentionally infected his own wounds in order not to be caught by the British secret police, and also Shlomo [Ya'akov] Ben-Yosef, known as the first of the Olei Hagardom. He grew up in Jerusalem and graduated from \"\"Dvir\"\" gymnasium. He earned", "title": "Ya'akov Ahimeir" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.52, "text": "a degree in history and political science from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His brother, Yosef, is also a journalist, and a former politician. He began his journalism career working for \"\"Herut LaNoar\"\". During the 1960s, he spent time in London and served as broadcaster in the BBC's daily Hebrew broadcastings, that were transmitted to Israel via shortwave. Since the 1970s, Ahimeir has been a presenter on Kol Yisrael and Channel 1. He served as a political reporter and as a correspondent from Washington D.C.. During his dozens of years of journalistic work, he covered many of Israel's important political events.", "title": "Ya'akov Ahimeir" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.14, "text": "association. In 2012, he was awarded the Israel Prize in the field of communications. Ya'akov Ahimeir Ya'akov Ahimeir (; born July 21, 1938), is a senior Israeli journalist, and a television and radio personality. Ya'akov Ahimeir was born in Ramat Gan in 1938, the son of the Revisionist Zionist leader Abba Ahimeir. He was named after Ya'akov Raz, a fighter in one of the Israel's pre-state Jewish undergrounds, who died after he had intentionally infected his own wounds in order not to be caught by the British secret police, and also Shlomo [Ya'akov] Ben-Yosef, known as the first of the", "title": "Ya'akov Ahimeir" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.33, "text": "Among them, he was on the ramp of the plane with which Anwar El Sadat arrived in Israel, then president of Egypt, on 19 November 1979. He was also among the prominent reporters who covered the disengagement plan in August 2005. Ahimeir is now a current affairs editor and presenter in Israel's public Channel 1, and the editor and presenter of the Saturday night foreign news and culture magazine show \"\"Ro'im Olam\"\" (Seeing the World), on channel 1, and also appears on \"\"HaBoker HaZeh\"\" (\"\"This morning\"\") on Kol Yisrael public radio. In addition, he is among the presenters of the", "title": "Ya'akov Ahimeir" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.62, "text": "with the occupation of worker, but who has since become Israel's greatest shipping tycoon, a rival to the Greeks, a man whose photograph has been in \"\"Time\"\", who appears more often in Monaco than along Dizengoff Street.\"\" The company experienced severe liquidity problems due to the decline in oil shipping during the 1973 oil crisis. It ceased to exist in 1977. Meridor resurrected his political career in 1981 when he was elected to the Knesset on Likud's list. He was appointed Minister of Economics and Inter-Ministry Coordination by Prime Minister Begin, and was seen as a potential future Prime Minister.", "title": "Ya'akov Meridor" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.39, "text": "prominent political radio talk show \"\"Yesh im mi Ledaber\"\" (\"\"There is someone to talk to\"\") on Israel Army Radio, during which, a call-in conversations with the show's listeners are being conducted on current affairs issues. Ahimeir also has published many articles and opinion columns in the \"\"Maariv\"\" and \"\"Israel HaYom\"\" daily newspapers. Ahimeir is a 2005 Sokolov Award winner on journalistic life work and his thorough and responsible work on covering the comprehensive issues in the Israeli society and the world. In addition, Ahimeir is also the \"\"media critic award\"\" winner from \"\"Zkhut HaTzibur Lada'at\"\" (\"\"The public's right to know\"\")", "title": "Ya'akov Ahimeir" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.23, "text": "in the first through seventh Knessets from 1949 to 1973. In the fourth Knesset he was a member of the Knesset committee and in the fifth through seventh a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. He chose not to serve in national positions that would make him have to abandon his ideological, partisan, parliamentary and educational occupations, that had influence outside of Mapam as well. He supported the collaboration with Mapai and establishing the Alignment in 1968. After the Six-Day War he played an important part in Mapam's taking of dovish positions. In 1984 he opposed Mapam's participation", "title": "Ya'akov Hazan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.81, "text": "Ya'akov Eilon Ya'akov Eilon (, born 3 May 1961) is an Israeli television presenter and journalist. Alongside Miki Haimovich, he was the anchor of Channel 2 and Channel 10 news. He was born in Bat Yam as Ya'akov Pijade to Bulgarian Jewish parents. At the age of 14, he started writing for a youth newspaper. After serving in Galei Tzahal and graduating from Tel Aviv University, he lived in New York and worked there as a US correspondent for Yedioth Ahronoth for several years. On 4 November 1993, Eilon anchored Channel 2's first news broadcast. In 1995, he was among", "title": "Ya'akov Eilon" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.75, "text": "Ya'akov Shamai Ya'akov Shamai (, born 22 May 1940) is an Israeli farmer and former politician. Shamai was born in Jerusalem during the Mandate era. After high school, he did national service in the IDF between 1958 and 1961, before working in agriculture. He headed the Likud faction in the Histadrut trade union, and was on the Likud list for the 1984 Knesset elections. Although he failed to win a seat, he entered the Knesset on 5 February 1985 as a replacement for the deceased Yitzhak Seiger. He was re-elected in 1988 and 1992, before losing his seat in the", "title": "Ya'akov Shamai" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.73, "text": "Ahimeir became a member of the editorial board of the Herut party daily in Tel-Aviv, as well as a member of the editorial board of the Hebrew Encyclopedia in Jerusalem where he published (under the initials A. AH.) scores of important academic articles, mostly in the fields of history and Russian literature. Ahimeir died at the age of 65 of a sudden heart attack on the eve of June 6, 1962. His sons, Ya'akov and Yosef, both went on to become journalists. Ahimeir regarded Zionism as a secular, territorial phenomenon. He was the first to speak of \"\"revolutionary Zionism,\"\" and", "title": "Abba Ahimeir" } ]
What is Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck's occupation?
[ "biologist", "biologists" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.41, "text": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de Lamarck (1 August 1744 – 18 December 1829), often known simply as Lamarck (; ), was a French naturalist. He was a soldier, biologist, academic, and an early proponent of the idea that biological evolution occurred and proceeded in accordance with natural laws. Lamarck fought in the Pomeranian War (1757–62) against Prussia, and was awarded a commission for bravery on the battlefield. Posted to Monaco, Lamarck became interested in natural history and resolved to study medicine. He retired from the army after being injured in 1766, and returned to his medical", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.23, "text": "des Plantes, a name that did not imply such a close association with King Louis XVI. Lamarck had worked as the keeper of the herbarium for five years before he was appointed curator and professor of invertebrate zoology at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in 1793. During his time at the herbarium, Lamarck's wife gave birth to three more children before dying on 27 September 1792. With the official title of \"\"Professeur d'Histoire naturelle des Insectes et des Vers\"\", Lamarck received a salary of nearly 2,500 francs per year. The following year, on 9 October, he married Charlotte Reverdy, who", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.2, "text": "the epithet \"\"\"\"lamarcki\"\"\"\", \"\"\"\"lamarckii\"\"\"\" or \"\"\"\"lamarckiana\"\"\"\", but many have since become synonyms. Marine species with valid names include: On invertebrate classification: Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de Lamarck (1 August 1744 – 18 December 1829), often known simply as Lamarck (; ), was a French naturalist. He was a soldier, biologist, academic, and an early proponent of the idea that biological evolution occurred and proceeded in accordance with natural laws. Lamarck fought in the Pomeranian War (1757–62) against Prussia, and was awarded a commission for bravery on the battlefield. Posted to Monaco, Lamarck became interested in natural", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "a student under Bernard de Jussieu, a notable French naturalist. Under Jussieu, Lamarck spent ten years studying French flora. After his studies, in 1778, he published some of his observations and results in a three-volume work, entitled \"\"Flore françoise\"\". Lamarck's work was respected by many scholars, and it launched him into prominence in French science. On 8 August 1778 Lamarck married Marie Anne Rosalie Delaporte. Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, one of the top French scientists of the day, mentored Lamarck, and helped him gain membership to the French Academy of Sciences in 1779 and a commission as a Royal", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "studies. Lamarck developed a particular interest in botany, and later, after he published the three-volume work \"\"Flore françoise\"\" (1778), he gained membership of the French Academy of Sciences in 1779. Lamarck became involved in the Jardin des Plantes and was appointed to the Chair of Botany in 1788. When the French National Assembly founded the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle in 1793, Lamarck became a professor of zoology. In 1801, he published \"\"Système des animaux sans vertèbres\"\", a major work on the classification of invertebrates, a term he coined. In an 1802 publication he became one of the first to use", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.67, "text": "was thirty years his junior. On 26 September 1794 Lamarck was appointed to serve as secretary of the assembly of professors for the museum for a period of one year. In 1797, Charlotte died, and he married Julie Mallet the following year; she died in 1819. In his first six years as professor, Lamarck published only one paper, in 1798, on the influence of the moon on the Earth's atmosphere. Lamarck began as an essentialist who believed species were unchanging; however, after working on the molluscs of the Paris Basin, he grew convinced that transmutation or change in the nature", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.62, "text": "Botanist in 1781, in which he traveled to foreign botanical gardens and museums. Lamarck's first son, André, was born on 22 April 1781 and he made his colleague André Thouin the child's godfather. In his two years of travel, Lamarck collected rare plants that were not available in the Royal Garden, and also other objects of natural history, such as minerals and ores, that were not found in French museums. On 7 January 1786 his second son, Antoine, was born, and Lamarck chose Antoine Laurent de Jussieu, Bernard de Jussieu's nephew, as the boy's godfather. On 21 April the following", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.2, "text": "of animals. Although he was not the first thinker to advocate organic evolution, he was the first to develop a truly coherent evolutionary theory. He outlined his theories regarding evolution first in his \"\"Floreal\"\" lecture of 1800, and then in three later published works: Lamarck employed several mechanisms as drivers of evolution, drawn from the common knowledge of his day and from his own belief in chemistry pre-Lavoisier. He used these mechanisms to explain the two forces he saw as constituting evolution: force driving animals from simple to complex forms and a force adapting animals to their local environments and", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.12, "text": "year Charles René, Lamarck's third son, was born. René Louiche Desfontaines, a professor of botany at the Royal Garden, was the boy's godfather, and Lamarck's elder sister, Marie Charlotte Pelagie De Monet was the godmother. In 1788, Buffon's successor at the position of Intendant of the Royal Garden, Charles-Claude Flahaut de la Billaderie, comte d'Angiviller, created a position for Lamarck, with a yearly salary of 1,000 francs, as the keeper of the herbarium of the Royal Garden. In 1790, at the height of the French Revolution, Lamarck changed the name of the Royal Garden from Jardin du Roi to Jardin", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.11, "text": "known as \"\"Vermes\"\". Lamarck was the first to separate arachnids from insects in classification, and he moved crustaceans into a separate class from insects. In 1802 Lamarck published \"\"Hydrogéologie\"\", and became one of the first to use the term biology in its modern sense. In \"\"Hydrogéologie\"\", Lamarck advocated a steady-state geology based on a strict uniformitarianism. He argued that global currents tended to flow from east to west, and continents eroded on their eastern borders, with the material carried across to be deposited on the western borders. Thus, the Earth's continents marched steadily westward around the globe. That year, he", "title": "Jean-Baptiste Lamarck" } ]
What is James Anderson's occupation?
[ "physician", "physicians", "medical doctor", "medical practitioner", "doctor", "medical doctors" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.81, "text": "James Anderson (mechanical engineer) James Edward Anderson, CBE (3 April 1871 – 15 January 1945) was a mechanical engineer of the Midland Railway and later the London, Midland and Scottish Railway and had a great influence on the latter's adoption of the former's conservative locomotive policies. Born in 1871, Anderson served an apprenticeship with the Great North of Scotland Railway (GNoSR). He worked for Sharp Stewart and Company, Dübs and Company and the Glasgow and South Western Railway (GSWR), before becoming Assistant Chief Draughtsmant of Robert Stephenson Ltd of Darlington. In April 1903, Anderson moved to the Midland Railway (MR)", "title": "James Anderson (mechanical engineer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.22, "text": "James A. D. W. Anderson James Arthur Dean Wallace Anderson Known as James Anderson is an academic staff member in the School of Systems Engineering at the University of Reading, England. He is currently teaching compilers, algorithms, and computer algebra, and in the past he has taught programming and computer graphics. Anderson quickly gained publicity in December 2006 in the United Kingdom when the regional BBC South Today reported his claim of \"\"having solved a 1200 year old problem\"\", namely that of division by zero. However, commentators quickly responded that his ideas are just a variation of the standard IEEE", "title": "James A. D. W. Anderson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.14, "text": "James Anderson (Freemason) James Anderson (c. 1679/1680 – 1739) was a Scottish writer and minister born and educated in Aberdeen, Scotland. He was ordained a minister in the Church of Scotland in 1707 and moved to London, where he ministered to the Glass House Street congregation until 1710, to the Presbyterian church in Swallow Street until 1734, and at Lisle Street Chapel until his death. He is reported to have lost a large sum of money in the South Sea Company crash of 1720. Anderson is best known, however, for his association with Freemasonry. He was the brother of Adam", "title": "James Anderson (Freemason)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.06, "text": "that his work can produce computers which run \"\"orders of magnitude faster than today's computers\"\". He has also claimed that it can help solve such problems as quantum gravity, the mind-body connection, consciousness and free will. James A. D. W. Anderson James Arthur Dean Wallace Anderson Known as James Anderson is an academic staff member in the School of Systems Engineering at the University of Reading, England. He is currently teaching compilers, algorithms, and computer algebra, and in the past he has taught programming and computer graphics. Anderson quickly gained publicity in December 2006 in the United Kingdom when the", "title": "James A. D. W. Anderson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "James A. Anderson (cognitive scientist) James (Jim) A. Anderson (born 1940 in Detroit, Michigan) is a Professor of Cognitive Science and Brain Science at Brown University. His multi-disciplinary background includes expertise in psychology, biology, physics, neuroscience and computer science. Anderson received his Ph.D. from MIT. Anderson's research on applications of neural networks have been instrumental to the field of cognitive science as well as numerous business applications. His neural networks have been applied to models of human concept formation, decision making, speech perception, and models of vision. Anderson’s work has spawned numerous companies. Most notably, Anderson was one of the", "title": "James A. Anderson (cognitive scientist)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.98, "text": "James B. Anderson James B. Anderson (born November 16, 1935) is Evan Pugh Professor of Chemistry and Physics at the Pennsylvania State University. He specializes in Quantum Chemistry by Monte Carlo methods, molecular dynamics of reactive collisions, kinetics and mechanisms of gas phase reactions, and rare-event theory. James Anderson was born in 1935 in Cleveland, Ohio to American-born parents of Swedish descent, Bertil and Lorraine Anderson. He was raised in Morgantown, West Virginia and spent his childhood summers on the island of Put-in-Bay, Ohio. Anderson earned a B.S. in chemical engineering from the Pennsylvania State University, an M.S. from the", "title": "James B. Anderson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "James Anderson (Royal Navy officer) James Anderson (September 1765 – 30 December 1835), was an officer of the Royal Navy, who rose to the rank of captain. James Anderson served through the American War of Independence as a midshipman, and after the end of the war, joined the colonial service in the West Indies. He married Jane Anne Thornhill in September 1790, and rejoined the navy in 1793 with the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars, and was made lieutenant. He was promoted to commander in 1806, and spent some years as agent of transports, after which he commanded the", "title": "James Anderson (Royal Navy officer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.94, "text": "James Anderson (botanical collector) James Anderson (1797 – 22 April 1842) was a Scottish botanical collector who later became the superintendent of the Sydney Botanic Gardens. Anderson was born in Boquhan near Stirling in Scotland in 1797. Between 1826 and 1830 Anderson sailed on the HMS \"\"Adventure\"\", collecting seeds and dried specimens. This voyage, to the Straits of Magellan and the coast of South America, was captained by Phillip Parker King. A collection of dried specimens was submitted to the British Museum after the voyage. He collected many South American species for the Clapton Nursery in London on behalf of", "title": "James Anderson (botanical collector)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "James Anderson (biomedical engineer) James M. Anderson is an American professor of pathology, macromolecular science and biomedical engineering at Case Western Reserve University. He received the Elsevier Biomaterials Gold Medal for the most significant contributions to biomaterials science by an individual from 1980 to 2005. He has been a leader in the development of prosthetics, and has been called an \"\"internationally recognized scientist who has made pioneering and significant advancements in the understanding of the inflammatory cell biology of tissue interactions with biomaterials and implantable medical devices.\"\" Anderson has served as a president of both the \"\"Society for Biomaterials\"\" and", "title": "James Anderson (biomedical engineer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "James G. Anderson James Gilbert Anderson (born 1944 in Spokane, Washington) is the Philip S. Weld Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry in the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, a position he has held since 1982. From 1998 to 2001, he was the chairman of Harvard's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Geophysical Union. His awards include the 1993 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award and the 1996 Arthur L. Day Prize and Lectureship.", "title": "James G. Anderson" } ]
What is Jeet Ganguly's occupation?
[ "composer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.48, "text": "Jeet Gannguli Jeet Gannguli (born Chandrajeet Ganguly, Bengali: চন্দ্রজিৎ গাঙ্গুলী), popularly known as Jeet, is a score composer of Bengali and Hindi movies. Gannguli was initiated into the world of music at the age of three. He was a student of Baranagore Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama High School from where he completed his schooling. Later he graduated from the University of Calcutta. He is trained in Indian classical music under the guidance of his father Kali Ganguly and his pisima (father's sister) Shibani Roychowdhury. He studied western classical music, jazz and rock with jazz guitarist Carlton Kitto. Gannguli is a music", "title": "Jeet Gannguli" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.25, "text": "Bengali serials Jeet Gannguli Jeet Gannguli (born Chandrajeet Ganguly, Bengali: চন্দ্রজিৎ গাঙ্গুলী), popularly known as Jeet, is a score composer of Bengali and Hindi movies. Gannguli was initiated into the world of music at the age of three. He was a student of Baranagore Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama High School from where he completed his schooling. Later he graduated from the University of Calcutta. He is trained in Indian classical music under the guidance of his father Kali Ganguly and his pisima (father's sister) Shibani Roychowdhury. He studied western classical music, jazz and rock with jazz guitarist Carlton Kitto. Gannguli is", "title": "Jeet Gannguli" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.56, "text": "Auroop Ratan Ganguly Auroop Ratan Ganguly is an American hydrologist and a civil engineer of Indian origin best known for his work at the intersection of Climate Extremes and Water Sustainability, Infrastructural Resilience and Homeland Security; and Artificial Intelligence and Nonlinear Dynamics. Ganguly received a Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (1993), a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from University of Toledo, Ohio (1997), and a PhD from the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2002). Ganguly has been a faculty member at Northeastern University (NU),", "title": "Auroop Ratan Ganguly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.84, "text": "Nirmal Kumar Ganguly Nirmal Kumar Ganguly (born 1941) is an Indian microbiologist specialising in tropical diseases, cardiovascular diseases and diarrhea. Ganguly is a graduate of R. G. Kar Medical College, then affiliated with the University of Calcutta. He did his MD in Microbiology from Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research where he also served as Acting Director. Ganguly has been Emeritus Professor of Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research and was Director General, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi (1998-2007). An elected fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, he is currently President of", "title": "Nirmal Kumar Ganguly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.81, "text": "Jahar Ganguly Jahar Ganguly (October 1904 - 1969) was a Bengali film actor and theater personality. He received Best actor award in 6th Annual Bengal Film Journalists' Association Awards in 1943 for his performance in \"\"Bandi\"\". Ganguly was born in undivided 24 Parganas Dist, British India. He worked in number of Bengali and Hindi films in 40s and 50s as a supporting actor in comedy counterparts to the dramatic lead. He got break through in Dena Paona directed by Premankur Atorthy. Ganguly acted under Satyajit Ray’s direction in Parash Pathar and Chiriyakhana. He also performed as stage actor until the", "title": "Jahar Ganguly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.75, "text": "Boston, USA since 2013. He is currently a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He is also Professor by courtesy of multiple departments and colleges at NU, specifically, Computer and Information Science, Marine and Environmental Sciences, Political Science, and Public Policy and Urban Affairs, as well as a Visiting International Professor of Computer Science and Environmental Science at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Ganguly is the Director of the Sustainability and Data Sciences at NU. Prior to his current position at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, he was at the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory for", "title": "Auroop Ratan Ganguly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.72, "text": "States. He is currently on the editorial board of Nature's Scientific Reports, and PLOS One. He is also an Associate Editor of ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. He has previously served as an Associate Editor of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) journal Water Resources Research, on the AI committee of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), and as a co-chair of the Societal Dimensions Working Group at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Ganguly is the co-founder and chief scientific adviser at the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based NSF-funded startup risQ. Ganguly's research across the fields on water and climate science,", "title": "Auroop Ratan Ganguly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.69, "text": "Kaushik Ganguly Kaushik Ganguly is an Indian director, screenwriter and actor in Bengali cinema. He is known for his works that explore sexuality, like \"\"Ushnatar Janye\"\" (2003), which deals with a lesbian relationship, and \"\"Arekti Premer Golpo\"\" (2010), which examines transgender identity. His other films explore various social issues. Ganguly was born in Kolkata on 4 August 1968 to noted instrumentalist Sunil Ganguly. He attended Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Narendrapur and later Jadavpur University where he worked on a degree in Bengali literature. While at university he started a theatre troupe with his future wife actress Churni Ganguly and Suman Mukhopadhyay", "title": "Kaushik Ganguly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.67, "text": "Anil Ganguly Anil Ganguly (26 January 1933 – 15 January 2016) was an Indian film director and screenwriter, who worked in Hindi cinema from 1970s to the 1990s. He is best known for Jaya Bhaduri starrer, \"\"Kora Kagaz\"\" (1974) and \"\"Tapasya\"\" (1975), both of which won the National Film Award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment. His other noted film was Anil Kapoor and Amrita Singh starrer \"\"Saaheb\"\" (1985). Later in his career, he made several actions films, mostly with Mithun Chakraborty. Ganguly started his career making literary adaptations with strong female roles and themes of marital discord. For", "title": "Anil Ganguly" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.67, "text": "Snehasish Ganguly Snehasish Chandidas Ganguly (born 11 June 1965) is a former Indian first class cricketer. Although he didn't play international cricket like his younger brother Sourav, Snehasish had a career with Bengal which spanned 10 years. After retiring from cricket, he focused on his family printing business. Over the past 15 years, Snehasish Ganguly has taken NK Gossain Printers and grown it into one of the best known printing companies in the region. Ganguly is also a member of the Board of Directors of Lux. In 1995, Ganguly married eminent Mohiniyatam dancer Momm Ganguly. The couple had a daughter,", "title": "Snehasish Ganguly" } ]
What is Žarko Petan's occupation?
[ "film director", "movie director", "director", "motion picture director", "screenwriter", "scenarist", "writer", "screen writer", "script writer", "scriptwriter" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.98, "text": "Žarko Petan Žarko Petan (27 March 1929 – 2 May 2014) was a Slovenian writer, essayist, screenwriter, and theatre and film director. He is best known as a writer of aphorisms. Petan was born into a relatively wealthy urban middle-class family in Ljubljana, Slovenia, then part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. He spent his childhood in Zagreb, Croatia, where his father owned a hotel in the city centre. In 1940, the family moved to Maribor in Slovenia, where they owned a café. After the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941, they moved to Trieste to escape Nazi German persecution. After", "title": "Žarko Petan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.61, "text": "especially in Croatian. His work has been translated into more than a dozen foreign languages. He died on 2 May 2014. Žarko Petan Žarko Petan (27 March 1929 – 2 May 2014) was a Slovenian writer, essayist, screenwriter, and theatre and film director. He is best known as a writer of aphorisms. Petan was born into a relatively wealthy urban middle-class family in Ljubljana, Slovenia, then part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. He spent his childhood in Zagreb, Croatia, where his father owned a hotel in the city centre. In 1940, the family moved to Maribor in Slovenia, where they", "title": "Žarko Petan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.12, "text": "the first theatres to introduce the theatre of the absurd on Yugoslav stages. Together with Dominik Smole, Taras Kermauner and Dane Zajc, he was one of the co-founders of the alternative theatre Stage 57, which challenged the rigid cultural policies of the Titoist regime. After the abolition of the theatre by the authorities in 1964, Petan returned to the established theatres. Between 1992 and 1994, he served as Director General of the Slovenian National Radio and Television Broadcast. Žarko Petan was an extremely prolific writer. He has published more than 60 books in Slovene, and many others in other languages,", "title": "Žarko Petan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.75, "text": "the end of World War II, they returned to Maribor. Petan soon entered into conflict with the new Communist regime. In 1949, while serving in the Yugoslav People's Army, he was accused of enemy propaganda and sentenced to 9 years in jail. He was released in 1951, and enrolled in the University of Ljubljana, where he studied economics. After graduation, he enrolled in the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana, where he studied theatre directing. In the late 1950s, he worked with Jože Javoršek and Bojan Štih at the Drama theatre in Ljubljana, which was one of", "title": "Žarko Petan" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.7, "text": "Žarko Zečević Žarko Zečević (, born 19 January 1950 in Belgrade, SFR Yugoslavia) is a Serbian retired basketball player, former football administrator, and current businessman. Known by his widely used nickname Zeka, he is most notable as the controversial and all powerful general-secretary of FK Partizan, a role he performed for more than two decades. Since 2007, he is employed at YugoRosGaz, a subsidiary of Gazprom. Born to Slavko Zečević (former Police Minister and former FK Partizan managing board member) Žarko's entire sports career, both playing and administrative, is also tied to Partizan Sports Society. During the late 1960s and", "title": "Žarko Zečević" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.53, "text": "Žarko (nobleman) Žarko (1336–before 1371) was a 14th-century Serbian nobleman. After the death of Serbian Emperor Dušan the Mighty (r. 1331–1355†), he became a lord of the coasts of the Zeta region, under the succeeding Emperor Uroš the Weak (r. 1355–1371). Around 1356 he married Teodora Dejanović, the daughter of Dejan Dragaš and Theodora Nemanjić (sister of Dušan and Symeon Siniša). Together, they had a son, Mrkša, in 1363. He is mentioned in records from 1356, when he raided some traders from Dubrovnik, not far from Sveti Srđ at Lake Skadar. Zeta itself was held by the widow of Dušan,", "title": "Žarko (nobleman)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.48, "text": "of \"\"oblast\"\" around Valona and Kanina. Žarko (nobleman) Žarko (1336–before 1371) was a 14th-century Serbian nobleman. After the death of Serbian Emperor Dušan the Mighty (r. 1331–1355†), he became a lord of the coasts of the Zeta region, under the succeeding Emperor Uroš the Weak (r. 1355–1371). Around 1356 he married Teodora Dejanović, the daughter of Dejan Dragaš and Theodora Nemanjić (sister of Dušan and Symeon Siniša). Together, they had a son, Mrkša, in 1363. He is mentioned in records from 1356, when he raided some traders from Dubrovnik, not far from Sveti Srđ at Lake Skadar. Zeta itself was", "title": "Žarko (nobleman)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.47, "text": "Žarko Soldo Žarko Soldo (Serbian Cyrillic: Жарко Солдо; 14 April 1953 – 12 March 2011) was a Yugoslav and Serbian football manager and player. Soldo spent his entire career at his hometown club Proleter Zrenjanin. He made over 250 league appearances for the side between the early 1970s and mid-1980s, mainly in the Yugoslav Second League. After finishing his playing career, Soldo was manager of numerous clubs in his homeland, including two spells at Serbian SuperLiga sides Hajduk Kula and Banat Zrenjanin. On 12 March 2011, while serving as manager of Timok, Soldo died during a friendly match due to", "title": "Žarko Soldo" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.25, "text": "Žarko Korać Professor Žarko Korać (), Ph.D. (born 9 March 1947 in Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia) is a Serbian psychologist and politician. He teaches psychology at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy and is one of the founders and president of the Social Democratic Union. He was Deputy Prime Minister in the Government of Serbia between 2001 and 2004, and briefly acting Prime Minister (17–18 March 2003), after Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić was assassinated. Korać is a long time member of the Parliament of Serbia, being part of the LDP-led coalition since 2008. After May 2012 elections, Korać was elected", "title": "Žarko Korać" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.19, "text": "Petrus Loosjes Petrus Loosjes (20 November 1735, Zaandam – 12 January 1813, Haarlem), was an 18th-century writer and Mennonite minister from the Northern Netherlands. He and his brother Cornelis Loosjes were the sons of Adriaan Loosjes the Elder (1689-1767). Adriaan, who was born and died in Westzaandam, originally was a lumber dealer but was chosen a Mennonite minister for his community in 1714, in which state he served until 1762. Petrus published his father's historical notes on the villages of the Zaanstreek in 1794. Petrus trained at the Amsterdam Mennonite Lamist Seminary from 1754-1759 and married Jozina (Sijtje) Oudt, also", "title": "Petrus Loosjes" } ]
What is Akimasa Nakamura's occupation?
[ "astronomer" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.64, "text": "Yoshikawa Akimasa Count was a Japanese bureaucrat, statesman and cabinet minister, active in Meiji and Taishō period Japan. Yoshikawa was born in Yamakawa, Awa Province (currently Yoshinogawa, Tokushima) as the son of a local \"\"samurai\"\". After the Meiji Restoration, he went to Tokyo and entered into service of the new Meiji government, rising to become head of the National Printing Bureau under the Ministry of Finance in 1872. He was a close protégé of Yamagata Aritomo and at Yamagata's urging, served as Governor of Tokyo from July 1882 to June 1885. As Governor, Yoshikawa submitted a plan for the complete", "title": "Yoshikawa Akimasa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.58, "text": "Akihiro Nakamura Nakamura played for his high school and university teams for Urayasu Tokai High School and Tokai University respectively. Nakamura have spent his entire professional football career in Singapore's S.League since he entered professional football with Sembawang Rangers FC in 2001 after passing a trial conducted by the team. He was a salaryman back in his native Japan prior to becoming a professional footballer. He has also played for Singapore Armed Forces FC, Albirex Niigata FC (Singapore), Balestier Khalsa FC, Woodlands Wellington FC and Tampines Rovers FC. He is currently one of the coaching staffs at Home United FC.", "title": "Akihiro Nakamura" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.22, "text": "Nakamura is married with a son and a daughter. (blog) – In Japanese only. He is currently also the general director for football academy called Global Football Academy (in Singapore) with an AFC B License. Akihiro Nakamura Nakamura played for his high school and university teams for Urayasu Tokai High School and Tokai University respectively. Nakamura have spent his entire professional football career in Singapore's S.League since he entered professional football with Sembawang Rangers FC in 2001 after passing a trial conducted by the team. He was a salaryman back in his native Japan prior to becoming a professional", "title": "Akihiro Nakamura" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.17, "text": "administration. In February 1896, while still holding the position of Minister of Justice, he was concurrently appointed Home Minister. He also served as a chamberlain in the Imperial Household. In 1898, under the 1st Ōkuma Shigenobu administration, he was reappointed as Home Minister, and under the 2nd Yamagata administration in November 1898, was made Minister of Communications. That same year, he was elevated to the \"\"kazoku\"\" peerage with the title of \"\"shishaku\"\" (viscount). In 1901, under the 1st Katsura Tarō administration, he was reappointed as Minister of Communications. After his term ended in July 1903, he announced that he would", "title": "Yoshikawa Akimasa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.12, "text": "as Minister of Education, a post which he held from May 1890 to June 1891. Emperor Meiji expressed reservations over the appointment, but was convinced by Yamagata that the choice of the conservative Yoshikawa was suitable. During this period, he played an important role in writing the Imperial Rescript on Education, which articulated government policy on the guiding principles of education in the Empire of Japan, and which had to be memorized by all students. In 1893, under the 2nd Itō Hirobumi administration, Yoshikawa was appointed Minister of Justice. He continued in the same position through the 2nd Matsukata Masayoshi", "title": "Yoshikawa Akimasa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.91, "text": "The son, Hiroharu, became a prominent businessman. However, Kamako had an affair with her chauffeur, with whom she attempted a double suicide by throwing themselves in front of a train. The chauffeur died instantly, but Kamako survived with serious injuries. The revelation of her adultery across class lines brought vehement condemnation from the press and Yoshikawa's peers, and forced his retirement from public life. Yoshikawa's birthplace in Yoshinogawa, Tokushima is preserved as a house museum. His grave is located at Aoyama Cemetery in Tokyo. Yoshikawa Akimasa Count was a Japanese bureaucrat, statesman and cabinet minister, active in Meiji and Taishō", "title": "Yoshikawa Akimasa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.86, "text": "Nakamura Yoshikoto Nakamura was born in Aki Province, in what is now part of Saeki-ku, Hiroshima; however, as his father was a retainer of the Chōshū Domain, for political reasons Nakamura frequently claimed to be a native of Yamaguchi prefecture. He attended the First Tokyo Middle School (now Hibiya High School), where one of his classmates and close friends was the future author Natsume Sōseki. After graduating from the Law School of Tokyo Imperial University in 1893, Nakamura obtained a posting as a bureaucrat at the Ministry of Finance, and was sent to Akita Prefecture. He was later sent to", "title": "Nakamura Yoshikoto" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.72, "text": "in 1992. He has recorded solo albums, worked as a session musician, and collaborated with artists including Sachiko M (\"\"a kindred spirit\"\"), Otomo Yoshihide, Keith Rowe, John Butcher, Espen Reinertsen, Nicholas Bussmann, Taku Sugimoto, Tetuzi Akiyama, dancer Kim Ito, and drummer Jason Kahn. Toshimaru Nakamura Toshimaru Nakamura is a Japanese musician, active in free improvisation and Japanese onkyo. He began his career playing rock and roll guitar, but gradually explored other types of music, even abandoning guitar, and started working on circuit bending. He uses a mixing console as a live, interactive musical instrument: \"\"Nakamura plays the 'no-input mixing board',", "title": "Toshimaru Nakamura" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.72, "text": "be leaving public service; however, he accepted the post of Home Minister again in February 1904, serving until September 1905. In 1907, he became the 1st chairman of the Japan Society for Prevention of Sexually-transmitted Disease. He was subsequently elevated to \"\"hakushaku\"\" (count). In 1912, Yoshikawa became deputy secretary of the Privy Council. However, in 1917, he was forced to resign his positions and retire from public life over a major scandal caused by his 4th daughter Kamako. Yoshikawa had four daughters but no sons, he adopted a younger son of Sone Arasuke, who married his Yoshikawa's 4th daughter Kamako.", "title": "Yoshikawa Akimasa" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.7, "text": "of Peers of the Imperial Diet, and subsequently became Railway Minister in the Terauchi cabinet. Nakamura became Mayor of Tokyo in 1924 and made strenuous efforts towards the rapid reconstruction of the Japanese capital city still devastated by the Great Kantō earthquake of 1923. He was forced out of office in 1926. Nakamura died of a peptic ulcer in 1927 at the age of 61. Nakamura Yoshikoto Nakamura was born in Aki Province, in what is now part of Saeki-ku, Hiroshima; however, as his father was a retainer of the Chōshū Domain, for political reasons Nakamura frequently claimed to be", "title": "Nakamura Yoshikoto" } ]
What is Thomas Widdrington's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.78, "text": "Thomas Widdrington Sir Thomas Widdrington SL (died 13 May 1664) was an English judge and politician who sat in the House of Commons at various times between 1640 and 1664. He was speaker of the House of Commons in 1656. Widdrington was the son of Lewis Mauntlaine, alias Widdrington of Cheeseburn Grange, near Stamfordham, Northumberland. He was a student at Christ's College, Cambridge in 1617 and was awarded BA in 1621. He entered Gray's Inn in 1619 and was called to the bar in 1625. He succeeded to the estated of his father in 1630. He was Recorder of Berwick", "title": "Thomas Widdrington" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.08, "text": "Thomas Widdrington (died 1660) Thomas Widdrington (baptized 19 June 1640 – May 1660) was an English politician who sat in the House of Commons in 1660. Widdrington was the son of Sir Thomas Widdrington and was baptised at St. Martin's, Coney Street, York on 19 June 1640. He was educated at Wormley School, Hertfordshire. He matriculated from Christ's College, Cambridge in 1654 and was awarded an MA in 1656. In April 1660, while still a minor, he was elected Member of Parliament (MP) for Morpeth in the Convention Parliament. He obtained leave to accompany Thomas Fairfax, 3rd Lord Fairfax of", "title": "Thomas Widdrington (died 1660)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.97, "text": "from 1631 to 1658 and Recorder of York from 1638 to 1658. He was knighted at York on 1 April 1639. In April 1640 Widdrington was elected Member of Parliament for Berwick in the Short Parliament. He was re-elected MP for Berwick for the Long Parliament in November 1640. As a barrister, his legal knowledge was useful during the English Civil War. In 1651 he was chosen a member of the Council of State, although he had declined to have any share in the trial of the king. He was elected MP for York in 1654 for the First Protectorate", "title": "Thomas Widdrington" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.58, "text": "Cameron in a delegation to King Charles II and died at The Hague, The Netherlands of a violent fever at the age of about 20. Thomas Widdrington (died 1660) Thomas Widdrington (baptized 19 June 1640 – May 1660) was an English politician who sat in the House of Commons in 1660. Widdrington was the son of Sir Thomas Widdrington and was baptised at St. Martin's, Coney Street, York on 19 June 1640. He was educated at Wormley School, Hertfordshire. He matriculated from Christ's College, Cambridge in 1654 and was awarded an MA in 1656. In April 1660, while still a", "title": "Thomas Widdrington (died 1660)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.44, "text": "Parliament. In 1656 he was elected MP for Northumberland in the Second Protectorate Parliament and was chosen as Speaker in September 1656, and in June 1658, he was appointed Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. In 1659 and again in 1660, he was a member of the Council of State, and on three occasions he was one of the Commissioners of the Great Seal. He lost some of his offices when Charles II was restored. In 1660, he was elected MP for York in the Convention Parliament. He was elected MP for Berwick again in 1661 for the Cavalier Parliament.", "title": "Thomas Widdrington" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.36, "text": "Tommy Widdrington Thomas Widdrington (born 1 October 1971) is an English former footballer and football manager, who is head of recruitment at Bristol Rovers. As a midfielder, he made 372 appearances in the English Football League in a 15-year career, before spending five years in non-league football. His career began at Southampton in 1990, where he spent the first six years of his career. In 1996, he moved to Grimsby Town, helping the \"\"Mariners\"\" to the League Trophy and promotion out of the Second Division in 1998. The next year he moved on to Port Vale for a two-year spell.", "title": "Tommy Widdrington" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "fine. His son, Theo, turned professional at Portsmouth in April 2017. Source: Tommy Widdrington Thomas Widdrington (born 1 October 1971) is an English former footballer and football manager, who is head of recruitment at Bristol Rovers. As a midfielder, he made 372 appearances in the English Football League in a 15-year career, before spending five years in non-league football. His career began at Southampton in 1990, where he spent the first six years of his career. In 1996, he moved to Grimsby Town, helping the \"\"Mariners\"\" to the League Trophy and promotion out of the Second Division in 1998. The", "title": "Tommy Widdrington" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.94, "text": "Widdrington founded a school at Stamfordham, Northumberland, He wrote \"\"Analecta Eboracensia; some Remaynes of the city of York\"\" which was not published until 1877, when it was edited with introduction and notes by the Rev. Caesar Caine. Widdrington died in 1664. Widdrington married Frances Fairfax, a daughter of Ferdinando Fairfax, 2nd Lord Fairfax of Cameron and had five daughters and a son. However his son Thomas died in 1660 when MP for Morpeth. The estate at Cheeseburn Grange passed firstly to his Widdrington's brother Henry and then to his brother Ralph. Thomas Widdrington Sir Thomas Widdrington SL (died 13 May", "title": "Thomas Widdrington" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "club after they were expelled from the Conference National due to them entering administration. In July 2010, Widdrington was named assistant to new Southend United manager Paul Sturrock. His employment was terminated on 15 December 2010 as Sturrock needed \"\"a fresh impetus\"\". The club promoted from within in appointing Graham Coughlan as his replacement. In October 2011, Widdrington was appointed as manager of struggling Southern League side Hemel Hempstead Town. His stay was short, as he found employment at a club in a higher league mid-way throughout the season. In February 2012, Widdrington was appointed as manager of Eastbourne Borough,", "title": "Tommy Widdrington" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 20.97, "text": "Henry Widdrington (died 1623) Sir Henry Widdrington (died 1623) was an English politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1604 to 1622. Widdrington was the son of Edward Widdrington. He succeeded to the estates of his father in 1592. He was deputy warden and keeper of Ridsdale under Sir Robert Carey. He was knighted at Widdrington on 9 April 1603. In 1604, he was elected Member of Parliament for Northumberland. He was High Sheriff of Northumberland in 1606. He was re-elected MP for Northumberland in 1614 and 1621. Widdrington married Mary Curwen, daughter of Sir Henry Curwen. His", "title": "Henry Widdrington (died 1623)" } ]
What is Will Smith's occupation?
[ "screenwriter", "scenarist", "writer", "screen writer", "script writer", "scriptwriter", "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.59, "text": "Will Smith (cricketer) William Rew Smith (born 28 September 1982 in Luton) is an English first-class cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm off-spin bowler. He currently plays for Durham County Cricket Club. Smith originally played for Harrold CC and Bedford School (where he captained England opening batsman Alastair Cook). He played minor county cricket for Bedfordshire as a schoolboy, until he moved to Nottinghamshire in 2002. Primarily an opening batsman, at times Smith has been played slightly further down the order, especially during the Twenty20 cup. Smith is an exciting fielder and has taken some great catches", "title": "Will Smith (cricketer)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.55, "text": "Smith Publications, Inc. in 1993. Smith worked as a music educator at public schools in Nebraska and Missouri. In 1976, he took a faculty position at Southwest Missouri State University; he conducted the University Symphony Orchestra at that institution. He left in 1978 to move to Raytown, Missouri, where his main occupation was composition. He worked as an educational consultant for Wingert-Jones Publications, who published many of his compositions, and worked as a staff writer for Jenson Publications. Claude T. Smith is remembered for his composition work. He completed over 110 compositions for band, 12 orchestral works, and 15 choral", "title": "Claude T. Smith" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "Will Smith (baseball) William Michael Smith (born July 10, 1989) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the San Francisco Giants of Major League Baseball (MLB). He has previously played for the Kansas City Royals and Milwaukee Brewers. Smith attended Northgate High School in Newnan, Georgia, where he played for the school's baseball team as a pitcher. He enrolled at Gulf Coast Community College in Panama City, Florida, where he continued his baseball career. After his freshman year at Gulf Coast, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim selected Smith in the seventh round, with the 229th overall selection, of the", "title": "Will Smith (baseball)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.25, "text": "Will Smith (comedian) William James Smith (born 8 June 1971) is an English stand-up comedian, screenwriter, novelist, actor and producer. As co-writer and co-producer of the HBO sitcom \"\"Veep\"\", he was among the recipients of two Emmys and two Writers Guild of America Awards, and has received nominations for the Golden Globe Award and the Producers Guild of America Award for Best Episodic Comedy. Though born in Winchester, Hampshire, Smith grew up in Jersey and was educated there at Victoria College. His brother is the TV presenter and wine critic Olly Smith. Smith started his career in stand-up comedy, winning", "title": "Will Smith (comedian)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.22, "text": "Will Smith (rugby league) Will Smith (born 3 July 1992) is an Australian professional rugby league footballer who plays for the Parramatta Eels in the National Rugby League. He primarily plays at , but can also fill in at and . He previously played for the Penrith Panthers. Born in Newcastle, New South Wales, Smith is an Indigenous Australian and played his junior football for the Western Suburbs Rosellas in the Newcastle Rugby League. He was then signed by the Newcastle Knights. From 2010 to 2012, Smith played for the Newcastle Knights' NYC team. On 28 May 2012, he re-signed", "title": "Will Smith (rugby league)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "his first year in charge. Away from the playing side, Smith is a keen journalist and writes for All-Out Cricket as well as ad-hoc commentary for Sky and the BBC, he also enjoys watching Football and supports non league side Rushden & Diamonds. Will Smith (cricketer) William Rew Smith (born 28 September 1982 in Luton) is an English first-class cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm off-spin bowler. He currently plays for Durham County Cricket Club. Smith originally played for Harrold CC and Bedford School (where he captained England opening batsman Alastair Cook). He played minor county cricket", "title": "Will Smith (cricketer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "during his tenure as a Maryland legislator, including: William C. Smith Jr. William C. \"\"Will\"\" Smith Jr. (born February 6, 1982) is an American politician who currently represents District 20 in the Maryland State Senate. He previously served as a Delegate representing District 20, which includes large portions of Silver Spring and the entirety of Takoma Park, in the Maryland General Assembly. Smith was born on February 6, 1982 and raised in Silver Spring, Maryland, attending the Barrie School until his graduation in 2000. With the support of his family, Smith became a first generation college student, graduating from the", "title": "William C. Smith Jr." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "Will Smith (linebacker, born 1992) William Lamont \"\"Will\"\" Smith (born January 13, 1992) is a former Canadian football linebacker in the Canadian Football League (CFL) for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and Hamilton Tiger-Cats. He played college football at Texas Tech University. Smith attended Notre Dame High School, where he played football, basketball and ran track. He received league MVP and All-county honors in both football and basketball. He began his college career playing football at the NCAA Division II level at Northwood University. He appeared in 8 games in 2010 as a freshman, making 22 tackles (one for loss) and", "title": "Will Smith (linebacker, born 1992)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.98, "text": "Will Smith (defensive end) William Raymond Smith III (July 4, 1981 – April 9, 2016) was an American football defensive end in the National Football League (NFL). He played college football for Ohio State and was drafted by the New Orleans Saints in the first round of the 2004 NFL draft, where he played for the entirety of his career. Smith was shot and killed during an altercation after an alcohol related traffic accident. Smith was born on the Fourth of July in Queens, New York, to William and Lisa Smith. He was raised in Utica, New York. At Proctor", "title": "Will Smith (defensive end)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.97, "text": "and his family lived in the coachman's cottage for quite some time(Heritage Office file). John Smith rebuilt the rear section of the house and renamed it \"\"Llanarth\"\". Smith was born in 1811 in Trelanvean, Cornwall, England and came to Sydney in 1836 in the Abel Gower. His main occupation was a sheep breeder, and in 1880 he joined the Legislative Council with his knowledge of financial and pastoral matters. He was the President of the Pastoral and Agricultural Association in Molong before he moved to Llanarth. John Smith married Mary Tom, daughter of William Tom, in September 1842 and they", "title": "Llanarth (house)" } ]
What is Jean-Marie-Victor Viel's occupation?
[ "architect" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20, "text": "Jean Vieuchange Jean Joseph Marie Vieuchange (1906–2003) was a French adventurer and doctor, best known for preparing for publication the hand-written notebooks of his brother, Michel, describing his discovery of Smara in the Western Sahara in November 1930. Vieuchange was born in 1906 into a comfortable middle-class family in Nevers, France, the youngest of three children. His sister, Germaine, was born in 1901 and his brother, Michel, in 1904. In 1922, the family moved to Paris, where Vieuchange enrolled as a law student at the Sorbonne; finding law tedious he transferred to medicine three years later. During 1929 and 1930,", "title": "Jean Vieuchange" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.98, "text": "Melun, and a house in the region, giving his profession as gentleman-farmer. The responsibility of his station was to act as arbiter in legal disputes which involved points of honour, and this permitted him to make the acquaintance of a number of aristocrats in the region. It also gave him the time to study agriculture, literature and the arts. Seduced at first by the new ideas of the Revolution, he threw himself into a political career by becoming an aristocratic member of the \"\"bailliage\"\" of Melun in 1789. He was elected secretary of this assembly, under its president M. de", "title": "Vincent-Marie Viénot, Count of Vaublanc" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "in Toulouse. He became president of the \"\"Association corporative des étudiants en droit\"\", an association of law students whose main occupation was to engage in street brawls against the \"\"\"\"Cocos\"\"\"\" (communists). He was excluded from this organisation in 1951. After his time in the military, he studied political science and law at Panthéon-Assas University. His graduate thesis, submitted in 1971 by him and Jean-Loup Vincent, was titled \"\"Le courant anarchiste en France depuis 1945\"\" or \"\"\"\"The anarchist movement in France since 1945\"\"\"\". After receiving his law diploma, he enlisted in the Foreign Legion. He arrived in Indochina after the 1954", "title": "Jean-Marie Le Pen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.31, "text": "he was the co-proprietor of a sugar plantation in the parish of Basse-terre. In this capacity he recommended several changes in the judiciary and in the administration of the colonies, including the construction of storehouses. With two of his colleagues in the chamber, Comte de la Breteche and Baron de Vitrolles, he oversaw some ultra-royalist periodicals, starting with \"\"La Quotidienne\"\" and \"\"Le Drapeau Blanc\"\". In January 1823, he came out in favour of the Spanish Expedition, and was named a member of the board of inquiry, presided over by Marshal Macdonald. He had just been reappointed to the State Council", "title": "Vincent-Marie Viénot, Count of Vaublanc" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.27, "text": "to the book, he wrote extensively about different aspects of his brother's journey for learned societies as well as publishing specialist medical papers. He died in Paris in 2003. Jean Vieuchange Jean Joseph Marie Vieuchange (1906–2003) was a French adventurer and doctor, best known for preparing for publication the hand-written notebooks of his brother, Michel, describing his discovery of Smara in the Western Sahara in November 1930. Vieuchange was born in 1906 into a comfortable middle-class family in Nevers, France, the youngest of three children. His sister, Germaine, was born in 1901 and his brother, Michel, in 1904. In 1922,", "title": "Jean Vieuchange" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.27, "text": "Marie-Thérèse Reboul Marie-Thérèse Reboul (26 February 1738—4 January 1806), commonly called Madame Vien, was a French painter and engraver of natural history subjects, still lifes, and flowers. In 1757, Marie-Thérèse Reboul married the painter Joseph-Marie Vien, who was 22 years older. Nineteenth-century sources state that she was taught by her husband, but Joseph-Marie Vien's autobiography does not mention it. She may have been a student of Madeleine Françoise Basseporte. Prior to her marriage, Madame Vien engraved specimens for \"\"Sénégal: Coquillages\"\" (1757) by the French naturalist Michel Adanson and \"\"Dissertation sur le papyrus\"\" (1758) by the French antiquarian Anne Claude de", "title": "Marie-Thérèse Reboul" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.05, "text": "Placide Viel Blessed Placide Viel (26 September 1815 — 4 March 1877) - born Eulalie-Victoire Jacqueline Viel - was a French Roman Catholic professed religious and mother general who was active in organizing relief during the Franco-Prussian War. Viel joined the Sisters of the Christian Schools in 1833 with the order's founder and mother general Saint Marie-Madeleine Postel being her aunt and served alongside her in various capacities. Viel made extensive travels setting up branches of the order and made several trips to Paris to collect funds for the order's expansion while later travelling across Europe as her aunt's successor", "title": "Placide Viel" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.03, "text": "Jean-Marie De Koninck Jean-Marie De Koninck, (born 1948) is a Canadian mathematician. He has served as a professor at Université Laval since 1972 and is the creator of the road safety program Opération Nez Rouge, or \"\"Red Nose Operation\"\", a system preventing people from drinking and driving. He is the son of the philosopher and theologian Charles De Koninck and the brother of the geographer Rodolphe De Koninck, the psychologist Joseph De Koninck, the philosopher Thomas De Koninck and the sociologist Maria De Koninck. Birthdate: April 29, 1948, Quebec City. Occupation: Professor of Mathematics at Université Laval University diplomas: 1970:", "title": "Jean-Marie De Koninck" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.94, "text": "Eugène Vieillard Eugene Vieillard (1819–1896) was a French physician and botanist. Employed as a surgeon with the merchant navy, from 1855 to 1857 he collected plants in Tahiti with gardener-botanist Jean Armand Isidore Pancher. Afterwards, he spent a number of years conducting botanical investigations in New Caledonia, where he was a colleague to naturalist Émile Deplanche. Within this time period, he also collected ferns in New Zealand (1861) and visited the Cape of Good Hope and the island of Réunion. From 1871 to 1895, he was director of the botanical garden in Caen. The plant genus \"\"Vieillardia\"\" was named in", "title": "Eugène Vieillard" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.88, "text": "Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot Louis Pierre Vieillot (May 10, 1748, Yvetot – August 24, 1830, Sotteville-lès-Rouen) was a French ornithologist. Vieillot is the author of the first scientific descriptions and Linnaean names of a number of birds, including species he collected himself in the West Indies and North America and South American species discovered but not formally named by Felix de Azara and his translator Sonnini de Manoncourt. At least 26 of the genera erected by Vieillot are still in use. He was among the first ornithologists to study changes in plumage and one of the first to study live", "title": "Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot" } ]
What is Eckart von Hirschhausen's occupation?
[ "physician", "physicians", "medical doctor", "medical practitioner", "doctor", "medical doctors" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 25.16, "text": "Eckart von Hirschhausen Eckart von Hirschhausen (born August 25, 1967 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) is a German physician, comedian and talk show host. Eckart von Hirschhausen studied medicine, supported by a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (Study foundation of the German people), at the Free University of Berlin, the University of Heidelberg and the University of London. The subject of his doctoral thesis was 'Efficiency of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy on pigs in the hyperdynamic phase of endotoxemia' and he graduated \"\"magna cum laude\"\" from the University of Heidelberg. From 1996-1997 he studied scientific journalism at the Free", "title": "Eckart von Hirschhausen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.39, "text": "Hirschhausen has performed as a stand-up comedian, show host and magician in variety. He is also a cabaret artist performing his own, and other, cabaret programmes. He was a guest artist in Berlin, in London and at the Cologne Comedy Festival 1997. Hirschhausen was also a member of the panels of contributors to the \"\"Knoff-Hoff-Show\"\" on ZDF and \"\"7 Tage, 7 Köpfe\"\" ('7 days, 7 heads') on RTL. Since 21 January 2004, he has been answering viewers' questions in his column 'Dr. von Hirschhausen wills wissen' ('Dr. von Hirschhausen wants to know') in the scientific television show \"\"W wie Wissen\"\"", "title": "Eckart von Hirschhausen" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.84, "text": "in hospitals'). Since September 2009 he has co-hosted the successor show of 'Die Tietjen und Dibaba' on NDR with Bettina Tietjen. Eckard von Hirschhausen has developed a cabaret routine similar to that of Ludger Stratmann, also a PhD physician and cabaret artist. They both focus on the doctor-patient relationship, while von Hirschhausen specifically points out the inability and unwillingness of professionals in his field to express themselves clearly. He also focuses on the typical routines and rituals which, when separated from the professional environment, appear comical and absurd. His program \"\"Filetspitzen\"\" was awarded the 'Garchinger Kleinkunstpreis' ('Garching Award for minor", "title": "Eckart von Hirschhausen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.78, "text": "('K for Knowledge') on ARD. In \"\"Hirschhausens Wissensbisse\"\" ('Hirschhausen's knowledge-bites') he also presents strange news and facts from the world of scientific research. Hirschhausen is a regular on the cabaret show \"\"Ottis Schlachthof\"\" ('Otti's Slaughterhouse') on Bayerisches Fernsehen and \"\"Quatsch Comedy Club\"\" on Pro Sieben. In 2007 he was a frequent guest on the ARD show 'Schmidt and Pocher'. He is also a speaker specialising in communication and motivational training. At the end of 2008, he founded a charity foundation 'Humor hilft heilen - für mehr gesundes Lachen im Krankenhaus' ('Humour helps the healing process - for more healthy laughing", "title": "Eckart von Hirschhausen" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.75, "text": "in April 2009 not to keep religious education in their schools. The comedian and physician Hirschhausen was awarded the title 'Krawattenmann des Jahres 2009' ('Tie-man of the year 2009') on 3 December 2009. He received this honor from the 'Deutsche Mode Institut (DMI/Köln)' ('German Institute for Fashion, Cologne') in Krefeld. In 2012 he was rewarded with the IQ Award. Eckard von Hirschhausen has been living in Berlin since he was born. His brother is the German economist Christian von Hirschhausen (born 1964). Eckart von Hirschhausen Eckart von Hirschhausen (born August 25, 1967 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) is a German", "title": "Eckart von Hirschhausen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.98, "text": "University of Berlin, but without taking a degree. In 1996 he started writing, mainly for \"\"Focus\"\" and \"\"Der Tagesspiegel\"\". His first appearance on television is believed to have been as a guest contestant performing magic tricks in Jürgen von der Lippe's show \"\"Geld oder Liebe\"\" ('Money or Love'). From 1998 to 2003, he hosted the weekly health advisory show \"\"Service: Gesundheit\"\" ('Service: Health') on Hessischer Rundfunk Television. Since 2004 he has been a weekly contributor to \"\"Stern: Sprechstunde\"\" (\"\"'Stern\"\": Consultation Hour'): his column is called \"\"Die Etwas Andere Medizinkolumne\"\" ('The Somewhat Different Medicine Column'). Starting in the mid-1990s, Eckart von", "title": "Eckart von Hirschhausen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.77, "text": "arts') in 2001. Hirschhausen also won the 'Garchinger Maske' in 2000, the 'Paulaner-Solo Kabarettpreis' in 2003, the 'Jurypreis des Berliner Kleinkunstfestivals' ('Jury's Prize of the Berlin Festival of Minor Arts') and the 'RTL Comedy Cup'. On 14 September 2004, he was awarded the 'St. Ingberter Pfanne', one of the most important German awards for minor arts. Hirschhausen is the current German champion of magic tricks. He was also awarded the 2011 Münchhausen Prize at Bodenwerder. Hirschhausen was a supporter of the 'Pro Reli-Kampagne', a campaign to preserve religious education in Berlin's public schools. Berlin's voters, however, decided in a referendum", "title": "Eckart von Hirschhausen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.94, "text": "Karl von Eckartshausen Karl von Eckartshausen (; – ) was a German Catholic mystic, author, and philosopher. Born in Haimhausen, Bavaria, Eckartshausen studied philosophy and Bavarian civil law in Munich and Ingolstadt. He was the author of \"\"The Cloud upon the Sanctuary\"\" (\"\"\"\"), a work of Christian mysticism which was later taken up by occultists. Translated into English by Isabelle de Steiger, the book was given a high status in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, particularly by Arthur Edward Waite. It is known to have attracted English author and the founder of Thelema, Aleister Crowley, to the Order.", "title": "Karl von Eckartshausen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.22, "text": "Eckartshausen later joined the order of the Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt, but \"\"withdrew his membership soon after discovering that this order only recognized enlightenment through human reason.\"\" Von Eckartshausen was acquainted with Johann Georg Schröpfer, an early pioneer of phantasmagoria, and himself experimented with the use of magic lanterns to create \"\"ghost projections\"\" in front of an audience of four or five people. He died in Munich at the age of 50. Karl von Eckartshausen Karl von Eckartshausen (; – ) was a German Catholic mystic, author, and philosopher. Born in Haimhausen, Bavaria, Eckartshausen studied philosophy and Bavarian civil", "title": "Karl von Eckartshausen" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.11, "text": "devote himself to his duties, first taking a leave of absence and later resigning as president of the Württemberg Jewish Community's high council. He was arrested the first time by the Gestapo in 1935, but was soon released. In 1938, he represented German Jews at the international Évian Conference in France, convened at the initiative of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Returning to Berlin, he continued his protests. Shortly after Kristallnacht, Hirsch was again arrested, this time for protesting the pogrom. He was sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp for two weeks and was released, after which he devoted himself to helping Jews", "title": "Otto Hirsch" } ]
What is Enos Thompson Throop's occupation?
[ "diplomat", "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.05, "text": "Enos T. Throop Enos Thompson Throop ( ; August 21, 1784 – November 1, 1874) was an American lawyer, politician, and diplomat who was the tenth Governor of New York from 1829 to 1832. He studied law at Albany, where he became friendly with his fellow student Martin Van Buren. He was admitted to the bar in 1806, and began to practice law in Auburn, New York. He joined the Democratic-Republican Party, and was appointed postmaster of the village, and in 1811 county clerk of Cayuga County. In 1814, he married Evelina Vredenburgh, who died in 1834. None of their", "title": "Enos T. Throop" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.73, "text": "Latin, \"\"integer vitae scelerisque purus\"\", which means \"\"upright of life and free from wickedness.\"\" The Town of Throop, New York in Cayuga County is named after him. Throop Avenue in Brooklyn (Kings County) and Throop Avenue in the Bronx are named after him. Enos T. Throop Enos Thompson Throop ( ; August 21, 1784 – November 1, 1874) was an American lawyer, politician, and diplomat who was the tenth Governor of New York from 1829 to 1832. He studied law at Albany, where he became friendly with his fellow student Martin Van Buren. He was admitted to the bar in", "title": "Enos T. Throop" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.78, "text": "constitutional convention 1867-1868. He served as commissioner to negotiate a reciprocity treaty between the United States and the Dominion of Canada in 1869 and 1870. Built the Marine and Empire elevators in Buffalo. He died in Buffalo, New York, September 24, 1875. He was interred in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Gov. Enos T. Throop was his half-brother, being a son of Hatch's mother of her first marriage. Israel T. Hatch Israel Thompson Hatch (June 30, 1808 – September 24, 1875) was a U.S. Representative from New York. He was born in Johnstown, New York on June 30, 1808. Hatch pursued preparatory", "title": "Israel T. Hatch" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.55, "text": "children survived infancy. The same year he was elected to the 14th United States Congress as a supporter of the war measures of the administration. He took part in the debates upon the measures to which the close of the war and the prostration of public and private credit gave rise. He also supported and voted for the act changing the compensation of congressmen from six dollars a day to $1,800 per annum, a course which temporarily clouded his political fortunes. Popular dissatisfaction with his actions was such that he was defeated at the congressional elections of April 1816, and", "title": "Enos T. Throop" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.47, "text": "that in 1832 he declined to seek a third term. In 1833 he was appointed by President Jackson naval officer at the Port of New York, which office he held until President Van Buren appointed him on 6 February 1838 Chargé d'affaires of the United States to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. On this post he remained until 12 January 1842. After spending two years in Paris, he returned to the United States, and resided upon an estate on the banks of Owasco Lake near Auburn. In 1847 he moved to Kalamazoo, Michigan, where he purchased a farm of", "title": "Enos T. Throop" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.25, "text": "Errol Thompson (audio engineer) Errol Thompson (December 29, 1948 – November 13, 2004), better known as \"\"ET\"\", was a record producer, audio engineer, and one of the first studio engineers to be involved in dub music. Thompson gained studio experience at Studio One, working alongside Joe Gibbs. He went on to work for Bunny Lee and in the 1970s he worked (along with Niney) as an engineer at Randy's Studio 17, in Kingston, Jamaica. Thompson engineered the first instrumental reggae album, \"\"The Undertaker\"\" by Derrick Harriott and the Crystallites' released in 1970. He went on to work with Joe Gibbs", "title": "Errol Thompson (audio engineer)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.14, "text": ", and became noted among agriculturists. Advancing years compelled him to give up farming, and in 1857 he returned to his former home, removing in 1868 to New York City, but a few years later again returning to his residence near Auburn. He died on his estate of Willowbrook, near Auburn, on 1 November 1874, aged 90. He was buried in the churchyard of St. Peter's Episcopal Church (now Sts. Peter and St. John Church) in Auburn. There is a memorial to him at the Cathedral of All Saints (Albany, New York) (\"\"see image on this page\"\") that states in", "title": "Enos T. Throop" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.12, "text": "William R. Thompson William Robin Thompson (June 29, 1887 - January 30, 1972) was a Canadian entomologist and philosopher. Thompson was born in London, Ontario. After studying biology at the University of Toronto, he obtained a B.S in 1909 and started working at the United States Department of Agriculture. During his employment there, he continued to study at Cornell University and received his master's degree in entomology in 1912. The following year, he resigned from the Department of Agriculture to conduct research at University of Cambridge during 1914-1915. He then pursued his research at the European Parasite Laboratory in 1919", "title": "William R. Thompson" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.05, "text": "E. P. Thompson Edward Palmer Thompson (3 February 1924 – 28 August 1993) was a British historian, writer, socialist and peace campaigner. He is probably best known today for his historical work on the British radical movements in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, in particular \"\"The Making of the English Working Class\"\" (1963). He also published influential biographies of William Morris (1955) and (posthumously) William Blake (1993) and was a prolific journalist and essayist. He also published the novel \"\"The Sykaos Papers\"\" and a collection of poetry. His work is considered to have been among the most important", "title": "E. P. Thompson" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.03, "text": "George B. Throop George Bliss Throop (April 12, 1793 in Johnstown, then in Montgomery Co., now in Fulton County, New York – February 23, 1854 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan) was an American lawyer and politician from New York and Michigan. He was the son of George Bliss Throop (1760–1794) and Abiah (Thompson) Throop (1762–1846), a sister of assemblymen Jesse Thompson and Israel Thompson. On August 23, 1815, he married Abigail Hawley Bostwick (1792–1825). On April 10, 1826, he married Frances Hunt (1806–1872), and they had five children. He was Clerk of Cayuga County from 1821 to 1825, Postmaster of", "title": "George B. Throop" } ]
What is Ali Hillis's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.16, "text": "Ali Hillis Alecia \"\"Ali\"\" Hillis is an American actress who has appeared in television and film, and voices a number of characters in video games. She is widely known for her work as Dr. Liara T'Soni in the \"\"Mass Effect\"\" trilogy, Lightning in the \"\"Final Fantasy XIII\"\" series, and Palutena in \"\"\"\". When she was six months old, Hillis and her family moved to Normal, Illinois and at age 3, to Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. She moved to Charlotte, North Carolina at age 13 and performed at The Children's Theater. She auditioned for Broadway plays in New York City with TV", "title": "Ali Hillis" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.7, "text": "called \"\"Fix Me\"\" by ModernMom, in which she plays Sydney Lang, a housewife who tries to fix everything around her. Hillis is married to Matt Swartz. Ali Hillis Alecia \"\"Ali\"\" Hillis is an American actress who has appeared in television and film, and voices a number of characters in video games. She is widely known for her work as Dr. Liara T'Soni in the \"\"Mass Effect\"\" trilogy, Lightning in the \"\"Final Fantasy XIII\"\" series, and Palutena in \"\"\"\". When she was six months old, Hillis and her family moved to Normal, Illinois and at age 3, to Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin.", "title": "Ali Hillis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.64, "text": "husband, to the amusement of Lester and Ferguson. On a further visit, Aliya rejects an offer from Swift to take her to England, even though conditions for her are worsening in Iraq. Moving into August 2004, Yunis, an Iraqi translator working for Pacific solutions, who has befriended Hibbs, leaves the firm to set up his own pizzeria. While at his shop, Yunis is murdered by two Iraqi policeman for collaborating. Hibbs is off guard not expecting danger, as he trained the pair while he was in the Army. Hibbs, angry at the death, seeks revenge, but is persuaded not to", "title": "Occupation (TV serial)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.09, "text": "by the Shi'is that soon after his death his grave in Mashhad became one of the centres of veneration for those who go on pilgrimage to the tomb of Imam 'Ali-al-Rida\"\". Al-Hilli's role in shaping Twelver jurisprudence is of great importance. As well as several works and commentaries on usul al-fiqh, he produced a voluminous legal corpus. Of this, two of the most important works are \"\"al-Mukhtalaf\"\" (\"\"The Disagreement\"\") and \"\"al-Muntaha\"\" (\"\"The End\"\"). \"\"Mukhtalaf\"\" is a legal manual devoted to addressing legal questions in which the Shia jurists hold differing opinions, whereas the \"\"Muntaha\"\" is a systematic and detailed exposition", "title": "Al-Hilli" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.08, "text": "Danny Hillis William Daniel \"\"Danny\"\" Hillis (born September 25, 1956) is an American inventor, entrepreneur, scientist, and writer who is particularly known for his work in computer science. He is best known as the founder of Thinking Machines Corporation, a parallel supercomputer manufacturer, and subsequently was a fellow at Walt Disney Imagineering. More recently, Hillis co-founded Applied Minds, the technology R&D think-tank. Currently, he is co-founder of Applied Invention, an interdisciplinary group of engineers, scientists, and artists that develops technology solutions in partnership with leading companies and entrepreneurs. Hillis is Visiting Professor at the MIT Media Lab, Judge Widney Professor", "title": "Danny Hillis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.86, "text": "Ali Miraj Mohammad Ali Miraj (born October 1974) is a British former Conservative Party parliamentary candidate, chartered accountant, and part-time DJ from London. Miraj became a councillor in Ruislip Manor in Hillingdon in 1998 aged 23, when he was working as a part-time DJ. He was a councillor until 2002. In 2001 after the September 11 attacks, Miraj spoke at the 2001 Conservative Party conference in favour of military action in Afghanistan, saying \"\"As a British Muslim I find the [11 September] attacks even more difficult to bear\"\". In 2003 when he was in Conservative Future he supported ID cards", "title": "Ali Miraj" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.75, "text": "Muhaqqiq al-Hilli was also a renowned scholar.He studied theology and fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) in Hilla under the auspices of his father and his uncle, as well as other notable scholars, including: Ali bin Tawus and Ahmad bin Tawus. He also spent some time at the newly established Maragheh observatory, where he studied Avicennan philosophy and mathematics under Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, and was also introduced to the works of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi. Later, he travelled to Baghdad and became acquainted with the doctrines of Ibn Arabi. Al-Hilli's role in shaping Twelver jurisprudence is of great importance. As well as several works", "title": "Usul Fiqh in Ja'fari school" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.66, "text": "while an undergraduate at University of Maryland. In 1996, Hillis joined The Walt Disney Company in the newly created role of Disney Fellow and as Vice President, Research and Development at Disney Imagineering. He developed new technologies and business strategies for Disney's theme parks, television, motion pictures, and consumer products businesses. He also designed new theme park rides, a full-sized walking dinosaur, and various micro mechanical devices. In 2000, Hillis co-founded the R&D think-tank Applied Minds with his Disney colleague Bran Ferren. Drawing on the founders' interdisciplinary backgrounds, Applied Minds built a team of engineers, scientists, and designers that provided", "title": "Danny Hillis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.55, "text": "the Study of Evolution, and President of the Society of Systematic Biologists. At the University of Texas, he has served as Director of the School of Biological Sciences, Director of the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Director of the Dean's Scholars Honors Program of the College of Natural Sciences, and as Chair of the Faculty Council. Hillis also owns and operates the Double Helix Ranch, where he raises Texas Longhorn Cattle. David Hillis David Mark Hillis (born December 21, 1958 in Copenhagen, Denmark) is an American evolutionary biologist, and the Alfred W. Roark Centennial Professor of Biology at the", "title": "David Hillis" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.52, "text": "America to find better opportunities. He moved to Chicago to pursue a degree in civil engineering. He would take classes during the day and work night shifts at the factory. After being offered a manager position and an opportunity to own doughnut stores, with being newly married and a child on the way, his father left school. Ali started his career as a multimedia producer and reporter in Washington, D.C. for The Hill in Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. and then worked for Gannett news in New York before writing for Reuters. He has travelled across the United States covering presidential", "title": "Aman Ali (comedian)" } ]
What is Dinesh Singh's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.66, "text": "Dinesh Singh (Uttar Pradesh politician) Dinesh Singh (19 July 1925 – 30 November 1995) was an Indian politician. His family is from Kalakankar. He served as a Member of Parliament on several occasions, and twice served as the Minister of External Affairs of India. Dinesh Singh was born on 19 July 1925, to Avadhesh Singh, the taluqdar, or landed nobleman, of Kalakankar in of Uttar Pradesh. He was educated at Colvin College, Lucknow and at Lucknow University. In 1962-66 he was Deputy Minister in the Ministry of External Affairs 1962-66, Minister of State 1966-67, and Minister of Commerce 1967-69 and", "title": "Dinesh Singh (Uttar Pradesh politician)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.62, "text": "D.B. Singh D.B. \"\"Dinesh Bahadur\"\" Singh is a career India civil servant who formerly served as Secretary of Rajya Sabha and Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Parliament of India, i.e. the Upper House in the Indian Parliament (similar to the House of Lords but different as most Rajya Sabha members are elected by people's representatives, unlike most of the members of the House of Lords who have peerages bestowed upon them). He was appointed as Advisor in Rajya Sabha in 2014 and previously served as Additional Secretary and Joint Secretary in Rajya Sabha. He is a 1981 batch Central Secretariat Service officer.", "title": "D.B. Singh" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.41, "text": "Dinesh Singh (academic) Dinesh Singh, chancellor K.R. Mangalam University is an Indian professor of mathematics. He was former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Delhi. He has been conferred with the Padma Shri which is the fourth highest civilian award awarded by the Republic of India. Singh earned his B.A. (Hons. – Maths) in 1975 and M.A. (Maths) in 1977 from St. Stephen's College, followed M.Phil (Maths) in 1978 from the University of Delhi. He did a PhD in Math from Imperial College London in 1981. He holds numerous honorary doctorates some of them being awarded by University of Edinburgh, National", "title": "Dinesh Singh (academic)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.39, "text": "1988–89, Minister of Industrial Development and Internal Trade 1970-71. He was Minister of External Affairs 1969-70 and 1993-1995. He was elected from Pratapgarh for seven terms from the Second Lok Sabha (1957–62), to the Fifth Lok Sabha (1971–77), and then again for the Eighth and Ninth Lok Sabha 1984-1991, serving in the Rajya Sabha in the interregnum. He married Neelima Kumari of the Tehri-Garhwal ruling family, in 1944, and had six daughters. His sixth daughter is Ratna Singh, who was also an MP from the same Pratapgarh constituency. He died on 30 November 1995 in New Delhi. Dinesh Singh (Uttar", "title": "Dinesh Singh (Uttar Pradesh politician)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "adjunct professor at the University of Houston and has also taught at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi. He is a recipient of Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian honor awarded by the Republic of India. He is noted for being the brainchild and founder of Cluster Innovation Centre at University of Delhi , an inter-disciplinary, first of its kind research center particularly promoting undergraduate research. Dinesh Singh's style of functioning has been termed by a section of Delhi University teachers as \"\"authoritarian\"\" and \"\"megalomaniac\"\". President of the Delhi University & College Karamchari (Worker) Union (DUCKU), publicly", "title": "Dinesh Singh (academic)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.16, "text": "Dinesh Prasad Singh Dinesh Prasad Singh is a member of the Bihar Legislative Council. Singh was born in Daudpur , studied in Kutahi High school He belongs to the lunar dynasty of Rajputs, descendants of Pandava of the great Mahabharata. He is from the Somvansh family. Singh started his political career in the 1990s. He has served in the Bihar Legislative Council as the chairman as well as member for 18 years. His wife Veena Devi served as MLA of Gaighat Bihar, Chairperson of Muzaffarpur, and Vice Chairperson of Muzaffarpur. He was close to Anand Mohan Singh in 1995 with", "title": "Dinesh Prasad Singh" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.09, "text": "Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, University College Cork, Ireland. and University of Houston Singh started his career as Lecturer at St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi in 1981. Thereafter he joined Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi in 1987. He was the Head, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi from December, 2004 to September, 2005. He served the University of Delhi as a Director, South Campus from 2005-2010. He officiated briefly as Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi, before being appointed Vice Chancellor on 29 October 2010. His area of specialization include Functional analysis, Operator Theory, and Harmonic analysis. He is", "title": "Dinesh Singh (academic)" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.58, "text": "Dinesh Sharma Dinesh Sharma is an Indian Politician who serves as Deputy Chief Minister of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. He previously served as the mayor of Lucknow, the state capital. A university professor by profession, he is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party and he has held various roles in the party. Sharma's political talent was first noticed by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Like many politicians in the Bharatiya Janata Party, Sharma began his political career with the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, the student wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. He was later named the", "title": "Dinesh Sharma" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.55, "text": "programme was scrapped as per the directives of the University Grant Commission(UGC) . Thereafter, Singh announced his resignation but later retracted it. Dinesh Singh (academic) Dinesh Singh, chancellor K.R. Mangalam University is an Indian professor of mathematics. He was former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Delhi. He has been conferred with the Padma Shri which is the fourth highest civilian award awarded by the Republic of India. Singh earned his B.A. (Hons. – Maths) in 1975 and M.A. (Maths) in 1977 from St. Stephen's College, followed M.Phil (Maths) in 1978 from the University of Delhi. He did a PhD in", "title": "Dinesh Singh (academic)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.83, "text": "of the Indian National Science Academy, Krishan Lal, former Director General of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, SK Brahmachari, Keki N Daruwallla, ex-Vice President of the Indian Academy of Sciences and a host of academics from JNU, Jamia and Banaras Hindu University and Ex-DU Vice-Chancellor \"\"backed\"\" Prof. Dinesh Singh raising concern over the manner in which, \"\"the autonomy of the university was being compromised\"\". The government decided not to process his reply to the showcause notice as he had barely few months left in his tenure and few senior Cabinet ministers pleaded for no action against him", "title": "Dinesh Singh (academic)" } ]
What is Virginia Haviland's occupation?
[ "librarian", "library staff" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.42, "text": "Virginia Haviland Virginia Haviland (May 21, 1911 – January 6, 1988) was an American librarian and writer who became an international authority in children's literature. She chaired the prestigious Newbery-Caldecott Award Committee, traveled and wrote extensively. Haviland is also well known for her \"\"Favorite Fairy Tales\"\" series, featuring stories from sixteen countries. Virginia Haviland was born in Rochester, New York, to William J. Haviland and Bertha M. Esten. She grew up mainly in Massachusetts. During her childhood, she traveled abroad and spent time with two aunts who entertained international visitors in their home. The early influence of contact with international", "title": "Virginia Haviland" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.08, "text": "Medal in 1966. Virginia Haviland Virginia Haviland (May 21, 1911 – January 6, 1988) was an American librarian and writer who became an international authority in children's literature. She chaired the prestigious Newbery-Caldecott Award Committee, traveled and wrote extensively. Haviland is also well known for her \"\"Favorite Fairy Tales\"\" series, featuring stories from sixteen countries. Virginia Haviland was born in Rochester, New York, to William J. Haviland and Bertha M. Esten. She grew up mainly in Massachusetts. During her childhood, she traveled abroad and spent time with two aunts who entertained international visitors in their home. The early influence of", "title": "Virginia Haviland" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.52, "text": "nearly thirty years—as a children's and branch librarian, and eventually as Readers Advisor to Children. She reviewed for \"\"The Horn Book Magazine\"\" for almost thirty years and in 1963 was named Head of the Children's Book Section of the Library of Congress. Ms. Haviland remained with the Library of Congress for nearly twenty years, and wrote and lectured about children's literature throughout her career. She died in 1988.\"\" Haviland also organized \"\"The Fairy Tale Treasury\"\" (1972) and \"\"The Mother Goose Treasury\"\" (1966), both illustrated by Raymond Briggs and published by Hamish Hamilton. \"\"The Mother Goose Treasury\"\" won the Kate Greenaway", "title": "Virginia Haviland" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.47, "text": "visitors may have influenced her adult interest in traveling and working with international colleagues. Haviland held a BA in economics and mathematics from Cornell University (1933). She became a children's librarian in 1934 for the Boston Public Library, under the tutelage of Alice Jordan, founder of children's services there. She was a branch librarian and children's librarian at Boston from 1948 to 1952, and a reader's adviser for children from 1952 to 1963. Haviland studied folklore under Albert B. Lord at Harvard. In 1949 Haviland gave the New England Library Association's Hewins Lecture for research in the history of children's", "title": "Virginia Haviland" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.31, "text": "a pioneer in attempting to collect international fairy tales into a series of volumes that were more accessible to children. While still a Boston librarian, Haviland submitted a proposal for her Favorite Fairy Tales series to Little, Brown and Company, who accepted and published her books in hard cover ca 1959–71. The books were republished in trade paperback by Beech Tree in the mid-90's. To compile her series, Virginia Haviland traveled around the world meeting with librarians, authors, and authorities in fairy tales. The collection includes: In 1985, Little, Brown and Company also published a single-volume sampling of her series", "title": "Virginia Haviland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.97, "text": "Literature Documentation Centers. She was also chair of the Newbery-Caldecott Award Committee of the ALA from 1953–1954, and held positions of authority in other national and international professional organizations, including positions on many committees and juries that selected outstanding children's books. Her \"\"credo was 'The right book for the right child at the right time.' She had high standards by which to judge children's literature and also accepted newer forms.\"\" Haviland judged the New York Herald Tribune Children's Spring Book Festival Awards from 1955 to 1957, as well as the International Hans Christian Andersen Award, the Book World Children's Spring", "title": "Virginia Haviland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.95, "text": "literature about nineteenth-century travel books for children, and taught Library Service to Children and Reading Guidance for Children at Simmons College School of Library Science from 1957 to 1962 where there is now a Virginia Haviland Scholarship. She also reviewed for The Horn Book Magazine for about thirty years. Haviland chaired the Children's Services Division of the American Library Association (ALA) from 1954 to 1955, and as such attended conferences of the International Board on Books for Children (now called the International Board on Books for Young People), the International Federation of Library Associations, and the Institutions Roundtable for Children's", "title": "Virginia Haviland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.91, "text": "the newly created Freedmen's Bureau, General Oliver O. Howard, named Haviland Inspector of Hospitals. Haviland's actual duties consisted of far more than inspecting hospitals. She spent the next two years traveling through Virginia, Tennessee, Kansas and Washington, D.C., distributing supplies, reporting on the living conditions of Freedmen and indigent whites, organizing refugee camps, establishing schools, working as a teacher, volunteering as a nurse at Freedmen's hospitals, and giving public lectures. In an effort to help whites understand what the Freedmen had endured under slavery, she toured abandoned plantations and collected chains, irons, restraints, and other implements which had been used", "title": "Laura Smith Haviland" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.5, "text": "Book Festival Awards, and the National Book Awards (1969). She was instrumental in beginning the Washington Post Children's Book Guild Nonfiction Award. In 1962 Haviland was invited to found the Center for Children's Literature at the Library of Congress in Washington DC. She became its first Head in 1963, and worked for the Library of Congress until her retirement in 1981. In a note to Haviland's cousin, author C. S. Haviland, fellow Regina Medal-winning author Jane Yolen wrote: \"\"\"\"She was funny, acerbic, brilliant, and did not suffer fools at all. She was also gracious, never condescending, and saw her calling", "title": "Virginia Haviland" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 21.22, "text": "(as a librarian) as one of the highest callings of all. Her knowledge of American and British children's literature—and folklore in particular—was encyclopedic. It's been years since she died, but I still think of her.\"\"\"\" Virginia Haviland died of a stroke on 6 January 1988, in Washington, D.C. Haviland was awarded the Regina Medal \"\"for continuous distinguished contribution to children's literature\"\" from the Catholic Library Association in 1976, and the Grolier Award for \"\"unusual contributions to the stimulation and guidance of reading by children and young people\"\" by the ALA that same year. The ALA would also give her an", "title": "Virginia Haviland" } ]
What is Val McLane's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.28, "text": "post in 2008. She now teaches the BA Honours Bridging Course at Reid Kerr College on behalf of University of Sunderland. Val McLane Val McLane (born Valerie Bradford; 25 February 1943, in Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland) is an English actress, scriptwriter, director and teacher. Her younger brother is musician Jimmy Nail. McLane founded the Live Theatre Company in Newcastle in 1973 with director Geoff Gillham. She has appeared in numerous television roles, including \"\"When the Boat Comes In\"\", \"\"Behind the Bike Sheds\"\", and some Catherine Cookson adaptations for Tyne Tees Television. She appeared as Norma, Dennis' (Tim Healy) sister in", "title": "Val McLane" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.16, "text": "Val McLane Val McLane (born Valerie Bradford; 25 February 1943, in Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland) is an English actress, scriptwriter, director and teacher. Her younger brother is musician Jimmy Nail. McLane founded the Live Theatre Company in Newcastle in 1973 with director Geoff Gillham. She has appeared in numerous television roles, including \"\"When the Boat Comes In\"\", \"\"Behind the Bike Sheds\"\", and some Catherine Cookson adaptations for Tyne Tees Television. She appeared as Norma, Dennis' (Tim Healy) sister in the second series of \"\"Auf Wiedersehen, Pet\"\". In real life, Val is fellow \"\"AWP\"\" star Jimmy Nail's sister. Other television roles", "title": "Val McLane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.58, "text": "include a role as a secretary in \"\"Our Friends in the North\"\". Stage roles include Florrie in \"\"Andy Capp: The Musical\"\" at the Aldwych Theatre. She usually appears in the biannual benefit concert \"\"Sunday for Sammy\"\". She appeared in the films \"\"Wish You Were Here\"\" and \"\"Purely Belter\"\". She also appeared in Jane Eyre 1997 and Grace Poole. She has edited \"\"The Prison Plays\"\" by Tom Hadaway and released \"\"Women in My Past: A Dramatic Monologue\"\", an audio book of dramatic monologue in prose, poetry and song. She was drama leader at the University of Sunderland. She retired from this", "title": "Val McLane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.69, "text": "Malcolm McLane Malcolm McLane (October 3, 1924 – February 2, 2008) was an American businessman, politician, and lawyer. Born in Manchester, New Hampshire, McLane served as a pilot in the United States Army Air Forces during World War II. He graduated from Dartmouth College and Harvard Law School. McLane was a Rhodes Scholar. He then practiced law in Concord, New Hampshire. He helped started the Wildcat Mountain Ski Area in Pinkham Notch, New Hampshire. McLane served on the Concord City Council. In 1972, McLane ran for Governor of New Hampshire as an Independent. Then, from 1970 to 1976, McLane served", "title": "Malcolm McLane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.53, "text": "David McLane David B. McLane is an American businessman, known primarily as a wrestling promoter and television producer. He was the creator of the GLOW-Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling and WOW-Women Of Wrestling (recognized as WOW! and WOW), both nationally syndicated series. He also created the ESPN series of the World Roller Hockey League, Pro Beach Hockey and the Triple Crown of Polo. All of these programs are termed \"\"properties\"\" under his company banner David McLane Enterprises, Inc. McLane grew up watching professional wrestling on television with his older brothers and attended live events in his hometown of Indianapolis. As a", "title": "David McLane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.45, "text": "Allan McLane Allan McLane (August 8, 1746 – May 22, 1829) was an officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He was appointed as the first United States Marshal of Delaware in 1789, and as Customs Collector of the Port of Wilmington in 1797. Allan McLane was born on August 8, 1746 in Philadelphia, where his Scottish-born father was a merchant. At age 21, McLane moved to central Delaware. McLane served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. In 1775, he was a volunteer in the Battle of Great Bridge near Norfolk, Virginia, where the Virginia", "title": "Allan McLane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.41, "text": "Louis McLane Louis McLane (May 28, 1786 – October 7, 1857) was an American lawyer and politician from Wilmington, in New Castle County, Delaware, and Baltimore, Maryland. He was a veteran of the War of 1812 and a member of the Federalist Party and later the Democratic Party. He served as the U.S. Representative from Delaware, U.S. Senator from Delaware, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. Secretary of State, Minister Plenipotentiary to the United Kingdom, and President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. As a member of President Andrew Jackson's Cabinet, McLane was a prominent figure during the Bank War.", "title": "Louis McLane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.38, "text": "Drayton McLane Drayton McLane Jr. (born July 22, 1936) is an American billionaire businessman. He is chairman of the McLane Group, a holding company with a portfolio of various diverse enterprises. He was, until 1990, the CEO of the McLane Company, a grocery and food service warehouse, supply, and logistics firm, and was, from 1993 until 2011, the chairman and CEO of Major League Baseball's Houston Astros. On the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans, he was ranked #324 in 2015 with an estimated net worth of $2 billion. He was born on July 22, 1936 in Cameron, Texas. His", "title": "Drayton McLane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.3, "text": "Ed McLane Edward Cameron McLane (August 20, 1881 in Weston, Massachusetts – August 21, 1975 in Baltimore, Maryland), was a professional baseball player who played outfield in one game for the 1907 Brooklyn Superbas. He attended Fordham University as well as the Maryland Agricultural College. McLane starred for Fordham's baseball team as both a pitcher and outfielder, while also playing guard on the school's football team. He achieved a notable success on the diamond against Yale University on March 25, 1904. Stepping in at the last minute when Fordham's scheduled starting pitcher was incapacitated, he led his school to a", "title": "Ed McLane" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.25, "text": "Derek McLane Derek McLane (born June 14, 1958, in London, England) is an American set designer for theatre, opera, and television. He graduated with a BA from Harvard College and an MFA from the Yale School of Drama. McLane has designed more than 300 productions at theatres throughout the United States and around the world, for Broadway, Off-Broadway and major live television. McLane won an Emmy and an Art Directors Guild Award for his design for the 2014 Oscars. Broadway credits include: \"\"China Doll\"\" (2015), \"\"Gigi\"\" (2015), \"\"\"\" (2014), \"\"33 Variations\"\" (Tony Award, Best Scenic Design 2009), \"\"Grease\"\", \"\"The Pajama", "title": "Derek McLane" } ]
What is Heinrich Hofmann's occupation?
[ "composer", "pianist" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.55, "text": "Heinrich Hofmann (painter) Johann Michael Ferdinand Heinrich Hofmann (March 19, 1824 - June 23, 1911) was a German painter of the late 19th to early 20th century. He was the uncle of the German painter Ludwig von Hofmann. He was born in Darmstadt and died in Dresden. He is best known for his many paintings depicting the life of Jesus Christ. Heinrich Hofmann grew up in a family that harbored a deep interest in art. His father, advocate Heinrich Karl Hofmann (1795–1845) painted in watercolors, his mother Sophie Hofmann, née Volhard (1798–1854) gave lessons in art before she married, and", "title": "Heinrich Hofmann (painter)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.28, "text": "his four brothers all showed artistic talent. Heinrich, however, was the only one for whom art was not only a profession but the center of his life. Hofmann received his first lessons in art from the copper engraver Ernst Rauch in Darmstadt. Then, in 1842, he entered the Academy of Art in Düsseldorf and attended the classes given in painting by Theodor Hildebrandt. Later, he was accepted into the studio of Wilhelm von Schadow and there he created his first large painting: A scene from the life of Alboin, King of the Langobards. Thereafter, he traveled to the Netherlands and", "title": "Heinrich Hofmann (painter)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "(1889), and \"\"Christ in Gethsemane\"\" (1890). These now are displayed at the Riverside Church in New York City. Heinrich Hofmann (painter) Johann Michael Ferdinand Heinrich Hofmann (March 19, 1824 - June 23, 1911) was a German painter of the late 19th to early 20th century. He was the uncle of the German painter Ludwig von Hofmann. He was born in Darmstadt and died in Dresden. He is best known for his many paintings depicting the life of Jesus Christ. Heinrich Hofmann grew up in a family that harbored a deep interest in art. His father, advocate Heinrich Karl Hofmann (1795–1845)", "title": "Heinrich Hofmann (painter)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.5, "text": "reasons for the increasing popularity of his artwork is the publication of his paintings and pencil drawings depicting the life of Jesus Christ in \"\"The Second Coming of Christ\"\", the interpretation of the Gospels by Paramahansa Yogananda, the founder of Self Realization Fellowship , responsible for bringing the teachings of Kriya Yoga to the West. Heinrich Hofmann was one of the pre-eminent painters of his time. \"\"The Sunday Strand\"\" – at that time a very popular British magazine– describes him as the most influential contemporary German painter. Hofmann’s style of painting was unique in its own way but at the", "title": "Heinrich Hofmann (painter)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.48, "text": "August Wilhelm von Hofmann August Wilhelm von Hofmann (8 April 18185 May 1892) was a German chemist who made considerable contributions to organic chemistry. His research on aniline helped lay the basis of the aniline-dye industry, and his research on coal tar laid the groundwork for his student Charles Mansfield's practical methods for extracting benzene and toluene and converting them into nitro compounds and amines. Hofmann's discoveries include formaldehyde, hydrazobenzene, the isonitriles, and allyl alcohol. He prepared three ethylamines and tetraethylammonium compounds and established their structural relationship to ammonia. After studying under Justus von Liebig at the University of Giessen,", "title": "August Wilhelm von Hofmann" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.41, "text": "Hans J. Hofmann Hans J. Hofmann (3 October 1936, Kiel, Germany – 19 May 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) was a paleontologist, specializing in the study of Precambrian fossils using computer modelling and image analysis to quantify morphologic attributes. Born in Germany, Hofmann immigrated to Montreal, Quebec, Canada and studied geology at McGill University, where he earned a Ph.D. under the supervision of T. H. Clark. He taught for three years at the University of Cincinnati and then worked at the Geological Survey of Canada. He was a professor in the geology department of the Université de Montréal for 31 years", "title": "Hans J. Hofmann" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.31, "text": "France to intensify his studies of art. In 1846, Hofmann visited the Academy of Art in Antwerp. After passing a longer period of time in Munich he returned to Darmstadt in 1848, and at that time, he began an intensive phase of painting portraits. The young artist found that the political activities of his family opened many doors to influential persons of the time. This afforded him the opportunity to create two portraits of Heinrich von Gagern and one of Justus von Liebig (this portrait is now in the possession of Queen of the United Kingdom). In 1851, Hofmann went", "title": "Heinrich Hofmann (painter)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.23, "text": "(Denmark) was painted: “The Resurrected Christ”. In 1862, Hofmann and his wife moved to Dresden. More and more he devoted himself to the genre of religious paintings. In 1870, Heinrich Hofmann was appointed successor of Professor Johann Carl Baehr of the Academy of Art in Dresden whose honorable member he already was. In 1872, King Johann bestowed on him the Great Golden Medal and later he received the Albrecht-Medal from King Albert. In 1891, Hofmann’s wife died and soon after that he withdrew from the Academy of Art in Dresden. Even though he stopped working for the Academy it is", "title": "Heinrich Hofmann (painter)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "by Heinrich Himmler and Richard Walther Darré. In 1939, Hofmann was co-editor of the journal \"\"Biologist\"\". From July 1940 to April 1943, he was chief of the RuSHA. In this capacity, he participated in the \"\"Germanisation\"\" of the captured territory of Poland and in the Soviet Union. This involved the resettling of Germans in the Nazi-occupied Eastern territories and ejecting the native families from those lands. Hoffman was responsible for conducting the official Race test on the population of the occupied territories for racial selection. The office was also responsible for the abduction of Polish children to Germany and for", "title": "Otto Hofmann" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.19, "text": "years he accompanied Hofmann with his counsel and his constructive criticism. In 1858 the painting was finished and acquired by the Grand Duchy Art Gallery in Darmstadt. (It is still there – not on exhibition but in the archives of the Hessisches Landesmuseum.) In 1858, Hofmann returned to Darmstadt and in the following year he married Elisabeth Werner. The couple had no children. Now another period of painting portraits began. In addition Hofmann created a large altarpiece for the church in Obermörlen (Hesse): “Madonna with Christ Child and apostles Paul and Peter”. Some time later an altarpiece for Væggerløse Church", "title": "Heinrich Hofmann (painter)" } ]
What is Frances Josephy's occupation?
[ "journalist", "journo", "journalists", "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.53, "text": "Frances Josephy Frances Louise Josephy (February 1900–1985) was a British Liberal politician, journalist and lecturer. She was born in Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. She was educated at Seymour Lodge School, Dundee, before going on to St. Andrew's University and Newnham College, Cambridge. She graduated at Cambridge in Classics and English. In 1924, she joined the National League of Young Liberals. She was Research Secretary to the Radical Parliamentary Group in the House of Commons. In March 1928 she stood at the London County Council elections as a Liberal backed Progressive Party candidate. She contested Winchester in 1929. This was a safe", "title": "Frances Josephy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.81, "text": "as their prospective parliamentary candidate for a General Election expected to occur in 1939/40. In 1939 she served as President of the National League of Young Liberals. In the early 1940s, she was an advocate of global federalism. She served as Chairman of the Federal Union from 1941–45. She edited the group's paper, \"\"Federal News\"\", from 1944–6. She contested Devizes again in 1945. With the country swinging to Labour, she dropped to third place; She was also a member of the European Union of Federalists' central committee from 1946 until her death. In 1949 she attended the European Assembly at", "title": "Frances Josephy" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 22.72, "text": "Strasbourg as an observer. She was a member of the Liberal party national executive. She contested Cambridge in 1950. This was not a good prospect for the Liberals as they had not contested the seat since 1934 and had not won since 1906; She contested Cambridge again in 1951. From the mid-1950s, she worked as a reviser for the Assembly of Western European Union in Paris for nine years. Frances Josephy Frances Louise Josephy (February 1900–1985) was a British Liberal politician, journalist and lecturer. She was born in Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. She was educated at Seymour Lodge School, Dundee, before", "title": "Frances Josephy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "Frances Joseph-Gaudet Frances Joseph-Gaudet (1861 – December 1934) was an African American educator, social worker and prison reformer, honored as a saint in the Episcopal Church. Born in a cabin in Holmesville, Pike County, Mississippi during the American Civil War to a mother of Native American descent and an enslaved father, Frances was raised by her grandparents. Many people from New Orleans used to summer in Holmesville, and as a teenager Gaudet went to New Orleans to live with her brother and attend Straight College. She married at age 17, but after ten years of marriage, Joseph-Gaudet petitioned for a", "title": "Frances Joseph-Gaudet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "Tory seat that they had won at every election since 1885 and at the previous election, the Liberals came third. She managed to increase the Liberal vote but still finished third. She contested Basingstoke in 1931, a seat the Liberals had won in 1923. In an unfavourable year for the Liberals, she retained second place; She became Honorary Secretary of the National League of Young Liberals, and a vice-chairman. She contested Devizes in 1935, a seat the Liberals last won in 1923 and nearly re-gained in 1929. She managed to reduce the Tory majority; She was re-adopted by Devizes Liberals", "title": "Frances Josephy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.3, "text": "feast day on December 30. Chanta Heywood, Prophesying Daughters (2003) Frances Joseph-Gaudet Frances Joseph-Gaudet (1861 – December 1934) was an African American educator, social worker and prison reformer, honored as a saint in the Episcopal Church. Born in a cabin in Holmesville, Pike County, Mississippi during the American Civil War to a mother of Native American descent and an enslaved father, Frances was raised by her grandparents. Many people from New Orleans used to summer in Holmesville, and as a teenager Gaudet went to New Orleans to live with her brother and attend Straight College. She married at age 17,", "title": "Frances Joseph-Gaudet" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.17, "text": "Latin and games, tutored, and had a staff job in the London office of the \"\"Bristol Times and Mirror\"\". In 1929 she married John Rotherford Bellerby, a Cambridge socialist economist. Her 1931 pamphlet \"\"Neighbours\"\" and the 1932 novel \"\"Shadowy Bricks\"\" refer to the social and educational experiments carried out by the couple. After a fall on Lulworth cliffs in 1930 and recurrent ill-health Frances Bellerby remained a semi-invalid until her death in 1975. She separated permanently from her husband in 1942, and became a serious poet. She settled in Cornwall and later in Devon, producing poetry, short stories, and another", "title": "Frances Bellerby" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.09, "text": "her childhood in Indiana and every day life of living on a farm and small town. She had no formal training. Her work is story based. Currey would tell stories to visitors to the studio to accompany her paintings. Frances Currey Frances Currey (1925–2012; also known as Grandma Fran and Frances Currey Brown) was an American folk art painter. Frances Currey was born in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1925. She was raised on a farm in Jennings County, Indiana. In the mid-1960s, Currey was a school teacher, teaching third grade in Liberty, Indiana. She had earned her master's degree at Ball", "title": "Frances Currey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.03, "text": "Frances Currey Frances Currey (1925–2012; also known as Grandma Fran and Frances Currey Brown) was an American folk art painter. Frances Currey was born in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1925. She was raised on a farm in Jennings County, Indiana. In the mid-1960s, Currey was a school teacher, teaching third grade in Liberty, Indiana. She had earned her master's degree at Ball State University in Elementary Education. She also studied for her doctorate, studying Alzheimer's disease at Earlham College. She married and had three children. Currey would remarry, marrying George Brown. In the 1970s, Currey's son, James Clarkson, moved to Mississippi.", "title": "Frances Currey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.75, "text": "Frances W. Delehanty Frances Washington Delehanty (January 31, 1879 — January 8, 1977) was an American artist and illustrator, and a noted designer of bookplates, posters, and toy theatres. Later in life she helped to establish the Abbey of Regina Laudis on her property in Connecticut. Frances Washington Delehanty was born in Washington, D.C. and raised in New York, the daughter of Daniel Delehanty and Fanny Madison Washington Delehanty. Her father was a Naval officer. She was descended from George Washington's brother Samuel Washington, through her maternal grandfather, editor Benjamin Franklin Washington. Delehanty attended the Academy of the Visitation, a", "title": "Frances W. Delehanty" } ]
What is Pyotr Lavrov's occupation?
[ "philosopher" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.61, "text": "Pyotr Lavrov Pyotr Lavrovich Lavrov (; alias Mirtov (); (June 2 (June 14 N.S.), 1823 – January 25 (February 6 N.S.), 1900) was a prominent Russian theorist of narodism, philosopher, publicist, revolutionary and sociologist. He entered a military academy and graduated in 1842 as an army officer. He became well-versed in natural science, history, logic, philosophy, and psychology. He also became an instructor in mathematics for two decades. Lavrov joined the revolutionary movement as a radical in 1862. His actions led to his being exiled to the Ural Mountains in 1868 from which he soon escaped and fled abroad. In", "title": "Pyotr Lavrov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "France, he lived mostly in Paris, where he became a member of the Anthropological Society. Lavrov had been attracted to European socialist ideas early on, though at first he did not know how they applied to Russia. While he was in Paris, Lavrov fully committed himself to the revolutionary socialist movement. He became a member of the Ternes section of the International Workingmen's Association in 1870. He was also present at the start of the Paris Commune, and soon went abroad to generate international support. Lavrov arrived in Zürich in November 1872, and became a rival of Mikhail Bakunin's in", "title": "Pyotr Lavrov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.11, "text": "the \"\"Russian Colony\"\". In Zürich he lived in the Frauenfeld house near the university. Lavrov tended more toward reform than revolution, or at least saw reform as salutary. He preached against the conspiratorial ideology of Peter Tkachev and others like him. Lavrov believed that while a coup d'état would be easy in Russia, the creation of a socialist society needed to involve the Russian masses. He founded the journal \"\"Forward!\"\" in 1872, its first issue appearing in August 1873. Lavrov used this journal to publicize his analysis of Russia's peculiar historical development. Lavrov was a prolific writer for more than", "title": "Pyotr Lavrov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.64, "text": "the levels of economic, political and social development of several Western European nations and Russia, noting the relatively backward and poor condition of Russia. Despite Lavrov's historical analysis, he still believed a socialist revolution was possible in Russia. One of his contemporaries, Georgi Plekhanov, believed that a socialist revolution would only come with the development of a revolutionary workers’ party. In other words, he believed that Russia would have to wait for the same historical development experienced by the West. Lavrov rejected this outlook, believing it possible to create socialism by basing revolutionary tactics on Russia's individual history. Almost 90", "title": "Pyotr Lavrov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "Pyotr Gavrilov Pyotr Mikhaylovich Gavrilov (; 1900–1979) was a Soviet officer known as the hero of the Defense of Brest Fortress. Pyotr Gavrilov was an ethnic Kryashen. and a major in command of the 44th Motor Rifle Regiment of the 42nd Rifle Division. During July 23, 1941 he was taken captive by the Germans after holding out for 31 days and was held captive until his release after the end of the war in May 1945. According to official Soviet data, after his release from captivity he was restored to the army in the same rank, but his party membership", "title": "Pyotr Gavrilov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "40 years. His works include \"\"The Hegelian Philosophy\"\" (1858–59) and \"\"Studies in the Problems of Practical Philosophy\"\" (1860). While living in exile, he edited his Socialist review, \"\"Forward!\"\". A contribution to the revolutionary cause, \"\"Historical Letters\"\" (1870) was written under the pseudonym Mirtov. The letters greatly influenced the revolutionary activity in Russia. He was called \"\"Peter Lawroff\"\" in \"\"\"\" (1899–1900) by K. Tarassoff. In Peter Lavrov's view, socialism was the natural outcome of Western European historical development. He believed that the bourgeois mode of production planted the seeds of its own destruction. \"\"Lavrov began his revolutionary career with the assumption", "title": "Pyotr Lavrov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.47, "text": "percent of Russia's population were peasants, and there was also the intelligentsia: a unique bunch of people without any class affiliations, who, \"\"unlike other elements of Russian society, were unflawed by the past.\"\" Thus, Lavrov felt that a true socialist revolution would have to integrate the rural population in order to succeed. Lavrov considered the intelligentsia the only portion of society capable of preparing Russia for participation in a worldwide socialist revolution. He gave them the task of compensating for the shortfalls of Russian historical development by organizing the people, teaching them scientific socialism, and finally, preparing to take up", "title": "Pyotr Lavrov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.28, "text": "that the future belonged to West European scientific socialism, as created by material conditions of West European civilization.\"\" Lavrov recognized that Russia's historical development was significantly different from that of Western Europe, though he still maintained hope that Russia might join in the greater European socialist movement. In Lavrov's analysis of Russia's historical development, he concluded that the essence of Russia's peculiarity rested on the fact that they had not experienced feudalism and all of its progressive features. Russia had been isolated from European development by the Mongol conquest in the thirteenth century. In 1870, Lavrov published a comparison of", "title": "Pyotr Lavrov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.19, "text": "Pyotr Voykov Pyotr Lazarevich Voykov (; party aliases: Пётрусь and Интеллигент, or \"\"Piotrus\"\" and \"\"Intelligent\"\") ( – June 7, 1927) was a Soviet revolutionary and diplomat known for his role in the murder of the Romanov family. The exact role Voykov played in the killings, in regard with his status as a respected diplomat by some individuals in Russia, has been a cause of frequent controversy. He was born August 13 [O.S. August 1] 1888 into a Ukrainian family in Kerch. His father was expelled from St. Petersburg Mining Institute, graduated from teacher's seminary in Tiflis and worked as a", "title": "Pyotr Voykov" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "arms with the people when the time would come. In his “Historical Letters” Lavrov accentuated the indissoluble connection between sociology as a science and basic principles of individual morality. According to him, sociological knowledge always depends upon scholars’ consciously chosen ideals. The majority of researchers stress the heterogeneity of Lavrov’s ideas as well as the fact that a considerable impact was made upon him both by the leaders of the positivist tradition and by Marx. All those impacts were in some way synthesized in Lavrov’s idea of solidarity as the key issue of sociological research. Lavrov defined sociology as a", "title": "Pyotr Lavrov" } ]
What is Uri Nakayama's occupation?
[ "singer-songwriter", "singer songwriter", "singer/songwriter", "singersongwriter", "singer-songwriter", "hairdresser", "hairstylist", "hair stylist", "hair dresser", "beautician", "hairdressers" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.72, "text": "instrumental or feature scat singing. Her lyrics frequently evoke nostalgic scenes, festivals, harbor towns, and sunsets as lyrical motifs. She sings some cover versions of Japanese folk music, which are thought to have influenced her original works. Uri Nakayama Nakayama, in addition to singing, plays the accordion, trumpet, and guitar. When performing live, she is usually accompanied by four supporting members playing guitar, bass, drums and percussion. Additional support members playing trumpet, saxophone, trombone, tuba, and violin join the band during live tours and rock festivals. Nakayama's music is a blend of world accordion music, Gypsy Jazz, Musette, and Tango.", "title": "Uri Nakayama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "Uri Nakayama Nakayama, in addition to singing, plays the accordion, trumpet, and guitar. When performing live, she is usually accompanied by four supporting members playing guitar, bass, drums and percussion. Additional support members playing trumpet, saxophone, trombone, tuba, and violin join the band during live tours and rock festivals. Nakayama's music is a blend of world accordion music, Gypsy Jazz, Musette, and Tango. She sings with a low, warm, smooth and soft voice. Her CDs are categorized as J-pop in CD shops, and as jazz by iTunes in Japan. Most of Nakayama's lyrics are in Japanese; a few songs are", "title": "Uri Nakayama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.89, "text": "Hiromi Nakayama Lieutenant Nakayama Hiromi (died 10 August 1946) was a Imperial Japanese Army soldier and convicted war criminal. The Imperial Japanese Army during World War II, undertook Operation RY on 26 August 1942, with a company (100 men) of the 43rd Guard Force (Palau), led by Lieutenant Nakayama were inserted on Nauru and took occupation on the island. Lieutenant Nakayama executed Colonel F.R. Chalmers and four other prisoners of war in March 1943. Captured after the surrender of Japanese forces on Nauru on 13 September 1945, he was then transported to Rabaul, as a prisoner of war. Tried at", "title": "Hiromi Nakayama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.67, "text": "Niki Nakayama Niki Nakayama (born 1975 in Los Angeles) is an American chef and the owner of n/naka restaurant in Los Angeles and specializes in modern Japanese kaiseki cuisine. Nakayama was born to Japanese parents in Koreatown in Los Angeles. Her parents worked as fish distributors (now run by her older brother) and ended up divorcing when Nakayama was 12. She later attended culinary school in Pasadena, after which she worked at Mori Sushi. \"\"Committed to exploring new techniques,\"\" she then began a three-year working tour of Japan, where she immersed herself as much as possible \"\"in the essentials of", "title": "Niki Nakayama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.28, "text": "Nakayama Hakudō , also known as Nakayama Hiromichi, was a Japanese martial artist and founder of the iaidō style Musō Shinden-ryū. He is the only person to have received both \"\"jūdan\"\" (10th degree) and \"\"hanshi\"\" (master instructor) ranks in kendō, iaidō, and jōdō from the All Japan Kendo Federation. In addition, he held an instructor's license in Shintō Musō-ryū and a Menkyo kaiden in Shindō Munen-ryū making him the 7th \"\"sōke\"\" of that system. Nakayama was also one of the masters of the Shimomura-ha, which was called Musō Shinden Eishin-ryū, \"\"iaijutsu\"\". Nakayama was born in 1872 in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa", "title": "Nakayama Hakudō" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.2, "text": "Masao Nakayama Masao Nakayama (Japanese: 中山 利生 \"\"Nakayama Masao\"\") (1941 – November 13, 2011) was a politician and diplomat of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Born in Chuuk to a Japanese father and a native mother from Onoun, Nakayama was the younger brother of FSM's first president, Tosiwo Nakayama. In 1968, Nakayama was elected a member of the Truk District Legislature. In 1969, he was elected to the Congress of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. After Micronesian independence, Nakayama was the Chief of International Affairs in the Foreign Affairs Department of the FSM from 1980 to 1989.", "title": "Masao Nakayama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.16, "text": "Nariaki Nakayama Graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo in 1966, Nakayama joined the Ministry of Finance. In 1986 he was elected to the House of Representatives for the first time, and in September 2004, he became the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. He is married to Kyoko Nakayama, also a conservative politician. Nakayama is affiliated to the openly revisionist organization Nippon Kaigi. When he was a member of the Liberal Democratic Party, Nakayama was prominent in efforts to censor sections of junior high textbooks in Japan that made references to Japan's wartime", "title": "Nariaki Nakayama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.14, "text": "Yasuhide Nakayama Born in Osaka, Yasuhide Nakayama worked for advertising agency Dentsu on high-profile issues after graduating from the law faculty of Seijo University. He spent three years in France in his high school years. He belongs to a family that counts among others: In past governments, Nakayama was a Japanese Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and served as a member of the House of Representatives of Japan for six years representing the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). His first-hand experience of Japanese politics goes back 15 years. He has served as secretary to the Minister of Construction, secretary to the", "title": "Yasuhide Nakayama" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.14, "text": "Nakayama Tadayasu Marquess Nakayama Tadayasu (Japanese 中山 忠能, 17 December 1809 – 12 June 1888) was a Japanese nobleman and courtier of the Edo period and then one of the Kazoku of the post-1867 Empire of Japan. He was the father of Nakayama Yoshiko (1834–1907), mother of the Emperor Meiji, who was born and brought up in Nakayama's household. He had the rare honour of being awarded the Order of the Chrysanthemum while still alive. The second son of Nakayama Tadayori, a member of the Kuge, or court nobility, in 1821, at the age of eleven, Nakayama was named as", "title": "Nakayama Tadayasu" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.06, "text": "Market Competitiveness, among many other high-profile posts in parliament and within the LDP. Nakayama, who after the university worked for advertising agency Dentsu on high-profile issues, is currently working as Assistant to President for Pasona Group Inc.(, a manpower company headquartered in his hometown Osaka, and until his re-election, he served as Senior Adviser to GR Japan (, a government relations consultancy. Nakayama made a cameo appearance in the season finale of the game show \"\"I Survived a Japanese Game Show\"\". In the episode, Nakayama congratulated the final two contestants on behalf of the Japanese people for making it to", "title": "Yasuhide Nakayama" } ]
What is Edward Drinker Cope's occupation?
[ "geologist" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.25, "text": "Edward Drinker Cope Edward Drinker Cope (July 28, 1840 – April 12, 1897) was an American paleontologist and comparative anatomist, as well as a noted herpetologist and ichthyologist. He was a founder of the Neo-Lamarckism school of thought. Born to a wealthy Quaker family, Cope distinguished himself as a child prodigy interested in science; he published his first scientific paper at the age of 19. Though his father tried to raise Cope as a gentleman farmer, he eventually acquiesced to his son's scientific aspirations. Cope married his cousin and had one child; the family moved from Philadelphia to Haddonfield, New", "title": "Edward Drinker Cope" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.59, "text": "under Joseph Leidy, one of the most influential anatomists and paleontologists at the time. Cope asked his father to pay for a tutor in both German and French, \"\"not so much for their own sake,\"\" wrote Edward, \"\"but as for their value in enabling me to read their books of a literary or scientific character.\"\" During this period, he had a job recataloging the herpetological collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences, where he became a member at Leidy's urging. Cope's job lasted two years and he visited the Smithsonian Institution on occasion, where he became acquainted with Spencer Baird,", "title": "Edward Drinker Cope" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.22, "text": "founded in 1913 by John Treadwell Nichols. Cope's Pine Street home is recognized as a national landmark. Cope named a species of Caribbean snake, \"\"Liophis juliae\"\", in honor of his daughter Julia Cope Collins (1866–1959). Edward Drinker Cope Edward Drinker Cope (July 28, 1840 – April 12, 1897) was an American paleontologist and comparative anatomist, as well as a noted herpetologist and ichthyologist. He was a founder of the Neo-Lamarckism school of thought. Born to a wealthy Quaker family, Cope distinguished himself as a child prodigy interested in science; he published his first scientific paper at the age of 19.", "title": "Edward Drinker Cope" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.14, "text": "operated a lucrative shipping business started by his father, Thomas P. Cope, in 1821. He was a philanthropist who gave money to the Society of Friends, the Philadelphia Zoological Gardens, and the Institute for Colored Youth. Edward was born and raised in a large stone house called \"\"Fairfield\"\", whose location is now within the boundaries of Philadelphia. The of pristine and exotic gardens of the house offered a landscape that Edward was able to explore. The Copes began teaching their children to read and write at a very young age, and took Edward on trips across New England and to", "title": "Edward Drinker Cope" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23, "text": "who was an expert in the fields of ornithology and ichthyology. In 1861, he published his first paper on Salamandridae classification; over the next five years he published primarily on reptiles and amphibians. Cope's membership in the Academy of Natural Sciences and American Philosophical Society gave him outlets to publish and announce his work; many of his early paleontological works were published by the Philosophical Society. In 1863–1864 during the American Civil War, Cope traveled through Europe, taking the opportunity to visit the most esteemed museums and societies of the time. Initially, he seemed interested in helping out at a", "title": "Edward Drinker Cope" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.92, "text": "secure him a teaching post as the Professor of Zoology at Haverford College, a small Quaker school where the family had philanthropic ties. The college awarded him an honorary master's degree so he could have the position. Cope even began to think about marriage and consulted his father in the matter, telling him of the girl he would like to marry: \"\"an amiable woman, not over sensitive, with considerable energy, and especially one inclined to be serious and not inclined to frivolity and display—the more truly Christian of course the better—seems to be the most practically the most suitable for", "title": "Edward Drinker Cope" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.91, "text": "conditions and Cope's habit of overworking himself till he was bedridden caught up with him, and in 1872, he broke down from exhaustion. Cope maintained a regular pattern of summers spent prospecting and winters writing up his findings from 1871 to 1879. Throughout the decade, Cope traveled across the West, exploring rocks of the Eocene in 1872 and the Titanothere Beds of Colorado in 1873. In 1874, Cope was employed with the Wheeler survey, a group of surveys led by George Montague Wheeler that mapped parts of the United States west of the 100th meridian. The survey traveled through New", "title": "Edward Drinker Cope" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.88, "text": "the University of Pennsylvania. He continued to travel west, but realized he would not be able to best Marsh in cornering the market for bones; he had to release the collectors he had hired and sell his collections. During this period, he published 40 to 75 papers each year. With the failure of his mines, Cope began searching for a job, but was turned down at the Smithsonian and American Museum of Natural History. He turned to giving lectures for hire and writing magazine articles. Each year, he lobbied Congress for an appropriation with which to finish his work on", "title": "Edward Drinker Cope" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.73, "text": "back to the farm for summer break in 1854 and 1855, Alfred did not return Edward to school after spring 1856. Instead, Alfred attempted to turn his son into a gentleman farmer, which he considered a wholesome profession that would yield enough profit to lead a comfortable life, and improve the undersized Edward's health. Until 1863, Cope's letters to his father continually expressed his yearning for a more professional scientific career than that of a farmer, which he called \"\"dreadfully boring\"\". While working on farms, Edward continued his education on his own. In 1858, he began working part-time at the", "title": "Edward Drinker Cope" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.66, "text": "Academy of Natural Sciences, reclassifying and cataloguing specimens, and published his first series of research results in January 1859. Cope began taking French and German classes with a former Westtown teacher. Though Alfred resisted his son's pursuit of a science career, he paid for his son's private studies. Instead of working the farm his father bought for him, Edward rented out the land and used the income to further his scientific endeavors. Alfred finally gave in to Edward's wishes and paid for university classes. Cope attended the University of Pennsylvania in the 1861 and/or 1862 academic years, studying comparative anatomy", "title": "Edward Drinker Cope" } ]
What is Edwin N. Hubbell's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.23, "text": "Edwin N. Hubbell Edwin Nelson Hubbell (August 13, 1815 – February 5, 1897) was an American politician in New York and Michigan who served one term in the United States House of Representatives. Edwin N. Hubbell was born in Coxsackie, Greene County, New York on August 13, 1815, the son of Nathan Hubbell and Edith (Mead) Hubbell. He was educated in Coxsackie and became a farmer and an active member of the Greene County and New York State Agricultural Societies. He was also active in business, including operating a brick making factory and serving on the Board of Trustees of", "title": "Edwin N. Hubbell" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24, "text": "moved to East Saginaw, Michigan, where he worked as a Clerk at a lumber company from 1883 to 1887. He served as Assistant City Treasurer from 1887 to 1890 and Deputy City Treasurer from 1894 to 1896. Hubbell died in Nyack, New York on February 5, 1897. He is buried at Albany Rural Cemetery, Section 74, Lot E 1/2 8. His gravestone incorrectly gives his first name as Edward. His name is sometimes spelled as \"\"Hubbel.\"\" Edwin N. Hubbell Edwin Nelson Hubbell (August 13, 1815 – February 5, 1897) was an American politician in New York and Michigan who served", "title": "Edwin N. Hubbell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.3, "text": "the Coxsackie Savings Bank. He married Catharine Conel (or Conine) in 1836. After her death, in 1868 he married Catharine Elizabeth Stoutenburg Hoffman. A Democrat, from 1857 to 1860 he served as Coxsackie's Town Supervisor. He was also a member of the Greene County Board of Supervisors, of which he was Chairman in 1859. In 1864 he ran successfully for the U.S. House seat representing the 13th congressional district of New York. He served one term, the 39th Congress (March 4, 1865 – March 3, 1867), and was not a candidate for reelection. In 1876 Hubbell's business failed, and he", "title": "Edwin N. Hubbell" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.7, "text": "Edwin Hubbell Chapin Edwin Hubbell Chapin (December 29, 1814 – 1880) was an American preacher and editor of the \"\"Christian Leader\"\". He was also a poet, responsible for the poem \"\"Burial at Sea\"\", which was the origin of a famous folk song, \"\"Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie\"\". Chapin was born in Union Village, Washington County, New York. He completed his formal education in a seminary at Bennington, Vermont. At the age of twenty-four, after a course of theological study, he was invited to take charge of the pulpit of the Universalist Society of Richmond, Virginia, and was ordained", "title": "Edwin Hubbell Chapin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.42, "text": "as a pastor in 1838. Two years afterward, he moved to Charlestown, Massachusetts, and in 1840 he accepted the pastorate of the School Street Society, in Boston. In 1848 he settled in New York as pastor of the Church of the Divine Paternity, later the Fourth Universalist Society in the City of New York, when the church was located on Broadway. There he served for over thirty years, drawing crowds of almost 2,000 each Sunday. Under his leadership, a new edifice was erected on the corner of 5th Avenue and 45th Street, and dedicated on the 3rd day of December,", "title": "Edwin Hubbell Chapin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.03, "text": "1866. Chapin became widely known as an orator and author of works including the \"\"Crown of Thorns\"\", \"\"Discourses on the Lord's Prayer\"\", \"\"Characters of the Gospel, illustrating phases of the present day\"\", \"\"Moral Aspects of City Life\"\", and \"\"Humanity in the City\"\". He spoke at Frankfort-on-the-Main, before the World's Peace Convention in 1850; at the Kossuth Banquet; at the Publishers' Association Festival, and at the opening of the New York Crystal Palace. Harvard College conferred an honorary D.D. upon Chapin in 1856. He was one of the chief actors in what was called the \"\"Broad Church Movement\"\". He was the", "title": "Edwin Hubbell Chapin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.73, "text": "of letters and the fine arts. In 1854 he was elected into the National Academy of Design as an Honorary member. He died at Pigeon Cove, a village of Rockport, Massachusetts, survived by two sons, Frederic H. Chapin and Dr. Sidney H. Chapin, and one daughter, Marion Chapin Davison. The Chapin Memorial Church at Oneonta, New York was dedicated to him in 1894. A chasm in the rocky coast near his home in Pigeon Cove is named Chapin's Gully where Chapin often practiced his orations and swam. Edwin Hubbell Chapin Edwin Hubbell Chapin (December 29, 1814 – 1880) was an", "title": "Edwin Hubbell Chapin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.33, "text": "author of the poem \"\"Ocean Burial\"\", which was put to music by George N. Allen. The song which it became was published widely. It became a sailor's song and also the beginnings for another song, Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie. He wrote the poem in his youth and it was published in September 1839 in Poe's Southern Literary Messenger. He was a trustee of Bellevue Medical College and Hospital, and a member of: the State Historical Society, the beneficent society called the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the prestigious Century Club, composed of \"\"authors, artists, and amateurs", "title": "Edwin Hubbell Chapin" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.22, "text": "Edwin Hubble Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer. He played a crucial role in establishing the fields of extragalactic astronomy and observational cosmology and is regarded as one of the most important astronomers of all time. Hubble discovered that many objects previously thought to be clouds of dust and gas and classified as \"\"nebulae\"\" were actually galaxies beyond the Milky Way. He used the strong direct relationship between a classical Cepheid variable's luminosity and pulsation period (discovered in 1908 by Henrietta Swan Leavitt) for scaling galactic and extragalactic distances. Hubble provided evidence", "title": "Edwin Hubble" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.16, "text": "Webster Hubbell Webster Lee \"\"Webb\"\" Hubbell (born January 18, 1948) is an American author, lecturer, consultant, advocate and Arkansas lawyer who practiced law from 1974-1993 in Pulaski County. He has held executive level positions in government and industry including: U.S. Associate Attorney General, Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, Mayor of Little Rock, Managing Partner of the second largest law firm in Arkansas, and Executive and Chief Counsel for a large Washington based commercial insurance company. While he practiced law he was Mayor of Little Rock from 1979 until 1982, one of the nation's youngest mayors. He also served", "title": "Webster Hubbell" } ]
What is Donald Trump's occupation?
[ "actor", "actress", "actors", "actresses", "socialite", "prominent person", "real estate development", "property development", "Real estate development", "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol", "business magnate", "businessperson", "tycoon", "magnate" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.59, "text": "Business career of Donald Trump Donald Trump is an American businessman, former television personality, and the 45th President of the United States. He began his real estate career at his father's company, Elizabeth Trump and Son, which he later renamed The Trump Organization. He rose to public prominence after concluding a number of successful real estate deals in Manhattan and New York City, and his company now owns and develops lodging and golf courses around the world. Trump partly or completely owned several beauty pageants between 1996 and 2015. He has marketed his name to many building projects and commercial", "title": "Business career of Donald Trump" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.42, "text": "in the \"\"Long Island Daily Press\"\". A \"\"Vice\"\" article noted that if any of the attendees weren't \"\"dressed in a robe at the time, that may have been a reporting error worth correcting.\"\" When asked about the issue in September 2015, Donald Trump, then a candidate for President of the United States, denied that his father had ever been arrested. Fred's future wife Mary Anne MacLeod emigrated from Glasgow, Scotland on the RMS \"\"Transylvania\"\" in November 1929. She stated her occupation as \"\"domestic\"\" or \"\"maid\"\" on ship manifests and the 1930 census. She obtained a \"\"re-entry permit\"\" to the U.S.—only", "title": "Fred Trump" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.06, "text": "Years later, his family members said that he departed secretly at night, leaving his mother a note. In 1885, at age 16, Trump emigrated via Bremen, Germany, to the United States aboard the steamship \"\"Eider\"\", departing on October 7 and arriving at the Castle Garden Emigrant Landing Depot in New York City on October 19. U.S. immigration records list his name as \"\"Friedr. Trumpf\"\" and his occupation as \"\"none\"\". He moved in with his older sister Katharina – who had emigrated in 1883 – and her husband Fred Schuster, also from Kallstadt. Only a few hours after arriving, he met", "title": "Frederick Trump" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.77, "text": "308 West 15th Street, New York City, and gave his occupation as architect. He married Harriet Evelyn Works (who later wrote as Harriet Works Corley) on July 23, 1916, three days after meeting her; the marriage dissolved within a year, although the couple apparently had a daughter. He was employed for a time by the New York firm of McKim, Meade & White, \"\"playing a part in the work of decoration of the General Post Office.\"\" He designed camouflage for New York harbor during World War I. In 1920 he was living singly as a lodger together with other writers", "title": "Donald Corley" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.7, "text": "Donald L. Trump Donald Lynn \"\"Skip\"\" Trump (born July 31, 1945) is an American oncologist who has been the executive director and Chief executive officer of the Inova Schar Cancer Institute in Falls Church, Virginia since January 2015. He is not related to U.S. president Donald Trump. Trump grew up in Hudson, New York. He received his undergraduate and medical degrees from Johns Hopkins University, where he also completed his fellowship and residency. Trump's first academic appointment was at Naval Hospital Philadelphia. His later positions included stints at Johns Hopkins, Duke University, and the University of Pittsburgh. In 2002, he", "title": "Donald L. Trump" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.56, "text": "Donald Trump Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is the 45th and current President of the United States. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality. Trump was born and raised in the New York City borough of Queens, and received an economics degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He was appointed president of his family's real estate business in 1971, renamed it The Trump Organization, and expanded it from Queens and Brooklyn into Manhattan. The company built or renovated skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, and golf courses. Trump later started various side ventures, including", "title": "Donald Trump" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.53, "text": "Trump's extensive junk bond debt at the time and the bankruptcies of three of Trump's casinos, the methods used were probably related, according to the report, to Trump's reported $916 million loss reported on his 1995 tax return. Business career of Donald Trump Donald Trump is an American businessman, former television personality, and the 45th President of the United States. He began his real estate career at his father's company, Elizabeth Trump and Son, which he later renamed The Trump Organization. He rose to public prominence after concluding a number of successful real estate deals in Manhattan and New York", "title": "Business career of Donald Trump" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.17, "text": "a trustee and executive director of a trust that was created to oversee all of his father's assets during the latter's presidency, including his family's real estate empire, The Trump Organization. Trump Jr. was born on December 31, 1977, in Manhattan, New York City, to Ivana and Donald Trump. He has two younger siblings, Ivanka and Eric. He also has two half siblings, Tiffany, from his father's marriage to Marla Maples, and Barron, from his father's current marriage to Melania Trump. Through his father, Trump Jr. is a grandson of Fred Trump and great-grandson of Elizabeth Trump, who founded what", "title": "Donald Trump Jr." }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.08, "text": "New-collar worker A new-collar worker is an individual who develops technical and soft skills needed to work in the contemporary technology industry through nontraditional education paths. The term was introduced by IBM CEO Ginni Rometty in late 2016 and refers to \"\"middle-skill\"\" occupations in technology, such as cybersecurity analysts, application developers and cloud computing specialists. The term \"\"new-collar job\"\" is a play on “blue-collar job”. It originated with IBM's CEO Ginni Rometty, relating to the company's efforts to increase the number of people qualified for technology jobs. In November 2016, Rometty wrote an open letter to then-President-elect Donald Trump, which", "title": "New-collar worker" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.05, "text": "Donald Trump Jr. Donald John Trump Jr. (born December 31, 1977) is an American businessman and former reality television personality. He is the eldest child of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his first wife, Ivana. Trump Jr. campaigned for his father's presidential campaign. He has faced criticism following the 2017 revelation of a meeting with a Russian lawyer, with the promise of receiving damaging information about the campaign of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. He has also received attention for promoting various conspiracy theories. Trump Jr. currently works with his brother Eric as", "title": "Donald Trump Jr." } ]
What is John Williams Tobey's occupation?
[ "architect" ]
[ { "hasanswer": true, "score": 24.08, "text": "John Williams Tobey John Williams Tobey (August 3, 1827 – February 4, 1909) was an American architect, carpenter and builder from Neenah, Wisconsin. He served as mayor of Neenah, and served one term as an independent member of the Wisconsin State Assembly from Winnebago County. Tobey was born in Hawley, Franklin County, Massachusetts on August 3, 1827, son of John and Sybil (Lathrop) Tobey. He received a public school education and went into the trades of architect, carpenter and builder. He moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 1846, and lived in Cuyahoga and Lorain counties in that state. During the American", "title": "John Williams Tobey" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 23.14, "text": "April 13, 1893 of \"\"consumption\"\". Tobey was a member of the Royal Arcanum. He died February 4, 1909, while in Cuyahoga County, Ohio; and was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in Neenah. John Williams Tobey John Williams Tobey (August 3, 1827 – February 4, 1909) was an American architect, carpenter and builder from Neenah, Wisconsin. He served as mayor of Neenah, and served one term as an independent member of the Wisconsin State Assembly from Winnebago County. Tobey was born in Hawley, Franklin County, Massachusetts on August 3, 1827, son of John and Sybil (Lathrop) Tobey. He received a public", "title": "John Williams Tobey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.5, "text": "Civil War he tried to enlist in the Ohio National Guard, but was rejected by the examining surgeon. He moved to Wisconsin in 1864, settling in Neenah. He designed the plans for the Russell House in Neenah, and superintended the erection of it, as well as the Neenah High School and the Patten Mill at Appleton. Tobey held various local offices such as county supervisor and alderman, and was elected mayor of the City of Neenah in April, 1886. He described his political position as having been brought up in the \"\"Jeffersonian and Jacksonian school of politics, and believes in", "title": "John Williams Tobey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.16, "text": "law being founded on equal rights in the strictest sense, and fearlessly executed.\"\" Tobey was elected as an Independent to the second Winnebago County Assembly district (the Towns of Neenah, Menasha, Clayton, Winchester, Winneconne, and Vinland; and the Cities of Neenah and Menasha) in 1886, with 1,408 votes to 1,185 for former Assemblyman and State Senator William P. Rounds, (a Republican), and 157 votes for Prohibitionist E. W. Clark. Incumbent Charles B. Clark (also a former mayor of Neenah) was not a candidate, as he was (successfully) pursuing a campaign for Congress. Tobey was appointed to the standing committee on", "title": "John Williams Tobey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.69, "text": "medical societies. Tobey was reported in some press accounts to be a Democrat. He did not run for re-election in 1887, and was succeeded by Republican Walter L. Miller. Tobey ran for his old Assembly seat in 1890 as a Democrat, but lost to Neenah mayor Samuel A. Cook, who received 1326 votes to 1042 for Tobey and 63 for Prohibitionist Lucius Webster. Tobey married Lucey D. Smith, also from Massachusetts, in Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, in 1853. Lucey Tobey died suddenly on May 31, 1890 at the age of 57, leaving John with two children, Isora and Mary. Isora died", "title": "John Williams Tobey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 20.23, "text": "John Williams (water scientist) John Williams is an Australian scientist whose life work has been in the study of hydrology and the use of water in the landscape and farming, including land salinity. Williams grew up near Tumbarumba on a farm in the Snowy Mountains region of New South Wales. He attended school in Queanbeyan near Canberra, before graduating from the University of Sydney with a degree in agricultural science and a doctorate in soil science and hydrology. Williams is a founding member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists and advocated for a rational debate on Australia's water resources.", "title": "John Williams (water scientist)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.25, "text": "William H. Tobey William Henry Tobey (1799 Hudson, Columbia County, New York – May 1878) was an American lawyer, banker and politician from New York. He studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1820, and practiced in New Lebanon. He was a member of the New York State Assembly (Columbia Co.) in 1838; Surrogate of Columbia County from 1841 to 1845; and a member of the New York State Senate (11th D.) in 1862 and 1863. He was a Director of the National Bank of Kinderhook from 1839; and President of the National Union Bank of Kinderhook from 1853", "title": "William H. Tobey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.25, "text": "David Tobey David \"\"Dave\"\" Tobey (May 1, 1898 in New York, New York, United States – July 25, 1988) was an American basketball referee. He refereed many notable pro games in New York between 1918 and 1925. In 1926 he refereed the Syracuse vs. West Point game, which featured two future Hall of Famers, Vic Hanson and John Roosma. After that game he became popular and refereed many important games from 1926 to 1945, such as the first game with a three-man officiating crew (Georgetown vs. Columbia). After retirement from officiating, he became basketball coach at Cooper Union in New", "title": "David Tobey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.17, "text": "until his death. William H. Tobey William Henry Tobey (1799 Hudson, Columbia County, New York – May 1878) was an American lawyer, banker and politician from New York. He studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1820, and practiced in New Lebanon. He was a member of the New York State Assembly (Columbia Co.) in 1838; Surrogate of Columbia County from 1841 to 1845; and a member of the New York State Senate (11th D.) in 1862 and 1863. He was a Director of the National Bank of Kinderhook from 1839; and President of the National Union Bank of", "title": "William H. Tobey" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.14, "text": "Charles W. Tobey Charles William Tobey (July 22, 1880July 24, 1953) was an American politician, who was a Governor of New Hampshire and a United States senator. He was born in Roxbury, Massachusetts, the son of William Tobey, an accountant, and Ellen Hall Parker Tobey. His father had moved to Massachusetts from Maine in the 1860s. Charles Tobey had relatively little formal education. He attended the Roxbury Latin School for four years (being part of the Class of 1897), but was forced to withdraw before graduation because of family financial difficulties. He had a thorough knowledge of the Bible, however,", "title": "Charles W. Tobey" } ]
What is Ivan III Drašković's occupation?
[ "politician", "political leader", "political figure", "polit.", "pol" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 25.03, "text": "Drašković was, among other duties, a cavalry captain, master of king's chamberlains and king's secret advisor. On July 10, 1640 he was appointed ban (viceroy) of Croatia and superior commander of Karlovac military frontier. Thus he was the third member of the family sitting (so far) on the ban's throne, after his father Ivan II and his grandfather's brother Juraj. On September 22, 1640 the king Ferdinand III summoned a diet in Pressburg (; today Bratislava, Slovakia) where Drašković was appointed palatine of Hungary, the highest dignitary in that country after the king. Having performed the high function of palatine,", "title": "Ivan III Drašković" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 24.41, "text": "Ivan III Drašković Ivan III Drašković (; , (Trakošćan, March 13, 1595(?) or 1603 – Óvár (Kingdom of Hungary), August 5, 1648), was a Croato-Hungarian warrior and statesman, a member of the Drašković noble family. He served as Palatine of Hungary from 1646 until his death. Count Ivan III Drašković was a son of Ivan II Petar Drašković and his wife Eva Drašković née Istvánffy. Educated in Graz, Austria, where he finished philosophy studies, and in Bologna, Italy, where he graduated in law, Drašković spoke several foreign languages. On January 29, 1629 he married Borbála Thurzó, a Hungarian countess, and", "title": "Ivan III Drašković" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 23.17, "text": "they had five children, among which two sons, John IV and Nicholas II. During his lifetime, the Drašković family achieved the highest point of its power, wealth and influence. Due to his successes in battles against the Ottomans, Ivan III Drašković was well known as \"\"defensor Croatiae\"\" (), having organised the Croatian defence forces, fortified the towns and castles, as well as built border military strongholds at the same time. On September 4, 1631 he was given (together with his brother Nicholas I and his cousin Caspar II) the title \"\"count\"\" by the Croato-Hungarian king Ferdinand II. In his career", "title": "Ivan III Drašković" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.81, "text": "Drašković suddenly died on August 5, 1648 in his new domain Óvár, Nógrád County (today \"\"Olováry\"\" in the Banská Bystrica Region, southern Slovakia), he had been given a short time before his death by the king Ferdinand III. He was buried during a solemn funeral rite in the St. Martin's Cathedral in Pressburg, which served as the coronation church of the Kingdom of Hungary between 1563 and 1830. His grave is situated next to the grave of his father. Ivan III Drašković Ivan III Drašković (; , (Trakošćan, March 13, 1595(?) or 1603 – Óvár (Kingdom of Hungary), August 5,", "title": "Ivan III Drašković" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.72, "text": "Ivan Prasko Ivan Prasko, MBE (1 May 1914 – 28 January 2001) was the eparch of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania for the Ukrainian Catholic Church. He was born in Zbarazh, Ternopil, Ukraine. He studied at the theological academy in Lviv and then in Rome at the Pontifical College Damascenum and the Pontifical University Urbanianum. He was ordained in Rome on 2 April 1939. He continued his studies at the Pontifical University Gregorianum and at the Pontifical Oriental Institute and was awarded a doctorate in 1943. Prasko served as pastor of Ss Peter and Paul Church in Melbourne from 1950", "title": "Ivan Prasko" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 19.64, "text": "Ivan Lorković Dr. Ivan Lorković (17 June 1876 – 24 February 1926) was a Croatian politician from Zagreb. He was a prominent member of the Croat-Serb coalition, a supporter of the Republican organization and member of the United Croatian and Serbian academic youth organization. Between 1926 and 1929 he became the leader of the Croatian Federalist Peasant Party. Between 1902 and 1905 Ivan Lorković was the editor of the Osijek opposition newspaper, \"\"National Defense\"\" (\"\"Narodna Obrana\"\"). The paper helped to revive national awareness, pride and importance in Croatian politics. Using criticism and information he managed to help the middle class", "title": "Ivan Lorković" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.31, "text": "Ivan III of Russia Ivan III Vasilyevich (; 22 January 1440, Moscow – 27 October 1505, Moscow), also known as Ivan the Great, was a Grand Prince of Moscow and \"\"Grand Prince of all Rus'\"\". Sometimes referred to as the \"\"gatherer of the Russian lands\"\", he tripled the territory of his state, ended the dominance of the Mongols/Tatars over Russia by defeating the Golden Horde, renovated the Moscow Kremlin, and laid the foundations of the Russian state. He was one of the longest-reigning Russian rulers in history. Ivan's rule is marked by what some historians called 'the Gathering of the", "title": "Ivan III of Russia" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 19.14, "text": "Ivan III of Ryazan Ivan Fyodorovich () was the Grand Prince of Ryazan (1427–1456) and son of Grand Prince Fyodor II of Ryazan. His mother was the daughter of Dmitry Donskoy. Ivan kept good relationships with his large and powerful neighbours. In 1429, he attended the Congress of Lutsk and made Ryazan a vassal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania under Vytautas. He signed a peace treaty with Vasily II of Moscow in 1447 and married his son and heir to Vasily's daughter. Near to his death he sent his two children to the court in Moscow for safety. It", "title": "Ivan III of Ryazan" }, { "hasanswer": true, "score": 18.95, "text": "Ivan Đurić Ivan Đurić (; 30 October 1947 – 23 November 1997) was a Serbian writer, professor, historian and politician. Đurić was born on 30 October 1947 to parents Dušan S. Đurić (1920–1997) and Ivana (née Bogdanović; born 1925). Both of them were university professors. His father was nicknamed Zinaja after the footballer and cross-country skier. Đurić ran for President of Serbia in the 1990 Serbian general election as a joint candidate of the Association for Yugoslav Democratic Initiative and the Union of Reform Forces. He finished in third place (behind Slobodan Milošević and Vuk Drašković) with 277,398 votes. He", "title": "Ivan Đurić" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 18.92, "text": "Ivan Brkanović Ivan Brkanović (Škaljari next to Kotor, 27 December 1906 – Zagreb, 20 February 1987) was a Yugoslav composer. He was a choir conductor, high school teacher, dramaturge at the Zagreb Opera, director of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra and a professor at the Sarajevo Music Academy. He worked intensively as a music publicist and was a president of the Croatian Composers' Society. Father of the Croatian composer Željko Brkanović. He was born in Škaljari into Croatian family. In 1927 he came to Zagreb to study music. In his first years in Zagreb he works in a factory and attends", "title": "Ivan Brkanović" } ]
What is Michael's occupation?
[ "priest", "reverend", "priestess" ]
[ { "hasanswer": false, "score": 22.67, "text": "time in Brixton Prison. Before becoming a broadcaster, he pursued, as he put it, \"\"a dozen other trades and professions\"\" during the 1950s and 60s including selling radiators, and working for the Cambridge University Press while spending as much time as possible attending concerts. His other occupation was librarianship. Oliver presented BBC Radio 3's \"\"Music Weekly\"\" programme (1975–90), and also was a presenter of BBC Radio 4's \"\"Kaleidoscope\"\" (1974–87). The author of several books, including biographies of Igor Stravinsky and Benjamin Britten, he was also a regular contributor to \"\"The Gramophone\"\", \"\"Classic CD\"\", \"\"Classic Record Collector\"\" and \"\"BBC Music Magazine\"\".", "title": "Michael Oliver (writer, broadcaster)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.81, "text": "Michael V Kalaphates Michael V (Greek: Μιχαήλ Ε΄, \"\"Mikhaēl V\"\"; 1015 – 24 August 1042) was Byzantine emperor for four months in 1041–1042. He was the nephew and successor of Michael IV and the adoptive son of his wife Empress Zoe. He was popularly called \"\"the Caulker\"\" (Καλαφάτης, \"\"Kalaphates\"\") in accordance with his father's original occupation. Michael V was the son of Stephen by Maria, a sister of Emperor Michael IV. His father had been a caulker before becoming an admiral under Michael IV and botching an expedition to Sicily. Although the emperor preferred another of his nephews, the future", "title": "Michael V Kalaphates" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.64, "text": "London. He set up a studio in the old Spratt's Dog Biscuit factory, where he began his first sculptures. He moved into abstraction soon after working figuratively, searching for a personal visual language and set up his first studio in SoHo while still only an avant-garde artist area. Established second studio in Northern Italy, thus preserving a 'European' ethos. His pre-occupation as an abstract painter for four decades has been with space. Not the astronaut's space but the space of the mind, an intellectual infinity. Lacking nature's spatial indicators (sky, perspective, horizon) idiomatic alternatives were needed. Thus his extensive earlier", "title": "Michael Green (painter and sculptor)" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "occupation of Denmark, and served and the country's chief rabbi until his death in 1969. He was ordained as an Orthodox Rabbi at Yeshivat Hakotel of Jerusalem in 1980. Soon afterwards, he returned to Scandinavia to serve as Chief Rabbi of Norway. In 1986, he immigrated to Israel, and settled down with his family in Jerusalem, while still holding the honorary title of Chief Rabbi of Norway. Melchior entered politics with the Meimad party in 1995. When Rabbi Yehuda Amital was appointed minister without portfolio after the assassination of prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in November 1995, Melchior served as Amital's", "title": "Michael Melchior" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.58, "text": "Sam Michael Samuel David \"\"Sam\"\" Michael (born 29 April 1971) is an Australian motor sports engineer and designer, who held senior positions with Formula One constructors Williams and McLaren. He is currently employed by Supercar team Triple Eight Race Engineering. Michael was born in Western Australia and grew up in Canberra. After a brief stint working on Neal Bates' Toyota Celica GT-Four rally car, Michael studied mechanical engineering at the University of New South Wales with a thesis on data acquisition systems for racing cars. During his studies, Greg Siddle employed Michael on a part-time basis working on Mark Larkham's", "title": "Sam Michael" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.52, "text": "occupation. The Skeptics Society publishes the magazine \"\"Skeptic\"\", and organizes the Caltech Lecture Series. As of 2008, it has over 55,000 members. Shermer is also a scientific advisor to the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH). Shermer is the author of books which attempt to explain the ubiquity of irrational or poorly substantiated beliefs, including UFOs, Bigfoot, and paranormal claims. In 1997, he wrote \"\"Why People Believe Weird Things\"\", which explores a variety of \"\"weird\"\" ideas and groups (including cults), in the tradition of the skeptical writings of Martin Gardner. A revised and expanded edition was published in 2002.", "title": "Michael Shermer" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.48, "text": "Michael Smither Michael Duncan Smither (29 October 1939) is a New Zealand painter and composer. He was born in New Plymouth and was educated at New Plymouth Boys' High School and Elam School of Fine Arts, Auckland. While studying he worked part-time in a car spray-paint shop, an occupation which introduced Smither to the use of lacquer-based paints. In 1959, Smither returned to New Plymouth, working part-time in arts-related jobs. His first solo exhibition was in 1961. In 1963 he married Elizabeth Harrington, who is better known as New Zealand Poet Elizabeth Smither. The two have three children, Sarah, Thomas", "title": "Michael Smither" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.34, "text": "Michael Laffy Michael Laffy (born 16 October 1967) is a former Australian rules footballer with the Richmond Football Club, and was also a contestant on the second season of the Australian version of \"\"The Mole\"\" where he was revealed as \"\"The Mole\"\". Michael Laffy played only 26 AFL/VFL games in an injury-marred career, mainly as a defender. A decade after his retirement from the AFL, Laffy applied to be a contestant on the second season of the Australian version of \"\"The Mole\"\". At the time, his main occupation was a builder, whilst he was also known as a former AFL", "title": "Michael Laffy" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.31, "text": "merchandiser in order to support financially his parental household (out of 96,- German Marks net wage during the first year as an apprentice he had to deliver at home 80,- German Marks ). After 11 years of little success in this occupation he managed – in spite of only having studied up to the compulsory school level – to study arts in the SHFBK Braunschweig and graduated with outstanding achievements. Heckert's first exhibition was in 1982 in Cologne, in the Heinz Holtmann Gallery, and was considered successful. His longing for illimitability in expression led 1984 to a change of style", "title": "Michael Heckert" }, { "hasanswer": false, "score": 21.08, "text": "Gene Michael Eugene Richard Michael (June 2, 1938 – September 7, 2017), known as Stick, was an American shortstop, coach, scout, manager and executive in Major League Baseball who played for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Los Angeles Dodgers, New York Yankees, and Detroit Tigers from 1966 to 1975. After his playing career, Michael managed the Yankees and Chicago Cubs, and served as the Yankees' general manager. Michael built the Yankees team that became a dynasty in the late 1990s. Michael was born on June 2, 1938 in Kent, Ohio. After graduating from Akron East High School in Akron, Ohio, he went", "title": "Gene Michael" } ]