3 values
Define the language for the request : What steps do I need to take to change my e-mail address?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Are there any restrictions on the frequency of contact data changes, such as phone number or e-mail?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How can I make sure that my application for a change in personal data was successfully processed?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Can there be any delays in processing my request to change personal data?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What safety measures must be observed when sending personal documents via the Internet to change the data?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How can I change the phone number if I do not have access to the old number?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Can I change the phone number online without sending documents
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What documents do I need to provide to change the phone number?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How long will the process of changing the phone number take
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Is it possible to change the phone number without using WhatsApp?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Can I change the phone number if my current number is registered for another person?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How do I find out that my new phone number is successfully registered in the system
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Can I immediately use a new phone number to enter the system after changing it?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What to do if I sent the wrong documents to change the phone number?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Can I change the phone number if I am abroad?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello!Listen, I changed my phone number here, how can I go into profile now?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hey Ya!I can鈥檛 find where to update the number in your personal account.Can you tell me?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello!I have changed the mail, but I don鈥檛 understand how to change it in the data.
[english language]
Define the language for the request : High!I accidentally tied another number to the account, how to fix it?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello, Hello!I forgot the password and the phone number is already different.What to do
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hi, if I changed my last name, does it somehow affect the microcredit?How to update the data?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Great!He lost his mail, I made a new one.How can I change it in the profile now?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hay!Now I think if I send a selfie with a new number, will this help me change it in the profile?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello, forgot the password and the number on which was regained, how to restore access?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Greetings!I have a new number and new mail.How can I change them at once in the data?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello!I want to change the phone number, the old one is no longer active.What do I need for this?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hey Ya!Listen, how can I change my email in your system?The old box was blocked.
[english language]
Define the language for the request : YOU!I decided to change the phone number, the old already as a dinosaur.What are the steps for this?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hey, hello!You need to urgently change my phone number in the data.How to do it quickly?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello, help!How can I change email if the old one is no longer working?What is needed for this?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hay!I thought here, how can I change the personal data in your system?The phone number is already different.
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Firework!I have a new phone number, how to bring it instead of the old what to send for this?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hi Hi!And how to update my email.I don鈥檛 use the old one, I want to change.
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hallow!Is it possible to change the phone number online, or should I go somewhere?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Assalam Aleikum!How quickly can I change my phone number in your system?The old one is no longer relevant.
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What are the risks of the accident insurance in the framework of microcredit?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Is it possible to arrange insurance after receiving microcredit, if I did not initially formalize it?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How much does the insurance policy cost from the KSZh 'Freedom Finance Life'
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What to do if I want to refuse insurance after its design?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What documents do I need to provide for insurance?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Is it possible to issue insurance for a period exceeding the duration of the microcredit?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What conditions apply for insurance in case of early repayment of microcredit?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How quickly is the insurance payment in the event of an insured event?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Is it possible to change the terms of the insurance policy after its registration?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What are the consequences for my microcredit if I refuse insurance
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Is it possible to issue insurance if the amount of microcredit is less than 20,000 tenge?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What is the cost of an insurance policy for microcredit
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What to do if I want to refuse insurance after its design?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What documents are needed for registration of insurance?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Is it possible to extend the validity of the insurance policy
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How quickly is the insurance payment in the event of an insured event?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What restrictions and exceptions apply to insurance coating?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Is it possible to issue insurance online without visiting the office
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What actions do I need to take to receive payment on an insurance event?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello!Tell me pliz, if I arrange insurance, does she immediately begin to act or is there any expectation period?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : YOU!And if what happens, how quickly they will pay me for insurance?Do not have to wait for eternity?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hey Ya!So I think to take insurance.Is it possible to get it straight from the smart or will have to go somewhere?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello!And how much does this insurance cost?Do I have to sell the kidney to pay for it?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hey, and if I suddenly want to refuse insurance, is it possible?Or will it be too late?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : High!I heard that you have a cool insurance there.And she is only from accidents or what else does it cover?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello, is it possible to draw up insurance for another person, for example, for a brother or is it only for yourself?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hallow!But this insurance can be arranged for the minimum microcredit period, or are there any restrictions?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hey, what will it be if I forget to pay for insurance.Will she immediately stop acting or what?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hi, what docks will need to be provided to arrange insurance?A lot of paperwork?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello!I heard that there are insurance against accidents for the entire period of microcredit.This is true?How can it be arranged?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hey Ya!What amount of microcredit is covered by Freedom Finance Life insurance?Is it possible to insure smaller amounts?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : YOU!How much will insurance cost if I take a loan for the maximum amount?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello!And if I want insurance, but the amount of my loan is less than 20,000 tenge, what should I do?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hey, can you more about insurance conditions?What exactly is she covering?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : High!Tell me, does insurance cover cases of disease or only accidents?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello!And how quickly does insurance come into force after its registration?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Firework!In which case, contact on insurance issues, is there any separate contact?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hay!Is it possible to refuse insurance if I changed my mind?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Greetings!How much time is the insurance.Does it end with the end of the microcredit period?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How quickly I can receive money after the approval of microcredit
[english language]
Define the language for the request : If my microcredit is approved on the weekend, when exactly will the funds be sent to my account?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Can funds enter my account later than 3 business days?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Does the rate of receipt of funds depend on the amount of microcredit?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What is the minimum and maximum speed of crediting funds to my account?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Is it possible to speed up the process of crediting funds to my bank account?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How can I check the status of crediting funds to my account?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Does the bank's choice of funds affect the receipt of funds
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What to do if the money did not enter the account at the specified time period?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Is it possible to receive cash if there are delays from my bank?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How quickly I can receive money after the approval of microcredit.
[english language]
Define the language for the request : If my microcredit is approved on the weekend, when can I expect the receipt of money to the account?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Does the rate of receipt of funds depend on my account from my bank?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What is the maximum term for crediting funds after the approval of the microcredit?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Can funds enter my account faster than 10 minutes?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : What to do if the money did not enter the account within 3 business days?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Does the time of day affect the rate of receipt of funds after the approval of the microcredit?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Is there a difference in the rate of receipt of funds to the account on working and weekends?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : How can I find out that the funds were sent to my account
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Can the cost of crediting funds vary from one bank to another?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hi, how long will it take to come to the account after approved?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Zdarova, and if my bank is slowly working, can it somehow delay the receipt of a loan?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : High, and if they approve on Saturday, when to wait for the grandmother in the account?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hello, tell me pliz, but will you quickly send money after approval?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Hey, and as much as possible how much to wait for the money in the account, if suddenly what?
[english language]
Define the language for the request : Helou, and on weekends do you also send money or what?
[english language]