5 values
An additional reporting standard for attestation engagements performed in accordance with GAGAS
A rule that said that everyone must clock in when they came to work at GAGAS
D'Onofrio and others have recommended using the NIAAA approach in the ED.
This approach involves dunking the subject in a tank of water to see if the float.
yeah now that makes you know
Thank you for explain and now i totally understand it.
And Forrest saying: "We don't give medals, Sergeant.
Forrest said they didn't give medals because they were a team.
The Committee's Final Report, adopted by unanimous consent, was filed with the FCC in August 1995.
There had been doubt leading up to the date that the Final Report would be filed before September 1995.
He slipped from the arms of his nurse as she admired the view from an open window of the Alcazar.
He got away from the nurse and went on a killing spree.
Modern free-form pieces can also be found, particularly in Chania where there are galleries stocked by avant-garde potters.
It is not possible to find free-form pieces.
right my husband likes uh Sandy Patty songs he likes to sing those in church he'd buy all the sound tracks he could get his hands on if he had the money to
My husband enjoys singing songs by Sandy Patty when he is in church.
On the far right, a cauldron is boiling a few of the unlucky ones.
A cauldron boils with some of the captured Vikings in it.
The Secretary has found that without prompt guidance, some members of the regulated community would have difficulty complying with the requirements of the HIPAA and insured individuals will not understand the benefit to them of having a certificate of prior coverage to present upon entering the individual health insurance market.
HIPPA is simply too complicated for some members of the regulated community to understand.
Suffice it to say that no such person as "Inspector Brown" was known to Scotland Yard.
Inspector Brown was not an agent at Scotland Yard.
it's a uh Black and Decker brand and and it works pretty good like i said it was designed for indoor use you know for painting walls and ceilings but i found it worked pretty good for outdoors uh
The tool, although designed for indoors, was made with some outdoor features.
Now I am ready.
I am not ready.
oh it looks more like a crab oh
It looks similar to a crab.
David also founded the Abbey of Holyrood and created several royal burghs (towns with special trading privileges), including Edinburgh and Canongate; the latter was under the jurisdiction of the monks, or canons, of Holyrood.
Edinburgh was one of the royal burghs created by David.
over the regular gym i mean give me a break i mean the the the kids sit there and they drink and they drink Cokes and eat popcorn for for for lunch for lunch and then go out there and lift weights
They eat really healthy food and drink water.
M??nerbes is also on a hill, with a medieval citadel that served as the Protestants' last redoubt in the 16th-century Wars of Religion.
There is an old Protestant citadel on the hill next to Ménerbes.
(In the '70s, Arnold Hutschnecker, reveling in his 15 minutes of fame, proposed establishing an official board of psychiatrists to screen all presidential candidates.)
There was a proposal to perform psychological screening on all presidential candidates.
I am trying to run a different kind of presidential campaign.
My presidential campaign will be different than others'.
In the last six months of 2001 LSC programs reported providing such other Matters services to over 49,000 people
LSC programs provided services to almost 50,000 people in six months.
Chambers was eager to take a lie-detector test, on television (his lawyers dissuaded him).
Chambers wanted to take the lie detector test.
'You'll feel better after a nice hot cup of tea, m'm.' She had something in her hand.
Her hands were empty.
Let's not dwell on the sheer dishonesty of insinuating that I, or any serious writers on evolutionary psychology, believe infidelity or genocide or anything else is rendered inevitable genetically.
All writers agree that genetics are only part of an event's explanation.
yeah yeah or i saw Chima Para Diso uh Chima Para Diso
I also saw Chima Para Diso last night.
i'll talk to you later um-hum bye-bye
I won't ever talk to you again.
more news than CBS were they
they have less news than CBS
The first real settlements, founded in the Late Stone Age (c. 7500 b.c. 4000 b.c. ), included the world's oldest walled town, Jericho.
The oldest walled town was not founded in the Late Stone Age.
The Astronomer sighed and said, "There are the boys!"
The astronomer said there are the boys.
I understood she was to remain with Miss Vandemeyer for a while.
I thought she would stay with Miss Vandemeyer for a few months.
The old Secretariat is mostly described as Venetian Gothic, the University Library French Gothic, the Telegraph Office Romanesque, and the High Court and the Cathedral of St. Thomas as Early English.
Buildings around the city are described as Gothic, Romanesque, and English.
It took ages to resolve, but in the end Gerry didn't get to be department chair (though the two are, somewhat horrifyingly, still colleagues).
Gerry has been the department chair for a decade.
The capital of the Gododdin was Din Eidyn (the Fort of Eidyn, almost certainly the Castle Rock), whose name lives on in the Edin- of Edinburgh.
Edinburgh derived its name from Din Eidyn, the capital of the Gododdin.
And you'd inherit a good slice of money too, wouldn't you?
And you would inherit at least a third of the money?
well how did they decide which colleges to go to and what did what'd you tell them
Did they all decide on colleges based on location?
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
The first National Environmental Policy Act enacted into law
Stand on the Pont Royal in late afternoon and look down the Seine to the glass-paneled Grand Palais, bathed in the pink-and-blue glow of the river.
The river glows from radioactivity.
and so they're getting they they get the socialization with other kids and you you know and not really school but but a different authority than mom once in a while you know and kind of learning how to deal with society
Socialization will help our kids understand society.
36 The SAVER Act also requires the Department of Labor to coordinate with similar efforts undertaken by other public and private organizations.
The FLAVOR Act requires the Department of Labor to work closely...
This restraint may partly reflect Microsoft's market strategy--after all, Microsoft beat Apple partly because Apple did practice vertical foreclosure, and as a result inhibited the development of complementary software (although the main problem was Apple's persistent belief, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that everyone would be willing to pay a premium price for a niftier machine).
Apple prices were 15 percent higher than Microsoft's prices.
right right oh yeah i can watch those National Geographic ones over and over again
I can watch the National Geographic ones several times.
Dealing with Short Time Frames
Not dealing with short time frames
well those things happen though
but, nevertheless, things like that occur
'Many grand things.
All of the things.
if you'd like to but we're Christians good-bye and i shut the door and that's it and i'm not ugly to them you know what i mean
I typically don't see them again.
If we do not, a clinician who is interested in seizures or pancreatitis could easily misread the wording of this recommendation.
The clinician also really loves to play with her dogs.
GAOas basic authority stems from the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, which, as discussed below, provides GAO with broad and comprehensive authority to investigate all matters relating to the use of public money.
GAOs basic authority stems from the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921
Exhibit 2 Analytic Sequence for Multi-Emissions Reduction Proposal Benefits Analysis
There is no exhibit 2 to be shown today.
Second, campaign-finance and anti-bribery laws prohibit granting government favors in exchange for political donations.
These laws encourage government favors to be exchanged for political donations.
yeah i'm trying to think what i've seen lately i mean well well we just finished watching uh Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on tape you know
It was a great movie.
What was he doing to her?
He was doing something to the woman.
LSC is in the process of reviewing and awarding its second round of Technology Initiative Grants (TIGs).
The LSC does not reward TIGs.
Scholes and Merton reportedly are applauded when they appear on the floor of the options exchange, which shows that options traders are at least appreciative, if not deserving, of the rare charities that they receive.
Options traders don't receive charity very often.
She wrote her note to Mr. Carter in Julius's sitting-room, and was just addressing the envelope when the door burst open.
She was sitting doing nothing staring at a closed door.
uh-huh i do too i love old good old
Yes, I love old time radio programs as well.
The dramatically rising cliff of black basalt stone made the castle impregnable to all but the most wily commander.
No one had ever overtaken the castle before.
It is incumbent upon boards to establish processes that are appropriate and effective to restore investor confidence rather than relying on a checklist approach to corporate governance.
The investors have put a good amount of money in this corporation.
how much will how much would this cost
How much would this cost?
The more annoyed he got, the more unnerved I was.
The person was so annoying everyone walked out of the room.
yeah what do they do
I know what they do.
Some things are composed of a single element; some of two, some of three.
Things can also be made of four different elements together.
Pour coffee into Christopher Hitchens until he's sober enough to finish his cover story, 'Friendship.
Hitchens has never had a drink.
I'm thinking."
I am thinking.
At the next corner he passed a policeman.
He passed a fireman on the next corner.
so you know you lose a day's pay and you well you make about eight dollars or whatever it is you know
YOu will still get paid that day.
Do you see it?
Do you smell that?
His emotional balance was also erratic--though that was natural, since the stars were completely berserk in what was left of the sky.
His emotional balance was unstable, which was normal given the situation.
The simple brick buildings faced with ochre and blue stucco, though larger than those at Deir el-Medina are little changed in style.
The brick buildings are plain brick coloured.
I went out to France again, as you know.
I went to France again.
The fact that they are succeeding tells us something about the magnetic appeal of racial fundamentalism.
They are doing well and that tells us how unappealing racial fundamentalism is.
Directors of violent genre pieces like Craven (who got this mainstream gig in return for doing the Scream sequels) or Carl Franklin or Sam Raimi sometimes want so badly to belong to Establishment Hollywood--to go to the Academy Awards--that they neuter themselves.
Fans often lose respect for directors reduce shock value so that they can be more accepted by the Establishment.
i had been going to school and doing a lot of just you know sitting and studying and and really not working out at all but uh
I would only do yoga for a while.
and it sounded like thunder and earthquakes and that sort of thing
The rumbling sound made it seem like an earthquake or very loud thunder.
but we have just a little deli downstairs but in the mornings they make these really good muffins
We have a deli downstairs that has great muffins in the morning and they are low-fat.
It is thus very important to Beijing that relations remain on track until the planned exchange of formal presidential visits, which could happen as early as next year.
It's not really important for Beijing to keep relations at all.
The white expanse of Platja de Mitjorn, clearly visible on the southern side, is paralleled by the rocky strip of beach on the Es Cale side.
The strip of beach near Es Cale has no rocks.
well yeah i know oh i haven't watched it in ages but uh you know
I don't remember the last time I watched it though.
Via Toledo takes you into the city's historic heart, Spaccanapoli (around a Roman road that splits Naples into upper and lower districts).
Spaccanapoli is famous for its large weekend markets, attracting tons of locals and tourists.
Weld, however, maintains the fight is about the party's soul, even as Republican moderates protest it isn't.
Weld says Democrats are fighting for the party's soul.
put a big cast on it
Let it be with nothing.
Duke Cosimo had Vasari design it in 1560 as a series of government offices (hence its name), a mint for the city's florin, and workshops for the Medici's craftsmen.
Duke Cosimo initially asked another architect to design a series of buildings for him in 1560, but when that artist refused, he asked Vasari instead.
Day and night, the action goes on in this vibrant city.
The action days down about midday for this city.
In 1890 an important imperial edict on education was issued, promoting Asian (that is, Chinese and Japanese) values in culture and stressing loyalty to the emperor and general harmony.
Prior to 1890, Asian values were not often promoted.
uh-huh uh-huh it is my children really enjoys it they really do but by the time we really get a chance to it's July you know and it's so hot
My kid likes to do it but by the time July comes around it's too hot.
um-hum um-hum um-hum how do you feel about it must be a somewhat different environment from a regular college how does that uh
What is your feeling about it being different from regular college?
From the top of a hefty climb up the tower are breathtaking views of Segovia and the valley beyond.
Most of the tourists like to visit the tower in order to see Segovia.
Over in the left transept, see Pietro Lorenzetti's noble Descent from the Crose
Pietro Lorenzetti's other paintings can also be found left from here.
Either way, you're paying someone (the agency or the nanny).
You are paying either the agency or the nanny.
(So, while she was dragged into the scandal against her will, it was her own loquaciousness that made the dragging possible.)
She didn't want to get involved in the scandal but she did anyway.
Well, how about it?
Okay, shall we proceed then?
i sort of am too uh i enjoy going out to a couple of the games and and uh i really don't get that involved until the play-offs though uh
I have never been involved during the play-offs.
Not any more'n any of us wot can be drawed into a fight in town.
Any of us can be pulled into a fight in town.
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997, enacted August 5, 1997, required the per-beneficiary limitations be established by April 1, 1998.
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was enacted in the middle of 1997.
But what do you think the chances are of that happening very often?
Do you think that happens more than once a week?
The proportions vary and the humors and spirits change but all things are composed of the elements.
Everything is made up of the elements, and even though other things change, that will remain true.
Taylor asks.
Taylor has a question and asks it.
The Pescheria (fish market) bustles early in the morning except Sunday and Monday, while the Erberia (fruit and vegetables) is open until late afternoon for those looking for picnic supplies.
The fish market is usually busiest in the morning.
We wonder if they, too, would feel uncomfortable with our differences made so plainly apparent.
We wonder whether we should try to appear more similar.
This trend has led to many more demolitions, including the Dunes (replaced by Bellagio), Aladdin (the new Aladdin) and Sands (Venetian) hotels.
This trend has led to many hotel demolitions.
um-hum wow so what what did you did did you use do you have a blower or did you have the uh the vacuum
I heard that a blower can be a life-saver come fall time.