while(number > 0):
Execute while Loop if number is more than zero
reverse_number = reverse_number*10 + number%10
Multiply the reverse_number by ten to the variable reverse_number and give it the remaining number after dividing the number by 10
reverse_number = reverse_number*10 + number%10
reverse_number = reverse_number * 10 + number % 10
number //= 10
number //= 10
number //= 10
Divide the variable number by 10 and round the answer to the nearest integer
Print reverse_number
Print reverse_number
Show reverse_number
radius= float(input("Enter radius : "))
Declare float variable radius and store user input value in it
radius= float(input("Enter radius : "))
Declare the float variable radius and store the user input value in it
radius= int(input("Enter radius : "))
Declare the integer variable radius and store the user's input value in it
radius= int(input("Enter radius : "))
Declare the integer variable radius and store the user's input value in it
radius= input("Enter radius : ")
Declare variable radius and store user input value in it
radius= input("Enter radius : ")
Declare the variable radius and store the user input value in it
radius= input("Enter radius : ")
Declare the variable radius and store the user's input value in it
radius= input("Enter radius : ")
Declare the variable radius and store the user's input value in it
Assign 3.14 to Pi
3.14 Assign to Pi
3.14 Put to Pie
pi = 3.14
Store 3.14 in pi
circumference = 2*pi*radius
circumference = 2*3.14*radius
circumference = 2*radius*pi
circumference = 2*radius*3.14
Multiply 2 with radius Multiply with pi and collect the value in variable circumference
Multiply both by radius Multiply by pi and accumulate the value in variable circumference
Multiply both by radius multiply by pi and assign this value to variable circumference
Multiply 2 with radius multiply with pi and assign this value to variable circumference
Print circumference
Print circumference
Show circumference
Print circumference
P = input("Enter P : ")
Declare Variable P and store user input for it
P = input("Enter P : ")
Assign user input to variable P
P = input("Enter P : ")
Assign user input to variable P
P = input("Enter P : ")
Set the value given by the user to variable P
P = input("Enter P : ")
Assign User Giving Value to Variable P
P = input("Enter P : ")
Enter the number given by the user to variable P
P = input("Enter P : ")
Assign User Giving Number to Variable P
P = input("Enter P : ")
Set the number given by the user to variable P
T = input("Enter T : ")
Declare Variable T and store user input for it
T = input("Enter T : ")
Assign user input to variable T
T = input("Enter T : ")
Assign user input to variable T
T = input("Enter T : ")
Set the value given by the user to variable T
T = input("Enter T : ")
Assign User Giving Value to Variable T
T = input("Enter T : ")
Enter the number given by the user to variable T
T = input("Enter T : ")
Assign User Giving Number to Variable T
T = input("Enter T : ")
Set the number given by the user to variable T
R = input("Enter R : ")
Declare Variable R and store user input for it
R = input("Enter R : ")
Assign user input to variable R
R = input("Enter R : ")
Assign user input to variable R
R = input("Enter R : ")
Set the value given by the user to variable R
R = input("Enter R : ")
Assign User Giving Value to Variable R
R = input("Enter R : ")
Enter the number given by the user to variable R
R = input("Enter R : ")
Assign User Giving Number to Variable R
R = input("Enter R : ")
Set the number given by the user to variable R
interest= (P*T*R)/100
interest= (P*T*R)/100
interest= (P*T*R)/100
interest= (P*T*R)/Hundred
interest= (P*T*R)/100
Multiply PT and R and divide by 100 and accumulate the result in a variable called interest
interest= (P*T*R)/100
Multiply PT and R by 100 and accumulate the result in a variable called interest
interest= (P*T*R)/100
Multiply PTR and divide by hundred and accumulate the result in a variable called interest
interest= (P*T*R)/100
Multiply PTR by 100 and accumulate the result in a variable called interest
Print interest
Print Interest
Show interest
Print interest
number= int(input("Enter number : "))
Set the number given by the user to the variable number
number= int(input("Enter number : "))
Assign the number given by the user to the variable number
number= int(input("Enter number : "))
Collect user input in the variable number
number= int(input("Enter number : "))
Put user input in variable number
result = 0
Assign zero to the result variable
result = 0
Assign zero to the result variable
result = 0
Assign zero to the result variable
result = 0
Put zero to the result variable
for i in range(1, number + 1):
Execute a loop from variable i to number plus one
for i in range(1, number + 1):
Add one to the variable i to number and execute the loop until
for i in range(1, number + 1):
Add one to the variable where i is from one to the number and execute the loop until then
for i in range(1, number + 1):
Execute loop from number one to number plus one
for i in range(1, number + 1):
Execute loop from i1 to number +1 there
result += i
Put result plus i to a variable called result inside loop
result += i
Put an i in the result for a variable called result inside the loop
result += i
Intra-rupee result += i
result += i
Intra-rupee result = result + i
Print Result
Print Result
Show Result
Assign 25 to the variable i
Assign 25 to the variable i
Add 25 to the variable i
Store twenty-five in the variable i
Assign twenty-five to the variable i
Assign twenty-five to the variable i
Add twenty-five to the variable i
while i>0:
Execute loop as long as i is greater than zero
while i>0:
Execute loop as long as i is greater than zero
while i>0:
Move loop until i is greater than zero
while i>0:
Move loop until i is greater than zero
Print i inside loop
Print i inside loop
Show i inside loop