3 values
To qualify for legal assistance, one's income must be at or below 125 percent of the poverty level, as determined by the federal government.
A person is not given free legal assistance, regardless of how little they make.
The estrangement of too many parents from John McCain's life.
Estrangement from his parents hurt John McCain's life hurt him.
What the fad for foreign IPOs ignores is the massive uncertainty still attached to foreign markets, even as it has led U.S. investors to overlook everything they take for granted at regular reports, corporate accountability, open books, the Securities and Exchange Commission.
In fact, more then 30% of international startups fail in the first quarter.
The town of Antiparoseeems to move at a slower pace than Parikia; in fact, the town can be almost somnolent out of season.
Parikia is a much slower paced town that Antiparo.
no no i haven't uh i hadn't tried in fact we were we were planting flowers this weekend so uh i was pretty tied up
I was pretty tied up this weekend because I was planting flowers.
Presort firms are collecting the mail, working with their customers on the quality of their addresses and on the machinability of their addresses, sorting the mail, and entering the mail effectively.
Presort firms have refused to cooperate with their customers about their addresses.
c) Betrayed by Linda Tripp.
Let down by Linda Tripp.
Although we identified no organizations that had made significant progress in applying such measures, we found that more precisely measuring the positive and negative effects of security on business operations is an area of developing interest among many information security experts.
Many information security experts are more and more interested in measuring positive and negative effects of security on business operations.
it manages to take care of all my home needs in terms of word processing and spreadsheets and uh databases database searches
It's not enough in terms of looking after my spreadsheets or my word processing needs at home.
yeah but don't you think in a way that's kind of a cop out i mean it still is your responsibility and and and and nowadays they do have more information that you can become aware of and there are things like the League of Women Voters or some of the other groups
That is avoiding the responsibility you have to your constiutents.
'The bastard sounds like you.'
He sounds like you.
How did it hope to compete with the great coastal settlements in other parts of the New World?
There were no coastal settlements in the New World.
uh-huh where about
I do not care where it is.
and there's a big difference
And there is a significant discrepancy.
okay well i have two boys actually they're nine years old and uh five and a half actually almost six now and they're in kindergarten and uh fourth grade how about yourself
I have two boys.
and my wife is from Plains if you know where Plains is
My wife went to school in Plains.
What do you think of that? 38 I scrutinized the fragment.
I don't care what you think.
uh for fully automatic weapons and uh all right now for instance in California where they passed the uh
Automatic weapons are banned in many states.
i spent uh i spent a year up in Colorado Springs at TI up in Colorado Springs
I was never in Colorado Springs.
Owners, the government included, traditionally have maintained some level of internal facility planning and design oversight capability to ensure that new facilities acceptably balance the factors of cost, schedule, quality, and performance.
Owners plan to keep the facility under budget.
Black leather three-corner hats shaded their eyes.
Their eyes were blinded by the bright sun.
um drug testing doesn't bother me
I don't care about drug testing, because I don't use them.
Slim said, "I didn't.
Slim said that he did.
yeah all we can do is keep plugging
We do not stop plugging.
now i also uh even though i retired from education i uh i do modeling and i teach at a modeling agency here
I haven't done any work since I retired.
How convincing I'd been; for a brief time I'd even conned myself.
I was horrible at convincing anyone.
Richardson's need to make Picasso into a serious artist and an honorable man (instead of the inspired poetic rascal he actually was) deforms, above all, his account of Picasso's relations with women, he writes.
Richardson needed to make Picasso into a serious artist and an honorable man.
I want you to spark their minds.
I want you to do an experiment that is exciting for them.
yeah yeah myself about the only thing i really recycle around here is aluminum cans
I recycle only iron cans.
When the Arabs took the country from the east they brought a new religion, art, and society that swept away much of what had come before.
The arabs only brought materialistic things when they took over the east.
Tuppence is my girl!
I loathe Tuppence.
The most distinguished place for modern Irish crafts and jewelry is DesignYard on Essex Street in Temple Bar everything here is of high quality.
The jewelry in DesignYard is often of poor quality.
It thus provides an all-too-rare glimpse of provincial life in prewar Japan.
It's a very rote look at how city life changed in Japan after the war.
This was-and remains-an enormous challenge.
Conducting a flawless office fire drill is an enormous challenge.
Although Israel is only now 50 years old, the roots of its three prime religious faiths (Juda?­ism, Islam, and Christianity) stretch back over many millennia, and some of its ancient settlements are amongst the oldest on earth.
Israel has been a country for millenia.
One factor is the integrity and ethical values maintained and demonstrated by management and staff.
Demonstrating these values is valuable to the image and reputation of the business.
no where as far as wind breaks go and and we had secured tents real well even if we had done it in the dark at eleven o'clock at night
We had the tents secure by late that night.
Referring some matter to a permanent independent prosecutor's office would be far less fraught than appointing a new independent prosecutor and would carry less of a stigma.
An independent prosecutor would be a terrible idea.
Then he reminded me of something I had said to him at 186 Manchester respecting that bogus telegram which lured Miss Cowley away.
Miss Cowley hadn't been lured away by a false telegram.
Most people approach Provence from the north; the warmth of the sun, the red-tiled roofs, the cypress trees, the garrigue (scrubland), and the fragrance of lavender alert you that you have arrived.
Provence doesn't have houses with red roofs or cypress trees.
And as my correspondent reminds us, the people who ran LTCM understood all about this sort of thing--indeed, those Nobel laureates got their prizes for, guess what, developing the modern theory of option pricing.
The people running LTCM were poorly educated and generally unqualified.
There's something about [Corgan's] whole grandiosity that is very four years ago.
Corgan makes everyone remember 2013.
Somebody from the future--this could never be the past--had somehow pulled him out just ahead of the accident, apparently; or else he'd been deep frozen somehow to wait for medical knowledge beyond that of his own time.
Someone wanted to ensure he lived.
Many estimable people are devoting themselves to ridding our popular culture of obscenity, sex, and violence.
Our popular culture is totally devoid of obscenity, sex, and violence.
This is a club for Russian golf.
The club is popular among Russians.
and then i have a a Mac that i use for graphics and
I don't own any computers.
She began withholding rent pending repairs her landlord refused to make, but then her Medi-Cal benefits were cut off when she could not provide rent receipts.
She was paying rent but her landlord refused to fix things.
He's not a moron.'
That guy is an idiot.
uh yes they are getting older now so they are not quite as much of a responsibility but they are still there you know they still take time and
They're as much of a responsibility now than when they were younger.
And in a minute or two, Poirot continued: "Let us look at the matter like this.
Poirot continued in a minute or two...
oh he wanted to take the current secondary highway system and
The current secondary highway system was the subject for him.
HUD promulgated these amendments to Regulation X and accompanying Statements of Policy under the authority in section 19 of RESPA, 12 U.S.C.
HUD did absolutely nothing for Regulation X.
This may be RAPS4, which is designed for the ED, but it needs further direct testing.
Though now designed for the ED, the RAPS4 originally had a different purpose.
The project's purpose is to obtain and publicize information on model practices, programs, and systems.
The aim of the project was to destroy any information on model practices, programs and systems.
Perhaps the most shameful thing about the PDFA propaganda campaign is that its leaders know better, having used drugs themselves.
The PDFA campaign is about animal rights
Perhaps some of their methods would not work on the Range.
Their techniques would work wonderfully on the Range.
The plan has been touted in the New York Times Magazine.
The magazine never ran the story about the plan.
His body was rigid as it lifted a foot, ten feet, then a hundred above the ground.
The magical powers had enabled him to fly.
Since then, Albert has served out his probation and has anchored a nightly sports show at New York City's Madison Square Garden.
The ex-con is now a sportscaster.
In 1979 Egypt became the first Arab state to recognize the state of Israel other Arab states were aghast and internal opposition to Sadat grew.
Egypt became the first Arab state to recognize Israel in 1979 when other Arab states were aghast.
(Click here for the museum's site and here for Weegee samples.)
We don't post the samples.
my friend talked me in that i'm a real um scaredy when it comes to heights but once we got on top of the rocks it was quite
I was afraid of heights but my friend talked me into it.
Well, my friend, I saw there was just one chance.
I only saw a single chance.
Wasn't the old cat in a rage when she found out?
The old cat has been nagging me for months.
Second, Congress provided EPA with a tool to achieve this reduction - - an innovative market-based allowance trading program.
Congress gave EPA a ways to reduce carbon emissions.
Eating well is a passion with the Spanish.
The Spanish people find eating well to be among their favorite things.
If, after concluding a deal, you try to pay with a credit card, he may then boost the price in order to cover the card charges.
If you try to pay with a credit card, he might increase the price to cover card charges.
the other one you need to go see is Sleeping With The Enemy
You need to go to Sleeping With The Enemy.
After Cook's voyage, a small but steady flow of American and European vessels, already engaged in the China trade, started to use Hawaii as a convenient, much-needed stopover.
Europeans and Americans have been resting in Hawaii on long trips since long before Cook.
In 1929, disillusioned by the revolution, Mayakovsky wrote a protest play about the growing repressiveness of the regime.
Mayakovsky was not a write of plays.
The major hardware for an FGD system includes the flue gas duct system, limestone storage (including loading and conveyer equipment), gypsum dewatering and wastewater treatment, gypsum storage, piping, valves, pumps and tanks, electricity supply, controls, instrumentation, pipe bridges and cable channels, and foundations and buildings as needed.
The major hardware for an FGD system includes the flue gas duct system.
uh-huh do you work out on like is it the weight machines or aerobics or what is it
How many chicken wings have you had today?
South Audley Mansions was an imposing-looking block of flats just off Park Lane.
South Audley Mansions was close to Park Lane.
these are the color pastel shirts you may wear or white shirts with this kind of stripe in it for the men and this kind of shoe and hair just this way yeah
You can either wear striped white shirts or pastel-coloured shirts.
One curiosity is a charred electric light fixture and bulb that somehow continued to work for 62 years until it suddenly stopped one day in 1964.
The light fixture stopped working because someone got water on it.
yeah well our our limit is you know fairly low
It shouldn't be an issue because I have a high tolerance.
that's real nice
that's very good.
Although Asian Americans live throughout Los Angeles County, there are several special cultural and shopping enclaves that deserve visitors' special attention.
The population of Asian Americans in Los Angeles County has been steadily increasing recently.
i like to listen to some of that music
I only enjoy it in certain conditions
These benefits are a result of the Congress or federal departments and agencies implementing our recommendations to make government services more efficient, improve the budgeting and spending of tax dollars, and strengthen the management of federal resources.
We are responsible for improvements in managing federal resources.
Benedykt Ossolinsky, age 39, began to grow childish.
The person named Benedykt Ossolinsky lived to be at least 39 years old.
The collections, regularly rotated from the 45,000 works in reserve, range from the Fauves and Cubism to Abstract Expressionism, Dadaism, Surrealism, and all the breakaway factions and reactions which followed them.
The collections are rotated from 45,000 works, but the disciplines are limited.
It's a lovely 3 km- (2 mile-) stroll down from the Porta Nuova, and is a point of pilgrimage for those curious to see the wooden crucifix that spoke to a troubled 27-year-old Francis in 1209, telling him to go and repair the world.
Visitors can walk from the Porta Nuova to a famous wooden crucifix.
Most major towns have handicraft stores like KL's Karyaneka on Jalan Raja Chulan, which act as a showcase for products from all over the peninsula and East Malaysia.
Handicraft stores are used to display products from different locations.
Nora's jittery, skittery behavior is charming in a way.
Nora is not at all charming.
and uh yeah you know i mean it's not uh i don't think Dallas is considered uh a a real bad place for for air pollution but you you can tell you can tell the differences in the days when it's when the haze is kind of yellowish gray instead of just being a a foggy misty color
Pollution levels have decreased in the last decade.
HUD reports that the interim rule will have only an indirect impact on family formation, maintenance, and general well-being and that such impact will be beneficial because it will assist mortgagors in maintaining ownership of their properties.
HUD says the interim rule will only have an indirect effect on families when the income guidelines are strengthened.
In 1994, GAO projected the cost at $2.
GAO projects the cost for each year.
But there is one place where Will's journalism does seem to matter, where he does toss baseball.
Will's articles are only good in regards to sports
that's Major Dad at eight i think it is
I think Major Dad is on at eight o'clock.
you know it's like you're not going to go in there and say no listen there's a separate country why because you're going into the border
It isn't going to happen like you waltzing in and telling them things.
that's that's what a Bombay looks like
Is it because they are the same?
the last year i think
Next year I think.
The salient questions, outlined above, are more relative and whether Democratic promises to refrain from spending the surplus are less trustworthy than Republican promises to match tax cuts with spending cuts, and which hypothetical error--excessive spending or excessive tax cuts--would be harder to reverse.
It's hard to determine who is more sincere between the Democrats promising to cut taxes and the Republicans talking about saving the surplus.
I have been in Kentucky, Kirby.
Kentucky has the best fried chicken.
First, the Parc de la Villette offers a range of activities, and second, it puts the accent firmly on participation.
The park offers many activities, but participation is not important.
Plans are in place to turn the house into a museum charting the life and works of this extraordinary man.
There are plans to turn the house into a museum.
Jon ran his rapier through the horse's flank and into the man's groin.
Jon stuck a rapier in the groin of the man.
Today it's a delightful resort of both modest and elegant hotels and villas, all stunningly situated.
These days the hotels and villas comprise a beautiful resort.
Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany backed Franco's Nationalists, while the Soviet Union supported the Republicans (although less and less towards the end of the war).
Italy and Germany took sides with Franco and the Soviet Union took sides with the Republicans.