# Remove concept's children and phrase. rmchildren(L("con"));
@CODE # G("outfile") = G("$inputfilename"); # Todo! fileout("xml.txt") prlit("xml.txt", " <?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n") prlit("xml.txt", "<BizTalk xmlns=\"urn:schemas-biztalk-org/biztalk-0.81.xml\">\n") prlit("xml.txt", " <Body>\n") prlit("xml.txt", " <Resume xmlns=\"urn:schemas-biztalk-org:HR-XML-org/Resume\">\n") prlit("xml.txt", " <ResumeProlog>\n") prlit("xml.txt", " </ResumeProlog>\n") prlit("xml.txt", " <ResumeBody>\n") #var("xml indent",2) # How much indentation for xml lines. G("xml indent") = 2; @@CODE @RULES _xNIL <- _xNIL @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _report <- _xWILD[fails=(_addendum)] @@
@CODE G("radlex") = findconcept(findroot(),"radlex"); if (!G("radlex")) G("radlex") = makeconcept(findroot(),"radlex"); rmchildren(G("radlex")); @@CODE
# Free the statement handle for the currently open database @CODE dbopen("test","root","mypassword"); dballocstmt(); dbexecstmt("INSERT INTO employee (name, age) VALUES('John Smith','32');"); dbfreestmt(); dbclose(); @@CODE
@NODES _ROOT @POST noop(); @RULES #===================== Quoted Empty Items ===================== _xNIL <- _emptyItem [layer=(_item)] ### (1) _xWILD [one lookahead match=(_separator _lineTerminator)] ### (2) @@ #================ First Non-Enclosed Empty Items ============== _xNIL <- _lineTerminator [s] ### (1) _separator [layer=(_item)] ### (2) @@ #============== Continuous Non-Enclosed Empty Items =========== _xNIL <- _separator ### (1) _xWILD [plus match=(_separator) layer=(_item)] ### (2) @@ #====================== Non-Empty Items ======================= @POST S("value") = strunescape(N("$text",2),G("enclosed by"),G("escaped by")); single(); @RULES _item <- _enclosedBy ### (1) _xWILD [plus] ### (2) _enclosedBy ### (3) @@ #====================== Non-Empty Non-Quoted ================ @POST S("value") = N("$text",1); singler(1,1); @RULES _item <- _xWILD [plus fail=("_separator" "_lineTerminator" "_enclosedBy")] ### (1) _separator [one] ### (2) @@ @@RULES
@NODES _LINE @RULES _indent <- _xWILD [match=(_space)] ### (1) @@
# Remove a concept's phrase. rmcphrase(L("con"));
@DECL # indent # params # f: file to which to print # n: integer number of tabs to print # return # null indent(L("f"), L("n")) { L("i") = 0; while (L("i") < L("n")) { L("f") << "\t"; L("i")++; } } printQuotedStr(L("f"), L("str")) { L("f") << "\"" << L("str") << "\""; } # printJSONPreds # Print results in JSON format # Params: # proc_list: type str array of procedure codes # diag_list: type str array of diagnosis codes # f: target output filename printJSONPreds(L("proc_list"), L("diag_list"), L("f"), L("print_ranks")) { L("first") = 1; L("level") = 0; if (L("proc_list")) { # Line 1 L("first") = 0; L("f") << "{\n"; L("level")++; # Line 2 indent(L("f"), L("level")); L("level")++; printQuotedStr(L("f"), "procedures"); L("f") << ": "; # Print codes in list L("i") = 0; L("f") << "[\n"; # L("level")++; while (L("i") < (arraylength(L("proc_list"))-1)) { indent(L("f"), L("level")); printQuotedStr(L("f"), conceptname(L("proc_list")[L("i")])); if (L("print_ranks")) { L("f") << ": " << fltval(L("proc_list")[L("i")], "rank"); } L("f") << ",\n"; L("i")++; } indent(L("f"), L("level")); printQuotedStr(L("f"), conceptname(L("proc_list")[L("i")])); if (L("print_ranks")) { L("f") << ": " << fltval(L("proc_list")[L("i")], "rank"); } L("f") << "\n"; L("level")--; indent(L("f"), L("level")); L("f") << "]"; } if (L("diag_list")) { if (L("first")) { L("first") = 0; L("f") << "{\n"; L("level")++; } else { L("f") << ",\n"; } indent(L("f"), L("level")); L("level")++; printQuotedStr(L("f"), "diagnoses"); L("f") << ": "; # Print codes in list L("i") = 0; L("f") << "[\n"; while (L("i") < (arraylength(L("diag_list"))-1)) { indent(L("f"), L("level")); printQuotedStr(L("f"), conceptname(L("diag_list")[L("i")])); if (L("print_ranks")) { L("f") << ": " << fltval(L("diag_list")[L("i")], "rank"); } L("f") << ",\n"; L("i")++; } indent(L("f"), L("level")); printQuotedStr(L("f"), conceptname(L("diag_list")[L("i")])); if (L("print_ranks")) { L("f") << ": " << fltval(L("diag_list")[L("i")], "rank"); } L("f") << "\n"; L("level")--; indent(L("f"), L("level")); L("f") << "]"; } L("f") << "\n"; L("level")--; L("f") << "}"; } # printCSVpreds() { # } conListToStrList(L("con_list")) { L("iter") = L("con_list")[0]; L("str_list") = conceptname(L("iter")); L("iter") = next(L("iter")); while (L("iter")) { L("str_list")[arraylength(L("str_list"))] = conceptname(L("iter")); L("iter") = next(L("iter")); } return(L("str_list")); } @@DECL
@NODES _ROOT @POST excise(3,4); excise(1,1); single(); @RULES _termEntry <- \{ ### (1) _xWILD [fails=(\})] ### (2) \} ### (3) _xWILD [opt matches=(\n \r)] @@
@PATH _ROOT _textZone _LINE @RULES _pessoa <- _xWILD [one match=(primeira segunda terceira)] @@ @RULES _numero <- _xWILD [one match=(singular plural)] @@ #@RULES _tempo <- pretérito _xWILD [one match=(imperfeito perfeito)] @@ #@RULES _tempo <- pretérito mais \- que \- perfeito @@ @RULES _tempo <- pretérito @@ @RULES _tempo <- perfeito @@ @RULES _tempo <- imperfeito @@ @RULES _tempo <- presente @@ @RULES _tempo <- futuro @@ @RULES _tempo <- afirmativo @@ @RULES _tempo <- negativo @@ @RULES _tempo <- futuro do presente @@ @RULES _tempo <- futuro do pretérito @@
@NODES _FIELDS @POST makeconcept(G("fields con"),N("value")); @RULES _xNIL <- _item ### (1) @@
@CODE DisplayKB(G("words"),1); @@CODE
@NODES _paragraph @RULES _sentence <- _xWILD [fail=(_endSent _BLANKLINE)] ### (1) _xWILD [one match=(_endSent _BLANKLINE)] ### (2) @@
# Specify the maximum number of nodes to match @RULES _htmltag <- \< _xWILD [min=1 max=100] \> @@
@DECL ############## # LOOKUPWORD # SUBJ: Lookup and record word information. ############## lookupword(L("n")) { if (!L("n")) return; L("txt") = pnvar(L("n"),"$treetext"); L("lctxt") = strtolower(L("txt")); if (strisupper(strpiece(L("txt"),0,0))) pnreplaceval(L("n"),"cap",1); # 06/26/06 AM. L("wcon") = dictfindword(L("lctxt")); if (!L("wcon")) { pnreplaceval(L("n"),"unknown",1); if (G("verbose")) "unknown.txt" << L("lctxt") << "\n"; if (L("txt") == L("lctxt") && G("verbose")) "lcunknown.txt" << L("lctxt") << "\n"; return; } #lookupalpha(L("lctxt"),L("n")); # [DICTZ_FIX] # lookupalphadicttokz(L("lctxt"),N(1)); # [DICTZ_FIX] # 12/29/20 AM. if (!pnvar(L("n"),"pos num")) # Not in dictionary. { if (G("verbose")) "unknown.txt" << L("lctext") << "\n"; if (L("txt") == L("lctxt") && G("verbose")) "lcunknown.txt" << L("lctxt") << "\n"; pnreplaceval(L("n"),"unknown",1); pnreplaceval(L("n"),"stem",L("lctxt")); # unknownword(N("lctext"),N(1)); } } @CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _TEXTZONE @CHECK # if (N("pos num")) # [DICTZ_FIX] # if (N("pos")) # [DICTZ_FIX] # 12/29/20 AM. fail(); # Fixed dict earlier. @POST lookupword(N(1)); if (N("prep")) { L("tmp") = N(1); group(1,1,"_prep"); pncopyvars(L("tmp"),N(1)); } else if (N("det")) { L("tmp") = N(1); group(1,1,"_det"); pncopyvars(L("tmp"),N(1)); } else if (N("conj")) { L("tmp") = N(1); group(1,1,"_conj"); pncopyvars(L("tmp"),N(1)); } @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST S("con") = N("con", 1); excise(1,1); single(); @RULES _split <- _split _entry [plus] ### (1) @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _compare <- _xWILD [match=(more less greater less)] ### (1) than ### (2) @@
# Add concept value con_val to concept's name attribute. addconval(L("con"), L("name"), L("con_val"));
@NODES _paragraph @POST splice(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _LINE ### (1) @@
@PATH _ROOT _paragraph _sentence @POST N("date",5) = makeconcept(N("action",5),"date"); addstrval(N("date",5),"year",N("$text",2)); @RULES _xNIL <- _prep [s] ### (1) _year [s] ### (2) alone [s] ### (3) _conj [s] ### (4) _event [s] ### (5) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST excise(5,5); S("code") = AddUniqueCon(G("icd_codes"), N("$text", 1)); addstrval(S("code"), "term", N("$text", 1)); excise(1,3); single(); # Here we group individual icd entries (one per line), # delete beginning and end quotes, if they exist, # and extract codes and terms. @RULES _code <- _xNUM ### (1) \, ### (2) \" [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [fails=(\n \r \")] ### (4) \" [opt] ### (5) _xWILD [one matches=(\n \r)] ### (6) @@
@NODES _LINE @RULES _CompleteSchoolName [] <- The _xWHITE [star s] _SchoolNamePhrase @@
# Find concept number num under the parent concept con. L("return_con") = findconcept(L("con"), L("num"));
@NODES _LINE @POST singler(1,5); # Reduce all but the trailing whitespace. @RULES _url <- _xALPHA [layer=(_protocol)] \: [s trigger] \/ [s] \/ [s] _xWILD [plus fails=(\, _xWHITE _whtSEP \[ \])] _xWILD [opt s match=(_xWHITE _whtSEP)] @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE #@PATH _ROOT _TEXTZONE _sent _seg @NODES _seg # alpha alpha alpha. # Could still want to allow first or last to be separated as # a verb. @CHECK if (X("resolve") != "np") fail(); @POST fixnpnonhead(2); fixnpnonhead(3); xrename("_np"); # fixnphead L("tmp4") = N(4); group(4,4,"_noun"); pncopyvars(L("tmp4"),N(4)); fixnoun(N(4)); @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART _xALPHA _xALPHA _xALPHA _xEND @@
# Determine whether apple can be yellow, red or blue color, print to output.txt in the form 1) are apples <color>? <true or false>, etc. "output.txt" << "1) are apples yellow? " << attrwithval(G("apple"), "color", "yellow") << "\n"; "output.txt" << "2) are apples red? " << attrwithval(G("apple"), "color", "red") << "\n"; "output.txt" << "3) are apples blue? " << attrwithval(G("apple"), "color", "blue") << "\n";
@NODES _ROOT @POST L("text") = N("$text",2); if (strendswith(L("text"),"ing") && N("verb",2) && N("noun",2)) { pnrename(N(2),"_noun"); } @RULES _xNIL <- _noun ### (1) _ambig ### (2) @@
@DECL ############################################### # General functions ############################################### AddUniqueCon(L("concept"),L("name")) { L("con") = findconcept(L("concept"),L("name")); if (!L("con")) L("con") = makeconcept(L("concept"),L("name")); return L("con"); } AddUniqueStr(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { if (L("value") && strval(L("concept"),L("attr")) != L("value")) addstrval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); } AddUniqueNum(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { "unique.txt" << L("attr") << " " << str(L("value")) << " " << conceptpath(L("concept")) << "\n"; L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("num") = getnumval(L("val")); "unique.txt" << " value: " << str(L("num")) << "\n"; if (L("num") == L("value")) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addnumval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } AddUniqueConVal(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")) { "unique.txt" << L("attr") << " " << conceptpath(L("concept")) << " ==> " << L("attr") << " -- " << conceptpath(L("value")) << "\n"; L("val") = AttrValues(L("concept"),L("attr")); while (L("val")) { L("con") = getconval(L("val")); "unique.txt" << conceptname(L("con")) << "\n"; if (conceptpath(L("con")) == conceptpath(L("value"))) return 0; L("val") = nextval(L("val")); } addconval(L("concept"),L("attr"),L("value")); return 1; } CopyAttr(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr")) { L("from value") = strval(L("from"),L("attr")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = strval(L("to"),L("attr")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addstrval(L("to"),L("attr"),L("from value")); } } CopyAttrNew(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr from"),L("attr to")) { L("from value") = strval(L("from"),L("attr from")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = strval(L("to"),L("attr to")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addstrval(L("to"),L("attr to"),L("from value")); } } CopyConAttr(L("from"),L("to"),L("attr")) { L("from value") = conval(L("from"),L("attr")); if (L("from value")) { L("to value") = conval(L("to"),L("attr")); if (L("from value") && !L("to value")) addconval(L("to"),L("attr"),L("from value")); } } AttrValues(L("con"),L("attr")) { L("at") = findattr(L("con"),L("attr")); if (L("at")) return attrvals(L("at")); return 0; } LastChild(L("parent")) { L("child") = down(L("parent")); while (L("child")) { L("last") = L("child"); L("child") = next(L("child")); } return L("last"); } MakeCountCon(L("con"),L("count name")) { L("count name") = CountName(L("con"),L("count name")); return makeconcept(L("con"),L("count name")); } IncrementCount(L("con"),L("countname")) { L("count") = numval(L("con"),L("countname")); if (L("count")) { L("count") = L("count") + 1; replaceval(L("con"),L("countname"),L("count")); } else { addnumval(L("con"),L("countname"),1); L("count") = 1; } return L("count"); } CountName(L("con"),L("root")) { L("count") = IncrementCount(L("con"),L("root")); return L("root") + str(L("count")); } StripEndDigits(L("name")) { if (strisdigit(L("name"))) return 0; L("len") = strlength(L("name")) - 1; L("i") = L("len") - 1; L("str") = strpiece(L("name"),L("i"),L("len")); while (strisdigit(L("str")) && L("i")) { L("i")--; L("str") = strpiece(L("name"),L("i"),L("len")); } return strpiece(L("name"),0,L("i")); } ############################################### # KB Dump Functins ############################################### DumpKB(L("con"),L("file")) { L("dir") = G("$apppath") + "/kb/"; L("filename") = L("dir") + L("file") + ".kb"; if (!kbdumptree(L("con"),L("filename"))) { "kb.txt" << "FAILED dump: " << L("filename") << "\n"; } else { "kb.txt" << "DUMPED: " << L("filename") << "\n"; } } TakeKB(L("filename")) { L("path") = G("$apppath") + "/kb/" + L("filename") + ".kb"; "kb.txt" << "Taking: " << L("path") << "\n"; if (take(L("path"))) { "kb.txt" << " Taken successfully: " << L("path") << "\n"; } else { "kb.txt" << " Taken FAILED: " << L("path") << "\n"; } } ChildCount(L("con")) { L("count") = 0; L("child") = down(L("con")); while (L("child")) { L("count")++; L("child") = next(L("child")); } return L("count"); } ############################################### # KBB DISPLAY FUNCTIONS ############################################### DisplayKB(L("top con"),L("full")) { L("file") = DisplayFileName(); DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("top con"),0,L("full")); L("file") << "\n"; return L("top con"); } KBHeader(L("text")) { L("file") = DisplayFileName(); L("file") << "#######################\n"; L("file") << "# " << L("text") << "\n"; L("file") << "#######################\n\n"; } DisplayFileName() { if (num(G("$passnum")) < 10) { L("file") = "ana00" + str(G("$passnum")); }else if (num(G("$passnum")) < 100) { L("file") = "ana0" + str(G("$passnum")); } else { L("file") = "ana" + str(G("$passnum")); } L("file") = L("file") + ".kbb"; return L("file"); } DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),L("con"),L("level"),L("full")) { while (L("con")) { L("file") << SpacesStr(L("level")+1) << conceptname(L("con")); DisplayAttributes(L("file"),L("con"),L("full"),L("level")); L("file") << "\n"; if (down(L("con"))) { L("lev") = 1; DisplayKBRecurse(L("file"),down(L("con")),L("level")+L("lev"),L("full")); } if (L("level") == 0) return 0; L("con") = next(L("con")); } } DisplayAttributes(L("file"),L("con"),L("full"),L("level")) { L("attrs") = findattrs(L("con")); if (L("attrs")) L("file") << ": "; if (L("full") && L("attrs")) L("file") << "\n"; L("first attr") = 1; while (L("attrs")) { L("vals") = attrvals(L("attrs")); if (!L("full") && !L("first attr")) { L("file") << ", "; } if (L("full")) { if (!L("first attr")) L("file") << "\n"; L("file") << SpacesStr(L("level")+2); } L("file") << attrname(L("attrs")) << "=["; L("first") = 1; while (L("vals")) { if (!L("first")) L("file") << ","; L("val") = getstrval(L("vals")); L("num") = getnumval(L("vals")); L("con") = getconval(L("vals")); if (L("con")) { L("file") << conceptpath(L("con")); } else if (!L("full") && strlength(L("val")) > 20) { L("shorty") = strpiece(L("val"),0,20); L("file") << L("shorty"); L("file") << "..."; if (strendswith(L("val"),"\"")) L("file") << "\""; } else if (L("num") > -1) { L("file") << str(L("num")); } else { L("file") << L("val"); } L("first") = 0; L("vals") = nextval(L("vals")); } L("file") << "]"; L("first attr") = 0; L("attrs") = nextattr(L("attrs")); } } # Because NLP++ doesn't allow for empty strings, # this function can only be called with "num" >= 1 SpacesStr(L("num")) { L("n") = 1; L("spaces") = " "; while (L("n") < L("num")) { L("spaces") = L("spaces") + " "; L("n")++; } return L("spaces"); } ############################################### # DICTIONARY FUNCTIONS ############################################### DictionaryStart() { G("attrs path") = G("$apppath") + "\\kb\\user\\attrs.kb"; G("attrs") = openfile(G("attrs path")); } DictionaryWord(L("word"),L("attrName"),L("value"),L("attrType")) { G("attrs") << "ind attr\n" << findwordpath(L("word")) << "\n0\n"; G("attrs") << findwordpath(L("attrName")) << "\n"; if (L("attrType") == "str") G("attrs") << "pst\n" << "\"" << L("value") << "\""; else if (L("attrType") == "num") G("attrs") << "pnum\n" << str(L("value")); else if (L("attrType") == "con") G("attrs") << "pcon\n" << conceptpath(L("value")); G("attrs") << "\nend ind\n\n"; } DictionaryEnd() { G("attrs") << "\nquit\n\n"; closefile(G("attrs")); } @@DECL
############################################### # FILE: XML SubSchema.pat # # SUBJ: Put together the major blocks of an # # XML Document # # AUTH: Paul Deane # # CREATED: 14/Jan/01 # DATE OF THIS VERSION: 31/Aug/01 # # Copyright ############################################### @NODES _ROOT @RULES _Prolog [unsealed] <- _declSep [opt] _XMLDecl [opt] ### (1) _xWILD [star matches=("_declSep" "_Comment" "ProcessingInstruction" "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _doctypedecl [one] ### (3) _xWILD [star matches=("_declSep" "_Comment" "ProcessingInstruction" "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) @@ _Prolog [unsealed] <- _declSep [opt] _XMLDecl [one] ### (1) _xWILD [star matches=("_declSep" "_Comment" "ProcessingInstruction" "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _doctypedecl [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [star matches=("_declSep" "_Comment" "ProcessingInstruction" "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) @@ _Misc <- _xWILD [plus matches=("_declSep" "_Comment" "ProcessingInstruction" "_whiteSpace")] ### (1) @@
@CODE prlit("edu.txt", "DUMP EDUCATION INSTANCES\n"); prlit("edu.txt", "------------------------\n"); @@CODE @PATH _ROOT _educationZone _educationInstance _LINE _educationPart @POST ndump("edu.txt",1); # prlit("edu.txt","-------------\n"); "edu.txt" << "--------------\n"; noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _Grade @@
@PATH _ROOT _LINE @POST if (N("fields",5)) N("minor conf",5) = 95; else N("minor conf",5) = 90; # Override whatever was assigned to this cap phrase. N("hi class",5) = "minor"; N("hi conf",5) = N("minor conf",5); # Still room to grow! # noop() @RULES #example "Minored in English" _xNIL <- _minorKey [s] _xWHITE [s star] in [s] _xWHITE [s star] _Caps @@ @POST N("hi class",4) = "minor"; # if (N("$present",2)) bump the confidence. if (N("fields",4)) N("hi conf",4) = 95; else N("hi conf",4) = 90; # noop() @RULES # ex "Minor: Greek" _xNIL <- _minorKey [s] # \: [s] _xWILD [s one matches = ( \: \, ) ] # PS 01/11/00 for Mason _xWHITE [s star] _Caps @@ @POST N("hi class",3) = "minor"; if (N("fields",3)) N("hi conf",3) = 95; else N("hi conf",3) = 70; # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _minorKey [s] _xWHITE [s star] _Caps @@ @POST N("hi class",1) = "minor"; N("hi conf",1) = 80; # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _Caps _xWHITE [s star] _minorKey [s] @@
################################################## # FILE: SIMPLE_NUMERICS.pat # # SUBJ: Analyse simple numeric words as numerals # # AUTH: Paul Deane # # CREATED: 04/Jan/01 # DATE OF THIS VERSION: 31/Aug/01 # # Copyright ################################################## @NODES _ROOT @POST G("stem") = strtolower(N("$text",5)); if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"hundred")) { G("Numeral Value") = 100; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thousand")) { G("Numeral Value") = 1000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"million")) { G("Numeral Value") = 1000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"billion")) { G("Numeral Value") = 1000000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"trillion")) { G("Numeral Value") = 1000000000000; } S("Numeral Value") = num(N("$text",1)) * G("Numeral Value"); single(); @@POST @RULES _cardinalNumeral <- _xNUM [one] ### (1) \. [opt] ### (2) _xNUM [opt] ### (3) _xWILD [star match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) _xWILD [one match=("hundred" "thousand" "million" "billion" "trillion")] ### (5) @@ @@RULES ####################### # Ordinal with integer# ####################### @POST G("numeralT") = N("$text",1); S("Numeral Value") = num(G("numeralT")); single(); @@POST @RULES _ordinalNumeral <- _xNUM [s one] ### (1) _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("st" "nd" "rd" "th")] ### (2) @@ @@RULES ##################### # One word ordinals # ##################### @POST G("stem") = N("$text",1); if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"first")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"second")) { S("Numeral Value") = 2; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"third")) { S("Numeral Value") = 3; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fourth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 4; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fifth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 5; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"sixth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 6; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seventh")) { S("Numeral Value") = 7; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eighth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 8; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"ninth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 9; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"tenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 10; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eleventh")) { S("Numeral Value") = 11; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"twelfth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 12; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thirteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 13; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fourteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 14; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fifteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 15; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"sixteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 16; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seventeenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 17; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eighteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 18; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"nineteenth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 19; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"twentieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 20; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thirtieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 30; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fortieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 40; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fiftieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 50; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"sixtieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 60; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seventieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 70; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eightieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 80; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"ninetieth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 90; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"hundredth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 100; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thousandth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"millionth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"billionth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"trillionth")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000000000; } single(); @@POST @RULES _ordinalNumeral <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("first" "second" "third" "fourth" "fifth" "sixth" "seventh" "eighth" "ninth" "tenth" "eleventh" "twelfth" "thirteenth" "fourteenth" "fifteenth" "sixteenth" "seventeenth" "eighteenth" "nineteenth" "twentieth" "thirtieth" "fortieth" "fiftieth" "sixtieth" "seventieth" "eightieth" "ninetieth" "hundredth" "thousandth" "millionth" "billionth" "trillionth")] ### (1) @@ @@RULES ##################### # One word cardinals # ##################### @POST G("stem") = N("$text",1); if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"one")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"two")) { S("Numeral Value") = 2; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"three")) { S("Numeral Value") = 3; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"four")) { S("Numeral Value") = 4; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"five")) { S("Numeral Value") = 5; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"six")) { S("Numeral Value") = 6; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seven")) { S("Numeral Value") = 7; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eight")) { S("Numeral Value") = 8; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"nine")) { S("Numeral Value") = 9; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"ten")) { S("Numeral Value") = 10; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eleven")) { S("Numeral Value") = 11; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"twelve")) { S("Numeral Value") = 12; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thirteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 13; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fourteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 14; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fifteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 15; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"sixteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 16; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seventeen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 17; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eighteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 18; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"nineteen")) { S("Numeral Value") = 19; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"twenty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 20; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thirty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 30; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"forty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 40; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"fifty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 50; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"sixty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 60; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"seventy")) { S("Numeral Value") = 70; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"eighty")) { S("Numeral Value") = 80; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"ninety")) { S("Numeral Value") = 90; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"hundred")) { S("Numeral Value") = 100; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"thousand")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"million")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"billion")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000000; } else if (strequal(strtolower(G("stem")),"trillion")) { S("Numeral Value") = 1000000000000; } single(); @@POST @RULES _cardinalNumeral <- _xWILD [s min=1 max=1 match=("one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six" "seven" "eight" "nine" "ten" "eleven" "twelve" "thirteen" "fourteen" "fifteen" "sixteen" "seventeen" "eighteen" "nineteen" "twenty" "thirty" "forty" "fifty" "sixty" "seventy" "eighty" "ninety" "hundred" "thousand" "million" "billion" "trillion")] ### (1) @@ @@RULES
# Increment the count of nouns,. without reducing _noun to anything @CHECK ++G("noun count"); @POST  noop();  # If absent, then _noun will reduce to _xNIL. @RULES _xNIL <- _noun @@
@PATH _ROOT _pronunciations _headerZone _LINE @POST addstrval(X("pronunciation",2),"phonemic",N("$text",1)); "debug.txt" << N("$text",1) << "\n"; @RULES _xNIL <- _phonemic ### (1) @@
@NODES _sentence @PRE <1,1> cap(); <2,2> cap(); @RULES # Ex: MD\_Files _company <- MD [s] Files [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <2,2> cap(); <3,3> cap(); @RULES # Ex: New\_Hampshire\_Medical _company <- New [s] Hampshire [s] Medical [s] @@ @PRE <1,1> cap(); <2,2> cap(); @RULES # Ex: Carezani\_Med _company <- Carezani [s] Med [s] @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _no <- no \. @@ _inc <- inc \. @@ _num <- _xNUM \. _xNUM @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST N("pronunciation") = makeconcept(G("word"),"pronunciation"); @RULES _xNIL <- _pronunciations ### (1) @@ @POST N("synonym") = makeconcept(G("word"),"synonym"); @RULES _xNIL <- _synonyms ### (1) @@ @POST N("derivedTerms") = makeconcept(G("word"),"derivedTerms"); @RULES _xNIL <- _derivedTerms ### (1) @@ @POST N("translation") = makeconcept(G("word"),"translation"); @RULES _xNIL <- _translations ### (1) @@
@PATH _ROOT _LINE @POST S("city") = N("$text",1); S("state") = N("$text",4); single(); @RULES _cityState <- _city [s layer=(_cityName)] \, [s] _xWHITE [s star] _state [s layer=(_stateName)] @@ @CHECK if ( N("len",1) <= 2 && !N("capofcap",1) && !N("capandcap",1) && (N("city conf",1) >= 40 || N("humanname conf",1) >= 40) # Convert. ) succeed(); else fail(); @POST S("city") = N("$text",1); S("state") = N("$text",4); single(); @RULES _cityState <- _Caps [s rename=(_city) layer=(_cityName)] \, [s] _xWHITE [s star] _state [s layer=(_stateName)] @@
# Match _det _quan _adj _noun sequence and reduce to _np, matching _noun first @RULES _np <- _det _quan _adj _noun [t] @@
################################################ # FILE: Numeric Sequences.pat # # SUBJ: Recognize numeric sequence expressions # # like 5-15, or between 5 and 15 # # AUTH: Paul Deane # # CREATED: 01/Mar/01 # DATE OF THIS VERSION: 31/Aug/01 # ################################################ @NODES _ROOT @POST S("Numeral Value")[0] = num(N("$text",3)); S("Numeral Value")[1] = num(N("$text",7)); S("MaxArrayPos") = 1; single(); @@POST @RULES _cardinalSequence <- _xWILD [s one match=("between")] ### (1) _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _xNUM [s one] ### (3) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) _xWILD [s one match=("&" "and")] ### (5) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (6) _xNUM [s one] ### (7) @@ @@RULES @POST S("Numeral Value")[0] = num(N("Numeral Value",3)); S("Numeral Value")[1] = num(N("Numeral Value",7)); S("MaxArrayPos") = 1; single(); @@POST @RULES _cardinalSequence <- _xWILD [s one match=("between")] ### (1) _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _cardinalNumeral [s one] ### (3) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) _xWILD [s one match=("&" "and")] ### (5) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (6) _cardinalNumeral [s one] ### (7) @@ @@RULES @POST S("Numeral Value")[0] = num(N("Numeral Value",5)); S("Numeral Value")[1] = num(N("Numeral Value",11)); S("MaxArrayPos") = 1; single(); @@POST @RULES _ordinalSequence <- _xWILD [s one match=("between")] ### (1) _xWILD [s one match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) the [s opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) _ordinalNumeral [s one] ### (5) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (6) _xWILD [s one match=("&" "and")] ### (7) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (8) the [s opt] ### (9) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (10) _ordinalNumeral [s one] ### (11) @@ @@RULES @POST S("Numeral Value")[0] = num(N("$text",3)); S("Numeral Value")[1] = num(N("$text",7)); S("MaxArrayPos") = 1; single(); @@POST @RULES _cardinalSequence <- _xWILD [s opt match=("from")] ### (1) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _xNUM [s one] ### (3) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) _xWILD [s one match=("-" "to" "through")] ### (5) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (6) _xNUM [s one] ### (7) @@ @@RULES @POST S("Numeral Value")[0] = num(N("Numeral Value",3)); S("Numeral Value")[1] = num(N("Numeral Value",7)); S("MaxArrayPos") = 1; single(); @@POST @RULES _cardinalSequence <- _xWILD [s opt match=("from")] ### (1) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) _cardinalNumeral [s one] ### (3) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) _xWILD [s one match=("to" "through")] ### (5) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (6) _cardinalNumeral [s one] ### (7) @@ @@RULES @POST S("Numeral Value")[0] = num(N("Numeral Value",5)); S("Numeral Value")[1] = num(N("Numeral Value",11)); S("MaxArrayPos") = 1; single(); @@POST @RULES _ordinalSequence <- _xWILD [s opt match=("from")] ### (1) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (2) the [s opt] ### (3) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (4) _ordinalNumeral [s one] ### (5) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (6) _xWILD [s one match=("-" "to" "through")] ### (7) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (8) the [s opt] ### (9) _xWILD [s opt match=(_xWHITE "_whiteSpace")] ### (10) _ordinalNumeral [s one] ### (11) @@ @@RULES
@NODES _LINE @POST xaddlen("nindent", 2) singler(2,2) # 10/09/99 AM. @RULES # Count indentation separately. Doesn't add to nonwhite blob count. _whtINDENT <- _xSTART _xWHITE [s plus]@@ # Recording long blobs of whitespace now. # @POST xinc("nblobs") single() # 10/09/99 AM. @RULES # Note: Blobs = nonwhite regions of text in a line. # Note: counting end of line to get the right blob count. _whtSEP <- _xWHITE [s min=4 max=0] @@ # Because of variable spacing in text regions, allowing up to 3 # whitespace to be a normal word separation. # @POST ++X("nblobs"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWHITE [s min=1 max=3] @@ # xinc("wcap") # Num of capitalized words. @POST ++X("wcap"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xCAP [s] @@
@PATH _ROOT _RULES @POST rfaelement(1, 2) single() @RULES _ELEMENT [base] <- _NONLIT _PAIRS @@ _ELEMENT [base] <- _LIT _PAIRS @@ _ELEMENT [base] <- _NUM _PAIRS @@
@PATH _ROOT _educationZone _educationInstance _LINE _school # If city or state found within a school, prefer that. # OVERWRITES city,state from elsewhere in education instance, if present. @POST X("city",3) = N("$text"); @RULES _xNIL <- _city [s] @@ @POST X("state",3) = N("$text"); @RULES _xNIL <- _state [s] @@ # If some phrase is carrying a state, use it. @CHECK if (N("state") && !X("state",3)) succeed(); fail(); @POST X("state",3) = N("state"); @RULES _xNIL <- _Caps @@
@CODE G("caps") = getconcept(findroot(),"caps"); G("names") = getconcept(findroot(),"names"); @@CODE
@NODES _LINE @RULES _date [] <- _monthNum [s] \/ [s one] _year [s one] @@ _date [] <- _monthNum [s] \- [s one] _year [s one] @@ @RULES # Ex: July '90 _date [] <- _monthWord [s] \. [s opt] \, [s opt] _xWHITE [s] _year [s] @@ # Ex: Summer '90 _date [] <- _season [s] \, [s opt] _xWHITE [s] _year [s] @@ _date [] <- _year @@
@PATH _ROOT _paragraph _sentence @CHECK ## FIND LAST MATCHING OBJECT S("exit") = 0; N("anaphora") = 0; S("sentence object") = X("object"); if (N("action")) fail(); # LOOP BACK THROUGH SENTENCES while (!S("exit") && S("sentence object")) { N("object") = down(S("sentence object")); # LOOP THROUGH OBJECTS IN SENTENCE while (!S("exit") && N("object")) { if (!strval(N("object"),"action")) S("exit") = 1; else N("object") = next(N("object")); } S("sentence object") = prev(S("sentence object")); } if (!N("object")) { "anaphora.txt" << "Failed!" << "\n"; fail(); } @POST N("anaphora") = N("object"); S("object") = N("object"); S("normal") = strval(N("object"),"normal"); "anaphora.txt" << "Anaphora: " << phrasetext() << "\n"; "anaphora.txt" << " from: " << X("$text") << "\n"; "anaphora.txt" << " Object: " << conceptname(S("object")) << "\n"; if (N("type")) "anaphora.txt" << " Type: " << N("type") << "\n"; "anaphora.txt" << "\n"; single(); @RULES _company <- _anaphora [s] ### (1) @@
# Remove all phrases from a KB subhierarchy @CODE # Warning: Exit VisualText without saving, after running this example, or your Gram Tab # hierarchy will lose all its samples! G("root") = findroot(); # Get the root concept of the KB. G("gram") = findconcept(G("root"), "gram"); # Get root of Gram hierarchy. prunephrases(G("gram")); # Remove all the samples in the Gram hierarchy! @@CODE
# Find a concept in the subhierarchy of a given concept. e.g.: G("returnedConcept") = findhierconcept("child",G("ancestor")); finds the concept named "child" anywhere under the concept pointed to by G("ancestor"). L("return_con") = findhierconcept(L("name"), L("hier"));
@PATH _ROOT _LINE _example @POST X("male",2) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one matches=(man boy male father brother uncle)] ### (1) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST S("con") = MakeCountCon(G("word"),"pos"); single(); @RULES _posZone <- _partofspeech _xWILD [plus match=(_defZone)] ### (1) @@
@NODES _LINE @POST S("degree") = N("$text",1); S("major") = N("$text",5); single(); @RULES # bachelor(,) (of) computer engineering _degreeInMajor <- _degree [s] _xWHITE [s opt] _xWILD [s one match=(\, of \- in \:)] _xWHITE [s ] _field [s layer=(_major)] @@ # ex BS CS @POST S("degree") = N("$text",1); S("major") = N("$text",3); single(); @RULES _degreeInMajor <- _degree [s] _xWHITE [s ] _field [s layer=(_major)] @@ #ex CS BS @POST S("degree") = N("$text",3); S("major") = N("$text",1); single(); @RULES _degreeInMajor <- _field [s layer=(_major)] _xWHITE [s ] _degree [s] @@
@PATH _ROOT _group _subgroup @POST X("con",3) = MakeCountCon(X("con",2),"subgroup"); addstrval(X("con",3),"description",N("description",1)); @RULES _xNIL <- _subgroupHeader ### (1) @@
# Remove child named str from parent concept con. rmchild(L("con"), L("str"));
# Execute a statement with the currently open statement handle @CODE dbopen("test","root","mypassword"); dballocstmt(); dbexecstmt("INSERT INTO abc (name, number) VALUES('Jane','0011');"); dbexecstmt("INSERT INTO abc (name, number) VALUES('Joe','0013');"); dbfreestmt(); dbclose(); @@CODE
@PATH _ROOT _pronunciations _headerZone _LINE @RULES _phonemic <- \/ ### (1) _xWILD [plus fail=(\/)] ### (2) \/ ### (3) @@
############################################### # CONTENT INDEX # # 1. Rules for special items like ampersands # # greater than etc. plus tag elements # # 2. Signals for special tag types including # # comments and entity references # ############################################### @CODE #Now we need to make sure that the doc type is in the KB #and properly identified for this document G("root") = findroot() ; G("tmp") = getconcept(G("root"),"tmp"); G("gramtab") = getconcept(G("tmp"),"gram") ; G("ElementName") = "Elements" ; G("EntityName") = "Entities" ; #we get the doc type name from the name of the DTD file G("DocTypeName") = G("$inputhead") ; G("CurrentDocType") = findconcept(G("gramtab"),G("DocTypeName")) ; if (G("CurrentDocType") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("gramtab"),G("DocTypeName")) ; G("CurrentDocType") = findconcept(G("gramtab"),G("DocTypeName")) ; } G("Entities") = findconcept(G("CurrentDocType"),G("EntityName")) ; if (G("Entities") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("CurrentDocType"),G("EntityName")) ; G("Entities") = findconcept(G("CurrentDocType"),G("EntityName")) ; } G("Elements") = findconcept(G("CurrentDocType"),G("ElementName")) ; if (G("Elements") == 0 ) { makeconcept(G("CurrentDocType"),G("ElementName")) ; G("Elements") = findconcept(G("CurrentDocType"),G("ElementName")) ; } @@CODE @PATH _ROOT ################################### # Rule set 1 # # Special syntactic elements # ################################### @RULES _Ampersand <- \& [one] ### (1) _xWILD [one matches=("amp")] ### (2) \; [one] ### (3) @@ _LessThan <- \& [one] ### (1) _xWILD [one matches=("lt")] ### (2) \; [one] ### (3) @@ _GreaterThan <- \& [one] ### (1) _xWILD [one matches=("gt")] ### (2) \; [one] ### (3) @@ _APos <- \& [one] ### (1) _xWILD [one matches=("apos")] ### (2) \; [one] ### (3) @@ _Quote <- \& [one] ### (1) _xWILD [one matches=("quot")] ### (2) \; [one] ### (3) @@ _CommentStart <- \< [one] ### (1) \! [one] ### (2) \- [one] ### (3) \- [one] ### (4) @@ _CommentEnd <- \- [one] ### (1) \- [one] ### (2) \> [one] ### (3) @@ _DoubleHyphen <- \- [one] ### (1) \- [one] ### (2) @@ _StartXML <- \< [one] ### (1) \? [one] ### (2) _xALPHA [s one matches=("xml")] ### (3) @@ @@RULES ############################################## # Rule set 2 -- Signals for specially tagged # # items like processing instructions and # # comments # ############################################## @RULES _StartProcessingInstruction <- ### (5) \< [one] ### (1) \? [one trig] ### (2) @@ _EndProcessingInstruction <- ### (10) \? [one] ### (1) \> [one] ### (2) @@ _CDStart <- \< [one] ### (1) \! [one] ### (2) \[ [one] ### (3) _xALPHA [s one matches=("CDATA")] ### (4) \[ [one] ### (5) @@ _CDEnd <- \] [one] ### (1) \] [one] ### (2) \> [one] ### (3) @@ _EndDocType <- \] [one] ### (1) _xWHITE [star] ### (2) \> [one] ### (3) @@ _EndEmptyTag <- \/ [one] ### (1) \> [one] ### (2) @@ _EndTag <- \> [one] ### (1) @@ _CharRef <- \& [one] ### (1) \# [one] ### (2) _xNUM [one] ### (3) \; [one] ### (4) @@ _CharRef <- \& [one] ### (1) \# [one] ### (2) x [one] ### (3) _xWILD [one matches=("xNUM" "A" "a" "B" "b" "C" "c" "D" "d" "E" "e" "F" "f")] ### (4) \; [one] ### (5) @@ _EntityRef <- \& [one] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (2) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (3) \; [one] ### (4) @@ _PEReference <- \% [one] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (2) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (3) \; [one] ### (4) @@ @@RULES @POST #find the name of the entity we're declaring S("buffer1") = N("$text",5) ; S("buffer2") = N("$text",6) ; if (S("buffer1") != 0 && S("buffer2") != 0 ) { S("ElementName") = S("buffer1") + S("buffer2") ; } else if (S("buffer1") !=0) S("ElementName") = S("buffer1") ; else S("ElementName") = S("buffer2") ; S("CurrentElement") = findconcept(G("Elements"),S("ElementName")) ; if (S("CurrentElement") == 0) { makeconcept(G("Elements"),S("ElementName")) ; S("CurrentElement") = findconcept(G("Elements"),S("ElementName")) ; } single() ; @@POST @RULES _ElementDeclStart <- \< [one] ### (1) \! [one] ### (2) _xWILD [s one matches=("ELEMENT")] ### (3) _xWHITE [plus] ### (4) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (5) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (6) @@ @@RULES @RULES _NotationDeclStart <- \< [one] ### (1) \! [one] ### (2) _xWILD [s one matches=("NOTATION")] ### (3) _xWHITE [plus] ### (4) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (5) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (6) @@ @@RULES @POST #find the name of the element we're declaring S("buffer1") = str(N("$text",5)) ; S("buffer2") = str(N("$text",6)) ; if (N("$text",5) && N("$text",6)) { S("ElementName") = S("buffer1") + S("buffer2") ; } else if (N("$text",5)) { S("ElementName") = N("$text",5) ; } else if (N("$text",6)) { S("ElementName") = N("$text",6) ; } S("CurrentElement") = findconcept(G("Elements"),S("ElementName")) ; if (S("CurrentElement") == 0) { makeconcept(G("Elements"),S("ElementName")) ; S("CurrentElement") = findconcept(G("Elements"),S("ElementName")) ; } single() ; @@POST @RULES _AttlistDeclStart <- \< [one] ### (1) \! [one] ### (2) _xWILD [s one matches=("ATTLIST")] ### (3) _xWHITE [plus] ### (4) _xWILD [s one matches=("_xALPHA" "_" ":")] ### (5) _xWILD [s star matches=("_xALPHA" "_xNUM" "." "-" "_" ":")] ### (6) @@ @@RULES @RULES _EntityDeclStart <- \< [one] ### (1) \! [one] ### (2) _xWILD [s one matches=("ENTITY")] ### (3) _xWHITE [plus] ### (4) @@ @@RULES
@NODES _ROOT @POST excise(1,1); noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [fails=(_labelEntry _alphaNum)] ### (1) @@
@CODE "output.txt" << "[" << today() << "]" << "\n"; @@CODE @NODES _ROOT @POST excise(1,1); excise(3,3); excise(5,5); @RULES _xNIL <- \r [optional] \n \r [min=0 max=1] \n _xWILD [min=0 max=0 match=(\r \n)] @@ @POST excise(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- \r \n @@
@CODE fileout("exp_anchors.txt"); # 06/10/00 AM. @@CODE # Look for an anchor in each line of experience zone. # Would like a way to refer to vars in the experience zone of: @PATH _ROOT _experienceZone _LINE # eg, X("var", 2) refers to var in 2nd component of path. # opt! Can reverse the list and change the numbers accordingly, # internally. Or make it an array, better yet. # For each anchor, mark that its line contains an anchor. @POST ++X("nanchors"); # Would like to layer _ANCHOR onto context node here! # (Could use xrename as temporary rename. if (!X("first anchor",2)) # Track first anchor lineno. { X("first anchor",2) = X("lineno"); # 01/01/00 AM. if (X("lineno") > 1) # More than just a header before. X("noprestuff",2) = 0; # There are lines before anchors. else X("noprestuff",2) = 1; } "exp_anchors.txt" << "------------------------" << "\n"; xdump("exp_anchors.txt",2); "exp_anchors.txt" << "---------" << "\n"; ndump("exp_anchors.txt",1); # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _DateRange [s] @@ _xNIL <- _SingleDate [s] @@ # Trying out. # 01/01/00 AM.
@NODES _LINE @RULES _state <- _xWILD [s one match=( _statePhrase _PostalState )] @@ _country <- _xWILD [s one match=( _countryPhrase _countryWord )] @@
@NODES _NLPPP # Catch the start of a function call here, so it won't be grabbed by # expression grammar. # # Added L local var reference. # @POST fncallstart() single() @RULES _VARLIST [base] <- _xWILD [s one match=( s G N X P L ) layer=(_VARNAME)] \( @@ # Eg, user::func() # @POST scopefncallstart(1,4) single() @RULES _FNCALLLIST [base] <- _LIT \: \: _LIT [layer=(_FNNAME)] \( @@ @POST fncallstart() single() @RULES _FNCALLLIST [base] <- _LIT [layer=(_FNNAME)] \( @@ @POST movesem(2) # Move expr semantic object up the tree. single() @RULES # NOTE: Need a better action to grab the num, str. _EXPR <- \( _xWILD [s one match=( _EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] \) @@ # NOTE: Ambiguity with _LIST must be resolved. @POST rfaexpr(1,2,3) # single() # singler(1,3) # 08/01/00 AM. @RULES _EXPR <- _xWILD [s one match=(_EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s t one match=( \* \/ \% _opCONF # 12/17/99 AM. )] _xWILD [s one match=(_EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s one fail=(_opINC _opDEC)] # 08/01/00 AM. @@ # Handling precedence. That's why these rules look funny. @POST rfaexpr(1,2,3) singler(1,3) @RULES _EXPR <- _xWILD [s one match=(_EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s t one match=( \+ \- )] _xWILD [s one match=(_EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s one match=( _xANY _xEND _xEOF ) except=( \/ \* \% _opCONF # 12/17/99 AM. _opINC _opDEC # 08/01/00 AM. )] @@ @POST rfaexpr(1,2,3) singler(1,3) @RULES _EXPR <- _xWILD [s one match=(_EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s t one match=( \< \> _opLE _opGE _opEQ _opNEQ )] _xWILD [s one match=(_EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s one match=( _xANY _xEND _xEOF ) except=( \/ \* \% \+ \- _opCONF # 12/17/99 AM. _opINC _opDEC # 08/01/00 AM. )] @@ @POST rfaexpr(1,2,3) singler(1,3) @RULES _EXPR <- _xWILD [s one match=(_EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s t one match=( _opAND _opOR )] _xWILD [s one match=(_EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s one match=( _xANY _xEND _xEOF ) except=( \/ \* \% \+ \- \< \> _opLE _opGE _opEQ _opNEQ _opCONF # 12/17/99 AM. _opINC _opDEC # 08/01/00 AM. )] @@ # LOWEST PRECEDENCE of any operator except output op (<<). _EXPR <- _VAR [s] \= [s] _xWILD [s one match=( _EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s one match=( _xANY _xEND _xEOF ) except=( \/ \* \% \+ \- \< \> _opLE _opGE _opEQ _opNEQ _opAND _opOR _opCONF # 12/17/99 AM. \= # To associate right to left. # 12/31/99 AM. _opINC _opDEC # 08/01/00 AM. )] @@ # Output operator! # # LOWEST PRECEDENCE of any operator. _EXPR <- _xWILD [s one match=(_STR _EXPR)] _opOUT [s] _xWILD [s one match=( _EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s one match=( _xANY _xEND _xEOF ) except=( \/ \* \% \+ \- \< \> _opLE _opGE _opEQ _opNEQ _opAND _opOR _opCONF \= _opINC _opDEC # 08/01/00 AM. )] @@ @POST rfaunary(1,2) singler(1,2) @RULES # Unary operators. # Highest precedence, apart from post operators. _EXPR <- _xWILD [s one match=( _opINC _opDEC )] _VAR [s] _xWILD [s one match=( _xANY _xEND _xEOF) except=( _opINC _opDEC)] @@ _EXPR <- \! [s] _xWILD [s one match=( _EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR )] _xWILD [s one match=( _xANY _xEND _xEOF) except=( _opINC _opDEC)] @@ # Highest precedence operators. @POST rfapostunary(1,2) single() @RULES _EXPR <- _VAR [s] _xWILD [s one match=( _opINC _opDEC )] @@ # Post unary ops have precedence. @POST rfaunary(2,3) singler(2,3) @RULES # Only do this if you're at the start of something or there's an # operator to the left. _EXPR <- _xWILD [s one match=( _xSTART \< \> \+ \- \* \/ \% \! \= _opINC _opDEC _opLE _opGE _opEQ _opNE _opAND _opOR _opCONF # 12/17/99 AM. _opOUT # 12/31/99 AM. )] _xWILD [s t one match=( \- \+ )] _xWILD [s one match=( _EXPR _NUM _FLOAT )] _xWILD [s one match=( _xANY _xEND _xEOF ) except=( _opINC _opDEC)] @@ ################################### # GENERALIZED FUNCTION CALL GRAMMAR. # ################################### # LIST GRAMMAR. # FUNCTION CALL GRAMMAR. @POST addarg(1,0,3) # 05/26/02 AM. listadd(1,3) @RULES _VARLIST <- _VARLIST \, [opt] _xWILD [one match=(_EXPR _NUM _STR)] _xWILD [one match=( \, \) )] # lookahead. @@ @POST addarg(1,3,4) # 05/26/02 AM. listadd(1,4) @RULES _xNIL <- _FNCALLLIST \, [opt] \& [opt] # Call by reference! # 05/26/02 AM. _xWILD [one match=(_EXPR _NUM _FLOAT _STR)] _xWILD [one match=( \, \) )] # lookahead. @@ #PUT ARRAY GRAMMAR IN HERE. # @POST varfnarray(1,4) # 10/13/00 AM. single() # 10/13/00 AM. @RULES _VAR [layer=(_EXPR)] <- # 10/13/00 AM. _VARLIST \) \[ _xWILD [opt match=(_EXPR _NUM)] # 10/13/00 AM. # Making this OPTIONAL to catch ARRAY ASSIGNMENT. # \] @@ @POST varfn() singler(1,2) # 10/15/00 AM. @RULES _VAR [layer=(_EXPR)] <- _VARLIST \) _xWILD [one fail=( \[ )] # lookahead. # 10/15/00 AM. @@ @POST movesem(1) singler(1,2) @RULES _FNCALL <- _FNCALLLIST \) \{ @@ @POST movesem(1) single() @RULES _FNCALL [layer=(_EXPR)] <- _FNCALLLIST \) @@
@PATH _ROOT _synonyms _headerZone _LINE @RULES _synonym <- _xWILD [plus match=(_xALPHA)] ### (1) @@
# Fetch attribute named str belonging to concept con. L("return_attr") = findattr(L("con"), L("str"));
@PATH _ROOT _textZone _headerZone _LINE @POST X("lang") = N("lang"); @RULES _xNIL <- _langauge @@ @POST X("pessoa",3) = X("pessoa",4); X("meaning",3) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _pessoa @@ @POST X("numero",3) = X("numero",4); X("meaning",3) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _numero @@ @POST X("tempo",3) = X("tempo",4); X("meaning",3) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _tempo @@ @POST X("root",3) = X("root",4); X("meaning",3) = 1; @RULES _xNIL <- _root @@ @POST X("stem",3) = N("$text",6); X("verb",3) = N("$text",8); IncrementCount(G("conjugations"),"count"); AddUniqueCon(G("conjugations"),N("$text",8)); single(); @RULES _conjug <- _xWILD [match=(\{)] ### (1) conj ### (2) \/ ### (3) _xALPHA ### (4) \| ### (5) _xALPHA ### (6) \| ### (7) _xALPHA ### (8) _xWILD [match=(\})] ### (9) @@
@CODE L("file") = "numbers.dict"; L("number") = down(G("numbers")); addword("numeric"); while (L("number")) { L("name") = conceptname(L("number")); L("file") << L("name") << " numermic=" << str(numval(L("number"),"numeric")) << "\n"; L("number") = next(L("number")); } @@CODE
@PATH _ROOT _experienceZone @CHECK # Require the instance to have a daterange. if (!N("date range",1)) fail(); @POST prlit("output.xml","<Position>\n"); #prlit("output.txt","Date: "); #fprintnvar("output.txt","date range",1); #prlit("output.txt","\n"); prlit("output.xml","\n<EmployerName>"); #fprintnvar("output.xml","_company",1); prtree("output.xml",1,"_EmployerName"); prlit("output.xml","</EmployerName>\n"); prlit("output.xml","\n<JobTitle>"); #fprintnvar("output.xml","job title",1); prtree("output.xml",1,"_jobTitle"); prlit("output.xml","</JobTitle>\n"); if (N("city")) { if (N("state")) N("loc") = N("city") + ", " + N("state"); else if (N("country")) N("loc") = N("city") + ", " + N("country"); else N("loc") = N("city"); } else if (N("country")) N("loc") = N("country"); prlit("output.xml", "\n<Location>"); prtree("output.xml",1,"_cityState"); prlit("output.xml","</Location>\n"); prlit("output.xml","<Date>\n<StartDate>"); prtree("output.xml",1,"_fromDate"); prlit("output.xml","</StartDate>\n<EndDate>"); prtree("output.xml",1,"_toDate"); prlit("output.xml","</EndDate>\n</Date>"); prlit("output.xml","\n</Position>\n"); @RULES _xNIL <- _experienceInstance @@
@NODES _LINE @RULES # Ex: current _Present <- _xWILD [min=1 max=1 s match=("current" "date" "now" "today" "present")] @@
@PATH _ROOT _paragraph _sentence # @POST # G("out") << phrasetext() << "\n"; # @RULES # _xNIL <- # _xWILD [plus match=(_xCAP _USA)] ### (1) # bureau ### (2) # @@ @POST G("out") << phrasetext() << "\n"; @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [plus match=(_xCAP _USA)] ### (1) for ### (2) _xWILD [plus match=(_xCAP _USA)] ### (3) @@ # @POST # G("out") << phrasetext() << "\n"; # @RULES # _xNIL <- # section [trig] ### (1) # of ### (2) # _xWILD [plus match=(_xCAP _USA)] ### (3) # @@ # @POST # G("out") << phrasetext() << "\n"; # @RULES # _xNIL <- # department ### (1) # of ### (2) # _xWILD [min=1 max=7 match=(_xCAP and)] ### (3) # @@ # @POST # L("node") = N(1); # L("node") = pnprev(L("node")); # L("phrase") = strtolower(N("$text")); # L("continue") = 1; # while (L("node") && L("continue")) { # L("text") = strtolower(pnvar(L("node"),"$text")); # if (!pnvar(L("node"),"functword")) { # L("phrase") = L("text") + " " + L("phrase"); # } else { # L("continue") = 0; # } # L("node") = pnprev(L("node")); # } # G("out") << L("phrase") << "\n"; # @RULES # _xNIL <- # department ### (1) # @@
@PATH _ROOT _DECL _NLPPP @POST rfbdecls(1) single() @RULES _DECL [base] <- _FUNCDEF [plus] @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST group(1,2,"_COMMENT"); @RULES _xNIL <- \% ### (1) _xWILD ### (2) _xWILD [lookahead matches=(_NEWLINE _BLANKLINE)] ### (3) @@
@CODE # # Essentially iterate over pred_codes, setting # # rank(code) = max(code_ranks) # # Print results to file. # L("iter") = down(G("pred_codes")); # L("ranks") # while (L("iter")) { # L("child_attrs") = findattrs(L("iter")); # # Iterate over each attr (rank) of parent # L("curr_max") = 0.0; # while (L("child_attrs")) { # # Since repeated (list) values are, by design, the same, # # We only have to deal with the first one. # "raw_ranks.txt" << attrname(L("child_attrs")) << "\n"; # L("rank") = getstrval(attrvals(L("child_attrs"))); # "raw_ranks.txt" << L("rank") << "\n"; # if (flt(L("rank")) > flt(L("curr_max"))) { # L("curr_max") = L("rank"); # } # L("child_attrs") = nextattr(L("child_attrs")); # } # "final_ranks.txt" << conceptname(L("iter")) << ": " << L("curr_max") << "\n"; # L("iter") = next(L("iter")); # } L("iter") = down(G("pred_codes")); while (L("iter")) { L("child_attrs") = findattrs(L("iter")); "aggregate.txt" << "Getting ranks for " << conceptname(L("iter")); # Iterate over each attr (rank) of parent L("curr_max") = 0.0; L("sum") = 0.0; L("count") = 0; while (L("child_attrs")) { # Since repeated (list) values are, by design, the same, # We only have to deal with the first one. L("rank") = getstrval(attrvals(L("child_attrs"))); "aggregate.txt" << "\t" << attrname(L("child_attrs")) << "\n"; if (flt(L("rank")) > flt(L("curr_max"))) { L("curr_max") = L("rank"); } L("sum") = flt(L("sum")) + flt(L("rank")); L("count")++; L("child_attrs") = nextattr(L("child_attrs")); } addstrval(L("iter"), "max", L("curr_max")); addstrval(L("iter"), "sum", str(L("sum"))); L("mean") = L("sum") / flt(L("count")); addstrval(L("iter"), "mean", str(L("mean"))); L("iter") = next(L("iter")); } @@CODE
@MULTI _ROOT _section _sentence _subsection @PRE <2,2> vareq("negation", "POST"); @POST excise(1,2); # single(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [min=0 max=5 matches=(_xALPHA _xNUM _conj _phrase _patientID \, \-)] _negation @@ @PRE <1,1> vareq("negation", "PREN"); @POST excise(1,2); # single(); @RULES _xNIL <- _negation _xWILD [min=0 max=5 matches=(_xALPHA _xNUM _conj _phrase _patientID \, \-)] @@
@NODES _LINE @POST X("con") = makeconcept(G("codes"),N("$text",1)); X("word count") = 0; @RULES _xNIL <- _code ### (1) @@ @POST L("word") = strtolower(N("$text",1)); if (strlength(L("word")) > 2 && strisalpha(L("word"))) { "words.txt" << L("word") << "\n"; if (!spellword(L("word"))) { AddUniqueCon(G("lookups"),L("word")); } } N("word con") = AddUniqueCon(G("words"),L("word")); makeconcept(N("word con"),conceptname(X("con"))); WordPOS(L("word")); X("code con") = AddUniqueCon(X("con"),L("word")); @RULES _xNIL <- _word @@
@CODE G("enclosed by out") = G("enclosed by"); G("separator out") = G("separator"); G("lineTerminator out") = G("lineTerminator"); G("escaped by out") = G("escaped by"); #======================== Dump Fields ========================= G("field con") = down(G("fields con")); while (G("field con")) { "output.txt" << G("enclosed by out"); "output.txt" << conceptname(G("field con")); "output.txt" << G("enclosed by out"); G("field con") = next(G("field con")); if (G("field con")) "output.txt" << G("separator out"); } "output.txt" << G("lineTerminator out"); #======================== Dump Records ======================== G("record con") = down(G("records con")); while (G("record con")) { G("record attrs") = findattrs(G("record con")); while (G("record attrs")) { G("values") = attrvals(G("record attrs")); "output.txt" << G("enclosed by out"); G("value") = getstrval(G("values")); if (G("value") != " ") { G("value") = strescape(G("value"),G("enclosed by out"),G("escaped by out")); "output.txt" << G("value"); } "output.txt" << G("enclosed by out"); G("record attrs") = nextattr(G("record attrs")); if (G("record attrs")) "output.txt" << G("separator out"); } G("record con") = next(G("record con")); if (G("record con")) "output.txt" << G("lineTerminator out"); } @@CODE
@NODES _LINE @RULES # for State College, PA _city[layer = (_SchoolRoot)] <- State [s] _xWHITE [s] College [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Bermuda [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Djibouti [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Gibraltar [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Grenada [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Guam [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Guatamala [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Holland [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Lebanon [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Luxembourg [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Macau [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Mexico [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Monaco [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Palestine [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Panama [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Peru [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Singapore [s] @@ _city [layer = (_country)] <- Vatican [s] _xWHITE [s] City [s] @@ # New York can be a city or a state _city [layer = (_state)] <- New [s] _xWHITE York [s] @@ _city [layer = (_state)] <- N [s] \. [s] Y [s] \. [s] @@ _city [layer = (_state)] <- NY [s] @@ _city [] <- NYC @@ # MD can be a degree or a state _degreeInMajor [layer = (_state)] <- MD [s] @@ # catch S.C. before it turns into south carolina _degreeInMajor [] <- M [s] \. [s] S[s] \. [s] C [s] \. [s] S [s] \. [s] @@ # Masters or Massachusetts _degree [layer = (_state) ] <- MA [s] @@ _degree [layer = (_state) ] <- AA [s] @@ _degree [layer = (_state) ] <- M [s] \. [s] A [s] \.[s] @@ # Ontario is both a state and a city _city [layer = (_state)] <- Ontario [s] @@ # Some company names match hardware or software _hardware [layer = (_company) ] <- IBM [s] @@ _hardware [layer = (_company) ] <- SUN [s] @@ _hardware [layer = (_company) ] <- DEC [s] @@ _hardware [layer = (_company) ] <- HP [s] @@ _hardware [layer = (_company) ] <- Intel [s] @@ _hardware [layer = (_company) ] <- Dell [s] @@ _hardware [layer = (_company) ] <- Compaq [s] @@ _hardware [layer = (_company) ] <- Sony [s] @@ _hardware [layer = (_company) ] <- NEC [s] @@ _hardware [layer = (_company) ] <- Fujitsu [s] @@ # this one is really ugly _software [layer = (_company _degree _state) ] <- MS [s] @@ _poBoxNumber [layer = _addressLine ]<- P [s] \. [s opt] O [s] \. [s opt] _xWHITE [star s] Box [s] _xWHITE [star s] _xNUM [s] @@
# Match rank starting with "No." followed by any amount of white space and a number. Reduce to _rank @RULES _rank <- No \. _xWHITE [star] _xNUM  @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; if (!G("hilite")) # 10/25/10 AM. exitpass(); # 10/25/10 AM. @@CODE #@PATH _ROOT _TEXTZONE _sent _clause @NODES _clause @POST noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [one match=( _noun _verb _adj )] @@
@CODE G("headers") = findconcept(findroot(),"headers"); DisplayKB(G("headers"),0); @@CODE
@CODE G("words") = findconcept(findroot(),"words"); if (!G("words")) G("words") = makeconcept(findroot(),"words"); rmchildren(G("words")); G("alphaNumeric") = makeconcept(G("words"), "AlphaNumeric"); addattr(G("alphaNumeric"), "terms"); G("adjMatrixData") = findconcept(findroot(),"adjMatrixData"); if (!G("adjMatrixData")) G("adjMatrixData") = makeconcept(findroot(),"adjMatrixData"); @@CODE
@NODES _ROOT @POST singlex(4,4); @RULES _text <- \\ [s] ### (1) _xWILD [s one matches=(textit)] ### (2) \{ [s] ### (3) _xWILD [s fail=(\})] ### (4) \} [s] ### (5) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST excise(1,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _tag ### (1) @@
@NODES _ROOT @POST if (strisupper(N("$text"))) pnrename(N(1),"X"); else pnrename(N(1),"x"); @RULES _xNIL <- _xALPHA @@
@DECL AddWord(L("word"),L("lang"),L("node")) { if (L("lang") != "pt") { return; } L("header") = strtolower(pnvar(L("node"),"header")); L("pos") = PosStr(L("header")); "add.txt" << L("word") << " " << L("pos") << "\n"; if (L("pos")) { L("con") = AddUniqueCon(G("words"),L("word")); AddMeaning(L("con"),L("pos"),L("lang"),L("node"),"pessoa"); if (pnvar(L("node"),"pessoa2")) { AddMeaning(L("con"),L("pos"),L("lang"),L("node"),"pessoa2"); } } else if (L("header") == "conjugação") { L("verb") = pnvar(L("node"),"verb"); L("stem") = pnvar(L("node"),"stem"); L("verb") = GetVerbEnding(L("stem"),L("verb")); L("stem") = G("GetVerbEnding"); "stem.txt" << L("stem") << "\n"; if (strstartswith(L("verb"),"c")) { L("stem") = L("stem") + "c"; L("verb") = strpiece(L("verb"),1,strlength(L("verb"))-1); } if (L("verb") == "ar") { AddVerbAr(L("stem")); } else if (L("verb") == "er") { AddVerbEr(L("stem")); } else if (L("verb") == "ir") { AddVerbIr(L("stem")); } } else if (L("lang") == "pt") { # Word with no part of speech G("debug") << L("word") << " " << L("lang") << " <-- No POS\n"; } } AddMeaning(L("con"),L("pos"),L("lang"),L("node"),L("pessoa")) { L("meaning") = MakeCountCon(L("con"),"meaning"); AddUniqueStr(L("meaning"),"pos",L("pos")); AddUniqueStr(L("meaning"),"lang",L("lang")); AddWordAttr(L("meaning"),"root",L("node")); AddWordAttr(L("meaning"),L("pessoa"),L("node")); AddWordAttr(L("meaning"),"numero",L("node")); AddWordAttr(L("meaning"),"tempo",L("node")); } AddWordAttr(L("meaning"),L("attr"),L("node")) { L("at") = pnvar(L("node"),L("attr")); if (L("at")) { L("at") = VerbAttribute(L("at")); if (L("attr") == "pessoa2") { L("attr") = "pessoa"; } AddUniqueStr(L("meaning"),L("attr"),L("at")); } } VerbAttribute(L("attr")) { "attr.txt" << L("attr") << "\n"; if (L("attr") == "plural") { return "p"; } else if (L("attr") == "singular") { return "s"; } else if (L("attr") == "primeira" || L("attr") == "primeiro") { return "p"; } else if (L("attr") == "segunda" || L("attr") == "segundo") { return "s"; } else if (L("attr") == "terceira") { return "t"; } else if (L("attr") == "presente") { return "p"; } else if (L("attr") == "pretérito imperfeito") { return "pi"; } else if (L("attr") == "pretérito perfeito") { return "pp"; } else if (L("attr") == "pretérito mais-que-perfeito") { return "pm"; } else if (L("attr") == "futuro do presente" || L("attr") == "futuro") { return "f"; } else if (L("attr") == "futuro do pretérito") { return "fp"; } else if (L("attr") == "presente de subjuntivo") { return "ps"; } else if (L("attr") == "pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo") { return "pis"; } else if (L("attr") == "futuro de subjuntivo") { return "fs"; } return L("attr"); } ############################################### # {{conj/pt|esp|edir}} where the last token is longer than ar, er, or ir ############################################### GetVerbEnding(L("stem"),L("verb")) { L("len") = strlength(L("verb")); G("GetVerbEnding") = L("stem"); L("ending") = L("verb"); if (L("len") > 2) { L("ending") = strpiece(L("verb"),L("len")-2,L("len")-1); G("GetVerbEnding") = L("stem") + strpiece(L("verb"),0,L("len")-3); } return L("ending"); } ############################################### # https://www.conjugacao.com.br/verbo-brincar/ ############################################### AddVerbAr(L("stem")) { AddConjugation(L("stem"),"o","1","s","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"as","2","s","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"a","3","s","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"amos","1","p","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ais","2","p","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"am","3","p","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ava","1","s","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"avas","2","s","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ava","3","s","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ávamos","1","p","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ávais","2","p","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"avam","3","p","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ei","1","s","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aste","2","s","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ou","3","s","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"amos","1","p","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"astes","2","p","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aram","3","p","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ara","1","s","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aras","2","s","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ara","3","s","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"áramos","1","p","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"áreis","2","p","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aram","3","p","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"arei","1","s","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"arás","2","s","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ará","3","s","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aremos","1","p","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"areis","2","p","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"arão","3","p","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aria","1","s","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"arias","2","s","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aria","3","s","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aríamos","1","p","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aríeis","2","p","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ariam","3","p","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"e","1","s","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"es","2","s","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"e","3","s","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"emos","1","p","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"eis","2","p","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"em","3","p","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"asse","1","s","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"asses","2","s","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"asse","3","s","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ássemos","1","p","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ásseis","2","p","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"assem","3","p","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ar","1","s","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ares","2","s","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ar","3","s","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aremo","1","p","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ardes","2","p","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"arem","3","p","futuro de subjuntivo"); } AddVerbEr(L("stem")) { AddConjugation(L("stem"),"o","1","s","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"es","2","s","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"e","3","s","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"emos","1","p","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"eis","2","p","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"em","3","p","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ia","1","s","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ias","2","s","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ia","3","s","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"íamos","1","p","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ias","2","p","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"íeis","3","p","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"i","1","s","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"este","2","s","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"eu","3","s","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"emos","1","p","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"estes","2","p","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"eram","3","p","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"a","1","s","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"as","2","s","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"a","3","s","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"áramos","1","p","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"êreis","2","p","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"eram","3","p","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"erei","1","s","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"erás","2","s","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"erá","3","s","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"eremos","1","p","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ereis","2","p","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"erão","3","p","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aria","1","s","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"arias","2","s","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aria","3","s","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aríamos","1","p","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"aríeis","2","p","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ariam","3","p","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"a","1","s","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"as","2","s","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"a","3","s","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"amos","1","p","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ais","2","p","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"am","3","p","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"esse","1","s","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"esses","2","s","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"esse","3","s","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"êssemos","1","p","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"êsseis","2","p","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"essem","3","p","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"er","1","s","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"eres","2","s","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"er","3","s","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"eremo","1","p","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"erdes","2","p","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"erem","3","p","futuro de subjuntivo"); } AddVerbIr(L("stem")) { AddConjugation(L("stem"),"o","1","s","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"es","2","s","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"e","3","s","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"imos","1","p","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"eis","2","p","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"em","3","p","presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ia","1","s","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ias","2","s","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ia","3","s","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"íamos","1","p","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"íeis","2","p","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iam","3","p","pretérito imperfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"i","1","s","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iste","2","s","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iu","3","s","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"imos","1","p","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"istes","2","p","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iram","3","p","pretérito perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"a","1","s","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"as","2","s","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"a","3","s","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"áramos","1","p","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"íreis","2","p","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iram","3","p","pretérito mais-que-perfeito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"irei","1","s","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"irás","2","s","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"irá","3","s","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iremos","1","p","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ireis","2","p","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"irão","3","p","futuro do presente"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iria","1","s","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"irias","2","s","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iria","3","s","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iríamos","1","p","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iríeis","2","p","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iriam","3","p","futuro do pretérito"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"a","1","s","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"as","2","s","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"a","3","s","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"amos","1","p","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ais","2","p","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"am","3","p","presente de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"isse","1","s","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"isses","2","s","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"isse","3","s","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"issemos","1","p","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"isseis","2","p","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"issem","3","p","pretérito imperfeito de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ir","1","s","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ires","2","s","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"ir","3","s","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"iremo","1","p","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"irdes","2","p","futuro de subjuntivo"); AddConjugation(L("stem"),"irem","3","p","futuro de subjuntivo"); } StemSuffix(L("stem"),L("suffix")) { L("len") = strlength(L("stem")) - 1; L("stem let") = strpiece(L("stem"),L("len"),L("len")); L("suffix let") = strpiece(L("suffix"),0,0); L("word") = L("stem") + L("suffix"); if (L("stem let") == "c" && L("suffix let") == "e") { L("word") = strpiece(L("stem"),0,L("len")-1) + "qu" + L("suffix"); } return L("word"); } AddConjugation(L("stem"),L("suffix"),L("pessoa"),L("numero"),L("tempo")) { L("root") = StemSuffix(L("stem"),"ar"); L("word") = StemSuffix(L("stem"),L("suffix")); L("con") = AddUniqueCon(G("words"),L("word")); L("meaning") = MakeCountCon(L("con"),"meaning"); AddUniqueStr(L("meaning"),"pos","v"); AddUniqueStr(L("meaning"),"lang","pt"); AddUniqueStr(L("meaning"),"root",L("root")); AddUniqueStr(L("meaning"),"pessoa",VerbAttribute(L("pessoa"))); AddUniqueStr(L("meaning"),"numero",VerbAttribute(L("numero"))); AddUniqueStr(L("meaning"),"tempo",VerbAttribute(L("tempo"))); } PosStr(L("word")) { if (!L("word")) { return 0; } if (strcontainsnocase("verbal",L("word")) || strcontainsnocase("verbo",L("word"))) { return "v"; } else if (strcontainsnocase("substantivo",L("word"))) { return "n"; } else if (strcontainsnocase("adjetivo",L("word"))) { return "adj"; } else if (strcontainsnocase("advérbio",L("word"))) { return "adv"; } else if (strcontainsnocase("pronome",L("word"))) { return "pro"; } else if (strcontainsnocase("preposição",L("word"))) { return "prep"; } else if (strcontainsnocase("artigo",L("word"))) { return "det"; } else if (strcontainsnocase("interjeição",L("word"))) { return "det"; } else if (strcontainsnocase("conjunção",L("word"))) { return "conj"; } return 0; } KBDump() { L("word") = down(G("words")); if (G("$isdirrun")) { L("dictfile") = G("$kbpath") + G("$inputparent") + ".dict"; L("kbbfile") = G("$kbpath") + G("$inputparent") + ".kbb"; } else { L("dictfile") = G("$kbpath") + G("$inputhead") + ".dict"; L("kbbfile") = G("$kbpath") + G("$inputhead") + ".kbb"; } L("dict") = openfile(L("dictfile"),1); L("kbb") = openfile(L("kbbfile"),1); DisplayKBRecurse(L("kbb"),G("words"),0,1); closefile(L("kbb")); while (L("word")) { L("meaning") = down(L("word")); while (L("meaning")) { L("dict") << conceptname(L("word")); AddWordAttribute(L("dict"),L("meaning"),"pos"); AddWordAttribute(L("dict"),L("meaning"),"lang"); AddWordAttribute(L("dict"),L("meaning"),"root"); AddWordAttribute(L("dict"),L("meaning"),"pessoa"); AddWordAttribute(L("dict"),L("meaning"),"numero"); AddWordAttribute(L("dict"),L("meaning"),"tempo"); L("dict") << "\n"; L("meaning") = next(L("meaning")); } L("word") = next(L("word")); } closefile(L("dict")); } AddWordAttribute(L("file"),L("meaning"),L("attr")) { L("val") = strval(L("meaning"),L("attr")); if (L("val")) { L("file") << " " << L("attr") << "=" << L("val"); } } @@DECL
@PATH _ROOT _headerZone _Experience @POST X("companies",3)++; makeconcept(G("company"),N("header")); @RULES _xNIL <- _headerZone ### (1) @@
@NODES _labelEntry @POST AddPhrase(N(2)); "debug.txt" << N("$text", 2) << "\n"; @RULES _xNIL <- _xSTART ### (1) _xWILD [one match=(_xALPHA _xNUM)] ### (2) @@
@CODE closefile(G("dict")); @@CODE
# Count nouns that have a zero feature (i.e., node variable) @PRE <1,1> varz("mass"); @POST ++G("count nonmass nouns"); @RULES _xNIL <- _noun @@
@NODES _ROOT @PRE <1,1> uppercase(); @POST S("header") = N("$text", 1); excise(2,2); single(); @RULES _header <- _xWILD [fails=(\: \n \r)] ### (1) \: ### (2) @@
@NODES _LINE @POST S("etymology") = num(N("$text", 2)); X("header") = "etymology"; single(); @RULES _etymology <- etymology ### (1) _xNUM ### (2) @@
@CODE SaveKB("icd_codes.kbb",G("icd_codes"),2); @@CODE
@NODES _line @POST X("term") = N("$text", 1); X("negation") = N("$text", 5); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [fails=(\t)] ### (1) \t \t \[ _xALPHA @@
@CODE L("hello") = 0; @@CODE @NODES _ROOT @PRE <3,3> varz("NL"); <4,4> var("NL"); # The newline-before-me attribute. @POST if (N("NL",2) > 1) { ++X("PARS"); # Count potential paragraphs. ++S("PAR"); } singler(2,3); @RULES _LINE [unsealed] <- _xANY _xWILD [star fail=(_dummy)] _xANY [opt lookahead] @@
@CODE DisplayKB(findroot(),0); @@CODE
@NODES _ROOT @POST "prose.txt" << N("$text") << "\n\n"; @RULES _xNIL <- _prose ### (1) @@
# Fetch the left or previous sibling of concept. L("return_con") = prev(L("con"));
@CODE fileout("zdump.txt"); @@CODE @NODES _LINE ################ # BLOCK GLOMMING (gulab jamun anyone?) ################ # for things like "roots" or other items that are COMPLETE or # otherwise would rather STAND ALONE! # May want some kind of feature like "noglom" or "complete". # NOTE: PUT NEW ITEMS INTO BOTH RULES BELOW. # I'd rather not have many such blocks. We need info as to whether # things are nicely separated with commas, etc. to decide whether # to block or not. # that we don't want to participate in the cap phrase glomming. This # way, the underlying _xCAP won't be seen and we can remove all the # special treatment below. @POST noop(); @RULES _xNIL <- _xWILD [s one match=( _posPREP _posDET _posCONJ _resumeOf _degreeInMajor )] @@ # blocked for glomming to the left and right. @POST S("noglom") = 1; # Don't let it glom yet. S("len") = 1; # One cap in list. single(); @RULES _Caps [base unsealed] <- _xWILD [s one match=( _degreePhrase _header _headerWord _minorKey _state )] @@ @POST noop(); # This "fails" so that recursive pass won't infinite loop. @RULES _xNIL <- _Caps _xWHITE [s star] _xWILD [s one match=( _degreePhrase _degreeInMajor _header _headerWord _minorKey _state )] @@ # Need a copy-up semantic action. @POST if (N("degree")) S("degree") = N("degree"); else S("degree") = N("$text"); # for now. if (N("major")) S("major") = N("major"); else S("major") = N("$text"); S("noglom") = 1; # Don't let it glom yet. S("len") = 1; # One cap in list. single(); @RULES _xNIL [base unsealed] <- _degreeInMajor [s] @@ #################### # BUILD CAPS PHRASES #################### ############ # SOME SPECIAL CASES. ############ # Single-letter alpha followed by period. # May want "A." and so on handled separately and much earlier # in analyzer. @PRE <1,1> length(1) @POST S("len") = 1; # One cap in list. single(); @RULES _Caps [base unsealed] <- _xCAP [s] \. [s] @@ @PRE <3,3> length(1) @CHECK if (N("noglom",1)) fail(); @POST ++N("len",1); listadd(1,4, "true"); # 4 is not really the "item"! @RULES _xNIL <- _Caps _xWHITE [s star] _xCAP [s] \. @@ ############## # NORMAL CAP PHRASE STARTUP. ############## @POST S("len") = 1; # One cap in list. single(); @RULES # With [s], BASE is needed to prevent infinite loop in REC pass! # Making this unsealed so we can gather data within _Caps later. # (May not be needed.) _Caps [base unsealed] <- _xCAP [s] @@ ### NORMAL EXTENSION OF CAP PHRASE. @CHECK if (N("noglom",1)) fail(); @POST ++N("len",1); # Increment number of caps. listadd(1,3); # Discard the matched whitespace. # Glom last cap into list, without nesting. @RULES _xNIL <- _Caps _xWHITE [s star] _xCAP [s] @@ # Some reverse building may be needed. @CHECK if (N("noglom",3)) fail(); @POST ++N("len",3); listadd(3,1); @RULES _xNIL <- _xCAP [s] _xWHITE [s star] _Caps @@ # Some merging may be needed. @CHECK if ( !N("noglom",1) && !N("noglom",3) ) succeed(); fail(); @POST S("len") = N("len",1) + N("len",3); merge(); @RULES _Caps [unsealed] <- _Caps _xWHITE [s star] _Caps @@ ############## # SOME NONCAPS ############## # Some more specialized stuff. # # May want to do these later on instead. We'll see. # Allowing noglom caps to succeed here. @POST ++N("len",1); listadd(1,5,"true"); # Keep the intervening stuff. # noop() @RULES _xNIL <- _Caps _xWHITE [s star] \& [s] _xWHITE [s star] _xCAP [s] @@
@NODES _ROOT @RULES _looseText <- _xWILD [fails=(_section _break)] @@
# Get levenshtein distance between "hello" and "hell" L("distance") = levenshtein("hello","hell"); # This should evaluate to 1.
@NODES _LINE @POST X("tag") = 1; single(); @RULES _startAttr <- ind attr @@ @POST X("tag") = 1; single(); @RULES _endAttr <- end ind @@