2 values
2 values
You're mad.
You are still sane.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
You're mad.
You are still sane.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Inside, a huge mountain of a man, even bigger than Thorn, fought with a huge two-handed axe.
The man was extremely large.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Inside, a huge mountain of a man, even bigger than Thorn, fought with a huge two-handed axe.
The man was extremely large.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Jon had only seen two people move that fast in his life
Jon knew at least 500 people with the same speed.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Jon had only seen two people move that fast in his life
Jon knew at least 500 people with the same speed.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
We developed technical assistance funds for creative planning projects and obtained a $15.
No technical assistance funds for creative projects were developed.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
We developed technical assistance funds for creative planning projects and obtained a $15.
No technical assistance funds for creative projects were developed.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
I have done my best to target unpopulated areas at unpopulated times, but the guilt still weights heavy on my soul.'
Many people have died even though the areas were supposed to be unpopulated.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
I have done my best to target unpopulated areas at unpopulated times, but the guilt still weights heavy on my soul.'
Many people have died even though the areas were supposed to be unpopulated.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
5 billion, but households' wealth declined by nearly $842 billion (2 percent) largely as a result of the drop in the market value of households' stock holdings.
The value of households' stock holdings dropped and this contributed to a decline in household wealth.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
5 billion, but households' wealth declined by nearly $842 billion (2 percent) largely as a result of the drop in the market value of households' stock holdings.
The value of households' stock holdings dropped and this contributed to a decline in household wealth.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Thurmond announced a few weeks ago that he won't run again.
Thurmond was defeated in six previous elections.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Thurmond announced a few weeks ago that he won't run again.
Thurmond was defeated in six previous elections.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Auditors will need to exercise professional judgment in assessing the significance of audit results or findings.
Auditors are not responsible for the assessment of audit results.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Auditors will need to exercise professional judgment in assessing the significance of audit results or findings.
Auditors are not responsible for the assessment of audit results.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Although a great deal of attention has been paid to the wealth effect from the stock market boom of the 1990s, half of American households did not own stocks as of 1998, according to the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finance.
There was no stock market boom in the 1990s.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Although a great deal of attention has been paid to the wealth effect from the stock market boom of the 1990s, half of American households did not own stocks as of 1998, according to the 1998 Survey of Consumer Finance.
There was no stock market boom in the 1990s.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Where's Tommy?
Do you know where Tommy is?
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Where's Tommy?
Do you know where Tommy is?
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Moreover, the realignment will help us to enhance our longterm capacity by improving recruitment and retention; building a succession plan; focusing on emerging issues; and leveraging technology opportunities for improvements to clients, processes, and employees.
Long term capacity will be improved by the realignment.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Moreover, the realignment will help us to enhance our longterm capacity by improving recruitment and retention; building a succession plan; focusing on emerging issues; and leveraging technology opportunities for improvements to clients, processes, and employees.
Long term capacity will be improved by the realignment.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
The lot upon which it is being built had been vacant.
The lot had been vacant.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
The lot upon which it is being built had been vacant.
The lot had been vacant.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
that if i were living in Mexico and trying to raise several children and i could see across the border where the good life would be for my children
I believe Mexico is the best place to raise children.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
that if i were living in Mexico and trying to raise several children and i could see across the border where the good life would be for my children
I believe Mexico is the best place to raise children.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Or he hasn't really thought it through, which itself would cast doubt on the depth of his faith.
His faith may be lacking.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Or he hasn't really thought it through, which itself would cast doubt on the depth of his faith.
His faith may be lacking.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Network externalities are in.
The public is not informed how the network works.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Network externalities are in.
The public is not informed how the network works.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
We could use their assistance should it be needed.
We might need help every day.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
We could use their assistance should it be needed.
We might need help every day.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Not a pleasant prospect and not one easily avoided---not even by any reform package or proposal that I've seen.
The prospect can be avoided by simply following the very valid proposals received.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Not a pleasant prospect and not one easily avoided---not even by any reform package or proposal that I've seen.
The prospect can be avoided by simply following the very valid proposals received.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
um-hum yeah i end up well yeah i mean i do a lot of like even weekender kind of things i go out for just one or two nights uh it's not my favorite thing but i can do it a lot more often so like over at the uh particularly in the uh the fall and spring when the insects haven't come out yet uh where they're already gone uh you know i spend almost every weekend up in the mountains and i guess i live about five hours away from some place to go hiking where i am now
I don't mind camping for a couple nights in the fall and spring.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
um-hum yeah i end up well yeah i mean i do a lot of like even weekender kind of things i go out for just one or two nights uh it's not my favorite thing but i can do it a lot more often so like over at the uh particularly in the uh the fall and spring when the insects haven't come out yet uh where they're already gone uh you know i spend almost every weekend up in the mountains and i guess i live about five hours away from some place to go hiking where i am now
I don't mind camping for a couple nights in the fall and spring.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
The result was the four Raphael Rooms (Stanze di Raffaello).
The result was 3 Raphael Rooms.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
The result was the four Raphael Rooms (Stanze di Raffaello).
The result was 3 Raphael Rooms.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Nonetheless, based on discussions with several states, the application review process is estimated to take approximately 38 weeks (9-10 months).
The application review process was discussed only with corporations.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Nonetheless, based on discussions with several states, the application review process is estimated to take approximately 38 weeks (9-10 months).
The application review process was discussed only with corporations.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
that can be a mess we camped at the beach one time and that was sort of miserable you just couldn't everywhere you went there was sand you couldn't even when you're eating it it was in your bed
It is a bad idea to camp and eat on a beach.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
that can be a mess we camped at the beach one time and that was sort of miserable you just couldn't everywhere you went there was sand you couldn't even when you're eating it it was in your bed
It is a bad idea to camp and eat on a beach.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Grand row!
It was a good row, but it could've been better.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Grand row!
It was a good row, but it could've been better.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Acidic deposition or acid rain occurs when SO2 and NOx in the atmosphere react with water, oxygen, and oxidants to form acidic compounds.
Water and nitrogen in the atmosphere cause the acid rain.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Acidic deposition or acid rain occurs when SO2 and NOx in the atmosphere react with water, oxygen, and oxidants to form acidic compounds.
Water and nitrogen in the atmosphere cause the acid rain.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Pointe Pitre's cathedral, the Basilique Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul, features unusual metal columns and balconies.
The unusual polystyrene columns and balconies of the Basilique Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul can be found in Pointe Pitre.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Pointe Pitre's cathedral, the Basilique Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul, features unusual metal columns and balconies.
The unusual polystyrene columns and balconies of the Basilique Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul can be found in Pointe Pitre.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Had that piquant gipsy face been at the bottom of the crime, or was it 73 the baser mainspring of money?
Was that gipsy face responsible for the crime against the old woman?
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Had that piquant gipsy face been at the bottom of the crime, or was it 73 the baser mainspring of money?
Was that gipsy face responsible for the crime against the old woman?
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
i would sort of like to uh think about something in the way of uh uh sort of a sporty car but not any not you know a luxury type sporty one but um
I'm thinking about a very functional, ordinary type of car but I wouldn't mind a luxury car either
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
i would sort of like to uh think about something in the way of uh uh sort of a sporty car but not any not you know a luxury type sporty one but um
I'm thinking about a very functional, ordinary type of car but I wouldn't mind a luxury car either
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
uh no i didn't
I decided to do it and so I did.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
uh no i didn't
I decided to do it and so I did.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
we drive sixty five oh yes well
The vehicle was a hybrid in which we drove 65.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
we drive sixty five oh yes well
The vehicle was a hybrid in which we drove 65.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Major tourist shops have forms and details.
The major tourist shops don't have forms.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Major tourist shops have forms and details.
The major tourist shops don't have forms.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Randy's Tough Love Wrap-Up
The first version of the Wrap-up of Randy's Tough Love.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Randy's Tough Love Wrap-Up
The first version of the Wrap-up of Randy's Tough Love.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
yeah i'm in North Carolina
I'm in South Carolina.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
yeah i'm in North Carolina
I'm in South Carolina.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
He has so much experience and, as shown by the last interview, there are a lot of us out there who could benefit from it.
It was obvious from the interview that he was not very experienced and people should not look up to him.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
He has so much experience and, as shown by the last interview, there are a lot of us out there who could benefit from it.
It was obvious from the interview that he was not very experienced and people should not look up to him.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Serious auto racing arrived in Las Vegas in 1996 with the opening of the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, 17 miles (27 km) north of Downtown on Interstate 15.
The Las Vegas Motor Speedway continues to be the city's top tourist attraction.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Serious auto racing arrived in Las Vegas in 1996 with the opening of the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, 17 miles (27 km) north of Downtown on Interstate 15.
The Las Vegas Motor Speedway continues to be the city's top tourist attraction.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
He was watching Muller as if the sergeant, rather than his men, was the focal point of any future attack.
Muller had something fascinating about him, so he attracted all the attention.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
He was watching Muller as if the sergeant, rather than his men, was the focal point of any future attack.
Muller had something fascinating about him, so he attracted all the attention.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
I could feel gazes on my back; people peering out from between curtains, stealing glimpses through letterboxes.
It was very strange to feel like people were watching us.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
I could feel gazes on my back; people peering out from between curtains, stealing glimpses through letterboxes.
It was very strange to feel like people were watching us.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Good.' Natalia glared.
Natalia smiled.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Good.' Natalia glared.
Natalia smiled.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Sophisticated research is required to tease apart the complex interactions between These variables.
The variables are actually quite simple and easy to understand.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Sophisticated research is required to tease apart the complex interactions between These variables.
The variables are actually quite simple and easy to understand.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
What about me?
Me too?
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
What about me?
Me too?
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
they use the the injection thing or whatever it is
They use lethal injection.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
they use the the injection thing or whatever it is
They use lethal injection.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
He was here less than two days and already he thought of this town as home, something he wished to protect.
The man left the town after 24 hours.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
He was here less than two days and already he thought of this town as home, something he wished to protect.
The man left the town after 24 hours.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
"All whose true names they could find, that is," Garm amended.
Everyone's true name they could find was added to the book.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
"All whose true names they could find, that is," Garm amended.
Everyone's true name they could find was added to the book.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Since 1917, Grand Central Market (at 317 South Broadway) has provided the city with a daily cornucopia of enticing fresh produce, fish, poultry, meat, and exotic foodstuffs.
Up until 1917 was when the Central Market gave away free food.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Since 1917, Grand Central Market (at 317 South Broadway) has provided the city with a daily cornucopia of enticing fresh produce, fish, poultry, meat, and exotic foodstuffs.
Up until 1917 was when the Central Market gave away free food.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
According to HUD staff, after the Economic Analysis was submitted to OMB, HUD made changes in the Analysis to maintain its consistency with the rule, to which minor changes had been made as described below.
It took staff one month to make the changes to the Economic Analysis.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
According to HUD staff, after the Economic Analysis was submitted to OMB, HUD made changes in the Analysis to maintain its consistency with the rule, to which minor changes had been made as described below.
It took staff one month to make the changes to the Economic Analysis.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Had they any clue, or 103 would the whole thing remain in the category of undiscovered crimes?
These villains get more naive every year.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Had they any clue, or 103 would the whole thing remain in the category of undiscovered crimes?
These villains get more naive every year.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
When he married in 1901, he and his wife (Olga Knipper of the Moscow Art Theater) went directly from the ceremony to a honeymoon in a sanitarium.
His wife has never went to a sanitarium.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
When he married in 1901, he and his wife (Olga Knipper of the Moscow Art Theater) went directly from the ceremony to a honeymoon in a sanitarium.
His wife has never went to a sanitarium.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
2) House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde said he has begun to examine impeachment procedures in the event they are justified.
Henry Hyde is a new house judiciary.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
2) House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde said he has begun to examine impeachment procedures in the event they are justified.
Henry Hyde is a new house judiciary.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
A few schools, including Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities, already have them.
They are already in Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
A few schools, including Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities, already have them.
They are already in Harvard, New York and Georgetown universities.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
In such circumstances, auditors may issue a limited official use report containing such information and distribute the report only to those parties responsible for acting on the auditors' recommendations.
Auditors can issue a limited official use report that has such information.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
In such circumstances, auditors may issue a limited official use report containing such information and distribute the report only to those parties responsible for acting on the auditors' recommendations.
Auditors can issue a limited official use report that has such information.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
The point isn't that polls are dishonest.
Dishonest polls is not the point being made.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
The point isn't that polls are dishonest.
Dishonest polls is not the point being made.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
but uh what's that
However, what is that?
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
but uh what's that
However, what is that?
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.