1 value
from collections import Counter import csv import subprocess from util import inflect import pandas as pd from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportion_confint infl_eng = inflect.engine() dependency_fields = ['sentence', 'orig_sentence', 'pos_sentence', 'subj', 'verb', 'subj_pos', 'has_rel', 'has_nsubj', 'verb_pos', 'subj_index', 'verb_index', 'n_intervening', 'last_intervening', 'n_diff_intervening', 'distance', 'max_depth', 'all_nouns', 'nouns_up_to_verb'] def deps_to_tsv(deps, outfile): writer = csv.writer(open(outfile, 'w'), delimiter='\t') writer.writerow(dependency_fields) for dep in deps: writer.writerow([dep[key] for key in dependency_fields]) def deps_from_tsv(infile, limit=None): res = [] for i, d in enumerate(csv.DictReader(open(infile), delimiter='\t')): if limit is not None and i >= limit: break res.append({x: int(y) if y.isdigit() else y for x, y in d.items()}) return res def zread(fname): p = subprocess.Popen(['gunzip', '-c', fname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in p.stdout: yield line p.wait() def tokenize_blanks(fh): sent = [] for line in fh: line = line.strip().split() if not line: if sent: yield sent sent = [] else: sent.append(line) yield sent def create_freq_dict(infile, outfile, minfreq=50): d = Counter() for i, line in enumerate(zread(infile)): stripped = line.strip() if stripped: s = stripped.split() d[s[1], s[3]] += 1 if i % 1000000 == 0: print(i) outfile = file(outfile, 'w') for (w, pos), count in d.iteritems(): if count > minfreq: outfile.write('%s\t%s\t%d\n' % (w, pos, count)) def confint(row): n_errors = int(row['errorprob'] * row['count']) return proportion_confint(n_errors, row['count']) def add_confints(df): df['minconf'] = df.apply(lambda row: confint(row)[0], axis=1) df['maxconf'] = df.apply(lambda row: confint(row)[1], axis=1) def get_grouping(df, grouping_vars): funcs = {'correct': {'accuracy': 'mean', 'count': 'count'}, 'distance': {'mean_distance': 'mean'}} x = df.groupby(grouping_vars).aggregate(funcs) x.columns = x.columns.droplevel() x = x.reset_index() x['errorprob'] = 1 - x['accuracy'] add_confints(x) return x def gen_inflect_from_vocab(vocab_file, freq_threshold=1000): vbp = {} vbz = {} nn = {} nns = {} from_pos = {'NNS': nns, 'NN': nn, 'VBP': vbp, 'VBZ': vbz} for line in open(vocab_file): if line.startswith(' '): # empty string token continue word, pos, count = line.strip().split() count = int(count) if len(word) > 1 and pos in from_pos and count >= freq_threshold: from_pos[pos][word] = count verb_infl = {'VBP': 'VBZ', 'VBZ': 'VBP'} for word, count in vbz.items(): candidate = infl_eng.plural_verb(word) if candidate in vbp: verb_infl[candidate] = word verb_infl[word] = candidate noun_infl = {'NN': 'NNS', 'NNS': 'NN'} for word, count in nn.items(): candidate = infl_eng.plural_noun(word) if candidate in nns: noun_infl[candidate] = word noun_infl[word] = candidate return verb_infl, noun_infl def annotate_relpron(df): pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None def f(x): blacklist = set(['NNP', 'PRP']) relprons = set(['WDT', 'WP', 'WRB', 'WP$']) vi = x['verb_index'] - 1 words_in_dep = x['orig_sentence'].split()[x['subj_index']:vi] pos_in_dep = x['pos_sentence'].split()[x['subj_index']:vi] first_is_that = words_in_dep[:1] == ['that'] return (bool(blacklist & set(pos_in_dep)), bool(relprons & set(pos_in_dep[:2])) | first_is_that, bool(relprons & set(pos_in_dep)) | first_is_that) df['blacklisted'], df['has_early_relpron'], df['has_relpron'] = \ zip(*df.apply(f, axis=1)) df['has_early_relpron'] = True def g(x): if x['has_rel'] and x['has_relpron'] and x['has_early_relpron']: return 'With relativizer' elif x['has_rel'] and not x['has_relpron']: return 'Without relativizer' elif not x['has_rel']: if x['has_relpron']: return 'Error' else: return 'No relative clause' else: return 'Error' df['condition'] = df.apply(g, axis=1) return df
pad = '<pad>' unk = '<unk>' bos = '<bos>' eos = '<eos>' pad_idx = 0 unk_idx = 1 bos_idx = 2 eos_idx = 3 all = [pad, unk, bos, eos]
class ModelConfig(object): def __init__(self, hidden_dim=1024, embedding_dim=512, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, depth=1, hidden_dropout_rate=0.5, input_dropout_rate=0.2, initializer_range=None, filters=[32], maxout_size=[32], kernel_size=[(3,3)], pool_size=[(2,2)], proj_depth=1, routings=3, fc_dim=[], **kwargs): self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.input_dim = input_dim self.output_dim = output_dim self.depth = depth self.proj_depth = proj_depth self.fc_dim = fc_dim self.hidden_dropout_rate = hidden_dropout_rate self.input_dropout_rate = input_dropout_rate self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.filters = filters self.maxout_size = maxout_size self.pool_size = pool_size self.output_hidden_states = kwargs.pop('output_hidden_states', False) self.output_embeddings = kwargs.pop('output_embeddings', False) self.routings = routings class GPT2Config(object): """Configuration class to store the configuration of a `GPT2Model`. Args: vocab_size_or_config_json_file: Vocabulary size of `inputs_ids` in `GPT2Model` or a configuration json file. n_positions: Number of positional embeddings. n_ctx: Size of the causal mask (usually same as n_positions). n_embd: Dimensionality of the embeddings and hidden states. n_layer: Number of hidden layers in the Transformer encoder. n_head: Number of attention heads for each attention layer in the Transformer encoder. layer_norm_epsilon: epsilon to use in the layer norm layers resid_pdrop: The dropout probabilitiy for all fully connected layers in the embeddings, encoder, and pooler. attn_pdrop: The dropout ratio for the attention probabilities. embd_pdrop: The dropout ratio for the embeddings. initializer_range: The sttdev of the truncated_normal_initializer for initializing all weight matrices. """ def __init__( self, vocab_size, n_positions=1024, n_ctx=1024, embedding_dim=512, depth=6, n_head=8, resid_pdrop=0.1, embd_pdrop=0.2, attn_pdrop=0.2, layer_norm_epsilon=1e-5, initializer_range=0.02, num_labels=1, summary_type='cls_index', summary_use_proj=True, summary_activation=None, summary_proj_to_labels=True, summary_first_dropout=0.1, **kwargs ): """Constructs GPT2Config. Args: vocab_size_or_config_json_file: Vocabulary size of `inputs_ids` in `GPT2Model` or a configuration json file. n_positions: Number of positional embeddings. n_ctx: Size of the causal mask (usually same as n_positions). n_embd: Dimensionality of the embeddings and hidden states. n_layer: Number of hidden layers in the Transformer encoder. n_head: Number of attention heads for each attention layer in the Transformer encoder. layer_norm_epsilon: epsilon to use in the layer norm layers resid_pdrop: The dropout probabilitiy for all fully connected layers in the embeddings, encoder, and pooler. attn_pdrop: The dropout ratio for the attention probabilities. embd_pdrop: The dropout ratio for the embeddings. initializer_range: The sttdev of the truncated_normal_initializer for initializing all weight matrices. """ self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.n_ctx = n_ctx self.n_positions = n_positions self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim self.depth = depth self.n_head = n_head self.resid_pdrop = resid_pdrop self.embd_pdrop = embd_pdrop self.attn_pdrop = attn_pdrop self.layer_norm_epsilon = layer_norm_epsilon self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.num_labels = num_labels self.summary_type = summary_type self.summary_use_proj = summary_use_proj self.summary_activation = summary_activation self.summary_first_dropout = summary_first_dropout self.summary_proj_to_labels = summary_proj_to_labels self.output_attentions = kwargs.pop('output_attentions', False) self.output_hidden_states = kwargs.pop('output_hidden_states', False) self.output_embeddings = kwargs.pop('output_embeddings', False) @property def max_position_embeddings(self): return self.n_positions @property def hidden_size(self): return self.embedding_dim @property def num_attention_heads(self): return self.n_head @property def num_hidden_layers(self): return self.depth class CapsConfig(object): def __init__(self, output_dim=10, A=32, B=32, C=32, D=32, epsilon=1e-9, l2=0.0000002, final_lambda=0.01, iter_routing=2): self.output_dim = output_dim self.A = A self.B = B self.C = C self.D = D self.epsilon = epsilon self.l2 = l2 self.final_lambda = final_lambda self.iter_routing = iter_routing class ResnetConfig(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.output_dim =kwargs.get('output_dim', 1) self.hidden_dim = kwargs.get('hidden_dim', 512) self.pool_size = kwargs.get('pool_size', 3) self.filters = kwargs.get('filters', [32, 32, 32, 32]) self.kernel_size = kwargs.get('kernel_size', [(3, 3), (3, 3), (3, 3), (3, 3)]) self.hidden_dropout_rate = kwargs.get('hidden_dropout_rate', 0.2) self.input_dropout_rate = kwargs.get('input_dropout_rate', 0.0) self.num_res_net_blocks = kwargs.get('num_res_net_blocks', 2) small_gpt = { 'embedding_dim': 128, 'resid_pdrop': 0.1, 'embd_pdrop': 0.1, 'attn_pdrop': 0.1 } small_gpt_v3 = { 'embedding_dim': 128, 'resid_pdrop': 0.1, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.2 } small_gpt_v4 = { 'embedding_dim': 128, 'resid_pdrop': 0.2, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.2 } small_gpt_v5 = { 'embedding_dim': 128, 'resid_pdrop': 0.3, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.3 } small_gpt_v6 = { 'embedding_dim': 128, 'resid_pdrop': 0.3, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.5, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } small_gpt_v7 = { 'embedding_dim': 128, 'resid_pdrop': 0.5, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.5, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } small_gpt_v8 = { 'embedding_dim': 128, 'resid_pdrop': 0.4, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.5, 'initializer_range': 0.01 } small_gpt_v9 = { 'embedding_dim': 128, 'resid_pdrop': 0.4, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.6, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } small_ugpt_v9 = { 'embedding_dim': 256, 'resid_pdrop': 0.4, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.6, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } short_gpt_v9 = { 'embedding_dim': 128, 'resid_pdrop': 0.4, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.6, 'initializer_range': 0.05, 'depth': 4 } big_gpt_v2 = { 'embedding_dim': 256, 'resid_pdrop': 0.2, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.2 } big_gpt_v3 = { 'embedding_dim': 256, 'resid_pdrop': 0.3, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.3 } big_gpt_v4 = { 'embedding_dim': 256, 'resid_pdrop': 0.3, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.3, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } big_gpt_v5 = { 'embedding_dim': 256, 'resid_pdrop': 0.2, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.3, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } big_gpt_v6 = { 'embedding_dim': 256, 'resid_pdrop': 0.2, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.4, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } very_big_gpt = { 'embedding_dim': 512 } very_big_gpt_v2 = { 'embedding_dim': 512, 'resid_pdrop': 0.2, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.2 } very_big_gpt_v3 = { 'embedding_dim': 512, 'resid_pdrop': 0.3, 'embd_pdrop': 0.3, 'attn_pdrop': 0.3 } very_big_gpt_v4 = { 'embedding_dim': 512, 'resid_pdrop': 0.3, 'embd_pdrop': 0.3, 'attn_pdrop': 0.4 } very_big_gpt_v5 = { 'embedding_dim': 512, 'resid_pdrop': 0.3, 'embd_pdrop': 0.3, 'attn_pdrop': 0.4, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } very_big_gpt_v5 = { 'embedding_dim': 512, 'resid_pdrop': 0.3, 'embd_pdrop': 0.5, 'attn_pdrop': 0.4 } very_big_gpt_v6 = { 'embedding_dim': 512, 'resid_pdrop': 0.5, 'embd_pdrop': 0.5, 'attn_pdrop': 0.5 } very_big_gpt_v7 = { 'embedding_dim': 512, 'resid_pdrop': 0.4, 'embd_pdrop': 0.5, 'attn_pdrop': 0.4 } very_big_gpt_v8 = { 'embedding_dim': 512, 'resid_pdrop': 0.5, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.5 } very_big_gpt_v9 = { 'embedding_dim': 512, 'resid_pdrop': 0.4, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.5, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } very_big_gpt_v10 = { 'embedding_dim': 512, 'resid_pdrop': 0.4, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.6, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } big_gpt_v9 = { 'embedding_dim': 256, 'resid_pdrop': 0.4, 'embd_pdrop': 0.2, 'attn_pdrop': 0.5, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } small_gpt_v2 = { 'embedding_dim': 128, 'resid_pdrop': 0.1, 'embd_pdrop': 0.0, 'attn_pdrop': 0.1 } small_lstm = { 'hidden_dim': 256, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } small_lstm_v2 = { 'hidden_dim': 256, 'embedding_dim': 128, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } small_lstm_v3 = { 'hidden_dim': 256, 'embedding_dim': 128, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.8, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } small_lstm_v4 = { 'hidden_dim': 256, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.8, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } small_lstm_v5 = { 'hidden_dim': 256, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.6, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } small_lstm_v6 = { 'hidden_dim': 256, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.8, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.25, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } tiny_lstm = { 'hidden_dim': 128, 'embedding_dim': 128, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } tiny_lstm_v2 = { 'hidden_dim': 128, 'embedding_dim': 128, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } big_lstm = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.25, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } big_lstm_v2 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 128, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } bigger_lstm_v2 = { 'hidden_dim': 728, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } bigger_lstm_v4 = { 'hidden_dim': 728, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } bigger_lstm_v3 = { 'hidden_dim': 728, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.4, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } lstm_simple = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, } lstm_drop1 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.1, } lstm_drop2 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } lstm_drop12 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } lstm_drop3 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.3, } lstm_drop30 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, } lstm_drop31_v2 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } biglstm_drop31_v2 = { 'hidden_dim': 1024, 'embedding_dim': 1024, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } lstm_drop31_v3 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.6, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } biglstm_drop31_v3 = { 'hidden_dim': 1024, 'embedding_dim': 1024, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.6, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.25, } lstm_drop31_v4 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.4, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } lstm_drop31_v5 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.4, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } lstm3_drop30 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, } lstm_drop30_v2 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } lstm_drop30_v3 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } lstm_drop30_v4 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } lstm3_drop60 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.6, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } lstm3_drop20 = { 'hidden_dim': 128, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } lstm3_big_drop2 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } big_lstm_drop5 = { 'hidden_dim': 1024, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, } lstm2_big_drop20 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } lstm2_drop20 = { 'hidden_dim': 256, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.1 } lstm3_drop50 = { 'hidden_dim': 256, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } lstm3_drop41 = { 'hidden_dim': 256, 'embedding_dim': 256, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.4, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'initializer_range': 0.05 } lstm2_big_drop20_v2 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.01 } lstm2_big_drop30_v2 = { 'hidden_dim': 512, 'embedding_dim': 512, 'depth': 2, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'initializer_range': 0.01 } ff_mnist = {'hidden_dim': 256, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2} ff_mnist1 = {'hidden_dim': [512, 256, 128], 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} ff_mnist2 = {'hidden_dim': [1024, 256, 64], 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} ff_mnist3 = {'hidden_dim': [512, 128, 64], 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} ff_mnist4 = {'hidden_dim': [512, 128, 32], 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} ff_mnist5 = {'hidden_dim': [512, 512, 64, 32], 'depth': 4, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} ff_svhn = {'hidden_dim': 512, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} ff_svhn2 = {'hidden_dim': 512, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} ff_svhn3 = {'hidden_dim': 256, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} ff_svhn4 = {'hidden_dim': 128, 'depth': 3, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} vcnn_mnist1 = { 'fc_dim': [128], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 1, 'filters': [128, 64, 32], 'maxout_size': [128, 64, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(1,1), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.1, } vcnn_mnist2 = { 'fc_dim': [128, 128], 'depth': 2, 'proj_depth': 2, 'filters': [64, 64, 64], 'maxout_size': [64, 64, 64], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(2,2), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.1} vcnn_mnist3 = { 'fc_dim': [], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 0, 'filters': [128, 64, 32], 'maxout_size': [128, 64, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(1,1), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.1} vcnn_mnist4 = { 'fc_dim': [128], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 1, 'filters': [128, 64, 32], 'maxout_size': [128, 64, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(1,1), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} vcnn_mnist5 = { 'fc_dim': [], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 0, 'filters': [128, 64, 64], 'maxout_size': [128, 64, 16], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(1,1), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} vcnn_mnist6 = { 'fc_dim': [], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 0, 'filters': [128, 64, 64], 'maxout_size': [128, 64, 8], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(1,1), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} vcnn_mnist7 = { 'fc_dim': [], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 0, 'filters': [128, 64, 64], 'maxout_size': [128, 64, 16], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(1,1), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} vcnn_mnist8 = { 'fc_dim': [], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 0, 'filters': [128, 64, 64], 'maxout_size': [128, 64, 8], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(1,1), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} vcnn_lenet5 = {'hidden_dim': [128, 128], 'depth': 2, 'proj_depth': 2, 'filters': [16, 16], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(2,2), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.8, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.25} vcnn_svhn1 = {'hidden_dim': [256, 256], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 2, 'filters': [32, 32, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(2,2), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} vcnn_svhn2 = {'hidden_dim': [256, 256], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 2, 'filters': [32, 32,32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(2,2), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} vcnn_svhn3 = {'hidden_dim': [256, 256], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 2, 'filters': [32, 32,32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(2,2), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.1} vcnn_svhn4 = {'hidden_dim': [256, 256], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 2, 'filters': [32, 32,32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(2,2), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.1} vcnn_svhn5 = {'hidden_dim': [512, 512], 'depth': 3, 'proj_depth': 2, 'filters': [32, 32, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'pool_size': [(2,2), (2,2), (2,2)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0} rsnt_svhn1 = {'hidden_dim': 512, 'pool_size': 3, 'filters': [32, 32, 32, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'num_res_net_blocks': 2} rsnt_svhn2 = {'hidden_dim': 512, 'pool_size': 3, 'filters': [32, 32, 32, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.25, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'num_res_net_blocks': 2} rsnt_svhn3 = {'hidden_dim': 512, 'pool_size': 3, 'filters': [32, 32, 32, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'num_res_net_blocks': 3} rsnt_svhn4 = {'hidden_dim': 512, 'pool_size': 3, 'filters': [32, 32, 32, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.4, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'num_res_net_blocks': 3} rsnt_svhn5 = {'hidden_dim': 128, 'pool_size': 3, 'filters': [32, 32, 32, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.3, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'num_res_net_blocks': 3} rsnt_mnist1 = {'hidden_dim': 512, 'pool_size': 3, 'filters': [32, 32, 32, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'num_res_net_blocks': 2} rsnt_mnist2 = {'hidden_dim': 512, 'pool_size': 3, 'filters': [32, 32, 32, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'num_res_net_blocks': 3} rsnt_mnist3 = {'hidden_dim': 128, 'pool_size': 3, 'filters': [32, 32, 32, 32], 'kernel_size': [(3,3), (3,3), (3,3), (3,3)], 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.2, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'num_res_net_blocks': 3} caps_base = {'hidden_dim': 16, 'routing': 3, 'filters': 10, 'hidden_dropout_rate': 0.5, 'input_dropout_rate': 0.2} mat_caps_base = {'A':32, 'B':32, 'C':32, 'D':32, 'epsilon':1e-9, 'l2':0.0000002, 'final_lambda':0.01, 'iter_routing':2} MODEL_CONFIGS = { 'base':{}, 'small_lstm':small_lstm, 'tiny_lstm': tiny_lstm, 'big_lstm':big_lstm, 'lstm_simple': lstm_simple, 'lstm_drop1': lstm_drop1, 'lstm_drop2': lstm_drop2, 'lstm_drop12': lstm_drop12, 'lstm_drop3': lstm_drop3, 'big_lstm_v2': big_lstm_v2, 'bigger_lstm_v2': bigger_lstm_v2, 'bigger_lstm_v3': bigger_lstm_v3, 'bigger_lstm_v4': bigger_lstm_v4, 'big_lstm_drop5': big_lstm_drop5, 'lstm_drop30': lstm_drop30, 'small_gpt': small_gpt, 'big_gpt_v2': big_gpt_v2, 'very_big_gpt': very_big_gpt, 'lstm_drop30_v2': lstm_drop30_v2, 'lstm3_drop20': lstm3_drop20, 'very_big_gpt_v2': very_big_gpt_v2, 'small_gpt_v2': small_gpt_v2, 'very_big_gpt_v3': very_big_gpt_v3, 'lstm3_big_drop2': lstm3_big_drop2, 'very_big_gpt_v4': very_big_gpt_v4, 'very_big_gpt_v5': very_big_gpt_v5, 'very_big_gpt_v6': very_big_gpt_v6, 'lstm2_big_drop20': lstm2_big_drop20, 'very_big_gpt_v7': very_big_gpt_v7, 'lstm2_big_drop20_v2': lstm2_big_drop20_v2, 'very_big_gpt_v8': very_big_gpt_v8, 'lstm2_big_drop30_v2': lstm2_big_drop30_v2, 'lstm2_drop20': lstm2_drop20, 'tiny_lstm_v2': tiny_lstm_v2, 'lstm3_drop30': lstm3_drop30, 'small_lstm_v2': small_lstm_v2, 'lstm_drop30_v3': lstm_drop30_v3, 'lstm_drop30_v4': lstm_drop30_v4, 'big_gpt_v3': big_gpt_v3, 'small_gpt_v3': small_gpt_v3, 'big_gpt_v4': big_gpt_v4, 'small_gpt_v4': small_gpt_v4, 'small_gpt_v5': small_gpt_v5, 'very_big_gpt_v9': very_big_gpt_v9, 'small_gpt_v6': small_gpt_v6, 'small_lstm_v3': small_lstm_v3, 'lstm3_drop60': lstm3_drop60, 'small_gpt_v7': small_gpt_v7, 'small_gpt_v8': small_gpt_v8, 'small_gpt_v9': small_gpt_v9, 'small_ugpt_v9': small_ugpt_v9, 'small_lstm_v4': small_lstm_v4, 'big_gpt_v9': big_gpt_v9, 'very_big_gpt_v10': very_big_gpt_v10, 'lstm3_drop50': lstm3_drop50, 'lstm3_drop41': lstm3_drop41, 'lstm_drop31_v2': lstm_drop31_v2, 'big_gpt_v5': big_gpt_v5, 'lstm_drop31_v3': lstm_drop31_v3, 'big_gpt_v6': big_gpt_v6, 'lstm_drop31_v4': lstm_drop31_v4, 'lstm_drop31_v5': lstm_drop31_v5, 'biglstm_drop31_v2': biglstm_drop31_v2, 'short_gpt_v9': short_gpt_v9, 'ff_mnist': ff_mnist, 'vcnn_mnist1': vcnn_mnist1, 'vcnn_mnist2': vcnn_mnist2, 'vcnn_mnist3': vcnn_mnist3, 'vcnn_mnist5': vcnn_mnist5, 'vcnn_mnist6': vcnn_mnist6, 'vcnn_mnist7': vcnn_mnist7, 'vcnn_mnist8': vcnn_mnist8, 'vcnn_mnist4': vcnn_mnist4, 'caps_base': caps_base, 'biglstm_drop31_v3': biglstm_drop31_v3, 'mat_caps_base': mat_caps_base, 'small_lstm_v6': small_lstm_v6, 'vcnn_svhn1': vcnn_svhn1, 'vcnn_svhn2': vcnn_svhn2, 'vcnn_svhn3': vcnn_svhn3, 'vcnn_svhn4': vcnn_svhn4, 'vcnn_svhn5': vcnn_svhn5, 'rsnt_svhn1': rsnt_svhn1, 'rsnt_svhn2': rsnt_svhn2, 'rsnt_svhn3': rsnt_svhn3, 'rsnt_svhn4': rsnt_svhn4, 'rsnt_svhn5': rsnt_svhn5, 'ff_svhn': ff_svhn, 'ff_svhn2': ff_svhn2, 'ff_svhn3': ff_svhn3, 'ff_svhn4': ff_svhn4, 'rsnt_mnist1': rsnt_mnist1, 'rsnt_mnist2': rsnt_mnist2, 'rsnt_mnist3': rsnt_mnist3, 'ff_mnist1': ff_mnist1, 'ff_mnist2': ff_mnist2, 'ff_mnist3': ff_mnist3, 'ff_mnist4': ff_mnist4, 'ff_mnist5': ff_mnist5 }
pure_dstl_1 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'n_epochs': 100 } pure_dstl_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'n_epochs': 100 } pure_dstl_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.9, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'n_epochs': 100, } pure_dstl_4 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.00005, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'n_epochs': 100 } pure_dstl_6 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.00005, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 10000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.00005, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'n_epochs': 100 } pure_dstl_4_radamfst = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'radam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam' } pure_dstl_4_adamfst = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam' } pure_dstl_4_crs_fst = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_fst2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_fst3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } schdl1_dstl_4_crs_fst3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'distill_schedule': 'exp' } schdl2_dstl_4_crs_fst3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'distill_schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_fst4 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } schdl1_dstl_4_crs_fst4 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'distill_schedule': 'exp' } schdl2_dstl_4_crs_fst4 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'distill_schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_fst5 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw_mnst = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 100000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_slw', 'n_epochs': 300, } pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 100000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_decay_rate': 0.2, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_slw', 'n_epochs': 400, } pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 200000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_decay_rate': 0.2, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_slw', 'n_epochs': 400, } pure_dstl2_4_crs_slw_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 2.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 200000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_decay_rate': 0.2, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_slw', 'n_epochs': 400, } pure_dstl1_4_crs_slw_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 200000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_decay_rate': 0.2, 'student_warmup_steps' : 1000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_slw', 'n_epochs': 400, } pure_dstl5_4_crs_fst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'student_decay_steps' : 50000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_decay_rate': 0.6, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 300, } pure_dstl5_4_crs_fst_3_mnst = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 1000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.6, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 300, } pure_dstl5_4_crs_fst_3_mnst = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 1000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.6, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs', } pure_dstl5_4_crs_fst = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 300, } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld1 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp1 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 30 } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 30 } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 30 } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp4 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 30 } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp5 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.8, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 30 } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp6 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.8, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 30 } pure_dstl_4_exp_slw_vp6 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.8, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'exp', 'n_epochs': 40 } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp7 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.8, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_decay_rate': 0.5, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 30 } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp8 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.8, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_decay_rate': 0.5, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'n_epochs': 30 } pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.8, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_decay_rate': 0.5, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'exp', 'n_epochs': 40 } pure_dstl_4_exp_vp9 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.96, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_decay_rate': 0.5, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'exp', 'n_epochs': 40 } pure_dstl_4_exp_vp3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.7, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_decay_rate': 0.9, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'exp', 'n_epochs': 40 } pure_dstl_4_exp_vp5 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.7, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_decay_rate': 0.96, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'exp', 'n_epochs': 40 } pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.8, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_decay_rate': 0.8, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'exp', 'n_epochs': 40 } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld31 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 5000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_decay_rate': 0.8, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld4 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_4_crs_slwfst = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } dstl_6_crs_slw = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.9, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } schdld_dstl_6_crs_slw = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.9, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs', 'dstl_decay_steps': 10000, 'dstl_warmup_steps': 0, 'hold_base_dstlrate_steps': 10000, } pure_dstl_4_crs_vslw = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 100000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs' } pure_dstl_5 = { 'distill_temp' : 2.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam' } pure_dstl_4_fstonln = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam' } pure_dstl_mn_fstonln = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', } pure_rpdst_crs_slwfst = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 1.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } dstl_910_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.9, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } dstl5_910_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.9, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } dstl5_910_crs_slwfst_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.9, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 5000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } schdexp_dstl_10_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'distill_min_rate': 0.0, 'distill_schedule': 'exp', 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } schdexp_dstl_10_crs_slwfst_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'distill_min_rate': 0.0, 'distill_schedule': 'exp', 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } schdcrs_dstl_10_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'distill_min_rate': 0.0, 'distill_schedule': 'crs', 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } schdcrs_dstl_10_crs_slwfst_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'distill_min_rate': 0.0, 'distill_schedule': 'crs', 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } schdexp_dstl5_910_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 1.0, 'distill_min_rate': 0.0, 'distill_schedule': 'exp', 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst5_019_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst5_019_crs_slwfst_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 5.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_0010_crs_slwfst_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.0, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 1.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'adam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_019_crs_slwslw_2_trns = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0005, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_slw' } rpdst_019_crs_slwslw_3_trns = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_slw' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_5 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_00199_crs_slw_550 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.01, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.99, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 100000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.1, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_slw' } rpdst_00199_crs_fst_550 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.01, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.99, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 20000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.1, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_51 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 10000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'exp' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_52 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 100000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 1000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_slw' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_53 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 1000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_81 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 10000, 'student_warmup_steps' : 10000, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 1000, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'exp' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_56 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 20000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_decay_rate': 0.9, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_decay_rate': 0.96, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_25 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'radam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'exp_fst' } rpdst_00199_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.01, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.99, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_off_00199_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.01, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.99, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.00, 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_off_019_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.0, 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_010_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_off_010_crs_slwfst_2 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.00, 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_00199_crs_slwfst_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.01, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.99, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_off_010_crs_slwfst_3 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.0, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.000, 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } 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'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_6 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 1000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.5, 'student_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'student_warmup_steps' : 0, 'student_optimizer' : 'adam', 'teacher_learning_rate' : 0.001, 'teacher_decay_steps' : 10000, 'teacher_decay_rate': 0.96, 'teacher_warmup_steps' : 0.0, 'teacher_hold_base_rate_steps' : 0, 'teacher_optimizer' : 'radam', 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_7 = { 'distill_temp' : 1.0, 'student_distill_rate' : 0.0, 'student_gold_rate' : 0.1, 'student_distill_rep_rate': 0.9, 'student_learning_rate' : 0.0001, 'student_decay_steps' : 10000, 'student_decay_rate': 0.6, 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'rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_56': rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_56, 'rpdst_019_exp_sst13': rpdst_019_exp_sst13, 'rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_6': rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_6, 'rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_7': rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_7, 'rpdst_019_exp_sst14': rpdst_019_exp_sst14, 'rpdst_019_exp_sst15': rpdst_019_exp_sst15, 'rpdst_00199_crs_fst_550': rpdst_00199_crs_fst_550, 'rpdst_00199_crs_slw_550': rpdst_00199_crs_slw_550, 'rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_25': rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_25, 'rpdst_019_exp_sst16': rpdst_019_exp_sst16, 'pure_dstl5_4_crs_fst': pure_dstl5_4_crs_fst, 'rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_81': rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_81, 'rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_51': rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_51, 'rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_52': rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_52, 'rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_53': rpdst_019_crs_slwfst_53, 'pure_dstl5_4_crs_fst_2': pure_dstl5_4_crs_fst_2, 'pure_dstl5_4_crs_fst_3_mnst': pure_dstl5_4_crs_fst_3_mnst, 'pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw_mnst': pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw_mnst, 'pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw': pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw, 'pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw_2': pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw_2, 'pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw_3': pure_dstl5_4_crs_slw_3, 'pure_dstl1_4_crs_slw_3': pure_dstl1_4_crs_slw_3, 'pure_dstl2_4_crs_slw_3': pure_dstl2_4_crs_slw_3, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_fst2': pure_dstl_4_crs_fst2, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_fst3': pure_dstl_4_crs_fst3, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_fst4': pure_dstl_4_crs_fst4, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_fst5': pure_dstl_4_crs_fst5, 'pure_dstl_4_adamfst': pure_dstl_4_adamfst, 'schdl1_dstl_4_crs_fst3': schdl1_dstl_4_crs_fst3, 'schdl2_dstl_4_crs_fst3': schdl2_dstl_4_crs_fst3, 'schdl1_dstl_4_crs_fst4': schdl1_dstl_4_crs_fst4, 'schdl2_dstl_4_crs_fst4': schdl2_dstl_4_crs_fst4, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld1, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld2': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld2, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld3': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld3, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld4': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld4, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld31': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_hld31, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp1': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp1, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp2': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp2, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp3': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp3, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp4': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp4, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp5': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp5, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp6': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp6, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp7': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp7, 'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp8': pure_dstl_4_crs_slw_vp8, 'pure_dstl_4_exp_slw_vp6': pure_dstl_4_exp_slw_vp6, 'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp9': pure_dstl_4_exp_vp9, 'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp3': pure_dstl_4_exp_vp3, 'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4': pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4, 'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8': pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8, 'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp5': pure_dstl_4_exp_vp5 }
''' correctly generate plurals, ordinals, indefinite articles; convert numbers to words Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Dyson Based upon the Perl module Lingua::EN::Inflect by Damian Conway. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. The original Perl module Lingua::EN::Inflect by Damian Conway is available from This module can be downloaded at methods: classical inflect plural plural_noun plural_verb plural_adj singular_noun no num a an compare compare_nouns compare_verbs compare_adjs present_participle ordinal number_to_words join defnoun defverb defadj defa defan INFLECTIONS: classical inflect plural plural_noun plural_verb plural_adj singular_noun compare no num a an present_participle PLURALS: classical inflect plural plural_noun plural_verb plural_adj singular_noun no num compare compare_nouns compare_verbs compare_adjs COMPARISONS: classical compare compare_nouns compare_verbs compare_adjs ARTICLES: classical inflect num a an NUMERICAL: ordinal number_to_words USER_DEFINED: defnoun defverb defadj defa defan Exceptions: UnknownClassicalModeError BadNumValueError BadChunkingOptionError NumOutOfRangeError BadUserDefinedPatternError BadRcFileError BadGenderError ''' from re import match, search, subn, IGNORECASE, VERBOSE from re import split as splitre from re import error as reerror from re import sub as resub class UnknownClassicalModeError(Exception): pass class BadNumValueError(Exception): pass class BadChunkingOptionError(Exception): pass class NumOutOfRangeError(Exception): pass class BadUserDefinedPatternError(Exception): pass class BadRcFileError(Exception): pass class BadGenderError(Exception): pass __ver_major__ = 0 __ver_minor__ = 2 __ver_patch__ = 5 __ver_sub__ = "" __version__ = "%d.%d.%d%s" % (__ver_major__, __ver_minor__, __ver_patch__, __ver_sub__) STDOUT_ON = False def print3(txt): if STDOUT_ON: print(txt) def enclose(s): return "(?:%s)" % s def joinstem(cutpoint=0, words=''): ''' join stem of each word in words into a string for regex each word is truncated at cutpoint cutpoint is usually negative indicating the number of letters to remove from the end of each word e.g. joinstem(-2, ["ephemeris", "iris", ".*itis"]) returns (?:ephemer|ir|.*it) ''' return enclose('|'.join(w[:cutpoint] for w in words)) def bysize(words): ''' take a list of words and return a dict of sets sorted by word length e.g. ret[3]=set(['ant', 'cat', 'dog', 'pig']) ret[4]=set(['frog', 'goat']) ret[5]=set(['horse']) ret[8]=set(['elephant']) ''' ret = {} for w in words: if len(w) not in ret: ret[len(w)] = set() ret[len(w)].add(w) return ret def make_pl_si_lists(lst, plending, siendingsize, dojoinstem=True): ''' given a list of singular words: lst an ending to append to make the plural: plending the number of characters to remove from the singular before appending plending: siendingsize a flag whether to create a joinstem: dojoinstem return: a list of pluralised words: si_list (called si because this is what you need to look for to make the singular) the pluralised words as a dict of sets sorted by word length: si_bysize the singular words as a dict of sets sorted by word length: pl_bysize if dojoinstem is True: a regular expression that matches any of the stems: stem ''' if siendingsize is not None: siendingsize = -siendingsize si_list = [w[:siendingsize] + plending for w in lst] pl_bysize = bysize(lst) si_bysize = bysize(si_list) if dojoinstem: stem = joinstem(siendingsize, lst) return si_list, si_bysize, pl_bysize, stem else: return si_list, si_bysize, pl_bysize # 1. PLURALS pl_sb_irregular_s = { "corpus": "corpuses|corpora", "opus": "opuses|opera", "genus": "genera", "mythos": "mythoi", "penis": "penises|penes", "testis": "testes", "atlas": "atlases|atlantes", "yes": "yeses", } pl_sb_irregular = { "child": "children", "brother": "brothers|brethren", "loaf": "loaves", "hoof": "hoofs|hooves", "beef": "beefs|beeves", "thief": "thiefs|thieves", "money": "monies", "mongoose": "mongooses", "ox": "oxen", "cow": "cows|kine", "graffito": "graffiti", "octopus": "octopuses|octopodes", "genie": "genies|genii", "ganglion": "ganglions|ganglia", "trilby": "trilbys", "turf": "turfs|turves", "numen": "numina", "atman": "atmas", "occiput": "occiputs|occipita", "sabretooth": "sabretooths", "sabertooth": "sabertooths", "lowlife": "lowlifes", "flatfoot": "flatfoots", "tenderfoot": "tenderfoots", "romany": "romanies", "jerry": "jerries", "mary": "maries", "talouse": "talouses", "blouse": "blouses", "rom": "roma", "carmen": "carmina", } pl_sb_irregular.update(pl_sb_irregular_s) # pl_sb_irregular_keys = enclose('|'.join(pl_sb_irregular.keys())) pl_sb_irregular_caps = { 'Romany': 'Romanies', 'Jerry': 'Jerrys', 'Mary': 'Marys', 'Rom': 'Roma', } pl_sb_irregular_compound = { "prima donna": "prima donnas|prime donne", } si_sb_irregular = dict([(v, k) for (k, v) in pl_sb_irregular.items()]) keys = list(si_sb_irregular.keys()) for k in keys: if '|' in k: k1, k2 = k.split('|') si_sb_irregular[k1] = si_sb_irregular[k2] = si_sb_irregular[k] del si_sb_irregular[k] si_sb_irregular_caps = dict([(v, k) for (k, v) in pl_sb_irregular_caps.items()]) si_sb_irregular_compound = dict([(v, k) for (k, v) in pl_sb_irregular_compound.items()]) keys = list(si_sb_irregular_compound.keys()) for k in keys: if '|' in k: k1, k2 = k.split('|') si_sb_irregular_compound[k1] = si_sb_irregular_compound[k2] = si_sb_irregular_compound[k] del si_sb_irregular_compound[k] # si_sb_irregular_keys = enclose('|'.join(si_sb_irregular.keys())) # Z's that don't double pl_sb_z_zes_list = ( "quartz", "topaz", ) pl_sb_z_zes_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_z_zes_list) pl_sb_ze_zes_list = ('snooze',) pl_sb_ze_zes_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_ze_zes_list) # CLASSICAL "" -> "..ides" pl_sb_C_is_ides_complete = [ # GENERAL WORDS... "ephemeris", "iris", "clitoris", "chrysalis", "epididymis", ] pl_sb_C_is_ides_endings = [ # INFLAMATIONS... "itis", ] pl_sb_C_is_ides = joinstem(-2, pl_sb_C_is_ides_complete + ['.*%s' % w for w in pl_sb_C_is_ides_endings]) pl_sb_C_is_ides_list = pl_sb_C_is_ides_complete + pl_sb_C_is_ides_endings (si_sb_C_is_ides_list, si_sb_C_is_ides_bysize, pl_sb_C_is_ides_bysize) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_is_ides_list, 'ides', 2, dojoinstem=False) # CLASSICAL "..a" -> "..ata" pl_sb_C_a_ata_list = ( "anathema", "bema", "carcinoma", "charisma", "diploma", "dogma", "drama", "edema", "enema", "enigma", "lemma", "lymphoma", "magma", "melisma", "miasma", "oedema", "sarcoma", "schema", "soma", "stigma", "stoma", "trauma", "gumma", "pragma", ) (si_sb_C_a_ata_list, si_sb_C_a_ata_bysize, pl_sb_C_a_ata_bysize, pl_sb_C_a_ata) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_a_ata_list, 'ata', 1) # UNCONDITIONAL "..a" -> "" pl_sb_U_a_ae_list = ( "alumna", "alga", "vertebra", "persona" ) (si_sb_U_a_ae_list, si_sb_U_a_ae_bysize, pl_sb_U_a_ae_bysize, pl_sb_U_a_ae) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_a_ae_list, 'e', None) # CLASSICAL "..a" -> "" pl_sb_C_a_ae_list = ( "amoeba", "antenna", "formula", "hyperbola", "medusa", "nebula", "parabola", "abscissa", "hydra", "nova", "lacuna", "aurora", "umbra", "flora", "fauna", ) (si_sb_C_a_ae_list, si_sb_C_a_ae_bysize, pl_sb_C_a_ae_bysize, pl_sb_C_a_ae) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_a_ae_list, 'e', None) # CLASSICAL "..en" -> "..ina" pl_sb_C_en_ina_list = ( "stamen", "foramen", "lumen", ) (si_sb_C_en_ina_list, si_sb_C_en_ina_bysize, pl_sb_C_en_ina_bysize, pl_sb_C_en_ina) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_en_ina_list, 'ina', 2) # UNCONDITIONAL "" -> "..a" pl_sb_U_um_a_list = ( "bacterium", "agendum", "desideratum", "erratum", "stratum", "datum", "ovum", "extremum", "candelabrum", ) (si_sb_U_um_a_list, si_sb_U_um_a_bysize, pl_sb_U_um_a_bysize, pl_sb_U_um_a) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_um_a_list, 'a', 2) # CLASSICAL "" -> "..a" pl_sb_C_um_a_list = ( "maximum", "minimum", "momentum", "optimum", "quantum", "cranium", "curriculum", "dictum", "phylum", "aquarium", "compendium", "emporium", "enconium", "gymnasium", "honorarium", "interregnum", "lustrum", "memorandum", "millennium", "rostrum", "spectrum", "speculum", "stadium", "trapezium", "ultimatum", "medium", "vacuum", "velum", "consortium", "arboretum", ) (si_sb_C_um_a_list, si_sb_C_um_a_bysize, pl_sb_C_um_a_bysize, pl_sb_C_um_a) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_um_a_list, 'a', 2) # UNCONDITIONAL "" -> "i" pl_sb_U_us_i_list = ( "alumnus", "alveolus", "bacillus", "bronchus", "locus", "nucleus", "stimulus", "meniscus", "sarcophagus", ) (si_sb_U_us_i_list, si_sb_U_us_i_bysize, pl_sb_U_us_i_bysize, pl_sb_U_us_i) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_us_i_list, 'i', 2) # CLASSICAL "" -> "..i" pl_sb_C_us_i_list = ( "focus", "radius", "genius", "incubus", "succubus", "nimbus", "fungus", "nucleolus", "stylus", "torus", "umbilicus", "uterus", "hippopotamus", "cactus", ) (si_sb_C_us_i_list, si_sb_C_us_i_bysize, pl_sb_C_us_i_bysize, pl_sb_C_us_i) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_us_i_list, 'i', 2) # CLASSICAL "" -> "" (ASSIMILATED 4TH DECLENSION LATIN NOUNS) pl_sb_C_us_us = ( "status", "apparatus", "prospectus", "sinus", "hiatus", "impetus", "plexus", ) pl_sb_C_us_us_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_C_us_us) # UNCONDITIONAL "..on" -> "a" pl_sb_U_on_a_list = ( "criterion", "perihelion", "aphelion", "phenomenon", "prolegomenon", "noumenon", "organon", "asyndeton", "hyperbaton", ) (si_sb_U_on_a_list, si_sb_U_on_a_bysize, pl_sb_U_on_a_bysize, pl_sb_U_on_a) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_on_a_list, 'a', 2) # CLASSICAL "..on" -> "..a" pl_sb_C_on_a_list = ( "oxymoron", ) (si_sb_C_on_a_list, si_sb_C_on_a_bysize, pl_sb_C_on_a_bysize, pl_sb_C_on_a) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_on_a_list, 'a', 2) # CLASSICAL "..o" -> "..i" (BUT NORMALLY -> "..os") pl_sb_C_o_i = [ "solo", "soprano", "basso", "alto", "contralto", "tempo", "piano", "virtuoso", ] # list not tuple so can concat for pl_sb_U_o_os pl_sb_C_o_i_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_C_o_i) si_sb_C_o_i_bysize = bysize(['%si' % w[:-1] for w in pl_sb_C_o_i]) pl_sb_C_o_i_stems = joinstem(-1, pl_sb_C_o_i) # ALWAYS "..o" -> "..os" pl_sb_U_o_os_complete = set(( "ado", "ISO", "NATO", "NCO", "NGO", "oto", )) si_sb_U_o_os_complete = set('%ss' % w for w in pl_sb_U_o_os_complete) pl_sb_U_o_os_endings = [ "aficionado", "aggro", "albino", "allegro", "ammo", "Antananarivo", "archipelago", "armadillo", "auto", "avocado", "Bamako", "Barquisimeto", "bimbo", "bingo", "Biro", "bolero", "Bolzano", "bongo", "Boto", "burro", "Cairo", "canto", "cappuccino", "casino", "cello", "Chicago", "Chimango", "cilantro", "cochito", "coco", "Colombo", "Colorado", "commando", "concertino", "contango", "credo", "crescendo", "cyano", "demo", "ditto", "Draco", "dynamo", "embryo", "Esperanto", "espresso", "euro", "falsetto", "Faro", "fiasco", "Filipino", "flamenco", "furioso", "generalissimo", "Gestapo", "ghetto", "gigolo", "gizmo", "Greensboro", "gringo", "Guaiabero", "guano", "gumbo", "gyro", "hairdo", "hippo", "Idaho", "impetigo", "inferno", "info", "intermezzo", "intertrigo", "Iquico", "jumbo", "junto", "Kakapo", "kilo", "Kinkimavo", "Kokako", "Kosovo", "Lesotho", "libero", "libido", "libretto", "lido", "Lilo", "limbo", "limo", "lineno", "lingo", "lino", "livedo", "loco", "logo", "lumbago", "macho", "macro", "mafioso", "magneto", "magnifico", "Majuro", "Malabo", "manifesto", "Maputo", "Maracaibo", "medico", "memo", "metro", "Mexico", "micro", "Milano", "Monaco", "mono", "Montenegro", "Morocco", "Muqdisho", "myo", "neutrino", "Ningbo", "octavo", "oregano", "Orinoco", "Orlando", "Oslo", "panto", "Paramaribo", "Pardusco", "pedalo", "photo", "pimento", "pinto", "pleco", "Pluto", "pogo", "polo", "poncho", "Porto-Novo", "Porto", "pro", "psycho", "pueblo", "quarto", "Quito", "rhino", "risotto", "rococo", "rondo", "Sacramento", "saddo", "sago", "salvo", "Santiago", "Sapporo", "Sarajevo", "scherzando", "scherzo", "silo", "sirocco", "sombrero", "staccato", "sterno", "stucco", "stylo", "sumo", "Taiko", "techno", "terrazzo", "testudo", "timpano", "tiro", "tobacco", "Togo", "Tokyo", "torero", "Torino", "Toronto", "torso", "tremolo", "typo", "tyro", "ufo", "UNESCO", "vaquero", "vermicello", "verso", "vibrato", "violoncello", "Virgo", "weirdo", "WHO", "WTO", "Yamoussoukro", "yo-yo", "zero", "Zibo", ] + pl_sb_C_o_i pl_sb_U_o_os_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_U_o_os_endings) si_sb_U_o_os_bysize = bysize(['%ss' % w for w in pl_sb_U_o_os_endings]) # UNCONDITIONAL "" -> "..chs" pl_sb_U_ch_chs_list = ( "czech", "eunuch", "stomach" ) (si_sb_U_ch_chs_list, si_sb_U_ch_chs_bysize, pl_sb_U_ch_chs_bysize, pl_sb_U_ch_chs) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_ch_chs_list, 's', None) # UNCONDITIONAL "..[ei]x" -> "..ices" pl_sb_U_ex_ices_list = ( "codex", "murex", "silex", ) (si_sb_U_ex_ices_list, si_sb_U_ex_ices_bysize, pl_sb_U_ex_ices_bysize, pl_sb_U_ex_ices) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_ex_ices_list, 'ices', 2) pl_sb_U_ix_ices_list = ( "radix", "helix", ) (si_sb_U_ix_ices_list, si_sb_U_ix_ices_bysize, pl_sb_U_ix_ices_bysize, pl_sb_U_ix_ices) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_ix_ices_list, 'ices', 2) # CLASSICAL "..[ei]x" -> "..ices" pl_sb_C_ex_ices_list = ( "vortex", "vertex", "cortex", "latex", "pontifex", "apex", "index", "simplex", ) (si_sb_C_ex_ices_list, si_sb_C_ex_ices_bysize, pl_sb_C_ex_ices_bysize, pl_sb_C_ex_ices) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_ex_ices_list, 'ices', 2) pl_sb_C_ix_ices_list = ( "appendix", ) (si_sb_C_ix_ices_list, si_sb_C_ix_ices_bysize, pl_sb_C_ix_ices_bysize, pl_sb_C_ix_ices) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_ix_ices_list, 'ices', 2) # ARABIC: ".." -> "..i" pl_sb_C_i_list = ( "afrit", "afreet", "efreet", ) (si_sb_C_i_list, si_sb_C_i_bysize, pl_sb_C_i_bysize, pl_sb_C_i) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_i_list, 'i', None) # HEBREW: ".." -> "" pl_sb_C_im_list = ( "goy", "seraph", "cherub", ) (si_sb_C_im_list, si_sb_C_im_bysize, pl_sb_C_im_bysize, pl_sb_C_im) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_C_im_list, 'im', None) # UNCONDITIONAL "" -> "..mans" pl_sb_U_man_mans_list = """ ataman caiman cayman ceriman desman dolman farman harman hetman human leman ottoman shaman talisman """.split() pl_sb_U_man_mans_caps_list = """ Alabaman Bahaman Burman German Hiroshiman Liman Nakayaman Norman Oklahoman Panaman Roman Selman Sonaman Tacoman Yakiman Yokohaman Yuman """.split() (si_sb_U_man_mans_list, si_sb_U_man_mans_bysize, pl_sb_U_man_mans_bysize) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_man_mans_list, 's', None, dojoinstem=False) (si_sb_U_man_mans_caps_list, si_sb_U_man_mans_caps_bysize, pl_sb_U_man_mans_caps_bysize) = make_pl_si_lists(pl_sb_U_man_mans_caps_list, 's', None, dojoinstem=False) pl_sb_uninflected_s_complete = [ # PAIRS OR GROUPS SUBSUMED TO A SINGULAR... "breeches", "britches", "pajamas", "pyjamas", "clippers", "gallows", "hijinks", "headquarters", "pliers", "scissors", "testes", "herpes", "pincers", "shears", "proceedings", "trousers", # UNASSIMILATED LATIN 4th DECLENSION "cantus", "coitus", "nexus", # RECENT IMPORTS... "contretemps", "corps", "debris", "siemens", # DISEASES "mumps", # MISCELLANEOUS OTHERS... "diabetes", "jackanapes", "series", "species", "subspecies", "rabies", "chassis", "innings", "news", "mews", "haggis", ] pl_sb_uninflected_s_endings = [ # RECENT IMPORTS... "ois", # DISEASES "measles", ] pl_sb_uninflected_s = pl_sb_uninflected_s_complete + ['.*%s' % w for w in pl_sb_uninflected_s_endings] pl_sb_uninflected_herd = ( # DON'T INFLECT IN CLASSICAL MODE, OTHERWISE NORMAL INFLECTION "wildebeest", "swine", "eland", "bison", "buffalo", "elk", "rhinoceros", 'zucchini', 'caribou', 'dace', 'grouse', 'guinea fowl', 'guinea-fowl', 'haddock', 'hake', 'halibut', 'herring', 'mackerel', 'pickerel', 'pike', 'roe', 'seed', 'shad', 'snipe', 'teal', 'turbot', 'water fowl', 'water-fowl', ) pl_sb_uninflected_complete = [ # SOME FISH AND HERD ANIMALS "tuna", "salmon", "mackerel", "trout", "bream", "sea-bass", "sea bass", "carp", "cod", "flounder", "whiting", "moose", # OTHER ODDITIES "graffiti", "djinn", 'samuri', 'offspring', 'pence', 'quid', 'hertz', ] + pl_sb_uninflected_s_complete # SOME WORDS ENDING IN ...s (OFTEN PAIRS TAKEN AS A WHOLE) pl_sb_uninflected_caps = [ # ALL NATIONALS ENDING IN -ese "Portuguese", "Amoyese", "Borghese", "Congoese", "Faroese", "Foochowese", "Genevese", "Genoese", "Gilbertese", "Hottentotese", "Kiplingese", "Kongoese", "Lucchese", "Maltese", "Nankingese", "Niasese", "Pekingese", "Piedmontese", "Pistoiese", "Sarawakese", "Shavese", "Vermontese", "Wenchowese", "Yengeese", ] pl_sb_uninflected_endings = [ # SOME FISH AND HERD ANIMALS "fish", "deer", "sheep", # ALL NATIONALS ENDING IN -ese "nese", "rese", "lese", "mese", # DISEASES "pox", # OTHER ODDITIES 'craft', ] + pl_sb_uninflected_s_endings # SOME WORDS ENDING IN ...s (OFTEN PAIRS TAKEN AS A WHOLE) pl_sb_uninflected_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_uninflected_endings) # SINGULAR WORDS ENDING IN ...s (ALL INFLECT WITH pl_sb_singular_s_complete = [ "acropolis", "aegis", "alias", "asbestos", "bathos", "bias", "bronchitis", "bursitis", "caddis", "cannabis", "canvas", "chaos", "cosmos", "dais", "digitalis", "epidermis", "ethos", "eyas", "gas", "glottis", "hubris", "ibis", "lens", "mantis", "marquis", "metropolis", "pathos", "pelvis", "polis", "rhinoceros", "sassafras", "trellis", ] + pl_sb_C_is_ides_complete pl_sb_singular_s_endings = [ "ss", "us", ] + pl_sb_C_is_ides_endings pl_sb_singular_s_bysize = bysize(pl_sb_singular_s_endings) si_sb_singular_s_complete = ['%ses' % w for w in pl_sb_singular_s_complete] si_sb_singular_s_endings = ['%ses' % w for w in pl_sb_singular_s_endings] si_sb_singular_s_bysize = bysize(si_sb_singular_s_endings) pl_sb_singular_s_es = [ "[A-Z].*es", ] pl_sb_singular_s = enclose('|'.join(pl_sb_singular_s_complete + ['.*%s' % w for w in pl_sb_singular_s_endings] + pl_sb_singular_s_es)) # PLURALS ENDING IN uses -> use si_sb_ois_oi_case = ( 'Bolshois', 'Hanois' ) si_sb_uses_use_case = ( 'Betelgeuses', 'Duses', 'Meuses', 'Syracuses', 'Toulouses', ) si_sb_uses_use = ( 'abuses', 'applauses', 'blouses', 'carouses', 'causes', 'chartreuses', 'clauses', 'contuses', 'douses', 'excuses', 'fuses', 'grouses', 'hypotenuses', 'masseuses', 'menopauses', 'misuses', 'muses', 'overuses', 'pauses', 'peruses', 'profuses', 'recluses', 'reuses', 'ruses', 'souses', 'spouses', 'suffuses', 'transfuses', 'uses', ) si_sb_ies_ie_case = ( 'Addies', 'Aggies', 'Allies', 'Amies', 'Angies', 'Annies', 'Annmaries', 'Archies', 'Arties', 'Aussies', 'Barbies', 'Barries', 'Basies', 'Bennies', 'Bernies', 'Berties', 'Bessies', 'Betties', 'Billies', 'Blondies', 'Bobbies', 'Bonnies', 'Bowies', 'Brandies', 'Bries', 'Brownies', 'Callies', 'Carnegies', 'Carries', 'Cassies', 'Charlies', 'Cheries', 'Christies', 'Connies', 'Curies', 'Dannies', 'Debbies', 'Dixies', 'Dollies', 'Donnies', 'Drambuies', 'Eddies', 'Effies', 'Ellies', 'Elsies', 'Eries', 'Ernies', 'Essies', 'Eugenies', 'Fannies', 'Flossies', 'Frankies', 'Freddies', 'Gillespies', 'Goldies', 'Gracies', 'Guthries', 'Hallies', 'Hatties', 'Hetties', 'Hollies', 'Jackies', 'Jamies', 'Janies', 'Jannies', 'Jeanies', 'Jeannies', 'Jennies', 'Jessies', 'Jimmies', 'Jodies', 'Johnies', 'Johnnies', 'Josies', 'Julies', 'Kalgoorlies', 'Kathies', 'Katies', 'Kellies', 'Kewpies', 'Kristies', 'Laramies', 'Lassies', 'Lauries', 'Leslies', 'Lessies', 'Lillies', 'Lizzies', 'Lonnies', 'Lories', 'Lorries', 'Lotties', 'Louies', 'Mackenzies', 'Maggies', 'Maisies', 'Mamies', 'Marcies', 'Margies', 'Maries', 'Marjories', 'Matties', 'McKenzies', 'Melanies', 'Mickies', 'Millies', 'Minnies', 'Mollies', 'Mounties', 'Nannies', 'Natalies', 'Nellies', 'Netties', 'Ollies', 'Ozzies', 'Pearlies', 'Pottawatomies', 'Reggies', 'Richies', 'Rickies', 'Robbies', 'Ronnies', 'Rosalies', 'Rosemaries', 'Rosies', 'Roxies', 'Rushdies', 'Ruthies', 'Sadies', 'Sallies', 'Sammies', 'Scotties', 'Selassies', 'Sherries', 'Sophies', 'Stacies', 'Stefanies', 'Stephanies', 'Stevies', 'Susies', 'Sylvies', 'Tammies', 'Terries', 'Tessies', 'Tommies', 'Tracies', 'Trekkies', 'Valaries', 'Valeries', 'Valkyries', 'Vickies', 'Virgies', 'Willies', 'Winnies', 'Wylies', 'Yorkies', ) si_sb_ies_ie = ( 'aeries', 'baggies', 'belies', 'biggies', 'birdies', 'bogies', 'bonnies', 'boogies', 'bookies', 'bourgeoisies', 'brownies', 'budgies', 'caddies', 'calories', 'camaraderies', 'cockamamies', 'collies', 'cookies', 'coolies', 'cooties', 'coteries', 'crappies', 'curies', 'cutesies', 'dogies', 'eyrie', 'floozies', 'footsies', 'freebies', 'genies', 'goalies', 'groupies', 'hies', 'jalousies', 'junkies', 'kiddies', 'laddies', 'lassies', 'lies', 'lingeries', 'magpies', 'menageries', 'mommies', 'movies', 'neckties', 'newbies', 'nighties', 'oldies', 'organdies', 'overlies', 'pies', 'pinkies', 'pixies', 'potpies', 'prairies', 'quickies', 'reveries', 'rookies', 'rotisseries', 'softies', 'sorties', 'species', 'stymies', 'sweeties', 'ties', 'underlies', 'unties', 'veggies', 'vies', 'yuppies', 'zombies', ) si_sb_oes_oe_case = ( 'Chloes', 'Crusoes', 'Defoes', 'Faeroes', 'Ivanhoes', 'Joes', 'McEnroes', 'Moes', 'Monroes', 'Noes', 'Poes', 'Roscoes', 'Tahoes', 'Tippecanoes', 'Zoes', ) si_sb_oes_oe = ( 'aloes', 'backhoes', 'canoes', 'does', 'floes', 'foes', 'hoes', 'mistletoes', 'oboes', 'pekoes', 'roes', 'sloes', 'throes', 'tiptoes', 'toes', 'woes', ) si_sb_z_zes = ( "quartzes", "topazes", ) si_sb_zzes_zz = ( 'buzzes', 'fizzes', 'frizzes', 'razzes' ) si_sb_ches_che_case = ( 'Andromaches', 'Apaches', 'Blanches', 'Comanches', 'Nietzsches', 'Porsches', 'Roches', ) si_sb_ches_che = ( 'aches', 'avalanches', 'backaches', 'bellyaches', 'caches', 'cloches', 'creches', 'douches', 'earaches', 'fiches', 'headaches', 'heartaches', 'microfiches', 'niches', 'pastiches', 'psyches', 'quiches', 'stomachaches', 'toothaches', ) si_sb_xes_xe = ( 'annexes', 'axes', 'deluxes', 'pickaxes', ) si_sb_sses_sse_case = ( 'Hesses', 'Jesses', 'Larousses', 'Matisses', ) si_sb_sses_sse = ( 'bouillabaisses', 'crevasses', 'demitasses', 'impasses', 'mousses', 'posses', ) si_sb_ves_ve_case = ( # *[nwl]ives -> [nwl]live 'Clives', 'Palmolives', ) si_sb_ves_ve = ( # *[^d]eaves -> eave 'interweaves', 'weaves', # *[nwl]ives -> [nwl]live 'olives', # *[eoa]lves -> [eoa]lve 'bivalves', 'dissolves', 'resolves', 'salves', 'twelves', 'valves', ) plverb_special_s = enclose('|'.join( [pl_sb_singular_s] + pl_sb_uninflected_s + list(pl_sb_irregular_s.keys()) + [ '(.*[csx])is', '(.*)ceps', '[A-Z].*s', ] )) pl_sb_postfix_adj = { 'general': ['(?!major|lieutenant|brigadier|adjutant|.*star)\S+'], 'martial': ['court'], } for k in list(pl_sb_postfix_adj.keys()): pl_sb_postfix_adj[k] = enclose( enclose('|'.join(pl_sb_postfix_adj[k])) + "(?=(?:-|\\s+)%s)" % k) pl_sb_postfix_adj_stems = '(' + '|'.join(list(pl_sb_postfix_adj.values())) + ')(.*)' # PLURAL WORDS ENDING IS es GO TO SINGULAR is si_sb_es_is = ( 'amanuenses', 'amniocenteses', 'analyses', 'antitheses', 'apotheoses', 'arterioscleroses', 'atheroscleroses', 'axes', # 'bases', # bases -> basis 'catalyses', 'catharses', 'chasses', 'cirrhoses', 'cocces', 'crises', 'diagnoses', 'dialyses', 'diereses', 'electrolyses', 'emphases', 'exegeses', 'geneses', 'halitoses', 'hydrolyses', 'hypnoses', 'hypotheses', 'hystereses', 'metamorphoses', 'metastases', 'misdiagnoses', 'mitoses', 'mononucleoses', 'narcoses', 'necroses', 'nemeses', 'neuroses', 'oases', 'osmoses', 'osteoporoses', 'paralyses', 'parentheses', 'parthenogeneses', 'periphrases', 'photosyntheses', 'probosces', 'prognoses', 'prophylaxes', 'prostheses', 'preces', 'psoriases', 'psychoanalyses', 'psychokineses', 'psychoses', 'scleroses', 'scolioses', 'sepses', 'silicoses', 'symbioses', 'synopses', 'syntheses', 'taxes', 'telekineses', 'theses', 'thromboses', 'tuberculoses', 'urinalyses', ) pl_prep_list = """ about above across after among around at athwart before behind below beneath beside besides between betwixt beyond but by during except for from in into near of off on onto out over since till to under until unto upon with""".split() pl_prep_list_da = pl_prep_list + ['de', 'du', 'da'] pl_prep_bysize = bysize(pl_prep_list_da) pl_prep = enclose('|'.join(pl_prep_list_da)) pl_sb_prep_dual_compound = r'(.*?)((?:-|\s+)(?:' + pl_prep + r')(?:-|\s+))a(?:-|\s+)(.*)' singular_pronoun_genders = set(['neuter', 'feminine', 'masculine', 'gender-neutral', 'feminine or masculine', 'masculine or feminine']) pl_pron_nom = { # NOMINATIVE REFLEXIVE "i": "we", "myself": "ourselves", "you": "you", "yourself": "yourselves", "she": "they", "herself": "themselves", "he": "they", "himself": "themselves", "it": "they", "itself": "themselves", "they": "they", "themself": "themselves", # POSSESSIVE "mine": "ours", "yours": "yours", "hers": "theirs", "his": "theirs", "its": "theirs", "theirs": "theirs", } si_pron = {} si_pron['nom'] = dict([(v, k) for (k, v) in pl_pron_nom.items()]) si_pron['nom']['we'] = 'I' pl_pron_acc = { # ACCUSATIVE REFLEXIVE "me": "us", "myself": "ourselves", "you": "you", "yourself": "yourselves", "her": "them", "herself": "themselves", "him": "them", "himself": "themselves", "it": "them", "itself": "themselves", "them": "them", "themself": "themselves", } pl_pron_acc_keys = enclose('|'.join(list(pl_pron_acc.keys()))) pl_pron_acc_keys_bysize = bysize(list(pl_pron_acc.keys())) si_pron['acc'] = dict([(v, k) for (k, v) in pl_pron_acc.items()]) for thecase, plur, gend, sing in ( ('nom', 'they', 'neuter', 'it'), ('nom', 'they', 'feminine', 'she'), ('nom', 'they', 'masculine', 'he'), ('nom', 'they', 'gender-neutral', 'they'), ('nom', 'they', 'feminine or masculine', 'she or he'), ('nom', 'they', 'masculine or feminine', 'he or she'), ('nom', 'themselves', 'neuter', 'itself'), ('nom', 'themselves', 'feminine', 'herself'), ('nom', 'themselves', 'masculine', 'himself'), ('nom', 'themselves', 'gender-neutral', 'themself'), ('nom', 'themselves', 'feminine or masculine', 'herself or himself'), ('nom', 'themselves', 'masculine or feminine', 'himself or herself'), ('nom', 'theirs', 'neuter', 'its'), ('nom', 'theirs', 'feminine', 'hers'), ('nom', 'theirs', 'masculine', 'his'), ('nom', 'theirs', 'gender-neutral', 'theirs'), ('nom', 'theirs', 'feminine or masculine', 'hers or his'), ('nom', 'theirs', 'masculine or feminine', 'his or hers'), ('acc', 'them', 'neuter', 'it'), ('acc', 'them', 'feminine', 'her'), ('acc', 'them', 'masculine', 'him'), ('acc', 'them', 'gender-neutral', 'them'), ('acc', 'them', 'feminine or masculine', 'her or him'), ('acc', 'them', 'masculine or feminine', 'him or her'), ('acc', 'themselves', 'neuter', 'itself'), ('acc', 'themselves', 'feminine', 'herself'), ('acc', 'themselves', 'masculine', 'himself'), ('acc', 'themselves', 'gender-neutral', 'themself'), ('acc', 'themselves', 'feminine or masculine', 'herself or himself'), ('acc', 'themselves', 'masculine or feminine', 'himself or herself'), ): try: si_pron[thecase][plur][gend] = sing except TypeError: si_pron[thecase][plur] = {} si_pron[thecase][plur][gend] = sing si_pron_acc_keys = enclose('|'.join(list(si_pron['acc'].keys()))) si_pron_acc_keys_bysize = bysize(list(si_pron['acc'].keys())) def get_si_pron(thecase, word, gender): try: sing = si_pron[thecase][word] except KeyError: raise # not a pronoun try: return sing[gender] # has several types due to gender except TypeError: return sing # answer independent of gender plverb_irregular_pres = { # 1st PERS. SING. 2ND PERS. SING. 3RD PERS. SINGULAR # 3RD PERS. (INDET.) "am": "are", "are": "are", "is": "are", "was": "were", "were": "were", "was": "were", "have": "have", "have": "have", "has": "have", "do": "do", "do": "do", "does": "do", } plverb_ambiguous_pres = { # 1st PERS. SING. 2ND PERS. SING. 3RD PERS. SINGULAR # 3RD PERS. (INDET.) "act": "act", "act": "act", "acts": "act", "blame": "blame", "blame": "blame", "blames": "blame", "can": "can", "can": "can", "can": "can", "must": "must", "must": "must", "must": "must", "fly": "fly", "fly": "fly", "flies": "fly", "copy": "copy", "copy": "copy", "copies": "copy", "drink": "drink", "drink": "drink", "drinks": "drink", "fight": "fight", "fight": "fight", "fights": "fight", "fire": "fire", "fire": "fire", "fires": "fire", "like": "like", "like": "like", "likes": "like", "look": "look", "look": "look", "looks": "look", "make": "make", "make": "make", "makes": "make", "reach": "reach", "reach": "reach", "reaches": "reach", "run": "run", "run": "run", "runs": "run", "sink": "sink", "sink": "sink", "sinks": "sink", "sleep": "sleep", "sleep": "sleep", "sleeps": "sleep", "view": "view", "view": "view", "views": "view", } plverb_ambiguous_pres_keys = enclose('|'.join(list(plverb_ambiguous_pres.keys()))) plverb_irregular_non_pres = ( "did", "had", "ate", "made", "put", "spent", "fought", "sank", "gave", "sought", "shall", "could", "ought", "should", ) plverb_ambiguous_non_pres = enclose('|'.join(( "thought", "saw", "bent", "will", "might", "cut", ))) # "..oes" -> "..oe" (the rest are "..oes" -> "o") pl_v_oes_oe = ('canoes', 'floes', 'oboes', 'roes', 'throes', 'woes') pl_v_oes_oe_endings_size4 = ('hoes', 'toes') pl_v_oes_oe_endings_size5 = ('shoes') pl_count_zero = ( "0", "no", "zero", "nil" ) pl_count_one = ( "1", "a", "an", "one", "each", "every", "this", "that", ) pl_adj_special = { "a": "some", "an": "some", "this": "these", "that": "those", } pl_adj_special_keys = enclose('|'.join(list(pl_adj_special.keys()))) pl_adj_poss = { "my": "our", "your": "your", "its": "their", "her": "their", "his": "their", "their": "their", } pl_adj_poss_keys = enclose('|'.join(list(pl_adj_poss.keys()))) # 2. INDEFINITE ARTICLES # THIS PATTERN MATCHES STRINGS OF CAPITALS STARTING WITH A "VOWEL-SOUND" # CONSONANT FOLLOWED BY ANOTHER CONSONANT, AND WHICH ARE NOT LIKELY # TO BE REAL WORDS (OH, ALL RIGHT THEN, IT'S JUST MAGIC!) A_abbrev = r""" (?! FJO | [HLMNS]Y. | RY[EO] | SQU | ( F[LR]? | [HL] | MN? | N | RH? | S[CHKLMNPTVW]? | X(YL)?) [AEIOU]) [FHLMNRSX][A-Z] """ # THIS PATTERN CODES THE BEGINNINGS OF ALL ENGLISH WORDS BEGINING WITH A # 'y' FOLLOWED BY A CONSONANT. ANY OTHER Y-CONSONANT PREFIX THEREFORE # IMPLIES AN ABBREVIATION. A_y_cons = 'y(b[lor]|cl[ea]|fere|gg|p[ios]|rou|tt)' # EXCEPTIONS TO EXCEPTIONS A_explicit_a = enclose('|'.join(( "unabomber", "unanimous", "US", ))) A_explicit_an = enclose('|'.join(( "euler", "hour(?!i)", "heir", "honest", "hono[ur]", "mpeg", ))) A_ordinal_an = enclose('|'.join(( "[aefhilmnorsx]-?th", ))) A_ordinal_a = enclose('|'.join(( "[bcdgjkpqtuvwyz]-?th", ))) # NUMERICAL INFLECTIONS nth = { 0: 'th', 1: 'st', 2: 'nd', 3: 'rd', 4: 'th', 5: 'th', 6: 'th', 7: 'th', 8: 'th', 9: 'th', 11: 'th', 12: 'th', 13: 'th', } ordinal = dict(ty='tieth', one='first', two='second', three='third', five='fifth', eight='eighth', nine='ninth', twelve='twelfth') ordinal_suff = '|'.join(list(ordinal.keys())) # NUMBERS unit = ['', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine'] teen = ['ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'] ten = ['', '', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'] mill = [' ', ' thousand', ' million', ' billion', ' trillion', ' quadrillion', ' quintillion', ' sextillion', ' septillion', ' octillion', ' nonillion', ' decillion'] # SUPPORT CLASSICAL PLURALIZATIONS def_classical = dict( all=False, zero=False, herd=False, names=True, persons=False, ancient=False, ) all_classical = dict((k, True) for k in list(def_classical.keys())) no_classical = dict((k, False) for k in list(def_classical.keys())) # TODO: .inflectrc file does not work # can't just execute methods from another file like this # for rcfile in (pathjoin(dirname(__file__), '.inflectrc'), # expanduser(pathjoin(('~'), '.inflectrc'))): # if isfile(rcfile): # try: # execfile(rcfile) # except: # print3("\nBad .inflectrc file (%s):\n" % rcfile) # raise BadRcFileError class engine: def __init__(self): self.classical_dict = def_classical.copy() self.persistent_count = None self.mill_count = 0 self.pl_sb_user_defined = [] self.pl_v_user_defined = [] self.pl_adj_user_defined = [] self.si_sb_user_defined = [] self.A_a_user_defined = [] self.thegender = 'neuter' deprecated_methods = dict(pl='plural', plnoun='plural_noun', plverb='plural_verb', pladj='plural_adj', sinoun='single_noun', prespart='present_participle', numwords='number_to_words', plequal='compare', plnounequal='compare_nouns', plverbequal='compare_verbs', pladjequal='compare_adjs', wordlist='join', ) def __getattr__(self, meth): if meth in self.deprecated_methods: print3('%s() deprecated, use %s()' % (meth, self.deprecated_methods[meth])) raise DeprecationWarning raise AttributeError def defnoun(self, singular, plural): ''' Set the noun plural of singular to plural. ''' self.checkpat(singular) self.checkpatplural(plural) self.pl_sb_user_defined.extend((singular, plural)) self.si_sb_user_defined.extend((plural, singular)) return 1 def defverb(self, s1, p1, s2, p2, s3, p3): ''' Set the verb plurals for s1, s2 and s3 to p1, p2 and p3 respectively. Where 1, 2 and 3 represent the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person forms of the verb. ''' self.checkpat(s1) self.checkpat(s2) self.checkpat(s3) self.checkpatplural(p1) self.checkpatplural(p2) self.checkpatplural(p3) self.pl_v_user_defined.extend((s1, p1, s2, p2, s3, p3)) return 1 def defadj(self, singular, plural): ''' Set the adjective plural of singular to plural. ''' self.checkpat(singular) self.checkpatplural(plural) self.pl_adj_user_defined.extend((singular, plural)) return 1 def defa(self, pattern): ''' Define the indefinate article as 'a' for words matching pattern. ''' self.checkpat(pattern) self.A_a_user_defined.extend((pattern, 'a')) return 1 def defan(self, pattern): ''' Define the indefinate article as 'an' for words matching pattern. ''' self.checkpat(pattern) self.A_a_user_defined.extend((pattern, 'an')) return 1 def checkpat(self, pattern): ''' check for errors in a regex pattern ''' if pattern is None: return try: match(pattern, '') except reerror: print3("\nBad user-defined singular pattern:\n\t%s\n" % pattern) raise BadUserDefinedPatternError def checkpatplural(self, pattern): ''' check for errors in a regex replace pattern ''' return # can't find a pattern that doesn't pass the following test: # if pattern is None: # return # try: # resub('', pattern, '') # except reerror: # print3("\nBad user-defined plural pattern:\n\t%s\n" % pattern) # raise BadUserDefinedPatternError def ud_match(self, word, wordlist): for i in range(len(wordlist) - 2, -2, -2): # backwards through even elements mo = search(r'^%s$' % wordlist[i], word, IGNORECASE) if mo: if wordlist[i + 1] is None: return None pl = resub(r'\$(\d+)', r'\\1', wordlist[i + 1]) # change $n to \n for expand return mo.expand(pl) return None def classical(self, **kwargs): """ turn classical mode on and off for various categories turn on all classical modes: classical() classical(all=True) turn on or off specific claassical modes: e.g. classical(herd=True) classical(names=False) By default all classical modes are off except names. unknown value in args or key in kwargs rasies exception: UnknownClasicalModeError """ classical_mode = list(def_classical.keys()) if not kwargs: self.classical_dict = all_classical.copy() return if 'all' in kwargs: if kwargs['all']: self.classical_dict = all_classical.copy() else: self.classical_dict = no_classical.copy() for k, v in list(kwargs.items()): if k in classical_mode: self.classical_dict[k] = v else: raise UnknownClassicalModeError def num(self, count=None, show=None): # (;$count,$show) ''' Set the number to be used in other method calls. Returns count. Set show to False to return '' instead. ''' if count is not None: try: self.persistent_count = int(count) except ValueError: raise BadNumValueError if (show is None) or show: return str(count) else: self.persistent_count = None return '' def gender(self, gender): ''' set the gender for the singular of plural pronouns can be one of: 'neuter' ('they' -> 'it') 'feminine' ('they' -> 'she') 'masculine' ('they' -> 'he') 'gender-neutral' ('they' -> 'they') 'feminine or masculine' ('they' -> 'she or he') 'masculine or feminine' ('they' -> 'he or she') ''' if gender in singular_pronoun_genders: self.thegender = gender else: raise BadGenderError def nummo(self, matchobject): ''' num but take a matchobject use groups 1 and 2 in matchobject ''' return self.num(, def plmo(self, matchobject): ''' plural but take a matchobject use groups 1 and 3 in matchobject ''' return self.plural(, def plnounmo(self, matchobject): ''' plural_noun but take a matchobject use groups 1 and 3 in matchobject ''' return self.plural_noun(, def plverbmo(self, matchobject): ''' plural_verb but take a matchobject use groups 1 and 3 in matchobject ''' return self.plural_verb(, def pladjmo(self, matchobject): ''' plural_adj but take a matchobject use groups 1 and 3 in matchobject ''' return self.plural_adj(, def sinounmo(self, matchobject): ''' singular_noun but take a matchobject use groups 1 and 3 in matchobject ''' return self.singular_noun(, def amo(self, matchobject): ''' A but take a matchobject use groups 1 and 3 in matchobject ''' if is None: return self.a( return self.a(, def nomo(self, matchobject): ''' NO but take a matchobject use groups 1 and 3 in matchobject ''' return, def ordinalmo(self, matchobject): ''' ordinal but take a matchobject use group 1 ''' return self.ordinal( def numwordsmo(self, matchobject): ''' number_to_words but take a matchobject use group 1 ''' return self.number_to_words( def prespartmo(self, matchobject): ''' prespart but take a matchobject use group 1 ''' return self.present_participle( # 0. PERFORM GENERAL INFLECTIONS IN A STRING def inflect(self, text): ''' Perform inflections in a string. e.g. inflect('The plural of cat is plural(cat)') returns 'The plural of cat is cats' can use plural, plural_noun, plural_verb, plural_adj, singular_noun, a, an, no, ordinal, number_to_words and prespart ''' save_persistent_count = self.persistent_count sections = splitre(r"(num\([^)]*\))", text) inflection = [] for section in sections: (section, count) = subn(r"num\(\s*?(?:([^),]*)(?:,([^)]*))?)?\)", self.nummo, section) if not count: total = -1 while total: (section, total) = subn( r"(?x)\bplural \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) ", self.plmo, section) (section, count) = subn( r"(?x)\bplural_noun \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) ", self.plnounmo, section) total += count (section, count) = subn( r"(?x)\bplural_verb \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) ", self.plverbmo, section) total += count (section, count) = subn( r"(?x)\bplural_adj \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) ", self.pladjmo, section) total += count (section, count) = subn( r"(?x)\bsingular_noun \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) ", self.sinounmo, section) total += count (section, count) = subn( r"(?x)\ban? \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) ", self.amo, section) total += count (section, count) = subn( r"(?x)\bno \( ([^),]*) (, ([^)]*) )? \) ", self.nomo, section) total += count (section, count) = subn( r"(?x)\bordinal \( ([^)]*) \) ", self.ordinalmo, section) total += count (section, count) = subn( r"(?x)\bnumber_to_words \( ([^)]*) \) ", self.numwordsmo, section) total += count (section, count) = subn( r"(?x)\bpresent_participle \( ([^)]*) \) ", self.prespartmo, section) total += count inflection.append(section) self.persistent_count = save_persistent_count return "".join(inflection) # ## PLURAL SUBROUTINES def postprocess(self, orig, inflected): """ FIX PEDANTRY AND CAPITALIZATION :-) """ if '|' in inflected: inflected = inflected.split('|')[self.classical_dict['all']] if orig == "I": return inflected if orig == orig.upper(): return inflected.upper() if orig[0] == orig[0].upper(): return '%s%s' % (inflected[0].upper(), inflected[1:]) return inflected def partition_word(self, text): mo = search(r'\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z', text) try: return,, except AttributeError: # empty string return '', '', '' # def pl(self, *args, **kwds): # print 'pl() deprecated, use plural()' # raise DeprecationWarning # return self.plural(*args, **kwds) # # def plnoun(self, *args, **kwds): # print 'plnoun() deprecated, use plural_noun()' # raise DeprecationWarning # return self.plural_noun(*args, **kwds) # # def plverb(self, *args, **kwds): # print 'plverb() deprecated, use plural_verb()' # raise DeprecationWarning # return self.plural_verb(*args, **kwds) # # def pladj(self, *args, **kwds): # print 'pladj() deprecated, use plural_adj()' # raise DeprecationWarning # return self.plural_adj(*args, **kwds) # # def sinoun(self, *args, **kwds): # print 'sinoun() deprecated, use singular_noun()' # raise DeprecationWarning # return self.singular_noun(*args, **kwds) # # def prespart(self, *args, **kwds): # print 'prespart() deprecated, use present_participle()' # raise DeprecationWarning # return self.present_participle(*args, **kwds) # # def numwords(self, *args, **kwds): # print 'numwords() deprecated, use number_to_words()' # raise DeprecationWarning # return self.number_to_words(*args, **kwds) def plural(self, text, count=None): ''' Return the plural of text. If count supplied, then return text if count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that otherwise return the plural. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. ''' pre, word, post = self.partition_word(text) if not word: return text plural = self.postprocess( word, self._pl_special_adjective(word, count) or self._pl_special_verb(word, count) or self._plnoun(word, count)) return "%s%s%s" % (pre, plural, post) def plural_noun(self, text, count=None): ''' Return the plural of text, where text is a noun. If count supplied, then return text if count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that otherwise return the plural. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. ''' pre, word, post = self.partition_word(text) if not word: return text plural = self.postprocess(word, self._plnoun(word, count)) return "%s%s%s" % (pre, plural, post) def plural_verb(self, text, count=None): ''' Return the plural of text, where text is a verb. If count supplied, then return text if count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that otherwise return the plural. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. ''' pre, word, post = self.partition_word(text) if not word: return text plural = self.postprocess(word, self._pl_special_verb(word, count) or self._pl_general_verb(word, count)) return "%s%s%s" % (pre, plural, post) def plural_adj(self, text, count=None): ''' Return the plural of text, where text is an adjective. If count supplied, then return text if count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that otherwise return the plural. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. ''' pre, word, post = self.partition_word(text) if not word: return text plural = self.postprocess(word, self._pl_special_adjective(word, count) or word) return "%s%s%s" % (pre, plural, post) def compare(self, word1, word2): ''' compare word1 and word2 for equality regardless of plurality return values: eq - the strings are equal p:s - word1 is the plural of word2 s:p - word2 is the plural of word1 p:p - word1 and word2 are two different plural forms of the one word False - otherwise ''' return ( self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_noun) or self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_verb) or self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_adj)) def compare_nouns(self, word1, word2): ''' compare word1 and word2 for equality regardless of plurality word1 and word2 are to be treated as nouns return values: eq - the strings are equal p:s - word1 is the plural of word2 s:p - word2 is the plural of word1 p:p - word1 and word2 are two different plural forms of the one word False - otherwise ''' return self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_noun) def compare_verbs(self, word1, word2): ''' compare word1 and word2 for equality regardless of plurality word1 and word2 are to be treated as verbs return values: eq - the strings are equal p:s - word1 is the plural of word2 s:p - word2 is the plural of word1 p:p - word1 and word2 are two different plural forms of the one word False - otherwise ''' return self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_verb) def compare_adjs(self, word1, word2): ''' compare word1 and word2 for equality regardless of plurality word1 and word2 are to be treated as adjectives return values: eq - the strings are equal p:s - word1 is the plural of word2 s:p - word2 is the plural of word1 p:p - word1 and word2 are two different plural forms of the one word False - otherwise ''' return self._plequal(word1, word2, self.plural_adj) def singular_noun(self, text, count=None, gender=None): ''' Return the singular of text, where text is a plural noun. If count supplied, then return the singular if count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that or if count is None otherwise return text unchanged. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. ''' pre, word, post = self.partition_word(text) if not word: return text sing = self._sinoun(word, count=count, gender=gender) if sing is not False: plural = self.postprocess(word, self._sinoun(word, count=count, gender=gender)) return "%s%s%s" % (pre, plural, post) return False def _plequal(self, word1, word2, pl): classval = self.classical_dict.copy() self.classical_dict = all_classical.copy() if word1 == word2: return "eq" if word1 == pl(word2): return "p:s" if pl(word1) == word2: return "s:p" self.classical_dict = no_classical.copy() if word1 == pl(word2): return "p:s" if pl(word1) == word2: return "s:p" self.classical_dict = classval.copy() if pl == self.plural or pl == self.plural_noun: if self._pl_check_plurals_N(word1, word2): return "p:p" if self._pl_check_plurals_N(word2, word1): return "p:p" if pl == self.plural or pl == self.plural_adj: if self._pl_check_plurals_adj(word1, word2): return "p:p" return False def _pl_reg_plurals(self, pair, stems, end1, end2): if search(r"(%s)(%s\|\1%s|%s\|\1%s)" % (stems, end1, end2, end2, end1), pair): return True return False def _pl_check_plurals_N(self, word1, word2): pair = "%s|%s" % (word1, word2) if pair in list(pl_sb_irregular_s.values()): return True if pair in list(pl_sb_irregular.values()): return True if pair in list(pl_sb_irregular_caps.values()): return True for (stems, end1, end2) in ( (pl_sb_C_a_ata, "as", "ata"), (pl_sb_C_is_ides, "is", "ides"), (pl_sb_C_a_ae, "s", "e"), (pl_sb_C_en_ina, "ens", "ina"), (pl_sb_C_um_a, "ums", "a"), (pl_sb_C_us_i, "uses", "i"), (pl_sb_C_on_a, "ons", "a"), (pl_sb_C_o_i_stems, "os", "i"), (pl_sb_C_ex_ices, "exes", "ices"), (pl_sb_C_ix_ices, "ixes", "ices"), (pl_sb_C_i, "s", "i"), (pl_sb_C_im, "s", "im"), ('.*eau', "s", "x"), ('.*ieu', "s", "x"), ('.*tri', "xes", "ces"), ('.{2,}[yia]n', "xes", "ges") ): if self._pl_reg_plurals(pair, stems, end1, end2): return True return False def _pl_check_plurals_adj(self, word1, word2): # VERSION: tuple in endswith requires python 2.5 word1a = word1[:word1.rfind("'")] if word1.endswith(("'s", "'")) else '' word2a = word2[:word2.rfind("'")] if word2.endswith(("'s", "'")) else '' # TODO: BUG? report upstream. I don't think you should chop off the s' # word1b = word1[:-2] if word1.endswith("s'") else '' # word2b = word2[:-2] if word2.endswith("s'") else '' # TODO: dresses', dresses's -> dresses, dresses when chop off letters # then they return False because they are the same. Need to fix this. if word1a: if word2a and (self._pl_check_plurals_N(word1a, word2a) or self._pl_check_plurals_N(word2a, word1a)): return True # if word2b and ( self._pl_check_plurals_N(word1a, word2b) # or self._pl_check_plurals_N(word2b, word1a) ): # return True # if word1b: # if word2a and ( self._pl_check_plurals_N(word1b, word2a) # or self._pl_check_plurals_N(word2a, word1b) ): # return True # if word2b and ( self._pl_check_plurals_N(word1b, word2b) # or self._pl_check_plurals_N(word2b, word1b) ): # return True return False def get_count(self, count=None): if count is None and self.persistent_count is not None: count = self.persistent_count if count is not None: count = 1 if ((str(count) in pl_count_one) or (self.classical_dict['zero'] and str(count).lower() in pl_count_zero)) else 2 else: count = '' return count # @profile def _plnoun(self, word, count=None): count = self.get_count(count) # DEFAULT TO PLURAL if count == 1: return word # HANDLE USER-DEFINED NOUNS value = self.ud_match(word, self.pl_sb_user_defined) if value is not None: return value # HANDLE EMPTY WORD, SINGULAR COUNT AND UNINFLECTED PLURALS if word == '': return word lowerword = word.lower() if lowerword in pl_sb_uninflected_complete: return word if word in pl_sb_uninflected_caps: return word for k, v in pl_sb_uninflected_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word if (self.classical_dict['herd'] and lowerword in pl_sb_uninflected_herd): return word # HANDLE COMPOUNDS ("Governor General", "mother-in-law", "aide-de-camp", ETC.) mo = search(r"^(?:%s)$" % pl_sb_postfix_adj_stems, word, IGNORECASE) if mo and != '': return "%s%s" % (self._plnoun(, 2), if ' a ' in lowerword or '-a-' in lowerword: mo = search(r"^(?:%s)$" % pl_sb_prep_dual_compound, word, IGNORECASE) if mo and != '' and != '': return "%s%s%s" % (self._plnoun(, 2),, self._plnoun( lowersplit = lowerword.split(' ') if len(lowersplit) >= 3: for numword in range(1, len(lowersplit) - 1): if lowersplit[numword] in pl_prep_list_da: return ' '.join( lowersplit[:numword - 1] + [self._plnoun(lowersplit[numword - 1], 2)] + lowersplit[numword:]) lowersplit = lowerword.split('-') if len(lowersplit) >= 3: for numword in range(1, len(lowersplit) - 1): if lowersplit[numword] in pl_prep_list_da: return ' '.join( lowersplit[:numword - 1] + [self._plnoun(lowersplit[numword - 1], 2) + '-' + lowersplit[numword] + '-']) + ' '.join(lowersplit[(numword + 1):]) # HANDLE PRONOUNS for k, v in pl_pron_acc_keys_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: # ends with accusivate pronoun for pk, pv in pl_prep_bysize.items(): if lowerword[:pk] in pv: # starts with a prep if lowerword.split() == [lowerword[:pk], lowerword[-k:]]: # only whitespace in between return lowerword[:-k] + pl_pron_acc[lowerword[-k:]] try: return pl_pron_nom[word.lower()] except KeyError: pass try: return pl_pron_acc[word.lower()] except KeyError: pass # HANDLE ISOLATED IRREGULAR PLURALS wordsplit = word.split() wordlast = wordsplit[-1] lowerwordlast = wordlast.lower() if wordlast in list(pl_sb_irregular_caps.keys()): llen = len(wordlast) return '%s%s' % (word[:-llen], pl_sb_irregular_caps[wordlast]) if lowerwordlast in list(pl_sb_irregular.keys()): llen = len(lowerwordlast) return '%s%s' % (word[:-llen], pl_sb_irregular[lowerwordlast]) if (' '.join(wordsplit[-2:])).lower() in list(pl_sb_irregular_compound.keys()): llen = len(' '.join(wordsplit[-2:])) # TODO: what if 2 spaces between these words? return '%s%s' % (word[:-llen], pl_sb_irregular_compound[(' '.join(wordsplit[-2:])).lower()]) if lowerword[-3:] == 'quy': return word[:-1] + 'ies' if lowerword[-6:] == 'person': if self.classical_dict['persons']: return word + 's' else: return word[:-4] + 'ople' # HANDLE FAMILIES OF IRREGULAR PLURALS if lowerword[-3:] == 'man': for k, v in pl_sb_U_man_mans_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word + 's' for k, v in pl_sb_U_man_mans_caps_bysize.items(): if word[-k:] in v: return word + 's' return word[:-3] + 'men' if lowerword[-5:] == 'mouse': return word[:-5] + 'mice' if lowerword[-5:] == 'louse': return word[:-5] + 'lice' if lowerword[-5:] == 'goose': return word[:-5] + 'geese' if lowerword[-5:] == 'tooth': return word[:-5] + 'teeth' if lowerword[-4:] == 'foot': return word[:-4] + 'feet' if lowerword == 'die': return 'dice' # HANDLE UNASSIMILATED IMPORTS if lowerword[-4:] == 'ceps': return word if lowerword[-4:] == 'zoon': return word[:-2] + 'a' if lowerword[-3:] in ('cis', 'sis', 'xis'): return word[:-2] + 'es' for lastlet, d, numend, post in ( ('h', pl_sb_U_ch_chs_bysize, None, 's'), ('x', pl_sb_U_ex_ices_bysize, -2, 'ices'), ('x', pl_sb_U_ix_ices_bysize, -2, 'ices'), ('m', pl_sb_U_um_a_bysize, -2, 'a'), ('s', pl_sb_U_us_i_bysize, -2, 'i'), ('n', pl_sb_U_on_a_bysize, -2, 'a'), ('a', pl_sb_U_a_ae_bysize, None, 'e'), ): if lowerword[-1] == lastlet: # this test to add speed for k, v in d.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:numend] + post # HANDLE INCOMPLETELY ASSIMILATED IMPORTS if (self.classical_dict['ancient']): if lowerword[-4:] == 'trix': return word[:-1] + 'ces' if lowerword[-3:] in ('eau', 'ieu'): return word + 'x' if lowerword[-3:] in ('ynx', 'inx', 'anx') and len(word) > 4: return word[:-1] + 'ges' for lastlet, d, numend, post in ( ('n', pl_sb_C_en_ina_bysize, -2, 'ina'), ('x', pl_sb_C_ex_ices_bysize, -2, 'ices'), ('x', pl_sb_C_ix_ices_bysize, -2, 'ices'), ('m', pl_sb_C_um_a_bysize, -2, 'a'), ('s', pl_sb_C_us_i_bysize, -2, 'i'), ('s', pl_sb_C_us_us_bysize, None, ''), ('a', pl_sb_C_a_ae_bysize, None, 'e'), ('a', pl_sb_C_a_ata_bysize, None, 'ta'), ('s', pl_sb_C_is_ides_bysize, -1, 'des'), ('o', pl_sb_C_o_i_bysize, -1, 'i'), ('n', pl_sb_C_on_a_bysize, -2, 'a'), ): if lowerword[-1] == lastlet: # this test to add speed for k, v in d.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:numend] + post for d, numend, post in ( (pl_sb_C_i_bysize, None, 'i'), (pl_sb_C_im_bysize, None, 'im'), ): for k, v in d.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:numend] + post # HANDLE SINGULAR NOUNS ENDING IN ...s OR OTHER SILIBANTS if lowerword in pl_sb_singular_s_complete: return word + 'es' for k, v in pl_sb_singular_s_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word + 'es' if lowerword[-2:] == 'es' and word[0] == word[0].upper(): return word + 'es' # Wouldn't special words # ending with 's' always have been caught, regardless of them starting # with a capital letter (i.e. being names) # It makes sense below to do this for words ending in 'y' so that # Sally -> Sallys. But not sure it makes sense here. Where is the case # of a word ending in s that is caught here and would otherwise have been # caught below? # # removing it as I can't find a case that executes it # TODO: check this again # # if (self.classical_dict['names']): # mo = search(r"([A-Z].*s)$", word) # if mo: # return "%ses" % if lowerword[-1] == 'z': for k, v in pl_sb_z_zes_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word + 'es' if lowerword[-2:-1] != 'z': return word + 'zes' if lowerword[-2:] == 'ze': for k, v in pl_sb_ze_zes_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word + 's' if lowerword[-2:] in ('ch', 'sh', 'zz', 'ss') or lowerword[-1] == 'x': return word + 'es' # ## (r"(.*)(us)$", "%s%ses"), TODO: why is this commented? # HANDLE ...f -> ...ves if lowerword[-3:] in ('elf', 'alf', 'olf'): return word[:-1] + 'ves' if lowerword[-3:] == 'eaf' and lowerword[-4:-3] != 'd': return word[:-1] + 'ves' if lowerword[-4:] in ('nife', 'life', 'wife'): return word[:-2] + 'ves' if lowerword[-3:] == 'arf': return word[:-1] + 'ves' # HANDLE ...y if lowerword[-1] == 'y': if lowerword[-2:-1] in 'aeiou' or len(word) == 1: return word + 's' if (self.classical_dict['names']): if lowerword[-1] == 'y' and word[0] == word[0].upper(): return word + 's' return word[:-1] + 'ies' # HANDLE ...o if lowerword in pl_sb_U_o_os_complete: return word + 's' for k, v in pl_sb_U_o_os_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word + 's' if lowerword[-2:] in ('ao', 'eo', 'io', 'oo', 'uo'): return word + 's' if lowerword[-1] == 'o': return word + 'es' # OTHERWISE JUST ADD ...s return "%ss" % word def _pl_special_verb(self, word, count=None): if (self.classical_dict['zero'] and str(count).lower() in pl_count_zero): return False count = self.get_count(count) if count == 1: return word # HANDLE USER-DEFINED VERBS value = self.ud_match(word, self.pl_v_user_defined) if value is not None: return value # HANDLE IRREGULAR PRESENT TENSE (SIMPLE AND COMPOUND) lowerword = word.lower() try: firstword = lowerword.split()[0] except IndexError: return False # word is '' if firstword in list(plverb_irregular_pres.keys()): return "%s%s" % (plverb_irregular_pres[firstword], word[len(firstword):]) # HANDLE IRREGULAR FUTURE, PRETERITE AND PERFECT TENSES if firstword in plverb_irregular_non_pres: return word # HANDLE PRESENT NEGATIONS (SIMPLE AND COMPOUND) if firstword.endswith("n't") and firstword[:-3] in list(plverb_irregular_pres.keys()): return "%sn't%s" % (plverb_irregular_pres[firstword[:-3]], word[len(firstword):]) if firstword.endswith("n't"): return word # HANDLE SPECIAL CASES mo = search(r"^(%s)$" % plverb_special_s, word) if mo: return False if search(r"\s", word): return False if lowerword == 'quizzes': return 'quiz' # HANDLE STANDARD 3RD PERSON (CHOP THE ...(e)s OFF SINGLE WORDS) if lowerword[-4:] in ('ches', 'shes', 'zzes', 'sses') or \ lowerword[-3:] == 'xes': return word[:-2] # # mo = search(r"^(.*)([cs]h|[x]|zz|ss)es$", # # word, IGNORECASE) # # if mo: # # return "%s%s" % (, if lowerword[-3:] == 'ies' and len(word) > 3: return lowerword[:-3] + 'y' if (lowerword in pl_v_oes_oe or lowerword[-4:] in pl_v_oes_oe_endings_size4 or lowerword[-5:] in pl_v_oes_oe_endings_size5): return word[:-1] if lowerword.endswith('oes') and len(word) > 3: return lowerword[:-2] mo = search(r"^(.*[^s])s$", word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return # OTHERWISE, A REGULAR VERB (HANDLE ELSEWHERE) return False def _pl_general_verb(self, word, count=None): count = self.get_count(count) if count == 1: return word # HANDLE AMBIGUOUS PRESENT TENSES (SIMPLE AND COMPOUND) mo = search(r"^(%s)((\s.*)?)$" % plverb_ambiguous_pres_keys, word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return "%s%s" % (plverb_ambiguous_pres[], # HANDLE AMBIGUOUS PRETERITE AND PERFECT TENSES mo = search(r"^(%s)((\s.*)?)$" % plverb_ambiguous_non_pres, word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return word # OTHERWISE, 1st OR 2ND PERSON IS UNINFLECTED return word def _pl_special_adjective(self, word, count=None): count = self.get_count(count) if count == 1: return word # HANDLE USER-DEFINED ADJECTIVES value = self.ud_match(word, self.pl_adj_user_defined) if value is not None: return value # HANDLE KNOWN CASES mo = search(r"^(%s)$" % pl_adj_special_keys, word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return "%s" % (pl_adj_special[]) # HANDLE POSSESSIVES mo = search(r"^(%s)$" % pl_adj_poss_keys, word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return "%s" % (pl_adj_poss[]) mo = search(r"^(.*)'s?$", word) if mo: pl = self.plural_noun( trailing_s = "" if pl[-1] == 's' else "s" return "%s'%s" % (pl, trailing_s) # OTHERWISE, NO IDEA return False # @profile def _sinoun(self, word, count=None, gender=None): count = self.get_count(count) # DEFAULT TO PLURAL if count == 2: return word # SET THE GENDER try: if gender is None: gender = self.thegender elif gender not in singular_pronoun_genders: raise BadGenderError except (TypeError, IndexError): raise BadGenderError # HANDLE USER-DEFINED NOUNS value = self.ud_match(word, self.si_sb_user_defined) if value is not None: return value # HANDLE EMPTY WORD, SINGULAR COUNT AND UNINFLECTED PLURALS if word == '': return word lowerword = word.lower() if word in si_sb_ois_oi_case: return word[:-1] if lowerword in pl_sb_uninflected_complete: return word if word in pl_sb_uninflected_caps: return word for k, v in pl_sb_uninflected_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word if (self.classical_dict['herd'] and lowerword in pl_sb_uninflected_herd): return word # HANDLE COMPOUNDS ("Governor General", "mother-in-law", "aide-de-camp", ETC.) mo = search(r"^(?:%s)$" % pl_sb_postfix_adj_stems, word, IGNORECASE) if mo and != '': return "%s%s" % (self._sinoun(, 1, gender=gender), # how to reverse this one? # mo = search(r"^(?:%s)$" % pl_sb_prep_dual_compound, word, IGNORECASE) # if mo and != '' and != '': # return "%s%s%s" % (self._sinoun(, 1), #, # self._sinoun(, 1)) lowersplit = lowerword.split(' ') if len(lowersplit) >= 3: for numword in range(1, len(lowersplit) - 1): if lowersplit[numword] in pl_prep_list_da: return ' '.join(lowersplit[:numword - 1] + [self._sinoun(lowersplit[numword - 1], 1, gender=gender) or lowersplit[numword - 1]] + lowersplit[numword:]) lowersplit = lowerword.split('-') if len(lowersplit) >= 3: for numword in range(1, len(lowersplit) - 1): if lowersplit[numword] in pl_prep_list_da: return ' '.join( lowersplit[:numword - 1] + [(self._sinoun(lowersplit[numword - 1], 1, gender=gender) or lowersplit[numword - 1]) + '-' + lowersplit[numword] + '-']) + ' '.join(lowersplit[(numword + 1):]) # HANDLE PRONOUNS for k, v in si_pron_acc_keys_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: # ends with accusivate pronoun for pk, pv in pl_prep_bysize.items(): if lowerword[:pk] in pv: # starts with a prep if lowerword.split() == [lowerword[:pk], lowerword[-k:]]: # only whitespace in between return lowerword[:-k] + get_si_pron('acc', lowerword[-k:], gender) try: return get_si_pron('nom', word.lower(), gender) except KeyError: pass try: return get_si_pron('acc', word.lower(), gender) except KeyError: pass # HANDLE ISOLATED IRREGULAR PLURALS wordsplit = word.split() wordlast = wordsplit[-1] lowerwordlast = wordlast.lower() if wordlast in list(si_sb_irregular_caps.keys()): llen = len(wordlast) return '%s%s' % (word[:-llen], si_sb_irregular_caps[wordlast]) if lowerwordlast in list(si_sb_irregular.keys()): llen = len(lowerwordlast) return '%s%s' % (word[:-llen], si_sb_irregular[lowerwordlast]) if (' '.join(wordsplit[-2:])).lower() in list(si_sb_irregular_compound.keys()): llen = len(' '.join(wordsplit[-2:])) # TODO: what if 2 spaces between these words? return '%s%s' % (word[:-llen], si_sb_irregular_compound[(' '.join(wordsplit[-2:])).lower()]) if lowerword[-5:] == 'quies': return word[:-3] + 'y' if lowerword[-7:] == 'persons': return word[:-1] if lowerword[-6:] == 'people': return word[:-4] + 'rson' # HANDLE FAMILIES OF IRREGULAR PLURALS if lowerword[-4:] == 'mans': for k, v in si_sb_U_man_mans_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:-1] for k, v in si_sb_U_man_mans_caps_bysize.items(): if word[-k:] in v: return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] == 'men': return word[:-3] + 'man' if lowerword[-4:] == 'mice': return word[:-4] + 'mouse' if lowerword[-4:] == 'lice': return word[:-4] + 'louse' if lowerword[-5:] == 'geese': return word[:-5] + 'goose' if lowerword[-5:] == 'teeth': return word[:-5] + 'tooth' if lowerword[-4:] == 'feet': return word[:-4] + 'foot' if lowerword == 'dice': return 'die' # HANDLE UNASSIMILATED IMPORTS if lowerword[-4:] == 'ceps': return word if lowerword[-3:] == 'zoa': return word[:-1] + 'on' for lastlet, d, numend, post in ( ('s', si_sb_U_ch_chs_bysize, -1, ''), ('s', si_sb_U_ex_ices_bysize, -4, 'ex'), ('s', si_sb_U_ix_ices_bysize, -4, 'ix'), ('a', si_sb_U_um_a_bysize, -1, 'um'), ('i', si_sb_U_us_i_bysize, -1, 'us'), ('a', si_sb_U_on_a_bysize, -1, 'on'), ('e', si_sb_U_a_ae_bysize, -1, ''), ): if lowerword[-1] == lastlet: # this test to add speed for k, v in d.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:numend] + post # HANDLE INCOMPLETELY ASSIMILATED IMPORTS if (self.classical_dict['ancient']): if lowerword[-6:] == 'trices': return word[:-3] + 'x' if lowerword[-4:] in ('eaux', 'ieux'): return word[:-1] if lowerword[-5:] in ('ynges', 'inges', 'anges') and len(word) > 6: return word[:-3] + 'x' for lastlet, d, numend, post in ( ('a', si_sb_C_en_ina_bysize, -3, 'en'), ('s', si_sb_C_ex_ices_bysize, -4, 'ex'), ('s', si_sb_C_ix_ices_bysize, -4, 'ix'), ('a', si_sb_C_um_a_bysize, -1, 'um'), ('i', si_sb_C_us_i_bysize, -1, 'us'), ('s', pl_sb_C_us_us_bysize, None, ''), ('e', si_sb_C_a_ae_bysize, -1, ''), ('a', si_sb_C_a_ata_bysize, -2, ''), ('s', si_sb_C_is_ides_bysize, -3, 's'), ('i', si_sb_C_o_i_bysize, -1, 'o'), ('a', si_sb_C_on_a_bysize, -1, 'on'), ('m', si_sb_C_im_bysize, -2, ''), ('i', si_sb_C_i_bysize, -1, ''), ): if lowerword[-1] == lastlet: # this test to add speed for k, v in d.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:numend] + post # HANDLE PLURLS ENDING IN uses -> use if (lowerword[-6:] == 'houses' or word in si_sb_uses_use_case or lowerword in si_sb_uses_use): return word[:-1] # HANDLE PLURLS ENDING IN ies -> ie if word in si_sb_ies_ie_case or lowerword in si_sb_ies_ie: return word[:-1] # HANDLE PLURLS ENDING IN oes -> oe if (lowerword[-5:] == 'shoes' or word in si_sb_oes_oe_case or lowerword in si_sb_oes_oe): return word[:-1] # HANDLE SINGULAR NOUNS ENDING IN ...s OR OTHER SILIBANTS if (word in si_sb_sses_sse_case or lowerword in si_sb_sses_sse): return word[:-1] if lowerword in si_sb_singular_s_complete: return word[:-2] for k, v in si_sb_singular_s_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:-2] if lowerword[-4:] == 'eses' and word[0] == word[0].upper(): return word[:-2] # Wouldn't special words # ending with 's' always have been caught, regardless of them starting # with a capital letter (i.e. being names) # It makes sense below to do this for words ending in 'y' so that # Sally -> Sallys. But not sure it makes sense here. Where is the case # of a word ending in s that is caught here and would otherwise have been # caught below? # # removing it as I can't find a case that executes it # TODO: check this again # # if (self.classical_dict['names']): # mo = search(r"([A-Z].*ses)$", word) # if mo: # return "%s" % if lowerword in si_sb_z_zes: return word[:-2] if lowerword in si_sb_zzes_zz: return word[:-2] if lowerword[-4:] == 'zzes': return word[:-3] if (word in si_sb_ches_che_case or lowerword in si_sb_ches_che): return word[:-1] if lowerword[-4:] in ('ches', 'shes'): return word[:-2] if lowerword in si_sb_xes_xe: return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] == 'xes': return word[:-2] # (r"(.*)(us)es$", "%s%s"), TODO: why is this commented? # HANDLE ...f -> ...ves if (word in si_sb_ves_ve_case or lowerword in si_sb_ves_ve): return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] == 'ves': if lowerword[-5:-3] in ('el', 'al', 'ol'): return word[:-3] + 'f' if lowerword[-5:-3] == 'ea' and word[-6:-5] != 'd': return word[:-3] + 'f' if lowerword[-5:-3] in ('ni', 'li', 'wi'): return word[:-3] + 'fe' if lowerword[-5:-3] == 'ar': return word[:-3] + 'f' # HANDLE ...y if lowerword[-2:] == 'ys': if len(lowerword) > 2 and lowerword[-3] in 'aeiou': return word[:-1] if (self.classical_dict['names']): if lowerword[-2:] == 'ys' and word[0] == word[0].upper(): return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] == 'ies': return word[:-3] + 'y' # HANDLE ...o if lowerword[-2:] == 'os': if lowerword in si_sb_U_o_os_complete: return word[:-1] for k, v in si_sb_U_o_os_bysize.items(): if lowerword[-k:] in v: return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] in ('aos', 'eos', 'ios', 'oos', 'uos'): return word[:-1] if lowerword[-3:] == 'oes': return word[:-2] # UNASSIMILATED IMPORTS FINAL RULE if word in si_sb_es_is: return word[:-2] + 'is' # OTHERWISE JUST REMOVE ...s if lowerword[-1] == 's': return word[:-1] # COULD NOT FIND SINGULAR return False # ADJECTIVES def a(self, text, count=1): ''' Return the appropriate indefinite article followed by text. The indefinite article is either 'a' or 'an'. If count is not one, then return count followed by text instead of 'a' or 'an'. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. ''' mo = search(r"\A(\s*)(?:an?\s+)?(.+?)(\s*)\Z", text, IGNORECASE) if mo: word = if not word: return text pre = post = result = self._indef_article(word, count) return "%s%s%s" % (pre, result, post) return '' an = a def _indef_article(self, word, count): mycount = self.get_count(count) if mycount != 1: return "%s %s" % (count, word) # HANDLE USER-DEFINED VARIANTS value = self.ud_match(word, self.A_a_user_defined) if value is not None: return "%s %s" % (value, word) # HANDLE ORDINAL FORMS for a in ( (r"^(%s)" % A_ordinal_a, "a"), (r"^(%s)" % A_ordinal_an, "an"), ): mo = search(a[0], word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return "%s %s" % (a[1], word) # HANDLE SPECIAL CASES for a in ( (r"^(%s)" % A_explicit_an, "an"), (r"^[aefhilmnorsx]$", "an"), (r"^[bcdgjkpqtuvwyz]$", "a"), ): mo = search(a[0], word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return "%s %s" % (a[1], word) # HANDLE ABBREVIATIONS for a in ( (r"(%s)" % A_abbrev, "an", VERBOSE), (r"^[aefhilmnorsx][.-]", "an", IGNORECASE), (r"^[a-z][.-]", "a", IGNORECASE), ): mo = search(a[0], word, a[2]) if mo: return "%s %s" % (a[1], word) # HANDLE CONSONANTS mo = search(r"^[^aeiouy]", word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return "a %s" % word # HANDLE SPECIAL VOWEL-FORMS for a in ( (r"^e[uw]", "a"), (r"^onc?e\b", "a"), (r"^onetime\b", "a"), (r"^uni([^nmd]|mo)", "a"), (r"^u[bcfghjkqrst][aeiou]", "a"), (r"^ukr", "a"), (r"^(%s)" % A_explicit_a, "a"), ): mo = search(a[0], word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return "%s %s" % (a[1], word) # HANDLE SPECIAL CAPITALS mo = search(r"^U[NK][AIEO]?", word) if mo: return "a %s" % word # HANDLE VOWELS mo = search(r"^[aeiou]", word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return "an %s" % word # HANDLE y... (BEFORE CERTAIN CONSONANTS IMPLIES (UNNATURALIZED) "i.." SOUND) mo = search(r"^(%s)" % A_y_cons, word, IGNORECASE) if mo: return "an %s" % word # OTHERWISE, GUESS "a" return "a %s" % word # 2. TRANSLATE ZERO-QUANTIFIED $word TO "no plural($word)" def no(self, text, count=None): ''' If count is 0, no, zero or nil, return 'no' followed by the plural of text. If count is one of: 1, a, an, one, each, every, this, that return count followed by text. Otherwise return count follow by the plural of text. In the return value count is always followed by a space. Whitespace at the start and end is preserved. ''' if count is None and self.persistent_count is not None: count = self.persistent_count if count is None: count = 0 mo = search(r"\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z", text) pre = word = post = if str(count).lower() in pl_count_zero: return "%sno %s%s" % (pre, self.plural(word, 0), post) else: return "%s%s %s%s" % (pre, count, self.plural(word, count), post) # PARTICIPLES def present_participle(self, word): ''' Return the present participle for word. word is the 3rd person singular verb. ''' plv = self.plural_verb(word, 2) for pat, repl in ( (r"ie$", r"y"), (r"ue$", r"u"), # TODO: isn't ue$ -> u encompassed in the following rule? (r"([auy])e$", r"\g<1>"), (r"ski$", r"ski"), (r"[^b]i$", r""), (r"^(are|were)$", r"be"), (r"^(had)$", r"hav"), (r"^(hoe)$", r"\g<1>"), (r"([^e])e$", r"\g<1>"), (r"er$", r"er"), (r"([^aeiou][aeiouy]([bdgmnprst]))$", "\g<1>\g<2>"), ): (ans, num) = subn(pat, repl, plv) if num: return "%sing" % ans return "%sing" % ans # NUMERICAL INFLECTIONS def ordinal(self, num): ''' Return the ordinal of num. num can be an integer or text e.g. ordinal(1) returns '1st' ordinal('one') returns 'first' ''' if match(r"\d", str(num)): try: num % 2 n = num except TypeError: if '.' in str(num): try: n = int(num[-1]) # numbers after decimal, so only need last one for ordinal except ValueError: # ends with '.', so need to use whole string n = int(num[:-1]) else: n = int(num) try: post = nth[n % 100] except KeyError: post = nth[n % 10] return "%s%s" % (num, post) else: mo = search(r"(%s)\Z" % ordinal_suff, num) try: post = ordinal[] return resub(r"(%s)\Z" % ordinal_suff, post, num) except AttributeError: return "%sth" % num def millfn(self, ind=0): if ind > len(mill) - 1: print3("number out of range") raise NumOutOfRangeError return mill[ind] def unitfn(self, units, mindex=0): return "%s%s" % (unit[units], self.millfn(mindex)) def tenfn(self, tens, units, mindex=0): if tens != 1: return "%s%s%s%s" % (ten[tens], '-' if tens and units else '', unit[units], self.millfn(mindex)) return "%s%s" % (teen[units], mill[mindex]) def hundfn(self, hundreds, tens, units, mindex): if hundreds: return "%s hundred%s%s%s, " % (unit[hundreds], # use unit not unitfn as simpler " %s " % self.number_args['andword'] if tens or units else '', self.tenfn(tens, units), self.millfn(mindex)) if tens or units: return "%s%s, " % (self.tenfn(tens, units), self.millfn(mindex)) return '' def group1sub(self, mo): units = int( if units == 1: return " %s, " % self.number_args['one'] elif units: # TODO: bug one and zero are padded with a space but other numbers aren't. check this in perl return "%s, " % unit[units] else: return " %s, " % self.number_args['zero'] def group1bsub(self, mo): units = int( if units: # TODO: bug one and zero are padded with a space but other numbers aren't. check this in perl return "%s, " % unit[units] else: return " %s, " % self.number_args['zero'] def group2sub(self, mo): tens = int( units = int( if tens: return "%s, " % self.tenfn(tens, units) if units: return " %s %s, " % (self.number_args['zero'], unit[units]) return " %s %s, " % (self.number_args['zero'], self.number_args['zero']) def group3sub(self, mo): hundreds = int( tens = int( units = int( if hundreds == 1: hunword = " %s" % self.number_args['one'] elif hundreds: hunword = "%s" % unit[hundreds] # TODO: bug one and zero are padded with a space but other numbers aren't. check this in perl else: hunword = " %s" % self.number_args['zero'] if tens: tenword = self.tenfn(tens, units) elif units: tenword = " %s %s" % (self.number_args['zero'], unit[units]) else: tenword = " %s %s" % (self.number_args['zero'], self.number_args['zero']) return "%s %s, " % (hunword, tenword) def hundsub(self, mo): ret = self.hundfn(int(, int(, int(, self.mill_count) self.mill_count += 1 return ret def tensub(self, mo): return "%s, " % self.tenfn(int(, int(, self.mill_count) def unitsub(self, mo): return "%s, " % self.unitfn(int(, self.mill_count) def enword(self, num, group): # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() if group == 1: num = resub(r"(\d)", self.group1sub, num) elif group == 2: num = resub(r"(\d)(\d)", self.group2sub, num) num = resub(r"(\d)", self.group1bsub, num, 1) # group1bsub same as # group1sub except it doesn't use the default word for one. # Is this required? i.e. is the default word not to beused when # grouping in pairs? # # No. This is a bug. Fixed. TODO: report upstream. elif group == 3: num = resub(r"(\d)(\d)(\d)", self.group3sub, num) num = resub(r"(\d)(\d)", self.group2sub, num, 1) num = resub(r"(\d)", self.group1sub, num, 1) elif int(num) == 0: num = self.number_args['zero'] elif int(num) == 1: num = self.number_args['one'] else: num = num.lstrip().lstrip('0') self.mill_count = 0 # surely there's a better way to do the next bit mo = search(r"(\d)(\d)(\d)(?=\D*\Z)", num) while mo: num = resub(r"(\d)(\d)(\d)(?=\D*\Z)", self.hundsub, num, 1) mo = search(r"(\d)(\d)(\d)(?=\D*\Z)", num) num = resub(r"(\d)(\d)(?=\D*\Z)", self.tensub, num, 1) num = resub(r"(\d)(?=\D*\Z)", self.unitsub, num, 1) return num def blankfn(self, mo): ''' do a global blank replace TODO: surely this can be done with an option to resub rather than this fn ''' return '' def commafn(self, mo): ''' do a global ',' replace TODO: surely this can be done with an option to resub rather than this fn ''' return ',' def spacefn(self, mo): ''' do a global ' ' replace TODO: surely this can be done with an option to resub rather than this fn ''' return ' ' def number_to_words(self, num, wantlist=False, group=0, comma=',', andword='and', zero='zero', one='one', decimal='point', threshold=None): ''' Return a number in words. group = 1, 2 or 3 to group numbers before turning into words comma: define comma andword: word for 'and'. Can be set to ''. e.g. "one hundred and one" vs "one hundred one" zero: word for '0' one: word for '1' decimal: word for decimal point threshold: numbers above threshold not turned into words parameters not remembered from last call. Departure from Perl version. ''' self.number_args = dict(andword=andword, zero=zero, one=one) num = '%s' % num # Handle "stylistic" conversions (up to a given threshold)... if (threshold is not None and float(num) > threshold): spnum = num.split('.', 1) while (comma): (spnum[0], n) = subn(r"(\d)(\d{3}(?:,|\Z))", r"\1,\2", spnum[0]) if n == 0: break try: return "%s.%s" % (spnum[0], spnum[1]) except IndexError: return "%s" % spnum[0] if group < 0 or group > 3: raise BadChunkingOptionError nowhite = num.lstrip() if nowhite[0] == '+': sign = "plus" elif nowhite[0] == '-': sign = "minus" else: sign = "" myord = (num[-2:] in ('st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th')) if myord: num = num[:-2] finalpoint = False if decimal: if group != 0: chunks = num.split('.') else: chunks = num.split('.', 1) if chunks[-1] == '': # remove blank string if nothing after decimal chunks = chunks[:-1] finalpoint = True # add 'point' to end of output else: chunks = [num] first = 1 loopstart = 0 if chunks[0] == '': first = 0 if len(chunks) > 1: loopstart = 1 for i in range(loopstart, len(chunks)): chunk = chunks[i] # remove all non numeric \D chunk = resub(r"\D", self.blankfn, chunk) if chunk == "": chunk = "0" if group == 0 and (first == 0 or first == ''): chunk = self.enword(chunk, 1) else: chunk = self.enword(chunk, group) if chunk[-2:] == ', ': chunk = chunk[:-2] chunk = resub(r"\s+,", self.commafn, chunk) if group == 0 and first: chunk = resub(r", (\S+)\s+\Z", " %s \\1" % andword, chunk) chunk = resub(r"\s+", self.spacefn, chunk) # chunk = resub(r"(\A\s|\s\Z)", self.blankfn, chunk) chunk = chunk.strip() if first: first = '' chunks[i] = chunk numchunks = [] if first != 0: numchunks = chunks[0].split("%s " % comma) if myord and numchunks: # TODO: can this be just one re as it is in perl? mo = search(r"(%s)\Z" % ordinal_suff, numchunks[-1]) if mo: numchunks[-1] = resub(r"(%s)\Z" % ordinal_suff, ordinal[], numchunks[-1]) else: numchunks[-1] += 'th' for chunk in chunks[1:]: numchunks.append(decimal) numchunks.extend(chunk.split("%s " % comma)) if finalpoint: numchunks.append(decimal) # wantlist: Perl list context. can explictly specify in Python if wantlist: if sign: numchunks = [sign] + numchunks return numchunks elif group: signout = "%s " % sign if sign else '' return "%s%s" % (signout, ", ".join(numchunks)) else: signout = "%s " % sign if sign else '' num = "%s%s" % (signout, numchunks.pop(0)) if decimal is None: first = True else: first = not num.endswith(decimal) for nc in numchunks: if nc == decimal: num += " %s" % nc first = 0 elif first: num += "%s %s" % (comma, nc) else: num += " %s" % nc return num # Join words with commas and a trailing 'and' (when appropriate)... def join(self, words, sep=None, sep_spaced=True, final_sep=None, conj='and', conj_spaced=True): ''' Join words into a list. e.g. join(['ant', 'bee', 'fly']) returns 'ant, bee, and fly' options: conj: replacement for 'and' sep: separator. default ',', unless ',' is in the list then ';' final_sep: final separator. default ',', unless ',' is in the list then ';' conj_spaced: boolean. Should conj have spaces around it ''' if not words: return "" if len(words) == 1: return words[0] if conj_spaced: if conj == '': conj = ' ' else: conj = ' %s ' % conj if len(words) == 2: return "%s%s%s" % (words[0], conj, words[1]) if sep is None: if ',' in ''.join(words): sep = ';' else: sep = ',' if final_sep is None: final_sep = sep final_sep = "%s%s" % (final_sep, conj) if sep_spaced: sep += ' ' return "%s%s%s" % (sep.join(words[0:-1]), final_sep, words[-1])
radam_slw = { 'learning_rate': 0.0001, 'optimizer': 'radam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 0 } adam_slw = { 'learning_rate': 0.0001, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 0 } adam_mid = { 'learning_rate': 0.0005, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 0 } adam_midmid = { 'learning_rate': 0.0002, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 0 } radam_fst_long = { 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'optimizer': 'radam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 1000000 } radam_slw2 = { 'learning_rate': 0.0005, 'optimizer': 'radam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 10000 } radam_slw_long = { 'learning_rate': 0.0001, 'optimizer': 'radam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 1000000 } radam_fst = { 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'optimizer': 'radam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 10000 } radam_mid = { 'learning_rate': 0.0005, 'optimizer': 'radam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 10000 } crs_fst = { 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'decay_steps': 1000, 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } crs_fst_v2 = { 'learning_rate': 0.0001, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'decay_steps': 1000, 'schedule': 'crs_fst' } crs_slw = { 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'decay_steps': 10000, 'schedule': 'crs_slw' } crs_slw_v2 = { 'learning_rate': 0.0001, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'decay_steps': 10000, 'schedule': 'crs_slw' } crs_slw_v3 = { 'learning_rate': 0.0005, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'decay_steps': 10000, 'schedule': 'crs_slw' } mnist_adam = {'optimizer': 'adam', 'learning_rate': 0.001, 'decay_steps': 10000, 'num_train_epochs': 20 } svhn_adam_mid = { 'learning_rate': 0.0005, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 1000, 'num_train_epochs': 100, } svhn_radam_mid = { 'learning_rate': 0.0005, 'optimizer': 'radam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 1000, 'num_train_epochs': 200 } svhn_crs_slw = { 'learning_rate': 0.0005, 'optimizer': 'adam', 'hold_base_rate_steps': 0, 'num_train_epochs': 100, 'decay_steps': 10000, 'schedule': 'crs_slw', 'num_train_epochs': 200 } TRAIN_PARAMS = {'radam_slw': radam_slw, 'radam_fst': radam_fst, 'adam_slw': adam_slw, 'radam_fst_long': radam_fst_long, 'radam_slw_long': radam_slw_long, 'adam_mid': adam_mid, 'adam_midmid': adam_midmid, 'radam_mid': radam_mid, 'crs_fst': crs_fst, 'crs_slw': crs_slw, 'crs_slw_v2': crs_slw_v2, 'crs_slw_v3': crs_slw_v3, 'crs_fst_v2': crs_fst_v2, 'mnist_adam': mnist_adam, 'radam_slw2': radam_slw2, 'svhn_adam_mid': svhn_adam_mid, 'svhn_radam_mid': svhn_radam_mid, 'svhn_crs_slw': svhn_crs_slw}
from util.distill_params import DISTILL_PARAMS from util.model_configs import GPT2Config, ModelConfig, MODEL_CONFIGS, CapsConfig, ResnetConfig from util.train_params import TRAIN_PARAMS class TrainParams(object): def __init__(self, optimizer, learning_rate=0.0001, n_epochs=60, warmup_steps=5000, decay_steps=10000, hold_base_rate_steps=1000, total_training_steps=60000, num_train_epochs=60, decay_rate=0.96, schedule='', ): self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.warmup_steps = warmup_steps self.decay_steps = decay_steps self.hold_base_rate_steps = hold_base_rate_steps self.total_training_steps = total_training_steps self.num_train_epochs = num_train_epochs self.optimizer = optimizer self.schedule = schedule self.decay_rate = decay_rate class DistillParams(object): def __init__(self, distill_temp=5.0, student_distill_rate=0.9, student_gold_rate=0.1, student_learning_rate=0.0001, student_decay_steps=10000, student_warmup_steps=10000, student_hold_base_rate_steps=1000, student_decay_rate=0.96, student_optimizer='adam', teacher_learning_rate=0.0001, teacher_decay_steps=10000, teacher_warmup_steps=10000, teacher_hold_base_rate_steps=1000, teacher_decay_rate=0.96, teacher_optimizer='radam', n_epochs=60, schedule='', distill_decay_steps=1000000, distill_warmup_steps=0, hold_base_distillrate_steps=1000000, student_distill_rep_rate=1.0, distill_min_rate=0.0, distill_schedule='cnst', ): self.distill_temp = distill_temp self.distill_schedule = distill_schedule self.student_distill_rate = student_distill_rate self.distill_min_rate = distill_min_rate self.student_gold_rate = student_gold_rate self.student_learning_rate = student_learning_rate self.student_decay_steps = student_decay_steps self.student_warmup_steps = student_warmup_steps self.student_hold_base_rate_steps = student_hold_base_rate_steps self.student_optimizer = student_optimizer self.teacher_learning_rate = teacher_learning_rate self.teacher_warmup_steps = teacher_warmup_steps self.teacher_decay_steps = teacher_decay_steps self.teacher_optimizer = teacher_optimizer self.teacher_hold_base_rate_steps = teacher_hold_base_rate_steps self.n_epochs = n_epochs self.schedule = schedule self.distill_decay_steps = distill_decay_steps self.distill_warmup_steps = distill_warmup_steps self.hold_base_distillrate_steps = hold_base_distillrate_steps self.student_distill_rep_rate = student_distill_rep_rate self.teacher_decay_rate = teacher_decay_rate self.student_decay_rate = student_decay_rate class TaskParams: def __init__(self, batch_size=64, num_replicas_in_sync=1): self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_replicas_in_sync = num_replicas_in_sync def get_train_params(train_config): train_params = TrainParams(**TRAIN_PARAMS[train_config]) return train_params def get_distill_params(distill_config): if distill_config != 'base': return DistillParams(**DISTILL_PARAMS[distill_config]) return DistillParams() def get_task_params(**kwargs): task_params = TaskParams(**kwargs) return task_params def get_model_params(task, config_name='', model_config='base'): print("model config:", model_config) if model_config in MODEL_CONFIGS: model_cnfgs = MODEL_CONFIGS.get(model_config) else: model_cnfgs = MODEL_CONFIGS.get('base') if 'gpt' in config_name or 'bert' in config_name: return GPT2Config(vocab_size=task.vocab_size(), output_dim=task.output_size(), num_labels=task.output_size(), **model_cnfgs) elif 'caps' in config_name: return CapsConfig(output_dim=task.output_size(), **model_cnfgs) elif 'resnet' in config_name: return ResnetConfig(output_dim=task.output_size(), **model_cnfgs) else: return ModelConfig(input_dim=task.vocab_size(), output_dim=task.output_size(),**model_cnfgs)
from tf2_models.capnet import Capsule from tf2_models.cnn import VanillaCNN from tf2_models.ff import VanillaFF from tf2_models.ff_resnet import FFResnet from tf2_models.lm_lstm import LmLSTM, LmLSTMSharedEmb, ClassifierLSTM, LmLSTMSharedEmbV2 from tf2_models.lm_transformer import LmGPT2, LmGPT2SharedWeights, ClassifierGPT2, ClassifierGPT2SharedWeights, \ ClassifierBERT, ClassifierBERTSharedWeights from tf2_models.matrix_caps import MatrixCaps from tf2_models.resnet import Resnet MODELS = {"lm_lstm": LmLSTM, "lm_gpt2": LmGPT2, "lm_gpt2_shared": LmGPT2SharedWeights, "lm_lstm_shared_emb": LmLSTMSharedEmbV2, 'cl_gpt2': ClassifierGPT2, 'cl_lstm': ClassifierLSTM, 'cl_gpt2_shared': ClassifierGPT2SharedWeights, 'cl_bert': ClassifierBERT, 'cl_bert_shared': ClassifierBERTSharedWeights, 'cl_vcnn': VanillaCNN, 'cl_vff': VanillaFF, 'cl_capsule': Capsule, 'matrix_capsule': MatrixCaps, 'resnet': Resnet, 'resnet_ff': FFResnet}
from tasks.lm1b import Lm1B from tasks.mnist import Mnist, AffNistTask, Svhn, Mnist40 from tasks.smallnorb import SmallNorb from tasks.sst import ClassifySST2, LmSST2 from tasks.sv_agreement import SvAgreementLM, WordSvAgreementLM, WordSvAgreementVP from import WikiLM TASKS = { 'sv_agreement_lm': SvAgreementLM, 'word_sv_agreement_lm': WordSvAgreementLM, 'word_sv_agreement_vp': WordSvAgreementVP, 'mnist': Mnist, 'affnist': AffNistTask, 'smallnorb': SmallNorb, 'sst2': ClassifySST2, 'lm_sst2': LmSST2, 'lm1b': Lm1B, 'wikilm': WikiLM, 'svhn': Svhn, 'mnist40': Mnist40 }
import tensorflow as tf import os from distill.distiller import Distiller from distill.online_distiller import OnlineDistiller from distill.repsim_util import get_reps from tf2_models.train_utils import ExponentialDecayWithWarmpUp from tf2_models.trainer import OPTIMIZER_DIC from tf2_models.utils import camel2snake from inspect import isfunction import numpy as np class OfflineRepDistiller(Distiller): """ Implementation of soft representation sharing in online mode """ def __init__(self, hparams, distill_params, teacher_model, student_model, teacher_task, student_task, teacher_log_dir, student_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, student_ckpt_dir): self.teacher_model = teacher_model self.student_model = student_model self.student_task = student_task self.teacher_task = teacher_task self.hparams = hparams self.distill_params = distill_params self.temperature = tf.convert_to_tensor(distill_params.distill_temp) self.rep_loss = self.student_task.get_rep_loss() self.student_task_loss = self.student_task.get_loss_fn() self.teacher_task_loss = self.teacher_task.get_loss_fn() self.student_metrics = self.student_task.metrics() self.teacher_metrics = self.teacher_task.metrics() self.teacher_task_probs_fn = self.teacher_task.get_probs_fn() self.create_student_optimizer() self.setup_ckp_and_summary(student_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, teacher_log_dir) self.setup_models(distill_params) def setup_models(self, distill_params): x_s, y_s = iter(self.student_task.valid_dataset).next() x_t, y_t = iter(self.teacher_task.valid_dataset).next() self.student_model(x_s) self.student_model.summary() self.teacher_model(x_t) self.teacher_model.summary() self.student_model.compile( optimizer=self.student_optimizer, loss=self.student_task_loss, metrics=[self.student_metrics]) self.teacher_model.compile( loss=self.teacher_task_loss, metrics=[self.teacher_metrics]) def distill_loop(self): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def student_train_step(x, y_s, teacher_logits, teacher_reps): ''' Training step for the student model (this is the only training step for offline distillation). :param x: input :param y: output of the teacher model, used to compute distill loss :param y_true: actual outputs, used to compute actual loss :return: distill_loss actual_loss ''' #teacher_probs = self.task_probs_fn(logits=teacher_logits, labels=y_t, temperature=self.temperature) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: #logits = self.student_model(x, training=True) logits, student_reps = get_reps(x, self.student_model, index=(0, self.student_model.rep_index), layer= (None, self.student_model.rep_layer), training=True) rep_loss = self.rep_loss(reps1=student_reps, reps2=teacher_reps, padding_symbol=self.student_task.output_padding_symbol) reg_loss = tf.math.add_n(self.student_model.losses) actual_loss = self.student_task_loss(y_pred=logits, y_true=y_s) final_loss = self.distill_params.student_distill_rep_rate * rep_loss + \ self.distill_params.student_gold_rate * actual_loss + reg_loss grads = tape.gradient(final_loss, self.student_model.trainable_weights) self.student_model.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.student_model.trainable_weights), name="student_optimizer") return rep_loss, actual_loss @tf.function def epoch_loop(): step = 0 student_train_examples = self.student_task.train_dataset for x_s, y_s in student_train_examples: teacher_logits, teacher_reps = get_reps(x_s, self.teacher_model, index=(0, self.teacher_model.rep_index), layer=(None, self.teacher_model.rep_layer), training=False) reg_loss = tf.math.add_n(self.teacher_model.losses) actual_loss = self.teacher_task_loss(y_pred=teacher_logits, y_true=y_s) teacher_loss = actual_loss + reg_loss distill_loss, actual_loss = student_train_step(x=x_s, y_s=y_s, teacher_logits=teacher_logits, teacher_reps=teacher_reps) # Log every 200 batches. if step % 200 == 0: with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("student_train"): tf.summary.scalar('student_learning_rate', self.student_model.optimizer.learning_rate(self.student_model.optimizer.iterations)) tf.summary.scalar('fine_distill_loss', distill_loss, ) with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("teacher_train"): tf.summary.scalar('teacher_loss', teacher_loss) step += 1 if step == self.student_task.n_train_batches: with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("student_train"): tf.summary.scalar('distill_loss', distill_loss) tf.summary.scalar('actual_loss', actual_loss) break with self.summary_writer.as_default(): num_epochs = self.distill_params.n_epochs for _ in tf.range(num_epochs): epoch_loop() teacher_eval_results = self.teacher_model.evaluate(self.teacher_task.valid_dataset, steps=self.teacher_task.n_valid_batches) # Evaluate Teacher with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("eval_teacher"): for i, m_name in enumerate(self.teacher_model.metrics_names): tf.summary.scalar(m_name, teacher_eval_results[i]) # Evaluate Student student_eval_results = self.student_model.evaluate(self.student_task.valid_dataset, steps=self.student_task.n_valid_batches) with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("eval_student"): for i, m_name in enumerate(self.student_model.metrics_names): tf.summary.scalar(m_name, student_eval_results[i]) self.save_student()
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np def get_reps(outputs, index=1, layer=-1, **kwargs): """ If Model is LSTM: 1: final_rnn_outputs, 2: hidden_activation (for all layers, including input embeddings) reduction: None, "last", "sum" """ logits = outputs[0] outputs = tf.tuple(outputs) rep = outputs[index] if layer != -1 : rep = tf.gather(rep, layer) return logits, rep @tf.function def normalized_pairwisedot_product_sim(reps1, reps2): reps1 = reps1 / tf.norm(reps1, axis=-1)[..., None] reps2 = reps2 / tf.norm(reps2, axis=-1)[..., None] pw_dot_product = tf.cast(tf.matmul(reps1, reps2, transpose_b=True), dtype=tf.float32) return pw_dot_product @tf.function def normalized_dot_product_sim(reps1, reps2, padding_mask): # normalize reps: reps1 = reps1 / tf.norm(reps1, axis=-1)[..., None] reps2 = reps2 / tf.norm(reps2, axis=-1)[..., None] # Elementwise multiplication dot_product = tf.multiply(reps1, reps2) # Sum over last axis to get the dot product similarity between corresponding pairs dot_product = tf.reduce_sum(dot_product, axis=-1) dot_product = tf.multiply(dot_product, padding_mask[:, 0]) return dot_product @tf.function def second_order_rep_sim(reps1, reps2, padding_mask): sims1 = normalized_pairwisedot_product_sim(reps1, reps1) sims2 = normalized_pairwisedot_product_sim(reps2, reps2) #padding_mask = tf.ones((tf.shape(reps1)[0], 1)) so_sims = normalized_dot_product_sim(sims1, sims2, padding_mask) * padding_mask[:, 0] mean_sim = tf.reduce_sum(so_sims) / tf.reduce_sum(padding_mask) return mean_sim, so_sims @tf.function def compare_models(inputs, model1, model2, index1=1, index2=1, layer1=None, layer2=None, padding_symbol=None): reps1 = get_reps(inputs, model1, index=index1, layer=layer1) reps2 = get_reps(inputs, model2, index=index2, layer=layer2) reps1 = tf.reshape(reps1, (-1, tf.shape(reps1)[-1])) reps2 = tf.reshape(reps2, (-1, tf.shape(reps2)[-1])) if padding_symbol is not None and padding_symbol > -1: padding_mask = tf.cast(1.0 - (inputs == padding_symbol), dtype=tf.float32) padding_mask = tf.reshape(padding_mask, (-1, 1)) else: padding_mask = tf.ones((tf.shape(reps1)[0])) similarity_measures = second_order_rep_sim(reps1, reps2, padding_mask=padding_mask) return similarity_measures @tf.function def compare_reps(reps1, reps2, padding_symbol=None, inputs=None): reps1 = tf.reshape(reps1, (-1, tf.shape(reps1)[-1])) reps2 = tf.reshape(reps2, (-1, tf.shape(reps2)[-1])) if padding_symbol is not None and padding_symbol > -1: padding_mask = tf.cast(1.0 - (inputs == padding_symbol), dtype=tf.float32) padding_mask = tf.reshape(padding_mask, (-1, 1)) else: padding_mask = tf.ones((tf.shape(reps1)[0], 1)) similarity_measures = second_order_rep_sim(reps1, reps2, padding_mask) return similarity_measures @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def rep_loss(reps1, reps2, padding_symbol=None, inputs=None): reps1 = tf.reshape(reps1, (-1, tf.shape(reps1)[-1])) reps2 = tf.reshape(reps2, (-1, tf.shape(reps2)[-1])) if padding_symbol is not None and padding_symbol > -1: padding_mask = 1.0 - tf.cast(inputs == padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) padding_mask = tf.reshape(padding_mask, (-1, 1)) else: padding_mask = tf.ones((tf.shape(reps1)[0], 1)) mean_sim, _ = second_order_rep_sim(reps1, reps2, padding_mask) return 1.0 - mean_sim
import tensorflow as tf import os from distill.distill_util import get_distill_scheduler from distill.distiller import Distiller from tf2_models.train_utils import ExponentialDecayWithWarmpUp from tf2_models.trainer import OPTIMIZER_DIC from tf2_models.utils import camel2snake from inspect import isfunction import numpy as np class OnlineDistiller(Distiller): def __init__(self, hparams, distill_params, teacher_model, student_model, task, teacher_log_dir, student_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, student_ckpt_dir): self.hparams = hparams self.teacher_model = teacher_model self.student_model = student_model self.task = task self.distill_params = distill_params self.temperature = tf.convert_to_tensor(distill_params.distill_temp) self.distill_loss = self.task.get_distill_loss_fn(self.distill_params) self.task_loss = self.task.get_loss_fn() self.student_metrics = self.task.metrics() self.teacher_metrics = self.task.metrics() self.task_probs_fn = self.task.get_probs_fn() self.create_student_optimizer() self.create_teacher_optimizer() self.setup_ckp_and_summary(student_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, teacher_log_dir) self.setup_models(distill_params, task) self.distillrate_scheduler = get_distill_scheduler(distill_params.distill_schedule, min=distill_params.distill_min_rate, max=distill_params.student_distill_rate) def setup_ckp_and_summary(self, student_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, teacher_log_dir): # Init checkpoints self.teacher_ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(step=tf.Variable(1), optimizer=self.teacher_optimizer, net=self.teacher_model) self.teacher_manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(self.teacher_ckpt, teacher_ckpt_dir, max_to_keep=self.hparams.max_checkpoints) self.student_ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(step=tf.Variable(1), optimizer=self.student_optimizer, net=self.student_model) self.student_manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(self.student_ckpt, student_ckpt_dir, max_to_keep=self.hparams.max_checkpoints) # Init summary student_summary_dir = os.path.join(student_log_dir, 'summaries') self.summary_writer = tf.compat.v2.summary.create_file_writer(os.path.join(student_summary_dir, 'train')) tf.compat.v2.summary.experimental.set_step(self.teacher_optimizer.iterations) def create_teacher_optimizer(self): teacher_initial_learning_rate = self.distill_params.teacher_learning_rate lr_schedule = ExponentialDecayWithWarmpUp( initial_learning_rate=teacher_initial_learning_rate, decay_steps=self.distill_params.teacher_decay_steps, decay_rate=self.distill_params.teacher_decay_rate, warmup_steps=self.distill_params.teacher_warmup_steps, hold_base_rate_steps=self.distill_params.teacher_hold_base_rate_steps) self.teacher_optimizer = OPTIMIZER_DIC[self.distill_params.teacher_optimizer]( learning_rate=lr_schedule, epsilon=1e-08, clipnorm=1.0) def setup_models(self, distill_params, task): x, y = iter(self.task.valid_dataset).next() self.student_model(x, padding_symbol=self.task.input_padding_symbol) self.student_model.summary() self.teacher_model(x, padding_symbol=self.task.input_padding_symbol) self.teacher_model.summary() self.student_model.compile( optimizer=self.student_optimizer, loss=self.task_loss, metrics=[self.student_metrics]) self.teacher_model.compile( optimizer=self.teacher_optimizer, loss=self.task_loss, metrics=[self.teacher_metrics]) def distill_loop(self): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def teacher_train_step(x, y_true): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: logits = self.teacher_model(x, padding_symbol=self.task.input_padding_symbol, training=True) loss = self.teacher_model.loss(y_pred=logits, y_true=y_true) if len(self.teacher_model.losses) > 0: reg_loss = tf.math.add_n(self.teacher_model.losses) else: reg_loss = 0 final_loss = loss + reg_loss grads = tape.gradient(final_loss, self.teacher_model.trainable_weights) self.teacher_model.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.teacher_model.trainable_weights), name="teacher_optimizer") return logits, final_loss @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def student_train_step(x, y, y_true): ''' Training step for the student model (this is the only training step for offline distillation). :param x: input :param y: output of the teacher model, used to compute distill loss :param y_true: actual outputs, used to compute actual loss :return: distill_loss actual_loss ''' student_distill_rate = self.distillrate_scheduler(self.student_optimizer.iterations) student_gold_rate = 1 - student_distill_rate with tf.GradientTape() as tape: logits = self.student_model(x, padding_symbol=self.task.input_padding_symbol, training=True) distill_loss = self.distill_loss(y_pred=logits, y_true=y) if len(self.student_model.losses) > 0: reg_loss = tf.math.add_n(self.student_model.losses) else: reg_loss = 0 actual_loss = self.task_loss(y_pred=logits, y_true=y_true) final_loss = student_distill_rate * distill_loss + \ student_gold_rate * actual_loss + reg_loss grads = tape.gradient(final_loss, self.student_model.trainable_weights) self.student_model.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.student_model.trainable_weights), name="student_optimizer") return distill_loss, actual_loss, student_distill_rate @tf.function def epoch_loop(): step = 0 for x, y in self.task.train_dataset: teacher_logits, teacher_loss = teacher_train_step(x, y) teacher_probs = self.task_probs_fn(logits=teacher_logits, labels=y, temperature=self.temperature) soft_targets = tf.stop_gradient(teacher_probs) distill_loss, actual_loss, student_distill_rate = student_train_step(x=x, y=soft_targets, y_true=y) # Log every 200 batches. if step % 200 == 0: with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("student_train"): tf.summary.scalar('student_learning_rate', self.student_model.optimizer.learning_rate(self.student_model.optimizer.iterations)) tf.summary.scalar('fine_distill_loss', distill_loss) tf.summary.scalar('student_distill_rate', student_distill_rate) with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("teacher_train"): tf.summary.scalar('teacher_loss', teacher_loss) tf.summary.scalar('teacher_learning_rate', self.teacher_model.optimizer.learning_rate(self.teacher_model.optimizer.iterations)) step += 1 if step == self.task.n_train_batches: with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("student_train"): tf.summary.scalar('distill_loss', distill_loss) tf.summary.scalar('actual_loss', actual_loss) break with self.summary_writer.as_default(): num_epochs = self.distill_params.n_epochs for epoch in tf.range(num_epochs): epoch_loop() teacher_eval_results = self.teacher_model.evaluate(self.task.valid_dataset, steps=self.task.n_valid_batches) # Evaluate Teacher with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("eval_teacher"): for i, m_name in enumerate(self.teacher_model.metrics_names): tf.summary.scalar(m_name, teacher_eval_results[i]) # Evaluate Student student_eval_results = self.student_model.evaluate(self.task.valid_dataset, steps=self.task.n_valid_batches) with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("eval_student"): for i, m_name in enumerate(self.student_model.metrics_names): tf.summary.scalar(m_name, student_eval_results[i]) pow2 = [0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512] if self.hparams.keep_some_checkpoints: if (epoch in pow2) or (epoch == (self.distill_params.n_epochs - 1)): self.save_student() self.save_teacher() else: self.save_student() self.save_teacher() def save_teacher(self): self.teacher_ckpt.step.assign_add(1) save_path = tf.print("Saved teacher checkpoint", save_path)
class Model(object): def apply(self, examples): raise NotImplementedError def update(self, loss): raise NotImplementedError
''' Code to apply the distillation process for a teacher and a student model. Run: python distill/ \ --task=word_sv_agreement_vp \ --teacher_exp_name=small_lstm_v4_0.0001_withl2 \ --teacher_model=cl_lstm \ --teacher_config=small_lstm_v4 \ --student_exp_name=distilled0 \ --student_model=cl_gpt2 \ --student_config=small_gpt_v9 \ --distill_mode=offline ''' from distill.distiller import Distiller from distill.online_distiller import OnlineDistiller from util import constants from util.config_util import get_distill_params import os from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from absl import flags, logging import sys import tensorflow as tf from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('logdir', 'logs', 'log dir') flags.DEFINE_string('chkpt_dir', 'tf_ckpts', 'checkpoint dir') flags.DEFINE_string('task', 'word_sv_agreement_lm', 'sv_agreement_lm | word_sv_agreement_lm | word_sv_agreement_vp') flags.DEFINE_string('distill_config', 'base', ' distillation hparams set') flags.DEFINE_string('teacher_exp_name', 'trial4', 'experiment directory') flags.DEFINE_string('teacher_model', 'lm_lstm', 'lm_lstm | lm_gpt2') flags.DEFINE_string('student_exp_name', 'trial1', 'experiment directory') flags.DEFINE_string('student_model', 'lm_lstm', 'lm_lstm | lm_gpt2') flags.DEFINE_string('student_config', 'base', 'base | small_lstm ') flags.DEFINE_string('teacher_config', 'base', 'base | small_lstm ') flags.DEFINE_string('distill_mode', 'offline', 'offline | online | off_schdld | on_schdld') flags.DEFINE_integer('max_checkpoints', 2, 'keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours passed to training manager') flags.DEFINE_boolean('keep_some_checkpoints', False, 'keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours passed to training manager') flags.DEFINE_string('keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours',None, 'keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours passed to training manager') flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 64, 'batch_size') FLAGS(sys.argv) hparams = flags.FLAGS def create_and_load_models(): if hasattr(task.databuilder, 'sentence_encoder'): cl_token = task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) else: cl_token = 0 teacher_model = MODELS[hparams.teacher_model]( hparams=get_model_params(task, hparams.teacher_model, hparams.teacher_config), cl_token=cl_token) student_model = MODELS[hparams.student_model]( hparams=get_model_params(task, hparams.student_model, hparams.student_config), cl_token=cl_token) teacher_log_dir = os.path.join(hparams.logdir,, '_'.join([hparams.distill_mode,hparams.distill_config, "teacher",teacher_model.model_name,hparams.teacher_config,hparams.teacher_exp_name])) teacher_ckpt_dir = os.path.join(hparams.chkpt_dir,, '_'.join([teacher_model.model_name, hparams.teacher_config,hparams.teacher_exp_name])) student_log_dir = os.path.join(hparams.logdir,, '_'.join([hparams.distill_mode,hparams.distill_config, "teacher", teacher_model.model_name, str(hparams.teacher_config), hparams.teacher_exp_name, "student", student_model.model_name, str(hparams.student_config), hparams.student_exp_name])) student_ckpt_dir = os.path.join(hparams.chkpt_dir,, '_'.join([hparams.distill_mode,hparams.distill_config, "teacher", teacher_model.model_name, str(hparams.teacher_config), hparams.teacher_exp_name, "student",student_model.model_name, str(hparams.student_config),hparams.student_exp_name])) return teacher_model, student_model, teacher_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir, student_ckpt_dir DISTILLER = {'offline': Distiller, 'online': OnlineDistiller, } if __name__ == '__main__': # Create task task = TASKS[hparams.task](get_task_params(batch_size=hparams.batch_size)) # Create the Model teacher_model, student_model, \ teacher_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir, student_ckpt_dir = create_and_load_models() distiller = DISTILLER[hparams.distill_mode](hparams=hparams, distill_params=get_distill_params(hparams.distill_config), teacher_model=teacher_model, student_model=student_model, task=task, teacher_ckpt_dir=teacher_ckpt_dir, teacher_log_dir=teacher_log_dir, student_ckpt_dir=student_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir=student_log_dir, ) # Restore Models distiller.restore_teacher() distiller.restore_student() # Run the distillation loop distiller.distill_loop()
''' Code to apply the distillation process for a teacher and a student model. Run: python distill/ \ --task=word_sv_agreement_vp \ --teacher_exp_name=small_lstm_v4_0.0001_withl2 \ --teacher_model=cl_lstm \ --teacher_config=small_lstm_v4 \ --student_exp_name=distilled0 \ --student_model=cl_gpt2 \ --student_config=small_gpt_v9 \ --distill_mode=offline ''' from distill.distiller import Distiller from distill.online_distiller import OnlineDistiller from distill.scheduled_distiller import ScheduledDistiller from util import constants from util.config_util import get_distill_params import os from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from absl import flags, logging import sys import tensorflow as tf from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('logdir', 'logs', 'log dir') flags.DEFINE_string('chkpt_dir', 'tf_ckpts', 'checkpoint dir') flags.DEFINE_string('task', 'word_sv_agreement_lm', 'sv_agreement_lm | word_sv_agreement_lm | word_sv_agreement_vp') flags.DEFINE_string('distill_config', 'base', ' distillation hparams set') flags.DEFINE_string('teacher_exp_name', 'trial4', 'experiment directory') flags.DEFINE_string('teacher_model', 'lm_lstm', 'lm_lstm | lm_gpt2') flags.DEFINE_string('student_exp_name', 'trial1', 'experiment directory') flags.DEFINE_string('student_model', 'lm_lstm', 'lm_lstm | lm_gpt2') flags.DEFINE_string('student_config', 'base', 'base | small_lstm ') flags.DEFINE_string('teacher_config', 'base', 'base | small_lstm ') flags.DEFINE_string('distill_mode', 'offline', 'offline | online | off_schdld | on_schdld') flags.DEFINE_string('keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours',None, 'keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours passed to training manager') FLAGS(sys.argv) hparams = flags.FLAGS def create_and_load_models(): teacher_model = MODELS[hparams.teacher_model]( hparams=get_model_params(task, hparams.teacher_model, hparams.teacher_config)) student_model = MODELS[hparams.student_model]( hparams=get_model_params(task, hparams.student_model, hparams.student_config)) teacher_log_dir = os.path.join(hparams.logdir,, '_'.join([hparams.distill_mode,hparams.distill_config, "teacher",teacher_model.model_name,hparams.teacher_config,hparams.teacher_exp_name])) teacher_ckpt_dir = os.path.join(hparams.chkpt_dir,, '_'.join([teacher_model.model_name, hparams.teacher_config,hparams.teacher_exp_name])) student_log_dir = os.path.join(hparams.logdir,, '_'.join([hparams.distill_mode,hparams.distill_config, "teacher", teacher_model.model_name, str(hparams.teacher_config), hparams.teacher_exp_name, "student", student_model.model_name, str(hparams.student_config), hparams.student_exp_name])) student_ckpt_dir = os.path.join(hparams.chkpt_dir,, '_'.join([hparams.distill_mode,hparams.distill_config, "teacher", teacher_model.model_name, str(hparams.teacher_config), hparams.teacher_exp_name, "student",student_model.model_name, str(hparams.student_config),hparams.student_exp_name])) return teacher_model, student_model, teacher_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir, student_ckpt_dir DISTILLER = {'offline': Distiller, 'online': OnlineDistiller, 'off_schdld': ScheduledDistiller} if __name__ == '__main__': # Create task task = TASKS[hparams.task](get_task_params()) # Create the Model teacher_model, student_model, \ teacher_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir, student_ckpt_dir = create_and_load_models() distiller = DISTILLER[hparams.distill_mode](hparams=hparams, distill_params=get_distill_params(hparams.distill_config), teacher_model=teacher_model, student_model=student_model, task=task, teacher_ckpt_dir=teacher_ckpt_dir, teacher_log_dir=teacher_log_dir, student_ckpt_dir=student_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir=student_log_dir, ) # Restore Models distiller.restore_teacher() distiller.restore_student() # Run the distillation loop distiller.distill_loop()
import tensorflow as tf from tf2_models.metrics import distill_loss, sequence_distill_loss @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def get_topk_mask(inputs, k): inputs_shape = tf.shape(inputs) inputs_shape = tf.cast(inputs_shape, dtype=tf.int64) values, indices = tf.nn.top_k(inputs, k=k, sorted=False) indices = tf.cast(indices, dtype=tf.int64) k = tf.cast(k, dtype=tf.int64) temp_indices = tf.meshgrid(*[tf.range(d, dtype=tf.int64) for d in (tf.unstack( inputs_shape[:(inputs.get_shape().ndims - 1)]) + [k])], indexing='ij') temp_indices = tf.stack(temp_indices[:-1] + [indices], axis=-1) full_indices = tf.reshape(temp_indices, [-1, inputs.get_shape().ndims]) values = tf.reshape(values, [-1]) mask_vals = tf.ones_like(values, dtype=tf.int64) full_indices = tf.cast( full_indices, dtype=tf.int64) mask_st = tf.SparseTensor(indices=full_indices, values=mask_vals, dense_shape=inputs_shape) mask = tf.sparse.to_dense(tf.sparse.reorder(mask_st)) return mask @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def get_topk_masked_probs(logits, labels, temperature, k=100, padding_symbol=0): topk_mask = (1 - tf.cast(get_topk_mask(logits, k), dtype=tf.float32)) * -10e8 teacher_probs = tf.nn.softmax((logits + topk_mask) / temperature, axis=-1) sequence_mask = tf.cast(labels != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) masked_teacher_probs = teacher_probs * sequence_mask[..., None] + tf.eye(tf.shape(teacher_probs)[-1])[0] * ( 1 - sequence_mask[..., None]) return masked_teacher_probs @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def get_masked_probs(logits, labels, temperature, padding_symbol=0): teacher_probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits / temperature, axis=-1) sequence_mask = tf.cast(labels != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) masked_teacher_probs = teacher_probs * sequence_mask[..., None] + tf.eye(tf.shape(teacher_probs)[-1])[0] * ( 1 - sequence_mask[..., None]) return masked_teacher_probs @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def get_probs(logits, labels, temperature): teacher_probs = tf.nn.softmax(logits / temperature, axis=-1) return teacher_probs class DistillLoss(tf.keras.losses.Loss): def __init__(self, padding_symbol=0, tmp=1.0, **kwargs): super(DistillLoss, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.tmp = tf.Variable(tmp, dtype=tf.float32, name="temp") self.padding_symbol = tf.Variable(padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64, name="padding_symbol") def call(self, y_true, y_pred): return distill_loss(y_true, y_pred, self.tmp) class SequenceDistillLoss(tf.keras.losses.Loss): def __init__(self, padding_symbol=0, tmp=1.0, **kwargs): super(SequenceDistillLoss, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.tmp = tf.Variable(tmp, dtype=tf.float32, name="tmp") self.padding_symbol = tf.Variable(padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64, name="padding_symbol") def call(self, y_true, y_pred): return sequence_distill_loss(y_true, y_pred, self.padding_symbol, self.tmp) def get_distill_scheduler(schedule, min=0.0, max=1.0, decay_steps=10000): if schedule is "exp": scheduler = tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.ExponentialDecay( max, decay_steps=1000, decay_rate=0.96, staircase=True) elif schedule is 'crs': scheduler = tf.keras.experimental.CosineDecayRestarts( max, decay_steps, t_mul=2.0, m_mul=0.9, alpha=0.001, ) elif schedule is 'lnr': a = (max - min) / decay_steps scheduler = lambda x: max - a*x elif schedule is 'stp': scheduler = lambda x: max if x < decay_steps else min else: scheduler = lambda x: max return scheduler
import tensorflow as tf import os from distill.distill_util import get_distill_scheduler from tf2_models.train_utils import ExponentialDecayWithWarmpUp from tf2_models.trainer import OPTIMIZER_DIC import numpy as np class Distiller(object): ''' Pipeline for offline distillation. ''' def __init__(self, hparams, distill_params, teacher_model, student_model, task, teacher_log_dir, student_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, student_ckpt_dir): self.teacher_model = teacher_model self.student_model = student_model self.task = task self.distill_params = distill_params self.temperature = tf.convert_to_tensor(distill_params.distill_temp) self.distill_loss = self.task.get_distill_loss_fn(self.distill_params) self.task_loss = self.task.get_loss_fn() self.metrics = self.task.metrics() self.task_probs_fn = self.task.get_probs_fn() self.hparams = hparams self.create_student_optimizer() self.setup_ckp_and_summary(student_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, teacher_log_dir) self.setup_models(distill_params, task) self.distillrate_scheduler = get_distill_scheduler(distill_params.distill_schedule, min=distill_params.distill_min_rate, max=distill_params.student_distill_rate) def create_student_optimizer(self): student_initial_learning_rate = self.distill_params.student_learning_rate if 'crs' in self.distill_params.schedule: lr_schedule = ( tf.keras.experimental.CosineDecayRestarts( student_initial_learning_rate, first_decay_steps=self.distill_params.student_decay_steps, t_mul=5.0, #0.2 m_mul=self.distill_params.student_decay_rate, alpha=0.001, )) else: lr_schedule = ExponentialDecayWithWarmpUp( initial_learning_rate=student_initial_learning_rate, decay_steps=self.distill_params.student_decay_steps, decay_rate=self.distill_params.student_decay_rate, warmup_steps=self.distill_params.student_warmup_steps, hold_base_rate_steps=self.distill_params.student_hold_base_rate_steps) self.student_optimizer = OPTIMIZER_DIC[self.distill_params.student_optimizer]( learning_rate=lr_schedule, epsilon=1e-08, clipnorm=1.0) def setup_ckp_and_summary(self, student_ckpt_dir, student_log_dir, teacher_ckpt_dir, teacher_log_dir): # Init checkpoints self.teacher_ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(net=self.teacher_model) self.teacher_manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(self.teacher_ckpt, teacher_ckpt_dir, max_to_keep=self.hparams.max_checkpoints) self.student_ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(step=tf.Variable(1), optimizer=self.student_optimizer, net=self.student_model) self.student_manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(self.student_ckpt, student_ckpt_dir, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=self.hparams.keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours, max_to_keep=self.hparams.max_checkpoints) # Init summary student_summary_dir = os.path.join(student_log_dir, 'summaries') self.summary_writer = tf.compat.v2.summary.create_file_writer(os.path.join(student_summary_dir, 'train')) tf.compat.v2.summary.experimental.set_step(self.student_optimizer.iterations) def setup_models(self, distill_params, task): x, y = iter(self.task.valid_dataset).next() self.student_model(x, padding_symbol=self.task.input_padding_symbol, training=True) self.student_model.summary() self.teacher_model(x, padding_symbol=self.task.input_padding_symbol, training=True) self.teacher_model.summary() self.student_model.compile( optimizer=self.student_optimizer, loss=self.task_loss, metrics=[self.metrics]) self.teacher_model.compile( loss=self.task_loss, metrics=[self.metrics]) def restore_teacher(self): ''' Restore the teacher model from its checkpoint. ''' self.teacher_ckpt.restore(self.teacher_manager.latest_checkpoint) if self.teacher_manager.latest_checkpoint: print("Restored teacher from {}".format(self.teacher_manager.latest_checkpoint)) else: print("Initializing teacher from scratch.") def restore_student(self): ''' Restore the student model from its checkpoint. ''' self.student_ckpt.restore(self.student_manager.latest_checkpoint) if self.student_manager.latest_checkpoint: print("Restored student from {}".format(self.student_manager.latest_checkpoint)) else: print("Initializing student from scratch.") def save_student(self): self.student_ckpt.step.assign_add(1) save_path = tf.print("Saved student checkpoint", save_path) def distill_loop(self): ''' Offline Distillation main loop. ''' #'Distribute strategy: mirrored.') # strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() # train_dataset = strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset(self.task.train_dataset) # valid_dataset = strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset(self.task.valid_dataset) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def student_train_step(x, teacher_y, y_true): ''' Training step for the student model (this is the only training step for offline distillation). :param x: input :param y: output of the teacher model, used to compute distill loss :param y_true: actual outputs, used to compute actual loss :return: distill_loss actual_loss ''' student_distill_rate = self.distillrate_scheduler(self.student_optimizer.iterations) student_gold_rate = 1 - student_distill_rate with tf.GradientTape() as tape: logits = self.student_model(x, padding_symbol=self.task.input_padding_symbol, training=True) distill_loss = self.distill_loss(y_pred=logits, y_true=teacher_y) reg_loss = tf.math.add_n(self.student_model.losses) actual_loss = self.task_loss(y_pred=logits, y_true=y_true) final_loss = student_distill_rate * distill_loss + \ student_gold_rate * actual_loss + reg_loss grads = tape.gradient(final_loss, self.student_model.trainable_weights) self.student_model.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, self.student_model.trainable_weights), name="student_optimizer") return distill_loss, actual_loss, student_distill_rate @tf.function def epoch_loop(): step = 0 for x,y in self.task.train_dataset: teacher_logits = self.teacher_model(x, padding_symbol=self.task.input_padding_symbol, training=True) teacher_probs = self.task_probs_fn(logits=teacher_logits, labels=y, temperature=self.temperature) distill_loss, actual_loss, student_distill_rate = student_train_step(x=x, teacher_y=teacher_probs, y_true=y) # Log every 200 batches. if step % 200 == 0: with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("student_train"): tf.summary.scalar('student_learning_rate', self.student_model.optimizer.learning_rate(self.student_model.optimizer.iterations), ) tf.summary.scalar('fine_distill_loss', distill_loss) tf.summary.scalar('student_distill_rate', student_distill_rate) step += 1 # Stop at the end of the epoch if (step % self.task.n_train_batches) == 0: with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("student_train"): tf.summary.scalar('distill_loss', distill_loss) tf.summary.scalar('actual_loss', actual_loss) break @tf.function def summarize(teacher_eval_results, student_eval_results): with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("eval_teacher"): for i, m_name in enumerate(self.teacher_model.metrics_names): tf.summary.scalar(m_name, teacher_eval_results[i]) with tf.summary.experimental.summary_scope("eval_student"): for i, m_name in enumerate(self.student_model.metrics_names): tf.summary.scalar(m_name, student_eval_results[i]) with self.summary_writer.as_default(): for epoch in np.arange(self.distill_params.n_epochs): epoch_loop() # Evaluate Teacher teacher_eval_results = self.teacher_model.evaluate(self.task.valid_dataset, steps=self.task.n_valid_batches) # Evaluate Student student_eval_results = self.student_model.evaluate(self.task.valid_dataset, steps=self.task.n_valid_batches) summarize(teacher_eval_results, student_eval_results) pow2 = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512] if self.hparams.keep_some_checkpoints: if (epoch in pow2) or (epoch == (self.distill_params.n_epochs - 1)): self.save_student() else: self.save_student()
import tensorflow as tf from tf2_models.common_layers import get_initializer, shape_list class SharedEmbeddings(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Construct shared token embeddings. """ def __init__(self, vocab_size, hidden_size, initializer_range=None, regularizer=None, **kwargs): super(SharedEmbeddings, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.initializer_range = hidden_size ** -0.5 if initializer_range is None else initializer_range self.regularizer = regularizer def build(self, input_shape): """Build shared word embedding layer Shared weights logic adapted from """ self.weight = self.add_weight( "weight", shape=[self.vocab_size, self.hidden_size], initializer=get_initializer(self.initializer_range), regularizer=self.regularizer) super(SharedEmbeddings, self).build(input_shape) def call(self, inputs, mode="embedding"): """Get token embeddings of inputs. Args: inputs: list of three int64 tensors with shape [batch_size, length]: (input_ids, position_ids, token_type_ids) mode: string, a valid value is one of "embedding" and "linear". Returns: outputs: (1) If mode == "embedding", output embedding tensor, float32 with shape [batch_size, length, embedding_size]; (2) mode == "linear", output linear tensor, float32 with shape [batch_size, length, vocab_size]. Raises: ValueError: if mode is not valid. Shared weights logic adapted from """ if mode == "embedding": return self._embedding(inputs) elif mode == "linear": return self._linear(inputs) else: raise ValueError("mode {} is not valid.".format(mode)) def _embedding(self, input_ids): """Applies embedding based on inputs tensor.""" return tf.gather(self.weight, input_ids) def _linear(self, inputs): """Computes logits by running inputs through a linear layer. Args: inputs: A float32 tensor with shape [..., hidden_size] Returns: float32 tensor with shape [..., vocab_size]. """ first_dims = shape_list(inputs)[:-1] x = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1, self.hidden_size]) logits = tf.matmul(x, self.weight, transpose_b=True) return tf.reshape(logits, first_dims + [self.vocab_size])
import tensorflow as tf from tf2_models.common_layers import get_initializer, shape_list from tf2_models.embedding import SharedEmbeddings from tf2_models.transformer_layers import Block from tf2_models.transformers import * class LmGPT2(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, hparams, scope='lm_gpt2', *inputs, **kwargs): del kwargs['cl_token'] super(LmGPT2, self).__init__(hparams, *inputs, **kwargs) self.scope = scope self.rep_index = 1 self.rep_layer = None self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'h-'+str(hparams.embedding_dim), 'd-'+str(hparams.depth), 'rdrop-'+str(hparams.resid_pdrop), 'adrop-' + str(hparams.attn_pdrop), 'indrop-'+str(hparams.embd_pdrop)]) self.create_vars(hparams) @tf.function def create_vars(self, hparams): self.transformer = GPT2(hparams, name='transformer') def call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, **kwargs): transformer_outputs = self.transformer(inputs, **kwargs) hidden_states = transformer_outputs[0] lm_logits = self.transformer.wte(hidden_states, mode="linear") #outputs = (lm_logits,) + transformer_outputs[1:] return lm_logits # lm_logits, presents, (all hidden_states), (attentions) def detailed_call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, **kwargs): transformer_outputs = self.transformer(inputs, **kwargs) hidden_states = transformer_outputs[0] lm_logits = self.transformer.wte(hidden_states, mode="linear") outputs = (lm_logits,) + transformer_outputs return outputs # lm_logits, presents, (all hidden_states), (attentions) class LmGPT2SharedWeights(LmGPT2): def __init__(self, hparams, scope='lm_gpt2_shared_weights', *inputs, **kwargs): super(LmGPT2SharedWeights, self).__init__(hparams, scope=scope, *inputs, **kwargs) @tf.function def create_vars(self, hparams): self.transformer = GPT2SharedWeights(hparams, name='shared_transformer') def call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, **kwargs): transformer_outputs = self.transformer(inputs, **kwargs) hidden_states = transformer_outputs[0] lm_logits = self.transformer.wte(hidden_states, mode="linear") #outputs = (lm_logits,) + transformer_outputs[1:] return lm_logits # lm_logits, presents, (all hidden_states), (attentions) class ClassifierGPT2(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, hparams, scope='cl_gpt2',*inputs, **kwargs): self.cl_token = kwargs['cl_token'] del kwargs['cl_token'] super(ClassifierGPT2, self).__init__(hparams, *inputs, **kwargs) self.rep_index = 2 self.rep_layer = None self.scope = scope self.hparams = hparams self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'h-'+str(hparams.embedding_dim), 'd-'+str(hparams.depth), 'rdrop-'+str(hparams.resid_pdrop), 'adrop-' + str(hparams.attn_pdrop), 'indrop-'+str(hparams.embd_pdrop)]) self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.0001) self.create_vars(**kwargs) #@tf.function def create_vars(self,**kwargs): self.transformer = GPT2(self.hparams, name='transformer', **kwargs) self.e2c = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=self.hparams.num_labels, kernel_initializer=get_initializer(self.hparams.initializer_range), name='e2c') def call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, **kwargs): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(batch_size, inputs, transformer_outputs): mask = tf.cast(inputs != 0, dtype=tf.int32) inputs_lengths = tf.reduce_sum(mask, axis=-1) - 1 batch_indices = tf.range(batch_size) indices = tf.concat([batch_indices[..., None], inputs_lengths[..., None]], -1) hidden_states = tf.gather_nd(transformer_outputs[0], indices) cl_logits = self.e2c(hidden_states) return cl_logits # Add CL token: batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0] #cl_token = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(self.cl_token[0], dtype=tf.int64)[None], (-1,1)) #cl_tokens = tf.tile(cl_token, (batch_size, 1)) #inputs = tf.concat([cl_tokens, inputs], axis=-1) transformer_outputs = self.transformer(inputs, **kwargs) cl_logits = _call(batch_size, inputs, transformer_outputs) return cl_logits def detailed_call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, **kwargs): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(batch_size, inputs, transformer_outputs): mask = tf.cast(inputs != 0, dtype=tf.int32) inputs_lengths = tf.reduce_sum(mask, axis=-1) - 1 batch_indices = tf.range(batch_size) indices = tf.concat([batch_indices[..., None], inputs_lengths[..., None]], -1) hidden_states = tf.gather_nd(transformer_outputs[0], indices) cl_logits = self.e2c(hidden_states) return cl_logits, hidden_states # Add CL token: batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0] #cl_token = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(self.cl_token[0], dtype=tf.int64)[None], (-1,1)) #cl_tokens = tf.tile(cl_token, (batch_size, 1)) #inputs = tf.concat([cl_tokens, inputs], axis=-1) transformer_outputs = self.transformer(inputs, **kwargs) cl_logits, hidden_states = _call(batch_size, inputs, transformer_outputs) outputs = (cl_logits, hidden_states) + transformer_outputs return outputs class ClassifierGPT2SharedWeights(ClassifierGPT2): def __init__(self, hparams, scope='cl_gpt2_shared_weights', *inputs, **kwargs): super(ClassifierGPT2SharedWeights, self).__init__(hparams, scope=scope, *inputs, **kwargs) @tf.function def create_vars(self): self.transformer = GPT2SharedWeights(self.hparams, name='shared_transformer') self.e2c = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=self.hparams.num_labels, kernel_initializer=get_initializer(self.hparams.initializer_range), name='e2c') class ClassifierBERT(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, hparams, scope='cl_bert',*inputs, **kwargs): self.cl_token = kwargs['cl_token'] del kwargs['cl_token'] super(ClassifierBERT, self).__init__(hparams, *inputs, **kwargs) self.scope = scope self.hparams = hparams self.rep_index = 2 self.rep_layer = None self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'h-'+str(hparams.embedding_dim), 'd-'+str(hparams.depth), 'rdrop-'+str(hparams.resid_pdrop), 'adrop-' + str(hparams.attn_pdrop), 'indrop-'+str(hparams.embd_pdrop)]) self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.0001) self.create_vars(**kwargs) #@tf.function def create_vars(self,**kwargs): self.transformer = Bert(self.hparams, name='transformer', **kwargs) self.e2c = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=self.hparams.num_labels, kernel_initializer=get_initializer(self.hparams.initializer_range), name='e2c') def call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, add_cls=True, **kwargs): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(batch_size, inputs, transformer_outputs): #mask = tf.cast(inputs != 0, dtype=tf.int32) #inputs_lengths = tf.reduce_sum(mask, axis=-1) - 1 #batch_indices = tf.range(batch_size) #indices = tf.concat([batch_indices[..., None], inputs_lengths[..., None]], -1) hidden_states = transformer_outputs[0][:,0]#tf.gather_nd(transformer_outputs[0], indices) cl_logits = self.e2c(hidden_states, **kwargs) return cl_logits # Add CL token: batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0] if add_cls: cl_token = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(self.cl_token[0], dtype=tf.int64)[None], (-1,1)) cl_tokens = tf.tile(cl_token, (batch_size, 1)) inputs = tf.concat([cl_tokens, inputs], axis=-1) transformer_outputs = self.transformer(inputs, **kwargs) cl_logits = _call(batch_size, inputs, transformer_outputs) return cl_logits def detailed_call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, add_cls=True, **kwargs): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(batch_size, inputs, transformer_outputs): hidden_states = transformer_outputs[0][:, 0] cl_logits = self.e2c(hidden_states) return cl_logits, hidden_states # Add CL token: batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0] if add_cls: cl_token = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(self.cl_token[0], dtype=tf.int64)[None], (-1,1)) cl_tokens = tf.tile(cl_token, (batch_size, 1)) inputs = tf.concat([cl_tokens, inputs], axis=-1) transformer_outputs = self.transformer(inputs, **kwargs) cl_logits, hidden_states = _call(batch_size, inputs, transformer_outputs) reps_start_index = 1 if add_cls else 0 outputs = (cl_logits, hidden_states, transformer_outputs[0][:,reps_start_index:,:]) + transformer_outputs return outputs def get_input_embeddings(self, inputs, add_cls=True, **kwargs): # Add CL token: batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0] if add_cls: cl_token = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(self.cl_token[0], dtype=tf.int64)[None], (-1, 1)) cl_tokens = tf.tile(cl_token, (batch_size, 1)) inputs = tf.concat([cl_tokens, inputs], axis=-1) outputs = self.transformer.get_input_embeddings(inputs, **kwargs) return outputs def call_with_embeddings(self, input_embeddings, input_shape, padding_mask, past , **kwargs): transformer_outputs = self.transformer.call_with_embeddings(input_embeddings=input_embeddings, input_shape=input_shape, padding_mask=padding_mask, past=past, **kwargs) hidden_states = transformer_outputs[0][:, 0] cl_logits = self.e2c(hidden_states) return cl_logits, hidden_states class ClassifierBERTSharedWeights(ClassifierBERT): def __init__(self, hparams, scope='cl_bert_shared', *inputs, **kwargs): super(ClassifierBERTSharedWeights, self).__init__(hparams, scope=scope, *inputs, **kwargs) # @tf.function def create_vars(self, **kwargs): self.transformer = BertSharedWeights(self.hparams, name='transformer', **kwargs) self.e2c = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=self.hparams.num_labels, kernel_initializer=get_initializer(self.hparams.initializer_range), name='e2c')
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np class VanillaFF(tf.keras.models.Sequential): def __init__(self, hparams, scope="cl_vff", *inputs, **kwargs): if 'cl_token' in kwargs: del kwargs['cl_token'] super(VanillaFF, self).__init__() self.scope = scope self.hparams = hparams self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'h-' + '.'.join([str(x) for x in self.hparams.hidden_dim]), 'd-' + str(self.hparams.depth), 'hdrop-' + str(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate), 'indrop-' + str(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate)]) self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00001, l2=0.00001) self.create_vars() self.rep_index = 1 self.rep_layer = -1 def create_vars(self): self.flat = tf.keras.layers.Flatten() # self.batch_norm = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() # self.batch_norm.trainable = True self.indrop = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate) self.activation = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu') self.hidden_layers = [] self.hidden_batch_norms = [] self.hidden_dropouts = [] for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): self.hidden_layers.append(tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.hidden_dim[i], activation=None, #'relu', kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer)) self.hidden_batch_norms.append(tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()) self.hidden_batch_norms[i].trainable = True self.hidden_dropouts.append(tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate)) self.final_dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.output_dim, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer) def call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, training=None, **kwargs): x = self.flat(inputs, **kwargs) # x = self.batch_norm(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.indrop(x, training=training, **kwargs) for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): x = self.hidden_layers[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.hidden_batch_norms[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.hidden_dropouts[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) logits = self.final_dense(x, training=training, **kwargs) return logits def detailed_call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, training=None, **kwargs): layer_activations = [] x = self.flat(inputs, **kwargs) x = self.indrop(x, training=None, **kwargs) layer_activations.append(x) for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): x = self.hidden_layers[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.hidden_batch_norms[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.hidden_dropouts[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) layer_activations.append(x) pnltimt = x logits = self.final_dense(x, training=None, **kwargs) return logits, pnltimt, layer_activations
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape from tensorflow.python.util import nest def gelu(x): """Gaussian Error Linear Unit. This is a smoother version of the RELU. Original paper: Args: x: float Tensor to perform activation. Returns: `x` with the GELU activation applied. """ cdf = 0.5 * (1.0 + tf.tanh( (np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) * (x + 0.044715 * tf.pow(x, 3))))) return x * cdf def shape_list(x): """Deal with dynamic shape in tensorflow cleanly.""" static = x.shape.as_list() dynamic = tf.shape(x) return [dynamic[i] if s is None else s for i, s in enumerate(static)] def get_initializer(initializer_range=0.02): """Creates a `tf.initializers.truncated_normal` with the given range. Args: initializer_range: float, initializer range for stddev. Returns: TruncatedNormal initializer with stddev = `initializer_range`. """ return tf.keras.initializers.TruncatedNormal(stddev=initializer_range) def make_variable_state_initializer(**kwargs): def variable_state_initializer(shape, batch_size, dtype, index): args = kwargs.copy() if args.get('name'): args['name'] = args['name'] + '_' + str(index) else: args['name'] = 'init_state_' + str(index) args['shape'] = shape args['dtype'] = dtype var = tf.get_variable(**args) var = tf.expand_dims(var, 0) var = tf.tile(var, tf.pack([batch_size] + [1] * len(shape))) var.set_shape(_state_size_with_prefix(shape, prefix=[None])) return var return variable_state_initializer def get_initial_cell_state(cell, initializer, batch_size, dtype): """Return state tensor(s), initialized with initializer. Args: cell: RNNCell. batch_size: int, float, or unit Tensor representing the batch size. initializer: function with two arguments, shape and dtype, that determines how the state is initialized. dtype: the data type to use for the state. Returns: If `state_size` is an int or TensorShape, then the return value is a `N-D` tensor of shape `[batch_size x state_size]` initialized according to the initializer. If `state_size` is a nested list or tuple, then the return value is a nested list or tuple (of the same structure) of `2-D` tensors with the shapes `[batch_size x s]` for each s in `state_size`. """ state_size = cell.state_size if nest.is_sequence(state_size): state_size_flat = nest.flatten(state_size) init_state_flat = [ initializer(s, batch_size, dtype, i) for i, s in enumerate(state_size_flat)] init_state = nest.pack_sequence_as(structure=state_size, flat_sequence=init_state_flat) else: init_state_size = state_size init_state = initializer(init_state_size, batch_size, dtype, None) return init_state def _generate_variable_state(batch_size_tensor, state_size, dtype): """Generate a variable tensor with shape [batch_size, state_size].""" def create_variable(unnested_state_size): flat_dims = tensor_shape.as_shape(unnested_state_size).as_list() init_state_size = [batch_size_tensor] + flat_dims return tf.Variable(init_state_size, dtype=dtype) if nest.is_sequence(state_size): return nest.map_structure(create_variable, state_size) else: return create_variable(state_size)
import absl import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from tensorboard.compat.tensorflow_stub import tensor_shape from tensorflow.python.util import nest from tf2_models.common_layers import get_initializer from tf2_models.embedding import SharedEmbeddings from tf2_models.utils import create_init_var class LmLSTM(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, hparams, scope="lm_lstm",*inputs, **kwargs): del kwargs['cl_token'] super(LmLSTM, self).__init__(*inputs, **kwargs) self.hparams = hparams self.scope = scope self.rep_index = 2 self.rep_layer = -1 self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'em-'+str(self.hparams.embedding_dim), 'h-'+str(self.hparams.hidden_dim), 'd-'+str(self.hparams.depth), 'hdrop-'+str(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate), 'indrop-'+str(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate)]) self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.00001) self.create_vars() @tf.function def create_vars(self): self.input_embedding = tf.compat.v2.keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=self.hparams.input_dim, output_dim=self.hparams.embedding_dim, input_shape=(None, None), mask_zero=True, embeddings_regularizer=self.regularizer, name='input_embedding') self.input_embedding_dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate) self.output_embedding_dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate) self.output_embedding = tf.compat.v2.keras.layers.Dense(units=self.hparams.output_dim, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer, bias_regularizer=self.regularizer, name='output_projection') self.stacked_rnns = [] for _ in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): self.stacked_rnns.append(tf.keras.layers.LSTM(units=self.hparams.hidden_dim, return_sequences=True, return_state=True, go_backwards=False, stateful=False, unroll=False, time_major=False, recurrent_dropout=self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate, dropout=self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer, recurrent_regularizer=self.regularizer, bias_regularizer=self.regularizer, )) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): if 'training' in kwargs: training = kwargs['training'] else: training = False embedded_input = self.input_embedding_dropout(self.input_embedding(inputs),training=training) rnn_outputs = embedded_input input_mask = self.input_embedding.compute_mask(inputs) float_input_mask = tf.cast(input_mask, dtype=tf.float32) for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): rnn_outputs, state_h, state_c = self.stacked_rnns[i](rnn_outputs, mask=input_mask, training=training) rnn_outputs = self.output_embedding_dropout(rnn_outputs, training=training) logits = self.output_embedding(rnn_outputs) logits = logits * float_input_mask[...,None] + tf.eye(self.hparams.output_dim)[0] * (1 - float_input_mask[...,None]) return logits class ClassifierLSTM(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, hparams, scope="cl_lstm", *inputs, **kwargs): del kwargs['cl_token'] super(ClassifierLSTM, self).__init__(*inputs, **kwargs) self.hparams = hparams self.scope = scope self.rep_index = 2 self.rep_layer = -1 self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'em-'+str(self.hparams.embedding_dim), 'h-'+str(self.hparams.hidden_dim), 'd-'+str(self.hparams.depth), 'hdrop-'+str(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate), 'indrop-'+str(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate)]) self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.00001) self.create_vars() @tf.function def create_vars(self): self.input_embedding = tf.compat.v2.keras.layers.Embedding(input_dim=self.hparams.input_dim, output_dim=self.hparams.embedding_dim, input_shape=(None, None), mask_zero=True, embeddings_regularizer=self.regularizer, name='input_embedding') self.input_embedding_dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate) self.output_embedding_dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate) self.output_embedding = tf.compat.v2.keras.layers.Dense(units=self.hparams.output_dim, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer, bias_regularizer=self.regularizer, name='output_projection') self.stacked_rnns = [] for _ in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): self.stacked_rnns.append(tf.keras.layers.LSTM(units=self.hparams.hidden_dim, return_sequences=True, return_state=True, go_backwards=False, stateful=False, unroll=False, time_major=False, recurrent_dropout=self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate, dropout=self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer, recurrent_regularizer=self.regularizer, bias_regularizer=self.regularizer, )) def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): if 'training' in kwargs: training = kwargs['training'] else: training = False @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(inputs, training): embedded_input = self.input_embedding_dropout(self.input_embedding(inputs),training=training) rnn_outputs = embedded_input input_mask = self.input_embedding.compute_mask(inputs) inputs_length = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(input_mask, dtype=tf.int32), axis=-1) for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): rnn_outputs, state_h, state_c = self.stacked_rnns[i](rnn_outputs, mask=input_mask, training=training) rnn_outputs = self.output_embedding_dropout(rnn_outputs, training=training) batch_size = tf.shape(rnn_outputs)[0] bach_indices = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), 1) final_indexes = tf.concat([bach_indices, tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(inputs_length - 1, dtype=tf.int32), 1)], axis=-1) final_rnn_outputs = tf.gather_nd(rnn_outputs, final_indexes) logits = self.output_embedding(final_rnn_outputs) return logits return _call(inputs, training) #@tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def detailed_call(self, inputs, **kwargs): if 'training' in kwargs: training = kwargs['training'] else: training = False @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(inputs, training): embedded_input = self.input_embedding_dropout(self.input_embedding(inputs), training=training) rnn_outputs = embedded_input input_mask = self.input_embedding.compute_mask(inputs) inputs_length = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(input_mask, dtype=tf.int32), axis=-1) hidden_activation = [embedded_input] for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): rnn_outputs, state_h, state_c = self.stacked_rnns[i](rnn_outputs, mask=input_mask, training=training) hidden_activation.append(rnn_outputs) rnn_outputs = self.output_embedding_dropout(rnn_outputs, training=training) batch_size = tf.shape(rnn_outputs)[0] bach_indices = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(batch_size), 1) final_indexes = tf.concat([bach_indices, tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(inputs_length - 1, dtype=tf.int32), 1)], axis=-1) final_rnn_outputs = tf.gather_nd(rnn_outputs, final_indexes) logits = self.output_embedding(final_rnn_outputs) out = logits out = (out, final_rnn_outputs, hidden_activation) return out return _call(inputs, training) class LmLSTMSharedEmb(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, hparams, scope="lm_lstm_shared_emb",*inputs, **kwargs): del kwargs['cl_token'] super(LmLSTMSharedEmb, self).__init__() self.rep_index = 3 self.rep_layer = -1 self.hparams = hparams self.scope = scope self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'em-'+str(self.hparams.embedding_dim), 'h-'+str(self.hparams.hidden_dim), 'd-'+str(self.hparams.depth), 'hdrop-'+str(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate), 'indrop-'+str(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate)]) self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.0000) self.create_vars() def create_vars(self): @tf.function def _create_vars(): self.input_embedding = SharedEmbeddings(vocab_size=self.hparams.input_dim, hidden_size=self.hparams.embedding_dim, initializer_range=self.hparams.initializer_range, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='embedding') self.input_embedding_dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate) self.output_embedding_dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate) initializer_range = self.hparams.embedding_dim ** -0.5 if self.hparams.initializer_range is None else self.hparams.initializer_range self.output_projection = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=self.hparams.embedding_dim, kernel_initializer=get_initializer(initializer_range)) self.stacked_rnns = [] self.rnn_initial_states = [] for _ in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): initializer_range = self.hparams.hidden_dim ** -0.5 if self.hparams.initializer_range is None else self.hparams.initializer_range self.stacked_rnns.append(tf.keras.layers.LSTM(units=self.hparams.hidden_dim, return_sequences=True, return_state=True, go_backwards=False, stateful=False, unroll=False, time_major=False, recurrent_dropout=self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate, dropout=self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer, recurrent_regularizer=self.regularizer, bias_regularizer=self.regularizer, kernel_initializer=get_initializer(initializer_range), recurrent_initializer=get_initializer(initializer_range) )) _create_vars() initializer_range = self.hparams.hidden_dim ** -0.5 if self.hparams.initializer_range is None else self.hparams.initializer_range for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): state_size = self.stacked_rnns[i].cell.state_size if nest.is_sequence(state_size): init_state = nest.map_structure(lambda x: create_init_var(x, i, initializer_range), state_size) else: init_state = create_init_var(state_size, i, initializer_range) self.rnn_initial_states.append(init_state) def call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64), **kwargs): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(inputs, padding_symbol, **kwargs): input_mask = tf.cast(inputs != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.bool) embedded_input = self.input_embedding_dropout(self.input_embedding(inputs, mode='embedding'), **kwargs) rnn_outputs = embedded_input for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): batch_size_tensor = tf.shape(rnn_outputs)[0][i]) def tile_init(unnested_init_state): return tf.tile(unnested_init_state, (batch_size_tensor, 1)) init_state = self.rnn_initial_states[i] if nest.is_sequence(init_state): init_for_batch = nest.map_structure(tile_init, init_state) else: init_for_batch = tile_init(init_state) rnn_outputs, state_h, state_c = self.stacked_rnns[i](rnn_outputs, mask=input_mask, initial_state=init_for_batch, **kwargs) rnn_outputs = self.output_projection(rnn_outputs, **kwargs) rnn_outputs = self.output_embedding_dropout(rnn_outputs,**kwargs) logits = self.input_embedding(rnn_outputs, mode='linear') return logits return _call(inputs, padding_symbol, **kwargs) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def detailed_call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64), **kwargs): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(inputs, padding_symbol, **kwargs): input_mask = tf.cast(inputs != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.bool) embedded_input = self.input_embedding_dropout(self.input_embedding(inputs, mode='embedding'), **kwargs) rnn_outputs = embedded_input hidden_activation = [embedded_input] for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): batch_size_tensor = tf.shape(rnn_outputs)[0][i]) def tile_init(unnested_init_state): return tf.tile(unnested_init_state, (batch_size_tensor, 1)) init_state = self.rnn_initial_states[i] if nest.is_sequence(init_state): init_for_batch = nest.map_structure(tile_init, init_state) else: init_for_batch = tile_init(init_state) rnn_outputs, state_h, state_c = self.stacked_rnns[i](rnn_outputs, mask=input_mask, initial_state=init_for_batch, **kwargs) hidden_activation.append(rnn_outputs) rnn_outputs = self.output_projection(rnn_outputs, **kwargs) rnn_outputs = self.output_embedding_dropout(rnn_outputs,**kwargs) inputs_lengths = tf.reduce_sum(input_mask, axis=-1) - 1 batch_indices = tf.range(batch_size_tensor) indices = tf.concat([batch_indices[..., None], inputs_lengths[..., None]], -1) sentence_rep = tf.gather_nd(rnn_outputs, indices) logits = self.input_embedding(rnn_outputs, mode='linear') out = logits out = (out,rnn_outputs, sentence_rep, hidden_activation) return out return _call(inputs, padding_symbol, **kwargs) class LmLSTMSharedEmbV2(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, hparams, scope="lm_lstm_shared_emb",*inputs, **kwargs): del kwargs['cl_token'] super(LmLSTMSharedEmbV2, self).__init__() self.rep_index = 3 self.rep_layer = -1 self.hparams = hparams self.scope = scope self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'em-'+str(self.hparams.embedding_dim), 'h-'+str(self.hparams.hidden_dim), 'd-'+str(self.hparams.depth), 'hdrop-'+str(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate), 'indrop-'+str(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate)]) self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.0000) self.create_vars() @tf.function def create_vars(self): self.input_embedding = SharedEmbeddings(vocab_size=self.hparams.input_dim, hidden_size=self.hparams.embedding_dim, initializer_range=self.hparams.initializer_range, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='embedding') self.input_embedding_dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate) self.output_embedding_dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate) initializer_range = self.hparams.embedding_dim ** -0.5 if self.hparams.initializer_range is None else self.hparams.initializer_range self.output_projection = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=self.hparams.embedding_dim, kernel_initializer=get_initializer(initializer_range)) self.stacked_rnns = [] self.rnn_initial_states = [] for _ in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): initializer_range = self.hparams.hidden_dim ** -0.5 if self.hparams.initializer_range is None else self.hparams.initializer_range self.stacked_rnns.append(tf.keras.layers.LSTM(units=self.hparams.hidden_dim, return_sequences=True, return_state=True, go_backwards=False, stateful=False, unroll=False, time_major=False, recurrent_dropout=self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate, dropout=self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer, recurrent_regularizer=self.regularizer, bias_regularizer=self.regularizer, kernel_initializer=get_initializer(initializer_range), recurrent_initializer=get_initializer(initializer_range) )) def call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64), **kwargs): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(inputs, padding_symbol, **kwargs): input_mask = tf.cast(inputs != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.bool) embedded_input = self.input_embedding_dropout(self.input_embedding(inputs, mode='embedding'), **kwargs) rnn_outputs = embedded_input for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): rnn_outputs, state_h, state_c = self.stacked_rnns[i](rnn_outputs, mask=input_mask, **kwargs) rnn_outputs = self.output_projection(rnn_outputs, **kwargs) rnn_outputs = self.output_embedding_dropout(rnn_outputs,**kwargs) logits = self.input_embedding(rnn_outputs, mode='linear') return logits return _call(inputs, padding_symbol, **kwargs) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def detailed_call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64), **kwargs): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(inputs, padding_symbol, **kwargs): input_mask = tf.cast(inputs != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.bool) embedded_input = self.input_embedding_dropout(self.input_embedding(inputs, mode='embedding'), **kwargs) rnn_outputs = embedded_input hidden_activation = [embedded_input] for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): rnn_outputs, state_h, state_c = self.stacked_rnns[i](rnn_outputs, mask=input_mask, **kwargs) hidden_activation.append(rnn_outputs) rnn_outputs = self.output_projection(rnn_outputs, **kwargs) rnn_outputs = self.output_embedding_dropout(rnn_outputs,**kwargs) batch_size_tensor = tf.shape(rnn_outputs)[0] inputs_lengths = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(input_mask, dtype=tf.int32), axis=-1) - 1 batch_indices = tf.range(batch_size_tensor) indices = tf.concat([batch_indices[..., None], inputs_lengths[..., None]], -1) sentence_rep = tf.gather_nd(rnn_outputs, indices) logits = self.input_embedding(rnn_outputs, mode='linear') out = logits out = (out, rnn_outputs, sentence_rep, hidden_activation) return out return _call(inputs, padding_symbol, **kwargs) if __name__ == '__main__': class hparams(object): hidden_dim=8 input_dim=4 output_dim=4 depth=2 hidden_dropout_rate=0.1 lm_lstm = LmLSTM(hparams=hparams) inputs = np.int64(np.flip(np.sort(np.random.uniform(0,3,size=(2,5))))) inputs_mask = tf.equal(inputs, 0) print(inputs_mask),None)) lm_lstm.summary() print(inputs) print(lm_lstm(inputs))
import tensorflow as tf from tf2_models.common_layers import get_initializer, shape_list from tf2_models.embedding import SharedEmbeddings from tf2_models.transformer_layers import Block class GPT2(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, hparams, *inputs, **kwargs): super(GPT2, self).__init__(hparams, *inputs, **kwargs) self.output_hidden_states = hparams.output_hidden_states self.output_attentions = hparams.output_attentions self.output_embeddings = hparams.output_embeddings self.num_hidden_layers = hparams.depth self.vocab_size = hparams.vocab_size self.embedding_dim = hparams.embedding_dim self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.0001) self.create_vars(hparams) @tf.function def create_vars(self, hparams): self.wte = SharedEmbeddings(self.vocab_size, hparams.hidden_size, initializer_range=hparams.initializer_range, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='wte') self.wpe = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(hparams.n_positions, hparams.embedding_dim, embeddings_initializer=get_initializer(hparams.initializer_range), embeddings_regularizer=self.regularizer, name='wpe') self.drop = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(hparams.embd_pdrop) self.h = [Block(hparams.n_ctx, hparams, regularizer=self.regularizer, scale=True, name='h_._{}'.format(i)) for i in range(hparams.depth)] self.ln_f = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=hparams.layer_norm_epsilon, name='ln_f') def call(self, inputs, past=None, attention_mask=None, token_type_ids=None, position_ids=None, training=False): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(inputs, past, attention_mask, token_type_ids, position_ids, training): if past is None: past_length = 0 past = [None] * len(self.h) else: past_length = shape_list(past[0][0])[-2] if position_ids is None: position_ids = tf.range(past_length, shape_list(inputs)[-1] + past_length, dtype=tf.int32)[tf.newaxis, :] if attention_mask is not None: attention_mask = attention_mask[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :] attention_mask = tf.cast(attention_mask, tf.float32) attention_mask = (1.0 - attention_mask) * -10000.0 padding_mask = tf.cast(tf.not_equal(inputs, tf.zeros_like(inputs))[:,tf.newaxis,:,tf.newaxis], dtype=tf.float32) if attention_mask is None: attention_mask = padding_mask else: attention_mask = attention_mask*padding_mask input_shape = shape_list(inputs) input_ids = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1, input_shape[-1]]) position_ids = tf.reshape(position_ids, [-1, shape_list(position_ids)[-1]]) inputs_embeds = self.wte(input_ids, mode='embedding') position_embeds = self.wpe(position_ids) if token_type_ids is not None: token_type_ids = tf.reshape(token_type_ids, [-1, shape_list(token_type_ids)[-1]]) token_type_embeds = self.wte(token_type_ids, mode='embedding') else: token_type_embeds = 0 hidden_states = inputs_embeds + position_embeds + token_type_embeds hidden_states = self.drop(hidden_states, training=training) output_shape = input_shape + [shape_list(hidden_states)[-1]] presents = () all_attentions = [] all_hidden_states = () for i, (block, layer_past) in enumerate(zip(self.h, past)): if self.output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (tf.reshape(hidden_states, output_shape),) outputs = block([hidden_states, layer_past, attention_mask], training=training) hidden_states, present = outputs[:2] presents = presents + (present,) if self.output_attentions: all_attentions.append(outputs[2]) hidden_states = self.ln_f(hidden_states) hidden_states = tf.reshape(hidden_states, output_shape) # Add last hidden state if self.output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) outputs = (hidden_states, presents) if self.output_hidden_states: outputs = outputs + (all_hidden_states,) if self.output_attentions: # let the number of heads free (-1) so we can extract attention even after head pruning attention_output_shape = input_shape[:-1] + [-1] + shape_list(all_attentions[0])[-2:] all_attentions = tuple(tf.reshape(t, attention_output_shape) for t in all_attentions) outputs = outputs + (all_attentions,) if self.output_embeddings: outputs = outputs + (inputs_embeds,) return outputs # last hidden state, presents, (all hidden_states), (attentions) return _call(inputs, past, attention_mask, token_type_ids, position_ids, training) class GPT2SharedWeights(GPT2): def __init__(self, hparams, *inputs, **kwargs): super(GPT2SharedWeights, self).__init__(hparams, *inputs, **kwargs) @tf.function def create_vars(self, hparams): self.wte = SharedEmbeddings(self.vocab_size , hparams.hidden_size, initializer_range=hparams.initializer_range, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='wte') self.wpe = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(hparams.n_positions, hparams.embedding_dim, embeddings_initializer=get_initializer(hparams.initializer_range), embeddings_regularizer=self.regularizer, name='wpe') self.drop = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(hparams.embd_pdrop) attention_block = Block(hparams.n_ctx, hparams, regularizer=self.regularizer, scale=True, name='h') self.h = [attention_block for i in range(hparams.depth)] self.ln_f = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=hparams.layer_norm_epsilon, name='ln_f') class Bert(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, hparams, *inputs, **kwargs): super(Bert, self).__init__(hparams, *inputs, **kwargs) self.output_hidden_states = hparams.output_hidden_states self.output_attentions = hparams.output_attentions self.output_embeddings = hparams.output_embeddings self.num_hidden_layers = hparams.depth self.vocab_size = hparams.vocab_size self.embedding_dim = hparams.embedding_dim self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.0001) self.create_vars(hparams) @tf.function def create_vars(self, hparams): self.wte = SharedEmbeddings(self.vocab_size, hparams.hidden_size, initializer_range=hparams.initializer_range, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='wte') self.wpe = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(hparams.n_positions, hparams.embedding_dim, embeddings_initializer=get_initializer(hparams.initializer_range), embeddings_regularizer=self.regularizer, name='wpe') self.drop = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(hparams.embd_pdrop) self.h = [Block(hparams.n_ctx, hparams, regularizer=self.regularizer, scale=True, casual_masking=False, name='h_._{}'.format(i)) for i in range(hparams.depth)] self.ln_f = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=hparams.layer_norm_epsilon, name='ln_f') def get_input_embeddings(self, inputs, past=None, attention_mask=None, token_type_ids=None, position_ids=None, training=False): if past is None: past_length = 0 past = [None] * len(self.h) else: past_length = shape_list(past[0][0])[-2] if position_ids is None: position_ids = tf.range(past_length, shape_list(inputs)[-1] + past_length, dtype=tf.int32)[tf.newaxis, :] input_shape = shape_list(inputs) input_ids = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1, input_shape[-1]]) position_ids = tf.reshape(position_ids, [-1, shape_list(position_ids)[-1]]) inputs_embeds = self.wte(input_ids, mode='embedding') position_embeds = self.wpe(position_ids) if token_type_ids is not None: token_type_ids = tf.reshape(token_type_ids, [-1, shape_list(token_type_ids)[-1]]) token_type_embeds = self.wte(token_type_ids, mode='embedding') else: token_type_embeds = 0 input_embeddings = inputs_embeds + position_embeds + token_type_embeds padding_mask = tf.cast(tf.not_equal(inputs, tf.zeros_like(inputs))[:, tf.newaxis, :, tf.newaxis], dtype=tf.float32) return input_embeddings, input_shape, padding_mask, past def call_with_embeddings(self, input_embeddings, input_shape, padding_mask, past, attention_mask=None, training=False): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(input_embeddings, input_shape, padding_mask, past, attention_mask, training): if attention_mask is not None: attention_mask = attention_mask[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :] attention_mask = tf.cast(attention_mask, tf.float32) attention_mask = (1.0 - attention_mask) * -10000.0 if attention_mask is None: attention_mask = padding_mask else: attention_mask = attention_mask*padding_mask hidden_states = input_embeddings hidden_states = self.drop(hidden_states, training=training) output_shape = input_shape + [shape_list(hidden_states)[-1]] presents = () all_attentions = [] all_hidden_states = () for i, (block, layer_past) in enumerate(zip(self.h, past)): if self.output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (tf.reshape(hidden_states, output_shape),) outputs = block([hidden_states, layer_past, attention_mask], training=training) hidden_states, present = outputs[:2] presents = presents + (present,) if self.output_attentions: all_attentions.append(outputs[2]) hidden_states = self.ln_f(hidden_states) hidden_states = tf.reshape(hidden_states, output_shape) # Add last hidden state if self.output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) outputs = (hidden_states, presents) if self.output_hidden_states: outputs = outputs + (all_hidden_states,) if self.output_attentions: # let the number of heads free (-1) so we can extract attention even after head pruning attention_output_shape = input_shape[:-1] + [-1] + shape_list(all_attentions[0])[-2:] all_attentions = tuple(tf.reshape(t, attention_output_shape) for t in all_attentions) outputs = outputs + (all_attentions,) if self.output_embeddings: outputs = outputs return outputs # last hidden state, presents, (all hidden_states), (attentions), input_embedding return _call(input_embeddings, input_shape, padding_mask, past, attention_mask, training) def call(self, inputs, past=None, attention_mask=None, token_type_ids=None, position_ids=None, training=False): @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def _call(inputs, past, attention_mask, token_type_ids, position_ids, training): if past is None: past_length = 0 past = [None] * len(self.h) else: past_length = shape_list(past[0][0])[-2] if position_ids is None: position_ids = tf.range(past_length, shape_list(inputs)[-1] + past_length, dtype=tf.int32)[tf.newaxis, :] if attention_mask is not None: attention_mask = attention_mask[:, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :] attention_mask = tf.cast(attention_mask, tf.float32) attention_mask = (1.0 - attention_mask) * -10000.0 padding_mask = tf.cast(tf.not_equal(inputs, tf.zeros_like(inputs))[:,tf.newaxis,:,tf.newaxis], dtype=tf.float32) if attention_mask is None: attention_mask = padding_mask else: attention_mask = attention_mask*padding_mask input_shape = shape_list(inputs) input_ids = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1, input_shape[-1]]) position_ids = tf.reshape(position_ids, [-1, shape_list(position_ids)[-1]]) inputs_embeds = self.wte(input_ids, mode='embedding') position_embeds = self.wpe(position_ids) if token_type_ids is not None: token_type_ids = tf.reshape(token_type_ids, [-1, shape_list(token_type_ids)[-1]]) token_type_embeds = self.wte(token_type_ids, mode='embedding') else: token_type_embeds = 0 hidden_states = inputs_embeds + position_embeds + token_type_embeds hidden_states = self.drop(hidden_states, training=training) output_shape = input_shape + [shape_list(hidden_states)[-1]] presents = () all_attentions = [] all_hidden_states = () for i, (block, layer_past) in enumerate(zip(self.h, past)): if self.output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (tf.reshape(hidden_states, output_shape),) outputs = block([hidden_states, layer_past, attention_mask], training=training) hidden_states, present = outputs[:2] presents = presents + (present,) if self.output_attentions: all_attentions.append(outputs[2]) hidden_states = self.ln_f(hidden_states) hidden_states = tf.reshape(hidden_states, output_shape) # Add last hidden state if self.output_hidden_states: all_hidden_states = all_hidden_states + (hidden_states,) outputs = (hidden_states, presents) if self.output_hidden_states: outputs = outputs + (all_hidden_states,) if self.output_attentions: # let the number of heads free (-1) so we can extract attention even after head pruning attention_output_shape = input_shape[:-1] + [-1] + shape_list(all_attentions[0])[-2:] all_attentions = tuple(tf.reshape(t, attention_output_shape) for t in all_attentions) outputs = outputs + (all_attentions,) if self.output_embeddings: outputs = outputs + (inputs_embeds,) return outputs # last hidden state, presents, (all hidden_states), (attentions), input_embedding return _call(inputs, past, attention_mask, token_type_ids, position_ids, training) class BertSharedWeights(Bert): def __init__(self, hparams, *inputs, **kwargs): super(BertSharedWeights, self).__init__(hparams, *inputs, **kwargs) self.output_hidden_states = hparams.output_hidden_states self.output_attentions = hparams.output_attentions self.output_embeddings = hparams.output_embeddings self.num_hidden_layers = hparams.depth self.vocab_size = hparams.vocab_size self.embedding_dim = hparams.embedding_dim self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.0001) self.create_vars(hparams) @tf.function def create_vars(self, hparams): self.wte = SharedEmbeddings(self.vocab_size, hparams.hidden_size, initializer_range=hparams.initializer_range, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='wte') self.wpe = tf.keras.layers.Embedding(hparams.n_positions, hparams.embedding_dim, embeddings_initializer=get_initializer(hparams.initializer_range), embeddings_regularizer=self.regularizer, name='wpe') self.drop = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(hparams.embd_pdrop) attention_block = Block(hparams.n_ctx, hparams, regularizer=self.regularizer, scale=True, casual_masking=False, name='h') self.h = [attention_block for i in range(hparams.depth)] self.ln_f = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=hparams.layer_norm_epsilon, name='ln_f')
import tensorflow as tf class ResnetBlock(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, filters, kernel_size, activation='relu',*inputs, **kwargs): super(ResnetBlock, self).__init__(*inputs, **kwargs) self.filters = filters self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.activation = activation self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.000000002) self.create_layer() def create_layer(self): self.conv1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(self.filters, self.kernel_size, activation=self.activation, padding='same', kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer) self.batch_norm1 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.conv2 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(self.filters, self.kernel_size, activation=None, padding='same', kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer) self.batch_norm2 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.add = tf.keras.layers.Add() self.activation = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu') def call(self, inputs, training=None, **kwargs): outputs = self.conv1(inputs, training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.batch_norm1(outputs,training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.conv2(outputs, training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.batch_norm2(outputs,training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.add([outputs, inputs],training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.activation(outputs, training=training, **kwargs) return outputs class Resnet(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, hparams, scope='resnet', *inputs, **kwargs): if 'cl_token' in kwargs: del kwargs['cl_token'] super(Resnet, self).__init__(name=scope, *inputs, **kwargs) self.scope = scope self.hparams = hparams self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'h-' + str(self.hparams.hidden_dim), 'rd-' + str(self.hparams.num_res_net_blocks), 'hdrop-' + str(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate), 'indrop-' + str(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate)]) self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.000000002) self.create_layers() self.rep_index = 1 self.rep_layer = -1 def create_layers(self): self.batch_norm1 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.activation = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu') self.conv1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(self.hparams.filters[0], self.hparams.kernel_size[0], activation=None, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer) self.batch_norm2 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.conv2 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(self.hparams.filters[1], self.hparams.kernel_size[1], activation=None, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer) self.batch_norm3 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.pool2 = tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(self.hparams.pool_size) self.resblocks = [] for i in range(self.hparams.num_res_net_blocks): self.resblocks.append(ResnetBlock(self.hparams.filters[2], self.hparams.kernel_size[2])) self.conv4 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(self.hparams.filters[3], self.hparams.kernel_size[3], activation=None) self.batch_norm4 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.avgpool = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D() self.dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.hidden_dim, activation='relu') self.dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate) self.project = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.output_dim, activation=None) def call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, training=None, **kwargs): x = inputs #self.batch_norm1(inputs, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.conv1(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm2(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.conv2(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm3(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.pool2(x, training=training, **kwargs) for i in range(self.hparams.num_res_net_blocks): x = self.resblocks[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.conv4(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm4(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.avgpool(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dense(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.project(x, training=training, **kwargs) return outputs def detailed_call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, training=None, **kwargs): self.layer_activations = [] x = self.batch_norm1(inputs, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.conv1(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm2(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) self.layer_activations.append(x) x = self.conv2(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm3(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) self.layer_activations.append(x) x = self.pool2(x, training=training, **kwargs) for i in range(self.hparams.num_res_net_blocks): x = self.resblocks[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) self.layer_activations.append(x) x = self.conv4(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm4(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) self.layer_activations.append(x) x = self.avgpool(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dense(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) self.layer_activations.append(x) pnltimt = x outputs = self.project(x, training=training, **kwargs) return outputs, pnltimt, self.layer_activations
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np def max_out(inputs, num_units, axis=None): shape = inputs.get_shape().as_list() if shape[0] is None: shape[0] = -1 if axis is None: # Assume that channel is the last dimension axis = -1 num_channels = shape[axis] if num_channels % num_units: raise ValueError('number of features({}) is not ' 'a multiple of num_units({})'.format(num_channels, num_units)) shape[axis] = num_units shape += [num_channels // num_units] outputs = tf.reduce_max(tf.reshape(inputs, shape), -1) return outputs class VanillaCNN(tf.keras.models.Model): def __init__(self, hparams, scope="cl_vcnn", *inputs, **kwargs): if 'cl_token' in kwargs: del kwargs['cl_token'] super(VanillaCNN, self).__init__(*inputs, **kwargs) self.hparams = hparams self.scope = scope self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'hc-' + '.'.join( [str(h) for h in self.hparams.filters]), 'hfc-' + '.'.join( [str(h) for h in self.hparams.fc_dim]), 'd-' + str(self.hparams.depth), 'hdrop-' + str( self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate), 'indrop-' + str( self.hparams.input_dropout_rate)]) self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.000000002) self.create_vars() self.rep_index = 1 self.rep_layer = -1 def create_vars(self): self.indrop = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(rate=self.hparams.input_dropout_rate) self.cnns = [] self.cnn_nns = [] self.cnn_bnz = [] self.cnn_activations = [] self.cnn_pooling = [] self.cnn_dropouts = [] for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): self.cnns.append(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(self.hparams.filters[i], self.hparams.kernel_size[i], activation=None, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer)) # if self.hparams.maxout_size[i] < self.hparams.filters[i]: # nn_size = int(self.hparams.filters[i] / self.hparams.maxout_size[i]) # self.cnn_nns.append(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(self.hparams.maxout_size[i], # (1,1), # activation=None, # kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer)) # else: # self.cnn_nns.append(tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x)) self.cnn_bnz.append(tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()) self.cnn_activations.append(tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu')) self.cnn_pooling.append( tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(self.hparams.pool_size[i])) self.cnn_dropouts.append( tf.keras.layers.Dropout(rate=self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate)) self.avg_pool = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D() self.densez = [] self.dense_bnz = [] self.dense_activations = [] self.dense_dropouts = [] for i in np.arange(self.hparams.proj_depth): self.densez.append( tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.fc_dim[i], activation=None, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer)) self.dense_bnz.append(tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()) self.dense_activations.append(tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu')) self.dense_dropouts.append( tf.keras.layers.Dropout(rate=self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate)) self.projector = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.output_dim, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer) def call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, training=None, **kwargs): x = self.indrop(inputs, training=training, **kwargs) for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): x = self.cnns[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) # x = self.cnn_nns[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = max_out(x, self.hparams.maxout_size[i]) x = self.cnn_bnz[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.cnn_activations[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.cnn_pooling[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.cnn_dropouts[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.avg_pool(x, **kwargs) for i in np.arange(self.hparams.proj_depth): x = self.densez[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dense_bnz[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dense_activations[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dense_dropouts[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) logits = self.projector(x, training=training, **kwargs) return logits def detailed_call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, **kwargs): x = self.indrop(inputs) hidden_activations = [] for i in np.arange(self.hparams.depth): x = self.cnns[i](x, **kwargs) x = max_out(x, self.hparams.maxout_size[i]) x = self.cnn_bnz[i](x, **kwargs) x = self.cnn_activations[i](x, **kwargs) x = self.cnn_pooling[i](x, **kwargs) x = self.cnn_dropouts[i](x, **kwargs) hidden_activations.append(x) x = self.avg_pool(x, **kwargs) hidden_activations.append(x) for i in np.arange(self.hparams.proj_depth): x = self.densez[i](x, **kwargs) x = self.dense_bnz[i](x, **kwargs) x = self.dense_activations[i](x, **kwargs) x = self.dense_dropouts[i](x, **kwargs) hidden_activations.append(x) logits = self.projector(x, **kwargs) return logits, hidden_activations[-1], hidden_activations
import tensorflow as tf import re from tensorboard.compat.tensorflow_stub import tensor_shape def camel2snake(name): return name[0].lower() + re.sub(r'(?!^)[A-Z]', lambda x: '_' +, name[1:]) def log_summary(log_value, log_name, summary_scope): """Produce scalar summaries.""" with tf.compat.v2.summary.experimental.summary_scope(summary_scope): tf.summary.scalar(log_name, log_value) def create_init_var(unnested_state_size, i, initializer_range): flat_dims = tensor_shape.as_shape(unnested_state_size).as_list() init_state_size = [1] + flat_dims return tf.Variable(shape=init_state_size, dtype=tf.float32, initial_value=tf.keras.initializers.TruncatedNormal(stddev=initializer_range)( shape=init_state_size), trainable=True, name="lstm_init_" + str(i))
import absl import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizer_v2.learning_rate_schedule import LearningRateSchedule from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import keras_export from tensorflow_addons.utils import keras_utils @keras_export("keras.optimizers.schedules.ExponentialDecay") class ExponentialDecayWithWarmpUp(LearningRateSchedule): """A LearningRateSchedule that uses an exponential decay schedule.""" def __init__( self, initial_learning_rate, decay_steps, decay_rate, warmup_steps, warmup_learning_rate=0.0, hold_base_rate_steps=0, staircase=False, name=None): """Applies exponential decay to the learning rate. When training a model, it is often recommended to lower the learning rate as the training progresses. This schedule applies an exponential decay function to an optimizer step, given a provided initial learning rate. The schedule a 1-arg callable that produces a decayed learning rate when passed the current optimizer step. This can be useful for changing the learning rate value across different invocations of optimizer functions. It is computed as: ```python def decayed_learning_rate(step): return initial_learning_rate * decay_rate ^ (step / decay_steps) ``` If the argument `staircase` is `True`, then `step / decay_steps` is an integer division and the decayed learning rate follows a staircase function. You can pass this schedule directly into a `tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer` as the learning rate. Example: When fitting a Keras model, decay every 100000 steps with a base of 0.96: ```python initial_learning_rate = 0.1 lr_schedule = tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.ExponentialDecay( initial_learning_rate, decay_steps=100000, decay_rate=0.96, staircase=True) model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=lr_schedule), loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']), labels, epochs=5) ``` The learning rate schedule is also serializable and deserializable using `tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.serialize` and `tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.deserialize`. Args: initial_learning_rate: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or a Python number. The initial learning rate. decay_steps: A scalar `int32` or `int64` `Tensor` or a Python number. Must be positive. See the decay computation above. decay_rate: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or a Python number. The decay rate. staircase: Boolean. If `True` decay the learning rate at discrete intervals name: String. Optional name of the operation. Defaults to 'ExponentialDecay'. Returns: A 1-arg callable learning rate schedule that takes the current optimizer step and outputs the decayed learning rate, a scalar `Tensor` of the same type as `initial_learning_rate`. """ super(ExponentialDecayWithWarmpUp, self).__init__() self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.decay_steps = decay_steps self.decay_rate = decay_rate self.warmup_steps = warmup_steps self.warmup_learning_rate = warmup_learning_rate self.hold_base_rate_steps = hold_base_rate_steps self.staircase = staircase = name @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def __call__(self, step): with ops.name_scope_v2( or "ExponentialDecay") as name: initial_learning_rate = tf.constant( self.initial_learning_rate, name="initial_learning_rate", dtype=tf.float32) warmup_learning_rate = tf.constant( self.warmup_learning_rate, name="warmup_learning_rate", dtype=tf.float32) dtype = initial_learning_rate.dtype decay_steps = math_ops.cast(self.decay_steps, dtype) decay_rate = math_ops.cast(self.decay_rate, dtype) warmup_steps = math_ops.cast(self.warmup_steps, dtype) hold_base_rate_steps = math_ops.cast(self.hold_base_rate_steps, dtype) global_step_recomp = math_ops.cast(step, dtype) p = (global_step_recomp - (warmup_steps+hold_base_rate_steps)) / (decay_steps) if self.staircase: p = math_ops.floor(p) learning_rate= math_ops.multiply( initial_learning_rate, math_ops.pow(decay_rate, p), name=name) learning_rate = tf.where( global_step_recomp > (warmup_steps + hold_base_rate_steps), learning_rate, initial_learning_rate) if self.warmup_steps > 0: if self.initial_learning_rate < self.warmup_learning_rate: raise ValueError('learning_rate_base must be larger or equal to ' 'warmup_learning_rate.') slope = (initial_learning_rate - warmup_learning_rate) / warmup_steps warmup_rate = slope * tf.cast(global_step_recomp, tf.float32) + warmup_learning_rate learning_rate = tf.where(global_step_recomp < warmup_steps, warmup_rate, learning_rate) return learning_rate def get_config(self): return { "initial_learning_rate": self.initial_learning_rate, "decay_steps": self.decay_steps, "decay_rate": self.decay_rate, "staircase": self.staircase, "warmup_steps": self.warmup_steps, "warmup_learning_rate": self.warmup_learning_rate, "hold_base_rate_steps": self.hold_base_rate_steps, "name": } class RectifiedAdam(tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer): """Variant of the Adam optimizer whose adaptive learning rate is rectified so as to have a consistent variance. It implements the Rectified Adam (a.k.a. RAdam) proposed by Liyuan Liu et al. in [On The Variance Of The Adaptive Learning Rate And Beyond]( Example of usage: ```python opt = tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam(lr=1e-3) ``` Note: `amsgrad` is not described in the original paper. Use it with caution. RAdam is not a placement of the heuristic warmup, the settings should be kept if warmup has already been employed and tuned in the baseline method. You can enable warmup by setting `total_steps` and `warmup_proportion`: ```python opt = tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam( lr=1e-3, total_steps=10000, warmup_proportion=0.1, min_lr=1e-5, ) ``` In the above example, the learning rate will increase linearly from 0 to `lr` in 1000 steps, then decrease linearly from `lr` to `min_lr` in 9000 steps. Lookahead, proposed by Michael R. Zhang in the paper [Lookahead Optimizer: k steps forward, 1 step back] (, can be integrated with RAdam, which is announced by Less Wright and the new combined optimizer can also be called "Ranger". The mechanism can be enabled by using the lookahead wrapper. For example: ```python radam = tfa.optimizers.RectifiedAdam() ranger = tfa.optimizers.Lookahead(radam, sync_period=6, slow_step_size=0.5) ``` """ def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.001, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-7, weight_decay=0., amsgrad=False, sma_threshold=5.0, total_steps=0, warmup_proportion=0.1, min_lr=0., name='RectifiedAdam', **kwargs): r"""Construct a new RAdam optimizer. Args: learning_rate: A Tensor or a floating point value. The learning rate. beta_1: A float value or a constant float tensor. The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates. beta_2: A float value or a constant float tensor. The exponential decay rate for the 2nd moment estimates. epsilon: A small constant for numerical stability. weight_decay: A floating point value. Weight decay for each param. amsgrad: boolean. Whether to apply AMSGrad variant of this algorithm from the paper "On the Convergence of Adam and beyond". sma_threshold. A float value. The threshold for simple mean average. total_steps: An integer. Total number of training steps. Enable warmup by setting a positive value. warmup_proportion: A floating point value. The proportion of increasing steps. min_lr: A floating point value. Minimum learning rate after warmup. name: Optional name for the operations created when applying gradients. Defaults to "RectifiedAdam". **kwargs: keyword arguments. Allowed to be {`clipnorm`, `clipvalue`, `lr`, `decay`}. `clipnorm` is clip gradients by norm; `clipvalue` is clip gradients by value, `decay` is included for backward compatibility to allow time inverse decay of learning rate. `lr` is included for backward compatibility, recommended to use `learning_rate` instead. """ super(RectifiedAdam, self).__init__(name, **kwargs) self._set_hyper('learning_rate', kwargs.get('lr', learning_rate)) self._set_hyper('beta_1', beta_1) self._set_hyper('beta_2', beta_2) self._set_hyper('decay', self._initial_decay) self._set_hyper('weight_decay', weight_decay) self._set_hyper('sma_threshold', sma_threshold) self._set_hyper('total_steps', float(total_steps)) self._set_hyper('warmup_proportion', warmup_proportion) self._set_hyper('min_lr', min_lr) self.epsilon = epsilon or tf.keras.backend.epsilon() self.amsgrad = amsgrad self._initial_weight_decay = weight_decay self._initial_total_steps = total_steps def _create_slots(self, var_list): for var in var_list: self.add_slot(var, 'm') for var in var_list: self.add_slot(var, 'v') if self.amsgrad: for var in var_list: self.add_slot(var, 'vhat') def set_weights(self, weights): params = self.weights num_vars = int((len(params) - 1) / 2) if len(weights) == 3 * num_vars + 1: weights = weights[:len(params)] super(RectifiedAdam, self).set_weights(weights) def _resource_apply_dense(self, grad, var): var_dtype = var.dtype.base_dtype lr_t = self._decayed_lr(var_dtype) m = self.get_slot(var, 'm') v = self.get_slot(var, 'v') beta_1_t = self._get_hyper('beta_1', var_dtype) beta_2_t = self._get_hyper('beta_2', var_dtype) epsilon_t = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.epsilon, var_dtype) local_step = tf.cast(self.iterations + 1, var_dtype) beta_1_power = tf.pow(beta_1_t, local_step) beta_2_power = tf.pow(beta_2_t, local_step) if self._initial_total_steps > 0: total_steps = self._get_hyper('total_steps', var_dtype) warmup_steps = total_steps *\ self._get_hyper('warmup_proportion', var_dtype) min_lr = self._get_hyper('min_lr', var_dtype) decay_steps = tf.maximum(total_steps - warmup_steps, 1) decay_rate = (min_lr - lr_t) / decay_steps lr_t = tf.where( local_step <= warmup_steps, lr_t * (local_step / warmup_steps), lr_t + decay_rate * tf.minimum(local_step - warmup_steps, decay_steps), ) sma_inf = 2.0 / (1.0 - beta_2_t) - 1.0 sma_t = sma_inf - 2.0 * local_step * beta_2_power / ( 1.0 - beta_2_power) m_t = m.assign( beta_1_t * m + (1.0 - beta_1_t) * grad, use_locking=self._use_locking) m_corr_t = m_t / (1.0 - beta_1_power) v_t = v.assign( beta_2_t * v + (1.0 - beta_2_t) * tf.square(grad), use_locking=self._use_locking) if self.amsgrad: vhat = self.get_slot(var, 'vhat') vhat_t = vhat.assign( tf.maximum(vhat, v_t), use_locking=self._use_locking) v_corr_t = tf.sqrt(vhat_t / (1.0 - beta_2_power)) else: vhat_t = None v_corr_t = tf.sqrt(v_t / (1.0 - beta_2_power)) r_t = tf.sqrt((sma_t - 4.0) / (sma_inf - 4.0) * (sma_t - 2.0) / (sma_inf - 2.0) * sma_inf / sma_t) sma_threshold = self._get_hyper('sma_threshold', var_dtype) var_t = tf.where(sma_t >= sma_threshold, r_t * m_corr_t / (v_corr_t + epsilon_t), m_corr_t) if self._initial_weight_decay > 0.0: var_t += self._get_hyper('weight_decay', var_dtype) * var var_update = var.assign_sub( lr_t * var_t, use_locking=self._use_locking) updates = [var_update, m_t, v_t] if self.amsgrad: updates.append(vhat_t) return*updates) def _resource_apply_sparse(self, grad, var, indices): var_dtype = var.dtype.base_dtype lr_t = self._decayed_lr(var_dtype) beta_1_t = self._get_hyper('beta_1', var_dtype) beta_2_t = self._get_hyper('beta_2', var_dtype) epsilon_t = tf.convert_to_tensor(self.epsilon, var_dtype) local_step = tf.cast(self.iterations + 1, var_dtype) beta_1_power = tf.pow(beta_1_t, local_step) beta_2_power = tf.pow(beta_2_t, local_step) if self._initial_total_steps > 0: total_steps = self._get_hyper('total_steps', var_dtype) warmup_steps = total_steps *\ self._get_hyper('warmup_proportion', var_dtype) min_lr = self._get_hyper('min_lr', var_dtype) decay_steps = tf.maximum(total_steps - warmup_steps, 1) decay_rate = (min_lr - lr_t) / decay_steps lr_t = tf.where( local_step <= warmup_steps, lr_t * (local_step / warmup_steps), lr_t + decay_rate * tf.minimum(local_step - warmup_steps, decay_steps), ) sma_inf = 2.0 / (1.0 - beta_2_t) - 1.0 sma_t = sma_inf - 2.0 * local_step * beta_2_power / ( 1.0 - beta_2_power) m = self.get_slot(var, 'm') m_scaled_g_values = grad * (1 - beta_1_t) m_t = m.assign(m * beta_1_t, use_locking=self._use_locking) with tf.control_dependencies([m_t]): m_t = self._resource_scatter_add(m, indices, m_scaled_g_values) m_corr_t = m_t / (1.0 - beta_1_power) v = self.get_slot(var, 'v') v_scaled_g_values = (grad * grad) * (1 - beta_2_t) v_t = v.assign(v * beta_2_t, use_locking=self._use_locking) with tf.control_dependencies([v_t]): v_t = self._resource_scatter_add(v, indices, v_scaled_g_values) if self.amsgrad: vhat = self.get_slot(var, 'vhat') vhat_t = vhat.assign( tf.maximum(vhat, v_t), use_locking=self._use_locking) v_corr_t = tf.sqrt(vhat_t / (1.0 - beta_2_power)) else: vhat_t = None v_corr_t = tf.sqrt(v_t / (1.0 - beta_2_power)) r_t = tf.sqrt((sma_t - 4.0) / (sma_inf - 4.0) * (sma_t - 2.0) / (sma_inf - 2.0) * sma_inf / sma_t) sma_threshold = self._get_hyper('sma_threshold', var_dtype) var_t = tf.where(sma_t >= sma_threshold, r_t * m_corr_t / (v_corr_t + epsilon_t), m_corr_t) if self._initial_weight_decay > 0.0: var_t += self._get_hyper('weight_decay', var_dtype) * var with tf.control_dependencies([var_t]): var_update = self._resource_scatter_add( var, indices, tf.gather(-lr_t * var_t, indices)) updates = [var_update, m_t, v_t] if self.amsgrad: updates.append(vhat_t) return*updates) def get_config(self): config = super(RectifiedAdam, self).get_config() config.update({ 'learning_rate': self._serialize_hyperparameter('learning_rate'), 'beta_1': self._serialize_hyperparameter('beta_1'), 'beta_2': self._serialize_hyperparameter('beta_2'), 'decay': self._serialize_hyperparameter('decay'), 'weight_decay': self._serialize_hyperparameter('weight_decay'), 'sma_threshold': self._serialize_hyperparameter('sma_threshold'), 'epsilon': self.epsilon, 'amsgrad': self.amsgrad, 'total_steps': self._serialize_hyperparameter('total_steps'), 'warmup_proportion': self._serialize_hyperparameter('warmup_proportion'), 'min_lr': self._serialize_hyperparameter('min_lr'), }) return config
import tensorflow as tf from tf2_models.common_layers import get_initializer, shape_list, gelu class Attention(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, hidden_dim, n_ctx, config, regularizer, casual_masking=True, scale=False, **kwargs): super(Attention, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.output_attentions = config.output_attentions self.casual_masking = casual_masking n_state = hidden_dim assert n_state % config.n_head == 0 self.n_ctx = n_ctx self.n_head = config.n_head self.split_size = n_state self.scale = scale self.regularizer = regularizer self.c_attn = Conv1D(nf=n_state * 3, nx=hidden_dim, initializer_range=config.initializer_range, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='c_attn') self.c_proj = Conv1D(nf=n_state, nx=hidden_dim, initializer_range=config.initializer_range, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='c_proj') self.attn_dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(config.attn_pdrop) self.resid_dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(config.resid_pdrop) @staticmethod def causal_attention_mask(nd, ns, dtype): """1's in the lower triangle, counting from the lower right corner. Same as tf.matrix_band_part(tf.ones([nd, ns]), -1, ns-nd), but doesn't produce garbage on TPUs. """ i = tf.range(nd)[:, None] j = tf.range(ns) m = i >= j - ns + nd return tf.cast(m, dtype) def _attn(self, inputs, training=False): q, k, v, attention_mask = inputs # q, k, v have shape [batch, heads, sequence, features] w = tf.matmul(q, k, transpose_b=True) if self.scale: dk = tf.cast(tf.shape(k)[-1], tf.float32) # scale attention_scores w = w / tf.math.sqrt(dk) # w has shape [batch, heads, dst_sequence, src_sequence], where information flows from src to dst. _, _, nd, ns = shape_list(w) if self.casual_masking: b = self.causal_attention_mask(nd, ns, dtype=w.dtype) b = tf.reshape(b, [1, 1, nd, ns]) w = w * b - 1e4 * (1 - b) if attention_mask is not None: # Apply the attention mask w = w + attention_mask w = tf.nn.softmax(w, axis=-1) w = self.attn_dropout(w, training=training) outputs = [tf.matmul(w, v)] if self.output_attentions: outputs.append(w) return outputs def merge_heads(self, x): x = tf.transpose(x, [0, 2, 1, 3]) x_shape = shape_list(x) new_x_shape = x_shape[:-2] + [x_shape[-2] * x_shape[-1]] return tf.reshape(x, new_x_shape) def split_heads(self, x): x_shape = shape_list(x) new_x_shape = x_shape[:-1] + [self.n_head, x_shape[-1] // self.n_head] x = tf.reshape(x, new_x_shape) return tf.transpose(x, (0, 2, 1, 3)) # (batch, head, seq_length, head_features) def call(self, inputs, training=False): x, layer_past, attention_mask = inputs x = self.c_attn(x) query, key, value = tf.split(x, 3, axis=2) query = self.split_heads(query) key = self.split_heads(key) value = self.split_heads(value) if layer_past is not None: past_key, past_value = tf.unstack(layer_past, axis=1) key = tf.concat([past_key, key], axis=-2) value = tf.concat([past_value, value], axis=-2) present = tf.stack([key, value], axis=1) attn_outputs = self._attn([query, key, value, attention_mask], training=training) a = attn_outputs[0] a = self.merge_heads(a) a = self.c_proj(a) a = self.resid_dropout(a, training=training) outputs = [a, present] + attn_outputs[1:] return outputs # a, present, (attentions) class Conv1D(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, nf, nx, regularizer, initializer_range=0.02, **kwargs): """ TFConv1D layer as defined by Radford et al. for OpenAI GPT (and also used in GPT-2) Basically works like a Linear layer but the weights are transposed """ super(Conv1D, self).__init__(**kwargs) = nf self.nx = nx self.initializer_range = initializer_range self.regularizer = regularizer def build(self, input_shape): self.weight = self.add_weight( "weight", shape=[self.nx,], initializer=get_initializer(self.initializer_range), regularizer=self.regularizer) self.bias = self.add_weight( "bias", shape=[1,], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), regularizer=self.regularizer) def call(self, x, **kwargs): bz, sl = shape_list(x)[:2] x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, self.nx]) x = tf.matmul(x, self.weight) + self.bias x = tf.reshape(x, [bz, sl,]) return x class Block(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, n_ctx, config, regularizer, casual_masking=True, scale=False, **kwargs): super(Block, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.regularizer = regularizer nx = config.embedding_dim self.ln_1 = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=config.layer_norm_epsilon, name='ln_1') self.attn = Attention(hidden_dim=nx, n_ctx=n_ctx, config=config, scale=scale, regularizer=self.regularizer, casual_masking=casual_masking, name='attn') self.ln_2 = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=config.layer_norm_epsilon, name='ln_2') self.mlp = TransformerMLP(4 * nx, config, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='mlp') def call(self, inputs, training=False): x, layer_past, attention_mask = inputs a = self.ln_1(x) output_attn = self.attn([a, layer_past, attention_mask], training=training) a = output_attn[0] # output_attn: a, present, (attentions) x = x + a m = self.ln_2(x) m = self.mlp(m, training=training) x = x + m outputs = [x] + output_attn[1:] return outputs # x, present, (attentions) class TransformerMLP(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, n_state, config, regularizer, **kwargs): super(TransformerMLP, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.regularizer = regularizer nx = config.embedding_dim self.c_fc = Conv1D(n_state, nx, initializer_range=config.initializer_range, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='c_fc') self.c_proj = Conv1D(nx, n_state, initializer_range=config.initializer_range, regularizer=self.regularizer, name='c_proj') self.act = gelu self.dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(config.resid_pdrop) def call(self, x, training=False): h = self.act(self.c_fc(x)) h2 = self.c_proj(h) h2 = self.dropout(h2, training=training) return h2
import tensorflow as tf class FFResnetBlock(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, filters, kernel_size, activation='relu',*inputs, **kwargs): super(FFResnetBlock, self).__init__(*inputs, **kwargs) self.filters = filters self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.activation = activation self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.000000002) self.create_layer() def create_layer(self): self.conv1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.filters*9, activation=self.activation, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer) self.batch_norm1 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.conv2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.filters*9, activation=None, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer) self.batch_norm2 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.add = tf.keras.layers.Add() self.activation = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu') def call(self, inputs, training=None, **kwargs): outputs = self.conv1(inputs, training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.batch_norm1(outputs,training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.conv2(outputs, training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.batch_norm2(outputs,training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.add([outputs, inputs],training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.activation(outputs, training=training, **kwargs) return outputs class FFResnet(tf.keras.Model): def __init__(self, hparams, scope='ff_resnet', *inputs, **kwargs): if 'cl_token' in kwargs: del kwargs['cl_token'] super(FFResnet, self).__init__(name=scope, *inputs, **kwargs) self.scope = scope self.hparams = hparams self.model_name = '_'.join([self.scope, 'h-' + str(self.hparams.hidden_dim), 'rd-' + str(self.hparams.num_res_net_blocks), 'hdrop-' + str(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate), 'indrop-' + str(self.hparams.input_dropout_rate)]) self.regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1=0.00, l2=0.000000002) self.create_layers() self.rep_index = 1 self.rep_layer = -1 def create_layers(self): self.flat = tf.keras.layers.Flatten() self.batch_norm1 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.activation = tf.keras.layers.Activation('relu') self.conv1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.filters[0]*9, activation=None, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer) self.batch_norm2 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.conv2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.filters[1]*9, activation=None, kernel_regularizer=self.regularizer) self.batch_norm3 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.resblocks = [] for i in range(self.hparams.num_res_net_blocks): self.resblocks.append(FFResnetBlock(self.hparams.filters[2], self.hparams.kernel_size[2])) self.conv4 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.filters[3]*9, activation=None) self.batch_norm4 = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() self.dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.hidden_dim, activation='relu') self.dropout = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.hparams.hidden_dropout_rate) self.project = tf.keras.layers.Dense(self.hparams.output_dim, activation=None) def call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, training=None, **kwargs): x = self.flat(inputs, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm1(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.conv1(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm2(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.conv2(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm3(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) for i in range(self.hparams.num_res_net_blocks): x = self.resblocks[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.conv4(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm4(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dense(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) outputs = self.project(x, training=training, **kwargs) return outputs def detailed_call(self, inputs, padding_symbol=None, training=None, **kwargs): self.layer_activations = [] x = self.flat(inputs, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm1(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.conv1(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm2(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) self.layer_activations.append(x) x = self.conv2(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm3(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) self.layer_activations.append(x) for i in range(self.hparams.num_res_net_blocks): x = self.resblocks[i](x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) self.layer_activations.append(x) x = self.conv4(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.batch_norm4(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.activation(x) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) self.layer_activations.append(x) x = self.dense(x, training=training, **kwargs) x = self.dropout(x, training=training, **kwargs) self.layer_activations.append(x) pnltimt = x outputs = self.project(x, training=training, **kwargs) return outputs, pnltimt, self.layer_activations
import tensorflow as tf from tf2_models.utils import log_summary class CheckpointCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback): def __init__(self, manager, ckpt): super(CheckpointCallback, self).__init__() self.manager = manager self.ckpt = ckpt def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): self.ckpt.step.assign_add(1) save_path = tf.print("Epoch %d: " %epoch) tf.print("Saved checkpoint for:", save_path) class SummaryCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback): def __init__(self, summary_writer): self.summary_writer = summary_writer def on_train_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None): if (self.model.optimizer.iterations % 200) == 0: print(logs) if 'loss' in logs.keys(): log_summary(log_name='learning_rate', log_value=self.model.optimizer.learning_rate( self.model.optimizer.iterations), summary_scope='train') log_summary(log_name='fine_total_loss', log_value=logs['loss'], summary_scope='train') if 'masked_sequence_loss' in logs.keys(): log_summary(log_name='fine_lm_loss', log_value=logs['masked_sequence_loss'], summary_scope='train') if 'sequence_loss' in logs.keys(): log_summary(log_name='fine_lm_loss', log_value=logs['sequence_loss'], summary_scope='train') def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): # Log summary for test and train if 'masked_sequence_loss' in logs.keys(): log_summary(log_name='perolexity', log_value=tf.exp(logs['masked_sequence_loss']), summary_scope='train') log_summary(log_name='perplexity', log_value=tf.exp(logs['val_masked_sequence_loss']), summary_scope='valid') for key in logs.keys(): if 'val' in key: log_summary(log_name=key, log_value=logs[key], summary_scope='valid') else: log_summary(log_name=key, log_value=logs[key], summary_scope='train')
import tensorflow as tf @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def distill_loss(y_true, y_pred, tmp): y_true = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(y_true), dtype=tf.float32) scale_factor = 1.0 / (tmp*tmp) return tf.reduce_mean(tf.compat.v2.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_pred / tmp, labels=y_true, name='loss')) * scale_factor @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def sequence_distill_loss(y_true, y_pred, padding_symbol, tmp): y_true = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(y_true), dtype=tf.float32) sequence_mask = tf.cast(y_true[..., padding_symbol] != 1.0, dtype=tf.float32) sequence_mask = sequence_mask / tf.reduce_sum(sequence_mask) scale_factor = 1.0 / (tmp * tmp) return tf.reduce_sum(tf.compat.v2.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_pred / tmp, labels=y_true, name='loss') * sequence_mask) * scale_factor @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def masked_sequence_loss(y_true, y_pred, padding_symbol=0): y_true = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(y_true), dtype=tf.int64) sequence_mask = tf.cast(y_true != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) # [batch_size, 1] sequence_mask = sequence_mask / tf.reduce_sum(sequence_mask, axis=-1)[...,None] return tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(tf.compat.v2.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_pred, labels=y_true, name='loss') * sequence_mask, axis=-1)) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def batch_masked_sequence_loss(y_true, y_pred, padding_symbol=0): y_true = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(y_true), dtype=tf.int64) sequence_mask = tf.cast(y_true != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) # [batch_size, 1] sequence_mask = sequence_mask return tf.compat.v2.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_pred, labels=y_true, name='loss'), sequence_mask @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def masked_perplexity(y_true, y_pred, padding_symbol=0): y_true = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(y_true), dtype=tf.int64) sequence_mask = tf.cast(y_true != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) # [batch_size, 1] sequence_mask = sequence_mask / tf.reduce_sum(sequence_mask, axis=-1)[...,None] return tf.reduce_mean(tf.exp(tf.reduce_sum(tf.compat.v2.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_pred, labels=y_true, name='loss') * sequence_mask, axis=-1))) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def masked_batch_perplexity(y_true, y_pred, padding_symbol=0): y_true = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(y_true), dtype=tf.int64) sequence_mask = tf.cast(y_true != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) # [batch_size, 1] sequence_mask = sequence_mask / tf.reduce_sum(sequence_mask) return tf.exp(tf.reduce_sum(sequence_mask * tf.compat.v2.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_pred, labels=y_true, name='loss'))) #@tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def classification_loss(y_true, y_pred): if len(y_true.shape) > 1: y_true = tf.squeeze(y_true, axis=-1) y_true = tf.cast(y_true, dtype=tf.int64) return tf.compat.v2.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=y_pred, labels=y_true, name='loss') @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def accuracy(targets, logits, padding_symbol=0): targets = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(targets), dtype=tf.int64) sequence_mask = tf.cast(targets != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) return accuracy_topk(targets, logits, sequence_mask, topk=tf.constant(1)) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def unmasked_accuracy(targets, logits, ): targets = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(targets), dtype=tf.int64) return unmasked_accuracy_topk(targets, logits, topk=tf.constant(1)) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def accuracy_top2(targets, logits, padding_symbol=0): targets = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(targets), dtype=tf.int64) sequence_mask = tf.cast(targets != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) return accuracy_topk(targets, logits, sequence_mask, topk=tf.constant(2)) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def unmasked_accuracy_top2(targets, logits, ): targets = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(targets), dtype=tf.int64) return unmasked_accuracy_topk(targets, logits, topk=tf.constant(2)) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def accuracy_top5(targets, logits, padding_symbol=0): targets = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(targets), dtype=tf.int64) sequence_mask = tf.cast(targets != padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) return accuracy_topk(targets, logits, sequence_mask, topk=tf.constant(5)) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def unmasked_accuracy_top5(targets, logits, ): targets = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(targets), dtype=tf.int64) return unmasked_accuracy_topk(targets, logits, topk=tf.constant(5)) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def accuracy_topk(targets, logits, sequence_mask, topk): orig_shape = tf.shape(logits) last_dim = orig_shape[-1] logits = tf.reshape(logits, (-1,last_dim)) targets = tf.reshape(targets, (-1,1)) sequence_mask = tf.cast(tf.reshape(sequence_mask, (-1,1)), tf.float32) unmasked_accuracies = tf.keras.metrics.sparse_top_k_categorical_accuracy(y_true=targets, y_pred=logits, k=topk) normalizing_factor = sequence_mask / tf.reduce_sum(sequence_mask) normalizing_factor = tf.squeeze(normalizing_factor) return tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(normalizing_factor, unmasked_accuracies)) @tf.function(experimental_relax_shapes=True) def unmasked_accuracy_topk(targets, logits, topk): orig_shape = tf.shape(logits) last_dim = orig_shape[-1] logits = tf.reshape(logits, (-1,last_dim)) targets = tf.reshape(targets, (-1,1)) unmasked_accuracies = tf.keras.metrics.sparse_top_k_categorical_accuracy(y_true=targets, y_pred=logits, k=topk) return tf.reduce_mean(unmasked_accuracies) class MaskedSequenceLoss(tf.keras.losses.Loss): def __init__(self, padding_symbol=0, num_replicas_in_sync=1, **kwargs): super(MaskedSequenceLoss, self).__init__(reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM, **kwargs) self.padding_symbol = tf.constant(padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64) = "batch_masked_sequence_loss" self.num_replicas_in_sync = num_replicas_in_sync def call(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): entropies, mask = batch_masked_sequence_loss(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, padding_symbol=self.padding_symbol) if sample_weight is not None: mask = sample_weight norm_factor = mask / tf.reduce_sum(mask) return tf.reduce_sum(entropies * norm_factor) / self.num_replicas_in_sync class MaskedSequenceMetric(tf.keras.losses.Loss): def __init__(self, padding_symbol=0, **kwargs): super(MaskedSequenceMetric, self).__init__(reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE, **kwargs) self.padding_symbol = tf.constant(padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64) = "batch_masked_sequence_loss" def call(self, y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None): entropies, mask = batch_masked_sequence_loss(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred, padding_symbol=self.padding_symbol) if sample_weight is not None: mask = sample_weight norm_factor = mask / tf.reduce_sum(mask) return tf.reduce_sum(entropies * norm_factor) class ClassificationLoss(tf.keras.losses.Loss): def __init__(self, global_batch_size, padding_symbol=tf.constant(0), **kwargs): super(ClassificationLoss, self).__init__(reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.SUM, **kwargs) self.padding_symbol = tf.constant(padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64) = "classification_loss" self.global_batch_size = tf.cast(global_batch_size, dtype=tf.float32) def call(self, y_true, y_pred): return classification_loss(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred) / self.global_batch_size class ClassificationLossMetric(tf.keras.losses.Loss): def __init__(self, global_batch_size, padding_symbol=0, **kwargs): super(ClassificationLossMetric, self).__init__(reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE, **kwargs) self.padding_symbol = tf.constant(padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64) = "classification_loss" self.global_batch_size = global_batch_size def call(self, y_true, y_pred): return tf.reduce_mean(classification_loss(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred), axis=0) class AccuracyTopk(tf.keras.losses.Loss): def __init__(self, global_batch_size, padding_symbol=0, topk=1, **kwargs): super(AccuracyTopk, self).__init__(reduction=tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE, **kwargs) = '-'.join(['accuracy','top', str(topk)]) self.padding_symbol = tf.constant(padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64) self.global_batch_size = global_batch_size self.topk = tf.constant(topk) def call(self, y_true, y_pred): y_true = tf.cast(tf.squeeze(y_true), dtype=tf.int64) sequence_mask = tf.cast(y_true != self.padding_symbol, dtype=tf.float32) return accuracy_topk(targets=y_true, logits=y_pred, sequence_mask=sequence_mask, topk=self.topk) if __name__ == '__main__': import numpy as np a = np.asarray([[[1,1.5,2,0], [4,3,0,0]], [[1,1.5,2,0], [4,3,0,0]]], dtype=np.float32) a_mask = [[1, 1],[1 , 0]] print(a_mask) b = np.asarray([[0, 0],[1, 1]], dtype=np.int64) print(accuracy_topk(logits=a,targets=b,sequence_mask=a_mask,topk=1))
import tensorflow as tf import os from tf2_models.keras_callbacks import CheckpointCallback, SummaryCallback from tf2_models.train_utils import RectifiedAdam, ExponentialDecayWithWarmpUp OPTIMIZER_DIC = {'adam': tf.keras.optimizers.Adam, 'radam': RectifiedAdam, } class Trainer(object): def __init__(self, hparams, strategy, model, task, train_params, log_dir, ckpt_dir): self.hparams = hparams self.model = model self.task = task self.train_params = train_params self.strategy = strategy lr_schedule = self.get_lr_schedule() self.optimizer = OPTIMIZER_DIC[self.train_params.optimizer](learning_rate=lr_schedule, epsilon=1e-08, clipnorm=1.0) self.ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(step=tf.Variable(1, name='checkpoint_step'), optimizer=self.optimizer, net=self.model) self.manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(self.ckpt, ckpt_dir, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=self.hparams.keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours, max_to_keep=2) with self.strategy.scope(): x, y = iter(self.task.valid_dataset).next() model(x) model.summary() model.compile( optimizer=self.optimizer, loss=self.task.get_loss_fn(), metrics=self.task.metrics())#[self.task.get_loss_fn()]) #tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True),) summary_dir = os.path.join(log_dir, 'summaries') self.summary_writer = tf.compat.v2.summary.create_file_writer(os.path.join(summary_dir, 'train')) tf.compat.v2.summary.experimental.set_step(self.optimizer.iterations) ckpt_callback = CheckpointCallback(manager=self.manager, ckpt=self.ckpt) summary_callback = SummaryCallback(summary_writer=self.summary_writer) self.callbacks = [ckpt_callback, summary_callback] def get_lr_schedule(self): if 'crs' in self.train_params.schedule: initial_learning_rate = self.train_params.learning_rate lr_schedule = ( tf.keras.experimental.CosineDecayRestarts( initial_learning_rate, self.train_params.decay_steps, t_mul=2.0, m_mul=0.9, alpha=0.001, )) elif self.train_params.optimizer == 'radam': initial_learning_rate = self.train_params.learning_rate lr_schedule = ExponentialDecayWithWarmpUp( initial_learning_rate=initial_learning_rate, decay_steps=self.train_params.decay_steps, hold_base_rate_steps=self.train_params.hold_base_rate_steps, decay_rate=0.96, warmup_steps=0.0) else: initial_learning_rate = self.train_params.learning_rate lr_schedule = ExponentialDecayWithWarmpUp( initial_learning_rate=initial_learning_rate, decay_steps=self.train_params.decay_steps, decay_rate=0.96, hold_base_rate_steps=self.train_params.hold_base_rate_steps, warmup_steps=self.train_params.warmup_steps) return lr_schedule def restore(self): with self.strategy.scope(): self.ckpt.restore(self.manager.latest_checkpoint) if self.manager.latest_checkpoint: print("Restored from {}".format(self.manager.latest_checkpoint)) else: print("Initializing from scratch.") def train(self): with self.strategy.scope(): with self.summary_writer.as_default(): print("initial learning rate:", self.model.optimizer.learning_rate(self.model.optimizer.iterations)), epochs=self.train_params.num_train_epochs, steps_per_epoch=self.task.n_train_batches, validation_steps=self.task.n_valid_batches, callbacks=self.callbacks, validation_data=self.task.valid_dataset, verbose=2 )
from collections import Counter import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_datasets as tfds import os import numpy as np from tensorflow_datasets.core.features.text import Tokenizer from tensorflow_datasets.core.features.text.text_encoder import write_lines_to_file, read_lines_from_file from prep_data.build_dictionary import build_and_save_dic from util import text_util, constants from util.text_util import deps_from_tsv, deps_to_tsv import string class SVAgreement(tfds.core.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """ This is the dataset for evaluating the ability of language models to learn syntax. Paper: Assessing the Ability of LSTMs to Learn Syntax-Sensitive Dependencies Tal Linzen, Emmanuel Dupoux, Yoav Goldberg """ VERSION = tfds.core.Version('0.1.0') CLASS_TO_CODE = {'VBZ': 0, 'VBP': 1} CODE_TO_CLASS = {x: y for y, x in CLASS_TO_CODE.items()} def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(SVAgreement, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _info(self): self.text_encoder_config = tfds.features.text.TextEncoderConfig( encoder_cls=tfds.features.text.SubwordTextEncoder, vocab_size=2 ** 13) return tfds.core.DatasetInfo( builder=self, # This is the description that will appear on the datasets page. description=("This is the dataset for subject verb agreement " "to assess the ability of language models to learn syntax"), # tfds.features.FeatureConnectors features=tfds.features.FeaturesDict({ "sentence": tfds.features.Text( encoder_config=self.text_encoder_config), # Here, labels can be of 5 distinct values. "verb_class": tfds.features.ClassLabel(names=["VBZ", "VBP"]), "verb_position": tf.int32, "n_intervening": tf.int32, "n_diff_intervening": tf.int32, "distance": tf.int32, "verb": tfds.features.Text() }), # If there's a common (input, target) tuple from the features, # specify them here. They'll be used if as_supervised=True in # builder.as_dataset. supervised_keys=("sentence", "verb_class"), # Homepage of the dataset for documentation urls=[""], # Bibtex citation for the dataset citation=r"""@article{my-awesome-dataset-2020, author = {Linzen, Tal; Dupoux,Emmanuel; Goldberg, Yoav},"}""", ) def _vocab_text_gen(self, input_file): for _, ex in self._generate_examples(input_file): yield ex["sentence"] def _split_generators(self, dl_manager): # Downloads the data and defines the splits # dl_manager is a that can be used to # download and extract URLs extracted_path = dl_manager.download_and_extract( '') def make_splits(extracted_path, data_dir, prop_train=0.1, prop_valid=0.01): # for reproducibility np.random.seed(42) print('| read in the data') data = deps_from_tsv(extracted_path) print('| shuffling') np.random.shuffle(data) n_train = int(len(data) * prop_train) n_valid = int(len(data) * prop_valid) train = data[:n_train] valid = data[n_train: n_train + n_valid] test = data[n_train + n_valid:] print('| splitting') deps_to_tsv(train, os.path.join(data_dir, "train.tsv")) deps_to_tsv(valid, os.path.join(data_dir, "valid.tsv")) deps_to_tsv(test, os.path.join(data_dir, "test.tsv")) print('| done!') make_splits(extracted_path,self.data_dir) # Generate vocabulary from training data if SubwordTextEncoder configured["sentence"].maybe_build_from_corpus( self._vocab_text_gen(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "train.tsv"))) # Specify the splits return [ tfds.core.SplitGenerator( name=tfds.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={ "input_file_path": os.path.join(self.data_dir, "train.tsv"), }, ), tfds.core.SplitGenerator( name=tfds.Split.VALIDATION, gen_kwargs={ "input_file_path": os.path.join(self.data_dir, "valid.tsv"), }, ), tfds.core.SplitGenerator( name=tfds.Split.TEST, gen_kwargs={ "input_file_path": os.path.join(self._data_dir, "test.tsv"), }, ), ] def _generate_examples(self, input_file_path): """ Yields examples from the dataset :param input_file_path: :return: example """ # Read the input data out of the source files data = deps_from_tsv(input_file_path) # And yield examples as feature dictionaries example_id = 0 for example in data: example_id += 1 yield example_id, { "sentence": example['sentence'], "verb_class": example['verb_pos'], "verb_position": int(example['verb_index']) - 1, "n_intervening": example['n_intervening'], "n_diff_intervening": example['n_diff_intervening'], "distance": example['distance'], "verb": example['verb'] } def sentence_encoder(self): return["sentence"].encoder def vocab_size(self): """Retrieves the dictionary mapping word indices back to words. Arguments: path: where to cache the data (relative to `~/.keras/dataset`). Returns: The word index dictionary. """ return["sentence"].encoder.vocab_size class WordSvAgreement(SVAgreement): """ This is the dataset for evaluating the ability of language models to learn syntax. Paper: Assessing the Ability of LSTMs to Learn Syntax-Sensitive Dependencies Tal Linzen, Emmanuel Dupoux, Yoav Goldberg """ VERSION = tfds.core.Version('0.1.0') CLASS_TO_CODE = {'VBZ': 0, 'VBP': 1} CODE_TO_CLASS = {x: y for y, x in CLASS_TO_CODE.items()} VOCAB_DIR = 'tal_agreement/vocab' def __init__(self, data_dir, **kwargs): self.vocab_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, self.VOCAB_DIR) super(WordSvAgreement, self).__init__(data_dir=data_dir, **kwargs) def _info(self): vocab = list(np.load(self.vocab_dir, allow_pickle=True).item().keys()) print("Vocab len: ", len(vocab)) self.text_encoder_config = tfds.features.text.TextEncoderConfig( encoder=tfds.features.text.TokenTextEncoder(vocab_list=vocab, oov_token=constants.unk, lowercase=False, tokenizer=tfds.features.text.Tokenizer( alphanum_only=True, reserved_tokens=[a for a in string.punctuation if a not in ['<', '>']] + constants.all ))) return tfds.core.DatasetInfo( builder=self, # This is the description that will appear on the datasets page. description=("This is the dataset for subject verb agreement " "to assess the ability of language models to learn syntax"), # tfds.features.FeatureConnectors features=tfds.features.FeaturesDict({ "sentence": tfds.features.Text( encoder_config=self.text_encoder_config), # Here, labels can be of 5 distinct values. "verb_class": tfds.features.ClassLabel(names=["VBZ", "VBP"]), "verb_position": tf.int32, "n_intervening": tf.int32, "n_diff_intervening": tf.int32, "distance": tf.int32, "verb": tfds.features.Text() }), # If there's a common (input, target) tuple from the features, # specify them here. They'll be used if as_supervised=True in # builder.as_dataset. supervised_keys=("sentence", "verb_class"), # Homepage of the dataset for documentation homepage="", # Bibtex citation for the dataset citation=r"""@article{my-awesome-dataset-2020, author = {Linzen, Tal; Dupoux,Emmanuel; Goldberg, Yoav},"}""", ) if __name__ == '__main__': databuilder = WordSvAgreement(data_dir='data') databuilder.download_and_prepare(download_dir='tmp/', dataset = databuilder.as_dataset(split="validation", batch_size=1000) dataset = tfds.as_numpy(dataset) for batch in dataset: print("encoded_sentence:", batch['sentence']) print("decoded_sentence:", databuilder.sentence_encoder().decode(batch['sentence'][0])) print("verb class:", batch['verb_class'][0]) print("verb position:",batch['verb_position'][0]) print("distance:",batch['distance'][0]) break print(databuilder.vocab_size())
import tensorflow as tf from distill.distill_util import get_masked_probs from distill.repsim_util import rep_loss from util import constants class Task(object): def __init__(self, task_params, num_replicas_in_sync=1, builder_cls=None, name='abstract_task', data_dir='data', output_padding=False): = name self.task_params = task_params self.data_dir = data_dir self.builder_cls = builder_cls self.num_replicas_in_sync = num_replicas_in_sync self.add_cls = True if builder_cls: self.databuilder = self.builder_cls(data_dir=self.data_dir) self.input_padding_symbol = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64) #tf.cast(self.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.pad)[0], dtype=tf.int64) if output_padding: self.output_padding_symbol = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64) #tf.cast(self.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.pad)[0], dtype=tf.int64) else: self.output_padding_symbol = tf.cast(-1, dtype=tf.int64) self.setup_datasets() def sentence_encoder(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def padded_shapes(self): return ([None],[None]) def vocab_size(self): raise NotImplementedError def convert_examples(self, examples): raise NotImplementedError def get_probs_fn(self): return get_masked_probs def setup_datasets(self): assert self.databuilder = self.n_train_batches = int(['train'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.n_valid_batches = int(['validation'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.n_test_batches = int(['test'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.valid_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="validation") self.valid_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.padded_batch(batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padded_shapes=self.padded_shapes, padding_values=(self.input_padding_symbol,self.output_padding_symbol)) #self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.cache() self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.repeat() self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.prefetch( self.test_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="test") self.test_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.padded_batch(batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padded_shapes=self.padded_shapes, padding_values=(self.input_padding_symbol,self.output_padding_symbol)) self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.repeat() self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.prefetch( self.train_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="train") self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.shuffle(10000) self.train_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.padded_batch(batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padded_shapes=self.padded_shapes, padding_values=(self.input_padding_symbol,self.output_padding_symbol)) #self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.cache() self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.repeat() self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.prefetch( def get_rep_loss(self): return rep_loss class RandomGaussianTask(object): def __init__(self, task_params, builder_cls=None, name='random_gaussian_task', data_dir='data'): = name self.output_padding_symbol = 0 self.task_params = task_params self.data_dir = data_dir self.builder_cls = builder_cls if builder_cls: self.databuilder = self.builder_cls(data_dir=self.data_dir) self.setup_datasets() @property def padded_shapes(self): return ([None],[None]) def vocab_size(self): raise NotImplementedError def convert_examples(self, examples): raise NotImplementedError def get_probs_fn(self): return get_masked_probs def setup_datasets(self): assert self.builder_cls = self.n_train_batches = int(['train'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.n_valid_batches = int(['validation'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.n_test_batches = int(['test'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.valid_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="validation") self.valid_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.padded_batch(batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padded_shapes=self.padded_shapes) #self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.cache() self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.repeat() self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.prefetch( self.test_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="test") self.test_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.padded_batch(batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padded_shapes=self.padded_shapes) self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.repeat() self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.prefetch( self.train_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="train") self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.shuffle(10000) self.train_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.padded_batch(batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padded_shapes=self.padded_shapes) #self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.cache() self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.repeat() self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.prefetch(
import functools from distill.distill_util import DistillLoss, get_probs, SequenceDistillLoss, get_topk_masked_probs, get_masked_probs from tasks.task import Task import tensorflow as tf from tf2_models import metrics from tf2_models.metrics import masked_batch_perplexity, masked_perplexity, \ MaskedSequenceLoss, ClassificationLoss from tfds_data.tal_agreement import WordSvAgreement, SVAgreement from util import constants class SvAgreementLM(Task): def __init__(self, task_params, name='sv_agreement_lm', data_dir='data', builder_cls=SVAgreement): super(SvAgreementLM, self).__init__(task_params=task_params, name=name, data_dir=data_dir, builder_cls=builder_cls, output_padding=True) @tf.function def convert_examples(self, examples): sentences = examples['sentence'] s_shape = tf.shape(sentences) #batch_size, length = s_shape[0], s_shape[1] bos = self.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) eos = self.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.eos) sentence = tf.concat([bos, sentences, eos], axis=-1) return sentence[:-1],\ sentence[1:] def get_loss_fn(self): return MaskedSequenceLoss(padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64), num_replicas_in_sync=self.task_params.num_replicas_in_sync) def vocab_size(self): return self.databuilder.vocab_size() def output_size(self): return self.vocab_size() def sentence_encoder(self): return self.databuilder.sentence_encoder() def get_distill_loss_fn(self, distill_params): return SequenceDistillLoss(tmp=distill_params.distill_temp, padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64)) def get_probs_fn(self): return get_masked_probs def metrics(self): return [MaskedSequenceLoss(padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64)), functools.update_wrapper(functools.partial(masked_batch_perplexity, padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64)), masked_batch_perplexity), functools.update_wrapper(functools.partial(masked_perplexity, padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64)), masked_perplexity), metrics.AccuracyTopk(global_batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64), topk=1), metrics.AccuracyTopk(global_batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64), topk=2), metrics.AccuracyTopk(global_batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64), topk=5) ] class WordSvAgreementLM(SvAgreementLM): def __init__(self, task_params, name='word_sv_agreement_lm', data_dir='data', builder_cls=WordSvAgreement): super(WordSvAgreementLM, self).__init__(task_params=task_params, name=name, data_dir=data_dir, builder_cls=builder_cls) class WordSvAgreementVP(Task): def __init__(self, task_params, name='word_sv_agreement_vp', data_dir='data', builder_cls=WordSvAgreement): super(WordSvAgreementVP, self).__init__(task_params=task_params, name=name, data_dir=data_dir, builder_cls=builder_cls, output_padding=False) @property def padded_shapes(self): return ([None],[]) @tf.function def convert_examples(self, examples): sentences = examples['sentence'] #bos = self.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) eos = self.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.eos) sentences = tf.concat([sentences, eos], axis=-1) verb_position = examples['verb_position'] # The verb it self is also masked mask = tf.cast(tf.sequence_mask(verb_position,maxlen=tf.shape(sentences)[0]), dtype=tf.int64) max_length = tf.reduce_max(verb_position + 1) last_index_mask = tf.eye(tf.shape(sentences)[0], dtype=tf.int64)[verb_position] last_index_mask = last_index_mask * eos[0] return (sentences * mask + last_index_mask)[:max_length], \ examples['verb_class'] def vocab_size(self): return self.databuilder.vocab_size() def output_size(self): return 2 def get_loss_fn(self): return ClassificationLoss(global_batch_size=tf.constant(self.task_params.batch_size), padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64)) def get_distill_loss_fn(self, distill_params): return DistillLoss(tmp=tf.constant(distill_params.distill_temp), padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64)) def get_probs_fn(self): return get_probs def metrics(self): return [ClassificationLoss(global_batch_size=tf.constant(self.task_params.batch_size), padding_symbol=tf.constant(self.output_padding_symbol, dtype=tf.int64)), tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy()] def sentence_encoder(self): return self.databuilder.sentence_encoder()
from distill.distill_util import DistillLoss, get_probs from tasks.task import Task import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_datasets as tfds from tf2_models.metrics import ClassificationLoss from tfds_data.aff_nist import AffNist class Mnist(Task): def __init__(self, task_params, name='mnist', data_dir='mnist_data'): self.databuilder = tfds.builder("mnist") super(Mnist, self).__init__(task_params=task_params, name=name, data_dir=data_dir, builder_cls=None) def vocab_size(self): return 28*28 def output_size(self): return 10 def get_loss_fn(self): return ClassificationLoss(global_batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padding_symbol=tf.constant(-1, dtype=tf.int64)) def get_distill_loss_fn(self, distill_params): return DistillLoss(tmp=distill_params.distill_temp) def get_probs_fn(self): return get_probs def metrics(self): return [ClassificationLoss(global_batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padding_symbol=tf.constant(-1, dtype=tf.int64)), tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy()] @property def padded_shapes(self): # To make sure we are not using this! raise NotImplementedError def convert_examples(self, examples): return tf.cast(examples['image'], dtype=tf.float32)/255, tf.cast(examples['label'], dtype=tf.int32) def setup_datasets(self): = self.n_train_batches = int(['train'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.n_test_batches = int(['test'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.n_valid_batches = int(['test'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.databuilder.download_and_prepare(download_dir=self.data_dir) self.test_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="test") assert isinstance(self.test_dataset, self.test_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.repeat() self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.batch( batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size) self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.prefetch( self.train_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="train") assert isinstance(self.train_dataset, self.train_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.repeat() self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.shuffle(1024) self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.batch( batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size) # self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.cache() self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.prefetch( self.valid_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="test") assert isinstance(self.valid_dataset, self.valid_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.repeat() self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.batch( batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size) self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.prefetch( class AffNistTask(Task): def __init__(self, task_params, name='aff_nist',data_dir='data', builder_cls=AffNist): super(AffNistTask, self).__init__(task_params=task_params, name=name, data_dir=data_dir, builder_cls=builder_cls) def input_shape(self): """ To be used when calling :return: #[batch_size, height, width, channels """ return [None, 32, 32, 1] def vocab_size(self): return 40*40 def output_size(self): return 10 def get_loss_fn(self): return ClassificationLoss(global_batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padding_symbol=tf.constant(-1, dtype=tf.int64)) def get_distill_loss_fn(self, distill_params): return DistillLoss(tmp=distill_params.distill_temp) def get_probs_fn(self): return get_probs def metrics(self): return [ClassificationLoss(global_batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size, padding_symbol=tf.constant(-1, dtype=tf.int64)), tf.keras.metrics.SparseCategoricalAccuracy()] @property def padded_shapes(self): # To make sure we are not using this! raise NotImplementedError def convert_examples(self, examples): return tf.cast(examples['image'], dtype=tf.float32)/255, tf.cast(examples['label'], dtype=tf.int32) def setup_datasets(self): = self.n_train_batches = int(['train'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.n_test_batches = int(['test'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.n_valid_batches = int(['test'].num_examples / self.task_params.batch_size) self.test_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="test") assert isinstance(self.test_dataset, self.test_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.repeat() self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.batch( batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size) self.test_dataset = self.test_dataset.prefetch( self.train_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="train") assert isinstance(self.train_dataset, self.train_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.repeat() self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.shuffle(1024) self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.batch( batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size) # self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.cache() self.train_dataset = self.train_dataset.prefetch( self.valid_dataset = self.databuilder.as_dataset(split="test") assert isinstance(self.valid_dataset, self.valid_dataset = x: self.convert_examples(x), self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.repeat() self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.batch( batch_size=self.task_params.batch_size) self.valid_dataset = self.valid_dataset.prefetch( class Svhn(Mnist): def __init__(self, task_params, name='svhn', data_dir='mnist_data'): self.databuilder = tfds.builder("svhn_cropped") super(Mnist, self).__init__(task_params=task_params, name=name, data_dir=data_dir, builder_cls=None) def vocab_size(self): return 32 * 32 def input_shape(self): """ To be used when calling :return: #[batch_size, height, width, channels """ return [None, 32, 32, 1] class Mnist40(Mnist): def __init__(self, task_params, name='mnist40', data_dir='mnist_data'): self.databuilder = tfds.builder("mnist") super(Mnist, self).__init__(task_params=task_params, name=name, data_dir=data_dir, builder_cls=None) def vocab_size(self): return 40 * 40 def output_size(self): return 10 def input_shape(self): """ To be used when calling :return: #[batch_size, height, width, channels """ return [None, 32, 32, 1] def convert_examples(self, examples): pad_length = int((40 - 28) / 2) return tf.pad(tf.cast(examples['image'], dtype=tf.float32) / 255, ([pad_length, pad_length], [pad_length, pad_length], [0, 0])), tf.cast( examples['label'], dtype=tf.int32)
''' Evaluate word based language models on the subject verb agreement task. Codes adapted from: Example Run: python tasks/evaluations/ \ --exp_name=lisa_fd4 \ --model_name=lm_gpt2 \ --model_config=very_big_gpt_v10 \ --train_config=adam_slow \ --prefix=offline_pure_distill_2_teacher_lm_lstm_shared_emb_em-512_h-512_d-2_hdrop-0.3_indrop-0.2_0.001_lisa_offlineteacher_v1_student \ --withlr=False \ --chkpt_dir=tf_ckpts \ --logdir=logs ''' import os from tasks.sv_agreement import WordSvAgreementLM from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from tf2_models.trainer import Trainer from util import constants from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm from tf2_models.metrics import * import numpy as np from absl import flags from absl import app from util.models import MODELS from util.text_util import gen_inflect_from_vocab FLAGS = flags.FLAGS flags.DEFINE_string('logdir', 'logs', ' log dir path') flags.DEFINE_string('chkpt_dir', 'chkpt_dir', ' chkpt_dir path') flags.DEFINE_string('prefix', 'prefix', ' prefix') flags.DEFINE_string('exp_name', 'tune_withl2_withpunc', 'tune_withl2_withpunc | withl2_batchsumloss_withpunc') flags.DEFINE_string('model_config', 'very_big_gpt_v10', 'big_gpt_v5 | very_big_gpt_v10| lstm_drop31_v2') flags.DEFINE_string('model_name', 'lm_gpt2_shared', 'lm_gpt2_shared | lm_gpt1 | lm_lstm_shared_emb') flags.DEFINE_string('train_config', 'adam_slw', ' adam_slw | radam_fst') flags.DEFINE_string('split', 'test', ' valid | test | train') flags.DEFINE_boolean('withlr', True, 'True | False') hparams = flags.FLAGS def compute_and_print_acc_stats(distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total): ''' Computes and prints accuracy based on hits :param distance_hits: :param distance_total: :param diff_hits: :param diff_total: :return: None ''' dis_acc = np.zeros(16) dif_acc = np.zeros(5) total_nominator = 0.0 total_denominator = 0.0 print('Accuracy by distance') for k in sorted(distance_hits.keys()): v = distance_hits[k] acc = v / distance_total[k] dis_acc[k-1] = acc print("%d | %.2f" % (k, acc), distance_total[k]) total_nominator += v total_denominator += distance_total[k] print("Micro accuracy (distance):", total_nominator / total_denominator) print("Macro accuracy (distance):", np.mean(dis_acc)) print('Accuracy by intervenings:') total_nominator = 0.0 total_denominator = 0.0 for k in sorted(diff_hits.keys()): v = diff_hits[k] acc = v * 1. / diff_total[k] print("%d | %.2f" % (k, acc), diff_total[k]) dif_acc[k] = acc total_nominator += v total_denominator += diff_total[k] print("Micro accuracy (intervenings):", total_nominator / total_denominator) print("Macro accuracy (intervenings):", np.mean(dif_acc)) def evaluate_vp(model, task, split='test'): ''' Computes the accuracy statistics of the given model on the subject verb agreement task. :param model: the models to be evaluated :param task: :return: distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total ''' verb_infl, noun_infl = gen_inflect_from_vocab('data/tal_agreement/wiki.vocab') distance_hits = Counter() distance_total = Counter() diff_hits = Counter() diff_total = Counter() test_data = task.databuilder.as_dataset(split=split, batch_size=1000) for example in tqdm(test_data): encoded_sentences = example['sentence'] s_shape = tf.shape(encoded_sentences) batch_size, length = s_shape[0], s_shape[1] bos = tf.ones((batch_size, 1), dtype=tf.int64) * task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) eos = tf.ones((batch_size, 1), dtype=tf.int64) * task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.eos) encoded_sentences = tf.concat([bos, encoded_sentences, eos], axis=1) actual_verbs = example['verb'] inflected_verbs = [verb_infl[v.decode("utf-8")] for v in actual_verbs.numpy()] verb_indexes = example['verb_position'] distances = example['distance'].numpy() nz = example['n_intervening'].numpy() n_diffs = example['n_diff_intervening'].numpy() actual_verb_indexes = [task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(v)[0] for v in actual_verbs.numpy()] inflected_verb_indexes = [task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(v)[0] for v in inflected_verbs] scores = model(encoded_sentences) actual_batch_indexes = [(i, verb_indexes[i], actual_verb_indexes[i]) for i in range(len(verb_indexes))] actual_scores = tf.compat.v2.gather_nd(scores, actual_batch_indexes) inflected_batch_indexes = [(i, verb_indexes[i], inflected_verb_indexes[i]) for i in range(len(verb_indexes))] infelected_scores = tf.compat.v2.gather_nd(scores, inflected_batch_indexes) corrects = actual_scores > infelected_scores for i, c in enumerate(corrects): if nz[i] > 4 or distances[i] > 16: continue distance_total[distances[i]] += 1 distance_hits[distances[i]] += int(c) if nz[i] == n_diffs[i]: n = nz[i] diff_total[n] += 1 diff_hits[n] += int(c) return distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total def main(argv): task = WordSvAgreementLM(task_params=get_task_params(), data_dir='data') # Create the Model model_params = get_model_params(task, hparams.model_name, hparams.model_config) print("model_params: ", model_params.__dict__) cl_token = task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) model = MODELS[hparams.model_name](hparams=get_model_params(task, hparams.model_name, hparams.model_config), cl_token=cl_token) trainer_params = get_train_params(hparams.train_config) if len(hparams.prefix) > 0: hparams.prefix = hparams.prefix + "_" log_dir = os.path.join(hparams.logdir,, hparams.prefix+model.model_name + "_" + str(hparams.model_config) + "_" + str( trainer_params.learning_rate) + "_" + hparams.exp_name) ckpt_dir = os.path.join(hparams.chkpt_dir,, hparams.prefix+model.model_name + "_" + str(hparams.model_config) + "_" + ((str( trainer_params.learning_rate) + "_") if hparams.withlr else '') + hparams.exp_name) print(ckpt_dir) trainer = Trainer(task=task, model=model, train_params=trainer_params, log_dir=log_dir, ckpt_dir=ckpt_dir) trainer.restore() distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total = evaluate_vp(trainer.model, trainer.task, hparams.split) compute_and_print_acc_stats(distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total) if __name__ == '__main__':
import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import os from tqdm import tqdm from util import constants from collections import Counter from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns; sns.set() sns.set_style("whitegrid") from util import inflect dependency_fields = ['sentence', 'orig_sentence', 'pos_sentence', 'subj', 'verb', 'subj_pos', 'has_rel', 'has_nsubj', 'verb_pos', 'subj_index', 'verb_index', 'n_intervening', 'last_intervening', 'n_diff_intervening', 'distance', 'max_depth', 'all_nouns', 'nouns_up_to_verb'] def get_model(config, task, hparams, cl_token, **kwargs): model = MODELS[config['model_name']](hparams=hparams, cl_token=cl_token, **kwargs) ckpt_dir = os.path.join(config['chkpt_dir'],, model.model_name+"_"+str(config['model_config'])+"_"+str(config['learning_rate'])+"_"+config['exp_name']) ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(net=model) manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(ckpt, ckpt_dir, max_to_keep=None) ckpt.restore(manager.latest_checkpoint) if manager.latest_checkpoint: print("Restored student from {}".format(manager.latest_checkpoint)) else: print("No checkpoint found {}".format(ckpt_dir)) model.compile(loss=task.get_loss_fn(), metrics=task.metrics()) return model, ckpt def get_student_model(config, task, hparams, cl_token): teacher_model = MODELS[config['teacher_model']](hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']), cl_token=cl_token) model = MODELS[config['student_model']](hparams=hparams, cl_token=cl_token) ckpt_dir = os.path.join(config['chkpt_dir'],, '_'.join([config['distill_mode'],config['distill_config'], "teacher", teacher_model.model_name, config['teacher_config'], config['teacher_exp_name'], "student",model.model_name, str(config['student_config']), config['student_exp_name']])) print("student_checkpoint:", ckpt_dir) ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(net=model) manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(ckpt, ckpt_dir, max_to_keep=None) ckpt.restore(manager.latest_checkpoint) if manager.latest_checkpoint: print("Restored student from {}".format(manager.latest_checkpoint)) else: print("No checkpoint found {}".format(ckpt_dir)) model.compile(loss=task.get_loss_fn(), metrics=task.metrics()) return model, ckpt def get_teacher_model(config, task, hparams, cl_token): model = MODELS[config['teacher_model']](hparams=hparams, cl_token=cl_token) ckpt_dir = os.path.join(config['chkpt_dir'],, '_'.join([model.model_name, config['teacher_config'],config['teacher_exp_name']])) ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint(net=model) manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(ckpt, ckpt_dir, max_to_keep=None) ckpt.restore(manager.latest_checkpoint) ckpt.restore(manager.latest_checkpoint) if manager.latest_checkpoint: print("Restored student from {}".format(manager.latest_checkpoint)) else: print("No checkpoint found {}".format(ckpt_dir)) model.compile(loss=task.get_loss_fn(), metrics=task.metrics()) return model, ckpt def gen_inflect_from_vocab(infl_eng, vocab_file, freq_threshold=1000): vbp = {} vbz = {} nn = {} nns = {} from_pos = {'NNS': nns, 'NN': nn, 'VBP': vbp, 'VBZ': vbz} for line in open(vocab_file): if line.startswith(' '): # empty string token continue word, pos, count = line.strip().split() count = int(count) if len(word) > 1 and pos in from_pos and count >= freq_threshold: from_pos[pos][word] = count verb_infl = {'VBP': 'VBZ', 'VBZ': 'VBP'} for word, count in vbz.items(): candidate = infl_eng.plural_verb(word) if candidate in vbp: verb_infl[candidate] = word verb_infl[word] = candidate noun_infl = {'NN': 'NNS', 'NNS': 'NN'} for word, count in nn.items(): candidate = infl_eng.plural_noun(word) if candidate in nns: noun_infl[candidate] = word noun_infl[word] = candidate return verb_infl, noun_infl def compute_and_print_acc_stats(distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total): ''' Computes and prints accuracy based on hits :param distance_hits: :param distance_total: :param diff_hits: :param diff_total: :return: None ''' dis_acc = np.zeros(16) dif_acc = np.zeros(5) total_nominator = 0.0 total_denominator = 0.0 print('Accuracy by distance') for k in sorted(distance_hits.keys()): v = distance_hits[k] acc = v / distance_total[k] dis_acc[k-1] = acc print("%d | %.2f" % (k, acc), distance_total[k]) total_nominator += v total_denominator += distance_total[k] print("Micro accuracy (distance):", total_nominator / total_denominator) print("Macro accuracy (distance):", np.mean(dis_acc)) print('Accuracy by intervenings:') total_nominator = 0.0 total_denominator = 0.0 for k in sorted(diff_hits.keys()): v = diff_hits[k] acc = v * 1. / diff_total[k] print("%d | %.2f" % (k, acc), diff_total[k]) dif_acc[k] = acc total_nominator += v total_denominator += diff_total[k] print("Micro accuracy (intervenings):", total_nominator / total_denominator) print("Macro accuracy (intervenings):", np.mean(dif_acc)) def evaluate_vp_cl(model, verb_infl, noun_infl, task, split='test', batch_size=1000, cls=False): distance_hits = Counter() distance_total = Counter() diff_hits = Counter() diff_total = Counter() test_data = task.databuilder.as_dataset(split=split, batch_size=batch_size) e = 0 for examples in test_data: e += 1 sentences = examples['sentence'] #bos = tf.cast(task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) * tf.ones((sentences.shape[0],1)), dtype=tf.int64) eos = tf.cast(task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.eos) *tf.ones((sentences.shape[0],1)), dtype=tf.int64) sentences = tf.concat([sentences, eos], axis=-1) verb_position = examples['verb_position']+int(cls) #+1 because of adding bos. # The verb it self is also masked mask = tf.cast(tf.sequence_mask(verb_position,maxlen=tf.shape(sentences)[1]), dtype=tf.int64) max_length = tf.reduce_max(verb_position + 1) last_index_mask = tf.gather(tf.eye(tf.shape(sentences)[1], dtype=tf.int64),verb_position) last_index_mask = last_index_mask * eos[0] inputs = (sentences * mask + last_index_mask)[:,:max_length] s_shape = tf.shape(inputs) batch_size, length = s_shape[0], s_shape[1] verb_classes = examples['verb_class'] actual_verbs = examples['verb'] #inflected_verbs = [verb_infl[v.decode("utf-8")] for v in actual_verbs.numpy()] distances = examples['distance'].numpy() nz = examples['n_intervening'].numpy() n_diffs = examples['n_diff_intervening'].numpy() actual_verb_indexes = [task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(v)[0] for v in actual_verbs.numpy()] predictions = model(inputs, training=False) predictions = np.argmax(predictions, axis=-1) corrects = predictions == verb_classes for i, c in enumerate(corrects): if actual_verb_indexes[i] == 10035 or actual_verb_indexes[i] == 2: continue if nz[i] > 4 or distances[i] > 16: continue distance_total[distances[i]] += 1 distance_hits[distances[i]] += int(c) if nz[i] == n_diffs[i]: n = nz[i] diff_total[n] += 1 diff_hits[n] += int(c) return distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total def test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=10): preds = [] correct_class_probs = [] predicted_class_probs = [] pred_logits = [] y_trues = [] batch_count = task.n_valid_batches for x, y in task.valid_dataset: logits = model(x) pred_logits.extend(logits.numpy()) pred = tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1) prob = task.get_probs_fn()(logits, labels=y, temperature=1) preds.extend(pred.numpy()) y_trues.extend(y.numpy()) batch_indexes = tf.cast(tf.range(len(y), dtype=tf.int32), dtype=tf.int32) true_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], y[:,None]], axis=1) pred_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], tf.cast(pred[:,None], tf.int32)], axis=1) correct_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, true_indexes).numpy()) predicted_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, pred_indexes).numpy()) batch_count -= 1 if batch_count == 0: break model_accuracy = np.asarray(preds) == np.asarray(y_trues) return model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, pred_logits, y_trues def plot_calibration(model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, n_bins=10): p_confidence_bins = np.zeros(n_bins+1) n_confidence_bins = np.zeros(n_bins+1) total_confidence_bins = np.zeros(n_bins+1) denominator = 100.0 / n_bins for i in np.arange(len(model_accuracy)): if model_accuracy[i]: p_confidence_bins[int(predicted_class_probs[i]*100 / denominator)] += 1.0 else: n_confidence_bins[int(predicted_class_probs[i]*100 / denominator)] -= 1.0 total_confidence_bins[int(predicted_class_probs[i]*100 / denominator)] += 1 #sns.stripplot(model_accuracy,predicted_class_probs, color='blue', alpha=0.5, jitter=True) #sns.stripplot(model_accuracy,correct_class_probs, color='green', alpha=0.2, jitter=True) #sns.swarmplot(model_accuracy,predicted_class_probs, color='blue', alpha=0.5) sns.barplot(x=np.arange(0,n_bins)*denominator, y=np.arange(0,n_bins)/n_bins, color='green', alpha=0.2, edgecolor='black') ax = sns.barplot(x=np.arange(0,n_bins)*denominator, y=p_confidence_bins[1:]/total_confidence_bins[1:], color='red', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='black') x_ticks = np.arange(0,n_bins,2) x_tick_labels = x_ticks / np.float32(n_bins) ax.set_xticks(x_ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(x_tick_labels, fontsize=10) def expected_calibration_error(teacher_accuracy, teacher_predicted_class_probs): raise NotImplemented
import os import tensorflow as tf from util import constants from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from tf2_models.trainer import Trainer from absl import app from absl import flags import numpy as np from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS import tensorflow_probability as tfp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns; sns.set() sns.set_style("whitegrid") from tqdm import tqdm def test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=10): preds = [] correct_class_probs = [] predicted_class_probs = [] pred_logits = [] y_trues = [] batch_count = task.n_valid_batches for x, y in task.valid_dataset: logits = model(x) pred_logits.extend(logits.numpy()) pred = tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1) prob = task.get_probs_fn()(logits, labels=y, temperature=1) preds.extend(pred.numpy()) y_trues.extend(y.numpy()) batch_indexes = tf.cast(tf.range(len(y), dtype=tf.int64), dtype=tf.int64) true_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], y[:,None]], axis=1) pred_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], tf.cast(pred[:,None], tf.int64)], axis=1) correct_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, true_indexes).numpy()) predicted_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, pred_indexes).numpy()) batch_count -= 1 if batch_count == 0: break model_accuracy = np.asarray(preds) == np.asarray(y_trues) return model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, pred_logits, y_trues def plot_calibration(model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, n_bins=10): p_confidence_bins = np.zeros(n_bins) n_confidence_bins = np.zeros(n_bins) total_confidence_bins = np.zeros(n_bins) denominator = 100.0 / n_bins for i in np.arange(len(model_accuracy)): if model_accuracy[i]: p_confidence_bins[min(int(predicted_class_probs[i]*100 // denominator),n_bins-1)] += 1.0 else: n_confidence_bins[min(int(predicted_class_probs[i]*100 // denominator),n_bins-1)] -= 1.0 total_confidence_bins[min(int(predicted_class_probs[i]*100 // denominator),n_bins-1)] += 1 #sns.stripplot(model_accuracy,predicted_class_probs, color='blue', alpha=0.5, jitter=True) #sns.stripplot(model_accuracy,correct_class_probs, color='green', alpha=0.2, jitter=True) #sns.swarmplot(model_accuracy,predicted_class_probs, color='blue', alpha=0.5) sns.barplot(x=np.arange(0,n_bins)*denominator, y=np.arange(0,n_bins)/n_bins, color='green', alpha=0.2, edgecolor='black') ax = sns.barplot(x=np.arange(0,n_bins)*denominator, y=p_confidence_bins/total_confidence_bins, color='red', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='black') x_ticks = np.arange(0,n_bins,2) x_tick_labels = x_ticks / np.float32(n_bins) ax.set_xticks(x_ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(x_tick_labels, fontsize=10) return p_confidence_bins,n_confidence_bins,total_confidence_bins def expected_calibration_error(teacher_accuracy, teacher_predicted_class_probs): raise NotImplemented
import os import tensorflow as tf from util import constants from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from tf2_models.trainer import Trainer from absl import app from absl import flags import numpy as np from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS from notebook_utils import * import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns; sns.set() from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm log_dir = "../logs" chkpt_dir = "../tf_ckpts" task = TASKS['word_sv_agreement_vp'](task_params=get_task_params(),data_dir='../data') cl_token = task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) models = {} labels = [] config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std124', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr124', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, _ = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) models['lstm_124'] = teacher_model labels.append('lstm_124') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std125', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr125', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, _ = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) models['lstm_125'] = teacher_model labels.append('lstm_125') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std130', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr130', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, _ = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) models['lstm_130'] = teacher_model labels.append('lstm_130') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std131', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr131', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, _ = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) models['lstm_131'] = teacher_model labels.append('lstm_131') keys = labels import tensorflow_probability as tfp def test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=10): preds = [] correct_class_probs = [] predicted_class_probs = [] pred_logits = [] y_trues = [] batch_count = task.n_valid_batches for x, y in task.valid_dataset: y = tf.cast(y, tf.int32) logits = model(x) pred_logits.extend(logits.numpy()) pred = tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1) prob = task.get_probs_fn()(logits, labels=y, temperature=1) preds.extend(pred.numpy()) y_trues.extend(y.numpy()) batch_indexes = tf.cast(tf.range(len(y), dtype=tf.int32), dtype=tf.int32) true_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], y[:,None]], axis=1) pred_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], tf.cast(pred[:,None], tf.int32)], axis=1) correct_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, true_indexes).numpy()) predicted_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, pred_indexes).numpy()) batch_count -= 1 if batch_count == 0: break model_accuracy = np.asarray(preds) == np.asarray(y_trues) return model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, pred_logits, y_trues # for key in keys: # model = models[key] # print('##################################') # train = model.evaluate(task.train_dataset, steps=task.n_train_batches) # valid = model.evaluate(task.valid_dataset, steps=task.n_valid_batches) # test = model.evaluate(task.test_dataset, steps=task.n_test_batches) # print(key) # print(train[0],'\t',train[1],'\t',train[2],'\t', valid[0],'\t', valid[1],'\t', valid[2], '\t', test[0], '\t', test[1], '\t', test[2]) for key in keys: model = models[key] print('##################################') model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, model_logits, model_trues= test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=20) model_ece = tfp.stats.expected_calibration_error( 1000000, logits=model_logits, labels_true=model_trues, ) print(model_ece.numpy())
import os import tensorflow as tf from util import constants from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from tf2_models.trainer import Trainer from absl import app from absl import flags import numpy as np from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS from notebook_utils import * import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns; sns.set() from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm import logging tf.get_logger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) log_dir = "../logs" chkpt_dir = "../tf_ckpts" task = TASKS['word_sv_agreement_vp'](task_params=get_task_params(batch_size=512),data_dir='../data') cl_token = task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) students = [] models = [] labels = [] #Bert to LSTM config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std9303', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8323', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp9', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('bert2lstm_1') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std9304', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8324', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp9', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('bert2lstm_2') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std9301', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr9301', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp9', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('bert2lstm_3') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std9302', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr9302', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp9', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('bert2lstm_4') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8331', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8321', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2ugpt_1') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8332', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8322', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2ugpt_2') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8333', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8323', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2ugpt_3') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8334', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8324', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2ugpt_4') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8311', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8311', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_bert', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2bert_1') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8312', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8322', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_bert', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2bert_2') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8313', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8323', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_bert', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2bert_3') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8314', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8324', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_bert', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2bert_4') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8321', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8321', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2gpt_1') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8322', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8322', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2gpt_2') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8323', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8323', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2gpt_3') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std8324', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr8324', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp8', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model[0]) labels.append('bert2gpt_4') keys = labels import tensorflow_probability as tfp def test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=10): preds = [] correct_class_probs = [] predicted_class_probs = [] pred_logits = [] y_trues = [] batch_count = task.n_valid_batches for x, y in task.valid_dataset: y = tf.cast(y, tf.int32) logits = model(x) pred_logits.extend(logits.numpy()) pred = tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1) prob = task.get_probs_fn()(logits, labels=y, temperature=1) preds.extend(pred.numpy()) y_trues.extend(y.numpy()) batch_indexes = tf.cast(tf.range(len(y), dtype=tf.int32), dtype=tf.int32) true_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], y[:,None]], axis=1) pred_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], tf.cast(pred[:,None], tf.int32)], axis=1) correct_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, true_indexes).numpy()) predicted_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, pred_indexes).numpy()) batch_count -= 1 if batch_count == 0: break model_accuracy = np.asarray(preds) == np.asarray(y_trues) return model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, pred_logits, y_trues for key,model in zip(labels, students): print('##################################') train = model.evaluate(task.train_dataset, steps=task.n_train_batches,verbose=0) valid = model.evaluate(task.valid_dataset, steps=task.n_valid_batches,verbose=0) test = model.evaluate(task.test_dataset, steps=task.n_test_batches,verbose=0) print(key) print(train[0],'\t',train[1],'\t',train[2],'\t', valid[0],'\t', valid[1],'\t', valid[2], '\t', test[0], '\t', test[1], '\t', test[2]) # print("Teachers:") # for key,model in zip(labels, models): # print('##################################') # model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, model_logits, model_trues= test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=20) # model_ece = tfp.stats.expected_calibration_error( # 20, # logits=model_logits, # labels_true=model_trues, # ) # print(key, model_ece.numpy()) print("Students:") for key,model in zip(labels, students): print('##################################') model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, model_logits, model_trues= test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=20) model_ece = tfp.stats.expected_calibration_error( 20, logits=model_logits, labels_true=model_trues, ) print(key, model_ece.numpy()) # infl_eng = inflect.engine() # verb_infl, noun_infl = gen_inflect_from_vocab(infl_eng, 'wiki.vocab') # print(labels) # for key,model in zip(labels, models): # print('##################################') # print(key) # distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total = evaluate_vp_cl(model, verb_infl, noun_infl, task) # compute_and_print_acc_stats(distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total)
import os import tensorflow as tf from util import constants from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from tf2_models.trainer import Trainer from absl import app from absl import flags import numpy as np from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS from notebook_utils import * import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns; sns.set() from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm import logging tf.get_logger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) log_dir = "../logs" chkpt_dir = "../tf_ckpts" task = TASKS['word_sv_agreement_vp'](task_params=get_task_params(batch_size=512),data_dir='../data') cl_token = task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) models = [] students = [] labels = [] #Bert to LSTM config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4104', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4112', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2lstm_1') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4103', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4113', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2lstm_2') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4102', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4102', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2lstm_3') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4101', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tch4101', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2lstm_4') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4131', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4131', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2ugpt_1') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4132', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4132', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2ugpt_2') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4130', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4130', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2ugpt_3') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4133', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4123', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2ugpt_4') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4110', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4110', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_bert', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2bert_1') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4111', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4111', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_bert', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2bert_2') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4112', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4112', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_bert', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2bert_3') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4113', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4113', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_bert', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2bert_4') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4120', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4120', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2gpt_1') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4121', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4121', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2gpt_2') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4122', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4122', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2gpt_3') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std4123', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr4123', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_gpt2', 'teacher_config':'small_ugpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp4', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) students.append(student_model) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('ugpt2gpt_4') keys = labels import tensorflow_probability as tfp def test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=10): preds = [] correct_class_probs = [] predicted_class_probs = [] pred_logits = [] y_trues = [] batch_count = task.n_valid_batches for x, y in task.valid_dataset: y = tf.cast(y, tf.int32) logits = model(x) pred_logits.extend(logits.numpy()) pred = tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1) prob = task.get_probs_fn()(logits, labels=y, temperature=1) preds.extend(pred.numpy()) y_trues.extend(y.numpy()) batch_indexes = tf.cast(tf.range(len(y), dtype=tf.int32), dtype=tf.int32) true_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], y[:,None]], axis=1) pred_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], tf.cast(pred[:,None], tf.int32)], axis=1) correct_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, true_indexes).numpy()) predicted_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, pred_indexes).numpy()) batch_count -= 1 if batch_count == 0: break model_accuracy = np.asarray(preds) == np.asarray(y_trues) return model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, pred_logits, y_trues # for key,model in zip(labels,models): # model = model[0] # print('##################################') # train = model.evaluate(task.train_dataset, steps=task.n_train_batches, verbose=0) # valid = model.evaluate(task.valid_dataset, steps=task.n_valid_batches, verbose=0) # test = model.evaluate(task.test_dataset, steps=task.n_test_batches, verbose=0) # print(key) # print(train[0],'\t',train[1],'\t',train[2],'\t', valid[0],'\t', valid[1],'\t', valid[2], '\t', test[0], '\t', test[1], '\t', test[2]) print("Teachers ****") for key,model in zip(labels,models): model = model[0] print('##################################') print(key) model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, model_logits, model_trues= test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=20) model_ece = tfp.stats.expected_calibration_error( 20, logits=model_logits, labels_true=model_trues, ) print(model_ece.numpy()) print("Students ****") for key,model in zip(labels,students): print('##################################') print(key) model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, model_logits, model_trues= test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=20) model_ece = tfp.stats.expected_calibration_error( 20, logits=model_logits, labels_true=model_trues, ) print(model_ece.numpy()) # infl_eng = inflect.engine() # verb_infl, noun_infl = gen_inflect_from_vocab(infl_eng, 'wiki.vocab') # print(labels) # for key,model in zip(labels,students): # print('##################################') # print(key) # distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total = evaluate_vp_cl(model, verb_infl, noun_infl, task) # compute_and_print_acc_stats(distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total)
import os import tensorflow as tf from util import constants from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from tf2_models.trainer import Trainer from absl import app from absl import flags import numpy as np from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS from notebook_utils import * import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns; sns.set() from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm import logging tf.get_logger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) log_dir = "../logs" chkpt_dir = "../tf_ckpts" task = TASKS['word_sv_agreement_vp'](task_params=get_task_params(batch_size=512),data_dir='../data') cl_token = task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) models = [] labels = [] #Bert to LSTM config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std5004', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr5021', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp5', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('lstm2lstm_1') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std5001', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr5011', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp5', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('lstm2lstm_2') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std5002', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr5020', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp5', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('lstm2lstm_3') config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std5003', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr5030', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_exp_vp5', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # config['distill_mode'] = 'online' # config['student_exp_name'] = config['student_exp_name'].replace('_f_', '_o_') std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) std_hparams.output_attentions = True std_hparams.output_embeddings = True student_model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) models.append(teacher_model) labels.append('lstm2lstm_4') keys = labels import tensorflow_probability as tfp def test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=10): preds = [] correct_class_probs = [] predicted_class_probs = [] pred_logits = [] y_trues = [] batch_count = task.n_valid_batches for x, y in task.valid_dataset: y = tf.cast(y, tf.int32) logits = model(x) pred_logits.extend(logits.numpy()) pred = tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1) prob = task.get_probs_fn()(logits, labels=y, temperature=1) preds.extend(pred.numpy()) y_trues.extend(y.numpy()) batch_indexes = tf.cast(tf.range(len(y), dtype=tf.int32), dtype=tf.int32) true_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], y[:,None]], axis=1) pred_indexes = tf.concat([batch_indexes[:,None], tf.cast(pred[:,None], tf.int32)], axis=1) correct_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, true_indexes).numpy()) predicted_class_probs.extend(tf.gather_nd(prob, pred_indexes).numpy()) batch_count -= 1 if batch_count == 0: break model_accuracy = np.asarray(preds) == np.asarray(y_trues) return model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, pred_logits, y_trues # for key in keys: # model = models[key] # print('##################################') # train = model.evaluate(task.train_dataset, steps=task.n_train_batches) # valid = model.evaluate(task.valid_dataset, steps=task.n_valid_batches) # test = model.evaluate(task.test_dataset, steps=task.n_test_batches) # print(key) # print(train[0],'\t',train[1],'\t',train[2],'\t', valid[0],'\t', valid[1],'\t', valid[2], '\t', test[0], '\t', test[1], '\t', test[2]) # for key in keys: # model = models[key] # print('##################################') # model_accuracy, predicted_class_probs, correct_class_probs, model_logits, model_trues= test_for_calibration(model, task, n_bins=20) # model_ece = tfp.stats.expected_calibration_error( # 1000000, # logits=model_logits, # labels_true=model_trues, # ) # print(model_ece.numpy()) infl_eng = inflect.engine() verb_infl, noun_infl = gen_inflect_from_vocab(infl_eng, 'wiki.vocab') print(labels) for key,model in zip(labels,models): model = model[0] print('##################################') print(key) distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total = evaluate_vp_cl(model, verb_infl, noun_infl, task) compute_and_print_acc_stats(distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total)
import os import tensorflow as tf from util import constants from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from tf2_models.trainer import Trainer from absl import app from absl import flags import numpy as np from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS from notebook_utils import * import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns; sns.set() from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm log_dir = "../logs" chkpt_dir = "../tf_ckpts" task = TASKS['word_sv_agreement_vp'](task_params=get_task_params(),data_dir='../data') cl_token = task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) modelz = {} ckptz = {} config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std124', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr124', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) modelz['l2l_std124'] = model ckptz['l2l_std124'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['l2l_tchr124'] = teacher_model ckptz['l2l_tchr124'] = teacger_ckpt config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std125', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr125', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) modelz['l2l_std125'] = model ckptz['l2l_std125'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['l2l_tchr125'] = teacher_model ckptz['l2l_tchr125'] = teacger_ckpt config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std130', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr130', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) modelz['l2l_std130'] = model ckptz['l2l_std130'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['l2l_tchr130'] = teacher_model ckptz['l2l_tchr130'] = teacger_ckpt config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std131', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr131', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_lstm', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) modelz['l2l_std131'] = model ckptz['l2l_std131'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['l2l_tchr131'] = teacher_model ckptz['l2l_tchr131'] = teacger_ckpt infl_eng = inflect.engine() verb_infl, noun_infl = gen_inflect_from_vocab(infl_eng, 'wiki.vocab') keys = modelz.keys() for key in keys: model = modelz[key] print('##################################') print(key, ckptz[key]) distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total = evaluate_vp_cl(model, verb_infl, noun_infl, task) compute_and_print_acc_stats(distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total)
import os import tensorflow as tf from util import constants from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from tf2_models.trainer import Trainer from absl import app from absl import flags import numpy as np from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS from notebook_utils import * from tqdm import tqdm log_dir = "../logs" chkpt_dir = "../tf_ckpts" task = TASKS['word_sv_agreement_lm'](task_params=get_task_params(),data_dir='../data') cl_token = task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) modelz = {} ckptz = {} config = {'model_name':'lm_lstm_shared_emb', 'model_config':'lstm_drop31_v2', 'learning_rate':0.001, 'exp_name':'lisa_crs_fst_offlineteacher_v23', 'chkpt_dir': '../tf_ckpts' } hparams=get_model_params(task, config['model_name'], config['model_config']) hparams.output_attentions = True hparams.output_embeddings = True lstm1, lstm_ckpt1 = get_model(config, task, hparams, cl_token) modelz['lstm1'] = lstm1 ckptz['lstm1'] = lstm_ckpt1 config = {'model_name':'lm_lstm_shared_emb', 'model_config':'lstm_drop31_v2', 'learning_rate':0.001, 'exp_name':'lisa_crs_fst_offlineteacher_v24', 'chkpt_dir': '../tf_ckpts' } hparams=get_model_params(task, config['model_name'], config['model_config']) hparams.output_attentions = True hparams.output_embeddings = True lstm2, lstm_ckpt2 = get_model(config, task, hparams, cl_token) modelz['lstm2'] = lstm2 ckptz['lstm2'] = lstm_ckpt2 config = {'model_name':'lm_lstm_shared_emb', 'model_config':'lstm_drop31_v2', 'learning_rate':0.001, 'exp_name':'lisa_crs_fst_offlineteacher_v25', 'chkpt_dir': '../tf_ckpts' } hparams=get_model_params(task, config['model_name'], config['model_config']) hparams.output_attentions = True hparams.output_embeddings = True lstm3, lstm_ckpt3 = get_model(config, task, hparams, cl_token) modelz['lstm3'] = lstm3 ckptz['lstm3'] = lstm_ckpt3 keys = ['lstm1', 'lstm2'] print("Evaluations ...") for key in keys: model = modelz[key] print('##################################') print(ckptz[key]) train = model.evaluate(task.train_dataset, steps=task.n_train_batches) valid = model.evaluate(task.valid_dataset, steps=task.n_valid_batches) test = model.evaluate(task.test_dataset, steps=task.n_test_batches) print("train:", train) print("valid:", valid) print("test:", test)
import os import tensorflow as tf from util import constants from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from tf2_models.trainer import Trainer from absl import app from absl import flags import numpy as np from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS from notebook_utils import * import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns; sns.set() from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm log_dir = "../logs" chkpt_dir = "../tf_ckpts" task = TASKS['word_sv_agreement_vp'](task_params=get_task_params(),data_dir='../data') cl_token = task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) modelz = {} ckptz = {} config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std144', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr144', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) # model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) # modelz['g2l_std144'] = model # ckptz['g2l_std144'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['ug2l_tchr144'] = teacher_model ckptz['ug2l_tchr144'] = teacger_ckpt config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std145', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr145', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) # model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) # modelz['g2l_std145'] = model # ckptz['g2l_std145'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['ug2l_tchr145'] = teacher_model ckptz['ug2l_tchr145'] = teacger_ckpt config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std146', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr146', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) # model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) # modelz['g2l_std146'] = model # ckptz['g2l_std146'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['ug2l_tchr146'] = teacher_model ckptz['ug2l_tchr146'] = teacger_ckpt config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std147', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr147', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_gpt2_shared', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } # std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) # model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) # modelz['g2l_std147'] = model # ckptz['g2l_std147'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['ug2l_tchr147'] = teacher_model ckptz['ug2l_tchr147'] = teacger_ckpt infl_eng = inflect.engine() verb_infl, noun_infl = gen_inflect_from_vocab(infl_eng, 'wiki.vocab') keys = modelz.keys() for key in keys: model = modelz[key] print('##################################') print(key, ckptz[key]) distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total = evaluate_vp_cl(model, verb_infl, noun_infl, task) compute_and_print_acc_stats(distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total)
import os import tensorflow as tf from util import constants from util.config_util import get_model_params, get_task_params, get_train_params from tf2_models.trainer import Trainer from absl import app from absl import flags import numpy as np from util.models import MODELS from util.tasks import TASKS from notebook_utils import * import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns; sns.set() from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm log_dir = "../logs" chkpt_dir = "../tf_ckpts" task = TASKS['word_sv_agreement_vp'](task_params=get_task_params(),data_dir='../data') cl_token = task.databuilder.sentence_encoder().encode(constants.bos) modelz = {} ckptz = {} config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std100', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr100', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) modelz['b2l_std100'] = model ckptz['b2l_std100'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['b2l_tchr100'] = teacher_model ckptz['b2l_tchr100'] = teacger_ckpt config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std101', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr101', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) modelz['b2l_std101'] = model ckptz['b2l_std101'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['b2l_tchr101'] = teacher_model ckptz['b2l_tchr101'] = teacger_ckpt config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std102', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr102', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) modelz['l2l_std102'] = model ckptz['l2l_std102'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['l2l_tchr102'] = teacher_model ckptz['l2l_tchr102'] = teacger_ckpt config={'student_exp_name':'gc_f_std103', 'teacher_exp_name':'gc_o_tchr103', 'task_name':'word_sv_agreement_vp', 'teacher_model':'cl_bert', 'student_model':'cl_lstm', 'teacher_config':'small_gpt_v9', 'student_config':'small_lstm_v4', 'distill_config':'pure_dstl_4_crs_slw', 'distill_mode':'offline', 'chkpt_dir':'../tf_ckpts', } std_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['student_model'], config['student_config']) model, ckpt = get_student_model(config, task, std_hparams, cl_token) modelz['b2l_std103'] = model ckptz['b2l_std103'] = ckpt tchr_hparams=get_model_params(task, config['teacher_model'], config['teacher_config']) teacher_model, teacger_ckpt = get_teacher_model(config, task, tchr_hparams, cl_token) modelz['b2l_tchr103'] = teacher_model ckptz['b2l_tchr103'] = teacger_ckpt infl_eng = inflect.engine() verb_infl, noun_infl = gen_inflect_from_vocab(infl_eng, 'wiki.vocab') keys = modelz.keys() for key in keys: model = modelz[key] print('##################################') print(key, ckptz[key]) distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total = evaluate_vp_cl(model, verb_infl, noun_infl, task) compute_and_print_acc_stats(distance_hits, distance_total, diff_hits, diff_total)
import sys import os import errno import random from util.text_util import deps_from_tsv, deps_to_tsv def make_splits(fname, expr_dir, prop_train=0.1, prop_valid=0.01): # for reproducibility random.seed(42) print('| read in the data') data = deps_from_tsv(fname) print('| shuffling') random.shuffle(data) n_train = int(len(data) * prop_train) n_valid = int(len(data) * prop_valid) train = data[:n_train] valid = data[n_train: n_train+n_valid] test = data[n_train+n_valid:] try: os.mkdir(expr_dir) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise pass print('| splitting') deps_to_tsv(train, os.path.join(expr_dir, 'train.tsv')) deps_to_tsv(valid, os.path.join(expr_dir, 'valid.tsv')) deps_to_tsv(test, os.path.join(expr_dir, 'test.tsv')) print('| done!') if __name__ == '__main__': make_splits(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
from itertools import chain from itertools import combinations from collections import Counter import random def powerset(iterable): s = list(iterable) return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s) + 1)) def get_candidate_worlds(num_vars): return powerset(set(range(num_vars))) def get_satisfying_worlds_for_tree(tree, candidate_worlds): if isinstance(tree, tuple): if tree[0] == 'not': child = get_satisfying_worlds_for_tree(tree[1], candidate_worlds) return candidate_worlds.difference(child) else: left = get_satisfying_worlds_for_tree(tree[0], candidate_worlds) right = get_satisfying_worlds_for_tree(tree[2], candidate_worlds) if tree[1] == "and": return left.intersection(right) elif tree[1] == "or": return left.union(right) else: print('syntax error', tree) else: result = [] for world in candidate_worlds: if tree in world: result.append(world) return set(result) def compute_relation(left, right, universe): ne_intersection = left.intersection(right) ne_just_left = left.difference(right) ne_just_right = right.difference(left) ne_outside = universe.difference(left.union(right)) if (ne_intersection and not ne_just_right and not ne_just_left and ne_outside): return "=" elif (ne_intersection and ne_just_right and not ne_just_left and ne_outside): return "<" elif (ne_intersection and not ne_just_right and ne_just_left and ne_outside): return ">" elif (not ne_intersection and ne_just_right and ne_just_left and not ne_outside): return "^" elif (not ne_intersection and ne_just_right and ne_just_left and ne_outside): return "|" elif (ne_intersection and ne_just_right and ne_just_left and not ne_outside): return "v" else: return "#" def create_sub_statement(universe, maxlen): operator = random.choice(operators) temp = () if operator == '0' or maxlen < 2: temp = random.choice(list(universe)) else: lhs = create_sub_statement(universe, maxlen / 2) rhs = create_sub_statement(universe, maxlen / 2) temp = tuple([lhs, operator, rhs]) neg_or_none = random.choice(neg_or_nones) if neg_or_none == '0': return temp else: return tuple([neg_or_none, temp]) def uniq(seq, idfun=None): # order preserving if idfun is None: def idfun(x): return x seen = {} result = [] for item in seq: marker = idfun(item) # in old Python versions: # if seen.has_key(marker) # but in new ones: if marker in seen: continue seen[marker] = 1 result.append(item) return result def to_string(expr, individuals): if isinstance(expr, int): return individuals[expr] if isinstance(expr, str): return expr elif len(expr) == 3: return "( " + to_string(expr[0], individuals) \ + " ( " + to_string(expr[1], individuals) \ + " " + to_string(expr[2], individuals) + " ) )" else: return "( " + to_string(expr[0], individuals) \ + " " + to_string(expr[1], individuals) + " )" def get_len(tree): if isinstance(tree, tuple): accum = 0 for entry in tree: accum += get_len(entry) return accum elif tree == 'and' or tree == 'or' or tree == 'not': return 1 else: return 0 individuals = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'] worlds = set(get_candidate_worlds(6)) universe = set(range(6)) neg_or_nones = ['not', '0', '0'] operators = ['and', 'or', 'and', 'or', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] stats = Counter() total = 0 outputs = {0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: [], 4: [], 5: [], 6: [], 7: [], 8: [], 9: [], 10: [], 11: [], 12: []} while total < 600000: subuniverse = random.sample(universe, 4) lhs = create_sub_statement(subuniverse, 12) rhs = create_sub_statement(subuniverse, 12) sat1 = get_satisfying_worlds_for_tree(lhs, worlds) sat2 = get_satisfying_worlds_for_tree(rhs, worlds) if sat1 == worlds or len(sat1) == 0: continue if sat2 == worlds or len(sat2) == 0: continue rel = compute_relation(sat1, sat2, worlds) if rel != "?": stats[rel] += 1 total += 1 max_len = min(max(get_len(rhs), get_len(lhs)), 12) outputs[max_len].append("" + rel + "\t" + to_string( lhs, individuals) + "\t" + to_string(rhs, individuals)) TRAIN_PORTION = 0.8 VALID_PORTION = 0.1 for length in outputs.keys(): outputs[length] = uniq(outputs[length]) total = len(outputs[length]) filename = 'train' + str(length) f = open(filename, 'w') for i in range(int(TRAIN_PORTION * total)): output = outputs[length][i] f.write(output + "\n") f.close() filename = 'valid' + str(length) f = open(filename, 'w') validx = int((TRAIN_PORTION + VALID_PORTION) * total) for i in range(int(TRAIN_PORTION * total), validx): output = outputs[length][i] f.write(output + "\n") f.close() filename = 'test' + str(length) f = open(filename, 'w') for i in range(validx, total): output = outputs[length][i] f.write(output + "\n") f.close() print(stats)
from util import text_util as utils from util import constants from sys import argv import numpy as np import os def build_and_save_dic(input_file, data_dir): worddict = {} worddict[constants.pad] = constants.pad_idx worddict[constants.unk] = constants.unk_idx worddict[constants.bos] = constants.bos_idx worddict[constants.eos] = constants.eos_idx input_file = os.path.join(data_dir, input_file) for dep in utils.deps_from_tsv(input_file): for w in dep['sentence'].split(): if w not in worddict: worddict[w] = len(worddict) vocab_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'vocab') print('| write vocabulary to %s' % vocab_file), arr=worddict) print('| vocabulary size %d' % len(worddict)) print('| done!') if __name__ == '__main__': data_dir = argv[1] input_file = argv[2] build_and_save_dic(input_file=input_file, data_dir=data_dir)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Kriging Toolkit for Python.""" import os import numpy as np from Cython.Build import cythonize from setuptools import Extension, setup # cython extensions CY_MODULES = [ Extension( name=f"pykrige.{ext}", sources=[os.path.join("src", "pykrige", *ext.split(".")) + ".pyx"], include_dirs=[np.get_include()], define_macros=[("NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API", "NPY_1_7_API_VERSION")], ) for ext in ["lib.cok", "lib.variogram_models"] ] # setup - do not include package data to ignore .pyx files in wheels setup(ext_modules=cythonize(CY_MODULES), include_package_data=False)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Benchmarks.""" from time import time import numpy as np from pykrige.ok import OrdinaryKriging np.random.seed(19999) VARIOGRAM_MODELS = ["power", "gaussian", "spherical", "exponential", "linear"] BACKENDS = ["vectorized", "loop", "C"] N_MOVING_WINDOW = [None, 10, 50, 100] def make_benchark(n_train, n_test, n_dim=2): """Compute the benchmarks for Ordianry Kriging. Parameters ---------- n_train : int number of points in the training set n_test : int number of points in the test set n_dim : int number of dimensions (default=2) Returns ------- res : dict a dictionary with the timing results """ X_train = np.random.rand(n_train, n_dim) y_train = np.random.rand(n_train) X_test = np.random.rand(n_test, n_dim) res = {} for variogram_model in VARIOGRAM_MODELS: tic = time() OK = OrdinaryKriging( X_train[:, 0], X_train[:, 1], y_train, variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, ) res["t_train_{}".format(variogram_model)] = time() - tic # All the following tests are performed with the linear variogram model for backend in BACKENDS: for n_closest_points in N_MOVING_WINDOW: if backend == "vectorized" and n_closest_points is not None: continue # this is not supported tic = time() OK.execute( "points", X_test[:, 0], X_test[:, 1], backend=backend, n_closest_points=n_closest_points, ) res["t_test_{}_{}".format(backend, n_closest_points)] = time() - tic return res def print_benchmark(n_train, n_test, n_dim, res): """Print the benchmarks. Parameters ---------- n_train : int number of points in the training set n_test : int number of points in the test set n_dim : int number of dimensions (default=2) res : dict a dictionary with the timing results """ print("=" * 80) print(" " * 10, "N_dim={}, N_train={}, N_test={}".format(n_dim, n_train, n_test)) print("=" * 80) print("\n", "# Training the model", "\n") print("|".join(["{:>11} ".format(el) for el in ["t_train (s)"] + VARIOGRAM_MODELS])) print("-" * (11 + 2) * (len(VARIOGRAM_MODELS) + 1)) print( "|".join( ["{:>11} ".format("Training")] + [ "{:>11.2} ".format(el) for el in [res["t_train_{}".format(mod)] for mod in VARIOGRAM_MODELS] ] ) ) print("\n", "# Predicting kriging points", "\n") print("|".join(["{:>11} ".format(el) for el in ["t_test (s)"] + BACKENDS])) print("-" * (11 + 2) * (len(BACKENDS) + 1)) for n_closest_points in N_MOVING_WINDOW: timing_results = [ res.get("t_test_{}_{}".format(mod, n_closest_points), "") for mod in BACKENDS ] print( "|".join( ["{:>11} ".format("N_nn=" + str(n_closest_points))] + ["{:>11.2} ".format(el) for el in timing_results] ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": for no_train, no_test in [(400, 1000), (400, 2000), (800, 2000)]: results = make_benchark(no_train, no_test) print_benchmark(no_train, no_test, 2, results)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Exact Values ============ PyKrige demonstration and usage as a non-exact interpolator in 1D. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from pykrige.ok import OrdinaryKriging"ggplot") np.random.seed(42) x = np.linspace(0, 12.5, 50) xpred = np.linspace(0, 12.5, 393) y = np.sin(x) * np.exp(-0.25 * x) + np.random.normal(-0.25, 0.25, 50) # compare OrdinaryKriging as an exact and non exact interpolator uk = OrdinaryKriging( x, np.zeros(x.shape), y, variogram_model="linear", exact_values=False ) uk_exact = OrdinaryKriging(x, np.zeros(x.shape), y, variogram_model="linear") y_pred, y_std = uk.execute("grid", xpred, np.array([0.0]), backend="loop") y_pred_exact, y_std_exact = uk_exact.execute( "grid", xpred, np.array([0.0]), backend="loop" ) y_pred = np.squeeze(y_pred) y_std = np.squeeze(y_std) y_pred_exact = np.squeeze(y_pred_exact) y_std_exact = np.squeeze(y_std_exact) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 4)) ax.scatter(x, y, label="Input Data") ax.plot(xpred, y_pred_exact, label="Exact Prediction") ax.plot(xpred, y_pred, label="Non Exact Prediction") ax.fill_between( xpred, y_pred - 3 * y_std, y_pred + 3 * y_std, alpha=0.3, label="Confidence interval", ) ax.legend(loc=9) ax.set_ylim(-1.8, 1.3) ax.legend(loc=9) plt.xlabel("X") plt.ylabel("Field")
""" Ordinary Kriging Example ======================== First we will create a 2D dataset together with the associated x, y grids. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pykrige.kriging_tools as kt from pykrige.ok import OrdinaryKriging data = np.array( [ [0.3, 1.2, 0.47], [1.9, 0.6, 0.56], [1.1, 3.2, 0.74], [3.3, 4.4, 1.47], [4.7, 3.8, 1.74], ] ) gridx = np.arange(0.0, 5.5, 0.5) gridy = np.arange(0.0, 5.5, 0.5) ############################################################################### # Create the ordinary kriging object. Required inputs are the X-coordinates of # the data points, the Y-coordinates of the data points, and the Z-values of the # data points. If no variogram model is specified, defaults to a linear variogram # model. If no variogram model parameters are specified, then the code automatically # calculates the parameters by fitting the variogram model to the binned # experimental semivariogram. The verbose kwarg controls code talk-back, and # the enable_plotting kwarg controls the display of the semivariogram. OK = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, ) ############################################################################### # Creates the kriged grid and the variance grid. Allows for kriging on a rectangular # grid of points, on a masked rectangular grid of points, or with arbitrary points. # (See OrdinaryKriging.__doc__ for more information.) z, ss = OK.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) ############################################################################### # Writes the kriged grid to an ASCII grid file and plot it. kt.write_asc_grid(gridx, gridy, z, filename="output.asc") plt.imshow(z)
""" Regression kriging ------------------ An example of regression kriging """ import sys from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.svm import SVR from pykrige.rk import RegressionKriging svr_model = SVR(C=0.1, gamma="auto") rf_model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100) lr_model = LinearRegression(normalize=True, copy_X=True, fit_intercept=False) models = [svr_model, rf_model, lr_model] try: housing = fetch_california_housing() except PermissionError: # this dataset can occasionally fail to download on Windows sys.exit(0) # take the first 5000 as Kriging is memory intensive p = housing["data"][:5000, :-2] x = housing["data"][:5000, -2:] target = housing["target"][:5000] p_train, p_test, x_train, x_test, target_train, target_test = train_test_split( p, x, target, test_size=0.3, random_state=42 ) for m in models: print("=" * 40) print("regression model:", m.__class__.__name__) m_rk = RegressionKriging(regression_model=m, n_closest_points=10), x_train, target_train) print("Regression Score: ", m_rk.regression_model.score(p_test, target_test)) print("RK score: ", m_rk.score(p_test, x_test, target_test))
""" Classification kriging ---------------------- An example of classification kriging """ import sys from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer from sklearn.svm import SVC from import ClassificationKriging svc_model = SVC(C=0.1, gamma="auto", probability=True) rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100) lr_model = LogisticRegression(max_iter=10000) models = [svc_model, rf_model, lr_model] try: housing = fetch_california_housing() except PermissionError: # this dataset can occasionally fail to download on Windows sys.exit(0) # take the first 5000 as Kriging is memory intensive p = housing["data"][:5000, :-2] x = housing["data"][:5000, -2:] target = housing["target"][:5000] discretizer = KBinsDiscretizer(encode="ordinal") target = discretizer.fit_transform(target.reshape(-1, 1)) p_train, p_test, x_train, x_test, target_train, target_test = train_test_split( p, x, target, test_size=0.3, random_state=42 ) for m in models: print("=" * 40) print("classification model:", m.__class__.__name__) m_ck = ClassificationKriging(classification_model=m, n_closest_points=10), x_train, target_train) print( "Classification Score: ", m_ck.classification_model.score(p_test, target_test) ) print("CK score: ", m_ck.score(p_test, x_test, target_test))
""" Universal Kriging Example ========================= In this example we apply a regional linear trend to the kriging system. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from import UniversalKriging data = np.array( [ [0.3, 1.2, 0.47], [1.9, 0.6, 0.56], [1.1, 3.2, 0.74], [3.3, 4.4, 1.47], [4.7, 3.8, 1.74], ] ) gridx = np.arange(0.0, 5.5, 0.5) gridy = np.arange(0.0, 5.5, 0.5) ############################################################################### # Create the universal kriging object. Required inputs are the X-coordinates of # the data points, the Y-coordinates of the data points, and the Z-values of the # data points. Variogram is handled as in the ordinary kriging case. # drift_terms is a list of the drift terms to include; currently supported terms # are 'regional_linear', 'point_log', and 'external_Z'. Refer to # UniversalKriging.__doc__ for more information. UK = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) ############################################################################### # Creates the kriged grid and the variance grid. Allows for kriging on a rectangular # grid of points, on a masked rectangular grid of points, or with arbitrary points. # (See UniversalKriging.__doc__ for more information.) z, ss = UK.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) plt.imshow(z)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Krige CV -------- Searching for optimal kriging parameters with cross validation """ import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from pykrige.rk import Krige # 2D Kring param opt param_dict = { "method": ["ordinary", "universal"], "variogram_model": ["linear", "power", "gaussian", "spherical"], # "nlags": [4, 6, 8], # "weight": [True, False] } estimator = GridSearchCV(Krige(), param_dict, verbose=True, return_train_score=True) # dummy data X = np.random.randint(0, 400, size=(100, 2)).astype(float) y = 5 * np.random.rand(100) # run the gridsearch, y=y) if hasattr(estimator, "best_score_"): print("best_score R² = {:.3f}".format(estimator.best_score_)) print("best_params = ", estimator.best_params_) print("\nCV results::") if hasattr(estimator, "cv_results_"): for key in [ "mean_test_score", "mean_train_score", "param_method", "param_variogram_model", ]: print(" - {} : {}".format(key, estimator.cv_results_[key])) # 3D Kring param opt param_dict3d = { "method": ["ordinary3d", "universal3d"], "variogram_model": ["linear", "power", "gaussian", "spherical"], # "nlags": [4, 6, 8], # "weight": [True, False] } estimator = GridSearchCV(Krige(), param_dict3d, verbose=True, return_train_score=True) # dummy data X3 = np.random.randint(0, 400, size=(100, 3)).astype(float) y = 5 * np.random.rand(100) # run the gridsearch, y=y) if hasattr(estimator, "best_score_"): print("best_score R² = {:.3f}".format(estimator.best_score_)) print("best_params = ", estimator.best_params_) print("\nCV results::") if hasattr(estimator, "cv_results_"): for key in [ "mean_test_score", "mean_train_score", "param_method", "param_variogram_model", ]: print(" - {} : {}".format(key, estimator.cv_results_[key]))
""" Three-Dimensional Kriging Example ================================= """ import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pykrige.ok3d import OrdinaryKriging3D from pykrige.uk3d import UniversalKriging3D data = np.array( [ [0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.9], [0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.8], [0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.9], [0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5], [0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.7], ] ) gridx = np.arange(0.0, 0.6, 0.05) gridy = np.arange(0.0, 0.6, 0.01) gridz = np.arange(0.0, 0.6, 0.1) ############################################################################### # Create the 3D ordinary kriging object and solves for the three-dimension kriged # volume and variance. Refer to OrdinaryKriging3D.__doc__ for more information. ok3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear" ) k3d1, ss3d = ok3d.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, gridz) ############################################################################### # Create the 3D universal kriging object and solves for the three-dimension kriged # volume and variance. Refer to UniversalKriging3D.__doc__ for more information. uk3d = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) k3d2, ss3d = uk3d.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, gridz) ############################################################################### # To use the generic 'specified' drift term, the user must provide the drift values # at each data point and at every grid point. The following example is equivalent to # using a linear drift in all three spatial dimensions. Refer to # UniversalKriging3D.__doc__ for more information. zg, yg, xg = np.meshgrid(gridz, gridy, gridx, indexing="ij") uk3d = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], specified_drift=[data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]], ) k3d3, ss3d = uk3d.execute( "grid", gridx, gridy, gridz, specified_drift_arrays=[xg, yg, zg] ) ############################################################################### # To use the generic 'functional' drift term, the user must provide a callable # function that takes only the spatial dimensions as arguments. The following example # is equivalent to using a linear drift only in the x-direction. Refer to # UniversalKriging3D.__doc__ for more information. func = lambda x, y, z: x uk3d = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["functional"], functional_drift=[func], ) k3d4, ss3d = uk3d.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, gridz) ############################################################################### # Note that the use of the 'specified' and 'functional' generic drift capabilities is # essentially identical in the two-dimensional universal kriging class (except for a # difference in the number of spatial coordinates for the passed drift functions). # See UniversalKriging.__doc__ for more information. fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(4) ax1.imshow(k3d1[:, :, 0], origin="lower") ax1.set_title("ordinary kriging") ax2.imshow(k3d2[:, :, 0], origin="lower") ax2.set_title("regional lin. drift") ax3.imshow(k3d3[:, :, 0], origin="lower") ax3.set_title("specified drift") ax4.imshow(k3d4[:, :, 0], origin="lower") ax4.set_title("functional drift") plt.tight_layout()
""" 1D Kriging ========== An example of 1D kriging with PyKrige """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from pykrige import OrdinaryKriging"ggplot") # fmt: off # Data taken from # X, y = np.array([ [-5.01, 1.06], [-4.90, 0.92], [-4.82, 0.35], [-4.69, 0.49], [-4.56, 0.52], [-4.52, 0.12], [-4.39, 0.47], [-4.32,-0.19], [-4.19, 0.08], [-4.11,-0.19], [-4.00,-0.03], [-3.89,-0.03], [-3.78,-0.05], [-3.67, 0.10], [-3.59, 0.44], [-3.50, 0.66], [-3.39,-0.12], [-3.28, 0.45], [-3.20, 0.14], [-3.07,-0.28], [-3.01,-0.46], [-2.90,-0.32], [-2.77,-1.58], [-2.69,-1.44], [-2.60,-1.51], [-2.49,-1.50], [-2.41,-2.04], [-2.28,-1.57], [-2.19,-1.25], [-2.10,-1.50], [-2.00,-1.42], [-1.91,-1.10], [-1.80,-0.58], [-1.67,-1.08], [-1.61,-0.79], [-1.50,-1.00], [-1.37,-0.04], [-1.30,-0.54], [-1.19,-0.15], [-1.06,-0.18], [-0.98,-0.25], [-0.87,-1.20], [-0.78,-0.49], [-0.68,-0.83], [-0.57,-0.15], [-0.50, 0.00], [-0.38,-1.10], [-0.29,-0.32], [-0.18,-0.60], [-0.09,-0.49], [0.03 ,-0.50], [0.09 ,-0.02], [0.20 ,-0.47], [0.31 ,-0.11], [0.41 ,-0.28], [0.53 , 0.40], [0.61 , 0.11], [0.70 , 0.32], [0.94 , 0.42], [1.02 , 0.57], [1.13 , 0.82], [1.24 , 1.18], [1.30 , 0.86], [1.43 , 1.11], [1.50 , 0.74], [1.63 , 0.75], [1.74 , 1.15], [1.80 , 0.76], [1.93 , 0.68], [2.03 , 0.03], [2.12 , 0.31], [2.23 ,-0.14], [2.31 ,-0.88], [2.40 ,-1.25], [2.50 ,-1.62], [2.63 ,-1.37], [2.72 ,-0.99], [2.80 ,-1.92], [2.83 ,-1.94], [2.91 ,-1.32], [3.00 ,-1.69], [3.13 ,-1.84], [3.21 ,-2.05], [3.30 ,-1.69], [3.41 ,-0.53], [3.52 ,-0.55], [3.63 ,-0.92], [3.72 ,-0.76], [3.80 ,-0.41], [3.91 , 0.12], [4.04 , 0.25], [4.13 , 0.16], [4.24 , 0.26], [4.32 , 0.62], [4.44 , 1.69], [4.52 , 1.11], [4.65 , 0.36], [4.74 , 0.79], [4.84 , 0.87], [4.93 , 1.01], [5.02 , 0.55] ]).T # fmt: on X_pred = np.linspace(-6, 6, 200) # pykrige doesn't support 1D data for now, only 2D or 3D # adapting the 1D input to 2D uk = OrdinaryKriging(X, np.zeros(X.shape), y, variogram_model="gaussian") y_pred, y_std = uk.execute("grid", X_pred, np.array([0.0])) y_pred = np.squeeze(y_pred) y_std = np.squeeze(y_std) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 4)) ax.scatter(X, y, s=40, label="Input data") ax.plot(X_pred, y_pred, label="Predicted values") ax.fill_between( X_pred, y_pred - 3 * y_std, y_pred + 3 * y_std, alpha=0.3, label="Confidence interval", ) ax.legend(loc=9) ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") ax.set_xlim(-6, 6) ax.set_ylim(-2.8, 3.5)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Geometric example ================= A small example script showing the usage of the 'geographic' coordinates type for ordinary kriging on a sphere. """ import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pykrige.ok import OrdinaryKriging # Make this example reproducible: np.random.seed(89239413) # Generate random data following a uniform spatial distribution # of nodes and a uniform distribution of values in the interval # [2.0, 5.5]: N = 7 lon = 360.0 * np.random.random(N) lat = 180.0 / np.pi * np.arcsin(2 * np.random.random(N) - 1) z = 3.5 * np.random.rand(N) + 2.0 # Generate a regular grid with 60° longitude and 30° latitude steps: grid_lon = np.linspace(0.0, 360.0, 7) grid_lat = np.linspace(-90.0, 90.0, 7) # Create ordinary kriging object: OK = OrdinaryKriging( lon, lat, z, variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, coordinates_type="geographic", ) # Execute on grid: z1, ss1 = OK.execute("grid", grid_lon, grid_lat) # Create ordinary kriging object ignoring curvature: OK = OrdinaryKriging( lon, lat, z, variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False ) # Execute on grid: z2, ss2 = OK.execute("grid", grid_lon, grid_lat) ############################################################################### # Print data at equator (last longitude index will show periodicity): print("Original data:") print("Longitude:", lon.astype(int)) print("Latitude: ", lat.astype(int)) print("z: ", np.array_str(z, precision=2)) print("\nKrige at 60° latitude:\n======================") print("Longitude:", grid_lon) print("Value: ", np.array_str(z1[5, :], precision=2)) print("Sigma²: ", np.array_str(ss1[5, :], precision=2)) print("\nIgnoring curvature:\n=====================") print("Value: ", np.array_str(z2[5, :], precision=2)) print("Sigma²: ", np.array_str(ss2[5, :], precision=2)) ############################################################################### # We can see that the data point at longitude 122, latitude 50 correctly # dominates the kriged results, since it is the closest node in spherical # distance metric, as longitude differences scale with cos(latitude). # When kriging using longitude / latitude linearly, the value for grid points # with longitude values further away as longitude is now incorrectly # weighted equally as latitude. fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.imshow(z1, extent=[0, 360, -90, 90], origin="lower") ax1.set_title("geo-coordinates") ax2.imshow(z2, extent=[0, 360, -90, 90], origin="lower") ax2.set_title("non geo-coordinates")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ GSTools Interface ================= Example how to use the PyKrige routines with a GSTools CovModel. """ import gstools as gs import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from pykrige.ok import OrdinaryKriging # conditioning data data = np.array( [ [0.3, 1.2, 0.47], [1.9, 0.6, 0.56], [1.1, 3.2, 0.74], [3.3, 4.4, 1.47], [4.7, 3.8, 1.74], ] ) # grid definition for output field gridx = np.arange(0.0, 5.5, 0.1) gridy = np.arange(0.0, 6.5, 0.1) # a GSTools based covariance model cov_model = gs.Gaussian(dim=2, len_scale=4, anis=0.2, angles=-0.5, var=0.5, nugget=0.1) # ordinary kriging with pykrige OK1 = OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], cov_model) z1, ss1 = OK1.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) plt.imshow(z1, origin="lower")
# coding: utf-8 """ PyKrige ======= Code by Benjamin S. Murphy and the PyKrige Developers Summary ------- Contains class OrdinaryKriging, which provides easy access to 2D Ordinary Kriging. References ---------- .. [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistcs: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. .. [2] N. Cressie, Statistics for spatial data, (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 1993) 137 p. Copyright (c) 2015-2020, PyKrige Developers """ import warnings import numpy as np import scipy.linalg from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from . import core, variogram_models from .compat_gstools import validate_gstools from .core import ( P_INV, _adjust_for_anisotropy, _find_statistics, _initialize_variogram_model, _make_variogram_parameter_list, ) class OrdinaryKriging: r"""Convenience class for easy access to 2D Ordinary Kriging. Parameters ---------- x : array_like X-coordinates of data points. y : array_like Y-coordinates of data points. z : array-like Values at data points. variogram_model : str or GSTools CovModel, optional Specifies which variogram model to use; may be one of the following: linear, power, gaussian, spherical, exponential, hole-effect. Default is linear variogram model. To utilize a custom variogram model, specify 'custom'; you must also provide variogram_parameters and variogram_function. Note that the hole-effect model is only technically correct for one-dimensional problems. You can also use a `GSTools <>`_ CovModel. variogram_parameters : list or dict, optional Parameters that define the specified variogram model. If not provided, parameters will be automatically calculated using a "soft" L1 norm minimization scheme. For variogram model parameters provided in a dict, the required dict keys vary according to the specified variogram model: :: # linear {'slope': slope, 'nugget': nugget} # power {'scale': scale, 'exponent': exponent, 'nugget': nugget} # gaussian, spherical, exponential and hole-effect: {'sill': s, 'range': r, 'nugget': n} # OR {'psill': p, 'range': r, 'nugget': n} Note that either the full sill or the partial sill (psill = sill - nugget) can be specified in the dict. For variogram model parameters provided in a list, the entries must be as follows: :: # linear [slope, nugget] # power [scale, exponent, nugget] # gaussian, spherical, exponential and hole-effect: [sill, range, nugget] Note that the full sill (NOT the partial sill) must be specified in the list format. For a custom variogram model, the parameters are required, as custom variogram models will not automatically be fit to the data. Furthermore, the parameters must be specified in list format, in the order in which they are used in the callable function (see variogram_function for more information). The code does not check that the provided list contains the appropriate number of parameters for the custom variogram model, so an incorrect parameter list in such a case will probably trigger an esoteric exception someplace deep in the code. NOTE that, while the list format expects the full sill, the code itself works internally with the partial sill. variogram_function : callable, optional A callable function that must be provided if variogram_model is specified as 'custom'. The function must take only two arguments: first, a list of parameters for the variogram model; second, the distances at which to calculate the variogram model. The list provided in variogram_parameters will be passed to the function as the first argument. nlags : int, optional Number of averaging bins for the semivariogram. Default is 6. weight : bool, optional Flag that specifies if semivariance at smaller lags should be weighted more heavily when automatically calculating variogram model. The routine is currently hard-coded such that the weights are calculated from a logistic function, so weights at small lags are ~1 and weights at the longest lags are ~0; the center of the logistic weighting is hard-coded to be at 70% of the distance from the shortest lag to the largest lag. Setting this parameter to True indicates that weights will be applied. Default is False. (Kitanidis suggests that the values at smaller lags are more important in fitting a variogram model, so the option is provided to enable such weighting.) anisotropy_scaling : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). Scaling is applied in the y-direction in the rotated data frame (i.e., after adjusting for the anisotropy_angle, if anisotropy_angle is not 0). This parameter has no effect if coordinate_types is set to 'geographic'. anisotropy_angle : float, optional CCW angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). Note that the coordinate system is rotated. This parameter has no effect if coordinate_types is set to 'geographic'. verbose : bool, optional Enables program text output to monitor kriging process. Default is False (off). enable_plotting : bool, optional Enables plotting to display variogram. Default is False (off). enable_statistics : bool, optional Default is False coordinates_type : str, optional One of 'euclidean' or 'geographic'. Determines if the x and y coordinates are interpreted as on a plane ('euclidean') or as coordinates on a sphere ('geographic'). In case of geographic coordinates, x is interpreted as longitude and y as latitude coordinates, both given in degree. Longitudes are expected in [0, 360] and latitudes in [-90, 90]. Default is 'euclidean'. exact_values : bool, optional If True, interpolation provides input values at input locations. If False, interpolation accounts for variance/nugget within input values at input locations and does not behave as an exact-interpolator [2]. Note that this only has an effect if there is variance/nugget present within the input data since it is interpreted as measurement error. If the nugget is zero, the kriged field will behave as an exact interpolator. pseudo_inv : :class:`bool`, optional Whether the kriging system is solved with the pseudo inverted kriging matrix. If `True`, this leads to more numerical stability and redundant points are averaged. But it can take more time. Default: False pseudo_inv_type : :class:`str`, optional Here you can select the algorithm to compute the pseudo-inverse matrix: * `"pinv"`: use `pinv` from `scipy` which uses `lstsq` * `"pinvh"`: use `pinvh` from `scipy` which uses eigen-values Default: `"pinv"` References ---------- .. [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistcs: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. .. [2] N. Cressie, Statistics for spatial data, (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 1993) 137 p. """ eps = 1.0e-10 # Cutoff for comparison to zero variogram_dict = { "linear": variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, "power": variogram_models.power_variogram_model, "gaussian": variogram_models.gaussian_variogram_model, "spherical": variogram_models.spherical_variogram_model, "exponential": variogram_models.exponential_variogram_model, "hole-effect": variogram_models.hole_effect_variogram_model, } def __init__( self, x, y, z, variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, nlags=6, weight=False, anisotropy_scaling=1.0, anisotropy_angle=0.0, verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, enable_statistics=False, coordinates_type="euclidean", exact_values=True, pseudo_inv=False, pseudo_inv_type="pinv", ): # config the pseudo inverse self.pseudo_inv = bool(pseudo_inv) self.pseudo_inv_type = str(pseudo_inv_type) if self.pseudo_inv_type not in P_INV: raise ValueError("pseudo inv type not valid: " + str(pseudo_inv_type)) # set up variogram model and parameters... self.variogram_model = variogram_model self.model = None if not isinstance(exact_values, bool): raise ValueError("exact_values has to be boolean True or False") self.exact_values = exact_values self.coordinates_type = coordinates_type # check if a GSTools covariance model is given if hasattr(self.variogram_model, "pykrige_kwargs"): # save the model in the class self.model = self.variogram_model validate_gstools(self.model) if self.model.field_dim == 3: raise ValueError("GSTools: model dim is not 1 or 2") # check if coordinate types match if self.model.latlon and (self.coordinates_type == "euclidean"): raise ValueError( "GSTools: latlon models require geographic coordinates" ) self.variogram_model = "custom" variogram_function = self.model.pykrige_vario variogram_parameters = [] anisotropy_scaling = self.model.pykrige_anis anisotropy_angle = self.model.pykrige_angle if ( self.variogram_model not in self.variogram_dict.keys() and self.variogram_model != "custom" ): raise ValueError( "Specified variogram model '%s' is not supported." % variogram_model ) elif self.variogram_model == "custom": if variogram_function is None or not callable(variogram_function): raise ValueError( "Must specify callable function for custom variogram model." ) else: self.variogram_function = variogram_function else: self.variogram_function = self.variogram_dict[self.variogram_model] # Code assumes 1D input arrays of floats. Ensures that any extraneous # dimensions don't get in the way. Copies are created to avoid any # problems with referencing the original passed arguments. # Also, values are forced to be float... in the future, might be worth # developing complex-number kriging (useful for vector field kriging) self.X_ORIG = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(x, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.Y_ORIG = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(y, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.Z = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(z, copy=True, dtype=np.float64))) self.verbose = verbose self.enable_plotting = enable_plotting if self.enable_plotting and self.verbose: print("Plotting Enabled\n") # adjust for anisotropy... only implemented for euclidean (rectangular) # coordinates, as anisotropy is ambiguous for geographic coordinates... if self.coordinates_type == "euclidean": self.XCENTER = (np.amax(self.X_ORIG) + np.amin(self.X_ORIG)) / 2.0 self.YCENTER = (np.amax(self.Y_ORIG) + np.amin(self.Y_ORIG)) / 2.0 self.anisotropy_scaling = anisotropy_scaling self.anisotropy_angle = anisotropy_angle if self.verbose: print("Adjusting data for anisotropy...") self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((self.X_ORIG, self.Y_ORIG)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling], [self.anisotropy_angle], ).T elif self.coordinates_type == "geographic": # Leave everything as is in geographic case. # May be open to discussion? if anisotropy_scaling != 1.0: warnings.warn( "Anisotropy is not compatible with geographic " "coordinates. Ignoring user set anisotropy.", UserWarning, ) self.XCENTER = 0.0 self.YCENTER = 0.0 self.anisotropy_scaling = 1.0 self.anisotropy_angle = 0.0 self.X_ADJUSTED = self.X_ORIG self.Y_ADJUSTED = self.Y_ORIG else: raise ValueError( "Only 'euclidean' and 'geographic' are valid " "values for coordinates-keyword." ) if self.verbose: print("Initializing variogram model...") vp_temp = _make_variogram_parameter_list( self.variogram_model, variogram_parameters ) ( self.lags, self.semivariance, self.variogram_model_parameters, ) = _initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED)).T, self.Z, self.variogram_model, vp_temp, self.variogram_function, nlags, weight, self.coordinates_type, ) if self.verbose: print("Coordinates type: '%s'" % self.coordinates_type, "\n") if self.variogram_model == "linear": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "linear") print("Slope:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "power": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "power") print("Scale:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Exponent:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "custom": print("Using Custom Variogram Model") else: print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % self.variogram_model) print("Partial Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print( "Full Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0] + self.variogram_model_parameters[2], ) print("Range:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") if self.enable_plotting: self.display_variogram_model() if self.verbose: print("Calculating statistics on variogram model fit...") if enable_statistics:, self.sigma, self.epsilon = _find_statistics( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED)).T, self.Z, self.variogram_function, self.variogram_model_parameters, self.coordinates_type, self.pseudo_inv, ) self.Q1 = core.calcQ1(self.epsilon) self.Q2 = core.calcQ2(self.epsilon) self.cR = core.calc_cR(self.Q2, self.sigma) if self.verbose: print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR, "\n") else:, self.sigma, self.epsilon, self.Q1, self.Q2, self.cR = [None] * 6 def update_variogram_model( self, variogram_model, variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, nlags=6, weight=False, anisotropy_scaling=1.0, anisotropy_angle=0.0, ): """Allows user to update variogram type and/or variogram model parameters. Parameters __________ variogram_model : str or GSTools CovModel May be any of the variogram models listed above. May also be 'custom', in which case variogram_parameters and variogram_function must be specified. You can also use a `GSTools <>`_ CovModel. variogram_parameters : list or dict, optional List or dict of variogram model parameters, as explained above. If not provided, a best fit model will be calculated as described above. variogram_function : callable, optional A callable function that must be provided if variogram_model is specified as 'custom'. See above for more information. nlags : int, optional Number of averaging bins for the semivariogram. Default is 6. weight : boolean, optional Flag that specifies if semivariance at smaller lags should be weighted more heavily when automatically calculating the variogram model. See above for more information. True indicates that weights will be applied. Default is False. anisotropy_scaling : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). Scaling is applied in the y-direction. anisotropy_angle : float, optional CCW angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). """ # set up variogram model and parameters... self.variogram_model = variogram_model self.model = None # check if a GSTools covariance model is given if hasattr(self.variogram_model, "pykrige_kwargs"): # save the model in the class self.model = self.variogram_model validate_gstools(self.model) if self.model.field_dim == 3: raise ValueError("GSTools: model dim is not 1 or 2") # check if coordinate types match if self.model.latlon and (self.coordinates_type == "euclidean"): raise ValueError( "GSTools: latlon models require geographic coordinates" ) self.variogram_model = "custom" variogram_function = self.model.pykrige_vario variogram_parameters = [] anisotropy_scaling = self.model.pykrige_anis anisotropy_angle = self.model.pykrige_angle if ( self.variogram_model not in self.variogram_dict.keys() and self.variogram_model != "custom" ): raise ValueError( "Specified variogram model '%s' is not supported." % variogram_model ) elif self.variogram_model == "custom": if variogram_function is None or not callable(variogram_function): raise ValueError( "Must specify callable function for custom variogram model." ) else: self.variogram_function = variogram_function else: self.variogram_function = self.variogram_dict[self.variogram_model] if ( anisotropy_scaling != self.anisotropy_scaling or anisotropy_angle != self.anisotropy_angle ): if self.coordinates_type == "euclidean": if self.verbose: print("Adjusting data for anisotropy...") self.anisotropy_scaling = anisotropy_scaling self.anisotropy_angle = anisotropy_angle self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((self.X_ORIG, self.Y_ORIG)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling], [self.anisotropy_angle], ).T elif self.coordinates_type == "geographic": if anisotropy_scaling != 1.0: warnings.warn( "Anisotropy is not compatible with geographic" " coordinates. Ignoring user set anisotropy.", UserWarning, ) self.anisotropy_scaling = 1.0 self.anisotropy_angle = 0.0 self.X_ADJUSTED = self.X_ORIG self.Y_ADJUSTED = self.Y_ORIG if self.verbose: print("Updating variogram mode...") # See note above about the 'use_psill' kwarg... vp_temp = _make_variogram_parameter_list( self.variogram_model, variogram_parameters ) ( self.lags, self.semivariance, self.variogram_model_parameters, ) = _initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED)).T, self.Z, self.variogram_model, vp_temp, self.variogram_function, nlags, weight, self.coordinates_type, ) if self.verbose: print("Coordinates type: '%s'" % self.coordinates_type, "\n") if self.variogram_model == "linear": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "linear") print("Slope:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "power": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "power") print("Scale:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Exponent:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "custom": print("Using Custom Variogram Model") else: print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % self.variogram_model) print("Partial Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print( "Full Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0] + self.variogram_model_parameters[2], ) print("Range:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") if self.enable_plotting: self.display_variogram_model() if self.verbose: print("Calculating statistics on variogram model fit..."), self.sigma, self.epsilon = _find_statistics( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED)).T, self.Z, self.variogram_function, self.variogram_model_parameters, self.coordinates_type, self.pseudo_inv, ) self.Q1 = core.calcQ1(self.epsilon) self.Q2 = core.calcQ2(self.epsilon) self.cR = core.calc_cR(self.Q2, self.sigma) if self.verbose: print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR, "\n") def display_variogram_model(self): """Displays variogram model with the actual binned data.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.lags, self.semivariance, "r*") ax.plot( self.lags, self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, self.lags), "k-", ) def get_variogram_points(self): """Returns both the lags and the variogram function evaluated at each of them. The evaluation of the variogram function and the lags are produced internally. This method is convenient when the user wants to access to the lags and the resulting variogram (according to the model provided) for further analysis. Returns ------- (tuple) tuple containing: lags (array) - the lags at which the variogram was evaluated variogram (array) - the variogram function evaluated at the lags """ return ( self.lags, self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, self.lags), ) def switch_verbose(self): """Allows user to switch code talk-back on/off. Takes no arguments.""" self.verbose = not self.verbose def switch_plotting(self): """Allows user to switch plot display on/off. Takes no arguments.""" self.enable_plotting = not self.enable_plotting def get_epsilon_residuals(self): """Returns the epsilon residuals for the variogram fit.""" return self.epsilon def plot_epsilon_residuals(self): """Plots the epsilon residuals for the variogram fit.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(range(self.epsilon.size), self.epsilon, c="k", marker="*") ax.axhline(y=0.0) def get_statistics(self): """Returns the Q1, Q2, and cR statistics for the variogram fit (in that order). No arguments. """ return self.Q1, self.Q2, self.cR def print_statistics(self): """Prints out the Q1, Q2, and cR statistics for the variogram fit. NOTE that ideally Q1 is close to zero, Q2 is close to 1, and cR is as small as possible. """ print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR) def _get_kriging_matrix(self, n): """Assembles the kriging matrix.""" if self.coordinates_type == "euclidean": xy = np.concatenate( (self.X_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Y_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1 ) d = cdist(xy, xy, "euclidean") elif self.coordinates_type == "geographic": d = core.great_circle_distance( self.X_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Y_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, ) a = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1)) a[:n, :n] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, d) np.fill_diagonal(a, 0.0) a[n, :] = 1.0 a[:, n] = 1.0 a[n, n] = 0.0 return a def _exec_vector(self, a, bd, mask): """Solves the kriging system as a vectorized operation. This method can take a lot of memory for large grids and/or large datasets.""" npt = bd.shape[0] n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] zero_index = None zero_value = False # use the desired method to invert the kriging matrix if self.pseudo_inv: a_inv = P_INV[self.pseudo_inv_type](a) else: a_inv = scipy.linalg.inv(a) if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps) b = np.zeros((npt, n + 1, 1)) b[:, :n, 0] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value and self.exact_values: b[zero_index[0], zero_index[1], 0] = 0.0 b[:, n, 0] = 1.0 if (~mask).any(): mask_b = np.repeat(mask[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], n + 1, axis=1) b =, mask=mask_b) x =, b.reshape((npt, n + 1)).T).reshape((1, n + 1, npt)).T zvalues = np.sum(x[:, :n, 0] * self.Z, axis=1) sigmasq = np.sum(x[:, :, 0] * -b[:, :, 0], axis=1) return zvalues, sigmasq def _exec_loop(self, a, bd_all, mask): """Solves the kriging system by looping over all specified points. Less memory-intensive, but involves a Python-level loop.""" npt = bd_all.shape[0] n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] zvalues = np.zeros(npt) sigmasq = np.zeros(npt) # use the desired method to invert the kriging matrix if self.pseudo_inv: a_inv = P_INV[self.pseudo_inv_type](a) else: a_inv = scipy.linalg.inv(a) for j in np.nonzero(~mask)[ 0 ]: # Note that this is the same thing as range(npt) if mask is not defined, bd = bd_all[j] # otherwise it takes the non-masked elements. if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps) else: zero_index = None zero_value = False b = np.zeros((n + 1, 1)) b[:n, 0] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value and self.exact_values: b[zero_index[0], 0] = 0.0 b[n, 0] = 1.0 x =, b) zvalues[j] = np.sum(x[:n, 0] * self.Z) sigmasq[j] = np.sum(x[:, 0] * -b[:, 0]) return zvalues, sigmasq def _exec_loop_moving_window(self, a_all, bd_all, mask, bd_idx): """Solves the kriging system by looping over all specified points. Less memory-intensive, but involves a Python-level loop.""" import scipy.linalg.lapack npt = bd_all.shape[0] n = bd_idx.shape[1] zvalues = np.zeros(npt) sigmasq = np.zeros(npt) for i in np.nonzero(~mask)[ 0 ]: # Note that this is the same thing as range(npt) if mask is not defined, b_selector = bd_idx[i] # otherwise it takes the non-masked elements. bd = bd_all[i] a_selector = np.concatenate((b_selector, np.array([a_all.shape[0] - 1]))) a = a_all[a_selector[:, None], a_selector] if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps) else: zero_index = None zero_value = False b = np.zeros((n + 1, 1)) b[:n, 0] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value and self.exact_values: b[zero_index[0], 0] = 0.0 b[n, 0] = 1.0 x = scipy.linalg.solve(a, b) zvalues[i] = x[:n, 0].dot(self.Z[b_selector]) sigmasq[i] = -x[:, 0].dot(b[:, 0]) return zvalues, sigmasq def execute( self, style, xpoints, ypoints, mask=None, backend="vectorized", n_closest_points=None, ): """Calculates a kriged grid and the associated variance. Parameters ---------- style : str Specifies how to treat input kriging points. Specifying 'grid' treats xpoints and ypoints as two arrays of x and y coordinates that define a rectangular grid. Specifying 'points' treats xpoints and ypoints as two arrays that provide coordinate pairs at which to solve the kriging system. Specifying 'masked' treats xpoints and ypoints as two arrays of x and y coordinates that define a rectangular grid and uses mask to only evaluate specific points in the grid. xpoints : array_like, shape (N,) or (N, 1) If style is specific as 'grid' or 'masked', x-coordinates of MxN grid. If style is specified as 'points', x-coordinates of specific points at which to solve kriging system. ypoints : array_like, shape (M,) or (M, 1) If style is specified as 'grid' or 'masked', y-coordinates of MxN grid. If style is specified as 'points', y-coordinates of specific points at which to solve kriging system. Note that in this case, xpoints and ypoints must have the same dimensions (i.e., M = N). mask : bool, array_like, shape (M, N), optional Specifies the points in the rectangular grid defined by xpoints and ypoints that are to be excluded in the kriging calculations. Must be provided if style is specified as 'masked'. False indicates that the point should not be masked, so the kriging system will be solved at the point. True indicates that the point should be masked, so the kriging system should will not be solved at the point. backend : str, optional Specifies which approach to use in kriging. Specifying 'vectorized' will solve the entire kriging problem at once in a vectorized operation. This approach is faster but also can consume a significant amount of memory for large grids and/or large datasets. Specifying 'loop' will loop through each point at which the kriging system is to be solved. This approach is slower but also less memory-intensive. Specifying 'C' will utilize a loop in Cython. Default is 'vectorized'. n_closest_points : int, optional For kriging with a moving window, specifies the number of nearby points to use in the calculation. This can speed up the calculation for large datasets, but should be used with caution. As Kitanidis notes, kriging with a moving window can produce unexpected oddities if the variogram model is not carefully chosen. Returns ------- zvalues : ndarray, shape (M, N) or (N, 1) Z-values of specified grid or at the specified set of points. If style was specified as 'masked', zvalues will be a numpy masked array. sigmasq : ndarray, shape (M, N) or (N, 1) Variance at specified grid points or at the specified set of points. If style was specified as 'masked', sigmasq will be a numpy masked array. """ if self.verbose: print("Executing Ordinary Kriging...\n") if style != "grid" and style != "masked" and style != "points": raise ValueError("style argument must be 'grid', 'points', or 'masked'") if n_closest_points is not None and n_closest_points <= 1: # If this is not checked, nondescriptive errors emerge # later in the code. raise ValueError("n_closest_points has to be at least two!") xpts = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(xpoints, copy=True))) ypts = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(ypoints, copy=True))) n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] nx = xpts.size ny = ypts.size a = self._get_kriging_matrix(n) if style in ["grid", "masked"]: if style == "masked": if mask is None: raise IOError( "Must specify boolean masking array when style is 'masked'." ) if mask.shape[0] != ny or mask.shape[1] != nx: if mask.shape[0] == nx and mask.shape[1] == ny: mask = mask.T else: raise ValueError( "Mask dimensions do not match specified grid dimensions." ) mask = mask.flatten() npt = ny * nx grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(xpts, ypts) xpts = grid_x.flatten() ypts = grid_y.flatten() elif style == "points": if xpts.size != ypts.size: raise ValueError( "xpoints and ypoints must have " "same dimensions when treated as " "listing discrete points." ) npt = nx else: raise ValueError("style argument must be 'grid', 'points', or 'masked'") if self.coordinates_type == "euclidean": xpts, ypts = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((xpts, ypts)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling], [self.anisotropy_angle], ).T # Prepare for cdist: xy_data = np.concatenate( (self.X_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Y_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1 ) xy_points = np.concatenate( (xpts[:, np.newaxis], ypts[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1 ) elif self.coordinates_type == "geographic": # In spherical coordinates, we do not correct for anisotropy. # Also, we don't use scipy.spatial.cdist, so we do not have to # format the input data accordingly. pass if style != "masked": mask = np.zeros(npt, dtype="bool") c_pars = None if backend == "C": try: from .lib.cok import _c_exec_loop, _c_exec_loop_moving_window except ImportError: print( "Warning: failed to load Cython extensions.\n" " See \n" " Falling back to a pure python backend..." ) backend = "loop" except: raise RuntimeError("Unknown error in trying to load Cython extension.") c_pars = { key: getattr(self, key) for key in [ "Z", "eps", "variogram_model_parameters", "variogram_function", "exact_values", "pseudo_inv", "pseudo_inv_type", ] } if n_closest_points is not None: if self.coordinates_type == "geographic": # To make use of the KDTree, we have to convert the # spherical coordinates into three dimensional Euclidean # coordinates, since the standard KDTree cannot handle # the periodicity. # Do the conversion just for the step involving the KDTree: lon_d = self.X_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis] * np.pi / 180.0 lat_d = self.Y_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis] * np.pi / 180.0 xy_data = np.concatenate( ( np.cos(lon_d) * np.cos(lat_d), np.sin(lon_d) * np.cos(lat_d), np.sin(lat_d), ), axis=1, ) lon_p = xpts[:, np.newaxis] * np.pi / 180.0 lat_p = ypts[:, np.newaxis] * np.pi / 180.0 xy_points = np.concatenate( ( np.cos(lon_p) * np.cos(lat_p), np.sin(lon_p) * np.cos(lat_p), np.sin(lat_p), ), axis=1, ) from scipy.spatial import cKDTree tree = cKDTree(xy_data) bd, bd_idx = tree.query(xy_points, k=n_closest_points, eps=0.0) if self.coordinates_type == "geographic": # Between the nearest neighbours from Euclidean search, # calculate the great circle distance using the standard method: x_points = np.tile(xpts[:, np.newaxis], (1, n_closest_points)) y_points = np.tile(ypts[:, np.newaxis], (1, n_closest_points)) bd = core.great_circle_distance( x_points, y_points, self.X_ADJUSTED[bd_idx], self.Y_ADJUSTED[bd_idx] ) if backend == "loop": zvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_loop_moving_window(a, bd, mask, bd_idx) elif backend == "C": zvalues, sigmasq = _c_exec_loop_moving_window( a, bd, mask.astype("int8"), bd_idx.astype(int), self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0], c_pars, ) else: raise ValueError( "Specified backend {} for a moving window " "is not supported.".format(backend) ) else: if self.coordinates_type == "euclidean": bd = cdist(xy_points, xy_data, "euclidean") elif self.coordinates_type == "geographic": bd = core.great_circle_distance( xpts[:, np.newaxis], ypts[:, np.newaxis], self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, ) if backend == "vectorized": zvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_vector(a, bd, mask) elif backend == "loop": zvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_loop(a, bd, mask) elif backend == "C": zvalues, sigmasq = _c_exec_loop( a, bd, mask.astype("int8"), self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0], c_pars ) else: raise ValueError( "Specified backend {} is not supported for " "2D ordinary kriging.".format(backend) ) if style == "masked": zvalues =, mask=mask) sigmasq =, mask=mask) if style in ["masked", "grid"]: zvalues = zvalues.reshape((ny, nx)) sigmasq = sigmasq.reshape((ny, nx)) return zvalues, sigmasq
# coding: utf-8 # pylint: disable= invalid-name, unused-import """For GSTools compatibility.""" # gstools try: import gstools as gs GSTOOLS_INSTALLED = True GSTOOLS_VERSION = list(map(int, gs.__version__.split(".")[:2])) except ImportError: gs = None GSTOOLS_INSTALLED = False GSTOOLS_VERSION = None class GSToolsException(Exception): """Exception for GSTools.""" def validate_gstools(model): """Validate presence of GSTools.""" if not GSTOOLS_INSTALLED: raise GSToolsException( "GSTools needs to be installed in order to use their CovModel class." ) if not isinstance(model, gs.CovModel): raise GSToolsException( "GSTools: given variogram model is not a CovModel instance." ) if GSTOOLS_VERSION < [1, 3]: raise GSToolsException("GSTools: need at least GSTools v1.3.") if model.latlon and GSTOOLS_VERSION < [1, 4]: raise GSToolsException( "GSTools: latlon models in PyKrige are only supported from GSTools v1.4." )
# coding: utf-8 """ PyKrige ======= Code by Benjamin S. Murphy and the PyKrige Developers Summary ------- Contains class UniversalKriging, provides greater control over 2D kriging by utilizing drift terms. References ---------- .. [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistcs: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. .. [2] N. Cressie, Statistics for spatial data, (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 1993) 137 p. Copyright (c) 2015-2020, PyKrige Developers """ import warnings import numpy as np import scipy.linalg from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from . import core, variogram_models from .compat_gstools import validate_gstools from .core import ( P_INV, _adjust_for_anisotropy, _find_statistics, _initialize_variogram_model, _make_variogram_parameter_list, ) class UniversalKriging: """Provides greater control over 2D kriging by utilizing drift terms. Parameters ---------- x : array_like X-coordinates of data points. y : array_like Y-coordinates of data points. z : array_like Values at data points. variogram_model: str or GSTools CovModel, optional Specified which variogram model to use; may be one of the following: linear, power, gaussian, spherical, exponential, hole-effect. Default is linear variogram model. To utilize a custom variogram model, specify 'custom'; you must also provide variogram_parameters and variogram_function. Note that the hole-effect model is only technically correct for one-dimensional problems. You can also use a `GSTools <>`_ CovModel. variogram_parameters : list or dict, optional Parameters that define the specified variogram model. If not provided, parameters will be automatically calculated using a "soft" L1 norm minimization scheme. For variogram model parameters provided in a dict, the required dict keys vary according to the specified variogram model: :: # linear {'slope': slope, 'nugget': nugget} # power {'scale': scale, 'exponent': exponent, 'nugget': nugget} # gaussian, spherical, exponential and hole-effect: {'sill': s, 'range': r, 'nugget': n} # OR {'psill': p, 'range': r, 'nugget': n} Note that either the full sill or the partial sill (psill = sill - nugget) can be specified in the dict. For variogram model parameters provided in a list, the entries must be as follows: :: # linear [slope, nugget] # power [scale, exponent, nugget] # gaussian, spherical, exponential and hole-effect: [sill, range, nugget] Note that the full sill (NOT the partial sill) must be specified in the list format. For a custom variogram model, the parameters are required, as custom variogram models will not automatically be fit to the data. Furthermore, the parameters must be specified in list format, in the order in which they are used in the callable function (see variogram_function for more information). The code does not check that the provided list contains the appropriate number of parameters for the custom variogram model, so an incorrect parameter list in such a case will probably trigger an esoteric exception someplace deep in the code. NOTE that, while the list format expects the full sill, the code itself works internally with the partial sill. variogram_function : callable, optional A callable function that must be provided if variogram_model is specified as 'custom'. The function must take only two arguments: first, a list of parameters for the variogram model; second, the distances at which to calculate the variogram model. The list provided in variogram_parameters will be passed to the function as the first argument. nlags : int, optional Number of averaging bins for the semivariogram. Default is 6. weight : bool, optional Flag that specifies if semivariance at smaller lags should be weighted more heavily when automatically calculating variogram model. The routine is currently hard-coded such that the weights are calculated from a logistic function, so weights at small lags are ~1 and weights at the longest lags are ~0; the center of the logistic weighting is hard-coded to be at 70% of the distance from the shortest lag to the largest lag. Setting this parameter to True indicates that weights will be applied. Default is False. (Kitanidis suggests that the values at smaller lags are more important in fitting a variogram model, so the option is provided to enable such weighting.) anisotropy_scaling : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). Scaling is applied in the y-direction in the rotated data frame (i.e., after adjusting for the anisotropy_angle, if anisotropy_angle is not 0). anisotropy_angle : float, optional CCW angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). Note that the coordinate system is rotated. drift_terms : list of strings, optional List of drift terms to include in universal kriging. Supported drift terms are currently 'regional_linear', 'point_log', 'external_Z', 'specified', and 'functional'. point_drift : array_like, optional Array-like object that contains the coordinates and strengths of the point-logarithmic drift terms. Array shape must be (N, 3), where N is the number of point drift terms. First column (index 0) must contain x-coordinates, second column (index 1) must contain y-coordinates, and third column (index 2) must contain the strengths of each point term. Strengths are relative, so only the relation of the values to each other matters. Note that the code will appropriately deal with point-logarithmic terms that are at the same coordinates as an evaluation point or data point, but Python will still kick out a warning message that an ln(0) has been encountered. If the problem involves anisotropy, the well coordinates will be adjusted and the drift values will be calculated in the adjusted data frame. external_drift : array_like, optional Gridded data used for the external Z scalar drift term. Must be shape (M, N), where M is in the y-direction and N is in the x-direction. Grid spacing does not need to be constant. If grid spacing is not constant, must specify the grid cell sizes. If the problem involves anisotropy, the external drift values are extracted based on the pre-adjusted coordinates (i.e., the original coordinate system). external_drift_x : array_like, optional X-coordinates for gridded external Z-scalar data. Must be shape (M,) or (M, 1), where M is the number of grid cells in the x-direction. The coordinate is treated as the center of the cell. external_drift_y : array_like, optional Y-coordinates for gridded external Z-scalar data. Must be shape (N,) or (N, 1), where N is the number of grid cells in the y-direction. The coordinate is treated as the center of the cell. specified_drift : list of array-like objects, optional List of arrays that contain the drift values at data points. The arrays must be shape (N,) or (N, 1), where N is the number of data points. Any number of specified-drift terms may be used. functional_drift : list of callable objects, optional List of callable functions that will be used to evaluate drift terms. The function must be a function of only the two spatial coordinates and must return a single value for each coordinate pair. It must be set up to be called with only two arguments, first an array of x values and second an array of y values. If the problem involves anisotropy, the drift values are calculated in the adjusted data frame. verbose : bool, optional Enables program text output to monitor kriging process. Default is False (off). enable_plotting : boolean, optional Enables plotting to display variogram. Default is False (off). exact_values : bool, optional If True, interpolation provides input values at input locations. If False, interpolation accounts for variance/nugget within input values at input locations and does not behave as an exact-interpolator [2]. Note that this only has an effect if there is variance/nugget present within the input data since it is interpreted as measurement error. If the nugget is zero, the kriged field will behave as an exact interpolator. pseudo_inv : :class:`bool`, optional Whether the kriging system is solved with the pseudo inverted kriging matrix. If `True`, this leads to more numerical stability and redundant points are averaged. But it can take more time. Default: False pseudo_inv_type : :class:`str`, optional Here you can select the algorithm to compute the pseudo-inverse matrix: * `"pinv"`: use `pinv` from `scipy` which uses `lstsq` * `"pinvh"`: use `pinvh` from `scipy` which uses eigen-values Default: `"pinv"` References ---------- .. [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistcs: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. .. [2] N. Cressie, Statistics for spatial data, (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 1993) 137 p. """ UNBIAS = True # This can be changed to remove the unbiasedness condition # Really for testing purposes only... eps = 1.0e-10 # Cutoff for comparison to zero variogram_dict = { "linear": variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, "power": variogram_models.power_variogram_model, "gaussian": variogram_models.gaussian_variogram_model, "spherical": variogram_models.spherical_variogram_model, "exponential": variogram_models.exponential_variogram_model, "hole-effect": variogram_models.hole_effect_variogram_model, } def __init__( self, x, y, z, variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, nlags=6, weight=False, anisotropy_scaling=1.0, anisotropy_angle=0.0, drift_terms=None, point_drift=None, external_drift=None, external_drift_x=None, external_drift_y=None, specified_drift=None, functional_drift=None, verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, exact_values=True, pseudo_inv=False, pseudo_inv_type="pinv", ): # config the pseudo inverse self.pseudo_inv = bool(pseudo_inv) self.pseudo_inv_type = str(pseudo_inv_type) if self.pseudo_inv_type not in P_INV: raise ValueError("pseudo inv type not valid: " + str(pseudo_inv_type)) # Deal with mutable default argument if drift_terms is None: drift_terms = [] if specified_drift is None: specified_drift = [] if functional_drift is None: functional_drift = [] # set up variogram model and parameters... self.variogram_model = variogram_model self.model = None if not isinstance(exact_values, bool): raise ValueError("exact_values has to be boolean True or False") self.exact_values = exact_values # check if a GSTools covariance model is given if hasattr(self.variogram_model, "pykrige_kwargs"): # save the model in the class self.model = self.variogram_model validate_gstools(self.model) if self.model.field_dim == 3: raise ValueError("GSTools: model dim is not 1 or 2") if self.model.latlon: raise ValueError( "GSTools: latlon models not supported for universal kriging" ) self.variogram_model = "custom" variogram_function = self.model.pykrige_vario variogram_parameters = [] anisotropy_scaling = self.model.pykrige_anis anisotropy_angle = self.model.pykrige_angle if ( self.variogram_model not in self.variogram_dict.keys() and self.variogram_model != "custom" ): raise ValueError( "Specified variogram model '%s' is not supported." % variogram_model ) elif self.variogram_model == "custom": if variogram_function is None or not callable(variogram_function): raise ValueError( "Must specify callable function for custom variogram model." ) else: self.variogram_function = variogram_function else: self.variogram_function = self.variogram_dict[self.variogram_model] # Code assumes 1D input arrays. Ensures that any extraneous dimensions # don't get in the way. Copies are created to avoid any problems with # referencing the original passed arguments. self.X_ORIG = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(x, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.Y_ORIG = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(y, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.Z = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(z, copy=True, dtype=np.float64))) self.verbose = verbose self.enable_plotting = enable_plotting if self.enable_plotting and self.verbose: print("Plotting Enabled\n") # adjust for anisotropy... self.XCENTER = (np.amax(self.X_ORIG) + np.amin(self.X_ORIG)) / 2.0 self.YCENTER = (np.amax(self.Y_ORIG) + np.amin(self.Y_ORIG)) / 2.0 self.anisotropy_scaling = anisotropy_scaling self.anisotropy_angle = anisotropy_angle if self.verbose: print("Adjusting data for anisotropy...") self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((self.X_ORIG, self.Y_ORIG)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling], [self.anisotropy_angle], ).T if self.verbose: print("Initializing variogram model...") # see comment in about 'use_psill' kwarg... vp_temp = _make_variogram_parameter_list( self.variogram_model, variogram_parameters ) ( self.lags, self.semivariance, self.variogram_model_parameters, ) = _initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED)).T, self.Z, self.variogram_model, vp_temp, self.variogram_function, nlags, weight, "euclidean", ) # TODO extend geographic capabilities to UK... if self.verbose: if self.variogram_model == "linear": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "linear") print("Slope:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "power": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "power") print("Scale:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Exponent:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "custom": print("Using Custom Variogram Model") else: print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % self.variogram_model) print("Partial Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print( "Full Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0] + self.variogram_model_parameters[2], ) print("Range:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") if self.enable_plotting: self.display_variogram_model() if self.verbose: print("Calculating statistics on variogram model fit..."), self.sigma, self.epsilon = _find_statistics( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED)).T, self.Z, self.variogram_function, self.variogram_model_parameters, "euclidean", self.pseudo_inv, ) self.Q1 = core.calcQ1(self.epsilon) self.Q2 = core.calcQ2(self.epsilon) self.cR = core.calc_cR(self.Q2, self.sigma) if self.verbose: print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR, "\n") if self.verbose: print("Initializing drift terms...") # Note that the regional linear drift values will be based # on the adjusted coordinate system, Really, it doesn't actually # matter which coordinate system is used here. if "regional_linear" in drift_terms: self.regional_linear_drift = True if self.verbose: print("Implementing regional linear drift.") else: self.regional_linear_drift = False # External Z scalars are extracted using the original # (unadjusted) coordinates. if "external_Z" in drift_terms: if external_drift is None: raise ValueError("Must specify external Z drift terms.") if external_drift_x is None or external_drift_y is None: raise ValueError("Must specify coordinates of external Z drift terms.") self.external_Z_drift = True if ( external_drift.shape[0] != external_drift_y.shape[0] or external_drift.shape[1] != external_drift_x.shape[0] ): if ( external_drift.shape[0] == external_drift_x.shape[0] and external_drift.shape[1] == external_drift_y.shape[0] ): self.external_Z_array = np.array(external_drift.T) else: raise ValueError( "External drift dimensions do not match " "provided x- and y-coordinate dimensions." ) else: self.external_Z_array = np.array(external_drift) self.external_Z_array_x = np.array(external_drift_x).flatten() self.external_Z_array_y = np.array(external_drift_y).flatten() self.z_scalars = self._calculate_data_point_zscalars( self.X_ORIG, self.Y_ORIG ) if self.verbose: print("Implementing external Z drift.") else: self.external_Z_drift = False # Well coordinates are rotated into adjusted coordinate frame. if "point_log" in drift_terms: if point_drift is None: raise ValueError( "Must specify location(s) and strength(s) of point drift terms." ) self.point_log_drift = True point_log = np.atleast_2d(np.squeeze(np.array(point_drift, copy=True))) self.point_log_array = np.zeros(point_log.shape) self.point_log_array[:, 2] = point_log[:, 2] self.point_log_array[:, :2] = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((point_log[:, 0], point_log[:, 1])).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling], [self.anisotropy_angle], ) if self.verbose: print( "Implementing external point-logarithmic drift; " "number of points =", self.point_log_array.shape[0], "\n", ) else: self.point_log_drift = False if "specified" in drift_terms: if type(specified_drift) is not list: raise TypeError( "Arrays for specified drift terms must be " "encapsulated in a list." ) if len(specified_drift) == 0: raise ValueError( "Must provide at least one drift-value array " "when using the 'specified' drift capability." ) self.specified_drift = True self.specified_drift_data_arrays = [] for term in specified_drift: specified = np.squeeze(np.array(term, copy=True)) if specified.size != self.X_ORIG.size: raise ValueError( "Must specify the drift values for each " "data point when using the 'specified' " "drift capability." ) self.specified_drift_data_arrays.append(specified) else: self.specified_drift = False # The provided callable functions will be evaluated using # the adjusted coordinates. if "functional" in drift_terms: if type(functional_drift) is not list: raise TypeError( "Callables for functional drift terms must " "be encapsulated in a list." ) if len(functional_drift) == 0: raise ValueError( "Must provide at least one callable object " "when using the 'functional' drift capability." ) self.functional_drift = True self.functional_drift_terms = functional_drift else: self.functional_drift = False def _calculate_data_point_zscalars(self, x, y, type_="array"): """Determines the Z-scalar values at the specified coordinates for use when setting up the kriging matrix. Uses bilinear interpolation. Currently, the Z scalar values are extracted from the input Z grid exactly at the specified coordinates. This means that if the Z grid resolution is finer than the resolution of the desired kriged grid, there is no averaging of the scalar values to return an average Z value for that cell in the kriged grid. Rather, the exact Z value right at the coordinate is used.""" if type_ == "scalar": nx = 1 ny = 1 z_scalars = None else: if x.ndim == 1: nx = x.shape[0] ny = 1 else: ny = x.shape[0] nx = x.shape[1] z_scalars = np.zeros(x.shape) for m in range(ny): for n in range(nx): if type_ == "scalar": xn = x yn = y else: if x.ndim == 1: xn = x[n] yn = y[n] else: xn = x[m, n] yn = y[m, n] if ( xn > np.amax(self.external_Z_array_x) or xn < np.amin(self.external_Z_array_x) or yn > np.amax(self.external_Z_array_y) or yn < np.amin(self.external_Z_array_y) ): raise ValueError( "External drift array does not cover " "specified kriging domain." ) # bilinear interpolation external_x2_index = np.amin(np.where(self.external_Z_array_x >= xn)[0]) external_x1_index = np.amax(np.where(self.external_Z_array_x <= xn)[0]) external_y2_index = np.amin(np.where(self.external_Z_array_y >= yn)[0]) external_y1_index = np.amax(np.where(self.external_Z_array_y <= yn)[0]) if external_y1_index == external_y2_index: if external_x1_index == external_x2_index: z = self.external_Z_array[external_y1_index, external_x1_index] else: z = ( self.external_Z_array[external_y1_index, external_x1_index] * (self.external_Z_array_x[external_x2_index] - xn) + self.external_Z_array[ external_y2_index, external_x2_index ] * (xn - self.external_Z_array_x[external_x1_index]) ) / ( self.external_Z_array_x[external_x2_index] - self.external_Z_array_x[external_x1_index] ) elif external_x1_index == external_x2_index: if external_y1_index == external_y2_index: z = self.external_Z_array[external_y1_index, external_x1_index] else: z = ( self.external_Z_array[external_y1_index, external_x1_index] * (self.external_Z_array_y[external_y2_index] - yn) + self.external_Z_array[ external_y2_index, external_x2_index ] * (yn - self.external_Z_array_y[external_y1_index]) ) / ( self.external_Z_array_y[external_y2_index] - self.external_Z_array_y[external_y1_index] ) else: z = ( self.external_Z_array[external_y1_index, external_x1_index] * (self.external_Z_array_x[external_x2_index] - xn) * (self.external_Z_array_y[external_y2_index] - yn) + self.external_Z_array[external_y1_index, external_x2_index] * (xn - self.external_Z_array_x[external_x1_index]) * (self.external_Z_array_y[external_y2_index] - yn) + self.external_Z_array[external_y2_index, external_x1_index] * (self.external_Z_array_x[external_x2_index] - xn) * (yn - self.external_Z_array_y[external_y1_index]) + self.external_Z_array[external_y2_index, external_x2_index] * (xn - self.external_Z_array_x[external_x1_index]) * (yn - self.external_Z_array_y[external_y1_index]) ) / ( ( self.external_Z_array_x[external_x2_index] - self.external_Z_array_x[external_x1_index] ) * ( self.external_Z_array_y[external_y2_index] - self.external_Z_array_y[external_y1_index] ) ) if type_ == "scalar": z_scalars = z else: if z_scalars.ndim == 1: z_scalars[n] = z else: z_scalars[m, n] = z return z_scalars def update_variogram_model( self, variogram_model, variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, nlags=6, weight=False, anisotropy_scaling=1.0, anisotropy_angle=0.0, ): """Allows user to update variogram type and/or variogram model parameters. Parameters ---------- variogram_model : str or GSTools CovModel May be any of the variogram models listed above. May also be 'custom', in which case variogram_parameters and variogram_function must be specified. You can also use a `GSTools <>`_ CovModel. variogram_parameters : list or dict, optional List or dict of variogram model parameters, as explained above. If not provided, a best fit model will be calculated as described above. variogram_function : callable, optional A callable function that must be provided if variogram_model is specified as 'custom'. See above for more information. nlags : int, optional Number of averaging bins for the semivariogram. Defualt is 6. weight : boolean, optional Flag that specifies if semivariance at smaller lags should be weighted more heavily when automatically calculating the variogram model. See above for more information. True indicates that weights will be applied. Default is False. anisotropy_scaling : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). Scaling is applied in the y-direction. anisotropy_angle : float, optional CCW angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). """ # set up variogram model and parameters... self.variogram_model = variogram_model self.model = None # check if a GSTools covariance model is given if hasattr(self.variogram_model, "pykrige_kwargs"): # save the model in the class self.model = self.variogram_model validate_gstools(self.model) if self.model.field_dim == 3: raise ValueError("GSTools: model dim is not 1 or 2") if self.model.latlon: raise ValueError( "GSTools: latlon models not supported for universal kriging" ) self.variogram_model = "custom" variogram_function = self.model.pykrige_vario variogram_parameters = [] anisotropy_scaling = self.model.pykrige_anis anisotropy_angle = self.model.pykrige_angle if ( self.variogram_model not in self.variogram_dict.keys() and self.variogram_model != "custom" ): raise ValueError( "Specified variogram model '%s' is not supported." % variogram_model ) elif self.variogram_model == "custom": if variogram_function is None or not callable(variogram_function): raise ValueError( "Must specify callable function for custom variogram model." ) else: self.variogram_function = variogram_function else: self.variogram_function = self.variogram_dict[self.variogram_model] if ( anisotropy_scaling != self.anisotropy_scaling or anisotropy_angle != self.anisotropy_angle ): if self.verbose: print("Adjusting data for anisotropy...") self.anisotropy_scaling = anisotropy_scaling self.anisotropy_angle = anisotropy_angle self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((self.X_ORIG, self.Y_ORIG)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling], [self.anisotropy_angle], ).T if self.verbose: print("Updating variogram mode...") # See note above about the 'use_psill' kwarg... vp_temp = _make_variogram_parameter_list( self.variogram_model, variogram_parameters ) ( self.lags, self.semivariance, self.variogram_model_parameters, ) = _initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED)).T, self.Z, self.variogram_model, vp_temp, self.variogram_function, nlags, weight, "euclidean", ) if self.verbose: if self.variogram_model == "linear": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "linear") print("Slope:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "power": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "power") print("Scale:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Exponent:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "custom": print("Using Custom Variogram Model") else: print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % self.variogram_model) print("Partial Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print( "Full Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0] + self.variogram_model_parameters[2], ) print("Range:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") if self.enable_plotting: self.display_variogram_model() if self.verbose: print("Calculating statistics on variogram model fit..."), self.sigma, self.epsilon = _find_statistics( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED)).T, self.Z, self.variogram_function, self.variogram_model_parameters, "euclidean", self.pseudo_inv, ) self.Q1 = core.calcQ1(self.epsilon) self.Q2 = core.calcQ2(self.epsilon) self.cR = core.calc_cR(self.Q2, self.sigma) if self.verbose: print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR, "\n") def display_variogram_model(self): """Displays variogram model with the actual binned data.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.lags, self.semivariance, "r*") ax.plot( self.lags, self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, self.lags), "k-", ) def get_variogram_points(self): """Returns both the lags and the variogram function evaluated at each of them. The evaluation of the variogram function and the lags are produced internally. This method is convenient when the user wants to access to the lags and the resulting variogram (according to the model provided) for further analysis. Returns ------- (tuple) tuple containing: lags (array) - the lags at which the variogram was evaluated variogram (array) - the variogram function evaluated at the lags """ return ( self.lags, self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, self.lags), ) def switch_verbose(self): """Allows user to switch code talk-back on/off. Takes no arguments.""" self.verbose = not self.verbose def switch_plotting(self): """Allows user to switch plot display on/off. Takes no arguments.""" self.enable_plotting = not self.enable_plotting def get_epsilon_residuals(self): """Returns the epsilon residuals for the variogram fit.""" return self.epsilon def plot_epsilon_residuals(self): """Plots the epsilon residuals for the variogram fit.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(range(self.epsilon.size), self.epsilon, c="k", marker="*") ax.axhline(y=0.0) def get_statistics(self): """Returns the Q1, Q2, and cR statistics for the variogram fit (in that order). No arguments. """ return self.Q1, self.Q2, self.cR def print_statistics(self): """Prints out the Q1, Q2, and cR statistics for the variogram fit. NOTE that ideally Q1 is close to zero, Q2 is close to 1, and cR is as small as possible. """ print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR) def _get_kriging_matrix(self, n, n_withdrifts): """Assembles the kriging matrix.""" xy = np.concatenate( (self.X_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Y_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1 ) d = cdist(xy, xy, "euclidean") if self.UNBIAS: a = np.zeros((n_withdrifts + 1, n_withdrifts + 1)) else: a = np.zeros((n_withdrifts, n_withdrifts)) a[:n, :n] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, d) np.fill_diagonal(a, 0.0) i = n if self.regional_linear_drift: a[:n, i] = self.X_ADJUSTED a[i, :n] = self.X_ADJUSTED i += 1 a[:n, i] = self.Y_ADJUSTED a[i, :n] = self.Y_ADJUSTED i += 1 if self.point_log_drift: for well_no in range(self.point_log_array.shape[0]): log_dist = np.log( np.sqrt( (self.X_ADJUSTED - self.point_log_array[well_no, 0]) ** 2 + (self.Y_ADJUSTED - self.point_log_array[well_no, 1]) ** 2 ) ) if np.any(np.isinf(log_dist)): log_dist[np.isinf(log_dist)] = -100.0 a[:n, i] = -self.point_log_array[well_no, 2] * log_dist a[i, :n] = -self.point_log_array[well_no, 2] * log_dist i += 1 if self.external_Z_drift: a[:n, i] = self.z_scalars a[i, :n] = self.z_scalars i += 1 if self.specified_drift: for arr in self.specified_drift_data_arrays: a[:n, i] = arr a[i, :n] = arr i += 1 if self.functional_drift: for func in self.functional_drift_terms: a[:n, i] = func(self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED) a[i, :n] = func(self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED) i += 1 if i != n_withdrifts: warnings.warn( "Error in creating kriging matrix. Kriging may fail.", RuntimeWarning ) if self.UNBIAS: a[n_withdrifts, :n] = 1.0 a[:n, n_withdrifts] = 1.0 a[n : n_withdrifts + 1, n : n_withdrifts + 1] = 0.0 return a def _exec_vector(self, a, bd, xy, xy_orig, mask, n_withdrifts, spec_drift_grids): """Solves the kriging system as a vectorized operation. This method can take a lot of memory for large grids and/or large datasets.""" npt = bd.shape[0] n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] zero_index = None zero_value = False # use the desired method to invert the kriging matrix if self.pseudo_inv: a_inv = P_INV[self.pseudo_inv_type](a) else: a_inv = scipy.linalg.inv(a) if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps) if self.UNBIAS: b = np.zeros((npt, n_withdrifts + 1, 1)) else: b = np.zeros((npt, n_withdrifts, 1)) b[:, :n, 0] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value and self.exact_values: b[zero_index[0], zero_index[1], 0] = 0.0 i = n if self.regional_linear_drift: b[:, i, 0] = xy[:, 0] i += 1 b[:, i, 0] = xy[:, 1] i += 1 if self.point_log_drift: for well_no in range(self.point_log_array.shape[0]): log_dist = np.log( np.sqrt( (xy[:, 0] - self.point_log_array[well_no, 0]) ** 2 + (xy[:, 1] - self.point_log_array[well_no, 1]) ** 2 ) ) if np.any(np.isinf(log_dist)): log_dist[np.isinf(log_dist)] = -100.0 b[:, i, 0] = -self.point_log_array[well_no, 2] * log_dist i += 1 if self.external_Z_drift: b[:, i, 0] = self._calculate_data_point_zscalars( xy_orig[:, 0], xy_orig[:, 1] ) i += 1 if self.specified_drift: for spec_vals in spec_drift_grids: b[:, i, 0] = spec_vals.flatten() i += 1 if self.functional_drift: for func in self.functional_drift_terms: b[:, i, 0] = func(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1]) i += 1 if i != n_withdrifts: warnings.warn( "Error in setting up kriging system. Kriging may fail.", RuntimeWarning, ) if self.UNBIAS: b[:, n_withdrifts, 0] = 1.0 if (~mask).any(): mask_b = np.repeat( mask[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], n_withdrifts + 1, axis=1 ) b =, mask=mask_b) if self.UNBIAS: x = (, b.reshape((npt, n_withdrifts + 1)).T) .reshape((1, n_withdrifts + 1, npt)) .T ) else: x = (, b.reshape((npt, n_withdrifts)).T) .reshape((1, n_withdrifts, npt)) .T ) zvalues = np.sum(x[:, :n, 0] * self.Z, axis=1) sigmasq = np.sum(x[:, :, 0] * -b[:, :, 0], axis=1) return zvalues, sigmasq def _exec_loop(self, a, bd_all, xy, xy_orig, mask, n_withdrifts, spec_drift_grids): """Solves the kriging system by looping over all specified points. Less memory-intensive, but involves a Python-level loop.""" npt = bd_all.shape[0] n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] zvalues = np.zeros(npt) sigmasq = np.zeros(npt) # use the desired method to invert the kriging matrix if self.pseudo_inv: a_inv = P_INV[self.pseudo_inv_type](a) else: a_inv = scipy.linalg.inv(a) for j in np.nonzero(~mask)[ 0 ]: # Note that this is the same thing as range(npt) if mask is not defined, bd = bd_all[j] # otherwise it takes the non-masked elements. if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps) else: zero_index = None zero_value = False if self.UNBIAS: b = np.zeros((n_withdrifts + 1, 1)) else: b = np.zeros((n_withdrifts, 1)) b[:n, 0] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value and self.exact_values: b[zero_index[0], 0] = 0.0 i = n if self.regional_linear_drift: b[i, 0] = xy[j, 0] i += 1 b[i, 0] = xy[j, 1] i += 1 if self.point_log_drift: for well_no in range(self.point_log_array.shape[0]): log_dist = np.log( np.sqrt( (xy[j, 0] - self.point_log_array[well_no, 0]) ** 2 + (xy[j, 1] - self.point_log_array[well_no, 1]) ** 2 ) ) if np.any(np.isinf(log_dist)): log_dist[np.isinf(log_dist)] = -100.0 b[i, 0] = -self.point_log_array[well_no, 2] * log_dist i += 1 if self.external_Z_drift: b[i, 0] = self._calculate_data_point_zscalars( xy_orig[j, 0], xy_orig[j, 1], type_="scalar" ) i += 1 if self.specified_drift: for spec_vals in spec_drift_grids: b[i, 0] = spec_vals.flatten()[i] i += 1 if self.functional_drift: for func in self.functional_drift_terms: b[i, 0] = func(xy[j, 0], xy[j, 1]) i += 1 if i != n_withdrifts: warnings.warn( "Error in setting up kriging system. Kriging may fail.", RuntimeWarning, ) if self.UNBIAS: b[n_withdrifts, 0] = 1.0 x =, b) zvalues[j] = np.sum(x[:n, 0] * self.Z) sigmasq[j] = np.sum(x[:, 0] * -b[:, 0]) return zvalues, sigmasq def execute( self, style, xpoints, ypoints, mask=None, backend="vectorized", specified_drift_arrays=None, ): """Calculates a kriged grid and the associated variance. Includes drift terms. Parameters ---------- style : str Specifies how to treat input kriging points. Specifying 'grid' treats xpoints and ypoints as two arrays of x and y coordinates that define a rectangular grid. Specifying 'points' treats xpoints and ypoints as two arrays that provide coordinate pairs at which to solve the kriging system. Specifying 'masked' treats xpoints and ypoints as two arrays of x and y coordinates that define a rectangular grid and uses mask to only evaluate specific points in the grid. xpoints : array_like, shape (N,) or (N, 1) If style is specific as 'grid' or 'masked', x-coordinates of MxN grid. If style is specified as 'points', x-coordinates of specific points at which to solve kriging system. ypoints : array-like, shape (M,) or (M, 1) If style is specified as 'grid' or 'masked', y-coordinates of MxN grid. If style is specified as 'points', y-coordinates of specific points at which to solve kriging system. Note that in this case, xpoints and ypoints must have the same dimensions (i.e., M = N). mask : boolean array, shape (M, N), optional Specifies the points in the rectangular grid defined by xpoints and ypoints that are to be excluded in the kriging calculations. Must be provided if style is specified as 'masked'. False indicates that the point should not be masked, so the kriging system will be solved at the point. True indicates that the point should be masked, so the kriging system should will not be solved at the point. backend : str, optional Specifies which approach to use in kriging. Specifying 'vectorized' will solve the entire kriging problem at once in a vectorized operation. This approach is faster but also can consume a significant amount of memory for large grids and/or large datasets. Specifying 'loop' will loop through each point at which the kriging system is to be solved. This approach is slower but also less memory-intensive. Default is 'vectorized'. Note that Cython backend is not supported for UK. specified_drift_arrays : list of array-like objects, optional Specifies the drift values at the points at which the kriging system is to be evaluated. Required if 'specified' drift provided in the list of drift terms when instantiating the UniversalKriging class. Must be a list of arrays in the same order as the list provided when instantiating the kriging object. Array(s) must be the same dimension as the specified grid or have the same number of points as the specified points; i.e., the arrays either must be shape (M, N), where M is the number of y grid-points and N is the number of x grid-points, or shape (M, ) or (N, 1), where M is the number of points at which to evaluate the kriging system. Returns ------- zvalues : ndarray, shape (M, N) or (N, 1) Z-values of specified grid or at the specified set of points. If style was specified as 'masked', zvalues will be a numpy masked array. sigmasq : ndarray, shape (M, N) or (N, 1) Variance at specified grid points or at the specified set of points. If style was specified as 'masked', sigmasq will be a numpy masked array. """ if self.verbose: print("Executing Universal Kriging...\n") if style != "grid" and style != "masked" and style != "points": raise ValueError("style argument must be 'grid', 'points', or 'masked'") n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] n_withdrifts = n xpts = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(xpoints, copy=True))) ypts = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(ypoints, copy=True))) nx = xpts.size ny = ypts.size if self.regional_linear_drift: n_withdrifts += 2 if self.point_log_drift: n_withdrifts += self.point_log_array.shape[0] if self.external_Z_drift: n_withdrifts += 1 if self.specified_drift: n_withdrifts += len(self.specified_drift_data_arrays) if self.functional_drift: n_withdrifts += len(self.functional_drift_terms) a = self._get_kriging_matrix(n, n_withdrifts) if style in ["grid", "masked"]: if style == "masked": if mask is None: raise IOError( "Must specify boolean masking array when style is 'masked'." ) if mask.shape[0] != ny or mask.shape[1] != nx: if mask.shape[0] == nx and mask.shape[1] == ny: mask = mask.T else: raise ValueError( "Mask dimensions do not match specified grid dimensions." ) mask = mask.flatten() npt = ny * nx grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid(xpts, ypts) xpts = grid_x.flatten() ypts = grid_y.flatten() elif style == "points": if xpts.size != ypts.size: raise ValueError( "xpoints and ypoints must have same " "dimensions when treated as listing " "discrete points." ) npt = nx else: raise ValueError("style argument must be 'grid', 'points', or 'masked'") if specified_drift_arrays is None: specified_drift_arrays = [] spec_drift_grids = [] if self.specified_drift: if len(specified_drift_arrays) == 0: raise ValueError( "Must provide drift values for kriging points " "when using 'specified' drift capability." ) if type(specified_drift_arrays) is not list: raise TypeError( "Arrays for specified drift terms must be " "encapsulated in a list." ) for spec in specified_drift_arrays: if style in ["grid", "masked"]: if spec.ndim < 2: raise ValueError( "Dimensions of drift values array do " "not match specified grid dimensions." ) elif spec.shape[0] != ny or spec.shape[1] != nx: if spec.shape[0] == nx and spec.shape[1] == ny: spec_drift_grids.append(np.squeeze(spec.T)) else: raise ValueError( "Dimensions of drift values array " "do not match specified grid " "dimensions." ) else: spec_drift_grids.append(np.squeeze(spec)) elif style == "points": if spec.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( "Dimensions of drift values array do " "not match specified grid dimensions." ) elif spec.shape[0] != xpts.size: raise ValueError( "Number of supplied drift values in " "array do not match specified number " "of kriging points." ) else: spec_drift_grids.append(np.squeeze(spec)) if len(spec_drift_grids) != len(self.specified_drift_data_arrays): raise ValueError( "Inconsistent number of specified drift terms supplied." ) else: if len(specified_drift_arrays) != 0: warnings.warn( "Provided specified drift values, but " "'specified' drift was not initialized during " "instantiation of UniversalKriging class.", RuntimeWarning, ) xy_points_original = np.concatenate( (xpts[:, np.newaxis], ypts[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1 ) xpts, ypts = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((xpts, ypts)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling], [self.anisotropy_angle], ).T xy_points = np.concatenate((xpts[:, np.newaxis], ypts[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1) xy_data = np.concatenate( (self.X_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Y_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1 ) if style != "masked": mask = np.zeros(npt, dtype="bool") bd = cdist(xy_points, xy_data, "euclidean") if backend == "vectorized": zvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_vector( a, bd, xy_points, xy_points_original, mask, n_withdrifts, spec_drift_grids, ) elif backend == "loop": zvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_loop( a, bd, xy_points, xy_points_original, mask, n_withdrifts, spec_drift_grids, ) else: raise ValueError( "Specified backend {} is not supported " "for 2D universal kriging.".format(backend) ) if style == "masked": zvalues =, mask=mask) sigmasq =, mask=mask) if style in ["masked", "grid"]: zvalues = zvalues.reshape((ny, nx)) sigmasq = sigmasq.reshape((ny, nx)) return zvalues, sigmasq
# coding: utf-8 """ PyKrige ======= Code by Benjamin S. Murphy and the PyKrige Developers Summary ------- Methods used by multiple classes. References ---------- [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistcs: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. [2] T. Vincenty, Direct and Inverse Solutions of Geodesics on the Ellipsoid with Application of Nested Equations, Survey Review 23 (176), (Directorate of Overseas Survey, Kingston Road, Tolworth, Surrey 1975) Copyright (c) 2015-2020, PyKrige Developers """ import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as spl from scipy.optimize import least_squares from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist, pdist, squareform eps = 1.0e-10 # Cutoff for comparison to zero P_INV = {"pinv": spl.pinv, "pinvh": spl.pinvh} def great_circle_distance(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2): """Calculate the great circle distance between one or multiple pairs of points given in spherical coordinates. Spherical coordinates are expected in degrees. Angle definition follows standard longitude/latitude definition. This uses the arctan version of the great-circle distance function ( for increased numerical stability. Parameters ---------- lon1: float scalar or numpy array Longitude coordinate(s) of the first element(s) of the point pair(s), given in degrees. lat1: float scalar or numpy array Latitude coordinate(s) of the first element(s) of the point pair(s), given in degrees. lon2: float scalar or numpy array Longitude coordinate(s) of the second element(s) of the point pair(s), given in degrees. lat2: float scalar or numpy array Latitude coordinate(s) of the second element(s) of the point pair(s), given in degrees. Calculation of distances follows numpy elementwise semantics, so if an array of length N is passed, all input parameters need to be arrays of length N or scalars. Returns ------- distance: float scalar or numpy array The great circle distance(s) (in degrees) between the given pair(s) of points. """ # Convert to radians: lat1 = np.array(lat1) * np.pi / 180.0 lat2 = np.array(lat2) * np.pi / 180.0 dlon = (lon1 - lon2) * np.pi / 180.0 # Evaluate trigonometric functions that need to be evaluated more # than once: c1 = np.cos(lat1) s1 = np.sin(lat1) c2 = np.cos(lat2) s2 = np.sin(lat2) cd = np.cos(dlon) # This uses the arctan version of the great-circle distance function # from for increased # numerical stability. # Formula can be obtained from [2] combining eqns. (14)-(16) # for spherical geometry (f=0). return ( 180.0 / np.pi * np.arctan2( np.sqrt((c2 * np.sin(dlon)) ** 2 + (c1 * s2 - s1 * c2 * cd) ** 2), s1 * s2 + c1 * c2 * cd, ) ) def euclid3_to_great_circle(euclid3_distance): """Convert euclidean distance between points on a unit sphere to the corresponding great circle distance. Parameters ---------- euclid3_distance: float scalar or numpy array The euclidean three-space distance(s) between points on a unit sphere, thus between [0,2]. Returns ------- great_circle_dist: float scalar or numpy array The corresponding great circle distance(s) between the points. """ # Eliminate some possible numerical errors: euclid3_distance[euclid3_distance > 2.0] = 2.0 return 180.0 - 360.0 / np.pi * np.arccos(0.5 * euclid3_distance) def _adjust_for_anisotropy(X, center, scaling, angle): """Adjusts data coordinates to take into account anisotropy. Can also be used to take into account data scaling. Angles are CCW about specified axes. Scaling is applied in rotated coordinate system. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray float array [n_samples, n_dim], the input array of coordinates center : ndarray float array [n_dim], the coordinate of centers scaling : ndarray float array [n_dim - 1], the scaling of last two dimensions angle : ndarray float array [2*n_dim - 3], the anisotropy angle (degrees) Returns ------- X_adj : ndarray float array [n_samples, n_dim], the X array adjusted for anisotropy. """ center = np.asarray(center)[None, :] angle = np.asarray(angle) * np.pi / 180 X -= center Ndim = X.shape[1] if Ndim == 1: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemnented yet?") elif Ndim == 2: stretch = np.array([[1, 0], [0, scaling[0]]]) rot_tot = np.array( [ [np.cos(-angle[0]), -np.sin(-angle[0])], [np.sin(-angle[0]), np.cos(-angle[0])], ] ) elif Ndim == 3: stretch = np.array( [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, scaling[0], 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, scaling[1]]] ) rotate_x = np.array( [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.cos(-angle[0]), -np.sin(-angle[0])], [0.0, np.sin(-angle[0]), np.cos(-angle[0])], ] ) rotate_y = np.array( [ [np.cos(-angle[1]), 0.0, np.sin(-angle[1])], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-np.sin(-angle[1]), 0.0, np.cos(-angle[1])], ] ) rotate_z = np.array( [ [np.cos(-angle[2]), -np.sin(-angle[2]), 0.0], [np.sin(-angle[2]), np.cos(-angle[2]), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ] ) rot_tot =,, rotate_x)) else: raise ValueError( "Adjust for anisotropy function doesn't support ND spaces where N>3" ) X_adj =,, X.T)).T X_adj += center return X_adj def _make_variogram_parameter_list(variogram_model, variogram_model_parameters): """Converts the user input for the variogram model parameters into the format expected in the rest of the code. Makes a list of variogram model parameters in the expected order if the user has provided the model parameters. If not, returns None, which will ensure that the automatic variogram estimation routine is triggered. Parameters ---------- variogram_model : str specifies the variogram model type variogram_model_parameters : list, dict, or None parameters provided by the user, can also be None if the user did not specify the variogram model parameters; if None, this function returns None, that way the automatic variogram estimation routine will kick in down the road... Returns ------- parameter_list : list variogram model parameters stored in a list in the expected order; if variogram_model is 'custom', model parameters should already be encapsulated in a list, so the list is returned unaltered; if variogram_model_parameters was not specified by the user, None is returned; order for internal variogram models is as follows... linear - [slope, nugget] power - [scale, exponent, nugget] gaussian - [psill, range, nugget] spherical - [psill, range, nugget] exponential - [psill, range, nugget] hole-effect - [psill, range, nugget] """ if variogram_model_parameters is None: parameter_list = None elif type(variogram_model_parameters) is dict: if variogram_model in ["linear"]: if ( "slope" not in variogram_model_parameters.keys() or "nugget" not in variogram_model_parameters.keys() ): raise KeyError( "'linear' variogram model requires 'slope' " "and 'nugget' specified in variogram model " "parameter dictionary." ) else: parameter_list = [ variogram_model_parameters["slope"], variogram_model_parameters["nugget"], ] elif variogram_model in ["power"]: if ( "scale" not in variogram_model_parameters.keys() or "exponent" not in variogram_model_parameters.keys() or "nugget" not in variogram_model_parameters.keys() ): raise KeyError( "'power' variogram model requires 'scale', " "'exponent', and 'nugget' specified in " "variogram model parameter dictionary." ) else: parameter_list = [ variogram_model_parameters["scale"], variogram_model_parameters["exponent"], variogram_model_parameters["nugget"], ] elif variogram_model in ["gaussian", "spherical", "exponential", "hole-effect"]: if ( "range" not in variogram_model_parameters.keys() or "nugget" not in variogram_model_parameters.keys() ): raise KeyError( "'%s' variogram model requires 'range', " "'nugget', and either 'sill' or 'psill' " "specified in variogram model parameter " "dictionary." % variogram_model ) else: if "sill" in variogram_model_parameters.keys(): parameter_list = [ variogram_model_parameters["sill"] - variogram_model_parameters["nugget"], variogram_model_parameters["range"], variogram_model_parameters["nugget"], ] elif "psill" in variogram_model_parameters.keys(): parameter_list = [ variogram_model_parameters["psill"], variogram_model_parameters["range"], variogram_model_parameters["nugget"], ] else: raise KeyError( "'%s' variogram model requires either " "'sill' or 'psill' specified in " "variogram model parameter " "dictionary." % variogram_model ) elif variogram_model in ["custom"]: raise TypeError( "For user-specified custom variogram model, " "parameters must be specified in a list, " "not a dict." ) else: raise ValueError( "Specified variogram model must be one of the " "following: 'linear', 'power', 'gaussian', " "'spherical', 'exponential', 'hole-effect', " "'custom'." ) elif type(variogram_model_parameters) is list: if variogram_model in ["linear"]: if len(variogram_model_parameters) != 2: raise ValueError( "Variogram model parameter list must have " "exactly two entries when variogram model " "set to 'linear'." ) parameter_list = variogram_model_parameters elif variogram_model in ["power"]: if len(variogram_model_parameters) != 3: raise ValueError( "Variogram model parameter list must have " "exactly three entries when variogram model " "set to 'power'." ) parameter_list = variogram_model_parameters elif variogram_model in ["gaussian", "spherical", "exponential", "hole-effect"]: if len(variogram_model_parameters) != 3: raise ValueError( "Variogram model parameter list must have " "exactly three entries when variogram model " "set to '%s'." % variogram_model ) parameter_list = [ variogram_model_parameters[0] - variogram_model_parameters[2], variogram_model_parameters[1], variogram_model_parameters[2], ] elif variogram_model in ["custom"]: parameter_list = variogram_model_parameters else: raise ValueError( "Specified variogram model must be one of the " "following: 'linear', 'power', 'gaussian', " "'spherical', 'exponential', 'hole-effect', " "'custom'." ) else: raise TypeError( "Variogram model parameters must be provided in either " "a list or a dict when they are explicitly specified." ) return parameter_list def _initialize_variogram_model( X, y, variogram_model, variogram_model_parameters, variogram_function, nlags, weight, coordinates_type, ): """Initializes the variogram model for kriging. If user does not specify parameters, calls automatic variogram estimation routine. Returns lags, semivariance, and variogram model parameters. Parameters ---------- X: ndarray float array [n_samples, n_dim], the input array of coordinates y: ndarray float array [n_samples], the input array of values to be kriged variogram_model: str user-specified variogram model to use variogram_model_parameters: list user-specified parameters for variogram model variogram_function: callable function that will be called to evaluate variogram model (only used if user does not specify variogram model parameters) nlags: int integer scalar, number of bins into which to group inter-point distances weight: bool boolean flag that indicates whether the semivariances at smaller lags should be weighted more heavily in the automatic variogram estimation coordinates_type: str type of coordinates in X array, can be 'euclidean' for standard rectangular coordinates or 'geographic' if the coordinates are lat/lon Returns ------- lags: ndarray float array [nlags], distance values for bins into which the semivariances were grouped semivariance: ndarray float array [nlags], averaged semivariance for each bin variogram_model_parameters: list parameters for the variogram model, either returned unaffected if the user specified them or returned from the automatic variogram estimation routine """ # distance calculation for rectangular coords now leverages # scipy.spatial.distance's pdist function, which gives pairwise distances # in a condensed distance vector (distance matrix flattened to a vector) # to calculate semivariances... if coordinates_type == "euclidean": d = pdist(X, metric="euclidean") g = 0.5 * pdist(y[:, None], metric="sqeuclidean") # geographic coordinates only accepted if the problem is 2D # assume X[:, 0] ('x') => lon, X[:, 1] ('y') => lat # old method of distance calculation is retained here... # could be improved in the future elif coordinates_type == "geographic": if X.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError( "Geographic coordinate type only supported for 2D datasets." ) x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(X[:, 0], X[:, 0], sparse=True) y1, y2 = np.meshgrid(X[:, 1], X[:, 1], sparse=True) z1, z2 = np.meshgrid(y, y, sparse=True) d = great_circle_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) g = 0.5 * (z1 - z2) ** 2.0 indices = np.indices(d.shape) d = d[(indices[0, :, :] > indices[1, :, :])] g = g[(indices[0, :, :] > indices[1, :, :])] else: raise ValueError( "Specified coordinate type '%s' is not supported." % coordinates_type ) # Equal-sized bins are now implemented. The upper limit on the bins # is appended to the list (instead of calculated as part of the # list comprehension) to avoid any numerical oddities # (specifically, say, ending up as 0.99999999999999 instead of 1.0). # Appending dmax + 0.001 ensures that the largest distance value # is included in the semivariogram calculation. dmax = np.amax(d) dmin = np.amin(d) dd = (dmax - dmin) / nlags bins = [dmin + n * dd for n in range(nlags)] dmax += 0.001 bins.append(dmax) # This old binning method was experimental and doesn't seem # to work too well. Bins were computed such that there are more # at shorter lags. This effectively weights smaller distances more # highly in determining the variogram. As Kitanidis points out, # the variogram fit to the data at smaller lag distances is more # important. However, the value at the largest lag probably ends up # being biased too high for the larger values and thereby throws off # automatic variogram calculation and confuses comparison of the # semivariogram with the variogram model. # # dmax = np.amax(d) # dmin = np.amin(d) # dd = dmax - dmin # bins = [dd*(0.5**n) + dmin for n in range(nlags, 1, -1)] # bins.insert(0, dmin) # bins.append(dmax) lags = np.zeros(nlags) semivariance = np.zeros(nlags) for n in range(nlags): # This 'if... else...' statement ensures that there are data # in the bin so that numpy can actually find the mean. If we # don't test this first, then Python kicks out an annoying warning # message when there is an empty bin and we try to calculate the mean. if d[(d >= bins[n]) & (d < bins[n + 1])].size > 0: lags[n] = np.mean(d[(d >= bins[n]) & (d < bins[n + 1])]) semivariance[n] = np.mean(g[(d >= bins[n]) & (d < bins[n + 1])]) else: lags[n] = np.nan semivariance[n] = np.nan lags = lags[~np.isnan(semivariance)] semivariance = semivariance[~np.isnan(semivariance)] # a few tests the make sure that, if the variogram_model_parameters # are supplied, they have been supplied as expected... # if variogram_model_parameters was not defined, then estimate the variogram if variogram_model_parameters is not None: if variogram_model == "linear" and len(variogram_model_parameters) != 2: raise ValueError( "Exactly two parameters required for linear variogram model." ) elif ( variogram_model in ["power", "spherical", "exponential", "gaussian", "hole-effect"] and len(variogram_model_parameters) != 3 ): raise ValueError( "Exactly three parameters required for " "%s variogram model" % variogram_model ) else: if variogram_model == "custom": raise ValueError( "Variogram parameters must be specified when " "implementing custom variogram model." ) else: variogram_model_parameters = _calculate_variogram_model( lags, semivariance, variogram_model, variogram_function, weight ) return lags, semivariance, variogram_model_parameters def _variogram_residuals(params, x, y, variogram_function, weight): """Function used in variogram model estimation. Returns residuals between calculated variogram and actual data (lags/semivariance). Called by _calculate_variogram_model. Parameters ---------- params: list or 1D array parameters for calculating the model variogram x: ndarray lags (distances) at which to evaluate the model variogram y: ndarray experimental semivariances at the specified lags variogram_function: callable the actual funtion that evaluates the model variogram weight: bool flag for implementing the crude weighting routine, used in order to fit smaller lags better Returns ------- resid: 1d array residuals, dimension same as y """ # this crude weighting routine can be used to better fit the model # variogram to the experimental variogram at smaller lags... # the weights are calculated from a logistic function, so weights at small # lags are ~1 and weights at the longest lags are ~0; # the center of the logistic weighting is hard-coded to be at 70% of the # distance from the shortest lag to the largest lag if weight: drange = np.amax(x) - np.amin(x) k = 2.1972 / (0.1 * drange) x0 = 0.7 * drange + np.amin(x) weights = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-k * (x0 - x))) weights /= np.sum(weights) resid = (variogram_function(params, x) - y) * weights else: resid = variogram_function(params, x) - y return resid def _calculate_variogram_model( lags, semivariance, variogram_model, variogram_function, weight ): """Function that fits a variogram model when parameters are not specified. Returns variogram model parameters that minimize the RMSE between the specified variogram function and the actual calculated variogram points. Parameters ---------- lags: 1d array binned lags/distances to use for variogram model parameter estimation semivariance: 1d array binned/averaged experimental semivariances to use for variogram model parameter estimation variogram_model: str/unicode specified variogram model to use for parameter estimation variogram_function: callable the actual funtion that evaluates the model variogram weight: bool flag for implementing the crude weighting routine, used in order to fit smaller lags better this is passed on to the residual calculation cfunction, where weighting is actually applied... Returns ------- res: list list of estimated variogram model parameters NOTE that the estimation routine works in terms of the partial sill (psill = sill - nugget) -- setting bounds such that psill > 0 ensures that the sill will always be greater than the nugget... """ if variogram_model == "linear": x0 = [ (np.amax(semivariance) - np.amin(semivariance)) / (np.amax(lags) - np.amin(lags)), np.amin(semivariance), ] bnds = ([0.0, 0.0], [np.inf, np.amax(semivariance)]) elif variogram_model == "power": x0 = [ (np.amax(semivariance) - np.amin(semivariance)) / (np.amax(lags) - np.amin(lags)), 1.1, np.amin(semivariance), ] bnds = ([0.0, 0.001, 0.0], [np.inf, 1.999, np.amax(semivariance)]) else: x0 = [ np.amax(semivariance) - np.amin(semivariance), 0.25 * np.amax(lags), np.amin(semivariance), ] bnds = ( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [10.0 * np.amax(semivariance), np.amax(lags), np.amax(semivariance)], ) # use 'soft' L1-norm minimization in order to buffer against # potential outliers (weird/skewed points) res = least_squares( _variogram_residuals, x0, bounds=bnds, loss="soft_l1", args=(lags, semivariance, variogram_function, weight), ) return res.x def _krige( X, y, coords, variogram_function, variogram_model_parameters, coordinates_type, pseudo_inv=False, ): """Sets up and solves the ordinary kriging system for the given coordinate pair. This function is only used for the statistics calculations. Parameters ---------- X: ndarray float array [n_samples, n_dim], the input array of coordinates y: ndarray float array [n_samples], the input array of measurement values coords: ndarray float array [1, n_dim], point at which to evaluate the kriging system variogram_function: callable function that will be called to evaluate variogram model variogram_model_parameters: list user-specified parameters for variogram model coordinates_type: str type of coordinates in X array, can be 'euclidean' for standard rectangular coordinates or 'geographic' if the coordinates are lat/lon pseudo_inv : :class:`bool`, optional Whether the kriging system is solved with the pseudo inverted kriging matrix. If `True`, this leads to more numerical stability and redundant points are averaged. But it can take more time. Default: False Returns ------- zinterp: float kriging estimate at the specified point sigmasq: float mean square error of the kriging estimate """ zero_index = None zero_value = False # calculate distance between points... need a square distance matrix # of inter-measurement-point distances and a vector of distances between # measurement points (X) and the kriging point (coords) if coordinates_type == "euclidean": d = squareform(pdist(X, metric="euclidean")) bd = np.squeeze(cdist(X, coords[None, :], metric="euclidean")) # geographic coordinate distances still calculated in the old way... # assume X[:, 0] ('x') => lon, X[:, 1] ('y') => lat # also assume problem is 2D; check done earlier in initializing variogram elif coordinates_type == "geographic": x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(X[:, 0], X[:, 0], sparse=True) y1, y2 = np.meshgrid(X[:, 1], X[:, 1], sparse=True) d = great_circle_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) bd = great_circle_distance( X[:, 0], X[:, 1], coords[0] * np.ones(X.shape[0]), coords[1] * np.ones(X.shape[0]), ) # this check is done when initializing variogram, but kept here anyways... else: raise ValueError( "Specified coordinate type '%s' is not supported." % coordinates_type ) # check if kriging point overlaps with measurement point if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= 1e-10): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(bd <= 1e-10)[0][0] # set up kriging matrix n = X.shape[0] a = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1)) a[:n, :n] = -variogram_function(variogram_model_parameters, d) np.fill_diagonal(a, 0.0) a[n, :] = 1.0 a[:, n] = 1.0 a[n, n] = 0.0 # set up RHS b = np.zeros((n + 1, 1)) b[:n, 0] = -variogram_function(variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value: b[zero_index, 0] = 0.0 b[n, 0] = 1.0 # solve if pseudo_inv: res = np.linalg.lstsq(a, b, rcond=None)[0] else: res = np.linalg.solve(a, b) zinterp = np.sum(res[:n, 0] * y) sigmasq = np.sum(res[:, 0] * -b[:, 0]) return zinterp, sigmasq def _find_statistics( X, y, variogram_function, variogram_model_parameters, coordinates_type, pseudo_inv=False, ): """Calculates variogram fit statistics. Returns the delta, sigma, and epsilon values for the variogram fit. These arrays are used for statistics calculations. Parameters ---------- X: ndarray float array [n_samples, n_dim], the input array of coordinates y: ndarray float array [n_samples], the input array of measurement values variogram_function: callable function that will be called to evaluate variogram model variogram_model_parameters: list user-specified parameters for variogram model coordinates_type: str type of coordinates in X array, can be 'euclidean' for standard rectangular coordinates or 'geographic' if the coordinates are lat/lon pseudo_inv : :class:`bool`, optional Whether the kriging system is solved with the pseudo inverted kriging matrix. If `True`, this leads to more numerical stability and redundant points are averaged. But it can take more time. Default: False Returns ------- delta: ndarray residuals between observed values and kriged estimates for those values sigma: ndarray mean error in kriging estimates epsilon: ndarray residuals normalized by their mean error """ delta = np.zeros(y.shape) sigma = np.zeros(y.shape) for i in range(y.shape[0]): # skip the first value in the kriging problem if i == 0: continue else: k, ss = _krige( X[:i, :], y[:i], X[i, :], variogram_function, variogram_model_parameters, coordinates_type, pseudo_inv, ) # if the estimation error is zero, it's probably because # the evaluation point X[i, :] is really close to one of the # kriging system points in X[:i, :]... # in the case of zero estimation error, the results are not stored if np.absolute(ss) < eps: continue delta[i] = y[i] - k sigma[i] = np.sqrt(ss) # only use non-zero entries in these arrays... sigma is used to pull out # non-zero entries in both cases because it is guaranteed to be positive, # whereas delta can be either positive or negative delta = delta[sigma > eps] sigma = sigma[sigma > eps] epsilon = delta / sigma return delta, sigma, epsilon def calcQ1(epsilon): """Returns the Q1 statistic for the variogram fit (see [1]).""" return abs(np.sum(epsilon) / (epsilon.shape[0] - 1)) def calcQ2(epsilon): """Returns the Q2 statistic for the variogram fit (see [1]).""" return np.sum(epsilon**2) / (epsilon.shape[0] - 1) def calc_cR(Q2, sigma): """Returns the cR statistic for the variogram fit (see [1]).""" return Q2 * np.exp(np.sum(np.log(sigma**2)) / sigma.shape[0])
# coding: utf-8 """ PyKrige ======= Code by Benjamin S. Murphy and the PyKrige Developers Summary ------- Contains class UniversalKriging3D. References ---------- .. [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistcs: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. .. [2] N. Cressie, Statistics for spatial data, (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 1993) 137 p. Copyright (c) 2015-2020, PyKrige Developers """ import warnings import numpy as np import scipy.linalg from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from . import core, variogram_models from .compat_gstools import validate_gstools from .core import ( P_INV, _adjust_for_anisotropy, _find_statistics, _initialize_variogram_model, _make_variogram_parameter_list, ) class UniversalKriging3D: """Three-dimensional universal kriging. Parameters ---------- x : array_like X-coordinates of data points. y : array_like Y-coordinates of data points. z : array_like Z-coordinates of data points. val : array_like Values at data points. variogram_model : str or GSTools CovModel, optional Specified which variogram model to use; may be one of the following: linear, power, gaussian, spherical, exponential, hole-effect. Default is linear variogram model. To utilize a custom variogram model, specify 'custom'; you must also provide variogram_parameters and variogram_function. Note that the hole-effect model is only technically correct for one-dimensional problems. You can also use a `GSTools <>`_ CovModel. variogram_parameters : list or dict, optional Parameters that define the specified variogram model. If not provided, parameters will be automatically calculated using a "soft" L1 norm minimization scheme. For variogram model parameters provided in a dict, the required dict keys vary according to the specified variogram model: :: # linear {'slope': slope, 'nugget': nugget} # power {'scale': scale, 'exponent': exponent, 'nugget': nugget} # gaussian, spherical, exponential and hole-effect: {'sill': s, 'range': r, 'nugget': n} # OR {'psill': p, 'range': r, 'nugget': n} Note that either the full sill or the partial sill (psill = sill - nugget) can be specified in the dict. For variogram model parameters provided in a list, the entries must be as follows: :: # linear [slope, nugget] # power [scale, exponent, nugget] # gaussian, spherical, exponential and hole-effect: [sill, range, nugget] Note that the full sill (NOT the partial sill) must be specified in the list format. For a custom variogram model, the parameters are required, as custom variogram models will not automatically be fit to the data. Furthermore, the parameters must be specified in list format, in the order in which they are used in the callable function (see variogram_function for more information). The code does not check that the provided list contains the appropriate number of parameters for the custom variogram model, so an incorrect parameter list in such a case will probably trigger an esoteric exception someplace deep in the code. NOTE that, while the list format expects the full sill, the code itself works internally with the partial sill. variogram_function : callable, optional A callable function that must be provided if variogram_model is specified as 'custom'. The function must take only two arguments: first, a list of parameters for the variogram model; second, the distances at which to calculate the variogram model. The list provided in variogram_parameters will be passed to the function as the first argument. nlags : int, optional Number of averaging bins for the semivariogram. Default is 6. weight : bool, optional Flag that specifies if semivariance at smaller lags should be weighted more heavily when automatically calculating variogram model. The routine is currently hard-coded such that the weights are calculated from a logistic function, so weights at small lags are ~1 and weights at the longest lags are ~0; the center of the logistic weighting is hard-coded to be at 70% of the distance from the shortest lag to the largest lag. Setting this parameter to True indicates that weights will be applied. Default is False. (Kitanidis suggests that the values at smaller lags are more important in fitting a variogram model, so the option is provided to enable such weighting.) anisotropy_scaling_y : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy in the y direction. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). Scaling is applied in the y direction in the rotated data frame (i.e., after adjusting for the anisotropy_angle_x/y/z, if anisotropy_angle_x/y/z is/are not 0). anisotropy_scaling_z : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy in the z direction. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). Scaling is applied in the z direction in the rotated data frame (i.e., after adjusting for the anisotropy_angle_x/y/z, if anisotropy_angle_x/y/z is/are not 0). anisotropy_angle_x : float, optional CCW angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the x axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). Note that the coordinate system is rotated. X rotation is applied first, then y rotation, then z rotation. Scaling is applied after rotation. anisotropy_angle_y : float, optional CCW angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the y axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). Note that the coordinate system is rotated. X rotation is applied first, then y rotation, then z rotation. Scaling is applied after rotation. anisotropy_angle_z : float, optional CCW angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the z axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). Note that the coordinate system is rotated. X rotation is applied first, then y rotation, then z rotation. Scaling is applied after rotation. drift_terms : list of strings, optional List of drift terms to include in three-dimensional universal kriging. Supported drift terms are currently 'regional_linear', 'specified', and 'functional'. specified_drift : list of array-like objects, optional List of arrays that contain the drift values at data points. The arrays must be shape (N,) or (N, 1), where N is the number of data points. Any number of specified-drift terms may be used. functional_drift : list of callable objects, optional List of callable functions that will be used to evaluate drift terms. The function must be a function of only the three spatial coordinates and must return a single value for each coordinate triplet. It must be set up to be called with only three arguments, first an array of x values, the second an array of y values, and the third an array of z values. If the problem involves anisotropy, the drift values are calculated in the adjusted data frame. verbose : boolean, optional Enables program text output to monitor kriging process. Default is False (off). enable_plotting : boolean, optional Enables plotting to display variogram. Default is False (off). exact_values : bool, optional If True, interpolation provides input values at input locations. If False, interpolation accounts for variance/nugget within input values at input locations and does not behave as an exact-interpolator [2]. Note that this only has an effect if there is variance/nugget present within the input data since it is interpreted as measurement error. If the nugget is zero, the kriged field will behave as an exact interpolator. pseudo_inv : :class:`bool`, optional Whether the kriging system is solved with the pseudo inverted kriging matrix. If `True`, this leads to more numerical stability and redundant points are averaged. But it can take more time. Default: False pseudo_inv_type : :class:`str`, optional Here you can select the algorithm to compute the pseudo-inverse matrix: * `"pinv"`: use `pinv` from `scipy` which uses `lstsq` * `"pinvh"`: use `pinvh` from `scipy` which uses eigen-values Default: `"pinv"` References ---------- .. [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistcs: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. .. [2] N. Cressie, Statistics for spatial data, (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 1993) 137 p. """ UNBIAS = True # This can be changed to remove the unbiasedness condition # Really for testing purposes only... eps = 1.0e-10 # Cutoff for comparison to zero variogram_dict = { "linear": variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, "power": variogram_models.power_variogram_model, "gaussian": variogram_models.gaussian_variogram_model, "spherical": variogram_models.spherical_variogram_model, "exponential": variogram_models.exponential_variogram_model, "hole-effect": variogram_models.hole_effect_variogram_model, } def __init__( self, x, y, z, val, variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, nlags=6, weight=False, anisotropy_scaling_y=1.0, anisotropy_scaling_z=1.0, anisotropy_angle_x=0.0, anisotropy_angle_y=0.0, anisotropy_angle_z=0.0, drift_terms=None, specified_drift=None, functional_drift=None, verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, exact_values=True, pseudo_inv=False, pseudo_inv_type="pinv", ): # config the pseudo inverse self.pseudo_inv = bool(pseudo_inv) self.pseudo_inv_type = str(pseudo_inv_type) if self.pseudo_inv_type not in P_INV: raise ValueError("pseudo inv type not valid: " + str(pseudo_inv_type)) # Deal with mutable default argument if drift_terms is None: drift_terms = [] if specified_drift is None: specified_drift = [] if functional_drift is None: functional_drift = [] # set up variogram model and parameters... self.variogram_model = variogram_model self.model = None if not isinstance(exact_values, bool): raise ValueError("exact_values has to be boolean True or False") self.exact_values = exact_values # check if a GSTools covariance model is given if hasattr(self.variogram_model, "pykrige_kwargs"): # save the model in the class self.model = self.variogram_model validate_gstools(self.model) if self.model.field_dim < 3: raise ValueError("GSTools: model dim is not 3") self.variogram_model = "custom" variogram_function = self.model.pykrige_vario variogram_parameters = [] anisotropy_scaling_y = self.model.pykrige_anis_y anisotropy_scaling_z = self.model.pykrige_anis_z anisotropy_angle_x = self.model.pykrige_angle_x anisotropy_angle_y = self.model.pykrige_angle_y anisotropy_angle_z = self.model.pykrige_angle_z if ( self.variogram_model not in self.variogram_dict.keys() and self.variogram_model != "custom" ): raise ValueError( "Specified variogram model '%s' is not supported." % variogram_model ) elif self.variogram_model == "custom": if variogram_function is None or not callable(variogram_function): raise ValueError( "Must specify callable function for custom variogram model." ) else: self.variogram_function = variogram_function else: self.variogram_function = self.variogram_dict[self.variogram_model] # Code assumes 1D input arrays. Ensures that any extraneous dimensions # don't get in the way. Copies are created to avoid any problems with # referencing the original passed arguments. self.X_ORIG = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(x, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.Y_ORIG = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(y, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.Z_ORIG = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(z, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.VALUES = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(val, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.verbose = verbose self.enable_plotting = enable_plotting if self.enable_plotting and self.verbose: print("Plotting Enabled\n") self.XCENTER = (np.amax(self.X_ORIG) + np.amin(self.X_ORIG)) / 2.0 self.YCENTER = (np.amax(self.Y_ORIG) + np.amin(self.Y_ORIG)) / 2.0 self.ZCENTER = (np.amax(self.Z_ORIG) + np.amin(self.Z_ORIG)) / 2.0 self.anisotropy_scaling_y = anisotropy_scaling_y self.anisotropy_scaling_z = anisotropy_scaling_z self.anisotropy_angle_x = anisotropy_angle_x self.anisotropy_angle_y = anisotropy_angle_y self.anisotropy_angle_z = anisotropy_angle_z if self.verbose: print("Adjusting data for anisotropy...") self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((self.X_ORIG, self.Y_ORIG, self.Z_ORIG)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER, self.ZCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling_y, self.anisotropy_scaling_z], [self.anisotropy_angle_x, self.anisotropy_angle_y, self.anisotropy_angle_z], ).T if self.verbose: print("Initializing variogram model...") vp_temp = _make_variogram_parameter_list( self.variogram_model, variogram_parameters ) ( self.lags, self.semivariance, self.variogram_model_parameters, ) = _initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED)).T, self.VALUES, self.variogram_model, vp_temp, self.variogram_function, nlags, weight, "euclidean", ) if self.verbose: if self.variogram_model == "linear": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "linear") print("Slope:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "power": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "power") print("Scale:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Exponent:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "custom": print("Using Custom Variogram Model") else: print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % self.variogram_model) print("Partial Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print( "Full Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0] + self.variogram_model_parameters[2], ) print("Range:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") if self.enable_plotting: self.display_variogram_model() if self.verbose: print("Calculating statistics on variogram model fit..."), self.sigma, self.epsilon = _find_statistics( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED)).T, self.VALUES, self.variogram_function, self.variogram_model_parameters, "euclidean", self.pseudo_inv, ) self.Q1 = core.calcQ1(self.epsilon) self.Q2 = core.calcQ2(self.epsilon) self.cR = core.calc_cR(self.Q2, self.sigma) if self.verbose: print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR, "\n") if self.verbose: print("Initializing drift terms...") # Note that the regional linear drift values will be based on the # adjusted coordinate system. Really, it doesn't actually matter # which coordinate system is used here. if "regional_linear" in drift_terms: self.regional_linear_drift = True if self.verbose: print("Implementing regional linear drift.") else: self.regional_linear_drift = False if "specified" in drift_terms: if type(specified_drift) is not list: raise TypeError( "Arrays for specified drift terms must be " "encapsulated in a list." ) if len(specified_drift) == 0: raise ValueError( "Must provide at least one drift-value array " "when using the 'specified' drift capability." ) self.specified_drift = True self.specified_drift_data_arrays = [] for term in specified_drift: specified = np.squeeze(np.array(term, copy=True)) if specified.size != self.X_ORIG.size: raise ValueError( "Must specify the drift values for each " "data point when using the " "'specified' drift capability." ) self.specified_drift_data_arrays.append(specified) else: self.specified_drift = False # The provided callable functions will be evaluated using # the adjusted coordinates. if "functional" in drift_terms: if type(functional_drift) is not list: raise TypeError( "Callables for functional drift terms must " "be encapsulated in a list." ) if len(functional_drift) == 0: raise ValueError( "Must provide at least one callable object " "when using the 'functional' drift capability." ) self.functional_drift = True self.functional_drift_terms = functional_drift else: self.functional_drift = False def update_variogram_model( self, variogram_model, variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, nlags=6, weight=False, anisotropy_scaling_y=1.0, anisotropy_scaling_z=1.0, anisotropy_angle_x=0.0, anisotropy_angle_y=0.0, anisotropy_angle_z=0.0, ): """Changes the variogram model and variogram parameters for the kriging system. Parameters ---------- variogram_model : str or GSTools CovModel May be any of the variogram models listed above. May also be 'custom', in which case variogram_parameters and variogram_function must be specified. You can also use a `GSTools <>`_ CovModel. variogram_parameters : list or dict, optional List or dict of variogram model parameters, as explained above. If not provided, a best fit model will be calculated as described above. variogram_function : callable, optional A callable function that must be provided if variogram_model is specified as 'custom'. See above for more information. nlags : int, optional) Number of averaging bins for the semivariogram. Default is 6. weight : boolean, optional Flag that specifies if semivariance at smaller lags should be weighted more heavily when automatically calculating variogram model. See above for more information. True indicates that weights will be applied. Default is False. anisotropy_scaling_y : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy in y-direction. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). See above for more information. anisotropy_scaling_z : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy in z-direction. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). See above for more information. anisotropy_angle_x : float, optional Angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the x axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). See above for more information. anisotropy_angle_y : float, optional Angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the y axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). See above for more information. anisotropy_angle_z : float, optional Angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the z axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). See above for more information. """ # set up variogram model and parameters... self.variogram_model = variogram_model self.model = None # check if a GSTools covariance model is given if hasattr(self.variogram_model, "pykrige_kwargs"): # save the model in the class self.model = self.variogram_model validate_gstools(self.model) if self.model.field_dim < 3: raise ValueError("GSTools: model dim is not 3") self.variogram_model = "custom" variogram_function = self.model.pykrige_vario variogram_parameters = [] anisotropy_scaling_y = self.model.pykrige_anis_y anisotropy_scaling_z = self.model.pykrige_anis_z anisotropy_angle_x = self.model.pykrige_angle_x anisotropy_angle_y = self.model.pykrige_angle_y anisotropy_angle_z = self.model.pykrige_angle_z if ( self.variogram_model not in self.variogram_dict.keys() and self.variogram_model != "custom" ): raise ValueError( "Specified variogram model '%s' is not supported." % variogram_model ) elif self.variogram_model == "custom": if variogram_function is None or not callable(variogram_function): raise ValueError( "Must specify callable function for custom variogram model." ) else: self.variogram_function = variogram_function else: self.variogram_function = self.variogram_dict[self.variogram_model] if ( anisotropy_scaling_y != self.anisotropy_scaling_y or anisotropy_scaling_z != self.anisotropy_scaling_z or anisotropy_angle_x != self.anisotropy_angle_x or anisotropy_angle_y != self.anisotropy_angle_y or anisotropy_angle_z != self.anisotropy_angle_z ): if self.verbose: print("Adjusting data for anisotropy...") self.anisotropy_scaling_y = anisotropy_scaling_y self.anisotropy_scaling_z = anisotropy_scaling_z self.anisotropy_angle_x = anisotropy_angle_x self.anisotropy_angle_y = anisotropy_angle_y self.anisotropy_angle_z = anisotropy_angle_z self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((self.X_ORIG, self.Y_ORIG, self.Z_ORIG)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER, self.ZCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling_y, self.anisotropy_scaling_z], [ self.anisotropy_angle_x, self.anisotropy_angle_y, self.anisotropy_angle_z, ], ).T if self.verbose: print("Updating variogram mode...") vp_temp = _make_variogram_parameter_list( self.variogram_model, variogram_parameters ) ( self.lags, self.semivariance, self.variogram_model_parameters, ) = _initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED)).T, self.VALUES, self.variogram_model, vp_temp, self.variogram_function, nlags, weight, "euclidean", ) if self.verbose: if self.variogram_model == "linear": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "linear") print("Slope:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "power": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "power") print("Scale:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Exponent:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "custom": print("Using Custom Variogram Model") else: print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % self.variogram_model) print("Partial Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print( "Full Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0] + self.variogram_model_parameters[2], ) print("Range:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") if self.enable_plotting: self.display_variogram_model() if self.verbose: print("Calculating statistics on variogram model fit..."), self.sigma, self.epsilon = _find_statistics( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED)).T, self.VALUES, self.variogram_function, self.variogram_model_parameters, "euclidean", self.pseudo_inv, ) self.Q1 = core.calcQ1(self.epsilon) self.Q2 = core.calcQ2(self.epsilon) self.cR = core.calc_cR(self.Q2, self.sigma) if self.verbose: print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR, "\n") def display_variogram_model(self): """Displays semivariogram and variogram model.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.lags, self.semivariance, "r*") ax.plot( self.lags, self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, self.lags), "k-", ) def switch_verbose(self): """Enables/disables program text output. No arguments.""" self.verbose = not self.verbose def switch_plotting(self): """Enables/disable variogram plot display. No arguments.""" self.enable_plotting = not self.enable_plotting def get_epsilon_residuals(self): """Returns the epsilon residuals for the variogram fit. No arguments.""" return self.epsilon def plot_epsilon_residuals(self): """Plots the epsilon residuals for the variogram fit. No arguments.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(range(self.epsilon.size), self.epsilon, c="k", marker="*") ax.axhline(y=0.0) def get_statistics(self): """Returns the Q1, Q2, and cR statistics for the variogram fit (in that order). No arguments. """ return self.Q1, self.Q2, self.cR def print_statistics(self): """Prints out the Q1, Q2, and cR statistics for the variogram fit. NOTE that ideally Q1 is close to zero, Q2 is close to 1, and cR is as small as possible. """ print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR) def _get_kriging_matrix(self, n, n_withdrifts): """Assembles the kriging matrix.""" xyz = np.concatenate( ( self.X_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Y_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Z_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], ), axis=1, ) d = cdist(xyz, xyz, "euclidean") if self.UNBIAS: a = np.zeros((n_withdrifts + 1, n_withdrifts + 1)) else: a = np.zeros((n_withdrifts, n_withdrifts)) a[:n, :n] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, d) np.fill_diagonal(a, 0.0) i = n if self.regional_linear_drift: a[:n, i] = self.X_ADJUSTED a[i, :n] = self.X_ADJUSTED i += 1 a[:n, i] = self.Y_ADJUSTED a[i, :n] = self.Y_ADJUSTED i += 1 a[:n, i] = self.Z_ADJUSTED a[i, :n] = self.Z_ADJUSTED i += 1 if self.specified_drift: for arr in self.specified_drift_data_arrays: a[:n, i] = arr a[i, :n] = arr i += 1 if self.functional_drift: for func in self.functional_drift_terms: a[:n, i] = func(self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED) a[i, :n] = func(self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED) i += 1 if i != n_withdrifts: warnings.warn( "Error in creating kriging matrix. Kriging may fail.", RuntimeWarning ) if self.UNBIAS: a[n_withdrifts, :n] = 1.0 a[:n, n_withdrifts] = 1.0 a[n : n_withdrifts + 1, n : n_withdrifts + 1] = 0.0 return a def _exec_vector(self, a, bd, xyz, mask, n_withdrifts, spec_drift_grids): """Solves the kriging system as a vectorized operation. This method can take a lot of memory for large grids and/or large datasets.""" npt = bd.shape[0] n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] zero_index = None zero_value = False # use the desired method to invert the kriging matrix if self.pseudo_inv: a_inv = P_INV[self.pseudo_inv_type](a) else: a_inv = scipy.linalg.inv(a) if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps) if self.UNBIAS: b = np.zeros((npt, n_withdrifts + 1, 1)) else: b = np.zeros((npt, n_withdrifts, 1)) b[:, :n, 0] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value and self.exact_values: b[zero_index[0], zero_index[1], 0] = 0.0 i = n if self.regional_linear_drift: b[:, i, 0] = xyz[:, 2] i += 1 b[:, i, 0] = xyz[:, 1] i += 1 b[:, i, 0] = xyz[:, 0] i += 1 if self.specified_drift: for spec_vals in spec_drift_grids: b[:, i, 0] = spec_vals.flatten() i += 1 if self.functional_drift: for func in self.functional_drift_terms: b[:, i, 0] = func(xyz[:, 2], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 0]) i += 1 if i != n_withdrifts: warnings.warn( "Error in setting up kriging system. Kriging may fail.", RuntimeWarning, ) if self.UNBIAS: b[:, n_withdrifts, 0] = 1.0 if (~mask).any(): mask_b = np.repeat( mask[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], n_withdrifts + 1, axis=1 ) b =, mask=mask_b) if self.UNBIAS: x = (, b.reshape((npt, n_withdrifts + 1)).T) .reshape((1, n_withdrifts + 1, npt)) .T ) else: x = (, b.reshape((npt, n_withdrifts)).T) .reshape((1, n_withdrifts, npt)) .T ) kvalues = np.sum(x[:, :n, 0] * self.VALUES, axis=1) sigmasq = np.sum(x[:, :, 0] * -b[:, :, 0], axis=1) return kvalues, sigmasq def _exec_loop(self, a, bd_all, xyz, mask, n_withdrifts, spec_drift_grids): """Solves the kriging system by looping over all specified points. Less memory-intensive, but involves a Python-level loop.""" npt = bd_all.shape[0] n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] kvalues = np.zeros(npt) sigmasq = np.zeros(npt) # use the desired method to invert the kriging matrix if self.pseudo_inv: a_inv = P_INV[self.pseudo_inv_type](a) else: a_inv = scipy.linalg.inv(a) for j in np.nonzero(~mask)[ 0 ]: # Note that this is the same thing as range(npt) if mask is not defined, bd = bd_all[j] # otherwise it takes the non-masked elements. if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps) else: zero_value = False zero_index = None if self.UNBIAS: b = np.zeros((n_withdrifts + 1, 1)) else: b = np.zeros((n_withdrifts, 1)) b[:n, 0] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value and self.exact_values: b[zero_index[0], 0] = 0.0 i = n if self.regional_linear_drift: b[i, 0] = xyz[j, 2] i += 1 b[i, 0] = xyz[j, 1] i += 1 b[i, 0] = xyz[j, 0] i += 1 if self.specified_drift: for spec_vals in spec_drift_grids: b[i, 0] = spec_vals.flatten()[i] i += 1 if self.functional_drift: for func in self.functional_drift_terms: b[i, 0] = func(xyz[j, 2], xyz[j, 1], xyz[j, 0]) i += 1 if i != n_withdrifts: warnings.warn( "Error in setting up kriging system. Kriging may fail.", RuntimeWarning, ) if self.UNBIAS: b[n_withdrifts, 0] = 1.0 x =, b) kvalues[j] = np.sum(x[:n, 0] * self.VALUES) sigmasq[j] = np.sum(x[:, 0] * -b[:, 0]) return kvalues, sigmasq def execute( self, style, xpoints, ypoints, zpoints, mask=None, backend="vectorized", specified_drift_arrays=None, ): """Calculates a kriged grid and the associated variance. This is now the method that performs the main kriging calculation. Note that currently measurements (i.e., z values) are considered 'exact'. This means that, when a specified coordinate for interpolation is exactly the same as one of the data points, the variogram evaluated at the point is forced to be zero. Also, the diagonal of the kriging matrix is also always forced to be zero. In forcing the variogram evaluated at data points to be zero, we are effectively saying that there is no variance at that point (no uncertainty, so the value is 'exact'). In the future, the code may include an extra 'exact_values' boolean flag that can be adjusted to specify whether to treat the measurements as 'exact'. Setting the flag to false would indicate that the variogram should not be forced to be zero at zero distance (i.e., when evaluated at data points). Instead, the uncertainty in the point will be equal to the nugget. This would mean that the diagonal of the kriging matrix would be set to the nugget instead of to zero. Parameters ---------- style : str Specifies how to treat input kriging points. Specifying 'grid' treats xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints as arrays of x, y, and z coordinates that define a rectangular grid. Specifying 'points' treats xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints as arrays that provide coordinates at which to solve the kriging system. Specifying 'masked' treats xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints as arrays of x, y, and z coordinates that define a rectangular grid and uses mask to only evaluate specific points in the grid. xpoints : array_like, shape (N,) or (N, 1) If style is specific as 'grid' or 'masked', x-coordinates of LxMxN grid. If style is specified as 'points', x-coordinates of specific points at which to solve kriging system. ypoints : array_like, shape (M,) or (M, 1) If style is specified as 'grid' or 'masked', y-coordinates of LxMxN grid. If style is specified as 'points', y-coordinates of specific points at which to solve kriging system. Note that in this case, xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints must have the same dimensions (i.e., L = M = N). zpoints : array_like, shape (L,) or (L, 1) If style is specified as 'grid' or 'masked', z-coordinates of LxMxN grid. If style is specified as 'points', z-coordinates of specific points at which to solve kriging system. Note that in this case, xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints must have the same dimensions (i.e., L = M = N). mask : boolean array, shape (L, M, N), optional Specifies the points in the rectangular grid defined by xpoints, ypoints, zpoints that are to be excluded in the kriging calculations. Must be provided if style is specified as 'masked'. False indicates that the point should not be masked, so the kriging system will be solved at the point. True indicates that the point should be masked, so the kriging system will not be solved at the point. backend : string, optional Specifies which approach to use in kriging. Specifying 'vectorized' will solve the entire kriging problem at once in a vectorized operation. This approach is faster but also can consume a significant amount of memory for large grids and/or large datasets. Specifying 'loop' will loop through each point at which the kriging system is to be solved. This approach is slower but also less memory-intensive. Default is 'vectorized'. specified_drift_arrays : list of array-like objects, optional Specifies the drift values at the points at which the kriging system is to be evaluated. Required if 'specified' drift provided in the list of drift terms when instantiating the UniversalKriging3D class. Must be a list of arrays in the same order as the list provided when instantiating the kriging object. Array(s) must be the same dimension as the specified grid or have the same number of points as the specified points; i.e., the arrays either must be shape (L, M, N), where L is the number of z grid-points, M is the number of y grid-points, and N is the number of x grid-points, or shape (N,) or (N, 1), where N is the number of points at which to evaluate the kriging system. Returns ------- kvalues : ndarray, shape (L, M, N) or (N,) or (N, 1) Interpolated values of specified grid or at the specified set of points. If style was specified as 'masked', kvalues will be a numpy masked array. sigmasq : ndarray, shape (L, M, N) or (N,) or (N, 1) Variance at specified grid points or at the specified set of points. If style was specified as 'masked', sigmasq will be a numpy masked array. """ if self.verbose: print("Executing Ordinary Kriging...\n") if style != "grid" and style != "masked" and style != "points": raise ValueError("style argument must be 'grid', 'points', or 'masked'") xpts = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(xpoints, copy=True))) ypts = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(ypoints, copy=True))) zpts = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(zpoints, copy=True))) n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] n_withdrifts = n if self.regional_linear_drift: n_withdrifts += 3 if self.specified_drift: n_withdrifts += len(self.specified_drift_data_arrays) if self.functional_drift: n_withdrifts += len(self.functional_drift_terms) nx = xpts.size ny = ypts.size nz = zpts.size a = self._get_kriging_matrix(n, n_withdrifts) if style in ["grid", "masked"]: if style == "masked": if mask is None: raise IOError( "Must specify boolean masking array when style is 'masked'." ) if mask.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("Mask is not three-dimensional.") if mask.shape[0] != nz or mask.shape[1] != ny or mask.shape[2] != nx: if ( mask.shape[0] == nx and mask.shape[2] == nz and mask.shape[1] == ny ): mask = mask.swapaxes(0, 2) else: raise ValueError( "Mask dimensions do not match specified grid dimensions." ) mask = mask.flatten() npt = nz * ny * nx grid_z, grid_y, grid_x = np.meshgrid(zpts, ypts, xpts, indexing="ij") xpts = grid_x.flatten() ypts = grid_y.flatten() zpts = grid_z.flatten() elif style == "points": if xpts.size != ypts.size and ypts.size != zpts.size: raise ValueError( "xpoints and ypoints must have same " "dimensions when treated as listing " "discrete points." ) npt = nx else: raise ValueError("style argument must be 'grid', 'points', or 'masked'") if specified_drift_arrays is None: specified_drift_arrays = [] spec_drift_grids = [] if self.specified_drift: if len(specified_drift_arrays) == 0: raise ValueError( "Must provide drift values for kriging " "points when using 'specified' drift " "capability." ) if type(specified_drift_arrays) is not list: raise TypeError( "Arrays for specified drift terms must " "be encapsulated in a list." ) for spec in specified_drift_arrays: if style in ["grid", "masked"]: if spec.ndim < 3: raise ValueError( "Dimensions of drift values array do " "not match specified grid dimensions." ) elif ( spec.shape[0] != nz or spec.shape[1] != ny or spec.shape[2] != nx ): if ( spec.shape[0] == nx and spec.shape[2] == nz and spec.shape[1] == ny ): spec_drift_grids.append(np.squeeze(spec.swapaxes(0, 2))) else: raise ValueError( "Dimensions of drift values array " "do not match specified grid " "dimensions." ) else: spec_drift_grids.append(np.squeeze(spec)) elif style == "points": if spec.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( "Dimensions of drift values array do " "not match specified grid dimensions." ) elif spec.shape[0] != xpts.size: raise ValueError( "Number of supplied drift values in " "array do not match specified number " "of kriging points." ) else: spec_drift_grids.append(np.squeeze(spec)) if len(spec_drift_grids) != len(self.specified_drift_data_arrays): raise ValueError( "Inconsistent number of specified drift terms supplied." ) else: if len(specified_drift_arrays) != 0: warnings.warn( "Provided specified drift values, but " "'specified' drift was not initialized during " "instantiation of UniversalKriging3D class.", RuntimeWarning, ) xpts, ypts, zpts = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((xpts, ypts, zpts)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER, self.ZCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling_y, self.anisotropy_scaling_z], [self.anisotropy_angle_x, self.anisotropy_angle_y, self.anisotropy_angle_z], ).T if style != "masked": mask = np.zeros(npt, dtype="bool") xyz_points = np.concatenate( (zpts[:, np.newaxis], ypts[:, np.newaxis], xpts[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1 ) xyz_data = np.concatenate( ( self.Z_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Y_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.X_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], ), axis=1, ) bd = cdist(xyz_points, xyz_data, "euclidean") if backend == "vectorized": kvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_vector( a, bd, xyz_points, mask, n_withdrifts, spec_drift_grids ) elif backend == "loop": kvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_loop( a, bd, xyz_points, mask, n_withdrifts, spec_drift_grids ) else: raise ValueError( "Specified backend {} is not supported for " "3D ordinary kriging.".format(backend) ) if style == "masked": kvalues =, mask=mask) sigmasq =, mask=mask) if style in ["masked", "grid"]: kvalues = kvalues.reshape((nz, ny, nx)) sigmasq = sigmasq.reshape((nz, ny, nx)) return kvalues, sigmasq
# coding: utf-8 """ PyKrige ======= Code by Benjamin S. Murphy and the PyKrige Developers Summary ------- Contains class OrdinaryKriging3D. References ---------- .. [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistcs: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. .. [2] N. Cressie, Statistics for spatial data, (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 1993) 137 p. Copyright (c) 2015-2020, PyKrige Developers """ import warnings import numpy as np import scipy.linalg from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from . import core, variogram_models from .compat_gstools import validate_gstools from .core import ( P_INV, _adjust_for_anisotropy, _find_statistics, _initialize_variogram_model, _make_variogram_parameter_list, ) class OrdinaryKriging3D: """Three-dimensional ordinary kriging. Parameters ---------- x : array_like X-coordinates of data points. y : array_like Y-coordinates of data points. z : array_like Z-coordinates of data points. val : array_like Values at data points. variogram_model : str or GSTools CovModel, optional Specified which variogram model to use; may be one of the following: linear, power, gaussian, spherical, exponential, hole-effect. Default is linear variogram model. To utilize a custom variogram model, specify 'custom'; you must also provide variogram_parameters and variogram_function. Note that the hole-effect model is only technically correct for one-dimensional problems. You can also use a `GSTools <>`_ CovModel. variogram_parameters : list or dict, optional Parameters that define the specified variogram model. If not provided, parameters will be automatically calculated using a "soft" L1 norm minimization scheme. For variogram model parameters provided in a dict, the required dict keys vary according to the specified variogram model: :: # linear {'slope': slope, 'nugget': nugget} # power {'scale': scale, 'exponent': exponent, 'nugget': nugget} # gaussian, spherical, exponential and hole-effect: {'sill': s, 'range': r, 'nugget': n} # OR {'psill': p, 'range': r, 'nugget': n} Note that either the full sill or the partial sill (psill = sill - nugget) can be specified in the dict. For variogram model parameters provided in a list, the entries must be as follows: :: # linear [slope, nugget] # power [scale, exponent, nugget] # gaussian, spherical, exponential and hole-effect: [sill, range, nugget] Note that the full sill (NOT the partial sill) must be specified in the list format. For a custom variogram model, the parameters are required, as custom variogram models will not automatically be fit to the data. Furthermore, the parameters must be specified in list format, in the order in which they are used in the callable function (see variogram_function for more information). The code does not check that the provided list contains the appropriate number of parameters for the custom variogram model, so an incorrect parameter list in such a case will probably trigger an esoteric exception someplace deep in the code. NOTE that, while the list format expects the full sill, the code itself works internally with the partial sill. variogram_function : callable, optional A callable function that must be provided if variogram_model is specified as 'custom'. The function must take only two arguments: first, a list of parameters for the variogram model; second, the distances at which to calculate the variogram model. The list provided in variogram_parameters will be passed to the function as the first argument. nlags : int, optional Number of averaging bins for the semivariogram. Default is 6. weight : boolean, optional Flag that specifies if semivariance at smaller lags should be weighted more heavily when automatically calculating variogram model. The routine is currently hard-coded such that the weights are calculated from a logistic function, so weights at small lags are ~1 and weights at the longest lags are ~0; the center of the logistic weighting is hard-coded to be at 70% of the distance from the shortest lag to the largest lag. Setting this parameter to True indicates that weights will be applied. Default is False. (Kitanidis suggests that the values at smaller lags are more important in fitting a variogram model, so the option is provided to enable such weighting.) anisotropy_scaling_y : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy in the y direction. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). Scaling is applied in the y direction in the rotated data frame (i.e., after adjusting for the anisotropy_angle_x/y/z, if anisotropy_angle_x/y/z is/are not 0). anisotropy_scaling_z : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy in the z direction. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). Scaling is applied in the z direction in the rotated data frame (i.e., after adjusting for the anisotropy_angle_x/y/z, if anisotropy_angle_x/y/z is/are not 0). anisotropy_angle_x : float, optional CCW angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the x axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). Note that the coordinate system is rotated. X rotation is applied first, then y rotation, then z rotation. Scaling is applied after rotation. anisotropy_angle_y : float, optional CCW angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the y axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). Note that the coordinate system is rotated. X rotation is applied first, then y rotation, then z rotation. Scaling is applied after rotation. anisotropy_angle_z : float, optional CCW angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the z axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). Note that the coordinate system is rotated. X rotation is applied first, then y rotation, then z rotation. Scaling is applied after rotation. verbose : bool, optional Enables program text output to monitor kriging process. Default is False (off). enable_plotting : bool, optional Enables plotting to display variogram. Default is False (off). exact_values : bool, optional If True, interpolation provides input values at input locations. If False, interpolation accounts for variance/nugget within input values at input locations and does not behave as an exact-interpolator [2]. Note that this only has an effect if there is variance/nugget present within the input data since it is interpreted as measurement error. If the nugget is zero, the kriged field will behave as an exact interpolator. pseudo_inv : :class:`bool`, optional Whether the kriging system is solved with the pseudo inverted kriging matrix. If `True`, this leads to more numerical stability and redundant points are averaged. But it can take more time. Default: False pseudo_inv_type : :class:`str`, optional Here you can select the algorithm to compute the pseudo-inverse matrix: * `"pinv"`: use `pinv` from `scipy` which uses `lstsq` * `"pinvh"`: use `pinvh` from `scipy` which uses eigen-values Default: `"pinv"` References ---------- .. [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistcs: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. .. [2] N. Cressie, Statistics for spatial data, (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 1993) 137 p. """ eps = 1.0e-10 # Cutoff for comparison to zero variogram_dict = { "linear": variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, "power": variogram_models.power_variogram_model, "gaussian": variogram_models.gaussian_variogram_model, "spherical": variogram_models.spherical_variogram_model, "exponential": variogram_models.exponential_variogram_model, "hole-effect": variogram_models.hole_effect_variogram_model, } def __init__( self, x, y, z, val, variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, nlags=6, weight=False, anisotropy_scaling_y=1.0, anisotropy_scaling_z=1.0, anisotropy_angle_x=0.0, anisotropy_angle_y=0.0, anisotropy_angle_z=0.0, verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, exact_values=True, pseudo_inv=False, pseudo_inv_type="pinv", ): # config the pseudo inverse self.pseudo_inv = bool(pseudo_inv) self.pseudo_inv_type = str(pseudo_inv_type) if self.pseudo_inv_type not in P_INV: raise ValueError("pseudo inv type not valid: " + str(pseudo_inv_type)) # set up variogram model and parameters... self.variogram_model = variogram_model self.model = None if not isinstance(exact_values, bool): raise ValueError("exact_values has to be boolean True or False") self.exact_values = exact_values # check if a GSTools covariance model is given if hasattr(self.variogram_model, "pykrige_kwargs"): # save the model in the class self.model = self.variogram_model validate_gstools(self.model) if self.model.field_dim < 3: raise ValueError("GSTools: model dim is not 3") self.variogram_model = "custom" variogram_function = self.model.pykrige_vario variogram_parameters = [] anisotropy_scaling_y = self.model.pykrige_anis_y anisotropy_scaling_z = self.model.pykrige_anis_z anisotropy_angle_x = self.model.pykrige_angle_x anisotropy_angle_y = self.model.pykrige_angle_y anisotropy_angle_z = self.model.pykrige_angle_z if ( self.variogram_model not in self.variogram_dict.keys() and self.variogram_model != "custom" ): raise ValueError( "Specified variogram model '%s' is not supported." % variogram_model ) elif self.variogram_model == "custom": if variogram_function is None or not callable(variogram_function): raise ValueError( "Must specify callable function for custom variogram model." ) else: self.variogram_function = variogram_function else: self.variogram_function = self.variogram_dict[self.variogram_model] # Code assumes 1D input arrays. Ensures that any extraneous dimensions # don't get in the way. Copies are created to avoid any problems with # referencing the original passed arguments. self.X_ORIG = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(x, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.Y_ORIG = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(y, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.Z_ORIG = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(z, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.VALUES = np.atleast_1d( np.squeeze(np.array(val, copy=True, dtype=np.float64)) ) self.verbose = verbose self.enable_plotting = enable_plotting if self.enable_plotting and self.verbose: print("Plotting Enabled\n") self.XCENTER = (np.amax(self.X_ORIG) + np.amin(self.X_ORIG)) / 2.0 self.YCENTER = (np.amax(self.Y_ORIG) + np.amin(self.Y_ORIG)) / 2.0 self.ZCENTER = (np.amax(self.Z_ORIG) + np.amin(self.Z_ORIG)) / 2.0 self.anisotropy_scaling_y = anisotropy_scaling_y self.anisotropy_scaling_z = anisotropy_scaling_z self.anisotropy_angle_x = anisotropy_angle_x self.anisotropy_angle_y = anisotropy_angle_y self.anisotropy_angle_z = anisotropy_angle_z if self.verbose: print("Adjusting data for anisotropy...") self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((self.X_ORIG, self.Y_ORIG, self.Z_ORIG)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER, self.ZCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling_y, self.anisotropy_scaling_z], [self.anisotropy_angle_x, self.anisotropy_angle_y, self.anisotropy_angle_z], ).T if self.verbose: print("Initializing variogram model...") vp_temp = _make_variogram_parameter_list( self.variogram_model, variogram_parameters ) ( self.lags, self.semivariance, self.variogram_model_parameters, ) = _initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED)).T, self.VALUES, self.variogram_model, vp_temp, self.variogram_function, nlags, weight, "euclidean", ) if self.verbose: if self.variogram_model == "linear": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "linear") print("Slope:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "power": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "power") print("Scale:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Exponent:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "custom": print("Using Custom Variogram Model") else: print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % self.variogram_model) print("Partial Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print( "Full Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0] + self.variogram_model_parameters[2], ) print("Range:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") if self.enable_plotting: self.display_variogram_model() if self.verbose: print("Calculating statistics on variogram model fit..."), self.sigma, self.epsilon = _find_statistics( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED)).T, self.VALUES, self.variogram_function, self.variogram_model_parameters, "euclidean", self.pseudo_inv, ) self.Q1 = core.calcQ1(self.epsilon) self.Q2 = core.calcQ2(self.epsilon) self.cR = core.calc_cR(self.Q2, self.sigma) if self.verbose: print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR, "\n") def update_variogram_model( self, variogram_model, variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, nlags=6, weight=False, anisotropy_scaling_y=1.0, anisotropy_scaling_z=1.0, anisotropy_angle_x=0.0, anisotropy_angle_y=0.0, anisotropy_angle_z=0.0, ): """Changes the variogram model and variogram parameters for the kriging system. Parameters ---------- variogram_model : str or GSTools CovModel May be any of the variogram models listed above. May also be 'custom', in which case variogram_parameters and variogram_function must be specified. You can also use a `GSTools <>`_ CovModel. variogram_parameters : list or dict, optional List or dict of variogram model parameters, as explained above. If not provided, a best fit model will be calculated as described above. variogram_function : callable, optional A callable function that must be provided if variogram_model is specified as 'custom'. See above for more information. nlags : int, optional Number of averaging bins for the semivariogram. Default is 6. weight : bool, optional Flag that specifies if semivariance at smaller lags should be weighted more heavily when automatically calculating variogram model. See above for more information. True indicates that weights will be applied. Default is False. anisotropy_scaling_y : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy in y-direction. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). See above for more information. anisotropy_scaling_z : float, optional Scalar stretching value to take into account anisotropy in z-direction. Default is 1 (effectively no stretching). See above for more information. anisotropy_angle_x : float, optional Angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the x axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). See above for more information. anisotropy_angle_y : float, optional Angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the y axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). See above for more information. anisotropy_angle_z : float, optional Angle (in degrees) by which to rotate coordinate system about the z axis in order to take into account anisotropy. Default is 0 (no rotation). See above for more information. """ # set up variogram model and parameters... self.variogram_model = variogram_model self.model = None # check if a GSTools covariance model is given if hasattr(self.variogram_model, "pykrige_kwargs"): # save the model in the class self.model = self.variogram_model validate_gstools(self.model) if self.model.field_dim < 3: raise ValueError("GSTools: model dim is not 3") self.variogram_model = "custom" variogram_function = self.model.pykrige_vario variogram_parameters = [] anisotropy_scaling_y = self.model.pykrige_anis_y anisotropy_scaling_z = self.model.pykrige_anis_z anisotropy_angle_x = self.model.pykrige_angle_x anisotropy_angle_y = self.model.pykrige_angle_y anisotropy_angle_z = self.model.pykrige_angle_z if ( self.variogram_model not in self.variogram_dict.keys() and self.variogram_model != "custom" ): raise ValueError( "Specified variogram model '%s' is not supported." % variogram_model ) elif self.variogram_model == "custom": if variogram_function is None or not callable(variogram_function): raise ValueError( "Must specify callable function for custom variogram model." ) else: self.variogram_function = variogram_function else: self.variogram_function = self.variogram_dict[self.variogram_model] if ( anisotropy_scaling_y != self.anisotropy_scaling_y or anisotropy_scaling_z != self.anisotropy_scaling_z or anisotropy_angle_x != self.anisotropy_angle_x or anisotropy_angle_y != self.anisotropy_angle_y or anisotropy_angle_z != self.anisotropy_angle_z ): if self.verbose: print("Adjusting data for anisotropy...") self.anisotropy_scaling_y = anisotropy_scaling_y self.anisotropy_scaling_z = anisotropy_scaling_z self.anisotropy_angle_x = anisotropy_angle_x self.anisotropy_angle_y = anisotropy_angle_y self.anisotropy_angle_z = anisotropy_angle_z self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((self.X_ORIG, self.Y_ORIG, self.Z_ORIG)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER, self.ZCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling_y, self.anisotropy_scaling_z], [ self.anisotropy_angle_x, self.anisotropy_angle_y, self.anisotropy_angle_z, ], ).T if self.verbose: print("Updating variogram mode...") vp_temp = _make_variogram_parameter_list( self.variogram_model, variogram_parameters ) ( self.lags, self.semivariance, self.variogram_model_parameters, ) = _initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED)).T, self.VALUES, self.variogram_model, vp_temp, self.variogram_function, nlags, weight, "euclidean", ) if self.verbose: if self.variogram_model == "linear": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "linear") print("Slope:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "power": print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % "power") print("Scale:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print("Exponent:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") elif self.variogram_model == "custom": print("Using Custom Variogram Model") else: print("Using '%s' Variogram Model" % self.variogram_model) print("Partial Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0]) print( "Full Sill:", self.variogram_model_parameters[0] + self.variogram_model_parameters[2], ) print("Range:", self.variogram_model_parameters[1]) print("Nugget:", self.variogram_model_parameters[2], "\n") if self.enable_plotting: self.display_variogram_model() if self.verbose: print("Calculating statistics on variogram model fit..."), self.sigma, self.epsilon = _find_statistics( np.vstack((self.X_ADJUSTED, self.Y_ADJUSTED, self.Z_ADJUSTED)).T, self.VALUES, self.variogram_function, self.variogram_model_parameters, "euclidean", self.pseudo_inv, ) self.Q1 = core.calcQ1(self.epsilon) self.Q2 = core.calcQ2(self.epsilon) self.cR = core.calc_cR(self.Q2, self.sigma) if self.verbose: print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR, "\n") def display_variogram_model(self): """Displays variogram model with the actual binned data.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(self.lags, self.semivariance, "r*") ax.plot( self.lags, self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, self.lags), "k-", ) def switch_verbose(self): """Allows user to switch code talk-back on/off. Takes no arguments.""" self.verbose = not self.verbose def switch_plotting(self): """Allows user to switch plot display on/off. Takes no arguments.""" self.enable_plotting = not self.enable_plotting def get_epsilon_residuals(self): """Returns the epsilon residuals for the variogram fit.""" return self.epsilon def plot_epsilon_residuals(self): """Plots the epsilon residuals for the variogram fit.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.scatter(range(self.epsilon.size), self.epsilon, c="k", marker="*") ax.axhline(y=0.0) def get_statistics(self): """Returns the Q1, Q2, and cR statistics for the variogram fit (in that order). No arguments. """ return self.Q1, self.Q2, self.cR def print_statistics(self): """Prints out the Q1, Q2, and cR statistics for the variogram fit. NOTE that ideally Q1 is close to zero, Q2 is close to 1, and cR is as small as possible. """ print("Q1 =", self.Q1) print("Q2 =", self.Q2) print("cR =", self.cR) def _get_kriging_matrix(self, n): """Assembles the kriging matrix.""" xyz = np.concatenate( ( self.X_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Y_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Z_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], ), axis=1, ) d = cdist(xyz, xyz, "euclidean") a = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1)) a[:n, :n] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, d) np.fill_diagonal(a, 0.0) a[n, :] = 1.0 a[:, n] = 1.0 a[n, n] = 0.0 return a def _exec_vector(self, a, bd, mask): """Solves the kriging system as a vectorized operation. This method can take a lot of memory for large grids and/or large datasets.""" npt = bd.shape[0] n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] zero_index = None zero_value = False # use the desired method to invert the kriging matrix if self.pseudo_inv: a_inv = P_INV[self.pseudo_inv_type](a) else: a_inv = scipy.linalg.inv(a) if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps) b = np.zeros((npt, n + 1, 1)) b[:, :n, 0] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value and self.exact_values: b[zero_index[0], zero_index[1], 0] = 0.0 b[:, n, 0] = 1.0 if (~mask).any(): mask_b = np.repeat(mask[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], n + 1, axis=1) b =, mask=mask_b) x =, b.reshape((npt, n + 1)).T).reshape((1, n + 1, npt)).T kvalues = np.sum(x[:, :n, 0] * self.VALUES, axis=1) sigmasq = np.sum(x[:, :, 0] * -b[:, :, 0], axis=1) return kvalues, sigmasq def _exec_loop(self, a, bd_all, mask): """Solves the kriging system by looping over all specified points. Less memory-intensive, but involves a Python-level loop.""" npt = bd_all.shape[0] n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] kvalues = np.zeros(npt) sigmasq = np.zeros(npt) # use the desired method to invert the kriging matrix if self.pseudo_inv: a_inv = P_INV[self.pseudo_inv_type](a) else: a_inv = scipy.linalg.inv(a) for j in np.nonzero(~mask)[ 0 ]: # Note that this is the same thing as range(npt) if mask is not defined, bd = bd_all[j] # otherwise it takes the non-masked elements. if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps) else: zero_value = False zero_index = None b = np.zeros((n + 1, 1)) b[:n, 0] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value and self.exact_values: b[zero_index[0], 0] = 0.0 b[n, 0] = 1.0 x =, b) kvalues[j] = np.sum(x[:n, 0] * self.VALUES) sigmasq[j] = np.sum(x[:, 0] * -b[:, 0]) return kvalues, sigmasq def _exec_loop_moving_window(self, a_all, bd_all, mask, bd_idx): """Solves the kriging system by looping over all specified points. Uses only a certain number of closest points. Not very memory intensive, but the loop is done in pure Python. """ import scipy.linalg.lapack npt = bd_all.shape[0] n = bd_idx.shape[1] kvalues = np.zeros(npt) sigmasq = np.zeros(npt) for i in np.nonzero(~mask)[0]: b_selector = bd_idx[i] bd = bd_all[i] a_selector = np.concatenate((b_selector, np.array([a_all.shape[0] - 1]))) a = a_all[a_selector[:, None], a_selector] if np.any(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps): zero_value = True zero_index = np.where(np.absolute(bd) <= self.eps) else: zero_value = False zero_index = None b = np.zeros((n + 1, 1)) b[:n, 0] = -self.variogram_function(self.variogram_model_parameters, bd) if zero_value and self.exact_values: b[zero_index[0], 0] = 0.0 b[n, 0] = 1.0 x = scipy.linalg.solve(a, b) kvalues[i] = x[:n, 0].dot(self.VALUES[b_selector]) sigmasq[i] = -x[:, 0].dot(b[:, 0]) return kvalues, sigmasq def execute( self, style, xpoints, ypoints, zpoints, mask=None, backend="vectorized", n_closest_points=None, ): """Calculates a kriged grid and the associated variance. This is now the method that performs the main kriging calculation. Note that currently measurements (i.e., z values) are considered 'exact'. This means that, when a specified coordinate for interpolation is exactly the same as one of the data points, the variogram evaluated at the point is forced to be zero. Also, the diagonal of the kriging matrix is also always forced to be zero. In forcing the variogram evaluated at data points to be zero, we are effectively saying that there is no variance at that point (no uncertainty, so the value is 'exact'). In the future, the code may include an extra 'exact_values' boolean flag that can be adjusted to specify whether to treat the measurements as 'exact'. Setting the flag to false would indicate that the variogram should not be forced to be zero at zero distance (i.e., when evaluated at data points). Instead, the uncertainty in the point will be equal to the nugget. This would mean that the diagonal of the kriging matrix would be set to the nugget instead of to zero. Parameters ---------- style : str Specifies how to treat input kriging points. Specifying 'grid' treats xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints as arrays of x, y, and z coordinates that define a rectangular grid. Specifying 'points' treats xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints as arrays that provide coordinates at which to solve the kriging system. Specifying 'masked' treats xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints as arrays of x, y, and z coordinates that define a rectangular grid and uses mask to only evaluate specific points in the grid. xpoints : array_like, shape (N,) or (N, 1) If style is specific as 'grid' or 'masked', x-coordinates of LxMxN grid. If style is specified as 'points', x-coordinates of specific points at which to solve kriging system. ypoints : array-like, shape (M,) or (M, 1) If style is specified as 'grid' or 'masked', y-coordinates of LxMxN grid. If style is specified as 'points', y-coordinates of specific points at which to solve kriging system. Note that in this case, xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints must have the same dimensions (i.e., L = M = N). zpoints : array-like, shape (L,) or (L, 1) If style is specified as 'grid' or 'masked', z-coordinates of LxMxN grid. If style is specified as 'points', z-coordinates of specific points at which to solve kriging system. Note that in this case, xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints must have the same dimensions (i.e., L = M = N). mask : boolean array, shape (L, M, N), optional Specifies the points in the rectangular grid defined by xpoints, ypoints, zpoints that are to be excluded in the kriging calculations. Must be provided if style is specified as 'masked'. False indicates that the point should not be masked, so the kriging system will be solved at the point. True indicates that the point should be masked, so the kriging system should will not be solved at the point. backend : str, optional Specifies which approach to use in kriging. Specifying 'vectorized' will solve the entire kriging problem at once in a vectorized operation. This approach is faster but also can consume a significant amount of memory for large grids and/or large datasets. Specifying 'loop' will loop through each point at which the kriging system is to be solved. This approach is slower but also less memory-intensive. Default is 'vectorized'. n_closest_points : int, optional For kriging with a moving window, specifies the number of nearby points to use in the calculation. This can speed up the calculation for large datasets, but should be used with caution. As Kitanidis notes, kriging with a moving window can produce unexpected oddities if the variogram model is not carefully chosen. Returns ------- kvalues : ndarray, shape (L, M, N) or (N, 1) Interpolated values of specified grid or at the specified set of points. If style was specified as 'masked', kvalues will be a numpy masked array. sigmasq : ndarray, shape (L, M, N) or (N, 1) Variance at specified grid points or at the specified set of points. If style was specified as 'masked', sigmasq will be a numpy masked array. """ if self.verbose: print("Executing Ordinary Kriging...\n") if style != "grid" and style != "masked" and style != "points": raise ValueError("style argument must be 'grid', 'points', or 'masked'") xpts = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(xpoints, copy=True))) ypts = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(ypoints, copy=True))) zpts = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.array(zpoints, copy=True))) n = self.X_ADJUSTED.shape[0] nx = xpts.size ny = ypts.size nz = zpts.size a = self._get_kriging_matrix(n) if style in ["grid", "masked"]: if style == "masked": if mask is None: raise IOError( "Must specify boolean masking array when style is 'masked'." ) if mask.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("Mask is not three-dimensional.") if mask.shape[0] != nz or mask.shape[1] != ny or mask.shape[2] != nx: if ( mask.shape[0] == nx and mask.shape[2] == nz and mask.shape[1] == ny ): mask = mask.swapaxes(0, 2) else: raise ValueError( "Mask dimensions do not match specified grid dimensions." ) mask = mask.flatten() npt = nz * ny * nx grid_z, grid_y, grid_x = np.meshgrid(zpts, ypts, xpts, indexing="ij") xpts = grid_x.flatten() ypts = grid_y.flatten() zpts = grid_z.flatten() elif style == "points": if xpts.size != ypts.size and ypts.size != zpts.size: raise ValueError( "xpoints, ypoints, and zpoints must have " "same dimensions when treated as listing " "discrete points." ) npt = nx else: raise ValueError("style argument must be 'grid', 'points', or 'masked'") xpts, ypts, zpts = _adjust_for_anisotropy( np.vstack((xpts, ypts, zpts)).T, [self.XCENTER, self.YCENTER, self.ZCENTER], [self.anisotropy_scaling_y, self.anisotropy_scaling_z], [self.anisotropy_angle_x, self.anisotropy_angle_y, self.anisotropy_angle_z], ).T if style != "masked": mask = np.zeros(npt, dtype="bool") xyz_points = np.concatenate( (zpts[:, np.newaxis], ypts[:, np.newaxis], xpts[:, np.newaxis]), axis=1 ) xyz_data = np.concatenate( ( self.Z_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.Y_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], self.X_ADJUSTED[:, np.newaxis], ), axis=1, ) bd = cdist(xyz_points, xyz_data, "euclidean") if n_closest_points is not None: from scipy.spatial import cKDTree tree = cKDTree(xyz_data) bd, bd_idx = tree.query(xyz_points, k=n_closest_points, eps=0.0) if backend == "loop": kvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_loop_moving_window(a, bd, mask, bd_idx) else: raise ValueError( "Specified backend '{}' not supported " "for moving window.".format(backend) ) else: if backend == "vectorized": kvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_vector(a, bd, mask) elif backend == "loop": kvalues, sigmasq = self._exec_loop(a, bd, mask) else: raise ValueError( "Specified backend {} is not supported for " "3D ordinary kriging.".format(backend) ) if style == "masked": kvalues =, mask=mask) sigmasq =, mask=mask) if style in ["masked", "grid"]: kvalues = kvalues.reshape((nz, ny, nx)) sigmasq = sigmasq.reshape((nz, ny, nx)) return kvalues, sigmasq
# coding: utf-8 """Regression Kriging.""" from pykrige.compat import Krige, check_sklearn_model, validate_sklearn validate_sklearn() from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from sklearn.svm import SVR class RegressionKriging: """ An implementation of Regression-Kriging. As described here: Parameters ---------- regression_model: machine learning model instance from sklearn method: str, optional type of kriging to be performed variogram_model: str, optional variogram model to be used during Kriging n_closest_points: int number of closest points to be used during Ordinary Kriging nlags: int see OK/UK class description weight: bool see OK/UK class description verbose: bool see OK/UK class description exact_values : bool see OK/UK class description variogram_parameters : list or dict see OK/UK class description variogram_function : callable see OK/UK class description anisotropy_scaling : tuple single value for 2D (UK/OK) and two values in 3D (UK3D/OK3D) anisotropy_angle : tuple single value for 2D (UK/OK) and three values in 3D (UK3D/OK3D) enable_statistics : bool see OK class description coordinates_type : str see OK/UK class description drift_terms : list of strings see UK/UK3D class description point_drift : array_like see UK class description ext_drift_grid : tuple Holding the three values external_drift, external_drift_x and external_drift_z for the UK class functional_drift : list of callable see UK/UK3D class description """ def __init__( self, regression_model=SVR(), method="ordinary", variogram_model="linear", n_closest_points=10, nlags=6, weight=False, verbose=False, exact_values=True, pseudo_inv=False, pseudo_inv_type="pinv", variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, anisotropy_scaling=(1.0, 1.0), anisotropy_angle=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), enable_statistics=False, coordinates_type="euclidean", drift_terms=None, point_drift=None, ext_drift_grid=(None, None, None), functional_drift=None, ): check_sklearn_model(regression_model) self.regression_model = regression_model self.n_closest_points = n_closest_points self.krige = Krige( method=method, variogram_model=variogram_model, nlags=nlags, weight=weight, n_closest_points=n_closest_points, verbose=verbose, exact_values=exact_values, pseudo_inv=pseudo_inv, pseudo_inv_type=pseudo_inv_type, variogram_parameters=variogram_parameters, variogram_function=variogram_function, anisotropy_scaling=anisotropy_scaling, anisotropy_angle=anisotropy_angle, enable_statistics=enable_statistics, coordinates_type=coordinates_type, drift_terms=drift_terms, point_drift=point_drift, ext_drift_grid=ext_drift_grid, functional_drift=functional_drift, ) def fit(self, p, x, y): """ Fit the regression method and also Krige the residual. Parameters ---------- p: ndarray (Ns, d) array of predictor variables (Ns samples, d dimensions) for regression x: ndarray ndarray of (x, y) points. Needs to be a (Ns, 2) array corresponding to the lon/lat, for example 2d regression kriging. array of Points, (x, y, z) pairs of shape (N, 3) for 3d kriging y: ndarray array of targets (Ns, ) """, y) ml_pred = self.regression_model.predict(p) print("Finished learning regression model") # residual=y-ml_pred, y=y - ml_pred) print("Finished kriging residuals") def predict(self, p, x, **kwargs): """ Predict. Parameters ---------- p: ndarray (Ns, d) array of predictor variables (Ns samples, d dimensions) for regression x: ndarray ndarray of (x, y) points. Needs to be a (Ns, 2) array corresponding to the lon/lat, for example. array of Points, (x, y, z) pairs of shape (N, 3) for 3d kriging Returns ------- pred: ndarray The expected value of ys for the query inputs, of shape (Ns,). """ return self.krige_residual(x, **kwargs) + self.regression_model.predict(p) def krige_residual(self, x, **kwargs): """ Calculate the residuals. Parameters ---------- x: ndarray ndarray of (x, y) points. Needs to be a (Ns, 2) array corresponding to the lon/lat, for example. Returns ------- residual: ndarray kriged residual values """ return self.krige.predict(x, **kwargs) def score(self, p, x, y, sample_weight=None, **kwargs): """ Overloading default regression score method. Parameters ---------- p: ndarray (Ns, d) array of predictor variables (Ns samples, d dimensions) for regression x: ndarray ndarray of (x, y) points. Needs to be a (Ns, 2) array corresponding to the lon/lat, for example. array of Points, (x, y, z) pairs of shape (N, 3) for 3d kriging y: ndarray array of targets (Ns, ) """ return r2_score( y_pred=self.predict(p, x, **kwargs), y_true=y, sample_weight=sample_weight )
# coding: utf-8 """ PyKrige ======= Code by Benjamin S. Murphy and the PyKrige Developers Summary ------- Function definitions for variogram models. In each function, m is a list of defining parameters and d is an array of the distance values at which to calculate the variogram model. References ---------- .. [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistcs: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. Copyright (c) 2015-2020, PyKrige Developers """ import numpy as np def linear_variogram_model(m, d): """Linear model, m is [slope, nugget]""" slope = float(m[0]) nugget = float(m[1]) return slope * d + nugget def power_variogram_model(m, d): """Power model, m is [scale, exponent, nugget]""" scale = float(m[0]) exponent = float(m[1]) nugget = float(m[2]) return scale * d**exponent + nugget def gaussian_variogram_model(m, d): """Gaussian model, m is [psill, range, nugget]""" psill = float(m[0]) range_ = float(m[1]) nugget = float(m[2]) return psill * (1.0 - np.exp(-(d**2.0) / (range_ * 4.0 / 7.0) ** 2.0)) + nugget def exponential_variogram_model(m, d): """Exponential model, m is [psill, range, nugget]""" psill = float(m[0]) range_ = float(m[1]) nugget = float(m[2]) return psill * (1.0 - np.exp(-d / (range_ / 3.0))) + nugget def spherical_variogram_model(m, d): """Spherical model, m is [psill, range, nugget]""" psill = float(m[0]) range_ = float(m[1]) nugget = float(m[2]) return np.piecewise( d, [d <= range_, d > range_], [ lambda x: psill * ((3.0 * x) / (2.0 * range_) - (x**3.0) / (2.0 * range_**3.0)) + nugget, psill + nugget, ], ) def hole_effect_variogram_model(m, d): """Hole Effect model, m is [psill, range, nugget]""" psill = float(m[0]) range_ = float(m[1]) nugget = float(m[2]) return ( psill * (1.0 - (1.0 - d / (range_ / 3.0)) * np.exp(-d / (range_ / 3.0))) + nugget )
# coding: utf-8 """Classification Kriging.""" import numpy as np from pykrige.compat import Krige, check_sklearn_model, validate_sklearn validate_sklearn() from scipy.linalg import helmert from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from sklearn.svm import SVC class ClassificationKriging: """ An implementation of Simplicial Indicator Kriging applied to classification ilr transformed residuals. Parameters ---------- classification_model: machine learning model instance from sklearn method: str, optional type of kriging to be performed variogram_model: str, optional variogram model to be used during Kriging n_closest_points: int number of closest points to be used during Ordinary Kriging nlags: int see OK/UK class description weight: bool see OK/UK class description verbose: bool see OK/UK class description exact_values : bool see OK/UK class description variogram_parameters : list or dict see OK/UK class description variogram_function : callable see OK/UK class description anisotropy_scaling : tuple single value for 2D (UK/OK) and two values in 3D (UK3D/OK3D) anisotropy_angle : tuple single value for 2D (UK/OK) and three values in 3D (UK3D/OK3D) enable_statistics : bool see OK class description coordinates_type : str see OK/UK class description drift_terms : list of strings see UK/UK3D class description point_drift : array_like see UK class description ext_drift_grid : tuple Holding the three values external_drift, external_drift_x and external_drift_z for the UK class functional_drift : list of callable see UK/UK3D class description """ def __init__( self, classification_model=SVC(), method="ordinary", variogram_model="linear", n_closest_points=10, nlags=6, weight=False, verbose=False, exact_values=True, pseudo_inv=False, pseudo_inv_type="pinv", variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, anisotropy_scaling=(1.0, 1.0), anisotropy_angle=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), enable_statistics=False, coordinates_type="euclidean", drift_terms=None, point_drift=None, ext_drift_grid=(None, None, None), functional_drift=None, ): check_sklearn_model(classification_model, task="classification") self.classification_model = classification_model self.n_closest_points = n_closest_points self._kriging_kwargs = dict( method=method, variogram_model=variogram_model, nlags=nlags, weight=weight, n_closest_points=n_closest_points, verbose=verbose, exact_values=exact_values, pseudo_inv=pseudo_inv, pseudo_inv_type=pseudo_inv_type, variogram_parameters=variogram_parameters, variogram_function=variogram_function, anisotropy_scaling=anisotropy_scaling, anisotropy_angle=anisotropy_angle, enable_statistics=enable_statistics, coordinates_type=coordinates_type, drift_terms=drift_terms, point_drift=point_drift, ext_drift_grid=ext_drift_grid, functional_drift=functional_drift, ) def fit(self, p, x, y): """ Fit the classification method and also krige the residual. Parameters ---------- p: ndarray (Ns, d) array of predictor variables (Ns samples, d dimensions) for classification x: ndarray ndarray of (x, y) points. Needs to be a (Ns, 2) array corresponding to the lon/lat, for example 2d classification kriging. array of Points, (x, y, z) pairs of shape (N, 3) for 3d kriging y: ndarray array of targets (Ns, ) """, y.ravel()) print("Finished learning classification model") self.classes_ = self.classification_model.classes_ self.krige = [] for i in range(len(self.classes_) - 1): self.krige.append(Krige(**self._kriging_kwargs)) ml_pred = self.classification_model.predict_proba(p) ml_pred_ilr = ilr_transformation(ml_pred) self.onehotencode = OneHotEncoder(categories=[self.classes_]) y_ohe = np.array(self.onehotencode.fit_transform(y).todense()) y_ohe_ilr = ilr_transformation(y_ohe) for i in range(len(self.classes_) - 1): self.krige[i].fit(x=x, y=y_ohe_ilr[:, i] - ml_pred_ilr[:, i]) print("Finished kriging residuals") def predict(self, p, x, **kwargs): """ Predict. Parameters ---------- p: ndarray (Ns, d) array of predictor variables (Ns samples, d dimensions) for classification x: ndarray ndarray of (x, y) points. Needs to be a (Ns, 2) array corresponding to the lon/lat, for example. array of Points, (x, y, z) pairs of shape (N, 3) for 3d kriging Returns ------- pred: ndarray The expected value of ys for the query inputs, of shape (Ns,). """ ml_pred = self.classification_model.predict_proba(p) ml_pred_ilr = ilr_transformation(ml_pred) pred_proba_ilr = self.krige_residual(x, **kwargs) + ml_pred_ilr pred_proba = inverse_ilr_transformation(pred_proba_ilr) return np.argmax(pred_proba, axis=1) def krige_residual(self, x, **kwargs): """ Calculate the residuals. Parameters ---------- x: ndarray ndarray of (x, y) points. Needs to be a (Ns, 2) array corresponding to the lon/lat, for example. Returns ------- residual: ndarray kriged residual values """ krig_pred = [ self.krige[i].predict(x=x, **kwargs) for i in range(len(self.classes_) - 1) ] return np.vstack(krig_pred).T def score(self, p, x, y, sample_weight=None, **kwargs): """ Overloading default classification score method. Parameters ---------- p: ndarray (Ns, d) array of predictor variables (Ns samples, d dimensions) for classification x: ndarray ndarray of (x, y) points. Needs to be a (Ns, 2) array corresponding to the lon/lat, for example. array of Points, (x, y, z) pairs of shape (N, 3) for 3d kriging y: ndarray array of targets (Ns, ) """ return accuracy_score( y_pred=self.predict(p, x, **kwargs), y_true=y, sample_weight=sample_weight ) def closure(data, k=1.0): """Apply closure to data, sample-wise. Adapted from Parameters ---------- data : 2d numpy array, shape [n_samples, n_measurements] Data to be closed to a certain constant. Do not forget to deal with zeros in the data before this operation. k : float, positive Sum of the measurements will be equal to this number. Returns ------- data : 2d numpy array, shape [n_samples, n_measurements] Closed data. Reference --------- [1] Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Egozcue, J. J., & Tolosana-Delgado, R. (2015). Modelling and Analysis of Compositional Data, pg. 9. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/9781119003144 """ return k * data / np.sum(data, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] def ilr_transformation(data): """Isometric logratio transformation (not vectorized). Adapted from Parameters ---------- data : 2d numpy array, shape [n_samples, n_coordinates] Barycentric coordinates (closed) in simplex space. Returns ------- out : 2d numpy array, shape [n_samples, n_coordinates-1] Coordinates in real space. Reference --------- [1] Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Egozcue, J. J., & Tolosana-Delgado, R. (2015). Modelling and Analysis of Compositional Data, pg. 37. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/9781119003144 """ data = np.maximum(data, np.finfo(float).eps) return np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", np.log(data), -helmert(data.shape[1]).T) def inverse_ilr_transformation(data): """Inverse isometric logratio transformation (not vectorized). Adapted from Parameters ---------- data : 2d numpy array, shape [n_samples, n_coordinates] Isometric log-ratio transformed coordinates in real space. Returns ------- out : 2d numpy array, shape [n_samples, n_coordinates+1] Barycentric coordinates (closed) in simplex space. Reference --------- [1] Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Egozcue, J. J., & Tolosana-Delgado, R. (2015). Modelling and Analysis of Compositional Data, pg. 37. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/9781119003144 """ return closure(np.exp(np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", data, -helmert(data.shape[1] + 1))))
""" PyKrige ======= Code by Benjamin S. Murphy and the PyKrige Developers Summary ------- Kriging toolkit for Python. ok: Contains class OrdinaryKriging, which is a convenience class for easy access to 2D ordinary kriging. uk: Contains class UniversalKriging, which provides more control over 2D kriging by utilizing drift terms. Supported drift terms currently include point-logarithmic, regional linear, and external z-scalar. Generic functions of the spatial coordinates may also be supplied to provide drift terms, or the point-by-point values of a drift term may be supplied. ok3d: Contains class OrdinaryKriging3D, which provides support for 3D ordinary kriging. uk3d: Contains class UniversalKriging3D, which provide support for 3D universal kriging. A regional linear drift is the only drift term currently supported, but generic drift functions or point-by-point values of a drift term may also be supplied. kriging_tools: Contains a set of functions to work with *.asc files. variogram_models: Contains the definitions for the implemented variogram models. Note that the utilized formulas are as presented in Kitanidis, so the exact definition of the range (specifically, the associated scaling of that value) may differ slightly from other sources. core: Contains the backbone functions of the package that are called by both the various kriging classes. The functions were consolidated here in order to reduce redundancy in the code. test: Contains the test script. References ---------- .. [1] P.K. Kitanidis, Introduction to Geostatistics: Applications in Hydrogeology, (Cambridge University Press, 1997) 272 p. Copyright (c) 2015-2020, PyKrige Developers """ from . import kriging_tools as kt # noqa from .ok import OrdinaryKriging # noqa from .ok3d import OrdinaryKriging3D # noqa from .uk import UniversalKriging # noqa from .uk3d import UniversalKriging3D # noqa try: from pykrige._version import __version__ except ImportError: # pragma: nocover # package is not installed __version__ = "0.0.0.dev0" __author__ = "Benjamin S. Murphy" __all__ = ["__version__"] __all__ += ["kt", "ok", "uk", "ok3d", "uk3d", "kriging_tools"] __all__ += ["OrdinaryKriging"] __all__ += ["UniversalKriging"] __all__ += ["OrdinaryKriging3D"] __all__ += ["UniversalKriging3D"]
# coding: utf-8 # pylint: disable= invalid-name, unused-import """For compatibility.""" from pykrige.ok import OrdinaryKriging from pykrige.ok3d import OrdinaryKriging3D from import UniversalKriging from pykrige.uk3d import UniversalKriging3D # sklearn try: # keep train_test_split here for backward compatibility from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, RegressorMixin from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split SKLEARN_INSTALLED = True except ImportError: SKLEARN_INSTALLED = False train_test_split = None class RegressorMixin: """Mock RegressorMixin.""" class ClassifierMixin: """Mock ClassifierMixin.""" class BaseEstimator: """Mock BaseEstimator.""" krige_methods = { "ordinary": OrdinaryKriging, "universal": UniversalKriging, "ordinary3d": OrdinaryKriging3D, "universal3d": UniversalKriging3D, } threed_krige = ("ordinary3d", "universal3d") krige_methods_kws = { "ordinary": [ "anisotropy_scaling", "anisotropy_angle", "enable_statistics", "coordinates_type", ], "universal": [ "anisotropy_scaling", "anisotropy_angle", "drift_terms", "point_drift", "external_drift", "external_drift_x", "external_drift_y", "functional_drift", ], "ordinary3d": [ "anisotropy_scaling_y", "anisotropy_scaling_z", "anisotropy_angle_x", "anisotropy_angle_y", "anisotropy_angle_z", ], "universal3d": [ "anisotropy_scaling_y", "anisotropy_scaling_z", "anisotropy_angle_x", "anisotropy_angle_y", "anisotropy_angle_z", "drift_terms", "functional_drift", ], } class SklearnException(Exception): """Exception for missing scikit-learn.""" def validate_method(method): """Validate the kriging method in use.""" if method not in krige_methods.keys(): raise ValueError( "Kriging method must be one of {}".format(krige_methods.keys()) ) def validate_sklearn(): """Validate presence of scikit-learn.""" if not SKLEARN_INSTALLED: raise SklearnException( "sklearn needs to be installed in order to use this module" ) class Krige(RegressorMixin, BaseEstimator): """ A scikit-learn wrapper class for Ordinary and Universal Kriging. This works with both Grid/RandomSearchCv for finding the best Krige parameters combination for a problem. Parameters ---------- method: str, optional type of kriging to be performed variogram_model: str, optional variogram model to be used during Kriging nlags: int see OK/UK class description weight: bool see OK/UK class description n_closest_points: int number of closest points to be used during Ordinary Kriging verbose: bool see OK/UK class description exact_values : bool see OK/UK class description variogram_parameters : list or dict see OK/UK class description variogram_function : callable see OK/UK class description anisotropy_scaling : tuple single value for 2D (UK/OK) and two values in 3D (UK3D/OK3D) anisotropy_angle : tuple single value for 2D (UK/OK) and three values in 3D (UK3D/OK3D) enable_statistics : bool see OK class description coordinates_type : str see OK/UK class description drift_terms : list of strings see UK/UK3D class description point_drift : array_like see UK class description ext_drift_grid : tuple Holding the three values external_drift, external_drift_x and external_drift_z for the UK class functional_drift : list of callable see UK/UK3D class description """ def __init__( self, method="ordinary", variogram_model="linear", nlags=6, weight=False, n_closest_points=10, verbose=False, exact_values=True, pseudo_inv=False, pseudo_inv_type="pinv", variogram_parameters=None, variogram_function=None, anisotropy_scaling=(1.0, 1.0), anisotropy_angle=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), enable_statistics=False, coordinates_type="euclidean", drift_terms=None, point_drift=None, ext_drift_grid=(None, None, None), functional_drift=None, ): validate_method(method) self.variogram_model = variogram_model self.variogram_parameters = variogram_parameters self.variogram_function = variogram_function self.nlags = nlags self.weight = weight self.verbose = verbose self.exact_values = exact_values self.pseudo_inv = pseudo_inv self.pseudo_inv_type = pseudo_inv_type self.anisotropy_scaling = anisotropy_scaling self.anisotropy_angle = anisotropy_angle self.enable_statistics = enable_statistics self.coordinates_type = coordinates_type self.drift_terms = drift_terms self.point_drift = point_drift self.ext_drift_grid = ext_drift_grid self.functional_drift = functional_drift self.model = None # not trained self.n_closest_points = n_closest_points self.method = method def fit(self, x, y, *args, **kwargs): """ Fit the current model. Parameters ---------- x: ndarray array of Points, (x, y) pairs of shape (N, 2) for 2d kriging array of Points, (x, y, z) pairs of shape (N, 3) for 3d kriging y: ndarray array of targets (N, ) """ val_kw = "val" if self.method in threed_krige else "z" setup = dict( variogram_model=self.variogram_model, variogram_parameters=self.variogram_parameters, variogram_function=self.variogram_function, nlags=self.nlags, weight=self.weight, verbose=self.verbose, exact_values=self.exact_values, pseudo_inv=self.pseudo_inv, pseudo_inv_type=self.pseudo_inv_type, ) add_setup = dict( anisotropy_scaling=self.anisotropy_scaling[0], anisotropy_angle=self.anisotropy_angle[0], enable_statistics=self.enable_statistics, coordinates_type=self.coordinates_type, anisotropy_scaling_y=self.anisotropy_scaling[0], anisotropy_scaling_z=self.anisotropy_scaling[1], anisotropy_angle_x=self.anisotropy_angle[0], anisotropy_angle_y=self.anisotropy_angle[1], anisotropy_angle_z=self.anisotropy_angle[2], drift_terms=self.drift_terms, point_drift=self.point_drift, external_drift=self.ext_drift_grid[0], external_drift_x=self.ext_drift_grid[1], external_drift_y=self.ext_drift_grid[2], functional_drift=self.functional_drift, ) for kw in krige_methods_kws[self.method]: setup[kw] = add_setup[kw] input_kw = self._dimensionality_check(x) input_kw.update(setup) input_kw[val_kw] = y self.model = krige_methods[self.method](**input_kw) def _dimensionality_check(self, x, ext=""): if self.method in ("ordinary", "universal"): if x.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("2d krige can use only 2d points") else: return {"x" + ext: x[:, 0], "y" + ext: x[:, 1]} if self.method in ("ordinary3d", "universal3d"): if x.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("3d krige can use only 3d points") else: return { "x" + ext: x[:, 0], "y" + ext: x[:, 1], "z" + ext: x[:, 2], } def predict(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """ Predict. Parameters ---------- x: ndarray array of Points, (x, y) pairs of shape (N, 2) for 2d kriging array of Points, (x, y, z) pairs of shape (N, 3) for 3d kriging Returns ------- Prediction array """ if not self.model: raise Exception("Not trained. Train first") points = self._dimensionality_check(x, ext="points") return self.execute(points, *args, **kwargs)[0] def execute(self, points, *args, **kwargs): # TODO array of Points, (x, y) pairs of shape (N, 2) """ Execute. Parameters ---------- points: dict Returns ------- Prediction array Variance array """ default_kw = dict(style="points", backend="loop") default_kw.update(kwargs) points.update(default_kw) if isinstance(self.model, (OrdinaryKriging, OrdinaryKriging3D)): points.update(dict(n_closest_points=self.n_closest_points)) else: print("n_closest_points will be ignored for UniversalKriging") prediction, variance = self.model.execute(**points) return prediction, variance def check_sklearn_model(model, task="regression"): """Check the sklearn method in use.""" if task == "regression": if not (isinstance(model, BaseEstimator) and isinstance(model, RegressorMixin)): raise RuntimeError( "Needs to supply an instance of a scikit-learn regression class." ) elif task == "classification": if not ( isinstance(model, BaseEstimator) and isinstance(model, ClassifierMixin) ): raise RuntimeError( "Needs to supply an instance of a scikit-learn classification class." )
# coding: utf-8 """ PyKrige ======= Code by Benjamin S. Murphy and the PyKrige Developers Summary ------- Methods for reading/writing ASCII grid files. Copyright (c) 2015-2020, PyKrige Developers """ import datetime import io import os import warnings import numpy as np def write_asc_grid(x, y, z, filename="output.asc", no_data=-999.0, style=1): r"""Writes gridded data to ASCII grid file (\*.asc). This is useful for exporting data to a GIS program. Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (N,) or (N, 1) X-coordinates of grid points at center of cells. y : array_like, shape (M,) or (M, 1) Y-coordinates of grid points at center of cells. z : array_like, shape (M, N) Gridded data values. May be a masked array. filename : string, optional Name of output \*.asc file. Default name is 'output.asc'. no_data : float, optional no data value to be used style : int, optional Determines how to write the \*.asc file header. Specifying 1 writes out DX, DY, XLLCENTER, YLLCENTER. Specifying 2 writes out CELLSIZE (note DX must be the same as DY), XLLCORNER, YLLCORNER. Default is 1. """ if z = np.array(z.tolist(no_data)) x = np.squeeze(np.array(x)) y = np.squeeze(np.array(y)) z = np.squeeze(np.array(z)) nrows = z.shape[0] ncols = z.shape[1] if z.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Two-dimensional grid is required to write *.asc grid.") if x.ndim > 1 or y.ndim > 1: raise ValueError( "Dimensions of X and/or Y coordinate arrays are not " "as expected. Could not write *.asc grid." ) if z.shape != (y.size, x.size): warnings.warn( "Grid dimensions are not as expected. " "Incorrect *.asc file generation may result.", RuntimeWarning, ) if np.amin(x) != x[0] or np.amin(y) != y[0]: warnings.warn( "Order of X or Y coordinates is not as expected. " "Incorrect *.asc file generation may result.", RuntimeWarning, ) dx = abs(x[1] - x[0]) dy = abs(y[1] - y[0]) if not np.isclose(abs((x[-1] - x[0]) / (x.shape[0] - 1)), dx) or not np.isclose( abs((y[-1] - y[0]) / (y.shape[0] - 1)), dy ): raise ValueError( "X or Y spacing is not constant; *.asc grid cannot be written." ) cellsize = -1 if style == 2: if dx != dy: raise ValueError( "X and Y spacing is not the same. " "Cannot write *.asc file in the specified format." ) cellsize = dx xllcenter = x[0] yllcenter = y[0] # Note that these values are flagged as -1. If there is a problem in trying # to write out style 2, the -1 value will appear in the output file. xllcorner = -1 yllcorner = -1 if style == 2: xllcorner = xllcenter - dx / 2.0 yllcorner = yllcenter - dy / 2.0 with, "w") as f: if style == 1: f.write("NCOLS " + "{:<10n}".format(ncols) + "\n") f.write("NROWS " + "{:<10n}".format(nrows) + "\n") f.write("XLLCENTER " + "{:<10.2f}".format(xllcenter) + "\n") f.write("YLLCENTER " + "{:<10.2f}".format(yllcenter) + "\n") f.write("DX " + "{:<10.2f}".format(dx) + "\n") f.write("DY " + "{:<10.2f}".format(dy) + "\n") f.write("NODATA_VALUE " + "{:<10.2f}".format(no_data) + "\n") elif style == 2: f.write("NCOLS " + "{:<10n}".format(ncols) + "\n") f.write("NROWS " + "{:<10n}".format(nrows) + "\n") f.write("XLLCORNER " + "{:<10.2f}".format(xllcorner) + "\n") f.write("YLLCORNER " + "{:<10.2f}".format(yllcorner) + "\n") f.write("CELLSIZE " + "{:<10.2f}".format(cellsize) + "\n") f.write("NODATA_VALUE " + "{:<10.2f}".format(no_data) + "\n") else: raise ValueError("style kwarg must be either 1 or 2.") for m in range(z.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1): for n in range(z.shape[1]): f.write("{:<16.2f}".format(z[m, n])) if m != 0: f.write("\n") def read_asc_grid(filename, footer=0): r"""Reads ASCII grid file (\*.asc). Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of \*.asc file. footer : int, optional Number of lines at bottom of \*.asc file to skip. Returns ------- grid_array : numpy array, shape (M, N) (M, N) array of grid values, where M is number of Y-coordinates and N is number of X-coordinates. The array entry corresponding to the lower-left coordinates is at index [M, 0], so that the array is oriented as it would be in X-Y space. x : numpy array, shape (N,) 1D array of N X-coordinates. y : numpy array, shape (M,) 1D array of M Y-coordinates. CELLSIZE : tuple or float Either a two-tuple of (x-cell size, y-cell size), or a float that specifies the uniform cell size. NODATA : float Value that specifies which entries are not actual data. """ ncols = None nrows = None xllcorner = None xllcenter = None yllcorner = None yllcenter = None cellsize = None dx = None dy = None no_data = None header_lines = 0 with, "r") as f: while True: string, value = f.readline().split() header_lines += 1 if string.lower() == "ncols": ncols = int(value) elif string.lower() == "nrows": nrows = int(value) elif string.lower() == "xllcorner": xllcorner = float(value) elif string.lower() == "xllcenter": xllcenter = float(value) elif string.lower() == "yllcorner": yllcorner = float(value) elif string.lower() == "yllcenter": yllcenter = float(value) elif string.lower() == "cellsize": cellsize = float(value) elif string.lower() == "cell_size": cellsize = float(value) elif string.lower() == "dx": dx = float(value) elif string.lower() == "dy": dy = float(value) elif string.lower() == "nodata_value": no_data = float(value) elif string.lower() == "nodatavalue": no_data = float(value) else: raise IOError("could not read *.asc file. Error in header.") if ( (ncols is not None) and (nrows is not None) and ( ((xllcorner is not None) and (yllcorner is not None)) or ((xllcenter is not None) and (yllcenter is not None)) ) and ((cellsize is not None) or ((dx is not None) and (dy is not None))) and (no_data is not None) ): break raw_grid_array = np.genfromtxt( filename, skip_header=header_lines, skip_footer=footer ) grid_array = np.flipud(raw_grid_array) if nrows != grid_array.shape[0] or ncols != grid_array.shape[1]: raise IOError( "Error reading *.asc file. Encountered problem " "with header: NCOLS and/or NROWS does not match " "number of columns/rows in data file body." ) if xllcorner is not None and yllcorner is not None: if dx is not None and dy is not None: xllcenter = xllcorner + dx / 2.0 yllcenter = yllcorner + dy / 2.0 else: xllcenter = xllcorner + cellsize / 2.0 yllcenter = yllcorner + cellsize / 2.0 if dx is not None and dy is not None: x = np.arange(xllcenter, xllcenter + ncols * dx, dx) y = np.arange(yllcenter, yllcenter + nrows * dy, dy) else: x = np.arange(xllcenter, xllcenter + ncols * cellsize, cellsize) y = np.arange(yllcenter, yllcenter + nrows * cellsize, cellsize) # Sometimes x and y and can be an entry too long due to imprecision # in calculating the upper cutoff for np.arange(); this bit takes care of # that potential problem. if x.size == ncols + 1: x = x[:-1] if y.size == nrows + 1: y = y[:-1] if cellsize is None: cellsize = (dx, dy) return grid_array, x, y, cellsize, no_data def write_zmap_grid( x, y, z, filename="output.zmap", no_data=-999.0, coord_sys="<null>" ): r"""Writes gridded data to ASCII grid file in zmap format (\*.zmap). This is useful for exporting data to a GIS program, or Petrel Parameters ---------- x : array_like, shape (N,) or (N, 1) X-coordinates of grid points at center of cells. y : array_like, shape (M,) or (M, 1) Y-coordinates of grid points at center of cells. z : array_like, shape (M, N) Gridded data values. May be a masked array. filename : string, optional Name of output \*.zmap file. Default name is 'output.zmap'. no_data : float, optional no data value to be used coord_sys : String, optional coordinate sytem description """ nodes_per_line = 5 field_width = 15 if z = np.array(z.tolist(no_data)) x = np.squeeze(np.array(x)) y = np.squeeze(np.array(y)) z = np.squeeze(np.array(z)) nx = len(x) ny = len(y) dx = abs(x[1] - x[0]) dy = abs(y[1] - y[0]) if not np.isclose(abs((x[-1] - x[0]) / (x.shape[0] - 1)), dx) or not np.isclose( abs((y[-1] - y[0]) / (y.shape[0] - 1)), dy ): raise ValueError( "X or Y spacing is not constant; *.asc grid cannot be written." ) xllcenter = x[0] yllcenter = y[0] hix = xllcenter + (nx - 1) * dx hiy = yllcenter + (ny - 1) * dy now = with, "w") as f: f.write("!" + "\n") f.write("! ZIMS FILE NAME : " + os.path.basename(filename) + "\n") f.write( "! FORMATTED FILE CREATION DATE: " + now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") + "\n" ) f.write( "! FORMATTED FILE CREATION TIME: " + now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "\n" ) f.write("! COORDINATE REFERENCE SYSTEM: " + coord_sys + "\n") f.write("!" + "\n") f.write("@Grid HEADER, GRID, " + str(nodes_per_line) + "\n") f.write(" " + str(field_width) + ", " + str(no_data) + ", , 1 , 1" + "\n") f.write( " " + str(ny) + ", " + str(nx) + ", " + str(xllcenter) + ", " + str(hix) + ", " + str(yllcenter) + ", " + str(hiy) + "\n" ) f.write(" " + str(dx) + ", 0.0, 0.0 " + "\n") f.write("@" + "\n") for n in range(z.shape[1]): count = 0 for m in range(z.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1): count += 1 if np.isnan(z[m, n]): f.write(space_back_to_front(format(no_data, "13.7E") + " ")) else: if abs(z[m, n]) >= 1e100: # one tailing space less f.write(space_back_to_front(format(z[m, n], "13.7E") + " ")) elif abs(z[m, n]) >= 1e6: f.write(space_back_to_front(format(z[m, n], "13.7E") + " ")) else: f.write(space_back_to_front("{:<13.4f}".format(z[m, n]) + " ")) if count % nodes_per_line == 0 or m == 0: f.write("\n") def read_zmap_grid(filename): r"""Reads ASCII grid file in zmap format (\*.zmap). Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of \*.zmap file. Returns ------- grid_array : numpy array, shape (M, N) (M, N) array of grid values, where M is number of Y-coordinates and N is number of X-coordinates. The array entry corresponding to the lower-left coordinates is at index [M, 0], so that the array is oriented as it would be in X-Y space. x : numpy array, shape (N,) 1D array of N X-coordinates. y : numpy array, shape (M,) 1D array of M Y-coordinates. cellsize : tuple or float Either a two-tuple of (x-cell size, y-cell size), or a float that specifies the uniform cell size. no_data_value : float Value that specifies which entries are not actual data. coord_sys : String Coordinate system name """ no_data_value, nx, ny, originx, originy, maxx, maxy, dx, dy = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ) data_values = np.empty(1) coord_sys = "<null>" i_header_line, i_value = 0, 0 with, "r") as f: while True: line = f.readline() if line.startswith("!"): line_strings = line.split(":") if line_strings[0].__contains__("COORDINATE REFERENCE SYSTEM"): coord_sys = line_strings[1].replace("\n", "") else: line_strings = line.split() line_strings = [string.replace(",", "") for string in line_strings] if len(line_strings) == 0: break if i_header_line == -1 and not line_strings[0].startswith("!"): for i_string in range(len(line_strings)): data_values[i_value] = float(line_strings[i_string]) i_value += 1 if line_strings[0].startswith("@"): if i_header_line == 0: i_header_line += 1 else: i_header_line = -1 if i_header_line > 0: if i_header_line == 2: no_data_value = float(line_strings[1]) elif i_header_line == 3: ny = int(line_strings[0]) nx = int(line_strings[1]) originx = float(line_strings[2]) maxx = float(line_strings[3]) originy = float(line_strings[4]) maxy = float(line_strings[5]) data_values = np.empty(ny * nx) i_header_line += 1 if nx * ny != len(data_values): raise IOError( "Error reading *.zmap file. Encountered problem " "with header: (nx * ny) does not match with the " "number items in data file body." ) z = np.empty([ny, nx]) i_value = 0 for n in range(z.shape[1]): for m in range(z.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1): z[m, n] = data_values[i_value] i_value += 1 dx = (maxx - originx) / (nx - 1) dy = (maxy - originy) / (ny - 1) gridx = np.arange(originx, originx + nx * dx, dx) gridy = np.arange(originy, originy + ny * dy, dy) cellsize = (dx, dy) return z, gridx, gridy, cellsize, no_data_value, coord_sys def space_back_to_front(string): net = string.replace(" ", "") return "".join(string.rsplit(net)) + net
__all__ = ["cok", "lapack", "variogram_models"]
""" Testing code. Updated BSM February 2017 """ import os import sys import numpy as np import pytest from numpy.testing import assert_allclose from pytest import approx from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from pykrige import core from pykrige import kriging_tools as kt from pykrige import variogram_models from pykrige.ok import OrdinaryKriging from pykrige.ok3d import OrdinaryKriging3D from import UniversalKriging from pykrige.uk3d import UniversalKriging3D BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) allclose_pars = {"rtol": 1e-05, "atol": 1e-08} @pytest.fixture def validation_ref(): data = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/test_data.txt")) ok_test_answer, ok_test_gridx, ok_test_gridy, cellsize, no_data = kt.read_asc_grid( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/test1_answer.asc"), footer=2 ) uk_test_answer, uk_test_gridx, uk_test_gridy, cellsize, no_data = kt.read_asc_grid( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/test2_answer.asc"), footer=2 ) return ( data, (ok_test_answer, ok_test_gridx, ok_test_gridy), (uk_test_answer, uk_test_gridx, uk_test_gridy), ) @pytest.fixture def sample_data_2d(): data = np.array( [ [0.3, 1.2, 0.47], [1.9, 0.6, 0.56], [1.1, 3.2, 0.74], [3.3, 4.4, 1.47], [4.7, 3.8, 1.74], ] ) gridx = np.arange(0.0, 6.0, 1.0) gridx_2 = np.arange(0.0, 5.5, 0.5) gridy = np.arange(0.0, 5.5, 0.5) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(gridx, gridy) mask = np.array(xi == yi) return data, (gridx, gridy, gridx_2), mask @pytest.fixture def sample_data_3d(): data = np.array( [ [0.1, 0.1, 0.3, 0.9], [0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.8], [0.1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.9], [0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5], [0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.7], ] ) gridx = np.arange(0.0, 0.6, 0.05) gridy = np.arange(0.0, 0.6, 0.01) gridz = np.arange(0.0, 0.6, 0.1) zi, yi, xi = np.meshgrid(gridz, gridy, gridx, indexing="ij") mask = np.array((xi == yi) & (yi == zi)) return data, (gridx, gridy, gridz), mask def test_core_adjust_for_anisotropy(): X = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0]]).T X_adj = core._adjust_for_anisotropy(X, [0.0, 0.0], [2.0], [90.0]) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 0], np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0]), **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 1], np.array([-2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0]), **allclose_pars) def test_core_adjust_for_anisotropy_3d(): # this is a bad examples, as the X matrix is symmetric # and insensitive to transpositions X = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]).T X_adj = core._adjust_for_anisotropy( X, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 2.0], [90.0, 0.0, 0.0] ) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 0], np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 1], np.array([0.0, 0.0, 2.0]), **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 2], np.array([0.0, -2.0, 0.0]), **allclose_pars) X_adj = core._adjust_for_anisotropy( X, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 2.0], [0.0, 90.0, 0.0] ) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 0], np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]), **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 1], np.array([0.0, 2.0, 0.0]), **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 2], np.array([2.0, 0.0, 0.0]), **allclose_pars) X_adj = core._adjust_for_anisotropy( X, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [2.0, 2.0], [0.0, 0.0, 90.0] ) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 0], np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]), **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 1], np.array([-2.0, 0.0, 0.0]), **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(X_adj[:, 2], np.array([0.0, 0.0, 2.0]), **allclose_pars) def test_core_make_variogram_parameter_list(): # test of first case - variogram_model_parameters is None # function should return None unaffected result = core._make_variogram_parameter_list("linear", None) assert result is None # tests for second case - variogram_model_parameters is dict with pytest.raises(KeyError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list("linear", {"tacos": 1.0, "burritos": 2.0}) result = core._make_variogram_parameter_list( "linear", {"slope": 1.0, "nugget": 0.0} ) assert result == [1.0, 0.0] with pytest.raises(KeyError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list("power", {"frijoles": 1.0}) result = core._make_variogram_parameter_list( "power", {"scale": 2.0, "exponent": 1.0, "nugget": 0.0} ) assert result == [2.0, 1.0, 0.0] with pytest.raises(KeyError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list("exponential", {"tacos": 1.0}) with pytest.raises(KeyError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list( "exponential", {"range": 1.0, "nugget": 1.0} ) result = core._make_variogram_parameter_list( "exponential", {"sill": 5.0, "range": 2.0, "nugget": 1.0} ) assert result == [4.0, 2.0, 1.0] result = core._make_variogram_parameter_list( "exponential", {"psill": 4.0, "range": 2.0, "nugget": 1.0} ) assert result == [4.0, 2.0, 1.0] with pytest.raises(TypeError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list("custom", {"junk": 1.0}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list("blarg", {"junk": 1.0}) # tests for third case - variogram_model_parameters is list with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list("linear", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) result = core._make_variogram_parameter_list("linear", [1.0, 2.0]) assert result == [1.0, 2.0] with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list("power", [1.0, 2.0]) result = core._make_variogram_parameter_list("power", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) assert result == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list("exponential", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]) result = core._make_variogram_parameter_list("exponential", [5.0, 2.0, 1.0]) assert result == [4.0, 2.0, 1.0] result = core._make_variogram_parameter_list("custom", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) assert result == [1.0, 2.0, 3] with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list("junk", [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) # test for last case - make sure function handles incorrect # variogram_model_parameters type appropriately with pytest.raises(TypeError): core._make_variogram_parameter_list("linear", "tacos") def test_core_initialize_variogram_model(validation_ref): data, _, _ = validation_ref # Note the variogram_function argument is not a string in real life... # core._initialize_variogram_model also checks the length of input # lists, which is redundant now because the same tests are done in # core._make_variogram_parameter_list with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1])).T, data[:, 2], "linear", [0.0], "linear", 6, False, "euclidean", ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1])).T, data[:, 2], "spherical", [0.0], "spherical", 6, False, "euclidean", ) # core._initialize_variogram_model does also check coordinate type, # this is NOT redundant with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1])).T, data[:, 2], "spherical", [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "spherical", 6, False, "tacos", ) x = np.array([1.0 + n / np.sqrt(2) for n in range(4)]) y = np.array([1.0 + n / np.sqrt(2) for n in range(4)]) z = np.arange(1.0, 5.0, 1.0) lags, semivariance, variogram_model_parameters = core._initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((x, y)).T, z, "linear", [0.0, 0.0], "linear", 6, False, "euclidean" ) assert_allclose(lags, np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])) assert_allclose(semivariance, np.array([0.5, 2.0, 4.5])) def test_core_initialize_variogram_model_3d(sample_data_3d): data, _, _ = sample_data_3d # Note the variogram_function argument is not a string in real life... # again, these checks in core._initialize_variogram_model are redundant # now because the same tests are done in # core._make_variogram_parameter_list with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2])).T, data[:, 3], "linear", [0.0], "linear", 6, False, "euclidean", ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2])).T, data[:, 3], "spherical", [0.0], "spherical", 6, False, "euclidean", ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): core._initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2])).T, data[:, 3], "linear", [0.0, 0.0], "linear", 6, False, "geographic", ) lags, semivariance, variogram_model_parameters = core._initialize_variogram_model( np.vstack( ( np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), ) ).T, np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), "linear", [0.0, 0.0], "linear", 3, False, "euclidean", ) assert_allclose( lags, np.array([np.sqrt(3.0), 2.0 * np.sqrt(3.0), 3.0 * np.sqrt(3.0)]) ) assert_allclose(semivariance, np.array([0.5, 2.0, 4.5])) def test_core_calculate_variogram_model(): res = core._calculate_variogram_model( np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), np.array([2.05, 2.95, 4.05, 4.95]), "linear", variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, False, ) assert_allclose(res, np.array([0.98, 1.05]), 0.01, 0.01) res = core._calculate_variogram_model( np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), np.array([2.05, 2.95, 4.05, 4.95]), "linear", variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, True, ) assert_allclose(res, np.array([0.98, 1.05]), 0.01, 0.01) res = core._calculate_variogram_model( np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), np.array([1.0, 2.8284271, 5.1961524, 8.0]), "power", variogram_models.power_variogram_model, False, ) assert_allclose(res, np.array([1.0, 1.5, 0.0]), 0.001, 0.001) res = core._calculate_variogram_model( np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), np.array([1.0, 1.4142, 1.7321, 2.0]), "power", variogram_models.power_variogram_model, False, ) assert_allclose(res, np.array([1.0, 0.5, 0.0]), 0.001, 0.001) res = core._calculate_variogram_model( np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), np.array([1.2642, 1.7293, 1.9004, 1.9634]), "exponential", variogram_models.exponential_variogram_model, False, ) assert_allclose(res, np.array([2.0, 3.0, 0.0]), 0.001, 0.001) res = core._calculate_variogram_model( np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), np.array([0.5769, 1.4872, 1.9065, 1.9914]), "gaussian", variogram_models.gaussian_variogram_model, False, ) assert_allclose(res, np.array([2.0, 3.0, 0.0]), 0.001, 0.001) res = core._calculate_variogram_model( np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), np.array([3.33060952, 3.85063879, 3.96667301, 3.99256374]), "exponential", variogram_models.exponential_variogram_model, False, ) assert_allclose(res, np.array([3.0, 2.0, 1.0]), 0.001, 0.001) res = core._calculate_variogram_model( np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]), np.array([2.60487044, 3.85968813, 3.99694817, 3.99998564]), "gaussian", variogram_models.gaussian_variogram_model, False, ) assert_allclose(res, np.array([3.0, 2.0, 1.0]), 0.001, 0.001) def test_core_krige(): # Example 3.2 from Kitanidis data = np.array([[9.7, 47.6, 1.22], [43.8, 24.6, 2.822]]) z, ss = core._krige( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1])).T, data[:, 2], np.array([18.8, 67.9]), variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, [0.006, 0.1], "euclidean", ) assert z == approx(1.6364, rel=1e-4) assert ss == approx(0.4201, rel=1e-4) z, ss = core._krige( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1])).T, data[:, 2], np.array([43.8, 24.6]), variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, [0.006, 0.1], "euclidean", ) assert z == approx(2.822, rel=1e-3) assert ss == approx(0.0, rel=1e-3) def test_core_krige_3d(): # Adapted from example 3.2 from Kitanidis data = np.array([[9.7, 47.6, 1.0, 1.22], [43.8, 24.6, 1.0, 2.822]]) z, ss = core._krige( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2])).T, data[:, 3], np.array([18.8, 67.9, 1.0]), variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, [0.006, 0.1], "euclidean", ) assert z == approx(1.6364, rel=1e-4) assert ss == approx(0.4201, rel=1e-4) z, ss = core._krige( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2])).T, data[:, 3], np.array([43.8, 24.6, 1.0]), variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, [0.006, 0.1], "euclidean", ) assert z == approx(2.822, rel=1e-3) assert ss == approx(0.0, rel=1e-3) def test_non_exact(): # custom data for this test data = np.array( [ [0.0, 0.0, 0.47], [1.5, 1.5, 0.56], [3, 3, 0.74], [4.5, 4.5, 1.47], ] ) # construct grid points so diagonal # is identical to input points gridx = np.arange(0.0, 4.51, 1.5) gridy = np.arange(0.0, 4.51, 1.5) ok = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 5.0], ) z, ss = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") ok_non_exact = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 5.0], exact_values=False, ) z_non_exact, ss_non_exact = ok_non_exact.execute( "grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized" ) in_values = np.diag(z) # test that krig field # at input location are identical # to the inputs themselves with # exact_values == True assert_allclose(in_values, data[:, 2]) # test that krig field # at input location are different # than the inputs themselves # with exact_values == False assert ~np.allclose(in_values, data[:, 2]) # test that off diagonal values are the same # by filling with dummy value and comparing # each entry in array np.fill_diagonal(z, 0.0) np.fill_diagonal(z_non_exact, 0.0) assert_allclose(z, z_non_exact) def test_ok(validation_ref): # Test to compare OK results to those obtained using KT3D_H2O. # (M. Karanovic, M. Tonkin, and D. Wilson, 2009, Groundwater, # vol. 47, no. 4, 580-586.) data, (ok_test_answer, gridx, gridy), _ = validation_ref ok = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 0.0], ) z, ss = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") assert_allclose(z, ok_test_answer) z, ss = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") assert_allclose(z, ok_test_answer) def test_ok_update_variogram_model(validation_ref): data, (ok_test_answer, gridx, gridy), _ = validation_ref with pytest.raises(ValueError): OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="blurg") ok = OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]) variogram_model = ok.variogram_model variogram_parameters = ok.variogram_model_parameters anisotropy_scaling = ok.anisotropy_scaling anisotropy_angle = ok.anisotropy_angle with pytest.raises(ValueError): ok.update_variogram_model("blurg") ok.update_variogram_model("power", anisotropy_scaling=3.0, anisotropy_angle=45.0) # TODO: check that new parameters equal to the set parameters assert variogram_model != ok.variogram_model assert not np.array_equal(variogram_parameters, ok.variogram_model_parameters) assert anisotropy_scaling != ok.anisotropy_scaling assert anisotropy_angle != ok.anisotropy_angle def test_ok_get_variogram_points(validation_ref): # Test to compare the variogram of OK results to those obtained using # KT3D_H2O. # (M. Karanovic, M. Tonkin, and D. Wilson, 2009, Groundwater, # vol. 47, no. 4, 580-586.) # Variogram parameters _variogram_parameters = [500.0, 3000.0, 0.0] data, _, (ok_test_answer, gridx, gridy) = validation_ref ok = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=_variogram_parameters, ) # Get the variogram points from the UniversalKriging instance lags, calculated_variogram = ok.get_variogram_points() # Generate the expected variogram points according to the # exponential variogram model expected_variogram = variogram_models.exponential_variogram_model( _variogram_parameters, lags ) assert_allclose(calculated_variogram, expected_variogram) def test_ok_execute(sample_data_2d): data, (gridx, gridy, _), mask_ref = sample_data_2d ok = OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], exact_values="blurg") ok_non_exact = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], exact_values=False ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): ok.execute("blurg", gridx, gridy) z, ss = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") shape = (gridy.size, gridx.size) assert z.shape == shape assert ss.shape == shape assert np.amax(z) != np.amin(z) assert np.amax(ss) != np.amin(ss) assert not z, ss = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") shape = (gridy.size, gridx.size) assert z.shape == shape assert ss.shape == shape assert np.amax(z) != np.amin(z) assert np.amax(ss) != np.amin(ss) assert not z1, ss1 = ok_non_exact.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") assert_allclose(z1, z) assert_allclose(ss1, ss) z, ss = ok_non_exact.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") shape = (gridy.size, gridx.size) assert z.shape == shape assert ss.shape == shape assert np.amax(z) != np.amin(z) assert np.amax(ss) != np.amin(ss) assert not with pytest.raises(IOError): ok.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") mask = np.array([True, False]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): ok.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask, backend="vectorized") z, ss = ok.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref, backend="vectorized") assert assert assert z[0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0] is z, ss = ok.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref.T, backend="vectorized") assert assert assert z[0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0] is with pytest.raises(IOError): ok.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") mask = np.array([True, False]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): ok.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask, backend="loop") z, ss = ok.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref, backend="loop") assert assert assert z[0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0] is z, ss = ok.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref.T, backend="loop") assert assert assert z[0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0] is z, ss = ok_non_exact.execute( "masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref.T, backend="loop" ) assert assert assert z[0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0] is with pytest.raises(ValueError): ok.execute( "points", np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]), backend="vectorized", ) z, ss = ok.execute("points", gridx[0], gridy[0], backend="vectorized") assert z.shape == (1,) assert ss.shape == (1,) with pytest.raises(ValueError): ok.execute( "points", np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]), backend="loop" ) z, ss = ok.execute("points", gridx[0], gridy[0], backend="loop") assert z.shape == (1,) assert ss.shape == (1,) def test_cython_ok(sample_data_2d): data, (gridx, gridy, _), mask_ref = sample_data_2d ok = OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]) ok_non_exact = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], exact_values=False ) z1, ss1 = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") z2, ss2 = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="C") assert_allclose(z1, z2) assert_allclose(ss1, ss2) z1, ss1 = ok_non_exact.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") z2, ss2 = ok_non_exact.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="C") assert_allclose(z1, z2) assert_allclose(ss1, ss2) closest_points = 4 z1, ss1 = ok.execute( "grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop", n_closest_points=closest_points ) z2, ss2 = ok.execute( "grid", gridx, gridy, backend="C", n_closest_points=closest_points ) assert_allclose(z1, z2) assert_allclose(ss1, ss2) z1, ss1 = ok_non_exact.execute( "grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop", n_closest_points=closest_points ) z2, ss2 = ok_non_exact.execute( "grid", gridx, gridy, backend="C", n_closest_points=closest_points ) assert_allclose(z1, z2) assert_allclose(ss1, ss2) def test_uk(validation_ref): # Test to compare UK with linear drift to results from KT3D_H2O. # (M. Karanovic, M. Tonkin, and D. Wilson, 2009, Groundwater, # vol. 47, no. 4, 580-586.) data, _, (uk_test_answer, gridx, gridy) = validation_ref uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 0.0], drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) z, ss = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") assert_allclose(z, uk_test_answer) z, ss = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") assert_allclose(z, uk_test_answer) def test_uk_update_variogram_model(sample_data_2d): data, (gridx, gridy, _), mask_ref = sample_data_2d with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="blurg") with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], drift_terms=["external_Z"]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], drift_terms=["external_Z"], external_drift=np.array([0]), ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], drift_terms=["point_log"]) uk = UniversalKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]) variogram_model = uk.variogram_model variogram_parameters = uk.variogram_model_parameters anisotropy_scaling = uk.anisotropy_scaling anisotropy_angle = uk.anisotropy_angle with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk.update_variogram_model("blurg") uk.update_variogram_model("power", anisotropy_scaling=3.0, anisotropy_angle=45.0) # TODO: check that the new parameters are equal to the expected ones assert variogram_model != uk.variogram_model assert not np.array_equal(variogram_parameters, uk.variogram_model_parameters) assert anisotropy_scaling != uk.anisotropy_scaling assert anisotropy_angle != uk.anisotropy_angle def test_uk_get_variogram_points(validation_ref): # Test to compare the variogram of UK with linear drift to results from # KT3D_H2O. # (M. Karanovic, M. Tonkin, and D. Wilson, 2009, Groundwater, # vol. 47, no. 4, 580-586.) # Variogram parameters _variogram_parameters = [500.0, 3000.0, 0.0] data, _, (uk_test_answer, gridx, gridy) = validation_ref uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=_variogram_parameters, drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) # Get the variogram points from the UniversalKriging instance lags, calculated_variogram = uk.get_variogram_points() # Generate the expected variogram points according to the # exponential variogram model expected_variogram = variogram_models.exponential_variogram_model( _variogram_parameters, lags ) assert_allclose(calculated_variogram, expected_variogram) def test_uk_calculate_data_point_zscalars(sample_data_2d): data, (gridx, gridy, _), mask_ref = sample_data_2d dem = np.arange(0.0, 5.1, 0.1) dem = np.repeat(dem[np.newaxis, :], 6, axis=0) dem_x = np.arange(0.0, 5.1, 0.1) dem_y = np.arange(0.0, 6.0, 1.0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.0], drift_terms=["external_Z"], ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.0], drift_terms=["external_Z"], external_drift=dem, ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.0], drift_terms=["external_Z"], external_drift=dem, external_drift_x=dem_x, external_drift_y=np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 1.0), ) uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.0], drift_terms=["external_Z"], external_drift=dem, external_drift_x=dem_x, external_drift_y=dem_y, ) assert_allclose(uk.z_scalars, data[:, 0]) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0.0, 5.3, 0.1), gridy) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk._calculate_data_point_zscalars(xi, yi) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.1), gridy) z_scalars = uk._calculate_data_point_zscalars(xi, yi) assert_allclose(z_scalars[0, :], np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 0.1)) def test_uk_execute_single_point(): # Test data and answer from lecture notes by Nicolas Christou, UCLA Stats data = np.array( [ [61.0, 139.0, 477.0], [63.0, 140.0, 696.0], [64.0, 129.0, 227.0], [68.0, 128.0, 646.0], [71.0, 140.0, 606.0], [73.0, 141.0, 791.0], [75.0, 128.0, 783.0], ] ) point = (65.0, 137.0) z_answer = 567.54 ss_answer = 9.044 uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[10.0, 9.99, 0.0], drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) z, ss = uk.execute( "points", np.array([point[0]]), np.array([point[1]]), backend="vectorized" ) assert z_answer == approx(z[0], rel=0.1) assert ss_answer == approx(ss[0], rel=0.1) z, ss = uk.execute( "points", np.array([61.0]), np.array([139.0]), backend="vectorized" ) assert z[0] == approx(477.0, rel=1e-3) assert ss[0] == approx(0.0, rel=1e-3) z, ss = uk.execute("points", np.array([61.0]), np.array([139.0]), backend="loop") assert z[0] == approx(477.0, rel=1e-3) assert ss[0] == approx(0.0, rel=1e-3) def test_uk_execute(sample_data_2d): data, (gridx, gridy, _), mask_ref = sample_data_2d uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear"], exact_values="blurg", ) uk_non_exact = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk.execute("blurg", gridx, gridy) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="mrow") z, ss = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") shape = (gridy.size, gridx.size) assert z.shape == shape assert ss.shape == shape assert np.amax(z) != np.amin(z) assert np.amax(ss) != np.amin(ss) assert not z1, ss1 = uk_non_exact.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") assert_allclose(z1, z) assert_allclose(ss1, ss) z, ss = uk_non_exact.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") shape = (gridy.size, gridx.size) assert z.shape == shape assert ss.shape == shape assert np.amax(z) != np.amin(z) assert np.amax(ss) != np.amin(ss) assert not z, ss = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") shape = (gridy.size, gridx.size) assert z.shape == shape assert ss.shape == shape assert np.amax(z) != np.amin(z) assert np.amax(ss) != np.amin(ss) assert not with pytest.raises(IOError): uk.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") mask = np.array([True, False]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask, backend="vectorized") z, ss = uk.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref, backend="vectorized") assert assert assert z[0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0] is z, ss = uk.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref.T, backend="vectorized") assert assert assert z[0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0] is with pytest.raises(IOError): uk.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") mask = np.array([True, False]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask, backend="loop") z, ss = uk.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref, backend="loop") assert assert assert z[0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0] is z, ss = uk.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref.T, backend="loop") assert assert assert z[0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0] is z, ss = uk_non_exact.execute( "masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref.T, backend="loop" ) assert assert assert z[0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0] is with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk.execute( "points", np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]), backend="vectorized", ) z, ss = uk.execute("points", gridx[0], gridy[0], backend="vectorized") assert z.shape == (1,) assert ss.shape == (1,) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk.execute( "points", np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]), backend="loop" ) z, ss = uk.execute("points", gridx[0], gridy[0], backend="loop") assert z.shape == (1,) assert ss.shape == (1,) def test_ok_uk_produce_same_result(validation_ref): data, _, (uk_test_answer, gridx_ref, gridy_ref) = validation_ref gridx = np.linspace(1067000.0, 1072000.0, 100) gridy = np.linspace(241500.0, 244000.0, 100) ok = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, ) z_ok, ss_ok = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, ) uk_non_exact = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, exact_values=False, ) z_uk, ss_uk = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") assert_allclose(z_ok, z_uk) assert_allclose(ss_ok, ss_uk) z_uk, ss_uk = uk_non_exact.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") assert_allclose(z_ok, z_uk) assert_allclose(ss_ok, ss_uk) z_ok, ss_ok = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") z_uk, ss_uk = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") assert_allclose(z_ok, z_uk) assert_allclose(ss_ok, ss_uk) z_uk, ss_uk = uk_non_exact.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") assert_allclose(z_ok, z_uk) assert_allclose(ss_ok, ss_uk) def test_ok_backends_produce_same_result(validation_ref): data, _, (uk_test_answer, gridx_ref, gridy_ref) = validation_ref gridx = np.linspace(1067000.0, 1072000.0, 100) gridy = np.linspace(241500.0, 244000.0, 100) ok = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, ) z_ok_v, ss_ok_v = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") z_ok_l, ss_ok_l = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") assert_allclose(z_ok_v, z_ok_l) assert_allclose(ss_ok_v, ss_ok_l) def test_uk_backends_produce_same_result(validation_ref): data, _, (uk_test_answer, gridx_ref, gridy_ref) = validation_ref gridx = np.linspace(1067000.0, 1072000.0, 100) gridy = np.linspace(241500.0, 244000.0, 100) uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, ) z_uk_v, ss_uk_v = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") z_uk_l, ss_uk_l = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") assert_allclose(z_uk_v, z_uk_l) assert_allclose(ss_uk_v, ss_uk_l) def test_kriging_tools(sample_data_2d): data, (gridx, gridy, gridx_2), mask_ref = sample_data_2d ok = OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]) z_write, ss_write = ok.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) kt.write_asc_grid( gridx, gridy, z_write, filename=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.asc"), style=1, ) z_read, x_read, y_read, cellsize, no_data = kt.read_asc_grid( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.asc") ) assert_allclose(z_write, z_read, 0.01, 0.01) assert_allclose(gridx, x_read) assert_allclose(gridy, y_read) kt.write_zmap_grid( gridx, gridy, z_write, filename=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.zmap"), no_data=1e30, ) z_read, x_read, y_read, cellsize, no_data, _ = kt.read_zmap_grid( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.zmap") ) assert_allclose(z_write, z_read, 0.01, 0.01) assert_allclose(gridx, x_read) assert_allclose(gridy, y_read) z_write, ss_write = ok.execute("masked", gridx, gridy, mask=mask_ref) kt.write_asc_grid( gridx, gridy, z_write, filename=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.asc"), style=1, ) z_read, x_read, y_read, cellsize, no_data = kt.read_asc_grid( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.asc") ) assert z_write, == no_data, z_read), masked_equal=True, rtol=0.01, atol=0.01, ) assert_allclose(gridx, x_read) assert_allclose(gridy, y_read) kt.write_zmap_grid( gridx, gridy, z_write, filename=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.zmap"), no_data=1e30, ) z_read, x_read, y_read, cellsize, no_data, _ = kt.read_zmap_grid( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.zmap") ) assert z_write, == no_data, z_read), masked_equal=True, rtol=0.01, atol=0.01, ) assert_allclose(gridx, x_read) assert_allclose(gridy, y_read) ok = OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]) z_write, ss_write = ok.execute("grid", gridx_2, gridy) kt.write_asc_grid( gridx_2, gridy, z_write, filename=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.asc"), style=2, ) z_read, x_read, y_read, cellsize, no_data = kt.read_asc_grid( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.asc") ) assert_allclose(z_write, z_read, 0.01, 0.01) assert_allclose(gridx_2, x_read) assert_allclose(gridy, y_read) kt.write_zmap_grid( gridx_2, gridy, z_write, filename=os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.zmap"), ) z_read, x_read, y_read, cellsize, no_data, _ = kt.read_zmap_grid( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.zmap") ) assert_allclose(z_write, z_read, 0.01, 0.01) assert_allclose(gridx_2, x_read) assert_allclose(gridy, y_read) os.remove(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.asc")) os.remove(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/temp.zmap")) # @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="does not run on windows") def test_uk_three_primary_drifts(sample_data_2d): data, (gridx, gridy, gridx_2), mask_ref = sample_data_2d well = np.array([[1.1, 1.1, -1.0]]) dem = np.arange(0.0, 5.1, 0.1) dem = np.repeat(dem[np.newaxis, :], 6, axis=0) dem_x = np.arange(0.0, 5.1, 0.1) dem_y = np.arange(0.0, 6.0, 1.0) uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear", "external_Z", "point_log"], point_drift=well, external_drift=dem, external_drift_x=dem_x, external_drift_y=dem_y, ) z, ss = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") assert z.shape == (gridy.shape[0], gridx.shape[0]) assert ss.shape == (gridy.shape[0], gridx.shape[0]) assert np.all(np.isfinite(z)) assert not np.all(np.isnan(z)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ss)) assert not np.all(np.isnan(ss)) z, ss = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") assert z.shape == (gridy.shape[0], gridx.shape[0]) assert ss.shape == (gridy.shape[0], gridx.shape[0]) assert np.all(np.isfinite(z)) assert not np.all(np.isnan(z)) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ss)) assert not np.all(np.isnan(ss)) def test_uk_specified_drift(sample_data_2d): data, (gridx, gridy, gridx_2), mask_ref = sample_data_2d xg, yg = np.meshgrid(gridx, gridy) well = np.array([[1.1, 1.1, -1.0]]) point_log = ( well[0, 2] * np.log(np.sqrt((xg - well[0, 0]) ** 2.0 + (yg - well[0, 1]) ** 2.0)) * -1.0 ) if np.any(np.isinf(point_log)): point_log[np.isinf(point_log)] = -100.0 * well[0, 2] * -1.0 point_log_data = ( well[0, 2] * np.log( np.sqrt((data[:, 0] - well[0, 0]) ** 2.0 + (data[:, 1] - well[0, 1]) ** 2.0) ) * -1.0 ) if np.any(np.isinf(point_log_data)): point_log_data[np.isinf(point_log_data)] = -100.0 * well[0, 2] * -1.0 with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], ) with pytest.raises(TypeError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], specified_drift=data[:, 0], ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], specified_drift=[data[:2, 0]], ) uk_spec = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], specified_drift=[data[:, 0], data[:, 1]], ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk_spec.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, specified_drift_arrays=[gridx, gridy]) with pytest.raises(TypeError): uk_spec.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, specified_drift_arrays=gridx) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk_spec.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, specified_drift_arrays=[xg]) z_spec, ss_spec = uk_spec.execute( "grid", gridx, gridy, specified_drift_arrays=[xg, yg] ) uk_lin = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) z_lin, ss_lin = uk_lin.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) assert_allclose(z_spec, z_lin) assert_allclose(ss_spec, ss_lin) uk_spec = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], specified_drift=[point_log_data], ) z_spec, ss_spec = uk_spec.execute( "grid", gridx, gridy, specified_drift_arrays=[point_log] ) uk_lin = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["point_log"], point_drift=well, ) z_lin, ss_lin = uk_lin.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) assert_allclose(z_spec, z_lin) assert_allclose(ss_spec, ss_lin) uk_spec = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], specified_drift=[data[:, 0], data[:, 1], point_log_data], ) z_spec, ss_spec = uk_spec.execute( "grid", gridx, gridy, specified_drift_arrays=[xg, yg, point_log] ) uk_lin = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear", "point_log"], point_drift=well, ) z_lin, ss_lin = uk_lin.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) assert_allclose(z_spec, z_lin) assert_allclose(ss_spec, ss_lin) def test_uk_functional_drift(sample_data_2d): data, (gridx, gridy, gridx_2), mask_ref = sample_data_2d well = np.array([[1.1, 1.1, -1.0]]) func_x = lambda x, y: x # noqa func_y = lambda x, y: y # noqa def func_well(x, y): return -well[0, 2] * np.log( np.sqrt((x - well[0, 0]) ** 2.0 + (y - well[0, 1]) ** 2.0) ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["functional"], ) with pytest.raises(TypeError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["functional"], functional_drift=func_x, ) uk_func = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["functional"], functional_drift=[func_x, func_y], ) z_func, ss_func = uk_func.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) uk_lin = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) z_lin, ss_lin = uk_lin.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) assert_allclose(z_func, z_lin) assert_allclose(ss_func, ss_lin) uk_func = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["functional"], functional_drift=[func_well], ) z_func, ss_func = uk_func.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) uk_lin = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["point_log"], point_drift=well, ) z_lin, ss_lin = uk_lin.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) assert_allclose(z_func, z_lin) assert_allclose(ss_func, ss_lin) uk_func = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["functional"], functional_drift=[func_x, func_y, func_well], ) z_func, ss_func = uk_func.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) uk_lin = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear", "point_log"], point_drift=well, ) z_lin, ss_lin = uk_lin.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) assert_allclose(z_func, z_lin) assert_allclose(ss_func, ss_lin) def test_uk_with_external_drift(validation_ref): data, _, (uk_test_answer, gridx_ref, gridy_ref) = validation_ref dem, demx, demy, cellsize, no_data = kt.read_asc_grid( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/test3_dem.asc") ) uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="spherical", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 0.0], anisotropy_scaling=1.0, anisotropy_angle=0.0, drift_terms=["external_Z"], external_drift=dem, external_drift_x=demx, external_drift_y=demy, verbose=False, ) answer, gridx, gridy, cellsize, no_data = kt.read_asc_grid( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data/test3_answer.asc") ) z, ss = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="vectorized") assert_allclose(z, answer, **allclose_pars) z, ss = uk.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, backend="loop") assert_allclose(z, answer, **allclose_pars) def test_force_exact(): data = np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 2.0], [2.0, 2.0, 1.5], [3.0, 3.0, 1.0]]) ok = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 1.0], ) z, ss = ok.execute("grid", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], backend="vectorized") assert z[0, 0] == approx(2.0) assert ss[0, 0] == approx(0.0) assert z[1, 1] == approx(1.5) assert ss[1, 1] == approx(0.0) assert z[2, 2] == approx(1.0) assert ss[2, 2] == approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 2] != approx(0.0) assert ss[2, 0] != approx(0.0) z, ss = ok.execute( "points", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0], [2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0], backend="vectorized" ) assert ss[0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[1] != approx(0.0) assert ss[2] != approx(0.0) assert z[3] == approx(1.0) assert ss[3] == approx(0.0) z, ss = ok.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 0.1), np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 0.1), backend="vectorized" ) assert z[10, 10] == approx(2.0) assert ss[10, 10] == approx(0.0) assert z[20, 20] == approx(1.5) assert ss[20, 20] == approx(0.0) assert z[30, 30] == approx(1.0) assert ss[30, 30] == approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[15, 15] != approx(0.0) assert ss[10, 0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 10] != approx(0.0) assert ss[20, 10] != approx(0.0) assert ss[10, 20] != approx(0.0) assert ss[30, 20] != approx(0.0) assert ss[20, 30] != approx(0.0) z, ss = ok.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 3.1, 0.1), np.arange(2.1, 3.1, 0.1), backend="vectorized" ) assert np.any(np.isclose(ss, 0)) assert not np.any(np.isclose(ss[:9, :30], 0)) assert not np.allclose(z[:9, :30], 0.0) z, ss = ok.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 1.9, 0.1), np.arange(2.1, 3.1, 0.1), backend="vectorized" ) assert not np.any(np.isclose(ss, 0)) z, ss = ok.execute( "masked", np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.1), np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.25), backend="vectorized", mask=np.asarray( np.meshgrid(np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.1), np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.25))[0] == 0.0 ), ) assert np.isclose(ss[2, 5], 0) assert not np.allclose(ss, 0.0) z, ss = ok.execute("grid", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], backend="loop") assert z[0, 0] == approx(2.0) assert ss[0, 0] == approx(0.0) assert z[1, 1] == approx(1.5) assert ss[1, 1] == approx(0.0) assert z[2, 2] == approx(1.0) assert ss[2, 2] == approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 2] != approx(0.0) assert ss[2, 0] != approx(0.0) z, ss = ok.execute( "points", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0], [2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0], backend="loop" ) assert ss[0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[1] != approx(0.0) assert ss[2] != approx(0.0) assert z[3] == approx(1.0) assert ss[3] == approx(0.0) z, ss = ok.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 0.1), np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 0.1), backend="loop" ) assert z[10, 10] == approx(2.0) assert ss[10, 10] == approx(0.0) assert z[20, 20] == approx(1.5) assert ss[20, 20] == approx(0.0) assert z[30, 30] == approx(1.0) assert ss[30, 30] == approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[15, 15] != approx(0.0) assert ss[10, 0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 10] != approx(0.0) assert ss[20, 10] != approx(0.0) assert ss[10, 20] != approx(0.0) assert ss[30, 20] != approx(0.0) assert ss[20, 30] != approx(0.0) z, ss = ok.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 3.1, 0.1), np.arange(2.1, 3.1, 0.1), backend="loop" ) assert np.any(np.isclose(ss, 0)) assert not np.any(np.isclose(ss[:9, :30], 0)) assert not np.allclose(z[:9, :30], 0.0) z, ss = ok.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 1.9, 0.1), np.arange(2.1, 3.1, 0.1), backend="loop" ) assert not np.any(np.isclose(ss, 0)) z, ss = ok.execute( "masked", np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.1), np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.25), backend="loop", mask=np.asarray( np.meshgrid(np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.1), np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.25))[0] == 0.0 ), ) assert np.isclose(ss[2, 5], 0) assert not np.allclose(ss, 0.0) uk = UniversalKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]) z, ss = uk.execute("grid", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], backend="vectorized") assert z[0, 0] == approx(2.0) assert ss[0, 0] == approx(0.0) assert z[1, 1] == approx(1.5) assert ss[1, 1] == approx(0.0) assert z[2, 2] == approx(1.0) assert ss[2, 2] == approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 2] != approx(0.0) assert ss[2, 0] != approx(0.0) z, ss = uk.execute( "points", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0], [2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0], backend="vectorized" ) assert ss[0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[1] != approx(0.0) assert ss[2] != approx(0.0) assert z[3] == approx(1.0) assert ss[3] == approx(0.0) z, ss = uk.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 0.1), np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 0.1), backend="vectorized" ) assert z[10, 10] == approx(2.0) assert ss[10, 10] == approx(0.0) assert z[20, 20] == approx(1.5) assert ss[20, 20] == approx(0.0) assert z[30, 30] == approx(1.0) assert ss[30, 30] == approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[15, 15] != approx(0.0) assert ss[10, 0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 10] != approx(0.0) assert ss[20, 10] != approx(0.0) assert ss[10, 20] != approx(0.0) assert ss[30, 20] != approx(0.0) assert ss[20, 30] != approx(0.0) z, ss = uk.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 3.1, 0.1), np.arange(2.1, 3.1, 0.1), backend="vectorized" ) assert np.any(np.isclose(ss, 0)) assert not np.any(np.isclose(ss[:9, :30], 0)) assert not np.allclose(z[:9, :30], 0.0) z, ss = uk.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 1.9, 0.1), np.arange(2.1, 3.1, 0.1), backend="vectorized" ) assert not (np.any(np.isclose(ss, 0))) z, ss = uk.execute( "masked", np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.1), np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.25), backend="vectorized", mask=np.asarray( np.meshgrid(np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.1), np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.25))[0] == 0.0 ), ) assert np.isclose(ss[2, 5], 0) assert not np.allclose(ss, 0.0) z, ss = uk.execute("grid", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], backend="loop") assert z[0, 0] == approx(2.0) assert ss[0, 0] == approx(0.0) assert z[1, 1] == approx(1.5) assert ss[1, 1] == approx(0.0) assert z[2, 2] == approx(1.0) assert ss[2, 2] == approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 2] != approx(0.0) assert ss[2, 0] != approx(0.0) z, ss = uk.execute( "points", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0], [2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0], backend="loop" ) assert ss[0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[1] != approx(0.0) assert ss[2] != approx(0.0) assert z[3] == approx(1.0) assert ss[3] == approx(0.0) z, ss = uk.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 0.1), np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 0.1), backend="loop" ) assert z[10, 10] == approx(2.0) assert ss[10, 10] == approx(0.0) assert z[20, 20] == approx(1.5) assert ss[20, 20] == approx(0.0) assert z[30, 30] == approx(1.0) assert ss[30, 30] == approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[15, 15] != approx(0.0) assert ss[10, 0] != approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 10] != approx(0.0) assert ss[20, 10] != approx(0.0) assert ss[10, 20] != approx(0.0) assert ss[30, 20] != approx(0.0) assert ss[20, 30] != approx(0.0) z, ss = uk.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 3.1, 0.1), np.arange(2.1, 3.1, 0.1), backend="loop" ) assert np.any(np.isclose(ss, 0)) assert not np.any(np.isclose(ss[:9, :30], 0)) assert not np.allclose(z[:9, :30], 0.0) z, ss = uk.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 1.9, 0.1), np.arange(2.1, 3.1, 0.1), backend="loop" ) assert not np.any(np.isclose(ss, 0)) z, ss = uk.execute( "masked", np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.1), np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.25), backend="loop", mask=np.asarray( np.meshgrid(np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.1), np.arange(2.5, 3.5, 0.25))[0] == 0.0 ), ) assert np.isclose(ss[2, 5], 0) assert not np.allclose(ss, 0.0) z, ss = core._krige( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1])).T, data[:, 2], np.array([1.0, 1.0]), variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, [1.0, 1.0], "euclidean", ) assert z == approx(2.0) assert ss == approx(0.0) z, ss = core._krige( np.vstack((data[:, 0], data[:, 1])).T, data[:, 2], np.array([1.0, 2.0]), variogram_models.linear_variogram_model, [1.0, 1.0], "euclidean", ) assert ss != approx(0.0) data = np.zeros((50, 3)) x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 2.0)) data[:, 0] = np.ravel(x) data[:, 1] = np.ravel(y) data[:, 2] = np.ravel(x) * np.ravel(y) ok = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[100.0, 1.0], ) z, ss = ok.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 2.0), backend="vectorized", ) assert_allclose(np.ravel(z), data[:, 2], **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(ss, 0.0, **allclose_pars) z, ss = ok.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.5, 10.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.5, 10.0, 2.0), backend="vectorized", ) assert not np.allclose(np.ravel(z), data[:, 2]) assert not np.allclose(ss, 0.0) z, ss = ok.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 2.0), backend="loop" ) assert_allclose(np.ravel(z), data[:, 2], **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(ss, 0.0, **allclose_pars) z, ss = ok.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.5, 10.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.5, 10.0, 2.0), backend="loop" ) assert not np.allclose(np.ravel(z), data[:, 2]) assert not np.allclose(ss, 0.0) uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[100.0, 1.0], ) z, ss = uk.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 2.0), backend="vectorized", ) assert_allclose(np.ravel(z), data[:, 2], **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(ss, 0.0, **allclose_pars) z, ss = uk.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.5, 10.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.5, 10.0, 2.0), backend="vectorized", ) assert not np.allclose(np.ravel(z), data[:, 2]) assert not np.allclose(ss, 0.0) z, ss = uk.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.0, 10.0, 2.0), backend="loop" ) assert_allclose(np.ravel(z), data[:, 2], **allclose_pars) assert_allclose(ss, 0.0, **allclose_pars) z, ss = uk.execute( "grid", np.arange(0.5, 10.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.5, 10.0, 2.0), backend="loop" ) assert not np.allclose(np.ravel(z), data[:, 2]) assert not np.allclose(ss, 0.0) def test_custom_variogram(sample_data_2d): data, (gridx, gridy, gridx_2), mask_ref = sample_data_2d def func(params, dist): return params[0] * np.log10(dist + params[1]) + params[2] with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="mrow") with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="custom") with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="custom", variogram_function=0, ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="custom", variogram_function=func, ) uk = UniversalKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="custom", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], variogram_function=func, ) assert uk.variogram_function([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 1.0) == approx(1.3010, rel=1e-4) uk = UniversalKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear") uk.update_variogram_model( "custom", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], variogram_function=func ) assert uk.variogram_function([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 1.0) == approx(1.3010, rel=1e-4) with pytest.raises(ValueError): OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="mrow") with pytest.raises(ValueError): OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="custom") with pytest.raises(ValueError): OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="custom", variogram_function=0, ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="custom", variogram_function=func, ) ok = OrdinaryKriging( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="custom", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], variogram_function=func, ) assert ok.variogram_function([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 1.0) == approx(1.3010, rel=1e-4) ok = OrdinaryKriging(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_model="linear") ok.update_variogram_model( "custom", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], variogram_function=func ) assert ok.variogram_function([1.0, 1.0, 1.0], 1.0) == approx(1.3010, rel=1e-4) def test_ok3d(validation_ref): data, (ok_test_answer, gridx_ref, gridy_ref), _ = validation_ref # Test to compare K3D results to those obtained using KT3D_H2O. # (M. Karanovic, M. Tonkin, and D. Wilson, 2009, Groundwater, vol. 47, # no. 4, 580-586.) k3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], np.zeros(data[:, 1].shape), data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 0.0], ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], np.zeros(data[:, 1].shape), data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 0.0], exact_values="blurg", ) ok3d_non_exact = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], np.zeros(data[:, 1].shape), data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 0.0], exact_values=False, ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, np.array([0.0]), backend="vectorized" ) assert_allclose(np.squeeze(k), ok_test_answer) k, ss = k3d.execute("grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, np.array([0.0]), backend="loop") assert_allclose(np.squeeze(k), ok_test_answer) # Test to compare K3D results to those obtained using KT3D. data = np.genfromtxt( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data", "test3d_data.txt"), skip_header=1 ) ans = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data", "test3d_answer.txt")) ans_z = ans[:, 0].reshape((10, 10, 10)) ans_ss = ans[:, 1].reshape((10, 10, 10)) k3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.1], ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), backend="vectorized" ) assert_allclose(k, ans_z, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-8) assert_allclose(ss, ans_ss, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-8) k3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.1], ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), backend="loop" ) assert_allclose(k, ans_z, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-8) assert_allclose(ss, ans_ss, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-8) def test_ok3d_moving_window(): # Test to compare K3D results to those obtained using KT3D. data = np.genfromtxt( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data", "test3d_data.txt"), skip_header=1 ) ans = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "./test_data/test3d_answer.txt")) ans_z = ans[:, 0].reshape((10, 10, 10)) ans_ss = ans[:, 1].reshape((10, 10, 10)) k3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.1], ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), backend="loop", n_closest_points=10, ) assert_allclose(k, ans_z, rtol=1e-3) assert_allclose(ss, ans_ss, rtol=1e-3) def test_ok3d_uk3d_and_backends_produce_same_results(validation_ref): data, _, (uk_test_answer, gridx_ref, gridy_ref) = validation_ref ok3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], np.zeros(data[:, 1].shape), data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 0.0], ) ok_v, oss_v = ok3d.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, np.array([0.0]), backend="vectorized" ) ok_l, oss_l = ok3d.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, np.array([0.0]), backend="loop" ) uk3d = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], np.zeros(data[:, 1].shape), data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 0.0], ) uk_v, uss_v = uk3d.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, np.array([0.0]), backend="vectorized" ) assert_allclose(uk_v, ok_v) uk_l, uss_l = uk3d.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, np.array([0.0]), backend="loop" ) assert_allclose(uk_l, ok_l) assert_allclose(uk_l, uk_v) assert_allclose(uss_l, uss_v) data = np.genfromtxt( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "test_data", "test3d_data.txt"), skip_header=1 ) ok3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.1], ) ok_v, oss_v = ok3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), backend="vectorized" ) ok_l, oss_l = ok3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), backend="loop" ) uk3d = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.1], ) uk_v, uss_v = uk3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), backend="vectorized" ) assert_allclose(uk_v, ok_v) assert_allclose(uss_v, oss_v) uk_l, uss_l = uk3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), backend="loop" ) assert_allclose(uk_l, ok_l) assert_allclose(uss_l, oss_l) assert_allclose(uk_l, uk_v) assert_allclose(uss_l, uss_v) def test_ok3d_update_variogram_model(sample_data_3d): data, (gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref), mask_ref = sample_data_3d with pytest.raises(ValueError): OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="blurg" ) k3d = OrdinaryKriging3D(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3]) variogram_model = k3d.variogram_model variogram_parameters = k3d.variogram_model_parameters anisotropy_scaling_y = k3d.anisotropy_scaling_y anisotropy_scaling_z = k3d.anisotropy_scaling_z anisotropy_angle_x = k3d.anisotropy_angle_x anisotropy_angle_y = k3d.anisotropy_angle_y anisotropy_angle_z = k3d.anisotropy_angle_z with pytest.raises(ValueError): k3d.update_variogram_model("blurg") k3d.update_variogram_model( "power", anisotropy_scaling_y=3.0, anisotropy_scaling_z=3.0, anisotropy_angle_x=45.0, anisotropy_angle_y=45.0, anisotropy_angle_z=45.0, ) assert variogram_model != k3d.variogram_model assert not np.array_equal(variogram_parameters, k3d.variogram_model_parameters) assert anisotropy_scaling_y != k3d.anisotropy_scaling_y assert anisotropy_scaling_z != k3d.anisotropy_scaling_z assert anisotropy_angle_x != k3d.anisotropy_angle_x assert anisotropy_angle_y != k3d.anisotropy_angle_y assert anisotropy_angle_z != k3d.anisotropy_angle_z def test_uk3d_update_variogram_model(sample_data_3d): data, (gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref), mask_ref = sample_data_3d with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="blurg" ) uk3d = UniversalKriging3D(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3]) variogram_model = uk3d.variogram_model variogram_parameters = uk3d.variogram_model_parameters anisotropy_scaling_y = uk3d.anisotropy_scaling_y anisotropy_scaling_z = uk3d.anisotropy_scaling_z anisotropy_angle_x = uk3d.anisotropy_angle_x anisotropy_angle_y = uk3d.anisotropy_angle_y anisotropy_angle_z = uk3d.anisotropy_angle_z with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk3d.update_variogram_model("blurg") uk3d.update_variogram_model( "power", anisotropy_scaling_y=3.0, anisotropy_scaling_z=3.0, anisotropy_angle_x=45.0, anisotropy_angle_y=45.0, anisotropy_angle_z=45.0, ) assert not variogram_model == uk3d.variogram_model assert not np.array_equal(variogram_parameters, uk3d.variogram_model_parameters) assert not anisotropy_scaling_y == uk3d.anisotropy_scaling_y assert not anisotropy_scaling_z == uk3d.anisotropy_scaling_z assert not anisotropy_angle_x == uk3d.anisotropy_angle_x assert not anisotropy_angle_y == uk3d.anisotropy_angle_y assert not anisotropy_angle_z == uk3d.anisotropy_angle_z def test_ok3d_backends_produce_same_result(sample_data_3d): data, (gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref), mask_ref = sample_data_3d k3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear" ) ok3d_non_exact = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], np.zeros(data[:, 1].shape), data[:, 2], variogram_model="exponential", variogram_parameters=[500.0, 3000.0, 0.0], exact_values=False, ) k_k3d_v, ss_k3d_v = k3d.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, backend="vectorized" ) k_k3d_l, ss_k3d_l = k3d.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, backend="loop" ) assert_allclose(k_k3d_v, k_k3d_l, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-8) assert_allclose(ss_k3d_v, ss_k3d_l, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-8) k, ss = ok3d_non_exact.execute( "grid", np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), backend="loop" ) k1, ss1 = ok3d_non_exact.execute( "grid", np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), np.arange(10.0), backend="vectorized" ) assert_allclose(k1, k) assert_allclose(ss1, ss) def test_ok3d_execute(sample_data_3d): data, (gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref), mask_ref = sample_data_3d k3d = OrdinaryKriging3D(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): k3d.execute("blurg", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref) k, ss = k3d.execute("grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, backend="vectorized") shape = (gridz_ref.size, gridy_ref.size, gridx_ref.size) assert k.shape == shape assert ss.shape == shape assert np.amax(k) != np.amin(k) assert np.amax(ss) != np.amin(ss) assert not k, ss = k3d.execute("grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, backend="loop") shape = (gridz_ref.size, gridy_ref.size, gridx_ref.size) assert k.shape == shape assert ss.shape == shape assert np.amax(k) != np.amin(k) assert np.amax(ss) != np.amin(ss) assert not with pytest.raises(IOError): k3d.execute("masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, backend="vectorized") mask = np.array([True, False]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): k3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask, backend="vectorized" ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask_ref, backend="vectorized" ) assert assert assert k[0, 0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0, 0] is z, ss = k3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask_ref.T, backend="vectorized" ) assert assert assert z[0, 0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0, 0] is with pytest.raises(IOError): k3d.execute("masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, backend="loop") mask = np.array([True, False]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): k3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask, backend="loop" ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask_ref, backend="loop" ) assert assert assert k[0, 0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0, 0] is z, ss = k3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask_ref.T, backend="loop" ) assert assert assert z[0, 0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0, 0] is with pytest.raises(ValueError): k3d.execute( "points", np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]), np.array([1.0]), backend="vectorized", ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "points", gridx_ref[0], gridy_ref[0], gridz_ref[0], backend="vectorized" ) assert k.shape == (1,) assert ss.shape == (1,) with pytest.raises(ValueError): k3d.execute( "points", np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]), np.array([1.0]), backend="loop", ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "points", gridx_ref[0], gridy_ref[0], gridz_ref[0], backend="loop" ) assert k.shape == (1,) assert ss.shape == (1,) data = np.zeros((125, 4)) z, y, x = np.meshgrid( np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 1.0) ) data[:, 0] = np.ravel(x) data[:, 1] = np.ravel(y) data[:, 2] = np.ravel(z) data[:, 3] = np.ravel(z) k3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear" ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(2.0, 3.0, 0.1), np.arange(2.0, 3.0, 0.1), np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 1.0), backend="vectorized", ) assert_allclose(k[0, :, :], 0.0, atol=0.01) assert_allclose(k[1, :, :], 1.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[2, :, :], 2.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[3, :, :], 3.0, rtol=1.0e-2) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(2.0, 3.0, 0.1), np.arange(2.0, 3.0, 0.1), np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 1.0), backend="loop", ) assert_allclose(k[0, :, :], 0.0, atol=0.01) assert_allclose(k[1, :, :], 1.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[2, :, :], 2.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[3, :, :], 3.0, rtol=1.0e-2) k3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear" ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "points", [2.5, 2.5, 2.5], [2.5, 2.5, 2.5], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], backend="vectorized", ) assert_allclose(k[0], 1.0, atol=0.01) assert_allclose(k[1], 2.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[2], 3.0, rtol=1.0e-2) k, ss = k3d.execute( "points", [2.5, 2.5, 2.5], [2.5, 2.5, 2.5], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], backend="loop" ) assert_allclose(k[0], 1.0, atol=0.01) assert_allclose(k[1], 2.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[2], 3.0, rtol=1.0e-2) def test_uk3d_execute(sample_data_3d): data, (gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref), mask_ref = sample_data_3d uk3d = UniversalKriging3D(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk3d.execute("blurg", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref) k, ss = uk3d.execute("grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, backend="vectorized") shape = (gridz_ref.size, gridy_ref.size, gridx_ref.size) assert k.shape == shape assert ss.shape == shape assert np.amax(k) != np.amin(k) assert np.amax(ss) != np.amin(ss) assert not k, ss = uk3d.execute("grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, backend="loop") shape = (gridz_ref.size, gridy_ref.size, gridx_ref.size) assert k.shape == shape assert ss.shape == shape assert np.amax(k) != np.amin(k) assert np.amax(ss) != np.amin(ss) assert not with pytest.raises(IOError): uk3d.execute("masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, backend="vectorized") mask = np.array([True, False]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask, backend="vectorized" ) k, ss = uk3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask_ref, backend="vectorized" ) assert assert assert k[0, 0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0, 0] is z, ss = uk3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask_ref.T, backend="vectorized" ) assert assert assert z[0, 0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0, 0] is with pytest.raises(IOError): uk3d.execute("masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, backend="loop") mask = np.array([True, False]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask, backend="loop" ) k, ss = uk3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask_ref, backend="loop" ) assert assert assert k[0, 0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0, 0] is z, ss = uk3d.execute( "masked", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, mask=mask_ref.T, backend="loop" ) assert assert assert z[0, 0, 0] is assert ss[0, 0, 0] is with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk3d.execute( "points", np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]), np.array([1.0]), backend="vectorized", ) k, ss = uk3d.execute( "points", gridx_ref[0], gridy_ref[0], gridz_ref[0], backend="vectorized" ) assert k.shape == (1,) assert ss.shape == (1,) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk3d.execute( "points", np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0]), np.array([0.0, 1.0]), np.array([1.0]), backend="loop", ) k, ss = uk3d.execute( "points", gridx_ref[0], gridy_ref[0], gridz_ref[0], backend="loop" ) assert k.shape == (1,) assert ss.shape == (1,) data = np.zeros((125, 4)) z, y, x = np.meshgrid( np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 1.0), np.arange(0.0, 5.0, 1.0) ) data[:, 0] = np.ravel(x) data[:, 1] = np.ravel(y) data[:, 2] = np.ravel(z) data[:, 3] = np.ravel(z) k3d = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear" ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(2.0, 3.0, 0.1), np.arange(2.0, 3.0, 0.1), np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 1.0), backend="vectorized", ) assert_allclose(k[0, :, :], 0.0, atol=0.01) assert_allclose(k[1, :, :], 1.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[2, :, :], 2.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[3, :, :], 3.0, rtol=1.0e-2) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", np.arange(2.0, 3.0, 0.1), np.arange(2.0, 3.0, 0.1), np.arange(0.0, 4.0, 1.0), backend="loop", ) assert_allclose(k[0, :, :], 0.0, atol=0.01) assert_allclose(k[1, :, :], 1.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[2, :, :], 2.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[3, :, :], 3.0, rtol=1.0e-2) k3d = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear" ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "points", [2.5, 2.5, 2.5], [2.5, 2.5, 2.5], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], backend="vectorized", ) assert_allclose(k[0], 1.0, atol=0.01) assert_allclose(k[1], 2.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[2], 3.0, rtol=1.0e-2) k, ss = k3d.execute( "points", [2.5, 2.5, 2.5], [2.5, 2.5, 2.5], [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], backend="loop" ) assert_allclose(k[0], 1.0, atol=0.01) assert_allclose(k[1], 2.0, rtol=1.0e-2) assert_allclose(k[2], 3.0, rtol=1.0e-2) def test_force_exact_3d(sample_data_3d): data, (gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref), mask_ref = sample_data_3d k3d = OrdinaryKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear" ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], backend="vectorized" ) assert k[2, 0, 0] == approx(0.9) assert ss[2, 0, 0] == approx(0.0) assert k[0, 2, 0] == approx(0.9) assert ss[0, 2, 0] == approx(0.0) assert k[1, 2, 2] == approx(0.7) assert ss[1, 2, 2] == approx(0.0) assert ss[2, 2, 2] != approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 0, 0] != approx(0.0) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], backend="loop" ) assert k[2, 0, 0] == approx(0.9) assert ss[2, 0, 0] == approx(0.0) assert k[0, 2, 0] == approx(0.9) assert ss[0, 2, 0] == approx(0.0) assert k[1, 2, 2] == approx(0.7) assert ss[1, 2, 2] == approx(0.0) assert ss[2, 2, 2] != approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 0, 0] != approx(0.0) k3d = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear" ) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], backend="vectorized" ) assert k[2, 0, 0] == approx(0.9) assert ss[2, 0, 0] == approx(0.0) assert k[0, 2, 0] == approx(0.9) assert ss[0, 2, 0] == approx(0.0) assert k[1, 2, 2] == approx(0.7) assert ss[1, 2, 2] == approx(0.0) assert ss[2, 2, 2] != approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 0, 0] != approx(0.0) k, ss = k3d.execute( "grid", [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], backend="loop" ) assert k[2, 0, 0] == approx(0.9) assert ss[2, 0, 0] == approx(0.0) assert k[0, 2, 0] == approx(0.9) assert ss[0, 2, 0] == approx(0.0) assert k[1, 2, 2] == approx(0.7) assert ss[1, 2, 2] == approx(0.0) assert ss[2, 2, 2] != approx(0.0) assert ss[0, 0, 0] != approx(0.0) def test_uk3d_specified_drift(sample_data_3d): data, (gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref), mask_ref = sample_data_3d zg, yg, xg = np.meshgrid(gridz_ref, gridy_ref, gridx_ref, indexing="ij") with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], ) with pytest.raises(TypeError): UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], specified_drift=data[:, 0], ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], specified_drift=[data[:2, 0]], ) uk_spec = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["specified"], specified_drift=[data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]], ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk_spec.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, specified_drift_arrays=[gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref], ) with pytest.raises(TypeError): uk_spec.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, specified_drift_arrays=gridx_ref ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): uk_spec.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, specified_drift_arrays=[zg] ) z_spec, ss_spec = uk_spec.execute( "grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref, specified_drift_arrays=[xg, yg, zg] ) uk_lin = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) z_lin, ss_lin = uk_lin.execute("grid", gridx_ref, gridy_ref, gridz_ref) assert_allclose(z_spec, z_lin) assert_allclose(ss_spec, ss_lin) def test_uk3d_functional_drift(sample_data_3d): data, (gridx, gridy, gridz), mask_ref = sample_data_3d func_x = lambda x, y, z: x # noqa func_y = lambda x, y, z: y # noqa func_z = lambda x, y, z: z # noqa with pytest.raises(ValueError): UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["functional"], ) with pytest.raises(TypeError): UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["functional"], functional_drift=func_x, ) uk_func = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["functional"], functional_drift=[func_x, func_y, func_z], ) z_func, ss_func = uk_func.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, gridz) uk_lin = UniversalKriging3D( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_model="linear", drift_terms=["regional_linear"], ) z_lin, ss_lin = uk_lin.execute("grid", gridx, gridy, gridz) assert_allclose(z_func, z_lin) assert_allclose(ss_func, ss_lin) def test_geometric_code(): # Create selected points distributed across the sphere: N = 4 lon = np.array([7.0, 7.0, 187.0, 73.231]) lat = np.array([13.23, 13.2301, -13.23, -79.3]) # For the points generated with this reference seed, the distance matrix # has been calculated using geopy (v. 1.11.0) as follows: # >>> from geopy.distance import great_circle # >>> g = great_circle(radius=1.0) # >>> d = np.zeros((N,N), dtype=float) # >>> for i in range(N): # >>> for j in range(N): # >>> d[i,j] = g.measure((lat[i],lon[i]),(lat[j],lon[j])) # >>> d *= 180.0/np.pi # From that distance matrix, the reference values have been obtained. d_ref = np.array( [ [0.0, 1e-4, 180.0, 98.744848317171801], [1e-4, 0.0, 179.9999, 98.744946828324345], [180.0, 179.9999, 0.0, 81.255151682828213], [98.744848317171801, 98.744946828324345, 81.255151682828213, 0.0], ] ) # Calculate distance matrix using the PyKrige code: d = np.zeros((N, N)) for i in range(N): for j in range(N): d[i, j] = core.great_circle_distance(lon[i], lat[i], lon[j], lat[j]) # Test agains reference values: assert_allclose(d, d_ref) # Test general features: assert_allclose(d[np.eye(N, dtype=bool)], 0.0) np.testing.assert_equal(d >= 0.0, np.ones((N, N), dtype=bool)) assert_allclose(d, d.T) np.testing.assert_equal(d <= 180.0, np.ones((N, N), dtype=bool)) # Test great_circle_distance and euclid3_to_great_circle against each other lon_ref = lon lat_ref = lat for i in range(len(lon_ref)): lon, lat = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 360.0, 20), np.linspace(-90.0, 90.0, 20)) dx = np.cos(np.pi / 180.0 * lon) * np.cos(np.pi / 180.0 * lat) - np.cos( np.pi / 180.0 * lon_ref[i] ) * np.cos(np.pi / 180.0 * lat_ref[i]) dy = np.sin(np.pi / 180.0 * lon) * np.cos(np.pi / 180.0 * lat) - np.sin( np.pi / 180.0 * lon_ref[i] ) * np.cos(np.pi / 180.0 * lat_ref[i]) dz = np.sin(np.pi / 180.0 * lat) - np.sin(np.pi / 180.0 * lat_ref[i]) assert_allclose( core.great_circle_distance(lon_ref[i], lat_ref[i], lon, lat), core.euclid3_to_great_circle(np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)), rtol=1e-5, ) def test_ok_geographic(): # Generate random data: np.random.seed(89239413) lon = 360.0 * np.random.rand(50, 1) lat = 180.0 * np.random.rand(50, 1) - 90.0 z = np.random.rand(50, 1) # Generate grid: grid_lon = 360.0 * np.random.rand(120, 1) grid_lat = 180.0 * np.random.rand(120, 1) - 90.0 # Create ordinary kriging object: OK = OrdinaryKriging( lon, lat, z, variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, coordinates_type="geographic", ) # Execute on grid: z, ss = OK.execute("grid", grid_lon, grid_lat) def test_ok_geographic_vs_euclid(): # Generate some random data close to the north pole. # Then we use a polar projected 2d euclidean coordinate # system and compare the kriging results in that coordinate # system with the geographic-option results. # If data point distance to the north pole is small enough # (choose maximum 0.01 degrees), the differences due to curvature # should be negligible. np.random.seed(89239413) from_north = 1e-2 * np.random.random(5) lat = 90.0 - from_north lon = 360.0 * np.random.random(5) z = np.random.random(5) z -= z.mean() x = from_north * np.cos(np.deg2rad(lon)) y = from_north * np.sin(np.deg2rad(lon)) # Generate grids: grid_lon = 360.0 * np.linspace(0, 1, 50) grid_from_north = np.linspace(0, 0.01, 10) grid_lat = 90.0 - grid_from_north grid_x = grid_from_north[:, np.newaxis] * np.cos( np.deg2rad(grid_lon[np.newaxis, :]) ) grid_y = grid_from_north[:, np.newaxis] * np.sin( np.deg2rad(grid_lon[np.newaxis, :]) ) grid_lon, grid_lat = np.meshgrid(grid_lon, grid_lat, indexing="xy") # Flatten the grids: grid_x = grid_x.flatten() grid_y = grid_y.flatten() grid_lon = grid_lon.flatten() grid_lat = grid_lat.flatten() # Calculate and compare distance matrices ensuring that that part # of the workflow works as intended (tested: 2e-9 is currently the # match for this setup): d_eucl = cdist( np.concatenate([x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, np.newaxis]], axis=1), np.concatenate([grid_x[:, np.newaxis], grid_y[:, np.newaxis]], axis=1), ) d_geo = core.great_circle_distance( lon[:, np.newaxis], lat[:, np.newaxis], grid_lon[np.newaxis, :], grid_lat[np.newaxis, :], ) assert_allclose(d_eucl, d_geo, rtol=2e-9) # Create ordinary kriging objects: OK_geo = OrdinaryKriging( lon, lat, z, variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, coordinates_type="geographic", ) OK_xy = OrdinaryKriging( x, y, z, variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False ) OK_wrong = OrdinaryKriging( lon, lat, z, variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False ) # Execute on grid: zgeo, ss = OK_geo.execute("points", grid_lon, grid_lat) zxy, ss = OK_xy.execute("points", grid_x, grid_y) zwrong, ss = OK_wrong.execute("points", grid_lon, grid_lat) # Assert equivalence / difference (tested: 2e-5 is currently the # match for this setup): assert_allclose(zgeo, zxy, rtol=2e-5) assert not np.any(zgeo == 0) assert np.abs((zgeo - zwrong) / zgeo).max() > 1.0 def test_ok_geometric_closest_points(): # Generate random data: np.random.seed(89239413) lon = 360.0 * np.random.rand(50, 1) lat = 180.0 * np.random.rand(50, 1) - 90.0 z = np.random.rand(50, 1) # Generate grid: grid_lon = 360.0 * np.random.rand(120, 1) grid_lat = 180.0 * np.random.rand(120, 1) - 90.0 # Create ordinary kriging object: OK = OrdinaryKriging( lon, lat, z, variogram_model="linear", verbose=False, enable_plotting=False, coordinates_type="geographic", ) # Execute on grid: with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Test OK raising ValueError when closest_points == 1: z, ss = OK.execute("grid", grid_lon, grid_lat, n_closest_points=1, backend="C") z, ss = OK.execute("grid", grid_lon, grid_lat, n_closest_points=5, backend="C") @pytest.mark.parametrize("model", [OrdinaryKriging, UniversalKriging]) def test_gstools_variogram(model): gstools = pytest.importorskip("gstools") # test data data = np.array( [ [0.3, 1.2, 0.47], [1.9, 0.6, 0.56], [1.1, 3.2, 0.74], [3.3, 4.4, 1.47], [4.7, 3.8, 1.74], ] ) gridx = np.arange(0.0, 5.5, 0.1) gridy = np.arange(0.0, 6.5, 0.1) # a GSTools based covariance model cov_model = gstools.Gaussian( dim=2, len_scale=1, anis=0.2, angles=-0.5, var=0.5, nugget=0.1 ) # create the krige field krige = model(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], cov_model) z1, ss1 = krige.execute("grid", gridx, gridy) # check if the field coincides with the data for i in range(5): y_id = int(data[i, 1] * 10) x_id = int(data[i, 0] * 10) assert np.isclose(z1[y_id, x_id], data[i, 2]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("model", [OrdinaryKriging, UniversalKriging]) def test_pseudo_2d(model): # test data data = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 3.0], [1.0, 0.0, 6.0]]) for p_type in ["pinv", "pinvh"]: # create the krige field krige = model( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.0], pseudo_inv=True, pseudo_inv_type=p_type, ) z1, ss1 = krige.execute("points", 0.0, 0.0) # check if the field coincides with the mean of the redundant data assert np.isclose(z1.item(), 2.0) @pytest.mark.parametrize("model", [OrdinaryKriging3D, UniversalKriging3D]) def test_pseudo_3d(model): # test data data = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.0]]) for p_type in ["pinv", "pinvh"]: # create the krige field krige = model( data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], data[:, 3], variogram_parameters=[1.0, 0.0], pseudo_inv=True, pseudo_inv_type=p_type, ) z1, ss1 = krige.execute("points", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # check if the field coincides with the mean of the redundant data assert np.isclose(z1.item(), 2.0)
from itertools import product import numpy as np import pytest from pykrige.compat import Krige, threed_krige def _method_and_vergiogram(): method = ["ordinary", "universal", "ordinary3d", "universal3d"] variogram_model = ["linear", "power", "gaussian", "spherical", "exponential"] return product(method, variogram_model) def test_krige(): # dummy data pytest.importorskip("sklearn") from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV np.random.seed(1) X = np.random.randint(0, 400, size=(20, 3)).astype(float) y = 5 * np.random.rand(20) for m, v in _method_and_vergiogram(): param_dict = {"method": [m], "variogram_model": [v]} estimator = GridSearchCV( Krige(), param_dict, n_jobs=-1, pre_dispatch="2*n_jobs", verbose=False, return_train_score=True, cv=5, ) # run the gridsearch if m in ["ordinary", "universal"]:[:, :2], y=y) else:, y=y) if hasattr(estimator, "best_score_"): if m in threed_krige: assert estimator.best_score_ > -10.0 else: assert estimator.best_score_ > -3.0 if hasattr(estimator, "cv_results_"): assert estimator.cv_results_["mean_train_score"] > 0
from itertools import product import numpy as np import pytest from import ClassificationKriging try: from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer from sklearn.svm import SVC SKLEARN_INSTALLED = True except ImportError: SKLEARN_INSTALLED = False def _methods(): krige_methods = ["ordinary", "universal"] ml_methods = [ SVC(C=0.01, gamma="auto", probability=True), RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=50), ] return product(ml_methods, krige_methods) @pytest.mark.skipif(not SKLEARN_INSTALLED, reason="requires scikit-learn") def test_classification_krige(): np.random.seed(1) x = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 100) # create a feature matrix with 5 features X = np.tile(x, reps=(5, 1)).T y = ( 1 + 5 * X[:, 0] - 2 * X[:, 1] - 2 * X[:, 2] + 3 * X[:, 3] + 4 * X[:, 4] + 2 * (np.random.rand(100) - 0.5) ) # create lat/lon array lon = np.linspace(-180.0, 180.0, 10) lat = np.linspace(-90.0, 90.0, 10) lon_lat = np.array(list(product(lon, lat))) discretizer = KBinsDiscretizer(encode="ordinal") y = discretizer.fit_transform(y.reshape(-1, 1)) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, lon_lat_train, lon_lat_test = train_test_split( X, y, lon_lat, train_size=0.7, random_state=10 ) for ml_model, krige_method in _methods(): class_model = ClassificationKriging( classification_model=ml_model, method=krige_method, n_closest_points=2 ), lon_lat_train, y_train) assert class_model.score(X_test, lon_lat_test, y_test) > 0.25 @pytest.mark.skipif(not SKLEARN_INSTALLED, reason="requires scikit-learn") def test_krige_classification_housing(): import ssl import urllib try: housing = fetch_california_housing() except (ssl.SSLError, urllib.error.URLError): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context try: housing = fetch_california_housing() except PermissionError: # This can raise permission error on Appveyor pytest.skip("Failed to load california housing dataset") ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl.create_default_context # take only first 1000 p = housing["data"][:1000, :-2] x = housing["data"][:1000, -2:] target = housing["target"][:1000] discretizer = KBinsDiscretizer(encode="ordinal") target = discretizer.fit_transform(target.reshape(-1, 1)) p_train, p_test, y_train, y_test, x_train, x_test = train_test_split( p, target, x, train_size=0.7, random_state=10 ) for ml_model, krige_method in _methods(): class_model = ClassificationKriging( classification_model=ml_model, method=krige_method, n_closest_points=2 ), x_train, y_train) if krige_method == "ordinary": assert class_model.score(p_test, x_test, y_test) > 0.5 else: assert class_model.score(p_test, x_test, y_test) > 0.0
from itertools import product import numpy as np import pytest from pykrige.rk import RegressionKriging try: from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet, Lasso, LinearRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.svm import SVR SKLEARN_INSTALLED = True except ImportError: SKLEARN_INSTALLED = False def _methods(): krige_methods = ["ordinary", "universal"] ml_methods = [ SVR(C=0.01, gamma="auto"), RandomForestRegressor(min_samples_split=5, n_estimators=50), LinearRegression(), Lasso(), ElasticNet(), ] return product(ml_methods, krige_methods) @pytest.mark.skipif(not SKLEARN_INSTALLED, reason="requires scikit-learn") def test_regression_krige(): np.random.seed(1) x = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 100) # create a feature matrix with 5 features X = np.tile(x, reps=(5, 1)).T y = ( 1 + 5 * X[:, 0] - 2 * X[:, 1] - 2 * X[:, 2] + 3 * X[:, 3] + 4 * X[:, 4] + 2 * (np.random.rand(100) - 0.5) ) # create lat/lon array lon = np.linspace(-180.0, 180.0, 10) lat = np.linspace(-90.0, 90.0, 10) lon_lat = np.array(list(product(lon, lat))) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, lon_lat_train, lon_lat_test = train_test_split( X, y, lon_lat, train_size=0.7, random_state=10 ) for ml_model, krige_method in _methods(): reg_kr_model = RegressionKriging( regression_model=ml_model, method=krige_method, n_closest_points=2 ), lon_lat_train, y_train) assert reg_kr_model.score(X_test, lon_lat_test, y_test) > 0.25 @pytest.mark.skipif(not SKLEARN_INSTALLED, reason="requires scikit-learn") def test_krige_housing(): import ssl import urllib try: housing = fetch_california_housing() except (ssl.SSLError, urllib.error.URLError): ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context try: housing = fetch_california_housing() except PermissionError: # This can raise permission error on Appveyor pytest.skip("Failed to load california housing dataset") ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl.create_default_context # take only first 1000 p = housing["data"][:1000, :-2] x = housing["data"][:1000, -2:] target = housing["target"][:1000] p_train, p_test, y_train, y_test, x_train, x_test = train_test_split( p, target, x, train_size=0.7, random_state=10 ) for ml_model, krige_method in _methods(): reg_kr_model = RegressionKriging( regression_model=ml_model, method=krige_method, n_closest_points=2 ), x_train, y_train) if krige_method == "ordinary": assert reg_kr_model.score(p_test, x_test, y_test) > 0.5 else: assert reg_kr_model.score(p_test, x_test, y_test) > 0.0
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List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). latex_documents = [ (master_doc, "PyKrige.tex", "PyKrige Documentation", "PyKrige developers", "manual") ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. # latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. # latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. # latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. # latex_show_urls = False # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. # latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. # latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [(master_doc, "pykrige", "PyKrige Documentation", [author], 1)] # If true, show URL addresses after external links. # man_show_urls = False # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, # dir menu entry, description, category) texinfo_documents = [ ( master_doc, "PyKrige", "PyKrige Documentation", author, "PyKrige", "One line description of project.", "Miscellaneous", ) ] # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. # texinfo_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. # texinfo_domain_indices = True # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. # texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' # If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. # texinfo_no_detailmenu = False # The following is used by sphinx.ext.linkcode to provide links to github linkcode_resolve = make_linkcode_resolve( "pykrige", "" "PyKrige/blob/{revision}/" "{package}/{path}#L{lineno}", )
# Adapted from scikit learn import inspect import os import subprocess import sys from functools import partial from operator import attrgetter REVISION_CMD = "git rev-parse --short HEAD" def _get_git_revision(): try: revision = subprocess.check_output(REVISION_CMD.split()).strip() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): print("Failed to execute git to get revision") return None return revision.decode("utf-8") def _linkcode_resolve(domain, info, package, url_fmt, revision): """Determine a link to online source for a class/method/function This is called by sphinx.ext.linkcode An example with a long-untouched module that everyone has >>> _linkcode_resolve('py', {'module': 'tty', ... 'fullname': 'setraw'}, ... package='tty', ... url_fmt='' ... '{revision}/Lib/{package}/{path}#L{lineno}', ... revision='xxxx') '' """ if revision is None: return if domain not in ("py", "pyx"): return if not info.get("module") or not info.get("fullname"): return class_name = info["fullname"].split(".")[0] if type(class_name) != str: # Python 2 only class_name = class_name.encode("utf-8") module = __import__(info["module"], fromlist=[class_name]) obj = attrgetter(info["fullname"])(module) try: fn = inspect.getsourcefile(obj) except Exception: fn = None if not fn: try: fn = inspect.getsourcefile(sys.modules[obj.__module__]) except Exception: fn = None if not fn: return fn = os.path.relpath(fn, start=os.path.dirname(__import__(package).__file__)) try: lineno = inspect.getsourcelines(obj)[1] except Exception: lineno = "" return url_fmt.format(revision=revision, package=package, path=fn, lineno=lineno) def make_linkcode_resolve(package, url_fmt): """Returns a linkcode_resolve function for the given URL format revision is a git commit reference (hash or name) package is the name of the root module of the package url_fmt is along the lines of ('' 'blob/{revision}/{package}/' '{path}#L{lineno}') """ revision = _get_git_revision() return partial( _linkcode_resolve, revision=revision, package=package, url_fmt=url_fmt )
num_initial_random_draws = 5 num_gradient_updates = 1000
import logging from functools import partial import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from blackbox import BlackboxOffline from blackbox.load_utils import evaluation_split_from_task from optimizer.benchmark import benchmark from optimizer.gaussian_process import GP from optimizer.random_search import RS from optimizer.thompson_sampling_functional_prior import TS if __name__ == '__main__': task = "electricity" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) num_seeds = 20 num_evaluations = 50 Xys_train, (X_test, y_test) = evaluation_split_from_task(task) candidates = X_test blackbox = BlackboxOffline( X=X_test, y=y_test, ) optimizers = { #"GP + prior": partial(G3P, normalization="standard"), #"GCP + prior": partial(G3P, normalization="gaussian"), "RS": RS, "TS": TS, "GP": GP, } res = {} for name, Optimizer_cls in optimizers.items():"evaluate {name}") optimizer_factory = partial( Optimizer_cls, input_dim=blackbox.input_dim, output_dim=blackbox.output_dim, evaluations_other_tasks=Xys_train, ) X, y = benchmark( optimizer_factory=optimizer_factory, blackbox=blackbox, candidates=candidates, num_seeds=num_seeds, num_evaluations=num_evaluations, verbose=False, ) res[name] = X, y print(res) fig, ax = plt.subplots() for name, (X, y) in res.items(): y_best = np.minimum.accumulate(y, axis=1) mean = y_best.mean(axis=0)[:, 0] std = y_best.std(axis=0)[:, 0] ax.plot(mean, label=name) ax.fill_between(range(len(mean)), mean - std, mean + std, alpha=0.2) plt.legend() plt.savefig(f"optimizer-comparison-{task}.pdf")
import numpy as np def artificial_task1( input_dim: int = 2, num_train_examples: int = 10000, num_tasks: int = 5, seed: int = 0, ): # blackboxes are quadratic functions whose centers are sampled in a ball around [0.5, ..., 0.5] np.random.seed(seed) centers = (np.random.rand(num_tasks, input_dim) - 0.5) * 0.25 + 0.5 Xys = [] for x_star in centers: X = np.random.rand(num_train_examples, input_dim) y = np.square((X - x_star)).mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) Xys.append((X, y)) Xy_train = Xys[1:] X_test, y_test = Xys[0] return Xy_train, X_test, y_test def artificial_task2( input_dim: int = 2, num_train_examples: int = 10000, num_tasks: int = 5, seed: int = 0, ): # blackboxes are quadratic functions whose centers are either [0.25, ..., 0.25] or [0.75, ..., 0.75] # this is a tasks that requires adaptation so that TS should be as good as RS and outperformed by GP and GP3 # GP2 and GP3 should have the same performance np.random.seed(seed) sign = 2 * (np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=num_tasks) - 0.5) # the first sign is set to 1 so that there is prior knowledge sign[0] = 1 center = np.ones(input_dim) * 0.5 shift = 0.25 * (np.ones(input_dim).reshape(1, -1) * sign.reshape(-1, 1)) centers = center + shift Xys = [] for x_star in centers: X = np.random.rand(num_train_examples, input_dim) y = np.square((X - x_star)).mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) Xys.append((X, y)) Xy_train = Xys[1:] X_test, y_test = Xys[0] return Xy_train, X_test, y_test if __name__ == '__main__': artificial_task2()
import random import numpy as np import torch def set_seed(seed: int): torch.manual_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed)
import tempfile import uuid from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Tuple from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from constants import num_gradient_updates import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import torch from torch import nn from import Dataset, DataLoader, TensorDataset from prior import Prior def train( module, X_train: np.array, y_train: np.array, num_gradient_updates: int = num_gradient_updates, lr: float = 1e-2, num_decays: int = 3, factor_decay: float = 5.0, batch_size: int = 64, clip_gradient: Optional[float] = None, optimizer=None, early_stopping: bool = True, ): dataset = TensorDataset( torch.Tensor(X_train), torch.Tensor(y_train) ) # keep 10% of train dataset as validation num_train = len(dataset) * 9 // 10 train_dataset, val_dataset =, [num_train, len(dataset) - num_train]) # dont use gpu for now # device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # module = def infinite_stream(): while True: # reshuffle dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True) for data in dataloader: yield data train_losses = [] val_rmses = [] first = True if optimizer is None: optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(module.parameters(), lr=lr) checkpoint_freq = 100 it = 0 best_val_rmse = float("inf") checkpoint_path = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / f"best-model-{uuid.uuid4().hex}.pth" with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True): for _ in range(num_decays): with tqdm(infinite_stream(), total=num_gradient_updates, miniters=200, mininterval=2) as tqdm_iter: for X_batch, y_batch in tqdm_iter: optimizer.zero_grad() # both of shape (batch_size, output_dim,) we could also fit a covariate matrix to account # the dependency between different criterion mu, sigma = module(X_batch) distr = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma) # y_batch has shape (batch_size, output_dim) loss = - distr.log_prob(y_batch).mean() loss.backward() loss_value = loss.item() if clip_gradient is not None: nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( module.parameters(), max_norm=clip_gradient ) if first: def count_parameters(model): return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) print( "\n".join(f"{name}: shape {p.shape}, {p.numel()} parameters" for name, p in module.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad) ) print(f"number of parameters: {count_parameters(module)}") first = False # print(loss_value) train_losses.append(loss_value) optimizer.step() metrics_dict = { "train_loss": loss_value, } if it % checkpoint_freq == 0: for X_val, y_val in DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=len(val_dataset)): # compute mean mu, sigma = module(X_val) val_rmse = ((mu - y_val) ** 2).mean().sqrt().item() metrics_dict['val_rmse'] = val_rmse val_rmses.append(val_rmse) if early_stopping and val_rmse < best_val_rmse: # print(f" found better loss {val_rmse} than {best_val_rmse}, checkpointing in {checkpoint_path}") best_val_rmse = min(best_val_rmse, val_rmse), checkpoint_path) tqdm_iter.set_postfix(metrics_dict) it += 1 if it % num_gradient_updates == 0: break lr /= factor_decay if early_stopping: print(f"loading best model found at {checkpoint_path} with val_rmse={val_rmse}") module.load_state_dict(torch.load(checkpoint_path)) return module, (train_losses, val_rmses) class GaussianRegression(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_dim: int, num_layers: int = 3, num_hidden: int = 40, dropout: float = 0.0): super(GaussianRegression, self).__init__() layers = [nn.Linear(input_dim, num_hidden)] for i in range(num_layers): layers.append(nn.Linear(num_hidden, num_hidden)) layers.append(nn.ReLU()) layers.append(nn.Dropout(dropout)) self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers) self.mu_proj = nn.Linear(num_hidden, 1) self.sigma_proj = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(num_hidden, 1), nn.Softplus()) def init(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight) # use the modules apply function to recursively apply the initialization self.layers.apply(init) def forward(self, x): x_hidden = self.layers(x) mu = self.mu_proj(x_hidden) sigma = self.sigma_proj(x_hidden) return mu, sigma class ParametricPrior(Prior): def __init__( self, X_train: np.array, y_train: np.array, num_gradient_updates: int = num_gradient_updates, dropout: float = 0.1, num_layers: int = 3, num_hidden: int = 50, **train_kwargs ): super(ParametricPrior, self).__init__( X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, ) n, dim = X_train.shape self.scaler = StandardScaler() module = GaussianRegression(input_dim=dim, num_layers=num_layers, num_hidden=num_hidden, dropout=dropout) self.module, _ = train( module=module, X_train=self.scaler.fit_transform(X_train), y_train=y_train, num_gradient_updates=num_gradient_updates, **train_kwargs ) def predict(self, X: np.array) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]: X_test = torch.Tensor(self.scaler.transform(X)) self.module.eval() mu, sigma = self.module(X_test) return mu.detach().numpy(), sigma.detach().numpy()
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from blackbox.load_utils import evaluation_split_from_task, tasks from optimizer.normalization_transforms import from_string from prior.mlp_pytorch import ParametricPrior from prior.mlp_sklearn import ParametricPriorSklearn normalization = "gaussian" rows = [] #tasks = [ # 'electricity', # # 'australian', # #'m4-Hourly', # #'m4-Daily', #] for task in tasks: Xys_train, (X_test, y_test) = evaluation_split_from_task(task) X_train = np.concatenate([X for X, y in Xys_train], axis=0) normalizer = from_string(normalization) z_train = np.concatenate([normalizer(y).transform(y) for X, y in Xys_train], axis=0) # y_test is only used for measuring RMSE on the prior as mentioned in the paper z_test = normalizer(y_test).transform(y_test) # todo normalization inside prior prior = ParametricPrior( X_train=X_train, y_train=z_train, num_gradient_updates=2000, num_decays=2, num_layers=3, num_hidden=50, dropout=0.1, lr=0.001, ) mu_pred, sigma_pred = prior.predict(X_test) rmse = np.sqrt(np.square(mu_pred - z_test).mean()) mae = np.abs(mu_pred - z_test).mean() row = {"task": task, "rmse": rmse, "mae": mae} rows.append(row) print(row) df = pd.DataFrame(rows) print(df.to_string())
import numpy as np from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from constants import num_gradient_updates from prior import Prior class ParametricPriorSklearn(Prior): def __init__( self, X_train: np.array, y_train: np.array, num_gradient_updates: int = num_gradient_updates, ): self.estimator = MLPRegressor( activation='relu', hidden_layer_sizes=(50, 50, 50), learning_rate='adaptive', verbose=False, max_iter=num_gradient_updates, tol=1e-6, early_stopping=True, ) self.scaler = StandardScaler() X = self.scaler.fit_transform(X_train), y_train.ravel()) def predict(self, X): X = self.scaler.transform(X) mu = self.estimator.predict(X).reshape((-1, 1)) sigma = np.ones_like(mu) return mu, sigma if __name__ == '__main__': num_train_examples = 10000 num_test_examples = num_train_examples dim = 2 num_gradient_updates = 200 lr = 1e-2 def make_random_X_y(num_examples: int, dim: int, noise_std: float): X = np.random.rand(num_examples, dim) noise = np.random.normal(scale=noise_std, size=(num_examples, 1)) y = X.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True) + noise return X, y # test that parametric prior can recover a simple linear function for the mean noise_std = 0.01 X_train, y_train = make_random_X_y(num_examples=num_train_examples, dim=dim, noise_std=noise_std) prior = ParametricPriorSklearn( X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, #num_gradient_updates=num_gradient_updates, #num_decays=2, # smaller network for UT speed #num_layers=2, #num_hidden=20, #dropout=0.0, #lr=lr ) X_test, y_test = make_random_X_y(num_examples=num_test_examples, dim=dim, noise_std=noise_std) mu_pred, sigma_pred = prior.predict(X_test) mu_l1_error = np.abs(mu_pred - y_test).mean() print(mu_l1_error) assert mu_l1_error < 0.2
from typing import Tuple import numpy as np from prior import Prior class UnitPrior(Prior): def __init__( self, X_train: np.array, y_train: np.array ): super(UnitPrior, self).__init__( X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, ) def predict(self, X_test: np.array) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]: return np.zeros_like(X_test[..., 0]), np.ones_like(X_test[..., 1])