5 values
In our discussions with members, these leaders were given considerable credit for the quality and value of the information that the members received and the success of the information-sharing organizations.
Most of the leaders used a microphone to communicate with members.
At least as first.
In the beginning.
Worst of all, the Science of Magic suffers.
Nothing else suffers.
It took him a couple of tries to work the kettle, I noted.
The kettle was confusing because it had so many buttons.
The Watchers you know they made a movie of The Watchers here not too long ago
They shot for The Watchers movie in this town.
but they got so much bad publicity too and i think that hurt a lot of you know people even wanting to play on their team
No one wanted to join.
In the distance, Ca'daan heard the ring of steel on stone and the cheer of a small crowd.
Ca'daan heard nothing from the distance.
Ca'daan slept soundly for the first night in nearly a month.
Ca'daan was able to have a good sleep.
you know i've i've been employed for ten years so i i have enough money to go out and buy a new one but instead i go out and buy toys and things oh um but
My spending habits cause me a great deal of stress.
You can also order a CD.
You cannot find it on CD.
But when the economy is actually growing at 3 percent, the statistics will say that it is growing at 2 percent--and yet it cannot grow any faster.
Statistics will say the economy is growing at a lesser rate than what it is actually growing.
The mountain statue, his grandmother would say, was the sleeping titan and should Ca'daan or his sisters make noise in the night, the titan would awaken and roar and kill half the world.
The statue was of a moose.
that's true i was i was discussing with someone before um this uh someone before actually one of these calls
I had the same kind of talk with someone before this.
Slate have very little appeal outside the United States.
There is barely any interest in Slate in America
the number of security managers and systems administrators who were
There were some security managers and systems administrators.
yeah i do that too
No, I don't do it that way.
Giotto breathes a warm humanity into his Madonna Enthroned (1310) that distinguishes it from the more formal pictures of the subject by Cimabue and Duccio in the same room.
Giotto put more emphasis on the liveliness in his Madonna Enthroned than other paintings.
Brunei chiefs traded the metals through Americans in Singapore.
The chiefs of Brunei traded with Americans.
That is why the finger-marks have remained undisturbed since then."
It's been decades since the finger-marks have been disturbed.
Two women and one man, or two men and one woman, and one, only one child, which the adults take care of in a three-shift system.
There is a ratio of 3 adults for one child in the family.
This had created many difficulties during his interventions.
The interventions went off without a problem.
The disastrous Democratic Convention, however, left McGovern a then record-setting 23 points in the hole.
The Democratic Convention was a disaster by most estimates.
These prototypes represented the first attempt to build the product solely using manufacturing personnel, production tooling, and production processes.
Ten people were involved in the production of the prototype.
Even when he graduated from North Decatur High School in 1975, sitting on the bench someday seemed more like a leisurely activity than a career.
He never dreamed of being a judge.
We deal with a lot of emergencies, Comart said.
Comart's organization deals with a lot of emergencies.
Compatibility to perform their required functions while sharing the same hardware or software environment.
Compatibility is required from hardware or software.
The Champs-Elysees stretches in a straight line from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde, bordered by chestnut trees all the way.
The CHamps-Elysees goes from the Eiffel Tower to Italy.
It is hard to prove that worker illness is a result of pesticide exposure in the field because other things, both on and off the job, can trigger physical symptoms, said Dr. Suzanne Wuerthele, an EPA toxicologist in Denver.
It is hard to prove because scientists are lazy and come up with conflicting results.
yeah what line of work are you in now since you went to school and
What's your mother's maiden name?
In short, the record is clear that H-2A workers are unlikely to raise legal claims before the end of their employment contract, that they are required to leave the United States at the end of their contracts, that many of their claims arise after their departure, and that legal proceedings cannot be completed before they depart.
It is easy to quickly wrap up these legal claims.
Tuscan painter Simone Martini has decorated the St. Martin Chapel (first left) with exquisite frescoes, including a most aristocratic Jesus appearing in St. Martin's dream.
Simone Martini painted St. Martin Chapel with bright colors and flowers.
Ain't too many men as goes round Tubacca throwin' out good money thataway.
Not too many men would spend good money around Tubacca.
so that's an interesting alternative occasionally that i like to use
I don't use any alternative methods.
wow so you don't get a chance to to spend much time with him then until when he comes home
I will see him a lot while he is away from home.
'Why? I don't speak Russian.'
I speak Russian very well.
and uh uh you know i think that's good because she's not afraid of them and it it teaches her to be responsible relative to guns but uh when he's out on police work you know he leaves her home alone and shows them where they are in case she needs them and i worry about that i would almost worry about that more than if she didn't have one
It's good that she isn't afraid of guns.
Even knowing it was but a statue carved by man did little to reduce his wonder.
A woman had whittled the statue.
Something about tyrants.
Something about dictators.
that's true but like in Garland you can choose the school that you're going to can you tell this is past bedtime um like in Garland they get to choose the schools that they're gonna go to but they got to have the transportation to them if it's out of their district you know out of their area i mean
Garland's schools have very liberal policies.
Although a large part of the chateau complex is no longer standing, it remains an impressive site.
Most of the château is gone but its still impressive!
The Commission's interpretation also comports with the consistent practice of LSC grantees, and the understanding of growers, and of Congress.
The Commission consulted with a number of different parties extensively when refining its interpretation.
Oh, yes.
It makes sense I guess that he molested the moose.
Miller says they will not have to, as no county will lose an office on account of the merger.
There will be no lose of offices.
Violent insurrections provoked equally violent massacres in retaliation
The violent massacres were a retaliation against violent insurrections.
Martha Stewart's balsamic glazed onions.
Martha Stewart has a recipe for balsamic glazed onions.
It would be very interesting to perform the same experiment with, say, medical journals instead of economics journals.
The same test should be performed using a different type of journal.
But they were the first Indians he had seen this close since he had ridden out of Texas.
These were the first sight of Indians since he had left Texas.
oh where are you from originally
Where did you live before moving to the United States?
and it was very easy to maintain this stand that you know that that life is something that you have no right to to take
It's easy to think that you have no right to take a life.
The Egyptian (6712 Hollywood Boulevard) was Hollywood's first movie palace, built by Graumann in 1922 after the discovery of King Tut's tomb.
The Egyptian is right next door to two other Hollywood palaces, both built after it.
From Waterloo Boris took the tube as far as Piccadilly Circus.
The tube created a direct line between the two locations.
When the findings fit, the pattern is confirmed.
Confirmation of the pattern is made when the findings fit.
As his eyes closed, however, he saw the licks of red flame turning pink skin black on men who screamed for mercy and received none.
The men were in lots of pain.
Here was a Renaissance humanist who regarded his fellow men as stupid and deranged, sacks for food, and fillers-up of privies, and relished the thought of humanity's destruction in a universal deluge.
The people could not escape from the Renaissance humanist.
FASAB staff will examine, as appropriate, applicable literature and consult with knowledgeable persons and draft an Interpretation of Federal Financial Accounting Standards.
FASAB staff will try to start up our rocket to space.
left and so we took two kids with us and nobody brings two children in these seats you know because
We brought the two children with us though no one brings two children with those seats.
Me, I'm gonna git Tar his treat.
Tar has been working hard and deserves a treat.
If multi-use heritage assets are transferred and some cost was recognized for them on the books of the transferring entity, that cost is recognized as a transfer-out (a negative other financing source) of capitalized assets.
Transfer-out costs usually total in the thousands per asset.
Draft GAO products are at risk of being prematurely released once they leave GAO's control.
Any products leaving the GAO's control are always released at the perfect point in time.
i mean you think about it now they they get about sixteen holidays a year
They get enough time off.
With a cafe and picnic area, it's a great place for children of all ages.
It's especially popular with parents and children.
The royal entourage needed some form of lodging, and a guesthouse was built adjoining the abbey to be used as a base for hunting parties.
The royal entourage was the only group who used the guesthouse.
you know it's it's pretty nice and friendly out there and you can't find that in all sports
It's pretty nice and friendly out there in the soccer field
They are too easy a target.
They are hard to aim at.
There's nothing funny about a proposal."
There is no humor in a proposal.
Kristol opines that it's worth being a little bit outraged by Clinton's cynical tactics, but Paul Gigot ( NewsHour ) and Shields stress that the public does not share his outrage.
Kristol is not offended by Clinton's tactics.
I guess it's cured owing to your skilful treatment, doc.
I was not cured and still suffering.
The following are examples of how agencies delegated authorities to frontline employees.
There are employees who are not government workers.
uh-huh right that's how i figure on those things it's just not worth the worth it
I think it would definitely be worth it.
The long-term outlook for Medicare is much bleaker.
Medicare has a bright future.
Adding personnel late in a project can actually cause further slippage.
While further slippage is not always induced, it happens more often than not.
Economists agree.
Economists happily agree.
Then the war.... The withdrawal of the army, the invasion of Sibley's Confederate forces which had reached this far in the persons of Howard's Arizona Rangers and most of all the raiding, vicious, deadly, and continual, by Apaches and outlaws had blasted Tubacca.
The army was withdrawn.
In addition, compliance testing of the control technology is also completed in this phase.
This phase also includes compliance testing of the control technology.
New roads brought competition from outside the area, which broke the local monopoly of the statesmen.
The new roads were built by the government, paid by the people's taxes.
We're offering a convenient purchase option in installments of 20 zloty a month, or every other month.
The car is available for 20 zloty either every month or every other month.
But because it is put forward by a fatuous Charleston, S.C., college professor, we hear it for what Horwitz rightly calls a clever glide around race and slavery, rather like the slick-tongued defense of the Southern 'way of life' made by antebellum orators, South Carolinians in particular.
Antebellum orators used to make logically consistent and rational arguments about life in the South before the war.
Never mind, he said at last, "we won't say anything at present.
''We won't say anything at present'' he said after some consideration.
have you watched any of those games
So you haven't watched a single game?
Connoisseurs wait for the set the colorful parade of the courtesan, a poignant seppuku suicide, the exciting fight scenes, and summit of the art of kabuki the end of a love affair that the heroine must break off, perhaps to save her lover's honor, but never because she no longer loves him.
She loves him with all of her heart.
I don't think your sentiments are fogeyish or undiscriminating.
The sentiments are horrible.
Be sure to keep a log of your testing for inclusion in the engagement workpapers.
A testing log is helpful with engagement.
They are also alarmingly prone to say things like I'm a stickler for the Constitution.
They're so prone to say that I'm a stickler for the constitution.
and make their kids stay there we found on in the area that that is letting us pay as little as two fifty an hour that's still five dollars an hour for two of our kids and it it's uh fun we try to keep it to a minimum
They made their kids stay there because it's the cheapest by far.
Within the To-in (eastern compound) is the octagonal Yumedono (Hall of Dreams), whose exquisite Guze Kannon statue was considered so sacred that it was completely hidden from human eyes from its dedication in 737 until 1884, when it was unwrapped by a visiting American art scholar with the Meiji government's blessing, of course.
The Guze Kannon statue was hidden from human eyes until 1884, as it was considered too sacred.
the Denver Broncos' running backs, who unveiled the salute at preseason games this summer.
During the playoffs, the Denver Broncos revealed the new salute.
On a site once 25 times the size of the Colosseum, only 30 rooms of the 250-room palace can be visited, and by guided tour only.
Visitation to the site became restricted after a security threat.
The United States prefers to use the 1974 benchmark.
The USA likes using the 1974 benchmark.
A cross national trial of brief interventions with heavy drinkers.
Testing how short interventions effect heavy drinkers.
LSC recognizes the increasingly active role that state planners have assumed in overseeing state civil equal justice delivery activities.
State planners are frustrated by their increasingly active role in overseeing state civil equal justice delivery activities.
well i you know i always dream of buying a new car but yeah i don't it just the money just isn't worth that that shininess
I always dream of getting a new car, but I don't think the price is worth it.
I next entered a 8 Government office.
The 8 Government office approved me on a working contract.
Cheaper options include a floating observatory and glass-bottomed boats (all of them departing from the North Beach marina).
The floating observatory is the cheapest option of all.
Such organizations start by assessing the extent to which their programs and activities contribute to meeting their mission and desired outcomes.
Organizations must assess how programs meet their financial outcomes.
Marilyn Monroe and John Kennedy were said to be among the celebrities who met secretly in the private bungalows.
No celebrities have ever had private meetings in the bungalows.
They don't go in for timed, planned things; they jus' cut loose when they see a chance.
They don't do organized things; instead, they just leap at any chance they see.
no she didn't even she did not even take the sack this is the laziest dog that ever lived
This dog isn't lazy at all, what do you mean.
and i guess even back to Kennedy as a matter of fact i guess Kennedy may be the one that actually started the thing or was it you know really interested in things like that
I'm pretty sure Nixon is responsible for that little gem of a policy.
They were buried at this busy public place as a warning not to try to outsmart the sultan.
The Sultan was responsible for their deaths.
There was an angry red mark on his chin just an inch or so away from the point of his jaw.
He had no marks on his chin.