2 values
2 values
Thus, with respect to the litigation services Congress has funded, there is no alternative channel for expression of the advocacy Congress seeks to restrict.
This is the only channel of expression of the advocacy that Congress seeks to restrict.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Thus, with respect to the litigation services Congress has funded, there is no alternative channel for expression of the advocacy Congress seeks to restrict.
This is the only channel of expression of the advocacy that Congress seeks to restrict.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
How do we fix this?'
Can we fix this?
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
How do we fix this?'
Can we fix this?
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
but that takes too much planning
It doesn't take much planning.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
but that takes too much planning
It doesn't take much planning.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
I did not mention Monica in my lecture, but the first question I was asked was how President Clinton could do his job with all the distractions caused by the Monica Lewinsky affair.
They wanted to get through the lecture without any problems.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
I did not mention Monica in my lecture, but the first question I was asked was how President Clinton could do his job with all the distractions caused by the Monica Lewinsky affair.
They wanted to get through the lecture without any problems.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Analyzing Postal Service accounts for depreciation, fuel, and maintenance for city delivery carriers, we have estimated the average city delivery vehicle cost per route.
Driving cost estimates can be averaged will sufficient data.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Analyzing Postal Service accounts for depreciation, fuel, and maintenance for city delivery carriers, we have estimated the average city delivery vehicle cost per route.
Driving cost estimates can be averaged will sufficient data.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Because it plays on my childhood imagination.
The art plays on my young imagination.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Because it plays on my childhood imagination.
The art plays on my young imagination.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
it's slow it's uh there are many better machines on the market right now for
This is the fastest machine, you won't find a better machine.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
it's slow it's uh there are many better machines on the market right now for
This is the fastest machine, you won't find a better machine.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
At the heart of the sanctuary, a small granite shrine once held the sacred barque of Horus himself.
Horus is a god.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
At the heart of the sanctuary, a small granite shrine once held the sacred barque of Horus himself.
Horus is a god.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Consider the United States Postal Service.
Forget the United States Postal Service.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Consider the United States Postal Service.
Forget the United States Postal Service.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
In full costume.
He is wearing a mascot costume.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
In full costume.
He is wearing a mascot costume.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Although your journey is going to be difficult and at times you will doubt yourselves, the benefits to clients are well worth it and the satisfaction of hearing even the most recalcitrant of adversaries say that the new system is better than the one that went before is deeply rewarding.
The new system appears far more complex, but ultimately easier and more thorough.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Although your journey is going to be difficult and at times you will doubt yourselves, the benefits to clients are well worth it and the satisfaction of hearing even the most recalcitrant of adversaries say that the new system is better than the one that went before is deeply rewarding.
The new system appears far more complex, but ultimately easier and more thorough.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Take a remarkable statistic that Shesol cites but lets pass relatively unexamined.
They had data that was very relevant but under used.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Take a remarkable statistic that Shesol cites but lets pass relatively unexamined.
They had data that was very relevant but under used.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
It might have seemed like manna from heaven - up to thousands of dollars dropping, often unexpectedly, into the hands of a half-million Kentucky and Indiana residents this month.
A recent law proposed by congress has resulted in the seizure of thousands of dollars from Kentucky residents.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
It might have seemed like manna from heaven - up to thousands of dollars dropping, often unexpectedly, into the hands of a half-million Kentucky and Indiana residents this month.
A recent law proposed by congress has resulted in the seizure of thousands of dollars from Kentucky residents.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Get individuals to invest their time and the funding will follow.
If individuals will invest their time, funding will come along, too.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Get individuals to invest their time and the funding will follow.
If individuals will invest their time, funding will come along, too.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
i often think gee i wish i had a video camera because i could sure use ten thousand dollars so but i like things like Evening Shade with Burt Reynolds i really enjoy that and uh
Video cameras that I need are very expensive.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
i often think gee i wish i had a video camera because i could sure use ten thousand dollars so but i like things like Evening Shade with Burt Reynolds i really enjoy that and uh
Video cameras that I need are very expensive.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
The man on the ground thinks for a moment and yells back, You must work in management.
There was no one on the ground, man or woman.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
The man on the ground thinks for a moment and yells back, You must work in management.
There was no one on the ground, man or woman.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
If, however, the evaluation question requires GAO to report on how satisfactory progress is or the reasons for problems in implementation, the more staff who can be on site over time, with the ricHe'st or thickest base for examining the situation as the many people involved see it, the sounder our causal conclusions and subsequent recommendations will be.
If the GAO has to report on the progress, the recommendations will be much poorer quality.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
If, however, the evaluation question requires GAO to report on how satisfactory progress is or the reasons for problems in implementation, the more staff who can be on site over time, with the ricHe'st or thickest base for examining the situation as the many people involved see it, the sounder our causal conclusions and subsequent recommendations will be.
If the GAO has to report on the progress, the recommendations will be much poorer quality.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
The economy could be still better.
The economy has never been better.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
The economy could be still better.
The economy has never been better.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Hills and mountains are especially sanctified in the cult of Jainism.
The cult of Jainism hates nature.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Hills and mountains are especially sanctified in the cult of Jainism.
The cult of Jainism hates nature.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
The famous tenements (or lands ) began to be built.
The land remained deserted.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
The famous tenements (or lands ) began to be built.
The land remained deserted.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
In the midst of this amazing amalgam of cultures is a passion for continuity.
A passion for continuity is not the most important of these cultures.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
In the midst of this amazing amalgam of cultures is a passion for continuity.
A passion for continuity is not the most important of these cultures.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Putting aside stage as a horse-drawn conveyance, a popular delicatessen, a part of a rocket, and an opportunity to mock Gail Sheehy (who seems to get a free ride from News Quiz participants), this question all but demanded the invention of a violent theatrical event, and that's not easy.
Gail Sheehy is a popular target for mocking on other shows.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Putting aside stage as a horse-drawn conveyance, a popular delicatessen, a part of a rocket, and an opportunity to mock Gail Sheehy (who seems to get a free ride from News Quiz participants), this question all but demanded the invention of a violent theatrical event, and that's not easy.
Gail Sheehy is a popular target for mocking on other shows.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Entreaties to the apartment's owner have gone nowhere.
The apartment's owner is very responsive.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Entreaties to the apartment's owner have gone nowhere.
The apartment's owner is very responsive.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Mrs. Cavendish is in her mother-in-law's room.
Mrs. Cavendish has left the building.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Mrs. Cavendish is in her mother-in-law's room.
Mrs. Cavendish has left the building.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
But I thought you'd sworn off coffee.
I thought that you vowed to drink more coffee.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
But I thought you'd sworn off coffee.
I thought that you vowed to drink more coffee.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
We stink all the time.
We always stink.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
We stink all the time.
We always stink.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
In an increasingly interdependent world, many pressing problems that affect Americans can be addressed only through cooperation with other countries.
We should be independent and stay away from talking and working with other nations.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
In an increasingly interdependent world, many pressing problems that affect Americans can be addressed only through cooperation with other countries.
We should be independent and stay away from talking and working with other nations.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Ca'daan continued.
Ca'daan refused to stop.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Ca'daan continued.
Ca'daan refused to stop.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
The rule requires broadcasters to maintain a file for public inspection containing a Children's Television Programming Report and to identify programs specifically designed to educate and inform children at the beginning of those programs and to furnish such information to the publishers of program guides.
The rule makes broadcasters keep a file about children's television programming.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
The rule requires broadcasters to maintain a file for public inspection containing a Children's Television Programming Report and to identify programs specifically designed to educate and inform children at the beginning of those programs and to furnish such information to the publishers of program guides.
The rule makes broadcasters keep a file about children's television programming.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
well because how how hot i mean like like in the coldest that it gets in winter down there how much is it
It's hot all the time where I live, including winter.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
well because how how hot i mean like like in the coldest that it gets in winter down there how much is it
It's hot all the time where I live, including winter.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Each of the men wore leather armor and dressed in the style of heavy riders.
The men were naked.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Each of the men wore leather armor and dressed in the style of heavy riders.
The men were naked.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
The man should have died instantly.
The man was perfectly fine.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
The man should have died instantly.
The man was perfectly fine.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
In summer the rice forms a green velvety blanket, then turns golden in autumn when it ripens and is harvested.
The rice is golden and harvestable in the summer, but turns green in autumn.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
In summer the rice forms a green velvety blanket, then turns golden in autumn when it ripens and is harvested.
The rice is golden and harvestable in the summer, but turns green in autumn.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Just as the Daily Worker and New Masses , socialist papers from the 1930s, were peppered with citations of Marx and Engels, Educational Liberator is peppered with references to their libertarian equivalents--Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises.
Citations from Marx were used in socialist papers in the 30s.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Just as the Daily Worker and New Masses , socialist papers from the 1930s, were peppered with citations of Marx and Engels, Educational Liberator is peppered with references to their libertarian equivalents--Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises.
Citations from Marx were used in socialist papers in the 30s.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
To be sure that any needlework item is the genuine article (as opposed to an inferior import or machine-made piece), look for a lead seal with an M, the emblem of IBTAM meaning it's been certified by the Instituto de Bordado, Tapecaras e Arte?­sanato da Madeira (Institute of Madeiran Embroidery, Tapestry, and Handicrafts), an official island organization that has a showroom/museum on Rua Visconde de Anadia, 44.
There is a seal to show authenticity in needlework items made in Italy.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
To be sure that any needlework item is the genuine article (as opposed to an inferior import or machine-made piece), look for a lead seal with an M, the emblem of IBTAM meaning it's been certified by the Instituto de Bordado, Tapecaras e Arte?­sanato da Madeira (Institute of Madeiran Embroidery, Tapestry, and Handicrafts), an official island organization that has a showroom/museum on Rua Visconde de Anadia, 44.
There is a seal to show authenticity in needlework items made in Italy.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
I'm not into this Multivista stuff, because what is some dumpy system when compared to a beautiful hyperextension of the sun somewhere over Kuchara, when compared to the golden hue of onion fried with the kse-fi waves, when compared to the number of dividers for credit membranes in a wallet of a rich man, when compared to the magnificent smell of a briessante roll dunked in wholesome milk synthetically enriched with substances boosting the secretion of happiness hormones, that one from two years ago, not three,' Gonzo said in a tone characteristic for a man who just discovered a solution to his life problem.
He's not into this multivista stuff because what is some dumpy system compared to the magnificent smell of a cinnamon roll dunked in wholesome milk.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
I'm not into this Multivista stuff, because what is some dumpy system when compared to a beautiful hyperextension of the sun somewhere over Kuchara, when compared to the golden hue of onion fried with the kse-fi waves, when compared to the number of dividers for credit membranes in a wallet of a rich man, when compared to the magnificent smell of a briessante roll dunked in wholesome milk synthetically enriched with substances boosting the secretion of happiness hormones, that one from two years ago, not three,' Gonzo said in a tone characteristic for a man who just discovered a solution to his life problem.
He's not into this multivista stuff because what is some dumpy system compared to the magnificent smell of a cinnamon roll dunked in wholesome milk.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
No matter what I ended up doing, I think I would have found some way within that profession to do public work, because that's what I was taught, Zelon said.
This is like using the postition as a banker to help make regulations better for the public.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
No matter what I ended up doing, I think I would have found some way within that profession to do public work, because that's what I was taught, Zelon said.
This is like using the postition as a banker to help make regulations better for the public.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Clark also expressed the hope that he and Redgrave could continue with their marriage.
Clark hoped that he could continue their marriage.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Clark also expressed the hope that he and Redgrave could continue with their marriage.
Clark hoped that he could continue their marriage.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
The poverty, for instance, does not create the sense of shame as it does for people who live in Western countries.
Poverty doesn't create a sense of shame in any country.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
The poverty, for instance, does not create the sense of shame as it does for people who live in Western countries.
Poverty doesn't create a sense of shame in any country.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Back on the road to Jaisalmer, one last splash of color delights the senses before you plunge into the the fields are dotted with mounds of red hot chili peppers.
The road to Jaisalmer is bumpy and unpleasant to ride on.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Back on the road to Jaisalmer, one last splash of color delights the senses before you plunge into the the fields are dotted with mounds of red hot chili peppers.
The road to Jaisalmer is bumpy and unpleasant to ride on.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
they supplied some uh you know they were some groups uh the Vicksburg if you ever get a chance to go over to Vicksburg the battleground at Vicksburg uh there's an area there where there was uh some Texas uh groups and they had an interesting time there
There were also North Carolina troops at Vicksburg.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
they supplied some uh you know they were some groups uh the Vicksburg if you ever get a chance to go over to Vicksburg the battleground at Vicksburg uh there's an area there where there was uh some Texas uh groups and they had an interesting time there
There were also North Carolina troops at Vicksburg.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
which i mean i think it should be anyway
I don't think it should be that way
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
which i mean i think it should be anyway
I don't think it should be that way
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
Also, compensation committees need to understand the implications of compensation to provide incentives for management to do the right thing for the company and its shareholders versus themselves.
The implications of compensation to provide incentives for management to do the right thing for the company and its shareholders versus themselves should always be ignored by compensation committees.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Also, compensation committees need to understand the implications of compensation to provide incentives for management to do the right thing for the company and its shareholders versus themselves.
The implications of compensation to provide incentives for management to do the right thing for the company and its shareholders versus themselves should always be ignored by compensation committees.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
The fourth-century Roman emperor Gratianus was an early visitor, followed much later by such luminaries as the Romantic poet Alphonse de Lamartine, Queen Victoria, Saint-Sa?«ns, and Rachmaninov.
Gratianus was a Roman empoeror.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
The fourth-century Roman emperor Gratianus was an early visitor, followed much later by such luminaries as the Romantic poet Alphonse de Lamartine, Queen Victoria, Saint-Sa?«ns, and Rachmaninov.
Gratianus was a Roman empoeror.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
So, I went to court by myself and told them the truth, but it didn't do me any good.
I went and told the truth at court but it didn't do me any good.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
So, I went to court by myself and told them the truth, but it didn't do me any good.
I went and told the truth at court but it didn't do me any good.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Click More Links (on the right-hand side under Miscellaneous), and from
There are no links to click under Miscellaneous.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
Click More Links (on the right-hand side under Miscellaneous), and from
There are no links to click under Miscellaneous.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
and so i started watching it and all of a sudden stay tuned next week and i went what
I wouldn't have started watching it if I'd known.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
and so i started watching it and all of a sudden stay tuned next week and i went what
I wouldn't have started watching it if I'd known.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
no oh no oh well take care
Bye for now.
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
no oh no oh well take care
Bye for now.
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
'Hello, Ben.'
I ignored Ben
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.
'Hello, Ben.'
I ignored Ben
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
how can you prove it
Can you tell me how to prove it?
The meaning of the hypothesis is logically inferred from the meaning of the premise.
how can you prove it
Can you tell me how to prove it?
The meaning of the hypothesis either contradicts the meaning of the premise, is unrelated to it, or does not provide sufficient information to infer the meaning of the premise.